#we’ve literally been mutuals for years. how crazy is that
coelakanths · 4 months
Tumblr keeps recommending me your blog even though we've been mutuals for a good while now (also hey we haven't talked in a bit how's everything going?)
greeting you like we’re in an apocalyptic situation and we were separated and now we’ve found each other again and ill share my cans of beans with you
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alittleemo · 9 days
#lee’s bullshit#9/11 mention#ig that thing abt tragedies becoming palatable for jokes after 20 years thing rlly is true#been seeing way more 9/11 jokes recently and it just makes me feel sick to my stomach#like ig it makes sense not everyone lives in an area where huge numbers of the adult population work in nyc#but like it’s just crazy knowing everyone in my area has a personal connection to 9/11 and then seeing fucking. Memes abt it#it’s been such a huge looming thing in the life of everyone i know at home like no one ever talks abt it but it’s so so present to this day#like every single person I know who grew up around here knows someone who died . or was there or a block away or took the day off that day#my dad and uncle were working a few blocks away. friends dad was on a lower floor in the south tower. my grandparents saw the smoke at home#my moms hs friend was on the shanksville flight. my dad walked for miles to get out of the city.#like i know how 9/11 was used to justify so many other horrible events and it’s absolutely unacceptable what the us did bc of it#but it just makes me physically ill to see jokes about it regardless#literally too close to home I guess . I have the tags blocked but it’s even getting harder to avoid on reels and shit.#idk. my bsf and i talked abt this the other day and it’s just a bit crazy to see the jokes after everything we’ve seen#anyway sorry abt all that. ig if you read this far and we’re mutuals if you don’t mind tagging 9/11 stuff i would be forever indebted to yo
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losfacedevil · 6 months
Sappy post incoming…. Yeah I don’t do these often 😂
2023 was a fucking whirlwind of a year and man I wouldn’t have made it without you guys.
I waltzed into this year vibing with the same handful of people I’ve been vibing with for years with no real intentions of diving head first into a new fandom and making new friends. And then tiktok decided to show me a video of some weird curly headed dude that looked like he stepped out of a Salvation Army fitting room and forgot where his real clothes were.
I found a band that make me happy, and that got me through a bunch of rough spots and with that band came so many amazing people and pinky promises I didn’t know I needed.
Funny how all it takes is a single post about Sam as a member of the BAU to lead you to one of the best people to waltz into your life isn’t it?
The keeper of all secrets needs their own secret keeper sometimes. Dee somehow weaseled her way around my defense walls and quickly pulled up a chair with a ‘idc how much you push me away I’m not moving’ attitude. She’s quickly become one of the greatest friends I’ve made and has stuck around even when I’m at my worst. She’s the person I know I can turn to when I need someone that’s gonna listen and ground me when I can find the ground myself, and who I tell all the batshit crazy things I’ve done throughout the day. She’s gonna kick my ass for this but @vanfleeter I love you, here’s to a new year annoying each other and attacking each other with the thoughts our minds conjure up.
And then along came @tommie-gvf who literally kicked down the doors and said yeah I like this bitch imma latch on like a leech and never let go. They’ve been another rock to my floating balloon of a life this year, they’re the reason my communication in hard situations is getting better. They’ve seen me at my best and at my worst, listened when I’ve needed to cry and told me off when I needed to hear it the most. I love you my Teeny babe.
Psst @silks-up-my-sleeve you, yeah, you! Always lurking in the shadows and always mutually supporting everything we’ve done on our own. I’m glad we’ve finally broken through the barriers and connected, you my friend, are an old soul that anyone would be lucky to know and love. I love you!
@gretasmokerising @ascendingtostardust @stardustvanfleet @sammykiszkamyass @mountain-in-springtime @joshsindigostreak @rhythm-of-space @wideminded-dreamer @the-wicked-gnome @gracev0609 @allieisacrybaby @runwayblues @sunfl0wer-power @writingcold and everyone in between, I love you all so so much. Thank you for always supporting me in what I’ve created, being there when I felt like I was shouting into the void, freaking out over the things the boys have done and everything in between. Here’s to 2024!
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My mutuals as my favorite OTV and friends streamers:
@rubyreduji: sykkuno… this is a coincidence because you are both gemini…. I LOVE SYKKUNO BECAUSE HE IS SO UNAFRAID TO BE HIMSELF ON STREAM he may be shy but he just feels so authentic to me. You’re both so authentic and you want to engage with others in your own specific personal ways. One of my favorite things about sykk is how he has these little jokes that would mean nothing outside of a watchful eye like his gag where we will purposely pronounce words wrong just to see how people would react AND you and sykkuno are also similiar in the way that you hardly ever take a BREAK sykkuno streams like every day a week, and JJ pops out fanfics like crazy. You two…. Uncanny similarities… ALSO i have a weird familiarity with both of you. Even when we’re not talking everyday i’m just like… JJ… my little bro </3 and i talk about sykkuno too like we’ve been friends for years. Sigh.
@toruro : this is a coincidence but not really one but Valkyrae. The coincidence being that you both are in fact capricorns. HERE ME OUT ON THIS ONE. Valkyrae is so great but you two’s biggest thing is that you DO NOT fuck with chat. Rae will stop her stream to lecture her chat on if something that said was appropriate or not, and you Mika you never put up with any shit from any anons coming on your blog. You take a stance, you hold true to your rules. And yet also you two are just huge energy balls. Don’t quote me but I’m pretty sure that rae went through a bitting phase. Rae is really good at network socializing. She’s the one in the roomies who is always having people over. Mika i see you on caratumblr being that. You are such a big hub for other big blogs. Which is crazy… you and rae are so iconic. ALSO you’re both super pretty- don’t look at me like that.
JJ and Mika partially got sykkuno and valkyrae because name me a more iconic streamer friendship… that’s right you literally can’t. The best era of syk and rae was their friendship/living in the same house era. ALWAYS playing games together, and even when they weren’t they were peaking into each other’s rooms. I will never forget the stream where rae screamed on stream in her room and sykkuno WENT AND CHECKED ON HER that shit was so fucking cute. Looking for the best among us games? Any where sykkuno and rae are imposters in proximity? Iconic and you can’t tell me that JJ and Mika do not give this kind of energy off. JJ and Mika, and Sykkuno and Vallyrae are the dream team. Babushka…
@hoeforcheol : Kkatamina. I love miyoung streams cause she’s very… chill. I never used to watch her but then when Fuslie, Rae, and her were supposed to do the 48 hour stream she was the only one who REALLY did it and i ended up watching it in almost its entirety live and fell in love with her. Miyoung gives me the quietest of the roomies vibes and even in like the irl streams i see her do she just heavily gravitates towards what she knows while also being under the eye of all her friends. I just. She’s very mom friend for the others, along with easy going friend who will go on a random adventure with you if you want to, and also just wants to stay home all day and spend quality time while playing video games. That just gives me Salem vibes. Mom friend, down to do whatever all the time… i love you salem <3
@multiland : Mr. DisguisedToast himself. When I think of you… I don’t know I just remember our very chill conversations and the ideas you always had. You always have such good ideas for fics and you are so easy to talk to. Toast is like that you know? Easy to talk to. Good friend. Funny. Full of ideas.
@kaespas : Fuslie. I live breath die leslie because why is she the most interesting person alive? Fuslie stories remind me of you just because you are so interesting. You both have such a interesting way of talking in general. Leslie tells a story and it’s all over the place but you are so enthralled either way. My favorite leslie story that makes me think of you is the one where at coachella she loses her phone and so she has to go get a new one. I don’t remember who she was with but they let her borrow their car to take it there and see, Leslie drives a tesla, right? Basically when she gets to the store leslie just GETS OUT of a moving vehicle, only for her to later realize that she really she had just misplaced her phone in her bag. Leslie is beautiful and sweet and so effortlessly funny. A perfect storyteller. An enthusiastic friend. Her reactions to joking accusations are always so big and dramatized too.. she’s so iconic fr. It just gives me very big kaespas vibes
@itsbeeble : Lilypichu, little bit of convincing but hear me out. Lily is very quiet but when she’s talking to stream she is so fun and talkative. She is literally so funny too, and (personal opinion) the most creative of the bunch. Your stories are so creative, and you just…. Give me dreamy night vibes okay? Do i know you well enough to really say that? Probably not BUT I DID ANYWAY OKAY.
@veethefreeelf : FOOLISH. Because no. Because foolish vee. I “met” foolish for the first time during miyoung’s 48 hour stream and he just like…. Did it for fun and everytime i heard his voice in those 48 hours it was like i was filled with energy. He’s funny, he’s nice, absolute life of the party. Whenever it’s like 2am and I’m about to sleep and i get a message from you? Guaranteed up for another hour. Immediate energy recharge. I don’t watch Foolish on my own but every single time I see that he is playing with one of my usuals I get excited because like COME ON it’s FOOLISH Vee you are so funny and so fun to talk to and the perfect support just like foolish AND THATS WHY I THINK YOU’RE HIM
@/lovelyhan : poki. i know we aren’t mutuals and i ran scared once cause mika can see my every move BUT regardless. You both give me the vibes of someone who gets along with everyone and is just… poki gives me friends with chat more than others vibes. Like everyone wants to be friends with poki but only select few people get to…. Poki is so cool… and she just does things and i’m like holy shit??? She can do that. I feel i can’t explain this well but kai they… they just give me those vibes. Like amazing and untouchable but really down to earth and friendly. And so nice, Poki is literally such a nice and honest person.
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godborn · 6 months
i’m gay and can’t resist the opportunity to be sappy so here’s a january 1st post to let all of my mutuals know that you are loved by me whether you like it or not and that i’m grateful for every single one of you and am looking forward to getting to know you more in 2024!
when i returned to this rpc after a year long hiatus where a lot of stuff was just going wrong in my life, i was a little nervous that i’d have trouble finding interactions and building relationships both ic and ooc. it was a little difficult at first, but i’m so thankful i stuck it out because right around the corner were some very cool & special people who are not only talented writers and masters of characterization, but genuinely kind & fun people to talk to & get to know.
this post is dedicated to all of my lovely mutuals whether we’ve written together for months or u just followed me today, but there are a few people i want to be gay toward individually under the cut 🥳🏳️‍🌈🩷
@vialaviolenza / @valoroso : my beloved mortis!! you were my first new friend that i made upon the end of my hiatus & i adore you to the moon & back. i knew you were special from the moment i found out you basically live a stone’s throw away from me lol but more than that, you have been such a blessing to me. you’re always willing to listen to my ramblings & crazy ideas & our threads are always fuckin based, so you genuinely have it all & i’m excited for us to become closer in this new year!! 💚💚💚
@lovesigned : bella, i’m kissing u. i remember when you first followed me and we messaged back and forth about how we loved each other’s writing and were fucking nerds about classical allusions & mythology & all that. even now i’m still in awe of how beautifully your prose reads btw. but beyond that you’re probably the funniest person on this website & going absolutely feral with u is always a good time lmfao. i love everything we’ve ever plotted and written and i will love everything we will plot and write in the new year. u are so sexy and cool mwah
@blueshiftting : MEME MY BELOVED u are genuinely the sweetest person ever in the world and you deserve every good thing ever in the new year. not to mention cordelia is a baddie & the immaculate energy you have created for her is untouchable, truly one of the most well-written ocs i’ve encountered. i owe u my life for making the fuckhouse server because it’s always such a vibe in there & it’s been great getting closer to everyone in there, including you.
@rejectshumanity : the coolest person on this website actually,,, but also a total sweetie that i’ve loved every second of talking to. dani when i say i stan you heavily i mean it you genuinely have Thee best take on dio & manage to blend the serious & unserious parts of his character immaculately. i’m excited for when ur inspiration returns to you because i think we all want to see how you will absolutely kill it in the 2024 season lol. either way, you’re a gem & i’m looking forward to growing our friendship in the new year!!
@praeteritus-memories : lu … u are my homie fr like the only constant thing in my life in this rpc for the past 3 (ALMOST 4???) years. coming back to writing with you again has been like returning to a warm hug which i really fucking needed after everything i went through in 2022-23 😭 i love everything we do together & everything we explore in our threads, they’re always a blast & i’m relieved we cannot always pick up where we left off without things being awkward lol. i hope this year treats you kindly, you deserve it luv 🩷
@ironleonine : GEO MY LOVE IM SO SORRY I KNEW I HAD LEFT SOMEONE OUT THIS IS LESBIAN ON LESBIAN CRIME . anyway you are the literal sweetest, kindest, most fun person to talk to be it ic or ooc. i will start 10 million different threads with you and idc i will love every single one. you have such a talent for bringing your characters to life, i will never NOT enjoy writing with you wtf. our chats are always the best even if they’re full of the most random shit lol i feel like you really understand me & the chaotic chemical soup that is my brain. when i marry you in 2024, what then?
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peonierose · 2 months
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To my dear and sweet friend,
This crazy fandom has brought me a lot of joy the past two years and you have been a BIG part of that. I'm so glad we met and bonded over our mutual and unrepentant love of TNA. I'm so thankful for our friendship. You are the kindest, bubbliest, and pinkest person I've ever met. Even when you are going through a tough time, you still make others smile. Thanks for always being there. Love you, my sister from another mister.
Cariiiii 🩷🩷🩷🩷
I am LITERALLY SCREAMING when I saw this 😍😱 Look!!!! B99!!!! *eeekkk* Best gift EVER!!!!
You went to the trouble to make me this gift? I am literally crying and laughing at the same time (didn’t know that was a thing, but hey I learned something new).
Thank you!!! You always know how to make me laugh and bring a smile to my face 🩷🥰
I have to say the best thing coming out of being on tumblr are all the friendships I made. And especially our friendship. Our mutual bond for our favorite books and still going ahead and reading some of the books even though we both know they’re kinda bad, but we’re here for it. I love that about our friendship 🩷🩷🩷🩷
I am so so happy we met. Seriously, I’d reach out through the phone and give you a big hug (trust me being 5‘0 feet tall I give great hugs, or so I was told 😅🥰).
Thank you for this wonderful gift, I’ll always cherish it 🩷🩷🩷🩷
You actually were the first friend I had the to courage to say love you like a sister because to me it feels as if we’ve known each other for years in high school and stayed friends - like sisters who aren’t related by blood - but as Bobby Singer says »Family don’t end with blood.« 🩷🩷🩷🩷
Again thank you for being such an amazing, kind, supportive, dare I say it bluetastic person - you know? Like Ethan’s eyes?
You’re such a gem. Never change. Stay pink love you to the moon and back 🩷🩷🩷🩷
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yyunari · 1 year
It's the season of love! and you know what that means, time to find yourself a valentine! and who better than one of your beloved mutuals? answer these questions, and the mutual with the most mentions your tumblr valentine:
Mutual you can always rely on?
Mutual who never misses a post?
Mutual you share the most interests with?
Mutual you were most surprised to become moots with?
Mutual that gives the best advice?
Mutual you have the most in common with?
Mutual who has the best jokes?
Mutual you look up to or admire?
Mutual you'd run away and live in a cottage with?
Mutual you most want to be classmates/friends irl with?
Spouse material mutual?
Mutual with the best personality?
Mutual that never fails to make you laugh?
Mutual with the prettiest theme?
Mutual you'd have a crush on if you knew them irl?
Mutual you absolutely cannot live without?
Mutual you want to get to know better?
Mutual you can always rely on?
@muhwaa MY 4LIFER!!!! icb it’s almost our 2 year anniversary 😵 the way im closer to u than i am to my irl friends is crazy like ur the only bitch i consistently facetime every day bc yk U da Bomb anyways imy bro can u answer my ft
Mutual you share the most interests with?
@muhwaa the way we became friends bc of wattpad and genshin ✊
Mutual you were most surprised to become moots with?
@lunaflvms LUNAAAAA i swear when we became mutuals i was like😱😱
@sungbeam idt we’ve ever talked (idk i have bad memory) but i love ur works and i read them a lot and when u followed me back i was like WOAH!! that’s crazy
@iichaeyj i was actually surprised when u followed me back and we talked for a bit <33
Mutual that gives the best advice?
@muhwaa ofc ur the one i talk to when literally anything happens most of our daily fts r just me talking abt what happens in school
Mutual you have the most in common with?
@yeongwonie HI YEONA IMY the more i think abt it the more we have in common which is rly cool anw text me soon🤗
Mutual who has the best jokes?
Mutual you look up to or admire?
@muhwaa ur sm better than i was at ur age and i gen think u have sm potential in the future which is why i wanna help u get there😊😊😊
@cutieseo HI FAE i rly admire how kind and outgoing u come off on this app, and how easy it is to talk to u 🤗🤗
@amakumos even b4 we became mutuals i admired u and ur works and then when we started talking i was like WOAH ur rly funny😱
@hoori ELLYYYYY we’ve been friends for like 3 years???? THATS CRAZY anw ever since u reached out to me on wp to be friends i’ve always admired u and ur writing and imysm call soon pls🤗
Mutual you'd run away and live in a cottage with?
@muhwaa except we both don’t like the forest so instead of a cottage we’re moving to a big city like nyc or smt
Mutual you most want to be classmates/friends irl with?
@muhwaa WE WOULD BE CRAYYY like when we went to the weeknd + txt concerts tgth it was wilddddd we did sm and like it was sm fun
@yeongwonie i’ll move to u bc i like the area u live 😜
Spouse material mutual?
@justanne CALL SOKN PLS
Mutual with the best personality?
@muhwaa UR THE BEST PERSON EVER URBLIEK THE BEST AND U PUT UP WITH ALL MY SHIT like we’ve fought a lot but like it worked bc we work😜
@cutieseo @wonieleles @mellow-midzy @shoyotime u guys r so genuinely kind and even tho we don’t talk a lot i like the occasional asks/replies u guys send !!
Mutual that never fails to make you laugh?
@muhwaa our texts r so funny this goes without saying.
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Mutual with the prettiest theme?
@muhwaa 🤗🤗🤗 I LOVE HAERIN r u going to change it bc i rly like what it is rn
@seungstarss lwk idk if u know we’re mutuals but UR THEME IS SO PRETTY i luv it sm🫶🫶🫶
Mutual you'd have a crush on if you knew them irl?
@justanne i already have a crush on u😍😍😍😍😍 i miss the ooga boogas🙁
Mutual you absolutely cannot live without?
@muhwaa my lifeline. the jungwon to my jay. the soobin to my yeonjun. Da L Bomb.
Mutual you want to get to know better?
@haknom @urszn @trsrina @vuiom @eundiarys @mokiverse @hanniluvi @aerisfy @tzyuki @seungiepup hiiiiii 🤗🤗🤗
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astrobei · 1 year
Hello Suni astrobei. For end of year asks, I ask you 2 and 12
hi abby strangeswift !! ok so i got a couple asks for 2 so i’m going to answer that one elsewhere so i can focus my full attention on Gushing !
12. talk about a new friend you made this year
ok i’m about to get seriously so sappy so if you don’t feel like reading through all this feel free to Leave (no hard feelings LOL)
i’m someone who has a pretty small social circle irl so i never thought i’d meet so many wonderful ppl this year, and definitely not online and definitely not because i started writing fanfiction again LOL like if u told january suni this she’d look at u like 👁👁 on a more serious note though this year was insane for me. so much changed really quickly in my life and i’m so beyond grateful that amidst all the chaos i was led to all of u guys ! literally if we’ve had even one conversation on here there’s a very high chance i’ve referred to u as a friend irl so. do with that what u will.
abby and ella (@elekinetic) and sierra (@finalgirlbyers) i want u guys to know that i treasure u all So Much. like even if our convos are sporadic or if we talk exclusively through asks ur presence on my dash brings me so much joy and i look forward to each post u make and each message and each ask and each incoherent ramble in the tags !! i don’t have Favorite Mutuals but if i did it would be u guys because it’s insane how much i light up seeing ur urls ! i hope 2023 brings so many more wonderful interactions w u guys, u rly make my mindless scrolling on tumblr 100x more fun
yvie @nnilkyway HELLO i am so so beyond grateful i met them this year ! what a strange stroke of luck too bc i was so obsessed w their art before we met and hearing him say he was a big fan of my work was like. mind boggling. anyways yvie is literally one of the funniest people i have ever met in my life oh my god it’s so rare for me to find people whose sense of humor just Clicks with mine but like. four messages in and we were sending each other memes and becoming best friends and it was fantastic! i have never once felt weird or intimidated talking to them which is crazy for me, a person who feels weird and intimidated a Lot, and also need i reiterate his INSANE TALENT !! like holy shit ! my go to person for talking about gf mike wheeler or mitski or literally just anything and everything. yvie if you’re reading this i am putting u in my pocket and holding u so close. mwah. also we are married, btw. if anyone cares.
haven @bookinit02 OK. you all have heard me gush about haven a million and one times on this blog and i’m sure you’ve seen her gush about me because she’s (rightfully) obsessed with me (/j. kind of) but haven was the first friend i ever made in the byler community which is so so beyond insane to me. i fell in love with her writing so instantaneously and you guys should’ve been there to see my reaction when i saw her leave her first comment on my fic. literally screamed it was so embarrassing 😭 we talked exclusively through ao3 comments for a while because she’d yell every time i updated ihcisc and i’d yell every time she updated her season 2 rewrite and then one day she dm’d me asking me to make a twt to add me to a byler gc and the rest was History. anyways haven is one of the most talented most creative people i’ve ever met BUT she’s also one of the sweetest and most compassionate people on the face of this planet and deserves nothing but good things always ! she’s one of those people that i need to talk to every day or i’ll go insane and i love how our convos can speedrun the entire human spectrum of emotions within like. 5 minutes. she’s so incredibly supportive and my #1 hype girl and she has the freaky ability to entirely turn my mood around on a bad day in less than 20 seconds. she literally managed to sleuth around and find my venmo just to send me soup money. if i could buy her Everything then i literally would. i would eat cilantro for her. i would watch the mlvn makeout scene for her. i would get my socks wet for her. literally i would do anything for her and i can’t wait until i see her in june and i chase her in circles around the airport and then we kiss👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏽 and we Hug so tight and platonically 🫂
thea @wiseatom u already know. i tell her every day that i would do literally anything she asked of me and it’s true! literally 2 minutes ago she said “suni u should dye ur hair green” and for a moment i seriously considered it. anyways thea is objectively the funniest fucking person i have ever met in my life and is also my twin. if my twin were blond and taller and also a different age. in all seriousness though thea feels like the world’s most insane older sister to me and as an Actual older sister i’m really loving the feral little sibling treatment. she’s so insane easy to talk to (probably bc our brains work in the exact same way) and Oozes talent from literally every single cell in her body. she sends me a snippet of her work and i spend the next 10 minutes rolling on the floor trying not to SCREAM. there are so few people who can make me laugh as much as she does but also turn me into a blubbering mess of a baby with her Evil Cruel Prose 2 seconds later but thea wiseatom has been put on this planet to achieve the impossible. i have rarely felt so seen as i do when i talk to her, whether it’s for advice or Wallowing or complaining about our disproportionately large heads together, she is so kind and supportive and one of my favorite people Ever. i can’t believe the universe put her 3000 miles away from me because i Need to be a menace to her in person but we’ll make it work. every day i say goodnight to her at 8 pm my time and then say good morning to her at 2 am my time and then i go to bed <3 thea if you’re reading this (and u better be. i tagged u) i hope u know that u are the light of my life and i am packing my bindle as we speak to begin the cross country trek. mwah.
@andiwriteordie ANDI ! i miss talking to u every day but u are so busy with ur big girl job and cranking out quality fics at light speed so i’ll give u a pass 😔 andi is literally a legend in the byler fic community so when i found out she Knew Who I Was,,, i died. i literally died. even when we haven’t talked in a while i love how we can pick up a convo like nothing has changed or send posts that remind us of each other or go crazy apeshit in each others tags like there’s no tomorrow !! andi is so so inspirational to me, she is so kind and creative and full of positivity (even if her writing is mean and full of Sadness and Misery. still haven’t forgiven u for descent, btw) she feels like my other older sister and she has such an insane way with words that i will never understand ! thank u for singlehandedly keeping byler tumblr going, i hope 2023 is so kind to u and u get ultra promoted and have so much fun at the eras tour like u deserve <3
moon aka @smoosnoom omg ok not only is moon so crazy talented but she is such! a sweet person! back when i started writing for byler she was such an enigma to me, an ao3 user and a total Mystery, so i never expected us to actually talk and now! here we are! she is so uplifting and supportive and i’ve loved getting to know her over the past few months, whether it’s bonding over our shared hatred (affectionate. mostly) of finn wolfhard or bawling our eyes out to everything everywhere (oh my god.) seeing her comment on my first fic literally made my heart stop dead in my chest. she has such a gift for making everyone feel so immediately accepted and welcome in any space, and i will spend the rest of my life stewing in anger that she’s taller than me. that feels extremely, unfathomably illegal. anyway moon if ur reading this (and u also better be! bc i tagged u!!) i hope the new year is so good to u <3 mwah ily
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teacuppigdog · 2 years
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You know what, these tags have inspired me to test myself on whether I know why I first became mutuals with my mutuals. LET’S GO. (I am excluding anyone who hasn’t posted on tumblr in 2022, because I can’t be expected to remember the people who aren’t even here anymore.)
@chocolatepot - I followed because I wanted the OFMD posting on my dash @nomelon - I was like "That's one of the old LJ crowd isn't it? Oh god I can't remember anyone's usernames anymore it's been like a decade. OH WELL THE POSTS ARE GOOD LET'S GO." @iamnotswarley - You're mutuals with a bunch of the old LJ crowd, so it just seemed appropriate that I follow you too. ARE YOU FROM LJ? WERE WE LJ FRIENDS? I’M SO BAD AT THIS. @bgonemydear - I love chash and chash loves you @cyclogenesis - I followed for the Falcon and the Winter Soldier posting @knowlesian - Followed for the FATWS, stayed for the excellent OFMD meta @onetruepigeon - HI LYDIA. I FOLLOWED YOU BECAUSE YOU CAME BACK TO TUMBLR AND I WAS LIKE "HEY LYDIA IS BACK!" (LJ) @tfry1440 - I followed for FATWS posts @emb-33 - One of a VERY small number of IRL friends who are allowed to know my tumblr URL @honeymull - That'd be one of my follows to collect up more of the old LJ crowd @ponyregrets - HI CHASH (LJ) @cthonical - I have followed you for years and I have zero recollection why we started following each other. Who are you? Who am I? What is this? @ibroketuesday - I sort of think of you as being from my 'other circle' of LJ friends (not that there wasn't overlap) @lethargyspecialist - That'd be the other IRL friend I follow on tumblr @tinyattacksquid - You are in the 'you followed me long enough that I got used to seeing your screen name all the time and was like IDK, I GUESS YOU JUST FEEL LIKE YOU BELONG HERE NOW so followed back' category. @kinthulou - OKAY I HAVE MORE OF YOU GUYS THAN I THOUGHT. This would be another IRL friend, although we're only really in contact through tumblr these days due to only having been in the same country for a year. I feel like you're an IRL friend who has managed to 100% graduate to internet friend (like, I’m pretty sure we have more active mutual friends on tumblr than on fb now). Not easy to pull off that way around! @birdungehrl​ - Literally not a clue how this relationship started. Possibly an instance of my following back someone who hung around following me being a cool person for long enough? We've never really spoken but in my head we are friends. @scurator - Old LJ crowd :) @exsequar - Old LJ crowd :) @mystery-ink - I'm 90% sure you're *not* an old LJ friend and we did in fact meet on tumblr. You're like the only person in that category that I occasionally converse with, though. @akafoxxcub - Also in the 'You followed me until I got used to having you around' squad @mo-betta - Yeah, I have no recollection. DID WE HAVE AN FANDOM IN COMMON AT SOME POINT? DID I JUST SELECT YOU FOR KEEPS OUT OF MY FOLLOWERS? @whateverdelusional - You... are you one of the old LJ crowd? I have no idea. @maichan - HI MAICHAN (LJ) @katiebug9 - You are from LJ right? Right? The ibroketuesday circle, right? I'm not going crazy? Look, I either know who you are or I have very much mistaken you for a specific other person. @appolsaucy - ...well this is embarassing. Are you from the old LJ crowd? You are definitely in the current tumblr crowd of old LJ friends. WERE WE LJ FRIENDS EVER??? WHO ARE YOU? (I’M SO SORRY) @omendreamer - I think you might have been the first person I noticed in my notes and then went 'Yes, I'm keeping this one' @kali1967 - LJ! I know this one! We made out one time @assassinregrets - HI LIZ! (LJ) @frightfullytreeish - Well first and foremost I know you from the old LJ days, but I guess I also sometimes run into you in our kitchen
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ballplayersxo · 5 months
The Lewis thing is so weird, whatever happened with Nicole must’ve fucked him up real bad because how did he go from being in a serious long term relationship with a woman several years older than him to only fucking around with younger girls no strings attached? Not that I’m justifying him lmao. It makes me sad too, because while I’m all for causal sex or friends with benefits, most of these ig models are literally sex workers aren’t they? And to be clear I’m not blaming the women (I don’t want to sound like a misogynist) but how is not gross for these men who have money fame and influence to gift these girls bags or trips or whatever in exchange of sex? Especially someone like Lewis who always claims to be in favour of female empowerment and everything, I feel like this is in contrast with that, because the power dynamic here is crazy . Am I stupid for thinking this? I’m just lost as to when it was so normalised that rich men just pay escorts whenever they feel like it and it’s completely okay.
you’re not stupid at all and this is an important topic on these blogs. at the end of the day we live in a shallow world where everything is transactional. some of us operate in reality and are willing to admit it, while others believe it’s not that way although they always find out eventually. especially in a patriarchy, not saying this is right but this is how it is, women’s value is tied to their looks/sex. for men, it’s their wealth and access to power. athletes/ig baddies are engaging in a transactional relationship where BOTH parties are using their resources to their advantage. is it shallow? perhaps but is it reality? absolutely.
moving on, men cannot be feminists like it’s literally not compatible in this world. ESPECIALLY men with wealth/power who use women in this sense. yeah they’re both mutually using each other for different reasons, but that’s the misogynistic world we’ve all been socialized into. either you play the game or you let it play you. is it fucked up that older men go after younger women and buy sex? are they weird? absolutely, but that’s the reality of a patriarchy. we can definitely condemn them but we also have to take our own accountability in participating in this game and/or applauding women who do. me personally i know what kind of world we live in and i’m not gonna delude myself into thinking shit will ever be different. misogyny/patriarchy will always be here and like i said, you either adapt or suffer under it. me personally i’m not gonna suffer so y’all be safe
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My date was so fun! I’m literally all giddy and smiley still 🤭
We made dumplings and then made you ton is couch. I am forever awkward in new situations but it’s so much more comfortable since we’ve been friends for years. He’s just such a sweetheart and I feel like our vibes match and he’s just so goddamn attractive. And he seems really into me which is nice too. I am in so far overhead already. I feel like I’ve never liked anybody as much as like him. Never been as into anybody. And like admittedly it’s uhhh not a very high bar but still. Feeling a little bit like a teen with their first crush and the complete and total infatuation. At 29 I feel like I finally know what it is to actually like someone.
I have to keep trying to tone down the anxiety in my head that tells me that I am going to ruin it. And try to quite the voice that just very nervous about where things are going and how fast I want them go. He seems very willing to go at whatever pace I want to go it’s just deciding what pace that it is. Because I know with my level of experience (aka none) and just all of it that I want to go pretty slowly, but then there’s the fact that he’s so hot… (I swear I am literally like 14 right now).
But at the moment (at least) he’s seems chill to just be slow. He can generally have a very “you tell me” attitude which can work well. While we were making out he moved his hand to my boob and asked if it was okay, and I froze and said nothing because that is unfortunately my default. It’s like I don’t want to yes, but I don’t want to say no either(mostly I think because I don’t want to get judged or the fear of rejection or whatever) and general inability to articulate I what I want. So then he asked again and I managed to say “not yet” which silly as it is I’m sort of proud of myself for actually saying. And he said “it’s okay if it’s not, that’s why I asked” which is sweet. And then he like actually didn’t push it either.
It’s crazy how nice it is to be with someone who I actually feel comfortable with. Like I am still a nervous nelly but like I know that he won’t be an asshole at any point. (Tbh if he tried several of our mutual friends would murder him. And while I know it won’t come to that, it’s also kind of comforting).
He really is just very laid back. Eventually I started mentioning how I’d have to go home at some point and he said something along the lines of, I get that you can go whenever you want but to be clear I’m not kicking you out. I asked at what point he would, and he said there was a point where he would go from the couch to the bed and I could decide where I wanted to go from there. It’s like aggressively neutral haha.
And now I’m planning on coming over Friday night after trying out a horse I want to ride and I know he’ll want me to spend the night. And like I want to, but I’m also unsure about it. A fun fact is that because of frisbee we’ve traveled together many times before and like he’s already seen me in my pajamas. But like it’s different.
And he kept mentioning how he was a cuddle slut so it would appear that he’d be perfectly content to just cuddle all night. Which honestly sounds lovely. And like it’s definitely something that I’ll be wanting to do at some point in the future. It’s just a question of if I do Friday. Because even though I know him well already I still want to go slow. And I kind of want to set the slow expectation too. And I have to think about at what point I need to use my words. (Actual communication, the horror.) like at what point do I need to tell him I’m a virgin. At what point do I want to tell him? When and how and if do I decide if and when and how I take that next step? I’ve been putting off this exact question for so so long that there’s a part of me that’s just been assuming that it will never actually need a real answer. I’m not sure I still don’t feel that way. Like yeah things are going well now, but we’ve been on three dates. If I just apply a half-assed slow approach I can’t help but think things will still end before the question actually needs to be answered. But I really should actually think on it. Because things are going better than ever have before. And much more to the point I want them more than I ever have before.
Maybe I’ll decide based on temperature. The boy is basically a furnace and I get cold at night
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nora-durst · 1 year
re: my last reblog/barbie, the fact that the barbie movie exists is whatever. it’s an eye roll emoji. this is the world we live in and people can enjoy things that are fluff etc etc. it’s the larger conversation around it that drives me insane. this isn’t pointed at anyone in particular (nor at any of my mutuals who have expressed excitement towards barbie because i know you are media literate and have taste lol) but just at like the general populace. sorry i just have to be a hater for minute. scroll now if you don’t want to hear this akdkfjdk but:
idk why we as a society are not only uncritically accepting a multimillion dollar toy commercial in cinemas but actively embracing it!!! i see red whenever i see people make jokes like “barbie is going to save cinema” like i’m fully aware such statements are just for laughs but consider the fact that movies like this are killing cinema, actually! why is everyone so excited for this movie??? why is it so hyped up??? why have so many of the people i know bought into this hype hook line and sinker??? “well it’ll be good and not like a lame superhero movie because greta gerwig is directing it and noah baumbach wrote it” have you considered the fact that this probably took up at least a year of the lives of two acclaimed independent filmmakers when they could have been making idk something that wasn’t a toy commercial?? literally anything else?? sure get that paycheck whatever but it’s so sad that filmmakers have to do shit like this if they want to really make money. and the thing is i understand the desire to see it because it probably will be good, or at least entertaining — the production value is clearly quite high, there’s a large cast of very popular actors, etc. — but it’s frustrating to see the same people i know irl who complain about all the dumb formulaic mcu bullshit and the horrible disney live action remakes suddenly turn around and uncritically and unironically be so excited for this movie, and participate in the hype train that mattel is counting on to market the movie. (and okay yes the memes are funny and yes i have enjoyed them. i am not immune to a good meme. but STILL) like barbie is not only part of the problem it’s making the problem worse!! how do you not realize this is one of the same bullshit IP-driven marketing vehicles that we’ve been subjected to for years now?? or if you do realize it, why am i not hearing anyone acknowledge that?? “let people enjoy things” sure go for it im not saying you can’t!! but at least be honest about what you’re enjoying!!!! i think that’s the crux of the issue for me tbh. i dont care that barbie exists (even if it annoys me) or that people are enjoying it but it makes me crazy that i’m seeing almost nothing even remotely critical of it or acknowledging the larger and very harmful phenomenon that this movie is absolutely undeniably a part of. and maybe i’m overreacting a little and maybe there actually is a huge critical discussion of the movie occurring in spaces i’m not aware of, but i think my point still stands
(and i’m aware im being a snob but i think this current cultural moment might need more snobs actually. sorry)
okay rant over i am exiting hater mode peace and love on planet earth
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pumpkinnamedjack · 2 years
You know I think it’s super crazy how we make friends, I was the weird kid in elementary school with not a lot of friends until I found someone who for some strange reason liked the things I did. We weren’t best friends at the time, but we did hang out until I moved away.
I finally came back for literally a year and they still wanted to hang out with me, which is crazy since everyone else that I was semi friends with really didn’t care to, I felt like we got closer- and then i moved again.
It’s not until college that we really interacted again, sure I saw them here and there in high school but we never talked much, in college a mutual friend moved away and once again we got closer. We’ve been constantly texting and hanging out since 2019, it’s just amazing how we really ended finding our way back to friendship, and I love that. It’s completely insane to me. In those few months of college we really said “let’s move in together” and honestly I didn’t really have a plan, or money even saved. I had a car and a job and thought, let’s go for it.
We’ve been living together for about two or so years. We plan our future together and as we decide what we want to do or where we want to go I’m honestly not scared of what will happen, our lives and how we’ve came across each other in the years that past seem like a movie, fuck even our struggles seem like they were copied and pasted from a shitty sit com sometimes. But I’m up for whatever else is to come. I really don’t regret anything and I love you
Also incase you couldn’t tell this is mainly for my best friend but I also thought it’d be nice to share how weird life is.
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judasisgayriot · 1 year
It’s been literally a decade since early 2013, when us who were in the tumblr les-mis-o-sphere at the time met! Crazy, huh? I love how many of us are still mutuals even if some of us don’t rly interact much or post about remotely similar things, lol.
Also it’s been 10 years since me and Han met here on tumblr bloggin’ about those old men, and we’ve been together for 6 years now, so we’ve been together a bigger proportion of the time we’ve known each other than not! :o
anyway just thinkin about the passage of time lol. Was 18 back then and starting uni, and I’m about to turn 29 now. Anyway still catch me here bloggin’ about my middle aged man of choice
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annsillsomething · 2 years
so here’s a story
I used to be friends with certain person that… let’s say they weren’t a very good friend… well at least during the last three years of our friendship
I was helping them through some rough times but the more I supported them the more I felt like they were just using me as a free psychologist and it could have been fine if it was mutual, but when I wasn’t feeling ok and needed some time alone to sort things out (because that’s how I deal with my problems, I need to do it myself without distractions, and that person knew it), all I got was “why are you spending less time with me, I need your help, I need to talk to you”
the urgent problem they needed my help with was a lack of a boyfriend and really I could have talked about it but I already had enough on my plate to deal with their inability to live alone (might sound derogatory but trust me when I say it really wasn’t that bad, I had spent years dealing with their problems so I knew it wasn’t some kind of emergency) so I said I needed some time and stopped responding to their messages
that wasn’t very polite of me but severe depression has that effect on people
then it got worse because apparently I’m an asshole for prioritizing my mental health over their love life
so after some shit had happened that friendship came to an end
it was good at some point, we’ve had some fun together and I don’t regret anything
but that’s where the madness begins
a year after we stopped communicating I meet our mutual acquaintance and she tells me some crazy shit
apparently I am a witch who cursed that person and her former boyfriend with a soup and they burned everything I’ve ever gifted them because those things (including my drawings and literally everything) carry my foul energy
I made them that stupid soup because I knew they had financial problems so I bought everything and just wanted to make them happy for a moment, you know, so they didn’t have to think about what to eat tomorrow (the soup was very good by the way, we tasted it together)
but I get it, I’m a witch and a horrible person, ok, I think that’s better than thinking that you’ve lost a good friend because you couldn’t understand they have problems too
I think I needed to write it
if you’ve read this far, thank you, be safe, don’t waste your time on wrong people if you know they are actually the wrong ones, sometimes people change, you don’t have to stay with them if they are no longer the people you can be comfortable with, don’t regret anything, nothing is a mistake, that’s how we learn
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liliansun · 6 months
you and your friends are genuinely so adorable and fun to watch, it's so lucky all of you met like this. how did y'all become friends?? alsooo assign a meet ugly trope to each of the couples 👀
i know,, believe me i thank the sky every day that i met these crazy girls,, and omg i’m so excited THANK YOU FOR ASKING (lowkey been waiting ages for someone to ask)
so joy 👯‍♀️and i met here, (like the rest of us) we had a mutual friend and that mutual friend was going on about how we would be good together yk? and i was SCARED. bc she seemed so cool and i just had gotten on tumblr and i was like fuck it and i was gonna send her an ask but she beat me to it and sent me an ask and we took it from there to dms and she CONVINCED ME TO GET ON DISCORD. so i did and we’ve just been so close ever since,, she’s my soulmate 🥺
loki 🌺🧺👶 (@alohajun) and i met bc of joy, i was running kflixnet at the time and loki was a member and she kept calling me her mom (a lot of people said i was a mother of the net at the time🥹) and since then we’ve always had this beautiful friendship,, she calls me her mom and i take it w a badge of honor bc she really could be my child if we weren’t a year apart 😭 we are so alike and we’re both leo’s so it doesn’t help the chaos we create
niwa🌻 (@haechanhues) and i met bc we’re hyuck enthusiasts (obsessed and in love) and she sent me an ask i believe about haechan and we took it to dms and she sends me a haechan ask every day (she took a vow to send me one a day for a year,, THERES SO MANY I NEED TO ANSWER THEM ALL) and i just love her so much,, she’s so goofy and sweet and i just needed her in my life
ESA BABY,, (@rum-gone-why)she and i met bc of haechan too 😭😔 she sent me an ask i think? and we took it to dms IMMEDIATELY. when i tell you our first conversation lasted 4 hours, like we just talked and talked and talked (i we love struck, ngl) and we just clicked so easily,, we still gush about hyuck (i’ll fight him for her,, or anyone for that matter😭👺🔪)
and somehow we all got into a discord gc and then moved it to instagram and we’ve been so close since. these girls are there whenever i’m crying in my room at night or if i’m literally gonna pee bc they’re making me laugh so hard. there’s so much they know about me that no one else probably would ever know and there’s so much we’ve shared, cried, screamed and fangirled over. if home was a person, they each have a room for me within them and that’s a two way street for us all. they’re truly my best friends and when i wrote etmy, ofc i had to include them?? they supported me from the start and were there for the whole breakdown of the process into it and i knew in that moment they had to be included. if it wasn’t for them, we wouldn’t have the sn:pv stories and it genuinely makes me so fucking happy to see you guys love their characters bc they’re biased off them and to me that means you get to love them the way i do and see them the way i do and that’s all i could’ve asked for bc they deserve that and so much more (not me about to cry before i got into work)
anyways 🤩 (sucking in TEARS) MEET UGLY TROPES i hope i did these right😭
y/nhyuck : y/n telling hyuck his taste in music is outdated in a vinyl store and he’s TRIGGERED
jaemal : meeting him in a group setting expecting him to live up to the hype and being like ‘oh, you’re who they talked about?’ and he’s floored, speachless and ego slightly bruised 🥲
jensal : two strangers arguing over who can have the last snack in the store
markjoy : mark watched joy falling flat on her face and tried not to laugh before walking around her 😭
renwa : him asking her to be quiet in a public setting and her only getting louder to piss him off and he shows it
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