#HI CALLEN!!!!!!
coelakanths · 7 months
Tumblr keeps recommending me your blog even though we've been mutuals for a good while now (also hey we haven't talked in a bit how's everything going?)
greeting you like we’re in an apocalyptic situation and we were separated and now we’ve found each other again and ill share my cans of beans with you
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thjslove · 1 year
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9.24 / 14.19 for @blogger360ncislarules
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dominicvail · 1 year
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A gifset an episode (that i have on my laptop): 10x04 Hit List
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liar-or-lawyer · 2 years
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chrisodonline · 2 years
Speaking of sleeping, people are sleeping on the fact that it took a full team plus visitors from another one most of an ep to get to the house with the photos of all the agents, but G Callen got there all by himself.
I am also convinced, and you will never change my mind, that he was so hyperfocused and engaged with figuring things out, he couldn’t stop to respond to texts. Can relate.
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redgoldblue · 2 years
s6 truly just
Michelle: this is my husband Sam
Michelle: and this is his boyfriend Callen
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glenncoco4 · 2 years
Honestly, I’m waiting for Callen to show up in dad white new balances one day.
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not100bees · 2 years
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but that being said they have added two things that i've been wanting for forever: expanded the number of animal companions and they've added clothes patterns
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bladeweaver-if · 5 months
Bladeweaver Demo Update (14/04/24)
Update time!
Demo link
Chapter 2's penultimate section, visiting Sam's home, now has a conclusion! Spend the night talking and playing with Sam or go home right away, get some insight into Sam's father and his past, as well as more context on Callen and Sonia's mysterious Debts...
This update, coming in at juuuust over 25k words, had me sweating a little trying to get it out in time haha. Because of that, there may be bugs and typos that I have missed, so I'd appreciate if they were pointed out.
It's still not entirely complete; there is a route where you show Sam the gift you got (if you brought it with you) that I just couldn't fit in time, so I'll put that in my next update.
I hope you enjoy reading the rest of this part of Chapter 2, and stay tuned in a couple of months for the end of the chapter!
An update to the Android (apk) version will come later, probably tomorrow.
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ejzah · 9 days
A/N: I know I haven’t written a real story in a few days, but I’ve been busy with work and my recent adventures. Hopefully I’ll have something ready tomorrow. For now, have a very silly dialogue drabble.
Kensi stalks into the bullpen with a box of sliced cake in her hand, Deeks close behind.
Deeks, imploringly: C’mon, baby, you can’t be that mad still. I bought you cake and coffee.
Kensi, dropping her stuff on her desk: I don’t wanna talk about it. *she immediately digs into her cake with a worrying amount of intensity*
Sam: Did you guys have another fight over the shower?
Deeks, still grinning: Nope, she’s just mad that she lost.
Callen, warily: Do we want to know what you were competing for?
Deeks: You want me to tell them Kens?
Kensi, digging into her cake: Quit gloating. It’s a very unattractive quality.
Deeks: Ok. Every so often, when we’re a little bored—
Sam: You work for a federal agency. We barely have time off. How do you have time to be bored?
Deeks, shrugging: It was a bad morning for surfing. Anyway, sometimes we like to go to the park, or market, busy places you know, and then we walk around, and see how many numbers we pick up.
Callen, raising an eyebrow: That’s the contest? How many times you can get hit on?
Deeks, nodding: In an hour. Ground rules are you can’t approach the other person, you can’t be overly flirtatious until after they make the first move, and you have to talk for at least a minute.
Kensi, jerking her fork at him: I lost sight of you for ten minutes. How do I know you followed rule one?
Deeks, pressing a hand to his chest feigned outrage: I would never, ever violate a rules. Maybe twist them, but never break.
Sam: Alright, so how badly did Kensi do to get her so worked up?
Deeks: Twelve to five.
Callen: You were hit on by twelve women in one hour?
Deeks, tilting his head: Mostly women. I got a slow start.
Kensi, glaring at him: I didn’t have my morning coffee. I want a rematch.
Sam: And I want a sane team.
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liar-or-lawyer · 1 year
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chrisodonline · 2 years
I have a new dryer coming in next week, or supposed to, and I have to do a TON of cleaning. and straightening. They couldn’t have announced it NEXT weekend?
I mean, yes, plenty of time to mourn and reflect. But, again, couldn’t have waited a week?
Also, my theory is that the minute G made the “I’m an orphan can’t help you” joke, the universe was like, “It is time.”
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Wedding of HRH Prince Oliver of the Scots, Duke of Rothsey & HIH Madame Hortense of Francesim Part 4
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Pope Gregorious: Dearly beloved, you have come together here, so that in the presence of the Church’s minister and the community affirm your intention to enter into Marriage. And so, in the presence of the Church, I ask you to state your intentions.
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Pope Gregorious: Oliver and Hortense, have you come here to enter into Marriage without coercion, freely and wholeheartedly? Hortense: I have. Oliver: I have. Pope Gregorious: Are you prepared, as you follow the path of Marriage, to love and honor each other for as long as you both shall live? Hortense: I am. Oliver: I am. Pope Gregorious: Are you prepared to accept children lovingly from God and to bring them up according to the law of Christ and his Church? Hortense: I am. Oliver: I am.
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Cardinal MacMillian: Since it is your intention to enter marriage, join your hands and declare your consent before the God and his Church. Your Royal Highness, you will go first.
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Oliver: Moi, Oliver David Alexander James, souhaite prendre Hortense Rose, Pour épouse, À partir de ce jour et pour toujours, Pour le meilleur ou pour le pire, Dans la richesse ou la pauvreté, Dans la santé et dans la maladie, De l’aimer et de la chérir, Jusqu’à ce que la mort nous sépare. (I, Oliver David Alexander James, take you, Hortense Rose, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; till death separates us.) Stéphane: A beautiful touch by the Duke to say his vows in French. Travis: Indeed. Especially since it is their shared language, as well as the language of love and one that HRH famously struggles with.
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Archbishop McCellan: Your Imperial Highness, I now ask that you say your statement of consent.
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Hortense: Tha mise, Ròs Horn- tach, gabh thusa, Oil-bheir Daibhidh Alasdair Sheumais, gu bhi 'm fhear-pòsda dhomh, gu bhi agam, agus gu cumail, o'n là so air aghaidh, air son na's fearr, an ni 's miosa, an saoibhreas, am bochd, an tinnis agus an slàinte, a ghràdhachadh agus a ghràdhachadh gus am bàs an dean sinn dealachadh. (I, Hortense Rose, take thee, Oliver David Alexander James, to be my husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish until death do us part.) Travis: Wonderful pronunciation by Madame Hortense. It is such a touching show to the Scottish that she is willing to learn our very difficult language. Stéphane: It has a very melodic quality to it. A strong showing by HIH
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Pope Gregorious: May the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob, the God who joined together our first parents in paradise,
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Pope Gregorious: strengthen and bless in Christ the consent you have declared before the Church, so that what God joins together, no one may put asunder.
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Oliver: With this ring I thee wed; with my body, I thee worship; and with all my worldly goods I thee endow. In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus sancti.
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Hortense: With this ring I thee wed; with my body, I thee worship; and with all my worldly goods I thee endow. In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus sancti.
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Stéphane: With the vows and exchanging of rings, they are married. Travis: Yes. We still have the nuptial blessing, and the signing of the register left. These will be done by Cardinal McGregor. But I think I can safely say, we are now looking at TRH Prince Oliver & Princess Hortense of the Scots, Duke and Duchess of Rothsey.
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Travis: And after this brief moment of private prayer, they will be blessed under the coronation canopy, as is tradition for all rulers and heirs to the throne. The Canopy is being supported by HIH Princess Amelie of Francesim, HIH Princess Maria Aisha of Pierreland, HRH Prince Magnus of Argyll & Lord Callen MacDonald. Stéphane: It is moving that the canopy will be supported by those who share a bond with the couple, Princess Amelie and Lord Callen as their main witnesses and clearly the closest to the couple but also Prince Magnus as not just the oldest cousin to the groom but Prince Oliver's oldest friend and Princess Maria Aisha as not only cousin to the groom but goddaughter of the once more Princess Hortense.
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Cardinal McGregor: Look now with favor on these your servants, joined together in Marriage, who ask to be strengthened by your blessing. Pour your love into their hearts, that they may remain faithful in the Marriage covenant.
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Cardinal McGregor: May the grace of love and peace abide in your daughter Hortense and let her always follow the example of those holy women whose praises are sung in the Scriptures. May her husband entrust his heart to her, acknowledging her as his equal and his joint heir to the life of grace, he may show her due honor and cherish her always.
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Cardinal McGregor: May they be blessed with children, and prove themselves virtuous parents, who live to see their children’s children. And when they together reach the fullness of years, come into the life of Heaven. Amen.
Travis: And now as tradition at the end of all royal events, the National Anthem.
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All: God save our gracious King, Long live our noble King, God save the King! Send him victorious, Happy and glorious, Long to reign over us, God save the King!
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Stéphane: And now, they are going to sign the register, alongside their witnesses, the King & Queen, the Emperor and Madame Mere. Travis: Traditionally, all family over 18 will also sign, but they will do it after the ceremony. This will include Empress Charlotte, the Emperor and Empress of Pierreland and the Queen and King of the Ionian Union. Quite the royal filled register.
@empiredesimparte @royalhouseofcarrington @bridgeportbritt @nexility-sims @simsroyallegacy @trentonsimblr @covingtons
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The Fallen Angel.
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Characters: Paul Stanley, Ace Frehely, Mystery character.
Pairing: Spacechild.
Setting: ????
Au: Fallen Angel.
Summary: ‘’Now….’’
Those were the last and haunting words Paul was told and heard once he fell through the white clouds into the deepest depths of the darkness he feared as he screamed all the down. Flailing like a dove who didn’t know how to fly yet due to being so young but in this case his wings were being burned and clipped as he was falling.
Burning deep into his soft plush skin, blood were pouring from the wounds that were being made each second he cried out. His frightening screams and cries filled the skies with horrifying sounds that people looked around to see the source, the earth shook as….
⚠️Warnings: i'm in a good mood I swear, Blood and injury, mentions of shit(it's not what your thinking it's not that), horror, symbolism, Fallen angels, religious themes, Au, oneshots, Angst, Hurt/comfort, implied torture/sex, Heaven, Ask to tag.
Comments and Reblogs, are Deeply appreciated!
Also on A03
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‘’You are banished from this very heaven’s you’ve stand on, no longer you’ll be an angel once you’ve fallen or call yourself a saint after what you have committed down on that sinful land that those people called earth. You’ll no longer bare the wings of angelic nor the halo that hangs above that foolish head of yours, or call this place…home. The very place you were born into, call the people you’ve known as friends or family here now known as just acquaintances due to you betraying your them, your own kind.’’
‘’You disgust me, them, all of us.’
‘’Heaven is ashamed of you.’’
‘’As of today, you are no longer welcome here…Stanley.’’ 
Those were the last and haunting words Paul was told and heard once he fell through the white clouds into the deepest depths of the darkness he feared as he screamed all the down. Flailing like a dove who didn’t know how to fly yet due to being so young but in this case his wings were being burned and clipped as he was falling.
Burning deep into his soft plush skin, blood were pouring out from the wounds that were being made each second he cried out. His frightening screams and cries filled the skies with horrifying sounds that people looked around to see the source, the earth shook as the screams intensified as the falling did, his tears flew off as he screamed. His clothes were turned into nothing but scraps, his wings were becoming black as the night yet there were red as blood spurted out more from the wounds.
Some People watched from the distance, seeing the holy light from the open skies the people always pray to. Watching the skies bare it’s light on a figure as they watch the whole thing in silence or in awe. Amazed or scared from what they are seeing in this moment in time, not moving at all due to the unknown. They all just watched as they heard the violent screams of an angel who was falling from heaven.
They Just watched.
As rain started from the skies, pelting the ground with droplets of water. Animals ran to take cover as did the humans, going into there huts or caves for which they’ve callen home all these years to them, ignoring the anguished screams that was still roaring through the skies or the ground shaking from the angel’s suffering, the feather wings that were burned off were now on the ground as kids were collecting before heading inside. 
‘’Mama, Mama! Look what i got!’’
The child said, jumping around with a feather in hand. Smiling with glee, calling for his mother to tell her what he had collected.
‘’What is it, sweetie?’’ The mother asked, smiling. Turning around, picking her child up carefully as she looked at him happily. 
‘’What have you found now, My Son?’’
She asked, Quizzically. 
Her son smiled. Giggling, his face glowing as he showed his mother what he had gotten from the outside.
‘’A feather?’’
‘’Not just any feather, an angel feather!!!’’ He exclaimed, cheerfully.
‘’An Angel feather? Where did you get that?’’
‘’It was on the ground, outside was being strange.’’
‘’Strange, how honey?’’ The mother questioned, a bit curious.
‘’Well…the ground was shaking, noises were getting um…BEW!!’’ 
‘’Mhm.’’ The Boy nodded, but not before saying….
‘’Loud and there was a light from a sky.’’
‘’A light? What kind of light?’’
‘’A bright one, the sky was opened.’’
‘’The sky was…opened?’’
The mother’s face twisted with concern, the child played with the feather. Running his little hands over the white and black parts as he stared at it with awe and admiration. Mother carried him to the window, not a care in the world in the boy’s face at as the mother looked out.
And to her shock, the water became blood as the skies closed on it’s. She leaned her ear against the window for a second, hearing….
‘’KILL M-!’’
The mother took her ear away from the window, her eyes trembled as those words echoed through her head. Lips trembling, holding her son close to her as she could, She gulped…
Knowing exactly who it was.
That voice.
That voice that was always sweet and known when they’ve talked or sang, that voice when her husband had him over for some festivities, that voice that talked to her child with kindness like no other.
That voice….
‘’Mommy?’’ The child quietly said, touching her brown locks. Trying to get her attention as she stood in fear and realization as the outside roared with thunder, muffling those anguish cries and the shaking of the earth. ‘’Mommy?’’
He said, snapping his mom back to reality as her breath became more shaky and shuttery as the blinds that prevented light from coming into the house and concealed the the reddish droplets that pelted from the sky. She turned to him, tightening her hold on him. Rubbing her hand through his hair. Petting him softly, as she tried to keep calm.
‘’Yes, sweetheart?’’
She breathed, looking into his eyes. Those sweet eyes of his, that reminded her of her…
‘’Are you okay, mama?’’
She stared, then look back out. 
Rain was getting more heavier, the ground became reddier each second as the lightning grew louder than life, almost hitting the ground in different sections of the village. Almost hitting a farm, the homes where the people lived and almost starting a fire.
More animals ran as they heard, making frightening noises but not as frightening as the angel did just noises you heard from animals when they seek shelter. The wind got intense as the door almost flew open but luckily they were block thanks to locks and bolts and sometimes boulders.
Boulders that were big as day, like the one beside the house.
Waves clashed against each other as it was war, the sky turned blacker and the mother turned white.
Thinking about her answer, leaning her ear against the window she heard…
The words echoed, pulling from the window. She turned once more to her child, looked him dead in the eyes and…
‘’Where’s your father?’’
Thunder crackled.
Ace ran as fast as he could through the forest, breathing heavily. Almost tripping on rocks, fallen branches, anything in his wake as he ran like hell. Getting coated in red from the rain, his outfit was ruined, his hair, everything except his eyes as they were trembling with fear. Hoping what he saw wasn’t real as he ran to the light that was becoming dimmer each second the sky was closing.
Ignoring the signs, the tree’s falling. Almost killing him but he prevailed as his boots were being ripped apart and filled with mud each time he stepped or slid on something that made him fall. Busting his nose, that was bleeding. 
Dripping down his face, into his mouth. Swallowing as much as he could, trying to make it. His heart raced with fire as he heaved. Heart palpitations skyrocketing as he didn’t stop to rest or breath for a sec.
His mind was cluttered with one thing and one thing only as his locks of silver flown with the wind as He….
Jumped over a cliff, as time slowed. Tree’s were struck, falling as ace right now. Holding his breath, his heart stopped, lightening roared, the waves clashed as ships were getting harder and harder to steer as Ace was bombarded with thoughts of loved ones. Memories he dearly held to his heart as….
Sweat drips.
He gulps.
Eyes forward.
Mouth open.
A Word.
‘’Please, god. Let me get to him. Please.’’
‘’Let me see Paulie.’’
‘’Let me see My angel, you’ve thrown away because of….’’
He makes it.
Barely, but he makes it.
Immediately running again as the skies began to clear as they were closed, the red became water again. Clear as glass, winds dying down like the wilts of a dying rose as the sun comes out from within the clouds as Ace grunts.
Legs hurting so much from running, he wants to stop but can’t due to wanting to find his angel who had fallen from heavens above and hoping he’s not dead from a mighty fall that would or not kill him. Maybe even paralyze but he digress, as blisters began to form on the soles of his feets as his boots tore from the speed he was going as it was race.
Race against what?
How much longer will it be for him to get there and see his angel alive or dead? How long it’ll be if he keeps running like this and does not die from the lack of air in his lungs? Or his body is overproducing so much sweat he looks like he can melt away in a flash? How long can he live for what he did to make his angel fall and be no longer the heavenly being he once knew?
Those sweet doe eyes, the black locks of hair he loved stroking along with those gorgeous white wings that were soft as a pillow or bed, that body that was always a delight to look at when those intoxicating moments would arrive when their feelings grew stronger for another like their different souls. That voice of his that would bring him down to earth when things get tough or the way it would echoed throughout his head when….
The angel moaned out his name.
In ways he never imagined, anyone else would despite their differences with each other yet….
It worked and he still wanted to work, no matter what anyone else thought.
No matter what they say.
God say.
Anyone say.
Nobody has a say for what they’ve both done and will do once they’re together again if….
The angel’s still alive, that is.
‘’Paulie…please be okay.’’
Hours past, a light shone on the fallen branches in the middle of the forest as things became calmer and lighter for the ones in the village and forest but things weren’t calmer or lighter at all for one individual of them all.
The crying hasn’t stopped, the bleeding hasn’t stopped gushing out from the back of the angel who’s lying in the middle of the forest, covered in dirt and soaked with blood as the final parts of his wings were burned off.
Releasing a harrowing scream from his hoarse throat, laying there naked in pain, filth and whatever that made him look….
Like a filthy sin he was, as he heaved.
Tears stopped running, burying his face in the dirt to hide from the world or anyone that would see the very angel that fallen thus was banished by god for….
Committing a sin.
A sin he felt wasn’t a sin but…
A sin that felt more like a blessing.
A blessing that made him feel more human and more angelic but….
One that caused him to be cut out from heaven.
One he doesn’t know how to feel nor explain but one that….
He won’t make again.
As he laid there, the sun shined on him more as he shook from the cold that was coming. He looked around, he was alone yet surrounded by an abundance of once white flowers that showed off their pureness, angelic, innocence to the world now coated in his….
The red dripping off from the flowers, onto the muddy ground. The petals falling off like the last feathers, their heavenly appearance gone just like his. His browns no longer shined brightly nor reflected his happiness, his hair no longer curled or done beautifully now it’s just a mess like a rat’s ness.
Nails that were once pristine were also coated in blood, his fingers trembling from the cold and the more blood that was gushing from his back he looked….
Like a bloody mess.
A bloody mess, that was surrounded in darkness yet the sun was the only thing keeping him company. Giving him comfort in his time of anguish and pain as whimpered and cried away the hours that went past.
Just laying there, punishing himself.
His mind.
The decisions he made by giving his body away to….
A human.
He should just rot away, he thought. But no….
Life had other plans.
Plans that would…
Start a new chapter in this life.
As the angel whimpered, the weather became normal as the animals did. All was quiet until…
A Yell was heard.
‘’Paul, where are you!!!’’
And again, interrupting the angel’s pain and cires as the yells got louder. The angel shook from the pain, trembling as he tried to move. Sticks, bugs, sharp things under him moved with him as he crawled and screamed…
Hoping it wasn’t a hallucination, he yelled once more as tears started.
He cried, trembling as he got up. Trying not to stumble, yet fell into a muddy pile of feces but he got up and ran.
His legs weak, he ran.
Leaves crunch underneath his dirtied foot as he grabbed onto a tree almost falling once again but he prevailed.
Breathing heavily as he…
He cried, once more as it echoed.
Crying out his lover’s name, falling and stumbling into things then falling on a fallen tree crying out the name that made him fall in the first place.
Heaving, gripping the tree as he released one more cry that rocked the whole world once more.
He screamed, coughing out blood from so much yelling and crying as he fell onto the tree as his eyes closed almost…
Going into the darkness, thinking all is lost and that this is a worse place than hell until….
His eyes opened, trembling as he saw….
Ace standing over him, dirtied and bloodied like him. Staring at him with those eyes of his with worry as Ace crumbled to the ground in horror, seeing his lover in a grotesque way made him rumble with disgust almost causing him to puke as he smelled shit and blood that was running down his body but…
He pushed back the puke, swallowing it down whole and gently touched Paul with his bare hands ignoring the blood, the smell that was getting worse each second he was near and…
Embrace him in his arms.
Stroking his head gently, as he too started to cry.
Tears streamed down his cheeks, as he held him close to him.
His fingers stroking through the tangled curls of his beloved, holding him close as the sun lightens them up.
The only thing protecting them from the darkness around them, the reality of what’s happening and how it happened made their minds run crazy, hearts beating frantically as it was thunder crackling, emotions running high as Ace tried to soothe himself and paul.
Running his hand down his bloodied back, feeling the wounds bleeding out.
Touching it lightly as he could, sent pain throughout Paul's body.
Paul whimpered, Ace pulled his hand away.
Comforting Paul with his words.
‘’I’m here, paul. You’re okay, your okay….’’
He repeated over and over, not knowing if Paul would be ok as he looked at his trembling hand.
Finger’s shaking, lower lip wobbling as he repeated those very words once again as he saw….
Bit’s of feathers on his hand.
Paul’s feathers.
That were once white now…
Black as the night.
He gulped, fighting back the puke again and the tears that were threatening to fall as he picked up Paul and walked away with him in his arms as the light still shined on them both leaving a trail of blood and….
Marking the sight of the fallen angel who had fallen for a human like….
‘’Mama! Look at papa's home! He’s carrying someone!!!’’
The child exclaimed, the mother running to the window. She looked, gasping loudly from what she’s seeing as she heard the loud gasps of the people coming out from their homes as the father walked through the village carrying someone.
Covered in blood and dirt.
That was dripping from them both as they walked.
‘’Sweetie, go to your room.’’ 
She uttered, eyes trembling.
‘’Why Mama?’’
‘’Sweetie…please go to your room, mama has to help papa…ok?’’
Her voice shocked, turning to her child. Seeing the eyes of innocence in them as she bent down and looked at him at all motherly, putting her hand gently on his shoulder as she said…
‘’Go to your room, and i’ll help you with your collection.’’
‘’You will?’’
‘’Yes, i will.’’
‘’Mmmhh…you promise?’’
Holding up his pinky finger to his mother’s face.
‘’Pinky promise?’’
The mother smiled, holding up her pinky thus connecting with her child.
Signifying her promise to him.
‘’Pinky promise, my son.’’
‘’Pinky promise.’’
The child went off to his room, as the mother watched on.
As her expression twisted, her thoughts plagued her as she stood.
Heart racing as…
The door opened, creaking loudly as it could.
Turning around slowly, she heard.
‘’Jeanette, it happened.’’
‘’What happened?’’ She uttered, eyes shaking as she looked down at the figure in Ace’s hold breathing slowly.
As she looked in horror and awe.
In horror from bloodied he looked yet still was radiant like the angel he was but he was no angel anymore.
He was…
‘’He fell.’’
A Fallen Angel. 
‘’Is he going to be okay?’’ she asked, looking him over as ace walked.
Placing him on the couch, covering him with his jacket.
Concealing Paul’s naked body, putting a pillow under his head.
Watching over him.
Tending to him.
Fingers stroking through his locks of hair.
Looking at him with a look that only a lover would know as…
‘’Is he going to be okay?’’
Jeanette asked worryingly, bending down. Looking over at Paul as she reached for a towel nearby, wiping Paul’s face gently.
The silence grew between them, as the towel became coated more with the red and brown.
Tainting it, Like Ace tainted…
His lover.
Taking him away from the very home he called heaven.
Taking him away from his friends. 
Taken him away from everything he loved dearly and knew all because they….
Gotten close.
Became more than friends.
Became more than something.
Then just a thing, as they…
Made love.
Love that…
Gotten Paul to be banished all because of him.
‘’Is he going to be okay?’’
Jeanette asked, again.
Snapping Ace out of his thoughts, he turned to Paul.
Then the outside.
Then his wife.
Then, finally Paul.
He took a deep breath, bending down.
Close enough to Paul, as he heard the shaky breath coming out from him as he said.
‘’I Don’t know.’’
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Was in the mood to write, for angst and spacechild so here's some angst ;D.
i'm not going to apologize for what i've done in this, so catch me outside~ (i'm sorry.)
and anyone else who'll read this~
So, tootalooo~
Love, Butters ♡
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chiefdirector · 11 months
Bullets and Broken Glass | G Callen | NCIS: Los Angeles
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No.26: Curse
Callen knew from a young age that some people were meant to be alone, that some were forever cursed to solitude, that some people did not deserve to be loved. For a long time he thought that he was one of those people.
And then he met her.
Agent (Y/N) (L/N) crashed into his life with a series of bullets and broken glass. She was on an undercover operation, sent in from the NCIS basis in Washington D.C, nobody in the L.A office knew that she was here. Hetty had a field day talking to Vance about her presence and her abrupt gatecrashing of their own operation.
It didn't take long for Callen to know he wanted her on his team; it also didn't take long to convince her Los Angeles wasn't so bad. Despite his reliance on his partnership with Sam, Callen always cherished the days where he ended up with her in the field instead. It took him months to realise that the ease and trust he felt with her was something more than a professional friendship.
He had never truly be in love before, so much so he didn't even clock onto the feeling until he found himself wrecked by another nightmare and he found himself driving to her apartment, craving her presence. He also did not realise that he confessed his love for her at her doorstep not even twenty minutes after.
Callen hadn't expected to have the pieces of his life fall into place shortly after. Everything started to make sense; he did not believe in fate, but even he would acknowledge that something greater was at play to send something so divine to him.
He should've known that it wouldn't have lasted forever.
He lost her the same way he had found her, with bullets and broken glass. Nobody had expected the operation to go wrong, the building was meant to have been abandoned weeks ago; they were just scoping out the place to see if anything valuable had been left behind.
They were right, the building was deserted, but the neighbouring rooftop was not. The glass window next the the staircase gave the sniper a clear and direct view to (Y/N). Nobody noticed the red dot hovering on the back of her head until she crumpled to the ground. She died before she hit the floor.
It took a few moments for Callen to notice that she hadn't dodged the attack. He had assumed she had dove for shelter when the gunshot fired. As soon as he clocked on to what had happened, he rushed to her side, pulling her body into his as if that would bring her back.
The crunching of the glass around him caused him to lift his head away from her. Sam, Kensi, and Deeks all stood there, looks of pity on their faces. Callen looked down at her again, not letting himself believe what had happened.
Eventually the M.E came and took her body away. Sam took Callen back to the office and they both sat in silence. It took a while, but he stood up again and moved to the locker room where he stripped out of his ruined clothes and into the showers where he washed her blood from his skin.
Callen stood under the water for a while. He couldn't help but blame himself. He could not love anything without it being destroyed. Maybe if he hadn't of loved her then she would have lived. Deep down he knew that her death had nothing to do with him, but as his thoughts circled on the diamond ring he had planned to give her this evening, Callen couldn't help but feel cursed.
Masterlist | Whumptober Masterlist
@ailesswhumptober @happygirl-0408
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ladykailitha · 1 year
All My Roads Lead Back to You Part 12
Hello! Sorry this is late, but I had to take this week super slow because I went and sprained my middle and ring fingers on my left hand tripping and falling into a wall. The hand is mostly better, but it still twinges a bit.
Edie is going through some things, Eddie gets lost, and Steve learns where Harri gets his name.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11
Steve got home and found Edie at the counter munching away at cereal.
“You do know cereal is breakfast food, yes?” he asked as he went to the fridge to pull out the stuff he’d need to make dinner.
“Cereal is a state of mind, Dad,” Edie said, grinning around a mouth full of milk and Frosted Flakes.
“You’re going to spoil your dinner,” Steve said with a glare.
Edie cocked one eyebrow at him and he sighed. “Yeah, all right. So how was school?”
“Algebra is still the bane of human existence,” she murmured. “I just don’t understand it. I can do the geography portion of the syllabus just fine. But when it comes to algebra, I just...” and then blew a raspberry.
Steve grimaced. “I’m sorry, honey. I’ve explained it, Uncle Dusty explained it a different way, and Aunt Robin an even more different way than that and if you’re not getting, I don’t know what to do.”
Edie sighed. “I talked to Mr Olsen and he’s just going to have me take geometry next year instead of forcing me through another year of hell.”
“Are you going to get enough math credits to graduate if you do that?” Steve asked.
Edie sighed. “Probably not, so summer school it is. Yay!” she said waving her hands sarcastically.
“We’ll get you through this,” he promised.
“I know,” she murmured. She looked over at the counter where Steve had put aside enough food for an army. “You skip lunch again?”
He rolled his eyes. “No. Half of this coming with me to the office because Callen, one of the techs’ mom is going through chemo and he forgets to bring lunch.”
Edie looked at the food on the counter and back up at him. “It’s not for you?”
Steve sighed. “No. You’re not going to get hung up on this again are you?”
She shook her head. “I just worry about you, you know.”
He sighed again. “I know you do, but you don’t have to worry about this. You remember what Dr Rushing said, right?”
Edie heaved out a sigh of her own. “I know. It was a one-time thing. It’s never happened before and it hasn’t happened since.”
“Good,” Steve said firmly. “Now help me chop these vegetables.”
She drank down her milk and put her bowl in the sink. She got out a knife and the chopping board and got to work.
“Anything exciting happen at work today?” she asked.
Steve’s spine stiffened and went completely still. “About that, honey. Has your mom tried to get into contact with you recently?”
Edie frowned. “I guess about a month ago. She wanted me to be a bridesmaid at her wedding. But I thought she was trying to trap me again, so I just ignored it, why?”
Steve let out a shuddering breath and told her about his afternoon. “So I’m calling the school and letting them know that she is in town and isn’t allowed anywhere near you, okay?”
“God, I swear that woman is like a bad penny,” Edie muttered. “She just keeps coming back.”
Steve nodded. “Violating the order is bad, and she will get in trouble for it. But she hasn’t tried to physically harm either of us, so I’m not sure what the police can even do.”
Edie nodded back. “I wish she would just go away. Because apparently not even finding another man to scam is enough to get her to forget about us.”
“Nothing warps the mind quite like greed,” Steve agreed. “I’ll talk to a lawyer about what more we can do about her, just to set both of our minds at ease. There must be something more we can do.”
Eddie was lost. He was sure Dustin told him to take the second elevator to sixth floor to meet up for lunch. But now he was starting wonder if Dustin had said the sixth elevator to the fourth floor.
And then he saw his savior in the form of a single glass name plate. He wrenched open the door and went up to the desk.
“Hey, so I was wondering if–” he began.
The woman at the desk cut him off by tapping her sign. Eddie’s eyes followed her finger and went, “Oh.”
He started signing instead. “My sincerest apologies, fair Vanessa! I should have been paying better attention. I was wondering if you could point me in the direction of Dustin Henderson’s office. I am meant to be having lunch with him, but I have sadly lost my way!”
Vanessa giggled and pressed a button on her desk. She signed back. “I could, but I’m pretty sure he’d take you if you wanted.”
Eddie frowned and signed back. “Who?”
She pointed behind him and he turned. There leaning against his now open door, was Steve. He had his arms crossed and was smiling fondly.
Eddie turned back to her and blushed. Vanessa raised an eyebrow.
“This idiot is on the wrong floor,” she signed to Steve. “Can you take him to Dustin? Tell him to stop letting his experiments run around the building unsupervised.”
Steve laughed. “Come on, Eddie. I’ll get you to where you need to go.”
Eddie signed “Asshole” to her before turning around and following Steve. Her laugh echoed down the hall.
“You have a mean receptionist,” he told Steve as the walked down the hall.
Steve grinned. “I know, isn’t she great? I love her.”
Eddie gulped and shoved his hands in his back pocket. “Didn’t know you were the kind to date the secretary, Harrington.”
Steve laughed. “If I tried that, her husband Nick would make sure my next hearing aid exploded.”
The knot that had formed in Eddie’s chest loosened. “I didn’t see a ring when we were signing, so I wondered.”
Steve nodded. “That’s fair. But he can’t wear one doing his work, so she told him that she wasn’t going to wear one either.”
“Is he deaf, too?” Eddie asked. He knew from Dustin that the company liked to hire hard of hearing and deaf individuals.
Steve shook his head. “One of my best interpreters, though. They came as a packaged deal. I can’t live without Vanessa and Dustin trusts Nick implicitly, I do too.”
Eddie smiled. “It seems like you two have made quite the company here.”
“It absolutely was a team effort,” Steve replied. “Dustin could MacGuiver that shit from his mom’s basement, but he couldn’t get people to listen to him about the technologies.”
“Whereas you could smooth talk a snake out of its skin?” he said, ducking his head and looking up at Steve slyly.
Steve laughed. “Something like that. So it worked to both of our strengths.”
He stopped at a door and then opened it. “Hey, Dusty! Look what I found wondering the halls like a lost puppy.”
Dustin’s head shot up. “There you are! Why didn’t you just message me on your phone, dumbass?”
Eddie flushed in embarrassment. “I thought I could figure it out. But this place is huge.”
Steve laughed. “Well Bo-peep, now that I’ve found your sheep, I’ve got to get back to work.” He jerked his thumb behind him. “Also Vanessa says to keep a tighter leash on your experiments.” He winked at Eddie who protested loudly.
“Hey,” Dustin said, glancing at Eddie quickly, “if you wanted you could come with us to lunch.”
Steve paused at the door and looked to Eddie. “If you don’t mind...”
Eddie shook his head. “You are more than welcome, Stevie.”
Steve felt that familiar swoop in his stomach at the old nickname. “Then sure. Where were you guys thinking of going?”
“Sushi!” Dustin said proudly.
Steve rolled his eyes. “I’ll pass thanks.”
Eddie cocked his head to the side. “Not a fan of raw fish, sweetheart?”
Steve’s stomach swooped again and he really needed Eddie to stop with the nicknames and endearments otherwise Steve wasn’t going to have much of a stomach left after a single lunch the way his stomach kept hollowing out.
Steve shrugged. “I’ve tried all kinds, including the cooked kind and it’s just not my thing. You two have fun though.”
Eddie may have panicked a bit because he blurted. “We could change the restaurant.”
Steve smiled sweetly. “I wouldn’t want to ruin your fun. I’ll just pick something more my flavor on Monday.” He waved goodbye and they waved back.
As the door was closing Steve could hear Dustin ask Eddie, “What happens on Monday?”
Steve was in his office when there was a knock on his door. He had taken out his contacts and pulled out his glasses, the beginning of a migraine floating just beyond the horizon.
He had been chugging water and had long since downed pain killers to stave it off. But he could still feel the pressure building behind his eyes.
When the knock came he looked up to see Eddie standing at the door with a take away box and smile.
“I come bearing gifts of the apology variety,” he said holding up the bag.
Steve’s shoulders sagged. “You didn’t have to do that. I would have grabbed a candy bar or something later.”
Eddie grinned. “It was Dustin’s idea, I am merely the messenger.”
“Why is everyone fussing about my eating?” Steve sighed.
“He said you tend to overwork and forget to eat.” Eddie raised an eyebrow.
Steve shoulders slumped. “He’s right. Sorry. It’s just that Edie’s been going on about my eating habits lately and it’s set me on edge.”
Eddie walked into the room and set his prize down on the table, sliding it over to him. “They got a reason to worry?”
Steve pulled the styrofoam box out of the bag and hummed happily when the scent of sesame chicken hit his nose. He pulled out the chop sticks and dug in, suddenly ravenous.
After a moment or two of stuffing his face, he shook his head. “Not really. Which is why it’s weird, it’s come out of nowhere.”
“You been eating less lately?” Eddie asked, leaning forward on the desk, having pulled up a chair up close.
Steve cocked his head as he thought about it. “I mean not really. Like yeah, sometimes I’ll work through lunch, but I always make sure to grab something later. It’s not disordered eating or whatever they’re calling it these days.”
Eddie nodded. “Anything that’s happened recently that maybe put her on edge and had her latch on to your eating habits?”
Steve scoffed around a bite of chicken. “You mean other than this really great guy I used to be friends with suddenly coming back into my life via his seventeen year old rockstar in the making?”
Eddie grinned. “Other than that, yeah.”
Again Steve gave his question the weight it deserved before shaking his head. “Nothing I can think of.”
Eddie threw himself back against the chair with a heavy sigh. “You got me then man. I don’t know.”
Steve smiled. “At least you tried.”
“Speaking of my rockstar in training, how’s your rockstar in training?” Eddie asked.
“Other than the fixating on my eating?” Steve asked. “She’s fine. Her mom tried to fuck with us again. Sent her packing via cops and lawyers. Hopefully she’ll stay away this time.”
Eddie winced. “Look, I love the name Edie. It’s beautiful, but who the hell names their daughter Edith anymore?”
Steve huffed out a laugh. “I know, right? I fought hard for Lilian. Or even just Lily. But no...it had to be Edith. I think it was a family name or some such bullshit.”
Eddie rolled his eyes. “God, I think that honestly makes it worse.”
“Hence Edie,” Steve agreed. “So how did you and your husband come up with Harri. Edie said it’s spelled uniquely. With an ‘I’ instead of a ‘Y’?”
Eddie huffed and rolled his eyes. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”
Steve tilted his head to the side. “I think Dusty or Nancy said it was after some prince or something.”
Eddie shook his head and ran his tongue over his teeth. “Yeah no. That’s official story. Prince Harry was born to the Prince and Princess of Wales two full years before Harri was even conceived. And when people started guessing that with Jay being English, we just didn’t bother to correct them.”
He grabbed the plaque that had Steve’s name on it and turned it around, covering the last five letters of his last name. It now read STEVEN HARRI.
It took Steve a moment before his eyes went wide. “And Jay was okay with that?”
Eddie shrugged. “It wasn’t Steven or Stephen with a ‘PH’. And I didn’t know your middle name.”
“Why what?” Eddie asked. “Why is my son named after a guy who’s name I’ve never spoken aloud in twenty years?”
Steve pursed his lips together and then licked them. “Yeah, man. That.”
“Jay wanted to name him after the man that save my life,” Eddie said softly. “But I was still mad at you about missing Brian’s funeral. Which I now know was because you thought Edie was being born, even if she waited a whole other week to finally make it.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “I couldn’t make something up. Not with it in newspapers who the Hawkins hero was. So we used Harri.”
Steve finished his food and threw it away. He wiped off his hands. “Anyone ever guess the real meaning behind the name?”
Eddie shook his head. “Maybe Jeff. But no, everyone else thinks we were British snobs.”
“Well, I’m honored,” Steve said. “Not just because you think I’m a hero, but because Harri’s a good kid. I’m guessing he doesn’t know.”
Eddie shook his head. “I’ve got a letter from Jay that he’s going to get on his twenty-first birthday that will explain it. The surrogacy, his birth, his name. All of it. I wanted to tell Harri sooner, but Jay made me promise.”
Steve nodded. “He’ll probably still be angry. But at least a twenty-one, hopefully he’ll be be mature enough to understand why.”
Eddie slapped the desk with his palm. “That’s the hope.” He looked at his watch. “I’ve got to go. Harri’s got a dentist appointment. See you on Monday?”
Steve grinned. “Yeah. See you on Monday.”
Part 13 Part 14  Part 15  Part 16 Part 17  Part 18  Epilogue
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk @trashpocket @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @plyerice27 @mightbeasleep @thedragonsaunt @chaoticlovingdreamer @trashpocket @sapphirecobalt-1 @a-little-unsteddie @i-must-potato @danili666  @carlyv @rozzieroos  @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken @steddie-as-they-go @lillemilly @callas-shitshow @bisexualdisastersworld @renaissan-vvitch @immortal-iratze @bookbinderbitch @cardigangoth @lilacrobin @nightmareglitter @nerdsconquerall
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