#we'll see hahah
meimi-haneoka · 1 year
Who is ypur favorite character ?
I don't have one, I have FOUR favorite characters!
I can't really choose any of them in particular, but I think anyone who follows this blog knows that my absolute favorites are Sakura, Akiho, Syaoran and Kaito.
Lately my attention is focusing more on Akiho and Kaito but that's because their story is in development and didn't get closure yet, so I'm all interested in finding out more about them and see the closure they deserve.
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cheemken · 1 year
You bamboozled me. I fr thought Iris killed the Shadow Triad in the beginning. But then they show up to protect Iris from Ghetsis, and end up killing the their old employer
Iris must be a GREAT actress if she’s able to keep her cover during League meetings. Telling lies about where she was and why she couldn’t help during Kyurems rampage. Giving speeches to the public, reassuring them that whatever Team Plasma is planning the Unova League will be there to protect the people and stop Ghetsis from continuing this war
I imagine that a small group of people will eventually start questioning why Champion Iris is never there when Team Plasma is terrorizing a city/town. And that isn’t good, can’t have people getting suspicious. So to make up for her disappearances she gets someone she trusts, maybe the Shadow Triad or one of the sages, to command Kyurem in battle. Where she will go and help the people living in the city/town, playing her role as Champion. Even commanding her Pokémon to hit Kyurem with (weak) attacks in an attempt to get it to retreat
Also I’m not exactly sure, but do the public and Unova League know that Iris is Kyurems trainer? Or is it different in this AU? Like Hilda and Hilbert are known as the Hero’s of Truth and Ideals, but people don’t know that Iris is the Hero of Fate?
Omf cjxmdn hahaha low-key proud of that now since it got you hahah
Anyways uvu
Oh yeah def tho, idk if she and the other Champions are already well acquainted or smth, cause again I imagine Iris being a lil older in this like at least in her early twenties, so at that point maybe she and the Champions are a bit close, and ofc Diantha taught her how to play her parts well
When the people were acting all suspicious why she wasn't around, she'd tell them she was at Champion summits. Ofc, maybe Plasma became smart enough to attack while she's not around, knowing that she and her friends could easily stop them. But it's the timing yknow, when Iris was so fucking sure Hilbert and Hilda aren't around, that's when she'd strike too, when they're at their lowest, or when they're far away from where she is that the moment they'd get to Plasma, they'd be gone. It'd always slip within the twin heroes' grasps.
But yeah what you said, Iris probs trusted the Shadow Triad in handling Kyurem while she tries to "attack" them, so her image won't be that ruined to the public even more, and ofc the Shadow Triad understands that, and were more than happy that Iris trusts them that much. And true to their words, to their pledge to her, never in their mind have the thought of betraying her ever came up. They know how much of a threat she is even without Kyurem, and even going against Kyurem she'd always find a way to get the Boundary Pokémon on her side again.
As for the Hero of Fate thing, no I wanna say that the public doesn't know about Iris being a Hero. In the eyes of the Unovan people, there has always been, and always will be, two heroes. The thought of a third one was laughable. There were only two brothers. Two dragons. Only Truths and Ideals. Kyurem was the absence of those qualities, he is the absence of truths, and the absence of ideals; he is simply a shadow of those brothers, of those dragons, an empty husk, only known as a piece of Zekrom and Reshiram, not its own Pokémon. Yet they fail to see how it's him who holds the fate of those dragons. The Splicers, if he could get someone to use the Splicers, he would become one with Zekrom or Reshiram. Or maybe even both, becoming the Original Dragon once more. And once they fuse, they would submit to his commands, letting himself regain control again.
He never had a Hero for him, there was no third brother, but times had change, he knows he can find a worthy candidate for himself too. So he waited within the Giant Chasm, knowing one day someone worthy will be able to tame him and to use his powers, and once that day arrives, then they shall be the Hero who embodies fate; the one who will be the judge of peoples' lives, their word shall be spoken onto the heavens, and it will be set in stone, sealing their fate.
And she arrived.
Determined crimson eyes, flaring such a way it reminded him of Zekrom. Speaking her truth, telling him what's within her heart, what it desires, it reminded him of Reshiram. She wishes to challenge him, to prove how she is the perfect trainer for him, for she knows how to tap into the potential of Dragon Pokémon, and that piqued his interest. He stood fully now, looking down onto the determined trainer before him, calling out her first Pokémon. There was a grin on her face, and it gave him this sense of thrill.
He finally found the Hero of Fate.
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sandushengshou · 1 year
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happy birthday, @yibo-wang! please enjoy barbie from your shows <3
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emoreooo · 10 months
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right person, right place, not enough time
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novartwoast · 1 year
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wanted to draw pretty
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deiaiko · 2 months
#21.3 Thoughts
"What's on your mind?" Isu asked, already lying down on his futon which was placed right next to his. Laure was already fast asleep on Isu's other side.
Hatz crouched down and pulled on his blanket. His thoughts kept going back to whatever happened just a moment ago as he stared at the ceiling. "How high do you think I can climb the tower?"
Isu hummed, the answer came easy. "Definitely higher than me."
Hatz looked at him, frowning. "I will take you along."
Shibisu's smile didn't reach his eyes, and he was not looking at Hatz.
"I just…" Hatz started again to fill the silence, "I realized how weak and helpless I am, in the face of true power."
Shibisu only hummed, and Hatz came to a realization. He knew very well that Isu wasn't gifted with power, yet he always did his best to keep up with their team that consisted of mostly gifted individuals. Though Hatz wouldn't call himself one, since he came from a more humble background.
"I think I understand you better now." Hatz said, with a newfound fondness of his friend. "It's frustrating, isn't it?"
"You're being sentimental." Isu chuckled, but he didn't deny it.
Hatz also didn't deny the claim. He might be just missing the life he left behind, where everything was simple, where he was praised for some achievements. But he also wouldn't exchange it for what he had today. His team, his family. It was just the thought that everything that he had could be taken away in just an instant, while he was powerless to stop it.
"You're rarely like this." Isu asked, now with a little concern. "What happened?"
Hatz debated on how to tell him. "We met a ranker, along with Agni and Grace, earlier."
"Oh?" Isu shifted to lie sideways, smirking at him with intrigue. "You met Grace? How did it go?"
It seemed that Isu was still under the assumption that Hatz had a crush on Grace, which he definitely did not. Not when Grace asked him to teach him how to wield a sword, and not when Grace picked his side when he debated with Earrings about swordsmanship's principles. Grace had wanted to know him better, and it was natural that Hatz had grown to like him more than the others. It was all just a mutual feeling, nothing extending to romance. Though he had to admit that he wanted to impress Grace and earn his attention, because no one else bothered to actually see the art of swordsmanship he was so proud of and trained hard with. Still, he had no intention to take him away from Agni. It was against his principle of loyalty. Even if, admittedly, he was a little bitter about it when he found out that Agni looked and acted a lot like Khun.
"You're frowning~" Isu taunted. "Could it be…jealousy~?"
"It's not like that." Hatz cleared his throat, as well as whatever he was feeling. "What I saw earlier made me realize that they're living in a different world than ours."
"Are you referring to their power? Since you're talking about it earlier." Isu's expression turned serious once again. "I mean…Agni is surely strong. We have all seen that first hand."
"He does, but– what I experienced earlier, was something I could get out of by luck."
"What are you talking about?"
"I don't know how to tell you exactly, but it felt like I had witnessed a fight between high rankers."
"On this floor?? In the regular area??"
"There was a shinsu barrier, so the fight was unseen from outside. I didn't notice anything amiss until I accidentally went through the barrier, and Agni caught me as soon as I entered."
"A barrier that could contain a high rankers' fight, yet easy for regulars to get through…" Isu mumbled. "Are they perhaps…sparring?"
"I think you might be right." Because Hatz was said to be unconscious for only a few minutes, and everything seemed to be over by then. "Rak clarified that Grace had partaken in that fight."
"Huh. Grace did?"
"He was beaten up and unconscious. Where else would he get those injuries?"
"Is he okay?"
"Agni had tended to him, and I can say that Agni is a capable healer. Grace should be fine, he was sleeping when we were forced to leave."
"There was a high ranker, I think. His presence was so strong that even Rak was quiet. Though he seemed to be fond of Grace and Agni. But it looked like Agni was a little afraid of him, so he sent us back."
"If that's true, then there is a good chance that the guy is related to FUG." Shibisu groaned and rolled back, covering his face. "Shit, what did we get ourselves into…"
"No, no. It's not your fault." Isu flailed his hands to try and make his point, before sighing and laying his hands back down. "Just…I'm glad you made it back, Hatz."
Let me know your thoughts in the reblogs <3
☕ Buy me coffee ☕
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gonna treat this site more like a blog and give updates on my writings because i noticed that if i get so much as one 'this sounds interesting' or 'cant wait to read' my brain short-circuits and spits out words in an hour that wouldve taken me a week to write otherwise
and with that, welcome to my wip rants :)
because i havent come up with better titles they are called The Ring (second coming fic) and Only Human (Crowley has lost his memories fic) lol and the former is mostly done, it only needs some editing but im saving that till after my exams because i know it's gonna be time-consuming. The latter however is still in full plotting mode and today i outlined all of chapter 8 (except for the flashbacks lol im ignoring the flashbacks) which i think is very nice :)
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integrityvictim · 2 months
hi sorry if this is random but can you use your stuff as reaction images or nah
yeah sure go for it. 👍
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organised-disaster · 2 months
I just bought the whole pack for Outer Wilds because it was on sale and I'm already having so much FUN!!! I've experienced hilarious situations such as:
Anti-gravity cave! Yay! Down I go and off to the spot that requires repairs! Matching velocity and wait stop why is it moving away come back why am I spinning dear God no eeeesaaauuuuggggggGGGHHHH
To the geysers! And in I g- [blrbrlrbrlebrlblrlggh] oh yaya! A crystal like in the observatory! And it's got its own signal! Quantum displacement? What happens if i- [is subjected to the nightmare chorus] oh
And now we leave planet! Oh a roll function? What does that do? Let's find ou- [timeskip ten seconds, screaming as I spiral out of control into the gravitational pull of the sun]
Oho the universe locator!!! And there is Giant's Deep and the Sun and NOT the eye of the universe teehee and eugh [said with utter contempt] dark bramble
WHERE ARE YOU MYSTERY WHISTLE MAN. I WILL LOCATE YOU BY GETTING UP HIGH ENOUGH AND [exits Atterlock's orbit] oh no. guck. oh heaven help me. please no
I've accidentally locked onto the Interloper instead of Brittle Hollow, guess I'm heading there. [there] Wow this place is Barren™️. Guess I'll hop off now and - [narrowly avoids plummeting into Dark Bramble] WHAT THE HELL INTERLOPER. I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS. WHY NOT DROP ME OFF SOMEWHERE AWESOME LIKE GIANT'S DEEP.
WJERE DID MY SJHIP GO [parked on the Ember Twin]
Distress beacon? What? Oh no, I need to find the source of it before - [the music]
[stares directly at a supernova while accelerating towards Timber Hearth with the intention of cooking a marshmallow and watching the solar system end from there]
Round two hjahaja! Destination one: Brittle Hollow! Now I just need to not plummet directly into the Black Hole That Sends You To The End Of The Known Universe©️ and I'll be good to start exploring! [ship smashes into the surface at 600km/h] nevertheless I am unharmed!
And now I will carefully descend so as not to fall into the Black Hole That Sends You To The End Of The Known Universe©️ and I can be on my merry [smashes into an overhang at Mach 2, corpse falls into the Black Hole That Sends You To The End Of The Known Universe©️]
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izacore · 2 years
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cheemken · 1 year
Changing my hcs for Geeta bc I'm quirky like that*
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karangarin · 1 year
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I trudge to the door, eyes half-lidded, and the pain erupts across the interconnected web of my nervous system, catching from one limb to the next, scorching every cell, every multinuclear striated fibre. Choking back a sob, I pull the door open, swaying.
“Were you trying to break my fucking door?” I slur and look up to where Peter’s eyes should be. 
But my bleary gaze is met by someone’s rain-soaked shirt instead, the planes of his chest visible through the flimsy material. I raise my eyes to meet those of the stranger on my doorstep. 
Autumn-kissed skin; a face purely composed of hard lines, sharp edges; a glinting, golden earring; irises so black they’re chasmic. 
And snow-white hair.
“Nowhere to run now, little hidepi,” he says, and grins like a man lost at sea would at the sight of a seagull that’s glided too close to the water’s surface.
And after opening my door to a drenched man twice my size who I’ve only ever seen in my dreams, I promptly pass out.
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minhyukie · 1 year
i feel like im doing okay with the thought that we won't have minhyuk for a year and a half UNTIL i remember that means there could be ~75 episodes of monmukgo without him... then i feel insane
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bewilderingbog · 4 months
i know that it is truly not that deep™
but like the people who hate mario as a character get on my nerves so much like. you either are.. not into mario games and just hating him based on whatever pre-conceived notions you have of him or you do play mario games and you still have no idea what the main character is like as a person.
especially if it's like BIG time luigi fan who hates mario with a passion like. luigi would not like you!!!!!! luigi loves his bro and his bro loves him!!! get over it!!!
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pynkhues · 6 months
have you watched the artful dodger?
I haven't yet! It's on my list though :-)
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baekdaedream · 6 months
WayV comeback and concert soon! 🤗
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