#we'll see if they bring it up to me (will need to specify something for them) and if not. i wont be asking for it! so kfhkjdfhkdfjh
ilostyou · 5 months
one weird thing about me is that im AWFUL with gifts. like gifts for me from other people
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harunayuuka2060 · 5 months
Vil: Did you manage to resolve the issue?
MC: Yes. It was a bit difficult at first, but the client listened in the end. 
Vil: …
Vil: You shouldn't have disclosed that you used to work as a concierge. 
Vil: Now everyone is bothering you. 
MC: *smiles* That's better than doing nothing. 
MC: I'm not here for relaxation anyway. 
Vil: …
Vil: Anyway, I received news from Dad. A director, who is a friend of his, needs a stand in. 
Vil: And he wants to hire you for this.  
MC: Huh? 
Vil: What do you think?
MC: …
MC: Is physical appearance a requirement? 
Vil: He didn't specify. Although he might need you for doing action stunts. 
MC: …
MC: Alright. 
Vil: Hm. Great. We'll be meeting him this afternoon to discuss it. 
MC: Okay. 
The casting director: *after seeing MC for the first time* Oh my seven… 
MC: …
The casting director: Their face, their eyes, their built… *turns to look at Vil’s dad* Oh, Eric! Where did you find such a fine specimen?!
Eric: *chuckles* They're a friend of Vil. 
The casting director: *turns to MC again* Do you have any experience in acting?
MC: …
MC: Yes. But it was a long time ago. 
The casting director: Oh? How come I've never seen you in any movie? 
Vil: They usually played as a double at that time, especially for action scenes.
The casting director: A double? With this gorgeous face? 
Eric, MC, and Vil: …
The casting director: Oh sweetheart, you are straight out of a fairy tale! 
MC: Um…
The casting director: Everyone! We found our protagonist! 
The staff: *cheers* 
MC: …
MC: *smiles* We might've some misunderstanding—
The casting director: Thank you so much, Eric, for bringing me this one! 
Eric: *chuckles* You're welcome. 
Vil: …
Vil: Dad. 
Eric: Er, I didn't know she was looking for someone to be a protagonist. 
Vil: …
Vil: *has managed to convince the casting director to do a screen test first before deciding on MC* 
The casting director: MC, don't be nervous. Okay?
MC: *nods*
The actress: Good luck. *smiles kindly at them* 
MC: *smiles back* Thank you. 
The casting director: Okay! Let's roll the camera! 
Vil: …
The casting director: Action! 
MC: *looks at the actress with a gentle gaze* *then subtly smiles* 
Vil: …
The actress: …
The actress: *ends up blushing* 
The casting director: Cut! Cut! That is perfect! 
Vil: …
The actress: I-I’m sorry. 
MC: *feeling slightly embarrassed* It’s alright.
Vil: …
Vil: Looks like you'll be doing separate work now. 
MC: Yes. But I won't still be neglecting my duties here. 
Vil: …
Vil: Have you told the news to Che’nya?
MC: Yes. *smiles* He was really happy about it. 
Vil: …
Vil: I haven't congratulated you yet. Let's have a toast?
MC: It's already late and you have an appointment tomorrow. 
Vil: You're right. 
Vil: Let's do it tomorrow then. 
MC: *smiles*
MC: Why are you still awake, Che’nya?
Che’nya: I wasn't able to call you all day, nya~. 
MC: Yeah, I'm sorry. Something unexpected happened. 
Che’nya: That you got scouted for a movie and received the protagonist role?
MC: …
MC: How did you know?
Che’nya: Nyaha~ The actress you practiced with is Neige’s co-star before! 
MC: I see. 
Che’nya: Congratulations nya~. 
MC: *smiles* Thank you. 
Che’nya: When will the taping start?
MC: In the next couple of weeks. 
Che’nya: Hmm… Does that mean you have to stay there longer?
MC: Hm. Yes. 
Che’nya: …
Che’nya: Nya love~ 
MC: Hm?
Che’nya: I miss you nya~! 
MC: *chuckles* I miss you too. 
Che’nya: *squeals* So sweet~! Bye-bye~! *ends the call* 
MC: *smiles* 
Neige: How did it go?
Che’nya: Nya love has no idea we're here! 
*Both of them has arrived to the airport* 
Neige: Oh Che’nya, I told you to inform MC. 
Che’nya: Nope! I'm surprising my spouse! :3
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myadmiringmind · 8 months
Sunrise | Hiccup Haddock
Hiccup Haddock Masterlist
Word Count: 1.3k
Genre: Domestic-ish fluff
Pairing(s): Hiccup Haddock x Fem!Reader
Summary: An early morning ride turns into a race between you and Hiccup.
Warnings: Heights
Reader is a dragon rider
Readers dragon is never specified
Take place on Dragons Edge
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Hiccup makes handling dragons look easy.
It’s not.
It seems that Dragon Hunters have a never ending schedule of making your life difficult.
All you wanted to do was sit outside your hut (that you spent far too much time trying to decide where to place) and enjoy the beautiful view with your dragon, your boyfriend, or your friends.
Easier said than done.
When your boyfriend is Hiccup Haddock who has devoted most of his life to protecting dragons, free time doesn’t come often.
Hiccups values are part of the reason you fell so hard for him, but sometimes it seems to take from your relationship.
Laying in your bed thinking all of this over in your head is not a great start to your morning.
So, you climb out of your bed and throw on some clothes.
You whistle as a sort of wake up call to your dragon who is sleeping soundly.
Your dragon groans and moans barely opening one eye to look at you. This was their way of saying, “Do you know what time it is?”
You scoff under your breath completely aware they could still hear it, "Don't worry, I haven't lost track of the time. Let's go for a ride, just you and me." You move to get their saddle as they move around loudly in protest.
"Weren't you the one who wanted to start doing this?" You bring up the time Hiccup mentioned that he and Toothless go for early morning rides often and your dragon looked at you as if to say, "We should do that!"
Your dragon lets out a regretful moan in response.
You throw the heavy saddle over their back with little difficulty.
"Come on, if you really don't like it, we'll end it early."
Your dragons behavior has done a full one-eighty. How the dragon you're riding on now and the one you argued with this morning were the same creature baffles you.
"Are you enjoying yourself?" You tease, watching your dragon close their eyes at the feeling of the wind hitting their face.
They snort and suddenly drop a few feet in the air.
A shriek makes it's way out of your mouth and it takes you a few moments to realize that you aren't falling anymore.
"Not funny." You ground your teeth a little.
All your dragon does is laugh in response.
Just when you got over the shock in your body does a familiar voice startle you.
“Good morning, milady!”
Turning your head to peer over your shoulder, you make eye contact with the voice, returning his wide grin with your own.
“Good morning!” You laugh, only needing to wait a minute more before Hiccup and Toothless were right beside you.
Your own dragon and Toothless exchange greetings as you and Hiccup chat.
“Didn’t expect to see you out so early. Something on your mind?” Hiccup questions
You shake your head, grin never faltering, “Just wanted some fresh air, before everyone wakes up. But it seems someone is up.”
Hiccup chuckles, “Oh, you know, just out looking for some adventure. Right, bud?” Toothless grumbles in agreement.
“Adventure, you say? Well, do share with the group.” Your tone is playful.
Hiccup waves his hand in dismissal, “Unfortunately, me and Toothless have seen quite enough adventure for one day. But, I wouldn’t be opposed to sharing our stories to you, milady.”
“You’re all out of adventure for the day? Don’t say that, Snotlouts not even up yet.”
Hiccup's laugh echos around you.
"So this is where you run off to hm?" You tease sitting down on what you previously believed to be a watch tower. Now realizing it was Hiccup's camouflaged hideout.
Hiccup scoffs playfully, "I don't run off anywhere."
"You're right, you fly." You add
Both Hiccup and your dragon roll their eyes but Toothless lets out a snort of amusement.
"At this point he barely walks himself anywhere, isn't that right?" You look over at Toothless, who happily humors you.
"All right, all right. I guess I won't take you on any morning rides anymore bud." Hiccup voices looking a little smug.
Toothless no longer looks amused.
"Nothing to say Toothless?" Hiccup pokes, earning a glare from the Nightfury.
"Don't worry, Toothless. If he doesn't take you on any morning flights, I will." You whisper loud enough for the other two to hear you, earning a protest from both.
Toothless lets out a laugh and hops around in satisfaction.
Your dragon makes loud noises of detestment and even goes as far as glaring at Toothless.
"What?" You address the cranky dragon, "Do you know how hard it was to get you out of the hut this morning? I'm sure Toothless wouldn't make it so hard for me?" You tease
"Now wait a minute, who said you could steal my dragon?" Hiccup says
"Your dragon." You reply and hear Toothless agree behind you.
Hiccup's mouth opens but no words come out.
You were too busy soaking in the satisfaction you felt from Hiccup's response that you didn't notice your dragon make its way over to you until they knocked you over with their head.
"Hey!" You shriek as your dragon "attacks" you.
You can hear Hiccups laugh in the background and Toothless' sound of surprise.
"Okay, okay! I'm sorry, I was just teasing!" Finally they let up looking satisfied with themselves.
"Like rider, like dragon." Hiccup comments
You scoff, "Says you."
Hiccup leans back against a rock, "Says me." He agrees.
You lean back against your dragon and shake your head.
After a few moments of comfortable silence you reopen the conversation, "Any news from Johann?"
Hiccup sighs, "No. I know he's scouting almost as much as us but it's as if they've gone completely underground."
"Maybe they finally feel defeated. With the more people we meet and become friends with, the more unpopular the dragon hunters get." You add
"Maybe. Or they're planning their next ambush on a new dragon. I feel uneasy with how quiet they've been." Hiccup confides
"We'll keep looking Hiccup. Once we find them we'll stop whatever they're doing, just like we've done before."
Hiccup nods in agreement.
You find a way to bring up your next sentence, "While the dragon hunters are quiet maybe.. we could spend some time to enjoy it." At Hiccup's confused face, you continue, "It's been a long time since we've hung out together, just the two of us."
"We're hanging out together right now?" Hiccup says.
"I know. But just the two of us." You repeat
"Oh. Oh." Hiccup understands
"I know everything has been chaotic, I was just wondering since we seem to finally have some downtime. It'd be beneficial spending it doing something other than talking about the dragon hunters." You explain
"No, you're right. It has been a while since we've hung out, just the two of us. What were you thinking?" Hiccup asks
"I don't know, I wasn't even sure if you wanted to so I didn't really think about what." You say
"You think I wouldn't want to hang out with you? Of course I'd want to hang out with just the two of us, I enjoy your company more than anyone else." Hiccup says
You smile genuinely, "I've been wanting to go down on the beach and examine the shells, see if I could find any fossils or something. How about that?"
Hiccup grins, "Yeah, that sounds really fun."
Your smile grows and you stand up feeling high on adrenaline, "Come on. The others we'll be up soon and we don't want them setting the edge on fire before breakfast again." You offer your hand to Hiccup.
"No we don't." Hiccup takes your hand, "Thank you milady."
"So..race you back to the edge!" You hop on your dragons back.
"Wha-Hey! Wait a minute!" Hiccup calls after you hopping on Toothless' back, "That's not fair!"
edited on 05/13/2024
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bun-z-bakery · 5 months
(Repost from my abandoned account) these are just my personal head canons for dogday. this is a survivor au
(All characters are over 18 btw)
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-dogday sometimes has dog like tendencies, like growling, barking etc.
-he doesn't remember a lot about his life as a worker but will share stories he remembers of his human life once you two become close.
-man is like a love sick puppy. First you save him? Give him legs? AND a home?! And his friends are here too?! You really are his angel.
-he's very protective of his angel. He can't have anyone take them away or even hurt them. Plus all those years locked away, he can't loose you, you're his hope.
-this man will most certainly plan his confession, script and all. Maybe you're away at work and this is something he's been working on for a while. He's always bringing you little gifts on his hunting trips (depending on if you like to collect rocks and such) but this dude went out of his way to find the best of the best. Even somehow found flowers beautiful enough to almost rival your beauty, keyword: almost.
-he enjoys spending time with you, poppy and kissy, he enjoys playing outside with you three, even if you guys have been out of the factory for years already. They still enjoy the outside world.
-I know bro is huge, like dude is taller than an American door way (according to some measurements fans have made, hes 9'5) if you're a shorty (like me 5 feet even😭) he will most definitely pick you up and carry you like a dogtoy. He likes the feeling of carrying his angel, it gives him a sense of pride doing so. Even if you accidentally hit the ceiling or he needs to really get down so you don't hit the top of the doorframe, he will always apologize or joke about it.
-he's a cuddler, he LOVES cuddling! He has his own giant dog bed in your shared room, but he prefers to sleep on your shared bed. If you're away from work and he's eepy, he'll pass out on your bed because it smells like you. Your scent keeps him at bay until you come home. Poor guy will shoot up and push anyone out of his way to be the first to get to you! He sits there on the floor waiting for his mandatory headpats and kisses as soon as he hears your keys.
-it takes his brain a few minutes to properly turn on. After all those years he finally gets proper sleep, I can imagine you waking up first and getting ready for the day to prepare breakfast for the group and you poke him, trying to wake him. He'll mumble some random stuff about not letting rats do taxes then fall back asleep only to be woken again by your pokes still talking nonsense. I can also see him sometimes waking up confused, you know like when you wake up your parents and they're mad for no reason asking what's wrong while gasping for air? (Just me?) I can see him being THAT dead asleep bhahsha
-my take on the survivor au is more of a modern take (as in yes the factory closed years also but reader is possibly in early to late 20s sometime in 20xx / non specified year) so they weren't an employee but probably knew someone like a family member who worked there or was dared to enter the factory (we'll see if I ever post my fanfic haha as these hcs kinda tie into that story) so dogday being alive in the 80s or 90s he probably has like the old school idea of love and attempts to swoon you as such. The flowers, cheesy pick up lines.
-I can imagine because he's not up to date with the newer terms and he might be confused while trying to seem cool haha. "Angel what does rizzler mean?" (Poor peepaw)
- Personally I love the theory that DogDay is an ex worker aka Rich. Which is probably why he was the leader of the smiling critters. Because he was mature enough to make sure everyone was in line/well behaved, I also think some other workers were turned into the mascots too (obviously) but maybe they trusted Rich more so they just threw him into the dance circle and hope that he'd be a good leader.
- this one ties into the first one btw! I like the think that maybe he was one of the mascots when he worked there. Like a guy in the costume who worked with the kids (hence the zipper, how else would the workers get into the bigger body suits?)
- I like to think DogDay likes when Angel calls him by his old human name. Maybe once he opens up more about his human life (or at least bringing up some of the memories he still has) he just randomly brings up his name when talking about a memory and hearing Angel repeat his name back, he'd probably like hearing it. It might make him feel like less of a monster in a sense. Granted I think he wouldn't care about what Angel calls him but he would most definitely prefer for them to alternate. Like you know when someone makes you mad and you use their real name instead of their nickname? He'd hate for his Angel to get mad, especially at him. But when living with 3 other people it can get a bit hectic.
"DogDay! Did you bring mud into the house?!"
"N-No!... "
*footsteps are heard and DogDay bolts out the door*
- Now this head canon I have can go either one of two ways, right? Hear me out. Listen up, listen carefully, and listen closely. (Lmk if you got that reference) ok so back to the zipper! I think the zipper just opens to his organs tbh like the zipper was just left functional in case he needed to be "repaired internally". BUT another thought, I also can see there being some sort of barrier! You know those stuff animals who have their stuffing blocked by a barrier so it doesn't fall out but the zipper opens to a compartment where you can store items? I kinda think that's whats there tbh, I mean it makes sense. What if one of the kids opened the zipper by mistake? Surely there would be a barrier just in case.
- as I mentioned in the last hc post, I can see him trying to swoon Angel in the old romantic type of way. I can see him pinning after Angel hard, at first they wouldn't get the hint, they'd probably think he's thinks he's indebted to them for rescuing them and giving the 3 of them a better and new life. But quickly they realize bro is in love. Of course poppy teases him about it too at some point lol. He doesn't really try to hide it either. I can see poppy and kissy thinking it's sweet and first then they get annoyed once you're the only thing he talk about lol.
- You're married. That's all! No but I can see in his mind you two are basically married. He'd probably want to have new custom star collars made for both of you or maybe even a ring for you and a matching collar or something for him to wear and propose. Of course it will bother him a bit because he can't go out with you, take you on dates or show you off but he trusts you (even though he gets jealous when you smell like someone else) he basically tries his best with what you guys have (If only there was a holiday that came once a year where you guys could go out dressed in customs without looking like freaks).
- He looks like the type of guy who would love pasta. I'm not sure why or how this even came into mind but I just feel like that's what he often wants for dinner. Poppy would probably eat fruit for dinner, kissy isn't really picky, but Dogday would probably be asking for either pasta or meat. Also I think Angel would be hesitant to feed certain foods to Dogday because you know, he's a dog (not really but hear me out) but because he acts like one at times I could see Angel being like haha nope you can't eat this!
*Angel eating chocolate cookies*
"May I have some?" *cutely pouts*
"I don't want you dying, love."
"You know I'm not actually a dog...right?"
ok ok you got me there" (they just really didn't wanna share lol)
- tbh this is more of a general head canon for the toys but I seeing as they had to resort to c*nnibalism. They clearly need food and water to survive. I think catcap was probably keep Dogday alive as a "lol now look at you now, look at me" (yes that's a BP reference) moment but only feeds him when he felt like it, since food is basically scarce in that place. I think that their human organs were transferred over but little things like veins, teeth, tongue, blood vessels basically anything that's not a major organ was made artificially and connected in a sense to those major organs making them function as such.
Yeah that's kinda it lol, there might be some more parts to this if I can think of anything else! But yeahhh that's kinda my hc and rambles lol (I tend to ramble a lot especially when I have to give context, I apologize!)
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meangirls-imagines · 6 months
Can I have a Janis 'Imi'ike x femme reader imagine where they’re friends and reader finds Janis’ sketchbook which is full of sketches of reader?
Life Imitates Art
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WARNINGS: none, just fluff. janis being a gay mess.
Janis Imi'ike and Y/N Y/L/N have been best friends since they were in diapers.
Their parents were best friends in college and stuck together for years. So it was like they were destined to be together.
Y/N was there for Janis through everything, but they got even closer after the Regina incident. Janis had gone to Y/N's house crying after what happened and the two, along with Damian, spent the rest of that night watching the girl's favorite movies.
Janis fell in love with Y/N that night.
Years and years of denying their feelings brings them to senior year, aka "post-bitchy regina".
Everyone was friends so it was a lot easier to go through their last year together. Instantly, (without Janis and Y/N's knowledge), everyone decided that senior year was going to be "Project Get Y/N and Janis Together".
Regina, Janis, and Y/N all had homeroom together and Regina began texting in the group chat.
(Former) Queen Bitch👑: guys. they are staring at each other. the tension is suffocating.
Detective Gretchen🕵️‍♀️: OMG! That is ADORABLE!
Sexy Maus🐭: thats so qute
Nerd: awwww. guys, maybe we don't need a plan. let's let them work through it.
Beyonce: uh. have you met janis? that girl doesn't know how to act around y/n. we need to intervene. and there's only one way.
(Former) Queen Bitch👑: damian. no. not that.
Nerd: what is going on?
Beyonce: this is classified information. no one can tell janis or y/n this. karen? got it?
Sexy Maus🐭: what?
Detective Gretchen🕵️‍♀️: I got it. Now what is it?
Beyonce: Janis's sketchbook. It's got tons of beautiful drawings of Y/N in it. Regina and I stumbled upon it accidentally a couple of weeks ago.
Detective Gretchen🕵️‍♀️: OMG!!
Beyonce: I think it's time we subtly show Y/N the book.
That weekend, the group all met up at Janis's house for their weekly sleepover. Damian decided to put his plan into motion. Whenever Janis was distracted, he snuck upstairs and put her sketchbook in plain sight, then he snuck back downstairs.
Then he put it into motion.
"Hey, Y/N. I was wondering if I could have some ibuprofen? I have a headache and I know you always have some." The girl smiled and nodded, standing from her place next to Janis and heading upstairs.
Janis watched the girl go and turned back to see everyone smirking at her. "What?" Damian giggled. "Girl, keep it in your pants." Janis blushed. "What are you talking about?" Gretchen squealed. "You totally have a crush on Y/N! It's so cute!"
Janis blushed harder. "I do not have a crush on her! She's my best friend." Karen smiled. "Your best friend that you wanna kiss. Which is really cool because Gretchen is my best friend that I wanna kiss."
Everyone paused and looked at Gretchen, who was blushing harder than Janis. Regina broke the silence. "Okay, we'll come back to this. But Janis, they're right. You and Y/N have feelings for each other and I think it's time that you tell her. It's our senior year. We don't know what the future holds, we just don't want you to regret not telling her."
Janis took the blonde's words to heart and nodded. "Okay, I'll tell her." She got up and with the cheering from her friends, she went upstairs to talk to Y/N.
"Y/N, I need to tell you something."
Janis froze in her tracks. Y/N was looking at her sketchbook. Specifially, a portrait that she drew of Y/N. Janis stuttered over her words. "Y/N, I can explain."
"This is beautiful, Janis. Is this how you see me?" Janis swallowed hard and nodded, walking closer to Y/N.
"It's how I've always seen you." Y/N's breath hitched as Janis continued.
"Y/N. I love you. I've loved you since you comforted me after the incident with Regina. Maybe even longer. And I really wanna be with you. Those pictures I've drawn don't even compare to your actual beauty. Every time I look at you, the rest of the world melts away. And if you give me the chance, I really wanna be with you."
Janis couldn't say anything else because Y/N kissed her.
Y/N was kissing her.
The girl's lips were a lot softer than Janis imagined. It was everything she imagined actually, and more. The two kissed for a minute before cheering made them break away from each other.
They looked to see their friends standing in the hallway, all smiling widely.
Y/N tucked her face into Janis's neck, hiding her blush. Damian spoke. "So?"
Janis smirked back at him. "My girlfriend and I will meet you guys downstairs."
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
Ok so this has some backstory
Reader is the student of princess Luna, after meeting her as a filly and loving the night, moon, and stars. Luna find this filly wonderful and asks to be her apprentice/student/ friend
(Now around twilight age) Reader meets princess twilight after running chores in pony ville, and twilight finds out she's princess Lunas apprentice/student/friend. And starts developing feeling for them, but remeber that one ep where sunset shimmer brought starlight glimmer, well sunset visits twilight for teacher and student bonding, and notices reader, and reader asks twilight if she can go to her world, reader obvi asks princess Luna in a letter that since twilight went to the human world, she wanted to go aswell for reaserch purposes. And princess Luna agrees , and twilight hesitantly agrees
Flash foward and sunset sunset shimmer has a crush on reader and now there's rivalry
So we'll in short yandere twilight vs yandere sunset shimmer
I think I understand- Did a concept as not specified just to get some thoughts down. I am so behind in the Equestria Girls stuff, LOL.
Yandere! Twilight Sparkle vs Yandere! Sunset Shimmer
Pairing: Rivalry - Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Jealousy, Forced relationship, Manipulation, Obsession, Possessive behavior, Implied kidnapping, Love at first sight (?), Implied stalking.
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Alright, let's start with how you meet Twilight.
As a young unicorn, you've been training under Luna.
It's after she reforms from Nightmare Moon for plot reasons, so you're a little younger than Twilight but not much.
Twilight meeting you was by pure chance.
She ran into you while doing tasks around Ponyville, catching you reading a high level magic book.
Curious, she asks you about it.
"Oh! You're Princess Twilight! You used to be Celestia's student, right? I'm (Y/N), Luna's student."
Luna's student?
How did she not know Luna had a student like her sister!?
"Really...!? How come I haven't heard of you?"
"Well... I don't entirely enjoy the attention I get for it. It ranges from fearful to respect."
"It's really nothing to be ashamed of. By the looks of that book, you're great with magic."
"Thanks, Princess-"
"Just call me Twilight. No need for the formalities."
By the time you meet Twilight, she already has Sunset Shimmer as a student along with Starlight Glimmer.
Before you even meet Shimmer, Twilight and you become closer.
Luna and Celestia already know their two students are talking and getting along.
It warms their hearts that you're now learning from the Princess of Friendship.
They have no idea Twilight is starting to feel things for the lunar unicorn.
The more you two chat in her castle, the more she starts to build a crush.
You often are encouraged to sit closer to her when studying.
You see her as a best friend, she sees you as something more.
You'll be so engrossed in your magic book, not entirely noticing the wing over your back as Twilight reads with you.
You make her feel something much stronger than friendship....
A connection closer than normal friendship.
Twilight already thinks you two will get along so well together if she brings up her feelings!
She just feels it will be safer to wait and discover everything about you before then-
Big mistake.
Sunset Shimmer feels she has to go visit Twilight through the mirror for a little while.
She needs to study more and hasn't seen Twilight in a bit.
Shimmer freezes in place when she sees Twilight and a unicorn the same age as herself.
You turn to look at the fiery unicorn and smile, Twilight looking to where you were smiling at.
"Oh? Who are you?"
"... Twilight- Who's this?"
"Hm? Oh! This is (Y/N)! Princess Luna's student."
"Mhm. What's your name?"
"Sunset Shimmer, Twilight's student. N-Nice to meet you-"
"Same to you!"
Shimmer felt she was weak in the knees when she met you.
Twilight notices throughout the study session that Shimmer likes you, feeling a pit in her stomach.
She... she can't possibly like you too, right?
Twilight dreads Shimmer's attraction even more when she invites you to the human world.
You had already asked Luna and she said yes-
Now Twilight has to say yes also...
She can't say no to those eyes of yours anyways.
This then leads to their rivalry in the human world, jealousy brewing between the two due to their shared love of you.
Shimmer's taking all of your attention away, dragging you to her favorite places.
Between smoothies and games... you're enjoying your time with her.
All while Twilight longingly follows after....
Shimmer probably has a similar yandere behavior as Twilight, but less obsessive.
Twilight prefers to stalk you and treat her obsession as her own little research project.
While Shimmer leans more into manipulation, creating trust between you and using said trust to lead you around.
Perhaps Twilight was a little too slow in waiting for her crush....
Shimmer, aware of Twilight's crush, already has you wrapped around her finger.
You're so enraptured about the places she's taking you, you barely pay attention to Twilight.
Which leads to Twilight dragging your attention away to somewhere else, frustrating Shimmer.
A lot of their rivalry will be by dragging you around.
They both use manipulation when it comes to you, so they think they're being sneaky with their crush.
You may notice their jealousy after some time, however.
Their yandere behavior comes to a peak when it's time to go.
Twilight wants you both to go home to Equestria, claiming Luna must be waiting for you at home.
She also just wants a break from Shimmer.
However, Shimmer grabs your hand, preventing you from entering the mirror.
"But there's still so much to see!"
Shimmer wants you to stay with her in her world.
She thought you looked cute as a unicorn, but your human form looks amazing too-
She may be giving into her past selfish tendencies a bit... but she really does love you.
Why does Twilight want to take you so fast?
This is where you're torn between two choices.
Choices that are quickly being forced upon you.
Will you go with Twilight, back to her world and into her hooves?
Or will you stay with Shimmer, learning the world of Equestria High by her side?
You'll have to choose quickly...
They may choose for you if you don't.
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 months
New chapter reactions/fav quotes
1. “Sometimes he wished his toys could talk because then he'd have someone to read to him”
- Reading that genuinely hurt my heart. I really like that your writing brings out all types of emotions. Like I don’t just feel bad for David, I physically hurt for him sometimes. This was one of those moments in the story where it made me feel so sad for him. It stuck out for me because it genuinely made me feel something, and I love when an author can do that. Like I realized whne I read your stuff, I have physical reactions sometimes. One sec I’m jumping up and down because of their bantering, next I’m pacing around the floor after an argument, then you have me just staring at the wall after Albert screws everyone’s mood over.
2. Just because the cage was larger, it didn't mean he was free.
- This one also stuck out for me because it is super relatable for me. I often feel trapped in my own life and every time I get a sense of things getting better, it all goes to shit. I relate to David having a fake reality of happiness sometimes. David always makes me feel less alone.
3. Being a whore was so much easier in fanfiction than it was in real life.
- This one made me bust out laughing because girl ain’t that the truth💀
4. "Queerness isn't about coming out, David, it's about letting people in.
- This was something I really needed to hear. As someone who is closeted, I often feel as if I’m lying to everyone around me. Like I’m an imposter. As someone who is bi, I don’t feel straight enough for the straights, or gay enough for the gays. And I’m slowly realizing that I don’t owe anyone that confirmation or act, if that makes sense? Idk but I liked this bit, Jackson always says all the right things.
5. When people started commenting on Max's body (referring to the hate max was getting online)
- Why would people hate on his body? What were they saying??
6. also side note, fuck Oliver for being a fugly body shaming leech.
It is indeed an extremely sad POV/life and I'm glad I was able to capture that. One of the reasons for such a long chapter and showing David at every age was to show exactly that - that this (this sadness and pain) has been his entire life.
David makes me feel less alone too. He sometimes makes me feel seen - and definitely makes me feel inspired, especially when it comes to choosing kindness despite your trauma.
Jackson is a real one, oof. And I 100% agree with him on everything. So much queer media out there, especially movies, is always about coming out. That's because mainstream media, even with queer stories, is always pandering to straight people. It's about coming out to them and their acceptance. Enough!
About Max and his body image, it's very common for an athlete's body to fluctuate easily because of how they train/diet. We know, even though it's not explored in LDV much (we'll see him mention it later in an email) because it's not a main theme, when Max is struggling, he takes it out on himself - especially with food/starving himself. I can see him struggling with food a lot right before Alec became president and after he won the Olympics (same time). That might changed how he looked - either by putting on weight or getting skinnier. His body definitely would've changed a lot after he quit swimming (professionally) too because he trains a crazy amount for it. I can definitely see people saying unkind things - I don't want to specify - about how he looks and even theorizing about why he has put on weight or lost some.
PS - There is a very candid article where Lewis talks about the same and how he struggles with his body image.
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mcflymemes · 2 years
AS SAID BY VARRIC TETHRAS  *  assorted dialogue from dragon age: inquisition
who designs a place that takes this many keys to get inside?
look at all the shit that's happened to you.
this shit is ruining my boots.
you've got to be kidding me.
i really am in the ass-end of nowhere now.
i'll take your word for it.
have we reached the stage where we gossip about each other's love lives?
we'll talk later.
nothing's stopping us from going back up.
one of those things would be impossible. all of them together? that's a miracle.
there was nothing simple about it.
you think we could take a couple of these books back with us?
my guess is another earthquake... that hits when we're halfway across the bridge.
i've had to write some letters.
no tantalizing secrets to divulge?
considering the company, i'm surprised it didn't feel longer.
does anybody else smell that? seriously? just me?
we're done here, right?
just take care of yourself.
i tried to warn you.
so it was just you, alone in the vast wilderness?
so we're getting the band back together? that's exciting.
let's try not to poke around someone else's grave, all right?
that had to hurt!
are you blushing?
let's not talk about it.
something about this place gives me the creeps.
i have no idea why places like this exist.
are we sure this is a good idea?
just because two people dislike each other doesn't mean they're about to kiss.
let's talk about your dark and troubled past.
i can almost promise you trouble when you arrive.
great place to get crapped on by a bird.
sounds like you two would have made a happy couple.
well, that screams "up to no good."
that's the seventh root i've tripped over in the last ten minutes.
i'm providing a service.
back me up!
how about dalliances? liaisons? illicit affairs?
you don't want to talk about yourself. i can respect that. so what do we talk about, then?
i'd also like to avoid falling.
i could help, you know.
i make up for it elsewhere.
are you going to blame me for that, too?
well, no one would peg you as a spy.
what? no! why would you even ask that?
let's try not to get eaten, shall we?
good spot for it. i wouldn't look here for anything.
my money's on this being a trap.
i'll keep that in mind.
maybe the locals will lend us a boat.
some things never change.
too attached to hitting things with your fists?
well, you've got to give me something.
personally i think it's some kind of compensation thing.
anybody else vote that we never come here again?
all this fresh air is making me lightheaded.
you remind me of someone.
are you all right?
i got to ask, does any of this shit make sense to you?
i'm not sure what that even means.
of course i'm concerned! i don't need you prodding me with a stick to prove it.
i hate caves.
thank you for not torturing me. i'm so much happier now.
we'll have to find another way.
how do you like being described?
poor bastards.
be still my heart. i've grown on you.
whatever it does, it's probably ancient and invaluable.
so what do we expect to find here?
you're asking me?
i'm hoping if i ignore it, it'll go away.
there's a lot of work to do.
just what we needed.
i didn't specify whose ass, did i?
you want to get shit done, right?
have you been reading the inscriptions?
it's just... all that niceness.
the only thing they seem to have in common is a tendency to burn things.
so there's a rational explanation after all.
well... that's gruesome.
where's the sneaking? the plotting? the subtle machinations?
most people are like cats. they either puff up to look dangerous or they crouch down and hope you don't see them.
it generally helps to respect local traditions now and then.
i've heard some people actually enjoy walking in the wilderness.
anyone know the name of this river?
someone remembered to bring water, right?
it's... hard to explain.
if they're busy staring at your hat, they're ignoring all your other flaws.
beg your pardon? i didn't catch that.
hm... i don't want to bore people.
how could you possibly be a spy?
ooh, that's a tough one.
look, i have to complain, or you'll forget i'm even here and trip over me!
how are you holding up? you've been quiet for a while.
i don't know what you're complaining about. you're taller than i am.
if you love a character, you give them pain, ruin their lives, make them suffer. maybe even throw in a heroic death.
you doing all right? i heard you breathing a little hard after the last fight.
no, no... that was good.
i will try my best not to do the impossible.
no argument there.
you seem the type.
you think i get any fun hanging out with them?
well, what you do doesn't make sense.
it seems like you're not having the effect you could.
keep acting like a big shot and hope it sticks.
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plantsarepeopletoo · 1 year
Only Friends Music EP3 (1/2)
What am I to you?
Another installment of the Only friends music series. The details continue to be amazing, all praise JoJo. 
Quick recap, music is used in three different ways:
Just background music (Background) - It’s important and creates an atmosphere, like using Disco Frog for Mew and Cheum’s chat at the bar. These I will not use unless I see a theme or something important later.
Playing with Music (Playful) - It’s like body language, the music will pause, start up, move along faster or slower. It's intentionally moving with what is happening on screen.
Verbal/Vocal - Music that is telling us things. It could be songs that have names that seem important or have lyrics that may or may not be in the show. If there are lyrics I will include them, but will specify if they are in OF, and where they start and stop.
Master List here, in my pinned post. These will be long and split into parts, mostly because of lyrics and Music players. Written after EP4 came out, so some EP4 spoilers.
As always, thank you @rocketturtle4 and @shouldiusemyname for help editing and song lyrics.
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Song: Eyes in the Back of My Head by Katori Walker Scene: Nick asking twitter about Friends with benefits/Nick and Boston NC scenes Type: Vocal
The full song starts with Nick asking twitter, “Can friends with benefits turn into lovers?”. It ends when Boston lays on the bed. Did Nick finish? Who knows. Not that Nick is here for that right now, let me explain.
Okay, let's try this I wish I had eyes in the back of my head I been workin' on my pride but the rest of me cares Every time I feel alive, it be love in the air You're my center, don't fold like it's vanity fair Every time that I be down then I'll be runnin' to you It's ironic that I'm scared but I'm callin' you boo Please don't ghost me Love me, hug me, hold me See me, grow me I see whole thing, bragging, boasting To all of my ** Workin' on my pride I been workin' on my pride, yeah I been really scared but a ** really tryin', yeah Never bite my tongue when it's something on my mind, yeah Baby you a gem, I'll never leave you undermined, yeah Pray that's just a phase and we get it back aligned, yeah Oooh Love, pray you stay around me forever and never leave me We'll go together forever, I know you need me It ain’t hard to love you, I promise that shit is easy I can see the future so vivid, I think it's 3D Stay the night forever and ever, I think I'm needy Bein' my reflection, my mirror, I know you see me See me Need me Easy Hug me Love me Trust me Love me Love me
Nick’s fallen hard, so hard, he’s using sex to plead with Boston to need him, love him, SEE him. Nick loves Boston, knows him better now, knows he can’t step out of the narrow box Boston has put him in, but now he’s cornered. Even though Nick sees himself in Boston, he has to keep his pride in check so he can play the submissive cute boy Boston wants. 
“You're down for me. You can’t survive a day without me. I guess my status will be promoted soon.” He knows he’s being needy, Boston’s told him as much, so he’s doing the only thing he knows Boston won’t hate: Using sex to make Boston love him. Nick’s been throwing himself at Boston over and over, everyday. Until he feels sure that Boston will do anything to keep him from going away. Nick got brave, bringing up his status again with Boston. Boston says “It did. I’m your regular now.” Not what Nick was hoping for, he goes quiet. 
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Song: Daydreaming At Night by Heyson Scene: Boston and Nick discuss what they are Type: Playful
Song starts after “I’m your regular now” with a ticking sound, the keyboard chords come in when Boston becomes soft to him, and the drums start after “we did promote our status though” the music sounds more and more hopeful, mirroring Nick's mood. And as Boston stands up we get the vocals. 
Nick’s other tool he can use to get Boston to bend, to become a little more soft to him, is to sulk. He did it in the darkroom, asking If he should be glad that he’s a favorite. He did it when he it asked what they were and ended up choosing Fuck Buddies. This time he’s getting Boston to give him a few more crumbs of hope. He'll do it again and again.
Song ends when Nick sets down the picture of the friends.
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Song: The Jealousy song. I Still don’t know the real song title.  Scene: Nick looking at what is on Boston's desk
We're shown the pictures and get another twitter response: Maybe he isn’t serious with you because he’s got feelings for someone else.
Last time this played was when Top saw Ray and Mew hugging by the pool in EP2.
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Song Replica by I’MIN Scene: Boston asks Nick about CCTV Type: Vocal
Lyrics not in show, Google translated the lyrics.
I wish we were always together   Because everything works  Feels like day dreaming when I’m with you, I love my life don't disappear my everything The chemistry is like no other too You who were always with me whenever I was having a hard time The moment our eyes met share your thoughts telepathy between the two of us Look at me And no where no where can I find someone like you I recognized you at a glance, you are my replica We don’t need to see each other, to know that we’re on the same wavelength oh yea Why can’t we just meet tomorrow still, you are still looking for me I fall asleep thinking of you every day My heart is beating for you Why why why are you wondering  I don’t know what more to expect Of course not You are me, I am you I really don't want to (bad translation, sorry) I'll go see you across the sea I'll do anything, tell me what you want I don't want to be alone again Let's try it first, me and YOLO Yeah I go side by side with you Like an ordinary lover on the weekend want to eat with you There's nothing wrong with what I said Throw away the thought that it won't work Without you, not okay okay To eat well and live well, low key low key It's okay to show all your heart I endured enough, it's unfair Baby I can feel it with you,  Maybe you feel the same with me, too
This whole song hurts so much, unrequited love, maybe even obsession over someone who the singer thinks of as a replica.
It’s a simple scene, Boston comes to ask about cameras for the Hostel, and this cute song starts playing as they discuss security cameras. Nick brings up sound recording 3 times, Boston saying no each time, and Nick accuses him of not being interested in education. 
Nick might be disappointed in Boston not wanting to share in what he likes. This is a maybe for me.
Nick wanted Boston to not just rely on him for camera stuff, wanting Boston to do some work on his own. This feels weak to me.
Nick is disappointed in Boston not wanting to be “educated” by spying on people. Nick is seeing himself in Boston, just like he tells Top in ep4. This is the second song that’s brought it up. So what in Boston is he seeing of himself? This is the explanation I like the most.
Boston is heavy handed with his manipulation, Nick is softer, quieter, quite literally. But they’re still out to get to their goal, they’re both obsessed. Boston uses mostly video surveillance, Nick uses sound, but I would not be surprised if he’d use anything he can get his hands on. Whatever is best for the situation. 
Nick is trying to stretch Boston's morals, no matter what the education comment means. He tries three times to convince Boston to use sound recording. As @rocketturtle4 said, "He is trying to lead Boston astray." And I agree. Nick is soft, Boston is loud.
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Song: ร้ายก็รัก by Joey Boy Scene: Top and Mew at the disco Type: Vocal
Lyrics in show:
Every time I watch dramas on TV There are some parts I can never be In the dramas, there are good guys walking around They must be the ones you fantasize about Back to reality, they and I have nothing alike Everyone regards me as a bad guy I guess good guys only exist in fairy tales I’m a villain, no matter how much I love you, I must die eventually, I guess good guys only exist in fairy tales I’m a villain, no matter how much I love you, I must die eventually, In the end, he’s the one who has your love, Though I’m bad and unruly, I love you dearly, I might not look decent but God destined me to be I wanna be a hero, but a villain is my role
Putting in what was heard in the show because the rest is much the same, I’m going to say I don’t have enough information on this. It looks like Top is letting down his barriers and is enjoying his time with Mew. This is a song I’d love to come back to in the future.
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Song: All to myself by spring gang Scene: Top and Mew at silent disco, Beam comes to say hi. Type: Vocal
No lyrics in show, but the song lyrics are:
If I can’t be with you, I’d rather be by myself No, I can’t lie, I don’t want anybody else Those happy days, that we once knew So long ago, they still make me blue I want you right right right now If I could show you somehow How much you mean to me If you could only see Baby you know what I want,  and nobody else No one but you Can make me feel the way I do All that I want is to have you to myself No one but you Can make me feel the way I do I lose myself when I think about you I search within, and I want you to find me I want you right right right now I want you right right right now If I could show you somehow How much you mean to me If you could only see
Watching this scene “knowing” Beam is a dealer, not a lover, makes me think Beam knows Mew is a potential partner, and he wants to mess with Top. Beam “I’m taking care of you well in and out of bed” Beam knows what he’s doing and I don’t think Top told the whole truth. I think there is more to Beam and Top's relationship.
Is the song from Beam and Mew’s perspective? This interaction did mess with Mew(and me) 
Another option is the song is from Top’s point of view, a version of Top who wants to date Mew, but is being made into a villain who Mew has to hold at a distance. 
I do want to say Top starts calling Mew his boyfriend after this at the Pool party. Although that was in front of Ray, who he was feeling threatened by.
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Song: Eyes in the back of my head (again) Scene: Boston helping nick move Type: Vocal
Stripped down song, no lyrics, but the song ends with:
I can see the future so vivid, I think it's 3D Stay the night forever and ever, I think I'm needy Bein' my reflection, my mirror, I know you see me See me Need me Easy Hug me Love me Trust me Love me Love me
The song starts after Nick says “Besides, if I stay home, I can’t bring people over, right?”
He’s happy, he’s thinking about making sure he can be around Boston, he’s thinking about the future.
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Song: Way out of New Orleans Scene: Sand and Ray making food Type: Playful
We start off with a double entendre.
Ray- “I’m hungry. Can I eat too?” Music starts here, guitar repeating a few times, joined by keyboard.
Sand- “Is there any duty I haven’t done for you? I’m your driver, drinking buddy, and shrink. And now I’m your chief?”
“There’s one more duty you haven’t said.” 
“It’s a one-time thing. It doesn’t count.” 
“It doesn’t have to be a one-time thing. I can eat more. It’s delicious.” Ray brings the food parallels back and starts the drums and bass.
“If you want to eat, help out. I’m sure you’ll love my Railway Fried Rice.” The guitar finally moves and starts to play a melody here.
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Song: Don’t let me be this way by Sleepaway Camp Scene: Ray and Sand are eating Railway Riced Type: Vocal
lyrics in the show:
Using a tapestry As a map only leads To pattern Rеcognition
Full Lyrics:
I go to bed early And I hope when I Wake in the morning I'm someone different And I wake up And do the same things I Did the day before I'm losing it Oh God please don't Don't let me be this way, I Can't breathe, I can't I can't communicate, I Find every way To start another day and How many more Cycles before I Fade? Let me plot it out Let me steam away All the wrinkles In this fabric Using a tapestry As a map only leads To pattern Rеcognition I need an intervention And still Still it goes It goes and goes And still Still it goes It goes and goes And still Still it goes
As Ray and Sand are eating together, they continue the food innuendo. “It’s so good, I guess I have to eat it more often.” Sand replies “what is this? You’re not my special one. I don’t have to cook for you repeatedly” The music starts here, a bassline just repeating a riff. Sand reminds Ray again that they are not together, and that he said it was a one time thing.
“I’m not special yet?”
“We’re only friends. Friends who slept together.” 
“That’s right. What? You think I want you as my boyfriend? Of course not. I just like to tease you. I like your stupid reaction.”
“You asshole. If you want a boyfriend, get yourself a boyfriend. Stop messing with me.” 
As Sand walks away, Ray grabs his hand, and the music changes, we get rhythm guitar and wordless vocals. “Hey, Seriously, Are you ok with this?” More guitar as sand replies “Yeah, You’re happy, I’m happy. We don’t develop it. It shouldn’t be a problem, right?” Another change in guitar melody with “But I still want to talk to you” Sand reminds Ray, “I can differentiate between love and sex.” As they settle out the rest of it the music goes quieter again. Until Ray says “Finger-licking good.” and walks away, and we finally get the lyrics.
Stuck in a cycle, going around and around, we’re back at just friends, separating love and sex, Ray going off after flustering Sand “Finger licking good” “Priceless Night” They’re both making the same mistakes, Sand falling in love, saying he can separate love and sex. Ray falls for the person who saves him. 
They can’t get unstuck from the cycle, they can't communicate, but every time they go around this cycle, they might hope that it’ll be different.
Ray himself is stuck in a cycle with his mom’s death and falling in love with his savior. Sand might also be stuck in his own cycle with the baggage of his ex and Top.
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Song: The Jealousy song (The one I don't know the real name to) Scene: Nick looking up Top and Boston's instagram
Not a lot to point out. Boston is the first to comment on all of Top's post, and Top is horrible with captions. "My cribs"? really?
Continue to EP 3 part 2
Master list
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tobiasdrake · 8 months
At long last, it's time. The siege has begun.
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I'm going to bring this place crashing into the ocean. While on fire.
I hope you got everything out of your miserable unlife that you wanted, Aephorul. Because I remember exactly how I felt that day, and the blood hasn't left my eyes since.
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Alright, team. This is it. You know what this is and you know what we're here to do. By the end of today, I want to be holding Aephorul's heart or the nearest desiccated organ left in his rotting skeleton of a body in my bare hand.
Erlina will be waiting for us in there. We're going straight through her and not even looking back.
Let's paint the sky red.
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I shouldn't be surprised that Aephorul's idea of a locking mechanism is disgusting. I am, however, impressed with his commitment to the bit. Dude loves his fleshy shit.
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Um. Hi? I don't think we've met. Yes, we are here to either liberate or butcher you. Please specify which of the two you would like to order.
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One order of butchering coming right up.
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You know, I'm starting to develop a love/hate relationship with alchemy. I love it when it's on our side and hate it when it's on theirs.
We don't have time for this.
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Goodbye, some dude I've never heard of whose name is probably a Monkey Island reference.
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...well. Fuck.
Sure would be nice if there was an alchemist in our midst who didn't abandon me like everyone else and could instead mix up more of that anti-psychic juice. But I guess we'll have to deal.
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As tempting as your illusory robot flirtations are, I am currently fueled by far too much homicidal zeal to sleep. The adrenaline coursing through my veins won't let me.
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...would that ever be a thing that is happening to me....
What could possibly have occurred in my journey that would result in this taking place? That last one was pretty decent, 7/10, but this is a solid 2. You need to up your psychedelic game, Aephorul because this acid trip just got a lot less convincing.
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See? Like that. You dream-vision me into the Humble Boast and send me into the kitchen to see the chef, I expect to see fucking Garl at the cookpot. That would be a potent vision. I might even be inclined to forget how obviously fake it is because I just want to see him again so badly.
Instead, you give me a mole man. Great. Because that's something that's going to win me over and make me want to forget why I came here.
This is the shittiest predatory illusion I've ever been under the influence of. Hall of Illusions, I demand to speak with your manager.
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THERE YOU ARE. You better listen the fuck up and listen good because I've got about a dozen--
Hey, wait a second. Serai, isn't this that other guy you wanted us to murder? I guess he transferred departments after finishing up with Repine, and now he has a new job. That he fucking sucks at.
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You should believe her. We're kind of on a streak in the blood vengeance department.
By the way, body covered in eyes? Not a great choice. You've riddled yourself with vulnerable spots. You're basically giving her a whole mess of options for what to stab.
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Yeah, just like that. That's exactly what I'm talking about.
That one looks like it hurt. I didn't think a face consisting solely of a gigantic eye wouldn't be capable of pulling off the "OH GOD MY TESTES" face but there it is.
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He's trying so hard to save face and not look like he's fleeing for his life while whimpering because he just got stabbed in the junk.
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Oh, you've got fanboys with glowsticks now. Yep, that'll do it. Sure to keep you safe. You've definitely--
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Oh no, your useless trash goblins all died unexpectedly. It is a mystery.
By the way, you probably shouldn't have kept your eyes on me because--
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AGAIN! I KNOW! Man, she's really got it out for you.
This is the most fun I've ever had filing a complaint.
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The "I'm going to go get my big brother to beat you up" energy going on right now is amazing. Delivered in the smuggest possible tone.
The new bodyguards are nice, they look tougher than the last, but they don't exactly protect you from....
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...that. They don't exactly protect you from that.
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You gonna suck it up and take your-- and he's running again.
This wasn't quite what I was expecting when I stormed in here to commit a murder but honestly, I'm so glad I was here for this.
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judasrpc · 11 months
based on the mmorpg 'palia' developed by singularity 6. add context & change gendered language to your needs !! if multi, please specify which muse(s) !!
Welcome to the general store, pal.
[…] so I guess I should say: welcome to the livin'!
Come back when you get some cash, we'll take care of your needs.
The more you spend, the more you get back. Trust me. That's just how the world works.
What can I do for you?
Make the most out of each day, my friend.
Here I was thinking you'd be too busy setting up to say 'hello'. How goes it?
Are you new in town, or just passing through?
There's something about you that just brightens up my day.
I have a good feeling about today.
I don't know about you, but I'm starting to get sleepy.
So, I think it's safe to say my job is about to get A LOT more interesting.
Are you off on an adventure?
Today is a great day for adventure! Well… any day is a great day for adventure. But today is especially good.
What ails you, my four-legged friend?
You've got a surprise for me?
I wish I knew what you were saying…
Well, if it isn't another friend I haven't met yet!
Hey there! The day treating you alright?
I don't know it [name] was laughing with me or at me, but either way, I appreciate the chuckle.
Tonight, I'm feeling exuberant, with a bit of nostalgic ennui mixed in.
I don't need your company… but it would certainly be appreciated.
Relaxed… I envy you. I don't think I've ever felt relaxation.
It pleases me to see your thirst for knowledge is so difficult to quench.
Back again, are we?
Your mischief and wit know no bounds, neither does your desire for knowledge.
Even the most cunning hunter needs a helping hand once in a while. You hear me? If you ever need help, all you have to do is ask.
You showed up just in time.
I like you and all, kid, but there ain't nobody who can stop me from bein' me.
So, how are you feeling? I am sure this is quite a lot to take in.
Keep that positivity, and you'll overcome any troubles the world offers you.
I was just settling in for my evening meditation. Care to join me?
Name's [name], but you can call me trouble.
I see that look on your face. Up to no good, aren't ya?
Let me guess: You were just dying to see me.
Just so y'know, our doors are always open for ya.
So nice to talk to someone who wants to listen… between you and me, with the kids, it's always in one ear and out the other.
There's nothin' like the feelin' of a job well done.
Some people think it’s boring all the way out here… But I like it.
It is way too early… or did I stay up too late?
You might want to stand back. I’m working on my latest invention, and I’m not entirely sure this thing is stable.
You look as though you have something you’d like to ask.
I chose to keep them around for mostly sentimental reasons.
These daily chats of ours bring me much peace. Please continue to come by, I would miss it if they stopped.
I’m also good at lifting heavy stuff, if you need anything heavy lifted!
You lost? That's okay, I get lost sometimes too.
Oh… sorry I didn’t see you there. I was just a bit distracted. Seems to happen to me a lot…
I am just an intrepid explorer of the supernatural, a detective of the unseen divine, a pioneer of pervasive thought…
I am glad you are still able to experience joy after everything you’ve gone through.
Hello, hello! You have caught me at just the right time.
All it’s taught me so far is how to die of boredom. So stop by again later and keep me entertained, ok?
Are you just going to stand there staring at me, or did you have something to say?
Sometimes I forget how interesting the world is. Like, I’m pretty sure I saw a gnarly looking beetle over there!
Aren’t we feeling bold today?
Oh, good. Someone to talk to who DOESN’T give me a splitting headache.
This had better be important…
I was so caught off guard, I realized I forgot to introduce myself or explain why I'm here.
Why don't you come back when my head's spinning just a little less?
It's good to see you again! I always look forward to seeing your face. But you know, like a normal amount.
It is… good to see you. Why was that so hard to say?
Perhaps you should learn to become more comfortable with solitude yourself.
Oh no, I know that look.
I'm presently ruminating on the darkness of the soul.
I do fear where my thoughts might go if I linger here alone too long…
Unfortunately, I returned with many new ideas and no new direction.
Beyond that, you shall have to answer the question of "what you are" for yourself. As do we all.
You were bound to return one day… why not today?
For now, I enjoy basking in the presence of others.
Hmm… What should I make for dinner tonight…?
You’re talkin’ to me?
Been makin’ a name for yourself lately. Every time I go into town, someone’s singin’ your praises.
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harmonyckrs · 5 months
DAY 9 in Twisted Strangetown: The Goth in Disguise
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H: Hello, lovely! Harper Morgan at your service. How may I help you?
A: Oh, shoot, I'm sorry. I was calling for my brother.
H: AKTU? Where have you been for the past year? Are you okay? And why wouldn't you answer any of our calls?
A: I'm more confused on why you're referring to yourself as "Harper" with your wife's maiden name.
H: You're dodging the question!
A: Okay, fine! I'm being held captive by SCIA.
???: We're not holding you captive. You're here because we need answers on how you were able to reverse the mind control. We need that information to save everyone else in Strangetown.
H: Save Strangetown from what, darling? They all seem fine to me!
A: Hamza, stop speaking like that.
???: There's an unknown force that's caused everyone's personalities to be set to the extreme, alongside giving them "brain fog" that we recently discovered that made them unable to recall past events and think for long periods of time. Things seem okay now, but there have been cases of the past of these extremities causing people to attack others.
H: Ooh, I get it! So we're preventing something worse from happening, right?
???: Precisely.
H: Well, I'll be more than happy to talk to you, love! In exchange, you can let my dear brother go free. How about that?
???: Depends on what you can provide.
H: Provide, huh? Oh, I can provide much more than you think...
A: Hamza, you're married.
H: Celeste said that it's okay to seduce people for money or power as long as I tell her first! And I hold the same rule to her, too!
???: Well, we'll see. What time works for you?
H: I can actually come by right now, dear! Just...give me some time to get ready, okay?
???: Got it. I'll send you the location. Be quick.
H: Can't believe I have to put everything back on...
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I am unsure which of the two names was Harper's real name, but she seemed neutral for both so I assume it's a good idea to continue to refer to her as Harper.
Harper claimed to reside in Bluewater Village, but was temporarily residing in Strangetown for reasons she would not specify. She lives with her two kids, one of which was the product of an alien abduction and both of whom attend private school.
When I questioned Harper about "Celeste," the woman she had mentioned in the recording, she claimed that I misremembered and that she was single. She then proceeded to flirt with me as if she would forget, before I threatened to tell Aktu about what happened. This prompted her to confess that she did have a wife, and that the two were in an open relationship. I may have to confirm this with Aktu later, though I'm unsure if this information is important.
Harper followed this up by talking more about her wife, entering a long tangent about how amazing she was and how she was so lucky to find someone "out of her league." Once she was done, she then told me that there were rumors of gadgets being built in Strangetown that could potentially allow people to mind control others without possessing any supernatural powers.
This would likely mean that the town-wide control is the product of a haywire experiment. And there is one guy in town who already has a track record of haywire experiments that negatively affect the entire town - Loki Beaker. The good news is that Chloe and Lola were already at their place for observations, so I can simply ask them to bring him here.
Once our conversation concluded, Harper and I agreed to let Aktu go on the condition that he wore a tracking device in case we needed to locate him again. Aktu seemed okay with this, and the two of them returned to Bluewater with no complaints.
This concludes our first interrogation. It's time for us to collect our next suspect!
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paleparearchive · 6 months
The Jar of Happiness
Millet's 1st initial 3★ story (2/2) ( 1 - 2 )
Location: café 2 | Characters: Millet, Courbet, Mucha
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Millet: I wonder if the person who sold me the jar is really a scammer…
Courbet: I'll make it clear in today's discussion.
Man: –Sorry for keeping you waiting.
Courbet: Finally, here you are, you scammer.
Millet: H-Hold on, Courbet! It's rude to talk that way…!
Courbet: Hmpf, what's wrong with telling the truth?
Anyway, sit down. I want to talk to you about this jar. Prove to me that the pricing of this jar is appropriate.
Man: Ooh… You're saying you're not satisfied with the price of this jar?
Courbet: Exactly. In the first place, I heard that the price of this jar was determined solely by your discernment, am I right? Is it really worth the price Millet paid? It's typical of a scam to sell something with unrealistic words such as “it will bring happiness”, to begin with.
Man: Whatever the method of pricing was, Mr. Millet was convinced to buy it. So there's nothing wrong with that, right?
Millet: That's right, Courbet. I'm happy I bought this jar, see?
Courbet: You shut up.
… Anyway, I demand a full refund. Immediately return the money this guy paid.
Man: Ah, that would be impossible. It's written right in the contract. No refunds for any reason.
Courbet: I would've missed it if it was written in such small print. Millet, was this explained to you at the time of purchase?
Millet: Uhm… I wonder if that happened…?
Man: Of course I did. So I think there is a properly signed contract, right?
Courbet: That's a rule you've decided on your own. It isn't something we necessarily have to follow.
Man: However, Mr. Millet and I agreed to the terms of the contract and the sale was concluded. Right, Mr. Millet?
Millet: Y-Yes…
Courbet: But…!
Man: Haah, I don't think I can keep up with you any longer. That's all for now, if you'll excuse me.
Courbet: H-Hey! Wait!
Millet: Courbet, that's enough!
Courbet: But he's clearly a scammer. We can't just let him go on like this…!
Courbet: Sigh… Looks like we'll have to take legal action. The point is that you were brought into the store. In other words, under the Specified Commercial Transactions Law…
Millet: Hey, Courbet. I really appreciate your concern, but I think I made a good deal, okay? It's not every day you can buy a jar that brings you happiness. I hope this will help me do better at my job so I can send more money to my parents.
Courbet: You... You should learn to be a little more skeptical of people. That's bullshit.
Millet: You're the one who needs to trust me a little more, Courbet. This jar is pretty good, isn't it? See, this coloring. I think it has a depth that mass-produced products don't have.
Courbet: … If you ask me, the picture is certainly not bad. I was looking at it with a prejudiced eye, thinking it was a con artist's jar, but…
Mucha: Oh, what a coincidence to see you in a place like this. Are you two dining together?
Millet: Oh? Mucha-san. Is something the matter?
Mucha: I had a meeting with an art dealer. I was about to leave when I saw you were here.
Oh my… that jar…! Where did you get such a precious jar?
Millet: …? Well, I bought it in town a while back…
Mucha: Amazing... It is well preserved. A gem like this is hard to find.
Courbet: Hey, what are you excited about?
Mucha: This vase has excellent value. Unless you are very wealthy, I do not think you could afford it…
Courbet: What!? Is this jar really that expensive…?
Millet: Um, so does that mean it's worth many times more than a month's salary…?
Mucha: You were able to buy it for that price!? It should jave been many times that... dozens of times more expensive.
Millet: Huuh, seriously!?
Mucha: If you are willing to sell it, I can introduce you to an art dealer. This is a first-class piece that everyone wants.
Millet: … I see, it's such an amazing thing. Then it better be in the hands of someone who really wants it.
Courbet: I can't believe it... So that scammer didn't realize the value of this jar either.
Mucha: ! Scammer…? May I ask you for more details?
Courbet: Yeah, actually…
Millet: (I can't believe that it could be a month's salary multiplied dozens of times… I knew it was a jar that brings good luck! I'm so lucky someone this kind gave it to me.)
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universal-kitty · 7 months
Hurm, hurm, blog thoughts... Probably gonna get a little personal, but I keep idly spinning my wheels on what I'm doing with this blog.
Like. There's the Tumblr Scare to consider. Still thinking I'll likely move my fics to Ao3, since I don't want to lose them, and I'd almost rather bet on their longevity compared to Tumblr's rn. (Especially under current ownership; maybe...just maybe....someone else should take the reign. I would love to believe staff is as kindly as ex-staff say they are, but everything abt what happened prior still keeps me nervous.)
But there's also IRL stuff going on in my personal life that's... Hmm.
As mentioned before, continuing to look into OSDD as a possible diagnosis for what I've been going through almost all of my life. I thought it was quite normal- based on where and how I entered Fandom- to have characters in your head that spoke to you. They lived your life with you, offering commentary, and etc. Funnily enough, it was only "studying" fickin that I realized there was something else going on there....and that also led to alterhumanity (and geez, did that explain twenty more things-) and THAT is what led to plurality.
...Which has also been a journey and a half, considering my therapist can only do so much. I did the MID, it's just talking about this through parts language and...basically awaiting an appointment- in some future time- to get answers. (I want them, but am unsure if I want an on-paper diagnosis... Suppose we'll see if it means the difference between obtaining specific therapy for this.)
And THAT'S only relevant cause some F/Os are also fictives. Or were F/Os that became introjects, due to the comfort they gave me. (I will not specify who, for personal reasons. If you're curious, I may be willing to entrust my system blog to those who inquire for it.)
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OH, and I made it into an apartment!!! That's so incredibly new to me. Nice, but trying to catch this space up with what's needed is...tricky.
Boyf and I have a lot of stuff- put together- and so trying to mentally assemble where shelves will go to bring it all together... Y'know? (But I'm excited to put some lowkey shrines together for certain faves.)
...Other misc. stuff I can't remember now. Reworking my self-inserts on the [quiet] side. Uhhhh, vtubing ideas. More lore for said SIs and ships, and also messing around with certain ideas that could streamline some of my Thoughts?? (We'll see on this. I'm hemming and hawing over it, since idk if this is From Me or outside influences again... Yes, I'm being vague!! I'm allowed.)
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Anyways, that's my little update!! I've got drabbles I can post again, at some point, but... Real goal is to eventually post stories again. Esp so I can streamline the commission process, going forward.
(...In the meantime, I am ages behind writing for my LoZ stuff-)
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Okay so the Gloaming and Susurrus
What I think happened is that, when the First Tanta defeated Susurrus, she banished his spirit or something back to whoever created him or wherever he was from before he was created, but his body was still intact, and she split his soulless body and hid him in the labyrinths.
I think the Gloaming ceremony was to bring his spirit back into Athia/whatever the world at large is called, and it took a few years to reassemble his body from the pieces found by the rest of the invading force. The Rheddig technically—and pardon the pun—killed two birds with one stone: summoned his spirit back and gathered his body into one location. That's why he disappeared: he didn't need to use Thalia's body as a vessel; he already had one.
From there the Rheddig took the time to reassemble him before they sicced him on Athia again.
The archive entries about the vessels and the Gloaming say that only two vessels have existed. I'll have to look when I'm not at work (or rely on @flyingwide or @cruelfeline to correct me), but I don't think those entries specify who the other vessel is. I'm wondering if the other successful vessel wasn't the one that exploded on the island north of Junoon, but instead was from ~4,000 years ago, and is the original vessel that became Sus's body?
Athia wouldn't have record of a Gloaming ceremony performed in Rheddah before they attacked. If they didn't know how many sacrifices they had to make to complete it, I can see Rheddah doing it in secret on their own soil. But with that information on record for the second try, General Aldacor (or someone else, who knows) suggested capturing an Athian capital and sacrificing its populace, rather than sacrificing so many loyal Rheddig lives. Again, two-birds-one-stone-ing it: they get the life force needed to summon Susurrus, and they get to destroy their enemies. Win/win!
I'm not sure how the synthetic Breakbeasts factor into this. Maybe Aldacor was trying to find a way to make a weapon akin to Susurrus without needing to sacrifice human life. Maybe he was trying to play god. Maybe he was off the walls nucking futs and just wanted to see what would happen. The first one seems the least likely, considering how gleeful he was that Thalia and Cinta murdered Rheddig in droves on their way up the tree, but maybe at that point he'd resigned himself to not being able to create a creature like Susurrus without divine intervention, and threw himself wholeheartedly into the ceremony. We'll never know, but a bitch can speculate.
Also not sure how exactly this ties into the cult shit, other than "of course it does, this has cult shit written all over it." But I'm gonna keep obsessively combing over every scrap of information I can get until I figure it out, or at least come up with a theory I'm satisfied with XD
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dzpenumbra · 1 year
I think I can safely say that today sucked. I was woken up 1 hour after I fell asleep to a phone call from a family friend. The dude lives probably 20-30 minutes away and has a history in art. We were last supposed to link up... I think in February or March? And I told him then that afternoons and evenings work for me. Like... I always make a point to specify that.
So, I woke up and immediately rolled over and went back to sleep, then woke up to another call 2 hours later. I listened to the original voicemail. He was heading through my city and... wanted to see if I wanted to go with him? To another town upstate? And didn't even tell me what he was doing there... And he called at 8AM, with no advanced notice. And I barely know the guy.
Engaging the voicemail with my brain made me fully awake, yet exhausted. That horrible feeling. I put the box fan on and... still couldn't get back to sleep for at least another hour. I took the opportunity to finish the Amazon order. Fuck it, right?
Eventually, I got up. I ate some food, that usually helps me fall asleep. Then I went to the comfy chair and got myself to pass out for another hour and a half. And... I've been up since then.
I even did yoga, and a small workout. I got a pizza delivered so I didn't have to worry about food. But... I never made coffee all day. My whole rhythm was thrown off all day. And it's been pretty hot all day too.
So I've been enduring most of the day with this nasty headache, and I've been really hot, and even a little nauseous for bits of it. It's been really rough.
I can't keep living like this. I swear, it's just one little thing and it just --- ugh. I don't even feel like catastrophizing. I don't even have the energy.
It's early (for me). It's 1:45. I've been nodding off for the past 4+ hours. Now, I'm gonna make sure I get to bed at a somewhat decent time. And I'm going to pray that I can actually sleep in the heat. Apparently it's supposed to get into the 90's tomorrow.
I did the test beads too. Not the spray part though, but I finished designing them and Mod Podge'd two of them. The other two I'm just going to spray without Mod Podge just to see the difference.
So yeah, the rest of the thoughts I have rattling around in my head are just... catastrophizing and lamenting, and... again... I just don't have the energy for that. I just wanted to say, because it's been in my head all day... that I feel bad for flaking and not texting that family friend back. It's just a text, I could've done that at any point today and I just flaked. I feel bad. I don't need to, it's not the end of the world and I'll likely text him tomorrow, but like... I've been doing that more and more lately, not responding... because I just get distracted or sucked into something, or just flat-out forget, then hours go by and I remember and by that point... it's awkwardly late. I've never really had a problem with this my entire life until the last couple years, in fact... I was always really good at reliably getting back to people and responding. Just something I noticed. I'm going to do tarot and then water my plants and head to bed.
Past - Ace of Swords, inverted (Intellect, apply logic and reason, Clarity and focus of mind.) Present - XVI: The Tower (Drastic transformation, unforeseen change, paradigm shifts.) Future - XIII: Death (Life-altering transformation, sudden natural change.)
Wow. I was not expecting something this heavy tonight. I guess we'll see what to make of this. Two cards back to back that make my heart do that tight spasm thing. Fun.
Let's start on a... naw, its not a good note. The source here is something interfering with my clarity, my ability to deal with logic and reason. Sound familiar, fellow anxiety disorder victims? It could be other things too, but that's where my intuition is bringing me tonight so... let's explore. That thread is connected to a card that I never like seeing. The Tower. The Tower means... okay... say your current life, your personality, your routine, the things you know and love... they're all bricks in a tower that you are building to keep you safe from the chaos and unpredictability of the world. The Tower is the sudden unexpected lightning bolt that strikes that Tower, throws you from the parapet and sends the whole thing crumbling to the ground. And what this catastrophe leads to... is Death. Death gets a bad name, of course. Why wouldn't it. It's fucking Death. However... Death in this context is about... a natural conclusion. I had to do some research on it because The Tower and Death are actually really similar cards. The closest I can tell is that... The Tower is more... unforeseen? More out-of-the-blue. And Death is... a natural conclusion to a chapter. Not necessarily "the end" in totality, but a natural, inevitable conclusion. That's what I got from it, at least.
What this means for me? I'm not sure, honestly. And, if you've been following these readings, I've had a pretty healthy ability to intuit my way through this... but... I honestly think my anxiety and a latent fear that fate might actually be real... they might be causing me to draw a self-protective blank. What life structure is being shattered? The staying up until 7AM crap? The nocturnal thing? I mean, I barely have any structure at all. Which is why I dread The Tower so much. If you have a schedule, a family, a job, a routine, all of those things concurrently... if you lose one of them... I mean, it fucking hurts, don't get me wrong... but like... you still have the others. If you have schedule, job, routine, but lose family? You still have the other 3. So... I've already lost my family... I barely have a routine other than yoga at the start of my day and this at the end, and making sure I do something productive in between, and try to do my one meal that I call "dinner" before too late. I don't have a schedule at all, really. So... the only thing left is... my job. And that one... I really don't want to get back into that.
So... I'm kinda hoping that... given the surrounding circumstances of today... that The Tower is my sleep schedule change. And maybe weaning off of RP streams. Maybe getting away from RP in general, other than as a tool for me to socialize. And maybe that's where the Death comes in? The inevitable conclusion that I'm going to have to walk away from?
I feel like I'm missing a piece. I feel like I just skipped right over the start. Maybe I don't really understand the Ace of Swords as well as I thought, let me look at it. Because the other two make a lot of sense to me, and seem to be echoing a very clear message of an imminent dramatic life change, but I just... don't really understand what about. Maybe... it's exactly that. Maybe the problem is a lack of clarity and vision.
I don't know, maybe I just need time to reflect on this. This was pretty heavy. It makes the past few nights feel like training wheels or something.
Agh, what am I not seeing clearly! It's nagging me. When I get big things like this... my puzzle-solving brain comes out and feels like some kind of time-travel movie where the protagonist has a very important but cryptic clue and they have to figure out what it means so they save the world or some shit.
Look... My world got flipped upside down like... 3 or 4 times over the course of the last 365 solar cycles. What's one more, eh? XD What's one fucking more.
Well okay, lets try to do breadcrumbs then. So... if The Tower is the Present, it means... it's happening right now. And there was a giant paradigm shift that fucked me up today. My family's intervention into my life, through a family friend that was almost guaranteed to be urged on to contact me by my mom. This fucked up my sleep severely, which has had me feeling like garbage and could take me days to recover from. That's sudden, it's unexpected and out of the blue, and it made a dramatic impact. So... if that is The Tower... then... how the fuck does the inverted Ace of Swords connect to that? A blind spot? An impairment or inability to use reason? What, because I wasn't prepared for it? I mean... I was fucking asleep. I don't know. Maybe because I was too anxious to follow up with this guy, because my last interaction with him was talking about how it was tough for me to leave my cat alone because she was very sick... like a week before she died... I don't know. Even that seems shaky. And then how does this phone-call fucking up my sleep... turn into Death? It could be Death of the staying up until dawn shit. It could be Death of going to bed when it's light out, and bitching about the neighbors making noise at 10 AM. I mean... it can be that. If I choose. If I can make it work.
Yeah, that's the best I've got tonight. I really didn't wanna do anything taxing tonight and then... this happened.... XD Oh well. I gotta go pass out.
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