#we're always making plans as a group because we genuinely enjoy each other
piratefalls · 2 years
1. Happy nov 5th, i still cannot believe it's real
oh friend, this is an interesting question, because i guess the answer relies on what you mean by bff. like, my longest friendship? that's sarah, we've been friends for the last 25 years (mind you, I'm 32, so basically my whole life). in terms of closeness? absolutely sarah, because we're absolutely the embodiment of the "talking about a serious thing in text and then talking about something completely unrelated on social media" joke. but that term also basically covers everyone else i consider a friend friend.
here's the thing: i grew up in a village of 2,000 people. (yes, a village.) my closest friends today are people i grew up with. some of those people are also my friend's husbands. those people are my tribe, my ride or die, the ones who've seen the ugliest sides of me and loved me through so much. the people who instituted the table of truth rule so that we could speak freely because that shit was on lock. each of them has a special place in my heart. this post would never end if i went on a tangent about each of them individually. as a collective, they are my BFFs.
ask me a question for sleepover saturday!
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tanoraqui · 3 months
Dungeon Meshi Liveblog: Marcille is Not Handling Being In Charge Well
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Yeah, that doesn't sound exactly like Thistle at alllll, Marcille!
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[Tolkien fistpumping in the background of the fantasy genre]
We'll know that shit's REALLY bad if Chilchuck ever stops making sarcastic comments.
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EYES /weeps
Also I just noticed that Marcille's hair has been down since we reunited with her. She no longer cares about the things she used to, she's openly using dark magic with no concern for the consequences, she's not taking care to manage her own mana... I wonder if the demon already ate her desire to style it?
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The Island Lord really is just completely useless, huh. He is NOT getting a role in Laios's new government.
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omg I didn't notice when it was in the dungeon, but it's the Sky Snake! Silver Wings that Race Through the Heavens, Marcille's sky snake!!
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This IS genuinely creepy. It's easy to forget that this whole adventure so far has happened underground, save for a few scant scenes. But we are about to enter, in effect, the real world...
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I remain sooo interested in this secretive paramilitary outfit comprised entirely of conditionally-pardoned criminals who already have their hands dirty with forbidden magic and aristocratic scions from families seeking to prove their loyalty, all of which reports directly to the Queen. Their mere existence is sooo dodgy.
AIDGHADFC I DID NOT REALIZE THAT THE LION GAVE MARCILLE HER EVIL GOTH MAKEOVER! I thought she chose that herself... This is worse, actually... (And then it ate her desire to stop.)
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You're completely right, Kabru! "They're tripping each other up because you don't know enough about monsters to manage them properly" was exactly Laios's critique of Thistle's dragon horde, too!
Which, I will admit, supports the Elves' position about how incredibly bad it would be if Laios WAS the one leading this army. I do want some good fic about that maybe.
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I always really enjoy the trope of, in a big battle or elaborate plan, things will go bad for the whole extended party at once even though their personal dramatic moments are happening completely apart and unrelated to one another - and, conversely, they'll all rally at the same time, too. It's very basic storytelling, an in-canon "coincidence" of timing required for a compelling rhythm of story, and I enjoy it every time.
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I'm going to make a goddamn COLLECTION of every time this woman puts the whole group in Outfits made of other creatures. She should do rabbits next. They deserve to dress like giant dungeon rabbits.
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I love when characters say shit like this about their friends. I mean, @ Laios don't underestimate yourself, but actually he does mean "smart" in the sense of "unlikely to get manipulated", so in this case he's right.
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This, the first panels and then the next 1, was when I was like, "oh, okay, we're going to win." Laios was JUST saying that he couldn't defeat the demon if he didn't understand literally these things about it. Now, Laios understand it as a monster, and Kabru understands it as a person - so we're good. We've cornered it on two angles of 'guys who can kill things with remarkable efficiency if they understand them through their special interest.' We're going to kick this thing's ass. We're going to be okay.
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And then we're rewarded with a wink! Kabru trust Laios now!! Truly, life is good.
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Lolll at myself, and at this chronic faker. Should've known the Wink(TM) was a lie! The Wink is always a lie, or at least a tease.
It is so fun to watch this boy take charge of situations on sheer merit of quick-thinking, knowing all the factions involved, and confidence in giving commands.
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Hot. Obviously, objectively, this is hot. Walking confidently, unafraid and unsurprised, through a corridor of kneeling dragons? Laios, Lord of Monsters, damn fuckin' right.
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This really is Laios's interactions with collective humanity in a nutshell. They shun him, disdain and fear him, for what he loves (monsters). "It's all right," he says. "The misunderstanding won't last" - he smothers how angry it makes him. They'll understand eventually, he promises himself. (They never have before, but one day...) But also: he really genuinely does love monsters, and loves to be associated with them, even if the cost IS to not be associated with humanity.
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Izutsumi: I could still kick Marcille's ass. I'll kick anyone's ass. I'll kick my own ass.
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Laios, King of Monsters: loves every monster except squids and octopi. Those guys just suck.
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I love how her shout is almost in the black magic font, even as spoken words. That is her gesture for exploding things. This is what she looked like when she killed Mithrun 20 minutes ago.
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I connected the dots. I connected them.
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peanutpinet · 3 years
Yuta as a cold yet soft mafia boss
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Prompt: 99) “You think prison is the worst place you could go? You pull some shit like that again and I’ll have you thrown in places that’ll make prison seem like a wet fucking dream.” from 100 Dialogue Prompts for Mob Boss AU
A/N: just like the Jeno fic, I've always wanted to do a Yuta fanfic and it wasn't until I saw this writing prompt that I'm like, this feels like something Yuta would say.
Warnings: probably some cursing since it's Yuta XD
Now, we all know how cold and scary Yuta looks when in fact he's a big softie. Which is probably one of the reasons why you fall for him; because of how soft whipped he is with you and the rest of NCT.
Like the boy is very much whipped for you that he would even have time to ask you 'have you eaten', 'what are you up to' while being on a mission. The boys also like to tease him about it, even WayV (who we all know are slightly terrified of him)
Would definitely take you out on a date every now and then if he can. A/N: Kay, hold up, we're getting a bit ahead. I forgot to tell you how y'all met XD
So, it was a school night (well, you're in college); and you were quite stress with your final assignment that you decided to go to the nearest convenience store to grab some coffee and snacks to pull an all-nighter.
You wore an oversize hoodie and some sweats (cause comfort is key) and was walking through the snack aisle, about to grab (your favourite snack) when another hand was about to reach for it (ehem, Yuta, ehem)
Despite wanting to grab the snack, you insist the tall, handsome man to have it instead (even if you were wondering how a guy like him like your fave snack). But the man insist you take the snack; which led to the both of you having a little debate and eventually the man took the snack, paid for it but gave it to you, saying that you needed it more
"Take it. Finals are tough and you need the little boost to keep you going. Also, don't worry so much about the result. What matters is you did your best, mkay? See you around kid" the man lectured, giving you a slight smile before leaving with his own coffee
After he left, it took you a while to process what just happened before going back to your dorm and continue your final assignment
But oh how the universe like to bring people together ;)
It was right after your finals and you and your friends decided to have some drink at a nearby bar since you guys were curious and have never experienced the bar aura.
You weren't much of a drinker despite your amazing tolerance in alcohol so you were rather confused what to order until a familiar sound came.
"She'll have the orange-mango crush" a familiar voice stated
Turning around, you saw the same man you bumped into at the convenience store almost 2 weeks ago but this time, he looked way more put together and even wore a suit. Lowkey, your mind was starting to wander around and thinking whether there was going to be a fight or some sort or if this was that typical mafia story you secretly read.
"Didn't think you'd be the type to come to a bar on a school night. You done with your finals kid?" the man asked
"I, uhh, yea. Wait!! What do you mean the type to come to a bar?" you stuttered; not aware that your friends were staring at the both of you
"Don't worry, I don't mean it like it's a bad thing. People do what they want. Who am I to judge. Anyways, you ladies enjoy your night. If there's any problem, don't hesitate to let me, the bartender or the guards know. Also, the drink is on the house" the man winked at you and your friends, giving a slight wave before leaving
Cue your friends immediately plastering you with all sorts of question. Wondering how you met a handsome hunk in the midst of your finals. Not to mention, that handsome hunk even remembers you. Cue you becoming a blushing mess; especially after the bartender came with the drink the man requested for you.
Though you were worried that the drink was spiked, you gave a little sip and it was all fruity and delicious. Mental note to yourself: not only is he good-looking, kind but also has good taste in food; great, just great.
The rest of the night went fairly nice. You and your friends were sipping on your drinks, having a nice chit-chat bout life in general, catching up since you guys were not in the same classes. Once the clock hit 1 am, you figured that it was time to head back to your dorm.
Since you decided to wait for your friends who were calling an uber to head back to their homes since they live near your college. Whilst waiting, you told your friends that you were going to go to the bathroom for a bit.
Right when you came out of the bathroom, a random man tried to hit on you and it made you very uncomfortable that you eventually hit the wall behind you. But luckily, a certain someone came and save the day ;)
"Oi. Hands off the girl. Looks like someone is new to my bar since I don't accept any sort of make-out if there's no consent between two parties. Scram before I make you" your saviour growled, making the man leave you alone
"Are you alright?" the man asked while you were catching your breath
"Yeah. Yea, I am. Thank you again. Uh..." you mumbled
"What is it? Are you sure you're alright?" the man questioned, worried in his tone
"It's just, you've basically helped me twice and I still have yet to know your name" you chuckled, making the man chuckle as well
"If that's really what you want. I'm Yuta" the man called Yuta chuckled
"Thank you, Yuta. I appreciate it" you thanked him, giving him a genuine smile; not knowing what that smile does to Yuta's heart
And folks, that was just the beginning of your relationship. Ever since that night, Yuta made it his goal to get to know you more before actually asking you in a relationship; which, when the time came and Yuta asked you, without thinking twice, you said yes.
Throughout your relationship, Yuta was pretty blunt in telling you what he does as a living and mentioned that while he may live a dangerous life, he still had morals and his job was actually putting down all the bad people hiding in the shadows.
Despite all, you trusted Yuta and he also trusted you. You still had your freedom and was allowed to go wherever with whoever you wanted as long as you told Yuta beforehand. Even throughout your near one year anniversary, both of you knew each other's friend group and you even get to see how soft Yuta was when it comes to his mates.
However, all those sweet moments you both felt like a dream the second Yuta heard news that you were captured by some lowlife gang that NCT made go broke. Hearing the news, it was only a matter of minutes before the whole NCT used their network to find you and create a well thought out plan to get you back.
Once Yuta got you back, he made sure you were alright whilst the other members lock the gang up in their basement. Yuta made sure that you had no injuries; which, if you do, he would tend them himself and if he can't then he'll have someone come but stay by you until you were alright or, until you fell asleep.
After tucking you into bed and making sure you were fast asleep. Yuta peck your forehead for a moment before quietly sneaking off the bed and out of his room, going down to the basement and confronting the gang with some of the other members.
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“You think prison is the worst place you could go? You pull some shit like that again and I’ll have you thrown in places that’ll make prison seem like a wet fucking dream. Now, which one of you nutjobs came up with the idea in the first place?!" Yuta growled, smirking once he saw the gang cower in fear
A/N: hope you guys enjoy this Yuta fic that came out of nowhere XD and hope you all stay safe and healthy :) xoxo
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story-scribbler · 3 years
so. i had a really horrible night, and i just need to spew it all out.
moots: @anordinarymuse @emikadreams @thebonecarver
in a record of terrible birthdays, i've finally hit another whoppingly bad one. after two years of not celebrating because of covid, i finally was able to have a birthday party. and i decided to go all out, because i've realized that in a setting of my group of friends, i have a hard time letting myself be in the spotlight from time to time (like for my birthday) i'm usually the planner of the group. i get everyone else together, i wrangle people when we're at parties, i make sure the birthday girl gets enough photos with her friends, and i make sure that the families are always included for photo ops so they can have nice memories of the day. in short, i think i usually take the place of a party planner at events, because i want my friends to have a seamless, problem-free day to celebrate themselves. and i love doing that.
so in my decision to try and celebrate myself, i wanted to go all out. i planned out all our snacks, our activities, and everything. my amazing wonderful mom went out and ran a crazy amount of errands to buy everything. i invited a few friends from my old school, and a few friends from my new school, about 11 people in total. and i was so excited. it was pink themed, which was a little cheesy but also it was so adorable.
it was fun, if a little awkward at first. my old friends were a little shy being around people they didn't know, but they were able to talk to each other if nothing else. we hung out a bit, made bracelets(!), ate pizza, and watched some derry girls (hello all time favorite show).
it went downhill at cake cutting. one of my friends told me that her dad was literally in my driveway, and that she had to leave and wanted to cut the cake. cue a mad scramble. we were trying to fit everyone into a photo, and in doing so, we attempted to push back one of our folding tables. and then. crash. one of the legs must not have been fully locked, and it fell completely over. honestly, i panicked. totally abandoned the cake, and tried to clean up the huge mess. another fun addition, i had literally gotten my period in the first five minutes of the party, so the hormones and pms were raging. i waved out the candles on the cake so wax didnt drip all over, and immediately tried to start cleaning it up. note that beads were literally EVERYWHERE (and i was scared that my cat would inhale one), and in my panic i felt myself getting really upset. also, in the crowd of 11 people, only four of my friends decided to help, and the rest were standing there awkwardly. and in the corner of my attention, i heard one of my friends snap, 'so, when are we getting cake.' i think it was one of the last straws for me, but i tried really hard to not let my upsetness show. i was more embarrassed than anything, but eventually we got everything cleaned up, and we got back to cake cutting round 2. i felt so bad because at that point, my friends dad was getting impatient so she had to leave without cake. we cut the cake, ate cake, and at that point, i just really wanted everyone to leave.
literally the second after everyone left (minus my best friend who was staying an extra hour just to hang out), i ran straight to my mom and cried my eyes out. and then i hugged my friend and cried again.
i was so upset because it was the first party i'd had in two years. it was my 18th, and i really wanted it to go perfectly. instead, i had to deal with a huge mess. the guest who snapped about the cake had been making rude remarks all night, complaining about my music choice, complaining about the tv show we watched, and generally being rudely sarcastic. i was also upset because one girl, who'd i'd been friends with since we were 7, wasn't able to make it, because she had plans with another friend and wasn't willing to leave an hour early to get to my house. genuinely, i was so disappointed in myself that i couldn't enjoy my party. and i felt so guilty that my mom, who had spent so much time and money into making this party for me, had to see me upset and not enjoying the party as i should've. right now, i'm trying really hard to focus on the good parts of that night. nothing in life can go perfectly, and i want to recognize the good times of yesterday.
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goth-albino-angel · 3 years
Yugiri's smile is everything. She has so many of them and they all mean different things. When she's relaxed, when she's excited, when she's confused, when she has no clue what's going on but everyone else is happy so she's happy, when she's relieved, when she's proud... She has so many different smiles and if Tumblr didn't have the 10 image rules, I would absolutely gush about every single one of them in detail. Unfortunately, if I do that, all of those posts will probably be eaten out of the tag, so instead, here are my top 10 favorite Yugiri smiles so far, images included. (Pre-Revenge episode 9)
10. Season One, Episode 2: The First Smile/ 9. Season One, Episode 10: The Sentimental Smile
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Episode 2 is the first time we ever see Yugiri smile. Before this, she seemed relatively nonplussed or generally disinterested in pretty much everything going on. Even though she was in a different time period with complete strangers and a madman demanding her to be something she has no knowledge of, she was fairly calm. Then the first time we see her smile, it's when she sees something completely familiar. Her own face. Not only that, but she directs that smile toward the character that is going to become basically her little sister. The first one means so much and it's so important.
Within the same vein, her smile to Kotaro in episode 10 is one during an emotionally heavy moment. It's the first time he's hit an actual snag in his plans. Sakura's singular focus on the Arpino show rather than on the bigger picture of the group as a whole would have been a massive roadblock had she not realized her mistake.
Yugiri is the only one who properly realizes the reason they were sent into the mountains in the first place. Instead of simply sitting on the information, she's proactive about it and actually goes to discuss the problem with Kotaro. She wants to understand his reasoning so that she might be able to help him. And when she turns toward him, she also gives him the observations she's witnessed throughout her new life. This smile may be low on my list of favorites, but it's still unbelievably important.
...Also, when they released the preview image of this smile, my brain short-circuited for ten minutes, so it had to make it onto the list regardless.
8. Season Two, Episode One: The Professional Smile
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This smile isn't much out of the ordinary for what we've come to expect of Yugiri, but it's on here because this was our first look at Yugiri after basically two years of very little. None of us knew how the group would come back, how the writing team had incorporated the unexpected pandemic, how things would play out, or what would be happening. The Promo showed Tae's hand flying off to knock off Sakura's head, but as 2018 displayed, the promos can't always be trusted. This showed that, even in this new world where she's only been awake for a year, she's putting her skills to use and working just as hard as the others. Thanks to the conversation from Episode 10 of the first season, we know she was trained as a geisha which would make service work much easier than it would be for the other girls.
I don't have too much to say on this one, to be honest. I do like that she's in softer lighting, as opposed to the others who were all surrounded by harsh lighting on their season two introductions. The softer lighting lends itself well to the lack of pigment and coloration in the girls' makeup, allowing Yugiri to look like she has some color, even if she still looks somewhat pale and tired. It doesn't give her quite the same sickly look the others have at their jobs. The red dress? 100/10. Perfect decision.
7. Season One, Episode Five: The Proud Smile
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SHE. DOES. GYMNASTICS. She has every right to this smile! I did the math for this specific part of the episode and Yugiri got third place. The judges liked her rope aerobics so much, they shot her all the way to third place even though her distance was zero meters. It wouldn't have gotten her interviewed, but it would have at least put Franchouchou at the forefront. I still applaud Tae snagging first place, but Yugiri deserves some praise. She really did go face first into the mud on a bike and said, "Never again." She's so proud of herself. I'll be gushing about the actual gymnastics part in a different post a little later, too, but she definitely deserves to be proud of herself. I'm really gay...
6. Season One, Episode Four: The Cute Smile
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Originally, this was just going to be me doing some keysmash version of a squeal or something, but there's something I'd like to draw attention to. I'm pretty sure that, by this point, Franchouchou only knows two songs. Yomigaere, which was supposed to be performed in episode 2, and Mezame Returner, which is what's being performed here. Of these two, Yugiri has more experience with this one, but from what the audience had been shown, it wasn't good experience.
Memorizing the lyrics would have been the easy part for her. It's that a good portion of the dance practice was also spent helping Lily get the steps down and potentially calming her frustrations. Then the performance itself would have been a complete disaster if Junko and Ai hadn't gotten over themselves at the last minute to finally help.
This is the first successful performance of Mezame Returner we're witnessing and it's clear the group's had more practice since then. You can see how excited and happy Yugiri is here because this one is actually going well. They had a bit more time to prepare, the two lead roles were actually involved this time, and the audience also was clearly enjoying the performance. She's so happy and it's just so heart-warming to see. Yes, even with the CGI. Don't @ me, she looks adorable.
5. Season One, Episode Seven: The Sassy Smile
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This one also was just going to be a squealing keysmash thing, but again, I have something to point out. Look how much more confident she is now that Junko and Ai have, once again, gotten over themselves. Yugiri sees the effect that Junko stepping in had on the others and just like the rest of the group, her movements are more relaxed and free.
It's more obvious, actually, if you look at the way the other girls are moving directly after Junko helps Ai up in comparison to how Yugiri is moving. She did a spin while waiting for Sakura and Lily to finish their segment, and she could be cheeky during her own. She sensed that the tension had mostly dissolved and because of that, she allowed herself to relax and could properly throw herself into the performance. When she throws out this smile and wink, it's not actually directed at the audience. It's Yugiri telling the others that they've got this without breaking the performance.
4. Season Two, Episode Four: The Gentle Smiles
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I put both of these here because Yugiri's just... so... caring? So much of what she does is passive that you don't realize just how much work she puts into relieving the stress from the other girls until long after the problem has been resolved.
In the first, she's speaking to Sakura. No doubt, Yugiri probably noticed how worried Sakura was about Junko. Even though Sakura was trying not to let the others catch on just how anxious she really was, Yugiri still knew that something was bothering Sakura as well as Junko. Yugiri knew that the key to easing Junko's mind lay in placating Sakura first. She's seen what happens to them all when they fall apart and she wants to avoid that at all costs. So, Yugiri lifts Sakura's spirits and gives her back the fire and determination to make a great performance.
In the second, Yugiri is watching Junko eat. Unlike the others, it's clear Yugiri knows that Junko is in much higher spirits than when last they saw her. Junko would likely have still been a stuttering, quivering mess otherwise, but she wasn't stuttering and her actions were purposeful and self-assured. Yugiri is very observant. She would have caught on that something had happened to make Junko feel better. What makes this smile even better is that she's not the least bit disappointed. The reason she made dinner was to help Junko, but she doesn't view the meal as a waste of time. She's so focused on other people, that she's happy Junko is feeling better at all and even offers her different platters to help keep her mood up.
3. Season Two, Episode Six: The Affectionate Smile
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I will be completely honest, I have no idea why this one is as high as it is. I admit, I did spend three hours replaying this single thirty second scene because it's really sweet and Yugiri and Tae don't interact very often, so seeing Yugiri not only be worried for Tae, but also be immediately reassured that Tae would be fine was just something my heart didn't know it needed until it had it. The sheer level of affection Yugiri shows toward Tae is too adorable. Especially since Yugiri usually only has moments like those with Sakura and, to a lesser extent, Lily. This smile's really cute, it's in the middle of a wholesome scene, and it made me love both Yugiri and Tae that much more.
2. Season One, Episode Three: The Excited Smile
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Once again, an entry that was going to be a simple squealing keysmash until I realized there was something to point out here as well. This is the first smile we ever see from Yugiri that's genuinely enthusiastic. She has plenty of them, especially during her performances, but this is our first time seeing her fully incorporate herself into the group as an actual member and actually look excited to do something with the others. This was an omen of adorable things to come and damn did it deliver.
Honorable Mentions.
I'm only going to touch on each of these briefly because to be honest, there are a LOT of smiles I could've picked.
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The first one is from episode 6 when the group is talking about their very first meet-and-greet. Lily asks Yugiri if she's keeping up okay, and Yugiri remarks that she's taking things as they come. This was a small look into the kind of character she is. As I mentioned before, she's very passive in the way she operates, but that's to the benefit of those she cares for. This is her admitting that she doesn't want to be a problem and it's just sweet that even though Lily is worried about her, Yugiri's still highkey thinking about everyone else.
To the right is a shot of Yugiri during Electric Returner. This one is just the squealing keysmash because she looks so genuinely ecstatic, it's contagious. She's NO DAMN CLUE what happened or why they sound so different, but she is absolutely living her best second life.
The next shot comes from the beginning of Yomigaere and is somewhat of a repeat of the above. She's excited to perform for such a big crowd, she's glad Sakura finally agreed to actually participate, and she's living her best second life. Whoever animates Yugiri's CG model? I love you. I want to send you a gift basket. She's always so happy during performances.
Then comes her smile after the group finds out Sakura's memories are back. She's just glad Sakura, her Sakura, has come back to them, that she accepts her crap luck and is still willing to stay. For Yugiri, this goes under the list of Best Possible Outcomes. Her family is whole again and she's so relieved.
Last in the top row is the first full frontal shot we get of Yugiri in the Saga Jihen music video. She's so unbelievably adorable here. I wish I could've gotten her first expression, but the curtain was still rising and without photoshop, I'm not editing an image to the degree needed to get her whole face lightened. Point is, she's cute and everyone deserves to see her adorable face on the first song she got to be center for.
First on the bottom row is Yugiri looking apologetic from episode 8 of Revenge. She's so cute. It was an honest mistake and she had no way of knowing the paper belonged to Kiichi. No doubt, that was probably why she offered to help him rewrite them later.
Next is how cute she looks in big sister mode. She's wiping the mud from Kiichi's cheeks and is taking such care with him. Throughout the entire episode, she treats him like a little kid and it's likely because her role was big sister for so long that she doesn't know how not to treat him that way. It really does shed light on just how kind she is to everyone, though, that she doesn't even think about her dirty kimono and focuses on cleaning him up a little first.
Then we have her smiling at Kiichi as she remarks on how beautiful his dream of reviving Saga is. She even says she hopes it comes true. His dream means something to her. She can't even fully see it, he can't even fully see it, but they don't need to. What Itou didn't understand this whole time is something Yugiri understood immediately just from listening to Kiichi talk. They don't need to see it in their minds, all they need is to feel it in their hearts, and that's something Yugiri knows.
And lastly on the honorable mentions, because this post is already super long, Yugiri smiling while she's cooking for her guests. It was a tossup between this or the pinwheel because it's just really nice that Yugiri can simply enjoy mundane things. I chose this one because it's a direct contrast to how she was at the beginning. Before, she ate with a disinterested expression, but now, she's cooking for guests rather than just for herself. The lift in her mood is obvious, and it's something so small but so heartwarming, I couldn't resist.
I would've put the pinwheel moment anyway, but unfortunately, as a com major, formatting and design are everything and an extra picture on the top or bottom without a balancer would've thrown the whole thing off. Maybe next time.
1. Season Two, Episode Eight: The Softest Smile
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This should have been expected. There's something genuinely touching about the fact that Yugiri really does give her everything, even to complete strangers. These girls barely know her, everyone in town barely knows her, but because her dance students suggested Yugiri go out and actually experience, Yugiri gives it actual thought. She doesn't dismiss them, she doesn't deride them, she doesn't make them feel foolish or anything like that. She treats their suggestion the same way she would if it had come from a close friend. And she does actually take them up on it.
Later, we see her come into contact with Kiichi to demonstrate that even full-on strangers aren't exempt from her kind heart, but this means more. All we know is that these girls take Yugiri's dance class, and from the way they speak when we first meet them, it's clear Yugiri has a professional wall between herself and those she instructs. But she still treats them as she would the girls back in Shimabara. It's proof that, even in the past, Yugiri really was just as kind-hearted as in the present. It's a show don't tell kind of thing that just speaks so deeply to the writer in me. I love this smile. It's everything. Her smiles are everything. She's everything.
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ultimatetrashgoblin · 3 years
Blaire Reviews: Ezra Season 4
Disclaimer: This is all my opinion, you are allowed to disagree with me. I encourage you to read this route and form your own opinions. (It’s no secret that EAA is my favorite series, so this will probably be extremely biased)
First Impressions
The stakes are very high going into this season. Red is on the loose, and with the spell on the Ice Queen's heart broken, it's only a matter of time before she's there as well. Probably doesn't help that Ezra broke the fucking front door down because either could easily walk into the house and kill everyone.
The conflict becomes immediately apparent when Ezra and FMC go to the university and find that all of the students and faculty are in some sort of trance, lifelessly moving around the school, while barely reacting to anything going on around them (If only Bosco was in this route, he'd fit right in).
They go to the library to find Darla, only to discover that she and Omar are also under this mysterious spell, and have lost their memories of magic. We also got this glorious moment (and you're lying if you said you picked any other option).
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Ezra, Mouse, and Edward go off to find Red (and restore the power of three after Ezra broke it last season by running away like the dramatic bitch he is for like the fifth time in his route) leaving FMC with Nora and Arin, who get her to confess that the spell around the Ice Queen's heart has been broken. Fortunately, FMC is also given confirmation that she was not responsible for what was happening to the student body.
Unfortunately, we find out that Red is the one responsible for this, having stolen Omar's lamp and using them essentially as an army to literally "paint the town red".
In order to find Red's book, Ezra and FMC realize they need to go to the magic world to find it. Nora goes with them in order to collect ingredients she needs to reverse Dr. Tutorea's curse. But Arin warns them that The Ice Queen would know if Ezra was in the world, so they had to be quick.
The group (minus MMC and Lucas for some reason) performs a spell that will allow the door between worlds to be slightly open. I thought that this heart scene was incredibly well done, and was 100% worth the hearts.
Once in the magic world, we're immediately introduced to Galahad. Now I know plenty of people want his route, which I can understand, (the amount of male LIs who are genuinely sweet off the bat is very low) but I found him to be boring. Granted, he wasn't introduced until halfway through Ezra's last season, and his character was barely used. If we were given more time to see his character, maybe I'd understand the hype around him more.
Ezra finds Red's book and reads it, realizing that Red was the one who killed the wolves (like with Grandma, I'd suspected it, but the reveal was still shocking nonetheless). The Ice Queen shows up (though we don't actually see her), and with Red's book, the potion for Dr. Tutorea, and our new friend who Ezra totally isn't jealous of, the group goes back through the door.
I loved the final battle (even if it was paywalled) and being able to see everyone working together to take Red down. AND MOUSE FINALLY GOT TO SLAP HER!
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Good for you baby, I'm proud of you.
For someone who has been getting hyped for this entire route, the Ice Queen made an appearance for a whooping one episode. In her defense, she did make the most of her short appearance. Her turning on Red and calling her out for betraying the hunters and Grandma was an amazing moment. Also:
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Yeah, it's a little on the nose, especially since we already know she's getting a route in June. Still, I thought it was a fun addition. See you then Lavinia!
The finale was similar to Nora's. The MCs get their memories back, and FMC, Ezra, Nora, Lucas, and Dr. Tutorea go to the magic world. But what I wasn't expecting was that last heart scene. In all honesty, it probably was just a cute moment between Ezra and FMC, and I'm probably overthinking things. But it seemed a lot like they were exchanging vows- So I'm allowing myself to have this headcanon that they eloped.
Then and Now
Since this was Ezra's final season, I'm going to compare the character and relationship dynamics in his first and last seasons.
When we first meet Ezra, he's clearly the mean, snarky LI that we have never seen before, especially in wlm routes. We did get a few glimpses of a softer, more gentle side of Ezra as the season progressed, and he showed himself to be very protective over FMC (especially when Edward was introduced). One thing I loved about the relationship dynamic between FMC and Ezra was the banter. Both of them have very strong personalities, and there were moments where they would clash with each other. But rather than being malicious remarks towards each other, these arguments were more playful jabs, which was refreshing.
In this season, Ezra was much more open with FMC. There was still some witty banter between the two of them, but we also got more sweet moments. There was also better communication, and there was clearly a great amount of trust there. Ezra didn't run off as much and would tell FMC his plans beforehand to make her feel more comfortable.
In my opinion, Ezra is an example of the rude LI trope done right. He admires FMC's ambition and bravery, mentioning how most people don't have the guts to stand up to him (which is the origin of the nickname "Little Star"). I've seen other LIs of this type belittling the MC, and sometimes downright insulting them Chance Valentine, but Ezra clearly respects her.
Final Thoughts
It's always sad to see such a beloved route end. This story had so much potential, and it's sad to see the potential wasted by ending a route early, especially with such a beloved LI. As someone who isn't attracted to men, it's rare for me to find a wlm route that I can avidly enjoy and look forward to seeing updates for.
Despite the ending feeling somewhat rushed, this season was incredibly well done and allowed us time to see our favorite characters one last time. Red was an amazing and ruthless villain, the dynamic between the group was wonderful. I don't think we could have asked for a better ending (just maybe a few seasons later).
Overall Rating: 8/10
Favorite CG
I was stuck between this CG and the last one, but if there's anything that I'm weak for, it's beautiful lighting and attractive women.
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OHSHC Rewrite: Episode 3b
Beware of the Physical Exams!
Host Club x reader
Summary: When the hosts convince y/n to get help, she finds trouble instead.
Word Count: 5.4k
Episode Masterlist
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"Y/n, we've come here today to talk about a problem regarding you."
You looked around nervously, and began your verbal diarrhea. "Okay, um, first of all, I want to say I'm sorry. I know it's our number one priority to make the clients happy, and I was side tracked, and that's on me. I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have been unprofessional with Alarico and that's super my fault. I know I need to get 100 guests and I'm only at 39 but I can do better, and again I'm really sorry for everything about yesterday, and—"
"Y/n," Kyoya cut you off. "This has nothing to do with your quota, or Alarico Gonzalez's behavior."
"Oh." You said dumbly.
"This is about your anxiety attack."
"Oh." You grumbled, though you quickly regained your composure. "I'm sorry you had to see that senpai."
"It was no trouble, and I've read that they can be very sudden and frightening to those who get them." He stated.
"We're really worried." Hikaru said.
"Yeah," Kaoru agreed. "When Kyoya told us, we had no idea how to help."
"You have to take care of yourself y/n-chan." Honey clutched usa-chan.
"Yeah." Mori said.
"That is why," Tamaki said, pointing to you. "We've decided to set up an appointment with the school therapist today!"
"Woah, let's not take it that far. I'm okay guys, really."
"You didn't look okay when you had trouble breathing yesterday." Kyoya stated.
"That was just a little hiccup!" You explained. "Things happen. I'm okay now, which is more important, right?"
Tamaki stepped up to you. "You're going to therapy, and that's final!"
"No." You said forcefully. This struck his feelings, and he sulked in the corner. You sighed. "I'm sorry I worried you all, and I'll be careful next time. I don't want to waste time and cut any classes so a therapist can tell me depressing things. I just want to forget about sad stuff here."
You gave them a smile. "Well, she seems unmotivated." Hikaru stated.
"But how are we going to get her to agree?" Kaoru asked.
Mori then thought of something. "Squishy ice cream."
That struck a nerve. You gasped and carefully looked at them, and Tamaki then got up. "That's right~ You were so busy last episode that you never got to try any, did you~?"
"Did you hear that?" Hikaru whispered mockingly. "She's never even tried squishy ice cream before. Isn't that sad?"
"Talk about a tragedy." Kaoru whispered back.
You nervously laughed. "C'mon guys, you don't really think of me as such glutton because I'm poor and never had it that I'd force myself to go to some therapy for some ice cream would you?" You kept nervously laughing, and everybody else smiled at you. You then quietly asked, "What time is the appointment?"
"We knew it." The twins said.
You scoffed and smiled. "You guys are something else. Why do you even care about this?"
"Don't refer to yourself as this!" Tamaki exclaimed. "If you need anything, know that I'm always here for you."
"You mean all of us are here for her?" Hikaru asked.
"As I said before, you are all the homosexual supporting cast!"
You let out an involuntary laugh. "Really senpai? Supporting cast?" You asked, walking over to them. "That's a little self absorbed of you." You then thought of something. "Can you guys do me a little favor though? Let's keep the therapy sessions to ourselves. My clients get worried easily and I feel weird when they get curious and ask me about my issues."
"Well, your appointment is right after the physical exams," Kyoya explained. "So that might be an issue."
"Alright then," Tamaki announced. "Gentlemen, it's time to enact The Keep Y/n's Secret Safe Plan!"
Later that day you walked with the twins to the physical exam, though the line was going to be too long to not miss your therapy session. When you went in there, your mouth hung open. "What the hell is this?!"
"It's just a regular physical exam." Hikaru said.
"I've seen malls smaller than this." You whisper shouted, speed walking to hold each twin by the arm, timidly looking at all the people and fancy stations. "This is so out of place for me. I feel so awkward."
They paid no mind to you gripping onto them, or at least tried not to. "Seriously y/n, you need to stop being amazed and scared at everything here." Kaoru said.
"I was amazed and scared of the host club when I walked in. Look at us now." You offered. Neither of them said anything but looked down at you. You then saw Mori and Honey dressed up in doctor attire. "Wait, what?" They put their fingers over their mouths shush you. "So obvious." You muttered.
"I have those two for back up in case this plan doesn't execute properly." Kyoya came out and explained.
"Why are they in doctor uniforms?"
"It helps set the mood." He pushed up his glasses. "Disguises make our mission feel like a real espionage."
You watched the doctor encourage a girl as three other nurses clapped for her. "This is weird." You said. "All the staff here are actually nice."
"Of course." Kyoya said. "All staff is chosen by the chairman. It is a school, but it's also a business. He wants the students to be happy, and most students here already have their own doctors for their families. So this, is just a formality."
You quietly scoffed and shrugged, shaking your head. You and the twins kept walking when someone bumped into Kyoya, and Kyoya's gaze lingered on him.
"Huh." The twins then began taking off their shirts to do their exams, and girls started squealing. "See now?" Kyoya asked. "Physical exam day is quite popular with the ladies."
"Hm. My physical exams in y/c had us also do exercise. Everybody was rude and just wanted to get everything over with, and that makes more sense than this." You then shook your head. "But girls here would probably still be squealing for that too because sweat is apparently attractive too."
The twins were being themselves and girls continued squealing. Mori and Honey took this as an opportunity to push you into a corner nobody was in. Tamaki then caught you from behind. "I've been waiting for you princess." He said in your ear.
"Tamaki senpai?" You turned your head.
He giggled in your ear. "You're so cute when you're surprised." He then stepped back. "This is it, the inevitable moment."
"What are you gonna do?"
He shushes you with his finger. "Don't worry, I'll protect you." You felt your cheeks tingle. That was until he put on a wig and stepped into the exams area. "I am ready to take the exams." He announced in his best impression of your voice.
"Hey, is Tamaki trying to dress as a girl?" One girl asked.
Tamaki was shocked, as if he didn't realize people would notice. The twins then bursted out laughing. "He actually did it!" Hikaru laughed out.
"I can't believe he didn't know that wouldn't work!"
Tamaki blushed and angrily grabbed Hikaru. "Why didn't you tell me it wouldn't work?!"
"It's payback for calling us homosexual supporting cast!" He laughed out.
Tamaki looked over at you shyly with big sad eyes. "Um, listen y/n," he timidly said.
"Did you really think that would work?" You asked, and your tone showed that it was a genuine question. He said nothing but pouted, causing you to glare at him. "Big words senpai. Small execution."
"Come this way y/n," Kyoya said. "There's a private room waiting for you."
"Senpai, you look like your enjoying this." You smiled at him. Tamaki dropped to his knees in the background.
Kyoya was smiling as well. "Well, I did need to get my revenge too. I don't appreciate being called supporting cast, homosexual or otherwise."
You both walked away as Tamaki weakly reached for you while fading away. You then went into a room with a female nurse. "Good morning Miss Y/l/n. It's a pleasure to meet you. I've been informed of your circumstances, so we can hurry along this process."
"Thank you ma'am."
"Of course. Step right this way please. You can undress in there." You nodded and stepped inside the dressing area.
The boys were listening to this girl cry about a doctor who supposedly made a pass at her. "I've never been so terrified." She cried.
"How scary!"
"Do you think he was a pervert?" This girls were huddled around her for comfort.
"I had a feeling this might happen." Kyoya thought out loud. "Earlier today I saw a strange man in a white lab coat, though clearly not one of our doctors.
"Shouldn't you have said something sooner?" The twins asked in an annoyed manner.
"I'm sure it's no big deal. I'm sure the security guard will catch him." Kyoya offered.
They still listened to the group in the back. "Tell me," said a doctor. "Did you see where this man went?"
"Yes sir, he was headed towards the private clinic down the hall." The boys were all silent as they realized that he was going to your room.
You had just unbuttoned your shirt, leaving you in your bra. You were about to take off your pants when a man went into your changing room and was peaking outside. It was almost like he didn't see you. "W–um, excuse me, but—"
He rushed over to you and covered your mouth with his hand. "No, it's not what you think. Please just be quiet."
"Y/n!" You both turned to see Tamaki in the air. "Tama-chan~ kick!" He kicked the man in the face and sent him flying into the wall. Tamaki then spun in the air a few times before coming down to the ground.
The twins then appeared. "One. Good looks that attract the public eye."
Kyoya then stepped out of the shadows. "Two. More wealth than you can imagine."
Mori then spoke up. "Three. Chivalry that will never be able to overlook,"
"The hideous wickedness of this world." Honey finished.
As you hugged yourself Tamaki gently placed his own shirt over you. "That's what make up the Ouran Host Club!"
They posed, with an exception of Mori and Kyoya, saying, "We're here, watch out!"
"Please don't hurt me! Spare me my life!" He bowed as you buttoned up Tamaki's shirt. He then got back up. "I run a small medical clinic in the next town over."
You were taken aback by the sudden fact. You looked at Honey, whispering, "Why is he telling us his life story?"
Honey shrugged, and you all listened. "My name is Yabu." You suppressed your laughter, since Yabu is another word for quack doctor. "You see, I came to find my daughter. My wife left me a month ago and took my daughter with her! I know that my daughter goes here."
You sat down to be at the same eye level with him. "Well now that I'm invested into the story, I gotta ask. What happened to make them leave?"
He explained that he kept giving people money and they don't usually pay them back. The latest time was the last straw, and they both left. "I can never say no to anyone. I don't blame them for not wanting to constantly live in debt. But I wanted to see my daughter one last time, so I wandered through the streets and was pounded by rain until I came here. But once I entered I was mistaken for a doctor, here to examine students!"
You smiled. "You mean they mistook the guy wearing a lab coat as a doctor? That's... wow."
"And then it happened," He ignored you. He then explained how he asked a girl for directions and she ran away screaming. "And before I knew it, there were all kinds of people chasing me!" He was bursting with tears.
"So tragic!" Tamaki was also crying.
"Pardon me," Kyoya said. "But I think you may have the wrong highschool. Are you looking for Ouran Public Highschool?"
"Yeah?" He stopped crying and looked up.
"I figured that might be the case. This is Ouran Academy, private institution. Your daughter doesn't go to school here."
He looked shocked, and the twins began to voice their opinions. "Man, you don't even know where your daughter goes to school? That's pretty sad." Hikaru said.
"Yeah, I bet your relationship's messed up because you don't pay attention to them, not because of some stupid debt."
"Wow Kyo-chan, you figured that out pretty quickly." Honey congratulated him.
"Well, the daughter of such a small business man could never afford to go here." You scrunched up your nose I'm response.
"Kyoya," Tamaki said. "Could you make a map of the public schools in this area? I'd like to help this man."
Kyoya looked surprised for a second, but smiled and regained his composure. "Whatever you say."
As the man got up you stepped in front of him. "If you'll allow me to give some advice." He nodded. "If you get there and school is still in session, don't just go in. Wait until she's finished with school, or else you're gonna look like a creep and she'll be too angry and embarrassed to talk." He said nothing and nodded, bowing. He left soon after, and you were all still in the private room. "Well, sorry to do this, but can you guys please leave now?"
Everybody looked surprised. "Y/n, are you still angry with me?" Tamaki said. "You're not going to quit the host club are you?"
You turned to him and smiled, patting his shoulder. "Don't be silly senpai. I need to get to that stupid therapy sesh and you need to put on a shirt. I just gotta take the physical exams and I'll give it back to you." You then turned around and smiled. "Let's get this straight though. I'm not doing it for some food, I'm doing it for my debt."
You giggled, and Tamaki smothered you with a hug. "I can see right through you! I know you're doing it for some squishy ice cream!"
He was smothering too much. "Okay, stop it! The shirt's riding up!"
"Red card!" The twins said in unison. They then dragged Tamaki out and everyone else followed.
You finished your exam fairly quickly and was guided by your nurse to the room of your therapist. "Good morning." She grinned. "Please sit anywhere you'd like."
You had decided right then and there that this was going to suck. There was fancy decor and expensive looking items. There was a nice looking couch and even nicer looking chairs. She had a desk that looked like it costed way too much, and she wore expensive clothing. This was all too much. You didn't belong in this room.
You silently sat on the couch. "I hope you feel your most comfortable self with me, so we can talk about anything you want." Her grin was still on and her tone was still chirpy. You said nothing. "Do you want to begin the conversation?"
You hesitated before speaking up. "May I ask about your background?"
"My background? Well that's an incredibly boring subject, but go ahead! Let's not have any secrets between each other, okay?"
You were silent for a moment again. "How were you brought up? Was it surrounded by things like this?"
You didn't try to smile. You didn't want to be here. There wasn't anything wrong with you, so there wasn't a reason to be here. Besides, this room itself was giving you anxiety. "Things like this? Well, I'm not really the materialistic person, but if you're asking me if I was born into a wealthy family that helped paved the way to my position, then yes. I was born into this."
Her smile never faltered, and you didn't like it. You didn't like the feeling of any of this. Exposed, you felt so exposed. It made you put your head down in shame. "Then don't you think you're a little overqualified to be talking to me right now?"
She was taken aback, but began writing in her notebook. She slightly nodded to it, as if she had decided something. "My, is that what you think?"
What the hell would she even write from that? That you have self esteem issues? That you're self conscious about yourself here? You deserved so much squishy icecream for this. You only shrugged.
"You don't seem very relaxed right now. Maybe we could talk about why that is." You shrugged again. Her smile almost left her face, but she hung onto it. "We can't make any progress if you we don't put in effort dear."
You sucked up your annoyance and smiled, bringing your head up. "If you want me to be happy about this, you could've just said so. And the reason why I'm uncomfortable is because this room is making me uncomfortable."
She then wrote in her notebook again. "I see. Is it the atmosphere? We can go outside to the garden if it makes you feel any better."
"Is this session a one time thing?"
She chuckled. "That's not how progress works."
"Then we can stay in here so I could get used to this feeling."
It was like she cornered you. She knew exactly where to strike. "Do you always feel like you need to comply to things? Like you have to be the one to adjust?"
You frowned. "Where did that come from?"
"Please answer the question dear."
"I don't know, I guess. I have to though. It's not like everybody else has to change their viewpoints to accommodate only me."
"Do those viewpoints make you upset?"
"I'd appreciate if didn't lie to me."
She seemed to have every one of your moves calculated. She suddenly knew how to outsmart you. "Sometimes, I guess. I don't know. They'll say a comment or two about how different commoners are to normal rich people. It's weird. I never considered myself normal, but I'm different for another reason here than before."
You wanted to slap yourself for saying that. She only wrote in her notebook again. "How were you different before?"
"It just sometimes felt like us against the world. The four of us were unbreakable and we didn't care that it was that way. I felt proud to be looked down on, in this weird way, because my friends were down there with me laughing at everyone else."
"And now?"
"Now I'm down there alone. Everybody looks down on me, but there's no one else to share that with. It just sucks sometimes."
"You have two separate friend groups that you mention. Do you feel differently towards the one back in y/c than here?"
"I never felt ashamed with my y/c friends, I guess. I don't know. They knew everything about me, and they still loved me for it. Maybe I feel like my friends here will just pity me if I open up more?" You brought your knees up and buried your face in between them. "Ugh, no offense doctor, but this sucks butt. I thought this was supposed to help me with my anxiety."
"And you don't feel anxiety when thinking about your new friends finding things out about you?"
You couldn't help but let out a laugh and fall to lay of the couch. "Damn it, you're actually pretty good."
"People can be more complex than you might think. Just as you feel like they won't understand you because of your background, you aren't giving them a chance because of their background." You looked up at her. She was still smiling.
You chuckled. "You really do suck." You then sat up straight. "Hey, how are other people like with your sneaky forwardness?"
She waved off the question. "Oh, I'm usually not like this at all. I normally have to go through this journey with them until they figure it out on their own. I figured you weren't like that and would prefer someone who wouldn't baby you. It's actually quite nice to get straight forward answers back."
You genuinely smiled. "I'm sorry doctor, I think I underestimated you."
She had a different smile on this time. "Hm. Tell me something that your new friends don't know about you."
"That's kinda hard. One of them ran a background check on me."
She chose not to push her luck and not ask about that. "Well, it can be a small fact."
You let out a sigh and looked down again. "I mean, I was at the store the other day and bought them all keychains. Once I brought them to school I realized how worthless this would be to them. So I just kept them.
"Pushing for a better relationship with your friends will maybe let them push with you. They might like the gifts. You don't know until you try it."
"Thanks doctor." You smiled at her.
"One last question, how did you act with your old friends? Were you touchy feely or more to yourself?"
"Um, touchy feely I guess." You then thought about how you and your friends never really had respect for each other's boundaries, though none of you cared. "Really touchy feely actually."
"Try to work on getting to that level with your new friends." She then checked the time. "Oh, it seems we just ended our session. I'm glad we got this far, and there's so much more to talk about. I'll see you next week."
"Yeah, okay." You smiled and got up.
"Oh, dear,"
You stopped. "Yeah?"
"Why don't you give your old friends a call? You seem like you miss them."
"Okay." You said, chirpy. "Bye!"
You walked back to the physical exam area, and everyone was just about finished. All your friends stared at you as you silently walked over to them. You didn't say anything and looked spaced out.
"Y/n," Tamaki quietly asked. "Are you mad at us for sending you to therapy? You're making a face."
"I'm just thinking senpai." You didn't look at him.
"About quitting the club?!" He grabbed you by the shoulders.
You gently poked his face and pushed it away with your finger. "About whether or not I should give you guys something." The bell rang and you looked at the twins. "Oh, let's go guys. Bye everyone."
Nobody said anything. You went to your class silently. "Uh, y/n?" Hikaru asked.
"Hm?" You turned to them.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Kaoru asked.
You smiled and hugged them both. "I'm sure."
After school you decided to use your phone and call the one person you know who also has a phone. The other two were also there, and the three were planning to see you as a surprise on Monday. Luckily, Jasmine can't keep a surprise to save her life.
You entered the host club with a big smile, setting down your bag to turn and see all the boys staring at you. "What?" You asked, still smiling. "Oh! The gifts."
"So you actually did get us something?" Kaoru asked.
"Yup." You brought them out of your backpack and walked over to Mori. You handed him a keychain of a small black belt. "I heard someone say you were in kendo, so I thought this would be nice."
He smiled and patted the top of your head. "Thanks."
You excitedly nodded and bent down to Honey, giving him a bunny keychain. "I thought it would kinda remind you of usa-chan if you two were ever apart."
His eyes shown as he held it in his hands. "Cute! Thanks y/n-chan!"
You walked over to the twins, handing them a tweedle dee and tweedle dum keychains. You didn't know how to explain this one, so all you did was nervously chuckle.
"Get it?" They only stared at it and back at you as you awkwardly walked away and went to Kyoya. You gave him a paintbrush keychain. "One of my clients told me you could paint?"
He smiled and took the gift. "Hm. Thank you y/n."
You grinned and walked over to Tamaki. He was like a puppy who was excited to get a treat. You didn't take any notice in the blush on his face, nervous yourself that he'd say something about the piss poor gift. You put a small bear keychain in his hand.
"I know you have a teddy bear like this, and I've seen your dorky led pencil with the bear on it." An arrow went through him. "So I thought this would be a nice addition."
"No offense," Hikaru said, staring at the gift in his hand. Everybody turned their heads to him. "But you know these are kinda useless to us right?"
You frowned, but quickly replaced it with a smile. "Yeah," you nervously chuckled. "I'm sorry. It's stupid, I don't even know why I got them. Sorry." You then quickly began to walk away. "I'm gonna get my stuff set up."
You made some special tea for your first guest since she mentioned last time it was her favorite. While you were doing this, Tamaki stormed over to Hikaru. "What was that about?"
"What?" He shrugged. "It's true. I don't get why everyone's acting like this is some treasure."
Kyoya began writing in his book. "According to my sources, y/n also gave her friends back home keychains. It's a gift that she can afford, but it seems to only be something that she only gives to those she holds dear." They all looked back at Kyoya, who was still writing. "Don't you think it's peculiar that right after she talked to her therapist, y/n said that she felt comfortable giving us each a gift?"
Kaoru didn't know what to say, and Tamaki grabbed Hikaru's shoulder. "Listen to me." He said quietly. "You have to apologize to y/n. She wanted to do something nice for you, and you showed your gratitude like a slap in the face to her."
He looked over to you in an annoyed manner, walking over and tapping your shoulder. You flinched but still mustered up a smile. Before he could say anything, the host doors opened.
He didn't get the chance to say anything for the next three hours, as you were always busy with a new guest. Over the three hours guilt began to plague him. Why was he feeling bad? It was a harmless fact. His chest felt heavy.
Finally when they were all gone, you began cleaning as quickly as possible. He tried to slyly get closer to you, but you noticed and kept moving to a new area quickly. It was annoying him. "Hey," he called out to you in a demanding tone. "Are you mad at me or something?"
You didn't look in his direction, busying yourself with cleaning. "No. Why do you say that?"
"Tch." He didn't have patience for the feelings inside him. "Why are you avoiding me then?!"
You, as well as the other hosts, were surprised by the sudden outburst. You let out a sigh, turning to face him and giving him a smile. "Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry that you had to raise your voice at me."
"Why are you still being nice?" He said in a quiet manner, embarrassed for yelling at you for no important reason. "I just yelled at you."
"Um, I'm sure you're used to having people's full attention." You offered a shrug, your smile still sticking. "People who're raised by hearing a lot of yes's are usually bound to be more demanding. It's only natural, so it's whatever."
"No it's not!" He raised his voice again. "You should be getting mad at others being rude to you. Don't be such a pushover!"
His words stung, and you dropped your smile. "Don't call me that." You said a little forcefully.
"You know what? Next time you go to therapy, work on that!" You didn't say anything and angrily continued cleaning while everybody stared at Hikaru. Tamaki was being held back by Kaoru, while Hikaru was just staring at you. Damnit. This was supposed to be an apology, but he made things worse. "Y/n—"
Your simple demand got everyone's eyes to you. Kaoru and Tamaki held each other from how scary you looked, while Hikaru stepped a few paces back. After a few seconds he was ready to retaliate with another comment, but before he could he was pulled back by Kaoru.
"Hikaru, try to calm down." Kaoru offered.
This got him angrier. "I don't even need her to forgive me! It's always been me and you, and we never needed anyone else! Why should that change now?"
They both stopped when they noticed you sadly staring at them. You then looked back at your cart full of dishes and rolled it away. When you came back you only saw one twin bashfully staring at you.
"Look y/n, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said those things, and—"
You began to giggle. "Wow, I never knew people thought of me as so much of an idiot to really not think I can tell some twins apart. Nice try Kaoru." He looked at you, shocked. You kept walking, before stopping to quickly say "I appreciate you trying though."
You walked over to the other twin, who was tied up and squirming under Tamaki's foot. You motioned for Tamaki to back down, which he did as you sat down next to the tied up twin, pulling down the tie over his mouth. "What was that for boss?!"
"If you cannot respect a woman properly, you will have to handled improperly!" You flashed Tamaki a smile for the comment, and he began rolling on the ground and muttering about how cute you are.
You turned to look at Hikaru, who angrily looked away from you. "So, I get it now." You grinned.
"Get what?" He shyly looked over to you.
"Why you're so nonchalant about everybody. It's because you're used to only relying on one person your whole life." He looked at you in awe. You really understood that. "Honestly, it's pretty amazing to look at. I wish I had a life companion like that."
"But don't—"
"Nope, still not gonna talk about that anytime soon. The point is, I get why you weren't concerned about my feelings, and the important thing is that you're thinking about them now...kinda. As long as you're actually sorry then all is good."
He looked away from you and muttered a sorry. You nodded and untied him, standing up to face the others. You let out a sigh and bowed politely. "I sincerely apologize for the unnecessary drama I brought to the club."
You felt a strong hand pull on your arm to lift you back up. You looked up to see Tamaki gently smiling. "Don't think you have to put your head down for us, and stop thinking of yourself as an outlier. We all enjoy your company."
You smiled back, and remembered what your therapist and you talked about. Try to become touchy feely with them. They're all still your friends.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, quietly saying, "Thank you senpai." You pulled back and saw Tamaki as a blushing mess, causing you to quickly yank back. "Sorry! Ugh, I knew I shouldn't have listened to my therapist about being more touchy feely."
"Actually," the twins said as they came to each of your side, back to their flirty selves. "You can do that with us!"
You let out a breathy chuckle. "You guys are so bipolar and I love it." You then walked over the Kyoya. "Are we all still hanging out tomorrow?"
He wrote in his book. "Oh course. Have you decided where we'll go?"
"Yup!" You grinned. "The swap meet!"
"Swap meet?" The twins asked.
"Well, I think you guys call it a flee market here in Japan." You then looked back at the twins. "Call me tomorrow morning so we can pick everyone up and go."
"Roger!" They saluted.
"Wait, y/n," Tamaki said.
"I'm sorry I made you uncomfortable Tamaki-senpai. I'll be less touchy with you from now on."
"Wait y/n! I did like the hug, I promise!" He sobbed.
You giggled. "You don't have to lie to make me feel better. Well, gotta go. Bye guys!" And with that, you left.
"Is there a problem Tamaki?" Kyoya slyly smiled.
"What if y/n won't hug me anymore?! Who else would she hug?"
"Hm. Well, she could always come to any of the other host members—"
"Are you saying you would let my little girl hug you and smother you with love?!" He barked.
"Hm, if it helps her, then I suppose." Everybody else left Tamaki crying in the music room.
Author's Note: Well, I don't know about you guys but this chapter felt like hot garbage to me.
Tag List: @krustykrabbspizza @animefan7420 @strangerthingsholland @the-dead-fucking-sea @blue-eyez-7 @i-bitch-you-bitch @sylumsart
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cherry-gemz · 4 years
The City by The Bay: Part II
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Summary: Fates push you and a handsome and known stranger into each other's paths. His chilvary and good looks make you take a leap into his world and more.
Chapter Summary: You and Keanu get to know each other better.
Word Count: 2100 +/-
Pairing: Keanu Reeves x Y/N (F!Reader)
Rating: PG, fluff
A/N: First time taking a try on a Keanu fic, be nice, please! This little ficlet will have more chapters, hope you enjoy.
Who might be interested: @whiskeyslullabye​ @marissat1998 @aestheticallywinchester​ @fookingbitch​
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Last chapter recap:
"Yeah...just around the corner. Did you...did you want to hang out for a bit? I mean, I didn't know if you were headed somewhere before I spilled your drink. What am I thinking? Of course you were off somewhere…"
"Are you always like this?" You giggle as you turn to head to the hall. 
"Like what?" 
"Nevermind, I'll be right back," you reply coyly. "And...I didn't have any plans today...I'd love to hang out."
"Really? Cool," Keanu responds and a grin appears on his face. 
"Yeah, I can't stay very long, however. I have a meeting with a client for lunch," you reply and he looks deflated. 
"Yeah, okay...well..hmmm," he says lost in thought. 
You feel stupid, you can't believe he wants to hang out with you and you're choosing work. You're really kicking yourself for even mentioning it. This opportunity will never happen again. 
"Well, I tell you what," he pipes. "I still owe you a cup of coffee. I happen to make the most amazing cappuccino. How about I start off with that?"
"Sure, that sounds lovely," you smile and his expression changes in a light-heartedness. 
"Great. Great, Y/N, head over to the kitchen after you change your shirt and we can get to know one another better."
You beam and head to the immaculate restroom. It’s very contemporary and the natural light from the ceiling windows are pretty to look at. As you unbutton your blouse you look at yourself in the mirror: you have a goofy grin and you can’t believe in you’re in Keanu’s house. Let alone, changing your shirt and going to hang out with him a bit. This is all surreal. 
You grasp his shirt and give it a sniff, clean. And you quickly put it over your head and leave the room with your blouse and book in your hand. As you turn the corner, you see him fiddling about and admire the open floor planned kitchen. You run your hand across the white, granite counters as he ushers you to have a seat at one of the barstools where you place your bag, the book he offered, and blouse down.
He claps his hands and rubs them as a cheshire cat grin appears on his face. 
"Okay, be ready to be blown away at these magic hands," he waggles his brows and holds out his large hands as you stifle a giggle. 
You'd watch interviews of him and he always seemed so genuine, and while he still does, there's a more childlike, goofiness that melts your heart a little more. You try not fall so quickly, but he really is quite loveable and easy to be around. Much different from the men you're accustomed to in the city. Their grittiness and quick paced talk tends to exhaust you. You're more in your element with one on one, in an intimate setting like today. It's ideal. 
Keanu grins and turns steadfast to the counter by the fridge and beelines to the espresso machine. He grabs a new bottle of water from the upper cabinets and places it in the boiler of the machine. You sit taller and try to peer over. You're never really that fancy with your coffee and it's usually due to the nature of your work and how quickly you need that caffeine fix, but you appreciate the art and look forward to his recipe. 
He continues his task at hand and opens a canister that's unmarked and pours two shots of ground espresso into the portafilter. He turns to you, to make sure you're watching as he plays along as if he's a magician and you're watching his act. 
"Secret recipe," he beams.
"What is it?" You ask inquisitively. 
He holds up his index finger and shakes it, "Na uh. If I gave that away, we could no longer be friends."
"Oh, we're friends are we?" You flirt and he blushes. You got him to blush!
He holds out the tamper he pulled out of the side drawer and presses the coffee three times to ensure it's packed tightly. 
He then places the portafilter into the espresso machine's group head and locks it in place by turning it to the right.
He continues his stride and places the tiny, white cup under the head for about 30 seconds. 
"Voilá!" He exclaims and you clap. He grabs a carton of cream from the fridge and you give him a puzzling look. Even as a chef, you're quite aware of the complexities of cream, so you're curious if this is part of the plan. He pours the cream into a small metal pitcher and inserts the steam wand. 
"Ah! Almost forgot…" he smacks his forehead with his free hand and goes to the cupboard and pulls out a jar. You notice it's sugar and he pinches a good handful in the metal pitcher and continues.
As the milk foams, he starts to pour it atop the cappuccino and walks over to give you the cup. 
"Mmmm, smells amazing. Thank you," you graciously accept the cup and take a sip. An explosion of the dark, roasted bean excited your taste buds. It's most likely hands down the best you've had. 
"Omigosh, Keanu. This is beyond good. I don't think I can ever go back to normal coffee again!" 
"Aw shucks, you'll give me a complex now," he teases. 
"Well if you ever decide to quit acting, I say you'd make a hell of a living doing that. Why, my bookstore would have lines out the door to see Keanu Reeves make them a cappuccino!"
He laughs heartily, "That would be a sight wouldn't it? Ah that's fantastic." 
You bring the cup to your nose as you try to make out the ingredients. You can tell there's a hint of spice and earth, and you take a guess of what he has mixed with the grounds. 
"Is there cocoa powder?" You look directly at him and he bites his lip.
"What are you doing?" He asks and shakes his index finger at you playfully and walks over to you. 
"Trying to figure out this recipe. You don't go tell a chef that it's a secret and expect them to not figure it out. I saw you toss in some sugar for the cream. And even noticed you use cream instead of milk. But I think it's cocoa...maybe even a hint of cinnamon?"
"What are you? Some super chef-dectective?" 
He dabs the frothy cream from your cup and places it on the tip of your nose, making you giggle. He licks his finger off and gives a sly smile.
"Maybe I have a profitable future ahead of me?" You lightly rub off the cream and gaze into his eyes.
"I think so Y/N, I think so." He shyly turns his eyes away and taps the side of the cup as if he's pondering a thought.
"So tell me," you gain confidence in speaking with him. "If you can make such a delicious cappuccino like this one, why were you at Saint Frank's?"
"Hah," he replies as he turns to start his own cup. "Flattery will get you everywhere."
You smile in-between another sip and notice he's flirting back.
You prod and arch your brow as he leans his back against the counter. His black  shirt hugs his biceps as he crosses his arms, and the blue jeans he pairs it with fit him perfectly. His medium length hair seems to always get in his face, but it's endearing and he swipes away some strands. He's handsome without any effort and you slightly blush as your mind wanders about how his lips would feel against yours. 
"Honestly, I went out for a ride and needed to clear my head. I found myself just being pulled in that general direction and decided I needed a cup of joe," he says as he pours the cream for himself. 
"I guess it was you pulling me in or something,” he adds.
"So then what, it's like fate that we happened to be at the same place at that exact moment? And you happened to bump into me and make me spill my drink, therefore resulting in me jumping on your motorcycle with you. And then visit the home of a mega movie star and try the most fantastic cappuccino?" You laugh and he tilts his head earnestly. 
"What, you don't believe in fate, Y/N?"
"Not exactly," you reply. 
"Why not?" He walks over and sits next to you on the other barstool. 
"I mean, if it wasn't me, it'd be some other woman you'd be inviting over instead."
"No…" he replies as he takes a sip of his drink. "No, I don't think I would."
You both sit in silence for a minute, you sigh and then turn to look outside at the view. 
"I'm sorry, Y/N if I've seen to offend you. I can drive you back if you'd wish…" his voice softens and you can tell you hurt him a little. 
"What? No, Keanu. I'm...I'm sorry," you place your hand on his. His knuckles are worn and rough. He looks down at your hand and a small smile appears. 
"I...I want to be here, really I do. I guess I'm trying to make sense of it all. You're Keanu Reeves. And I'm just me. Why do you want to know me for?"
“Why wouldn’t I want to get to know you, Y/N? I am very glad we met. You're funny and kind... I'd like to get to know you further. Let alone, you're beautiful."
You blush and look away, he's not coming on strong, but could he be sending you signals that he's into you? Did you die and just find yourself in limbo with the angel before you?
"Do you want to go for a drive before I take you back?" He asks as you both notice you haven't lifted your hand on his. You quickly remove it and place it in your lap. 
"Sure, but this time please wear a helmet. I was worried sick thinking if something terrible might happen." 
He softly chuckles, "Of course, I have many in my garage to choose from. Curious though, is it because you care about me, Y/N?"
"Oh believe me, more than you know," you quickly cover your hands over your mouth as you realize what you've said. 
He kicks his lips and tries to brush it off. 
"I'm sorry," you apologize. "I really should use my filter from time to time."
"No need for apologies. Your truthfulness is refreshing."
"Well I have a lot of that. Probably more than I should. I bet you find in your line of work it's difficult to find people you can trust."
"Yeah, I definitely have a close knit of friends through the years. Do you have family here?"
"Yes, born and reared in the Bay," you say with confidence. "I went to culinary school in New York for a minute, however. But there's something about this city that's magical."
"So you believe in magic, but not fate?"
You laugh, "Okay, you got me there."
He finishes off his cappuccino and motions to ask if you're finished, which you nod and hand him your cup. He walks over to the sink and rinses out the cups. It's fascinating to watch him do mundane things like wash dishes. 
"I am beginning to enjoy the city. There is much richness to it and the landmarks are beautiful. I will be honest though, I haven't had much time to explore like I usually like to do when I'm on location." 
He places the cups back in the cupboard and dries his hands with a cream colored terry cloth. 
"You did mention you had a project up here. Mind if I ask what?"
His eyes light up as if he were a kid on Christmas Day expecting all the joys of the morning. 
"Oh well it's not for a movie. I'm not filming yet...least as far as I know. My agent, Meredith keeps me up on that."
"If not a movie, then…?"
"A book," he replies. 
"You're not giving me much here, buddy," you laugh as he joins you. 
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I...it's just something dear to me that I've been working on and haven't really announced anything yet."
"Look, I get it. Don't worry, no pressure, you reply as you start to get up.
"Well it's not that," he gestures a stopping signal with his hand. "I... I really don't know what it's about it. I'm collaborating with a friend of mine, a photographer. And we are in the early stages, that's all."
"Oh well it sounds great," you say enthusiastically. 
"Yeah...I feel good y'know? I feel like I'm doing something different and that I can connect to people on a different level."
"Keanu...the influencer," you say as you raise your hands up in the air as if an imaginary marquee is right before your eyes. 
"Haha, I wouldn't go that far. But, I'll have to keep you posted." 
"Yeah, that would be great," you cringe. Great. Everything is great. Why are you being such a spaz?
He doesn't notice, but he gets quiet again and you don't know what to do next. Silence sometimes makes you feel awkward and now throw in the ridiculously nice and dreamy man in front of you and you're a ball of nerves.
He seems relaxed, however. In tune with himself and surroundings. 
He smiles and holds out his hand, "C'mon. Let's get going on that ride. I'll take you to one of my favorite spots in the house besides the library...the garage. Oh, and don't forget your book."
You nod as you place it in your bag and accept his hand and hope to never let go.
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reinahwanggg · 4 years
SuperDad 》 Kim Taehyung
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♡pairing: taehyung x oc ♡
♡word count: 1,962 words ♡
♡warnings: it's honestly too cute, taehee is a sweetheart, this isn't a warning but just an adherence to everyone the OC is a person of color, i'll probably make a part two to go about all the details of how taehyung and taehee handled the 48 hours without alyssa, OH and taehee cried seeing his mom leave, just about it. mentions of taehyung not being around as much as he wants to. mentions of what seems to be separation anxiety. ♡
♡genre: established relationship, dad au, idol!tae, fluff, taehee is a cutie you just wanna keep, Inspiration from the return of superman ♡
♡summary: taehyung's back from tour and ready to spend the next two days, with his son, taehee. without his mother there, of course because it's show protocol. ♡
♡a/n: i got inspired by the many dad aus i see and read, like omg they are honestly so cute. also got inspired by reading a fic/ one-shot of jaehyun being on the return of superman with his wife and child and that was the C U T E S T. hope you guys enjoy, also, i added gifs as dividers because i did this on my phone and this is kinda long. credits to all the owners of each gif used ♡
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the camera pans in on a sort of empty living room, a wolf gray sofa sat in front of the equivalently colored wall, a small black squared table is there beside it, and along it is a picture that is covered by a cute emoticon.
littered around the vast space are various cream colored tents, with camera lenses peaking out, various fingers and hands holding them. the camera then passes over to the television, sat on a small drawer, that has glass doors, littered with many DVDs and vinyls, and the seemingly 75" television is off, unsurprisingly.
it then shows the kitchen, monochromatic colors is the aesthetic it seems, as a modern black gas stove is there, with the gray smart refrigerator alongside the counter that separates the two appliances. there is a four slot toaster and a kettle on the aforementioned counter, and a little magnetic knife strips which held all the knives, tongs and spatulas that are often used. the cabinets are a brilliant pearl color, various cute stickers decorate it, some looking old and torn and others looked like they just came out the pack.
it then shows the lounge room and a bedroom respectively, before a dark room comes into view. the emcees had already asked if there was a new superman for the show, and wondered who the new family was. they adored the little height chart on the door casing, and the little furniture and things here and there. they even tried to figure out what the shelf of things were, since it was covered with another cute emoticon.
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back in the room, a little head peaks up at the sound of the doorbell ringing, looking left and right, probably trying to figure out what century it was. then the phone rang and the little human grabs the cellular device in their hands, knuckle sliding it over, and it amazes the emcees.
in the cutest voice the little human could muster, they answer the phone.
"good morning, hello?" the little guy answers in english, and the emcees are practically digging all of this up.
the voice then answers, but the words is silenced. it then shows as the hair of the tiny human bounces, the phone is dropped, footfalls are quiet, yet swift, and the door to the room opens. the tiny human can be slightly seen, and they run out, before running back to close the door.
various camera angles appear, for how fast the little one is running past everything, and the human passes the living room area, taking a left, and then a right and stands in front of the door, then he moves to the little crate beside it and sits patiently. after a few seconds, it opens, and a tall man enters the apartment with a few suitcases and a duffle bag, another cute emoticon doing it's job as it hides the man's face.
the human is practically bouncing on the crate at this point, his round, yet sharp eyes creasing up, his tiny white teeth on display as his arms frail around. the man rests down his luggage, before pretending he can't see the smaller male, and looks around for said human being.
"dad!" the small boy shouts, and the emoticon is finally off of the male's face as he smiles, the signature boxy grin his fans has come to love is on display as he picks up the little rascal, and whisper shouts a little "taehee!" just as enthusiastically as the child had to his father.
the emcees are shocked, like genuinely, you could hear it in the way they go "waaaaaa. it's bts' v!" and it switches again, showing the superstar, alongside his glowing son, and a pregnant lady beside him.
the lady is a mixture of slim and thick, her thighs all packed and gracious as it presses on the seat and shows beneath the fabric of her dress. said dress is long, with a flowy skirt and a sort of baggy top, black as the base with various flowers, colored rose pink and sky blue, along the skirt, past the waist, and some on the top. the belly she sports is a big one, and she look like she was ready to pop in no time. her hair was dark brown and kinky, with golden brown tips as the curl pattern shows perfectly, resting on her back. her light brown eyes get lost behind her lids as she smiles, her nose is scrunched up, smile lines along the eyes and her lips is outstretched, the craters in her face deepens, the dimples popping out perfectly, and the little boy shows his own.
her caramel skin glows, just like her aura is, and the boy glows equally with his honey toned skin as well, as he sits on his father's lap, both of them rubbing her stomach.
"hello everyone, i'm Kim Taehyung, aka V from BTS and this is my family."
Q: How old is your kid?
"He's two and a half years old, but if we're gonna get technical, he's 30 months."
Q: How long have you two been married?
"Four years. We've been together for five, and got married a year into the relationship because i couldn't resist her in the slightest."
"Lol, likewise."
"I told you stop saying LoL out loud lyssa. it's outdated by now."
"iT's oUtDaTeD bY nOw. i do what i want tae."
the questions and the bantering went on for another minute and a half, taehee getting in on it to, and him and his mother verbally gangs on taehyung, causing him to pout.
"we were actually kind of hesitant to be on the show. for many reasons, obviously, but mainly because we weren't sure if we wanted taehee, taesung and taeri in the public eye as yet. or at all. i wanted to show them on my own time, wanted to wait until they were old enough to understand this world to decide whether or not they wanted to be known as our children. after a while, and with the help of my hyungs, jiminie and kookie, we decided to take part in it anyways. we hope you guys take care of us."
Q: Woah, you guys are having twins?
"Haha, yes. we found out during the gender reveal that the doctor forgot to tell us we were having two babies. good thing we planned to always buy double the clothes and necessities for whenever i get pregnant. i say that because this little beast is unpredictable."
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the video then switches back to the house, with taehee and taehyung sitting on the couch, the television on, with them watching a show, taehee swaying from side to side with the music, taehyung singing along quietly, and they watch the show until lyssa exits from the room and pecks both of their foreheads, before going straight to the jù,kitchen.
she tells alexa to play an older song by her husband's group, and the intro plays as soon as the show finishes, taehee immediately running into the kitchen to help and sing along to the song. meanwhile, taehyung is in the living room, his phone in front of his face as he smiles softly, both him and the person he's seemingly on the call with is silent as they listen to the two on their seemingly daily routine.
"you want to help make the pancakes dylan?" lyssa asks in english to her son, and he peeps an excited 'yes mama' over the voice of hoseok and his rap for hold me tight.
she smiles at him, and they make the pancakes from scratch, him calling out the ingredients in english, and she helps him in pronounciation and correcting his mistakes with a chuckle and a smile. while the pancakes are frying, she kindly asks taehyung to go to the store at the end of the corner to get some hershey's cookie n creme chocolate bars and a jar of dill pickles for her cravings.
she makes sure they all eat, before getting ready and going to head out for the allocated forty eight hours set. taehee follows her like a little duckling as she slightly waddles through the living room, with a purse on her shoulder, and she shoves the car keys in the bag, before turning around and ruffling his hair.
"be a good boy for mama, okay? you get to spend two whole days with papa and your uncles! isn't that fun?" taehee does seem happy, but you can tell, deep behind his nod, he is secretly praying that alyssa doesn't go. that she stays with both of them for the two days, just like old times, but she had let him watch the show, and he knows that's not the case. when she turns to leave, taehee grabs the hem of her dress, and she turns around, meeting his sharp cognac eyes, and it looks like he was trying his best not to cry.
"oh, dee, c'mere," she starts, lifting him up in her arms as the tears finally fall. she knew her taehee as a strong boy, but there are times where he can't help, but cry. dad was always to the company or on tour for as long as taehee knew him, so he built a special relationship with his mom. he knew he promised her to be strong, and to be a big boy, for when she was going to leave, but he hopes, that two days doesn't turn into a long time, like dad sometimes does.
"now what did we discuss dee?"
"th-that i w-was gonna be a b-big boy. th-that i w-was gonna stay w-with dad un-until mama g-gets back."
"right, we did agree to that, but you look like you wanna come with me. do you want to come with me, or are you gonna make me proud and spend time with papa? he misses you, you know. every day, he calls, sometimes when you're asleep and he always tells me how he can't wait to come home and have you by his side. do you wanna let papa down? let mama down? let your uncles down? or are we gonna be a big boy and be on our best behavior to make mama, papa and uncles proud?"
"i'm gonna be a big boy. i'll stay with dad and we'll have so much f-fun mama, you'll want to come back."
"i'm sure of it dee. now, papa is in the room waiting for snuggles. you know how to work the phone, so call me whenever. okay?"
"okay mama. i love you lots!"
"i love you more than lots!"
"i love you more than your lots! have fun mama, but not too much fun or i'll be mad at you."
alyssa gasps, pouting a bit, before smiling once taehee plants a big fat kiss on her cheek and smush them together like she does to him. they smile at each other, before she rests him down, and she waves at him until she is nowhere to be seen, exiting the door and off to go about her day. taehee rushes inside the room, knocking on the door, before opening it in at the sound of 'come in' and smiles at his dad, running and climbing up the bed to lay beside his dad as he talks to uncle jin.
"oh, it's little tae! how's it going buddy?" jin asks, from the other side of the phone, and taehee smiles, the dimples making another appearance, before answering his uncle. taehyung looks at his son, eyes glimmering with pure love, as he thinks that he can finally spend time with his son.
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anotherkpopvictim · 3 years
Into a New World (Through the Gate) - BTS OT7 Fantasy Story Chapter 5
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(Gif source - btsville)
A/N: Dang...has it really been almost a month since I last updated? Sorry for the wait, but I hope you enjoy this. I had to spend some time figuring out where this story was going.
I decided to come up with a timeline because the next few chapters might be a bit confusing if you don't have a visual timeline with their ages and the flashbacks. Each chapter I will add a link to an updated timeline that includes new information from the previous chapter. You don't need to read the timeline, but if find yourself a bit confused about things while reading, it should help. This first one is very short, but each chapter they will get longer as more information is added.
Timeline - https://docs.google.com/document/d/19VsexNuIkbWRu6IuXSjYoRNImk7DtAc2ckW0erLUHRU/edit?usp=sharing
Relationship: BTS X BTS
Rating: T
Words: 3159
Hurt/comfort, fluff, fantasy
NOTE: I've added the present-day date (3501) to this chapter and the next few chapters as they will contain quite a few flashbacks. Flashbacks will be in italics.
Chapter 5: The Ties
Worldbuilding Note on Packs: A pack is simply a group of any number and mix of supernatural creatures. Most commonly, say on Earth, you would find packs made mostly of vampires and werewolves with the occasional witch or another being, while packs in Aurora (the fairy kingdom) are pretty much one hundred percent comprised of fairies. Creatures tend to stick to their homeland, but Earth is a bit of an exception as it is considered the center of all the worlds - a hub of sorts. Packs are comprised of all members of a polyamorous relationship (or sometimes simply a pairing).
A pack bond is initiated by exchanging bites on the neck. Depending on the number of packmates, these bites can sometimes overlap. As packs are considered soulmates, some of the members have a tug at their heartstrings upon meeting a future packmate for the first time - only some of them, however. These people of a pack are known as the Ties and tend to take on a leadership role as a pack grows. There is usually only one Tie for small packs, but larger packs can have more than one. Once bonded, pack members have a much easier time understanding each other's feelings and simply feel closer on another level. Ties usually feel an amplified version of this from the second they meet a pack member.
Finding all members of a pack can take anywhere from years to centuries, and it isn't uncommon for some packs to never find all of their members and consequently, some creatures never have a pack. Fate works in mysterious ways. If you are lucky enough to find all of your pack members, you will know because the Ties with feel an overwhelming sense of peace and settlement once everyone is bonded.
On another note, a were-pack is different from a pack. A were-pack is simply a community of local shifters, usually separated by city or village. While some big-city were-packs live with humans, smaller towns or villages of were-packs don't have close connections with humans.
September 8 3501, Present Day
"You really..." Hoseok trailed off, unsure of how to put into words the many things running through his mind at that moment.
"Jungkook was the last one to join our pack," Namjoon began, eyes on the fairy as he picked at the skin around his fingernails nervously. "His pack bond with us became obvious when he was turned and all of us had known him for a while and felt things for him, so it wasn't an unexpected feeling to have." The alpha took a deep breath, "But you, Hoseok-ssi, you came into our lives loudly and all at once. I was so worried about a stranger in the house that I ignored the pull inside of me that told me you were meant to be with us."
Hoseok still felt a little bit dumbfounded, so he just let an eloquent, "Wow."
"Do you think that fate has made a mistake, Hoseok-ssi?" Namjoon asked, analyzing his reaction. "Do you feel nothing for us at all?"
"Of course I feel something," the orange fairy replied genuinely. "I just haven't really had much time to think about my attraction to the six of you and what to do about it. It makes sense, though, that we're packmates." Hoseok couldn't help but smile, "I've always wanted to find my pack, you know? I just didn't have my hopes up after a hundred years."
The shapeshifter's lips spread into a beautiful, relieved grin, accented by his deep dimples that Hoseok was now just seeing for the first time. He wished he had been warned about them. "I'm glad you feel the same way."
"How old are you all, by the way?" Hoseok questioned, realizing that besides Jungkook, their ages were still unknown to him. "If we're going to be a pack, I should know who I need to call hyung."
Namjoon chuckled, "Well, Seokjin-hyung is the oldest. He's four hundred fifty-six years old." The fairy couldn't help but widen his eyes at the shapeshifter's impressive age. "He and I were together first. About a decade after we got together, we met Yoongi-hyung and Jimin, who had also been together for a few years. Yoongi-hyung is the second oldest of us at three hundred forty-two years old. I'm one hundred twenty-five years old, the next oldest."
"Not anymore," Hoseok said cheekily, despite his still tired body. "I'm one hundred thirty-eight years old. So I'm older than you."
The alpha's lips twitched, "I suppose I should call you hyung, then. If you'll allow me."
"Of course you can," the fairy replied. "Who's the next oldest?"
"Jiminie is ninety-eight," he answered.
Hoseok smiled thinking about the pink fairy. He couldn't wait to get to know the other better. "What about Taehyung-ssi?"
Namjoon continued, "The four of us were together for about sixty years before we became acquainted with Taehyung about ten years ago. He's now sixty-seven years old. Then we met Jungkookie as a human about eight years ago." The smile fell from the shapeshifter's face a little. "I would gladly tell you everyone's life stories, but I feel like that's better coming from them personally."
Hoseok hummed and dipped his head in agreement.
"Might as well start with us two," Seokjin announced as he stepped back into the guest room. He'd changed his soaking wet shirt for a comfortable and dry baby pink sweater. He smiled again softly in Hoseok's direction as he fluffed his warm brown hair. "It was quite surprising when Joon and I came to the realization that you were our packmate. Not much takes us by surprise these days."
"Are you two the Ties?" the orange fairy asked.
Seokjin nodded before dropping himself unceremoniously into the alpha shapeshifter's lap. The other instinctively moved to hold the omega by the hips, stabilizing him. The fairy both admired and envied the natural movements.
"So, how did you two meet?" Hoseok inquired.
"Well, we were born in different villages. I was from the large were-pack here in Seoul," Namjoon began.
"I lived in the were-shifter village of Rosewood, a couple of hours east of here," Seokjin explained.
December 3420
Kim Seokjin had lived in Rosewood for three hundred seventy-four years before he decided he needed a change of scenery. The small village was rather secluded and they barely saw humans more than a few times a month. While the omega wasn't unhappy with his home in Rosewood, he had heard many exciting tales of the big city, where the were-shifters intermingled with the humans every day. He'd felt a pull towards Seoul for many years, but ignored it in favor of his comfortable life in Rosewood. Eventually, however, as years passed by, the pull became too strong to ignore any longer.
His family had been hesitant when he'd announced his plans, but their doubts didn't deter him in the slightest. He'd made up his mind. Rosewood wasn't far from Seoul anyway, so he promised to keep in touch with them and visit often. He gave them all one last kiss on the cheeks before he left with nothing more than a single suitcase carrying his most valuable belongings.
The hustle and bustle of the city were jarring, but the immediate sense of right he felt upon arriving in Seoul quelled any anxiety he had. Seokjin approached one of the counters at the train station, where he could see a shapeshifter sitting at a computer. The information counter, known as a Connecter, helped new shifters connect with the local were-pack.
Kim Minseok was matched with him as a guide to the new city as he'd been a village boy himself. He was about a hundred years older than Seokjin, and also an omega. He was kind and had a sweet smile. The man helped set him up with an apartment and a part-time job at a cafe.
Seokjin was pretty much completely used to the presence of humans all around him by the end of the first week. The crowds and the subways and the mingling of supernatural creatures and humans - all of it turned out to be exactly what Seokjin had needed in his life.
During the third week, while Seokjin was working a late shift at the cafe, his whole world changed. It was close to dark so the tables were empty and the omega was doing his cleaning duties while pausing every once in a while to assist a customer.
The tinkle of the bell above the front door alerted him to another one. He set down the cloth he had been using to dry off a few mugs and turned to greet the customer. "Hello, welcome to T's cafe, what can I get for-"
Seokjin cut himself off with a gasp as he locked eyes with the person walking up to the register. A young alpha shapeshifter - he could tell by the aura surrounding the man - was looking back at him with wide brown eyes. He had blond hair almost long enough to fall into his eyes and was dressed casually in fitted jeans and a graphic t-shirt.
"Oh!" the alpha exclaimed, a hand shooting up to rest over his heart. "Holy shit, my heart is gonna beat out of my chest! What the fuck?"
The laugh that tore from Seokjin's throat couldn't be stopped, giddy and amused. "I think - I think we're packmates," he managed out, a little lost in the awe he was feeling.
The man's already wide eyes somehow managed to open even further and his jaw dropped. "What - really? Is that what this feeling is?"
"I've never felt it before, but I've heard many stories about Ties meeting each other for the first time and this is exactly as it was described."
"I'm Namjoon!" the alpha announced excitedly. A big smile was taking over his face and showed off a set of adorable dimples. "You think that we're Ties?"
"Seokjin," the omega replied, "And yes, I do. Only Ties would feel such an obvious, strong connection to each other upon first meeting."
"Wow," Namjoon breathed in awe. "I honestly wasn't expecting to meet any of my packmates so soon. I mean, I'm only forty-three!"
The omega playfully winced, "You make me feel so old. I've got more than three hundred years on you."
"That's not that old, hyung."
"Yah, I was joking! Of course, I'm not old!"
Namjoon let out a wheezing laugh as Jin feigned anger, hands on his hips and all. "Well, it's nice to meet you, hyung," he greeted once he had gathered himself together.
"So," Seokjin began, "You're part of the Seoul were-pack, huh?"
"Mhm," the alpha nodded in confirmation. "You must be fairly new here, I haven't seen you around before."
"I'm from the Rosewood were-pack," the older man replied. "Felt like I needed a change of scenery. Although, I suppose it could have been fate nudging us closer together."
Namjoon couldn't be more obvious with the heart-eyes he was making towards the omega. "Perhaps it was. Fate is a mysterious thing."
"Fate is a mysterious thing," Seokjin repeated in agreement. The two of them jumped when the timer on one of the coffee pots went off, signaling that the brew was hot and ready (maybe Seokjin was too as he was so caught up in the man before him). "Oh, right! What can I get for you?"
The alpha blinked and looked around like he had just remembered that they were in a cafe as well. "Um, uh...a caramel macchiato please, hyung."
And who was Seokjin to say no to those wide, heart-melting eyes? (besides the fact that it was his job and he technically couldn't even if he wanted to).
"Of course," the omega replied, punching the order on the screen in front of him. "I can't give you a packmate discount, unfortunately."
"That's okay, I don't mind paying for it."
Seokjin almost let out a gasp when Namjoon pulled a black card out of his wallet. He'd never seen a black card in his life until he came to the city, and he knew the significance of them. Namjoon was rich, and Seokjin didn't almost gasp because he was a gold digger, but rather because of all the rich people the omega had encountered over the last few weeks, both human and not, Namjoon didn't present himself as such a person at all. The others had been so...proper, but the alpha was so casual and sweet.
The omega continued on like he hadn't seen the black card at all, taking his payment and going about the familiar motions of making a caramel macchiato. "So, do you work, Namjoon-ah? Or go to school?"
Namjoon nodded, "I'm in school right now for business. My parents want me to run a branch of their company in the future, but I kind of have an idea for my own business running through my head."
"Wow," Seokjin said in awe. "In my were-pack, we didn't really have "jobs" like the city folks here do. I have no idea what I want to do for a career, so that's awesome that you have such a bright future career ahead of you."
"The Rosewood were-pack is a traditional one, right?" Namjoon asked. "So everyone just contributes what they can and no one has to pay for anything, correct?"
The omega nodded, "Yeah, we're pretty primal. We prefer to hunt but we buy human food as well. So some of us are hunters, some of us are cooks, some of us are builders. Coming to Seoul, the number of possibilities of work is kind of overwhelming."
"What did you do in your were-pack?"
Seokjin popped the lid on the paper cup and slid it across the counter to the alpha who immediately went to take a sip of the drink and promptly burnt his tongue. The omega ran to fill another cup with cold water and came out from behind the counter to shove it into Namjoon's face. "You idiot, it's still scalding hot!" he reprimanded.
The alpha half-winced, half-smiled sheepishly as he accepted the cool water, "Sorry."
"To answer your question though, I cooked and baked mostly. Sometimes I'd babysit the pups or assist the healer in the rare occurrence they were needed."
"You did a bit of everything," Namjoon noted thoughtfully. "Did you feel passionate about any of those things?"
Seokjin nodded as he smiled shyly. "Baking. I love to experiment and create different sweets. And decorate them."
"I'd love to try your baking sometime!" the alpha exclaimed. "My mom always tells me that I should stay out of the kitchen for the safety of everyone, so homemade food isn't something I have a lot."
The older man chuckled, "Well, I would very much appreciate your feedback on all my food - baking and cooking."
The two of them were so giddy, feeling high on the emotions of meeting another packmate. Their grins were wide and cheesy and their cheeks were beginning to ache, but neither of them could care less at the moment.
Namjoon hesitated for only a moment before he reached over and took Seokjin's hand into his own, reveling in the warmth and softness. "I look forward to that."
September 8 3501, Present Day
Hoseok smiled as he listened to the story of Namjoon and Seokjin's first meeting. Ties undoubtedly had the most overwhelming meeting of anyone in a pack, and the two shapeshifters' were a perfect example of that.
"That's so sweet," the orange fairy said. He could feel his mind and body wearing out quickly, but he did his best to keep himself together. "What came of your business career, Namjoon-ah? And your baking passion, Seokjin-hyung?"
"Oh, Namjoon has become quite the businessman since then," Seokjin replied with a fond look in the alpha's direction.
Namjoon grinned, "I own the bakery Seokjin runs, as well as the magic shop Taehyung and Jimin run right beside it. The supernatural creatures like us enjoy the bakery, and the humans appreciate the magic shop."
"Wow," Hoseok said, a little breathless as he felt his body becoming more and more exhausted. "That's perfect for you guys."
"Hoseok-ah," Seokjin began hesitantly. "Once you're healed, we would love to have you stay with us, but we don't want to assume that you will just because you're our packmate."
While the fairy was touched by their thoughtfulness, he didn't exactly have anywhere else that he was eager to go. "If I'm healed, I would love to stay here. Aurora isn't exactly welcoming to me at the moment anyway."
The omega clapped his hands together and bounced excitedly in Namjoon's lap, who held his hips tighter to keep him from falling. "That would be awesome! I'm sure Taehyung and Jimin would love your help at the shop, or if you would prefer, you could work with me!"
Namjoon pulled the other back against him and kissed his cheek with a chuckle. "Calm down, hyung. Everything is still new, so let's focus on getting him healed before we talk more about the future."
Just as the alpha finished his sentence, Taehyung appeared in the doorway to the guest room. Hoseok was relieved to see another cup of that familiar blue-green concoction in his hands.
"Sorry to interrupt," Taehyung said, eyeing the three of them with a raised brow at what he'd heard but not saying anything more.
"That's okay, Tae," Seokjin assured. "We were just talking."
Taehyung nodded and moved closer to the bed to hand the orange fairy the cup of energy elixir. "You must be needing more of this, I'm sure."
Hoseok drank the minty-tasting potion eagerly, reveling in the small but immediate boost of strength it gave him. "Thank you," he said.
Taehyung smiled back at him and took a seat in the empty chair beside the one the two shapeshifters were still sharing. "Well, I came to let you know that I have a possible lead on someone who can help you, Hoseok-ssi. Though if I'm being honest, I'm not sure if it's anything promising."
"You found a witch up for the challenge?" Namjoon inquired.
"Not exactly..." Taehyung admitted. "I found someone who might have met a witch once that might be able to help. They agreed to meet me tomorrow in the city."
"Hmm," the alpha shapeshifter hummed thoughtfully. "Sounds kind of sketchy. You should take someone with you."
"Well, Jimin's in charge of the shop tomorrow, and Seokjin's got stuff at the bakery to deal with, so it's either you or Yoongi-hyung, Namjoon-hyung."
"I'll talk to Yoongi and see what he thinks," Namjoon replied.
Taehyung turned back to Hoseok and gave him a sheepish half-smile, half-grimace. "I really hope this lead works out, Hoseok-ssi. I'm really not sure how long that energy potion is going to help you."
Hoseok nodded in understanding. "We'll keep our fingers crossed."
A/N: Sorry again that this chapter took so long to be posted. I do hope that you enjoyed some backstory though!
And thank you to everyone who left comments on this story, it always keeps me motivated to hear your feedback <3 Let me know if there is anything you'd like to see in future chapters (like certain pairings or plot points) and I'll do my best to incorporate them in.
Seokjin - 455
Yoongi - 342
Hoseok - 138
Namjoon - 124
Jimin - 98
Taehyung - 66
Jungkook - 30
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sunsiac · 5 years
king and queen / jaehyun [1]
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genre: murder mystery, romance, angst
member: Jaehyun
word count: 1.3k
warnings: none
summary: a young prince and a knight's daughter are an unlikely pair, but nonetheless, these two were attached at the hip as children. Without any royal duty or stress, it proved to be an unexpected yet beautiful friendship. even as they grew up together, they only developed to be more inseparable.they proved this when she, hakyeong, turned 16, and he, jaehyun, gave her one of the most precious gifts he could; both of their first kisses. but it was bad timing. their respective responsibilities dawned on them quicker than they would've imagined, forcing them to grow apart. 5 years later, the both of them 21, meet again after jaehyun's older brother who is about to be crowned king is found dead. A string of murders throughout the castle force them to come together and find the one behind it before one of them is next.
My parents, both being knights, were away often. But when I had heard as a child that my parents wouldn't be coming back, I knew I wasn't as sad as I should've been.
Because, I thought, 'well, how different could it be?'
It was different, it was probably all too different for someone that young to understand at first. But fortunately, before I realised the whole of everything, I was taken in by someone. A friend of my mother's.
That was when I met the person that changed, honestly, everything.
Because, though I've lived in the kingdom for many years, I can confidently say that I've never met anyone like him. Even as an 8-year-old, he was probably one of the most interesting people I'd ever met to this day.
Maybe it was because he was a prince, but I like to think otherwise.
I met him thanks to my adoptive brother, Yuta, who used to tell me about a quiet kid that he saw around occasionally. When I eventually ran into him myself one day, I remember him having a special charm that a lot of other kids didn't at that age. He was chivalrous and charismatic all while still being a mischievous little kid.
So, when he finally admitted that he was a prince a couple months later, I wasn't very surprised.
One of the fondest memories I have of him is from when we were both around 10, and he had suddenly asked me,
"Hakyeong, would you want to be queen when you grow up?"
I remember looking at him with such confusion.
"What are you saying, Jaehyun? I can't become queen. I'm going to be a knight." I'd laughed.
He shook his head, "Sure you can! My mom said that one day I'd have to pick a queen to be with me. So why can't it be you?"
It warms my heart when I remember how genuinely confused he was about this.
"Because, to be a queen, I'd have to marry you. And princes can't marry knights."
"Then I'll marry you as a king!"
He was my best friend for almost all of my life, and I had so many memories with him that were so precious to me.
When we were 12, we abandoned everything for a bit and spent the day by a creek. When I went home later that night, my clothes soaked through, I had gotten so many questions from my adoptive parents. But I did nothing but smile.
When we were 15, we both were the right age to take horses out from the farm near my house. I remember his horse always stopping to eat the weeds on the sides of the road. I teased him about it for years.
When I turned 17, we both gave each other our first kisses.
He was such a big piece in my life, more than anyone else had ever been. But, we were forced to grow apart at that point. Though we both knew that sooner or later, we'd both see each other less to learn what it took to be a knight and a prince, we didn't think we'd cut off all contact.
Of course, we tried at first. But, a knight and a prince's schedules often have a hard time of lining up. So, inevitably, we grew apart.
I knew neither of us wanted it to happen, but even if I didn't like to admit it, we were probably better off this way. If we had the same kind of relationship we did when we were younger, we'd never get anything done.
There are a million reasons that we're better off strangers, but sometimes I still wonder what it would be like if we weren't.
But if one thing's for sure, it would be more difficult than before. Not only because we've both changed, but because around a year ago or so, the king was diagnosed with a sickness that no one could identify. All we knew after that was that he'd pass away at some point, we just didn't know how or when. And although he'd been mostly fine, he's been bedridden for most of the past months.
Even I didn't know how I would talk to him about that.
Now, they were already making plans to crown the oldest; Jung Hyeonsik, Jaehyun's older brother. And I was genuinely happy for him, considering that we were always friends. Still, definitely more so after I began training to become a knight, though. He always led lessons, and, well, because I already knew him, we became better friends.
And, I enjoyed Hyeonsik's company because it was like one of the only pieces that hadn't changed much after I turned 17. Because, even after Jaehyun and I had grown apart, and I learned to live in the castle, Hyeonsik still always found time to talk to me.
And I was so grateful for that, because it was lonely at first, coming to a place that I wasn't very familiar with. And though I didn't live very far from the castle, the setting was quite different from what I was used to.
But because of him, I quickly got used to it. Quicker than I thought I would. Because, even though life was plain for a while, I was as happy as I could be. And I hoped that it would never end, the little talks we had in the middle of sword fighting, or the reassuring he always gave me that Jaehyun and I's schedules really just didn't match up.
But it did. It ended in the absolute worst way possible. It ended with blood.
The first thing that I saw that night when I came into Hyeonsik's room was blood. So much of it. I wanted to look away badly, the display in front of me breaking my heart and disgusting me at the same time.
It was gruesome to say to the least. Though everything was gathered into more or less one spot, the bedsheets his inanimate body lay on were soiled through with blood, the blankets letting drops of it drip down onto the tile floor below. I remember putting a hand to my mouth almost immediately at the sight, a wave of emotion crashing down on me. Thankfully, no one in the room paid attention to nor minded the tears that came soon after.
Besides myself, there was only a small group of people -around 4 or 5- in the room, making the atmosphere eerily silent. The only sounds were the faint whispers of a few who were standing near his body, and the cries of a pair standing not too far behind them.
One of them was Hyeonsik's wife, Soyeon, who after of a few circumstances, was another close friend of mine. She was a normally postured woman, but she was now crouched down close to the ground, hands over her face. You could tell from the colour of her skin and the sobs that racked through her body that she was crying hard.
And it just seemed to be getting worse as I looked around.
The other was someone I recognised immediately, even from the door. He wasn't exactly sobbing like Soyeon, but he was obviously just as much of a wreck. Jaehyun's expression mimicked my own, his tear-stricken cheeks making my heart break just a sliver more than it already had.
I didn't know what to do at that point. I knew, that I should probably go up to him and say something, but at that moment, I didn't have the courage to do anything.
next >>
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Our Tuesday wound up being one…
Don't know what to tell you, it felt like using the Disney buses to get around was a pretty efficient strategy.
After our Blizzard Beach experience was over yesterday afternoon, the girls took to Disney Hollywood Studios whilst we returned happily to the Animal Kingdom where we spent our morning.
We started with the It's Tough To Be A Bug experience because we're still kinda sore they took it away from California Disney.
It's still the blast we remember in interactive 3D complete with water and fog, crawling insects and dangling black widow spiders all making appearances inside the auditorium, not simply on screen.
Once the bug show was over, we headed over to Pandora for the Na'vi River Journey and then Avatar Flight of Passage.
Now the Na'vi River Journey's basically Pirates of the Caribbean without the shooting or the pirates. Just a peaceful floating on an alien river, immersed in an alien jungle environment complete with plant life, living organisms, and animals.
The Avatar Flight of Passage, though?
That was a crazy, breathtaking, original, headrush of an experience. They put you on that planet, plunging from high cliff tops to low valleys and oceans through jungle foliage, above villages, and away from flying predators… all on the back of a banshee.
As in unimaginable that the experience we were having was actually possible. The imagery completely filled our visual fields and then some. The detail was incredible. And we travelled such distance both horizontally and vertically.
While going.
Not even off the ground.
Crazy. And wow.
And wow.
We finished that ride around 545, shortly before it was time for the park to close. And so, we followed through on an earlier plan we conjured and grabbed a bus for Epcot.
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Cute thing about that bus ride: there was a tiny kid on that bus who was so fascinated by buses that he pointed them out, each one, every time, to his dad.
Or as he said, Daa-dee.
He'd exclaim in genuine excitement each time,
"Daa-dee, bus!"
"Daa-dee, bus!"
"Daa-dee, bus!"
Until he spotted Epcot at which point he exclaimed
"Daa-dee, ball!"
It was seriously cute.
Having been dropped off at Epcot, we made a beeline for the pork sliders 'n drinks, after which we ran into Linzy nearby who took us over to Mexico where Rachel was grieving a hugely disappointing margarita.
Now it's time to end our day and maybe score some easy rides over at the Magic Kingdom as every family lines up for the evening's parade as well as a well-earned trip back to the hotel.
On the monorail connecting Epcot and the Magic Kingdom, we're in a car with a family of five who're having a really.
When we pulled into the station in front of the Magic Kingdom, we gotta announcement that the Magic Kingdom monorail was out of commision so we'd all be taken by ferry.
A lovely. Beautiful. Painterly experience.
See what I mean?
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Once inside the park, we hustled straight for the Big Thunder Mountain Railroad that continued to be the blast we always remember. The second section of the track, especially, it was funny to watch Linzy throw her hands and arms in the air and be flipped to the side like a rag doll as the train went into a high-G bank. After that, we crossed the street to Splash Mountain where, after a bit of delay, we joined a young, newly wed couple for a huge drop from which they absolutely took a ton of displaced water head-on.
Call it the "splash" of "Splash Mountain".
It was a blast even with the delays before and after.
Once again, by the time we exited that ride... the park was closed except for everyone who was there for the Boo Bash, a celebration of Halloween on a full-on summer's eve when, presumably, Covid would be less a threat.
Once we were out the front gates, it was clear how much of a mess everything was with everyone previously in the park now lined up for the monorails and ferries.
After a quick assessing and reassessing, Kimmer 'n Linzy decided our best course was to catch a nearby shuttle to the Polynesian Resort and, from there, call for a Lyft.
It was an effective way to beat most of the throng to the other side of the lake as well as avoid competition with all those who'd be calling in their own ride shares that would make for an inevitably longer wait.
The plan worked perfectly, by the way. And our feet were super thankful.
It would be around 10:40PM by the time we arrived at our home base pretty exhausted.
Still, the next morning, this morning, we did the 530AM thing again. And again, not as bad as it sounds. It's a slow moving ritual that eventually, eventually brings us full consciousness and into a state of readiness for the day.
So eight this morning? We're on the road with our Lyft driver, Gregorio, a Venezuelan gentleman with a deep knowledge of classical music leaning hard toward the Russians: Shostakovitch, Prokofiev, Stravinsky, and their contemporaries.
Our destination this morning is Disney's Hollywood Studios where we've got all things Star Wars on the agenda.
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That proved an unfortunate aspiration as we'd made no moves to join the virtual queue for Rise of the Resistance and we had no actual design on Smugglers Run… so we took full advantage of the five minute, basically walk on, "wait" time over at Toy Story Midway Mania and had a literal blast.
This was a first for Rachel so she scored newbie scores. Between Kimmer 'n I, Kimmer was the most accurate between us, maintaining a significant lead most of the game. It's only in the bomus speed round at the end where I caught up to her and bested her by one smashed plate.
120,600 to 120,100.
Of course Linzy clocked in at 154,000.
Beat us all.
Now one thing I wanna mention is that on our way to Star Wars Land there was a group of young adults wearing bright neon t-shirts and walking alongside us. Some of them were walking pretty brusquely which prompted the following:
"Guys, there's no crowd. We can slow down."
Of course they don't slow down... they speed up.
At which point she says
"Well, thanks for taking my feelings into account."
Another thing I wanna point out is when we were just getting in line at Midway Mania, a kid runs up and starts walking along… which prompts his mother to say
"Sweetie. You're with the wrong family."
And then last thing I wanna mention is this young girl who was in line behind is for Aerosmith's Rockin' Rollercoaster. She was with her parents but obviously anxious about the ride. I don't blame her either. When that thing takes off from an absolute standstill… it looks like someone just hit the fast forward button.
Crazy stuff. And plenty to be anxious about.
Anyway, Rachel talked to her a little to encourage her 'cause she'd felt that same anxiety the day before.
So then we do the ride… and then the little girl and her parents do the ride. And I'll never forget when her aunt who was standing next to us just then asked her how it went… and all the little girl could do was to twice shake her head quickly from side to side. Whereupon her parents immediately got to work figuring out how many hugs to give and things to buy in order to pull her from her state of stunned silence.
Afterward we hit a light breakfast nearby then headed off for Star Tours. Rachel indulged some time Star Wars gift shopping afterward… then she 'n Rachel headed off for more rides while we mosied over to the Brown Derby patio for a pair of cool grapefruit drinks under an umbrella 'cause the SciFi Diner was booked as was the main seating area of the Brown Derby.
By the way, while we're sitting there enjoying ourselves, I happened to catch a family of four whose t-shirt uniform was Iron Maiden.
That's all for now. We're heading back to home base for some peace and rest.
We'll see how long that lasts and then I'll fill you in on the rest of the night...
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xflower-childx · 4 years
When I first got my tarot cards and began practicing readings on myself a few cards kept on popping up and I would give them some extra attention, looking deeper into them and trying to understand them more. One card I would bypass though, I knew what he meant and what he could potentially mean but I would shrug him off and move onto the next card. I guess now as I think on why I ignored him it sorta baffles me as, The Hermit, is a very me style card, he crawls into the corner of his room away from everyone and reflects on life and his actions. Maybe that's why I ignored him though, because it's not anything too new for me. I enjoy hiding away from the world in bed, staring out the window lost in my head. It took so long to feel safe within it that I sometimes never want to leave it.
I knew that pulling that card so many times meant a hibernating period, a bit of a longer one. I remember thinking 'Well there is no surprise there, we're all currently chained to our houses, I'm sure everyone is feeling this card' when he first made an appearance. I also remember when Sunni pulled that card when she had come by with her deck that one time. Although she dug a whole lot deeper explaining why she pulled it at the time. She was channeling 'Past energy' though *Insert eye roll here*.
I felt myself slip into that hibernation though, I noticed myself pushing my friends away and just hiding away. Char and Ads would roll by here and there, Char was the sweetest when she realized my head head was in a funk and she had some miswording and then came by. Of course Mark would randomly appear too, I will say I started to get a little frustrated with him popping by unannounced. I understood he would get lonely or something but sometimes I really don't like people and need them to not exist in my face for 2.5 seconds.
This funk wasn't any different though, I of course had some learning to do from it but I didn't dive down to my lowest or have any huge revelations from it. I just hid away for a month or so and shoved everyone out.
At one point in one of my readings a topic came up of cutting off old friendships that don't fill me anymore and making room for new ones as I would be having more connections coming into my life. Of course I feel connections are constantly coming and going within everyone's lives but when I pulled the 3 of cups I had hoped this meant stronger connections, more long lasting ones as the ones I had been making so far felt so short term and not as filling. I noticed my walls getting thicker over time, not trusting new friends as easily as at this point I'm used them not sticking around for too long, not in a negative way towards them, but just that sometimes people are only meant to be in our lives for a short amount of time.
When Char had come by for a reading I noticed she pulled the 3 of cups as well, when I told her the meaning about it she smiled and said that the card was me for her. I then did a reading on myself and pulled the same card and I said the same of her. We both laughed and enjoyed that moment of finally finding a real solid friend after a while of not having one. When we met I knew we would have a good friendship, we quickly deemed each other as best friends and we bonded over so many things from our hippy ways to just connecting on the same wave length mentally. We also both have plans of moving to Portland and we've talked many times about moving together if things go well with me moving in at the end of the month. I hope it does, I explained to her my fear of moving in as I value my friendship with her more than my want to move elsewhere right now. We both agreed on open communication and keeping each other in the loop on things. We've had numerous talks of how to approach things and boundaries which makes me feel more comfortable. I know that they're messy but I get the whole top floor to Ana, future cat and I which means my own bathroom and 2 rooms (Which I don't need two rooms but ay future roommate maybe? Make rent cheaper which equals pay off Ana bills moreee) so I don't need to worry about that too much.. aside from the kitchen but I can deal with that. I understand we've both had shitty roommates in the past and we've both learned from that so I have high hopes!
New connections though, they have entered my life recently and I accept them with open arms, walls still up though. Trust is earned, not just given from me. So while I love Ads and Char, they don't get my trust right away. They get my love though, quite a bit of it and appreciation. From being at Chars family's house ziplining across the backyard and having a wicked water balloon fight then going to my future home and unwinding with a bowl with my soon to be roommates, they bring out my fun/childlike side and remind me to not always be so serious all the time. I genuinely love and appreciate them. I can only hope that these are long lasting connections.
Mark is another connection though, he's not a new one, as we met on New years, but he has been a good friend since and I appreciate him as well, especially after he was really there for me after Artie's passing. He's been a hard one to place though. I noticed that he had feelings for me so I took a step back as I don't feel them back for him in anyway on that level. He's a great guy and for some time I almost wished I did feel them back as I know he's a damn good guy and he would treat me like a queen, but you can't control your feelings in that way. I know he noticed my distance though and I didn't know how to explain myself to him. I especially didn't know how because I noticed him being seriously affected by the BLM movement. When I went to the meet up at City Hall I had tried to reach out to him there but he ignored my messages, I believe he was ignoring all messages though. I spotted him in the distance and made my way over and sat with him during the speeches. I could feel how drained he was. I could feel the sadness and pain rolling off him. So I sat there quietly next to him to remind him he wasn't alone. I watched people of every age and race come together to take a stand against the inequality. I didn't understand the people on the sidelines joking around and having a fun time together when this isn't meant to be fun. I wanted to judge them but I stopped myself because at least they were there helping take a stand for what's wrong in the world right now. I also reasoned that maybe these friends hadn't seen each other since before Covid and maybe they were reuniting for the first time since. It still seemed so wrong to me that they were laughing in the corner while my friend of color was next to me holding back tears as they read of the names of those who passed simply because of their skin color.
We stayed quiet the whole time as we watched the speeches come to an end. Watching a sea of those dressed in black fill the streets again as everyone went their seperate ways. I couldn't help but think how it looked like a funeral, how it felt like one. I felt myself holding back tears as I thought back to the list of names of those who passed away for reasons we shouldn't have to still be fighting in 2020. For reasons we should have never had to fight for, ever.
Mark and I started the walk back home, stopping at Perk on the way to pick up beer. I tried to make a few light hearted jokes on the way, a few I got a laugh from others just a 'Hmph'. I told him I could make my way home from Perk if he wanted to just head home but he insisted on walking me all the way. I hated feeling the pain of someone I cared for and not being able to help him. Not being able to help the pain that surrounds me over injustice and inequality.
I never understood the hatred for a person or a group of people simply for who they are or how they look. When I was with R and I saw and felt the pain he felt when someone mindlessly or intentionally misgendered him it completely baffled and angered me because I genuinely don't understand how people can only see things so black or white- no just white, not even black, just white- with no in between. How people can have so little care for someone simply because they don't understand or even tried to understand something different from their views and/or how they were raised. To take the time to understand what's different about someone else is to allow yourself to grow and you are NEVER too old to grow. Some people refuse to accept that, but those speaking out and taking a stand are demanding us to grow and like it or not we will. I can only hope that we don't lose more of our proud soldiers in this fight but we will chant their name and refuse to allow them to be forgotten if we do. Those that refuse to change their views and grow up will fall behind and be forgotten.
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arabellaflynn · 4 years
I quit Facebook a few weeks ago. Shortly after the lockdown protests began in Michigan, I posted an explanation of what their mindset was, why the protests were inevitable, and how bad an idea it was to pretend we could keep them from happening. I was dog piled by a load of people trying to explain to me in tiny words why the best way to keep the novel coronavirus from spreading was to keep people inside and away from each other. The only reply I could give them was yes, I know what science says, I'm telling you what people are actually going to do. This exact thing has happened during every pandemic in recorded human history, up to and including the fictional Corrupted Blood debuff in World of Warcraft. 
It is a horrible idea to predicate your public health plans on the assumptions that 1) people will behave rationally all of the time if you just shout at them loudly enough, or 2) people looking at the same data set will always draw the same conclusions.
All things in life include an element of risk. I don't know about other places, but I don't personally remember a time when Americans were not bombarded with dire warnings about everything in their quotidian existence. Eat eggs, don't eat eggs, living in a city raises your risk of cancer, living in the country raises your risk of tick-borne diseases, coffee will make you live longer, coffee will kill you, salt is dangerous, fat is dangerous, carbs are dangerous, the sun is dangerous, breathing is dangerous.... and all of it is fed to us as if we have a moral imperative to do everything in our power to bring our risk of dying as close to zero as possible. It is acknowledged that the results of a lot of these studies are in conflict, and that it's difficult to sift through all the information to decide which one is more 'correct' about how to keep yourself safe. But never is there room for anyone to conclude that maybe they would rather have that thing in their life, than gamble on statistically raising the odds of living a few more years without it.
In the early days of the AIDS pandemic -- before PrEP, before HAART, after we had acknowledged that HIV was a thing and was killing people -- the only messaging was dire. Sex could kill you! Think twice before you get laid! The underlying assumption was that if you could get people to pause and remember the risk, of course they would decide not to go through with it. We do the same thing today with teenagers, in the secular version of abstinence-only sex education. It does not seem to have crossed anybody's mind at any point that anyone might go over the numbers and decide, yeah, that level of danger is acceptable to me. I want the possible positive outcomes of that action enough to risk the negative ones.
When people start doing just that -- and they always start doing that -- the reaction of the moral authorities is to start bolstering their side of the "rational" argument with fear. They may genuinely believe that their side holds more weight, but surely that will be more obvious if they help it along with a thumb on the scale. It is a known phenomenon that the scarier and more profound the consequences seem, the more probable they look, even if the odds have not changed. It is also a known phenomenon that people will weigh personal experience more heavily than abstract arguments featuring strangers. As anyone who has gone through the DARE program will attest, the more you (and your friends) do something "bad" and come out of it unscathed, the more you view anyone who claims to be an authority as being completely full of shit. Whether they are or not.
All of this is to say, riots were inevitable under the "abstinence-only" model of self-isolation and social distancing. They were as inevitable as the Summer of '69, and the failure of the War on Drugs. They made it a moral imperative to fight a basic human motivation (stay away from your loved ones, abstain from sex, don't seek out pleasurable drugs), "for the good of society". People can only deny basic drives and force themselves to suffer for so long. People still die from complications of AIDS, and they fuck anyway. People still ruin their lives over addictions, and they still take drugs. It was only a question of when it would happen, and what would tip it off.
In this case, the propaganda urging people to accept suffering "for the greater good" has blown up in their faces. All of the people in the streets have done the calculus and decided that overturning the system "for the greater good" is more important than avoiding the personal risk of catching COVID. Which, to be honest, a lot of them were becoming inured to anyway. 
We are tired of being told to be afraid, and that the correct way of dealing with this fear is to wall yourself off from the scary thing. I was horrified when I first saw advertisements for "Safr", a ride-sharing service whose selling point was that it was women-only. I mentioned this to a friend, and his reaction was oh of course, it's horrifying that rape culture is so entrenched that the only way to escape it is to establish your own alternate economy. And I said no, that's not it. The part I find upsetting is that we as a culture are normalizing the idea that the correct way of dealing with your personal anxieties is to just refuse to engage with anything in the outside world that makes you uncomfortable. I have seen this accusation lobbed (rightfully) at hyper-conservatives who complain about the push for diversity, but it is just as often true, in other contexts, of hard-line liberals. Men make you nervous? Don't interact with men. Afraid immigrants will take your job? Bar them from entry. Racist words in old books offend your moral sensibility? Demand to be excused from the class. Resent bisexuals for being able to "pass" as heteronormative? Form a group exclusive to gold-star gays and lesbians. 
You cannot pad, pillow, and gatekeep your world until nothing in your bubble makes you nervous. That's not how this works. I have not been more than half a mile from my house since March 13th. I have only once been farther than the garbage bins, and it freaked me out so badly I came back in after fifteen minutes. To be clear: I have a diagnosed anxiety disorder. This is very bad. The point where I normally yeet myself to the nearest emergency room came and went at least a month ago, and the only reason I didn't go was rampant plague. I am coherent enough to operate a keyboard right now because I had the foresight to order a metric fuckton of gray-market diazepines at the beginning of this whole shitshow. People with fewer resources and less internet savvy are drinking themselves blind, or just melting the fuck down.
And yet, this is the mindset the power structure has been sowing since at at least 2001. Stay in, stay insular. Cocoon yourself. Outside is a threat. The miasma will seep in and destroy your way of life. The authorities are special, they are allowed to roam freely -- but be afraid of other people, be afraid of their proximity, their difference, of the very air that they breathe. Be afraid of Black people, they break laws. Be afraid of strange people, they break quarantine. It is a matter of life and death, so it's okay to emotionally-blackmail your loved ones into doing the same. Be afraid of the police, if they scare you that means they're scaring your enemies away too!
We can't do this anymore. We're tired. If everything is deadly, then nothing is particularly deadly, and it doesn't matter. If all roads lead to ruin, then we're free to just pick which mess we want to be in. A life in unremitting isolation is not a life. It doesn't matter whether we're told it's because of a virus or because "other people" are dangerous animals. No one can do that. No one is going to do that. Have you not, like, met other humans? I don't know why anyone thought that was going to work.
I really don't know where all this is going, other than I fucking told you so, and maybe a warning that if you try to talk to me and I seem a little incoherent, it's only because I refuse to be sober right now for what I feel are completely valid mental health reasons. For the record, I am 8-10 miles outside of the parts of Boston that are intermittently on fire, on the north side of the river, in a very calm suburb where absolutely nothing is happening. The local police force consists of like three bored cops, who spend most of their time attending traffic accidents and telling drunk teenagers to go home. The most violence I have seen in the past few weeks are the squirrels outside my window squabbling over ownership of the pine tree.
The rat is handling this much better. He was chittering his fool head off, loudly, for almost an hour after I turned the lights out last night. I finally went over there to make sure his unbridled joy wasn't because somehow gotten hold of an entire chocolate bar. No; Durnik was just settled down in a HAMMOCK, and it was COMFY, and this made him so HAPPY he had to announce it. I fed him half of a pitted medjool date, making him even happier, and went back to bed.
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emmerdalesweden · 6 years
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Emmerdale stars Ryan Hawley and Danny Miller tease Robert and Aaron's wedding in joint interview
It's finally here!
The wait is nearly over! Emmerdale supercouple Robert Sugden and Aaron Dingle will be tying the knot in this Friday's episode (October 5) – and this time it's official, legal and not in a grotty garage.
Digital Spy was invited onto set for the filming of the episode (how lucky were we?) and caught up with Ryan Hawley and Danny Miller, who play Robert and Aaron, for their thoughts on the highly-anticipated scenes.
When you read the script for the wedding, was it everything you'd hoped for?
Ryan: "It very much feels like a full stop. It's the most definitive thing I think I've ever read in Emmerdale, which is really nice. It puts an end to the questions of: 'Are they a couple? Are they married? Are they not married? Is it legal? Is it not legal?'
"No-one's going to prison, it's over, it's done, they are married now."
Do you ever worry that if Robron are too stable, the show will stop writing for you?
Ryan: "It's very possible, but there's storylines other than romantic storylines. There's lots of things that Robert and Aaron have got into in the past, in terms of the schemes they've carried out over the years. We'll just have to wait and see."
Robert Sugden and Aaron Dingle's wedding day arrives in Emmerdale
How does this compare to their garage wedding from last time?
Danny: "It feels much more like a wedding, with all the family there. After everything that's happened with Chas and Paddy, they're not just doing it for themselves, they're doing it for the whole family in a way. They want to make their marriage official, but also make it a family event. It very much feels like a community coming together."
Ryan: "It's outside the village hall as well. Rather than it being in the garage, it's for everyone to see. It's the centre of the village, there's loads of cast members there, the decoration is a lot more thought out and classy. I think one of the actual things they say in the script is that it's a million times more classy than the last time.
"In terms of the stage directions as well as how it looked, it should be a lot more of an occasion and celebratory than maybe two guys in the garage getting married hastily because one of them is going away to prison!"
Maxine Alderton has written the wedding and she's known for penning some of Robron's biggest episodes. Are there touches in there that the hardcore fans will really appreciate?
Ryan: "I think it's very much appealing to the people that are Robron fans. I think it's very much written for them. I really hope that they enjoy it, because it's one of the very few occasions in the show where you get to see two people genuinely happy. It's an episode where it's just happiness – two people getting married and that's it.
"Maxine knows the relationship of the two characters better than anyone anywhere, and I think she knows how to write for the Robron fans very well. Hopefully it's a success."
It's quite unusual for a soap wedding to go to plan, but do you think people need a feel-good TV event like this?
Danny: "We've always said, 'Would it be boring if it was just a straightforward wedding with no drama?' You kind of think maybe it would be, but realistically they've been through so much that there's not really a lot left, bar a helicopter crashing!"
Ryan: "Been there, done that!"
Danny: "It means a lot more to them and I think it's nice to have a bit of happiness and joy."
Robron proposal – Robert Sugden, Aaron Dingle, Emmerdale.
What will the story be for Robron moving forwards?
Ryan: "To be honest with you, I don't really know long term. That's always been my personal preference – I don't really want to concentrate too far on what's happening in the future, I'd rather just do what I'm doing right now.
"There's a lot of stuff to get through in a block of soap scripts. What's nice at the end of this episode is that they ride off onto their honeymoon and I think we're actually not in the next block because we're away on holiday."
You could have got a nice jolly holiday out of that!
Ryan: "We could have got a spin off! That long-lost spin off that was talked about all those years ago, that never happened!"
Danny: "Yeah, the DVD in shops for Christmas!"
Ryan: "Bottom of the bargain bucket!"
How does it feel to have new producers in charge?
Danny: "I think I've been in for long enough now to see producers come and go. Laura Shaw and Kate Brooks have got a specific route that they want to take with the show. I think each person comes in and adds a little bit, with different character groups and different storylines. For us down on the floor it never necessarily changes, but it's good that we get to have different people having their influence on the show and implementing their ideas into it."
Ryan: "I think the show needs it, doesn't it? There are 330 episodes a year, so it needs people to come in every now and then. It's different minds and different ideas. There's always, like Danny says, a new take on it and new character groups come in, or other character groups get used more or less. It's quite nice."
Chas Dingle and Paddy Kirk at the hospital with baby Grace in Emmerdale
Does Aaron question whether it's right to have the wedding so soon after Grace's death?
Danny: "Yeah, it feels too raw for them to be able to just do it there and then. But Chas pushes it through as a, 'No, we're doing this and we need it for our family'. Aaron knows in the back of his mind during the ceremony that it's difficult for his mum, but it still goes ahead. It's touching, but it's also nice that they're both doing it for their family.
"I think it's very much a band aid for that problem, especially with Chas and Paddy. They are happy for Aaron, even if at the back of their minds they're hurting."
Do you think we've seen the last of Robert's more duplicitous nature?
Ryan: "It certainly feels like that for me. That's not really written as much now. I guess I'll have to wait and see over the next few blocks or the next year. I certainly see him as a more morally centred guy now. The function of the character is more him being in a family unit with Liv, Aaron and Seb.
"That side of Robert being duplicitous and out to get what he wants, is not really there any more. Personally I liked that side of the character, but I'm happy to be whatever is written for me."
With episodes like these, do you ever feel under pressure to please the vocal fanbase?
Ryan: "I think we just go with it, don't we? It is what it is."
Danny: "To a certain degree as well, it's not within our control. We can only do what's written on the paper, the directors are there to do the rest of it, but there are a lot of well-known references to the couple in this wedding episode and I think the fans will be pleased that they do get the nod of the cap.
"But we just like to keep it 110% like we do on everything, whether we see them at home having a cup of tea or at a big wedding. They're just a genuine couple, they're just best mates, in a relationship and that's what we play."
Ryan: "The strongest relationship is when it's two people you can relate to, rather than an ideal romantic pairing. It's more relatable when it's two people with all of their flaws, rather than a fantasy."
How do you feel about so many of your scenes becoming gifs and YouTube clips?
Ryan: "I wish I knew how to make those things myself – WhatsApp would be very entertaining!"
Emmerdale airs weeknights at 7pm on ITV, with an extra episode at 8pm on Thursdays.
Robert Sugden and Aaron Dingle's wedding day arrives in Emmerdale.
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