#weak hero wolf
adeadlightbulbuwu · 9 months
I love that wolf could literally not give less of a shit about the roaring all these teenage boys are doing
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his is legitimately just some guy standing
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Just can not be bothered
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Running? Na, not main character enough
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orchid-arts1 · 4 months
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@kirameki-kumo Couldn't get him outta my head
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whchenlvr · 6 months
How would the weak hero guys try to pursue the reader romantically? As in how would they try to get their attention, flirt etc. because they have a crush on the reader.
when they have a crush on you ;
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weak hero x gn!reader
gray yeon
➤ i see him as a blushy boy
➤ i think gray wouldn’t want to admit his feelings for you because he sees them as a distraction. the more time he spends thinking of you, the less time he has to study
➤ when he finally does accept his feelings, i think he would be very subtle in his attempts to catch your attention. holding the door for you, sharing his work or pencils when you need them, offering to walk you home so you don’t have to go alone, etc
➤ you’re no idiot, so i think you’d be the one to officially initiate things because come on what guys are going to offer to walk you home?
➤ “thanks for walking me home, gray. is it okay if i get your number?” *insert flustered gray*
donald na
➤ soooo much internal conflict
➤ like gray, he doesn’t want to accept his feelings for you and puts them off as long as he can. having feelings for you means admitting that he still feels things like compassion, and that gets in the way of how he does business
➤ donald only allows himself to fall for you when he sees someone else hitting on you
➤ after that, bro does everything in his power to be your man (when it’s not interfering with the union)
➤ “thank you for helping me…” “donald. and it’s my pleasure.” *cue blushing y/n*
ben park
➤ SUCH a flirt. like for real
➤ no like, i think ben is the most humble and genuine guy there is, he just likes to flirt a lot
➤ he’d give you a nickname like “cutie” or “sexy” and it just sticks. if it were any other guy, you’d probably smack him across the face, but something about ben makes your chest flutter
➤ i feel like ben would be the type of guy that teases his crush. nothing extreme, but he’d give your hair a small tug during class or playfully take your erasers
➤ “you’re so pretty, cutie~” “so are you.” “i—HUH?!”
wolf keum
➤ of all the guys, i actually think wolf would be the first to truly accept his feelings for you
➤ it isn’t like a breakthrough or anything, he just has so little emotions that he prioritizes, so when his face heats up at the thought of you, he realizes this isn’t normal for him
➤ honestly i think he’d be a bit creepy in his advances. he wouldn’t think it’s weird or anything, as if following someone around is completely normal
➤ it’d probably take you confronting him for him to realize that that’s not how you should get someone’s attention
➤ “why are you following me?!” “i.. um… hi?”
jake ji
➤ do not talk to him. bro is in his feels
➤ jake would literally be on the edge of a mental breakdown when he realizes he has feelings for you because what??
➤ he’d drift off in class and just stare at you. when you catch him, jake would go beet red and book it
➤ like gray, i think you’d have to be the one who makes the first move. you’d probably follow him to check if he’s okay, and he’d put on his confident façade so you don’t see him literally dying inside
➤ “hey, are you okay?” “no, i’m jake.”
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tatortitty · 6 months
finally compiled screenshots of when ppl call gray pretty boy or think he's a girl
also I got these from desktop webtoons so if the quality looks wonky it's bc I was piecing together screenshots lol
ep 1 , Colton Choi and co.
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also ep 1 , Alex Go
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ep 3 , Eugene Gale
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ep 7
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ep 9
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ep 16
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ep 38
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ep 48
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ep 68
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ep 71 , class 1-1
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also ep 71
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ep 84
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ep 118
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ep 147
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ep 217 , the entire eunjang student body apparently
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ep 234 , i bet it's the dude on the bottom right with the slushy
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I skipped any dudes that vaguely mentioned how Gray looked bc they were flabbergasted and not questioning their sexuality lmao
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yoonisweakforthishero · 8 months
Hey Yoon!!!!🥰
I saw the request open so if you don’t mind taking my request can you do a one for Eunjang + Union boys who has a girlfriend who is very beautiful and get hit on by boys all the time.
Thank you!!😊
𓇻 When you get hit on all the time
Feat. Gray, Ben, Gerard, Alex, Donald, Jake, Wolf x gn!reader
Warnings. suggestive for donald
A/N: Hi anon! Thank you so much for requesting! I didn't know what to write for a while but hopefully this is good :> I hope you enjoy!
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Gray yeon
Ever since you started to date him, Gray has constantly talked about studies and how you should apply to the same cram school to “increase your grades.”
But his intentions involved also giving himself an excuse to spend more time with you.
You eventually gave in because well.. he does have a point… A little bit of studying could certainly help your grades.
He always seems to have extra classes which means that you usually tend to wait for him so you can walk home together.
“Hey sorry y/n did you wait for a long time..?” gray would suddenly pop up, always feeling bad to make you wait after him.
“Not at all! Let’s go already!” You grabbed him as you got up and ready to go, smiling at him reassuringly.
Gray hasn’t really told you this before but he’s glad you’re in his life. Simple moments like walking together always seem to remind him of how lucky he is to have you.
As you were walking home together, some guys started to check you out. Not an unusual thing in your life but it still is very uncomfortable every time.
One of them chased after you. “Hey sorry, I was just wondering if I could get your number? You’re really pretty,” He said, bowing down as he presented his phone.
You can tell Gray feels jealous or uncomfortable because he suddenly became stiff. Honestly, if looks could have killed, I assure you he would have been dead.
“They’re taken,” He assured the guy coldly, taking your hand immediately. “Come on y/n… Let’s go this way,” he would softly whisper to you, pulling your hand a bit.
After you have gone a bit far, you start to recognize the street you’re in. This is the way to Master Arcade.
“I must be lucky to have you since everyone else can also see your worth,” he would tell you while holding your hand closer, he smiles at you and pats your forehead.
“A game of Tekken?” he would ask you, getting some coins out. “Oh you’re so on! I have been practicing lately so I can take you out!” You point to him as your sudden competitive spirit comes out. 
He looks at you softly as you pump your fists into the air walking into the arcade.
How was he this lucky to have you love him? 
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Ben park
I know Eunjang is an all boys school but for the plot we will ignore this fact :>
“Hey, you heard? Apparently there’s a hottie in class 1-7.” A group of guys commented “Yeah, I heard they look like they came from a tv drama.” They would whisper to each other. 
Curiosity will eventually kill these cats because they were on their way to see who the pretty hottie is that everyone is talking about. 
“Woah! They’re absolutely beautiful,” They chatted as they would form around your classroom door. “Dude you should totally go ask for their number. You’re one of the most popular guys,” 
“Yeah.. You know what? I will.” The group started to hype each other to go ask for your number. “Wait! But guys if the rumors are also right.. Then… they are dating Ben Park..” The last words rolled off his tongue slowly, warning the others as if trying to avoid a stirring storm.  
“Really? Well I mean… Do you see him? Cause I don’t so” He started to state it cockly. “I’m getting their number if it’s the last thing I do.” He started to comb his hair with his hand, preparing himself.
“Oh.. well it might be the last thing you do then,” a voice stated from behind. Startled by this, the group turned around to see none other than Ben Park at the entrance of your classroom with a plastic bag. 
 Trembling the group realized that maybe this could certainly be the last thing they do. Maybe they should have been careful on what they say if they don’t want it to come true.
“We.. were just about to leave,” one of the guys mentioned as they started to slowly move out of the place. 
“Unless you really want it to be the last thing you do, don’t come back to get their number. They’re already taken.” Ben looked back at them to stand his point. They didn’t even dare to look back and all Ben could hear was whispers from them. “Shit dude, I told you they were taken.”
Like a lightswitch, his sudden dark person turned into the overgrown puppy you know. “Babe! I got us some snacks and drinks!” He announced as he got into your classroom. 
“Thank you! Also you didn’t get into another fight right? I heard some noise outside the classroom again.” You asked him as he took the chair in front of your desk, your hand on his cheek checking for any wounds.
“No… But y/n. I do have a question..” Ben slowly asked as if he was entering a dangerous area. He held his head with his hands and looked at your table, refusing to look into your eyes. 
“If hypothetically.. Some guys that were actually good looking came and gave you their number.. What would you do?” His eyes finally lifted up to look into yours.
“What? Where did this come from? Ben, you know I have eyes for you only. As long as you want me to, I will always love you.” You stroke his cheek affectionately trying to melt away any worries or insecurities he might have.
“Well then that’ll be for a long long time won’t it?” He smiled softly at you and you could almost see an imaginary tail wagging perked up at your response. “Yeah it certainly will be for a long time,” you chucked at his fast mood switch. 
“Come here babe!” He called out to you as he grabbed your wrist to pull you out of your chair and into a big hug.
It stayed that way until the teacher had to literally drag him out when break was over because he refused to let go of you. 
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Gerard Jin
It’s no secret that you’re beautiful and it’s less of a secret that Gerard likes to admire your beauty. 
Gerard’s gaze has been stuck to you ever since he first saw you. He always admires you like a painting in a museum.
Sometimes it isn’t noticeable that he’s admiring, because of his broccoli head no one really knew where his eyes were looking.
Other times, it’s a bit noticeable and you would make accidental eye contact. Always end up with him blushing. 
The funny thing is that now that you're dating, he still blushes after you catch him staring at you. 
Another thing is that since he also cut his hair, it's so easy to tell when he's looking at you.
"You're staring at me again.." you would call out to him. Sitting down next to him, you can see he laid down as he nuzzles his head with his arms. 
"... You're beautiful," is all he would say. If you turn to look at him, you can see him becoming nervous.
It's honestly cute how nervous and shy he still gets even after dating you for a bit now. 
"Oh.. I almost lost track of time because of you. I need to head to my part time," he started mentioning. "Well then let's go together!" You pat his head, signaling him to stand up. 
Maybe because of the slight difference in height, it always felt safe to walk around him with. No matter where you went.
Suddenly a group of guys would come up to you. "Hey, we were wondering since you're pretty if you would give any of us a shot?" One of the guys at the front asked you.
Overwhelmed by the sudden attention, you were unsure of what to do. "They are really pretty aren't they?" Gerard would softly laugh as he put his arm around you. 
Gerard trusts you so much that he feels like he doesn't need to reject guys for you. He knows that deep down you love only him. 
Grabbing Gerard's hand and pulling yourself closer to him, you rejected their offer. The guys looked disappointed but they didn't try to persuade you any further. A no is a no and they understand that.
The trust that this guy has in you is so strong that not once has he ever doubted you. He knows many guys are trying to date you and yet he trusts that you respect the relationship enough to never give your number. 
Every time someone flirts with you, he just holds you close. That's all he needs to know you're still there with him.
"How about I get you delicious chicken after my shift?" He would ask sweetly. "Employees discount! Plus Ttosikki Chicken is the best," He added, his mouth watering just at the thought. 
"Chicken is a great comfort food don't you think?" He would say as he stops for a moment to peck your forehead for a moment. 
Close to him, you can hear his heart beating for you only.
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Alex go
Alex Go saved a whole universe in his past life. Or at least that's what he kept thinking when the most gorgeous person said they have feelings for him as well. 
I mean what other reason would there be for this literal divine figure to like him. 
Even Ben got jealous that Alex has such an amazing person. "Man, you really scored with y/n.. So lucky.. When will it be my turn," Ben would tell him the first time you guys started dating. 
Yet at least Ben respected your relationship unlike other jerks who would not only swear they could totally win your heart if they tried but also beat Alex and put him in his place.
At first he tried to ignore it but the insults were starting to get to him and eventually he got into more fights than he needed to. 
Ben was worried. More than anything, you were especially worried because you would always see the aftermath of the reckless fights he would get in.
As much as you hate it, you would always bandage his wounds as best as you could. Always begging him to please stop getting into so many unnecessary fights.
"Are we still up for pool?" You texted Alex just to make sure something didn't come up.
"Yeah of course. Can't wait to see you :)" Alex texted back as he put his phone in his pocket and hurried into the pool hall that by now he's probably a VIP customer.
You moved your way to the pool hall and as soon as you opened the door you saw Alex already waiting for you at the table the group always plays in.
“Game on y/n!” Alex greets you as he grabs your hand and leads you toward the game.
You could pick what the loser and winner gets and he wanted a kiss every time he won, really making him concentrate in the game. 
He just kisses your cheek when it’s your turn to throw you off balance and it worked the first few times. Cheating? Yeah possibly but not according to him. 
When it was his turn, the door suddenly fling open which startled the both of  you. It also caused him to completely miss the shot and the ball going the opposite direction he wanted it to.
A bit annoyed but nevertheless tried to ignore them but them on the other hand? It was clear that they were interested in you two. You specifically.  
One of the guys starts to approach your table and starts leaning against your pool table. 
“I’m making the first move when it comes to talking, so I’m expecting you to make the first move when it comes to kissing.” He says as his body suddenly leans towards you, giving you a sly smirk.
“Back off prick.” Alex pushes him back and gets in between you. He is not taking this disrespect and right in front of him as well. The nerve of this guy. 
“And who are you supposed to be? I don’t have time for idiots like you.” The guy starts laughing at him and that was the last straw Alex needed. 
A fight broke out and you tried your best to control it. Eventually Alex beat them but he wasn’t in the mood to play anymore. Besides being ashamed of how easy it ticked him off, he left without another word.
You followed him, calling out to him trying to get his attention. Eventually he stopped and you were able to reassure him.
“I’m sorry y/n..” He whispered to the point you almost didn’t hear him. “Alex.. You know I care for you a lot so I get worried when you get into fights like that. I love you a lot and don’t want to accidentally lose you or anything.. You know?” You told him gently. 
That hit a spot for Alex. He understands that feeling better than anyone else. “Yeah.. I know..”
“So promise me you won’t get into any more unnecessary fights okay? I treasure you so I don’t want you ruining that beautiful face of yours or I’ll personally throw hands!” Lifting your pinkie, he kisses you instead.
“I promise.”
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Donald Na
Being in a relationship with Donald is a bit difficult at times.
That’s because he doesn’t go around saying you’re his partner or anything because he knows how easy of a target that would make you. Him being the Union leader and all of that. 
But he still gets jealous whenever someone tries to make a move on you. Which unfortunately for him are very often.
This is why he always makes sure he creates time to spend with you. Always, If he can’t go announcing you’re his partner and to leave you alone. At least he can spend more time with you in private. 
His favorite way to show everyone that you’re taken without necessarily having to announce it is to mark you. 
He loves to put them everywhere on your body, your neck, collarbone, back, chest, and even stomach. 
It shows everyone you’re his without people questioning it. 
You were on a business dinner with the union when one of the guys that you’re trying to negotiate with won’t stop flirting with you. 
You do subtle glances at Donald to see if he’s looking… Only to make eye contact with him every single time. 
You try to play off the flirtiness and try to come across as professional but this guy just wouldn’t stop. 
“I think this meeting is over. We’ll call you again next time to discuss things.” Donald called off the meeting suddenly. Most of the guys confused left. 
Along with everyone else you tried to leave, when Donald called you. “Not you y/n.. I believe we still have many things to discuss,” he would say in a way that would give you shivers down the spine. 
“Donald.. You know I wasn’t flirting,” you tell him and he nods. “Yes I know.. Come here for a second,” he says as he pats the seat next to him. 
When you got close, he brushed your hair away. You gasp at the cold sudden hands.
“Oh.. I see,” he mentioned quietly. More to himself than anything as if taking a note. 
“It seems like the marks are fading away y/n…” His fingers tracing the marks slowly. 
“Don’t you think it’s time to redo them?” He got close to you enough that you could feel his breath on your collarbone. 
“You have time for me.. Correct?” 
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Jake Ji
Jake loves to spend time with you even when you’re both not doing anything particularly together but still in each other's company. 
You can tell when he gets jealous because he whines and gets all clingy.
You get flirted with a lot so it happens often. You've gotten used to it by now. 
“Y/nnnnn, you still love me right? Even if those guys would have given you their number you would still only call me right?”
Although, there was an incident way before. Which honestly halved the people who now flirt with you.
He almost beat to death some assholes who kept harassing you when you said no to them multiple times. One of them even tried to corner you so you couldn’t run away from them anymore. 
It was relieving to see your boyfriend but when you saw a face that even struck fear to you, you felt unsure on what to do or say. 
He beat them up to the point they needed to be hospitalized but if you didn’t call out to him that day maybe they would have been in a cemetery rather than a hospital.
Really it took you completely by shock because you only knew one side of Jake up til this moment, which is the aloof and outgoing guy. 
Easy to say, most if not all the guys who knew about the incident refused to flirt with you.
Yet those who didn’t, well we pray they don’t trigger something in jake to repeat the incident.
Well today you were on a small picnic with him, he was lying down reading his newest manga that he picked up. 
A guy came up to you “Hi sorry to bother but my friend over there thinks you’re cute and he’s too shy to come ask for your number.” He said as he pointed to a group of friends who were elbowing one blond guy. 
“Ah, sorry but I already have someone,” you would just reply as the guy bowed down and retreated away. 
You turn around to look at Jake, a tiny bit worried about his reaction, only to see that he’s just staring into the other guy’s soul.
“Jake…” You called out to him as you waved your hand in front of his face. “Y/n to Jake?” you call out to him softly. 
He just tilts his head to meet your eyes. “Y/n,” he called out to you in a serious voice.
“Do I not look like your boyfriend enough?” Is the very next thing that comes out of his mouth. 
“What-” Before you even got to question him, he added another question. “Should I wear a shirt that says I’m y/n’s boyfriend?” He looks a bit too happy at the idea.
“Jake no-” “Jake yes!” 
After the quick exchange he went back to reading his manga. The only difference is that now he’s laying on your legs. “You love me right?” A sudden question that Jake asked after a moment of silence.
“Jake, of course I do. You know that. I love you and no one will ever take your place. Ever.”
Days later, you realized… he wasn’t joking about the shirt. 
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Wolf Keum
You have been dating Wolf for a little bit now which means he has definitely noticed the amount of people that try to gain your number are a tad higher than average. 
Honestly, he wasn’t trying to be possessive or come out as jealous all the time but the amount of people always checking you out was starting to be irritating.
One day, he noticed a guy who seemed way older than both of you was eyeing you. Something in his brain just clicked.. and he started to count.
‘1.. 2…’ and before he got to 3 the guy stopped looking. A sound of disapproval could be heard from him as you looked over wondering what was going on in his head.
From then on, he applies the 3 second rule to you as well. Now anyone that looked at either him or you for longer than 3 seconds would find themselves in Wolf's hands on an alleyway the next night. 
It was late at night and Wolf suddenly texted you. “Sleeping?” Based on past experience, this either means that he’s in front of your house or that he was thinking about you and can’t sleep. 
You look at your window to see a purple hair standing. He looked up to see your face as he waves and smiles. 
Welp, time to get your coat. Meeting him outside, you wonder what he was up to this time.
“Are you hungry?” He softly put his arm around as he looked around. “Convenience store trip?” He asked again. 
“Why not? Let’s go for it!” You told him as you leaned into his body warmth.
At the convenience store you got yourself some cookies and some snacks while Wolf didn’t get much snacks but only a drink and some cigarettes.
You sat on the table outside of the convenience store. There was a bit of wind but not enough to be too cold. In some form it was actually comforting.
Wolf smoked for a bit away from the table. He didn’t want the smoke to constantly be bothering you when you’re trying to eat. 
Yet that’s when a big tall man came up to your table and was starting to flirt with you. You were starting to look uncomfortable as the man sat down on the chair where Wolf was going to sit. 
Wolf noticed and he started to count. “1…” he got up from his crouching position “2..” he put out his cigarette and started to walk towards the table. “3…” he got in front of the guy and smiled. Well, well, well, what a good reason to pick a fight with this new prick. 
He took his glasses off and put them on the table as the guy got up from the chair. “Are you deaf? I said, what are you smiling at?” Wolf didn’t hesitate as a punch immediately landed on the guy’s face.
 Taken back a bit the guy tumbled backwards, he quickly recovered to land a hit on Wolf but it didn’t seem to affect him one bit. 
Wolf only walked closer to him as the guy suddenly got nervous at his opponent. He punched him again only to get no reaction again.. 
Wolf got close and landed punch after punch after punch. When he was no longer reactive, Wolf was a bit disappointed in how quick he gave up. 
“That’s it? Where’s the guy who tried to rob my girl? The guy who got all up in my face?” He said as he grabbed the guy by the hair, only to let him go and kick his head. 
“Wolf..?” You called out from behind. “Nothing to see here, I’m done anyways. Sorry to keep you waiting,” he mentions as he gets close to you. Noticing he has blood on his hand he tries to clean it up.
“Tell me if anyone else bothers you,” He says as he hugs you. His heart was still pumping from the adrenaline he got from the fight.
“Anyone who dares to look at you for longer than 3 seconds.. I’ll put them back in their place because they clearly forget where their level is”
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skaiiiryn · 6 months
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wolf dude :o
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aulupus · 4 months
I love the dynamics between the Union executives and their No.2's. Like, you put Jimmy, Wolf, and Jake in a room together and they're like hissing cats. Meanwhile, Jack and Hwangmo are in the hallway, silently bonding over how they're constantly herding said hissing cats. Dean never participates because he thinks of himself as above the other sidekicks.
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blossomcats · 6 months
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the way wolf got two panels bc seopass knows who the favorite child is
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cupiditis · 8 months
♡ ! feel you close with wolf keum
note : i'm sorry if it reads a bit awkward, it's my first time writing kissing and all that ..
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" can you put these on me ? " he asked, handing you a pair of silver earrings as you sat curled up on the couch. sitting up, you pat the seat beside you, asking him to sit. you move to sit on his lap with both your legs stretched out on top of his thighs, your left arm was thrown over his shoulder and your right was against his chest.
his hands rested on your waist and you could feel the warmth through your clothes. tucking his hair behind his ear you fiddled with the earrings before slipping it into his right ear. you put his hair back into place, your fingers brushing against his ear at your action.
" .. there " you mumbled quietly at your confirmation he diligently moved his head to show you his other ear. a slight frown twitched on your lips, you couldn't reach his other ear. moving to stand with your knees on both sides of his legs you let him rest his head on the back of the couch. his hands moved with you and rested lazily on your hips. his fingers finding their way under your shirt resting against the dip in your waist.
tucking his hair behind his ear you place the earring in place before taking his cheeks in your hand and tilting his head side to side to see your work with a proud smile on your lips that he couldn't help staring at. he leaned towards you, kissing you, his lips molding with yours.
your mind only focusing on the feeling of him against you, his hands holding you against him and his the soft throb in your lips until he lets you go from the dizzying kiss to breathe. your eyes fluttered open to meet his own lidded ones. you move closer to his face, tangling your fingers in his hair and leaving pecks on the edge of his lips, his cheek and moving upto his ear. your kiss the earring before resting your head on his shoulder, a soft smile on your lips as you settled against him. when you look up at him his lips were swollen and a bright blush was settling on his cheeks and the tips of his ears the longer you admired him.
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♡ . taglist : @bakerysnake . @alkyn-bs . @avid-idiot . @kiiraes . @rizzmin . @be-my-homodachi . @thesunandmoondreams
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The Orange Peel Test
This is the result of scrolling through tiktok and coming across a few "orange peel test" videos. Which then made me begin to wonder how some of the characters would react in these situations. Would they pass the test or fail miserably?
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If you're with Donald it's because he chose to have you in his life. He has no room or time for anything that's not to be taken seriously, and he obviously does his homework on any venture that he invests himself into. Which, in this case, would result in already knowing the kind of person that you are and what you like and don't like. So much so, that you wouldn't have to request such small favors as peeling an orange from him. Most days, he would have a tray set on the tabletop with an already peeled orange, split nicely into slices, ready for you when you get home. It will be the same concept with him filling up items you are low on, such as your favorite granola or shampoo, to the point that you can't even remember the last time you actually bought more yourself. Now he probably won't ever leave you little notes in the way that his mom did to him as a child, because he would hold that memory too close to his soul to share or give out with anyone else, including you, but he would 100% leave encouraging and love filled notes to his own children if you both ever decide to have any.
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Jimmy would give an immediate little sneer if you asked him to peel your orange. Which would be quickly followed up with him just snatching it out of your hand, and complaining a bit about having to do it, while still actually doing it for you. He would also eat half of it himself as he splits the orange apart slice by slice. His reasoning of course would be that he did the "hard" work, so why shouldn't he have some of the reward? The other half of the orange he would stuff into your mouth mindlessly and not too gently, in a very one slice for him- one slice for you, two slices for him- one for you, etc. Once the orange is all done, he will get up to grab another one, and repeat the process all over again. This will continue until you finally tell him that you're full and don't need any more orange slices.
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You can't force Wolf to do anything that he doesn't want to do.(Unless you're Donald haha). So really it's a 50/50 chance for it to go your way if you were to ask him. But luckily for you, the one thing about Wolf that is very much in your favor, is that when he's in one of his more giving moods he doesn't hold himself back from treating those close to him. Such as when he takes out his crew for a whole "order whatever you want" type of feast. So the chances of him peeling your orange is pretty high, even with his volatile nature. Just don't ask him in a cutesy voice or by giving him some sad puppy dog eyes. That shit will end up annoying the hell out of him, and you'll end up watching him as he walks away from you, with nothing to keep you company but that sad unpeeled orange you're still holding in your hand.
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Now you know damn well that Jake would 100% peel that orange for you. Heck, he would even do it with a big smile on his face. He is one of the most openly family and friend oriented person within the Yeongdeungpo union. So he would not only peel an orange for you, but he would also be the kind of guy who would wake up early in the mornings to warm up the car for you. Just to make sure that the windows aren't frosted over and to have the inside of the car nice and toasty. Making it easier for you to just take off in the mornings to wherever you need to go. AND he would do this unprompted and solely because he wants to and because he's able to.
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Most people know Forrest as someone who's a complete asshole. Always trying to prove that he deserves the spot he inherited from Myles as Hyeongshin's school head. And truthfully he has the fist to back it up against most adversaries, so most people just try to stay out of his way. But you're one of the lucky few who has gotten to see a different side of him. Where he has been incredibly thoughtful to those close to him, and how he's even taken into consideration his subordinate's discomfort when making his moves within the Unions dealings. So it should come as no surprise to you that Forrest would have no issues with peeling you an orange. Chances are you wouldn't even need to verbally ask the question. All you would have to do is hold out an orange to him with a pleading look on your face. That alone will have him taking the orange from your outstretched hand, followed by him patiently peeling the rind away from it. Then handing it wordlessly back to you once it's peeled, and leaving to throw away all the discarded peels before you even have the chance to say thank you.
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Now you all know Colton would be a complete and total simp for whoever he's in a relationship with. And he would be SO ready to peel any oranges for you. And not just oranges either. He'll peel you some bananas or some apples. This guy will even go as far as peeling/cracking your pistachios for you! And in my opinion that's even better than peeling an orange.
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So I've been reading Kengan, and I'm absolutely obsessed with with Wolf. So like Wolf as an underground fighter
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Like come on, tell me that's something he would do 😤
Might fuck around and draw it or make it a fic or both
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whchenlvr · 4 months
im soooo happy you're back.
I love your writing style.
Could u please do union with so that changed their hair and are now hotter
Like dyed it or cut it
when you change your hair ;
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weak hero union x gn!reader
donald na
➤ when you come home with bleached white-blonde hair like his, donald doubles over in laugher
➤ you’d be shooting pouty glares at him from across the room, causing donald to get up (still laughing, might i add) and wrap his arms around you
➤ “oh, darling. what did you do?” “i thought we could match… stop laughing!”
jake ji
➤ oh. my. god. bro falls head over heels for your new look
➤ you’d been sporting long hair for as long as jake had known you, so when you show up one day with your hair chopped to your shoulders, jake cannot keep his hands to himself
➤ i see him constantly appearing out of nowhere to touch the ends of your short hair. he’d do this so much that you end up snapping at him to leave your head alone, but of course, that doesn’t work
wolf keum
➤ you don’t know why, but the bright lime green dye was calling your name from the second you walked into your salon
➤ when you lifted the back of your hair and showed wolf the neon color underneath, all he could do was blink and say “why does it suit you so well?”
➤ like, wolf (aka the guy with Purple™️ hair) is confused as to why that hideous shade of lime looks amazing on you. the one color he voted to ban from salons everywhere
jimmy bae
➤ you always complained about how much you hated how your outgrown bangs would slip from behind your ears and fall into your eyes
➤ when jimmy suggested for you to get a haircut, he wasn’t entirely serious. he liked those cliche moments where he could tuck your hair behind your ear
➤ imagine his surprise when you come home with your bangs cropped short
➤ you look great, don’t get me wrong, but jimmy will mourn his excuses to getting in your personal space to play with your previously long bangs
jack kang
➤ you’d wanted to cut your hair short for a long time and always told jack you’d do it one day
➤ when you said short, he didn’t think you meant short. your hair was now nearly as short as his, and when jack first saw you, he couldn’t get his jaw off the floor
➤ “y/n… you’re bald!” “shut up, jack, no i’m not!”
➤ still, after the stock settles, your new look grows on your boyfriend. he likes running his fingers over the soft, short hairs above the back of your neck
dean kwon
➤ you decided to get a perm and you loved it. it was older, something you’d never done before, but you hoped your boyfriend dean would find it pretty as well
➤ not only did dean find your new hairstyle “pretty”, but he also couldn’t keep his hands to himself
➤ his fingers often ended up mindlessly tangled in your locks, twirling and twisting your curls as he focused on other work
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qbleee · 2 months
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ten-png · 9 months
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I finally caught up to weak hero releases on webtoon, definitely one of the best webtoons I've read so far :,)
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nocturnekalopsia · 3 months
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When the trash puppy gets upgraded to dog husband, but only after he whines about getting caught trying to pretend he's just a little puppy guy and definitely not a grown ass man who doesn't know how or why he fell in love but he's too attached to leave now.
(AKA I had brain rot about how Wolf went from a mangy mutt to a spoiled brat who must get at least three head scritches a day or he'll riot.)
Thanks to @soberanart for bringing my silly little idea to life. Definitely go check them out!
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