#wealthy Tom
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Harry Potter/Tom Riddle Characters: Harry Potter, Tom Riddle, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Alternate Universe - Non-Magical, Meet-Cute, Romance, Fluff, No Angst Summary:
Coffee shop AU with Accidental Wooing of Wealthy Men (or just one wealthy man, but Riddle’s enough trouble to count for ten tbh even if Harry doesn’t know that yet). Also a dash of murder because I need my emotional crutches in storytelling.
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gothicwill · 5 months
Not to be a bootlicking socialist, but the way succession showed how the 1% interact with, and view those of lower social standing is so scarily accurate. It’s not like in the movies, where they viciously bully them. it’s worse bc they don’t even do that. They don’t even see them as real people. Shiv jokes about using hand sanitizer after shaking a strangers hand and is surprised when it’s not received well. Kendall doesn’t see the waiter he killed as a whole person until he’s literally forced to enter his childhood home and see his baby pictures. The poor are inconsequential beings to them.
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bipedalembarrasment · 20 days
It really is fascinating watching the amount of pro monarchy/aristocracy/toffs etc propaganda Julian injects into this show from an anarchist/communist lense.
Like even when he tries to make it more equal and show some of the leftist opinions at the time he always makes sure those characters come off as being nasty/bad people to an extent or as silly, hysterical, childish caricatures (like when Daisy spends a tiny amount of time talking about class and its treated like some silly girl phase)
Like dude literally sat there writing a script where Lord Grantham wishes violent death on Sarah Bunting the same as what they did to our beloved Rosa Luxemburg and he shouts down her politely put opinions at dinner out of hand and then she's portrayed as being this crazy, pot stirring bitch like what?? Lord Grantham literally said he wanted her shot and thrown overboard because she critiqued WW1 as being a useless exercise of the upper class using the lower class as canon fodder...which it was and the tone of that entire plotline is that she's too radical and rude and a threat to Toms apparent "growth" (class betrayal) as a character.
Idk one minute dude has the Russian aristocracy literally admitting to and continuing to support the anti-Jewish sentiments/violence of their multiple pogroms and next minute he wants us to feel bad for them. 🤔🤔
You gonna mention Bloody Sunday or all the peasants Tsar Nicholas ll killed anywhere too dog or nah just gonna add to the piles of Romanov sympathy propaganda?
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flowersandbess · 1 year
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Every succession character so babygirl until they have to talk to a woman dating a family member
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intrepidsz · 1 year
so i watched sh.arper the day it came out and then again with my partner, and had that situation once again where i considered adding another of justi.ce's characters to my muse list because i've seen literally Everything he's ever done ( save for the one or two i cannot find for the life of me ) and am rotating him in my mind constantly so if you see me add test muses and/or remove muses in the next day or two, know that i Too, am apologetic for the Depths of my hyperfixation
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moonstruckme · 1 day
absolutely live for ur roommate!james could you maybe write one on him meeting some of readers friends for the first time or calling james to pick u up after a girls night 😇would love to see him finally feel “included” in our life like we are in his
Thank you for requesting lovely!
cw: alcohol
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 │ part 4 │part 5 │ part 6 │ part 7 │ part 8 │ part 9 │ part 10 │ part 11
roommate!James x shy!reader ♡ 1k words
James is so absorbed in the football match on his phone that when there’s a tap on the window next to his face, he jolts halfway across the center console and squeaks like he’s twelve years old again. 
You’re beaming outside the car. Your shoulders shake with quiet, un-self-conscious laughter, so it’s impossible for James to be any kind of upset. Still, he makes a show of huffing a little as his own smile spreads. He reaches over and opens his door. 
“Sorry,” you say. You don’t look it, so he lets you off the hook for your over-apologizing. 
“Who do you think would drive you home if I had a heart attack?” James asks. He’s somewhat breathless, either because of the scare or the easier-than-usual grin still fixed on your face. 
You lean against the side of his car and roll your eyes. “Oh, your heart’s too healthy to be in danger of attacks.” 
“What are you doing on this side of the car? You’re the passenger, you know.”
“Okay, listen.” You give him a very intentional look. It’s more eye contact than he’s used to from you, and it makes his guts go all twisty in a surprisingly nice way. “It’s completely up to you, of course, but I think I’m about to make you an offer you can’t refuse.” 
It clicks into place. “You’re drunk.” 
“Not very.” Your grin is a short fall from impish. Your eyes sparkle. God help him. “But you’re about to be.” 
James feels his eyebrows float up. “How do you figure?” 
“Because I’ve come to collect you. If you want.” 
“To collect me…where?”
“Inside,” you say, as though this should be obvious. You tip your head towards the restaurant. “We’ve just closed, and we have so much wine. Pleasepleaseplease, James, come in.” 
“Okay.” He’s letting you tug him from his car before he knows what he’s agreed to, only that one please will always be enough to get whatever you want from him. “Alright, love, but doesn’t your manager mind that you’re drinking their wine?” 
You let loose a bark of laughter, loud and sharp and totally unlike you. “Tom? Yeah, right.” 
Tom, James learns quickly upon entering the rowdy atmosphere of your workplace after hours, is younger than the both of you, hardly old enough to serve alcohol and yet managing the restaurant. And the wine isn’t stolen, necessarily, but the fortunate leavings of a wealthy customer who bought more bottles than his table could handle and then left nearly all of them. 
Everyone who’d been on the night shift is strewn about the empty restaurant. Servers and busboys and dishwashers all perched on stools, standing behind the bar, sitting criss-cross-applesauce on tables. You take James by the hand, first reclaiming the bottle of wine you’d evidently stored behind the host’s station and then leading him around the room to introduce him to various coworkers. His hand feels warm and tingly. You have an easy repartee and a million in-jokes with the servers, but even the kitchen staff seems to adore you. As they rightly should, James thinks. It’s obvious you’re as kind and considerate here as you are at home, and he feels a bit silly for not having been able to picture you in this place so clearly before now. 
Art is working with you again tonight. It’s embarrassing, the warm wave of relief that James feels when he notices you don’t pay him any extra attention. He makes a mental note to extend his offer of a ride home more often. Every time your hand starts to slip from James’, you readjust your grip before he can even think of doing it himself. Suits him just fine; ever since your mugging incident, suddenly James is in this weird place where he always wants a hand on you.
You say his name, and then the lip of a bottle is being pushed against his lips. 
“You haven’t had hardly any.” You look like you’re trying to pout, but your eyes are smiling. 
James takes the bottle from you. He looks you in the eyes as he takes a sip as if to say, Happy? It’s barely enough to warm his throat. “I am still driving us home, you know.”  
The pout is getting better. “I know, but I’m trying to be fun for you. You don’t have to drive us if you don’t want to! You’re always the one doing the nice things.” 
“Oh, don’t.” His tone is fonder than he means for it to be, but luckily you’re too tipsy to mind. “You’re plenty fun. You do nice things for me all the time.” 
“Yeah, but not enough to balance out.” You make your eyes big and pitiful. James feels fortunate this isn’t a skill you seem inclined to utilize sober. “Obviously you don’t have to if you don’t want to, but—Jamie, don’t hold back because of me, please.” 
His stomach does an impressive flip. He doesn’t think you realize you’ve called him that, doubts you’d have done it under normal circumstances, but his nervous system cares not for rationalizations. He wants desperately to hear you say it again. 
You beam as James lifts the bottle to his lips again, taking a few hearty gulps. You both end up walking home that night, but you wake even before James to go retrieve his car in the morning.
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ghostfacd · 7 months
PAIRING. tom blyth x fem!actress!reader
SUMMARY. in which you and tom make a special appearance on wired’s autocomplete interview
installment of this au | recommend reading for more context
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“Hi — we’re Y/N Avocot and Tom Blyth — and this is the Wired Autocomplete Interview!”
You’re both handed a white board, bigger than your face, and there’s a list of questions with some of the words covered.
“Do you want to go first?” Tom asks, giving you a small smile.
“Yes! I’m pretty excited actually,” you begin to peel off the first question. “Okay, first question: what was Y/N Avocot’s first role?”
You think for a moment, “well in terms of roles in general, my first acting role was very small and I believe it was for this ice cream commercial as a kid. I’m not sure if it’s still up but my mom had signed me up for it and they thought I was a really cute kid so they casted me.”
Tom laughs, “really?” He then retrieves his board from the crew. “Okay my turn. Why does Coriolanus Snow turn evil?”
That question makes you slightly giggle, because it’s so broad that it’s nearly impossible for Tom to narrow down exactly what it is that made Coriolanus suddenly switch. “I believe you should be asking Suzanne Collins, shout-out to her for making the entire trilogy and prequel. But honestly? I think he was always power hungry, and even though Tigris tried her very best to bring out the humanity in him, it was just never enough. Especially after Sejanus’s death, I think Coriolanus realized there was no going back.”
“Oh wow,” you say, very impressed with how he decided to answer it. “That was a terrific answer Tom.”
“Thank you m’lady.” You giggle at his antics, rolling your eyes jokingly.
“What role does Y/N Avocot play in The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes?” You clear your throat, imitating one of your character’s iconic resting bitch face.
“I play Balleona Laurent, duh.” You joke. “Anyway, yes, I play Balleona, also known as Leona. She’s originally from the Capitol just like Coriolanus. They met at the academy and she automatically knew she had to have him. She comes from the Laurent family, which is a very very wealthy, well off, intimidating family that Coriolanus knows he just has to get into, which is why they start dating. I don’t wanna spoil too much of Leona and Corio in the movie, soooo you guys should definitely check it out!”
“Alright,” Tom adjusts himself in his seat, ripping off the paper for the next question. “Does Tom Blyth have a girlfriend?”
He pretends to think, which makes you bite your lip, suppressing a laugh. “Hmm, very complex question.”
“Oh give the people what they want!” You tease, “yes he does. He’s inlove with Jennifer Lawrence.”
“I am not inlove with Jennifer Lawrence!” He exclaims quickly, “although I greatly admire her work. My girlfriend is Y/N Avocot over here, sadly.”
“Sadly?!” You fake offense, “cut the cameras. I’m gonna beat Tom up.”
You peel away at your next question, the interview already being loads of fun for the both of you. “Is Y/N Avocot a good singer?”
Your head falls forward, and Tom’s automatic instinct is to catch you, not realizing you’re only joking. “Oh God, I hope so!” You say, laughing as you pick your head up. “I’m no Mariah Carey but I like to think I’m a pretty okay singer.”
“More than okay,” Tom chimes in, which makes you laugh.
“Aw, thanks Tom.”
Tom reaches to peel another question off. “Is Tom Blyth American?” This question makes you almost spit out the water you were currently taking a sip out of. “Well, a lot of people get shocked when I say I’m from the UK. I mean, is my American accent that good?”
“Guess so,” you shrug. “Okay next. Is Y/N Avocot in The Summer I Turned Pretty?”
You clasp your hands together excitedly, giving the camera a wide smile. “Yes! I play Maekella Fisher, also known as Ella Fisher, Steven Conklin’s love interest and sister to Conrad and Jeremiah. The first season airs out soon so please stay tune for that! I’m so excited to be apart of this amazing show with such amazing people.”
“I always come to watch her on set,” Tom says, “they’re all such funny and charismatic people. I swear I’ve became friends with everyone on Y/N’s cast.”
“Okay, my last question,” Tom peels off the paper, grinning. “Will Tom Blyth star in another movie soon?”
He smirks, eyes playfully looking into the camera. “Who knows? But I do know that something exciting will be coming out soon so prepare yourselves!”
“Way to tease the crowd Blyth,” you say, rolling your eyes. “Anyway! My last question, this was quick. What is Y/N Avocot’s skincare routine? Oh, I’ve been waiting for this one.”
You sit on the edge of your seat, and Tom finds it endearing that you’re so excited about something as small as this.
“First, I rinse my face with cold water and I dip my face in a bowl of ice and water for 3 minutes. Afterwards, I put on my dewy toner from Innisfree, it’s so smooth and nice. Sometimes I’m too lazy for this step but I also put on sunscreen, it’s important so I always remind myself to not forget— but I love to use Supergoop Unseen’s Sunscreen. I use drunk elephant’s bronze drops if I wanna go for a sunkissed look that day, but I usually don’t. And then I just shake my Tower facial spray and spray it all over my face. Usually, I touch up my eyebrows and do my eyeliner but that’s really about it!”
“It’s true,” Tom adds. “She asked me if I could go buy her the tower spray yesterday because she was almost out.”
“No need to expose me like that,” you say, clinging your arms onto his. “Well thank you guys for watching!”
“Thank you!” Tom and you wave at the camera, smiling brightly.
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cryptotheism · 11 months
A good ensemble cast is based on the strength of the interactions between any two characters in the ensemble.
CHARLIE + MAC Delightfully sincere madness. Cooking up new inventions for strange products.
CHARLIE + DENNIS Tom Sawyer style friendly manipulation. Charlie looks up to Dennis, who will not admit to enjoying Charlie's antics.
CHARLIE + FRANK Comfortable friendship. Frank tries to have sex with sex worker, charlie attempts to cook beans. They are mutually supportive of each other's desires.
CHARLIE + DEE Sibling rivalry. Competition, until they can find something to join forces over.
MAC + DENNIS A mastermind and his goon attempt to inflate the value of a used tractor trailer for sale.
MAC + FRANK Boys night. The quest for a cold one to crack open.
MAC + DEE Faghagging, though neither will admit to the dynamic.
DENNIS + FRANK An evil king and his mistrustful advisor attempt to woo some fair maidens.
DENNIS + DEE Untethered cooperative sociopathy.
FRANK + DEE An evil witch drawing upon her wealthy toad familiar to cast harmful spells.
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lilithgreye · 2 months
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The type of characters you’d play in films
— based on your moon
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Actors Moon Placements:
The Moon in astrology is associated with emotions and emotional responses. It can show how your emotions come off. For this reason its closely associated with acting of course there are other planets that could come into play when discussing your acting style but I find the Moon to be most common in showing what characters and actor typically plays
These are some western and sidereal examples
• Adam Sandler — Known for playing a lot of funny characters in comedy films. His Moon is in the sign Gemini in his Sidereal chart which is one of the signs most closely associated with comedy
• Tom Holland — Most known for playing the superhero Spiderman has a Scorpio Moon in his sidereal chart. Scorpio and Aries placements are commonly found in the charts of people who play superhero’s most likely because Mars and Pluto can be associated with crime/fighting. Also Robert Downey Jr, Scarlett Johansson, Chris Evans, Benedict Cumberpatch, etc have either their western or sidereal Moon in the signs Aries/Scorpio
• Penn Badgley — One of his most popular characters is Joe Goldberg in “YOU” who is a serial killer and stalker. Penn has a Scorpio Moon which is the sign ruled by Pluto the planet associated with things like stalking and death
• Jeremy Allen White — Plays aggressive characters really well such as Lip Gallagher in Shameless and Carmy in The Bear. He has an Aries Moon. Aries is ruled by Mars the planet associated with anger and aggression
• Emmy Rossum — Her most popular character was Fiona in Shameless who is a very broken character that has lots of daddy/mommy issues and must take on the responsibility of raising her siblings. Emmy has a Capricorn Moon which is why she plays this character so incredibly well
• Alexa Demie — Most famous for her character Maddy in Euphoria where she was Nate’s love interest. She has a Libra Moon which is the sign associated with romance since it’s ruled by Venus. Maddy is also big on fashion which Venus also is associated with. In Sidereal she’s a Virgo Moon which also aligns with the character as Maddy is very sassy
• Leonardo Dicaprio & Kate Winslet — Their most famous role was in the movie “Titanic” which is a romance film. They both have a Libra Moon, once again, ruled by Venus the planet of love
• Sarah Jessica Parker — Most known for her role in the show “Sex and the city”. Her Moon is in the 8th house which is the house of sex meaning she does well in more sexual roles
• Reese Witherspoon — One of her biggest roles was in Legally Blonde where she plays a regular college girl who aspires and is working to be a lawyer. She’s a Capricorn Moon in western which is the sign associated with your career/work and in sidereal she’s a Sagittarius Moon which is the sign associated with law (other than Libra) as it’s ruled by Jupiter the planet that represents justice
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The best type of characters for you to play:
I recommend checking both your western and sidereal moon as I’ve seen both have accuracy
(1h/Aries Moon) They do best in films involving action, crime, or films involving war. They could do well playing characters that are a superhero, sexual character, athletic character, aggressive character, fighter, villain, and you could also do well in adventure films too.
(2h/Taurus Moon) They do best in romance or musical films. They could do well playing a character that is someone’s love interest, a chef/baker/cook, stubborn, determined, or that’s wealthy and materialistic.
(3h/Gemini Moon) They do best in comedy films. They could do well playing funny characters, a fraternal twin, a character that’s gossipy such as regina george, a character that’s popular on the internet, a character that’s crazy, a character in school, and characters that are neighbors to the main character.
(4h/Cancer Moon) They do best in family films or emotional films. They could do well playing soft, sensitive, caring, be a child star, a chef, be a mother, and roles literally involving lunar topics in some way such as Robert Pattinson who plays in Twilight. Twilight itself involves the Moon/Sun.
(5h/Leo Moon) They do best in thrillers, dramas, or romance films. They do very well as main characters or as characters that are sassy, as child-like characters such as Tom Hanks voicing in Toy Story, a famous character, sometimes as superheroes, and possibly flirtatious characters. They also tend to play gay characters sometimes like Cameron Monaghan and Noel Fisher for example.
(6h/Virgo Moon) They do best in dramas, comedy, or medical films and shows. They play very analytical and funny judgmental characters well or sarcastic ones. Sometimes even awkward characters suit them well like Jonah Hill in Superbad for example.
(7h/Libra Moon) They do best in romance, musical films, or even sometimes in Disney films such as Halle Bailey. They often do well playing romantic, charming, attractive, and artistic characters. Sometimes their character could be involved with law in some way such as a lawyer.
(8h/Scorpio Moon) They do best in action, crime, mystery, or horror films. They play dark characters really well, scary characters, murderers, and brave/ambitious characters good as well. They could even play good surgeons.
(9h/Sagittarius Moon) They do best in comedy, adventure and sometimes superhero films. A character that’s positive, humorous, blunt, seeking justice for others, or is in school would suit them well.
(10h/Capricorn Moon) They do best in historical films or films with sarcastic/dark humor. As sad as it sounds they play broken characters really well. I notice a lot of people with this placement play characters that have daddy/family issues as well. If not broken they can play hardworking characters or business men/women really well.
(11h/Aquarius Moon) They do best in sci-fi, supernatural, or just very unique films in general. Characters such as Neo in The Matrix played by Keanu Reeves, characters that are a bit of an oddball/weird, and characters that are the life of the party/party animals such as most of James Franco’s characters.
(12h/Pisces Moon) They do best in fiction or fantasy films. A character that’s a princess/ethereal, not human, musically talented, artistically talented, characters pretending to be something they’re not, and as characters that have a lot of secrets.
I do think sometimes the Sun can be more accurate with this as well since it’s related to self expression, drama, talent, and spotlight. Make sure to check your Sun placement as well
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acting numerology
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Nothing Has Changed - 2
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Summary: Returning home for peace, you're faced with your tormentor, Bucky Barnes, who is now involved in your family's business.
Character: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Words Count: 2,143
Warning: Angst, Tragedy.
Chp 1, Chp 2 , Chp 3 , Chp 4 , Chp 5 ,-
Main Masterlist || support: Ko-fi
Thank you to anyone who gave a like, reblog, and left a comment. It motivated me to write more. 
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The one person who turned your school life into a nightmare will take over your father's business.
You never had any interest in following in your father's footsteps. Tom had told you from the beginning that you weren't fit for this work. And you hated the business; you wanted to burn it to the ground.
Even though you had never come home for several years, you kept sending your father monthly money. That money was enough for him to move and buy a new house in a big city. Last Christmas, you called your father and told him to sell the house, but he said nothing.
Something never changed: your father would put work before his own happiness.
Now you know why he didn’t want to sell the house. Because he had found someone to continue the business. Bucky Barnes.
Bucky is the popular kid from the wealthiest family in town. Everywhere he went, people followed him. His entourage echoed his every move.
When Bucky said something about you, his followers echoed his sentiments. If Bucky said A, his entourage would cover B to Z, and he never stopped them.
You once thought that he looked down on you because he was rich. But after moving to the city with Ransom and meeting many influential and wealthy people in the business world, you realize that Barnes' fortune was nothing compared to the 0.1%.
Now, you see him as just a regular person.
You sighed, feeling a mix of frustration and resignation. "This is a big mistake. I shouldn't have come back here." You walked past them, not even glancing in Bucky's direction, and headed upstairs to grab your things.
Tom followed after you. “Y/N, please, we can talk about this. I didn’t know how to tell you.” He knew he had been an absent father. After you left for college, your relationship worsened.
You only called him on holiday, and he was afraid to call you first. He didn't know how to start the conversation when he had the chance to talk.
You stayed silent, slinging your bag over your shoulder and holding your laptop.
“Where are you going to stay?” Tom asked, desperation in his voice. “From what you told me, you don’t have much cash.”
He was right. Your bank account was blocked. But you still had some cash and your Rolex, which you could pawn. You glanced at your watch as you headed down the stairs.
Distracted, you missed the last step and started to fall. “Ahh!”
You braced for the impact, but instead, you hit something solid.
“Did you hurt your foot?” Bucky asked, holding you steady. His voice was worried. He had been about to leave, not wanting to cause more conflict between you and your father.
You looked at his face, searching for the smug expression he always wore when he tormented you with his “silly pranks.”
Quickly, you pulled away from his grasp. You didn’t want to be near or share the same air with him.
You walked past him, treating him like he didn’t exist. Before opening the door, you grabbed an umbrella—a habit of always being prepared.
As you opened the door, you felt a hand on your shoulder. You rolled your eyes, turned around, and saw Bucky stopping you.
“Please, listen to your father first,” Bucky said softly, sounding anxious. Your father stood at the top of the stairs, speechless.
At this moment, you felt like an outsider. They seemed more like father and son than you and Tom ever had.
You pushed Bucky's hand off your shoulder. "Keep your hands off of me!" Your voice was filled with years of pent-up anger and pain, each word like a knife stabbing into Bucky.
You slammed the door and stormed off, your heart pounding with a mix of rage and betrayal.
Back at the house, Bucky and Tom stood staring at the closed door.
Tom sighed, his shoulders sagging. "Give her a moment. She's been through a lot."
Bucky, still shaken, asked softly, "What happened to her?"
At the pawn shop, you tapped your fingers anxiously on the glass counter, awaiting Mr. Rogers' appraisal of your Rolex watch. His gaze met yours, and he inquired, "Do you know how much it's worth?"
You nodded, a sense of unease creeping over you. "I bought it three years ago for around $25,000. With the current market price, and since I didn’t bring the box and certificate, the price will be lower. I would say it’s around $8,000."
Mr. Rogers's eyes widened in surprise at your precise evaluation. Clearing his throat, he mumbled, "Ahem, you're right. And because you’re Tom’s daughter, I will give you that price."
You quietly sighed. You had just arrived at one shop, and he already knew you. But what could you do? This was the only pawn shop open this morning.
"Wait a second, I'll grab the money for you," Mr. Rogers announced before disappearing into the back room.
Taking a seat, you fidgeted with your phone, searching for the nearest hotel or motel.
Just as you began to scroll, your phone rang. It was Maya, your lawyer. You had chosen to work with her because she was your assistant's friend. Money was tight, so you couldn't afford a well-known lawyer.
“Hello?” you answered the call.
“Hi, are you alright? You have arrived in your hometown?” Maya asked.
“Yes, I have. By the way, is there any progress?” you inquired.
“Yes. They already looked through it. I guess you could hear good news in 3 days,” Maya replied.
You sighed in relief. “I’m glad. Thank you.”
After a brief conversation with Maya, you ended the call. Then you heard someone clear their throat.
You glanced up to see that the person behind the counter was no longer Mr. Rogers but his son, Steve Rogers, who was also Bucky’s friend.
Back then, Steve didn’t say anything when you were made fun of. But he didn’t do anything to stop the silly pranks either. So his name was also written in your black book.
But now you weren’t the same person anymore. You were a 'female Midas'. You were supposed to be confident. Steve used to look at you as if you were invisible. Now you should do the same.
You got up from your seat and walked towards him. There was a stack of cash, probably $9,000, in front of you. Mr. Rogers was quite a generous man.
You picked up the money and stuffed it into your bag. It was enough to live here for 3 days before you went back to the city.
Steve noticed that you didn’t even look at him. He cleared his throat. “It’s been a while. Are you staying?”
You continued to ignore him. As you exited the door, you clapped your hands, making Steve jump. Then you muttered, “Oh, it’s just a fly,” as you walked away.
You left the pawn shop and glanced back at your phone to find a cheap hotel or motel nearby. As you walked, sweat poured down your back, making you feel uncomfortably sticky. It was the most strenuous workout you had in a while, just trying to find a place to rest.
Eventually, you stumbled upon an interesting hotel on the booking app. The hotel was located inside a big building that sold outdoor equipment. It was cheap and conveniently close to your location.
Sweat dripping down your forehead, you kept walking until you finally reached the building. You were impressed by the natural surroundings, with shops surrounded by nature. The building was named Bronze Adventure Gear.
Upon entering, you were greeted by an employee.
“Welcome to Bronze Adventure Gear. How can we help you?” they asked.
You were taken aback by their energy; it was still 10 a.m., and they were already bustling with customers.
“I’m here for the hotel,” you replied. “I know it’s early, but I just need a place to rest.”
“No worries. It’s off-season, and there are many empty rooms. We’ll guide you to the receptionist,” they said, leading you further into the building.
Grateful for the hospitality, you thanked them as they left you at the receptionist.
The hotel was called Bronze Lodge.
“We’ll leave you to our friend,” the employee said before departing.
“Thank you,” you replied, feeling a sense of relief wash over you as you tapped the reception table and waited.
“Welcome to the Bronze Lodge. How can I help you?” a friendly female voice greeted you. However, to your ears, it sounded like venom. It was Natasha Romanoff, the popular girl in town.
You felt a shiver run down your spine, a sensation far different from when you had encountered Bucky and Steve again.
“Y/N? Is that you?” Natasha's voice cut through the air.
You tried to compose yourself. “Yup.”
“Goodness. It’s been a long time. And you're so beautiful. Ah, where are my manners? Are you staying at this hotel?” Natasha wore her trademark smile—the same one you hated seeing back in school, where her girl gang would always talk behind your back.
"You know what-?" You were about to say, but then second thoughts about leaving crossed your mind.
That's when you heard the most enormous thunderclap of your life.
“Are you surprised? The weather is quite unpredictable,” Natasha remarked casually.
She glanced at your belongings. “Oh, and you brought your yellow umbrella. Such a nostalgic touch. You never changed,” she continued, her words like needles pricking at your skin.
You clenched your fists, your frustration bubbling up inside you.
“You’re lucky. There’s a room ready for you. Here’s the key. I hope you enjoy staying with us,” Natasha said, offering you the card key with a sweet smile.
You snatched the key from her hand. “I’ll try.”
Turning on your heel, you made your way to the elevator. As you left, Natasha's smile faltered, and she quickly grabbed her phone to make a call. “You won’t believe who checked into the hotel today,” she said eagerly.
The moment you entered the hotel room, you threw yourself onto the bed, exhausted. You turned around and stared at the ceiling.
The rain and thunder outside seemed oblivious to your desire for peace. You starting to regret coming back here.
Closing your eyes, you tried to ease your racing mind. But four hours later, what was meant to be a short nap turned into a longer one.
'Knock. Knock.'
You were jolted awake by the sound of someone knocking at your door. Lazily, you left the bed and peered through the peephole, wondering who it could be since you hadn't requested anything.
You gasped when you saw Bucky standing outside. What on earth did he want? Wasn't it enough that you had already encountered him and his friends earlier today?
Taking a deep breath, you hesitated before opening the door.
When you did, you remained silent, not wanting to converse with him.
Bucky said, "Tom is looking for you."
"I see. Thanks for the info," you replied, moving to close the door, but he stopped it.
"What do you want?" you sighed in frustration.
"You have to talk to him," Bucky insisted.
Closing your eyes, you responded icily, "I'll talk to him when I'm ready. But I don't need you hovering around. I certainly don't want to see your face."
His expression seemed to reflect grief when you said that, though you dismissed it as your own emotions. Why would he feel guilty towards you?
"And how did you manage to find me?" you asked.
"It’s easy," Bucky replied nonchalantly, "since my family owns this business. I can access anything I want, including information about guests staying here."
There it was, the smug face finally making its appearance, accompanied by that cocky explanation.
You gritted your teeth. Somehow, the idea of being in prison didn't seem so bad anymore.
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tonixe · 6 months
ਏਓ ` caged
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``a/n: I'm back, guys I won't ever leave trust. But update I'm still obsessed with Coriolanus Snow, he is so hot, and sexy and I wanted him to degrade me. Tom Blyth is still my celebrity crush and I just wanted to write smut.
warning: p in the v, penetration, coquette style, lolita, objectification, exhibitionism, mirror sex, choking non-con to dub-con, and creampie. *** may be classified as dark content. (proofread??)
pairing: pervert!coriolanus x nymphet!reader
word counter: 3.1k
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You were Sejanus's adoptive sister, you used to live in the district, specifically around District 6. His mother found you around the street, in an alleyway. You remembered cold, hungry, and almost dying from a cold you caught. You were unable to buy food or clothes with the low funds you had, resulting in stealing from people and food stalls.
Their family was your saving grace, being an orphan was hard being kicked out from an orphanage due to the high population rate there, no food, water, or clothes, no reason. Mostly Mr. Plinth who was a kind man indeed. He began to be your father, though he wasn't biological, he cared for you as your own, and you were happy for him to be your dad. From living on the streets to a place in the capitol. You would have never thought of ever seeing the clean capitol floors or walls, or even seeing the wonderful food on the table with the elegant style and decorum.
It took you some time for you get with and normalize yourself with the Plinth family. You couldn't use the word mom or dad, even father or mother because you didn't feel like you fit in always using Mr or Mrs with them.
You had to practice it yourself, hopefully make them your own traits of carrying yourself with elegance and suave. Mr Plinth hired a teacher to help you practice it, which you were grateful for. Even landing a spot in the capitol's academy, attending it with your older brother, Sejanus. Everything felt surreal to you, feeling yourself still in a dream looking in the mirror as you wore the blood-colored uniform, clipping a pink-colored butterfly hairpin in your hair to finish your pristine ponytail, fitting the appearance of a spotless uniform.
Though you were from the district, you managed to hide yourself from your origin, even with the relationship that people knew that you had with Sejanus. Everyone seemed to be more favorable towards you than him, flocking your desk before the professor came and class started. Talking to you, children from the rich, and the wealthy wanting to be your confidante. Your popularity rose from the ranks, and you were able to have a flourishing status in the academy. A person with good grades, elegance, and filled with poise.
The bell rang, and you took your books holding them close to your chest, walking out of the classroom. Hearing some footsteps coming closer to your walking form, your eyes flickering to Arachne. "So, are you excited for reaping day, it's in almost a month," She said, as you listened to her in response, nodding your head. Your heart starts beating faster as you hear of reaping day. Everything about reaping day triggered things in you, especially back living in the district. You heard of it, people going missing and plucked from their homes to be fighting in an arena for entertainment. You gulped, nodding to her words. "Yeah, it going to be a ball there, I wonder whats going what new things are going to happen, especially with Dr. Gaul" You replied, "Well, she knows how to entertain and put on a show," Aranche said, you guys simultaneously went into the dinning hall.
As you guys got some lunch being served, before you stopped in your steps, "What happened?" Arachne asked, as she stopped with you, "I'm going to sit with my brother" You stated, gesturing to him sitting alone, before she grabbed your biceps, "You're going to sit with him, Sejanus?" Arachne asked incredulously, "—Are you serious?" Aranche questioned, "Yes? Is there a problem?" You asked, cocking your eyebrows to the side, feeling Arachne's hands leaving your bicep before she walked away from you. As you walked to the table where Sejanus was sitting, another person was sitting next to him.
He was familiar to you, with curly blonde hair. He hung out with your brother often, his name was Coriolanus Snow—right? You continued to walk to the table, Sejanus's eyes flickered toward you, "Y/N, come join us!" He said that got the attention of the blonde man sitting next to him, you nodded, placed your tray on the table, and sat down on the chair that was across from Coriolanus.
"Oh, Y/N this is Coriolanus" Sejanus said, gesturing to Coriolanus, "Yes, how can I not, he's infamous at the academy" You smiled at the man who was staring at you, and he gave you a small smile before he went back to Sejanus, "So, is this your sister?" Coriolanus asked, "Yes, she little younger than us. I think a Junior, right Y/N?" Coriolanus just nodded at the statement.
Coriolanus was in awe of your appearance, he had known Sejanus for some time but never knew he had a sister as well. Your h/c and your eyes contrast with your smooth skin, enchanting your beauty, and your cute nose. He wonders what you would look like underneath the red uniforms, and how much your curves would show, trying to brush off the dirty, vulgar thoughts of his 'friend' little sister.
There were some talks about you especially among his male peers, mostly the vulgar gossip about how you would look bare, especially when your name was mentioned to Festus. He would always talk suggestively about you, though he didn't like Sejanus at all, he did like his sister. He was a hypocrite in his own words...he didn't like how men were looking at you and talking to you, suggestively, he actually hated it with a weird sense of rage every time your name was mentioned from someone's lips.
He attentively stared at you as you talked to Sejanus, your delicate fingers taking the ladle and dipping into the soup and putting it towards your dainty lips, drinking it. He watched as the soup went down your delicate throat, and gently put it back down. Everything you did was gentle and purified, you were an uncorrupted version of what came out of the capitol, that he wanted to protect.
"Coriolanus?" his eyes darted to voice, which was you, "is everything okay?" you questioned, cocking your head cutely. "Mhm," he nodded, the way you pronounced his name with every syllable with your dulcet tone, it felt like something inside him broke when you looked at him with your soft e/c eyes. "So—how long did you know my brother" you asked, "About a decade now" He answered truthfully, "Oh, that's nice" You gave him a little smile,
"Any hobbies, or such?" You asked, He found it cute that you asked him all the conversation starters in the book, it was adorable that you wanted to know more about him, and the hidden blush dusted on your cheeks. "Hunting" He answered, "I also enjoy hunting, what is your favorite season to hunt, I prefer spring to summer. You get to see all the flowers, fresh grass, and even baby animals" You exclaimed, ranting away as Coriolanus listened to your lovely voice.
He wondered how you would sound when your alone with him, but he couldn't stop his vulgar thoughts around you, it was always in his mind when he heard, saw, and listened to you. Made the blood rush all way to his dick. How embarrassing would it be to see his boner?
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You and Coriolanus started hanging out more, spending more time together without Sejanus and you managed to form a relationship with him, becoming his friend but to his disdain he wanted more than a friendly relationship.
He would visit your home a few times but it was almost all for hanging out with Sejanus, but you didn't know that he only came to see you. You would greet him in one of your cute little pink lacy nightgowns, he found you precious at the informal act. The nightgown did hug your curves, it was something. that very something that got a rise out of him. Those rises that made him jerk off to you at night, the single thought of you with him alone and him stuffing you full with your pink lacy nightgown flipped over covering your face. Your soft-sounding, sweet mewls in his ears as he sinks himself into you, but it was only a fantasy as he spills himself on his hand, the thought of you taking all of his cum made him get aroused even more.
But this time Coriolanus had come back to your utter surprise, but what surprised you more was he wasn't with Sejanus at all, opening the doors to him, and nobody was home but you knew Sejanus was coming back in a few minutes or perhaps hours. "Oh, Coriolanus..Sejanus isn't here at the moment but you are welcome to come in—I think he'll be back in a few minutes" You said, opening the door to him as he walked in. You were still in one of your pink lacy nightgowns, and pink stockings, and your hair were in pigtails with pink bows on both of the sides.
You led him to the parlor room, "Would you like anything to drink? You asked, cocking your head to the side. "No, I'm alright." He answered, "You sure?' You questioned, he wondered if you act the same way if he were to marry you would you be a dutiful wife to him, making sure he's always taken care of—"Yes, I'm sure Y/N" he repeated, you nodded at him. "So, why are you here Coriolanus," you asked, "If you don't mind me asking, of course," you said, "To talk with Sejanus," he said, "Ohh". Coriolanus studies your appearance, the new jewelry that he noticed on your wrist, it wasn't something you would see in a jewelry store. It had a bunch of plastic rainbow loom-type beads on it. "What's that" Coriolanus gestures to your wrist.
You held the bracelet with your other free hand, "Oh, I made it myself" feeling your cheeks getting flushed, "Do you like it?" you asked, your eyes gleaming up to his. "It's...nice" He looked at your wrist, "Do you want me to make you one" you exclaimed clasping your hands with his, your eyes sparkling. He felt his face getting hot, his pale face being stained with a pinkish undertone, "Sure" He answered you, your hands wrapping with his as you grabbed him out of the sofa and led him into your bedroom.
He guessed rightfully on what your bedroom would like, it was all pink, and in different shades of pink to pastels to dark vibrant tints. There was a canopy bed with white sheets and pink lacey curtains, a vanity, and your room had pink cherry blossom wallpaper with pink roses, orchids, and carnations. It had a Victorian style to it, with windows that had lacey curtains with pink bows. His eyes darted to you as you were looking through your vanity trying to find the bracelet set. "You were actually the first person who complimented my bracelets before" you smiled to yourself, glancing back at him. "Well, I'm glad I was your first," He said, putting his hands into his pockets. You took out the bracelets from the chest you brought out. The golden, and pink box opens up with your delicate hands, taking out the charms in the compartment, sitting on your bed. "Sit" you patted right of you, as he sat down looking at the box on your lap.
He was wondering why you would bring a man into your bedroom, not even knowing his intentions at all. Your naive personality was worrying, but also adorable as you made a little bracelet for him, putting charms into the golden metal twine. A few minutes passed between you and Coriolanus, "I'm done" you smiled towards him, taking his wrist and putting the bracelet around it, Coriolanus looked at the bracelet with glee that it was made by you. He felt his heart pumping against his chest.
"It's cute," He said, the cool metal touching his arm before he turned his attention to you. "I'm glad" you smiled, your soft lips parting apart. Coriolanus felt something inside of him twinging, blood rushing down to his lower core. You felt his hands on your thigh, rising making you tense up, "Coriolanus what are you doing?" Your eyes darted onto his hands crawling dangerously up to your cunt. "Y/N" he called your name, as you got up quickly from him, "I think you should leave, Coriolanus" You held your hands backing up from him, and he got up too.
Walking towards you as you tense up, feeling your flight and fight senses kicking in. "You should leave...now" You flickered your eyes away from him, and every time he stepped closer you stepped back, the process continued still you hit your dresser. A set of panic coming in you, feeling his hand on your face. His body pressed into yours, "Your really beautiful when you're scared" he whispered, as he caressed your face.
"—You don't even know how long I waited for this" he finished, his arms trailing down from your face to your chest, as he fondled your chest, "Why do you wear these skimpy nightgowns when a boy comes around, like a common whore" he rolled the buds on your chest, as they hardened at his touch through your flimsy garment. You turned your head away, "Stop" you mewl out, feeling your legs getting heavy, his hand taking down the top of the nightgown revealing your breast on display for him. His hands were cold, groping your breast, feeling your cunt pulsing through your cotton panties.
"We should stop now– please" You choked out, putting your hands on his shoulders, you felt a weird sensation through your body. "Why, feels like you're enjoying it" he whispered, "Haah~" you whined, closing your eyes shut. His hands flipping up your nightgown, your hands darted to his, "We should stop, please, it's wrong" you plead, your doe eyes looking at his cold irises.
This look made him feel even more aroused, he ripped off your nightgown making you squeal so cutely, displaying your cute flimsy pink panties before he flipped you against your dresser. He took off your pink panties looking at the wet patch on them, as your ass made contact with his crotch. "Fuck" your eyes making contact with your mirror at the assault happening on the backside of you. He unbuckled his belt, the jingling sounds making you nervous, your eyes glancing back to him at the sound. Your eyes widened at the size of his cock, feeling yourself tremble at the size, "Corio...that's not going to fit" your lip quivered, "Please—don't put that in" Your eyes getting watery, "It's going to be okay" you felt his hand rubbing on your curves, as he lines up against your slit. He rubbed against it feeling your slick against his cock.
Your breath trembled, as he slowly entered into you, and the pain simmered into you as tears pricked on your waterline, "Shh, it's almost all in" he caressed your waist, his finger trailing to your clit, rubbing the nub. His pelvis bottoming inside you, you gasped, putting your hands on your dresser and trying to steady yourself.
"Don't move..please" your chest heaved, your lips already looking bitten up and your cheek looking wet. But you knew he wasn't going to stop, he moved his hips, plunging himself into you, groaning into your ear. You looked at the mirror, watching his hips fucking into you, his pelvis colliding with you.
"Fuck.. you're tight" he growled into your ears, he slipped into your pussy, and the sloppy sounds of the thrusts sounded erotic, it was dirty. You felt his hands on your pigtails pulling you up, the pain on your scalp hurting, your back curved as he thrust into you. Your tongue lolling out, eyes rolling up, as Coriolanus looked into the mirror at your fucked out face, it was erotic and dirty. The painful sensation turns into a pleasurable feeling.
You felt something bubbling in your core, and thrust into you, feeling a wave of pleasure coming through you, liquid dripping down from your cunt. The sloshing of your cunt and his cock connecting you together. Your tits bouncing at the sudden thrust of him, you gripping the porcelain dresser. His mouth connects to yours into a sloppy kiss, while he enters into you.
Everything that was running through your body felt good, making you drool but you knew it was wrong in your pretty little head. It was wrong to be doing this with your brother's friend, sleeping with him. You felt dirty, but you craved his touch further.
Feeling yourself getting closer to your climax another rush of pleasure passes through your body making you tremble very so slight. His hands on your hips, as he rams into you with an animalistic pace. "It's too much" you whined, "You're doing so well, dear" he teasingly rubbed your clit, making you shudder.
"Corio" you mewl under your breath, as he abuses your clit further getting a rise out of you, he bends you over the dresser, the delicate silver handles digging into your stomach, his hips driving into you. Pulling on your cute pigtails, "Look into the mirror darling" Coriolanus growls into your ear, making you feel wet and aroused, you were embarrassed. "Look" he demanded thrusting into you harder, you obey. Your face flushed and your puffy cheeks stained with wet tears. Your tongue lolling out your mouth, panting like an animal.
"I'm close" he groaned, as he caressed your stomach, feeling his cock bulging in your stomach. "Not inside—please" you whined, feeling his teeth on your neck, leaving little bites blooming on your neck, his hands gripping your breast.
"How can I not, you look so adorable when you look at that" He pulled your face in, your face was messy, tears, snot dripping out of your nose, and drool coming out of your cute little mouth. He plunges into you, "Fuck—" he groaned, before feeling hot loads inside of you, making you tremble from the sudden warmth. "Haah~" you huffed before he released you from your pigtails, falling onto your dresser, panting.
Feeling the sudden warmth coming out from you, as he pulls out from you. Hot cum leaked out from you to the wooden floors, your eyes darting to the mirror looking at Coriolanus's tired form, listening to his footsteps as he came to you, rubbing your stomach gently. Your eyes hesitantly peek at him through the mirror,
"You did so' well" He whispers in your ear, combing your hair, with his fingers, being careful not to hurt you in the process as he plants a kiss on your collarbone to your neck. You should have known better than to trust people, some can be sick perverts because thank god Coriolanus was here to protect you. <3
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witchesroad · 1 year
so immensely fucked up that by pushing the deal through, shiv has trapped herself in the cycle of abuse forever. now she’s resigned to the exact life her mother had and loathed: the wife to a wealthy CEO and mother of his children that they should’ve never had. in fucking over her brothers, she has freed them. none of them know this is a gift. but if she can’t have the company none of them can. maybe the next best thing is tom, and she can work her way back in, and maybe proximity to his power is better than admitting defeat to her brothers
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taylortruther · 3 months
you know what's extra funny? this "scorned woman destroys hapless cinnamon roll's reputation" stuff played out exactly the same way with tom who was very famous, very wealthy, and a grown-ass man of 35
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astrobaeza · 8 months
prediction astrology:
Saturn in Pisces transit + how you could get famous ♓️ ✨
credits to @astrobaeza
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Saturn entered Pisces on March 7, 2023 and will stay there until May 24, 2025. Already, we have been able to see new musicians, artists, collectives rise to fame.
example: Victoria Monét -> her song "On My Mama" went viral and she has her Moon and North Node in Pisces. Despite being popular for some time, she is just now really blowing up.
British Duo "Jungle" went viral for their song "Back on 74". Tom McFarland, one half of the duo, has his NN in Pisces in his 7th house of partnership (his band) and his moon at 29° Pisces in his 9th house of the media. They blew up but I also predict their fame is being solidified and will grow even more.
Here is what I predict for the Saturn in Pisces transits in the houses.
✨ Pisces 1st house: solidification or complete undoing of your identity. this could be a time where you find the perfect routine for your skin, hair, makeup, or maybe completely transform your look or how you present to others. could become famous for looks and self (think modeling, youtube, Tiktok, instagram) post your selfies queens and kings!
✨ Pisces 2nd house: transformation of your personal values, increase in self worth, and influx of wealth and possessions. this could be a time where you become more confident and come into more money as a result. your values could translate in the work you do or anything you make or create. you could become famous for becoming wealthy or whatever you do as a result of this increase in confidence.
✨ Pisces 3rd house: you become more communicative with your community, neighbors, and siblings. strengthening of familial ties as well as gains in writing, singing, or public speech. you could become famous for your artistic or oratorical communication like writing music, poetry, or doing a public speech. could also become famous through your siblings.
✨ Pisces 4th house: your home life becomes more nurturing, sensitive and soft and your connection to your roots increases in familiarity. you could learn more and grow closer to your roots on an emotional level. this could look like traveling back to your hometown / birth place, picking up new family traditions, or healing broken family bonds. could become famous through your family or through exploration of you roots.
✨ Pisces 5th house: strengthening of creative abilities, creative drive, and increase in artistic pursuits / opportunities. you most likely feel more creative during this time, and have more of a drive to showcase this. great time for musicians, artists, and performers who want visibility for their art. also a time where you could go on more dates, fall in love, and have kids. could become famous for anything creative, your children, your romances.
✨ Pisces 6th house: transformation of work, health, and routines. you could become a lot healthier during this time through new workouts, diets, and lifestyle. you could also find new work, leave an old job, or have restrictions around your work and health lifted. could become famous through something like huge weight loss, introducing a new skin care brand, or through your work.
✨ Pisces 7th house: long-standing partnerships are inducted: meaning marriage, new business opportunities that bring you a lot of success or more connections, could also mean more enemies due to this success. could become famous for who you marry, who you do business with, or who defames you.
✨ Pisces 8th house: could result in an entire death and rebirth of yourself as a whole. this could mean a time when you "bounce-back" completely reinvent yourself and come out unrecognizable. also potential for sudden deaths, random events and an increase in wealth or shared resources. this could end a period of celibacy or a time when you lose your V-card! could become famous for anything related to power, money, and sex. (ie: starting an OF, getting an inheritance, investing and getting a huge return)
✨ Pisces 9th house: transformation of spirituality, your knowledge, and higher educational pursuits. could be a time where you finally have the money to go to college, study abroad, or commit to knew avenues of education and spirituality (maybe committing to a religion or belief system). could become famous for your educational pursuits like publishing research.
✨ Pisces 10th house: solidification of your reputation, career, public persona. this is the year that you could become famous for anything really (good or bad). for those who wish to be famous or already are, this is a great year to go after all career goals. your reputation will be solidified (good or bad). career could be Piscean in nature -- music, art, writing, spirituality.
✨ Pisces 11th house: expansion of networks, groups, and achievement of dreams. you could meet your best friends, form life-time connections, and accomplish something online or for the collective. could become famous on a large-scale through your groups in real life or on line. great time for social media users who want a larger fan base, push your work!
✨ Pisces 12th house: expansion of the mind, healing of the subconscious, transformation of subconscious beliefs about yourself, life, others. could be a time when you actively start working on your healing and emotional health (ie: therapy, shadow work) great time to transform or tap into healing practices or monetize them! a lot more intuitive, this can be applied to all areas of life and help you with your interpersonal relationships, business, and family. could become famous for communication of your new beliefs, your healing practices or for your transformation.
follow @astrobaeza
click here to get a personalized reading <3
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fawnprincessblog · 2 months
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𝒜𝓃𝓰𝓮𝓁'𝓈 𝒹𝓮𝓋𝓮𝓁𝓸𝓅𝓂𝓮𝓃𝓉 𝒹𝒾𝒶𝓇𝓎.
(part 1: 'the praise and some coffee') type: slow burn, fluff (tom kaulitz 2015 × fem reader)
includes : teacher × student, childish annoying immature school girl who's name is Angel (you), teacher tom, wannabe teacher's pet, age gap. tom is 25, angel is 17. plot : angel, a young, childish and innocent honour student was shunned by her schoolmates due to her being a teacher's pet, but none of that mattered whenever she ran into her favorite teacher, Tom, that she so deeply admired, who she swears on her life she will serve until the day she dies. despite being favourited by many other teachers, tom does not favour her due to her clingy behaviour. she may be smart but her hormones play a huge part in her schooling life as well.
bambi's note! : hello sweeties :3 i don't really wanna explain much but i think you guys will be sick of hearing the same lame excuse to why i disappear quite frequently. writer block makes me want to suicide sometimes, i've been trying my hardest to write, this took me months to finally put tgt. crazy that it's short too. i have drafts from last year in my docs. im also an art student, so it makes it hard to tackle both things rn. anyway, have fun reading part one of 'Angel's development diary ' :3
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“Everyone now turn to page 74,” Tom instructs, his voice sharp and echoing across the classroom. The whole room was silent, only he could be heard. Nobody would disrespect a man like him, for he was rather strict, and serious, his only intention being to get his point across and educate his students. That’s what the majority saw in him. 
Well, except for one person. That was Angel. The honour student of her class.
Angel saw what other people did not care about. Despite being the very sophisticated and refined teacher everyone knew, to her he was so much more. Tom was a young, 25 year-old Maths teacher. She admired that strong body structure of his, and the way his face features all fit together. The way his hair was always worn in a messy bun, a few strands poking out the front, had just added to his good looks. He wasn’t over-dressed, like those wannabe scientists-looking teachers in her physics classes; he was rather usually seen in t-shirts. On special occasions, she got to see him in a suit. 
He wasn’t the kind to play around. He expected all his students to pass his class with flying colours, not one left behind. In fact, all teachers wished the same. In such a popular and very high-class school, of course every single student had to be well-behaved and supremely knowledgeable.
The school Angel went to was one with a high standard of academic and extracurricular achievements. It has a strong emphasis on academics and often has a highly selective acceptance rate, which makes it difficult to get in. She was quite lucky. The campus has beautiful architecture, state-of-the-art facilities, and ample resources for students' academic and personal development. The faculty members are very well-educated and experienced in their respective fields, and the school often has a high student-teacher ratio. The students are often from wealthy families with a strong academic focus, and the school often boasts a high graduation rate. 
Coming from such a school that was great and had put Angel’s reputation in great hands meant no mistakes were to be made at all. She had to maintain her good grades. And one thing is for sure: she couldn’t possibly keep having dirty thoughts about her teacher. 
“Hey, you,” Tom called out, snapping his fingers twice. “Angel?” 
She snapped out of her trance almost immediately, a little startled by his tone. “Oh—yes?” she responds, heat evidently rising in her cheeks the moment he had called out her name. Oh, when he said her name, it only served to heighten her arousal. His voice was so strong and firm, it made her squirm in her seat like a damn worm. All those dirty thoughts wouldn’t go away. 
“Are you gonna pay attention? Or is daydreaming the only thing you like to do?” Tom asked, folding his muscular arms across his chest, staring right into her soul. He had this scary glare that usually put most students in fear, but to her, it was attractive. His dominant demeanour when teaching a lesson made her imagine all these horrendous things, like how he was in bed. 
“N-No—! Um, I was listening,” Angel responds, clearing her throat. She shifted a little in her seat, tugging at the hem of her red plaid skirt. She was wet. So uncomfortably wet and aroused, she would’ve probably left a stain on the chair if she had gotten up.
“I hope so,” Tom grunted, turning back to the chalkboard to continue writing those endless amounts of Math sums. It was overwhelming to look at; all of the numbers bunched together, the dusty residue of the chalk making it even worse. It was a lot to take in, however that was just how it was. 
His teaching continued, his voice loud and clear. Angel diligently started writing down her notes, trying to keep up with his pace. Being such a good student, she had become fond of his teachings, and she was expected to have one of the highest marks among the rest, even if everyone else was already good. 
An honour student. That’s what she was. Supposedly, she was the teacher’s pet. 
She did well, joined every possible club and involved herself in every school event, making sure she was obtaining high merit points that boosted her reputation in her school. Angel was simply a good little girl that most teachers did like, but the other students, and for some reason, Tom, did not like her. They found her exasperating. 
The bell rings. Class is over, and Tom is preparing a stack of worksheets to hand out to the class on the way out. “Alright class, tomorrow I wanna see all your worksheets full of numbers. All correct and no mistakes. I believe I’ve taught you all enough on this topic, so I expect perfect answers,” he announces. “You can pack up and leave now.” 
“Sir!” Angel calls out, rising from her seat abruptly, making everyone else pause from their packing up. Majority rolled their eyes. “You forgot to take attendance. Usually you take attendance every morning before class but since you forgot the checklist you said you would—”
“Right, right, okay,” Tom interrupts, an exasperated sigh followed right after. Clearly, he was pissed. Angel was quite aware that he disliked her try-hard behaviour, in fact, she was aware everyone did. Of course as an honour student she was made to please the teachers with good grades and behaviour, but the other students knew clearly she acted the most clingy around Tom. She saw past his strict demeanour and she acted like a child around him. Always trying to point out the simplest things, always reminding him about his meetings, always trying to get him his coffee, always trying to help him out at any damn chance she got— Angel was desperate and needy for his love. She was willing to make him love her. She wanted to be his favourite student. 
He notwithstanding, saw her as a confounded girl who was beating a dead horse. A try-hard, annoying, clingy little bitch that stuck to him like a damn tick. It irritated him when she acted like his little servant. 
But Angel liked it. She didn’t care. 
“Since you wanna help so much, get the checklist for me,” Tom tells her rather bluntly, clicking a pen in his hand as he speaks. Angel’s ears perk up at his request. “What? Really?” she asks, eyes full of joy. That annoying excited voice—it made his ears bleed.
“Go get it, it's in my office,” Tom says. “And hurry. Your classmates wanna leave class.” 
“Consider it done, sir!” she enthused, immediately dashing towards the door and running straight to his office. Like a little slave, she did everything for him.
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Recess time. One of the times where Angel would bother her favourite teacher the most. Even if she was trying to be helpful, she usually came off as a nuisance. He was an earnest and disciplined man, always keeping up with his set schedule. During break he’d grab coffee in the teacher’s lounge, discuss some things with his colleagues, or he’d take the coffee straight to his office so he can finish up paperwork. However he wasn’t the only one who kept to his schedule…
“Hi sir,” she greeted excitedly, grinning like an idiot. She blocked him, not allowing him to continue walking through the school hallway, which was empty since everyone else was at the cafeteria. “Where will you be taking yourself to today? Do you need help with anything?
He lets out a breath, trying his hardest to not let her irritate him right now. Angel being around him was something he couldn’t possibly avoid. It was an everyday thing now. “No,” he said simply. He then looked around. “Do I look like I need help?” His tone was dripping with sarcasm. Angel could tell, but she couldn’t be bothered. 
“You may not be holding anything that I could help you carry, but there’s other things I can help with,” Angel says. “Like, your coffee. Do you want me to get your coffee?” She was just so damn innocent  acting like a maid trying to please him with every chance she got. She really acted like life was all unicorns and rainbows, like she had not a single issue in the world.
“For the last time, I can get it myself. You’ve been asking this everyday now,” Tom sighs. “Shouldn’t you be eating? It’s recess. Go eat.”
“I already have,” Angel replies with that annoying giggle right after, making him clench his jaw. She was insufferable. That giggle was ingrained into his mind. He could recognise it from a mile away. 
“Okay, good. Now if you don’t mind, you can just mov—”
“One sachet of the coffee mix, two teaspoons of sugar and some milk to top it off,” she interrupted, making him raise an eyebrow. “You use the blue mug. Always the blue mug,” she added.
“You know my coffee?” he asked, a little disturbed by her knowledge on how he liked his coffee. His eyes narrowed to slits, peering at her.
“Yep,” she replies, as if it were the most normal thing in the world. To him, she was a complete stalker at this point. “You have about 12 minutes to go to the teacher’s lounge and get your coffee, and return back to your office to finish marking off the recent test you gave us before you have to rush to the meeting you have with Mr.Harrison about the new changes we’re making to the school’s mural art.” 
“What?” he said, almost wanting to laugh in disbelief. That was way too many words for him to comprehend. “You know my schedule?” 
“Well I memorised it,” she shrugged. “Tuesday’s and Fridays you stay in your office during break. All the other days you’re eating at the teacher’s lounge.
What the hell, he thought, looking at her with the most perplexed look he’s ever plastered onto his perfect face. “What are you doing, stalking me? My schedule is printed on paper and left in the drawer of my desk—”
“It’s also printed in my mind,” she joked, pointing a finger to her temple. 
He looks at her, bewildered. Completely uneasy. He didn’t like this. He knew she always had this weird thing for him, but he didn’t think she was this peculiar, knowing his schedule and all. Tom was taken aback by her behaviour, but he remained unruffled for now. It wasn’t too surprising, since she had been doing this for a while; asking him if she could get his coffee, but he had always declined. In the past, she had been randomly reminding him about his meetings, or anything he planned to do on that day, which he also found annoying, but today she really surprised him, wording out his entire plan for today.  
He cleared his throat. “Well, I know my own schedule, I don’t need you to tell me,” he says.
“I know. You’re very smart. But, I figured you’d like help,” she says, grinning. 
He had to get rid of her. This damn pest of a student. “I don’t. Not right now. So, If you don’t mind, Angel, please move aside so I can go.” He tries to walk past her, but she stubbornly blocks him again. 
“C’mon, I’m sure you need someone to get your coffee,” Angel insisted, looking at him with those set of pathetic eyes, ones that he insanely hated to look at. She was small, pretty, and sweet, but she was tiring. He didn’t like her. “Angel…” he sighed, wanting to snap at her, but he held back; he may be strict, but there was no reason to be shouting at a student who just wanted to help so badly, right? “...Fine. Get my coffee, bring it to my office. Now.” he finally relented, looking down at her rather annoyed that he had forced himself to give in. Oh, she really had her ways. 
“Yes, sir!” Angel exclaims, smiling widely, and she dashed off, disappearing immediately. Tom folded his arms, watching the pesky little girl run off to get his coffee like a slave. She obeyed him so much, wanting to do anything just for his attention. He chuckled a little, he couldn’t help himself.
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“One coffee,” she says, placing the blue ceramic mug onto his desk slowly, as if she were a waitress. Tom had been busy on his computer, going over some emails while waiting. She had returned rather quickly. Tom flashed her a faint smile, and he took the cup, taking a small sip. She had got it right. It tasted exactly like how he wanted. 
Wait for the praise, wait for the praise, Angel thought in her mind, eagerly looking at him for a positive reaction with big, innocent eyes. 
“It’s exactly how I like it, Angel,” Tom finally says, looking up at her. He noticed her small hands fidgeting with the hem of her school skirt. “Good job,” he finally praised, his voice low and soothing. 
Angel’s cheeks immediately flushed pink. Everytime he gave her praise, her arousal hit her like a brick. She couldn’t contain herself. She could already feel herself soaking her panties. “N-No problem, sir…” Angel says, her lips slowly curling into a nervous grin. She squeezed her thighs together a little, trying to contain herself. 
“You may go now,” he says. 
“Y-Yes,” she nods, bowing a little as a sign of respect. She then left.
Tom did not know the effect he had on this girl. If only he could ease that ache.
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