realitybitesyouknowit · 5 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Harry Potter/Tom Riddle Characters: Harry Potter, Tom Riddle, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Alternate Universe - Non-Magical, Meet-Cute, Romance, Fluff, No Angst Summary:
Coffee shop AU with Accidental Wooing of Wealthy Men (or just one wealthy man, but Riddle’s enough trouble to count for ten tbh even if Harry doesn’t know that yet). Also a dash of murder because I need my emotional crutches in storytelling.
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jomiddlemarch · 8 months
While You Were Sleeping
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Chapter 4
Some people, primarily Muggles, count sheep when they have trouble falling asleep.
Wizards preferred Puffskeins or occasionally crups. Molly Weasley had once admitted she counted crups in Weasley sweaters, after George had spiked her tea with something she made him pull from the store shelves.
(Hermione did not believe anyone who said they counted dragons other than Hagrid, who listed them off by their forenames.)
Hermione preferred facts.
Fact: the Eguzkiko continued to think she and Draco were a married couple.
Fact: Draco was fluent in at least five languages.
Fact: Draco wore a subtle cologne that smelled like Hermione imagined the Silk Road would, minus the camels.
(Unconfirmed fact: this was exactly what Amortentia now smelled like to Hermione, forget cut grass and parchment.)
Fact: Hermione’s facts were usually about statistics, geopolitical historical alliances, and characters in Dickens’ novels because her father had loved those dearly but since the start of this mission, her facts had increasingly, exclusively become All About Draco.
Fact: Hermione appeared to have Feelings for sodding brilliant, widely accomplished and knicker-incineratingly fit Draco Black Malfoy, Esq., Feelings she felt ill-equipped to express.
Fact: She felt no more drowsy now than when she’d extinguished the reading lamp and turned on her side to avoid trying to make out his profile or the exquisite line of his neck against the pillowcase.
“What was that?” she exclaimed.
“I don’t—” Draco began.
THUMP. Thump. thump.
“What the bloody fuck?!” Draco said, sitting bolt upright. There was a yelping quality to his cry, that couldn’t be denied, though his voice was still pitched low enough that no one would have called it a shriek. Also, being bolt upright showed his broad shoulders to notable advantage (who knew pyjamas could be so impeccably tailored?)
In any case, Hermione had that covered, the shriek-department that is. She did manage to keep it to one solitary shriek that she choked back at the end, right at the moment when Draco reached over and grabbed her upper arms. She only had a split second to evaluate the grabbing, but it was definitely from the making-sure-you’re-real and I’ve-got-you-don’t-worry categories, not the get-a-hold-of-yourself-witch or I’m-about-to-shake-you-silly-for-being-a-silly-bint. Also, his hands were big and warm and transiently made her feel very much cherished and she was glad she’d tied back her hair so he didn’t accidentally pull any of it, though the prospect of his hands gently running through her curls was dreadfully appealing.
When she wasn’t devoting her not inconsiderable brain-power towards the mental recitation of facts, she was capable of noticing quite a bit.
“Are you all right?” he asked. With the grabbing, he’d closed the distance between them and they were close enough she could see the hints of green and blue in his grey eyes, the faint shadow of his beard, a darker shade than his hair. There was a small scar near his left temple and she wondered at what curse had caught him there, how badly he’d been injured to leave such a mark impervious to the Healers at St. Mungo’s. “Are you hurt?”
“I’m fine, are you?” she said. Her heart was still beating very fast, but it had more to do with Draco than the earlier noise.
“Yes,” he said. He loosened his grasp on her and let his hands drop, but they still rested on her forearms, lightly enough she could shrug him off. She did not.
“What was that?” she said when the moment had started to grow too intense, the hollow at the base of his throat too tempting.
“I don’t know,” he said. “At home, I’d guess it might be an old house settling for the night or a storm brewing, but here—”
“Could it be something magic?” she said. She swallowed, then said what she’d first thought, when all she had felt was terror, when she’d wanted to call out his name. “Don’t laugh at me—”
“I won’t,” he said.
“A monster. Under the bed. I know it sounds foolish,” she said.
Hermione was absolutely certain that every single one of her acquaintances, with the sole exception of Luna Lovegood, would agree it sounded foolish. And even Luna was likely to give her reassuring smile and tell her that kidakomori were far fonder of people than people ever gave them credit for and Hermione would have to pretend that she was aware of kidakomori and their undeservedly dubious reputation.
“It doesn’t sound foolish. Not to me,” Draco said. 
“I didn’t want to say it first, because I agree it makes me sound unhinged, but I also thought of a monster under the bed,” he replied.
“You were supposed to talk sense to me. To tell me I was overreacting,” Hermione said.
“Are you even capable of overreacting?” Draco countered. “I realize I am tacitly validating your prior assault on me—”
“We were children! And you were beastly,” Hermione said.
“And I deserved it,” he said.
“Well, no one deserves to be hit,” Hermione said.
“I understand the progressive Muggle approach to childhood discipline and in general, I don’t disagree but in that particular situation, I must say I did. And not only because I was making a point.” He smiled at her and she liked it far too much.
“Do you really think there’s a monster under our bed?” she said, trying not to whisper and failing. 
“You said our bed,” Draco replied.
“That’s what you’re choosing to focus on? Not the monster part? And the fact that we have no wands and even wandless magic is verboten in here, even assuming either of us knew what spell to cast for a monster under the bed,” she ranted. Her exposure to Parseltongue had been so negative (whose wasn’t?) she kept herself from hissing, but it was a close call. Draco moved his right hand from her forearm to her wrist and then laced his fingers through hers. It would have been the sexiest move she could remember any man making except for the possible monster beneath them.
“Inanis belua, but you have to put the emphasis on the bel and let the final a drift. Like leviosa,” Draco said.
“Inanis belua,” she repeated.
“Perfect,” he said. “You’ve always had an ear for incantation.”
“How did you learn it?” Hermione asked. It seemed he wasn’t going to make her face the implications of our bed. At least not at the moment.
“Narcissa,” Draco said, again referring to his mother by her first name. Hermione almost wished for another round of eerie thumps to distract them both from the ticking bomb that was his relationship with his mother. “She coddled me, as much as she could—the Malfoy heir was expected to be superior in all regards, but the Blacks tend to be high-strung, overly sensitive. It was a secret, that she taught me the spell. I wasn’t to tell my father.”
“I don’t think it’s coddling to make your little boy feel safe,” Hermione said, hoping she’d picked the least inflammatory aspect of what he’d shared. The less she said about Lucius Malfoy the better. Even after all these years, she wasn’t sure she could talk about him without venom and however Draco felt, the man was still his father, albeit immured in Azkaban .
“Perhaps,” Draco said.
“I suppose you think it’s horribly middle-class of me. Or Muggle,” she said.
“I think you were raised by kinder people than I was,” he said. Hermione thought of the estrangement that existed between her and her parents and also how it had been as the Grangers’ little girl, the plush calico kitten that had been tucked with her under her covers, the bedtime stories, the trips to the library with a trolley to bring home her latest acquisitions. When she thought of them, they were still Mum and Dad.
“It was Bellatrix who taught her the spell,” Draco said, watching her face. His own eyebrows were drawn together, a serious expression similar to one he wore when wrangling with a particularly thorny bit of medieval Eguzkikan legislation.
“I take it you’re of the confront your fear persuasion,” Hermione said. “Or is this some kind of weirdly roundabout apology Or a Pureblood thing? If it’s a Pureblood thing, you’ll have to give me some context, like whether it’s all the Sacred Twenty-Eight or just the Blacks. It doesn’t feel authentically Malfoy.”
“I’m not sure what it is,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck with his left hand, still hanging onto her right with his own. “I thought, we’re talking about monsters, from our past, we’ve never spoken about what happened with Bellatrix. We’re sleeping together every night, it seemed odd not to address it but perhaps that was better—"
“It wasn’t better. But this isn’t necessary,” she said.
“I think it is,” Draco replied. “Necessary, but not better. She’s so hard to talk about and no one wants to, beyond cursing her, and I understand, but to not talk about her, it’s as stupid to me as blasting Andromeda off the tapestry. And I’ve never told you how terribly sorry I am that I couldn’t figure out some other way to help you, when she was hurting you. I don’t know what I could have done but that’s not enough, Hermione. It never was and now—”
Draco broke off and Hermione found herself raising her left hand to cup his cheek, stroking her thumb across his cheekbone. It went on far to long for him to mistake is for only gentleness.
“D’you know, I think we’ve had enough of monsters,” she said. “Only I wonder—”
“What?” he said.
“There’s been no more noise. Might we have done wandless magic with that spell of yours, banished the bedframe’s resident horror to parts unknown? And if we did, will the Eguzkiko be deeply offended and break off diplomatic relations?” Hermione asked.
“I won’t tell,” Draco said. “Wandless is near-impossible to trace and tandem wandless hasn’t been recorded. Or regulated in any magical region. I think we’re safe.”
Fact: Draco’s eyes weren’t only grey.
Fact: Draco had been a little boy afraid of monsters.
Fact: Hermione wanted to fall asleep holding Draco Black Malfoy’s hand. And he let her.
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kabhi-kabhi-aditii · 7 months
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dramioneasks · 1 month
Hi! please help me find a fic i read on AO3, it was:
muggle AU, Social Media style (images with some writing inbetween), Draco is a single dad and it starts by his daughter (Lyla? toddler like 3 or 4?) accidentally sending a selfie to a wrong number which happend to be Hermiones number. Hermiones (bakery owner) best friends with Harry (professor) and Draco's (Lawyer) best friends with Pansy (Fashion designer?). no school history between them. Hermione is divorced from Tom Riddle too, he was abusive i think. Please help
Edit: Thanks!
4biddenblackrose6: Matchmaker by MagicalSydney Matchmaker - Chapter 1 - kid_n_the_hall, magicalsydney (magicandmanuscripts), magicandmanuscripts - Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling [Archive of Our Own]
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cealesti · 7 months
"write what you know"
Hi anon! Thank you for the ask for the WIP Tag Game and I'm sorry it's so late! I'm a great procrastinator.
"Write what you know" is precisely that: me, writing Tomarry, in a context I am intimately familiar with.
Fingers tapping a quick rhythm against his desk as he waits for his headset’s Bluetooth connection to go through, Harry sighs irritably. “Come on,” he whispers, mindful of Hermione’s ongoing meeting. “Come on, fucking connect you piece of - good morning.” He mutes his mic as quickly as possible and slouches back in his chair, rubbing his bleary eyes with a groan. He grabs his cup of tea with both hands, sighing as the warmth seeps into his cold hands, and looks sightlessly at the screen as a couple of icons join the screen, waiting for the start of the daily. He grimaces as he starts to hear Ron’s snoring from the couch. He waves wildly to catch Hermione’s attention. He fell asleep on the couch, he mouths and she purses her lips. She mouths something back, but he doesn’t catch it, too distracted by the last person to join the call. “Good morning, everyone.” The voice is smooth, aloof. Tom Riddle always sounds pleasant, put-together, and polite. Harry’s eye twitches.  “I see everyone’s here already, excellent. Let’s begin. Draco, do you want to start?” And so it goes. One by one, everyone gives a short little update on their progress, taskboard blinking mockingly at them from Riddle’s shared screen. When it gets to his turn, Harry unmutes his microphone unenthusiastically. “Right. So, I started on that front-end task yesterday -- that one, yeah -- but I got waysided ‘cause of that incident ticket, the one about the loading times?” “Yes, I saw it,” Riddle replies, a faint noise of scrolling in the background. “Did you figure out what was wrong?” Harry huffs out a breath, rubbing at his eyes. “Not really. Nothing seemed wrong on my end, so I asked Barty to run the endpoint on his machine and we both got the expected loading times. I reached out to Abbott, from Sprout’s team, to check if it could be the middleware acting up, but she hasn’t got back to me yet.” Riddle hums again. “Did you CC me on that email? I can’t seem to find it.” “Er, no,” Harry isn’t sure how yet, but he knows he’s fucked up. “I sent her a message over Teams. We worked together on those integration tests a while back -” “Ah,” Riddle interrupts, a touch too delicately to be genuine, and Harry closes his eyes, silently counting to ten.
[Or: Harry is the junior consultant two meetings away from a nervous breakdown. Tom is the PO who keeps scheduling hour-long Dailies.
A love story.]
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bccksmarts · 1 year
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Please know I take most inspiration for Hermione's Lawyer career route from Donna Paulsen from Suits. She's a gorgeous, leading woman who knows her shit and carries herself with such confidence.
She might be a secretary, but she still holds so many amazing qualities that COULD make her a lawyer of sorts. But it's Donna's mannerisms and how she carries herself is amazing. It is INSPIRING.
And also Harvey Specter gives me Malfoy vibes don't look at me
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moramda · 6 months
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Sawyer Mckenna - ruthless, committed, intelligent, hopeless romantic??
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fluorescentmortem · 1 year
Kicks my feet as I do drafts here and on @bccksmarts and watch Suits
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seafoamreadings · 8 months
intelligence of the signs
people tend to say gemini is an information hoarder, virgo is a hermione granger knockoff, sagittarius is wise, etc and there's something to all this, but all the signs have their own form of genius. you can tap into your innate brilliance, especially by looking at your mercury, jupiter, and sun signs (but as always, any signs that are very strong energies for you.)
aries: there's a stereotype here of impulsivity and a quick temper. impulses can be an instinctive knowledge of how to act, even if it is wise to think them over first. any anger issues are the knowledge of injustice and how to fix it.
taurus: freakishly wise about money and possessions, and how to use resources without deprivation. can be frugal yet luxurious at the same time. typically a green thumb, maybe can talk to animals.
gemini: great with sorting through huge amounts of info. internet, gossip, news. in ye olden days, poring over books although monastic life wouldn't have much suited.
cancerians: always knows when something's up even if someone insists everything is fine. also spookily great with money. not as luxurious about it as taurus, but you can stretch a dollar to feed your family for sure. you'll know the cheapest yet most nourishing solution for anything.
leo: so much social intelligence. leos know how to read a room, know how to dress and style themselves, know the right facial expressions for a given situation.
virgo: superhuman eye for detail. sometimes you might miss the forest for the trees, but you sure do know the trees, inside and out and better than anyone. it can lead to people finding virgoans overly critical, but you see every flaw AND how to fix it.
libra: while everyone has a close link between smells and memories, librans are practically psychometric about smells. they smell something and know where it's been, what it's done, and there's no fooling them or lying to them about it. their sharp eye for aesthetics, discernment, and justice also serve as forms of intelligence that can be very useful.
scorpio: they just know everything, especially about topics (people) they care about or are interested in. any active research is ten times more fruitful for scorpio people, and sometimes they just know things, the truth, without having to prove it by research. they use the piercing gaze to see into your soul.
sagittarius: this sign has a reputation for being off gallivanting when they'd be better off where you want them. but better off for whom? they really know where to go and when to be there, even if it makes no sense to anyone else. they also have a knack for coaxing honesty out of other people.
capricorn: on the one hand this is some shrewd businessperson or lawyer poring over notes, the devoted med student, maybe a lifelong librarian. there is a lot of traditional intelligence. on the other hand, capricorn has ties to the god pan, and there is also the intelligence that you only get from *really* letting loose and letting it come to you.
aquarius: underrated for their genius, aquarians are mad scientist, absentminded professor, eccentric vibes all around. the ideas and insights cannot be forced but when they occur they are superhuman.
pisces: this is the sign with the greatest connection to All That Is. therefore pisceans can know things they should otherwise have no business knowing, as they have been, are, and will be everything and everyone else, and have, on some level, those same experiences, although they may sometimes be hard to remember.
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hermiones-amortentia · 6 months
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Auror! Ron with lawyer! Hermione
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emma-watson-blog · 7 months
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April 15, 1990 · Paris, France
Birth name:
Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson
5′ 5″ (1.65 m)
Mini Bio:
Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson was born in Paris, France, to British parents, Jacqueline Luesby and Chris Watson, both lawyers. She moved to Oxfordshire when she was five, where she attended the Dragon School. From the age of six, Emma knew that she wanted to be an actress and, for a number of years, she trained at the Oxford branch of Stagecoach Theatre Arts, a part-time theatre school where she studied singing, dancing and acting. By the age of ten, she had performed and taken the lead in various Stagecoach productions and school plays.
In 1999, casting began for Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone (2001), the film adaptation of British author J.K. Rowling's bestselling novel. Casting agents found Emma through her Oxford theatre teacher. After eight consistent auditions, producer David Heyman told Emma and fellow applicants, Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint, that they had been cast for the roles of the three leads, Hermione Granger, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. The release of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001) was Emma's cinematic screen debut. The film broke records for opening-day sales and opening-weekend takings and was the highest-grossing film of 2001. Critics praised the film and the performances of the three leading young actors. The highly distributed British newspaper, 'The Daily Telegraph', called her performance "admirable". Later, Emma was nominated for five awards for her performance in the film, winning the Young Artist Award for Leading Young Actress in a Feature Film.
After the release of the first film of the highly successful franchise, Emma became one of the most well-known actresses in the world. She continued to play the role of Hermione Granger for nearly ten years, in all of the following Harry Potter films: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001), Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002), Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004), Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005), Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007), Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009), Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (2010), and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011). Emma acquired two Critics' Choice Award nominations from the Broadcast Film Critics Association for her work in Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban and Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire. The completion of the seventh and eight movies saw Emma receive nominations in 2011 for a Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Award, and for Best Actress at the Jameson Empire Awards. The Harry Potter franchise won the BAFTA for Outstanding British Contribution to Cinema in February 2011.
2011 saw Emma in Simon Curtis's My Week with Marilyn (2011), alongside a stellar cast of Oscar nominees including Michelle Williams as Marilyn Monroe and Kenneth Branagh as Sir Laurence Olivier, in addition to Eddie Redmayne, Dame Judi Dench, Dougray Scott, Zoe Wanamaker, Toby Jones and Dominic Cooper. Chronicling a week in Marilyn Monroe's life, the film featured Emma in the supporting role of Lucy, a costume assistant to Colin Clark (Redmayne). The film was released by The Weinstein Company and was nominated for a Golden Globe for Best Motion Picture - Comedy or Musical. In 2012 Emma was seen in Stephen Chbosky's adaptation of his coming-of-age novel The Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012), starring opposite Logan Lerman and Ezra Miller. This independent drama centered around Charlie (Lerman), an introverted freshman who is taken under the wings of two seniors (Watson and Miller) who welcome him to the real world. The film premiered at the 2012 Toronto International Film Festival and received rave reviews. The film won the People's Choice Award for Favourite Dramatic Movie and Emma also picked up the People's Choice Award for Favourite Dramatic Movie Actress. Emma was awarded a second time for this role with the Best Supporting Actress Award at the San Diego Film Critics Society Awards where the film also won the Best Ensemble Performance Award.
In summer 2013, Emma starred in Sofia Coppola's American satirical black comedy crime film, The Bling Ring (2013), opposite Katie Chang and Israel Broussard. The film took inspiration from real events and followed a group of teenagers who, obsessed with fashion and fame, burgled the homes of celebrities in Los Angeles. The film opened the Un Certain Regard section of the 2013 Cannes Film Festival. Emma also appeared in a cameo role as herself in Seth Rogen's apocalypse comedy This Is The End (2013). The film tells the story about what happens to some of Hollywood's best loved celebrities when the apocalypse strikes during a party at James Franco's house.
2014, Emma was seen in Darren Aronofsky's Noah (2014), opposite Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly, Ray Winstone, Douglas Booth, Logan Lerman, and Anthony Hopkins. The film told the epic, biblical tale of Noah and the ark. Emma plays the role of Ila, a young woman who develops a close relationship with Noah's son, Shem (Booth). Noah made an outstanding $300m since its release in March. In 2015, Emma starred in Regression (2015), written and directed by Alejandro Amenábar. Also headlined by Oscar-nominated Ethan Hawke, and set in Minnesota in 1990, Regression tells the story of Detective Bruce Kenner (Hawke), who investigates the case of young Angela, played by Emma, who accuses her father of sexual abuse.
In 2012, Emma was honored with the Calvin Klein Emerging Star Award at the ELLE Women in Hollywood Awards. In 2013, Emma was awarded the Trailblazer Award at the MTV Movie Awards in April and was honored with the GQ Woman of the Year Award at the GQ Awards in September. Further to her acting career, Emma is a Goodwill Ambassador for the UN, promoting gender equality and the empowerment of women. Emma graduated from Brown University in May 2014.
2017, Emma starred in the live-action Disney fantasy Beauty and the Beast (2017), one of the biggest movies of all time in the U.S., and the dramatic thriller The Circle (2017).
Jacqueline Luesby(Parent)
Chris Watson(Parent)
Freda Emma Watson (Duerre)(Grandparent)
Toby Watson(Half Sibling)
Lucy Watson(Half Sibling)
Nina Watson(Half Sibling)
Alex Watson(Sibling)
Has kept a painstakingly detailed log of her everyday life since her film career took off, as many as 30 journals in total.
Favorite Harry Potter book is Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
Best friends with Harry Potter co-stars Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint after practically growing up with them on the Harry Potter set. She calls them her 'brothers'.
Was offered the titled lead in Cinderella (2015) but turned it down.
At the age of fifteen became the youngest person to appear on the cover of Teen Vogue magazine.
Paris at the time of Emma's birth. Emma lived in France until the age of five, when her family returned to the United Kingdom.
Was named the 'Highest Grossing Actress of the Decade' by the Guiness Book of World Records. Her film work in the past decade has grossed over 5.4 billion dollars worldwide (2009).
She achieved eight A* and two A passes in her GCSEs (exams British school pupils take in their last compulsory year of secondary school).
Prefers to sign autographs for fans rather than taking pictures with them.
Auditioned eight times (at age 9) for the role of Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter films, playing opposite five prospective sets of Harry's before landing the part.
Was offered the role of Mia in La La Land (2016) but turned it down to play Belle in Disney's live-action Beauty and the Beast (2017). The role then went to Emma Stone, who won an Academy award for her performance. Ironically, she replaced Stone for the role of Meg March in Greta Gerwig's Little Women (2019) after Stone was unable to take the part due to her scheduling conflicts in promoting The Favourite (2018).
Both of her parents are lawyers.
Emma's favorite movies include Notting Hill (1999), Love Actually (2003), Bridget Jones's Diary (2001), Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994), About Time (2013), Giant (1956), Breathless (2008), Amélie (2001), Pan's Labyrinth (2006), The Fountain (2006), The Shawshank Redemption (1994), Gladiator (2000), Braveheart (1995), The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008), Philomena (2013), Blue Jasmine (2013), Rush (2013), 12 Years a Slave (2013), The Great Beauty (2013), The Woodmans (2010), Closer (2004), Pretty Woman (1990), Chicago (2002), Romeo + Juliet (1996), Moulin Rouge! (2001), Dirty Dancing (1987), Grease (1978), Shrek (2001), Ice Age (2002), and Finding Nemo (2003). school and local teams), skiing, painting, cooking, singing, and dancing (has twice competed with her school in Rock Challenge 2006 and 2007).
Entering Brown University, Rhode Island, U.S.A. after completion of the Harry Potter Movies (July 21, 2009).to study literature.
Emma's favorite actors are Johnny Depp and Russell Crowe.
Her parents divorced in 1995; each parent has since remarried. On her father's side, she has a younger half-brother, Toby, born 2003, and half-sisters (identical twins) Lucy and Nina, born in 2004. Lucy and Nina played the younger version of her character Pauline in Ballet Shoes (2007). She also has two stepbrothers through her mother's remarriage.
Has said that she'd like to work with directors Alfonso Cuarón and Guillermo del Toro.
Is a certified yoga and meditation instructor.
Is a fan of The Golden Compass (2007) and the rest of the fantasy trilogy 'His Dark Materials' by Philip Pullman.
Emma's favorite actresses are Julia Roberts, Renée Zellweger, Sandra Bullock, Rebel Wilson, Goldie Hawn, Nicole Kidman, Cate Blanchett, Helena Bonham Carter, Natalie Portman and Meryl Streep.
Is the former roommate and current best friend of America's Next Top Model (2003) Cycle 18 winner, Sophie Sumner.
Attended The Dragon School, a renowned preparatory school in Oxford, between September 1995 and July 2001. She then went on to attend Headington School, a private all-girls school, between September 2001 and July 2006.
She enrolled in a Shakespeare course at The Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts during the summer of 2008.
May 25, 2014) Graduated from Brown University with a bachelor's degree in English literature.
Emma's favorite television shows include Friends (1994), Sex and the City (1998), Girls (2012), Gossip Girl (2007), America's Next Top Model (2003), Mad Men (2007), House of Cards (2013), Pride and Prejudice (1995) and The Crown (2016).
Has two cats, one is named Bubbles and the other is named Domino.
Emma Watson has stated that, since her audition at age 9 through the completion of 8 Harry Potter features by age 22, the hectic, educational experience consumed over half her life.
She was named after her paternal grandmother, born Freda Emma Duerre who, after marriage, became Freda Emma Duerre Watson.
Was in a relationship with Will Adamowicz from 2012-2013. The couple met while studying at Oxford University in 2011.
Took AS levels in English, Geography, Art, and History of Art in May 2007, and has now dropped History of Art to pursue the three A levels.
When she made a promotional appearance on a Dutch TV talk show for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007), the interview ended with her joining the Dutch illusion act Magic Unlimited, who sawed her in half.
Has the same birthday as her Beauty and the Beast co-stars: Luke Evans and her Harry Potter collaborator Emma Thompson.
Is taking legal action after private photos of her trying on various outfits were stolen and posted online.
Was ranked #3 on Empire Magazine's '100 Sexiest Movie Stars' list.
She and her Harry Potter co-stars Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint were named #9 on Entertainment Weekly's Best Entertainers of the Year in 2005.
Ranked as having one of the most beautiful famous faces by "The Annual Independent Critics List of the 100 Most Beautiful Famous Faces From Around the World." She was ranked #2 in 2010, #12 in 2009, #27 in 2008, #30 in 2007, and #54 in 2006.
In 2008, BoyDestiny wrote and sang the song "You Got Me Going", also known as The Emma Watson Song.
Sixth highest paid actress of 2017 with $14 million.
Passed her driving test in the U.S. in 2008 and drives a Toyota Prius.
Was named the face of the 2009 Fall/Winter Burberry Campaign.
Radio One's movie critic James King named "Ron Weasley" and "Hermione Granger", played by Rupert Grint and Emma Watson, as number 4 in his Top 5 Movie Couples list on The Colin and Edith Show (2006).
Emma's style icons include Jean Seberg, Mia Farrow, Kate Bosworth, Diane Kruger, Jane Birkin, Edie Sedgwick, Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn, Lauren Bacall, Sofia Coppola, Cate Blanchett, Tilda Swinton, Françoise Hardy, Charlotte Rampling and Michelle Obama.
She served on a jury to select the 2004 teen-aged film-makers' First Light Film Awards. The ceremony was held in London's Leicester Square. Other jurors included Pierce Brosnan, Kenneth Branagh, and Samantha Morton.
In 2007, Forbes Magazine estimated her earnings for the year at $4 million.
Has worked closely with the organic and fair trade pioneer People Tree.
Announced that she would be collaborating with People Tree, a Fair Trade Fashion Company, as a creative advisor for the new Spring/Summer collection.
Emma's favorite filmmakers are Richard Curtis, Alfonso Cuarón, Guillermo del Toro, Sofia Coppola, Darren Aronofsky, Danny Boyle, David Fincher, Lynne Ramsay, Ang Lee, and Tom Hooper.
Emma Watson has combined/hyperactive type ADHD, for which she has been medicated ever since she was 5.
Has spoken in the United Nations Organization in favour of Women's Rights, including abortion.
Was ranked #8 in Portrait Magazine's 'Top 30 Under 30' (2009). 'Harry Potter' cast mates Evanna Lynch, Rupert Grint, Bonnie Wright, Tom Felton and Daniel Radcliffe also made the list on the 3rd, 5th, 7th, 14th and 18th place respectively.
Was ranked #15 on Forbes List of The 20 Top-Earning Young Superstars.
Ranked #4 by Portrait Magazine for favorite celebrities by fans' vote. Her Harry Potter co-star Bonnie Wright Had also Ranked #5.
Includes Justin Timberlake and Alanis Morissette among her favorite singers.
She was the front-runner for the role of Yelena Belova in Black Widow (2021), but it was given to Florence Pugh.
Was ranked #3 on Moviefone's '25 Hottest Actors Under 25'.
(April 24, 2011) Her publicist, Vanessa Davies, said that Emma will transfer from Brown University to another school in the Fall of 2011.
Was ranked #3 on 'Yahoo! List of the 10 Most Popular Stars of 2007'.
Was ranked #69 on Maxim magazine's Hot 100 women of 2011 list.
Once accidentally mistook Jimmy Fallon for Jimmy Kimmel.
Was born at 6:00pm (GMT + 1 hour) on a Sunday.
Voted #17 on Ask Men's top 99 'most desirable' women of 2012.
Ranked #94 on the Maxim magazine Hot 100 of 2008 list.
Was Entertainment Weekly's "Entertainer of the Month" for the month of July (2009).
She was ranked #8 on Portrait Magazine's 'Top 30 Under 30' list.
Ranked #29 on Askmen's list of the Top 99 Most Desirable women for 2013.
She was ranked #3 on Teen Vogue's list of the Best Dressed celebrities of 2009.
Ranked #15 in the 2011 FHM Australia of "100 Sexiest Women".
Was ranked #97 on Forbes List of The Celebrity 100.
Ranked #23 in the 2011 FHM list of "100 Sexiest Women in the World".
She was ranked #6 on MSN's list of 'Best Dressed Stars of 2009'.
Was ranked #28 on Entertainment Weekly's '30 Under 30' the actress list.
Ranked #29 in the 2010 FHM UK list of "100 Sexiest Women in the World".
Was ranked #26 on Empire Magazine's '100 Sexiest Movie Stars' (2007).
Named #1 on 'Sexiest Movie Stars" Poll on Empire Magazine voted by over 50 000 people around the world.
She was considered to voice Coraline Jones in "Coraline", which later went to Dakota Fanning.
Beauty and the Beast (2017) - $15,000,000
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011) - $15,000,000
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (2010) - $15,000,000
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007) - $4,000,000
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004) - $125,000
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002) - $125,000
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001) - $125,000
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missdawnandherdusk · 3 months
The Witness
The Case The Defendant
Summary: This case was getting more complicated the more you looked into it. Who was Draco Malfoy?
A/n: I'm so glad you guys are excited about this, because honestly it's a lot of fun to write. Also I have a friend who's in law school right now and I definitely texted him for help about what the heck a lawyer does. That was a fun conversation. Anyway... enjoy!
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Realizing that no one present at the supposed murder of Dumbledore (by Draco) was still alive, I wanted to scream. All I had were a few character witnesses--some of which were now also dead, or worse irrelevant. But there were two witnesses who answered my letters who agreed to meet and talk about a boy they knew all those years ago...
Her bright blue eyes were almost grey as she looked at me with inquisitive wonder. Luna Lovegood still looked childlike, though we were both hitting our twenties.
“You were assigned Draco’s case?” She asked dreamily.
“Yes,” I sighed, looking through previous notes. 
“That must be difficult for you. He is not an easy man.” 
“No,” I agreed. “Thank you for meeting with me. It really does help,” 
“Of course. I didn’t think my statements would be taken seriously. But you’ve always been so kind and understanding.” 
My smile was tight as I began. “Can you in your own words give a character witness for Draco Malfoy.” 
“Yes,” she smiled. “Draco Malfoy was a Slytherin as they come. He was always with his friends in the halls and excelled in quidditch and potions. He told me not to tell anyone but, he did offer me a dance at the Yule ball fourth year. He was so kind.” 
My eyes flashed up from my notes so curious. 
“He what?”
“He asked me to dance,” Luna repeated. “And when I was imprisoned at the manor that last year he always brought me my food and made sure it was warm and more than I needed.” 
“He…” this was new information not on file. I was absolutely baffled by what she was saying. My quill flew across the page. “Luna why didn’t you say any of this before?”
“I did. But I told you—no one would listen.” She tilted her head. “Do these things matter?” 
“Everything matters. Can you tell me more about your last two years of Hogwarts? And more about the Manor?” I leaned forward intrigued. 
“Certainly,” she nodded and spoke calmly and softly about the horrors of war that plagued our schooling. I had to disassociate myself so that I wouldn’t trigger my own panic attack of things I kept deep and buried inside of my psyche. 
“Draco was supposed to practice the Cruciatus curse on me. But he never did.” Luna said. And with her large round eyes she stared directly into my soul. “Draco isn’t capable of murder.” 
And when she said those words I believed them. 
“Thank you for your time Luna,” I set down my quill. “I have all that I need.”
“Please reach out if you need more I know this case is a big deal for you. And I want to see you both free.” 
“Thank you,” I said a little softer. “I’ll um… I’ll let you know,” 
Lune got up to leave and I sat back, trying to make sense of what she just told me. Draco being kind? Until now I didn’t have a doubt that he was wicked, capable of terrible things. Luna painted a different picture. One no one had bothered to paint before. One that would be torn to shreds by my next witness. 
Hermione Weasley walked through the door. I stood, smiling and greeting her. 
“So, you got stuck with Malfoy’s case,” She sympathized. 
“Yeah,” I chuckled shaking my head. “It had to be me didn’t it?” 
She laughed. “It always was,” Her face became more serious. “So, do you think he did it? Or do you think he’s innocent?” 
“I don’t know,” It was the honest truth. “I just need to close the case no matter the outcome.” 
“Right, your board exams,” 
I nodded. “So, tell me about what you know of the character of Draco Malfoy.” 
“You know as well as I do. We went to school together.” 
“For the record,” I insisted. 
Hermione pursed her lips before starting. “He always insulted me. Was always trying to get us into trouble. Merlin’s sake fifth year he helped what terror in pink Umbridge. His father was a Death Eater. His entire family was.”
“Right yes,” I muttered, scribbling it all down. 
“Draco Malfoy is the worst kind of person.” Hermione said bluntly.
“Agreed. But Hermione,” I looked her in the eyes. “Do you think he’s capable of murder? Killing someone? Actually taking a life?” My question was testing whether or not Luna’s painting was physical or simply a mirage. 
Hermione paused and sat back in her chair. 
“It’s one thing to be a shitty person. It’s another thing to be a killer.” I said. “So, do you believe he could actually do it?”
Hermione shook her head once like she couldn’t stand the thought of admitting it to anyone. She sighed. 
“No, I don’t think he’s a murderer. Giant prick yes. But not a killer,”
“Okay. I have one last question.” She nodded me on. “What can you tell me about that Easter at Malfoy Manor?” 
Hermione’s eyes glossed over as her hand covered her left forearm protectively. 
“I don’t want to talk about it,” She said with a small voice, curling in on herself. 
“I know it’s a hard topic and Merlin I wouldn’t ask unless it was important.” My eyes met hers, pleading. “But I need to know. Not all of it. Just about Draco,” 
Hermione took a deep breath and recounted that day. I lined up her words with what Luna had told me. Draco was there… but he wasn’t directly involved. 
And he had helped Harry.
It was a small minute way, but it was something… it might have been enough to confirm that there was some sort of light at the end of this tunnel. 
“I… I never really thought about it. Draco… helped us.” Hermione frowned. “Y/n… I—I can’t believe I—the reason we escaped the Manor was because Dobby was there… how did Dobby…?” 
“Can you explain?” I leaned forward. 
“Dobby aperated us out of there. He was killed by Bellatrix, but he saved us. But I have no idea how he knew that we were there or that we needed help.” Her eyes went wide. I caught her thoughts. 
“Do you think Draco might have…?” 
“I… I don’t know. I… I never saw him again. He wasn’t there. At the final battle. He and his mother. They left. That’s what I heard.” 
“Alright. Thank you,” I finished up my notes. “Is there anything else you want on record?” 
Hermione was lost in her own little world. Trying to come to grips with the idea that Draco might not have been the worst sort of person. Merlin, I was doing the same thing. 
“Hermione?” I asked. 
“Hmm? Oh, no, nothing else,” She gave a little smile. “Um. Would you ask Draco about it?” 
“Yeah,” I promised. “Yeah I will.” 
Getting home, I felt like I had two different cases on my hands. The one given to me, painting the murder of a great wizard by a death eater in a war; and the other, of a fellow classmate navigating a war the best he could in a cold world he lived in. 
Did Draco actually kill Dumbledore?
The question kept me awake until the early morning. I had to ask him. I had so many questions for him. But they would all have to wait. 
Dr. Dresden was waiting for me first. 
I entered his office. I had no idea what to tell him. It was robotic: my retelling of my meetings with Draco, Luna, and Hermione. 
“Very good.” Was all he said, not one emotion evident on his face. I was too distracted to care or scrutinize his words. 
Before I left, a question pinned me to the little seat in front of his desk. 
“Professor, can I ask you something?” 
He nodded. 
“When I came in here, last week, I said there was a problem with this case and you agreed… what problem do you have with this case?” 
“Ah, now you ask an important question,” He almost smiled. “My dear, I have seen thousands of cases in my day. And most are cut and dry, but a few fall in the grey area where it is our job to separate the tones. And this case has never been more black and white—and yet the Ministry deems it grey.” 
I began to unravel what he meant. And he was right. If the ballistics didn’t match the statement it shouldn’t matter—Draco should be acquitted. 
“So…” I started. “Why haven’t they set him free?” 
“That lies, my dear, with Mr. Harry Potter.” Dr. Dresden said quite seriously. 
The Auror
@coffee-addicti @msmcsmutt @ravn-87 @artemismohr18@whygz@crazywritingbug @bitemebro522 @zombiesnips-blog@savingdraco  @akari180 @slytherin-emerald @queenfeatherwings @fanficflaneuse @go-whovian-universe @spicyshenanigans @darling-im-not-okay-i-promise @katsukink @takemetothekingdom @strangerr-things @tmnt-queen@hxneybgb @belcvayelena @moviesbooksandfandoms   @cocochanelthepupper @ninacotte @braelynn-johnston  @jiggllyy @darcypotter-blog  @thiccheerioss@lottie289 @beautiful-pegasus@tceedlmao @anonymous034 @bi-andready-tocry @dragonsandbread @the-queen-of-hell-things @alienmotel  @oh-itsnothing @sunflowerxsadnessw @fattycooter @fanficsigottaread @gweaslvy @strawberriesonsummer @gaysludge @ray-of-sunrise @artist-bby @shadowsingeraxolotl @quillsareforwriting @wollymalfoy @lilpieceoftoast @paper-cats @floweryjh @hufflautia @livize75 @annie-mcl @riathearora @dudeimnotgonnakms @auriuswolve @carolineesnell
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jomiddlemarch · 8 months
While You Were Sleeping
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Chapter 3
It had been an unseasonably chilly day according to their hosts, so the windows of the suite were closed tight, curtains drawn, all outside noise muffled. It was late, the staff all gone to their rooms, and they’d both finished their evening ablutions, the tap shut off. They lay next to each other in the bed, having mutually agreed to go to sleep. There was nothing but the darkness leavened with silvery blue moonlight and a soft, all-encompassing quiet. 
And then an unmistakable growl.
For a moment, neither of them said anything. But it was clearly a moment where they were both working out what to say, how to react, and in Hermione’s case, choking back a squawk of laughter which Draco would be sure to see as rudely mocking. Likely to, anyway.
“I beg—”
“You never beg,” Hermione interrupted, turning on her side so she could see him better. “You were going to ask for my pardon and you needn’t.”
“I didn’t mean to disturb you,” he said. He sounded embarrassed. To be fair, if such a sound had come from her body, she would have wanted to spontaneously combust or Apparate to the moon, preferably a one-way trip for the first intergalactic Apparition that was reliably documented (she didn’t count that report from Durmstrang—if anyone got there first, it would be one of the up-and-comers from Uagadou, probably that tall witch from Lagos who sang all her incantations like Maria Callas.)
“You didn’t. I was a little startled, but not especially surprised,” she said. It was easy to be more open in the shared bed, the quilted counterpane rendered silken with the moonlight, everything around them soft, intimate. Draco seemed like another person, a man she’d never met before, except that she recognized him better at night or at least she allowed herself to admit she liked what she discovered. Very much indeed.
“I will say you’re quite a bit louder than Harry ever was,” Hermione said, a naughty part of her unable to resist teasing.
“My shame is complete. Depthless as the Lost Sea, countless as the stars,” Draco said wryly. He was regaining his equanimity, though an additional growl, possibly louder than the first one, made him pause and Hermione chuckle.
“Don’t feel bad about it,” she said. “You’re hungry, there’s no shame in it. No surprise, either. You missed lunch. And dinner.”
I missed you, she didn’t say but thought. Nothing tasted as good without you there, she didn’t add but heard her voice murmuring. 
“I got caught up with some of the regulatory issues, their legal system is sometimes completely orthogonal to ours. It’s both fascinating and infuriating,” he said. “Lost track of time, I suppose.”
“I understand. It happens to me too, I get immersed in whatever I’m researching and then I come out of it, it’s like I’m surfacing from swimming underwater and it’s hours later, leagues away. The Ravenclaws call it perdu-trouvée, I guess Flamel was known for it too,” she said.
His stomach growled again, somehow with even more volume. 
“I’ll go find something, there must be something in the kitchen,” he said.
“Don’t,” she said, reaching over to lay a hand on his shoulder. He grew very still. “I noticed you weren’t at lunch and dinner. I made…arrangements for us.”
“Arrangements?” he repeated. 
“I knew you missed both those meals and that you wouldn’t ask anyone to get you something to eat—”
“It’s ill-mannered. Here and at home, unless there’s a House-elf available and I know how you feel about them,” he interjected.
“I know. I knew you’d say all that, do all that. Or not do, as the case may be. So I did,” she said, dropping her hand from his shoulder. She could feel the warmth of him, the restraint, as if it had been branded like a rune into her palm. “I suppose I’m living down to all your Pureblood supremacist inculcated expectations of me, but I knew we’d end up here, with your stomach growling louder than a dyspeptic dragon grumbling over its hoard.”
“The only expectation I’ve ever truly had of you is that you’ll exceed whatever measure or possibility I could ever conceive of,” he said. “I admit that as a child, I expressed this very poorly.”
“As a child? You were a child in seventh year?” Hermione said.
“I was slow to mature,” he shrugged. “Unlike some. And I didn’t have access to a Time-turner to help me along.” 
“I got a hamper. For you,” Hermione said. Draco was starting to take the conversation into uncharted waters and if she was going to navigate them, she at least wanted to get some food into him first. “A basket from the kitchen, so you could have a midnight snack. A meal, actually. Like a picnic. I asked them to include a cloth, cutlery, proper stemware.”
“I know what a hamper is, Hermione,” he said.
“I wasn’t sure if the Wizarding aristocracy had picnics or only elegant teas held in plein air. Harry was raised with Muggles, the Weasleys just Levitated their kitchen table into the garden because of the gnomes, and Neville and his gran prefer walking tours with Thermoses filled with tea and a packet of cheese and pickle sandwiches. I was afraid to ask Luna,” Hermione said.
“They always say you’re the brightest witch of our age,” Draco replied, choosing not to comment on the Weasley gnomes, the Longbottom predilection for non-magical Thermoses and the questionable reality Luna Lovegood inhabited, in favor of praising her with nary a smirk to be seen.
“Of your age, her age, they say. Not our. Not like I’m the most brilliant witch of the current, post-Dumbledore era,” Hermione said, frowning. She’d had a plan for this midnight snack revelation, and he was derailing her and while her plan had some accommodations built in, they were all centered around the idea he’d reject picnics or eating late at night or find it all terribly plebian. Not that he’d offer compliments that she didn’t deserve with what sounded like utter sincerity. 
“That’s why they’re wrong and you’re the brightest witch of our age,” Draco said. “Though I also prefer most brilliant. More gravitas to it. But I believe I’m upsetting your plans. There’s a midnight snack to be consumed, picnic-style, if we want to keep from waking the whole building with my obstreperous digestive system.”
“You’ve managed to be both incorrigible and correct, so I’m just going to get the hamper and you’ll eat,” she said.
“We’ll eat,” he said. “Surely you don’t think I’m going to gorge myself in front of you while you don’t take even one bite.”
“Fine,” she said, getting out of the bed and going over to the wardrobe that held her clothes and right now, an oversized but magically lightened hamper she would have struggled to lift without the enchantment. As it was, she made it only halfway back to the bed before Draco came and took the basket out of her arms and carried it the remaining distance, allowing her quite the delicious view of his delicious arse in his pinstriped pyjama bottoms, not a sight she would ordinarily have imagined could be erotic.
“Do you want to open it or shall I?” he said, kneeling on his side of the bed and his side of the hamper. Hermione hiked up the hem of her nightdress so she could sit cross-legged on her side and gestured for him to go ahead. He lifted the lid and took out the cloth first, spreading it out between them, then began to narrate as he took out one item after another.
“Orange pippins, grapes, Double Gloucester—you had them source Double Gloucester for me? Carr’s water biscuits, those little spanakopita-like things they had the first night and they’re still warm, a jar of olives, some sort of savory pie—”
“Pork, with sage and a little thyme,” Hermione put in.
“There’s a tureen—”
“Potage parmentier,” she said, before he opened the lid and spilled any. “The tureen is charmed to stay at the perfect temperature for serving.”
“Brandy snaps, jam roly-poly and macarons?”
“Those are pistachio. It’s not an allusion to you being Slytherin,” Hermione said. “There ought to be a Chenin Blanc and a flask of Earl Grey tea to go with the meal and dessert.”
“This isn’t a snack, it’s a feast,” Draco said, settling back on his heels. Even in the moonlight, which etched everything in silverpoint, she could make out the flush in his cheeks. “And it’s all my favorites. Every single one."
“Yes. As I said, I thought you’d be hungry,” she replied.
“A sandwich would have been fine. Some bread and butter,” he said. “How did you know—"
“Brightest witch, as you said. I pay attention to details, they’re important,” she said, smiling, but meaning it. Harry and Ron would be taken in by just the smile. Draco wouldn’t. “I know you strive to require nothing from people now, but that’s not how I operate. And I’ve been hungry before, it’s not something I take lightly.” 
I want to see you satisfied, she didn’t add. It was enough to think it. This time…
“We didn’t eat all these things here,” Draco said.
“No, I did some research. Reached out to access primary sources,” she said.
“You contacted Narcissa?” he asked. Could a person be aghast and impressed in only three words? It seemed he was. It also seemed he called his mother by her first name, a fact she filed away for later consideration.
“Andromeda. We belong to the same book club. It wasn’t a message out of the blue,” Hermione said. “I remembered you ate all the brandy snaps when we were at Hogwarts, you glutton. It’s a wonder you had any teeth left in your head.”
“You must like brandy snaps too,” he said. “I assume that’s why you noticed me eating more than my fair share.”
“It was at first,” she said. When they were hunting Horcruxes, she’d thought about him, how he’d looked so eager taking some from the platter, how he’d closed his eyes with the first bite. How ordinary his delight was and how it changed his face to have a moment of simple happiness. There was less darkness around him now, which she attributed to being fifteen years out from being under the thumb of a megalomaniacal chimerical soul-shredded monster who was quite frankly rather boring when he wasn’t being utterly annihilating and then, of course, his pompous father had been relegated to the Endless level of Azkaban. She wanted to see Draco’s face when he ate a sweet now, what expression there would be in his grey eyes when he opened them and looked at her.
“Let’s start with them, then,” he said. He offered her a brandy snap, waiting for her to take it out of his hand. “You did agree I wouldn’t eat alone.”
“Do you often eat dessert first?” she said.
“May I make a confession?” he asked. She nodded, dimly aware she held a brandy snap in her wand hand and that Draco had glanced down at her mouth after he spoke. “Sometimes, it’s all I eat. Sometimes, all I want is to taste something sweet, Hermione.”
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gloivy · 2 years
Dramione | post-war | Bondage gone wrong
“Please state your full name for the Wizengamot.”
“Draco Lucius Malfoy.”
“Mr. Malfoy, you are being charged with the kidnapping and unlawful imprisonment of Hermione Jean Granger—how would you like to plead?”
“Not guilty.”
The leader of the Wizengamot pursed his lips in clear disapproval. “Very well, let’s proceed.”
The prosecutor let out a quiet scoff, smirking as though he believed the case had been handed to him. He probably believed he had proof beyond all doubt.
Draco couldn’t wait to prove otherwise.
In his five years of probation during the war, Draco had become rather accustomed to the Ministry’s random and unsanctioned raids of his manor. Always attempting to catch out the last Death Eater and put him away with the others.
The public hated that he walked free, convinced that he was up to nefarious crimes and the cultivation of dark magic.
Though the raids had become part of his monthly routine, it took them five years before they finally caught him out—or so they believed.
They hadn’t taken the time to question him, instead they’d led him straight to the Wizengamot without a lawyer or time to put together a case.
The trial went on and Draco watched in distaste as the prosecution brought ‘witness’ after ‘witness’ to the stand.
All of which were aurors in on the plot to see Draco behind bars.
“She was tied up!”
“Bruises on her neck!”
“Malfoy was brandishing a whip!”
“She was pleading and begging for release!”
Draco tried his hardest to keep a straight face throughout the witness statements, though it was proving a very difficult task.
“Would the defence like to cross-examine the witness?” the leader of the Wizengamot asked for the fifth time. Draco shook his head.
“I would like to bring up a witness of my own, if I may?” Draco asked.
The leader of the Wizengamot looked displeased with this notion. “Who would you like to call to the stands?”
The corner of Draco’s mouth lifted. “Hermione Jean Granger.”
“Objection!” The prosecutor jumped to his feet. “The victim needs time to recover!”
“Then perhaps you shouldn’t have rushed my sentencing, hm? Ask her—if she wants to provide a witness statement at my sentencing for her ‘unlawful imprisonment’ then she’ll surely abide, no?”
Not two minutes after the patronus was sent requesting her presence did the door to the chamber swing open, the witch behind it sparking with unshed magic. Her hair flowed with a life of its own, a promise that a true demonstration of righteousness was about to take place.
“Release him now!”
“Miss Granger, we cannot simply—”
“He didn’t do anything wrong, you’ve taken something out of context and spun it to suit your own agenda!”
“Miss Granger,” the prosecution said slowly, with a condescension that only worked to anger her further.
“You were held captive, tied up for Mr. Malfoy’s own pleasure.”
Draco grinned, and Granger gave him a brief look of scorn for his ability to find amusement in such a situation.
She sighed deeply, as though what she was about to admit had already taken years off her life.
Draco only grinned wider.
“I wasn’t tied up for Mr Malfoy’s pleasure—I was tied up for my own pleasure.”
The chamber was silent, save for the click of a camera and a flash that briefly lit up the blush on Granger’s face—and the shit-eating grin on Draco’s.
All charges were dropped that very afternoon, along with a lovely front page spread in The Daily Prophet the next morning.
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romione-trope-fest · 7 months
Capture My Heart
Title: Capture My Heart
Author: adenei
Trope: Muggle AU
Brief Summary: Work meets play at a work picnic/team bonding event. Hermione gets a little more than she bargained for when a certain redhead is held captive during a healthy team bonding game of Capture the Flag.
WC: 2,541
TW: n/a unless you count excessive forearm mentions
What am I, twelve?
  Hermione paces back and forth in front of the currently unoccupied ‘jail cell.’ Really, it’s a piece of rope tied around a few trees just off the beaten path of the trail that is her team’s home base. Swiping through her phone, she’d rather be anywhere else than playing this stupid game at the stupid company picnic. 
  Don’t they realize she still has a ton of work to get done? Cases never end for a public defender, especially not when certain detectives seem to be a little too good at their job, putting deadbeats who can’t afford their own lawyer behind bars.
It’s not his fault. She should be grateful that there’s someone who actually does their job and takes it seriously, but her workload is screaming otherwise. And since her department refuses to hire an additional person, Hermione will continue to aim all of her resentment at him.
  Now, if only the other side would just capture her team’s flag so they can be done with this God forsaken children’s game. Then she can get back to the office. Yeah, that’d be great.
  Bored out of her mind, Hermione goes back to scrolling the newest set of case files that were emailed to her that morning. It’s the only thing she can do considering she was given the most boring position on her team. Like a group of lawyers and paralegals are going to catch and apprehend a bunch of detectives. And even if they did, what was she going to do? Hold them in contempt? Honestly.
  A rustling from nearby catches her attention, and she locks her phone before shoving it into the back pocket of her jeans. At least the fall weather and smattering of dead leaves on the ground prevents anyone from sneaking around too stealthily. 
  “Oi, Hermione, where are you?” Ernie MacMillan, her desk partner, calls from down the path.
  She rolls her eyes, though no one can see her. “Right here, where you left me, remember? To guard an unoccupied makeshift jail cell.”
  “Hey, not my fault McGonagall forced you to participate. And lucky for you, it won’t be unoccupied anymore.”
  “Yeah, right.” She scoffs. “Like any of you caught one of those egotistical prats.”
  “Hey, I take offense to that!” The second voice makes her freeze, a shiver running up her spine.
  Of all the people, does it have to be him?
  Hermione might not just be resentful of that one particular detective for keeping her overworked. It might also have something to do with the fact that he is extremely attractive, charismatic, and all around swoonworthy. And she’s not the only one who thinks that. He’s also way out of her league given all the single straight women in the county building have a crush on him. 
  And who wouldn’t? With messy waves of striking auburn hair that’s faded on the sides, piercing ice blue eyes that can spot the assailant in any situation, and a lopsided smile that’s not only welcoming but inherently trusting, it’s hard not to be attracted to him. But that’s nothing to Hermione. Sure, he’s easy on the eyes, but it’s his intelligence that turns her on—that and the infuriating way he always rolls his dress shirts up to his elbows, showing off his perfectly sculpted forearms any time he books a criminal. 
  If he ever is single, she assumes it’s never for long. There’s probably a line of women waiting to date him. Not that she’d know or anything. She refuses to delve that deep into his personal life—if for the sole fact it’ll kill the tiny shred of hope she has for something as minimal as getting a drink with him sometime.
  Screw getting a drink with him. You’re about to be left alone in the woods with nothing to do. Take advantage of the situation!
  Oh my god, no. Get it together, Hermione.
  Right. Even as images of potential scenarios flow through her mind, she shakes them out of her head. The last thing she needs is for Ron Weasley to see her drooling over him. Especially since he and Ernie are fast approaching.
  “Well, it certainly wasn’t meant as a compliment,” she retorts, unwilling to let him get under her skin.
  Before the detective can speak again, Ernie cuts in. “Yeah, well, try not to insult him too much. Even holding one hostage increases our chances to win.”
  “I thought jailbreaks were against the rules?” Hermione asks. Not that she cares. She’ll willingly let him go in five minutes just to have her peace and quiet again—if only to daydream about him behind his back.
  Ernie makes a big show of shoving Ron into the makeshift jail cell then looks back at Hermione. “They are. So make sure he stays there.”
  “Or what?” Hermione crosses her arms. “You’ll make me buy coffee for the floor Monday? Sorry, I can’t. I have a full day in court.”
  “Again?” Ernie groans.
  “Yes, which is the reason I’d prefer to be back at the office and not in the woods for a silly picnic to begin with.”
  Ernie grimaces and attempts to placate her, even though they both know it means little to nothing in their field of work. “At least there’s overtime?”
  “I suppose. Though it’d be nice to have a weekend to myself once in a while.” Then Hermione turns to the captor and grumbles. “All thanks to you.” 
  “On that note, I’m going to get back to the rest of the team.” Ernie backs away a few steps, then takes off at a jog.
  Hermione side-eyes the bane of her existence—pointedly as she leans against a tree. Ron holds up his hands in defense. “Hey, don’t blame me for doing my job. You’d think crime rates would start to go down eventually.”
  “Please, Ron,” she chides. “You of all people should know that crime is always going to exist.”
  He saunters—fucking saunters—over to her and props himself against another tree, once again showing off his forearms. Of course he’s still managed to highlight them despite dressing casually with jeans, a heather gray t-shirt, and a dark blue flannel unbuttoned over it. It’s in striking contrast to her jade sweater, jeans, beige peacoat, and brown leather boots.
  Ron looks at her through his light blonde lashes. “So what do you suggest, Hermione? That I not do my job? Turn a blind eye to evidence in an investigation or stop asking key questions during interrogations?” 
  His gaze never falters, and she can’t help but feel like it’s piercing through her, like he’s trying to solve the mystery that she is to him. It’s uncomfortable in all the right ways, sending jolts of energy through her and making her forget where she is and what she’s doing. In all honesty, it’s making her want to jump his bones.
  Which would be completely unprofessional.
  Ugh. This is why she tries to avoid work functions outside the office. It’s much easier to avoid her attraction in that environment. But here, in the woods with the sun shining through the trees and the foliage creating a warm ambience, it’s hard not to let her imagination run wild. It’d be too easy to let herself believe he’s eyeing her with the same want she’s been harboring for over a year.
  “Don’t be ridiculous,” she forces herself to say. “Just, I don’t know, try a little harder to suggest other lawyers. I’m only one person, and I can only do so much.”
  Ron twists his mouth and cocks his head as he thinks about her suggestion. “I guess I could, but then what excuse would I have to come see you if I’m not delivering cases?”
  His playful demeanor hosts an undertone of seriousness that causes Hermione’s breath to hitch. This time, she’s the one to search his eyes for a deeper meaning, but she’s absolutely terrible at reading people. That’s why she took the public defender position—it was meant to be a stepping stone while she strengthened her abilities to read a jury. Then, she’d be able to go after the job she really wanted. One that would help her do some good in the world. 
  Giving up, she decides to just ask him outright. “Why would you think you need an excuse?”
  “Because detectives don’t usually hang around with attorneys.”
  “Probably because all they do is pile on more work for us.”
  If ‘they’ means Ron and ‘us’ means her, then yes, that would be true.
  “So, you’re saying I could drop in to say hi whenever I feel like it?” Ron raises an eyebrow to accompany his question.
  “If you want, but then people might think we’re friends…”
  He pushes himself off the tree and steps toward the rope separating himself from her. The motion sends an uninvited thrill through her. “Aren’t we?”
  “I figured we were closer to work acquaintances.” 
  She shrugs, attempting to keep things light and breezy while her body is on fire, desperate for her to open herself up to something more. But she won’t. Not yet. Especially when she’s wary of his intentions. After all, the rest of his team is vying for their stupid flag that’s somewhere on the grounds of the park. 
  His hand claps his chest, and he makes a show of stumbling to his knees. “Oh, you wound me, Hermione.”
  “Please, stop being so dramatic.” She lets out an unbecoming snort through her laughter. He grins at her and she rolls her eyes. “This better not be some ploy to distract me in an attempt to get the flag.”
  Ron stands back up and places his hands on his hips, once again flexing his forearms. God, she hates it so much. “Come on, Hermione. If I cared about the game, I wouldn’t have let myself get captured.”
  She bursts into more laughter. “Yeah, right. There’s no way you got captured on purpose. That’s even more suspicious.”
  “Because all I’ve listened to this week is how ‘we have to take down Weasley.’ How you’ve ‘single-handedly won the game for the last three years.’ Who’s to say you’re not distracting me just to get closer to your goal?”
  “Maybe my goal isn’t the flag this time.” There’s something about the way he says it that wipes the smile right off her face. 
  “W-what?” she squeaks.
  “Maybe I got captured under the guise of sacrificing myself for a teammate to get closer to the flag when really, I just wanted to spend time with you outside the office.”
  Despite the fact that her heart is positively pounding in her chest, she keeps up her front with an eye roll. “Why?”
  “Because I like you.”
  The words hang between them as she blinks blankly at him. “I—you—” She swallows hard. “You do?”
  Tentatively, he lifts the rope and steps underneath it. The tips of his ears are pink, something she’s noticed every once in a while but never thought anything of it.
  “Uh, yeah. Thought it was obvious.”
  Oh my god, is this actually happening?
  For a moment, she’s completely enraptured by the way he inches closer in an almost tentative matter. But then her mind chooses logic and once again blares the warning signs that this is a game.
  “Not as obvious as ‘no jailbreaks,’” she reminds him.
  He stops and she inwardly kicks herself for ruining the moment—if there’s even a moment to be ruined. But then he grins at her and takes another step forward. “Yeah, well, maybe it’s a risk I’m willing to take.”
  She can hardly believe it. Hope rushes over her again, and it’s all she can do to try and keep it contained. The last thing she needs is for him to see how completely enamored she is with him. Even still, a little giggle escapes her throat as she volleys a quip. “That’s rather bold, don’t you think?”
  “Maybe. But hopefully it’s worth it.” 
  “Why?” She quirks an eyebrow at him, the unknown meaning behind his words suddenly sobering her.
  A million possibilities flood her mind until he offers a sheepish grin and elaborates. “Because maybe I’ve forfeited the game for personal reasons.
  “Personal reasons?” she repeats. 
  “That center around asking you out.” 
  Asking me—holy shit.
  He waits for a beat as Hermione stares, slack-jawed, at him. Then, he adds, “So, uh, any time you want to put me out of my misery and let me know if it was a wise choice would be great.”
  He’s serious. He’s actually serious. Ron Weasley came here with the intention of asking her out. He could have any girl he wanted, yet he’s here, alone with her, detailing his plans of asking her out.
  She wants to savor every moment. Taking her time, Hermione steps closer to him, memorizing the hope in his eyes, the worry on his browline, the way his cheeks are completely red like he’s embarrassed. Then, a smirk forms on her lips. “That depends.”
  “On what?”
  “You technically haven’t asked me anything yet.”
  “Oh. Oh. Well, uh, would you want to grab dinner or something?”
  “Hmm, I don’t know.” Hermione taps her chin. “I’ve got quite the case load right now. I really shouldn’t. Next week is going to be brutal. There’s no possible way I could give up part of my weekend. Unless…well, I suppose I could be persuaded.”
  Even though she’s messing with him, she still finds herself succumbing to his gravitational pull. Because despite it all, the last thing she wants to convey is the possibility that she might say no. Of course, she’d have to question his detective skills if he could ever believe that.
  Thankfully, she doesn’t have to. She’s not quite sure where the brazenness comes from, but she doesn’t resist the pull urging her even closer. Her hand reaches up, sliding the soft fabric of his flannel between her fingers, which invites him into her personal space, and he grasps her hips. 
  For a moment, she forgets that there’s even a game going on, and that they’re at a work function—one she’d very much like to leave right now if at all possible. But first, there’s another thing she’d prefer. And luckily, he doesn’t make her wait.
  His voice is suddenly husky, filled with lust as his eyes flit down to her lips. “I think that can be arranged.”
  She tilts her head up as he leans down. Their first kiss is gentle, tentative, as if he doesn’t believe she’s given him permission. But from the moment their lips meet, the fire within her reignites, and Hermione wants more. Hungrily, she reaches up, fingers combing through his hair, urging even closer and deepens the kiss.
  Ron moans, squeezing her hips as he backs her into the nearest tree, and if she’s not careful, she might just let him do whatever he wants to her right then and there.
  That thought seems to snap her back to her senses, and she breaks away, her eyes taking a moment to catch up to her mind. Though heavy, she forces her eyelids open and meets his gaze. “So, dinner?”
  Ron nods. “Don’t think they’ll miss us if we leave early, do you?”
  “Not a chance.”
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bccksmarts · 1 year
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➤ @trashcollected asked: “i was willing to give him my heart. my life.” Peter
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   Hermione watched him carefully, not taking any chances. Her wand was in hand, but not on the offensive. Just a precautionary measure. Eyes narrowed and lips pressed together, Hermione paced slowly, heels hitting the floor beneath her.
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   ❝And what did he do with those, Pettigrew?❞ She asked, her tone neutral but on the more stern side. ❝Tossed them aside, didn't he? Once he was done with you.❞ She almost, almost pitied the man. ❝You gave him everything—including your own friends... and what did that amount to?❞
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