offbrand-hero · 2 years
Discord Webhooks were a mistake
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bethelctpride · 1 year
Tumblr has a reputation as a dumpster fire, but somehow of all the social media we have to manage, it's the one that works the best when asked to talk to another service.
The tumblr to Discord webhook in Labs worked right, on the first try, and took less than ten minutes to make it work.
And it's just continued to work, absolutely reliably, with no fiddling with it required, through several Discord updates.
That Tumblr just makes a nice pretty RSS feed to work from means we also use it to automate posts to other things. It still sometimes looks a little wonky on other service... but it's functional. Unlike things from Meta which break on the regular and then spit out things that look like an AI chatbot and the Zalgo text generator fucked.
So kudos to Tumblr for somehow being the social media that can talk to the other ones in a functional way with the least having to go fix things when there's an update.
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govindhtech · 7 days
New GKE Ray Operator on Kubernetes Engine Boost Ray Output
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GKE Ray Operator
The field of AI is always changing. Larger and more complicated models are the result of recent advances in generative AI in particular, which forces businesses to efficiently divide work among more machines. Utilizing Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Google Cloud’s managed container orchestration service, in conjunction with ray.io, an open-source platform for distributed AI/ML workloads, is one effective strategy. You can now enable declarative APIs to manage Ray clusters on GKE with a single configuration option, making that pattern incredibly simple to implement!
Ray offers a straightforward API for smoothly distributing and parallelizing machine learning activities, while GKE offers an adaptable and scalable infrastructure platform that streamlines resource management and application management. For creating, implementing, and maintaining Ray applications, GKE and Ray work together to provide scalability, fault tolerance, and user-friendliness. Moreover, the integrated Ray Operator on GKE streamlines the initial configuration and directs customers toward optimal procedures for utilizing Ray in a production setting. Its integrated support for cloud logging and cloud monitoring improves the observability of your Ray applications on GKE, and it is designed with day-2 operations in mind.
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Getting started
When establishing a new GKE Cluster in the Google Cloud dashboard, make sure to check the “Enable Ray Operator” function. This is located under “AI and Machine Learning” under “Advanced Settings” on a GKE Autopilot Cluster.
The Enable Ray Operator feature checkbox is located under “AI and Machine Learning” in the “Features” menu of a Standard Cluster.
You can set an addons flag in the following ways to utilize the gcloud CLI:
gcloud container clusters create CLUSTER_NAME \ — cluster-version=VERSION \ — addons=RayOperator
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GKE hosts and controls the Ray Operator on your behalf after it is enabled. After a cluster is created, your cluster will be prepared to run Ray applications and build other Ray clusters.
Record-keeping and observation
When implementing Ray in a production environment, efficient logging and metrics are crucial. Optional capabilities of the GKE Ray Operator allow for the automated gathering of logs and data, which are then seamlessly stored in Cloud Logging and Cloud Monitoring for convenient access and analysis.
When log collection is enabled, all logs from the Ray cluster Head node and Worker nodes are automatically collected and saved in Cloud Logging. The generated logs are kept safe and easily accessible even in the event of an unintentional or intentional shutdown of the Ray cluster thanks to this functionality, which centralizes log aggregation across all of your Ray clusters.
By using Managed Service for Prometheus, GKE may enable metrics collection and capture all system metrics exported by Ray. System metrics are essential for tracking the effectiveness of your resources and promptly finding problems. This thorough visibility is especially important when working with costly hardware like GPUs. You can easily construct dashboards and set up alerts with Cloud Monitoring, which will keep you updated on the condition of your Ray resources.
TPU assistance
Large machine learning model training and inference are significantly accelerated using Tensor Processing Units (TPUs), which are custom-built hardware accelerators. Ray and TPUs may be easily used with its AI Hypercomputer architecture to scale your high-performance ML applications with ease.
By adding the required TPU environment variables for frameworks like JAX and controlling admission webhooks for TPU Pod scheduling, the GKE Ray Operator simplifies TPU integration. Additionally, autoscaling for Ray clusters with one host or many hosts is supported.
Reduce the delay at startup
When operating AI workloads in production, it is imperative to minimize start-up delay in order to maximize the utilization of expensive hardware accelerators and ensure availability. When used with other GKE functions, the GKE Ray Operator can significantly shorten this startup time.
You can achieve significant speed gains in pulling images for your Ray clusters by hosting your Ray images on Artifact Registry and turning on image streaming. Huge dependencies, which are frequently required for machine learning, can lead to large, cumbersome container images that take a long time to pull. For additional information, see Use Image streaming to pull container images. Image streaming can drastically reduce this image pull time.
Moreover, model weights or container images can be preloaded onto new nodes using GKE secondary boot drives. When paired with picture streaming, this feature can let your Ray apps launch up to 29 times faster, making better use of your hardware accelerators.
Scale Ray is currently being produced
A platform that grows with your workloads and provides a simplified Pythonic experience that your AI developers are accustomed to is necessary to stay up with the quick advances in AI. This potent trifecta of usability, scalability, and dependability is delivered by Ray on GKE. It’s now simpler than ever to get started and put best practices for growing Ray in production into reality with the GKE Ray Operator.
Read more on govindhtech.com
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smarttechie · 1 month
Building Secure Webhooks with Spring Boot: A Step-by-Step Guide
In today’s digital world, real-time communication and immediate responsiveness have become crucial for modern applications. Webhooks, a powerful mechanism for enabling instant event notifications, have emerged as a key player in achieving this real-time interaction. In this blog post, we’ll learn about webhooks, exploring their significance, use cases, and the fundamental differences with…
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robomad · 2 months
Integrating Payment Gateways in Django Applications
How to Integrate Payment Gateways in Django Applications
Introduction Integrating payment gateways is crucial for e-commerce applications and any service that requires online payments. Django provides a robust framework for integrating various payment gateways such as Stripe, PayPal, and more. This article will guide you through the process of integrating these payment gateways into your Django application, focusing on Stripe as an…
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abdelfattah-ragab · 6 months
Full Stack Bookstore
https://books.abdelfattah-ragab.com/book/22 Welcome to the “Full Stack Bookstore: from idea to market”. In this book, I’ll show you how to create your own bookstore to sell your books online. The website I’m going to show you is my own bookstore where I sell my books, and it’s already up and running. You can access it via https://books.abdelfattah-ragab.com It’s a new and modern website that…
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outright-crm · 8 months
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roadmaperp-software · 9 months
Webhook is an HTTP request or callback function triggered by an event in a source system and sent to a destination system, often with payload data📊. These are automated requests sent out when their event occurs in the source system. They are real-time, automatic, event-based, and one-way push-style communication.
Whether it’s an e-commerce platform🏪notifying a logistics provider of a new order or a cloud storage system alerting an app of a new file upload, webhooks make sure that applications efficiently “talk” to each other.
When a customer places an order in the e-commerce platform, the inventory system can be instantly notified, setting in motion a series of automated processes, from stock deduction to shipping preparations.
Webhooks have firmly established themselves as indispensable tools of real-time digital communication today by pushing data instantly in response to specific events. They also optimize server load, reduce network traffic, and enhance application integration.
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Malicious Packages Found Hidden in NPM Registry
Some packages exfiltrate data via webhooks or file-sharing links, while others scan for sensitive files and directories. Users are advised to be cautious and watch for suspicious install scripts.
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getambee · 1 year
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half-asleep-star · 1 year
(ignore this)
I'm just testing out my Discord webhook :)
If you're reading this from Discord, great!
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natures-uprise · 1 year
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mp3monsterme · 2 years
DeveloperWeek 23 - Stop Polling, Let's Go Streaming
The last week or so has been the DeveloperWeek 23 Conference – in Hybrid form, with the physical event last week and online this week. Circumstances prevented me from attending physically, but yesterday I was honored with the opportunity to present virtually. My session covered the adoption of API Streaming as an alternative approach to needing to poll with APIs to get the latest data…
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abdelfattah-ragab · 6 months
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Full Stack Bookstore
Welcome to the "Full Stack Bookstore: from idea to market".
In this book, I'll show you how to create your own bookstore to sell your books online.
The website I'm going to show you is my own bookstore where I sell my books, and it's already up and running.
You can access it via https://books.abdelfattah-ragab.com
It's a new and modern website that I created a few days ago, before I published this book, and I built it using the latest web technologies.
By integrating GitHub with Render.com, you can put your changes online by writing a terminal command and hitting enter.
Having your own platform for selling your books is a good choice because you receive 100% of the royalties directly into your payout account.
Another advantage is that you'll make more sales if you pay for online advertising because you're promoting your own store and getting your name in the search engines.
If you keep an eye on your budget, you can start with a hosting plan that will only cost you $13 per month.
Add $16 per year for the domain and associated privacy and security services.
I start from scratch and show you step by step how to build everything from the ground up.
By the end of the book, you'll be able to customize your store to your needs.
If you don't want to work with the code yourself, you can hire a developer and cut the cost in half by starting with a complete project instead of starting from scratch.
I've put together all the core functionalities so that they can be used for many e-commerce applications. If you want to build a store and not a bookstore, you can use all the core modules for authentication, payments and newsletters in your new project and use the development time for your new business details.
On the technical aspects of the project. In this project I use the technologies of NestJS, Angular, PostgreSQL, Stripe, Git and Render.com
We use webhooks to verify that payments have been successfully submitted to your Stripe account before the user downloads the book.
When it comes to security. I focus on security through cutting-edge JWT technology with local, JWT and refresh token strategies that provide a combination of bulletproof security and seamless user experience. With a refresh token that expires 7 days, the user stays logged in for a week, while the access token expires every 3 minutes and issues a new access token based on the refresh token and repeats the last unauthorized denied request, so the user isn't interrupted and doesn't even notice, while ensuring maximum security.
The store will contain the following pages:
Authentication pages for login, registration and password reset.
Admin pages for adding and managing your books, intended only for you as a webshop owner.
Main page with a featured product and a list of available books.
Book detail page where the user can find all book details and buy or download all attachments.
Related books at the bottom of the page that may be of interest to the user.
Search and filter page where users can quickly find books.
Whether you're a business owner, a beginner looking to learn the basics of full-stack development, or an experienced developer looking to expand your knowledge, this book is an invaluable resource for mastering the technologies and techniques involved in building an online bookstore.
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myshivangirawatblog · 2 years
Webhooks are most commonly used in the web development industry and they work by sending information from one service to another, usually in real-time. Webhooks are often used for notifications or alerts.
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