#wedding planning tips
merrybrides · 1 year
100 Wedding Tips Every Bride Should Know
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Congrats! You're newly engaged and eager to dive in to planning the details of the big day. Before you get overwhelmed by the choices, costs and innumerable possibilities, read these tips that every bride should know.
Set the date! Make sure you leave plenty of time for planning details and coordinating vendors. A wedding checklist may help you keep tasks and timing in order.
Outline a budget. Set the budget so you know what you’re working with from the get-go.
Consider time of day. There may be a time of day that fits you and your significant other’s personalities, party style, budget, or guest list best.
Wedding Party. It’s never too early to ask and get the commitment.
Research Vendors. Pick up some local wedding magazines and hit the net to scope out what’s out there.
Ask around. Ask a few friends for their advice and what they learned from planning their own special day.
The ones you love. Make sure the people that are important to you know how you would like for them to be included.
Consider wedding size. Will it be a large bash or a smaller more intimate gathering?
Help needed. Loved ones asking how they can help? Set up an online list of helpful tasks and allow them to sign up and help as they can.
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Book in advance. Many venues book up very far in advance. Narrow down a short list and make visits as soon as possible!
From here to there. Consider travel distance between ceremony and reception.
Back up plan. Outdoor venue? Consider weather influences and always have a “Plan B.”
Beautiful “As is”. Décor not your thing? Find a beautiful venue that already has a look you love.
Seasonal décor. If you’re getting married near a holiday or other special time of year, make sure to ask if the venue will be decorated in a special way.
Food and drinks. Ask about banquet permits and alcohol license needs. Don’t assume anything!
Consider room flow. You will want a space where you will be able to mix and mingle with guests easily.
Ask for referrals! See if your venue has recommendations for other vendors since they are likely to have worked well in the past.
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Guest list
Talk about it. It’s a conversation to have early on with your fiancé. Establishing a guest list can get VERY complicated if you don’t set parameters.
Traveling guests? Consider how many out-of-town guests you will have to plan for.
Lots of out-of-towners? Consider setting up activities for the weekend or couple days surrounding your big day so they can meet others and visit.
Discuss family needs. Who will you want involved in the ceremony, reception, etc.? Set clear expectations from the beginning.
Save the drama. Handle family issues with grace. Have conversations with those that may need to be reminded to put personal issues aside for one day.
Undercover agents. It’s not unreasonable to “assign” a trusted friend to keep an eye on a guest that you are worried about getting out of hand.
Keep people in the loop. Set up a wedding website where you can post important details that guests will need to know.
Hotels. It’s always nice for the couple to set up hotel options and block rooms for guests.
Welcome basket. Welcome traveling guests at the hotel with gift bags including a few simple treats or some information about the location where they are visiting.
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Discuss budget EARLY. Planning a wedding can get expensive and you will need to set parameters.
Who’s contributing? Give family members the chance to help financially however they feel comfortable.
Prioritize. Decide what is most important to you and your fiancé. Plan your budget accordingly so you don’t blow too much of it on a low-priority item.
Leave some reserve funds. There are always little things that will pop up later on, so don’t plan your initial budget estimates down to the very last dollar.
Plan for tips. Plan in advance for vendors that you will need to provide a tip to for day-of services.
Gifts. Many couples give gifts to the special people involved in their big day, like parents and bridal party members. Set money aside for this.
Consider assistance. Know someone who is great with money that has asked how they can help? Put them in charge of your budget to keep you accountable.
Establish a range. When speaking with vendors have a budget range in mind. This may eliminate some vendors before you get in too far.
DIY. Need to save in certain areas? Get creative. Enlist crafty friends and family to help you create the look and feel you are going for.
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The Ceremony
Select an officiant/pastor. Does your ceremony location provide one, or do you need to find your own?
Marital counseling. Are there any requirements you must meet before walking down the aisle?
Get your marriage license. That’s kind of important, err, necessary, and the ceremony won’t happen without one.
Consider the feel. Will your ceremony be formal or not?
Timing. Length of the ceremony may be something you want to discuss with whoever will be marrying you.
Vows! Discuss with your fiancé if you will be exchanging traditional vows or writing your own.
Kids or no kids. If you would prefer guests not bring children to the ceremony, make sure this is clear. You may even want to have childcare available.
Choose words wisely. Carefully consider scriptures, poems and songs that will be part of your day. Make it meaningful.
Guestbook. Have everyone sign a guestbook so you can look back on the special people who were a part of your big day!
Programs. Provide a printed program to guests when they arrive. If you need someone to hand them out, choose someone who may know the majority of guests – it’s a nice warm welcome!
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Reception Considerations
Does your caterer… cater? Whether you’ll be providing a sit down meal or hors d’oeuvres, make sure your caterer has options for those with diet restrictions.
Music sets the mood. Create the atmosphere you desire by choosing you music option with care. Will a DJ help to get the party going or is a live band more your style? Some may even opt for an iPod with a playlist.
Who’s directing traffic and flow? Make sure you have a point person for the reception activities. It is helpful to have someone keeping things on pace.
Money and tips. You my find that certain companies outsource people to handle day-of tasks. Ask in advance if it is necessary to tip those individuals.
Favors. Donate to a charity in your guests’ honor or provide an item they can use later, like a matchbook. Make it personal by having your initials printed on it.
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Selecting Wedding Vendors
Do your research. You want dependable people and companies involved so that you can stress less that day.
Create a short list. Researching vendors online and in magazines as well as collecting recommendations from others is a good place to start.
Hire a professional. If the task just seems too overwhelming, consider getting a wedding planner to help you shorten the list of options out there.
Don’t rush. It may take time to find the right people or companies to handle each task. Know it doesn’t all come together immediately.
Ask for proof. Are you going for a specific wedding theme – perhaps a beachy, rustic or theatrical flair? Find vendors that have created the look before and always have them provide examples of their work.
Use your head. Listen to recommendations from the vendor, but don’t be afraid to ask questions, negotiate or ask for other options.
Face to face meetings. You are juggling a lot, but it is still smart to meet in person and not take their website as their word.
Under pressure. If a vendor is putting unnecessary pressure on you to commit before you are ready, it may be a red flag. The goal is to feel good about the decisions you make.
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Pre-Wedding Celebrations
Bridal showers. Celebrate with friends and family at a bridal shower! Gather those you love for a more intimate-sized party a couple weeks or months before the big day.
Guests and gifts. If you have registered for wedding gifts, make sure you have plenty items on the list to accommodate all guests, and use stores that are convenient to those attending.
Don’t duplicate. If you are having multiple showers, watch for guest duplication. Inviting guests to more than one can make you appear selfish or unorganized.
Consider an engagement party. At an engagement party guests won’t feel obligated to bring a gift. The party can be elaborate or totally informal and include guys and gals.
Consider groups. If you run in several different circles and it seems overwhelming to try and include everyone, divide people into separate events.
Themed parties. Have party-throwers set up a themed shower where guests choose gifts with a certain idea in mind. Suggestions include a “stock the bar,” “kitchen essentials,” “barbeque,” or “around the clock,” where gests buy a gift based on a time of day.
Hostess gifts. Make sure you get a little something for the fabulous hosts that throw a little something special in your honor!
Bachelorette Celebration. Whether it’s a girl’s weekend away, a spa day or a fun girl’s night filled with your favorite activities, coordinate a fun way to celebrate your last days of being single in style.
Wedding Party Brunch. Some couples host a bridal party or family brunch prior to or early on the wedding day. Connect with those close to you before it gets crazy!
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Registry Tips
Consult a friend. Someone who has registered before may provide insight into what worked and what did not.
Focus on needs. Focus on necessities and think long-term when you are walking around the store scanning or on the website clicking.
Get creative! If you don’t need many standard household items, create a honeymoon registry, a registry where you encourage guests to buy stock in your name, or even a charity registry!
Groom’s registry. Creating a registry can seem boring and monotonous and let’s face it, your groom may not care what sheets you get. Yet, when it comes to the things he does care about, let him have some say!
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Buy vintage! Consider a vintage wedding dress or choose eco-friendly attire.
Natural light. Choose an outdoor location or an earlier time of day so you can use less lighting indoors.
Email invitations! Coordinate your entire guest list, collect RSVP’s and even gather meal preferences through online sign ups; such as SignUpGenius.
Love the earth. Use eco-friendly paper for programs, favors or other paper needs. Now you can even find plant-able seed paper that can be printed with environmentally friendly ink!
Something borrowed. Borrow décor or rent it for less waste.
Go digital. Digital photos will save the money and chemical processing that goes into film photography.
Wedding website hub. Create a wedding website to get important information and dates out to your guests.
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Perfecting Your Wedding Day Look
Selecting a dress. When selecting your wedding day attire, keep an open mind! Try on many options and make sure you factor in comfort.
Be patient. Some brides “just know” the moment they put that dress on that it is made for them. If that’s not you, that’s ok. Take your time!
 Veil. Whether it’s to the floor or short and sweet, a full headpiece or none at all, anything goes, so stick with the choice that’s right for you.
Dancing shoes. Choose comfy shoes and break them in before the big day.
Hair. Hire a professional or if you are able do your own hair, do it. Make sure to do a run-through before the day-of so you know what to expect!
Makeup. Keep it natural, clean and fresh. You may consider asking your photographer for any tips about what looks best in photos, but do not go outside of your comfort zone.
Emergency kit. Stock a day-of emergency kit with a couple essentials – lip gloss, hand lotion, band-aids, mints, a small comb and anything else could come in handy in a pinch!
Get rest! It may be challenging with all the excitement, but it will help you feel your very best.
Stay hydrated. Make sure you are drinking and eating so you stay healthy and nourished leading up to and during your wedding day.
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Document the Day
Discuss photography style. Choose a photographer that “gets” you and the style that you want.
Set up site for sharing. One great way to see all the photos from friends and family is to set up a photo sharing website where people can upload.
Make a list. Develop an image list for your photographer of “must-have” shots, so you don’t forget to get that photo taken with certain people or settings.
Photo booth fun. Many companies offer opportunities for your guests to get in front of the camera in a photo booth style set up – props and all. This can offer a lot of added fun for all.
No tech? Worried about people sharing dozens of photos on social media before you get the first look? Consider telling your guests you’d prefer to have a “no tech” wedding.
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Remember the Meaning of the Day
Plan ahead! Make sure things are done prior so you can actually enjoy your wedding day!
Marriage should be the focus. It’s wise to keep reminding yourself throughout the whole wedding planning process – it’s not just the wedding day that matters, it’s every day that comes after i
Stay grounded. Keep people close to you that can provide a sense of calm through the chaos and who can help you make good, quick decisions if need be.
Make time for the special people. Set aside specific time for those you are close to during your wedding weekend or the weekend will pass before you realize you didn’t get that extra time.
Express yourself. Exchange a card or letter to be opened the day-of the wedding – write something truly from the heart to the special person you will be sharing the rest of your life with.
Be thankful. On your wedding day, pause from time to time and take in all the love that surrounds you!
One-on-one time. Plan time with your groom amidst the craziness so you can connect.
Here’s to you creating the wedding you’ve always dreamed of. Best wishes as you set out on the wedding planning journey!
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studiocapturelife · 3 months
Selecting Your Wedding Photographer: A Complete Guide
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Your wedding day is one of the most special moments of your life, and capturing those precious memories requires the expertise of a skilled wedding photographer. 
But with so many options available, how do you choose the perfect photographer to document your special day? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the essential steps to find the best wedding photographer in Hyderabad or in your preferred city. Ready to find your perfect match? Let's dive in!
But before we do that…are you in search of the perfect wedding photographer to capture your special day? Look no further! Contact Studio Capture Life today to schedule your consultation and let us bring your wedding vision to life through stunning photography!
1. Define Your Style Preferences
Before you start your search for a wedding photographer, take some time to define your style preferences. Do you prefer traditional, posed portraits, or do you lean towards candid, documentary-style shots? Are you drawn to vibrant, colorful images, or do you prefer a more muted, romantic aesthetic? 
Finding a photographer whose work fits your vision can be made easier by being aware of your preferred styles.
2. Research Wedding Photographers
Once you have a clear idea of your style preferences, it's time to start researching wedding photographers in Hyderabad. Browse online portfolios, read reviews, and ask for recommendations from friends and family who have recently tied the knot. 
Pay attention to the photographer's artistic style, technical skills, and ability to capture emotion and moments. Create a shortlist of potential candidates based on their work and reviews.
3. Review Portfolios and Galleries
After compiling a list of potential wedding photographers, take the time to review their portfolios and online galleries in detail. Pay attention to composition, lighting, and editing style, and look for consistency in their work. 
Pay special attention to images from weddings that are similar to yours in terms of venue, theme, and size. This will give you a better idea of how the photographer will capture your special day.
4. Meet the Photographers in Person
Once you've narrowed down your list to a few top contenders, schedule in-person meetings or virtual consultations with each photographer. Take advantage of this chance to talk about your dream wedding, get an idea of their communication style and personality, and ask questions about their method and approach. A good rapport with your photographer is essential for a smooth and enjoyable experience on your wedding day.
5. Ask About Packages and Pricing
During your consultations, don't forget to inquire about the photographer's packages and pricing. Ask for a detailed breakdown of what's included in each package, including the number of hours of coverage, the number of photographers on-site, and any additional services such as engagement sessions or album design. 
Compare pricing and packages from different photographers to ensure you're getting the best value for your budget.
6. Check References and Reviews
Before making your final decision, be sure to check references and read reviews from past clients. Reach out to couples who have worked with the photographer in the past and ask about their experience, professionalism, and satisfaction with the final results. 
Reading reviews and testimonials can provide valuable insights into what it's like to work with a particular photographer and help you make an informed decision.
Selecting the ideal wedding photographer for your big day is an important decision that needs to be carefully thought out. By following these steps and taking the time to research, meet with, and evaluate potential photographers, you can find the perfect match to capture your wedding memories beautifully.
Ready to find the perfect wedding photographer to capture your special day? Contact Studio Capture Life today to schedule your consultation and let us bring your wedding vision to life through stunning photography!
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shaadiwish · 3 months
Want To Cut Cost On Wedding Decor Without Dulling The Moment? Fret Not! ShaadiWish Has Some Useful Tips Straight From Wedding Decor Experts!
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wishtreeweddings · 5 months
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Welcome to the enchanting tropical world with Wishtree, where we intricately intertwine vibrant tropical themes into the very essence of weddings, gatherings, social soirées, and events. Infusing each occasion with a touch of casual elegance, our creative flair extends to sustainable decor and the inclusion of locally sourced elements, ensuring that each celebration is not only memorable but also an environmentally conscious experience.
DM for Details @wishtreewedding
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violasuk · 8 months
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How to Hire Ideal Wedding Venues in London: A Comprehensive Guide
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justusweddings · 1 year
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Just Us Weddings Blog - Tips & Ideas for Your Wedding Planning
Welcome to Just Us Weddings Blog! Check out our recent articles featuring planning advice and unique ideas for your ideal wedding. From wedding planning tips, to proper etiquette, effective guest communication, and more. Read now!
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convexly · 4 months
Hello world! I hope everything is okay.
In my world things have been well. Sammy and I are planning our wedding this year! I'm doing all the planning since we are going for a mini wedding. Roughly 20-30 guests. We also added a pup that we rescued to our family. His name is Bender.
My younger sister is also getting married this year! Yay!! So excited! My other sister is doing good, just searching for a job in a few months but I wish her the best and hope she gets what she's looking for.
I am going back to work contingent to save up for our wedding...mostly just because I wanna feel like I have money to put towards the dress and stuff.
I am starting to play fortnite on the xbox again. I did stream once and it was fun! If anyone of you plays fortnite and would like to play with me please join me. I do play zero builds tho. Games for me is an outlet and it keeps my inner child happy.
Anyways my wedding planning... <3 If you have any tips or whatever please share them with me. I am struggling with finding a dress that is under 250. I was looking for a summer wedding dress. I am a size 16/18.
I am searching for a wedding photographer that has a customized package. We only want a few hours, we wanted first looks, ceremony, and family photos and with our two dogs included.
I am also looking for a wedding officiant that isn't gonna break the bank. The one I found was 400 for a half hour. :(
If you guys have any leads/friends/etc in Michigan, USA. I would love to know so I can reach out and connect with them.
Thank you guys <3 xoxo
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sweetmorn · 8 months
i have less than a year now to finish wedding planning and i'm stressed and not at the same time. venue, food, and cake have kind of fallen into place (perks of working at a bakery owned by a nice restaurant with a rooftop venue). my mom texted me the other day that she got us a photographer for cheap. so what's left
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elysiumcalled · 3 months
everyone already has plans on my birthday am I still allowed to be sad about that at 25 lol
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thebirdandhersong · 2 years
also am suddenly and without warning at the age where people my age (i.e. my CLASSMATES) are getting engaged. Seeing as I still feel like a baby, this is just so bizarre to me.... I thought we were all on the same page*
*same page: I found out how to make rice cakes out of rice paper a few days ago and was utterly delighted, my Elinor came back from her honeymoon and I cried when I heard because I'd missed her and was so relieved that she was back in Canada, I lay awake at night with muscle cramps last night and thought: this is the Worst I hate this......life feels like new every day and I feel like a very young child who has to constantly make sense of reality vs. my imagination. How people my age making huge life decisions like this already, I have no idea......
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studiocapturelife · 3 months
Choosing Your Perfect Wedding Photographer: A Studio Capture Life Perspective
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Your wedding day is a once-in-a-lifetime event, and capturing those precious moments requires the expertise of a skilled wedding photographer. Selecting the right photographer is a crucial decision that can significantly impact the way you relive your special day. Here are some key factors to consider when choosing a wedding photographer, ensuring your wedding memories are beautifully preserved.
Define Your Style: Before searching for a wedding photographer, it’s essential to identify your preferred photography style. Do you envision a classic, traditional look, or are you more drawn to a modern, photojournalistic approach? Understanding your style will help you narrow down your options and find a photographer whose portfolio aligns with your vision.
Research and Shortlist: Begin your search by gathering recommendations from friends, family, or wedding planners. Additionally, explore online platforms, such as wedding forums, social media, and photography websites, to discover talented photographers. Create a shortlist of potential candidates based on their portfolios, reviews, and overall reputation in the industry.
Review Portfolios: Take the time to carefully review the portfolios of the photographers on your shortlist. Look for consistency in their work, paying attention to composition, lighting, and the ability to capture genuine emotions. Studio Capture Life, known for its exceptional wedding photography services, is a stellar option to consider during this stage.
Meet and Connect: Arrange meetings with your selected photographers to gauge their personalities and ensure they align with your vision. Establishing a connection with your photographer is crucial, as they will be an integral part of your wedding day. Studio Capture Life, with its team of personable and talented photographers, prioritizes building strong connections with couples to create a comfortable and enjoyable photography experience.
Discuss Packages and Services: Understanding the packages and services offered by potential photographers is essential for staying within your budget. Inquire about the coverage hours, additional services, and the delivery timeline for your wedding photos. Studio Capture Life provides comprehensive wedding photography services tailored to meet the unique needs of each couple, ensuring a personalized and unforgettable experience.
Check References: Request references from past clients to gain insight into the photographer’s professionalism, communication, and overall satisfaction. Positive reviews and testimonials are strong indicators of a photographer’s reliability and ability to deliver stunning results. Studio Capture Life has consistently received praise for its exceptional service and breathtaking wedding photography.
Choosing the right wedding photographer is a pivotal decision that requires careful consideration. By defining your style, researching, reviewing portfolios, connecting with photographers, discussing packages, and checking references, you can make an informed choice that aligns with your vision for the perfect wedding day. Consider Studio Capture Life as your go-to wedding photography studio, where passion, skill, and personalized service come together to capture life’s most beautiful moments.
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shaadiwish · 11 months
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Ladies, Take Some Tips From These Real Brides’ On What To Remember While Picking Your Wedding Outfit
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wishtreeweddings · 6 months
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Elevate your celebrations with Wishtree Wedding's bespoke theme cards! Dive into a world of creativity as we offer a spectrum of cards for your wedding festivities tailored to your unique personality and style. From quirky to boisterous, find the perfect match to set the tone for your joyous journey.
DM for Details @wishtreewedding
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Back from the void.
I just booked two wedding dress try-on appointments today, somehow both nervous and excited for the whole process (and it only took four months of being engaged to stop procrastinating and actually plan).
Trying not to think about how if I were a fundie, I would probably be walking down the aisle this weekend given how short most fundie engagements are…meanwhile, I still couldn’t tell you what I want my day to look like beyond a couple vague Pinterest pins.
Fourteen(ish) months to go, and I promise I will talk about something that’s not my wedding at some point.
…maybe. We’ll see.
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Ot3 Prompt #18
Person A gets invited to a wedding and wants to bring both of their partners, however it says "+1" on the card. Now Person B and C are arguing because they want to be nice and let the other go insead of themself.
Bonus Points if A just calls their friend and explains the suituation and brings both of their partners anyway.
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ayatsato · 2 years
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Hi Tumblr!! Did not realize I went 3 years without posting. My 13th year of photographing weddings has come to a wrap (phone pic of the last venue)!!
I’ve been collecting thoughts throughout the year about some wedding tips that I haven’t previously mentioned:
•Appropriate shoes. Can’t tell ya how many weddings I’ve shot outside in the grass and people are sinking into the ground because they’re wearing heels. Best to make a note of it to people participating in the wedding and your guests.
•Make water easily accessible. Going up the the bartender for a glass of water when there is a line is not ideal. Have water stations set up with cups on the side, especially during summer weddings.
•Cooling stations! Speaking of summer, if you’re having an outdoor wedding, please please please have a cooling station with shade, water, sunscreen, and fans. Bonus for bug spray.
Might come up with more later on! And hopefully I’ll start posting more often. Got a large backlog from COVID projects, etc.
Here’s that post from a few years back on more tips:
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