#weed is a FUCKING PLANT
rosicheeks · 2 years
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bitchapalooza · 11 days
I don't careeeeee if Zoro canonically has gray eyes, he has green eyes to meeeeeee
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kazieka · 6 months
like, logically I am aware that honeysuckle is invasive in my area and that I should be glad it doesn’t grow in my backyard, But. on the other hand. tasty nectar treat :(
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godsfavoritebrat · 24 days
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i’m dreaming in a dream 🫛
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cryptid--bunny · 6 months
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Pony Park Boys; Friendship is Bullshit
sorry for posting so much in the past hour. I'm lonely </3
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luck-of-the-drawings · 8 months
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AND AS IT TURNED OUT, THE THINGS THAT WERE ALONGSIDE ME FROM THE START, REMAINED THERE FOR ME ALONG THE WAY. [inspired by my stuffed rabbit, violet. also inspired by the sunrise of a new day. and inspired by this crazy cool album art]
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steeleyespan · 2 months
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gardennnn... yes its a wee bit chaotic but look at my flowers boy
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pallanophblargh · 1 year
I have so many things I need to catch up on and respond to (I have severely neglected my email which is NOT good) so I apologize. I will get around to it this week I hope! 
Old followers will know that this is the norm for me this time of year as I once again rally the strength to try and make the most of my severely neglected little urban hellscape of a yard. I mean, how do you recover from the knowledge that ALL of the native milkweed species you planted over the last 4 years has died, never to return? (I can’t stop being sad about this you have no clue, I had 5+ species native to the state!) All that remains is the common milkweed volunteers that have come up wherever they feel like it, and I’m obligated to let them do as they wish. Feels bad, man. I would have killed to see that purple milkweed flower.
Have spent the last 2+ weeks getting my veggie garden and containers up and running (still need to sow beans and more kale) and I’ve got more natives/ornamentals to go into my nearly cleared side yard. I’m really really REALLY hoping my new virginia bluebells don’t die with this heat/likely drought, but I’m pretty confident everyone else will come through okay. I mean, if the cardinal flower can come back for the 3rd year like a champ, what’s their excuse? (Dear self: be thankful, the cardinal flower likes you and you know it shouldn’t and that’s rad. Also the prairie smoke plant is starting to spread and that’s really cool. So is the hepatica. And your ferns are getting big and beautiful! So remember what’s working out, ok?)
I just want my little plot to be the hopping hot spot for all the local wildlife. It’s nice to see so many critters anywhere I look but I know I can do better and that requires A LOT of work. I’ll never be anything akin to a master gardener, but I like to think I’m learning a lot every day and working WITH nature instead of against it. Battling invasives is one hell of task. (Rot in hell, creeping bellflower!)
Now if only it would rain, and I can find a way to get a rain barrel setup! (No gutters in my back yard to access for rain is a major L...)
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hillbilly---man · 15 days
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Sharing my ginger plant (grown from a piece of ginger I bought from the grocery store) because it's doing great and I appreciate that it's low maintenance, unlike my borderline-invasive cherry tomatoes and green beans
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cascadianights · 1 month
I don't blame people for not ALL being into native planting and landscaping, but if I had one piece of advice I wish everyone would learn its that if you see it EVERYWHERE in your city and suburban lawns in the USA there's a good chance it's MAJORLY INVASIVE and you should think "wow maybe I shouldn't spread that," over "oh what a great all purpose solution for my lack of a green thumb!" Many of our worst noxious weeds are toxic to people and animals, and serve almost no positive use in the environments they've been dropped in. Just smothers all life.
Common examples are English Ivy, Spanish bluebells, Butterfly Bushes, tree of heaven, bLACKBERRIES, bamboo
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anipgarden · 1 year
Catch me out here making posts on how to collect milkweed seeds because I'm hoping at least SOMEONE out there has good luck
*collapses to the ground* my fuckin swamp milkweeds got Heat Waved and barely even flowered, let alone got pollinated.... I'll have to see if my root stock ones or Swampy even come back next year, but this year definitely isn't the Year of the Ani Swamp Milkweed Success
#out of queue#ani rambles#oh yeah if anyone was wondering I do name my milkweeds sometimes#my three root stock swamp milkweeds are named Ross Lizanne and Alana#then I got Swampy. Swampy lives in the big pot by my window.#then I got Taylor. Taylor's another swamp milkweed she lives with Ross Lizanne and Alana#I also got a big butterfly weed plant and 2 plugs so they're named Albert Brett and Isaac#i think they died kinda early on though. Either that or I just can't fucking find them#what i thought was Albert ended up being my bee balm plant so minus 2 points in my milkweed identification skill#my bestie recently got me 3 swamp milkweeds and one of them had a butterfly weed growing in its pot too#i forgot to water them so i thought they died but they came back so i put them in a pot recently near Swampy#i havent officially named them yet but I have ideas#I might name two of the swamp milkweeds Morgan and Charlotte#and maybe I'll name the little butterfly weed Miles#but I still need a name for the third swamp milkweed.......#or actually. scratch that#third swamp milkweed is Miles and the butterfly weed is gonna be Maddi#anyways long story short#Swampy Ross Lizanne Alana and Taylor MIGHT be dead#I haven't been able to even FIND Albert Brett or Isaac since like July#Morgan Charlotte Miles and Maddi are my newest additions and are currently confirmed FINE#BUT its almost October so if they can't get super situated before the frosts start later this year they may be doomed#granted im in North Florida so frosts won't happen until late December/early January but STILL#and NONE of them flowered#well clarification#Swampy flowered but no other swamp milkweeds were flowering at the same time as her#I think Taylor ALMOST flowered but then heat wave happened#either Morgan Charlotte or Miles WAS flowering when I first got them but then Heatwave Happened#so uh. unless I get a post-heatwave economic miracle. no swamp milkweed seeds for me.
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mermaidsirennikita · 1 year
I'm not even the most *LEGALIZE IT* person on the planet, not because I don't believe weed should be legal but because it's just not at the top of my priority list compared to the various human rights violations happening in my country right now, but the amount!!! Of seemingly well-meaning posts by supposed libs (or actual libs but not leftists) around this year's 420 focusing on how you can "overdose" on weed.... reminds me so fucking much of all the "well-meaning" posts about how kink shouldn't be at Pride, putting your LGBT+ self in front of kids is Bad Actually, Maybe Women Are Focusing TOO MUCH On Fuckin' Freely And Have Lost Their Intellect, "Birth Control Is So Unhealthy For Your Natural Lady Body You Shouldn't Even Take It"....
What I'm saying is that some are plants and some are supposed libs and leftists who happily trot into the right wing's hands like it's their job (and maybe it is)
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laugtherhyena · 2 years
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Hoshi art i made in the past few days + one from last year i forgot to post here
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daughterofsarenrae · 25 days
Let's hear it for plants with taproot systems!!!!
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thunderheadfred · 1 year
State legalization bill passed!!!!! We are good to grow!
After months of planning and waiting, I finally ordered my very first seeds aaahhh yaaaayy!!! MANGO KUSH!!! I kinda wanted to try Tropicana Cookies, which sounds amazing for ADHD, but I figured that might be too hard to grow (and consume, it's pretty strong) so I went with my gut. Never met a mango I didn't like, and this is a good hybrid strain with great medical uses.
These won't be auto-flower, since the seed bank I had a coupon for doesn't have an auto version, but for a photo-period, Mango Kush is supposed to be easy to grow even for first-timers.
Can't wait to nurture my lovely magical girls to full flower 😍
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pastafossa · 2 years
If you were wanting an update about that plant in my new backyard that I thought was a weed but was in actuality some random huge fucking TOMATO PLANT, it has been less than a month since I discovered it was a tomato bush and now it is large enough to devour a grown ass adult.
It has gone through 2 frosts. It swore at God, and continued to grow.
I have not watered it. It curled a vine into the shape of a middle finger, and continued to grow.
It is growing out of fucking ROCKS.
There is no stopping it. There are hundreds of green tomatoes on it. It is set on devouring the backyard. It will be here after I die. It will be here after you die. It will be here after we all die. It will be here after the earth dies, waiting for a new planet to form, and it will be there until the cold death of the universe freezes it into place.
It will laugh.
Vines woven into a flowered grin.
And remain for eternity.
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