#I was like cannabis/marijuana is a plant dude
rosicheeks · 1 year
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winniethewife · 5 months
Spontaneously combust
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(Nathan Bateman x F!reader)
A/N Inspired by a Prompt by @gingersforeverbox
Warning: Drug use, Weed
Words: 579
She had been surprised that after she had slipped out side for a quick smoke break, Nathan had followed her out. She had been staying with him for a couple months now. Hired to keep him company out here in the middle of nowhere, and occasionally help out around the complex, she could hardly believe it had been real when she had applied to the job, and gotten the interview. It seemed like dream, hang out with a rich dude in the middle of nowhere for money? Why the hell not. There had been a lot of safety procedures, background checks and trial visits, a very elaborate contract, which could be summed up into “I promise I’m not a serial killer. Sign here.”  And after the bumpy getting to know you period of the relationship she had started to settle in. At first she thought that Nathan was just an asshole, but really he was just, eccentric. However usually when she slipped outside in the evening to smoke a joint to calm her nerves, he didn’t follow. She had guessed he just wasn’t interested in it, but she had been wrong. As they pass the joint back and forth, she can’t help but smile at him.
“What? Is there something on my face?” Nathan asks running his fingers through his beard, after passing the joint back to her.
“No, I just don’t think I’ve seen you so relaxed before.” She shrugs and takes a drag from the joint before looking out into the wilderness again. After they finish the joint they head inside and both of them sit in the living area as the effects of the marijuana start to kick in, Nathan starts to ramble, going on and on about the science around Cannabis, How its grown, how it can be used, the history of its use. She was smiling at him, she loved it when he started on like this. She could listen to his voice for hours.
“Cannabis plants are diecious - meaning there are both female and male versions of the plant. You can tell the sex of the plat is female if pistils are present, whereas males have stamen. It’s the female plants that flower and produce what you smoke, while males are really only valuable for breeding.” As he talks he uses his hands to emphasize different point’s he’s making. He’s leaning back in the chair as he rambles on. She smiles, enjoying the way he looks, the way he talks, the way he…exists. That’s when she lets the thought slip.
“Mmm, Please never stop talking Nathan, I love the way you sound…I love you.” She softly mutters, she was obviously out of it, but at the same time, Nathan could instantly tell she was being completely honest. He froze, his mind short circuiting. Did she really just say that? He wanted to take her in his arms, tell her all the things he had been thinking over the time she had been staying with him. He wanted to feel her skin under his hands… He just can’t, his entire body frozen by her words, his mind slowed to a screeching hault with the effects of the plant he was just rambling about. He blinks twice as he looks at her, his lips parted softly in a state of shock. He realizes he should say something, anything, but realistically he’s too high not to say exactly what he means.
“I…I love you too.”
Tags: @burymesanti
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Surfer Boy Pizza Delivery
Nancy Wheeler x Reader
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Word Count: 1,721
Summary: Even in your spacey state, still, all you wanted was your girlfriend.
WARNINGS: Drug use (weed), sexual themes, angry Nancy
It was weird.
The sensation of your body feeling like it was floating up in the clouds while simultaneously sinking deep into the soft cushions that pilled into the back of the yellow delivery van, like a rock into the sea.
Sweet, earthy smoke fogged up the haphazardly covered windows, trying in vain to stop anyone from finding out the happenings going on inside. That same mist floated through the air, making it stuffy with every inhale, only furthering the feelings that racked your body.
That was, until the hazy peace was rudely interrupted by the trunk being thrown open, revealing an angry brunette.
"There you are," she seethed, speaking as if she knew from the beginning but still didn't want to believe what she was seeing was, in fact, the truth. Not that you noticed any of that. The clear anger that masked her face went unnoticed by you in your drugged-out state.
"Nance!" you yelled out happily, throwing your arms apart, overjoyed to see the girl who carried your affections like they were a gift. Almost smacking Argyle with the back of your hand as you did. With her hands upon her hips, Nancy found herself wishing that you had, knowing that the "peace and love" man was the whole reason you were in this position. If he were anyone else, she would have spitefully said that he had orchestrated this entire thing.
However, she knew better than that. Having been around the boy enough in the such short time of them meeting each other, to know he didn't have a conniving bone in his body.
"Come on in here," you requested, leaning forward to grasp at her hands, trying to guide her into the back of the cannabis-scented van.
"No. Absolutely not," Nancy said, shaking her head vehemently. Planting her feet into the nature-covered ground outside of Hopper's cabin, stopping your weak attempts from getting her any closer into the vehicle, "If I come back smelling like marijuana, my parents will flip."
"You're gonna smell like it anyway, just from being this close," you teased her lowly, mouth brushing against hers in your further attempts to get her into the back of the van with you, knowing how hard it was for Nancy to deny your lips when you did this. However, in your high state, you failed to realise just how pissed off the petite girl was, "So, why don't you just hop on in here and spend some time with me, huh?"
At this point, you had forgotten about Argyle entirely.
Nothing against the long-haired man, you were just so out of it that you couldn't focus on more than one thing at the moment, and you were incredibly okay with that being your beautiful girlfriend.
But you were soon alerted to his existence once more as he scooted his way ned to you and out of the van, bidding you both a goodbye with, "See you brotachios later."
"Bye, Argyle!" you called after him as he headed off to probably go find Jonathan while Nancy continued to glare daggers at you.
"Good luck, my dude!"
Now that got you to furrow your brows momentarily in confusion, ticking your head to the side before moving back to beam over at Nancy.
"Hey, baby."
"Y/N. What the hell are you playing at?"
"What? I can't call you 'baby' now?"
"That's not what I'm talking about."
You groaned lightly, finally figuring out what she was talking about, pressing your forehead into hers, hands still encased her wrists.
"Baby, please don't be like this."
"'Don't be like thi'-"
Before she could finish her angered sentence, you cut her off, only to continue your prior begging.
"Just come in here, please? We can have some privacy. You can yell at me all you want in here."
"I think I'll yell at you all I want from out here, thank you."
"Oh, Nance, just-" Releaseingher wrists, you instead, grasped at her waist, using your new-found leverage to begin tugging her into the back of the pizza van. "Come on in here."
"No, Y/N- I swear- Christ."
Once the curly-haired brunette had crossed the threshold, you gave one final pull, dropping back as you did, only to land in your lap with a surprised yelp.
"Y/N," Nancy scolded, hands upon your chest as she looked down at you with hard eyes and curved brows.
All the while, you dopily smiled up at her like she had hung the stars in the sky.
"Hey, baby."
"I swear to God, Y/N, when you come down from this, you're going to be in for a world of trouble."
With a hum, you replied, "Sounds like fun." Finishing it with a flirty wiggle of your brows.
"You won't find it fun when it's happening," Nancy spoke with a sarcastic smile.
Another hum sounded at the back of your throat, taking in Nancy's glorious body from where it sat upon your pelvis. This position reminded you of all the times she was in it before, when she would look down at you with the same want in your eyes right now. Passing your hands up and down her sides.
"You know what would be fun to do right now?"
Nancy's eyes grew wide, head turning to the side at your insinuation.
"No. There is no way I'm doing anything like that with you in the back of this van."
"I just want a little kiss, baby," you spoke lowly, shaking your head side to side, trying to tease her into kissing you.
"I'm not kissing you where everyone can see," she referred to your friends, still busy cleaning up the hidden away cabin and venturing the woods, setting up booby-trap alarms. Through the still-open trunk of the yellow van. "I still can't believe you did that in front of Argyle. I mean, I know he's lax on pretty much everything, but what if he had reacted badly at what you did? If he wasn't stoned out of his mind, he might have."
"Oh, please," you scoffed with a roll of your eyes, "That boy has more colours to him than JCPenney."
Nancy squinted down at you, trying to decipher your made-up expression.
"Nance, about five minutes before you opened that door, he got finished telling me about the time of how he blew Jonathan in the back of this car. He gives Fruity Pebbles a run for their money, babe."
Ignoring your second descriptor of how gay the pizza boy was, Nancy reacted to the news of her ex-boyfriend having his own fun in the very van you had pulled her into.
"Okay, I'm definitely not kissing you in the back of thing van now."
"Oh, baby, come on. Don't do that," you whined, watching as she struggled against your body, trying to move and exit the vehicle.
Quickly, before she could remove herself from your lap, you pushed yourself up with one hand, the other coming to cup the back of her neck, pulling her down onto your lips.
After a few seconds spent kissing you, Nancy pulled away, with her nose wrinkled in the cutest way possible and pursed lips.
"You taste disgusting."
"Yeah, but I kiss amazing," you countered, brushing your thumb across her cheekbone, easily pulling her into another kiss.
Nancy's hands were wrapped up in the chest of your shirt, holding you in place as if you would suddenly sink through the van and out of her grasp. Given your experiences over the years, you couldn't blame her. At this point, you don't even think something like that would surprise you. Just like the brunette resting upon you, you kept her pressed against your body, hands holding her hips, soon rounding her to hug the girl to you, one hand threading into her hair just as her tongue slipped into your mouth.
You moaned softly into her lips, adoring the feeling of her satisfied smile in reaction to the noise.
When air started to become an issue, you pulled away with a smirk, peering up at the brunette with hooded eyes, a rasp to your voice when you next spoke.
"Even though I taste disgusting, you still have no issue sticking your tongue down my throat."
Nancy scoffed, rolling her eyes once more, not wanting to admit that you were right, even though you knew, full well, you were.
"Don't flatter yourself. I got used to it after a while."
"Aha. So, does that mean I can get you to smoke with me someday?"
"Not. A. Cance," she stated, leaning down to teasingly rub her nose against yours, smiling the same way.
You also knew that to be true.
Nancy wasn't the type for drugs. Even if it were something as innocent as weed. Not that she would -Truly- judge someone for using it. That didn't mean she had to like it. Especially when it involved someone she cared for greatly. She didn't want you to develop unhealthy mechanisms to cope with the things you have seen and done. Be that with alcohol, drugs, or something else. Nancy never wanted you to go through any hardships in life if they could be avoided.
"We still need to have that little chat when you sober up. So don't think that this is my acceptance of you smoking this yourself, the brunette warned, using her leverage upon your chest to push herself up, exiting through the open trunk, ready to get back to work.
"Now, come on! Just because you're high doesn't mean that you can't help me board up these windows."
"I can't use heavy machinery while under the influence. What makes you think I can use a hammer and nails?" you question, poking your head out of the back of the van, trying to get out of your task.
You should have known better than to think that that might possibly work against the Nancy Wheeler.
Spinning on her heels, the girl spoke to you as she continued walking backwards towards the cabin, "Then you hold the boards. And I'll do the hammering."
You groaned, stumbling out of the van, following after Nancy up the steps of the cabin. Wishing that you were back on those soft cushions, with your girlfriend, laying across your body, with her soft lips upon yours.=====
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acelessthan3 · 4 years
given that I work in the supplement industry with ease of access, product information, a lot of reading time, and willingness to experiment on my own body; I guess you could say I’m an amateur biohacker 
so I’ma lay some knowledge on you
guess if I’m gonna be thorough
first off: don’t trust everything you read on the internet, but if you’re going to examine and selfhacked are two reputable, well-researched, well-sourced places for information on any given nutritional supplement. I’m more inclined to trust examine if I have to choose between the two. If they don’t have an article on it, there probably hasn’t been enough science done to warrant putting it together.
that said, just because science doesn’t have something to say about a thing, doesn’t mean it doesn’t work in some way, just means science hasn’t done the work to look at it yet and Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurvedic Traditions and various Indigenous Peoples’ herbal remedies have merit and are worth looking at
I’m also not a doctor, but I’ve got a BS in Kinesiology so I’ve taken enough anatomy and biochemistry to at least be able to read most of the science I come across. I also work as a supplement whore and have years of customer interactions and corporate product trainings to know what’s hot in the industry, what the trends are for consumers, what doctors and naturopaths most frequently recommend.
Here’s my go-to supplements:
Vitamin D
This one’s in the news a lot lately. The science is all over the place, but chances are if you’re in a Western country that isn’t tropically or sub-tropically located and don’t work outdoors in very little clothing, you probably need at least some Vitamin D. It’s important in immune function, calcium absorption, mood and actually quite a few other things that are still being investigated. I come from Pacific Islander genetics (I’ve got melanin y’all) and live near the Canadian border, I find it helps me with Seasonal Affective Disorder symptoms. Unless specifically stated to be vegan, most D will be sourced from lanolin (the fatty substance from sheep’s wool) in softgels with a sunflower/canola carrier oil.
Nitric Oxide Boosters
There’s actually a lot of these that work in different ways, but science is finding that nitric oxide levels in the blood are part of how the body maintains healthy blood pressure. Nitric oxide in the body relaxes smooth muscles which increases the diameter of blood vessels, increasing blood flow. It’s part of how your body lowers blood pressure post-exercise.
There’s several ways (supplementally speaking) to increase nitric oxide in the body. The easiest is to increase available nitrates. As nitrates are digested, they, you guessed it, increase nitric oxide in the blood. Some supplementally available sources of nitrates include: beet root (powder or capsules) and leafy greens.  Synthetic forms like potassium nitrate also exist.
Another way to increase nitric oxide is to use the other metabolic pathways providing appropriate chemical precursors to aid in those biological functions. The most common is L-Arginine. L-Arginine is an amino acid that gets converted into nitric oxide. It’s also used in muscle protein synthesis. It’s in nuts and seeds and meat, and can be supplemented as a standalone molecule. Bioavailability (how well your body can absorb it) is limited as a supplement though because a lot gets broken down in the gut before it can hit the bloodstream, and it’s frequently paired with L-Citrulline (a different amino acid found in high amounts in watermelon) which is converted to arginine in the body but doesn’t get broken down before being absorbed. Aged Garlic Extract (capitalized because it’s a trademarked version that has specifically been studied) works on this by upregulating nitric oxide synthase (which is just fancy for nitric oxide-making enzyme).
Any sports/bodybuilding product that talks about increasing muscle pump is probably using at least one ingredient that affects nitric oxide levels. For dudes, any reputable supplement marketed for “blood flow” will contain at least one ingredient that affects nitric oxide levels (also a lot of the ingredients in those same products are also marketed as “testosterone boosting” ingredients actually do have uses as nitric oxide boosters if you look at the science). And by reputable I mean you won’t find it at a gas station.
There are various other herbs and things that some studies have shown to affect nitric oxide levels, they’re not as common and/or don’t have much research backing them up, but I’ll list a bunch. Pycnogenol, Horny Goat Weed (epimedium grandiflorum), Grape Seed Extract, Ginseng Tribulus Terrestris. Antioxidants like Resveratrol (a polyphenol originally derived from red grape skins), Glutathione, CoQ10. 
It’s like super important in the body. It’s like the fifth most common element in the human body and is an essential electrolyte for muscle and nerve function. Food sourcing is always best, but there’s arguments to be made that because of corporate monoculturing and depletion of topsoil, that contemporary foods are much lower in minerals than they were pre-industrial. So supplemental. There’s a ton of different types. The way I explain it, pure, metallic magnesium isn’t very useful to the body, so as a supplement you have to chelate (chemistry speak for react it) it with... something. Magnesium oxide is the cheapest (with oxygen). It’s the least bioavailable, but also has the highest elemental Mg of all the chelates. Magnesium Citrate is probably the next most common/cheapest. It’s mixed with citric acid. Take too high a dose of either of these at once and it will cause an electrolye imbalance in your gut. Basically your gut goes hey there’s too much salt in here (and magnesium chelates are salts) and draws a bunch of water into your intestines to flush it out. Sometimes prescribed to treat constipation. The next class are your amino acid chelates. Glycinate, Taurate, Threonate, to name a few. Research is still emerging, but different amino acids get the magnesium to different parts of the body and they have slightly different effects. They’re the most bioavailable because the human body is designed to recognize and digest proteins to amino acids. Magnesium chloride (or ionic) is going to be salt water derived with the sodium salt removed. I personally take a ZMA form, which is Zinc Magnesium Aspartate (with B6) specifically because it’s been well-studied in athletes for promoting restful sleep. I’ve also done a mag citrate in powdered drink form and found that it helped prevent cramping and somewhat mitigate my nighttime bruxism.
Nootropics to control your mood
So there’s all the caffeine and brain performance enhancers. I’m not really into that. A lot of products for memory and focus specifically have herbs and other ingredients that at least some studies have shown increase blood flow to the parts of the brain that help with... memory and focus. Those will be your Huperzine A, Bacopa, Ginkgo Biloba, Rosemary and, well, anything I mentioned above under nitric oxide boosters because more blood flow! I guess the Lion’s Mane Mushrooms would be in this class of nootropics. 
Another class of nootropics are your “Brain Foods” these are direct chemical precursors to various neurotransmitters in your brain. The idea being that if you give your brain more of the raw materials it needs to make serotonin, acetylcholine, gaba or dopamine, it will make them. There’s a bunch and I forget exactly which ones go with which, but L-Tyrosine, TMG (trimethylglycine), L-Phenylalanine, L-Tryptophan (and it’s own metabolite 5-HTP), Acetyl-L-Carnitine, Alpha GPC, L-theanine, GABA, L-Citrulline, L-DOPA (and in plant form as mucuna pruriens).
The one that I recommend most often is L-theanine. It’s an amino acid derived from green tea. It’s part of why the caffeine in tea doesn’t make you as jittery as the same amount of caffeine from coffee. L-theanine is a direct chemical precursor to GABA which is the neurotransmitter most active in the parasympathetic nervous system (aka, the rest and digest nervous system). It’s like a literal chill pill when it comes to acute anxiety and works within like half an hour. You can also get GABA by itself.
You also have your adaptogens, which are a classes of herbs that help balance your hormones and “adapt” to stress. Ashwaganda, rhodiola, various ginsengs, tulsi “holy basil” and I’m sure several others I’m forgetting. Most are from ayurvedic or TCM uses.
There’s also CBD which helps some people with anxiety. The kind you can find at supplement stores or health food stores will be hemp-derived, which means by under the 2018 Farm Bill it cannot contain more than 0.3% THC by weight or it is classified as a marijuana/cannabis product and therefore illegal federally.
I don’t fuck with melatonin. Most healthy bodies with an uninterrupted circadian rhythm naturally produce less than 0.3mg of melatonin at night so all these sleep supplements with 1, 5, TEN mg of melatonin kind of scare me and I always try to steer people to a lower dose first unless they’re coming in on doctor’s orders. 
GABA and L-theanine because they’re calming can be helpful for sleep if the problem is turning off your brain. They’re non-sedative on their own but can be helpful. 
Magnesium also relaxes the body and can be helpful for sleep.
CBD and Ashwaganda for their stress-relieving properties are frequently marketed for sleep. 
Herbally there’s valerian, st john’s wort, poppy and kava kava. The risk of complications or potential interference with medications are why I don’t recommend these ones first unless someone is specifically looking for them. Lavender, chamomile, hops, and catnip are all usually pretty safe and common in herbal blends.
I don’t trust homeopathy. The idea that small amounts of a thing that would normally cause the symptom you’re trying to treat makes sense. That’s the same principle behind inducing an immune response with vaccines. The idea that the more you dilute the thing, the more powerful it’s action in the body? Sketchy at best. The idea that the water used to dilute the thing will remember it so even if the dilution is so massive that there are no actual molecules of the original substance in a hundred pills (that are also, for the record, dry)? You lost me.
That said, surgeons do recommend 6C or 10X Arnica after surgery for bruising and it does seem to lessen the heal time.
Yeah, if you have questions on anything specific, feel free to shoot me an ask. If I don’t know off the top of my head, I can find out.
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Green Goddess
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My baby @hearteyes-for-killmonger wanted a personalized smutty fic, so I delivered! Hope you enjoy, mama!
A/N: Hobbit Hole is a trademarked phrase coined by the lady herself!
Miss Noelle,
This email is to congratulate you on your extensive research of the benefits of medical marijuana in adolescent cancer patients. As a result, you have been selected as my newest apprentice. I look forward to working with you.
Hennessy Chiron, PhD
Botany and Plant Pathology
Ericka stared at her computer screen for what felt like an eternity. Though she knew her research was good, she never imagined it being noticed by her idol. Dr. Hennessy Chiron was the most successful black female botanist in the world. She graduated top of her class at MIT and owned the biggest marijuana dispensary and research lab in Southern California. Her extensive research made her a formidable player in the pharmaceutical industry and a literal goddess on earth. Ericka could hardly contain her excitement as she told her best friends the news.
Monday morning came and Ericka was a nervous wreck. She sat in her car for a full 45 minutes trying to reign in her nerves. Though she was confident in herself and her research, the last thing she wanted was to look like a fool in front of her idol. Finally, her heart rate slowed enough for her to step out of the car. Her twists swayed gently in the morning breeze and the yellow midi bodycon dress and white lab coat accented her coke bottle frame perfectly. She took one last steadying breath before entering the greenhouse.
Immediately she was taken aback by the vast array of plants that inhabited the space. She stopped when she got to the cannabis section, taking in the uniquely named strains.
“You must be the new girl,” a deep voice called, startling her from her revelry. He was big and breathtakingly handsome. He was dressed in a short sleeved black v neck shirt, black slacks, and Gucci loafers. He had dreads that were neatly braided to the back of his head and he was wearing a pair of gold wire glasses.
“Umm, yeah, I’m supposed to be meeting Dr. Chiron. Is she here?”
“Nah,” the handsome stranger responds. “Babygirl had to take care of some things back at her office and asked me to look after the place. She also told me you’d be stopping by. Ericka, right?”
“Yes, that’s right,” she responds quietly. “And you are?”
“Erik,” he responds, stepping into her personal space.
As a reflex, she takes a step back.
“What you shy for, ma? I don’t bite.. unless you want me to,” he says with a smirk.
Ericka bit the inside of her cheeks to keep from smiling at his brashness. Fine and charming? This dude was definitely gonna be a problem.
“So how exactly do you know Dr. Chiron?” she asks trying to avoid the heat building in her nether region.
“Henny and I went to MIT together. She was my dealer and helped me out in botany. We remained close after graduation and now she’s my business partner. I look after the greenhouse when she’s away and she looks after my.. other investments.”
“Interesting backstory,” she says, turning back to the cannabis plants.
“You smoke?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Occasionally,” she replies casually.
Erik walks around to one of the plants and picks off a leaf before grinding it. He rolls a nice sized blunt and sparks it. After a few pulls he holds it out for her.
“This’ll calm your nerves. You been on 10 since you walked in.”
Two blunts later and Ericka is a giggling, horny mess. She is sitting on Dr. Chiron’s desk while Erik reclines back, both laughing and talking like they’ve known each other for years. Through the thick cloud of smoke, Ericka notices Erik watching her thick thighs like a predator stalking its prey.
“Did you lose something in there,” she asks, uncrossing her legs to give him a better view.
“Nah,” he responds, voice full of lust. “But I wouldn’t mind getting lost in there,” he says grabbing her ankles and pulling her towards his face. He growls softly as he spreads her legs wider, giving him more access to her hobbit hole. Her breath hitches as his full lips pepper soft kisses on the inside of her thighs. A soft moan escapes her lips as his thick tongue licks up her lace covered lips. “You like that?” he asks huskily.
She bites down on her bottom lip before nodding her head ‘yes’. A sharp bite to her inner thigh makes her whine out softly.
“I need words, Princess. A closed mouth doesn’t get your pussy ate.”
“Yes, Erik,” she coos. “I like it when you do that.”
“That’s more like it,” he responds, effortlessly ripping the lace barrier with his thumbs. Before she can think to protest his thick tongue makes contact with the bundle of nerves at the apex of her thighs.
“Fuck,” she whispers as his tongue skillfully maneuvers through her wetness. She leans back on her elbows to get a better view of him doing the Lord’s work on her sensitive nub.
“What you quiet for, Princess?” he asks between licks. “These walls soundproof, scream for Daddy.”
Her voice goes up an octave as one of his thick fingers enters her tight cavern.
“Not loud enough,” he responds, smacking her outer thigh.
“Oh, shit,” she says a little louder.
“Still too quiet,” he says, adding a second finger.
“FUCK!” she screamed as his fingers curved upward, hitting her g-spot while he simultaneously sucked on her clit for dear life.
“That’s more like it,” he says, repeating the motions until her orgasm comes crashing like a tsunami.
Erik lets her come down from the ancestral plane before bending her over the desk and sliding himself inside her aching core. He starts off with slow, deliberate strokes, almost losing himself in the way she clenched around him.
“Damn ma, you gripping my shit,” he says quickening his pace.
Soft purrs quickly become screams as he rocks into her viciously.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” she chants as orgasm number two strikes. Seemingly oblivious to the fact, Erik continues his assault. Ericka was on the brink of tears. It had to be a crime for this man’s dick to be this good. Her voice was hoarse and she was seeing stars. This was Devil Dick. The kind of dick that’ll have you cooking breakfast in the morning butt naked in heels.
Balancing herself on her forearms, Ericka began throwing her ass back on Erik, matching his thrusts with precision. His right hand snaked her back and around her throat, pulling her up against his chiseled chest.
“Fuck! Just like that Princess,” he praised.
Ericka happily obliged, slowly rolling her hips down onto him.
The tightening in core warned them both that orgasm number three was on the way. Ericka continued to fuck herself on Erik’s dick while he sang praises in her ear. With a final thrust, orgasm three hit, leaving Erik’s shaft nice and creamy. The sight sent Erik into overdrive. His pace was fast and animalistic as he chased his own release.
“Fuck ma, where you want it?” He asked gruffly.
Ericka fell to her knees, presenting her tongue to Erik. The sight is all it took for him to release, coating her tonsils with his seed. Ericka was exhausted. He had literally fucked her to sleep. Erik took to time to readjust her dress and discard her ruined panties before pulling her into his lap so she could sleep.
Unbeknownst to them, Dr. Chiron had been watching their little show from the back door of the greenhouse. Smiling to herself, she pulls out her phone and shoots Erik a text.
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@hearteyes-for-killmonger @thehomierobbstark @muse-of-mbaku @bartierbakarimobisson @eriknutinthispoosy @panthergoddessbast @shesfromwakanda @wifeyofnjadaka @youreadthatright @texasbama @sicksadgen @tgigoldie @hidden-treasures21 @princessstevens @amethyst1993 @ange-sensuel @readmywrites @dameshaemonique @whatmoredoyouwantamericaa @wawakanda-btch @wakandas-vibranium @blackpantherismyish @allhailnjadaka @forbeautyandlife @born2glow @yaachtynoboat711 @inlovewithmakeupcomicsanimelove @laketaj24 @lilc0le @awkwardlyabstract @thickoreo @erikslulbaby @wakanda-inspired
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kootenaygoon · 5 years
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Cold tears lingered on my cheeks as we hiked downhill through ankle-deep snow, icy wind gusting up from Kootenay Lake and flowing full in our faces. We trudged from one streetlight to the next, squinting into the swirling darkness, lurching unsteadily. There were four or five of us migrating from a house party further up the hill, and none of us were dressed for this sudden blizzard. Paisley had me around my hips as she took careful steps down the sidewalk, and I pulled my coat tighter around my face. I’ve always been a wuss when it comes to winter, having grown up on the west coast, and I was contemplating a U-turn towards home—it was almost midnight and I knew Muppet and Buster were waiting to be cuddled. 
Since the beginning of our relationship neither Paisley or I had done much partying, as we’d settled into an increasingly cozy home life, but over Christmas we found ourselves navigating increasingly bombastic social scenarios that left us feeling like clueless ancients. Before we’d been feeling bored and under-stimulated, staying home all the time to order takeout and re-watch the Harry Potter series, but now we had the opposite problem—we were scrambling to keep up. As we crossed through the final intersection and rounded down to Front Street I wondered if there was anything at this upcoming party that could compare to luxuriating in a hot bath.
“I’m starting to ponder the nature of suffering here,” I said. “I’m like one minute away from dying in a snowbank.”      
“We’re almost there,” yelled back our friend Caelynn. “It’s right up in that building, the Hall Street Emporium. Like only two blocks further.”
“The party’s in that building? The one with the new pot dispensary?” I asked.
“Yeah, he’s the one that’s putting it on.”
“The main grower, Niles. Apparently he’s handing out a bunch of free weed.”
“You’re shitting me.”
“That’s what my friend texted. She said there’s like 50 people there.”
I’d been keeping a close eye on the cannabis scene since the municipal election, but hadn’t actually pulled the trigger on any Star stories after the pushback I received from management over the Sensible BC thing. I didn’t want to come off to the community as overzealous, too pot-friendly, but marijuana seemed like the main Nelson story that wasn’t being told. There was a long-standing culture of silence around the controversial plant, of secrecy, but with legalization coming I felt like it wasn’t necessary for everyone to hide anymore. Paisley and I had checked out the new place a few weeks earlier, when gossip reached us, and we’d been surprised by how amateur the operation was. It was being run by a 24-year-old former forest fire fighter named Marv, and he’d essentially dragged a glass countertop into an empty room devoid of decorations and proceeded to sell weed and a variety of edibles to whoever walked through the door—he didn’t even check for ID. 
I figured it was only a matter of time before the police intervened.
“That guy Marv is such a heat score,” I said. “It’s like he’s daring the police to raid him.”
“What are they gonna do?” Caelynn asked, defiant. “It’s gonna be legal in like a year anyways, right? Fuck those pigs.”
“They may not be able to do anything right now, but he’s still going about this the wrong way.”
“What’s the right way, then?”
“People appreciate some professionalism. I mean, once legalization comes everything’s going to be so different, above board, and there’s not going to be room for people like him.”
“You wanna put money on that?”
I thought about it for a second. “I bet you 50 bucks he’s shut down within three months.”
Caelynn smiled. “Three months from today? 50 bucks? I’ll shake on that.”
A few minutes later we reached the party, and noisily banged the snow off our boots as we entered the building. The first thing I saw was a baby, unattended, crawling across the floor. Mounted speakers blared Shambhala-style EDM, there was a table crowded with ravaged grocery store appetizers, and a whole variety of bongs and smoking apparatuses surrounding a trio of leather couches. In the corner was a pile of air filtration tubing, attached to a heavy-looking appliance the size of a dishwasher, but none of it was turned on. Marv was drunkenly circling the party, taking pictures, and wasn’t wearing a shirt. He was scrawny to the point of looking emaciated, and his thin moustache was dusted with white powder. He careened across the room to embrace Caelynn, then fished a joint out from his toque and held it out in my direction. 
We lit it.
“Newspaper dude,” he said, taking a toke. “You’ve got a pretty fucking cool job.”
“It’s Will, and this is my partner Paisley.”
“Your partner?”
“I always hated the term ‘girlfriend’, and we’re not married, so…”
“You are fucking beautiful,” Marv said, as he shook her hand. “Don’t mind me, I’m really fucking high right now. I’m actually totally harmless.”
Paisley laughed uncomfortably. “It’s all good. Thanks for having us.”
“It’s not me, man. It’s all Niles. Have you guys met Niles yet?” he asked, his eyes darting. “He organized this whole shindig, he’s the guy. Hey Niles, Niles! Come here, man.”
Niles shook his head apologetically to the people he was standing with, then sauntered over. He was in his early fifties, with a Swayze-esque mane of golden hair, wearing a baby blue suit. His walnut brown tan made his eyes seem supernaturally white, his golden bowtie was comically oversized, and he even kept a chained watch in his side pocket. It almost looked like he was in costume, like he could be tea partying with the Mad Hatter himself.
“The Kootenay Goon,” Niles said. “It’s an honour. I’ve been reading your stuff for months now, wondering when I would get the chance to meet the new shit disturber in town.”
I shook his hand, half-standing from the couch. “Yeah, shit disturber’s about right.”
“And here we have your lady love—Paisley, right?” he said, turning to her. “That was one of the first articles I read by you, Goon, the column you wrote about her. I remember thinking: ‘people should write about love in the newspaper more often’! I thought ‘when was the last time you saw someone fill two pages of a community newspaper with an ode to his girlfriend?’ I find kids think it’s cool to be nonchalant these days, to never emotionally commit to anybody or anything, and I ask you: what ever happened to true romance?”
Niles sunk down on the couch beside us, crossed his legs and began bouncing his foot in the air. Paisley and I shared a quick glance, acknowledging his Shakespearean flamboyance with secret smirks. He took a few tokes from the joint and passed it to Paisley, then draped his elbow on my shoulder. There was an instant familiarity there, a comfort level I wouldn’t typically have with a stranger, and pretty soon our conversation had veered into philosophical territory. He asked me if I believe in pure, unadulterated love. Did it really exist?
I sat forward, tugging at my beard thoughtfully. “For me, there’s just so many things I’ve lost faith in — like I used to be a hyper-Christian teenager and then I ditched on the whole God thing — and love, like human love, is one of the last things I actually believe in, you know?”
“You were a Christian kid?”
“Totally. Worked at a Bible camp in the summers, did missionary trips, the whole deal.”
“And what ended things for you?”
“My youth pastor was arrested for molesting a teenage boy down in Mexico, summer of 2005, during a missions trip. He was a father figure to me, so I started questioning: if I can’t trust him, and he taught me about God, then how can I trust what I know about God?”
“What a funny word, God.”
“I thought you guys would get along,” said Marv, stumbling off. Niles whipped over to a nearby fridge and returned with three beers. We clinked them together and took long pulls as a handful of party-goers began to dance around us. I felt a pleasant heat in my eyeballs. It was starting to get crowded, and loud.
“The vision I have for this place, Goon,” Niles said. “This wouldn’t just be a dispensary. It would be a smoking lounge, a social club … I was thinking maybe massages too, like a spa. Maybe a counsellor, mental health coach, that sort of thing.”
“I’ve heard that there are multiple new ones getting ready to open. The Green Rush, they’re calling it.”
“Yeah, but everyone’s too chickenshit to pull the trigger because they don’t know which way city hall will swing. They let Phil run his club because he keeps things below the radar, but nobody’s really tried strutting out into the light with their balls out yet.”
“Well, except for you.”
He smiled humbly.
“Well, Deb Kozak’s supposed to be more pot-friendly than Dooley,” I said. “That could make a difference in how things go down.”
He sighed. “They’re all the same. All three of them. There was no real choice there. It’s not about their opinions on cannabis, or their public stances or whatever. At the end of the day it’s about the money, and when the time comes they’re going to want their cut. Doesn’t matter who’s sitting in the big seat. They’re all so full of shit.”
He paused for a moment to take a thoughtful pull from his beer, then continued.
“I mean I’ve lived here since 1976, and there’s never been an honest politician in this town. Not once. They’re all lizard-fucking slime bags, all of them dirty in one way or another. You can’t trust a single word they say, remember that. It’s all the same pablum bullshit they’re force-feeding everybody. They say they’re going to act, they have all kinds of pretty words, but what do they actually do? What do they actually accomplish?” he asked. 
After chatting intensely for twenty minutes, Niles circulated off to the rest of the party and Paisley and I found ourselves awkwardly clutching our half-finished beers. Caelynn pulled up a chair, sat down on it backwards, and we re-started an earlier debate on the moral standing of Jaime Lannister, the Kingslayer. I engaged hard. Paisley put her head on my shoulder and we accepted another joint that was being passed around, sitting comfortable in the rolling fog of bong smoke. My consciousness began to fuzz.
“Oh, I love him,” I heard Paisley say. “What’s his name?”
I tried to locate my partner, distinct amidst the chaos of bodies around me. There were lots of colours. She was down on one knee, laughing, as a German shepherd took happy tongue swipes at her face. Brutus. I looked beyond her to where Snapper stood, leash in hand, wearing a sleeveless jersey that nearly reached his knees. He said something to Paisley, and she said something back, while I tried to maneuver into a standing position. I tried to take a swig of my beer but found it empty. When did that happen?
“Oh, that was tragic,” said Blayne, appearing beside me. She was wearing a bright red jumper, and had her hair braided into pigtails. “You should’ve seen the look of disappointment on your face.”
I smiled. “All these beers keep ending up empty.”
“Funny how that works.”
“I was just heading over to rescue my partner from Snapper before you showed up.”
“Oh, come on. He’s not that bad.”
“Not that bad?” I laughed, and then I doubled over and laughed some more. “Not that bad! Not that bad!” I knew my reaction was disproportionate, maybe nonsensical, but it was just one of those evenings. Blayne had her hand on my shoulder, trying to pull me back under control, and she was laughing now too — but she was laughing at me, laughing.
“You can be kind of an asshole, huh?” she said.
“I’ve made peace with that, yeah.”
“What’s Snapper ever done to you?”
I looked over to where he was chatting with Paisley. I didn’t like how close he was standing to her. She glanced over and made eye contact with me, then looked away again. I’ve never been a particularly possessive boyfriend, but something told me I needed to keep her away from him specifically. I turned to find Blayne blinking up into my face, because I’d failed to answer her.
“He hasn’t done anything to me, I just don’t like his energy.”
“He’s actually a really generous person. You guys could be friends, if you gave him a chance. You’d just have to stop being such a fucking snob.”
“I’m not a snob.”
“No? What are you then?”
Blayne and I sat back down on the couch, still bickering. Dru and Cy were sitting on the couch opposite from us, hand-rolling cigarettes on the coffee table. The music had a pulse, like a heartbeat, and I felt time melt. What was this sensation? I lifted my hands and marvelled at how the blood pulsed into my fingertips. My gaze settled on a dude wearing a psychedelic hoodie, on the sunburst erupting from his armpit. Wow. A woman walked by with a toddler on her hip, her billowing brown hair interlaced with red highlights, beads and little scraps of leather. I wondered what was going on in the minds of these strangers, if they were experiencing a fraction of what I was. This was one more moment, in this interminable line of moments, and who could say if it was any more special than any other? I wondered if anyone else were to tell a story about this moment, would it be different? What were they feeling, what did they see?
The Kootenay Goon
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pistachi-no · 6 years
Should We Weed Out Weed?
In our world, marijuana is a controversial subject. Many people want it either criminalized and made completely illegal, or legalized and decriminalized. And even those divisions aren’t so simple, as most have various reasons for wanting it legal or illegal, and there are many debates over how regulated it should be. Most of your teachers legally have to say nay to weed, while Bill Nye and various others say yea to its legalization, at least for certain purposes. Some want to ban it to establish a supposedly more moral society, while others simply want it to be de-scheduled to make it easier to buy and study, and others still want it legal so that they can get high. So, to make things clearer, I will relay the facts that I have at my disposal and then tell you what I think.
Firstly, we should probably go over what weed is and how it works. Weed (also known as pot, grass, marijuana, mary jane, devil’s lettuce, etc) is a name for the plant cannabis, which has special resin that contains various compounds, including several psychoactive ones. The primary psychoactive compound in marijuana is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which coats certain receptors in the brain and causes them to release dopamine, which is part of how it gets you high. THC impairs the abilities of the hippocampus, the part of the brain responsible for the creation of new memories, and can cause hallucinations, short-term memory issues, hallucinations, and delusions, but it can also help relieve certain things like nausea and pain, especially when said symptoms are induced by cancer medications. 
Now, one must remember that THC is not the only compound in marijuana resin, nor is it the only one that is psychoactive in nature. Certain extracts have also been found to help those who suffer from epilepsy, and some scientists say that even more potential medicines could be discovered through research. And therein lie the problem: we don’t know all that there is to know about marijuana, and we can’t find out any more about it. And this poses the question of “Why we can’t just research it?” It’s because most governments have marijuana listed as a schedule one drug, which means that it has the potential for addiction and abuse and has no proven medical uses. This forbids us from doing extensive research on cannabis, and also gives it a bad reputation (though it’s still a drug) because opioids, ecstasy, LSD, and various other drugs are listed as being schedule one. Now one would think, “Well, if marijuana has the benefits that you say it does, then why is it schedule one, which means it has no benefits?” The answer to that is that occasionally, some private groups can do some research related to marijuana. Israel is one of few countries to not have marijuana listed as a schedule one drug, and they have massive government research projects related to the study of marijuana for medical purposes.
In summary, marijuana has some pros in regards to its ability to relieve aches and pains as well as relax some people, but it also has its cons in regards to how it can impede brain function and motor skills, and also in regards to how it does have more tar than tobacco, a drug that is legal in the US and is one of the leading causes of death, specifically by lung cancer, in the US. But ultimately, it has more unknowns than pros and cons, and that is why I say it should be legalised in all states for research and medical purposes, with individual states being able to approach the issue of recreational marijuana as they please. As part of this marijuana, should be descheduled and decriminalized. I mean, come on. Does a guy who smoked or was caught with pot really deserve to be in jail with the dude who stabbed someone in a dark alley or the lady who shot her ex in cold blood? Yeah, I don’t think so.
P.S. There is an additional problem here, though. If marijuana is legalised, it can still impede various physical and mental abilities. How do we control this without going overboard and harming society? One answer would be to do as the Swiss did, and make most drugs legal, but regulate their consumption and subsidize them, making it so most people can get their drugs for free from local government health care centers, where they have guaranteed access to clean drugs and equipment, as well having trained and competent medical staff on hand to handle issues and overdoses and to make sure that people don’t leave before most of the worst parts are out of their system. Research found that by lowering the danger associated with drugs and improving social programs and interactions between people actually made them less likely to use drugs anyway. Additionally, few people will buy expensive and potentially dangerous drugs illegally when they can just get free, safe, and clean drugs legally from the government. With no demand, the illegal supply will be to expensive to maintain and will eventually fade as it becomes less profitable. 
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abalonetea · 7 years
Inktober Day Six - Leaves
Prompt – Leaves Characters  – Kyle/Kenny Word Count – 514
Note - not my most fall/halloween themed piece but, ah, it was fun to write?
  “And, uh, what do you expect me to do with that?” Kyle quirks his brows, thin lips pinching up in a way that makes him look far too much like his mother.   Kenny rolls his eyes and makes a great show out of shaking the lone pot leaf at Kyle. “It’s for your books, Kylie-b. I figured your prissy ass wouldn’t have any of these yet.”   “You brought me a single weed leaf, so that I could dry, it, press it, and put it in my photo album.” Kyle takes the leaf with two fingers.   “You collect plants,” says Kenny, cheerfully dropping down on the bed. “I brought you a plant.”   Kyle still doesn’t look convinced. He pulls out one of his desk drawers and carefully lays the leaf inside. “Thanks, I guess.”   Kenny swings his legs onto the bed, messing the sheets up on purpose. “No problem, dude.”   He bets the leaf will be in the trash by the end of the day.   “Come on,” whines Kenny. He curls his arms around Kyle’s shoulders, leans up against the back of the chair. “Just put that up for a little bit.”   “I’m in the middle of it, Kenny. I can’t just stop, man. That’s not how this work.” Kyle doesn’t pause typing. Little white letters flood into the black box on the otherwise empty computer screen. “Christ, it’s going to take me twenty minutes. Go find something else to do. Read a book or some shit.”   Kenny presses a kiss to Kyle’s cheek. “What, and risk messing up your shit?”   Kyle taps the keys harder than he needs too. “I mean it, Kenny. Go find something else to do.”   “Fine!” Kenny throws his hands up into the air. “Fine, I’ll just go be lonely over here, Mister Worker Bee. You know, sometimes I can’t even believe you’re from Jersey.”   Kenny does, in fact, end up thubing through the books on the shelf. They’re organized by color first, letters second. He pulls out one of the plant journals; brown spine, four of them sitting next to each other, wedged between Photosynthesis of The Mind and Quarantine.   Twenty minutes turns into an hour, and one plant journal turns into two. Kenny lingers on a page in the middle of the second book, glitter stained lips pulling back to reveal crooked teeth and a gap toothed smile. “Holy fuck. You really put this in here.”   “Almost done,” says Kyle, in lieu of an answer. He’s only half paying attention. There are four black boxes up on the computer.   Kenny runs his fingers over the laminated surface of the page. The pot leaf is neatly pressed under it. There are three labels under it. The first, Cannabis Sativa Indica. The second, marijuana. The third, where a location is usually put, Kenny McCormick.   “I can’t believe you actually kept this thing,” says Kenny, laughing.   The typing stops. “Hang on,” says Kyle. “I swear, I’m almost done.”   Kenny rolls his eyes, but he’s still smiling. “Take your time, man. Not like I’m going anywhere.”
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cannabisprnewera · 5 years
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What It’s Like To Be A Woman In Weed Country
These modern-day superwomen are moms, wives, and farmers.
Woman tending to Cannabis plants in Humboldt, California
Photos by Jessi Bergsma Rockenbach and Sky Bergsma Rockenbach
Chiah Rodriques gets up around five in the morning—that’s when it’s cool enough to start working on her pot farm in Mendocino County in the summertime. She’s also a mother of two; owns a jewelry and clothing boutique in town; and does all the household duties of any homemaker. A typical day includes eight to ten hours of coordinating cannabis distribution and sales, one to three hours in the garden, an hour of bookkeeping and accounting for the boutique, a few hours of after-school activities and meal prep, and a few more hours of work after the kids go to sleep.
She hardly has a moment for herself, a widespread predicament for the women of weed country that’s been exacerbated by dozens of additional hours spent working to comply not only with California’s new cannabis regulations but also with local regs. The tough transition to California’s legal cannabis market has been covered extensively—more than 10,000 cannabis farmers in the Emerald Triangle are anticipated to be left behind. But what often hasn’t been covered is the families affected by this transition.
Out in weed country, the only thing arguably harder than being a pot grower is being partners with a pot grower. The onus of this role most commonly falls on the women of the community—mothers, wives, business owners, operations managers, policy wonks, community volunteers, board members, cannabis breeders, and pot growers in their own right.
What Its Like To Be Married To A Cannabis Farmer In Humboldt 8 Arizona Candidate For Governor, Noah Dyer, Says He Was Fired From His Day Job For Supporting Legalization
Chiah Rodriques’ husband Jamie Beatty. The couple is based in Mendocino County, in California’s iconic Emerald Triangle. (Photo by Bobby Cochran)
In the Emerald Triangle and surrounding areas, women run the town. “While the men are out in the field, the women are opening restaurants in town so we can eat, they’re out there doing political stuff, helping run the hospital, volunteering to help small community schools run,” says Becky Crossland, an Emerald Triangle cannabis farmer from Garberville. At the same time, they’re co-managing pot farms with their partners, overseeing operations both in the field and behind a computer screen, pouring over California’s maze of legal weed regulations, and advocating for better local laws. “This community does not run on growing weed alone,” Crossland says.
A farmer in her own right, Rodriques also operates Mendocino Generations, a collective of 60 farms that produce the flowers for Arcanna. These days, in addition to all her daily tasks, Rodriques is trying to navigate the new local track-and-trace program, attend county board of supervisors meetings, work out zoning issues, and plan two to four workshops a month on licensing and compliance for farmers in the collective.
What Its Like To Be Married To A Cannabis Farmer In Humboldt 2 Arizona Candidate For Governor, Noah Dyer, Says He Was Fired From His Day Job For Supporting Legalization
Chiah Rodriques. She’s based in Mendocino County, in the Emerald Triangle. (Photo by Chiah Rodriques)
“It’s definitely a daily struggle. The stress level is affecting our bodies,” she says. “It affects your sleep, so you’re extra tired, then drink more caffeine, and you’re in a fucked up cycle of trying to balance your energy with things that aren’t helping.”
The stress has taken a toll on her mental health, as well, though recently Rodriques and her husband haven’t even been able to afford therapy together since their sales on flower have been lagging since legalization took effect. The volatility of the cannabis market, Crossland says, has had a serious impact on the well-being of Emerald Triangle families. People have the impression, she feels, that Emerald Triangle cannabis farmers are wealthy when, in reality, they’re struggling to stay afloat, especially post-recreational legalization. Just a few years ago, pounds of marijuana in the Emerald Triangle used to sell on the black market for $1200, now they go for as low as $500.
Then, there’s the conditions in the Emerald Triangle. Rodriques, her husband, and her older son all suffer from lyme disease, which is common in weed country thanks to a large population of ticks. For most people, antibiotics don’t alleviate the chronic illness. Instead, Rodriques has her family on a specific diet, free of gluten, that helps them maintain their health in the face of the disease. Still, it’s created a great deal of anxiety for them.
What Its Like To Be Married To A Cannabis Farmer In Humboldt 10 Arizona Candidate For Governor, Noah Dyer, Says He Was Fired From His Day Job For Supporting Legalization
Chiah Rodriques with her family at the beach. Her farm is based in Mendocino County, in the Emerald Triangle. (Photo by Chiah Rodriques)
For Rodriques and her husband, it’s so rare they have a conversation that isn’t about weed that anything else feels like an afterthought. “I have to remind myself to be really present with my family,” Rodriques says. “Being more present is a goal of mine.” That, and taking more time for herself without feeling selfish or guilty about it. Rodriques’ husband never takes time off, either.
“It’s vital for us to remember that that’s super important,” she says. “Whether it’s sleeping in one day or flipping through a book that has nothing to do with cannabis or having a conversation that has nothing to do with cannabis farming.”
For some Emerald Triangle couples, the work is so consuming that it consumes the marriage altogether, at times ending in divorce. Other times, the stress of the job drives people to drink or use other drugs and pharmaceuticals.
“We love each other deeply but we’ve questioned if we wanted to continue being in this relationship,” says Wendy Kornberg, CEO at Sunnabis and mother of two living in Humboldt. “He quit drinking last year, which helped a lot and it definitely helped me to re-assess and re-prioritize him and us.” Like Rodriques, Kornberg also wakes up at the crack of dawn: tending to her kids, the farm, research and development, genetic breeding, business operations, legal compliance, and volunteering at the local school.
Wendy Arizona Candidate For Governor, Noah Dyer, Says He Was Fired From His Day Job For Supporting Legalization
Wendy Kornberg, CEO at Sunnabis in the Emerald Triangle (Photo courtesy of Wendy Kornberg)
She says she and her “unhusband” often struggle to find time for each other—date night is rare, though she aims to set aside at least one day out of two weekends a month for family time. The couple will head to the beach from Humboldt with their kids, while Kornberg uses that time to forage seaweed for a Korean natural farming method she practices.
“I think the hardest part is because we work together and live together, there’s no leaving work at the job place,” she says. “You live in the job place and we struggle with that.”
That’s not to mention the additional stressors, such as sexism in the cannabis industry. Men often refer to Kornberg as “bro” on Instagram, not realizing she’s a woman running the account. And on sales and marketing trips, people so often used to defer only to her partner that she stopped bringing him altogether.
IMG 1086 Arizona Candidate For Governor, Noah Dyer, Says He Was Fired From His Day Job For Supporting Legalization
“We take extreme pride in our curing methods, which I learned and studied for three years from a master of the region. We don’t touch the flower when we harvest it to preserve every trichome, and we never let the barn temperature raise above 72 degrees to preserve every terpene, which can be extremely tricky when you have an off-grid system in 110-degree summer heat.” -Jessi Bergsma Rockenbach, co-owner of Terra Vida farms in the Emerald Triangle (Photo by Jessi Bergsma Rockenbach)
“It’s a male-dominated world,” she says. “I’d be talking and they’d instantly talk to him, and though he was like, ‘Guys you’re not getting it, I’m not the dude in charge, she’s the dude in charge,’ it just became easier to not have him there.”
Despite running a business, plowing through compliance, and so forth, as a mom, Kornberg says she’s also expected to be at all her kids’ school functions: bake for the bake sale, have the house in order, and so forth.
At such an uncertain time in weed history, Emerald Triangle couples-turned-business partners are bending over backward to operate according to the law. With the added responsibility of compliance alongside the regular farm life duties, it’s a common complaint among cannabis families that they never get to talk about—let alone think about—anything other than weed.
IMG 8303 copy Arizona Candidate For Governor, Noah Dyer, Says He Was Fired From His Day Job For Supporting Legalization
“Even after years of dodging choppers and keeping a backpack of running shoes and a passport by the door, nothing could have prepared me for the wave of fear that came with ‘legalization.’ Much of our community was compromised by stringent local zoning standards, and many weren’t allowed the opportunity to come into compliance. I love and deeply feel for my community. Legalization is upon us, yet we are still in the midst of the tail end of the war. Every day our courage is tested, in new and different ways. But now I can say, ‘I am a farmer’ out loud in public, and it’s still thrilling every time.” – Jessi Bergsma Rockenbach, co-owner of Terra Vida farms in the Emerald Triangle in midsummer 2017. (Photo by Cody Stevenson)
“You can’t take the work stress into the relationship,” says Jessi Bergsma Rockenbach, co-owner of Terra Vida farms in Humboldt, who works alongside her long-term partner on the farm. “We have a rule: No talking about weed in the bed. And if we’re on date night, which is rare, we have a safe word for the dinner table if we go in that direction.”
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morganbelarus · 6 years
Vermont just legalized marijuana, but not like Colorado
Weed, dude.
Image: The Washington Post/Getty Images
 The Green Mountain State now has a totally different meaning for Vermont.
For the first time, a state legislature in the U.S. legalized adult cannabis use for adults 21 and older. The other states that allow recreational cannabis use — Colorado, Washington, Oregon, Alaska, California, Nevada, Massachusetts, and Maine, as well as Washington D.C. — got there with ballot measures. 
SEE ALSO: This weed company just reinvented the bong
Vermont Gov. Phil Scott signed the bill on Monday, which will go into effect on July 31, and will allow adults to possess one ounce or less of cannabis flower. Additionally, adults may posses up to two mature marijuana plants and up to four immature plants. 
The bill does not permit the sale of recreational cannabis, meaning you can not go to your neighborhood pot shop and pick up an ounce of OG Kush. This marks an important opportunity for states that may be considering legal cannabis use in their state, but aren't ready to take the plunge into recreational sales like Colorado, or most recently California. The Vermont legislature is expected to develop a system for sales and taxation in the future. 
Other state legislatures that could follow in Vermont’s footsteps include Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Maryland, New Hampshire, New Jersey, and Rhode Island.
'I personally believe that what adults do behind closed doors and on private property is their choice.'
"I personally believe that what adults do behind closed doors and on private property is their choice, so long as it does not negatively impact the health and safety of others, especially children,” Scott said in a statement. 
“While this legislation decriminalizes, for adults 21 and older, personal possession of no more than 1 ounce, and cultivation of two mature plants on their private property, marijuana remains a controlled substance in Vermont and its sale is prohibited. Also, consumption of marijuana in public places is prohibited. Consumption of marijuana by operators and passengers in a motor vehicle is prohibited. Schools, employers, municipalities and landlords are also empowered to adopt policies and ordinances further restricting the cultivation and use,” the statement reads. 
Scott also directly said he would veto any plan that would implement the sale of commercial cannabis until there is a plan to "develop comprehensive education, prevention and highway safety strategies."
“To be very direct: There must be comprehensive and convincing plans completed in these areas before I will begin to consider the wisdom of implementing a commercial ‘tax and regulate’ system for an adult marijuana market," Scott said. "It is important for the General Assembly to know that — until we have a workable plan to address each of these concerns — I will veto any additional effort along these lines, which manages to reach my desk.”
Scott previously vetoed a version of the same bill, saying, "We must get this right." 
In an October Gallup pole, 64 percent of Americans supported legalized marijuana use in the United States, which is an all-time high. 
While states continue to legalize cannabis use, marijuana remains federally illegal as a Schedule 1 drug on the DEA's classification list, alongside heroin. Additionally, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions vetoed policies put in place by the Obama administration that protects states that legalize cannabis earlier this month, striking fear into the cannabis industry that the Feds may crack down on recreational sales.  
WATCH: This woman just became one of the most important players in the Senate
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Vermont just legalized marijuana, but not like Colorado was originally posted by 16 MP Just news
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heavenly-garden · 7 years
medical marijuana aint shit and stoners aint shit either, ya'll are a bunch of lazy no bodies and i think its sad and pitiful how people become dependent upon a plant
😮 Woah dude, no need to be rude. You are entitled to your opinion but I strongly disagree with you. You have no idea what said plant has done for me and how much it has helped me or how it has helped others who have/had serious illnesses that very well could have killed them if not for the help of cannabis. You have a choice to feel the way you do but it’s pretty sad that you choose to waste so much energy being mad over something you can’t control. You can’t control what other people do of their own free will, smoking marijuana is a choice and you need to learn to accept that not everyone else is like you or thinks like you and it isn’t just about smoking cannabis to get high, I am responsible with marijuana and I don’t abuse it. I’m not stoned all day every day, I use it at certain times like medication and it’s not like I’m in it for the socializing I do it because it actually helps me! It helps me with back pain due to an accident I was in when I was 18!. Also depression, anxiety disorder, PTSD, insomnia and I used to have an eating disorder, it helped me get a healthy appetite again so I actually eat like I should because I used to starve myself and had shitty self esteem and was bullied a lot in school on top of having to live with a very abusive step father who beat me and tried to molest me, thus why I have the PTSD! Also FYI: I eat healthier than I ever have. It also helps me when I meditate or seek inspiration for my art. You can’t sit there and judge me for you do not know me or my struggles and I don’t know you. all I am seeing is a blatant disregard for people’s freedom to choose what they do with their own bodies. If I want to smoke it I will. I get it in the mail from a dispensary I’m sorry you don’t like the marijuana content I “sometimes blog” and if you don’t like it feel free to unfollow. I also try to remember to tag those kinds of things, same with the occasional NSFW content I “sometimes blog”. The use of marijuana has been a safe and positive process for me. Also I’d like to add that I’ve known stoners who have managed to have successful careers and happy lives and they smoke weed. So no I don’t agree with your opinion of stoners not amounting to anything. I also have a pretty good life myself considering my mental illness, past traumas and physical pain. I still feel grateful for every day I’m here though life has been a struggle I some how managed to keep a mostly positive (I try any way). People have different ways of coping with pain, stress and mental illness. I myself have had therapy, have had mental illness drugs prescribed me, exercised, eaten healthy and I’m finally getting good at socializing because marijuana has helped me come out of my shell and learn to relax around new people so my anxiety doesn’t interfere, I’m not sitting and worrying about what other people are thinking of me. I don’t care any more. Its freeing. I can actually talk and connect with people and my friends and family see how happy I am and how it has played a part in helping me develop spiritually and emotionally. Any way I shouldn’t have to explain or try to justify my choices to you, I’m sure you don’t care and I doubt I can change your mind so how about you go your way and leave me be. Thanks and have a nice life. Jeeze.
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caliconnected · 3 years
Cannabis for Fitness
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This is your brain on pot:
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But can weed really deliver all the fitness benefits of a nutritious, protein-packed fried egg?
If you ask most people, they’ll likely define the common stoner as a lazy, unmotivated heap sprawled out on a couch with a bag of chips and a 7-Eleven Slurpee. But if you ask scientists, you get quite a different picture.
Smoking Weed and Working Out:
Contrary to popular belief, marijuana users actually have an affinity for fitness. In fact, researchers at the University of Colorado in Boulder discovered that 80% of marijuana users in weed-legal states reported consuming cannabis shortly before or after exercise, and more than half consumed cannabis both before and after working out.
Okay, well these are just chronic stoners, not fitness gods, right? Wrong. A recent 2020 study found that about 25% of elite athletes used some form of cannabis in the past year.
Additionally, scientists have found that over half of research participants who incorporated cannabis into their exercise regimens reported increased motivation, while a vast majority said it increased enjoyability and improved their recovery.
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There’s plenty of hard evidence to suggest that incorporating cannabis into your routine could benefit your beach bod. For example, research done by Maksud and Baron in the 1980s found that cannabis users were likely to have less fat than non-users.
Those who consumed marijuana had significantly lower BMI and body fat, a common observation found in most similar studies. That means that people who use cannabis are more likely to be in better physical shape than those who don’t!
There certainly seems to be more than meets the eye when it comes to the cannabis-fitness combination. People who smoke marijuana don't seem to meet the couch potato stigma that they are often associated with. But how does one maximize the benefits of cannabis in their workout?
Should I smoke weed before my workout?
It may seem counterintuitive to consume marijuana in your pre-workout ritual, however, there are many gym rats who would disagree.
Plenty of people believe that cannabis can positively impact focus and “flow” during a workout, as is shown in a recent 2018 study where 77% of participants felt that their performance at the gym was enhanced by marijuana when using it before or in the midst of their workout.
Stress and anxieties can be a burden on your fitness routine, and marijuana is a proven anti-anxiety tool.
Is that beautiful woman on the glute machine staring at you? Is that jacked dude judging your arm-curl form? Using weed before the gym might help quell these anxieties so you can simply focus on yourself and get in the zone.
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Cannabis consumption is not an ideal pre-workout ritual for everyone though. Before a championship game or a marathon might not be the best time to smoke pot. According to experts, this could make for an unsafe situation since weed can have a tendency to impair mental and motor abilities, especially if you are attempting a new type of workout, or an especially challenging one.
However, since cannabis is tried and true when it comes to pain control, experts and medical doctors alike say smoking weed can positively impact your low-key training days.
Similar to a runner’s high, marijuana can improve an athlete’s endurance and numb their aches when used before or during their training sessions.
Cannabinoids work to heighten fitness in various ways, but mainly by releasing endorphins, which is exactly what happens during a runner’s high. Cannabis also works to counteract conditions like back pain or chronic knee pain so that an athlete can work out longer and happier.
But isn’t smoking detrimental to the lungs?
After all, oxygen is an imperative component of fitness. The science says that marijuana isn’t much of a factor when it comes to breathing easily in a workout.
Some of the best predictors of athleticism include oxygen uptake, carbon dioxide output, heart rate, and minute ventilation.
A 1986 study compared cannabis users with non-users and found that there was virtually no difference in all of these categories between the groups, even when the participants were exercising at peak performance.
So smoking marijuana before your workout can be an effective way to increase enjoyment without harming your heart and lungs.
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Should I smoke weed after my workout?
Although there is plenty of anecdotal praise when it comes to using weed before working out, a quick skim of Reddit and other popular forums lead to a common consensus: “Never before, frequently after.”
Athletes who were surveyed across a variety of studies overwhelmingly touted the benefits of including cannabis in their post-workout rituals, namely pain reduction, sleep aid effects, and overall calming.
When it came to using pot before physical activity, there were substantially fewer endorsements as athletes usually felt that pot might decrease motivation and impede performance.
Who doesn’t like to reward themselves for dominating a session at the gym? Smoking a joint can be an ideal way to pat yourself on the back after a challenging workout.
Not only do the effects of cannabis become stronger after physical activity, but marijuana can also be a fantastic aid for post-workout recovery. Research is increasingly pointing to marijuana as an ideal tool to improve important factors in recovery like inflammation and appetite.
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The most common use for cannabis in the fitness world is pain-management. Take UFC fighter Nate Diaz who made headlines when he vaped CBD after a fight with Conor McGregor that left him bloodied and bruised saying, it “helps with the healing process and inflammation and stuff like that.”
In fact, CBD, a chemical in the cannabis plant, is getting so popular among athletes that the World Anti-Doping Agency recently removed the chemical from its list of banned substances.
Being one of the most popular cannabinoids, and a legal one at that, CBD is widely used and respected in the fitness world.
But CBD is just one of many components of cannabis, and being such a dynamic plant with hundreds of potentially biologically active chemicals, there can be a variety of effects that can either help or hurt physical activity.
Conclusion: Is weed good for working out?
There is much more research to be done to define the best elements of marijuana to use for a workout, including the many effects of various combinations of cannabinoids like THC and CBD, which show great promise.
Just keep in mind that even if one cannabis product doesn’t improve your workout or recovery, that doesn’t mean that there isn’t a type of strain or edible that can deliver the effects you want to become a better athlete.
And with no chemically addictive properties, no hangover, and increasing accessibility, cannabis products are quickly becoming preferable to drugs like opioids and benzodiazepines which can easily impede a fitness routine.
As opposed to putting harmful lab-made drugs into their bodies, many fitness aficionados are increasingly turning to cannabis as a natural alternative.
Whether you’re seeking better results in the gym, faster and improved recovery, or simply need some motivation to get back in shape, adding cannabis into your workout routine could very well be the boost you need to take your training to the next level.
Enjoy your workout, and enjoy your weed too!
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vapehk1 · 4 years
This is a story of a man who sought to bring purer, more affordable access to hemp and CBD being betrayed, run-around, and even wrongfully arrested while trying to do the right thing.
We’re about to walk you through a #Kentucky born #corruption in the industrial #hemp trade. Imagine making a major investment in which you dotted all of your I’s and crossed all of your T’s through education, law, regulation, and business practice only to have it stolen. The very people who helped you bring new business to their state turn on you. From the beginning to the end, this is the story of a man who sought to bring purer, more affordable access to hemp and CBD being betrayed, run-around, and even wrongfully arrested while trying to do the right thing.
  Thanks for The Mad LiberTEA Party sharing this video.
See the subtitle in the video👉[expand]
you ready dude fucking always ready
it’s the biggest corruption scandal
you’ve never heard of and he’s naming
names that is right y’all and we are
back again to stir the teeth
y’all best stay tuned because we have
got a story for you hey y’all this is
Mike and this is Paxton and welcome to
the mad Liberty Party we’re left is
right up is down the room is always gone
in the world is full of fuckin clowns
feel like the world’s gone mad then pull
up a chair and we’ll throw you a tea cup
cuz we’re all mad here yep and while we
usually say that madness is more fun
with friends sometimes you got to come
together with friends just a freaking
push the madness back we have a little
bit of something different for you guys
today this isn’t our normal kind of like
faces of Liberty chill chitchat we have
a story and you’re not gonna like it but
you’re gonna want to hear this would you
hate so with us we do have a friend
Keith would you like to introduce
yourself my name is Keith Taylor I live
in California and I grow cannabis
marijuana and industrial hands yes and
the story that we got that we that
brought us together it is just a wild
ride you you guys we’ve talked to plenty
of you guys about the drug trade we’ve
talked to you guys about how the
government will reach down and and dick
over people we’ve talked to you guys
about all sorts of things we’ve talked
about contra and I guess today we’re
gonna tell you a little bit of your
story um I would like that like and and
I would like to start it off by just
asking you would I asked you the first
time when we met you know like what how
did you get in this place
like how did this happen how does happen
well I’ve been involved in the cannabis
industry for many many years and uh but
involved top companies in the cannabis
industry you know since I can remember
and uh so you know also a good
connections over in China I’ve been
doing business there for going on 19 20
years now then face but I want to make
the transition from THC to CBD
because uh once started helping out
cancer patients because I see what was
happening with them getting drained and
still dying you know everything they
take from them and they still dying here
so I figured if I could make cancer
carrying drugs that’d be great so that’s
why I started doing and I found the
technology in China to do it on a
commercial level and scale so it’s went
over there got technology let’s make
this shortly in the brought to America
first place that I want to do it on the
commercial scale and the only place in
the industrial and I’ve got a mall so it
was part of the industrial hemp and
still AM and that’s all him research
pilot program the federal government so
the only place you feel it on a
commercial scale in 2018 or 1718 was a
kentucky yeah everywhere else hear from
you and you know under no microscope you
know in a university or something like
that right this is this is all you all
commercial levels because you want to go
so I went bigger than eating with
everyone in America the American history
so I made American history I did 2300
acres was a 3.6 square miles will cover
half of San Francisco California in so
what comes along with that though snakes
on the starts lots of them are cartels
you know so basically that in this
position was by knowing how to grow vast
amounts of cannabis and
you know at the same time you know huge
scale knowing the processing of it might
turn into cancer curing drugs how’d she
take it
the stock in make make fibre things to
them is you know with plastics make
animal bet even you know heard things
like that use the whole plant right so
there’s some ones could use the whole
plane we could grow on wide by scale
this enormous you know scale is just
people want wants you but the only wants
you long enough to where you get it done
alright I’ll have to bring all these
things together tried to bring China in
the u.s. together how to bring
California Kentucky together you know
that I’m gonna bring all of the people
in those communities together you know
and put it all in one place in Western
Kentucky and uh there’s a big
undertaking you know cost me over a
million dollars in my own pocket okay
and you know all my family connections
political connections and industrial
connections namely this is all the
leverage every part of my life and there
were a lot of people there at that
shovel party yeah so you know and so you
know I got it done but uh you know I
think that greed that’s it
you know we reach that scene no one’s
understood me I’m I’m so zeroed in and
focused on the ultimate goal which was
to bring the CBD it was a cancer caring
drug or a drug
I called John chemical whatever you want
to call it you know to the American
people for those but they’re the best
quality for the least expensive cost
right because it you know figure that’s
the least I could do for the American
people since I was able to go out and
get the only technology that exists in
the world to cure this cancer and the
FDA gonna probably want to slap mean
shit to me and send me letters Sam can’t
say that should welcome eighties cancer
cure okay because I’ve cured by people
with cancer
okay so I don’t care
they say on what could you say certain
things because then you know people
might know that that’s what they got to
do instead of go get IVs of drugs that
are gonna kill you from the
pharmaceutical industry and then once
you feel bad they’re gonna show you
drugs so you don’t feel bad I remember
them coming out with this story from
Canada seeing that they were using it to
help like basically causes cancer cells
to kind of like eat themselves almost
and then all of a sudden you just never
hear these things again they keep coming
out with these things saying oh it can
be treated and then you never hear from
it again the FDA is of monopoly what
they do is they are regulating shit so
there’s only one thing that you can
actually use and of course they’re
getting funneled money by those
individual people because that’s how
they make money so of course you’re not
gonna ever come up with the fucking cure
because that hurts their business the
people in the FDA are probably the most
corrupt people in fucking America
besides the DEA FBI I mean the list is
pretty pretty long if it sounds like
part of the ABCs is probably not good
the good guys in America I’ve seen the
bad guys in our society you’ll realize
real quick standing on to like you can
get people to come walk out even to the
middle of the road they start to realize
it’s not right no right at all so I
guess you know like I caught up with you
know I got I got China in in America and
I got the source of you know I got
things coming from everywhere I’m I got
my seeds from Italy sixth generation
Italian variety you know good high
yielding CBD will also best fiber in the
world so you can make nice clothes so I
mean I would source the best in the
world of every fucking thing I could
because I mean why if you’re gonna do
something I do
right it’s got to be the best of the
best of the best so Virginia and was
like I said people Greece are setting in
I start thinking okay non-self can
leverage the leverage that because I’ve
got a lot of people in my inner circle
now because it
I had to incorporate countries states
you know cities what have you and so the
people that are in the inner core and
then it would be but the Kentucky
Department of Agriculture it was a
fucking joke by the way okay it looks
commissioner he’s a piece of shit
he’s a liar okay and I told him not to
uh go on record to the so USDA which is
you know so the Commissioner going to
see what he’s gonna put out so I know
that we’re gonna put out like over a
month ahead of time so I said a right to
his general counsel email tone joke joke
joke you know you really can’t get get
your guys in right victims in that out
but you’ve gotta stop him from sending
that out and I’ll tell you why because
number one you already know what about
2300 acres missing okay
Kentucky as a whole the prior year only
did 2300 acres okay so how could you say
nut is wrong when you’re industrial hemp
research pilot program well you
basically die once you do your old state
grew last year missing by one guy you’re
gonna you’re gonna kill his career you
know if people find this out you know so
don’t do it I said we’re on keep
offering you now is opportunity to
correct it before you seen that in
instead of covering it up so if you try
to cover it up instead come on anyway
yeah you know that yeah so they decide
they’re gonna cover it up okay so now
the cover pictures on so they push it
out and I know best in America with the
press industrial and research pilot
program in the nation on this shit back
thinking fucking guys knuckleheads right
because how could you say that you’re
missing almost everything for you stay
okay um you’ve been it’s been reported
to you you tell me okay okay if if I’m
missing all this and um processor and
handler what do I put them like my
annual report because it’s all been
spoken they said just put zero so I went
from 2200 acres to zero any other state
if I fucking did this shit or any other
business I said if everyone knew I had
the biggest amount of anything in the
fucking world or nation and then I’ve
zero that’s like I made drunk I made two
billion dollars last year and I claimed
zero right no money I want to pay any
taxes what would happen to me I’ll go to
fucking jail right so look you know look
I want to pay my taxes because I’m
probably all about a hundred million
dollars okay okay been one of their
freakin prisons for not giving them
their fucking war dues yeah it’s
actually called a court tell tax working
so I was a co-founder of California
finest Americans people marijuana
cigarettes right fuck big taxes right
because we had the first legal grow in
California and you want to keep that
going so basically how to keep that
noise you got a piggy so go to my CPA
what do we do because of 1k tests in the
world there’s actually a thing called a
cartel tax but it’s 50% so what so
everything that you can normally claim
in it nothing a regular business you
cannot write off you can’t write off
shit almost basically they’re cut is
okay so we sort of came the Courtauld X
so now is that much yeah sucks it sucks
but at the same time shit they’re big
big profit margins right so you could
afford to share so I didn’t care Thanks
so now I’m going now that will be that
like a true acres of marijuana in Reno
greenhouses right so now I’m dealing
with 2,300
instead of going you know hundreds of
pounds and thousands of pounds into
millions right yeah he shows yeah 27 and
a half moon okay so that’s a lot of
tonnage right and it’s no longer pounds
you’re talking tons of Nellie referred
to this punish and you know I know for
sure you know but you you miss a payment
on your taxes I’m done because there’s
nobody’s gonna ever dig yourself out of
this one if you’re doing it business
shit we’re gonna do so I mean I’m don’t
look shake that stolen I know loot okay
these guys were in on it
look I want to pay the money you know
talk to these guys
we don’t want to hear it right but we do
and just fucking take the loss right but
you know me there’s the chairman and
I can’t just take the loss right
I didn’t add egg the buck stops here so
they’re gonna say why didn’t you do
did you contact anybody okay I contacted
the DEA I contacted the FBI I contacted
the Senators Congressmen Department of
Kentucky everyone involved industrial
hemp research – no one wants to say shit
right they don’t want to hear nothing
they don’t care but you bet your ass you
know when they come knocking for the tax
money what am I gonna say you know so I
can say that talk to all these people
but then um someone did then I get a
break in the action right
and this comes with a they catch a truck
18-wheeler leave in Kentucky heading to
Colorado right
the going to Tulsa Oklahoma Osage Nation
right and to get pulled over stupid
trying to be incognito but you got it
you got a trailing man right behind them
fucking armored guys right arm on dart
saying you’ve drawn attention to
themselves it’s cops form over boom they
find it you’ve got a couple pallets of
industrial hemp and the rest of them –
marijuana right that’s all Kentucky
roses marijuana I think I’m the only guy
in Kentucky that grows industrial to be
honestly but they all grow marijuana
three years and I’m fuck notice but
everyone’s gonna fucking know I’m the
fucking top and by that you mean that
it’s like way above the the be allotted
number the percentage oh shit
Kentucky’s been growing the number one
cash crop for Kentucky is marijuana okay
years okay you ever heard of these guys
called the cornbread mafia okay Lord
just bust in US history
okay happened in Kentucky the bosses the
guys in called cornbread mafia probably
do not they could not get any
indictments because no one would talk
because they’re all inbred there you
know and when they say inbred it’s not
like they fucking their sisters and
their moms and shit like that it’s yeah
it’s a breading society you know I
always thought it was when I started
working with them they rotate all their
people and they have meetings all the
time so they’re mayors and judges I mean
they’re just circling around you win in
at some other state of life for many
people to learn they’re just swapping
out information all the time then
covering each other’s asses like mother
everyone everyone says I don’t like that
guy and they say they don’t like that
guy that means that’s the best for
everybody not talking to shit on it
right but they’re opening it up for you
to talk see on the guy right so but I
already know this shit anything so I’m
just sitting back studying these fuckers
but yeah so marijuana is their number
one cash crop always been always has
been always will be
okay so I’m the only guy going in the
store and they’re basically and so the
truck is pulled over in Oklahoma bang
so I hear but I thought I’m sorry I get
a hold of the arresting officer doctrine
purple now it’s only fucking graphic and
I need from them because some of that
him is mine because I’ve got millions of
pounds missing right and so obviously I
know what they’re using my shit or
they’re using it to put off all of the
marijuana on all the trucks in the last
four pallets to here to here I’m gonna
be or or there may be nice and go six
pallets you know what uh I know that
it’s gonna be mine the rest of marijuana
so they opened the thing then everything
says they’re in the industrial hemp
research pilot program and they’re say
oh here’s our paperwork and there’s a
him but that shit’s not so bad
so I knew that was mine so I got I
wanted I’m trying to grab my shit so I
need to be able to get in and testify
today so it’s with the truck now now
talk to the arresting officer who
sheriff wypall then I said don’t look
I’m gonna need to get somebody test I
need I need to grab some samples off the
truck I think a lot of you know whatever
any industrial hemp on there is mine the
rest of that shoots marijuana I could
tell and I also need that ship who’s
gonna be mine because the Hanna Dean was
called a super sexy super super suppose
about a thousand pounds okay and is what
you put it is what we realize would only
guys that use super sex for industrial
name because no one else drives number
one no one else ever no one else even
asking number two were the only ones
that dry it okay and so we have named
exercise dryer it’s the size of a
fucking bust right so you had to dry so
much right
so England putting these super sacks
Naxos super sacks on your low back
fucking mind sure right so I need to get
that shit so protested and so I could
you know get my shit back off that truck
and figure out what’s going on so they
throw me well you don’t see that address
I know file report so gotta file report
with and I’ve already been talking with
FBI and state police in all kinds so
they say you get a report from state
place of picked on you fine so I’m
talking to them they’re like so I know
you gotta understand they’re crooked
they’re cooker didn’t cook it over there
like I mean they may be called the state
police but they’re like Mexican police
right they’ll be carrying the ak-47 on a
fucking motorcycle right fucking rescue
and nothing in the money your wallet
that’s huh yeah they’re just they’re
just the police their own cartel so I’ve
got I’ve been going so I’m like you know
I gotta press charges on these guys is
that here’s all the evidence
shit on these guys tried to bribe me
don’t call commercial bribery he said
hey look we got this much left in the
empty so I mean I could’ve made you know
he was some about five six ten million
fucking dollars right
but again I’m the champ okay so I know
everything is missing and they forgive
me millions of dollars shut the fuck up
sorry you know can I do it I know this
is not all plus where’s my fiber in my
hurt you know and say sorry is what you
get so I’m not gonna be accepted
so all these listening down every every
penal code that they broke trying to get
over this detective right and they named
detective quarry hammy he’s a piece of
alright and good Kentucky State Police I
said I need a report he’s following pork
because also tops this attorney got was
pressing charges on the guys in Oklahoma
her name was Rebecca and she said come
on you know the rules you know what’s
going on said I know I report just
getting so again I not only the sheriff
some attorney that’s now hold you the
evidence of this fucking truck
18-wheeler is evidence only get him get
into that thing and get the examples is
through this report so I got all this
just goes onions so overwhelming I mean
I’m talking yes so much you got a
question yeah yeah yeah I really hate to
interrupt you because you’re killing it
I love the story so far this is really
good I mean it’s it’s it’s horrible but
it’s really good but I’m just really
curious about the bribe stuff that you
had mentioned I don’t know that’s
something you want to talk about over 20
Frank they try to give me three hundred
and thirty thousand fucking pounds okay
which you could grab that up about 50
acres yeah I mean so where the rest in
you go what about my investors okay and
what about mine you know what about my
company what about the people I’m trying
to help
what about what about the two companies
I could have took taken off of 100%
import of materials to now transfer them
to be domestic fucking product this is
what all of our politicians talk about
but never fucking I brought industry
back to America
yeah okay but then they fucking away and
take it away because you got the fucking
black market you got the cartel stealing
everything selling it for fucking
pennies on the dollar
yeah so the bride can press but well I
think you’re about to say it but how
exactly did they give you the bride
elected was this in-person email letter
they sent me said this is the entire
2018 crop nothing has been sold and blah
blah blah
they should’ve said this mm is the
leftovers of the 2018 crop that hasn’t
been stolen
so but they’re not so this is supposed
to be a whole entire problem and so as
chairman of the organization and
president I can do one of two things I
could take the bribe because it’s a
bribe because I I’d say it’s a broad
look I already know what my project the
yields were supposed to be for the year
right I know how many seeds
I’m putting around I did about 30,000
pounds of students from four hundred and
fifty thousand dollars for a thousand
acres I had two lots
I had a thousand acres 1,300 acres
breaking under this is the seed guy he’s
already growing it I’m buying all the
floral material necessary the other one
I own everything on okay so 2,200 acres
total so I know
fucking and I wanted it that way I’m
going to keep the math simple thousand
acres 30,000 pounds 30 pounds per acre
scenery 30 pounds per acre
okay you’ve got to understand there also
there’s twenty seven thousand five
hundred seeds per pound so you’re
looking at about nine hundred thousand
potential plants per acre okay
marijuana guys usually grow about 2,300
plants per acre yeah I’m talking almost
a million plants per acre I get out
about 15 to 25 grams okay we’re talking
thirteen thousand pounds of drag floral
material per acre okay so
you understand you guys want to give you
some nothing right I can’t very well I
know not only by what we did last the
previous year before I decided to claim
five and over and then let a Campania I
had everything tested and ran all the
strings so I’m newly produced okay I
knew like I just told you the seeds
Holmes Brigid is that so now I’m doing a
thousand thousand acres thirty pounds
per acre and thirty thousand pounds it
seems foreign 50 grand
then I know what’s going to yield
because I know what yeah last year and I
know it’s gonna heal this next year
because he’s gonna have we had more Sun
and more rain so I couldn’t very well as
you say okay give me the three hundred
thousand pounds I’ll fucking hockey
fucking take the money and run right
because right that’s number one I’m an
honest guy we’re gonna do that because
I’m building a company that I’m going to
utilize to make this country a better
place right among the industrial hemp
research pilot program which I’m cast
with um showing America if this is a
viable crop or not and if so you know
still the shit out of it yeah yeah so so
so basically I was showing him this as
it was growing and they already do
because I got Senator McConnell behind
me in congressman comer and I was able
through through them and myself to get
it commoditize and legalize through
Donald Trump at the end of 2008 to shit
Wow yeah I worked my ass off you know in
McConnell didn’t get behind industrial
so I broke ground on our facility to
reach out there he’s like oh shit this
guy knows how to properly you know
monetize this crop and he seen that so
he jumps in front of comers and I’m
gonna have compensated companion bill
I’m gonna lead the way and he did and he
used me as an example of why he was
doing it and what we were doing King’s
row biotech okay
and so when all this stuff was going
down corner he’s got you know
he’s Kentucky guy right so you know
character statesman or the one stealing
my shit right right so you think not
that I expected him to give a shit
because I don’t really have high
expectations for him from what we do you
think that’s connected though he saw you
now being able to make something that’s
profitable and then all of a sudden your
shit goes missing well yeah and my
technology – okay so they hijacked
everything look I was only guy in the
world that had this technology but when
I went to Kentucky all of a sudden they
steal my technology they steal my my my
crops and then all of a sudden you know
I’ll fucking go away the wayside you
often hoping you save hair happy that
you made it out alive but you’re not
gonna just sit there and be happy
yeah okay you with the highest on in the
the cause is a common ball to Kentucky
is to be honored as Kentucky kernel okay
so I received this award okay so this by
the governor in the Secretary of State
and then I also get honored and they
give me Admiral C to make me Admiral
okay so they think these two things is
enough for me but I don’t want titles
come on
you know I went to school you might say
don’t care about titles I care about you
know making a difference bringing
manufacturing back to the United States
curing cancer making nice clothes out of
hand things like that and that’s that
all your wards if I’m gonna do nothing
for me so all sudden it gave me the
highest honors all right and then when
they still everything now I’m now
getting back to the truck I report this
to everybody okay
now I’m asking for the damn report okay
and then I’ll simply the guys wouldn’t
give me the report to Kentucky guys
detective Kang the guy okay so what ends
up happening is and I’m already talking
to the FBI you can suck it to shit about
shit because you guys are fucking in
with McConnell right he pays a paycheck
for it he’s the one that did he’s up the
omni’s bill was for all the federal
agencies so he just doesn’t make shut
the fuck up right don’t do nothing
obviously that’s August so then yeah so
these guys is not right through the
report that I need to get my hip off
that truck instead you know that’s in
your fucking report is a ten by the way
all you guys are growing marijuana over
there I’m the only one in there
within an hour they have a warrant out
for my arrest right so now I go from
trying to press charges against the
hookers that stole from me all this
material worth hundreds of millions of
dollars okay all I do is write an email
it’s on that the state grows marijuana
and I’ll knowing that goes industrial
him and you guys that talk to and
whatever and they wasn’t out that had me
invited okay you know weren’t house my
arrest so I’m fucking that he has your
fucking joke right now I don’t give a
shit so yeah these guys fluffy show up
one day at my house machine guns
armored vehicles helicopters snipers on
the roof of my neighbors fucking machine
guns pointed at my house right I can’t
believe that we didn’t see that on the
news anywhere like they didn’t I’ve been
looking for it I haven’t seen it any
nobody covered this nobody comes in
because they don’t want that she comes
but you know if I if I was getting
arrested gonna add roaches in my a
string they did that they were done you
know I’m sorry I didn’t mean to
interrupt it’s just like I like to point
that out because like some people still
think that the media will actually tell
the truth for them there’s no such thing
I mean these guys are pulled apart you
know they only pumped what they want you
to hear into society there’s no free
journalist you know what anything : oh
yeah bring sweet things they don’t
want you to see they just don’t get
there for you to get yeah you’re not
luck they’re not allowed push it in
society worse in China in America I mean
I even tried to talk to them after I got
out cuz this is what happen in fucking
arrest right and I was smoking a joint
where I am kind of about right now and I
saw it and Mussina does walk out with my
hands up thank God they didn’t shoot you
Jesus I know he’s not a black or a dog
so yeah so they got to uh loudspeaker
this is the US Marshals we have a
warrant for Taylor come on with your
hands up so fucking dead right and I
spent five months in fuckin jumpin and
fucking reason and like they put me on
armed and dangerous’ warrant which
Laconia fugitive armed and dangerous
number one I’m not a fugitive I know
someone who commits a crime in one place
and fleet right so fleeing from one
state to another to avoid being cut
never did that and on their own business
although I am a fucking marine I don’t
own a weapon for that exact reason
because I’m smart guy
all we see the guys in get in trouble is
the marine and he fucked gun there are
vets these days it looks like you see if
that with the gun that there on the news
you can promise me somebody red flagged
him and now he’s doing rescue warriors
one of those people I mean he’s a former
military yeah
so in a special Force Marine so the
thing is is I know these motherfuckers
doing you know fucking so I’m like okay
I don’t own a gun right now and you need
that because the advances you’re messing
with this stuff is automatic California
federal to is like any time you get
caught with anything like a weapon with
any type of drug automatic fucking two
years right so I’m I’m not screwing
liars some guy with some guns right so
and I don’t want to give them a reason
to he’s an ex-marine like you said
ripped like he’s fucking acting crazy I
think that good towels and all kinds of
guns then it makes me look bad if I’m
fucking armored up like a motherfucker
yeah though I got nothing so
they assume he’s a Marine he’s fucking
stack with guns no don’t even hold one
so armed and dangerous
would that did the mean does it make me
fucking at the stands open five months
with no fucking bail because if you’re
armed and dangerous
fuck you don’t get bail okay so they use
all these little things to hold me for
no reason
so anyone won’t extradite you and I need
any court or anything like that during
any of this stuff like they hadn’t
convicted you of anything they’re just
holding your ass no they said we you
know you want to be exercised challenged
extradition get a governor’s morning
right because what I want to what I’m
doing here now is although if instead of
30 days we can extradite me there it’s
gonna be they have up to 90 days now
because the governor had to sign off on
it but what I’m doing there is dragging
the fucking governor of that stadium
down this bullshit you know I mean see
this dumbass motherfucker will fucking
bite right and he does but you know but
he’s getting out soon cuz they swapped
governors like that right after about
out right uh-huh right before I got out
in November December so he didn’t give a
shit so he said I’ll put my name on it
you know but they didn’t do dick there
was no evidence of me doing shit yes
governor signing off on this shit right
so you know that the whole state of
Kentucky was crooked ass motherfucker
and excuse me for cussing why you’re
flying I come so I’m there it’s a fine
paste look and they got a governor’s
work they never extradited me and then
the judge told me earlier in LA in LA
County the fucking worst fucking damn
log well after all of that they didn’t
actually extradite you after smoking
christ almighty this makes me want to
get on a train and go to California and
arrange some sort of protest like right
now she says mr. Taylor this is the
first time I’ve ever seen this being on
bench then they go is for to get it
governor’s war and they don’t even come
get you
I’m very sorry mr. Taylor
fucking ridiculous
I can’t believe that the media won’t
fucking like the mainstream media won’t
pick this up this is look they don’t
want to end up in a box at the end of
the river you know that’s exactly what
it is I’m not fucking you now you see
it’s a perfect example
now you see you don’t even have to fuck
commit a crime to go to jail and not
have fucking bail and you’re stuck in
there oh yeah do that since they passed
the Patriot Act to because they can’t
what all sorts of vague things all over
it now and hold you without bill because
no longer it you know you know like you
were saying you know they even they’re
coming after the highest people in
society now so everyone should be
fucking scared every and everyone in
between from the top to the fucking box
so if I would do Stanford I’m Stanford
educated I’m on fucking marine golden
boy stick out you know they get hammered
it I did everything I’m supposed to
group you like look even though I don’t
you talk about my education or anything
like that because I was already smart
before I went there but the thing is I
want to check those boxes so I could
fucking do I do what I do right so I do
those types of projects right so then
allow me to go but then what I didn’t
you know it’s it’s better yeah I don’t
want to say be not touchable but because
you shouldn’t be touching fucking okay
you’re a good guy he’s not stealing shit
he doing things for the good of
everybody should be untouchable
shouldn’t be able to fuck with you like
they come to these investments and no
fuckin these but they steal my shit and
they turn arrest me because I want I
wanna pilots we should work because they
stole from me they arrest me
the buck I tried to dick I try to get
that report from once and because I
wouldn’t back off they fuckin came after
me fuckin awful like so let me ask you
real quick did you have faith in like
the system prior to this I mean you you
served in the military Special Forces
all that
stuff so yeah are you so I’m painting
the system I have zero now 0:08 in the
system because everyone is dirty okay
everyone that you think the FBI put out
shows you know he seemed doing all this
cool shit doing this dude those
motherfuckers are the corrupt this
motherfuckers around was ICCE AMD then
they’re all corrupt
okay the Department of Justice is fucked
they don’t give a shit about you they
don’t give a shit about me you know shit
about nobody
it’s a person money well yeah I don’t
like the rest of the infrastructure of
our country like our roads oh yeah we
have roads my roads my roads but they’re
all fucking shit everywhere yeah and
that’s basically what the inside of our
country looks like Jews everyone was
bought off now you know I mean it’s just
like I told you you know you like but
you know McConnell he he’s the guy that
put signs on his bill basically that
would that is the budget for federal
government so if he’s like telling the
FBI look you guys want me to cut the
staff by half shut the fuck up and do
what I say that’s the way it really
works right because I saw with the
fucking the FBI get in in Kentucky I’ll
give him everything you know what they
need you to fuck get my shit back and to
fucking get the guys the fuck but you
guys are all cartel right in the cartel
they’re white-collar crimes fucking
cartels are taking about judges and all
kinds of people involved Freddie and so
you know and they got judges signing off
with my fucking morons and ex traditions
and shit like that in the same fucking
judge that that they’re trying to do
shit to me civilly with you know so they
file at five five fucking things against
me in court
you know civilly and I’m the one you
know my companies don’t want I got
stolen from the guy that stole from me
they allowed them to fucking take over
my company and drop the fucking in
litigation against themselves that’s how
fucking corrupt it is if they would
stole my fucking company after this – so
in the end what happened with the him
did it just disappear forever or like is
that still not uh that’s still not
frickin settled or what not so much so
so basically I knew that the Mafia guys
basically stole my shit – because
Italian mafia right the guys called Lee
Lewis gardenscape and uh called that’s a
fucking no where’s my shit you know and
you guys owe me money
he says you know well the landowners
tell us different they say that uh that
if they’re in the that you know we’re
dead only I said you guys already know
machine the contracts when you tried to
buy this from me before and it sells you
now you know look two things I only and
you wanna if you go to buy it you gotta
buy it from me he says okay when we do
deal so what we’ll call it landowners
right now if they say floors we’ll make
you a deal
if not we’ll get out the cane and do a
good old-fashioned Kentucky Kingdom
that’s a boy fuck all
so a phone call and the clips over right
right right back so they must not very
Nance arises no say so what do you ever
take me again motherfucker up came from
fuck you right and so you know exchange
hang up right so at that time that’s how
I ended up with any him because what
they were doing there
they were fucking process in my shit cuz
they these guys the ones are harvested I
found out right and uh basically so
we’re not when that happened they had
the fucking D like a smashing door now
sudden you can’t finish to leave all the
wet behind that’s what was left and what
they tried to give them okay so that
stuff is the only stuff that’s left now
because what they were doing is trying
to get rid of that evidence because
there’s five strains in that warehouse
tested and I lose five strangers
throwing the two strains and there’s
three hundred and thirty thousand pounds
in there you know and uh thing is is but
but there being five strings that means
it mixed everything up number one and so
what they’re trying to do is because you
get rid of the evidence
so like I said you took over my company
they got a custodian running my
company nouns that he gets to make all
the fucking calls right and so he
basically wants to destroy this bring in
some thousand pounds well if you think
about it like this this guy the largest
grower in the United States of a fucking
America right and they’re funny saying
that’s all that group that’s funny
number one okay number two if that is
the case why is this guy in there trying
to destroy this that’s the largest
fucking grow ever in America okay see
this this small twenty kids
oh that produced the bagging you’re
trying to destroy you much he’s asking
the judge to destroy it because it’s
pumping evidence and have known that
from the beginning because when they
tried to bribe me I had all the shit
tested and found out it’s not it not my
shit some of it is okay only one string
is mine recipe not mine okay and uh so
they know it’s evidence that they give
fucking busted so now they’re so I was
one day away from them destroying it and
I was just I was minutes court clerk
Hannon fucking pages off the fucking
printer to look at the hearings yeah are
you even here she said you handed to him
so hot just stop it Sam but it stops so
so yeah that’s still they’re still
messing with that and so it’s no we just
like hanging from a thread over a pool
of lava yeah it was FBI knew about all
this shit so many boy innocent look once
you guys though I’m just fuckin uh
you’re great right so you guys should
confiscate evidence right and they had
like like two months two months to get
redneck they we’re doing shit because
they don’t want find out does they want
to help them do you know I mean because
you’re not helping don’t do shit matter
fact they let me go to Christian so
acted like they were gonna help but I
needed wooden right so I had to have a
plan and put together just stop it so I
my own stuff you know so for Court I
need these attorneys this time because
my attorneys charge me over $500,000 I’m
still fucked
they took a buyout from the billionaire
cousins of doing their woman that owns a
– company to the companies that spoke
for me okay yeah wait I’m being told by
other attorneys not to get a fucking
attorney unless you absolutely unless
they’re your friend like if they’re
actually your friend and you know the
resource they stole from you because
it’s a good buy out you know and so it
just sucks man so everything that but so
then I realized I gotta write my own
briefs I gotta do my own motions and
that’s what I’ve been doing lately since
this all I got out of it and I’ve won
last two so and then thank God for this
Kobe virus and that saved me again was
that horrible figure out like for every
dude that’s not like a lawyer like did
you have to let go learn a bunch of shit
or like how can anybody do that can can
we defend anybody anybody can do it
and you know it’s like you know I was a
date a lot of attorneys you know and so
and I don’t know somehow and I’ve always
thinkin girls that either their parents
were high-powered attorneys or they were
you know it just worked out that way
yeah picked up some shit you know and so
yeah I mean but I mean I basically came
down I had asked the clerk what can I do
but I don’t you hire another one ever
again my life
she and she’s the one axe he told me if
I can do this yeah so so good so the
first time and that’s the stuff where
she was getting stuff off the of the
printer and into the judge I mean
Sheriff like these all kinds of crazy
shit right
emails but there was enough stuff where
the judge said that he could see in
between the three of the lines that so
he I did not let this be destroyed right
cuz there was a lot of evidence I submit
but he said they said well next time you
can’t submit it like this you’ll have to
assume it like this has gotta be you
know conforming to certain you know
yeah temple template basically you know
yeah so I said okay no problem so that’s
right the next time
so the first time wasn’t so it was rough
rough rough rough getting in but it
stuck it did the job the next time we’re
done right so you had mentioned that you
had one – can you specify exactly on
what that is okay so they were gonna
fucking destroy my shit right
so the this nothing is that the
Secretary of my company is a former
governor of Kentucky named governor
Julian M Carroll right and so he spoke
on in on the shifting because he still a
state senator he’s the longest running
politician in Kentucky so during his
last election when Attorney General one
okay governorship he’s come behind him
during the inauguration because he’s the
longest weren’t that right so in the
Attorney General knew about this shit –
so he’s crooked as fuck – Andy Beshear
and I know him as well so I sent him
everything needed was shitty before you
even before he was elected and we need
the Attorney General he didn’t sit among
my 23 under no one gave a fuck right so
you could you know they’re all from dr.
Martin Lagonda Carol tells me that he’s
got this report on my him from the
custodian said what sit next to me no
matter of fact overnight that shit to me
all right
overnight it to me I get it you know my
holy shit that fucking game they’re
gonna destroy my shit I’m hours away
from that shit you can destroy it okay
fuck if I didn’t have movin like that
shit fuck they literally saved your
grass he only said to me because you see
how he didn’t send it till I started
asking questions yeah so it was crooked
and so I skin of my teeth I’ll shave it
so that’s one this next one
basically again oh that was in how I
saved the are asked for testing and that
I want to sell because he said he wasn’t
unable to sell and I was able to prove
the custodian number one wasn’t able to
sell it it was alive because I already
had a company out here in California
that wanted to buy it seven million
dollars okay he didn’t he did not even
tell the court that in his final report
so I used all that and so the courts
like okay we see where you’re going with
this guy’s a fuckin liar to basically
very custodian and so all I also need
that proper testing done to see the mold
in the same stranger there the bales
have been swapped out so I test them so
they give me a certain amount of time to
test the bales and have a bona fide is a
sale in place by this next day well I
didn’t help won it by filling place for
the next day but find enough information
to where they couldn’t destroy the
so it’s put over again so I’m going to
now so so the next one I the win was I
had to tell him like look that’s not my
shit it’s quite fucking strains and
there should only be two and I already
knew that but I’m going to retest it get
it before the court again having to stop
it so I’m one to want to stop it from
when they’re destroyed that day and the
next one when it didn’t have a bona fide
offer because why because I listen most
of shit’s not mine
you know there’s five five season ever
supposed to be too annoying one of those
five is mine so now okay push over and
this coronavirus team came up to so i
got a little bit more time but now we’re
fucking with that but in between i’m
trying to get my company back to because
he made all these allegations against me
was hearing but they tried to kill me in
back in may in 2018 after they kill you
fucking flat out okay do you mind
explaining that hahaha what happened so
good kentucky derby and so the guy who’s
driving me
okay does remember the former governor
of Kentucky Julian Carroll the he still
please escorts to the dirt right and uh
and so basically even one I had the
tickets for from forget uh I got a table
at 8:00 on millionaire row ok sixth
floor and then cuz governor Carol he’s
the one to put the sixth floor on
Churchill Downs that’s how this guy
built everything these were the best
governors they’re at and then uh so
basically eight seats up there put the
table mate and then I got a box o six on
the fourth right covered governors right
so so we get it we get to please do
drivers right so I’m a girl
the name with me and that’s Governor
General Meeting and that is driving
these are Kentucky State Police but he’s
in charge of Internal Affairs right so
as we leave Kentucky Derby we’re gonna
stop or stop over at you know Colonel
Sanders right never know this guy
through the original Colonel Sanders
though the commissioners daughter but
it’s an actual restaurant right next
door this is white mansion used to be
famous right so when we get there I told
him back there please fuckin like so you
put this motherfucker in the room right
right he knows because he’s talking to
me asking me find those other guys
cuz he’s being driven by this other cop
it’s Cali
fuck that no rib meows – so uh this is
the thing
so I knew something’s going on because
he’s asking me all these questions
exactly not Scotty and his partners
driving him so they’re trying to get
information so then after the dinner we
go back to the hotel and so that’s where
my old order is from or does live in
Lexington but the Derby is over there in
Louisville there’s no no place to stay
so I’m standing next and uh the the
lawyer hates me things that most high
partner is a top him lobbyist in America
also that charges me in paint Brown
table which I used to be the director
the directors but I resigned I said
there’s nothing more than a fucking drug
cartel yeah quit I don’t want to be this
because I I believe in a free market I
don’t believe in fixing prices and
controlling it with just a few people
right so that’s what I don’t like so so
I’m staying in Lexington now and then
I’ll book sleep but I see when one eye
open remembering I don’t want to die yet
right yeah so yeah I hate this shit door
knob oh shit it’s a mine
yeah fuck these motherfuckers got a key
right it’s like 247 in the morning right
so of course I pop out there pain comes
in my latex glove and for poverty switch
from fucking someone fucking kick the
fucking door shut you got handing out
this new partner crazy shit man
okay we’re fucking done so I’ll call it
yeah I call it causing here right and uh
a fucking hotel down three hours later
on 5 min the morning I said yeah we got
the guy that’s not even that’s not the
color the gloves he I don’t need it
that’s it you know a set of clipboard so
and I grab the clipboard but see the X
by my room right fucks his escorts on
anyone else’s fucking room because I
think what they did is grab somebody
gave him the clipboard and fucking they
said be this guy but this is no Hayden I
know what’s going on and then he said ah
so what you go out to the third floor I
said look security I want to know every
fucking room that that key access is a
master key sorry we can’t give the
information this is after all so they
had three hours prepared what they’re
gonna say and not new for me right so
when you sit for me crazy shit oh wow
yeah so I’m never going back right there
quartus ii don’t kill me
sounds like you’ve had a wild ride that
is for sure it is you know and I’ve lost
everything to everything from all almost
my kids college tuition every I’ll put
into it you know do you have any way
that people can help you like do you
have any like I don’t know fun set up or
any like accounts people can use to
spread information or anything like that
yeah you could look at uh you know when
I was in jail they said of a GoFundMe
page because they you know just because
of the could beat about what happened
you know yeah and that’s all if you send
that link to us man this is intense like
um I was gonna ask oh shoot
alright Mike get your brain back
together you know what you’re gonna say
I was gonna ask about the there was what
there was only like you know I said I
was looking through all the news and
everything and I felt like these very
vague things about oh it started oh it’s
big it’s ended the only other thing that
I was able to find in there is like
there’s a couple of clips basically
where they’re like talking about how you
supposedly threatened a governor do you
know about that put any real details in
it it didn’t make any sense to me when I
read the paper because it’s always
trying to make it look and I told me in
well for you and what what’s right
underneath that okay is the an email for
from the US inspector general fuckin say
yeah that they’re gonna investigate
so I told me there’s no no you
threatened him with their own fuckin
system that’s obviously a danger so you
know I fucking shit their fucking lives
didn’t threaten nobody but no one’s life
no nothing the Inspector General said
he’s gonna investigate so they’re fucked
it’s kind of funny that after all of
this stuff the only thing
you see out there really are the mention
of the company and then the mention of
it not being there you’d mean there’s
some stuff about the where y’all break
the ground with the shovels yeah but
like aside from that the only other
thing they have is like a couple of
wisps of hay he threatens this dude and
that’s all there is
tabloid shit it is because I’m not
threatened I’m threatened nobody you can
never would I do that why look I’ve got
a 20 million dollar defamation of
character lawsuit against judge Terry
yeah so they just want to get out from
underneath that or at least they should
be like I mean I I would take away my
you stand up for this sort of thing I
mean this is they have broke every
fucking law Under the Sun because that’s
how fucking good I had them fucked
because I fucking I fucking had
everything going the right way and I
fucking properly notated every fucking
be negative and they should be fucked
they shouldn’t be spending wrestlers in
jail but instead they’re able to take
over my company because I’ll tell you
now when they tried to kill me in Maine
I’m not going back to no fucking courts
right so I don’t just do it dissolution
on my company right so I get a an
affidavit for navigating submitting it
to you reply things but to uh basically
uh answer their call protocol a
complaint okay so that is complaints
everything on it they say the misuse
company funds well this is unless he’s
fucking stupid right because their guy
I only designate one guy to run the bank
I never won such a bank
ever since I saw that Enron shit
attached to that big fuck right so I
don’t want
so I even though this money sorry I
don’t wanna do it so that’s what that’s
the first thing they always do
mission chiffons Matt my name is lying
on the bed I can’t even get a dollar out
of it alright so I’m right now and
putting all this stuff down Philippines
okay and he was one of the original
investors I’ll let them run the money
right good so they can’t say it but then
they go ahead and say I did anyways but
the bank can she be okay are you CBD but
the bank CD be citizen for punishment
again yeah right so so I’ve got it done
proper so banks saying not this guy
right so then I put this in Miami David
misuse buns company wasn’t set up right
well remember my old attorney this guy
fuck me number one I think lobbyists in
America and he’s got the number one
business law firm there to frost brown
pot okay so also sorry command costs in
those months so uh so two things they
said I did misuse of funds it didn’t set
my company right well fuck we know we
said for company righteous number one
fucking law firm fuckin City but the guy
didn’t send in any of the corporate
documents to hear me because he wanted
to fund well that’s convenient
yeah very good and then they wouldn’t
accept my affidavit and I’m not going
fuck you go there right so I’m not going
how do they do that like I don’t get
that how do you just not accept an
affidavit I’m confused
I thought they had to be that they never
ever reason okay stupid music in what
he’s not there to cross-examine okay
well let’s see no okay let’s be real
judge okay say okay let’s break it down
there’s so many things on this complaint
let’s just take number one let’s just
say do we even need a cross-examination
of anything cuz let’s say misuse of
funds well we got something here that’s
from the bank
let’s tan Philippine was the only signer
mr. Taylor had nothing to do with the
bank do we need a fucking you know
cross-examination or that fuck no we
don’t because the bank’s saying and
collaborating the fucking answer
okay so no okay next one it was a
company setup right here’s most of the
documents that don’t have these
motherfuckers have right did we need
cross-examination nope okay we have a
cause he’s not just me st. right so that
is the point and then another thing is
is my lawyers get bought off right then
I knew this was happening so I told them
I said look Luke Morgan is trying to
throw the door throw the hearing and I
told me a month ahead of time so I got
another case going in Lexington against
the guys there’s a billionaire who homes
between companies that’s cool for me I
got them pinned down they’re about done
but these other guys this other ship
over in Western Kentucky to get this guy
off to their dog roof will get the
fucking company dissolved over here and
they’ll fucking let that one go that’s
what exactly would happen so I saw what
they were doing and I was like why you
guys stopped and worked on this she
fucking pushing for that one can even go
and they didn’t they let that shit go
and so push me into dissolution didn’t
allow this fucking affidavits going in
fucker took my company and those guys
went and dropped the fucking lawsuit
against themselves so they were able to
take over my company machine guns my
company machinist marshals right god
damn fucking bullshit bro this America
or just fucking Mexico I don’t know I
don’t know I’m hearing some strange
Mexico a geyser the south end of Mexico
where people are actually like running
the government out and the cartels – and
taking their city their challenge back
and stuff so we might actually be worse
than Mexico at this moment and you know
I’m cuss a lot I’m educated well but I
don’t use it like that because you know
in this is your downfall he’s like
because no you’re not nice you don’t
kiss everyone’s ass but you know the
only thing I got left
how I talk you know who I am well
everyone want to take everything from me
and even who I am so I’m sorry if people
don’t like me become like us because I’m
not you know when the call is acceptable
to the communities a little fuck you
know because I’m me I want to be me I
don’t wanna change for this fucking girl
here put that girl in there because this
makes me think
take they’d already took and everything
else for me fuck you now you want to
take all what fucking talk away
take water drink away with a smoke away
fuck that shit
use only think things I got it so
apologize you think I’m not educated
because it cost but it means degree
oh yeah I don’t yeah we go cause in the
end game I just have a quick question
what did you go to Stanford for
structural engineering so I think I
think we’ll talk about like how you got
into like camp and weed on the net in
the next video I think that’d be
interested people like more about your
process and everything despite the fact
that they are digging you over and maybe
do some like updates and see what’s
going on and shit right now we’re
writing the motion to get my company
back that hold true they should have and
to kick out this custodian and then
bring my company back what are you
feeling about that like is that
something that’s a big tall order or is
it something that you think you got you
got well I think I got it you know I
think I got this you know because thing
is this judge he’s the spot because not
only did he allow these guys because
another thing what they did is when they
bribed me that filed a lawsuit against
me and my company and then they came to
me and said look we drop the lawsuit is
you own your company but here is the
entire 2018 crop that’s the bribe and
figured since they put the pressure on
me they had a lawsuit against me and
then against my company said to give me
this they say hey here take this and go
away that would take I’m not a bitch
alright I’m not doing it okay because I
I have things I want to do the company
is set up properly to do all these nice
things for America and to also be a
standard in the hip industry my company
for all the other companies to adhere to
because we do not under report we do not
steal not all the bad shit we don’t do
right that’s why they don’t like because
they figure they can’t get rich from
from doing the right thing but you know
what there’s so much the profit margins
are so big I don’t mind to pay the tax
because there’s still a lot of money
left over you could help a lot of people
everyone if every fuckin corporate
officer or head of a company thought
this way fuck America could be a great
place for this but nobody does everyone
want to fuckin siphon all the money out
of the companies so the guys that even
drink on they’ve got a lot of my hair
they claim bankruptcy this year they
went from like I was biggest they they
were down the biggest after me no way
they could have been because they grew
300 fuckin acres a year before
did you I’m wondering because they find
out on my fucking third party used
artisan fucking guys fuck what they say
what they think
fuck you Maddie you that’s the CEO of
fucking fucking charge everything have
people working for and then they fucking
clean bankruptcy so no one could collect
nothing what a bunch of fucking bitches
all right that’s not the first time I’ve
heard of that before
that’s something that I’ve heard about a
lot of different kinds of companies
doing and if you can’t look my companies
still not bankrupt they stole everything
from my company I’m not favorite that
guy ended up with a lot of my shit and
he found bankruptcy and so a bunch of
other ones damp industry tell you right
there doing shit right well I mean
that’s what Mike and I are always
screaming about like you know we’re very
Pro free market
capitalism things of that nature but
there’s a huge difference between
free-market capitalism and crony
capitalism there’s so many fucking
corrupt people in these corporate
positions that are fucking over
everybody just to make an extra dollar
and that’s not what it’s supposed to be
about it’s supposed to be like what
you’re doing and giving back to the
communities and stuff that’s what’s
supposed to be about you give a back a
fuck ton and still live super
comfortably I would imagine yes I’m give
away the chance of cheering drugs just
needs for cancer patients I give it away
threat to the way that they do things if
people saw other people doing those
things they’d be like why are you not
doing these things and then there would
be boycotts and people screaming and
they would have to do things like paper
straws right right so they always I mean
is always growing up and even when I’m
into my doors one person cannot make a
difference and I was like fuck that I
always thought no way one person can’t
make guns and they almost stopped me
think they almost got me thinking that
way again that I couldn’t because when
after I’m telling you Dan was broke me
as a motherfucker man
after that spent in LA County when they
put me in there with the fucking rapists
and murderers and everything i team up
with some fucking bad guys in there
right just to stay alive okay
and I almost thought to myself I didn’t
always think to myself I thought to
myself fuck that everyone’s right one
fucking motherfucker cannot make a
difference the King King King but then
you know I got out and I started getting
a little traction again but you know
what fuck they don’t let don’t think
that work because one man can we can’t
make the difference you’ve gotta keep
pushing on or else look look at you
everything you’ve done and then you
failed at the very last fucking you know
mile now I can’t you gotta keep running
so I’m gonna keep running and tell you
guys one make in with the fucking
difference I got to make a happen if I
don’t like having you we’re all fucked
yeah you know I mean you guys want you
to win you know what I mean you’re not
alone out there
people who want you to win people who
need you to win and hopefully after this
there’s gonna be even more people we’re
gonna be throwing this at everybody oh
we’re gonna get out here as much as I
want this to be out like tomorrow it’s
probably going to take up you at least
at least a handful of days for me to get
it looking nice and everything but like
I want this to go to everybody and I
mean if you’re out there watching this
right now you’ve made it this far thank
you for sitting through here and talking
and I mean in listening to this and if
you want to come talk about it if you um
you can get down into our comments you
can come into our discord and discuss
stuff with us the link and share them to
your social medias please share this
because y’all out there sharing this
shit we don’t get to push real things
through media anymore they’re not going
don’t let don’t like this talk to you we
need to also like you to share this kind
of stuff out there and if you want us to
be able to make more of it you can drop
us some crypto in the links below or get
into our subscribe star and help fund us
getting out there and getting this kind
of stuff pushed out there and you know
we’ll make this fucking thing happen we
have to come together at a time like
we have reality and the government
pushing back against us they don’t want
you guys to fucking be able to get these
stories you don’t they wanted to be able
to take people like me out and put them
away but nobody knows their way yeah
hold never ever know Oh Keith it’s been
an absolute pleasure listening to your
story well I mean it hasn’t been a
pleasure listening to that you’re great
at telling it for sure it’s yeah it’s
just a terrible story like I’m so sorry
all this stuff has that happened to you
I mean it sounds like you’re a great guy
and it’s so shitty that our own
government is working against you while
you’re trying to do good yeah it’s it’s
disparaging you know it you know Mike
and I are kind of
we don’t have the road rose-colored
glasses on anymore but there’s so many
people that I feel are going to hear
this and hopefully it’s eye-opening to
them and they realize that you know the
government isn’t working for them the
police’s are not working for them the
FBI and CIA CIA aren’t here to make them
safer for the FDA and to make them safer
and all the communications with those
with those agencies that could show
everybody that they don’t do anything
and we will we’ll make sure that you
guys get to see those things because
this shit has to go out this shit cannot
be allowed to be silenced we have to
keep it alive yeah thank you guys time
you know thanks dude I hope that you
stay strong and you say free so that we
can talk I hope you stay in contact dude
because like you seem to be really cool
you seem to be very genuine and if
there’s anything that we can do to help
you just reach out okay we’re small but
many of us we are big the rest of you
guys out there stay strong stay safe and
stay free this episode of stirring the
tea is adjourned
meet the good guys in America actually
the bad guys but Senator McConnell
behind me in congressman comer and I was
able through through them and myself to
getting commodity and legalized Donald
Trump Kentucky Department of Agriculture
it was a fucking joke by the way okay
commissioner who’s a beast shit so they
decide we’re gonna cover it up [/expand]
King’s Royal Biotech, 2300 Acres stolen, Summary. PLEASE DONATE, FIGHT CORRUPTION (ง’̀-‘́)ง
Donate for Keith to fight corruption
The Kentucky Hemp Fall Guy – CBD Business hit by Corruption in USA
0 notes
November, 2017. Age 25. Giving Back.
Only about half of them were paying attention. Two boys in the back were giggling at something under the desk, one girl had her head down, then the rest of the other half were staring blankly into space. “I’m going to talk about achieving a natural high,” I said to 19 middle schoolers. Saying the word high got their attention, especially the boys in the back.
“Who can tell me the difference between a natural high and an artificial high?” I asked the students. A few moments passed then a shy hand raised, “Yes?”
“Umm...like a natural high is from a natural drug and an artificial high is from something made in a factory or a laboratory,” the red haired kid answered bravely.
“Mmmm, not quite. You’re partially right though! That’s a great thought that an artificial high comes from a mind altering substance, but it doesn’t have to be made by man. An artificial high can come from plants too. Marijuana is natural isn’t it?”
“Well, there’s like, fake marijuana,” a boy in the back chimed in, now engaged in the conversation. The kids nodded their heads. 
“Correct, there’re drugs that are meant to mimic the psychedelic effects of marijuana, but whether it’s created synthetically or not, an artificial high is using a substance to alter your mind, typically either smoking, eating, or drinking it. But what about natural highs? Who can tell me how to achieve a natural high?”
The kids were quiet. 
“Who here likes to ski?”
About half of the students raised their hands. 
“Snowboard!” said the blonde boy in the back.
“Snowboarding counts too.”
A few more kids raised their hands and joined their snow sport loving compatriots.
“What about sledding?” another girl chimed in.
“Ok, how about this,” I replied, “raise your hand if you like to slide on snow on either skis or a snowboard, or a sled.”
Upon asking this question, most of the students in the class had their hand up.
“Perfect, now someone tell me how you feel when you ski. Or snowboard. Or sled.”
“I get STOKED!” exclaimed the snowboarding blonde boy.
“It feels pretty good, huh? What are you thinking about when you snowboard, dude?” I could see his excitement just thinking about snowboarding.
“I don’t know, I just think about the mountains and the snow and how fast I’m going,” he paused, then spoke quickly “Oh, and when I’m in the park I’m always thinking about what my next trick is going to be.”
“Do you worry about school a whole lot when you board?”
“Never, it’s the last thing on my mind.”
“So do you tend to worry about anything really when you’re out there?”
“I mean, besides things that have to do with snowboarding, not really.”
“Interesting,” I turned my attention back to the entire class, “why do people drink? Or smoke weed?”
Answers started blurting out from across the room.
“To feel good!” one kid yells.
“But doesn’t snowboarding feel good?” I asked the student I was previously speaking with. He shrugged and nodded his head in agreement.
“Alright so that’s one goal that people try to achieve with artificial highs that we could also do with natural highs....what else?”
The skinny kid wearing all black near the front spoke up satirically, “to forget about all my problems”, he said with a twinge of realism.
“Hm, fair,” I replied, “but remember what he was saying,” I continued, pointing out the snowboarder, “about how he doesn’t worry about day to day problems when he’s boarding?”
He raised his eyebrows and cocked his head in a “I guess so” kind of movement. 
“I want you guys to know how great I think you are. Every one of you,” I saw a few cracked smiled as I continued, “I mean, you’re all amazing! There’s not a single person in this room that doesn’t have phenomenal talents, which is why I want you guys to brag about them. What do you do that gets you high naturally? Skiing? Playing guitar? Drawing? Cooking? This is our next project. You get to come in and brag to your classmates about what gets you high naturally and how great you are at it. It’s a show and tell. You can show us a video, play us a song on your guitar, cook us your specialty, anything you want. I want you to show us why you don’t need artificial highs.”
The kids began chattering to each other about what they wanted to do for their show and tell.
“So,” I reintroduced them back into the discussion, “drinking is something that people do. So is smoking cannabis. It’s legal and if you’re 21 years old or older, you can buy it in the stores and consume it. Does that mean it’s a good thing to do a lot?”
The class responded with a few different versions of “no”. 
“When is it ok to drink?” I asked, daring them to step out of their comfort zone of the 90’s based “Say No To Drugs Always” propaganda.
“My mom likes to drink wine with her friends. But she only drinks a little bit.”
“Great example,” I praised her, “it sounds like she drinks in moderation. Is there anyone here who celebrates a religious holiday that involves alcohol?”
One boy raised his hand. I asked him, “Do you celebrate Passover?”
“Yeah, the adults drink wine as we read through the story of Passover at certain times.”
“Another great example of when it’s ok to use alcohol,” I said. You see guys, cannabis, alcohol...these are things that are a big part of our culture. But you guys are way too awesome to waste your talents on abusing them. So next week we’ll be in the computer lab working on our presentations. The rubrics are on Google Classroom, I uploaded them during lunch just now. Then on Friday, we’re having our show and tell. I’m so excited to see what gets you guys stoked.
I spoke to my mom on the way to my delivery job after school. Even though I was working full time as a teacher, I kept my evening delivery job. I had so much energy and I didn’t dare squander it. I’ve always been a busy bee and not utilizing my obsessive motivation to work, no matter the position, simply was not an option.
I am a humble man. I always have been. I don’t strive for riches. I don’t strive for power. I strive for connection. I strive for love.
My incessant work ethic mixed with my humble belonging has guided me to the position I found myself, lifting weights in the mornings to pump me up, teaching at a high school in the Rocky Mountains during the day to fill my heart, delivering food at night to keep my mind at bay and end the day on a relaxing note. This dichotomy of work led to a greater understanding of relativity and a deeper sense of self. I explained on the phone to my mom;
“I make more money when I deliver pizzas, but not much more. Maybe $10 an hour more.”
“But is $10 an hour worth not giving your everything?”
“What do you mean?”
“You have so much to give, honey. Frankly, anyone can deliver pizzas and make $25 an hour, you have so much talent to give. So much love. At the end of the day would you rather have a full heart or a slightly fuller wallet, which only might make you happier later?
“I mean, I want to make a difference, which is why I only deliver at night and put my priority on teaching.”
“I would love for you to keep putting priority on teaching. Say you won the lottery...”
“I would never play the lottery.” I said indignantly,
“Say I bought you a lottery ticket and you won. You never need to work for money again. I know you like to deliver pizzas, it’s relaxing for you, but pretend you don’t need money any more. Would you want spend your life delivering pizzas or doing what fills your heart?”
“I’d probably ski all the time.”
“You love to work though. You’ll never stop working, I know this about you. So if you won the lottery, would you rather hang out in your car delivering pizzas, or do something like...I don’t know...teach people how to ski?!”
0 notes
jayloncormierca · 5 years
6 Marijuana myths: The Truth Exposed By: LavenderSasquatch
6 Marijuana Myths
When you think weed, you automatically think of the stereotypical stoner . The dude who chills in his grandma’s basement, smoking out of a dirty-ass bong. Wearing his typical stoner clothes with dreadlocks. Eating cheetos in his dirty beanbag chair getting high 24/7 with his stoner buddies. Has no job, car , ambition , or goals.  He sells dime bags out of grannies basement to get by.
Let me be the first to tell you , that’s completely false. Everyday, successful people use cannabis and 99% of the time you’d have no idea. There are so many misconceptions and stereotypes surrounding cannabis and cannabis consumers. I reached out to the Instagram cannabis community and compiled a list of “stoner myths” to debunk for you groovy humans today.
Marijuana Myth 1: All Stoners are LAZY
I’m trying not to laugh hysterically at that. I am NOT lazy. I farm and am a single parent caring for a tiny human, 20 rabbits and a sassy quail daily. Also I grow and operate a small vegetable stand in the summer months. I’m busy most days, all day.  Many people you encounter on a daily basis consume weed either medically or recreationally daily. The barista who made your morning coffee, your co-worker, the repair man who fixed that annoying grinding noise your washer was making and so on. Point is, cannabis users are NOT lazy. Some may be useless as tits on a hen but it’s not the cannabis making them that way.
Marijuana Myth 2:  We are all burnouts or “stupid”
I blame the media for this. Don’t get me wrong, I love watching Cheech & Chong, The TrailerPark Boys, and other stoner shows but they give such  a bad rep to us all.
NO, we don’t lose our cars or get lost on the way to fast food joints. We don’t get high 24/7, eating snacks and laughing like unsupervised gremlins who got into the shroom stash, A lot of cannabis users are successful people , for example:
Bill Gates
The Beatles
Ben & Jerry – Would unmotivated stoners be able to build an ice cream empire? I think not !
Myth 3: You can’t overdose on cannabis
Well you can do a certain degree “overdose” but its non lethal. You are NOT going to die, I promise. Side effects of overconsumption of weed products is anxiety, paranoia, dizziness, sometimes vomiting and coordination issues. This unpleasant sensation will pass. You can counteract a too intense high by remaining calm, drinking water or orange juice and staying hydrated. Taking a shower or getting outside for fresh air is another good way to help calm your nerves. You can also use CBD to help bring your high down. I gave my friend recently a 90mg of THC edible, It was getting too intense for him. So we counteracted it with 40mg of CBD and he was totally fine after that. You can TRY to overdose on cannabis but you’ll fall asleep before you achieve that, it’s physically impossible to do so.
Myth 4: CBD gets you high
Marijuana myth 4 is FALSE. THC is the molecular component of the cannabis plant that gives you the psychoactive high. CBD is the component of the plant that has a ton of health benefits, such as pain relief, helps with anxiety and depression, and so many other health issues. My dear friend Pickles Osrisis wrote an amazing article about CBD that can be found here. 
I really believe if more people gave CBD a chance, they’d be amazed with how beneficial it can be.
Myth 5:  Cannabis is a gateway drug
There are new studies being done in Canada showing how people with severe drug addictions are turning to cannabis and it’s working to stop their addiction! Research is also suggesting that we can help combat the opioid crisis with cannabis as a replacement for prescription pain medicine, cannabis is proving to be an exit drug!
I’ve never once smoked a joint and thought, “Damn, I’m not high enough, let’s do some cocaine off the dirty coffee table.”
Marijuana myth 5 debunked!
Marijuana Myth 6: Weed is only about getting high. It has no medical benefits
That’s funny. You are a funny person if you believe that statement. I’m just going to assume you live under a rock and think smoking cigarettes is considered “healthy” still.
The medical research behind cannabis for medical use is astounding!  Did you know over 30 countries have legalized medical cannabis? Weed can help treat and help an assortment of illnesses and diseases such as epilepsy, cancer, MS, anxiety/depression, and fibromyalgia.
Medical cannabis has been legal in Canada since July 30, 2001. We are such a progressive nation. I’m super grateful to live in a country that recognizes cannabis as a medicine.
There are many more marijuana myths, taboos and outright ridiculousness I could go on about but I’ll save that for another time. Cannabis is a magical plant where the benefits outweigh the negative. When used responsibly, cannabis is such a great tool to combat so many ailments, or just to relax and get a good night’s sleep. Cannabis won’t make you violent, there’s no hangover, and you don’t have to worry about calling your ex up at 3am crying. You’re more likely to be up at 3am looking for snacks because you passed out early.
Remember to start slow and go with the flow when starting your cannabis journey. Stay groovy.
The post 6 Marijuana myths: The Truth Exposed By: LavenderSasquatch appeared first on Weed Deals.
source https://www.weed-deals.ca/marijuana-myths-the-truth-exposed/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=marijuana-myths-the-truth-exposed source https://weeddeals.blogspot.com/2019/06/6-marijuana-myths-truth-exposed-by.html
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karaclevelandca · 5 years
6 Marijuana myths: The Truth Exposed By: LavenderSasquatch
6 Marijuana Myths
When you think weed, you automatically think of the stereotypical stoner . The dude who chills in his grandma’s basement, smoking out of a dirty-ass bong. Wearing his typical stoner clothes with dreadlocks. Eating cheetos in his dirty beanbag chair getting high 24/7 with his stoner buddies. Has no job, car , ambition , or goals.  He sells dime bags out of grannies basement to get by.
Let me be the first to tell you , that’s completely false. Everyday, successful people use cannabis and 99% of the time you’d have no idea. There are so many misconceptions and stereotypes surrounding cannabis and cannabis consumers. I reached out to the Instagram cannabis community and compiled a list of “stoner myths” to debunk for you groovy humans today.
Marijuana Myth 1: All Stoners are LAZY
I’m trying not to laugh hysterically at that. I am NOT lazy. I farm and am a single parent caring for a tiny human, 20 rabbits and a sassy quail daily. Also I grow and operate a small vegetable stand in the summer months. I’m busy most days, all day.  Many people you encounter on a daily basis consume weed either medically or recreationally daily. The barista who made your morning coffee, your co-worker, the repair man who fixed that annoying grinding noise your washer was making and so on. Point is, cannabis users are NOT lazy. Some may be useless as tits on a hen but it’s not the cannabis making them that way.
Marijuana Myth 2:  We are all burnouts or “stupid”
I blame the media for this. Don’t get me wrong, I love watching Cheech & Chong, The TrailerPark Boys, and other stoner shows but they give such  a bad rep to us all.
NO, we don’t lose our cars or get lost on the way to fast food joints. We don’t get high 24/7, eating snacks and laughing like unsupervised gremlins who got into the shroom stash, A lot of cannabis users are successful people , for example:
Bill Gates
The Beatles
Ben & Jerry – Would unmotivated stoners be able to build an ice cream empire? I think not !
Myth 3: You can’t overdose on cannabis
Well you can do a certain degree “overdose” but its non lethal. You are NOT going to die, I promise. Side effects of overconsumption of weed products is anxiety, paranoia, dizziness, sometimes vomiting and coordination issues. This unpleasant sensation will pass. You can counteract a too intense high by remaining calm, drinking water or orange juice and staying hydrated. Taking a shower or getting outside for fresh air is another good way to help calm your nerves. You can also use CBD to help bring your high down. I gave my friend recently a 90mg of THC edible, It was getting too intense for him. So we counteracted it with 40mg of CBD and he was totally fine after that. You can TRY to overdose on cannabis but you’ll fall asleep before you achieve that, it’s physically impossible to do so.
Myth 4: CBD gets you high
Marijuana myth 4 is FALSE. THC is the molecular component of the cannabis plant that gives you the psychoactive high. CBD is the component of the plant that has a ton of health benefits, such as pain relief, helps with anxiety and depression, and so many other health issues. My dear friend Pickles Osrisis wrote an amazing article about CBD that can be found here. 
I really believe if more people gave CBD a chance, they’d be amazed with how beneficial it can be.
Myth 5:  Cannabis is a gateway drug
There are new studies being done in Canada showing how people with severe drug addictions are turning to cannabis and it’s working to stop their addiction! Research is also suggesting that we can help combat the opioid crisis with cannabis as a replacement for prescription pain medicine, cannabis is proving to be an exit drug!
I’ve never once smoked a joint and thought, “Damn, I’m not high enough, let’s do some cocaine off the dirty coffee table.”
Marijuana myth 5 debunked!
Marijuana Myth 6: Weed is only about getting high. It has no medical benefits
That’s funny. You are a funny person if you believe that statement. I’m just going to assume you live under a rock and think smoking cigarettes is considered “healthy” still.
The medical research behind cannabis for medical use is astounding!  Did you know over 30 countries have legalized medical cannabis? Weed can help treat and help an assortment of illnesses and diseases such as epilepsy, cancer, MS, anxiety/depression, and fibromyalgia.
Medical cannabis has been legal in Canada since July 30, 2001. We are such a progressive nation. I’m super grateful to live in a country that recognizes cannabis as a medicine.
There are many more marijuana myths, taboos and outright ridiculousness I could go on about but I’ll save that for another time. Cannabis is a magical plant where the benefits outweigh the negative. When used responsibly, cannabis is such a great tool to combat so many ailments, or just to relax and get a good night’s sleep. Cannabis won’t make you violent, there’s no hangover, and you don’t have to worry about calling your ex up at 3am crying. You’re more likely to be up at 3am looking for snacks because you passed out early.
Remember to start slow and go with the flow when starting your cannabis journey. Stay groovy.
The post 6 Marijuana myths: The Truth Exposed By: LavenderSasquatch appeared first on Weed Deals.
source https://www.weed-deals.ca/marijuana-myths-the-truth-exposed/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=marijuana-myths-the-truth-exposed source https://weeddealsca.tumblr.com/post/185801695192
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