#weeping woman
legendarytragedynacho · 9 months
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Weeping Woman (with God's eye above) - Carl Hofmann grave in St. Matthäus Kirchhof Cemetery in Berlin. Nikolaus Geiger Sculpture
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thesehauntedhills · 1 year
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Weeping Woman at The Magnolia Hotel
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Unveiling the Mystery: The Weeping Woman Grave in Parkersburg, WV
In the heart of Parkersburg, West Virginia, lies a grave shrouded in mystery and surrounded by tales of sorrow – the Weeping Woman Grave. This enigmatic burial site has captured the imagination of locals and visitors alike, leaving them intrigued by its haunting presence and the stories that surround it.
The Weeping Woman Grave is located in a quiet corner of a historic cemetery, its weathered tombstone bearing the name of Mary Jane, a woman who is said to have lived in the 19th century. The legend goes that Mary Jane's life was marked by tragedy, and her spirit is believed to linger in the cemetery, perpetually weeping for her lost loved ones.
Many variations of the tale exist, but the common thread is one of heartbreak and loss. Some say Mary Jane lost her children, while others believe she mourned the untimely death of her husband. The specifics may vary, but the underlying theme is a life marked by grief, eternally embodied by the sorrowful figure on the gravestone.
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Visitors to the Weeping Woman Grave often report experiencing an eerie presence, especially during twilight hours. Some claim to have heard faint sobbing or seen the silhouette of a woman dressed in mourning attire near the grave. Skeptics attribute these experiences to the power of suggestion, while believers insist that Mary Jane's spirit continues to weep for her lost happiness.
Local folklore has woven a tapestry of ghost stories around the Weeping Woman Grave, adding to the allure of this quiet resting place. Some paranormal enthusiasts visit the site armed with cameras and audio recording devices, hoping to capture evidence of supernatural activity. Whether these encounters are purely psychological or a genuine connection with the otherworldly, the stories persist, contributing to the mystique of Mary Jane's grave.
Despite the speculation and tales that surround the Weeping Woman Grave, it remains an integral part of Parkersburg's local lore. The cemetery itself is a historical gem, with ornate tombstones and a serene atmosphere that invites contemplation. Whether one is a believer in the supernatural or a skeptic, the Weeping Woman Grave stands as a testament to the power of storytelling and the enduring fascination with the mysteries that lie beneath the surface of our everyday lives.
In the quiet corners of Parkersburg, the Weeping Woman Grave invites visitors to ponder the fragility of life, the weight of grief, and the enduring power of myth. It serves as a reminder that, even in death, the stories of those who came before us continue to capture our imaginations and connect us to the rich tapestry of history that defines our communities.
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groovygrumpygoose · 7 months
In another universe I was loved how I was meant to be. In another universe I was safe in my brain. In a other universe I was allowed to rest. There is nothing more strikingly beautiful in this world than the weeping of a woman. A necessary sob holds such pure sweetness. To cry from the genuine communication of my words. To cry because of the hurt in my heart. To cry like the sored empath which I am. In another universe I am not called a crybaby. In another universe my tears are wiped by a gentle hand, scattered amongst the ground not to forget, but to tend a beautiful garden. In another universe, my flowers are not stomped on, they are celebrated.
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moonmausoleum · 1 year
La Llorona the Mexican Weeping Woman Ghost
La Llorona is a famous Mexican folk tale. It align itself with other similar legend of the scorned woman, the woman in white and the weeping woman. Read about it at #moonmausoleum🦇🖤 #Paranormal #ghosts #Haunted
Along the rivers in Mexico a wailing woman wearing white can be seen and heard as she comes up drenched from the waters. She is desperately looking for her children she herself drowned. And according to the legends of La Llorona or the wailing woman, you are next. “The scariest part was not that La Llorona was a monster, or that she came when you called her name three times in the dark, or that…
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famousfor15 · 1 year
Weeping Woman (Gaza, Palestine) by banksy
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blandorama · 8 months
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A piece of A3 work I really regret selling in the mid 90s!
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lex-n-weegie · 2 years
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Chapter 12: Cold Metal
Chapter Summary: Montgomery Gator was the last one left. Getting him back is not going to be easy, dangerous even. How where they gonna do it again?
Chapter 13: Prince's Quest
Chapter Summary: 1 credit(s) Press anything to start!
Ta-da! Two new chapters, one a normal continuation and the other a backstage chapter!
Sorry that this took way too long to not only make but also post, I'm very scatterbrained 😅 I hope they're enjoyable nonetheless! Also, we're starting to get close to the end! Can't wait to finally tell you all the whole story ^^
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w-i-m-m · 1 year
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brightoakgame · 2 years
Halloween Short #4 - Patti
Patti’s ghost story is a little different, as I used an urban legend scenario for the base, rather than a specific written work. So for fun, I framed this short as the episode transcript of a misfit ghost-hunting podcast-- and in the process roped in the rest of the cast. Figures “Mayor” Patti would be the one to bring the town together, even if the brief was too silly for her tastes. 
As ever, editing and art credit to the wonderful Remnantation​
Notes: some minor swearing, references to alcohol, terrible jokes, and rampant silliness. Proceed at your own risk. 
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(theme music plays)
JOHN: Hello, and welcome to Nice to Meet Boo, the friendliest ghost-hunting podcast around! If you’re a first-time listener, the way it works here is that you submit your tales mysterious and strange, and then we trot off and attempt to answer the important question: is the source normal--or paranormal?
MARYBETH: Spoiler: it’s not ghosts.
JASPER: Apart from when it is ghosts, of course.
JOHN: Ah, thank you both for speaking up! For our investigations, we have assembled a--er--balanced team of experts: on the side of skepticism, we are lucky enough to include my sister here, Dr. Marybeth Forster. 
MARYBETH: I am a temp. I am not part of this team.
JOHN: Ah, right. Sorry, Sister Mine, allow me to try again: this is our temporary skeptic, Dr. Marybeth Forster, who is with us because she is presently otherwise unemployed and has nothin’ better to do.
JASPER: (laughs quietly)
MARYBETH: Go to hell.
JOHN: On the other side of the spectrum, we’ve got here Dr. Jasper Lee, who’s a medium!
JASPER: Metaphysicist.
MARYBETH: What exactly are you a doctor of? Y’know, since metaphysics is not a real science.
JASPER: (sighs) While technically a philosophy, Aristotle founded it as a way of addressing that which natural sciences and mathematics cannot--
MARYBETH: Oh, so you’re comparing yourself to Aristotle now? Ooh, or are you channeling his ghost? Can you speak ancient Greek?
JASPER: ἕκαστος δὲ κρίνει καλῶς ἃ γινώσκει, καὶ τούτων ἐστὶν ἀγαθὸς κριτής. 
JOHN: And our last, uh, ‘silent’ partner, if you will, is Sparrow, who handles all our gadgetry and gizmos and whatsits, from the microphones and cameras and flashlights, to the crystals and candles and whatever the hell else Jasper--
JASPER: Doctor.
JOHN: --Doctor Jasper thinks’ll help us connect with anybody or, uh, anything on the other side. Unfortunately for you listeners, Sparrow seems to think podcasts are public speaking, so you won’t hear much on that end, but hey! Say hello, Sparrow!
Sparrow: …
JOHN: Eh, always worth a shot. Can’t actually hear you waving, but points for effort--and um, thankfully nobody can hear that other gesture you’re making, either, so you can just go back to doing whatever it was you were doing, then. 
MARYBETH: Or alternately, you can take that finger and--
JOHN: So there we have it, folks! A skeptic, a medi--a meta--metaphystist--damn, just can’t get my mouth around that one!--our trusty support, and me! I’m John Forster, and I like to keep an open mind.
JASPER: More like an open bottle.
MARYBETH: (snorts) Now placing bets that the only one drifting blindly into walls tonight is John. 
(theme music cuts in)
JOHN: Wait’ll you hear what we’ve got in store tonight, because it’s a doozy of a tale, comin’ to us from listener Kit! But first, real quick: Marybeth, why do ghosts like elevators?
MARYBETH: I told you, I’m not going to--
JOHN: Because they lift their spirits!
JASPER: Ανόητος.
MARYBETH: Still channeling Aristotle, are you?
JOHN: Well, Sparrow laughed. Unless you wanna speak up and contradict me? Ha, thought not! Kit wrote us--well, if you’ll do the honors, Jasper? 
JASPER: (sighs) Doctor, Doctor Jasper Lee. But fine. Kit submits the following account:
Dear Nice to Meet Boo Team,
I stumbled on your podcast and thought you might be interested in a strange experience I had a few weeks ago. While traveling, I was forced to take a detour on a small mountain backroad. The area is beautiful, but very remote, and it had been well over an hour since I’d last seen any other cars or signs of human life. So I was curious when I noticed a structure ahead, just off the roadside. As I got closer, it became clear that it was an old, mid-century diner--and I could tell even from a distance it was long abandoned. I mean, who was around to go there? 
MARYBETH: Not ghosts! 
JASPER: (sighs again) I can’t tell anymore if you don’t believe, or are simply afraid to.
JOHN: Right, we can get to investigating all that in a minute, if you’ll just continue?
JASPER: I slowed the car a bit as I got closer, so I could get a good look at it--and then just when I was in front of the entrance, the car engine died! Which was scary not because of anything to do with the old diner, but because of how far I was from any kind of help. I’d been out of cell phone service for miles and miles at that point. 
Getting out of the car, though, I was surprised to hear voices. I couldn’t tell what was said, but they were clear, and for a moment I wondered if the diner was operating after all, or if it was maybe one of those abandoned places that get tourists coming through and taking pictures? I didn’t see any other cars around, but walked up to the door and tried to peer inside. 
There was a woman standing behind the counter. I was surprised, but the inside looked much better kept than the outside suggested, so I opened the door--which was unlocked, and even still had one of those little bells on it that chimes when it opens or closes--but before I’d even set foot inside, she was gone. The interior now looked completely different, too, and obviously hadn’t been used for decades. 
MARYBETH: Ugh. I hate these stories.
JOHN: Why? They’re great!
JASPER: I ran back to the car, jumped in--and it started up again without any issue. I drove on, and never looked back.
JOHN: I like this one! Thanks for sending it in, Kit! Hey Jas--Doctor J: why are ghosts terrible liars?
JASPER: What? I don’t find them to be markedly worse than--oh. (sighs irritably) 
JOHN: Because you can--
JASPER: --see right through them, yes, fine, let’s move on. Kit very kindly included enough information on the location of this diner for us to track it down with a little research.
JOHN: We found it, and now we’re here on location! Right at sunset, too, which is terrific ghost-hunting time, I think.
MARYBETH: Speak for yourself. It’s going to get cold, and I’ll bet it’s dark inside already. We could establish the lack of ghosts just as easily by daylight.
JOHN: Now where’s the fun in that? Wouldn’t be half as scary. Let’s get started!
(theme music plays)
(sound of a car door closing, footsteps)
JOHN: Here we are, strollin’ up to this empty husk of a building that looks like it’s probably held together by nothin’ but rust and asbestos and--
JASPER: It’s locked. 
(spooky music cue)
JOHN: It’s locked! Our very first event: Kit quite clearly stated the diner door was unlocked.
MARYBETH: Woo. Guess that confirms it was ghosts all along, and we can go home now. (hissing and a loud popping sound in the background) What the f*** Jasper, are we breaking and entering now?!
JASPER: Yes. Are you coming?
JOHN: The door is now unlocked! (a bell chimes faintly) Soon the secrets of the ghosts will be ours!
(spooky music plays over echoing footsteps)
JOHN: Smaller than I thought’d be. 
MARYBETH: What, did you think it’d be bigger on the inside?
JOHN: Maybe. Say, anybody hearin’ voices, or seein’ anyone behind the bar? 
MARYBETH: No, and you’re always seeing things anyway, Jasper. Normal people can’t see or hear anything, because there isn’t anything to see or hear. (a clunking sound, followed by mechanical whirring) What the hell is that, John?
JOHN: Glad you asked! I thought it was unfair that Doctor J gets to have all the fun communicating with those beyond the veil, and so I brought some equipment of my own this time!
JASPER & MARYBETH: (in unison) Oh no.
JOHN: You can just put that box over there. Thanks for your support, Sparrow! Okay, so this doodad creates a kinda radio static, and ghosts can sometimes speak through the static because--I don’t recall why. But let’s try it! 
JASPER: I don’t think--
(loud buzzing and static plays; at one point, it is disrupted by what may be a voice, and then immediately cuts off)
JOHN: What’d you go and turn it off for, right when things were gettin’ good?
MARYBETH: It’s giving me a headache.
JOHN: But you heard it, didn’t you? The ghost spoke!
MARYBETH: I heard a lot of static. 
JOHN: But the voice at the end! You heard it, right? Sounded like it said--
MARYBETH: …noisy. 
JOHN: Noisy! That’s what I heard, too!
JASPER: Shocking.
MARYBETH: But it’s just the human predisposition towards pattern-seeking. It wasn’t actually a voice. It was only--
JOHN: Fine, we’ll call it inconclusive. Next one, then! I got a flashlight.
MARYBETH: All of us have flashlights.
JOHN: Nah, this is one of the twisty-ones. I’m gonna set it over here on the counter, where Kit saw the lady standing, and I am gonna twist it so it’s almost on, but not quite, and we can ask her questions, and she can answer by turning it on or off!
JASPER: I really--
JOHN: Okay, let’s get this turned--wait. 
MARYBETH: What now? 
JOHN: Sparrow, you put batteries in this earlier, right? (inaudible) It won’t turn on. Got any extras? (some rustling)
(spooky music cue)
JOHN: We’ve got our second event! The flashlight won’t turn on, even with fresh batteries!
JASPER: Truly, a mystery for the ages.
MARYBETH: Yeah. John, I admit it freely: I’ve been wrong all this time, ghosts are real, they made your flashlight not work--right when it’s getting dark, I notice--so let’s wrap this up and leave.
JASPER: Leave? Already? But you can’t think Forster’s nonsense actually counts as--
JOHN: I got one more! Sparrow, bring in the--yeah, that thing.
JASPER: What now…?
JOHN: I don’t remember what this one is called, but the lights’ll change colors when a ghost gets close to it.
MARYBETH: Really John, haven’t we had enough of--ahhh!
JOHN: See? See? It changed color! Hey, Miss Ghost, could you get a little closer to the-- 
(a heavy crash, gasping, footsteps, and the bell chime all in quick succession)
(cue spooky music)
JASPER: Well. I feel we’ve now established that the ghost doesn’t like your nonsense, Forster. Knock it off.
MARYBETH: I don’t like the ghost. Nope, nope, nope. Ouch! Who pinched me? John, I swear--
JOHN: A major event this time! Sorry, ma’am! We’ll get that mess cleared up and--wait, where’s Sparrow?
JASPER: Sparrow has just now decided to wait in the van, I believe.
MARYBETH: So much for our support.
JOHN: Just when we’ve made contact, too. Poor Sparrow is gonna miss out. Well, what’ve you got, Doctor J?
JASPER: Thanks to your fumbling around, this may take a--(a breath) Oh. She’s here. She’s…not pleased by us being here.
(a pause)
JOHN: What’s she look like?
JASPER: Tall. Quite beautiful. She’s in a white dress, and has dark hair and eyes. 
JOHN: Does she like jokes?
MARYBETH: I’m no psychic, but I feel absolutely certain the answer is No. 
JOHN: Worth a shot. Uh, sorry about the bad manners, Miss Ghost.
JASPER: That helped. She’s very elegant, and I get the sense etiquette is important to her.
JOHN: Ah! In that case, allow me to introduce myself. I’m John Forster.
JASPER: I’m Doctor Jasper Lee.
(a long pause)
MARYBETH: I am not doing this. 
JOHN: And this is my sister, Doctor Marybeth Forster. This is, uh, quite an establishment you have here, Miss Ghost. Can you tell me, are you aware that you’re--
MARYBETH: Dead and not supposed to be here?
JASPER: Shut up.
MARYBETH: (laughs nervously) Oh, a rude ghost!
JASPER: No, that was me. She’s well aware she’s a ghost.
JOHN: What has you lingering on, then?
JASPER: It’s her diner.
JOHN: Right. So, a special attachment to the place? 
JASPER: It is her place, why should she not be in it? Of course there is an attachment. It is mine.
MARYBETH: Ooh, I really don’t like it when you do that. Stop it.
JOHN: Clearly you ain’t just some kinda recording of history, then. What’re your aims? 
JASPER: Ah--hm--peace? Peace.
JOHN: As in, you come in peace?
MARYBETH: Why don’t you rest in peace, then?
JASPER: I would like to be left in peace, por favor. 
JOHN: ‘Por favor’? She’s speaking to--er, through--you in Spanish, then?
JASPER: She’s bilingual, and what I perceive are better classed as impressions of her thoughts, so it is a mix. 
JOHN: Hmm… You ain’t that La Llorona character, goin’ around stealing children, are you? 
JASPER: She says, absolutely not. The question is quite absurd. What should I want with children? She does not want children, she wants peace and quiet. And John, that’s a terribly rude question--it’s on par on asking a stranger with a British dialect if they’re Winston Churchill.
MARYBETH: You’d really put that past him?
JASPER: Not every ghost or spirit is a celebrity. 
JOHN: Fair ‘nough. What about adults? 
JASPER: (sighs heavily) What about adults? I have said I do not want children, why should I want adults, or anyone at all? I want to be left alone.
JOHN: Gotta ask, because we heard from someone that was passing by and happened to see--
JASPER: Ah, them. They looked lost, I wondered if they needed directions.
JOHN: Got it. So you’re not the Weeping Woman?
JASPER: (laughs, uncharacteristically brightly) Only when I am sad. What, are you the Noisy Man, because you do not stop talking?
JASPER: You should not laugh. You are just as noisy, and less polite. 
MARYBETH: Shut up, Jasper.
JASPER: It wasn’t me that time. Though I agree with her.
JOHN: Just plain John’ll do fine. Can I ask your name, then, Miss Ghost?
JASPER: Claro que sí! I cannot seem to stop you from asking all kinds of questions. Her name is…Patti. Wait, no--Miss Patti? Apologies.
JOHN: Miss Patti, it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance. (a long pause) You still in there?
JASPER: She’s still here, she’s just torn between good manners and--well, I don’t think I need to repeat precisely what she just said. She wants us to leave, and is struggling not to say it outright. No, I have said it, again and again, quite politely, but you are not listening, and I am beginning to grow angry.
(gasps, a stifled shriek, something being dropped)
JASPER: Oh, okay. No more flashlights, understood. Um, we should go. Soon. 
MARYBETH: Don’t need to tell me twice. I’ll be in the van with Sparrow. (rapid footsteps; the bell chimes) Come on, John!
JOHN: All right, thank you for your time, Miss Patti. If I may, though, can I ask you just one more question? (a click) Oh! You turned the flashlight back on! Does that mean yes?
JASPER: I cannot seem to say No in a way you understand. Fine. Ask your question, but then leave, and take this nosy--oh, you mean me? Apologies, I didn’t--
JOHN: Last question, then we’ll go, scout’s honor: (a dramatic pause) Why didn’t the ghost dance at the party?
JASPER: Forster, for the--
JOHN: He had no body to dance with! Hahaha--ooookay, let’s go.
(rapid footsteps, the bell chimes, a door slams)
(panting breaths)
JOHN: You saw her too, right?
JASPER: I saw her the whole time, you damned--
JOHN: Dunno what I expected, but she looked nice, I thought!
JASPER: She looked furious!
JOHN: I’m pretty sure she laughed.
JASPER: I’m pretty sure you’re drunk.
MARYBETH: John! Thank god. You’re okay?
JASPER: He told Miss Patti a joke.
MARYBETH: S***, we’re going to be haunted for sure.
JASPER: I doubt it. She was quite ready to be rid of us. You believe in ghosts now though, correct?
MARYBETH: Well, I at least believe you and my brother are creeps who very well may have set up this whole--
JASPER: How? For what purpose?
MARYBETH: To scare me, of course!
JOHN: Oh! That would’ve been good, if I’d thought of it.
JOHN: Well, I’d’ve gone to Miss Patti’s diner, if it were still open. Sparrow! Glad to see you! Can you go back in to fetch our--oh, ah, that’s a no, I take it? Fine. Guess the next folks to visit can have it.
JASPER: It may be out on the front steps by morning. Miss Patti is an exceptionally… active ghost when it comes to protecting her space, it would seem.
JOHN: Well, maybe I’ll try and come by to fetch it then! Really feel there’s a lot of potential for--
JASPER: There’s a good chance she'll have permanently shorted all your ridiculous equipment. She really didn’t like it. 
MARYBETH: I didn’t, either, and if you try bringing more next time, I will break it myself. (a pause) I’m still quitting, though.
JOHN: To each their own. Well, Kit, I hope that this helps confirm matters for you: your diner is the place to eat, drink, and be scary! It’s definitely haunted by a real pretty ghost by the name of Miss Patti, and she’s in a bad mood. (cue theme music) Which leaves just one remaining question open in our investigation here, before we can conclude matters and head out to the next adventure: when does a ghost drink their coffee?
(groaning, a van door slams)
JOHN: In the moaning! (silence) Yeah, I--(an engine starts) Wait, dammit--Uh, thanks for listening, and we’ll boo back next week with more--now, hold up! Hold up, dammit, I--
(a bell chimes, faint laughter)
(cue theme music outro)
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Not trying to pressure you, I’m just wondering if you ever got around to writing that fairy tale villain meta about Wanda pruning the apple trees in Multiverse of Madness because it sounds really fascinating and I always love reading your analysis of media.
I'm so glad you asked! I am definitely still planning on writing this, especially now that I've seen the movie a second time and have read the books I was planning to reference. I'm in the process of changing jobs right now which is eating up all my time and energy, but I'm hoping to write this very soon, within the next month (ideally before Halloween since it's kind of on-theme)! Thanks for asking! 🍎
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brayanksc · 6 days
A retale of Weeping woman
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By: Brayan Ksc E. B.
Dedicated to: my teachers of?/on and to Quick Learning (and bodies)...
... English's enhance in progress....
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rainbowgoat02 · 9 months
The weeping Woman
So, for years I've known a ghost that lingers around my house known as "The Weeping Woman." And she would appear in a form of mimicking other crying and when you investigated nearby she fade away and turns out the person was perfectly fine or wasn't even where the crying was to begin with and when you find them you asked "were you crying?" and the person would reply "no I'm fine" no tears or lingering idea that they could've been crying.
But here's the kicker...last time that happened I was twelve or thirteen. I remember I was speaking outloud (I talked to myself) about how stressful my mom was making my living situation. After a moment of speaking outloud in my room I heard my mom "crying" and it sounded so distraught that guilt washed over me and I went to investigate. She wasn't where the crying was coming from and when the crying stopped I called out for my mom. I moved downstairs and she said she was fine. I went upstairs and stopped thinking about how I feel.
So she can appear when people are trying to express things that are painful and she takes your express feelings into her own form which is crying for you. I guess. I don't know but the weeping woman has never left and she's now back. Not sure what to do about that....
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sonofthepear · 1 year
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Amazing Jiro and Students
The city of Kawasaki, Japan holds an annual Halloween parade. Now I may be late to this (4 years to be exact) but once I saw this I had to write about it. The Amazing Jiro who is a face and body make-up artist and six of his students took part in the parade as pieces of artwork. These famous artworks included Pablo Picasso’s The Weeping Woman, Vincent van Gogh’s Self-portrait, Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa, just to name a few. They also won the Pumpkin Award which is the main prize for the event as well, and you can see why. Being able to bring art alive in a whole new way and looks stunning. 
Sources: Instagram - @amazing_jiro
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moonmausoleum · 1 year
The Hauntings of the Chute de la Dame Blanche
Chute de la Dame Blanche or the White Lady Waterfall is a legend of a grieving bride to be in the midst of the battle of Canada. Now haunting the waterfalls. Read about it here at #moonmausoleum👻 #paranormal #ghosts #haunted
Chute de la Dame Blanche or the White Lady Waterfall is a legend of a grieving bride to be in the midst of the battle of Canada. She now haunts the waterfall still wearing her wedding dress were she ended her life, still grieving the loss of her lover. Taller than the Niagara Falls, the Montmorency falls towers 83 m over the city of Québec. It flows downstream from the city and into St.…
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ungesicht · 1 year
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a portrait; not of a woman, but of a woman from a man's perspective
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