#weird post I know today i'm feeling funky
me when I see those juicy gulumptious fanart of my only one true love Liquid Snake, and they draw him with the enough amount of yummy gorgeous manbreasts that could satiate the hungriest men and could end world hunger
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spamtoon · 7 months
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i would take their poison
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Sketch + Line Art for those Clicking Under the Cut(tm) (archival purposes honestly)
#moshi monsters#sweet tooth moshi monsters#experimentation i am COG AWFUL at digital dear goodness i was playing with coloring and transparency and all those fun digital doodads.#next time i probably wont have black outline or i'll do it differently. or i'll try well. not doing this. it sure was a process im#i'm an amateur everyone who masically only doodles. does the sketch look better than the final. kinda! but thats okay because im learning#and y'know what. sometimes in life you just need to draw faves no consequences#for how saturated a character they are i kinda feel like i pastelled things too muc and trapped myself with my convoluted layer setup but m#it was looking WEIRD with everything at full force#maybe the sparkles look dumb maybe the hair looks dumb and out of place and why i kinda made the lollipop a little funky too#uhh. first digital piece posted... ever?#the arm is SO fucky i am not that was. thats not what perspective is spam#yes this is what i spent a good chunk of today doing after i started working on coloring it and then. decided to go for it.#cooolrs a little inaccurate on the horns and such but man one of the biggest art things was like#i dont have to have everything at their perfect hex codes all the time. this would look way worse if i just. used their standard colors#yeah this is. instead of looking like its forward and to the right it kinda just looks like they have a Bigger hypno-lolly#especialy becase. i did not bother on the gloves and platforms i the sparkles work with 2 kinda sorta but you know#im practicing! i'm learning! i'll get better and learn how to do things more effectively!#anyway. sweet toof#though hey their arm looks even more fucked in the line art and sketch SO#note to future self have a Consistent Line Art Size so that if you feel like the line art looks like shit during coloring you dont have to#gamble on what size it was while changing it#sketch lollipop looks better i should have kept it small. but its fine. we'll get em next time boys (tm)#yes i know my gif post was so fancy and then the drawing is just THIS
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thelovinghost · 1 year
Hello there!!!! may i request headcanons on how the ouran host would flirt??
YES OMG I JUST SAW THIS REQUEST ON JULY 1 2023 [Yet I'm posting this in almost August...] Left out Mori cause he don't talk
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Tamaki Suoh
A natural born flirt
He's so good, even his regular talking sounds like he's flirting
He's a cheesy flirt, but he has his moments were he's like a poet
"Your eyes are deep as my love for you"
"I'd rather look into your eyes than any stars in the night sky"
He knows how to make anyone blush, even those daring cougars
Man is great at foreplay
You get so used to his flirting that you become immune to it
^ He gets really upset by this, flirting is his best trait
^ Bro gets into a mental crisis. If he loses his flirting ability, will you become unattracted to him?
He loves when you play along with him and flirt back
He loves to flirt and it's his life
Though, if you're better than him at flirting?
He doesn't even know how to process it
Doing it effortlessly? He wants you to stop, because he's afraid you might flirt with other people, even if you don't realize it
You think he's over reacting [And you're right]
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Hikaru Hitachiin
He's mean
At first he flirted with you as a joke, you know, like friends
But then when he gains feelings, he becomes a weird ball of confusion and uncontrolled emotions and he takes it out on you
He's mean to you, because he doesn't know how else to express his emotions
You're very confused
He gives you mixed emotions
One second he's over you like cuteness on a puppy then the next he ignores you
His brother will confront him and will sweep in to help your relationship [If you could call it that]
He'll flirt with you, so that Hikaru accepts his feelings [he doesn't]
In fact, he gets into a fight with his brother when they get mad
Hikaru and Kaoru get into such a bad fight, that it effects their host club activities
Hikaru's scared of rejection and abandonment
He's scared if he opens up, you won't want him
But you think he's fine either way
He's just a bad flirt with someone he likes, to cut it short
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Kaoru Hitachiin
He's genuinely the best flirt
He's sweet and kind and unlike Tamaki he doesn't flirt with everyone
He's able to express every emotion he has for you when he flirts, unlike his brother
It's not even really flirting for him. It's just him telling you how much he loves you and everything you do to him
He'll make you blush and smile so much your cheeks hurt
He's genuinely so smooth
He'll grab your hands and tell you sweet nothings
He genuinely means everything he says to you
He loves you and wants you to know that
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Mitsukuni 'Honey' Haninozuka
He has a child-like idea of flirting
He'll give you his sweets and lets you hold Usa-chan
He loves admiring you and will just randomly say how pretty he thinks you are
He's so cute, he can say the dirtest things and you won't even realize what it means
You'll think it's just cute
But it's not. He is a filthy, nasty, dude
But he has this child-like innocence atmosphere around him
He compares you to his favorite sweets and tells you he'd pick you over Usa-chan
[Damn, that's a compliment]
"You're as sweet as sugar, Y/n-chan!"
He has this sweet smile on his face as he tells you everything
"Y/n have you ever heard of a Funky Monkey?"
"No, why?"
He laughs, shaking his head, "I can show you, if you'd like"
Don't let him show you
He wants you to see him as a man, not a boy, hence the sex innuendos
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Kyoya Ootori
His idea of flirting is pointing out your flaws and criticizing you
Kind of a douchebag ngl
I guess another way to put is that he's not to good with words
He'll take you wherever you wanna go
^ That's kind of his love language
He kind of looks at you and admires you
Though he doesn't admit it
He, like Hikaru, is scared of his emotions
He uses his actions instead of words
It's okay, you understand him well enough to accept this
You don't mind
Though when does open up to you, he'll occasionally, VERY RARELY, say something sweet
"You look nice today, Y/n"
You'll look down at your yellow dress, which you always wear because it's the uniform. "Ummm.... Thank you?"
He feels like an idiot after saying this though, so please don't call him out
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Haruhi Fujioka
Terrible flirt
Can not flirt to save her life
When she does 'flirt' it's not even consciously
It's kind of like a mask
When she does try and tell you how she feels, it kind of falls flat?
Like she says it in such a flat tone and it comes off weird?
"Wow, you smell nice today"
^ "Excuse me?" [She says it like she either doesn't mean it or that you smell awful every other time of day]
She just keeps making it worse by continuing with it and not backing down
In fact, you'll probably be turned off by her for a while, because of her flirting
Eventually one of the other host club members hear her flirting and go to save her
"Haha, he doesn't mean that. He's an idiot." They'll pat her back, before dragging him off
"What is wrong with you? What was that?"
"I was flirting"
They then laugh at her and she frowns
She needs help
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forpiratereasons · 11 months
okayyy things i loved about ofmd s2 today's edition is!! FRENCHIE. what a guy. first off, joel fry, i'm free on thursdays. second, love that he gets promoted to first mate, tries to decline, & IMMEDIATELY disobeys his mad new boss to try and help izzy. he reaches out to izzy a lot tbh and of course frenchie and jim together are the litmus test for how we're meant to feel about izzy.
but frenchie is affectionate with izzy! holds izzy's hand in e1 while fang hugs him, leans against his leg in e3 while they're in zheng's jail, goes back for him in e8 when ed is carrying him forward. i think he grows up a bit esp in the first few episodes & helps his crew at the end (go frenchie!), setting him up to the captaincy at the end.
now that i look back over the series with an eye on frenchie i think they do lay a groundwork for his captaincy - not only does he become ed's first mate but he also has a functioning coping mechanism (a lot has been made of the compartmentalization as frenchie not handling shit but compartmentalization is a legit mechanism and i think once the crew is all back together frenchie gets his shit together pretty fast so u know just bc we don't see frenchie having appropriate outlets doesn't mean he doesn't have any) that would allow frenchie to take a step back and make decisions without necessarily reacting from fear. this is what enables him to fend for izzy!! he can put aside the fear of ed and ask himself, what is the right thing to do? take care of the crew.
other things that slid past me in the first few watches but which i think were more significant than i realized:
in ep 3, when the revenge and the red flag meet, the crew looks to frenchie to answer stede's questions about ed.
auntie talks frenchie (authority) and fang (soft, cultural connection - this is a deft bit of manipulation that totally works btw) aboard the revenge.
frenchie delivers the verdict against ed exiling him from the ship in ep 4 - it can't come from stede, because stede is compromised where ed is concerned, and so instead frenchie is their spokesperson.
we get one final clue as to frenchie's authority and respect among the crew in the post-ep scene of ep 8, where frenchie slips out of the jail - yeah, it's partially because he's thin enough to fit through the bars, but other folks who could fit refuse. he gets the courage up and does it, and it works! he frees the crew!
so you know, i guess i didn't instantly clock frenchie as captain in the final shots of the revenge, but it also didn't ping me as weird that he was giving orders. he's grown a lot over this series. notably, oluwande doesn't take on this sort of active role this series - his arc is a little different with zheng and jim now, his priorities are changing, and he doesn't want to captain the revenge, he wants to follow zheng. just because olu would have been the obvious choice in s1e10 doesn't mean things can't change! olu didn't want to be captain then, he doesn't want to be captain now. that's okay!! the crew have found another leader amongst themselves!!
i'm really excited to see what kind of funky cool badass jacket-wearing captain he'll make in s3!!!
go frenchie!!
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Do you have ideas for how the Angel and The Prototype ship would occur and progress? (Like, who would get feelings for who first, who would they get advice from, how the toys would react, if it would be an even bigger romcom than Dogday and Catnap…)
Angel x Prototype in the Everyone Is Saved AU first starts after Angel finds a nice house for all the toys to live in. After everyone is moved out and settled in, Catnap convinces Prototype to leave the abandoned factory. Prototype reluctantly agrees, making sure to grab every single document he can find with him. I know Prototype is known by the authorities because Angel had to tell them about him, but not by the general public. When he leaves Playtime, it's a very quick and effective escape and into a small hut outside the farm.
This new place is way smaller than Playtime, physically wise, but it feels so much better in every way possible. Prototype is weirded out by everything at this point, even the sound of the toys playing with each other and talking like normal kids and young adults would do instead of trying to hunt each other for food like before. Elliot's mind is full, all the memories from the toys he absorbed together with his own, and now his brain finally has time to work out through the +10 years of trauma. He dissociates a lot, his hallucinations get weirder, all the good stuff about dealing with trauma, and the only ones who are there for him are Catnap and Angel.
Oh, Angel...
So we all can agree that Angel is also suffering from PTSD, right? And on top of that, they're taking care of +80 kids! Yeah some of them are young adults, but from Angel's POV those are still THEIR kids, and they have no idea how they work. Except Prototype does, and thus their relationship evolves from merely two adults desperate to give a better life to monster toys to two adults having no fucking idea what they're supposed to do for them. Prototype feels like he will never be able to repay for his sins, Angel feels like they'll never be able to provide everything the kids need. So one day Angel stays up late in Prototype's hut just talking about the toys, with Proto/Elliot also talking about them, and the two just go "this feels so overbearing, right?", and the other agrees.
When Prototype's relationship with Catnap finally gets better when they have some important conversations about the decade-long post Hour of Joy, there's a notable shift in his behavior, because now that he feels like he has his kid back it's like things can indeed be better. Cue to Angel getting better at dealing with the other toys, and as months go by their bond becomes stronger and more than just "hey the kids gave me a lot of work today and I need to drink/smoke, i'll stay at your hut so I won't be a bad example to them".
The really good stuff hits only after Poppy finds out that Prototype = Elliot Ludwig = her actual dad, because it's Angel grabbing Proto around and going "TALK. WITH. YOUR. KIDS", and it's the first time in decades since someone ever did that to him, because who in their right mind would bicker with a monster like HIM? And then Angel does exactly that. Smacks him with a newspaper and demands him to get his shit together instead of spiraling further into depression.
Somewhere during the months where Prototype is being promoted to parent #2 by each toy, one by one, is when Angel realizes that their friendship is getting a bit Funky(tm), but they just. Ignore it. Two years post-Playtime Co. go by and Angel is just there like "what I feel for parent #2 is entirely platonic and I do not think of him as anything else than a friend at all hahaha it would be weird right. Because he still talks to me about how he misses his wife (they divorced each other +70 years ago) and how he feels like he failed literally everyone important to him. I mean he didn't fail me what I see is just a guy struggling to be better and honestly I'm worse than him and- oh wait What" until like, they go to a family trip and Prototype decides to stay behind to watch over the farm, and Angel misses him way more than they think they would just miss a dear friend, and it's not just because he helps them with the kids.
Anyways Angel is panicking in all levels except physical when one day Prototype is talking with Catnap and Poppy (they're having a three-toy "tea party" because Pop wanted them to have a small family gathering) and she looks at him in the eye(s) and says "dad, are you sure you don't feel anything else for Angel?", and Proto is just "why are you asking me that???". Cue to Catnap staring at him like
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And then Prototype realizes it's not very normal kind of platonic two months later when Angel, as per usual, is called by a scammer. And, as per house protocol, all the toys immediately go to the living room as Angel says "hold up, can you talk to my husband for a moment?" and gives Prototype the phone and tells him to do his thing and annoy the scammer. And Prototype feels weirdly a tiny bit too happy about pretending to be someone else's husband.
At this point the other toys are eyeing the two of them and going "no way..." as the two IDIOTS show them that yeah, yeah, they're witnessing the second romcom of the house, after Catnap and Dogday's telenovela-level worthy levels of drama. Some of them, like Kickin and Dogday himself, think it's no big deal, just two people being friendly, that's all, and then some time later Prototype accidentally sleeps over Angel's room during a thunderstorm (Angel is afraid he'll get struck by lightning so he stays in the main house for safety), and Angel, a genius Made In Brazil, decides to sleep in their room anyways because why not, Proto is just giving free teddybear vibes.
Proto wakes up and just accepts his fate (he's happy with that). Angel is half-asleep and very content with the setup.
... Anyways. Next day goes by, surprise surprise, the family's cuddle pile for movie night now has Prototype added to it, and it's not because Angel sleeps better when he's around. Nope.
Poppy and Catnap are considering start doing some bets to see how long it'll take their parents to realize It's Not Normal Platonic Anymore(TM) at this point, and are unimpressed when Prototype goes to them, sighs, and agrees that Poppy indeed was right. Meanwhile Angel has NO IDEA what to do because it's Prototype/Elliot, no way they have a chance, they'll just end up ruining their little weird family structure, and Dogday and Mommy Long Legs calm them down.
Bobby Bearhug and Craftycorn are working with the other toys to see if they can make Angel realize they need to do something, because Prototype is NOT going to do ANYTHING because his therapy is going strong but his communication issues are stronger. Hoppy and Picky know all about it and try to make Prototype do something about it, while Kickin and Bubba are Dissapointed But Not Surprised at the Situationship going on. "Guess Dogday and Catnap aren't the only ones with communication issues...", they agree, not realizing they also have communication issues. Mommy Long Legs is losing her fucking mind because HOW can one household have SO MANY IDIOTS RUNNING AROUND AND WHY ARE HER ADOPTIVE PARENTS LIKE THAT. AAAAAA. It's good drama tho.
Poppy tasks herself with keeping tabs on what's happening between her two parents. Catnap is watching in the background like "stop being so dramatic over this, Pop, they're working adults, they sure can talk". He may or may have not be gathering information to share with the old ladies at the church he goes to, because those girls LOVE Angel and are all curious as to how their relationship with the kids' "second parent" going. Catnap never tells them much asides from "my mother is, once again, terrible at communication, but has been doing well", but even he starts getting a bit impatient at one point.
Prototype and Angel's big telenovela-level worthy of romance drama lasts a few months, mostly because they both need lots of time with themselves in order to figure out what to do, and also mostly because at some point Angel is pretty content with just being Prototype's non queerplatonic/romantic partner. They're just going with the flow, initial anxiety being left behind and all of that.
Also Angel is a really big freaking dumbass, because Prototype's way of affection is through pampering, and he has been pampering Angel for MONTHS at this point and our human just didn't notice it's not platonic pampering. Prototype gets them more than one flower bouquet and Angel is just "oh this will be very nice for the house, Bobby and Long Legs love red roses!", and he keeps giving them the bouquets because it makes Angel happy, thus making him happy.
No, Elliot doesn't realize Angel is also stupid. He just tries to flirt like it's the 1930s while Angel is flirting like "haha what if we were married. Just kidding! Unless...?"
I think Angel doesn't exactly confess to Prototype in a traditional way. One night they're both chilling at either the hut or Angel's room after a long day and Angel gathers the courage to ask him what they even are. "You're the children's Parent, and I am Elliot Ludwig". Angel reworks their question to be "I don't think we're just platonic friends anymore".
"Do you want to be more?", Prototype asks, hopeful. Angel pauses, then agrees. "Then we can be more". After some talk they settle on either queerplatonic or romantic - I don't know which one would work best, but I think they aren't just platonic or just romantic. Angel and Prototype understand and respect each other a lot, and their relationship, for me, can't be defined with a simple "it's romance" definition. They're just them, and that's what matters.
... Also Angel can wear a ring now! Prototype as well. They tell the kids about their new Situationship and Poppy very happily says "I won our bet!" to Catnap. Everyone else is glad for their parents but also their real-life telenovela is no more..,....
Anyways, I think this post is getting too long, I may share hcs about how their relationship works later, if anyone is interested!
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py-dreamer · 11 days
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ok um technically this doesn't count at least in my timezone cause over here its already past midnight... um...
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I figured I'd make each of these mofos like individual post rather than make one really long reblog making it kinda hard to sort through and just list them using one tag instead.
So I suppose technically y'all get a double whammy today! Just gotta wait quite a while for it, heh...
So with this one I definitely did focus more on cake than the outfit. But hopefully you guys can still see the skrimblo
Anyways those are kiwi fruits, if you couldn't tell, don't @ me pls this is like one of the few times I've drawn fruits. Oh, and that black thingy? It's a tapioca pearl from bubble tea!! I think it's possible...
At first I wanted a more vibrant teal/green for the frosting and a lighter cake color similar to Mk's slice but that bright teal clashed hard with the kiwi fruit so I switched it out for the light light teal instead. Idk what flavor it'd be maybe like a more minty whipped cream.
Cakewise, it is darker than Mk's so I imagine it to be less airy, possibly more dense. Maybe like a ginger? Give any suggestions, but probably something funky for our funky girl!
Those 3 blobs with the weird cookie face on it is meant to be grape tanghulu with a dragon cookie on it! The rest of the cookies are as expected, good ole sugar cookies, though with the gold dragon I was having some trouble since Idk where to put the balloon since it left an empty space so I had to fill it with another cookie that would barely show, so yeah. That was fun
As for the dollops of frosting, I thought Mei is spunky fulunky, and a rich girl to boot! So let her have some pizzazz! I thought it appropriate
I think the balloon and dragon came out nicely, had to look for a reference for the dragon though. They're meant to be a paper decoration on a toothpick originally like Mk's cloud but at this point I leave it up for interpretation
Not much to say about the outfit, pretty similar to Mk's.
I know the KNY girls in their arts had skirts but my friend and I both thought Mei would look better in pants. (Not that she can't wear dresses, she slays in anything just that we thought she'd wear pants in this situation)
And I did try adding a little green skirt but it looked wonky and I didn't want that, bleugh
So I settled for compromise, making her like overcoat/vest thingy longer/ wider and gave her leggings so she also doesn't blend into the cake lol
And um life updates! I had like 4 tests today, I'm not kidding.
Good news is, tests for now are over!
Bad news is, still have an assignment to do...
Again, I'll do my best to keep this up. They are very fun and get my creative juices flowing I feel but no promises!
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nolan-chance-fortnite · 2 months
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First day in here and I already found a wonderful new berry! It's called FlowBerry and it has such funky flavor! Very sweet but also kind of sour, I love it! I think I'm gonna have a great time in this island!
OOC: Say hello to Nolan Chance! Yes, It's Nolan Chance from @nolan-chance (?) main is, you know my main, I follow back from there but I don't usually follow back, so, I like things from there. Hello(?). I'm Nolan Chance and, ok, I have not much to say about this(?). Interaction guidelines under the cut.
-Nolan Chance is open to most kind of interactions! The only thing (for now) I'll avoid is innapropiate (aka NSFW) interactions with minors. I'm an adult and that would be super weird. Otherwise, I'm fine with almost everything.
-Pretty obvious, I have my own headcanons, don't assume I follow your headcanons about Nolan. Respect mine and I'll respect yours about your character!
-Be chill, but most important, be respectful! 🎲
* * If you feel Nolan is being way too disrespectful with your character or if he's making you feel uncomfortable, please, don't be afraid and let me know. Is not my intention to offend anyone, let's have fun together! **
#Nolan Posting: Original exclusive life-changing posts created by heist mastermind Nolan Chance (Style Nolan Chance)!
#Nolan Replying: Things Nolan is replying to
#Nolan Reblogging: Reblogs lol usually without a comment of Nolan
#Speak with Nolan Chance: Answers to your asks! Yes, you can send asks to Nolan Chance! And he'll reply with this tag
#Nolan's beautiful face: His beautiful face of course!
#OOC: Text out of Character by me, Big Nolan
// <- Things starting with that thing (in the tags or anywhere else) are comments made by me, Big Nolan, not by Little Nolan
#NSFW / #Suggestive: Inapropiate things.
There are some posts that get a bit longer than what you may want to have in your dash, I assign a title to each of those so you can blacklist it! For now, the existing ones so far are:
#Almorzando con Kado Thorne: Kado and Nolan eat lunch together (Finished)
#La visita de Nolan / #Nolan's visit: Nolan visits Kado in his resort (Finished)
#MontaDate: Montague and Nolan have a very tense dinner (Finished)
#Tacos with Nolan: It's taco Tuesday at Eclipsed Estate! (Finished)
#Nolan's apology: Or attempt of, since thing with Kado went south (Ongoing)
And that's all, I'll add more someday(?) but feel free to ask me to tag something specific!
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coryothesub · 4 months
Better Now?
Hi, I’m back, not in the bestest place both physically and mentally and very sorry to everyone who has sent in lovely asks recently. I’ve resumed working on them, but for now I can offer a fully self indulgent semi-autobiographical oneshot about Dr. Sejanus Plinth (hey, we all know he wanted to be a medic so very fitting), which is heavily based on my first ever hospital experience.
No, I didn't have a hot doctor that looked like Sejanus, instead I was treated by a couple of pretty funky dudes, but the story about the two surgeries instead of one is completely true (they had to perform a 2nd one, bc they hadn't noticed everything that had to be fixed before the 1st one). Horny roommates are also based on very real persons and the post surgery pain as well as the sickness from the painkillers are unfortunately real (that's why I wasn't really able to write although I kinda wanted to). Oh and the weird tingling sensation around stitches during orgasm is also apparently a thing. Okay sorry for tmi let's get into the smut.
nsfw / mdni / doctor!sejanus / patient!reader / mentions of hospital and some real medical horrors
“Dr. Sejanus Plinth, I’m going to perform surgery on your broken leg and ensure a steady way to your recovery,” he stood at the foot of your bed on your first day at the hospital looking hella handsome wearing his little glasses and a snow white scrubs.
You were feeling shit scared since it was your first time at the hospital. He always tried to cheer you up, tell you a funny joke or take you on a little wheelchair ride. Your roommates said he was obviously flirting, but you always got flustered and brushed it off as professional niceness.
He was ever so clean and perfect, his dark curly hair impeccably styled and a trail of expensive cologne following him wherever he went. How could he possibly fall for the messy looking girl in the hospital bed? Your hair was dirty, you were sweating profusely from the sickening painkillers that probably made you stink.
You couldn't remember any time when you were in so much pain other than the first two days after the surgery. The only thing keeping you sane was  Dr. Plinth’s reassuring smile that appeared above the little curtain right after the surgery. He nodded at you and said “It’s over!”
You had taken it quite literally, not suspecting what was awaiting you in the coming days. Right after the anesthetics wore off the pain became so insufferable you were just silently crying in your bed feeling like your leg was about to explode from the inside.
The nurses pumped you full of painkillers until you dozed off and the first face you saw next morning was Dr. Plinth.
“You are such a good girl, you did so good,” he smiled softly and you weren't quite sure what he was referring to. Was it your performance of laying horizontally during the surgery? Well you didn't have much choice since the lower part of your body had been paralyzed by the anesthetics.
“That hot doctor, he’s totally into you,” your roommates teased, but you just tried to focus on the fact that you were set to get out of the hospital in two days.
Then the bad news came. Dr.Plinth stood at the foot of your bed, his face darkened by concern.
“There's this other thing. A rupture of ligaments. We were able to notice it only after the first surgery. I am afraid I'm gonna need to perform another one. I am really sorry for that.”
You literally felt like you were gonna burst out in tears, but you clenched your jaw, wanting to look stronger than you actually were.
“It's alright Dr.Plinth. What needs to be done has to be done,” you spoke calmly, but your mind was rehashing everything you were bound to go through again. The wait, the anesthetics, the excruciating pain in the first few hours and the discomfort every time you had to move your leg, even if only to sit up for a meal or go to the bathroom.
“How are you feeling today?” The next day you were woken up by the lively voice of Dr. Plinth. Despite your protests, he came to check on you every morning and since your first surgery sort of  failed, he also came in every evening. You weren't sure whether he did that out of guilt or other feelings.
“Have been better,” you sighed with a grim poker face that prevented him from telling whether you were angry with him or just tired.
“I'm so sorry the first surgery wasn't sufficient,” the poor young man started apologizing in front of your roommates. “You weren't supposed to go through that again.”
“It's alright Dr.Plinth,” you batted your eyes at him, making his pretty chubby cheeks blush immediately. “I know you would want only the best for me.”
His hand was resting on the pillow pile next to your casted leg and you ran your fingers over it, almost making him jump at the sensation.
Your roommates were watching the interaction with great interest, probably thinking you both were gonna start making out right then and there.
Feeling their gaze burning through his back, Dr. Plinth offered you a little wheelchair ride. A bit reluctant, you still got yourself out of the bed and let him help you get on the wheelchair.
“Where are you taking me? Do we need another x-ray or a CT scan?”
“No,” Dr.Plinth chuckled. “They don't perform tests at this hour, except for the emergency room. I wanted you to see this.”
He wheeled you to the end of the hallway and stopped at the large window where you could see nothing but endless forest continuing all the way to the horizon. A fiery red sun was sinking above the treeline making you gasp quietly at the sight.
“Beautiful, isn't it?” Dr. Plinth leaned down and you could feel his hot breath lingering on your neck. It seemed almost romantic.
“I come here and watch the sunset at every opportunity when I have the time during my shift. It helps me blow off the steam a bit.”
You turned your head to the side and looked into his soulful brown eyes. He looked even more handsome in high definition.
“It must be hard to work here,” you gave him a sympathetic look.
“Oh, it's just me, as much as I try I can't get myself desensitized to the whole process. I see people hurting every day. And when they hurt, I hurt. That's why I feel so damn guilty every time there's more pain that could have been avoided. Like your second surgery…”
He leaned down closer to you, his lips just mere centimeters from yours.
“I just want to make it up to you. I swear, if I could I would do anything to make you feel better.”
“Anything?” A glimpse of mischief sparked in your eyes.
Dr. Plinth swallowed thickly and nodded.
Quite unexpectedly you cupped his face and smashed your lips into his, something you had been longing to do for quite a time. His lips felt so soft and plump, even better than you could have ever imagined.
Dr. Plinth immersed himself into the kiss, parting his lips to allow your tongue to explore his velvety mouth.
When you two finally broke the kiss to catch some breath, he adjusted his glasses panting softly and looked deeply into your eyes.
“Dr. Plinth, your lips feel so soft,” you chuckled shyly, feeling a treacherous blush filling your cheeks.
“I think you can call me Sejanus at this point,” he looked flustered yet eager to continue your little adventure. 
Sejanus grabbed your wheelchair and opened the nearest door with a plack that said “Sanitary chamber”.
You found yourself in a small room stuffed with toilet tissue, different wipes and sanitary mats, the last rays of the setting sun breaking through the neat stacks of supplies.
Sejanus immediately connected his lips to yours again, his hands running up and down your sides underneath your t-shirt. You gasped as he cupped your naked breasts while gently sucking at your lower lip.
“You know, I could make you feel better in an even more effective way,” he whispered against your lips, his warm hand diving under the waistband of your pajama shorts.
You shivered at the sensation of Sejanus's skillful fingers pressing against your clit, discovering that you were already threathcerously wet.
“What an eager girl,” your doctor groaned as his digits massaged your sensitive bud at a steady place, causing you to let out a series of soft moans against his lips.
Sejanus kept a tight eye contact while letting his two fingers slide inside your squelching wet count while his thumb kept rubbing your clit. It was truly amazing how he managed to cover the whole field.
“Fuck, you’re really good with this!” You moaned as he trailed small kisses down your neck sucking harshly at the spot where it met your shoulder.
Sejanus chuckled mischievously.
“I'm a doctor, we are taught how to touch people in the correct manner.”
“God, did they teach you this at the medical school?” You threw your head back, feeling your legs shaking from the immense pleasure.
“No, princess” Sejanus let out a small laugh, nibbling at your earlobe. “I guess I figured that part out myself…”
Squelching sounds filled the small chamber as he kept fingerbanging you and you tried your best to stifle your moans to avoid the whole floor finding out about your evening shenanigans.
“Oh… Dr…. Sejanus, I’m gonna…” your attempt at building a sentence was cut off by a loud moan as you came all over his fingers, your body shaking and a weird tingling feeling echoing through your stitches.
“Better now?” Sejanus asked in a gentle voice after pressing another soft kiss to your lips.
You nodded, still coming down from your heights as you watched him grab one of the countless tissue packages and gently cleaning you off.
“There you go,” Sejanus smiled, turning your wheelchair back to the exit.
“Wait!” You gave him a concerned look. “Shouldn't I… Return the favor?”
Sejanus graced you with a soft smile, brushing a stray strand of hair off your forehead.
“This was me trying to make amends because I fucked up, remember? Plus, I have to get back to work.”
You pouted, wishing this moment would last longer. Sejanus noticed and tilted your chin up gently giving you a mischievous wink.
“Nobody said we cannot keep practicing this as a form of therapy though.”
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robbie-roo · 11 months
Marsupials (overview)
Hello, desktop Tumblr it is time to talk about mammals again >:)
I can feel my roommate watching me over my shoulder...
also wow using grammerly on desktop is really annoying! but I can use titles???? woo!
I think I regret choosing desktop for this.... oh well! lets get into it
Ok so we left off talking about monotremes and I will have a post about their bones at some point I pinky swear I just need to figure out what I want to talk about. ok anyways today let's see what should we talk about hmm.... drumroll please.....
So metatheria are the marsupials of the animal kingdom you've heard of a lot of them and I'm sure you know their calling card- pouches. but we are getting INTO it tonight guys heheheh
ok so some Latin facts- we know that protheria (monotremes) means 'first beast' but metatheria means "in-between beasts"
the first/oldest protheria we know about is the sinodelphys they are found mostly in Australia and South America due to a lack of placental mammals during the whole continental drift business.
ok so what makes a marsupial a marsupial? well let's get into a few relatively universal traits amongst them (remember folks nature doesn't read biology books so some of these are special or gone in certain groups)
so bones (BONES!!!!)
so the pelvic and jaw bones in a metathere are different than in eutheres (we will talk about them next teehee) they do not have a rounded angular process and it's instead spiky (here's a picture of a possum jaw for reference)
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There are also extra openings in the back of the pallet and a smaller brain case their teeth are funky too! They have an extra set of incisors.
so I mentioned their funky pelvic bones but what I mean by that is their reproduction is wacko. so like monotremes they have a cloaca and not a vaginal and anal opening. this is why they're "in-between beasts" they have traits that are similar to both ends of the spectrum.
speaking of reproduction their cloaca is subdivided and they will hold eggs internally with a specialized membrane. this membrane surrounds the fetus more than an egg would with a floating placenta surrounding the fetus unlike in us this placenta isn't attached to a uterine horn. Their reproductive structure is also loopy... I'm not kidding look at this shit- this is a kangaroo reproductive structure
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WEIRD! They have a pseudovaginal canal which is only there for birth and is part of the cloaca also keep an eye on that second uterus ill get into that more with kangaroos specifically
and it's only in females male reproductive structure is normal
their young are always born underdeveloped. they have an extended lactation period because of this with that special changing milk we mammals have that will deliver the perfect amount of nutrients needed.
so the babies are born super early but those ungrateful little turds have the immediate responsibility to get THEMSELVES into their mother's pouch. Mamma can't help you do everything little Joey.
I need to expand on this because it's fucking INSANE ok so like I said they are underdeveloped and I mean like VERY underdeveloped as in they do not have a full heart or brain yet!!!!! their lungs are just sacks and they don't have a jaw but they DO have a tongue and arms that they use to pull along their mother's hair to get to the milk. again- mama ain't helping you.
Ok i'm ending this here only because this is just general overview stuff and then I'm gonna get into specific species and families next staring with kangaroos :)
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thewingedwolf · 3 months
We do agree then. Most of my timeline is filled with black women so that is what I'm most exposed to. My main gripe is that black women are always used as the rage bait in these shows. I'm truly tired of the racism and wish that new stories are created for us without the need to replace them for us to get representation. Sorry if I offended you for the 'black' comment.
sorry if i sounded suuuper annoyed lmao, i Am annoyed but at twitter not u aksksk. (also, was working children’s and there were just so many screaming kids today 😭). and that's definitely fair! i know The Interwebs in general is feeling very upset right now because of that romeo and juliet production that tom holland was in, because not only did they not really stand up for that poor actress, or turn off comments, they were just being sooo weird about her on social media. it's really nasty to just cast a black actress, especially one who is dark skinned, knowing she's going to get a shit storm of racism hurled at her and then not defend her and even actively make it worse by refusing to take basic precautions so she's not having people call her slurs in every damn post. and this show itself obviously also has a bad track record with that - not just with all the main black characters of color excluding agatha being light skinned and/or Mixed With White specifically (where's the blasian rep!!! where's the afrolatino rep!!!! why are mixed characters always mixed with white!!!!!!! also i love the sharma’s but not letting anthony and kate have their own fucking wedding OR a sex montage and then giving colin a bunch of annoying sex scenes is so!!!!!!) but also the way marina's storyline was handled was nauseating and pen never makes up to marina for doing something so egregiously awful, and on top of that poor ruby barker had a hard ass time on the set and on the internet. it sucked!!! i hope i didn't sound too mad lol, but my whole tl was either white women having a MELTDOWN over the show "ruining" michael (this is a paper thin character, there is nothing to ruin!!!) or other people (largely black women but also a lot of queer women in general) being like "sucks to suck anywayyyy hope francesca and michaela scissor on screen just to spite you personally" alkjdf and it hasn't even been 24 hours, i'm so over it 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
and yeah, that's something an author i like (i like her as a person, i don't love her romances haha) has mentioned - there are plenty of romances that are explicitly about black characters or indian characters or caribbean characters or jewish characters or whatever you fancy that take place in the regency/georgian/victorian era that could have been adapted but instead they went with julia quinn, who has explicitly talked about how she doesn't write characters of color because they ~don't get happy endings in this time period. and mind you, this is a woman who writes a duke living on every corner in london getting a love match!!! not to mention if they really just wanted to do some funky color blind/racebending, there are so many authors out there who have written longstanding romance series' with all white characters who are just better writers than julia!!! i mean, i have a lot of beef with tessa dare for what i feel is performative allyship (though i don't want to discount the way she has privately been a rock for a lot of authors of color, especially after the rwa blowup, she's still annoying to me tho haha), but she's just leaps and bounds better of a writer and also hasn't gone on record saying she would never write a black main character the way julia quinn has! it's unendingly annoying!!! courtney milan and diana quincy and beverly jenkins are right there!!!!
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tomatosoupgroup · 6 months
screenshot saturday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so uhh
this'll be a short one
for example....
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you might be wondering what the hell this is
this is a background for the visual novel aspect of the game!
well, an unfinished one.
i based it off this screenshot i took off google maps!
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some of the things i need to add are
pretty much everything lol
but let's be more specific:
you see how in mine, all the textures seem flat, while in the real photo, the textures are defined?
bit funky innit
the thing is uh. i have no idea how to add texture like this in pixel art.
ive tried many times and it just looks really bad lmao
so i've done some research, and i think what i'm looking for are called "clusters"
never heard of those before
also whenever i look up a tutorial for drawing them they just basically say "just draw these funny shapes!" and i'm like "okay but wHERE. YOU CANNOT JUST TELL ME TO DO THING. I NEED CONTEXT FOR THING. OOGA BOOGA BANG ROCK WITH STICK"
completely unrelated but i've noticed that whenever i get two ads on youtube, i can't skip them both at once
like when i press the skip ad button, it just goes to the next ad
don't know if this is only happening to me but it is REALLY annoying
fuck you youtube
i suppose i should dedicate the end of my post to the project itself.
Q: Will you charge money for the game?
A: Complicated question.
this game is the epitome of a passion project in my eyes. it is a story i am telling not for any of my own personal gain, but simply because i feel like it is a story that needs to be told.
but enough of all this sappy shit, i'll just explain it simply:
when this game eventually comes out, i will either:
a: open the game up to donations (like the "name your price" thing), the majority of which will go to charity and anyone who helps on the project or
b: make the game 100% free.
Q: Do you accept fanart of the characters?
if you draw my characters i will literally go bonkers /pos style
i unfortunately don't have an official ref sheet for any of them yet, but i'll be able to provide substitutes if asked
i think it would be cool to feature some of the fanart in the credits! (with permission from the artists, of course!) but that may take up too much space so i'll have to think it over.
tldr i fucking love fanart
Q: What about NSFW?
A: ...
I HIGHLY advise against it. I'm a minor and that's just like. weird.
Even after I turn 18, it'll still be weird because they were characters I first drew up when I was 16.
but at the same time, i accept that this is the internet, and that some gooner supremo will eventually stumble across this game :/
so i just have one definitive request.
for example:
You may remember Silhouette.
they are CANONICALLY 13.
so like. keep them out of it.
i don't care if they're "just a character". you could say my fist is "just a body part" right before i bash your face in
if you want, i can provide the ages for any character you ask. i have a whole spreadsheet!
so please.
anyways that's gonna do it for today
to everybody who isn't youtube: i love you and thank you for being here
i will see you next week!
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analogwriting · 8 months
ok I feel a bit weird sending in another message today, but the newest chapters put me in such a killer mood I wanted to read more for him
and I must say??? We need more killer writers pls 😔 I love oneshots, hcs, all that stuff, but where are my longfics??? not to complain (i am), but WHERE IS THE SLOWBURN??
ambrose you are a godsend fr fr… I get so picky with this kind of thing because sometimes i’ll say “Oh I don’t like slowburn THAT much” but the moment I find a good slowburn, I will eat that shit up. I will be HOOKED on my phone for hours at a time and let my work pile up because yeah, these fics have me forgetting I need to sleep
Wish I could give you all the kisses in the world because you really just spoil us with ur amazing writing… ive never felt so blessed by an author before cuz the way the slowburn is so agonizing it has me ripping apart my lungs, my heart aching, myself going insane… I live for it.
Respect to you and other slowburn authors, cuz it takes a lot of work to write one… I always find other law or killer fics and the relationships always feel so rushed 😔 please, law and killer are such slowburn potential characters and i hate to see them act so impulsive in other works. I love how u write tho. So so so much. everything is so slow and i love it
(one day I’ll get to reading your law fanfic…hopefully this weekend)
anyways, me 🤝 number 1 kese hater, next chapters are rlly gonna get me 😭
-long rants anon
first of all, don't feel weird. I love getting asks, replies, or anything. no matter how many times. I eat that shit UP ✋✋
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second, FKSKFKEKOD???? got me ugly crying on main frfr with this ask. i literally called my bsf crying 💀 you're so fucking sweet??? im just a funky little guy that had a few dreams and decided to write em out bc fuck it and to know that people are enjoying it that much is so insane to me 😭😭😭
im a sucker for slowburn and would eat that shit for breakfast lunch and dinner if I could. i just never really found it of my favorite characters so i was like "dammit if i want this shit gonna have to make it myself ig" i always felt like the law stories kinda happened to fast as well and i wanted some PINING. and then when I started my killer fic, there was hardly any killer content in general. there seems to be a surge in content for him tho which I am forever excited about my mans deserves it.
like the last time I wrote fanfiction it was a decade ago when I was first starting off high school. (not counting rps n shit with friends that continued forever)
never in a million years did i know people would enjoy it as much as they are and that shit makes me so unbelievably happy. like y'all have no idea. when i say i be giggling and kicking my feet n shit I MEAN IT
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like this is me every time I get y'all's comments n shit. like I be giggling and just glowing all day. (it's partially why I just kept the trend of posting updates at night so I can wake up to them nice messages 💅 start the day off RIGHT)
like my head is reeling from this ask and im on cloud nine frfr. you are so fucking sweet and i just want to tuck you in my pocket and keep you safe. like FJSKDKDKS I'm going to be thinking about this all day and probably the rest of the week if not forever 😭😭😭
but seriously, from the bottom of my soul, thank you for this. shit makes my year frfr. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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allerod · 1 year
@spiderlegeyelashes tagged me to post 3x3 movies to get to know me better. uh oh alright sure i can choose only 9
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my favourite polish movies!! double pszoniak my beloved and double andrzej seweryn my liked he he! i feel like these are very far apart genrewise but what can i say i contain multitudes. ziemia obiecana represents lekturki enjoying, even tho it's so much better than the book truly. diabeł is the he he funky weird guy in me. and niebezpieczni dżentelmeni shows my enjoyment of taking real people and fictionalizing them to the point of blorbofication
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my favourite soviet movies!! each one was a lifechanging moment truly. oniegin is low key responsible for everything that happened in the last two years and i would not be who i am today without it, m&s gave me such intense brainrot i still bark every time i even think about mozart and/or salieri, and beware of the car got me in such a tight grip i spent a month painstakingly making polish subs for it despite not knowing russian and forced all my friends to watch it. pay no attention to the fact two of these have smoktunovsky in them i have no relation with that guy
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miscellaneous category that's somehow all musicals :~) mamma mia my number one most watched movie, there were days when i would just have it playing in the background on loop. labyrinth is so funky i love it, and the music also slaps obviously. i used to watch it a lot as a teen and not so much in the last years, but the last time i saw it i ended up crying for like a week straight while listening to the ost. and passage through the light is obviously last year's brainrot there are many things i could say about it but you know what? i'm just gonna keep my silence.
tagging @lmaowh-at @whispering-kavka @margalotta @nocylipcowa @bugsbutch @catboyrightsdefender no pressure of course but if you do this i Will add movies you post to my watchlist he he >:)
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11 of 1001 - (officially 1.09% of the way through!)
Today's album: Talking Heads - More Songs About Buildings and Food (1978)
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I love me some Talking Heads, but i don't know this album too well (that i know of).
My mom was pretty big into new wave, but this was not one she had.
Thank You For Sending Me An Angel -
Okay i know I've heard this somewhere, likely in the intro to an indie movie or something, but i know this one. Weird lyrics, but i dig it.
With Our Love-
Fun fact: the rising guitar riff is the exact sound of anxiety. Then again, the whole song is (probably?) about the horrorshow that is navigating teenage relationships, so that's... likely why.
The Good Thing-
I want the amount of confidence he had in The Good Thing. Also, i really like how playful the guitar work is here.
Warning Sign-
Underwater synth drumming. Kinda funky. Sounds like he's singing through a toy microphone.
...oh shit. it's an overdose song. It's a really good overdose song, but damn when i got what was going on, the realization of it hit me like a truck.
Very disorienting at the end.. makes sense, though.
The Girl Wants to Be With The Girls-
I mean, that's a lesbian anthem, right there.
Found a Job-
This is a weird one, but, you know what? if it works for Bob and Judy, good for them. Seems a bit manipulative, but if everybody's on board, then go for it.
Also, the "minute and a half long funky as fuck outro" is something more bands should try.
Artists Only-
Oh hey, "how i approach art", didn't see you there.
Kinda dreamy in a strange way, i really dig it. This song begs for a way too artsy video.
I'm Not in Love-
Feels kinda like post-extremely bad breakup depression moping more than anything, tbh.
Return of the minute and a half long funky as fuck outro, though.
Stay Hungry-
Okay, a song this aggressively horny should NOT come right after I'm Not In Love. Bad album layout, imo.
At this point my wife said she'd "never thought of Talking Heads as a jam band before", and yeah they did some meandering on this album.
Take Me To The River-
Well, i know THIS ONE. my dad had one of those goddamn singing fish. He (and he alone) thought it was the very peak of comedy.
oh Jesus, this song is 5 MINUTES LONG?
And dude, I'm sorry you didn't get laid at 16, but damn, neither did i. Sorry, this song (fittingly) just makes me want to drown myself. Never been a fan, and i still kinda want to smash that fish with a sledgehammer.
The Big Country-
Kinda feels like it's about the town i grew up in. Quaint and simple small-town...
...and I wouldn't live there if you paid me. (and not just because it's still full of radium. Like, superfund site level contamination.)
Twangier guitars than i would have expected, but not out of place, considering the topic.
Overall, not bad, but definitely not my favorite Talking Heads album. Had a few songs i really enjoyed, a few that just felt like panic, a bunch i don't care much about one way or the other and will likely not revisit, and one that might be a bit more of a sore spot than i had previously thought.
Favorite Track: either Artists Only or Warning Sign. Both are really good in very different ways and i can't decide.
Least Favorite Track: Take Me to the River.
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supercooldiary · 2 months
life recently
i've felt neurotic if i'm being honest. i can hardly sleep at night anymore and i can hardly eat. i think it's just the stress of school starting again. i'm sort of excited but obviously nervous. in my posts and the fact that i post diary entries on tumblr at all probably reveals that i don't have many friends and i'm not very good at making them, or i should say attempting to. i have some classes i'm looking forward to though. and i like the school gives me something to do everyday. as a very lazy person it confuses me that i have such insecurity and shame in that part of me. getting dressed and going at least one place makes me feel successful for some reason. this coming semester i'm taking a journalism class and i'm really beyond excited. journalism interests me a lot and i'm hoping it can give me an introduction to some people with these interests as well. maybe i will be introduced to some outside of school activities, i usually fail to participate in those. today i also went through all of my pants in my closet. i have so many skirts so i tried them all on to see if there were any i should donate. most of my clothes are from the thrift store, otherwise i would feel rich with how many items i have in my drawers. i also went through my jeans and finally gave up a pair that never fit me. i don't now why i have such a habit of purchasing clothes that are too big. i guess i just hardly know what my body even looks like so i just assume certain sized fit when they really don't. anyway, i only got rid of like four things, which isn't bad for me. i just love skirts, i always buy the funky ones from thrift stores with patterns and colors. recently i've had an obsession with knee length skirts to maxi skirts. i used to like mini skirts a lot when i was younger and i wore them a lot, now i don't know if i'm confident enough for it. i applaud my younger self so much because they weren't so afraid of themselves, they wore what they wanted and indulged in their interests even though they were weird. sometimes i get embarrassed when someone brings up how i used to act, but i can't hate them, especially when i'm mostly the same. i'm glad i had the phases i did, i don't think people respect their 2020-2021 selves as much as they should. just because everyone was ''cringe'' doesn't mean that it wasn't you. that version of me was important to figuring out who i was, without it i wouldn't be so into mcr, and i love mcr. plus that time was crucial for me at least when it came to self identity, without that i think it would be harder for me to be myself. growing up religious and still being religious makes liking girls as a girl kind of hard. i like guys too, but i can't act like that makes anything different. i like who i am most of the time and i'm glad i'm still here. in short, i've been reminiscing a lot. i get like this when school season comes back, i guess i start to feel old. at the same time part of me looks forward to being out of school and being an adult. i guess it's just that i have no clue what i want to be and who i want to become, and it feels like everyone else does. i wish i could just write forever and have people read it and feel what i feel and make people want to write too and make them feel good. i guess how i felt after finishing the bell jar. it made me sad but it also made me so happy, it made me feel hopeful that one day things won't be foggy. i'm not proofreading tonight. i think i'll find a farming game to play. goodnight.
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neonstatic · 11 months
i was supposed to help this guy at work w his photography assignment :/ we're not exactly friends, but it doesn't sit right to simply label him as a coworker, so let's say he's a good acquaintance rn. so he had this assignment where had to take abt 10 pictures and he wanted me to model for him. told him i'd be down but needed to know more abt the assignment and what it entails. took some arm-twistin' to get the info out of him (red flag!) but eventually i got it and he had this theme that truly inspired me and i was officially down: i had a fit in mind, places we could shoot, poses, etc. unfortunately our last-minute shoot had to be cancelled bc he was swamped w work.
some weeks after tho, he tells me that actually, the assignment has been delayed and he wants to try a new concept. unfortunately, again, we had to let it go cus he rly wanted cool smoking shots and not only do i not smoke, i actively avoid any smoke bc of my asthma. (plus he wanted shots of me looking passed out and i didn't feel comfortably being captured like this by some guy who's not even a friend yet.) also clearly he was still trying to figure out what the assignment required of him and was throwing stuff at a wall (shedding light on a seemingly random social issue) and hoping it would stick (getting his teacher's approval) and i refused to give a confirmed yes til i could tell that he knew and understood exactly what he wanted.
well it is clear from the very first sentence of this post that it didn't happen. the reason why i bring this up is bc we last spoke today and he had a brand new concept, and i quote, "reclaiming your identity thru fashion." generally good concept except that it doesn't mean much, so i asked him, "what identity?" and he said, "well, ykno, you're black, bisexual, fat, etc." and i had this strange feeling, like a subdued version of a horrified realisation, when i understood that i wasn't just helping him w a project - i had become The Project.
which could've been flattering. i've been asked to be someone's muse before and i haven't posed yet but i'm open to it. but w him, it's like i'm literally some means to a gain. i feel like a fkg bingo card he wants to use to get a good grade at the Social Issue Class: Photography Edition. i'd signed up to put on my best outfit and do funky, cool poses in the streets, not have someone tighten a corset around my fat torso or hold up signs of insults targed at me that i'm "reclaiming." it got incredibly personal out of nowhere and was proposed w none of the respect or finesse it deserved.
so yeah i had to shut it down. and he said, "but you had an almost nude shoot," but yeah i was naked around other naked ppl, not just one guy w a camera. and it wasn't abt me as a person but /he/ made it so and now it's weird!!! some ppl, it just feels like their liberalism or wtv is all just lip-service and he picked me for his project bc i'm Black and Fat and Bisexual and Nonbinary and Alternative and it'll make him look so good in front of his classmates and teacher
gosh this is long but yeah no it rly bothers me still. he seemed real disappointed and like he didn't rly have a plan b for his project. sucks to suck but i chose not to care too much altho i feel like i'm letting him down, but he's been a lil passive-aggressive in a jokey way (saying he'd hold a grudge and had no choice but to take lame pics out in the streets :cccc insert mr krabs' tiny violin) and there's no better way to alleviate my guilt cus i hate passive-aggression. it's fine tho if he's a lil upset as long as he gets over it and leaves me alone.
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