#weirded out the lunch ladies too which was always a fun bonus
Got chewby a new tug and some Christmas dog biscuits that look like donuts (we have mini donuts a lot but they usually have chocolate on them so we can't share with her so I thought it would be fun to get donuts that she CAN have)
And got harely a couple new toys. There's this springy toy that I thought she would like but it makes a squeaky sound when it moves (which I did not realize when I bought it) and shes a little afraid of it. And a rubbery ball with feathers on the ends that I didn't know if she would like but so far its her favorite. AND I found these cat treats that look and feel like chocolate that are made of beef fat and ive had to hide them from her cuz she was trying to tear open the box to get more.
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doopy-n-loopy · 3 years
Yan!TF2 × reader headcannons (SFW and NSFW)
// obsessive tendancies, mentions of violence, blood, sexual themes, noncon
Let's start with the defense classes
Deffo didn't admit that he loved you
Tbh he probably blamed it on his drunkenness
But dude you're always drunk
I mean seriously if he sobers up he'll genuinely die so like-
He would usually drink with you or just around you if you don't drink
He's generally a fun chill guy to be with
He would watch you from a distance at times, especially during battle you might distract the cyclops
He's okay with you asking questions
One time he broke his eyepatch and needed a new one
You gave him a nice black eyepatch with the demoman emblem on it
He gets all red whenever you say his full name, because he knows you remembered it
He is generally against kidnapping, I mean especially since he lives with his ma he'd rather not
And because he's a gentleman
If you ever reciprocate his feelings he'll make sure to treat you right
He is a messy person but for you? He'll clean
Probably would get carried away and make home made bombs with all the cleaning supplies 🤦‍♂️
Takes you to meet his mom
"ooo Tavish, yer gonna get me some grand kiddos are ya?"
That made you both blush like crazy
Soft cheek kisses
Probably made a special bomb and named it after you
"this one's for you, luv!" *Proceeds to set off all stickybombs which blows up the entire enemy team*
Blew up the last guy who looked at you funny
Hell, even worse when they make a sexual remark to you scout probably did it
Likes to give you your space but when he's paranoid he follows you to wherever or watched you from a distance
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Two words: big boy
Hugs are 10000000000/10
Sometimes it fewls suffocating but man it's like hugging a cloud
Soft forehead kisses
Russian pet names
He sometimes lets you touch Sasha, that's how he knows he loves you because he doesn't even let medic, his best friend, touch her
Probably named a gun after you or one of the pet names he calls you
You definitely met his family and they loved you
Zana especially
Doesn't get jealous easily but will not hesitate to unload 12 pounds of bullets into someone who even LOOKS at you the wrong way
Lord have mercy on the ones who dare flirt with you, rest in pieces scout
Doesn't really follow you anywhere (you're a bit too fast for him) but he does watch you and check up on you
He preforms okay on the battlefield but when you're around, he'll show off
Will cook for you, mainly russian dishes
He's very against kidnapping and would rather not do it
Doesn't shut up about you when he's around medic
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F l u f f y
Very softspoken in general but he gets all flustered when you talk to him
Will check up on you occasionally
"Darlin'" "Honey bunny" things like that y'know
Huge smile when you're around
Will cook for you most definitely, knows what you like
Makes little robots for you
Likes seeing you use his dispenser
Doesn't get jealous easily either but will try and take you away from someone who wants your attention
Likes just having you in his presence, doesn't need to talk to be happy with you around
Very very against kidnapping like all other defense classes, wouldn't do it unless if he truly felt the need to, last resort kind of thing
The last guy who flirted with you had a sentry gun shoved up his ass
Doesn't really follow you anywhere
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Nothing short of a horomonal teenager
I mean he's 21 but
He gets so giddy around you, very loud, tries to show off
He loves you very much
"oh yeah? Well I once absolutely smashed a guy into peices, he was still screaming when he was dead!"
He brags about brutal things but hey you love it since you're also brutal
Flexes his non-existent muscles around you
Would talk about his mom to you all day
Definitely got a tattoo of your face and name somewhere on his body, most likely his bicep
Your name is probably misspelled too but you never say anything about it because he can't read so it's fine
He hasn't really thought about kidnapping in all honesty, again, a last resort kinda thing if he can't get you to love him
He will make a damn SCENE if anyone flirts with you
"you think that's funny, chucklenuts? I eat guys like you for breakfast lunch AND dinner!" "I'll blow yer freakin head off if ya talk to y/n like that again!" Would definitely drag you away
God help anyone that makes you uncomfortable, he'll fuck them up, if that person is medic I mean he'll try to but we all know how fucking scary medic is
Follows you at times
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Seems more lovey around you
Definitely gave you a hand full of the enemy's bloody bones thinking it was a bouquet of flowers
Absolute baby
Just so precious, scary but precious
Hugs for days
Good luck trying to get their ass off of you when you're on cease-fire
Very warm though, they smell like smoke with a bit of blood
Likes petting you
Isn't against the idea of kidnap because they don't realize what they're actually doing, they think they're just taking you to a magical place
When someone flirts with you their whole world changes
Gets angry and starts yelling at them
Will not let you get a checkup alone, he trusts medic but not with you
Very sweet tho, he'll turn around when you need to strip down
Will follow you almost EVERYWHERE and if they can, while holding your hand
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Yells at you a little less than the others
At first doesn't realize how he feels but then realizes that he loves you
Is pretty protective over you
Rants about America all day to you
Probably got you an american flag to wear
Doesn't really take off his helmet but he likes seeing you in it, makes him proud
If you ever live with him you'll find out that he owns like 20 racoons
He loudly wakes everyone up in the morning but tries to avoid waking you up
Loves you as much as he loves America
Will show off on the battlefield for you
Isn't against kidnapping you, he probably did it early on if you showed immediately that you didn't reciprocate his feelings
Will blow any guy that hits on you to absolute bits
Probably put you on his back and rocket jumped just to show you what it felt like
Follows you around a lot, it's really obvious because he wears a bucket over his head and crashes into things, when you look back he'll stand behind a lamp post or somewhere really obvious
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Ah yes, everyones favorite class including mine
Very quiet
Takes secret glances at you
Pays more attention to you than the others
S h y
Asks how you are, how you slept, etc
Doesn't really need to be holding you, tbh he's against PDA
But he likes being in your presence
Just sit down next to him and he'll be fine
When he's on the battlefield, he'll look for you and make sure you're safe
God forbid anyone try to hurt you, he'll make them suffer
Talks about Australia to you and accidentally admitted that he wanted to take you there
Doesn't like the idea of kidnapping but he isn't totally against it, I can see him doing it
He smuggled you all the damn way to Australia
He'll nonchalantly show off to you on the battlefield, he'll let you get cornered and come in to save the day
"love" is a word he uses a lot with you
Will grumble to himself if he sees someone flirting with you
If it's a random person, well, that'll be the last time you ever see them
Has talked about you to his parents
Kind of follows you? I mean he sits atop a high placeand watches you through his scope whenever you're going somewhere
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He knows what he's doing
Will kiss your hand a lot
Likes to flirt with you and see you blush
Sleazy french fucker
Watched you from afar at first then approached you a little later
Isn't against the idea of kidnapping, pro kidnapping, definitely did it not only to have you to himself but for some sort of sexual satisfaction
Just very uh... Lewd? Can't find the right word
He treats you very respectfully though
If he hears anyone else flirting with you he'll be fuming but won't show it
"Oh please, like you could EVER satisfy y/n's desires"
That person mysteriously disappeared that night
Very cocky bastard
Definetly follows you home, not only that but he watches you through your window
And stalks you
He knows everything about you
Would get you either by knocking you unconscious or by blackmailing you
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B a s t a r d
Gets LOUD when you're around
And giddy
Very touchy, always has a reason to put his hands on you
Talks a lot with you around, I mean he already talks a lot but now he won't shut up
Keeps his office nice and clean for you
He restocks on everything so when you come around you can take a loot at all his medicines
Big smile :D
Like spy he is not at all against kidnapping you
Makes sure you're comfortable during checkups
Will make you wait to be seen last just so he can take his time touching your body
"it's all part of the procedure".mp3
Compliments you in weird ways, ex: "your skin is so smooth and lovely, it's the perfect texture to make leather out of" "you have an amazing colon"
Look he's just trying his best here he has a screw loose
You're the only member who he's careful with really
Sometimes allows you to get hurt or has you get hurt by something just so you can see him
Always follows you wherever
Knows everything about you
If someone is flirting with you, he'll get quiet at first and use a low tone to speak to them
"you have guts talking to y/n like that"
They were never seen again
With kidnapping, he won't hesitate to use blackmail against you, or will just use anesthesia
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Bonus: Pauling
This lady values her work over her life, but to her you're so much more important
Will call you a lot on the battlefield to check in on you
Won't give you extremely hard missons to do because she doesn't want you to get hurt
"Hey (class), Pauling here. I need you... No not like that I just- I mean- for a mission yeah a mission"
Gets all flustered when you're around
Will take her only day off to spend time with you, what a sweetheart
Keeps multiple tabs on you
Follows you around
Doesn't really have time for kidnapping
But if it comes to that, she'll make something up so she has a reason to kidnap you
If anyone else is flirting with you she won't show that she's annoyed
She'll make something up as an excuse to execute them
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Has definitely thought of what you'd look like while naked
B l u s h
Has used a mental image of you to get off before
Probably has an actual photo of you
When he drinks a little more than usual, he'll accidentally brush his hand against your ass or get touchy with you
Will not force himself on you, he's 100% against that
If you decide to have sex with him, praise is what you're gonna get
"you're as beautiful as a shot of whiskey in the sunrise"
Very gentle with his hands
Not the type to masturbate
Unless if he gets THAT worked up
Again, against forcing himself on you
But if you want it no doubt you will top
He's also gentle with you
And loving
Praise is all you're gonna get
Sometimes russian sometimes broken english
Either way he will worship your body
Again, a more modest guy, doesn't really touch himself
Might just use a robot to pleasure himself when thinking about you
Probably has a photo of you and him around his workshop
Never forces himself on you
He's sweet and gentle when you do want it though
Sometimes gets help from his robot friends
Gets off on thinking about you
Won't force himself on you though
Sexual remarks × 100
Calls you handsome/beautiful in bed
I wouldn't say he's the best in bed but hey he's good I guess
Cuddles after sex most likely
Probablh threw out all his sexual magazines because they just didn't do the trick anymore
Sometimes when he runs past you, your shirt/skirt gets lifted up by a gust of wind and he can't help but look ( ͡◉ ͜ ʖ ͡◉)
Since I hit the text limit, I'll be making a part 2, stay tuned
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staytheb · 4 years
Pairing: SF9′s Youngbin x OC [Seul] Genre: slice of life, slight fluff Word Count: 4,925 Summary: Seul runs errands believing she’ll get a job, but finds out that she’s doing them for her friend that was supposed to do them. Still though, a job may still be in the talks after she finishes the errands earlier than expected. part two: Acting Secretary (somewhat)
Warning: none, swear words lol
so... this is new, but not really. i had wrote this with another idol in mind like a year or so back. i changed it with Youngbin instead and gave my sister what she wanted. lol anyways, this was supposed to be like an idea for a chapter fic, but i don’t have any interest in doing that and why this story is the way that it is. i may or may not actually make a chapter story, but shall see in the future. i just didn’t want this written thing to be left hidden and forgotten. other than that, happy reading and kthxbai, Admin Lia~
After dropping Yeon at her new work place, Seul dropped off her three year old daughter, Jangmi, with her usual babysitter, Yuna. Yuna was also a good friend of the sisters as well as a fellow mother. Seul could always depend on her for help, especially on such short notice.
"Thanks for watching Jangmi, Yuna." Seul thanked the older woman.
"No problem, Seul. Besides, the boys just love Jangmi like their own sister." Yuna commented as she watched her oldest son leading Jangmi in a random game.
"Yeah, Wonjin’s a great older brother and Jangmi just loves baby Jiho, too."
"Oh, I know. She loves cooing at him. Anyways, how's the job hunting going?"
"Um, okay? Just a bit rough."
"It's because of Seokwon, huh?"
Seokwon was Seul's ex-boyfriend and the father of her daughter. The separation was a bit messy and quite complicated, but Seul eventually pulled through. It was Seokwon who was having a fit about it and obstructing her life. He would contact other companies to prevent Seul from working with them when he found out she was working under whatever company she would have applied to. It was so that she would be force to return to work for him again and Seul wasn't having any of that. She would never let that man control her life and happiness ever again. Even if it meant having to constantly look for employment every few weeks or months.
"If I was still working I would have gotten you through and or pull some strings. I mean I could still ask Kyungtae if you wanna work for his company?"
"Nah, it's all good. Besides, I don't think I could ever work for Kyungtae with how he manages."
"I know. I don't blame you."
"Yeah, but luckily, Yeon is doing well and she hasn't messaged me yet."
"Yeah, I never pictured her as an office lady."
"Me either and neither did she."
Seul let out a sigh remembering what she had told herself to do today.
"Alright, Yuna, I gotta go, but do let me know about Jangmi if she gets too much."
Yuna cast her an understanding smile while patting her back.
"No worries, Seul. Get yourself a job first and just leave Jangmi to me in the mean time."
"Thank you."
"You're welcome, hon."
Seul had gotten back on the road when her phone rang. It wasn't her sister or friend, but another friend who was a male. She answered through the bluetooth.
"Aren't you supposed to be working, Dawon?" Seul asked the caller as the male chuckled. "I am, Seul."
"Uh huh. Right."
"Yeah, yeah, but back to the subject of working, that's why I'm calling you."
"What do you want? I'm out driving looking for job openings that isn't related to my ex."
"I've heard and know that it's been impossible since he has such huge connections."
"Anyways, that's why I have a proposition for you which for now involves you driving, but not looking further for a job."
"You couldn't just say that you know of an opening for me to apply for?"
"That's no fun. Anyways, the first thing I need you to do is go to Banana Boutique and the rest I'll send you in a text in a minute."
"Okay. That's it? Does this job pay well because I really do need the money as soon as possible."
"It does, but you'll get a fat bonus if you can complete everything on the list I've sent you."
"How much of a bonus are we talking about here?"
"Three times than I would make in a two weeks."
"Dang. That's more than what I would make if I worked with Seokwon again."
"Yeah, but it's better because you won't have to work with Seokwon again."
"Shoot. I'm in, but why so much?"
"Boss' orders and he won't tell me."
"Okay then. I'm down"
"There is a catch."
"Which is?"
"You'll need to be back before twelve-forty-five though for anything to count to get the job."
Seul glanced at the time on her dashboard and rolled her eyes.
"Which is like less than four hours. That's a lot of time."
"It may seem like so, but it's not."
"Then is it even worth it?"
"I know you can do it! Seul, I swear. It's worth it."
"Yeah, yeah, fine. See you soon, Dawon."
"See you soon and good luck!"
"Thanks and bye."
Seul ended the call with a chuckle as she signaled left to head on over to Banana Boutique. While waiting at the light she received Dawon's detailed message and was confused by the name, Youngbin Kim, and the credit card information that appeared in the beginning of the text. She learned that it would be the person she would be running errands for and his account information to make all of the purchases through before scrolling down to see a weird to-do list.
"Go to Banana Boutique. Buy a business casual outfit along with heels and accessories." Seul read aloud with a raised eyebrow. "Afterwards go to Tangerine Beauty Salon. Get hair and makeup done."
Seul scoffed at the list and wondered if this was even work related, but she trusted Dawon on this despite his playful personality. So she was gonna go with it for now as she really did need the money and that Yeon couldn't be the only one working. Seul scanned the rest of the long list and realized that it was all over the place. If she went based on how it was written then it would have her be driving all across town and even backtracking which would make her waste more time and gas. Quickly, Seul scanned her surrounding to pull off to the side and park for a while.
After finding a parking spot to rest for a bit, Seul copied the list that Dawon had sent her and put it into her notes. While re-reading everything she rearranged the list so that it would have a better flow for her to complete everything on it without wasting time or backtracking and to even get that triple bonus easily. It also meant that she wouldn't go to Banana Boutique or Tangerine Beauty Salon until nearly the end of the to-do list. To which she didn't mind at all as it would make her look fresh and put together. She finished the new to-do list within ten minutes while getting back on the road again.
The first place that Seul had gone to after the new arrangement was to a dry cleaners where she only had to wait for two minutes. Then she went next door to the pharmacy to pick up a prescription that was already ready for pick-up. After that Seul drove down a few streets to the home improvement store to pick up some paint and home decor that this Mr. Kim wanted. Seul also realized after finishing three errands off the list of twenty-something she had no trouble in stating his card information without the actual plastic card being present in front of these businesses. She wondered how often this guy came that it went this easy.
Seul dismissed the idea and continued to the next item on the list. She drove for awhile before she found the place she was looking for. It was a toy store and besides purchasing the several items that this Young person wanted, she had also purchased three stuffed animals for her daughter and sister. As for Youngbin's belongings several of them she could pick up and take with her like some of the sports balls and smaller items while the rest of the things were to be shipped out as they were either too big to fit in her vehicle or weren't in stock at the store itself.
Seul let out a tired sigh upon placing the two small bags from a jeweler's shop she had just visited inside her car. She was happy that she had a vehicle to accommodate all the things she was stashing into her car for this supposed job. If not, she would have declined Dawon's proposition for it. She just wondered what kind of person this Youngbin Kim was as she couldn't help but imagined the guy upon doing his errands. He either seemed too lazy to pick up his stuff or the fact that he was super busy and had no time for minor inconveniences.
Then again, someone that purchased toys couldn't be all that bad either. Maybe he had a child and a wife, but work was constantly demanding that it didn't leave him time to do such small errands. Or he could just be showering his loved ones with material things to make up for his lack of presence. Who knows what it could be as it could seriously be anything. It really gave her some insight, but then again she knew that she couldn't just based everything off of some list. Seul usually knew the person a bit better once she actually met them, but for now she would just let it be.
Anyways, Seul started her car and drove to the nearest grocery store so she can buy this Youngbin person some groceries before having to go to another location and buy some house cleaning supplies as well for his home. After this errand she would have two more stops to complete and she would be good on time and closer to a job. The second to last stop would be taking a majority of all the items to this apartment complex before heading to Dawon's work place with the other things on the list to be given to his boss. Of course before heading to the work place she would have to stop by some restaurant to pick up the boss' lunch.
Still, Seul was seriously confused as this seem more like a personal errand run that the person himself could do it, but she was doing it instead for a job opening. Nevertheless, Seul reminded herself that it was for the bonus and that she badly needed the job as soon as possible. Then again, she was wondering if others were doing this just as she was and it would be pointless since it meant that this Youngbin Kim person was getting things done more than once and spending a lot more than needed. Seul shook the thoughts away as it didn't matter to her since it wasn't her money or items that she'll be dealing with.
Anyways, once she got done grocery shopping she headed towards Water Apartments which to be honest was a high-end luxury apartment complex building that she for sure wouldn't be able to afford in her entire life. Even less of knowing someone personally who actually lived here. Anyhow, just like using this guy's name and his information to do the errands, Seul was instantly assisted in having the items transported easily to the guy's apartment by a few of the staff members after she informed them where she had to take them.
Seul herself took care of putting away the groceries and cleaning supplies. Upon seeing the apartment, Seul knew for sure that this Youngbin Kim guy was indeed a bachelor and had no significant other whatsoever. She wondered if Dawon's boss even lived here as there was practically no food in the fridge or the cabinets. Neither were there any picture frames or personal touches to the overall place when she had put away the bagged clothing and the prescription when she entered the main bedroom to lay them on the bed. It seemed like it was in a presentation mode to be shown to potential buyers for the place. Then again, Seul assumed the guy must be a minimalist or could have just recently moved in hence the to-do list and a family must be on the way to add those touches.
Shaking the thoughts away and getting back to focus, Seul resumed putting the things away. Once everything was settled, Seul took photos of the places where the items were now settled as it was required of her to do so since it proved that she actually completed the errands and sent the images to Dawon. Seul returned to her car and went to the post office to drop off some of the packages she had done earlier before heading back towards Dawon's workplace to finish out the rest of the list. She felt proud as she had shaved off basically an hour. Everything felt like it would be smooth sailing from here on out.
After quickly purchasing a basic yet cute outfit from Banana Boutique with minimal accessories to complement and visiting Tangerine Beauty Salon to style the way she preferred to look, Seul arrived at Hot Potato to pick up Youngbin's meal along with her own with less than an hour to spare. Luckily she had called in earlier to make an order so that when she arrived she just had to do a pick up. So when she entered the restaurant she was checked out by her cousin upon walking up to the counter for pick-ups.
"Oh ho ho. You're looking good." Kwangjin complimented. "A hot date? A new candidate father figure for Jangmi?"
Seul rolled her eyes.
"No, Kwangjin. It's for a job. Anyways, I have a group pick-up order."
"Oh, so it was for you."
"Okay. I'll be right back."
Kwangjin momentarily left to fetch Seul's order before returning shortly with four bags in hand along with three drinks.
"So who's the other order for if not you or Yeon?" Kwangjin asked while setting the items on the counter.
"My future boss. I'm picking up something for his lunch today, too."
Seul held her phone out for Kwangjin to read.
"Anyways, the buldak with both the rice cake and steamed egg is for my future boss. The rest is mine which I'll pay separately."
Kwangjin was inputting Young's card info before recognizing it soon afterwards.
"Your future boss is Youngbin Kim?"
"Possibly. Why?"
"Oh, well, he's a friend of mine. I could put in a good word for you like I did for Yeon."
"Yeah you should've done that in the first place like you did with Yeon."
Kwangin chuckled as he recalled that situation.
"I'm pretty sure she still wishes to be working here though."
"True, but she can't stand working with you though."
"Not my fault I'm here everyday."
"True, but you keep messing with her schedules and that's why she didn't want to work here again."
"Haha, yeah, that's right. Anyways, Youngbin didn't have any job offerings so that's why I didn't say anything. Also you don't want to work here either."
"Oh okay, and yeah true about working here. Although it isn't bad or anything."
"Because you just don't want me as your boss and me messing up your schedule."
"That too, but are you done inputting the info yet?"
"I am, but why not make him pay for it all?"
"Because I'm not like that."
"Yeah, I know, but here."
Kwangjin handed his cousin the receipt for Youngbin's meal and rejected Seul's card.
"Yours is on the house."
"Because I said so."
Kwangjin cast her a smug look while handing the bags over to her along with the three drinks he knew were her and Yeon's favorite.
"I didn't order any drinks." Seul declared with a confused expression.
"I know. It's on me, too. Enjoy and good luck in getting the job."
"Thanks and you better not be calling him to get me in without my own merit."
"I would never do that."
"Mmhmm. Bye."
Seul took her things and waved him off while taking a sip of her Green Tea Latte of the three drinks that her cousin gave her.
When Seul arrived to Dawon's workplace, her eyebrows furrowed upon recognizing the streets and the buildings before heading towards the underground parking lot she had dropped off her sister earlier today.
"Does Dawon work here, too?" She mumbled as she found a parking space not that far from the elevators. "Maybe I could give Yeon her meal while I'm at it."
She had messaged Dawon earlier that she was almost done, but didn't let him know she was here while making sure her appearance was presentable. She did send her sister a message about having her lunch and to let her know where to meet up. As for Dawon he had already messaged her about what to do at the front desk and where to go from there so she figured she could surprise him. Seul got out of her car and opened the truck of the vehicle. She pulled out her blue collapsible wagon and unfolded it for usage while setting it on the concrete floor. This was a nifty item when going to places with Jangmi.
Seul placed the food and the items that Youngbin had wanted inside the wagon. Like the documents he had left at his apartment along with two succulents of nine he wanted to be at the office for some reason. As well as some other things like books, caps, and a Janggi set. She even placed her drinks in the pockets on the outside of the compartment before shutting and locking up her car. Seul placed her other bag over her shoulders while heading to the elevator.
Seul arrived on the seventh floor of the B building after checking in with a Park Haeyoon at the receptionist desk and obtaining her visitor's pass. She arrived on the floor and pulled her little wagon behind her in search of Dawon as he didn't appear like he said he would. She was given curious looks by the workers on the floor and knew it was because of the wagon, but no one questioned her about it. Seul was gonna ask one of the staff if they knew where Dawon was, but came upon a familiar face instead.
Inseong met Seul's gaze as it lit up with recognition.
"Seul! Wow, what are you doing here?"
He enveloped her into a friendly hugged before noticing her wagon. He gave her a knowing look once he pulled away.
"Did Dawon tell you there was a possible job opening and that you had to do all of these errands for our boss because he'll pay like triple the amount?"
"Um, yeah, how'd you know?"
"Because Dawon was supposed to be the one to do that. Not you."
"Excuse me?"
Inseong held back a laugh upon knowing how his friend was going to react while also taking a few steps back just in case Seul got violent.
"You're joking, right?" Seul asked with a not amused expression. "Because I didn't just waste my time to do his job for him for nothing, Inseong."
She then motioned at her whole attire.
"I also didn't spend money to get new clothes, my hair, and makeup done either."
"I know, Seul, I know, but..."
"Just lead me to his ass and don't worry, I won't cause a scene. I'm not like that."
Inseong chuckled at his friend's words before leading them both to Dawon's work desk.
"Don't worry, sir. Everything will be done before the allotted time." Dawon spoke into the phone when Seul and Inseong arrived in front of his desk.
Dawon's back was turned away from them and wasn't aware he had visitors. It wasn't until he turned around like he wasn't at work, but at home in mid-conversation that he took notice of his friends.
"Oh, hey." Dawon said in a slow manner as his eyes glance from Inseong to Seul and back and forth totally forgetting that he was supposed to be on the phone with his boss and discussing important matters.
"I'll leave it between the two of you." Inseong said with a playful tone while patting Seul's back in a fair warning to be calm as possible.
"So... uh, Seul," Dawon began nervously while unconsciously placing the phone on his desk and not back into its proper place, "How's your day going?"
"Pretty well until I learned the truth about you using me to do your boss' errands for you."
Her dark eyes bore into his as Dawon's averted his gaze to something behind her and looked down. He noticed the blue wagon and let out a nervous chuckle as he returned his gaze back on to his friend.
"Oh yeah?" Seul mused with a wry smile. "So this job opening you mentioned was just a lie for me to get it done for you so that you wouldn't get in trouble for not doing them?"
"What? No. It's totally real. Look at you. All dressed up thanks to Mr. Kim's credit card information. Now you can have an official interview with him."
"That's not what you told me on the phone when I agreed to this supposed errand run, Dawon."
"True, but I did tell you that it would be worth it."
"How? Your boss doesn't even know what you did or that I'm even here."
"True and I'm sure I could put in a good word for you."
"That's not how I roll, Dawon, and you know that."
"Okay true, and yes, Seul, I know but for now, most importantly, do you have his lunch?"
Dawon stood up from his seat and maneuvered around his desk to stand before his friend eagerly.
"I do," Seul answered with a weird smile that Dawon couldn't interpret, "But I'm not giving it to you."
"What? Why not?"
"Because your dumb ass used me when you could've done it yourself."
"Seul, you don't know how busy I was today to do any of the things he wanted me to do."
"Inseong told me that you had a whole two weeks to complete all of that minus the meal. You made me do all of that in less than four hours."
"I know, I know, but just let me off the hook this one time. I'll pay you back in a big way. Just wait and see."
"You do realize you've done this multiple times on multiple occasions, right? Not just with me, but with Yeon, too."
"Yes, bu-"
Seul didn't let him finish as she continued her rant.
"Besides, Kwangjin knows him, too. They're good friends. Now I feel like a fool because Kwangjin believes this was legit as I mentioned this errand thing in passing. Thanks to you I wasted my whole morning when I could've gotten something more important done with my time."
"I'm sorry, Seul. I really am."
"Your sorry isn't gonna do anything for me, Dawon. Besides, you're not the one that had to pick up and drop off all of his stuff at his apartment. I even had to figure out which of his succulents he wanted here in the office when he had so many. I'm not even his personal assistant, but I still did all of this without knowing him or even having this job now."
Before Dawn could counter her words he was interrupted by his boss who overheard the whole conversation on the phone and exited his office. Youngbin was curious about Dawon's female friend who happened to know Kwangjin as well. Even though Dawon was Youngbin's subordinate, he was also a good friend of his outside of working hours. Maybe a more dependable person to take care of things he nor his other subordinates couldn't have time for be given to this woman instead.
"If you're looking or a job, then how would you like to be my personal assistant?" Youngbin asked from behind Dawon as the duo's attention turned towards Youngbin whose attention was set on Seul more than Dawon.
"What do you say, Miss...?"
"Well then, Miss Lee, you're hire." Youngbin informs her after interviewing Seul.
Before the interview they all had their lunch and Seul sat with Dawon at his desk eating it since she found it awkward if she ate alone or at the worker's cafeteria. She did meet up with Yeon, but her sister had to return to work immediately as she had this business and sales report to write for her own boss already on the first day of work. Luckily, Dawon was able to inform her about his company, the department, and his colleagues, but still Seul wondered if it was all a joke or not. It turned out that it wasn't and the interview lasted less than an hour. Seul felt a little odd about it when Youngbin told her that she just got the job soon afterwards.
"Just like that? You didn't ask to see my resume or asked me about my past work history, Mr. Kim."
"Mmhmm. While I ate my lunch I reviewed Dawon's information he had given to me of you. Although it was quite limited, but it was enough to make the judgment. The skills and management you've demonstrated with what I've seen so far with what you've done with the to-do list that he gave you earlier this morning impresses me. I see that it will correlate well with the position of being my personal assistant."
Youngbin then sifted through the images on his iPad and pointed out the things that he was most curious about that he got from Dawon to send to him while they all had lunch so he could have a heads up on Seul's competence.
"I noticed that I have a receipt from Hot Potato for my lunch, but the price is way too low for what I saw you brought in when we ate lunch. I also noticed there isn't a receipt for Banana Boutique nor one for Tangerine Beauty Salon although these locations was more for your attire than for me. Is there a reason for those, too?"
Seul nodded with an expression indicating that it was obvious.
"Yeah. I used my own money at the boutique and salon since it was something I was picking out and that you shouldn't even be paying for these in the first place. As for Hot Potato, a close friend covered the cost."
"I see."
Youngbin closed down his tablet, set it aside, and looked at Seul with a calm demeanor.
"Since you'll be working for me, Miss Lee, any inconveniences befallen on you should be my responsibility as your boss from now on."
Youngbin partially turned to open a drawer to the right of him before finding what he was looking for. He scribbled some things onto the small pad before ripping a piece of it from its place and held it out for Seul to take.
"This is a reimbursement for the boutique and salon that you spent with your own money."
Seul declined with a polite smile.
"It's fine, Mr. Kim. You don't need to reimburse me for it."
Youngbin slightly frowned while retracting his hand and placed the pad and slip aside. He then went through one of his other drawer once again before finding what he was looking for. He faced the woman again and gently set a black card before her and slid it closer for her to take.
"Then this card will be for your own personal use among other things to do your job efficiently without any hindrance. There's no limit and I wouldn't have to write you a check for reimbursement each time you pay out of your own pocket."
Seul stared at the black card intrigued, but made no move to take it. She glanced back up at Youngbin who was already watching her as he motioned with his hand for her to take the card.
"Please, take it. It's yours while you're working for me."
Seul still regarded him a bit.
"And when I stop working for you in the future?"
"I can just cut that line out with ease."
"I see."
Youngbin leaned forward and pushed the card even closer for Seul to take. Seul continued to gaze at the small plastic item, but didn't take it once again. One side of Youngbin's lips quirked up amused before relaxing back in his chair while gazing at her calmly.
"The card can be used freely without a pin or inputting my information if that's what you're worried about."
"I'm not worried about your card, Mr. Kim. I just don't see why you would entrust me with your money so casually just like hiring me so easily."
Seul's cool demeanor raised the corners of Youngbin's lips higher before he responded back.
"Because you've proven yourself to be trustworthy and responsible, Miss Lee. That's why I've hired you as I have no problem with giving you that card to further build the trust and reliability I see in you thus far."
Seul kept quiet as she contemplated the whole thing in her head more before slowly nodding in agreement.
"Okay. Thank you."
"Good. So when's the earliest you can start, Miss Lee?"
Seul didn't hesitate to take the card this time around while matching his gaze.
"As soon as possible, Mr. Kim."
"Perfect. You'll officially start after the weekend on Monday as your first day on the job. Today we'll count it as an orientation and I'll have Dawon show you around the buildings so you can familiarize yourself of the surroundings. He'll also fill you in about everything else that I'll be unable to do."
Youngbin stood up with Seul following soon after as he led them out of his office.
"Welcome to Marketing of NEOZ Group, Miss Lee."
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you-andthebottlemen · 5 years
51 - An Original. High school, small town gossip, a pregnancy scare and saying ‘I love you’ for the first time.
HAPPY RELEASE DAY!!!!!! What do you think of The Balance? Please let me know! I’m so curious about other people’s reactions to it. 
Anyway here is a fic that’s been in my drafts for a while. It is unrelated to the album lol but just thought I should post something to mark the occasion!! 
So here’s one based off a Gossip Girl episode of all things....don’t know, just watched it and immediately thought of a young Van living in Llandudno and having this shit go down. Also slightly inspired by Rango???? Enjoy!
Send me a request if you have one!
E x
Living in Llandudno was hard enough without the draining and frankly stupid lack of privacy. Being a close-knit community meant everyone knew everyone and everyone’s business was everywhere, all the time. Plus, the town’s people had a huge predisposition for gossip. You’d managed to stay outside of all this for most of your life. However, it all changed when you’d started dating Van McCann. He was known as a bit of a troublemaker, bit of a rebel. He wasn’t bad or anything, just a cheeky young lad who didn’t always follow the rules and liked to make his own fun. Though for you, that was all a part of his charm. But Van’s charm didn’t mean that you were untouched by your occasional occupation as a topic of Llandudno’s rumour mill. 
Almost everyone knew Van; his extroverted yet easy going personality made him stand out and with the added bonus of being in a band (which he’d never shut up about) he stood apart from your average skinny white kid. People loved him; he was pretty much friends with everyone at school and around your age. He was a little different but was kind and anyone who took the time to know him knew he had a heart of gold. He was funny and witty and had an instant appeal to him that no one could quite put their finger on. He was intelligent too, though this wasn’t always immediately recognisable. Mother’s hated him at first; he was cigarettes, leather jackets and late nights. Someone you didn’t want your daughter around. But they too would fall for his charm eventually. Father’s also saw him as trouble but the sort of trouble that remined them of their own youth’s back in the day. And besides, everyone loved his parents, Mary and Bernie McCann, so Van’s recklessness was never taken too seriously.
The details of your relationship with Van were often misconstrued by gossip amongst other kids at your school; sometimes you weren’t even aware of what was being said until someone was brave enough to say it to your face. This wasn’t an uncommon thing for couples to have to deal with, but it was definitely made worse by Van’s high profile. Whether that be rumours Van had been seen with another girl, flirting with someone else…though this never bothered you as you knew Van had a flirty nature but was more loyal than a Labrador. Or stuff about him up and leaving with his band and leaving you behind. Not to mention the initial shock of Van dating the ‘good girl’ and all the whispers it stirred. You were a rebel now too it seemed. You and Van just let it be though. You knew what was what, and that was all that mattered. It was all just talk. 
The worst rumour though, was yet to come.  
“I think I’m pregnant.”
The sentence hit you in the chest like a kick. 
“What?” you questioned.
“I’ve missed a period. I never miss a period,” Hannah anxiously whispered through the phone. 
“Have you done a test?”
“No, I’m too scared.”
“I’ll go get you one. See you at yours in an hour. It’s okay Han,” you replied, feeling sick to your stomach. 
You were only 17, Hannah 16. You felt terrible for her, scared for her and extremely nervous. After you hung up the phone, you called out to your mum that you were heading to the shops and then bolted to the pharmacy. Your headspace was cloudy and panicked, you didn’t give a second thought about buying the pregnancy test for your best friend. You didn’t consider who saw you or what they would think. All you thought about was Hannah, who was waiting in tears for you at her house. 
Once you arrived, Hannah let you inside and you went straight to the bathroom. Her face was white as a sheet and her eyes rimmed red from crying. You opened the box and read the instructions to her; her hands were shaking too much to do it herself. 
“Does Aaron know?” you asked through the door as she did the test. 
The timer was set on your phone and the two of you sat and waited in silence, your arm wrapped around your teary friend whose head was rested on your shoulder. When your phone finally dinged after the longest five minutes of your life, Hannah’s head lifted. Your heart lurched. 
“You do it, I can’t,” she said, turning away. 
You went into the bathroom nervously and looked at the test. An enormous breath escaped your chest.
Not pregnant.
The next day at school, you noticed people looking at you for a few seconds too long or turning to whisper to their friends as you walked by. Self-conscious thoughts ran through your mind and you constantly fixed your hair or picked for any food stuck between your teeth.
After weaving your way through the corridors full of whispers and side-glances, it was a relief to see Van and Larry leaning against their lockers laughing and mucking about as usual.
“Hello love,” Van smiled, and brought you in for a kiss.
He smelt both smoky and minty; a scent that had quickly become one of comfort to you. He slung his arm loosely around your shoulders and then continued talking to Larry. You fit easily tucked under his arm as if you were always meant to be there and his body was warm against yours even through your uniforms. 
“Mornin’,” you mumbled contentedly.
“I was just tellin’ Larry lad here that…”
You listened in a daze as Van spoke, happy and calm by his side. The three of you stayed this way until Benji arrived and the bell rang for your first class. 
Later in the day over lunch, you met up with Hannah who was now back to her usual high spirits. When you found her, she pulled you aside and off down a quiet hallway before any of the boys saw you.
“What’s going on?” you asked, confused as you thought all the secrecy was over.
“We have a problem,” she said seriously. Your eyebrows furrowed.
“Katie’s mum saw you get me that test, told her now Katie’s gone and spread it round.”
Your stomach dropped. Katie was an absolute cow. She loved stirring the pot and this bit of information would have made her feel like she’d won the lottery.
“You can’t tell anyone it was for me, y/n,” Hannah pleaded. “I don’t want Aaron to know. Or my parents.” 
You promised her again you wouldn’t, but you felt anxiety build inside you. That’s why everyone was being weird earlier; they thought you were pregnant. Suddenly, your mind snapped to Van. Did he know? Or was he blissfully unaware? If he heard from someone else that you were pregnant, and not from you, he’d absolutely flip. Not that you even were pregnant though. Fuck. You wanted to throw up just thinking about what people were saying to each other or worse, to Van. 
“I’m so sorry y/n,” Hannah whined. 
“It’s fine. I should have been more careful, gone to a pharmacy elsewhere. I wasn’t thinking.”
You searched for Van, wanting to get to him first and explain but you couldn’t find him or any of the boys anywhere. They’d probably skipped lunch and the final class of the day which meant he might not have heard anything yet, hopefully. You spent the remaining hour of class feeling absolutely nauseous. 
Once the bell rang and school was done, you headed to Van’s house to try and find him. Mary explained with a thick eye roll that Van and his band had gone off with Bernie overnight to play a last-minute show a few towns over. Though he had promised to be back for school the next day. The confrontation would have to wait. You were surprised he didn’t tell you he’d left, but you weren’t mad. Van was easily tunnel visioned when it came to the band. She offered you a cup of tea, but you declined and gave Little Mary a quick cuddle before leaving. You loved that tiny dog to bits. On the way home, you stopped by the fish and chip shop. The lady behind the counter looked at you like she had a bad smell under her nose. Great.
As you arrived in school that morning, you instantly wanted to turn around and head home again. If the rumour hadn’t spread across the whole school yesterday, it definitely had now. People stopped speaking as you walked past, pointed at you, all of it. You wished the ground would open up and swallow you whole. But you had to find Van. 
Standing beside Van’s locker was a group of boys you vaguely knew from class.
“Seen Van?” you asked.
“Looking for your baby daddy are ya y/n?” one teased with a smirk. 
“Shut up Owen. It’s not true,” you hissed angrily. 
“Courtyard,” one of the others commented between laughter.
With a nod, you b-lined your way outside. You stood just out from the doorway and scanned the crowd. Quickly, your eyes landed on Van who had obviously seen you already and was blustering through the hordes of students on the other side of the courtyard. You could feel the eyes of at least 20 people around you, burning into your skin but you ignored them and focussed on the brown-haired boy heading straight towards you. He stared at the ground and his face held a look of determination. You felt scared and frozen to the spot. What did he think? What had he heard?
Before you could say anything, Van spoke.
“I love you y/n. Whatever happens, I’m here. Whatever you wanna do or not do, I’m gonna be there. I’m in love with ya and I’m not gonna let you down.”
His voice was breathless, but he spoke with conviction. Van’s words reverberated through your head. This was not what you thought he was going to say. He knew, someone had told him. He thought you were pregnant. You were too shocked and dazed to take all of this in and think of a comprehensive response. You knew people were staring at the two of you, waiting for the next chapter in the story to spread amongst their friends. 
“I’m not pregnant,” you replied bluntly. Van’s face changed; he looked both confused and pained. 
Your fight or flight response kicked in and you just had to leave. Run away. You pushed past Van and bolted out of the courtyard. Tears began to spill from your eyes and as you walked quickly away, your head hung in shame and embarrassment. He said he loved you, for the first time. But obviously he was only saying it because he thought you were pregnant. He couldn’t love you. But regardless, he’d said it and you walked off. You knew somewhere deep down that you loved him too, but you couldn’t think about that right now. What the fuck had you just done.
Van’s parents owned a small Bed n’ Breakfast in town. It was not unusual to find him there running amuck. He hadn’t been answering his phone or replying to texts and wasn’t at home or any of his usual haunts. Larry hadn’t seen him either. You were panic stricken and felt sick; something you’d become accustomed to over the last few days. After a sleepless night, the BnB was your last stop. You entered through the reception, hoping to find someone who could tell you where Van had gone. 
Through the glass panes on the door, you saw Mary and Bernie in there sorting through paperwork and invoices. You took a deep breath and opened the door. They both looked up when you entered, and their faces melted into looks of sadness and sympathy. While this wasn’t great, it was better than the looks of disgust or disappointment you usually received and that you received from your own mother the night before. She knew the rumour was just that, a rumour, but her advice was to break up with Van and have nothing more to do with it. That was something you were not going to do. You had to fix it.
Undoubtedly, Mary and Bernie had heard too. Probably through friends or acquaintances or whoever they’d seen about town. Maybe Van had told them the real story. This stung. You felt terrible for causing two of the loveliest people you knew, embarrassment and shame and dragging them into a drama they definitely would not have wanted to surround their son. Teen pregnancy wasn’t going to help his reputation, whether it was real or not.
“He’s upstairs love,” Bernie told you softly.
You nodded a thank you and dashed away up the staircase. The BnB was classically decorated, dark wooden floorboards and white linen sheets. Simple and comfortable. You slowly walked down the first-floor corridor, looking for any open doors or signs of Van. Soon enough you reached the end and heard the soft sounds of Van’s acoustic guitar through the walls. Nervously, you pushed the door open. 
Van was laid out on the bed, his back leaning against the wall and his guitar in hand. He was wearing his usual ratty jeans and a t-shirt, but looked like he too, hadn’t slept the previous night. When he heard you, he didn’t look up, just kept playing a slow tune. Maybe a new Catfish song, you thought.
“Meant to be putting in clean towels,” he mumbled. 
You walked over and tried to sit beside him on the bed, but he didn’t move over for you. Instead, you perched yourself on the end awkwardly. He looked boyish and young, his hair falling into his eyes. He’d been crying. This broke your heart.
“The test was for Hannah,” you said simply. He stopped playing. 
“So, you never thought you were…?”
Van put his guitar aside, leaning it against the bedside table. He tucked his legs under him and sat cross-legged facing you, then pulled his hands anxiously through his hair. 
“This town plots fuckin’ thick stories,” he muttered more to himself than you.
“That could be a lyric,” you smiled, trying to lighten the mood. 
The two of you sat in silence for a few moments. Your heart was beating fast and Van’s quiet behaviour was frightening you a bit. You’d never seen him like this before. 
“I’m sorry that everyone’s been talking Van…what they must think of us…”
“Doesn’t matter y/n. I don’t care ‘bout rumours, you know that.”
After giving him a small nod, you sat cross legged also and reached for his hand. He let you take it but still wouldn’t look in your eyes.
“This one was something else though…” you continued. 
“You didn’t say it back y/n. You fuckin’ ran away.”
Van sounded heartbroken. His voice was low and strained, you could hear the pain and disappointment in it. 
“But you only said that because you thought I was pregnant? That you’d be stuck with me and a baby all at 17…”
“What? No!”
Van’s eyes whipped up and met yours, finally. He gripped your hand tight now.
“It was bad timing I know…but I meant what I said. I love you.”
You couldn’t help but let your bottom jaw drop slightly. Hearing it a second time made it sink in. Your brain whirred like a bunch of cogs finally oiled and spinning again. 
“I guess when I got told about everything, the baby or whatever, it made me think about my future in a way I haven’t had to yet. Yeah, the band, but you an’ me. I want you in my future y/n.”
You moved closer to him, making the bed creak loudly as you did so. You knelt in front of Van, cupped his soft face in your hands and slowly moved in for a kiss. His breath was hot on your skin and you could almost feel his heartbeat buzzing, just like yours was.
“I love you too, Van McCann.”
The words felt natural and right as they rolled off your tongue. Van kissed you hard, hitting his forehead against yours in the process, teeth knocking together. None of it mattered though, it was the most romantic and passion filled kiss you’d ever shared.
“So…how about we get to work on making that rumour real?” Van winked. 
“Oh god,” you laughed with an eye roll before kissing him again and descending beneath the sheets in a room that you definitely shouldn’t have been in. 
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send me an otp / s+a
who hogs the duvet the answer to this is the dogs. like you can't even get this answer out of the two of them because pets run the fuckin' world for them.
who texts/rings to check how their day is going sierra more than axel. after her usual morning text to him before he has to dip off to work, she'll text him at lunch and around the time he usually comes home if he doesn't text her first to say he got in safe. she's a big worrier. 
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts definitely sierra. not that axel is bad at giving gifts or anything but she's definitely more creative in the two of them. 
who gets up first in the morning usually axel. he's deffo the early riser between the two of them and it's always si trying to distract him to keep him in bed. unless she's the one working, but. usually it's him.
who suggests new things in bed it usually is sierra. axel tends to let her take the reigns on that since she's So New to a lot of sex things. keeping it at her own pace. 
who cries at movies .. well it sure as fuck ain't axel. it's always sierra. she's so goddamn emotional, axel needs to just keep tissues at his sides at all times and even more so at a movie. even if it's happy. he's just here like "..it's okay." "BUT THE DOG." ".......it lived."
who gives unprompted massages definitely axel cos he's a handsy little bastard and if she even stretches out on the couch or the bed and is just laying there minding her own business, there he comes to offer one up or to give one at all. which it's not like sierra is complaining or anything. he's too good with his hands and she should sue him for it tbh.
who fusses over the other when they’re sick sierra. she's a constant worrier, especially if he's sick enough for it to effect him heavy. so she's out here tryin to arrange a soup delivery and to make sure he's got meds and is taking care of himself. axel obviously cares as well, but. she's definitely a Lot More about it to the point where he has to be like, "i'm not dying, tash, it is okay, i will be asleep."
who gets jealous easiest axel. even after their split and the whole cheatin thing, if they got back together or something, it'd still be axel. not that she's not jealous but.
who has the most embarrassing taste in music you know what? it's axel. you see how hard he goes to the hot n spicy theme. it's the same for anything else, really. especially dropping off the kids for school in the future. so it's more his dancing than the music but imagining axel going hard to some weird german metal? oh man.
who collects something unusual sierra. axel thinks her crystals as a whole are fuckin unusual, but. 
who takes the longest to get ready sierra takes this, between her trying to choose and outfit and doing her makeup. but it's not like axel is someone who is ready immediately either. like you know whenever they move in together, their bathroom has to be big. with double sinks. for all of their shit.
who is the most tidy and organised most definitely axel. he's got that on lock.
who gets most excited about the holidays
sierra. she loves decorating, especially as they get older. it’s fun to spin their home in a new way.
who is the big spoon/little spoon sierra WANTS to be big spoon at least once a week but he never lets her. so. he's big spoon, she's little spoon. #oneday.
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports axel is by far. even when they're out playing some arcade games or anything, he's just straight in for the kill. but he'll eventually let up and let her win a few rounds. very big gentleman.
who starts the most arguments sierra. she takes things so terribly sometimes and then things just kinda explode from there. it's a lot of emotion as a whole and also kind of letting a lot of things fester, especially with them being primarily LDR?? she's dumb.
who suggests that they buy a pet it's never really a suggestion. it's sierra saying she wants another pet and axel eventually relenting. she's good at taking care of them and they make her happy, okay. he can't deny her this.
what couple traditions they have for their anniversary, it's usually spent in germany together. exploring hamburg, doing to the park they were official in. 
what tv shows they watch together i don't think they ever really .. have a tv show that they get invested enough in to sit and watch or make plans to watch. they've probably started a show on netflix but they just kinda go at their own pace and discuss episodes as they come and go.
what other couple they hang out with ..walter + v, mack and his lady and his little kid. usually just axels friends versus sierras. that didn't go well the last time. LMAO.
how they spend time together as a couple when they get to be together? it's a lot of everything. sitting on the couch to unwind, going grocery shopping. sometimes si'll even sit in the bathroom as he takes an incredibly long shower and read a book quietly or chat with him. it's just them being in the same place and getting the chance to relish in that since they rarely do. lots of soft moments.
who made the first move i think? axel kissed her first. when the two of them were just together in germany and in the forest when c+g fucked off elsewhere. he just kinda swooped in with si against a tree.
who brings flowers home axel. flowers make his girl feel special and he's always out here tryin' to do that for her, especially on days where he knows she's been going through it, or on days he knows she has to interact with her dad.
who is the best cook obviously it's axel because she can't cook worth shit. she's done cooking classes and gotten better, and hasn't poisoned anyone which is good, but. it's him. though i figure as they get older, they probably rely more on some food prep services or something like that. like meal boxes that're easy to put together and keep. easy instructions. ones you don't Fuck Up.
how they would get engaged i feel like axel's the type to plan that dream romantic getaway to pop the question. somewhere nice, with beaches and greenery and a lot of cool animal related stuff to do, a lot of places to explore. but their engagement probably comes on the worst day. whatever romantic thing they've had planned, like a nighttime candlelit dinner has been rained out, sierra probably ate shit trying to race out of the rain and the two of them are soaked to the bone and they just stop and look at each other and break out into laughter and he pops to one knee to ask. there's a lot of crying. probably masked in the rain. 
what their wedding would be like it'd be some absolute lavish shit. like, they go all out because it's a Forever thing and they'll only be doing this once. axel wants si to feel like an absolute princess, so when he catches her trying to figure out if they can have either a photographer or videographer and not both, he's like mmmmm no. it's both. he barely tells her no with whatever she comes to him with, unless she is very obviously trying to test limits. (she did jokingly suggest a massive ice sculpture of the two of them and he just very much Stared. she didn't mean it!). it's not some break the bank level shit, but what they want, they get and it's a really pretty affair. bright, sparkly, tons of flowers. 
how many kids they’ll have there's at least two. axel wants more than two, but sierra is comfortable with two once they have them, she doesn't want to end up too crazily overwhelmed, especially as a likely stay at home mum, since axel probably insisted. like damn. let her live without diapers for a bit, kindly.
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jonasmaurer · 5 years
2019 Holiday Gift Guide for Her
Hi friends! Happy Monday and happy Thanksgiving week! I usually wait a little longer to post my gift guides, but since I realized that many of you are shopping this week (like me!) I figured we could get the party started! I always have so much fun putting these together and love hearing about your gift ideas. If you have any great gift ideas for moms, sisters, BFFs, aunts, or something on your personal wish list, please share in the comments! Let’s have a virtual shopping party.
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These are all ideas that I think would make awesome gifts this holiday season. They vary in price points and many items on the list below are things that I use and love (or have my eye on for myself heh heh).
2019 Holiday Gift Guide for Her
  For the fitness lover:
Wireless sport headphones. The Pilot and I both have these and LOVE them. I’m kind of weird about how headphones fit my ears and despise hard plastic, and these are soft and cushy. 
A 40-oz Hydroflask. I carry this one around with me everywhere.
My favorite leggings ever. They’re not super expensive, have a flattering high waist, are thick, dreamy fabric, and come in quite a few different colors.
The super cute cropped long-sleeved top.
The softest crops. Like buttah.
My go-to crosstraining sneakers. It’s kind of an addiction over here. 
Makeup and skincare gifts:
Rosewood lip trio. This color is supposed to be flattering on every skin tone. I can’t wait for mine to get here!
This gorgeous toasted eyeshadow palette.
A jade roller and gua sha set. This is the one I use every night before bed. I’ve read a lot about these, and am a huge believer or “use it or lose it” when it comes to the muscles in your face. This helps to stimulate blood flow and increase circulation, and I’ve found that it decreases puffiness.
A buttercup blow dryer kit.
Counter + skincare essentials. All of the Beautycounter faves including the overnight peel, new lotus cleansing stick, brightening facial oil (plant-based oils and vitamin C) and charcoal mask. (Bonus: it’s 15% off right now and free shipping on orders over $50!)
The best brow essentials.
A Phlur perfume or candle. I avoided perfumes for years because of the ingredients – I used an essential oil roll-on instead – and finally found one with clean ingredients that’s nontoxic. The Ameline smells like a dream (so floral and girly) and I also love Hamani.
Jewelry and accessories:
LOVE these glitter studs.
This bangle that looks super pricey but isn’t.
The perfect leather tote.
A Dagne Dover tote.
This beautiful pendant. It’s gorgeous IRL.
Fashion finds:
Wubby fleece pullover. This is a fall and winter essential. SO comfortable and warm.
Spanx faux leather leggings. These are incredibly flattering and the faux leather adds a nice detail that isn’t too over-the-top.
My Christmas list lounge top.
This leather camera bag.
This leopard sweater!
For moms, aunts, and grandmothers:
The best pajamas.
A packing cube set.
A luxe sleep mask. (I can’t live without mine!)
A super cozy throw.
A succulent gift box.
A luxe and comfy cardigan.
Experiences and personalized gifts:
– Plan a fun girls’ night out with cocktails and a show or a movie
– A class pass or punch card to her favorite workout studio
– Treat your friend to a spa service (bonus points if they serve lunch + champagne)
– Shopping for a new mom (or any mom)? Attach a little note that says, “Good for one nice long nap or some time alone, whenever you need it.” And let her use it! I promise you’ll make her whole day. 
So friends: what’s on your personal wish list this year? Any great gift ideas for your BFF or the ladies in your family?
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  *Note: none of my gift guides are sponsored, and companies are not able to purchase spots on my gift guides. These are all items I curated myself and genuinely think they’d make awesome gifts for someone you love. Affiliate links are included, which don’t affect purchase price but enable me to earn a small kickback. Thank you so much for supporting this little blog. <3
The post 2019 Holiday Gift Guide for Her appeared first on The Fitnessista.
2019 Holiday Gift Guide for Her published first on https://olimpsportnutritionde.tumblr.com/
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wilwywaylan · 7 years
... As a very late ask, Pasiphaé, In and Ulrich~!
I’ve already done Pasiphaé and In, but since there’s a newelement in the relationship, I’m gonna start from scratch with thosetwo too !
Very long so under the cut !
How differently do they think of each other now compared towhen they first met?
Pasiphaé met In during a crisis, so the first thing she thoughtabout her was that she needed help, and she was ready to give herthis help, even if she looked kinda forceful with it. But In was lostand scared and cute, and reminded her a bit of a lost kitten, and shereally wanted to do something for her because she couldn’t bear tosee her so miserable.Now, they know each other better and that Inis comfortably settled in her new life. She’s not scared anymore, andPasiphaé could learn to know the real In at the same time In herselfdid. And she finds her immensly perfect. Not only is she pretty as apicture, but she’s nice, she’s smart, she’s very calm and patient,especially with her. In fact, Pasiphaé thinks In may be the bestthing in life, including sliced bread. She may be slightly in lovewith her, yes. She just stopped comparing her to a lost kitten,because you know. Maybe it’s not that smart.
At first, In was quite weirded out by this strange lady. Scratchthat, she was terrified. She was living the worst day of her life,andthere was that girl with wild hair who kept trying to talk to her andto help her, to the extent that In kinda believed that she washarassed by a witch (okay, maybe not, but she thought there wassomething really wrong with her and she was up to no good). Nowthat she knows her better, In realizes that Pasiphaé can’t be up tono good, except when she wants to help someone, and even that doesn’tmean anything evil or bad. She thinks that Pasiphaé is a wonderfulperson who dedicates an impressive amount of time to help otherpeople and try to make things better, even if she sometimes is a bitmisguided.
When Pasiphaé first met Ulrich, she kinda wondered who was thatman who was acting as unrefined as her, raiding the buffet during areception. But he was fun, witty and provided good distraction whilethey gobbled on toasts and sushis and things, so she found hiscompany quite enjoyable. Now she… still finds him witty and funand good company, but she knows that he’s also serious, hard-workingand has a lot of integrity, which is very important in his line ofwork. He’s a strong man, who can endure trials and provides support.And he’s still very fun to raid the buffet with and bitch abouteveryone around them~
In was a bit more wary about Ulrich at first. After all, she onlyknew about him what Pasiphaé had told her, and she knows hergirlfriend tends to assume the best of all people, includingmilitary. Nevermind that more than half the people in the army havebeen revealed as being corrupted to the bone, so she was more than abit wary about that new « friend » suddenly popping intotheir lives.It didn’t take too long for her to discover that no,Ulrich is not corrupted, he’s a good soldier who does his best tomake things better, in and out of the military. Besides, he’s niceand quite fun, outgoing and very interesting, and she quickly came totrust him. And by being around him, In realized that marechals couldbe nice and honest people, which helped her regain a bit ofconfidence in them. It helps that Ulrich himself protests againstcorruption in their ranks.
As she did with him, Ulrich found Pasiphaé quite fun to bearound. It wasn’t everyday that he met someone in those stuffyreceptions that did as he does, and lingered around the buffetinstead of dancing to stuff their face with all the delicious food.It was nice to have someone to stand around with and exchange tips onwhich little toasts were the tastiest. Now, on top of being funand witty (and without manners), he thinks she’s a very strong personwho can endure a lot (which is good seeing the chaos she sometimescauses). He still finds her funny and witty and loves bantering withher, with the added bonus of having someone he can trust fully andshow his true nature without fear. And some nice, homemade music justfor him.
As for In, Ulrich immediatly noticed that she wasn’t comfortablearound him, and he felt the judgement gaze fixed on him. But sheseemed to tolerate him around because Pasiphaé seemed to like him,she was still nice and polite, and he had to admit, it was quite niceto have her around because she’s pretty, calm and wise.Now thatshe trusts him and ditched the wary behavior, she’s like super niceand patient. As with Pasiphaé, he loves to have someone he trustsfully around, and who he can be 100% himself with. He just needs toremember to not lay the stupid jokes too heavily, because he knowsshe doesn’t have a lot of tolerance for those (except in a reallyjoking tone and/or in dire situations), but it’s not that hard to do.
What do their friends/family think of their relationship?
Bérengère was kinda sceptic at the start, as were almost all theZürns (except maybe Alizée), because your brother just jumped intoan existing relationship with two intriguing and very… unique…ladies. But then, they realized that they were doing all they couldto make it work and that there was actual effort from all three, thatthey were showing true love and companionship and support. Bérengèrenow things that they fit together well, and Ulrich chose wisely. Shelikes both ladies, and goes along well with In. Amadeus askedUlrich if he was trying to one-up Bérengère or something. Maybebecause he got a step-Waylan AND a person with long black hair. Orjust because he has two of them. But yes. One-upping so hard.Alizéejust finds the three of them adorable in their interactions. She, Inand Pasiphaé sometimes have a drink together and share horrorstories from their respective hospitals.Ludwig was the one to dothe « I have a feud going with my sibling and of course I don’tlike him ! » sibling thing and ask the obligatory questionof « are you sure ? Because he’s really, reallyannoying ». But in fact, he’s quite happy for his brother –he just doesn’t want anyone to know it. He gets along with In quitewell, because she’s calm.
Arrakis’ reaction was something along the lines of « are youfucking kidding me ? » because that man was already hisbrother-in-law AND his superior, and now he’s TWICE hisbrother-in-law ? And could his superior brother-in-law reallyget along with his sister and her opposite girlfriend ? Wellyes, they could and they are very happy. He still can’t totallybelieve it, but as long as everyone is happy, well… It makes forinteresting family reunions, at least.
The other brothers are all happy. After all,if Pasiphaé wantsmore than just one person to cuddle with ? She’s free. They arekinda protective of her and In at first, but Ulrich isArrakis-and-Bérengère approved, so there’s no real risk to harmtheir sister or their sister-in-law (they are kinda protective ot Intoo, because who’s going to be, if not them?). Since everything isgoing smoothly, they accept Ulrich in their circle and make lots ofjokes at his expense. Antarès already wrote two short stories aboutthem, including one in a fantasy setting.
As for Pasiphaé’s little chicken, One was… kinda apathetic. Manokay, seems nice, doesn’t yell or hit : good. Can nap on him.Fun. Llyr was a bit wary of him. Not to say he’s scared of him,no… but a man he doesn’t know entering his surrogate mommy’s lifelike this took a little time for him to accept it, and not tiptoearound him anymore. Now that he knows that he’s a good man whodoesn’t hurt little doves, he’s more comfortable around him, and eventries to talk with him sometimes. Menthe knew Ulrich from hiswork before he entered the relationship, and if she didn’t trust himthat much at first, she came to see him as, if not totally trustful,at least not an immediate danger for her. So when he started goingout with Pasiphaé and In, she was okay with it as long as they bothwere too. Now she’s at ease around him, and she can joke with him andtrust him with her run-ins with the laws when the need arises.
How do their personalities/skills complement or contrast with each other?
They are quite well-balanced. WherePasiphaé is always active and juggling several projects or tasks atonce, In and Ulrich are more relaxed and take time to do each thingseparatly. Both of them have great patience, whichis very good whenone is always followed by a vampire, a dove, a cat, a seethinghospital director, drama, a swordmaster looking for a fight andseveral other weird persons and chaos-makers. Most of the time, she’sthe driving force between their activities together, but she alwaystakes care to plan things they would like, and to take their tastesand levels of energy and sociability in account.
The problem, when you’re always runninghere and there, trying to do everything at the same time, is thatyou’re not always perfectly organized. Pasiphaé is far fromorganized, and she often keeps looking at things she had in her handsfive minutes before, or what was she doing again ? Luckily,Ulrich is organized, you have to in his line of work, and In evenmore. Joining their forces, they manage to contain that whirlwind ofmess that is their girlfriend.
As a group, they aren’t that sociable.They clearly prefer staying home when they have some free time andlounging around in sweatpants and Ulrich’s shirts than going out andrunning around, they do that at work already. Sometimes, they go out,for a walk, for lunch, or to a museum, those kinds of activities, butthey never plan anything big. When they do have to go to an importantreception, they drag their feet and stay close to the food, or go andtry to dance together, which either leads to a steamy relay-tangonumber, or an utmost catastrophe. For those occasions, In puts herknowledge of clothes, make up and hairdressing to good use, so herpartners don’t look like crazy rednecks (especially Pasiphaé, sinceUlrich can wear his uniform).
Even in their day-to-day life, they arewell-balanced : Ulrich is a good cook and take care of feedingthem so they don’t have to rely on take-out everyday, the dishes (buthe enrolls them to help) and their stashes of food (he freezes a lotof food so they always have ready-meals at hand), In is now an expertat laundry, and Pasiphaé takes care of the cleaning. The one who’sfree the most gets to do the grocery shopping, which means it’s neverdone on time. They were very happy to find a mall that deliversdirectly to their home.
And to be honest, it’s very cool tohave two doctor girlfriends when you’re a military man. It meanschances of being treated in priority, private treatments at home andyour own two lovely little healers~
What is their favorite aspect of each other?
In loves the energy anddedication Pasiphaé puts in each and every thing she decides to puther head into. It’s amazing to see someone ready to move mountainslike this, even if it can sometimes be… kinda tiring, to be insurrounded by that much chaos. And not to be shallow or anything, butshe thinks she’s very aesthetic when she’s working on something, allconcentrated, with her hair falling in curls all over her face andher tiny nose scrunched in concentration and freckles and too-bigshirts and aaaaah.And she likes Ulrich’s…firmness. Not that he’s strict or anything, especially outside hiswork (insideis another story entierly). He can be serious, solid,reliable. Not to say that Pasiphaé is flaky, but it’s good to havesomeone to rely on someone, someone who can take matters in his handsand get serious things done. Ulrich can deal with anything lifethrows at him, or that’s the impression he gives. Even panic attacks,he’s very good at that, and that’s a really, really helpful andcomforting skill.
Pasiphaé loves all thequalities that make Ulrich a good man. Not only is he nice andpatient with her and In, being a nice, trustful companion, he ishonest, has lots of integrity, especially in his line of work, andit’s nice to know that there are still good men in the military. Andhe doesn’t have any qualm about acting like a peon at receptions withher, it’s quite refreashing for a noble person.What she likes about In,besides the fact that she’s absolutly gorgeous and looks perfect atall times, even when she just woke up, is that In is a very gentleperson. She may look cool and aloof, but that’s just the facade sheputs up for her work. Underneath, she’s a very nice and patientwoman, and she can endure a lot before losing her temper. That, andthe fact that she’s a bit dorky too. It’s the perfect mix.
Ulrich, like In, findsPasiphaé’s dedication admirable, and he finds it wonderful thatshe’s so generous, always dedicating countless hours to her causesand always ready to help people with their problems even if there’snothing to gain for her. Of course, it makes for an… interestinglife full of weirdos crashing on their couch and strange events thatsometimes mess with their routine, but Ulrich and In are patientenough for that.But if he likes Pasiphaé’sendless energy and motivation, he likes In’s calmness a lot. She’s asdetermined as their girlfriend, but she’s way quieter in her actions.It’s relaxing. He likes too that she’s very honest. If she doesn’tlike something or thinks your outfit is hideous, she won’t have anyproblem telling you. And her fashion advice is on point.
Do either of them have pet peeves about each other?
The thing that aggravateUlrich the most is when Pasiphaé lets herself be caught in herwhirlwind of activities and forgets that they had plans, or makesother plans at the last minute. At least, she has the decency of nottrying to find excuses, and honestly tells him that she didn’tremember or that she let herself be carried away, but it still grateson his nerves.With In, his pet peeve isless important. She’s patient, remembers appointments and dates, andplans accordingly. But she ALWAYS forgets to take her hair off theshower or bathtub drain, and it clogs the evacuation. And it’s hardto pretend it’s not her when she’s the only one to have long, longblack hair. She always apologizes and promises she’ll remember nexttime… and promptly forgets again.
Pasiphaé loves Ulrich andIn with all her heart, they are her precious anchors, partners,friends and fellow idiots, but sometimes, she can’t help but findthem a bit… too serious. Not that it’s necessarily a bad thing,because they need someone serious in their relationship, but shesometimes can’t help but lament their lack of… fantasy. Andimpulse. They need things like plans, budgets, they need to look atschedules and programs and hours and such, and never decide to dosomething at the drop of a hat. And sometimes, she wishes that theywould lose all their control for a while and do something really wildfor a change.
As proud as she is of hergirlfriend, In sometimes wishes that she would just… calm down.Stop running around, meddling and trying to save the world, andjust… sit down, take a cup of tea, and stop doing things all thetime. Sometimes, it feels good to unwind, and Pasiphaé really needsit because she’s under a lot of stress, even if she denies it all daylong.As for Ulrich… besidessometimes acting like an idiot with Pasiphaé and leaving her withthe hard task of dealing with two idiots instead of one, she doesn’treally have a pet peeve. She just doesn’t know if it’s due to hisattitude or her boundless patience.
How would eachreconcile with each other after a fight?
By talking. It's still the best way. Ulrich likes toverbalize his feelings and get everything out instead of letting itbrew inside until it reaches uncomfortable levels. It's important forIn to say things out loud too, and fight the initial impulse to keepeverything inside and bottle her feelings in the hope of themdisappearing without her having to think about it. As for Pasiphaé,it's equally important to take the time to stop and sit down to talkabout the problems.
What would be their ideal vacation getaway together?
Vacation ? What is that vacation thing you talk about ?No seriously, they get vacations at the same time once in a blue moon(okay maybe not, but when you have busy schedules, it's hard to findmore than a few days to get away for a moment). So when they manageto get enough time to tae a real vacation, they take care of choosinga place where they are sure they really will get all the calm theyneed. They would probably find a resort far from populated areas, ina tiny village, in the moutains or near a beach, but not a popularone, rent a small cabin or a hotel room, a cozy little place, stockit with all their favourite foods and everything they need, abandonall cellphones and internet connexions (except, you know, foremergencies or find good restaurants around), and disappear for twoweeks. There, they would go on walks, hiking, playing cards or music,visit the tiny villages lost around their place, or just relax andlounge around together.
Think of a new way (AU, different situation, etc.) they couldhave met for the first time.
Spiritverse ? Spiritverse!
It's the story of a ladydoctor-princess-musician who's very tired of doctoring, princessingand playing music all day long. She loves helping people, and since afew months, a new bunch of people, that she has never seen, hadappeared on her doorstep, seeking her. Those strange persons alwaysappear at night, and look at her like she could be dangerous to them,but they let her help them all the same. She couldn't be happier tohave found evidence of their existence, and that they seem totolerate her. Let's get real, they could off her in a second. Andstill, they come to her.
But it's tiring. It'sexhausting. Helping people during the day, and starting again atnight, and trying to find little shards of time here and there forher, and all she has to do... She can't keep on like that and expectnot to fall to pieces. But what can she say ? How can she turn themaway ? She can't and that's the problem.
Sometimes, she goes onwalks, to relax a little. With the added bonus that, if she's nothome for a moment, they can't find her, and she can breathe and actas if she didn't have a mountain of her own problems topped by theproblems of others. Of course, she thinks, it's her fault. She couldsay no, really, she could throw them out, or just tell them that shecan't, but she doesn't have the heart. And the problems pile up.
It's during one of thosewalks, along the river, that she suddenly spots something. Or rather,someone. Under the moonlight, she can see long, black hair fallinglike ink on pale skin, a long tail covered in tiny spots of light,splashing in the water below, and dark, dark eyes, as deep and darkas the abyss below her, looking at her. It takes her a second toregister that it's a mermaid looking at her, one of those mermaidsthat tales and myths say that they are very dangerous and will eatyour heart in a blink.
But that mermaid doesn'tlook dangerous. She just stares at her, doesn't move. And sincePasiphaé is Pasiphaé and cruelly lacks any sense ofself-preservation, she sits down at a raisonnable distance, andstares back. They stay like that a full minute at least. Then,finally, the mermaid starts to laugh. She has a nice laugh, Pasiphaéthinks, and she doesn't look athat threatening, so they starttalking. The mermaid is called In, just In, and she likes to stop atthe surface to enjoy the moonlight. They talk until late in thenight, until Pasiphaé just can't stay awake anymore. Before sheleaves, they promise to meet each other again.
When she comes back nearthe river, In is talking to a man, a strange man with long blond hairand a weird voice that gives her goosebumps. She's half-tempted to bejealous and ask if she has to wait for her turn, but In spots her andsmiles, and all ideas of leaving or protesting immediately disappearfrom her mind.
The man introduces himself: his name is Ulrich, and he's a banshee. Pasiphaé almost remarksthat she didn't know there are male banshees, because that wouldn'tbe very polite, and instead asks if he's there to tell her she'sgoing to die. Which earns her a confused look, because no, bansheessometimes like to take some time off and meet with other creaturesfor a chat. So why not a mermaid ? Despite the awkward start, soonthey are completely engrossed in their conversation. Ulrich, if hisvoice is weird, is a very nice guy. When the moon finally disappearsand it's time to go each their own way, they decide to meet againlike that again, at least once per week.
And they do, week afterweek. Pasiphaé brings all kinds of things from the human world toshow In, and her guitar to play them music, Ulrich tells them all thegossip he hears among the psychopompes and everything, and they bothhelp Pasiphaé relax and not try to save the entire world. And asweird as it sounds, their relationship works quite well.
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tipsbyfarah · 7 years
The healing phase
After a long and painful journey in so many jobs with so much hostility and losing myself along the way, the next period was labeled with my emotional numbness. 
  Here I must say this is a soft spot about me, I get emotionally attached easily to jobs, tasks and work. As far as I was concerned, everything was personal all the time. 
Saying goodbye on the last job was weird, I felt differently, it was my choice to leave that horrible place, yet it did not really felt like much of a choice I have made too. 
  I wished so bad for my career life to surprise me, you know, I kept waiting for the plot twist. It gotta get better from here right? I mean it certainly could not get any worse. 
Rock bottom my friends, I have hit rock bottom. 
Everywhere I went, friends and family would ask the same question, are you working now? Where? I was always in between jobs, getting fired from one or leaving another. And the thing about this question was, that I should not have to explain myself or my choices. 
  I can’t share what I have been through casually, so I have made fun of myself, and enjoyed couple of laughs at my own expense, I mean why not? 
Someone told me that the greatest people are those who don’t take themselves seriously, at that point, I did not know how to perceive myself at all. 
My best friend at the time asked me to try Reiki magical healing powers. I told her: Girl, am not gonna pay money I don’t have for some I don’t even know to tell me stuff I already know! 
Speaking of rock bottom, yeah it was dark, I was angry, sad, depressed and taking it all on my self and those around me, continuously wondering what’s the point of my life? 
Every job experience that had added value to my skills, have harmed my soul in even bigger ways. 
I have mad a decision to not work in start ups or with Bahraini managers. Enough was fucking enough.
  My cooling off period was not long, in the same week I got two calls around the end of September 2013, One from an insurance company about a graduate development program and the other was from an amazing agency called 4Spots. 
The insurance company called first, I googled, liked what I have found to begin with, I was aiming to join such a program since before I have graduated.  
  I went to the interview with the recruiting specialist and the former Head of HR (many he RIP). It was a very short and brief interview, but it was enough to show me that even in my state of despair, there was still hope. 
The Head of HR asked me for the reason I left mum last job, I stumbled for few seconds and I said: well, I haven’t received my paycheck for few months.  And as I went on to explain further he raised his hands and he said: well, that’s a reason enough for me. 
  They told me that they are meeting other candidates and the process will include a second interview and a test. The program was set to begin on Jan 2014. 
  I read about the company more and the first batch of the program, but eventually decided to not keep my hopes up. 
  Later that week, I got the call from 4Spots. The vacancy was Social Media manager, before I applied, I consulted google of course and I did my own Linkedin stalking of the staff.
 The more I found out about this group of people and this (at the time) 6 years something agency the more I liked it. 
It checked both items on my list: - Not a start up - No Bahraini managers 
As a bonus point, the location is in Amwaj island, literally 10 minutes from home *yay Me*! 
I met with the manager who had explained the role to me and the agency’s culture and basically what to expect working here, I loved marketing and been involved in social media as tasks from previous jobs, it was more a chit chat than an interview. I told him I knew Zainab Al Arab from uni, was not sure if she would recognize me, he encouraged me to greet her and talk to her, which I did.
  The atmosphere was comforting, nice it smelled of freedom, intimacy, trust and mutual respect. Most of which was strange to me in a work environment. 
  The more I read and found about it, the more I wanted to join the team, but, you know me ( did not wanna get my hopes up). 
Later that week I was offered the post and I happily accepted. Yes, I was confused and filled with what if the insurance company called? What would I do? 
But there was still a long shot, I was not sure of my chances, and here, God had offered me something that matched my requirements 100%. 
My heart told me to take the job and I listened. I started working at 4spots.
I was shy at the beginning, observing my surroundings and the way people dealt with each other. I still do that, I give myself the chance to know the best way to deal with each different individual. 
  It was an open space, all of us sharing huge tables sitting next to each other. 
The client I was assigned to work with was a local bank, the team wanted to hire a local person that can better understand and relate to the bank culture. 
I was happy. I loved the open free way of running the tasks assigned to you and the lack of micro management which is essential for one to be creative. 
One day at a time, the team grew on me, strange feelings of comfort, job security were introduced into my vocabulary. I was learning from everyone everything I can about team work and my specific role. 
I enjoyed long existential conversations with people from different backgrounds and interests. 
Previously I have had issues with managers who don’t set boundaries with their employees, but this was not an issue at all, respect was the foundation and trust was given to each person. Everyone would do their work cause they loved what they do, the managers did not have to impose respect, respect was already there accompanied by the trust and care they show to all of the employees. 
  This place have taught me how to regain my dignity that I have lost and how to respect myself all over again.   
I discovered Amwaj island and Muharraq with them in a way that I have never done before. 
Because of this safe calm creative passionate environment I have found my way to the old me that I have  lost for struggles and hostility of my old jobs. 
One of the rituals there was “groove time” which is basically allocating the last 2 working hours of Thursday for a speaker that could be one of the team or an outsider, the topics were different and doesn’t necessary have to be related to work. 
  One of the employees had a presentation - if I remember correctly - about the affect of spoken words on people. And when the female co-founder\manager asked about whose turn it is to do a presentation next week I raised my hands cause I was interested at the time in similar subjects, I still remember the look on her face,  she was surprised, I was still the new girl in the team, I told her I want to do something about the effect of the body on the mind. She accepted. 
That was the real me, passionate about work, team spirit and presenting things.
  The company wanted to register me at GOSI, but I was still registered under my old employer, which started a series of emails between me and my old employer as they were dragging this simple task for  reasons beyond my comprehension. When the secretary called me, she told me to was related for my late paychecks that they had to pay me as I was under the sponsorship of ministry of labor and they had to pay me first before officially terminating my employment. 
  When I went there to sign the papers. I was perfectly calm knowing I have moved on, I was in a better place. 
One afternoon with the team around tea, smiling at each other, exchanging stories about work, clients and life on lunch time worth more than all the dark months I have lived before. 
  My client was a tough one, we made a plan and I had to prepare the content on a weekly basis to be approved by them in addition to their events and national day holiday posts. 
I attended  few meetings with the team some for my clients, some for theirs. The place was always busy and the door is open to welcome friends, previous employees,  clients and everyone! 
At the beginning of my second month there, the manager told us that one of the groove times would host Waleed Hashim, Reiki master. 
  Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the same person my friend has previously suggested I see about my rock bottom and I refused.  
The irony of this was just too much when I told her she said: God has sent him to your work place cause you have to listen to him whether you want to or not.
  The second month was as great as the first month if not better. At this point I managed to get to know most of the team members and that was such a comfort while dealing with my client, their impossible requests and the restrictions they imposed on social media, I guess they have never received the memo about social media being a fun medium! 
Anyways, one day I was working on next week content, I had my headphones on, completely indulging in the task. When suddenly the busy office sounded through my loud headphones strangely quiet. 
I left my head up to see the whole team observing me, I had a mini heart attack, got embarrassed and laughed and they were laughing even louder. My face was tomatoe red. 
 I did what I always do, I was humming and singing along to my playlist and they were observing what they later told me my soft voice and my oblivion of the world around me. Someone told me they thought it was music played. 
  On that day my heart was both happy and aching, I related to my old job when the same thing happened and they reported me to the manager and did not have the courage to be hostile and hateful to my face in contrast to all of this love and acceptance I was overwhelmed with by this team. 
I was on the verge of tears, the comparison was painful but at that very moment I knew that coming to 4spots was not random or a coincidence. 
That was God well for me to purify my soul from all the dark places I have been.
  The more I got to know the team, the wider I felt my heart open and my mind expanding and I found myself calling this place the home I belong to. 
  On Waleed lecture, he introduced Reiki and energy along few cosmetic rules. He said the life you want is the life you have blessed and lifted, and you will never get what aspire to get unless you are perfectly content with what you have now. 
I was in a fun phase of my life, beautiful place, beautiful people. So, I got a call for the second interview from the insurance company. 
Yep, Waleed called it first , be happy and content, things will fall into your lap ! A week after the interview I was informed that I was chosen, I was suppose to be happy about this right? I mean it was the DREM JOB. Well, I was not.
For someone who was not me, the choice was obvious, but for me it was not.
  I was finally in a good place, I was healing, yeah I had a tough client, yeah the offer was tempting but I valued my new found inner peace over everything. 
No one could relate to my struggle to make a decision. Stay or leave? 
I knew a girl from the first batch of the program so I reached out for her and asked her about the work environment, culture, people and all that mattered to me the most.  Will I fit in? 
When we ended the conversation, I knew I had to make the difficult call. I talked to the manager about this and gave him my one month notice, I was aching inside, I was not completely sure but when things fall on your lap, you should follow through right? 
I was anxious about this conversation and he surprised me as the main concern he had was if I truly wanted to join insurance? Was it something I am excited and happy about? 
He asked me to keep to from the team and he will tell them after the national day holiday. Well since it was a secret, people started to find out one at a time.
  My brain at the time still did not have adjusted as quickly as my heart, I still expected the worst so I expected a mean reaction about me leaving in three months time, but I was far from right.  They were beautiful inside out, each and every person. 
 The last few weeks were special, in a place who loved caked and celebrated everything I had the pleasure of celebrating Christmas with the team before I was waived goodbye with a cake. 
I ordered cake in jars for my last day for the whole team to say thank you for the encouragement and the beautiful experience and the impact they had on my journey.   
I still have the team card from the goodbye gift they gave me hanged on my mirror “ You will always be connected to us” 
  Now, while reflecting on my past life, I know for sure that 4Spots was an important and vital phase for me. 
I owe them so much for the healing energy they bestowed upon me and allowing a smooth and assuring transition for me to the corporate world. 
Thank you team for Everything 💜 
Love, Farah
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daleisgreat · 7 years
Roseanne - Season 5
Time does not stop for the Roseanne marathon. Welcome to my blog covering season five of my all-time favorite sitcom (s5 excerpt). If you missed my past season write-ups, click here to consume the previous installments. As with my past editions, I will continue my format of bullet point highs and lows of the season: -Like last season’s blog, I will kickstart this season’s list with a job status roll call. If you recall, the café in the mall Roseanne (Roseanne Barr) worked at last season closed down in the season four finale, so Roseanne starts off the season jobless. Also as I alluded to season four ended with Dan (John Goodman) not being optimistic about the future for the bike shop, and his worries prove true as the bike shop closes the in the first episode of season five. I loved the bike shop! I was sad to see it go, and the show goes to great lengths to make it feel rotten for a family investing it all and striking out. The first few episodes of the season are pretty depressing for the Connor family as the episodes have a despondent undertone for them as the Connors try to find work and make the most of what they have.
Things take an upswing a few episodes later as Roseanne, Jackie (Laurie Metcalf), their mom Beverly (Estelle Parsons) and friend Nancy (Sandra Bernhard) open up their own diner, The Lunchbox. Now this is the restaurant I primarily associated the Conner family working at from what I recalled watching growing up. Things end up going well for the Conner ladies, while Dan struggles finding multiple new jobs throughout the season. I love homey atmosphere of The Lunch Box. Leon (Martin Mull) is not their manager as I recalled, but he does make a cameo as a health inspector in one episode in a scene that he and Roseanne instantly pick up their love/hate relationship where they left off. -The first few episodes of the season have a lot of heavy material. Aside from what I mentioned above of the bike shop closing down and the Conners falling on hard times, Becky (Lecy Goranson) and Mark (Glenn Quinn) elope and move to Minneapolis. There are a lot of intense verbal spats between Becky and her parents where the three really bring it in an explosive first two episodes that saw some of the best acting in the entire series by this point. Becky and Mark are only in the first three episodes this season. This is because Lecy took a break from the show to pursue college, and would explain Sarah Chalke filling in for Becky for the remainder of the series.
-The relationship between Darlene (Sara Gilbert) and David (Johnny Galecki) also escalates. I enjoyed the running gag this season that the two would never have sex. In the latter half of the season, a family blow-up causes David to be taken in and made an official part of the Conner family. This gets thumbs up for me as David seemed like an unofficial member of the family by this point anyways as he was always making himself at home. Darlene and David spend a good chunk of the season debating on leaving town for a writing school, and their relationship is put to the test in the final episodes of the season when only one of them gets accepted to the school. -I was a fan of Roseanne’s new neighbors this season, The Tildens. The daughter Molly (Danielle Harris) is an awesome foil for Darlene this season. Charlotte (Mara Hobel) is the motherly older daughter filling in the mom role for the family since they are only raised by their father Ty (Wings Hauser). There is a fun episode where the Conners and Tildens all squeeze into Ty’s Winnebago for a cross-country road trip filled with nonstop family feuding that brought back countless memories of my family road trips. I was dismayed to find out when researching this blog that the Tildens were only featured in season five of Roseanne as I was a fan of all three by the end of the season.
-Roseanne’s and Dan’s friends are dialed back a lot this season. I was a little bummed by this as I was a big Crystal (Natalie West) and she only appears briefly in two or three episodes. DJ (Michael Fishman) is primarily in the background again this season and completely absent in a couple episodes. DJ primarily is only around to be the weird kid who chimes in with an awkward zinger or two an episode. He does have a couple fun scenes with a really young Joseph-Gordon Levitt in the season finale though. -Other than a couple exception episodes, most of the middle third of this season is kind of a lull. To be honest, the crowd took it away from me with them suffering from cracking up way too much at every joke and one-liner regardless of how funny it actually was. This part of the season had a big reliance on one-liners and cheap jokes, and a good chunk of the middle episodes this season suffered because of it. I got the vibe from the crowd that Darlene’s new emo-character was the ‘hip/edgy’ character of the year as the audience triply reacted to all of her lines. This lead to what felt like all of Darlene’s lines becoming forgettable cheap laughs to give the audience their edgy-Darlene fix. It got to be insufferable halfway through the season, but thankfully Roseanne dialed it back a couple notches in the season’s final episodes.
-Other real quick tidbits to touch on are that I was surprised by the dark twist that transpires with Jackie her latest boyfriend, Fisher (Matt Roth) this season. Props to the show for touching on controversial issues in the early 90s. They also regularly feature a couple gay characters this season which was uncommon among most network sitcoms at the time. I like the 4th-wall breaking scenes where the actors portray themselves in quick little sketches during the end-credits, but I could not help but get the feeling season five jumped the shark on them with a few too many of them this season. I will give DJ props for keeping the Super Nintendo and Game Boy spirit alive in a couple moments again this season. Other notable celebrity cameos in season five include Tim Curry, Chris Farley, Bill Maher and Joan Collins to look forward to. There is only one extra feature on the DVD, but it is a goodie which is a five minute Q&A session with Roseanne Barr where she answers some of her most FAQs concerning the show lore and certain recurring gimmicks that made for a fun little bonus. -That wraps it up for season five! It has a strong first few and final few episodes, but only a few worthwhile episodes in the middle which makes it a bit of a challenge to get through. Only five more months until the new season of Roseanne premieres on ABC this January! Get stoked! Past TV/Web Series Blogs 2013-14 TV Season Recap 2014-15 TV Season Recap 2015-16 TV Season Recap 2016-17 TV Season Recap Adventures of Briscoe County Jr: The Complete Series Angry Videogame Nerd Volumes 7-9 Mortal Kombat: Legacy - Season 1 OJ: Made in America: 30 for 30 RedvsBlue - Seasons 1-13 Roseanne – Seasons 1-9 Seinfeld Final Season Superheroes: A Never-Ending Battle Superheroes: Pioneers of Television
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