#i tried one of the ones without frosting so idk what the frosting tastes like
luveline · 1 year
Hi Jadey! For a request I always thought it would be a cute idea for Steve and r finding a wild animal in the wilderness or something in the zombie au! Like when Steve found a deer at the college’s gate! Idk, hope this inspires you!! 🥰
thank you for your request my love! steve zombie!au ♡ fem!reader, 1.2k
Your breath turns to fog before it's fully left your mouth. Steve turns to make sure you're okay over an icy slip of asphalt, your hands tightly bound for safety's sake, and not because you've spent the last few weeks kissing and not talking about it afterwards. 
"It's not far," he says. He knows you know that, but this is his way of reassuring you without breaking the tough guy act, or something. 
You're desperate for him to hold your hand, not only for the admission of affection it is (and that you so sorely crave), but your hands are ice without his to trap the heat. It's been cold lately, evidence of a crushing winter quickly coming and unavoidable. You've yet to see snow, but rain falls cold and the low temperatures paint the roads and overgrown lawns in frost. Steve has led you down miles of residential, a town not unlike your hometown passing you by one slippery step at a time. 
Hand in hand, it doesn't break your heart as much as it could. 
"I really want popcorn," you say. 
"Yeah? Were you a buttery kinda girl, or sweet? Salted?" 
"You sound like there's a right and wrong answer. What did you like?" 
Steve hoists the heavy rifle he's carrying over one shoulder higher, the tip of it aligned against the back of his head. He doesn't know how to use it; he likely won't need to. The threat of it has been enough to scare off three different poachers in the last two weeks alone. Every time you manage to successfully defend yourselves, Steve relaxes an inch. 
"I liked all three, but I liked sweet best," he says. Your footsteps crunch as you pop a curb and follow along a row of overgrown hedges heavy with bird berries. "You didn't answer. You always avoid answering when I ask you stuff like that." 
You tell him exactly how you like your popcorn to appease him. He smiles in victory, but something stays lingering in the back of your head. 
"I don't avoid answering." 
"Yesterday I asked if you wanted the old spice stick or the teen spirit and you shrugged." 
"I thought you were trying to tell me I smelled like sweat." 
"No, just… you said teen spirit smells like the candy you used to get from Haven, and I didn't want to remind you about it being gone." 
"Everything reminds me." You're living in the end times. No use pretending things are normal, but you'll indulge him if that's what he wants. "Ask me something and I'll tell you a straight answer." 
Steve hums. His cheeks are pink in the cold, the very tip of his nose tinted blue. "Do I only get one answer?" 
"You can have two at a price." 
You flirt on impulse, cringe away from yourself upon realisation. Why would you say that? you ask yourself worriedly, train of thought suddenly quashed when Steve pulls your hand toward his hip. He slides his ratty sneaker between yours, lips set. 
"What, there's a price?" he asks quietly. "How long has that been in place? I would've tried paying it before." 
You push his chest without any real intent. "Don't, Steve." 
"Don't what?" 
"I was just kidding, you don't have to…"
"I know you were kidding, but I want to." Steve smiles at you with teeth. "Brushed extra this morning. Bet I still taste of Arctic Fresh."
You tip your head back, but you get nervous the moment before he leans in. Steve closes his eyes while yours stay open, leaning in slowly. His hand presses flat to your coat. 
Steve kisses like a sweetheart, all gentle and careful, lips lightly chapped where they press against the seam of yours. Rougher as your lips part, like even the hint of you inspires desperation. A kiss from Steve can make your whole week, and that's a testament to how surprised you have to be to pull away before you actually get one. 
"Steve–" You cut yourself short, looking over his shoulder in shock. 
He whips to the side. You grab his hand, as if to say, Hey, it's okay. You're not in any danger, just… 
"We must be close to the zoo," he says. 
There, in the middle of the street stands an animal you've never seen before. It has a deep brown body with short, striped legs. It's about the size of a show pony, you'd guess, though it doesn't look as volatile. For a moment you think it might be a zebra.
"It's an okapi." 
You wrap your arm around his, eyes on the animal as it gathers a cud of stringy grass. "What's an okapi?" you ask. 
"I don't know how to explain it, they…" He fades off as the okapi trots further inward. "We saw them at Garfield Park before it closed when I was a kid. They're not giraffes, but they kinda look like them, huh?" 
You and Steve have come across a number of animals. Rabid dogs starving for food, cats that were surprisingly friendly. Rabbits, squirrels, fish to catch for smokey dinners when you're hungry like you are today. But never anything you'd see at the Fort Wayne zoo. 
"What do you think it looks like?" Steve whispers. 
"It has a giraffe's head and a zebra body. Or a bison." 
"And you gave me that one for free." 
You laugh and the okapi spooks, turning its head to your huddle. Steve stands in front of you protectively. The okapi only watches you watching her with small black eyes. 
"What do we do?" you ask. "I don't want to scare her away." 
"She's a wild animal. She's not going to stay if we move, and we can't stay here and freeze." Steve squeezes your hand, his voice nearly inaudible. "Sorry. Maybe we can go around her, honey." 
You blink. Honey. That's me. He's calling me honey. 
The okapi head shoots up as a rustling crack sounds from a hundred feet behind you, sprinting away. One second she's nosing at grass cracked asphalt, the next she's out of view. 
You stand shell-shocked together staring at the space where she'd been. 
Steve thumbs the strap of the rifle. "It's weird," he says quietly. "We've been eating scraps and I didn't even think about trying to shoot her."
"Oh." You look at his face, the soft hollows of his eyes and his strong nose. "I didn't think about it either." 
"Stupid of me," he murmurs. 
You kiss the corner of his mouth. "I don't think it's stupid, Steve. Something else." 
He turns his lips to yours and steals a proper one. There isn't much Arctic Fresh left behind, but it's a really nice kiss regardless. Warming, velvety soft.
He pulls his lips from yours to rest his nose against your cheek. "Do I still get to ask a question?" he asks. 
You'd tell him whatever it is he wanted to know. You're just so excited that he wants to know it in the first place. 
"Ask me anything," you say. 
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fatuismooches · 9 months
I LOVE SWEET TOOTH DOTTORE!!!! putting the concept in my mouth and shaking it around like a dog with a chew toy
but imagine bc u had like, idk a cupcake without him and when u two go kiss kiss he gets all grumpy because u had sweets without sharing 💔 he can literally taste the remnants of the frosting on ur lips no matter how sneaky u think u are and i think it's very silly to imagine him crossing his arms with a frown while expecting u to admit what u did (i don't think he takes it all that seriously as there's more things to worry about like making sure the lab doesn't Fucking Explode but he would definitely feel at least a little bit of betrayal for at least a second during the kiss </3) - 🎈 anon
RAHHHH SHAKING SWEET TOOTH DOTTORE WITH YOU!! UGH I LOVE THIS... Dottore's being betrayed by you once again because how dare you!! Your sweets are his sweets, and no, despite how childish and stupid that sentence sounds, he believes that. He's the kind of guy who would pluck a sweet out of your hand and eat it because he's villainous like that, and just smile when you look at him in shock.
You're just so excited to kiss him, but after the first one, he has the utter gall to pull away and ask you why you ate that sweet without him. You just kind of?? Stare at him?? Because one how did he even manage to figure that out when you literally ate it a while ago? How did he know the exact kind of frosting AND cake it was? Can he really taste the remnants of it that well?? Needless to say, you find it VERY amusing to have the Il Dottore grumpy at you for not sharing sweets of all possible things. You really just kiss tf out of him after that because how can you not? (The lab has Fucking Exploded in the past when a few segments found your secret recipes and tried to make them, only to result in failure.)
(Good ending: You made a batch for him and taste-tested in advance, and then came to get him so he could enjoy them.)
(Bad ending?: He keeps kissing you until you can't take it anymore so he can savor the sweetness left on your lips.)
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class-1b-bull · 5 months
1-B's students have each been charged with baking a cake to bring to a social function, but have only remembered that shortly before they're due to leave! What do they do?
Not proofread we die like men
Awase - the cake tastes good enough but all the decorations (including the frosting itself) is welded into place. He didnt freeze the cake before putting on the icing either so its all melted.
Sen - he tried to speed things up by using his quirk to mix the ingredients. Anyways he ended up not bringing the cake he was supposed to because he had to spend all day with recovery girl for the cake ingredients that got in his eye.
Kamakiri - the cake tasts surprisingly good but it looks terrible. He barely managed to get it in on time and even then it dosent look like a cake but the taste is amazing. All he did was follow some cake tutorial but he stopped watching it once the decorating part came around
Kuroiro - the cake surprisingly dosent look that bad despite how rushed it is. It could definitely taste better but it ends up being just for display anyways
Kendo - you can tell that she really tried to make it look good and taste better but it definitely looks a bit rushed. Despite everything its a pretty good cake
Kodai - no one knows how but the cake came out perfectly. If you ask her about it she will just tell you she followed a tutorial lmao
Komori - she tried her best and shes so proud of how it turned out but it looks like a blob of frosting. It tasts decently good but it has a weird after taste.
Shiozaki - she used her vine hair to help her multi task the whole time so it actually looked and tasted pretty good despite how rushed it was. Shes really proud of it (as she should)
Shishida - he has a big hoodie and like 6 layers of plastic gloves on because he dosent want his fur to end up in the cake. And putting all that on takes up half of his time before he needs it. He probably gets some help from a friend or classmate to get it in on time (overall a decent cake though)
Shoda - I cant decide if hes a better cook than Gordon Ramsay or cant boil water without it catch fire. So it just keeps flipping for each cooking headcanon i write lmao. Anyways i think the cake looked horrible but tasted okay.
Pony - she ended up panicking about how little time she had because she forgot so by time she actually started it was almost time to turn it in. She ended up just going to the store and bying a cake since the cake she started trying to cook ended up under cooked and burnt at the same time.
Tsubaraba - he never remembered to make the cake until someone called him and asked him about it. He bought the cheapest cake he found at a local bakery so he ended up showing up with a big cake with 'happy birthday nicole!' Written on it. And no he dosent know a nicole
Tetsutetsu - he set the ovens temperature to x2 the recommended temp so he could cook it twice as fast. The inside of the cake was raw still and the outside was burnt beyond recognition. He wrote 'i tried' with a little smiley face on top to try and make it more appealing but the icing just melted.
Tokage - she took no risks and just used one of those cake mixes that you just add egg and water too. She forgot to spray the pan since she was rushing so when she tried to take it out the cake stuck to the pan. She tried to cover the mistake with icing but it didnt work that well.
Manga - the cake is okay but the icing and decorations is surprisingly good despite how rushed it is. The cake dosent taste great but since it looks nice it was just used as a display piece.
Honenuki - idk how he did it and he dosent either but that cake was perfect it tastes and looks like he spent days perfecting it but he whipped it up in less than an hour.
Bondo - he probably just gets a store bought cake (that actually matches the occasion unlike Tsubaraba) and he just apologizes for forgetting
Monoma - he tried and hes very proud of his cake but the frosting gives it a weird aftertaste. For some reason despite how last minute his cake was he decided to experiment with a frosting flavor he watched a professional do on some baking show. Fully confident that he could get it first try (which he didnt)
Reiko - she used her quirk during the whole cake making process to the point where she barely did anything herself. The cake came out quite good and looked great as well. The icing was a little melted because she didnt freeze the cake long enough after it cooked but overall it turned out well
Rin - he tried and despite how bad it looks you can definitely tell that there was an attempt. (Im trying to be nice since hes my favorite but it fucking sucked okay) he probably worried about it since hes barely baked before and stayed up too late the night before looking up how to make a cake in the first place which led to him sleeping in for way too long
Gif anime - dungeon meshi
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bengeskosmokes · 2 months
Vanilla Taffiez
Definitely not the first strain I've tried, but it is the most recent, and what I've recently used, so first review it is!
(Disclaimer: Vanilla Taffiez is a rather new strain, so not much is known. I will update with relevant info/links as I get them)
Vanilla Taffiez is grown by SOL, and processed by Entourage Cannabis. (I reached out to them to inquire about the strain's genetics.)
Indica Dominant Hybrid, genetics (currently) unknown.
THC: 69.90% (nice)
CBD: 0.13%
Terps: 12.78%
beta Myrcene: 3.369%
beta Caryophyllene: 2.555%
Limonene: 1.923%
Total Cannabinoids:
THC: 69.90%
CBG: 1.56%
THCV: 0.32%
Smell: I use a smoke buddy, so the smell is minimal, I only exhaled a little to get the smell without irritating the neighbors.
The smell is less skunky/piney, and actually smells like hay when it's almost dry and has that grassy, sweet musky smell. It's actually quite pleasant.
Taste: On the inhale, it tastes like it smells, and on the exhale there is hints of something sweet like frosting, and little bits of citrus. It's not bad but it is odd because the aftertaste is a mix of both inhale/exhale so there's a juxtaposition of WET HAY and limonene frosting.
The High:
The high starts in the head and radiates out and down, and leaves a pleasant buzz in its wake. Limbs feel floaty, head feels blissfully empty, and after an hour, if a task is picked up, focus is very intense, and there are no errant or random thoughts.
Multitasked by drawing and watching a show- and did not bounce around to other things, like switching to a new tab, or scrolling media. Just drew, and half watched the show, and retained it/was able to follow the plot, because I could actively focus on two things at once. Only get that with Vyvanse, so I definitely enjoy this high.
Was also very calm, content, and VERY easily amused to the point of wheezing from laughter. Good mood booster.
Also made Gino like 30000000000000% times cuter, idk how that's possible, or maybe the weed lets me glimpse the true reality of how cute he really is.
9/10 for the high- knocked one off because it did chair lock me, and I forgot to pee for like 5 hours.
The physical:
Was very surprised by this one. Almost every strain I've tried end up giving me a stuffy nose, which results in dry mouth. This one did that around the time I took the hit, but quickly faded after 20 minutes or so.
Eyes were a bit itchy, a bit dry, but I'm experienced enough (especially with hEDS) to put in a drop of artificial tears in each eye before taking the hit, so the itchy/dryness was minimal.
(Also, will sound weird, but rubbing a very thin layer of cocoa butter on your eyelids beforehand helps, too.)
Did not give me the munchies, but it DID make my cheap ass mac and cheese taste like heaven.
7/10 for the physical.
Brings my pain to a level where I can easily ignore it in favor of the focus it gives me on whatever task I'm doing.
Migraine remains to be seen, but it DID chase off the lingering tension headache that followed a five day migraine I recently got over, so I already am loading it into my arsenal of migraine remedies.
Despite being an Indica dominant, it didn't make me drowsy, just chair locked, which I didn't mind, except for the fact that I didn't notice I needed to pee for five hours.
6/10 for pain.
Overall rating: 7/10!
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Heyy, i hope you're doing well and that i don't disturb you or anything.
I would like to request some angst for Fuegoleon and Jack please ? Smth like a fight between them and their s/o or them crying and s/o conforting them ? Idk-
Thank you in advance !
(Don't feel presured and just ignore this if you don't want to do it-)
Btw your writing skills are intimidating-
Hiya~! ^-^
I'm doing good, thank you for asking. And no worried, you're not bothering me ^^
Oooo some hurt-comfort! Yay! And you're very welcome. 
DSUDASFDSA Thank you! T^T <3
Pairing: Fuegoleon x gn!reader, Jack x gn!reader
Fanfic type: Oneshot
Genre: hurt-comfort
Total length: ~1.5k
Tag list for Fue and Jack: @the-fuegoleon-fluff @axching
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The air, outside of the window, was grey, as if the heavens themselves would have pulled a banket over the earth, keeping sunlight away. Rain… it didn’t feel like rain. Perhaps even the clouds were trying to hold back their tears, or perhaps even they were unable to shed them.
The clouds, you felt that they understood you as you looked at them through the thin sheet of glass. At least they understood you. The feeling of pressure building up inside of you; the weight of the various emotions that twisted and turned, and yet you were unable to shed them.
The tears, simply wouldn’t roll down your cheeks.
Not even if the back of your eyes were burning. Not even if the lump in your throat refused to go down; instead getting lodged in, no matter how much you tried to swallow it. It felt as if there was pressure from all around, just looking to push you down.
Just looking to press whatever warmth that resided in your body to seep down into the ground beneath you…
You didn’t fight with Fuegoleon often. But when you did, it hit twice as hard. Thrice as hard… Maybe even more. You couldn’t tell. You didn’t care to tell. Because it didn’t really matter if it was twice or thrice, or perhaps some other weight that was too heavy to tell.
And this fight… You hadn’t meant it like that; asking him if managing his right arm was difficult during the wee hours of the night when he should have been asleep, rather than working. Much to your dismay, you had only heard how insensitive the question could be, after it had fallen from your lips. But by then, it was too late.
There had been that glare in his eyes, and the question, like frost, that had pricked through the air, reached you. The question of “what is that supposed to mean?” But the worst hadn’t been the words he had spoken, it was the tone, to which even the freezing air of combined winter months couldn’t compare.
The frost that had sparked fire; the most unpleasant kind.
Even thinking about it made your lips quiver, the burning sensation behind your eyes grow, but still… the tears wouldn’t come.
The bedroom door opened, and Fuego entered the room, glancing at you. His eyes were tired, much more so than you could remember seeing. His eyes were tired in ways beyond compare.
And his steps were heavy. Every single one of them, until he sat down in his chair. He leaned forward, propping his upper body against his knees as he stared into the depths of the floor. “Honey I… shouldn’t have…” he searched for the right words, hesitating and wondering, but in the end, what left him was: “I’m sorry…” quiet and simple.
But you knew that it wasn’t all on him. There was the pricking, gnawing feeling of guilt within your chest too.
So, your steps carried you to him without a word.
Silence lingered in the air, the ticking of seconds that felt like an hour. And at the end of that hour, you knelt by his chair, searching for his gaze. “I shouldn’t have asked it the way I did…” you admitted. “So… I’m sorry too…”
Your gaze turned to the side, but his… in turn searched for yours. There was a moment of anticipation that tasted like regret hanging in the air.
Then there was a tug of his hand, asking you to come closer. No words, just a simple, silent tug, since all words had failed him. The syllables that he could utter, didn’t seem quite enough. Everything after the apology just… seemed obsolete.
Thus, all he did, was tug, and pull you into his lap on the arm chair, wrapping his arms around you. But. Before he managed to embrace you fully, you straightened your back and wrapped your arms around his head.
For a moment he tensed, just a moment; but it was ended by the gentle sensation of you running your fingers through his hair. The vermillion strands flowed past your fingertips like the softest of silk, and that alone was enough to bring a faint, hopeful smile onto your lips.
But the best part… was the low, rich, decadent exhale that left his lungs with the touch.
Yeah… it’d be alright.
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You sat outside on a bench, hunched forward. One of your hands were wrapped around your middle, as the other covered your mouth, hiding your tense jaw and clenched teeth. But the trails of tears still glittered on your cheeks, even if the tears had run dry by now. It still felt like there was an ocean of sorrow twisting and turning inside of you.
The sun, the warm summer sun that had decorated the sky just a moment ago, had disappeared behind a cloud, hiding you into a shadow. And you didn’t mind the shadow, the blanket that was there was if to shield you from the sorrow.
Or at least it tried.
It… tried… But despite it, your pain didn’t lessen.
Sure, every relationship had its ups and downs… And you had always known that Jack wasn’t necessarily the easiest to deal with, but this… this fight you had had… It felt definite. Even if you weren’t sure if it was supposed to feel definite.
Quite frankly, you weren’t sure anymore what had started the fight. Something… trivial, forgettable. Which had far too quickly turned into you pointing out how he wasn’t exactly the most responsible captain our there, and how a good amount of the responsibilities had fallen onto your shoulders. Even if you had taken them upon yourself.
But… he had never asked for it; none of it. So, he had said how he couldn’t be blamed for you deciding to do those tasks. With which… he had a point. Even if you wouldn’t have taken it on yourself if it wasn’t with his reckless behaviour and… it just… was a cycle.
It was a cycle…
Something would need to be done about it. Because of it. And you couldn’t stay out here indefinitely.  So, you headed back indoors, only to be welcomed by a lingering scent of food… a familiar scent, but … with a twist.
Perhaps out of hunger, or perhaps out of intrigue, you followed the smell into the kitchen, only to find Jack there. There was a burning spike of anger that pricked through you as you thought about him simply deciding to try out a new recipe for the festival cook off with Yami, right after a fight as big as that.
But… as he turned around, eyes turned to the depths of the floor… There was no smile on his face.
“Look I’m… sorry… sweetness…” he uttered, the nickname rolling from him with a delicious hiss. At least it had been delicious. You were uncertain about what it was now. Because his tone was sweet, it was apologetic, but it wasn’t quite… how it had been.
If you were honest, you didn’t know what to tell him, which made your gaze turn to the dinner he had made. Which… you only then realized to be your favourite.
“I know you have my back in a lot of things, keke…” he rubbed the back of his head. “So, it’s…”
There was a pause that lingered in the air, just long enough for you to glance to him from the dinner. “But you don’t expect me to do that work, I know,” you replied. “I just…” you breathed out, wondering if you should continue this conversation or not, for a moment. “Of course I’m there to support you…”
“I know…” he uttered, hunching forward, which made him, perhaps for the first time ever, look small. He might have towered over you, but right there and then… he seemed small. “I thought I’d make your favourite food, but it’s…”
He didn’t finish the sentence, but you knew what he was thinking; about how it wasn’t enough. How the simple gesture wasn’t enough in the grand scheme of things. And how… he was failing as a spouse.
But the truth was that he wasn’t all that bad. He was thoughtful in his own way, just like this. He always held you close. He made you laugh, and made sure that he was there to listen all your worries and woes.
There was so much good in him too.
So, you made your way to him, and wrapped your arms around him, squeezing him tight. You pressed your head against him, and let your hand caress his back with a gentle, delicate motion.
“I’m sorry…” he still uttered while wrapping his arms around you, and pulling you close.
His tone broke for a moment in a passing whimper. Passing only because you were there, assuring him that it’d be alright. Your mere presence made it alright; made it all alright.
And his hold of you, the tight embrace spoke of just how much he appreciated you, but the droplet that fell on your head, spoke of his gratitude.
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fruitcoops · 3 years
hi eve! what do you think about a video where couples do the chapstick challenge? like jily vs coops and they compete to see what couple guesses more right! idk i think i would be fun
It's been too long since I wrote one of these--I missed them! Coops, Cubs, and SW Jily belong to @lumosinlove <3
“Welcome back, everyone!” Dorcas said with a smile to the camera. “It’s been over a month since our last big video like this due to scheduling, but we hope you’ve been enjoying our more active social media presence in the meantime. I’m here today with James and Lily Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and our lovely Cubs. How were your summers, everyone?”
“Hear that, Cap?” Logan’s grin was smug as the cat that got the canary. “I’m lovely.”
“Our summers were great,” Sirius said, ignoring him. “Lots of vacation time.”
“At our house,” Lily teased.
“Yeah, while you were on vacation. It’s called being a good godfather.”
“I’m glad you all had fun,” Dorcas interjected smoothly as she pulled three bags from under her chair. “Because we’ve got a very special game today. Inside these bags are ten blank chapstick tubes, each with a different flavor. One person from each team will apply the chapstick to their lips, and their partner will first have to kiss them, then guess the flavor. Finn, Leo, and Logan, your team will have two guessers.”
“They get two guesses?” Remus protested. “That’s so unfair!”
Dorcas shrugged. “They have to guess at the same time, and they only get one point per correct answer.”
Finn raised his eyebrows. “Y’know, Loops, you’re starting to sound pretty homophobic over there…”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Remus sighed.
The camera cut; when it returned, Lily, Sirius, and Finn were seated in folding chairs with the bags of chapstick in their laps and a small sticky note in their hands. Across from them, their significant others were sitting with large headphones over their ears.
“Can you hear me?” Dorcas called.
Remus didn’t react at all as he messed with the trailing wire; Logan squinted at her. “Quoi?”
“I can’t hear anything,” James said loudly. “This is super weird. It’s just, like, humming. Honey, it sounds like Harry’s white noise machine!”
Lily smiled reassuringly and patted his hand. “A little quieter, lover.”
“A little—nevermind.”
Dorcas’ mouth twitched with a suppressed smile. “Non-guessers, you can find all the flavors written on stickers at the bottom of each tube. Please start with number one on your flavor lists when you’re ready.”
Sirius bit his lip as he riffled through the bag, and Remus leaned forward to give him a light peck at the corner of his mouth. “I haven’t put any on yet!” he laughed.
Remus paused. “What?”
“I haven’t put any chapstick on.”
“Slower, I’m not good at lipreading.”
“Mon dieu,” Sirius muttered with a shake of his head.
Next to him, Finn had already applied his first flavor and was sitting with a happy smile as Leo and Logan thought for a moment. “Is it lime?’ Leo guessed.
“I think it’s lime,” Logan said half a second later. Finn gave them a thumbs-up and the three of them high-fived. “Called it!”
“That’s…lemon? Really sour lemon?” James guessed. Lily shook her head and showed him the tube. “Lime. Shit.”
Remus licked his lips. “Lime?”
Sirius nodded. “Oui!”
“Really? Hell yeah!”
“We’re at a bit of an advantage,” Sirius said as he put the lime in his lap and checked his list. “I wear chapstick all the time.”
“Why?” Dorcas asked, sounding rather amused.
“My lips get dry from being at the rink all day.” Sirius shrugged and put the next one on. A mischievous smile flickered over his mouth and he tilted his chin toward Remus. “He won’t leave me alone, either.”
Remus’ eyebrows pitched and he leaned forward. “What?”
“You have to go slower, I really can’t—”
“Green apple!” Logan exclaimed, slapping Finn’s knee in excitement as Dorcas covered her mouth to hide her laughter. “I remembered what it’s called!”
“Correct!” Finn announced.
“I think it’s green apple,” Leo said.
James pulled away and rested his chin on his hand. “Kind of a caramel apple, but without the caramel.” Lily turned to face the camera with a look of disbelief. “So just a normal apple, I guess.”
“Yes!” Lily turned his face toward her with a smile. “You got it!”
“I got it? Woohoo!”
“That’s green apple.” Remus wrinkled his nose. “Tastes like those shitty candy apple lollipops, though. Did I get it?”
Sirius nodded and wiped his lips off. “Number three is pomegranate,” Dorcas announced.
Finn frowned as he dug through his bag. “I don’t—there it is. Wow, this smells really nice.”
Leo paused and smiled before kissing him. “That smells really nice!”
“Does it?” Finn laughed before moving to give Logan a kiss.
“Oh, I like that,” Remus said, kissing Sirius a second time. “No idea what the flavor is, but I like it. Hmm. I have to think about that.”
“Is that frosting?” James asked excitedly as he grabbed Lily’s hands. “Do you have frosting flavored chapstick?”
“No,” she laughed, shaking her head. “What the hell? It’s pomegranate.”
“It’s what?”
“Persimmon?” She rolled her eyes and showed him the sticker. “Wow, I never would have guessed that.”
“Is it cherry?” Remus guessed. Sirius shook his head and his face fell. “Aw.”
Leo and Logan shared a look as Finn kept his poker face. “I have no idea what that is,” Logan finally said. “It’s sweet, though.”
“Is candy-flavored chapstick a thing?” Leo wondered. Finn held the tube up. “Pomegranates are tart. That wasn’t tart.”
“What the hell is that?” Logan looked to someone off-screen and held one of his headphones away from his ear.
“Une grenade!” someone called.
“Oh! That didn’t taste like it at all.”
All four guessers kissed their partners within a few seconds for the fourth—almost immediately, they pulled away, faces twisting. “Oh my god,” Remus coughed, wiping his lips. “That’s grape. Oh my god.”
James’ nose scrunched. “It’s grape. I don’t like it.”
In a moment of direct action, Leo took the wet wipe Finn had been using and ran it over his mouth while Logan stuck his tongue out. “It’s grape, and it’s gross. No more cough syrup kisses, please.”
“You’re halfway there!” Dorcas called, chalking up their correct guesses on a whiteboard as Lily, Sirius, and Finn applied the fifth flavor.
Sirius held his hand up as Remus started moving in and sneezed. “Desolee. Okay, you can go now.”
Remus kissed him and recoiled in half a second. “More cough syrup? Are you kidding me? It’s not any better when it’s cherry.”
“Dorcas,” Leo whined when he pulled away. “The first ones were such nice flavors!”
“My head hurts just tasting that,” James said miserably. “It’s that awful fake cherry stuff.”
“That’s cherry.” Logan smacked his lips with a grimace. “Eugh.”
Dorcas held up five fingers for them to see as she spoke. “Just five more, and you’re all done. Those are the only bad ones.”
Lily lit up as she applied the sixth and James hurried to kiss her. “Oh, that one is nice! You always wear strawberry. It’s my favorite.”
Remus shrugged. “Kiss was great, flavor’s fine. It’s just fake strawberry, yeah?”
“Whew.” Leo’s eyebrows rose after the kiss. “Very st—”
“Oh, strawberry!” Logan interrupted. “Katie makes me wear something like that when we have tea parties.”
Dorcas added more tallies to her board. “Tremzy, you can’t hear me, but that’s the cutest thing you’ve ever said. We need pictures.”
“I’ll find some,” Finn promised.
Sirius rubbed his lips together and made a face; Remus laughed, running the pad of his thumb along his mouth. “Stop, I can’t kiss you like that! It can’t be that bad.”
“That would give me a headache,” James said, clearly disappointed. “It’s some sort of pineapple monstrosity. Pina colada? I liked the strawberry a lot better.”
“It’s pineapple. Does that count?” Lily asked. Dorcas nodded, and she gave James a high-five.
“That’s not bad,” Leo admitted with a shrug. “Tastes like the dried mango we get at the store, the kind with all the sugar on it.”
“I don’t have the first idea what that is,” Logan said. “Knutty, I’m letting you take the reins here.”
“You’re both wrong,” Finn said, enunciating every word so they could read his lips.
“Baby—” Remus faltered with a laugh and held the wet wipes out of reach as Sirius tried to take them back. “Baby, we don’t get a point if you wipe it off. Just one kiss, okay?”
“Fine,” Sirius grumbled. Remus pressed a sweet kiss to his upper lip and handed him a fresh wet wipe. “Happy now?”
“Oh, I like that,” Remus said. “It’s definitely pineapple. I can see why you hated it so much.”
“Cap, do you not like pineapple?” Dorcas asked. His intense wiping of his lips was the only answer necessary. “We’re in the final three. Sirius, your team is in the lead by one.”
“Come on, hubs,” Lily said as she put the next one on. “This is easy-peasy. We have to beat Cap or we’ll never hear the—”
“Mint!” Leo exclaimed, looking quite proud of himself. “Ooo, it’s like Christmas.”
“I can smell it all the way over here,” Remus laughed, though he didn’t pass up the kiss. “That’s peppermint.”
“It’s like a candy cane,” James said dreamily.
“He’s not going to like this one,” Sirius said as he capped the next chapstick. “I like it, though, and that’s all that matters. Pucker up, Loops.”
“Oh, hell no.” Remus leaned back as Sirius leaned in, keeping his lips out of range. “Nope, not a chance. That’s some plastic vanilla bullshit and I’ll be tasting it all day.”
Dorcas tapped him on the shoulder and he lifted one headphone. “If you don’t taste it, you don’t get a point this round.”
“We can take the hit.”
“What? No!” Sirius protested. “I had to taste the pineapple, remember?”
“I love you and I totally want to win this, but I really, really don’t want that taste in my mouth.”
“Fine,” Sirius sighed, wiping his lips off as Remus readjusted his headphones.
James’ face split into a beaming smile after his kiss. “Birthday cake!”
“Vanilla,” Leo and Logan said in unison.
Finn pumped both fists in the air. “Yes! We’re tied for first!”
Leo gave him a high-five. “I don’t know what you’re saying, but you seem excited about it!”
“Last one,” Dorcas warned. “Whenever you’re ready.”
“You should wear chapstick more often,” James said as Lily lined her lips. “It makes you so soft.”
“He has no idea how greasy my mouth feels right now,” she said fondly with a glance to the camera.
“Tell me about it,” Sirius agreed. “Alright, Loops, don’t pussy out this time.”
Remus narrowed his eyes. “You just told me not to pussy out, didn’t you?”
Sirius blinked at him. “I thought you couldn’t read lips.”
“C’mere.” Remus cupped his jaw in one hand and kissed him, then smiled. “Orange. Did we win?”
“Mmm, that’s what the oranges back home taste like,” Leo said, going in for a second kiss.
Logan licked his lips a couple of times. “Tastes like fancy orange juice. I like it.”
“In a cruel twist of irony, my lips are getting dry,” James said when they parted. Lily raised her eyebrows as he thought. “That’s orange. We won, right?”
“Take off your headphones,” Dorcas said, miming the motion until everyone could hear her before holding her scoreboard up. “Unfortunately, James and Lily are in last place with a score of seven out of ten. Cap and Harzy, your teams are tied for first place with eight out of ten.”
“We could have won if you didn’t have a personal grudge against vanilla,” Sirius said under his breath. Remus threw one of the chapsticks at him and Sirius dropped another down the neck of his shirt.
“Boys.” They both gave Dorcas a sheepish look and she shook her head. “Thankfully, we prepared for this situation with a tiebreaker. Nobody but me knows the flavor, and it is not written on a sticker. Remus, Leo, and Logan, you will not have to put your headphones on again, but you will have to correctly identify both flavors to get their point. You will write your answers on these whiteboards. You only get one kiss to determine your guess. On your marks, get set, go!”
Sirius swiped a decent amount over his lower lip and pulled Remus in with his hands on his cheeks; Finn practically used half the stick covering his mouth before collecting his kisses. “That’s interesting,” Leo murmured, tapping his dry-erase pen on his thigh. “That’s very interesting.”
Remus jotted down an answer and leaned back in his chair with a self-satisfied smile. “You know it?” Sirius asked with a grin.
“I do.”
“Is that your final guess?’ Dorcas checked. He nodded, and she took his pen. “Leo, Logan, do you have a guess as well?”
“I think I know one of the flavors,” Leo said cautiously, bending over to whisper it in Logan’s ear. He hummed in agreement, then whispered back.
“This is so intense,” James murmured, looking between the two teams as Lily perched herself on his lap. “I feel like I’m watching the Olympics.”
“If we get one of the flavors right and Loops gets both wrong, do we win?” Logan asked as Leo wrote their answer down.
Dorcas thought for a moment. “Yeah, sure. But only if Remus gets it completely wrong.”
“What’s the prize?”
“You already get to kiss your partners all afternoon instead of running drills. What more do you want?”
“Amen,” Remus agreed.
“Alright.” Leo handed over the whiteboard pen, though he looked nervous.
“Would you like to go first?” Dorcas offered.
“Coconut and lemon?”
“That is incorrect.”
“Ah, fuck me,” Logan muttered. “Loops, you’d better be wrong.”
Remus’ smile was even more pleased as Dorcas turned to him. “Remus, do you know what it is?”
“Well, Ms. Meadowes, I’m glad you asked. That’s Burt’s Bees honey and coconut.” He flipped the board with a flourish. “And it just so happens that my boyfriend bought that exact chapstick at the store last week and has worn it every single day since then.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Leo looked between them in shock as Logan’s jaw dropped. Finn buried his face in his hands. “Of every flavor on earth—”
“I promise it was not intentional,” Dorcas said, though she was laughing a little. “I literally rolled dice to pick it while I was looking at the website.”
Sirius looked to the ceiling as he pulled Remus’ chair closer. “Thank you, universe, for my terrible impulsive habits in the self-checkout line.”
Dorcas turned to the camera with a dimpled smile and spread her hands. “Thank you for joining us for the chapstick challenge, Lions! You can find all these flavors at the link in the description. Like and subscribe for more videos like this, have a great day!”
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psychosuna · 4 years
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a/n: kinda fluffy and a bit boring these r just my self indulgent thoughts ,, feel free to send rqs
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daichi: makes the same breakfast every morning. eggs and toast and some sort of protein. probably drinks black coffee, adds a little cream and sugar if he’s feeling fancy. a ketchup user and abuser. “breakfast is the most important meal of the day” blah blah just say you’re capable of waking up early and go.
asahi: idk why i just see asahi as a big baby thags like incapable of doing anything for himself honestly like his mom probs still makes him breakfast either that or he has a bowl of cereal.
sugawara: pop tart man. also goes feral over toaster strudels. the way he frosts them is an exact science. coffee but it’s light roast. uses creamer, duh.
noya: really likes ego waffles. toasts like 2-3 and gets really fuckin impatient so he just eats them as the next ones are toasting. probably drinks a glass of milk after like a freak. he’s always running late in the morning but will turn into a fuckin grouch if he doesn’t eat. it’s placebo. he just thinks he’s in a bad mood.
tanaka: i see this man as a scrambled eggs type of guy. it’s simple. the only thing he knows how to cook, actually. that, and mac n cheese (same). drank orange juice w bfast all through highschool and had a coffee awakening in college. doesn’t eat if he’s running late.
ennoshita: doesn’t eat breakfast, usually just has a cup of coffee and will eat a little something a couple hours later. he’s just not hungry in the morning.
hinata: probs has a whole ass family breakfast every morning in highschool. mum cooked eggs, bacon, rice (enter traditional japanese breakfast because i’m uneducated). when he went to college he tried to keep up with making a big breakfast every morning, and succeeds for the most part. not big on coffee.
kageyama: cereal boy. goes for somewhat sugary cereals, also the type to have a granola bar or something otw to school/classes. on game days , he makes a big breakfast. also not big on coffee.
tsukishima: tbh i headcanon him eating oatmeal and i really wish he didn’t. like, strawberry oatmeal or the strawberry K cereal is really just his favorite. coffee expert, really picky about the grounds he uses and the way he makes it. takes pride in his morning coffee. he can go without eating but he truly cannot go without coffee.
yamaguchi: pretty baby probably just eats a bowl of cereal or something. he doesn’t think too much about it but also tends to not skip breakfast. sometimes tsukki will bring him a coffee , but he doesn’t make it on his own.
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kuroo: foggy area here. usually skips breakfast, always makes the coffee right when he wakes up but sometimes forgets to make a mug or a coffee to take with him to classes. sometimes he just randomly wakes up at the crack of dawn and makes a huge ass breakfast. he’s not used to eating a big breakfast, so when he does, it tears his stomach up.
kenma: he was up playing games and snacking all night. he’s full from the cosmic brownies and monster energy drinks he had at 4am before he ultimately crashed. and if he does have breakfast, it’s probably some sugary ass cereal. get some proper sleep, freak.
lev: probs has like a typical russian breakfast honestly, he grew up w it and still makes it to this day. a typical bfast for him is fried eggs with kolbasa and dill on top. family recipe type kid. this is only when he can be fucked to make it, though.
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oikawa: motherfucker makes smoothies for breakfast. not even the protein shake types, like the fruity ass spinach ass types of smoothies that probably have more sugar than anything else in them. he’s thinks he’s eating “clean.” also stops by a starbucks or soemthing every morning bc he likes the complicated ass coffees rather than just making his own.
iwaizumi: i see him actually like, enjoying making breakfast. his go-to is a quick breakfast burrito. on weekends, hes a whore for chicken and waffles. probably uses a lot of hot sauce. definitely drinks black coffee he has big dick energy
matsukawa: skips breakfast entirely. literally cannot be fucked. if he eats in the morning, he goes to mcdonalds. mans never fucked with coffee, either. i’m telling you guys, he’s got a big dick, but this is one sketchy mfer.
hanamaki: really likes bagels. everything bagels with a shit ton of cream cheese. coffee with a tiny bit of cream and sugar. he’s classy. he’s perfect. i adore him.
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bokuto: his mom always told him that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and why would he doubt her ? he makes the birds eye egg thinf with the hole in the bread and then puts in the pan and cracks the egg in the whole. you guys know what i’m talking about. another ketchup user and abuser but i’m less mad bc, cmon, it’s bokuto!
akaashi: this mfer. THIS MFER. i adore him truly. wait for it... greek yogurt. he gets the tubs of greek yogurt, sometimes the honey flavored kind, and will cut up fruit and put granola on top, and has espresso. he’s just. so sexy honestly.
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tendou: always making something weird to be fucking honest. liek the motherfucker never skips breakfast, but he’ll straight up eat left over takeout from the night before at like 7:30am. what’s wrong with him. tries homemade pancakes every once in a while and they aren’t even that bad, he just puts WAY too much syrup on top.
semi: will have one cup of black coffee and that’s literally it.
ushijima: has the same thing every single morning. he never switches up. protein shake (black coffee in the shake), one fried egg, two pieces of bacon. it’s the perfect combo why would he ever even need to change it?
goshiki: tbh this mfer is always in a rush in the mornings but u know what. two pieces of toast and grape or strawberry jam. he’s a lil jam on toast cutie tell me i’m wrong. i’d die for him.
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osamu: if he doesn’t have time to cook, he won’t eat. he doesn’t see the point in eating pre packaged shit. he wants to really get in the kitchen and make something. poor baby just wakes up late sometimes.
atsumu: if osamu doesn’t have time to cook, he won’t eat. fiend ass motherfucker. don’t get me wrong, i love him, but he’s so fucking annoying. will smell food and walk in the kitchen like “what’s for breakfast lil bro?” and osamu is all like “nothing for you dipshit” but he always gives in and feeds the mfer
suna: nothing. like. ever. he forgets. doesn’t have a big appetite and he can’t cook for shit unless it’s edibles so he just doesn’t bother. a coffee addict but refuses to tell anyone.
kita: a nice ol mug of fresh coffee, maybe some eggs, maybe some sausage, whatever he feels like! tries to eat every morning bc he knows it’s for the best. is a morning person so it’s not like he doesn’t have time!
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terushima: a monster and a protien bar. likes the coffee flavored monsters in the morning , though. cheese toast on occasion.
sakusa: black coffee, two splendas, avocado toast. he’s got taste.
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lacharcutiere · 4 years
idk if my other ones sent but uh baking with the hq boys 🙋🏻‍♀️
baking with the boys
characters: iwaizumi hajime, oikawa tōru, kita shinsuke
iwaizumi hajime x gn!reader // oikawa tōru x gn!reader // kita shinsuke x gn!reader // sfw, fluff, canonverse
this one is also for @nkhachuuya are we surprised
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general masterlist // haikyū!! masterlist
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iwaizumi hajime
the way it took SO MUCH CONVINCING to get him to bake cupcakes with you LMAO
i’m gonna say it’s because he’s got ptsd from when oikawa forced him to a while ago and they made a giant mess and set off the smoke alarm like four times
and they were at iwa’s house, and the whole kitchen smelled like burning tires for two days (what were they even trying to make???)
but, you tell him jokingly, come on. he’s dating you, for god’s sake, so you must not be that much like tōru
(except that he would probably date you either way)
so you drag his ass to the grocery store to buy all the ingredients, and you kind of make it a point to get the most expensive option for each so you can guilt trip him (oh, so we spent all this money and now you’re just gonna let it go bad without using it? no way.)
he figures you do kind of have a point
so he’s like, fiiine, and that’s all the encouragement you need 😈
and and AND,,, he’s actually pretty decent in the kitchen!! super meticulous about measuring stuff out and all that. although his egg-cracking skills leave something to be desired, and you end up having to scoop shards of eggshell out of the batter. oops
the cupcakes turn out great, though. he insists that you only frost half of them because he doesn’t want icing on his (weirdo), and some of those ones turn out a lil fucked up because you forgot to let them cool first. but they do taste really good!
and you are FIGHTING the urge to smash one into his face when he’s not looking
oikawa tōru
actually, he was the one who suggested trying out baking
the two of you were on a mini date at a coffee shop one day and you thought their cookies were really good, so he suggested you try to make some yourselves and totally did not also mention that yours would be ten times better
they were not ten times better. (but that’s ok)
somehow, the kitchen was already a fucking disaster before anything even made it into mixing bowls, probably because you guys were almost too busy screwing around to actually concentrate on cooking
a few eggs definitely ended up on the floor
and a not insignificant amount of cookie dough went missing because you two couldn’t stop yourselves from having a few scoops of it
(“are we gonna get salmonella?” “nah, it’s fine”)
and you know how you’re supposed to pour out flour on the counter so that the dough won’t stick when you roll it out??
yeah, either you guys forgot to do that at first, or you accidentally poured out way too much and ended up with it all over your clothes
some of the cookies ended up melting together in the oven because they weren’t spaced out enough lmao
BUT you made sure to set a timer and came back to check on them a couple times, so at least they didn’t end up burnt!
they actually did taste pretty good, they just looked like shit (but, as tōru pointed out, that’s fine because you’re just gonna chew them up anyway)
kita shinsuke
pleaseee he told you he couldn’t bake and then totally killed it for what???
you just,, randomly mentioned to him one time that maybe it would be fun to bake something together and then the next time you went to his house he had everything laid out and ready
and you know that one scene in ghost where they’re making pottery and he’s like, behind her guiding her hands?? (neither do i, i had to look up where it was from) yeah he did that while you were sifting the dry ingredients together LMAO
and when you leaned back into him he kinda faltered and blushed a lil but he tried to cover it up
it turned out??? so good?? not without work though; it took like three hours because he insisted on making a cake with fucking layers
but it was so so good oh my god,, and you guys decorated it all cute too:))
apparently he also knew how to use a piping bag and like,, make it actually look nice
“i’m not that good at baking” my ass
anyway yeah afterward you left it in the fridge to set and cleaned up the kitchen while you waited, and then after that you treated yourselves to several slices each because holy shit it turned out so good
you smudged a little frosting on his face when he wasn’t paying attention and he was like, “aw come on, we already cleaned up,” but he thought it was funny
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general masterlist // haikyū!! masterlist
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Kitsune Todoroki: A Mischievous Encounter
Your village is starving, you make the journey to the abandoned shrine to plead with the god that may or may not be there...
~Some supernatural smut for ya (also kind of fluffy? idk)~
Kinks for Kinktober! -  Master/ Slave
Shoto Todoroki x Reader Halloween special!
My feet are exhausted, I’ve been walking for too long today. A day’s journey seemed like such an easy task before I actually started the path through this over grown wood. I sighed and tightened my boots, the sole has been wearing thin for months now, but they’re holding up okay. I took a sip from my leather pouch, the tangy flavor of the leather tainted the fresh water, but I couldn’t restrain myself and gulped it down anyway. The tree’s are blowing gently, the sun is shining threw the tree’s and hitting the banks of the river, reflecting off of the exposed stones of the low water. “The drought is effecting the forest all this way west too...” I mumbled into my pouch before taking one last sip.
Something loud moved through the bush behind me, I snapped around and stared at the foliage line. Was something hunting me this whole time? I don’t have a blade to protect me, the biggest predators on this side of the mountain are supposed to be the foxes. My heart pounded in my chest, but nothing appeared. The sound was gone before I fully turned around. I guess I should keep moving, no use sitting around waiting to lose sunlight. I brushed some dirt off of my pants, brother won’t miss these, and besides how would I make this journey in anything else? My family is one of the richest in town, to be caught in these clothes would be embarrassing for my grandparents.
The sun started to die down, it’s that time of day right before sunset. The sky is turning golden, soon it will turn pink and then all of the light will disappear. Panic set in my chest, I took a deep breath. I need to keep my head, I should have reached the shrine an hour ago. The plan was to find the shrine, make the offering, sleep until early morning and head home. “This was so stupid...” I started to curse myself. What made me think I could actually make a difference? I tried everything to help, even learning how to work the fields much to my families disapproval. People are hungry, tired. Live stock are dropping like flies. Even the inn keepers cat got sick and died this week, the gods have forgotten about us.
Tears gathered in my eyes. I swept one off of my cheek, I feel helpless. I walked for what felt like another hour, but judging by the sun its only been a few more minutes. Something peered through the tree’s just up ahead. Is that it? I pulled back a low hanging tree branch and stepped into a clearing. An old, older than anything in our village, building sat run down and falling apart. It was made of crumbling stone. The sloped roof was falling to the ground, the whole place barely standing. I carefully stepped through the doorway, there it was. The shrine! Compared to the building, this fountain looked untouched. It was smooth, made of a stone I didn’t recognize. It might have once flowed with water, the smooth stone was bone dry. A little bonzai tree sat on a pedestal, its roots grew out of its pot, the clay container close to bursting. It was overgrown, but healthy. Is someone taking care of this place? I looked around. Cobwebs and rotting wood indicated nobody had been here for a long time, the tree sat happily here, all alone. I pulled out the tiny statue from your napsack. My families most precious heirloom. A porcelain statue of a bowing dog, my families symbol.  My grandmother will be devastated that its gone, but it will be worth it. I laid the statue down in front of the fountain and closed my eyes. I bowed down and took a deep breath. Please, please help my village. I pleaded silently, the sound of trickling water made me pry my head up off of the floor. It’s much brighter in here now, the floor is less cold. The fountain was running, gently, a stream flowed out of the bonzai’s pedestal. I gasped is a god listening? I shut my eyes tight and clasped my hands in front of me. “I’ll do anything to save our home, I’m pleading to anyone that’s listening!” 
“Deal.” A low, calm voice answered me from behind. I screamed and twisted myself around and fell on my backside. The shrine was lovely now, the walls fixed, the roof hanging in place where it should be. Lanterns hung on the wall, burning with a low red flame. A young man was relaxing at a kotatsu, he wore a white robe, red flowers danced on one side, the other had blue split down the middle. He was lovely, his hair was also split down the middle, red on one side, white on the other. His face is flawless, an angular jaw, clear skin. You noticed a deep scar over his right eye, but it didn’t take away from his impossible beauty. He took a sip of tea, he wasn’t looking up at you. “Who... who are you?” I gathered myself and relaxed on my knee’s, trying to mask how scared I am. How did everything change?
“I should be asking you that question.” He set his cup down and poured himself another drink. “You are the one barging into my home uninvited.” He said plainly. He pointed to the spot beside him at his blanketed table. “Please, have a seat.” I obeyed, standing up and joining him at his tea table. My hands shook slightly as he handed me a cup. It was freezing cold, the tea was barely steeping. The glass had frost along the rim. “Oh, uhm, thank you.” I set the cup down. “My name is “Y/N, of the Y/L/N family. I live in the village at the base of this mountain.” He took a long sip of his tea and then set it down. “This tea is terrible.” He exclaimed, setting the cup down sort of hard. I’m not quite sure how to respond. “Oh no its deliciou-” I grabbed my own cup and took a sip. I swallowed hard and tried to mask my look of disgust. This tea is awful, I’ve never tasted anything so rancid. Besides the fact that its freezing cold. He sighed and shook his head. “Well, hopefully you can make a better cup than I.” You noticed as he bowed his head down slightly, he had two pointed ears atop his head. They were the same color as his hair. His eyes are heterochromic, he peered into yours curiously. “Can you make a decent cup of tea?” He asked.
“My mother and father never complain when I make them a cup. I’ve been known to do well in the kitchen.” I held my hands in my lap, his stare is piercing. A small smile turned the corners of his mouth upward, his teeth were pointed behind his beautiful mouth. “Oh wonderful, you’ll make a perfect servant.” Suddenly fear coursed through every bone in my body, I fell back on my wrist and placed another over my mouth, muffling a scream. He leaned forward, his smile fading. “Where are you going?” He reached for my ankle to pull me back to the table. I pulled myself away, trying to stand up and flee. He moved quicker than me, grabbing my leg and pulling me to him. He hovered over me, his hair falling in his face as he studied mine. “Are you alright, you look a little pale.” One of his ears twitched, and he blinked quickly a few times. “You’re not a human.” I spilled out, my voice shaking. “Ah, I guess that could be intimidating for some. Don’t worry Y/N. You’ll get used to it.” His face stayed serious, but his tone was light. He moved himself off of me and helped me sit up. “My name is Shoto. You may address me as Master.” He thought for a moment. “Or Shoto.” I couldn’t help but crack a smile. He seemed regal, like a prince, but very down to earth at the same time. “I apologize, I’ve never had a servant before.”
I thought for a moment. Putting pieces together that I haven’t quite grasped from our conversation so far. “Wait, I’m not your servant.” I said as light hearted as possible, not wanting to make him upset. He cocked his head at me puzzled. “Did you not just say that you would do anything to save your home, for anyone that was listening?”
I nodded my head yes, not liking where this is going. “Well I was listening. I took you on that deal.” He paused for a moment. “It should be raining now, nothing too harsh.” I stood up and opened the screen door, it was drizzling. The sound of the water hitting the roof with little ‘pings’ was music to my ears. “You did this?” I asked, sticking my hand out to gather some of the drops. It was real, it was really raining after months of harsh sun. “Yes, I can call on rains in times of joy.” He stood up and joined me in the doorway, he’s so much taller than I could tell before. His body is strong, his chest slightly exposed from his robe. “It’s been so long sense I’ve had a visitor. It’s not like I could just let you slip away.” He put a hand on my shoulder, his fingers freezing cold. “Such a lovely face, we’ll have to put you in more fitting attire.” He played with the strings on my tunic. “I can’t be your servant.” I said looking outside and not at him. “My family doesn’t know where I am, I left without telling them.”
“Ah, I understand.” He said sweetly. He snapped his fingers and the rain stopped, the moon shone through the dissipating storm clouds. “Wait! That wasn’t enough rain.”
“I’ve named my price. Your village will prosper, healthy children will be born. Rains will fall, crops will grow. Your village will be taken care of for generations if you just...” He cupped my face with both of his hands so that I was looking him in the eyes. “Stay with me, please.” His voice was so deep and raspy, my heart fluttered. “What kind of responsibilities will I have?” I felt hypnotized by his beautiful eyes, so old and wise. “You’re to take care of all of the shrines needs.” He spoke softer. “Along with all of my needs as well.” He closed any space between us. His chest pressed gently on mine, his right hand traveled to the back of my neck and held me there, the other still resting on my cheek. “I can train you to be my shrine maiden, my mystical woman of the wood.” His breath tickled your face, he spoke so closely to your mouth. “If you just stay here with me... forever.” I closed my eyes, my eyelids heavy and drunk with his seductive words. He spoke warm honey into my ears, I drank him in. “I’ll... I’ll do it.... Master...” I sighed into his kiss. He placed his lips onto mine gently, pressing down and sliding around my mouth. I kissed him back, hungry for more. He hesitated, he started reaching for my tunic, tempted to pull it off of me. He resisted and pulled away, out of breath he staggered further back into the shrine. “I deeply apologize.” He straightened himself out and I stepped away from the door frame and shut it behind me. “I don’t want to hurt you, I just haven’t ever seen anyone so-” He took a deep breath, calming his voice. “So beautiful.” My face burned. “Any other spirit will be feverishly jealous of me, I’ll do everything I can to protect you from any unwanted advances.” He bowed his head slightly, sealing his promise. “You don’t have to be sorry Master Shoto.” I feel lightly embarrassed, losing control of myself and my urges. “I didn’t mind...” I gulped, trying not to seem any less lady like than I already appeared. He put his hand behind his neck and let out a breathy chuckle. “Oh, that makes me feel less monstrous. I try not to be like some of the other more... animalistic creatures of these forests.”
I played with my thumb nail, tempted to picking it off. “What kind of things live out here Master Shoto?” I asked, my curiosity killing me. He’s unlike anything I have ever seen, could other people like him really be out here? “Lot’s of spirits, some a little less wicked than others. We get together for festivities quite a bit... hopefully you’re a good hostess.” My heart pounded at the thought of more spirits coming here. “They’ll be coming here...?” He sat back down with the tea and I joined him. “Of course, this is a regular hot spot for all manners of spirits. tengu, Oni.  Other kitsune.” He put a hand on my lap and rubbed my knuckles. “I wonder how they’ll react when they smell you...” He trailed off in thought for a moment. “What do you mean?” Do I smell bad? I take special attention to my hygiene, I suppose I have been hiking all day. “Well your scent is very intoxicating. I’ve never smelled a human so alluring.” My cheeks flushed again, he compliments so sincerely. “Will they try and hurt me?”
He took no time to think about that. “Oh most definitely, most of the lot takes no consideration for their primal urges.” He said bluntly. “Your scent combined with your raw beauty, I’ll have to beat them off with a broom.” I let out a light squeak, my heart sinking into my stomach. “What should I do to make myself less... desirable?” I never thought I was particularly prettier than any of the other women in the village, just from different status. I’m not callused from hard work, wrinkled from sunshine or bloated from bad food. My mother always calls me beautiful... and my parents had many suitors in line for my marriage. I look in the mirror often, and sometimes I feel insecure.
“There’s nothing you can do, especially sense you’ve never been taken by a man.” He spoke matter of factually. I blushed wildly, completely flustered. “What would you know about that!” I raised my voice and the fox spirit chuckled. “No need to get embarrassed, I can smell it on you.” He leaned toward me and  took a deep breath through his nose. He placed a hand on the floor beside me, I leaned back on my hands as he invaded my personal space. He placed his nose along just below my jaw line and took another deep breath. “I missed the only logical solution to all of our troubles.” He purred, his voice right in my ear. “I’ll just make you smell like me, so that no lusty tengu will try and touch you...” I froze, his entire demeanor changed. His breath grew heavier, he touched my side and used his legs to pry mine open and place himself between my hips. I tried to speak, but my voice came out shaky. “I- I thought that you didn’t want to succumb to your primal... uhm, urges.” He laid me down on my back and pressed his hips firmly onto mine. “Oh don’t worry darling, I’ve thought this over very thoroughly.” He placed soft kisses on my neck, one after the other. His lips just barely touching my skin. “This isn’t just for me... for my needs.” He crooned in my ear. I let out a small moan and clamped a hand over my mouth, horrified. I’ve never made a sound like that before. He pulled my hand off of my mouth and pinned it about my head. He traced his finger tips down my arm and gripped my other hand, forcing both of my wrists into one of his strong hands. “I need to keep my sweet servant girl safe.” He used his free hand to hold himself up off of the floor. He stared down at me, his face held some type of sincere innocence, like taking advantage of me isn’t his intention. “I’ll just mark you as mine.” He pulled my cloth pants down and my breath caught in my throat. His eyes rolled partly back into his head, he looked overwhelmed by me. He let go of my hands and fell on his elbow, smashing his lips onto mine. His hands ran over my body, he ripped my tunic over my head and threw it away from us. Looking down at me with a crazed look in his eye. “How are you this magnificent?” He pulled at the tie around his robe. He exposed himself, his body incredibly toned and hard. I reached out and ran a finger over his abs. I blushed, but I couldn’t look away. “You’ve never seen a man in this state.” He grinned. “What do you think?” He was kneeling, but he was still looming so tall over me. “What do you mean?” I stammered out, partially breathless. “Tell me how much you enjoy looking at my body.” He oozed with confidence now. “My slave.” His sharp teeth flashed, enjoying every moment of this. “I like looking at your body-” He gripped my chin and forced me to look in his eyes. “Say it again.” He spoke almost in a whisper. “I love looking at your body Master Shoto.” I tried to drip my words with as much sweetness as possible. Shoto reacted, pleased with me. He let go of my chin and touched me on the outside of my heat. He swirled his finger around, I whimpered pathetically. My slit grew wetter, I tried to cover my face in embarrassment again. “Stop that, I want to see every look on your face as I claim you.” He took his finger away and put it in his mouth, tasting me. “Tell me what you want Y/N.” I stuttered, not answering him fast enough. He placed two fingers on the most sensitive part of my body. He pressed down on my clit and rubbed up and down, his fingers grew colder. I gasped, his touch so drastic compared to my warmth. My stomach felt nauseous, I craved something. Anything other than this torture. “Master Shoto, I want-” I gasped again, he gathered some of my moisture on the tips of his finger to lubricate his touch. He rubbed even slower, letting the temperature gradient do most of the work. “Tell me what you want or I’ll stop.” It was an empty threat, his want was worse than mine, his member dripping in anticipation. “I want you to claim me Master!” I pleaded gripping onto my own hair and squirming underneath him. “As you wish, Y/N.”
I cried out, his staff’s tip punctured through my innocence. He pressed himself close to me, he held my face close to his, keeping his lips on my cheek for comfort. He moved his hips slowly, gently working his way in through my resistant walls. “You need to breathe Y/N. If you relax it will hurt less...” He whispered so sweetly in my ear. I took a shaky deep breath. “Just like that darling, I can feel you getting wetter...” He moved more of himself in, his whole length filling my entire body. I moaned, every second he’s in me gets better and better. “What a good girl, getting so wet for her master.” He gripped onto my hair at the base of my neck and thrusted in me harder, starting to get an even pace. He couldn’t help himself, groaning in my ear, repeating how much of a good girl I am. My body started to heat up even further, the pressure in my core building up to an unbearable point. “Master... I-” I screamed out, my mouth releasing a lewd sound. This made Shoto smile and chuckle. “You finished on me-” He groaned softly in my ear. “I’m flattered.” My body is shaking, my breath falling out of me in whiny gasps. “Want me to make you do it again?” He said mischievously, his tone almost feeling like he was mocking me. Teasing me for being so inexperienced, or for needing more like a greedy beggar. “Yes master.” I said through chattering teeth. “Beg me...” He kissed my jaw right under my ear. He slowed down, holding his cock in my body completely still. I squirmed, my hips rocking. He gripped my pelvis and pinned me down, forcing me to hold still. “If I sit here still long enough I’ll eventually climax...” He grinned wolfishly, I could feel him twitch. “I want more Master...” I whined like a child begging for more dessert. “Be specific.” He was toying with me, his eyes glazed with pleasure. “I want to feel like that again, please do it again Master Shoto.” I couldn’t care how unlady like it might sound to beg. He pulled himself mostly out, and slammed back into me hard. The sound of our bodies mashing together was almost as loud as my moans. He pounded into me, his hips flailing wildly. I scraped my nails down his back and hid my face on his shoulder. His neck bringing me comfort as I felt my bodies tension build back up again. He effortlessly kept his pace, barely seeming winded. I hadn’t noticed how long it was before he finally came close to his own release. My voice grew hoarse, crying out over and over again every time he brought me to the edge and let me go. My entrance is getting sore, I’m still slick but I’m using muscles I’m not used too. “Can you take anymore of me slave?” Sweat had started to pool on his forehead, just the slightest hint of his stamina dying down. “Y-yes” I said slightly unsure. I can hardly move, my head flat on the floor and my mouth dripping with drool. My clit throbbed, my thigh muscles ached. Tears had been running from my eyes for a bit now, my climax bringing the salty streams out to run down my face. “I think you’re lying my darling...” His voice was shaky, he kissed my forehead and I buried my face in his chest. “I’ve about given you everything I have.” He slammed his hips into me one more time and let out a heavy sigh. He pulsed in my body, he let his weight go onto me. Pressing us flat onto the floor. He held me like that for a moment before pulling out. I closed my shaking legs and my groin muscles thanked me. Being stuck in that position for so long caused my whole body to cramp. “You’re such a good girl, you took me for hours.” He helped sit me up. “Was it really that long?” I leaned onto his shoulder and he rubbed my back. “Time moves a little strange here, but yes its been awhile.” He played with my hair and traced along my spine. I started to doze off in his arms. “Don’t worry I’ll train you to last even longer.” He said sweetly. I couldn’t even respond. “Sleep now love, tomorrow you’ll have to learn all of the shrines duties.” He chuckled at my groan of protest. “Goodnight Y/N...” He talked into my hair. “My darling...”
HEY YOU READING! Hi you should follow me if you liked this story! I’m planning on building other characters in the same world and possibly even doing a part 2 for this one? I think Kaminari Denki is going to be a Tengu... it should be shocking~ (I’ll see myself out for that stupid pun)
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wonderlustlucas · 5 years
i hemoglobin you - byun baekhyun
⇢ prompt “Yeah, but Baekhyun doesn’t really talk romantics with me.” ⇢ pairing baekhyun x gender neutral reader ⇢ word count 4.8k ⇢ genre fluff ⇢ warnings swearing. kinda descriptive when it comes to the actual needle idk i’m bad at warnings if needles make u uncomfy don’t read. ⇢ summary You’d think, after some time, your crush on the annoying little shit named Byun Baekhyun would fade away. Fortunately for him (and you), falling out of love with someone brighter than a star is near impossible. Plus, needles are scary and even med kids need their hand held sometimes. Alternatively: Junmyeon found dead in a ditch.—friends to lovers!au ; college blood drive!au ⇢ a/n ok yes i realize this is an odd setting for fanfiction but like,,, my school had a blood drive & what happens in this is exactly what i experienced, minus the whole crush revealing they like me with a kiss thing. so i decided to WRITE IT OKAY?! also, i really tried to make this gender, color, absolutely everything reader neutral but then when i was editing i saw the nurse call y/n ‘miss’ so if i missed anything pls lmk so i can edit it!!! thank u & i hope u enjoy ♥︎
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If it weren’t for that time you tried anal with your ex-boyfriend back in high school, you’d consider Byun Baekhyun to be the biggest pain in your ass. If asked, you definitely could come up with a hefty list of all the things about him that annoy the living daylights out of you, things from the unnecessary high volume of his voice to the time he introduced himself as “Bacon” on the first day of your internship at the hospital.
Truthfully, however, it all comes down to one certain realization: seeing Baekhyun’s stupidly cute smile has become the sole thing you look forward to everyday. For the first two years at university, you did not know Byun Baekhyun. You knew of him. As fate would have it, you were bound to meet at some point with an undergraduate enrollment of around four thousand, and your sanity began its downward tumble the third week of junior year.
At the time, you couldn’t quite put your finger on why he left such a sour taste in your mouth. From a distance, he was a star; this great, big bundle of sunshine and joy, full of life and spirit and in the eyes of someone as mild-mannered as yourself, he was magnificent and everything you wished you were. But, once the barrier between you fell and your relationship swiftly jumped from strangers to friends, you realized just how polar opposite you were. Always going out of his way to meet new people and a little too chaotic for you personally, Baekhyun draws attention to himself without even trying. And you can’t blame him— it’s hard to go unnoticed when you prance around with a thousand-watt smile and the energy of a three-month-old golden retriever.
Sometimes, you wished he had chosen one of the arts as his major rather than health sciences.
Nevertheless, it is hard to ignore such an innocently beautiful soul such as Baekhyun. No matter how many times you told yourself to find a new lab partner, no matter how many countless nights you found yourself rolling out of bed, bundled up in your blankets and into the cold hallway of your residence hall to knock on Park Chanyeol’s door and tell him to open the window for his frost-bitten roommate hiding in the bushes, no matter how many this or how many that’s, you couldn’t help but fall in love with the friendship and chaos that came with Byun Baekhyun.
If it weren’t for that time you tried anal with your ex-boyfriend back in high school, you’d consider Byun Baekhyun to be the love of your life.
“Absolutely not,” you interrupt, looking up from your clipboard in order to search the crowd for the younger boy. Baekhyun groans, wrapping his arms around your waist and dropping his head on your shoulder. “C’mon, ___. He’s fine, you know Sehun.” He whines, adding a drawn-out ‘please’ against your ear. It makes your stomach sink for reasons you’d rather not disclose.
“Baek,” you scoff, wiggling out of his grip despite his best efforts of keeping you against him, “are you serious? Sehun quite possibly may be the smallest person in this room. He needs to rest.”
“He’s twenty pounds heavier than me!”
“Taller, too.”
“___,” he groans, crossing his arms over his chest and mustering his best straight face. It makes you laugh.
“I’m not arguing with you. He did Power Red; he’s not going anywhere. If he didn’t want to miss chem, then he should have made his appointment later. It’s one class. He’ll be fine.”
“Why must you be so stubborn?” Baekhyun sighs in defeat, combing muted silver hair away from his forehead. Your eyes follow the movement, distracted for hardly a second, but he doesn’t seem to notice. “I learned it from you,” you smile, nudging his arm with your elbow. The signature tilted smirk returns. “Tell Sehun I’m sorry, but I—well, we—can’t risk letting him leave. He could have a delayed effect and end up passed out in the staircase. Twenty more minutes and he can go.”
“I get it,” he hums, snatching the tentative schedule out of your hands before you can even protest. For as rash as he may be, Baekhyun is not dumb. And even if he was, he knows that when you are as unrelenting as you are now, there’s no point in arguing. “I think I’m gonna try and donate.”
“What?” You exclaim, maybe a little too loud if all the Red Cross employees shooting annoyed glares your way is anything to go by. Baekhyun truly is started to rub off on you. “I thought you were scared of needles?”
“Heights, ___,” he scoffs, “needles aren’t my favorite, but if I’m going to eventually put them in other people, I better get used to them for myself.” As he explains, he rolls up the sleeves of his hoodie and presses at the soft skin on the inside of his arm before stretching it out for your examination. “I mean,” you hum, holding him still and feeling around for a thick enough vein, “you definitely have the veins. Do you want me to hold your hand?” You sing the last part cutely, lips puckered out at him.
“Will you? Since Sehun has to stay over there, I have no one else,” Baekhyun retorts, using your previous resolve to his advantage. You can’t tell if he’s oblivious or simply choosing to ignore your mockery. Rolling your eyes, you drop his arm and reach for your clipboard, tearing it out of his grasp. “Don’t you have anything else better to do than annoy me? Aren’t you supposed to be watching the donors?”
“Well, yes, but—”
Baekhyun starts, trailing behind you before the shout of his name promptly cuts him off. “Baekhyun! Can you help Jongdae carry in more water?” See, precisely as you were saying.
“But I like annoying you,” he pouts, hugging onto your arm and holding on tight. “Sorry, Baek,” you offer, feelings in shambles because 1) he is so cute you could cry but 2) he’s really distracting and now you finally will be able to focus, at least while he’s gone. Frowning, he releases your arm at last, combing his hair back and once again, you feel like throwing up.
“Go see if you can donate when you’re done,” you remind him, nodding toward the rather quiet donor room. “Yeah, I will. Wish me luck,” Baekhyun grins, blowing you a kiss. Without a second thought, you blow one back.
You have begun walking on an incredibly unstable rope, you realize, the thin line distinguishing the way you look at Baekhyun diminishing each and every day. On one side, he is simply your friend, your lab partner, a coworker of sorts. Comrades working toward the same goal, and once it’s reached, you go your separate ways. But on the other hand, he is much more than that. Now that you no longer live on campus, days spent bullshitting in the dining hall or dorms over, you most certainly do not spend as much time together.
And yet, nothing has changed. Except for your feelings, of course. This time last year, you were minding your own damn business when Chanyeol had to go and mention how much time Baekhyun spends with you instead of him. “Sorry?” You had offered, unsure of what the crease in his brow meant.
“No… don’t be sorry,” he hummed, deep in thought and stabbing at his salad in disinterest, “not to be blunt, but he usually bounces from person to person each week. He’s been sticking to you for, what, six months? Something is up.”
“Don’t you live with him?” You asked, confused. What was he getting at here?
“Yeah, but Baekhyun doesn’t really talk romantics with me.”
“Romantics?” You exclaimed, spit flying from your lips. Luckily, he didn’t seem to notice.
“He definitely likes you. God, it all makes sense now! Okay, I need to do some interrogating,” suddenly rushing, Chanyeol was up and swinging his bag over his shoulder before you could blink an eye. “See ya, ___!”
“Wait!” You yelled out for him, but the obnoxiously tall boy just kept running, dodging students meandering around the dining hall. Slumping in your chair, you eventually turned to look out the window, watching as he continued his flight across campus. “Good talk.”
Nothing ever came up afterward. No answers, no clarifications, nada. Chanyeol never brought it up again, despite the expectant raise of your brows the next lunch you had alone with him. You were content shrugging it off— it was out of your hands. If Baekhyun liked you, so be it.
Or so you thought. Turns out, having such unanswered questions dangling over your head every time Baekhyun left his friends for you at parties, fell asleep with his head on your shoulder during chem, or arrived at your front door with your favorite boba in hand just because he ‘was driving by’ left your mind racing almost as fast as your heart. You thought, for some time, that you could dodge such budding emotions by countering it with all the things you didn’t like about Baekhyun. (Spoiler: it didn’t work.)
Even now, as you watch him catch up with Jongdae, the left side of your brain has already begun arguing with the right. You miss his annoying ass already, one side points out. But he was a distraction, now you have double the students to check in, the other reasons. With a heavy sigh, you shake your head to rid such enraging thoughts and turn to said students, counting each one before making your way to the first in line.
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He can’t donate. You realize this before he has even left his seat.
From across the gymnasium, you have continued glancing his way as he went through the mini physical. Just before the finger prick, he shot you a thumbs up and a beaming smile bright enough to challenge the Sun before jerking in his seat at the sudden pinch. Laughing, the grin you returned has not even left your face before his shoulders are sagging, a cloud of disappointment replacing the anxious excitement that was there hardly ten seconds ago. Your smile is gone just as quickly as his.
Standing, Baekhyun nods one last time to the nurse before making his way over, rolling his shoulders and cracking his neck from side to side. “Low iron?” You guess, opening your arms for him to nestle into your side like the little munchkin he is. “Yeah,” he mumbles, miserable, and you cringe knowing he’s going to be like this all day now. “I wish I could donate, but…” You drone emptily, trying to change the subject despite the deceitfulness of your ‘wish.’ Over your dead body would you lie on one of those tables and have a harpoon in your arm.
“You should, now that I can’t,” he hums, breath warm on your skin. Convincing as snuggly Baekhyun is, it’s not happening. “Yeah, I’ll pass,” you snort, offering a faux smile to a group of sophomore girls making their way in, shooting confused and envious glances your way. “Make sure to grab a water before starting your Rapid Pass, ladies. If you have not eaten much today, there are snacks by Katie,” you spew, pointing to said girl across the room, “if you have any questions, let me know.” With one last feeble smile, you turn your back to them because, well, it’s awkward facing multiple females whose eyes are trained solely on the boy clinging to you.
“You’re hot when your all doctor,” Baekhyun whispers, lips brushing ever so softly against your collarbone. Suddenly, you regret taking your sweatshirt off during lunch. Swallowing past the panic rising in your throat, you scoff. “Doctor? What doctor are you seeing that directs their patients toward donuts, muffins, danishes—”
“Hot ones, I guess,” he interrupts, smirking against your skin. “Ooooh ‘kay,” you wheeze, heart racing and eyes wide as you wiggle away from him, “y’know, maybe I will donate. Just so you stop bugging me.” Gasping, Baekhyun fakes a bullet to the heart. “Ah, but here’s the thing,” he counters, following close behind as you make your way to the front table, “my job is to distract donors from the needle, hold their hand, tell them ‘good job!’ So, it looks like you’re stuck with me.”
Groaning, you choose to ignore the inexhaustible boy and smile to Lauren once you have reached her. “Do you know if anyone can cover for me for a little? I’m going to try and donate.”
Gasping, she ruffles through the papers spread about her for the volunteer log. Then, “You should be fine. After those girls, the next appointment isn’t until two. I thought you hated this whole concept?”
Snorting, you pull one of the laptops towards you and begin filling out the information needed for a walk-in. “Yeah, well,” tilting your head in Baekhyun’s direction, you sigh, “he couldn’t donate, so now I feel obligated to. Plus, I need a break.”
“Ah,” Lauren hums, writing your name and ‘Walk-In’ on a sticker before passing it to you, “are you guys…?”
Immediately catching what she is hinting at, you jump up from your knelt position and quickly return to your station. “Nope! Negative! Okay, bye Lauren! Thanks!” Laughing, she chooses to ignore your antics, watching after you with a knowing smile when Baekhyun realizes you have left and scrambles to catch up.
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You’re hoping you won’t be eligible since you left the country for vacation with your family nine months ago.
Never mind. It’s fine.
Perhaps your heart rate will be too high. You’re pretty anxious, after all.
84. Shit.
You flinch when the quiet-mannered nurse pricks your ring finger. Praying that your iron will be too low, you lean forward in your seat just enough to see the machine’s reading. 13.4. Fuck.
“Alright, I’m just gonna need you to read this first paragraph and sign here,” she directs you, using a pen to point at each spot. When she stands to wave for the next potential donor, you glance up to search for Baekhyun. You could use one of his smiles right about now.
And what you ask for, you receive. Finding your gaze instantaneously, he shoots you bright, encouraging grin and a thumbs up. It’s enough to calm your nerves. A little.
Offering an uncomfortable smile back, you return to your paperwork and hurriedly finish up, your leg bouncing ceaselessly. “All done?” The nurse returns, smiling softly at you and taking the papers when you nod. “You can head over to the third table in the middle.” “Okie,” you squeak, nice, “thank you!”
Good god, what happened to never allowing one of these needles to go in your arm? Sure, you have had blood tests done before, Hell, you have even given someone else one! But this… this is different. This is no ordinary needle, and you certainly do not have Byun Baekhyun veins.
“How are you doing today?” The Red Cross worker greets you once you have reached the table, smile warm and comforting. Seoyeon, her nametag reads. “I’m, ah… I’ve been better, honestly,” your voice comes out shaky and weak. You cringe. Going to med school and you’re whining over a needle. A big, fat, wide needle that will stay in your arm for more than five minutes. “Aw, no! Why’s that?” Seoyeon pouts, shuffling through your papers and slapping a big sticker onto the bag your blood, eventually, will fill.
“I have pretty tiny veins, so I’m really nervous this isn’t going to go well for me,” you admit, artfully rolling the sleeves of your tee even higher. Humming as she finishes carrying over the rest of the equipment, Seoyeon helps you onto the cushioned table before standing beside you, reaching for your arms. “Well,” she starts, brushing over each one for a few seconds before tying a tourniquet around your right bicep, “lucky for you, we do in fact check to make sure your veins are big enough. Hansol, can you double-check that this is alright?”
Your nerves seemingly do not know how to feel at the given moment. On one hand, these are professionals. They know what they’re doing. Plus, Seoyeon is lovely and has certainly eased your anxiety. Nevertheless, you realize that if your veins are okay, that needle is going to be in you in minutes.
This Hansol skirts around the table to feel the two veins Seoyeon has gone back and forth prodding. “Hm,” he grunts, pressing harder on the vein set deeper beneath your skin, “this one is good.” Oh, Christ. “Okay! Thanks,” Seoyeon smiles, then, once he has left her side, “you can lie back this way, sweetie.”
“Okay,” you sigh, settling back and resting your head on the pillow. Unsure of how to situate yourself, you awkwardly cross your legs and nestle your left arm into the pockets of your joggers, right arm dangling over the edge of the table. Then, just as you have closed your eyes, “___!”
Oh, good. This should be interesting. “Hey, Baek,” you smile at the boy as he jogs over, stopping on your left side. “You made it! No backing out now, right?”
“No, no. I’m praying for the best,” you hum, turning away from him to look straight up at the ceiling as Seoyeon begins sanitizing your arm. “You’re gonna be fine,” Baekhyun sings, tugging your hand out of your pocket to intertwine his fingers with yours, “if Sehun could do it, so can you.”
“I’m just marking where your vein is, no need to tense up,” Seoyeon interrupts, chuckling at how easily your posture has gone rigid at the sensation. Funny, how you only tensed up because of Baekhyun’s tender gesture. “I know I’ll be okay, I just,” anxiously licking the desert-dryness of your lips, you once again turn to Baekhyun, “I’m not looking forward to feeling this thing in my arm for ten minutes.”
“Nah,” he giggles, thumb swiping back and forth against your skin, “I’ll distract you!” Yeah, well you do that every day anyway, you snort to yourself, shamelessly taking advantage of the moment and scanning over his features, zoning in on the pinkness of his lips and the tiny moles sprinkled about his face. From this angle, even the shitty LED lighting of the gym somehow makes him look immaculate. “Alright, I’m going to count down from three,” Seoyeon interrupts your gawking, though you haven’t really processed her words until she’s on two. “One…” She utters, and you are instantly squeezing your eyes closed just as hard as your squeezing Baekhyun’s hand as the needle first breaks skin.
“Oh, shit,” you heave once it’s completely sheathed, rolling the plastic grip anxiously in your increasingly sweaty hand, “that actually wasn’t so bad.” Now that Baekhyun has moved to stand directly behind your head, you stare straight up at him and muster your best smile. Really— it was not as bad as you imagined, felt just like regular blood work. As long as you don’t focus too much on it remaining in your arm, you’ll be fine.
“See! I knew you could do it,” he cheers, letting go of your free hand in favor of combing his fingers through your hair. “Ooh,” you quite literally purr, leaning your head back to give him further access, “so, Mr. This-Is-My-Job, is this how you distract donors?” Chuckling, Baekhyun continues to comb through the knots that have accumulated throughout the day. “No,” he admits, “I usually just talk to them about what they did over the weekend. You’re an exception, though.”
Christ, you hope he can’t feel the way your face heats up at his words. “Ah, well, this is great. Thanks, Baek,” humming, you cannot help but let your eyelids fall closed. Peak comfort when you're donating blood? Not what you would have expected.
“So, what did you do this weekend?”
“Well, I went to Target, which was kind of disappointing.”
“Oh, yeah! Didn’t I see on your story that you only got one pair of pants or something?”
“Yeah! Crazy, honestly. I needed to pick up some things and they were completely out. Even their clothes were kind of slacking.” Before he can reply, Seoyeon returns to check up on you. Gasping in surprise, she gives your shoulder a congratulatory nudge. “___! Look at you! You’ve already filled up a fourth of the bag.”
“Oh shit, really?” Laughing, you try to lean up in order to see, but there’s no use. “Have you been drinking a lot of water today?” She asks. Well, now that you think about it… “Huh. I guess I have. Nice.” Chuckling, she fiddles with the tape holding the needle in place before turning away once more.
“So,” Baekhyun starts conversation up once more, “did you do anything else?”
“I hung out with Junmyeon on Sunday again.” Suddenly, you wish you didn’t tell him that.
“Oh,” Baekhyun coughs, accidentally yanking too hard on the tiny braid he’s attempted by your temple, “how was that?”
“It was fun. He’s a great guy…” Clearly, you are hesitant and he easily catches it. “But…?”
“I don’t know,” he’s not you, “I feel really immature and lame compared to him. He’s like, super chill and polite and somehow, it makes me nervous and then I act like I’m on crack. He needs someone older than him, not younger. A lawyer, or something.”
“___, you’re getting a degree in Neuroscience. What the fuck is lame about that?” Baekhyun scoffs, undoing the braid and starting over on the other side. “I don’t know! I guess I just don’t have romantic feelings for him. Everyone keeps pushing me to go for it and he really is amazing, but… it’s just not what I want.”
“No one’s forcing you to date him, ___.”
Well, yeah, but he doesn’t know the bit where your friends are doing it so you can get over a certain someone else. “I know. I think he’ll be fine when I tell him I just want to be friends.”
When a heavy silence falls over you, you rush to change the topic. “So! What did you do this weekend?”
“I played New Horizons,” Baekhyun chuckles, giving up on the braid and going back to simply combing through your hair. When you laugh, you feel the vibration in your arm and realize with another wave of surprise that you still have a needle in you. Damn, looks like you’re a pro at this. Who knew!
“All weekend?” You snort. He definitely went out for drinks with Chanyeol or something.
“Yes, sadly,” oh, never mind, “I couldn’t help it. It’s so relaxing. I can’t wait to go home and play.” He sounds ashamed. “Hey,” you shrug, “sometimes we need a mental health day. Or weekend.”
“Or week.”
“Year, I’m thinking.”
In the midst of your giggle fit, Seoyeon returns, evidently shutting the two of you up. “You’re all done! I just have to take a few tubes and then I’ll tell you when I’m going to take the needle out.”
“Wow, was it just me or did that seem really quick?” Baekhyun asks, frantically moving to hold your hand when he notices you wince at the uncomfortable feel of the needle moving slightly as Seoyeon fills each tube. “No, you’re right,” she hums, “six minutes! Wasn’t so bad, right?”
“Not at all,” you agree, blinking up at the ceiling. Still, you can’t wait to be done. “You sure? Your hand is shaking really bad,” Baekhyun murmurs,  hovering directly above your face. He looks funny, messy hair cascading around him and cheeks looking extra squishy. It makes you smile. “Yeah, just nervous for it to come out, actually. Feel like it’s gonna hurt,” you admit, accidentally squeezing his hand when all Seoyeon does is remove the tape on your wrist keeping the line in place.
“Alright, you ready? It’s just going to a be a little pinch,” Seoyeon interrupts, giving your fingertips a reassuring squeeze. “Yeah,” you hum, instinctively sucking in a deep breath and squeezing your eyes shut.
The sensation that first registers in your brain is not that of Seoyeon slowly withdrawing the needle from beneath your skin. Actually, it’s unnoticeable behind the gentle pressure lingering upon your lips, soft to touch and minty in taste. Blistex, you recognize, eyes flying open just in time to see Baekhyun leaning back up. “Did you just—”
“Alright, keep pressure on this for me and keep your arm straight up,” Seoyeon interjects, oblivious to what just transpired as she presses a hefty square of gauze to your skin. You oblige, brain cells going haywire still trying to piece together the fact that Byun Baekhyun just kissed you.
“Do you do that to everyone?” Is the first thing you blurt to the grinning boy, who, surprisingly so, wears cheeks just as rosy as yours. “No,” he laughs, moving to the side and continuing to stroke you hand, “just donors named ___.”
“Oh,” wrinkling your nose, you slowly lean upright once Seoyeon instructs you to do so, “can I ask why or am I just special?” When she busies herself for few moments cleaning up all of the equipment, Baekhyun releases your hand in order to cup your face with both hands. “Well, of course you’re special,” he murmurs, thumbs swiping against your jaw, “but I figured this was a good opportunity to show you how much I like you.”
It takes a fat second for you to realize what he’s just said. Like you?
“I’m gonna kill him,” you groan, definitely not the response he was expecting if the way he retracts is anything to go by. “Kill who?”
“Chanyeol! Like, a year ago he went all detective mode on me trying to figure out if you liked me, but then he never said anything again, so for the past year I’ve been going nuts trying not to fall for you because I figured if he had nothing to say, you probably didn’t like me like that, yet here we are a year later and—”
In the midst of your mindless babbling, Seoyeon coughs, promptly shutting you up and you turn to her with a wince. “I just need to wrap you up, then you can head over to Recovery,” her attempt to hide her smile is futile but you don’t comment on it, instead allowing her to wrap elastic tape around your elbow. “Leave this on for about an hour, or you can take it off after twenty minutes. Other than that, you’re good to go!”
“Thanks so much, Seoyeon,” smiling appreciatively at her, you slowly turn to slide off the table with the help of her grip on your other arm. Before you are even fully upright, Baekhyun has rounded the table to help, slipping his arm between yours. Honestly, you feel perfectly fine, but you’re not about to go arguing right now. Once he starts leading the two of you toward Recovery, he breaks the silence once more. “So, were you finished back there, or can I talk?”
Cringing, you shake your head, avoiding looking him in the eyes. “No, I’m done.”
“Good,” at this, you pinch his arm, “Chanyeol didn’t say anything because I told him not to.” Baekhyun shushes you when your mouth opens to argue. “I thought I would make a move a lot sooner. But every time I went to, I just started panicking thinking you didn’t feel the same, because, y’know, you don’t show much emotion. And then you started hanging out with Junmyeon… but that doesn’t seem to be working out, so I decided to wing it.”
Your jaw certainly must be on the floor. Stopping by the snacks, Baekhyun releases your arm so you can fill your hands with a donut, apple juice, and a bag of Cheez-Its. “Glad to see we’re both airheads,” you grumble with a mouthful of donut, “I say we blame Chanyeol.” Making sure you safely seat yourself onto the mats spread around the room, Baekhyun then joins and sits crisscross across from you. “I agree. It’s his fault.”
Then, once you have stopped laughing, Baekhyun leans in close, face centimeters from yours and evidently stealing all the air from your lungs. God, he sure is beautiful. “This means you’ll go out with me, right?” He whispers, wiping away a sprinkle that has managed to stick itself to the corner of your lips.
“I thought you were going to play New Horizons when you got home?” You tease, raising one arm to sling across his shoulders. Groaning, he finally cups your face in his hands, strawberry pink lips ever so slightly brushing yours as his smirk deepens. “I am, but you can come watch.”
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Survey #368
“whatever doesn’t kill you, is gonna leave a scar”
Have you ever bought a YouTuber’s merch? My favorite shirt is the Day of the Dead design by Cloak, which is Markiplier's and jacksepticeye's clothing brand. Mom's friend/former co-worker also got me a Ninja Sex Party shirt because she knew I liked them. There are SO MANY YouTubers I wanna support by buying shirts. Do you think oatmeal tastes better when made with water or milk? Milk, 110%. Have you ever left a note in a library book? No. What time of day do you prefer to wash your hair? Morning. Has anyone ever spread lies about you? Yes. Have you ever taken a photograph with a celebrity? If so, did it turn out the way you wanted, or do you wish you could retake it? No. If you could move out of your home country permanently, would you? If so, where would you go? If it didn't mean being so very far from my family, I would love to move to Canada. Is there a celebrity that everyone else seems to love, but you find totally overrated? Why is it that you don’t like them? I legit don't know who's considered currently popular, and I especially don't know who they are as people. If you could volunteer for any charity, which one would you choose? Do you think it’s more important to help humans, or are animal and environmental charities equally important? Something relating to animals, and I think they're both equally important. Do you prefer holidays where you relax, or actually do things? I like a mix. Something chill, but you still do some stuff as a family. Do you think that after we die our spirit is still alive? Yes. Has anybody ever told you that you could be a model? Someone has mistaken me for a model in a picture I once took. It was one of the most flattering things I've ever heard, haha. Do you use different kinds of moisturizer for different body parts? ie. hand lotion for your hands, face cream for your face. Or do you just use one moisturizer for all body parts? Yes. Have you ever felt like you were someone’s rebound? No. Has anybody ever broken up with you over something really pathetic? What was it? Have you ever been dumped in a disrespectful way? (eg. through text, through a friend..) I have 100% been dumped in a very cowardly and disrespectful way; after dating Jason for nearly four years and being very serious, he broke up with me very abruptly over Facebook Messenger. His reason was valid, but at the same time, he NEVER talked to me about it. Apparently my depression was dragging him down. If he'd fucking communicated it, I would have explored new treatment options so goddamn fast. But no, he decided to snap his fingers and disappear. That's exactly WHY it was so traumatic, I think: it was so unexpected and sudden. Did you have a lot of role models as a kid? Animal enthusiasts like Steve Irwin and Jeff Corwin for sure. Do you feel like anyone looks up to you? Why or why not? God no. I'm just... not someone to aspire to be like. What was the last thing you found offensive? I'm not sure. Who is the nicest person you know? My mom. Do you feel safe in your country? I feel safe in NC, rather. Like I don't expect an atom bomb or terrorist attack or something in this obscure area. In the U.S.A. itself, sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. America is definitely not loved by every other country. Do you feel safe where you live? Not in this city, no. Have you been falsely diagnosed with something by a bad doctor? Yup. Did y'all know I apparently have ADHD? I know, shocking. Have you ever had a doctor refuse to treat you? No. Name the strangest game you’ve ever played (video game or real game): The first Silent Hill, probably. It took a lot of reading to get it. Do you know anyone who has been struck by lightning before? No. Which cartoon character would you want to keep as a pet? Does Stitch count? Or a Pokemon. Do you like marshmallows? Yes. What is your favorite flavor of candy cane? I really like the Jolly Rancher candy canes, I think they are? Have you ever fostered an animal? No. Do you still take hot showers when it’s hot out? Not as hot, but not cold except on very extreme occasions. When writing $ sign, do you draw one line through the S or two? Two. What animal have you always wanted as a pet but couldn’t have? I'm thankful that my parents were pretty open-minded to what pets I really wanted, but one I was never allowed to have was a ferret because of how messy and smelly they are. List three people you’ve had crushes on: Jason, Sara, and Sebastian were probably my biggest crushes. Have you ever thrown up from cramps? No, but god have I felt close. List three people you had a hard time forgiving. Jason, Colleen, and my dad. Who is the most spiritual person you know? Probably my sister's mother-in-law. Would you ever start a vlog? God no, I'd bore people to tears. Are your dreams coming true yet? I mean, I guess in some ways with my mental health. In my deepest depression, what I have now was a dream, even though current me is very discontent with it. Most of my dreams, though? No. Do you struggle with depression? I've been diagnosed with severe depression since 7th grade. Are you haunted by your past? A few things won't leave me alone. What medical conditions do you have? Just a lot. There are even more that are up for debate. I've talked about my diagnosed conditions enough. Do you use a Magic Bullet? No. What does your apron look like? I don’t have one. What are your favorite spicy foods? Hot Cheetos, Takis, hot wings, jalapeno pizza... Man, I love spicy food. Which do you like better: being an adult or being a kid? Being a kid. Were you excited to be a teenager on your thirteenth birthday? I had very mixed feelings. Did you feel insecure in high school? Shit, I still do. Would you ever be friends with someone who was suicidal? What the FUCK is this question? No fucking shit I would be. Someone being suicidal in no way affects who they are as a person. Who was the biggest bully in high school? I don't think there really was one. What was your favorite class in high school? Art. Would you rather have a daughter or a son? If I wanted kids, a daughter. Have you ever written to an advice columnist? No. Have you ever had a doctor not believe what you told him? Maybe? I did however have an employee at the ER the first time I went try to pry out of me that my self-mutilation was for attention, and it wasn't until I insisted about a dozen times that it wasn't that he believed me. It's odd looking back that I got REALLY attached to him during that stay, knowing now that it was absolutely horrible and extremely unhelpful for him to do that. If you’re female, would you feel uncomfortable having a male gynecologist? I would absolutely refuse to have a male one. Do you like Lisa Frank? Yeah, like can you talk about aesthetic. What gives you nightmares? Boy, I wish I could tell you, given how much I have them. Were you ever hospitalized as a child? No. Did you get senior pictures taken? No. What color is your bicycle? I don’t have one. Did you ever have to take home a fake baby in health class? No, thank fuck. Would you rather wear ivory or white on your wedding day? What color will your bridesmaids wear? I'd rather wear black. I think red will be the bridesmaids' color. Would you rather have a swimming pool or trampoline? I want a swimming pool so damn badly so I could exercise my legs without worrying about sweating, and I can stop and rest whenever I want, unlike going walking or something. I don't think my knees could handle a trampoline. Do you think babies are cute? Some, sure. But a lot, not really. Do you dream about the future a lot? Yeah. Do you think about your past a lot? Way too frequently. How good are you at living in the moment? I'm trying to get better at it. Have you ever questioned God’s existence? Yeah. Vanilla frosting or chocolate? Chocolate. What’s your favorite foreign cuisine? I've actually been exploring Italian pasta lately. I'm not a big fan of foreign food that I've tried, though. Have you ever moved to another state? No. Did you do anything productive today? No. .-. Can you say the alphabet backwards? No, actually. Do you like flowers? Of course; does anyone not? Have you ever thought you were gonna die? I didn't care if I did or didn't. What kind of mood are you in today? I was honestly really depressed through most of it. Just health stuff was really getting to me. I just woke up from what was honestly like a four-hour nap and I feel all right, I guess. What are you craving right now? I REALLY want Domino's jalapeno pizza. Is there anyone you would seriously punch right now if you had the chance? No. What is worse, physical or emotional pain? Definitely emotional. Have you ever walked in on somebody doing something… questionable? When Dad still lived with us, I think he might have been watching... you know... on TV when I came into my parents' room for something. Idk for sure though. I didn't ask, and I don't want to know. If you were to make videos on YouTube, what would they be of? Oh god, idk. I don't want to make any. What I'd have most fun with would be reptile education, but I 1.) have literally one snake, 2.) am not extremely educated on a good number of them and don't want to be misleading, and 3.) I would run outta content fast. So, leave it to Snake Discovery, haha. Posting pictures of yourself in a bathing suit on the internet - ok or not? Yes, it's okay????? If you're talking about me personally though, you won't see me dead in a bathing suit picture. Do you typically laugh when somebody falls down? No, I gasp and see if they're okay. What is the most disturbing movie you’ve ever watched? Paranormal Entity. The ending is... a lot. Your opinion of Katy Perry, please? I like a couple of her songs. If you could say anything to your Mom right now… what would it be? "Thank you for absolutely everything."
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closer-stars · 4 years
Nothing Else Matters - San
Member: San Genre: Fluff Word count: .. idk just not as long as my usuals i think.  Requested: No Content: San’s birthday. His love for cats is endearing. Choi San best boy. Note: tbh, this didn’t really have much direction, i just really want that boy to be a lil spoiled and feel loved. Repeat after me: Choi San Best Boy. 
San already knew that you couldn’t spend the entire day with him. That was perfectly fine with him, both of you had responsibilities. You juggling work and studies, him with his idol life. You did promise that you’ll have the night free for him, just meet you at the cafe you worked for. 
That’s why he’s outside of a coffee shop that had a cute animated cat standee by the door. He had already told you that he’s just outside, waiting to be greeted by you whom he considers his rock. 
“San! Come in.” You call out, a smile lighting up your worn features. You opened the door wider for him, urging him to come in. The look on your face left no room for the male to complain and so he enters the place quickly and looks around. 
“So pretty.” He said, bright eyes scouring the environment. Come to think of it, he never knew where you worked. You always told him that you work at a cafe, just not really saying much as to how it is. The place was well lit, spacious, with only a few tables here and there. He did notice the rattan posts, the platforms perched high on the ceilings and what looked like a few cat toys still waiting to be packed away. 
You let him sit on one of the nearest tables, letting him think that you were just cleaning up for the night. It was oddly easier than you thought as he busies himself with his phone, itching to get out of the place to spend time with you. 
A soft mewl falls on his ears and he immediately looks around. He looks down and there he spots a young Russian shorthair bumping his head against his leg. “Holy shit.” He mumbles, suddenly running on adrenaline and excitement at the sight of the feline. Three more cats come over to inspect him, all of which were different breeds. A soft squeal escapes his lips. “Babe?” He calls for you, unsure of how to act-- well he did, he wanted to cuddle all of them but he wasn’t sure if that was the right choice. You come out from behind the counter, a slice of purple frosted chocolate cake and a cup of iced americano on your hands. You softly sing him a happy birthday. 
His dimples come out at the sight of you singing with the cake and cats that still pester him for head scratches. “Babe..” he breathes out, unable to say anything else. He stands up slowly to help you settle the food on the table. Already a Scottish fold has snatched his seat, to which San makes a high pitched sound. You weren’t sure if it was one of annoyance or of endearment. Probably both. 
“So this entire time, you work in a cat cafe and never told me?” He says as he sits on the free seat next to the cat. You seat across him, the Russian shorthair now nestling himself on your lap. 
“Before I answer, make a wish and blow out the candle birthday boy.” You muse, endeared by the sight of him playing with the Scottish fold who had taken an interest with his fingers. He does as he’s told. He stops for a moment, then blows the candle out. 
“Now answer meee!” 
“I do. Been working here even before we met. Also yes, I kept it a secret. How else could I have gotten that look on your face when Nini butt his head against your leg?” 
His eyes widen, the small bit of cake stopping midway from his mouth. “You saw that?” 
You opt to answer his question with a video taken from the counter. His raised eyebrows, a soft squeak slipping from his lips along with his sudden frantic shaking of his fists. He only looks at a few seconds before covering your screen. His embarrassment causes you to laugh as you keep your phone away. “I wasn’t sure honestly of what to give you so I figured it would be good to have you visit the cafe and meet some of the babies.” 
“Oh my god, you call them babies.” His heart was already melting. 
“Are they not? Yuni’s already asking for more head scratches, babe.” You remind him, as the Scottish fold paws at his arm. He takes a big bite out of the cake then gently runs his fingers against the head of the small feline, before he opts to settle himself on his lap. It takes everything in San not to squeal at the action.
“What about the other two? What’s their names?” 
“The munchkin’s name is Mars.--”
“Seonghwa-hyung.. oh my god.”
You really couldn’t believe that your own boyfriend is pretty much short circuiting at the sight of the cats. Well, you could. The amount of time he sends you photos and videos of cats he finds online was already a giveaway. “Yeah, just like Seonghwa, heh. While the shorthair’s Miru.” You continue to introduce the four cats that have settled around you until he finished his cake. 
It didn’t take long to clean up the place, along with making sure the cats were back in their sleeping abodes. Once everything is accounted for, you lock the place up for the night. “How was your day, birthday boy?” You ask as the both of you head back home. 
The male starts to recount his entire day, starting with the V-live, practices, and the boys giving him a few gifts. Overall, he admits that today was a day where he really felt loved and appreciated. 
“I kind of got you something too..” You admit, now a little self-conscious. From what he said, the gifts from the boys were all out of your budget. It was a struggle to find him the perfect gift. 
“Still? I thought it was only the cat cafe, babe!” He says, wearing the same comical shock from earlier. You kick off your shoes as you enter the living room with a chuckle. 
“It’s on your dresser. I’ll just go shower okay?” Just like earlier, you don’t give him a chance to fight back, already making your way towards the bathroom. 
With a pout, he does as he’s told. There was no other choice really but to do as you say and look for part two to your gifts. He sees a clean white envelope on his dresser with his name written with your distinct penmanship. Curiosity got the better of him so he opens the envelope and out comes a two page letter. 
‘If you’re reading this, that means I’m not in the room because I’m a little embarrassed. 
Anyways, happy birthday to the mountain that shines brightly, Choi San!...’ 
He takes his time reading through your heartfelt letter, finding his eyes water up with emotion. He really found himself thinking of you as his home and strength. You never failed to remind him that you were just a normal person who only happened to luck out in loving him. He thought otherwise. You weren’t just normal in his eyes. You were extraordinary to him. The way you loved endlessly, worked diligently, and stood for your own morals. You were the reason he is what he is now, and the same for him to you. 
You come out of the shower in your sleepwear, a towel resting over your shoulders when you’re greeted by the sight of San trying his best not cry. “Babe?” He jumps from his spot and looks at you with eyes that shine with unshed tears. Without any other word, he makes his way to you, wrapping you in a hug that could express what words couldn’t. 
“Thank you.” He says simply, brushing his lips that faintly taste of coffee and cake, against yours. 
“I tried my best, babe. It’s not easy finding a gift for someone who already has everything. Happy birthday again, love.” You admit with a light joke. 
“As long as I have you by my side, nothing else matters.” 
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miy4bot · 4 years
pairing: yaku x gn!reader;
genre: fluffy winter-ish fluff, safe for work, your child can read this;
warnings: kenma being a salty hoe, some swearing here and there, poor writing, 2 cool 2 beta test;
winter is cold, but a hot peppermint mocha can keep you warm 
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a/n: idk what is this BUT n e ways mah boi mori needs more content 
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cherishing your friends is the most normal thing on earth, would think morisuke, twirling in his hands the lucky charm you gave him before the match with nohebi. after all, it’s a nice sign of support and faith that gave him a pretty big boost of confidence. an average reaction, yaku says with a nervous smile while looking away from kuroo. one thing tetsu knows about his friend for sure - he can’t lie to someone’s face. 
the evening started to fade out, replacing ruddy sunset with the haze of nightfall. all of nekoma’s members were already on their way home, minus one particular third-year libero, who was standing at the bus stop, checking his phone. tonight wasn’t such a big of a deal - after all, it’s been years since he started coming to your house and sleepovers were a casual event for you both.
[17:43] y/n: moriii
[17:44] y/n: where the f r u
[17:44] y/n: it’s cold
the moment he saw the display lighting up with your name on it, a warm feeling spread through his soul.
[17:44] mori: at the station 🙄
[17:45] mori: freezing my ass while waiting for you  
yaku, indeed, is quite a straightforward and a confident person - he never hesitates to give you his honest opinion on whatever the topic is. but since the day he caught himself thinking about you it was fairly difficult for him to express all the thoughts on his mind. and still, he’s sure you already caught up on that, right? you wouldn’t be so sweet and flirty with him otherwise. or are you just trying not to hurt his feelings? or… 
“morisuke!“ the cheerful expression on your face rapidly changes into a worried one. “why are you even standing? your ankle needs a rest, don’t you remember?“ 
gosh. yes, he does remember about the ankle. but he can’t control his hands reaching out for your bag, so you dodge him.  
“no, winner, you think i will let you do that?“ the nickname you gave him made his pale cheeks turn into a cherry-ish tone. Miyagi’s icy wind was doing its job.. yeah, the weather today was pretty chill. “i’ve got you the simpson biscuits.“ 
the sudden mention of that damn cookies makes a little giggle escape yaku’s mouth, following a burst of loud laughter. 
“thanks, i hate them.”
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something about mori’s presence never fails to make you feel safe and cozy. maybe those are the results of spending the past two years near him, maybe it’s just yaku himself, but god does it feel nice to curl your body into his while laying on a futon sofá. his steady heartbeat felt like a lullaby, mixing with background noises of “nightmare before christmas” and wind blowing outside. if someone saw this scene from the far without knowing you both, they would definitely think it’s a sappy couple’s pastime. thought, kai already thinks you’re a sappy couple. 
a starbucks cup of peppermint mocha with morisuke scribbled on it was cooling on the chabudai. 
your eyelids started to get heavy under the weight of accumulated fatigue and stress. the last thing you could sense was the light touch of the roughened fingertips on your thigh and soft kiss on the hairline. 
[1:23] ken: why did you leave the server 
[1:23] ken: dont tell me u r as lame as kuro and fell asleep
[1:27] mori: stfu you don’t even crop your memes fuck you 
[1:28] ken: stop babying ur boo and come back kei team is beating my ass 
[1:28] ken: im alone 
yaku audibly gasps at the “boo” and bite his lip, trying to calm down the urge to snap at kenma through voice messages. it’s not like he listens to them anyways.
[1:30] mori: they’re not my boo or wtv bleached loser
[1:30] ken: yaku idfc who they r just join already
his gaze glides over your body, stopping on the parted lips. datemate, huh? maybe it was something special going between you two. maybe not. you always left him with a bunch of unanswered questions and a blunted feeling of hope. yaku has no doubts about his libero skills, about his grades or how damn attractive he is, but social interactions weren’t exactly his strength, let alone romantic ones. the first and the last time mori overstepped his pride and asked for advice was two month ago in the discord group chat. let’s just say kuroo isn’t the best romantic advisor out of here.   
what will change if you actually start dating? 
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ice crystals slowly began to melt in yaku’s hands as he formed a snowball. the clock showed it’s half past four of the evening, half an hour later than the time you both agreed to meet.
winter is mori’s favourite. the way his heated body collides against january cold, warm khaki parka his mom got him on his 16 birthday, snow angels and even KFC chicken he despises doesn’t taste so bad. you were supposed to go on a cute and cliché coffee-shop date, that nishinoya strongly recommended. it was still a mystery to morisuke how yuu found out about his little crush, but the idea of being able to sit down and look at you peacefully drinking hot drink while the snow covered the streets of tokyo seemed quite nice.
but yet, you are a sleepy head. 
and he knew it better than anyone else.
rubbing your eyes, you tried to focus your gaze on the phone’s display. it’s thursday. evening. the evening. your maybe date with yaku was supposed to happen like half an hour ago, if not more. and he’s probably waiting for you while freezing himself outside. abruptly getting up from the warmth of the bed and ignoring the darkness in eyes, you approach the window.
the moment you decided to get your head out and look up if he’s here, a sharp sensation of prickly frost burst your cheek. 
a fucking snowball?
staring blankly at your hand, you blink twice in disbelief. 
“good morning, y/n l/n, i hope you slept well” a loud voice cuts through the dead silence in your neighborhood. well, it definitely woke you up from your daydream, won’t lie.
briskly going down the stairs, meanwhile wrapping yourself in a warm and fluffy cardigan, you cursed yourself for being such a mess. oh gosh, how could you totally forget about such a thing? after getting so hyped about it and spending 3 hours choosing the clothes you would wear?
standing right in front of him feels awkward. as it should, you think, especially after making him wait for you for 30 minutes straight. trying to escape his curious look, probably because of your new pajamas, you sigh. 
“well, do you still wanna get something hot with me?” 
libero chuckles and the annoyance he was feeling not so long ago disappears. 
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taglist: @oof-she-needs-therapy @ennoshitasimp​ 
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You Know, For Research Purposes - Tom Holland x Reader College!AU
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Summary: Working on their research project, group mates Miles, Ned, Haz, Betty, Tom and Y/N grew closer together over the course of a few months. Also, how does Cheetos and ice cream taste together? ;)))
Word Count: 2,433
A/N: (gif not mine.) lolz hi! Look what boredom did to me.. I made a fanfic... [first time doing this idk what to do so there's that moving on. Hope u like it! Geronimo.]
Tom ran his fingers through his hair, tugging at the strands with force. He banged his head lightly on the table. He looked back at his Lit folder and saw he still had half of it to finish. He closed it and decided he would do it later. Managing the research project and studying for exams were taking a toll on his body and his sanity. He got up and went to the get some water.
It was halfway through midnight. His parents and brothers were asleep on their rooms. Miles, Haz, Y/N, Betty and Ned - his Qualitative Research applied subject classmates were sprawled all over the living room, laptops shoved to their faces, bond papers in hand. It was a typical students' night. The group had gotten together at Tom's house, and planned to stay overnight.
Miles and Y/N have History 1 together, while Betty and Haz had Calculus. But other than that, this was the only classes they all had together. Being in college is no easy feat, proper time management was necessary. 
Ned had assigned each member to a specific part of the paper, and they've been at it since 8 pm. They all have to multitask and manage their time. Tom had almost finished his part of the paper, so he tried to do his Lit homework now.
Tom heard footsteps stomping on the floors. He turned and saw Y/N marching up to him with an annoyed look on her face and was about to speak but he cut her off.
"If you complain about the heat one more time, I'm give you a real reason to sweat," Tom set the cup of water with a smug look on his face.
She halted on her tracks and smacked the paper she brought on his arms. Tom chuckled, but didn't move.
"No, you idiot," Y/N rolled her eyes. "You might wanna fix that paper before you go off scaring people to death with that annoying face of yours."
His mouth twitched in amusement and took the stapled papers from her hands. "So you admit you've been looking at my face."
"You're so full of it," Y/N stepped around him and grabbed another glass, getting water from the tap.
Tom looked at the incorrect charts and tables he had made on the paper. He cursed under his breath. He had been working on it in the wee hours of last night. Spontaneous typing, no pit stops on spelling errors and everything else, just got it done.
"The original file is on my computer upstairs," he groaned. "I'll have to re-do this again."
"You do that," she clicked her tongue. "And I'll just chill here by your fridge for a moment."
Y/N opened the fridge and took the remaining slice of cake laid on a plate.
"That's mine -" Tom protested.
"Not anymore." Y/N ate the cake.
He scowled and moved to close the door of the fridge. Y/N leaned her back on the door. There they were, a few inches away from each other. Tom stood seething; Y/N chewed the cake with an amused expression. She wiped the frosting on her lower lip with her tongue reflexively. Before he realized it his eyes wandered to her lips.
Tom inched his face closer, eyes darting over to her eyes and lips. "If you don't stop biting your lips ..."
"What are you gonna do?"
Tom remained quiet but clenched his jaw.
Y/N chuckled, "You're all talk and no action."
Heavy footsteps echoed on the hallway to the kitchen, gaining both their attention away from each other. Tom whipped his head to the of the voice and shot him a look.
"I told you 7000 times, a chicken is a bird -" Haz bursted into the room with a phone clutched to his ears, pausing when he caught sight of Tom and Y/N. "D'you have a charger I could borrow?" Haz covered his phone with his hands.
"I have one in my backpack." Y/N said.
Haz nodded, talking again to his sister on the phone about chickens. He walked back to the living room, waiting for Y/N to follow him.
Y/N stopped by the table where Tom had been working on, and pointed at his paper. "I can't finish my part if you can't finish yours." Seeing as his paper's original file was on his computer upstairs, she grabbed his laptop without waiting for him to reply. "Imma borrow this ... Thanks."
She went back to the living room, laptop on hand.
"And don't look at my browser history!" She heard Tom call back from the kitchen.
"Wouldn't dare," she countered in a mocking tone.
As the weeks passed, they started collecting data on the field. They went through one institution to another, gathering reports and statistics, and validating it with professionals. Then after that it was all a blur. They submitted the paper to Mrs. Luxley and was graded, only given back to them for minor revisions.
The gang decided to spend that same night they passed the assignment on Tom's house again, just like they did when they were still making the paper. Tom's parents had gotten used to them staying over, and Sam always tried to flirt with Betty when he was around. 
Ned and Haz raced to Tom's bedroom. Ned threw himself on the bed first. "God, I've never felt the bed being this good," he sighed and melted with pleasure. All those sleepless nights they've had finally paid off.
Haz hit him with a pillow. "Move over!"
Y/N laid on the couch, feet perched on top of Tom's lap, getting comfortable. Betty and Miles slept on the carpets of Tom's living room. They just sort of crawled to the floor in delight and just stayed there, too tired to move anywhere else. Haz came back to the living room, holding a bottle of champagne on his hands from the Hollands' cupboards.
He cheered. "Let's celebrate!"
But they celebrated the victory by sleeping out for an entire day spread all over the Hollands' house.
Even though their project was finished, the lot still remained close with each other. They spent times at Miles' favourite diner by the corner of the campus during their collective free time.
And last week, Haz's sister gave birth to a pretty baby girl. Haz invited them over and they all came to join the little house party his sister threw. The group counted on this as the official celebration of their hard work.
It was a Thursday afternoon. Family and friends chatted and caught up with each other in the Osterfield's backyard. Dream by Fleetwood Mac could be heard playing on the living room speakers.
Tom was talking with his dad. Betty and Ned sat at the garden chairs talking to one of Haz's brothers. Those two really were people persons. Miles and Y/N laughed at a hilarious history joke their professor rambled about. Tom tried to pay them no mind, though his glance drifted to them every now and then. His dad eventually noticed the shift in his mood, but decided to ignore it because his mum came to them, carrying Haz's niece. Tom accepted the baby to his arms while his mum and dad went to the kitchen.
Lily, the smol bean's eyes crinkled with joy and giggled. Her chubby little hands reached out to him. Tom stuck his tongue out affectionately her. He turned his head to the low whistle he heard.
"Wow... Daddy," Y/N smirked.
That day was all fun and games, but by the end it they still had school stuff to catch up on. A few weeks later, they decided to cram in the library.
Nothing feels better than suffering with acads together friends.
The group sat in a table by the corner, immersed in their own world. Tom went to the bookshelves to look for an autobiography book his proffesor suggested. Ned was compiling essays on his laptop. Miles was reading a book by Neil Gaiman. Haz and Betty were doing their Calculus homework.
Y/N's chin rested on her hands, staring blankly at her laptop screen. A straight line blinked repeatedly on the ends of the only sentence she typed.
What the fuck |
She just needed a head start on this critique paper. Nothing too heavy, just one paragraph to kick it all into place. That's where it's always hard. The first line. So now she's stuck with cursing. Before Y/N realize it, she's slumped her face down to the wooden table with a light bang. The group lifted their eyes to her, asking if she was alright. She shoved her thumbs up above her head, and they went back to what they what they were doing.
Haz who sat on her right, patted her back. "Same here, sis," he fought back a yawn.
Her eyes felt heavy. Then she groggily looked up to the little 'thunk' dropped on the table.
"Oh, great you're alive," she muttered before setting her face back on the table again.
Tom pulled his chair beside her. "Miss me already? I was barely gone for a few minutes."
"I'm so blessed to be with your presence," she stated in a monotonous voice.
Tom snorted. "Your professor is really gonna give you an A+ with those colorful words. 'What the fuck,' short but sweet."
She looked up and stuck her tongue out. Seeing his face has started to get old ... she tried convincing herself that, though.
They did their business. Ever so often, Y/N and Tom's elbows would brush against each other. Y/N had her earphones on, listening to her shuffled playlist on Spotify. Tom heard muffled tunes, and turned his head closer.
"What are you listening to?" He whispered; his breath fanned the side of her neck that sent chills up her spine.
She didn't look at him and instead continued to write key points to make on her essay. She spoke, her voice low. "This one's called Uncomfortable by Wallows."
He grinned and leaned even closer. "Can I listen?"
From across the table, Ned took 10 bucks from his wallet and shoved it on Betty’s hand. She pumped her fist in a silent triumph.
Y/N shifted her head to look at him, only to find his cute, devilishly handsome face inches away from hers. If she would tilt her head a little... their lips would touch. They locked eyes for a second, before she plucked one earphone and gave it to him.
He cocked his head, liking the song. Minutes passed. The only noises were from turning book pages, soft patter of keys on the laptops, and bits of hushed voices encompassed the area.
An hour later, Y/N felt herself getting hungry and went out to buy food, Betty tagging along. They ate outside since the library was strict on the 'NO eating policy.' Not even other drinks are allowed, only water. The others stayed behind. Then Betty came back to her seat.
"Where's Y/N?"
Betty sat on her chair, "She's outside, still eating."
Tom nodded and felt himself getting hungry, too. He opened his backpack and took a bag of Cheetos he stashed. He stood and said to them he was gonna eat outside. He went out, and spotted her leaning on a pillar, scooping ice cream out of a cup.
"I'm starving," he stood beside her.
"We've been there for ages," she scooped another spoonful of mint chocolate ice cream she got from the shop across the street.
Tom munched on his Cheetos. He turned to look at her happily savoring her ice cream. He moved for Y/N's ice cream cup but she swerved it out of his reach.
"Get your own," she swatted his arms away.
A thought crossed his mind. It reminded him of the last time they did this at his kitchen, over a slice of cake. And how they've been so close...
For the past few months, he's gotten a strange feeling whenever Y/N was around. Like there's an electric buzz in him, his heart would warm up at the sight of her. He couldn't stay away from her, and he wants to know her better, and feel her and just be there right beside her. He couldn't explain it.
Tom grinned at the memory, chucking a piece of Cheetos on his mouth. He stepped forward. "D'you wanna know how Cheetos and mint chocolate chip ice cream tastes like together?" he leaned closer to her face; his breath hot against her skin. His gaze shifted down to her parted lips. "You know, for research purposes..."
"Hmm?" She held her eyes up on his own gleaming brown ones. "Probably good. Anything's good with mint chocolate ice cream."
"Yeah?" His hands reached out to move the strands of her hair away from her face. "Wanna test it out?"
She shrugged.
Tom found his hand on the back of her neck and slammed his lips to hers. Y/N's eyes fluttered shut. He tasted full of that cheesy goodness. And her, a heavenly taste of vanilla and the aroma of mint. Her arm stretched out to keep the ice cream cup away. She parted from his lips to set the cup down onto the pillar. He wrapped his arms to her waist, pulling her flush against him. With her now empty hands, she ran her fingers on his soft brown curls. She tugged at the strands, eliciting a low guttural sound from him muffled by her mouth on his.
He broke the kiss and leaned his forehead on hers, breathless. "We should get back inside to do ... stuff."
"No no. Don't care." She pulled the back of his neck and closed their distance again. He chuckled.
Y/N loved the way their mouths danced to a rhythm, flavors mixing together from the forgotten taste-testing session, now a different kind of session.
A hand still on her waist, the other cupped her cheeks and tilted her chin to give him more access. She wrapped both her arms around his neck, welcoming warm the feelings burning inside her.
They parted, but still inches away from each other. Y/N bit his lower lip. Tom hissed in surprise but she kissed it better.
"So ... what do you think?" He murmured in a low voice.
"Mmm, I like it." Cheetos and ice cream forgotten.
"Yeah?" He grinned at her. "Me too."
Seconds lapsed. Neither of them moved, still stuck in a more romantic version of a staring contest.
"I like you." Tom's heartbeat raced.
She grinned back at him. "I like you, too. Like 3000. I like you that much."
Roll the end credits.
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cursesthemusical · 4 years
so I finished my raphie fic, the one that snippet earlier was taken from. the fic is called A Promise of Forever, and I’m not honestly sure how I feel about it. It’s a lot shorter than my other oneshots, and the style, especially at the end, is really different than anything else I’ve written.
idk. it’s almost more like a poem than a fic? it feels a bit snooty, honestly, like it’s trying too hard to be deep or whatever. 
read it under the cut if you want to. I’m not totally sure about the ending and I might completely change it before posting on ao3, so we’ll see what happens there.
also, keep in mind that it’s not beta-ed, which might be why it feels so strange. 
hope you like it, and do tell me what you think of the ending.
Classical music plays as Sophie walks slowly down the aisle, golden hair caught in a bun encircled by intricate braids, green eyes gleaming beneath dark eyeshadow, lips stained the crimson red of fresh blood. The people in the pews turn, watching her with various expressions on their faces, and she smiles, her eyebrows narrowing wickedly. Her gray silk dress rustles around her feet, the billowy train supported by three rats. She looks forward, her gaze focusing on silver haired boy standing in the front of the ballroom. For a moment, she sees his hair curl and turn to gold, and she stumbles, memories flashing into her mind at dizzying speeds.
A ballroom much like this one. 
A golden boy on his knee.
An arrow turned to a daisy with a flash of pink.
A mother, begging for a kiss.
A ring of black swan gold, carrying a promise of forever.
A father, begging for his life.
A golden boy, not so golden anymore, lying in a pool of blood.
A dark haired girl screaming as she was sent back to a town that could barely hold her.
A silver boy on his knee, gazing up at a golden haired, silver souled girl.
And a yes.
When she looks back up, Rafal’s hair is back to silver. He’s as stunning as she is in a black suit with silver accents and a gem of black swan gold in his silver crown. Their outfits match. Matching outfits for matching Evil souls.
She continues walking, black high heels clicking on the polished wood. In the seats near her, Hester and Anadil are shooting fearful glances at each other, then Rafal, then Sophie, and back to each other. To think Sophie used to call them friends. When she’s Queen, there will be no friends. There will only be servants.
Rafal extends a hand to her once she’s only a few steps away from the raised dais at the end of the ballroom. She lays her hand in his, pale skin on pale skin, so unlike golden Tedros, and he pulls her up with a gleaming smile. At least his smile isn’t much different from Tedros’, with those white teeth and softening eyebrows. She knows Rafal’s Evil, just as Evil as she is, but when he smiles, it’s hard to remember. 
When he smiles, she can almost imagine he’s her happy ending.
He is her happy ending. He is her only happy ending now.
Now that Agatha’s gone.
She steps up and turns to face him, hoping her smile looks real. They stand, eyes locked onto each other, icy blue and emerald green. One of Anadil’s rats comes scampering up the aisle, holding the two rings, both made of shiny black swan gold, on a velvet cushion. They each take a ring without looking down, and Rafal takes Sophie’s free hand.
“With this ring, I thee wed,” he says. “I promise, Sophie, to give you forever.” His voice is soft as he slips the ring onto her finger, and she stares at it for a second before taking his hand.
“With this ring, I thee wed. And I promise, Rafal, to love you with all I am.” Thankfully, she’s pretty sure Rafal can’t feel the slight tremble in her hand as she puts the ring over his finger. They clasp hands and turn to face the audience.
“May I present,” Rafal says in his silky tone, “Queen Sophie of the Woods.”
At that, people start clapping, though Sophie thinks it’s not because they’re happy but because they’re scared of what she and Rafal will do if they don’t. She likes it that way. She is a Queen now, and that certainly warrants fear. 
She casts a smile into the pews, a gleaming smile of wickedness and true evil. Already she can feel the black swan gold of her new ring soaking into her skin, intoxicating her with the silky promise of forever.
Two days after the wedding, Sophie stands on the balcony of the School Master’s tower, Rafal behind her, staring out at the sky. The sun is just setting, filling the Woods - her Woods - with orange and pink and gold, like a beautiful fire burning the kingdoms to the ground. She turns to Rafal. “What are you thinking of?”
He hesitates before saying, “You. My beautiful bride.”
She knows he’s not telling the whole truth, but she doesn’t press. The feeling that filled her body when he called her his bride is threatening to make her explode. Because though she may be a Queen, she’s just a girl. She’s eighteen years old, and she’s in love, and that love will kill her, one way or another. Right now, she can’t bring herself to care. She feels so light, like she could go soaring into the air and never have to come back down.
As if Rafal hears her thoughts, he puts his hands on her waist. “Shall we?” he murmurs, and she nods, bringing her gaze upwards to the heavens. She hates to look at him when he’s flying. There’s something in his eyes, something she’s almost scared of.
After a few seconds, Sophie feels herself lifting up into the air, Rafal’s arms around her back, protecting her from the memories. When they’re so high up, nothing matters. There are no princes or princesses threatening to ruin Sophie now, just the rising moon, so close she feels like she could reach out and touch its silvery surface. 
“Isn’t it beautiful?” Rafal says, his words flecked with gold. She doesn’t quite know what he’s referring to, her or the sky or something else entirely, and she doesn’t answer. They gaze at the moon together, king and queen.
She should be happy.
Over the next few weeks, all Sophie can think about is that this is what she’s been dreaming of since she knew what happiness was, and yet. 
And yet it’s not enough.
Rafal isn’t the problem; she’s pretty sure about that. He’s everything a prince should be, charismatic and loving and of course, handsome, with those eyes made of ice and the hair, shining as silver as the glow of the moon. And of course, he loves her. Every night he takes her flying, whispering promises in her ear and kissing her neck, his lips warm and real and right there. 
Life is nice, too. Her days are spent in the School Master’s tower, and she has everything she might want there. A beautiful pink bathtub with a gold rim. Perfume in all the scents she can think of. One hundred pink gowns and heels that match each gown perfectly. A bed with the finest fluffy sheets and goose feather pillows. But for all her luxuries, she tosses and turns in her bed every night, with not even the melodies of the stars able to lull her to sleep.
So it’s her. Her doubts that are ruining her happily ever after. She misses Agatha with every fiber of her being. She knows she shouldn’t. This should be all she needs, Rafal and queen and her kingdom. But Agatha, greasy haired, bug eyed Agatha, is still holding on to her heart with those freakishly pale fingers, and as hard as Sophie tries, she can’t let her best friend go.
True love, she’s starting to realize, isn’t enough. 
The days have started to blur together. Rafal’s kisses taste like the bitter taste of sugary sweet licorice, leaving her craving more when he pulls away even though she knows she can’t last for much longer. When they go flying at night, she doesn’t feel light anymore - she feels heavy, fearing she’ll sink as soon as she looks away from Rafal. The hands that once protected her are now chains, grasping her so tightly that she can’t let go.
Does she want to let go?
She doesn’t know.
Without Rafal, she’d be nothing. Though he brings her into the night sky, he is the only thing keeping her grounded.   
Queens are not helpless. Queens are graceful but strong, always standing up to their enemies.
But Sophie’s never heard of a tale where your enemy is your true love.
And now she’s falling, she’s falling, she’s falling and she can’t even see what’s above her, only icy eyes capturing her in their gaze, surrounding her with frost, and she can’t do anything to stop its spread and she doesn’t even want to even though she knows she has to if she wants to survive--
-- but maybe she doesn’t want to survive --
-- and Rafal’s smiles aren’t kind anymore, they’re gleaming with evil --   
-- Agatha Agatha please come back please save me please --
-- but there’s no Agatha and wasn’t Sophie the one who banished Agatha back to Gavaldon so it’s her fault and she wouldn’t be here now if she’d just been better, it’s all her fault --
-- Agatha’s voice in her mind, telling her it’s too late --
-- and emerald eyes staring up at the sky because when did it get this cold? Her teeth are chattering, she’s freezing, and there’s a silver haired boy with fire in his palms, fire in his cheeks, fire rushing up to hold her, to embrace her, to protect her -- 
and if she turns her head ever so slightly and looks out the window where there used to be Woods, there is now only fire.
As she burns, she tries to remember what day it is. She is still as youthful as she was years ago, blonde hair and smooth skin untouched by the cruel waves of time, sustained by Rafal’s magic and the life of the Woods.
Try as she might, she cannot remember anything except sweet, sweet poison and icy eyes and silver hair and love that wasn’t really love, but she couldn’t tell the difference until it was too late, and it’s too late and things could have been better but they’re not, this is how it is and she can’t escape it.
Her breath is coming in raspy puffs now, hanging in the air for a moment before vanishing. She has to let go.
She looks forward and she’s catapulted to a moment, long ago, walking down an aisle in a beautiful ballroom, gray dress rustling around her legs, gazing at her true love. Her true love, who’s staring at her now, something like pity in his eyes.
“It’s sad it had to come to this. For a while, I thought you could be the one,” he muses, not trying to hypnotize her anymore. He doesn’t have to. She’s pulled in, and she’s not going to come back out.
“But I suppose it wasn’t to be.”
She crumples to the ground, gaze drifting in and out of focus. The fire has settled down to a warm feeling in her heart. It’s almost peaceful.
Slowly, she raises her arms, letting her eyelashes flutter closed, and welcomes his poison.
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goldnsyren · 4 years
idk if you take requests, but if you want to.. could you write a scene of tommy taking care of a tipsy rose and she's being really flirty? i understand if u dont haha, i just love your writing :)
Dangerous Game
➻ Summary: Rose lets slips what she really thinks; Thomas Shelby’s too beautiful to be ignored ...
➻ Rating/Warnings: T; 1920s impropriety, Innuendo, Open-ending... (Throwbacks to chapter 7 of AWoNI)
➻ A/N: This was actually so fun to write because I get to write the angst and touch starved couple I want without having to worry about overall story pacing so like god-bless you nony, hope this is what you wanted...
The two whiskeys in his stomach did nothing to dull his ever observant eyes.
Her hair was down, was the first thing he truly noticed as she entered the snug. The usual braid having become messy during one of the many dances of the night, it wasn’t long before she’d abandoned it all together to let the collar length curls hang loose. 
Rose Pryor, as of tonight  27 years old, seemed the only one brave enough to enter the self imposed solitude of the clearly agitated man. “Mind some company?” She’d brazenly asked as she already began closing the door behind her. 
“No.” Thomas shook his head, lifting his hand from where it had been pinching the bridge of his nose to gesture flippantly at the chair across from him. He released a breath, forcing the tension from his shoulders as the ruckus of the party died down once more.
Rose took a seat, bracing her elbow on the smooth wood of the table between them to hold up her chin. Her shoulders dropped in an uncharacteristic slouch, a lock of curl dropping from her temple to rest beside her glassy eye. 
“Having fun?” He couldn’t help but comment on her bowed state, lingering somewhere between relaxation and exhaustion. A small shine of sweat gently licked her skin, the past few hours of drinking and dancing certainly taking it’s own toll on her. He hadn’t missed the way she laughed as one of the regulars clumsily swept her around the pub in some bastardization of the Charleston when he’d first come in.
“More than appropriate.” She hummed, looking suspiciously at the glass that seemed to be nearing empty for the first time all night. Strange how she seemed to take sip after sip without making any progress just earlier. The fuzziness in her head could no longer be attributed to the dancing. Her green eyes cut to him sharply, eyeing his own glass with curiosity. “What have you been up to - in here - all alone?” 
Thomas’s fingers traced the rim of his own half filled glass as he slouched on the bench. He thoughtlessly tapped the glass, deciding just how much of the evening to censor for her.
“Long day.” He settled on. He glanced at the frosted windows of the private room, the shadowy figures still clearly enjoying the party despite their absence. His brothers maybe more than anyone as he heard John and Arthur croak a chanting cheer of verse to accompany the piano playing. “Seems to be longer still.” He mumbled under his breath. He quickly turned his attention back to the birthday girl in question, silently surprised to see the intensity of her gaze directed at him. “I take it you’re hiding from another dance.” 
The pub in question would be lively and busy any payday night, but it was with her coinciding birthday that they had an extra reason to drop a few more coins and have a bit more fun. At some point when they had finally wrestled her away from the bar the piano had been opened and a few tables cleared. For the first time in a long time, it was as loud and merry as it’d been before the war. Unluckily, Rose was just one of a few women who had the misfortune of being in the bar when the sudden urge to dance had taken over the drunken crowd. It seemed even she had had her fill.
At least that’s what Thomas had assumed. His eyes once more strayed to the loose hair that hung so alluring in her face. 
“No, just wanted to… see you.” She admitted, green eyes flickering over him quickly. 
He raised an eyebrow in a silent question. Pondering just what would make her leave her own party to speak to him.
He expected to be chided for the lackluster ‘Happy Birthday’ he’d given before retreating to the quiet seclusion of the snug. Even more likely, to be scolded for the newly opened wounds on his knuckles and the bruise freshly formed under his jaw in the late hour. What he didn’t expect was for her eyes to soften in wonder, staring into him like he imagined one would all the riches of the world.
Open and inviting, her lips twitched in silent amusement as she settled on a thought that perhaps he wasn’t meant to hear.
“You have the most extraordinary eyes.”
Her tone awed and breathy as she shamelessly stared back with her own hooded gaze. The faint flush of her drunken cheeks paired well with the small, almost coy, smile that stretched over her lips. 
It wasn’t just relaxed.
It was down right debauched. 
Thomas cleared his throat in an attempt to rid the heavy weight in his chest, chin tipping to his chest as he attempted to ground himself. Such simple words having no right to be so syruped in desire. He pulled out a cigarette, suddenly in desperate need to avert his gaze from hers. 
“You’re drunk.” He mumbled around the roll. There was no other explanation for it. 
Shamelessly, Rose nodded vigorously. “Oh very much so,” she giggled lowly. Her voice surprisingly husky as she hummed her agreement. 
Thomas’ cheek twitched as he bit back a smile. His dark mood had quickly lifted, the ache in his jaw completely gone as it tightened. “Sure that’s a good idea?” He challenged. He braced his own elbow on the tabletop to match her posture, all pretense of propriety lifted in their little room. 
The smile on her lips blossomed, all teeth and cheeks as her head tilted to the side. “Why wouldn’t it be?” 
Thomas lifted his glass of whiskey taking a small sip as his brows jumped in subtle surprise. Touche. She must have been the only woman in the city besides Ada and Polly to feel so untouchable as to leave herself so vulnerable in the late hour.
They both knew why.
But that wasn’t something either of them talked about. 
Thomas gave a sigh of understanding, briefly wondering if he’d grow to rue this new confidence of hers.
A beat of comfortable silence passed between them, Thomas watching the smoke lift from his cigarette as he listened to the sound of the drunken men outside. 
It was as he placed the cigarette back in his mouth that she caught him off guard once more.
A delicate hum vibrated her throat, drawing his eyes back to hers. “You must have driven Polly up a wall. Those baby blue eyes, those freckles -” Her eyes rabidly darted around his face as if trying to count every faint speck. “-those lips.” she finished with a whisper, eyes settling on the cigarette in his mouth.
Thomas inhaled a sharp drag of the cigarette, plucking it from his mouth as he slowly exhaled. A heat was building in his cheeks, his fingers twitching in the need to… to do something…
Longing pooled quickly in his gut and the room that usually brought him such solace now unsettled him. “Alright, Rosie.” came the familiar drawl. “I think that’s enough from you tonight.”
For you. Enough for you, he meant.
The flustered Shelby cleared his throat, trying to regain control as he stood. He’d blame the lack of sleep and possible concussion later.  He buttoned his coat, hopping the nimble movement would help ease the sudden tension in his fingertips as they itched for action. The crawling itch to brush the stray locked from her face. The need to hook them into her blond curls and pull her closer. The idea, that if he gave her his full attention that she’d stop looking at him with those almost hungry eyes. 
When had the roles reversed?
He dare not look at her, studying the nearly empty glass of scotch she’d been cradling so carefully through the night. His hand offered to her, she seemed to hesitate only a moment before sliding the full palm of her hand into his. Thomas spared her an almost chastising look, simultaneously charmed and annoyed by that tipsy smile carved on her face. The firm, lingering caress yet another embolden move to rile him.
He pulled her up, unsurprised by the pliant way she leaned into him before steadying herself. He gestured to the door, pulling her along in hopes of getting her home and tucked away before she continued this dangerous game. Just how many glasses had she had before he arrived?
In two short strides his hand was on the door handle, their small bubble of privacy about to open wide once more. Far too embolden by the four glasses of whiskey, she was unable to help herself from getting once more teasing quip in before he put on his mask of indifference. 
She ignored the lull of the comfortable silence thickening with rising tension as she leaned against him. “Are you taking me to bed, Mr. Shelby?” She sleepily whispered against his neck.
The innuendo dripped sinfully from the simple question. Thomas felt a shiver run up his spine, instinctual turning to bring her closer. He tightened his grip on the door handle, unable to bring himself to open it. He’d suddenly found himself in the middle of a dangerous game, and being the bastard he was, he couldn’t help but imagine all the ways to quickly change it to his favor.
His eyes grew dark with desire at such simple words and the lovely, lecherous picture it placed in his head. The hand that clutched hers tightening dare he pull her flush to him like he so very much wanted to. The lips she so admired came closer, brushing her ear as he forced his body to pull back from all the things he suddenly wanted to do. By god he could almost taste the salt of sweat that lingered on her neck. The familiar scent of lavender still faintly clinging beneath it.
A sharp inhale as he tried to regain focus. “Don’t tempt me.” was nearly growled in her ear.
The shiver that shook her may have been subtle, but her gasp was audible. Pulling away he looked down at her with equal surprise, heart pounding as he wondered briefly if he had finally crossed that line they seemed precariously tip toe. 
Green met blue and an equal measure of shock lit both their faces. Rose’s own grip seemed to tighten back, the drunk flush of her cheeks darkening with something far more sinful. 
Well, fuck...
“Alright, Rosie.”
Tag list: @chlobenet @john-silver @omg-soufflegirl @michellekstr @maddiethefashionista (let me know if you want to be added/removed from Rose/Tommy content).
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