#welcome to south park
pononoin · 1 year
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Biblically accurate stugly old man yaoi
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yayswag · 1 year
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game night 🌌
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gregorybe · 1 year
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clumsiestclown · 7 months
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I had to draw her
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diamonddrawsstuff · 3 months
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Trainer Scott has been challenged by Ghost Tamer Kenny!
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casualfr1days · 2 months
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Frank: *yelling from his door* You'll regret this day, friend!
Barnaby: *yelling from his door* I'm not your friend, buddy!
Frank: I'm not your buddy, guy!
Barnaby: I'm not your guy, friend!
Frank: I'm not your friend, buddy!
Barnaby: I'm not your buddy, guy!
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rojkus · 1 year
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trolled by the master troller
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piplicious · 9 months
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babies first mad science or smth
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wendytestabrat · 7 months
who each of the four boys has the closest relationship with in the group
CARTMAN: he’s closest with kyle & kenny obviously bc that’s who we see him hanging out with the most. stan is cartman’s least fav bc he isn’t all argumentative & pissy like kyle is and actually has self-respect so cartman finds him boring LOL. he also can’t use him and manipulate him easily like he does with kyle & kenny. cartman is also jealous that stan keeps kyle from him & kyle is a two faced bitch around stan. stan is the real goodie two shoe saint of the group, not kyle. kyle just pretends to care abt morality to show off in front of stan lol. so yeah kyle & kenny are more likely to go along with cartman’s schemes and do fucked up shit & have fun.
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KYLE: he’s closest with stan & cartman and kenny is his least fav. which we see how kenny is always kyle’s LAST choice of who to hang out with and when him and stan are fighting he goes to cartman LOL. kenny is such a fucking afterthought to kyle he only hangs out with him if there’s no one else to hang out with or if he can use him for shit. the only reason kyle & kenny had that adventure together in the episode “jewbilee” was bc stan & cartman had their own plotlines in the other two episodes in the meteor shower trilogy lol. stan was at that party and cartman was being babysat by shelly.
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STAN: yeah kyle & kenny are the only ones in the group stan gives a shit about and he STRONGLY dislikes cartman. stan is always the one in the group who tries to get cartman kicked out or get kyle & kenny to ignore him and stay away from him. whenever it’s the three of them (stan, kyle, & kenny) all being petty & doing shit behind cartman’s back & pretending not to be his friend that’s thanks to stan LOL. but that’s a whole rant i did on why stan is actually the one who dislikes cartman, not kyle. kyle just acts fake and pretends he hates cartman the most so he looks cool to stan bc stan’s more popular than him. kyle & kenny are rlly the only ones in the group who try to maintain a friendship with cartman and hang out with him one on one & stan only tolerates him to be polite & avoid drama and bc he cares about kyle and knows how obsessed kyle is with cartman lol.
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KENNY: yep you guessed it he’s closest with stan & cartman (but mainly cartman) and kyle is his least fav. kenny gets along well with stan wayyyy better than kyle and agrees with him on a lot of shit and they have a lot of plotlines together. like for instance when the group split up in TFBW & “faith hilling” kenny chose stan’s side and stan was the saddest when kenny died bc he cares abt him the most. i think stan & kenny get along well and have a good friendship bc they’re both the nicer easy going unproblematic kings of the group while kyle & cartman are always throwing fists LOL. i also feel like cartman & kyle’s obnoxious rivalry and love/hate relationship over the years has forced stan & kenny to grow closer with each other bc there are a lot of moments where the two of them will leave & hang out one on one or whatever when they get sick of cartman & kyle’s bullshit when they’re fighting. & then ofc kenny likes hanging around cartman bc cartman likes to have fun like him and they are canon bffs. kenny doesn’t give a shit abt kyle bc kyle doesn’t give a shit abt him and doesn’t view him as a friend so the feeling is mutual. and bc kyle has been classist towards kenny for being poor just like cartman, but hey AT LEAST CARTMAN MAKES AN EFFORT TO HANG OUT WITH KENNY AND HAVE FUN WITH HIM
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corporatefrog · 1 year
╰┈➤ Welcome Back to the Channel!
description: yn is a youtuber attending Garrison university in southpark. They’re learning advanced stats, how to go grocery shopping along, and how to avoid the daily destruction caused by the town’s superheroes and villains.
tags: superhero au, college au, social media au, no beta we die like kenny, comedy,
this fic is COMPLETED! Enjoy the full story now!!
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the characters:
yn's building
wendy's building
the heroes
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 ๑ no official pairing right now! maybe one will be added later on ?
 ๑ let me know if you'd like to be added to the taglist!!
 ๑ a little fun "what if" that turned into a much longer idea
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-> part 1: besties for life -> part 2: calm before the storm -> part 3: the storm -> part 4: patreon bonus content -> part 5: yn and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day -> part 6: settling in -> part 7: house party -> part 8: south park lore -> part 9: who tf are you? -> part 10: a chaotic collab? -> part 11: bath time -> part 12: the interview -> part 13: oh take me, radioactive lake -> part 14: pepe silvia reincarnate -> part 15: red string of CONSPIRACY -> part 16: free ice cream -> part 17: cats out of the bag -> part 18: coffee with chaos -> part 19: merch out the wazoo -> part 20: human kite slander forever -> part 21: regularly scheduled hogwarts au -> part 22: average percy jackson chad -> part 23: super hero ocs -> part 24: blasted in roku city -> part 25: party rocker -> part 26: the internship -> part 27: we have dental -> part 28: colonel mismatch -> part 29: like and subscribe
-> part 3.5: celeb notice! -> part 4.5: greatest conspiracy
-> [YN, Butters, Tweek, Craig, Stan, and Clyde] -> [YN, Mysterion, Human Kite, Professor Chaos]
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A/N: this is based on my Youtuber AU posts! I've never made an edited smau like this so I'm hoping I transition the full writing to this more dialogue centered version!
taglist [reply to be added]: @sula0kin @lacuna-at-dawn @anglettecolours @cocolena@sukisprettyface @feverish-dove @sweetadonisbutbetter @hand-writxen@mishstuff@sophtophie @triphovia  @lacunaanonymoused @inkedintothepaper @toodeepintofandoms@mmmaackerel @sillybilly-123@n0tangeliccc
apps used: twinote, memi message, faketube, photonote
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mizuribbons · 2 months
maretu songs be like
*sample from a matpat video*
*lyrics about the most unspeakable, tragic things that can ever happen to a person*
*more uses of the matpat sample*
*more tragic lyrics*
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gaystan · 1 year
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tricks-tickles · 11 months
Asking For It
alternate title: Craig Tucker’s Foolproof Guide to Getting What You Want
creek is once again consuming my soul so have this my lovelies
word count: 2262
pairing: Lee!Craig/Ler!Tweek
“ACK! Craig! What is wrong with you?” Tweek shrieked, flinching as Craig appeared from nowhere, his hands suddenly slamming down on Tweek’s shoulders, shaking him playfully.
The air was colder than usual, and despite being bundled up to his eyes in scarves and jackets, the movement was enough to make his face sting. Tweek took a deep breath in an attempt to calm his jackrabbit’s heart.
“I don’t know,” Craig responded, “I’m just in a weird mood.”
He smiled and fell into step next to Tweek as they walked to school, slinging an arm around his shoulders. Tweek leaned into him, soaking up Craig’s warmth to offset the winter day.
“Craig,” Tweek hissed, “Stop fucking prodding me.”
They were in French, and Tweek was desperately trying to focus on memorizing his past participles when he felt the end of Craig’s pencil press into his side again, making him twitch as a bolt of electricity shot through him. He turned to shoot Craig another glare, answered only by his sly grin. He glared until Craig turned back to the front of the class, folding his hands on his desk innocently.
Tweek grumbled to himself, then went back to work, still on guard for any surprise pokes. Urghh, what’s the past tense of vivre again? Vives? Or is it irregular? This is too much pressure…
“Craig!” Tweek called, jogging a little to meet him where he stood in the lunch line. He forced himself to ignore the way people glanced at him, and stopped in front of Craig. He tried to step into line but Craig blocked him.
“Let me cut in, man, I’m hungry.”
Craig grinned. “Hi hungry, I’m Craig.” He said, still blocking Tweek.
Tweek rolled his eyes. “You’re not funny,” He said, but he was smiling, a little. “C’mon let me in.”
Craig folded his hands behind his head, giving Tweek the smuggest look known to man.
“Make me.” He said, grinning.
Tweek groaned, then glanced down the line to where Jimmy was standing further up. He smiled cheekily at Craig and then turned and walked away.
“Hey, Jimmy! Can I c-cut in next to you?”
“S-s-sure, man.”
“Craig!” Tweek cried, sliding on the icy puddle that had formed outside of the school. Craig reached out, latching onto his arm to stop him from falling.
“Watch out honey, it's slippy.”
“I know it’s-GAHH- slippy!” He said, eyeing the ground with suspicion. There was a sheet of ice covering the short path outside of the school, and unlike Craig, his shoes didn’t have a good grip. He eyed the pavement, trying to look for clear spots when his whole world suddenly tipped as he lifted into the air.
He squirmed. “Put me down!” He said, hitting Craig’s back from where he was slung over his shoulder.
“Nope.” Craig smiled, crossing the icy path with ease.
“Craihig,” He giggled, trying to sound annoyed, “Peheople ahare staharing.”
Craig hummed, then put him down on the other side of the path. To anyone else, his face would look neutral, as monotone as his voice, but Tweek could see that shine in his eyes, the twitch of his lips and he knew that in Craig’s way, he was beaming. He felt his insides go soft, then grabbed Craig’s hand for support as they made their way down the street.
“Craig, you know you d-don’t have to wait for me.”
Craig was sitting in the stockroom of Tweek Bros Coffee, sprawled over some crates as he scrolled through his phone, clearly bored.
He hummed, scrolling further. “You’ll be done soon though, babe.”
“Yeah but- AH- your house is closer to mine than the s-store, so it would- ACK- be more convenient to wait there- and get off those boxes! They might break!”
Craig shimmied a little from side to side, then arched his back, stretching his arms towards the floor.
“But I’m comfy.” He moaned.
Tweek twitched. Craig had been in an… odd mood today. He leaned over and jabbed Craig’s side, grinning when he flailed and his arms shot up. Craig’s eyes were shining again and he looked almost- excited. Weird.
Before he could follow that line of thought, the doors to the stockroom swung open and his mother poked her head through. 
“Sweetie! Could you clean the tables at the back? Then you and your little friend can go home.” 
She disappeared again and Tweek giggled. “We’ve been together for y-years and you’re still my little friend. Come on buddy, get- ACK- ready to go.”
“Craig… are you listening?” 
Craig had been oddly silent on the way back home, not upset but- something else. Now, a light flurry of snowflakes had started and he hadn’t even noticed to put his hood up. 
“Craig!” Tweek grabbed onto his jacket, pulling on it lightly.
“What?” Craig snapped.
Tweek wilted a little at the response, “Are you mad at me?” He said quietly.
“Oh! No babe, I’m not mad at you,” Craig replied, “I’m just… thinking.”
“Thinking about what?” Tweek said, still gripping his sleeve. 
Craig smiled softly, then grabbed Tweek’s hands and pulled him close.
“You.” He whispered, leaning down to kiss him. He let go of Tweek’s hands, which wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer. Craig wasn’t overly fond of P.D.A. but there was almost no one willing to spend an extra second in the cold ogling some high schoolers kissing in the snow.
“Craig…” Tweek said, trying to wriggle away from him. A difficult task, given that Craig had wrapped his arms around Tweek and was softly kissing his neck. It turns out it was very difficult to concentrate on homework when your boyfriend was clinging to you like a koala. 
“Come cuddle,” Craig muttered into his ear, both shy and eager at once. 
“I- GAH- would! But I have so much homework.” He said, trying to spin around to reason with Craig.
Craig sighed, holding him tighter. “But honey, it’s Friday, and your parents will call us down for supper soon, then I won’t get to touch you for hours.” 
“You,” Tweek slid forwards, then stood up and around to the chair to grab Craig’s arms and push him backwards, “Are so,” He pushed him onto the bed, sitting on his waist and leaning down till they were nose-to-nose, “Dramatic.” Tweek kissed the tip of Craig’s nose, then sat back.
“You’ll live.” He said.
Craig groaned, covering his face. At the same time, Tweek’s father shouted upstairs.
“Boys!” He called, “Come down for dinner!”
Craig groaned louder.
“Craig,” Tweek said, voice muffled by his shirt which he’d somehow gotten tangled around his head, “What do you want to- AH- watch? I think Good Omens season two is out.” He trailed off, finally yanking off his shirt and looking at Craig, who was staring at his phone.
“Craig? Are you looking it up?” He pulled on his pajama top, an old one of Craig’s that he’d stolen at some point.
More silence.
“Craig?” He asked, concerned.
“I’m going to get changed,” Craig said quickly, throwing his phone and all but fleeing the room. 
Tweek stared at the door. It wasn’t unusual for Craig to get changed in the bathroom, but the silent treatment was different. Feeling his hands start to tremble, he fisted them into his shirt and took a deep breath, trying to figure out if he’d done something. Pressure started to build on his chest as one of his hands shot up to latch onto his hair, and his breathing sped up. 
He shook his head and took several long hard breaths, then grabbed Craig’s hoodie that he’d left on the bed and shrugged it on, enveloping him in Craig’s calming scent. He lay back on the bed and took more deep breaths. Thank God he’d started seeing a therapist, and started a new medication that let him rationalize that it was more than likely an issue with Craig, rather than one of his own, and that Craig would tell him when he was ready. 
He set up the bed and the T.V., and not long after Craig shuffled in. Craig made a beeline for the bed, pulling back the blankets and flopping on top of Tweek, resting his head on his chest.
They lay like that for a few minutes, Tweek playing with Craig’s hair and watching the T.V.’s idle screen while Craig fiddled with the hem of Tweek’s shirt.
After a period of silence, Craig finally spoke.
“I… need to ask you something.”
Tweek hummed, tilting his head, “What’s that, baby?”
Craig’s ears burned as he buried his face in Tweek’s chest.
“It’s embarrassing.” 
Tweek’s eyebrows shot up. Craig? Embarrassed?
“Is it a sex thing?” He asked, half teasing.
Craig’s face shot up, fully red. “No!” He said.
Tweek giggled a little, “I was just teas-”
“No, I need you to understand, it isn’t a sex thing. At all. Just… something I like. And that I want. And I’m usually okay with just thinking about it but I really, really want it and I figured I could just get you to do it but nothing I tried worked and…” He trailed off.
Tweek’s mind was reeling. What the hell was he talking about?
“It…” Craig sighed and shuffled upwards so he could hide his face in Tweek’s neck.
“I want you to…”
“Tickle me.”
Tweek blinked.
“What?” He said, a little bewildered. The wrong thing to say, as Craig shot up and covered his face with his arm.
“Forget it!” He said, embarrassment coming off him in waves.
“Wait! Craig,” He sat up too, lightly pulling Craig’s arm away from his face.
He was fully red, darker than Tweek had ever seen, and was dramatically avoiding eye contact.
“You want me to… tickle you?”
He nodded. 
“Okay!” Tweek said. Craig’s eyes shot up, studying him.
“Seriously?” He said suspiciously.
“Yep,” Tweek lay back, patting his chest, “Come here.”
Slowly, Craig settled back down, half happed in blankets and his face in the crook of Tweek’s neck.
“Do you want me t-to be gentle or-”
“Just do it,” Craig muttered.
Tweek laughed, “Okay.”
He softly trailed his fingers up Craig’s sides while he thought about the other times they’d tickled each other. Craig did always seem very down for Tweek getting revenge and, looking back, gave up much quicker than normal. Maybe. Tweek wasn’t exactly an expert on normal, and if he was honest he sort of liked tickling too, it was fun to be close to Craig, and let him turn his brain off for a while. 
He was drawn out of his thoughts by Craig’s soft huff of laughter and realized his fingers had crawled higher, onto Craig’s ribs. He dug in a little, relishing in the full-body twitch and bubble of giggles that worked their way out of Craig’s throat.
“Twehehek…” He said.
“Uhm, cahan you do a lihitle more?”
Tweek’s heart squeezed. He had never heard Craig sound so cute. Wordlessly, he gently flipped them over so he was half lying on Craig and scratched his ribs.
Craig tipped his head back in laughter, his legs kicking fruitlessly beneath the blankets.
“Twehehehek!” He cried, gripping the comforter. As his hands crawled higher, Craig’s laughter grew more frantic, but not louder. Tweek glanced up and was momentarily distracted by the sheer love he felt for the other boy. 
Craig’s head was turned to the side, half buried in the pillows. His face was flushed, eyes scrunched shut and mouth wide open (unusual, as Craig was as insecure of his braces as he was of his teeth before.).
And his laugh. Slightly monotone, like his voice, but so carefree and happy. Tweek felt his insides squirm at how beautiful Craig was in that moment.
Then, his hands burrowed into his underarms and Craig shot up nearly head-butting Tweek as he cackled.
“NOHOHOT THEHERE!” He laughed, shaking his head and gripping Tweek’s forearms and pushing them down. “ACK- sorry! Where do you want m-me to go?”
“Hehehe, uh,” Craig leaned back down, covering his face, “My stomach?” He said quietly. 
Tweek’s hands shot down, but Craig grabbed them before they could make contact.
“Gently.” He said, looking away.
“Aw, okay,” Tweek said, pushing up his shirt.
“Wh- uh, okay,” Craig said, watching Tweek’s hands with rapt attention. Tweek gently skimmed the light brown skin, grinning when it twitched beneath his fingers.
He drew soft shapes on Craig’s stomach, hearts and stars, and smiled at Craig.
“You’re s-so cute,” He said.
Craig groaned into his hands, “Shuhuhut uhuhup,” He giggled.
“Hmm?” Tweek asked, “Did you tell me to shut up?” He twitched his fingers, softly scratching his nails. 
Craig’s back arched, “Nohoho I dihihidn’t.”
“If you say-say so, man.” 
Tweek continued to softly tickle Craig’s stomach, drumming his fingers over Craig’s hips and spidering around his belly button. By the time Craig had had enough, he had a wide, dopey smile stretched over his face and sleepy eyes. 
Tweek rolled off of him, wrapping his arms around him from the back, and flipped through the T.V. to find something to watch while Craig drifted off in his arms. 
Thinking back to Craig’s behavior throughout the day, from scaring him in the morning, (playfully) annoying him throughout the day, and being weird on the way home, he realized Craig had been asking for it all day. He huffed and leaned down, kissing his forehead. Craig mumbled sleepily and Tweek smiled. He knew now. 
Eventually, he settled on a film and relaxed back into the pillows. It was a good day.
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airyelbreezy · 2 months
Imma do a multi fandom one!!
Fandoms include:
Inanimate insanity
Kinito pet
Soul eater
Welcome home
Undertale (no aus, sorry :( )
South park
Orion and the dark
Bendy and the ink machine (chapter 1-3)
Cuphead (only a lil)
Sesame street. (Half satire because I love sesame street sm :( )
Hells angels
The amazing digital circus
Hotdiggitydemon (max ggggg....🤤)
The Mitchell's vs the machines
Scott pilgrim
Captain underpants
And fandroid :)
So, disclaimer, I will not be posting much unless I get a bunch of questions, or even just one.
I will try to reply with art as in character as possible!
I will implement anons! But not ur oc, sorry D:
You can ask:
Anything except for the following
You CANT ask:
Anything about proship
Basic dni stuff
Tw: there will be very selective ships based on the question.
ANDDD YOU CAN ASK MY SONA TOO!!! HERE HE IS!! (Idk what Anon name to give him)
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Love him.
Anyways, IM SO EXCITED!!!
Ask any character from the fandoms above >_< LOVE YOU!!!!!<3
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green-tealala · 9 months
"Ooh, Howdy is shy! Oh my God..🤧"
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