#welcome to the 24th century
my-timing-is-digital · 6 months
send  👫  for  a  reunion  starter
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After the conclusion of Clemens' debacle, and his and Guinan's subsequent departures, the android repositioned the transreceiver in his supposed prototypical device for the horseless carriages and settled himself at the desk, monitoring the instrument's workings deliberately. Assiduously, he observed the rhythmic oscillations of the metal indicator, which functioned in a similar fashion as an analogue seismograph. Thus far, his device had not measured any time shifts, and would not for the next 39 minutes...
A long-awaited, arrhythmic scratching sound instantaneously tore his attention to the contraption. Excitedly, the pen attached to the end of the indicator recorded the occurrence — the device finally measured the time shift he had been anticipating —, and based off of the particulars printed on the sheet of paper, he could accurately determine the epicentre of the spatial distortion. Data consulted a map of the town to confirm the location, and without a moment's hesitation, he leapt to his feet and vacated his room. He navigated himself down a flight of stairs with mathematical precision and hurried outside where he supplied the bellboy, Jack, with sufficient 19th century currency to have him procure a carriage, preferably drawn by two equines — to multiply the carriage's power.
The ever-efficient hotel employee immediately scurried off to the stables and returned within several minutes, gesturing gleefully at the wagon he had snatched from an agitated colleague. Prior to mounting the box, Data expressed his gratitude for his services and pressed an additional sum of money in the boy's hand. He had never rode on horseback, let alone piloted a vehicle that was pulled by two of them, but he had judged it advantageous to observe others operate this form of transportation, in case he would relay on its services in the foreseeable future — he was glad he had pursued that particular endeavour.
Data armed himself with the reins and managed to set the equines into motion, gently instructing the animals to accelerate. The terminal words of farewell that emanated from the bellboy were left behind in a cloud of dust...
The carriage careened through the streets, teetering uncomfortably toward his destination: the local hospital. And it was not until he was in close proximity of the aforementioned facility that his positronic subprocessors sensed the familiar hum of 24th century technology, or rather, the wavelengths of a tricorder that was broadcasting signals on all frequencies. While he narrowly circumvented a collision with another horse-drawn carriage, he inferred that the others must have successfully ferried themselves across the frontiers of time and were here to assist him.
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When the carriage swept around a corner, the tricorder transmission started to grow stronger and more prominent; his conjecture was confirmed when he sighted the others filing out of the hospital, and he promptly surmised that the occurrence of the time shift might have been a joint effort between them and the two individuals with the ophidian. Unfortunately, he could not initiate his interrogation, for his friends appeared to have antagonised the local police force.
'Data!' Commander Riker's loud, sonorous voice lacerated through the air, alerting him, unnecessarily, of their presence.
The android pulled on the reins to render the equines stationary adjacent to the pavement, allowing his friends to embark the vehicle.
'Doctor,' Data said, his own voice extraordinarily tranquil. He extended his hand for to grab and join him on the box seat while the others clambered into the carriage. 'It is good to see you again.'
'Go, Data! Hurry!' Captain Picard ordered, an urgent accentuation vibrated in the words he had enunciated.
'Aye, sir,' he replied compliantly, providing the horses with the objective to proceed down the street, with the intention to escape the police and take temporary refuge in the countryside until the coast was clear and they were certain no reinforcements would be ambushing them upon their return...
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mysticstronomy · 5 months
Saturday, April 20th, 2024.
Welcome back,
For centuries, physicists thought there was no limit to how fast an object could travel. But Einstein showed that the universe does, in fact, have a speed limit: the speed of light in a vacuum (that is, empty space). Nothing can travel faster than 300,000 kilometers per second (186,000 miles per second).
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Only massless particles, including photons, which make up light, can travel at that speed. It's impossible to accelerate any material object up to the speed of light because it would take an infinite amount of energy to do so.
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So as it turns out, Einstein could never have caught up with the beam of light that captured his imagination as a teenager!
How long does it take to get to the Moon? Light travels the 380,000 kilometers (240,000 miles) between the Moon and the Earth in 1.3 seconds. It would take a person more than nine years of continuous walking to travel this distance.
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Light: 1.3 seconds
Electron: 2.9 minutes
Space shuttle (orbital speed): 14 hours
Sound (70°F): 13 days
Passenger jet: 18 days
NYC subway car (maximum speed): 220 days
Human (walking): 9 years
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The faster an object travels, the more massive it becomes. As an accelerating object gains mass and thus becomes heavier, it takes more and more energy to increase its speed. It would take an infinite amount of energy to make an object reach the speed of light.
Originally published on
(Wednesday, April 24th, 2024)
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leighsartworks216 · 2 years
Biological Malfunctions
Data x AFAB!reader
I rewrote this and then did not proofread it so have fun!!
Warnings: THIS IS A PERIOD FIC. THERE IS TALK ABOUT MENSTRUATION. PLEASE DON'T READ IF THAT MAKES YOU UNCOMFORTABLE. Reader is described as having a uterus, but no other explicit descriptions of their gender is made. Can be read as platonic or romantic (like, the beginnings of a crush)
Word Count: 2003
Tag List Form
Data entered his room as he had over a thousand times before. He stepped in, making sure Spot was not by the door waiting to rush out and scamper down the hallways, and- He stopped in the middle of the room, hardly two steps in the door. Something was different. The lights were dimmed.
Data only changed the light setting in his room during Alpha shift, a ship-wide nighttime when he was usually put in charge of the Bridge, as he did not require sleep like the others. By doing so, he simulated a day/night cycle for his beloved feline friend. However, Alpha shift would not start until approximately 2 hours, 37 minutes, and 15 seconds. Also unusual, the lights were dimmed to 20%, a setting he himself never used.
Now the question was why?
Truth be told, he was momentarily titillated by this mystery. He considered, briefly, donning his Sherlock Holmes outfit to investigate. Alas, the mystery did not last long enough for a costume change.
“Data?” a voice called from the bed-area of his quarters. “Are you back?”
The android followed the voice, as did Spot, to a figure curled under his Starfleet regulation blankets. The fabric shifted, and a face peeked out from the edge, squinting up at him. He recognized the voice, but seeing the face it belonged to absolutely confirmed it.
“Lieutenant Y/N, I did not expect to find you in my quarters.”
“Sorry,” you yawned. The blankets were warm, and clean from lack of use. They drew you in deeper, coaxing you into curling further within the cascades of fabric, warm and safe. Spot climbed on top of you and began lovingly making biscuits into your side. Data was briefly fascinated by the strange exhibition of behavior. “I needed to see Spot,” you admitted. “I hope you don’t mind.”
“Not at all. Your presence was unexpected, but you are always welcome here.” He met your tired little smile with a sort of grin of his own. “May I ask why you needed to see Spot? Has she done something wrong?”
You chuckled airily at the question. “No, she’s a good kitty.”
Data nodded, agreeing without hesitation, as the cat in question snuggled into a ball atop you and began purring contently.
In a softer, less comfortable tone than before, you murmured, “I needed the comfort.”
“Mhm. I’m…” A deep-rooted tree of shame ached in your chest at the thought of confessing your problems. You couldn’t help it, really. All your life since middle school, the biological issues - whether physical, mental, or emotional - you faced were heavily enforced as your problems. Even further, the most enforced rule of all was to never disclose them to men.
You would think, in the 24th century, these silly little laws of society would die.
When you did not respond after a moment (approximately 37 seconds), he understood that you may not wish to tell him. A prolonged silence in humans often reflected a sense of unease or discomfort, especially relating to conversation topics they were uncomfortable with. Your voice stopped him before he could retreat back to his computer.
The branch squeezing around your heart, pumping guilt through every channel of your body, won out over all.
“I’m going through some, uh, biological malfunctions.”
Data’s eyebrows raised, surprised by this new information. He kneeled down, positioning himself in a better position to speak with you face-to-face. “If you are feeling unwell, I suggest going to sickbay for an examination. Doctor Crusher is well-suited to a wide variety of biological issues. If you would prefer, I could ask her to visit you here.”
You nearly startled at the suggestion, speaking in a rush. “No, no, no, no. Really, Data, I’m okay. I just have to wait it out. I’ll be fine by the time you go back on shift, and then I’ll be out of your hair, promise.”
Confusion replaced his surprise. You seemed to panic at the subject of Doctor Crusher, yet you have shown no previous signs of anxiety relating to anything medical. Not to mention your strange phrase. “Lieutenant, you are not in my hair.” You found yourself relaxing once again as he rambled on about the logistics of being in his hair, a small smile finding your face once more. “A single hair is roughly 80,000 to 100,000 nanometers wide, while the average adult male is approximately 2 billion nanometers tall. To fit in my hair, you would need to shrink down to 25 times the size you are now. Alternatively, you would need to increase the size of a hair by 25 times in order to fit inside it at the height you currently stand.”
His sweet naivety reminded you of how you so easily fell into a friendship with the android. You could discuss niche topics in varying detail for hours on end and never get tired. He helped you feel like you belonged when you were just an ensign, fresh from the Academy and unsure in every step. Even now, without even trying, he grounded you and gently pushed away all of your anxieties.
Only once he was finished did you speak. “It’s an expression, Data. It just means that I won’t be in your space, or causing you any problems.”
His head tilted, cataloging the new phrase within an ever-growing list of human figures of speech. “Ah, I see. You are not ‘in my hair’, Lieutenant. If you would like, you are welcome to stay once I leave for Alpha shift. I do not mind.”
“I appreciate it.” You breathed in deeply, closing your eyes to revel in the dim light, surrounded by your best friend and his cat. The quiet sound of machinery beeping and Spot purring made it feel like home. This was not your room. “But I really should get back.”
“Would you like me to escort you to your quarters?”
You hummed, considering. “Maybe.” Data’s bed was unused, soft, and clean. It was much nicer than yours, which had a pronounced divot in the mattress after sleeping in it so long. But, you reminded yourself, you had barged into his room and made yourself comfortable in his bed, without any form of permission to be had. You were trespassing, despite Data’s all-too-welcoming attitude. Still… He was giving you a chance to stay for a bit longer. “I don’t want to take advantage of your hospitality,” you opened your eyes to study his pale face, “but I don’t really want to leave right now.”
“No advantage taken. I even find your presence quite…” he paused to ensure he had the right word, “enjoyable.”
You smiled gratefully at the android. Now, more at ease than ever, your eyes slid shut and you welcomed the exhaustion that tickled the back of your mind. You pulled the blankets slightly to tuck them snugly under your chin, and even curled the blanket around your feet, effectively trapping in the warm air and sealing out the colder air beyond your cocoon.
Data watched your actions with interest. He wasn’t exactly privy to how humans slept, nor did he find the topic as fascinating as sneezing or hiccuping. The act of sleeping itself, that it. Dreams were another topic entirely. Now, though, as he watched you curl into a fetal ball, nuzzling your nose into his pillow, he wondered why he had not been interested before. For a brief moment, you curled in tighter, holding your breath. A grimace twisted your features. And then you breathed out slowly, uncurling a little.
“Lieutenant,” he pried, continuing even when you did not look at him, “your actions suggest you are in some form of discomfort. If you tell me what your symptoms are, I can look up methods to ease them.”
The branch of guilt and shame coiled like a snack around your heart once more. It was illogical to be ashamed, especially when you were talking to Data who would never be offended by anything as natural as bodily functions. The years and years of having your femininity shamed only brought you anxiety and a vague feeling of nausea. He wouldn’t care. He wouldn’t be disgusted.
“I’m menstruating.” For such a small admission, you wanted to crawl within yourself and die surrounded by your shame. You kept your eyes firmly shut, pressing your face into the pillow, in hopes that, perhaps, this was all just a dream. “I’m just having really bad cramps right now.”
His head tilted, though you refused to open your eyes and see it. “Am I correct in thinking that you are uncomfortable with this topic?”
You huffed a strained laugh. “Yeah, you’re right.”
“Menstruation is a natural occurrence among biologically female humans. I do not understand your discomfort.”
“It’s just… not really something humans are comfortable talking about, especially in mixed company.” Before he could ask your meaning, you added, “With males. Biological functions make people uncomfortable.”
His eyes lit up. “Fascinating.” He opened his mouth, ready to ask more questions about why, but stopped himself as you curled up tight once more. Right, he said he would help with your symptoms.
“There are a wide variety of methods said to reduce menstrual cramping. Methods include holding a heat compress to your lower abdomen, taking a hot bath, eating anti-inflammatory foods such as berries, tomatoes, pineapple, almonds, walnuts and salmon, or holistic treatments such as acupuncture or acupressure. Other methods such as exercise or abdominal massages are also said to relieve discomfort.”
You huffed out a frustrated breath, body curling in on itself as a second wave of pain ripped through your body. You curled in as tight as you possibly could, and yet the pain stayed. Your constant movement disturbed Spot, who finally had enough of laying on top of you, and jumped down. Data followed her movements as she found another, solitary, surface to sleep on.
As the wave ebbed away, it left behind aggravation and irritated tears that pricked at the corners of your eyes. You didn’t want food, you didn’t want to move, and you definitely didn’t want to get poked or prodded. You just wanted the pain to end. Spot had been acting as a sort of heated compress before, one that purred and had soft fur. Now, though, you had nothing to help.
“Are you doing anything important right now?”
Data was confused by the odd question. It was entirely subjective. “I am kneeling here, talking to you. Is that not important?”
You may have been touched by the simple sweetness of his words, in the naivety he carried to find something as simple as talking to you important in the over-simplified, highly-literal way he saw the world, if you weren’t busy scrubbing the wetness from your eyes and gathering every ounce of dignity you had left. “Will you cuddle with me?”
“Inquiry: ‘cuddle’?”
“Just… lay with me and hold me?”
Data, confused but willing, nodded. As he got up from the floor, you scooted to make more room for him on the bed, while at the same time opening up your cocoon for him. In smooth, albeit unsure, motions, he joined you in the bed. Laying on his back, you threw the covers over him and helped to guide him in a rough lesson to cuddling. With no resistance, you were able to pick up his arm and wrap it around you as you settled down into the nook it created. He watched as you pressed yourself against his side and rested your cheek on his chest. You were close enough to hear the soft whirring of his inner mechanisms.
“Is this cuddling?”
Your cheek shifted against his uniform as you nodded. You appeared more at ease now. He… enjoyed seeing you like this.
“Yes, Data, this is cuddling.” After a brief moment of hesitation, you found his hand resting loosely behind you and guided it to rest over your waist. And as everything stilled, you were finally at peace.
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Not strictly traditional, but good fun! They sip the drink the quaich dry. “Quaich” is a Scots rendering of the Gaelic word “cuach”, meaning cup. The two-handed design of this drinking vessel incorporates trust, on the part of both giver and receiver.
The quaich, Scotland’s cup of friendship, has been used through the centuries to offer a welcoming drink at clan gatherings, and other family occasions, and to friends and visitors.
Slàinte Mhath!
Posted 24th July 2024
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drgeyerappreciation · 6 months
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Hello everyone! Welcome to Dr. Geyer Appreciation Week 2024! We're excited to be back for another year. Thank you to everyone who filled out the interest survey to help pick out our dates and themes. We're so excited to finally announce all the details for this years event.
This year the event is running June 23rd - 29th. You can find this years themes below: 
Day 1 (June 23rd) Pre-canon: We start off the event by exploring who Dr. Geyer was when he was younger. Whether that be as a child, in high school, in college, etc. Anything that takes place before we see him in canon is open territory.
Day 2 (June 24th) Love and Family / Domestic: A look at Dr. Geyer as a husband and father. Or maybe throw him into some other relationships. 
Day 3 (June 25th) Alternate Universe: Maybe there’s a universe where Dr. Geyer never actually became a doctor. Maybe he was a firefighter or a chef or a teacher. Maybe he lived in another century altogether. Anything is possible!
Day 4 (June 26th) Darkness and Light: Everyone has light and dark inside of them. Today’s the day to find out just what Dr. Geyer is made of, or maybe see how outside forces affect him. 
Day 5 (June 27th) Seasons: This day is all about seasons, whether that's the literal seasons of the year or of a life. That's all up to you!
Day 6 (June 28th) Lyrics and Quotes: What quotes or lyrics do you associate Dr. Geyer? Maybe there's a specific song that relates to him or maybe it's a favorite of his.
Day 7 (June 29th) Dealer’s Choice: Today’s theme is completely up to you. Do you have something you’ve been wanting to make but didn’t get a chance during the other days? This is the perfect time for that.   
While there are specific themes for the different days, it is not necessary to follow them. So if your muse leads you someplace else for that day, feel free to follow it, and we look forward to seeing what you create. We accept any and all content whether it be fanfiction, fanart, playlists, gifsets, whatever you feel like making. If there are any questions, our ask box is always open. 
When posting please tag @drgeyerappreciation and/or #drgeyerappreciationweek or #drgeyerweek2024 in the tags so we can find your posts and reblog them!
Happy creating!
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vintagestagehotties · 6 months
Welcome to the vintage theatre showdown! The Vintage Theatre Actress Tournament to determine the hotness of vintage theatre ladies will begin Saturday, April 13. Submissions are currently closed! Hot male actors will come soon, but I’m in a ladies mood at the moment.
Can I currently submit hotties?
Submissions for hot fellas are open! They’ll stay open until the end of the ladies tournament (which I don’t have an exact date for), at which time I’ll evaluate the number of fellas submitted and set a date to close submissions. You can find the form here. PLEASE read the qualifications before submitting.
Submissions for ladies are closed. Round 5 of the tournament will begin on June 24th!
How long will round 5 last?
One week! Round 5 begins June 24th, all polls will be posted that same day and will last a week.
What are the criteria for contestants?
Your hottie must:
Have a significant theatre career - ie, more than two theatre credits to their name, have played leading or featured roles, won awards, etc.
Have had a decent chunk of their career take place pre-70s (ie if they made their stage debut in an ensemble in 1969 but then became famous in years to come, I’m not counting it). Similarly, a decent chunk of their career must have taken place post-1900 (ie if their last stage role ever was in February of 1900, not gonna count it).
Exceptions to the above will be accepted at my discretion - for example, maybe they only played one or two shows but earned a Tony Award. To take into account the racism of past theatre, exceptions will be made nearly always for the sake of inclusivity and diversity
What counts as theatre?
I am accepting performers from plays, musicals, revues, and operas. Other types of stage performers (for example, comedians and ballerinas) will be accepted on a case by case basis, provided a case could be made that their stage career involved a degree of acting. I’m accepting Broadway, West End, worldwide productions, tours, even regional theatre counts! One of my personal favorite submissions for the ladies tournament was a Peking opera performer!
What counts as vintage?
The timeline to be considered vintage for this tournament is 1900-1969. A fella can have a significant chunk of his career post 1970 or in the 19th century, but at least some of it has to be within this time frame.
Can I submit propaganda?
Yes! You can send propaganda to my asks or submissions, or you can tag me in reblogs or posts. However, I won’t be posting or reblogging any propaganda until the tournament starts except the posts I have queued to lead up to the tournament’s beginning.
What tags do you track?
I track the tags #vintagestagehotties and #vintagestagepoll
The #vintagestagepoll will be the tag for all of the polls, while #vintagestagehotties is for anything relating to the tournament.
Other tags include #propaganda, which is pretty self explanatory, #losers highlights, highlighting some of our performers who are gone but not forgotten, and #mini poll for fun miniature pools featuring our contestants.
Why did you use this photo/propaganda/etc…?
Propaganda is entirely submitted. I try to remain as impartial as possible and will simply post the propaganda that is submitted to me, however I will not use negative propaganda.
If you dislike the photo used for an actress or actor, send me an alternative and I’ll see what I can do!
How will the pairs be selected?
For round 1, I pit similar decades against each other and then am more random in following rounds.
There is a lot of overlap between theatre stars and film stars, and a great many major vintage film stars had successful theatre careers as well. So, in order to avoid the last rounds turning into a hot movie star competition, round 1 will see the incredibly famous movie stars pitted against each other. This is in the spirit of fairness to give lesser known performers with only theatre careers more of a fighting chance.
Will there be future polls?
Yes! In addition to the poll for vintage stage men, I have a few others planned - vintage women in STEM is pretty definite, and I’m tossing around the idea of a silent film star poll, a vintage ballerina poll, a femme fatale poll, and a poll just for vintage opera stars. And to be honest there’s enough vintage stage women in the world that I could easily do a second tournament for them! And clearly I HAVE to do a Peter Pan actress poll in the very near future.
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theadmiralslegion · 9 months
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Welcome to our inaugural Community Challenge!
There are five categories of prompts:
GENERAL * 12 new fics by members of the community * 6 new fics in the 23rd Century era: Star Trek (The Original Series), Star Trek: the Animated Series, Star Trek: Discovery S1-2, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, and related Short Treks * 6 new fics in the 24th Century era: Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager, Star Trek: Lower Decks, Star Trek: Prodigy and related Short Treks * 6 new fics in the post 24th Century era: Star Trek: Picard, Star Trek: Discovery S3-5, and related Short Treks
RATINGS * 3 G rated fics * 3 T rated fics * 3 M rated fics * 3 E rated fics
PAIRINGS * 3 F/F fics * 3 F/M fics * 3 M/M fics * 3 Multi fics * 3 Gen fics
TROPES * 1 Only One Bed * 1 Fake Dating * 1 Mutual Pining * 1 Mission Fic * 1 Hurt/Comfort * 1 Everyone Can See It
ALTERNATE UNIVERSES * 1 Canon Divergence * 1 Historical * 1 Fairy Tale * 1 Sports * 1 University * 1 Flower Shop/Tattoo Parlor
All fics must either feature Star Trek characters or be set within the Star Trek universe. Any version of Star Trek is welcome, including beta canon. Any Trek characters are welcome, including OCs.
Fics must be posted to the collection in order to count toward the challenge. They may be posted wherever else you like.
A fic may check off more than one challenge. For example "T-rated Cornwell/Lorca Academy fic" fits TOS Era, T, F/M, University. Please include the prompts your fic fulfills in the tags and/or notes.
There are no word count requirements or limitations.
The current standings and remaining challenges will be posted to tumblr the first of every month.
If a category is completed before December 1, 2024, new prompts will be unlocked.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions.
If you want to participate, congrats you're a member of the community. Please follow us for updates!
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capriccfest · 1 year
CaPri 2023 Consummation Ceremony Fest: Rules and Guidelines
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Prompting Opens: 19th June, 2023 (Closes: 21st July, 2023)
Claiming Opens: 24th July, 2023
Submissions Due: 13th October, 2023
Posting Starts: 20th October, 2023
Ah, the beauty of CaPri’s consummation ceremonies… Can you imagine Damianos’ shock over learning he’ll have to make love to Laurent in front of witnesses because of some ancient royal decree from centuries ago that the consummation of a royal marriage must be witnessed by the council? And Laurent’s complete complacency and/or amusement? The list of sarcastic taunts he intends to bait Damen with is practically endless and we’re so here for it. But Lamen aren’t the only couple the consummation fest mods would like to see. We’re open to any and all pairings…in terms of imagination, dear contributors, the sky’s the limit.
Also, and because we don’t want to curb your creative spirit in any way, we’re not limiting contributions to fics, but also accept art and/or podfics (if you have the original author’s consent). Feel free to collaborate amongst yourself, let those creative juices flow!
The Rules:
This fest is 18+ only, no exceptions will be made for any reason. Any attempt to deceive the mods will result in the instant dismissal from participating in the fest.
If you’re contributing a fic, we humbly ask for a minimum of at least 1000 words. Beyond that, the sky’s the limit.
You must have an AO3 Account to participate. The AO3 collection is available here.
Since we’re new on the fest circuit, this won’t be an anonymous fest. You’re welcome to natter away about your prompt in your favourite Discord server or amongst friends. For fic contributions, we do ask that you do not share snippets of your story publicly until your contribution has been revealed.
Your work must be created especially for the fest. This means, anything you previously published is not eligible for submission.
If you’d like to submit a podfic, please provide us with the original author’s approval to record their work.
Please note that the mods’ decision on the interpretation of the rules is final.
Prompting will begin 19th June, 2023 and run right through to the 21st July, 2023. You’re welcome to submit as many ideas as you would like…the more the merrier! You can find the prompting form here.
There’s no requirement to participate in the fest in order to be eligible for prompting; we’re a bit greedy and want all your ideas. 
If you’re the mysterious kind, the form allows for anonymous prompt contributions.
This fest is not a gift exchange, however if you’d be happy to receive a contribution based on your prompt as an AO3 gift, we ask that you indicate so in the form. Contributors, at this point, the mods team would like to take the opportunity to remind you that if you opt to gift your work to the prompter you should adhere to their wishes. That means respecting special requests and/or any squicks.
All prompts are open to all ratings. We do ask that you respect the maximum rating stated if you plan to gift your contribution to the prompter.
Self-prompting is allowed. For this you don't need to fill out the prompts form. Simply wait until we release the claims form and tell us all about it then. Do make sure to jot down your self-prompt somewhere. Those cheeky plot bunnies sure do like skipping away. If self-prompting, we still encourage you to submit prompts.
We expect claiming to start on the 24th July, 2023, likely (and providing there are no technical hiccups) from 11am GMT onwards.
Prompts will be available on a first-come-first-serve basis and can be claimed once for fic, once for art, and once for other fanworks.
We would appreciate it if you could choose three prompts when submitting your claim, with your first choice being the prompt you’d like most, though you are not required to submit three choices.
You may only claim one prompt at a time. Once you’re done and have submitted your contribution, you’re welcome to choose a second prompt. For this reason, claiming will remain open until submissions are due. Please let us know in your submission email if you’re planning to submit a second claim through the form.
We do understand that sometimes life gets in the way of fun and that this may make it impossible for you to complete your work. No judgements, we merely ask that you inform us as soon as possible.
If you decide to collaborate, e.g. fic + art, please ensure to provide us with details for all claimants in one claim form.
Once you have submitted your claim, we aim to respond within 24 hours to confirm your choice. Please respond within 72 hours to let us know that you have received our confirmation and will participate in the Captive Prince Consummation Ceremony Fest.
As previously stated, we ask for a minimum word count of 1000 words. Beyond that, you’re free to break your own personal records.
We will only accept completed works; multi-chaptered works are fine but all chapters must be uploaded at once. All submissions must be new and individual works. They cannot be a continuation of your previously published work.
Prompts are meant to inspire you, as are any additional notes provided, but as you are the creative head of your work, we suggest you set your creativity free. If you plan to gift your work to the prompter, we do ask that you take the prompter’s squicks and special requests into consideration.
Lastly, not a rule but merely an encouragement for you to dream big. As Albert Einstein once said, ‘creativity is seeing what others see and thinking what no one else ever thought.’
For written contributions, we strongly encourage you to have your work beta-read prior to submitting it.
Once you’re done creating and editing, please submit your work to the mods team.
Submissions are due by 13th October, 2023, but if you’re finished early, we encourage you to submit before that date.
The mods will create a dedicated AO3 collection for the fest.
Once you’re ready to submit your work, please complete the below header and email it to [email protected].
Your email subject line should read: Fic Submission: (Title)(Artist)
All creations must be posted directly to the AO3 Collections page here.
Please ensure that you add the fest mod account (CaPriCCFest) as co-creator when uploading your submission so that we are able to adjust the posting date. We will not make any changes to your contribution.
Please ensure that you tag your contribution correctly and include all appropriate warnings. The mods reserve the right to request that you add a missing warning tag. If you’re unsure you are welcome to contact the mods at [email protected].
E-Mail Submissions Header:
Word Count (if applicable):
Art Medium (if applicable):
Run Time (if applicable):
Prompt #:
Link to submission:
Extensions/Dropping Out:
We’re all human, so if you need an extension, or need to pull out of the fest, please contact us at [email protected] and let us know. No need to be afraid, we’re here to help. Please note that if you’re dropping out, you will not be eligible to claim another prompt for the remainder of the fest.
The mods will release fest contributions on a schedule and send out a Tumblr post from the official CaPri Consummation Fest account. If you’re on Tumblr, please consider giving us a follow to stay in the know about fest updates and posted works.
Any other questions?
Any questions you may have can be submitted directly to the mods team through the Ask Us All The Things! function on Tumblr or, if you prefer, by emailing the mods directly: [email protected]. We aim to answer as soon as we can, but do keep in mind that we are also humans with work and life commitments.
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todaysjewishholiday · 2 months
27 Tammuz 5784 (1-2 August 2024)
The centuries of the crusades were brutal for the Jewish population of Christian Europe, as both the Catholic Church and civil government whipped up a frenzy of xenophobia and antisemitism to promote their so-called holy wars in eretz yisroel and surrounding lands. Many of the central myths of European antisemitism, from that of the Jewish moneylender to the blood libel were developed in this era, and Christian monarchies often sought to fill their treasuries and boost their popularity and their favor with the church by forcibly expelling Jewish residents and seizing their property. When Jews were permitted to settle it was under onerous restrictions and exploitative taxation.
Between 4958 and 5155, the Jews of France were forcibly expelled four times, with the third expulsion taking place on the 27th of Tammuz 5082.
The first expulsion was announced near Pesach, and went into effect on the 24th of Tammuz 4958. The crown seized Jewish property and converted Frances’s synagogues into Catholic churches. When Jews were permitted to return, it was as serfs of the crown, with incredibly limited legal rights and freedom of movement. Despite Jewish moneylending (which was the result of legal prohibitions on Jewish involvement in numerous other trades) forming one of the French crown’s claimed justifications for their expulsion, the restrictions based on Jewish return to France even more deeply restricted Jews from engaging in other professions and very clearly tied their permission to return to the crown’s ability to extort revenue from Jewish banking activity.
While suffering significant discrimination, the Jews of France were at least not forced into exile for just over a century following their return from exile in 4958. Then, in 5066, the king of France ordered the entire Jewish population arrested and expelled on the 10th of Av. This was again a blatant cash-grab. Not only did the royal treasury once again seize Jewish property upon their expulsion, the crown claimed the right to collect all outstanding debts owed by his other subjects to Jewish moneylenders, insisting on repayment of loans that had been made by the very people he had forced out of his realm. A year later, he would repeat this successful strategy of extortion against the Knights Templar, arresting them on charges every bit as spurious as those he had leveled against his Jewish subjects and seizing the order’s wealth to fill his coffers.
This time the exile of the Jews lasted only nine years before another monarch, desperate for loans, allowed the Jews of France to return. But the return lasted only seven years before the third expulsion on the 27th of Tammuz 5082. The fourth expulsion, in 5155, was maintained for over two hundred years.
Now, France has the third largest Jewish population in the world, after Israel and the United States. But the legacy of antisemitism remains. French gentiles have not fully reckoned with the ways in which antisemitism still shapes French society.
The 27th of Tammuz this year is also Erev Shabbat. Shabbat HaMalka will join us eighteen minutes prior to sunset as we light the candles and welcome her. May you feel the peace of Shabbat.
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nashscribblings · 1 year
Welcome to the far future of the 24th Century! We're going to stab you with a sword now.
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nicklloydnow · 3 months
“Donald trump should have seen it coming. He arrived on May 25th at the Libertarian Party’s national convention in Washington, DC, hoping to expand his support, but the crowd mostly responded with boos. Attendees lacked enthusiasm for a protectionist who added $8.4trn to America’s national debt. They also spent the weekend squabbling among themselves. After losing presidential races for more than half a century, the Libertarian Party is facing an identity crisis.
The most intense divisions are about strategy. The hardline Mises Caucus (named after Ludwig von Mises, a pro-market Austrian economist) has dominated the party’s leadership since 2022 and adopted populist rhetoric. The group was responsible for inviting Mr Trump, as well as Robert F. Kennedy junior, an independent candidate, to speak at the convention. The debate about whether to invite the outside candidates at times seemed more heated than the Libertarians’ own presidential-nomination fight. On May 24th, the convention’s first day, one attendee yelled into the microphone, “I would like to propose that we go tell Donald Trump to go fuck himself!” The crowd cheered.
“I would rather us focus on the Libertarian candidates,” said Jim Fulner, from the Radical Caucus. “I’m fearful that come later this summer, when I’m working the county fair, someone will say, ‘Oh, Libertarians, you guys are the Donald Trump people.’” Nick Apostolopoulos, from California, welcomed the attention Mr Trump’s speech brought—and said his presence proved “this party matters, and that they have to try and appeal to this voting bloc.”
Few believed that Mr Trump won much support. He promised to appoint a Libertarian to his cabinet and commute the sentence of Ross Ulbricht, who is serving life in prison after founding the dark-web equivalent of Amazon for illegal drugs. The crowd responded positively to Mr Trump’s nod to a Libertarian cause célèbre, but booed after he asked them to choose him as the Libertarian Party’s presidential nominee. Mr Trump hit back, “If you want to lose, don’t do that. Keep getting your 3% every four years.”
Mr Kennedy was more disciplined, tailoring his speech to the crowd by highlighting his opposition to covid lockdowns. Even so he received a cool reception. Libertarians want a candidate who will promise to abolish, not reform, government agencies.
The reality is that Libertarians are more interested in positions than personalities. The exception may be the broad admiration for Ron Paul, a retired Republican congressman whom many cite as their lodestar. But at 88 Mr Paul has achieved the difficult feat of being considered too old to plausibly run for president.
But the party is far from unified. Given the choice between Mr Oliver and “none of the above”, more than a third of the delegates preferred no one. It remains uncertain whether the party’s candidate will appear on the ballot in all 50 states, as several previous nominees have. If the Libertarian candidate has any influence on the presidential election this year, it will be as a spoiler in a close-run swing state.
Mr Oliver’s victory marked a rare defeat for the Mises Caucus. But the re-election of Angela McArdle, a Mises Caucus member, as the national party chairperson is perhaps more important to the future of the movement. Ms McArdle faced criticism for her decision to invite outside candidates to speak. Controversy over the Mises Caucus had led several state delegations to split, and much of the convention’s floor time was eaten up over fights about whom to recognise. The rise of the Mises wing of the party has led more pragmatically minded members to largely give up on the project of advancing libertarian ideas by building a political party.
The party struggles on big stages, such as in presidential, gubernatorial or Senate contests. Yet it occasionally wins municipal elections, leaving some to wonder whether national activism is pointless or even counter-productive. Why would Libertarians invest time in a hopeless race for president when they could direct their energy to fighting a local sales tax or antiquated laws restricting alcohol sales?
The party faithful believe that national and local activism are not mutually exclusive. Elijah Gizzarelli won fewer than 3,000 votes when he ran for governor of Rhode Island as a Libertarian two years ago, but he argues that the party has a long record of success—so long as the definition of success expands beyond winning elections. He says the party succeeds by shifting the “Overton window”, or the spectrum of political ideas that are generally considered acceptable.”
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mysticstronomy · 2 years
Saturday, December 24th, 2022
Welcome back,
A black hole’s event horizon is the ultimate last-chance saloon: beyond this boundary nothing, not even light, can escape. But does this “anything” include information itself? Physicists have spent the best part of four decades grappling with the “information paradox”, but a group of researchers from the UK thinks it can offer a solution.
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The researchers have created a theoretical model for the event horizon of a black hole that eschews space–time altogether. Their work also supports a controversial theory proposed in 2010 suggests that gravity is an emergent force rather than a universal fundamental interaction.
The information paradox first surfaced in the early 1970s when Stephen Hawking of Cambridge University, building on earlier work by Jacob Bekenstein at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, suggested that black holes are not totally black.
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Hawking showed that particle–antiparticle pairs generated at the event horizon – the outer periphery of a black hole – would be separated. One particle would fall into the black hole while the other would escape, making the black hole a radiating body.
Hawking’s theory implied that, over time, a black hole would eventually evaporate away, leaving nothing. This presented a problem for quantum mechanics, which dictates that nothing, including information, can ever be lost. If black holes withheld information forever in their singularities, there would be a fundamental flaw with quantum mechanics.
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The significance of the information paradox came to a head in 1997 when Hawking, together with Kip Thorne of the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in the US, placed a bet with John Preskill, also of Caltech. At the time, Hawking and Thorne both believed that information was lost in black holes, while Preskill thought that it was impossible. Later, however, Hawking conceded the bet, saying he believed that information is returned – albeit in a disguised state.
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At the turn of this century, Maulik Parikh of the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands, together with Frank Wilczek of the Institute of Advanced Study in Princeton, US, showed how information could leak away from a black hole. In their theory, information-carrying particles just within the event horizon could tunnel through the barrier, following the principles of quantum mechanics. But this solution, too, remained debatable.
Now, Samuel Braunstein and Manas Patra of the University of York in the UK think they have formulated a tunnelling theory that looks rather more attractive than Parikh and Wilczek’s theory.
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“We cannot claim to have proven that escape from a black hole is truly possible,” they explain, “but that is the most straightforward interpretation of our results.
Normally, theorists dealing with black holes have to wrestle with the complex geometries of space–time arising from Einstein’s theory of gravitation – the theory of general relativity. In their model, Braunstein and Patra say that the event horizon is purely quantum mechanical in nature, with bits of quantum “Hilbert” space tunnelling through the barrier.
Originally published on physicsworld.com
(Wednesday, December 28th, 2022)
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page-2-ids · 1 year
New Coining Event!
Hello and welcome to Synth’s Coining Rockin’ Event (or the “cre coining event” for the sane), a coining event entirely centered around rock music! Everything from J-Rock, to grunge, to hair metal! Any and everyone is welcome to participate! The event is going to last from May 1st to June 15! 
There aren’t really any rules, just some stuff I’d like to say before we get to the prompts. Every day of the event has two prompts, in theory the first one is a more known song and the second less known and also similar/linked in some way, but I don’t know how good of a job I did at that. It’s totally cool to do both prompts or just one, going off actual relation, vibes, whatever works! I’d like to ask that no one does genders just related to the listed song or songs/albums, just so we can avoid recoinings, but everything else is up for grabs!
Everyone is free to do all days, just a couple, multiple prompts a day, whatever floats your boat!
If anyone is interested in some tags they could use to organize or find terms, I have some of those under the cut. With all that out of the way, here are the prompts!
May 1st: November Rain (Guns N’ Roses) // (Don’t Fear) The Reaper (Blue Oyster Cult) May 2nd: Smells Like Teen Spirit (Nirvana) // Slither (Velvet Revolver) May 3rd: Dream On (Aerosmith) // Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door (any version) May 4th: Girls, Girls, Girls (Motley Crue) // Talk Dirty To Me (Poison) May 5th: Welcome to the Jungle (Guns N’ Roses) // Nightrain (Guns N’ Roses) May 6th: Every Rose Has Its Thorn (Poison) // Snuff (Slipknot) May 7th: I Don’t Want To Miss A Thing (Aerosmith) // I’d Die For You (Bon Jovi) May 8th: Livin’ On A Prayer (Bon Jovi) // Viva la Gloria! (Green Day) May 9th: You Give Love A Bad Name (Bon Jovi) // Shot Through The Heart (Bon Jovi) May 10th: Slippery When Wet (Bon Jovi) // 7800° Degrees Fahrenheit (Bon Jovi) May 11th: Dr. Feelgood (Motley Crue) // London Calling (The Clash) May 12th: American Idiot (Green Day) // 21st Century Breakdown (Green Day) May 13th: The Black Parade (My Chemical Romance) // Danger Days: The True Lives Of the Fabulous Killjoys (My Chemical Romance) May 14th: Comfortably Numb (Pink Floyd) // Give Me Novacaine (Green Day) May 15th: Numb (Linkin Park) // Shadow On the Sun (Audioslave) May 16th: Are We the Waiting (Green Day) // The Thin Ice (Pink Floyd) May 17th: Everlong (Foo Fighters) // She’s a Rebel (Green Day) May 18th: I Don’t Love You You (My Chemical Romance) // Don’t Cry (Guns N’ Roses) May 19th: Basketcase (Green Day) // Everyday is News (Shinsei Kamattechan) May 20th: Holiday (Green Day) // God Save the Queen (Sex Pistols) May 21st: Bohemian Rhapsody (Queen) // Homecoming (Green Day) May 22nd: Rock You Like a Hurricane (Scorpions) // Young Lust (Pink Floyd) May 23rd: Somebody Told Me (The Killers) // Michael (Franz Ferdinand) May 24th: The Sharpest Lives (My Chemical Romance) // Kickstart My Heart (Motley Crue) May 25th: In The End (Linkin Park) // Last Resort (Papa Roach) May 26th: Pour Some Sugar On Me (Def Leppard) // Cherry Pie (Warrant) May 27th: Here I Go Again (Whitesnake) // Street Of Dreams (Guns N’ Roses) May 28th: Should I Stay Or Should I Go (The Clash) // American Woman (Lenny Kravitz) May 29th: Shout At the Devil (Motley Crue) // The Hardest Part Is The Night (Bon Jovi) May 30th: Closer (Nine Inch Nails) // Wither (Tech N9ne, Corey Taylor) May 31st: I Love Rock N’ Roll (Joan Jett) // Mental Health(Bang Your Head) (Quiet Riot) June 1st: Master of Puppets (Metallica) // Under The Bridge (Red Hot Chili Peppers) June 2nd: Enter Sandman (Metallica) // Nightmare (Avenged Sevenfold) June 3rd: Toxicity (System Of A Down) // Carnivore (Body Count) June 4th: Nevermind (Nirvana) // Whatever (Adore Delano) June 5th: Sweet Child O’ Mine (Guns N’ Roses) // Born To Be My Baby (Bon Jovi) June 6th: Psychosocial (Slipknot) // Welcome to Horrorwood (Ice Nine Kills) June 7th: A Little Piece of Heaven (Avenged Sevenfold) // Enthrone (CHTHONIC) June 8th: Walk This Way (Aerosmith or Aerosmith, Run D.M.C.) // Bring The Noise (Public Enemy, Anthrax) June 9th: Rocket Man (Elton John) // Purple Haze (Jimi Hendrix) June 10th: Say It Ain’t So (Weezer) // Inside Out (Eve 6) June 11th: Letterbomb (Green Day) // Better (Guns N’ Roses) June 12th: I Write Sins Not Tragedies (Panic! At The Disco) // Sugar, We’re Goin’ Down (Fall Out Boy) June 13th: Combat Rock (The Clash) // Never Mind the Bollocks, Here’s the Sex Pistols (The Sex Pistols) June 14th: Runaway Train (Soul Asylum) // Patience (Guns N’ Roses) June 15th: Dust N’ Bones (Guns N’ Roses) // Homebound Train (Bon Jovi)
For anyone interested, here are the tags I’ll be using to organize genders related to certain bands. No one has to use them, but I thought someone would be interested and I’m bored! Also, all of these terms have already been coined, by me or someone else, that’s why not everything has a tag
Guns N’ Roses - #nrosesgender
Bon Jovi - #bonjender // #bonjovigender
Motley Crue - #cruegender
Green Day - #greendaygender
Slipknot - #slipknotgender
Poison - #poisoningender
My Chemical Romance - #mychemancegender
The Clash - #clashgender
The Sex Pistols - #sextolgender // #sextolsgender
Avenged Sevenfold - #sevenfoldgender
Shinsei Kamattechan - #kamattegender
Red Hot Chili Peppers - #rhcpgender
Metallica - #metallicagender
Nirvana - #nirvanagender
Body Count - #bodycountgender
Linkin Park - #linkinian
Aerosmith - #aerosmithgender
Velvet Revolver - #velvolvergender
Quiet Riot - #quiotgender // #rietgender
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tomorrowusa · 1 year
Putin never accepted Ukraine as an independent state. He then deluded himself into thinking that people in Ukraine would welcome a return to Russia and would cheer his invaders as liberators. Now Ukrainians want to have even less to do with Russia.
Rather than spread Russia's influence, Putin's invasion has prompted serious shrinkage of it.
The port city of Odesa has been the target of numerous Russian attacks recently. It has been engaged in a de-Russification campaign. The Russian empress, or rather her bronze likeness, used to stand proudly on a pedestal in the heart of the city that she founded in the late 18th century. Now she is here, locked in a box away from public view. The removal of Catherine (the Great), unthinkable before Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine last year, is a reflection of the mood in a city that is rapidly losing all sentimentality about the Russian-linked pages of its past as it comes under sustained fire from Russian missiles. [ ... ] Catherine’s removal is just one part of a programme of “de-Russification” that is going on all over Ukraine. It has a particular hue in Odesa, where it is not only the figure of Catherine that binds the historical and cultural landscape to Moscow. Many of the great Russian-language writers were from Odesa or spent time there, its residents largely speak Russian and its Transfiguration Cathedral was consecrated by Patriarch Kirill, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, in 2010.
But now, President Putin is swiftly accomplishing something that 30 years of Ukrainian independence had previously struggled to do: he is turning Odesa into a proudly Ukrainian city. A barrage of missile attacks over the past two weeks, the first time the centre of the city has been significantly damaged since the start of the war, is likely to only accelerate this process. [ ... ]
One of the more visible elements of the battle against Russian heritage is a Ukraine-wide programme to rename streets, which have, over the years, reflected the frequent political upheaval that has come to this part of Europe. Catherine Square, where the monument to the empress previously stood, has been called Karl Marx Square and Adolf Hitler Square within living memory. Now, many names are to be changed again, with Russian-influenced names replaced by Ukrainian names or simply topographical markers. In Odesa, a local council committee has regular meetings to discuss where changes should be made.
Ukraine is even changing the calendar to stick it to Russia.
Ukraine moves Christmas Day in snub to Russia
Ukraine has moved its official Christmas Day state holiday from 7 January to 25 December, the latest move aimed at distancing itself from Russia. President Volodymyr Zelensky signed into law a parliamentary bill that aimed to "abandon the Russian heritage of imposing Christmas celebrations". In recent years, Kyiv has been cutting religious, cultural and other ties with Russia, aligning itself with the West. This process escalated following Russia's full-scale invasion in 2022. Mr Zelensky signed the bill on Friday - two weeks after it had been passed by Ukrainian lawmakers. The legislation also moves another two state holidays, Day of Ukrainian Statehood, from 28 July to 15 July, and the Defenders' Day, which commemorates armed forces veterans, from 14 October to 1 October.
BTW: Day of Ukrainian Statehood (День Української Державності) is not the same thing as Ukrainian Independence Day (August 24th). Day of Ukrainian Statehood marks the official conversion of King Volodymyr the Great and Kyiv to Christianity in 988. Poland has a somewhat similar foundation story; Grand Duke Mieszko's conversion in 966 is regarded as the beginning of the Polish state.
Before anybody sheds tears for anything Russian, be aware that Russia has always tried to impose its language and way of life on countries it has occupied. That continues in parts of Ukraine under Putin's temporary control.
The Hardest Soft Power: How Moscow Forces The Russian Language On Occupied Ukraine
The whole point of the invasion has been to wipe out Ukrainian identity. There's a word for that: genocide.
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I noticed you seem to like the same sort of books as I do, are there any books that you think everyone should read, or that you really loved?
I've started to answer this three times but kept getting stuck on what books to include. There's just so many I love and I end up free associating through a ton of different books and have trouble narrowing it down to anything resembling a reasonably short list.
Like, I'll think of recommending Ulysses (difficult in parts but if you can get through the third episode Prosteus the next ten episodes are a lot easier and the shifts in style and allusions and it's structure are so much more fun than it's stuffy academic reputation would have you think. I'd recommend avoid relying overmuch on annotations/a guide if reading for the first time unless you feel extremely lost) and then for obvious reasons I jump to the Odyssey (I like the Wilson translation) and from the Odyssey my mind goes in two directions to Terra Ignota (a fascinating recently completed SF series set in the 24th century where non-geographical voluntarily joined "hives" have replaced nations states as the primary unit of political organization and the book is framed as an in universe history which the narrator is composing in the style of an eighteenth century writer) and Sappho (beautiful poetry albeit largely only preserved in fragments, Carson's If Not Winter is the most popular translation but lacks recent finds as new poems have been discovered since it was published. I think Diane Rayor's 2014 collection is still the most comprehensive translation in English and has great notes but is expensive if you're paying for it instead of acquiring it using other methods) and so on and so on.
If you (or anyone else reading) was looking for a more specific type of recommendation feel free to send an ask! I always welcome an opportunity to talk about books I love. Otherwise I hope some of the above books caught your eye.
(I also responded to an ask meme recently about my top 5 (actually 6) books I read in 2023 which may be of interest)
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hotarutranslations · 7 months
Hyogo 2 Performances
Welcome home to Hyogo, BEYOOOOONDS's Eguchi Saya-chan💛
As soon as wearrived at the venue in Kobe,
I had the memory of, going here and Tokyo in succession, for the Countdown Live!? I recalled that while standing infrom of the full length mirror, How nostalgic~~
Coming to the venue this time, That's what I said😂
We aren't coming here in the spring but,
Our next in Kansai is,
March 23rd and 24th at NHK Osaka Hall, Lets meet when we visit for the spring tour🌏💫
After today there is only 1 remaining Hellocon
We were rehearsing, before the new year, that feels so far away already……
Our tour started from the new year, and I saw each and every performance behind the curtains, many many times, There really a lot a lot of scenes like, I like that moment!
While thinking about various things today, Everyone as sparkling, it was like was going to cryyy🙄🫣
I got teary the momeny Nishida was singing, I conveyed this to Nishida,
her singing, and performing, brings me to tears, I think thats reallyyyy amazing
I think there is something that comes to me, when I see a burst of energy, and so those people are, Using a ton of energy, I think they're sending it out to me, right Isn't it amazing and cool!
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We also took a photo🩷
We ended up matching with half-up hair!
This half-up hair, was arranged by Akiyama Mao-chan🫶🏻 Even though, with these super long waves, its reallyyy pain←
Its was so pretty and cute, thank you🫶🏻
Kiso also did a half-up waves hair🫶🏻 …I decided on my hair after seeing that🫶🏻 lol
By Maria's request, All of the members did a continuous LOVErin🩷
By Homare's request, everyone shouted out, "Hello Pro's The Best!"💛
It was wonderful, it was fun!!
Thank you very much for your support, in the 2 Kobe performances as well🌏💫
Wait for us in Hokkaido, the last!
I'm reallyyy sleepy~~ Thanks for your hard work today took
💿Releasing February 7th
Morning Musume '23 25th ANNIVERSARY CONCERT TOUR ~glad quarter-century~ at Nippon Budokan
Thank you for waiting for the Blu-ray&DVD! Its finally releasing--!
Its already nostalgic but, It has an amazing medley, really Please enjoy it many times
📚Releasing on February 7th "Hello! Project BEST SHOT!! Vol.26"
Ishida AyumixOda SakuraxNonaka Miki📸 Fukumura MizukixIshida AyumixOda Sakura📸
✍🏻Tokyo Sports note Series Valentine's Present♥️
🪩Current Winter Concert Tour Hello! Project 2024 Winter ~THREE OF US~
🪩Spring Tour Has Been Decided Morning Musume '24 Concert Tour Spring MOTTO MORNING MUSUME
We'll be going around the country from March 16th!
🪩HinaFest March 30th and 31st at Makuhari Messe
🪩JAPAN JAM Morning Musume '24 will be performing on May 3rd!
⚾️《LIVE DAYS!~Exciting Big Exhibition Match~》 June 2nd(Sun), after the Hokkaido Ham Fighters vs. Yokohama DeNa Baystars match, Morning Musume '24 will be having a special mini live!
.👗👠 Aoyama Clothing x Morning Musume '24
📻Morning Musume '24 Morning Jogakuin ~Houkago Meeting~
Airs Every Saturday, On Radio Nihon at 12:00AM~
Past Broadcast Episodes Are Available →Program Details
see you ayumin <3 https://ameblo.jp/morningmusume-10ki/entry-12841153409.html
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