#welcome to the show are you ready to go? || rosemary
championsofthegate · 7 months
//now that I'm back to playing pokemon I want to give everyone a companion pokemon (to stop me from making an entire team for everyone because I will do it do not tempt me)
Gale - Espeon
Shadowheart - Absol
Vax - Weavile
Ayla - Meowscarada
Rosemary - Luxray
Alea - Decidueye
Cietan - hisuian Zorua
Klio - Vulpix
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fr3sh-tragedies · 2 months
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[Shadows of Rose] Rosemary Winters x Female Reader
Summary: After being isolated for the majority of her life, it's a breath of fresh air for Rose when she finally has someone she can talk to about whatever may be on her mind. And while she enjoys chatting away about everything, she loves to listen to you speak about anything at all, often finding herself enamored in every little thing about you.
Word Count: 640 Content Warnings: None Category: Heavy Fluff || Preference
[A/N]: This is just a really quick drabble. It felt nice to not necessarily worry about the length or the structure for this one.
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Throughout the entirety of her life, Rose had been isolated from others. Whether it was because of her issues that stemmed from the mold that ran through her veins or because of the soldiers that were constantly watching her wherever she went, she never grew close to anyone. That’s why meeting you was such a breath of fresh air for her. Not only did you pay no mind to the BSAA’s miniature army that always trailed after her, but you found her “defects” fascinating instead of terrifying or disgusting.
From the moment she had met you, Rose was enamored. You made her feel safe and seen. She could be herself around you without the constant worry of being made fun of and yelled at for the things she couldn’t control about herself. Whenever she had to be somewhere important and her palms would grow sweaty from her nerves, you wouldn’t hesitate to help her dry them, never repulsed by the molded texture that bubbled up against her skin.
Not only did you make her feel comfortable and confident, but you were also always there to lend an ear. Regardless of what she had to talk about – either Chris getting on her nerves and babying her or one of the other soldiers treating her like a tool instead of her own being – you welcomed her with open arms, ready to listen to her rant for hours on end.
Soon after growing close, she started to return the favor to you. Even if all you wanted to talk about was a bird on the windowsill that you thought was pretty or a random thing you had seen online that had annoyed you, you would instantly be met with her nodding along and chiming in, eager to show that she was interested in what you had to say.
She loved listening to you talk. It was nice to have someone to vent to when training was tough or Chris was on her case, but hearing you ramble on about every possible thing on your mind was her favorite thing of all. She loved your voice, the way you rolled your eyes or chuckled as you recalled something from your day, and the way your eyes seemed to shine when she would point out a small detail about your story that you hadn’t realized she paid attention to. She adored it all.
Often, you would look over in the middle of a sentence and find her gazing at you with a small grin toying at her lips, which tugged upwards into a wider smile when you met her eye. If you asked why she was looking at you that way, she’d admit without hesitation that she loves hearing you talk about your day. In fact, after a while of you shying away from the conversation halfway through out of fear of being too overbearing with the information you had already dumped on her, she’d encourage you, nearly begging you to keep going with what you were saying.
You were everything to her, and she was more than happy to learn something new about you with every word you chose to share. The stories about your life and your day captivated her each time without fail. The smallest of details that you would generally discard after sharing were noted and locked away in her mind. Nothing you could tell her would ever be seen as unimportant. You trusted her to tell her everything: the things that bothered you, made you happy, or your worries for the future. She refused to forget any of it. As little as it might’ve meant to you, it was vital for her.
You brought her the sense of solace she had been subconsciously craving her whole life, and she would always try her hardest to return the favor for you.
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b-radbradshaw · 2 years
Thanks for the tag! @sappy-seresin :)
Rules: Tag nine people you want to get to know better!
Last Song: wherever you are, 5sos. i was feeling a little sad today so i just hit myself with that :)
Last Show: i think the last show i watched was the vampire diaries, but i rlly want to watch outerbanks season 3 so i’ll be doing that as soon as i go on spring break!
Currently Watching: little women
Currently Reading: “hope island” by tim major. it’s okay but i’ll read it spontaneously for a few chapters and then won’t touch it for two months :/ i’m hoping to finish it so i can start “where the crawdads sing”
Current Obsession(s): topgun, topgun maverick, miles teller, summer (i’m ready for beach days and no homework), hogwarts legacy, spring aesthetic, my necklace with my dogs paw print on it, and my boyfriend’s shirts/hoodies
tag! you’re it! @notroosterbradshaw @happilycameron @roosterforme @jupitercomet @risriswrites @sometimesanalice @ofstoriesandstardust @moonlight-prose @welcome-to-my-multiverse
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loveletterstothepast · 2 months
Rosemary Seasoning.
I’ve been putting off thinking about you in general. I know it’s two years too late to apologize for the things I’ve done. The hurt I caused. The love I threw on the floor and shattered tons of times out of guilt. It’s much too late. You look older now. More mature. You’ve done so much with your life I’m sure. I’ve blocked you not because I’m afraid of you coming for me demanding an apology or an answer.. I have you blocked because I know I’ll reach out and damage you all over again.
I’ve known about your affections for me since I was fresh out of High school. I can’t deny I toyed with the idea enough to know what I was doing. I’m not innocent in my game. You never made me pick or choose anyone. You never put your foot down with me. You always allowed me free will to be as demanding as I want and as horrible as I felt. You allowed me to act like a spoiled toddler and you loved me anyway. I saw myself in you.. I know I invite abuse, but you welcomed it. That’s not okay on my part to have seen how much you loved me and decided I wanted to hurt you in order to make myself feel less alone in my aches. I should’ve just cared for you. It’s not like I didn’t though.
I did care for you. I want you to truly know that in some part of your soul that it’s true. I wanted to braid your beautiful hair and do coconut hair masks together. I wanted to pluck your eyebrows and watch scary movies and have you laugh at me. I loved cooking with you. You made delicious meals that I still to this day crave. I always wanted to snuggle up to you and talk to you about your life before. Your parents. Your ex girlfriends. I did like you.. I’d go as far as to say that I was calmly walking into love with you.. and then you moved and it was like you became a fever dream that I didn’t care too much about. You weren’t present in my life anymore.. You’d tell me of the dreams you had for us and I wanted to want them.. I wanted you to come back to Lubbock. I don’t understand still why you left. To chase your fortune in the cooking business. You could’ve done that here. Opened a food truck and cooked what your heart desired. I would’ve loved to have seen you in action everyday and I would’ve eaten at your establishment.
I wanted to love you truly I did.. something about you loving me so much that you’d told me secrets about your health, your ex, your jealousy always left me heavier. You were as much as I am except.. You were too honest for me. You’d tell me your dirty fantasies and they’d never gross me out.. but I was always afraid that I could never reciprocate any of it. You wanted to touch me in a way I wasn’t fully ready for and I couldn’t accept that I was the one running away this time.
When I got pregnant some part of me completely forgot about you. Until I lost him and you unblocked me and showed up back on my facebook.. I couldn’t breathe. It was like the earth had shown me nude as the day I was born to everyone who had a vendetta against me. I saw you at my sisters graduation and I almost threw up on the spot from seeing you. My face has never been that hot from embarrassment. I’ve never been that ashamed of myself. You looked at me.. and then past me. Like I wasn’t even there and for a moment.. I was pleased. I was thankful that you had let me go completely. I wouldn’t say I felt set free but I definitely didn’t feel perceived.. until I saw you typing on messenger. I don’t know what you were going to say. I’ll never know, I’ll never unblock you. I do know though that it was enough to make my skin to crawl and my bloody to go cold. I felt my heart fall to my stomach and a sweat to grace my body. I’ve never been afraid of you, I’ll never be afraid of you.. I think truly there’s a very select few people who see me and KNOW me.. I fear what you would’ve said about my son.. about his father.. I wonder what you would think of me knowing how utterly pathetic I am clinging onto him.
I wonder if you can still see me.. or if you are just so fed up with the very thought of me. I wouldn’t be upset if you hated me. I’d be proud of your growth and utterly happy for you. I deserve to be hated. Instead of just waiting for you to come back home and start actually dating in a healthy openly communicative relationship where we both thrived and loved listening to one another talk.. I was just a bar rat looking for part time lovers to take away my boredom temporarily.
I made my life with one. I sometimes don’t know if it’s a beautiful life.. or if it’s a shelved one waiting for expectation dates to come. I know I love him. I cling to him. I scream in my spoiled toddler way still.. but instead of caring for me like you did, he watches me with wide eyes full of fear not ready to accept that he’s done these things to me. Yet I still love him completely hoping one day he’ll meet me on my depth like you did. That one day he’ll be passionate about things. One day we’ll cook together fluently. That one day we’ll watch scary movies and he laughs at me while I cry covering my eyes afraid. I wonder if one day he’ll ever confess his sins to me like I could ask God to forgive him… like you did. I want you to be happy more than any of my ex’s. More than any of my potential lovers. My part time partners. I want you more than anyone else to be happy.
You were kind to me and I took that for granted because I was foolish and impatient. I hope you never forgive me and you stay on edge and only accept the absolute best in relationships. You deserve that and so much more.
Thank you for being in my life and being the only one who I don’t hate. I’m sorry again. A thousand apologies will never be enough.
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the-firebird69 · 6 months
What a wonderful day I'm having and what a beautiful beautiful husband. The woman was lonely and she's feeling sick and she didn't like the show this year and people are being mean and finally this idea came out and her friends came out and a lot of them and they start talking to each other and it's changed a lot of things I said he's a blessed person and he said yes by you and ours but really right there with me doing it and we did and she was feeling better and you said she needs air and when it's raining it's perfect so she opens in a little and felt a lot better and became conscious of it and started to heal and she feels better and like you don't start a fever and you don't I know you do feel the cold and she goes okay and nutrients are always better so she's doing it and really this is helping a lot there's so many calls they're getting huge numbers of calls and they're logging each one and they have to call back I guess and it's just an enormous amount of demand and she can't sum it out so she's got people building these refractories and she says oh yeah and they're good for other stuff and tons of it and it's going to be huge resistors and solid state stuff and they're going to town I mean these days I just only tons of these and they're getting tons of Bud and if this piles in it all over the place or the edges there's a little mountains in it so that's what they're doing and not right now though now she can't get to it and on the shoreline it's a mess too so she's wondering what to do and the special clay and it's very expensive and the pieces she has she's holding on to and she says what about putting that as having a museum show and everybody will demand to see them and then they'll want you to make more eventually when it's cleared out and she says good and she does not have any supply of it and it's that special valley
We have a few more announcements but it's really late
I want to thank him for this idea of having trouble figuring out what to do and tons of people are hassling me so he says you can put them there at the museum and take some professional photographs before and make an artist signed whatever you have image that you sign in and I said that that's a good idea and to hold on until we can get the supplies and shop going and it's true and I'm getting the shop ready we need way too many already and people who are there want them first so I asked for proof and it's going to work this is going to be great so you can't really get in here you can't get near it and he says I'm going to see something here
Wonder hussy and it shouldn't be Wander it's Wonder like you see here
And yeah like The Wonder years and I'm going to go to Michigan and get that clay for her it's symbolic she's one of ours and I'm going to do it
Wow this is great and other people are saying if we bring you clay can you make hours and we'll pay you and I say of course and he's saying be limited number but yeah so it's going to work and it might bring us together and I thank you very much Chris he says you're welcome and you can tell me who you are later and I said I feel like telling you I'm a friend of Aunt Rose and Rosemarie but I really know Uncle Alan and I was up there and how small at the store and you're kind of rude and someone was being rude to you other than me and I was not and it was Trump and he seem weird things and you're saying can you get out of my way I'm just trying to go over there and he says no I said look I don't know who you are where you're from but we don't behave like this out here and so the guy left. And you asked me if I needed some help and I said no and you told your uncle anyways and he came down and he had people around looking and you said he's real trouble and the banks are making a mistake real bad and he knew it man he said he stunk... Since I give a skunk spray someone you don't usually smell that way and it's forced on you and I get that it's really quite unique and they did speak a little like that around. I was living with Giants he says. I just got here now you know what the three beans are it said the max are eating beans and not meat I got to tell you something weird in trouble we are in trouble because if you figure out what it means but the cow is giving up for the three beans
Wonder hussy
We're going to announce a couple things no hes just going to rest
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thefloorisbalaclava · 4 years
hi lovie how r u? I dunno if u r taking requests, but maybe... I was thinking something where Javier starts to get a little bit cold towards y/n cos he saw horrible things that the narcos, pablo sicarios, did to some woman's relative to some other guys, including to Connie's cat and he's scared as hell they do something to y/n but when he realizes she's so sad and down, peña stars to show little acts of love in secrecy, like a note, one flower, a ring, just I don't know some angst and fluffy sorry for this long ass ask. thank you for your good posts ♡
Pairing: Javier Peña x F!Reader
Warnings: Angst, hurt/comfort, mentions of violence, flashbacks, trauma, mentions of sex
A/N: My friend and I have been talking about Javi a lot lately so you sent this at the perfect time! Thanks!
[Javier Peña masterlist]
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“Are you coming to see me today?” you asked Javier over the phone. He looked around the office then lowered his voice.
“I’ll see what I can do.” He regretted it almost immediately.
“I haven’t seen you in a week, Javi,” you reminded him. It was becoming plainly obvious that he was trying to avoid you or at least distance himself from you. What had you done wrong?
“I’ve been...busy,” he said. It wasn’t exactly a lie but just a few weeks ago, he had made time to see you almost every day.
“Right,” you sighed. You looked at the bags of groceries you bought to make dinner for you and him tonight. “Whatever.”
Javier sighed loudly. “I’ll call you later. I-” You hung up before he could finish whatever it was he was going to say. He slammed the phone down on the receiver and put his head in his hands. “Fuck,” he whispered.
He knew getting involved with you was a bad idea and not because you weren’t good or anything like that. If anything, you were too good. Fucking perfect. You were his safe haven, his softness, his saving grace. And that was the problem. You saved him but what if he couldn’t save you? He had seen what could happen to you. If anyone wanted to hurt him, you’re the first person they would go after and he couldn’t have that. He experienced firsthand with someone he loved and, God, he couldn’t live through that again. So he had to leave you.
Because he loved you.
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You stared at him in awe as he stood in front of you and told you this. Then you scoffed and turned away. It was all you could do to stop yourself from slapping him in his stupid, beautiful face.
“To protect me?” you repeated bitterly. “Just say that you don’t wanna be with me and stop using work as an excuse.”
“I’m not here to argue with you,” he said calmly.
“No, you’re only here to break my heart,” you snapped. “Well...you can go.”
“Okay but-”
“No! Just go...please.” You couldn’t look at him mostly because you were so angry but also because you didn’t want him to see the tears in your eyes. “I’m sure there’s a woman out there who will happily welcome you back into her bed.”
“Maybe you’re right,” he said and finally you whipped around to look at him.
“Fuck you, Javier.” You didn’t care if he saw the tears now. “If you’re being cold and indifferent to try and make this easier...fine. It worked. Get out. I never want to see you again.” You stormed away only to grab the pack of cigarettes he left on your table for when he came over. “Don’t forget these.” You threw the pack, hitting him directly in the face.
He scoffed and picked the cigarettes up then turned to the door. He stopped as if he was going to say something but then you heard the door close behind you and he was gone. Only when he was back in his car did he let his emotions show. His eyes filled with tears and he hit the steering wheel over and over again before putting his head against it. He tried lighting a cigarette but his hands shook so badly that it was impossible. Another burst of anger as he threw his lighter somewhere in his car.
He had to do it. Right? He had to. He couldn’t stand having another one of those dreams about finding Helena only for her to change into you when he got close enough.
There were plenty of nights where he would sit outside your place in his car just to make sure you got home okay. He was dreading the day he saw a man following you inside. He also wondered if you got any of the notes and gifts he left for you. This was the safest thing for now. 
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You sighed and rolled your eyes when you found another note from Javier slipped under your door, another little gift for you on the table, and a bottle of your favorite wine. The first time it happened you could only laugh to yourself when you remembered that he still had a key to your place.
As always, you threw everything in the garbage.
Except for the notes. For some reason you couldn’t part with them. Maybe because they smelled like him--that faint smell of his soap mixed with the smell of his cigarettes. Maybe because when you read them you did so in his voice. That goddamn voice of his and how it could change so quickly. Sometimes it was sweet and welcoming with just enough rasp to give him that air of that bad boy type. Other times it was low and growly which was usually reserved for when he was inside you, talking dirty to you, calling you a bad girl but how you were so good for taking him so well.
You closed your eyes and bit your lip at the thought.
“Enough,” you said quietly, walking over to grab that unopened bottle of wine from the top of the trash.
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Some nights you felt like you were being watched when you walked home from work but not in a threatening way. If Javier was watching you he kept himself hidden well because you could never find his car when you stopped to look for it.
You touched the necklace you wore as you turned the corner to your apartment and Javier watched. It made him sit up a bit when he noticed you were wearing it. He waited until he was sure you were settled down--he knew you had to ear dinner, shower, then watch a little television before you really got ready for bed.
Then he called.
“Hello.” You answered on the third ring like you always did. He didn’t know what to say. Hey, I’m sorry I was an idiot? Hey, I’ve been watching you come home every night like some creep? “Hello?” He could hear the slight annoyance in your tone.
“I-It’s me. It’s Javi,” he finally said.
“Don’t hang up!” He added quickly.
“I want my key back,” you said.
“So you’ve been getting them?” he asked.
“Getting what?” You looked down at the necklace then touched it.
“The gifts I’ve been leaving you.” He looked up at your window and could see your silhouette through the curtains.
“I throw them all away,” you lied.
“I don’t blame you.” He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “I miss you.”
You were quiet for a long time--afraid to speak because you knew what would happen if you did. “I miss you too,” you cried, sniffling quietly. Javier’s heart ached. He wanted nothing more than to run up those stairs and into your arms. But as soon as he closed his eyes he could only see you lying there, beaten and bloody, all because he couldn’t leave you alone.
“I’m gonna hold you again one day,” he said. “I promise. We’re both gonna get the fuck outta here...so far away. No one will be able to find us.” His throat tightened as his own tears threatened to spill over. “Look out the window...”
“Just look out the window.” He looked up at your window just in time to see you carefully pull the curtains back slightly. “Hey hermosa.”
“Hey handsome,” you said tearfully.
“No llores,” he said although there was a tear rolling down his cheek now. “Please, don’t cry.”
“Promise me you’ll hold me again, you’ll kiss me again, you’ll make love to me again,” you cried.
“I promise. I swear to you.” He looked up and saw that you put your hand against the window so he put his against the car window. “I love you.”
“I love you too...you asshole.” You laughed through your tears and it made him smile.
“Goodnight,” he said quietly, not wanting to let you go.
“Goodnight, Javi.” You hung up and walked away from the window. It would hurt too much to watch him drive away.
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javi taglist: @allthingsnarcos @josepedropascal  @oof-dindjarin @xjustmenobodyelse @rach7 @limenlimon @windfallss @findhimfives @the-bird-suit @oldstuffnewstuff @hoodedbirdie @fakenoods @nathan-bateman @helga1031 @triggerhappyflygirl @master-obi-wan-kenboneme @ladybeediva @heythere80sbaby @16boyfriends-and-me @laymegentlytorest @jeeperky @dee-rosemary @stanfordscrush @panda-angela @dindjstarin @simsiddy @deserttastesbitter @lightan117 @terrormonster55 @darnitdraco @dindjarinneedsahug @queenbbarnes @hells-bells-x @elizabeth-von-winken-universe @dodgerandevans @slugbuggie @allmahfeels @nemo-my-name-forevermore @marvelousmermaid @queridopascal
permanent taglist: @magicsuperheroes @feelmyroarrrr @the-dazzling-urbanite @phoenixhalliwell @liveloudwriteloud @tumblogbykarapaloma @jaime1110 @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @pascal-isaac @dazedrhapsody @pascalisthepunkest @ithinkhesgaybutwesavedmufasa @tiffdawg @freak-of-nature2002 @kingpascals @saltywintersoldat @theocatkov @mandilflorian @cyaredindjarin @themarcusmoreno @the-feckless-wonder @loki-098 @arabellathorne @dindisneydjarin @punkpascal @opheliaelysia @takens-world @huliabitch @stardelic @kandomeresbitch @havenforafrazzledmind @thisis-theway @stardust-galaxies @mrsparknuts @jedi-mando @frankiemorales @edencherries @lilkermit14 @virtualxjournality @thirstworldproblemss @emesispo @heresathreebee @tangledlove27 @marvgrrl @hayley-the-comet @insoucianttt @witchyavenger @coaaster @starless-eyes-remain @wanderlustmags @wonderfulfluffer @lv7867 @pedropasscals @pedroepascal @wigwitch @seasonschange-butpeopledont @theoria850 @roxypeanut @autumnleaves1991-blog @kenedyybrooklin @artsymaddie @dindjareen @silverfish-kingdom @heyitmelexie @gredandfeorgesgirl @mandaloriandindjarin @moonlight-prose @rosiefridayrogersunday @ssppoorrkk @amalie-buch @lucifer- @mstgsmy @randomness501 @darthadeline @youarenewformetoo @thehippiequilter @whovian-gurl @neverlandlibrarian @chibi-liz05 @dragons-of-the-usa @over300books @borderlinedindjarin @mudhornchronicles @cosmoschick @linkpk88 @lovingramsey @djvrins @escapedthesarlacc @coni-martina @pedrospunk @burrshottfirstt @jitterbugs927 @xserenax-13 @anatanotegami @doin-stuff @djarinsruni @aerolanya @icanbeyourjedi @bison-writes @strangelittlenobody @dinsbeskar @sarahjkl82-blog @neontiiger @houseofthirst @intu-witch-tion @ennuiandthebourgeoisie @littlebopper96 @boxdyeblonde @empressamidala @myheart-pedro @mtjoi @purplepascal042 @goalkeepernerd @rebelliouscat @leaiorganas @eternallyvenus @mandocrest @kellyozz @the-wishmonger @maythxthirstbxwithyou @andiebell2023 @moonlightburned @videogamesandpoorlifechoices @leonieb @freeshavocadoooo @auroraariza @kalimont83 @notabotiswear @martellthemandalor @beesting77 @medeasmiles @diaryofkali @mando-amando @venusdjarin @mystical-934 @blackmarketmummy @hauntedmama @mamacitapascal @insomniamamma @pedro4ever @greeneyedblondie44 @mitchi-c @prideandpascal
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Bath Bomb
Pairing: Bakugou x reader
Warnings: Bakugou
⋘ ──────── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──────── ⋙
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"Come on, girls! Let's go here next!"
You giggled with your friends as you hurried to keep close with one another in the crowded street. Today was one of your bi-annual girls' day out with all your gal pals from the former class A.
It so happened that this outing was planned and organized by Yaomomo, and she had decided to take you all on a shopping trip to Harajuku. Everyone was already laden with bags, some even assisted by Ochaco in lightening the heavier ones.
The store Momo had pointed to was a quaint LUSH store, where pink neon lights glowed in the windows.
All seven of you eagerly crowded into the store, breaking off into smaller groups to wander around. You ended up with Toru and Mina, wandering over to one of the walls packed nearly floor to ceiling with colorful bath bombs.
"Look at them all," Toru breathed, carefully bringing one up to her invisible nose for a sniff.
You walked around with them, occasionally pointing out a particularly cutely shaped or colorful one.
Suddenly, you felt a hand alight on your arm. "(Y/N)!" Mina said, barely stifling a giggle. "Look at that one!"
Your eyes followed the direction her finger pointed, finally landing on an egg-shaped turquoise bath bomb. Except, it wasn't meant to be an egg. This was unmistakably a grenade.
"Oh, I get it," you said. "Bath bomb, and it's a grenade. That is pretty funny."
"Well, yeah, but what I meant was—" Mina paused to grin and wiggle her eyebrows at you. "I think you might be able to enjoy that with a certain explosive someone, perhaps?"
Heat flooded into your cheeks as you realized she was talking about your fiancé, Bakugou Katsuki. Now that she mentioned it, it did remind you of him. The mold it had come from was similar to the very real explosives he kept on his hero belt.
"You should totally get it!" she went on, practically bouncing on her toes.
You picked one up, feeling its shape and weight. It was easily the size of your palm, and you finally let your hand take it up to your nose for a quick sniff. Lavender and rosemary greeted your senses. It was a very pleasant mix and you held it up so Mina could get a whiff of her own.
"Mmm," she said, briefly fluttering her eyelids closed. "Yep. You're getting that."
She pulled you with her so you could grab a tray together, gently placing it in the little holder. Everyone browsed for another twenty minutes or so before finally checking out. You had decided on an additional bath bomb for yourself along with something called a bubble bar, but you were truly the most excited about the distinct blue-green grenade that innocently rested at the bottom of your bag. As your group left the store, you couldn't wait for a chance to try out what you'd bought. It would be a nice way to surprise Katsuki when he got home. Additionally, it provided an excuse to relax together and spend time in each other's presence.
You had to snap yourself out of a quick daydream you'd begun to sink into in order to answer Jirou, silently grinning to yourself in anticipation for what was to come.
. . . . . . . .
Not three days later, you finally found your chance.
You got home earlier than he did, which was normal. As you began your routine of amusing yourself while you waited for Katsuki to come home, you felt a buzz emanating from your pocket. It turned out to be a call from none other than your fiancé himself, Bakugou.
"Hey, babe, what's up?" you said into the phone, uncertain as to why he was calling.
"Just wanted to let you know I'm coming home early," his gruff voice came through. "Do you want anything for dinner? I know it's been awhile since we've had that takeout you like."
Your eyes lit up. "You'd do that?"
Katsuki grumbled on his end of the phone, however you could hear that there was no malice behind it. "Yes. I don't understand why you like it so much, especially because of how bad for you it is and when my cooking is so much better, but I'll get it. For you."
"Thank you so much!"
Thus went most of your conversations with the blond. You were used to it by now, so you merely smiled. "I love you."
Katsuki's voice abruptly changed to tender. "I love you too."
Your smile only brightened as the end-call tone sounded in your ear. You loved everything about Katsuki, even his overly boorish nature. It only made the moments he let it slip all the sweeter. You knew you were the only one who got to witness that softer side to him, and it made your heart swell every time.
You flopped back into position on your couch, mind beginning to wander through possibilities of what you could do during your evening with Bakugou. You quickly remembered the little bath bomb you had shoved into the back of the bathroom cabinet. That would be perfect! You decided to wait until after dinner and then surprise him with the little plan that was already beginning to take form within your mind.
The lock on your door clicked a few minutes later, alerting you that Bakugou had come home. You rose to greet him, strolling into the kitchen to see him setting a bag down on the counter.
You walked up to his side and pecked him on the cheek. "Welcome home, babe."
Katsuki's vermilion eyes met yours as you leaned into him, draping an arm around his waist. "Hey."
"How was work?"
"Not bad," he answered, reaching up into a cabinet and pulling out two glasses, handing one to you.
You grabbed the bag and went to your little table, going back into the kitchen to fill your cup with ice and water once Katsuki was done. The two of you settled at the table, taking out the boxes of food he'd bought for you.
"So why did they let you off early?" you inquired, plunging your chopsticks into a personal container of noodles.
"Dumbass advisor told me to go home," he answered. "Villain hit me with their quirk or something and I got a little dinged up."
"Are you alright?" you asked, suddenly concerned.
"Of course. They just told me to stay in and rest. Pathetic, thinking I'm weak or some shit."
"'Tsuki, you know he just cares about you."
Bakugou made his classic tch noise, scowling back down into his mixed vegetables. "The only reason I agreed to leave was so that I could spend more time with you."
You looked back to him, hoping to catch those ruby eyes of his. He refused to offer them, however, and you eventually gave up, going back to your food.
"I know you don't see me as often as you'd like to," he continued, his voice little more than a mutter. "It's been a while since we've been able to spend a day together, let alone plan our—our wedding."
It was true. Even today, for Katsuki, he'd gotten home early, but you weren't blind to the fact that it was already half past seven. Some nights you'd be up until nearly two AM, waiting for his footsteps to come in through your door. You never ceased to stay awake for him, however, filling some of your free time with planning for your wedding ceremony. Bakugou was letting you handle most of it, although it wasn't as though he had much choice. That didn't stop you from trying to include him any way you could; occasionally talking over what you'd thought of and decided on that day while the two of you lay in bed together. Sometimes lying alone with one another in cool darkness were the only moments you could share, quietly conversing until one of you fell victim to the sleep that had been pressing at the backs of both of your eyes for the last few hours.
You had to hope that one day it would get better. Someday, he may be able to catch more breaks. Maybe someday, society would be fixed so that crime would dwindle to nearly nothing. But that someday was far, far away, if it even would ever come at all. All you could do was be thankful that Katsuki loved his job and rarely got injured. It brought in good money too, with his position so high at the top. The only thing that mattered was that he somehow walked in through that door at the end of each day, no matter what time it was or how long the two of you had gone without sleep. No matter what, you'd always be there, waiting for him.
Your hand snaked its way across the table to settle on top of Katsuki's, finally getting him to look up at you. "It's okay," you assured him. "You're here now. I couldn't be happier."
You both sat, looking at each other in a silent moment, his palm having turned to take yours, thumb gently stroking the outside of your hand.
Flicking your eyes down, you let a small smile creep onto your lips. "I actually have a little surprise for you," you said. "It's for after dinner."
Bakugou breathed out a little laugh in a singular huff, going back to consuming your "shitty takeout" food. "Do you, now?"
"Uh huh."
You could tell he was curious. Bakugou wasn't really one who was much for surprises, but he trusted you.
It wasn't too much longer before you finished your meal, taking the cardboard containers and stuffing them back into the bag they had come from. Bakugou put the glasses on the counter next to the sink while you tied up the trash bag and tossed it out, double checking that the table was clear and clean.
"Ready?" you asked, running your hand down his forearm until it met his own, intertwining your fingers.
"Let's get started, then."
You led him to the bathroom, letting go of his hand so you could turn on the tap for your bathtub. It was just the right size for the two of you to comfortably sit together in, and this was hardly your first time doing so.
"You wanted me to take a bath?" Katsuki asked, watching you adjust the temperature.
"Well, yes, but—" you turned and strode over to the cabinet, rummaging around for the object of interest. You pulled out the bag, reaching in to show off the little grenade. "Ta-da!"
Bakugou looked at it, slightly unimpressed. "What is it?"
"It's a bath bomb," you explained. "I saw it the other day when I was out shopping with the girls and it reminded me of you." You watched his expression, but it hadn't really changed. "So are you interested?"
Katsuki finally let the smallest of smiles grace his lips. "Sure. I was planning on showering here anyway. A bath will do."
"Am I invited?" you asked, just to make sure.
"Of course you are, dumbass," he said, looking nearly offended that you might have thought otherwise.
"Well, then. Let's get to it."
The two of you started stripping off your clothes, discarding them on the floor. When you glanced up at Bakugou, you noticed a little red mark on his shoulder, disappearing over the peak and presumably continuing on his back. You stepped closer, walking around behind him, ignoring a half-hearted protest from the man who was sporting it. A large, red blotchy welt bloomed on the skin of his back, and when you touched it as gently as possible with your fingertips, you found that it was nearly burning.
"Katsuki, baby," you crooned concernedly, unable to take your eyes off it.
"That was the best the healing guy could do," he explained, his voice quieter than usual. "It was worse before, but that's why I got sent home."
"Does it hurt?"
"Not really."
You clicked your tongue, still figuring it probably did hurt more than he would ever let on. You gently kissed a patch of unmarked skin next to it, just to be safe.
Knowing how much Bakugou hated it when you fussed over any injuries he got, you finally left to grab the bath bomb. You traded it for your engagement ring, sliding off the gold band and picking up the green grenade from where you had set it on the counter. The faucet handle of the tub was cool in your hand as you turned the water off, having moved back over to its edge. You shifted your appendage to flick your fingers in the water to check the temperature. It was just right; not too hot, not too cold.
"Come here," you beckoned Katsuki to your side. "Watch this."
You dropped the bath grenade into the water, both of you watching as it began to fizz at the bottom. The water began to take on a cartoonish lagoon-blue tint, and the smell of rosemary and lavender began to sweetly float into the air.
"Now come on," you said, stepping into the tub. Katsuki followed in after you, and you let him sit down and adjust before sliding into his lap. You leaned against his shoulder as his arms wrapped around you. You scanned his face, searching for any signs of discomfort. You found that sometimes it was the best way to tell what he was feeling, rather than asking.
Nevertheless, his eyes were gently shut, jaw relaxed. An eyelid slid open to peer at you, a tiny sliver of red just scarcely able to be seen.
"Whatcha lookin' at?" he asked, tone conversational.
"'Feh'," you mocked. "The great Bakugou Katsuki, 20—"
"Stop," he interrupted, sending a splash of scented unnaturally blue water over your shoulder. You giggled, nuzzling closer into his chest in your giddiness. A deep inhale and exhale went through your man's lungs, and you followed the idea soon after. The lavender really did do something to your brain, almost magically quieting your thoughts as you felt calm steal over your body.
You'd missed this, just being able to spend time with the love of your life, relaxing together. The water you both were encased in was so soothingly warm, reaching you where Katsuki's hold could not.
"So how did your day go?" you asked, keeping your eyes shut as you snuggled into him. "Tell me all about the villains you vanquished."
You could practically hear Katsuki grin above you, and without hesitation he launched into an anecdote about a man he'd apprehended early that morning. You knew how much he loved talking about his great feats of heroism. It seemed to be a bit of an ego booster for him, watching your face as you reacted to his account of his day.
You felt him shift slightly, not ceasing in his talk. The sound of a shampoo bottle popping open met your ears, and soon after, Bakugou's fingers were lacing through your damp hair, spreading the cleansing scent throughout your scalp.
You hummed and leaned into his touch, enjoying the added sensation while he finished up his speech.
"—shoulda seen the look on the little shit's face when he realized there was nothing he could do. I had him, just like that. Damn extra, didn't even have that much paperwork to file on him."
"Mmm," you hummed in acknowledgement. "Oh, baby, that feels so good."
Bakugou continued rubbing circles into your scalp, lather and foam coating his hands. You loved his hands. They were so large and strong; the source of his power, the source of his pride.
Finally he swirled your hair up and out of the way into a makeshift twist-bun, held together sheerly by the sticky shampoo lather. He took a bar of your favorite soap and began to run it over the skin of your back and shoulders, applying a delicious amount of pressure to muscles you hadn't even known were tensed. Satisfied with the slippery coating, Katsuki went back to using those hands of his, rolling the heels perfectly into you, alternating between palms and knuckles.
"'Tsuki," you said, voice hazy from how good it felt, "this was supposed to be for you."
"Yes, and?"
You pouted, eyes still lidded. "You're supposed to be relaxing."
"This is how I relax."
"Yeah, but—"
"Did I fucking stutter?"
You snorted, letting him continue his business in massaging your back. "Okay, but you're next."
"You wish."
"Did I fucking stutter?" you countered, using his own words against him. "You can't escape me. You're going to feel good by the time we get out of here, and that's a rock fact."
Even Katsuki had to have known his grumbles sounded fake. It was rare for him to show it, but you knew that every now and then he reveled in having you take care of him. Whether it be working out knots in his muscles or rubbing cream into his burns, there was a secret side to him that would allow you to tend to him. His brash persona had to be let down sometime, and every day you felt honored that you were among the few people who he trusted enough to see him without it.
Katsuki finally began to pour water over your back, the warmth trickling down and bringing the soap right with it. He leaned you back so your hair was submerged and your head was in his lap. His fingers began to wind through your tresses again, shaking the shampoo bubbles into the water around you. Without fail, Bakugou always insisted that you were completely taken care of before he ever allowed anything to be done to himself. There was nothing you could do to protest, that's just the way it was. Firm but gentle fingertip pads were pressed into your shoulders, signaling for you to sit up.
He began the process over again with your conditioner, squirting some on his hand before running it through the strands of hair that fell from your head.
"Have the energy to talk about our wedding?" you asked, eyes flicking up to the counter where your sparkling ring sat waiting.
You ran over a few thoughts you'd gotten to recently. You already had a pretty solid guest list, a venue in mind, arrangements for flowers, the cake, dresses, and even the suit Bakugou had picked out. Now was the more practical stuff; scheduling and seating, sketching out designs for the invitations.
You relayed over the conversation you'd had with Momo earlier yesterday. You were so thankful to have her as a friend, helping you plan. It was almost as if she knew what she was doing, at least, more than you did. She was good with decision making and had your best interests at heart.
Bakugou listened while he continued to thread his fingers through your hair, occasionally commenting or making little noises of acknowledgment while you spoke. It wasn't long before he tapped your shoulder, ready to dip you again.
The water that flooded your ears distorted your voice as you continued talking. You wished you had your laptop in front of you so you could show him your detailed spreadsheet.
You finally sat up, him having finished rinsing once again. You paused in your conversation to say, "Now it's your turn."
He turned, trying to find a moderately comfortable means to lean back so you could reach the top of his head. You cupped water in your hands and used it to wet his ash blond hair. Satisfied at its newly damp state, you pulled down his shampoo. Which also happened to be his conditioner.
You'd always grumbled at him for being tacky and using it, but his argument was that he didn't need anything more. It was cheap and quick and he refused to budge from his stance on it. At least you'd gotten him to start picking up scents you liked. This one was coconut. You glanced at the upside down bottle in your hand as you squeezed some out, silently cringing at the 3-in-1 proudly printed on the sticker. What bothered you was probably the sheer difference in male vs female advertised products. You wouldn't be surprised if they came out with something that he could brush his teeth with too.
You spread it over his spikes, each point becoming droopy under the weight of the water that had soaked into them. You couldn't help but notice how Bakugou leaned into your touch. Your voice began to trail off as you focused on his hair. It didn't take long to spread the shampoo through his short blond hair, working it into his roots. Next you moved down to his neck, trying to keep your fingers away from any reddened areas. Your hands skillfully moved over his back, much like his had done to yours a few moments prior. His skin was soon covered in a fine layer of suds, deliciously scented as you finally began to rinse both it and his hair with the now scarcely lukewarm water.
"You feel any better, Katsuki?" you asked, leaning forward to rest your chin on his shoulder.
"From what?" he shot back, annoyed that you'd suggest he was ever anything less than 'fine'.
"I don't know," you said, keeping your tone soft. "You still haven't told me how you got this today." You gingerly tapped a patch of skin on his back, still flushed but now glistening with moisture.
He abruptly stood, water running in rivulets down his legs as he stepped out of your bath. Bakugou wordlessly grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist, exiting the bathroom with nothing more than it and heavy footsteps.
You sighed and chewed on your lip, collecting yourself before pulling the plug from the drain. Your fingers slid through the receding water, eventually locating the fizzing remains of your grenade and setting it on the ledge. You lifted yourself out and grabbed a towel, sliding your ring back onto your finger before finally leaving the warm, steamy bathroom to find Katsuki.
It wasn't difficult to locate the blond, finding him in the first place you checked; your bedroom. He laid on his back, palms supporting his head while his elbows stretched out on either side. He wore only a pair of loose-fitting orange and black gym shorts, slung low on his hips as he gazed up at the ceiling.
You decided it would be best to not force him to talk, opting to begin work on patting your hair dry with your towel before slipping on one of Katsuki's large, old t-shirts and some cotton panties. The bed dipped under your weight as you sat at the edge, silently beginning to finger comb your damp hair. You listened to nothing but your own heartbeat steadily thumping in your chest, concern for your fiancé clouding your thoughts.
Before you could turn around to ask him what was wrong, Bakugou finally spoke. "Why did you agree to marry me?"
The question caught you so completely off guard, a scoff escaped your throat. "Because I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Why are you asking me that?"
Katsuki's frown deepened. "It's just that . . . sometimes I wonder if you don't deserve this. I never see you. When I do, I'm not the . . . nicest person. You could—you would probably be better off with someone different."
You rubbed your hand soothingly over his toned belly. "Was today not a good day?"
Bakugou chewed on the inside of his cheek. You recognized the blank look in his eyes, signaling that he was trying to distance himself from his emotions. "He got away."
"Who?" you asked quietly, shifting so you could comfortably run your hands over him. The action was meant to try to calm him and ease him from behind his figurative walls.
"The villain who—who hurt me. I didn't catch him and it's all my fault. I lost. I'm a failure."
You frowned at his words. This must have really affected him if he was willing to break down so much in front of you. Bakugou had always had the mindset that he always had to win. That was how he decided he would be the greatest hero. A blow like this had to hurt.
You laid down and pulled yourself against his side, ducking under his arm so he had no choice but to hold you to his warm chest. You placed a kiss over one of his pecs, your gentle fingers never ceasing in their soothing up and down motions over his abs.
"You're far from a failure, Katsuki," you said softly in his ear. "Things like this happen."
"Not to me," he grumbled, turning his head away from you.
"You'll catch him next time, I'm sure of it."
Bakugou huffed beside you. "I should be out there, hunting him down," he finally said.
"Not in this condition," you stated firmly, tapping a finger against his skin.
You could see Bakugou's lip curl over his teeth. "It's not like I can't fight. I barely even hurt anymore. I can—"
"I wasn't talking about your wound."
He turned his head, finally looking at you. Confusion and suspicion swam in his vermilion eyes, but you used the opportunity to place your hand on his cheek.
"You're down on yourself," you said. "You need some time off. You're working so much and so hard, which is a good thing, but I think you need some time away."
Bakugou rested his hand over yours, gazing into your eyes. "I can't just let him go," he stated simply. "I can't afford to take time off."
"I know," you sighed. "But just for tonight? For me? You deserve it."
Your fiancé sighed. There wasn't anything he wanted more then than to hold you in his arms and forget for a few moments. Forget about his demanding job and getting a whole new hero agency kicked off the ground. Forget about his sworn responsibilities to the world. Forget about that damned bastard who got away.
A grumble sounded deep within Bakugou's chest, signaling to you that he had caved. You let him tug you forward and pull you into a kiss, attacking your lips in that perfectly rough but sweet way that you craved and loved.
Once he was temporarily satisfied, he cradled you against his bare chest for several minutes, refusing to move until all the stress had slowly trickled out of his muscles. You nuzzled into his bare skin, which still smelled so deliciously fresh after having gotten out of your bath.
"I love you," Bakugou finally said. "You know that, right?"
"Of course." Your voice came out a bit muffled, but you had little interest in adjusting from your position.
"I do want to get married," he went on. "To you. Maybe start a family . . . . It wouldn't be so bad, having a little fuckin' monster running around."
Your heart leapt at the idea of having a baby with the pro hero. It was something you'd thought about quite a bit, actually. "And is this child's 'fuckin' monster' qualities from you or from me?"
"You, obviously."
You laughed at Katsuki's joke, glad that he was beginning to feel better. When you looked back into his face, you were pleased to find that even he was smiling just a little bit.
You kissed his skin again as a way to segway to another topic. "So what do you want to do for the rest of your evening off?"
"Maybe we could watch something." He shrugged. "I don't care as long as I'm holding you."
His wish was an easy one to have come true. Within minutes you were relocated to the couch, snuggled up under a blanket together with a bowl of popcorn, watching something you both had been able to agree upon.
Your relationship with Katsuki wasn't an easy one, but there was no one else in the whole world you'd rather spend a lifetime with.
⋘ ──────── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──────── ⋙
Taglist: @basicaegyo​ @iiminibattlehero​ @pyrofanatic​​ @xoxopam4​
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emwritesfootball · 3 years
Spending The Night | Eric Dier
Ok thinking about a piece for big baby Eric Dier, where him and the reader spend the night together for the first time in their relationship so there’s like cute domestic stuff like her staying at his place and being nervous, but then they hookup for the first time since they’ve been together and it’s like exploring each other’s bodies and figuring out what the other likes and dislikes 😳 sexy
Word Count: 981
Warnings: protected!sex, teasing, etc
Enjoy @balenciagastones xx
- - -
You double- and triple-checked your overnight bag, paranoid that you might have forgotten something. “Get it together,” you muttered to yourself, sighing as you ran a hand through your hair before starting your car with shaking hands.
You took a deep breath as you pulled into Eric’s drive, trying to calm your nerves. Everything dissipated the moment he answered the door, smiling wide as you stepped in for a hug and a welcoming kiss.
“Are you ready to make dinner with me?” He asked after grabbing your bag and letting you inside. You followed him, trying to keep your awe in check as you looked around at his beautiful home.
“I think so. Did you get all the ingredients from the store already?”
Eric shrugged. “Sort of.”
“Sort of?” You were confused and it showed on your face.
“Well, we’ve gotta pick a few of them from my garden, first.” Eric took your hand and led you to the back garden, smiling proudly as he showed you all the vegetables and herbs he was growing.
“So, what do we need?” You asked, donning the pair of gardening gloves Eric had handed you.
The two of you worked in tandem, Eric showing you the proper way to dig for the potatoes and carrots and how to pick the basil and rosemary so the plant could still grow. When everything was picked, Eric gave you the basket and you followed him inside.
“You’re all sweaty,” you murmured half to yourself as you watched him walk ahead of you. His t-shirt clung to his back and biceps, and you couldn’t help getting turned on.
“What?” Eric asked, turning and smirking when he caught you staring. “Oh.” He blushed and ran a sheepish hand over his head. “I can shower if you’d like. Before we, um, uh...”
“Have sex?” You finished for him. Now it was your turn to smirk. “If you’d be more comfortable.”
Eric thought it over, setting the basket of veg and herb down on the counter before pulling you into him. “How about we shower together after sex tonight?”
“Mm, that sounds nice.” Something about the way he said it had anticipation pooling low in your belly as you placed a hand on his chest and kissed him. The kiss held promise of more later and you couldn’t wait. Just then, your stomach growled, interrupting the moment when the two of you burst out into giggles at the noise.
“But first: food,” Eric said, taking charge and getting all the pots and pans and utensils out before the two of you started cooking.
Cooking with Eric felt normal and domestic. The two of you worked in sync and it wasn’t long before the food was simmering on the stove and the bread was in the oven. “Timer’s set,” you said, smiling triumphantly as you turned to Eric. “It won’t be long now.”
Eric placed his hands on your hips, pulling you into him so you were pressed flush against him. “Any suggestions as to what we can do while we wait?”
“I can think of a few things,” you replied, looping your arms around his neck and pulling him down for a kiss.
You explored his mouth with your own, moaning when he slipped his tongue into your mouth and tangled it with yours. Your fingers dug into the back of his neck, the baby-fine hairs tickling your fingertips. Eric pressed you against the counter, slipping his knee between your legs as the kisses turned heated and he trailed kisses down your neck.
“Eric,” you whimpered, tilting your neck to give him better access, “if you keep doing that, I won’t make it through dinner.”
“What’ll happen if I nibble on your earlobe?” He whispered, his hands sliding up your shirt.
You swallowed hard, biting down on your bottom lip. “If...if you do that, our food will definitely be ruined.”
Eric laughed, pulling away and resting his forehead on yours. Both of you were breathing heavily and you couldn’t help clinging to him. “I guess we’re gonna have to stop for now, eh?”
“I guess,” you said, nodding. “But the food’s almost done…”
As if on cue, the timer went off and you and Eric set to work getting the table ready and digging in to dinner.
After dinner, the two of you cuddled on the sofa, kissing with a movie on in the background while you waited to go to bed. Eric’s hands wandered all over your body and you did the same to him, both of you figuring out what you liked and disliked.
“Should we move this to the bedroom?” Eric asked hesitantly, looking up at you as you straddled him.
“I think we should,” you replied, climbing off him and following him to his bedroom.
It was fun and awkward, exploring each other. Eric made you feel safe and comfortable in his arms, and you loved the way he made you feel. You showed him just how you liked your pussy eaten and he talked you through how to get him to cum quickly down your throat. You’d originally balked at the size of his cock and joked about how he would get it inside you, but the moment he had you on your back and he was sliding inch by inch inside you, you lost all train of thought.
“Fuck,” Eric cursed, rolling off of you when you’d both had an orgasm. He tied off the condom, depositing it in the bathroom bin and returned with a washcloth to run between your legs. “That was…”
“I know,” you said, giggling and grinning at him. “Maybe we should have made it bad so that those aren’t our expectations we’ve got to live up to next time?”
Eric shook his head, leaning down and dropping a kiss on your lips. “Just wait ‘til morning - I’ve got plans.”
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oddaodd · 4 years
Request: it’s before season 1, The boys not long come back from the war and y/n has been friends with the Shelbys as she’s also a gypsy, her, tommy and Finn live in there own house, (y/n is like a mother to Finn and tommy and y/n are really close) y/n is coming to the end of her pregnancy but there is a storm and they can’t call for help and doors need to be blocked with sandbags to avoid flooding and y/n’s waters broke so tommy had to help deliver the baby and Finn was helping as moral support, and tommy was just telling her to trust and listen to her body, a few hours later the baby is born, Finn has been sent to bed and tommy and y/n are relaxing with the baby and they talk and they confess feelings and tommy agrees to be the babies father (the biological could have died from war or left or anything else, it’s up to you). A few days later the storm passes and the Shelbys come and see them to check if there ok and they see tommy helping y/n getting the baby to latch to feed and Finn is playing or reading and there just happy and fluffy 💙💙 kind of long and it’s okay if you don’t want to write this, I’ve just never seen someone wrote something like this and thought it would be interesting ✨✨ (I’m also not the best at spelling and gramma so if anything is wrong or doesn’t make sense I’m sorry ❤️❤️)
· Tommy helps the reader give birth ·
warnings: mentions of pregnancy.
Author´s note: I don¨t know much about childbirth or children in general but I did some research and this is what i came up with. Hope you like it ✨
It was a tempestuous evening in Birmingham when a very pregnant Y/n helped little Finn and Tommy barricade the windows and doors in the house against the latter´s complaints against it. Thomas had become very overprotective as Y/n´s due date neared and didn’t want her making any unnecessary efforts. She found his concern sweet but didn’t want to just sit there doing nothing while the storm which according to the newspapers was to be the wildest of the century raged outside. So she helped handing them nails and wooden planks. The nature of the whole situation was concerning. They didn’t know how long the storm would last and she feared something would happen to her and her baby.  
Finn was terrified of storms and clung to y/n´s skirt whenever thunder hit. Y//n soothingly rubbing his back as he did. Finn´s fear and her own making her feel specially pregnant in all the worst ways possible. She tried to not let it get to her and bent down to grab a wooden plank to hand to Tommy when she felt water running between her legs. This can’t be happening now. 
“Tommy?” She asked trying to not let the panic she was feeling show. 
Judging by the speed in which Tommy turned to look at her, her efforts to hide her fear were vain. He instantly noticed the pool of water under her y/and his eyes widened in panic too. Her mouth opened in hesitation before letting out a cry as she felt her first contraction. 
Tommy immediately rushed to her side and led her to the bathroom, helping her sit inside the tub before filling it with warm water, an alarmed Finn following close by. 
“Y/n!y/n! Are you ok?” Asked the boy, concern evident in his young features.
“Im fine Finn ,don’t worry…” she started trying to reassure him but was suddenly interrupted by another contraction. 
Tommy saw his little brother’s terrified face and kneeled down beside him.
“She´s fine Finn, its just her baby” he said partly to calm the young boy and partly to calm himself. 
Another piercing scream rang through the bathroom walls as she held on to the brim of the tub. 
“Why don’t you go get the towels and the medicine cabinet from the kitchen” Tommy suggested. 
Truth was, Tommy was terrified, he knew nothing about births aside from his mother´s screams when his younger siblings were born, but he knew he had to remain collected for Y/n´s sake.
The little boy rushed out of the bathroom and came back seconds later, handing Tommy what he asked for and placing his little hand on top of y/n¨s one trying to be of comfort. 
Some minutes passed by as her contractions increased in frequency and pain. Her screams matching the intensity of the storm outside. 
“I can’t do It Tom” she cried as she felt a tearing pain. 
“Yes you can, love, you’re doing so well. Just keep breathing” he said and moved over to the end of the tub rolling up his sleeves before submerging his arms in the water and feeling for the baby. 
“I can feel it´s head Y/n, just keep pushing” he urged 
Y/n moved her head in negation, tears in her eyes and her face red “I can’t” 
“Just listen to your body love, one more push” Tommy said.
Y/n continued crying “you can do it Y/n” came Finns voice. 
She felt another contraction and with an agonizing scream pushed one last time. Finally giving birth. 
She passed out seconds later to the sight of Tommy taking the baby out of the water and wrapping it in a towel handed to him by Finn. 
She woke up hours later in her bed, her body still tired and in pain. She looked  at her surroundings and saw Tommy sitting in the rocking chair she kept by the tiny fireplace with a bundle of blankets in his arms. 
“Tom?” She asked, her voice barely there, weak and raspy from her screaming. 
He turned to look at her and smiled when he saw her fully conscious, before getting up and walking to her bed. “Ready to meet your daughter?” 
Y/n prompted herself up so she was sitting and took her baby in her arms when Tommy handed her to her. Her eyes welled up in tears as she saw her looking deeply into her eyes and then she could see all the pain she went through completely justified. 
The circumstances in which she had gotten pregnant weren’t ideal to say the least. Her boyfriend at the time left her when she told him she was pregnant, her mother kicked her out of the camp  when she too found out and having no place else to go, she found herself living with Tommy ,who welcomed her with open arms, and his little brother Finn. 
She turned to look at Tommy and let her emotions and tears run freely as she saw him looking at her adoringly. She had always been in love with him but never confessed anything, convincing herself he didn’t feel the same when she saw him going out with other girls. But when he looked at her like that it made her question everything. 
Tommy wiped away some of her tears gently and put an arm around her, letting her rest her head on his chest. 
“Have you thought of names?” He asked.
“Rosemary” she said after a second ”It was my grandmother’s name” she whispered taking her baby’s little hand in hers. Marveling at how small it was. 
“Its a beautiful name” he whispered pressing a kiss to Y/n´s temple. 
Y/n moved a little to look at his face “Thank you Tommy… For helping me, helping us… for everything” 
He cupped her face “ You don’t have to Thank me, Im always going to be here for you and for little Ro“
She smiled at the nickname and held one of his hands, just relishing the moment and then  without really thinking about it she confessed “I love you”  
A flash of panic ran through her insides the second she registered what she had said. Would he leave her too? 
But all or her concerns were dismissed when Tommy leaned in, softly kissing her lips. “I love you too. Always have and always will. 
After a week of constant rain and gushing winds, the storm cleared out. Finn was playing in the parlor with some toy horses as Y/n sat in a sofa breast-feeding Rosemary and singing her a Romani Lullaby that her mother had sung to her when she was a baby, and that her grandma had sung to to her mother when she was baby, and that many other Romani women before them had sung to their children.  
Tommy then walked into the room with Polly following close by. The woman’s eyes widened when she saw Y/n rushing to her side. 
“When Thomas told me he had delivered your baby I couldn’t believe it.” She admitted sitting next to Y/n. 
Y/n smiled at the woman and gently handed Rosemary to her. Covering herself with a quilt. Polly admired the baby with adoration, reminiscing about the time she had had her babies before they were taken away from her. 
“What’s her name?” She asked with a coo. 
“Rosemary” Y/n sighed happily as Thomas walked to her side and placed a hand on her shoulder, her own hand going to grab his. 
“Rosemary Shelby” Pol confirmed “she’ll be a strong woman, just like her birthday´s storm and her Mum” she said, handing Rosemary back to Y/n with a smile. 
And in that moment all was well. 
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chaosangel767 · 3 years
Hey if you take requests can you answer this and if you don’t then you can ignore it tyyy
If you don’t mind writing Oliver knight x reader bath time like the one with Jonah but fluff(and a very tiny bit of nsfw) thanks
I sure can. Here you go Anon, it took me forever to settle on an idea . I hope you enjoy it!
Taking Care
Prompt: Bath Time
Type of One-shot: Fluff/ slight Lemon
Pairing: Oliver Knight x Reader
Warnings: slight lemon, anxiety
WC: 806
Asked for by: anon
Night has fallen over Cradle and the rising moon is showing as almost full. Oliver's shop has been increasingly busy, causing you both to stay working late into the night. Oliver finally finishes his invention he's been working on and stands up, looming over you as he grabs your hands, pulling you into a standing position.
"Come on Alice” he pulls you into his arms, guiding you into the kitchen.
"Oliver I'm too tired for food" you protest, trying to to escape to go up to your room, but Oliver tsks and tightens his arms around you.
"Come on dummy you have barely been eating, I made you something special." He leads you to the table and you sink down exhausted. The waves of anxiety and homesickness wash over you as you rest your head in your hands. Oliver places some soup and bread in front of you and you swirl the spoon around not hungry enough to actually eat.
"Alice, eat something, it won't be good if you get sick. Who will be my assistant?" Oliver's voice is gruff but you hear the worry in his voice and take a couple of small bites of the soup to make him happy. The warmth melts in your mouth and you feel comforted eating it, a small smile makes its way to your face as you recognize your favorite flavors, ones that remind you of home. You take some of the bread, offering Oliver a slice only to find him gone. A frown marrs your face as you eat, pouting slightly at his disappearance.
You finish your food slowly, almost too tired continue. Pushing away your dishes you shut your eyes and start humming, barely staying awake. Movement forces you to open your eyes as Oliver lifts you up and carries you away from the table bridal style and you cling to his neck.
"Hey I have a bath ready for you" he speaks as soft as his usually gruff voice allows and you nuzzle his neck.
"I'm so tired, it's too late for a bath" you protest and he sighs, glancing down at you before looking ahead.
"Hush Dummy, I'm going to take care of you. You've been working too hard." He scolds, bringing you to his bathroom and setting you on the counter. He gently strips you and places you in the tub, the warm water caresses you and you shut your eyes, opening them when Oliver moves next to you.
"Oliver, join me "You catch his hand and he starts to deny you, but quickly gives up and slips in behind you. He hums as he washes your hair. The smell of lavender and rosemary fills the room and you open your eyes, leaning back and looking up. Your eyes meet stormy grey ones filled with worry and gentleness.
"You need to relax more and stop overworking yourself" Oliver tells you as he runs his hands across your shoulder and back, rubbing out the tense muscles. You shut your eyes and let out a sigh.
"Then you need to relax more, I am only working the same hours you are" You scold him and he chuckles behind you grabbing a washcloth and starting to wash your body.
"But I am actually working, I have deadlines, and I'm used to it. You work to escape your anxiety and homesickness. You aren't used to the type of hours I am putting in." He replies and you stop for a minute. Oliver continues before you can protest, not sure how he picked up on the fact that you have been so homesick.
"I have been putting a rush on projects because we are taking a little vacation in a few days." Your eyes widen when you realize that the full moon is in 3 days and turn to your boyfriend.
"We are going to London?" You can't help the excitement in your voice, all the homesick feelings seem to stop at the truth and he nods, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
"We are, I am taking a month off work and we are going to spend some time in London. Apparently bosses need to pay their employees a vacation every once in a while, so I figured we could go there." Oliver stuttered a little, not used to being so open about his feelings and relishing the first large smile you have given in a while. You nuzzle up into his neck and hug him, the excitement seeming to give you a little more energy.
"Thank you Oliver" You whisper, shutting your eyes and he squeezes you tighter, resting his head in the crook of your neck, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. He brushes his lips over your neck and goosebumps run along your skin.
"Oh you are most certainly welcome my little dummy."
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championsofthegate · 9 months
What Kind of Love are You?
Ayla - Love as a Threshold
Your love does not ask for much. Your love does not take. Your love is free, and unquestioned, and here for wherever needs it. When you fall in love, it is as gentle as a breath in the night. It is quiet, and it is effortless. It is tender. If your love was a house, it would readily welcome all who come through. If your love was a hearth, it would warm the hands of whoever stopped by, whether for a day, a month, a year, or forever. When you fall for someone, it is without strings, without conditions, without need. You love for the sake of loving, for the sake of caring for those who need it. You love with a giver’s heart and a giver’s hands and are made so much stronger for it. Being loved by you is to always feel at home. Your love may not always be well-received by those unprepared to linger, but it is unforgettable all the same.
Rosemary - Love as a Performance
Your love is a masquerade, a dance, a work of art. You love with a veil across your face, unable to allow anyone to see the real you. Can that be considered love, you wonder? As a performer, you have all your lines prepared, and you know exactly what to say and when to say it. You’re charismatic and bold, seductive and hypnotic. Your love is a snake’s melody, the siren song of the sea. Your love is enchanting. Your love is melodic. Your love is afraid and fearful and longing. You ache to tear the veil off, you ache to cast poetry aside for the sake of something real and gritty. You’re terrified of the very thought. Being loved by you is to be loved by an artist; it is to be a muse. It reflects others beautifully, but never, ever yourself. Not really. Not truly.
Alea - Love as a Choice
You choose to love. Love does not come to you easily, but every day you wake up and choose it. It would be so easy, wouldn't it, to grow cold and callous and grim. But you rise to greet the world, making the conscious effort to find something, anything to love. When you fall for someone, you do not kid yourself of their flaws. Instead, you resolve to see them for who they are, mistakes and all and you love them all the same. Your love is work, and it does not come easy. Your love sweats and toils. It is calloused and sunburned; it bears scars and comes with stories. Your love is worn, but it is no less valuable for it. Being loved by you is like being loved by a gardener, a mother, a teacher. Your love may not always be the simplest, but it is worth the effort.
Shadowheart - Love as a Flaw
Cowering, your love hides in the dark. In shadows and under cover of night, your love runs from corner to corner, afraid to linger, afraid to be caught. Afraid, afraid, afraid of everything. When you fall in love, it is with alarm bells ringing. Your love is a mistake, a flaw in the code, a purchase you don’t remember making and desperately want to return. You didn’t ask for this. You didn’t want this. It’s a problem–– your problem ––and you would do anything to pass it off, burn it away, scoop it out of you with bare hands, or carved out with hooked knives before it can destroy you. Get it out, just get it out now. You don’t care who you hurt in the process, only that you can’t afford to be hurt first. Being loved by you is to be loved by a figment of the imagination. It is to be loved in halves, or not at all.
Gale - Love as Religion
Devotion, that is the name of your love. Your love is an act of worship. Your love is like witnessing the birth of Venus, like seeing the sun come alive, or the stars fall. When you love, it is because you have found God in a lover. You have found the meaning of life itself in the heart of the one you adore. They are everything to you; they are your Maker, and you are their lamb, their flock, their first and holiest worshipper. When you fall in love, it is as a baptism. You are born anew, made a believer in the divinity of the one you love most. Being loved by you is an ascension; it is holy and golden. It is all-consuming, and all-faithful, loyal as the dog. You will never, ever bite back.
stole from: @wizofwaterdeep tagging: whomstever lol
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Orpheum's Tales: Music of the Night
[featuring the Shaymin crew from @shaymincafe ]
A morning breeze sweeps along the quiet forest of Floarama Town, Orpehum's usual abode when he is alone by himself. After all, the town was special to him, a second home. This town is where his constellation appears first every night.
The bard plucked a few strings from his lute, a morning routine he so regularly performed. A good note would be a blessed day but a bad one would be a tragedy … an omen even. Fortunately, the Victini deity would smile upon him as the lute produced a perfect note.
He sighed a breath of fresh air, relief overcoming him as the day would proceed as normal, for him at the least. Donning his trusty bard hat, off he went to meet someone, another Shaymin as he was taking flight towards the rendezvous.
The gentle breeze made the journey quite refreshing, after all … no one would knowingly dwell into turbulent weather, especially a deity like him. As he took flight, he was in the form of a wisp, vibrant green with wings similar to a Yanma for he wouldn't just reveal himself to mortals just like that.
Moments passed before he could finally see the rendezvous from afar, vaguely sensing someone waving towards him. Realizing it was a familiar face, he immediately went in and landed in front of her, giving her a bow as soon as he returned to his Shaymin form.
"Orpheum! Glad you could make it!" A Shaymin in a vibrant pink hue gleefully greeted the bard with a smile.
"Good morning, Rosemary. I too am glad to be here." He nodded to himself, his face a vibrant glee, and looking around the place. "So this is your ... what was the word … Cafè? Sorry, I have been too accustomed to the word tavern."
"Yes, it is! Shaymin Cafè~ not the most subtle name we can think of but it does attract quite the crowd." She giggles and motions for him to follow her. "Come! Let's introduce you to the others"
"Right now, you say?" He looked a bit nervous, his audience usually consisted of only one but to a few 'mon of his kind? He isn't used to that kind of stage but he internally reigned in his thoughts and smiled. "Sure! I am excited."
The doors to the cafè opened, immediately getting the attention of everyone inside. Rosemary was the one to enter with Orpheum following close behind, his lute perched on his back as an archer would their quiver. There was silence as the rest of the Shaymin staff immediately averted their attention towards Orpheum.
"Everyone, meet Orpheum! Better give him a warm welcome because he is a special Shaymin~" Rosemary broke the silence as she winked at them and gave him an introductory pat on the back.
"Greetings! Greetings!" He gave them a bow and a huge grin trying not to break the otherwise momentum that Rosemary had set. "Orpheum the Blossoming Bard, at your service!"
One of the Shaymin finally took interest, narrowing her eyes as she approached Orpheum. She circled around the bard as if to do a thorough inspection. "A bard, aye? … sing a song for us why don't cha." Shiso, the purple one, commanded as she crossed her arms and looked at him intently.
"A song? Yes yes of course! I actually have a short one I made en route here … it's supposed to be about this cafe." Orpheum's ears perked up, immediately getting his lute and clearing his throat a bit. "I hope all of you enjoy~!"
"Go ahead. We'd love to hear it!" Rosemary smiles, eagerly waiting to play his song as the rest of the staff.
"Okay here goes …" He plucked a few notes and began to slowly gain momentum as he started to sing the piece he created.
Come one, come all!
There is a place for all!
Come one, come all!
Everyone is welcome, big or small!
Smiles, smiles are all abound~!
With happy thoughts all around!
We are always ready to serve you.
For we treat you as family too!
Come one, come all! The cafè is open!
A place to bring family or a friend!
Come one, come all! It's a party!
When you join us at the Shaymin Cafè!
He gave a bow after he sang as he always did with every performance he made. Just before he did, he can already hear applause from the group, one even cheering gleefully.
"Woooh! Great song, dude!" Chicory, the blue one blurted out, eagerly waiting to request an encore.
"Impressive. Looks like you're an a-okay then." Shiso shrugs smirking as she hugged Pumpkin, the orange one next to her, and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Pumpkin here seems to like it too." She looks over at Pumpkin with a nod of approval.
"Simply wonderful, Orpheum! Bravo!" Rosemary cheered gleefully, enjoying the performance wholeheartedly like the rest of the staff.
"Thanks, everyone! My heart is filled with joy knowing all of you enjoyed my song." He says, visibly blushing at his newfound audience. "It isn't new that I get applause but it always is overwhelming for me."
Rosemary stood up from her seat, looking like she was about to say something important. "Alright, everyone! Cafè is opening in half an hour, be sure to make this ready for the customers like you always do!"
The staff immediately started tidying up the cafè, with Rosemary on her way to put the specials on display outside and putting the open sign but not before she looked back at Orpheum with a reassuring smile.
"Welcome to the Shaymin Cafè"
He smiled for a bit while looking a bit conflicted on something as if pondering upon a certain thought that's been on his mind. He followed Rosemary and called out to her. "Rosemary!"
The pink Shaymin immediately turned to face him, looking confused at his sudden urgency and wanting to know what was up. "Yes, Orpheum? You need anything?"
"I was just thinking if I can take a stroll for a moment? Perhaps, more than a few moments to be precise?"
"Sure but … is everything alright? You maybe need some tea to help calm yourself down?"
"No no, please save it for your patrons. I may need some time for myself, worry not … I'll be back before you know it~" He gave her a reassuring smile as a small gust of wind blew around him.
"Okay if you say so. Guess I'll see you around." With Rosemary's wave, Orpheum immediately turned into a wisp and rode along with the wind, letting it carry him towards someplace else.
It was now nightfall, as the cafè was still bustling with patrons but no sign of Orpheum anywhere. Admittedly, Rosemary was getting concerned for him but she kept that to herself while she worked the tables and managed the patrons like the rest of her staff.
"Psst hey, Rosemary. Where's that hotshot Shaymin you were talking about?" Vetle was there as always, raising an eyebrow as he asked Rosemary about the supposed 'guest' she was advertising just outside of the shop. "I'm just waiting here."
"He'll be here soon, Vetle. Don't you worry." Her smile was hiding that concern still bubbling inside of her as she silently scanned the room for at least a teal-colored wisp. "Just sit back and rela- huh?"
She felt a gentle breeze going through her fur as she turned around, trying to spot someone from the crowd of patrons in the various tables laid around but there was still no sign of Orpheum. She can only do nothing but hum her worries away only, why does it feel like her hums had a rhythm to them? As if there was something or someone playing?
It seemed like she wasn't the only one that would notice it as a small crowd would soon form as almost everyone was turning their heads toward what seemed like someone plucking the strings of a lute effortlessly. Rosemary went towards the crowd of patrons and staff alike to see what was going and that's when she saw them.
A stranger was there playing a teal-colored lute with black-gloved paws as the crowd watched on in awe, daring not to say anything during the performance. They wore a black Venetian mask that covered the upper part of their face, while their body was adorned in a turquoise long coat laced with lacey green accents along with teal pants and black boots.
The stranger was just sitting by themselves on one of the tables and somehow inconspicuously slipped out of sight and started playing as if to make a dynamic entrance of sorts. Either that or the people were too busy minding their business to notice a well-dressed musician enter the shop and take a seat.
After a while, the stranger seemed to stop playing presumably because they were done with their tune and had a mysterious smile as he got up from his seat and bowed to the newly formed audience.
"Greetings, greetings! I am Favonius, Bard of the Blossoms! I'm sure you have been waiting for more than a moment for me but now … I shall now begin~"
It took a few seconds for Rosemary to realize what she should be doing but she immediately got up to the front of the store and called the attention of the patrons.
"Yes! Please settle down, everyone, and sit tight. Service will still continue while the performance is going on. Hope you all enjoy~"
Immediately as everyone did settle into their seats, all eyes were on Favonius as a mix of expressions gathered within the audience. Most were of course intrigued by his presence after all, if that initial introduction was what's to come what more could he show for a full performance? Favonius smiled as soon as they were now eagerly waiting for him in silence and with a single strum of his lute, he now started to a tune to which he would sing.
Lucete, Lucete Stellae …~
Our hearts flutter each night and day.
Lucete, Lucete Stellae …~
Beckoning to us the hallowed way.
When the night is cold and barren still,
With dark hearts of ill will.
Something within us will start to burn,
Igniting for what we really yearn.
We have triumphed, every one of us,
Our trials never left us in the dust.
Our stories, written in our memory,
As it was always meant to be.
Bless the light, as the torch ignites,
To our journeys and fights.
From within our grasp to far off lands,
Making every victory grand.
Even when fear looms and doubts arise,
Triumph comes at a well-fought price.
Even when we ourselves have faltered,
Sacrifices will be honored.
Lucete, Lucete Stellae …~
May the light bring us the way.
Lucete, Lucete Stellae …~
To brave the night and seize the day.
The room filled with praise from the audience as Favonius made a solemn bow, holding his hat to his side right after strumming the last tune to his song. He definitely felt satisfied knowing he would make everyone's night.
"Thank you, my fabled patrons. Thank you! I hope you all enjoyed the show for tonight but for now, farewell and have a good night."
Favonius immediately exited the stage and disappeared into the cafè exit giving everyone a swift wave and flew off towards somewhere else. A few patrons were able to witness Favonius exit but all they saw outside was a wisp that sort of disappeared into the wind.
Soon enough it was time for the cafè to close while the patrons were still talking about the performance earlier on their way out the exit. Rosemary and the other Shaymins were just cleaning up after such an eventful night as they too were talking about the performance but more importantly, Favonius themselves.
"Man, that thing earlier was pretty unexpected! Even my boyfriend agreed it felt almost like a dream …" Chicory exclaimed while he was sweeping the floors looking towards Vetle, a teal-colored Shaymin leaning against a wall. "But still, that was pretty cool! How did you even contact them, Rosemary?"
Rosemary was just as confused as Chicory when she was asked that, she was by herself and looking towards the windows when she was snapped out of her pondering. "Huh? Oh … you know, I have some connections." Rosemary smiled nervously knowing that she had no idea where he came from.
"Hmm …? You don't look so sure … was he just a stranger? Because it's not usual for you to just invite someone willy-nilly like that …" Chicory raised his eyebrow, stopping what he was doing as he was really eager to know.
"Umm you see … I …" Just as she was about to say something, a gust of wind blew into the inside of the cafè, the very same gust of wind that alerted them to a familiar presence but no tune was to be heard. This time, there came a knock on the cafè door followed by a greeting.
"Greetings, fellow Shaymins. May I come in? I hope I am not interrupting closing hours …"
"Not at all, Favonius. Please come in!" Rosemary breathed a sigh of relief, finally able to at least ask them about what happened, and crossed her arms. “Take a seat … you have some explaining to do.”
“Ohh … my apologies for the commotion earlier, madam~” He bows his head and removes his mask revealing who was behind it all this time. “I … tend to be nervous in front of a large crowd.”
“O-Orpheum!?! All this time, you were Favonius? Wh-why didn’t you told me …?” Rosemary was utterly shocked at the revelation, so was Chicory and the rest of the Shaymin present. “Wh-why did have to hide like that ...? Explain yourself.”
“W-well you see, I’m not really adept at showing my face to a large audience … and your establishment attracts such a crowd. I’m afraid I must don an outfit to appear mysterious. Otherwise, they will eventually know that I’m a deity…” Orpheum stammered in his words, really hoping that his act wasn’t a grievous fault.
“Wait am I hearing this correct? You’re a god!?!” Chicory was barely listening to Orpheum’s whole explanation and instead focused on the part where he mentioned he was a deity. “Are you kidding me!?!”
Chicory’s excitableness did make Orpheum at least for at least a little bit as he smiled. “Yes, I’m a deity. Perhaps it is time to let all of you know. Rosemary was the only one who knew.” He looked over at Rosemary as she gave him a reassuring okay gesture. “But if I did show my true face to a large crowd, there would be consequences. I hope all of you understand why I did that earlier …”
Rosemary would then put a hand on his shoulder and smile. “Of course it’s fine! Let’s just let be our little secret. Right, guys? Especially you, Vetle. Don’t you go around and spill the beans.”
“Yes! Me and my boyfriend here are 100% in it for this little secret! Right, Vetle?” Chicory piped in as Vetle gave a shrug, presumably as a way of approval. “Yeah yeah, whatever. I won’t tell if it means I get the front row seats.” Vetle added with a smirk on his face.
“Me and my girlfriend also agree. Your secret’s safe with us.” Pumpkin also added to the conversation as Shiso gave a nod. “Don’t you worry a thing.”
“See, Orpheum? You’ll be just fine. After all, Shaymin’s gotta stick together.” Rosemary then smiled, Orpheum shedding a tear and let out a sigh of relief.
“Thanks, everyone … truly this has been an eventful day. But I am grateful for every one of your understanding. But alas, I must take my leave for now. Have a good night. It has been a pleasure meeting all of you.” With that, the Shaymin bard exited the café but not without giving a wave from his hat and letting the wind carry him back towards the forest.
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tiny-maus-boots · 3 years
Queen of Hearts pt 11
A/N: sorry it took so long. my world crumbled and well...it’s been a hard ass pandemic.
“So, this is how mobsters live…”
Aubrey flicked her gaze over the interior of the entry way, noting the mix of Corinthian columns and Romanesque sculpture with a splash of modern 80s interior decoration. It was a little over the top and gaudy but her Aunt Rosemarie thought it was the height of tasteful and luxurious décor. It wasn’t how Aubrey would ever decorate but if she were being honest with herself, she kind of liked it. It was familiar and comforting.
Aubrey ran a hand down a heavy marble column and chuckled. “Only the ones with style.”
Stacie’s laugh was sweet and light and soothed the nerves she didn’t even know she had. Aubrey took her fiancée’s hand and gave it a squeeze. Once they crossed the threshold into the living room there would be no turning back. Once you were in the family, you were IN the family, and no one leaves the family. Almost as if sensing what she was about to say, Stacie turned to bring their foreheads together, her smile wide and warm and just for Aubrey.
“You and me, right Bree?”
The blonde matched Stacie’s smile and nodded. “You and me.”
“And me. Don’t forget about me. Which I think you do forget about me because you never call me. You don’t write. No one knows nothing until you text that you’re bringing over the love of your life. You must be love of her life by the way. Hi. I’m Jesse, the smarter, more attractive, and talented, not to mention younger, cousin. Sorry dollface, you got stuck with this sad sack instead. It’s not too late to change your mind though. Just saying.”
A laugh bubbled out of her and Aubrey turned her head to face the annoyingly eager figure hovering just over her shoulder. His giddy smile was ridiculous and she knew she might have to threaten to shoot him to get him to stop being…well himself. Jesse put an arm around each of them, pushing himself further into their personal space and if he were someone other than family Aubrey would definitely shoot him.
“You’re really annoying.”
“Your face is really anno….” It was all the taunt he managed to get out before a black lace folding fan smacked noisily off the back of his head. Aubrey chuckled as Jesse winced and reached up to rub his head. “Ma! It’s said in love!”
“Basta! Get out! Go…”
Jesse wasn’t the biggest guy in the world but he still almost a foot taller than the woman he was cowering away from. Her severe dark brows rose as she hissed out a warning when he didn’t move fast enough down the hall. She watched until she was sure Jesse was actually going before turning to Aubrey, her hard stare going soft as she took in the blonde and pulled her into a tight hug.
“You don’t call except for business; I never see you anymore. Who’s feeding you? You’re wasting away!” Aubrey bore the clucking and poking and prodding because arguing with her Aunt Rosie was like trying to fist fight the tide. She might be a big boss at the table but she was still and would always be Rosie’s little duckling. The small woman finally stopped her scolding tirade turned to take in Stacie in one long look from feet to face. “And who is this?”
“Zia Rosie, this is my girl. Stacie…this is my Aunt Rosemarie.”
“It’s really nice to meet you.” If Stacie was nervous meeting Aubrey’s aunt, she didn’t show it, which was smart. Any hint of fear shown now would last forever in Rosie’s mind. She might never mention it but it would be a mark against Stacie that would never go away in her aunt’s eyes. “Your cooking has been all Bree can talk about.”
“Hmmm.” Rosemarie tapped her hand fan lightly against her palm as she considered the brunette towering over her. “You cook? You don’t look like you eat much.”
Aubrey held her breath, unwilling to break into tension of the moment. On the surface it seemed like such a simple if slightly rude question but it wasn’t. Acceptance in the family only came through Rosemarie. If she didn’t like you, no one would trust you. No one.
“Not as well as I’d like to. Yet. But I’m getting there.”
“No one taught you? You have no mother?” The idea of a grown woman not being able to cook wounded something in Rosie’s spirit and Aubrey could feel the smaller woman gather herself to her full tiny tower of 4 feet, 11 inches of righteous indignation. “Who feeds you??”
“My mother is more proficient at ordering food rather than making it.” Stacie’s smile didn’t slip but somehow dimmed in its intensity making the air around them seem somehow heavier. “To be honest with you I didn’t realize how important cooking for your family was until I had one to feed. I could definitely improve…and I will. For my family.”
Rosie gave a slight nod and slid her arm through Stacie’s completely shutting Aubrey out of the conversation. Her aunt gave Stacie one more intense gaze, reading all her flaws and weighing them against whatever ideal she saw in her head.
“You like gnocchi?”
“I love gnocchi.”
“Good. Tomorrow we make. Come early.” Aubrey felt a huge weight slide off her shoulders as she watched her aunt give Stacie’s arm a squeeze. The small woman disengaged their linked arms and whirled on Aubrey with a sharp smack of her fan to the blonde’s shoulder. “And you! You wait so long to bring a good girl home, what’s wrong with you??”
“Sorry Zia…took me awhile to find her.” Stacie gave her a wink over her aunt’s head and Aubrey could feel herself smile in response, almost forgetting her aunt was standing between them. “But I promise I’m not going to let her go now that I have her.”
“Hm, finally something smart. Go…today you work. Tomorrow we eat, hm?”
Aubrey gave an obedient nod of her head and smiled when she was pulled into the softness of her aunt’s chest for a strong rose water scented hug. It reminded her of her childhood and her aunt comforting her through the upheaval of her mother leaving and her father going to prison. It had been a lonely five years for Aubrey but Zia Rosie had always been there waiting, just as ready and eager to give hugs as she did swats of her fan.
Her aunt pulled back and gave her a gentle shove towards the dining room to send them on their way. “Vai mia piccola anatroccolo.”
Aubrey glanced back from the doorway to the dinning room at her aunt still standing there watching her with a soft smile. Her own mother had left her but Aubrey had never lacked the love and caring a mother gave a child. She’d had Zia Rosie to hold her and comfort her through all her childhood hurts and fears, to teach her to cook, and raise a family, to grow from a girl to a woman. No, she hadn’t had the woman that gave birth to her in her life, but she wasn’t without a mother. Rosie turned away toward the kitchen and Aubrey squared her shoulders as she faced the dining room.
She could feel the slight current of nervousness energy from Stacie and gave her a reassuring smile and a wink before leading her into the big room filled with old men with loud voices. There was a chorus of greetings and a few claps from her suit clad uncles sitting around the table. A few of her cousins smirked and teased playfully about being whipped into bringing her girlfriend to the table which Stacie chuckled through. But one man was quiet, his arms folded over his chest, his dark suit pressed perfectly with sharp lines. Franco raised one hand and the boisterous greetings tapered away to silence.
“Hey Uncle Frank.”
He stood slowly from the head of the table and opened his arms. Aubrey didn’t hesitate, she let go of Stacie’s hand so she could go to her uncle and sink into his embrace. He was in his seventies now but the arms enfolding her had the same strength and warmth they had when she was a child. He kissed her head tenderly and held her out at arm’s length to look at her fully.
“Look at you hm? California is good for you; you have a tan and a smile. Who is this bella you bring? Are you why my girl here looks so happy?”
Stacie gave a soft chuckle, her eyes all for Aubrey. “I certainly hope so.”
“Uncle Frank this is Stacie. My fiancée.”
He gave her an approving nod and gathered Stacie in for a tight welcoming hug, kissing her on each cheek before placing her hand back in Aubrey’s. It was enough for him to know that Aubrey was happy and his acceptance was unconditional.
“Jesse…bring an extra chair for Bella.”
“It took me six years to earn a chair and she gets one on the first day? Wow Pops.”
Paolo, her cousin swatted Jesse in the back of head making all of them laugh. Her Uncle Pete leaned back in his chair and shrugged. “Hey kid, if you had looked like her, you’d have been in on the first day too.”
Jesse held out his hands in mock offense. “Whoa….hey not for nothing but I AM the only one in this family with the looks, okay? Look at this face. It’s gorgeous. This suit? This suit cost more than your third wedding.”
They all laughed at that as he set the chair next to Aubrey’s at Franco’s right hand and settled Stacie into it. Aubrey gave him a nod of thanks and slid into her seat with ease. She had missed this, being around her family, The Family. Not all of her uncles and cousins were related by shared blood, some of them were bound by the blood they had spilled. Sometimes that was as strong if not stronger than sharing similar DNA.
Stacie gave Jesse a mild smirk and tossed her dark hair over her shoulder so she could take in all of blonde woman at her side. “And for all that you still don’t look as good as Aubrey.”
Her uncles crowed with delight, teasing their sons and nephews with the statement until Uncle Frank cleared his throat and patted the tabletop to get everyone’s attention. He wasn’t a loud man and he didn’t have to be. A respectful silence fell heavily over the table.
“Now we’re all here, we’ve had some laughs, now we get to business, yes?” He gestured to Jesse and settled into his chair while a box was passed around the table. Each of them divesting themselves of their phones before the meeting started. Franco waited for his son to get back from locking the box away in the office before he started speaking to the group. “We all know why we’re here at this emergency meeting. When the Feds start looking at one of us their looking at us all.”
No one said anything but all their attention had gone to Aubrey. She was the reason they were having to close ranks and the weight of their judgement was resting heavily on her shoulders. Her fingers drummed on the table for a moment before she spoke.
“They’ve got nothing. Everything looks legit, runs legit, and is legit as far as the books go.” She ran her business carefully, making sure that she paid her taxes, and kept all the right paperwork to back herself up. The problem wasn’t how she managed the businesses she used as fronts for other lines of work. The problem was she’d gotten sloppy with something personal and that wedge was just enough opening to look deeper at her and anyone that did business with her. “But they do have pictures of me getting on to a boat that was later found on fire with its owner dead.”
“Jesus, kid…”
There were grumbles and a few headshakes but no one dared to confront her directly about it. One of her uncles leaned forward to rest his elbows on the table. His deep voice was slow as he weighed all of his words carefully.
“This have anything to do with what you did to Nicky?”
Aubrey let her eyes reflect the cold empty place inside of her that felt nothing for the people she had to hurt. Guilt could eat you whole if you let it and she wasn’t going to feel guilty about other people making bad choices.
“Nicky was into bad shit that was going to get us all noticed. I did you a favor.”
“Nicky was a good earner! You took away nearly 25 percent of my bottom line when you had your little tantrum.”
Stacie was listening intently to every word and if she was surprised at any of it, she was careful not to let it show on her face. Aubrey’s fist tightened at the word tantrum and Stacie’s hand covered hers with a squeeze, letting her know she had something to say. Aubrey’s gaze flicked to her and she nodded for Stacie to speak her mind.
“The main benefit of having your pal Nicky around wasn’t the money he brought from the women he supplied to rich influential men. It was the leverage he bought with his knowledge of his client base. And while that leverage was a powerful tool it only got you to gate of the manor, it could never get you inside. You can only push the buttons you know about.”
Franco laced his fingers together and leaned back slightly in his chair. The sharpness of his gaze measuring Stacie with vivid intensity. “I’m listening.”
Stacie pressed on at his slight nod. “I was born into politics, you could pay off a dozen interns in twice as many offices and you’ll still never have as much control as you would if you knew their secrets, their agendas, their entire family history. I know what these people are and how they think because I am one of them.”
“And so that fixes the little problem Big Mike has with Nicky. You want bigger prey, get a better hunter. Bene. Now what do we do about these Feds?” Her uncle, the one that earned some of his money from Nicky, grunted and nodded still unhappy with the situation but unwilling to go against Franco once he’d made up his mind about something. As far as Nicky the pimp was concerned that was just a loose end that got tied up. “Who is running this investigation?”
Aubrey gave a soft huff. “Alice Esposito.”
Franco gave her a disappointed shake of his head and Aubrey felt her cheeks flame. “Her?”
She could feel the tremor of a laugh being tightly held in by Stacie and threw her hand up in frustration. “I know! She just showed up again like a bad penny.” Aubrey was acutely aware of the fact that it was her actions that had made Alice so hellbent on taking her down. “My guy says she’s running loose with this. But I don’t have my own source in the Bureau to confirm that.”
“Quincy, talk to our man in Virginia. I want to know everything on Esposito. Where she eats, who she talks to, who she sleeps with, when she last shit. EVERY SINGLE THING. I want to know who is pulling her strings and I want them cut. You understand me?”
Quincy gave a nod and Franco made a gesture of dismissal. “Everybody else you move quiet. No changes. It’s business as usual until we find out where we are. Now go, I have to think.”
It hadn’t gone great but it could have gone a lot worse. Aubrey let out a breath as she watched everyone file out of the dining room to retrieve their phones and leave. She turned to give her uncle a look but he jerked his chin at the door.
“You too. Go show your girl around…go shopping. Something huh?”
She gave a nod at that and bent to kiss him on the cheek before she led Stacie out too. They might not all agree with the way things had happened but at least they were all on board with the direction things were going to go from here on. If they could figure out where this attack was really coming from, they could resolve it before it became a threat to the Family business. If not…Aubrey was going to have to find a way to make Alice and her evidence disappear for good.
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bechloeislegit · 3 years
Save a Horse, Ride a Cowgirl - Chapter 3
Chloe was surprised when Stacie opened the door to Beca's cabin. She stepped inside after Stacie waved her in. Beca was on the phone, pacing back and forth as she spoke quietly.
"Is everything okay?" Chloe asked Stacie.
"CR's wife had her baby," Stacie replied. "It's a boy!"
"That's wonderful," Chloe said, smiling as she waved at Beca. "Maybe I should go. Would you tell Beca we can talk more tomorrow?"
"Stay," Stacie said. "Give her another minute. She should be about done."
"Okay, I'll wait," Chloe said. "Would you like a brownie?"
"No, thanks," Stacie said.
"Give Denise our best," Beca said. "And make sure you send a photo of your little guy."
Stacie took the phone from Beca and told CR, "Ditto to what Beca said. I want to see a pic, too."
"How's everything going with Beca?" CR asked. "Is she behaving herself?"
Stacie looked over at Beca, who was pulling a brownie out of the plastic baggie Chloe held in front of her. Stacie waited until Beca started chatting quietly with Chloe to respond to CR.
Stacie nodded her head, even though CR couldn't see her. "Yes," she said, keeping her voice low. "We've only been here for one day and she's already acting more like her old self. I think part of it is because she met a childhood friend and they're reconnecting. So, unless you provide information to say otherwise, we'll be staying for the entire three weeks. And, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if Beca comes back with a girlfriend."
"Seriously?" CR said, chuckling. "I hope it works out for her. Having someone to focus her attention on, would do her good."
"Sorry about all this," Beca told Chloe. "Thanks for the brownie."
"You're welcome," Chloe said. "Do you want me to go? We can talk more tomorrow."
"You don't have to," Beca said. "I'm enjoying talking with you."
"I've been enjoying talking to you, too."
"I agree," Stacie said, turning to look at Beca. "Talk to you soon. Goodnight, CR."
Stacie ended the call and put her phone in her pocket.
"So," Stacie said, looking at Chloe and Beca. "What are you two up to?"
"We were just going to talk some more," Beca said.
"Well, I'm tired," Stacie said. "So, I'll leave you to it. Oh, before I forget, Becs, I placed a request for an eight a.m. wake-up call for the both of us so we have time for breakfast before your riding lesson."
"Okay," Beca said. "Thanks, Stacie. I'll see you in the morning."
"Goodnight, Chloe," Stacie said as she made her way to the door.
"Goodnight, Stacie," Chloe said.
Stacie stopped and looked at Beca.
"Don't stay up too late," Stacie said.
"Don't worry, mom," Beca said, laughing. "We won't."
~~ Save a Horse, Ride a Cowgirl ~~
At some point later that evening, Beca and Chloe had laid on the bed, facing each other as they continued to talk. Chloe had fallen asleep and Beca got up to retrieve the blanket at the foot of the bed. She covered Chloe with the blanket and then laid down as she had been before. She fell asleep while watching Chloe sleep.
The next morning, Beca and Chloe both jerked awake at the sound of the phone ringing. Beca sat up and reached to answer the phone.
"Hello," Beca rasped out, before clearing her throat.
"Good morning, Miss Mitchell," a voice said through the phone. "This is your eight a.m. wake-up call."
"Thank you," Beca said and hung up the phone.
"Good morning," Chloe said as she stretched and sat up in bed.
"Good morning," Beca responded.
"Sorry, I fell asleep," Chloe said, smiling at Beca.
"That's okay," Beca said. "I wasn't too far behind you. So, um, would you like to have breakfast with me and Stacie?"
"I'd love to," Chloe said. "I'll go back to my room and meet you guys in the dining hall in an hour. Does that give you enough time to get ready?"
"That's plenty of time," Beca said, getting off the bed as Chloe did the same.
"Okay, then," Chloe said, making her way to the door. "I'll see you at breakfast."
Beca walked over to Chloe and opened the door for her. Chloe leaned in and kissed Beca's cheek.
"Thank you," Chloe said, stepping just outside the door. "I had a wonderful night."
"What's this?" Stacie's voice called out when she saw Chloe standing outside Beca's door. "Chloe, are you doing the walk of shame?"
Hearing Stacie, Beca stepped out and stood next to Chloe as Stacie reached them.
"We weren't. . . we didn't. . .um," Beca stammered. She looked at Chloe. "A little help here, Chloe."
Stacie stopped and looked first at Beca and then at Chloe.
"There is no shame in my game," Chloe said and laughed. "But, alas, all we did was talk and fall asleep."
"So, what I'm hearing is that you two slept together," Stacie said, grinning at Beca.
"What?" Beca screeched, her cheeks red. "No. I mean, yes, we slept together but we didn't sleep together. Um, I mean, we were laying in the bed together, and we were actually sleeping. Together. But not like sleeping together in a sexual way."
Chloe and Stacie were both smiling as they looked at how flustered Beca had become.
"You're so adorable," Chloe said, causing Beca's face to become even redder.
"Not adorable," Beca mumbled.
"Most definitely adorable," Chloe said, kissing Beca's cheek. "I have to go get showered and changed. I'll see you both at breakfast."
With that, Chloe walked off toward her cabin, leaving Beca and Stacie alone.
Stacie turned toward Beca, her mouth opening as if to say something.
"Don't start," Beca said, holding up a hand toward Stacie.
"I wasn't going to start anything," Stacie said innocently. "I was just going to suggest that we should get ready for the day."
Beca scoffed, causing Stacie to laugh. "I'll see you in a little bit, Beca."
Stacie was still laughing as she turned and walked back toward her cabin. Beca shook her head and went back into her room.
~~ Save a Horse, Ride a Cowgirl ~~
After breakfast, and Stacie's relentless teasing of Beca, Chloe took the girls to the stables for Beca's riding lesson. There were two teenage boys waiting by the stable's entrance when they arrived.
"Did you boys sign up for the riding lesson?" Chloe stopped and asked them.
"Yep," one of the boys responded, while the other just nodded his head.
"I'm Chloe, and I'll be leading this lesson."
"I'm Brad," the boy who nodded said. "And this is my brother Chad."
"I'm Stacie and this is Beca," Stacie told the two boys.
Chad leered at both women; Brad smacked him on the arm and whispered, "Be cool."
"We know who you are," Brad said, looking at Beca. "Our older sister loves your music. Could we get an autograph for her?"
"Sure," Beca said. "I'd be happy to sign something after we're done here."
"If you four would follow me, I'll get everyone set up with a horse," Chloe said, walking into the barn. She looked at the two boys. "Have either of you ridden before?"
"I have," Chad said. "This will be my brother's first time."
"Hey, Red," Fat Amy called out when she saw Chloe.
"Hey, Amy," Chloe said. "Are the horses ready?"
"Yep," Fat Amy said. "All saddled and ready to go."
"Thanks, Amy," Chloe said. She turned to the four riders. "I'm going to go over a few basic safety issues before we actually get on the horses. Okay?"
All four nodded in agreement.
Chloe went through a few things as Beca smiled and stared at her. Stacie bumped Beca's shoulder and smirked when Beca turned to look at her.
"What?" Beca whispered.
"You have a boner for your riding instructor," Stacie whispered, chuckling when Beca's face turned red.
"So?" Beca responded, turning to watch and listen to Chloe.
"Any questions?" Chloe concluded.
"I have one," Chad said. "Do you have a boyfriend?"
Beca snapped around and glared at him. "That has nothing to do with riding lessons or anything Chloe just said."
"I'm just curious," Chad said. "Because I'd like to ride her instead of one of these things."
"Shut up, Chad!" Brad said.
"Yeah, Chad," Beca sneered. "Shut up!"
"It's okay, Beca," Chloe said. "I've got this. Jesse!?"
"Yeah, Chloe?" Jesse said, suddenly appearing at her side.
"Would you mind escorting this young man away from the stable?" Chloe asked, waving her arm toward Chad. "He won't be riding with us today."
"No problem," Jesse said, walking over to Chad and taking his arm. "Let's go!"
"You can't do this!" Chad yelled as Jesse dragged him away. "Brad! Help me!"
"Nope!" Brad yelled, shaking his head. "He's always got to be a dick about everything."
Once Chad and Jesse were out of sight, Chloe turned to the group.
"Now that's taken care of," Chloe said, getting everyone's attention back on her. "Let's get our horses."
Beca, Stacie, and Brad followed as Chloe made her way to where Amy and Bumper were holding the reins of four horses.
"Tom took Chestnut back to his stall since you are down one rider," Bumper told Chloe.
"Thanks, Bumper," Chloe said as she stopped in front of one of the horses. She took the reins as she ran a hand down its forehead.
"This is Cinnamon," Chloe said. "She's mine."
Chloe looked over at the group. "Beca, since you're a beginner, you get Rosemary; I promise she's very gentle. Brad, since you're also a beginner, you take Sage, and Stacie, you get. . ."
"Let me guess," Stacie interrupted. "My horse's name is Thyme or some other herb?"
"Actually, it's Pepper," Chloe said, chuckling. "He's a bit feistier. Think you can handle him?"
"I'm sure I can handle him," Stacie said, winking at Chloe.
"Show off," Beca muttered.
~~ Save a Horse, Ride a Cowgirl ~~
Stacie had no trouble getting on her horse. Bumper had to help Brad, and after a bit of a struggle, finally managed to get him seated.
Chloe walked over to Beca and led her to a stump in the yard.
"Use this stump to get on Rosemary," Chloe told Beca. "It will be easier."
"Thanks," Beca said, stepping up onto the stump.
Amy brought Rosemary over and held the reins to keep Rosemary steady. Beca put both hands on the pommel and placed her left foot in the stirrup. She bounced once or twice before throwing her right leg over the back of the horse, sitting firmly in the saddle.
"Great job, Becs," Chloe said, patting Beca's leg. She turned and walked over to Cinnamon.
Suddenly, a pop-pop-pop sounded. Stacie's horse bucked but she held on and got him under control. Brad wasn't so lucky; Sage bucked and Brad fell off, landing on his back.
"Ahhhh," Beca yelled as her horse also tried to buck her off.
Beca somehow managed to stay hold on as Chloe rushed to try and grab onto Rosemary's reins. Chloe failed at grabbing the reins and Rosemary took off like a bat out of Hell, with Beca holding onto the pommel for dear life.
"Beca!" Choe yelled.
Chloe ran and jumped onto Cinnamon, immediately spurring the horse to chase after Beca and Rosemary.
"Oh, my God!" Stacie cried out, sliding off Pepper and rushing over to Brad who was lying still on the ground where he fell.
Jesse and Bumper came running from inside the stable and looked around to see what had happened.
"It was that kid that Jesse threw out of here," Fat Amy said. "I saw him toss some firecrackers behind Sage."
"We need an ambulance," Stacie yelled from where she was kneeling next to Brad.
Jesse saw Chad peeking around the corner of the stable.
"There he is!" Jesse yelled, running toward Chad.
Chad saw Jesse coming after him and ran off.
"Amy, go help Stacie with the kid," Bumper said. "I'm going to tell Chicago and Jessica what happened and call for an ambulance."
Amy nodded her head and Bumper ran off. Amy hurried over to Stacie and looked down at Brad. Brad was moaning and tried to sit up. Stacie put a hand on his chest.
"Stay down," Stacie told him, pushing him back down gently.
"Bumper went to call an ambulance," Amy told Stacie.
Just then Jesse came back with a struggling Chad.
"Stop it!" Jesse yelled at Chad. "Or I swear to God, I will knock you out."
Chad ceased struggling and looked at Brad.
"Is he going to be okay?"
~~ Save a Horse, Ride a Cowgirl ~~
Chloe pushed Cinnamon as hard as she could; she was gaining ground and was within a few feet of Beca and Rosemary.
"Beca!" Chloe yelled, causing Beca to look over her shoulder at Chloe. "Gently pull back on the reins. That will slow her down."
"I can't!" Beca yelled back. "Oh, my God! I'm gonna die!"
"No, you're not," Chloe yelled. "Just gently pull back on the reins."
"I really can't," Beca said, holding onto the pommel of the saddle. "I dropped them when she. . .Ahhhh. . . when she started to run."
This spurred Chloe to push Cinnamon a bit more until Cinnamon was running side-by-side with Rosemary.
Chloe reached toward Beca with her left arm; she leaned over slightly and yelled, "Lean toward me."
"What are you doing?" Beca screamed. "You're going to kill us both!"
"Trust me," Chloe shouted.
Beca looked into Chloe's eyes and it calmed her; she knew she could trust Chloe. Beca leaned slightly and Chloe caught her around the waist, pulling her off of Rosemary. Beca screamed and grabbed onto Chloe's arm; Chloe used her free hand to slow down and stop Cinnamon. Once they stopped, she gently lowered Beca to the ground. Beca stumbled back slightly but stayed on her feet.
Chloe jumped off Cinnamon and rushed over to Beca, pulling her into a hug. Beca hugged Chloe back, pulling her tighter to her.
"I thought I was going to die," Beca mumbled into Chloe's shoulder.
"I was never going to let that happen," Chloe whispered into Beca's ear.
Beca pulled back from the hug and stared into Chloe's eyes. Chloe stared back and the next thing they knew, their lips were smashed together.
~~ Save a Horse, Ride a Cowgirl ~~
Rosemary had stopped a few feet away as soon as Beca was no longer on her back. Chloe grabbed Rosemary's reins and then Cinnamon's; she slowly walked both horses over to where Beca stood.
"I'm not getting back on that thing," Beca said.
"You don't have to," Chloe said. "You can sit behind me on Cinnamon to get you back to the stable."
It took a bit of cajoling and another kiss, as well as the thought of walking all the way back to the stable before Beca agreed to ride behind Chloe on Cinnamon.
The two were now on their way back to the stable. Beca was sitting behind Chloe with her arms around Chloe's waist, and her hands clutching Chloe's shirt.
"I can't believe you got me back on one of these things," Beca said, leaning her chin on Chloe's shoulder.
Chloe chuckled. "My kisses have a way of getting people to do things they wouldn't normally do."
"Huh," Beca said, grinning into Chloe's shoulder. "Good to know."
It only took Chloe about fifteen minutes to make it back to the stables.
"There's Chloe!" Stacie yelled, seeing the redhead leading one horse while riding the other. "I don't see Beca."
"She's sitting behind Chloe," Jesse said.
Just then Beca poked her head over Chloe's shoulder. She saw an ambulance and a police car; a few feet away, she saw Chicago and Jessica speaking to someone she assumed was an EMT. To her left, she noticed Stacie standing next to Jesse, each had one hand shielding their eyes as they watched Chloe lead Cinnamon into the paddock. There were other people around that Beca recognized as some of the Ranch guests.
"Why is there an ambulance here?" Beca asked.
"That kid, Brad, was thrown off his horse," Chloe said. "He landed on his back. I guess it's for him."
"Oh," Beca said. "I hope he's okay."
Chloe was leading Cinnamon over to the stump Beca used to help get onto Rosemary. Stacie came rushing over and grabbed Beca's arm.
"Beca!" Stacie squealed, pulling Beca from the horse.
"Ahhh," Beca screamed as she tumbled onto Stacie, knocking her on her back.
Chloe dismounted safely as Beca attempted to get to her feet, but Stacie held onto her, squeezing her tight.
"Geez, Stace, are you trying to kill me?"
"I'm sorry," Stacie said. "I'm just glad to see you're alive."
Stacie let Beca go and Chloe helped them both to their feet. Chicago and Jessica ran over to them; Chicago pulled Chloe into a hug.
"Are you two alright?" Chicago asked, looking from Chloe to Beca.
"We're fine," Chloe said, returning the hug.
"Is the kid okay?" Beca asked.
"Mr. Walp?" One of the police officers called out to Chicago.
"Excuse me," Chicago said and walked away without answering.
"They think he just had the wind knocked out of him," Jessica said. "They're taking him to the hospital to get checked out."
"That's good to hear," Beca said.
"Chloe!" Aubrey yelled as she ran to her best friend.
Aubrey grabbed Chloe in a hug and squeezed her tight. "I was so worried."
"I'm fine, Brey," Chloe said, pulling away from Aubrey.
The air around them was suddenly filled with expletives being shouted. Everyone looked to see Chad in handcuffs, being dragged to a police car; it appeared his parents were arguing with the officer.
"Amy saw him throw firecrackers behind Sage, which caused the horses to spook," Jessica told Chloe. "They're arresting him for reckless endangerment. He could have killed any one of you and he's not even the least bit sorry about it."
Beca squinted and watched as the officer was finally able to wrestle Chad into the back of the police car.
"Shouldn't the parents be with their other kid?" Beca asked. "You know, the one who's actually hurt."
"You would think," Stacie said.
"Can I go to my room?" Beca asked. "I'd like a shower and change into some clean clothes. I smell like a horse."
"I could use a shower myself," Chloe said.
"I think the cops want to talk to you two," Jessica said. "They've talked to everyone else who was here when it happened."
"Oh, okay," Beca said.
~~ Save a Horse, Ride a Cowgirl ~~
Beca's body was aching all over from the bouncing and jarring it received as Rosemary galloped at full speed away from danger. Beca couldn't really blame the horse. She felt a kinship to it and understood the fear that would cause the horse to run as it did; she had done the same herself on several occasions when something frightened her.
"I hope Chloe's okay," Beca mumbled as she stood in the shower with her hands on the wall in front of her as the hot water flowed down over her back and shoulders.
Beca had noticed Chloe wincing when Jessica hugged her. Beca figured that if she was hurting from all that happened, then Chloe's adrenaline rush must have worn off as well.
The next thought Beca had was of the kiss or kisses she shared with Chloe. They were both so relieved that she was safe after Chloe scooped her off the horse, their emotions took over and they kissed. Beca put her fingers to her lips; they were still tingling from kissing Chloe. She couldn't stop the smile that came to her lips. She also couldn't help wanting to kiss Chloe again.
"Are you sure you're okay, Chloe?" Aubrey asked as Chloe gathered a change of clothes after her shower. "You're moving a little slow."
"Just a bit sore," Chloe said. "I'll be out in a minute and then we can get lunch."
"Take your time," Aubrey said. "I have Ashley handling lunch today."
"Wow," Chloe said, stopping to look at Aubrey. "You must really be worried about me if you're letting Ashley take over your kitchen."
"You know I let Ashley handle lunch on her own quite often," Aubrey said. She looked at Chloe standing in the middle of the room. "Aren't you supposed to be getting dressed?"
Chloe laughed and went into the bathroom to change. She looked at herself in the mirror and smiled.
"I can't believe Beca and I kissed," she thought as she dropped her towel. Her brows furrowed and a frown replaced the smile. "I hope she doesn't regret it happening."
Chloe was dressed and walked out of the bathroom. Aubrey saw the pensive look on her face.
"Is something wrong?"
"Beca and I kissed," Chloe blurted out.
Aubrey's eyes widened as she digested this new piece of information. She smiled and asked, "You kissed?"
"We did," Chloe said.
"So, did she kiss you? Or did you kiss her?"
"I think it was a mutual thing," Chloe said, sitting on the bed and starting to put on her socks. "I mean, I hugged her once she was back on solid ground and when I pulled back, we were suddenly kissing. I think we both just leaned in and it happened."
"Okay," Aubrey said. "So, how was it?"
"It was amazing," Chloe said. "You know I already had a crush on her. Now, I think I might actually be falling in love with her."
Aubrey didn't say anything and Chloe finished putting on her shoes and socks.
"Wow!" Aubrey finally said. "I was not expecting that. Are you going to tell her?"
"I don't know," Chloe said. "I want to, but I'm afraid of how she'll react. She hasn't had a real relationship to speak of since she became famous. At least, none that I've read about; she usually has flings and one-night stands. I don't want to be another notch on her bedpost."
Aubrey sat on the bed next to Chloe. "I don't think that will be the case. In the short time that she's been here, I've seen how she looks at you. And, I think she has feelings for you, too."
Chloe was saved from responding by a knock on her door. She got up and was surprised to find Beca standing outside.
"Hey," Beca said.
"Hey," Chloe said.
"Um, can we talk?"
"I should get back to the kitchen," Aubrey said.
"Sorry, Aubrey, I didn't see you there," Beca said. "You don't have to go. I can talk to Chloe later."
"You're here now," Aubrey said. "You two should talk."
"Oh. Okay. You're right," Beca said. "Thanks."
"Don't be late for lunch," Aubrey called over her shoulder to Chloe as she brushed past Beca.
"Um, you want to come in?" Chloe asked, stepping aside for Beca to enter.
"Yeah, thanks," Beca said and entered Chloe's room.
~~ Save a Horse, Ride a Cowgirl ~~
"Hey, Aubrey," Stacie said, seeing the woman as soon as she walked into the dining room. "Have you seen Beca?"
"I left her with Chloe about ten minutes ago," Aubrey said. "She came by Chloe's room to talk. I'm guessing they'll be here for lunch shortly."
"Thanks, I'll just wait for her here," Stacie said, taking a seat at a table. "I just want to make sure Beca is okay. If she's able to go talk to Chloe, I guess she's fine."
"She looked okay when I left them," Aubrey said. "Would you mind if I join you?"
"Please do," Stacie said, motioning to the chair across from her. "Who's making lunch if you're out here with me?"
"Ashley," Aubrey said. "We all wear many hats around here and she helps me with all the meals. I usually let her take care of lunch alone if I'm needed elsewhere. Chloe is my best friend, so when I heard about what happened, I left Ashley in charge and ran right over there."
"It was quite scary," Stacie said. "Especially when Beca's horse took off. I think my heart actually skipped a few beats when I saw her bouncing around on that horse, holding on for dear life."
"I'm glad everyone is okay," Aubrey said. "It could have been so much worse. Although, I think it worked out well for Chloe and Beca."
"How so?" Stacie asked.
"Well, I'm sure Beca will tell you this herself," Aubrey said, leaning across the table as if she was going to share a secret. "They kissed."
"No," Stacie said. "If something like that happens, Beca usually comes looking for me to tell me about it."
Stacie looked up when she heard the door to the outside open. Beca and Chloe walked in together.
"So, you're driving to LA once you leave here?" Beca asked Chloe.
"I'm sorry, Beca," Chloe said. "I know I said I'd fly to LA with you and Stacie, but I totally forgot about my car because we don't use them here on the ranch. I'll need my car in LA and driving it there seems like the cheapest way to do it."
"That's over a thousand miles and something like sixteen hours of driving," Beca said. "I can pay someone to get your car to LA for you so you can fly to LA with me and Stacie. You can spend a few more days here and still be in LA in time to start your new job."
"I can't ask you to do that, Beca," Chloe said.
"You're not asking," Beca said. "I'm offering. I don't want to have to worry about you breaking down somewhere or something happening to you."
"Awww, you do care about me," Chloe said, kissing Beca.
Beca chuckled as she pulled back from the kiss.
"Um, Chloe," Beca whispered. "I thought we were going to keep this a secret until we were ready to go to LA?"
"I'm sorry," Chloe said, not looking sorry at all. "I couldn't help myself. I just really wanted to kiss you again."
"Beca, is there something you want to tell me?" Stacie asked, smirking.
"What are you talking about?" Beca asked, stepping away from Chloe. "Tell you what?"
"Let's start with that kiss," Stacie said. "And, then we can talk about the other kisses you and Chloe shared this morning."
Beca looked at Chloe who shrugged and smiled at Beca.
"Fine," Beca said, smiling at Chloe. "Chloe and I are going to start dating. We wanted to keep it quiet to see how things would go before we told anyone."
"How's that working out for you?" Aubrey asked, laughing at Beca.
"Not too well," Beca said, laughing as well. "My new girlfriend can't keep her lips off me, so I guess we can tell everyone now."
"Did you hear that, Brey?" Chloe said, pulling Beca to her with a big smile on her face. "I'm Beca Mitchell's girlfriend."
"I can't wait to tell CR about this," Stacie said. "I know she'll be as happy to hear this as I am."
"So, you're okay with how fast this happened?" Beca asked.
"I am," Stacie said. "I think the media will have a field day with it though. But don't worry, CR and I will get ahead of it so we should be able to quash any negative news that may come your way."
"Good," Beca said, sounding relieved. "I don't want anything to scare Chloe away. I plan on her being a part of my life for a very, very long time."
"I am unsurprisingly okay with that," Chloe said with a beaming smile.
A/N: BeChloe is together and that's it for this part of the story. The final chapter will be an epilogue picking things up one year later.
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jjfics · 4 years
Rosemary and Thyme - On The Run | 02
ship: Five Hargreeves x Female!Reader 
summary: The Reader has killed someone and now the Hargreeves and her have to hide. So they look for shelter in the only place they know would welcome them: The Reader’s former employer. 
series: read part 1 here
author: jane jack aka your girl jjfics 
words: 3250 
warnings: mentions of death, murder, blood and homelesness, feelings of uncertainty and anxiety, flashbacks, angst, guns, allusion to smut (does not happen though, i’ve cut it right before), smoking 
a/n: i definitely did not expect it to be seen. i know 100 notes is not a lot, but i think i did pretty well for my second imagine out there, huh. thanks guys, for reading. i hope this one is just as great (or who knows, maybe better?). let me know if anyone would like a part 3. -jj
tags: @nimusicaltrash​ :3
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Vanya and Allison were asleep in the backseat. Klaus, cramped between them, waved around a magazine he picked up from the last gas station you stopped at. Luther and Diego were discussing plans in the back, on the second row of seats. 
Five took the passenger seat, he was very tired from all the driving. He refused to make any stops at all until it was absolutely necessary. The dark circles around his eyes begged him to sleep, but he couldn’t. All he could feel was stress and desperation. I have to get my family to safety, he would think. 
Your now clean hands were clenched around the wheel of the car. The city was getting closer every moment and you unconsciously pressed harder on the gas pedal.
“Hey, hey! Careful there, I can’t read well when you go that fast” Klaus whined and you sighed. Right.
You saw Five look at his watch as he started bumping his right foot anxiously. Just a couple of metres away stood the “Welcome to Dallas” board.
“On time?” you ask, trying not to panic.
“Exactly on time” he reassures you with a nod. “Are you ready?” Ready? You were terrified.
“You’ll be okay. I’ll come inside with you, just in case.”
“What do you think old John can do to harm me?” 
John was your boss in the 60s. Your salvation. He was mesmerized by your voice that day at the bakery, and he kept asking people around until he found you. It was your second night sleeping under the open sky, and little did you know it was all going to change. He made you a star. One makeover later and a lot of clothing stores you basically swapped lives with Allison. He let you live in the apartment above the club. 
And he was probably also six feet under right now. 
“Oh I wouldn’t be worried about him.” Five replies sarcastically. “Maybe he has a son. Whoever is in charge of the place, might be an issue for us.”
“What do you mean?”
“I just… What if he won’t cooperate? What if he won’t understand, or worse, give us to the police…” after he said that, he looked zoned out for a moment, as if he was going through all the possible ways your plan could fail. 
If the police found you, you would be going straight to jail. There was no doubt that the Hargreeves could pay for your bail. So no worries with the police, really. But you were never going to be a free woman. The Commission would search for you, and if you killed one of them again, they would send new men after you until they made sure you were gone for good. As gone as the one you saw bleed to death. 
You put your hand on his knee as you turned left onto the main street. If the club was still standing it should be just around the corner. 
His attention switched back to you and he scoffed quietly. “Look at us. Just a couple of hours ago you were the one having a panic attack and now it’s my turn.”
A small smile appeared on your face. “We’re a team, remember?” And he mirrored the expression just before you parked the car. 
“Alright everybody, listen up!” he shouts so that everyone would turn and look at him. The sisters woke up too. They were all on the same train now. “Me and y/n are going to walk inside this club and arrange something so we’ll sleep safely for tonight. Vanya is going to wait in the car, ready to drive away and help us escape. Diego and Luther will wait outside. Got it?” Diego raised an eyebrow but Five continued “Just in case anything happens. You never know.” 
“I’ll wait with them, I need to breathe some fresh air” Allison said as she stretched her arms as far as she could in the small van. 
“Alright then” Five said, looking at the main entrance of the club through the passenger window. “Let’s get to this y/n” he gave you a small smile. 
You searched for his hand and squeezed it gently. 
The doors of the car closed behind you two as you got out of the car. Diego, Luther and Allison were pretending they were just locals talking about what not, getting closer to the big glass doors. When they stopped walking Diego turned a bit to the left and started laughing. This was it, your sign to go. 
“Hey, be safe, okay? Leave as soon as anything gets out of hand. We can find some other place to stay at.” Vanya told you when you were ready to get out of the car. Your best friend was worried about you, of course. She is always a bit anxious. But you had no other choice.
On the way here you were mentioned 8 times on the radio. You and the Hargreeves. Wanted criminals. This was your only chance to find shelter. If this didn’t work, you couldn’t really find some other place. You would pretty much have to sleep in the car or on the streets. No, impossible, you couldn’t go through that again. 
“We’ll be fine Vivi.” She chuckles sadly at the nickname you gave her in the early stages of your friendship. 
“Klaus, hand me that magazine! It’s my turn” Vanya said while tapping her fingers on the steering wheel.  
“Ah, fine.” he whined. “Turn on the radio.”
Hand in hand with Five you made your way to the front hall of the club, heading towards the bar, which was on a platform just above the empty dance floor. You took your sunglasses off as you sat on one of those black stools at the bar. Same leather like 50 years ago. It felt surreal to be here again, with Five sitting next to you. 
“What are you doing so early? And with a kid? There ain’t no party yet ms.” you couldn’t help but smile as you recognized the southern drawl. You pushed your foot on the floor and rotated the chair. There she was, with her hair pinned up the same way as always, wearing short heels that matched her dark lipstick. It had been so long since you had seen her. 
Amy Stephens, your boss John’s little sister. She should be 74 by now, and even though she was just 17 when you started working at the club, you still knew who she was. Amy was the only friend you had during those months when you were alone. You showed her how to do her make up, you went shopping together when you needed new stage outfits, you taught her how to fight, something John would’ve scolded you for if he found out.
“Hello.” you said looking kindly at your old friend. “I’m not here for any party. I’m just looking for someone.”
“Oh well, let’s see if I can be of any help to ya. What you got?” 
“Do you happen to know a Stephens?” Five asked her. 
“Stephens? Yeah, yeah, that’s me kid. With what business are you coming here?” she questioned resting her arm on her hip. 
“Are you in charge of the place?” you said putting your glasses in the pocket of your jacket.
“Sure am. Can I help you?” 
“Yeah… we… uh… a friend told us you used to give the apartment for rent? Is that… still available?” You didn’t quite know how to carry the conversation without blowing your cover. 
“Ah, yes. It’s been a long time since anyone slept in there. You knew the famous y/n Hargreeves used to live here?” Five suppressed a smile, winking at you, but the woman didn’t notice. “Do you kids even know her? You look young. Anyways, popular singer back in 62. Or was it 63?” she muttered.
“Big fans” Five told her.
Your name wasn’t Hargreeves, of course, but you had no certificate when your boss found you. So you did everything you could to associate yourself with Five and his siblings in hope you might find them.
“Would you be interested in staying here?”
“Yes, that’d be really nice” Five said eagerly.
“Follow me, I’ll show you around.” 
The door to your old apartment opened and little dust particles could be seen floating in the morning light. Amy pushed the wooden door with her shoulder and walked inside. 
“My God, we haven’t been in here since Ms Hargreeves moved out. Seems like she really was our last tenant” she whispered, but you heard her well. “But don’t worry children, the place is clean. There’s two bedrooms and a bathroom, a small kitchen and a balcony. Come come”. You knew that grin, it meant the apartment has probably been rotting ever since you left.
She led you to the bedroom that wasn’t used when you lived here. “See, two rooms, perfect for you and the kid, huh” She tried to convince you. Five chuckled and put his arm around your waist when she turned around to walk to the main bedroom.
“And this… this is the second one. There’s still a luggage full of her stuff under the bed but I can get rid of that for ya.” she slapped her hand on the mattress and more dust came out of it. “So what you thinkin’? You like it here?”
“Oh that's not a problem girl, bring them in. As long as you don’t make too much noise after 11 pm, we’re all good.”
You shared a look with Five to tell him This is the best we could do. He nodded and you both turned to look at Amy who was now staring uncomfortably at the two of you. Yeah, you would have to hide your relationship around her. He moved his hand casually and then you spoke again. “Yes, this is quite what we were looking for. But it’s not just us. We’ll be 7, including me, my boyfriend and his 5 siblings.” 
“Isn’t there noise from the party downstairs anyways at that hour?” Five asked her. The expression on Amy’s face changed as she looked down. 
“The party huh… you’re not from here are ya? Well, I was just joking earlier, kid. When y/n Hargreeves left the club, the people got angry. She was the main reason why people still came. Most stopped coming after some time, it simply wasn’t smart to keep the club partying. Now it’s nothing more than a property.” 
They… went bankrupt, because you stopped showing up? You knew people loved you, but John never told you you were the one holding up their business. A tear rolled down your cheek. All that fame, all the posters. You had bleached your hair when you returned to 2019 and you wore sunglasses everywhere. No one could know who you were. Some get their 30 seconds of fame, you got your year. One year could mean your whole life sometimes. 
You were laying on Elliot’s couch with the phone pressed between your ear and shoulder as you were trying to take off your coat. Five reached to help you mouhting I got it. He took your coat to the hanger and then disappeared into the kitchen. 
“Hello, this is John Stephens speaking.” 
“Hi, John. It’s just me, y/n. I- uh, I’m calling from a friend's house. I think I’m going to spend the night. Just thought it’ll be fine for you to know in advance.” 
“y/n, yes. So, what you’re saying is... that you won’t be here in time for tonight’s show?” he said anxiously. You didn’t know this at the time, but he was worried about losing profit.
“No no, I just- I would really want to hang out with my friend and it’ll be just for tonight.”
Gosh, you were reasoning with him as if he were your dad.
“Oh,come on, Hargreeves. Not even one song?”
You laughed at how disparate he was. “Sorry. Not even one. I’ll be gone til morning. But I’m sure no one will miss me that much. Besides, you can always ask Amy to sing. She’s been getting better. For real, John. That girl has potential.”
“There ain’t no well in hell I’m letting my sister get up in front of all these drunks to sing. She’s just 17, woman!” 
You couldn’t stop laughing now. “Goodnight, John. I’ll- Well I’ll see you on Monday if we don’t run into each other.”
“Have a nice evening, y/n” 
You hung up the phone and rose from the couch. When entering the kitchen you saw Five pouring coffee in two big mugs. You went and hugged him from behind, placing a gentle kiss on his cheek. You could feel him smiling as you kissed him again. He took the mugs and turned around to face you leaning on the counter.
“Did you miss me?” he asked innocently, making you giggle. 
You leaned in and kissed him. You could still taste the coffee on his lips. He kissed you back and you felt him smirk as you laced your hands behind his neck. 
“Did I miss you?” you asked him back rhetorically. And you could see how eager he was to meet your lips again. You gave him a quick peck on the lips, and one on his shoulder, and then you hugged him tightly. “I did. A lot.” 
“I know what it’s like to be alone. I promise you, we won’t have to go through that again. I’ll try everything I can do to be together forever.” 
“Forever?” you asked.
“Assuming you won’t kick me out, of course.” You smacked his arm.
“Idiot.” you said between laughs. “Give me one of those mugs.” 
He hands you your coffee and you take a sip. “Black?”
“We have a lot to talk about,” he said.  
You both sat back on the couch and went over anything and everything. How you got famous. Where the others were. How he just arrived. What he saw. How long everyone had been here. 
“How long do we have?” you asked, searching for his eyes. 
He leaned back on the couch. “A lot more than last time. Enough time to find out what causes it, and more importantly, how to stop it.” 
You smiled at his words. After all this time, you were finally reunited, and no one was rushing you now. You had nothing to lose anymore, except time. Your hands unconsciously inched towards his thigh and you traced small hearts on his leg. “That means we can breathe safely for a while, right?”
Five brought you closer to him, straddling him now. He brushed your hair behind your ear so you could see him better. Your fingers explored his face carefully. The bump of his nose, his cheeks, his dimples as he grinned at you. Gosh, how you had missed his dimples. You missed everything about him. 
“We have almost one full year,” he said. 
“Then we better make the best of it, right?” you said as your lips brushed against his. 
He laid his head on the fluffy cushions and you followed, not breaking eye contact. His blue eyes scanned yours and your soul ran wild. You towered over him and pressed your forehead on his. Suddenly, the sound of the cars outside stopped and it all went silent. In this moment, there was only you and him. And this moment would exist forever.
You had to make up for all the time you were apart. You kissed him passionately, closing your eyes. His hands flowed along your curves and rested on your hips, pressing you hard on his chest. The kiss tasted like his favourite kind of coffee. Every movement of yours was matched instantly by him. He didn’t need words to know. Neither did you. 
Five pulled away for a second, looking at you lovingly, desire clear in his eyes. He took your left hand in his and shifted you so that you were laid on your back. He sat on his elbows just above your head. Your hands hugged his shoulders, getting him to slowly bend down. You could feel your eyes fill with tears as you watched him watch you. A flash of worry appeared on his face, but just for a moment. 
Five wiped your cheeks with the back of his palm, and kissed your cheeks. You kissed his hand and he kissed yours back, his hot breath fanning over your sensitive skin. His kisses started to travel upwards, to your elbow, then shoulder, then neck, then down again. You closed your eyes as his kisses passed your collarbone. He tugged softly on your shirt. 
“May I?” he hummed with a boyish smirk you hadn’t seen in a long while. You nodded, brushing his hair back.
“Yes, please.” you flushed.
He started unbuttoning your shirt, enjoying every second of it. With every button, he would press one more kiss. With every breath, you would inhale his sweet scent, praying to never forget it.
The morning was cold. Diego and Lila were asleep in the bedroom, Elliot on an armchair. Oh, the poor man couldn't even sleep in his own bed. Five was on the couch, next you. You pushed the blanket closer to him and got up after pecking his forehead. 
“Goodmorning, y/n.” he whispered, not even bothering to open his eyes. 
“Morning, Five.” 
“Where are you going?” he whined.
“Oh don’t worry, I’ll be right back”
You searched for your shirt and pants only to find them underneath your pillow. Getting dressed up in a hurry, you covered your shoulders with what seemed to be another blanket… or a really long scarf. Either way, it was warm enough. You reached for a cigarette in your pocket and made your way outside. 
You sat on the cold stairs that led up to the entrance of the building and watched the people pass the alley. 
“Look at them, rushing to get to their shitty jobs in time, to get their kids to school, rushing, rushing, rushing.” you scoffed under your breath.
“Good thing we don’t have to rush anywhere, right?” a voice startled you. You turned your head to the door to see Five already dressed nicely with a mug of, probably, coffee again. How convenient it could be for him sometimes to jump through space. Always a step ahead of you.
“That's not healthy.” he pointed at your cigarette. 
“That’s not either” you said gesturing to his drink and he chuckled, amused.
“Yeah, well, at least I won’t get sick” he sat down, resting his head on your shoulder. 
“We can’t have that happen. Even a cold can be deadly for an old man like you.” You bumped your cigarette on the side of his mug smiling. “Cheers” 
Making your way back to the car you saw everyone was outside. 
“Vanya why are you not in the car?” Five asked immediately.
“It just took too long and I was worried.”
“Is it so hard to just stick to the rules? Is it? All you had to do was sit there.” he sighed.
Everyone looked worried, so you smiled softly. “We got the key guys, it’s all good. Let’s go upstairs, I’m tired.”
“Thank, God.” Allison said so relaxed, unaware of the gun pointing at her from behind a tree nearby. She walked to the club’s doors. “Let’s go.”
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missskzbiased · 4 years
The Three Lessons (3)
Genre: Angst, Romance, Fluff, Witch! Au, Love Triangle
Pairing: Chan X Fem! Reader X Seungmin
Word Count: ~13,8K
(The First) (The Second) (The Third)
Warnings: (Mild) Mentions of [Death, Burned Witches, food, blood/battling(?)]
Notes:  Finally here! Sorry for the delay but I got blocked, then busy and well! At least, it’s finally here! LOL  
I’d like to hear your thoughts on this. If you guys liked the plot/expected the stuff and things like this! Thank you for reading/rb’ing/commenting/sending asks and stuff! <3
Tagging:  @p2q3r4   @thatrandomoneinthecorner
CHAPTER 3: The Third Lesson
    It has been four months already.
    The fateful night when you ran away from your home ─ Well, your former home ─ still hovered over your thoughts from time to time, haunting you during your day-to-day life activities as baking the bread you were just making, kneading the dough with much more force than needed. The thick and malleable piece slowly sprawled over the counter as you stopped in your tracks, studying how it relaxed on the surface until it didn’t move anymore ─ Soft and still, just like the limp body of your Grandma on the ground ─, and you felt the urge to cry all over again.
       You missed her.
       You raised your head to stop the tears from falling, looking up and blinking multiple times until the urge to cry morphed into crushing regret that tightened your heart by the second, making you sigh heavily before lowering your gaze to the window. The reflection on the glass showed you a gloomy girl with flour painting her cheeks and forehead in a silly way that couldn’t brighten up your mood even if you forced a smile to plaster on her face, so you settled for lowering your eyes to your hands, resting above the bread.
      The flour painted both of your hands white, and for a split of a second, the dusty white turned into a damp red, covering your hands in blood just like that night, sending a shiver down your spine. You were a murderer. The flickering thought vanished as soon as Seungmin’s paled shocked face struck your memories, reminding you how he trembled as he took your hands on his, studying the dry blood on them filled with horror, certain that you have just killed someone.
      You want me to hide a body?! His voice sounded on your mind, making you chuckle and shake your head in amusement. The amusement had dissolved into heartbreak at the time, and you broke into tears, startling the younger boy who rushed you inside, looking around to check if someone had seen anything before closing the door. That night, Seungmin sat with you on the floor, rubbing your hands and face with a wet cloth until the blood ─ that later he came to know that was from your hunt ─ came off of your body, rocking you to soothe you through your breakdown.
       “Hey, Bunny Bun, how is it going?” You turned around to meet the known face of Seungmin’s father, a fine man that allowed you to stay without a second thought ─ which raised a lot of questions from Seungmin, who seemed fixed to the idea that you had enchanted him somehow ─, and had been treating you like a daughter since then. He approached you, tearing off a small piece from the dough and molding it between his palms, pinching it to form two long ears, just like a rabbit before throwing it for you to catch.
       The joke began when you saw a bun for the first time in your life.
        You had looked at him all filled with curiosity, watching as he kneaded the dough, and he chuckled at your antics, glancing at you once in a while before making a bunny out of nowhere and throwing it in your direction, startling you. The way you hopped, catching the piece and smashing it between your hands unintentionally, made him laugh wholeheartedly, studying your sheepish smile before he patted your shoulder reassuringly.
       It’s too soon for bunnies to hop, don’t you think? He joked, knowing that you were too sleepy and your reflexes were nothing but rusty at the time. You laughed at this, and somehow it became your thing… Just making bunny jokes around in the morning as you baked your bun. It felt like you were family, loved and cared for, and truly accepted… Just like the lesson predicted… You were right to stick to your kind.
      “I’m almost done, Mr.Kim!” You said with a small smile, trying to cover up your sadness “We will have some delicious bread for the customers” You promised, resuming your previous actions, starting to tear off the pieces to mold them.
     “I wish Seungmin was an early bird like you” He confessed, chuckling as he stood beside you to help you out with your baking “I’m glad you’re here… You’re very welcome to this family, I hope you know that” He glanced at you, clearing his throat “And… How is it going? Are you both getting along well?” He asked awkwardly, and this time you chuckled, looking at him by the corner of your eyes.
     “We’re just fine, Sir” You guaranteed “We’re acting like cousins just like you instructed and we’ve been getting along pretty well… For about four months already” You smiled, mocking him about his concerns. He smiled back, nodding in understanding and sighing in relief, seeming satisfied by your answer as he molded the loaves of bread far more quickly than you, more used to it, with no concrete pattern, just a bunch of animal-shaped stuff that followed no rules.
    The only rule on the house was not to be romantically involved.
    You could remember your first day at the bakery ─ shaky hands and stiffened body giving away how nervous you were ─ and how you darted your eyes at every customer that came in, alarmed that someone could simply recognize that you were raised by a witch. Silly thought. Seungmin ─ as the sweetest human being on Earth ─ noticed how you were about to combust at any moment and simply stuck together with you, helping you out in absolutely every single thing you did until you got more comfortable.
     It didn’t go unnoticed.
    The moment the old lady ─ a faithful client who you treated by Miss ─ came into the place, she looked at you filled with interest, eyes studying you from head to toe before smiling approvingly. She rested a small box on the counter, tilting her head as she looked into your eyes, before looking at Seungmin with a suggestive look. She braced herself on the counter, looking at Mr.Kim excitedly and gesturing for him to get closer before finally speaking up.
   So little Seungmin finally got a fiancé? I never saw you around! She chuckled, taking your hand between hers. It’s a pleasure to meet you! I’m their best customer and also their lucky charm! She joked, patting the back of your hand. You threw her a desperate smile, darting your eyes between her and Mr.Kim before opening your mouth, ready to agree with her to get out of the situation.
    Oh, no! She’s his cousin! He hurried to say as soon as he recovered from his shock. My brother got really ill and… Well, we thought it would be better for her to come live with me instead of staying in her village… He lied, lowering his eyes to fake sadness, though the uncomfortableness was true.
    Oh! I didn’t know you have a brother! She hid her open mouth with her hands, eyes wide as she looked at you surprised before pity took over her. I’m so sorry, Sweetheart… If I knew I would have sent him some of these too... She shook the box in the air, and you could tell something hard was inside it.
    The woman opened the box to reveal two small bottles filled with a flower ─ that you identified as rosemary ─, some thin things that looked like pins and needles and a dark liquid that looked a lot like blood. You frowned, utterly confused by the utility of such a gross thing, yelping as the woman randomly tugged some strands of Seungmin and his father’s hair, tossing it inside each bottle ─ that opened smelled heavily like alcohol mixed with some kind of grape juice ─ before closing them and handing it to each one of them.
    She laughed at your baffled expression, hitting your shoulder lightly as she threw her head back, delighted by you. She got her hands on her hips before tilting her head and looking at you playfully, smiling kindly as she explained that it was a witch-bottle. You frowned again, looking at them cautiously to check if you should know what it was about, and the lady was quick to explain that it was a kind of protection that her family had been doing for ages and having incredible results regarding safety.
    Your uncle is too unlucky, poor thing… To be married to a witch and being cursed to be alone for the rest of his life… She sighed, looking at him filled with pity. At least I can do something about it, right? It’s a pleasure to keep you safe from those monsters! I should make one for you too, Sweetheart! Next month, I will bring it for the three of you!
   You shook your head to get out of your thoughts ─ brushing your hair with your fingers as you reminded how the woman had no mercy to take off those strands from your scalp ─, noticing how Mr.Kim arched his brows in a silent question, chuckling as you shrank as if you had been caught red-handed. You placed the molded pieces on the paddle, pretending you didn’t notice his look, and placing it inside the oven for them to bake.
    The fire painted their surface in an orangish light, and you stood there staring at them, drowning in the knowledge that you would never tell him that you were a witch, just like the one who destroyed his life. He placed his hand on your shoulder, smiling at you and looking proudly at the buns, humming in approval for your teamwork, and you forced a smile back at him before returning your gaze to the fire.
   Maybe one day he’d wish for you to be just like those bunny buns.
    You felt small and lost.
    You could recognize the oval square even if you had your eyes closed, having dreamed of it every single day of your life ─ the place where the nameless woman was burned to death ─ but this time there was no stake to be seen and no witch to be burned. The crowded place was bright and noisy; the lively music being played was mixing with the villagers’ chatting and sellers’ yelling, morphing into a loud buzz that bewildered you.
    The swinging pieces of meat hung on the hooks, the fresh smell of fruits and vegetables filling your nostrils, and all other kinds of things to be sold left no doubt: The market was being held.
   You held someone’s hand as you walked, head swiveling to take in everything that was happening around you, feeling overwhelmed as people bumped into you and the mass of fluttering fabrics passed in front of your eyes, darkening the bright place for a while. The feeling didn’t last much, though. The person guiding you finally stopped on a booth, bringing back the brightness and the peace you craved, before letting go of your hand to look for something.
   You lifted your head, fondness spreading in your heart as you looked at them.
  You didn’t seem to mind it in the dream, catching a citric scent in the air that distracted you, prompting you to look at the booth and extend your hand to pick up the round orange right in front of your eyes. You tried to grab it once, fingers slipping on its peel, and then you used both hands, holding it like if it was your whole world for a few seconds before giggling happily.
  That must be the biggest orange in the world because it didn’t even fit in your hands.
    You played with it a little bit, ignoring the voices above your head and focusing solely on how the texture felt on your palms, groping it and spinning it over and over again as if it would give you some kind of answer. The voices began to sound clearer on the back of your head, sounding upset and assertive, both the seller and your guide quarreling about something you couldn’t understand. The seller snapped, and you caught something like frustration and jealousy in the air before he slammed the surface with anger.
    You got startled, yelping and jumping as you snapped your eyes at the man.
      Then everything happened too fast.
      First, you felt the orange off your palms, floating slightly above them, and you widened your eyes, very aware that it was an unforgivable mistake. Second, the guide’s hand snapped to the fruit, grabbing it in a flustered manner. Third, the man pointed at them, filled with rage and despise.
     Then he roared.
     “She’s a witch!” He accused, and the orange fell to the ground, rolling away “She first seduced the baker, and now this?!” You didn’t know what he meant by this, and neither did the men who came to restrain her out of nowhere, tugging her arms back as she struggled to get away from their grip.
     “He’s lying! It’s a lie!” She yelled in despair, trying to swing her limbs but being brutally held back “I’m not a witch!” She howled, and even if you couldn’t see the tears streaming down her face, you could hear it in her soul. The crowd gasped and cleared the way, terrified and curious, gathering around them to watch the woman being lifted off of the ground; legs kicking and jerking to hit whoever tried to handle her.
   “Take off her boots!” Someone screamed, and the man held her neck, choking her to take her under his control.
   You moved, trying to go closer to her, but someone held your arm firmly ─ though you could feel their hand was trembling in fear ─, and the next thing you know was that her legs were being held tight. They yanked her boots, exposing her bare feet, raising her sole for everyone to see.
   That was the first time you could actually see something in your dreams.
   Crooked whitish scars carved on her feet like high-relief waves.
   She was a witch.
   You felt your blood run cold; the grip on your arm disappeared and you snapped your eyes to the woman, feeling pity wash over you as you realized what was happening. You were seeing how the faceless woman was condemned as a witch, fated to burn to the ground… She looked right into your eyes, the fog that prevented you to see her face wavered in the air, dissolving suddenly and prompting everyone to gasp in shock.
    This was the first time you could see her face.
     Your face.
    You shot your eyes open, gasping for air, realizing someone was hovering over you ─ a blurry face right in front of yours, indistinguishable on your drowsy state ─ and before you could focus your eyes on them, their hands grabbed your shoulders firmly, startling you. They squeezed your shoulders, and you jolted your limbs, waggling them around to guarantee your freedom as you felt the grip tightening around you, their arms shaking your body.
    “No, please!” You bawled, struggling to get away from their hands “Seungmin! Mr.Kim! Help! Help!” You shouted, desperate as you finally got rid of their hands, jolting out of the bed to head to the window, ready to jump out of it and run away. You fumbled to open it, and the person rushed at you, taking you by the waist and pulling you back forcefully.
    “Wait!” Seungmin pleaded, strangled voice sounding in the air like a squeak “What are you doing?! It’s me!” His voice sounded right beside your ears, and for the first time, you tried to really look at him, glancing over your shoulder to meet his eyes right in front of yours. You sighed in relief ─ fear vanishing to give way to tiredness ─ and your relaxed expression morphed into an exasperated one before you hit his chest angrily.
    “What the hell, Seungmin?” You asked upset, uncovering your eyes to shoot him a glare “Who wakes someone up like a bloody ghost haunting the house, you son of a—“ He laughed, hands on his hips as he tilted his head, eyes glinting in mockery.
    “Oh, Seungmin! Help! Help!” He chanted, chuckling as you blushed, looking away in embarrassment “And now you call me names? Spare me!” He smirked, letting you go to sit on your bed before pinching his chin “Did you have a nightmare?” He asked curiously, eyes less playful and more concerned now.
    “What tipped you off?” You teased, walking towards your bed to sit beside him “To tell you the truth, the dream changed…” You muttered, unsure about what to say. It was just a dream, right? Should you bother him with it? You darted your eyes to him before settling them straight ahead “I saw the woman’s face… She was me” You glanced at him, insecure, and he snapped his eyes at you, clearly disturbed by what you had just said.
     “Oh” He bit his lip before lowering his eyes to his hands, intertwined on his lap “I had a dream too and… Well, I saw you at the stake” He glanced at you, and you felt as if the entire world had just stopped. You stared at him, completely expressionless as the shock drenched your mind “But— I mean! You know that my dreams aren’t always clear, right? It can mean literally anything!” He tried to reassure you, and you blinked at him.
    “What else could it mean? You saw me burning at the stake, Seungmin” You stated calmly, though your insides were twisting “My dreams aren’t usually this clear… Someone will accuse me at the market place and I’ll be burned” You stared at him blankly; your features unmatching to the thousand thoughts that ran wild inside your head or the tight knot forming in your throat, making you unable to say anything else.
    An odd feeling of acceptance tried to spread through your body.
    You were going to die.
     That was it.
    “You’re not going to die” He assured you, squeezing your hand in an attempt to soothe you, though his trembling hinted that he wasn’t much better himself “I mean… I had already tons of dreams that didn’t happen for real! It’s just a coincidence… Absolutely no one suspects you right now, not even dad! There is no way—“ You sighed, patting his hand on your lap, looking at him as if you had been already defeated.
    “There is nothing we can do about it” You shrugged “I had this dream every single day of my life, Seungmin… Deep down I knew what was bound to happen” You offered him a small smile, squeezing his hand back “Also, the third lesson is clear as the day… Do not bond with humans, their feelings are flickering as flames and will burn you to the ground” You recited, glancing at him “It’s your fault for loving me, you know?” You joked, and he pushed you lightly.
     “It’s not the time to be funny” He rolled his eyes “Especially when you’re not funny at all” He pointed out, chuckling when you slapped his shoulder playfully “That lesson doesn’t make any sense anyway, our feelings for you are deep and we won’t let you die” He promised, and this time you offered him a real smile, resting your head on his shoulder “You’re part of this family now and I don’t care whatever your grandma taught you before, we’re going to make through this” He rested his head on top of yours, remaining silent for a few minutes.
   The silence was reassuring, and you closed your eyes, breathing deeply.
    “Do you want to stay home today? I can go to the market by myself” He suggested, lifting his head to look at you, and you mimicked him, shaking your head.
    “It’s better to act as usual” You denied “Whatever has to happen will happen, so staying home will not help me at all” He nodded, looking through the window, and you followed his gaze “Will you stay by my side when it happens?” You asked quietly, and he pursed his lips, eyes darkening as he lowered his head.
    “If it happens” He corrected you sternly, and you nodded, holding his gaze in expectation “I won’t let it happen” He stated, averting his eyes and getting up from his bed “Some dreams are just dreams” He guaranteed, faking a smile at you, which you returned with an understanding nod and tight lips.
      Seungmin’s dreams weren’t just dreams.
      Those four months were more than enough for you to know that Seungmin wasn’t a mere human… You didn’t know if he had a witch ancestry, if Nature just seemed to have a liking to him or if the spirit of his deceased mother spoke to him while he slept, but Seungmin had a gift.
      He had premonitory dreams.
      The day he drank from the river was the first time he actually acted on those dreams, intrigued by a woman ─ that not so coincidentally looked just like you ─ calling him to the woods, tracing a path that headed to a precarious village. You were smart enough to assume that it was The Haven, and he was being guided to meet The Coven ─ more specifically you ─ but got lost in the woods, tricked by its enchantments. The dream didn’t show him any rivers but as soon as he found it, all lost and tired, he drank from it and the rest… Well, he was lucky you were around.
    Actually, you were meant to be around.
    Meant to be in each other’s life.
    “Now let’s go! Get your ass out of the bed and let’s shop! Your birthday is coming and I have to buy you a gift, right?” He said in a feigned cheerful tone, interrupting your thoughts, and you nodded, getting up from the bed and picking up your coat ─ Chan’s coat ─ to throw around your own shoulders “Hm… This is kinda old, right?” He asked unsurely, eyeing the coat warily.
     “Well, it’s the only one I have” You chuckled “Also, I know you just don’t like it because it belonged to Chan” You rolled your eyes, arms going through the sleeves to keep you warm. You held each front of your coat, wrapping them tightly around you, drowning in the warmth and the faint smell that reminded you of home ─ former home ─, studying carefully the worn-out brown filled with fondness.
    “He was ready to kill me” He pointed out matter-of-factly, brows raised to make his point “I think I have more than enough of a reason to hold a grudge against him” You laughed wholeheartedly, nodding in agreement “But that’s not the point! The winter is coming and you need to keep warm” You opened your mouth before closing it, holding back a joke about your cruel fate “This coat won’t be enough for you… Maybe I should buy you a new one?” He mused, and you shrugged.
    “I don’t see the point if I have this one” You admitted, and he rolled his eyes, heading to the door to open it and turning back to stare at you unimpressed. The cold weather seemed to freeze your face for a second, making you sneeze and shake your head vehemently to push away the feeling before scrunching your nose repeatedly, looking at Seungmin.
    “See? You’re weak to the winter” He chuckled, throwing his arm around your shoulders playfully, closing the door behind him to head to the oval square. The motion reminded you of how your Grandma used to wrap you in her arms before guiding you into the woods, teasing you about a certain warlock. You sighed, remembering how he just shrugged off that you gave away the very same coat you were wearing right now, even if he had it since he was a child… How he asked you on a date to that very same market you were wandering around.
     “So it’s settled! We’ll buy some fruits for your cake and then we’ll buy your coat” He decided, pleased with his plans, and once more getting you away from your thoughts. You walked side by side, heading to the booth you always bought your stuff from, studying the surroundings to see if you could spot better prices.
     You didn’t.
   But you spotted Caeli.
   That wasn’t the first time that you spotted Caeli on the streets. The Elder had been coming by herself every month ─ probably to buy some groceries to The Coven ─, and each time you followed her with your eyes, wondering why your grandma wasn’t with her. You should know why. You killed her. You lowered your gaze, quickening your pace to be followed by a confused Seungmin, looking around to spot whatever made you like this.
    “Did you see someone from your dream?” He whispered worried, and you shook your head, bumping into someone in your eagerness to reach for the booth “Oh, sorry! We didn’t pay atten—“ Seungmin stopped on his tracks, his apologetic expression morphing into a frown. You raised your head to apologize, and as soon as your eyes met you felt your head spinning. The air seemed to vanish from your lungs, heart bursting inside your chest and lips drying as you widened your eyes, flabbergasted.
     How long! How have you been?
     I’m sorry…
     I miss you.
     “Hi…” You said instead, awkwardly looking at him in a lack for better words “Chan” You added, hugging yourself as you averted your eyes from him, biting your lips. You felt Seungmin’s hold getting tighter, pulling you closer to him as he straightened his back to look somewhat threatening. You peeked at him, confused, before returning your gaze to Chan, who didn’t even spare him a glance, eyes fixed on you for the entire time.
     “Hey” He muttered, holding your gaze for a few seconds before averting his eyes ─ the tension too uncomfortable do bear ─, staring at Seungmin’s hand on your shoulder “You’re using my coat” He mentioned bluntly, unsure about what to say, and you nodded, looking away “The winter… Yeah” He trailed off, cringing at himself.
    Seungmin scoffed before suddenly reaching for your coat, trying to take it off, and you looked at him filled with confusion but complied anyway, extending your arms to help him out. The boy crumpled the coat to form a ball of fabric before pushing it on Chan’s hand, a serious expression on his face as his penetrating gaze fixed on Chan’s eyes in a silent warning. Chan took the coat, bewildered, looking at him questioningly before Seungmin gave him a tight smile.
    “I’m going to buy a new one for her” He announced, waiting for his answer but Chan just stared at him, hands clutching the piece, and jaw clenching before he forced his lips to quirk on an odd smile “You can have it back… Thank you for your coat” Seungmin sounded upset for some reason, and you frowned, feeling lost about what made him act like that.
    “Great” Chan hugged his coat; glancing at you with hurt written all over his face “I’m glad you guys are getting along just fine” He lied, lips quivering to maintain his fake smile “I…” He closed his mouth, looking at you filled with something you couldn’t put your finger on, eyes wavering before he looked away “We miss you” He concluded, clearing his throat before lifting his head.
    I miss you too.
    “It’s already done” You said sympathetically “I’m home now… And you guys are too” You forced a smile, and he nodded, resentful eyes focusing on you “I’m sorry for…” You gulped down, eyes darting away before returning to him “I’m sorry” You trailed off, and he nodded once more, lowering his head again, unable to look at you.
    “Well… I wish you the best” He finally said, refusing to fix his gaze on you, eyes wandering somewhere above your shoulder “I hope you can be happy here… And maybe we can bump into each other again” He chuckled, though it sounded more like a cough, and Seungmin grabbed your shoulder, rolling his eyes as he locked his gaze with Chan.
    “All the three of us know you’re lying” Seungmin pointed out boldly, surprising both of you “Don’t give her false hopes if you won’t act on your words…” He scoffed, looking away as he poked his cheek “You could have done something! You’re just a coward that would let her –“ You grabbed Seungmin’s wrist, throwing him a look so he would stop talking, and he bit his lip, looking at you distressed.
   The silence fell heavy upon you.
   The three of you glanced at each other, unsure about what to do now. Seungmin crossed his arms, clenching his jaw before uncrossing his arms and clenching his fists on each side of his body, nose scrunching slightly as he looked at Chan. You darted your eyes between them, tightening your grip around his wrist and clutching his sleeve with your free hand, concern written all over your face. Chan twisted his lips down, focusing on your hands on Seungmin’s arm for a second before he averted his eyes, furrowing his brows in a pained expression, upper lip trembling slightly.
     “Chan! I think I found something interesting!” Caeli called, and the three of you snapped your heads at her, the tension shattering for a moment “Oh…” She blurted, looking at you, but before she could say anything else Chan strode her way without looking back. He placed his hand on her shoulder, squeezing it lightly before he walked straight ahead, and she held your gaze for a few seconds, conflicted, before giving up and following him.
     “What was that all about?” You asked upset, releasing Seungmin from your grip in a rough motion, eyes aimed at him accusatorily. He kept his eyes on the path they traced, frowning, before he finally turned them to you, grimacing unsatisfied as he looked into your eyes seeming bitter about it all.
     “He’s a coward” He spat angrily “He doesn’t deserve you” He added, locking his arm with yours so you could continue your shopping “All of them… They could have done something” He sighed “They just chose to do nothing” He said, looking at you resentfully, eyes holding so much sadness that it just clicked.
     They would just watch as you burned.
      At first, you thought you were hearing voices.
      You shoved your hands into your new coat’s pockets, nodding as Seungmin kept blabbering about how he helped his father to bake your birthday cake, feeling all proud because it turned out to be pretty tasty and he was sure you would love it. You laughed wholeheartedly, congratulating him for finally being able to wake up before you, excitedly guessing what Mr.Kim would be fixing for lunch as you made your way back home. The conversation flowed well enough until you heard your grandma’s voice resounding inside your head, prompting you to look around the place, confused with the situation.
      Maybe you were just hearing things.
      Eighteen years, put some sense into your head! You shot your eyes up, alarmed, head snapping at Seungmin to search for any signs that he heard it too but he kept guessing the dishes, completely oblivious to the voice. It’s not the time to play house! It’s dangerous! She yelled, clearly upset, and you stopped in your tracks, head swiveling to see if you could spot her in the crowd but she was nowhere to be seen.
     Of course, she wasn’t… She was dead.
     “… Or maybe he bought those potatoes to –“ He interrupted his train of thoughts abruptly, glancing at you, noticing that you seemed too far away from your conversation right now “Everything okay? You look like a ghost” He pointed out, nudging you so you would look at him and voice your concerns.
     They will burn her at the stake! You winced under the intensity of her tone, ducking your head into your shoulders as you looked slowly to left and then to right, getting a look from Seungmin, who seemed to think that you had lost your last straw of sanity.
     “Did you hear it?” You whispered, and he looked at you as if you had grown a third head “It’s… Her voice” You muttered, grabbing his shoulder to get some support, feeling your legs going weak “I think Wiha is alive… And I think she’s here” You felt a lump in your throat, obliging you to force the words to come out as you felt the world spinning around.
      You stumbled over your feet but Seungmin quickly adjusted himself to catch you by the waist, hand darting to cup your cheek as he tried to catch your gaze, searching for some sign that you were still here with him. You opened and closed your mouth a bunch of times ─ a string of voice coming out from you but no sentences being said ─, worrying him by the second and prompting him to shake you lightly to get you out from your stupor.
     “She’s dead” He assured you, patting your face continuously to get your attention “It must have something to do with your memories… You said yourself that your birthday could worsen it” He reminded you, tone careful and eyes attentive on your figure. You nodded, finally focusing your gaze on him, the dryness on your throat still making you unable to answer him.
     She’s gonna die just like her! Is that what you want, son?! She yelled on your head, and this time dizziness wasn’t the only thing you felt. The feelings boiling inside your chest didn’t have a name or a form in your head; it was only a mix of sensations that fogged your mind and spun your stomach, prompting you to clench your fists and your jaw as you felt the resentment burning into your body before dissolving into anger.
     Don’t you dare to blame me! It was your fault for being a coward! You widened your eyes as Mr.Kim’s voice sounded inside your head; snapping your eyes to Seungmin and slapping his chest lightly a bunch of times to get his attention, making him whine and try to get away from you.
   “She’s with your father” You stated, gasping as you looked at him flabbergasted before sprinting. He couldn’t even react as you ran for dear life, leaving the startled boy behind for a few moments before he mimicked you, running the best he could. You ran as if your life depended on it ─ lungs burning and muscles screaming for some mercy as you forced yourself not to cry, putting a lot more effort into your sprint than necessary ─, without even noticing how the wind startled to whistle around you.
      The gale built up quickly ─ just like the turmoil inside you ─, and suddenly things around you startled to twirl in the air as your hair whipped your face vigorously, and the torrent of thoughts stormed inside your head. There were so many questions you had to make! So many things you had to know! You couldn’t believe she was alive! She had been alive for four months while you thought you were some kind of murderer!
      How was she?!
     Why didn’t she contact you earlier?!
     Why wasn’t she contacting you now?
     Why was she yelling at your host instead of looking for you…?
      Four months… Four months to tell you that you weren’t a murderer… Four months and none of them told you anything. They just kept you in the dark like… Like you weren’t one of them anymore. Well, you kinda got yourself into it. That was what you asked for after all… You didn’t think you belonged there anymore and, clearly, they didn’t think it either.
       So why was she here?
       I wasn’t being a coward! I was protecting The Coven! I was protecting my family! She sounded distressed, voice overflowing with anger and frustration as she roared each sentence as if she had said it a million times already ─ maybe to convince herself or maybe to convince someone else ─ and still couldn’t get it across. You kept your pace, stumbling over your feet as you spotted your house ahead, ignoring Seungmin’s screams for you to slow down and giving everything you had inside you to get there, to finally see her with your own eyes once more.
     Protecting your family?! I’m your family, mother! You should be protecting my wife! You should be protecting your granddaughter! He howled as soon as you reached the front door. You froze, hand on the doorknob and eyes wide as saucers as you let your mouth fall agape, breathing sharply “If you can’t recall it, she died! She died because instead of saving her you chose to kidnap my daughter and leave my wife to burn at the stake! You chose them! And you can’t blame me for choosing her now!” He grunted, his voice raising by the second.
     It was like everything inside you had just stopped the middle way.
     The wind around you seemed to flinch, the heavy silence that followed its previous buzz made your head empty, almost like you were too hollow to even sense anything right now. You trembled from head to toes, hands fumbling to turn the doorknob and finally give you access to your living room as you dragged your feet, forcing yourself in. Empty. You felt your heart racing in your chest; the flickering thoughts on your mind accused you of a million things but the only one you could hold on to for the time being was that you were crazy.
       You must be crazy.
      “Do you think that was what I wanted?” She muttered; voice faltering, too heavy with the weight of her regret “If not her it would be all of us, son… My duty wasn’t with her… It was with all of us” She continued, and this time you could tell the voices came from the kitchen, letting out a relieved sigh “I must protect all of us even if it means someone has to be left behind” You heard Seungmin right next to you, and you snapped your head to him, a finger placed on your lips asking for some silence, getting a confused tilting of the head from the boy.
    “Interesting thing that the only one you wanted to leave behind was a human” He scoffed, and Seungmin shot his head up, following your gaze to the kitchen as he heard the grudge on his father’s voice “Interesting that you didn’t leave my daughter behind! You took her away from me! And for what?!” He yelled, smacking the table before breathing deeply, trying to recompose himself “Look, it’s not my fault you couldn’t take care of her… You failed, mom” He sighed tiredly at the same time you and Seungmin peeked over the doorframe “You failed at protecting every single one of us… And now she’s with me… My bunny bun came back to me and I won’t let you take her away again” The flickering figure of your grandmother faced Mr.Kim filled with resentment, face contorted on a hurt grimace that even the low-quality energy projection couldn’t hide.
     You felt Seungmin flinching right next to you.
     You felt your knees giving away as you supported yourself on the doorframe.
     You felt like the entire world just disconnected from your body.
     “I will do what you never could… I’ll protect my family” He announced, oblivious to both of his children flabbergasted at the door, and you brought your hand to your chest, feeling all the air vanishing from your lungs “Now tell Isati to stop this goddamn projection and stop bothering me!” He continued, and not even Seungmin’s hold was enough for your legs to support you “I have a birthday to spend with my daughter for the first time in sixteen years and you won’t take this away from me again” You fell on your knees, the loud thud finally getting their attention.
      Their eyes snapped at your figure on the floor, alarmed.
      Seungmin kneeled beside you, trying to hold your shoulders to convey some kind of comfort as he stole some glances at both of the figures standing in the kitchen, taken aback by everything he had just listened to. You lifted your wavering eyes to Wiha’s figure, opening and closing your mouth at a loss for words, before glancing to Mr.Kim ─ your father ─ with tears streaming down your face, shrinking, your whole body shaking in shock as you tried to make sense of everything you just heard.
      Wiha kidnapped you and took away your memories.
      Mr.Kim was your father and he hid it from you.
      Your mother was burned at the stake.
     “My dreams… They’re about my mother? It was never about me? ” You asked on a string of voice, eyes fixed on the floor as the realization hit you “Why?” You grunted, lifting your eyes to glare at them, enraged “Why did you hide it from me?! Why?!” You howled, clenching your fists as you smacked the floor, face twisted in disgust “It was my fault, wasn’t it?!” You yelled, getting up, snapping your head at your father before looking at Wiha “She died because of me, didn’t she?! You hid it from me because I was the one to blame, wasn’t it?!” You demanded to know when you met their silence, scoffing as they stared at you speechless.
     “We don’t know” Wiha rushed to say but your father snorted incredulously.
     “She didn’t do anything” He hissed, glaring at her “It wasn’t her fault!” She looked at him tiredly, and you noticed for the first time how she seemed to have aged on these past few months everything she didn’t on this past few years “It wasn’t her fault! You don’t know what happened!” He insisted, and this time she sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.
     “Neither do you” She stated matter-of-factly “The only one who knows what happened now is her” She looked at you, and you couldn’t help but grimace, laughing humorlessly as if she had said a great joke.
     “Yeah, if you hadn’t taken away my memories!” You sneered, and she nodded in resignation. You groaned, pulling your hair in frustration before letting it go and glaring at her “And you don’t even care! Why the hell are you here anyway?! You don’t care about me! You don’t care about your son! You didn’t care about my mother! You don’t care about anyone!” You yelled, gesturing exasperatedly as you let all your rage unravel “You only care about yourself and your damn lessons and that damn coven!” You groaned, feeling the tears coming back to your eyes.
     “Y/N, calm down” She demanded, looking around worriedly “You’re gonna get unwanted attention” She warned, watching how the wind started to twirl again, the gale forming against your will and lifting the furniture that smashed on the walls and crushed in smaller pieces that kept hitting everything around.
    “Y/N, calm down!” You scorned, a mocking tone that dripped sarcasm “Y/N, don’t forget the lessons!” You sing-sang, scoffing “Y/N, do this! Y/N, do that! Y/N, listen to me!” You howled, clenching your jaw as you tried to stop your tears, punching the doorframe so the pain would bring your mind back in place “I’m not your puppet! You can’t play with me forever!” You screamed, glaring at her “I won’t go back to you! Try kidnapping me again and erasing my memories if you’re so worried about me!” You laughed, pressing your eyes to calm down.
    “I did what was best for all of us” She croaked “I was protecting you! I’m trying to protect you now” She assured, eyes prickling with tears “Please, calm down… They will come to check on you… They will see it” She gestured around “You’re gonna burn” She wailed, approaching you.
    “So they’re gonna burn with me” You hissed “We can only have two culprits… It was either me or them, right? So let us both burn to death” You decided, eyes overflowing with rage as you made your way outside. You ignored their voices behind you, asking you to calm down, and their attempts to get closer to you to hold you back, feeling all the turmoil inside you oozing from each pore of your body in an outburst you never had before.
     The wind around you clicked and crackled on your ears, engulfing you on an endless twirling and pushing everything away, clearing your way as you headed to the oval square. The villagers ran around the place ─ terrified of your figure slowly raising from the ground, supported by the whirlwind under your frame ─, and some of them were brutally wiped by the turmoil, crashing against the floor or the walls and falling unconscious to the ground, enticing screams and cries for help all around.
     “Y/N, stop it!” You heard Seungmin scream on top of his lungs, trying to fight the wind wall that pushed him away “You have to calm down!” He continued but you didn’t pay any attention to his pleads, raising your hand to hit people with a huff of air “You’re better than that! Don’t do it!” He begged, and this time you glanced at him, watching as he squirmed under your powers.
    “They don’t deserve my mercy!” You roared, gesticulating vehemently to keep the wind whipping everyone around, tossing people away “They killed and hunted us for ages!” You added, grunting, snapping your head around to look for new targets “It’s their time to suffer! It’s their time to die!” You cried, raising yourself even more to get a better look around the place.
     Terror was all you could see.
    A giggle resounded on your right ─ soft and distant like a twinkling fairy ─, and you snapped your head, reaching out to take down whoever was taking your rage lightly but meeting no one in sight. You swiveled your head, searching for the source of these giggles but everytime you blasted your power in their directions, there was no one on the receiving end of your fury. You gestured blindly to hit them, flustered by the situation as you couldn’t spot anyone apart from the people who were already in the ground, whimpering.
    Hey, Bunny Bun! The voice faltered, thin like a string in the air, and for the first time, you met someone in your sight. Hop, hop to the hole! It’s time to go home, let’s go! The wavering image showed your father laughing, offering his hand to someone behind him that you couldn’t see. The giggles sounded once more, even more distant this time, and the scene dissolved into the air as if it never displayed in front of you, to begin with.
    You stumbled over your whirlwind, losing your balance for a split of a second.
    It’s too soon for bunnies to hop! A woman groaned jokingly, and you turned around to see her running your way, obviously pretending to put some effort into it to catch someone right in front of her, enticing once more the giggles. You faltered once more, body almost falling to the ground as you lowered yourself, wind flickering around you as if it was about to give in at any moment.
     It felt like your head was about to explode.
    Mom! You turned around once more but there was nothing to be seen, just the screaming voice cracking at the end, choked by their own emotions. They sounded miserable and hurt, and you could almost hear their struggle as they repeated it over and over again before a whisper caught your attention.
    Sleep…The buzzing inside your mind could either be because of those voices or from the enchantment you could hear clearly on the air, the raspy tune from your Grandmother scratching the back of your mind, just like a memory you couldn’t really recall but you tried to. Somehow, you just knew in the bottom of your heart what it was about… It was from the day she kidnapped you… The day your mother was burned.
    It was all the air inside your lungs just vanished right there.
    The twirling wind sounded like a whistling kettle, taking over your senses and overwhelming you, and the endless turmoil inside your chest seemed to take your breath away, forming a lump on your throat and suffocating you. The sound of the giggles and voices kept playing on a loop inside your mind, sounding softer and even more distant by the second, almost like you were losing your consciousness, slowly sliding to your death. The dizziness overtook your senses, and before you knew it, the darkness engulfed you and dragged you down on a spiraling endless fall.
     You were going to burn to the ends of hell.        
      The slap on your face brought you back to life.
      The darkness dissolved into blurriness as you opened your eyes, duplicated images jumbling right in front of you and making it impossible to figure out what was happening at first. You felt your head heavy, hanging to the side before you could try to straighten up but failing as it hung forward with a bob, startling you. You tried to adjust your vision, blinking repeatedly as you widened and rolled your eyes, feeling your head spinning while hearing an endless ringing in your ears.
     You felt like a piece of trash.
     The next thing you realized was that your limbs were bent back, tied around a wood pillar, immobilizing you in an uncomfortable position that gave freedom only to your head. You tried to jerk your shoulders, a vain attempt to release yourself, and not only your weak motions weren’t enough to free you but also your bad behavior was met with a harsh blow on your stomach. You hunch your back by reflex, the restraints holding you in place and pressing against your tender flesh, hurting you.
     The pain helped to awaken your senses.
     “By the power vested in me!” Someone’s voice rang in your mind, yelling to the crowd, and you finally got to turn your head, staring blankly at them “I declare this woman as guilty of witchcraft and wizardry!” He announced, and the crowd cheered, croaking and growling before the man raised his hands in a silent ask to continue, “The witch may pay for her sins burning at the stake!” He declared, and the hooraying increased.
   You lowered your head, meeting the straw around your feet on the wooden platform where you were standing, displayed like a piece of meat to be roasted. You closed your eyes for a few seconds, sighing as you took everything in. You were going to die ─ just like in Seungmin’s dream ─, and it was your entire fault. The emptiness you felt that day drenched into your bones once more, and the sudden realization that there was nothing more ahead of you burbled in your chest as a mix of relief and despair, morphing into overwhelming hopelessness.
    The end of the line… It felt much creepier than you thought.
    “Does the witch have anything to say on her behalf?” The man asked you with judging eyes, and it was obvious that he didn’t care about anything you had to say. You scoffed, lifting your head and roaming your eyes through the crowd, meeting their disgust and the yearning glint to see you burn to ashes before finding your father and brother’s watery eyes.
    Both of them stood right there in front of you with agonized eyes searching for yours, and their face twisted in a frown, overwhelmed with regret and the pain of losing you. The brief moment seemed to awaken Seungmin’s anger, and he howled and protested, trying to get closer to you, but your father was quick to hold him back, restraining him as he struggled to free himself. You watched how he wailed and cried, his efforts to fight for his freedom decreasing before he turned his back at you, crying on your father’s shoulder. You watched as your father sucked his lower lip, holding Seungmin for dear life as he watched you displayed there, eyes filled with fear of losing not only you but also Seungmin.
   You felt the pity wash all over you.
   Pity for your father who would witness his loved ones burning not once but twice.
   Pity for your brother who had his hands tied down and couldn’t help you as he wanted.
   Pity for yourself who would burn for being too reckless.
  “Well, if the culprit doesn’t have anything to sa—“ He continued but you were fast to interrupt him, trying to fix a smile on your face as you looked straight into your father’s eyes.
    “It’s too soon for bunnies to hop” Your voice faltered, and you cursed yourself, trying to ignore the obvious quivering on the corner of your lips as you smiled to him “I’ll hop straight home…” You felt your eyes watering and you looked up to hold your tears back before returning your gaze to him, brows twitching for a second “… Into mom’s arms” You concluded, feeling the lump on your throat getting thicker but refusing to let him see your tears.
     The priest didn’t seem as touched as you, gesturing to the man beside you to set the straw under your feet on fire and making you inhale sharply, closing your eyes to wait for your cruel destiny. The warmth enveloped your feet ─ emanating slowly to your body as a warning that prompted you to open your eyes and fix your gaze on the dancing flames ─, creeping in an insufferable pace as if it was slowly welcoming you to your fate.
    The casting glow hurt your eyes and the constant howling and growling from the crowd seemed to make its way to your brain, reminding you of your dreams ─ the way the flames engulfed your mother’s body as she screamed her lungs out in agony ─, and flipping a switch inside you. It was like you suddenly realized you were going to die. The flames crackled and suddenly licked your body for a split of a second, making you jolt your feet away just to be brutally held back by the restraints, and that was it.
     You were going to burn.
     The realization made you wriggle ─ wrestling against the ropes that firmly held your body on the stake ─ and the fierce struggling just served to bury the ropes on your flesh, hurting and marking you. You widened your eyes as the flames rose once again, practically mocking your efforts to get away from this, as you intensified your struggling, jerking your limbs for dear life and begging for mercy as you bawled just like your mother did, crying and wailing to anyone who would want to hear.
     The next minute was a mess.
     First, you whimpered as you closed your eyes shut and tried to force your powers out of you in hope that the wind could shut down the flames and release you. The attempt was met with an unbearable wave of exhaustion through every fiber of your body that made you tremble, feeling drained out from your earlier outburst. The only hope you had vanished just like this, leaving your head spinning and your limbs limp as the flames scorned you once again.
    Second, you heard a roar ─ a powerful war cry that spread around as a blast of wind sweeping everything ─ that made you raise your head to meet whoever was yelling like this, ready to save you. The male voice was followed by a few female ones that sounded wild and furious, and as you heard the loud “Enough!” that baffled everyone, you met his eyes. The dark brown eyes buried into yours filled with fierce determination and something else, softer, that made your heart skip a beat.
     Third, the girls that walked beside Chan threw their spears with terrific accuracy, taking advantage of his blast to boost their attacks. The spears impaled the priest and the executioner’s head at the same time the flames under your body vanished with the wind, and you didn’t try to look behind you to see their bodies lying on the floor. They didn’t even wait for their weapon to hit them ─ confident enough on their habilities ─, ordering their allies around and taking the lead.
    The Coven was here for you.
    You could only watch as some familiar faces ─ such as The Elders and their children ─ and some unfamiliar ones ─ all of them armed females with a feral aura ─ charged towards the crowd filled with determination and resentfulness. The villagers didn’t seem more pleased than your allies, and as soon as they realized the situation, the counterattack was put into action, resulting in a fierce battle between both parts, though pretty unbalanced.
    You observed as Seungmin and your father sprinted to get to the stairs that gave access to your platform, eager to release you from the stake, but some of the villagers seemed to have the same idea. You were quite sure they weren’t really interested in saving you, though. They fought in the stairs, changing their goal of release you to prevent anyone from reaching and hurting you. The anxiety took over you, and you started to roam your eyes through the crowd, searching for someone who could help you get rid of your ties.
    “Don’t use more force than necessary!” You could hear your Grandma yell, and you followed her with your eyes as she grabbed several faces by the minute, putting everyone she could touch to sleep. The Earthy Elder appeared out of nowhere by her side, laughing maniacally as she buried her hands to the ground, making the earth shake and knocking down some villagers. She twisted her hands and suddenly the ground turned into quicksand that swallowed people slowly “Yerkir!” Wiha hissed, throwing her quick warning look.
    “What?! I’m not even touching them!” She yelled in amusement, laughter sounding in the air in contrast with the screams and growls around her “Dinta! Behind you!” Yerkir snapped her eyes to the side, and you followed her gaze, stunned to meet an old lady dodging a sharp blow aimed at her head without even looking back, lowering her torso and turning back in one quick motion. She didn’t take more than a second to fix her gaze on her attacker before skillfully raising her hand and burying her blade into the man’s neck as if it was nothing, averting her trained eyes to look for a new prey.
     She looked ferocious.
     “Watch out!” You heard Changbin yelling right in front of you, and for a brief moment, you thought you were screwed, turning your head around to spot your aggressor but the blow never came as no one was beside you. You returned your gaze to him to see him ramming into some a random villager by the shoulder, taking him to the ground before raising his gaze to one of the girls that accompanied Chan earlier “Looks like I got your back” He smiled teasingly at her.
      She adjusted her longbow in a quick motion, positioning her feet quickly to get some stance before nocking and setting her arrow, drawing the bowstring and resting her fingers on her cheek as she aimed right into Changbin’s face. He paled, widening his eyes and raising his hands in defeat but the girl grinned, tilting the bow to the side and releasing the arrow that flew directly to a man behind Changbin, going through his flesh and getting him to the ground, his improvised weapon falling from his hand.
     “Now we’re even” She snorted, and you could see the smugness oozing from her as she lowered her bow before looking at you, arching her brow “Prince charming didn’t come to help you out yet?” She sneered, jumping on the platform effortlessly ─ though the height wasn’t really negligible ─ and looking around the crowd to spot anything concerning.
    “Y/N!” Chan chirped, propelling his body with some wind to jump on the platform, rushing to your side, and resting his forehead on yours, cupping your cheeks ever so gently as he sighed in relief before looking deeply into your eyes. It wasn’t the best moment to feel embarrassed but feeling the warmth of his hold on you after so long made your heart race, and you felt your face burning as his thumbs rubbed circles on your cheeks.
    “Cut out the crap” She scoffed, and you could see in the corner of your eyes how she frowned with disgust as she took a knife out of nowhere, heading behind you and gripping your wrists to chop the ropes and release your hands. You fell forward, tangling your arms around Chan’s neck for some support, and he promptly moved his hands to your waist, trying to balance you as the girl squatted to chop the lower ropes, releasing your legs, “All ready” She said, dusting her hands after she sheathed the knife.
     “Can you stand?” Chan asked thoughtfully, helping you to place your feet on the floor. You felt your knees giving out as soon as you touched the ground, unable to feel anything as your legs were completely numb. He held you tightly, bringing your body closer to his before placing a kiss on your temple, “That’s okay, I’m here for you” He whispered soothingly, returning one of his hands to your cheek.
     “That’s enough, Prince Charming” She grimaced, scrunching her nose as she looked both of you from head to toes, disgusted “We have to take her away from here and—“ She started to say but Seungmin’s terrified scream interrupted her and got you snapping your head to him, startled. He fell to the floor, butt thudding on the platform as he stumbled over his feet trying to get away from the girls that held their knives up, prepared to kill them without a second thought.
    “They’re friends!” You yelled at the same time your father fell to the floor, just like Seungmin, reaching out for them as you tried to disengage from Chan to jolt their way to help them out. The motion was useless since you still couldn’t feel your legs, and as you fell to the ground ─ unable to stand up ─ you gathered all your remaining energy to give the last blow, managing to get a blast of air out of your palms to knock the girls down the stairs.
     You didn’t even feel your face hitting the floor as you passed out.
    You woke up with a terrible headache.
    You opened your eyes, staring at the blurry ceiling upon you as you felt your head throbbing, sighing in relief as you realized that you were back home. Although you still couldn’t see clearly, you would recognize the wooden beam and the lazy vines that hovered over your head throughout your entire life anywhere, even with your eyes closed. The familiar surroundings soothed you, and Vivi untangled herself from the beams to poke you playfully, making you giggle and try to push her away.
    Your hand didn’t move an inch.
    You looked down your arms, noticing the leaves that wrapped your forearms before locking your eyes with two hands holding yours, feeling your heart skip a beat. Chan was sitting on the floor in a clearly uncomfortable position that would gift him with a terrible backache in the future; his head rested on the mattress, plump lips brushing your knuckles as a trickle of drool glistened on the corner of his lips. You chuckled; studying how his fingers intertwined with yours and feeling your heart swell as he mumbled something in his sleepy state, nuzzling your hand before falling silent again.
     You reached out for his hair, gently playing with his locks as you patted his head, smiling when you noticed the corner of his lips twitching, almost like he was giving a smile of his own. You brushed his hair away from his forehead to get a better look at his face, staring at his peaceful features. You couldn’t help but admire his beautiful long eyelashes adorning his eyes, his blond wavy locks that framed his face, and his soft traits that gave him an angelic aura.
      He was ethereal.
      The endearing moment was broken by someone clearing their throats, and you snapped away from your daydreaming, darting your eyes around the place to meet the source of this new sound. You met your father’s eyes, his amused smirk was somewhat mocking, and he arched a brow at you before staring at the boy that held his little girl’s hand. You felt your face burning and the urge to pull your hand away, but you didn’t, choosing to stare back at him as you waited for him to say something.
      “He’s a good boy” He stated simply, returning his gaze at you “He stood up all night to take care of you… He even plastered some ointment on your bruises and bandaged you with these leaves” He got up from the chair, adjusting Seungmin’s head to lay on the wall as he did so, walking your way and fixing Chan’s coat around his shoulders “I told him you would wake up by the morning but I guess young love is not only blind but also deaf” He chuckled, and you hid your face behind your free hand.
    “Please” You whined embarrassed, and he laughed wholeheartedly. You smiled at him, enjoying the sound of his laughter and looking fondly at him before your smile dissolved into a frown and you averted your eyes, an unsettling feeling inside your chest. He looked at you questioningly, and you bit your lip before returning your gaze at him “Why didn’t you tell me that I was your daughter? Did you know all along?” You asked curiously and yet hurt, getting a resigned sigh from him.
    “You know? When Seungmin first came home with this coat…” He touched the fabric over Chan’s shoulder, smiling nostalgically at it “Your mother gave me this as a gift for helping her… She didn’t want to stay with The Coven but she couldn’t simply go to another village without a single thing… It would be really suspicious and dangerous, so Wiha brought her to me because… Well…” He trailed off, flourishing his fingers right upon Chan’s face.
    You gasped when the air wavered around him, revealing a completely different face.
    “I could help her to go unnoticed” He explained, gesturing to interrupt his enchantment “Anyway, I knew you were around when he came back with it, and then a couple of days after you appeared in my living room” He chuckled, crossing his arms over his chest “You look just like your mother… I had no doubts you were my daughter” He admitted, and you frowned, lowering your gaze.
    “So why didn’t you tell me?” You insisted to know, and he walked to the other side of your bed, sitting there before holding your free hand, looking into your eyes filled with regret.
    “I was afraid… What if it pushed you away? I didn’t know what Wiha did to you throughout all those years… What if you thought I was the enemy? What if you hated me? What if you couldn’t handle this? I had just gotten you back… I didn’t want to lose you again” He sighed, averting his eyes “I’m sorry… I should have known better” He caressed your cheek, and you leaned against his palm, closing your eyes.
    Could you really blame him?
    You didn’t think so.
    The door creaked as it was being opened, revealing your Grandma behind it ─ head ducking into her shoulder and uneasy eyes darting between both of you ─, bringing a heavy silence that fell upon you three uncomfortably. Your father straightened his back before getting up, clearing his throat and rubbing his nape as your Grandma shifted her weight from left to right, building enough tension to cut with a knife. You felt your body stiff as you tried to think about what to say, gulping down as you glanced over your father before returning your gaze to your Grandma.
    “I think you need to talk” Your father stated kinda wary, pursing his lips “And I probably should go help out there” He mumbled, heading to the door. The Elder stepped aside to let him pass, following him with her gaze before sighing and lowering her head, closing the door behind her and sauntering your way, sitting beside you. The silence that settled between you two was uncomfortable, and both of you stood there, staring at each other before she cleared her throat, decided to break the ice.
   “I didn’t mean to… I was trying to protect you” She muttered, looking at you “I guess all I did was push you towards the danger… I’m sorry” She had sincerity in her eyes, and her lips twisted down ─ hinting how ashamed she felt for everything she did ─ eyes wavering to hold your gaze “I couldn’t save your mother… The Coven was establishing itself at the time… It was five of us and a bunch of kids to take care of” She sighed, lowering her gaze to the floor “I know it’s no excuse for what I’ve done but at the time it seemed like the only logical choice…” Her voice faltered, and you tilted your head, looking at her filled with pity.
    “That’s a lot to take in” You admitted, sighing heavily “You lied to me throughout my whole life… You stole me from my home and you erased all my memories…” She tightened her lips, eyes watering as she nodded, expecting your answer though you could see she was hurt “… And yet I missed you every day of these four months” She snapped her head up, looking taken aback by your input “I love you, Grandma” You smiled at her, and this time she let some tears fall from her eyes, emotional “And with time, we’ll be able to get through this” You promised.
    “I love you too” She said, rolling her eyes up to look at the ceiling as she wiped her tears quickly, pretending to be allergic to something as she sniffed, rubbing her nose and averting her eyes from you. She fought back a smile, rubbing her eyes once more and nodding in acknowledgment “And I can give your memories back if you want… I kept them close to you just in case” She chuckled, looking up. You followed her gaze, arching your brows in surprise.
    “Vivi?!” You widened your eyes, flabbergasted “You’re kidding me!” You stared at the vines, amazed by the possibility of getting your memories back and remember every day you spent with your mother and your father as a kid. You reached for Vivi, caressing her as you thought about all the things you would get back, all of your memories with your family… All the jokes, all the cuddling, all the laughter… All the love.
    “The only thing is…” She trailed off, staring at Vivi with unfocused eyes “The only motive she’s alive is to keep your memories” She tried to explain, pursing her lips “She’ll die as soon as you get them back” She added, approaching the vines to caress them with such fondness that it made you wonder for a moment.
   “There are things that I feel like I need to know… Things I want to remember” You admitted, studying the lovely vine tangling on your grandma’s hand fondly of her “So much must have happened in two years… There are so many memories I wish to get back…” You felt a lump forming on your throat as you reached out for Vivi, caressing the vines as the guilt sank into your body.
   Chan nuzzled your hand, mumbling something in his sleep, and interrupting your train of thoughts. He whined, hands letting go of yours to rub his lower back as he frowned in pain, scrunching his nose and lifting his head from the bed. He groaned, hands going to his neck now as he stretched his neck in a circular motion, muttering something under his breath and finally opening his eyes, still sleepy.
    “I mean… I have plenty of ways to get new memories to cherish now too” You smiled fondly, studying his bloated face in amusement. He rubbed his eyes and groaned once more, pressing his cheeks to try to feel more awake, making you chuckle. The bed shifted as your Grandma got up, prompting you to look at her. She had twinkling eyes and a knowing smirk plastered on her face as she nodded in acknowledgment, dusting her clothes off.
    “Well, take your time to decide what you want to do” She reassured you, averting her eyes to Chan before giggling, “I think I should go help the others too… We have a lot to discuss with all the ruckus in the village” She headed to the door, throwing a last look over her shoulder “He didn’t stop thinking about you once throughout all those months… Just saying, in case he trails off” She chuckled, closing the door behind her.
    You couldn’t believe your Grandma… You stared blankly at the door, blinking a couple of times before you averted your eyes to Chan, dumbfounded, noticing the way his ears seemed to be on fire. You felt your heart racing as he opened his mouth to say something but closed it right after, looking away from you and rubbing his nape, embarrassed. He didn’t look like he was sleepy anymore but he looked just as lost as when he opened his eyes, and somehow you found it endearing.
    “Good morning, handsome warlock” You joked, and you enjoyed the way his face flushed in a bright red, which made you chuckle “So a bird told me your head is all filled with me…” You said on a sing-song tune, holding back your smile when he groaned, hiding his face behind his hands. You stared at him, wondering how he could be this shy after holding you and flirting like he had been before you ran away.
    “Good morning…” He answered as if he had been defeated, getting up from the floor and glancing at you shyly “How are you feeling?” He asked, ignoring his own embarrassment for a moment to reach out for your forearms, inspecting your bandages “Does it still hurt?” He pressed your arms with a little bit more strength than before, and you shut your eyes closed, hissing.
   “Stop it!” You whined, and he immediately let go of your arms, chortling when you pouted, crossing your arms over your chest “I’m feeling just fine!” You grumbled, and he sat beside you, smiling at you as if he thought you were the most amusing thing in this world. You sat on your bed, intertwining your fingers as you stole some glances at him, suddenly feeling shy with his presence so close to you “I… Thank you… For saving me” You floundered, gulping down and fixing your gaze on your hands laying on your lap.
    “I don’t think I deserve this… All of us worked together” He shrugged, though you could see how his cheeks were dusted with pink “I… Well… So…” He stuttered, clenching his fists on his lap as he tried to say whatever he wanted to say to you, prompting you to rest your hand on his leg to reassure him “You’re eighteen now!” He blurted on a high pitched tone, eyes snapping to your hand lying on his thigh.
     “Yeah, kinda what happens when you have your birthday at seventeen” You joked, and he chuckled at you, nodding “So… I’m officially a witch now” You cleared your throat, averting your gaze to the door, feeling your face burning at your hidden suggestion “And you… Well… So what about it?” You trailed off, retracting your hand from his thigh.
    “I… I made you a birthday gift… I mean... It’s nothing fancy like a coat but I made it especially for your eighteenth birthday and it’s totally okay if you don’t want to accept it! I mean, you may not even need it! Actually, it’s not really useful but it has a lot of meaning to it, and—“ You laughed as he rambled, pushing him lightly as you looked at him playfully.
    “You didn’t need to” You cut him off, and he blushed once more, lowering his head.
    “Well, I kinda did…” He mumbled, searching for something in his pockets. You watched him curiously as he finally found it, handing you a small bracelet that seemed to have been braided by someone. The piece had eight beads adorning it like, and you arched your brows as you took the gift in your hands, staring at it in awe.
    “It’s beautiful!” You chirped, wearing it immediately and studying it carefully on your wrist, grinning approvingly “You made this?” You asked, turning your head at him, and he nodded coyly. He took the hand you put the bracelet in his, rubbing circles at the back of your hand before focusing his eyes on yours, a fierce glint taking over his features.
   “Do you recognize it?” He bit his lips, and you tilted your head in confusion, studying the bracelet closer. It looked somewhat alike Caeli’s one, and the realization made you widen your eyes, snapping them at him as you gasped, flabbergasted.
   “Is it a –?“ He interrupted you, tightening his grip on your hands, anxiously.
   “Doesn’t have to be if you don’t want to!” He rushed to say, unable to hold your gaze. He played with your thumbs, swallowing dry before trying to look into your eyes. You stared at him in shock, not even once imagining he would give you an engagement bracelet, feeling your heart beating so fast that it resounded in your ears “One bead for each year I knew I wanted to marry you…” He let go of your hands, hiding his face “Mother Nature! This is so embarrassing! I told my mom you wouldn’t like it! Actually, just give it back! I can totally give you something else! I mean, just ask it! I will try to find it and –“
   You scoffed, holding his cheeks and bringing his face closer to yours, interrupting his rambling once again. He widened his eyes as he got closer to your face, and you almost chortled when your lips met, crashing against each other before both of you slowly closed your eyes. The initial messy kiss morphed into a more caring one; lips molding on each other as you felt butterflies in your stomach, the slow movements trying to convey years of yearning for this very moment.
  He cupped your cheek, leaning your way and guiding you to lie down, body hovering over yours as he deepened the kiss, tongue battling against yours to explore every inch of each other. His other hand rested on your waist, and you felt confident enough to wrap your arms around his neck, bringing him impossibly closer to you. He whispered something against your lips ─ something that sounded just like a confession ─ before capturing your lips again, losing himself on you.
    The moment would be the best thing you ever experienced.
    “Holy shit!” Seungmin yelled in a strangled voice.
    If it wasn’t for your brother…
    Chan jolted away from you like you were on fire, sitting beside your lying body and looking at Seungmin like he was just caught red-handed. Well, he kinda was. Seungmin looked at you horrified, eyes studying both of you from head to toes before he grimaced, disgusted by what he had just witnessed. He got up from his chair, groaning and pressing his temples, refusing to look straight at you for a second.
    “I swear to God! I don’t want to see you guys… Oh my god! You should feel ashamed!” He accused, pointing at both of you “At least, wait to be alone, goddammit!” He whined, heading to the door at a quick pace, refusing to look back as he slammed the door behind him, traumatized. You stared at Chan’s lips, leaning his way once more before the window was slammed, startling you “And let me close this goddam window too!” He groaned, mumbling something as he walked away.
   Seungmin was so lucky he was your brother... Otherwise, you would be hunting him by now.
   You looked at Chan for a few seconds, deadpanned as your romantic moment was already ruined and there was nothing more to do about it. You both chortled, shaking your head in disbelief before he extended his hand for you to take, helping you out of bed and pecking your lips with a goofy smile plastered on his face, lowering his head to hide his grin and his flushed state.
    “I think that I let it pretty clear…” You chuckled, caressing his cheeks so he would return his gaze to you “But this was my way to say yes” You pecked his lips, and he laughed, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his forehead on yours.
   “I think you should say it a little louder… Not sure I heard it right” He sighed mockingly, and you placed a gentle kiss on his lips, smirking “Hm? What was it? I can’t hear you…” He whined, making you push his shoulder lightly, laughing at his antics. He pouted, and you rolled your eyes before kissing him once more, getting a satisfied grin from here “I think I’m beginning to hear it…” He mused.
   “You’re lucky I love you” You chortled, looking at him fondly.
   “Oh, that I am” He agreed, kissing you softly “Not only the most handsome but also the luckier warlock alive” He chuckled, and you let go of his neck, groaning jokingly as you headed to the door “Wait! I’m joking!” He laughed, following you and taking your hand on his, opening the door for both of you to brag about your news. He brought your tangled hands to his lips, placing a kiss on your knuckles before raising your hand in the air “I did it!” He yelled for everyone to hear, and you hid your face behind your free hand.
    It was okay if you had a moment ruined… You had plenty more to experience with him from now on.
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