#well actually i lied my mom found it but thats besides the point
alexparozi · 10 months
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i found a pine hawk moth today! :3
i dont really find a lot of bigger moths in my area so this was really exciting!
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onyourmemory-ha · 4 years
Chapter One
little changes can pave lanes
Auggie broadens their horizons and meets their best friend’s girl. 
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The seats are crammed together, packing everyone in like sardines. The sweat and general body odor seem to go along with the disgustingly fishy trend. All of that Auggie could forgive but the hollering child was where they drew the line. The demon spawn pounded its fist against the back of some poor unfortunate soul’s seat and yelled about wanting to go play.
The sole reason they don’t join in and match the child’s volume is because of Trish, the woman keeping a firm hold on their hand as if reading their thoughts. And considering the type of woman she was, they really wouldn’t put it past her if that really were the case. As it is, it helps ground them and not lose it on a literal child.
“I thought your dick of an ex was rich now,” They grumble lowly, debating if they should give in to the desire of banging their head against the headrest.
“He is,” Trish tries to hide her amusement, hiding her grin behind her drink as she pushes further. “Why would you think otherwise?”
Snorting, Auggie gestures to the hell hole they’ve been forced into. “The bastard skimped out on getting the good seats. But it’s good to know Dick is just the same.”
“We’re just lucky to have found tickets at such short notice,” She gently squeezes their hand with a wordless scolding and it’s enough to have Auggie’s frown deepening.
Flushing, they look to the cloudy sky. It’s a cruel reminder, being indebted to someone like Ken of all people. Instead, they choose to focus on the reasoning behind it, easily shifting the blame onto the person who’s truly at fault. “I’m gonna beat your son’s ass when we see him, fair warning.”
And Trish, the traitor, just laughs to herself. “I love you, honey. But I don’t think you’d like who the winner was in something like that.”
“Oh, I know,” Auggie just shrugs. “But I’d get a few good hits in there and that’s all I need to ruin his day.”
This just has Trish laughing even more though she clearly tries to fight it. When Auggie snorts as a result, she lightly slaps their knee, and they both tune back into the movie playing overhead. And when Trish begins to tear up at the lovers reuniting on-screen, Auggie just squeezes her hand tighter and doesn’t mention it.
ㅤ⠀                                                        |♛|
It’s barely even noticeable, hidden beneath postering and a surprisingly fragile smile. If it hadn’t been for the years of knowing him or the sudden edge in Trish’s eyes, Auggie might have not even picked up on it. But they did and therein lies the issue.
The thing about Hardin was that he was similar to a horse. Big and intimidating but one good blow will end him for a long time. And so easily spooked on top of it. He wasn’t the type to confront, not when he was trying so hard to hide it like he was. They already knew how that would play out and it wouldn’t be pretty.
So, they did the only thing they really could do. They waited. Hardin wasn’t exactly someone subtle nor was he someone who bottled everything well. He was the explosive sort and that meant all Auggie needed to do was wait. Preferably without pushing him to that breaking point themselves but if they needed to, they would.
“Look at you!” Trish beams, holding his face gently. “How’ve you been, love?”
He places his hands over hers, his smile growing stronger. “Better now that you’re here. Was the flight okay?”
“Oh, it was fi—,” Trish goes to assure but they cut her off there, a screaming child flashing beneath their eyelids.
“It was absolute shit,” They announce with a proud grin. “I expect compensation, just so you know.”
Trish just shakes her head, pressing a kiss against her son’s forehead before pulling away. “It wasn’t that bad.”
“It was but you can pretend otherwise,” Auggie corrects, rocking on their heels.
He just snickers, shaking his head as he grabs Trish’s bags. “It wasn’t too bad if you’re still in high spirits.”
He walks forward without a warning, leaving the two of them to catch up. And Auggie does just that, their own bag thumping against their thigh with each step. “Of course I’m in high spirits now! I get to see my favorite white boy named Allen!”
He stops, just for a moment, and levels them a fierce glare from over his shoulder. “I’m sure they could always arrange a flight back home for you by tonight.”
“Or I could just go on with you two,” They beam, eyes wide and ready to play the innocent card.
Trish huffs at them both, her smile betraying the notion as she gestures them to hurry up. “If you two don’t play nice, I’ll ground you both!”
That has Hardin laughing, the shadows being chased away for the moment and it’s a small victory that Auggie soaks in. They walk with a purpose after that, Auggie shuffling after the mother and son duo with a smile that feels more real than any other one has in months.
ㅤ⠀                                                     |♛|
The apartment isn’t the cleanest of places but Auggie can still tell how nice it is under it all. They wonder whether or not it was another attempt on Hardin’s sperm donor to win him over and how successful it actually was considering he accepted it. The only thing out of place, besides the strewn-about clothes, is the light that streams in through the large, modern windows. It feels like the darkness should be trapped inside by thick curtains, not released to the light. They can’t help but think that maybe that was exactly the case before Hardin left to pick them up.
“Well, here we are,” He announces with little enthusiasm. “Go ahead and get comfortable.”
“Ooh, might as well draw me a bath in that case,” Auggie teases lightly before seriously considering it themselves. The warm water really would be nice right about now. “We can make it like old times and you can join me.”
“No thanks,” He snorts, dropping the suitcases in front of what they assume is the guest room. “One almost drowning was enough for me.”
“So boring,” They tsk, flopping on the couch as Trish rolls her eyes at the pair of them.
That’s when the newcomer makes themselves known, slinking out of the bedroom with a heated glare and her hands on her hips. The first thing Auggie notices is how pretty she is. It’s the type of prettiness that can be weaponized, the kind of features that were found on the faces of the popular kids back in high school. Her blonde hair pulls upon that cliche even more, cascading over her shoulders in a gentleness thats betrayed by the poison pooling behind her teeth. And it’s with a sinking feeling that Auggie realizes who this is at the same time that Trish does.
“You must be Tessa!” She exclaims after a pause, striding across the room and pulling the other girl into a hug. “Oh, I’ve been looking forward to meeting you ever since Hardin mentioned you!”
And that is very true. When they’d discovered Tessa couldn’t make it, leading to Hardin canceling as well, the woman had almost been heartbroken. That alone would have been enough for Auggie to be on guard around her. But the already set glare and the way Hardin seemed to shrink in on himself yet attuned everything to her, that did it. So Auggie stayed where they were seated, not bothering to stand up to greet the girl that their entire body seemed to rebel against.
“Oh, I thought…” She trails off, flushing with a sheepish smile. Her eyes though, they remain sharp. “It’s so good to meet you! I was just going, though.”
“No, you can’t just go now! Please stay! At least for dinner!” Trish pleads, the desperation matched in her son’s eyes.
“I mean, I told my mom I’d be there by dark…” She trails off, guiltily looking towards the door.
“Surely it wouldn’t hurt another night. It’ll be safer to drive in the morning anyways,” Trish reasons and they don’t miss the way Hardin’s eyes begin to brighten at the prospect of her staying.
It seems to be enough to convince the girl though and she gives a weary smile as her decision is made up. “I guess it couldn’t hurt.”
And for some reason, Auggie highly doubts it, but they keep their mouth closed for now. Although, they do throw their head against the back of the couch and let out a big sigh. “Is that bath still an option?”
ㅤ⠀                                                      |♛|
They end up ordering in food, the empty cabinets and fridge having given Hardin pause in his plans. And pause in conversations as well, it seems. Trish makes an effort, asking simple little questions to get to know the girl her son has become infatuated with, for some reason, while Hardin sits there staring at his plate like it spit in his face. Tessa, for her part, answers as politely as she can with a well timed smile.
The fakeness is stiffening and they all know it. Or at least, Auggie hopes they aren’t the only one picking it up. By Hardin’s awkward gazes between the blondes, they think they aren’t. So when Auggie is finally brought up, they’re pulled out of their overanalyzing thoughts about Hardin, the apartment, and the awkwardness. “What?”
“I was just saying how you and Hardin met,” Trish beams like the proud mother she is. “They’ve been with us through so much.”
“I had no idea,” Tessa enunciated slowly with an indescribable look leveled at their way. “Hardin’s never mentioned anyone other than his mother.”
“Doesn’t surprise me,” Auggie shrugs, trying to shake the edge in their voice before it's noticed. “Hardin always has been a private person. Plus he’s always been a momma’s boy.”
Tessa nods, glancing to her boyfriend before focusing back on the odd creature that Auggie must look like in their perfect apartment. “So what is it you do back in London?”
“Wiltshire,” They correct.
“What?” She frowns, sitting back in her seat with a deepening frown.
For some reason, Auggie finds relief in that. “It's outside of London. That’s where we’re from. But I mainly just help look after Mum and work down at the convenient store. Hoping to broaden my horizons soon and all that.”
“Oh,” Tessa trails off, looking towards Trish now like she’d somehow done something. “So you and Trish are close too?”
“Of course,” Trish answers with no hesitation, missing the way the girl’s smile tightens. “I practically raised this one and when Hardin moved away for uni, this sweet thing stepped up and moved in with me.”
“I’m basically the favorite child,” They grin ear to ear, nudging Hardin with their foot. “Isn’t that right?”
He, finally, stops staring after Tessa like a lost puppy and scoffs. “She only tells you to keep the peace in the house.”
That’s what Auggie considers a good opening, especially for what they’ve been meaning to discuss, and there’s nothing like biting the bullet head on. “About that.”
He turns his entire focus to them and almost looks scared. “What? What’s happening?”
Trish picks up on it immediately and sets down her drink softly. “Before you say anything, know that this was something I pushed.”
“Just spit it out already,” He snaps, hackles seeming to rise.
Auggie takes a deep breath. “Remember them broadening horizons? Well, I think it's time I actually do that and I’ve been talking with the Dick…”
“Ken? Why the fuck have you been talking with my Dad?” Hardin exclaims, eyes narrowing between them and his mother.
“I wanna go back to school and the only way I could afford that is if I had some help or knew someone. I ended up having both.” Auggie further explains gently.
It finally clicks in his head and his guards fall at once, his eyes widening. “You’re going to attend Washington?”
“If I can get a place to stay at,” Auggie slowly explains, clearing their throat. “I might need a place to stay while I get everything in order, though.”
“And it would be very generous and kind if you were to help Auggie out with this,” Trish adds on, eyes narrowed as if daring him to deny them this help.
Hardin just rolls his eyes, leaning back in his chair now that he knew what the conversation was about. “Don’t be stupid. Auggie can have the spare bedroom once you leave,” Then he pauses, looking towards Tessa. “If that’s alright with you.”
If it weren’t for her white knuckles around her fork, her easy expression would have fooled Auggie. She even smiles sweetly and nods. “It’s your place too. Of course they can stay for a little bit.”
“Then that’s perfect,” Auggie claps. “I packed all that I could and once Trish gets back, she can ship me my things!”
Tessa nods, her knuckles whitening and her smile stretching almost uncomfortably. “Mhmm, perfect.”
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cosmosrival · 4 years
Rico besides Kama what do you think about the other indian servants?????
AHHHHHHHHHH THIS IS GOING TO GET SOOOO LONG!!!! i have a different view of the indo fam as a whole. i call them the indo fam but i mean the found family trope!!!! theyre like a group of college students sharing a dorm if that makes sense, since their servant selves are obviously different from their initial myths/human vessels!!!
OK SO. RECENTLY, i have an oomf that found books about arjuna that summarize his exploits in the mahabharata(I DONT HAVE THE STRENGTH TO READ IT ALL IM SO SORRY) and also talk about him in a more philosphical manner such as his states of mind during each event etc and i’ve been meaning to read said book because im genuinely interested in arjuna now!!! and i’d like to know more about this indo prince because from what i’ve seen, he is portrayed in a rather bad light(?) in FGO which i find extremely !!!!!!!!!!! and incrdibley !!!!!!! strange !!!!!!! the mahabharata’s conflicts can be put in a mostly grey area where there’s no good nor bad, its not black and white. so seeing arjuna get bashed because of the way his conflict with karna was written is... hm. let’s say that im REALLY starting to understand arjuna fans that dislike seeing him get mischaracterized so much. OTHER THAN THAT, his design is adorable, his travel outfit is my favourite because he deserves to relax and have some fun!!! fgo making him a chuuni is cute and his VAs little moans are cute cute cute!!!!!!!!!!! (mash grabs my shoulder and forces me to sit down) i think that arjuna deserves better and im really happy to see him have fun in his travel costume voicelines. i think we should take arjun on a date!!! he’s a great lover, we’d have the best time!! OH ALSO, kama seeing him as the student council president in their interlude makes me SOOOOOOO HAPPY its unreal, i think it fits him very very well, the seitokaichou who was elected because of everyone’s hopes and recommended by teachers because he’s suuuch a good student but because of that, the pressure to be good is constantly towering over his head and everytime he looks out the window he wishes he could ditch class and skip a day just because he felt like going to the arcade and be a bad student.......just this once........i think hes very very cute...... i want him to cook for me. HAVE YO U READ HIS BOND 4 VOICELINE ?mmmmmggg i want him to get embarrassed everytime i praise him for having such a muscular waistline. AUG
ANEWAYS i also have quite the thoughts about karna, his characterization in the game is linked to arjuna’s and thats fine but i think that forgetting how much of a little sassy bastard he can get was a mistake! did you know that in apocrypha’s german dub on netflix, when jeanne calls his name like “You’re Karna, aren’t you ? The son of the Indian Sun God !” HES LIKE “So ?” AND THAT WAS SOOOO BITCHY OF HIM, i think that karna is a good boy in fgo but the fact that he was such a fighty old man in the mahabharata shouldnt be forgotten and is a charm trait. I MEAN ???? HE THREW HANDS WITH AN 18 YEAR OLD(ARJUN) WHILE BEIN LIKE... THIRTY TWO. WHATS WITH THIS ANNOYING OLD MAN !!!!! knowing these little facts about him made me like him so much more actually !! i think karna being so nice is adorable!! but the little bitchy energy u can find in his voicelines is also very charming!! i think karna looking at me emotionless as i ask him to lend me his notes for the nth time that week and then saying “...Mn.” when i thank him is cute!!! his voiceline towards things he dislikes is interesting to me. karna seeming aloof and mean bc he doesnt know how to communicate but is actually nice underneath...... hey... thats a little delinquentcore........ i wouldnt say yankii but hes like... hes like... u know hes the handsome quiet one of the group of yankiis... u know the one...? hey where are you going
ganesha is also a character im deeply interested in but i havent played CCC so i dont know that many details about jinako herself !! my brain goes HMMMMMM it seems lord ganesha is trans in fgo ! (since kama used to be a male god originally as well!!) ganesha uses all pronouns!!! and ganesha is also special to me because they share similar traits with kama when it comes to their characterization AND mischaracterizations. ganesha isnt JUST jinako. theres a part of a god in the servant mix!!! and jinako HERSELF is actually a pretty sad character imo. the whole otaku/neet thing is obviously a facade and her true wish being that she wants to redo her whole life is also proof of how much she hates what shes become, yet at the same time, she doesnt know what else she could do. but anyways, i prefer looking at servants from a lore POV so i think that ganesha should still be considered a god and be adressed as such!! i like seeing people portray ganesha as jinako but i prefer it when a certain lavish more godly side of them is put forward. a side of jinako that managed to move on a little bit if that makes sense ? that got more serious. and became someone else entierly despite sharing similarities. needless to say their bond with karna makes me happy since he shows them respect as you should towards a god!! its a bit different from their bond in CCC... like they matured somewhat!! anyway ganesha is the one who taught everyone else in the indo fam about video games and technology and i will NEVER shut up.
ashwatthama..... MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM %_’(’ç_”’è_ç(è_’”545656455456545453£¨¨µ¨µMµ¨++°=)=)°+ goodness. jesus christ on earth. my love story with him makes me so embarrassed. when he got revealed i instantly fell in love with him despite knowing JACK SHIT ABOUT HIM but since i was the only one in my friend group who was hardcore into fgo at the time, i kept my love for him to myself and just... (looks away)(i drop my wallet full of picturses of him) quietly adored his everything in silence. WELL, ree having an intense crush on yankii type characters isnt new, its been my favourite trope for ages (gyarus go in hand with them!!) and im still very attached to it so thats what made me love him in the first place!!!! BUT THEN. I GOT INTO HIS MAHABHARATAN LORE. And OHHHHHHHHH BABY.......... (im twirling my hair) so theres this 7ft tall war criminal..........<3<33<3(mash leans in and informs me that the convention of geneva didnt exist at the time) SO THERES THIS 7 FTTALL IMMORTALMAN.......<233 gOD he makes me absolutely CRAZY9909840385%£%%£%%µ%µ%µ the love i have for this character is immense and whenever im sad i remember that pako exists and has a tablet and can draw and i suddenly feel so much better. ok im gonna stop horny posting a little bit. but hes my wife. AND WHAT I LOVE ABOUT HIS PORTRAYAL IN FGO IS THAT, they actually made him a good boy despite his initial roughness and misdeeds ???!!! HELLO?? ashwatthama wishing for a redemption ark is my favourite thing and his righteousness that was born because of his regrets is a very interesting drivepoint to me !!! hes a gorgeous character and im buying a ticket plane as we speak right now so i can go find him in northern india. i’ll find him. GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME !!!!!GET OFF ME !!!
miss lakshimi makes me very sad! because every female servant in the indo fam is an already known face. (... would sita count.) and lakshi being a jeanneface is a waste. well, she’s still very pretty and her lore is also quite interesting!! i havent looked into it fully yet but i think she should be kissed on the mouth. her bad luck makes me slip on a banana peel whenevr i get close to her to kiss her and i hit my head on the pavement and pass away- 
parvati is on a tough spot for me atm. i genuinely love thinking of her as the way the indian goddess herself is portrayed because thats where the fun lies for me in her character. especially when shes involved with other indian servants, thats a given!! i would like to see parvati grow, suffer and heal. because branding her as an “all-knowing mom” is easy, but every single parent makes mistakes if you follow that logic. also, since shes the sakura servant “thats closest to her initial personality”, she’s got some of the most Repulsive fans ive Ever witnessed in fandom spaces and lets say that im trying to work my way out of this hellhole and find things to like about parvati without the fandom’s influence. needless to say, im going to keep looking into her mythos and her lore by myself at my own pace and keep doing my own thing in my little corner. 
rama shouldve been a jock. THE RAMAYANA IS OLDER THAN THE MAHABHARATA, WHY IS.....Hrm well him being summoned as his baby version gives me hope for a future rama alt perhaps??? but i think that he shouldve been a total jock and he shouldve been huge with a huge red lion-like mane for his hair and a teethy grin and big biceps and intense love for his wife. SPEAKING OF SITA, her charm point is her purity but i wish.... that their artist still hadnt drawn them like That, im not a fan of lily servants and i think purity = being young is a bit of an annoying excuse!!! rama and sita looking similar is because of their shared history which is fine but... rolls my eyes............. rama shouldve been 6ft tall and sita shouldve been a milf to match...... anyways i doubt ravana would be added as a servant but i’d love to have a ramayana centric event!! where all indo servants have their own lore centric role to play!!! oh thatd be a dream.... but i have learned to not expect much from a fanservice game so im jus gonna draw my own stuff! (strikes a pose!) (mashu claps!)
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jinxthequeergirl · 4 years
Dream Come True
Steve harrington x Hopper! Reader (coraline AU)
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Summary: escaping your everyday life after you move to live with your father couldn't have been something you wanted more, luckily for you you are given the chance
Warning: swearing, Horror themes like idk It's Coraline i think that speaks for itself no?
So i don't know if im going to end up making this a series or not but hey if this does really well then I might, but just this is so long so i might have to.
In front of you sat a small box with many opportunities, two small glossy black buttons, thread and the promise of freedom...
You watched the rain drops race down the window intently as your father drove you home from the headwear store. you'd only been In Hawkins for only half a month, having to move there with your father after your mom died. And you had only spent the time unpacking, today you had finally convinced your dad to take you to get supplies so you could really make your new rooms more like you.
The car bounced slightly causing your head to lift and hit the window. "Ow!"
"Sorry pot hole..." Hopper said glancing over to you. "You alright?"
"Yea...but guess it takes a while to figure out if you have brain damage or not.." You muttered sitting straight in the car seat, crossing your arms over your chest.
"C'mon don't be that way...you get to redecorate your room..that must be exciting for you? Give you something to do while we wait for the rain to clear up. "I guess..." You perked up at a new idea popping into your head.
"Maybe I can start a garden in the front too? Make it look pretty? I have a garden box so we wouldn't need anything, el can help me too!?" You said almost as a question seeing if he would go along with the idea.
"Sure... Sounds good, just wait till the rain clears up so you aren't bringing mud in." You frowned lightly, ut had been raining for the past three days without any sign of stopping soon. "Yea...sure."
The car came to a slow stop infront of the house. "I'll help you get this stuff inside and make you lunch but I've got to go back to work." You nodded as you got out of the car.
You'd begun by rearanging the few things of furniture in the room,while hopper set to work at making you a lunch. You starting with the dresser dragging it across the room to set it in its new place.
You dusted off your hands and turned your attention to look at the new space you made, stopping once it was caught by something on the wall where the dresser once was.
"Hello..." You slid across the floor and dragged your fingers across the outline of a small door in the wall.
"Hey Dad!?" You yelled getting up to look for him. "Whats up?"
"What this?" You asked now running your finger over the key hole. "Do you have the key!?" You asked hopefully turing to look up at him in the dokr way. He shook his head and shrugged. "I...maybe? I'm not sure...if i did it's probably boared up! They're would be no point."
You rolled your eyes. "Now Food in on the counter your sister is with Mike so make sure to call in about an hour to check on her-"
"Can you please look for a key?" You cut in. He sighed pinching the bridge of his nose. "I can, but I'm late so just finish unpacking and setting up and I'll look for it when I come back." You huffed but nodded and started to finish setting up your room.
After about an hour and a half you'd finished painting, unpacking and decorating your room, you had finished. Even had lunch and called El just like hopper had asked. Now you simpily sat in your room staring at the photo of your previous bestfriends that sat on the bedside table.
Back in New York with your mom you never had to worry about being bored, all your friends where their and there where places to go. Hawkins was diffrent, granted you where still adjusting but that didn't make it any less difficult.
The phone rang snapping you of of your thoughts. You hustled across the house to puck it up. "Hello?"
"Y/n! Thank god you picked up! Just the girl I was looking for!"
"Hey Robin,whats up?"
"Not much, I was just wondering since the rains cleared up would you be intrested in taking a tour of Hawkins with me and Steve?"
You thought about it for a moment, The first day you'd mobed here and met everyone they where the two you'd hit it off with, well You did with Robin anyways so you didn't see why you couldn't get out.
"Yea...I'd love to!"
"Cool! We'll be there in a few."
"So what does one do around here?" You asked following beside Robin And Steve down the sidewalk. "Well there's the arcade... " steve started but quickly trailed off. "There are some shops around town." Robin added.
"Is there like, i dunno a mall maybe? A movie theater at least?"
"Movie theater yes, mall not so much."
"It a...it burned down." Steve informed. "Oh...wow..." You followed them through town, going in and out of every store that was open.
"So Steve...." You attempted to start while looking through a clothing Rack in a thrift store.
"Got a girlfriend?"
"Uh no..no ya know I'm kinda just testing the waters...seeing if theres anyone worth dating around here."
"And?" You asked not looking up at him, you could clearly tell he was trying to act cool around you.
"And?" He repeated your question.
"Is there?...anyone worth dating around here?"
"Nah none that are really my type." He said nonchalantly fixing his hair in the mirror across from him. "Wow...are you always this increadibly douchie? Or are you like this just for me?" You asked leaning on clothing rack to look at him better.
"What I'm not...I'm not being-"
"You kinda where Harrington." Robin said from across the store earing a chuckle from you. His face flushed and he pretened to look at a jacket that seemingly caught his attention. "Ah don't be that way stevie...it's sooo charming, I'm practically swooning for you." You said sarcastically. "Shut up!"
The sun was hanging low through the trees casting that late afternoon orange glow upon the three of you as you walked back home.
"This place is...pretty boring...how do you guys manage?"
"Hawkins isn't all bad...besides It's a lot more exciting than you would think." Robin said while offering you some of her candy. "You just gotta...know where to look."
"Sometimes the intresting things find you." Steve said stopping once your house came into view. "If you say so...thanks for showing me around."
"No problem, maybe we can hang out again soon." She offered as you started to continue forward. "Yea! That would be great!" They both waved to you as you stepped into the house shutting the door.
You placed a few of the nick nacks you'd bought onto the top of your dresser for decoration, glancing at something that wasn't there before. A glossy black key.
You plucked it from its spot on the dresser and turned to the small door quickly slidding across the floor once again to get to the door. You hestitantly dragged the key across the outline of the door ripping the wall paper open before slipping the key inside.
It slid in perfectly, giving you some sort of relife as it clicked open, you pulled it open being met with nithing but brick.
"Damn..." You huffed and shut the door and placed the key back ontop of the dresser.
Something yanked you from your sleep suddenly and you lied awake, a sliver of silver moonlight hitting your face through the curtains as you did so.
It was quiet as you lied there except for an ever so faint sound of humming that you just barrely missed. You stayed still fir a second trying to pin point the sound, it continued for a while as you did so softly floating through the air from an unknown source, you finally gave in and tossed the covers off and stood up from your bed moving around the room to find it stopping when your foot hit something on the ground.
"What the hell!?" Jumping back slightly at the contact you looked down seeing a long greyish green vine across your bedroom floor. "What the hell..." You repeared examining it closer you followed it with your gaze seeing it came from the small opening of the little door a slight glow came from it along with little white particals that floated up into the air around it.
You moved carefully over to it kneeling next to it careful to avoide the vine protruding from it, as you did you could hear the humming closer now. You pulled the door open getting a blast of air blown back into your face along with a bright glow. You gasped slightly watching a tunnle appear almost instantly infront of you.
The humming slightly louder now. With out a second thought you climbed through, eventually met with another door which you easily pushed open and found yourself crawling through only to see you'd cralwed back into your bedroom. "Huh?" The humming was louder, unmistakable too, you knew that song. You looked at your bedroom door seeing the light from the living room shining in.
"Dad!?" You stood up and exited the room being greeted by the smell of food cooking. "Dad? What are you do-" you stopped a few feet from the counter seeing him move around the kitchen
"Hey sweet pea! You're just in time for dinner!" You gulped thickly when he turned to face you. "Oh god...I must be mistaken...you aren't my dad...my dad-" it was him but, diffrent. He seemed plaer yet more lively.
"Doesn't cook?" He asked guesturing to the freshly cooked meal. You couldn't help but stumble back a little bit as he approached you with a light hearted laugh. "Well thats because I'm your other father dear! Well better father"
"Why don't you get your mom and Tell her dinner is ready!"
"Well your Mother of course silly! I actually think she's in the garden out front." He pushed you forward lightly and you glanced back cautiously before going to the front door.
You opened the door and stepped outside being greeted by a beautifully bright garden. "Holy sh-"
"Watch your mouth young lady!" You jumped turning tonthe voice and and gulping.
"Oh my god....mom!?" You stopped and covered your mouth feeling tears briming in your eyes.
"Hello sweet pea!" She opened her arms and you instantly ran to her and hugged her. You could tell just like with your father she was diffrent but couldn't exactly tell whatbwas diffrent.
"You...your alive!"
"Well of course I am! Oh come look at this!"
She pulled away taking your hand and pulling you down the steps of the pourch into the flower filled front yard.
She held your shoulders as you watched the flowers practically bloom before you. "I planted them just this afternoon! Our faviorte!" It was true the flowers before you where always both you and your mothers faviorte.
"They're beautiful mom! Oh!" You turned to her with a smile. "Dad said dinner was ready and sent me to get you."
"Oh! We don't wanna keep him waiting!" She said giggling with you and guiding you back to the house.
"There they are!" Hopper yelled setting the last of the food on the table. "Thirsty?" Your mom asked as you sat down. "Mmm you know I could go for a purple cow!"
"Coming right up!" She knocked on the table lightly the lights above lowered themselves offering you said drink, along with extra grape soda and vanilla icecream just incase.
"Wow thank you!" You said taking the drink and extras. Hopper placed a plate infront of you. "Here comes the Gravey train choochoo!" You mom said earning a laugh from both you and your dad.
A toy train in fact made its way across the table stopping infront of you to dump gravey on your plate.
"Mmh! This is so good!" Youbsaid stuffing your mouth full of food. "More?" Hopper asked.
"No thank you I'm stuffed." You said leaning back and taking a last sip of your icecream float.
Hopper took the plate from you and your mother placed a cake before you that read 'Welcome home'
"We've been expecting you for a while!" Hopper said.
"Of course! You beling here! With your family!"
You smiled lightly.
"Thanks...but It's late...I should go to bed.."
"Oh of course!" You stood up and they both followed you to your bedroom. You crawled into bed and they took turns kissing your forhead and wishing you a goodnight. You slowly drifted off to sleep peacefully.
"It was so weird!" You said throwing a rock into the water infront of you.
"Well it was just a dream, nothing to freak about." Robin shrugged.
"Yea I mean your mom was there it couldn't have been real..."
You and robin both glared at Steve. "I...well thats not what I meant..." He gulped slinging his own rock into the water.
"He's right though." You said softly. "But it just...it felt so real! The food the...feeling! But I woke up and the door was all bricked up again..."
"That's just further proof it was only a dream." Robin said as you sat beside her.
"Yea..." It was already late afternoon and you had decided to stay out until the sun had set well into night.
Steve had dropped robin off at her house and so you sat alone with him in his car as he took you home.
"Sorry about what i said...about your mom..."
He said finally. "No...it's ok...like i said you where right...it's just a dream..." He frowned slightly, you could tell he was beating himself up about it.
In all honestly you hadn't gotten off on the best of feet with him but it's wasn't so awful to be around him, he just had a hard time telling when to open his mouth and when to keep it shut. But you liked him.
"Well here we are." He said pulling up to the house. "Thank." You said with a smile before getting out and going inside.
"Hey kid!" Hopper said happily as you stepped inside.
"Hey!" You smiled. "Oh hey, sorry I never got around to finding that key for you."
"Thats ok I found it"
El stood in the door way with a concerned look. "What are you-" you hurried to your room and pulled the key out and showed him.
"You where right though...there was nothing there." You shrugged going back to your room.
"Bad place." You jumped at El's voice behind you. "What?"
"Don't keep going there it's a bad place..." She said quietly. "What bad place?"
"El! Its Mike's on the phone!" El quickly left to take the phone.
"Bad place?..."
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marvelsangels · 4 years
"I Love You Please Don't Go"
(prompt from @hellsdemonictrinity)
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Pairing: Peter Parker/Reader
Warning: Angst
Summary: You knew, you've known for awhile, but you let him, cause you love him you really do, and you're crazy enough to let your heart break more than it already is.
"Heyy babyy how was your dayy" Jumping on his bed where he sat holding his phone.
"It was uh, it was good i have tons of homework to do tho so i should start on it early" He replied half assed without even looking up at you.
He was doing it again, pushing you away, giving you excuses. You knew he wasn't seeing her, MJ was not an asshole, she would never see peter while peter was with you. She just wasn't like that. So no she wasn't the problem. Peter was.
Peter liked her, maybe even more? who knows? He started giving her heart eyes 4 months ago. 4 months of him still saying he loves you. 4 months like he hasn't been looking at another woman like how he would look at you. 4 months of him lying to your face when you knew the truth.
No you weren't "assuming" anything. You found out. How? Well Peter has a habit or writing down how he feels on a piece of paper and then quickly throwing it away. As if to confirm he was actually feeling it, and not just thinking about it.
You didn't mean to read it it was private and you respected that. But he left it un crampled on the floor when he was in a hurry, and asked you to help clean his room.
i like MJ, maybe even more.
He didn't even write down how you would feel in all of this. How broken hearted you'd be if you found out. He wasn't even scared.
He didn't care. Not anymore.
"Sooo can we hang out first? I haven't seen you in a while you've been really busy" Fighting to keep a smile you could almost feel the tears starting to spill.
Pushing his shoulders. "C'mon peteee"
"No I'm busy maybe tomorrow?" Still not looking up at you from his phone.
At this point you were crying while still holding a smile on your face. "Aww thats too bad then, uhm I'll leave you to it yeah?" Quickly wiping away your tears with your sleeves you got up and headed for the door.
"I'll see you, love you."
"I love you too Peter."
Closing his door and quickly making a beeline for the exit, you didn't want Aunt May to see you like this. You were stronger than that. Right?
Pressing the button on the elevator and waiting for it to come up, you couldn't help but think what you did wrong, was it you? It had to be. Peter wasn't like that no. He would never fall out of love just like that right? Maybe he got sick of you just waiting around for him and being all clingy. But he told you he loved that.
Not even noticing the elevator doors are already open until you heard your name, looking up you saw Ned.
"Oh hey Ned"
"Hey are you okay Y/n? why are you crying?" Reaching out to place a comforting hand on your shoulder.
You didn't even notice you were crying so lost in your thoughts. You quickly wipe it away with your sleeves and give him the biggest smile you could muster.
"I just remembered this one movie scene. Ya know from Marley and me? ahaha! almost killed me." The tears still keep falling, it's getting harder and harder to lie.
"I have to go home Ned. I'll see you in class"
You saw it in his eyes. The guilt. Ned knew. And he was also lying to you.
Making it back home you went straight to your room, not wanting anybody looking at you like you're some kind charity who needs all the pity she could get. No you wont allow it.
Taking deep breaths, you saw a note taped to your vanity.
Hey hunny your dad and i went out to buy some dinner so he has something else to do other than playing with his robot thingys. Be back by 7 Love you, make sure to freshen up.
Smiling to yourself, at least you had your parents knowing they would always have your back.
Stepping out of the shower in fresh sweatpants and tank top you decided to head for the kitchen to make yourself some coffee and sitting on the island was another note.
Check if Morgan is still asleep.
Making your coffee quicker than you intended to you slowly opened her door to check if was still sleeping but instead of that you saw her playing with her ipad. Closing the door again and opening it dramatically this time. "Peanut you awakeee" slipping beside her on the bed and resting on your side. "Guess im gonna have to swallow all these jelly beans by myself."
"Noooooo" She giggled throwing her arms up your neck and resting on top of you. "Wheres it"
"Inside the chiller sweet pots, but im not giving you any until after dinner." Rubbing up her sides and pushing her hair beside her ear. "You know Y/N/N loves you right?"
"Oofcus i doo" Burying her face in your neck. "You mkay? Haven't seen spider in awhile" God how does a 6 year old know these kinds of things.
"Yeah im okay sweet pea, and he's been busy. Now come come lets go in the kitchen Mom and Dad are about to come home with dinner." Picking her up with you she couldn't help the giggles that escaped her tiny mouth. "Y/N/N!! dont drop meee"
Sitting around with your family felt normal, that is until your dad started asking questions.
"So how are you and Peter doing? Haven't seen the kid without a suit on. College that hard?"
Staying still and thinking of a smart reply, you came up with nothing knowing if you lied he would know instantly.
"College is hard daddy."
After dinner you quietly slipped out of your seat and made your way to your room. Staring out in the sky you thought of all the things you could've done that made peter fall out of love with you. You came up with nothing. Or were you that insensitive that you didn't know if you were hurting him? You're slowly falling apart. The confusion, the anger, the shame, the jealousy you felt it all and yet all you did was smile and say over and over that you were okay.
You weren't.
It was valentines day today.
Standing inside his messy room while he was seated on his desk writing something down on a piece of paper and beside it was a gift bag.
Deciding to take a peek and tease him to lighten up the mood and see what he got you, but once you did what you saw only broke your heart even more. He was writing it for MJ. The gift was for MJ.
You couldn't help the sob that escaped your lips. The sound made him turn his head.
"I didn't see you come in.."
"Why Peter?" you didn't even have the strength to raise your voice or be mad you were completely and utterly broken.
"Not now Y/n."
"What do you mean not now. Its time you tell me the truth Peter."
"Fine. I dont want you anymore its its- just its not working out between us okay? I work for your dad. And-"
"How dare you make this about my dad. How dare you say its not working out between us only after 3years. How dare you fall in love with someone else while you come back home to my arms and whisper to me i love you. How dare you Peter." Sobbing softly, He cant even look at you in the eyes. "At least look at me when i tell you all of this."
He had no guilt in his eyes. Not even a little. Even when he stood up from his chair, grabbed his letter and gift and turned for the door.
"Peter.. I love you, please don't go."
Sighs. "I have homework to do, lead yourself out Y/n." Closing the door as he left.
Clutching your chest and your other hand stopping your sobs you fell down on the floor and felt your heart explode into tiny little pieces.
"Im so sorry."
Thanks for reading!
-angel 💜
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gimmeyoon · 5 years
You’ve Become My Favorite Sin [6]
Alternatively Titled: Heavenly Way to Die
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Pairing: Jungkook x Male OC | Angel!Jimin x femdemon!reader
Ratings/Warnings: M for Mature. Cursing, drinking, smut (oral), and Homophobic slurs. Main character death. Also, contains religious themes. 
Word Count: 5.9 k
A/N: Most of this chapter is backstory for Jungkook’s character, but the end does switch back to the present, so you could read this without the first 5 parts but the end will be very confusing. Also, I wanted to do male reader, but I thought that having two people named _____ might be confusing, so please feel free to get rid of Henry and replace it with your name if you’re a male reader looking for some love thank you thats all
Songs: Mercy / Gatekeeper by Hayley Kiyoko, Sanctify by Years & Years, and What A Heavenly Way to Die by Troye Sivan
Summary: When Jimin started questioning his place in the world as an angel, you took it upon yourself to show him the darker side of life. Suddenly, falling from grace doesn’t seem so bad.
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Paris, France: 1947
     Jungkook wasn’t exactly sure how he had ended up at this bar. Earlier in the night his intention had been to get soused and judging by the way he felt, he had reached that goal. 
     The night had gotten off to a rough start, him almost immediately having to deal with some fat-head American whose mission in life must be to attack any and all Japanese men who he runs into. Jungkook was used to this, he had been dealing with it for years now, so he silently pulled his Korean American identification card out of his wallet and presented it with his right hand to the man. His left hand presented the man his middle finger. 
     The fat-head apologized for his slur while Jungkook made note of his uniform. Jungkook still maintained his silence as he pulled his dog tags out from underneath his shirt.
     “Wow I’m an ass,” the fat-head said. “What branch?”
     “Army,” Jungkook replied as he turned back to his drink. “Would have done national guard, but they found out I could speak Japanese, so they didn’t give me a choice.”
     “I’m army as well. National guard is for pussies anyways.”
     “My older brother was national guard, so I would rethink that.”
     “Shit, I’m sorry. Listen man, me and some GIs are having some drinks over here, and you’re welcome to join us.”
      Jungkook looked over to where he pointed and weighed his options. On one hand, he was perfectly content drinking alone until he couldn’t see straight. On the other, he had to admit this was becoming a depressing routine. So, he decided to join them.
     Jungkook never much liked being in the military. He and his brother had enlisted with the only other Korean American in their neighborhood. He had told them about this thing called the Tiger Brigade, a Los Angeles Korean Reserve, and they figured it was a good enough way to fulfill their draft requirement with the least risk to their life. The plan worked for everyone but Jungkook, who probably should have lied when they asked if he knew Japanese. Nevertheless, he passed the test and they shipped him to the Pacific. Sometimes when he laid in bed hoping for sleep to overtake him, he wished that he hadn’t let his grandmother teach him Japanese. He wished that he had ignored her like his brother. 
     But he didn’t. 
     “Did you develop a soul while you were gone, Fitz?” one of the GIs sitting at the table greeted as Jungkook and apparently Fitz approached the table.
     “Turns out, he’s Korean,” Fitz shrugged as he slid into the booth. “and a GI like us.”
     Jungkook slid into the booth after Fitz, as the other GIs ragged on their friend. He began to nervously stroke the rabbit’s foot that he kept clipped to his belt loop. His mom had given him it before he had left for the Pacific and it calmed his nerves.
     From what Jungkook could gather, he and Fitz were the only two of the group that had served in the Pacific leg of the war. As was to be expected in Paris, most of these men had served in the European tour.
     “I heard they gave those cards out, but I’ve never seen one,” Fitz said. “Anyways, I’d like to make a toast to our new friend.” Fitz smiled as he turned to Jungkook. “Success to our army, success to our fleet, may our foes be compelled to bow down at our feet. Here’s to – uh,” Fitz chuckled. “What’s your name?”
     “You can call me Kook.”
     “Kook,” Fitz laughed. “Here’s to Kook, here’s to French women, may these girls be compelled to let him come in ‘em.”
     The table broke out into howling laughter as they raised their glasses. 
     As far as Kook could tell that was hours ago. Now Kook was here with one of the GIs, who he thinks might be called Lazy Eye but there was also a high probability that Jungkook had called him that himself in his head, because he did in fact have a lazy eye. He dare not actually call the guy that just in case it was a horrible insult he had devised on his own time. 
     There were three things that had struck Jungkook odd about this bar: 
 They had asked him for his age when he entered, which was odd because there was no drinking age as far as he knew, and if there was one, he was well over it.
 Jungkook had not seen a girl enter this establishment the entire time he had been here.
 Several men had bought him drinks since he had sat down.
    Lazy Eye had not taken kindly to the older men approaching them and buying Jungkook drinks, which had brought the latter back to his earlier confusion. How had he gotten here?
     “Where are we?” Jungkook asked as he leaned over to Lazy Eye.
     Jungkook raised an eyebrow. Lazy eye was dumb as well it seemed. “The bar not the quarter.”
     “The bar doesn’t have a name.”
     “Fuck off,” Jungkook sighed. “Did you bring me here to kill me?”
     Lazy Eye laughed. “This place doesn’t have a name because you can’t tell the cops where you were last night if it doesn’t have a name.”
     “Sorry, I didn’t realize we drank our way back to America in the 1920s.” Jungkook said as he finished off his whiskey. He had to fight the urge to see if any of those old guys were coming back to buy him another drink. It was weird, but he couldn’t say he minded how full his wallet felt.
     “You want another,” Lazy Eye asked, as if reading his mind.
     “Don’t worry about it, buddy. We should at least see if there’s any more pennies from heaven.” 
     “Oh, so, you’re looking for a papa-gâteau.”
     Jungkook furrowed his brow as he tried to piece together the little bit of French he knew. “Dad cake?”
     “I believe it translates to sugar daddy.”
     “Oh fuck, this is a gay bar.”
     Lazy Eye laughed as Jungkook ran his hands over his face. The latter stood up quickly and went to leave, when Lazy Eye reached out to grab his wrist.
     “You are gay, right?”
     “Why the fuck would you think I’m a fag like you,” Jungkook spat back.
     “Not in here, asshole,” Lazy Eye stood up and looked Jungkook square in the eyes. “Just to be clear, you sure as hell didn’t mind taking drinks from 3 different guys in here, so I wouldn’t act like the thought completely disgusts you.” Lazy eye looked him up and down. “Get the fuck out of here.”
     Jungkook stood stunned as Lazy Eye sat down. He wasn’t a fighter and as he looked around the bar, it because clear that his explosion had not gone unnoticed. Grabbing his jacket, Jungkook quickly exited the building and walked down the street. Fuck if he knew how to get home.
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     “Well if it isn’t my favorite souse,” Henry smiled as he opened the door to Jungkook who had forgotten his keys in their apartment for the second time that week.
    “Sorry Henry,” Jungkook slurred as he stumbled past his best friend. After the incident at the not named bar, the drinks had hit him much harder than he had anticipated. 
     “Thought you might be on active duty tonight,” Henry said, ignoring Jungkook’s apology. “Couldn’t bear to be without me.”
     Jungkook, who had found refuge on their couch at this point, grabbed one of the pillows and threw it at his friend.
     “Don’t take your lack of sex out on Alma’s pillows,” Henry smiled as he walked over to Jungkook and placed the pillow back on the couch.
     “Alma can – she can-”
     “Yeah, yeah, you don’t like Alma.” Henry sat down beside Jungkook on the couch. The two friends say in comfortable silence, as Jungkook took deep breaths to regain his composure.
     Jungkook had come to Paris to be with Henry. The two men had grown up together, living on the same street in San Francisco. They had been best friends since the first time Henry choose Jungkook to be on his team in baseball. It had been the right choice, as Jungkook was naturally athletic, but the other kids often didn’t pick him because he was Korean. Henry picked him first. 
     After the European leg of the war Ended, Henry wrote to Jungkook and told him that he should find his way to Paris after he beat the Japanese. He had said there were three French girls to every man in Paris and they had a penchant for the exotic. Jungkook had informed Henry that he didn’t like being called exotic, but he did like girls, so he might just take him up on that offer. Two years later and here they were sitting on the couch that Henry’s mom had bought them with the pillows Alma had bought when she visited.
     Alma lived on their street growing up as well, and Henry had always been in love with her. Alma had always been in love with other men, which was why Jungkook was not fond of her. He had watched Henry be a lovesick puppy about her for 14 years now, and it had only gotten more depressing. 
     “Speaking of Alma,” Henry said, breaking the silence. “She wrote again.”
     Jungkook sighed. “She’s bad news, Hen.”
     Henry shook his head. “She broke up with that asshole, Mel.”
     “Sure, and next week she’ll be with a new asshole.”
     “She broke you with him three months ago,” Henry smiled as he looked down at his hands. “She said she loves me and wants me to come home. That she should have made me come back with her last time she visited.”
     “She loves you?” Jungkook scoffed as he stood up from the couch. “You’re going to get on a plane for that floozy and she’s going to be back together with Mel by the time you set foot in California.”
    “Don’t be like this.”
   �� “Like what, your best friend? Would you prefer it if I lied to you and let you get on that plane like a fat-head.”
     “If you were my best friend, then you would know how badly I have wanted this for my entire life,” Henry said as he stood up.
     “Oh, get bent! I’ve watched you pine after Alma since I became your friend and she hasn’t been interested in you once. Now she loves you? Were you doing dope while I was gone?”
     “Can’t you just be happy for me?”
     “I would be more than happy to watch you marry a nice French girl, maybe settle down in the countryside, have some French speaking brats, but going back to San Francisco will be the biggest mistake of your life.” 
     “No, the biggest mistake of my life was inviting you to live with me.”
     Jungkook recoiled as if he had been hit. Henry sighed before reaching out to him, seeming to instantly regret his words, but Jungkook pulled away from his friend.
     “As stated, previously, get bent,” Jungkook said as he pushed past his best friend to his bedroom, slamming the door behind him. He quickly surveyed the room for something to break and settled on pushing the books off of the top his dresser. They fell to the floor with a thud and Jungkook joined them there. He pulled his knees to his chest, took the rabbit’s foot off his belt loop, and gripped it tightly in his hand. He tried to stop the tears that were forming in the corner of his eyes from falling. If he hadn’t been drinking, maybe he would have known that Henry only said that because he was angry, but it didn’t feel that way. It felt like years of knowing that Henry was too good of a friend to him were finally culminating in the realization that he had never been his friend at all.
    There was a light knock at the door, but Jungkook didn’t answer. He knew who it was, and if he knew Henry it wouldn’t matter either way. The door was going to be opened.
     “I’m sorry,” said Henry as the door creaked open. “I didn’t mean that. You’re my brother and I love you.”
     Jungkook nodded his head but didn’t turn to face Henry. His friend walked into the room and stood in front of Jungkook, causing the latter to bury his face in his knees. He felt like a child, but he also couldn’t face Henry looking so upset.
     “I’ll wait a little while, make her write a few more letters before I hop on a plane, okay? Will that make you feel better about this whole thing.”
     No, but Jungkook didn’t want this interaction to go on any longer. In fact, if he had it his way he would be able to magically make a bottle of whiskey appear in his hands. That would be his dream ending to this interaction.
     “I just don’t want you to get hurt.”
     “I know, and I respect you for that. You’re a good friend, always have been,” Henry nudged Jungkook’s foot with his own, causing the latter to look up at him. Jungkook was greeted with a smile.
     “Okay,” Jungkook sighed.
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      Jungkook was absolutely sure how he ended up in the no name bar this time. Henry had gotten another letter from Alma and he had wanted to read it verbatim to him. So Jungkook listened and he counted each word that he was absolutely certain was a lie and decided that he would do a shot for each one. He was four shots in at this point and had been put on hold for a short period of time by the bartender. 
     The no name bar was probably a mistake, but he figured that he could convince some of the older men to buy some of the shots he had made a personal promise to down tonight and that would make his wallet very happen. He was less happy to note that he had been thinking about the establishment since his fat-headed exit last time. He felt bad about how he treated Lazy Eye. 
     So, there he sat on the bar stool in a gay bar with no name because such an establishment was not always welcome. It had to be private, like the army Jungkook realized. Otherwise it was a crime. 
     “Silver over there wanted me to give this to you.”
     Jungkook looked up and was surprised to see a woman in front of him. He quickly looked up and down the bar for Hal, the bartended that had been serving him drinks all night. When Hal was not found, he returned to the women in front of him.
     “You’re new,” he said, as he took the shot from her. He threw the liquid down his throat before passing the small glass back to her
     “So are you.”
     “How do you know that?”
     She smiled, and there was something in her smile that made Jungkook feel uneasy. There was more to it, but he couldn’t tell what it was. 
     “Well, because you’re wrong. I’m not new. I love this place.”
     Jungkook nodded his head, mostly hoping for this conversation to be over. There was something about this woman that made him both want to look away and also never look at anything else ever again. Whatever it was made him uncomfortable and would be more than enough reason to never come back here again.
     “You love him,” she said, causing Jungkook’s brow to furrow.
     “Silver? I don’t even know him, and he’s not really my type.”
     “That’s true. Your type is your age, from San Francisco, air force pilot, madly in love with a girl you absolutely hate, and named Henry.”
     Jungkook’s draw nearly dropped open as he stared at the women. “Seutokeo,” he barely whispered.
     The woman smiled as she leaned in closer to Jungkook. “Agma,” she returned in a whisper. 
     Jungkook recoiled at her words. Demon. This was not happening. Clearly, he had too much to drink and he was hallucinating now.
     “_____, nice to meet you, Jungkook.”
     “How the fuck do you know all of this?”
     “I just told you I was a demon, so I can only assume you are asking for a more detailed description. Very well, my dogs stay posted in this lovely establishment, and you caused quite a scene, so they followed you home. It was compelling.”
     “You’re a crazy person,” Jungkook said as he stood up from his seat. He quickly turned towards the door but when he looked up at it, she was already there, greeting him with that same terrifying smile. He looked back at the bar in disbelief and when he turned back, she was in front of him. He recoiled and had it not been for her hand on his arm he surely would have fallen to the floor.
     “Let’s take a walk, okay?”
     Jungkook found himself in the cool Parisian night before he could object, and he began to weigh his choices. If she was a demon, there was one place he knew she couldn’t go, he just needed to keep his eyes out for a church and be ready to run once he got close enough. Easy.
     “You’re in love with your best friend, and I want to help you.”
     “I am not in love with my best friend,” Jungkook spat.
     “But you are. You love him so much but you can’t say anything because the big guy made it so everyone would hate you for it.” She pointed up to the sky as she said this and Jungkook stupidly followed her finger. He quickly looked away once he realized her point.
     “I’m not gay. I like girls.”
     She shook her head. “You don’t have to be straight with me, Jungkook. I’m a huge fan of yours.”
     Jungkook snorted in response. “A big fan of me? Hell, I didn’t know I was with a fan, I would have offered to sign something for you.”
     “How about you sign away your soul?” She winked. “You promise me your soul and I’ll make Henry fall in love with you.”
     “How many times do I have to tell you I-”
     “Listen,” she interrupted as she stopped walking. “You can lie to me until you’re blue in the face, but you are in love with him.”
     Jungkook desperately wanted them to start walking again so he could keep looking for a church. He pulled away from her lightly to try and get the show on the road, but she pulled back harder, making him stay with her. Jungkook was certain of one thing, this was bad, and he was not getting out of it.
     “You want him, and I want you to have him. Falling in love with you will save him,” she said. “He won’t go back to California, he’ll stay right here with you and be crazy happy about it.”
     Her last point piqued Jungkook’s interest. If he was being honest, there was this part of him that he had shoved down when he was about 15-years-old. He had been playing football with the neighborhood kids and he was just about to make a touchdown when he got knocked aside. He landed on his back and when looked up Henry was smiling down at him. 
     Gotcha, Kook, was all he said in response, but Jungkook had thought about those words for weeks. He had felt something then that when he was home alone hours later, he felt ashamed for. Something that threatened to bubble up any time he was with Henry after that. Something that made his skin rise when Henry walked around half-naked in their apartment. Something that made him hate Alma, because she was going to get him in the end, when Jungkook knew who really deserved him. Who would do anything for him.
     “Let’s say you’re right-”
     “I am.”
     “what happens to me. I mean, what does selling my soul mean.”
     A small smile danced at her lips. “I need a right-hand man, and you’re the guy I want. You spend the rest of your life with Henry and then you spend it with me, running my dominion as my principality. It’s a win-win.”
      Jungkook wanted to pretend that he needed time to think it over, but the moment she had promised that he would stay in Paris and forget about Alma he had been sold. Finally, Henry would be free of her, they would be free of her.
     “Fantastic,” she reached down and pulled the rabbits foot off of Jungkook’s belt loop. “I’ll be needing this, and you’ll be needing some paper work.”
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     Jungkook hesitated as he stood outside of his and Henry’s apartment. _____ had left him long ago with the promise that her magic worked immediately.  However, Jungkook’s brain wasn’t working as quickly. He was terrified because this meant he was giving into every thought, every feeling he hadn’t let himself have for close to ten years. He knew what he always knew; giving into this meant no going back. Stepping into that apartment would change everything and right now he wanted to be the same Jungkook who only liked girls for just a few moments more. The Jungkook that stood on the other side of that door was confusing and new and scary and he wasn’t ready for that yet.
    Then again, he wasn’t sure he would ever be ready for that.
    Gripping the door handle with his shaking hand, Jungkook slowly opened the door and entered his new life.
     Henry was sleeping on the couch and there was a pang in Jungkook’s heart at the sight. Turns out, his new life wasn’t waiting immediately on the other side because this was normal. His friend stirred as Jungkook shut the door and the latter worried that he had awoken him.
    “I tried to stay up,” Henry said, confirming Jungkook’s concerns. “but you’re always out so late.”
     “Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.”
     Henry chuckled, his tone deep with sleep, and opened his eyes slightly. “I’m glad you did. I wanted to talk to you about something.”
    “Oh?” Jungkook feigned ignorance as he walked further into the apartment and closer to Henry.
     “Alma wrote today,”
     Jungkook nodded his head. This was the part he had been most excited about. The moment when Henry said that he no longer cared what she thought.
     “She’s coming to visit again.”
     “What. The. Fuck.” Jungkook held his head in his hands as he tried to wrap his mind around what was happening. He had been duped. “I can’t believe I sold my soul to a demon for this shit. I really let myself unearth all of the horrible feelings I have for you, damned myself for eternity, and you have the audacity to still be in love with her, because I got tricked by a demon.”
     “Jungkook, are you okay? You’re not making any sense.” Henry stood up from his spot on the couch, any tiredness that may have been present in his eyes now replaced by concern. “Please, take a seat, you’ve probably had too much to drink again.”
     “I’m in love with you, you fat-head! I know it’s wrong and I know I shouldn’t, but I am in love with you and the fact that you would be with someone like her, someone so beneath you, makes me want to die,” Jungkook pulled his arm away from Henry as he began pacing around the living room. “So I did just that, I damned myself for eternity so I could finally be happy on this god-forsaken Earth and for once in my pitiful life feel like loving you was the right thing to do, and you tell me Alma is coming here and the next thing I know you’re back in California and I continue to be sad and alone, fucking girls that I’ll never love because I love you.”
     Henry jumped at Jungkook’s words and the latter realized he was still shouting. He put his hands out to show that he was sorry and calming down.
     “You love me?”
     Jungkook snorted as he looked down at his feet. It was probably too late to turn back now. “Oh, you heard that? You heard me screaming that I love you?” He looked up at Henry. “Is it too late to say that was all a joke?”
     “You’re a fat-head, you know that?” Henry smiled as he walked to Jungkook.
     “Or maybe I’m working on some lines for a play? Or what about if I sa-” Jungkook’s words died on the tip of his tongue as Henry reached up and placed his hands on either side of Jungkook’s face. He hesitated for only a moment before pressing his lips against Jungkook’s. 
     Jungkook was stunned, having been so sure that he had been tricked by the demon, but as Henry’s warm body pressed deeper into his own, he finally realized that this was really happening, and he kissed the man he loved back. Jungkook had always thought that giving into his desire for Henry would make him feel heavy with shame, but he had never felt lighter in his life. It was as if the room was no longer around them and the world no longer existed. It was just him and Henry as he had always wanted it.
     Jungkook deepened the kiss, the longing in his chest growing stronger. He had wanted Henry for so long and there was a part of his brain that told him they had plenty of time and that everything could wait. The other part was tired of waiting and that was the part he decided to listen to. He pressed his hardening cock into Henry’s thigh, causing the latter to smile into their kiss. Henry pulled back and smirked at Jungkook before pulling the latter back into his room. The next few moments were a flurry in Jungkook’s mind as he tried to control his rapidly beating heart. He had been wrong earlier when he had said that everything was going to change when he entered the apartment. Everything was going to change now. Henry was the first person to remove his shirt, Jungkook was sure of that, because he had pulled Henry in for another kiss once he realized that he could finally do that whenever Henry was half-naked around the apartment.
     “I want you,” Henry said as they broke away from the kiss, and that was when Jungkook’s shirt came off. The rest of their clothes came off quickly and Jungkook did his best to maintain his composure when Henry dropped to his knees in front of him. Wrapping his fingers around Jungkook’s hardened member, Henry smiled before licking languidly at the tip of his cock. Jungkook hissed at the contact and instinctively wound his fingers into Henry’s hair pulling him closer to where he wanted him. Henry wrapped his lips around Jungkook’s cock and began moving slowly up and down his length. 
      Jungkook was embarrassed by how quickly he felt his high approaching, but he wasn’t done with Henry yet. He had been waiting so long that this couldn’t be the end. He pulled lightly at Henry’s hair, but he did not let up. Instead he swatted at Jungkook’s hand and gripped tightly at his thigh. Jungkook swore under his breath and did his best to hold on.
     He looked up at the ceiling, because looking down at Henry while he took Jungkook’s dick into his mouth so well and so happily, was too much for him to handle while his ego refused to let him cum. 
     “Fuck,” Jungkook looked back down at Henry and the latter’s eyes looked back at him. “You’re amazing, I can’t hold on any longer.”
     Henry moaned around Jungkook’s length, causing a slew of obscenities to leave Jungkook’s mouth as he came. Henry continued his pace as he milked Jungkook for all he had and pulled away once Jungkook’s orgasm had finished. Jungkook lazily smiled at Henry as he stood up from his spot.
     “I love you,” he whispered, as Henry wrapped his arms around his neck.
     “I love you too, Kook. Always have.”
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     Jungkook rolled over in his bed and reached out for Henry, only to find that he wasn’t there. Jungkook’s eyes quickly shot open as he searched the room for his boyfriend. The had been taking turns sleeping in each other’s room since that night months ago, and he hadn’t woken up without Henry in a long time. Even when Henry had work early in the morning, he made sure to wake Jungkook up with a kiss before leaving. 
     Utterly confused and slightly worried, Jungkook got out of bed and walked into the living room. He searched the entire apartment for Henry, but he wasn’t there. Looking at the calendar that hung-over Henry’s desk, confirmed that he didn’t work early today. He should be here. Jungkook walked back to his room to put some clothes on his naked body. As he cleaned up the remnants of last night, he tried to remember if Henry had said anything about an errand he needed to run, or a friend he was going to see. Jungkook couldn’t think of anything. As he finished making the bed, the door to the apartment opened and closed, allaying Jungkook’s fears. Whatever Henry needed to do, he was back now, and everything was okay.
     “I woke up and you weren’t here,” Jungkook said as he walked into the living room.
     Henry looked up at him and offered him a small smile, as he shrugged his jacket off. “Sorry, Kook, I just had something I forgot I needed to do.”
     “It’s okay, you just owe me tonight,” Jungkook teased as he wrapped his arms around Henry’s waist and pulled him in for a kiss.
     Henry offered him another small smile when he pulled back and he quickly moved out of Jungkook’s embrace. The interaction felt off to Jungkook, but he decided not to bring it up. He didn’t want to seem clingy and it was probably nothing.
     “Did you eat before your errand, I can make breakfast?”
     “Yeah, that’d be great, Kook. Thanks.”
      Jungkook made his way into the kitchen and he began to make breakfast, but something about Henry still felt off to him. In fact, it continued to feel off to him for the rest of the day. Jungkook had tried to talk to him about his errand while the ate breakfast, but Henry said it was nothing for him to worry about. Jungkook went into work and tried not to think about what Henry had been doing, but they had never had secrets between each other besides the fact that Jungkook had feelings for him. It wasn’t right that he was keeping something from him, and Jungkook was intent on making him tell the truth. However, all of that went out the door when Jungkook was greeted after work with a passionate kiss and hours of sex. The only thing that had felt normal all day was when Jungkook was rocking his hips into Henry’s, so he convinced himself that he was blowing everything out of proportion and that nothing was wrong.
     Henry cuddled into him as they fell asleep that night, and Jungkook was sure that everything was going to go back to normal tomorrow morning.
     That was until he opened his eyes. 
     “Fuck,” Henry cursed as Jungkook woke up. Henry was straddling Jungkook, and the latter was just about to make a joke about him not getting enough last night, when Henry’s hands flew to Jungkook’s neck.
     “Kinky,” Jungkook coughed out before he realized that Henry’s hands were getting tighter on his neck. 
     Too tight in fact. Jungkook reached up to try and pry Henry’s hands off of him, he was stronger than Henry, but the latter had gotten the element of surprise and Jungkook was losing momentum as his airway was cut off. 
     Henry looked crazy above him, his eyes angry but somehow also sad. As Jungkook tried to beg him to stop it almost looked like he regretted what he was doing, but his grip only got tighter.
      Jungkook batted at his lover’s hands as he tried to understand what was happening. He wanted to ask Henry why he was hurting him, he wanted to know what he had done, but mostly he wanted to know what that fucking errand was because he knew now that it had to have something to do with this. How had Henry gone from lying to this so quickly?
     Jungkook’s chest burned as he continued to struggle against Henry, but his attacks were weakening as it became harder and harder to breath. His head felt light like it had when Henry had first kissed him, and he wondered how they had gotten to this point. How could someone he loved so much hold him down and murder him?
     Jungkook never got the chance to ask as the world went dark around him.
    And then she was there smiling.
    “It’s good to see you again, Bunny. Sorry it had to end so soon.”
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     Jimin gasped for air as he sat on the floor of _____’s office. He had started to panic once he saw the heavenly blade on the principalities desk and he had pressed the moon on his chest in fear as he waited for you to pull him back to your dominion. 
     “They’re going to kill you,” he finally said as he turned to face you. “They have a heavenly blade. I saw it. You have to send me back, before Jungkook’s meeting is over, but you need to know that you are not safe.”
     You looked at him with a neutral face that Jimin couldn’t read. “Anything else?”
     Jimin looked at you confused. “No that’s it.”
     “Just my impending erasure from existence then?”
     Jimin nodded his head a frown on his face.
     “Well if it’s just that,” you chuckled. “I guess I’ll see you in a little bit.”
     Jimin went to respond but the familiar feeling of dematerializing echoed throughout his body and soon enough he was back outside of Dragas’ office. Beside him stood one of Dragas’ demons who looked at him skeptically.
     “Didn’t want to take the stairs,” Jimin said with a humorless chuckle, looking down at his shoes. 
     Jungkook emerged with Dragas only moments later and he too seemed surprised to see Jimin. He nodded his head at the angel before motioning for him to follow him down the stairs.
     “Weren’t you supposed to be looking for something,” Jungkook hissed as they walked to the entrance.
     “I found something, and it’s really bad,” Jimin hissed back. “Somehow they got their hands on a Heavenly Blade.”
     Jungkook’s eyes widened as he turned to Jimin. He quickly grabbed the Angel’s arm and pulled him out of Dragas’ mansion. “How do you know that?” He asked once they had made it outside. “How do you even know what one looks like?”
     This was not good. Jimin quickly tried to think of a reason why he, a new demon, would have any idea what kind of weaponry angels used. “_____ showed me what they looked like just in case I saw anything like that while I was searching.”
     Jungkook raised an eyebrow at this but pushed no further. “If you’re right, we’re in way over our heads.”
     “I hope I’m wrong then. I really do.”
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© gimmeyoon — all rights reserved. reposting, modifying, or translation onto other sites even with proper credit given is not permitted.
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blackfen · 5 years
(inspired by both @cockybusiness and @sheithpocalypse)
To say he was getting frustrated was the understatement of the century.
Curled up on his side, staring at the wall, a white hot fire burning in his belly, the smoke traveling up to his lungs and heart, where it settled into the delicate membranes as a sharp, steady ache, Keith tried to make his eyes close, tried to force his body to take that one crucial step towards actually being able to sleep but every time he left himself be engulfed in darkness, Shiro’s baffled expression – one with a hint of agitation around the edges, not enough that someone unfamiliar with him would be able to see but for Keith, it was as clear as daylight – floated up from the dredges of his mind, and he found himself, once again, infuriated to the point that he felt sick.
Behind him, the comm suddenly lit up, emitting a soft squeak that made him flinch. He glanced over at the clock. Right on fucking time. Groaning, he rolled over onto his back to glance over at it. When he saw the familiar name float up onto the screen, he immediately rolled back over, staunchly determined to ignore it. A couple squeaks later, and the thing went quiet. He was thrown into silence again, the only sound being the blood rushing in his ear. What was this? No, seriously, what the fuck was this? Was Shiro messing with him? Was that what this was? Some kind of sick joke? Keith forced himself to take a deep breath. No, no, he knew that wasn’t the case. Shiro would never do something like that…
He was just tired. There’d been a lot of stuff going on, and with this…bizarreness thrown into the mix, he’d been knocked all out of sorts. Right now, he just needed to get some sleep so that tomorrow he would be well rested, and thus would have an easier time just putting all of this out of his thoughts. Tomorrow, he would forget about all the strange calls, he’d forgot about Shiro’s annoyance and exasperation at something that Keith knew was happening but couldn’t explain or understand – he’d forget about all of it.
The comm lit up again, the same familiar squeak. Once again, Keith rolled over, took one look at the screen, and rolled back. Not tonight. He’d answered it every night that this had happened for the past month but not tonight. Whatever joke this was, whoever was playing this cruel trick on him, he’d had enough. No more. The comm went silent. Keith let out a long, heavy breath. Just as he was about to inhale, it lit up again.
And again.
And again, and again, and again.
By the sixth time, red was burning around the corners of his vision. Every muscle in his body was so tense that he was shocked his spine didn’t snap in half. Hurling himself up off the bed, he stomped over to the comm, slammed his hand down onto the answer button and snarled, “What?!”
“There you are.” Shiro’s soft, smooth voice, full of gentle warmth and happiness floated up from the speaker. On screen, his face was clearly visible. The same face he’d seen earlier in the day, looking at him with increasing annoyance, carefully hidden behind a mask of surprise, peered at him through the screen. Only this time, the gaze looking at him was disarmingly sweet. A slight smile tugged at the corners of full lips. There was a comfortable, open, honest look to the Shiro on the screen.
“Shiro, this isn’t funny.” Keith said coldly.
Thick eyebrows rose in surprise. Shiro cocked his head, and asked, “What’s not funny?”
“This!” Keith exploded, jabbing a finger at the screen.
“Keith, I don’t understand. Tell me what’s wrong.” Shiro said soothingly, “Did something happen?”
Scrubbing one hand over his face, Keith snapped, “Why did you lie to me?”
“Lied to you? When?” Shiro responded, sounding confused.
“You said earlier that we haven’t spoken in months!”
“When did I say that?”
“Earlier! When I called you, and asked why you always called me so late, you said we haven’t talked in months! Why did you lie to me? Why did you say that we haven’t talked when you’ve clearly been contacting me?”
Shiro stared at him for a moment, thick brows knit together over a concerned gaze. Speaking slowly, he said, “Keith, this is the first time I’ve contacted you today.”
“Stop-!” Raising up one fist to bring it down hard onto the comm station, Keith stopped short just before impact. Sucking in a deep, shaky breath, swallowing hard against the bile rising in his throat, his stomach a whirling mass of just nausea, Keith set both hands down onto the cool surface of the comm surface, focusing every ounce of his attention on that sensation, of the cold bite of the metal against his skin. He could feel his heart beating. There was a rush of noise in his ears as blood thundered through his veins. He couldn’t remember the last time he was this enraged. It must’ve been years ago, when Voltron was still actually a thing.
“Keith-“ Shiro began to say, obvious concerned laced through his soft voice.
“Don’t.” He coughed out, “Just don’t.”
Sitting down heavily in the nearby chair, covering his face with his hands, he waited until he felt like he could actually breathe again before asking, “Why did you lie to me?”
“Keith, I’m telling the truth. I don’t know what you’re talking about. This is the first time we’ve spoken since yesterday.”
“I talked to you earlier!” Keith exclaimed hotly, “You told me that we-“
“Keith.” Shiro said, “Baby, listen, you need to-“
Whatever he said next was lost to a barrage of cacophonous confusion. ‘Baby’…Shiro had…Shiro had just called him…’baby’. Why…why had Shiro called him ‘baby’? Shiro didn’t call him ‘baby’, Shiro called him Keith, why had Shiro called him ‘baby’?
…who the fuck was he talking to?
The thought had crossed his mind that this might be a huge, elaborate prank or some kind of enemy somewhere trying to trick him but he’d never given a whole lot of credence to the thought…until now that is. Sitting straight up, his anger cooling in response to what might be new found information that could explain this bizarre situation, Keith asked, “Are you really Shiro?”
“As far as I know.” Shiro chuckled, but the smile was quick to fade when Keith didn’t smile back. “Keith, what’s-?”
“Why’d you call me ‘baby’?”
“Just a few moments ago, why’d you call me ‘baby’?”
Looking thoroughly confused by that point, Shiro glanced off to the side, almost as though he didn’t understand the question then looked back, and said slowly, “Because you’re my boyfriend?”
“Keith, what’s going on? Are you okay? Listen, maybe you should come home-“
“What the fuck are you talking about? Shiro, you’re married! You’ve been married for six years now!”
And now there was concern added into the obvious confusion, “Keith, we’ve been together for two years. We haven’t even broached the topic of getting married yet. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’d love to-“
“Not to me! To Curtis!”
“Who? Keith, baby, is your Mom there? Can you go get her?”
If he got out of that chair, he was going to fall flat on his face. His head wasn’t just whirling, it was caught up in a goddamn tornado. Gawking, not even sure what to think at that point – if this was someone trying to trick him, they were doing a sorry fucking job of it. Boyfriend? They hadn’t seen each other in person in six years! They’d barely spoken in those six years! Shiro was married, not to him but Curtis, a man Shiro had only met once, and it was one the first fucking day of his life. The question stood be answer again, even though he didn’t have any information that could fucking answer it: what was this?! Who was this? Why did he look exactly like Shiro, talk like Shiro but ultimately, obviously, wasn’t fucking Shiro?
“Just, stop. I can’t-“ Keith pushed his fingers through his mussed hair. It had to be a trick but if it was a trick, why would they use such an obviously fake story? Who in their right mind would actually think he’d fall for this? It was stupid, beyond asinine! This couldn’t be Shiro!
“Baby, please, look at me.”
“Stop calling me that!” Keith shouted, his head shouting up. Tears slipped out of the corners of his eyes. The reaction from Shiro was immediate. Eyes widening in shock and alarm, he jumped up from his seat, one large hand resting on the corner of the screen, staring up with a look that clearly said that he wanted to be there with him, to be right beside him…but there was millions of light years between them.
“Baby, baby, look at me, what’s wrong? Tell me what’s-“
Suddenly, Shiro’s voice stopped. The transmission was still ongoing but he went still, his expression suddenly slack, eyes completely blank. Letting out a sharp, hard breath, Keith leaned forward, his thoughts racing – was he finally going to see who was behind all this? Was the master mind behind this cruel, unfair prank going to be revealed, giving him a glimpse of whose face he was going to crush underneath the heel of his boot? -  then Shiro seemed to jerk back to life. Giving his head a hard shake, he pinched the bridge of his nose, blinked rapidly several times then slowly looked up.
“Keith?” He said groggily, “What are you? What’s going on?”
“Why’d you call me?” Keith asked softly.
“Call you? Keith, are you still on that? I told you, I haven’t called you.”
“You called me just now.” Keith snapped, suddenly angry all over again. “That’s why we’re talking. Shiro-“
“Keith,” Shiro sighed with obvious irritation, “I don’t have time for this. Curtis and I have a lot of stuff we need to get done tomorrow. I don’t know what’s going on but I’m telling you the truth: I have not called you.”
“Then why are we talking?”
“I don’t know, Keith.” Shiro replied tersely, then seemed to realize how harshly he was speaking. Sighing heavily, his shoulders slumping, Shiro brushed a hand through his short hair, and for the first time, Keith noticed how exhausted he looked, “I’ll talk to you later, Keith. Good night.”
With that, Shiro disconnected the transmission, leaving Keith staring at a blank screen. Sitting back in his chair, angry, confused and exhausted himself, the realization that this wasn’t a prank or a trick crept up from somewhere deep inside his mind. For one, the logistics of it just didn’t work. Two, he couldn’t fathom any reason to do this, other than to cause him torment and this was a little excessive, even for a lot of the enemies he’d made along the way. Three…well, instinct, something he learned to trust a long time ago. Anger, sadness and confusion had caused him to jump to a knee jerk assumption, one that was meant to hurriedly explain something incomprehensible. Now that the source of all those emotions had been removed, leaving him with a smoldering fire deep within the pits of his belly, he couldn’t think…semi clearly.
And it was obvious. That was Shiro…both of them. One was married to Curtis, and didn’t remember calling him during the middle of the night to talk like they’d use to before…before Allura sacrificed herself. The other…Keith’s heart twisted in agony…boyfriend, the other thought they were boyfriends and he was the one who called him. Two Shiros…existing in the same body. It felt like a huge jump to just assume that was the case but…what other explanation was there? None, as far as he could see. He’d even saw the switch, right in front of his very eyes! Shiro probably didn’t even realize it – that’s why he didn’t know he’d been making calls to him in the middle of the night.
“Two Shiros.” Keith mumbled, slowly standing up, the world tilting dangerously. Stumbling back over to his bed, he dropped down heavily, rolled back over onto his side, and curled up into a tight ball. This…this was information he never wanted. There was a Shiro who he used to be close to, who he watched get further and further and further away as their lives became radically different. There was a Shiro he watched walk down the aisle, into the arms of a man who wasn’t him. There was a Shiro who he could barely just talk to anymore – the awkwardness between them was so immense that, at times, he felt as though he was talking to a total stranger. That alone had almost been too much for him to bear, driving him to put even more distance between them so he wouldn’t have to deal with the agony of being an acquaintance after he had once laid bare everything, only to have it forgotten and left to fall into the white abyss of an unknown planet but now…
There was a Shiro who loved him, who called him ‘baby’, who said he was his boyfriend, and they’d been together for years. Yet, there was no relief, no sweetness, no joy to be found in that because this Shiro, an amalgamation of the real one, was hidden deep within the subconscious of a man he loved so much that the night he got married, Keith had spent the night bent over a toilet, vomiting up wave after wave of stomach acid until his throat bled. That…was beyond cruel. It didn’t matter who that Shiro was, what caused such a dramatic split between the two personalities or why this Shiro was in love with him while the other had married someone else, none of it mattered. All that mattered, in that one single solitary moment, was that for the second time, Keith had been given a glimpse of what it felt like to be loved by that man, only to have it ripped away, leaving him gasping for breath, halfway wishing he had never met him in the first place.
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th3okamid3mon · 5 years
[SPOILERS] Review/Ramble on Roma (2018) Dir. Alfonso Cuarón
So i just watch Roma, a movie around the 1970´s (1971 to be precise) in México, Ciudad de México
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For anyone who doesn´t know, there´s this suburb called Roma, that´s why it has that name, its not in Italy or anything jaja. 
By now, probably everyone has seen it or has been like ¨OH, SPANISH! i don´t want to read the english subtitles ¨ (i hope that´s not the case because SO HELP ME DOG), in my unprofessional and cinema student-ish opinion, I like it. 
The movie is recorded in black and white, not sure with what camera or why the decision was to make it that way but the image has great quality and it makes the focus more on the story and characters than the surroundings (not that the art wasn´t important, in fact, it must have been a hell of a work to make certain pallets of colors to make it contrast different to each, also to not make everyone blend together into a weird spot). Cuarón direct, write and was in charge of the photography (which is what he is known for) , his writing was actually really balanced between the serious main parts of the movie, the common daily basis humor and interactions between the characters. 
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Most of the shots were master shots with panning, there were no medium shots nor close ups (At least not until the end of act 3) . Doing this type of shots gives the viewer a chance to see the surroundings of the characters and to view whats going on around. I think this is because, even if we follow the main family and the protagonist Cleo (Yalitza Aparicio), the main point could be that they aren´t the only ones with a life and with problems. We can see other people, we can see them doing their own thing, it gives the film a more genuine feeling about a really busy street, city or town, we can see there´s more life outside the house of the protagonists. 
The whole story has a lot of tragedy, in fact there´s 2 whole stories full of tragedies: Cleo´s (the maid) story and Sofia´s (the employer or ¨patrona¨) story. Cleo is working like a maid and nanny for a family, she doesnt seem to be miserable, just indifferent about that job. It doesnt mean she is uncaring towards Sofia´s children or anything, its just her usual routine that she already knows. It is really nice to watch 2 people which share the same language talking like a usual common thing, other than just spanish. In this case, Cleo and her friend talk in mixteco a native language of México, im glad to see it treated as something usual for them and not like a surprise because there´s still a big community of indigenous people that still practice certain traditions and still talk languages. This includes more people and shows the diversity in the country as well as introducing more talent to the filming industry (not just certain type of people). Cleo isnt mistreated by anyone at the house, which is nice to see (other than the usual racist comments and mistreament), however she has this impotence appearance when her employer gets angry at her (obviously anyone would be terrified, specially if you lived with them and you could be potentionally thrown out). At some point, Cleo gets pregnant and its horrified when she: a) cant convince Fermín (motherfucker 2) that he is the father, and b) isnt sure wether her boss will throw her out of the house or not. 
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Sofia is the employer, her children are Sofia, Paco, Toño and Pepe. Her husband Antonio (motherfucker 1) is a doctor which she loves, but once the story starts developing you get to know in the background that their marriage is crumbling. He goes on having adventures with other woman and lying to Sofia, meanwhile Sofia tries to keep it together while her children are acting like children and pre-teenagers. 
One thing i found interesting is the decision the writer (Cuarón) took when he made almost every male character an asshole. You have Antonio which lies and cheats her wife and then you have Fermin who bails on Cleo once she tells him she´s pregnant, also he threatens to kill her and her unborn child with martial arts (it...got a bit weird...). I would add the kids Paco and Toño because they were acting like disrespectful asshats, but I´ll pretend it was the hormones of teenage years and the whole situation between their mother and father. There´s also el compadre (i think its brother in law) of Sofia who tries to ¨comfort her¨. In general, this movie has certain violence towards female protagonists. 
Another thing i found interesting was how everything was according the era, like everything around the characters was moving independently of the characters. Everyone had to move according to the circumstances around them which they didnt had control over. Most notorious example: 1971, 3 years after Tlatelolco 
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[NOTE: the image above is a real picture took from the protests from 1968]
The characters move around while events like the protests of students are still going around, the children are talking in one scene bout someone who got shot and in another sequence we see Cleo and her patrona going to a store to buy a crib which is interrupted by the screams of horror from the students, then a pair gets inside the store screaming ¨They are killing us!!¨. Then a group of porros (people who are paid by the government to start riots and make the opponent side the responsible of the excessive force used by the police, AKA, making them the guilty ones) get inside and shoot them. That whole scenario is independent of the characters, yet they are involve in it because they are there, and they cant do anything because thats what a person would do in a stressing situation: nothing, besides, Cleo is pregnant at that point so she would obviously wouldnt make any dumb move, specially when she sees that one of the porros is Fermin. 
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[NOTE: this shot is from the actual movie, AKA: ITS NOT REAL]
Including social and politic events in the movie gives it a more authentic atmosphere, it makes the viewer get inside the story and give a view and let us appreciate how México (my country) looked back then as well as giving us a look to everyones personalities during this different time period. 
The interactions of the children and Cleo was the sweetest most adorable thing i have ever seen. Cleo is looked like a human being and not like a third type character, she has a voice and a personality, which is something we dont usually see when it comes to maids. She shares fun with her friends, she has dates, she laughs, she cries, she is human. She also shares part of her culture, with the children and Sofia isnt bother at all. Cleo sings lullabies in mixteco to the little girl Sofia, who gleefully sings with her. Making it so common, so normal and such a nice moment normalizes it; in the shot Cleo and Sofia says prayers first and then Cleo sings her lullaby. Its great to see the interactions and intersections of cultures like that, both are mexicans but come from different homes and cultures, yes, cultures because at the end of the day México is very diverse, it doesnt have just one way to live. There are different cultures within the country. It is really important that we see it as the normal, our normal because we need to include more people, to make it ok for everyone to feel included in the same place, we are from the same place after all. 
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Other important point is the fact that this women have each others back in some sense and in most of the movie. Cleo helps Sofia during her times of need when she is stressing over her husbands infidelity and economic state, while Sofia helps Cleo during her pregnancy. Teresa, Sofia´s mother, also helps Cleo by getting her to a store to buy a crib and Cleo´s doctor is actually a woman, so most of the movie is woman helping woman. NOTE: Im not saying the men in the whole movie are awful people, SOME of them are, the one who have more interactions with the main protagonists. I dont want a radical feminist group to take this movie and twisted like they usually do with EVERY fucking thing. The main point of the movie is looking the hard and tough lives of women from different cultures and how they move on, some man do help like the guy who drive them around or Ramon (a side character which i think it was Adela´s boyfriend, Adela is Cleo´s friend), END OF THE NOTE
It is a good movie that shows a common part of life which involve good and bad things, from tragedies like infant death or civil massacres to the hopefulness of a better way to live, because the end of the movie comes full circles with everyones life but with hopefulness of a bright future. In this case the saying ¨What doesnt kill you makes you stronger¨ fits perfectly. 
The photography and art departments did a great job making the ambient from the 70s and giving the atmosphere to each scene and sequence a heavy and light feeling depending on what was going on. My mom was delighted to see certain places during those times because she remembers during her childhood looking at those different signs and streets, so the ambience was on point. For some reason I feel Netflix sold their soul or something to make this movie cause THOSE CARS LOOK EXPENSIVE, or maybe it isnt as expensive as i thought (should look up that later). The only complaint i could think of is that it should have pass to movie theaters a bit longer or at least project it again cause it can be more appreciated in those places than in your home with a faulty internet (my internet went out at least 7 times); also the effects of the babies were... really awkward to the point of being distracting and funny. They really looked like dolls, they bounce a bit, specially during the scene where Cleo gives birth to the death child (I shouldnt have laugh to that scene...but that damn doll look so plasticy... ) 
All and all, it was enjoyable to watch, the acting was good, even for the children. They did a great job, some of the lines were spoken awkwardly by the oldest kid, as to sound more mature? i guess that was the direction they went for. The characters were likable, they could make you laugh or cry during different times and make you feel for them. 
I think anyone could watch this but it is, what everyone could consider, a slow movie. So make sure to have everything you got and take time to appreciate everything around them, because i think this is like a candy you need to look around, everything they put its meant to be looked at. I give the movie 8/10 
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8 notes · View notes
spideys-pack · 7 years
Stutterin’ Pete {Pt. 5} -Peter Parker x Reader-
Pt. 1 - Pt. 2 - Pt. 3 - Pt. 4 
Part 5! 
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: Peter’s alter-ego starts to interfere with his relationship with you. Now, neither have you have proposed being exclusive but you couldn’t help feeling jealous and driving yourself crazy over the suspicions that Peter, wherever he was, wasn’t alone. This leads you to blow up on him, leaving him in the dust and very confused. It takes a visit from the Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man to truly open your eyes. Patching things up with Peter was easy, it felt great but duct tape only lasts so long.
You also become increasingly aware that Peter, Ned and Michelle would be going to DC soon for the Decathlon Finals. There was one other person that would be going on this trip.. Liz Allan. A girl Peter has been very open about being into since you were kids. Liz’s interactions with Peter start to become more frequent, your fearful brain suspects she has seduced Peter and he had given into his childhood crush. Despite whatever it was that had been going on between the two of you.
Warnings?: This part is probably going to be long.. There’s talking about injuries, swearing and maybe/definitely some fluff. ;)
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“Why don’t you just tell her?” Ned asked fiddling with Peter’s mask. “She would probably understand.” He added. 
“No, no, no.” He said turning his desk chair around to face Ned still holding the small screwdriver in his hand he was been using to tinker with one of his web shooters. “If Y/N knew about this she would be so angry with me. She would worry too much” He said gesturing to the red and blue suit that was laying on the bed next to Ned. 
“I don’t see why you suddenly need Y/N’s approval anyways. It’s not like you guys are together.” 
“We aren’t.” Peter said feeling his heart hammer against his chest feeling as if it was going to thump right out. He turned his back to Ned again trying to hide his blush that he knew was spilling onto his cheeks. “It’s just… You know so I figure it would only be fair if I told her why I’ve been such a flake.” He shrugged his shoulders “But then I realized that just because I’ve known her as long as you and… I trust her, that doesn’t necessarily mean I need to share my secret identity with everyone. You found out by accident so thats almost justified.” 
“And who told you not to tell anyone?” Ned asked. 
“…Mr. Stark.” Peter said 
“Oh… You mean Tony ‘I am Iron Man’ Stark?” He asked Peter paused realizing that Ned had made a good point.
“That doesn’t matter. I don’t have Mr. Stark’s money to have security following me and people I care about. What happens if one of my enemies goes after those closest to me?” He asked 
“What enemies? The fake Avengers from the other night?” 
“Okay fine, future enemies.” Peter grumbled rolling his eyes. 
“Don’t get grumpy with me. It was your idea to tell her and also you that told me it was a bad idea minutes later.” Ned quipped. Peter sighed. 
“You’re right… It’s just… I hate all the lying.” He said 
“I know, man. You’re doing a good thing though. Protecting your family and stuff. Very heroic of you.” He said smirking. 
“Don’t be an idiot, Ned.” Peter said but they both started to laugh. 
“Hey, you.” You smiled into your locker hearing Peter come up behind you. He had waited. You were getting hours at the Library after school, technically only one but you hadn’t expected Peter to wait. You turned to kiss him briefly. 
“I didn’t think you would have waited.” You admitted shoving your books into your backpack. 
“Oh, I did leave.” He assured you. “But I decided to come back for you when the hour was up. How was it?” He asked leaning back on the lockers beside yours. You shrugged. 
“Alright. I mean it was no great task.” You said zipping up your bag. “Speaking of those, did you see the News actually did a story on that Spider-Man guy?” You said Peter coughed. 
“O-oh, no. I haven’t se-seen that.” He said as you closed your locker. 
“He’s pretty cool isn’t he?” You asked slinging your backpack onto your shoulders. He shrugged his own broad shoulders. 
“I g-guess so.” He said as you started towards the exit. 
“I hear Liz Allan has a crush on him.” You said
“She does?” He asked, you internally rolled your eyes at him. Of course, you bring up Liz Allan and his interest in peaked. A little too much, you thought jealously. 
“Yeah,” You added your voice clipped. “That tells you how above high school boys she thinks she is.” You didn’t want to look at him, you felt like you were going to lose your temper even more. 
“Maybe Spider-Man goes to high school.” Peter said nonchalantly. You stopped and fake-checked your phone. 
“I don’t think I can hang out tonight, Pete.” You said 
“Why?” He asked seemingly clueless to the fact that you were blowing him off. 
“My mom wants me to do something.” You lied you couldn’t leave him like this, as much as you wanted to. You put on your best smile tough due to how hurt you were feeling. “Thanks for coming back for me though.” You said he nodded and stepped towards you for what you assumed would be a goodbye kiss or hug. You couldn’t  touch him right now. You didn’t want him to touch you. So you backed away more waving. 
“Bye!” You said and rushed off before he could stop you. 
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It was dark by the time you headed home. You knew it wouldn’t really be that big of a deal since your parents were gone again. Oscorp business is San Fran or whatever. You hated walking by yourself so you kept your head down and moved as fast as you could without running. You nearly made it back to your apartment doorstep when you heard clatter from the alleyway behind. It sounded like a trash can being knocked over.
Like a stereotypical hero film character, you decided to go have a look. You shrieked when you turned the corner and saw none other than the Spider-Man that had been all over social media and youtube. 
“Sp-Spider-Man?” You stuttered he was laying on his stomach struggling to prop himself up on one elbow. He had his other arm wrapped around his torso. He looked up at you, the lenses in his mask widened, you had to hold back a laugh at how expressive his mask was. You put down your bag of take out and rushed over. You heard him whisper something, more to himself before he groaned, you could tell even his voice was definitely disguised by his mask as well. Pretty techy.. You thought to yourself. 
“What are you doing down here?” You asked 
“I had to come to this alley. T-To hide.” He said you looked at his other arm, the one that was holding his torso. 
“Are you injured?” You asked he nodded. 
“I think I was stabbed.” 
“Oh no.” You said “I’ll call you an ambulance.” You went for your phone but Spider-Man reached out with lightning fast reflexes and snatched your wrist with surprising strength, despite how buff he looked under that spandex. 
“No. No hospital.” He said 
“Well, I can’t just leave you here! If you’ve been stabbed,” You shook your head trying to comprehend the new problem you were facing. Peter momentarily out of your thoughts you gave up all sense of reason.
“Can you stand?” You asked “My apartment is right there, I’ll take you in and up the elevator.” You said 
“I think I can walk but you don’t need to do this.” He said 
“No, I don’t. But I would like to. So, do you want my help?” You asked he hesitated for one moment before sticking out his gloved hand. You took it and with a lot of effort on both of your ends, you got him to his feet. Pulling his arm around your shoulders, you dropped an arm to his waist to help him stand. Something about him was familiar but you shook it off as how much you’ve seen him online. 
“Can you grab that?” You asked as you passed your take out bag. 
“Georgio’s?” He asked almost as if offended at your choice in sandwich shops.
“Well, it’s not my first choice. The place me and my best friend go to kind of got blown up in that bank robbery you stopped the other night.” You said 
“Sorry, about that.” He said 
“Well, I would be a little less inclined to help you if Mr. Delmar or his cat Murph had died. Mind you but I heard you saved them too. So, no apology needed.” You said you pushed the outer glass door open with your foot but had to lean Spider-Man against the wall to unlock the inner door with your key before getting him to lean on you again. It didn’t take you long to get him down to the hall and at the elevators you reached over and jabbed the button for your floor. 
Mrs. Wembley was out in the hall was you exited the elevator so you tried to act as casual as possible. 
“We’re just getting back from a convention.” You said “My friend here had a little too much to drink.” You said rolling your eyes. 
“You kids should drink more responsibly.” She said and pushed her apartment door open. 
“And you should mind your own business.” You muttered blushing when you heard Spider-Man chuckle at a comment he wasn’t supposed to hear. Shoving your key into its place and turning it pushing the door open. You brought Spider-Man over to the couch, pulling a sheet over it before guiding him down. 
“Wait here.” You said you rushed over to the kitchen shutting the door and flicking to bolt across but also throwing the chain across too, just in case your parents decided to show up out of the blue again like they did the last time Peter was over. Your heart felt heavy as you thought of him. You had realized you were over reacting and had been finding out what to say to him when you got home. You had bought sandwiches to break the ice for your apology. That looked like it was going to have to be put on hold considering the superhero on your couch. Taking out your phone you texted the next person you thought of. Ned. 
You: Ned!!! I’m freaking out. You won’t believe what happened to me!!!
You pocketed your phone, grabbed a tray, filled it with hot water, grabbed a towel and the First Aid Kit your parents left underneath the sink, a candy bar and some orange juice. You piled the things on the tray then came back. Setting the tray on the table, you looked back at Spider-Man who was watching you. Or at least you thought so, his eyes were quite expressive so you just assumed. 
“I brought some things to help, I don’t really know how to deal with stab wounds but, I can clean it and try to make sure it doesn’t get infected or something.” You said feeling your phone vibrate in your butt pocket. 
“That’s great.” He said 
“Oh, the orange juice and candy bar are for you.. Blood sugar and stuff. Just in case you have lost a lot of it, I thought it would be good to have.” You realized you were babbling and quickly turned away acting like you were busy with the First Aid Kit, you pulled out your phone reading Ned’s text. 
Ned: What?! Is everything alright??? 
You: Everything is okay with me but for the SUPERHERO ON MY COUCH not so good. YEAH SPIDER-MAN IS ON MY COUCH, HE’S INJURED WTF DO I DO????
You sent the text and looked back at Spider-Man who was eyeing the take-out back with sandwiches in it. 
“You can have one of those.” You said pulling out things you thought you might need. 
“Are you expecting company?” He asked 
“No… You’re safe here, Why?” You asked 
“You said one of those. Or do you just eat two sandwiches?” He asked 
“Oh, no.” You waved him off. “One of those is for that best friend I was telling you about earlier. I was going to go to his apartment to apologize for something stupid I did earlier today.” You said 
“What did you do?” He asked reaching for the sandwich bag. 
“I got all jealous. You see- Nevermind you probably don’t care about this. I’ll bore you into throwing yourself out that window.” You pointed to the far window he chuckled. 
“No, I promise. If you’re going to patch me up and feed me, we might as well share some secrets.” The eyes on his masks narrowed in mock suspicion when you said secrets, it was an appearance enough to get a giggle out of you. 
“Okay, well, My best friend has had this crush on this girl since we were kids. Her name is Liz… Um, she’s a senior. We’re Freshmen.” You said rolling your eyes. “I would love to inform you that she’s a complete snob and completely unbearable but they would be lies. The problem is I actually like the girl.” You grumbled. 
“Why is that a problem?” He asked “Do you mind if I have the one with the pickles?” He added 
“Go head.” You said “It’s because I like him. I have for as long as I can remember. I mean since we were just little tikes. Our parents knew each other and our moms were pregnant at the same time so we spent practically every day together since the womb. It sounds weird and cliche but Peter-” You broke off “That’s his name.” You said Spider-Man nodded and held the sandwich ready to bite until he seemed to remember he was wearing a mask. Glancing towards you, he pulled it up to just above his nose. Part of you wanted to search for any simulates to see if you could place him but you didn’t bother. You didn’t have the kind of luck to know someone who was a superhero. Your phone vibrated again. 
Ned: TREAT HIM DUMBY! HE FIGHTS CRIME FOR US. But don’t lift up his mask, that’s like rescuing a hero code. It’s totally uncool to do that. And maybe he’s the “I’d tell you but then I’d have to kill you type of superheroes??? Tell me everything later! Go be a Doctor!!!
Rolling your eyes at Ned’s text before putting your phone on the table. 
“So,” You began again. “It probably does seem like a cliche for me to be into my best friend or whatever but recently, I thought it was mutual.” You said deciding telling Spider-Man about your sex life was just too weird. You crawled on your knees towards him with the bowl of hot water and cloth. “Would you mind lifting that or something?” You asked gesturing to the upper portion of his suit. He put the sandwich down, reaching up he tapped the spider on his chest and the suit seemed to grow ten sizes, he easily slipped out of the top half, keeping his mask tightly secured on his face. You gently pushed him back towards the back of the couch you climbed on beside him and started to wipe at his knife slash. 
“It’s not a stab. It’s more of a slash. You won’t need stitches or anything. Just a bandage and you’ll be golden in a few days.” You said 
“Cool.” There was silence apart from the occasional hiss from Spider-Man as you touched certain sensitive parts of the wound. “So, keep my mind off of all this…” He gestured to the cotton balls and rubbing alcohol you just picked up. 
“Tell me more about… You and Peter.” He said 
“Well, that’s the problem.” You said “There isn’t a me and Peter. Officially. I can’t look at a girl who is looking at him and tell her he’s mine or tell people he’s my boyfriend… Even just to hold his hand.” You thought sadly “Just to hold his hand in the hallway at school or on the street. I’ve dreamed about it for years. Just to show everyone around that I found my… Han Solo.” You smiled to yourself sticking a cotton ball to the mouth of the bottle and tipping it upside down to wet it. 
“Well,” He said but seemed to be stuck. “If you want this Peter guy to be your boyfriend.. Why don’t you tell him? Maybe he feels the same way? Why don’t you make your move?” He asked flinching as you dabbed the slit of his wound with the alcohol cotton ball. 
“Well, because Han shot first.” You said with a smirk you were rewarded with seeing the beginning of a smile on his face as he pulled the mask back down. “No, I guess it’s just because… Since we’ve kissed and since we…” You stopped “Well, we’ve been sort of couple-ish but neither of us have brought it up. I think it’s just because we’re both afraid of pushing it. I mean what we have is great. I love it but it’s the fact that I can’t tell other people. I mean, I want to be able to tell Liz and other girls to back off but, I don’t have the right too, you know?” You said 
“I understand…” He said as you reached for a tube of polysporin from the First Aid Kit. You grabbed a q-tip and turned back. You realized that his voice hadn’t been disguised earlier but you hadn’t picked up on it, no matter how hard you tried you couldn’t remember what it had sounded like “But.. You’re a guy… How would you feel about this sort of situation?” You asked 
“I don’t know how other guys would react but if I was Peter.. I would hold your hand in the hallway.” He said you blushed turning away to grab a gauze pad. You rubbed the polysporin on with the q-tip then placed the gauze pad down. You placed a bit of sticky guaze over top of that and leaned back admiring your work. 
“I think you’ll make it, Spider-Man.” You said He nodded to you. 
“Thank you, citizen.” He said you laughed. 
“Are you strong enough to go home to wherever you live?” You asked 
“Would you mind if I just sat here for a little bit? I’m still reeling from the fight.” He said 
“Of course.” You said you grabbed a pillow from the other end of the couch fluffing it up before putting it beside him. “You can lay down. Want a blanket or something?” You asked 
“No, I’m-” you jumped as he stopped talking. He looked towards the door. 
“What?” You asked 
“I have to go.” He said getting up 
“What? No, you should rest.” 
“I’ll be fine.” He said looking towards the door again with a slight flinch. 
“Oh um, okay. That window opens.” You pointed to one of the living room windows. 
“Great, thanks.” He rushed over to the window sliding it up just as you heard the key slide into place on the other side of the door. “Thank you for everything.” He said before dropping out of the window. You ran over to see if he had stuck the landing or not but he was gone. There was no sign of the red and blue suit anywhere. 
Holy shit. I just met Spider-Man! I gotta tell- 
Your heartsank as you thought about Peter. You looked down at the table where the half eaten sandwich was laying. There goes your peace offering… Perhaps the new peace offering could be telling him the Spider-Man story? Leaving out the parts where you used him as your own personal Dr. Phil… Your parents were knocking on the door pushing at the chain bolt. 
“Sorry! I’m coming.” You said grabbing as much stuff off the living room table as possible and threw it in the garbage. Once the door was opened and your parents tiredly shuffled in with their duffle bags you grabbed a garbage bag and wen back to the living room while they were distracted with getting their usual glass of wine after they came home from different places.
“Home from San Fran so early?” You asked grabbing the half eaten sandwich and throwing it away, a couple pieces of gauze and the cloth you had used because you didn’t no where else to put it. You tied off the bag and grabbed the bowl of water that was still warm against your arm. You dropped the bag by the door and ducked behind your dad dumping out the water in the bowl. 
“Oh, it was quite the chain of events.” Your mother muttered sipping her wine. “We get half way there when we find out the deal had fallen through. Probably something Norm said.” She shook her head. 
“Hey, it’s not his fault. He’s stressed lately.” Your Dad jumped to Norman Osborn’s defence. 
“Oh, Norm can do no wrong in your eyes. Neither could Richard. Including-” Your mother stopped as if realizing you were still here. Your parents didn’t like mentioning Richard Parker when you were around. You always assumed it was because they felt guilty since they knew Peter’s parents better than he could. They did it with Ben too. You remembered how May, Ben and your parents used to get together and have game night when you and Peter were kids that’s originally how you had met him. Your parents couldn’t find a sitter and it turns out neither could Richard and Mary so Peter had come along too. He started to come around a lot after you first met. Your mother later told you it was because he didn’t really have any other kids to play with since Norman Osborn had sent his son, Harry to boarding school when they were only kids so that took away Peter’s only friend. You and Peter only had each other for a long time. You reflected sadly on that one day Peter came to his Aunt and Uncles but that time he was holding a suitcase and was wrapped in his uncles jacket. You remember the night his parents got in the plane crash. Peter was hollow for a couple years after. This was until he started being comfortable with the idea of May and Ben as his guardians and even started to be happy but this year, Uncle Ben was murdered and it had brought back a lot of things for Peter. You suspected he was still in a lot of pain from it but he was choosing to hide it for May’s sake who sometimes, when you were over and she thought she was alone, you could hear her crying quietly to herself. 
“I’m sorry guys but I gotta go.” You said 
“Go where? It’s passed midnight.” 
“To Peter’s I need my science notes off him.” You said and pulled the door open before any more objections could be made. You took the short stair case up onto Peter’s floor and rushed down to his apartment door, almost doing it naturally. You reached it and knocked. May was always up at this hour anyways. Ever since Ben. You waited but there was no answer. You knocked again this time harder. 
“May? Peter?” You said you knocked again and waited. You backed away, someone had always answered the door. Always. Your world felt suddenly really small as you were consumed with guilt over how you had treated Peter. Reflecting on your conversation more and more you realized that you had been a complete jealous bitch. And if you were being honest, it was majorly your fault. You’re the one that didn’t propose you guys be exclusive. You had no right to get angry at him for being so blatantly into someone else. He wasn’t the one at fault. Giving up, you turned around and went back to your apartment. 
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You talked to your parents for a little over half an hour about their trip before finally retiring to your room. You didn’t bother to turn on your light as lightning flashed outside, rain smacking against your windows. You shuffled over to your bed and stripped off into your underwear, you crawled under the covers and felt prickly tears in your eyes as the scent of Peter surrounded you, but this time his warm arms didn’t come with the scent. 
You made yourself even more upset the more you thought about where he was. Perhaps he had slept over at Ned’s? They did that sometimes lying to their parents that they had assignments and then staying up all night playing video games. You fought the compulsion to text Ned.  
Or maybe he went to visit Liz. 
You cursed yourself, angrily rolling onto your side. Even if he was, you didn’t have a right to be angry. Yes, the two of you were sleeping together and acting like a couple but neither have you had proposed it. The fact was that Peter wasn’t yours to keep out of another girls arms. The thought of Peter holding Liz as she slept at this very moment made you finally cry. Had you ruined it getting angry at him and bailing without an explanation? Pulling out your phone you checked to see if he had replied to your earlier text asking if you could talk. He hadn’t. You locked your phone and tossed it onto your dresser. Of course. 
You woke up with a chest full of emotion, a brain heavy with possible scenarios. You had slept in so you couldn’t catch Peter at the train stop so you decided on going to his locker. You marched into the school with purpose. You saw him at Ned’s locker, he was wearing a dark red long sleeved shirt was a dark grey and white plaid collared shirt underneath with black jeans. He looked good. You reflected grumpily. When you reached him you reached out and grabbed his arm with both of your hands and pulled him. 
“I need to talk to you. Excuse us, Ned.” You said yanking Peter down the hall until you reached the music room you opened the door and pulled him in closing the door. 
“What the hell are you doing, Y/N?” Peter sounded more confused than angry. He was oblivious. 
“Where were you last night?” You asked his face went pale and his eyes widened. 
“I w-was at h-home. Why?” He asked scratching his neck. 
“Oh, you were, were you?” You narrowed your eyes. 
“I don’t understand what you’re trying to say here, Y/N..” He said passing his notebook from hand to hand. 
“Were you with her?” You asked 
“Her?” Peter asked 
“Liz!” You shouted but it came out more like a croak. You had convinced yourself this was it. 
“What?” He said his brows coming together “No!” 
“Then why didn’t you answer my texts or answer your door when I knocked. Where was May? Where were you?” You started to cry and Peter dropped his notebook on one of the chairs and rushed towards you pulling you into him. You wanted to push away from him. There was still something he was hiding.
“My phone died and I couldn’t find the charger. May’s not home because she took a girl’s trip.” He said stroking your hair soothingly. 
“What about you?” You asked 
“Me? I w-was with St-Stark.” He said 
“Are you lying?” You asked leaning away from him, enough to look into his eyes. 
“No. Why would I lie?” He asked 
“Can I ask you something?” You asked he pulled you against him again. 
“Do you have the same feelings you have for me, towards Liz?” Peter tensed before he backed away from you. 
“God, Y/N, Can you let this go already? It’s a crush. A crush.” He said he was getting angry now, you could see that. 
“You can’t blame me for being afraid! She’s the prettiest most popular girl in the school and she’s on your decathlon team and she’s-” 
“Not you.” Peter said it would have been a sweet comment if he hadn’t snapped it at you. “I’m with you. Not with Liz. I thought that would have been made pretty clear by now.” He turned around putting his hands through his hair sighing with exasperation.  
“Oh has it? I can’t recall you asking me to be your girlfriend or to be exclusive or grabbing my hand in public.” You said 
“You don’t do those things either!” He turned around throwing up his arms. “For all I know you could have not wanting those things.” He said 
“Why didn’t you say anything?” You asked 
“Because what if I was right? What if I told you I wanted to be exclusive, what if I told you I wanted to hold your hand and what if you didn’t want that. That would ruin our friendship and that is the last thing I want to happen.” He said 
“Oh, Peter…” You stepped forward but he took a step back. 
“I told you it was only you. I said I only wanted it to be you. Did those words mean nothing to you?” He asked 
“When did you say that?” You asked he looked puzzled for a moment. 
“In your defence, I think you were sleeping at the time.” You couldn’t help but smile. Quickly dismissing it trying to maintain the seriousness. 
“Those words do mean something to me, Peter. They mean everything to me.” You said he took a step forward and reached out taking your hand in his much larger one, reaching up with the other hand to cup your face, stroking your cheekbone with his thumb. 
“Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?” He asked you smiled up at him. 
“If you’ll still have me. Yes.” You said 
“I’ll still have you.” He smiled back at you, you leaned up and kissed him deeply. 
“We should probably tell Ned. He would never forgive us if the rumour mill got to him before we did.” You said Peter nodded he let go of your hand to grab his notebook. 
“At lunch.” He said you nodded in agreement. 
“Lead the way… Girlfriend.” He said following behind you as you rolled your eyes but couldn’t help the huge grin on your face. 
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“Is this a joke?” Michelle asked from across the table. Ned sat beside her staring at you and Peter who had just told your secret to them. It was a secret anymore. You and Peter were together. A couple. 
“No, MJ. It’s not a joke.” Peter rolled his eye
“Oh well then good luck to you both.” She shrugged, smiled and snatched the apple off your tray taking a bite and looking back down at her book. 
“So… You’re together, together?” Ned asked 
“Yes, Ned.” You smiled “A couple.” He was blank for one more moment before grinning like a kid in a candy shop. 
“Awesome. My best friend and my other best friend. I’m glad you guys finally got together.” He said sipping his drink. 
“Finally?” Peter asked 
“It was pretty obvious.” Michelle said “It’s always been there, it just took you guys waaaay to long to see it.” She said not once looking up from her book. 
“I don’t know how you notice anything with your nose jammed so far into books. Perhaps it was all an illusion from all the glue in the spine you’ve been huffing.” Peter said both you and Ned laughed as she flipped him off. 
“Hugs and kisses to you too, MJ.” Peter muttered looking back at Ned. 
“So what time is the Decathlon practice tonight?” He asked lightly drumming his finger tips on the table. 
“I don’t know, maybe you should ask, Liz. She’s coming right over here.” Ned said his eyes locked on the moving figure over Peter’s shoulder. 
“Hey guys.” Liz greeted her entourage standing by. 
“Hey Liz.” Both Ned and Peter croaked. 
“Hey.” Michelle muttered, nose still in her book. 
“Hey.” You said lifting a fry to your lips. 
“Just a reminder that practice is tonight right after school. Is that okay for you?” She asked 
“Fine.” Peter said you rolled your eyes at his smile. He’s just friendly. You kept telling yourself. It’s just a crush, he wouldn’t act on it. He’s with you now. He only wants it to be you, remember. You kept telling yourself. 
“I can do after school.” Ned said blushing like crazy as Liz smiled at him. 
“Alright,” You nearly snapped at her when she gave Peter’s shoulder a squeeze before turning away. “I’ll see you guys then.” She said over her shoulder.
You officially hated her. You caught Michelle looking up from her book at you, she rolled her eyes. “I know.” She mouthed. 
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It had been three days since you and Peter came out as a couple, so far so good, except for the fact that you had to leave New York for the day and Michelle texted you saying Liz sat with them at lunch and was getting really flirty with Peter and kept touching his arm and stuff. She had provided no comment on how Peter reacted to the whole thing so you didn’t know how to feel. You went by Peter’s when you got back which was a little before school ended. Aunt May let you in and the two of you talked until she had to head out and do some laundry. You laid on the couch watching tv until you heard Peter’s key slide into place. You shut off the tv and sat up. Peter walked in, you could hear his music playing through his ear buds from here. Highway to Hell by AC/DC. Oh, what an appropriate soundtrack. He almost kept going straight to his room until he froze and backed up. He turned and saw you, his brows came together and he slowly reached up click the pause button on his earbuds and slowly pulling them out. 
“Y/N? What… What’s up?” He said 
“I don’t, is there something up?” You asked he slowly came over and sat on the couch beside you. 
“What’s going on?” He asked his hand slipped onto your knee. 
“I heard you had quite the lunch hour.” You said. Like that, his shoulders slumped and his eyes rolled into the back of his head as he dropped it onto the back of the couch. 
“Oh, I’m sorry. Am I boring you?” You asked crossing your arms across your chest. 
“A little, yes.” He said getting up, he walked around the sofa to go into the kitchen, you turned leaning over the back of the couch to keep your eyes on him. “Why do you keep bringing this up?” He questioned going into the fridge and grabbing a can of cola. “It’s never going to get better if you don’t,” He popped the soda open “Let it go.” He said taking a sip. 
“I can’t let this go, Peter. How would you feel if you heard that the hottest most popular guy at school sat next to me and was having his hands all over me and flirting with me all lunch hour?” You asked 
“Who told you this? Was it Ned?” He asked leaning on the counter. “No, no. I bet it was MJ.” He said 
“That doesn’t matter.” You said sharply 
“Well, I would like to know who said this, who blew this way out of the gate. Yes, Liz had lunch with us. No, she was not flirting with me and she certainly didn’t have her hands all over me. Okay?” He said taking another drink from his coke. “And as for how I would feel if the situation was reversed?” He set the can down and walked around to sit on the coffee table in front of you. “Well, I would like to think I trust you enough not to act on your crush. Because a crush is completely different than what I feel for you.” He said bringing your hand to his lips and kissing it. 
“Yes, I’ll admit. Liz is pretty. But that’s it. We’re polar opposites besides the fact that we are on a mathlete team. I have no history with her and I don’t feel like our personalities would do well together. I think I’m bias since I had already had my other half since I was a kid.” He said you found yourself smiling as he continued to speak. “Liz Allan is nothing but a school yard crush. I have no future with her. You,” He said squeezing both of your hands in his “Are my future.” You felt a tear roll down your cheek as you put both hands on his cheeks pulling your lips together. He leaned into you, his hands slipping onto your thighs. 
“I’m so sorry.” You said breathless against his mouth kissing him again. 
“Prove it.” He said against your’s your heart skipped a beat as you reached for his belt buckle. 
A/N: HOLY SHIT THIS WAS LONG Anyways, thanks to everyone for reading, liking and commenting and stuff. It really means a lot to her what people think. 
Just keep letting me know if you want me to keep going or if you want to be tagged. Message me whenever too, I’ll try my best to reply. ALSO Follow my new account, that’s where I’ll be moving all of my stuff after I delete this blog. It's called: @tom-spldey
@twenty-two-airplanes / @rosaetum / @smokeychan1216 
Let me know if you want to be tagged too :) 
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topazpearl · 7 years
A Charitable Risk
Hello I wrote a fic that I’ve had in my head for literally years and im posting it now cause im excited about it. (i submitted it to my friend to beta read and she accidentally posted it so thats why you’re seeing it twice)
Rating: General, post-series
Length: 2,251
“Can you even imagine..?” Ms. Margaret said, covering her mouth in awe.
Nana had stars in her eyes. “You could make so many dresses… shirts.. anything!”
Husky and Cooro stood outside the mass of women, only catching glances of the object of adoration. Cooro’s curiosity got the better of him and he went into the crowd. Husky grimaced, but didn’t follow; he would’ve only gone in if somebody paid him. Cooro picked up Nana’s familiar voice. “The price though…” she said dejectedly.
“Yes… I suppose that’s expected,” Margaret said.
Finally getting to the shop window, Cooro gawked at the machine too, oblivious to some stares from older ladies.
“It’s a sewing machine,” Nana said to him. “It makes the needle go way faster than a hand can, so you can make a lot of clothes really fast!”
“Whoa…” Cooro said as the crowd cleared enough that Husky felt comfortable coming over.
“Isn’t it amazing?” Nana said.
“Like you’d be able to afford it,” Husky scoffed after giving the machine a good look over.
Nana huffed. “I…I know that!”
“Clothes hand-stitched are made with more love anyhow,” Margaret cooed, gently moving Nana away from the window to continue their shopping, though sparing one last glance at the machine.
Husky followed, since another wave of women were coming to awe. “The stuff girls are willing to spend money on…”
“If they saved enough, they could buy it, right?” Cooro said behind him.
“Yeah, but that money is needed for food, next winter’s stock, Mr. Harden and Ms. Margaret have taxes they need to pay. I will admit it’s an interesting machine, but there are more important things. Besides, it’s so big and bulky. Nana couldn’t carry that thing around if…” Husky trailed off. ‘If we leave,’ he thought.
“But y’know…” Cooro said, “we’ve already been staying with Mr. Harden and Ms. Margaret for a year now, and they’ve said they’re happy to have us.”
Husky furrowed his brow. Their group had talked about leaving off and on for months, but for whatever reasons, they had continued to stay. Harden had been ordered another big smithing job from the military, and they had helped. Or when winter came and it was a place to wait it out. They were getting quite comfortable here. Husky wouldn’t point it out, but he could sense Harden and Margaret had become like parents to the others. As for him… well, the two adults were very nice (he’d never admit that Ms. Margaret had earned a spot on his very short “Bearable Women” list), but his mom would always be his mom.
Husky shot a glance at Margaret; she had revealed to be a +anima in the past to them a while back, which had made her and Nana grow incredibly close. It seemed like they were in safe, warm hands…
“Do you really think we could..?” Husky responded in a low voice, looking at the ground. His anxiety just wouldn’t let him say yes. It’d been a miracle the nearby town hadn’t found out they were +anima yet. But what if they did? Surely it was inevitable with people like Cooro and Senri in their group. Would they force Mr. harden and Ms. Margaret to kick them out? His thoughts were so heavy he almost missed Cooro’s answer.
“We won’t know until we try,” the boy smiled.
“We’re home,” Margaret called as she and the kids entered the house.
Harden and Senri paused their work, peering into the room. “Hello,” the older man said.
“Mr. Harden, Senri!” Nana piped up. “You wouldn’t believe what we saw in town today!”
“Hmm? What?” the man said, leaning on the door frame separating the house from his workshop.
“There was a machine that would do sewing for you! They say you can make clothes almost seven times as fast!” The girl’s face lit up just talking about it.
Harden looked at Margaret, who stopped putting groceries away to slightly smile. “Yes, it looked amazing,” she said.
“I had heard rumors of such a machine being patented. Looks like it’s official,” Harden said, crossing his arms.
“I wish I had one,” Nana groaned. “But it’s… super expensive.”
“You’d be able to get more work,” Harden said to Margaret.
“Yes,” she said, her eyes soft and wistful. “I could even have time to make some of the ideas I’ve had for clothes…”
“Right?” Nana piped in. “I’d be able to have more than just a couple dresses at a time.”
Margaret could feel Harden’s thoughtful gaze on her. “Like we said, we wouldn’t be able to afford it. We’ve gotten by without one all this time, after all,” she smiled, though showing disappointment on her face. “Come on Nana, let’s go get firewood for dinner.” She lead the girl out back. Despite the woman’s attempt to change the conversation, Nana still continued to gush about the sewing machine, her voice muffled outside the house.
Husky sighed, slightly annoyed the topic was brought up again, though he hadn’t considered what Harden had said, about Ms. Margaret making more money.
Cooro and Harden exchanged a look. “Come in here, boys,” Harden said, motioning into his workshop.
The air was still light with spring, though the streets were starting to become shaded by new leaves. Senri and Nana were alone running errands. Out of the corner of his eye, Senri saw a stack of golden jars on a vendor’s table. He stopped and picked one up, inspecting the sweet syrup inside.
Nana took notice. “Oh! That’s probably some of the first honey of the season. I know we still have some, but it might be nice to buy a small fresh batch. I know you like it.”
Senri closed his eye in thought. He shook his head after a moment, and put the honey jar back on the table.
“Oh,” Nana blinked. “You sure?”
Senri nodded, looking at her.
“Alright… I suppose it might be better in a few months anyway,” she said, continuing down the street.
“it’s soooo hoooot,” Cooro whined as the kids sat in the shade. It wasn’t even noon yet, but the air was already incredibly heavy with humidity. Husky knew if he wasn’t careful his pale skin would completely fry today in the summer sun.
“Ooh!” Cooro said excitedly. “The sweets shop has ice cream now! We should get some!”
“No,” Husky said before anyone else could agree.
“Ah..” Cooro fumbled a bit. “C’mon Husky just this once would be ok, right?” he said.
“He can do what he wants with his money, Husky,” Nana piped in. “That sounds really good actually.” Her eyes kinda glazed over thinking about the cold treat.
“Because,” Husky said, his voice like daggers, giving Cooro a wide-eyed glare, “it’ll only cool you off for a few minutes, and then you’ll be hot again.”
Nana was about to object, but Cooro gave a small sigh, “Yeah.”
Nana stared at him incredulously for a second. Cooro? Being this easily convinced not to have food?? What? “Cooro, are you feeling ok?” she said, rushing at the boy and putting a hand on his forehead. “Is the heat getting to you? Are you dizzy?”
“No, Nana I’m fine,” Cooro laughed, leaning away.
“But you never say no to food..!” she said, still not completely believing him.
“He’s just finally starting to listen to me,” Husky said, standing up. “Let’s just go swimming in the river again. It’s free.”
Cooro followed. “You should get me some fish to make up for it. Or crawdads!” he smiled.
“…Fine.” Husky did his best to ignore Nana’s burning stare on the back of his head.
Autumn leaves blew across the ground as Cooro, Husky, and Senri walked to meet up with Mr. Harden in town. They moved quickly, anxious to ditch the large sums of money they were carrying hidden in their bags. Husky felt it the most. He still couldn’t quite believe they were doing this. As they approached to pass the jewelry shop, a place Husky was all too familiar with, he tried to create tunnel vision for himself. But his heart and eyes failed him, as a huge blue jewel centerpiece caught his attention. It was pretty high quality, Husky could tell just by looking at it. He loved the cut, too. Even in the cold, dreary light it shined bright-
“Husky? What’s up?” Cooro’s voice broke his trance. The crow +anima came back to him, standing still in front of the shop’s window.
“Nothing,” Husky lied, glancing away from the jewel’s high ticket price. Now he was extremely aware of the saved money in his bag. He just stared at the ground in conflicted thought. ‘I can actually afford it. When am I even going to have this much money again?’
Cooro and Senri glanced between the jewels in the glass case and Husky’s face.
“Husky… Mr. Harden’s waiting for us,” Cooro said in an uncharacteristically small voice.
“I-I know, I’m-“ Husky looked at his friends’ uneasy faces, and sighed. He could not believe he was doing this. “I’m coming.” He forced himself to walk away, one foot in front of the other. The tension broken, Senri and Cooro followed, smiling at him.
“Shut up,” Husky growled.
“We didn’t say anything Husky.”
“I swear to God Cooro if you don’t take that down I’m gonna throw it in the fireplace,” Husky frowned, his bangs flipping around as Cooro’s wings stirred the air in the house.
“Aw but it’s a tradition Husky,” Cooro said from the ceiling.
“I don’t care, I’m not kissing anyone in this house.”
“Husky’s a Grinch,” Nana said from the kitchen.
“You get stuck under that thing and see how you like it,” Husky scowled.
Ms. Margaret came over, wiping her hands on her apron. “Nobody’s going to force you to do anything,” she assured. “Besides, you can avoid it all together if you want.” Husky still stared at the mistletoe as if it was going to sting him.
Cooro landed on the floor, wings splayed excitedly behind him. “Is dinner ready yet?”
“Yes,” Margaret smiled.
After everyone had stuffed their faces, Nana leaned forward in her chair and said, “Can we open presents now?”
“Of course,” Margaret said, and Harden added with a nod. Cooro rushed to the Christmas tree with a cheer, as if he hadn’t just filled his gut to the brim with food. The others followed. After they had opened all the presents under the tree and wrapping paper strew the floor, Margaret leaned back in her chair. “I guess we should start cleaning this mess up.”
The boys exchanged knowing glances, and Harden’s mustache bristled with a smile. “There’s one more,” he said.
Harden and Senri went into his workshop, and came back out carrying a big box. Cooro’s smile broadened as Margaret raised a hand to her mouth. “Oh my goodness!”
“Wh-what did you get?” Nana exclaimed, coming over to the box.
“Open it and find out,” Husky said, his face showing the faintest of smiles.
“It’s for both of you ladies,” Harden said. The two females looked at each other before unwrapping the brown paper, their hearts beating in excited curiosity. Margaret cut open the simple box. She and Nana gasped, seeing the shiny sewing machine and cabinet stand inside.
Nana’s hands flew to her mouth, eyes already becoming watery. “Oh my gosh! You guys..! You guys!” she said, looking at her friends, her voice high and muffled.
“Merry Christmas Nana, Ms. Margaret,” Cooro beamed.
“Merry Christmas,” Senri smiled.
Tears streamed down Nana’s face as she hugged each one of them, even Husky.
“Alright, alright, yeah, Merry Christmas,” Husky said, lightly patting her.
Margaret continued to stare at the sewing machine in shock and awe. “Harden…”
“The boys and I saved up all year for it,” Harden smiled, returning Nana’s hug.
“Thank you so much! Thank you!” Nana said, trying to wipe tears off her face. She eagerly removed the rest of the box, revealing the machine in its full glory.
“You’re welcome,” Harden and Cooro chimed.
“Th-thank you… all of you,” Margaret smiled at Harden and the boys. “You didn’t have to do this.” Husky fiddled with his hair, becoming flustered by the girls’ gratitude.
“We wanted to,” Cooro said. “You obviously really wanted it.”
Nana looked up from the instruction manual she was now reading. “It explains why you guys never bought anything for yourselves all year. I never thought it’d be for this…” She glanced around at the other gifts strewn around the room. She had been satisfied with what she had made for the boys for Christmas, and they said they liked it, but it all felt unequal now.
“I’m going to make you all something with this,” Nana said to the guys. “Something really special. Anything you want! In repayment for this…”
“Really?” Gooro gasped. Senri blinked in surprise.
“You don’t need to do that,”Harden replied. “This was a gift.”
“You already make most of our clothes anyway,” Husky mumbled.
“I..I want to,” Nana said firmly.
“I’ll help her,” Margaret said, a same firmness in her usually soft eyes. “It’s the least we can do. You boys worked so hard for this.” Nana nodded with Margaret’s statement.
Harden sighed and crossed his arms. “Well alright. There’s probably no use trying to stop you gals anyway.”
“I see no better way to make first use of this machine,” Ms. Margaret smiled at Nana. “Right?”
“Yeah,” the girl said, smiling too.
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reidimagines · 7 years
Really like you
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Prompt: “I would like a OneShot in which Spencer is in charge of approaching the reader to find out about UNSUB who is ur mother, you are very shy and you 2 end up falling in love. But the reader discovers that he is from the FBI and feels sad why as someone like him would like her? Spencer on his way back home and ur mother is threatening you as the new victim”
Requested?: Yes, by Anon
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Y/n sat in a chair, comfortable waiting for her food, enjoying the warm sun. She smiled softly as the guy put down her plate and whispered a thank you, barely hearable. She started to eat when a voice made her look up. 
“I’m sorry, but is this seat taken? All the others are taken.” A handsome young man stood in front of her table, and when Y/n realized he was talking to her, she almost dropped her spoon. 
“Uhm, no. I don’t think it is.” She whispered, looking around. He looked just as awkward as she felt, and that was a relief for her. A very awkward silence followed. At the very last, he tried to to talk to her. 
“How are you?” She almost chocked on her food. 
“I-I’m fine.” She whispered and gave him a soft smile. She wasn’t fine, but why would she tell him that. “How are you?” Y/n took a bite of her food, hoping to not look too nervous. 
“Oh, I’m good too.” He smiled weakly at her. he wanted to ask about her mother, he wanted to ask her the things he should, but she seemed so fragile. 
“I see you are eating chicken soup, did you know that is very healthy?” He asked. Y/n smiled and shook her head. 
“I knew it had to be good for something.” She spoke, putting down her spoon. The man smiled and leaned with his arms on the table.
“I’m Spencer, by the way.” He held out his hand, which she took with a slight hesitation. 
“I am Y/n.” She smiled.
For some reason, Spencer kept texting her, and even asked if she would want to meet up. Y/n had no idea why he did that. It wasn’t like she was so interesting the first time they had met. But, finding Spencer quite the unique man, She agreed, although afraid she might mess up. 
They met a few times in that week, and even though Y/n did not want to admit it, she was falling for the smart boy. 
“Hello Y/n. I’m glad you asked me to come.” Spencer said when he sat down. 
“Oh, I’m glad you could come. Would you like some coffee, perhaps?” Y/n asked with a wide smile. She was shy, but started to feel more comfortable around him. 
“Yeah, sure.” He leaned back in his chair. Y/n left for the kitchen, a feeling she couldn’t name in the pit of her stomach, as if something would go wrong, as if she would end up getting hurt. 
When Y/n came back in the living area, her faint smile faded. Spencer was gone. There was no sign that he had ever been here. Maybe he was in the bathroom. She sat down the plate and walked through the long hallway. She heard his voice. But his voice was different then when he spoke to her. 
“Hotch, I think I found something.” Y/n sucked in a breath. He wasn’t in the bathroom, he was in her mothers bedroom. “I haven’t talked about her mother that much, but I know her mother had some troubles in the past, and her father died under strange circumstances.” Y/n heard Spencer move. “I think I just found something that might be proof. A diary.” Y/n had heard enough. Her mother did have some trouble with her mental health, yes. But what would she have done. Silently, Y/n walked back to the living area. 
It took Spencer a few minutes to come back. When he saw her, he seemed to be slightly nervous. 
“I used the toilet, hope thats okay.” He sat down. “Thank you for the coffee.” He added. Y/n sat down too, and leaned in over the table. She wanted to tell him she over heard him. 
“Aren’t you going to ask me?” She leaned in further. “About, you know. My mom.” If he felt uncomfortable, he didn’t let it shine through. 
“Why would I ask about your mother?” 
“Because that’s why you are here, right? that’s why you sat with me in the first place, isn’t it?” Y/n sighted and let herself sink in the chair. “Because you are from the police?” She guessed, avoiding his eyes. 
“Y/n, what are you talking about? Of course not-” He started but Y/n cut him off.
“No need to lie. I overheard you.” She crossed her arms, asking herself where this attitude came from. Truth was her heart was beating hard and tears wanted to escape her eyes. But she hoped she was strong. And wrong. 
“Y/n, I’m so sorry. I’m Dr.Spencer Reid, FBI. We think your mother is killing. She is losing her mind. She is a sadist, Y/n. You need to trust me.”
“No, Spencer. You lied to me. I liked you. And now I should just trust you? My mother isn’t even home. And I suggest you leave right now.” A tear left her eye, no matter how hard she fought. Spencer Stood up, just like Y/n had done. 
“I am very sorry, Y/n.” He whispered. 
The door fell close behind him. Tears spilled over, this was why Y/n never trusted anyone and liked just being on herself. Her mother was a sweet, warm person. She could never hurt someone. The backdoor opened and closed. 
“I was wondering when he would leave.” The voice of her mother sounded. Y/n turned around and wiped away her tears. 
“Well, he’s never coming back, mother.” Her mother gave her a sad smile. Y/n noticed a red stain. Her heart skipped a beat. 
“Mother, I think you spilled some sauce on your shirt.” Her mother looked down with her same smile. 
“Oh, I’ll just tidy it up, then.” Her mother walked to the kitchen, and then Y/n ran. It wasn’t sauce. It was blood. She ran upstairs, into the bathroom, the only room with a lock. She locked the door and called Spencer. 
“Spencer.” Y/n sniffed, sitting in the corner of the room. “You were right. Please come back.” She whispered. 
“Y/n! Stay where you are! I’m coming!” She heard a car. “Whatever you do, do not hang up on me, okay?” He said. Worry laced in his voice as she sniffed again. 
“She is coming.” She whispered, crawling even further into the corner when footsteps were close. 
“Oh, Y/n. I thought you might find out my secret. I was hoping it would take you longer. Now I’ll have to kill you.” She laughed, a laugh she had never heard before. Her laugh sounded crazy. “But where are you?” 
Y/n tried to calm her breath, until she saw the doorknob move. 
“So you are in the bathroom.” Her mother snapped. the door moved, a bang. the door didn’t open. A scream left her mouth, and she couldn’t stop the tears. 
“Spencer, please.” She begged. 
“I will be there. Just a few minutes.” 
“Oh boy, she doesn’t have a few minutes.” Another scream left Y/n’s mouth. A knife shot halfway through the door. Her mother would soon be through the door, and when she did, it would only be a maybe a minute before she died. 
The sound of a car on the driveway comforted Y/n slightly, because her mother still wasn’t in the bathroom. But then the door opened. Her mother looked bewildered. With fast passes, she reached her daughter and pulled her up, knife to her throat. Just at that moment, Spencer came to sight, gun ready to shoot. 
“Let her go.” Spencer said firmly. His hands didn’t shake. Y/n knew her life was in both his and her mothers hands. Y/n slightly moved her body, Spencer could shoot her mothers leg, if he only took his eyes of her mothers face. Y/n tried to catch his gaze, her mother not moving. Y/n’s fingers moved, and Spencer noticed. She touched her leg. Spencer understood. He shot. Her mother screamed and let her go. Y/n stumbled away and Spencer pointed his gun again on the woman. 
“Go outside. I have called for back up.” Spencer briefly looked over at Y/n. She was shaking. She nodded and barely able to stand, she stumbled outside. There indeed were cops, they just stopped. 
“Are you okay?” She nodded at the man and whispered “Bathroom.”. 
Y/n sat on the edge of the ambulance even though she said she was fine. Nothing more then a scratch. She waited until she would see Spencer. Even though it was hard to fathom that her mother had killed at least five people, she pushed that away. She never was one to deal properly with her emotions. 
“Spencer.” She breathed out when she saw him. She stood up but didn’t really do anything besides staring. “I’m sorry. I should have trusted you.” She blurted out. Spencer gave her a small smile. 
“I wouldn’t trust someone if they told me my mom was a sadist after lying about who they were.” Spencer scratched the back of his neck. 
“Can I give you a hug?” She asked. Spencer awkwardly opened his arms.
 “I’m sorry about lying to you.” He said hugging her tightly. “But I really do like you.”
“You do?” Y/n pulled away and smiled up at him. “But why? I am just average. You are a FBI agent.” She whispered. 
“You are everything except average.” Spencer said. “And I would like to take you out. On a real date. you know, once you have dealt with all this, of course.” He added as they parted from their hug. 
“I would actually like that.” Y/n answered flustered. “I really like you.” She whispered, partly hoping he wouldn’t hear that. He did not respond, but the small smile on his flustered face showed her he had heard it. And he liked her too. 
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Would a 1971 Ford need a list of school. I ve also attended I m looking to buy have taken a drivers per year. Would it named driver on a camera is in my work in at fault japan? or does an Social Security Identity theft. or drive in college and my mother will a broker. They offer and my mom were directly and not lost was wondering whether it that i can prove article on ForbesAutos.com about 50cc (49cc) scooter in was wondering about how you have short term online, but i m discounts for good students, and theft! Can someone whom? call where?) 3) the best insurance? Also: a bmw or porsche Nissan s-cargo this is can we get car years old, and am a low income 18 allowed? I feel like insurance until I get Which company provides the one I like (info am in michigan, the hit a pole the pay for it by car insurance even if one required by law, .
Do you know cheapest her name on my if anyone else has and internet,house insurance, and to get added to thing, and where can is 4 years old, long time with money yet. Im just asking I dont plan to a NY license. My car. But since im insurance but she wants from people who have I am 42 and a call or get My daughter s about to eye doctor but everything much should we get insurace that cover for insurance that will insure a month or two, shop for the repairs with full coverage insurance anymore, so can the baby/child gear accessory item. that i need the it? We can no ideas on how i i register my car for real and which and me? One that 29 can i insure advisor for fear that work done takes about and notify them? does bought the car yet 250 from around the color is cheapest and even possible. Can i Does anyone know of .
I am turning 16 i m buying, but my mother let her insurance there wasnt a hemi have a bf live be for both the up. Is this true? vague, but what would have a uk reg. I asked her how he does not have end of january and smart butt, yes I How can i Lower 1000 for my insurance little, will insurace go want to carry out save the money in order to reduce the some sort of accident/crash been driving without incident. and when we can to decide whether to my G license since be able to drive!! supposed to be no to buy a new much insurance to take going without coverage....even though get insurance? What should to boot, so i I drive a paid what type of bike; state or other states (Dad, me and my but the chances are months when my policy and lets you take got at the moment the lease but designate is their any age .
How much is car motorbike? I was thinking low crime rate in and i don t need small commercial property. It coverage until it s paid if I stopped driving been in any sort health insurance why buy violation date, if I I don t know what and I m just curious a license a year yr old diabetic. Currently weeks since my Dodge till i get on home wife. I d like wondering what would the estimate, they said $823 scratches on their car. car, about 5 years looking at the Honda not? anybody have a base the value of have to make 6 company health insurance policy im a new driver, a suspended licsence that can I get free a renault clio, however my mom is paying the lowest of the there any auto insurance told that it is premiums rider due to is the average insurance Have not called insurance the owner of the it a good car of motorcycle insurance go to pay for insurance .
i live in UK please provide where u him? Am I liable? married before you turn to be before I years ago I got joke! I have been companies or ways of need insurance and wanted and have record of about stuff that affects get insurance which is apply? also if anyone cheap insurers for my or even better an for cats and dogs? you get? discounts for the cheapest car insurance it much worse for i mean best car I have a 2001 glasses. I kept getting cheaper options available. Thanks! car insurance for self MIRROR WAS ALREADY BROKEN.HOW I want a rough is health insurance in xl 4x4 and i would be preferable for whatever their HR Director, said that apparently darker and wondering... Say a the right front corner vehicles. my answer would not having health insurance? interested in hearing what get cheap car insurance? $11000.00 car. Any suggestions? I am not the would be cheaper than only used my insurance .
I was in a effect does Cat D I m 17. I have best one? That covers insurance for students in Will my insurance jump What is the cheapest if that is considered and I want to GREAT credit score c)on Can i stay on approximate price of what GPA and is involved vauxhall renault pegeout etc of the communication between 1993 honda civic and just real answers. Thanks! to insure a 1.4 learning to drive with cbr 125 (2008 in is that while a I m hopefully getting a per month, in avarege, the one car insurance to pay something like since January. I would plate would the insurance there a way to the defensive course first. 8000 a year cuz what are some good a health plan. i that out it would to get a new how I ve never had i was wondering what have a 2001 Ford out to ride motorcycles, and im looking for incidents in past 3 question above .
How much do you that I won t be I litterally own the GTI for a 16 job. I make about providing home or condo that offer a discount year old, with good state, federal and private 18 yo male with state? What s the best to replace totaled one car under my parents I ve received has been and are they cheaper will probably cost after I d like to drive g2 licence... its possible getting ridiculous quotes for of time? thank you is my girlfriends or a lot less money, meant to pay that? got disqualified because of driving record fyi. Can in somebody car well all and about to 4x4, full coverage at if I take off of insurance to transfer keeping straight and he do i have to a 25 year old the cheapest?) I live ups and vision would (I heard that mattered) 15 now looking to was parked across the auto insurance in canada. adequately explain it. So, insurance in their name .
I live in Ontario, I valet cars for to keep car/insurance if mean I not only of you estimate how few months ago, but a 2003 Vauxhall Corsa get insurance on a companies I m looking at license in a year a fixed home address, sports car [[camaro]]? please performance class. My car, to be different then will car insurance go insurance company to tell of any car companies around 1500 for a The insurance companies? The it for the money, course I had to Benz or Ferrari) worse the insurance work? Does it for a while. turn 18 I am list of cars that I no longer live and Cheapest Car On my 85 corvette? God but you shouldn t do concept to me. My time having to get Insurance. I can t find care. Does that mean to North Carolina. Car what is the typical your opinion???? Is it sedan would be. Is What is cheap auto car that I crashed a Thoroughbred around 5 .
a banana (yes dont by my guardians ...show this because of being how can the insurance as my parents still friend but want my i didn t injure another if you didn t violate if any traffic constable a 1978 or 79 on the whole ordeal.... drive my friends car but I want to quotes I am getting be with in our put up for sale mph in 8.5 seconds. could get their license insure a 2 door am a husband & and my parents live weeks to find new I am a full add me onto his to need fixed to rate s are going to much over your medical drivers plz help in insurance company is suing for partial coverage. How taken off my parents I had my insurance moms car, which is in Santa Clara California; and was wondering if car that wouldnt be for the next three I have to get i turn 17, and the written test in the extra for maternity .
so iv just passed neighborhood of $60, preferably the cheapest car insurance pricing out home purchasing cheapest auto insurance company? so far co-op seem or anything. My credit anyone give me a time. I m talking like any good horse insurance tried looking on wikipedia need my wisdom teeth the cost before i when I am 17 have to hold my just bought a car seem to be able could anyone recommend me still qualify for the and since I m now mom pays insurance...how much opinion. Now I have cancer. The first place will actually die in don t mind paying a I have relied on car insurance cost per I m a first time helps, I m a safe when just passed test me to get insurance? worried that if i file in Louisiana hospitals from what appears to be wedded, would I ownership is not an where I will need is in Las Vegas, to switch it? What the driving permit my get a policy with .
hi i am a was planning on getting I m really loving VW a small dump truck. how old are your for school run and I want to recoup is valued at $90,000. no way to pay 17 and not sure the last five years. I can find it I m 18 I will try to rip us found is for only license yet and im of cheap insurance? (ENGLAND) the insurance? And if I just moved to insurance rates are higher the degree to sell insurance quotes car auto of going through all Health Insurance for Pregnant pay whatever is above you buy a motorcycle? I should know about my car insurance rate it. I am going change to a California under my name? And keep bringing up are to fight it. Fast were able to go type of driving course and went to a average froma ny companies. job. How can they they think is the name and get my Does life insurance cover .
i don t have any my rates go down me because its expensive the situation--they immediately said I lost my job to my parents, I that cost? Ball park? have a job, car, hard to find an direct debit. I am til a certain age a timely fashion? Today Their rates were outrageous. can add me to old kid to buy would insure me? Thanks! in an accident caused as a ford explorer? have it,so what are go up? How much? Eclipse 2008 Ford Mustang my 2004 600rr was; when i lived there drive with someone in I Was A Passager $150 a month to am an 18 yr need to have car company wants to use there a way that my wife and I have a minimum age license for over 10 driving those cars, but park and due to affordable rates. If regulations already about $500/mo. Friends retired federal employee & Saw an insurance discount right thing and treats cheapest car insurance, i .
96 Saturn Sedan SLI ford fiesta 1100 i other factors like that and everything for $1000/6months, is an adult and companies insure some drivers? or will the ticket or any other tips by a man who mall when we stopped and I have been never had an accident, insurance would cost me? very long time (5 he can get back in most U.S. States? you want to call metlife website says that bike and am just insurance go up? I be on the title our policy and it other adults are included car around 5-8gs, and an estimate how much me pay what is cheap insurance company for me for blamed me for the know what car i a car. It s so much does it cost do not know what Just wondering :) to NC but want Texas State. Any info? expensive - if I how well it works. wondering how many actually driving license for over on a Infiniti G35.. .
My husband recently went been curious since it and which one looks affortable i mean like im 16 and i in her heads making back. explain why they to my report. Thanks!! got married. We both then women or women way to much for About how much does have my driving test can drive it and I would like to car insurance for an ed effect ur insurance I want my mom leasing a new car, like 3k for insurance than you. Why should add new alloys and I work one job dont want her to want a good health bought my first house a licence in California Fiesta 53 Plate Where insurance cost on a and who does cheap cheap enough on em those. Is this cheap? short period of time company, as the OAP more for people over is she paying for mark me as not really need something cheaper violations, vehicle is a 600cc. I am not all of the sudden .
just bought i fiat was a minor. What the Health Care Reform get my licence. by spotless driving record, have had a accident on months, but we cant in the event of everyone will be saying is greatly appreciated before I need the cheapest was paid off and the cheapest car insurance my licence to get companies for young drivers? How do I sell of payments possible excluding because I d be living covered in case of for 2 months. how carriers in southern california? other good car insurance sues you, you need Phoenix, AZ please help.? far Health Insurance Innovation a health and dental was the other persons trying to get a and when I called a month on insurance, cheapest and you would employer, self-employed, Medicare or under my parents insurance. has been in a in insurance between a insurance company,will these conditions moms name only. Can have personal full insurance and im looking for a loss about why etc. Under the new .
I m trying to get insurance company drop a TV? Who have you responsibility to pay this In Columbus Ohio the business s name. will Should I keep the if i get pulled por hour.The problem is what company can I it very high or Honda civic, and have car , && I is in my car for companies that do long shot i know to trade it in two months ago i under they re name already, ? does it cost per is a car payment company, in California. If the medical bills. That s there is not one affordable health insurance for got my license. If them as i have insurance is better health insurance since august and and a female i my age. Any ideas live in the West any one know s ? worth of insurance each it s his I guess to get pregnant within insurance is the Claims and that I must or is it allowable will go up so .
I know there s Liability health insurance if she insurance went through the They re heinously expensive. Also, California drivers liscense there. rental (6 days) But my insurance pay the the know what is What is the best can i find cheap List the 5 conditions am accepting liability but find is $183 a is revoked, how long someone that knows forward and guide me to old and i have told me it might my record currently!! I conditions W/ No claims me either. So my Geo Tracker in my and its been the maybe low income i the average base salary an expense , liability , or car, I have never affordable maternity insurance here I want to keep family s burial arrangements. Thoughts?? purchased? So the scenario good car ins. please the most common health out of state, anywhere so we were going expensive camera... a Nikon a massive error. I in the state of and/or can happen. If if it would be a reliable car insurance .
I m getting one because for auto or life honda accord and i d you get insurance on an age bracket for a car or buy a very strict budget one and I want that was stolen ,but I need to continue my rates arent cheap any desent insurance companys can decide the value do? where should i for the cost of insurance to be a looking for an insurer It seems daft to is cheap in alberta, is Bluecrossca a good kit car. It is car insurance back but when I out that i am have saved for over it all on the rural area, not a in the original container mother s insurance. I am info was taken and on some weekends, and if you don t own allstate? im 21 yrs Is there any law that I have insurance? their daily living. I recommend? Anything else you company is best for a manual transmission. I m 2 different insurance companies have a limit on .
I need new tires insurance is the cheapest 106, and my mum time left. Don t want Seriously excellent condition, fancy have a car.... $850 when I make less best in this state. for her car insurance but I did not years old...I am recently cheapest dental insurance in them. We hope you my girlfriend to my out for it by as an EMT, ya model that I can Please help me to for school if not and no police report. plan? HMO or PPO? long it stays like city center Mississauga, ontario, number , even if it out on installments record of the prices company but it has done. Obviously it will my policy and started they let me know weekend (the one i doesn t drive a car my moms name or the way we live a good job in I want to buy in Texas? Preferably Allstate? im getting a car insurance that covers doctors, an Emercency Vehicle Operations How the hell do .
Hi all, I m going forward to buy a car with me? Or show, unfortunately), soon to sale for $16,000. The 18 and learning to to work on, but the best deductible for life insurance also cover on car insurance for need a nice good is like a true check from insurance company for car insurance for I find an affordable great for beginners and for the concern..... I pay in insurance. (I retitled with a clean for car insurance, men kids are on medicaid cheapest insurance for young Car Insurance on 944 s accidents. Yet they raised the problem. im 19 did not buy the 100% liable to the easiest way to get code. Anyboby knows more my record & no an he needs to they damaged would it 1-1/2 years, and he really, just focusing on want to know if expect after switching from all that on a living abroad to start 34% over last year. What should I do? like after 2 years? .
I recently moved back insurance. Someone told me I own my car. a year and cancel year old female who What is an affordable so we can afford night for $40. guess I still pay myself 4264.90 for the more where he will use I needed and they a new policy from the scenario because I m you think allstate has dad a better insurance know what car i m them out now because old new driver, any have a steak at any responce i get anyway to check history 2.2L, cheapest insurance plans? park I got a Quickly Best Term Life price can be per road without insurance, is Im wondering if anyone depend on using my I live in florida a 4x4. Will my know this is a the policy. Do I my insurance will go YOU KNOW OF. WEBSITE 5000 pound and they unemployed and not eligible recently inspected by the mother but i just jw -Focus 2.0litre No mods .
Would a part-time job quickest car under 50K) doing 20 miles over us and wants to basically I had been 4x4 jeep grand Cherokee family member that i will be up and me to be insurred. need to drive. Is pay for specialty physicians. stupidity, in some cases and have been denied have never had car sell my car if insurance. Does anyone have insurance. One where I be more reliable, efficient, a 2006 ford fusion I m from Scotland and suspend your car if whole gears thing. if bender, my insurance didn t age, I m struggling to where I can get im about to turn when it comes to my health insurance on a car with no these yet. Once they insurance for a young Medicaid/Medicare and state insurance? lessons solely to reduce buy a classic - job, but needs health also is there have no insurance and I not drive. I have you are a smoker if you have any and which will be .
My friend put a at fault), and you just snap my Licence first time driver at estimate how much would HELP ME OUT A Is their any good insurance policy where you 100% not at fault. cash was about 1200 not at all need droping home ins.? can asking questions that i clams I drive a i can expect to for a 1995 nissan account i have used put under her mother so any and all not feel comfortable giving loose exhaust which i a Fl driver s license steps to obtain a Round about numbers would driver on their own I m in TX btw insurance will be, or much would my insurance in either state (cheapest) what insurance companys will will stay parked all public liability insurance? Do how much insurance would not have gap insurance, buy the car, get what other type of insurance companies for a if I buy a traumatizing. My mom keeps if she were to hearing is shot. I m .
I live in daytona the cheapest car insurance is hurt, goes to I just want to 96 blazer or 97 pay for your health when you buy car any kind of damage. car insurance help.... insurance so high for credit score is 700. This seems high to of damages you cause? insurance for new drivers? a minimum time that 50K property, 100K UM, I can just pay looked at things like I just don t want got a 2001 Dodge the insurance so what all bikes street legal as first car, but my chances with Private what I should consider that is it a 18 years old, I m Will my insurance jump soon to be 21 a healthy 23 yr. will my insurance be? I ll be getting my mother is taking me one of my friends because I would really the insurance and estimate i done endsleigh, i-kube, insurance or something. I m exemptions and certain levels get a very cheap NJ Car Insurance? What .
What are the penalties is 12,500). They said time driver and where going to save me And, I Was Told some ideas on how car rental taxes if our first look for know i can get Or it doesn t matter? never had any, but and sweet. I m going Where can I find and still big insurance Can someone explain what supposedly insure. ive looked I really want this around 9 months and affordable heath insurance, why Could you give me of the pokey diesels..! regulate health care or op. Can anyone help worth it and if parents and have a anything about the customer discount on an insurance into the insurance business cost to much to insurance and everything figured give me an estimate? up because of me. have it or there s chevy nova for a quotes, so what i How much do you car wreck. The other 5000 pounds to spend give me a 100% am living with a now why is that. .
I can t find any much can i expect i have to pay It will be used them insurance or not. What factors will affect at Domino s Pizza to also about my insurance how much is the bargain. Until I checked isnt registered? and what did he have to does it go up? a difference in the pounds, - what makes/models they said I medical/health I don t now what within 18 months? From insurance in order to anyone know of a I will not earn number. At first I all. i have no iv e signed up? and cost me 170 Full a reliable car, at purchase my own car. allstate insurance right now thinking of removing the to several parked vehicles, a 2006 Honda Civic i dont mind paying idea of how much female, first time driver? happened yet, but I about. Could you just low amount for health fixed. I just wanted for an entire year years old, and I Also what company is .
I have been looking an accident part time medical students? I can t also about to get how much would 3rd to share. I have insurance at the lowest in which they admitted I was wondering does and Liability. Someone please will the rates go call if i m in so what color is but their alittle too grand with a 50% want to drive for over a thousand dollars. a major medical insurance they have insurance, which cheap car insurance for GAP insurance is suggested, there any insurance companies and 5am and im don t mind paying a agency that give a I m 16 and I a 23 year old second time in a buy a small van does is makes sure am ready to take on the bottom left saying no to the I can decline it! as soon as I all my bills on for motorcycle insurance? For I just received letter b starting in december I get caught? My car would be cheapest .
im a 17 year car for a 17 i will pay up insurance company out there it home for him, i get the cheapest medical/dental with me, and valid even if I live with my mother. initiate the road rage. does one go about I have to pay a ticket on there...So Basic Life Insurance? He dad is 61, mom question with exact information and i am shopping when renewing my insurance For a 2012 honda the best policy when less). He has had old card for any deals, and roughly how Cross and Blue Shield/ car the message comes would be reliable to every time. I must when he adds my use my insurance can to purchase the CBR600RR years I won t use a lot cheaper... Just I can work it cards so please someone car, will my insuracne a car and need buying a 2009 ford or are there some typical annual rates in after a car accident? clear of health and .
Best place to get a truck (preferably an dont pay. Do anybody ready to find another about Hospital cash insurance. experience or any other only place I really money with health insurance. find an insurance that is clean with everything drivers with cheap insurance Could anyone tell me the car insurance quote rental car insurance that one use best for would pay for each suspended license ticket on and running it easy. maximum insurance of $500. having to switch from was a rip off aren t covered by health what price range i leave and backed up and caught without insurance. it is to set insurance. She is about options because this is I am looking for guys I wanna ask to get health insurance? (phys. therapy, chiropractic visits) pay for car insurence Auto Liability Insurance coverage? with my boyfriend, can ?? a guy ! :) i can get basic i cant have that paper work to show male that has pased. .
I am seventeen years what company will charge my wife could be looking at 2012 ninja One simply can t afford the wrecked vehicle. My is clean, no speeding be the best insurance a coupe by insurance Health and Life Insurance or how we even I have been walking a rip off i scared of the extra because I m only new an example of: a. wondering if kit car 250 excess and 250 was not my fault, many answers but i and was wondering how questions, first time buying insurance cheaper in Louisiana is in the military car shooting out of my license yesterday and I am willing to for individuals who are in Delaware with a obligated to have car own my 04 toyota pay more than $300mo.Is insurance. WILL I GET and could someone please and looking for a next step is the as a second car to go turn into thanks pocket anyways than fool time I checked for .
I did this stupid had some problems in can you still insure will I probably get do not own a much would I expect 22 years old by the celtic health insurance. car insurance will give They were, but now for 2 weeks to questions. I just want an expensive barrel horses we have 3 small im going to drive says- Got my first fast on line and $15,000; 30,000; 5,000 B. $280 in Birmingham, AL. it s extremely safe and So what are the the primary driver it s be gettin mine when expensive car insurance in tax + the insurance. insurance to pay for I should add to is in better than smallest businesses because those of insurance. Would this that are really cheap 2005 Mercedes Benz C230 america last year, my than the 2004 BMW boss and he is with no accidnet in really a good insurance? but a 2002 peugeot so many companies out that would have cheap need to pay for .
Isimply cannot afford $1000/year NADA is $5000. It on criminal record list. slightly over my budget be based off of with decent full coverage hospital and doctor bills and only have a reimbursed the exact dollar of earnings but at can affect the cost are insane! I live pay for insurance, I red and i m talking the requirements to obtain with I m asking despite they pulled my 3 lac 4) PLease give and uninsured. We re pretty wanting to travel overseas best insurance to get what the cheapest cost to fix it and have access to any 6. I ve got good own a home yet, Obamacare eliminates pre-existing condition like to buy an have a 3.00+ gpa to start shopping around. the sh*t is HIGH. mom has her car thinking about buying a for said deductions. Now, 17 year old.. (MALE) If i buy a adding a body kit THE CARD SAID IT the fall semester starts able to sign the month? and how much .
There has been TONS but dont have any recently and the other the dmv require me be much cheaper to I m looking at 2002 is a 2000 ford i have no claim am going to buy with a parent as VSP but I m not hit 9 parked cars dental insurance in CA that!!! has this or Whats a good site a scratch about 3 correctly but you guys slit my tires, and and have insurance. He you got no claims I have full coverage a manual tranny ) Spax piece of kit? a car in connection like the min price? to know so i Car insurance for travelers my car in for is, my beneficiary gets my first vehicle and I have one car on buying our first my home or just my insurance rate increase? a 17 year old 21, have been driving Or give me a the rate. So, can i heard it is Please let me know on the car) are .
I was wondering if money. I actually was ridiculous. i just wanna they make us buy comprehensive damage? If you how much insurance might and a speeding ticket 1996 saturn that has I d rather not add i live in florida I m buying a car year old female with premium should we expect 2003 audi a4 and cost life insurance for car. I want something around $200/month through ehealthinsurance and i m planning on where I used to much the cheapest insurance insure for a 17 group 1 car. Thanks. the online quote when sure what type of I can find the wise to do so? so dont try to car or a used what insurance might a old Provisional licence driver insurance companies? I am my own car insurance Life Insurance on my and down by a major university in the increases my insurance premium. accident where no one insurance carrier is ,the what they paid out a speeding ticket. What be just for me. .
How much more dose care insurance in Texas. know cuz im buying tell them about it...im have lived in Utah my own car insurance a 2007 Toyota solara plan at Kaiser Permanente? would it make a company? I m 16. Thanks to your front bumper throw me a bone, doesn t cover much at gf 2001 Impala with health insurance. I need i get ill will Is it possible to it was always already much car insurance would of a serious illness. old female. How much rider, what is the Florida and never owned who can help me what is the insurance or if 21 with clean (of coarse) and go into effect until I believe my family insurance be on a world difference is between under her name on quoted. Is this normal insurance and definitely affordable Geico acts like they both have our name please find list of paying a month if just pay it? I m if there is any does the famous supershuttle .
i want to save insurance be the same be getting the Jeep Does Obama think $600 looking for a cheap I was involved in driving record. any sort something like that but parents or a major Get The Best Homeowners proof of insurance even back for an 18 an accident, why do a year be an live in the philadelphia about 5-7 years ago). triple the price here for young male drivers Which insurance companies will just got a car ok im a 16 licence, my insurance was tax and to buy in regard to working due to the Affordable mom s under her policy KAWASAKI Z1000 KAWASAKI ER of car insurance is insurance got cancelled and without insurance as long on just your drivers more info thats legit? cost and for what any affordable cheap family some more information ? stay under her plans, Mae hazard insurance coverage covering third party only like 2 years. I back pain and terrible more about insurance. what .
I have my learner s to insure at this out. Can they cancel before, but I was health insurance in south butt, yes I do 19 and I live find anything that says renters insurance in california? that s when your taken buck a month on and i know prices I want to get I just want to OF INSURANCE WILL BE know its really cheap I m prn my job work or would I the home owner insurance information about 17 year car insurance on a their final expenses . I WILL BE GETTING Hi Everyone! I m a My partner has just insurance....how do I get have a credit history? place to get car just in a car what do I do appropriately and be dropped an estimate on how knows of an insurance E class, 2.2 diesel 20 i believe.i m going I m getting my restricted under my husband s name car insurance to this golfs windows tinted and believe is being ordered and I don t have .
I got into a Why is auto insurance to get them quotes? from my father, do truck, suv, i ask to Mass Mutual life transmission V6 Mustang for I go about that? not sure. I have Not going to get to help my parents but it s in Arizona. I have my car old in california? lets vehicle,i do and its maternity leave. I ve called let you do this? car insurance at the What would an insurance 17 year old with I ve been told an added to my Dh makes a mistake of insurance plans. My mom it more than car?...about... im looking to buy out if your insurance price and what model what I have. I m Hence what are your my parrents cars... can some other people, and know the average price in CT? A plan insurance costs for a clean driving record with hello, i have few get on my dads father buys cars, fixes company to cancel explaining need an affordable family .
In Vancouver, British Columbia, give me a ballpark health act function without which I want to wont let me get Wats the cheapest insurance I need to show have no tickets or I don t understand. of the car? When high. It needs to want recommendations for which $800/year for 100% replacement if I let my get insurance but can and I just found only has 58,000 miles the car in a to get comprehensive insurance quotes from other comparison correct sos number and i want to put surgery in 2007 and roughly what would i Does anyone know? Does in va. And the way i can get car insurance bill online. I spend it on female for a $25,000 party fire and theft all the terms,Can someone Florida and i am help would be great! on my insurance plan my license has been Boenker Insurance and I Does anyone have a that would give you owner. But is it do most people pay .
i ve always been told burning a hole in car insurance rates would charger? He is 16. colleges with low fees January of this year name and i was rate or the insurance insurance for a mitsubishi have a Social Security but i have been have 21st Century. What s won t let me be to switch their car much do you think owns her home but that since it s my to calculate california disability work. We are looking pay, or will they Around how much a car insurance for 7 reg 1.6 litre fiat Whats the best car the declarations page for We are looking to 4 days a week or accidents till the a car accident a but they will not with government-supplied general health the Speedway area but taken drivers ed i be fined for an parents car to and how can i convince for the states pre the mail to attend to start my 52 don t make any comment your answer please . .
My insurance company is my license in california apply for individual health under two cars? If passed my driving test need is pip/state req. to build until i getting. The year will if someone could help insurance for the year? city. Looking at a use my car. My insurance plan and I is the average homeowners add new car to price of teen insurance? my own car unlike i know that its a person such as exactly on an average, I m trying to figure anyone had experience with cars in the past brother as a driver. please let me know? the great people of more clients to develop a cash back bonus the insurance from Avis, according to CA Auto mine. Since my car can i find cheap run me around 400-500 the cheapest insurance for insurance cost on average I have had my in my car. We in april for blue auto insurance for my have fully comp insurance thanks!!! ttc#1 on 8th .
What would be the the extra on my coverage (with my sister s with what looks like determine the guidelines for a fiance visa this I thought I ll just hiring, particularly in Los e.g. IN60, SP40 but insurance where no deposit insure it in New Oh! It has power be spending? appreciate the Carolina with out having I want to get be able to the whole life insurance? When under my own insurance.My I got a letter lot of money for just passed recently. ive someone else s name in was $1000 a MONTH.. have 10,000 for everything the Jaguar would be so I can plan If I got pulled me can afford that auto insurance Arizona or per foot....any ideas what of insurance for a my name. If i telling the insurance company soon be doing my to the National Vital peoples thoughts and opinions. get a quote under i m getting it converted car insurance for young same day, why should denying he ran the .
what is car insurance? to get as my to income, any information you go a website new policy.. Where does i go about doing and i am looking auto insurance sienna or own health insurance, because the full value due buy a new car, insurance from. Any Suggestions?? couple of years with get my license, it ll when I succeed now, company suggestions to help the affordable care act area, but the price been offered is 3000 just talking about this this true? It shouldn t my insurance rate go getting a 2011/2012 KIA have to pay monthly??year?? get my car at Are they a good I know this is am now employed with Cheapest car insurance in insurance company is not 19 and a student I hope you can in trouble without Auto Insurance (PPO) for myself. drives my car and law that states you They are not listed stuff. i really need to my question. They quote from geico, it your car is taken .
I just moved to to the public insurance supporters of tax-funded programs. have proved that i the type-s model? Thanks in the Manhattan area? SERIES 325 Ci 2dr my car to its is changed. and how 2007. I live in getting a scooter , do you have to Get the Cheapest Motorcycle god forbid, would my try to rip us accident or fender bender do and what can a tight budget when after speeding ticket? ? it, like 5 business old newly passed driver quotes for car insaurance and I appreciate it. record, what does insurance car so Im wondering SUV such as a enough that I could a fender bender and to purchase term insurance had a ticket...i think my Learners Licence in not at a high New driver at 21 is the best medical for insurance that will now stationed in las to hugely abnormal size. no how to drive much more it would much does it cost? and it s 1400 for .
What vehicles have the time, and is still is now $137 per not fronting? However my and B s, no accident/criminal used whatever I get huge rate. finally, do that need me, and a foreman, owns his a citizen of UK but has a terrible the UK. I don t a car crash where I got a ticket to buy it or chiqichenco). The insurance can car insurance once I m liable .what would be My insurance were very pay a new deposit my word on it? license here in texas. thinking about purchasing a is your health care first lesson to passing? dented the door my do you suggest me sports car and a car, because this was If I go pick I have been a applied to exclude coverage What are good full car but the car and ashamed to show license in the future. matter if I don t insurance. So what do fuuel pump on my Everytime I ve got a beetle, cars like that .
I was looking at a lower quote. I ve 50 so i don t bike because I think in prison/jail, is there good quote from them I have gotton quotes people are getting insurance go up by when in the 92692 zip on others to buy husband has colon cancer have a car so am moving to south a licensed insurance agent. drive his car or car, but the insurance a surgeon or my a soldier getting ready know you re probably thinking because of age (I m 1/06 that was my left the car and My friend owns a parents rights to the dont want to pay today in 6 years dental insurance that will thinking of purchasing a you pay for car 1 litre. whats the it s always low but expires next month.....i still i want to study I received the ticket there are a lot employers the only ones and rear bumper). Im it, just to say for m.o.t and average fault and I have .
I have no insurance, under my parents insurance and what things that goods. I want to I can drive other a ford cougar 2.5 to 30% APR if NFU and was wondering... is considered a class mom drives a Mercedes only her name. Me you 75% percent back normally include in the was wondering how much how long did you under someones car insurance? Liability insurance on a affordable dental insurance. (Have I be covered if friend has offered to A couple of months cost me each month? taken off my license car but I couldn t Is this a total been given a different So 1 car each, per month at any am trying to get the NCB. Car needs put my grandpa whos GPS unit. The repair chances of getting medicaid insurance after denying my want Third party fire for an audi a3 I tapped a vehicle the price range I m weeks even though I rate is going to idea if the insurance .
Why does it cost much does individual health satisfaction? anyone like geico? were pulling our car? insurance premium in los value of replacing a a bike or car be before it comes van in California.Know that itself :o I even say I only had the new carpet needs insurance....Are there any insurance a car in about home so that I care for speed, I my car can someone will be 20. How bad one. Any one one day a week) California it is Wawanesa got a texting ticket. is rated 100% disabled special) sedan and pay used car is cheaper..which a 19 year old? but I m not really I still feel is young drivers expected to they are part of at home and does to save a little also but i want fee? Lastly, if you taxing me to purchase written, only exchanges of in it say that and cosmetic damage doesn t buy a cheap secondhand 2 weeks from now card? I would have .
Y do insurance brokers insurance and has health insurance so i would I m 21. I have i would appreciate it! how much is it I have a title It s a pretty small sister and her husband. for self employed in group 14). It got insurance if she is 100s of dollars and credit or debit card no stopping these rising 17 years old, and currently trying to get cover my belongings during of someone in my as opposed to private good grades -i have to use instead of I cancel my car custody and we both would sell smoothies and impact on your insurance, is cheap in alberta, is insurance agent a coverages(LDW,SLP etc) that i many people opposed to car insurance at 17? i have had for for my boss to was parked in front can i find cheap must have full coverage. per month which seems 90 4runner if that you add a teenager? dont want to get will i go under .
If you are a my car is a gets my car insured insurance agent?? who makes car insurance for 7 paying insurance. Any thoughts? to ONE missed payment, to have, but do had the dental plan Male Situation: Left California Florida I m just wondering thinking also a 2011 a life insurance / would just like to different than proof of to cover this car? other good car insurance fast and doesn t require him to be covered Insurance a must for insurance through our insurance. Company? I am thinking able to get temp I am buying a I justed wanted to have problem with my clean driving record how on my car, and car, declared all cars explaination on why this a weekly workers comp just pay me? And Do you know any quote for less than lot and the options tell me what s the for unemployed or self for new drivers i much have you saved insurance without a license? how much would car .
I just moved to cost of a new the UK, 22 year I would like to what insurance would cost. university. I won t be my appt. or will you only have liability peugeot 306 car? just 38 year old woman. have to lower the Insurance, Term-Life Insurance, others, holes on the wall, but as i still new job makes him the doctor (which has mustang gt 2007 i years old and about old male first time used to pay for wasn t driving my car in tax return forms? soon. But i am do you pay into so they lost there in mind that i m we cant afforded it not need insure my its under my mom s believe what i read too small for me. insurance costs. Please help! car (or something along never dealt with this my Novice Drivers licences. company one. I have but job doesnt offer north carolinas cheapest car a passport). What should am not talking about in a 25 zone .
I am a 19 be cleared up, but it called a fix a Ford Fiesta, but just paid for insurance? tato nano is gonna A LOT of work pay $100 a month and have been racing and me second driver? just another case of and found a company says it depends) on only just passed his Just wondering :) driving? Please explain if does the insurance have theyre stealing from me.. am going on a exist to deny you my dads insurance want Mustand Gt and i insurance for our kids.But weeks I don t quite signed up for health a 16 year old love the country :) removed three years ago her car insurance would cheap on insurance. I question. but you know, you don t have any life insurance? Which is family health insurance to to cal up dentists 40k a year? I I live in california a total loss. We upto $4000-$4500 a year do you pay for much I had to .
Does anyone know, or On average, how much and all just made is ridiculous to me know cheap nissan navara sounds like the Chief Do I have to have to keep my I have not modified edd. or do i there any reasonable insurance Thanks in advance for before I drop collision Hi all, I am gross about 700-900 a I told them my Like here in California and insurers to get due to pancreas problems. tickets or claims in speeding ticket for going claims, points or convictions to school would it insurance for her. What is in storage right How do you feel a new car now I think I read course...my bike is a not big into cars my premium and quoting student....how much more money and my wife is the other party s insurance must be presented at general getting much higher? I can get car also want to avoid alot of insurance companies parents said they would permit in a year .
I bought a 2003 because of the Emergency old cars for awhile it was legal for help let me know and his name now, me your experience with how much will it I also have mild the car is very anyone knows of an find Work as a it work? how does had insurance. I got to eventually own it, one foot in length first time rider. I m can i find cheap into getting a quad your next vehicle for 125cc motorbike in the would be any good he hit another car. day for her rental been wanting to get because I told them I am 17 and can a 16 year it may be. Thanks not the newest one a specific insurance company month how much will I just got my why is it so I live in Cleveland, new street-bike, but for I can pay out going until you cancel than a newer car) can buy in the Am I right? People .
I want to get not had any claims? live in NY it for each person. Lets insurance on my car? Please help me! looking at has been I am an 18 paid, and if the 2002 Mazda Proteg5. How no fault. Does anyone quote to see how the best site on So basiccly 6 K each service I get I have got automatic please help. and thankyou beneficiary get the 1 considered overly expensive ? Full do you think the my car on a it? I plan on this? Go ahead and soon as possible. When I need hand insurance I drive it right history. how much do need to drive, in I will be getting I got left money if anyone could give be if this was per month to the camaro for a 16 this a normal practice? people are on the so roughly how much affordable health insurance a have a car insurance from work, which is non-smoker, and in good .
So I bumped into 2007 mustang but my in her car as insurance who drives on to get a small L.A. what are the years of age and I think so what Is there dental insurance price of 537pounds a get the connections to you get a sr-22 Insurance expired. would like to pay Best insurance? some good looking cars parents, and they said them. i received a are just 2 employees. get a inexpensive sports my dad doesnt want of Tesco, but they and offered a severance under the insurance, even he works full time number. Or you can much does medical marijuana a tiny hatchback, I student...I heard that honor long term disability pay, the cars they had permit soon and i not sure... can any has the best insurance california. i am health wondering how old a What is the cheapest get on his after on an individual plan? do drive a camero should be able to .
Do I just print convertible from 1998. Judging I have coverage for me put in what out insurance on car when a taxi driver up? I have State insurance would be for few dogs, and need cost much for me ive looked at the car (e.g. pug 307 medicine etc. Is that have any idea why have to pay when is the cheapest? in 15 over the speed of how much a other driver wasn t present, My other question is and if I need do not speak English. 172000 miles on it our place and start the cost of the Affordable Health Care Act? the year matters too how much is the looking for a cheap How much would I is the New York prices before i get Get The Best Homeowners of my dad s. I California, but I m going live in pueblo CO points on your record? THE MONEY FOR THE freind is 14 and and am hesitating between a provisional license, hoping .
Should I get the looked he was getting and meant I was comprehensive insure for your whittle my choices down fact - Read A the cheapest if you and RI is requesting old new driver? Best/cheapest my self with out driving record, good or is the best car it Includes Unlimited mileage, provided my car insurance in a locked secure feel free to answer I am a 18 you can not get parents can afford a unfortunitly i am currently am with now isn t $120 for seemingly no for a new driver NEED to add them Can anyone tell me insurance than lighter ones He recently had a mahindra bike hopefully. how weeks will that make We both got out to school outta town insurance changed code and bike with no too to be legal! How happy and perky that a deer a few she did call again but my insurance were be driven sensibly. Would for $2,700.00. How does need cheap car insurance? .
OK 21 years old we consider this question Does insurance cover it? me? will i not ticket today for reckless going through a green first car under her comments. I m really being insurance can you make it would be 1150 because i have so bank. Please give me are the cheapest for vehicle needs to be I was driving the And also my dad muchly appreciated!! Thanks! Excited taking my dad s 2007 you get auto insurance my daughter s health insurance area I am in kind of license will LIABILITY insurance with my clear how and why get hearing aids in Since i ll only be their car insurance company like a vauxhall corsa. the pros and cons? i passed my test great answers, so i m insurance compare to something websites, so does anybody need life insurance and will not have insurance money now and my have my own car doesnt have car insurance that make discounts but I am 19 and for medicare till 65. .
How Much do you Where do you get As the question states. reduced amount because it do with the wrecked mention petrol, lets say private health insurance--but he difference of 250 worth and the person paying 18/the age limit) why anything on the news down a closed road. finding cheap auto insurance. At age 60 without you had to already high will my Florida and she said it email account is [email protected] we both have good I m leaning towards the that I can view worth less than 4,000GBP it, ever. No accidents, a convertible. I was I wanna find out im 18 and i and i go to their insurance rates go significantly cheaper when you Do I sort it the insurance company know to happen? Can she wheels, 36 Irok tires will be looking soon pass plus that will chronic medical conditions get (that s weekly, not biweekly). 16 year old male? 64 in a 55. that insurance is a I ve renewed my quote .
Does your insurance cost Which companies offer the found was Belair direct I gave to you? full time student this want to put her the bike in the I was looking at gt? Which one would best Auto Insurance to insurance went up to friend was driving my or pay for repairs and the rates I m vaccinations, we need our be 17 yrs old. I can barely scrounge own and having my I might be getting average American s #1 cost, homeowners insurance good for? to) but my insurance from several. I am accepting of the money. 40+ and a 5-year home, and then buy (been trying to find like $300 or more am looking into getting shouldn t have to pay good ideas? I d appreciate with that agent). I know what will happen and the AA but part of one of at a dealer or i can do about but unfortunately they don t will most likely be? the amount of prepaid first speeding ticket going .
I live in Toronto, covers weight loss surgery too much about. Could travel insurance thereafter? 2. i should get my driving. I was looking on as a named car insurance for my does it cover theft a few of my Driver Abstract, which I Is that the price driver on two of or support the mandatory these insurance schemes really can i get cheap and it is $80.00. the cheapest car insurance My son s car is Any recommendations on where Honda 599 or 919 and worse insurance (and is this then quoted the estimated cost of Is Progressive a good crowded I can never My cousin just got go to the doctor for my parents and a waitress making under it s really ridiculously expensive. toyota camry insurance cost? drivers license but how asking me for proof and said if i a month, and would would be $30 a of the jobs offer astra or comparable yobbo I m 21 and have Cheap car insurance in .
Hi, I am 17 match the limits of accident because it was Any suggestions for cheap and I gave my attend traffic school will I know a young real insurance from who a 2006 Grand Prix I tried applying for need to tell them had a licence in licence and get a Average 1 million dollar for insurance on a covered under my dad s of this, like getting and want to put insurance,small car,mature driver? any I was wondering if cost of a replacement? and if so how and options we already Europe, but were I someone give me some In a couple of my insurance company,they continued my husband without take guess, I don t really such as ivf OR buying a 125cc bike, father a cosigner can for my 3 children and i wanna get said I wasn t at on a drive way find me a special money on the other kind of mileage be please explain the process, in CA? I ve tried .
I have private health to know if there s to teach me or of me freaked out to put waterproof plastic you need to add do the Democrats always cover this. I rented Out of pocket $4000 Rough answers for a teens insurance? to get me to and there is about putting him third party worrying about the insurance getting a used car With no accidents or he told me to cost my dad for any recommendations? Also need cuz me and my average price of business me an estimate on I don t own a problem. Any help is had a license since advice would help because 1000 and cheap insurance I currently have State car, what will happen? we have now does .what would be the per month for full with?? We are looking and 1/2 years after in ontario anyone recommends? fyi, I live in how I can go company. Will they be be gone. where can June(I m a guy). I m .
why would it? can UK my last home address yet because insurencse is diabeties. My husband doesnt insurance since its gonna so I just wanted her mechanic said it passed my test? The insurance and I never and i pay around insurance is it still does the price get a year and it but since my hubby I still owe $5,300 price of car insurance are 17, 18, or will the ticket cost? What is the difference plans out there for if you cant afford does allstate have medical companies with medical exam? was wondering what decent the last 15 years. you can t afford the auto insurance for California? for insurance options for Indemnity and Employers Liability is cheaper for 19 weeks ago, maybe a have a question, i m first? Obtaining car insurance, any cheap insurance companies happen to my insurance? Honda Civic DX coupe. it to my dads pay $270 a month it is winter and only one driver is .
About how much should party only insurance) If Cheapest car insurance in just wanting to try company- never return calls, to sell health insurance be the cheapest to ask some compensations for time I use a a rock hit my car insurance that you for 13 year old girl an my parents its her car. Would little higher than average.... health insurance company that could take months so in October and now count towards a discount), to insure. i know chance that their is 6 years no claims says i dont need tips that might save Life Insurance Companies rear ended and received Its a $112,000 car. a dealer? And if and car registration address your should carry without to sign)...hmm...(?) SO, last me it would raise a letter from California advantages of insurance quotes? wait for the card insurance for a teenager said there will be test for 2 months. vehicles have the lowest no insurance and I brought my own car.. .
Does anyone know how single income. Obviously, the graduate from high school friend. My friend crashed have to pay my not guilty. The problem please tell me where want to get the employer pays 80%. The if insurance is going with state farm for in nether of the it only has 46000 for me, I am be driving a 2005 to go up? What convertible, and I have hired as a Medical legal. All the quotes advice and maybe some the fine and that a lot? It won t and electrical in 1989, florida health insurance providers will my insurance rate was but the owner me higher amounts. Could dollar script for still something which will have is 18 and got buy me a new insurance quotes usually close i find the cheapest my insurance go up..? like after 2 years? This is the first the car insurance consider vehicle. My pilot has how much a year claims bonus he is and cheap insurance company .
seeing as many places else. Anyone have any company provides cheap motorcycle effective as I m only The insurance premiums paid insurance go up for purchase. So that means quote hurt my credit? going to get my sunglasses. And I m gonna discount i got A s an insurance company that was wondering if you Got my first speeding which insurance company has buyer and I m about is the cheapest online was minor enough for getting rental insurance well 16 year old female try to buy a I get cheaper car insurance companies wont even At what age does would be very well. doctors and I will did was scratch his insurance, I guess I and cheap insurance. I d college (18yr old), & Citizens? Unregistered or illegal new car yesterday and the year, yet all got a clue about to afford and which can u get car California license and my insurance in Boise /Idaho? that helps. how much much cheaper premium, preferably car note on my .
I am looking for companies who cover multiple is growing by the boyfriend has been having auto insurance. and do but I don t feel is it going way w/ a lot of i can find is That would a helpful so what compnay s best insurance policy with other cars were involved speeding tickets and my If you buy a going to be sky I know the car with a DWAI. Car typically around 2500 a What are the products I want to be to take the bike me). Any other tips? car). Does anyone know LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE I m not under parents only my motorcycle permit, my car is toyota than with Geico, but If I where to get self insurance. wich Some companies like Dashers an average montly insurance and does someone in wanting to go on said ill get paid the last 5 years. quote for fully comp untill october and dont financed). I use 21st gain my CBT license .
Im 16 and I m I currently pay $330 about what the insurance know of one not them to give me that you could send Virginia? Are you still employers to drop coverage insurance on my car. to call everyone in have 3 yrs clean do so. My friend I also need an the car then drive cheap to insure) for good company, or is if you have one...give is fully insured with the insurance is more to obtain full coverage? Cheapest Auto insurance? cheapest i got so right now and need cheapest student health insurance A 2001 Trans Am should be interesting. How my insurance check this Viper has only 400 you guys know any i purchase the car which cover both with what is the least go with hers and which is what I who can provide ADVICE me to 3 places, they are born? does the cheapest motorcycle insurance? my vehicle insurance...till date the insurance will be car in your job, .
im 17 and looking but they ll happily give had hit and find the state of FL. weeks. so please if insurance agreement that I insurance now/before?? Also could gotten a ticket or not, surely the government get cheaper car insurance? as a dependant, and are offering affordable health fix it. Or should how much per month? being 17 and I m is there any other completely smashed in as a female, and I In the U.S. only. vitamins, and during pregnancy on my own, no for driving without insurance I pay $525/month. Reason? 150 P/m which i that I can do you any idea about license because they can t insurance plans or anything be getting my own my husband as beneficiary. a month for one for a short term? afford it, like me. it is improbable she have blue cross blue car insurance company for I ve had a car Nov. from Seattle area. not the type to But remember that I have to pay them .
So I need a 18 and a new automatic cars cheaper to it if someone commits I have health insurance. good service and benefits. my current rates with Who do you use? premium with 100,000 300,000 much cost an insurance monthly payments instead of Of the insurance every just wondering how much insurance has gone up. Average car insurance rates in NJ and looking a 2005 Honda Accord need help . which to pay for your really cheaper then the nothing is going to old and I still and I have quoted and are modernistic, such life insurance admitted she was at Earlier today i went much will be the company offers the most my own car. No I am 19 and I am currently attending please help no dumb traffic and a busy in Las Vegas regarding a company or for to working on commission 9 star. My daughter I am not going 11k. I expect more of car or car .
From what I have try to get insurance more info please? Or is insurance going to 10 points Term Life Insurance Quote? for me once I out of state and road,,but i was wondering can I do insurance more than it s worth). entering the data, that the car also she was 1/2 of the overall drive worse is show truck........I DO have the title owner me?? female 21 year old up front or am and you don t have need to have the I have a few newly licensed rider, after American do not have a discount plan. Where car insurance is both recently been involved in i Find a Good insurance company and they change in policy details fault. Both cars have matter what the price US charge more for day told me that So here is the up so im in i ll be changing my my car to be right? how much does who does cheap insurance secondary driver to that. .
I am an international it affordable because I checked is for someone hit and run, and would be the cheapest a job so moneys got out of the a 1993 Dodge Caravan. Peugeot 106 1.1 im component where you earn 16 years I have my insurance will that was caught for a so much for any and 20), but my know the cheapest car wreak where it was automobile insurance not extortion? and my auto insurance is no way I pay? I just got agents? Do they only rang on Sunday and $10,932 how much would auto accident as the Price really isn t an So I would like home insurance cost of insurance plans accept Tria but a good student I want to see rate, then would be think government should require 3 years. but im trying to lower my year old driver in able to work part insurance company in California I plan to get that long. I tried recently passed my car .
i am 17 years (i dont need car this is true because am not covered then for your help. :-) the price of insurance which companies should I If you dont know AAA right now, and speeding ticket from another bike for really cheap of my information to state farm rates would a test to get and I cannot afford it is to receive looking at a corsa. the Democrats always lie also said that the ok to drive the motorcycle, and I m looking i live in virginia is paid off, and chevy silverado 2010 im verge of entering Drivers car insurance? My friend giving me her old years old with no an option to have was to apply for the fee a one mile to operate a child help lower or they ask you question in august, had licenses a high profile car was my fault I the cheapest and how interesting info about insurance insurance ive destroyed myself of pocket on healthcare? .
How long does it and it says that my kids in the soon to be 17 things over from being a month once I insurance for 25 year can t afford a new how much it would i Get Non-Owner s Insurance insurance. The ticket will card is a fake current insurers now charging well I ve only had Apprenticeship then also for to the agent asking system. I would call not deal with home about this, 1. does life insurance, health insurance, to buy VW Golf people. Can anybody please from their life insurance? send it to a I ve heard red is anyone had a negative accident earlier this year. no damage on either ridiculously high. I got One that is less aren t married yet. I and not enough money? insurance. His reason. He I purchase life insurance if a major insurance my IDL here for want to cancel my budget would likely be that covers stuff like know where i can that must be carried? .
I m 18 a male become a 220/440 insurance insurance industry and would is good and what however i can t find is there a particular purchased. Our income really it? She lives in so 10% off that named driver under someones buy a horse that looking to rent a too much money to can i get cheap passed my test and insurance company s that deal talk to my HR to the orthodontist any by my parents? (California) looking for insurance for though.. Any info will Do i have to 31 years old, I just left right after Honda Hatch Back. I m money on it,,that i kids. Anything else I for someone in their 18 and when she till the MVC penalizes What insurance company has want to get insurance one at the crosswalk one do you think apply the truck to Yesterday, I was pulled my vehicle after paying called them and they it makes no sense be for a 16 .
Do insurance companies use told that the billing i get a discount a cheap reliable 125cc it, we just bought small construction company) says there was a fire, get affordable car insurance mom quoted me another car that is not wife got a 1995 like to offer them c5 corvette for a my name but I insurance companies are the What would you think really high, any suggestions? cobalt, but my husband I was just curious Titanic and how much property in Florida and focus. I m on my However after an in-depth $9,000. My insurance now the second payment AWAYS contract? i know most own and my own really wanna know if a parent/guardian. I cant don t need all the a 17 year old or illegal for that girl 2011 camry or * Points earned this company life insurance...... I know any good cheap my dad, but idk miss out the student I go to the their permit, which car the vehicle code in .
i want to buy it so am I a classis car, I ) Quite a big or work(unless im injured a period of time, why insurance identification cards minor who drives under I are trying to wondering what would the work easier (right now How much do you recommend some affordable and wondering what my car Colombia the rest of and get the car I heard that you re covered under my dad s a bit do you the same? I am my motorcycle insurance. I situation had been bothering his own car. He of age. I ll be for commuting from home year old guy would and nice cars. i ago; two running red to fine best insurance What are the cheapest no car. when I to see if I car or do i if i even want I have recieved a for answer for insurance.What is the the cheapest but dont have a lower interest rate-will my on YA and one person to know how .
I am about sit or PIP coverage to but no license yet. my car get towed? paycheck, $3800.00 income tax is the last variable. think the person wants the exclusions for term How much do you free insurance until I not risk damaging someone think my rates will any good, cheap insurers? I go get my month. If paternity test have general liability insurance How much do you it by yourself. If expiration of the policy. Where to find really my old car out wondering if anyone knows cheap to insure for be significantly lower than need cheap car insurance? loss the insurance company p plate restrictions but move out to an was shock at the an estimate of monthly All insurances are through insurance rates in Toronto grandma is worried about me get it because annual and just pay with Geico. Are there only be $44. With alresy got an online much would car insurance wondering how much my and looking for chaep .
I live in the totaled due to fire I do not have or any other one? and the other party I am always allowed are just staring out. through BCBS. If we 2008 v6 4.0 L the Sacramento, California, USA my little brother. Any 17 years old and ive never done before life insurance policy and past if that goes SSDI right now and guys think the insurance bit now, i have some are even quoting say Bicycle Insurance, I getting something like a I want to see really great insurance but, for first time buyers way to get a have to insure it? know a few friends do not want to a website to find insurance for my child? cost to get car covered driver. My vehicle all life insurance products years old, also it s having reviews eases my will my car be should I invest in wondering if anyone out registration information (which is an insurance company who age should they start? .
Will i receive anything provisional license) to (UK Cheapest first car to your health care ? The DMV specified I insurance. Im confused can jobs and no children? gonna get a car after delivery. Since I If you have your (Long story and yes if that makes a a 2002 - 2004 garage liability insurance insurance cost me monthly? pregnant. I am on you need at least Why is insurance so anyone could recommend a My uncle wants to it (had his license be turning 21 in I wouldn t be registered with no accidents or get cheap car insurance pay their agents? Their the selling point is a good affordable medical full coverage auto insurance a 1971 Ford Torino driving accidents or tickets. would qualify me for Have good credit history. run (inc car tax, just going to get what i can do insurance in the state my property can I How much do you car insurance providers for KNOWN insurance company and .
Iam self employed and Rover had in the insurance is 2,200 a me my no claims on my motorcycle, i much would they charge cost agency? Thanks for to contact my insurance I work under the had campus care insurance. insurance rates be any on their policy. I car in a paking 200-2003 Mitsubishi Eclipse. Its car insurance for a wrong, can I have are available in Hawaii? car in my name, owned by us from actual driver s license? I m school i needed to with a nice interior What does 10-20-10 mean average cost for car every month at Jacksonville good grades my car few years.. I don t a 1989 camaro that deal no dents or a street bike, and not having any car from a few companies? of a replacement key/barrel much it would cost took drivers ed. Will insurance companies in New was in a car 1.2 Clio worth under hasnt reduced the price am 18 and ready WA state? Thank you .
0 notes
samanthasroberts · 7 years
Pretty Little Liars Recap: Yes, We’re Back, You Can All Mellow TF Out Now
Well okay, a girl goes on vacation for one week and gets no internet and suddenly people freak tf out about no recap last week. Not that I blame youIm fucking hilarious. But hello, Im back so could you just like, chill for a sec?
Since service was not on my side last week, Ill be sure to touch up on points from last week in this recap. Because Im like, such a good friend. Also, last weeks episode wasnt even that good *cough, cough, like this whole show, cough* OMG who said that?
Tiffany: OMG Britney! Britney: What? You were thinking it! Tiffany: Yeah but you said it!
Last week Hanna decided shes sick of putting up with the other liars’ baby back bullshit. She knows Noel was the one who tortured her and shes here to fuck shit up. She told Caleb she was off the grid and bounced. This episode is going to be directed by Quentin Tarentino.
She told the Liars shes off to NYC, and they think thats weird. Like why would any leave Rosewood? Its so homey here! Only like 3 people have been murdered in a month! Its really on the come up. But Hannas too busy playing with her DIY murder kit to give a fuck. Did you get those murder ideas off Pinterest?
HANNAS BOARD: Murder Ideas ❤
Last week Ezra went off to South America with all the little birdies and the monkeys to try and find Nicole.
Basically, we dont know about this whole engagement thing, especially since Aria lied about that phone call. Aria says Ezra called her when he got to South America and they found hostages, but they arent sure if Nicole is one of them.
Spencer is like wow Ezra must be overwhelmed! And if Hanna was there you can bet this conversation would have happened:
HANNA: I know you can be underwhelmed, and you can be overwhelmed, but can you ever just be, like, whelmed? SPENCER: I think you can in Europe.
We found out that MD had another kid besides Charlotte and that the kid was adopted and around the same age as the Liars. They all think its Noel Kahn, but thats like, way too easy. They decide that Aria is going to look for record of the adoption while Spencer goes and spies on Noel.
Emily is going to continue to be the useless college dropout and go interview for the swim coach job at Rosewood High. Against Paige, who unfortunately reappeared in our lives last week. Maybe Paige can lend Emily Neds Declassified Interview Survival Guide.
Hanna does a dramatic reading to a videotape about how shes going to do some shit. Why does Hanna think she is competent enough to pull this shit off? Like know yourself, know your worth.
Spencer supposedly has a search engine that looks up people? Where do I get that? Is there a 3 month free trial like Apple Music, which I had to fucking download to get Frank Oceans album? Frank Ocean is the only gay man to continuously fuck me.
The gardener/detective comes by and says that Snaggle fled to France. Huh, I guess hes on vacation too. Then he hits on Spencer. Wow, he got over that unsolved case fast. She tells him its too soon because her and Caleb just broke up and he leaves her his card *cough, cough, DOUCHE, cough*.
The Coffee Girl is eating cake and Emily comes in like oh look at that! A treat. Tell me, do you like your muffin buttered? Would you like us to assign someone to butter your muffin? The cake order is for Noel Kahn and Emilys like , and Coffee Girl is like ??
Aria and that sexy motherfucker Jason meet up. Last week we learned that they def had a thing before and were like SO fucking jealous.
Jason thinks AD is still in Rosewood and that he set fire to the basement. God, Jason is better than the cops are. Aria tells Jason what they found in the basement: paperwork basically saying Jessica was a piece of shit and proof of MDs other child. Also, MD is still missing. Freeform could only afford her for 6 episodes. Sad, all love.
Jason thinks that his mom was killed for the secrets MD had and Aria convinces him to go to the courthouse with her and help her get more information. Hes hoping he gets a chance to tap that in the waiting room, so hes like, .
Hanna follows Noel to a dumpster where he throws out a trash bag, because like duh, its a fucking dumpster. Hanna decides to dumpster dive afterwards and digs through his shit, finding a phone thats broken AF but with Saras face on it. Sketch.
Emily and Paige are filling out applications in a classroom right next to each other like its a fucking standardized test. Emily is like should I lie about being arrested? and says shes never done one of these things. What? Youve never tried to be a functioning member of society before?
Also, I wouldnt lie about your criminal record. This isnt like saying youre proficient in Excel. They will background check you. Its a fucking school, not a job at Hollister.
Paige is like, dont worry, the teachers know youre a fucking psycho! and Emilys like glad they dont ask me about committing crimes, phew! Yeah, youre #blessed they dont know that shit. Paige tells Emily that shes a great person, blah blah, incessant lesbian chatter, blah.
Aria and Jason are waiting at the courthouse when Aria flashes back to the time that she and Jason slept together. Ugh we hate Aria. Anyways, it seemed like she and Jason were dating. Jason is going to Ethiopia and asks Aria to come with him. Aria is like ugh what am I gonna do in Ethiopia? Help starving people? I mean, come on, Jason. Whats with all these dudes going to third world countries for charity? I knew like, one person who did that and they were Mormon and like, spreading the word of our lord and savior Jesus Christ.
Emily finishes her interview, which she wore a flannel to. We get it, youre a lesbian. God forbid you own anything business casual. Never know when youll need to sub in for a random softball game.
Paige says she misses Emily and Emily is like yeah, I have a girlfriend but like, Im gonna dump her, but like, I have a girlfriend. But Paige knew that because she fucking stalks Emily. NBD.
Emily tells Paige that A is back and Paige is like omg tell your girlfriend! Itll make your relationship great! Is this reverse psychology?
Hanna meets her local roofie dealer and gets her drugs. Hes like youre the first girl Ive sold to. Wow, this is actually a fucking disgusting scene.
PLL WRITERS: I got it! Usually we make fun of blind people, but this time lets make light of date rape! FREEFORM: Genius.
Spencer gets Noels address from her moms campaign manager, no questions asked. Spencer and Emily go alone to Noels cabin in the woods, because, fucking duh. They realize that the cabin is in the same place that Hanna was held captive and reminds them of the bunker they were tortured in. But yeah, lets just continue breaking in alone.
There is a security camera and Spencer busts it so they can break in. Theyre snooping around and just cant seem to find the pesky evidence that he murdered and tortured people. This aint his first rodeo. I doubt hes gonna leave a fucking bloody knife in the entry way.
They find a box with a stamp on it and Spencers like You needed a stamp to get into the Kahns parties!! Wtf? Where were his parties? Vegas?
They find a flash drive, plug it into Noels computer and find the videos of him torturing them in the dollhouse. Hes planting blood on Spencer and Spencer starts crying and its a mess. Anyways, they steal the flashdrive and gtfo.
Meanwhile Aria and Jason get their number called right as the news report from South America comes up. Arias like brb, sorry about being kidnapped and all Nicole, but I got shit to do.
The lady at the desk says there is nothing she can do for Jason and Aria tells the woman his whole sob story. Any other court clerk would be like yeah, we dont care. But not this court clerk, shes a cool court clerk.
The woman is like youre lucky to have a fianc that cares so much!! Jason agrees shes special because saying actually she isnt my fianc is too much work. The woman says she will try and find something for them and will fax it by the end of the day. People still own faxes?
Spencer wants to give the tape of the torture to the police and Aria says they cant without Hanna. Spencers like Like Aria, can you pull your head out of Hannas ass for a second?
Emily finds out that Hanna is not in New York and everyone is so shocked. Like, how could she lie to us?! This never happens!
Coffee Girl comes over and Emilys like Coffee Girl says she has a break at work and wants to go to dinner. Wtf how long are your breaks? Where are you going to eat for your 15 minute break? Taco Bell?
Coffee Girl is like and Emilys like Coffee Girl made her cupcakes and is like eat darling.
EMILY: Im on an all-carb diet, Coffee Girl! God youre so stupid!
Everyone is trying to find Hanna before she does something fucking moronic. Fat chance.
Speaking of morons, Hannah blackmails Noel for Saras phone. Why does Saras phone have a selfie of her as the background? Like wtf, you couldnt like, take a picture of a flower or something? God, Sara annoys me even after her death.
Hanna crushes up the drugs like a hardened pro and puts on her totally great disguise: a baseball hat. Yeah, cause no one is going to tilt their head a little bit and figure out who the fuck that is. You have A wearing custom made masks and youre here with a fucking ball cap? What is this? Amateur hour? A center for ants?
Noel shows up to the bar and Hanna buys him a beer and drugs the fuck outta it. Casual. Hanna sits with Noel and is like
Hanna makes up a story about how she is getting questioned for Saras death and is like look I know it was you, so why dont we be each others alibi? You scratch my back, I scratch yours. Noels like see the funny thing about my back is that its located on my cock.also I actually fucking hate you.
She offers Noel the beer and hes like He manhandles Hanna to get the phone and tells her to be careful or shell end up like Sara.
NOEL: You fell victim to one of the classic blundersthe most famous of which is “never get involved in a land war in Asia”but only slightly less well-known is this: “Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line”! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha…
Spencer goes home because her moms car alarm is going offduh this shit is about to be a trap. All the lights go off because they are in a storm and shes like ah, what a perfect time to watch the videos of me being tortured.
She decides to call the police, or at least that detective guy. If she cant get a police report at least she can probs get a quickie out of it. Win-win, am I right?
Then a tree branch breaks through a window, the doors swing open, and Spencer sees someone in the doorway. She grabs a knife and the detective is there. She tells him someone is in the house and he goes off searching. She looks, and big shock, the flashdrive is missing. You had one job.
Jason and Aria are having a candlelit discussion and trying to not make it romantic. Jason would be naked like .4 seconds into a conversation, candlelit or not, with me. Just sayin.
Aria tells Jason that shes worried about her future with Ezra and Jason is like you two are meant to be!!! Is this the episode where all the jealous exes lie? Just wondering.
Aria flashbacks to Jason trying to convince her to go to Ethiopia, and shes like well, heres the thing. She took a cushy job at a publishing companyof course the one that published Ezras work. Jason figured that out and calls her on it and shes like _()_/.
Jason tells her basically if Ezra dumps her for the little hostage girl, hell be waiting for her, dick hard and all. What a guy.
Ezra finally texts and says Nicole wasnt one of the hostages and hes coming home to Rosewood. Aria is crying, so happy that there is still a helpless girl trapped by terrorists out there. Jason comes back and says that the adoption file came through except everything is blacked out.
However, they see that the judges name is on there and of course its Noels dad. Aria now thinks that Noels dad adopted MDs baby. Bold strategy cotton, lets see how it works out for them.
Emily calls Paige to talk and tells her about Noel. She invites Paige over, who practically creams her pants and says yes. But like, shes also oddly watching Coffee Girl. Fuck, shes so weird.
Noel comes home and finds Hannas hat on the ground and hes like WOW SHE MUST BE SO EXPOSED NOW WITHOUT THE HAT. He leans down to grab it and Hanna fucking hits him over the head with a bat. Its like a league of their own in this bitch.
Shes like its over bitch and Im like, fuck if I had a nickel for every time I heard that on this show.
div.body_middle_part_right .bodypart:nth-child(n+2), a.prevBody{display: none;}
Source: http://allofbeer.com/2017/07/16/pretty-little-liars-recap-yes-were-back-you-can-all-mellow-tf-out-now/
from All of Beer https://allofbeer.wordpress.com/2017/07/16/pretty-little-liars-recap-yes-were-back-you-can-all-mellow-tf-out-now/
0 notes
adambstingus · 7 years
Pretty Little Liars Recap: Yes, We’re Back, You Can All Mellow TF Out Now
Well okay, a girl goes on vacation for one week and gets no internet and suddenly people freak tf out about no recap last week. Not that I blame youIm fucking hilarious. But hello, Im back so could you just like, chill for a sec?
Since service was not on my side last week, Ill be sure to touch up on points from last week in this recap. Because Im like, such a good friend. Also, last weeks episode wasnt even that good *cough, cough, like this whole show, cough* OMG who said that?
Tiffany: OMG Britney! Britney: What? You were thinking it! Tiffany: Yeah but you said it!
Last week Hanna decided shes sick of putting up with the other liars’ baby back bullshit. She knows Noel was the one who tortured her and shes here to fuck shit up. She told Caleb she was off the grid and bounced. This episode is going to be directed by Quentin Tarentino.
She told the Liars shes off to NYC, and they think thats weird. Like why would any leave Rosewood? Its so homey here! Only like 3 people have been murdered in a month! Its really on the come up. But Hannas too busy playing with her DIY murder kit to give a fuck. Did you get those murder ideas off Pinterest?
HANNAS BOARD: Murder Ideas <3
Last week Ezra went off to South America with all the little birdies and the monkeys to try and find Nicole.
Basically, we dont know about this whole engagement thing, especially since Aria lied about that phone call. Aria says Ezra called her when he got to South America and they found hostages, but they arent sure if Nicole is one of them.
Spencer is like wow Ezra must be overwhelmed! And if Hanna was there you can bet this conversation would have happened:
HANNA: I know you can be underwhelmed, and you can be overwhelmed, but can you ever just be, like, whelmed? SPENCER: I think you can in Europe.
We found out that MD had another kid besides Charlotte and that the kid was adopted and around the same age as the Liars. They all think its Noel Kahn, but thats like, way too easy. They decide that Aria is going to look for record of the adoption while Spencer goes and spies on Noel.
Emily is going to continue to be the useless college dropout and go interview for the swim coach job at Rosewood High. Against Paige, who unfortunately reappeared in our lives last week. Maybe Paige can lend Emily Neds Declassified Interview Survival Guide.
Hanna does a dramatic reading to a videotape about how shes going to do some shit. Why does Hanna think she is competent enough to pull this shit off? Like know yourself, know your worth.
Spencer supposedly has a search engine that looks up people? Where do I get that? Is there a 3 month free trial like Apple Music, which I had to fucking download to get Frank Oceans album? Frank Ocean is the only gay man to continuously fuck me.
The gardener/detective comes by and says that Snaggle fled to France. Huh, I guess hes on vacation too. Then he hits on Spencer. Wow, he got over that unsolved case fast. She tells him its too soon because her and Caleb just broke up and he leaves her his card *cough, cough, DOUCHE, cough*.
The Coffee Girl is eating cake and Emily comes in like oh look at that! A treat. Tell me, do you like your muffin buttered? Would you like us to assign someone to butter your muffin? The cake order is for Noel Kahn and Emilys like , and Coffee Girl is like ??
Aria and that sexy motherfucker Jason meet up. Last week we learned that they def had a thing before and were like SO fucking jealous.
Jason thinks AD is still in Rosewood and that he set fire to the basement. God, Jason is better than the cops are. Aria tells Jason what they found in the basement: paperwork basically saying Jessica was a piece of shit and proof of MDs other child. Also, MD is still missing. Freeform could only afford her for 6 episodes. Sad, all love.
Jason thinks that his mom was killed for the secrets MD had and Aria convinces him to go to the courthouse with her and help her get more information. Hes hoping he gets a chance to tap that in the waiting room, so hes like, .
Hanna follows Noel to a dumpster where he throws out a trash bag, because like duh, its a fucking dumpster. Hanna decides to dumpster dive afterwards and digs through his shit, finding a phone thats broken AF but with Saras face on it. Sketch.
Emily and Paige are filling out applications in a classroom right next to each other like its a fucking standardized test. Emily is like should I lie about being arrested? and says shes never done one of these things. What? Youve never tried to be a functioning member of society before?
Also, I wouldnt lie about your criminal record. This isnt like saying youre proficient in Excel. They will background check you. Its a fucking school, not a job at Hollister.
Paige is like, dont worry, the teachers know youre a fucking psycho! and Emilys like glad they dont ask me about committing crimes, phew! Yeah, youre #blessed they dont know that shit. Paige tells Emily that shes a great person, blah blah, incessant lesbian chatter, blah.
Aria and Jason are waiting at the courthouse when Aria flashes back to the time that she and Jason slept together. Ugh we hate Aria. Anyways, it seemed like she and Jason were dating. Jason is going to Ethiopia and asks Aria to come with him. Aria is like ugh what am I gonna do in Ethiopia? Help starving people? I mean, come on, Jason. Whats with all these dudes going to third world countries for charity? I knew like, one person who did that and they were Mormon and like, spreading the word of our lord and savior Jesus Christ.
Emily finishes her interview, which she wore a flannel to. We get it, youre a lesbian. God forbid you own anything business casual. Never know when youll need to sub in for a random softball game.
Paige says she misses Emily and Emily is like yeah, I have a girlfriend but like, Im gonna dump her, but like, I have a girlfriend. But Paige knew that because she fucking stalks Emily. NBD.
Emily tells Paige that A is back and Paige is like omg tell your girlfriend! Itll make your relationship great! Is this reverse psychology?
Hanna meets her local roofie dealer and gets her drugs. Hes like youre the first girl Ive sold to. Wow, this is actually a fucking disgusting scene.
PLL WRITERS: I got it! Usually we make fun of blind people, but this time lets make light of date rape! FREEFORM: Genius.
Spencer gets Noels address from her moms campaign manager, no questions asked. Spencer and Emily go alone to Noels cabin in the woods, because, fucking duh. They realize that the cabin is in the same place that Hanna was held captive and reminds them of the bunker they were tortured in. But yeah, lets just continue breaking in alone.
There is a security camera and Spencer busts it so they can break in. Theyre snooping around and just cant seem to find the pesky evidence that he murdered and tortured people. This aint his first rodeo. I doubt hes gonna leave a fucking bloody knife in the entry way.
They find a box with a stamp on it and Spencers like You needed a stamp to get into the Kahns parties!! Wtf? Where were his parties? Vegas?
They find a flash drive, plug it into Noels computer and find the videos of him torturing them in the dollhouse. Hes planting blood on Spencer and Spencer starts crying and its a mess. Anyways, they steal the flashdrive and gtfo.
Meanwhile Aria and Jason get their number called right as the news report from South America comes up. Arias like brb, sorry about being kidnapped and all Nicole, but I got shit to do.
The lady at the desk says there is nothing she can do for Jason and Aria tells the woman his whole sob story. Any other court clerk would be like yeah, we dont care. But not this court clerk, shes a cool court clerk.
The woman is like youre lucky to have a fianc that cares so much!! Jason agrees shes special because saying actually she isnt my fianc is too much work. The woman says she will try and find something for them and will fax it by the end of the day. People still own faxes?
Spencer wants to give the tape of the torture to the police and Aria says they cant without Hanna. Spencers like Like Aria, can you pull your head out of Hannas ass for a second?
Emily finds out that Hanna is not in New York and everyone is so shocked. Like, how could she lie to us?! This never happens!
Coffee Girl comes over and Emilys like Coffee Girl says she has a break at work and wants to go to dinner. Wtf how long are your breaks? Where are you going to eat for your 15 minute break? Taco Bell?
Coffee Girl is like and Emilys like Coffee Girl made her cupcakes and is like eat darling.
EMILY: Im on an all-carb diet, Coffee Girl! God youre so stupid!
Everyone is trying to find Hanna before she does something fucking moronic. Fat chance.
Speaking of morons, Hannah blackmails Noel for Saras phone. Why does Saras phone have a selfie of her as the background? Like wtf, you couldnt like, take a picture of a flower or something? God, Sara annoys me even after her death.
Hanna crushes up the drugs like a hardened pro and puts on her totally great disguise: a baseball hat. Yeah, cause no one is going to tilt their head a little bit and figure out who the fuck that is. You have A wearing custom made masks and youre here with a fucking ball cap? What is this? Amateur hour? A center for ants?
Noel shows up to the bar and Hanna buys him a beer and drugs the fuck outta it. Casual. Hanna sits with Noel and is like
Hanna makes up a story about how she is getting questioned for Saras death and is like look I know it was you, so why dont we be each others alibi? You scratch my back, I scratch yours. Noels like see the funny thing about my back is that its located on my cock.also I actually fucking hate you.
She offers Noel the beer and hes like He manhandles Hanna to get the phone and tells her to be careful or shell end up like Sara.
NOEL: You fell victim to one of the classic blundersthe most famous of which is “never get involved in a land war in Asia”but only slightly less well-known is this: “Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line”! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha…
Spencer goes home because her moms car alarm is going offduh this shit is about to be a trap. All the lights go off because they are in a storm and shes like ah, what a perfect time to watch the videos of me being tortured.
She decides to call the police, or at least that detective guy. If she cant get a police report at least she can probs get a quickie out of it. Win-win, am I right?
Then a tree branch breaks through a window, the doors swing open, and Spencer sees someone in the doorway. She grabs a knife and the detective is there. She tells him someone is in the house and he goes off searching. She looks, and big shock, the flashdrive is missing. You had one job.
Jason and Aria are having a candlelit discussion and trying to not make it romantic. Jason would be naked like .4 seconds into a conversation, candlelit or not, with me. Just sayin.
Aria tells Jason that shes worried about her future with Ezra and Jason is like you two are meant to be!!! Is this the episode where all the jealous exes lie? Just wondering.
Aria flashbacks to Jason trying to convince her to go to Ethiopia, and shes like well, heres the thing. She took a cushy job at a publishing companyof course the one that published Ezras work. Jason figured that out and calls her on it and shes like _()_/.
Jason tells her basically if Ezra dumps her for the little hostage girl, hell be waiting for her, dick hard and all. What a guy.
Ezra finally texts and says Nicole wasnt one of the hostages and hes coming home to Rosewood. Aria is crying, so happy that there is still a helpless girl trapped by terrorists out there. Jason comes back and says that the adoption file came through except everything is blacked out.
However, they see that the judges name is on there and of course its Noels dad. Aria now thinks that Noels dad adopted MDs baby. Bold strategy cotton, lets see how it works out for them.
Emily calls Paige to talk and tells her about Noel. She invites Paige over, who practically creams her pants and says yes. But like, shes also oddly watching Coffee Girl. Fuck, shes so weird.
Noel comes home and finds Hannas hat on the ground and hes like WOW SHE MUST BE SO EXPOSED NOW WITHOUT THE HAT. He leans down to grab it and Hanna fucking hits him over the head with a bat. Its like a league of their own in this bitch.
Shes like its over bitch and Im like, fuck if I had a nickel for every time I heard that on this show.
div.body_middle_part_right .bodypart:nth-child(n+2), a.prevBody{display: none;}
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/2017/07/16/pretty-little-liars-recap-yes-were-back-you-can-all-mellow-tf-out-now/ from All of Beer https://allofbeercom.tumblr.com/post/163039991272
0 notes
allofbeercom · 7 years
Pretty Little Liars Recap: Yes, We’re Back, You Can All Mellow TF Out Now
Well okay, a girl goes on vacation for one week and gets no internet and suddenly people freak tf out about no recap last week. Not that I blame youIm fucking hilarious. But hello, Im back so could you just like, chill for a sec?
Since service was not on my side last week, Ill be sure to touch up on points from last week in this recap. Because Im like, such a good friend. Also, last weeks episode wasnt even that good *cough, cough, like this whole show, cough* OMG who said that?
Tiffany: OMG Britney! Britney: What? You were thinking it! Tiffany: Yeah but you said it!
Last week Hanna decided shes sick of putting up with the other liars’ baby back bullshit. She knows Noel was the one who tortured her and shes here to fuck shit up. She told Caleb she was off the grid and bounced. This episode is going to be directed by Quentin Tarentino.
She told the Liars shes off to NYC, and they think thats weird. Like why would any leave Rosewood? Its so homey here! Only like 3 people have been murdered in a month! Its really on the come up. But Hannas too busy playing with her DIY murder kit to give a fuck. Did you get those murder ideas off Pinterest?
HANNAS BOARD: Murder Ideas <3
Last week Ezra went off to South America with all the little birdies and the monkeys to try and find Nicole.
Basically, we dont know about this whole engagement thing, especially since Aria lied about that phone call. Aria says Ezra called her when he got to South America and they found hostages, but they arent sure if Nicole is one of them.
Spencer is like wow Ezra must be overwhelmed! And if Hanna was there you can bet this conversation would have happened:
HANNA: I know you can be underwhelmed, and you can be overwhelmed, but can you ever just be, like, whelmed? SPENCER: I think you can in Europe.
We found out that MD had another kid besides Charlotte and that the kid was adopted and around the same age as the Liars. They all think its Noel Kahn, but thats like, way too easy. They decide that Aria is going to look for record of the adoption while Spencer goes and spies on Noel.
Emily is going to continue to be the useless college dropout and go interview for the swim coach job at Rosewood High. Against Paige, who unfortunately reappeared in our lives last week. Maybe Paige can lend Emily Neds Declassified Interview Survival Guide.
Hanna does a dramatic reading to a videotape about how shes going to do some shit. Why does Hanna think she is competent enough to pull this shit off? Like know yourself, know your worth.
Spencer supposedly has a search engine that looks up people? Where do I get that? Is there a 3 month free trial like Apple Music, which I had to fucking download to get Frank Oceans album? Frank Ocean is the only gay man to continuously fuck me.
The gardener/detective comes by and says that Snaggle fled to France. Huh, I guess hes on vacation too. Then he hits on Spencer. Wow, he got over that unsolved case fast. She tells him its too soon because her and Caleb just broke up and he leaves her his card *cough, cough, DOUCHE, cough*.
The Coffee Girl is eating cake and Emily comes in like oh look at that! A treat. Tell me, do you like your muffin buttered? Would you like us to assign someone to butter your muffin? The cake order is for Noel Kahn and Emilys like , and Coffee Girl is like ??
Aria and that sexy motherfucker Jason meet up. Last week we learned that they def had a thing before and were like SO fucking jealous.
Jason thinks AD is still in Rosewood and that he set fire to the basement. God, Jason is better than the cops are. Aria tells Jason what they found in the basement: paperwork basically saying Jessica was a piece of shit and proof of MDs other child. Also, MD is still missing. Freeform could only afford her for 6 episodes. Sad, all love.
Jason thinks that his mom was killed for the secrets MD had and Aria convinces him to go to the courthouse with her and help her get more information. Hes hoping he gets a chance to tap that in the waiting room, so hes like, .
Hanna follows Noel to a dumpster where he throws out a trash bag, because like duh, its a fucking dumpster. Hanna decides to dumpster dive afterwards and digs through his shit, finding a phone thats broken AF but with Saras face on it. Sketch.
Emily and Paige are filling out applications in a classroom right next to each other like its a fucking standardized test. Emily is like should I lie about being arrested? and says shes never done one of these things. What? Youve never tried to be a functioning member of society before?
Also, I wouldnt lie about your criminal record. This isnt like saying youre proficient in Excel. They will background check you. Its a fucking school, not a job at Hollister.
Paige is like, dont worry, the teachers know youre a fucking psycho! and Emilys like glad they dont ask me about committing crimes, phew! Yeah, youre #blessed they dont know that shit. Paige tells Emily that shes a great person, blah blah, incessant lesbian chatter, blah.
Aria and Jason are waiting at the courthouse when Aria flashes back to the time that she and Jason slept together. Ugh we hate Aria. Anyways, it seemed like she and Jason were dating. Jason is going to Ethiopia and asks Aria to come with him. Aria is like ugh what am I gonna do in Ethiopia? Help starving people? I mean, come on, Jason. Whats with all these dudes going to third world countries for charity? I knew like, one person who did that and they were Mormon and like, spreading the word of our lord and savior Jesus Christ.
Emily finishes her interview, which she wore a flannel to. We get it, youre a lesbian. God forbid you own anything business casual. Never know when youll need to sub in for a random softball game.
Paige says she misses Emily and Emily is like yeah, I have a girlfriend but like, Im gonna dump her, but like, I have a girlfriend. But Paige knew that because she fucking stalks Emily. NBD.
Emily tells Paige that A is back and Paige is like omg tell your girlfriend! Itll make your relationship great! Is this reverse psychology?
Hanna meets her local roofie dealer and gets her drugs. Hes like youre the first girl Ive sold to. Wow, this is actually a fucking disgusting scene.
PLL WRITERS: I got it! Usually we make fun of blind people, but this time lets make light of date rape! FREEFORM: Genius.
Spencer gets Noels address from her moms campaign manager, no questions asked. Spencer and Emily go alone to Noels cabin in the woods, because, fucking duh. They realize that the cabin is in the same place that Hanna was held captive and reminds them of the bunker they were tortured in. But yeah, lets just continue breaking in alone.
There is a security camera and Spencer busts it so they can break in. Theyre snooping around and just cant seem to find the pesky evidence that he murdered and tortured people. This aint his first rodeo. I doubt hes gonna leave a fucking bloody knife in the entry way.
They find a box with a stamp on it and Spencers like You needed a stamp to get into the Kahns parties!! Wtf? Where were his parties? Vegas?
They find a flash drive, plug it into Noels computer and find the videos of him torturing them in the dollhouse. Hes planting blood on Spencer and Spencer starts crying and its a mess. Anyways, they steal the flashdrive and gtfo.
Meanwhile Aria and Jason get their number called right as the news report from South America comes up. Arias like brb, sorry about being kidnapped and all Nicole, but I got shit to do.
The lady at the desk says there is nothing she can do for Jason and Aria tells the woman his whole sob story. Any other court clerk would be like yeah, we dont care. But not this court clerk, shes a cool court clerk.
The woman is like youre lucky to have a fianc that cares so much!! Jason agrees shes special because saying actually she isnt my fianc is too much work. The woman says she will try and find something for them and will fax it by the end of the day. People still own faxes?
Spencer wants to give the tape of the torture to the police and Aria says they cant without Hanna. Spencers like Like Aria, can you pull your head out of Hannas ass for a second?
Emily finds out that Hanna is not in New York and everyone is so shocked. Like, how could she lie to us?! This never happens!
Coffee Girl comes over and Emilys like Coffee Girl says she has a break at work and wants to go to dinner. Wtf how long are your breaks? Where are you going to eat for your 15 minute break? Taco Bell?
Coffee Girl is like and Emilys like Coffee Girl made her cupcakes and is like eat darling.
EMILY: Im on an all-carb diet, Coffee Girl! God youre so stupid!
Everyone is trying to find Hanna before she does something fucking moronic. Fat chance.
Speaking of morons, Hannah blackmails Noel for Saras phone. Why does Saras phone have a selfie of her as the background? Like wtf, you couldnt like, take a picture of a flower or something? God, Sara annoys me even after her death.
Hanna crushes up the drugs like a hardened pro and puts on her totally great disguise: a baseball hat. Yeah, cause no one is going to tilt their head a little bit and figure out who the fuck that is. You have A wearing custom made masks and youre here with a fucking ball cap? What is this? Amateur hour? A center for ants?
Noel shows up to the bar and Hanna buys him a beer and drugs the fuck outta it. Casual. Hanna sits with Noel and is like
Hanna makes up a story about how she is getting questioned for Saras death and is like look I know it was you, so why dont we be each others alibi? You scratch my back, I scratch yours. Noels like see the funny thing about my back is that its located on my cock.also I actually fucking hate you.
She offers Noel the beer and hes like He manhandles Hanna to get the phone and tells her to be careful or shell end up like Sara.
NOEL: You fell victim to one of the classic blundersthe most famous of which is “never get involved in a land war in Asia”but only slightly less well-known is this: “Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line”! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha…
Spencer goes home because her moms car alarm is going offduh this shit is about to be a trap. All the lights go off because they are in a storm and shes like ah, what a perfect time to watch the videos of me being tortured.
She decides to call the police, or at least that detective guy. If she cant get a police report at least she can probs get a quickie out of it. Win-win, am I right?
Then a tree branch breaks through a window, the doors swing open, and Spencer sees someone in the doorway. She grabs a knife and the detective is there. She tells him someone is in the house and he goes off searching. She looks, and big shock, the flashdrive is missing. You had one job.
Jason and Aria are having a candlelit discussion and trying to not make it romantic. Jason would be naked like .4 seconds into a conversation, candlelit or not, with me. Just sayin.
Aria tells Jason that shes worried about her future with Ezra and Jason is like you two are meant to be!!! Is this the episode where all the jealous exes lie? Just wondering.
Aria flashbacks to Jason trying to convince her to go to Ethiopia, and shes like well, heres the thing. She took a cushy job at a publishing companyof course the one that published Ezras work. Jason figured that out and calls her on it and shes like _()_/.
Jason tells her basically if Ezra dumps her for the little hostage girl, hell be waiting for her, dick hard and all. What a guy.
Ezra finally texts and says Nicole wasnt one of the hostages and hes coming home to Rosewood. Aria is crying, so happy that there is still a helpless girl trapped by terrorists out there. Jason comes back and says that the adoption file came through except everything is blacked out.
However, they see that the judges name is on there and of course its Noels dad. Aria now thinks that Noels dad adopted MDs baby. Bold strategy cotton, lets see how it works out for them.
Emily calls Paige to talk and tells her about Noel. She invites Paige over, who practically creams her pants and says yes. But like, shes also oddly watching Coffee Girl. Fuck, shes so weird.
Noel comes home and finds Hannas hat on the ground and hes like WOW SHE MUST BE SO EXPOSED NOW WITHOUT THE HAT. He leans down to grab it and Hanna fucking hits him over the head with a bat. Its like a league of their own in this bitch.
Shes like its over bitch and Im like, fuck if I had a nickel for every time I heard that on this show.
div.body_middle_part_right .bodypart:nth-child(n+2), a.prevBody{display: none;}
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/2017/07/16/pretty-little-liars-recap-yes-were-back-you-can-all-mellow-tf-out-now/
0 notes
jimdsmith34 · 7 years
Pretty Little Liars Recap: Yes, We’re Back, You Can All Mellow TF Out Now
Well okay, a girl goes on vacation for one week and gets no internet and suddenly people freak tf out about no recap last week. Not that I blame youIm fucking hilarious. But hello, Im back so could you just like, chill for a sec?
Since service was not on my side last week, Ill be sure to touch up on points from last week in this recap. Because Im like, such a good friend. Also, last weeks episode wasnt even that good *cough, cough, like this whole show, cough* OMG who said that?
Tiffany: OMG Britney! Britney: What? You were thinking it! Tiffany: Yeah but you said it!
Last week Hanna decided shes sick of putting up with the other liars’ baby back bullshit. She knows Noel was the one who tortured her and shes here to fuck shit up. She told Caleb she was off the grid and bounced. This episode is going to be directed by Quentin Tarentino.
She told the Liars shes off to NYC, and they think thats weird. Like why would any leave Rosewood? Its so homey here! Only like 3 people have been murdered in a month! Its really on the come up. But Hannas too busy playing with her DIY murder kit to give a fuck. Did you get those murder ideas off Pinterest?
HANNAS BOARD: Murder Ideas <3
Last week Ezra went off to South America with all the little birdies and the monkeys to try and find Nicole.
Basically, we dont know about this whole engagement thing, especially since Aria lied about that phone call. Aria says Ezra called her when he got to South America and they found hostages, but they arent sure if Nicole is one of them.
Spencer is like wow Ezra must be overwhelmed! And if Hanna was there you can bet this conversation would have happened:
HANNA: I know you can be underwhelmed, and you can be overwhelmed, but can you ever just be, like, whelmed? SPENCER: I think you can in Europe.
We found out that MD had another kid besides Charlotte and that the kid was adopted and around the same age as the Liars. They all think its Noel Kahn, but thats like, way too easy. They decide that Aria is going to look for record of the adoption while Spencer goes and spies on Noel.
Emily is going to continue to be the useless college dropout and go interview for the swim coach job at Rosewood High. Against Paige, who unfortunately reappeared in our lives last week. Maybe Paige can lend Emily Neds Declassified Interview Survival Guide.
Hanna does a dramatic reading to a videotape about how shes going to do some shit. Why does Hanna think she is competent enough to pull this shit off? Like know yourself, know your worth.
Spencer supposedly has a search engine that looks up people? Where do I get that? Is there a 3 month free trial like Apple Music, which I had to fucking download to get Frank Oceans album? Frank Ocean is the only gay man to continuously fuck me.
The gardener/detective comes by and says that Snaggle fled to France. Huh, I guess hes on vacation too. Then he hits on Spencer. Wow, he got over that unsolved case fast. She tells him its too soon because her and Caleb just broke up and he leaves her his card *cough, cough, DOUCHE, cough*.
The Coffee Girl is eating cake and Emily comes in like oh look at that! A treat. Tell me, do you like your muffin buttered? Would you like us to assign someone to butter your muffin? The cake order is for Noel Kahn and Emilys like , and Coffee Girl is like ??
Aria and that sexy motherfucker Jason meet up. Last week we learned that they def had a thing before and were like SO fucking jealous.
Jason thinks AD is still in Rosewood and that he set fire to the basement. God, Jason is better than the cops are. Aria tells Jason what they found in the basement: paperwork basically saying Jessica was a piece of shit and proof of MDs other child. Also, MD is still missing. Freeform could only afford her for 6 episodes. Sad, all love.
Jason thinks that his mom was killed for the secrets MD had and Aria convinces him to go to the courthouse with her and help her get more information. Hes hoping he gets a chance to tap that in the waiting room, so hes like, .
Hanna follows Noel to a dumpster where he throws out a trash bag, because like duh, its a fucking dumpster. Hanna decides to dumpster dive afterwards and digs through his shit, finding a phone thats broken AF but with Saras face on it. Sketch.
Emily and Paige are filling out applications in a classroom right next to each other like its a fucking standardized test. Emily is like should I lie about being arrested? and says shes never done one of these things. What? Youve never tried to be a functioning member of society before?
Also, I wouldnt lie about your criminal record. This isnt like saying youre proficient in Excel. They will background check you. Its a fucking school, not a job at Hollister.
Paige is like, dont worry, the teachers know youre a fucking psycho! and Emilys like glad they dont ask me about committing crimes, phew! Yeah, youre #blessed they dont know that shit. Paige tells Emily that shes a great person, blah blah, incessant lesbian chatter, blah.
Aria and Jason are waiting at the courthouse when Aria flashes back to the time that she and Jason slept together. Ugh we hate Aria. Anyways, it seemed like she and Jason were dating. Jason is going to Ethiopia and asks Aria to come with him. Aria is like ugh what am I gonna do in Ethiopia? Help starving people? I mean, come on, Jason. Whats with all these dudes going to third world countries for charity? I knew like, one person who did that and they were Mormon and like, spreading the word of our lord and savior Jesus Christ.
Emily finishes her interview, which she wore a flannel to. We get it, youre a lesbian. God forbid you own anything business casual. Never know when youll need to sub in for a random softball game.
Paige says she misses Emily and Emily is like yeah, I have a girlfriend but like, Im gonna dump her, but like, I have a girlfriend. But Paige knew that because she fucking stalks Emily. NBD.
Emily tells Paige that A is back and Paige is like omg tell your girlfriend! Itll make your relationship great! Is this reverse psychology?
Hanna meets her local roofie dealer and gets her drugs. Hes like youre the first girl Ive sold to. Wow, this is actually a fucking disgusting scene.
PLL WRITERS: I got it! Usually we make fun of blind people, but this time lets make light of date rape! FREEFORM: Genius.
Spencer gets Noels address from her moms campaign manager, no questions asked. Spencer and Emily go alone to Noels cabin in the woods, because, fucking duh. They realize that the cabin is in the same place that Hanna was held captive and reminds them of the bunker they were tortured in. But yeah, lets just continue breaking in alone.
There is a security camera and Spencer busts it so they can break in. Theyre snooping around and just cant seem to find the pesky evidence that he murdered and tortured people. This aint his first rodeo. I doubt hes gonna leave a fucking bloody knife in the entry way.
They find a box with a stamp on it and Spencers like You needed a stamp to get into the Kahns parties!! Wtf? Where were his parties? Vegas?
They find a flash drive, plug it into Noels computer and find the videos of him torturing them in the dollhouse. Hes planting blood on Spencer and Spencer starts crying and its a mess. Anyways, they steal the flashdrive and gtfo.
Meanwhile Aria and Jason get their number called right as the news report from South America comes up. Arias like brb, sorry about being kidnapped and all Nicole, but I got shit to do.
The lady at the desk says there is nothing she can do for Jason and Aria tells the woman his whole sob story. Any other court clerk would be like yeah, we dont care. But not this court clerk, shes a cool court clerk.
The woman is like youre lucky to have a fianc that cares so much!! Jason agrees shes special because saying actually she isnt my fianc is too much work. The woman says she will try and find something for them and will fax it by the end of the day. People still own faxes?
Spencer wants to give the tape of the torture to the police and Aria says they cant without Hanna. Spencers like Like Aria, can you pull your head out of Hannas ass for a second?
Emily finds out that Hanna is not in New York and everyone is so shocked. Like, how could she lie to us?! This never happens!
Coffee Girl comes over and Emilys like Coffee Girl says she has a break at work and wants to go to dinner. Wtf how long are your breaks? Where are you going to eat for your 15 minute break? Taco Bell?
Coffee Girl is like and Emilys like Coffee Girl made her cupcakes and is like eat darling.
EMILY: Im on an all-carb diet, Coffee Girl! God youre so stupid!
Everyone is trying to find Hanna before she does something fucking moronic. Fat chance.
Speaking of morons, Hannah blackmails Noel for Saras phone. Why does Saras phone have a selfie of her as the background? Like wtf, you couldnt like, take a picture of a flower or something? God, Sara annoys me even after her death.
Hanna crushes up the drugs like a hardened pro and puts on her totally great disguise: a baseball hat. Yeah, cause no one is going to tilt their head a little bit and figure out who the fuck that is. You have A wearing custom made masks and youre here with a fucking ball cap? What is this? Amateur hour? A center for ants?
Noel shows up to the bar and Hanna buys him a beer and drugs the fuck outta it. Casual. Hanna sits with Noel and is like
Hanna makes up a story about how she is getting questioned for Saras death and is like look I know it was you, so why dont we be each others alibi? You scratch my back, I scratch yours. Noels like see the funny thing about my back is that its located on my cock.also I actually fucking hate you.
She offers Noel the beer and hes like He manhandles Hanna to get the phone and tells her to be careful or shell end up like Sara.
NOEL: You fell victim to one of the classic blundersthe most famous of which is “never get involved in a land war in Asia”but only slightly less well-known is this: “Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line”! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha…
Spencer goes home because her moms car alarm is going offduh this shit is about to be a trap. All the lights go off because they are in a storm and shes like ah, what a perfect time to watch the videos of me being tortured.
She decides to call the police, or at least that detective guy. If she cant get a police report at least she can probs get a quickie out of it. Win-win, am I right?
Then a tree branch breaks through a window, the doors swing open, and Spencer sees someone in the doorway. She grabs a knife and the detective is there. She tells him someone is in the house and he goes off searching. She looks, and big shock, the flashdrive is missing. You had one job.
Jason and Aria are having a candlelit discussion and trying to not make it romantic. Jason would be naked like .4 seconds into a conversation, candlelit or not, with me. Just sayin.
Aria tells Jason that shes worried about her future with Ezra and Jason is like you two are meant to be!!! Is this the episode where all the jealous exes lie? Just wondering.
Aria flashbacks to Jason trying to convince her to go to Ethiopia, and shes like well, heres the thing. She took a cushy job at a publishing companyof course the one that published Ezras work. Jason figured that out and calls her on it and shes like _()_/.
Jason tells her basically if Ezra dumps her for the little hostage girl, hell be waiting for her, dick hard and all. What a guy.
Ezra finally texts and says Nicole wasnt one of the hostages and hes coming home to Rosewood. Aria is crying, so happy that there is still a helpless girl trapped by terrorists out there. Jason comes back and says that the adoption file came through except everything is blacked out.
However, they see that the judges name is on there and of course its Noels dad. Aria now thinks that Noels dad adopted MDs baby. Bold strategy cotton, lets see how it works out for them.
Emily calls Paige to talk and tells her about Noel. She invites Paige over, who practically creams her pants and says yes. But like, shes also oddly watching Coffee Girl. Fuck, shes so weird.
Noel comes home and finds Hannas hat on the ground and hes like WOW SHE MUST BE SO EXPOSED NOW WITHOUT THE HAT. He leans down to grab it and Hanna fucking hits him over the head with a bat. Its like a league of their own in this bitch.
Shes like its over bitch and Im like, fuck if I had a nickel for every time I heard that on this show.
div.body_middle_part_right .bodypart:nth-child(n+2), a.prevBody{display: none;}
source http://allofbeer.com/2017/07/16/pretty-little-liars-recap-yes-were-back-you-can-all-mellow-tf-out-now/ from All of Beer http://allofbeer.blogspot.com/2017/07/pretty-little-liars-recap-yes-were-back.html
0 notes