#well it's not exactly 'x' between them. nor really an '&' either. it is a bit more ambigious than those can define ('tis the aroace in me)
pokimoko · 5 months
On Waxen Wings We Soar, In Spite of Inevitable Ends - A Baldur's Gate Fic
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Written by pokimoko
Chapters: 1/1
Word Count: ~15.5K
Fandom: Baldur's Gate (Video Games)
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Astarion & Karlach (Baldur's Gate), Astarion/Karlach (Baldur's Gate), (it's fairly ambigious; is it romantic? queerplatonic? platonic? yes), (the love and devotion is there regardless)
Characters: Karlach (Baldur's Gate), Astarion (Baldur's Gate)
Tags: Post-Canon, Post-Game: Baldur's Gate 3, Spoilers for Act 3 (Baldur's Gate 3), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, (in which a certain scene on a certain dock doesn't happen right at that very moment), POV Karlach (Baldur's Gate), Astarion as Player Character (Baldur's Gate), Vampire Spawn Astarion (Baldur's Gate), Astarion & Karlach Friendship (Baldur's Gate), Ambiguous Relationships, Queerplatonic Relationships, Non-Sexual Intimacy, No Smut, Location: Faerûn (Dungeons & Dragons), Dungeons & Dragons Game Mechanics, Road Trips, (minus the car), Canon-Typical Bag Packing Physics, (how are they fitting all that food and a whole tent into one bag? don't ask me), Polymorph Spell (Dungeons & Dragons), Animal Transformation, Corvid Token (Baldur's Gate), Birds, oh? my wisdom check engine light is on? well i'm sure it's nothing to worry about, (and yes i know that joke doesn't actually work in terms of d&d mechanics. shhh), Quest: Our Fiery Friend | Karlach's Companion Quest (Baldur's Gate), Karlach Needs a Hug (Baldur's Gate), Astarion Needs a Hug (Baldur's Gate), Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Humor, Karlach-centric (Baldur's Gate), Astarion-centric (Baldur's Gate), Protective Karlach (Baldur's Gate), Protective Astarion (Baldur's Gate), Karlach Has Chronic Pain (Baldur's Gate), Dying Karlach (Baldur's Gate), Ambiguous/Open Ending, Bittersweet Ending, Character Study
Summary: With her engine breaking down, and little time left to live before she burns up completely, Karlach takes one last journey across Faerûn. And thanks to a little bit of magic, it's a journey she won't have to take alone.
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reminiscingtonight · 11 months
Lia Wälti x Williamson!Reader
Word Count: 2.5k
[WOSO Masterlist]
It all began with a dinner.
Well, a dinner and a movie, but a dinner nonetheless.
Practice had been light today. With no games coming at the end of the week, Leah had invited her Swiss counterpart over for a little movie night. The two used to have them on the regular, but it’s been a busy past couple of weeks, neither having had the time to indulge in their weekly hangouts.
Until today. 
Arriving at the familiar address, Lia lets herself through the door. Leah had stayed behind to talk to Jonas for a little bit, giving Lia the all-clear to enter her home with the spare key the Swiss possessed. After stopping by their favorite dinner place, Lia did exactly that, heading straight for the kitchen after her arrival. 
It isn’t until she actually reaches for the cupboard left of the sink that she realizes something is off. Namely, since the last time Lia’s been over, Leah’s apparently reorganized all of her plates, bowls, and cutlery. 
Swearing under her breath, Lia starts opening cupboards and drawers at random. Where the plates are supposed to be now sit wine glasses. Where the forks are supposed to be now sit paper, pens, and rulers. 
Groaning, Lia comes to the realization that this is going to take longer than she originally thought. Leah’s about to get the talking-to of her life when she gets back.
So caught up in looking for the necessary plates and utensils for their dinner Lia doesn’t hear the sound of the shower stopping. Nor does she hear the click of the bathroom door opening. Nor the footsteps padding her way. 
What she does hear is an alarmed shriek.
Spinning around, Lia’s eyes widen at the sight of another woman, clad only in a towel as water drips from the ends of her hair. 
She finds her eyes following a particular bead of water that drips down your neck, disappearing underneath--
“Who the hell are you?!” comes a not so confidently yelled accusation, startling Lia out of her staring. Blushing, the Swiss puts her hands up to show she’s not a threat, gently backing into the counter as you stand your ground.
Of course, leave it up to Leah to not warn her about her girlfriend staying over. Or for Leah to not warn her girlfriend that Lia was coming over.
Though Lia can definitely see why the English captain would choose to date someone as beautiful as--
Lia stops herself before she goes down the trail of thinking about how hot Leah’s girlfriend is. 
“Sorry, Leah didn’t tell me someone else was going to be here,” comes the apology, the Gunner quick to make up for her previous silence. Your shoulders still haven’t untensed, hand clutching onto your towel for dear life. 
“Leah had to talk to Jonas about something but wanted me to grab food and head over.” Lia slowly gestures to the takeaway sitting on the counter next to her. She sees your eyes hesitantly glance at it before locking back onto her. “We, uh, we were planning on having a movie night.”
A period of silence follows as she sees you working through her explanation. If anything, you seem to be even more tense, from the cold or something else, Lia couldn’t be too sure.
Before either of you have a chance to say anything more, there’s a noisy jingle at the front door. Lia only has a few seconds to prepare herself before the door flies open, revealing the woman in question. 
Leah blinks, eyes darting between you and her teammate as she holds her bag over her shoulder.
You look unamused, shivering a bit at your state of undress while Lia’s quick to open her mouth in defense of herself.
“It’s not what it looks like.”
Leah frowns, gaze focusing on you. “Fancying a post-shower, still towel-clad conversation, eh?”
You roll your eyes. “A warning that you were having company over would’ve been nice.”
Lia’s confused when the blonde grins, coming over to smack a loud kiss against your cheek and push at you with her hands. “Off to get dressed, you. America has really taken away your manners.”
You rub at your cheek in disgust before you shove back ferociously, nearly toppling Leah over. The blonde stumbles, using Lia as a stand to steady herself. 
There’s no time to retaliate as you stalk away. Only the lingering smell of your shampoo and body wash tells her that you were ever there.
It’s quiet then as Leah helps the Swiss find her plates and take out the food. The two of them work in silence, carefully dishing out their meal before making their way to the living room.
The TV clicks on with a quiet hum, illuminating the room in a soft hue.
“Er, she seems… nice.” Lia supplements, trying to ease into the weird atmosphere. If Leah wasn’t going to introduce her girlfriend to Lia then Lia would just have to get the stone rolling herself.
To her surprise, Leah simply rolls her eyes, a small smile still present on her face. “(Y/N)’s a menace.”
There’s a muffled shout from somewhere deep in the apartment and Leah flinches when she realizes you can still hear her.
“I heard that, you arse! You’re the fucking menace.”
When you appear again, Lia’s lost in your soft look, a faded blue sweatshirt covering your previously towel covered body, that she almost misses what you say next.
“The least you could’ve done was have Wally bring me some food as well.”
When she realizes what you’ve just said, Lia can’t stop her mouth from dropping open in shock. 
“So you do know who I am?” she questions, instantly clocking how Leah hasn’t spoken her name out loud since she’s been back. Lia’s referring to the first words you uttered to her tonight, but she still receives the look of disbelief from you.
“Of course I know who you are. I’ve watched all of Leah’s games through the years. Only fitting I pick up everyone’s names from that.”
“But you--” Lia breaks off, stopping herself from talking the two of you into circles. Some battles are better lost than fought. Though she doesn’t miss the way you said ‘through the years.’ Just how long have the two of you been dating? Leah hasn’t mentioned dating anyone since her split with Jordan, but from the way you’re talking it seems as if you’ve been together for years.
“I’m just messing with you,” you grin, setting butterflies off in her stomach. “I’ve really only memorized the name of Lee’s prettiest friends.”
Lia’s mouth drops open in shock, eyes quickly darting to gauge Leah’s reaction. As hot as you are, flirting with Leah’s girlfriend right in front of Leah felt like a sure way to get herself killed. 
Only… Leah doesn’t even seem phased by the conversation happening in front of her. 
Without taking her eyes away from the screen in front of her, Leah throws out a: “Lotte was not joking when she said you flirted with everything that moved, huh.”
“Hey! Take that back!” you gasp, jumping on top of Leah. In the midst of wrestling the blonde to submission, you turn your head around, shooting Lia a genuine smile. “Don’t listen to her. I actually think you’re quite cute.”
“Oi, I’ll send you to live with mum if you don’t behave!” Leah grunts, trying to shake you off her.
You tighten your legs in response, pressing Leah harder against the couch. “Just you try! As if she’d take your word over her favorite daughter’s.”
It’s right here, right as that sentence is uttered that Lia realizes her error. That her previous conclusion was totally incorrect.
You’re not Leah’s girlfriend. 
You’re her sister.
And when you look back at her in the middle of your bickering with Leah, eyes lighting up at the acknowledgement that Lia’s still looking your way, Lia comes to an even worse conclusion. 
You’re Leah’s sister and she might have the tiniest crush on you.
It gets worse.
Lia comes to learn that night that you’ve been away in the States for college.
She learns that you played at UNC with Lotte, that your family’s footballing prowess doesn’t just end with your sister and brother.
She learns that you love photography more than you’d ever love football, hence why you haven’t continued your football career since returning to England, turning more towards capturing the game than playing it.
She learns that you love making her laugh, eyes always finding hers in a crowd when you’re out with friends.
The other Gunners have really taken a liking to you, inviting you into the squad as if you’re one of their own. It obviously helps that you’re Leah’s little sister, but soon you can be found having tea with Kimmy, hiking with Steph, out playing pool with Katie.
The more you become enveloped in the circles surrounding her life, Lia comes to an even worse conclusion than the one she made the first night at Leah’s.
Lia might be a little bit in love with you.
Despite sharing the same blood as a certain blonde defender, you’re always looking for Lia when the game ends. Lia comes to look forward to the proud smile you have on your face as you pull her in for a hug, pressing the smallest kiss to her cheek as you break apart after every game. 
You always ignore every other player on the pitch until Lia makes her way towards you. Lia feels her cheeks heat up whenever Jen pokes fun at her for it, knowing very well that she just wants to make you hers.
And she would. Lia would definitely take you out on a real date, treat you the way you deserve. 
Only… there’s Leah. There’s Leah who is your sister and her best friend. There’s Leah who might be the most loyal friend she’s made in a while, but also overly protective of you. Just last week Leah nearly took the head off of a random girl at the bar who tried to buy you a drink. You had apologized with a wave as the girl rushed off in tears, never to be seen again.
So yeah. Maybe Lia’s just the tiniest bit terrified of the older Williamson to ever think about asking you out. 
Though maybe she really doesn’t have a reason to be afraid. 
Lia’s crush began with a dinner. Seems fitting it ends over one too. 
The girls have all been invited over on behalf of Leah. With an international break coming up, Leah really wanted everyone to have a fun time over a meal. Though that really means you cooking dinner for the full squad.
Lia’s quick to offer you a hand, ignoring all the teasing left behind by the others in the living room. You make quick work of all of the dishes, working in sync with one another. 
There’s shy smiles exchanged every here and there when you accidentally get into each other’s way, but it’s awkwardly laughed away as always. 
Lia’s lost in thought, really deciding if she should risk the wrath of Leah when she spots you pulling out the last tray from the oven.
“Smiley fries?” Lia laughs, not having seen you put them in.
“For the child in the family,” you wink, head nodding towards the woman who just so happens to make her way into the kitchen at this very moment. 
“For me?!” Leah gasps, grin on her face as she skips over.
‘Child,’ you mouth at Lia again, quickly putting on a fake smile when Leah’s head swivels your way again. 
“You’re my favorite sister, have I ever told you that?”
“I’m your only sister,” you mutter under your breath, choosing to just take the praise without a fuss. 
When all’s said and done and all of the Arsenal girls are sprawled out in your living room in various conditions, Lia finds herself sat on the couch, barely an inch between the two of you. You’ve taken her hand into your lap, gently playing with her fingers, and Lia can feel the heat rising to her face at the domesticity of it all. 
You’re grinning at something Steph is showing you on the other side of the couch and Lia can’t help but watch the way your eyes light up, body buzzing beside hers. It would be so easy to pull you into her lap right here, but as a familiar shadow falls over the two of you, Lia’s brain grinds to a halt. 
Both of you look up to see a perfectly sculpted eyebrow raised in your direction, Leah less than amused to see the lack of space between you and her friend. 
Or at least that’s what Lia assumes until the groan falls out of Leah’s mouth. “Jesus, put the poor woman out of her misery.”
You glare at Leah, trying to kick out at her legs. “Go away, Leah! No one invited you.”
“This is my home,” the blonde shoots back, expertly avoiding your feet before plopping down right between the two of you. She’s half in your lap but quickly wiggles her way in the tiny gap between you and Lia, much to the Swiss’s disappointment. You try to throw an elbow into Leah’s gut but she takes it like a champ, simply throwing one arm over you and the other over Lia. 
“Now then, my sweet, sweet, innocent gays. Do I have to do all the hard work for the two of you?”
Lia risks a glance your way, noting the frown set upon your face as you don’t even bother looking your sister’s way. Blue eyes are quick to lock onto hers though, and Lia finds herself under the scrutiny of Leah.
“I… don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Leah mocks, rolling her eyes. “Ugh, give me a break. If I have to see the two of you give each other ‘fuck me’ eyes one more time, I might actually kick (Y/N) out so you guys can jumpstart your u-hualing experience.”
Lia’s mouth clicks shut, deciding to take a page out of your book. 
Head darting back and forth between the two of you, Leah lets out a loud groan again. “Guys! C’mon. Do I really need to ask her out on your behalf?”
It’s three years later. 
Lia makes you cry when she drops onto a knee. 
Leah’s more than ecstatic when you ask her to be your maid of honor. 
“I can’t wait to tell the world how I got the two of you together.”
Lia has to stop you from taking back your offer.
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the-xolotl · 5 months
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Darling, Can I Be Your Favorite?
Alastor x gn!Reader
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ღ Itty bitty snip !
ღ A/N: my fyp was a lot of that one audio “i can be whatever you want me to be” and i felt it really had Alastor vibe.
summary: anyone would find it odd how keen you are on the Radio Demon given his reputation but he’s more intriguing than scary. when admiration turns to infatuation, and your ego gets a little too big makes you make the wrong move.
—• WARNINGS: none? technically, no use of y/n, gn reader, no physical desc of reader, romanticization of unhealthy dynamics, unhealthy infatuation, everything is a red flag 🚩, proof read :D
Part I | Part II
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You and Alastor can’t be categorized as friends, not really. Alastor already rarely uses the word to describe, well, anyone besides Miss Rosie as far as you knew. But he did enjoy your company from time to time, you were the most tolerable out of the bunch with the ability to actually make good conversation with the Overlord.
For once Alastor appreciated a reverent admiration rather than straight up fear from an individual. Because you not seeing him in such negative connotations had led to some actually very engaging conversations between the two of you; often about his little hobby of serial killings between his radio shows back when he still roamed the earth. You had shown intelligence, common sense and dignity before him so he deemed you acceptable.
However things began to go a little askew when he started to noticed that admiration had formed into something different. The demon isn’t that oblivious, his aversion to such frivolous things didn’t mean he didn’t know how to spot them or pick them up, especially when they were directed at him.
Even with such vague gentle treatment, it made you feel special that he gave you a different treatment than most. It felt good to be on his good side, that you simply effortlessly got along with him in loose terms, truthfully. Shared interests and his frequent visits to your or his quarters for a late cup of tea or coffee only made your infatuation grow, bordering on obsession. You sought him out more and more.
It started subtly, even you hadn’t noticed. If someone was to ask you to trace back to when you had started to see him differently, started desiring and craving a different kind of closeness to the Radio Demon, you honest to Satan couldn’t say when. It just happened. After the increased amount of time spent talking sometimes late into the night sharing a drink you realized he isn’t as unpleasant as many others think.
That had been the first sign things had begun steadily going downhill. The second one was getting comfortable. Being on the sinner’s good graces came with perks; which were mostly him being more cordial to you than others and small favors. Something akin to friendship. That’s what you told yourself, and pride does come before the fall.
You let the gentlemanly treatment get to your head, reading into signs that weren’t really there, etc. It was beginning to be troubling for Alastor it saddens him to lose another little bit of fun he got while at the hotel. He avoided you after a while seeing him less and less. Disappeared every time you came around almost every time.
Admittedly it was hurtful, made you upset enough to confront him about it. Which brought you exactly where you are now; in his quarters demanding answers he didn’t owe you nor that he wants to entertain. You are basically begging for his attention at this point. A pitiful display if he’s ever seen one. Seeing you so desperate for a silver of his time or affection, affection you’d never obtain no matter how hard you tried either way. He hasn’t been interested in relationships even when he was alive, that certainly didn’t changed after death.
This was going nowhere, but you refused to give up, “I can be whatever you want,” your hands fidgeted at your sides, “Just tell me what you want and I’ll be that for you.” Your voice trembled a bit, you knew you’re hitting a dead end, probably also treading a fine line on his patience with you.
Alastor stalked towards you in his typical cool-calm fashion and snatching your face. His hand enveloping your jaw, squishing your cheeks with clawed fingers, “You foolish little creature,” he said, voice full of condescension.
Your gaze locking with his, with so much helpless hope behind it, “I could be that.” It came out more as a plea than an affirmation, you tried to smile up at him but his nails digging into your cheeks make it hard and a little painful.
“You have nothing I want, my dear,” He said feigning sympathy, “I don’t take low hanging fruit. It brings me no joy, no entertainment to be had from such an easy grab.” He lets go of your face and walks right past you towards the door, opening it. “You may leave now. This conversation is over.”
Despite giving you his polite smile, it didn’t quite reach his eyes like other times you’d been around him. Your hands balled into fists. In other words he was calling you easy. That stung more than a bit. “I could give you my soul. You’re into deal making, aren’t you? Let’s make one.” Brave wasn’t a word he’d use to describe you at this moment, more like reckless. Something he disliked even more.
He simply laughed to your face. Laughed with his whole chest, the laugh you’ve heard from him after talking about how pitifully his victims had fallen for his traps and deceptions. Full of ridicule, glee. “Your soul? Oh dear you sure know how to make me laugh,” he said wiping a nonexistent tear from his eye, “No, no. I don’t have a need for neither you, your services nor your soul. I get absolutely nothing from it!”
There’s a tightening in your chest and a stinging feeling around your eyes as you let your gaze fall to the ground. Your cheeks heat up in embarrassment, blooming on your face a bright red. Ouch. You couldn’t help the anger that began to rise, but you couldn’t even speak. What do you say after that kind of humiliation?
You had idealized a relationship that didn’t exist in your own mind and got humbled with 0 hesitation. “I’d suggest you retired to your own quarters and get some rest, darling. You’re not acting like your usually delightful self,” he said with a big grin, still being sarcastic. Silently you walk out barely murmuring a simple good night. “Good night, sweetheart.”
As soon as you stepped out he shut the door without another word. Leaving you to walk back through the dimly lit hallways back to your own room with silent tears rolling down your cheeks.
You weren’t about to give up just yet, though.
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ღ A/N: thanks for reading ! this lil scenario had been playing around my head for a few days and i just needed to get it out there. hope it was still an enjoyable read :))))
© 2024 the-xolotl — all rights reserved. do NOT alter, translate, or repost my works on any platform without my consent, do not claim my content as yours.
⤷ dividers : cafekitsune ✰
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Wsg wsg, I was hoping for a Professor Chaos x reader x Mysterion, or a Vic Chaos x reader x (p.c.) Kenny
Either works as long as you’re comfortable, and if you’re not that’s totally okay!
Tyty xo
Professor Chaos x femReader x Mysterion
⚠️NSFW WARNING⚠️ please be aware! i cannot control who interacts with my posts so use your best judgement and proceed at your own risk. people have been jumping into the SP fandom complaining about age and friendly reminder that ALL of my works are aged up to 18-20s.
You hadn’t been in South Park all that long. You moved for some peace and quiet away from the big city, however South Park may have just been the worst choice.
Regardless, you were still enjoying your time, attending your classes and working part time. You’d made a few friends so far, however you’d had no luck in the dating scene. Most of the boys your age were too loud or too conservative or just plain not your type. Turns out, it wouldn’t be too much longer until you’d get your fill of love.
Finishing work, you’d gotten changed at home before heading out to the gas station for snacks and drinks. It was your usual routine, which considering it was about 11pm, probably wasn’t the smartest idea. Who knew who was watching you every night?
You headed home, tote bag slung over your shoulder. You went down the main street before turning down a side street. It was still well-lit, however the alleys criss-crossing your path that ran behind businesses were didn’t have such good visibility. Hence why you didn’t quite see the figure on the corner until you passed it.
“Hi, sweetheart.” You tensed and tried to decide whether to stop or keep moving. This falter gave him time to catch up and walk alongside you, “Pretty gal like you shouldn’t be out so late. What’re ya doin’ runnin around in the dark?” When you met his eyes, you noticed the distinct eye of your classmate Leopold. Clouded grey with a deep scar running over the center. However, your usually shy, reserved classmate was dressed… strangely. His face was partly covered in a silver crown… or helm? Was that the word? And a thick aqua jacket and slacks.
“Just… uhhh. Getting my groceries.” You stuttered slightly, not used to the domineering personality he seemed to have now.
“Well now, that’s not the best idea. Isn’t it a bit too late to be makin a grocery run?”
“I guess so, but I work too late to be going earlier.” You’d finally stopped under a streetlamp to speak more politely. You hadn’t really noticed how tall he was before, nor the lean muscles that showed through his clothes. It was definitely making you blush despite the alarm bells ringing in your head.
As he began to speak again, he was interrupted by another figure that lithely landed between the both of you, seemingly out of nowhere.
“Good evening, Chaos. Luring pretty girls astray again?” The cloaked man spoke in a low husky voice that you couldn’t quite place.
“Get outta my face.” Butters growled, stepping forward to confront the new person. This could be your opportunity to escape, but the intrigue kept you rooted in place.
“Do you need an escort home? I’m Mysterion.” He turned to you and offered a charming grin and an arm, “You don’t want to be hanging around a villain like Professor Chaos.”
Your mouth opened slightly, unsure how to cope with two very gorgeous men arguing over you.
“Mysterion, let’s speak in private a moment? Now?” Professor Chaos spoke through gritted teeth.
“Just a moment, princess.” Mysterion shot you a wink before following Butters a few feet away. You didn’t catch much but ‘share’, ‘be fair’ and your name. They stood for a moment in silence, seeming to reach an agreement about… something.
You weren’t exactly sure how you’d been sweet talked into following them, under the impression of some sort of date happening. This was possibly the strangest thing that had ever happened to you but you were missing the hijinks of living in a busy city. And maybe you were kind of attracted to both of them and the loneliness of being a new place had weakened your resolve.
As with everywhere in South Park, it wasn’t too far a walk, however before you could know where you were going, they stopped abruptly.
“So, sweetheart. I gotta ask you a favor.” Mysterion spoke softly, tracing your arm gently, “We can’t exactly have you knowing where either of us work. So… if I can cover your eyes?” He presented a beanie with a sheepish grin. This was a one-way street to get kidnapped but again, your brain was slowly being turned to mush by the attention of these two. Your mind screamed at you to stop and run but you found yourself nodding and allowing Mysterion to pull the beanie down over your eyes. One of them picked you up and began walking. You turned two corners but that was all you could take notice of before you heard a lock click and the wind was no longer brushing your skin. Down a flight of stairs, then another, before you were set down and could see again. Surprisingly, it was a simple kitchen. Mysterion was already helping himself to coffee, asking if you wanted one. You nodded and dropped your bag. Chaos was tracing shapes on your bare arm and it made you shiver as you took the mug from Mysterion. What the hell was happening and why were you ok with it.
They asked you lots of questions about yourself, slowly moving into flirty territory as you went along. Your speech was becoming more and more stuttered as they leaned in, seemingly entranced by your hesitant answers. Mysterion got up, giving Chaos a strange, subtle signal you clearly weren’t meant to notice. He left, mentioning he was looking for something. Chaos made strong eye contact with you and you blushed, looking away, not before becoming aware of the smirk growing on his face. Before you could react he was next to you, tilting your face to meet his. Your lips dropped open slightly in shock as he leaned in and pressed his lips to yours. He was gentle, but still strong. You melted into his touch after a few seconds and as soon as you submitted to the situation, he pulled you out of your seat and against his body, one hand still resting on your jaw and the other gripping your waist. Your hands rested on his chest and he slowly became more aggressive with his kisses, beginning to bite at your lower lip, demanding you open wider. When you did, his tongue slid in, entangling itself with yours. You tried to suppress the moan rising in your chest but as his hand slid down to squeeze your ass, it just slipped out. The sound was met with a growl from him and he tightly pressed your hips into him. His hips bucked slightly against your stomach and it sent butterflies all over your body. He pulled away, a string of saliva still connecting your lips. He grinned, something mischievous glowing in his eyes. He pulled off your shirt and you tensed at the cold that hit you.
Pressing kisses from your jaw down to your chest, he ran his thumbs teasingly softly over your bra, slowing as they met your nipples. You hissed at the sensation and he licked your collarbone before biting into the soft spot where your neck met your shoulder. You cried out, eliciting another growl from your classmate.
Suddenly, a pair of hands gripped your hips from behind and pulled your ass to meet something hard. The other side of your neck was attacked in the same manner of licking, kissing and biting. You were getting wetter by the minute, pinned between the two most gorgeous boys you’d ever seen.
You felt your bra unclip from behind and fall to the ground. Mysterion’s hands gently gripped your breasts and teased your nipples excruciatingly gently. Chaos knelt down in front of you, kissing and licking down your abdomen as he ran his hands up and under your skirt to play with your underwear and squeeze your ass.
“Such a pretty gal. So soft and submissive for us.” He licked his lips and you whined. You felt a laugh against your neck as Mysterion seemed to get even more intense with his hands on your chest. Your whining cut off into a gasping moan as Chaos ran his thumb over your clothed clit.
“She’s so wet already. What a good girl.” He chuckled and slowly dragged his thumb from your slit to your clit over and over again. Meanwhile, Mysterion gripped your neck and pulled your head backwards to rest on his shoulder.
“Best idea you’ve had in a while, Professor Chaos. She’s a gem. Aren’t you just so pretty?” He pressed a soft kiss to your cheek and flattened his hand against your stomach, pulling you flush against his body. You tried your best to restrain the sounds begging to be released. It couldn’t last for long.
“No one can hear you, princess. You should really make those pretty sounds for us if you want us to keep going.” Mysterion’s husky voice really just did something to you that you couldn’t explain. You weren't going to have a choice as Chaos tore off your panties and hitched up your skirt to slide his tongue into you. A strangled, breathy moan escaped you and spurred him on and he continued to lick and suck your dripping core. Your mews and whines continued, slowly rising in volume. Mysterion tilted your face sideways to meet his eyes.
"Look at me, sweetheart." He growled lowly and used your ass to grind his erection into. This really just began to undo you and as you struggled to maintain eye contact, you could feel your climax knotting in your belly. They seemed to notice your heightened state and released you from their grips. Chaos standing up and carefully removing his clothes. As Mysterion let you go to copy him, you almost slid to the ground, not expecting the sudden lack of stimulation. You caught yourself and found yourself stepping back to lean against the table and let your eyes wander over their bodies. They both had lean muscles that were easy to see but not over the top. And they were both tall and... big. Too big for you, you worried. But you were willing to try. Mysterion kept his mask on while Chaos took his helm off. You could see Mysterion's golden blonde hair though as he approached you and pulled you into him. Your legs were jelly and your body was putty in his hands.
He kissed you roughly and rolled his hips against yours to grind his dripping cock against your stomach. You tangled your hands in his hair and pushed yourself against him as tightly as you could. A dark chuckle bubbled from his lips as he felt your wetness against him.
"Use your words, baby. Consent is key." He smirked against your lips.
"Please, what?"
"Please, fuck me."
"Yes ma'am." He grinned and slid his cock into you painfully slowly. He lifted your leg to rest on his waist and he began thrusting, pulling whines and cries from your mouth. As his pace picked up, his hand gripped your leg so hard you were sure there would be perfect fingerprint bruises tomorrow. The low moans that poured from him only made you wetter and closer to your climax.
He suddenly slowed down and pressed a chaste kiss to your lips before calling out for Chaos.
"You wanna finish her off?" He shot you a smirk as you groaned in displeasure due to the sudden stop.
"Course I do. Can't let ya have all the fun." Professor Chaos took his place, eyes roaming your body in the dirtiest way possible. He took the slick from your pussy to wet his cock. You wondered how he was coping with the evidently painful erection. "You ready, darlin'?" You nodded, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him roughly, practically begging him with that kiss. He started hard and fast, lips still locked with yours as his hips snapped against yours in a subtly unsteady rhythm. His moans were more like growls as he held the nape of your neck, watching your face contort in pleasure. He used his other hand to rub his thumb over your clit. It was hard but not too fast. Just enough pressure and speed to make the knot begin to tighten quicker than before.
"I'm close, I'm close." You breathed out, digging your fingernails into his shoulders, panting as you shook with pleasure and anticipation.
"Good girl. Cum for me." He gripped your jaw and studied your face as you cried out and allowed your climax to wash over you, "Goddamn." He choked out, feeling your pussy tighten and spasm around his cock. His thumb continued relentlessly on your clit throughout your orgasm until you finally went limp. He pulled out and lowered you gently to the floor.
"I think I have an idea." Mysterion appeared beside his comrade and offered you a sly smirk. His hand pumped over his dick, watching you attempt to catch your breath. He seemed to be enjoying your fucked out appearance almost as much as fucking you. Chaos caught on quickly but kept his pace slower. You had your own idea, however, and pushed yourself up to take Mysterion's cock in your mouth and pushed your head down until the tip of his cock pressed against the soft spot in the back of your throat. You looked up at him with the sweetest eyes you'd ever given anyone and continued to keep your cheeks hollowed and bob your head in the quickest pace you could manage.
"Fuck, princess. So pretty and willing." He bit his lip and he bucked his hips in time with your pace until he began to falter. You could feel him twitching in your mouth and you pressed yourself further until your nose brushed his pelvis. You could hear him moaning and grunting in a strangled sort of way. You felt hot ropes drip down your throat and you swallowed quickly, multiple times as the squeezing of your throat seemed to draw out every single drop. When you pulled away, you licked your lips, surprised at just how much cum had been emptied into your mouth. He knelt down quickly to kiss you and lick the saliva from your lips. Fuck, that might've been the hottest thing that had ever happened to you.
Once Mysterion had released you, you turned your gaze upon Professor Chaos, who was definitely struggling to keep it together. That was definitely the sexiest thing he'd ever seen.
"Your turn." You shuffled on your knees to kitten lick the tip of his cock. He groaned lowly and you happily took him in your mouth, flattening your tongue against the underside of his dick and similarly sliding him all the way to the back of your throat, taking a slower pace to recover from the abuse your throat had already endured. He gripped your hair and rolled his hips slowly, taking in the view with pleasure. You offered him the same sweet gaze and he seemed to blush. Just a bit. You picked up your pace and he matched it until you were at the fastest pace you could take and you felt him getting closer and closer. Again, you applied the same trick of pressing forward to take him to the hilt and his hips jerked, finally releasing sticky, hot ropes down your throat.
"Goddamn. Shit." He stuttered out, his voice softening to its normal tone as he held your head where it was until he finished. As soon as he pulled out, he pulled you up by your arms and roughly kissed you, tasting himself in your mouth. His tongue seemed to reach all the way down your sensitive throat and you moaned softly against him.
"That was the best thing a gal has ever done to me." He admitted as he pulled out of the kiss.
"I tried." You whispered, smiling softly. Mysterion was already there with towels and you let them clean you up. Those moments afterwards you really saw the softer parts of them as they made sure you were ok and got you water.
After you'd managed to all get dressed again, it didn't take long for a soft makeout session to start, you trying to split your attention equally between the two boys. Mysterion got an evil smile at one point and pulled Chaos in for a hot and heavy kiss. You were taken aback but definitely not complaining. Unfortunately all good things must come to an end and it seemed to end all too quickly.
"We ought to take you home, doll." Chaos ran his thumb over your swollen lips and motioned with his head to Mysterion, who scooped you up. Professor Chaos picked up your bag and they began to walk out, carrying you along with them.
"Aren't you supposed to blindfold me or something." You asked.
"Now, we can't be doing that every single time." Mysterion winked and you blushed, definitely not expecting that answer.
"So, we'll be doing this again?" You asked, almost in a whisper.
"If that's what ya want, darlin'." Chaos replied. You nodded and hid your face in Mysterion's shoulder until you finally arrived home.
You offered your phone to them, indicating they should put their numbers in. Once they'd finished, you shyly kissed each of them.
"I hope I don't have to wait too long." You smiled sweetly.
"Definitely not." Mysterion elbowed Chaos and chuckled.
"But who are you, Mysterion?" He laughed a bit and lifted his mask just enough for you to see and quickly slid it back on again.
"Kenny?" You were definitely shocked. You'd never really interacted with him before and you weren't complaining that he was the secret superhero.
"See you around, sweetheart. Give us a call if you're ever in any trouble." He winked and pulled you in for a last kiss before hopping out your window.
"Well, see ya, darlin'. You ever need anyone taken care of, you know who to ask." He kissed both of your cheeks before pressing a particularly sweet one to your lips and followed Mysterion.
Definitely not what you were expecting when you moved to the small town of South Park.
i hope it was what you wanted! i was struggling a bit cause ive never really posted any smut that ive written so i really hope it was good 😭.
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changenameno · 1 month
My Own (Chapter 4)
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Geralt finds himself once more on the path, gloomily looking at what lies ahead.
And you? You had no one, no home and certainly no coin. Well that’d be something you had in common. No coin. You two are surely off to a great start…
Pairing: Geralt of Rivia x Fem. Nymph Reader
Warnings: 18+, tragic backstory, death + violence, angsty ending to this chapter, MDNI (there will be smut in the future)
Word count: 1.1K
A/N: Geralt learns who you are exactly…. I whipped this up, yesterday night, when I had a minute to myself :)…Again all reblogs and comments are much appreciated (please be kind though)! Hope you enjoy reading!❤️✨
(FYI: This won’t follow the exact timeline of the Witcher. But Geralt has met Jaskier already.)
!The Witcher characters and world are not mine!
(In case you’ve missed CHAPTER 3)
Neither you, nor him wanted to talk about what had occurred. So instead of making this anymore awkward than need be, you both had settled in, by the fire.
As the silence between you stretched relentlessly, you became more and more restless, so you told him your name and then continued, “Well just thought you might want to know. And…thank you for, removing the arrow.”
“You must be hungry.” Unsure why he seemed to ignore your previous statement, you simply nodded. Because quite frankly you were starving.
Geralt got to his feet and returned shortly, after he’d pulled his water-skin and his last piece of bread out of his saddlebags. He handed them to you, then sat back down to your right, closer than before.
Your mouth salivated just smelling the bread, but first you took a big swing of the water. Murmuring, “Thanks.” Then you began devouring the bread as if it were your last meal.
Focusing on your lips, he wondered how they’d feel against his. Probably soft and perfectly sultry. Evidently unable to stop his speculations, he gave in and let his inappropriate thoughts run free.
In fact he’d been so lost in thought, he only caught the end of what you’d said,”…aren’t you?”
Expectedly you raised your brow, waiting for his answer to your question.
He blinked a few times, trying to clear his head. “What?”
Either he wasn’t used to company — at all — or he was a bit slow. In any case you repeated your earlier query, “I said, you are the whited-haired Witcher. The Geralt of Rivia of the songs, aren’t you? ”
Grinding his teeth at the reminder of Jaskier’s stupid, although well-known songs, he managed a nod, not trusting he wouldn’t snarl at you.
As he didn’t know anything about you, apart from your name, he opted to ask you a question of his own, “How come, I had to remove an arrow from your shoulder? Who shot you and why?”
Another pressing question of his was, what you were? Because he knew you weren’t human. But he’d the feeling you weren’t particularly chatty either, so he wanted to go slow, to prevent you from closing up again.
His question caught you off guard. Yet you knew that you owed him an honest answer, after all he’d saved you and had dressed your wound.
Sighing you began, “It’s a bit of a long story…” Then you told him, how your life had been in danger even before it’d really started. Being born half nymph, half mage, put you in a position of unknown power and therefore in peril. Especially because it wasn’t heard off, that a female mage still possessed a womb and could get pregnant.
Your mother had been a mage at court and your father was a forest nymph. Once they’d met, falling in love head over heels.
You were smiling softly when you told him that next part, “You know nearly like an invisible pull, they were made for each other. Sort of destined to meet.” Geralt listened to you attentively, taking in your every word and expression, while you talked.
He noted that the smile you wore, wasn’t a happy one, as it didn’t reach your eyes and your voice was becoming huskier the longer you continued your story.
“Unfortunately it didn’t end very well for them. Once I was born, my mum tried hiding me from court. Because the king and queen had tried conceiving for years, desperately wanting a child of their own. And she knew they weren’t above, taking me away from her. So I lived with my dad and other nymphs in the nearby forest, for about ten years. Learning their ways and customs.”
Swallowing thickly, you averted your gaze, staring into the sizzling flames in front of you, though proceeding with your narrative, ” One day my mum showed up, devastated. They had found out about me and wanted to have me as their own, as their heir. Going as far as threatening to burn down the whole forest and slaughtering everyone in their way. I was terrified, so I readily agreed to come to court, not wanting anyone to die because of me. What I didn’t know, was that as soon as I was in the castle, they proceeded with their murderous plan. Needing to destroy any chance of being reclaimed by my parents.”
Nearly overcome by emotion, you stopped there, breathing unsteadily.
The Witcher was a better listener than you’d given him credit for, not once interrupting you or commenting.
When your tear filled eyes, landed on his gleaming ones, you somehow found the strength to carry on.
“They killed them. Made me Princess, and declared me their daughter. I hated them, loathed their very existence for years. But they were the only people looking after me. And as much as I hate to admit it, they were kind to me and the castle slowly became my home. But when word spread about my inheritance, other kingdoms grew interested. Proposing marriages, left and right. However the king and queen didn’t want that, outright refused. Their mistake, because a nearby kingdom, saw that as opportunity to take me by force. They came during the night. Killing everyone. Burning down, my second home. The only place I’d left.”
Geralt knew that was the tragic end to the story, because he must have found you shortly after you’d escaped. Now he finally knew why you’d healed so quickly. You were part nymph.
“I’m sorry”, was the only thing that he thought would be appropriate to say.
He was certain you’d told him the truth, because he could list at least five kings that wouldn’t have hesitated to do the same, or would have paid him handsomely, just to get you within their grasp. Something similar must have crossed your mind, since all of a sudden your face was contorted, looking terror-stricken.
He wouldn’t turn you in, would he? You knew supposedly, witchers didn’t have emotions and he’d be paid good money to catch you. And from the looks of it, he surely could need some money. But he’d saved you. So Geralt wouldn’t do it, right? Before your anxious thoughts would overhelm you entirely, you took action.
Your musical, though wavering voice broke the silence,” You’re not turning me in, are you?”
Afraid of his answer, you drew in a sharp breath.
Dread filling you, as he abruptly rose up.

If you’re interested in being on my taglist please let me know! And if you want to be taken off (my taglist), feel free to tell me! ❤️✨
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novacqnes · 2 years
hii, could you make a one shot where jinx is "friends" with the reader but they like constantly kiss each other or are super clingy to eachother and everyone thinks they are more than friends until they end up confessing their fellings?
ice cream sundae // jinx
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warning: fluff, kissing & some angst
pairing: jinx x fem reader
a/n: this took me such a long time but i hope you enjoy it :) i had a lot of fun writing it so thank you for the request! also can you tell how much i wanted ice cream while writing this?
your relationship with jinx wasn’t exactly ideal. it was sweet— fluffy cotton candy, cavity-inducing sweetness. the type of ice cream dessert where you could just feel the bits of sugar melting on your tongue, and the budding stomach ache looming near. it was comfort and love except without the usual strings or a daunting “relationship” title. 
although to most, you were in fact together— nearly inseparable, and you couldn’t fault them. after all, “friends” don’t share fervent kisses that leave them breathless for minutes on end. nor do they spend hours each night bound until the other manages to fall asleep. 
at first, the intimacy didn’t bother you. you and jinx had always been comfortable around each other. the added intimacy only seemed to strengthen your relationship even further which neither of you seemed to mind— well that was until others took note. 
silco’s office was crowded with chembarons and compatriots— all eager to hear about his next plan. they practically hung on his every word, offering the fearless leader their undivided attention. yet the sight was enough to draw hushed snickers from your lips. 
“they all look constipated,” jinx chuckled, swinging an arm around the small of your back. she pulled your body close to hers despite the somewhat seriousness of the situation. you nuzzled into her side, burying your face into her neck. the noise drew the attention of a few but you managed to suppress the budding laughter— at least for a while. 
“no he looks constipated” you smirked, “how do they even take him seriously?” your eyes darted back and forth between the crowd and silco— once again you felt like you were going to lose it. jinx clutched onto you as if to remind you of where you were. but one glance at her blue eyes sent you into an uncontrollable fit of giggles.
the two of you were too distracted to really notice it but dozens of eyes turned your way, along with silco’s. jinx’s arms wrapped around you almost instinctively as both you and her succumbed to laughter, clinging onto each other for dear life. to everyone else in the room, you looked like a couple. 
first, it was the intimacy— jinx rarely left your side throughout the entire meeting. each time someone looked over, the distance between the two of you seemed to diminish by the minute. however, aside from that it all seemed natural like you belonged together— and not once did either of you pull away. 
silco’s voice was loud and stern, startling you from her grasp. he ambled towards her, redirecting the attention back onto the three of you. even with the added set of eyes, jinx maintained the distance, gently ushering you back toward her. 
“i’m sure there will be plenty of time for you to flirt with your girlfriend after the meeting.” 
a brief silence swept over the room, completely sucking the air from your lungs, and simultaneously leaving jinx speechless. you were aware that people mistook you for being more than her friend— but when it was finally brought up your feelings seemed like they were on display. free to be analyzed and picked apart by everyone, including jinx. 
“uh— she’s not my girlfriend,” she blurted a lot quicker than expected. you couldn’t help but flinch at her words, so concise and almost deliberate. she wasn’t wrong and you knew that but why did everyone else have to? 
“regardless, try not to interrupt again?” sharply, silco turned on his heel pulling the attention back towards his speech. and although much hadn’t changed you couldn’t bear to be near jinx. the sugary appeal of a partial relationship no longer seemed ideal, because in the end you were still left with the ache. 
she turned back towards you, remorse seeping its way into her features, “ignore hi—“
“i have to go.” mentally, you were already far from the crowded room. without another word, you slid from her arms storming towards the door as you left jinx’s side for the first time in months. 
there wasn’t much of a goal in mind— but you needed to get away and there weren’t many options. each one that presented itself had an increased chance of you seeing jinx again, and you couldn’t face her just yet. thus, you continued to walk the streets of zaun, following the dim light that the moon sanctioned. 
the silence only seemed to stir your thoughts even further and they weren’t angry ones. you couldn’t bring yourself to be mad at jinx because she hadn’t done anything wrong. the fact is you weren’t her girlfriend and no amount of kisses or gentle touches would change that. gradually tears brimmed your eyes but you refused to let them fall, swallowing the growing knot in the back of your throat.
the last drop was the first place you found solace after hours of mindless wandering. you stumbled towards an empty seat, slumping over the counter. you missed jinx— you yearned to be close to her again but it had to be real, you couldn’t simply be her “friend.”
“an ice cream sundae, please.” you mumbled to the confused bartender.
despite the fact that it was a bar and not a dessert stand your request was granted in a matter of minutes. placed in front of you was a large cup with a blend of french vanilla and rich chocolate. drizzled in syrup and cookies that covered the entire top. at the very center of it was a small cherry that looked all the more delectable. yet you couldn’t bring yourself to pick up the spoon or let alone move. 
you felt her first, her touch soft and gentle as a long set of arms snaked around your waist. she propped her chin on your shoulder, bringing your dessert to her lips. the bar was quiet, nearly empty— yet you became hyper-aware of every movement. jinx’s affection was never something you needed to process up until now. however, it was the first time you truly felt conscious of it. 
“never had this flavor before.” she hummed, leaning up against the counter. cerulean eyes glazed over yours, setting your cheeks ablaze. the soft skin of her arms gently brushed against your waist causing hundreds of goosebumps to form. and no matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t conceal it from her. 
jinx muttered, her voice somber, “y’know when you ran out last night i waited– but you never showed up.” her eyes were glassy and at first glance, it looked like she was on the verge of tears. instinctively, you brought the pad of your thumb to her face, gently wiping them away. despite the budding tension, she didn’t flinch away, only leaning further into your touch. 
“i had to think.” the words came out as a feeble whisper, completely flying over jinx’s head. you could practically feel her growing more restless at the sound of silence pervading the bar. 
“what about?”
she desperately tried to keep her voice calm but it became glaringly obvious that she was losing it. her eyes darted between yours almost crazed, and deep jagged lines began to form around her nose.
“us— i mean what are we doing jinx? i’m serious, we act like we’re dating and it’s to the point where everyone thinks we are.” you sighed, bringing your hand to the side of her face. the warmth soothed her, relieving some of the stress that was mounting on her shoulders but you couldn’t push anymore— not until you knew how she felt. 
“who cares what other people think?” she spat, deflecting even further to no avail. your heavy gaze sent heat straight to her cheeks, coating them in a bright red shade.
“it’s not about what they think— why can’t we just make it official? it’s not a secret that i love you and i’m tired of just being your friend.” the desperation practically oozed from your voice, sending a pang of guilt to jinx’s chest.
“you’re gonna make me get all sappy, you know i hate that,” she joked, a hint of sadness lacing her words. there was no going back. for a moment she pressed her lips together, taking a deep breath before continuing.
“it’s not that i don’t love you….i have for as long as i can remember. but if we make this real it’s all gonna change— i know it will.” her eyes offered you a moment of clarity, they pleaded with you but were honest— she was honest. it was all you ever really wanted, some sort of confirmation that she felt the same way. 
“that doesn’t have to be a bad thing.”
“but it usually is, and i can’t screw this up, y/n.”
“look at me, i’m not going anywhere but you have to trust me….do you trust me?” you cooed, turning your body towards hers. the distance between the two of you grew smaller yet neither of you pulled away. jinx took your hand in hers silently nodding as you placed a palm over her thigh. you were no longer in limbo, you needed to find some way that the two of you could exist as more than friends. 
you pushed the half-melted ice cream sundae away, plucking an additional straw from the counter.
“i’m not really in the mood for dessert right now hun,” jinx said, although she reached for it anyway. 
“that’s okay, just share this with me.” the both of you brought your lips to the straws, humming at the sweet taste that lingered on your tongues. 
jinx brushed a strand of blue from her face, craning her neck to get a better look at you. slowly, her eyes roamed over your face, taking in your features one by one. it was something she was used to doing but never this intimately. 
“is it just me or is this the best thing you’ve ever tasted?” you asked, yet jinx was way too distracted to even notice. slowly slipping, her eyes fell on yours and for a moment she held them there, in both admiration and awe. she couldn’t fathom a world in which you were just her friend. 
“jinx?” you called, your voice snapping her back to reality. 
“do you like it?”
jinx plucked the cherry from the top bringing it to her lips, a bright sparkle glimmering in the corners of her eyes. she brought the fruit to her lips, although her focus was far from it, and the tempting desert just a few feet inches from her. she leaned in closer, testing the invisible boundary. 
without another word her hands made their way to the back of your head, initiating a fierce long awaited kiss. in a matter of seconds, you leaned into it, clasping onto jinx’s body for dear life. your tongue swirled in her mouth, savoring the sweet taste of sugar left behind. neither of you could get enough of it, it was infectious and almost addicting. 
when jinx finally pulled away she was breathless, ardent passion blurring her gaze. she ensured that her eyes never left yours as she whispered, “i loved it.
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eatmeandbirthmeagain · 3 months
I got a good idea and I hope you’re okay with this bc u said you didn’t know much about Islam (but don’t worry it wouldn’t be offensive of weird if you wrote this) but imagine this , king Baldwin is secretly in love with a Muslim princess and she gets betrothed to another man , a Muslim one and then he sees her again alone , it could be so much angst
♧ Perhaps In Another Life - King Baldwin x Reader ♧
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♧ Angst ♧
A/N: Hello Anon! Thank you for the request. It is a really good idea and I do hope that I don't mess it up due to my lack of knowledge but i'll try my best 😅. As always, this is based on the film Kingdom Of Heaven, not the real historical figures. Enjoy!
PS: I really need to stop writing in clsss, people walk behind my laptop too much. Scares tf outta of me.
TW: Leprosy
She was beautiful. A work of art.
Their eyes only met once or twice, but it was enough to make Baldwin’s heart flutter with nervous exitement and his mask-covered face to flush with a pink tint.
Princess y/n of the Middle East.
Naturally, the king had the opportunity to see her a few times whenever she came to Jerusalem for royal affairs, but he never had the opportunity to speak with her one on one.
This both disappointed and relieved him. She was vastly intelligent and charming, but what he would say to her if they were alone, he had no idea.
In her presence, he was not a king nor a leper, just a young man with a secret crush.
He liked that. He liked not being anything special, just for a bit. Just a few minutes where he could look at her and forget his responsibilities.
Just him and y/n.
But it wasn't just them. It never was, there were always others around.
Others to pull them away. Others to ensure they never spoke more than a few words to each other.
It was on their fourth meeting that Baldwin had decided he was in love with her. Absolutely and undoubtedly in love with her.
The way she spoke, the way she moved, it was hypnotic. Her clothing and jewelry fitted her perfectly. He never once lusted for her like the men around her did, he loved her.
He did not wish to feel her skin. He wished to speak with her, know her, show her the world. Show her love. But he knew this would not be possible.
She was a muslim, he was a christian. Two opposite religions that would never permit marriage between the two.
But still, his feelings continued on for years. He never looked at another woman the way he looked at her, because no other woman was as special or even half as beautiful as she was.
Baldwin was twenty one when he received the letter.
It was a wedding invitation. Her wedding invitation.
His beloved y/n was to be married. She was to be betrothed to another man.
The king allowed the letter to fall from his gloved hands to the desk and a single tear to fall from his eye onto it.
He knew deep down that it was not possible to marry her, but he still held onto hope. Hope that maybe, just maybe, they could at least be alone together to speak once. Just once. But now she would be married and that would become impossible.
The wedding was exactly a week after he received the invitation. Baldwin watched silently from his seat, desperately attempting to not allow his eyes to well with tears.
He never forgot that day and he never forgot her either.
He never married either, he simply could not see another woman the same way he saw her.
Unbeknownst to Baldwin, he was not the only one suffering from the marriage.
Y/n herself had taken a liking to the young king, many years ago.
When their eyes met for the first time.
She saw him before he was forced to wear the mask. His golden blonde hair reflected the sun, making it look like he was wearing a halo.
His bright blue eyes looked at her with kindness and even after the disease forced him to cover his beautiful face, his gorgeous blue eyes still looked at her with the same kindness from behind the iron mask.
But like him, she knew that it was not possible for them to be in love.
However, like him also, she hoped that one day they would have the chance to be together, just for a little bit. But her wedding made sure that would not happen.
She never forgot him either, until one day she was overjoyed with the news that her husband and herself would be traveling to Jerusalem for a few days to meet with the king and his officials.
Baldwin’s disease had progressed significantly and soon he would be stepping down from the throne.
Y/n knew he would die soon, but thinking about it was too painful so she chose to not. Or at least tried.
It was late when she and her husband arrived, they were shown to their rooms and told that the first meeting would be the following morning. 
But y/n could not sleep, nor even come close to shutting her eyes.
So she waited until her husband fell asleep and left the room for some fresh air.
She headed outside to the courtyard, taking a seat on a large bench and looking up to the stars.
“Madam?” a rough, yet kind voice called from behind her.
The princess turned to see Baldwin standing behind her.
Moonlight reflected off his iron mask just like how the sun used to reflect off his golden hair.
“Are you alright?” he asked, approaching her slowly.
“Yes, I just could not sleep,” she told him.
This was the first time they had been alone, needless to say they were both nervous but concealed it well.
“Nor could I,” the king replied, taking a seat beside her.
The two sat in silence for a little while, the only sound being the wind through the palm trees and Baldwins struggled breathing.
Y/n’s heart ached for the man for she knew he did not have much time left.
“I dont think we have been properly acquainted before” the young king finally spoke.
“Yes, it is strange. I have known you for so long but we have never had the chance to speak” y/n replied, turning to face him.
Baldwin sighed, “how is your husband?” he asked.
“He is well. How about yourself? Have you found a wife?” the princess asked, silently hoping he said no.
“No. I believe it's far too late for me to find love. To be wed now would be cruel to the poor lady expecting a husband” the reply only made y/n’s heart ache for him more.
This poor soul had never known love and she had plenty of opportunities to show it to him. But because of one small factor she never could.
“I am sorry to hear that Baldwin, truly I am” she placed a hand on his arm gently.
When he turned to her, she saw tears in his eyes. “I have a confession my lady, I need to tell you this before I die, for I can not go another second with this burden on my shoulders”
Y/n nodded, “of course, anything your highness”.
The king inhaled a shaky, struggled breath before he spoke again. “From the moment I laid eyes on you all those years ago y/n, I was in love with you. I have never felt that way about anyone before and that is the true reason I never took a wife, even when I still had at least some of my health. No woman was as perfect as you” he felt a tear run down his cheek behind the mask.
“And when I got news that you were to be wed, I simply could not take it” he turned away from her, not wishing for the princess to see the tears that now flowed freely down his cheeks.
Y/n thought for a moment before speaking.
“Would you believe me if I told you that I have always felt the same?” she reached out a hand, placing it on his masked cheek to make him face at her.
“I always loved you Baldwin. If it was not for our faiths being separate I would have asked my father for your hand in marriage myself if you didn't” y/n gave him a weak smile, looking into his cloudy, once bright blue eyes.
The king tried to speak but he couldn't, all he could do was choke out a muffled sob before y/n wrapped her arms around him.
Her embrace felt just like he imagined it to be, soft and warm. A comfort he had not felt since he was a child.
“I do not fear your illness Baldwin. I have awaited this moment for seven years, allow me to remove the weight from your shoulders before you are acquainted with your lord in heaven”
Her words were perfect. They were exactly what he needed and longed to hear.
“Perhaps in another life, things would have been different” he said quietly, his face buried in her shoulder.
Y/n smiled, “yes, perhaps they would have”.
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icarusignite · 1 year
Hey! I don't know if this is the proper format (still kind of new here) but I'm sending in this prompt for an Alfred × Reader fic. There's this idea for him that was stuck in my head a couple months ago. So…
It's set either S2 or S3 but it fits better in S3 or the break between 2 and 3. Alfred is really ill which isn't unusual for him, but this time he's taking a lot longer for him to heal and he's deteriorating more seriously than he normally would.
People in court start looking around for new healers and remedies. Alfred is also kind of desperate because he doesn't want to die before England is complete or Edward is ready to take over.
Reader, who is a healer, comes to court with the intention of helping Alfred. She's neither Dane nor Saxon, if you're comfortable with it she could be of Asian or African origin/descent (eg Father Benedict in S5). She's either Muslim or Christian, either way she's well read and a bit of a scholar (if you've seen Vikings: Valhalla S2, there's a female character that might ring a bell). She's also able to reassure him, like Iseult, that she's treating him with nature's bounty and nothing sinister.
Because she's a scholar (also maybe a Christian), Alfred is comfortable that she's not practicing witchcraft so this helps him accept her more easily. It also helps them bond and they become really close friends over the course of the months she spends treating him. They have fun banter and he's able to feel like Alfred, the man around her instead of King Alfred. Then he realizes that he has feelings for her.
At this point it could go any way really. Does Aelswith factor into it much or not? Does reader reciprocate his feelings or not? If she does, would she be comfortable giving into them and being a mistress? Is Aelswith even in the picture or is this a slight AU? Do they have a sad, happy or bittersweet ending? Idk
For extra spice, Reader could also be good friends with Uhtred or Finan which makes Alfred a little jealous but also sad because he thinks that she'd probably prefer the charming, handsome, potentially single, strapping man to whatever measly affection he could offer her.
Ideally, it would be fluff or smut but whatever you're comfortable writing is fine! Sorry if this is too long but I wanted to be as clear as possible 😅. I also understand if this is too much for a oneshot and you forego the idea entirely
Alfred the great x POC! Fem! Reader
Word Count: 4.6k
A/N: Heyy, so sorry this took literally eons to finally write. Thank you for your lovely request and also thank u for your patience <3 Hope you enjoy what I've done with your idea, and dw this will have another part where I'll explore their chemistry more. I watched a bunch of Alfred edits to get in the mood and ngl I'm lowkey in love with him now lmfao. 
Disclaimer: there might be some (a lot) historical discrepancies because I didn't line up the dates exactly but I did find out that the Golden Age of Islam overlapped significantly with the dates that the last kingdom spans so the reader is a prominent scholar from Baghdad. Also, Aelswith is dead (I'm sorry T_T) cuz I don't love a cheating trope even when it is sort of historically accurate. So we have single dad Alfred lol. 
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The only heaven I'll be sent to is when I'm alone with you
Entering King Alfred's throne room, your senses were immediately awakened by the unfamiliar sights, sounds, and scents of Wessex. The room itself was a stark contrast to the opulent palaces and grand courts of Baghdad that you were accustomed to. The room was spacious, yet its decoration was surprisingly humble and simple, adorned with rough-hewn wooden beams and modest tapestries that depicted various scenes of English myths and prominent events. With a flash of triumph, you found that you recognized some of them from your studies of the English culture. A faint scent of burning wood from the hearth permeated the air with an earthy aroma.
You observed the nobles in attendance, or the ealdormen as they were called here, their attire markedly different from the splendid silks and jewels of Baghdad's court. Here, the people wore simpler garments made of sturdy wool and linen, in the dark colours of the earth as opposed to the the vibrant clothing the people of your home favoured.
Your gaze then turned to the throne itself. It was a robust wooden chair, its design austere yet imposing, lacking the grandeur of the magnificent thrones you had imagined English kings liked to occupy. King Alfred's regal figure atop the throne created a dignified presence. His clothing, matched the style of his ealdormen, long simple robes of a dull grey. The seat next to him was empty and you briefly wondered about his family. The chronicles you had read stated that a king's wife usually took her place beside him when he held court, but you did not know much of Alfred's wife.
Your fingers itched for your writing instruments, yearning to document all your observations and the happenings of the court. You seldom went anywhere without them, but now they remained tucked away in your satchel as you waited for the king to acknowledge your presence. You knew he had seen you enter, his eyes briefly meeting yours, even as he conversed with his ealdormen. Eventually, your thoughts began to wander and you couldn't help but reflect on the stark contrast between the scorching heat of Baghdad and the chilly bite of autumn in Wessex. your flowing linen tunic and trousers, so comfortable in the sweltering desert of your homeland, felt inadequate against the cold English air that seeped through the cracks in the stone walls.
You discreetly rubbed your tingling fingertips together, trying to generate some warmth, as the fire blazing at the hearth did little to banish the chill that had settled in your bones. Your longing for the warmth of the caliphate's sun was keenly felt in this unfamiliar and frigid environment.
Impatience welled up within you as you glanced around the chamber, noting the courtiers' stoic expressions and hushed conversations. The king's deliberations seemed to stretch on endlessly, and you found yourself yearning for the moment when you could finally present your credentials and seek the audience you had travelled so far to obtain.
King Alfred's voice finally called out your name, his voice echoing through the chamber.
"Esteemed lady, I welcome you to the court of Wessex."
The ealdormen, accustomed to the formalities of their court, were taken aback when you did not bow or curtsy as was expected. Instead, you offered a polite smile and tipped your head in a gesture of respect.
A murmur of surprise and disapproval rippled through the assembled courtiers. Some whispered that your behaviour was disrespectful, a breach of protocol. They exchanged curious glances, wondering how their king would react to this departure from tradition.
However, King Alfred took no offence. With a gracious nod, he signalled for you to speak.
"Thank you, your grace. It is an honour to be here."
Your accent was soft, lending your words a foreign intonation, and each syllable was carefully enunciated. You had spent months learning the language, and you weren't about to embarrass yourself now by messing up your pronunciation.
"I extend my deepest gratitude to you for undertaking such a long and arduous journey at my request. I hope the discomfort of the voyage did not prove too taxing."
"Your Majesty," you replied, "it was a journey of great honour for me, and I hope to make myself useful here."
King Alfred nodded appreciatively and then turned to a servant standing nearby.
"Please, ensure that the lady is provided with comfortable quarters and all the amenities she may require during your stay in Wessex."
The servant bowed in acknowledgment and stepped forward to escort you to your residence within the royal palace. You thanked the king once more for his hospitality and assistance before following the servant out of the chamber.
As you left the throne room, your observant nature couldn't help but take note of King Alfred's condition. Despite his attempt to appear at ease in his chair, you had perceived the subtle signs of discomfort. His favouring of his left side, indicating pain or injury to his right, and the unusually pallid complexion for an Englishman raised concerns in your scholarly mind. That was your purpose, after all, to try to diagnose and hopefully cure the ailing monarch.
Just when you were gone, the noblemen of King Alfred's court wasted no time in flocking around him, their curiosity piqued by the arrival of the enigmatic woman. They bombarded the king with questions and voiced their concerns about the unfamiliar customs you had displayed.
One nobleman, his voice dripping with skepticism, remarked, "Your Majesty, did you see that? She didn't bow or curtsy as she should have! It's as if she has no respect for you."
Another, eyeing your unusual attire and complexion, chimed in, "And her clothing, Your Grace! It's unlike anything I've ever seen in Wessex. She's clearly not from anywhere near England. What could she possibly want here?"
The murmurs of disapproval and suspicion spread among the courtiers, as they exchanged perplexed glances. To them, your arrival was an anomaly, and your behaviour had raised eyebrows and questions.
King Alfred, his countenance calm and measured, raised a hand to quell the growing unease.
"I understand your concerns, but there is nothing to worry about" he began, addressing their concerns. "The lady you have just met is a prominent figure from Baghdad. She has travelled from a distant land to be here and she is not here to defy our traditions or customs. She is a scholar seeking to further her studies in Wessex. Her journey to our land is a great honour, as it reflects the recognition of the importance of our own intellectual pursuits."
His tone left no room for further skepticism. He also did not mention the other reason you were there, as he did not wish to reveal the truth of his declining health. As the nobles filtered out of the room, somewhat still unsatisfied by his answer, Alfred couldn't help but remain still, his mind going over the recent developments. When he had first written to the Abbasid Caliphate to request that he be allowed to host a medical scholar at his court, he had to admit he was not expecting a woman, and certainly not one so beautiful.
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The next day, Alfred summoned you to his private chambers for a consultation regarding his health. As you entered the room, he couldn't help but notice the change in your attire. Gone was the flowing linen tunic and trousers, replaced by a sturdier, more practical woollen English dress. The deep blue gauzy veil, however, was still draped around your head and flowed down your back.
The English clothing seemed to complement you, accentuating your elegance in a way that was both unexpected and captivating. The king, not for the first time, found himself admiring you, though he kept such thoughts to himself, mindful of the formal context of your meeting.
You, ever the professional scholar, maintained a polite and formal distance as you began your examination of the king. You inquired about his symptoms, listening attentively to his description of the pain and discomfort he had been experiencing. Your deep knowledge and keen medical insight were evident as you asked probing questions and conducted a thorough assessment.
After a careful evaluation, you began to discuss your observations and your initial diagnosis with the king. You explained your thoughts on the potential causes of his discomfort and suggested a course of treatment. King Alfred was grateful for your expertise, and couldn't help but be struck by your intellect. He had a thirst for knowledge himself and he appreciated the quality in others when he saw it. In you he recognized a passion for learning and documentation, one he held himself as well. After the medical examination, he extended an invitation to you to remain in his chambers and share a cup of tea. Initially hesitant, you eventually agreed, recognizing the value of the opportunity to engage in conversation with the English monarch.
Seated in the warmth of the chamber, Alfred began to share with you the rich history of England, its struggles, its triumphs, and its cultural tapestry. He spoke of the challenges of the Anglo-Saxon period, the battles against the Danes, and the enduring spirit of the English people. As he narrated the history of his land, Alfred couldn't help but notice how your eyes lit up with a deep fascination, even though you attempted to contain your enthusiasm. Your questions flowed naturally as you probed deeper into the history and culture of Wessex. You asked about the Anglo-Saxon kings, the legends and folklore, and the development of the English language.
You kept diligent notes in your little notebook, your hand swiftly capturing every detail of the conversation. Your keen intellect and insatiable thirst for knowledge were evident, and your genuine interest in Alfred's words warmed his heart. It had been quite a while since anyone had paid such rapt attention to what he was saying, and he found himself rejuvenated by your exchange.
As a lull settled over your conversation, Alfred's curiosity got the better of him. With a twinkle in his eye, he leaned forward and said, "My lady, I must admit, I'm quite curious about the contents of that notebook of yours. What sort of information have you been documenting to take back to your homeland?"
You smiled, your demeanour more relaxed than when you had first come in, "Your Majesty, you need not worry. I promise you, I haven't written that the English are fire-breathing trolls."
Alfred felt a grin tug at his lips, but he suppressed the urge, keeping his hands folded placidly over his stomach.
"Well, you know, if we English could breathe fire, we might have an easier time dealing with our enemies!"
"There is a trick that performers back home use, to give the illusion of breathing fire. The science behind it is quite fascinating. Perhaps I shall explain it to you sometime."
"Ah yes my lady, you have filled your book with our tales, but have yet to share yours. Do you have any secrets from the East that you'd like to share with us humble English folk?"
You couldn't help but smirk at his words, "I'm afraid some secrets are best left in the lands where they belong, your grace. We wouldn't want you to start brewing Persian tea incorrectly, now would we?"
"I doubt it can compete with our tried and trusted English tea."
"You only think that way because you haven't tried Persian tea yet. Trust me, once you have, there's no going back."
"I suppose you make a fair point! Although, I must admit, the thought of trying to decipher the intricacies of Arabic calligraphy is rather tempting."
You paused, your light-hearted nature urging you to make another joke but you strictly reminded yourself that you were in the presence of a king. It would do you no good to offend him with an ill-timed statement. You were already apprehensive about your earlier comment about the Persian tea, although you were grateful that he chose not to see it as a slight. As if sensing your hesitation, Alfred sat up in bed and leaned forward.
"You are free to speak my lady, do not hold yourself back on my account," he reassured with a wave of his hand.
Still, you settled for a polite smile, "I was just going to remark on the difficulty of calligraphy but I am certain that if anyone would be able to master it, it'd be you, Your Majesty."
A small furrow appeared between Alfred's brows as if that wasn't the answer he expected from you. He could see you pulling away, going back to your polite, almost cold professionalism. Eventually, he nodded thoughtfully at you.
"I would be ever so grateful if you could perhaps show me the technique someday, my lady."
You breathed a sigh of relief and nodded with a small smile.
"Now, about that notebook, if you would allow me to take a look?"
"Ah yes, of course," you handed over the small leatherbound journal to him quickly without further complaints. "But I must warn you, my handwriting isn't at its most legible."
Alfred accepted the notebook with a nod of appreciation. As he leafed through its pages, his eyes quickly fell upon your meticulously written notes. Your thoughts were inscribed in your native language and although he did not understand the words, your elegant looping script impressed him.
He raised an eyebrow and turned toward you expectantly, pointing toward a specific passage, "And what does this say right here?"
"It is a description of the English weather, your grace."
Alfred leaned closer, his finger tracing the inked lines on the page.
"Ah yes, English weather. It was raining when you first arrived, wasn't it? What do you think of our English rain then, my lady? I've heard it has a certain charm."
"Well, I believe your rain can be quite persuasive. It insists that one should stay indoors and read a good book."
Alfred's lips twitched again, fighting back a smile. It seemed that the new scholar shared his interests as well.
"A wise perspective, indeed. Perhaps our English rain is simply encouraging a literary lifestyle."
"Yes, your grace."
"My lady" he continued, a note of genuine admiration in his voice, "I must tell you, your handwriting is truly exquisite. Tell me, just how many languages have you learned."
You felt a blush creep into your cheeks at his compliment. There was something sincere in his eyes as he waited for your answer, looking at you like your accomplishments were the greatest thing in the world. You opened your mouth to respond but then a loud knock sounded on the door and a priest entered.
"Yes, Father Beocca," Alfred seemed irritated at the interruption.
Father Beocca's eyes glanced from you to the king, and despite the fact that you were sitting in a chair quite some distance away from him, you felt a strange flash of awkward embarrassment run through you.
"My king, Uhtred is here to see you," the priest finally stated.
Alfred sighed and turned toward you with an apologetic smile, "Shall we continue our conversation another time then, my lady? It seems that I am needed elsewhere."
"Yes, of course, your grace."
You quickly took your leave then, choosing to take one of your books and go read in the garden. You had just settled yourself into a comfortable nook when loud boisterous laughter caught your attention. Turning your gaze towards the source of the commotion, you spotted three men, two of whom were dressed in the attire of warriors. Their boisterous behaviour was evident as they playfully teased and shoved the third man, who was clad in robes that resembled those of Father Beocca. However, a leather breastplate adorned his monk's attire, hinting at a surprising duality of roles – priest and fighter.
The two warriors were engaged in a lively exchange with the monk, their laughter echoing through the garden. You couldn't help but smile as you watched the scene unfold. Their camaraderie and jesting reminded you of the Caliph's sons back home, when your father would take you to visit the palace.
One of the warriors, a bearded man with broad shoulders and a hearty laugh, clapped the monk on the back.
"Come now, Osferth," he said between chuckles, "surely your devotion to the Lord could use a bit of levity now and then."
The monk, Osferth, grinned in response, "Aye Finan, it is said that laughter is the best medicine, is it not?"
The other warrior, a lean and quick-witted fellow, joined in with a jest, "Well, if that's the case, Osferth, then Finan here will live to be a hundred and you shall die tomorrow!"
Osferth elbowed the tall man in the ribs, "Not before I knock some sense into you Sihtric."
Their jovial banter and good-natured teasing continued, creating a lively atmosphere in the serene garden. You couldn't help but be amused by their antics and the familiarity of their interactions, watching them for quite some time.
The trio of men eventually noticed your presence, and with their laughter dying down, they made their way over to you. As they approached, their expressions revealed a mixture of curiosity and surprise.
The broad-shouldered warrior, Finan, whose eyes twinkled with mischief, was the first to speak. "Well, what have we here?" he said with a grin. "A traveller from foreign shores, I presume?"
"Yes, I am from Baghdad, my lord."
The warrior, clearly taken with you, couldn't resist a flirtatious remark.
"Lady, I must say, you are a wondrous addition to our English garden."
You snorted at his attempt at flirtation.
Meanwhile, the monk with the leather breastplate maintained a more respectful demeanour.
"Greetings, lady, I am Osferth," he said with a nod. "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. May I ask what brings you to our humble Wessex?"
You found the monk's polite curiosity quite refreshing.
"Greetings to you too, Osferth. I've come to further my studies here. Wessex has much to offer in terms of knowledge and history, and I hope to make the most of it."
"Well, my lady, if ever you wish to explore our English shores, I'd be delighted to be your guide," it was Finan who spoke again and you could not help but laugh at his words.
"Thank you, kind sir. Your offer is most gracious."
“Call me Finan, my lady.”
Your change continued as they asked more about you and your hometown and you asked about theirs. You found out that they were a band of warriors who followed some fellow named Uhtred, the very same Uhtred who was currently speaking to King Alfred. As the conversation flowed, you discovered that you enjoyed speaking with these men. Their witty banter and friendly demeanour made you feel at ease, despite the foreignness of your surroundings. You shared stories of your travels, your scholarly pursuits, and the cultural nuances of your homeland. The men, in turn, regaled you with tales of their own adventures.
As you continued to engage in playful banter with the warriors, you remained oblivious to the presence of King Alfred and Uhtred, who had ventured outside and were observing the lively exchange.
Eventually, with a confident stride, Uhtred made his way toward your group to make his introduction and Father Beocca approached the king with his concerns.
"Your Majesty," he began cautiously, "I must admit, I have reservations about entrusting your treatment to a foreigner, especially one from so distant a land. We must be cautious of witchcraft and unfamiliar practices."
King Alfred turned to Father Beocca, his expression thoughtful but resolute, "Father Beocca, I understand your concerns, but the lady is no ordinary foreigner. She hails from Baghdad, a city known for its innovative medical advancements and a center of learning in the Islamic world. She comes as one of their finest scholars, sent by the Caliph himself."
"I see, your grace."
"I have read extensively about the great Islamic civilization, and its contributions to science, medicine, and philosophy. I believe we have much to learn from her, not only about medicine but also about fostering understanding and collaboration between our cultures. They have succeeded in uniting several lands under one caliphate, so perhaps we might learn how we may unite England as well."
Father Beocca, though still cautious, nodded in understanding, "Your Majesty, I trust your judgment. It is my fervent hope that the lady's presence here will indeed lead to beneficial knowledge and that she will uphold the values of wisdom and compassion."
"Thank you, Father Beocca. Let us have faith in this unique opportunity for cultural exchange and enlightenment. Her presence is a bridge between worlds, and I believe it is a path toward a brighter future for Wessex."
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Over the course of the next few months, you became familiar with the routines of the Wessex palace. King Alfred allowed you to shadow him throughout his day, believing that you could provide valuable insights into his own activities. It was a decision that would lead to a profound connection between the two of you.
Every day, you diligently prepared poultices and medications for the king’s ailments, and often you’d recite the recipe to him and explain the purpose of each herb and plant that went into it. He found that he trusted you completely but he was still comforted by your transparency and the efforts you took to explain things to him. Sometimes he would insist on accompanying you on walks and you would point out the various native English plants and their counterparts back home. You also documented the king's activities and observations in your notebook. At times, he would request to see your notebook, often just to admire the beauty of your script. He marvelled at the graceful lines of your writing, and the intricate calligraphy that adorned the pages.
Your interactions went beyond the formalities of your initial meeting. King Alfred, always eager to learn, would occasionally ask you to translate certain passages from your native language and over time, your bond grew stronger. King Alfred began to look forward to each day, eager to see your bright and colourful veil, a striking contrast to your plain English gowns. He would wonder which hue you would choose, and it became a delightful anticipation in his daily routine.
Your conversations transcended the realm of duty and scholarly pursuits. The two of you shared your favourite books, discussing the nuances of various works and debating the merits of different translations. Your insights challenged Alfred's own understanding, and he cherished these moments of intellectual stimulation.
As the days turned into weeks and then months, Alfred realized that you had become an important fixture in his life. your presence was a source of inspiration, a reminder of the power of knowledge, and a testament to the potential for understanding and collaboration between different cultures.
He found himself thinking of you when he was apart from you, reminiscing about how your eyes would dance with mirth as you argued with him about the inaccuracies of translated works, or how your laughter would fill the palace corridors. You had not only enriched his pursuit of knowledge but had also touched his heart, becoming a cherished friend and confidante in the process.
Alfred could still vividly recall the way you had looked at him with genuine wonder and appreciation when he had shown you his humble library. He knew that compared to the great libraries of Alexandria and Baghdad, his collection was modest, but you had delighted in it all the same. Your eyes, filled with curiosity and admiration, had swept over the numerous scrolls and manuscripts, taking in the wealth of knowledge contained within those walls.
In that moment, as you softly murmured your thanks, Alfred felt his breath catch. He was struck not only by the beauty of your physical presence but also by the grace with which you carried yourself and the genuine enthusiasm you displayed for learning. Your voice had a melodic quality that lingered in his memory. It was a voice that seemed to breathe life into the ancient texts that surrounded you and the king found himself quite enamoured with you. The two of you spent many a late night pouring over scrolls together, and although he always kept a respectful distance, Alfred found himself wanting to brush away the stray strands of hair that fell across your forehead, having escaped the tightly bound coil you usually kept your hair in.
Tonight was one such night as the dim light of the candle burned low, and after a lively discussion on herbal medicine, you had fallen asleep on one of the ancient manuscripts. Alfred, his mind still buzzing with the echoes of your conversation, fought against the pull of sleep. Instead, he watched you slumber, his heart filled with a mixture of admiration and tenderness.
In the soft candlelight of the library, you appeared even more enchanting. Your thick eyelashes brushed against your cheeks as you slept peacefully, your features serene. Your form rose and fell with each gentle breath, a rhythmic reminder of the tranquil cadence of sleep. Alfred couldn't help but be captivated by your beauty in this unburdened state. The play of shadows and light highlighted the delicate contours of your face, and the soft glow of the manuscripts around you lent an almost ethereal quality to the scene. You looked like a vision from a dream.
As he watched your slumber, a sudden, unexpected urge welled up within him. He was struck by the temptation to lean in and kiss you, but he quickly banished the traitorous thought. What an absurd thing for a king to do, to force his affections on a guest in his home. Especially when he had no way of knowing if you returned his feelings. He would have to content himself with the simple act of watching you sleep, his heart filled with a deep and unspoken longing.
He also found himself wondering if you were betrothed, for you couldn’t possibly be married and still be here. What man would not accompany you or let you out of his sight if you were his wife? Although you had discussed many things, you did not stray close to personal topics such as family. You were only a few years younger than him and surely you had to have someone in your life. And even if you didn’t, what could you possibly want with an ailing man like him when a woman as accomplished as you could have anyone in the world?
Such melancholy things plagued him as he eventually drifted asleep on the table across from you, his final thoughts fixating on what it might feel like to have your lips against his. 
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dyns33 · 2 years
Flufftober 20 - Kingsman
Jack ‘Whiskey’ Daniel x reader
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Halloween parties were more or less normal parties for the Kingsman agents. After all, this holiday was not really important for English people, and even less for secret agents who took their job very seriously. It had changed a bit since Eggsy had arrived, some agents accompanied him for a few drinks at the pub, but nothing more.
Halloween parties were very different for the Stateman agents.
Because this holiday was very important to Americans, who liked to do things big.
When they invited their new European friends, it was at first a kind of joke. They didn't think they would accept. But Eggsy insisted that they go, saying that it would be good for the agreement and the collaboration between the two agencies.
And of course, this would be an opportunity to relax.
Merlin and Harry weren't really convinced, but Y/N agreed that it could be fun. It would also be a way to study the workings of the Stateman, just in case. This was the argument that convinced everyone.
They all arrive in their work suits, and all eyes turn to them. Everyone else was in disguise, the room filled with vampires, ghosts, and other supposedly scary creatures, staring at them as if they were the monsters.
           "...You didn't tell us we had to pick disguises, Eggsy." Merlin muttered, leaning towards the young agent.
           "Well, it's Halloween, man. That's kind of the idea."
           "But you're not disguised either."
           "It's for kids. I came to drink, and if asked, I'll say that you forbade me to put on a ridiculous disguise. Or that I'm one of the Men in Black. I just have to find sunglasses."
After that, he went for the bar, leaving them alone. Sighing, Merlin went to join Champagne, to try to have a little interesting conversation, while Harry found a corner away from the crowd, in order to observe and check that his young friend wasn't doing anything stupid.
Y/N stood alone by the door, unsure of what to do.
As she decided to join Eggsy at the bar, a hand placed on her shoulder and a glass appeared in front of her eyes. A glass of whisky.
           "Hello Jack." she said without looking at him, taking the glass he was offering to her.
           "Sweetheart, you look gorgeous as always. A vision. But maybe a little too much 'work place' for tonight, right ?"
           "I point out that you are dressed exactly as usual too."
           "Wrong !" he was indignant, showing her his outfit. "I'm a sheriff. I have nice boots, an old gun and a nice star that proves my authority. Besides, I should arrest you for not wearing a disguise at a Halloween party."
           "There." Y/N replied, taking his hat and putting it on her head. "I'm a cowgirl who decided to put on a fancy costume for a night out. Happy ?"
He didn't answer, staring at her with a funny look, before nodding and drinking his drink. An agent then called him and he excused himself to join some of his colleagues.
Not wishing to be alone, but not finding Eggsy, who must have been drunk somewhere, nor Harry, who must be trying to prevent Eggsy from causing a catastrophe, Y/N went to stand next to Merlin.
In addition to Champagne, Ginger and Tequila had joined the conversation, talking about politics, the cultural differences between their countries, and everything but work. Everything was going perfectly well, until the three American agents looked at her to ask her opinion on a subject, and they froze at the same time.
           "Is... Is this Whiskey's hat ?" Ginger asked with wide eyes.
           "Holy mother of God." Tequila hissed as if something horrible had just happened. "We talked about it, but I didn't think it would ever happen."
           "Talked about what ?"
           "Nothing, nothing at all."
When the two agencies were teaming up to solve a problem, Y/N and Whiskey were often working together. There had been some teasing about it, some even rumours, but in truth nothing had ever happened between them.
They got along well, they flirted a little for fun, and maybe Y/N wouldn't have been against more, but it wasn't very professional, besides being potentially dangerous.
She didn't think Jack was interested in that way anyway, between his complicated past and his need to flirt with absolutely everyone.
And now his colleagues were looking at her strangely, or rather looking at the hat she was wearing, as if it meant something very important.
After all, all Stateman agents had cowboy hats. Except maybe Ginger. Even with their disguises, they all wore it, even Champagne the Frankenstein or Tequila the ghost.
A sheet with two eye holes and a cowboy hat. He could also have chosen Cousin Itt.
           "He gave you his hat, finally." sighed Ginger. "I mean, that's nice."
           "Actually, I took it from him."
           "Oh, dear, you don't take a Stateman's hat without their permission, or you lose your fingers, and I see you still have yours. So he gave it to you."
After saying that, the director of the Stateman gave her a wink, accompanied by a small smile.
Merlin hadn't said anything, just looking at her with his nervous gaze, shaking his head to let her know that she might have to get back to agent Whisky soon.
Y/N found him on the balcony, finishing his drink and watching Harry, who was trying to stop Eggsy from undressing to dive into the hotel pool.
           "You English, pretending to be super classy, ​​but after two beers, showing true face."
           "A friendly face that inspires confidence ?"
           "Yeah. Are you having fun, sweetheart ?"
           "It depends. Some look at my head like I just accepted a marriage proposal."
           "Your head ? Oh, right." he said, turning around and rediscovering his hat. "I didn't think you were going to keep wearing it. Don't mind the others, they're stupid."
           "Does it mean anything special when a Stateman gives someone his hat ?"
           "Not at all."
           "Yet you made a weird face too when I put it on." she remarked, staring at him straight in the eye.
           "You surprised me. It looks good on you. And... Yeah, okay, I like you wearing my hat, it's out. My hat on you, it's... It's nice. "
Not knowing what to say, Y/N said nothing. If she reacted badly, it could harm their future collaboration, and their relationship.
Their friendship, of course. Nothing more.
           "I... I can take it back, if it makes you uncomfortable."
           "No !" she said too quickly, without thinking, putting her hand on the hat. "I mean… That's my disguise tonight. I'm Agent Whiskey. I'll be ridiculous without it."
           "I thought you were a cowgirl ?"
           "I said that, but because I'm on an undercover mission, sweetheart."
Her attempt to mimic his accent and his small smile made him laugh. But he didn't seem to forget what she had just done, pointing his finger at her head.
           "You can keep it, if you want."
           "Damn, don't tell me it's really like a wedding ring."
           "No. Why are you... Hey ! Leave ! Private conversation !"
Turning around, Y/N saw several agents of the Stateman, and Merlin, who had approached to listen. They ran around laughing and telling them they had to stop being stupid. Tequila added that he had won the bet.
           "The bet ?"
           "Ignore them, sweetheart, I told you, they're stupid."
           "Yes, I want to keep the hat."
           "Oh. Nice. Very nice." he repeated, waddling nervously, before taking her hand to kiss it and ask her if she wanted to dance.
Maybe future Halloween parties still wouldn't be special for the Kingsman.
But they would be for Y/N and Jack.
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bloodofthefates · 1 year
x. continued from here with @chaoslulled
It was rare for Zoya to be so forthcoming with her true feelings; if she took the time to decipher and understand them at all instead of channeling them into her usual guarded rage. Nikolai had become the counterbalance to her old habits, challenging her in ways she often found frustrating and irritating but were the best thing for her. She had grown, they both had, within the safe confines of their more intimate partnership that not only served their nation but served themselves as well. They presented a united front always, a promise made at the start of it all when she’d agreed to step into the role as Queen of but what occurred later and behind closed doors was only privy to a select few if they disagreed. And they did. Arguments weren’t unheard of between the pair of them, both alike in stubbornness and never lacking in passion while each tended to look for a fight in their own way. Zoya was an instigator, a thorny spine applying just the slightest bit of pressure to irritate and push boundaries but it seemed Nikolai was the only one ever willing to go toe to toe with her in any fight. He matched her in every way, but tonight there was no argument awaiting him in the quiet stillness of the sitting room. She might’ve preferred them parting on worse terms and maybe she could miss him less. The quiet felt like an apt reflection of her melancholy, but seeing Nikolai at the window staring out unseeing and at a loss for words didn’t exactly bring any reprieve or comfort she’d hoped for. Sipping deeply from her glass, reveling in the familiar burning sensation of her preferred kvas, Zoya’s icy stare tracked his movements as he came to join her in the chair seated next to her. She sat perched haphazardly with one leg tucked beneath her, the perfect picture of casual ease and her attempt at humor to lighten the gravity of the inevitable separation stretching out before them was eclipsed by the sudden sinking and overwhelming feeling building in the pit of her stomach that had nothing at all to do with the effects of the alcohol. “Of course I’m going to miss you…” She echoes his teasing, her voice soft with truthfulness reserved for his ears only. His parting was a necessity, a paramount matter of state that they agreed would always come first and yet Zoya couldn’t quell the nagging feeling that some part of her was leaving with him and being torn from her by the demon's own talons. The glass lingers at her lips, her tongue idly licking at the rim as she watches him, the exasperation he radiates while rubbing his temples and somehow her guarded and caged heart breaks a little more. He’s quick to snatch her glass from her, earning him a reproachful glare though she does nothing about it as he takes a sip and Zoya edges closer to him over the arm of her chair only to find herself still far too restrained by the distance for her liking. Languid in her movement to slide out of the chair, her intent clear as her hand grazes the arm of his chair and draws herself to stand in front of him with her thighs purposefully nudging him against his bent knees. “You can’t cancel.” She reminds him, really reminding them both so that she would never ask him to do such a thing. Not for the sake of Ravka nor restricting his freedom on the seas, the one thing she knows he may always crave as much as any desire to be near her. “But I’ll save all the soul torturing for your return.” She promises, smirking as she places both hands on either side of him against both armrests and leans in to press her forehead against his. “And you better return.” Zoya nudges against him with a growl, closing her eyes for a brief moment before swiping the glass back from his hand and straightening upright to down another sip. “Is it pathetic if I tell you I still don’t want you to go even though we both know better?”
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queenharumiura · 1 month
Ship game. Mukuro x fem!Tsuna
[My KHR ship game] ||Accepting|| @signorinavongola
My understanding of both Tsu-chan and Mukuro are weak, so I'll probably get some things wrong. This will be shorter than the others because i'm not confident at all and therefore uncomfortable with speaking at much length about it.
Hate it |Am Neutral to it| Ship it| love it! |
Long stressed explanation short: As per usual I don’t know Tsu-chan nor Squaletta very well, so I’m liable to get things incorrect. If you weren’t aware, I’m also not personally fond of Mukuro either so I purposefully don’t really think about him much, so there’s a higher chance of me getting things about him wrong. As such, I probably won’t go too in depth with this one as I honestly feel a little bit uncomfortable to talk about the two of them together in regards to dynamics.
Translation: If I get anything wrong, please forgive me. I’m doing my best based off what little I know and I’m stressing out.
I am mostly neutral because I am not entirely sure how things would go due to variables of- Tsu-chan is not exactly a canon character in the sense that I cannot use canon to accurately depict events and how scenes unfolded between characters. Some scenes obviously had to change in the event of her being female and how characters interact with her due to her gender change is something we can’t ignore either. The reason why I also chose ‘Hate it’ is because I don’t like Mukuro (lol). I also am super on the fence with the whole ‘is trying to take over bodies of others’ aspect of him. It promotes a kind of dynamic that I personally am not a huge fan of.
Does this mean I hate seeing it on dash? Absolutely not. Does this mean that I think it’s a bad ship? Not really. It’s just not personally my preference for ships is all. I fully support anyone who likes the ship and finds it fun. It’s just not for me is all.
As stated above, I am not a Mukuro fan (call it the strong Hibari bias in me). I do appreciate him as a character, and I know he adds a lot of value to the story, to the progression of certain character growths and the like- but I just don’t vibe with him. I can understand that he had a rough past, I can get that he’s nuanced, I can understand a lot of things, but ultimately, I view him as a bit of a risk. For his ideals, he is liable to doing things such as taking over bodies and not caring for the state that the body will end up in.
It isn’t to say that I don’t understand his motives, because they’re certainly understandable. He doesn’t want what happened to him to happen to others. I, unfortunately, am an emotional bean who is feels guilty very easily. I cannot use others in quite the way that he does. The moment he was shown to possess kids or possess injured people to use them against others- while totally understandable and a viable tactic- I just don’t like it. I don’t vibe with it. I just cannot get over it. MY CHILD FUUTA!!!!!! The emotional turmoil that child went through. I am truly a Haru-mun, I never could forgive him or like him because of what he did to Fuuta. That’s quite literally it. He also took over the body of another child as well so I’m like BROOOOO LEAVE THE KIDS ALONE!!!!
Then there is Birds who was very much willing to want to use Haru/Kyoko against the others and possibly ruin their lives. It matters not to me that it may not have been explicitly upon Mukuro’s orders or what. Inherently, the fact that he’s doing so, it makes it feel like he knows it’s okay to do so while under Mukuro’s wing. Perhaps the mentality of the necessary sacrifices for the greater good and it does rub me the wrong way (yes, I’m biased, and it may very well largely be because of Haru. SUE ME).
I’m well aware that people really like him, and that’s totally fine! Like I said before, as a character, I like him. He’s got a lot of nuance and dynamicism to his writing. He’s got a lot of depth to him in regards to his motives, machinations, his pitfalls, etc. That said, from an emotional and moral stance, he rubs me the wrong way and I don’t like him very much. I don’t hate him, no, but I will just stare at him from afar and squint. Would I defend him from any slander? Absolutely. I truly have my allegiance to the girls and to the kids. I hate Iemitsu and Cervello more than I do Mukuro for instance.
[[hm? This sounds familiar? Yep more copy pasted things from a previous answer because my assessment of Mukuro still applies]]
Oh- I also forgot to mention. My favorite character, my very FIRST one was Lanchia. Do we now understand why I truly just cannot vibe with Mukuro? After what he did to Lanchia’s famiglia? How it left him with a lot of guilt and trauma? MY FAVORITE? NAHHHHHHH NAAAHHH!!!!
So yeah. That’s why I don’t like him. Don’t hate hate him, but also HISSSSS!
The only time I like Mukuro is when Rikku is writing him and that’s because I’ve known him for years and he mostly just trolls around with Haru. I enjoy troll humor, so he’s the only one that I am okay with. The others will always secretly get glared at by me.
Don’t forget that I also write Hibari. As a loyal Hibari mun, I have to hate the pineapple head LOL.
I honestly think that a ship between Tsuna and Mukuro is really hard to work with. He hates the mafia after all, and she is the next boss of a really big mafia famiglia. Sure, he in a sense accepted becoming one of the guardians, but his hatred towards the mafia is still really strong if you properly read the source material. That kind of ingrained hatred and grudge isn’t easy to overcome. Working together is one thing and being romantically involved with someone in the mafia is another.
The fact that he does state a few times in canon that he’s just waiting for the right time to take over Tsuna’s body is another source of concern that shouldn’t be overlooked. Mukuro, for the sake of his goals, is willing to go to far extents. Reborn in canon has even reminded Tsuna before ‘don’t forget what Mukuro has done.’ He may be one of the mist guardians, but he’s still done some really bad things. He is still capable of doing bad things. There are those who still have their guard up around him (ie Reborn and Gokudera), and that is certainly a hurdle that would have to be crossed.
Does this mean that Neo thinks he has no redeemable qualities? 1000% no. He’s a very complex character and his values are pretty simple to figure out if you really try to look at him. He does have the ability to care for others, but his goals are simply more important a lot of the times. His ability to be cut-throat is a very important aspect to balance out the more positive and innocent members of Vongola 10. Mukuro pretty much symbolizes all the bad and harshness of the mafia itself while the majority of the others symbolize what the Vongola were truly meant to be: protectors. When you need to protect something, sometimes you have to be willing to make hard decisions to protect the majority and Mukuro embodies that.
It takes a lot of strength and bravery.
I suppose that may be a reason to take notice of him.
Again, Mukuro is a very complex character, and depending on circumstances and how certain events in canon went, it can vastly change how he interacts with other muses. It would have an impact on his dynamic with others.
Honestly? If you were to ask me, Mukuro does not actively look for love. He is not interested in love but rather his ideals. He wants to eradicate the mafia. He wants to make sure that what happened to him can’t happen to others again. He may use some drastic means at times, but I have to respect the motive. For a guy who is driven for this kind of goal, more often than not, they won’t have the time or emotional space to even consider love. Even if they did love someone, they usually don’t act on it until they completed their goal.
Obviously, the Vongola is still going to exist, along with the Cavallone famiglia and the Shimon… so his goal to destroy all the mafia will never actually come to fruition.
Not only that, but he is such an intwined pair with Chrome, that it’s very hard to separate the two from each other. It’s hard for me to consider him a ship pair with anyone when Chrome is basically his other half. They are the parallel between Daemon and Elena.
Do I think it’s impossible to ship Mukuro with Tsuna? No… but it would be really difficult and I honestly cannot really think of how it would go because of how complex he is. I think if he were to fall in love with her, one thing that he’d like about her is probably the fact that she doesn’t like the mafia. She’s only here because she’s forced into it, and she’s been trying to clean up the mafia using her influence. That is some positive points in her favor.
I think also, in canon, Tsuna has shown to trust in Mukuro’s abilities and his judgement on some matters. I think though he’s never forgotten what Mukuro has done in the Kokuyoland arc, he has come to respect and trust in Mukuro. The fact that Tsuna does so is both super naïve but also a pleasantry—to know that he too can be given other chances. Seeing how Chrome is able to thrive with the Vongola’s company is also a big positive. As his pair, her happiness and ability to survive in the Vongola’s environment is important to him. In canon, her ability to synergize with his illusions had a profound affect on him, like it was somewhat healing his heart. (Again, parallels between Daemon and Elena).
So it’s very important to him that Chrome is in an environment where she can be happy. So, MAYBE if over time he calmed down and acclimated to the Vongola, maybe he could spare some emotional space to fall in love. I honestly do not know. I don’t understand Mukuro that well, as you can see.
I won’t make any comments about what reason I think Tsuna would have to fall in love with Mukuro. I think those reasons would greatly depend on how he acts around her and what dynamic they have. I don’t have a good idea of what their dynamic would be because I don’t really study Mukuro much (as the professional Mukuro hater I am lol jk). I will not reference RP interactions because the vibes I get from the two Mukuro’s you interact with are different, so it’s hard to really say.
I think that’s all I’m going to try saying on this ship, because I sadly have no good ideas.
No secondary section because I don’t ship them, and I don’t understand their dynamic to even suggest cute ideas for their dynamic.
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pidayforpi · 1 year
Things That Inspire Me (1): Anime
(Basically an infodump so...yeah)
[Some spoilers for some anime, including:
→ Hunter x Hunter (Chimera Ant Arc)
→ Higurashi no Naku Koro ni (Watanagashi- and Meakashi-hen)
→ JoJo (Part 2 Battle Tendency)
→ AIR]
So, uh, I have been waiting for some time to do this. It's exactly what it says on the tin.
Ever since I have started creating, I noticed a few things that constantly inspire me and influence my works. Actually, they have had an effect on me even before I started writing for real, but I have only noticed the patterns recently.
I have selected two things that inspire me the most, and I will be writing about them in the following posts separately.
I just would like to put these thoughts on paper, to the best of my ability...and maybe share them with anyone who would put up with my serious and probably incoherent infodumping be interested...
Alright! So. Yeah. Anime. You saw it right.
I have to admit, I am not a big weeb at all. Even among, say, Duck fans, I am nowhere near being the biggest "nerd x weeb" in the community. I am not the most up-to-date, nor am I the most devoted viewer (for one I am an anime-only trash pls don't hurt me). There must be other fans who are also interested in both anime and cartoons; and in that circle, there must be people who are more knowledgeable in either/both of the fields than I am.
But within my rather narrow, shallow and niche interests, some anime that I know really influence my creations, consciously and subconsciously. And di molto! by quite a lot, too.
From the examples I have gathered, I think what anime fascinates me - and offers me as a creator - is a vivid, detailed, all-rounded showcase of how to portray a scene. One anime scene of a few minutes can already cover descriptions in multiple aspects:
The expressions, the gestures, the actions, the voice acting, the monologues and dialogues, the environment and the atmosphere...
(Anime music also plays a huge part in shaping the scene, but that will be discussed in the next passage as a stand-alone inspiration.)
Of course, those things I have listed above are not exclusive to anime. They are utilised in all sorts of performing arts, such as other forms of animation, comics, video games, live actions, and more.
However, what I find anime almost uniquely excels in is the portray of emotional scenes. Intensely emotional scenes.
This is getting a bit vague (even as I am writing it's difficult to word it), so let's get into some examples. These are anime scenes that I really like, and that I take quite a heavy inspiration from. Intensely emotional scenes are some of my favourites, yet they are really hard for me to put on paper (That's why I always tell myself to go read some light novels lol). These anime scenes provide me with an example of how to write it right.
[There may be content warnings in these brackets (other than spoilers) below the videos attached. Not really any for this one]
If I could quote only one example in the entire passage, I would choose this in a heartbeat.
This single scene from Hunter x Hunter has inspired me more than any others have - and probably - could. Immensely powerful and unique, I have yet to see another scene as well done as this is in any forms of animation.
Gon's rage is the perfect exemplar in portraying extreme anger and sadness (i.e. Things that an angst person like me really like). Almost every possible emotion you need when portraying an extremely angry and/or sad person is there, as well as the transitions between emotional states.
There is hysterical rage as well as seething anger, accompanied by feelings of sadness, hatred, unjust, guilt, helplessness...and madness. I especially admire Gon's expressions at the beginning and the end of the scene: That outwardly calm, silent anger which is on the verge of exploding in actuality. This quiet, subtle feeling of anger is something I absolutely love (and, again, yet to see better portrayed than in HxH); yet is very hard to write about (because it's, you know, subtle). Hopefully, one day, I can do it justice.
The next is a rather new anime to me (even though it's probably the oldest discussed in this passage), but has had a disproportionally important effect in my inspiration. (and also something I'm a bit embarrassed to admit liking)
[It's Higurashi, so...blood and violence? This is already one of the milder scenes, especially in this chapter of the anime]
Yes. Higurashi no Naku Koro ni. And a scene from the Higurashi poster girl of craziness. (Even that thumbnail is...quite something)
Higurashi showcases...well, craziness. Which, crazily, is another emotion I like to write about. (Especially with Donald, if you have read one of my stories from November of last year you will know)
The scene above only showcases a part of craziness in Higurashi, in my favourite arcs of Watanagashi/Meakashi. I have chosen that as it is one of the most iconic (and relatively...non-violent) scenes.
Although they aren't all contained in a single scene, Higurashi portrays multiple kinds of craziness: Crazily angry, crazily sad, crazily happy, crazily scared, crazily calm, crazily agitated...and the transitions between.
(There is another example that may better showcase these, but I think it may be...too violent...
It's a very iconic scene in (this chapter of) Higurashi, too.)
One thing I really like about the craziness in Higurashi, is the portray of pure craziness. I have yet to see another anime portray craziness as raw as Higurashi does (or I just haven't watched enough crazy anime yet).
Once they go crazy, you can really see them lose it all. They aren't completely crazy in the head (i.e. They won't become stupid, like how Shion still manages to form a murder plan), but they are completely crazy in the heart. And they still keep their original goals (e.g. Staying alive, finding/avenging a lover, protecting own happiness); it's just that the methods they are using to achieve those goals are now extreme and irrational.
On a side note: Although this isn't the main thing I get from Higurashi, another aspect I also draw inspiration from Higurashi is the bittersweetness, a (relatively) happy ending after a long conflict.
Of all the bittersweetness in the franchise, I especially love the one at the end of Higurashi Sotsu (yes I know you guys hate that series), after all the fighting between you-know-who. I actually like the ending and the resolution: After all the overblown argument, violence, bloodshed and madness, what eventually helps to resolve everything is a conversation between the two, and advice from others.
In the words of a fellow commenter on a video of that scene: "You can't just fight it out; you have to talk it out." Know what the other person is thinking, understand it, and work together to try to make each other happy. In the end, you may get what you want / they may get what they want / both of you get what you want / neither of you get what you want.
But what matters is reaching an understanding, and accept the best possible outcome there is, even if it isn't - and mostly won't be - a perfect ending.
(ah this is starting to go off topic. also I feel irresponsible to insert a clip for this one, cause it would spoil everything, especially for a murder-mystery anime.
you'll get who I am talking about if you have reached Sotsu, and will know which scene I am talking about if you have finished Sotsu.)
Finally, here are some miscellaneous anime scenes that I also enjoy and draw inspiration from. I put these in a "misc" category because...I don't really know how to categorise them otherwise. "Very sad scenes"? "Feels scenes"? These aren't very unique at all, but I do still use them as references subconsciously.
(Again, the music will be in another passage.)
[It's JoJo, so...blood? (Not really any violence at this point) Also SHIZAAAAA kinda big spoiler for this one]
I really like Caesar's speech there. The delivery is absolutely phenomenal (even if the VA isn't that famous, which is something I really like about Japanese voice-acting), and of course Araki's sentences are fire as well.
(Seriously, JoJo has the most _____ (insert any adjective) scenes all in one anime. You've got this, and then also "NIGERUNDAYO" and "I'VE BROUGHT TEQUILA ♡")
There are more awesome JoJo scenes from different parts (all are death scenes for some reason), but I don't want to spam this passage with Youtube links. Examples include Bruford (part 1) and Wamuu (part 2).
[Ignore the...subjective title (can't disagree nor agree myself). Literal ending spoilers. Otherwise it's tame]
This scene was legit iconic back then. It may seem...melodramatic now, but it is still one of my favourite anime scenes. Again, the delivery and the wording of the dialogues are absolutely stunning. In terms of feels, this really hits the hardest.
AIR actually has 50% inspired a story idea of mine (a WIP technically, but it's on hold for now _(:3 」∠)_). It's a Gladstone story, about his relationship with his cousin Fethry who has gone..."missing". Not sure why I have related AIR to this, but I guess it's because of the depiction of familial love in the anime (even though AIR is technically a romance, I personally see "family" as the main theme).
Particularly, Haruko and Misuzu's relationship. I've got another scene about that, which I will simply link below without commentary.
(A little bit of an appendix and a shout-out: Although I don't know how to put it in the main passage, I have to mention this when talking about the influence of anime on me.
Makoto Shinkai's works have been a huge inspiration to me ever since I first watched his "5 Centimetres Per Second", although "Your Name" is my favourite so far. Other than being absolutely visually stunning, they have had an influence on me, both in and outside writing.
I can't pinpoint what exactly I get from his works (I don't really write romance and am not romantic at all), but I think it is the idea of relationships. Not necessarily romantic relationships, but just people meeting people. The wonder yet fickleness of relationships: How people could enter your life and completely change it all of a sudden, yet they could leave and disappear just as suddenly.
This theme is something I really like to see being portrayed, as well as a theme I like to use in my own stories.
[Attached with one of my favourite scenes (along with my favourite song) from "Your Name". I was only able to find this "live orchestra concert" version, but I think it sounds very nice as well]
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pixyys · 2 years
belladonna among thorns
context. mori ougai x wife! reader (request)
it's about time the rest of the mafioso meet the mystery lady that is the wife of the boss herself.
warnings. possible slight spoilers and grammatical errors.
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the boss of the port mafia is like a pandora box. sure, the government knows him; the armed detective agency knows him; his subordinates know him. but that's it. he is a dangerous individual one wouldn't want to run into. know or see too much, and you might see what's inside that pandora box yourself. so no one really bothered (nor dared) to look more into neither his life nor the mysterious lady both the boss and elise sometimes bring up.
mori is a peculiar man. the same can be said for you, the very spouse of the fearsome boss of the port mafia. you are an interesting enigma of composed maturity and gleeful adolescence. you can be responsible and controlled. but being young as you are, between you, your husband and elise, a childlike petulance and exuberance sometimes peek out like a loose lint.
elise sees you like a mother. your somewhat similar childish side makes mori thinks that you really are destined to be her mother. (you both bond over by regularly bullying mori. but let's not tell him that).
it just so happens that it's this side of you that the rest of the mafia get to witness first. mori doesn't exactly keep secrets about his little crime organization, since you essentially work for him and a mafioso yourself. you've read the profiles of some of his subordinates, and they look quite.. severe. so naturally, as the spouse of their boss, you have to wear your "cool mask" if you get to meet them someday, right?
that was the plan. but your husband wasn't exactly helping. you weren't informed about any ongoing meeting. so you just skipped your way and barged into the room like some shoujo protagonist, excited to greet mori and elise.
a stifling silence meets you. various eyes suddenly flit to your form, peeking from the dim lightings of the meeting room. if not for a little dose of uncertainty on the mafia members' part, either gin's steel blade, akutagawa's rashomon, or the katana of kouyou's golden demon might end up pressed against your neck; threatening you for your identity.
"oh, my wonderful wife! how nice of you to visit us here!" mori's voice reaches out from the back of the long table, cutting the tension like scissors against a taut string. no sound came out from the others. but you can tell some bodies shift in their seat and some blades are sheathed to its place.
if anyone dares to drop a comment, it will be the regal wielder of the golden demon. "you must be the boss' spouse?" kouyou raises her voice among the silence. "you are indeed beautiful, like how he likes to brag around," she titters, her sleeved hand closing against her laugh.
as the wife of their boss, you command respect, and with respect did they serve you. much more so after you decide to join the unusual meeting, cutting in during precise moments and offering effective, almost scarily cunning and shrewd inputs.
exactly because of this, most members like hirotsu, gin, and the others regard you highly. the mafia is in good hands. while mori is a splendid leader—despite a few loose screws—and you are more than capable of covering any existing loopholes.
tachihara might want to keep a more watchful eye on you. you're a dangerous individual, that much he can tell—you'll know what i mean once you catch up with the hunting dogs arc :)
kouyou gets along well with you! it's been a while since she got the company of a fellow refined woman. she's heard stories of someone described as "wonderful" and "beautiful" as the boss' spouse. but once she gets to know you, she finds your occasional childlike side refreshing and endearing. (mori, at some point, might sulk at how often you hang out with with kouyou ever since).
chuuya is relieved by your presence. as stated before, mori has a bit of loose screws. so his decisions can bring out the best for the organization, yet sometimes be a little bit extreme. despite your intermittent laid-back side, chuuya trusts that with your presence in the mafia, he can be rest assured to continue pledging his loyalty. (if you're close enough, he might start calling you "ane-san" like how he does to kouyou).
higuchi looks up to you! especially by how quick you shift to your professional mode at the meeting. since you're young, you shouldn't be that far off in age. 'what if higuchi is as reliable and admirable as you?' she would think—not that she isn't reliable and admirable herself. but akutagawa might notice her by then, and maybe they can make an amazing couple like you and mori.
akutagawa's current concern is to prove himself, especially to his former senior. so it's likely that he wouldn't think much about you except that you're the boss' mysterious spouse. regardless, akutagawa needs help; he's a splendid member of the mafia, but he is still a raw, unpolished diamond. you can choose to mentor him like how mori mentored dazai and kouyou mentored chuuya. but be careful of doting him or expressing worry for him because he might get offended and thinks he's weak, then becomes more unstable.
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notes. i'm honestly stumped thinking about a proper title, so have some slightly content-representative and vague idiom instead haha
some plot points and characterizations might be inaccurate. i'm open for all feedbacks and criticisms! thank you very much for reading!
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todoshotoroki · 3 years
𝒮𝒶𝓎 𝒾𝓉, 𝓉𝑒𝓁𝓁 𝓂𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝓈𝑜𝓇𝓇𝓎
Warnings: smut, cockwarming, edging, smudge of angst, mentions of Bakugou, f reader x jealous Todoroki.〤 Minors DNI Word count: 2.4k
   It wasn't fair. This wasn't at all fair, and it wasn't your fault either. At least you didn't think you did anything wrong. You didn't expect for your usually soft-spoken, gentle boyfriend to be so upset with you the second you walked into your dorm. He was unusually quiet, more so than normal. When you had sat down next to him on the bed, you lay a gentle hand on his shoulder with a concerned frown. “Sho? Are you alright?” His eyes were covered from his bangs, the hand you placed on his shoulder coming up to gently scoop them out of his eyes, only then did he look up at you.
   “No. Not really” He admitted coldly, his eyebrows furrowing as his hand found its place on your calf, his warm fingers slowly trailing down to grip your ankle. To be honest, you should have seen it coming when he yanked your leg, pulling you over into his lap. To say the sudden position flustered you was a bit of an understatement, but you were still concerned about your boyfriends sour expression. And you had yet to get an explanation. “What's wrong? Tell me?”
   You squirmed to get more comfortable in his lap, your hands now settled on his shoulders. Shoto sighed, as if in disappointment, and his own fingers curled around your waist, gently but firmly grasping your hips. “How do you not know, darling?” His voice was quiet, but stern as one hot, one cold hand slowly drifted downwards, slipping under your skirt and tracing the line of your lace panties.
   As much as you tried to focus on what you could have done to emit such a reaction from your boyfriend, it was clear to you now that his intentions were not so innocent. “After all, it’s all your fault.” He admitted, though his eyes weren't looking at you as he leaned up against the pillows on the bed. He was watching as his hand drifted to the front of your skirt, flipping it up over your hips. A small, content sigh fell past his lips and his eyebrows furrowed as he got a good look at the cute lace adorning your skin. You were just so pretty.
   “Let me” His whispered, his fingers already curling to pull your panties to the side. Todoroki couldn't help but bite the inside of his cheek to conceal the groan bubbling in his chest at the sight of your bare cunt leaving a wet spot on his sweatpants.
   You let out a shaky breath, gripping his shoulders tighter as the hands on your hips began to rock your waist against his. You released a quiet moan as you felt the pressure of his hard cock through his pants, leaning forward, you rested your chin against his shoulder. “What did I do? Sho-” His name leaving your mouth ended in a moan as you ground your hips into his, desperately seeking more friction. 
   Too bad his hands tightened around your waist to pause your movements, as if you had suddenly reminded him of how angry he was supposed to be at you.
   “I should punish you” He responded, completely ignoring your question. You almost weren't sure if he had heard you correctly, but the fingernails digging into your waist said otherwise. Well, you definitely heard him, and his uncharacteristically demanding tone set every part of your body ablaze.  Before you were given the time to respond, he flipped you around in his lap, cherishing the small ‘oomph-’ that left your lips in the process. 
   “P-punish me?”
   Luckily, now that you were not facing him, he could give the faintest hint of a smile behind his smirking.
��  “Don't be afraid honey, I could never be mean to you” Although his tone was laced with kindness and warmth, underlying his voice was a condescending double standard, one that sent a shiver up your spine as he pulled your back flush against his chest. “Up” His hot breath fanned across the back of your neck, making the rest of your body rise with goosebumps.
   You lifted your hips, and he tauntingly pulled your panties down your legs, teasingly tracing them across your skin to bring them back up. “Good girl” You could hear the smile in his voice as he purred, making your cheeks redder then they already were. He set his hands back down on your hips. “Oh. though, you haven't been very good today I suppose” 
   You squirmed in his lap, frowning at the reminder that there's something you did to deserve this. Even more now, did you want to find out. You had never seen Shoto like this before, so teasing. He was always such a giver when it came to sexual activities. “I’m sorry Sho, whatever I did I'm sorry” Your voice was already running out of breath. How pathetic.
   “Oh? And what exactly did you do, Y/n? Do you even know?” As you shifted your hips once more, Todoroki's hand slipped between the two of you, his fingers tightly gripping his sweatpants and boxers and pulling them down enough for his hard cock to slap between your plush thighs. Your breath hitched at the feeling of his naked skin against your own, even if both of you were still technically still clothed. “I don't.. Please, tell me” You asked quietly.
   Todoroki hummed, his fingers unbuttoning the shirt of your school uniform expertly as he pondered his response. “No. Figure it out yourself” He demanded, pulling your shirt down your sides and tossing it across the room. You frowned, biting your tongue as your face creased thoughtfully, distractedly. 
   You could barely even remember what you did today, with how his warm hand inched closer to your clit like that. 
   “This isn’t fair” You protested, gripping onto the arm he had circled around your waist to keep your backside flush with his chest. You leaned your head onto his shoulder, getting the perfect view of his jawline. “I think it's fair” He responded, his fingers reaching between the two of you, gripping onto his cock to align the tip with your clit. 
   You could feel the tip of Shoto’s hard cock pulsing against your clit, and the way you instinctively ground your hips against his made the rest of his cock wet with your juices. Your boyfriend could act tough all he wanted, but the way his eyes were fixated on the sight between you and the small gasp that left his lips were telltale signs of how much he was truly enjoying his time teasing you. 
   Apparently you had been caught staring, because you were met with heterochromia eyes and flushed cheeks looking right back at you. The teasing smile that graced his lips made you want to get on your knees thank whatever god put you in this position. “Enjoying yourself?” He whispered, tilting his head forward to press his lips against yours, pulling away just enough to give you room to respond. “Yes” You admitted quietly, pressing your lips to his.
   His lips were so soft, and his tongue grazed your bottom lip. As soon as you opened your mouth to give him entry, he pulled away and pressed his forehead to yours with a suddenly serious, stern, cold glare. “You shouldn't be” The arm he tightened around your waist lifted your hips, suddenly aligning his cock and swiftly piercing himself into you. Both of you let out a gasp of ecstasy, Todoroki’s hands tightening on your hips. 
   “A-Ah, Sho- Shoto- ohh” Your eyelids fluttered shut, and your nails dug into the milky skin of his thighs beneath you in an attempt to ground yourself. Only he could make you feel so lightheaded and cloudy so quickly. His hot panting on the back of your neck caused a ripple to shudder through your body, your back slightly arching off his chest. He was quick to ground you, pulling you back against him before you could move. “No, stay, baby” He demanded softly against the crook of your neck. 
   Your insides felt like something Shoto Todoroki would never be able to experience with anybody but you. Nobody could light a flame inside his stomach like you did, you provided a warmth that he never had growing up, and one he would never find with his friends, despite how he appreciated them. They still weren't you. 
   “M-move Shoto, please” You quiet begs were met with nothing but silence. You pressed your back further into his chest, tilting your head to nuzzle at his jawline. Delicately placing kisses wherever you see fit. Todoroki had his eyes closed, but the labored breaths and the redness of his cheeks were enough to convey his emotions. “Please, please, fuck me already Sho”
   Finally, he provided a response. “Fucking is a reward, and you haven't been good” 
   You fucked up. Whatever you did, it was a fuck up.
   You could do no harm in Shoto Todoroki’s eyes, your classmates claimed you could run away with the league of villains and he would still be waiting on his knees for you to come back with open arms. 
   But he had never used this as a punishment, nor had fucking ever been a reward before. He was always soft when making love with you. 
   Your kisses slowly ceased, releasing shaky, uneven breaths against the underside of his jaw. That, mixed with the warmness of being nestled deep inside of your cunt, was almost enough for him to cum if he basked in it long enough. Though, he knew he’d be able to hold off. After all, he still couldn't get the picture of you with him out of his goddamn head. 
   “T-Todo, but I want you to..” Your words trailed off with a needy whine as your lover placed warm kisses along your cheek, then one more on your lips.
   “Tell me what you did wrong, then you can apologize for it” 
   Fuck. Your eyes darted around the room, trying to catch a glimpse of something to jog your memory. Then, your eyes landed on the orange notebook sitting on your desk. 
   Bakugou. He was jealous of your study session with Katsuki Bakugou. 
   “You.. mean, Bakugou-”
   “Bakugou?” Todoroki’s voice was laced with stone cold venom. His fingernails creased crescent shaped marks into your skin, causing you to grit your teeth and look up at him with wide eyes. “Don't you mean your precious friend Kacchan?” He practically growled in your ear, and you could feel the heat of his left hand rising as it pressed into your hip, your body freezing cold on the other side from his tight grip. 
   Oh. You DID call Bakugou by his childhood nickname. 
   You opened your mouth to reply and explain yourself, tell him that you did that to mock the nickname, but your voice was at a loss and suddenly failing you. You didn't need to speak though, because Shoto quickly filled the quietness by growling into your ear once more. “Your lucky I don't bend you over the bed and really punish you, since you want to be such a brat” 
   He meant it, you could hear it in the coldness of his voice.
   He leaned back, shoving you to sit upright in his lap and lying down on his back against the plush comforter. His hands gripped the base of your hips, and you leaned forward, gripping Todoroki’s pale, soft thighs for support. “Don't you have anything to say? Don't you want to apologize to me?” 
   His words fell on deaf ears as he finally, finally fucking rolled his hips into yours with a long, meaningful thrust. “Oh-oh fuck- just like that Sho” You leaned your head back, giving into a beautiful arch as Todoroki groaned at the feeling of you tightening around him.
   “Oh? Mmph- You mean like this?”
   He gave another hard, sensual thrust that kissed your cervix, making your legs feel like jello on each side of his hips. It was magical, the way his cock brushed against the walls of your insides with each savored stroke.
   “Turn around baby, look at me”  You scrambled to do as you were told, to make sure you were good for him. You adjusted yourself in his lap, sinking back down onto his cock as he propped both his knees up behind you for leverage. He had unbuttoned his shirt at some point, giving you access to his toned chest underneath your fingertips.
   Slowly, you began to grind your hips into his, relishing in the surprised facial expression that flew across his face at the sudden movement. “Shoo, I want you, so bad” Your eyes were watery as you pleaded with him, your desperate cunt needily sucking his cock into your plush walls. Though his tightening hold refrained anymore of your movements.
   “Say it Y/n” His tone was desperate, and his eyes were quick to portray how much he actually needed your reassurance. “Tell me your sorry. That he can't love you like I do” His eyes were half-lidded, glossy as they stared up at you. 
   Your heart sliced in half at making Todoroki feel even comparable to your explosive classmate, and you leaned forward to hover over him. As if it was instinct, his hands rested along the curve of your ass, one reaching down to brush his fingertips across your clit, ghosting over the spot where his cock was currently impaling you. “Never, never Sho, he’ll never even be able to compete, I swear.” You admitted, peppering needy kisses along his jawline. 
   “I'm sorry Shoto, I'm so sorry I made you feel that way baby” You could tell he was soaking up every word, his eyes fluttering open to look up at you every time you finished your sentence, watching you in hopes that you'd only speak more. “I love you so much, so much Sho” You leaned your forehead against his, your eyes glimmering as your lips ghosted over his. “Please forgive me Shoto, he can’t love me, can’t fuck me like you can, just please”
   “Yeah, he can't” Hearing you beg for his forgiveness must have been his breaking point, because his hips lifted up off the bed just enough to move himself inside of you, a small moan falling past his swollen lips. “I love you baby” He responded, his arms coming up to circle around your waist, in the process giving him the best angle to pull his cock out, only to thrust it back into your hot mess.
   Just when you thought your night had finally begun, Todoroki had to pause just one more time, and whisper one more dirty little command in your ear.
   “Oh, and I may be fucking you now” His words were slightly muffled as his teeth nibbled along your bottom lip.    
 “But don't you dare think about cumming tonight”   
𝐼𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒, 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑚𝑎𝑦 𝑎𝑙𝑠𝑜 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒:  “𝒪𝓃𝓁𝓎 𝒷𝑜𝓎 𝒾𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓌𝑜𝓇𝓁𝒹”
𝑂𝑟 𝑚𝑎𝑦𝑏𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢'𝑑 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑝𝑖𝑐𝑘 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 ♡
© all copy rights reserved, do not claim, copy, or repost
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imagineredwood · 3 years
"Maybe you should come with me."
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Summary: Creeper convinces you to join him at the clubhouse for the first time and despite your shyness, you oblige.
Request: Creeper with a short \ small girl who is shy and he wants too introduce her too the Mayans
Pairing: Creeper Vargas x short female reader
Warnings: None really. It mentions the reader being shorter than the guys and others but no focus on body size.
Word count: 758
A/N: Admittedly this is...not my best work. But I found some time and I wanted to get a little something out for y'all.
Reminder that you can add/remove yourself to my taglists as well as update your url if you’ve changed it so you can still get tagged here 💕 
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"Maybe you should come with me."
You were slow to turn your head, heart rate picking up as you anticipated it. It wasn't uncommon for Creeper to let you know that he was going to be leaving your place to head over to the clubhouse. Sometimes for work, other times to simply spend time with his brothers. Either way, you were fine with it, being none the wiser to whatever went on between those wooden walls.
It was uncommon however for him to invite you with him. And by uncommon, it was actually the first time. You had yet to go with him to see the place that took up all of his time that he wasn't with you or the people he spent that time with either. You knew names, ones he mentioned when telling you about his day. He spared you the gory details, of course, your relationship not exactly there yet. Except now it would seem there was a new step being taken.
"Go with you there? To meet them?"
Creeper nodded as he looked at you from the other side of the kitchen counter. His face was neutral but his smile warm as he shrugged.
"Why not? They ask about you, you ask about them. It's nothing crazy, no party or anything. Just the usual drinks and coffee that we do at the end of the week."
You nodded despite the nervousness you felt, your own smile coming through.
"Yeah, ok. I'll tag along."
Creeper smiled as he pushed off of the counter and made his way over to you, eyes glancing quickly over at the clock before landing back on you. Leaning down, he pressed a soft kiss to your forehead before nodding over toward your room.
"Go. Get ready."
You clung to Creeper's arm tightly as you made your way up the steps to the clubhouse, the Mayan looking over at you. He grinned wide, elated to think that he would now be able to have all of his favorite people together in one room for the first time. No more leaving you behind to have to head to the clubhouse, now he could simply bring you along with him. He leaned over and nudged his nose against your cheek, hoping to soothe the nerves he was sure you were feeling.
You were shy, not used to larger crowds nor new people, and Creeper knew it was going to take some time to relax considering you would be dealing with both any moment now.
Squeezing his arm around yours just a little tighter, he opened the door to the clubhouse and ushered you inside, EZ and Angel being the first to notice you as they were sitting closest to the front. The brothers smiled, standing as you and Creeper drew nearer. EZ stuck his hand out first, a comforting smile on his lips as he looked down at you.
"Hi, I'm Ezekiel. You can call me EZ."
You returned his smile shyly and shook his hand, introducing yourself as well before looking over at the more burly and tattooed of the brothers. He was more intimidating than EZ and he knew it, leaning himself down slightly so as to not stand over you so much. He was a good bit taller than you and even the others, his stature and frame not helping to make him seem any more comforting. His smile was friendly and genuine though and it helped to calm you as you shook his hand as well.
"I'm Angel."
You went through the motions in the same fashion, introducing and being introduced to the people Creeper called his brothers. You were thankful that the attention wasn't entirely on you, simply smiles and waves here and there as you settled in. Creep had told them beforehand that you were shy, the crew taking care to try their best not to intimidate nor stress you.
The night went on peacefully, your nerves simmering the longer the night went on. The Mayans and girls were nice, drinks being offered every now and then. They were all polite and friendly, making you feel at home. You could see now why Creeper loved them so much.
It wasn't enough to get you up and dancing along with the others, but slowly you laughed and joked more, Creeper's smile permanent as he soaked it all in. It was something he had longed for since he had gotten serious about the two of you and he was overjoyed now that it had become a reality.
General taglist
@piccasoe @ateliefloresdaprimavera @gemini0410 @woahitslucyylu @my-rosegold-soul @that-chick212 @everyhowlmarksthedead @glimmerglittergirl​ @elcococruz @fanaticfangurl21 @encounterthepast @iambabyharry @svintsandghosts @starrynite7114 @saturnsaree @multiyfandomgirl40 @destynelseclipsa @sadeyesgf @queenbeered @iamthegraham @emoengelfurleben @all-the-boys-to-the-yard @otomefromtheheart @rosieposie0624 @papa-geralt-of-cirilla @beeroses @weirdosandhopelessromantics @kola95 @black-repunzel99 @xonickibaby
@cruzwalters @myakai13 @mrsstevenbuchananstark @lyly00 @kaystacks17 @cole-winchester
Mayans MC taglist
@dazzledamazon @abunnykisses @briana-mishell24 @angelreyesgirl @wrcn9fvlcver @peaches009 @capt-canadian @thesandbeneathmytoes @krysiewithak @darklingveracruz @appropriate-writers-name @cind-in-real-life @blessedboo @montanaraed @kkim120 @megapeacelovemusic-blog @emoengelfurleben @blowmymbackout @abby-splace @kola95 @black-repunzel99 @redpoodlern @xonickibaby @myakai13
@cruzwalters @yosoynicolexo @mrsstevenbuchananstark @danimals1096 @po3ticb3auty @lyly00
Creeper taglist
@omg-mymelaninisbeautiful​ @redpoodlern​ @xonickibaby​ @cruzwalters​ @myakai13​
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jungkxook · 3 years
—midnight getaway. (m)
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⟶ pairing: jung wooyoung x fem!reader 
⟶ genre: sprinkle of youtuber!wooyoung + fluff / smut
⟶ words: 6,488
⟶ rating: 18+ 
⟶ summary: a “romantic” getaway surrounded by your friends leads to an interesting night alone with wooyoung
⟶ warnings: pwp, wooyoung says baby a lot bc he’s in love, some teasing woo, exhibitionism, doggy style, sort of praise kink, ass play (fingering, fem!recieving), breast play/fondling, finger sucking, riding, unprotected sex, creampie 
⟶ note: this is the first fic i’ve written in a while and my first ateez fic no one come for me pls also this is dedicated to the lovely @kithtaehyung​ !! thank you for always encouraging me and my wooyoung antics!! 💛
p.s. this is shamelessly inspired by this wooyoung selfie!!
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“Ugh. You obviously like her.”
The begrudging sigh comes from Yeosang, narrowly giving Wooyoung a heart attack when he realizes that you’re still within earshot. This wouldn’t have been so much of an issue had Yeosang not been so clearly talking about you to Wooyoung, though he barely has any time to recollect himself. Instead, sprawled out on the poolside of the villa the group had rented out for their week-long vacation in Jeju Island, Wooyoung firstly decides that he has no idea what Yeosang’s talking about.
“We’re just friends,” Wooyoung retorts.
“A friend you invite with you on a romantic getaway?” Yeosang asks with a wolfish grin.
Wooyoung shakes his head. He can still see you through the windows of the villa, now in the kitchen talking to Hongjoong. You’re all bright-eyed and glowing from the sun, in a swimsuit you had been putting to use just a few minutes ago when you took a dip in the pool. “Some romantic getaway, considering there’s seven idiots in the same house as us. Also thought this trip was meant to have no distractions.”
Which isn’t really a lie, because while their trip to Jeju was mostly for their YouTube channels, it was also meant to serve as a well-deserved break for the boys, and their leisure work of choice wasn’t exactly taxing and the majority of their trip so far has been spent simply enjoying themselves. Hongjoong had been so adamant too that there would be nothing to hinder them during their well deserved break. And of course you jumped at the offer to tag along when Wooyoung asked you, because you were his best friend but, moreover, his best supporter when it came to his passion and his videos.
“Yeah,” San hums nonchalantly from within the pool. He had been one of the few to jump in with you earlier, “but I don’t think friends flirt with each other on a daily basis.”
“Not to mention your video was all about her,” Jongho adds from beside Wooyoung. “I thought we were supposed to be promoting tourism in Jeju, not Y/N.”
That was a bit of an exaggeration. Sure, you had featured in a lot of the video Wooyoung had only just posted for his “Our Side of the Story” series he was doing (mostly daily vlogs, or aesthetic short films that you’ve always loved ━ much like the others, who have found a way to incorporate their love for music, dance, cooking, and everything in between in their vlogs), but you always made an appearance when you were so close with him. His viewers were used to it by this point, safe for the occasional questioning comments as to whether or not you two were dating. This video in particular saw you having the most fun in a while, frolicking the streets of the city, sprinting across the beach into the shallows of the ocean to try and splash Wooyoung with water; shaved ice shared between you and him and the way you snuck a bite of his when he was preoccupied, bike rides along the waterfront, and clambering along hiking trails so you could pose in a field of flowers that you had so desperately wanted to see.
Now, Wooyoung gives a roll of his eyes. “Funny. I don’t know what you guys are talking about.”
“Yeah, sure,” Yeosang sighs again. “When are you gonna tell her the truth?”
“The video already kind of did,” Jongho points out tauntingly. “If I was Y/N, I would have already realized.”
“Yeah━” San is beaming now as he clambers out of the pool, “but if you don’t want her, Woo, can I make a pass at her? Y’know, just to help take her off your hands━ Ow! What the hell?”
San jumps suddenly when Wooyoung chucks one of the pillows off of the lawn chair at his head.
“Keep your hands off her━” Wooyoung chastises. It’s meant mostly as a joke, but he worries when he recognizes a small part of him seems to care a little too much.
The others seem to find it funny at least, erupting into howling laughter that’s quick to fade when you wander back out to the pool and throw yourself next to Wooyoung.
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“They’re definitely starting to catch on.”
Wooyoung lets out a weary sigh, though you’re starting to find it difficult to focus as he continues to kiss down your throat.
So, maybe if any of the boys walked in and saw the both of you in such a compromising position, they would be indescribably confused while also preparing to point an accusatory finger at Wooyoung for technically lying to them. But it isn’t really a lie, and certainly not one neither he nor you were keen on keeping for very long. It’s just that it seemed a whole lot easier to keep your newfound two month relationship with Wooyoung a secret for a small while.
It was mostly to give the both of you enough time to enjoy yourselves thoroughly without the prying eyes of your friends (who, while always supportive, are already passionately invested in your lifelong friendship with Wooyoung, pointing out his feelings for you even far before he could decipher them), their vlogging lifestyle, and their fans, while also waiting for the proper time to expose the truth. After the Jeju trip, you had both promised each other. But that plan was beginning to look more and more faulty as time passes.
What was supposed to be an innocent trip to Jeju with your friends turned into a tricky game in which Wooyoung had entirely different plans that consisted of you only. Specifically, how many times he can find you alone away from the boys to have his way with you. By now, night has since fallen and, after a short duration of time unwinding around a small bonfire in the backyard, the boys had all since retreated to their own rooms. You’re positive most are already long asleep and the ones that aren’t are beginning to nod off, exhausted after a long day and drowsy with liquor from the night of drinking. You’re fortunate Wooyoung at least first chose to find you alone in your room of the villa, but you still panic. Because Wooyoung should be sleeping in his shared room with Hongjoong down the hall from yours, yet here he was.
“My video today probably didn’t help,” Wooyoung adds. 
You hum in response. “I don’t know if sneaking into my room will help with that either.”
At this, Wooyoung grins wide. “It’s fine. Hongjoong’s passed out cold. You should hear his snores. Plus━” He presses a kiss to your shoulder. “I couldn’t sleep without wondering how quickly you can cum.”
You nearly choke as you hear the words fall from Wooyoung’s mouth.
But it wasn’t his fault ━ he has needs too.
The first night of your trip called for a joyous celebration at a nearby restaurant that resulted in everyone being blissfully drunk by the time you returned to the villa. You had gotten so dressed up for the occasion that Wooyoung hated to see it go to waste, adorned in a pretty floral sundress ━ one that has always been his favourite (and, no, he promises that’s not solely because of how nice your boobs look in it, though that’s definitely a plus). If the boys could hear his thoughts now, they’d certainly pick him apart.
The house, however big and spacious it may be, is certainly not empty. Even just next door to your room is the shared room both Mingi and San are in. This is a fact you choose to remind your dear boyfriend of now. “The boys are sleeping.”
“Screw the guys,” Wooyoung groans into your neck. His strong arms slide around your middle from behind, pulling you into an all too familiar and warm embrace. He’s caught you just before you can shed your dress and slip into something more comfortable, all radiant and shimmering from a day out in the sun. You melt almost immediately against his chest as he nibbles on the skin just below your ear, on the corner of your jaw. He whispers ardently, “You look really pretty today. You always do, but especially today.”
A gentle smile spreads across your face. You instinctively reach out behind you to rest your hand on the nape of his neck, fingers tugging at the hair there. “I wore this dress just for you. I know it’s your favourite.”
“Yeah, because your tits look amazing in it,” he snickers. As if to emphasize this, he reaches down slyly to cup one of your breasts over the material of your dress, giving it a squeeze.
“Well, now you’re just trying to distract me into bed with you.”
“Is it working?” he asks hopefully, a smug grin on his face.
You snicker, fidgeting in his hold to face him and patting at his shoulder. “Maybe if we weren’t surrounded by a group of seven drunk men who could potentially hear and walk in on me sucking you off at any moment.”
But Wooyoung has already waited all day for the boys to leave you two alone. Waiting any longer may as well have felt like an eternity in a certain type of special hell that he wasn’t exactly keen on.
“And?” A sudden smirk stretches across his face. He leans in close to you, lips brushing faintly against your ear. “You didn’t have a problem letting me fuck you against the practice room mirror the other day.”
You swat lightly at his chest, scoffing suddenly. “Wooyoung!”
But he has a point. In all fairness, it had been his idea to take you against the practice room mirror when the boys had gone home and you were dropping off food to your poor boyfriend still working late at night. You certainly hadn’t complained then when he had you coming around his cock with the practice room door left unlocked. It’s such a Wooyoung thing to say too, being that he’s not often caught off guard, especially when he’s so blatant and confident about all things sex.
“Can’t you keep it in your pants for one night, Woo?”
“No, he’s in pain,” he pouts childishly. He bites playfully at the tip of your nose.
You sputter for air, dissolving into a fit of laughter. “You did not just call your dick a he━”
“Okay, I’m in pain,” he corrects. He starts kissing down and back up your neck. “It’s not my fault you look extra hot today. Besides, you looked like you were having so much fun today. Is it so wrong for me to want to keep pampering my beautiful girlfriend?”
“With your dick?”
“Yes, with my dick.”
You snort.
“And━” He drags out the word purposely, a playful twinkle in his eyes. “I don’t even want you to suck me off, by the way. All I want is to fuck you senseless right now.”
His words send a nerve right down to your core. Your thighs instinctively press together at the thought.
All things considered, you’re not any better. There was no denying how devastatingly attractive your boyfriend always looked, but especially today. A well-deserved break and the Jeju sun did him well, with a beautiful tan starting to glow on his face, free of any make-up or cover-ups. The usual stress of city life and work doesn’t weigh heavy on his brows anymore, and though his hair has gotten longer, it’s a neat and pretty mess ━ a little unruly from the sun and chlorine, and from having taken it down from its half-ponytail, but pretty nonetheless ━ with the under half of it bleached blonde and the top half dyed black. Dressed in nothing but a casual old t-shirt and a pair of board shorts, he’s both wholesomely cute and yet sexy at the same time.
And, while you are surrounded by a group of rowdy boys, Wooyoung isn’t necessarily wrong. He always seems to have a knack for making anything romantic enough if he tries, attributed to his charming ways. A night of lovemaking (or whatever he has in mind) in your room with a beachside view is, all things considered, kind of romantic.
You purse your lips now. “Think they’re all asleep?”
“With how wasted they are? Absolutely,” Wooyoung says brightly. “I tripped over a shoe in our room and Hongjoong didn’t even move.”
It’s risky, sure, but the sudden yearning to be with Wooyoung was almost debilitating. There was no doubt you could both get away with having sex in a packed house, right? Either way, it doesn’t really seem to matter. You’ve already been persuaded, and Wooyoung knows.
He pulls you in for a kiss and you let him get carried away for a moment, reveling in the way he needily nips and sucks at your lower lip. Then, finding a second of clarity, you can be heard saying against his mouth breathlessly, “We’ll have to be quiet.”
“Mmm,” he hums distractedly. “So quiet.”
But that was like asking Wooyoung not to breathe. It’s this passing thought, and the way he pulls and tugs you over to sit on his lap as he sinks onto the edge of the bed in a desperate haste, that has you giggling. He leaves a trail of sloppy kisses down to the underside of your jaw and then along your throat.
You tug at the hair at the nape of his neck as you begin to rut your hips against his slowly. “You look really handsome today, baby. It’s nice seeing you so relaxed for once.”
His stare meets yours suddenly, all sparkling and awed. He grips your waist and presses you a little more firmly against his hips so you can feel his semi-hard dick against your inner thigh. “Ugh,” he sighs, “say that again and I’ll bust a nut right here and now.”
Another giggle meets his ears, but this time it’s a little less focused as it splinters off into a whimper the longer you continue to grind against him. You decide to humour him. “I saw your vlog. It was pretty.”
He audibly whines now, his heart threatening to burst through his chest. “Yeah? I worked hard on it.”
“Is that how you see me?” You think back to the video and how you looked, the soft music overlapping it all.
“Yeah,” he deadpans, “like that piece of washed up kelp you tried throwing at me today━”
“You’re so━”
“I’m joking. Of course that’s how I see you, but that’s only a fraction of what you look like to me. A camera doesn’t do you justice.”
“So you think I’m pretty?” You snicker.
“So pretty.” He kisses you again, this time a little more earnestly. He sighs dreamily against your lips, “No, actually. If my dick isn’t in you in the next minute, I’m gonna go insane.”
A delighted simper sounds from you. “Don’t even have to cum, just as long as you do━”
Your jaw drops open as you find an angle that has you pushing your clit against his clothed dick just right. But even though you had so innocently offered to only get him off, part of the fun was seeing how quickly and how many times he could make you cum before finishing himself off. You deserve it, after all.
“God, you’re such a good girl,” he moans. He takes a moment to appreciate you in your current state. You, straddling his lap, eager hips moving against his with your brows pinched in concentration, the pretty material of your dress hiking up around your thighs. He reaches down, palms rough as they grip at the soft flesh of your thighs. “Look at you, already so needy for me. It’s so fucking sexy.”
Wooyoung fidgets beneath you. He burrows his face in the crook of your neck, nipping at your throat.
“How do you want me first, princess?” he asks sweetly now, peppering kisses along your throat, tongue soothing the marks he’s left behind. “Want my fingers in you?”
“N-No━” You croak. “Just wanna feel your dick.”
Excitement prickles at the tips of his fingers as he massages circles against your hips. “In your mouth or in you?”
“In me,” You rasp. “Now. Please, Woo━”
He marvels for a moment at how he’s so stupidly in love with you and your pretty words despite them having such dirty implications, and he hastens to please you. A wolfish grin tugs at his lips as he smothers them against your mouth, but then the giddy sensation of finally getting to have his cock buried in your walls overcomes him. He murmurs into a wet kiss, “As much as I love this dress, let’s get it off of you.”
He hastens to help you shove the straps of your dress down your shoulders, then off your arms. Then, he watches as you stand up to shimmy your way out of it, the material pooling at your feet, exposing your figure and the fact that you’re not even wearing a bra. The swell of your breasts meets his eyes first, and you’ve barely just kicked your way out of your panties when he’s pulling you onto his lap again, warm mouth latching onto one of your breasts. His lips wrap around your nipple, teeth nibbling on the sensitive bud. He can’t seem to get enough, moving to bite and suck at the soft flesh all over, shifting from one to the other, then down the valley of your breasts. A moan falls from your lips, hands pulling harshly at his hair as you push him further into your chest.
“Wooyoung…” You whine. “We gotta be quick.”
Though he wants nothing more than to mark up your chest all over, he relents only when he remembers that the boys are nearby. “Okay, okay━ Here━”
He grabs at your waist, shifting you around until you’re on your back splayed out beneath him. Towering over you, he pushes the material of his shorts down, pulling his aching dick from the tight confinements. Your eyes fall to the way he fists himself hurriedly, tip all red and glistening with precum, and the one prominent vein bulging along his length. You bite at your lip, legs instinctively spreading wider for him.
“Are we really gonna do this?” he asks, excited. “With the guys here?”
“Think it’s too late to ask when we’re both already naked,” You giggle. You remind him again, this time a little weaker, “Just remember to be quiet.”
He hums in response. Then, he teases you by running the length of his hard dick against your slick folds, already dripping with slick arousal.
“God, baby,” he groans, “you’re so wet already.” He taps the tip of his cock against your pussy, the sudden jolt sending your head spinning. As he rubs himself on you, the sticky wetness glides along the prominent vein of his length and spreads messily out to the top of your inner thighs. “Did I do all this to you?”
“Woo, no teasing,” You chastize in a small whine. A shiver runs down your spine at the feeling, and you hate having to resist all his teasing touches. “What if someone tries coming in?”
He flashes you a shit-eating grin. “Let them. If it’s Seonghwa, even better. I can finally get payback for when he purposely ate some girl out on my bed.”
You snort lazily, stifling your giggles. “Focus, baby.”
“I am focused,” he says smugly. He emphasizes this by pressing his dick a little harder against your folds, teasing the tip of it against your entrance. “With you spread out like this for me, all sexy━ Fuck, I’m so focused.”
But what he doesn’t tell you is that the thought alone of one of the boys walking in on the both of you is enough to excite him to no end. He can imagine it now, one of them wandering into the room while you’re writhing beneath Wooyoung, taking his dick so well, moaning nothing but his name. He yearns to feel you all at once, hurrying to please you.
Without warning, he pushes himself into you, cock stretching you wide in just the way you both like. Almost immediately, low gasps and groans sound from the both of you.
“Ah, f-fuck! Woo━” You smother your sudden cries with a hand clamping over your mouth.
“Shit, I know,” he sputters for air. His voice is heavy in your ear, a low grunt only for you to hear. “You feel so fucking good, baby━”
His head is swimming even just at the way your walls wrap around his tip so snug. He pushes himself into you the rest of the way, bottoming out with a sudden forceful and indulgent thrust when━
The headboard slams against the wall, exceptionally loud.
“Fuck, Wooyoung━ Woo━” You grip at his arms. “The bed.”
His eyes meet yours, stunned momentarily as you wait and listen. A minute passes, but the house continues to remain silent.
“It’s okay. Even if they do hear, it’s not as if they probably won’t know what we’re doing,” Wooyoung points out, matter-of-fact. “We haven’t exactly been very careful lately.”
“Still,” You insist. Your walls throb around his hard dick, desperate for some sort of movement. “It’ll give me some peace of mind.”
His heart swoons at your timidness, and though he has fun teasing you, he would never actually want to risk getting caught by one of the boys (however many close calls he’s already had with you) or, worse, upsetting you to the point of no return.
In the next moment, Wooyoung pulls out of you, then pushes back in again, this time less forceful. He swears he tries to be wary of the bed and of making too much noise but, much to both of your dismay, while the frame doesn’t bang against the wall too noticeably, the bed still creaks beneath you.
Wooyoung grits his teeth. He tries again, then one more time, and though your head lolls back at the sensation of him stretching you wide, you meet his gaze with your own apprehensive hazy one. Even Wooyoung’s patience is wearing thin when all he wants to do is tear you apart ━ that, and the slight creak of the bed is enough to start driving him insane.
“Fuck this,” his pace stutters to a halt, “let’s get on the floor. Can you get on your hands and knees for me, baby?”
“Good idea.” Your heart jolts in your chest from the excitement.
Within a matter of seconds, he’s parting from you, leaving you momentarily stunned at the loss of warmth. He helps you to your feet so that the both of you can sink to the floor on your knees. Before you can drop into all fours, Wooyoung stops you by reaching out for the blanket on the bed and tucking it underneath the both of you, but mostly to soften the ground underneath your knees. When he catches you surveying him with a fond gleam in your eyes, he quirks a brow.
“What? It’s just so you don’t get too uncomfortable,” he says sweetly, peppering a few kisses along your shoulder. “Is this good?”
“Amazing.” Your heart swells at all his gentle touches. You catch his lips on yours, faintly murmuring, “I love you. Like, so much.”
You can feel his grin against your mouth. “You know I love you too. And as much as I would also love to hear you go on about how I’m the most perfect boyfriend, I need to be in you right now.”
A pretty giggle meets his ears, and he marvels for a second how you’re so quick to oblige. Propping yourself up on your elbows, your ass juts out in his direction. You give it a little tempting wiggle, and he hurries to position himself behind you. With one hand on the small of your back, he guides you back down his length.
“Ah━ Fuuuck━” He moans. “Arch your back a little more for me, baby.”
You do as you’re told, leaning forward just enough on your elbows and sticking your hips back to meet his as he sinks balls deep into your core. Then, he’s crumbling apart, all breathy panting as he tries to focus.
“Shit, baby━”
“You’re so tight. So wet. I’m not gonna last,” he pouts, as if it’s a genuine disappointment. He watches as he pulls out of your heat just enough before shoving himself back in, his dick covered in a glistening sheen of your arousal. You’re so damn wet, he wonders how he hasn’t slipped from you yet. His hands grip and tug at your ass, spreading you to see the way your cunt pulsates and stretches around his dick. So perfect, almost as if you were made for him. “Tell me. Wanna hear how good you feel right now.”
“S-So good,” You mumble drunkenly. “God, you’re so good, Woo. Fuck━!”
His gaze droops down to your breasts, bouncing with each thrust of his hips into yours. He reaches around and grabs at one of your boobs. The gentle shake of the soft flesh in his palms is always his favourite feeling, and he can’t help but squeeze at them now because, god, he really does love your tits. If he had all the time in the world, he would do anything to fuck himself between your boobs, and cum all over your chest ━ but that will have to wait for now.
“Ah━ Fuck━ Wish I could take my time with you right now,” he moans, planting sloppy kisses along your shoulder. “I can’t wait till we’re alone. Gonna take care of you so well, baby.”
“Yeah,” he grunts. He reaches down with his other hand, thumb pressing against the tight hole of your ass. The sensation alone is enough to have you nearly keeling over, a strangled cry of pleasure ripping from you. “Want you coming on my tongue so bad. Gonna fuck you against every surface too. You deserve it. You’re always so good to me, princess.”
“Only for you,” You whimper. If he wasn’t so pressed for time, the affirmation alone would have been more than enough to make him melt in your very hands. But his dick is still so hard, and your pussy is still so wet, all he can focus on is not slipping from your walls with every thrust of his hips. “Ah, Wooyoung! Y-You’re so━ So hard━”
You bite harshly at your lip when a loud moan threatens to spill from you. You bury your face in the blanket around you, clutching so tightly at the material. A part of Wooyoung finds it amusing, if only because, if the boys are awake and don’t hear your lewd moans, there’s no doubt they won’t be able to hear the sound of skin against skin as his hips slap against your ass.
“Let me hear you, baby,” he coaxes now. “Moan out loud for me.” When you shake your head, he snickers. “Want it harder? Will that help you?”
He gives an experimental roll of his hips, a little rougher than usual. It sends you teetering forward, a broken groan tumbling from you that’s left muffled by the blanket. He can hear you mumble wantonly, “Don’t be a tease.”
A cheshire-like grin spreads across his face. “Here━ Come sit on my dick. Wanna feel you so deep━”
His words make you moan softly, followed by the way he pulls out of you just quickly enough to sit back against the bed. He tugs you onto his lap and you follow suit, spreading your legs further apart as you sink onto his leaking dick. Down, down, down, until it almost feels as if he’s hitting your cervix, and suddenly you’re not so sure you’ll be able to keep it together any longer. That, mixed with the way he’s gazing at you, all hooded eyed and alluring, you’re very close to dissolving into a mess right in his very arms.
“Ah━ Ah━ Fuck, baby━” You grip at his shoulders as you adjust to the new feeling, hips squirming above his. “Wooyoung, please━”
But your words fall short. The desperate plea that hinges in your voice fades into nothing more than the urgent need to feel more of him, to have him absolutely wreck you, as you begin to rock your hips back and forth on his dick.
“Please what, baby?” he taunts lazily. But he knows what he’s doing, slyly beckoning you to make a mess, and moan for him.
His palms are warm as they slide up your sides, then around your back, hugging you close to his chest. He thrusts his hips up just once into you, sending you into a haste that has you lifting yourself up and then back down his cock. As you adopt a steady and reckless pace that has you bouncing on his length, he watches your every reaction. The way your face contorts at the sheer pleasure, brows pinched so hard in concentration, teeth sinking into your lower lip. Your hands reach out to thread through his long locks, pretty blonde tresses running through the seams of your fingers. You tug lightly at the root, earning a low groan from him.
“Fuck, Y/N━” His head rolls back against the mattress at your quick pace. “You’re so fucking sexy━ So desperate for my dick━ Ah━”
He moans suddenly, only this time it’s less muffled than before. Whether he does it the first time to tease you or simply because he had gotten carried away, you aren’t quite sure. Either way, it’s enough to startle you, even amongst the daze you’re in.
“Wooyoung━” Your voice is a small warning, but it lacks any severity when it splinters into a whine. “Not so loud.”
“They’re━ Ah, fuck━ sleeping━”
You meet his mischievous stare with your own heedful one. Your pace slows, if only just, and you’re certain this time that when he moans even louder, it’s entirely on purpose.
“Woo!” You clamp a hand softly over his mouth, smothering the tail end of his crude groan.
The grin that forms on his face beneath your hand is evident of his amusement of his toying with you but it turns sluggish quickly. The sight to see is hot enough, with the drowsy lopsided smirk poking out from underneath your hand as he watches you continue to ride him, now a measured gyrating against his own hips. When he realizes you’ve chosen to keep your hand over his mouth, he reaches up to grab a hold of your wrist, his large fingers splaying out and then up over your knuckles.
“Come on, baby. It’s okay. Let it out,” he hums. He kisses at your fingertips, tongue swiveling around to suck on your digits delicately. “Not even one tiny moan? Let me hear that pretty voice of yours.”
He can feel your thighs begin to shake around him and, judging by the crescendoing of whimpers tumbling from your mouth, he senses you’re close. Your free hand still grips at his hair, this time a little tighter as you try to anchor yourself in place to rock your hips a little faster. Wooyoung hisses delightfully at the feeling, a small lethargic chuckle rumbling from deep within his chest.
Rough hands grab at your waist now, shifting you around abruptly until you’re splayed out on the floor on your back with him hovering over you. His length stays wedged snugly in your walls, never once slipping, and as he settles against your chest, he lifts one of your legs up and over his shoulder. An animalistic growl slips from him at your pinched face, and the way your cunt starts to squeeze around him. With this angle that his hips pound into yours, his cock hits so deep into your core, pummeling against your cervix again and again.
“H-Harder━ Wooyoung━” You pant. “Please━ I’m gonna━”
Finally, a moan sounds from you. Loud and unabashed, a little broken and exhausted, but beautiful to Wooyoung’s ears nonetheless. In fact, it’s so sexy of a noise that it’s enough to nearly push him over the edge but he relents, if only just for a little longer.
“Ah, there’s my favourite sound,” he smirks. His tongue lavs at the underside of your jaw, and your hand finds itself tangled in his hair once more. “Gonna be a good girl and let the boys hear you now?”
You try with all your might to silence yourself, but the task proves more and more difficult. A few more slams of his hips into yours, and you’re crumbling apart right before his eyes.
“Fuck━ Wooyoung━”
“That’s it, baby,” he grunts into your ear. “Cum for me.”
As you come, the sudden gush of wetness around your core coats his length and he almost accidentally slips from your cunt. You’re clenched so tightly around him, Wooyoung feels as if he has to gasp for air to stay focused. His eyes still stay trained on you, watching as your face contorts as you writhe beneath him. But it’s your shameless moaning that sets him off, albeit still softer than usual but much louder than he was expecting from you with the boys so close by.
“Ah━ You’re so fucking hot━” he whines. “Gonna cum━”
Every thrust of his hips sends you bobbing up and down, and as you come down from your high the pleasurable feeling of his hard cock still burrowed in your sensitive walls has you whimpering softly. Your legs try to separate further, beckoning him for more.
“Cum in me, Youngie,” you beckon dazedly. “Wanna feel it so bad━”
“Oh, fuck━” he gasps. “Can I?”
“You’re so good to me, baby. Aren’t you?”
His pace quickens, hips snapping into yours urgently. One final shuddering thrust and he’s overwhelmed by his orgasm, cock pulsating within your aching walls as his cum fills you up. He has to bury his face in the crook of your neck to muffle his moans, listening to the sharp gasp for air you take when you feel his release.
He rides out his high in a few more leisure rolls of his hips, though he seems more concerned now with kissing your throat slowly. He gently unravels your leg from his shoulder, then slumps against you like the comfortable heavy weight that he is. His dick lays softening still buried within your walls, now leaking with his cum.
“Have I ever told you how amazing you are?” You hear him sigh dreamily into your neck. “‘Cause you are.”
“Almost daily,” You concur with a giggle. Your own fingers smooth out his hair, fixing the messy strands, and he croons with delight. He leaves a trail of sweet kisses up along your throat, then your jaw, and then the corner of your mouth. Safe for the laboured breathing as you both try to calm your shrill hearts, you’re made aware so suddenly of just how quiet the room suddenly is. “There’s no way the guys slept through all of that.”
“I’m sure they did.” Wooyoung nibbles gingerly at your lip. “There’s nothing to worry about. Especially right now. I’m so tired. We can deal with the potential consequences later.”
You snort. “How did I know that’s exactly what you would say?”
You catch him smirking before he plants one last kiss on your lips. Somehow, he’s able to pry himself off of you long enough to slip into his shorts laying discarded on the floor before disappearing outside of the room into the darkened hallway. He returns moments later with a damp towel to help clean up the sticky mess between your legs, then tugs you back onto the bed with him.
“They’ll see you sneaking out of my room if you sleep here,” You point out through a yawn.
“I’ll get up before them,” he insists. “Just give me an hour with you, like this.”
You can’t resist the urge.
At the very least, you fall asleep first in his arms, his fingers playing with your hair. He must slip away from you at some point during the night, unraveling himself carefully from your sleeping figure to retreat to his own room. You’ll tell the boys eventually of your relationship with Wooyoung, you swear.
But for now, there, under the covers of the bed, you have all the time in the world to enjoy yourself with Wooyoung in pure, unadulterated silence.
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In the morning when you wake up, you join your boyfriend with the rest of the boys downstairs in the kitchen for breakfast.
You’re the last to arrive, having wanted to take your time in the shower ━ a fact that Wooyoung laments, because he wanted nothing more than to shower with you to “save water” (which really just translates to more sex), but with only two bathrooms and nine people, the feat seemed impossible. Now, you sidle into the seat next to Wooyoung at the kitchen table, smiling down at him when his eyes flicker to you which seems to go unnoticed by the others.
“How was your night?” Yunho asks passively once you’ve settled into place. “Did you sleep well?”
You nod, as Wooyoung answers, “Best sleep of my life.”
“Yeah, I’m sure.” This amused offhanded scoff comes from San under his breath. It causes Mingi to almost choke on his sip of orange juice as he snorts into the glass.
“What was that?” Wooyoung asks.
“Oh, nothing,” San says. The smirk on his face says otherwise. “Thought we heard some loud noises last night. It was weird.”
Then there’s Mingi, leaning across the table to catch your attention alone. He shoots you a more merciful look, though he still seems entertained nevertheless when he whispers to you, “You have something on your neck.”
Your hand instinctively clamps onto your throat, over the spot Mingi points to as you mentally curse yourself. While you had been so preoccupied the night before trying not to make any noise, you forgot to warn Wooyoung against leaving any noticeable marks on your body ━ a bad habit of his, and your fatal mistake for forgetting to check the morning after.
The others are fortunately not paying attention, already absorbed in their own conversations, but the horror of so clearly being found out by San and Mingi sends you into a frenzy. It even seems to alarm Wooyoung judging by the way he starts laughing nervously, though maybe that’s because your knee bashes against his under the table and sends him jumping in his seat.
Clearly, you have a lot of explaining to do. Eventually.
The last thing you hear San say before he and Mingi howl with laughter seems to make even the charmingly confident Wooyoung slightly frazzled, and leaves you all the more confused.
“Some romantic getaway, huh?” 
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⟶ All rights reserved to © jungkxook. I do not allow reposting, translating, or any sort of modifying and reuploading of my work.
⟶ Feedback is always appreciated!
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