#well my 'host family' other than that are nice people and they cook well at least
gucciwins · 10 months
birthday blues
Y/N doesn't celebrate her birthday. Harry wants to change that.
Word count: 9381
A/N: it's my birthday! and I thought you deserved something nice. I feel sometimes birthday can be very up and down. somehow tears come by every year. I always wanted to write a birthday story and what better day to post it than on my birthday.
warnings: mentions of a parent death
happy reading!
365 days
That’s how long it took the sun to rotate the earth. That was also how many days it took for Y/N to turn a year older. 
Birthdays are meant to be celebrated with family and friends. Where they shower someone with gifts cake but mostly love. It’s something Y/N hasn’t felt since she was young. Her mother made sure Y/N was reminded that the sun shined bright for her. She made all her dreams come true until she couldn’t. Y/N lost her mother, Isla, to cancer. She fought a long battle, but it seemed losing her mother meant losing her father as he lost the love of his life. Her older brother, already close to eighteen, understood loss but didn’t realize how grief could change a person because as soon as Caleb turned eighteen, he was gone. Only calling during the holidays but never coming home. 
Y/N saw how others were celebrated on their birthdays as she grew up, from being invited to birthday parties to the grand gifts they would receive, primarily knowing that her friends had someone show up for them. That never happened for Y/N. 
She moved away from home for university, and there was no argument from her father. She began her life where she hoped to create a family of her own, and with time, she had. Y/N never believed in having a large group of friends, but wherever she went, she made a friend along the way. 
Aurora is Y/N’s best friend. She met her at a book club, their local bookstore hosts. Y/N complimented her fiery red hair; Aurora took one hard look at Y/N and claimed they would be best friends. Y/N brushed her off instead asking her out for coffee, and well, it seemed Aurora was right. She always is Y/N had come to learn. 
With Aurora in her life came new friends; she was invited to dinner parties, coffee days, and to join in on mundane errand days. Y/N had never felt so invited and loved by her friends, but she made sure to give it right back. When it was Suki’s birthday, Y/N knew she wanted an ice skating day with all their friends but could never convince everyone to go; well, Y/N turned on the charm, and off they went. At Edward’s graduation party, she brought his favorite cake from the bakery across town. For Tina, she found a vintage sweater she had been searching for since she was seventeen and learned who Vivienne Westwood was. Y/N was the friend who went above and beyond for everyone because she knew they deserved it.
Year after year, they would ask Y/N to celebrate her birthday or accomplishments, but Y/N always promised them she didn’t like celebrating her birthday. After two years, her friends decided not to fight it and respected her wishes. She’d start her day the same way each year: head to Heart Coffee to buy a croissant and an oat milk vanilla latte. She’d head to the park, where she’d sit by the lake, seeing all the people run by. Then she’d cook herself a small meal and stay home to watch her favorite show (Parks and Rec). It’s a simple plan, one she liked and her friends respected. Her friends would get her gifts, sometimes books, kitchen supplies, or even the sweater she had been eyeing and saving up for, but that’s as much as she allowed to be celebrated. 
Then Harry came into her life. 
Aurora was having a bonfire to celebrate the start of Summer. Y/N loved the beach, searching for shells, and mostly, being in the water. Y/N had offered to help set up because she wanted to maximize her time in the water. Her mum always told her she was born a mermaid in another life for how much she loved water. Y/N spent her time in the water, and once she felt the sun begin to set (Aurora yelled for her to come in), she took a final dive and dashed to her car to change into warmer clothes. As she was closing her car’s trunk, Y/N bumped into someone. She quickly apologized, knowing she was in a hurry to return to her friends because she was hungry. 
“My fault,” a strong voice responded. 
It sent chills down her back. She looked up to meet his eyes and found mossy green eyes staring at her. “Sorry,” she apologized again. “I’ve got to go.” Y/N pointed behind her to signify she had people waiting for her, and before he could stop her, she ran off. 
Y/N tried to brush away his pretty face, but her brain seemed frozen. She’d never seen someone so pretty. He had curls peeking out behind his hood, and his long eyelashes were something she’d forever be jealous of while she’d dream of what his pink lips might taste like. Y/N, with a drink in her hand, allowed herself to escape to her thoughts. 
“Babes, you’ve got a pretty tan going,” Aurora commented as Y/N set her bag down.
Y/N felt her face warm, knowing tomorrow she’d be more burnt than she liked, but being in the water was worth it. 
“So the mermaid has legs,” Frannie teases Y/N as she sits in the sand. 
“So it seems. Got any gummy worms?” Y/N plays along, knowing her friend would understand the significance of the candy from one of their favorite movies.   
There was a lot of chatter going around. She patted Frannie’s thigh, telling her she was getting another drink, but before she could do that, Tobias, Aurora’s boyfriend of two years, called for her. 
“Y/NNNNN!” She giggled because it was clear he was a few drinks in. “My sweet baby, I want to introduce you to my friends. We’re in a band.” 
“Were.” A man with an Irish accent answers. 
“Shush, Niall. Y/N loves musicians.” 
Y/N rolls her eyes, “only if they play the piano,” she corrects. 
She turned to look at the people Tobias wanted to introduce her to, and she took a deep breath when she recognized the guy with the gray hood, a smirk on his face.
“Right, whatever. My good mates from left to right are Niall, Sarah, Devon, and Harry. Mitch is off getting drinks. He’s the dude with really long hair. You’ll see him,” Tobias assures her. “Now, this is my best mate Y/N.” Y/N giggles. “Don’t tell Aurora, she’ll fight anyone who calls Y/N her, and I quote “bestie.””
Y/N hums in agreement. “It’s lovely to meet you all.” She shakes their hand in greeting. She saved Harry for last. Y/N tries to hide she’s looking at his long fingers, but when she looks at Harry, he’s staring at her with a wide smile. 
“Piano hands.” 
Y/N feels her face flush because he’s referring to the comment she made a few minutes ago. She takes a step back and excuses herself. “Off to get a drink. It was lovely to meet you all.” 
Harry steps forward as if to follow her, but Tobias stops him with a shake of his head. Always protective. She looks over her shoulder and finds Harry already staring at her. She laughs to herself. Maybe she’ll get the courage to talk to him after two more drinks. 
One drink later, Y/N was watching the waves crash in when she heard someone coming closer. She thought it was Aurora who was escaping the loud music for a moment, so she patted the seat next to her, but to her surprise, it was Harry. 
“Hi,” she greeted softly. 
“Hi, Y/N.” Harry smiled at her. “You’re hard to get alone.”
She rolls her eyes playfully. “That’s Mum and Dad for you.” 
“They’re protective of everyone like that?” He asks.
“Yes, but more so me.”
“Is it because you’re too sweet?” Harry asks curiously.
“Or to mean,” she counters. 
Harry laughs, “I doubt that.” 
Y/N turns her body to look at him, squinting her eyes suspiciously. “You don’t know me.” 
He shrugs, “I don’t, but you shook my hand when we met. Don’t think that’s happened in such an informal setting.”
Y/N lets his words sink in. So it was weird to shake hands, but her mum always taught her to be polite, and she'd shake their hand if she couldn’t be a hugger. Were handshakes weird? Did that mean Harry thought she was strange? Well, there goes her chance with him.
“Y/N, Sweets? Where’d you go?” Harry calls for her attention, seeing her lost in her head. “I’m that boring, huh?”
She’s quick to shake her head. “Sorry. That was so rude of me.” 
“Only teasing.” 
“Don’t like the party?” Y/N gestured behind them, knowing that was much better than sitting with her. 
Harry scoots his hand closer to hers, only an inch apart the slightest movement, and they’d be touching. “I meant it when I said you’re hard to get alone. Aurora asked me fifty different questions, and one was about my car insurance.” 
Aurora was odd, but she always had her best interests in mind. 
“Think she’s scared I might get taken away from her.”
“She did say something about 60/40.” 
Y/N lets her head fall into her lap, “that’s embarrassing.” 
“Take it everyone’s sweet on you, Sweets.” 
Y/N feels herself melt at the moniker. Harry is too charming for her, but it doesn’t mean she doesn’t want a chance.
“Are you?” 
Harry takes it in stride. “Definitely.”
Harry takes her silence as rejection. “Take it, it’s not mutual?” 
“I’m afraid you never asked me a question.” She feigns innocence. 
Harry grins, “would you like to go on a date with me?” Y/N stays silent. “How’s that for a question?” 
Y/N stands up, brushes away the sand, and offers her hand to Harry. He takes it, careful to not pull her off balance. “Yes.” 
She walks back to her friends, leaving behind a stunned Harry. 
“Did you say yes?” He yells, hurrying to catch up. 
“I did.” 
Y/N laughs, confused. “Was I supposed to say no?”
“Tobias assured me you would say no, so I thought no harm in trying.”
Y/N steps close to Harry, removing any space they head between each other. “Listen here, Harry. As much as I love Tobias, he doesn’t speak for me. So, if you ever have a question for me, just ask.”
Harry nods. 
“Good. Now I’d love a s’more, care to join me?” 
Harry, enamored by Y/N, is quick to agree.
He spent the remainder of the night glued to Y/N’s side. He couldn’t get enough of her. He wanted to know everything about her, from her birthday to her favorite number. She asked him about the pets he had growing up and who his three favorite female artists were. Y/N told Harry his answer could change her response to their upcoming date. Harry named Stevie Nicks, Kacey Musgraves, and Megan Thee Stallion. Y/N told him she approved. He sighed in relief, telling her that his heart was close to beating out of his chest. 
Harry’s friends began to pack up to leave, but he noticed Y/N didn’t, so he stayed put Y/N tucked against his side and said it was time for him to go, sensing all the looking Harry’s friends were directing at him and he was ignoring.  
“Don’t want to leave you alone.”
“I’ve got my friends, Harry. I was fine before you and will be fine once you leave.” 
Harry frowned, “fine isn’t good enough.” 
“You’re a tough cookie.” 
Harry makes no move to get up.
“I’ll make you a deal.”
He perks up, “I’m listening.”
“You text me when you make it home.” Harry nods eagerly. “I’ll text you when I make it home. If you’re awake, I’ll let you call me to wish me goodnight.” 
“I’ll be awake,” he promises.
Y/N doesn’t know how true that is, but it does get him to finally follow his tired friends to their car. She watches him walk away when Aurora comes up behind, resting her head on Y/N’s shoulder. 
“Tobias bet me $50 bucks he could keep Harry away from you.” 
“What did you do, Rora?” 
“I offered him a blowie if he let you be,” Aurora laughed, “I saw the sparkle in your eye. Don’t love him more than me is all I ask.” 
Y/N giggles, “I wouldn’t dare.”
“Good. I told him 60/40, but 70/30 is a better deal for me.”
Y/N felt like throwing up. She changed her outfit three times, restyled her hair twice, and messed up her eyeliner for the first time in months. Her date with Harry was tonight, and while she had a massive crush on him, her nerves were getting the better of her. 
Before she could change her outfit another time, her phone rang, notifying her of a knock on her door. The security camera she had installed was a significant help. She pulled up the app on her phone and saw Harry wearing a black knitted sweater with two swans kissing. A bouquet of flowers in his hand. He kept pacing the front door, and Y/N felt settled, knowing he was nervous, too. 
First dates can be awkward, and small talk is boring, but as soon as she opens the front door, Y/N knows it’s different. Harry shows her a bright smile, telling her how beautiful she looks. Y/N lets Harry open her car door; for dinner, Harry decides to take her to his favorite Italian restaurant. It’s ten minutes from the beach. It’s a family-owned establishment where all the dishes are made from scratch. Harry promised Mama D’s offers a pink sauce that’s to die for. Y/N let Harry order for her, and she was not sorry; the food was delicious. She knew she would return, but that wasn’t the best part. No, it was spending time with Harry. 
She learned how smart he was. He is constantly reading a new book, whether poetry or history books; he always has his hand on something new. Y/N proudly told him she loved her romance books, that she had only recently begun to get into fantasy, but that her favorite series growing up was “The Hunger Games.” She went on a slight tangent explaining what the books meant to her and how, from time to time, she would pick it up to read it all over again. When she realized she had probably said too much, Y/N felt her face burning and wouldn’t dare to meet Harry’s stare.
“Sorry,” she apologized. 
Harry shakes his head, “no, don’t do that.”
“What?” Y/N asks confused. 
“Apologize for what you’re passionate about. It’s a part of you; don’t make it seem insignificant,” his words settled deep in her heart. “I could write you a ten-page essay on why The Notebook is one of the best romance movies to exist.” 
“With citations included?” Y/N teased, easing the tension she was holding. 
“Well, of course,” Harry plays into her banter. 
It’s clear by the end of the date that Y/N is head over heels for Harry, and the feeling is mutual. Harry sat across from Y/N at the start of the meal, but after their dinner and a glass of wine, he slipped into the seat next to her. He played with her fingers that rested on the table, his entire body turned to her, giving her his undivided attention. Y/N and Harry stayed at the restaurant until they closed. Their waiter, Devin, told them he didn’t want to rush them, but they did need to clean up the outside patio. Harry knew it was time to go but didn’t want the night to end. 
“Fancy a walk?” Harry asked Y/N as they stood by the car, pointing toward the beach where she could hear the waves crashing on the shore.
“Lead the way.”
Harry reached for Y/N’s hand, but Y/N was the one to intertwine their fingers, keeping a tight grip on him. Harry gave her a squeeze to assure her he liked it. The moon shone down on them as they walked towards the calm waves. They walked in silence; there was no need to fill the void with talk. Simply being together was enough for them. 
He was aware this was a first date. Yet, Harry knew what he was feeling was something he would never experience again, entirely because of Y/N. 
“Yes, Sweets.” 
“Can I confess something to you?” 
Harry stops walking, hearing the tremble in her voice. “Hey, of course you can. Anything you want.” 
“Well,” she takes a deep breath. “When we met, I thought you might be a little cocky because you have this larger-than-life personality, but truthfully, you're the sweetest person I have ever met.” 
Harry feels his cheeks turn red. He did not see this coming. “Sweets, you mean that?” 
“I do. You make me feel safe and cared for. I-I know we don’t know each other too well, but I would like to keep seeing you if you’re interested,” she whispers the final word as if all her confidence was sucked away. 
“Y/N, look at me.” She lifts her gaze to meet his. Y/N can see how bright his eyes are with the moon's light. “I would love to keep going on dates with you. You called me sweet, but Y/N, you’re the kindest, smartest, most beautiful person I have met in all my years of life. I’d love to keep spending time with you even if it was simply to go grocery shopping.” 
“Good,” she whispers. “I’m glad we’re on the same page.” 
“Come one, Sweets. The night is still young.” 
Harry and Y/N spent the remainder of the night sitting on the cold sand, telling each other everything they could think of because while neither would say it out loud, they knew they had met their soulmate.
Y/N loved playing dress-up. She loved exploring her fashion, knowing she’d get suitable and horrible outfits, but each one would be a story for her to tell. Y/N loved going to flea markets on the weekends and went to her favorite thrift store every time the kind worker shot her a text, there was a large donation that came in. Her mother once took her to an estate sale, and Y/N got to see pieces of someone else’s story. Y/N loved visiting the homes but also because she got to find some of the most insane items. Y/N had found a vintage baby pink Chanel sweater and a never-worn pearl necklace. It was her most precious piece of jewelry. 
When Harry learned that Y/N loved going to vintage and second-hand stores, he planned a date night to take her to all the hidden spots his mother had shown him. It had been a few weeks of dates, Y/N and Harry being exclusive, enjoying their time together. Harry had planned a few dates, but so had Y/N. With final exams looming close, he wanted to make sure that Y/N knew that spending time with her was his priority, so he wanted to take her to one of her favorite activities. 
Harry had specific tastes, loving to wear vintage shirts, sometimes paying too much for one he couldn’t live without. Harry loved being able to share this passion with Y/N but mostly enjoyed spending time with her. He understood they both had schoolwork and needed to make time to study, but Y/N was great at making time to see him, so he decided he could do the same. She stopped by for breakfast after her morning pilates class. Harry would send her flowers to arrive at her office. It was a simple gesture, but Y/N appreciated it each time.
“Did you know Dee can’t stand Prim?” Y/N tells Harry as she looks through the rack of skirts, trying to find a velvet skirt. 
Harry frowned. “Prim the cat?” 
“Mhmm…the very one. Says she’s demonic or something,” Y/N shrugs.
“Prim is the sweetest little baby. Always curl up in your lap for a nap.”
Y/N looks back at him with a big smile, recalling the memory of them over at Sasha’s house for game night. Harry sat to her right as they watched Frannie and Brandon try to beat their score in charades when the small black cat came right over to her with a tiny meow and settled in her lap. Y/N ran her hand through Prim’s black coat, coxing her right to sleep. Harry made sure to capture photos for her. Even made it his new lock screen.
“Yeah, told Dee she probably needs to bring Prim a snack to befriend her.” 
Y/N pulled out a black skirt; she looked it over, trying to decide if she wanted it, when Harry spotted something over her shoulder. It was a maroon velvet skirt with a split on the leg, and he knew it was exactly what she was looking for. 
“How about this?” 
She turned around to see Harry holding up a skirt. It looked in perfect condition, not a tear in sight. “What if it doesn’t fit?” 
“We can always alter it. I’m amazing with a sewing machine,” Harry shares. 
Y/N grabs it from him, adding it to the pile of clothes she’s already holding in one arm. “Fine, I’ve been convinced.” She giggles, knowing she would have taken it no matter what because Harry was the one who found it for her. 
“Did you find that knitted cardigan here?” Y/N asks him, exiting the shop, the bag of clothes in Harry’s hand as he uses his other hand to hold hers. 
“No, my Nan made it.” 
Y/N’s eyes gleam in excitement. “That’s amazing. Did she teach you?” 
Harry laughs. “No, I'm really bad with needles. Nan says I’ve got too big of hands.” 
Y/N lifts their intertwined hands, looking down at his black nail polish contrasting her red. “I think you’ve got perfect hands.” 
Harry kisses her temple. “Thank you, sweets. Are you up for a coffee?”
“And a croissant?” She asks excitedly. 
“Well, of course. Only the best for you.” Harry pulls her close and leads them to a coffee shop up the street. 
Harry knows he’s never been happier. He’s glad to have Y/N in his life.
Y/N had spent the summer falling in love. Harry had been the perfect gentleman. She had never met someone as kind as him, and when he asked her to be his girlfriend, there was only one clear answer. 
She held back from screaming it. Her excitement was hard to hide, but thankfully, so was Harry’s. They spent that night back at Y/N’s apartment kissing. Harry had the sweetest lips, and Y/N always wanted more after one taste. He brought warmth into her life, which she would always be thankful for. 
Now, in Autumn, she spent her time with her studying, going on dates, and sharing lots of kisses. Y/N got to meet Harry’s family: his mother, who has a big love for cats; his older sister, who’s a lawyer and the best baker to ever exist; and his step-father, who is heaven-sent. Y/N shared she was nervous to meet them all because of how much Harry talked about them, but he assured her they’d love her. 
They settled on brunch together, which went as well as Harry expected. Y/N shared what she was studying, where she was from, and how sweet Harry was raised. His mother, Elise, was over the moon with her kind words. When Y/N excused herself to the restroom, his mum could not stop gushing about how perfect Y/N was for him. His sister, Aaliyah, was more challenging to win over. She seemed to think she could read everyone perfectly. It was her job as a lawyer, but sometimes Harry wanted her to simply be his sister. Y/N spent the breakfast sharing stories asking about Harry growing up. His stepfather shared his favorite memories of Harry growing up. How Aaliyah tried to always sell Harry away or ship him off in a box. It never worked, but she tried so hard.
It took a slight turn when the conversation shifted to Y/N’s family. “Has Harry met your family?” Aaliyah asked. 
Y/N felt her hands begin to sweat, and as if he could sense her nerves, Harry reached down and intertwined her hand with his, letting them rest on her lap. 
“No, uh, he hasn’t.” 
Aaliyah frowned, “Now that doesn’t seem right. Are you ashamed of him?” 
Y/N jumps back as if she had just been slapped. She knew his sister cared for him, but being accused of being ashamed of Harry was not something she ever wanted to happen. Y/N took a deep breath and decided to share the deepest parts of herself with Harry’s family, something she did not like to talk about and only mentioned to Harry, never giving him the whole story. 
“My mum Isla passed away when I was ten. She was my hero and my biggest supporter. It’s not something you ever really heal from; grief lessens, but you’ll always miss them.” Y/N wanted to look away. The look of pity on their face was not something she wanted. “My—my dad loved my mum. He always said she was his other half, and well…when he lost her, it’s like we lost him too. My older brother is eight years older than me. So when my mum passed away, he was getting ready to leave for university. Once he left, he never came back. He calls on the occasional holiday but loves life in America.” Y/N is surprised she’s not crying yet but pushes on. “It’s hard living in a house when you’re the one who essentially raised yourself. Dad worked, came home and mourned, then went back to work. An endless cycle. I had family members try to help him, but they knew it would be better if I left.” Y/N could feel her hands shaking and her knee continuously bouncing, but she did it; she made it through her story. “Sorry if that was an overshare.” Y/N excuses herself, needing a minute. 
She walks out front, and that’s when her tears fall. 
“For fucks sake,” she groans, knowing tear stains are hard to hide. 
“Y/N,” Harry calls for her softly. “Are you okay?” 
Harry. Her sweet angel. Y/N’s sure her mum put him on her path because her love for him is something she’s never felt before, but it makes her feel whole. Y/N lets herself collapse in his arms, no longer caring about her tears. 
“I’m sorry,” she mutters. “They must think I’m a mess.” 
“Hey,” he says softly. “Don’t talk about my girlfriend like that.” 
“It’s true,” she defends. 
Harry lifts her head to have him look at her. “You don’t have to be perfect or have to have your life together. You just need to remember you’re not alone. You’ve got so many people that l–adore you.” 
Y/N takes a moment to let it all sink in. Harry’s right. She’s simply overwhelmed and thankful to have him here. 
“Is your family upset with me?”
“Not at all, baby,” he assures her. “I think Mum was reprimanding Aaliyah, actually.”
Y/N laughs at his excitement, “let's go back.” 
“Are you sure?” He checks one final time.
“Mhm. Do you think your mum will share photos of you?” 
“Only one way to find out,” Y/N let him lead the way as she felt her heart calm down, knowing she was in safe hands.
Y/N could not be prouder of Harry. He had passed all his exams with flying colors (Y/N did, too), all while getting promoted at work. It was a campus job that paid decently. He did it for the scholarship offered but had come to love his role in helping other students. Y/N had done well, too, but that didn’t matter to her, not when she wanted to celebrate Harry. She planned a special night out for him with all of their friends. Harry loved a good party, and she wanted to give him precisely that. She had told him to prepare for the night, claiming it was a surprise. 
Harry didn’t think much, knowing her surprise ranged from a bouquet of flowers to getting dessert and the occasional new clothing she found for him. He didn't know what to expect tonight because when she showed up at his apartment in a little black dress, he was close to pulling her into his apartment and not letting her go. As good as that dress looked on Y/N, he knew it would look better on his bedroom floor. Harry noticed Y/N’s excitement and knew he couldn’t keep her locked up, but it did not stop him from pushing her up against the wall and happily messing up her lipstick. 
Once he noticed it was getting hard to control himself when he pulled away. “Look beautiful, sweets.” 
Y/N giggled, pressing a kiss to his stained lips. “Thank you.”
“Should we head out?” Harry asked, grabbing his coat and helping Y/N slip hers on. 
The car ride was short, driving close to the university. He noticed they were outside the bar they come to for karaoke some nights. He loves belting out an Adele song from time to time. Y/N hurried out the door, her excitement unable to be contained. Y/N waited at the door for him, her hand outstretched for him to take. He kissed her wrist and gestured for her to go on. 
Walking in, everything looked normal. People were sitting around at the tables, not a seat in sight at the bar. Y/N offered Grady, their favorite bartender, a wave. The crowd parted for Y/N as if she were an angel walking by. He was always mesmerized by how her presence caught the attention of everyone around her. 
Y/N led them to the back room, which was reserved for large parties. Harry was confused; she had said the surprise was for him, but it didn’t make sense when there was nothing to celebrate. His birthday wasn’t until February, and she knew that. Made a clear point to add it to her calendar as Harry Styles’ Birthday with a yellow heart next to it. A simple gesture that made his heart skip a beat. When they entered the room, Harry noticed all their friends gathered around. Mitch was laughing with Niall while Sarah approached them with three drinks in hand. She quickly passed Harry a vodka cranberry while Y/N got Sprite. 
“Your girl sure knows how to throw a party,” Sarah raises her glass in a cheer. 
“I-I.” Harry has no words. 
Sarah laughs. “Did you really not know? I thought she would have told you. Y/N was so excited she thought she might burst,” she teased. 
Y/N smiles, leaning her head on Harry’s shoulder. “It’s for everyone,” Y/N reminds her. 
Sarah clicks her tongue. “You said, and I quote, ‘Harry aced every exam. He had the highest grade in each class. It deserves to be celebrated.’ Or am I wrong?” 
Y/N feels her face heat up because Sarah’s words are true. She said it because it was true. He deserves all his accomplishments to be celebrated, from acing an exam to turning in an exam. Uni isn’t always fun; if she can make good days for him, she feels like she did something good for someone she loves. 
Harry excuses them, pulling them to the corner of the room. A few people try to get his attention, but he’s on a mission to get his girl alone. Harry corners her, his emerald eyes locked with her soft eyes. “You’re an angel,” he whispers. “What did I do to deserve you?” 
Y/N has no answer because she feels the same way. “I feel the same way.” 
“You didn’t have to do all of this,” he gestures around them. 
She nods, “I wanted to. You deserve to be celebrated.” 
Harry can no longer hold back. He connects his lips with hers. His hands settle on her waist while Y/N fists the front of his shirt. The passion was burning him; he craved the feeling. Y/N was lost in the feeling that she had forgotten they were in a room with their friends. She jumps back when she hears a loud holler and a yell of Harry’s name. Y/N lets her head fall on his chest, her cheeks burning while Harry tries to coax her to look at him. 
“Y/N, love. You’re amazing.” 
A large smile splits on her face; before Harry can kiss it away, Y/N holds his hand and pulls him to the dance floor, their drinks long forgotten.
“Let’s celebrate, baby!” Y/N shouts, laughing as Harry twirls her into him. Her laugh rings loud, and Harry knows she’s the best thing to ever happen to him. As Y/N dances in front of him, one thought rings loud in his head. 
He is completely and utterly in love with Y/N. 
Y/N didn’t enjoy her birthday, but it didn’t mean she didn’t celebrate her friend's special day. Frannie loved spending time with her friends, so with the help from Aurora, they planned a dinner party at Aurora’s shared apartment. They set up two long folding tables with chairs and pushed the couches back for extra space. Y/N decorated the apartment with streamers, balloons, and banners with the help of Harry, who got on the ladder for her when she couldn’t reach something. 
The dinner was set for 5pm. Thankfully, Frannie’s birthday landed on a Saturday, so everyone will be free from uni for the week. Y/N had place cards made for everyone. Harry even had a little heart next to his name. He would be sitting right next to Y/N, with Mitch to his left. They were his two favorite people because while he was good at having Y/N’s attention, it seemed when she was in a large group of people, she always became the life of the party.  
At 4:30, everyone began to arrive one by one. Aurora was set to get there at 5 with Frannie. They had told Frannie it would only be dinner with the three of them, but she was in for a big surprise. The door opened at 5:01, and everyone screamed, “Surprise!” 
Frannie dropped the flowers she was holding in shock. 
“You did this!” Frannie pointed at Y/N, who was leaning against Harry’s chest. 
Y/N brushes her off, “it was all of us.”
Harry knew she didn’t like all the attention, yet Y/N always went out of her way to show everyone how much she loved and appreciated them. It made him wonder how her friends would celebrate Y/N this year. He knows he tried but sometimes never can’t measure up. He loves buying her flowers, always treats her to coffee, and gives her kisses tenfold because he knows it makes her smile. 
He sees Frannie, gives her a tight hug, then settles down at the head of the table. Harry likes how easy conversation falls around him. He talks about a new album that recently came out with Mitch. Y/N jumps in, saying the closing song is her favorite. Sarah shared how the campus job is giving her 40 percent off on all merchandise, so send her a list of what they want. 
Y/N rests her hand on Harry’s thigh as she slips into conversation with Aurora and Brandon, talking about the lab Aurora did earlier in the week. Y/N jumps in every few minutes to show she’s listening. Harry selfishly wants to pull her away, wanting her attention back on him. 
Harry traces random shapes on her hand, letting Mitch talk his ear off as he picks at Y/N’s chipped nails. He makes a mental note of painting them for her tomorrow. 
“I love you, Harry,” she whispers in his ear. A soft kiss is placed on his cheek as she goes to pull away. Harry reaches out and sets her in his lap, not caring that all their friends are watching.
“Say it again,” he begs in a husky voice.
“You've heard me say it before,” she giggled, thinking about their midnight walk when Harry confessed under the stars how he had fallen in love with her. Y/N kissed him, not needing him to beg her to say she loved him. She’d say it over and over again for as long as he asked. “I love you” had become his favorite phrase. 
Y/N sits in his lap for a while; Harry knows she’s tired and close to falling asleep as he feels her settle deeper in his lap. She jolts up when Aurora asks for help with the main dish. Y/N kisses his lips, promising to be back quickly. Being at the apartment all day getting everything ready took a toll on her, and he knew that after eating, she would want to sleep for a long time, but Y/N would not leave because she would see it as rude. Harry composes an idea as dinner continues. 
The meal is enjoyed, and he has the perfect idea when dessert is passed around. He feigns a yawn, making sure Y/N is watching him. He apologizes, giving her a brief kiss. 
“Do you wanna go, H?” Y/N asks. “I know we’ve been here all day.” 
He shakes his head, “no, you can stay.” 
Y/N frowns, not liking that option at all. Harry has been staying over lately, and she’s gotten used to him in her bed. She debates on what to do because she knows cleaning up will be a bitch and would hate to leave it all to Aurora. Sarah notices her mood change and asks her what’s wrong.
“You alright?” 
“Ready to call it a night, but worried about the mess,” Y/N looks around mentally, trying to see what she can throw out and save. 
Sarah waves her off, “go home, babes.” 
“Nope. We’ve got this. You set up, we take down,” Sarah tells her like it’s obvious. 
Y/N reaches forward, tugging her friend in for a hug. “You’re the best.” 
Y/N begins to make her rounds, bidding goodnight, sharing her fair of I love you before landing at Harry’s side, her hand in his. Harry quietly thanks Sarah and walks out with his tired girlfriend. She sinks against him as they walk down the steps leading them to the street where they parked 
“Remind me to never set up a party,” she groans as she throws herself into the passenger seat. Harry bites back a laugh instead, leans in, and helps Y/N buckle up. She gives him a tired grin. “You’re the best.” 
“Do you want me to set up a bath for when I get you home?” 
Y/N perks up. “Does that mean we’re going to yours?” 
Harry has the bigger bathtub, so he knows what she’s asking. If he’ll be joining her. “Text Mitch to stay with Sarah.” 
“Oh, are we using the citrus one?” 
“If that’s what you want.” 
Y/N sighs against her seat. “Oh, how I love you, Harry.” 
Harry’s heart fills with warmth. This love is everything he’s ever wanted in life.
Y/N loved her friends. She loved seeing them smile, helping them out, and, most of all, celebrating them. All her friends took care of her, but Y/N always seemed to go above and beyond for each of them. It was something her Mumma taught her. “Give graciously because it will come back to you.” She likes to think it’s come back in ways she never imagined. 
Brandon had always been an excellent friend to Y/N. He had her back when she failed her first exam. He held her hand when she got lost at the pumpkin patch the year prior. Y/N was thankful for everything he did, from helping her set up her first tattoo appointment to taking her to the mechanic and ensuring she wasn’t being ripped off. He was a good friend, and she wanted to celebrate this new opportunity that had opened up for him. He had started a new job in IT a few months back, and Y/N knew how much he enjoyed it. It was better than biology, but soon, his job offered him pay for his education under a different major: IT Security Protection. It was the easiest, yes, but the only problem was that he’d have to go to a college in the States. This was a celebration and an early goodbye because he wasn’t set to leave until the New Year. 
This time, the event was at a club. Everyone was ready to let loose after a hard week, and the celebration was a perfect opportunity. Harry promised Y/N he’d watch after them, only limiting himself to two drinks and ordering them an Uber home when it was time to go. Except for the fact that Y/N was making sure her friends were enjoying themselves. It seemed Samantha got into some drama with Frannie, and they’ve been butting heads. Harry knows Y/N is a great mediator, but he wants Y/N to be able to go out without worrying about fixing problems. His girlfriend is heaven-sent, but he wants her friends to be there for her like she is for them. 
Harry hoped they would prove it on the most important day for Y/N. 
Harry takes note of all the grand gifts and events Y/N goes on to plan for her friends. It’s something he knows Y/N loves doing, but what does she get in return? Harry knows her birthday is soon and wonders what her friends have planned. 
A few friends gathered to go out for drinks. Harry had not left his seat beside Y/N except to buy their drinks. Y/N leans in, kissing the corner of his mouth, promising she’d be gone a second, needing to use the restroom. Harry made sure she made it safely before getting everyone’s attention. 
“What are you planning for Y/N’s birthday in a few weeks?” Harry asks, popping Y/N’s cherry from her Shirley Temple in his mouth. Y/N stated she hated them but always ordered extra because she knew Harry would eat them.
Aurora frowned, “What do you mean?” 
“Her birthday. December 3rd. How do you want to celebrate? Was thinking of renting out the backroom of her favorite restaurant, inviting some friends, drinks all night, and cake. You know we’ve got to take care of her sweet tooth.” 
“She doesn’t celebrate her birthday,” Frannie tells him. 
Harry frowns; that doesn’t make sense. Y/N had told him all about how she celebrated with her mum when she was growing up. How her Mum would wake her up to breakfast in bed and slip in next to her, telling Y/N her favorite memories from when Y/N was an infant to her current age. It filled him with so much happiness that she got to experience it. That she had that much love in her life, and while he knows she has lost it in some way, it will always be with her. Frannie’s words ring over and over in his head.
 Y/N never mentioned not being a fan of her birthday. 
“What ya mean?” Harry needs a clear answer. 
“She refuses to celebrate her birthday with us. It’s been like this since I met her, Harry,” Aurora tells him, but he’s not so convinced. 
“Have you asked her? She’s got fond memories of her birthday, and if we let her stop celebrating, this day will mean nothing to her. Y/N makes all of you feel special every chance she gets, from celebrating graduations to the newest tattoos. You mean the world to her, but what does she mean to you?” 
Harry is getting heated, so he excuses himself. He was going to find Y/N and hoped to convince her to let him take her home. He’s too frustrated to keep sitting at a table of their friends who refuse to do something kind for Y/N simply because she said she didn’t want to celebrate once a few years ago.
“H, honey? You okay?” Y/N asks, concerned when she finds him leaning against the wall beside the restroom.
“Got a headache, Sweets. Wanted to see if you wanted to stay, and I’ll suck it up to keep you company.”
Y/N is quick to disagree. “No, no. We’ll go back to yours. Let me take care of you.” 
Harry loves his girl. She deserves the universe; if he can try to give it to her each day, he knows she will always feel loved. 
Harry woke up bright early, under purple covers. Y/N curled up into his chest, almost her entire face hiding under the covers. He hated moving, knowing she might wake up with any wrong move, but he managed to settle her and went outside. He did his morning routine quickly, then headed to the kitchen, where he made sure he had everything for French toast, her absolute favorite meal last night. 
While cooking the French toast, he ordered her iced vanilla oat milk latte to be delivered. He hated delivery fees, but today was a special occasion, and he would do anything to make her day memorable. 
As he placed the French toast on a plate, Harry noticed the front door camera and hurried over before the person could knock. Harry received the drinks with a giant smile, giving the guy a ten-dollar bill in thanks. He found the tray Y/N told him she likes to use under the sink. He put the French toast and a cup of water on the tray. Grabbing the flowers, he rushed out to get up the street from Lady Silvie and her coffee. 
He saw her beginning to stir, her hands moving around as if searching for him. His heart tightened in his chest at how much he loved her. Softly, he began to sing “Happy Birthday.” Y/N, in confusion, froze before shooting upright. Harry walked closer to the edge of the bed until he knelt on the corner, placing the tray over her lap. 
Y/N’s eyes were filled with tears at the sweet gesture her boyfriend did for her. She mentioned her birthday in passing, hoping he wouldn’t remember, but her dear Harry remembers everything she has ever told him. She had told him stories of how she celebrated with her mum growing up, the only person Y/N has confided in since moving here. Not that she didn’t trust her other friends but because he was patient with her and broke down every single wall she had. Y/N had never felt she could truly be herself with anyone, and thenHarry came into her life. He helped her begin to love every part of herself. 
“Happy Birthday, Sweet Y/N!” 
Her tears break free. 
She can’t even get a word out because her tears keep coming. Every birthday after her mum passed, she dreaded waking up. Most of the time, she slept the day away or treated it as any other day, but today, she woke up with a full heart as she woke up to her boyfriend singing. It’s something Y/N will always hold close to her heart. 
Harry is her best friend, the other person who knows her inside out. With a single look he knows what she’s saying. 
He crawled onto the bed, carefully moving the tray to avoid spilling anything, and pulled Y/N into his lap. It’s one of his favorite positions to be in.  
“Happy tears?” 
Y/N nods. 
“I have a nice day planned for us. Are you up for it?” He asks softly, his hand rubbing circles in her back. 
“You do?” She asks, surprised. 
Harry chuckles, “of course, it’s my favorite person’s birthday.” 
Y/N’s smile is bright. She lets Harry wipe away her tears and then gives him a chaste kiss. “I’m very lucky to have you in my life.” 
They eat breakfast with Y/N in Harry’s lap as she feeds him bites of her fruit. It was very domestic and everything he looks forward to with his future with Y/N. Harry cleans breakfast, asking Y/N to meet him in the living room. She comes out, hair brushed and wearing his hoodie. He has a few gifts sitting on her coffee table. 
Y/N jumps on the couch as she waits for Harry to give her the go-ahead with the presents. She opened her gifts and found items ranging from silk scrunchies to glitter bath bombs. Y/N thanks Harry with a kiss after each present. Harry hands her an envelope, promising it’s the last one. Y/N looks at him suspiciously but opens it slowly. It’s a piece of paper, and she can’t believe her eyes when she unfolds it. 
She reads it again and again.
“Is this real?” Y/N inquires. 
Harry laughs, “very much so.” 
“You got us tickets to SZA,” she says slowly, as if she’s waiting for Harry to tell her it’s not real. 
“It’s our favorite album. I-I thought it would be special. Something to look forward to,” he promised. 
“I love you. I love you so much.”
Harry spends the rest of the morning showing Y/N how much he loves her.
After spending a lovely morning in bed, Harry convinced Y/N to get ready and took her to her favorite bookstore, where he helped her pick a few books from her “tbr,” of course paying for her.  They took a stroll by the lake before deciding it was too cold. Then Y/N decided it was time for an early lunch, and they ate tacos from Y/N’s favorite restaurant. 
It was a perfect day. 
One that helps one final surprise for her. 
Harry had requested that she put on her favorite dress and get ready. There was somewhere he wanted to take her.
Outside the restaurant, Y/N asked Harry what they were doing as she saw a full parking lot and a familiar car, but her gaze didn’t linger long as Harry captured her attention.
“Do you trust me?” Harry asked.
“With all my heart,” she answered without hesitation. 
“Then follow me. No questions.” She took his outstretched hand and let him lead the way. Harry told the Hostess the name of his reservation and was told to go down the hall to the right. 
Harry felt his heart pounding as they neared the door that would lead them to all of Y/N’s friends, who were ready to surprise her with a party. Something in him stopped a few steps away. Y/N frowned because something was wrong. Harry seemed like he was going to throw up. 
“H, what’s wrong?” 
Harry lets go of her hand and brings them to rest on her cheek, needing her sweet eyes on him. “I-I-I love you, Sweets. I love you so much. Behind that door are all your friends, ready to celebrate your birthday with you. Selfishly, I want to steal you away, but they’re excited to spend this day with you. If it’s too much and I crossed a line,” his voice cracked. “I apologize. So if you don’t want that, we can go right now.”
“You planned this,” she whispered. 
Harry sighs, “yes, they told me not to, but you shower everyone with your love, and you deserve the same, if not more.” 
Y/N feels her throat close up and knows she’s going to cry as soon as Harry leads them to the party. 
She steps closer to him, with no space between them. Harry looks at her with so much love she knows he’s honestly her other half.  Y/N pulls him down by the collar of his shirt and kisses him with everything she has. Y/N spills everything in the kiss. All her love wrapped in a kiss for Harry. He gives her back the same energy; both lost in the taste of each other don’t pull apart until they’re fighting for a breath. Y/N laughs against his mouth. “I love you. I love you so much.” 
Harry kisses her again. “I love you, Sweets.” 
“Let’s go in.” 
He leads the way, knocking on the door three times, telling her that was the code for her arrival. Harry lets her in, and that’s when her friend's screams ring in her ears. Everyone Y/N considers a friend is here. The room has balloons and streamers around. There’s a cake that looks so yummy and a table full of presents all for her. Her friends stare at her with smiles. Y/N is so overwhelmed she doesn’t even know who to approach first. Aurora chooses for her, pulling her in for a tight hug. 
”Happy Birthday, bestie!” Y/N laughs as Rora twirls her around. Rora pulls her back in, wiping away a tear rolling down her cheek. “I’m sorry I didn’t try harder.”
Y/N shakes her head, “no, no.” 
Rora brushes her off. “You’ve been there for me since I met you. I’m sorry I didn’t always do the same.” 
Y/N appreciates her friend’s apology, but she was partly to blame. She never fully let anyone in, afraid they’d leave her just like everyone else, but Harry showed her that wasn’t the way to live.
“You’ve got a good one,” Aurora told Y/N, pointing at Harry, who was talking with Mitch and Brandon. As if he could feel his eyes on her, he turned around, sending her a dimpled smile. 
“You okay?” He mouthed.
“Perfect.” She replied. She blew him a kiss and continued around the room, talking to her friends.
As the night continued, Harry ensured Y/N always had a drink in hand, whether a vodka cranberry, or water. He ate dinner with her and helped her cut the cake when she asked for his help. All the cameras were on her, and she had gotten overwhelmed. Harry slipped his hand on top of hers, and together, they cut Y/N’s slice of cake. 
No one had left yet, but Y/N needed a breather, so she stepped onto the patio overlooking a beautiful lit-up forest. Y/N heard silent footsteps behind her. She turned around to find Harry with his coat in his hands. 
“Don’t want you to get sick, my love.”
Y/N smiles, stepping close to him and letting him help her put it on. She was staring at Harry with so much adoration. She couldn’t believe how lucky she was to have him in her life. Y/N leaned in close. The music flowing out of the room had her wrapping her arms around his waist. His hands settled on her waist as he held her tight, that familiar feeling that if he didn’t hold tight enough, she might disappear. 
Harry leaned his forehead against hers, letting each other fall in love all over again.
“This was the best birthday,” she whispered as they swayed to the music in the distance. 
Harry lifted his hand, brushing a strand of hair back. “Just wait until next year,” he promised.
Y/N looked forward to it. 
send me a message!!!! I want to hear all your thoughts
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subbmissivesuccubus · 10 months
Aelumi and Kamisatocest - Swapping
Day 2 of Kinktober! I definitely didn't forget to post here what are you talking about you're crazy
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“Oh man, I’m stuffed!” Xiangling said with a loud sigh as she skipped down the street, “Aether and Lumine are really good cooks.”
“Dinner was delicious.” Kequing said with a nod, “And Ayaka and Ayato are fantastic hosts.”
A large group of their friends were invited to Ayaka and Aether’s home, the couple promising a night of good food and drinks. And wherever they were, their siblings were right there. Lumine and Ayato were the first people to arrive, the couple coming in early to help their family with preparations.
“It must be nice to be so close.” Xiangling said, “And convenient. Your siblings dating each other? You’ll always have a double date, someone to steal groceries from, a place to crash if you need it…”
“Yeah…” Kequing responded, a bit hesitant to say anymore but her mouth worked faster than her brain, “But don’t you think they’re a bit…too close?”
“Who? Aether and Ayaka? Or Lumine and Ayato?”
“Aether and Lumine.” Kequing corrected, “and The Kamisato’s.”
“They’re siblings.” Xiangling said with a shrug, “Nothing wrong in being close.”
“I know but…” Kequing recalled the night and she wasn’t sure but she swore she saw Aether grab Lumine’s butt at some point and she thought she saw Ayato kiss Ayaka on the lips… but she also had a lot to drink and might just be misremembering things.
But if she wasn’t…
No. No. It’s just a misunderstanding created by her alcohol infused brain. There’s no way the siblings were actually the ones romantically involved…no way…
“Nevermind. You’re right.” Kequing said, waving away her suspicions, “Must be nice.”
She needed a nap and hopefully, by tomorrow morning, she’d forget about it.
“Ah- Brother-“
“You like that, baby?”
Lumine snickered as she placed the remaining dishes in the dishwasher while watching the Kamisato’s get touchy. They were all over each other the second the guests left the house. The two of them were on the couch, Ayaka straddling her brother as his hands slid down her body to her ass, taking a greedy handful. Their lips were sealed against each other, sharing a deep kiss, their tongues dancing in harmony.
“How about we get started too, hmm?” Aether asked as he slid behind Lumine, hugging her from the back, “Seeing you in this dress- fuck- I wanted to rip it off of you the moment I saw you.”
He ran his hand along the curve of her body, smoothing the fabric as he glided over her hips. Lumine was wearing a short black dress with a low back, the fabric doing wonders for her figure.
“I could tell.” Lumine teased, “Grabbing my ass like that? What if somebody saw?”
“No one’s caught us in two years. I think we’re fine.” Her brother said, placing a kiss on her shoulder, “But you should know if you wear a skintight dress it would be impossible for me to not touch you.”
“Good.” The blonde woman said, turning around in her brother’s hold to face him, wrapping her arms around his neck, “Why do you think I wore it?”
Aether growled, his hand suddenly grabbing Lumine by the waist before picking her up effortlessly. She squealed as her legs wrapped around his waist on instinct, her brother carrying her easily before he slammed her against the nearest wall.
“Naughty minx.” He growled, “I might just fuck you in front of everybody one day.”
“And undo all out hard work?” Lumine asked, clicking her tongue in mock disappointment, “How irresponsible.”
The twins as well as the Kamisato’s ended up creating a very neat little agreement. It all started on accident two years ago where Aether walked in on Ayaka getting fucked by her brother. When the two of them scrambled to explain themselves, Aether quickly told them to relax, letting them know that the reason he was late to begin with was because he just came back from fucking Lumine.
And so, a happy accident led to the best situation all of them could ask for. They’d tell everyone that Aether and Ayaka were a couple and that Lumine and Ayato were dating as well but behind doors, they’d swap partners and indulge in their true loves and their true desires. And nobody would be any the wiser.
Ayaka gasped as her brother tugged at the buttons of her shirt, the man quickly pulling it apart, not caring that a few buttons were ripped off. She moaned as he leaned down to press kisses on her now exposed chest, his hot tongue peeking out to lick at her plump skin.
“No bra?” he questioned, tongue tracing over a nipple, making her shiver, “I could see your nipples poke through your dress the entire night, baby. How naughty~”
Ayaka didn’t respond, the sensation of her brother’s tongue on her sensitive pink nipples making her choke on any words she might have wanted to say. She was a delicious sight, in a half open white shirt and her skirt pulled up over her hips, exposing her panties to her brother’s greedy groping. His hands on her ass and his mouth on her chest, she couldn’t help but grind her hips against him, his hardening erection pressing up against her core.
The pair of siblings have long since lost any semblance of shame in their relationship. Fucking in front of each other was an almost daily occurrence and foursomes were quite common as well. So no one cared that they were all going to start fucking in the living room.
“Gonna fuck you right against this wall, babe~” Aether growled, leaning down to mouth at Lumine’s neck, “Make you scream so loud the neighbours will complain again~”
“Fuck-“ Lumine mewled as she felt her brother bite at the sensitive part of her neck, “Do it- fuck me- I’m ready for you.”
“Yeah?” Aether asked, hand sliding down her body before finding its way between her legs. Pulling up her dress enough to expose her panties, Aether licked two of his fingers before slipping them in to touch her bare cunt. Lumine gasped and arched her back against the wall as she felt the familiar sensation of her brother’s fingers on her pussy.
“Fuck- you’re so wet, Lumi~” Aether teased as he touched her, fingers collecting her slick before running it up and down her folds, “Were you turned on during dinner too?”
“Mmhmm~” Lumine hummed with a nod, “you look so hot in your suit- and the way you were groping me- how could I not be wet?”
“Fuck-“ Aether cursed again as he leaned forward to kiss her, swallowing her little gasps, “You’re driving me crazy.”
Over on the couch, the Kamisato’s continued their sensual activity, lost in a world of their own. Ayaka gasped as her shirt and skirt were ripped off of her, leaving her only in her panties as her brother gently lowered her to lie down on the sofa. “B-Brother…” Ayaka panted, pussy growing wetter as Ayato kneeled between her legs, the man taking some time to undo his clothing as well, “You’re more…aggressive than usual…”
“Of course I am.” Ayato said as he shrugged off his shirt, smirking as Ayaka’s eyes drank up his physique, her eyes running over his sculpted body, “People told me I was so lucky that Aether would be my brother-in-law someday. Ridiculous. Like I’d let you get married to someone who isn’t me. I have to- no- I need to claim you.”
He leaned forward and kissed her again, Ayaka’s heart swelling at his possessiveness, spreading her legs wider so he could get comfortable. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pulled him closer, their chests pressed against each other and their privates grinding together in search of that delicious, pleasurable sensation.
“You’re so silly.” Ayaka teased once they broke apart, “You know I belong to you.”
“I know.” Ayato said with a smile, “But that doesn’t mean I don’t get jealous.”
“Well, if being jealous makes you so…passionate then maybe I need to make you jealous more often.”
“Hah. Naughty girl.”
Lumine was a frustrated mess. “Ah- Aether!” She cried out, eyebrows furrowed as Aether started to push inside her, his cock stretching her pussy open. Pressed up against the wall, her dress was pulled upto her waist and her panties simply pushed to the side, Aether’s grip on her thighs bruising as he stuffed her with his dick. “Fuck yes- oh yeah- so good!” She squealed as he thrust into her, his cock curling deliciously inside her.   
The man groaned, lost in the feeling of her pussy squeezing her like a vice, her wetness dripping down his thighs and staining the floor. “Lumi-“ he growled, drinking in her expressions, “Hah- what would the others think, hmm? All of us swapping partners so we can fuck our siblings?”
“W-who cares?” Lumine asked, eyes rolling to the back of her head as his cock started hitting that special spot inside her, “No one can s-stop us anyway~”
“Damn right.” Aether growled, increasing the pace as he pushed her harder against the wall, “your pussy is gripping me so tightly- I love it.”
“Your cock is- oh yes- stretching me s-so good!” Lumine babbled, eyebrows furrowed as she took her pounding, her brother’s balls clapping against her.  “Lift up your dress and show me those tits, Lumi.” Aether demanded, licking his lips as he stared at the way her clothed chest bounced up and down as he thrust into her. She scrambled to grab onto her dress and pull it up even more, a bit of a challenge considering the position but she managed to pull it upto her chin. She felt him twitch inside her as he stared at her bra covered breasts, the ripple of her ample flesh all the more noticeable without the garment in the way. Grabbing onto her bra, she pulled that up as well, her tits springing free once it was up far enough.
“There we go~” Aether cooed, staring at her bare, bouncing breasts like a pervert, “So perfect~” Lumine grabbed onto her tits and started squeezing them, giving Aether a show as her softness spilled between her fingers, her pretty pink nipples hardening from the contact. She loved it when Aether was so infatuated with her body that he loses himself, the man thrusting on autopilot as he stared at her playing with herself.
A shrill squeak broke both of their concentrations, reminding them that there were two other people with them.
“Ah-Ah-brother!” Ayaka cried out loud, nails digging into the fabric of the couch cushion as Ayato’s cock throbbed inside her, the man giving her a second to adjust to his length. He groaned as her pussy clamped around him, her hot, velvet walls squeezing him deliciously. He had her on her knees, taking her from behind, giving him a perfect view of the bright red handprint marking an ass cheek.
A hand went forward and grabbed her by the back of the neck before pushing down with force, making Ayaka press her face against the cushion and keeping her steady for him, her back arched lewdly. With no warning, Ayato gently pulled out all the way to the tip before slamming it all back in with one thrust, making her squeal.
“Greedy little pussy~” Ayato groaned, body shivering as he fought against her tight walls, “So desperate for me- I can barely thrust, baby.”
“B-Brother’s c-cock is- oh Archons-“ Ayaka babbled, head going loopy from the sensation of her pussy getting fucked as well as Ayato’s tight grip on her, “s-stretching me open!”
“Ah, such a perfect cunt~ Like it was made for me, hmm?” Ayato said, pushing her face farther into the couch as he picked up the pace, “Arc that back more for me- good girl.”
The slapping sound of skin against skin echoed through the room, the Kamisato’s so focused on each other that they barely registered the other couple fucking just as passionately a few steps away. The blue haired woman mewled as her big brother’s dick pounded her vigorously, the slick from her cunt allowing him to truly fuck her silly. Her moans and babbles were muffled into the couch cushion, her eyes rolling to the back of her head as the fabric got wet with her drool.
Ayato raised his free hand and gave her ass a smack, making her yelp from the sudden burst of pain, before that hand grabbed her by the hip, gripping onto her tightly. Her pussy always felt heavenly regardless of the countless times the two of them fucked. He would always be grateful for Aether walking in on them and coming up with the idea of swapping their partners behind closed doors.
“Oh, Aether!” Lumine cried out, fingers tugging the hairs at the back of his head, eyes closed and eyebrows furrowed as she took her pounding, “I-I’m gonna cum!”
“Me too baby.” Aether said sweat dripping down his brow as he picked up the pace, jackhammering into her. His muscles were starting to burn from carrying Lumine but he’d rather die before he dropped her. “Touch yourself,” he ordered, “cum around my cock.” She nodded her head excitedly, her hand sliding down to toy with her clit. Aether moaned, eyes rolling to the back of his head as her pussy tightened around his cock. His abdomen tightened and he grit his teeth, trying to fight off his orgasm. He wanted to see Lumine cum first.
Thankfully, he didn’t have to wait long. Legs trembling, her face red and her tongue sticking out, Lumine squealed and screamed as she reached her climax. Her back arched and her voice got high, her pussy gushing as the pleasure hit her like a truck. Toes curling, her body shivered and twitched as Aether continued to pound away at her g-spot, her fingers still rubbing desperately at her clit to milk herself of all the pleasure. “That’s it baby, that’s it.” Aether cooed, biting his lower lip as he watched her expression contort, “Good little slut~ Now, get on your fucking knees.”
Once she was satisfied with her orgasm, Aether gently pulled out of her, the slick sound of his cock leaving her fucked open hole making their bodies shiver. Lumine obediently got on her knees, still high from her orgasm but she had enough sense to bring a hand up and start jerking off Aether’s wet, hard cock. He had the desire to cum in her mouth so she quickly sealed her lips around the head of his member, licking at the slit before she moved downwards, taking in more and more of his cock. It was only a matter of seconds before he came and sure enough, she barely needed to bob her head before Aether climaxed.
He shouted out loud, tossing his head back, knees locking in place as he came inside her mouth. Lumine moaned around him, giving his dick more pleasure as she took him all the way in, his dick sliding down her throat as he came. He grit his teeth and grabbed her hair, holding her tight against him, enjoying the deepthroating as his balls clenched with every pump of cum. Lumine looked up at him with watery eyes and she swore she felt his dick instantly harden inside her throat.
“Oh- oh- oh – ah- fuck- brother- c-can I cum?” Ayaka begged from where she was getting pounded, Ayato fucking her mercilessly. The man had brought a leg up to rest on the couch cushion, giving him more movement to go deeper inside her eager hole, his cock pounding against her womb. The hand that was pushing her face into the couch was now pulling at her hair, her ponytail wrapped around his fingers and tugging on it so tightly, Ayaka had no option but to get on her hands and arc her back even more, her neck strained as her brother pulled her by the hair.
“Good girl, asking for permission.” Ayato said, the calmness in his voice a complete contrast to the body shaking pleasure he was feeling, “Let’s cum together baby. And big brother is going to cum – fuck- cum inside you.”
“Th-thank you!” Ayaka cried out, tears in her eyes from how good she was getting pounded, “Thank you b-brother.”
“Beg brother for his cum.”
“C-Can I please have you c-cum brother?” Ayaka begged, not even hesitating, “P-Please cum in my p-pussy! Fill my womb up w-with your seed! I need it- I need you!”
“You want me to cum inside you?”
“Want brother to breed you?”
“Yes- yes- yes!”
“Ok baby. You’ll get what you want~”
With another sharp smack to her ass, Ayato let go of her hair in favour of grabbing her hips with both hands, smashing his pelvis against hers and getting his cock as deep inside her as it could go. Her babbles and cries were a thing of beauty, his swinging balls slapping against her sensitive clit each time he thrust into her.
“You’re going to cum in 3…2…1…cum!”
Ayaka screamed, eyes rolling to the back of her head as her climax hit her hard. Her whole body convulsed, her toes curling and fingers clenching as she came around Ayato’s cock. Her pussy gushed around him, her juices dripping onto the couch as she came so violently, she swore she blacked out for a second. Ayato was right there with her, the man tossing his head back and moaning loudly as he came inside his sweet, little sister. His balls clenched as he pumped rope after rope of his seed inside her, laughing as he felt her womb get filled up with his sperm. Her body was accepting him greedily, taking in his load and squeezing him so tightly- it was like she wasn’t going to let him pull out.
It took them a few seconds to come down from that high, Ayaka’s hands giving up on her as she fell face first back onto the cushion. Ayato panted behind her, rolling his hips to make sure every drop got milked out of his balls. He whistled at the mess they made, the couch needing a change considering it was now stained with both the Kamisato juices.
He looked back towards where the twins were, smirking as he saw them start to fuck once more on the floor, too desperate for each other to even make their way to the bedroom. Aether had caught Lumine in a mating press and was just going to town on her, cock driving deep inside her eager pussy.
This was the life. Swapping partners so they could love each other with no fear of judgement. “Ready for round two, Ayaka?
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I loved everything you wrote for my last request (thank you so much!!!) and i have returned to be unreasonable in my demands of you yet again!
⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️(ENGAGED ENGAGED ENGAGED!!!!!! THEYRE ENGAGED!!!!!)
🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨(oh god alan’s back we hate alan but we love the potential angst this brings!)
🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸(Reunited and it feels so good!! Can’t wait to learn more about eddie’s missing months!)
🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮(poor baby buck! And preemptively poor baby bobby)
🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟(118 family is stronger than everything even a zombie apocalypse)
👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑(madneyyyyy my beloveds can’t wait to read your epic love story take a new form!)
And i’m gonna be a little cheeky and request something not technically on your list 🛞🛞🛞🛞🛞🛞🛞🛞🛞 (look you gave me the emoji darling i dont know what you expected me to do. Especially when faced with obnoxiously oblivious domestic in love buddie from chimneys perspective! Who is possibly supposed to resist that) but as this is an illegal request i understand if you deny it but a girls gotta try right :p
Please know that my frequently used emojis page has gotten real messed up from this game but thats a sacrifice i’m very willing to make. It’s a small price to pay for your fabulous content!!!
HEY!!!!!!!! THANK YOUUUUU <3 SOrry for messing up your emoji page.
Okay here we go....
 “My kitchen standards? Ridiculously high.”
Eddie chuckles. “I think that’s fair, considering you do almost all the cooking.”
“And we need space to host.” Buck adds. “Like a back deck.”
“We can make a back deck.” Eddie suggests. 
“Deal,” Buck nods. “All I’m saying is don’t expect me to be an easy shopper. I know you don’t care about additional appliance space on the counters, but I am a reasonable man.”
“I can handle it,” Eddie promises.
“I want to paint the bedroom black.” Buck says.
Eddie freezes. “Uh, sorry?”
“I’m fucking with you.” Buck winks. “But this is fun, though.”
Eddie sighs. “I suppose I deserve some light ribbing.”
“You do. But also, I love you. So it’s fine. Can we actually talk about getting married now?”
“We can talk about getting married now,” Eddie smiles. “You’re right, I don’t want to wait over a year.”
“Okay, then let’s grab a calendar.”
A month later, by the time they’re gathering at Bobby and Athena’s for the promised engagement party, Buck and Eddie have a lot more figured out. They’ve landed on November for a wedding date. Not a typical month to get married, but it works for them. It’s off season, so cheaper to book things. It’s soon, but gives them enough time to put together something quickly. Maddie has called them crazy for their turnaround time, but neither of them wants to delay. Or have bills delaying their other plans. On the other hand, Christopher is quite pleased with their expediency. 
“November 2nd,” Buck tells people again and again at the parties. “Invites literally went into the mail yesterday.” 
It’s a nice party. Eddie’s mom, Abuela, and Sophia fly out. His dad sends his regrets. Apparently they’re not at a good place for being in the same room for extended periods of time but endeavor to be by November. Bobby even managed to invite Connor, Kameron, and the baby. Who Buck supposes is reaching toddler age, actually. 
24 for 🚨 (yesss he makes a quick appearance):
“Sorry, what?” He asks eventually.
“Shannon dying hurt you so badly, I didn’t want you to watch it happen to someone else you loved, Eddie.”
Eddie scratches his head. 
“Well, that was the exact wrong way to go about that, Buck. Are you nuts? I don’t love Alan. He was just… He was just kind of an embarrassing phase, really. I love you, if that wasn’t fucking obvious, and-”
“What?” Buck asks. 
“Obviously I love you!” Eddie scolds him. “Buck, be serious. I love you. You can’t die. Not for Alan. Not for anyone. I don’t care if that makes me a sort of unethical firefighter. You can’t die, because you’re in my will in case I die. You can’t die because I want to spend my life with you if I don’t!”
Buck feels suddenly dizzy. He doesn’t know which piece of information to lock in on.
60 for 🩸:
You are entering at the very end of a rather NSFW part so, uh... Sorry?
“That was… That was very hot.”
“Oh,” Eddie exhales. “Well, I thought so. But you might be a little weird, then. All things considered.”
Buck laughs. “Shut up.”
Eddie’s still a little shaky. This all feels sort of fantastical. He can’t have really just experienced all that and it be okay? 
“Now I really need a nap,” Buck mumbles, kissing Eddie a final time before turning off the shower. 
Eddie nods a little robotically. 
“I will join you there, too.”
Buck grins. “I should hope so.”
Buck’s not sure how much he actually sleeps after fooling around with Eddie in the shower. On the one hand, he’s genuinely exhausted. On the other, holy fuck? Like what the actual hell was that and how does he schedule an hour of it a day for the rest of his life? 
He fades in and out of sleep, waking in short bursts to kiss Eddie and grind up against him beneath the covers. Eddie holds him, kisses him back, keeps him close. Sometimes Buck feels the telltale tickle or sharp teeth over skin, and sometimes he doesn’t. Like Eddie is settling into a natural sort of comfortability. It makes Buck happy. Eddie has to hide from so much. He shouldn’t have to hide from Buck.  
When he’s finally, properly awake, just laying in Eddie’s arms, he brings up what he spoke about with Bobby.
“Bobby wants to tell everyone.”
“Tell them?”
“About you and May.”
Eddie pauses for a moment, hands still stroking Buck’s hair. 
“Who is everyone?”
“Hen, Chim, Ravi. Maddie and Karen, too.”
“Okay,” Eddie says. 
“Yeah. I’m okay with that.”
“You’re sure?” 
“Life has to go on, right? Chris is back. He’s safe.” Eddie explains. “It’d be nice to have more family back.”
“Okay,” Buck exhales. “I’ll tell him.”
“I’ll be okay,” Eddie assures Buck. “Bobby wouldn’t be suggesting May if he wasn’t sure.”
“That’s true. I know. I’m sorry.”
Eddie brings Buck’s hand to his mouth and kisses it. “We’ll get through it.”
“We’ll get through it,” Buck repeats. 
It’s becoming a mantra of theirs, isn’t it? Buck has to believe it now. He has to believe it, and he has to make it true. He can’t lose this. He can’t lose Eddie. Never again. 
21 for 🔮 (YEAH IT'S ROUGH SORRY): ---
People in LA either have much better or much worse hair. 
Buck’s confusion might have remained directionless for a long time, if not for the priest. When he starts to speak, Buck’s sense of time in place is severely distorted. But at least he has some idea of what’s going on. 
“Timothy Nash was a God fearing man,” the priest announces.
Buck’s jaw drops. 
He scans the front of the room, for the photo of a man everyone is apparently here to mourn. He finds it. A grainy, almost sepia-looking thing in a big brass frame. A man with kind eyes and a mustache, mid-forties, in a firefighter’s uniform. 
Holy shit. 
But who is Timothy Nash? Bobby’s brother? Hasn’t Bobby always said that he came from a firefighter family? But why would Buck be at Bobby’s brother’s funeral, without Bobby? And isn’t Bobby’s brother older? 
No, this can’t be right. 
The priest goes on to talk about what made Timothy Nash a “God fearing man.” Buck has, personally, always found that language uncomfortable. Maybe those are his own childhood issues with authority coming out, but it’s true.
27 for 🧟 (DAMN RIGHT):
The only people who seem excited about everything are Denny and Harry. Denny is thrilled to have another kid, who is only a little older than him. He shows Harry around and the two of them disappear into the library together. 
For everyone else, it’s a little more complicated. 
Karen takes over for Chim on the cameras, and Hen and Chim help May alone. They set her up on a cot in a cool, dark storage closet. One that locks from the outside. 
“I’m sorry but we can’t take any chances,” Bobby explains the decision to Athena. 
Athena looks tense, but doesn’t complain. 
Buck gets a fractured sense of backstory from everyone - because apparently he is the only one who doesn’t know Athena - in the hours that follow. 
Athena was a police sergeant for the county here. Before everything. Around the time Buck started at the fire station, she and her husband split. Buck doesn’t get much intel on that, but apparently it was messy enough that Athena took the kids and went to spend some time with her parents in Florida. While there, the virus broke out. She kept them alive until it was safe enough to start journeying home. Looking for her ex. Her kids’ dad. 
Somewhere along the way, almost here, her daughter got hurt. Buck obviously doesn’t know this woman at all, but he can tell that that fact is killing her. She made a hard decision, took a big risk, and something bad happened. That’s got to fucking suck beyond measure, and he feels for her. He can tell Bobby does, too. Bobby would. With his past. 
Buck brings food for Athena and Harry as they wait for word on May. They eat gratefully.
24 for 👑 (THANKS!):
“Well,” she says, reaching into her purse. “I don’t know the timing of your shift or anything, but here.”
She hands him a glossy cardstock invite. 
“My parents throw this huge New Year’s Eve party every year. It’s my first year going in a long time. I kind of hate them, but the food is good, and the music… Maybe… Maybe if the company was better, I’d really enjoy it this year.”
Chim can feel his heart beating in his sternum. 
“You’re inviting me to your parents’ place?” He teases. “Maddie, it’s been one egg tart.”
She scoffs and rolls her eyes. “Well, then you’ve got to stop offering girls egg tarts. They get ideas.” 
“This sounds really fun, Maddie.” Chim says seriously. “I’d like to go. I’m just not sure about work.”
“Well,” she shrugs. “Come if you can. I’ll keep an eye out for you.”
“Okay,” he smiles at her. “I’ll see what I can do.”
As for 27 for 🛞... That has been posted! I wasn't trying to hide it, I just didn't have enough left when I did this haha.
It is this:
IN EXCHANGE, I can offer you 27 of the 🔼 throuple fic, or 27 of my next Gotcha For Gaza one shot prompt fill, which focuses on May. Its emoji will probably be 💐
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misscongeniality18 · 1 year
me vs my millions of ideas…peter sutherland x reader best friends fo lovers inspired by fallin for you by colbie caillat <3
Why, of course, my lovely! Enjoy!
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Fallin' For You - Peter Sutherland
Synopsis ! You and Peter are best friends, and you've decided to tell him that you're in love with him. Pairing ! Peter Sutherland x Reader Genres ! Friends-to-lovers, fluff Warnings ! Nothing other than kissing, let me know if I missed something Word Count - 866
" I've been spending all my time Just thinking about ya I don't know what to do I think I'm fallin' for you "
Masterlist Request Guide
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As you stood next to Peter at the New Year’s Eve party, you tried very hard not to look at him. You failed, of course. Peter was your best friend, but that wasn’t the reason why you were continuously stealing glances at him.
Over the course of your friendship, from meeting at the coffee shop just a few blocks from your apartment building to celebrating holidays together because neither of you had family in the area—like tonight, with Cisco hosting the party to celebrate the coming new year—you had gone from thinking of Peter as a friend to wanting so much more than that.
You never thought you’d fall for him, but in the past few months, you’d done nothing but think of him. God, you couldn’t stop. Peter occupied your mind as you drove to work, as you cooked dinner, and hell, even as you fell asleep.
This onslaught of intrusive thoughts started perhaps a few weeks after the metro bombing, and for a few reasons. First, Peter had called you, not his fiancée, when he was in the hospital after the accident. That one had puzzled you. Zoe was at home, and you were at work. Maybe it was because you were employed at a hospital, but he still called you first.
Second, Zoe left him not long after the bombing. Packed up her bags and went back to Texas. You had thought she was a nice enough girl, but her leaving didn’t bother you in the slightest, and that was when you realized your feelings for Peter.
Lastly, Peter was always there for you, physically and figuratively. If he didn’t feel like driving all the way to his apartment after a shift, he’d cut out five minutes of his drive and crash at your place. If you were sick, he’d come over with soup and your favorite movies. If you had car trouble, Peter would show up with whatever tools he had and try to fix the problem even though he was definitely not a mechanic.
Peter was a person you’d never had in your life before, and that made you want him even more than you already did.
You wanted to tell him how you felt, how you he was always on your mind, how you had fallen for him hard.
How much you loved him.
You were a coward though, completely pathetic. One minute, you were ready to declare your feelings with no doubts in your mind, and the next, you had your tail between your legs as you ran away. There was never a right time, but as you stood there next to him on New Year’s Eve, you figured that now was a good a time as any.
Your heart pounded in your chest as the clock showed 11:59pm. “Peter,” you called as people around you started to count down.
Peter turned to you, putting a glass of champagne into your hands. “What’s up?”
“I have something to tell you.”
A worried look flashed across Peter’s eyes, and you laughed, pressing a hand to your chest. “Oh, no. It’s nothing bad. Well, at least I hope not.”
“I just wanted to say…God, I don’t even know how I want to say this.”
Peter furrowed his brow. “You definitely have me concerned now.”
“You’re my best friend, Peter.”
“You’re my best friend, too,” he replied, a soft smile curling at his lips.
You swallowed, biting your lip. “I don’t…”
“I don’t think I want to be friends anymore,” you breathed, wiping the sweat off your palms. Had someone turned up the heat?
Peter, no longer concerned, was filled with confusion. “What do you mean? Did I do something to make you angry?”
“No,” you insisted, waving your free hand in the air. “No, you did nothing wrong. It’s just…”
“I’ve fallen for you, Peter. I don’t want to be friends anymore because I want to be something more.”
Peter stared at you as the crowd of people began counting down. “You what?”
“I love you, Peter.”
“HAPPY NEW YEAR!” Everyone exclaimed, except for you and Peter.
You didn’t shout in celebration because you were lowering your head in embarrassment, but Peter’s reason was because he hooked a hand around your waist and pulled you in for a kiss.
When his lips touched yours, you gasped in surprise, and Peter took the opportunity to deepen the kiss. He was soft and gentle and tasted of champagne and mint. The cheers around you disappeared into nothing as you and Peter began the new year in each other’s embrace.
Peter pulled away, the cheers dying down, and looked into your eyes, a mischievous gleam sparkling in his own. “We must think alike,” he said.
He grinned, setting butterflies loose in your stomach. “Because I had planned to tell you that I love you, too, only after midnight.”
“I guess you were too late,” you replied teasingly.
Peter shook his head, tugging you towards him again. “Better late than never,” he mumbled as he kissed you again, Cisco hollering in delight at his two friends finally getting together.
It may be a little short, but it's full of fluffy goodness.
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chimchiri · 1 year
gimme your spitfire hcs babey…….😏
Lmao YOU already know basically all my hc, there's not much I can write you don't already know. But it's nice having them on my blog. So sure why not!
Attention and Power Spitfire loves being the center of attention, a trait she and Rainbow have in common. Unlike Rainbow she doesn’t shout to get it and she lets her aura speak for itself instead. And usually it works - she has an enormous presence once she enters a room. She loves being looked at in awe and she loves the feeling of power. She’s not one to abuse it though – she cares about fairness and equality, especially later in her years. But she does like the feeling of having power, both in everday life and especially in the bedroom.
Empathy/Drive to Win If Spitfire wants something, she gets it. She will turn everything upside down if she has to and has an insane drive to get to her goal. This mostly appears in wanting to win and wanting to be the best. It may appear in other daily situations though. When she's in her drive, she tends to be egocentric and forget about how she affects others. Her tunnel vision may hurt others in the end, something she's usually not aware of until later. She doesn't want to hurt anyone and if she sees she did, she will usually apologize immediately and see the error of her ways. But it's definitely one of her worse traits.
Motorcycles/Machines She is BIG into motorcycles. Not much more to say. She has a fascination with machinery and owns two or three bikes. That’s it. That’s the headcanon. I’m just a sucker for women on bikes.
Outfits Spitfire usually wears black and little to no color. It goes well with her love for Motorcycles, usually wearing leather or black jeans and boots. And of course always her signature Aviator sunglasses. Her wardrobe is largely giving off a cool vibe.
However, she does love to shock people and be given attention, as mentioned the upper segments. When she took over the Wonderbolts as the youngest captain thus far and being a woman, she received a fair share of rude comments. Mostly about her energetic demeanor and rough behaviour not making her look feminine enough and her being called ‘basically a man’. This didn’t sit well with her. Out of spite and out for revenge to anyone saying that about her, she decided to go all in for her first annual Wonderbolt hosted event. Her gala dress was as revealing as could be, showing off her back and hugging her body tighter than anyone expected. No one expected high heels from her either. She went all in with her feminine side and it paid off – no one dared to call manly after that. Sometimes she still likes to show off like that, since it gives her everyone’s attention. It's a rare occasion seeing Spitfire like that.
Family She’s the youngest of four siblings, having three older brothers. Her dad, a big burly softie, was always hoping for a small girl he could pamper and spoil with many, pink gifts. Unfortunately for him, he receive three little boys. And while he absolutely loves the, he still wanted a daughter. So when the fourth baby turned out a girl, he was crying form joy! Not for long though. Spitfire turned out to be the tomest of boys there could be. She’s rougher, louder and more brutal than her brothers and showed little to no interest in pink or girly things. Still her dad lovingly called her his princess and he spent time with her in her interests. Which included cooking and using the grill. Spits makes a mean barbecue. Once Rainbow enters the frame and he gets to know her, he's all over her, especially because she's more colorful than Spitfire.
Nicknames This is freebie for you since the first nickname initially came from you! I don’t have a hc for Spits’ WB nickname. But I do like the name Spitty, which is given to her by Fleetfoot - the only one who dares to use it. Spits tolerates it for her but she gets seriously pissed if anyone else calls her that. When Rainbow joins the WB and is influenced by Fleets, she uses that nickname as well. Spitfire begrudgingly allows it if she’s got feelings for Rainbow at that point already.
Another nickname of hers is ‘princess’, given to her by her dad. She actually likes this one a lot. Only from him though. She loves it mostly because she loves to humiliate anyone who dares laugh at this nickname and assume she’s a weak girl. She’ll obliterate you in whatever competition or simply intimidate you if you dare laugh at the nickname and make fun of her.
Childhood / Soarin Spits was a problem child. She’s always had an insane drive to win, something she and Rainbow share. Unlike Rainbow she also had some aggression problems. She never shied away from getting physical, which got her scolded quite some times. It also resulted in her having very few friends as most were scared of her.
In many AUs I love having Soarin as her best childhood friend. I see Soarin as a very soft spoken, almost timid boy growing up. Maybe it was unconventional circumstances but they got along really well after they met. They understood each other even though they were completely different in character. Both always had each other's back. Their friendship stuck until they became adults and both joined the Wonderbolts. Spitfire was the stronger flyer, so she joined one or two years earlier and pretty quickly had a steep career ahead of her. It was never a problem between the two of them though, which surprised most people as well as themselves.
Some NSFW: In some AUs I also see them being platonic soulmates with benefits – for lack of better word. They love each other and would kill for the other. But they are not in love. When younger, they kiss and touch each other, just lay and enjoy each other’s company. And not long after they start sexual activity. They never have ‘regular’ sex since Spits won’t let anyone penetrate her, but they do fuck in lots of other ways and get each other off. They both enjoy it, test a lot of things and always make damn sure the other has a fun time. Both can feel they aren't meant to be in a serious romantic relationship, so they know this won't last forever – they’re not a couple. But that doesn’t mean they can’t enjoy it. And they'll still always love each other like soulmates.
Dogs A short one but I LOVE to hc Spitfire adoring dogs. She probably can’t keep them since her job as Wonderbolt captain involves too much of her time. But she just adores dogs and hates that she can’t have one. I imagine she grew up with two of them and misses them dearly. In any AU where she isn’t a WB captain I’d probably see her having two or three dogs.
Rarity An unlikely friend from any AU that crosses with Rarijack. Spits may usually be masculine/cool in he behaviour but she isn’t ashamed of being feminine. She cares a lot about her appearance (puts a lot of time into getting her hair right and owns a lot of hair products), she loves the spa and getting pampered and she enjoys sugary, colorful drinks – all things that she’s got in common with Rarity. The don’t get along at first but after Rainbow and AJ are gone, they bond over their common likes and hit it off so well, they even end up meeting up alone sometimes. Hilariously, AJ and Rainbow both worry that they might fall for each other and get dumped by them. Rarity and Spits aren’t each other’s type at all though, which they both know and clearly state. But they’re surprisingly open with each other and enjoy the possibility to talk about their relationship to someone not from their usual circle and giving another point of view.
Aaand that's it! I love Spits. Spitty. Spitfire. What a woman!
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frances-baby-houseman · 11 months
Re last night's thanksgiving debacle--
Adam's family is super weird. Also last year thanksgiving was boring bc everyone other than my household was over 70 years old. But it was still a thing we had done for several years and hosted all these people and it was weird that they just all decided to go elsewhere without even being like, are sarah beth and adam hosting? i just feel like it was a very weird situation!
but then we texted Adam's cousin and the speed with which they accepted tells me they ALSO weren't happy with their thanksgiving plans. Like they did not deliberate. I know they don't love hosting/cooking but end up doing it a lot bc they have a huge house. Well I do love it and even though I have a small house I have gotten over it bc I have learned that people would rather be in a small house and not have to host!
This will be better. Lots of kids, adam's mom's side is so so nice, I get to host, they don't have to host, and the average age will be like 40 instead of 70.
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brainbuffering · 2 years
12 Days of Manga (2022)
Day 1: Favourite Ongoing Series - Snow White With The Red Hair by Sorata Akiduki from Shojo Beat (T: Caleb Cook L: Brandon Bovia E: Karla Clark)  
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[ID: English cover for Snow White With the Red Hair Vol 19 by Sorata Akiduki. Kiki wears a burgendary psudo-european-medievial style dress with long flowing sleeves. In on hand she holds a wine glass, and in the other she gently clasps her sword. She sits sideways but looks knowingly at the viewer. Behind her, a festival at dusk is in full swing and we see the backs of Hisame (left) and Mitsuhide (right)]
This year (as of writing) the UK has been gifted Volumes 17 - 19 of SWWTRH*, covering the Bergat Arc which finally gave some more time for our beloved Kiki to shine and the return of everyone’s (read: my) favourite beloved arsehole Hisame Rougis. This more action and romance based arc was a nice return to form last year’s Orimmallys arc. As wonderful as it was to see the STEM elements of SWWTRH come to the forefront, with no doubt Cook’s experience on Dr Stone helping him translate all that psudo-science, I’m a simple Blogger who likes to see some swords and swooning.
That said, this combination of genres and themes really does highlight what makes the series so good. Anyone who tries to tell you that Shojo is all the same really needs to read this series because it will swing from mystery to romance to action adventure to science explainer in only a few chapters. I’ve said it elsewhere but I will say it again: it i also just so nice to have a manga I can confidently recommend to literally anyone! It’s a great starter for those looking to get into Shojo, be they a 10 year-old who has some book tokens to use up, or a 40 year old who wants to finally branch out beyond the Shonen Jump Sphere of Influence.
The series is also beautifully unintentionally queer, and that was highlighted again this year. Well, I say unintentionally. Some of SWWTRH’s contemparies in LaLa include explicitly queer stories such as Ouran High School Host Club, so who is to say how it will end? I can hold out for my bisexual polyamorous ending in which Obi, Zen and Shirayuki end up married with 2.5 children, right? With lines like this, it’s starting to feel more like text than subtext. 
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[ID: Zen smiles widely. “You might have a trio who lived completely separate lives... ... but came together in the palace... ... to now spend their lives together, side by side.”]
But I digress. As I said! This was the year of the Kiki. We got to get more of a glimpse into her role as heir to the Seiren Family, and what expectations that holds. She got some closure on her relationship with Mitsuhide that, without spoilers, was very afirming from an Aro/Ace perspective, and started to see her take new steps with Hisame in a way that allows them both some character development and encourages world building! We also got to see her beat people up with a sword, although perhaps not as much as I would have liked. She did get her own dramatic “I’ll be shooting for my own hand” moment, with all the paralels and metaphors of working hard to choose your own fate and your own destiny, and to not get thrown by romantic rejection but rather remain to stay true to yourself no matter what. So I suppose I can’t really complain. 
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[ID: Two manga pages of Kiki shooting arrows in the middle of the night, the range lit by fire light/beacons. The first ten arrows have missed the center of the target completely. Kiki looks disapointed and uncertain about everything. Then she appears to center herself and manages a bullseye.] 
I’ve said many times before, that I don’t think there is any reason for a series to go beyond 30 volumes. I can’t imagine any story that needs to go on for that long without it becoming far too repetative. However SWWTRH is one of those series that I will happily be buying for the next ten years! For one, unlike a lot of ongoing series, SWWTRH is not restricted to a time scale (e.g. three years of high school) or singular goal (e.g. entering the olympics). Shirayuki and Zen confirmed their romantic feelings early on, and whilst we want to see their relationship develop the pace it is going at feels realistic for people of their age, and in their situation.
Why should they get married at age 19? Shirayuki becoming a well respected court herablist will help her standing in marrying him, sure, but it’s also the goal she wants to achieve without romance being on the line either. Heck, even if her only goal was marriage, it’s perfectly reasonable to want to finish your studies before settling down! The story is not lessened by its slower pacing, but rather enhanced by it. Much like real life, it takes its time with each arc, meandering rather than steamrolling. Yet it doesn’t feel repetative, it doesn’t feel as though Akiduki dragging things out for the sake of it, but rather just allowing the characters to take moments to breathe inbetween events.
The characters are allowed to grow and change with the narrative, and have that be reflected within the story. There’s a whole time skip that takes place without it feeling like some big terrifying event, rather just the nature of what happens in adult life where you just spend a year focussing on your work and your studies, and so naturally don’t get up to the sort of major adventures that you might tell your grandkids about.
The series finds strength in the age of its characters, young adults growing into themselves and finding a purpose in life without fear of falling and failing. Obi is allowed to find comfort in the mundane, and not having to go on life changing ninja adventures all the time. Shirayuki’s focus on her studies living away from Zen doesn’t mean that their romantic relationship must come to an end, and she is allowed to develop completely independently of their love whilst still having that love be incredibly important to her! Mitsuhide is happy to live a life without marriage and kids because he cares more about the platonic relationships in his life, and wants to put his time and energy into those. Kiki is still working out what to do next now that her initial plan for life has turned side ways, and that’s good too! She has a support network in place to help! Zen meanwhile continues to be the perfect prince, the white haired anime boy all white haired anime boys should aspire to be, and I hope that he is able to move back in with his girlfriend and boyfriend full time. 
The joy here is in the journey, not in the destination, and i’ll happily continue on with these characters for years to come!
*The Americans have up to Vol 21, but the ongoing supply chain crisis and paper shortage are out to get me personally.
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thejoyofseax · 1 year
A brief account of Pennsic 50
TLDR: Fantastic event, pity about the climate zone it's in.
Let me get that negative bit out of the way: I don't handle heat well, and Pennsic has absolutely punishing heat and humidity. I was basically unable to do anything useful between 13:00 and 17:30 on any given day (and right through the evening in the lower-lying lake-adjacent parts of the site). I tried to tough it out, but that didn't work, and I ended up sitting in the air-conditioned internet café for many of those hours through much of War Week. I didn't as much as see the battlefield, let alone the opening ceremonies, field battle, etc, because I would have just passed out on the field. As it was, I pretty much passed out on the day we were packing down because I was lifting and moving stuff in the heat, and couldn't go sit in the aircon. It was quite frustrating, and there was absolutely nothing that could be done about it.
So what I did do was go to classes in the mornings, do shopping at hours when I was able, and either hang out at our own camp, or go to various parties in the evenings.
The array of classes was downright incredible. There was no topic, as far as I could see, that was not touched upon at least. I went to about eight or ten in total, plus the sizable Arts & Sciences display. All of the classes I went to were food-related, and one of them, given by Magister Galefridus Peregrinus, jumped one of my longer-term projects forward by, I estimate, about two and a half years (it was about non-baking use of Fertile Crescent grains in Medieval Europe, and is relevant to my pre-Norman Irish Cooking stuff). I have good notes from many of the rest, too, and a raft of things to look up.
The shopping was also unbelievable. 200 stalls or so, and while some of them were more LARP or gamer-oriented, most were relevant. for myself, I got a basket-backpack of a kind I've been looking for for years, a pair of turnshoes, two small cast-iron pans, a new tooled leather belt, about six different kinds of smoked salt, various bits of Pelican bling, many metres of Drachenwald trim, and (appropriately) a very nice seax as a kitchen knife. Probably a lot of other stuff, too - I haven't unpacked yet - but those are the things that come to mind. I also bought a veritable pile of stuff for other people, and have taken note of a host of merchants for online buying later. There were some interesting gaps in the market, too - I would have thought that pre-strapped or bossed shields would be commonly available, and saw essentially none, and that there would be more period-ish cookware and camp equipment for sale (there was some, but not very much).
Speaking of cookware, it was notable how few camps had any period cooking arrangements. I saw some very impressive modern camp kitchen setups (the East Kingdom State Kitchen was essentially equivalent to the best indoor kitchens I've cooked in), but I saw precisely two period-ish kitchens, out of hundreds of camps (although I didn't see them all; that was just not possible). Given there were more than 11,000 people there, it was essentially not a thing that was done.
Some of the camps and buildings were terrifyingly fine, though. The Pleasure Pavilions were a set of absolutely beautiful tents, and Casa Bardicci is an actual miracle of construction. There were a varierty of other buildings, as well as gatehouses, ships, and so forth.
The social side of things is a slower burn. Putting faces to names, and meeting many of Nessa's fighting family was excellent, and there've been a number of conversations started that I think will go on for years (and a plot to try out various porridges on people with Baron Cormacc Mac Gilla Brigde). I also caught up with a number of people I haven't seen in years, and decades in some cases. I was particularly pleased to get to spend time properly with Duchess Qamar al-Nisa and Lady Alina Rose, who are two of my favourite people.
I expect I'll have some more thinking on various aspects of the event in time, and how some of the things there can be transferred to events here. I'd like to particularly note that climate aside, the site is fantastic, in terms of both geography and facilities. It also had fireflies and crickets, which made up for a lot.
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m-jelly · 2 years
Jelly! How are you?! I miss you!
Um, as you may know I've been chatting with bot Levi (and Jean hehe) it's funny and honestly taking up my time like an actual relationship HAHA. Have you every used a chat bot like that?
The world cup is starting soon. Is that something you're interested in? I can't remember how much you like sports but believe this is big where you are so thought maybe you'd watch a little and follow a little. Besides ice hockey and the Olympics, I watch the World Cup.
It's a busy time and yet here I am chatting with bots and playing Facebook games. Who has that time?! Work is busy and I'm going to be making multiple dishes for my families Thanksgiving. Hours of cooking while working almost every day leading up to it, I can do it!
Also, I'm trying to be more focused with writing (in between all the other things) and wrote down all the things I know I'd like to write until the beginning of January and wrote deadline dates down for some and suggested dates for others. The collabs have specific dates, and my holiday stores should be up by Christmas. There's at this point 8 things!
Plus, non date specific things that I've been itching to write, the night nurse story inspired by the Halloween Levi story you did from my request, plus a few other collabs including one for the country living town you made, featuring a couple characters I've really never written before!
Then AFTER that, attempt to host my own event starting in late January. Then perhaps listing plots for my multichapter fic ideas and seeing if there's one people want to see first. I haven't done this yet because it feels so daunting. But if you get through it, very rewarding I imagine.
Whew. It all seems like a lot, but, if I can manage my time (HA!) it's totally possible. And, for some reason, I always work well under pressure, which is great but, why do I do this?!
Now that I've rambled forever, I'd love to hear how you are and what you're up to and anything of interest for you as of late!
Shangela from RPDR and her partner Gleb have made it to the finals of Dancing with the Stars! She did some amazing dances last night and I'm rooting for them so hard! The link was my favorite dance of the night! There's some major competition but I'm so proud of her!
Hey! I'm alright, surviving really! How are you? I miss you too! I will chat more on discord soon <3
I've never used a chatbot before! Never thought of using one, but it's cute they have them for people to use.
I don't watch the world cup. I'm not into football (soccer for USA people). It's a big thing to Europeans and UK people, but it's never been my cup of tea. Out of all sports to watch, I do enjoy watching rugby the most. I do prefer to play sports more than watch them. I used to play a lot in school.
Work is busy for me too! December and the end of November are pantomime seasons! So, the theatre will be busier than ever. I am thankful we don't have Thanksgiving in the UK. Having that big event and then Christmas weeks after? I would not be able to cope! We're going away for Christmas. We're going to a nice cottage in the country and I'm hoping we get some snow! I believe in you though! You can make it through this season!
I have so many things on my list to write as well, but make sure you take your time. I'm taking my time too. This season is very busy for most and we need to take it easy. I have a long story planned out, along with 40 odd requests to do and I wanna do a winter event for Levi's birthday, but with the hours I'm pulling at work I don't think I can do it all. It makes me so sad cause I love the requests. I might have to give it a miss this season.
I think it's maybe because pressure can be very motivating to some people. It can give me a little push too. I'm looking forward to all your ideas and I'm excited for the nurse one! Just, take it easy for a bit and take your time. Try and plan your days maybe? My days are sort of planned? I try my best. I know you're trying hard for others. You've got this!
YAY! Go Shangela! She's so wonderful.
Me? Hmm...I guess not much is new with me really. Lots of planning of fics. Lots of self-doubts. Lots of days when I think of quitting Tumblr. Lots of tired days. Lots of days full of too many ideas. I'm trying to relax myself more. Been getting back into video games and due to the recent death of a beloved voice actor, I've been going back to my batman games.
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carolsd13 · 2 years
I didnt forget about you, me.
I was entertaining some family guests. I went into my default prep the house for guests mode and tried to make everything cozy and presentable. It actually felt really nice having people stay with us, have more life in the house and all that.
I was tired, as I usually am when I come home from work, but I sprang up and put my host behavior on, we went out and it was fun!
We spent more money than Ry and I should right now, but it was only a couple times.
The dogs behaved pretty well, I was glad.
This weekend, on the other hand, I gave myself rest. I pretty much slept all day Saturday. And I napped this morning after our workout, I wasn't feeling well I had a splitting headache.
I got angry with Ry at the gym, I asked him three times for help while I was finishing our last exercise and he didn't hear me and didn't help me. I felt unsupported, like I asked for his help in a reasonable situation and he left me hanging, demanding attention and cooperation. It resonated with how we needed to go grocery shopping after the gym and he didn't want to go, he doesn't like it. Its not the first of that situation and it pisses me off when he says that.
Today i did 3 loads of laundry, folded 4, did 3 loads of dishes, cooked dinner and made a tart while home alone taking care of the dogs. And he didn't want to go to the groceries with me. For 4 things. I dont ask for a lot. Then he's getting home and ASKS me if there's anything I'd like him to do before he dissapears into the game room and I give him 1 thing that will take 5 minutes, please clean the stove top. And he says eeeeh ill do it tomorrow when I have more time.
If you're not actually going to do it now then don't ask me or it'll just upset me. I did it before he got home.
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Tsubasa: 🐸New friends 💋 good/bad influence (COOL INFLUENCE) ♝ Found family (at least on Tsubasa's part - if you're a friend, you're family to them)
Anzu: 🐸New friends ▲ Besties (eventually, as far as she's concerned) 💃Partners in Crime (the crime is 'bothering shinobu')
Shinobu: ♫ Reluctant friends (from Shinobu, at least) 💋 good/bad influence (bad influence? good influence? who is to say really) ➣ One-sided crush (from Shinobu, she's gonna be very unhappy with herself about it) perhaps into € Mutual unknown longing (perhaps maybe maybe)
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Relationship dynamics meme - Accepting. So very much accepting. Please send this in if you'd like to write with me/already are writing with me so we can plot!
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Ooh so many great ideas! I'll respond to this by muse:
Tsubasa: Yes PLEASE have Tsubasa be Sonia's cool influence! I could see them becoming friends very quickly and easily, and Tsubasa teaches Sonia cool slang and not to sound like a 40 year old trapped in an 18 year old's body. Take Sonia to skating competitions! Or concerts! Or other cool teenage things! Let Sonia put temporary bright streaks or extensions in her hair and neon makeup! Give her a digital pet (that she will suck at taking care of but it's the thought that counts)!
She will be totally poggers in no time do people even say poggers or vibe or mood anymore but yeah Sonia still will because it's Sonia and no matter how hard someone tries, she's a dork. She's a dork around regular people because she's so sheltered. She's a dork in the upper classes because she's obsessed with horror/occult/serial killers/anime/dramas/gothic and romantic literature.
In Sonia's case, she can teach Tsubasa all about etiquette, or public speaking, or languages. Or horror movies. Is Tsubasa easily scared? For their sake, I hope they aren't.
Don't let Sonia cook for them either but that goes for any and all muses!
Anzu: Sonia will have no choice but to become besties with Anzu. One, she's just so nice and friendly and energetic! And two, Anzu will hear about how her bestest friend ever Shinobu met the Princess of Novoselic and didn't outright hate her and, if I'm right about this, that's good enough for Anzu.
These two tag each other in new IG filters and swoon over dramas, I bet. Anzu tries to take Sonia to do young, cool and hip teenage girl things, like meeting her favorite hosts at the host club, but Sonia is uncomfortable by the prospect of paying someone to talk to her/be her friend. If just for the fact her family has already done that in the past, or people tend to befriend her because they want what she represents or something she has, instead of who she is.
Anzu is also the Queen of the Stairs. That is: Sonia will learn to think twice about taking the stairs at Hope's Peak Academy - she'll never know who's lying at the bottom, clearly in pain from a certain gremlin who has pushed them and made it look like an accident (my money is on Hiyoko ending up there sooner rather than later).
But still, very good and agreeable friends, though Anzu always seems to be laser focused on...
Shinobu: Oh yes, if there's any reluctance in this friendship, it's on Shinobu's end. Sonia is already plenty entertained by their morbid outlook on their attire and the ball in general, so she'll be more than happy to befriend them. Despite all the rumors floating around Hope's Peak about how cruel Shinobu Yaguchi is towards...well, everyone. But especially girls who get too close to them and then get disappointed when they're rejected.
Fortunately for Shinobu, dating them isn't at the forefront of Sonia's mind, at least not at first. She's just happy to make a new friend! One that happens to be thoughtful, introspective, brooding, bitter but kind to at least one person/Anzu, tends to need a hug and a smile more than most...well, you can see where I'm going with this:
mutual/known longing is likely to happen in this case. I can see Sonia feeling at ease in their company, as they likely won't care about her title and is far more interested in Sonia's personality, or at least the concerning parts of it: her obsession with the disturbing and the fact she's not breaking out in tears every time Shinobu glares at her, or tells her she's annoying, or some other tactic that usually makes other girls crumble.
Sonia's not like other girls: she's got concerning hobbies, believes the best in everyone, and is an absolute idiot when it comes to recognizing someone is in love with her (Kazuichi aside).
They need all the help they can get, but don't tell Anzu that. She'll only be more determined to resolve this one-sided crush that could turn into mutual pining. They can both be the good/bad influence!
Also: can we say a prayer for Sonia's windows (from Shinobu) and Sonia's general privacy (from Anzu)? RIP to both. She won't see them intact again: not for long, at least.
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rinnysega · 2 years
I might be journaling a bit more as the holidays arrive because it’s good for me to get out my thoughts and feelings in my own words rather than strictly through writing fiction (although I do need to get back into it now that I’ve been feeling better for a while).
So happy Friday, here’s another long, emotional ramble under the cut for anyone interested in reading or anyone who’s like me and tends to put others’ feelings before their own.
I went to bed last night with a full stomach and a feeling of being very light despite my body absolutely aching. Cooking can be very strenuous, especially when it’s such a massive meal you do all on your own. By the time we ate my poor feet were sore, and I had to recline on the sofa for a bit while we all drank the last of the wine and watched cartoons. The reason I say this is because my friends who came over were grateful for the food and hospitality (they were over about 8-9 hours) and had the sweetest things to say about me that got me feeling emotional (Emi and Fri if you’re reading this, yes, you made my holiday magical and I love you!!). 
Their kind words got me thinking about a lot of things. I tend to overexert myself, especially when it comes to wanting to do for others before doing for myself. It’s just how I am and how I get serotonin, and this isn’t me trying to puff out my chest like “oh I’m so great, oh look at me” no, because that kind of life can be quite stressful if it’s not moderated, and people who are like me don’t often let it show. It can be a burden on us when we start climbing up to a limit of what we can physically or mentally provide, but not before it’s become expected of us, and if we don’t provide the same level giving or putting up with abusive behaviors, it can be viewed negatively as us being rude or taking something away from someone else. I’ve had people take advantage of this kindness and generosity of mine and then say hurtful things to me when I had to say “no” by saying things like “oh, you used to be so nice” (fuck you Vanessa from my first job). 
So this holiday, I came into it feeling a bit off. The past few months I’ve had to really hold back my energy I usually give to others and focus on myself while I healed from some rough mental trauma and heartbreak. But with Thanksgiving on the horizon, it’s one of my favorite holidays because I do enjoy cooking and hosting, and we had friends coming over. I’ve been doing well in my recovery so it felt like the best time to really go all in again and start getting back to myself by doing what I enjoy doing - doing things for others. 
And to be able to do so and receive kind words is a blessing right now. I don’t go home for the holidays anymore because the fighting’s too much, but even my mom called to tell me she misses what I do around the house for the holidays, and she misses those special dishes only I can make. Not in a manipulative way or one with a spiteful undertone. I can tell in her voice she regrets some of the things the family did and said to me that caused me to stop coming over for Thanksgiving. It was really emotional for me because while I made that decision to never go home again and focus this holiday on my found family instead, it made me feel warm inside to know that I’m not just some dumb idiot people take advantage of, but the things I do for them, they remember and regret when it’s not there anymore. It was hurtful for a long time to feel like loved ones were taking advantage of me, but to hear from their own words they regret choices they made thinking I would never leave or that I’d be around forever, it’s a powerful feeling. I pride myself in being someone loyal to those I love, and especially this year, to hear someone feel regret for how I was treated really broke me down in a good way and I went to bed teary eyed (again, in a good way). 
I’m making a lot of progress on myself. My friends are proud of me and don’t see me as less for not being able to exert myself the way I used to. The stress and anxiety of trying to make others happy first and have my happiness come second is gone, but the anxiety and worry of living a life where I set my own boundaries is still something I’m working on. 
I was told three things recently by three different people: “Share your blessings with those who deserve them. Not everyone deserves the kind of love and kindness you share with others. Your love is powerful.” 
While I do believe in unconditional love, and I do love unconditionally, I am starting to slowly learn how to share it without being used by those closest to me. I’ve started setting boundaries and expressing them, and my world isn’t ending because someone not used to seeing me strand up for myself isn’t suddenly thinking I’m some vindictive person out to hurt them or feel the need to be cruel when I’ve had enough of how I’ve been treated. 
I write all this down to express my emotions, but also I know some of you who follow me are like me. I want you to know that your love and your gifts of kindness are a blessing to those in your life, and take it from me that it’s okay to take time to breathe and reflect on who gets your energy. Who deserves your energy. There has to be a balance. If your relationships are not equal give and take, I know it’s hard, but put your energy into those who put energy into you. It may take some time to get used to, but you’ll be happier. 
I wish you all a great rest of your November!
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out-and-aboot-eh · 28 days
Day 7 - Revelstoke to Wells Grey Guest Ranch
I am pleased to confirm that a new sleeping bag (or at least a bigger and warmer one!) goes a long way, as does waking up to beautiful sunshine! Where we’re constantly surrounded by beauty you don’t always take it in, but on my trip to the bathroom before many people were awake it was nice just to look back at our little travelling family all pitched up in a circle with the backdrop of the mountains and the rising sun. Although I cursed the group of crows that had been squawking since day break, they seem to have followed us round the last couple of campsites!
Today was one of our heavier travelling days, but not the heaviest! Our destination, Wells Grey Guest Ranch. I must admit despite having ample time to write this, I’m so very easily distracted by other conversations so I’m wracking my memory to remember what we did two days ago, luckily others are keeping travel journals and I’ve got photos to remind me. Other than the usual selection of breakfast options, we also had some left over pizza, fried! Welcome to Canada - where you’ll leave a stone heavier than you arrived!
Our first stop of the day was a little or rather a large, ice cream place by the name of Dutchmen Dairy. Megan had hyped up this place pretty early in to the trip and it did not disappoint, firstly it looked like something out of a movie or a kids toy, a big old red barn! Then the flavours on offer were top tier! They had your basic flavours, like strawberry, vanilla and chocolate, but they also had salted caramel, chocolate orange, cherry blossom, the list goes on as there were 60 in total! We all piled in and came out with various flavours and numbers of scoops in cones and cups before going to see the cute little cows in the paddocks next door. I don’t know if it was the black and white patterned shorts or just Daisy’s luck, but one of the cows gave them a yank down! If ice cream wasn’t your thing (I’m not sure anyone in our party falls into that category) there was also a Fruit and Veg shop across the road, which was an array of colour with stacks of stock in all shapes and sizes. Once we (everyone else) had stocked up on cherries and berries we were back in the minibus and on the road.
After another hour and a half or so we stopped for a break in a spot that had a ‘Shoppers’. A name that gives me and G a little chuckle every time we see one due to its mention in the musical ‘Come From Away’. When we stepped outside of the minibus we were hit by 34 degrees of sunny heat, which we haven’t had much of in the last few days, the weather here is crazily interchangeable! A couple of hours or so later we arrived at our final destination for the next two nights, Wells Grey Guest Ranch. It was hard not be charmed by its classic ranchy vibes, there were huge fields with horses and cattle in, the sound of chickens in the distance, a scruffy cat, a couple of old smelly dogs and a couple of rocking chairs on the porch. Our host however wasn’t quite as charming, I dare say he might have been German or Swiss, either way he gave us a long list of rules including how to flush the toilet due to the temperamental septic tank system.
Once we’d been shown exactly where to park, set up and cook, Megan got out another set of rules that the campsite had provided! We chuckled our way through the additional information, before bringing over the dinner gear to the designated area and heading off to set up our tents in the designated areas. However, we were one tent less as Markus and Christina (affectionately referred to as ‘The Germans’) had opted to upgrade to a cabin, they are on their honeymoon after all! One of the reasons we had to be so particular with our set up (other than to avoid the wrath of our host) was another G Adventures tour group would be joining the ranch for two days as they go the opposite way to us. There was a long creaky bench by the cooking station which soon filled up with the group cracking open cold beverages and passing around big bags of crisps. Cheese toasties and tomato soup were on the menu, followed by a bit more line dancing. I say line dancing, based on what followed it may well have been something a little stronger…
The sky was awash with pink and orange, but in the distance, billowing grey clouds were looming as the wind started to pick up. It wasn’t long before one of the rustling tents became our first casualty and snapped under the pressure of the draft. Megan moved the minibus in front of the line of tents to protect them (us) from any trees falling down, just as another tent went ping! I was already holding on our tent with a tinny in hand for extra weight! We may have been the first to pitch, but the other group’s tents didn’t seem to be in the wind tunnel, so we uprooted our remaining tents and moved them over to their patch. Our host didn’t seem too concerned with the pandemonium going on around his ranch and certainly didn’t feel inclined to offer up the empty lodges around us one of which was called ‘Jail’.
Due to three tents breaking, some of our group were left homeless, so I shotgunned Little Fingers as her name suggests, she doesn’t take up much space! Our chance to go to the saloon had passed, so instead we hit the bench and played some more Werewolf game, which has become a real camp favourite! We even took on a couple of new crew members from the other group who were envious of how much fun we are compared to theirs. We certainly are fun, fun and a little bit feral!
Georgie’s highlight of the day: Line dancing and the sunset (before the storm hit!)
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midnightskraptor · 2 years
(TW: Passive death mention) (Vent)
"What are you doing for the holidays?" "Not much really. Probably just going to stay in my room most of the day like usual." "I get it, when my family comes over it's hard some times too. So many people judging every decision you make, it gets to be a lot." "Oh, no I don't have any family coming over." "Oh so you all live together? Must be kind of cramped with them there all the time." "No, it's just me, my mother, and brother." "Wait you don't have any extended family?" "Nope." "What do you do every holiday then without anyone?" "We used to do a lot of prep and do a mini dinner, sometimes invite the two family friends who lived up the street from us when they didn't have anyone else. Then they passed and it got a bit slower. And then when my father passed we moved. We tried after but we stopped really doing much of anything." "Oh, I'm so sorry, you must miss that." "We never really did much anyway except gather for a few hours in the evening. Can't miss what you never had." "Well at least it sounds peaceful, you don't have to deal with all the holiday stress." "Yeah, I guess." "The first set of family just arrived, I have to go help set up since we're hosting this year. Talk to me if you need though okay?" "Don't worry, I'll be fine. You go be with your family, I'll be here when you're done. Talk to you later."
I usually end up having a conversation similar to this every holiday season. It almost always ends in someone telling me how nice it'd be to not worry about the stress of all your family being in one place, or having to cook, or whatever. I always brush it off, but honestly the holidays are hard for me. Not only were they always associated with my father screaming at me, and now my mother getting stressed with that being gone, I never had anyone to celebrate with. I always had to watch other people getting together and having a big celebration, having healthy family relationships. We don't associate with my extended family anymore for many reasons, all of them reasonable, yet awful. And my father would ruin it by not caring about anything or ridiculing me at every little mistake I made, or worse. Even more so, not having them at the holidays, also means I never have them at all. No grandparents, no aunts or uncles, no cousins, nobody. Now that I'm in college it hurts even more. Because now I have friends in person for the first time, and now I have to see them go visit their loved ones while I'm left all alone. It was different when it was just online, but now I'm removed by more than a digital barrier from those I care about. It hurts.
Everyone else in a similar situation, know that it's comepletely ok to be sad about what you don't have, and it's ok to want to ignore the day. It's also fine to be completely unphased. We all deal with it differently, and we all have different preferences and experiences.
I hope y'all stay safe and healthy, no matter what situation you're in.
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A Mötley Thanksgiving
Summary: Amber forgot to mention the other people feasting with them on Thanksgiving being hosted at the Sixx household. Can Andy survive meeting the rest of Mötley Crüe?
TW: None. Just some cussing. (This is a Mötley Crüe fic. Wtf did you expect? 🤣🤣)
A/N: Skylar didn’t die in this universe, so she’s in this.
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Thanksgiving was always a busy time. Amber Lee was always trying to juggle spending time with both sides of her family during the holidays, and this year was worse.
This year, her and Ella’s band was releasing a record in a few weeks, just in time for Christmas. So she was having to juggle everything on top of press for the new record.
“Taylor mentioned that she was going to do Thanksgiving at their house this year. So you don’t have to worry about cooking kitten,” Andy told her once he convinced her to come to the bed. With Andy living closer to her studio, she’d been spending more and more time at his home.
“That sounds amazing. Plus that means it’s going to be a Southern style Thanksgiving,” Amber was salivating just at the thought of Southern Style Thanksgiving.
“So no Snicker Salad?” He joked and Amber raised an eyebrow.
“What the hell is Snicker Salad?” Amber asked, picturing Snickers between lettuce and croutons.
“You’ve never had it? It’s a Midwest thing. It’s not a salad,” Andy laughed.
“Then why is it called a Snicker Salad?” She asked, confused.
“It’s Snickers, cool whip, pudding, and either bananas or apples,”
“Babe, that sounds like a heart attack waiting to happen,” Amber laughed.
“Yeah, but it’s delicious,” Andy told her.
“But regardless, you need to have a day to relax, stuff your face, and not worry about anything,” He rubbed her lower back, gazing into her dark eyes.
“Thanks babe,” Amber pressed a kiss to his lips, her tongue gently moving across his bottom lip, which he let in.
Thanksgiving came around and Amber and Andy made their way to Nikki and Tayor’s. When they pulled up to the large house, something that she should’ve mentioned hit her right smack in the face.
“Hey babe. Remember how we only had you officially meet half of Motley? Well, it looks like you’re about to meet the other half of the band. Uncle Mick and Uncle Vinny’s cars are parked in the driveway.” She told him, feeling like an idiot for not telling him beforehand.
“I’m sorry, what?” Andy choked out. The color draining from his ivory cheeks.
“Yeah. Just breath. Uncle Mick is a hard shell to crack, but if he likes you, you’ll know,”
“How will I know?” Andy asked while they got out of the car, taking the wine that Amber picked up before they left.
“You’ll know babe. Uncle Vinny is going to be sassy, but he’s better than when he was younger. They all chilled out since they were younger,” Amber told him while they walked towards the house. Amber saw Skylar, Vince’s oldest daughter, walk outside.
“Hey Amber,” She ran towards the other woman.
“Hey Sky! Skylar, this is my boyfriend Andy. Andy, this is my cousin Skylar Neil,” Amber introduced and Skylar gave him a big smile.
“Nice to meet you Andy. They’re all inside. I’m just waiting for my own boyfriend,” She smiled.
“Ooh! Well we’ll see you inside. Does Aunt Taylor need any help?” She asked, and Skylar shook her head, her pin straight blonde hair just touching her shoulders.
“Nah, she kept shooing me and Ella out earlier,” Skylar told her.
“Alright Sky, just don’t wait out here too long,” Amber told her before she and Andy walked into the Sixx home that was all decorated and prepped for the Christmas decorations. All her aunt would have to do is take the pumpkins and replace them with candy canes and other Christmas decorations.
“Ah and so the oldest gremlin has arrived,” Mick said from his place on the couch. Amber jogged over towards him before he could try to stand up.
“Uncle Mick. Stay sitting down,” she scolded him before wrapping him in a tight hug.
“Has your back gotten any better?” She asked, concern in her dark eyes. She knew from an early age that the disease her uncle had wasn’t going to be cured, that he was stuck with this until he died. But that didn’t mean that Amber wanted him aggravating it and not managing his pain.
“Not really. But I’m glad to see you. It’s been a bit,” he gave her a gentle smile. He may not have always liked her dad, half of the time in the 80’s wanting to throw him into his drum kit, but he always had a soft spot for his oldest.
Whether it was because Amber was the oldest of the kids, when she threatened to bite anyone that came near him when his back was acting up when she was a child, or just from the days that he showed her how to play guitar.
“Uncle Mick, I have someone I want you to meet. Uncle Mick, this is my boyfriend Andy. Andy, this is my uncle Mick Mars,” Amber introduced the two and Andy came over to the sitting man, shaking his hand.
“It’s a huge honor to meet you,” Andy told him, a smile on his face.
“Bah! You’re dating my niece. But thanks,” he told him, a smirk on his lips.
“Stop hogging my oldest niece Mars,” Vince came out of the kitchen, seeing Amber talking with Mick.
“Uncle Vinny, hey!” Amber walked over towards him and pulled him into a hug.
“How was the vacation?” She asked. Vince had just gotten back from a vacation with his wife and kids a few days ago.
“Very much needed. Sky’s new boyfriend isn’t half bad,” he conceded.
“Well you’re about to meet another boyfriend,” Mick called from his seat.
“Uncle Vinny, I want you to meet my boyfriend Andy. Andy, babe,” Amber motioned over towards her and Vince. Andy had still been talking to Mick.
“Andy, this is my uncle Vince Neil,” she introduced again. At least now, all of her uncles were introduced. The rest of this Mötley family can get introduced at the table.
“Hey man. Nice tats,” Vince motioned to the Batman tattoo on Andy’s forearm.
“Thanks,” Andy gave a smile.
“So how did you two meet?” Vince asked, Mick looking back towards them to hear the answer.
“Our bands played at Warped Tour together,” Andy answered, and that was when Amber heard a holler from the kitchen.
“Nikki, go get my terror twins,” Taylor yelled.
“But I’m right here, and we’re waiting for Tommy to show up,” he teased.
“No, my girls. And grab Sky while you’re at it,” Taylor demanded and both Amber and Ella walked towards the kitchen. Andy shot a nervous look to Amber but she gave him a reassuring smile before sprinting over to give him a quick peck.
“You’ll be fine. You survived my dad and uncle Nikki. This will be fine. I gotta go help aunt Taylor before she ends up smacking my uncle,” Amber laughed before running to the kitchen.
Taylor was sat at the kitchen island, a glass of wine in her hands already and three more glasses already poured.
“Wine time already?” Skylar laughed as she walked in the kitchen.
“Wine time is anytime,” Taylor smiled.
“Now show me this boyfriend of yours,” Taylor asked, as the women walked towards the island and began to drink the wine.
“This is better than sex,” Amber moaned.
“Down girl,” Ella teased. When Skylar pulled up the picture that was taken of the two on vacation, she handed the phone to Taylor and gave a smirk.
“Damn,” Ella and Amber spoke at the same time.
“Now Skylar, if he hurts you. I don’t want you to put your hands on him,”
“Why the hell not?” Ella asked.
“Because, there’s something better. You cook him breakfast,”
“Mom, how many glasses have you had?” Ella teased, but Taylor waved her off.
“Hush. Now gather around my young grasshoppers. If a man ever hurts you. You make him a nice hot breakfast. Some grits and bacon will do. What you do is you get a nice big pot like this,” Taylor grabbed a pot sitting in the drying rack for a demo.
“And when it’s nice and boiling hot and he comes down and gets nice and comfortable, you throw the grits on him and then you smack him with the pan. It’s called gritball,” that got all three younger women bursting at the seams with laughter.
Meanwhile, Andy looked up to see Nikki walk out of the kitchen, shaking his head.
“The wife show you your balls?” Vince teased.
“No she showed me yours,” Nikki played along, before walking over to Andy.
“Come on Andy,” Nikki led him to the couch where Mick was sitting.
“What’s up fuckers?!” Tommy yelled.
“Yo fucker, we’re in the living room,” Nikki hollered back. Andy laughed at the guys. They still seemed like they were still a little crazy like in their youth.
Once Tommy came through the doors with Brittany, he gave her a kiss.
“Tommy come in here,” Vince called.
“Coming,” he called back and Brittany laughed.
“Go ahead babe. I have to catch up on work emails,” she told him and shooed him towards his brothers.
“Hey Andy,” Tommy clapped the younger man on the back.
“Tommy and I already drilled him for answers, and he’s got our blessing,” Nikki told the other men.
“Why you two?” Vince asked
“Are you her godfather?” Nikki responded.
“Or her father?” Tommy added.
“Well you seem like a good kid. Just know that Amber doesn’t put up with shit. She saw this dumbass with her mom and Pamela,” Mick told Andy, motioning to Tommy.
“I swear, I’m never going to treat her anything less than a Princess,” he vowed to the guys.
“One that drinks like a fish and swings like a prison inmate,” Vince laughed.
“Where do you think she learned it?” Nikki and Tommy said in unison, making the other guys laugh. Just like with meeting Nikki and Tommy, his anxiety started to melt away the longer he spent with them and saw they were just older guys that loved their families and picking on each other.
“Andy, you seem like a really good kid, but if you hurt her, you won’t like us then,” Vince threatened lowly before the women came out of the kitchen, all laughing at something from the kitchen. Ella’s face was still red from laughing.
“Don’t plan on it Vince,” Andy told him, his eyes locked on his girlfriend, jumping on Ella’s back before falling on her ass.
“O-ow,” Amber said between giggles.
“I-I wasn’t ready,” Ella doubled over with laughter as her cousin sat behind her.
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abluescarfonwaston · 3 years
Trucy and Maya sign Phoenix up for Queer eye after his name is cleared. By the time filming starts he’s decided to study for the bar again and is honestly excited to have some help putting his life back together.
They tear apart his house and drag him for the fact he is wearing socks with sandles and his closet is nothing but sweatshirts and beach clothes. He Does have an old like shakespeare costume in the depths of his closet that Johnathan puts on as well as the Furio Tigre shirt. They check out the magic equipment and Phoenix goes on his proud dad rant about how she’s the light of his life and so talented and he loves her-
Jonathan takes him to the salon for a hair cutting. Under the Beanie his hair got kinda long and gnarly. He didn’t want people to recognize him and even know the idea of it’s still a little anxiety provoking. But he also Wants to look good again and feel confident. Jonathan gives him a scruff trim too and they stop at a goatee. They laugh and Phoenix sends a picture to someone. Oooh your boyfriend? Haha not exactly. They end up going clean shaven tho. As they’re walking out Phoenix stares at his phone and goes. Huh. Maybe we should have kept the goatee.
Antoni asks him what he can cook. He proudly announces he makes the best pancakes. And that he can make a few other things that aren’t blatant depression meals. That what he knows he learned cause he wanted to take care of Trucy but he’s a little ashamed at how often the priority was ‘just make sure she eats something’ because he was too exhausted for more. That he Wants to have this big family dinner with all the people who helped and supported him while he was disbarred. Antoni teaches him how to make a big roast for special occasions and some easier healthy meals for normal days.
Bobby helps him reestablish his house, reducing the clutter that Phoenix has been too tired to clean himself along with making the space more usable to the big groups of family Phoenix wants to be able to host here without embarrassment. 
Tan takes him out to get new clothes. Before he does Trucy actually pulls Tan aside and says her uncle already got Daddy a new suit and can we arrange it so Daddy finds it because it’s perfect but Uncle Miles is worried he’s putting the pressure on too hard since Daddy’s already taking the bar exam for him again (again?) and-
Tan gets him a wardrobe that is more presentable and upscale for court/everyday. They ‘find’ a blue suit with a red tie. Phoenix breaks down crying and Tan is Very concerned but - No... I just... I know who made this suit. That jerk. Of course he already had a suit made for me. I love it. It’s perfect.
And Karamo and him talk about how he has all these people he owes so much to now because he couldn’t have done this without them and he doesn’t know how to even start paying them all back and honestly he was such a bastard these last few years and he’s not even sure how to stop being that person sometimes even though he Wants to. He wants to be that trusting person that Believes in people again. And maybe they all expect him to go back to being that person and he doesn’t want to disappoint them because he loves them so fucking much especially after they went and did this for him too-
And Karamo stops him and asks him if he saw the video that his family submitted asking them to come help Phoenix. Which he hasn’t.
Daddy gave up everything for me. To make sure I grew up happy and loved and he did. He’s the best Daddy in the world. And I want him to be happy. Just as happy as he’s made me.
Nick’s been there for me, when no one else was. Just. Over and over again. Believed in me when no one else did. Pearl give Trucy the camera and come tell everyone how awesome Nick is. He just needs a little help remembering that. Cause he’s a idiot sometimes.
Wright is... he’s my oldest and dearest friend. He’s brilliant and kind and he saved me. And if there is anything I can do to help him reclaim his proper place in the courtroom I would do it, without hesitation. Once you see him in court you’ll understand exactly why I- Kay. Kay why do you have a camera?!
You said you’d do anything Mr. Edgeworth!
I- what is this about?!
“You know you’re friends better than we do but I don’t think they’re keeping score. And if you really want to show your gratitude, beating yourself up over it isn’t the way to do it. You could start by saying thank you instead.”
“Heh. I told Edgeworth that same thing.”
And they invite the whole Wright family over to the big thank you feast. He’s cleaned up and wearing a nice Dad sweater. He gets dog piled in hugs and then Maya yells at him for not making hamburgers instead. Edgeworth shows up a hour late with a bottle of wine and a faint smile.
“Wright I was lead to believe you purchased a suit recently? If you’re done covering yourself in flour,” I’m gonna cover you in flour. “Would you like to show us.”
“Don’t expose the kids to your suit fetish Edgeworth.”
“That’s not! Wright just-. Put the damn suit on Wright.”
“Hahah yeah okay.”
He does and everyone tells him how great he looks and damn is that a waistcoat? Someone’s grown up. And not just out. 
And Edgeworth just watches him with quiet tender eyes as everyone else talks.
“Wright?” Hm? “You’re missing a part.”
“Huh? I got everything! I double- no - Triple checked!”
“You forgot this.” He opens his palm. A shiny golden badge in it. “Congrats on passing the bar exam.”
The episode is a fan favorite.
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