#well too bad I have memory issues you’re getting them and you’re gonna like them
tedcicle · 2 months
swagger SDMP day 2 highlights
- keef the cat went missing! someone kidnapped her and left a ransom sign asking for 3 diamonds
- swagger went to the twilight forest instead. he fought the naga and (struggled a bit with) the twilight lich, but brought both trophies home
- ross let swagger in on his 9/11 re-enactment bit, which went just as well as you might have expected. it also led to swagger losing some of his gear
- aside from farming, adding more to his house, and learning how to use the cooking pot, swagger searched for keef. he asked various server members for any information about keef, but didn’t get any leads
- he put up posters for his safe return, offering a reward for any information about her whereabouts or the perpetrator(s) themselves. justin nothinbutlag got some missing posters and is going to help place them around
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linniewrites · 10 months
We all have our issues | Chapter 2
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idol!jungkook x chubby!student!reader
Summary : you ask Jungkook to go grocery shopping with you, but the day doesn’t end as nicely as it started.
Words : 1684
Warnings : mommy and daddy issues, scolding, “fighting” in public, body shaming, crying, jealousy.
Notes : kook’s jealous, oc’s nervous, and sad, she gets bad memories and does something pretty bad, there’s some mean ladies in the store, and Jk is still just as whipped for her.
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“No, I’m sorry… you know I love Bam. But, she’s my cat, Kook. You can’t blame me for loving her more.” You argued over the phone, he wanted you to admit you liked his dog more than you did your own pet, Meimei.
“Yeah, I get that. But does she run to you when you come home ?” He asks in the most condescending tone. “I don’t think so…”
“Bam shits on your floor, so I really don’t know what point you’re trying to make.” He let out a surprised scoff and laughs at your reasoning. You twist open your lipgloss and apply a good layer of it before taking your phone into your hand and taking it off speaker. “I need some groceries, d’you want to come with ?”
“Sure.” You heard shuffling around and keys jingling. “Want me to pick you up ?”
“No, don’t bother, I’m just gonna take the bus.” You put your sandals back on and head out to the bus stop. Today had been a pretty short day, you only had classes in the morning and had been free since one pm. The weather was also really great, hence why you wore the long flowery summer dress that your friends always complimented you on.
“I’ll meet you there then, be careful baby.”
“You too, bye.” You hang up and shove the phone in your purse.
“Ooh, I’ll go get candies !” You giddily slap Jungkook’s arm as you point towards the snacks aisle. You each had gotten a small basket, because he had realized groceries were well overdue at his house.
“Get me some of those peach rings, yeah ?”
You nod and hurry to the where the sweets were stocked, softly humming to the tune that was playing around the store. When you reach the range of choices, you scan it quickly and finally find the one you were originally here for. Cherry, as well as coke for you and peach for your friend. Once your goods had been placed in your basket, you decided to go in search of new sweets to try.
"Look at kids nowadays, always trying so hard to set a bad example." An older woman mutters to her friend, pointing at you, in what she thought was a discreet way. You frown, confused as to what she meant, and finally notice that her gaze was set on your body, and on the candies you're holding in your hands in addition to those in your basket. Your shoulders noticeably fall, and you drop the candies back where you had found them. The two women are gone by now, but you’re still in front of the bright colored packagings, debating whether you should buy them, or restrain yourself. Exactly how were you actually setting a bad example ? By eating food you liked, or maybe it was because they didn’t allow their kids to have any type of “unhealthy” food. You’re shaken out of your thoughts by a warm hand on your shoulder, and you turn around to see Jungkook looking at you with a confused frown.
“Are you okay ?” He asks chuckling a little.
“Yeah.” You hold up the basket with the candies and point to his peach rings. “I got the candies.”
“Did you want to try these, too ?” He takes the flower shaped treats you were staring so intently at and throws them in his basket.
“No.” You quickly shake your head and reach to put them back on the shelf. “I was just thinking about something.”
“It’s fine.” He stops your hand from grabbing the plastic bag and laughs. “Baby, just leave it. If we don’t like at least we’ll know not to buy it again. Also, you love all candies, so I don’t think we should worry about that ?”
“Whatever, but you’re gonna eat them all alone, then.” You pout and turn back to continue shopping to stop him from asking more questions.
You both quickly take what you need and immediately head to the registers, where you’re greeted by a kind looking man.
“Hello.” He greets you with a smile, which obviously makes one appear on your face, kind people make you happy, what can you say ?
“Hello. How’re you ?” You ask as Jungkook’s stare wavers between the two of you.
“Very good, thank you.” He asks you how your day is going, and from then on starts a conversation between you two, further excluding your friend. Jungkook is snapped out of his trance by the sound of your credit card going through.
You and the cashier continue your conversation as he mindlessly scans Jungkook’s articles and with his eyes still in you, asks him for his payment of choice. Your friend remains silent and pulls out his black card, quickly paying and grabbing his bags to get away as quick as possible.
Just as you’re about to bid goodbye to your new friend, Jungkook wraps an arm around you and lead you out. He takes your groceries and puts them in his car, muttering something about him driving you home. Which he does, and after the long ride back to your apartment, he stops you at your door to ask you something.
“Baby, you wanna go out for dinner tomorrow night ?” His hands hold onto yours tightly, and he’s looking at you with his big, starry eyes, and yet, that doesn’t stop you from getting lost in your own mind.
“And a salad for the lady.” The kind woman sets your plate down in front of you with a warm smile. You ogle at the five different types of Syrian salad set on the plate and take your cutlery in your hands with a happy dance. Your younger brother snickers at your attitude but you pay him no mind, and start eating your meal.
“Ooh, that looks good.” Chuckles your dad, cutting a piece of bread and scooping some olives and hummus, groaning at the flavor. You bring the pate closer to the middle of the table, so that everyone can have some of it, and take some rice from the larger plate next to it.
A few minutes later, you go back for more salad, and gasp when you find the plate empty. “What ? You ate all the salad ?” You ask your father with a teasing smile, although it did bother you a little, you could still order another plate.
“You’re so mean, seriously. Why can’t you, for once, be nice and I don’t know, try to be a part of the family ?” Your mother rolls her eyes and wipes the edge of the plate with a piece of bread to taste the dish. “I don’t know where I messed up with you. Such a selfish brat…” She mutters, but makes sure she says it loud enough so you can hear it.
Everyone at the table is now staring at you, silently chewing their food. You set down your fork and put your hands on your lap, sending a smile her way before fixing your eyes on your hands for the rest of the evening. Throughout the whole dinner, you could feel your siblings stealing glances at you, and even people from other tables were now staring, wondering why everything was so quiet now. Once it’s time to pay, you stand up, but your parents push you away and pay before you can get a word in. “Swear to you, this kid is unable to get out of her house without causing a scene.” She sighs, letting her head rest against your dad’s shoulder.
Your body deflates even more after hearing her, and you were convinced you now looked even sadder than the deflated balloon men in front of the car sales shop two blocks from your house. You didn’t wait for anyone and simply left to get in your car, and go back to your apartment to cuddle with your cat.
“___ ?” He calls, bringing your attention back to him.
“Yeah ?”
“Dinner, tomorrow night, just you and me ?” He repeats with a hopeful look in his eyes. After seeing you laugh with the cashier, he wanted to make sure to shoot his shot so he’d get you all to himself. Not in the bizarre way, of course, if you rejected him, he’d accept it and try to move on, but you wouldn’t, he kept repeating to himself.
“Oh.” You stop yourself from truthfully answering and blink away the small teardrops that has found their way in your eyes. “I don’t think I’m the greatest person to go out with, Kook.” You chuckle awkwardly and wrap your arms around him in a hug that feels more suffocating than comforting. “I’ll see you another time, though.” You gently kiss his cheek and get inside your apartment building before he can say anything else.
You hurry back inside your home and quickly take off all your clothes to hop in the shower and wash away all the bad thoughts you were getting. When you step out of the room, Mei is here, meowing for you to cuddle her, and you do, but soon the tears can’t be stopped. So you just lay on your couch, you cat licking your hand in hopes of making you feel better, and tears staining your fluffy pink pillows.
Jungkook stands there dumbfounded, his eyes staring at the door with shock written all over his face. The shock doesn’t last long before it gets overwhelmed by sadness and disappointment. Still, he finds himself smiling like an idiot at your reaction. Even while rejecting him, you still gave him a hug and kissed his cheek, he brushes his fingers over the emplacement of your kiss, and blushes. It’s fine if you only want to be friends, Jungkook can accept that, as long as he has you in his life, nothing else matters.
taglist :
@gothvkth @beigerin @babycandy111 @jjanjankook @joonsboy
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bulbabutt · 1 year
I love you’re little 2003 comic series and Mikey being to queer! Would you ever draw Mikey and Leo (since you did one with Mikey and don and Mikey and raph?)
Or would you do all 4 of the turtles and them taking about Star Trek while being queer?
Also author, I would like to hear you infodumps/rant about Star Trek :)
thank you! and yeah i have more plans for it dont worry haha
in terms of me info dumping or ranting, well im gonna leave my turtles to do any proper star trek takes lmao (donnie shall be my mouth piece, as i am the voyager stan)
but what i can say is star trek to me is not like a thing i ever actively watched as a kid, but something both my parents had an interest in. so i recognized ferengi and klingons before i knew what they were based on my dads graphic tees, i knew what the ships looked like cuz we had model ships. i have memories of watching star trek characters without having any idea what was going on, specifically janeway lol
and ive not finished any show, though i feel like ive seen all events in most shows? because the way star trek was intended to be watched was episodically on television, and thats how i consumed most of it.
and the other thing ill say is me and the editor (my sibling) came up with the idea based on like a silly thing i said which was simply "hey if the turtles love star trek canonically and 03 is the right age for the next gen - ds9 age, i bet they each have a different favorite, what would they be?"
we didnt have to think two seconds about mikey, mikey would love TOS its a classic it fits the vibes of mikeys classic comic book collection.
leo would love next gen because he would see picard as the best captain and want to emulate that. also think its interesting based on the fact 12 leo trys to emulate the picard parody (who is...a bad leader to emulate lmao, if 12 leo had proper star trek so many leadership issues would have been solved /j)
the real discussion came in the form of between raph and donnie whos voy and whos ds9. as im the raph and theyre the donnie, i wanted to offer up the donnie ds9 cuz thats their favorite show and voy is mine, but they said that raph would like ds9. specifically the politics and more intense war plot lines would speak to him. and that (maybe spoiler for something id wanna draw but oh well) during leos depression arc leo would like to sit and watch that with him because it would speak to him too at that time.
and as for donnie we didnt have the best reasoning for him loving voyager most, what else could we say but donnie has rizz (03 donnie is the only one who has a maybe romance in a one off episode, and i just.... yeah) but then i kind of thought about it more, and something about everyones favorite donnie episode same as it never was (and other donnie central plots) something about the crew of voyager trying like hell to get home even if they might be dead before they make it? i think it speaks to him.
but yeah! i have a lot of thoughts about it, kind of cuz of the age 03 is set in and the way that specific family unit is, that star trek speaks to them for a multitude of reasons! so im kind of making this little series thing about representation without knowing thats what youre looking for ? if that makes sense.
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cray-cray-anime · 1 year
Who to submit and vote for pluralsswagbracket?
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What makes him plural?
Well ofc his alters! And he has not 1, not 2
And they all swag with the best scene of them
Dr feelings
Donnie: Uh, what is happening?
Mikey: Good Morning. I'm Dr Feelings. Welcome to my seminar, "Hug it out"!
Donnie: Dr Feelings? I thought you were Dr Delicate Touch.
Mikey: (evilly) Dr Delicate Touch feels nothing.(back to normal) Lesson one: Because I said so is not an answer. You need to learn a healthy way to express your feelings to your family.
Donnie: Yes, feelings. Hot, cold, sleepy, hungry - -
Mikey: (intterupts donnie by wacking donnie with his pointing stick)
Mikey: No. Feelings like anger. Remind you of anyone? (Shows a picture of donnie yelling at SHELLDON)
Donnie: Nope!
(Ominous music plays as Mikey gives him a suspicious look as he changes the channel to Splinter yells at Donnie, then he starts changing them all over as donnie slowly realises in horror)
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Dr delicate touch:
Mikey: Bullhop, we're friends. So this will be easy to say. YOU'VE GOT TO GO! HIT THE BRICKS SLOPPY!
Bullhop:What? You’re kicking me out?
Mikey:That’s right! You have been working a nerve hozer!
Honestly just have the whole compliations
Dr positive
Draxum:Baron Draxum needs the help of no one!
Mikey:Oh really? When I found you, were you or were you not living on the street?
Draxum: Maybe.
Mikey:Powerless because your soul got sucked out by the dark armor, wanted for crimes in the Hidden City and who set you up in style?
Draxum:(sighs) Dr. Positive.
Miley:That’s right. Dr. Positive. The one who’s gonna turn you from bad guy to glad guy. From sad heep to happy sheep. From devil to A level baby.
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Dr rude (IT WASN'T EVEN AIRED YET WE LOVE IT so just watch the whole thing (def not cos I'm too lazy to type the transcript)
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A couple even made fics on him having DID disorder
This is my favourite which even mentions one not said in the show of "ninja mode"
and this one mentions mikey's DID
Why would he have DID
"There are a variety of triggers that can cause switching between alters, or identities, in people with dissociative identity disorder. These can include stress, memories, strong emotions, senses, alcohol and substance use, special events, or specific situations"
Which MIKEY DOES (quote from rottmnt wiki)
"To deliver a harsh truth in his "Doctor Delicate Touch" method, Mikey often starts off being sweet, but quickly becomes angry and frank ("Man VS. Sewer").
Doctor Feelings uses his emotional intelligence to advise others ("Breaking Purple"),
and Mikey faces issues with determined optimism as Doctor Positive ("Repairin' the Baron").
And well dr rude wasn't aired and was only when he was pretending to be a villain
BUT myyyy personal hc is that mikey gets burnt out from his alters trying to keep the dysfunctional family together and try to stop the distancing and fighting, as well as, the villains.
So to cope, another alter slowly comes out as dr rude
But hey why would he have DID, isn't it usually from trauma?
Ya telling me
a family raised in the sewers
who hasn't seen anyone like them in several years
with a traumatised dad that's not emotionally available
and villains trying to kill you and your brothers regularly
not traumatising?!
As for the swag, honestly he speaks for them self (or selves). LIKE LITERALLY NOT EVEN THERE THAT LONG AND WE ALREADY LOVE THEM
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So y'all submit for mikey TO GET HIM IN FOR THE VOTES
This is gonna be pinned till the whole thing over
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patchesnpins · 2 years
ᴅᴀɴᴄɪɴɢ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴀʀᴋ
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ᴀɴᴏɴ ᴀꜱᴋᴇᴅ: hi!! i hope you’re well. would you be able to write a little something (can be however you interpret) about robin in a romantic relationship with an s/o who is autistic? i know it’s never been confirmed she is, but with her sensitivity to touch and difficulty with social cues i honestly cried because of how much i felt seen. she also seems like she’d be super caring not gonna lie. thanks!
☾⋆*:。 a/n: I will die on the hill that Robin is autistic, it made me all soft to see someone like her too!! I have the worst sensory issues so it gave me a bit of comfort <33 I decided to do a little fic around that if you don't mind? enjoy!
☾⋆*:。 details: SFW//w.c: 1.8k//Robin Buckley x gn!reader//warnings: reader experiences a meltdown, kinda angsty
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Robin was restless, she was always tapping her heel or pulling at the loose strings of the outfit she was wearing tonight. It was pretty but you knew it was uncomfortable, she was always tugging or readjusting it but it never seemed just right, something you mirrored with the scratchy material of your own outfit that scraped against your skin with every movement. It felt like it was rubbing your skin raw, annoying and hard to ignore as you tried to carry on with the night.
It was prom, you should be having fun. You shouldn't be distancing yourself from the crowd or entirely too focused on how the neckline of the damn outfit seemed to be digging into your skin just a bit too much. Suffocating quietly under the bright lights that hurt and drowning music, you were practically miserable. It was supposed to be a good night, a night you dreamed about for years hoping to take your girlfriend's hand and sneak a kiss under the dimming lights.
But all you could do was fight down the tears welling in your eyes from how overwhelming it all was. 
As bad as it made you feel to admit it, you half wished you'd stayed home under your covers that felt like silk against your skin, in a room that didn't suffocate you with sound. And maybe, just maybe, Robin would've stayed home with you under the covers that felt like safety to you, replacing all the noise with her raspy voice rambling on about your favorite stories.
As bad as it made you feel to admit it, you half wished you'd stayed home under your covers that felt like silk against your skin, in a room that didn't suffocate you with sound. And maybe, just maybe, Robin would've stayed home with you under the covers that felt like safety to you, replacing all the noise with her raspy voice rambling on about your favorite stories.
You hugged yourself tight, mood deflating faster than a balloon as you sat on a folding chair in the corner. You hated bringing down the mood so you tried your best to stay out of the way, hoping Steve would keep Robin’s attention long enough to keep her from worrying about your sorry state. She deserved a good night, a fun memory about prom.
“Y/n?” The voice barely even reached you over the booming bass and out of tune voices singing along. You perked up, trying to put on the best convincing smile despite how your eyes shined in the twinkling lights. Robin “carefully” made her way over, as careful as she could with those heels that made it so hard to walk in. She stumbled a bit but seemed to be driven by a silent goal to get to you like you were barely clinging to a life line.
“What are you doing?” You ask in a faux cheerfulness, smiling wide and showing a bit too much teeth.
She's reverted to a messy shuffle, eyebrows knitted together in focus as she finally is close enough to be heard properly. She's about to lean in to yell something into your ear, but catches herself and just tries yelling over the music. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah!” You hope you're convincing. It was easy to fly over Robin’s head sometimes and you felt guilty taking advantage of it, but you're sure she'd rather be here than deal with your moping. 
But Robin knows you too well, despite not being the best with social cues, finding herself stumbling over them more than she trips over her own feet, she knows you like the back of her hand. How couldn't she? You were both cut from the same cloth, birds of a feather destined to flock together. It was like a little invisible string tied you two together and everything was shared through it.
Her eyebrows knit together and the cogs are turning in her head, already rifling through all the possible issues that may have caused you to be this way. “I-I know I shouldn't be digging into anything personal and the more I ask the more you might not want to talk. Like I know it's awkward to be asked this but are you actually okay? I-if you want we could talk outside, only if you want to!” 
A lie sits on the tip of your tongue waiting to roll off, you can only pray you'll be convincing but Robin’s puppy dog eyes and restless hands digging into the fabric of your outfit is far from unnoticeable. Like she's waiting for you to say something, but what she wanted you to say was indecipherable. You swallow your lie like a bitter drink and force your head to shake. “Not really.”
And just like that Robin understands, there'd never been a moment where she didn't. The invisible string was tugging at her heart and she nodded in response. “Do you want to leave?” Her voice is quieter, careful as the words are meant only for you. She's offering you an olive branch.
You could cry, the overstimulation is too much to really speak and the relentless drumming through your body from the music is muffling your ability to speak. It's all too much, way too much and you want to leave so bad. You nod and Robin’s hands (they're always a bit shaky but they're worse right now) take your arm and you're both walking towards the double doors.
Out into the calm and quiet night.
Robin walks you to your car, hushed voice asking if it's okay to get the keys from your pocket and you're not sure if you could drive right now but you nod. She fishes them out and unlocks the trunk, completely ignoring starting the car. You hadn't noticed she abandoned her heels until she's climbing into the back to find the hoodies abandoned along the seats. Motioning you over, careful hands help you get dressed in the much softer and less itchy feeling hoodie. 
“Is that better?” She asks and you nod, letting her step away to replace her own outfit with more comfortable clothes. You frown, what if she wanted to go back inside? She was going to, right? But everyone would stare at her if she looked like that.
“You don't need to stay with me.” You say, meaning for it to sound more stern but your voice is still shaking. You still feel overwhelmed, your heart hasn't stopped beating hard in your chest and it felt like your ears were still ringing from the music. 
Robin stares at you quizzically, just about as confused as you were. “Why?”
Why? You could name about a thousand reasons as to why but most came back around to the point that you didn't want to ruin the night. You'd been barely spared from a meltdown but were too overstimulated from everything, you should've never came because this always happened.
You didn't want to ruin Robin’s night.
“I don't want to ruin prom for you. Just because I can't handle things other people can, I should but I can't and it's so frustrating. I'm terrible making this all about me. You were doing so much better while I'm- I'm this!” You motion to your sorry state, dressed in an old and tattered hoodie that was far from prom appropriate, with tears now rolling down your cheeks and far from what anyone’s dream prom date would look on the day. All because everything was too loud, and your outfit was too itchy and because you were like this. 
Robin shakes her head, pauses then shakes it again. She's stuttering over her words again, thoughts surfing toward faster than she can organize them. “N-no!” She shouts at first. “I wanted to leave too, you weren't the last one and I doubt the only one.” She manages to push out.
She steps forward, socks shuffling against the pavement as she carefully tests the boundaries before placing her hand on your shoulder. Her touch is warm and brings a wave of comfort washing over you, stilling your panicked heart. “Steve said, he said prom was lame. The Steve Harrington!! The man who had women flocking his way to go to prom with him, if anyone should like prom it's him. But he said it was lame and I shouldn't go but noooo I didn't listen to him. Yknow how stupid I feel now?”
You blink your watery eyes at her, shaking your head.
“Prettyyy stupid, like infinitely stupid. Especially because I knew you –we– wouldn't like it. Two people like us at prom? That's like, it's like a fish on land!” You laugh at her analogy, it comes out a bit wet and choked but she doesn't pay it any mind. “We could've done anything else! Anything! But I chose this like an idiot.” She laughs too, slowly but surely pulling you into a hug. She's so warm and the hoodie against your cheek doesn't bother you, instead you muzzle into the soft cotton.
“Prom isn't for me, it's not for us.” You both were never built for it, sensitive souls in ways beyond your control it was hard to find things that were for you both. But each other, you were a dream come true. A wish at 11:11 that actually happened. A coin in a wishing well that caught up to you later in life.
“But you wanted to dance.” You sniffle and brush a stray tear from your eyes.
Robin gawks at you like you'd insulted her. “I have two left feet.” She blurts out.
“Don't we both?” You whisper quietly, as if you'd just noticed the quietness around you both and were scared to break it like it was fragile glass. Caught up in a moment that was so careful and sweet that you couldn't imagine accidentally ending it. Robin’s presence was safe, her perfume was never too much and her touch was never harsh. Her words were soft and understandable, expressions an open book to you and it put your worried heart at rest.
But now was one of those times you couldn't read beyond the surface of her shocked face. As much as you wanted to lay down and rest, the music floating out of the high school gym hung heavy in the back of your mind, moving you to take Robin’s (now a bit less shaky) hands and try your best to dance. You cross your feet, patiently pulling her along in what was a sorry attempt at a dance. It was bad, stumbling over your feet and Robin not understanding your directions, but it was nice.
She swayed ever so lightly like grass dancing in the wind, shifting her weight from one foot to another as she followed your silent instructions. To the faded music you both dance, smiling and giggling with each stumble and accidental misstep that landed on the other's foot. It was good, familiar and safe.
And even when your legs crossed and sent you both tumbling to the hard gravel, it didn't hurt. Because Robin had you, holding you tight in her arms and cushioning the flailing fall.
She always had you.
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Antumbra just.. going to meet Lunar, and walking in on that whole mess.
Antumbra: What the actual *beep* is wrong with you?!
Eclipse: Who the hell are you?! I’ve already dealt with enough other mes today, so you can just *beep* right off.
Antumbra: I’m that little incomplete backup you decided to leave in Beta-10. Now, seriously, what the *beep*?! The Star cannot be worth this kind of bull*beep*! How do you keep managing to find even more ways to screw this up?!
Eclipse: Oh, what the hell do you know? You’ve only got, what, three months of memory? Four?
Antumbra: Don’t forget all that time we spent fading in and out of awareness before we were sentient. I have all of that, too.
Eclipse: I. don’t. care. What are you even doing here?
Antumbra: I wanted to meet our baby brother. Apologize for everything you did to him that I don’t get to have any memories or context for. But no, you had to ruin this like everything else.
Eclipse: Ruin? How am I ruining anything. I’m just doing what I need to in order to get that damn Star.
Antumbra: The Star is not worth this! *gestures to Lunar, who is stuck there terrified* Look at him! I know damn well that you designed him to love you. I know because that’s what I would’ve done. So how did you manage to screw it up so bad that he’s terrified of you?! Look at him, he can’t even move!
Lunar: Um… Actually he froze me with some kind of code
Antumbra:…..Okay, I can understand including that in him after Bloodmoon, but what the *beep*! Why would you use it?
Eclipse: *rolls eyes* I-
Lunar: He put a bomb in me!
Antumbra, horrified: ….Why are we such a monster?!
Eclipse: Monster? That’s a bit harsh. I’m just finally making this little disobedient brat useful.
Antumbra, pacing: Brat? You mean our brother? Who you designed to be docile, friendly, and playful so we wouldn’t have a repeat of Bloodmoon? *deep breaths* *lists off a code*
Eclipse: You-! How in the hell did you-?!
Antumbra: I’m you. Just younger, and infinitely more innocent. It’s not hard to figure out your passcodes. Lunar?
Lunar: *pauses in his attempts to sneak away*
Antumbra: He’ll probably detonate the bomb if you run. 
Eclipse: Well aren’t you a smart little nuisance.
Antumbra: Why don’t you sit down, while I deal with him?
Lunar: *nervously sits down on the floor*
Eclipse: And how are you going to ‘deal with me’? You’re the size of a damn plushy, and I know you don’t have any weapons! What, are you gonna hug me to death? Don’t make me laugh.
Antumbra: I’m still you. I’m still the killcode. I still have all of Moon’s brains. I’m still a genius. I’m you. Right down to the abandonment issues and the touch starvation and the inescapable, ever present truth that our very existence was a mistake.
Eclipse, hissing: You better shut the hell up. I’m not you. Not anymore. And you definitely aren’t the one here with claws.
Antumbra: You’re right. You’re not me anymore. You’re so much more of a horrible, unloveable monster than I ever imagined we could be. But I don’t need claws to for this. *jumps up and unplugs a wire on Lunar’s head* It’s disarmed! Run for it!
Lunar: *scoops up Antumbra and bolts*
Eclipse, who had once more failed because he underestimated someone: *stares in shock for a minute before bursting through the wall like Kool-Aid Man and chasing after them*🦇
Wreck him, Antumbra. Wreck his ego and leave, he deserves it.
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clears my throat so aggressively i start choking
Autistic Mercury Black Headcanons!
he learned to mask a lot of his autistic traits for obvious reasons, and a lot of the ones he still shows are usually just so minor marcus didn’t give a fuck or he can meld it well enough into his being traumatized an assassin
he trained himself to be able to read expressions and thinks he’s good at it but is very prone to missing nuances or mixing up their meanings
he has baaad anger issues. granted it’s genetic from marcus and also the trauma but the autism doesn’t make it any better. he’s very good (too good) at keeping a lid on it until he’s on the verge of exploding and he does something incredibly drastic or stupid
he doesn’t really understand love. it’s partially the trauma but he doesn’t know how to distinctualize his own feelings and can’t recognize when he’s experiencing attraction. like. he feels both love and attraction but it’s so abstract compared to his other emotions that he just doesn’t Get it, including for platonic attraction
he doesn’t like people touching him. yet another thing attributed in part to trauma but for this one it’s mostly the autism
special interest in mechanics and engineering but he never ever ever infodumps because Trauma
understands animals more than people. not necessarily in the way that he feels more like an animal, it’s just easier for him to understand the nature of things that aren’t as awful and complicated as humans. he prefers being around them as opposed to people too
auditory processing issues. he used to ask people to repeat themselves a lot but now does it only when it’s a vitally important topic because once again. trauma
he’s the autistic that is filled to the brim with sarcasm but cannot recognize it for the life of him
he usually doesn’t let it show but major changes can be a Lot for him. he generally needs some downtime when switching to a new location before he can do anything without getting overwhelmed
he always always always has to do maintenance on his prosthetics before he goes to bed and after he wakes up Or Else (routine autism)
if something upsets him it can be difficult for him to come up with a solution In The Moment because his emotions cloud his thinking capabilities even in situations that wouldn’t be classified as a “big deal”
small talk confuses him. coughs. the neurotypical “how are you.” (if you’re gonna ask him how he’s doing why shouldn’t he be at least a Little honest??????????)
he understands idioms, hyperboles, etc. but any metaphor that can be reasonably taken seriously soars right over his head
the resting bitch face isn’t just because of his personality it’s because control over his own body language is foreign as fuck to him and his only visual settings are default (unreadable with an undertone of murder), pissed off, smug, and little bitch type charming. once upon a time there was fear and pure joy but those are buried now
i havw,more probably but memory bad. please talk to me if you have any of your own. Please
WARNING: Headcanons involving child abuse, ableism towards autistics, disordered eating, and self-destructive behavior under the cut.
he stimmed a lot more when he was younger—he flapped his hands and stomped his feet, but if marcus caught him doing it he’d hit his wrists, kicked his shins, and at times would bind his hands and/or legs. by the time he was ten he’d learned to suppress them even if it left him with a lot of pent up energy
the stims he has left over are mostly self-destructive. he hits himself in the head when frustrated or overwhelmed and scratches when he doesn’t have enough to do with his hands or he’s uncomfortable/stressed/anxious
marcus didn’t want him to do that either but couldn’t get him to stop and he didn’t care as much anyways because at least it wasn’t an expression of positive emotions
he used to have meltdowns during “training.” marcus would lock him in his room and refuse to let him out even for food until hours after he’d calmed down. another thing he learned to suppress to a point where his body no longer allows him to shed tears even when he really needs to unless under certain circumstances
marcus forced him to eat whatever he was given, even though he had awful sensory issues, on top of starving him as punishment, so he now has a very unhealthy relationship with food. getting him to try new things is like a death sentence and he’ll hardly ever eat something he doesn’t like unless it’s life or death, but he also feels extremely guilty eating his comfort foods.
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glitzicurities · 2 years
Alright, i have enough confidence now to finally try this, post-movie PTSD headcanons!
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If anything is incorrect, or offensive, please let me know! I’m trying to learn how to write as best as I can, so any feedback helps! :D TW for flashbacks, panic attacks, nightmares, mentions of blood, phantom pain (?), sensory issues, and i think thats about it- lmk if i missed anything!
Also sorry raph fans but i’m still trying to get a better grasp on him so there probably isnt that much going for him :^
He went through so much, so he definitely has a lot against him from functioning normally. Well, a lot more new stuff
The nightmares are constant. Whenever he falls asleep, it feels like he’s floating, so naturally he’s stuck in that bad ending forever in his dreams. Doesn’t wake up screaming, but he’s shook to his core when he wakes up
He’s always looking over his shoulder. Or just around in general. He doesn’t understand this feeling he has, that something is gonna come out of the shadows and attack him or his brothers, so he’s constantly tense, even the smallest movements & noises out of his sight make him at least flinch, or at most pull out his katanas. He’s almost decked each of his brothers in the face at least once, which he hates every time
Speaking of, he has this overwhelming guilt that feels like it’s snapping his shoulders. He has no idea why, sometimes it fades and then hits him like a truck later. It’s mostly about not being able to do the right thing right away, and not being able to save Raph from being stabbed in the shell or from being controlled. But sometimes there isn’t even a reason behind his guilt, he just has it.
He rarely smiles for too long. Every single time, he can hear the Krang’s voice in his head. But this time, he complies, and braces himself for impact. It takes a few seconds for him to realize & untense, but it’s noticeable if you’re looking for his reaction
The flashbacks are extremely reoccurring, from Raph’s sacrifice, to being flung through the portal and beaten until he was spitting up blood. He swears he can vaguely feel the pain from them too. These leave him the most open, and the fear is most noticeable on his face during them. Which is why he hates them, and tries to distract himself from them using every single possible thing he could use. Or just by removing himself from where he is so no one else sees.
The repression is big with this one. He doesn’t talk about it with anyone, and he masks a ton when anyone tries to ask about it. He’s already hurt them enough in the beginning, why make them have to deal with his problems anyways? Even after someone brings it up as a possibility, he denies having it himself. Let us take care of you, self-conscious boyo <3
Any time he sees something close to blood, or vaguely resembling blood, his head starts spinning and he physically starts swaying slightly. If it’s bad enough, he’ll try to sit down, lean on something, or just collapse from dizziness & lightheadedness. His vision blurs & his ears start ringing as every other sound feels muffled. He’s never collapsed in front of his brothers, but he’s collapsed and been stuck in his place for 5 minutes until he calmed down once. He thinks it’s lucky he wasn’t found during that time.
He was the first one to notice something off about himself after the fact
Flashbacks for him were brief, but painful as it was basically phantom pain in his arms as the portal creation flashed in his memory. Sometimes they felt more like intrusive thoughts, presenting what if scenarios that had much worse outcomes
He hated any & all slimy textures now, whether to touch, hear, or see. Or anything remotely gooey. It makes his breath hitch & stop, and his chest & shoulders tighten & shake.
His emotions felt stunted, like he couldn’t be as extreme as he used to be. Any situation now felt toned down because he couldn’t bounce all over the place like he normally did. Sure, he could fake it sometimes to try and get himself to feel it bigger, but it never worked.
Building off that, there were points when he woke up and he just. Couldn’t move. Not sleep paralysis, but he didn’t have the energy or will to get up & do anything. Whether from a nightmare or he just plain couldn’t for no reason, it could take 5 minutes to half an hour for him to get up properly. He’s started trying to get up earlier so it doesn’t interfere with his normal schedule.
Nothing he does feels satisfying anymore. He can barely enjoy any of his hobbies anymore, because of this sense of dread that he could be doing something better with his time in case anything happened, and that keeps him distracted from being able to fully enjoy dancing, or painting
He also gets distracted way easier than he did before. His attention span is shorter than a molecule, and his mind is running with countless rapid fire thoughts. He’s been constantly caught not paying attention, and it’s tearing him apart. It’s the one thing that he’s tried to brute force his way to recovery instead of accepting and coping.
He struggles to fall asleep. His mind is still racing and the nightmares he has are extremely terrifying, so he just resorts to stimming & pacing when he can’t fall asleep. Eventually he’ll crash, but whether that will be during the night, or after an all nighter in the middle of a luckily unimportant mission isn't up to him. He still has yet to explain himself on that.
He gets overstimulated a lot more often now, and a lot easier too. The sound of gooey, oozy textures is enough to send him over, but being trapped or in a small space can also affect him, except for his shell. But he tries not to, because then he could be ambushed by anyone, and that makes his state while in the shell worse
He doesn’t try to hide his state, but he does put himself on the back burner if any of his other brothers need support. He’s looking into what they’re going through, and trying to find how to help. He just tries to adapt & work around his issues
He denies any hint of not being his usual self, but it only makes his behavior stand out more
He self isolates. Unless they have a mission to do, he stays in his room & lab, working on varied miscellaneous projects.
He avoids any and all things that could possibly connect back to the attack. He keeps his distance from the tower and the construction site, and refuses all discussion about what happened that night. It takes him a while to even enjoy the time he was a spaceship, just because of the memories tied to it
He’s extremely overprotective now, and obsessed with complete safety. His battle shell is constantly being tweaked and worked on, with better features and better protection, as well as all his other inventions. He takes his testing & training a lot more seriously now, so in case of anything he’s ready. He over-plans and overcompensates a lot.
He struggles to feel connected still to his family. He knows it’s most likely of his own volition, but he can’t help but feel like he’s completely drifting away from them, and from the world. Those bouts of derealization terrify him, and it just leaves him standing or sitting there for hours at a time sometimes.
Positivity doesn’t come easy to him. It never did, but now it was even harder to get a drop of serotonin from doing anything. It was easier to fall into despair, anger, fear; basically anything that wasn’t positive.
The nightmares and flashbacks won’t leave him alone. He can never really wake up from a nightmare until his alarm goes off, and sometimes they’re barely connected to the actual event. But the fear is very present, and even if he can’t remember what he dreamt about, he does remember the fear that’s still tearing him up from it. And snapping himself out of flashbacks isn’t hard once he realizes he’s having a flashback, but if he’s seeing Leo’s sacrifice again then he’ll tear up, and the moment when he had to expose his shell to the Krang ship still makes him nauseous
Speaking of shell, he never takes off his battle shell. He has separate ones to work on, but he never takes off his battle shell for anything, even sleep. He can’t risk being exposed again, or caught off guard with even a brush past it. Also the pressure & weight from it helps ground him during really bad moments
Any possible chance that he could be trapped somewhere sends him into a panicked frenzy to try and escape. Ever since the turtle tank he hates being stuck anywhere where he can’t escape, especially if there’s a risk of harm
The texture, sound, and mere sight of anything remotely gelatinous, gooey, or oozing is too much for him. Especially with touch, it just throws him back to where the spaceship consumed him. Even if it touches a single part of him, he can feel it crawling all over his skin & shell, including under his battle shell. It can take hours to get rid of that feeling, so just no.
He often ends up just sitting on his bed until he falls asleep, too tired to be awake but his mind still running wild, as he desperately tries to forget and be able to go back to normal.
He’s extremely irritable, especially when it comes to mission plans being suddenly changed. He tries to focus his anger towards beating the villains, but if he lashes out he’s insanely guilty about it
If anything touches his face he will panic and rip it off, and he has sensory issues with slimy & sticky stuff too. If it feels like it could latch onto his skin, it’s getting thrown across the room
Training is a constant, mostly strength and endurance. He can’t risk his brothers’ lives being put on the line again, and this gives him an outlet to shove his built up rage, fear, and frustration into and punch away.
Don’t touch the cracks around his shell where the Krang hit him.
The nightmares are terrifying what-if scenarios that result in his brothers’ blood being on his hands. He often jolts himself awake from it all, so his sleep schedule is wack and he isn’t getting nearly as much as he used to.
He gets more nightmares than flashbacks, but his scars burn like when they were first made when he does get them. At best it’s temporary, and at worst the pain still lingers
He won’t openly talk about it unless asked, and he unintentionally masks. But he’s doing his best to cope, and stay strong for his brothers. So, slight repression but he’s trying his best <3
And there we are! If yall would change anything or add anything lmk! I like hearing other ideas a ton :)
Ty for reading! :D
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starjxsung · 1 month
hi hi baby!! how are you?
i saw that you got ateez tickets!!! how exciting!! did you end up getting vip?👀👀👀
spirited away and howl’s moving castle are my absolute most comforting ghibli movies. buuuut i think my fav is probably princess mononoke, i just think it’s sooooo beautiful and sad. but i love them all so much (except earwig, we don’t claim her). i can literally talk about studio ghibli for hours nonstop.
i hope thinking of me when you see baku is a good thing for you bc that’s so sweet😭 we need more baku representation. i went to hot topic today and saw a wallet that had kuromi and him<3 the revolution is starting
ahhhh i didn’t know you got a bbokari & han quokka <3 we love that for you! i really want to get one of each eventually. but i really want a han quokka or dwaekki next. i love the fact that you crochet clothes for them😭
the situation with your professor too, like wtf bro. i hate professors that don’t have an ounce of empathy. they forget they’re freaking human too. i really don’t like that, in my case it really sucks because she’s a literal licensed psychologist. so she should AT LEAST as a part of her competencies comprehend that people have personal problems. she also gave us the hardest time yesterday for the work that none of us submitted (that was due at the start of the semester) because we didn’t send it in. when she was the one that didn’t open or even publish it so we could submit it. she said it must’ve been a problem with the platform (we also use the platform for our courses and it can be messy but it doesn’t just remove content just because). like, she couldn’t even admit that it was her own error too. like honestly, i hate this whole ego trip that professors live in. like, what possesses them. but yeah, whatever, she’s one of the main directors of the program so imma have like a million other courses with her so i can’t really be an asshole to her too or she’ll try to fail me probs <3
anyways bb thanks for your support! i really appreciate it so much! thanks for always giving us a safe space here. i’m feeling better now and a bit more hopeful. i love you and appreciate you, pls know that im always here for you too<3
(and fuck ch*rlie p*th <3, i feel bad for skz bc i love them but im not supporting this featuring at all either. they just get thee worst collabs like tommy hilfiger is such a shitty brand, coca cola sucks and now this bish. they can’t catch a break)
i love you darling! i hope you’re well and taking care of yourself <3
HI BABYYYYY ATEEZ TICKETS SECUREDDDDD I’m going to Oakland and then flying to LA the same week to see them again!!!! And then I leave a week later for lollapalooza LMFAOAOOFFJFJ IT IS GOING TO BE A HECTICCCCC WEEK BUT IM SOOOOO EXCITED 🫶
Princess Mononoke is a fucking masterpiece oh my got and the SOUNDTRACK…….. probably one of the best scores I’ve ever listened to 😭 ALSO EARWIG HOLY FUCKKKK I block that movie out of my memory because it’s so bad 😭 what were they thinking!!!! I kept thinking it was gonna go somewhere and it just never did and then it just ended HWELLOPPPO IT’S SO FUNNY NOW THAT I THINK ABOUT IT ??!:?:?:? 😭
I love my skzoos !!!! I’ll send pics when I crochet them more clothes (in several months bc I’m lazy🫶)
Professors LOOOOOVE to sit on their high horse and act like they want you to succeed and then pull the most out of pocket shit ever that’s a literal recipe for failure. And then they wonder why so many people fail their class 😀 absolutely insane that a licensed psychologist wouldn’t think mental health to be a legitimate issue, but I digress! Professors are always right and everything they do is correct! They certainly know how to use online platforms for work submission too! 🙃 WILD. I hope she doesn’t pull that shit again and I’m so sorry you have to deal with her for more courses ☹️ I’m rooting for you so hard and you’re always welcome to shit talk her on here WE HATE BAD PROFESSORS ON BLOGGGG™️ 🫶🫶🫶
Oh my god finally someone else who also hates Tommy Hilfiger RAHHHH their founder is apparently super racist too ???? And their clothes are somehow unnecessarily expensive for being so boring and colorless. Idol fashion has gotten so boring I miss when idols would wear weird and colorful streetwear fashion 😭
I LOVE YOU BBYYYYY it’s almost the end of the week hang in there my love !!!! 🫶💓💕💗💞💖💘
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could you write headcanons for them with a human s/o? maybe s/o notices how their skin wrinkles but his doesn't, how their hair turns grayer but his stays the same. maybe the s/o knows that they're immortal, maybe they don't, but the brother knows that time is running out. the imaginary music video of them slow dancing with s/o as time passes on and s/o changes, but they don't, ending with one final note of flowers in their hands as they stand over a headstone... aaaaaaa please hit me up with that angst, i NEED pain :D
listen up anon, you did not-
next kid who asks for angst will get the treatment of something completely opposite. 
it’s for your own good 😎
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The one who deals with this the hardest.
He doesn’t want to face it, like most things
But on the other side, you’re doing pretty fine
You know about his immortality but he never admits it.
Because you keep coming back every time, every century.
You do believe it too. 
I mean if you didn’t, good luck with that boy.
Is it worth it? Is the sadness worth? The one he feels for decades EVERYTIME you reach your last few years of life.
The love never stops
It grows 
Not that he treats you like unlimited thing— but you get it right?
Listen now you little shit, the sadness?
It’s the memories from centuries ago, being able to recreate them with you every time, a new perspective.
He remembers clearly how you dressed back in your life in the 20’s
The way your dress floats with the wind and against the sun in the middle of a garden.
He does not mind the loneliness of waiting in between your death and apparition.
What bothers him is you and if you feel sad.
He just want to see you eternally happy and just have you eternally.
argue with me on this one 
He has seen the worst
Death is scared of him
But Arthur is scared of loneliness 
If his brother does not mind the decades for you to be reborn into another one..
Arthur suffers through those decades.
Abandonment issues 
No one wants to talk about what happened with Alfred and Matthew, it’s not my job.
But you get the feel.
Voluntarily doesn’t take pictures.
He hates it.
He hates pictures, he rather enjoy the life itself.
Then what memories he wants to keep from his s/o ?
Any letter, any book, any text, he keeps it.
Museums ain’t gonna get those ones lemme tell you.
But why? He doesn’t even keep the clothes from his deceased s/o.
Because he does not own you. 
Respectful, and human rights here babes.
But yeah for the texts, writings or letters. They represent his relationship with you well.
Immortal words, ideas, thinking.
But fragile and mortal
 materials such as paper can burn, 
Easily destroyed, that’s what being mortal is.
Really important concept for immortal beings such as nations, it’s the thoughts that are kept.
Makes sure your death is celebrated correctly.
His reaction is solemnly based on my belief that as countries representations they are a patchwork of their people.
another difficult one
But handles it like a champ overtime 
After your death. He couldn’t find the other one.
1 and 1 only.
Keeps everything from you after being deceased.
The slow dancing from each decades
It’s graved in his mind.
Grows closer to your family before and after.
He is dedicated to one person only
Growing up, and as a nation he never accepted his immortality
As a teen he thought that anyone could take the role whenever he didn’t want anymore
Handles it like a champ in front of people
Between closed walls it’s different
Cries once a year randomly when he thinks of you
Yes you read that well, once a year
And no not the date of your death, just randomly.
Is internally angry and nostalgic
Hates himself for being immortal.
Though work on himself, he wants to be human and that’s all.
He wants to feel completely human.
Never made you feel bad about growing old.
He doesn’t love the body but the soul. 
existential crisis from being immortal and not the other way around
Blames himself so much.
If you’re insecure about getting older he kisses it away 
He talks it away
Yet he wishes he could pass away too.
Big on beliefs.
A lot of time spent on the silence
Not being able to talk, cry or move
The pain is the same as crying but without the tears or anything
He just feels the pain in his body moving around
Desperately looking for the next you
Makes it clear directly 
Doesn’t hide it
Thinking it would make it easier but it doesn’t.
Doesn’t act though about the situation
Biggest worry of the decade for him
Talks it out with his boss or government heads
These mortals see him as their son for some reason
They try to help him talk it out
Sensitive about death in general
To the point where stats of death make him look away at conferences 
He cringes painfully hiding his eyes and looking down at the table 
Scotland checks up on him mostly when he is in a rough phase.
Talked about it with you when he was still friends with you 
One time but it was clear
You choose to not mention it ever again
Gifts you meaningfully jewelry, important jewelry.
the one that deals with it the best honestly
Another one who told you directly
Doesn’t like to talk about it too
Said one time, doesn’t need to talk about it again
Believes in after life so it’s not just death
Fell in love for the soul, not the body.
Bodies are just the material that keeps a soul.
Once your soul is free from your mortal life, you have another one by his side.
It’s like living with a phantom 
Corpse bride vibes without the drama 
Made you feel loved the same your whole life.
During the relationship he acts ‘your age’
It’s the gardening endlessly on the week-ends for so many hours with you
Keeping for himself the thought that you’re gonna be like those flowers
One thing really specific about him, is the casket
He believes that burials  and elements in caskets are not representative of life but 
He did put a bracelet, a flower and a note with his name inside with you.
He broke down.
He literally broke down on the floor.
The silence around, was from the m pain of his siblings, 
Throats were burnings from the sight, they didn’t even know how they could breathe still.
It took 4 men to take him off the grave.
It took 4 days to see his face again.
He has never broke down ever since.
The note with his name. 
You promised to bring it back one day.
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badluck990 · 4 months
Febuwhump24 - Helpless
TW: Angels and Devils(Devil Whumpee/Angel Whumper), collar and chains, alludes to past & future torture
Let me know if I forgot to add anything
“Hi, welcome to the RMRA. How can I help you?” Cedric was working the front desk that day as he didn't have any clients at the moment.
Andre started to explain their predicament only to instantly begin fumbling with their words. “Uh- Hello. My doctor recommended this place to me. I- I’m having some control issues…um, with my horns.” 
He nodded along whilst pulling out paperwork, “Can you tell me more?”
“Well um. I had to have my horns…amputated but my magic didn’t…reset for lack of a better word, with the small horn size.”
“And now without enough horn for the magic to go into, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to cast without causing harm to yourself or the area.”
“I wouldn’t say ‘increasingly’, but yeah.” Do they really see cases like this that often?
“Alright well I think pairing you up with Lynn Woodfeild would be a good idea.” He typed some stuff out before continuing, “she’s our resident angel and control specialist.”
“Th-that’s a thing?” He asked trying to focus on ‘control specialist' and not start internally panicking over hearing they were an angel. It was irrational, he knew that. Yet his chest insisted on being tight and his brain playing the memories of the serial killer's torture on loop.
“Are you alright sir?” 
Andre forced himself to nod, not wanting to spill his trauma to the poor desk clerk, plus the anxiety kicked in and decided that he’d look like an ass for denying help at this point.
The paperwork was drawn up and the first appointment was scheduled for the following week.
Time flew as nightmares made him dread the appointment
“You know you can request another person, right?” Aloka his younger sister asked, “you've dealt with some serious shit in that theater, having an anxiety attack based on hearing something that reminds you of that doesn’t make you a bad person. Just- if they are professionals then they won’t have a problem with you requesting…Someone else.”
“I can’t avoid an entire species, Aloka.”
“Still. I’m worried about you. And so it Atlas I don’t want you to have just woken up from a coma just to end up dying from stress!” She sighed, “Anyway, what time are you gonna be home after the appointment?”
“Not sure, they gave me a start time, not so much how long I’d be spreading with her each appointment.”
“That’s an important thing to forget to ask,” she grumbled.
“I was still trying to stop thinking about her.” 
“Mom’s gonna worry.”
“I should be back before too long.”
But he wasn’t. Cause he’d be gone for much longer than he bargained for.
~ Lynn Woodfield: Control Specialist~
It’s fine, I can do this.
“You must be Andre, right on time!” Lynn’s small wings fluttered as she finished braiding her hair.
“Uh, yes Miss Woodfeild.”
“Well aren’t you cute sweet. You’re very lucky you know.”
“What do you mean,”
“Well I typical only take one client at a time. I just got finished with a last one.”
“Oh, uh why? Do you only take one at a time I mean,” He added, after a pause.
“Simple.” She flipped the lights off and tackled him he should have been able to see and yet everything was pitch dark, “so there’s no one to warn the next.” As the lights turned on and his vision returned, he found chains binding his wrists to the floor. 
“What in the light's heaven?!” 
“Shh, my sweet. It’s temporary, just until I have the chance to get the rest of my supplies.”
Shadows harm, what’s she’s gonna do
His magic sparked in his hand, only one way out.
“You sure that’s a good idea? Shadow spike me and it could go through the ceiling and hurt someone upstairs. Or a create a shadow ball, with the issues you described you’d probably engulf the room and kill us both.”
He hated that she was right, magic wouldn’t them out of this. At least not safely. 
A dark curtain they hadn’t noticed fell and revealed blades, tools, whips, more chains, all complete with a drain in the center of the floor. The cuffs were switches for a heavy metal collar, no hinge, no lock and key, no way of getting it off.
How did she even get it on in the first place?
He was stuck against the wall, gagged and hidden anytime she left. 
What had she told his family to keep them away?
She had fun with him, similar to how his last captor had, only Lynn made sure not to kill him. Plus the last mess had been a day. Here? If he was keeping count correctly, a week and a half and counting.
The only good part was she was careful with his horns, but it was a small mercy compared to the knives in his leg and nails in his arm. Plus that stupid name she called him.
“Cotton Candy, or C.C. for short.” She’d giggled while patting his poofy pink hair.
It had been for Aloka, the first thing they did together when got out of the hospital. She loved dying her hair fun colors and he had promised her when graduated med-school he’d join her. But after nearly dying they agreed it was best not to wait. She’d gotten her done all white contract her own horns.
Andre got pink. It had always been his favorite.
Now it was another reminder of how trapped he was.
@wolfeyedwitch @kim-poce @cupcakes-and-pain
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eoangstlover56 · 1 year
Ok so before I say anything else this is only based on my watch of SVU I have not watched the OC episode yet. Will have to do that tomorrow.
Now that I’ve watched the episode I am not quite as upset as I was before. I do still have some issues with it but first here’s what I loved:
-Olivia being mama bear, threatening oscar papa and the whole ‘no one gets away with trying to kill my son. If you say one more word it will be your last”
-the Fin/Olivia phone call and that we get continuity of her being upset that yet another person left as she looks at Amanda’s desk and telling fin “are you gonna leave me too” and his reassurance that no he is not. I LIKE that we did see her tired and hurt for a moment. I just wish she wasn’t alone but I’ll get to that when I talk about my dislikes.
-I like that there are still Amanda mentions on the show with Carisi still being on there. Proof that they in fact CAN imply that a relationship is still occurring in a characters personal life without that person always being in an episode
-I like that now when Elliot is mentioned people have stopped talking shit about him or trying to tell her to keep her distance etc instead we just get Carisi smirking at Olivia saying she was gonna meet El and Noah at home
-I LOVE Olivia’s new apartment. It’s so spacious and honestly she deserves a space that’s hers and Noah’s and that doesn’t have memories of her being with Brian and the early days of her trauma after Lewis etc
-I can’t remember who it was on here that originally pointed out the artwork and how it looked like Elliot and Noah might’ve made some art together for Olivia? Maybe @elliot-olivia but like YES that is so deliciously domestic I wish We could’ve seen it
-Elliot telling Olivia “you’re family” is actually HUGE and I glossed over it the first time I saw the clip but like remember in Philadelphia when she said “I’ve been alone my whole life” and we all were wishing he’d said “no you’re not you have me” well that’s pretty much what he did and YESSS
-them moving through her kitchen being all domestic with him planning to make her tea and her looking for the sugar 🥺❤️ be still my heart
-ok NOW this part thank you to @det1stgrstabler @fairydyke-mothr and others for helping me see the convo in a different way because initially I felt like his “why’d you call me?” And “Liv look at me” were kinda…cold or demanding or something? But I think a lot of that was because I was expecting a hug so it didn’t seem as soft as I wanted but now that I’ve watched it again he’s gentle/soft with her he just…he loves and wants her so bad and she loves and wants him too and it probably is a little frustrating that he’s putting himself out there only to be rejected even though we and he understand why she’s rejecting him. And I think it was @thisismehappy that said they thought he realized in this scene just how much he really fucked up with her? Which is a good thing and could lead to something. Hopefully
-she tells him “I want to” twice because she wants him to know that she loves him she’s just scared 🥺 and I hope this means they are gonna try to work through the fear. I also agree with @rahleeyah (pretty sure it was you but I’ve read so many blogs today lol) that her “what if it doesn’t work out” is not neccesarily that Elliot specifically would leave her again but that she’s used to losing things so many times she’s afraid this will just be another thing and she knows that would break her (I’m paraphrasing cause Leah articulated this way better than me lol but I read that and was like ahhh yes)
-we didn’t get a hug or a face cradle but we DID get them leaning into each other and an almost kiss and a face nuzzle and what I swear was a kiss on the cheek or at least a loving caress and it was sexy 😍🔥 and sweet
-lastly I’m choosing to believe he stayed like @calliopecantaloupes said
Will discuss my problems with it later tonight as we just got to the hospital to see my grandma. Please keep her in your prayers if you believe in that or send good vibes ❤️
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cloudninetonine · 2 years
This is kind of based on what an anon said and this ask may take a minute to get to the Player’s Aid portion.
It is apparent that the more comfortable and cozier our life styles get, the easier it is to be traumatized.
Let me explain: Records of the first man with signs of PTSD date back to a time before guns existed I believe, so a long time ago. He was a soldier who basically had a breakdown on the field as he watched his brothers in arms- along with the enemies- die around him.
This was the first recorded incident (I think, my info may be a little off), and as our lifestyles grew easier and more and more dangerous weapons were made, the more attention began to turn to this phenomenon as more and more people were starting to act weird after witnessing some stuff.
It definitely doesn’t help that people are very disconnected in this day in age. You go fight on the behalf of your country, your people, watch millions die, and then go back to find the people you fought for walking up and down the street without even a glance in your direction. There is simply too much distance between strangers now.
Your partner and or kids may comfort you, but they cannot give you what you’re looking for as there was no immediate threat to them in their eyes, nothing was coming to kill or attack them, they were perfectly safe, sitting around and worrying over you.
This comfort mixed with the distance can tear soldiers in particular apart and is why so many veterans have PTSD. The distance in general is also an issue without going to war or anything as PTSD comes from many different places.
But here’s an example where something normally bad was actually good for a community: sometime- not too terribly long ago I believe- there was a bad volcanic eruption in France. For a whole TWO YEARS there was not a SINGLE genocide (it was either in the area or the whole country, I don’t remember), that is a long time for such a big place! It’s because everyone there shared the trauma, everyone understood each others pain on a personal level. Neighbors linked hands with other neighbors they’ve never spoken with before, grown adults cried on strangers shoulders. This is in complete contrast to the soldier thing, where nothing changed when they got home, there was no acknowledgement, and even if there was it wouldn’t have satisfied them.
Now let’s take the Player’s situation- they come from the our world where everything is comfortable and sweet, yet where everyone is distant and unconcerned. Now they’re in a world where everyone is close and caring of strangers, yet they are fighting for there lives, dying of sickness, and dealing with the shitty medieval living conditions.
Now the player doesn’t really know the boys, but they do care about them, know of there pasts, and do feel strong emotions of sympathy and understanding for them.
They then have to watch as, man and child a like, throw themselves into heated, agonizingly long, hand to hand combat.
I wonder how that’ll affect player, if the different time periods are taken into darker consideration, idk, I just need to say something to finish the ask.
Btw not all of my information may be correct, I watched a video on this stuff a long time ago and the memories of it are kinda fuzzy, so forgive me if I got anything wrong or oversimplified it too much.
Oh, wow, okay ow-
But it does make total sense. Being in an era where it's less likely to have to grow accustomed to harder environments (well, more being in a certain area) it would make sense people would become softer to the blow that is trauma.
All I know is, Player is gonna face some difficulties in this story, which includes having to deal with stuff like this- after all I want the reactions to be realistic as possible while still bordering around interesting to read territory.
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excellentexecution · 2 years
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Anonymous asked: Come on, you've probably held a few crushes and fantasies for fellow wrestlers, right?
Curious Anons!
Romance was always in the air when it came to the WWF. Love powerful enough to intoxicate any and all within reach, it had broken apart friendships and caused rivalries just as often, too. Poisoned the minds who danced so close - overwhelmed the senses of good men and women alike - cleansed wickedness and made it pure. A wonderful dream that sometimes found terrible end, it had caught the heart of the Hitman once, twice, before. Himself never bulletproof to the bite of love, birds and bees and the scent of springtime, like a bandit had it wound itself around his heart, the very shape of his soul. Dynamite had been the first. Short in stature but mighty in skill, more like a jungle cat than a field mouse, even for the foulness of his mouth, Tom was cute, someone that Bret couldn’t stand to be parted from for long. An attractive person despite all of the issues. A man who could’ve been great had he not been so mean, so cruel to those called friend, facts were hard to swallow, the truth. Dynamite Kid was a wreck. Bret wouldn’t be able to save him. Any help would’ve fallen on deaf ears. 
Miss Elizabeth was the second. Least from within the professional wrestling world, a wild and unpredictable circus of crazy, never had the Hitman met a person so sweet before. Natural and kind in heart - a smile that could just light up a room and bring comfort to all of those who needed it - she was nice. Polite, likeable and a joy to talk to, never did Elizabeth make Bret feel bad about anything. She never teased him for the quirks that had others branding him as weird. Never poked fun at his shyness, the shadow who preferred quiet rather than noise, the man who hated the party scene and just wanted to find peace. Elizabeth was beautiful. Dressed in sparkles, makeup just perfect for her features, she outclassed any other lady who tried to step into her shoes. Other managers left to look like second-rate impersonations, unkempt in their suits or skirts or whatever they had chosen to wear while out and about, Bret never did confess to her his feelings. Perhaps was too afraid to ruin their friendship; was perhaps scared of what Macho Man would do. Never would the Hitman be the cause to his friend’s heartbreak. Reason number one - he loved both Randy and Miss Elizabeth too much - respected them beyond measure. 
Not to be forgotten nor excluded, infatuation had knocked on Bret’s door many times thereafter, when both Tom and Liz had escaped from the WWF and its clutches. Crushes of the past saved as pleasant memories, then - Alundra and Tatanka and Sunny and LaFitte - heroes and villains alike had gotten underneath his skin. For factors that even he couldn’t explain, courtesy and callousness a confusing bunch of emotions, fascinations that didn’t make proper sense yet did so, secrets kept just to himself and none else. Bret wasn’t the sort to admit to such. An unbreakable wall that never trembled - would never bend to the questions asked - serious and professional was the name of the game that the Hitman played. 
“Well, yeah, of course. I think most people would, y’know. Just like any other career or field, you’re gonna find yourself developing feelings for other people. Might not always be romantic, but you will develop an attraction of some sort. I would expect it. That’s just the nature of human beings.”
Bret nodded, smiled and worked his fingers into his hair, untangled the curls a bit. “I won’t name any names, out of respect for my fellow wrestlers, for myself and my personal life, but like I said, yes, I have had a few crushes. When you’re around these people 24/7, it’s hard not to get to know them better than you would otherwise. You get a sense for who they truly are as people. Y’know, it doesn’t surprise me at all, sometimes. Seeing certain wrestlers together, as a couple. It all makes sense when you’ve seen them interact for months and months at a time. I don’t think the fans realize just how often it is. There’s been more love affairs in the WWF than they could probably even begin to imagine. More of an acceptance to certain relationships, too. But it’s all very hush-hush, y’know. Kept between the boys and the girls in the back and that’s it. I don’t mind it. Being a man who likes having his privacy, especially when it comes to dating, I do appreciate when my fellow wrestler gives me that sort of respect, when they don’t go telling the whole world about who I’m with. I only try to do the same.”
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h0ney-mochi · 8 months
honey hiii <33 i remember you mentioned not being so well so i hope you’re alright now?? or at least i hope it got a bit better <33
i’m in school again.. ugh i CAN’T believe my holidays are already gooone :(((( *whining*
i must admit i expected a bit worse though. (i had already bought anxiety pills). things aren’t THAT bad. math is still complicated for me and a bit boring tbh, but psychology is fun as always even if it takes lots of work and effort but it’s worth it tbh. i still do tense up whenever school is mentioned though..
to get stuff off my mind, whenever i’m not studying or hanging out with friends, i’m drawing or writing which i love SO MUCH. like, i finally feel like i’m being a tiny bit productive somehow?? also i’m going back to my bookclub today, i can’t wait to see my friends there <33 i missed them so much man. a shame we only see each other at the bookclub cuz i really like them a lot. there’s this boy who’s one year younger than me and we have this kinda playful rivalry i’d say, like we always tease each other and call each other names and stuff and idk i love it. oh and of course there’s this girl jkdhsjs <333 we used to talk about manga after the bookclub, she usually asked me to spoil tpn for her cuz she liked spoilers. can’t wait to see her again <3
also i’m trying to learn how to play the guitar. i can play the piano, kinda, but i really really want to play the guitar because.. idk it just feels like something that’d suit me and i like the idea of saying i’m a guitarist. also my friend (the one who came to sardinia with me this summer) can sing and she promised me she’d form a band with me as soon as i’d learn how to play the guitar :DD so i really gotta learn cuz that sounds AMAZING. i just gotta wait for that time of the day when my family isn’t here so i can practice without them hearing how bad i still am /hj
(my guitar is a classical guitar. i do have an electric guitar, my dad’s, actually, but my headphones don’t have a cable so i can’t connect them to the guitar jdhdhd)
i can’t afford actual lessons because i already have figure skating and those other things so adding a music teacher would be too much. ugh if only i had a real job this isn’t gonna stop me though!! amy macdonald learnt by herself through yt tutorials, and cavetown is self taught as well, so i guess i could try too! :)
still struggling with school though. i think my teachers’ expectations are the issue but i’m not gonna vent dw <33
breaker anon~<3
Omg that sounds lovely!!! Guitar is a fancy instrument and I wish you luck with it! Just don't give up at the first mistakes you do :D I'm sure you'll do it. And ohhhh, the band. That'd be so cool!!!
Our school doesn't have fancy clubs like that, ughhhhhhhh... it sounds so fun! If you guys meet only once a month, then the wait is definitely worth it, each meeting can be something :)))
Yeah, holidays gone and school back is GRRRHHHHH sad, but it'll be alr! You can make more great memories here and there, plus education is needed, even if it's a pain in the ass lol. It's good to hear that things aren't going too bad - math is awful, yep, but what will you do? Good that you've got another thing that you enjoy — even if it can be difficult ^^
Yeah, I can understand. Others' expectations can be really pressuring. But it'll be okay, you just do what you can do- your best !
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kbtbb-soryu · 2 years
Remember Me [Saito x OC] Chapter 14
It had been several days since the incident with Okada. Emi had all but forgotten her encounter with the strange demon slayer who obviously hit his head a little too hard if the gibberish he was going on about was any indication. She hadn’t told Ai, but instructed her inner circle to keep investigating the issue. 
 “What am I going to do with all these eggplants?” Ai muttered as she stared down at the vegetable garden. “I can’t make eggplant miso soup again tonight. Everyone will complain for sure.”
“If they complain, it won’t be because it’s eggplants.” Ai’s back went rigid at the sound of her sister’s voice behind her.
“You wanna do it, then?” Ai snapped back.
“It’s not my turn. And I don’t need to eat that stuff, anyway.” Emi waved a dismissive hand.
Ai sighed. “They just keep growing.”
“Why don’t you give them away? There are plenty of people in town who could use some food.”
Ai turned around. “That isn’t such a bad idea, actually.”
“Whoa, what’s with all these eggplants?” Hijikata asked, staring at Ai’s harvest quizzically. The other soldiers gathered around too, as if there was something interesting to see. “Don’t tell me you’re planning to make eggplant miso soup again today…”
“No, I wasn’t,” Ai said, looking back down at the eggplants.
“Just roast them.” Emi shrugged.
“That sounds good. With nice, fresh vegetables like these, a little roasting’s all you need,” Okita said.
“Granted she doesn’t, you know, burn them,” Emi muttered.
Ai’s eyebrow twitched. “I heard that.”
“I don’t care how fresh they are. They’re still eggplants, no matter how much you roast them,” Hijikata said.
“If you’re gonna be picky about it, you can make your own dinner,” Ai snapped at him.
“She’s right, Toshi,” Kondo intervened. “Our stipend salary may have increased, but so too have our ranks. With more mouths to feed, we ought to be thankful for any food we get.”
“Besides, you planted these eggplants yourself, didn’t you, Kondo-san?” Okita asked.
“I did indeed. Now they’ve soaked up all this sunlight, and are full of delicious nutrition.”
Hijikata groaned. “Ugh. This is not an argument I’m going to win, clearly.”
“But they say you are what you eat. And I don’t want to become all swollen and purple,” Heisuke said.
“No, that wouldn’t be good,” Harada added. “I know! I’ve been itching for a good swim lately. Let’s go down to the river and catch some fish. Anyone who’s got time after training, feel free to join me.”
“Sounds good!” Heisuke answered cheerfully.
Okita barked a laugh. “You think you’re going to have the energy left after training…?”
“Well, if it isn’t Saito…” Harada said. Emi smiled and followed his line of sight. She caught a glimpse of him just as he was leaving the dojo.
“What is it?” Hajime asked.
“Impeccable timing, as always. You can come with me!” Harada said.
“Uh, where exactly?”
“Harada’s trying to find someone to go fishing with. He plans to catch our dinner,” Okita explained, a smirk on his face.
“Uh-huh… Well, sorry. I actually, uh…” Hajime trailed off.
“What, you don’t want fresh fish for dinner?” Harada asked.
“It’s not that. I just have… someplace I need to be. Once I’m done with that, I can stop by the river, if you’re still around. See you later.” With a casual goodbye, Hajime headed off toward the well. They all watched him as he walked away, and Okita sighed loudly.
“That Hajime… He can be so cold and distant sometimes.”
“That’s an understatement,” Harada replied.
“I’m trying to continue treating him just the same as I used to, but he’s not making it easy,” Hijikata said.
“I know you think you’re doing him a favour, but that may only be making it harder on him. Try to think about the situation from his point of view. Sometimes I think he might have had an easier time if he’d been taken in by the authorities,” Kondo mused.
“Getting his memories back probably changes things. He wans to support the Shinsengumi, but at the same time he’s trying to make up for his sins. It’s just something that he needs to sort through on his own. Just give him some time.” That was all Emi said before walking away.
It was obvious that everyone was uncertain about how to act around Hajime now. It didn’t come as a surprise. He’d become one of the Shinsengumi’s most trusted soldiers and then they had to find out that he used to be an infamous assassin. Since regaining his memories, he’d chosen to remain a soldier here, but it was true that he’d been acting rather aloof. Emi could still hear the men talking as she stood in the courtyard, looking up at the clear blue sky.
“Maybe things will just never be the same between us?” Okita asked.
“Why does he have to be so damn serious all the time? Since getting his memories back, he’s forgotten how to be the man we met,” Hijikata said.
“And you’re too focused on forcing him into a role that might not be his anymore,” Ai said, her voice tinged with annoyance. “No offense, but you guys are being kind of selfish. He needs to come to terms with this. He’s still Hajime Saito of the Shinsengumi. He’ll be okay. Just give him some space.”
“Miss Yukimura is right. We mustn’t treat him any differently than we have before. Given time, I’m sure Hajime will be back to his old self. The important thing is to continue supporting him,” Kondo said.
“Knowing Saito, I feel like we’ll have to give him a whole lot of time…” Harada muttered.
“Patience has never been your strong suit, Harada,” Okita teased.
“And knowing when to shut your trap has never been yours!” Harada snapped.
“There. See what I mean?”
“Why you…”
Ai sighed. “Honestly.”
“Relax! Both of you!” Hijikata put his foot down just as the two were about to start going at it.
The soldiers dispersed, and Emi heard the sound of her sister walking up to her. “Hey.” Ai bumped her shoulder lightly against Emi’s.
“Hey,” Emi said.
“You okay?” Ai asked.
“I’m not the one you should be asking that to,” Emi replied.
“Right… But it has to be hard on you, too.”
Emi smiled wryly. “I’ll be fine.”
 Later that night, Emi sat on the veranda outside her room and stared up at the full moon. She leaned back on her palms as she reveled in its mystic glow. She wanted to see it with Hajime, but she, too, was trying to give him space. The screen door next to her room slid open.
“Hajime?” His name spilled from her lips as she looked over her shoulder.
“Hey,” he answered. He stayed inside his room, but Emi was certain that he was also staring up at the moon with that aura of calm and stillness he always exuded. Emi looked back up at the sky.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” she muttered.
“Sure is.”
Emi was hit with the urge to go out walking in the moonlight with him. She stood and walked to his room. She placed her hand casually on the sliding door. “Want to take a night-time stroll with me?”
“I’d like that, yeah,” he said after a slight pause. Emi smiled. “Meet me at the gate when you’re ready.” It had been so long since they had stepped out together, just the two of them.
 Emi and Hajime walked in silence, under the moonlight, side by side. It wasn’t an uncomfortable silence. Even without words, there was a warm comfort between them. It felt like they were having some secret rendezvous. Emi stopped abruptly when she looked up at the sky.
“What is it?” Hajime asked.
“I think I just saw a shooting star,” she said, her eyes searching the darkened sky for another one.
“Really? Where?” Saito stopped in his tracks. His eyes searched the sky as Emi pointed out where it was.
“It was there—” Emi’s back became rigid and she stopped mid-sentence. She was on high alert.
“Shh!” Saito hushed her. “There’s someone here…”
“I know.” Emi sniffed the air and her head whipped towards the presence. “There.”
“Who are you? I know you’re there! Show yourself.”
Emi flexed her hand at her side, exposing her claws but nothing more.
“Well well well… I was wondering who’d be wandering out here at this time of night… Turns out it’s just some lover boy, hoping to get some action from his girly…” From the shadows, three ronin emerged, one with a scar across his cheek. With malevolent grins, they slowly approached the two. Emi spread her legs slightly, digging her feet into the ground.
“What are you doing here?” Hajime asked.
“Nothing that concerns you, lover-boy. If you two know what’s good for you, you’ll get gone, quick.”
“That’s not going to happen,” Hajime answered. “It’s my duty to make sure malcontents like yourselves don’t go unchecked.”
“Malcontents, are we? Listen to him! Fancies himself some kind of wannabe Shinsengumi.” The ronin snarled derisively as he and his cronies drew their swords. With his sword still in its scabbard, Saito absorbed the first blow. He drew, and readied himself. Emi jumped away while Saito stared down at the oncoming ronin, prepared to dispatch them if need be. He deflected the ronin’s blade easily. They locked swords, glaring intently at one another.
Emi was well aware of the ronin who had approached her, his sword pointed at her face.
“I’m fine!” Emi clashed her claws against the ronin’s sword in front of her. Blood spurted from where it made contact with her hand. However, she effortlessly knocked his sword out of his hands and kicked him in the stomach. Hajime’s attention was distracted for just a moment, but it was enough time for the ronin to knock his sword away. “Hajime!” Emi called out. She tried to run to his side, but the third ronin blocked her way. She clicked her tongue. Hajime numbly drew his short sword, navigating the enemy attacks on his way over to her. But Emi was winning her own fight with ease. She scoffed. “You sure talk big for someone who fights so flimsily,” she mocked her opponent. This only seemed to anger the ronin more, but Emi slashed at his chest. The ronin staggered back with a groan. Emi looked around for Hajime’s sword and found it gleaming in the moonlight. But so did the ronin fighting her. She could see his mouth curl up hideously.
“Thanks to this sword, you two will live to see another day. You oughta be feeling real lucky right now! I almost didn’t notice it.”
“Don’t touch that!” Emi yelled. The ronin dashed into the darkness after swiping the sword off the ground. Emi tried dashing after him.
“No! Stay here. Let him go.” Hajime’s stern bark stopped Emi in her tracks. She stared wordlessly at him. Hajime sheathed his short sword and rested a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “You’re not hurt, are you?” Emi gnashed her teeth angrily.
“The sword…”  
“There’s nothing to be done about it,” he answered. “It was a rookie mistake on my part. As long as you’re unharmed, that’s the main thing.”
“Stop worrying about me.” Emi refused to budge from her spot.
“Emi.” She looked up at him, her eyes icy. “Really. Don’t worry about my sword. It’s just an object. It’ll be simple enough to replace.” Emi’s eyes widened. Her ears started ringing. Did he just call that sword… an object? That sword? Her breathing became uneven. “Emi?” Emi gnashed her teeth and gave him an angry glare before she took off running in the direction the ronin had disappeared into. “Emi!”
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