#well who knows wait till at least 3 months to find out
psy-ay-ay · 5 months
every time i look up any gynecological research i wanna start murdering people
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azrakaban · 1 month
Mr Corrigan - Lorenzo Berkshire
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a/n: finished it ends with us at 2:30 am last night and was inspired to make this so enjoy this randomly put together one shot :) 
Edit: I started writing this months ago, but I just couldn't get it to a standard I liked. So finally, I have it to the point where I'm satisfied with it, and can present to you: Mr Corrigan <3
"and then he said 'in the future... if by some miracle you find yourself in the position to fall in love again... fall in love with me.' And I SCREAMED Enzo! I screamed! I woke up everyone in my dorm and read it to them and they screamed too!" you said, flopping back onto your pillow.
"Atlas Corrigan has well and truly stolen my heart! I'm in LOVE!" you said, sighing and laughing at Enzo's raised eyebrow.
"I hope you're sparing some of that love for me then darling. I'm not sure how I feel about sharing your heart with your Mr Corrigan. I'd rather have it all to myself, you know? I'm kinda selfish like that." He said, smiling down at you.
"When you write lines like that for me Enzo, I'll kick him out and you can be the full time resident." you said, laughing and hitting him with a pillow gently.
"challenge accepted y/n. challenge accepted." he said, grabbing a pillow and hitting you back. "And I mean to the pillow war, don't get your hopes up, I'm no genius when it comes to writing." he said, shielding him from the cascading blows of your pillow on his head.
You dropped your bag onto the floor of your room, pulling your notes from your bag and sorting through them.
Throughout the various notes about Grindylows you found five scraps of paper, each with a tiny note from Enzo that he'd passed you earlier.
your eyes roved over each word, taking them in once again and smiling.
"I promise to plant kisses like seeds on your body, so in time you can grow to love yourself as much as I do."
"I like shiny things but I'd marry you with paper rings"
"thanks for being mine darling"
"not once have I looked at you and not had to blink to check that you're real."
"I'll take any portion of your heart you'll give me."
you laughed at the last one a bit, remembering his reluctance to share your heart with Atlas. But hey, what could he do? It was Atlas who was fictional, not him. (dear readers... I'm sorry)
you moved to lie back on your bed, sliding the notes into the draw beside your bed. you looked at the books beside your bed, reading the titles over and over again.
You were no Juliet, but you had your love story with Enzo. He completed you. your other half.
you noticed something poking at your neck and sat up, looking at your pillow. A slightly crinkled note sat on it.
you checked it was to you, before unfolding it. A magnet fell out, small and rectangular. You turned it over quickly to read what it said. "Boston: Where Everything Is Better." 
So he'd read it ends with us for you. That's it, you were sold, he was the one, you would marry him.
you smiled and decided to keep the magnet in your hand, waiting till you had finished the letter to put it somewhere. you unfolded his letter, and started to decipher his handwriting.
"dear y/n. I don't really know how to explain the effect you have on me. I don't even really know how to begin this letter to be honest. I'm no fictional character, and naturally I am not going to be incredible with words, so please bear with me while I try to get this onto paper. I might not be a certain Atlas Corrigan, Rhys Larsen or Edward Cullen (although he bears a striking resemblance to a certain Cedric Diggory), but I can at least try to get this onto paper.
People say "I would go to the ends of the earth for you. I would walk on fire for you. I would die for you. But I can't say that. I can't genuinely say that I would walk on fire to save you from something. Because, for starters, i wouldn't let you get into the position where you have to be saved. I want to be your protector, the focus of your mind, the only person you think about. 
It's not about having you as mine, it's about making you sure that you know I belong to you. Ask me to jump, I'd say how high. Ask me to give up my friends, I would (reluctantly though, so please don't)"
You paused to sniffle at that. Wait. Hang on. Sniffle? Oh merlin, there were tears in your eyes. What on earth? Must be hayfever. Your eyes slid back to the lettter, which was still going somehow. 
"Anyway, besides that y/n, I want to be the person who gets to memorise everything about you. The way your nose crinkles when you're confused, the look you get in your eyes when you're explaining your latest book to me, the un-natural ability you have to be able to guess what I'm thinking...
Other than when you're overthinking and you trick yourself into worrying that I don't love you anymore. In those instances when I have to remind you that I love you, I'll just pull out this letter for you to read. And if that's not enough of a reminder, then I'll hold you until the obsessive thoughts stop and you fall asleep in my arms, where you belong.  
Because that's one of the simple things I love. Just sitting, holding you. We don't have to be talking, holding you is enough. I just need to know that I still have you. And honestly, you consume all my thoughts. I won't say every minute of every hour, because lets be honest, I would not pass a single exam if you were on my brain 24/7. Sorry darling. 
I'm not going to ask you for another letter like this in return, because honestly, you didn't ask me to write this, and to be honest, I like that I'm the source of the love letters in this relationship.
 So y/n, once you've read this, you can ignore it, you can sleep with it under your pillow (little obssessive but I can excuse most things you do - this does not include murder, but does extend to Arson, Organised Theft and Kidnapping and Fights), or you can just keep it and treasure it.
Do whatever you want with it. It's yours. I'm yours.
Your own personal Mr Corrigan." 
The tears were freeflowing by this point, streaming down your cheeks. You flopped back onto your pillows, trying to act like the girls in movies when they lie back on their beds holding a photograph, book or diary. Unfortunately, you failed miserably with this attempt. 
You promptly banged your head on the headboard and cursed. So much for movie girl.You re-read the letter, and fresh tears sprang into your eyes, trickling down your cheeks. 
Enzo. He'd written this for you. Oh my merlin. All you wanted was to do something for him. But only one thing came to mind. Something he had mentioned in his letter. Big gestures could wait for later. All you needed to do right then was get to him. Find him. 
You sprung up off your bed, tears still falling, and grabbed one of his hoodies from your bedpost. Pulling it over your head, you ran to the Slytherin boys dorm. You quickly knocked on the door and the door opened. It was Blaise. He quickly looked back into the dorm and yelled: "BOYS! OUT!" 
They came quickly, Mattheo, Draco, Theodore and Blaise, filing out like a fire drill. It seemed almost practiced. Actually, knowing them, it probably was. You walked in tentatively, looking around the door. 
You could see him, sat on his bed, fiddling around with a scarf you left in his dorm once. "And I, left my scarf there at your sister's house" (ALL TOO WELL REFERENCE I'M SORRY I KNOW ITS THE WRONG CONTEXT BUT MOOOOOVING ON) 
He looked up and gave you a nervous smile, mouthing a quick 'hey.' That did it. You ran across the room to him, into his opening arms and he held you tight to him. His arms closed around you as you cried into his shoulder, the letter still held in your hand. 
"Merlin y/n, if I'd known the letter would have made you like this I might not have written it. I hate seeing you sad." He said, smiling sadly at you. You half laughed at that, choking back a sob, pulling back to look into his eyes. "Happy tears" you said, looking into his eyes.
 There was some confusion in them, but overall, just love. Overwhelming, brain shaking love. And what he did next rendered you unable to speak. 
Leaning forward, he kissed away your tears, fingers dusting your cheeks. Once he was happy there were no tears left, he leaned back and mouthed to you, "I love you." 
Unable to speak, you leaned forwards and pressed your lips to his, trying to put a lot of unsaid words into the kiss. His lips pushed back against yours, knowing what you were trying to say. 
You pulled back after a while, trying to speak.
 "Enzo- I-"
 A finger touched to your lips, silencing you. 
His eyes locked with yours. 
"It's okay. I know." 
You nodded, still slightly breathless, leaning forward and wrapping your arms around him, returning his hold. Your lips neared his ear and a few words escaped your lips. 
"I guess I'm yours too, my Mr Corrigan."
I'm lazy but I have decided to dedicate this part to @lavenderorlilac for being easily my favourite reader and follower both on TikTok and over here. Thank you love ❤️
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Aita for "yelling" at my teenage sister for putting earrings through the ears of my childhood stuffed animal?
🤬🐘 <- cause that was me holding them when I found out lmao
So I (22 two spirit, I was 20 when this happened) have had Ellie (Ive used He/she/they for Ellie my whole life, they never had a set gender), a stuffed realtively realistic elephant, since I was at least 3 years old. He was a plush of big Al, the elephant mascot for crimson Tide of the university of Alabama. (Roll tide?) that my dad owned but eventually it was cuddled by 3 yr old me and dragged to my room and out of his man cave (which I don't know why he had a big al plush, we're from Ohio) never to return. I think she had a jersey or hat or something at some point but she doesn't now. Considering just how cuddled Ellie was, it's a miracle how good her condition is. No rips, tears, bald patches or holes beyond the plasticy coating on one of his tusks ripping off in a few places. I wasn't super violent with my toys and never drew on them or ripped them up. The most I did was put hair ties around her ears so they'd look like pigtails.
I've had Ellie a very very long time obviously and he means a lot to me. I very rarely cuddle him now because I want him to stay in that good condition. Well, when I was 19, I moved to Maryland to be with my partner and Ellie went with me obviously. 3 or 4 times a year, me and my partner make the trip to Ohio to visit my family, about 8 hrs away. I bring Ellie because she comforts me when we're there (Alot of traumatic memories are wrapped up in childhood home). Well, one time Ellie got left behind and I was devastated. It was gonna be at least 3 months till I went back and even though my mom offered to send ellie through the mail, i was not willing to take the chance that ellie could get lost forever in said mail so i waited.
Here's the part where I mention I have a younger sister who was 14 at the time. we have a good, if not distant relationship that is a much better place now. Here's where the problem occurred. I returned home after about 3 months after accidentally leaving ellie and immediately wanted to find him once I arrived. My mom told me my sister had been watching them while I was away so I went to her room. My sister then excitedly held up Ellie to me... Ellie's big ears were absolutely littered with my sister's (real) earrings. There had to of been at least 150 piercings in her ears, if not 200. I held myself together as best I could and very sternly told her I was pissed she'd do that, she knew how much Ellie meant to me and she should never treat other people's things that way.
I make a very strong point to never insult, scream or yell or not explain why I'm angry at someone. If I get so angry I can't handle my composure, I leave and gather myself then come back. I never insulted my sister or raised my voice but I definitely hammered how disrespectful and destructive this was to something that wasn't hers as I took out her earrings one by one. My childhood stuffie did not deserve to be turned into Swiss cheese and used as an earring display. If I had done anything like that to her stuffed giraffe, her stuffie, she'd have a cow. Once they were all out I took Ellie and went to my room. Luckily, they were normal sized earrings so the holes were very small and I can't see them if I don't look for them but it felt so disrespectful.
My sister apologized pretty quickly but my mom said I didn't have to yell at her (I never raised my voice but I was clearly hiding an angry one trying to explain to her) nor should I have said it 5 times in the moment (shes exaggerating). I'll admit I repeat myself twice or thrice in the moment as a way to keep myself from raising my voice or stewing in it if I feel like i haven't properly expressed my anger or I feel like the person wasn't listening. Everything is cool now and we dont really talk about it (it's not taboo or too painful to touch, it just doesn't come up) but I wonder if I over reacted considering the holes are tiny, not super visible and I don't think my sister did it to spite me or hurt Ellie, she was just young and dumb and didn't think about how it could mess up Ellie. Should I have held my tounge since shes my sister? She was only 14 but I feel like you should know earrings can cause damage to fabric when you're 14, there's no way she didn't know that wouldn't leave tiny holes in Ellie. I just think she didn't think of them as a big deal.
What are these acronyms?
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xhoess · 2 months
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Fashion and design
Hongjoong!model x fem Bod! Fotographer
Summary: Hongjoong is a model and has his own clothing line, you are his fotographer for the day. When you saw that you got a chance to shoot hongjong you didn't believe it. You have been a fan of his clothing line for a while and are absolutely obsessed with it, but what you don't know is that he has been following your work since that day you started to post your photos.
Genre: romance(?), mature content
Warnings: without protection(wrap it up!!!), hongjoong down bad for you
You where sitting on your bed with your laptop, checking if you have anymore jobs for the next weeks. You see that next week on Wednesday you have a shoot scheduled with the Kim hongjoong. Designer and model. Your jaw drops in shock, why did he chose you to be his photographer, he has never even met you?
You quickly pick up your phone and dial your friends number.
"Jongho you will not believe who I will be shooting next week" "you sound exited, so probably someone famous?" He guesses. "Well yes ofcourse someone famous but I'll give you a hint, he is one of my top 3 designers in the fashion industry right now" you hear jongho think on the other side of the line, "hmm, is it Kim hongjoong?" He asks "YES it's fucking the Kim hongjoong, how did he find me I'm not even that famous I only had a couple professional collaborations" "I don't know y/n but I do know you definitely need to accept this, this is such a huge opportunity" He said "you're right, but I would never in a million years decline this anyway" you laugh.
You and jongho talk for a couple more minutes before you hang up to get ready for bed. But before you get up to wash your face you quickly accept the job offer. You can't wait till next Wednesday.
You were ready to lay in bed but your phone pings, you got an Instagram DM of a online friend you made recently, he was the absolute sweetest and helped you with a few dilemmas. You've told him almost everything that happened in your life the last few months and he's a good listener.
The week goes by very slow but it's finally Wednesday. You grab your stuff and drive to your photo studio. You've never felt so nervous to do a shoot, but it's logical, it's the biggest one yet.
Once the door is unlocked you turn the lights on with the light switch, you always forget how bright that light it's. Especially when it's still dark outside, which is right now because you need to come at least 2 hours early to set everything up.
About 1 pm there was a loud knock on the door, you rushed to the front of the studio to open it. "Hi, come on in, I am y/n l/n I will be your photographer today!" You say kindly, trying not to freak out in the meantime. "Hi y/n, my name is Hongjoong. I am glad you excepted my request, I love your work" He says while bowing slightly to greet you.
"You're kidding, I absolutely love the clothing line you have going on right now. Is it true you design every piece by yourself?" You ask. Hongjoong nods "yes, and I absolutely love doing it. Maybe I do it a bit to much, it causes a lot of stress but at the end it's all worth it" "I'm sure it is" you say.
A few minutes later you showed Hongjoong the dressing room where he could change clothes in private. While he was putting on the first outfit you put on some music, if it's silent you can't function properly.
When he came out of the dressing room you sure you stared a little too long at him "you like it?" He asked, smiling slightly. "I swear it's the best one yet, I love it when there is a lot of accessories in a outfit" you say. "I know" Hongjoong said, you were confused, what does he mean he knows? But you let it slide. You where not gonna let this get awkward. You told him to stand in front of the camera and the rest of the shoot went by quickly.
It was now 3 pm, the shoot was done and hongjoong went back to the dressing room. But he forgot his phone on the table next to the camera. When you picked it up to give it to him you saw a message from yourself on his phone. When i say your heart dropped it was not an understatement. Did you send him a instagram message? You questioned yourself so you went to double check on your own account. But no, the only one you had texted was your online friend. It couldn't possibly be him right?
You knock on his dressing room door and he sticks his head out, "y/n, what's up" "can you explain why you have a text of Me on your phone?" You say. "What? Where you going through my phone" "no you left it on the table next to my camera and I send a text message to what I thought was my online best friend but then your phone pings and I saw my username pop up. So explain, why were you being someone else?" He sighs "Come in please"
Once you've settled on the couch he begins explaining, "look, I can't follow you with my real account, people would've start questioning things and they would've started texting you about me. It was never my intention to Lie to you about it. But I love your work and I just wanted to contact you about it at first" he explained. You get it, you really do but you start to think back to all the conversations you had with him. And you remember one very clearly, last week when you hung op on jongho you texted him saying 'omg I am gonna photograph Hongjoong, now I am gonna see if he's really that hot in real life'
"I texted you ABOUT you, I've said so many stuff about you? I'm so embarrassed" you say and you can feel your cheeks burning. "You are embarrassed? I am the one who should be embarrassed" Hongjoong said, he sits down next to you and tries to make sure you have nothing to be ashamed of.
"But am I as hot as you thought I should be?" You don't answer. "Too shy to say it now, you said worse things about me tho" you looked at him "don't remind me hongjoong" you say, clearly ashamed of what you said. "Yk it's kinds hot when you told what you find hot about me like 3 monts ago, haven't stopped thinking about it since. Oh and the way you send daily vlogs about your day to me is so adorable, it's the highlight of the day. But when you send me that one outfit haul with the black long dress for the party, the one with the split and the cleavage was showing. I would be lying if I didn't get off that night"
"Are you serious?" He nods "yes, you have nothing to be embarrassed about y/n. I'm worse" "you're not worse" you state. While he was talking you where staring at his lips. "What compliments did you like the most then huh?" You say.
"When you said my hands would make a pretty necklace, got my head spinning while thinking about it" He said. "Let's make it happen then" you say.
Hongjoong lips attached to yours, the kiss wasn't so loving, it was rather hungry and messy. He pulled you on his lap and, he groaned in your mouth when you moved your hips downwards. His hand creeps from the back of your neck to the front, he disconnected the kiss and looked at you. You already looked fucked out and he had barely even started.
"Just as pretty as I imagined" He said. "Just shut up and fuck me already" you whined. "I'm taking my time with you" "well I am not taking my time with you" you slid of his lap and sat on your knees in front of the couch, in-between his legs.
You buckled his belt lose and in the process your hand brushed against his hard on, he bit the inside of his mouth to stay silent. His eyes stayed on you the whole time while you were u dressing him. Now he is only left in His underwear.
You get up and sit on his lap again, you connect your lips together and slide your hand from his torso to the waistband of his pants, you slide your hand in his underwear and you wrap your hand around his cock, you can already feel the precum comming put of his tip.
You start stroking your hand up and down, hongjong needs more, he bucks his hips upwards and moans in your mouth.
You get down on your knees again and take of his underwear in the meantime, his cock springs free and your hand is around it again in no time. You lower your head and lick his cock from the bottom to the top, he throws his head back and cursed your name. Once you reach the top you take the tip in your mouth and swirl your tongue around it.
He grabs a fistful of your hair and pushes you down a bit, you give in and start to bob your head up and down in a smooth motion. After a few minutes Hongjoong pulled out of your mouth "I can't hold it any longer and I want to be in you when I cum" He says, out of breath.
He lays you down on the couch and starts to prep you, he wets his fingers by sucking on them and God that looked hot. He first fingers you with two fingers but he soon noticed that you're so wet that he can easily add another one, you moan at the stretch when he adds the third finger.
"I'm ready joong" you manage to get out, and he does not need more consent. "Do you have a condom?" He asks, you shake your head "shit" He curses, "I'm clean" you say, looking at him with big eyes, "me too, you wanna do it without?" You nodded at him.
He hovers above you and lines up, he moves his hips slowly to let you adjust. Once you've adjusted fully he bottoms out slowly just to quickly push his cock back in. He looks at the way your boobs move when he pushes himself back in and decides to grab one of them, gently squeezing it.
"I can't hold it in much longer baby" He whines, you clench around him and he fastens his pace, his hand wraps around your neck and squeezes it, not to hard but hard enough to feel it. "You where right, pretty necklace" He says out of breath.
"I'm cumming" you moan, and a few seconds later you do, while you cum you clench even harder around hongjoongs cock and you moan out his name. That sends him over the edge and cums too. His semen is spilling out of you because it's so much.
Both of you are laying breathlessly on the couch, rethink about what just happened.
I just had fucking sex with Kim hongjoong, was the only thing you could think about.
Leave a like if you liked it!!! X.R
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icedmetaltea · 11 days
Just lettin ya'll know I'm ok
(random irl stuff to journal below, keep scrollin)
Wanted to wait to come back till
1. I wasn't dealing with mega gender dysphoria, my masc/neutral days are few and far between but by god it's been nonstop masc/neutral days lately and been a lot of just hating my body (and myself in general)
2. got the ebt stuff figured out, which I haven't yet, my doc put in a ref for a different place to sign a thing, waited 2 weeks for them to call, only to find out it was the wrong place and now I have to wait for the next place to call... which like yea I'm worrying about food but talking about it in therapy has helped somewhat. She reassured me even if that doesn't work we WILL find some place that'll sign the form I need to be eligible again
3. I wasn't dealing with as bad of depression/anxiety which like... idk. I've definitely been doing better anxiety-wise but idk if that's bc it hasn't been as hot lately or I've been feeding myself better. I know I must've been eating under 1200s calories the past few weeks bc the scale finally stopped going down and I know for a fact my anxiety gets bad when I'm hungry so I think for about a month I was unintentionally starving myself, SO making myself eat at least 2 nutritious meals a day now
At the same time I think perhaps my pmdd symptoms are... reversing time schedules??? Usually my anxiety/depression gets way worse before period but now it seems like it's fine before and terrible during/after????? Makes zero sense but who knows. Also it's a couple days late now so health anxiety is going off the shits about PCOS or something again UGH
Making SOME progress with therapy, am able to be outside for 5 mins without feeling that horrific sense of dread so that's something.
I've also been coming to the realization that I may have some form of DID?? Not the type where you lose time/blackout/completely have entirely different memories and starkly different personality switches but I've definitely been noticing now that I've been putting more attention to it how I go into different "modes" and sets of interests throughout the weeks and I mean... it's not secret I have imaginary friends I talk to on the daily. I've had an issue figuring out where "they" end and "myself" begins since childhood. Plus I already deal with derealization/dissociation/occasional age regression so it's not out of the realm of possibility. May bring it up next therapy apt. Kinda worried to bc I never want to get rid of them and I'm worried that would be one of the goals, like... just no. I can't think of anything more lonely.
But yea just random stuff I needed to get outta my system, sorry about all the suicidal stuff, it's just really hard. The future seems so bleak. And if one thing sets me back, like doctor stuff, food issues, etc my brain is like "DEATH WOULD BE EASIER LOL" BUT there's a chance trump/a republican candidate won't win, a chance climate change will be reversed/humanity will adapt somehow, a chance I'll be accepted for disability and live a halfway decent life, and if not... well, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. But for now there's food in the fridge, for now mom and dad are alive, for now we're ok.
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lhecxzsaisgay · 1 year
Accidents - S.J
Warnings: Forced sex, Physical abuse, A very mean drunk Scarlett, A very angsty chap.
Soooo, this is the very first time I'll be writing something like this. Someone requested is to me weeks ago, and this is the only time I found enough courage to do this. Bare with me, enjoy reading!
For more angsty books of s.j and n.r, this is my watty account @lhecxzsa, thank uuuu! Let me know if you would like a part two, and aftermath for this! Mwuahh.
You never had a very good past relationships.
But, that was before Scarlett.
At the age of eighteen, you started having boyfriends who did nothing but to hurt you, mentally, and sometimes... physically. You had 3 boyfriends inside of 5 years, 18 to 23, and that was it, you are now 29.
You were done with love, you've always been saying that to yourself after the last relationship you had, which very far much more toxic that the two just broke you mentally, but the last one didn't just broke you mentally, he physically hurt you.
You were a broken chaotic mess for almost 3 years, not believing in love anymore and the other things along that word, but everything changed when you met Scarlett. Scarlett changed everything, so willingly, she badly wanted you to be hers, just as she will be yours that she didn't gave up on courting you even though it took her 3 years, almost 4.
You two met, instantly clicked on, became best friends till she caught feelings for you, which she soon confessed. She knew about your past relationships, hell, she knew about everything. She became your shoulder to lean on, and you became her new found hope to continue on living inside her dull world that is full of toxicity with having sex with random girls, or random artists and going off to the club as her rest.
To say the least, she understand why you were very scared on letting her in to you romantically, though, you would be lying if you said that you didn't caught any feelings for the woman. Ever since the two of you developed your relationship, you felt it, you saw it, you're not an idiot to not see her obvious movements and steps that is screaming the words; "I Love You."
You knew it from the start, and then she confessed, but you weren't ready for anything. But, Scarlett being the charming woman she is, and ofcourse, with all her wealth, she did everything just to get you.
She changed, for you.
She changed you, just like how you changed her.
She stopped sleeping around, she focused on her work, but the rest of her time was spent on you without fail. Though, being a doctor can be a really busy job at times, it didn't stopped Scarlett to woo you and was determined to wait hours and hours until you're free. Most of the timesz she would always find herself outside of your footsteps, outside the house that your parents brought for you for your 25th birthday, wanting you to stop renting. She would always have something in her hands that she brought for you, most of the times, it was foods and anything that she thinks you might like, or anything the she likes for you to wear.
God, everything she'd done for you.
You guys are now 7 months in a relationship, everything was going well, no fights or anything bad has happened between the two of you, fortunately. Until, now.
You went to a party, a friend of hers, she wanted you to tag along, she always wanted you to tag along, being this cocky woman she is, wanting to show everyone that she got the most beautiful girl, it was no lie though, you are a very beautiful girl, a worth giving everything up for.
Along the years, you glowed up, becoming into this woman that looks so well written by a goddess, everyone wants you but, mostly for pleasure, nonetheless, it was no lie that anyone could easily fell for you.
But, being described as that brought some cons to you.
Being sexualized here and there, recieving so many catcalls, some would get have the pass cards, but not when you're with Scarlett, who will definitely punch the shit out of them not even a second.
But, right now, someone's making you feel very, very uncomfortable, and Scarlett's not here, infact, she's nowhere to be seen, which you mentally cursed her for taking so long to wherever she went.
"Come on, don't be such a stranger, sweet face. Why don't we go and have some fun, I'm sure it's lonely to be alone..." A drunken, beefy man from your side, who is invading your personal space already, said drunkenly.
You wanted to get up, maybe punch his face if you would get a chance since he's been bothering you for what felt like an hour already, then run to Scarlett, and get enveloped in her beefy arms.
But, this man got you caged in his arms, almost caged in his arms. And you were scared, you're not really that good in socializing, and running from him would for sure will bring some audience to look at you, and Scarlett might come looking for you in just a few seconds already, so you just scooted as far as you can, only for the man to pull the stool you're sitting on closer to him, almost making tears welled up in your eyes, thankfully, you girlfriend is just in time.
You don't know where she was going with her hurtful words.
She was a bit tipsy. A little bit tipsy for your liking.
It wasn't your fault. You know it wasn't your fault. You tried your best to make him go away, she might now saw that, but she saw how you scooted away from him before a fight between her broke out. Leaving the man's face bleeding before she practically gripped your wrist while her other hand went to your waist possessively.
She was almost carrying you out, she guided you to your seat in the red sports car she owned out of many. She slammed the door in front of your face, too harshly for your liking, it made you flinch, it made the beats of your heart became fast than it already was.
God, you know, it wasn't your fault. But, right now, it feel like it is. With all the words being thrown at you as soon as you both stepped inside the house, you following after her, wanting to know what's gotten her upset, wanting to know why she didn't hold you like she does whenever she sees you like this, in fear.
You were very scared.
Now, you felt more scared with her actions and confused with the way she's treating you right now.
Maybe, she wasn't just a little bit tipsy after all.
"I told you that I would get back immediately. I went to get us some drinks, but then you decided to whore yourself around behind my back. What were you thinking, Y/n?" She shouted, throwing the set of keys on the coffee table as you followed her to the living room.
You watched as she paced around the room, while you just stand there with your arms around yourself, as if it will protect you on what is coming. As if it would give you the comfort that you lack off, the comfort that Scarlett could only give.
She rubbed her face up and down with both of her hands, before the both of it raked her pixie hair. "Fuck, Y/n!" She stomped her foot on the ground, before turning around to look at you appropriately.
Her suit is messy and her sweats are a around the place. You don't know where she was being mad and upset about. Her words hurt. It was the first time she called you that, this was the first time she acted like this around you.
You didn't like the way she is acting.
The way she cursed your name in a harshly manner.
The way she was so mad at you for no complete reason.
"Wh-why are- w-what are you saying-" You couldn't even get to finish your sentence when she was again, shouting at you.
"Oh please..." She laughed as if it was funny, but now, tears were already streaming down your face as your heart started to hurt badly. She was drunk, maybe she can't see you clearly, she can't see the tears and how you started shaking so badly. "Don't act so innocent now. God, fuck!" She shouted once again, pacing around the room.
"How- god, Y/n. You don't- you don't know how that hurt me-" You couldn't help but to cut her off. What did hurt her? Did something hurt her the way you were hurting right now?
"What did? Did- did I do something-" Once again, it feels like you weren't allowed to talk when she cut you off, storming towards you that you couldn't help but walk backwards in fear.
"Who fucking told you to interrupt me?!" She was screaming straight to your face, before you felt her strong hands gripping your small biceps.
"Ah, Scar-" You whimpered, and she seemed to snapped out a little as she took her hands back before turning  around, her hands on her head as if she's going crazy.
You think so too.
She's going crazy.
She's hurting you.
You were sobbing when you heard her sniffles. 
She once again turned around to face you, there was something dark and dull in her eyes. You knew, in that moment, she's not the Scarlett you know. And, you could only pray to the gods above to bring that Scarlett back to save you from this woman in front of you.
She walked towards you until she was towering over you already. You couldn't help but to bow your head and tighten your arms around yourself.
"Do you know him?" She asked in a very darkened voice, you can't tell if it was just the alcohol speaking or it was really her. Your Scarlett.
"N-no, I don't..." This time you looked up at her, while you felt ome of her arm coming up to one of your biceps gripping it just as tight as earlier, that you tried to get away because of how much it hurts.
"The truth, Y/n. Tell me thr truth." Now, one of her hands was gripping both of your jaws, you couldn't help but to hold her wrist with both hands, but she was strong.
Much more stronger than you.
You couldn't get away because she was holding you bicep tightly.
Can't she hear your sobs? She once said it hurt her to see you crying, in pain, but now, she seems like a very different person.
Maybe, this was just a dream. A bad dream that you need to awake.
"It's the truth, Scarlett. P-please, believe me..." You tried to take deep breaths because you felt you chest tightening along with your anxiety starting to kick in. "Please..." You begged to the unknown shakily.
She only chuckled a little before harshly taking her hand off of your face, making your face turn to the other side, before she once again, dragged you up into the stairs, then to your room.
Your feet was barely touching the floor as you tried to keep up with her big and heavy steps.
"S-Scarlett, it hurts..." You tried so hard to take your arm back, but to no avail, you didn't. Your heart is beating so loudly, it feels like it wants to get out of your chest as your mind started to spiraling into the darkess unknown where you found yourself being into years ago.
You don't want to get back there.
Oh god, you don't want to go back.
Moments ago, you found yourself trying to be set free from her painful grasp, but now, you found yourself being so defeated that you just conceded to the defeat and just let her have you in ways that you didn't know she'll have you.
You found yourself being forced down on the soft king bed, both of your wrists were gripped tightly by one of her hand on top of your head, her other hand forcing one of your legs so it would part as wide as it could to other.
God, she was so strong while towering you over.
She was ripping you apart with her manhood, she already taken you while being bent over to the bed, your feet was barely touching the floor, it was now the second time that she forced a climax in you.
You felt your body getting in and out of consciousness as you continued receiving hittings everywhere her hands chose to land on.
You just know that tomorrow, you will be black and blue. Bruises will be littered on your skin. God, how did you go to this?
You pleas and begs seemed to be unheard by her. Your loud and broken cries was muffled by her bruising kiss whenever she would put her lips on yours.
"Scarlett! P-please... Stop! R-red! Red! I-I can't- I can't anymore. It hurts!" You started, only to be smacked in the face.
"Isn't this what you want? Huh? I'm giving you what you want, Y/n! Or, you like it more when it's that man who's doing this. Do you like that? I bet you do." There comes her sinister laugh, before you knew it, she was already throwing you to the floor before continued to rutting in you.
Your vision started to become blurryuntil your voice started to become slurry. You felt wet liquid started to stream its way down on your face starting on your forehead down to the floor.
You were laying on your stomach, she was moving so harshly and so fast behind you. The pain was too much that you starting to feel numb.
You felt your chest becoming more tight, and before you knew it, darkness have already swallowing you over.
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longbobmckenzie · 9 months
THTH Season 2 Thoughts
Okay, it's been a while since I put together a thoughts post on THTH2, but I think one is warranted.
Anyone who likes LITG and hasn't played this yet needs to get on it. There's only 4 episodes left, so a 1-month Netflix subscription will be enough to play the whole thing, if you were waiting till it was almost done to play.
But... you might want to wait a bit longer till it's out in full, because you'll probably want to replay it - multiple times. The branching this season is SO much better than last season, like I literally just replayed a bunch of times trying to get onto a specific route. I'm thoroughly impressed. I had low expectations going in and was just hoping it wouldn't be as linear as Season 1, but Season 2 has blown me away.
There are only 4 OG LIs (compared to 7 last season), and I know a lot of people were annoyed at that, especially because the friend options are hotter (oh Santiago, what could have been), but it makes sense as there's more non-MC related storyline. And there are 4 bombshells, and at least 3 of them are LIs as well (not sure about the 4th yet because they come in next week but I have a feeling they will be).
As for the LIs, they're all great. Even if you don't like their looks, the personalities are so much more developed than S1 or the last few seasons of LITG. You get unique dialogue with every LI in just about every scene you get with them, you get to go on dates, you get to have intimate scenes (that are also unique from what I've been able to tell!!). You can even choose various interests for your MC and if they match up with a character, you get extra dialogue. The game is so replayable!
It also remembers your choices, so if you flirt with someone and then go for someone else, you'll get reactions from them. And your consequences can have actions! They may forgive you, but they may not.
I mentioned the branching, but once again, it's amazing. You're not forced into love triangles, but you can be messy af and date 3 people at once (just be careful, they might find out 🤭😏). The loyal routes are sooo good, there's a little drama on them that doesn't entirely make sense but the whole time, your LI is all for you. But if you're not loyal, those scenes can change! People will call you out for treating people wrong, or they might come asking you to give them another chance. You can break rules or keep them, and people will trust you accordingly. You can make a relationship official. There's probably an 'I love you' coming at some point, I'd think.
Oh, and there's no twin sister Amelia 🤭
Basically, it's got a lot of the things we've been asking for from Love Island, it's just a different reality show.
Oh, and there are no gem options or in-app purchases, just your monthly Netflix subscription. And when you replay, you can choose any episode to go back to, and there's a skip feature to skip to the next dialogue option or scene.
So if you can afford one month of Netflix, I definitely recommend giving it a try.
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xwritingdixonx · 1 year
Till Death Do Us Part | Chapter 5 |
series masterlist
Summary: Y/n and Maggie build a friendship by sharing stories of their lives before the outbreak. But it's abruptly interrupted.
Warnings: language, implied smut, tiny bit of fingering, mentions of domestic violence, alcoholism, very brief mention of suicide
Word count: aprox. 4k
Tags: @catisnotademonn
A/n: Young Mr. and Mrs. Dixon are wild, i love it. Parts written in italics are set before the outbreak/ in flashbacks.
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Wednesday nights were always slow at the bar. Well at least from what you’d picked up on in the past 3 weeks you’d been back in town. You had your fair share of regulars, you know, the guys who come to the bar every single night after work just to avoid going home to whatever miserable marriage they had awaiting them. Big Lou, the bar owner, practically gave you all of the drama regarding every single one of them. Lou was a taller man, buff, with a little bit of a beer belly. Hence the nickname.
Lou always went on and on about well…just about anything.
You were currently standing behind the counter with Lou, cleaning up some glasses. Today he was on one of his rants about your mom. “I’m tellin’ ya Y/n/n, if your mom had picked me over that alcoholic piece of shit,” Lou scoffed dramatically “I coulda treated her so much better.” You scoffed and shook your head, “I bet you could’ve Lou.”
Your attention was pulled by someone taking a seat at the counter, “I got it.” Putting the glass down, tossing the rag over your shoulder, and making your way over to the person you had their back turned to you. “Need anything?” The person didn’t even turn around to acknowledge your presence, just muttered a nah I’m good.
The man had obviously been keeping an eye out for someone, you replied with a simple alright and walked back to Lou. You knew that person, you recognized that voice but for some reason, it just wasn’t clicking for you. “Like I was saying, sweetheart…”
About twenty minutes had passed since you had approached the man. In that time, not once did they ever turn around, keeping their eyes on the door and waiting for someone to walk in. “Here you go” You placed the glass down on the wood counter, startling the man. “Said I ain’t want anythin’” He snapped back finally turning around, when he caught sight of you his face softened, instantly recognizing your feminine features. “I just made you the best goddamn cherry coke you’ll ever have, you better take it.” A smirk formed on your face as you kept eye contact with him, leaning your elbows on the bar counter, “Hi Daryl.”
That night you and Daryl talked for hours, catching up on each other's lives. Daryl didn’t talk about himself much. You knew he didn’t have the best personal life, so you did your best to not pry. You had managed to find out he had been waiting for Merle, who obviously, never showed.
You had mentioned to Daryl that you also worked morning shifts at the local diner, inviting him to come by as if he hadn’t been at that diner hundreds of times before.
This continued for months. Daryl would show up late at night, specifically on weekdays when it was slow. You’d serve him a cherry coke, just like you had the first night, and talk for hours until he’d walk you to your car and say goodnight.
Except for one night. Celia had taken the spare car to go to a friend's, leaving you to walk to and from the bar. The walk there went smoothly. But the walk home was killing you. The heel of your leather boots clicked on the pavement as you made your way down the sidewalk under the dim lampposts. Your body was tired from work, your feet were sore, and the clothes you wore made you feel skimpier than you intended. Usually, you had a spare pair of workout shorts and sneakers to change into when your nights were rough but those were in a duffle bag. In the car.
You could hear the tires against the rocky black pavement beginning to approach, but you chose to ignore it. Hoping they would drive past like everyone else had so far. But you heard the tires slow and saw the headlights glow beside you. Your heartbeat quickened, fearing you’d have to fight off some asshole. Whether that was verbal or physical.
“The hell you doin’ out ‘er girl!”
You stopped dead in your tracks, turning to see Daryl leaning across the passenger seat of his dads old beat up blue truck. A sigh of relief escaped your lips, thanking god it was him and not some perv.
“Celia got the car tonight.”
“Come on” Daryl waved for you to get in, the chuckle you let out was practically music to his ears. He had been so worried when he saw you walking alone, worried someone had tried to mess with you. “It’s okay Daryl. Only got a few more streets.”
That was a damn lie. It definitely wasn’t okay. Your head had been on a swivel since you’d left the bar.
You could hear Daryl scoff, then watched as he reached his whole body over to crack the passenger door open. “Get in” Daryl practically demanded of you. You’d be lying to yourself if you said you didn’t kind of like it. “Pretty please” Daryl placed his hands together to beg, the streetlights highlighting his grown out brown shaggy hair and sharp facial features.
You’d be damned if you didn’t get your ass in the car after that.
Lou teased you relentlessly, constantly nagging you about your “boyfriend” or “knight in shining armor”. And you continued to swear it was nothing more than a re blossoming friendship.
At the diner, you remembered his order, remembered what time he’d come, remembered the smile he gave you when you’d come up to his table. He remembered your colorful pens. The little sticker book that was kept in the front pocket of your apron to give out to children. He remembered your sweet words, “hi handsome”, every time you saw him. He remembered how goddamn good you looked in your work attire. The red short sleeve button up shirt, tied at the curve of your waist to give yourself shape. The blue jeans that hugged the curve of your ass perfectly, the cute little apron tied at your hips. You unknowingly drove him mad.
There was no denying the way you danced around each other, the looks, the subtle touches, the flirtatious back-and-forth bantering. You couldn’t. It was just wrong. You grew up with Daryl, he was Eddie’s best friend. He had been like another brother to you. Eddie would be furious with you but at the same time, that man was making you go crazy. Mentally and physically.
When he’d give you a hug hello or goodbye you could feel the warmth that spread over your body. When he’d laugh, your heart would skip a beat. When he’d stand just a little too close, your heart and what was between your legs practically ached for him. You had touched yourself an ungodly amount of times with that man on your mind. Always feeling guilty afterward, as if you had invaded Daryl’s privacy somehow in doing so.
“Hi handsome” You greeted opening the front door of your aunt Claudia’s house. The last thing you expected on this sunny morning was Mr. Dixon standing there, hands in his front pockets, anxiously waiting for you to answer the door. “Hey,” Daryl paused for a second taking in your appearance. He had never seen you look so casual and comfy. Standing in the doorway in an oversized t-shirt, shorts, and fluffy socks on your feet.
“I - I was just checkin’ to make sure you were alright, I went to the diner and you weren’t there.”
God it just wasn’t fair. No one had ever cared for you that much.
“Come in” You stepped out of the doorway to allow enough room for Daryl to make his way through. For a second he seemed unsure before obliging. “Last night these guys came in the bar and really trashed it, me and Rita had to stay late to clean it up. I was just too tired to make it to the diner today.”
You hoped your explanation gave Daryl some sort of peace of mind.
Daryl simply nodded at you, his eyes looking around the familiar home. “Don’t be scared. Celia’s at her classes and Claudia’s at work.” If Daryl had stopped by the diner that obviously meant he was hungry. Knowing Daryl, when he saw you weren’t there he turned around and left. “Come on, I’ll cook something for you” You made your way down the hall, back to the kitchen ignoring Daryl’s, “Nah it’s alright.”
You loved cooking. It gave you a piece of mind. You loved seeing the flavors come together, loved the smell, loved people’s reaction to it. You especially loved cooking in your Aunt Claudia’s kitchen. Claudia’s house in general was everything you wanted. It was built in the late ’60s and she kept all of its characteristics. The same yellow corded house phone mounted on the wall. There was a window above the sink, fit with sheer curtains, and flowers embroidered on them. The door that led to the backyard had the same matching curtains. Brown wood kitchen cabinets, full of all her favorite cups, plates, and bowls.
She kept her vintage Pyrex, which she had inherited from her mother, on top of the cabinets for display. There were cookbooks, spices, plants, and herbs all on their separate shelves. There was a wide-open door way that led from the kitchen to the dining room. The dining table always had placemats and a pot of flowers in the middle.
In the 21 years you had been alive, you never saw that vase empty. There were always gorgeous flowers sitting in it. Since you had come to stay, Claudia made sure it was Lillies, knowing those were your favorite.
“Hasn’t changed much” Daryl commented, glancing around the room as he leaned back against the far counter. Everything was so familiar to him, the floors he walked, the decorations, the pictures on the wall. “No not at all” You looked around the kitchen, “I want a home like this.”
Daryl turned his eyes to you, watching as you really took in your surroundings. Which you had done so many times in these past few months. Remembering every little detail about the home you grew up in. “Something like this but maybe smaller, cozy enough for just me and maybe someone else.”
The thought of you making a home with someone else made his chest ache. When he thought about your cozy home, he saw himself there with you. Daryl watched as you broke yourself from your thoughts, giving him a smile and grabbing a pan that was hanging from the wall.
“I want a home. Not a house, you know?”
Daryl did know. This felt like a home. Your family always made him feel at home. Where he grew up, with his drunken father, that was just a house. Just some empty box made up of wood and drywall.
“Yeah I do.”
You turned back at Daryl’s sad tone of voice, “i’m sorry D.” For a second you were scared your comment was ignorant, forgetting Daryl’s home life. You never saw him as that, you never saw him as the boy that was just abused. You saw Daryl.
“When you find yer home, let m’know. I’ll fix anything for ya.”
Daryl felt relief at the way your lips formed a smile and you laughed. “Yeah? Did I just score myself a free handyman?”
Daryl made most of his money now by helping people around town. He’d fix just about anything. But he got the most excitement when he’d get someone asking if he could take a look at their motorcycle. That was truly his passion, he just didn’t know how to pursue it.
“Who said it was free?”
The way you walked over to him felt more daunting than it was, leaning against the counter next to him. You were closer than you should’ve been, your thigh brushing his, “How about, you live there with me. Will that make it free?” Daryl wasn’t sure what your intentions behind your words were. We’re you asking him to be your roommate? We’re you asking for more?
You changed your position from beside him, to in front of him, putting one leg in between his. “Or do I have to do other things to make it free?” Daryl didn’t know where your boldness was coming from. And truth be told, neither did you. It was as if your body knew what it wanted and you were allowing it to take it.
“Y/n” Daryl’s head lowered, not being able to look at you. He didn’t want you to be another one night stand, like Merle had pressured him into times before. He liked you. He truly did. And he’d hate himself forever if he somehow messed up. “We can’t. Eddie’ll kill me.” You used one hand to rest against his cheek, forcing him to look up at you, “Fuck Eddie.”
You watched as Daryl scoffed and shook his head, “Y/n-“ “I want you.” Your words came out so breathy, yet firm and pleading.
“I’m not a child anymore.“ You could still see the hesitation on his face but not once did he pull away from your touch. Not once did he even make an attempt to make it stop. Daryl impulsively leant down, his lips forcefully meeting yours. The way your lips moved together was full of impatient longing and neediness.
You gripped the gray fabric of his t-shirt as his hands slid up your plump thighs. He slipped his hands under the fabric of your shorts, feeling nothing but the bare skin of your hipbones. His thumb had slipped a little too far as he felt the stubble of your pubic hair.
It was almost as if he moaned as the realization hit him that you had nothing on underneath your shorts. “You can touch me.” Daryl placed his forehead onto yours, stopping his hands from roaming. Though, they were still placed firmly on your hips, his thumbs practically digging into your hipbones. Holding you where you stood. He softly shook his head, repeating his words, “Eddie’s gonna kill me.”
Truthfully you didn’t give a shit about your brother, right now all you cared about was Daryl. You wanted him. You’d wanted him since that first night in the bar. You took one of his hands from its place on your hip and moved it to the elastic of your shorts, gliding his hand underneath. His index finger slid through the wetness of your heat causing a whimper to leave your lips.
It was as if with that noise and truly feeling you, all his worries had disappeared as he continued to pleasure you. “You wanna really make Eddie mad?” You were testing the waters, seeing how far gone is worries were. Your voice was breathy and slick, “fuck me, make me yours, and eventually…” You grabbed Daryl by his jawline forcing his desirable eyes to look into yours. “…make me your wife.”
You and Maggie stood in the kitchen of your home cleaning the dishes from the morning breakfast. Aaron had come over to fetch Daryl, you knew why. Deanna had talked to you this morning about the job. You couldn’t say you were too happy about it, hating the idea of Daryl being out there constantly with Aaron. As if he hadn’t been away from you long enough in those years. But you knew Daryl couldn’t be trapped in these walls, it would drive him crazy.
You listened to Maggie as she talked about her childhood on the farm. She told you about Beth. She talked about her father, Hershel. They both seemed like good people. You could see the way she smiled when she talked about them but her eyes were sad. “I loved my daddy’s farm but in the summer? It was awful, so hot and sticky” She shook her head and laughed and you laughed with her. “My aunts house was the same way! And they refused to put those AC units in because they said it ran the electricity too high”
It felt freeing to laugh and talk about life before the outbreak. As Maggie listened to you talk with a joyful smile on your face, she couldn’t help but feel guilty. Get to know her. We’re gonna need her. Ricks words sat in the back of her mind, as if you were just some pawn in his mission of taking Alexandria.
“So you lived with your aunt?” Maggie’s sweet southern tone asked as she dried a plate. “Yeah, my mom moved us in after my aunts husband died. She couldn’t afford to pay the bills alone and it wasn’t like my mom was happy where she was so..” You were young then, the memories of you old house weren’t too vivid but you did remember your father never made it a welcoming home. “Your daddy didn’t care?”
You couldn’t help but scoff at her words, hoping she didn’t take offense, “My daddy was a truck driver, which meant he was never home and he had as many women in as many other states as he wanted.” You placed the stack of plates into the cabinet and turned back to Maggie letting out a sigh. “Imma make us drinks. Then we’re gonna sit outside and talk all we want.”
Once you were comfortably sat in the porch chairs you continued talking. “My dad always treated us kids good. Always brought us home gifts from the states he’d go to, played with us when he was there, sent my mom money for us but that was about it.”
The sunny sky, the birds chirping, and slight breeze on your skin made you feel calm, made you feel comfortable enough to tell what was practically a stranger, anything you goddamn wanted.
“I remember one time he was home and he was watching the baseball game, my mom started vacuuming and he picked up the vacuum and threw it outside, screaming at her that there was no vacuuming when the game was on.” You could see the sympathy etched on Maggie’s features. “So my mom picked up the tv,” You paused to smile and shake your head, “and threw it outside.”
“She did not”
“She did! I still don’t know how she did it.”
You always admired your mother. She was nothing short of badass and took no shit from anyone, including your alcoholic father. And she taught every single one of her kids to be the same.
“My aunt Claudia’s husband killed himself.” Despite you being so young, you still remembered that day. Claudia showed up at your door, sobbing and talking in tongues, your mother instructed you and Nellie to take little Cecilia and go play. “He was a real good guy. They had been together since high school. He bought Claudia the house. She used to tell me stories about how when she was a girl, her and my mom would ride their bikes by the house and the older couple who lived there used to give them oranges from their tree. So when they passed and it was on the market, he got it for her.”
You always wanted a love like that. Not what your father and mother had. You wanted to be adored, you wanted someone who loved you so much they bought you an entire fucking house. And you got that. Daryl would buy build you 5 houses if that’s what you wanted.
“My mom called my dad one day, told him she was selling the house and we were moving in with Claudia and he just said okay.” In a way, it made you feel neglected, forgotten about, so easily pushed to the side. He loved the idea of not having a responsibility to come home to. Because that’s exactly what a wife and kids were to him. A chore, a responsibility, a hassle.
You could see Maggie take a sip from her cup and shake her head. “We lived at Claudia’s basically our whole lives until my mom moved us to Virginia to live with her boyfriend.” You were 14 when you moved and you absolutely despised your mother for it. You loved living with Claudia, that was your home. You lost your friends, you lost your family, and most of all you lost Lizzie.
Lizzie was 19. She and Tommy already had their own apartment about 2 hours away from Claudia’s, along with a one-year-old, brown-haired little boy. Jace.
“My mom never divorced my dad out of spite. He could never marry another woman and when he died, she’d get the money.”
Now, the guilt that sat on Maggie’s chest, was heavier. She related to you more than she’d like to admit. You had both lost a sister. Both grew up knowing they never wanted a love like the image their parents created. Both with a deep love for their family.
“We’re lucky. I got Glenn, you got Daryl. Nothing like our parents, right?”
You hummed Maggie a response as your foot tapped the hard wood on the porch, the condensation from your glass making your hand wet.
“Y/n!” You heard Nellie yelling for you before she even came into view, immediately getting you out of your chair. Nellie was out of breath when she met you at the bottom of the stairs, “there’s something going on at the gate.” You muttered a fuck before taking off in that direction, Maggie and Nellie following behind you.
Glenn and Aiden were face-to-face, looking like they were about to rip out the other's throat. Your feet came to a slow stop beside Daryl as he seemed to be watching, waiting for something to start. "Don't" You whispered to him, Daryl would. He'd jump in if he needed to and you knew it. He'd gotten in his fair share of fights, especially when he'd fight to defend you from some asshole that talked about you inappropriately. Oh if only he knew what people said about you now.
"Why'd you let these people in?" Aiden turned to ask Deanna, who had also come upon the scene. Aiden glared at you, throwing his hand in the air and pointing at you, "Weren't they enough?" You took a step forward, "Because it's people like us who actually know what we're doing out there" Glenn snapped in defense. Before you knew it, Aiden was on his ass with one hit. Before it could escalate you took the opportunity to step between the two men, keeping an arm's length between. Maggie had come to lead Glenn away, Nellie offered Aiden a hand, an action that was too kind for you to do. He shoved it away, pushing himself from the concrete and angrily stomping away.
"What whore did you go see instead of doing your job?" Eddie didn't expect to be met with your aggressive tone and insults as he stepped foot onto the porch of his family's home. But there you were, sitting in the chill of the night air, ready to rip his head off. "Glenn, Tara, and Noah were with you." You stepped up from your seat, standing but a few feet from him now.
"So why were they with Aiden, outside the walls?" Eddie let out an exaggerated sigh, his shoulders slumping. "I just passed them off. They went to see the paths they take, it's not a big deal. It wasn't a real run." You couldn't help but let out a giggle of disbelief at his blindness and ignorance. "Do you know what they told me?"
"Aiden and Nicholas caught an infected to…" You sighed trying to find the words because you yourself didn't know what to say when Glenn told you. "To torture it and torment it for what happened to their friends on that run." It was then, Eddie finally met your eyes "What?" You nodded your head at him, his mouth was agape to say words but nothing came as he racked his brain. "I need you to pull your head out of your ass and out from these women's legs."
Before Eddie could say anything in protest, you continued, "No more separate run groups. It's one group now and you're in charge so please don't fuck this up."
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ansbobcar · 3 months
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EP 10. Fleeting moments
Link to overview
_ _ _ _ _
“Mr. Madl, Slagturn has been killed.”
Their only lead in regards to the shadow organisation had shrivelled up into a corpse within a night. No traces of poison or offensive magic was used in sealing the fate of this old mummy. Cuts and wounds were never found as if an energy beam had vacuumed the moisture and health of his body. Perhaps it was indeed Innocent Zero, rumoured to know forbidden spells, who had managed to bypass their security and end their captive confidant.
‘I guess, such an investigation will never start,’ Orter told himself, ignoring the stares and murmurs as he waited outside the bureau. He checked his wrist as he continued to lean against the wall as he remembered her words.
“There’s a flea market happening for the next 2 days,” she showed him a flyer, it would span until this Wednesday. “That’s no good,” he replied with a slight furrow in his brows; “I doubt a single police officer is enough to handle such a crowd.” Even if it happens near Marchette Street, it’s likely to become unregulated quickly. Typically, events like these are told a month in advance in order to allow for ample time to schedule and allocate officers to patrol. Additionally, Wednesday was the break day for the officers patrolling that area due to being the least busy day out of the week.
“Why don’t we go on patrol there for the last day?” She suggested. “The public hasn’t seen us together since the news, it’ll help settle certain things left from the initial shock.”
“Aren’t you busy that day though?”
“I’ll be done by 10.”
It was 10 minutes till 11.
He might as well find her instead of waiting for her, he told himself as he began strolling around the premise. The Blood Cane had 3 appointments today: the first was with Tsurara in regards to testing the effectiveness of a new technology due to her stable application of magic, the second was to the overlook the interviews for potential staff members with head of HR, Mary Shawn, and the last was to check up on the team leaders of their department. All of which should be done by now. She wasn’t the type to get lost either so it confused him.
“Bloody Sicko!”
Until he saw what seemed to be an increasingly violent situation between 3, including the woman herself, and disarmed them of their wands instantly without another breath wasted.
“What’s going on here?” Eyes coldly assessing the situation. “What department are you two from?” Their faces and black mops of hair were unfamiliar and they seemed to fear him compared to her by comparison.
“M-magical security…”
“New recruits, huh? I’d suggest heading back, they usually hold weekly meetings for newbies,” he stated, watching as the two stiffened at his words and with reluctant pleasantry scurried off with their wands. The blonde seemed unphased by what had happened as she blankly stared at them in the distance but he questioned. “Do you know them?”
“I think… they were my cousins,” uncertainty traced her voice as her fingers ghosted her temple. “Sorry for holding you up,” she scratched her head, changing topic. “Mary wanted me to choose at least 1 person from the interview to join our department so it took a while to decide.”
He stretched out his hand with a simple phrase, equally switching to their planned topic. “Let’s go.” To which she gladly accepted, loosely locking their fingers together as they began their patrol.
_ _ _
The flea market’s a bustling place with wooden stalls with fresh produce, and the scent of sweet and savoury bites wafting through the air as people of all kinds browse around. The Desert Cane walked in tandem with her, unused to the focus and swash of attention as his grip on her hand tightened. The clacking of the pots, and creaks of the carts replaced their unheard conversation. A glance at the younger man seemed to imply unease and irritation from the atmosphere, although he kept quiet and held on an unbothered expression as his gaze scanned and took in the area. 
‘Just focus on doing the patrol.’ Pushing down his discomfort as he continued his pace with Rinka in tow. Words were drowned amidst the tunes of buskers, the sizzling of food, and the chatter of neverending people. An argument escalated between a stall owner and their employee regarding the quality of food, as the laughter of children with contempt shrilled amidst the marching band and puppet theatre antics scratched at his ears. Like a carousel he couldn’t get out of, he continued to increase the pace of his stride. 
‘It’s just a patrol.’ It’s not like he hasn’t executed one before on this particular cobblestoned path. It’s by the book. Every police officer does it. Even if it’s a chore, he had agreed to it. ‘It’s just a patrol.’ Even Rinka had told him so. ‘It’s just a patrol.’
‘Why doesn’t it feel like a patrol?’
‘It’s just a patrol.’
‘It’s just--’
Unnaturally, the uneasiness nested within him thawed as his eyes read a the signboard of a crepe stall and he heard a suppressed hiss right beside him. He had forgotten about her who as much as he did, covered her discomfort. But with a warm smile as he loosened his grip on her hand. “I…”
“Let’s take a break, shall we?”
_ _ _
Orter took a deep sigh as he took a seat on a bench near a park further down from the market. She had used a temporary soothing spell to alleviate his clouded and muddled mind which was slowly returning as he watched a child play with simple light spells, pompously showcasing them to friends-alike. A light spell would be the first magic one learns before the manifestation of your own magic. They must be rather young to be amazed at such a sight, calmness washing over him.
The familiar bright crisp maple leaf robe entered the corner of his eye. She had returned with crepes in hand and an earmuff hung on her forearm. Why did she buy an earmuff? They don’t get hit with snow like the north, his heart thundered for no reason. ‘Don’t say it.’ She aimed her pointer to the side of her head, his eyes following them with baited focus. “You looked out of it.”
“Did I really?” he replied to her words, helping himself the chocolate syrup one while she took a seat.
“You didn’t reply to my words until I used Tranquilier.” He clenched his freed fist at those words. “Not even Sapaiserez?” What was he even doing? He scored decently during those practical tests barely 2 years ago. “The range of that spell is too cumbersome to adjust,” she muttered taking a bite into her own snack. To use a sedative spell meant for rogue dragons was indeed concerning for him but she seemed to think otherwise. “It has a guaranteed effect which is what I wanted.”
“But doesn’t it require a lot of energy?”
“You’re overthinking it.”
Yes. That’s all it was, he told himself. He was doing just that. There’s nothing wrong about it. There’s nothing wrong about her reaction or assumptions either. 
"Take your time, the flea market continues until 8 o'clock," she added. There’s no reason to push him to open up. Especially, if you know half of the story. He was simply too tense for the civilians’ ease of mind, which corresponds to their duty and purpose for being here. If the cold and stringent Desert Cane looked distressed, it wouldn’t fare well for any of them. It was like telling the world they had screwed up in the worst way imaginable. "We can always head back."
A sense of envy pervades their thoughts as they watch how carefree the children and their parents were. Something neither of them have the luxury of enjoying, even though it was clearly a date: it didn't feel like one. An unstated heaviness took over the space between them as they seemed to enjoy each other’s presence. Soon enough, they would continue their patrol with Orter wearing the earmuffs due to the precarious position she held them in. Their fingers interlocked once more as the crowd swallowed them in a bustling embrace, wandering with no end in view as he continued to be led by her until she stopped.
As if staring back at a reflection of her future, she paled. Instead of her pale blonde locks, they were honey brown. The spitting image of the Blood Cane in a much more approachable form.
Under her breath with utter confusion and discomfort, she muttered: “Why is she here?”
_ _ _ _ _
Emotional baggage vibes honestly.
Made up some soothing spells!
Tranquilier - A rather high level magic spell that eats up a lot of magical power reserves. Singular targetting spell. 100% guaranteed effect. Most notably used to tranquilise rogue endangered dragons/magical creatures, and sedate Agito Tyrone and Tsurara Halestone on two separate occasions.
Sapaiserez - A 1km radius wide soothing spell indiscriminate of who its cast one excluding the caster. Uses less magical energy than Tranquilier. With enough magic fortification and strong will the spell's effect on a person by person basis will be reduced and can even be bypassed when in the area. It's possible to adjust the range of the spell but that requires more finesse. Most commonly used to curb mass hysteria in large crowded areas and even amongst shepherds.
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gendercomsumer · 2 years
Part 3 of the confessions!! Finally!!!
A/N: fair warning, I wrote half of these in the middle of my health class and the other half at two in the morning- so they might seem rushed sorry<3 Also thank you Cater for coming home.. Not once.. BUT TWICE!!
Warnings: I have no idea how to write Jack-, and like usual not proofread-
GN!reader using the in game nicknames though (Shrimpy, sweet potato)
Characters: Vil Schoenheit (464 words), Jack Howl (414 words), Floyd Leech (448 words)
Vil Schoenheit:
Vil would most likely hear of you through Rook before he actually met you in person, though from what he heard from Rook you were at least interesting
and you met face to face when you, Epel and the rest of the first years were hanging out. You know the usual bickering between Epel and Vil, though Vil did talk to you for a moment or two
he wasn't mean or rude, but wasn't really nice either.
he'd most definitely be one of the people who needs to talk and interact for at least a week before he developed an opinion on you.
a week passed and his actions didn't really change more time passed and he stayed the same, Vil couldn't make out his feelings towards you.
though he would suggest skin care and makeup products that he thought would do you good. But it's not in a backhanded way either, it's almost like he's the complete natural around you.
truth be told, he had partly figured out his feelings after a few months, he didn't dislike you, though at the same time it was still difficult to figure out how he felt
Epel was getting annoyed with how much time Vil was spending around you, "are you in love with them or somethin'? With all the time you spend around them you might as well be"
Vil scolded Epel for his accent and making such an accusation about his dorm leader, but Vil wouldn't admit that that he never thought that he might love you.
the thought felt right to him, so his neural slowly turned nice towards you, though in public it was very much on the down low.
he would wait till he's had a crush for a while to think of how to confess, though when he does find a way, I have a feeling that it’d be really romantic.
Vil strikes me as a person who would do something in a cheesy romance movie and think it’s the most romantic shit ever, problem is it works and he comes off as a complete romantic.
He would most likely invite you to try a new skin care routine he’d make light hearted conversation with you and drop some flirty remarks such as:
 “My my, you do look beautiful today sweet potato, did you put more care in yourself for me? I’m flattered!”
And they’ll come at the most random times too, if you don’t get the hint and are really fucking dense he’ll become more upfront until he practically confesses to you
 “You know, everything I say about you is true, you do look absolutely stunning almost, if not all, of the time. Only someone like you is fit of being my partner, so what do you say, darling?”
Jack Howl:
Ever since Leonas overblot the Jack popped into the chaos group with the other three idiots, (ace, grim, and deuce)
Jack I feel like is the type of friend to regularly check up on you to see if your being healthy. Basically just eating and taking care of yourself.
A few times Jack brought you some extra food since he felt like you weren’t eating enough, he’d get super embarrassed if you mentioned it though.
Jack’s a little bit protective but not like possessive, he just wants to make sure your safe and well! he really just cares for you but doesn’t know how to express it in words.
Jack most likely came to the realization of his feelings on his own accord, I mean he has a lot of time to think during his morning runs, plus I can see him being really emotionally intelligent I don’t know why-
All of the things I just mentioned, they become a lot more common, and if you’re someone who likes to work out Jack might start asking you to join him in his routines.
Daily check in’s, some extra snacks everyday, and becoming a bit more protective of you are all things you can expect from Jack. 
Now though you can usually catch Jack staring at you, when caught he’ll get flustered and turn away almost instantly. (Maybe a tail wag??? Depends on his mood..)
I can also see Jack giving you little potted house plants, think like succulents or maybe some cacti. He says it’ll help brighten up ramshackle a bit
As for confessions, I feel like Jack would be a little bit nervous and have a bit of a hard time approaching you about it. So he’d most likely not confess face to face (Kind of like Riddle in my other set of headcannons) 
Though Jack’s better at keeping his head straight and not getting to worked up about it, don’t get me wrong though, he’s still nervous!
Jack would probably bring you a new plant to take care of, even if you already have a few in your room and slowly becoming a plant parent
He’d specifically give you a type of succulent called a Kalanchoe (They’re often associated with romance and love) with a small note on the pot of it.
it would most likely read: 
“I like you, and I want to be with you.” Short and sweet, all the while he’s looking at the ground with his tail wagging.
Floyd Leech
This mother fucker- We already know Floyd is clingy and and loves affection, it’s kind of a given.
As a friend I can see Floyd teasing you and joking around you since he’s a silly guy, he’s always saying some sort of silly remark or some weird story he heard.
Use this power wisely, you could learn about a lot of things happening in the school, or you learn about a random mushroom Jade made him eat. No inbetween.
I can also see Floyd randomly just- collapsing onto you, like your just walking then all of a sudden you have a eel slumped over your back, head on your shoulder
Floyd is just a menace that’s a given, but now he’s your menace to deal with so good luck.
As for crush behavior, I want you to take that clinginess and just multiply it by like ten. Thought Floyd was bad before? Well good fucking luck you’re in it now!
surprise hugs? check. Popping up at random times to mess with you? Check. Sometimes following you around to make sure no one gets too friendly with his little shrimpy? Big ole’ check!
While Floyd has his moments hes not dumb so he can tell if he’s fallen for you, I mean that and Jade could tell if he changed at all
You now have Floyd attached to your hip at all hours he can be with you, need to go cause you forgot something at ramshackle? He’s coming with no arguments.
A lot more hugs! and I mean a lot, if you ask him to tone it down, he’ll respect it, but there will still be a lot of affection
I can see the confession being kind of accidental, like some random student won’t leave you alone and has an obvious crush on you
they won’t take the hint that you’re not interested and one day decide to confess to you... while Floyd is with you... oh boy..
At first Floyd just glare at him, and after a bit of silence he’ll just start laughing. like.. you know the kind of laugh i’m think of right?
The student would be put off and you might be a little confused but his mood changes from laughing and funny to serious real fucking quick as he leans down a bit to hug you from behind
“ This little shrimpy is mine. so leave them alone, unless you want to be in the hospital for a looong time.” The student runs off, and Floyd goes back to his happy self
“You know, we should just start dating already so you don’t have to deal with that anymore, what do you say shrimpy?~”
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emarttt · 1 year
*Ominis×MC Headcanon*
"You can never totally let your past behind"
I saw the movie Little Women with Florence Pugh and Timothy challamet a looong time ago but this scene when Laurie's is trying to "confess" his love to Amy's always here in my mind so, here we are (for one, MC ("you") is the ass in the story and ominis is the fool one hehe)
This is my first big writing and English is not my first language so be indulgent please <3
Warning : Well just fluff and a bit of angst I guess? Enjoy! ^^
*Few years passed and you've never seen Sebastian again after he miraculously left the castle and all your story behind. You've tried for months, even years to find him after your graduation but he was nowhere to be found. You've finally decided to stop pursuing your past, understanding there was nothing more to do than accept this empty part of your being. However, someone was still there to bring light to your deepest darkness. Ominis never left you, at least not really. He helped you looking for his best friend for a time but stopped one day, a letter on your desk*
This is not how I want to spend the rest of my life. Chasing the one who left us without a word... I'm about to start a new life, have a sweet little place and grow older with or without him, as hard as it is to be said. He won't come back, and you know it. Life is giving us a chance and perhaps you'll take this chance by my side till the end.
Ominis G."
*You took a pretty long time thinking about this offer, acting ignorant by refuting the real meaning of Ominis's words. What he actually meant was that he wanted to start something with you, and you’ve quite always unconsciously known he felt things for you. You’d be a fool by saying you’ve never felt that way about him but… Sebastian had your heart from the beginning, you got mesmerised by this connection you two had, even if it was rude and chaotic sometimes, that’s what you loved about it. But this bond has created a hole between the descendant of Salazar Slytherin and you and you couldn’t put yourself to stop searching for the one you’ve always loved. Letting your old friend start his new life on his own*
*Two years had passed, and you were sitting on a bench in front of a magnificent fountain in a quiet Scottish village by the end of a cold winter night. You’ve always liked this place, it felt like home, nobody was around and you were there, feeling at peace with yourself for the first time after so many years wasted looking for Sallow. You’ve finally made up your mind, guessing he’d never come back to you, this revelation giving you quite the time to think. Suddenly, some footsteps resonated on the old cobblestone of the village asleep*
- Hi Y/N..
*You knew whose voice this was. You turned around, facing a tall and young blond man, a wand in his hand. Without saying a word, you jumped into his arms, feeling some tears in your warm eyes. He was handsome, these 2 years had helped him become a real man despite the fact you both were still young after all. His hand on your hip, you’ve slowly backed off, a slight smile on your face, hearing the fountain’s water runoff behind your back.*
- Ominis… it’s so good to see you
- It’s good to see you too. I was surprised when I received your letter. You wanted to talk to me ?
*You were the one who’d reached out him to, because you felt this emptiness growing inside you the more you were facing the world alone, finally understanding that he was the piece you missed in your life. You asked him to meet you at this exact place and time, and you’ve waited all afternoon, going to a pub and tiny shops before sitting on this same bench. But now that he asked you the real reason for this meeting, you felt your brain explode*
- Yes… I’ve decided to stop looking for Sebastian. You were right, he will never come back.
*You saw him showing a sad smile, but still full of understanding, as he always did*
- I’m happy you’ve finally made your call about that. I know how much it is hard but, it’s for the best. Some things have to stay behind us.
- I must admit, I’ve missed these well said words of yours… did you finally started the new adventure you were talking about?
*You felt a bit of guilt talking about that specific letter he wrote you 2 years ago, offering you a life you actually wanted but couldn’t accept because of your stubbornness. He took a moment before answering, you could see something going on his expression, not knowing what it was about*
- I… yeah. I found a peaceful place to live for the next few years and my life’s never been better. What about you? Any plans ?
*You knew Ominis was hiding something from you by the way he touched his hands quite nervously, he was always doing that when he feels uncomfortable*
- Actually, I’ve been thinking a lot, Ominis. That’s why I asked you to come here tonight. I… I want to start a new path with… with you. You know as you said in your letter. I mean, we could… raise mooncalfs in a little cottage, you remember how they were adorable ! And maybe we…
*Suddenly, you saw him turning his back on you, one of his hand passing on his face.*
- Please Y/N… Stop.
*You looked at your old friend before approaching slowly, visibly feeling something was wrong by the perception of his cold tone. You put a hand on his arm and he didn’t move, he just stayed there*
- What is it..? Did I… say something?
- I… I’m engaged.
*He didn’t turn around, he couldn't have seen the devastating look on your face anyway, but you felt he could sense it. Have you heard right ? Engaged? Without preventing it, you’ve felt your heart breaking into hundreds of pieces. Yes, you loved him, you always did. As much as Sebastian, but he left you and now, the only one you wanted by your side was about to leave you too… were you supposed to live these years alone? Is that what your future was about?*
- You’re… what?
- I’ve met a beautiful lady on my way to London few months ago and I asked her to marry me.
- Few months ago but… why ?
- Listen I just… felt it was the right person at the right time ! *His voice broke down a bit as he was now looking at you through his light blue eyes, arms crossed on his chest*
- That is not something you say when you truly love someone, Ominis.
- Don’t start, you know nothing about love. Otherwise… things would have been different.
* Even if he could never actually sees you, now you felt his eyes looking away, ashamed of what he’d just said to you. The two of you stood still, time passing while you were thinking about what you could say to him.*
- You shouldn’t marry her. *You’ve said, feeling quite sure of your words*
- What ?
- You heard what I said.
- This is non-sens, why would you say that in the first place ?
- You know why…
*He took a long moment to process what you’ve just admitted in front of him. What he’s always wanted to hear you saying. He couldn’t believe all these years of feelings for you would just explode now, now that he’s finally happy, and had accepted you would never abandon your love for his best friend, even if he’d stay hidden forever*
- You’re not… saying what I think you’re saying ?
- Please Ominis just listen to me…
- Listen to you? After all these years ? No… no I can’t.
- I don’t know why I am feeling this right now but… I just can’t imagine you with another woman… getting married…
- Stop… please. I have been second to Sebastian all this time when he was still here. I couldn’t help but falling for you and you… you never stopped loving him, even when he was gone. I gave you a chance two years ago and you didn’t take it… end of discussion.
*You saw him walking away from you. He was completely lost, feeling too many things at the same time for someone who swore to never be disturbed by you again. Guilt, anger, sadness but also… something else. Something he hasn’t felt in years. Something burning in his stomach but he didn’t want to feel that, why couldn’t you stay out of his mind? You couldn’t stay there just watching him leave you as everyone else already did before, so you run to catch him, gently putting your hand on his, feeling electricity all over your body because of this little touch. He felt that too and more than you could think. His blindness has always given him the ability to sense his environment and people more than everyone else. He had missed the sensation of your hand. That’s why he stopped. He couldn’t resist your touch.*
*He finally faced you, feeling your hot breath on his neck as he was taller than you. You were close, too close. Even if he couldn’t see you, he could feel the warmth of your body getting closer and closer to him.*
- Y/N…
- Ominis… please, listen to me…
*You’ve whispered. Your face and his were only a few inches away, and feeling now happy he wasn’t able to see your red cheeks. Your hand was still touching his and you thought he would break the distance between you two to lock up your mouth with his.*
- Merlin… I’m… I’m sorry… I have to go…
*But he didn’t. He left the place before you could say anything, disappearing like he was never there.*
Maybe I'll do a part 2? Tell me what you think
It’s quite short but I love this headcanon so much I couldn’t just abandoned it ! Ominis is always so sweet I can’t-
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trashbag-baby666 · 13 days
The Curt and Ken Wedding
What’s Waited Till Tomorrow Starts Tonight (MOTA hs au)
Pt. 2 (nsfw) - Mota Masterlist!
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•The wedding was very much a long time coming event. Back in high school Ken had even made a Pinterest board of his dream wedding with Curt.
•They had been engaged since a little after eight months of Curt being back stateside. However, they really wanted to wait to have an actual ceremony and reception till they were back on their feet. Comfortable in their new house, finish dealing with Curt’s VA problems, make sure both of them were in a healthy mental state for it.
•However, they did get their marriage certificate from the local court house. That way Ken could be under Curt's insurance and they’d both receive his military benefits. Ken hadn't been insured for a hot moment due to his ex. Thats why they semi rushed into it, Ken had a tun of appointments between therapy and just physicals so they could make sure he was putting weight back on.
•Curt found himself a little over whelmed when it came to all the wedding planning. He has undiagnosed adhd, planning had always been a little difficult for him. Ken had kept an organized binder of all their costs and options for everything.
•They originally planned to have it in the empty barn at the Clevens. They lived less than a half mile from them and it wouldn't cost them anything for the venue.
•But Grandma Lemmons got involved when she came to visit. With Grandma Lemmons nothing is allowed to be lowkey. She's a high society woman who dresses in all black all the time and has wore the same pearls for the last fifty years. Some people think she may have killed her husband...
•She finds the best vineyard in the Cheyenne area, she makes them pick a distinct color theme. They go with a light, muted blue and green, as their main theme with white and navy undertones. It's only later on after John points it out. That their colors were their eye colors and yeah he thought that was cute. Curt rolls his eyes and shakes his head but he also thinks its adorable.
•They spend months, and I mean months harness training Cleo. Ken was admit that Cleo and Hum's should be in the wedding. John's the lucky one who gets to be the animal handler but he takes his job very seriously. There's also no such thing as a cat who didn't like John, specially one of his old barn kittens. Ken had asked if he could take her when they moved out. Since this litter of kittens was purely an accident, so they let him go right ahead.
•Brady insisted he make their outfits for the big day as well.
• "Anything you guys want, I'll make for you."
•Him and Ham actually catch a flight out from New York to get their measurements. Brady takes his work very seriously, there's a reason he has a very successful name and has designed for Zendaya before.
•Curt wears his dress uniform for the ceremony but Brady makes him a custom tux for the reception. Ken wears a long lace dress with 3/4's sleeves and a long lace veil. He's that bitch. At the reception he wears a white blazer with white slacks and a lace cropped tank under.
•Come the day of the wedding Ken and his wedding party (Rosie, Gale, Brady, and his grandma) were all at the hotel suit helping him get ready. Brady was more there as the unofficial stylist.
•Curt was back at home with John and Sawyer. (Brady also came by to play stylist for a bit.) John’s also in charge of the animals so he’s the one that gets to wrestle Cleo into her little dress Ken got her. Fortunately, he knew that Hums at least wouldn't fight on the costume. He was a good boy who just got mixed up in his moms wedding agenda.
•Sawyer is making a video diary of their day and every time he brings the camera remotely anywhere near Curt, he's turning into the groomzilla. He knows he's already legally married to Ken but he's finding himself spiraling on about it. He already was panicking about his mom being there, especially on the terms that it was at a vineyard. She promised him she's sober and she wouldn't have anything to drink. But he'd heard that one a million times before. Sawyer assures him he'll keep an eye on her.
•Right before the ceremony is about to start Ken is in the private room trying to calm himself down. Rosies dabbing his tears carefully so his eyeliner doesn't get messed up. Gales rubbing his back and coaxing him down, assuring him that Curt loves him and he's not going anywhere. Every once in awhile Ken gets himself worked up, sometimes triggered by a nightmare or in this case his wedding. He begins to think that everything around him is just some cruel trick by his ex and he begins to spiral.
•Luckily, they get him talked down and Johns near by with Hums and Cleo so they come to see him to calm his nerves.
•Commence the wedding! They had their ceremony outside on the vineyard patio on an early September day. The trees were changing colors, the heat cooling down. Leaving them with the perfect Saturday.
•John and Rosie were Curt and Ken's men of honor. Gale walked Ken down the aisle to 18 by One Direction, the two sharing a strong embrace once at the alter. Gale ordained and Hums brought the rings to them in a little basket.
•There's plenty of laughs in their vows, recounting of times of true love and their silliest memories. Most definitely how thankful they are for each other, they're each others rocks. They're everything to each other.
•Their sealing of the vows with their kiss is passionate. Curt's hands around Kens waist dipping him just the slightest so he doesn't lose balance. Everyone cheers for them, specially John who tries his hardest to whistle. He's not very successful. Rosies cowbell just has to do.
•Ken is easily wine drunk fast while they eat dinner, although the guys will notstop clinking their glasses with their silverware for them to kiss. Easily, he's also drunk off Curts lips. The familiar warm taste, combined with the red wine taste on his lips causing him to want to jump onto him right here. He knew they had big plans for later in the evening...
•Their first dance is to Sweet Creature by Harry Styles
•John is most certainly on the dance floor all night. Similar to his and Gales wedding. At one point he paid someone enough to give him a microphone and he sang Can't Help Falling in Love. Curt shook his head and Gale laughed, Ham for sure filmed him.
•They have a three tiered red velvet cake with cat and dog cake toppers.
"Kenny, red velvet is just chocolate with cocoa powder."
"Yeah but it's fancy that way, Curtie."
•He gave in even if It wasn't his first pick. He wasn't even sure what his first pick was aside from ice cream cake. Trust, Ken had already said no ice cream cake.
Brought to you by the brains of Military La La Land
Taglist: @austeenbootler @coastiewife465 @slowsweetlove @executethyself35
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silloking · 4 months
𝓓𝓸 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓫𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓮𝓿𝓮 𝓲𝓷 𝓼𝓸𝓾𝓵 𝓶𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓼? (Do you believe in soul mates?)
𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐫 ★ 𝘗𝘰𝘴𝘵: 𝘐 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞: 2/1/2024 2024-1-2 2024-2-1 February 1st 2024
𝚃𝚘𝚙𝚒𝚌: 𝓓𝓸 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓫𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓮𝓿𝓮 𝓲𝓷 𝓼𝓸𝓾𝓵 𝓶𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓼? (Do you believe in soul mates?)
With February starting and Valentines day just around the corner what better way to start a new blog post with a world wide known holiday.
When you think of soulmates a lot can come to mind. . . Two lost lovers, opposites that are attracted to each other but for what reasons? It can mean many things. But one thing I hope we can agree on is that love is wonderful yet hurtful.
Do you think you have found you other half? Or singles are you looking forward to finding your boo thang? Perhaps you like just being with yourself whatever the case maybe, we all want love and we all deserver it in any positive way.
I know for me I would love to have another person that I can bother make funny face and just deeply enjoy each other in beautiful ways.
Do you believe there is really someone out there for everyone? Or maybe the overwhelming of the human population makes it seem impossible? Though the second question may seem a bit unorthodox, people may seem or feel as if even if there are people around they will always feel alone or never to be in a committed relationship.
With the topic of relationships what do you think about opposite attracts? Ying & Yang, Water & Fire? Some may feel or believe that total opposite are the best or at least seem to be the ideal way of maintaining a relationship.
Do you agree with that?
Finding your soulmate seems like it only happens in fairy tales, how Cinderella found her princess charming at the ball, or that just by luck Snow-white stumble upon a nice little cottage in the woods.
But what if you could find that one and only prince/ss charming?
Having a deep understand in your partner make it unreal, you finally have the love of your life by your side, maybe till death do us part, or just having a common little pitter patter connection that ties that two people together much stronger.
Being with someone you love you are constantly learning new things weather you have been together for 5 months or 50 years, you are always finding something new in your journey. But having to share it with someone you feel a deep attachment to make its all worth wild in the end.
Even if it may seem a bit unexplainable you can't denied that they are your better half. You both share so many things in common yet share countless of differences as well, which keeps each party in for the long haul.
Here are some people that we may all know who have found there lovely soulmate.
1. Elton John - Know for his catchy tunes and wild looking outfits he has fell deeply in love with his soulmate David Furnish when he was 47-years-old.
2. Harrison Ford - Thought the dark side doesn't seem like a comfort he couldn't contain his powers falling head over heels with Calista Flockhart.
3. Chrissy Teigen and John Legend - Let us not forget this iconic couple known for there beauty and soulful tunes.
Though things may seem rainbows and peaches with cream, things happens, which is normal unexpected situation may occur that can drive two people apart. We all wish for the perfect partner to look or sound a certain way, but thought we have our personal preferences which is not a bad thing. We may not get what we want, but we definitely get what we need and that is someone who is imperfect to others eyes but in yours they are just who you've been waiting for.
But as in the songs say "Only fools rush in." Take your time don't rush into something you may not be prepare for. You will go through lots of bumps in the road into finding what you truly deserve but that doesn't mean you can't be happy with what you have.
As time goes on and one thing I can relate is when you least expect it that is when it happens. So don't wait let the flow take you on its own.
For all the skeptics out there I know many of you may thing the soulmates aren't a real thing like it's a myth no one will ever find there soulmate it's a joke no such thing.
For those who may feel this it is very common and normal, but the realty is for those who believe in it or don't. There will be a lot of misconception's around soulmate such as. . .
We confuse passion and overwhelming emotion for love. We expect a single person to meet all of our needs. We think of love as a matter of chance, not of choice.
But thought everyone is entitled to feel how ever they may about the concept of soulmates. Many can say that they feel happy and are deeply in love with there other half, weather they believe they are soulmates or not.
Just remembers with every relationships keep these important keys in mind: Commination Loyalty Boundaries Understanding
Having all these can make any relationship work. Just have the shoulder or ear, or a yummy snack. Share a movie or a nice picnic. Spending time with your significant other in a positive way can make anything good.
Have you found your Valentine this month? Comment down below I would love to read your feedback.
Thank you for reading my FIRST blog post. For more to come.
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themculibrary · 8 months
Falcon And The Winter Soldier Masterlist 3
part one, part two
Ache For You (ao3) - tavana_lee sam/bucky G, 5k
Summary: "Sam. There's things I feel for you, things I cannot even begin to explain and I- I get nervous around you. I can't concentrate, I lose my train of thought and I ach- I ache for you." _
Bucky & Sam get stuck inside, and the tension is too much to bare.
Adjusted to Fit (ao3) - EternallyEcho steve/sam T, 3k
Summary: With a moment to himself for a little while, Sam Wilson reflects on his relationship and his feelings with his mentor, his idol, and his crush, who all happen to be the same person: Steve Rogers. Things were a bit...complicated, at least on his end.
baby you're the wave and I'm ready for the crash (ao3) - napricot sam/bucky E, 6k
Summary: Sam and Bucky have some unorthodox methods of going undercover in a club.
Beads on a String (ao3) - Sholio T, 14k
Summary: When Wakanda pulls Zemo out of the Raft and sends him on a mission, Ayo is tasked with being his handler. But there is more to it than either of them knows.
Bird Man, Metal Arm, & the Girl (ao3) - mynameisrae bucky/sharon, past sharon/steve, peggy/steve M, 105k
Summary: After returning from the blip, Sharon Carter is finding her place in the world again. She never expected to find Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes on her doorstep with a proposition for her. A proposition that leads her to moving in with the boys and becoming a part of the new Cap Trio. Now she's stuck with the bickering pair while they fight to keep Captain America's shield and navigate their new dynamic. A new dynamic that is becoming more and more complicated as Sharon becomes increasingly more curious what it would be like to kiss that damn scowl off Bucky Barnes' mouth.
Black and Blue (ao3) - concupiscence66 sam/bucky M, 86k
Summary: Sam and Bucky are a couple of guys. A couple of guys who have been battered and bruised down to their souls, and who are in need of some serious rest and relaxation. Bucky would be happy to crawl back into his isolation, but Sam coaxes him into another visit to Delcroix. With no impending doom hanging over their heads, Sam and Bucky have a chance to really get to know one another and see if the spark between them might turn into something more.
come with me to somewhere new (ao3) - huojuvuus sam/bucky G, 1k
Summary: “Are you and uncle Sam married?” It’s AJ who asks, with his mouth full of food and pointing at Bucky with his fork. Sarah chokes on her water and Bucky’s eyes divert to Sam, who looks back with wide eyes. There is a small smile playing on his lips, though, and Bucky feels his face heat up.
Well, he has packed enough to stay.
(or, bucky and sam really need to stop acting like an old married couple, until they don't.)
Constellations (ao3) - Vetiver bucky/darcy E, 56k
Summary; Bucky and Sam are called to assist SWORD with a strange object from space that's landed in Louisiana, where they meet Dr. Darcy Lewis. After the situation takes an even weirder turn for Darcy and Bucky, they reconnect in New York to figure out the mysterious cube - and their mutual attraction.
This will hang out in 'teen' rating territory for a while before eventually earning its 'explicit' rating. I usually wait till a work is complete before posting, but this one is still in progress; I will aim to update a minimum of twice a week. More tags to be added as events unfold.
devil's in the details (but you got a friend in me) (ao3) - lovecamedown sam/bucky T, 12k
Summary: TFATWS Sambucky falling in love. That's it that's the fic
For Science (ao3) - CluckU, Mumble_Bee bucky/hydra agents, sam/bucky E, 69k
Summary: In which Bucky is medically tortured in front of Sam, and then they cuddle, and then the authors accidently wrote a whole-ass novel.
Help Me Hold Onto You (ao3) - dash_of_darkness sam/bucky E, 202k
Summary: Six months after the fall of SHIELD and HYDRA, Sam is no closer to finding Bucky and he is growing more desperate by the day. Bucky feels like he's stuck in a free-fall, not able to trust anyone including himself. When he shows up to Sam's house unannounced one night, Sam scrambles to catch him and bring him home before it's too late.
keep the ashes from my heart (and walk away) (ao3) - coffeeinallcaps sam/bucky E, 4k
Summary: (In which Sam starts dating someone who is not Bucky, and Bucky pines, gets seriously injured, and proves himself wrong.)
#notmycap (ao3) - missgoalie75 T, 4k
Summary: In which Bucky fully embraces the 21st century and is a salty bitch on Twitter.
Scorpion Games (ao3) - Sholio T, 12k
Summary: Sam's nephews have been taken by HYDRA. Zemo is getting them back. No matter what.
sounds like an angel (he might be a demon) (ao3) - wikiangela sam/bucky M, 150k
Summary: When Sam agreed to help Steve find the Winter Soldier, he’d never expected what would happen and how fucked he'd be. And it all started with a phone call.
Or, Sam and Bucky's story through the years 2015-2024.
To Every Heart in Every Season (ao3) - Sholio T, 9k
Summary: It turns out there are videos of the Winter Soldier for sale. The kind of videos that shouldn't be seen by anyone.
When Sam finds out Zemo's been buying them on the black market, there's hell to pay.
unburn the ashes (ao3) - OmegaSamWilson sam/bucky E, 70k
Summary: In August 2006, Sam Wilson was captured by HYDRA and forced to mate with Bucky Barnes in order to produce a new generation of super soldiers. He was the sole test subject and was rescued seven months after his capture.
In 2024, Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes are now dealing with a "new" Captain America, a global rebel group, protecting their superpowered son, and navigating whatever the hell they're supposed to be to each other.
Follows the plot of the Falcon and the Winter Soldier with a twist.
You bring me closer to God (ao3) - Late_to_party_81 bucky/joaquin E, 8k
Summary: Bucky’s pissed off, his blood boiling, but all he can think about is taking out his frustrations on a certain, newly-minted Falcon. 
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oraclekleo · 11 months
Random Idol Reactions to the Dentist Appointment
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All the described reactions are pure fiction and my own speculation and they are intentionally exaggerated to make it more fun to read. Please, do not take any of it seriously. 
There people walking among us who fear the dentist beyond anything else in the world. They will avoid sitting into the dentist chair unless the pain forces them to make an appointment. 
And then there are normal people like me who love to go to the dentist and diligently visit his office every 6 months to have the preventive check done. And don't let me start on the bliss of dental hygiene procedure. Well... I truly like to have my teeth taken care of by professionals. 
But what about our lovely and cute idols? How do they react to dentist appointment? 
Let's find out! 
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Dongwoo (Infinite) 
Dongwoo finds the dentist appointment a waste of time. He takes a good care of his teeth and doesn't need the dentist to tell him what he already knows. Dongwoo isn't the type to sit in the waiting room reading the outdated magazines there, he always brings a thick book with him and would gladly read it even while the dentist has their hands in his mouth if it was possible. Once the check is over, Dongwoo sets a reminder to his phone for next appointment. 
Level of will to go to the appointment: 3/10 
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Minhyuk (Monsta X) 
Minhyuk makes a scene before going to the dentist, he screams and runs around describing all the terror he could possibly encounter in the dentist chair. He will insist on the fact no dentist appointment is needed and will postpone the meeting like 5x before he is forced by someone stronger than him (Shownu or Wonho) who will  drag him into the dentist office kicking and screaming like a big baby. The dentist hates him, because Minhyuk refuses to open mouth wide and when he does, he bites. After a little wrestle the check is finished, Minhyuk insists on getting a lolly and he leaves the dentist fast. 
Level of will to go to the appointment: 1/10 
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Donghae (Super Junior) 
For Donghae the dentist appointment is one of the necessary evil in life. The kind of suffering all human beings has to go through. He accepts the dentist appointment with resignation, he comes on time, sits in the chair and obeys all instructions hoping for it to be over soon. Deep down he believes that women must feel the same about gynecologist appointments. Once the check is over, Donghae will take a sticky note with the date and time of next appointment which he will lose a week later. 
Level of will to go to the appointment: 5/10 
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Taecyeon (2PM) 
Taecyeon coming for a dentist appointment is a big thing. All the nurses and assistants are there, no matter whether it is their shift that day or not. Taecyeon arrives with cute smile and small presents for the staff, spreading good mood and compliments left and right. The female staff is swooning from his presence and he knows it. Taecyeon cracks double meaning jokes till the dentist instructs him to open wide. And when he can't talk, he at least winks at the nurses. Once the check is over, he leaves the office with next appointment and several new phone numbers saved in his phone. 
Level of will to go to the appointment: 7/10 
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Love (former OnlyOneOf) 
Love loves to eat and he knows he need good healthy teeth for that. He looks forward to his regular preventive checks, he arrives at least 10 minutes earlier to the waiting room, he gathers all the free-to-take brochures about how to maintain your teeth, gums and mouth healthy. Once he is invited to the dentist's office he begins a conversation, he knows all about his dentist's family life, the names of his children, he knows what kind evening classes their mother attends and what is the favourite TV show of their aunt. This applies to the assistant, too. Love sits in the chair relaxed while his dentist keeps the conversation going and Love answers with unarticulated noises. Once the check is over, Love sets a reminder of next appointment in his phone and he also notes it down in his calendar at home. 
Level of will to go to the appointment: 10/10 
Who is your spirit animal when it comes to the dentist? Are you scared of the checks? Tell me in the comments. 
Just to inform you, I'm mostly like Love. Only I'm not interested in my dentist's personal life but I'm looking forward to the checks. 
More non-tarot content: Random Non-Tarot Content
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scorchieart · 2 years
Just so you know it's been almost 2 months since you last updated honor roll. You've haven't been uploading much (headcanons don't count as real writing)
Greetings. You'll have to excuse the following bit of word vomit, I'm writing this on my commute to work and this is all I can do to keep from bursting out laughing.
Thank you for sending the message to keep me accountable, but I don't recall promising I'd have the next chapter out exactly by 2 months, just that I'd do my best to stick to that deadline. Between real life and sleep, I'm lucky to get even a couple hours each day to devote to writing, and as much fun as it would be I don't live in fictional writing worlds to be thinking about them 24/7. (I've also been keeping a reminder on my calendar and it's still 3 weeks away till the 2 month mark, so I think the urgency isn't that warranted).
If you must know the reason for this particular chapter delay, it's that I'm having trouble coming up with a scenario that I'd think would be satisfying to read. (Coming up with Chev's actions and dialogue is giving me particular pains) I consider myself my biggest critic, and I've set a pretty high bar on what I deem is worth of making it out in the internet world. It's nice to know there's someone out there waiting for it to be updated, but I'd also think that person would like the next chapter to be written well, so they'd understand the delay.
For your other comment, I have posted a few other bits of writing since June (yes, other than the headcanons), maybe you just missed them? I did set up a masterlist of my work this past week if you want to check that out.
And on that note, I guess we have differing opinions when it comes to what counts as legitimate writing. I am not a full-time writer, I can only pretend to wield that power a few hours a week, but to me and I'm sure the many people who take it up as a hobby anything we create that has words that took time and effort to think up and arrange in a way we find interesting and want to share counts as writing. Sure headcanons may take less time to think up and write than your average fic, but that doesn't make it any less real. At least that's what I believe. Also writing, especially hobby writing, is for the writer first and foremost. The fact that these wonderful people choose to share their work for the public to enjoy is a privilege, not a right.
So thank you for your ask because it let me know there's someone out there who's looking out for me at least in some way. And apologies if the answer was deeper than you might have intended it to have gone. Hope you'll still look forward to the next stuff I post.
(And to all you people who have an inkling how to write a cranky morning chev, throw this girl a bone please 😭)
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