#well... they were handing out tickets for free but the security guard just let everyone in regardless
da-riya · 1 year
Just finished watching openheimer on top of a rooftop
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fruitsoxs · 1 year
hi socks just wanna let u know i have been thinking about those vashwood as roommates headcanons and i always come back to it cz it’s somehow??? so comforting??? 10/10 chef’s kiss thank u!
it's honestly my comfort au-- so here's a part two ! (here's part one)
Having Vash and Wolfwood as roommates would include(part two);;
warnings;; I included some nsfw headcanons this time. they're at the end and have a warning. This also has a bit of fighting/angst that ends in fluff notes: i have a couple of fics in the work for this au. let me know if there any big moments you would like to see written out into a full fic! (also possibly a knives spin off??)
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Their jobs/majors
I kind of feel like Vash is studying in the science department. Specifically something that has to do with plant science? Botany, Environmental science, maybe even biology? I know it’s a little on the nose but I really do think it would work perfectly for him
Maybe he even opens up his own little flower shop in the future??
No matter what he has a lot of labs and he is always tired after them.
He probably has a part-time job as a barista at a little cafe on campus
No thoughts just Vash in a cute little apron
He’s a fan favorite among the college kids. They say he makes the best coffee, and he sometimes gives people little freebies when they look sad
His manager Meryl actively yells at him for it, but she doesn’t actually care that much.
He ALWAYS will give you freebies if you come in to visit him. He gets a free drink as an employee, and he’ll save it for you just in case you come in. Sometimes he’ll even take it to go and drop it off for you
Wolfwood gives huge phycology vibes. Mans had a messed up childhood and wants nothing more than to help other people through that stuff
Either that or he’s an art student. I can see that too
He takes school very seriously, but he is horrible at math. He cannot divide to save his life. He’s had to retake his math class like three times
His job? Well nobody knows and at this point everyone is too scared to ask. (He’s a security guard lol)
Whatever it is, he hates it. He comes home grumpy and needs lots of hugs and kisses.
He’ll be all pouty and pissed off, and then you’ll give him a little kiss on the cheek and a small smile will break out 
Bonus; Knives is on the track to becoming a surgeon. I will die on the hill that he is going into the medical field. (he’d look so good in scrubs) and i know McDonalds knives is kind of funny, but I'm thinking he’s actually and EMT. Imagine getting hurt and having Knives be your first responder (id die on the spot)
First Date
It’s not really a date- well you don’t call it a date. Vash just walks in with a couple of free tickets to a haunted house event thing  and asks if you and Wolfwood want to come
You’re like hell yeah
The drive there is like the calm before the storm. You listen to some music, seated in front with wolfwood driving. He definitely has his hand on your thigh. Vash is super excited about finally doing something that isn’t getting high and playing games
You all thought it was gonna be some dumb little spooky house. They’re never that scary. It’s just fun to see all the decorations and actors
Oh boy were you wrong
It’s so well put together. The actors are really into it, and they have amazing make up. When you’re standing in line, some clown girl walks up to Vash and you watch the regret build up on his face. The guy is already terrified
The first hallway is pitch black, and you have to rely on a feeling your way through it. Vash is mumbling about how much he hates it the entire time
Wolfwood is like “Don’t worry guys I’ll protect you.” And then proceeds to let out the loudest scream when the lights come on and there’s a girl dressed up as a ghost standing there
Soon all three of you are huddled up, holding hands, and shaking
These things should not be that scary!!!
It’s Vash who gets you kicked out
He gets so spooked that he runs into a bunch of boxes and knocks one of the fake walls down. The entire thing has to stop to fix it
You’re all banned
After that you go eat pancakes and complain about how scary it was
When things get tense
Fights can happen sometimes
None of you are perfect, and those boys have gone through some shit
Vash tends to shut himself away from you when he’s upset. He doesn’t come out of his room, and when he does he pretends like he’s fine. 
He doesn’t like burdening other people with his problems.
Eventually it just starts to feel like he doesn’t trust you enough to let you in. SIt gets really bad when he tells you to go away one day, and you watch Wolfwood walk into his room 30 minutes later
It doesn’t really turn into a fight. You just get sad, and even a little insecure. So, you avoid him back. Not because you’re vengeful, just because you feel hurt
A few days of the two of you not talking and Vash is in tears by your door
He begs for forgiveness and explains why he’s like this
You tell him it’s okay, but what he does really hurt you. He promises to work on it, and he does
That night the two of you make up for loss time
Wolfwood and you fight a lot more
Most of the time it’s silly little arguments that you solve pretty fast
Wolfwood is bad at communicating in general. But especially when it comes to his feelings
He has really bad days sometimes, and he can get grumpy really fast these days, and one day you really piss him off
He won’t tell you what you did though, he just gives you the cold shoulder
That pisses you off because you’d so be willing to talk it out and apologize, but he won’t tell you what you did 
So you’re mad now too
Things are tense between you too, and it all comes to an end on movie night when you start arguing about what movie to watch
You want to watch one of your favorite movies from your childhood and he says that it’s a stupid movie
Things get heated fast, while Vash just disappears into the background. He that the two of you need to workout your problems on your own (but he really wants to intervene) 
When the tears start falling, Wolfwood immediately stops
He takes a breath, and the two of you sit down and just talk. 
You talk ALL night about what happened, and what the two of you could have done better. In the end, you fall asleep on his chest while he plays with your hair. 
You have movie night the next night to make up for it, and he puts the movie you wanted to watch in before you can even talk about it ( he ends up loving the movie and after that you two watch it all the time)
Id have to make an entire other thing for when Vash and Wolfwood fight because it’s no fun for anyone
NSFW stuff
After the three of you finally get past the awkward stages and start fucking, you find out these two are…horny
They’ll grab you and go to town any time
They really like to share you, but there’s no jealousy in the relationship so it’s okay for one on one time as well!
Wolfwood will pull you into steamy make out sessions whenever. He’ll do it out of nowhere. I imagine he just really likes you, and can’t get enough
He’s very handsy. He’ll constantly have his hand on your hips, or your thigh, and your waist. He likes touching you
He’s the type to sneak risqué touches in public. He like watching you struggle to not let anyone else know what he’s doing
Quickies everywhere with Wolfwood
Vash is a lot more loving (not that Wolfwood isn’t loving– he probably has cried during sex) 
Vash takes his time though. He wants every moment with you to be special. He likes to do stuff like rubbing your back, and peppering kisses down your shoulders. He’ll run his hand up your shirt, and kiss your neck softly. He builds up to it
He really likes shower/bath sex. It’s intimate and relaxing
He also like when you take control (i know he’s a whimperer)
He is so bad at any type of public sex though. He gets embarrassed way too easily (and i think Wolfwood has fun with that) 
When the three of you do it together it’s fucking electric 
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canirove · 9 months
In The Name of Love | Chapter 12
Previous chapter | Next chapter
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"Your no boyfriend is the best, Val. Getting us tickets for el clásico and so close to the pitch? Amazing."
"Yeah, well" I shrug as we sit down.
"These days they allow anyone come to the Camp Nou" a man says behind us. "Madrid bitch."
"Don't listen to him, Val" Marina whispers.
While she is wearing Pedri's shirt, I decided to take my Real Madrid scarf, hoping it would not be too noticeable and that no one would say anything to me. Turns out I was wrong. 
"Bringing rubbish like this to our home… fucking hell" the man says, kicking the back of my seat, the two men sitting next to me giving him a disgusted look.
"What? Do I have something on my face?" he says to them. "Fucking morons."
"They do allow anyone into the Camp Nou, yes" the one next to me sighs. Though only I can hear him, everyone else cheering as the players come out for their warm-up.
"Well, that wasn't that bad" Marina says when the referee signals the end of the first half.
"You only managed to score once" I chuckle. And no, it wasn't Pedri. So far he is keeping his promise of not scoring against my team.
"Wait until the next 45 minutes. We are gonna destroy you" the man behind me says, starting to kick my seat once again.
During the second half Real Madrid is attacking on the side of the pitch where we are, and on one of those attacks…
"Goal!" I scream, lifting my arms and clapping.
"Shut up, bitch!" the man behind me says, slapping my hands and starting to kick my seat again.
"Hey! Leave her alone!" the one sitting next to me says.
"Or what? Are you gonna call the police?" he laughs, kicking my seat once again.
"Maybe we will" the other says.
"Don't bother. He is not worth it" I tell them, trying to ignore the burn in the hand he had slapped.
Minute 35. Real Madrid keeps attacking, our second goal getting closer and closer.
"Oh, look! Ferran is warming up!" Marina says, calling his name and waving at him.
"Hello" he smiles, waving back.
"He is so cute… Isn't he, Val?"
But I can't answer. My eyes are fixed on the pitch, on what is going on.
"Goal!" I scream again, this time getting up from my seat and clapping.
"Sit down you Madrid bitch!" the man behind me says, grabbing me by the scarf and pushing me down. Luckily, it was loose around my neck and he didn't choke me, but now he has it. "Fucking rubbish" he says, spitting on it and throwing it away.
"Hey! What the fuck, man!" Ferran yells from the pitch. 
"You shut up, you useless piece of shit!"
"Is everything ok?" a security guard says, one of the men sitting next to me standing behind him. When he said they would call the police, he wasn't lying.
"This man has been harassing this girl the whole game and he just spit on her scarf and threw it away" the one sitting next to me says, nodding towards where my scarf is.
"That's a lie! I did nothing!"
"Is this true, miss?"
"Don't you dare talking, you fucking Madrid bitch!" the man says, grabbing my arm.
"You are hurting me!" I complain.
"Sir, let her go" the security guard says.
"She shouldn't be here!" he says, twisting my arm.
"Sir, please. Let the girl go and come with me."
"I'm not going anywhere! She should be the one leaving! Rubbish like her isn't welcomed here!"
"Sir…" the guard says, moving towards us to try and free me. 
And then, everything happens too fast.
The man lets go of my arm, giving it one last twist before pushing me against the nice one who had been defending me. But he doesn't have time to react and catch me, and I see myself falling against the empty seats in front of us since the people who were sitting there are now up, looking at everything that was happening. I hear Marina calling my name, I think Ferran too. And then the next thing I know is that I am on the floor, feet everywhere around me, my right side hurting as hell.
"Val! Val, are you ok? Move! Stop filming and move! Val!"
"Ferran? What…" 
"I'm here, it's ok. It's ok" I hear him say next to me before everything becomes a blur.
"Val, stop moving. Didn't you hear what the doctor said?" Marina scolds me.
"I did. But this stretcher is so uncomfortable…"
"Ferran's arms are more comfortable, uh?" she smirks.
"Idiot" I reply, rolling my eyes. He had carried me away. He had jumped the billboards and ran towards where I was laying, picking me up and taking me to the infirmary himself, not giving a shit about the game. He even stayed with us while one of Barça's doctors checked me.
"I was right about him, wasn't I? He is your no boyfriend. I mean, why else would he do that?"
"Because we are friends?"  
"Val! Valeria, are you alright?" Pedri says, storming into the room.
"Hey" I smile.
"I am so sorry. So so sorry" he says, cupping my face and kissing me. "Are you ok?"
"I'm fine, yes. Just a broken rib."
"A what? Ferran said it was just a contusion!"
"He probably didn't want to worry you" I say while he caresses my cheek.
"Oh… my God" Marina gasps next to us. I had completely forgotten she was there. Shit.
"Marina, I can explain."
"He is your no boyfriend! Him!" she says, pointing at Pedri.
"He… he is, yes" I sigh. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I didn't know how."
"Oh, my God" she repeats, her eyes going from me to Pedri and back at me.
"Marina, are you ok?" he asks.
"I'm… I'm… Yes. I think. I just… He is your no boyfriend!"
"You already said that" I chuckle.
"Not Ferran or Eric. Him!"
"Oh my God, Val. I knew you were the cool cousin, but this… this is…"
"I am the cool cousin? I thought I was the disgrace of the family" I laugh. Though maybe I shouldn't have. That hurt.
"Don't listen to your mother, she knows nothing" Marina says. "You've always been the cool cousin, everyone agrees. And now you are even cooler because you are a wag! My cousin! A wag!"
"I'm not a wag, Marina."
"Maybe not officially, but he is the one giving you the vitamin D, isn't he?" she smirks.
"Sorry" she shrugs.
"You can't tell anyone about us, you hear me? No one."
"My lips are sealed."
"I'm being serious, Marina."
"I won't tell a soul, Val. I promise."
"Not even as revenge because she has stolen your boyfriend?" Pedri teases her.
"You told him?" 
"Sorry" I shrug.
"Now you are a 5% less cooler" she says, her cheeks bright red. 
"Poor me… ouch!" 
"Are you ok?" Pedri asks with a concerned look. Even in moments like this he is the cutest. Ugh.
"I'm fine. It's just that laughing hurts."
"Right. Then we have to become boring and not make you laugh. Can you do that, Marina?" he asks her.
"It's gonna be very difficult…"
"Do it for your cool cousin who currently is a 5% less cool" he says, trying not to smile.
"Idiot" I murmur.
"Ok, I'll try" she sighs.
"Great" Pedri says. "Now let's take you home, shall we?"
"What are you doing?" I say when he puts his arms around me.
"Carrying you?" 
"I can walk, Pedri."
"And I can carry you. I've done it before, remember?"
"Val, let him do it. He's probably jealous of what Ferran did" Marina smirks.
"Wait, are you?" I ask him.
"Of course not! I just want to take care of you."
"Aww, cute" Marina says.
"Ok, fine. But try not to drop me."
"When have I done that?" he says.
"There is a first time for everything, Pepi."
"Val! Did you also tell him about that?" Marina complains.
"Don't worry, I already knew. Now let's go" he says, picking me up while I wrap my arms around his neck.
"Boyfriend goals" Marina sighs, walking behind us. "Or no boyfriend in this case."
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epiph-wristbands · 16 days
Upgrading the event experience: the magic of sourcing customized silicone wristbands
The Swiss Army Knife of Silicone Wristbands, EPIPH Customized Silicone Wristbands
Imagine the entrance to your next party, conference or music festival, no long queues, no loud searching for tickets, just a river of colorful silicone wristbands flowing gently. This is not a dream, this is a brand new experience brought to you by EPIPH customized silicone wristbands!
Say goodbye to paper tickets! It's like upgrading from a black and white TV to a 4K screen, you know how it feels! EPIPH customized silicone wristbands are not just a pass, it's a VIP invitation to your event, a fashionable item for your event, and a secret weapon to make your attendees feel like they're part of something special.
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Why choose EPIPH wristbands?
Gosh, I can't believe someone said, isn't a silicone wristband just a little strip of plastic that you wear on your hand? What's so special about it? Well, my dear, if that's all there is to it, then there's no need to go through all the trouble here, EPIPH silicone wristbands can be your event's secret weapon, your magic weapon to differentiate between different groups of people, and your magic wand to make each and every participant feel special and excited. So, next time when you plan an event, remember to embrace the colorful, convenient, yet magical EPIPH custom silicone wristbands. Together, let's set sail toward an even more exciting event!
Many event planners always marvel at how other people's events can be done so well. Shhh, I'm here to tell you the secret! Customized silicone wristbands are the real stars of the event. If you're still on the fence about sourcing silicone wristbands for your next bash, here are four reasons why you can't say no:
1. customized coolness:
What's the best way to make your party stand out? And also make your event loud and out of the circle? Come and purchase customized silicone wristbands! Many people who attend events like to prove that they came to the event! So how do you prove it? Why not give them a silicone wristband with your event logo on it? Silicone wristbands that are designed to be both beautiful and special will definitely become a show-off treasure for everyone, and when people collect these silicone wristbands that have been specially customized for the event, it will also make them eager to attend the event again every year! One more piece of marketing: collect as many wristbands as you can for this event and you'll also be able to draw the ultimate prize! And you've got free advertising with no effort at all!
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2. Lesson learned: the wristbands become the logo of the event.
Let's say you're planning a music festival, and you have specially customized silicone wristbands that are colorful, comfortable to wear, and have the festival's unique logo, super cool design, and year on them. These customized silicone wristbands aren't just admission tickets, they're souvenirs that everyone loves. After the festival, everyone flaunts photos of themselves on social media wearing silicone wristbands, helping to draw more eyeballs to your event. Some people even continue to wear their wristbands as fashion accessories, making more people buzz about them even after the festival.
3. Easy to identify / maintain order / save resources and time
Security guards have their work cut out for them at big events, especially when it comes to making sure only the right people get in. That's where our superhero, the customizable silicone wristband, comes in! Security guards were instantly relieved to see who should stand where at a glance. Compared to ticket stubs that need to be scrutinized carefully, silicone wristbands are simply loaded with wings of speed! The different colors and designs of the silicone wristbands are like colorful compasses, and the security guards are like skilled conductors, easily directing the crowd into their own music. The colors and styles of the silicone wristbands not only allow the security guards to instantly recognize who the VIPs are, but also help you to secretly count which areas are the most popular, so that you can play the role of “mind catcher” at the next event. Whether it's a music festival, a concert or a nightclub party, silicone wristbands are the secret weapon for easy identification/keeping order/saving resources and time.
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4. Clean and Convenient
Still using paper tickets? Let them sit in the corner and eat dust! Because silicone wristbands have shone through, reducing waste, protecting the environment, and making your event look a little more elevated. How can silicone wristbands be the superheroes of waste reduction at big sporting events like marathons? Imagine those paper tickets that used to be disposable invitations and then rushed away like unwelcome party guests, leaving a trail of paper and ink residue. But now, as if by magic, event planners are pulling out color-coded magic wristbands!
Not only are these wristbands handed out to participants at registration and proudly displayed like a badge of honor, but they're also made from recyclable materials and are as environmentally friendly as a guardian of the earth. So no more worrying about the event site turning into a battleground of paper flying around, because these wristbands make it cleaner and more environmentally friendly!
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EPIPH Customized Silicone Wristbands: Your Secret to Success!
Why are silicone wristbands the “king of popularity” at events? First of all, they are suitable for all occasions, from charity runs to socials, from parties to music festivals, etc. You can customize silicone wristbands for your event. Secondly, these wristbands are soft, strong, durable, latex-free and comfortable to wear. Best of all, their colorful designs and customizability give every wristband a chance to be the star of a fashion show.Custom silicone wristbands from EPIPH are your recipe for success. Our simple and fast process and lightning fast delivery guarantees a hassle-free event.
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erodasfishtacos · 3 years
fyi: this is written from a curious gazes point of view!
i write for FREE - so if you would like to support my work, you can donate here. 
if you liked please reblog, recommended, like, and come talk to me about it!
*video is mine (as in i took it so please credit if you use)*
Ellie had saved up for nearly a year to buy an overpriced resale ticket to be in the cherry pit of the Harry Styles Concert.
She was a college student - barely able to afford food, let alone an expensive ticket to the concert at PPG Paints Arena.
But she managed, after extra long nights at the on-campus conievient store - she had saved up enough for said ticket.
She worked hard for the chance, so she brought a little blanket and camped out at the front of the arena like the rest of the fans.
Overall, she was outside for General Admission since four in the morning and by the time they were ushered into the arena - she was filled with anticipation and exhaustion.
But if was so so worth it.
She was at the barrier, grasping onto it like it was a figment of her imagination - she was here and he would be coming in a few hours.
It was overly crowded and the fans around her were becoming antsy and pushy as the show came closer to starting.
Ellie notices everyone looking back when Jenny comes on and she notices that everyone is starting at YN who had appeared behind the barricades to watch the show.
She was just…gorgeous. She waved and blew a few kisses to the fans but got distracted talking with Jeff and Tommy.
Fans enjoyed when she came out first because her outfit gave just the littlest hint of what Harry’s would look like.
Unfortunately, it didn’t give away much.
She looks stunning as always - in a sharp, crisp black suit with a very sexy, delicate bra underneath. ***
Ellie swears she could see her engagement and wedding band sparkling in the lighting from all the way over here.
After Jenny’s set is over, there is only a few minutes before Harry comes on.
When the lights dim, the intro music starts, and the bunnies begin the flashing on the screen - the fans in the pit push forward to get as close as possible.
Ellie isn’t sure how it happened but she manages to get pushed away from the barrier and to the back of the crowd.
All of her hardwork, waiting in line was ruined in an instant and then fans were holding up signs that blocked her whole view.
She can barely get glimpses of Harry and the fact that she has lost the spot at the barrier that she had wanted so fucking bad.
Maybe she’s being childish but she begins crying, she can’t believe her bad luck, and she just can’t seem to catch her breath.
Golden passes, then Carolina, then Adore You.
She doesn’t even enjoy them.
Ellie is confused when she feels a tap on her shoulder, it’s a massive security guard who states, “Mrs. Styles would like to see you.”
She looks at him perplexed, then past his shoulder, and believe it or not - YN is standing at the rail that separates her from the general population, she looks concerned.
It doesn’t feel real as she stumbles over, scrubbing her hand over her face to attempt to erase the tears before meeting her.
“Hi! Are you okay?” YN shouts over the loud music, leaning past the barrier a bit.
Ellie nods, trying to collect herself, “I’m just upset. I waited all morning for the front but I just got shoved out and…I can’t really see him and I saved up all my money for this.”
YN smiles softly at the girl, “I’m sorry that happened.”
Ellie expects that to be it but it’s not.
“Hey, will you take us over to the stage barricade?” YN asks that same security.
He furrows his brows, “I don’t think that would be a good idea, Mrs. Styles.”
“I think it would be,” She quips fiercely, no room to argue and she helps Ellie slip over the railing to stand next to her, “I’ll get you an even better seat.”
And Ellie is in shock as YN takes her hand, pulling her along until they’re at the small space between the stage and pit - where the security stands.
From here, well- she can see everything and it’s better than a front row seat.
Especially because the second Harry spots his wife, he prances over to them, and yells out, “Y’good?”
YN nods and gives him a thumbs up, then she’s dancing along with the crowd and encouraging Ellie to dance.
The opposite side of the pit would later go on to complain on social media that Harry spent no time on their side because he was too busy showing off for his wife.
It was completely true.
He was totally trying to show off to his wife despite her having seen him perform thousands of times over the past ten years.
Ellie is starry-eyed as she watches her idol perform but he is actually real which doesn’t seem right - he’s a living breathing person!
During a break between songs, Harry swings the microphone cord and saunters over to them with a wide smile.
“I see tha’ m’wife made a friend. S’show is supposed to be about me, darling!” Harry pouts toward his wife making the crowd laugh, “Wha’s your name?”
Ellie’s eyes widen when she realized he is talking to her.
“Ell-Ellie!” She shouts back over the scream.
“Hello Ellie, s’my wife annoying you yet? Thanks for takin’ her off my hands for a while. She’s a lot to handle, pain in me arse,” Harry jokes, eyes twinkling at YN.
Ellie felt like she could physically feel their connection.
She shakes her head and shouts back, “No! She’s really nice!”
Harry tsked and murmurs playfully into the mic, “Y’needa to tell me the secret! She’s right mean to me!”
He blows his wife a kiss and pops his bum at her before shimmying away for his next song.
Ellie is near hyperventilating, she just talked to Harry fucking Styles but feels like an idiot for doing it right next to his wife.
YN slings an arm around her shoulder and says, “You okay?”
She giggles and mumbles, “I’m sorry, I’m being so embarrassing.”
But YN is understanding, constantly smiling which makes her feel less like an immature little fan girl and replies, “Not embarrassing! I totally get it. He’s pretty okay.”
As the show wraps up, the security starts to motion for YN to follow them backstage and Ellie feels sad - she really liked YN and she didn’t want this experience to end.
“It was really really nice meeting you. I can’t thank you enough,” Ellie tells YN over Harry edging the crowd with Watermelon Sugar.
Holy shit, she was talking to the person the song was made about.
YN’s face twist in confusion, “Did you not want to come backstage and meet him?”
What the fuck did she just say?
That’s an option?
“Uh-meet Harr-Harry?” She stutters out, mouth nearly hanging open with surprise.
“Yeah! I thought you better get your money’s worth for such a shit experience!” YN replies, laughing as she begins to walk with security - Ellie trailing after them.
Did YN not realize that she had already gave Ellie one of the most - scratch that, the most amazing experience of her life?
When they get backstage, the crew is hustling about - Ellie spots Jeff, Tommy, Harry Lambert all chilling by the entrance.
“If you want to take a seat, he’ll be back here in a few minutes!” YN says nonchalantly, like she isn’t about to introduce her to Harry fucking Styles.
Ellie’s heart is pounding louder than the concert speakers, she can hear the blood rushing in her ears with excitement and anxiety at the same time.
And then Kiwi ends.
Before she can blink, Harry has burst through the curtains to the backstage - tugging out his in-ears and wiping off his sweaty forehead.
He doesn’t notice Ellie but she wouldn’t expect him to - not when his drop dead gorgeous wife is in the room (there was no competition with anyone else, she was just…stunning and it made sense why Harry was so attracted to her.)
And of course, Harry’s eyes find his wife before anything else - YN was currently sipping a water bottle by a mini fridge.
He strides over to her, snatches the bottle out of her hand, and jugs down the rest of it within mere seconds without asking.
“Rude,” YN chides with a giggle as Harry presses her further against the wall, “You did so fucking good tonight, bunny.”
“Trying to impress you,” He rasps, his voice hoarse from his performance - his hand dipping into her jacket to thumb at the lace of her bra.
“That much was obvious,” YN retorts dryly but fails poorly to keep her smile hidden - laughs like a school girl even more when Harry growls and blows a raspberry on her shoulder.
They were so fucking adorable.
Harry was looking at his wife with that teenager affection still - like she was just the best thing ever and he was obsessed.
It was absolutely the truth.
“Oh! I’m being rude,” YN interrupts their little moment, shoving him off and ignoring his comment of, “Always rude t’me.”
“Harry, this is Ellie,” YN grabs his hand and pulls him over to the couch, “She waited all morning for front row but other people pushed her out.”
It makes Ellie a little bit sad, Harry’s demeanor changes - he is still very kind and friendly but he goes into fan mode - much different than how he just was.
“Y’alright? Nice t’meet you, Ellie,” Harry says professionally, he reaches out his hand and shakes hers - she’s legitimately quivering.
“Ye-um, nice to meet you,” She manages out, the rockstar smiles patiently at her with years of experience with frazzled fans.
“I hope m’wife was able to make the show a bit better,” He adds and Jeff is already shoving a shirt, poster, and marker for him to sign stuff for her.
This was most likely the last thing he wanted to do after a show but he was being so welcoming to her - it almost made her guilty for coming back here.
“I did-didn’t mean to be a bother. I’m sorry,” Ellie apologizes profusely, standing up and grabbing her tote - thanking Harry as he hands her the signed merch.
“No worries, not a bother at all. M’glad you had a good time,” He doesn’t try to get her to stay and is obviously ready to leave but he gives her a warm, sweaty hug nonetheless.
“Thank you, both of you,” Ellie mumbles, she steps over to give YN a hug and there’s a moment of panic when Harry tenses up at the interaction - like he doesn’t want Ellie touching his wife but YN hugs her tightly back.
She notices Harry’s hand move protectively to his wife’s hip and pull her into his side subtly - it was obvious how in love he is with her.
And when security begins to guide her out, she can still hear them as they walk towards an opposite hallway.
Harry’s voice had changed back into one that the public didn’t hear as he asks his wife in a whining tone, “Will y’wash m’hair for me tonight, baby? M’sleepy.”
His wife teases him, “I’ll consider it.”
“S’not fair I washed y’hair and body for the last week straight!” He complains, Ellie looks over her shoulder to see Harry bringing their intertwined hands up to kiss the back of hers.
“I’ll wash your hair and body,” YN relents, acting like she was put out immensely by the request.
“Even m’bits?” Harry murmurs lowly - like a child saying something naughty.
YN barks out a laugh, “I swear you’re still fifteen sometimes but yes - full body.”
Hope you enjoyed!
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Flying High, Falling Fast
Warnings: non-consent sex and rape; fingering, oral, fucking, subtle creep factor, deceptive charm, the usual fare you know
This is dark!Sam Wilson x reader and explicit. 18+ only.  Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Synopsis: You meet the new Captain America at an event and impress him with your homemade project, but his interest is more than friendly.
Note: We all need some dark!Sam, right? This is a pretty long one shot, just over 7k words but it was super fun to write a character I don’t get to a lot. But I hope you love him as much as me!
Thanks to everyone for sticking around and putting up with me and thanks in advance for all your feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 Let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
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You’d never been to a meet and greet before but it seemed like the perfect opportunity to meet up with Reese. The two of you met a year and a half ago on a Discord server for PC builds and eventually waded through the awkward blank cursors to real conversations. Little updates on new additions to your machines, memes about coding, and the occasional gaming session. He became a stalwart in your mostly solitary existence between work and your empty private life.
It wasn’t that you didn’t trust Reese but you felt safer meeting a stranger from the internet in a public setting. Plus, it was his suggestion. His roommate fell through on attending the event with him and you eagerly accepted the unclaimed ticket. Of course, Reese insisted it was his treat but you made him promise to let you pay for lunch.
Even more exciting, you were going to meet the new Captain America. THE CAPTAIN AMERICA. You wanted to squee but had to play it cool as you waited with Reese in the winding queue. 
As exclusive as the meet and greet was, it was stiflingly crowded, even more strenuous as you and Reese tried to adjust your rapport to a face-to-face environment. You mostly ended up chuckling and struggling for some cogent thought.
“What’s in the bag?” Reese asked, finally cracking through the stunted small talk.
“Oh, oh my god, I almost forgot,” you carefully lifted the bag and opened the top to let him peek inside, “I made this last year during lockdown. It’s silly but it was fun.”
He poked his finger around the opening of your drawstring knapsack and his brows rose in surprise. The drone had taken you most of your spare time but you hadn’t yet had a chance to do more than hover it around your bedroom. It was an exact replica, or exact as you could get, of the former Falcon’s Redwing.
“Holy shit! You never mentioned it,” he said.
“Oh, well, I guess… I never thought to. I just spent about an hour or so whenever I could, getting it together. Most of the time was spent on programming,” you closed your bag and let hit hang from your elbow, “and that’s another checkbox on the nerd list.”
“Please, look who you're talking to,” he joked with a snort.
You smiled at him sheepishly and looked ahead of the bodies in front of you as the line shifted forward. He wasn’t exactly disappointing, if anything, he was exactly what you expected. Skinny with black-framed glasses and a bright tee with the Captain’s shield emblazoned across his chest. He wasn’t bad-looking and thankfully not an incel.
“So, uh, you gonna give it to him or something?” Reese asked.
“What-- uh, no, I was hoping he’d sign it actually,” you chewed your lip anxiously, “if I don’t spaz out and just walk away.”
“Right,” he scoffed, “the last time I went to one of these I almost passed out.”
“Oh? Who was it?” you wondered aloud.
“Tony Stark. But I was still in high school,” he explained, “everything else sells out before I get to it. These I got by luck. If David hadn’t swiped them, we’d be standing outside wishing we were in here.”
“I can’t believe he passed on the ticket,” you uttered.
“I’m happy he did,” Reese said, “it made it easier to convince you to meet.”
“Well… we didn’t have to--”
“I’m teasing. Sorry. I’m not very… experienced at this,” he fidgeted.
“It’s fine,” you shrugged as you moved with the line, “I’m just nervous about meeting Captain America, you know? You’re not as intimidating… but I like that.”
“Uh, thanks,” he laughed as you got closer to the table and fidgeted with the straps of your bag. You were almost there.
You stepped up when the people ahead of you cleared away and you couldn’t help but stare at Bucky Barnes’ metal hand as he signed Reese’s special edition Blip magazine. He cleared his throat and you looked the Winter Soldier in the face. 
“Oh, sorry,” you slid the poster you got from the shop on the way in onto the table and he unrolled it and signed. You tried really hard not to focus on his hand, you were so curious as to how it all worked. “Thank you.”
He smiled through tight lips and said, “your welcome” before you sidled down to Sam Wilson as you rolled up your poster.
“Don’t worry about him,” Sam said, “he hates these things. I can’t take him anywhere.”
His laughter received a sharp look from the super soldier. Sam took Reese’s magazine and asked his name. You were too lost in thought to answer when he asked for yours. You coughed and sputtered as you tried to remember and Reese answered for you, adding that you were nervous.
“I, uh, oh,” you lifted your bag, “I was hoping, maybe, you might sign this instead,” you handed the poster to Reese and reached into your knapsack, “if you don’t mind?”
You carefully placed the drone on the table and his brows shot up in surprise. He lifted it just as you let it go and admired it as he leaned back, “you make this?”
“Yeah,” you answered shyly, “doesn’t have all the cool features like yours but it flies.”
“That’s awesome,” he put it back down and uncapped his marker, “where do you want me to sign?”
“Just on the top is fine,” you pointed, “thank you so much.”
“My pleasure,” he put his signature after spelling out your name and he grabbed the drone again, “hey, Buck, look at this? I don’t see any fancy arms that need signing.”
“Shut up,” Bucky grumbled and eyed the drone, “pretty cool, though.”
“Thanks, uh, well, we should get out of the way,” you said.
He handed you the drone and smiled. You began to shuffle away and he called you back to the table, “you code? Do a lot of programming?”
“Mostly just corporate sites,” you answered.
“Here,” he reached into his pocket, “send me a text. I think I know some people who’d like to meet you.”
“What?” you took the card rigidly.
“Sure, we’re always looking for techs,” he said, “and if we can’t find a spot for you, maybe you can see the real Redwing. I’ll make sure of it.”
“Wow, thank you, you… don’t have to do… that,” you stuttered.
“I’d be stupid not to,” he waved off your protests, “you go have fun, you two.”
You backed away and turned to walk away with Reese as you shoved your drone back in your bag with the card, numb with disbelief. 
“Wow, I can’t believe…” you trailed off as you mind wandered.
“Me either,” Reese said oddly, “that’s… wild.”
You looked at him and smiled. He didn’t look mad, only serious. You tightened the neck of the knapsack and slung it over your shoulders.
“So what are we doing for lunch?” you asked.
In the two weeks since you attended the meet and greet, you and Reese kept up mostly online, many arrangements interrupted by your real life responsibilities. It wasn’t until you offered for him to come with you to the SWORD labs that he had any free time for you. After a stressful text exchange with Captain America, you were too anxious to go alone and he was more than welcoming when you asked to bring a friend.
You stood on the subway as Reese sat and played his Switch. He was jittery as you kept your own nerves hidden just beneath the surface. You found it easier to stay standing as you felt as if you might combust if you sat.
“This is so awesome,” he said as he zipped his Switch up in its case, “thanks for inviting me.”
“I figured I owed you since you got the tickets for the meet and greet,” you said, “and it’s been a while.”
“Sorry about that, work’s been nuts,” he stood as you approached your stop and held onto the pole above your hand, “I kinda skipped out on half a day for this.”
“No,” you frowned, “you didn’t have to--”
“And miss a chance to see the real Redwing? Come on,” he scoffed.
“Oh,” you hung your head, “yeah, I guess that’s worth it.”
“I didn’t mean-- I’m happy to see you too, it’s just kinda a big deal,” he said as you approached the door with the few other passengers readying to hop off.
“No, I get it,” you hooked your thumbs under the straps of your knapsack as the doors slid open and you stepped out onto the platform, “I just… I couldn’t go alone. It’s so… scary.”
“Scary? Jeez, Captain America invited you to a job interview!”
“No, that’s not--”
“Uh, yeah, that’s exactly what it is but I promise, I won’t get in the way,” he said as you head for the concrete stairs, “maybe if he needs an extra coder I might piggy back.”
“Uh huh,” you came up onto the New York sidewalk and came into view of the immense SWORD building, “well, I don’t think it’s all that.”
“So why’d you bring this?” he tapped your bag as you neared the large glass doors and men in suits with coiled wires at their ears squared their shoulders.
“He asked me to,” you said as you were approached by one of the big security guards.
“This isn’t public entry,” he said sternly, “no tours.”
“I have an appointment or… I’m expected,” you pulled out your phone and pulled up the electronic pass Sam sent you, “see?”
“Hmm,” he eyed it and took your phone without asking. Another guard came and scanned it with his phone, “checks out but we’re gonna called down Mr. Wilson and get confirmation.”
“Oh, okay,” you fidgeted as he made no move to return your phone. Reese seemed to shrink as the two men spoke into their headset and nodded at each other.
“Hey,” the glass door burst open as Sam appeared and strode towards you, “hey, sorry, these guys are such buzzkills,” he approached and patted one of the men on the shoulder, “they’re with me.” He assured and waved you after him.
“Um, my phone,” you said to the taller man with the buzzed head. He tilted his head wryly and held out your cell between two fingers. You took it and followed Sam to the doors.
“Anyway, we were just going over some basic maintenance today and I thought you might like to observe. See everything that goes into keeping me and my toys in the air,” he smiled as he held the door and nodded at Reese, “nice to see you again, man.”
“You too, Cap...tain,” Reese answered dumbly.
“Sam is fine,” he chuckled back and tailed the two of you across the lobby as he pointed you towards the elevators. He made Reese look even more like a stick bug. “You bring it?”
“Yeah, it’s in my bag,” you stopped yourself from popping your knuckles out of nervousness, “thank you so much for this. I usually work in cubicles so… uh, yeah… I don’t know what I mean.”
“Hey, don’t be nervous, you built that thing all by yourself? I’m sure you’ll fit right in,” he said.
You got off the elevator and had to hold in a gasp at the shining laboratories as the hi-tech equipment gleamed through the glass walls. Sam led you down the curved staircase onto the lab floors as techs and assistants in both lab coats and starched suits milled around the tables along the edge of the room.
“Hey, Greta,” he called out as he showed you to a metal table, “get a look at this.” A woman with twisted red hair approached as Sam tapped his fingers on the table, “show her,” he urged you.
You swung your bag around and took out the little red and silver drone. You placed it in the middle of the table and the woman, Greta, tilted her head curiously.
“You said you can make this thing fly, right?” Sam asked as Reese watched from the other side of the table.
“Um, yep,” you unlocked your phone and brought up the beta app you designed, “just…”
The drone rose slowly and steadied before you as it hovered over the metal. Greta lifted a dark brow and ran a nail along her chin thoughtfully, “cute.”
“Ah, come on, tell me that isn’t awesome? She did it all by herself,” Sam boasted, “so, what do you think? She’d be a great tech, huh?”
“Tech? I…” you blinked and giggled, that was absurd.
“Does she have a resume? A list of her credentials, at least,” Greta rebuffed.
“Greta,” Sam warned playfully, “I’m her credentials. I’m giving her a reference right now. Hire her.”
“What?” you mumbled under your breath and you saw Reese’s eye cling to Sam darkly, almost enviously.
“You know, if I hadn’t let that kid go for hi-jacking the alpha, I’d tell you to go back to breaking your toys,” she warned, “but I trust you and… I cannot say I’m not impressed,” she narrowed her sights at the floating drone, “how long did this take you?”
“A year or so,” you answered, “it was… just meant to be a hobby but--”
“Well, make it your life,” she said tersely, “Wilson, you deal with HR, Sheila likes you better.”
“Leave it all to me,” he grinned and she walked away.
“Here,” he turned back to you, “I’ll show you the operating system for the real deal.”
He ushered you and Reese over to a computer after you lowered your drone. The real Redwing sat on a module next to the screen and Sam punched the keys and took a hooked earpiece from a small stand, “put this on.”
You slipped the earpiece on as he revealed a bracelet and adjusted it on your wrist, a small ring looping up your index finger. 
“Bend your finger,” he said and you did it, “lift it up, back… like that.” Redwing rose and you watched in amazement, “tilt your head…” the drone aimed in the same direction as your head, “now back,” it flew higher, “just like that. You’re getting it.”
You steered the drone in a circle and Sam helped you maneuver it back down. He let you hand the controls over to Reese who had more fun with it and nearly took out one of the workers. He apologised and Sam just chuckled, though it didn’t sound so amused. 
When Redwing was back in its place, Sam took you all around the room to show you every gadget; his wings, his suit, all his little weapons, and even pulled up some Wakandan schematics of Bucky’s arm. Much of it wasn’t in English however and you could only decipher what was visually laid out. 
He left you there for a moment as he excused himself to chat with a tech about his wings. Reese huffed and leaned against the wall. You were quiet, mostly stunned, though your usual reticence could also be blamed. 
“I don’t think you should’ve brought me,” he said, “I told you it was a job interview.”
“I didn’t know, I thought you would enjoy it,” you felt awful as Reese had given up trying to hide his jealousy.
“Yeah, yeah,” he said, “well, it is pretty cool but…”
He was interrupted as Sam returned, “sorry about that, guys, I kinda messed up one of the engines on the wings on my last mission.”
You smiled and said it was fine. You hadn’t expected so much attention and thought it would be a brief little show and tell, not an entire tour. You returned to the table where you left your drone and shut down the app. You packed up your Redwing, it felt lighter but you were sure you were just imagining things as your head spun. You looked down at the bold signature across the shell and knotted the drawstring above its nose.
“Sorry, I…” you took your bag from the table, “I hate to bother but is there a bathroom I can use.”
“Oh yeah, just head back up the stairs, left of the elevators,” Sam pointed above, “we’ll wait here, there’s one last thing I wanna show you.”
“Okay, I’ll be right back,” you headed for the stairs and latched onto the railing before you could trip upwards.
You bumbled up the stairs and after a brief moment of blankness, you found your way to the bathroom. You quickly slipped into the stall and spent a minute at the mirror after washing your hands to get your head straight. It felt like a dream, or worse, a joke.
You headed back out and Sam was waiting just by the elevators to your surprise. You pursed your lips and glanced around, “where’s Reese?”
“Oh, yeah, uh, he left,” he said as he shoved his hand in his pocket, “said he wasn’t feeling it.”
“Really?” you shrunk, just a little, “erm… that’s too bad.”
“Yeah, kinda weird, I don’t think I’ve ever just ditched a girlfriend in the middle of the city,” he said.
“Girlfriend? Well… it’s… it’s early,” you rubbed the back of your neck, “I hope he’s okay.”
“Damn, I hope he didn’t ruin it, I still wanted to show you the shield,” he intoned, “but if you’re not feeling up to it--”
“No, no, I’m here, that would be awesome,” you forced a smile. 
Had you done something wrong? Was it rude to invite Reese and have all this rubbed in his face? You thought he’d feel worse if you didn’t invite him. Your doubts flurried in your head as you stepped onto the elevator with Sam, chewing your cheek as you tried not to show your disappointment.
You were brought back to the present as the metal doors opened and Sam nudged you as you stared right through the open space. You stepped out ahead of him and he caught up and walked beside you as he explained what was hidden in every room; mostly offices and training gyms.
He unlocked a door at the far curve of the circular hallway and jiggled until it opened. He pushed it open and the lights flicked on automatically.
“Bucky,” he grumbled, “he almost took the handle right off… so now I gotta fight it.”
“Oh,” you entered as he beckoned you inside and you looked around the spacious office.
“You know, there’s lots of paperwork when you take out a whole bridge, even if it is an accident,” he laughed, “and it gives me a place to show this off.”
He went to the wall where the shield was held on small metal hooks and slid it out easily. The vibranium sung in the air as he turned to you and held it out. 
“You wanna?” he asked.
“Sure…” you murmured as he turned it around and held it so you could hook your arm through the straps. He let it go and stood back to look you over.
“It suits you,” he said, “got your own Redwing and you hold that like a real champ. Maybe it’s time I step aside.”
You laughed nervously and shook your head. You peeked down at the metal and lifted and angled around as you admired the smooth curve. 
“Thanks,” you offered it back to him and he took it with one hand, “for everything.”
“You’re taking the job, right?” he prodded, “it’s perfect.”
“Mmm, well, I got a job--”
“Better than here? Better than suiting up the Cap?” he chided.
You bent your ankle under you and swayed on your feet. It was a great opportunity and way better than your desk job. It just felt like you didn’t deserve it.
“I need an answer. Greta doesn’t like indecision,” he said.
“O-okay, okay,” you surrendered, “I… if I said no, I’d feel even worse.”
“You won’t regret it, promise,” he said, “if you do, Redwing is yours. The real one.”
“No, no, I’m…” you rocked as you gripped the straps of your knapsack, “I’m sure I won’t.”
Your two weeks notice rolled by. Your boss was less than pleased by the sudden departure but you didn’t care much as you wouldn’t have to deal with him for much longer. You wrapped up your last day with your replacement and left feeling free, though the anxiety of your job loomed on the other side of the weekend.
In those weeks since your visit to the SWORD facility, you hadn’t heard much from Reese. That night when you messaged him to make sure he was okay, he didn’t say much more than ‘just tired’. After that, he was always offline when you signed onto the server and all your co-op requests were declined. You were ready to give up. 
Oh well, it was an online thing anyway, you were stupid to think it could work out.
But you were not entirely isolated. To your surprise, you got several messages from Sam, you still couldn’t help but think of him as Captain America and feel like you had nothing interesting to say to a hero. When he found out you liked to game, he even joined you for a session on headset but again, you were hyper focused and quiet. You were flattered that he was trying to make you feel welcome, that he even bothered to get you a job, but it all felt so above you.
When you got home that night, you logged in and sent a request to Reese, just one last attempt. He didn’t even respond, even after fifteen minutes of waiting. You shut down your PC and grabbed your switch instead. You changed as the system updated your Animal Crossing and flopped onto your bed.
You laid across the mattress, one leg over the edge and the other bent. You ran through, planting, fishing, and selling as you tried not to think too much. You’d done enough of that lately. You zoned out as your eyes narrowed at the small screen but in your peripheral, you felt a shadow move. You shrugged it off as the sunlight playing through the curtains and rolled onto your side to ignore it.
You kept on, ready to log out as you didn’t want to spend another Nook Ticket to go to and island and get nothing but flowers. You heard a subtle whirring and glanced over at your computer. It was sleeping and it was never that loud. You noticed that light shift again and turned. There was nothing. Nothing but your dresser and the signed drone, just as you left it.
You squinted and turned off your Switch. You went out to the front room to drop it back in the dock. You stretched and grabbed your phone from your purse to put in an order for some take-out. You stopped as you noticed Sam’s unanswered messages.
‘Whatcha doin’ tonite?’ and several that assumed you must be busy.
‘Sorry, got caught up gaming,’ you replied guiltily. 
Your phone shook before you could close out of the chat and you answered as Sam’s name flashed across the top. 
“Hello?” you squeaked.
“Hey, hope I’m not buggin’ you but I thought-- stop, Jesus Christ, sorry, we’re on our way to dinner and we hoped you might join us.”
“We?” you echoed.
“Oh, ha, yeah me and Bucky, Greta, and some of the techs. Not too many of us but you’re more than welcome,” he said, “since you start on Monday, it will be good to get to know some people.”
“Y-yeah, for sure,” you answered. It felt more an obligation than an invite. You didn’t want to come across snobbish or lazy even if you’d rather eat fried noodles and watch some trash reality TV.
“Great! I’ll send you the address,” he growled and hissed under his breath, “sorry, again, I’m just dealing with this-- I’ll see you there. Save ya a seat.”
He hung up abruptly and you stood dumbfounded staring at your jacket. You dropped your phone back into your purse and headed back to your room. You had to find something to wear that didn’t seem like you were trying too hard or not trying enough.
As you entered, that same whirring floated through the air and suddenly stopped. You looked around confused; not a fly, not your PC acting up, nothing. You grimaced at the poster with the star emblem across it and went to your dresser to pick out an outfit. It was probably the neighbour fucking around. Apartment living was rarely peaceful.
The restaurant was bustling as you were met by the hostess at the door. You told her you were there to join the party from SWORD. She showed you to the table and Sam saw you above the din and waved to you then shoved Bucky over on the cushioned bench. 
“Right here,” he pointed as he waved you over and stepped aside to let you past. You sidled along and sat, apologizing to Bucky as he rolled his eyes, “not too late.”
You gave your drink order as a waiter came by and shrugged out of your jacket, letting it bunch up around your back. Sam offered his menu and introduced the people you didn’t know at the table; alongside Bucky and Greta, were Xan and Wyatt. You said hello and opted for the fiesta salad as you set aside the menu.
“Are you excited?” Sam asked.
“For what?” Bucky huffed, “she’s gotta put up with you.”
“Hey,” Sam took the lemon off the rim of his glass and tossed it at Bucky, “he lightens up… sometimes.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Bucky grumbled but you could hear the humour in his voice. 
You sank into the background as the night went on. You spoke up when you were called on but felt it hard to assert yourself, especially with someone as outspoken as Sam beside you. Still, he made sure to make you feel included when you started to feel forgotten. For that you were grateful and he was right, it made you feel a little less anxious about your first day.
As you came out onto the sidewalk, your wallet painfully lighter, you bid goodbye to everyone but Sam hung around. You clutched your purse and peered down the street.
“Thanks for inviting me,” you said.
“Ah, you know what, I shoulda asked that guy, Reese? How’s it going with him? He your boyfriend yet?”
“Ha, no,” you sucked in your lip and took a deep breath, “I don’t even think we’re friends anymore.”
“Oh no, what happened?” he asked.
“I dunno,” you said wistfully, “but it is what it is.”
“He’s missin’ out. You’re a cool girl,” he said, “building drones for fun. Kinda why I had to snag you, you know? Someone with your skills, that’s dangerous.”
“Dangerous?” you chortled, “no.”
“Well,” he checked his phone, “how are you getting home?”
“I’ll just take the train,” you said, “my place is only about a ten minute ride from here.”
“You sure? I can give you a ride,” he said.
“Nah, really, you’ve done… more than enough.”
“Alright, well, see you Monday?”
“Monday?” you wondered.
“I’ll pop in before I head out,” he said, “got a mission so I might not be around more than that.”
“Okay, Monday,” you confirmed, “see ya.”
Monday was a whirlwind. It started on a high as Sam suited up and showed off his wings before he headed up to the jet pad. Greta muttered that she was happy he’d be out of your way before she went through the task of getting you acquainted not only with the tech but with their workplace rituals. It was a lot to take in but you did your best to absorb every word and second.
When you got home, you had a folder full of notes and spent too long going over them before you remembered the groan in your stomach. You ate a lazy super of Kraft Dinner and lazed across your bed doing nothing but watching Youtube tutorials on your tablet. You fell asleep early and woke to your alarm and a dead tablet.
You got up, got dressed, ran out, and did it all again. The first week dragged by and yet it felt like you didn’t have enough time. On Friday, you got home and fell across the couch in your work clothes. You held your phone above you and scrolled dozily through your feed.
A dot popped up and you flicked over to your notifications. The selfie you posted on your first day at the lab with Sam in his suit had lots of hearts but your first comment was less than pleasant. Beside Reese’s icon was all caps: MUST BE EASY SLEEPING YOUR WAY INTO A JOB!
Your heart pattered and you sat up. You deleted the comment but another soon appeared; several as you kept deleting and finally blocked him. ‘Slut, whore, dumb bitch…’ it was the last thing you expected from him.
You opened Discord and clicked on his chat. ‘What’s going on? Why are you doing this?’
The text flicked across the bottom that Reese was typing but he stopped and you sat there for what felt like forever before his response popped up.
‘I can’t believe you brought me all the way there to rub my face in all that shit. And for what? You should’ve just told me I had no chance and I woulda left you alone. If you wanna fuck Sam Wilson, do it, but don’t chain me along like your little bitch boy. Get fucked slut.’
You flinched as you read it and re-read it. You typed shakily as your eyes watered. ‘I’m not fucking Sam and I wouldn’t. I brought you there because I wanted to and thought you would like it. I didn’t know you felt so strongly about it. But I see what you think of me so I only wish you the best and hope you find peace.’
You sent the message but just as quickly, you were blocked from sending any more. You tossed your phone and fell back against the couch. That must have been why he took off but you couldn’t figure out how he thought you of all people were sleeping with Sam Wilson. Really? He was just another incel after all.
You phone jangled with your annoying ringtone and you grabbed it, expecting to be insulted by Reese again but it was Sam calling. You really weren’t in the mood to talk with him. You just wanted to be left alone. But you couldn’t just ignore Captain America.
“Hello?” you answered.
“Hey, I just got back in town. Whatcha doing?” you could hear the wind in the speaker.
“Just got home. I’m exhausted. Probably gonna just nap.”
“You okay?” he asked after a moment.
“Fine,” you said dully.
“Don’t sound fine,” he said, “what’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” you insisted.
“Oh, so it’s not what that boy said on your photo?”
“You saw that?”
“You tagged me, remember?”
“Oh, yeah, no, it’s…”
“Shit, don’t listen to him. He’s just a boy, he blew his chance and he’s bitter about it,” he said, “how about I come over, make sure you’re really okay?”
“No, I don’t think--”
“Ah, come on, don’t make me worry all night about you,” he chided.
“Sam, you really--” There was a knock at the window and you froze. “Sam?”
The line clicked and you heard the tapping again. You lowered your phone and went to the window. Outside, geared up in his wings and suit, Sam hovered before the glass. You blinked and he rapped again. You snapped out of your shock and unlocked the window and slid it up.
“What are you doing?” you asked, “wait? How do you know where I live?”
He grabbed onto the frame and hooked his leg through as he retracted his wings. He bent under and sat half-in and half-out of the window, “forgive me? I did a bit of snooping in HR.”
“I told you not to come. I really don’t feel up to-- It’s really weird that you’re here,” you sat as he ducked pulled his other leg through and stood, “Sam, I think you should go.”
“You shouldn’t be alone, especially after that moron sending you that shit,” he said coolly as he took off his tinted goggles.
“Well, I want to be alone, so you should--”
“I mean, I haven’t even fucked you yet and he’s jealous,” he snickered, “so I guess we should give him a real reason.”
“What are you talking about? That’s… gross. You should go--”
“Come on, girl, you think this was really about a drone,” he tossed his goggles down and set his shield on the chair as he strode around the room, “convenience. I want you close.”
“I don’t--” you looked down at your phone, “get out, Sam.”
The tone of your finger pressing ‘9’ sounded and he spun quickly to face you. He stormed over to you before you could hit ‘1’ and ripped it from your grasp. 
“You’re gonna call the cops and say what? I’m Captain America,” he snarled, “but you can just call me Cap.”
He winked and threw your phone out the window smoothly. You gasped as he chuckled and lifted his wings off his back. He leaned them against the wall and stretched out his shoulders. He looked around as he twisted his tongue between his teeth.
“I like this, looks cozy,” he toed the side of the couch with his boot, “look better with you on it.”
You watched him stroll around the coffee table as he unzipped the collar of his suit. The scene was like some tainted nightmare. Maybe you’d fallen asleep. You were so tired you must have just passed out but you weren’t waking up.
You spun around and ran into the small hallway that led to your door. You were caught from behind, pulled back by the nape of your blazer as Sam tutted. His arm went around your waist and he lifted you off your feet. He turned and carried you back into the front room. You kicked and writhed as his strength enwrapped you.
“Please, please,” you begged, “I… I don’t understand. This isn’t-- this isn’t what I wanted. I didn’t--”
“Baby girl,” he cooed as he brought you close to the couch, “be good and listen to your Captain. Now stop this.”
“No, no,” you gulped at air as the panic rose in you, “I never-- please, you don’t have to do this--”
“You gotta do what I say,” he snapped and flung you onto the couch, “I don’t want to make you.”
You looked at him as you trembled in fear and disbelief. This couldn’t be. He was Sam Wilson, the Captain America; he was a nice guy.
“You have one minute to get naked,” he said and you just gaped at him, “you gonna make me repeat myself?”
Your throat tightened as his dark eyes bore into you. His hand balled to a fist and finally you found an ounce of strength. You pushed your legs over the edge of the couch and slipped out of your blazer. You stood carefully and watched him cautiously. You had to look away as your hands quivered over the buttons of your blouse.
You turned and folded your shirt over your blazer. You could hear him behind you as you unbuttoned your pants and pushed them down your legs. The question of what you were doing flitted through your head but the fear pulsed through you and took over.
“Ah,” he sighed and you peeked back as he freed himself of the top half of his stealth suit.
You turned back and hesitated. You knew there was more, you knew what he wanted, but your body locked up as your fingers curled and your insides knotted.
“Let me get that,” he came close and his fingers tickled along your shoulder blades and he unhooked your bra, “hmmm,” he let go and the cups fell off your chest, “almost there, baby.”
He stepped back and you shuddered. You dropped your bra and hooked your fingers under your panties. You wiggled them down a little at the time and heard the intake of breath as you pulled them down entirely. You stood still, unable to move, too mortified to face him.
“Come on, baby,” he said, “get comfortable.”
You inhaled and turned slowly. You went to the couch as he shed his undershirt and added it to the pile atop his shield. He looked at you and tilted his head as he licked his bottom lip. He snarled as he took in the sight of you and pointed you to the couch.
You sat and hugged yourself as he stripped off his pants along with his boxers in a single swipe. You flicked your eyes away as you glimpsed his hard dick as he stood straight and you stared at the open window. You smushed your lips together in horror and held in the tide of tears.
He came closer and you tried to tune out the room. This couldn’t happen. It just couldn’t. You felt his hands on your knees and he urged your legs apart. You resisted for a moment then let him guide your limbs. It would be over sooner if you just let it happen.
He knelt on the floor as his hands kneaded along your thighs and framed your vee as he leaned over your lap. You winced and he kept your legs from closing as he pushed his body between them. His thumb grazed your folds and he pushed between them. You let out a hushed gasp as he swirled around your clit.
“See, it’s not so bad to be good, is it, baby?” he purred, “you’re wet already.”
He slid his thumb up and down and spread the wetness along your cunt. You were shocked and humiliated by your obvious arousal. You shouldn’t be turned on by this. Your body was not listening to your mind, it was obeying his touch.
“Mmm,” he hummed as he turned his hand and poked along your entrance with one finger. 
He pushed inside and you clenched around his intrusion. He pulled in and out and added another finger. Your nails clawed at the cushion and you pressed back into the couch. He kept his thumb on your clit as he worked his fingers inside of you and the tension clustered between his fingertips.
“Oh, baby, listen to you,” he bet forward and replaced his thumb with his tongue as he kept fingering you.
You turned your face up to the ceiling and squeezed your eyes shut. You bit your lip as the ripples radiated from your core and your breath hitched. His hand moved faster as he suckled at your bud and his free hand groped your chest blindly. You slapped your hand over your mouth as you came, your back arching as you pushed into him.
He teased you through your climax and pulled away only as you quaked and whined at his unyielding touch. He drew his fingers out of you and sat back to lick them clean. You peeked down at him and quickly away as his eyes blazed back at you.
“Up,” he stood and stroked himself shamelessly as he strode around the coffee table, “put your hands on there.”
You rose unsteadily, legs shaking beneath you as your entire being felt like jelly. You went to him and turned your back to him. You bent over and he grabbed your ass and squeezed with a growl. You gripped the table and hung your head as the cool air grazed your cunt.
He shoved his hand between your legs and rubbed you again. He stepped closer and bent his knees as he lined himself up with your entrance, sliding in between his fingers as he spread you wide. You choked as his tip poked inside and he eased himself inch by inch into you. He held your hip as he reached his limit and groaned.
“Baby, oh god damn,” he thrust so that your whole body jerked. It was painfully delightful. Of the few men you’d been with, he was the biggest, or at least the thickest.
He rocked slowly and a moan escaped your lips. Despite the torturous pressure of his intrusion, you could ignore the pleasure laced in the pain. His hand brushed up your as and along your back. He bent over you as his fingers curled over your shoulder and he pressed his body to yours as he fucked you.
You kept your head down as you tried to measure your breaths and the pathetic noises rising from you. He pushed his hand down your stomach and between your legs again to play with your clit. He moved his legs against yours and forced them together so your cunt hugged him even tighter. He grunted and you whimpered as his fingers added to the new pressure.
He sped up so that the table scraped against the floor but kept you up with one arm around you. He rutted into you wildly as his sultry voice filled your chest and his heat consumed you. You cried out as another orgasm swept through you and your cunt quivered around him desperately.
He pulled you up suddenly so you stood on your toes. He tilted into you as he brought his arms up around yours and tined his fingers behind your head. His flesh slapped yours loudly and you opened your eyes as you heard a familiar whirring. The drone flew before you, the signature on its shell, but a light blinking at its nose. Yours didn’t have a light.
“Ah, yeah,” he rasped through rampant breaths, “looks like they got mixed up.”
“Huh--” you sucked in your breath as he thrust harder and deeper.
“I didn’t mind, he helped me keep an eye on you,” he said as he nuzzled you above his hands, “you look so cute in your little tee shirts.”
You groaned and leaned your head against him as another rush of fear was met with unwanted bliss. You murmured senselessly as he picked up his pace and the drone came closer. He purred as you felt his muscles tighten.
“Don’t worry,” he puffed, “I’ll make sure the boy knows he was right.”
He buried himself in you, nearly taking you off your feet, and twitched as he emptied himself into you. He rocked his hips subtly as he rode out his climax and stilled you as his voice gristled to rampant pants. His arms fell to embrace you and he kept you flush to him as he lingered inside.
“Or I can keep that little video to myself…” he brought his hand up to cradle your chin and poked his finger along your lower lip, “it’s all up to you, baby.”
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keanureevesisbae · 4 years
Protection Chapter 4
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Summary: Mia is deeply hurt by August, only she is the one with a slight problem now: her heater is broken.
August Walker x Mia Makaruku (ofc)
Wordcount: 3.7k
Warnings: None
A/N: I hope everyone had a lovely few days! please let me know what you think about this chapter. I love to read about it 🤗
Masterlist // Previous chapter // Next chapter 
That Saturday I had my second to last game and I scored not one, not two, but three goals. Some even said I might’ve set a record for the fastest going goals in the history of female soccer. That might have something to do with me being still so damn mad at August.
I mean, I know I said I was going to accept his hot and cold attitude, since there would be a kind man underneath that harsh exterior, but after being hurt like that, I just figured that I couldn’t accept it anymore. He was harsh and borderline mean to me.
I don’t understand him anymore, but what I do know is that him being like that to me, is probably not going to change. Maybe I’m being a baby and totally overreacting, but I decided that it is best for my own wellbeing if I not talk to him anymore and so far, it’s working. Despite August always being home, I only bumped into him once and that for being next door neighbors.
Yesterday we both stepped into the elevator, but since I know him a bit, I was just sure he wouldn’t start a conversation with me.
I was right. However, I had to go against all my own impulses and you can almost say reflexes to not start a conversation with him.
August told me he doesn’t do apologies, so I shouldn’t be expecting one from him.
When I wake up that Sunday, a day after my game, I’m hit with a painful cold. Normally, Bobo sleeps on top of my blankets, but now he is securely curled up underneath them. Why is it this cold in here? I slip on some thick socks (that feels like two large ice cubs) and rush to my thermostat.
Only to discover it’s not working?!
‘Shit, shit, no,’ I whine. I really can’t use that right now. I mean, I can’t ever use it, but right now I really don’t want it. I check the card that hangs next to the thermostat and it informs me I can call the mechanic at nine on a Sunday.
It’s seven now, which is absolutely fantastic.
While my body is slowly freezing up and my nipples are the evidence of the cold temperatures (I’m really happy I’m all by myself now), I go to the bathroom to check if my shower can provide me with some warmish water. I grab the shower head and I wait until the water turns even slightly warm.
It doesn’t.
Great, so even a shower can’t keep me warm. I desperately need a shower, my sore muscles need some relaxation. I turn off the water and I walk to my bedroom. After I put on a bra and some more layers, I jump around, desperately trying to keep myself warm, but it’s useless. It’s what? Minus a billion degrees in here? I’m never gonna warm up, even if I wanted to.
I look over at the wall, the one that separates my apartment from August’s. I could do it, you know. I could just go over there and demand I can stay over at his place. I mean, that’s what he does and considers normal.
I can do that too. I can demand some shelter for a few moments. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.
Nah, it’s not. I’m too damn proud to do such thing.
The two hours go by really slow, but at least I got myself a good work out in, because I was desperately trying to keep warm. and I curled up underneath my blankets, but it was of no use. When I finally can call the mechanic, the shithead on the other line told me he couldn’t come in until three in the afternoon. Six whole hours in this freezing cold? That is something I simply cannot do. I want a hot shower and just chill in my sweats all day. I deserve that after last night’s game.
I grab some clothes, my shampoo and skincare products and pick up Bobo, who feels like a hot water bottle, but is not enough to keep me warm. I close the door of my apartment and with my elbow I knock on August’s door. It takes awhile before he opens the door, but when he does so, he frowns and looks visibly confused.
Probably because I’m holding Bobo and have a big bag with me.
‘What do you want?’
Always the gentleman. I should’ve thought this through, but I think the frostbite has reached my brain before I could do so. ‘I have a problem,’ I say. ‘My heater is broken and the mechanic comes at three.’
He leans against the doorframe. August looks different and I think it’s because of the grey sweatpants. I never really pecked him for a guy who wore something like that, matched with a thick hoodie. ‘Okay?’
Demand shelter, Mia, you can do it. ‘You should give me shelter,’ I say. Okay, that was’t exactly what I was aiming for, but it’s a start. ‘I cannot handle six hours in the freezing cold and I also don’t have hot water, so I can’t shower. Before you ask: ‘Why would I do this?’, remember, I did the same for you and I paid for the court side tickets.’
‘Tickets you bought before you even knew you were going to take me with you,’ he retorts. He sighs deeply. ‘Does the animal has to come as well?’
‘The animal is very sweet,’ I tell him and almost on cue Bobo starts to hiss. ‘Okay, maybe not to you, but please… Just let me stay here for six hours. If you do so, I might forgive you for being a total ass to me last Wednesday.’
‘I wasn’t an ass to you,’ he says, but when I cock my eyebrow, he looks kinda caught. ‘Okay, I maybe was an ass to you sometimes.’
‘All the time,’ I interrupt in.
‘Not the entire time. Just the ending,’ he tells me. ‘Okay, okay, please, come in, Mia and the creepy cat. Make yourself at home.’
At first I’m afraid he is being sarcastic (I mean, we’re talking about August Walker and it didn’t sound like it came from the heart), but when he actually steps aside, I realize he is serious. ‘Thank you,’ I say with a smile and I walk into his pretty boring apartment. I’ll let it slide for now, because he just moved in. I place Bobo on the ground and he struts through the apartment, avoiding August. Being here feels like I’m being wrapped up in a warm blanket.
August walks passed me to the kitchen and I decide to walk after him. ‘Are we going to talk about Wednesday?’ I ask him.
Figured. ‘Come on, August. Just… We should talk about this, to clear the air.’
‘I don’t want to talk.’ He places his hands on the counter and I don’t know where I’ve got the guts from, but I dare to step closer to him.
‘I bet there was a reason why you were like that this Wednesday,’ I continue. ‘You can talk to me, you know?’
‘I don’t want to talk about my feelings, especially not with you,’ he barks out.
Weirdly enough, this doesn’t hurt me, because I think he doesn’t mean it. ‘August,’ I whisper, ‘please. I just want to know why you continue to hurt me, when I’m nothing but nice to you, minus maybe the pedophile comment.
He clenches his jaw. ‘You want coffee?’
Why is he ignoring me? ‘Sure,’ I say, because I can actually use a cup. ‘Can’t you just try to be nice to me, without it being sandwiched in between insults? I’m not forcing you to go skipping with me in a park and make flower crowns with me, while feeding the ducks. I’m just asking you to cut the insulting crap and be nice to me.’
August actually turns his back to me and I let out a sigh. What was I even thinking?
‘I can try.’
Did I just hear that correctly? ‘What?’ I ask. ‘You can try?’
‘I can.’ He pours in some coffee for me and hands me a mug.
‘Thank you,’ I say with a gentle smile. I carefully place my hand on his underarm and he looks up, nearly snapping his neck in the process. ‘I really want to get to know you,’ I say to him in a soft tone. ‘But only if you allow it, okay?’
He nods. ‘Yes, okay,’ he says.
‘You want to get to know me?’ I ask with a chuckle.
‘Weirdly enough: yes.’
I roll my eyes. ‘August.’
‘Wait, wait, wait, I can do better,’ he says. ‘Yes, I want to get to know you too.’ He cocks an eyebrow. ‘Better?’
I laugh. ‘Yes, much better.’
◎ ◎ ◎
Since August’s shower provides me with hot water, I might overdo it by standing underneath the warm water for at least half an hour. Yes, I’m that type of guest. I quickly dry my hair, put on some moisturizer and get dressed, before I walk to the living room.
‘Did you clean up in here?’ I ask August, noticing the place is a whole lot cleaner than it was before I took my shower. ‘Are you trying to impress me, August?’
He scoffs, placing his feet on the coffee table. He looks like a mocking kindergartner, it’s  almost endearing.
‘Where is Bobo?’ I ask him, when I sat down next to him and look around.
‘In my bed,’ August answers with a shrug.
That caught me a bit off guard. My cat is in his bed? ‘And you don’t mind?’ I ask. ‘Or are you too afraid to shoo him away?’
He doesn’t want to—I can see it in his eyes—but he smiles. ‘Maybe a bit of both. Besides, he was hissing at me, so I was too afraid to get him off the bed.’
I chuckle. I shiver a bit, as I’m slowly losing the warmth from the shower. August stands up from the couch and wanders through the place. Only to come back with a blanket. He drapes it over me and I’m genuinely surprised. ‘What is this?’ I ask him, though I know exactly what this is.
‘You were cold,’ he says, ‘so I got you a blanket.’
I feel my cheeks heating up. ‘You can be very nice, did you know that?’
August looks at me for a few milliseconds, before he averts his gaze. I realize this may have been too much of a compliment. ‘Thank you,’ I say. ‘You want to watch some tv?’
‘Sure.’ He grabs the remote and turns on his television.
Was August watching the sports channel?
The only channel that broadcasts the women’s national football league?
‘Did you watch the game last night?’ I ask him.
‘I might’ve,’ he admits, his cheeks a little red. Oh my, my brooding neighbor August Walker is blushing!
‘Next week I have my last game, before the winter break. You want to watch? It’s free and I can arrange a nice spot for you. Special VIP treatment.’
‘Really?’ he asks. ‘Even after I was an absolute asshole to you?’
It’s nice of him to acknowledge that. ‘Even after that.’
‘I would like that.’
Are we having a moment now or is this me hallucinating? August looks into my eyes and doesn’t turn away. His light orbs are obviously hiding so much and it breaks my heart to think he has been through so much. ‘What are you thinking about?’
August shakes his head. ‘Nothing.’
He smiles. It makes him look beautiful, approachable and absolutely breathtaking. ‘I was thinking about giving you a compliment about the game last night and whether or not I should add an insult to it.’
I laugh. ‘Well, you can ditch the insult. I’m not sure if I can take it right now.’
‘You are by far the best player on your team,’ he says. ‘Maybe this is an insult to your teammates, but I think you would be the only female player that could actually beat the best male players.’
I bite my bottom lip, as I feel my stomach twists and turns. ‘That’s really sweet,’ I admit. ‘I bet you don’t want me to give you a hug as a thank you, right?’
August leans back in the couch. ‘Why would you want to hug me?’
That’s not a no, which is an improvement. ‘I barely got hugs when I grew up,’ I say. ‘I don’t know if you are aware of my sob worthy backstory. It’s pretty much all over the internet.’
‘I might’ve looked up some bits, he admits in all honesty, which I appreciate. ‘Lots of foster families.’
I nod. ‘I mean, it was mostly me. The families were nice enough, but I was simply afraid, because I knew that there was a chance I would leave again. What if I attached, you know? Saying goodbye would be harder.’
He nods, almost as if he understands.
‘However, my soccer team was pretty much the same team for years. I grew attached to them and hugs were totally normal. It was a way of communicating, really. Since that moment, I appreciate them. It’s a way to let someone know I appreciate them. If that makes sense.’
August nods again. ‘Back when I grew up, I never got hugs.’
For some reason, I see a young and pouty August in front of my eyes. Desperate for some human contact, only to be deprived by it.
‘I just never was in a setting where hugs were acceptable. Not when I was younger, not now.’
‘I’m sorry.’
‘Don’t apologize for stuff you had nothing to do with,’ he says and he sounds like the same old August I have come to know. He lets out a deep sigh, one that nearly sounds like a growl. ‘You can give me a hug.’
‘That doesn’t sound very sincere.’
‘I am very sincere,’ he says. ‘I mean it.’
This is adorable, I think to myself. ‘Well, you have to know that once I hug you, you are in it for the real deal. I may or may not hug you every chance I see you.’
August laughs. ‘Then I just have to live with that.’
I push the blankets off of me, before I nearly jump him. I wrap my arms around his broad shoulders and while he is slightly awkward, he places his hands on my back and actually engages in the hug. ‘You are very huggable,’ I say.
‘You too.’
I pull my face back, so I can look at him. ‘Remember,’ I say, ‘you can put your walls down around me. I would even really like that, to get to know you.’
August moistens his lips, before he whispers: ‘I would like that as well.’
◎ ◎ ◎
After the mechanic fixed my heater and left, August and I ordered pizza. Now, we sit on my couch and watch some YouTube compilation of me playing soccer. That wasn’t even my idea.
It was August’s idea.
Ever since our hug, I notice he is trying his best to be nice and to me, that’s what matters the most. While I don’t understand his struggle, I do appreciate the effort.
I just shouldn’t be attracted to someone who hurt me twice within a week of knowing me, but I can’t help but feel a little something deep inside of me, when I look at August sitting this relaxed on my couch.
‘You want my crusts?’ I ask him, holding out my plate to him.
‘Of course.’
I can’t help but scoot a little closer to him, so I can hand him the plate a bit better. Maybe it’s because I’m touch starved, maybe it’s because I never had this much male attention (insults or not) before. It’s just really nice being around a man, especially August. I didn’t want to admit it, but I enjoyed every moment of him being overprotective of me in the stadium and how he wiped my hands clean in the restaurant.
That never happened to me before.
‘You want my last piece?’ August asks me, holding up his slice.
‘Are you sure?’ I ask, already taking it out of his hands.
Before I take a bite, I say: ‘You can have this crust again, though.’
He smiles. ‘I was hoping for it.’
We eat in silence, staring at the television, but I’m not even paying attention. My mind is full of thoughts about August and the questions I want to ask later on when we get to know one another better. ‘Here is my crust,’ I say.
‘You know, Mia, you eat shockingly fast.’
I scoff. ‘I do not.’
‘You totally do,’ he argues. ‘And you are also the world’s messiest eater. I don’t know how you do it, but you got sauce on your forehead.’ He leans over to my coffee table and grabs some napkins. ‘Sit still, will you.’
‘I am sitting still!’
‘You’re not. You are fidgety.’
I roll my eyes. ‘First I’m a fast eater, then a messy one and I don’t sit still. I was about to offer you some dessert, but now I’m not so sure, since you are being so damn mean to me right now.’
‘I’m not mean to you,’ he says, his voice all of the sudden a lot lower. He places his hand in the back of my neck, before gently cleaning the corners of my mouth and my forehead, letting out a tsk in a process. August is so close right now, I’m nearly going cross eyed. His rough thumb slowly caresses the delicate skin in my neck. I can feel his warm breath against my lips.
‘You want dessert?’ I ask him after I cleared my throat. ‘I have some chocolate pudding. We could eat that.’
August nods. ‘Yeah, I would like that,’ he says, letting me go. ‘Let me help you.’ He stands up as well, holding the plates in his hands. Together we walk to my kitchen and I start preparing the pudding for the both of us.
However, I still feel his hand in my neck. Back when I was in high school in the Netherlands, I was never really in favor of the boys. Besides, I moved a lot and I was pretty  much invisible. There was this one time, where it took the teacher almost three weeks to notice me.
Being touched like that, it is a rarity in my dating history. Sure, I’ve had a few kisses, but other than that, I never engaged in anything. Now I’m twenty five and I want it.
So badly.
I look up, only to discover August was already looking at me. ‘What?’ I ask him.
He shakes his head. ‘Nothing.’
We eat the pudding in silence and when it is eight ‘o clock, he decides to leave. We may barely spoken to one another and when we did, it was pretty shallow, really. But I do feel like I got to know August better and he is willing to open himself up to me.
I walk him to the door and I say: ‘Are you willing to hug me goodbye?’
‘I’ll probably see you tomorrow, Mia,’ he says. ‘It’s not like I’m leaving anytime soon.’ Then he seems to realize what he is missing out on. While he rolls his eyes, I spot a grin on his face and he spreads his arms. ‘Come here.’
I let out an excited squeal and I jump up, wrapping my arms around his shoulders. He laughs and wraps one arm around my waist, holding me against him.
‘You happy now?’ he asks.
I pull back my face. ‘Delighted, August Walker.’
He places me back on the ground. ‘See you tomorrow?’
‘You bet. Now you’ve hugged me. let me in your place and allowed Bobo in your bed, I think I’m gonna be over all the time.’
◎ ◎ ◎
The entire Monday morning I spend baking. I want to thank August for yesterday and I figured to see if the saying “nothing says loving like something from the oven” is true. I think it might be. I know I always appreciated when mister Toriello made me a pie.
I walk out of my apartment to knock on his door, only to discover his door is slightly ajar. I push it open and peek inside. ‘August?’ I ask with the steaming pie still in my hands. I walk inside, but he isn’t here. Maybe he is out and didn’t close the door right, however that seems so out of character. Leaving his door open like that… That’s weird.
I place the pie on his kitchen island and find a piece of paper to write something on it.
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I place the note next to plate and I want to leave the apartment, but my eyes fall on something. It’s one of those yellowish files, you see in programs like NCIS. I know you shouldn’t peek in other peoples stuff and usually I don’t do such thing.
However I can’t help it right now, as the file is like a magnet that pulls me in.
I pull out the file and it confirms my suspicions. That was my name indeed I saw from afar  and this file has my DMV photo attached to it with a paperclip.
Why does August have this? I mean, I don’t even know what he does for a living, but why would he have this? What kind of job would require all this information about me?
Oh my, is he a stalker? I know that’s not a profession, but still…
I open the file and see an entire timeline of my life. The car accident, transcripts of my interviews with specialists, my football career. He is even up to date on my Instagram account… I even see he figured out the name of the man who was gawking at me during the game.
What is this?
‘What are you doing here?’ I hear August’s voice behind me. I look over my shoulder and see him standing in the doorway. He looks tired and a bit sweaty. What has he been doing? ‘What do you have there?’
I turn around, as I hold up the yellow folder. ‘Is there a specific reason you have my entire life compiled in one file?’
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keelywolfe · 3 years
FIC: Just Swimmingly ch.6 (BAON)
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Summary: Kidnapping Stretch doesn't seem like a good choice for life expectancy, really, but his kidnappers are full of bad choices.
Tags:  Spicyhoney, Established Relationships,  Hurt/Comfort, Kidnapping
Part of the ‘by any other name’ series.
Warning:  I want to add a warning here for homophobic language and homophobia. We're switching to the POV of an asshole, so be aware and stay safe!
Read it on AO3
Read it here!
Chet was having a bad night.
This wasn’t how it was supposed to go down. None of this was even his idea, all he’d wanted was a chance to make a little money. He didn’t even hate the dust catchers, not like his buddy Steve did. Sure, he thought the fuckers should go back under the mountain and fuck the libs for keeping the government from doing what they should’ve in the first place. If they’d sent in the military when the freaks first showed up, none of this would’ve happened. Stuff ‘em all back under the mountain and leave American jobs for Americans, yeah, that Chet could get behind. He didn’t want ‘em dead, though. Only back where they belonged.
But Steve, man, he was always bitching about ‘em. How they were at all the bars and stores these days, working at the gas station when he bought his cigarettes. Couldn’t take two steps anymore without bumping into a freak. His boss down at the shop even started hiring some of them and Steve spent a whole night with a bug up his ass on that one, the rest of them could barely hear the game.
And yeah, he knew Steve was getting deep into one of them anti-monster groups online. Chet didn’t care, none of his business, and if Steve managed to get arrested one of these days, welp, Chet wasn’t planning on sharing the bunk bed. He’d send a fair thee well letter and keep his ass at the bar, and if Dwayne and Vic were smart, they’d join him.
So, Chet had been just as surprised as the rest of them when Steve introduced them to Jerry. Creepy ass looking motherfucker, even for a monster. Should’ve been his cue right there to get out of dodge, he should've noped the hell out when that Jerry asshole told them he knew an easy way for them to make some money. He should have thanked him and gone for another beer instead, maybe headed down to the sports bar down the street and left all of this shit to the movies.
But Steve was sure it would work and the more he went on about it, the better it sounded. Everyone knew the cops didn’t like monsters, they wouldn’t be in any rush to get involved. The Embassy would pay them off, they’d let the skeleton guy go, and done. And instead of busting his ass every day for his shithead boss, they’d be down in Rio on the beach for the rest of their lives. All they had to do was shake ‘em up, make the Monsters see they weren’t welcome here. No one had to get hurt.
In fact, Scary Jerry had been pretty clear that hurting bone boy was a fast way to lose out on the cash. Turned out that skeletons were fragile little snowflakes and they’d break if anyone got too rough. If they wanted a payday, they’d have to snatch him without a bruise on his pussy little bones and Jerry helped them out with that, too. Drop a couple of tabs in his drink and he’d walk out with them docile as a lamb.
Jerry told them the skeleton was a little slut who fagged around for anyone who’d pay for it. All he was good for was Twitter and blowjobs, and so long as they used the drugs Jerry gave them, no problems.
He’d made a joke about putting his big mouth to good use if they wanted so long as they didn’t rough him up, but Chet didn’t go for that shit. Not from any freak.
Then Jerry stopped showing up to their meetings. That didn’t matter, Steve told them, they already had everything they needed, and Chet believed him like the stupid fucker his dad always said he was. They spent a couple months planning, figuring out skeleton boy’s schedule and when he started the bar routine, they saw their chance.
Only, Chet didn’t like what he was hearing from Steve anymore. Everything went down as planned at the bar, at first, but now there were complications.
To begin with, it was supposed to be the skeleton only. He was the cash cow and now they’d dragged in that other guy. Little faggot was probably bending over for the monster, doing whatever sick shit they did. He deserved whatever asswhipping anyone wanted to hand him, but Steve was taking it too far in Chet’s uneasy opinion.
After they’d sent the ransom video to the embassy, he’d start off on how they seen their faces, those two. Like everyone hadn’t at the bar? That’s why they were supposed to leave the country when they got the cash. The way Steve was talking, it didn’t sound like he wanted to scare the little shits tied up in the other room back underground or even give that Human a good reminder as to why he should hang out with his own faggy kind and give the dust catchers a pass.
Steve sounded a lot like maybe he was thinking of using the gun that was tucked into the waistband of his pants and if the others were as uneasy about that as Chet was, they didn’t say. None of them said much of anything, only drank their congratulatory beers let Steve go on about how there shouldn’t be witnesses, can’t have no witnesses.
That wasn’t at all the plan, the plan was to get the money and let them go, but Chet kept his trap shut, anyway. It was too late now, he was in the thick of it and he couldn’t run without the cash. If he opened his big mouth, he might become a witness instead and that was definitely not a part of the plan.
They’d gone through all the beers and chips when Steve suddenly whirled around, his gun suddenly in his hands. Chet kept a wary eye on it.
“We should check on them,” Steve said abruptly. “Check on them, see what they have to say. Make them tell us how much they saw.”
What could those two say that would sway Steve’s pendulum back into letting them go, Chet wondered. Not much, he didn’t think. They’d swear up and down that they didn’t know what they looked like whether it was true or not and the chances of them not telling anyone whatever they did know was nil. That was what leaving town was for, there was a car waiting, an airport three states away with tickets ready.
But Chet was knee-deep in the shit, had been since the moment that Jerry fuck sat at their table, and all he could do now was keep wading and hope he reached shore.
He followed Steve down the hallway silently, hanging back with Dwayne and Vic as Steve led the way. He flung open the door, gun in hand, and instead of terrified screams there was a fucking explosion. Some kind of bomb and at first Chet thought they were all dead. He’d heard what Monsters could do, his gramma used to tell him tales, horrifying fairy stories of humans who’d died in the war all those years ago, their still-beating hearts ripped free of their mangled bodies.
But once the smoke cleared, there was no blood or torn off limbs, only a smoldering piece of plastic on the floor and two empty chairs with the ropes still around them. They were gone, Chet realized dumbly. Gone and they’d set a little trap before they went, gone, and with it their chance at the money.
Yeah, okay, fuck this.
“Let’s get out of here,” Chet hissed, already backing up towards the door.
“And go where without the money?” Steve demanded. His short hair was sweaty and sticking up in clumps and his face was flushed a dark red, broken blood vessels standing out as bright snaps in his eyes. No one answered. “We stick to the plan, they couldn’t have gotten far. Now start looking!”
Start looking. Chet nodded and fumbled for his own gun, the heavy weight of it unfamiliar despite all the times he went to the firing range. Look around the dusty old warehouse that belonged to the company Dwayne worked for, that he’d sworn up and down was mostly empty and didn’t even have a security guard, perfect for their plan.
Not so perfect if those two managed to wiggle their way out, but he was gonna look, see if maybe they were hiding in a closet somewhere. Chet didn’t know what he was gonna do if he found them, but he was more afraid of what would happen if Steve found them first. Better to start looking first and maybe he could come up with something. Wasn’t like he had any other ideas.
The first couple rooms were empty of anything but dusty cartons and rat crap. Chet kept moving, the jumble of them moving down the hallway as they went from room to room. Found nothing, reporting the same from everyone, and they rounded the corner, still looking. They’d made almost a full circle, ready to go downstairs and try the same maneuver again when there was a loud popping sound and Chet’s first thought was, fuck, Steve found them first, fuck, fuck!
But it wasn’t Steve, it was Vic. Chet watched in disbelief as Vic stumbled out of the room he’d been checking clutching at his face, the exposed skin red and raw. Yellow, stinking smoke followed him out, pouring over them all like a cloud of rotting foulness. Tears pour from Chet’s eyes and he covered his mouth with his sleeve, coughing, trying to squint through stinging smoke even as his panicked mind blubbered that it was acid, the skeleton could spit acid or some shit, they were dead, they were all dead.
Vic fell to the ground, rolling on the filthy linoleum and screaming that his face was burning and maybe Dwayne had the same idea Chet did about the acid. He was closest to the outer door and he stumbled back into it, the doors swinging open as he took off through them. Before Chet could follow, more screams came, wavering between loud and muffled as the doors flapped open and closed.
He got Dwayne, too, Chet thought giddily, fucking monster was gonna kill them all and maybe that was Jerry’s plan from the start.
Chet stood frozen in the hallway, not knowing which way to flee. Didn’t matter, the monster would see him, he was sure of it, see him and get him, tear him open like in the movies, like in gramma’s bedtime stories. Vic was still keening, clutching at the raw sore of his face, and that was when Steve started shooting.
The room was still cloudy with foul yellow smoke and Steve was holding his gun out and firing wildly in a blind spray of bullets. One landed way too close to Chet, embedded into the wall right next to him and fuck this. He fell to the floor and started to crawl.
The air was clearer down here and he could see a little, his watering gaze blurry but he could see enough. Too much, in fact. He pressed down into the floor and watched as Steve was suddenly lifted off his feet and slammed into the ceiling, the wall, the floor.
Up and down and left and right, over and over until he was hanging in the air like a rag doll, slumping limply down, and that was when Chet saw a monster.
No movie creation, no scrawny faggot flailing out on the dance floor like he’d seen earlier. This Monster walked right out of his sweaty nightmares through the drywall dust and smoke, his teeth bared in a skeletal grimace, one eye socket filled with endless blackness that threatened to swallow Chet down and the other a flickering hellfire, a swirling deadly comet crashing through the night sky towards him. Strolling in like Death himself and Chet couldn’t look away, afraid It would fall on him and rip his throat out with those teeth.
It didn’t head for Chet, practically ignored him as It went to stand in front of Steve’s battered, bleeding form.
Steve wasn’t out of the count yet. He tried to raise his gun, but it trembled so hard in his grip he could barely hold it. The Monster didn’t even move, that hellfire gaze going brighter and Steve’s gun was ripped away, clattering down the hallway. The Monster leaned down, one long-fingered hand extending, more fire glowing at the tips of those spindly fingers and Chet only lay there, waiting to watch Steve die and wondering if It would turn on him next.
The voice was unexpected, hoarse and worried, and terribly human. “Stretch, don’t. Enough, okay? Don’t.”
Don’t stretch what? Chet thought, distant and dreamy.
There. The human, the little fag from the bar was standing behind the creature and he was braver than he looked. He set a hand on Its narrow back, said something that Chet couldn’t hear through the soaring ringing in his ears…no, wait, was that the fire alarm?
The demon stopped and closed Its eye sockets, finally hiding that hellfire glow. When he opened them again, his gaze was a pale, bland light, but when he spoke and Chet thought he could feel the vibrations down in his own bones, rattling through him. "enough. yeah, okay.” He crouched down in front of Steve, elbows braced on his skinny thighs and the coldness in his voice rang down the hallway. “here's a judgement for you, pal. enjoy prison."
Chet didn’t wait for the monster to pronounce a judgement on him. He did the only thing he could. He scrambled to his feet and ran. Past Vic, still whimpering on the floor, out through the swinging doors, coughing as he ran into a fresh cloud of smoke and here was Dwayne, stuck fast to the stair railing by some kind of sticky foam that looked like insulation.
He kept running, out into the cool night air, gasping in a clean lungful. He took another stumbling step and stopped. His path to the van was cut off, not that it mattered since he didn’t have the keys. They were upstairs with Steve and there was no fucking way Chet was going back up there, not for any amount of cash; he’d barely escaped with his mortal soul the first time.
But what he saw outside froze his blood. Another skeleton, no, more than that. Monsters, so many Monsters, tall and small, incongruous in their dark suits and none of them looked like a savior but Chet fell to his knees in front of them all anyway, croaking out, "Help me.”
The skeleton grinned and Chet couldn’t spare anymore horror, not even when he saw those jaggedly sharp teeth. “yeah, the honey bun is here, a’right.”
Chet didn’t have a chance to ask what the fuck donuts had to do with anything. Cool metal bracelets slid around his wrists, strong hands hauling him to his feet and towards one of the cars and Chet went willingly, gratefully.
He slumped in the back of the car, resting his face against the cool window glass and did not watch what was going on outside. Didn’t matter, not really, he’d made it out alive and that was it. It was enough.
Eventually, though, he opened his eyes and caught side of the others being led out. Vic, his face visibly raw and red in the spotlights shining everywhere. Dwayne was being rolled out, lying sideways on a stretcher, still wrapped up in foam, and behind the paramedics was Steve with two Monsters on either side of him, caging him in. Dried blood was crusting his nose, but he was on his feet and being led to a car of his own.
In his chest, humor suddenly took hold, bubbling its way out until Chet was giggling alone in the empty car, shrill and unsteady.
Looked like maybe he and Steve would end up sharing bunks after all.
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Valentine’s Day Surprise - Harry Styles Mini Series (Part 4)
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Part 1 
Part 2 
Part 3 
As soon as Harry got out of Jeff’s car, he went straight into the airport. He still had about an hour to kill before his flight took off, but luckily he would be able to board sooner. He went through security and was now waiting for them to call his flight. Taking out his phone he scrolled through his social media accounts. Just because he didn’t post on it very often, didn’t mean he didn’t check it. 
Harry didn’t know why he felt nervous or anxious, but he did. Maybe it was because he couldn’t wait to see you or he was worried something would go wrong. He really needed to figure out what he was going to get you. Of course, he should have thought about this weeks ago, but he was distracted. He couldn’t believe he was one of those guys who waited until the last minute to get their girlfriend a present for Valentine’s Day. 
But then again, he was currently the guy who waited until the last minute to actually go see his girlfriend in person. While he was waiting, he decided to head into one of the airport gift shops to see if anything caught his eye. He really didn’t want to get you something from there, but surely if it was worth getting did it really matter where he bought it from. 
Everything in the gift shop was your typical gift shop items, LA merch, keychains, t shirts, and other random things. He sighed shaking his head as he grabbed some snacks to snack on while he waited. As he was checking out, he heard his phone ringing in his pocket. He saw Jeff’s name appear on the screen, so he answered it while he handed the clerk his cash. 
“What’d you forget to tell me?” Harry asked. 
“Don’t get on the plane!” Jeff blurted out. 
“What? Why? What’s wrong?” He asked. 
“Y/N’s here!” Jeff said. 
“What?” Harry grabbed his change and his snacks before heading out into the lobby. 
“She’s here. In LA... at the airport,” he breathed out. “Don’t get on the plane.” 
“The fuck, you better not be playing with me, Jeff,” Harry said. 
“I’m not... just... meet us at the door,” Jeff said quickly. 
Harry didn’t need to be told twice before grabbing his things and booking it through the airport. 
You and Jeff quickly ran into the airport, but of course, you could only go so far without tickets. 
“Do you see him?” You asked, standing on your tip toes. 
“No,” Jeff sighed. “Even if I did, he wouldn’t hear us.” 
“Maybe we should try his cell, just in case,” You said. 
“Already on it,” Jeff said putting his phone to his ear. 
“Don’t get on the plane,” he blurted out. 
“Y/N’s here,” he said again. 
“She’s here in LA... at the airport,” he breathed out. “Don’t get on the plane.” 
“I’m not, just meet us at the door,” he said before hanging up the phone. 
“You got him?” You asked. 
“Yeah, don’t know where he’s at, but hopefully he’ll be here soon,” Jeff said. 
Hearing that, you’re stomach filled with butterflies. Your legs bounced with excitement as you tried looking through the crowd for your boyfriend. There were a lot of people heading past security, but surely you would be able to notice him as the only person walking the opposite direction of everyone. 
“Come on, come on,” you mumbled. 
It literally felt like an eternity, when in reality it was probably only like ten minutes before you finally saw his big head peeking up in the crowd. A smile grow across your face and you wanted nothing more to run to him like you were in a romance movie, but the scary security guards were certainly prevent from your moment. 
Harry didn’t see you until he got closer and as soon as he did, he picked up his pace. Once he was passed security, you ran to him, wrapping your arms around him and jumping into his arms. 
“Oof,” he laughed wrapping his arms around you to hold you against him. “What are you doing here?” 
“I uh... came to surprise you. Had I not called Jeff when I got off the plane, you would have fucked up my plan,” you said. 
He laughed, “Sorry,” he said. 
“Um, guys, hate to uh, break up this lovely moment, but we should probably get going,” Jeff said, looking around at all the people standing around. 
“Oh, right,” you said, jumping down. 
Harry grabbed your hand and the two of you follow Jeff to his car. You both get in the back and as soon as Harry’s in behind you, he pulled you in for a kiss. You giggled against his lips while Jeff shook his head. 
When Jeff pulled up to the house Harry was staying at, Harry got your bags and his own before waving Jeff goodbye. 
“Be safe!” Jeff smirked out the window as he backed out of the driveway. 
You giggled following Harry inside the house. Once you both were inside and the door was shut, you heard bags drop to the floor and felt arms wrap around you. 
“I can’t believe you’re here right now,” he smiled into your neck. 
“I know. I can’t believe you were about to flying to England when you already told me you weren’t going to go,” you laughed. 
“Yeah, that slight change of plans literally happened this morning,” he winced. “Jeff got some things rescheduled last minute.” 
“So, that means either way you have the next few days completely free, right?” You smiled. 
“It does,” he smiled. “What about you? How long are you going to be here for?” 
“At least the week,” you said. 
“I love you,” he smiled, pressing kisses all over you face. 
You laughed turning around in his arms to face, “I love you, too.” 
“You must since you came all the way here,” he smiled. 
“And you must since you were willing to go all the way home and back,” you smiled. 
“Guess we’re just made for each other, huh?” he smirked. 
“Yep,” you nodded, jumping into his arms and wrapping your legs around his waist. “Now, I do have one request.” 
“And that is?” He raised an eyebrow. 
“Feed me. I’m starving,” you laughed. 
He laughed, “I’m sure I have some thing I can whip up in my kitchen.” 
“Thank you! I had this whole plan of going grocery shopping or getting take out on my way to meeting you, but that got fucked up thanks to you,” you joked. 
“Well, this is one way for our first Valentine’s Day together to be memorable,” he laughed carrying you into the kitchen. “Speaking of, do you have anything else planned since you were the one to make the trip here?” 
“You’d think, but not really. I thought maybe it would be better for us to make a plan together, plus I wasn’t sure if you would the day off,” you said. 
“I do,” he smiled. “I’m not needed on set until later this week and since it’s the weekend, I don’t have any of my meetings until Monday.” 
“I thought you said your meetings got rescheduled?” You asked. 
“Some did,” he said, looking through the fridge and pantry. “But the ones that weren’t, I’m doing on zoom.” 
You nodded. “So, I probably shouldn’t walk around naked then?” You joked. 
“I wouldn’t go that far, love,” he winked. “Just stay clear of the camera.” 
You giggled, nibbling on some fruit he took out. 
“Anyway, what about you? Do you have any work shit to do?” He asked. 
“Other than checking in with my beta readers and editor? Not much,” you said. “I finished my other draft before I left, so I can’t really do much with it until I get all the feedback. I do have some other things I can look over, but nothing too pressing for a deadline.” 
“So, what you’re saying is, we technically have a lot of free time together over the next few days?” He asked. 
“Yep,” you smiled. “So much you’ll probably get sick of me.” 
“Yeah and by then you’ll be on your way back to London,” he joked. 
“Fuck you,” you laughed, throwing a strawberry at him. 
“Hey, I’m more than willing to take you right here and now, but I’m trying to be a gentleman and feed you first,” he smirked.
“My hero,” you laughed. 
“Anyway, back to our plans,” Harry said. “Would you mind if I was in charge of them?” 
“I don’t mind,” you smiled. “If that’s what you want to do.” 
“It is,” he smiled. “You came here, so I want to make it special.”
“We’re together, so it’s already special,” you said. 
“Then that means I don’t have to worry about too much,” he joked. 
“Ha, ha,” you laughed. “But seriously, you should know me. I don’t care about fancy dinners or anything. I’ll be grateful and happy with anything you plan.” 
Harry smiled kissing your head as you wrapped your arms around his waist. You smiled leaning into him because your actual Valentine’s Day celebration hadn’t even started and it was already your favorite one. 
Part 5 will be the last part! Let me know if want anything included for Valentine’s Day! 
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kwanisms · 4 years
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⤑ genre: supernatural au, incubus!Sungjin, smut ⤑ pairing: incubus!Sungjin x occultist!Reader ⤑ warning: smut, supernatural elements, satanic and occult themes, sexual content, praise kink, slight cumplay at the end, choking kink, facefucking ⤑ summary: Sungjin is an incubus that hasn't seen any action in years. So when Y/N summons him, not thinking the ritual would work, Sungjin is more than willing to play her little game. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on how you look at it, Sungjin doesn't make deals; but that doesn't mean summoning him will be a complete waste of time, right? ⤑ word count: 7.4k
a/n:  there’s a lot of praise and dirty talk in this and Sungjin says kitten a lot but i felt it was fitting for an incubus lmao but anyway, please enjoy this dirty little oneshot!
➭ collab masterlist
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When it came to the occult, no one was curious or knowledgeable as you. Well, except maybe the experts but you wouldn't admit that. No, when it came to the occult, you were more than fascinated. You were obsessed.
You had read every book you could get your hands on. Everything from witchcraft to demons to the stars in the sky and how their position affected the human psyche and physical being. You had studied it all.
The one thing you hadn't gotten a hold of was a Grimoire. A witch's black book. What fascinated you the most about this book were the rumors that it was full of spells and rituals of everything to do with healing to human sacrifice and summoning demons.
Most accounts claimed these books didn't exist. Others claimed they did but were not as dark as legends led one to believe. Regardless of its contents, you were determined to get your hands on this book, one way or another.
Lucky for you, your wish came true one night; Hallow's Eve of all nights.
Your day started like any other, getting ready for work, heading out the door as usually, stopping for your usual coffee and getting to the bookshop right on time. Once inside, you grabbed your apron and tied it on, greeting your co-worker, Ayumi. 
Ayumi couldn't have been more opposite from you, dressing in light colors, mainly pastels and white, lots of floral patterns but nothing that screamed grandma's bedding.
You on the other hand wore exclusively ten shades of black.
You were greeted right back by Ayumi's bright smile and bubbly personality as she said good morning. She was in the midst of preparing a cup of coffee as the bookshops only barista. How she did it, you had no idea.
You took your place behind the cash register, starting your day by counting your till and making sure the starting amount was where it needed to be. You shut the till with a slight bang and winced, mouthing an apology to a nearby customer. Once you were open, customers started flocking over to purchase their books.
It was easy work but annoying when customers asked questions that could have been answered simply by using their eyes to look around the shop.
A couple hours passed by before Ayumi's station had calmed down enough that she could strike up a conversation with you.
"Wow," she said as she wiped down the counter with a towel. "I think that's the busiest I've been on a Thursday in a while," she said, a smile on her face.
It was hard not to smile around Ayumi. She just had one of those personalities. "Yeah, you looked like a drowning kitten," you joked. Ayumi giggled and waved her hand.
Anyone else would have been horrified and disturbed to hear your joke but not Ayumi. She knew you and she knew you were joking. Working together for 3 years would do that.
The next couple hours passed without incident, the occasional customer here and there but most of them came in for the coffee and, let's be real, they came in for Ayumi.
It was close to the end of your shift, you were wiping down your computer when Ayumi spoke up. 
"Hey, you work at the museum, right?" she asked. You perked up and turned to her. "Uh, yeah?" you said cautiously, wondering if she was going to ask for free or discounted tickets or something.
Ayumi tucked her towel in the pocket of her apron before resting her elbows on the counter, arms crossed as she gave you a cheeky grin. "You ever see anything… interesting?" she asked. You fixed her with a blank stare.
"Define interesting?" you asked and Ayumi rolled her eyes. "Come on, Y/N," she said, with a slight chuckle. "You know what I mean!" You shrugged your shoulders, looking down.
"I don't know," you replied honestly. "I mean, I guess so?" Ayumi snorted and bounced in place. "Come on, Y/N! Tell me!" she pleaded, using her sugar sweet voice that annoyed you and she knew it annoyed you.
"Oh shush, Ayumi," you retorted, stifling a laugh as she started to whine like a child. "Y/NNNNNN," she begged, drawing out the end of your name. You rolled your eyes and gave in. "Alright, fine!" you groaned and Ayumi immediately squealed with glee and ran around from behind the coffee counter to rush over into your station to listen to your story.
"It's not that weird," you admitted. "But it is weird." Ayumi nodded quickly and fixed her big doe like eyes on you as you started to tell her about the time you worked the closing shift at the museum and swore you were being watched. 
When you finished, Ayumi shivered and smiled, eyes wide with intrigue and glee. "That's so weird!" she whispered. You shook your head and glanced at the clock. "Ok, it's time to go," you said, nodding at the clock.
Ayumi huffed. "I wish you didn't have to leave," she said as she headed back to her station. "I wanna hear more spooky stories." You rolled your eyes again as you untied your apron. “I’ll see you on Monday,” you said as you folded your apron, set up the closed sign on the counter and headed to clock out in the back.
When you came back out the back, Ayumi handed you a cup. “For your walk to the museum,” she added with a sweet smile. You thanked her, taking a sip of the hot beverage before heading out into the cool, crisp night and making your way across town towards the museum.
The walk to the museum was mainly uneventful. You passed people on the streets, everyone of them buzzing with excitement over the holiday. For you, however, Hallow’s Eve wasn’t too exciting. You had long grown out of the dressing up and asking for candy phase so at this point, Halloween was just another day, one you usually had to work including this year.
Upon entering the museum, you checked your phone to make sure you had plenty of time. You did.
You headed through the employees only door to deposit your bag and change into your uniform. It wasn’t much of a uniform. You basically wore a jacket with the word ‘security’ on the back and your name printed in the upper left part of your chest. You grabbed your phone from your coat and slipped it into your pocket before shutting your locker and heading back out to the hallway.
Once out there, you ran into the janitor who smiled politely and nodded as he went about his business. Your boss looked over as you walked toward him and he looked over your appearance. “Well,” he said stiffly. “At least you remembered to wear your jacket this time,” he said. “I also wore tennis shoes,” you added in a deadpan tone. Your boss glanced down at your knee high converse, saying nothing.
“Right,” he said, choosing to ignore what you said in favor of handing over a folder. “Your list of nightly duties has changed,” he said as you opened the folder and flipped through it. “We’ve given you a new set of keys after the last ring… disappeared,” he said, narrowing his eyes at you.
Glancing up at him, you gave him a grimace before going back to the papers. Your boss continued to ramble on as he explained what had changed since your last shift but you couldn’t focus on him. Instead, your attention was drawn toward the loading dock.
Two men were carrying a medium sized wooden crate. Stamped on the side in red ink were the words ‘DANGER’ and ‘DO NOT OPEN WITHOUT SUPERVISION.’ Your eyes widened as you peered around your boss at the curiosity. “Y/N? Are you listening to me?” he asked.
Your attention snapped back to him. “Sorry, sir. Got distracted,” you said, nodding towards the crate. Your boss turned to see the delivery men waving him down. “Oh, you’re here already?” he asked, making his way over. You followed quickly and investigated the crate while your boss signed for it.
“What’s in there?” you asked one of the delivery drivers.” He shrugged. “I don’t know. I just deliver the products,” he admitted with a shrug. With the necessary documents signed, the two men left, leaving the box on a table in the backroom. You turned back towards your boss. “What’s in there?” you asked.
Your boss looked at the crate and then back at you. “Some kind of occult nonsense. The owners were very keen on displaying it for Halloween but it’s late,” he added. You tried to hide your interest, your curiosity was now peaked and you wouldn’t be able to think about anything else for the rest of the night.
Once your boss left, you set about securing the building, checking the unlocked and locked rooms, making sure no one had stayed inside the building. Once your walkthrough had been done, you went to the security room to check the cameras. You saw nothing so you settled down in your chair and pulled out your phone. You had a few notifications from tumblr but you ignored them. That hellsite was dead anyway.
Your phone notification went off, the notification bar showing you had a text from Ayumi. You opened the message to check it. She asked if anything spooky had happened and you rolled your eyes. You replied quickly but jumped when a bang caught you off guard. You looked up to see the janitor giving you a smirk. “Did I scare ya?” he asked. You let out a half-hearted laugh. “Yeah,” you admitted.
The janitor laughed and announced he was heading out and would lock the door behind him. You waved goodbye and turned back to the cameras to watch him leave the building. You were now alone.
The first hour of your shift passed quickly. Nothing to report, so you played a few games on your phone, mostly Among Us and then a coloring app. Another hour into your shift, you ordered pizza for delivery. It took no time to arrive and when your phone buzzed, the screen flashing with a call, you ran for the front door, unlocked it and handed the driver some notes. “Keep the change!” you said you handed it to him.
He thanked you and headed back to his car as lightning flashed overhead. You locked the doors and ran back to the security room to chow down on your pizza and watch videos on your phone. You were really getting into watching a new upload from Markiplier on YouTube when something on one of the cameras caught your eye.
Pausing the video, you glanced up at the screen in question. It was a camera outside the backroom where the wooden crate had been put. You watched a few seconds more before something dark flew past the camera lens, causing you to sit upright in your seat. You set your half eaten slice of pizza down, grabbed your flashlight and phone and headed out into the corridor.
You walked quickly but not too quickly as you shined your flashlight around, the beam falling over the shiny surface of the marble floors and bronze fixtures. You reached the hallway where you had seen the blur and found it empty before heading over to the locked door to the back room and peered in through the glass. The crate sat exactly where it was left. You tried the handle and confirmed the room was indeed locked.
You decided to forego entering the room, chalking it up to your imagination and turned to start the walk back to the security office before your pizza got cold. You had only walked a few steps when a loud crash from behind the door caused you to nearly jump out of your skin. You spun around and gasped when you saw a dark shadow looking at you from inside the room.
Shining your light in the window, the shadow disappeared. Your heart raced as you slowly inched forward. You peered into the room once more and decided you had to check inside now. Pulling the keys from your pocket, you identified the correct key and unlocked the door, turning the knob slowly and pushed open the door.
Inside the room appeared to be empty but you took your time, examining the whole room thoroughly and cautiously. You were certain you had seen someone but now you could see that the room was completely empty and the door you had come in was the only way in and out of the room.
You sighed and shook your head, chalking it up to your imagination as lightning flashed out in the hallway. You headed for the door only to step on something that made a slight clunking sound against the concrete. You lifted your foot and shined the light down to see a crowbar had been somehow thrown from its hanging spot on the wall several feet to where it lay now.
“What the fuck?” you whispered. You bent down and grabbed it, the smooth steel cold against your fingers as you clenched your fist around it. “How did you get all the way over here?” you asked the crowbar, as if it would explain its acrobatics to you just like that.
Shaking your head once more, you turned to hang it back up but stopped when you heard your name being whispered. Not out loud but more like… inside your head. You froze, eyes widening before you slowly turned to check the empty room. Your eyes darted around, looking for some logical explanation, the crowbar still in your hand when your eyes landed on the crate.
You looked at the crowbar in your hand and then back at the crate. ‘What if?’ you asked yourself before shaking your head. “No way,” you whispered, turning to hang up the crowbar. “I would so get fired for that.” You turned from the crowbar now hanging on its hook and moved for the door but stopped again when you heard your name being called from inside your own head. You turned to look at the crate.
Your eyes flitted to the crowbar and back to the wooden crate, the words 'DANGER' staring back at you before you made up your mind. ‘What is one little peek gonna hurt?’ you told yourself walking over to the wall and grabbing the crowbar once again. You walked over to the table, removing your jacket and setting it aside. You inspected the crate closely, running your finger over the wood.
Half expecting a splintered piece to become lodged in your skin, you were surprised by not only the smoothness of the wood but by how new it looked. It looked like a freshly constructed box. Not taking a moment longer to dwell on it, you found a place to shimmy the pry end of the crowbar into and started to loosen the top of the crate. It came up surprisingly easy.
Once the top was removed, you set the crowbar aside and grabbed your flashlight, using it to peer inside the crate to see what oddities lay inside. You were met with a surprising and annoying amount of packing. Pushing this aside, you reached further into the box until your fingers met the edge of something hard. You set the flashlight aside and reached your other hand inside to grab the object and lift it up out of the crate.
It looked to be a book of sorts. You set it on the table and grabbed your flashlight once more, shining the beam over the book. It read ‘Ars Goetia.’ Your eyes widened as you realized just exactly what you were looking at. In all the years of research, you had heard of this book but most accounts believed it to be either lost to the ages or have never existed at all. And yet here it was, in your hands.
You took a step back, breathing heavily. From what you understood, this book was filled with different rituals to summon demons and make pacts with them. You didn’t really believe that one could summon demons or spirits but the idea fascinated you immensely. You stared at the book for a few more seconds before approaching it and opening the cover.
The inside was written in Latin and you thanked yourself mentally for taking courses in Latin when you were in college. You flipped through the pages, eyes scanning over the texts and images before stopping on a page where an image depicted a young woman summoning a demon to make a pact.
You slammed the book shut, grabbed your jacket and put it back on before grabbing the Ars Goetia and tucking it inside your jacket. You headed out of the room, shutting the door and locking it before walking back to the security room. Once inside, you downed the rest of the slice of your pizza, washing it down with some water before logging into the security system.
Outside, thunder crashed and lighting struck while rain pelted the roof and glass windows of the museum. You disabled cameras 5 and 6 which led to an old store room. Once you finished, you grabbed the book and headed back to the back of the museum, using your keys to let yourself into the store room. You set the book on a blank space on the floor and headed over to rummage through the various cabinets and were relieved to find several old candles and surprisingly a set of sidewalk chalk.
You threw off your jacket and opened the book to the page you had seen earlier, you worked quickly and diligently, drawing the same ritual circle the woman in the book was using. Once you were satisfied with your handiwork, you set the candles around the circle and searched for some matches, luckily you found some in a drawer and struck it to light the candles.
Once they were all lit, you blew the match out before setting it aside. You read the footnotes of the page and set the book in the center of the circle. You read the incantation several times to yourself to make sure you had it correctly before you started speaking.
You weren’t sure exactly why you were trying this. Maybe the mood of the day as well as the storm setting in around the city might be fueling your curiosity. You started the chant, sitting at the side of the circle, facing the book as you held your hands out to the sides, palms up.
You felt a gust of wind hit you, the flames on the candles dancing quickly. Your words faltered you as you looked around. There was no way a breeze could be in the room. The windows were shut as was the door. You decided to ignore it and continued the ritual.
“Demon, I summon you,” you said loudly when you finished the incantation. Another gust of wind hit you, extinguishing the candles. You scrambled for the flashlight, turning it on and starting to look around the room, your heart racing. You tried to hold the light steady as you examined the room but saw nothing. You let out a sigh, starting to calm down when there was a loud boom outside and an electrical buzz. You let out a shriek, quickly getting to your feet and making your way to the door to try the light switch.
The power was out. You grabbed your jacket and opened the door to the hall. It was pouring outside, lightning flashing every few seconds, accompanied by loud claps of thunder. You stepped out into the hall, pulling your jacket on as you headed for the security room.
Peering in, you were relieved to see that the cameras were on backups. You were about to sit down when you remembered you had left the book in the store room. You hurried back to the room and opened the door, shining your flashlight in. You walked over to the circle but found that the book was not in the center anymore. “What the-?” you whispered as you looked around. You searched between stacks of boxes and on shelves, wondering where the book was when you finally found it.
It was in the back corner, through the maze of boxes and supplies. You sighed and reached down to pick it up. “How did you get all the way over here?” you wondered aloud. You were dusting off the tome when you were aware of another presence in the room. You turned slowly to look behind you where you saw a shadow standing in the corner opposite you.
You gasped, dropping the book to the floor and backed against the wall as the shadow took a step forward. “W-what do you want?” you whimpered. The shadow didn’t move. Suddenly, glowing red eyes appeared and you felt your blood run cold. ‘No,’ you thought. ‘It can’t be.’
“Don’t make me call the cops, buddy,” you warned, pulling your phone out of your pocket. The shadow took another step forward. “I’ll do it!” you yelled, unlocking your phone and getting ready to call the police when a voice spoke. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” it said.
You looked up from your phone at the shadow. With the tiny amount of light from your phone screen you could see more features to the shadow. It was tall. Impossibly tall, almost 6 and half feet. It had what seemed to be massive horns protruding from its skull and curling backwards against its head. You watched as it shifted and heard the sound of hooves against the concrete.
‘This can’t be real,’ you told yourself. The shadow figure tilted its head, looking at you quizzically. "Oh but it is real,” it replied. You gasped. “You can read my thoughts?” you whispered. The shadow figure nodded. “I can do so much more than that, Y/N,” it replied. Your eyes widened. “How do you know my name?” you asked, your voice barely audible over the rain outside.
“I know a great many things, little one,” the figure replied. “I know everything about you; your thoughts, your fears, your… desires,” it added. You stared at the figure, unable to move. “W-what do you want?” you stammered. The shadow figure chuckled in response. “I think a more accurate question is, what do you want?” he asked. You shook your head. “What do you mean?” you asked.
The shadow figure advanced another step. “Let’s not play this game, girl,” it said in a gruff voice. “You summoned me.” You looked down at the book and back up at the figure. “You’re a demon?” you asked incredulously. “Bingo,” the figure replied. 
It all made sense to you now. The shadowy presence, the glowing red eyes, the horns, and the hooves. It really was a demon. A demon you had managed to summon. You looked down at the book. What did you want? All you really were doing was playing around with the book. You never thought in a million years that you would actually succeed in summoning a demon.
“I-” you choked out. The demon seemed to know what you were going to say. “You didn’t actually believe you could summon me, did you?” he asked. You nodded. “I didn’t think it was real,” you admitted. The demon chortled. “That explains it,” he said. “You don’t even know what kind of demon I am,” he stated. You shook your head. “No, what kind of demon are you?” you asked.
The figure moved forward and as it stepped into the light coming in through the window, it morphed, changing from a shadowy figure to a man. He was a tall man, nicely filled out with average shoulders. His body was neither too thick nor too thin. He sported a buzz cut and notched eyebrows that on the surface make him seem rough and sort of edgy but his eyes were something else.
While flashing glowing red for a moment, they shifted into a dark brown and they were surprisingly kind. Perhaps deceivingly kind but kind nonetheless. “I’m an incubus,” the demon replied, stopping a few feet from where you stood. You took a moment to look over him further and saw he was wearing a tailored blue suit with a black turtleneck underneath and a simple silver chain.
“W-what’s an incubus?” you asked, your voice shaking. The demon noticed this and his smile widened. “You really don’t know?” he asked, his head tilting to the side. “Did you not read the page you used to summon me?” he added, raising an eyebrow. You shook your head. “Not really,” you admitted.
The demon stared at you, his eyes now wide with concern. “So you just decided to pick a random page and read what was on it?” You shook your head. “No, I didn’t think-” you began but he interrupted you. “You didn’t think it would work, right.” The demon took a step forward.
“Well, shall I tell you what an incubus is?” he inquired, taking another step forward and stopping just before you. Cowering against the wall, you could feel his breath on your face as he looked at you, studying your eyes and expression. “Or,” he added, the corner of his mouth pulling up into a smirk.
“I could just show you?” he suggested. Your heart was hammering in your chest again. “S-show me? How would you show me?” you wondered aloud. The demon’s smirk grew as he leaned in close, his nose inches from yours. “Well first,” he stated. “Let’s set some ground rules.”
He backed away and started pacing slowly in front of you, fixing you with a stare that indicated that he was a predator and you were the prey. “I’m not like other demons,” he started. “I don’t make deals,” he added. “Wait,” you said, stopping him. You bent down to pick up the grimoire and flipped to the page you had been reading from and held it out to show him.
“Is she not making a deal?” you asked. The demon looked down at the paper and snorted. “No,” he remarked. “She’s begging,” he added before continuing. “Begging,” you whispered, looking down at the page. “For what?” you added in an undertone. “May I finish?” the demon requested. You nodded, shutting the book and standing still to listen.
“As I said, I don’t make deals. I don’t have some grand scheme. I don’t want your soul or the blood of your firstborn and I certainly don’t want your firstborn either. Children are nasty and I would rather have a thousand years of punishment in Hell than 18 years of looking after a child. You don’t have children, right?” the demon asked, stopping to look at you to which you shook your head.
“Excellent,” he answered, continuing to pace. “So,” you started before he could speak again. “If you don’t want my soul, what exactly do you want?” you asked, almost dreading the answer. The demon smiled at you and shrugged. “A good time,” he responded. You stared at him, confusion written on your face. “A good time?” you repeated. He nodded. “A good time,” he confirmed.
“And what does that entail?” you inquired. The demon advanced once more on you, reaching up to place his hands against the wall, caging you in between his arms. “You,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper. “M-me?” you stammered. He nodded. “Just you.”
“And what do you want with me?” you asked, eyelids fluttering as you raised your gaze to meet his. The demon smiled at you, leaning in just a little closer. “I think you know,” he said, his lips grazing your cheekbone. Your heart was beating incredibly fast and your breathing was coming out in pants. “I-I don’t know what you mean,” you mumbled, stumbling over your words.
“Oh, kitten,” the demon breathed. “Don’t play coy with me.” You felt his hand moved, his fingers skimming down your arm and tucking underneath the jacket to grab your waist, pulling you closer as his lips moved along your jawline. “W-what are you… I-I…” your words failed you as you tried to form a coherent sentence. “What was that, kitty?” the demon asked, his voice filled with amusement.
“I don’t think I can do this,” you whimpered, trying to ignore the way the demon’s knee nudged your thighs apart and how his thigh was now pressed against you. “If you can’t,” he said, his breath hot against your skin. “Then I won’t force you,” he added. “But, I won’t be able to go away until you do.”
You moaned as his thigh pressed harder against you. “What’s your name?” you blurted out. The demon chuckled before giving you an answer. “Sungjin.”
“Sungjin?” you repeated, only to be answered by a hum against your neck. “You better make this worth my while,” you warned as his lips moved up your neck to your jaw before he pulled back. “Oh trust me, kitten,” he purred. “I’ll make you beg for more. By the time I’m done with you, you won’t want me to leave.”
A squeal left your lips as Sungjin reached down and lifted you, moving to the closest flat surface before catching your lips in a hurried kiss. You weren’t sure where to move your hands so you settled for gripping the lapels of his suit jacket as he pushed your jacket off you. You slid your arms free of the jacket without breaking the kiss and Sungjin tossed the garment away.
You moaned against his lips as his hands grabbed your thighs, pulling your core against him. “I haven’t even started,” he teased before pushing your skirt up to reveal the short black shorts you wore underneath. “Making me work for it, huh kitten?” he asked. You giggled as he tugged at and pulled the shorts down, tossing them on the ground.
You watched as he eyed you, hunger in his eyes before he looked up, licking his lips. “Lie back,” he ordered. You did as he said, lying back on the old desk he had set you on. Your cheeks flushed as Sungjin pulled you panties down your thighs slowly, maintaining eye contact the entire time before he pulled them past your shoes and tucked them into his pocket.
With your lower half now exposed to him, he wasted no time in leaning over, spreading your thighs and giving you one final look before he buried his face between your legs. You gasped as his tongue flashed out to taste you, one lick before giving you another and another. You tried to contain your moans as the demon licked and sucked at your clit, groaning at the way you tasted.
The sounds were so lewd and felt like something straight out of a porn video but at the same time, it turned you on more to know he was enjoying this as much as you were. You weren’t sure where to put your hands so you settled for gripping the edge of the desk to hold yourself in place as Sungjin continued to taste you, his tongue dipping past your folds and finding your entrance only for a moment before he pulled back. You whined at the loss of contact and propped yourself up to watch as he wiped his mouth on the back of his hand.
He fixed you with a dazed stare as his hands moved to undo his belt and the zipper of his pants. He didn’t have to say anything, you knew what he wanted. You sat up slowly and slid from the desk, kneeling in front of him as he freed his length from the confines of his pants.
To say you were shocked at the size would be an understatement. You weren’t prepared for just how big his cock was as it stood before you. Not wanting to be rude, you cautiously took it in your hand, marveling at the weight it had. It would be a task taking all of this inside you but you were determined. If he wanted to have a good time, you would show him that.
Glancing up at him quickly, you opened your mouth and gave the head a short kitten lick, tasting the precum that was gathering at the tip. It was surprisingly sweet, perhaps that was a demon thing? You licked again, this time swirling your tongue around the tip. With your lips parted, you took the head of his cock in your mouth, feeling the fullness immediately as your lips stretched around him.
The demon said, nothing, only watched as you slowly bobbed your head, taking as much of him as your mouth would allow you. Using your saliva as lubricant, you started stroking the part of him you couldn’t fit in your mouth, meeting your hand with your lips as you tried to take more of him in your mouth. You looked up at Sungjin, expecting some sort of reaction from him but noticing nothing.
Trying not to get discouraged, you pulled his cock out of your mouth, stroking the entire length before taking him in your mouth again. This time, he reacted. His hands moved, fingers locking in your hair as he held your head still. “Relax your jaw,” he ordered. You did so, relaxing your jaw as much as possible. 
“Stay just like that,” he breathed and slowly pulled back to thrust into your mouth. You gagged as the head of his dick hit the back of your throat. He pulled you off him, allowing you to cough and regain your composure. Again, he held your head in place as he guided himself in your mouth, thrusting a little slower and gentler than before. A soft moan escaped his throat.
“Good girl,” he panted, slowly speeding up, attempting to push further into your mouth. You tried to hold back your gags but couldn’t when he hit the back of your throat again. This time, he didn’t pull you off, instead, he continued, thrusting into your mouth. You put your hands on his thighs, bracing yourself as saliva spilled down your chin and onto the floor.
“Just like that,” the demon said softly, his grip in your hair tightening as he forced more of his cock past your lips. You gagged again but he ignored it, pushing further still with each thrust until the tip of his cock pushed past your uvula and into your throat, effectively cutting off your air supply. Your lungs started to burn from lack of oxygen and you started to tap his thigh to get his attention. Sungjin gave a few more thrusts into your throat before pulling you off him and letting go of your hair.
You gasped and coughed, trying to breath normally. “You’re going to kill me,” you accused, looking up to see the demon was removing layers of his clothing. You gulped, ignoring the pain in your throat and watched as he tossed his coat aside before removing his shirt, allowing you to see his toned chest and arms. Something you weren’t expecting.
The demon walked over and held out a hand. You took it cautiously and were surprised when he helped you to your feet. “What are you doing?” you asked as he turned you around to face the desk and reached for the zipper on your dress. He pushed the material down past your hips, letting it fall to the floor before pushing his own pants down and discarding them.
Before you could say anything, he pushed you over, pressing your chest to the cold top of the desk and kept his hand on your back as he took himself in his hand and rubbed the head of his cock between your folds. “You might want to hold onto something,” he warned. Your hands fumbled, grabbing onto the desk as the demon pushed past your folds and into your core.
The stretch stung and burned with you letting out a slew of curses to which Sungjin chuckled as he slowly inched his way in bit by bit. He gave you a few moments in between to adjust before moving again. After a few minutes, he was in as far as he could go. “How does it feel?” he asked, leaning over your back. “Fucking huge,” you whimpered, almost in tears as you waited for the pain and burning to subside. Sungjin laughed lowly, taking that as a compliment.
“Now you know how big a demon cock is,” he added, his hand smoothing over your backside before he delivered a sharp slap to your ass cheek. You let out a whine, fingers clenching the edge of the desk. Your core clenched when he gave you another spank. “Someone’s enjoying this,” he said darkly.
He continued, giving each cheek a total of five slaps, smoothing his hand over the reddening skin in between each spanking. “Please,” you begged, tears filling your eyes. He had been sheathed inside you for nearly ten minutes now without moving and your body needed release. “Please what?” Sungjin asked, leaning over your back. “Please move,” you replied.
“That’s not good enough, kitten,” he murmured. “Maybe I should give you a few more spanks until you know how to use your words,” he suggested, his hand returning to your sore backside. “No, no please!” you begged. “Please, no more!” Sungjin squeezed a handful of your ass, giving it a shake before he released it. 
“Then what do you want, kitten?” he asked, politely as if his dick wasn’t six inches deep in your cunt. Your cheeks burned with embarrassment as you found it hard to say the words that would give you want you wanted. “Ten more spanks it is,” Sungjin said, raising his hand over his head. “No, please!” you whimpered, moving your hand to block his. Sungjin reached down and grabbed your hand then grabbed the other and held your wrists together while he raised his hand.
“I gave you plenty of opportunity to speak, to ask for what you wanted. Until you learn to use your words, we’re going to sit here and I’m going to punish you,” he said. His hand made contact with your ass and you let out a scream, sobbing as he rubbed his hand soothingly over the spot. Leaning over he pressed his lips to your shoulder. “Just nine more, kitten, I know you can take it. Tell me you can take it,” he whispered. You nodded, tears streaming from your eyes and drool falling onto the desktop.
“I c-can take it,” you whimpered. “I p-promise.” Sungjin smiled, standing up to give you the rest of your punishment. “That’s my good girl,” he said. Nine more strikes were given, your ass was more than just red now it was extremely sore and your walls were tight around Sungjin’s cock.
“Now,” he said, rubbing both hands over your swollen backside. “What do you want, kitty cat? Tell me,” he added. “Please,” you breathed, nose running from crying. “Please what?” Sungjin asked. “Please fuck me,” you replied, hoping it would be exactly what he needed to hear to give you what you wanted.
“Of course,” Sungjin said, his hands moving to grip your hips. “What my kitten wants, my kitten gets,” he added. You let out a sigh of relief when you felt him pull back before thrusting back into you sharply. You gasped as he repeated this, controlling his movements very well and giving precise thrusts, just enough to give you friction but not enough to bring you closer to orgasm.
“Please, Sungjin,” you moaned as he slid into you with ease. “Yes?” he asked. “Harder,” you murmured. “As you wish, baby,” he said, thrusting harder into you, the lewd sounds of his movements filling the store room along with the sound of skin hitting skin.
Small grunts left his lips as mewls and soft cries of pleasure left yours with each thrust of his hips. “Oh, you feel so good,” Sungjin panted, one of his hands moving to press down on your lower back. His thrust took a sharper turn as he pounded into you repeatedly. You let out a shrill cry with each thrust and Sungjin leaned over, reaching around you to grab your throat.
“You sound so good like that,” he whispered in your ear. “So subservient and submissive for me.” You let out a choked sob as the pleasure overwhelmed you. “Are you gonna come for me, good girl?” he asked. You nodded, unable to speak. “Of course you are,” he said, his breath fanning over your cheek. “You’re gonna come for me and then I’m gonna come. Where would you like me to come?” he asked.
You shook your head, still unable to speak. “Tell me where you want me to come, pretty girl,” he said, his hand releasing your throat. “I d-don’t,” you squeaked. “You don’t care?” he finished your sentence. You nodded. “So I get to pick?” he asked. You nodded again, a deep moan leaving your lips as you teetered on the edge of your orgasm. “So many choices,” the demon said.
“I could paint a picture all over your back,” he stated standing up straight to run his hands over your back. “Or I could turn you around and come all over that pretty face of yours, maybe force my cum down your throat,” he murmured. A particularly hard snap of his hips was all it took for you to come undone, screaming his name as your body shook, your orgasm taking hold of you.
“But I think I just want to fill you up,” he admitted. “Want to stain your cunt with white,” he grunted as he took your hips and thrust harder into you, chasing his own high. “Do you want that, baby?” he asked. “Want me to fill you up until it spills out of you and leaves a mess all over the floor?” You nodded quickly as your second orgasm approached rapidly.
“Then that’s what I’ll do,” Sungjin said, ramming into you from behind, the sound of skin slapping against skin filled the room along with your cries as a second high hit you. Not long after, a third orgasm took over your body, your walls convulsing and spasming. The tightening around his cock is what drove Sungjin to explode, coming inside you with a loud groan as he filled you up.
You were surprised by the amount of cum that managed to fill you. A dull ache in your lower abdomen as the demon continued to pump his load inside you. “It’s too much,” you whimpered, unable to take the feeling anymore. “It’s okay,” Sungjin said, smoothing his hands over your backside. “You can take it,” he added. “You’re such a good girl. Only good girls take the whole load. Bad girls back out,” you let out a moan as Sungjin used his still hard cock to fuck his cum into you.
“You want to be a good girl, right?” he asked sweetly. You nodded. “Yes,” you whimpered. “Then you have to take all of it,” he replied. “You understand, kitten?” he asked. You nodded. “I understand,” you answered. “I have to take all of it.” Sungjin leaned over, his hand stroking your head. “That’s my good girl,” he added as your eyelids started to grow heavy.
You found it harder and harder to keep them open and before you could say anything, you were out.
You woke with a start, sitting up in your bed and looked around the room. ‘What the?’ you wondered. Grabbing your phone, you checked the time. It was 5 30 in the morning, November 1st. ‘It was all just a dream,’ you told yourself. ‘None of that happened.’ You laughed to yourself and pulled back your sheets, getting out of bed and going into your bathroom to relieve yourself.
As you exited the bathroom and headed into the living room, something caught your eye. A large black book sitting on the coffee table. You inched closed and realized with wide eyes what it was.
Sitting on your coffee table was the Ars Goetia with a little note that said ‘thanks for the fuck, kitten. Hit me up again if you want another go! XO SJ.’
‘It wasn’t a dream at all!’
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rocksandrobots · 4 years
Of Rocks and Robots Ch. 36 - Wrestlers, Boxers, and Ninjas, Oh My (Part 3)
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Gogo fumbled for her phone as it went off on the table near her bed, ringing loudly. She moaned in frustration, still groggy from sleep, as she reluctantly sat up and answered the call.
"Hello?" She yawned.
"Gogo, is Varian with you?" Aunt Cass's voice came through the other end.
"Uh, no," Gogo said, snapping awake, "he left last night about ten thirty or so."  
Sunlight streamed in through the window, indicating it was late morning or near noon, and Gogo couldn't dismiss the growing dread churning in her stomach as she realized something wasn't right.
"Yes, he called about that time to say he was on his way home, so I went on to bed, but I haven't seen him all morning. He was supposed to help out at the cafe today but he never showed up, and his bed doesn't look like it was slept in…. and he isn't answering his phone." Aunt Cass explained as worry crept into her voice. "I don't want to panic but, so far no one's seen him. Hiro stayed up later than I did, which is normal, but he says he never saw Varian come in either. I texted Honey Lemon earlier but she never got back with me."  
Gogo heard the faint sound of snoring below her that told her exactly where her roommate was. "Yeah, she's still asleep. Have you called Fred, or Wasabi yet?"
"No, but Fred was here earlier to see Hiro and he said that he hasn't heard from Varian since last night either."
Gogo took a deep breath to calm her nerves, "Okay, I'll call Wasabi and see if he spent the night at the dorms or something."
"That's a good idea, and I'll call Granville to see if Varian is at the school. I know finals are coming up; he could just be doing some last minute work on his project."
Aunt Cass's voice sounded cheerful, but they both knew that Varian wasn't likely to skip out on his job like that. He took his responsibilities seriously, and after the bot fighting incident, he was pretty diligent about communicating his whereabouts to Aunt Cass as well. But there was no other way to move forward but to explore all their other options first.
So they said their goodbyes and Gogo called Wasabi. Then she called Karmi, and then Carl and Globby. She even called up Carol. No one had seen nor heard from Varian since last night.
"Mole hasn't seen him either." Fred stated as he finished reading the text on his phone.
They were all gathered at the apartment, trying to debate on what to do.
"And I just talked to Megan. He's not with her either." Hiro added.
"So who haven't we called? What aren't we thinking of?" Wasabi asked.
"I guess we're just going to have to go out and physically hunt for him like last time." Gogo said.
"Yeah, I'll get Baymax to fly around and scan the city. We'll have to pick up our armor from HQ though. I left it there for repairs after our last matchup with Trina."
They all started to file out the door, all except for Honey Lemon who stood next to the kitchen window on her phone.
"You coming?" Gogo asked her.
"Yeah, I'm just trying to call Varian again." She said distractly. She'd been withdrawn all morning since the news hit. Constantly calling and texting same as the rest, but not saying much outside of that.
"Well you can do that on the ride to HQ." Wasabi said and she followed after them, still trying to get through on the phone which just kept ringing.
Once outside on the sidewalk, the phone went to voicemail again. She growled under her breath as she hit the redial button again; unsure what else she could do.
"Hey, you guys hear that?" Fred asked.
"Hear what?"
"Sounds like a phone ringing."
"Well Honey Lemon is on the phone." Gogo pointed out the obvious, getting slightly irritated with Fred.
"I know that. It's not coming from her, It's coming from somewhere over there." He pointed down the sidewalk across the street. He then took off walking that way even as Honey Lemon hung up in frustration.
Fred paused as if listening for something. "Make that phone call again, HL." He yelled to her.
She did, and Fred bolted over to the bus stop across the way.
"I found it!" He shouted as he held up a ringing cell phone high into the air.
They all ran over to him. In his hand he held what looked like Varian's phone but the screen was cracked right down the middle and the back was all scratched up.
"Yeah it's his alright." Fred proclaimed as he went through the phone's contents. "Here's the text he sent me last night about the wrestling tickets."
Everyone exchanged worried faces. Yes, something was definitely wrong here.
Varian awoke inside a dark room. He tried to move his arms but they were tied behind his back. He tried to stand up or scoot the chair he was seated in but couldn't as it was bolted to the floor.
After a few moments of struggling he tried to calm himself with a few deep breaths. At least he wasn't gagged this time. Though that probably meant whoever took him had him secured in a place where calls for help wouldn't be heard. So he didn't waste his time on that. Instead he tried his best to adjust his eyes to the dim light and see where he was.
It looked like some kind of lab. There were computers over next to one wall; their screens emitting a soft blue light. There was a work desk near him with an assortment of tools and wires scattered upon it, and over in one corner of the room was a 3D printer like the one Hiro had in his lab. Though this one appeared to be far larger and fancier than that one. He also could point out what looked like large pieces of scrap metal and glass here and about the room. There was probably a furnace somewhere for melting it all down but he couldn't see it from the angle he sat at.
As he sat there wondering what all this stuff was for, a door opened on the right side of the room, flooding the space with a stream of light.
"Ah you're awake!" A voice barked and Varian turned his head to see Yama standing there. He was flanked by two men dressed all in black, faces hidden behind masks, and with various weapons tucked in their belts.
'Ninjas' was the word Varian was looking for. He'd seen them in action movies that Hiro and Fred like to watch sometimes. They were supposed to be skilled warriors, like knights or royal guards in his world, but they lacked any sort of heavy armor and used hand to hand combat more often.
Supposedly anyways. You could never be too sure how accurate a film was. But either way Varian didn't fancy his changes fighting them head on; especially while unarmed.
Yama flipped a light switch and Varian blinked rapidly at the sudden change. Once his eyes adjusted again he saw his first assessment of the room being a lab was correct. Not that he had time to really think about that because soon Yama was standing before him blocking his view.
The mob boss bent down till he was eye level to Varian and gave a cruel smile. "Well, well, we meet again. It's a small world after all." His grin became even wider and Varian's stomach dropped. This was about the money from the 'bot fight wasn't, or perhaps Yama still held a grudge over the insults he had cheekily hurled during their match. Either way, Varian sure he was as good as dead. It was funny though, in a way, of all the times he'd come close to death and yet it was here of all places he was going to meet his end.
"You're a smart kid ain't ya?" Yama continued. He picked up a small magnetic ball from off the table. It looked like the ones Sirque used in her portals. "My boss was very impressed by your breakthroughs in portal tech."
Varian raised an eyebrow. So this wasn't about revenge? Then what was it?
"You mean Sirque?" He asked.
"No, not her you nitwit!" Yama rolled his eyes. "The big boss. The one that pays us all. Haven't you been keeping up?"
"You mean the one that was trying to get rid of Momosake?"
"Now you're getting the picture."
"Did she rat me out?"
"Who knows," Yama shrugged, "All I know is that the boss wants to offer you a deal and I'm here to make it."
"You got a strange way of negotiating business." Varian pointed out drly.
Yama smiled again. This was his arena as much as the 'bot fight had been; dirty deals, intimidation tactics, and crooked schemes. He was every bit the stereotypical gangster, right down to the tax evasions and his little black book full of hit lists.
"Look, it's simple," he said as he slipped into his sleazy salesman act, "you build us a portal like the one you made that night. We provide you with all the tools and materials and when done, we let you go on your merry way with a nice fat paycheck."
"While you keep the patent and if I try to claim I'm the original inventor; I can expect to find myself wearing a pair of concrete shows at the bottom of the bay."
Yama chuckled with glee. "You really are a smart kid."
"I've been around." Varian said cooly.
"Then you'll know that if you refuse to take me up on my offer you can expect a fitting for those cement shoes tonight. "
Varian pressed his lips to stop himself from hurling a bunch of vitriol at Yama. Losing his temper right now wouldn't help. But he knew that any promises to release him were empty. Why pay someone off to keep quiet when you could just kill them and pocket the money for yourself?
"Is that what you did to Sirque?" He asked instead.
"Naw," Yama dismissed, "She still works for us. It's just good business to not put all your eggs in one basket, if ya know what I mean."
Varian didn't respond to that but silently eyed Yama up and down like he was a slayer wolf in sheep's clothing.
"Look, I can even call her up if you want." Yama said, sensing the boy's mistrust.
"She can tell you that we're on the up and up. Sirque can even tell you how much the boss pays her, and it's a pretty penny. I should know. I keep the books."
Varian chewed his bottom lip in thought. If Sirque was still around then why did they need him? Was she being held hostage too, or was she more free because she was in on the whole thing from the start? Maybe she hit a roadblock and that's why they needed him. Shoot maybe she was the one who cooked up this whole kidnapping plot to begin with? Who knew what the truth was?
All Varían knew was that he couldn't trust Yama any further than you could throw him, which wasn't far. But he needed to stall if he wanted to keep living.
"Ok, I'll do it."
Yama broke out into a sickening smile once more. "Good, I knew you'd see reason. Boys untie the kid!"
The two ninjas walked over and undid Varian binds. He stood up and rubbed his sore wrists as Yama finalized the terms of their agreement.  
"We should have all the latest toys here that you need to get to work. If something is missing you can let us know and we'll get it for you. We'll bring ya a sandwich or something if ya get hungry and there's a bathroom in the back. Now this is important, so listen up, don't go thinking about escape. No dirty tricks or trying to contact the outside, or the deal is off and well, my two associates here will have to start getting rough. Got it!?"
He pointed at the two ninjas who stealthily took up their positions at either side of the room. Varian quickly darted his eyes about taking stock of the lab once more, noting where the two deadly assassins hired to guard him were placed. Nothing immediately stood out to him as being useful or practical for escape, but perhaps he could build himself something…
"Got it." He nodded and Yama smiled, shook his hand in a forceful manner, and then turned to leave; laughing all the way.
Left alone now, save for his two jailors, Varian got to work.
"Any luck?" Wasabi asked over the intercom.
"Not yet." Hiro replied as he and Baymax hovered over the city. The robot performed his typical bioscan searching for their missing friend.
"I touched back with Aunt Cass. She's called the police and Cruz is on the case now as well." Gogo chimed in.
"Yeah, well, it looks like he just found something." Fred responded from where he kept watch, right above the trolley stop where Varian was last seen. "Cruz just pulled up to the apartment complex down the street from Gogo and Honey Lemon's place."
"Okay, we'll meet you there." Hiro said as he ordered the rest of the gang to reconvene.
They arrived back at the bus stop just in time to see Officer Cruz and his men dragging El Feugo out of his apartment building.
"Oooh I knew he was up to something!" Honey Lemon shouted, and before her friends could stop her, she took off running towards the arrest in progress.
"What is the meaning of this!?" The wrestler bellowed. "I demand a lawyer!"
"You'll get one." Cruz said as he forcefully shoved the suspect into the back of the police van. But before he could close the door, he was greeted by one of the Big Hero Six members running up to meet them.
"What did you do to Varian!?" The tall one in pink armor yelled accusingly at the perpetrator.
She had to be held back back by her fellow superheroes, who rushed up to join them, before she could lunge at the man seated in the paddy wagon.
Chief Cruz was not amused.
"This is official police business. Vigilantes are not needed nor welcomed when making an arrest."
"Sorry Officer Cruz," the shortest of the team apologized. "We're just looking for a friend of ours. Did you find him?"
"That's classified information." He said and he turned to leave.
"Please?" The superhero asked again, the desperation in his voice was evident. Cruz ignored him as he finished closing the vehicle door. He then ordered his men to move out, leaving only himself, his deputy, and a few of the forensic team behind as the criminal was hauled away.
The superheroes didn't budge. They wouldn't leave until they heard a straightforward answer from him. Cruz sighed. It looked like he was going to have to drop the niceties and tell the ugly truth.
"No we did not find him." He said as he faced the gang once more. "We got an anonymous tip off that El Fuego was seen with the missing person last night and articles of the victim's clothing were found inside the suspect's apartment when we came to question him. Said suspect is wanted for breaking patrol and we'll be conducting further investigation at the station."
"Clothing?" The green suited hero asked.
As if in answer to this query, some of the forensic people started to load up some of the evidence into their van.
"I have found Varian's goggles." The largest of the heroes said while pointing to one of the sealed bags that they carried; it did indeed contain the aforementioned goggles. He was a very imposing looking figure in his red armor, but his voice sounded very soft and lilting; almost robotic even.
Cruz raised an eyebrow at him, "Got good eyesight, hun?"
"Just his goggles? That's all?" The shortest of the heroes despaired. "But that doesn't make any sense."
"And that's why you're only an amateur." Cruz berated. "Clearly this is more than just a one person job. El Feugo has to be working with someone else and he handed the boy off to them, and who knows how many kids might be involved in such a plot. The more you six keep butting in the more risk you take in tipping off El Feugo's accomplices."
"So you don't think Varian was taken for any specific reasons," the one in yellow stated, "you think he's just the latest victim of a larger scam."
Cruz narrowed his eyes in suspicion, "And why would anyone want to kidnap Varian especially?"
His question went ignored; instead the leader of the group tried to bargain with him.
"Look, we can help you find him, and any other missing kids. Bay--- Red Panda here has bio-scanners and-"
"And where did you get such tech?" Cruz interrupted. The superhero visibly stiffened at that question, clearly unwilling to answer.
"What aren't you telling me?" Cruz continued to press. He was rapidly losing patience with them. "You listen here, this isn't a game. There are lives on the line and I don't have time to play twenty questions. So answer me. What do you know about Varian's disappearance?"
"Nothing…. No more than you do anyways." The short hero responded. "I mean we have some theories but nothing substantial to back them up."
"Theories alone won't save lives," Cruz said. "You need to stay out of this. Leave it to the professionals. Cause I swear to you, if I have to go tell my best friend that I found her child lying dead in a gutter cause you went and hindered an investigation, I will throw the book at you."
This last threat seemed to finally get through to them. Cruz couldn't make out their faces clearly behind the heroes' tinted visors, but he swore he saw the smallest one fighting to blink back tears. He just hoped a stern rebuttal was all that it would take to keep the vigilantes at bay as he entered his police car and drove away; leaving the small group of 'crime fighters' standing forlornly on the sidewalk.
Varian carefully poured the battery acid out of the dismantled motor and into the glass. He had found it inside an emergency backup generator storaged next to computers. Varian guessed that his captors wanted the option to remain off grid in case they had to lie low from the authorities.
He stalled when a drop of the corrosive chemical spilled onto the table.
"Steady...steady…" He whispered to himself as he readjusted and continued to empty the motor's contents. He desperately wished for a pair of gloves or an apron, or something. The lab he was currently held in was more geared towards engineering and computer programming and sorely lacking in both chemistry sets and safety equipment.
He also didn't know where his goggles went. He figured they got knocked off during the struggle last night. Perhaps not the most pressing of matters at the moment, but the lost still pained him. He had so little left of his old life that he hated to lose anymore.
He finished transferring the acid into the cup and placed the motor down. Then he tried to think of his next step as he raised the glass to better see his handy work.
It wasn't much, but the small amount of liquid would have to do. His only hope was that; one, the ninjas were ignorant of chemistry and two, he could catch them off guard and throw the corrosive contents at them. He prayed that would be distraction enough to get beyond the door and then hopefully make his way to freedom.
It was a pitiful plan, he knew, but he was dealing with limited resources.
It was a plan destined to fail.
One of the ninjas came up from behind him and grabbed his wrist.  
Varian let out a yelp of both pain and surprise. The warrior's grip was strong, more so than normal, and Varian felt like he was caught in a vise.
"Hey, I need that!" He protested as the ninja proceeded to move Varian's hand, and the glass full of acid with it, towards himself. Then without saying a word, the hired assassin used his free hand to grab the bottom of the glass and rip it away from Varian. He then tossed it into the trash nearby.
Well so much for that idea.
The ninja then released him and Varian ruefully tried to rub away the soreness in his wrist.  
"How am I supposed to work like this?" Varian bluffed. "You asked me to build a portal for you and I got to have fuel to power it up, don't I?"
His guard didn't respond and instead took up his position next to the door once more.
Varian rolled his eyes and grumbled under his breath. He was making a show of his displeasure in order to hide the panic rising up within him.
What now? He thought. His eyes scanned the room once more and landed upon the other guard that stood at the opposite end of the room. Varian glared at him; almost challenging the ninja to say or do, well, something , anything.
"Can I get that sandwich y'all promised?" He sarcastically asked. But still neither of his captors said anything.
It was unnerving the way they never talked. It didn't help that their masks covered their whole face either. Varian supposed it was made of some sort of mesh that allowed the wearer to see out but from his point of view it just looked like they didn't have a face at all. It was just a formless black void where the eyes and mouth should have been.
That was probably the point; an intimidation tactic while also allowing them to keep their anonymity. Didn't stop him from being creeped out by them though.
Varian sighed deeply in resignation. His usual tricks just weren't going to help him here, and there was no way he could fight off both of them. He was way out matched, he knew.
So I guess there's nothing to it but to give Yama what he wants. Varian thought. Then another realisation struck him. "That's it! I'll make him portal alright!" He yelled to no one in particular. Let the guards hear him. All he was going to do was precisely what was asked of him, and it was going to be brilliant.
The Big Hero Six gang huddled upon a rooftop as they discussed what to do next.
"It just doesn't make sense." Fred said as he rubbed his chin in thought. He was perched on top of the ledge, looking for all the world like a gargoyle come to life. "El Fuego only ever cared about proving himself the best fighter. Why would he suddenly start abducting people?"
"Didn't you hear officer Cruz?" Wasabi replied."Someone else must have paid him to do it. He's just in it for the money."
"No, no, that still doesn't add up." Fred shook his head. "He just got back into wrestling. He shouldn't need the money, and why would he risk losing his dream job by committing a felony? Not to mention just leaving an article of your victim's clothing right there in your apartment, now that's just sloppy… amateurish even."
"Well no one said El Fuego was the brightest bulb in the box." Hiro chimed in as he read Baymax's latest scan readings.
"What are you getting at Fred?" Gogo asked.
"It smells like a setup to me." Fred answered. "It's a classic frame job. Just plant the evidence in the poor sap's apartment in order to throw the cops off your own trail."
"You can't be serious," came Honey Lemon's sardonic retort.
Everyone looked at her in surprise. She had been silently stewing over in the corner since they parted ways with the police. Now she was glaring daggers right at Fred as she crossed her arms and drummed her fingers.
No one ever knew what to do when Honey Lemon got angry about something. It was such a rare occurrence, like an ice storm in May. Sure, it technically could happen and has before, but you're never expecting it when it does.
Fortunately Fred was spared her chilly wrath when Gogo's phone rang.
"Hello? Yeah, hold on." She removed the phone from her ear. " It's Carl." She said as she pressed the speaker button.
"Hey, I just heard about El Fuego's arrest." Carl's voice rang out. "Did the police find anything?"
"No." Hiro told him. "They think he was working for someone else but they don't know who."
"I might know," Came Carl's weary response. "Some old associates of mine contacted me about a job. I told them I wasn't interested, but they then started asking about Varian. I thought they were trying to recruit him into their gang, and in no uncertain terms, I told them to leave the kid alone or risk losing their spleens. But it's starting to look like my words fell on deaf ears." He gave a heavy sigh. "Look, Globby and I are at Good Luck Alley right now doing some snooping. I don't wanna say too much over the phone in case anyone is eavesdropping. Why don't you meet us somewhere more secure?"
"We could meet you back at the apartments." Gogo suggested.
"Sounds good. I'll see ya there in a few, then." He then hung up.
As everyone made ready to leave, Hiro spotted the police van carrying El Fugeo stop at a red light beneath them.
"You guys go ahead and meet up with Carl. Baymax and I are going to go interrogate our westling friend down there before he gets to the station."
"I'm going with you." Honey Lemon said.
"Alright. As soon as you learn anything, call us and we'll do the same." Hiro ordered as he and Baymax flew down to meet the armored vehicle with Honey Lemon following closely behind.
El Fuego felt the police van rock wildly as something heavy landed on the vehicle's roof. Then a green substance started to seep through the ceiling in a bubbling ring; eating away at the metal like acid. Suddenly a strong arm punched the deteriorated circle and the metal clattered to the floor as three members of Big Hero Six swooped in.
"Where's Varian!?" The tall woman growled as she snatched him by the shirt collar and practically lifted him off the ground.
"I don't know." The wrestler insisted.
"You were with him last night and the police found his goggles in your apartment." The shortest superhero said. "Please, we just want to find him, and if you know anything at all about where he might be you need to tell us before he gets hurt."
El Fugeo gave a heavy sigh. "Yeah, I know something. But I'm not the one who kidnapped him! I don't play that game."
"Then who did?" The short superhero pressed.
"Yama. Two of his goons approached me last night before the show about 'a job'. I told them I wasn't interested and that I had a fight to win. Turns out they were after the kid. What for, I don't know, but I had just met him earlier that day. He happens to be a  fan of mine.  Well I wasn't about to let one of my fans get accosted, was I? So I walked him and his girlfriend to the bus and saw them safely home. It was easy to, since they didn't live far from me.  I even gave them a couple of tickets to tonight's match, just so that I could keep an eye on them. I figured if Yama's paid thugs showed up I could scare them off ya know."
The heroes frowned. "You mean you were trying to help?" The short one asked. "Then why didn't you contact the police?"
"Oh sure, with my record? I'm trying to keep out of jail, remember? Also how was I to know the chump would leave his girl's apartment in the middle of the night? Geez that aunt of his must be one chapada a la antigua, am I right?"
He wasn't sure what he had said wrong, but El Fuego found himself being roughly shoved back into his seat as the tall woman angrily flung him away from her grasp. Then without another word she jumped out of the vehicle the way she had come, her special boots springing her upwards at a height most normal people could never achieve.
The other two followed after her.
"Hey wait!" He called out and the short superhero stuck his head back down to see what the wrestler wanted. "I...I hope you find him." He sincerely said.
The superhero nodded. "Yeah, me too." The crack in his voice was evident even to El Fugeo.
Hiro joined Honey Lemon and Baymax on the nearest rooftop.
Honey Lemon stood stock still, her hands clenched into fists, as she watched the police van leave.
"He's such a jerk!" She suddenly fumed.  
"Yeah, you're right, he is," Hiro agreed, "but he's also innocent."
Honey Lemon looked at him in surprise, but Hiro pressed on.
"I think he's telling the truth. His story confirms what Carl said earlier and we both know Yama would have reasons to kidnap Varian. I think El Fuego was legitimately trying to help, in his own annoying way."
Honey Lemon opened her mouth to retort but nothing came out as she racked her brain for a counter argument. She then sobbed as she flopped down on the ledge and pulled her helmet off.
"But doesn't it make you angry?" She cried. "Varian's still missing and that… that creep , he… ooooh.." She couldn't even form words through her rage.
"I'm too scared to get angry right now." Hiro quietly admitted.
This stopped Honey Lemon from launching into another rant. Instead she gave him a pout as she blinked back tears.
"Our only hope right now," Hiro continued, "is that Yama nabbed him because that crime boss he works for wanted Varian' s portal tech, and not, you know, for revenge. Cause if this is about the money he lost in the bot fight then… then Varian could already be seriously hurt." He sighed and took a seat next to Honey Lemon. "Maybe Cruz is right. Maybe we're only making things worse."
"Y-you can't mean that."
"What happens to Varian if that crime lord figures out we're on to him? Hun? What happens if Yama knows we're involved, cause he hates us too.  Or, you know, maybe it's our fault for giving Varian that portal tech in the first place! O-or if we hadn't chased Mr. Sparkles down when he stole that first portal, then the two wouldn't have reconnected and Varian could be back safe in his world an-"
"Stop it." Honey Lemon said softly. She locked eyes with Hiro. "Stop blaming yourself for things you can't control. You had no idea that this would happen. No one did, and you are not responsible for what Yama does."
Hiro reflected on her words but didn't respond. She was right, he knew, but that didn't stop the guilt bubbling in his chest.
"Also Varian's world is even more dangerous than this one." She went on. "So it's a good thing he came here and met us. That's why we're going to bring his father here once he gets the portal working. Which he will, I'm sure. So will find Varian, rescue his dad, and then we'll all be together. Everyone will be safe and we'll all live happily ever after!"
She flashed him her usual cheerful smile, but it quickly faded as she noted Hiro's mournful eyes.
"C-cause after all, no one deserves to lose as much as we have." She uttered as if trying to convince herself more than anything. "Surely the universe isn't that cruel."
Both teens sat in silence for several minutes as Baymax continued his bioscan of the city.
"There's an incoming call coming from Gogo." The robot announced.
"Yeah, put her on speaker." Hiro said.
"Hey," the other girl's voice rang out, "Carl and Globby found a lead."
"Down by the docks. Meet us at Ryōshi Warf."
"Okay. We're on our way."
"So, how's things going?" Yama bellowed as he slammed the door to the lab open.
Varian visibly jumped at the intrusion but quickly gathered his wits about him. 'Never let your captor know how scared you really are of them', was a lesson Varian had to learn the hard way back in prison.
"It's going well." He said eveningly. "In fact I was just about to do a test run. Would you like to watch?"
Yama cocked a grin. This was going better than he had planned. He had originally expected the inventing process to take at least a few days, and probably would have required some more 'persuasion' tactics to go with it. But nope, the kid had finished in record time and was being very cooperative. The boss would be very pleased if Yama could show up tomorrow with a working portal. You know, after, he 'test ran' it on a few banks first.
"Alright, lets see it kid. Whatcha got?"
Varian picked up a remote control off the table and scooped up the magnetic balls that had belonged Sirque. The whole set up was similar to his first go at a portable portal, back when he and his friends had faced off with the acrobatic thief. However, this time he had built a computer interface into the remote instead of the more simple dial he had originally used. He had also programmed ways to gauge the velocity and temperature of the portal to keep it from overheating like last time.
"Okay, pick a place." He told the mob boss. "Though it needs to be within city limits since this is a short range test."
Yama rolled his shoulders and pursed his lips in thought. "Hmm… try the abandoned fisherman's warehouse on Canary street. I was thinking of making that a new bot fighting arena. We could check it out real quick."
Varian tried to slow his racing heart as he entered the coordinates. He had only one shot at this.
He then threw the magnets into the air and flipped a switch on the remote. The balls began to spin in the air as they linked up and a portal began to form.  
It came out right next to the warehouse.
"Haha! Good work kid!" Yama laughed as he good naturedly slapped Varian across the back. He nearly stumbled from the force, but righted himself quickly as Yama walked through the portal.
The mobster then turned around towards him and beamed. "Now we gotta hit up some banks! Can you make a portal inside a safe or better yet, inside a jewelry store?"
"Sure thing." Varian lied as he went and flipped the switch off on the remote. The portal promptly closed, leaving Yama stranded on the docks.
The ninjas immediately started to close in on Varian.
"Woah, woah, no need to get angry. It was just an accident. Look, the coordinates are still set. All I have to do is turn the portal on again and he can come back. See?"
Varian held up the remote so that his jailors could read the screen for themselves. They paused in their tracks, though one still loomed threateningly over him. He gulped as he flipped the switch once more.
The magnets floated back up into the air of their own accord and then proceeded to spin again. However this time the portal opened up over on the opposite side of the warehouse, back behind the street.
Varian steeled himself as he made a fist.
"This biggest, ugliest, bully you can think of."
He recalled Carl's advice as he swung with all his might and punched the ninja nearest to him in the jaw.
There was a sickening, unnatural crunching sound that Varian didn't want to think too hard about as he jumped through the portal.
Once through he quickly switched the remote off.
He turned around, and to his horror he saw the other ninja following after him through the rapidly shrinking portal.  Varian tried to call out a warning to him, but it was too late. The portal closed, cutting off the ninja's right arm.  But it wasn't blood that spilled from the wound. Instead electricity sparked from severed wires as the relentless robot stalked towards Varian.
"Oh no."
"I have found Varian." Baymax calmly stated.
The robot had never ceased running his bioscanners throughout the day. While his humans discussed strategy, he had kept a lookout on the edge of the pier as he scanned the boardwalk and docks.
"Wait. Really?" Hiro hopefully asked.
"Way to go Baymax! Alright!" Fred cheered and offered the droid a customary high five.
"Where is he?" Gogo asked.
"Over there, at the abandoned warehouse." He dutifully replied.
They found Yama outside talking on his cellphone as they approached the fishing warehouse.
"Listen up! I need you bozos to bring a car around and pick me up. I'm at the doc-"
"You're not going anywhere!" Wasabi said as the heroes surrounded the villain.
Honey Lemon threw some of her chimballs at him and a purple substance encased Yama's feet pinning him in place.
"Where's Varian?" Gogo asked, but before the mobster could answer Baymax chimed in.
"Varian is that way." He pointed towards the warehouse once more.
Yama looked confused. "I left the kid at the hideout. He shouldn't be here."
"Wasabi, Fred, stay with Yama and keep a lookout." Hiro said. "See if you can get any more information out of him while you're at it. Gogo and Honey Lemon, check the building. I'm going to fly up with Baymax and see if we can pinpoint Varian's location better."
Varian ran, but his pursuer was close behind. He knew he couldn't out run the robot, but there was little else to do.  He dodged a shuriken as it whizzed through the air and dove down the nearest alley.
Dead end.
He turned to face his attacker; casting his eyes about desperately looking for anything to defend himself with. He found nothing.  
The faceless android strode forward without remorse and Varian did the only thing he could. He threw up his fists, planted his feet, and took up the defensive position Carl had taught him.
The robot threw its last shuriken and Varian ducked to miss it. He then quickly stood back up just in time to block a blow from the deadly droid.
It hurt, but not as much as a busted nose would have. He then blocked a second punch, and then a third.
The ninja fell back and decided to give a roundhouse kick instead. Varian flopped down to avoid it and the robot's foot lodged itself into the brick wall.
Varian took this as an opportunity to kick back from where he sat on the ground. It wasn't nearly as graceful nor as strong as his opponent's had been but it managed to knock the android off balance anyway.
That was when Baymax and Hiro arrived.
Varian nearly cried with relief as the larger robot shot out his rocket punch and sent the fake ninja slamming into the wall before it shortcurited and crumbled up into a heap.
Hiro tore off his helmet. "Are you alright?"
"I think-" before he could finish the younger teen grabbed into a tight hug. "...so."
Varian stared down at the other boy, waiting for him to let go, but he didn't relinquish his grip. That's when Varian noticed that Hiro was crying.
"Hey, it's okay. I'm okay. Honest." Varian awkwardly said as he tried his best to comfort the other kid.
Hiro sniffled and tried to compose himself before letting go. "Baymax, do a scan." He ordered.
"You appeared to have suffered no major injuries. However traumatic events can cause psychological stress. I recommend talking with your ther-"
"It's okay Baymax." Varian interrupted. "I'm fine. Thank you, though."
"Then I am also glad that you are alright." The robotic nurse opened his arms wide and gave Varian a hug as well. "There, there." It said as it patted his head and Varian had to stifle a laugh.
"We better meet up with the others." Hiro said.
There were more hugs waiting for Varian when they rejoined the rest of the gang on the docks. Honey Lemon in particular just about squeezed all the air out of his lungs.
"So let me get this straight?" Fred asked, "You got to fight off a robot ninja!?"
"Two of them."
"Awe, I am so jelly!"
"So what do we do about Yama here?" Wasabi asked.
Hiro walked up to the mob boss and started to interrogate him "Who's this Bosu?"
"I'm not squealing." Yama said. "I know my rights, and you armored droks ain't cops."
"Well okay then," Gogo taunted. "I guess we'll just call the cobs and leave you to them."
Yama made a displeased face but still said no more.
"We'll drop you off at the police station, Varian." Hiro said. "You can tell Cruz about El Fuego's innocence and he'll take you home. Gogo phone ahead and let the police know where Yama is. You and Wasabi can stay behind and guard him till they arrive."  
"Got it."
"Honey Lemon, will you let Carl and Globby know what's going on. Tell them they can call off the search."
She hummed her acknowledgement.
"What about me?" Fred asked.
"You wanna take Minimax and do tonight's patrol?" Hiro asked.
"On it." He saluted.
And with that Hiro and Varian hopped on Baymax's back and flew away.
Aunt Cass was waiting for Varian when he and Chief Cruz pulled up. He barely made it through the door of the cafe before she flung herself at him and asked him a million and one questions.
Where had he been? What happened? Was he hurt? Was he hungry? Did they need to call the doctor? And so on and so on…
Varian answered them as best he could, conveniently leaving out Hiro's involvement.
"Well looks like my job here is done." Cruz said as he took his leave.
"Thank you Diego. I don't know what we would do without you." Aunt Cass said.
"Naw, don't mention it. I'm just doing my duty, besides Varian's quick thinking is what got him out of that mess. It's a good thing you're talking self defense classes at the gym. I always recommend young people should know self defense of some kind."
They then exchanged goodbyes and Cruz left.
"And you didn't want me to learn boxing." Varian teased.
However Aunt Cass only looked at him with tearful eyes.
"What is it?"
She sighed. "How does one boy find himself in so much trouble so often?"
Varian felt his cheeks flush and he lowered his eyes. He waited on another lecture, but it never came.
"I know, it's not your fault." She said as she lifted his face. "It's just…so… so… bizzare. You escape one death trap only to fall right into another." She blinked in bafflement. "Am I doing something wrong?"
"Noooo, no, of course not. It's not your fault either that Yama's a jerk."
"But I'm supposed to protect you." She insisted and then pressed her forehead against his.
"And you're doing great at it." Varian said as he pulled away to look her in the eye.
"You could say that again." Hiro proclaimed as he came down stairs to join them.
Aunt Cass gave them both a grateful smile before scooping them into a family group hug.
"List Newton's Three Laws of Motion." Honey Lemon read off the study sheet in her hand.
"Every object in a state of uniform motion will remain in that state of motion unless an external force acts on it.
Force equals mass times acceleration.
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." Varian rattled off.
He had only heard of Isaac Newton upon coming to this world, but the famed alchemist's theories and equations weren't too far off from Varian's on calculations. Turns out that he only predated the physicist by about ten years.
"Annd that's it. We're done with the practice test." Honey Lemon said.
"Woot!" Varian cheered and threw his arms up in the air. "How did I do?"
"You got every question right, except for Einstein's birthday."
Varian curled his lip in irritation. "It's a physics exam, not a history test."  
This only sent Honey Lemon into a fit of giggles. It was good to hear her laughing again. He hadn't seen her smile since the wrestling match two days ago, but she had cheered up considerably since then and now they were back in her apartment resuming their studies.
"Do you wanna break for lunch?" He asked.
They found their friends all at Joe's Diner. Including, Carl, Globby, and El Fuego.
"Ah if it isn't my fans!" The wrestler called out.
Varian stiffened and gave Honey Lemon a side glance. But the other girl just continued to smile, and was a genuine smile at that.
"Hi." She sang as she walked over to join everyone and Varian allowed himself to relax.
"Globby here was just telling us about his newest passion project." Wasabi explained as they sat down.
"I call it the S.R.S." Globby excitedly went on. "The Supervillain Reform School! It'll be a support group for former villains and convicts trying to get back up on their feet and reenter society. What do ya think?"
"I think it's a great idea." Hiro chimed in.
"Yeah and if you need any help let us know." Honey Lemon added.
"And I'll be the first graduate, hey amigo." El Fuego laughed as he playfully nudged Globby in his non-existent ribs.  
"Oooh I smell a former super villain turned heroes team up in the air!" Fred said as he practically vibrated with excitement.
Carl chuckled, "Well I don't know about that, but it'll be a great way to give back to the community and help out some of the younger folks who keep getting dragged into the constant turf wars around here. Hopefully give them some opportunities besides taking dirty deals from Yama and whatever new crime lord pops up each month."
"That's really cool of you guys." Gogo said.
Varian agreed, in fact the whole idea intrigued him immensely. "Do ya need any extra members? You know just to get the ball rolling."
"Sure!" Globby exclaimed. "The more the merrier! You can help Carl out with the youth outreach!"
"Glad to have ya on bored buddy." Carl said as he gave a Varian a fist bump.
"Well then I propose a toast to the new S.R.S.!" Honey Lemon cheered as she raised her milkshake up and everyone followed suit.
An ancient hand drummed it fingers upon the mahogany desk in irritation.
Of course that idiot Yama got himself captured.
Time for a new plan.
If you like any of my work you can support me by leaving a tip on my ko-fi. 
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fakeyellow · 5 years
A betting pool starts amongst the Edenbrook staff on who Dr. Lila Valentine is dating.
It was yet another day in the locker room as the interns stripped off their clothes and put on their scrubs. There was the usual mindless sound of chatter as they asked each other how their weekends had went when Mitch paused, his muscled chest on full display as he stared imperiously at his fellow interns.
“So what’s the deal with Dr. Valentine? Is she seeing anyone?” he asked.
“I’m out,” Esme slipped on her top and walked out of the room.
Mitch didn’t spare her another glance as he leaned against the lockers, his arms crossed, “I bet she’s with Dr. Ramsay.”
Sothy looked uneasy, his usual grin gone from his face, “Dude, that’s not cool. Dr. Valentine’s a good doctor.”
“I don’t mean she slept her way into the diagnostic team,” Mitch said, rolling his eyes, “She was the best competitor and she won the position. I’m just saying, I think they also have a thing.”
“I don’t know,” Gary interjected, his face turning thoughtful, “Dr. Varma seems to really like her too. She keeps complaining about how good Dr. Valentine is.”
“Nah, you guys are both wrong,” Sothy said at ease now, his grin reappearing, “She’s definitely with Bryce. Have you seen that dude?”
While Mitch had indeed seen Bryce in the changing room, he was not as impressed with him as Sothy seemed to be, “Fifty bucks she’s with Ramsay.”
The other two looked at each other curiously before shrugging.
“You’re on.”
Gary Garrison was having a good day.
Sure, Dr. Varma had shut him down immediately when he’d asked about her relationship with Dr. Valentine, but he was confident that his intuition was correct.
As snarky as she usually was with Dr. Valentine, he hadn’t heard her talking about anyone else quite so often. Not to mention when he’d first been introduced to her, Dr. Varma had had called her one of the best damn doctors in the hospital.
Gary had no doubt that there was some sort of passion beneath their friendly rivalry. He was going to win a cool $100 from the others.
“So, do you know if Dr. Varma and Dr. Valentine are in a relationship?” Gary asked pleasantly.
The nurse he’d been talking to frowned at him, startled by the sudden change in subject, “I don’t know. Why do you want to know?”
Gary suddenly realised that the bet he’d made with Mitch and Sothy was probably something he should keep to himself.
“Oh, no reason!” He said loudly, feeling himself starting to sweat, “I just wanted to know if she was… free?”
The nurse looked wholly unconvinced and she continued to stare at him, waiting for an answer.
“I-well-“ Gary stammered before hanging his head in defeat, “I may have made a bet that Dr. Valentine is with Dr. Varma.”
He looked to the ground, sheepishly scratching his head as he waited to be reprimanded.
But when he looked up to meet the nurse’s eyes, she seemed positively thrilled.
“A bet?” She asked, her eyes burning with excitement, “Count me in.”
There were few people at Edenbrook who did not know Dr. Lila Valentine after her tumultuous first year.
Even if they didn’t know her personally, they knew of her: the doctor who had taken the hospital by storm, the doctor who had nearly lost her license by stealing from a pharmaceutical company to help a much loved patient, the doctor who had saved the life of the new Chief of Medicine when even he hadn’t been able to figure out what was wrong with him, the doctor who had become the youngest fellow on the diagnostic team.
There were numerous stories told about her and while they were filled with varying levels of truth, there was still one underlying consensus:
Dr. Lila Valentine was a damn good doctor and a damn good person.
It was hard not to like a person like Dr. Valentine, ever diligent and willing to help out others. Despite efforts to sabotage her reputation, there was hardly anyone who actually had something bad to say about her- most people only had good anecdotes to share, when she’d helped them out one way or another.
As it turned out, there were quite a lot of people interested in Dr. Valentine’s love life and Mitch soon found that he needed to keep a notebook in order to track the overwhelming number of bets being made.
“Dr. Zaid once caught her and Dr. Lahela making out in the supply closet,” An IM resident told Mitch conspiratorially as she handed him a twenty, “He was in a bad mood the rest of the day. Well, worse than usual.”
A NICU nurse went out of his way to find Mitch, “$50 on Ramsay. They stayed overnight once, watching over a premature baby. There’s something between them for sure!”
“I walked into the on call room once and I had to walk out immediately. I don’t think Drs. Valentine and Varma noticed but… I definitely noticed them,” A surgical resident whispered, blushing furiously even as she pushed a fifty dollar bill to Mitch.
The nurse sighed heavily, “I was personally rooting for Rafael.”
Seeing Mitch’s blank face, she quickly clarified, “He’s a paramedic. But then he showed up at the hospital one day with his girlfriend.”
“It’s a shame. I saw them sleeping together in his hospital bed once and it was just the cutest thing I’d ever seen…” she clucked her tongue in disappointment before turning serious, “I want $40 on Dr. Lahela.”
Mitch had just handed a ticket to Dr. Taylor when he found himself facing a certain surgical resident.
“Dr. Lahela,” he greeted professionally, giving away no signs of apprehension.
Bryce glanced down to the notebook in Mitch’s hand with a smirk, and Mitch felt his grip on it tighten.
“I want $50 on Bryce,” Bryce finally said, handing him a crisp bill.
“Nice,” Mitch couldn’t help but nod in respect as he handed him his ticket.
“Always bet Bryce, baby!” Dr. Lahela declared as he walked off jauntily with his new betting receipt.
“Alright, Dr. Lahela has moved down to even money,” Mitch announced to a muttering crowd.
One day, during his break, Mitch was surrounded by a verifiable militia of hospital personnel, from security guards to lab techs to physicians. The chatter suddenly died down and Mitch had only the time to wonder why when the sea of people parted and the Chief of Medicine appeared in front of him.
“Dr. Banerji,” Mitch greeted with one of his most winning smiles, even as he began to panic internally. Was he going to lose his career all because of a single bet?
No. The panic quickly dissipated, and Mitch felt a calm take over him. He’d been in worse situations than this and he’d found that there was little the charm of a good looking and self assured man could not mitigate. There was only one way he’d get out of this.
“Would you like to place a bet sir?” Mitch asked confidently with one of his most winning smiles.
Dr. Banerji remained silent but Mitch did not let his composure break, staring intently at the man who held his career in his hands.
And then Dr. Banerji laughed and Mitch could not help but breathe in relief.
“No, no. I don’t think I’d be setting a good example if I were to bet on the personal lives of my employees,” he said and while he was chuckling, there was still an underlying current of warning that kept Mitch on edge.
“Of course,” Mitch said.
“But I do have to admit. I was a bit curious as to who was in the lead.”
Dr Banerji looked at him expectantly and Mitch quickly responded.
“Well Dr. Lahela is the current favourite, although Dr. Ramsay is a close second.”
“Hmm,” Dr. Banerji murmured, a mysterious smile on his face, and Mitch suddenly remembered that Dr. Banerji was the personal mentor of Dr. Ramsay. Not to mention, Dr. Valentine had saved his life.
There was no way he didn’t know who she was actually dating.
“Good day,” Dr. Banerji took his leave, chortling, and Mitch felt a sharp pang of regret that he had missed out a chance to ask for inside information.
A month had passed since the start of the betting pool, and while it had expanded to include a good quarter of the entire hospital, they were still no closer to reaching an official verdict.
If Dr. Valentine had felt scrutinised after the announcement of her disciplinary hearing, there were twice the number of eyes on her now.
But she didn’t seem to notice, passing each day oblivious to the attention on her.
Lila walked out of a patient’s room now, her brow furrowed in concentration as she made a few marks on the patient chart.
It was at this moment that Jackie made her way down the hallway. Upon seeing her, Lila bumped her hips playfully against Jackie’s, and the eyes of all of the staff in the vicinity seemed to focus in on that single action.
There was a playful exchange of “Doctor” between the two but Lila continued to keep walking to the disappointment of many.
Bryce appeared now, turning around the corner as he wheeled one of his patients out. Seeing Lila, he winked at her, and while this was standard behaviour for the flirty resident, Lila suddenly stopped him, placing a light hand on his shoulder.
Unknowingly, people began to lean forwards as Lila and Bryce engaged in a quiet conversation. When they stopped talking, there was a sudden buzz of activity as everyone pretended to be busily absorbed in their work.
The ding of the elevator announcing its arrival caused a current of excitement in the air as people waited with bated breath to see the newcomer, hoping desperately that it might be a certain diagnostician who would put an end to this bet.
Dr. Harper Emery, Chief of Neurosurgery, entered the ICU and there was a collective sigh of disappointment as Lila greeted the woman, handing her a patient file on the diagnostic team’s newest case that was in dire need of a neurosurgeon’s expertise.
The mood seemed to dampen until a sharp look from the surgeon caused everyone to begin working with renewed focus.
“You want to come over?” Sienna asked Danny brightly, “My roommates won’t mind. I mean, Lila barely comes home these days anyway.”
At the mention of Lila’s name, Mitch suddenly sidled up to her at the nurse’s station.
“Dr. Valentine hasn’t been home lately?” Mitch repeated and he slowly looked over Sienna, as if reassessing her worth to him.
Looking thoroughly unimpressed by his blunt intrusion into their conversation, Sienna responded, “If you have any questions, you should ask Dr. Valentine herself. Bye Danny.”
Sienna left but Mitch was beyond caring as he also left to round up his fellow interns.
“Dr. Trinh mentioned that Dr. Valentine hasn’t been home lately. That means she can’t be seeing Dr. Varma, she has to be seeing Ramsay!” Mitch declared triumphantly.  While the bet had started out harmlessly, it had gotten so big, and now, it was a matter of principle to him. He needed to know for his own pride that he was right, that Dr. Valentine was dating Dr. Ramsay.
“Well, Bryce doesn’t live with them either so he’s still an option too,“ Sothy pointed out.
Mitch grimaced at the truth of his statement.
After yet another tiring day of work, Mitch made his way to the locker room when he suddenly did a double take and took a few steps back.
There, in the diagnostic team’s room, visible through the glass walls, were Dr. Ramsay and Dr. Valentine alone.
The walls were unfortunately soundproof and Dr. Valentine’s face was obscured from his perspective, but Mitch could still see how close the two were to each other.
A tender smile appeared on Dr. Ramsay’s face, the likes of which Mitch had never seen before on the usually strict and tough physician. Dr. Ramsay then placed a hand on Dr. Valentine’s shoulder and Mitch surreptitiously sneaked over to a different vantage point.
And there it was.
Dr. Valentine’s face was flushed pink, her eyes filled with an adoring light as she listened to what Dr. Ramsay was telling her.
There needed to be more evidence before the bet could be finalized but this was as good a confirmation as Mitch needed and he whistled cheerily all the way home.
Lila practically purred in contentment, curled into her lover’s embrace on the couch and relishing the feeling of their hands stroking her side.
Reflecting on her day, Lila still felt herself flush with pride at the memory of Ethan’s words to her. Even after the better part of a year, it was hard not to feel out of place in the diagnostic team meetings, not to let herself become overwhelmed by the sheer knowledge and skill of her more experienced colleagues.
But today, Lila had been the one to guide the team to the correct diagnosis after days of struggle and countless consults; she’d been the one to see past the distracting myriad of abnormal test results. She had been the one to see the patient and notice the hepatomegaly that indicated liver failure even as the lab results said otherwise. She had been the one to figure out that the patient had Wilson’s Disease and place her on the list for a desperately needed liver transplant.
Ethan had pulled her back after the meeting to express his admiration for how far she’d come (“Good work, Doctor.”) and she felt like she was still on a high from that. Lila had never imagined she’d hear those words from a doctor she’d idolised since her days in medical school.
But then there were a lot of things Lila had never imagined would happen.
Their relationship had faced a lot of obstacles, including the woman herself because of her reservations, but it had all been worth it the day Harper Emery had told Lila that she loved her too.
There wasn’t an exact moment that Lila could pinpoint the start of her feelings for Harper; it had been a gradual realisation. Outside of the hearing, she hadn’t had much chance for interaction with the Chief of Medicine, but she’d stumbled upon the woman one day, alone in an empty surgical suite, running her hands wistfully over the surfaces.
One conversation had led to another and Lila had seen more and more of the woman behind the mantle with each meeting.
And then one day, she’d looked at Harper and realised that she loved her, had loved her for a while.
It had taken a long time for Harper to admit her own feelings but now they were together and Lila would not trade the world for it.
Of course, they both knew it was too early to report their relationship to HR. It was too soon after her disciplinary hearing and Lila had no intention of staining Harper’s professionalism, nor did Harper want to cast a shadow over Lila’s burgeoning career. It’d still be a year or so before things settled down and they could safely report their relationship without fear of excessive backlash.
But for now, Lila contented herself by snuggling into the warmth of Harper’s arms.
“You’re getting bold,” Harper said with a smirk in her voice as she pulled out the post it note that had been attached to the file she’d received from Lila.
“They all think I’m dating Bryce or Ethan or Jackie anyway,” Lila dismissed carelessly, “I don’t know how any of them believe I don’t know about the bet. They’re so obvious.”
“And wrong,” Harper murmured before leaning down and drawing Lila into a kiss that stole her breath away.
Lila hummed happily as they continued to kiss, feeling as if her heart might burst from all the happiness and joy she was feeling in this moment.
“Bed?” Harper asked sultrily, gently tugging Lila’s lower lip with her teeth as she withdrew from their kiss.
“Please,” Lila breathed out and all thoughts escaped her mind as she lost herself in the embrace of the woman she loved.
A/N: lol did anyone guess the pairing?
several points of explanation:
We don’t know much about the new interns so I just based their personalities off of what we’ve seen so far. It made sense to me that Mitch would be experienced with large betting pools as like a frat guy or whatever, and that Gary wouldn’t be able to lie about the bet.
I wrote Lila to be a very affectionate person. She enjoys having fun and she’s had a couple of light trysts with some of her friends her first year; they’re all young and good looking and under inordinate amounts of stress that only each other understand, what’s to stop them? I don’t know if Ethan would have been up for a one night stand so you can think whatever you like, it’s open. But ultimately, she falls for Harper and they’re in a committed relationship.
Dr. Banerji knows about the relationship and thinks they’re good for each other although he regrets that they have to hide it for now. Sienna knows and I couldn’t decide if Bryce/Jackie/Elijah also know or if they only know that she’s in a relationship.
The Wilson’s disease case I summarised briefly is a true story that Dr. Lisa Sanders wrote about in her book, “Every Patient Tells a Story.” Fun fact: she actually inspired the show, House MD
Bryce has moved down to even money - this means that if he turned out to be dating Dr. Valentine, everyone who bet on him would get their money back. 1:1 odds, as opposed to getting like double their money.
to reiterate: Lila’s flushed bc she’s proud to be praised by her idol turned friend. Mitch is just misunderstanding everything.
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penpatronuswhump · 4 years
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No. 17
Fandom: Avengers
Whumpee: Peter Parker
Caregiver: Tony Stark
Title: Blackmail, Bullets, Blood
By: PenPatronus // PenPatronusAooO 
Steve was so concerned about Tony that he followed him one night. Tony walked to a small Stark Industries warehouse eight blocks from the Tower at two in the morning. Peeking through a dusty window, Steve watched as Tony loaded wooden crate after wooden crate into a white Stark Industries van. When Tony went to leave, when the garage door opened, there was Cap standing there illuminated by the headlights with his hands at his hips, looking like a mother who just caught her son’s hand in the cookie jar.
 Tony stuck his head out of the driver’s side window and shouted, “Out of my way, Rogers!”
 “I can’t do that, Stark,” Steve called back. “Not until you tell me why you’re sneaking out missiles in the middle of the night.”
 “It’s none of your damn business where I’m going with my own inventory, Rogers,” Tony spat back. Tony jumped out of the van and pushed Steve in the chest. “Now get out of here!”
 Steve caught Tony’s wrists when Stark went in to push him again. “Where are you taking those missiles? I thought Stark Industries was done with arms dealing. Who are you selling these to?”
 “Selling them?” Tony laughed. He put his hands on his knees and laughed harder. “Selling them…”
 In the bright light, Cap noticed that Tony’s skin was white and shiny with sweat. He appeared to have lost a few pounds and the crescents beneath his eyes were darker than usual. “Tony, what’s wrong with you?”
 Tony wiped his eyes with his flannel shirt sleeve. “Nothing.”
 “You’re upset and you’re hiding something from me.”
 “I’m hiding a lot of things from you. You’ll have to be more specific.”
 “Cap, I really need to get going.” Stark checked his watch. “I can’t be late.”
 “Fine. I’ll go with you. I’m driving.” Steve went to pass Tony, but Stark grabbed him by the shoulders.
 “Listen to me. Just… Just listen, Steve. I can’t get you involved in this. Nobody can get involved in this. It’s just between me and…”  Tony sighed.
 “Tony, I’m your friend.” Steve put his hands on Tony’s shoulders. “I just want to help.”
 “You can’t help me,” Tony whispered. “This is the only way. This… This…” Tony’s face crumpled. Tears welled up in the corners of his eyes. “He took the kid.”
“Parker? Who?”
 “Klaue. Ulysses Klaue, the arms dealer. He has Peter. And if I don’t keep giving him missiles, he’ll kill him.” Arms fell away, and Stark took his phone out of his pocket. He opened an app Cap didn’t recognize, and showed a live feed of a prison cell. In it, a very skinny, very disheveled, very dirty Peter Parker sat in the corner with his arms around his legs, staring at the wall. “Klaue gives him one bite of bread and one sip of water for every missile I give him. And if I don’t get there soon, Peter won’t have anything to eat in the morning.”
 “He’s practically starving him,” Cap said. His face turned red. “Tony, we’re getting him out of there. Right now.”
 Stark shook his head. “Klaue said that if he sniffs even the slightest bit of trouble, he’ll kill the kid without a second thought. If one security guard sees us, if one alarm goes off – Pete’s dead.”
 Steve nodded. He gave it some thought – eyebrows frowning. “We’re going to need some help, then, aren’t we?”
 “Steve, no, I…” Tony put his face in his hands, then suddenly whirled around and punched the truck with his bare fist. “I can’t risk the kid! This is the only way to keep him alive.”
 “Tony, Klaue will eventually kill him, no matter what. We gotta get him out now.”
 Tony took three deep, settling breaths. “You’re right,” he decided. “You’re always right, Cap. So… What do we do?”
 “What we’re gonna do,” said Steve, “is rescue Parker and take down Klaue at the same time. And, fortunately, we have some very Ninja-like assassins who can get the kid out before Klaue even knows we’re there.”  
 Tony stood on the dock outside Klaue’s seaside warehouse and watched the arms dealer’s men unload the missiles from the van. The only light was the moon over the water and one flickering snot-colored lightbulb above the entrance. Tony pulled his baseball cap down and folded his arms against his chest. Autumn was just about to exit the stage, and the East Coast had been promised an extra cold winter.
 Klaue emerged from his office wearing a pit-stained white button down shirt over dirty jeans. He had a toothpick in his mouth and an assault rifle over his shoulder. “Mr. Stark,” he greeted, “my most loyal supplier. I’m told you’re five missiles short today.”
 Tony held up his palms. “My own supplier let me down, Klaue. But I brought you something to make up for it. Look in the back seat.” Klaue nodded at his henchmen. One opened the van and an unconscious, tied-up, beat-up Steve Rogers came tumbling out, rolling across the wooden dock.
 Klaue clapped his hands together. “Quite a gift!” he exclaimed. “I know some underground scientists who will pay quite a lot for a specimen like this.” He motioned for his henchmen. Tony expected Klaue to order them to take Steve inside but, instead, they lifted him to his feet. Klaue approached Steve, said, “I know you’re awake, Captain,” and smacked Steve across the face. Cap coughed and spit out a tooth.
 “Let me guess what your plan was,” Klaue said, attention back on Tony. “I put Rogers in the same cell with Parker, together with their combined strength they break through the bars, and then they sneak out – escaping from under my nose, yes?”
 Tony pursed his lips together so hard that they turned white. “Listen, Klaue, I just want the kid. I’ll give you whatever you ask, just give me the kid back.”
 “We all want things, Stark. I want to own a Caribbean island. And, I’m only five mil short of it. And now, here you are, interfering with my dream, trying to take it away.” Klaue shook his head. “Tisk, tisk,” he said, waggling his forefinger. “I told you I’d kill the kid if you interfered. But, I think I’ll do you one better. I think, right in front of your eyes, I’ll kill all four of them.”
 A garage door opened and a half dozen henchmen wearing thick jackets and caps over their faces exited with a very bloodied, very beat up Peter, Clint, and Natasha. Klaue gave the order to stand them next to Cap, then he ordered all four of them to their knees. His goons pushed them down and aimed guns at their backs.
 “I’m sorry, Mr. Stark,” Peter whimpered.
 Tony shook his head. “I let you down, kid. I’m so, so sorry.”
 Klaue was soaking up the moment like sunshine. “This is lovely. Half the world wants you all dead and here I am, little old me, holding each of your lives in my hands. I really should sell tickets to this.”
 “Enough, Klaue,” Tony barked. “I want my team free. I’ll give you anything, anything you want.”
 “Anything, huh?” Klaue tapped his chin. “What if what I want is for you to see your friends die?” He nodded at his henchman. “Kill Barton.”
 “NO!” Tony screamed. He was too late. The henchman shot Clint in the back. Barton collapsed forward onto the dock. He didn’t move.
 “Clint!” Nat sobbed.
 Klaue suddenly cocked and aimed his weapon. “Who’s next?” he asked, aiming the gun first at Peter, and then at Natasha, and then at Steve. “Which one of your friends is next?”
 Tony saw movement in his peripheral vision, and it took all his concentration not to look at the roof of the warehouse. “Klaue?” Tony said, his posture straight now, his classic smirk back on his face, “would you like to guess what happens when a warehouse full of volatile weapons gets hit by a bolt of lightning?” Tony looked up at the roof.
 Klaue followed his gaze. Thor waved down at the crowd, then raised his hammer.
 “Get him!” Klaus screamed, and he and all his henchmen turned to fire. At that precise moment Bruce Banner, who’d disguised himself as the very goon who shot Barton in his bulletproof vest, pivoted and hit Klaue in the shoulder with a bullet. Klaue tumbled backwards off the dock and into the water. His rifle spat a half-dozen times as he fell.
 Natasha flipped to her feet. Barton rolled over and somersaulted backwards. Steve broke out of his bonds instantly. While those three kept the henchmen from shooting Thor, Peter sprinted into Tony’s arms. Stark caught him and lifted him off his feet, so happy was he. “Into the van, kid,” Tony ordered. “Everyone in the van, now!” he shouted. He could feel the dock rumbling as more of Klaue’s goons were heading their way. Barton, Banner, and Rogers dove into the back of the white van. Natasha got in the driver’s seat while Tony pushed Peter into the back seat. Tony yanked the door shut and shouted, “Heads down!”
 Outside, Thor rose into the air, summoned lightning, and slammed it down into the weapons compound. The place exploded in a massive mushroom cloud. But seconds before it did, Thor picked up the van and flew it out of danger. He set it on the street six blocks away and opened the door, revealing his disheveled but whole friends. “Sorry I was late,” the god said. “I was with Jane and I didn’t get your message and... Why didn’t you wait for me?”
 “Because we had to get there by a deadline!” Tony shouted at him. He sat against the far door with his arms around Peter, who was leaning back against him. “You cut it pretty damn close you big Norse piece of—” Tony felt something warm on his shirt. He looked down and saw dark liquid against his shoulder. It was blood, blood that wasn’t his. One of Klaue’s shots had hit a target.
 Peter had gone limp. He fell back into Tony’s arms, smearing blood from his shot up shoulder down the rest of Tony’s shirt. Stark tossed his hat away and adjusted Peter’s body so that the kid was cradled in his lap. “Nat! Hospital! Now!” Tony shouted.
 A tear slid down Peter’s cheek. “Thanks for coming for me,” he said between hitched breaths. “Thank you, Mr. Stark.”
 “Kid, hang on, we’ll get you some help in a second, in just a second, all right?”
 Peter licked his white lips. “It hurts,” he whispered.
 Tony’s heart clenched like a fist. He looked at his wide-eyed friends who were just as helpless as he was. “Hang on, kid,” was all he could think to say. Adrenaline burned through him and his face flushed. “Just hang on, Pete.”
 May exited Peter’s hospital room with a fake smile that instantly disintegrated once she was sure she was out of her nephew’s eyeline. Tony stood up from a hallway bench and she hugged him. “He’s so brave,” she sobbed in his ear. “He’s incredible.”
 Tony nodded. He sniffed, and then held May at arm’s length. “He is. He’s an incredible kid.”
 “He wants to talk to you.”
 “Ok.” Tony took a deep breath. “Ok.”
 The kid was asleep when he walked in, so Tony had time to sit in a chair beside the bed and relive every moment of the “rescue.” He should’ve done better. He should’ve acted faster. He should’ve this, he should’ve that…
 “Mr. Stark?”
 Tony shot to his feet. He leaned over the hospital bed and smiled at Peter without showing his teeth. “Hey, kid. How ya feeling?”
 Tears sprung to Peter’s eyes. “I’m sorry,” he cried. “I’m so sorry. None of this would’ve happened if it weren’t for me. The others – are they all right? God, Mr. Stark, I’m so sorry. I deserve to be—”
 Tony held up his finger and made a sound that resembled a game show buzzer. “Don’t,” he ordered softly. “Don’t do that, kid. That’s a dark road I’ve traveled, and I won’t let you go down it. None of this was your fault, you understand? None of it. And the others are fine. You’re fine. Everything’s fine.”
 Peter frowned at him. “Mr. Stark? Are you fine? You’re—you’re crying.”
 Tony didn’t even realize it. He wiped his eyes dry. “Joyful tears, kid.” Then, without thinking about it, he leaned in and kissed the kid on the forehead. “Glad you’re ok,” he whispered, “so glad, Pete.”
 The End
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omidettol · 4 years
haikyuu!! random scenario - 02
02: tokyo representative playoffs
genre • slice of life
summary • a journey of three friends in which they met so many new people in their life that revolved around volleyball clubs.
word count • 2,332
author’s note • i really like writing this chapter because bokuto is so lovely and just the thought of him could make my mood better instantly. happy reading!
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sumida city gymnasium this afternoon was filled with the cheering from different high schools’ supporters in the semifinal of spring high tokyo representative playoffs. as the only one school that still hadn’t been eliminated in both the boys and the girls volleyball match, fukurodani supporters occupied almost half of the stands in the gym. the school’s cheerleaders and marching band also attended, not wanting to lose to other powerschool like itachiyama academy and nekoma high school.
fukurodani girls volleyball club was on their match point in the last set when the ball hit their middle blocker’s hands hard, nearly dropping outside the court as shinatsu quickly ran towards it and then dived to keep the ball up in the game. mizuki’s eyes never left the ball that flew over to the net on her side, it was neither high or low. just the perfect height for her to spike it with all the energy left on her body to the other side of the court’s corner, snatching their last point that day and also securing their ticket to the nationals in the next spring as the first girls representative of tokyo prefecture.
the crowds roared as the whole fukurodani girls team hugged each other before lining up to bow to their opponents and shook their hands, then they lined up again in front of the audience, giving a bow as gratitude for the support. cheers of prouds were filled in the air, leaving a very big smile on everyone’s faces in the team as they made their way to the changing rooms. mizuki was the first one to run off and grab her things before going to the bathroom; meanwhile shinatsu and haru walked rather behind than the others, taking their time while chatting about random things.
after changing into clean tracksuits, their coach told them that they’d have their evaluation of today’s match when they got back; they were free to go check the matches that were still going on since they still had to wait for the boys club to go back to school together with the school bus.
“i wanna get something from the vending machine, you guys can go first,” haru said to shinatsu and mizuki on their way back to the court to watch the remaining matches from the side.
“alrighty,” mizuki replied as haru turned right to find the vending machine she believed she saw before the game.
shinatsu and mizuki continued their way while talking about how curious mizuki to finally see kiyoomi’s game live. shinatsu had already heard about the two of them becoming friends and such which made her laugh because it sounded rather one sided in mizuki’s part. she couldn’t believe either that her friend would really bother one of the top three aces until he gave in.
when they arrived, nekoma was playing against nohebi for the third place on court b while fukurodani was playing against itachiyama on court a. they decided to watch nekoma’s game for a while, making their way to the front, just right behind a low barrier between the court and spectators.
shinatsu took a glance at their score which is tied. “i hope nekoma wins this set so they can go to the national with us.”
“yeah, but you can’t underestimate nohebi. saw them a couple of times and they’re quite as good as nekoma in both defense and offense,” mizuki responded while looking closely at the game. “those snakes really know how to play their game to the fullest, riling up their opponent but also acting nice in front of the referee.”
“ah, i see, typical snakes,” shinatsu nodded her head before gasping at nekoma’s libero, yaku morisuke, who had just received such a hard ball. “did ya see that?! holy moly that’s so cool, as expected from yaku-san!”
the girl on her left side chuckled at her reaction. “you can do that, too, natsu!”
“but—” she was cut off as soon as she spoke when the said boy suddenly jumped at them to keep the ball in play.
next to her, mizuki unconsciously groaned a little, feeling a little sting at her toes which were accidentally stepped by yaku who then fell on the floor in front of them. after the long rally finally stopped with nekoma scoring a point, another member of nekoma’s team came to help yaku.
“i’m so sorry!” yaku exclaimed as he bowed to mizuki.
flustered, mizuki quickly said, “not a problem, yakkun! but are you okay, though?”
shinatsu nodded her head and looked at yaku with worry written all over her face. “yeah, the way you landed looks really painful.”
“nah, i’m fine,” he turned back to the court but then froze when the pain finally hit him hard. feeling his ankle was sprained, yaku couldn’t stop himself from letting out a groan. his friend quickly helped him walk to the bench to get the treatment he needed.
“aw shit, i feel bad for him,” mizuki pouted as the game began again, but this time without yaku playing the libero role.
looking at the front match, shinatsu spoke, “same. but i guess nekoma will still be fine. kuroo’s still there. they’ll be fine.”
mizuki laughed a little. “oh yea that rooster head of course won’t let ‘em get through that easily.”
and they were right. after many points scored and taken, nekoma officially won the game and became the host representative for tokyo prefecture. haru who had come in between the sets smiled widely while both shinatsu and mizuki shouted at the top of their lungs to congratulate nekoma which made kuroo and kenma turn to look at them and gave thumbs up. they had known each other for quite some time since they occasionally met at haru’s house or at school when their school had practice matches together. at first, they didn’t really know each other that well. but since haru’s brother, akaashi keiji, friends with fukurodani’s ace, bokuto koutaro, they just somehow became quite close.
“let’s check out our school’s team,” haru proposed as she literally dragged them to the other side before the match ended.
to her surprise, the match was still going on in the third set with the current score of 5-8 led by itachiyama academy. right when they successfully managed to pass crowds of people to get a better view of the match, mizuki couldn’t help to drop her jaw at the sight in front of her. now she knew why he, indeed, was among the top three. the way his wrist spiked the ball was no way near what people said normal.
next to her, shinatsu also noticed this and grimaced at the thought of receiving that nasty powerful spike. “oh, wow, it’s so freaking cool. i lowkey wanna try to receive those spikes. can you do that too, mizuki?” she turned to face the short haired girl who was still awestruck by kiyoomi’s technique.
“can’t. my wrist isn’t as flexible as his,” mizuki stated after a short pause, eyes never leaving the game before her.
“flexible?” haru asked, confused of what mizuki talked about.
mizuki nodded her head enthusiastically. “yeah, didn’t you see it when he slammed that ball? it’s totally abnormal!”
“uh… okay,” haru’s eyes flickered back to the court as she mumbled to herself, “how did she even notice such small detail…”
shinatsu, who heard what haru said in a low voice, let out a hearty laugh when she realized mizuki didn’t exactly give the answer to haru’s question, but she decided to say nothing. focusing her eyes back to the game, shinatsu’s blue orbs unconsciously followed one particular boy on fukurodani’s side. it wasn’t the first she’d seen him play in an official match, but somehow she still felt as if it was her first time. the way he gracefully set the ball for the ace as he called out the latter name, and how both sides of his lips quirked up a little bit when the ball had been slammed down to the opposite’s ground, made her heart skip a beat.
she didn’t even know since when she started to feel it, but the next thing she knew, her crush for him was already big enough to make her blushed every single time she made contact with him. none of her friends knew about this. not because she didn’t trust them, but it’d be completely weird, especially with haru.
“my eyes are very, very blessed today,” mizuki spoke in a dreamy voice as she kept staring at itachiyama’s ace’s figure.
without realizing, words slipping out of shinatsu’s mouth with the same dreamy tone, “yeah, i feel like i could watch him all day.”
mizuki and haru automatically snapped their heads to face shinatsu as they caught off guard by what she said. “huh?”
“what?” shinatsu blinked several times, completely unaware of what just came out of her mouth. she thought she didn’t say it out loud for both of her friends to hear. but seeing the smirk on mizuki’s face made her flushed, knowing she just made a tiny mistake and there was no way they’d let her off the hook.
“so,” mizuki started with her mischievous looks, ready to dig deeper into her little slip, “who’s the one that you could watch all day, natsu-chan?”
shinatsu stuttered, “w-what do you mean?”
next to her, haru squinted her eyes. “don’t pretend like you don’t know. we heard it, now tell us.”
feeling like this was never going to end, shinatsu let out a nervous laugh as she thought of an excuse. in her peripheral vision, there stood bokuto with his excited face which made her said, “bokuto.” looks of disbelief were sent in her way. seeing this, she quickly added, “i mean, who doesn’t wanna watch bokuto all day when he’s in the peak zone like now? man, he always knows how to make people side with him and cheer for him. he’s such a happy virus!”
haru who didn’t want to push her further just shrugged and let it go for now, while mizuki, on the other hand, still stared at shinatsu with zero satisfaction. she was still slightly unconvinced, but haru sent her a warning glare to not push it since it’d make shinatsu more uncomfortable. 
rush of relieves flowed through her entire body when shinatsu saw mizuki pout before she continued to watch the game. shinatsu then cheered bokuto’s name as the ace spiked another ball in. her eyes once again drifted to another boy who still looked calm and collected even after his team scored.
little did she know, both haru and mizuki were still curious about the matter, making them stole a glance at her every now and then to get a hint on who she actually meant by what she said. yes it was true that bokuto was a fluff ball of happiness that made everyone want to cheer for, but it definitely wasn’t bokuto who made her go on dreamy mode like that.
it was itachiyama’s match point when the crowds were getting more hyped up. kiyoomi’s name was shouted not only on the court to take the last ball, but also in the whole gymnasium. in the heat of the game, bokuto shouted, “left, left, he’s definitely going for the left.”
next to him, fukurodani’s middle blocker, washio responded without losing his focus on the ball, “i know.”
three man blocks consist of bokuto, washio, and akaashi stand tall in front of kiyoomi who was ready to spike. itachiyama’s supporters cheered for kiyoomi enthusiastically loudly as he hit the ball hard into akaashi’s fingertips until it went out of bounds. shinatsu could see clearly how akaashi’s face turned sour from the loss. bokuto, on the other hand, screamed in frustration before turning to face kiyoomi. “you best remember this, sakusa! next time—”
akaashi cut him off with his typical monotone voice, “bokuto-san, you missed three serves straight during crunch time. let’s be sure to clean that up.”
“akaashi!” bokuto exclaimed as he dropped and hit the ground dramatically. “learn to read the situation! there’s a time and place for everything!”
ignoring bokuto’s rants, akaashi walked towards spectators to line up. after giving their bow to the crowds, akaashi turned around to greet his sister and friends. he smiled and said, “congrats for the first place, guys. you all did a great job today.”
haru only nodded her head while mizuki chuckled, “thanks, akaashi-san. you did a great job, too! now if you’ll excuse me, i need to say hi to a friend.”
she didn’t even wait for another second to catch up with itachiyama’s ace who was now trying to escape from bokuto’s consistent threat that sent his way. haru shook her head but stared at the three of them in amazement; she felt a little sorry for kiyoomi, though. when haru moved her body slightly to face her brother and her friend, she froze.
the two of them radiated the same energy with sparkling eyes as they talked to each other. haru blinked once and twice, trying to process everything. her mind drifted back to the conversation minutes ago which ended up in them watching the game unfold and disregarding her and mizuki’s curiosity at shinatsu’s romantic life. but if she remembered it right, she’d seen a couple of times that shinatsu’s eyes never left a certain figure.
and just like that, it all came into pieces.
haru’s eyes widened at the sudden realization. she’d never thought about it before because she thought all her friends were just kidding when they got all flirty with her brother, especially shinatsu, the least person she’d suspect to have a real crush on him. but now, with everything that was right before her eyes, haru was certainly sure she was right this time.
oh my, this is gonna be reaaaally interesting, haru thought to herself as she left them unbothered to tell mizuki about her discovery with an amused look.
extra 1
“kiyoomi!” mizuki called out in the middle of an empty hallway.
the said boy stopped in his track, waiting for mizuki to catch up although he already looked extremely pissed now that there came another one to bother him. on his side, bokuto stopped running his mouth and stared dumbfoundedly at mizuki who now stood in front of them while catching her breath instead. 
he looked confused for a moment before giving a wide smile at his junior. “mizuki-chan! what are you doing here? do you know him?”
“yeah, he’s my friend!” mizuki finally said after regaining her regular breath, returning bokuto’s big smile, then she faced kiyoomi, “omi! i didn’t know you were that popular… and what is that nasty spin you got there, huh?!”
hearing that, his scowl slowly turned into smirk as he boasted with pride, “that’s because my wrist, here take a look.”
he bent his wrist until his palm touched his forearms. both mizuki and bokuto rounded their eyes in shock. “dang, i could watch this all day,” bokuto muttered, couldn’t take his eyes off kiyoomi’s hand trick as if he was being hypnotized.
on the other hand, mizuki asked in amazement and slightly worried, “holy shit, isn’t that hurt? have you seen a doctor?”
“not a bit,” kiyoomi shrugged, returning his hand back to normal.
“no, wait! do it again!” his two companies practically begged him to show off his flexible wrist again which he obeyed with a little sigh.
with shining eyes, mizuki asked him in a sweet voice. “can i touch it?”
“have you washed your hands?”
“of course! i didn’t touch anything after i washed my hands,” said mizuki, earning an unsure nod from kiyoomi.
the girl reached out her hands excitedly, grazing her fingertips upon his bended wrist carefully which gave kiyoomi a little shudder. to be completely honest, he hadn’t let anyone touch his bended wrist before, except for his own family. this was his very first time, and he quickly ended it. “satisfied?”
mizuki nodded vigorously. seeing that, bokuto also wanted to try touching it, but kiyoomi was quicker to dismiss him. “stay away from me.”
not far from the three of them, haru watched the scene unfolded before her in horror. she held the urge to tell mizuki about her new discovery and decided to go back to the changing room instead. while walking away from the scene, she muttered to herself, still couldn’t believe what she had just witnessed, “they look pretty freaky… i’ll just tell her on the bus…”
extra 2
talking with akaashi keiji always managed to make her heart feel the warmness that laced within his low voice. years ago, when she first knew him, she wouldn’t dare to talk to him casually. his calm demeanor looked rather intimidating, especially when he spoke. although he seemed polite and restrained, haru had told her that her brother was actually the blunt type.
nowadays, every time they met at school or when shinatsu and mizuki hung out at haru’s house, akaashi would often initiate a conversation with her. it’d be started with a chit chat, but then their topics to talk about would vary from a to z, dismissing their surroundings.
“hey, do you have any agenda this weekend?” akaashi asked in a chill manner.
“hm, i don’t know yet,” shinatsu replied as she turned to where haru was standing, but she was greeted with nothing. only then she realized haru had long left them and that the whole gymnasium was almost vacant, leaving only the two of them and some other people on the court to clean up.
akaashi rubbed the back of his neck as he started, “well, this weekend, bokuto, kuroo, and kenma wanted to hang out at my place, playing games and stuff. you and mizuki could come, too. it’ll be fun to have more people. you know, the more the merrier.”
“i’d love to! it—” shinatsu was cut off by her phone ringing in the pocket of her jacket. “wait, hold up.”
she took her phone out, confused at seeing the caller’s name but answered it anyway. “hel—”
“shinatsu-chan! is akaashi with you?!” bokuto screamed as soon as she picked up the calls, making her distance her phone a little from her ear, afraid of damaging her own eardrums.
she answered, “um yeah… why?”
“oh, thank god, i thought he’s been kidnapped or something!” he sighed in relief and continued with a way more calm voice than before. “please, do tell him to quickly come over to the changing room. everyone’s waiting for him, he’s the only one who hasn’t cleaned up. oh, and the bus is also ready at the parking lot.”
shinatsu’s mind went blank for a moment as there were a lot of informations to take in. finally understood the whole current situation, shinatsu bowed her head unconsciously although bokuto couldn’t see it, making akaashi choked in his drink, confused at her action. “i’m sorry i held him back! i’ll tell him right away, bokuto-san! thank you!”
on the other line, bokuto sounded a little startled but then he let out a chuckle. “don’t worry, shinatsu-chan! take your time, but not too long, alrite? see you later!”
the call was hung up. the ash haired girl turned to akaashi and delivered bokuto’s message, “i think you should go to the changing room quickly. they’ve been looking for you.”
akaashi nodded his head. “okay, gotta go. see you!”
when akaashi already left the court, shinatsu smiled to herself like an idiot. reality then hit her back to the earth with a vibrating phone, lots of messages from haru and mizuki filled her notification bar, making her turn on her heels fast. while she was walking to the front lobby where everyone had waited, her smile didn’t fade away as she thought about what just happened.
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throughtaylor · 4 years
haylor one shot bc i love haylor more than anything in my life
(back in 2012)
I could not stop laughing as we prepared for the presentation that we had in less than 10 minutes, it was our best way to clear ourselves, despite the fact that I was always nervous to go on stage, the band did everything better for all of us. I had the typical slight panic, perhaps because I thought that my voice could go away in the middle of the show or that I would fall from tripping over my own feet, that my right foot bent with the small heel of my shoes. Many things could happen, but all the tension disappeared as soon I sang the second song, in this case: Red.
Taylor! Two minutes." They screamed in the corner of the room, noticing how Caitlin put the gadgets on her ears.
"Very clever." I mused excitedly, making a group hug with my band.
I started up the stairs to get out, breathing a few times and practicing rough movements with the microphone, sighing and getting into my starting position until the platform went up and I could get out once and for all.
"And with her new album, RED, which I'm sure everyone knows is a success, ladies and gentlemen, Taylor Swift!" I heard how the presenter's voice screamed throughout the stadium.
The platform went up slowly and I noticed how the lights were off, the screams shook my heart, making me smile slightly as I adjusted my hat. I laid my body straight, listening to the State of Grace melody spreading across all the walls and seats, making the people who absolutely flooded the entire arena scream more. I smiled without being seen, raising the microphone to start singing. Nerves? Unknown word in my dictionary.
"I'm never going to stop love singing Love Story." I giggled, dropping onto the couch as I drank from my water bottle.
"I like the rhythm of We are never ever getting back together... well, maybe because I like to see how fans dance and raise their hands with each We-e-e." My mother dared to tell me, giving a little laugh as soon as I nodded, completely agreeing with her.
Tonight's show at the music festival had been sensational. Nerves disappeared even with the first song and the audience could not be left behind, everything had turned inside me and I was again the same Taylor who loves to be on stage.
I momentarily distracted myself with my phone, reading the comments about the show, smiling and giving some likes on instagram along with a photograph of my red loafers, without any special caption. I checked my social media a little more, going to change to put on one of my black dresses hanging on the rack, sighing as soon as my hair settled into a ponytail, combing my bangs a few times and applying the red lipstick that was on my handbag. I was tired, but excited.
The beige leather wallet landed on my forearm, walking out of my dressing room, saying goodbye to my family and friends, thanking them again for the great show we took care of tonight.
I made my way to one of the white doors in the pale hallway, daring to pull out my phone to send a message. However, a large hand prevented that from happening, immediately catching my attention.
I smiled at once as soon as I could see the sparkle in his green eyes and his cute curls, throwing myself immediately into his arms.
"Harry." I greeted his neck, feeling his tighten more tightly on into his body.
"Great show, babe" He congratulated, pulling me away a little and keeping his hand on my waist.
"Thanks, I thought you would show up today too." I commented doubtful and a little nervous about his presence. My heart turned when I heard him laugh, seeing the innocent smile stay in line with his smile.
"I think it will be our turn next week, I am not so sure." He almost joked, making me laugh. It was then that I noticed that he was also nervous.
"And... so?" I almost laughed, thanking the heels of my loafers for a better look.
"Let's go." A warm kiss fell on my cheek, heading us towards the back of the stadium to get out.
There were only a couple of security guards and the cleaning ladies, the night in New York was cold, with no winter yet. Luckily, there was no paparazzi or at least that's what I wanted to believe. Harry kindly opened the door of his truck for me and I gladly entered it, closing the door in step.
Harry and I had been dating for a couple of months. We became friends in Los Angeles and from there we decided to have a more pleasant contact with friends, but the things began to appear differently. Until now, we had not shown ourselves together as a couple, we both knew how difficult it would be for him and me, in some way, the comments were sometimes too cruel and the relationship we had, until now, was very calm... a lot, to want to expose ourselves. Harry is a sweet, attentive and very gentlemanly man, he is always looking after me in a good way, asking me every day how I am and wishing me good luck in the shows I have had to present. It has been a sensational support and I silently told him how lucky I was to have him by my side.
"And how are you, babe?" He asked while he started driving into the streets of New York, taking my hand with a cute smile.
“I’m great. I’m very excited for the upcoming shows we have. We have already started with the Red Tour rehearsals. ” I announced happy. He looked at me happily, smiling broadly at me.
"That sounds great, I look forward to free tickets to every concert!" He joked.
"Of course." I chuckled, looking at his profile. "And how are you, love?"
"Very well, we have also had some rehearsals outside of New York, I think we will have to travel to London soon to see the stadium of the tour." He commented.
"Niall was talking to me about that." I replied thoughtfully, remembering my messages exchanged with the blonde who made me laugh more than five times for just one message.
“Talking to Niall, huh? He even tells you the good news before me.” He pretended to take offense, glaring at me under his eyelashes.
"Never!" I reproached, laughing in my seat.
I couldn't explain it but there was such a great chemistry and connection between us that… I even managed to feel it. I really like him. I don’t care about the way of life that we both led, despite a little fear that it would be a problem later, but I know that it was not going to be a pebble on our way; It was what stopped me the most to think.
"Taylor?" I heard his voice next to me. I turned right away, tilting my head to continue talking. He smiled. "We're here, I think I told you twice."
I blushed, brushing the bangs away from my eyes a little while muttering an apology, taking the black bag in my hands to hang it on my shoulder.
"You look absolutely gorgeous when you blush." I heard him say.
I got out of the car with a smile, watching the porch of his house cautiously, waiting for him to get out as well and we could continue on our way. I felt the explosion of feelings run through me as his hand reached for mine quickly, intertwining our fingers. I still wasn't used to it, I didn't deny it either, but I loved that kind of gesture. I mentally measured his hand with mine, as it was quite wide and the palm of his hand took almost all my long fingers. I laughed in my head, letting out a smile at the thought.
I waited for him to open the door, greeting me with a gesture in the space of his home, looking around with great caution. Harry was a very simple person, not conceited or money-loving, even though he knew he was someone who received a lot, since he was also in the position of young people rather than millionaires in magazines. But his house did not say that. The walls were simple and the decorations too, but it was quite spacious, reminding me of a house in Rhode Island.
"Do you want something to drink, babe, hm?" He brushed his index finger across my left arm, circling my waist from behind, hugging me. I smiled at the gesture, squeezing my hands in his, letting myself be inundated by his usual scent and the unmistakable tickle of his curls on my cheek.
"Right now I'm fine..." I whispered, concentrating on the way he danced with me without some kind of music, humming slowly in my ear, as if he were thinking of other things, concerning me.
"You know, today is our third month together, darling.” He said, lighting up a click in my head.
I blushed, not knowing it, because I had let the small detail pass, being more than sure that it was tomorrow. Without thinking twice, I turned to him, watching the playful smile on his mouth. He knew that I didn’t remember.
"You confused me!" I exclaimed in reproach, hitting him lightly on the chest in the form of a game, accepting the laughing hug he offered me.
"You had to see your face." He commented, laughing.
Smiling and happy, my lips approached into his lips, enveloping us in a colorful and loving kiss. I felt my heart race as soon as I felt the small smile in the middle of the kiss, ending up giving me small, splashed kisses on the top of my lips, hugging me around the waist as I approached him. My blue eyes were lost in his green orbs, brushing our noses as our lips shared breath and space. It made me jump inside. I loved him intensely.
"You should have this." He broke into silence. Curious, I waited for him to continue.
It was then that the paper airplane necklace that he never took off slipped, suddenly hanging it around my neck, and it stayed down, contrasting with the color of my dress. I admired him for a few seconds, raising my head to meet his big eyes and shy smile, waiting for me to say something.
"We can become two paper airplanes." I whispered to him, feeling his hands once again rest on my waist. "Thank you my love. I love it. And I love it more that it's yours, that you want to leave it for me. ” I thanked him in sincere words, kissing him one last time.
"Two paper airplanes that fly, together." Harry completed my sentence.
"I love you." I confessed.
"I love you so much, babe" He says.
My favorite moment became the instant he pushed all the furniture aside, giving us space to take off our shoes, taking our bodies and dancing, with light songs playing from the kitchen. Our lips joined in loving kisses, our noses brushed and I closed my eyes, entering his soul and wanting to know what he felt, although just being like this, here, with me, he told me more than a thousand words.
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miss-ingno · 4 years
Fandom: ragehappy, fahc Ship: established Freewood, Mavin, pre-Mavinwood Words: 5k Tags: pre-fahc, married Freewood, getting together, pre-heist fic, con artist!Gavin, black widow!Gavin, abandoned work
Summary: Michael Jones has a problem: he pissed off the Corpirate. His only chance at survival is deleting any trace of his involvement from the database, but to get inside, he needs a specialist. Gavin Free is the best con artist there is and his only ticket to safety. Shame he claims to be retired, though.
...not that Michael believes him. It's just another fiction to make the latest of his rich husbands feel safe, surely. He doesn't understand how so many people fall for the same trap, but there's something inescapably charming about the Golden Boy... and soon Michael finds himself falling for him, too.
A/N: Posting this as part of the WIPs I will no longer finish. I wrote  this before the reveals in early October and have found that I can't  continue, personally, but still wish to share what I have spent hours  creating.
Read here on Ao3.
Michael pulled up in the driveway, the motor of his bike purring between his legs. For a long moment he just sat there, staring up at the looming mansion. It was a big, sandy-white villa sprawling on the mountain side, with high, white walls surrounding the driveway. The gate gleamed black in the noon sun, with golden caps on the spikes. Michael never thought he’d be anywhere near such pompousness, unless he was set to rob the place, but needs must.
With a sigh he killed the engine and swung his leg over, sliding off. He took off his helmet, setting it on the backseat, just in case he needed to leave fast. Security cameras followed his path to the door, which opened before he could reach it. Not surprising, considering he’d been buzzed in at the driveway gate.
“Vincent Jones,” a man greeted him blandly. He had black-dyed hair tied back into a wolf’s tail and piercing blue eyes that drilled into him. The man wore a nondescript, white shirt with the top button left open, tailored, black dress pants, and a pistol holster with a gun. Bodyguard or security, Michael concluded. “State your business.”
Michael suppressed the urge to roll his eyes. What a fucking walking cliché.
“As I said before,” he grit out between clenched teeth, swallowing down the insult. “I‘m here to see Mr. Free.”
“Yes, so you’ve said,” the bodyguard drawled, crossing his arms and flexing his biceps. “Why?”
“I have a… an offer,” Michael said slowly, then grimaced. That sounded wrong now that he’d said it. “A request,” he amended.
The bodyguard eyed him for a long moment. Michael shifted his weight, clenching his hands into fists to stop from fidgeting.
“Mr. Free has retired,” the bodyguard stated blandly. Michael ground his teeth and took a deep breath.
“It’ll only take one moment,” he promised. He crossed his fingers behind his back. If this didn’t work out- well. He had few options as it were.
“I think you misunderstand me, Mr. Jones.” The bodyguard straightened, leaning forward menacingly. Michael tensed. “Mr. Free is retired. He is no longer open to any… offers.”
That gave Michael pause, shooting the guard an incredulous look. Everyone knew of Black Widow Free, at least in criminal circles. He married one rich, old man after the other, who then died in mysterious circumstances. Personally, Michael didn’t get how anyone could fall for that game after the third or fifth victim, but Free knew how to turn on the charm. Considering Michael found himself looking for him in a sprawling villa on the side of Mount Chiliad, overlooking the coast in a fantastic view, married once more, he must be one hell of a conman.
Maybe it was a joke. If that was Free’s official line, his reassurance to his next husband that things were different this once- Michael didn’t know how the bodyguard managed to deliver it straight-faced.
“If he didn’t want to at least hear me out, he wouldn’t have let me in,” Michael countered, raising a brow at the guard. The man eyed him for a long moment, before inclining his head.
“This way,” he said gruffly, abruptly turning on his heels and leaving the door open behind him.
Michael exhaled sharply, straightening. He hadn’t actually expected to get this far. He hesitated in the door, glancing back over his shoulders, before following after the guard. The inside of the villa was even bigger than it seemed from the outside. Abstract landscapes decorated the walls, dark mahogany furniture standing out against cream-coloured wallpaper. They passed through the hall into a living slash dining room - a big, red sofa surrounding a low, glass couch table on his left, a long, dark dining table with ten chairs on his right - through a set of glass sliding doors onto a patio. Two lounge chairs stood off to the side under an umbrella, next to a triangle-shaped swimming pool.
The bodyguard took position next to the doors, and Michael hesitantly stepped forward, looking around. White stone walls about eight feet high surrounded the yard. The lawn was a stretch of deep green, with only some bushes towards the edge. No trees, and maybe more importantly, no sign of Free.
A splash of water, and Michael turned his attention back to the pool. Someone was swimming towards the edge, emerging in a shower of droplets. Blond hair gleamed in the sun, a dark, golden colour as it clung wetly to bronze skin. Lithe arms pushed the man up the edge, muscles bulging as he pulled out of the pool. Michael’s eyes were drawn to the rivulets of water streaming down a tanned, hairy chest, trailing along the hints of a six pack before landing on tight, gold booty shorts.
The bodyguard tossed Free a towel, which he rubbed over his hair before leaving it hanging around his shoulders. Free carelessly beckoned Michael over, heading to one of the pool chairs. There was a small tray with a half-empty cocktail sitting on a small table between the chairs. Next to the tray laid a pair of sunglasses, the rim a blindingly gaudy gold. Free plucked them up and pushed them onto his big nose.
“Vincent Jones, was it?” Free asked as he reclined casually on the pool chair, looking at Michael over the rim of his sunglasses. He reached out for the cocktail glass and played idly with the straw. “What can I do you for?”
At first Michael thought he’d misheard, or maybe Free had fumbled his words. But there was undeniable innuendo in there, and going by Free’s playful grin, and the way he eyed him up or down, Michael couldn’t help but wonder. Likely just how Free interacted with people, naturally flirting with everyone... considering his job it seemed likely. Michael glanced over his shoulder at the bodyguard, who was watching them blankly. No reaction. He shrugged it off and turned to face Free again.
“I need help,” Michael stated bluntly. Better to lay all his cards on the table straight away. With the situation being what it was, he had no time for any games Free might want to play. “A simple infiltration and hack. I’ve got the layout and security de-”
Free held up his hand, and Michael stopped mid-sentence. He watched as Free took a slurping sip from his cocktail, trying not to shift on his feet. Finally, Free looked up at him.
“You may not have heard,” he started in a low voice, glancing at the bodyguard from the corner of his eyes, “But I’m actually retired.”
“Retired. Right,” Michael repeated, deadpan. He considered Free for a short moment. Retired had to be code for busy fleecing a mark out of all his money. “Listen, I don’t have time to wait until-” He stopped, aware of the guard listening in. “After,” he finally settled on.
Free arched his brows, delicately crossing his legs. He watched Michael struggle with his words, obviously amused. Taking his sweet time, he took another long sip, eyeing Michael over his glass.
“Vinnie - I can call you Vinnie, right? I promised my husband to give all that up when we got married.” Free wiggled his fingers in a vague gesture that Michael had trouble interpreting. He tipped his glass in Michael’s direction. “That’s what relationships are all about. Healthy compromise.”
“I wouldn’t know,” Michael returned blandly. His mind was racing, trying to find a solution, some argument to entice Free to agree. He shrugged his backpack off, rifling through the contents. “I can make excuses for you. Or we can work around him. Your husband doesn’t have to notice a thing.”
Free exhaled sharply. It sounded like a put upon sigh.
“My husband is really not the problem here, Mr. Jones,” he stated dryly. Michael bit his lip, pulling out the files he brought.
“I can pay,” he offered desperately, sitting down across from Free on the empty chaise. “Ten grand upfront, fifteen after the job is done. I’ve got all the files, all the info you could need. This will take a week - two tops. Please.”
Free’s gaze drilled into him, hidden behind dark glasses as his eyes were. Michael knew he sounded desperate, and he barely cared. He’d beg if he had to. He’d barely had enough of the heist money left to pay Free, and then only if he added half his savings. But it would be worth it - certainly was worth his life. What good did a couple bills do once you lost your head?
“If it’s that easy as you say,” Free started delicately, cocking his head, “Why don’t you do it yourself?”
“They know my face,” Michael responded promptly, fingers clenching around the files in his hands. “That’s kinda the problem.”
Free hummed thoughtfully, tapping his lips. His gaze slid past Michael, probably meeting his bodyguard’s eyes. Michael purposefully didn’t look. Free’s face remained hard to read, thanks to the stupid sunglasses. They made Free’s nose stand out even more on his face, though they did a damn good job hiding his eyes. The gold suited him, however, with his bleached blond hair and tanned skin. The booty shorts were a bit much, though.
“Regardless,” Free spoke abruptly, startling Michael from his contemplation. “I can refer you to some of my colleagues, Mr. Jones. Former colleagues,” he added belatedly. Michael arched a pointed brow at him.
“Can any of them do what you do?” Michael put his elbows on his knees, leaning forward urgently. “I need someone skilled in infiltration and with experience hacking. Someone who won’t balk at the challenge-”
“I thought this was an easy job,” Free interrupted sharply. Michael waved him off impatiently.
“For someone of your calibre, yeah.” Michael swallowed, before meeting those darkened glasses head on. “Time is an issue, Mr. Free. I cannot afford to wait for someone to travel here first.”
The sunglasses mirrored his face back at him, like a dark, distorted shade. Free’s face remained hard, and Michael knew he’d lost. That he’d come all this way out here for nothing. He bit the inside of his cheek, hard. Dammit. He should have left Los Santos the moment things started going South. He shouldn’t have joined this heist in the first place. Done better research about their target. Too late now, and regrets were a waste of time. But it hadn’t even been worth it, in the end - his take of the heist was all used up to pay for the information he’d gathered. He had only ten grande left, hoping that paying that much upfront would convince Free… Someone as rich as he had to be wouldn’t be impressed by small sums. But Michael didn’t know who else to ask, not considering who he was facing. His name alone would stop two thirds of the criminals in town, and Michael didn’t blame them.
Free, however… Well. He’d hoped Free would be excited about the challenge, but the way things were going-
“You’re cute,” Free commented out of the blue. Michael could only stare at him. Behind them, he heard the bodyguard let out an audible sigh. “Fine. But only because I’m bored.”
He put his glass down on the tray, last dregs of purple-pink swimming on the bottom with half-melted ice cubes. Then he beckoned for the files. Michael stood to hand them over, feeling dizzy, relieved, and nervous all at once.
“Have a seat,” Free offered absently, motioning towards the other pool chair. Michael awkwardly sat down on the edge, careful not to over-balance.
“Aren’t you worried your husband’s gonna come home and find you entertaining a strange man?” he couldn’t help but ask. Free hummed inquiringly. “Or that your bodyguard is gonna tell?”
At that, Free looked up, brows raised. He stared at Michael for a long second, then his eyes darted to the bodyguard, Michael, the bodyguard, and back to Michael. The sunglasses still made his face impossible to read. His lips twitch, and then- Free snorted, followed by a smothered giggle.
“No,” he choked out, hand up to hide his giggles behind his fist. “No, I’m not worried at all.”
Michael glanced back at the bodyguard, who seemed extremely amused, going by the slight smile and relaxed posture. That confused Michael further, but he shrugged it off. Who knew how Free dealt with his soon-to-be-dead husbands anyway? So he pushed that comment to the back of his mind and returned his attention to Free, who was leafing through the files thoughtfully. When he came to a sudden stop, Michael knew he’d put the pieces together.
“This is-” Free started, looking up at him sharply.
“The Corpirate,” Michael agreed, crossing his fingers.
“The Corpirate,” Free echoed, shaking his head in disbelief. “You think infiltrating the Corpiration is gonna be easy?”
“For you,” Michael admitted, fidgeting with his sleeves. He hoped this didn’t end up being the breaking point. “And if you do your job right, he won’t even notice. I just need one small file deleted from his databanks.”
“And you didn’t just hire a hacker for that because…?”
Michael shrugged and flipped the page. “I consulted with a hacker, Axial. He said it needs to be done on site to be untraceable.” Michael paused, rummaging through the backpack. He pulled out a small usb stick. “I paid him to write me a virus that will give you access.”
“So where’s the catch?” Free asked jokingly, but his expression stayed serious. Michael grimaced, dropping the usb back into the bag.
“On site means the primary security offices of the Corpirate’s headquarters.”
Free sat up slowly, pushing his sunglasses up into his hair to stare at him incredulously. His eyes were a fascinating shade of green, with specks of gold and brown sprinkled throughout. Michael held his gaze steadily.
“You want to infiltrate Patch Corp,” Free clarified, blinking slowly. He tilted his head curiously. “The security offices can’t be accessible to most employees. Higher ups, maybe. High profile board members and vetted personnel only, I suspect.”
“Possible,” Michael conceded. “I’ve got layouts, personnel files, employment rates, upcoming events- I’ve done my research.”
“Which leaves me with the hard part of the job.” Free smirked. “A challenge.”
“Gavin,” the bodyguard spoke up. Free turned to look at him, grin fading into a pout. Michael started to wonder if maybe Free had hired the guard, not his husband. It would explain why he didn’t mind the guard observing all this.
“Rye-an,” Free whined. He slid gracefully off the lounge chair, sauntering over to where his bodyguard was holding up the wall. Michael watched, eyes drawn to swaying hips almost against his will.
Free trailed a hand down his bodyguard’s chest, playing with the collar of his shirt. The guard didn’t react, face inscrutable as Free leaned in, pulling the crossed arms apart and leaning up against the guard’s chest. Michael swallowed. Or was this how Free bought the bodyguard’s silence? Was he cheating on his husband, all the while plotting his death?
Michael watched as Free leaned in close, eyelids lowered as his breath mingled with the guard’s, barely an inch between them.
“Ryan, it’ll be fine, Ryan,” he murmured huskily, finger tracing over the skin laid bare by the collar, before playing with the second button of the dress shirt, popping it open. “Just a fun little adventure. For old times’ sake.”
Michael looked away, feeling uncomfortably hot. It was none of his business how Free went about his cons. He was an attractive, talented man, and it was fascinating to see him work that infamous charm. It reminded Michael that many men had been willing to marry Free, despite his reputation. Michael had to keep that in mind, no matter how alluring Free looked, that it was staged for utmost appeal. Hell, why else would he wear those tight booty shorts?
For a long moment there was silence. Then the guard groaned.
“Fine. Alright,” Ryan said. Michael glanced at them from the corner of his eyes, noting that the bodyguard had slung an arm around Free’s waist and pulled him closer. “Call if you need help.”
“I will,” Free promised breathlessly. He closed the gap between their mouths, lips brushing gently over lips. It was a short, chaste kiss, but the air still seemed charged to Michael. It was in the way Free lingered, the way the bodyguard’s hand curled possessively around his hip.
Michael cleared his throat, and the two of them broke apart to look at him. The bodyguard quirked a brow, and Free chuckled as he pried himself away from the other man.
“If you have copies of those files, leave them here. I’d like to study them.” Free paused, cocking his head. “Do you have a base of operations in the city?”
Michael nodded. “I have a safehouse. I can give you the address.”
He didn’t mention that he’d been living there since the Corpirate started hunting him. His apartment had been burnt in the first week, raided and tossed by a goon squad.
“Good. We’ll meet there,” Free said, nodding decisively. His hand slipped down the bodyguard’s ass and into his back pocket. ‘Ryan’ didn’t so much as tense at being suddenly groped. Michael opened his mouth to comment, when Free pulled out a dark, leather wallet. He flipped through, sliding out a white card with gold imprinted lettering.
“Wire the ten grande over tonight, and I’ll consider it a deal,” Free ordered casually. Michael took the card gingerly and nodded.
“I’ll leave you the files and address,” he agreed, putting the business card into his backpack and slinging it over his shoulder. “When can you meet me? Tomorrow? The earlier the better.”
Free pursed his lips, exchanging a long look with his guard.
“Tomorrow afternoon,” he finally offered. Michael grimaced, but accepted it. One step closer to freedom. That was more promising than what he’d had this morning. Free eyed him idly. “I’ll see you then, Mr. Jones.”
Michael reached out and shook his hand.
“Call me Michael,” he offered in the spur of the moment. Free paused, then grinned at him widely.
“Michael,” he repeated, his eyes dancing. “You may call me Gavin, Michael.”
They shook on it.
“I will see you tomorrow,” Free- Gavin murmured, fingers trailing over the inside of his wrist as he pulled away. Then Gavin sprawled across his pool chair again, pushing his sunglasses back down. Michael gaze lingered on his long, hairy legs, before tearing himself away. Ryan caught his eyes, gaze dark and calculating. Michael shivered.
The bodyguard’s eyes drilled into his back the entire way out of the villa, and then down the driveway. Michael revved his bike and took off at top speed. The feeling of eyes on him persisted long after he’d reached downtown, even as he double- and triple-checked no one was following him.
Ryan found Gavin going through the files after he returned from escorting their surprise guest out. He stopped in the doors, taking in the relaxed pose. To anyone else, Gavin might seem bored, lazily flipping through the folders. But Ryan knew him better than most. He saw how his sharp gaze flickered between the pertinent details, the hint of a smile in the corners of his mouth. Saw the carefully arranged limbs for what it really was: Gavin was nearly vibrating out of his skin in excitement.
Ryan sighed.
“This is gonna be so much trouble,” he prophesied, pushing off the door and walking up behind him. Gavin scooted over, making room for Ryan to sit on the edge of the pool chair.
“Stop being a worrywart,” Gavin admonished absently, turning the page. A photo of a smiling redhead stared up at them. An employee profile, Ryan realized. Lindsay Tuggey, 36 years old, Chief Financial Officer and member of the board at Patch Corp. Young for such a position - she must have been recently promoted. Gavin lingered on her profile.
“We have plans,” Ryan reminded him. He nudged Gavin over a bit more, settling in half-behind him, one arm wrapped around his back. Gavin leaned into his side.
“They can wait.” Gavin dropped his head on Ryan’s shoulder and rolled it to look up at him. “C’mon, love. I’m bored. This sounds fun.”
“Trouble,” Ryan insisted. He groaned. “Alright, alright. You want back up?”
“Nah,” Gavin waved him off, finally turning the page. “I’ll be fine. Besides, Michael looks like he can take a hit.”
There’d been a scar poking out under the collar of his jacket. He’d definitely taken a major hit in the past and lived to tell the tale, so Ryan couldn’t really argue with Gavin. He tightened his arm around his waist and pulled him closer.
“I don’t like it,” Ryan muttered into Gavin’s neck.
“I can take care of myself, Ryan,” Gavin returned sharply, sounding annoyed. “I haven’t gotten that rusty.”
“Remember the last time you said that?” Ryan shifted, a dull phantom ache in his side. Gavin’s face softened, and he reached out to entangle their fingers.
“I’ll be careful, I promise.” He squeezed Ryan’s hand. 
“I also remember the last time you said that,” Ryan teased, stroking his thumb over Gavin’s fingers. Gavin rolled his eyes, turning the page. Layouts of a building greeted them
“I’ll check in regularly, okay?”
Ryan hummed agreeably, pressing a kiss to Gavin’s shoulder. His hand drifted down, fingers tracing the edge of the golden booty shorts. Gavin ignored him, attention rapt on the files again. Ryan grinned and trailed a line of wet, open-mouthed kisses up his neck, his fingers slipping under the elastic waistband. Gavin made a stifled noise, pressing back into him.
He withdrew his fingers, his hand instead wandering down the bared thigh. His teeth grazed over the sensitive skin behind Gavin’s ear, and Gavin squirmed. Ryan pulled back with a smirk, waiting just long enough for Gavin to relax, before blowing gently on his ear.
Gavin gasped, shuddering in his arms. The files clattered to the floor, spreading out under the chair.
“Ryan, stop trying to distract me with sex, Ryan!” Gavin sputtered, shifting around to glare at him. Ryan raised his eyebrow and stared back calmly.
“Trying?” he asked dryly, and Gavin groaned, swatting at his chest. Ryan chuckled.
“I need to read these papers before tomorrow, Ryan.”
They paused and looked at the scattered files. Then Ryan stretched his leg out under Gavin, pulling him to straddle his lap.
“They can wait,” he declared, palming Gavin’s butt. “Besides, you decided to wear these to seduce me.”
Ryan pulled the elastic of the booty shorts taught and let it snap back into place. Gavin didn’t so much as flinch, pouting as he wrapped his arms around Ryan’s shoulders.
“But how am I supposed to prepare for this job?” he complained, arching his back and pressing their chests together.
“Later,” Ryan demanded, hands trailing up Gavin’s back and down his sides. He nipped at his lower lip, and Gavin opened his mouth to him. Ryan brushed their tongues together teasingly before breaking off. “I’ll even help you look them over.”
Gavin sighed, leaning in to mouth at Ryan’s shoulder.
“Bed?” he asked, biting gently down the open neckline, fingers fumbling over the buttons. He pulled back and fluttered his lashes. “Or are we doing this out here?”
With a grunt, Ryan heaved him up and stood. Gavin wrapped his legs around his waist, crossing his ankles.
“There’s lube in the living room,” Ryan muttered distractedly between kisses. Gavin giggled against his mouth.
“Whatever will we do if my husband comes home early?” he asked coyly, fingers dragging through Ryan’s hair. Ryan barked out a laugh and silenced him with a kiss.
Los Santos was a cesspool of crime. Turf wars were so common, their victims rarely made more than a mention in the evening news. And while crime ran rampant in the streets, the Corpiration stood as a monument amidst the struggle. With a skyscraper directly across from the Maize bank, the Corpirate oversaw his empire from the penthouse on top. He was the undefeated king of Los Santos for over a decade running.
And Michael had gone and pissed him off, like an idiot.
To be fair, Michael hadn’t known at the time who his opponent was. Hadn’t done as much research as he should have when he accepted the job. Hired by an up and coming crew, with a reliable reputation and too much ambition. Had a bunch of the usual suspects flocking to them, folks Michael had worked with in the past. Made him feel not safe, exactly, but secure, enough to let his guard down.
Of course, the minute things went to shit, they’d thrown Michael to the dogs.
“Nice place,” Free- Gavin- said, voice carefully neutral. Michael grimaced, eyeing the mold spreading in the corner of the tiny hole-in-the-wall apartment.
“It’s really not, but at least the bathroom’s mostly clean,” he returned dryly. “And anyway, it’s only temporary.”
Gavin hummed, shooting him a skeptical look, but he dropped the subject. He set his black briefcase on the table, opening it with a series of quiet clicks. Inside was a laptop, as well as the files Michael left him yesterday.
“Did you have any particular plan yet?” Gavin asked curiously.
“Not really,” Michael admitted and shrugged. “I’ve been busy gathering all this.”
He waved at the papers Gavin was shuffling into three piles. Gavin hummed, not looking up at him.
“Well, then,” he said, pushing the biggest pile aside. “This is useless to us.”
Michael wanted to protest. He’d spent the better part of a week hunting all this information down, always looking over his shoulder, aware of the thugs after him. Trying to keep a low profile to avoid, y’know, death. However, he snapped his mouth shut and contented himself with gritting his teeth. Surely Free was getting to his point soon. He wouldn’t be here if he saw no chance of success.
“This, while interesting, should be left as a back-up plan,” Gavin continued, laying a palm on the second, thinner stack. “I’d rather avoid dealing with security if possible.”
Michael startled and his eyes narrowed.
“What’s your big plan, then?” he demanded to know, rolling his shoulders. “How are we getting into the security room without breaking in, dumbass?”
Gavin just flashed him a grin, tapping the last pile: a single remaining file. Michael pulled it across the table and flipped it open. He wasn’t sure what to expect but an employee file wasn’t even in the top five.
“The Chief Financial Officer?”
Gavin hummed agreeably as Michael shot him an incredulous look.
“Lindsay Tuggey,” Gavin read aloud, and against his better judgement, Michael’s eyes were drawn to her profile. “Youngest member of the board, and the only woman. But more importantly…” Gavin paused dramatically, waiting for Michael to look up at him. “She likes cats.”
“She likes cats,” Michael repeated, dumbfounded. Free nodded sagely, as if he’d imparted great wisdom. “Cats.”
Michael crossed his arms and glared at him. “Alright, I’ll bite. Why the fuck is that important to our plans?”
“Because-” Free pulled out his phone, swiping across the screen before tapping an app. A logo started loading, and Michael craned his neck, curious despite himself. A photo of the same red-head appeared, but instead of stern and severe she looked mischievous. She was holding a black cat.
“ElitePartner?” Michael asked, frowning. “What a fucking stupid name is that?”
“A dating app for the rich elite, innit,” Gavin drawled, pulling up Tuggey’s profile. “Gotta have a certain level of income or inheritance to get on there. They do background checks on everyone who creates a profile, to keep their userbase safe from scams.” Gavin paused, smirking. “Of course, I have several accounts with them.”
“Of course,” Michael echoed. He stared down at Tuggey’s profile, the words blurring together, wondering how many husbands Gavin found this way. If his current husband was one of them. If he was aware he was just the next on a list of suspicious deaths.
rough plot outline, Arc 1:
Gavin gets a date with Lindsay, they hit it off (show off Gavin's black widow skills)
Lindsay invites Gavin to corporate events, Gavin snoops around
Michael & Gavin have to switch hideouts pretty constantly as Corpirate is still hunting Michael
they are totally flirting a lot at this point, Michael catches feelings, still thinks Gavin's married though
they plot a heist where Gavin leaves a party to sneak into the servers, gets caught
Michael is in the getaway vehicle, they barely manage to escape but Gavin's cover is blown
chase scene follows, they crash the car and have to flee on foot
someone follows them into an alley, Michael shouts "Watch out!" as the Vagabond raises his gun behind Gavin
except he shoots over Gavin's shoulder to kill the guy sneaking up on Michael
Gavin greets Vagabond enthusiastically, gets handsy
they escape to the Vagabond's hideout, Michael is suspicious and confused in equal amounts
except then they start kissing and the coin drops and Michael feels very stupid for falling for Gavin this entire time
Arc 1 ends with Michael being in a worse position than before and Gavin compromised, the Corpirate now hunting both of them, and him finding out Gavin and Vagabond are married.
Arc 2:
the three of them meet up with Geoff & Jack at Geoff's bar
Geoff has an old grudge against the Corpirate so they throw in together
everyone ships Mavin and Ryan is very amused by this
Ryan gets the shovel talk by Geoff to not interfere with the budding Mavin romance
lots of polyamory shenanigans and negotiations as the relationship developes and Michael deals with them being married
also, Lindsay turns up & it turns out she knew Gavin was up to something but she had her own suspicions about the Corpirate's dirty dealings and wants to bring him down
lots of small jobs going on in prep for the Big Confrontation (Michael & Ryan get teamed up a lot so their relationship can also develop)
small twist at the end: the Corpirate is Geoff's twin who forced him out of the business years ago and stole his inheritance and that's why Geoff's got a grudge
Arc ends with them taking the Corpirate down publicly, Lindsay stepping up as CEO & the Fakes crew being established
also at some point towards the end everyone learns about the marriage (probably when someone catches Ryan coming from Gavin's room after everyone thought Mavin finally had sex and everything is awkward until Michael and Gavin *also* shuffle out of the room visibly dishevelled)
also Gavin & Ryan are trolls the entire time because this misunderstanding amuses them
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