#wellness retreat in dubai
wealthofwellnessdubai · 6 months
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Health And Wellness Tips From The Best Wellbeing Clinic In Dubai
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holistified · 1 year
Wellness Workshops, Events & Classes | Wellness Retreat Dubai
Holistfied is specialist platform unites holistic experiences and ethical products. This group highlights UAE based events, classes and knowledgeable wellness workshops and wellness retreats.Our specialist platform unites holistic experiences and ethical products together in just one place. Connect with wellness group experiences such as classes, workshops, events, courses and retreats. Shop for ethically sourced items without getting lost and overloaded. A Holistified lifestyle is about discovering your highest potential.
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Wellness Workshops, Events & Classes | Wellness Retreat Dubai | Holistified
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hubofconsciousness · 2 years
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nalyra-dreaming · 12 days
So, in that 2x04 argument transcription I'm debating Armand's "... and more and more of them.... they got through" as to whether that's in context of where Louis makes a jab about calling Lestat (as in, Armand making calls to Lestat when Louis was not around?), or if Armand is perhaps referencing Louis' buried memories. How are you interpreting that part?
A little bit of both is my gut feeling (if that transcript is, indeed, accurate).
Like... I do think it's mostly memories of Lestat coming through, of their time... and especially of what Louis is then suppressing - or what is suppressed for him.
Given 2x05 starts with a wholly different relationship scene it stands to reason imho that Armand "tinkered" again, after this. Buried the memories again, after.
Louis taunting Armand there is very interesting though. I mean, we see in 2x05 that Louis knew Armand called Lestat... several times. And if the transcript is correct then that thought is always on the back-burner of Louis' mind. But what Louis says there is the same thing that actually happens when he is talking to "Dreamstat" there - "Lestat" is hyping him up, coddling him, tells him what he wants/then needs to hear... and it makes me wonder if "Dreamstat" wasn't a LOT more present in Dubai, too. I mean, we see him later. But what if that is what Armand is actively suppressing there.
We saw Louis holding open the door for "Dreamstat" in Paris. He was talking to "thin air" as well, the hallucination of "Lestat" so real to him he probably talked "in reality" to him as well. Felt him.
Daniel's "Are you schizophrenic Louis?" was very much on point I think though I don't think it's a permanent actual mental illness for Louis.
It's more a... retreat, a representation of Louis' state of mind, a place that Armand can suppress the memories of, but cannot actually suppress, because "Dreamstat" comes from a place of longing and actual truth, from deep within Louis (source):.
“The thing that I love about Dream-stat is that it’s Louis’ idealized version. It’s the version of Lestat, or of their relationship that you never got to see really in Season 1. It’s the quieter side of their relationship,” Anderson explains. “They’re hanging out! They’re best friends. It’s a narcissistic version of that because he’s also a manifestation of Louis’ own feelings about things. But I think there is also quite a big element of friendship, companionship. It’s something that Louis missed. Lestat did see him. Lestat knows him probably better than anyone.”
I think that the jab, the accusation of "do you think I need to be hyped up", and the comments about Lestat and the memories all come from the same place, namely Armand not understanding that... Louis actually does want to be coddled. Hyped up. Cared for. Because... Louis wants his cigarette lit when he takes one. He wants support when he asks for it. He wants an honest opinion when he asks for it, or an emotional buffer when he needs that. He wants the money when he wants to buy the Fairplay Saloon. And so on. He wants to be cared for within his own agency.
(And Lestat often fulfilled his requests, even to turning Claudia, as we saw.)
But Louis does not want to be cared for the way Armand does it for the most part, which is actually taking his agency. Armand cares for Louis doing what he thinks best.
Armand literally "protects Louis from himself", which is something he states within the show. By taking the memories away, too. By tinkering with Louis' behavior. By putting whole phrases and words into Louis' mind.
I think what "breaks through" might be discrepancies. Things that don't fit. Louis is clever, he must notice. Daniel is a lifeline, that Louis needs to cast while keeping Armand "under control" ... somehow. Which is why he falls back into the power play there, imho.
Which is why "Rashid" happens at all I think.
Because, and I know I keep coming back to this scene, but this is Louis' face when Armand reveals himself in 1x07:
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Yeah. Happy is something else. This is trepidation.
He knew it would get really difficult now (to break through). And he was right! Armand tried real hard to uphold the status quo - and almost succeeded, too.
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lisenberry · 2 months
Don't have a name for this one yet, but this is Part One of Posh!Price, and my third entry in the Summer Love series.
Inspired in no small part by this amazing ask from a few months ago.
CW: somewhat public sex, Price smokes and drinks, language.
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There was nothing John hated more than pomp and fanfare.  Or tiny plates of cold, unidentifiable food.  Or the physical constraints of formal dinner wear.  Give him a waist-deep swamp, a warm MRE, and thirty pounds of gear any day.  Anything but the soul-sucking misery of a back-patting, bureaucratic group wank.
The only reason he was at the gala at all was because he didn’t have a choice.  Well, he always had a choice, in theory.  But in practice, he knew he’d be there the moment you asked him so nicely.  With a glowing smile and the promise that you’d make it worth his time.  He could sit still, and behave, like a good lad.
For a little while, at least.   
Finally, after the third hour of watching your every move from the edges as you made your rounds to financiers and well-to-dos, he refilled his glass of whisky at the open bar and took a fresh cigar to the secluded terrace.  With the full-bodied taste of earthy leather, sweet molasses and crisp cedar settling thickly on his tongue, he reflected on the circumstances that brought him there.
He’d met you six months prior at a product development retreat to introduce a new communication device that would resist both detection and interference in the field.  He’d been skeptical of your credentials at first, but by the time you finished your presentation and answered every one of his biting remarks with ease, he was left impressed with your knowledge not only of the tech, but of the practical application as well. 
You had experience with the weaknesses of the current equipment, and the upgrades would significantly improve not only the efficiency of the tradecraft, but the safety of his team.
He’d sought you out for the rest of the weekend, practically joined you at the hip, as you bonded over your shared combat experience and time at the Royal Military Academy in Sandhurst, although you’d been several years behind him. 
By the end, you’d exchanged numbers and a handful of nights together since.  When he was off mission, and you were in between business travel.  And there was that one wild night in Dubai when your flight paths had crossed clandestinely. 
Neither of you were in a position to make things any more official, but he never turned down the chance to spend more time with you. 
“How’d I know you’d be hiding out here?”  He heard you approach even before you spoke, as you wrapped your arms around his waist from behind. 
“I’ve hit my limit on polite conversation, I’m afraid.” 
John could stay hidden, and completely still in a bush for 24 hours without so much as blinking, all while holding a rifle scope steady on a target kilometers away.  But he’d grown restless to be so near, and yet so far away from you.
“What about impolite conversation?” you countered, slipping a hand lower to where his tuxedo shirt tucked into his trousers.  “Think we could fuck out here without anyone seeing us?” you murmured into the side of his neck. 
Your heels gave you just enough height to reach a bit of exposed skin above the collar of his well-fit jacket.
“Why do you think I chose this advantage point?” he growled with a grin, twisting around to face you and holding his cigar between his teeth.  It freed his hands to pull you closer, enough to feel just how much he needed you and slip up under the slit of your evening dress.
The smoke from it hung heavy in the humid summer air between you. 
You’d told him you didn't care much for cigars before you met him, but that your granddad would smoke the same label in his office when he’d let you sit atop his lap and listen to old war stories.
He'd been too young in WW2, but he'd served after.  The rebuilding in Berlin and the struggles throughout the continent that followed.  The Cold War and later, the troubles in Ireland.  His greatest successes and his deepest regrets.
John didn’t seem to mind that you’d drawn a connection between him and childhood memories of your grandfather, but you'd held off from confessing that it was something even stronger than just a pleasant recollection.  It was a feeling deep in your bones, of when home was a place in the world.  Concrete and unmoving, and yet a soft place to land.  Not just another tumultuous thing to be handled.  
Navigated.  Fixed.
With John, you found comfort again.  Or at least, recognized the possibility.  But still, you pulled the thick roll from his mouth as if it was competing for his attention and claimed his deceptively soft lips and warm tongue in a kiss that was as long as it was deep. 
“I’ve missed you, John.”  One night together was never enough.  Two was always a pleasant surprise, but they were few and far between.  Anything more was wishful thinking.
“I have a short leave starting the week after next.  Are you free?”  He nuzzled the length of his chin along your cheek, unwillingly to sever the connection even as he spoke.  His hands moved circles up along your hips.
“I’m going home for a family thing at our place in the country.  You’re welcome to tag along.”  You’d meant the last part to sound more sarcastic, but your voice hitched as he pressed you against the stone railing and spread your legs to better fit him against you.
“Where is it?”
“Herefordshire.  I was only kidding.  It’ll be horribly...I don’t even know how to describe it.”  
What were the odds that it would be the same area where he’d grown up as well?  In between his time at boarding schools, at least.  He was about sixteen the last time he’d been home.  He understood all too well the stress of returning.
However, he was unwilling to give you up for long. Not when you smelled like gardenias, looked at him so fondly, and clung so snuggly around his waist.
“How can I say ‘no’, when you’ll be there?”  It was his turn to claim your mouth, as he quickly proved just how clever he was at evading detection.
You just had to stay quiet, and not drop his cigar.
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rapha-reads · 2 months
IWTV rewatch
(now that I've read the books and know the entire canon, let's see how it changes things or don't)
Season 1 episode 1 [In Throes of Increasing Wonder...] - part 1/2
- oh man, Daniel looks so old and tired and resigned at the very beginning. Comparing him with the Danny boy of season 2 who's so fired up and sassy... He's an adrenaline junkie.
- [Daniel] "I told my editor I was meeting with the most dangerous man in the world. Gave him two choices: Bezos. Putin." - moment of silence for 2022. It was shit but we didn't realise that it could get even worse.
- [Louis] "You've grown old, Daniel" - oi, manners, Louis! Where are your manners.
- [Louis] "I wasn't sure you'd remember me" - funny. Because none of you remembers shit actually. Memory as the core theme of the whole ride. Memory and subjective narrative. From the very first line.
- Oh maaaaaan, Armand lurking in the background from the very first scene. Armand babe, I've grown to be fond of your psychopathic tendencies, but this is seriously creepy, dude.
Also. Also. The way he's keeping such a tight leash on Louis. The surveillance. The eyes recording.
- [Daniel] "'That's the sun out there. Where's your coffin?' [Louis] 'You're standing in it'" - first of all, departure from canon lore, the sun doesn't make vampires slip into the death sleep automatically. They can resist it no matter their age. Secondly, morbid, Louis dear. Very morbid.
- Oooh, Armand letting the sun come in and staying sitting right next to the beam. Taking roleplay to the extreme. And Louis showing off his self-destructive tendencies. Amazing how we're having all the elements (most of the elements) already.
- [Louis] "Truth and reconciliation" - 123 dead, 84 injuries, a whole city levelled up. Nobody's ready. Let's get into it.
- Oooh, Armand coming into play. "No third party" - why, afraid you'll slip even easier? And then full on roleplay, Louis giving orders, and the blast of patronising aimed at "the boy". Brilliant writing. So very subtle when you don't know where to look, so in your face and crucial when you're in the know. Delightful.
- Interview date: June 14th 2022. Start of Louis' story: 1910, fall. Canon change. De Pointe du Lac's lineage: Creole. Canon change. Although I feel like the collapsing of timeline takes away some of the weight of the unholy family's life (not even 40 years versus 70 years in the books), I greatly like the change of personal history. So much richer.
- Can we take a moment to appreciate, nay, worship, Jacob Anderson's vocal skills? The change from his unaccented Dubai English to the Creole New Orleans English drawling... I am in absolute awe.
- [Louis] "Go on home, else I bleed you like a cochon, bruv"
Oh hello Lestat. Welcome to the narrative.
Paul needs to retreat to some monastery. 'Get thee to a nunnery'.
- [Priest] "I haven't seen you in confession in a while, Louis" and then that little scoff - oh, hello there, religious trauma. How much are you going to poison the narrative? Entirely? Well, carry on then.
- [Louis] "My business and my raised religion were at odds, and the, uh... ha, latencies within me, well, I beat those back with a lie I told myself about myself - that I was a red-blooded son of the South, seeking ass before absolution." - first of all, the fuck does that mean, Lou. Secondly, can someone get him to therapy.
- Delightful social commentary on segregated Southern states at the beginning of the 20th century, but I'm being told in my earpiece that a certain blond demigod (or monster, depending on the perspective) is about to make his entrance, so let's drop the sociology for now.
- [Lestat] "Seul l'impossible peut faire l'impossible" (only the impossible can do the impossible) - okay Lestat, ominous and nonsensical, lovin' it. A+ for the French accent, Sam, by the way.
- Never mind, Lestat's continuing the social commentary for me, thanks boo. "I mean that as a compliment, a man of your race to have privileges here". Ouch. Great first introduction there.
- [Lestat] "You're the man who made me buy a townhouse in the Quarter" - wooow there, wow! Slow your rolls, Ariel, you haven't even met the guy properly! Maybe take him on a date before making commitments like that?
- [Louis] "I know sometimes, men of my race, we all look alike to you people, but I ain't been selling you no townhouse" - *wheeze* yeah that's my boy.
- [Lestat] "I disembarked for the music, but then, there was the food" - yeah, I think they're called people?
- [Louis] "I wanted to take the end of my cane and slit his throat with it." - CAN I GET A WARNING before y'all gonna foreshadow like that?? Damn. Can't escape fate, or something like that, I guess.
- Hello and welcome to 'oh no I am more turned on than I have ever been in my whole life' : [Louis] "I couldn't move. My body was seized with weakness. His gaze tied a string around my lungs, and I found myself immobilized." Or maybe it's survival instinct telling homeboy "danger! Dangeeeeeer!".
- Lestat playing Mind games on Louis while he can still.
- Excuse me, the exchange between Lestat, Miss Lily and Louis is fucking hilarious, I'm wheezing: [Lestat] "Only it turns out the saint is not a city but a handsome man with a most agreeable disposition." - agreeable what, the only phrases y'all have been exchanging are a commentary on racism, and then you went on to start fucking with his mind. Lestat, stop being impulsive or draw 25. [Miss Lily] "You're his destiny, Louis." - you know, talk about destiny outloud too often, the universe hears and plays a trick.
- [Louis] "Emasculation and admiration in equal measure. I wanted to murder the man, and I wanted to be the man." - and you wanted the man. Don't forget the third part of the rhyme.
- Lestat already using the Fire Gift. Canon change. Well, in book canon he's still under 30 human age when he meets Louis and Fire Gift only develops later in vampiric age. But here he's already a bit more than a century old. Logical change.
- [Lestat] "We both wanted the last bouquet of lillies" - *wheeze* You fucker.
- That poker scene is another social commentary with thinly veiled - or like actually not even that veiled - racism. Oh, and Lestat's here to continue the criticism. And play mind games. Though, hey, freezing time. Another vampiric power that usually appears late. Absolutely adore that Louis just rolls with the fuckery and switches his cards. 'Dude's stopping time in front of me and talking in my head? Whatever, cards await nothing'. Love a guy who's decided that everything goes and he ain't gonna press too much for the answers. Now if only he'd press a little bit more, but hey, no story if he does.
- [Louis] "Let the tale seduce you. Just as I was seduced." - you know what, as someone who just read 12 or 13 books in the span of three weeks because they couldn't stop, I'm right here with Louis. Let yourself be hypnotised. You'll lose sleep and attention span and the ability to care about anything else but these whiny blood suckers, but hey, totally worth it. If you survive till the end.
- [Louis] "Money would arrive, wired from France" - another departure from book canon, where Lestat lives off of Louis. Then again, book!Lestat is barely 30, mustn't have had time to set his network of attorneys, while show!Lestat already has a century of existence. Which brings me to a point that I haven't raised before, but what was Lestat doing between leaving Paris at the time of the Révolution (if memory serves) and arriving in New Orleans in 1910? Having tea with Marius? Sleeping beneath the sand? That's a full ass century Rolin Jones and Cie have to explain, here.
- Louis' conversation with his sister. [Louis] "'He ain't white, he French' [Grace] 'Oh, that a different kind of white? French white?'" - listen sis, as a half white French half brown Moroccan, yeah, trust me, white French's pernicious. [Louis] "Paul crawled into my bed last night" - who wanna bet Paul's talking to our book canon friends the spirits? And these ain't good spirits either. Ah, but Louis loves his family. Ready for the grief? No? Me either.
- [Lestat] "My mother, she gave me every advantage in life" - Gabriiiiiiellllllle. Cannot wait to see her in s3.
- Someone needs to shut Paul up. "the birds asked me to ask you" - okay Paul. Sure.
Wait, "Monsieur Freniere", ain't that the other plantation guy Louis wants to protect and becomes obsessed with his sister, Babette? Or am I already mixing up my canon.
- Oh hello, Lestat's backstory in the monastery, plus Sam Reid showing off for the first time his acting. Or should I say, his possession. An award for Sam. All the awards for Sam.
- [Louis] "Don't everybody need to know what I do" - preach, bro.
- [Louis] "Nothing but broken souls around me, and the ones that ain't broken, greedy" - ah, then, which one are you, Louis chéri ? Broken ? Greedy? Both? Only one for the moment, both as the years go on? And Lestat? Greedy, yes? But isn't he also so deeply broken?
- [Lestat] "The Earth's a Savage Garden" - begging Rolin Jones to give us Lestat soliloquising about the Savage Garden please and thank you.
- [Lestat] "'Shall we have a nightcap?' [Louis] 'Probably had enough for the night.'" - and yet you're helplessly following him, drawn in like a magnet, like an impossible to resist planetary orbit. Also look at that little gay panic. Awards for Jacob please.
- Ah, the gift. That's how Lestat will ensnare you. Gifts and gifts and precious things and then a child. Run, Louis, run.
- Oh, Nicki mention! [Lestat] "a boy of infinite beauty and sensitivity" - yeah he kinda was insane too, but that's your point of view I guess.
- [Lestat] "What kind of a man wastes this beautiful waist with words?" - first of all, damn, nice alliteration here. Secondly, a gay man, Les, you know that, we know that, Lily knows that.
- The erotic tension of this scene is off the charts, blimey. And Louis keeps repressing. He's about to blow off. In every meaning of the term. Yep, there it is. Excuse me while I go look. Respectfully. Also. Hands. They have something for each other's hands. And the first bite. And levitating. And that's just episode 1 and we're only halfway through episode 1. Nobody does it like this show, I swear.
part 2 | episode 2 | episode 3 | episode 4 | episode 5 | episode 6 | episode 7
Season 2 rewatch (coming soon)
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dreamsgazer · 2 years
A Bit Closer
Anon requested this fic (my answer here), and I don’t dislike how this turned out!
Hope you all like it, and if so, please comment and reblog, it’s always so appreciated! If you have a request, feel free to send an ask !
Masterlist | AO3 here
Warnings: swearing, mention of blood, murder
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“Bro-“ Lemon sighed pinching his nose.
“Absolutely not!” Tangerine reiterated, rebelliously lifting his chin.
“We need her.”
“The fuck we do!” the man hissed back, ice-coloured eyes sparkling with outrage “The last thing we need is a rookie to fuck up with the assignment!”
“I’m right here, asshole!” you pointed out from the couch where you had been sitting for the last ten minutes, done with being ignored by the Twins.
Tangerine scoffed, glaring at you, but you firmly cut whatever foul reply he was going to spit “You are right, I’m not as seasoned as the two of you when it comes to killing people. However, this mission requires someone smart enough and subtle enough and discreet enough to infiltrate that mansion, retrieve the envelope, and get out as quickly as possible. Neither of you can do that without leaving a trail of corpses behind.”
“Hey, come on now!” Lemon’s outraged voice didn’t stop you “Also, your last mission was such a clusterfuck that I’m surprised someone is still willing to hire you.”
This last part wasn’t exactly true, and you were aware that things in Dubai went south well before the Twins appeared in some sheikh’s palace, but you couldn’t hold back your resentment at being treated like an incompetent child by Tangerine.
“Ok, ok, calm down now. Both of you!” Lemon interjected, pressing a hand on his brother’s chest “I would say to try working together just this once. I dunno about you two, but I could use the money.” Tangerine huffed and cursed before accepting, and he made sure you knew he was agreeing only because the job was ridiculously well compensated. You rolled your eyes at that but refrained to underline you all worked that kind of job for the exact same reason. “And I’m no rookie when it comes to stealing stuff and information,” you added tightening your lips, still offended “Just because I stir away from corpses and troubles doesn’t mean I don’t know what I’m doing. Which is why I was contacted as well for this operation!” Despite the rough start, the mission went incredibly well, all considered – sure, Tangerine had to help you at a certain point, but while retreating from the opulent estate, the envelope full of compromising photos of a very prominent political candidate enjoying himself a bit too much was safely in your hands.
The Twins escorted you to the place agreed for the exchange, and an hour after the photos were gone and your trio was a bit richer.
Lemon grinned “Well, I don’t want to say I’ve told you so, guys-”
“Then don’t,” Tangerine huffed, arms crossed over his chest and a frown barely hidden by his Versace sunglasses.
His Twin tutted “But I did tell you two that it was worth a try!”
“Agreed,” you conceded because not doing so would have been both rude and dishonest, especially towards Lemon. Tangerine could go fuck himself, but his brother had been nice to you for the entirety of the mission. You were just too stubborn to admit that Tangerine was there as well, when you needed a quick way out from that party, having heard someone approaching the studio you were in. He hadn’t left the villa until you both could walk away unnoticed, his arm on your back guiding you outside as if you two were just a couple of bored guests at a normal party.
Lemon beamed at your words snapping you back to the present. He had insisted to give you a lift to the airport. It had been a surprise that Tangerine wanted to tag along.
After that mission, you interacted with them a bit more often. You sold the Twins some intel for a task in Bucharest, then accompanied them to a quick negotiation with some gang about a ransom, and once you flew to Canberra to help them deal with a “fucking authentic Diesel” according to Lemon. The Diesel was dealt with before the day was over, and you found yourself patching up both in a tiny safehouse in desperate need of a cleaning. Truth be told, you expected Tangerine to fuss more about your doing when you pressed a cloth against his ribs, but the massive blood loss and possibly some exhaustion made him quiet and almost… collaborative. As quickly as you could you cleaned his wounds and stitched them, noticing for the first time that his skin was warm, and his muscular torso littered with scars and tattoos. Some of them were nice and others had been clearly done after a job. You wished you had the courage to ask him about them.
“For how long have you been doing this job?” you heard yourself asking, instead. An answer wasn’t really expected, but he surprised you “More years I care to remember. Got my first assignment when I was 18.”
Your eyes widened and he almost challenged you to say something. Which you did, and from his expression, it was clear it wasn’t the reply he wasn’t expecting “It must have been hard. But no wonder you are such a skilled hitman, after all.” A beat of silence, and then he snorted “Are you going to make us pay extra for the nursing service?” You looked him in the eyes, noticing a mischievous grin dancing on his face. Repressing your equally wide one was hard “Of course. And if you don’t stop moving, Tangerine, I’ll double the price.” Tangerine’s laugh was unexpected. It was nice and warm, boyish, in a certain way. You scolded yourself for thinking something kind about him. You berated yourself even more in the weeks after that chat when you finally admitted to yourself how enjoyable it had been to have him pleasantly talking to you, and how nice his skin had felt under your fingers.
You weren’t utterly surprised when the Twins recruited you for another mission. Nothing too big, they said, but they needed someone expert in recognising a counterfeit document. You weren’t sure what to expect from Tangerine after Canberra, but it was disappointing to see he had retreated again into his shell, barely talking to you.
You flew from London to Paris, and he seemed lost in thought, leaving you and Lemon to chat and occasionally glancing at him. They had booked an elegant hotel suite near the Tour Eiffel, and you couldn’t contain your enthusiasm about it. The enthusiasm slightly faded after dinner, when Lemon out of nowhere asked you if you ever carried a gun with you. Tangerine and he had already had a first contact with the gang boss who had the document they needed to inspect, and when they returned to the hotel where they left you the Twins were clearly annoyed and wary.
“No,” you replied, pulling your eyes away from the enchanting view of Paris at night “I don’t usually need a weapon, so I don’t have one. As you could see, my style is more… a sneaky one.” “Did you ever hold one, though?”“Of course, I held a gun before!” you replied, indignantly, hands planted on your hips. Lemon nodded “Cool, and did you ever shoot anyone?”
You hesitated and Tangerine scoffed from behind his book. Your cheeks flushed in annoyance and a hint of embarrassment. Lemon was kinder to you “That’s alright, I’d say you have been lucky if you never had to kill anyone. However,” he said while taking out a second gun from his holster “you’ll need to learn. Just in case.” “I thought this was going to be an easy job.” Tangerine’s voice intervened calmly “It will be easier if we don’t have to worry about you strolling around without protection. Lemon has a fucking “bad feeling” about it.” Lemon didn’t seem to care for his brother's sceptical attitude and just nodded in agreement.
You weren’t too pleased that their afternoon meeting risked putting you in a situation where you were going to need protection. Shooting was not definitely something you were eager to do. Killing, even less.
There was a precise reason you had decided to stick with theft, spying, and selling information here and there, and that was because you didn’t think you had in yourself the will to end someone else’s life. Destiny may had forced you in this peculiar field, but you had sworn to yourself you would stir away from troubles as much as possible.
Maybe collaborating with the Twins was a terrible idea, after all. Troubles seemed to like and follow them, and you knew – you feared – it was only a matter of time before you got involved in a situation you were unequipped to handle. Not that it was your intention to say that out loud. Tangerine would probably mock you forever and possibly gloat at finding out you were so scared at the mere thought of shooting. Apparently unaware of your internal conflict, Lemon brought you to the other side of the suite. A good chunk of time passed before he declared his satisfaction after teaching you how to properly hold a gun and keep the correct pose “You are not bad at this. I think you could actually hit a possible target, if they don’t move too much.”
You nodded, not trusting your voice, and handed out the weapon to him.
“Keep it,” he shrugged “just in case.”
Your thanks were sincerely grateful, but you so much hoped the gun wouldn’t be needed.
Except that you ended up needing it. Someone snitched on your trio, possibly one of the many enemies the Twins had made in the field. The meeting set up to allow you to inspect this infamous piece of paper was a trap, and guns appeared everywhere.
Tangerine pushed you beyond a staircase, shouting at you to not move from there, before running to help Lemon. It had been when you thought that the worse was passed that you saw a man getting up from the floor, grabbing a shotgun laying next to him. Your hands moved before your brain could process the thing. One moment that man was aiming at the Twins, and the moment after you were pulling the trigger of the little gun Lemon had given you.
The sound was so loud it hurt your ears.
The man fell on the ground with a sinister thud. The blood slowly started to spread under him. He was dead. You had killed him. Someone was talking to you and you swallowed the bile in your throat, trying to focus on the voice suddenly so close to you. “It’s okay, darling. Give me the gun now, it’s over.” You ignored Tangerine’s voice could be so gentle. He quickly grabbed the weapon from your frozen fingers, passing it to Lemon and not letting your hands go “Good girl. Look at me. We gotta move, alright?” You nodded once, your head spinning, and Tangerine’s free hand cupped your face “He deserved it, I promise. You did well, so, so well.” Unsure of what answer would be appropriate, you followed him when he gently tugged you, his arm resolutely holding you against his side, his body shielding your eyes from keep staring at the corpse on the floor.
Lemon’s smile was as gentle as his brother’s grip around your shoulders when he opened the car door for you “Tangerine is right, you did nothing wrong. You saved our lives!”. The drive back to the hotel was unnaturally silent and keeping your body’s trembles at bay was the only thing distracting you from the thought of what you did.
Lemon proclaimed he needed a shower as soon as you set foot in the suite, and with great surprise, Tangerine didn’t go to his bathroom. Instead, he forced you to sit on the velvety sofa and gave you a glass of whiskey. His hands around yours, he helped you drink a sip of two. It was disgusting, but the warmth it spread in your limbs was welcomed. Tangerine smiled at you, tentatively “I need to shower as well. I suggest you do the same. It… helps, trust me.” It helped a bit, but the echo of the shot was still in your brain and the sight of the dead man planted in your brain when you reached them in the living room, seeing they had the room service deliver a dinner you barely touched. Nobody talked much and you felt their eyes checking every single movement. Lemon called your name “We are sorry things went shit like that.” You nodded, sipping a bit of water “It’s ok, I should have expected that sooner or later – well, it was meant to happen, right?”
That night you couldn’t sleep. Clearly. Maybe crying would have helped, but your throat felt dry and constricted, your eyes even worse. You were frozen in shock and fear. The bedroom seemed too little and the ceiling too close. With a gasp, you threw your covers away and quickly walked in search of fresh air. Tangerine was laying against the balcony’s railing in the living room. You hesitated, but he turned sensing your presence and motioned for you to go to the terrace with him.
“Can’t sleep?” a flicker of light sparked in the night and he lit his cigarette with expert gestures “Want one, love?” You didn’t know if it was his unexpectedly kind voice, or the fact that he used a pet name, or the fact that it felt as if the two of you were the only ones awake in the entire city, but you couldn’t answer, a painful lump of tears forming in your throat. You just hoped that the relative darkness of the terrace was enough to hide your distraught state.
“Perhaps I should go – I should go back inside,” you murmured, clearing your throat and clasping together your shaking hands. It was not a surprise, but a real shock when Tangerine took a step closer to you, his hands gently enveloping yours to steady them. You felt everything at once, your eyes finally swelling with tears, your lip wobbling, cheeks flushed in mortification and a not little amount of pleasure in having him so close, despite everything.
A huge sob escaped your contracted lips regardless of your valiant efforts to compose yourself.
Tangerine paused the tiniest fraction of a second before taking you in his arms. Pressing your face in the gentle curve where his neck met his shoulder, you wept and sobbed for what it felt an hour. Only when your sobs started to slow down enough for you to take a quivering breath, you realized Tangerine’s hand was moving in slow circles on your back, the other one lightly holding the back of your head. You knew you shouldn’t have lingered against Tangerine letting him softly cradle you, let alone closed your eyes focusing on your heartbeats.
Surely, he was going to recover from that moment of weakness soon enough, pushing you away and hurting your feelings. Feelings that you are too tired to hide anymore, at least to yourself. Pressing your forehead against his shoulder, you wondered when it happened, exactly. When did you develop feelings for him? When did you start hoping he would text or call about a job just to have the resemblance of a contact?
You should have known you were heading in that direction the moment you jumped on an airplane to Australia just because he was there. You should have suffocated whatever you felt but you couldn’t, and now your heart was at risk to be broken. You sighed against him. It was stupid, but oh you were so ready to take the risk.
“Better?” His voice was tender, tickling your temple. You straightened your shoulders, gently pushing against his body “A bit, yes. I’m sorry.” His hands slipped from your nape and your back, just to lend on your elbows, not really allowing you to go too far away from him “What the fuck are you sorry for, love?”
You laughed despite yourself at his quizzical face and choice of words, a solitary tear dropping down your cheek with the movement. Tangerine caressed it away with his thumb, following an imaginary path util he could reach your lower lip, slowly stroking it. The fire under your skin roared alive, making you feel giddy and tingly.
He slowly bent over, clearly giving you time to stop him, to walk away as you should have done if either of you had an ounce of common sense.
Tiptoeing, you instead surged forward, quickly mimicking his previous gesture, and grabbing his nape with shaking fingers.
His pleased laughter died against your lips, when you opened them for him, swallowing his thrilled groan, your doubts, the horror of that day. Every caress of his hands had you feel more centred again. Every swipe of his tongue against yours had you moan and push away bad thoughts. You wanted everything he could give you, and he felt so willing to indulge you.
Tangerine backed you up against the wall, keeping you pressed between the marble surface and his body, squeezing you so tight you weren’t sure off where he started and you ended.
“I’m so fucking sorry I pulled you into this mess,” he panted, his lips kissing every inch of your face he could reach “and you shouldn’t be around us. I can’t guarantee you it won’t happen again, love.”
“I know,” you replied breathlessly “I know. But you didn’t pull me, I decided to -”
He kissed you again, almost ferocious and then he breathed his confession against your swollen lips “I did it. Lemon didn’t want to get you involved this time, he suspected something was off before we arrived here. But -“
Tangerine stopped, his moustache twitching with the nervous movements of his lips “I wanted to see you and I didn’t want to simply pop up at your home and ask you out. Couldn’t risk embarrassing myself if you told me to fuck off, could I?”
You couldn’t hide your surprise and he grunted “I understand if you don’t want to have anything to do with me ever again. If I had listened to my brother... but you know how I am, don’t you?”
“Yes, I do,” you nodded slowly, hands caressing his handsome face “you are stubborn and have the mouth of a sailor, and care for the ones you love more than you care for yourself.”
“A pretty flattering portrait,” he smiled, grasping your wrist and pressing his mouth there.
“What happened wasn’t your fault. Or Lemon’s. You were right to mock me because I don’t usually carry a gun with me. I’ve been naive for too long, for someone working on this kind of job.”
“I wasn’t mocking you. I was laughing at myself, because you are too good for this life, too innocent, and I’m a dangerous man who does terrible things, and I should just tell you to fuck off and never return, you know?”
You nodded “Yes, but I wouldn’t listen to you if you tried.”
“Yeah, I feared that much.”
You hugged him, needing to let him know that you wanted this - him - as much as he did. Things weren’t going to be easy all the time, but you genuinely thought you could build something glorious together.
“Yes, love?”
“As soon as we are back home, you are going to properly ask me out, ok?”
“More than ok.”
He sealed the promise with a kiss. You were in this together.
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veesko · 2 years
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Dubai’s Talise Ottoman Spa Is Pure Bliss
Decked out in sumptuous marbles, intricate mosaics, and gorgeous Arabesque wood lattice, this splendid retreat is the grand dame of Dubai’s spas.
One of the largest and most luxurious in the Middle East, the Talise Ottoman Spa at Jumeirah Zabeel Saray mesmerizes guests with its opulent marble architecture and over-the-top facilities. In keeping with the hotel’s theme, the 8,000 square meter facility oozes Turkish opulence through its high domed ceilings, majestic columns, and grandiose chandeliers dangling above the baths.
The multi-awarded complex is set over several floors and includes a staggering array of treatment and steam rooms, exquisite saunas, and lavish thalassotherapy pools – all connected by beautiful marble archways and candle-lined corridors infused with exotic, calm-inducing scents.
Nevertheless, its most spectacular feature is the grand central Hammam – the biggest in the Middle East, where rituals include precious ingredients such as 24-carat gold, Arabian roses, or black olive soap. But more than just your average spa, Talise has three of them – all clad in pristine marble, dark woods, and stunning murals, as well as whimsical floating baths, exotic Thai gardens, adventure showers, and unique snow rooms that feel more like the Arctic than Dubai.
Fit for royalty, the divine massages on offer combine Ottoman healing philosophies with modern-day techniques, providing visitors with moments of blissful rest and relaxation. And the tastefully ornate design throughout only adds an extra layer of grandeur to your luxurious multi-sensory experience.
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The Cambridge Family in 2022 ♛
Well, that sure was a year! First things first, I did in fact kill the Queen (sorry!), meaning we have a new King and a new Prince and Princess of Wales. As part of the events following the death of Queen Elizabeth II, we saw numerous public walkabouts (x, x), as well as many events with foreign diplomats and royals (x, x, x). The Queen's death followed her hugely successful Platinum Jubilee celebrations, which included a surprise George and Charlotte appearance in Cardiff, and Prince Louis stealing the show at the pageant. William and Catherine undertook a number of overseas trip this year: William began with a visit to Dubai; Catherine then visited Denmark as part of her work on the Early Years; the couple visited Belize, Jamaica, and the Bahamas in a controversial tour; and a final overseas visit to Boston, on behalf of the Earthshot Prize. The Cambridge family - now known as the Wales family - also experienced some personal highs. The family moved their main home from Kensington Palace to Adelaide Cottage, in Windsor, and George, Charlotte and Louis began their new school year at Lambrook School. William and Catherine also gained a new niece, as Catherine's sister Pippa gave birth to another daughter, called Rose. The couple were able to experience some sporting highs, with the Princess of Wales becoming Patron of the Rugby Football Union and Rugby Football League in February, and attending a Six Nations match shortly after. She also attended the Sailing Grand Prix. The couple also attended Wimbledon together twice (x, x) (with Catherine also going alone once), as well as the Commonwealth Games. William was also able to see football finally come home, with the Lionesses' winning the 2022 Euros. With Covid-19 finally beginning to retreat and the BRF experiencing a new beginning, I hope the Wales family continue to flourish next year.
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traveltricksblog · 6 months
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Solo Traveler's Dubai Diaries: Uncovering the Best Travel Packages & Tips-Tricks
Exploring Dubai Solo: A Wanderer's Paradise
Welcome, fellow solo travelers, to the vibrant city of Dubai! In this guide, we'll unravel the best travel packages tailored just for independent explorers like you. From safe accommodations to thrilling group tours and insider travel tips and tricks, get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey through the dazzling emirate of Dubai.
Safe Sanctuaries: Accommodation Options
Dubai understands the unique needs of solo travelers, offering a range of accommodation options that prioritize safety, comfort, and convenience. Whether you prefer the social atmosphere of hostels or the privacy of solo traveler-friendly hotels, Dubai has something for everyone. Consider staying in areas like Downtown Dubai, Dubai Marina, or Jumeirah Beach Residence for easy access to attractions and a vibrant nightlife scene.
Group Tours Galore: Joining Fellow Explorers
Solo travel doesn't mean you have to explore Dubai alone. Joining group tours is a fantastic way to discover the city's highlights while connecting with fellow travelers. Opt for a desert safari adventure where you can ride camels, try sandboarding, and watch a mesmerizing sunset over the dunes. Alternatively, explore Dubai's cultural heritage with a guided tour of historic sites like the Al Fahidi Historic District and the Dubai Museum.
Networking Events for Solo Explorers
Dubai's bustling social scene offers numerous opportunities for solo travelers to meet new people and forge meaningful connections. Keep an eye out for networking events, workshops, and social gatherings tailored for travelers. Platforms like Meetup and Eventbrite often list upcoming events where you can mingle with locals and fellow adventurers, share travel tips, and perhaps even find a travel buddy for your next adventure.
Navigating Dubai Like a Pro: Insider Tips for Solo Explorers
Navigating Dubai may seem daunting at first, but with a few insider tips, you'll navigate the city like a pro. Invest in a rechargeable No l Card for hassle-free access to public transportation, including the metro, buses, and water taxis. Familiarize yourself with Dubai's cultural norms, such as dressing modestly in public places and respecting local customs during Ramadan. For hidden gems and off-the-beaten-path experiences, explore neighbourhoods like Al Quoz for its vibrant arts scene or Alserkal Avenue for galleries, cafes, and boutiques.
Embracing Solo Freedom: Customized Solo Travel Packages
If you crave a personalized solo travel experience, consider booking a customized solo travel packages designed specifically for independent explorers. These packages often include a mix of guided tours and free time to explore at your own pace. Choose from themed itineraries like adventure travel, wellness retreats, or foodie experiences tailored to your interests. Many tour operators also offer solo-friendly accommodations and activities, ensuring you have a seamless and enjoyable solo adventure in Dubai.
Solo Adventure Awaits
Dubai is a city of contrasts, where modern skyscrapers coexist with ancient traditions, offering solo travelers a rich tapestry of experiences to uncover. With the best travel packages designed for independent explorers, safe accommodations, exciting group tours, networking events, insider tips, and customized experiences, Dubai is indeed a wanderer's paradise. So, pack your bags, embrace the solo freedom, and get ready for an unforgettable adventure in the heart of the Middle East!
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wealthofwellnessdubai · 7 months
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How To Take Care Of Wellbeing
When it comes to taking care of you wellbeing you have to explore this guide and you should visit the best wellness retreat in Dubai. Learn and also access lymphatic massage, dry needling services. 
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petsgrooming · 7 months
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Unveiling the Ultimate Dog Grooming Experience in Hudaiba, Dubai: Cut on Car
Welcome, fellow pet enthusiasts, to a grooming revolution like no other! Nestled in the heart of Hudaiba, Dubai, Cut on Car Dog Grooming Services is here to redefine the way you pamper your beloved furry companions. Say goodbye to the hassle of traditional grooming and hello to a world of convenience, luxury, and tailored care, all at your doorstep!
Why Grooming Matters: Unlocking the Secret to Your Dog's Well-being
Grooming isn't just a luxury reserved for the posh pooches of the world—it's an essential aspect of your dog's overall health and happiness. As passionate pet lovers and grooming aficionados, we understand the significance of proper grooming beyond mere aesthetics. From preventing pesky skin conditions to fostering a shiny, luscious coat, regular grooming is the key to unlocking your dog's radiant glow and boundless joy.
The Mobile Advantage: Where Convenience Meets Couture
no more frantic car rides or endless waiting rooms. With our innovative Mobile Dog Grooming Services, we're bringing the salon experience straight to your doorstep. Equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and manned by our team of grooming maestros, our mobile grooming van transforms your driveway into a luxurious spa retreat for your furry friend. Its convenience meets couture, all in the comfort of your own home.
Tailored Treatments for Tail-Wagging Triumphs: Prioritizing Comfort, Safety, and Smiles
At Cut on Car Pet Grooming Services, we're firm believers in the power of personalized pampering. We understand that each dog is as unique as a snowflake, with their own set of grooming needs and preferences. That's why we go above and beyond to tailor our services to cater to your dog's individual requirements, ensuring not only their physical well-being but also their emotional comfort and happiness.
Ready to take your pup's grooming game to the next level? We've got you covered with some insider tips and tricks to maintain that fabulous look between appointments. Regular brushing isn't just for show—it's a must for keeping tangles at bay and promoting healthy circulation. And don't forget to show those pearly whites some love with routine dental care! With a little TLC and our expert guidance, your furry friend will be turning heads wherever they go.
In a bustling metropolis like Hudaiba, Dubai, where time is of the essence and luxury is a way of life, Cut on Car Pet Grooming Services stands out as a beacon of excellence and innovation. With our cutting-edge Mobile Dog Grooming Services, personalized treatments, and expert advice, we're not just grooming your dog—we're elevating their entire grooming experience to new heights. Join us on this journey of tail-wagging triumphs and unforgettable transformations, because at Cut on Car, every dog deserves to look and feel like a million bucks!
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ritualluxespa · 7 months
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Discover Ritual Luxe Spa's Unparalleled Wellness Experience in Dubai
Escape the city's hustle and bustle and immerse yourself in the pinnacle of men's wellness at Ritual Luxe Spa, acclaimed as Dubai's premier spa destination. Nestled in the heart of the city, this sanctuary offers a serene retreat adorned with state-of-the-art amenities and transformative treatments inspired by ancient healing rituals. Prepare to be captivated by an atmosphere of unparalleled relaxation and rejuvenation.
Delve into a realm of relaxation with Ritual Luxe Spa's bespoke massages tailored specifically for men. From the gentle strokes of Swedish Massage to the targeted relief of Deep Tissue Massage, each therapy is meticulously crafted to address diverse needs and preferences. Experience a harmonious blend of tranquility and therapeutic benefits as you surrender to the skilled hands of our expert therapists.
Revel in a curated selection of indulgent wellness treatments designed to invigorate the mind, body, and soul. From revitalizing facials to invigorating body scrubs, we offer a transformative journey towards holistic well-being. Immerse yourself in a world of sensory delights and emerge feeling renewed and revitalized.
Maximize your spa journey with insider tips and tricks to enhance every moment of indulgence. From strategic booking strategies to setting realistic expectations for your treatment, we ensure a seamless and fulfilling experience for every guest. Immerse yourself in a sanctuary where luxury and relaxation intertwine seamlessly.
Experience the epitome of luxury without breaking the bank at our Spa. Discover exclusive offers and packages designed to provide exceptional value without compromising on quality. Treat yourself to a lavish escape and embark on a journey towards rejuvenation and renewal at a price that suits your budget.
Mark significant milestones in your life with a memorable spa experience at our Spa. Whether it's a birthday celebration or an anniversary, our expert team will ensure every moment is tailored to perfection. Create cherished memories amidst the tranquil ambiance of our spa and elevate your special occasion to new heights of indulgence.
Forge unforgettable memories with a group spa day at Spa. Our exclusive group packages promise a seamless and memorable wellness experience for you and your companions. From bonding over rejuvenating treatments to indulging in shared moments of relaxation, Ritual Luxe Spa offers the perfect setting for a group escape like no other.
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hubofconsciousness · 2 years
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a1interior · 8 months
Inspirational Clinic Interior Design Concepts In Dubai
In the vibrant city of Dubai, where innovation and opulence converge seamlessly, the healthcare industry continually raises the bar. As healthcare providers strive to cultivate inviting and comforting spaces for their patients, the significance of medical clinic interior design cannot be overstated. This article explores captivating clinic interior design ideas tailored for Dubai's dynamic landscape, where form and function unite to create environments that nurture both body and spirit.
Balancing Tradition and Modernity:
Dubai takes pride in honoring its rich cultural heritage while embracing the latest design trends. Infusing traditional elements like intricate Arabic patterns or Islamic geometric motifs into clinic interiors establishes a sense of familiarity and cultural resonance. Combining these with contemporary design elements produces a distinctive and harmonious ambiance reflective of the city's diverse identity.
Luxurious Waiting Areas:
Understanding the importance of first impressions, the waiting area serves as the stage for a patient's experience. Consider incorporating lavish design elements, including luxurious materials, ambient lighting, and carefully curated artwork. Plush seating arrangements and a soothing color palette can create an inviting atmosphere, ensuring patients feel at ease during their wait.
Natural Elements and Biophilic Design:
Despite Dubai's skyline dominated by skyscrapers, the trend of integrating natural elements into clinic interiors is gaining momentum. Incorporating indoor plants, natural textures, and abundant natural light establishes a serene and calming atmosphere. Biophilic design, proven to reduce stress and promote healing, becomes an excellent choice for healthcare spaces.
Seamless Integration of State-of-the-Art Technology:
Synonymous with technological advancements, Dubai's medical facilities exemplify innovation. Design your clinic to seamlessly integrate cutting-edge technology, such as interactive displays in waiting areas, touch-screen check-in systems, or telemedicine stations. This reflects a commitment to providing state-of-the-art healthcare services.
Wellness Retreats and Relaxation Areas:
In a city that never sleeps, the importance of wellness and relaxation cannot be overstated. Designing dedicated wellness rooms or relaxation areas within the clinic offers patients a tranquil space to decompress. Consider incorporating features like soothing color schemes, comfortable seating, and soft ambient music to create a haven of relaxation.
Personalized Consultation Spaces:
Recognizing each patient's uniqueness, it's crucial to design personalized consultation spaces tailored to the specific needs of different medical specialties. Align the interior design with the ethos of the medical practice, whether it's a minimalist approach for a dermatology clinic or a warm, comforting atmosphere for a pediatrician's office.
As Dubai cements its status as a global hub for innovation and luxury, healthcare providers have a unique opportunity to redefine the patient experience through thoughtful clinic interior design. By seamlessly blending tradition with modernity, embracing opulence, incorporating natural elements, integrating cutting-edge technology, and creating personalized spaces, clinics in Dubai can offer a healing environment that transcends medical treatment, truly embodying the spirit of this vibrant city. Elevate your practice and make a lasting impact with a clinic interior that captures the essence of Dubai's dynamic and diverse culture.
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