#welp the illusion is broken
bendyguitarpick · 7 months
Lisa Frankenstein, proving that Cole Sprouse is hottest when he Shuts The Fuck Up.
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blommp717 · 2 months
hi, thx for being open to everyone! (can i be 🍓 anon? for follow up questions )
first of all i'm sorry this is so long, i've just had some questions about nd for months now and there was no one i felt i could ask until you showed up. i hope it's ok to direct my doubts to you? ( i can break it into smaller, separate questions if you prefer)
i've read all your posts so far and so i've concluded that the person is because i (awareness) know myself to be the person, correct? then how do i know to be something different? i honestly don't know how to do that 😓
i've been studying nondualism for a year now and it's been said that awareness is beyond the mind, so to reach it (and i assume then be able to be something different - since as the person you can't really change anything - ) you need to go beyond the mind. i've been trying to reach beyond the mind recently and what i've gathered so far is that there is a sense of being / existing that is kind of beyond the mind, at least i think it feels that way. you mentioned it to be like an empty presence in a previous post and it felt relatable to what i'm trying to describe.
but idk what to do beyond this… i know that to be aware of something is not the same as affirming it since we've all done that in loa and it went nowhere. i think my question is how to do this without the mind? (since the mind can't reach it) i've also concluded that the mind is intrinsically connected to whatever awareness is conscious of being, for example my mind: I've accepted that i'm awareness and the person / life is a creation i'm experiencing and it's not truly what i am, but my mind can't really express itself and know things that haven't been experienced by this person. i can imagine scenarios and being someone different ofc but at the end of the day my mind always goes back to it's default old me. it only knows this personality and the memories from this person's life, and also ofc it's desires, fears etc.
im mentioning the mind because i kind of feel like it's the only tool i have. i learn about this and try to understand it with my mind, idk how to "be" anything else or to "know" myself to be something else without it.
sorry i hope this makes sense, welp i really hope i'm not annoying you
Hello!!!! Firstly, welcome ☀️🪷🫶 “🍓 Anon” (I quite like the idea of the naming thing you have going on, it’ll really help in future questions).
Alright so let’s do this. I really do appreciate that your able to ask this question I know how it can feel when it’s like, whoooo dooo I askkkk??? So good on you, and no your not annoying me, I do this because I love helping you guys and want this to be as easy as possible so if that means ask 100 questions then oh well 🤭🤭. (I do urge you to not just ask but also do)
So yes, inherently everything is broken down to “ “ or awareness, now where I think the disconnect comes is when (and I’ve done this myself allot in the past) you guys try to seperate awareness from the illusion as if it’s two seperate things, awarness is not an entity or person or magical being, it’s all there is. Awarness is the best word I can use to describe what “it” really is, so my apologies.
You asked “how do I know to be something different” well, let’s break it down. Perceiving and being has no attachment to knowing. If I said “ strawberry” you wouldn’t think “I have a knowing about a strawberry” but you’d just think about the strawberry, or better yet, perceive/be aware of a strawberry. And that’s it. The appearance of what apparently is (this world) is no different from what you are, it’s all the same exact thing. When I say you are awarness, yes, but so I everything else, everything “relies” on it(you) to exist. The realization of a thought or an idea or event, is the experience, is it being “real”. Without awarness there is absolutely nothing to experience.
Now I’m gonna tell you something really crazy……
Your already here, please stop thinking that “awarness” needs to be maintained or something, as if it’s some source of power that your not already. The idea of a journey of needing to search and find is the reason it exists. Realizing “I have to be aware” makes no sense really, if this god is all there is, what’s there to find? Everything that appears is what it (you) appears as. It’s really just you perceiving yourself as something different.
I will never tell you guys not to make it easier for yourself, affirming, visualizing, etc are just tools to help you refocus this limitless, everythingness to something specific to instantly appear as that thing, therefore the experience. You said you keep returning to “me” at the end of the day. But do you also realize that this persona of who the person is, is made up. Made up through effortlessly igniting stories that have shown to you as the experience. It’s not that there’s only this persona, that there’s only who you know right now, this is just a selected thought. Infinite, limitless, meaning anything. You state/claim it, and you ARE that instantly, not in the future, right now because there is only now. The mind in and of itself is also just like everything else, there, but and illusion. The mind doesn’t think thoughts, no one really makes thoughts happen except the realization of the thoughts themselves. A thought is also just “ “, the “3D” is also just “ “ nothing can escape because it is “ “. The clay can take 100 different forms but it’ll always just be clay, whatever I name it like “pot” “plate” “vase” is meaningless. It’ll always be clay. Everything will always be “ “ regardless of what forms it(you) take up. I would drop the “constraints” of the world because it’s just you. You think you’re never gonna get it? Guess what, there’s nothing to get, you just actively experienced “I’m never gonna get it”. Effortlessly. It’s like a bundle package. Everything that entails the idea or concept is what the experience is. So someone who thinks constantly about not seeing “movement” is going to experience everything that entails that. You make it true in less than an instant.
I really hope that made a little bit of sense because wooooo I’ve been really tired recently 😝😝🤭🤭 if you need more clarity, you can always ask more questions! 🪷😝🫶☀️🍓🍓🍓
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s-creations · 1 year
The King Arrives - Chapter 2
(A few days after ‘Plant Care’ from 'Hues’ Collection)
Everything felt off.
Everyone was on edge.
Something was wrong.
They don’t have long to fix it.
Fandom: Super Mario & Related Fandoms Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Relationships: Luigi & Mario & Wario (Nintendo) Warnings/Additional Tags: Violence, there is cursing!, fighting ghosts, separation, illusions, here we go!, this is gonna get crazy!
“Welp!” E. Gadd clapped his hands together, “no time to just stand around whippersnappers! We have a lot of work ahead of us that we need to tackle. Come along, let’s look at what we’ve got to work with.” 
He waved the three along, beaming as he led the way back to the table. The trio gave each a look of worried confusion before following along. Feeling a chill at his side, Luigi looked over to find Polterpup trotting alongside. Happy as could be with their tongue hanging out. 
“As stated before, in order to fix this, we need to find the source. But with everything as messed up as it is, my scanners aren’t able to solidly locate anything. I can get a rough outline of how the castle’s layout is. But even then, it’s a large guess. So, our first, first, task is to clear out as many of the Ecto-Ghosts as possible in hopes that will clear up some of the conflicting information.” 
They all jumped back when the heavy tables let out a loud hiss, the tops opening up to reveal a number of different gadgets hidden below. Amid the numerous flashlights, communicators, and container units sat, strangely enough, a red vacuum cleaner. 
“...Really?” Wario asked with a raised brow, turning to face the professor, “What are we going to do? Scare the ghosts with how clean the place is?” 
“Now, now, don’t go judging a book by its cover. Is it a vacuum? Yes. But it’s so much more! It’s been modified to the extreme. I present to you…the Poltergust!” 
“So…a glorified vacuum. Great.” Wario winced as Peach hit his arm, along with a strong glare. 
Luigi, however, leaned forward with interest. “How does it work?” E. Gadd lit up, standing closer to point out the features he listed off. “Well, it still does work much like a vacuum. However, the nozzle switches between three modes. Suction to the extreme, an attached flashlight with a Strobe Bulb, and a black light that helps find hidden objects. The Strobe Bulb helps stun ghosts long enough to trap them into a strong vortex, which if not broken will lead to said ghosts being caught.”
“The nozzle is attached to a heavy duty container. Normally, I could only catch one ghost at a time in these smaller iterations. Two if they were very close. But this can hold an infinite number of ghosts! …Or at least 100. I’m not really sure about the range. Any who, this is my absolute pride and joy. Hours were poured into this amazing piece of machinery. …Do you want to try it on?”
Luigi, who’d been leaning closer as the professor talked, reeled back in surprise. “I- really?”
“Of course! I wouldn’t offer if I wasn’t serious. Come along now, put it on.” 
There was no argument once he’d gotten E. Gadd’s approval. Luigi slipped said machine onto his back easily. A little surprised with how light it felt. The nozzle held into his right hand, Luigi flipped through the nozzle modes. 
…Why did this feel so…natural?
“Huh, fancy looking,” Wario had pulled away from Peach’s steel glare to look the contraption over. Shaking it slightly on Luigi’s back, clearly confused as to how this was supposed to work. “Lots of bells and whistles. This thing going to save our butts?”
“In theory, yes.” E. Gadd replied.
“Wait, I’m sorry, ‘in theory’? What does that mean?” Peach asked worriedly.
“Well, I mean, I never had the chance to fully test it before arriving here. Was kind of in a hurry!”
Luigi shook his head. “It can’t be helped now. We have to work with what we have.”
“Yeah, suppose so,” Wario huffed, turning back to Luigi to tug gently at the Poltergust, “Alright Luigi, hand it over.”
“I’ll hunt down these ghosts, you’re staying here.”
The younger brother stepped back, “No, I’m going out there to get Mario!”
“You’re staying here. I promised Mario that I’d keep you safe and that means you’re staying here.”
“If you’re going to worry about that, then you can keep me safe out there. I’m not going to just sit around and wait.”
“Luigi…give me the vacuum.”
“Poltergust.” E. Gadd quickly added.
“Not now, old man.”
“It’s on my back and I’m not taking it off,” Luigi glared Wario down, “I’m also not taking any more time to discuss this. We need to do something now.”
“To true!” E. Gadd interjected again, “I do have the smaller containment units here, quite a number of them. They can only capture one entity at a time, but you can carry a lot. You’ll have to return here to empty them out once filled up. Communicators that also double as a way to display the map that I have, as well as heavy duty flashlights.”
“Fine, give me a few of those containers.” Wario lamented, walking over to the table.
“Same here!” A soldier called out. Rushing over to the table to stop by Wario’s side.
“Me as well.”
“Over here please!”
More Toads shuffled over, small hands waving to gain attention and the given tools. Peach was about to step forward when Toadsworth placed a hand on her’s. 
“Please, my dear, I need you here. For my sake.”
Luigi shifted the Poltergust better onto his back, jumping back when the ghost pup appeared before him. Polterpup barked happily, seeing they’d caught the human’s attention. Remaining by Luigi’s side as all were geared up and lined by the door. E. Gadd by the side to address them all. 
“Now, our current goal is pretty straightforward. Clear out as many Ecto-Ghosts as possible. No only to help keep our reality stable, but to also clear enough crazy energy so that I can find the source of this issue. It’s a maze out there. Make sure you stay in groups and that someone has a map for you to follow.”
“I advise you to start with the room that you find as soon as you leave here. If you don’t see anything…that’s kind of the point. Make sure you check over everything before moving on. Understand?”
All nodded in agreement.
“Very well! I’ll be on the monitor if anyone needs advice.” 
Luigi felt his heart hammering as the doors opened once more. No fearful purple portal greeting him this time. Just a hallway that was drenched in shadows. Thankfully, he was walking out prepared and with a small army.
As the large group headed out, with the doors closing behind them, E. Gadd called out, “Good luck! …And run if you need to! Living is important!”
With that, the doors closed behind them with a heavy thud. 
Time: 8:10pm Stability Lost: 18%
Luigi was leading the way, flashlight facing forward while his eyes continuously darted around. He was frantically scanning the area to catch the first sign that would indicate a ghost was nearby. But it had been just as quiet when he’d walked through before. His attention did go to Polterpup, who seemed at ease at the moment, which had Luigi lowering his shoulders slightly.
“So, I hate to ask,” Wario whispered to Luigi, “How do we find these ghosts? Do we just start opening draws and shake the vases? Or are they going to come to us?”
“I honestly have no idea,” Luigi replied just as quietly, “But the professor did say there were ghosts in here.” 
“Okay, well, how about we just start opening doors as well or-” Wario fell quiet when Luigi lifted a hand, both paying attention to Polterpup. Who’d started sniffing the ground. Padding forward before stopping right next to a potted plant. Plopping down before facing Luigi, head tilted happily as he waited for the human to react. 
Luigi quickly placed a finger to his mouth to indicate for everyone to remain quiet before stepping forward. To which Wario immediately reached out to grab at his shoulder, silently shaking his head and holding up his own container. There was a silent argument between the two, Wario wanting to see how dangerous these ghosts could be while Luigi kept pointing to the Poltergust. A clear indication of ‘I have the better tool, let me do this.’
Wario frowned but did pull back. Holding his own tools out while Luigi crept forward. Polterpup trotted away as the human reached the plant, Luigi reaching out to nudge it. 
Luigi frowned and turned back to Wario with a confused shrug. The other indicates to shake it one more time. 
Swallowing weakly, Luigi reached out once more. Giving the vase another, more harsh shake. 
That caused the ghost to finally pop out. A yellow one, letting out a violent shriek as it towered over Luigi. Who was scrambling to switch the nozzle to the appropriate setting. Only to be pushed away with a strong pulse of energy. Luigi feeling his own powers reacting negatively to the spark the ghost seemed to give off. 
Wario started forward the moment Luigi had been pushed back, the human clearly dazed. Grabbing his container unit…only to have a Toad scream in both fear and furry, throwing one of their own. To which it soared through the air, right through the ghost, and clattered to the floor on the other side. Said ghost letting out a chortle, advancing towards the group. 
And then the container activated. 
Luigi was temporarily blinded by the bright burst of light the container gave off. Frantically rubbing his eyes to clear up the spots. Vision returned in just enough time to see the ghost, who’d been frozen from the flash, was pulled towards the container. Able to see the vortex E. Gadd had talked about before, Luigi spotted small bolts of white energy sparking from said vortex. The ghost let out a small shriek of fear before disappearing into the container.
The lid snapped closed, gave a small jolt, and stilled. Polterpup walked forward to gather said container in their mouth and carried back over to the Toad who’d thrown it. Who was frozen in their throwing stance, eyes wide.
“...Well…that’s one way to do it.” Wario commented.
Luigi let out a sigh, shoulders dropping in small relief. “I’m just happy to know those things work.”
“Are you okay?”
“I’m fine… A little mad I couldn’t get this working fast enough, but fine.”
Wario helped the human back up, looking him over. “You sure? I know you were knocked back, but you looked dazed.”
“...I was shocked.”
“We are facing ghosts, it seems pretty normal.”
“No, not shocked as in ‘surprised’. Shocked as if it was an electrical shock. My powers even acted up, as if trying to counteract it.”
The group tensed again when Polterpup started barking. Growling low as their head swivels from door to door, back arched, fangs bared. The communicators suddenly sounded, those carrying them answering it quickly.
“HEADS UP!” E. Gadd said, “We have big movement heading your way!”
“Alright everyone, stay in groups, stand your grounds!” Wario called out.
The doors lining the hallway were slammed open, numerous Ecto-Ghosts suddenly flying through. Different sizes from small to barely able to squeeze through the door. Different shapes and colors. All of them eventually became a blur of multi-colored as they floated above the group. 
The first attack was from the ghosts, one quickly swooping down to grab a Toad. Who let out a fearful squeak as they left the ground. Dropping their container that lost its charge. 
Luigi jumped into action again. The flashlight mode on, he built up the Strobe effect, the light flashing over the escaping ghost. Who immediately froze up, dropping the startled Toad back onto the ground. Not pausing, Luigi quickly changed to the regular nozzle, activating the vortex. 
He wasn’t prepared for the ghost to be broken from their stupor so soon. The spectral being putting up a fight, trying to pull itself free. Which meant Luigi was pulled along for the unwanted ride as well. Stumbling slightly as the ghost practically dragged him down the hallway. Digging his heels in, Luigi pulled the nozzle back as if he was reeling in a fish. There was an eventual and satisfying ‘SWOOSH!’ when the ghost finally went in. Luigi just able to keep himself on his feet.
As he lifted his cap back into place, Luigi felt the Poltergust shutter weakly before calming down once more. 
He’d done it. He caught his first ghost.
And it had been utterly terrifying.
Luigi panted weakly as he straightened himself up, legs shaking weakly. Only to tense when a number of Ecto-Ghost dashed past him. Just as he was about to chase after a group of Toads quickly followed after. Each giving a yell of something primal sounding as they waved their containers around. 
He could only watch in amazement, trying to take in just what he was witnessing, when his shoulders were shaken.
“Ha, nicely done!” said Wario, “Way to lead a revolution! Come on, we already have some Toads going into the other rooms.”
Wario let out a laugh as he opened the closest door and rushed through. Luigi, having a hold on his cap, followed close behind with Polterpup right by his side. 
The castle had become an absolute madhouse. 
The trio of Wario, Luigi, and Polterpup jumping from room to room. Catching brief glimpses of small groups of Toads tackling every ghost that dared crossed their path. Capturing one before running after their next target. It was all strangely…animalistic.
“Are all Toads like this?” Luigi asked.
“Ha, no! Why do you think these Toads are part of the army?” Wario smirked.
Ah, alright then. 
The non-spectral beings jumped back when another ghost popped out. Green this time, with two tapered tails instead of the expected one. Letting out a laugh seeing the living beings react in surprise. Only to falter when Polterpup barked at it, growling as they stood before Luigi. Wario took advantage of that hesitation to throw one of his own containers. Trapping the ghost in the next second. 
There was no time to pause when another ghost appeared, two actually. Yellow and skinny, looping around the trio, making it difficult for Luigi to land a good flash of light onto them. Eventually hooking in one, with the other throwing an orange at him (what the heck!) that hit the back of Luigi’s head. Wario catching it the next second. 
Another room, another round of ghosts to capture. Luigi became comfortable with the tools given to him. Beaming when he was able to collect two ghosts at once.
“Nice!” Wario called out, “You’re a natural at this.”
Luigi could only offer a sheepish smile as a reply. Eventually, the Toads were calling out to fall back, being unable to capture further ghosts. Wario also commented that he’d gotten all that he could. 
“Please tell me that we got something out of this, besides just a headache.” He said to E. Gadd, communicator held up. 
“Mmm…yes and no. While some of the interference has been cleared up, the readings I’ve been getting are…strange. And inconsistent. I feel that I’ve seen this data before, but I can’t think as to what it is.”
“What about that fear of our reality being torn apart, we still in danger of that?”
“Very much so. The collecting that’s happened has changed nothing. Which leads me to think that this is all just a guessing game created for us from the person pulling the strings.”
“Yeah, and we’re losing.” 
Luigi frowned as he listened to the conversation. No longer entertained by Polterpup, who had started to put their front paws on the human’s legs. “So, we’re still unsure where anything is.”
Wario immediately changed his tone, “We’ll find him.”
“Realistic. We’re not in a situation where we can promise anything.”
“Doesn’t mean being blunt is going to help!” Wario argued.
Luigi pulled the communicator from Wario’s grip to talk to the professor. “Do you have anything positive that you can give us?”
“Mmmm… No, but let us have a different perspective on this. Have you been able to find a Boo?”
“Then they’re hiding for a reason.”
“Boos aren’t confrontational.” Wario argued.
“They also don’t invade a kingdom or kidnap a human. It’s worrisome to know so many Boos are here, but none have been seen. This is technically a dream come true for them. A place where everyone’s on edge and they can eat fear? This is an opportunity they wouldn’t pass up.”
“You don’t think that…since they have Mairo…” Luigi swallowed weakly. 
“I very much doubt your brother would be enough to satiate every Boo. Especially with the number that’s supposed to be here.”
Wario sighed, “So, what needs to be our next move?” 
“Annoyance and draw out? Perhaps if we continue to dwindle the number of Ecto-Ghosts that are here, our ring leader will finally appear. If anything else, we might draw out where the Boos are hiding.”
“We’re really just trying to play catch up, aren’t we…”
Luigi handed the communicator back to Wario, grabbing the nozzle again. “You need to go back to the Great Hall.”
“You don’t have any more containment units, you’re a target. I can still keep going.” 
“I’m not leaving you out here, by yourself.”
“I have Polterpup.” Luigi smiled softly when said dog barked happily. 
Wario was going to argue further, only for a group of Toads to come rushing over. Claiming they needed to go back to regroup. With the other distracted, Luigi was given a moment to think.
Gadd was right about the ghosts wanting something from the kingdom. Everyone else was right about what that was they were looking for. It still did nothing to ease Luigi’s worries. What would Boos even want from Mario? It seemed weird that they would suddenly change their hunting patterns. It was weird that Boos would work with Ecto-Ghosts.
What could have changed? Would they be able to find Mario in time? Or was everything going to fall apart before they figured out a good way to fight back? Was Mario being pulled through the wall the last thing Luigi remembered from his brother?
“Big bro, where are you?”
Tensing upon hearing his name, Luigi lifted the nozzle up to fight…
Only to find nothing. The hallway was empty. Polterpup gave a worried whine upon seeing the human move so suddenly. But Luigi didn’t seem to hear them, eyes peering around. Trying to figure out who or what had said his name. 
His entire right side suddenly chilled. Turning sharply, Luigi was surprised to find a door, created from purple wood and with a decorative frame. Said door slowly opened to reveal a dark interior. But it didn’t deter Luigi, who’d lowered the nozzle as he walked towards it. Ignoring as Polterpup pulled at his pants leg. 
His heart leapt. Eyes widening as he tried to peer into the darkness. His name seemed to echo. He could have sworn…it sounded like…
“What was that?” Wario asked, turning away from fiddling with a leftover container. Only to freeze.
Polterpup was frantically tugging at the back of Luigi’s overalls, whining softly. Luigi seemed to be absolutely transfixed with the nearby wall. The younger brother showed a spark of hope as he leaned forward. Eyes a pale gray with a haze of purple clouding around his head.
“Luigi?” Wario called out.
The younger brother didn’t flinch. He didn’t even give indication that he’d even heard Wario. Still staring at the wall. Polterpup now barked as they pushed on Luigi’s stomach.
Wario tried again, more forceful this time, “Luigi.”
Still nothing.
Wario’s heart fell as Luigi moved forward. Polterpup phasing through the human’s chest, who was still heading directly for the wall. Panic rising when Luigi reached out to touch said wall and his hand went through it.
“Luigi, stop!”
Wario wasn’t fast enough. Luigi was more than halfway through before Wario got there. His own hand met a solid wall when he tried to reach out to pull the younger brother back. 
“Wha- shit! Luigi, come back! Luigi!” Wario slammed his hands against the solid form. It amounted to nothing. He let out a low growl before turning to Polterpup. “Can you find him?”
The spectral pup gave a bark. Wagging their tail furiously before disappearing through the same wall. Wario froze as he listened to the furious barking grew distant. Only moving away when he couldn’t hear the other any more.
“Do what you can… Which isn’t standing here like an idiot.” Gathering his discarded supplies, Wario walked off. Following the map on his communicator back to the Great Hall. 
Time: 11:32pm Stability Lost: 45%
It was a weird sensation. Luigi’s stomach churning at the confusing and conflicting information. His mind told him there was nothing to see in this inky void. While his feet confirmed that he was walking on solid ground. The human moved forward slowly. Eyes continuously scanning the blackness, trying to find something.
“M-Mario?” He weakly called out, “...Mario?”
His heart was beating furiously. Luigi could have sworn he’d heard his older brother. Maybe he was- 
He whipped around. The flashlight providing no help in breaking through the darkness. Swearing the voice sounded right behind him.
“M-Mario?” Luigi whispered again, sounding very unsure. Because now that he was in here, his brother sounded…
“Mario? Where are you?”
The singular voice suddenly became dozens. All sounding like his brother, shouting Luigi’s name, along with shrieks and icy laughter. The human desperately covered his ears as the sound seemed to rattle his head. Squinting his eyes as he tried to find where all of this was coming from. Bending over in pain, the vibrations shaking him to his core. 
Just as sudden as the voices sounded, it stopped. 
The eerie silence pressing down twice as hard as before. 
What was happening?
Was this just another illusion?
Had he really just walked into a trap?
How stupid could he be?
Grabbing the nozzle again, Luigi lifted it up to try and defend himself from whatever was happening. “Who’s there, where are you! C-Come out and fight!”
His entire form was tense at the chill washing over to him, barely able to see his breath in the minimal light the flashlight provided. What was he supposed to do? If this was an illusion, how could he break through? He was a sitting duck with no way to defend himself!
‘Suction to the extreme, an attached flashlight with a Strobe Bulb effect, and a black light that helps find hidden objects.’
Wait, black light. Luigi quickly switched to that setting and activated it. Swinging it around until he swerved over an area where the air suddenly vibrated. Still the light on the area, hearing something hiss and shriek as they were pulled from the darkness. The waving air turned into something solid. 
Something white and translucent. With black dot eyes and little nubs for arms. A long mouth filled with jagged, different sized fangs turned to a frown. Deep hisses of discomfort leaving it. 
Luigi took a step back, eyes wide.
This was a…
A new voice sounded. High-pitched and echoey, Luigi felt his hair standing on end. He let out a yelp as something sharp scraped across his shoulder. Causing the nozzle to clatter to the ground, the Boo he’d found laughing and floating away. 
Shaking weakly, Luigi checked his shoulder, slightly relieved to see no green venom mixed with the red. But that didn’t help the situation when he found himself surrounded by four Boos. All laughing at the fearful look Luigi held.
“Aw, is little Weegee lost?”
“Looks like he misplaced his big bro.”
“That’s a shame, but don’t worry! We’ll take you to him.”
“No skin off our bones.”
Luigi jumped back into action. Pulling the nozzle back up and activating the Strobe Bulb. But it didn’t work out as he thought. The Boos merely winced before disappearing back into the darkness. Their laughter mocking Luigi as he racked his mind figuring out some kind of solution. Shaking as he waited for some kind of attack to be launched at him.
Swallowing weakly, Luigi knew he had to take this situation into his own hands. If the Strobe Bulb didn’t work, and the black light did, was that the key to take these Boos down? Would he be able to use the black light long enough to even get one? It couldn’t hurt to try.
Well, it could. But Luigi didn’t really have much of a choice.
Flipping back to the black light, Luigi stilled himself. Needing to rely on his senses to warn him about the no doubt incoming attack. Wide eyes staring at nothing as he waited for one of the Boos to take the bait.
A cold shiver traveled up his left arm. 
Black light already flipped on, Luigi whipped it around to the general area he’d felt the shiver come from. Catching one of the Boos in the beam. Said creature hissing and shivering as its cover fell away until it was completely solid. Painting in pain, it’s purple tongue lolling out of its mouth. 
Luigi didn’t pause. Switching the nozzle and trapping the Boo into a familiar vortex. Again, this didn’t work the same as the Ecto-Ghosts. The Boos’ tongue was caught first. Which jerked said creature out of their stupor. Luigi being pulled back into a familiar tug-of-war situation.
He dug his feet into the darkness as the Boo tried to pull away. It would only fight for so long. Luigi was more than a little surprised that, upon pulling back, he was able to actually swing the Boo around. Who let out a pained shriek as it hit something solid, but unseen.
The wall.
It was enough force to unstick the Boos’ tongue. The being successfully caught and contained in the Poltergust.
The darkness fell away. The remaining Boos let out hisses and shrieks of fear as they shrunk away from the human. Turning away and disappearing into the wall before Luigi could react. Clearly making their escape.
Luigi was somehow still standing. Panting weakly as it slowly dawned on him what had just happened.
He caught a Boo.
A creature that had no known weakness. That wasn't even hurt by Power Ups. Luigi now had one in the contraption resting on his back. 
“...Holy shit,” Luigi uttered in absolute disbelief, “...I really hated that.”
A loud bark broke Luigi from his tense stance. The human let out a scream as he jumped away from the sudden sound. Only to relax upon realizing it was just Polterpup.
“Oh, h-hey you,” he couldn’t help but laugh in relief, “Hey puppy. D-did you come looking for me?”
Polterpup let out another bark, one of agreement, tail wagging happily. They stood on their back legs, placing their front paws on Luigi’s chest. On his part, Luigi lifted his arms up to wrap around the spirit. Realizing he just needed a few minutes to just…breath.
Polterpup let out a soft whimper.
“I’m okay.” Luigi whispered weakly, but didn’t let go.
The spectral dog let out a small bark, wiggling slightly. Luigi got the message. They weren’t safe there. They needed to get back to the hall.
Luigi released the ghost, grabbing the nozzle again for light, and silently gestured for Polterpup to lead. The dog doing so with Luigi following behind numbly. Paying no attention to the numerous twists and turns they made. Only showing attention to his surroundings when they arrived back to the Great Hall, startled by the light and bright colors. 
The human had barely registered his name before he was pulled into a tight hug. “...Wario?”
“Yeah, it’s me.”
Luigi immediately dropped his nozzle to wrap his arms as best he could around Wario. Polterpup was good for comfort. But this was helping Luigi ground better.
He didn’t argue as Wario pulled away. The other quickly checked Luigi over.
“Are you hurt?” Wario asked, “Where did you go? What even happened?”
Unsure of what to answer first, Luigi simply provided a weak, “I caught a Boo.”
“You what!” The exclaimed remark sounded from both Wario and E. Gadd. The professor looked absolutely gleeful.
Luigi slipped the Poltergust off, holding it out for E. Gadd to take. “The Strobe Bulb didn’t do anything. But they really don’t like the blacklight.”
The professor looked up to Luigi.” Do tell.” 
“They acted like they were being burned…and they became solid… Oh, and they can also talk, apparently. Did you know that?”
Wario shook his head slowly while E. Gadd gave a hum in contemplation “Solid? And talking? Interesting…this is absolutely thrilling!”
“At least someone’s enjoying themselves,” Wario grumbled as the professor walked away, “Seriously, Luigi, what happened?”
“I thought I heard Mario…but it was a trap,” Luigi answered, “It was just another illusion. I really thought I found him…”
“This is getting out of hand.”
“Were we able to find anything with the scanners?”
Wario rubbed his forehead. “No, not really. There was a large collection of energy found once. But, it disappeared in a few seconds after and, apparently, it’s moving. Which is unhelpful to our situation.”
“Eureka!” E. Gadd’s call broke their conversation, beaming at whatever was being shown on the screen. 
Peach was by his side first. “What did you find?”
“Oh, this is brilliant! Capturing this Boo was the key we needed to fit the final puzzle piece. I was incorrect about the entire thing…to a point.”
“Can you please just tell us.” Wario grumbled out.
“At first, I thought the state of the castle was due to the amount of Ecto-Ghosts here. Reality falling apart, all that fun stuff. But, I was wrong about the source. It’s the Boos!”
Luigi frowned at that, “Wait, what?”
“This illusion is just created by the Boos! The energy signature surrounding the castle and the one that I’ve scanned are the same! Or, well, close to the same. The one trapping us in here is far more stronger in comparison to what this Boo is creating. However, this still proves what all of this is caused by!”
“B-But I thought Boos could only cause hallucinations by their venom. H-How are they able to do all of this?”
“No idea, but this is absolutely fascinating.”
“Would you please stop being so thrilled about this!” Wario frowned.
Peach pulled him away to lean closer to the screen. “What does this mean for us?”
“Well, this information, combined with the brief moment of seeing how large that energy field was, means that it narrows down to one thing. All of this has been caused by one Boo. Meaning we have one main target for us to focus on.”
“Wait, back up, I still want to figure out how Boos were able to pull this off. If one Boo is behind this, how was it able to change so much to find so many Boos and Ecto-Ghosts to create an army? This seems so extreme for them.” asked Wario.
“You’d be correct… If we were working with normal Boos. Something in their structure has changed since my last data point. Dramatically. Or drastically. Either way, these are not the same Boos that we’ve faced before. They’re supposed to be scavengers, only attacking when someone wanders into their territory. Something like this is unheard of. This was all planned.”
The group moved back as E. Gadd pushed away from the desk. Beginning to pace as he thought over his next words. 
“When I first saw the change, I commented that the Boos seemed to be almost migrating. Large numbers were collected as nights passed. Which was strange for a number of reasons, but the main point being Boos don’t normally gather in large numbers. Then Ecto-Ghosts started to join their ranks. Arriving here, seeing how the hallucinations turn to full blown… Something in their fundamental structure has been changed somehow…”
“The main point I’m trying to get to is that something was commanding all of this. Leading them. Brought them here.”
“They took Mario.” Luigi added weakly.
“Yes!” E. Gadd frowned, “Yes, they did! The structure of all of this is strange. Following this with the large moving form of energy… I believe there’s one Boo who’s, somehow, controlling everything. How that all came to be, I’m unsure.”
Wario and Luigi casted a worried glance to each other before the older said, “Mario was bitten by a Boo. Do you think-”
“Human blood?” E. Gadd hummed softly, “...Possibly? But I fail to see how. Humans are just another set of living beings, same as the rest of us-”
“Mario has Firebrand,” Luigi quickly stated, “A-And I have Thunderhand.”
“You- Why has no one told me of this before! You and your brother have access to magic? Natural magic? This is unheard of! Tell me, when did these powers begin to manifest and-”
“I think,” Peach said strongly, “what Luigi is trying to get at is that while they’re human, they’re…different.”
“Different humans…creating different Boos? Goodness, what a thought. Be that as it may, these are just speculations at the moment. I can confirm all of this once this has reached a conclusion. Strap back in and arms up! We need another round of cleaning if we’re going to see tomorrow!” 
Professor E. Gadd walked off, the Toads clamoring back around the table once more.
The younger brother faced Wario, “Yeah?”
“...If this guy is even a sliver of a chance of being correct… I just need you to stay close, alright?”
Time: 1:05am Stability Lost: 56%
“Run, run!” 
“I didn’t know that could happen!”
“Oooh, he’s gonna be so mad!”
Passing through walls and traveling through the large void the castle rested in, three Boos frantically raced towards their destination. Phasing pass a pair of ornate doors. Unconcerned that the once comforting room for royalty was nothing more than a black void. Unbothered by the human dressed in red withering in unseen fear. Only stopping when they could huddle in the ‘back’. All shivering.
They weren’t given a moment to recover when a gravelly voice spoke.
“What happened.”
They all jumped in unison. Turning to find deep purple eyes staring down at them. 
“W-We’re sorry!”
“We don’t know what happened!”
“Apologies are not needed. However, it is concerning to see Boos of all creatures so fearful.”
“The green human has a vacuum contraption thing!”
“I’m aware of this.”
“It caught one of us!”
The eyes widened hearing this before narrowing once more. “...Well, this was not the outcome I was expecting. Even more so from that cowardly human. But it doesn’t matter. We still have the upper hand.”
“We have nothing to fear. A stupid little vacuum carried by a cowardly human is not a threat for us.”
The eyes snapped over to Mario. Who had fallen limp, gray eyes appearing to be staring into the darkness. But the Boos knew better. They knew the human was still trapped in his own nightmares.
The voice growled, “Your worthless brother will be joining you soon enough. I can only imagine how his fears will taste. If the brave older brother, who can face Bowser without worry, now quivers before me…I can only imagine how that wimp’s fear will be. We’ll get him soon enough. Another trap and he’ll be under my nightmares.”
One of the Boos softly spoke up. “He saw through our illusion.”
“WHAT?” The entire room shook at that. Mario’s relaxed position disappeared, now fearfully curling away from the unseen danger. “What do you mean he saw through it!”
“H-He seemed to fall for it at first!”
“But something changed and he just knew!”
The voice let out a frustrated growl, “He was unaffected yesterday and now the illusions are failing us. What is this human? Such a weakling should fall for our guise, what is he! Never mind. I’ll find out on my own when I tear him apart.”
“W-What do we do?”
“...If they want to fight, let's give them one.  But…it’ll be on my terms.”
A large jeweled crown suddenly glowed from the darkness. Red turning to a deep purple, bolts of same colored energy striking out. All in the room uncaring (or unaware) at how everything began to shake. The walls and floors begin to shatter and crumble away, the void seeping through. The castle falling into darker shadows.
Those inside the Great Hall were feeling the full effect. All cowering by the tables or anywhere they could count as coverage. Wario hunched over Peach and Luigi. E. Gadd doing what he could to keep his equipment in place.
Just as soon as it started, it was over. All looking around fearfully.
“What was that?” Luigi whispered.
“...I think our big bad wanted to say hi.” Wario replied. 
The tense silence was broken when E. Gadd cried out, “Criminy!”
The professor was standing before the computer once more. The screen flashing a concerning red. “I don’t know what that was. But it caused a major influx in the instability of this world. We’re running out of time!”
“How much longer do you think?” Luigi asked.
“I have no idea, but it’s not long. We need a new plan and fast.”
Time: 2:32am Stability Lost: 92%
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c4p7ch4 · 2 years
Hi 👋🏻
I’m going to use you as a fic suggestion box/idea dumping ground.
I think Basta is terrified mirrors— related to his superstitions. He frequently sees illusions of shadows standing behind him when he’s getting ready in the mornings. He believes the mirror is a portal of some sort and will typically avoid looking at them longer than necessary.
Basta once broke a mirror during a rage and started having a panic attack. It wasn’t his first, but he still couldn’t breathe. One of the maids (your OC maybe) found him after he fainted right into the middle of the glass shards. When he woke up in the infirmary, he wouldn’t do anything but ramble vaguely about how he “broke the gate”.
 welp, notes are at the end of the post
One-Shot: Basta (Inkheart) x OC (Zera)
Warning: english is not my first language; also, mayybe a little infodump on paramedical protocol or whatever to call it (I can’t help it, I’m obsessed with my job) 
“I admire scars. I like to watch them heal, they add character to a person. And they always tell a story.” Basta remembers Zera’s words from today, when she nursed to one of the boys who got a nasty cut on his cheek. The boy got hurt when he and some others were being trained in knife throwing by Basta. The poor fellow was dared by his mates to stand target - and he was stupid enough to follow the request. He wasn’t badly injured, but he became miserable the second he saw blood flow down his face. Basta practically had to drag him to the infirmerie. Before they entered, he hissed into the boys ear: “Not a word on how you got that cut. If she hears that I let you do somethig stupid like that, she’ll take her anger out on me instead of you.”
The boy was white as a sheet when he sat down and Zera did her best to calm him down. The stupid boy was more concerned about having an ugly scar than about the fact that he almost lost an eye, Zera soothed his worries. Her kind words were like honey to Basta, even though they weren’t directed at him. He couldn’t help but feel warm and fuzzy inside.
But now, that he was standing in front of his bathroom mirror, lights out, shirt stripped, arms bare, all that warmth was gone.
I doubt that you’d like this story, he thought to himself. 
Pictures flashed before his eyes, memories of another life. A family, kneeling in front of their house, begging for their lives. A father offering his daughter to save his own head. Capricorn ordering to lock the girl inside the house and set it on fire. Basta following order, reluctantly, lighting the thatched roof with a torch. Flames taking over the house rapidly. The girl screeching inside as the fire consumed her. The sound of her voice was so horrifying that Basta froze in place, too near to the flames. It was too late for him to realize that he stood too close, his shirt already caught fire, eating into his flesh. 
Basta looked at the horrendous scars, which will remind him of his deeds for the rest of his life. An intense anger overcame him. He felt anger and rage and hate. Hate for these horrific scars. Hate for himself. He knew he deserved to look like this. Like the deformed, evil monster he was. 
In his fury, he threw up his hands into fists and banged them against the mirror. The glass broke and shattered down on him like hot, stinging rain.
It took him a moment to calm down. Stunned, numb, he looked down at his bleeding hands, they had splinters. He followed the streaming blood with his eyes and watched as it flew onto the broken glass on the floor. 
He stooped headlong to start gathering up the shards to clean up the mess when suddenly he saw a flash of light reflecting off one of the pieces of glass.
No, this can’t be.
 He froze immediately as images of that fire flashed before his eyes again. Unable to stop the memories, he panicked, his breath caught, tears spilled, his heart pounded.
He tried to steady himself on the sink but he could barely breathe and before he knew it the fire in his head consumed him and everything went black.
“And that…” The boy aimed his flashlight at the only house on the street that didn't look like it might fall apart at any moment, “is Basta's house.”
"Fascinating. Are you done with your tour now, can we go back to the kitchen now? I'd appreciate it if Mortola wouldn't beat me up for taking too long. Again." Zera stated annoyed. 
Zera had to be accompanied by one of Capricorns men because she wasn't allowed to walk around alone after dark, so she took the boy she'd helped earlier that day with her. She realized that might have been a mistake when he insisted on giving her a tour of the village after the ordeal - in thanks, he said, for her services. He didn't seem to be listening when she told him she'd been around longer than he had.
She had to do a home visit to one of the black jackets because his girlfriend was heavily pregnant and Zera wanted to check on her daily to make sure, she’d take notice of any complications early on. Capricorn sure as hell wouldn’t allow her to be taken to the hospital if anything went wrong. 
The boy looked droopy when he finally noticed Zeras disinterest.
“You didn’t like the walk? I’ve thought you’d like to see the village since you’re cooped up in the kitchen all day otherwise...”
“I’m sure I’d like the area if it wasn’t occupied by my murderous captors. Anyways, I know the surrounding already, I’ve been at Basta’s several times before, because I had to-” the sound of shattering glass interrupted Zera. It sounded as if it came from inside Basta’s house. 
“Basta?” Zera called out.
“I don’t think he’s home, all the lights are out.”
“But that sound came from inside his house, didn’t it?”
“I believe so, but I don’t want to investigate that mysterious and alarming noise, especially since it’s Basta’s house, of all houses.”
Zera huffed annoyed. “Fine, then I’ll take a look.” 
“You want to break into Basta’s home?! Are you off your mind?” the boy whispered anxiously.
“Shut up and wait outside, I’ll be back in a minute.” Zera hissed, took the torch out of his hand and climbed over the wall into Basta’s backyard before the boy could protest.
She entered through Basta’s porch and looked around the house. She realized that Basta had to be at home when she noticed his black jacket hanging next to the front door. He always put it there when he came home.
Suddenly, she heard a thud from upstairs. Zera tensed and walked towards the stairs.
“Basta? You’re home?” she called out. No answer. She went up the stairs with careful steps and turned on the upstairs light. No one in sight.
She turned to the first door, the bedroom, and knocked. When there was no answer, she entered cautiously, but Basta wasn’t inside.
She turned to the last door on the floor but hesitated to knock.
Do I really want to interrupt Basta while he’s taking a shit? she tought to herself. Instead she put her ear to the door and heared... panting? Irregular panting.
“Basta? Are you all right?”
Zera discarded all her worries when she received no answer and cautiously opened the door when she sensed something right in front of it. She squeezed her head inside and turned on the lights. She almost dropped the flashlight on Basta’s head  when she saw him sprawled on the floor, bloody, covered in glass shards. 
She entered quickly, careful not to trip on his body, and checked his airways. They were all clear but he had an abnormal breathing pattern and he was unconscious, even though she tried her hardest to wake him. She noticed the scars immidiately but decided, that they weren’t of importance right now as they were older. She laid him on his side and ran to the window in his bedroom, it faced the street and Zera shouted down at the boy who was still waiting: “Run back to the house and grab the red backpack.”
She turned to run back to Basta when she heard the boy shout: “What? Why, what’s wrong?”
“Just do it!” Zera screamed back impatietly and went back to the bathroom.
By the time she reached Basta, she heard him whimper incomprehensible words. And his eyes were slightly open, but they were clouded and he didn’t respond to any stimuli. Zera was able to heave him partly on her shoulder and dragged him to his bedroom. He was gone again by the time she laid him down. 
She checked his vitals and waited for the boy to come with her materials. What’s taking him so long? she wondered nervously and took the time to calm down and reevaluate the situation. She thought through every possible scenario that could have led to this. circulatory collapse. seizure. hypoglycemia. But none of it matched with the injurys on Basta’s hands. Did he smash the mirror?
It was now that she realized, that she shouldn’t let the boy see Basta’s scars if she wanted to spare him of Basta’s wrath upon him. Or herself. 
She always wondered why he was so obsessed with keeping long sleeves, even on hot days or when suffering a fever. She suspected he hid them out of shame. As much as she dispised this man, she couldn’t let him be exposed like this. It didn’t match her work ethics. Also, she wanted to live for a little bit longer. She scrambled out a shirt of Basta’s drawer and put it on him, which wasn’t an easy task considering he was limp as a bag of potatoes, but she managed just in time for the boy to return and knocking on the front door downstairs.
She let him in and took her emergency backpack. 
“Mortola saw me and asked what all the fuzz was about.”
“What did you tell her?” Zera asked as he was following her upstairs.
“That there was an emergency at Basta’s house. She said she’ll send over some of the men.”
“I don’t need any help from those brutes.”
“I don’t think she meant to send help but someone to guard you.”
“Sounds more likely. Go back downstairs and don’t let anyone come inside. I need peace and quiet if I don’t want to do any mistakes.”
“Is Basta alright?” the boy asked usure.
“Not yet. He will be once I’ve found out what happened to him in the first place. Now go, will you? Let me work in peace.”
The boy seemed to grasp the gravity of the situation and went downstairs without any more questions or protests.
When Zera entered the bedroom, Basta was back at whimpering. He was shaking too, but not like he was having a seizure. It was as if he was cold. Or scared.
Zera started to work, followed emergency protocol, took his vitals, checked his consciousness, but nothing indicated a bodily dysfunction. 
Could it be, that he was having a mental crisis? There was no way of finding out until he was able to talk to her, so she put him on an IV and gave him some medication to stabilize him.
I know, I’m evil for leaving a cliffhanger, but I didn’t know whether it was worth the effort to finish the story, so let’s see how this is being receicved, if you guys somewhat enjoyed this silly story (honestly, I didn’t put much thought into it, I just wrote down what came to mind, I won’t even proof read it so there might be some mistakes, sorry for that but I planned on returning to study for uni like, 2 hours ago, soo...
(also, sorry for not having replied to any of your other messages yet, initially, I didn’t want to think too much about Basta until I passed all my exams at university because that man occupies my head too much and prevents me from thinking straight BUT when I read that headcanon, I couldn’t stop the imagine from flowing, so I had to write it down -_-)
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aquanology · 3 years
Yo so I've reached 50 followers a long while ago and I wanted to do something big but I hesitated and didn't know what to do...I thought a lot about it and it's here. The long awaited She li analysis, I was waiting for the new chapter so I can make this. Anyways I hope you enjoy it (or maybe not?)
So from far away people wo see She li as a Bully Mo and when they learn that his family posses good amounts of money, everyone would see him as a rich brat and I wouldn't blame them, Though that's not all there's to it. it's much deeper and yes I have 5000 IQ how did you know?
Now his childhood wasn't that great looking at how he was surrounded by maids and not his parents most of the time, mostly because they were busy working and when they weren't busy doing work they would be busy arguing about things that little She li didn't know much about.
It was pretty lonely even if people would surround him be it the maids, the other adults or even other kids he wasn't getting the attention of his parents. He might've thought that he wasn't important enough for his parents to spare a moment or two to spend time with him or atleast for his parents to look at his way. He hated their noisy fights and so, like any kid who didn't want to listen to his parent's loud arguments!that might've seemed like a broken record for him at the time, he would go outside to distracte himself. I don't know how many times he had to do this to ignore the pain that his parent's loud fighting has been causing to him, and I don't know how long he spent his time doing that (probably as long as the fighting continued) but I'm pretty sure that what we saw from She Li's flashback wasn't his first time doing so. And I'm sure he was trying to inflict physical pain so he can forgot the mental pain. At that point little She Li might've felt a bit...empty because no one really seemed to genuinely care for him or spend time with him and he didn't seem to have a special relationship with anyone either, he might've felt like he wasn't a human because of all of that.... he might've been sad and angry that he can't experience love and affection perhaps he thought that it's his fault for feeling down all the time, when in reality it was his parents fault for not using the spare time they have for providing She Li with affection and quality time instead of arguing most of the time. I'm sure he felt less of person because he didn't get what he really needed as a kid. But little did She Li know that he will feel less of human the next time his parents argue loudly.
That had started with the routine of his parents fighting and She Li looking for something to distract himself with, he ended up digging for worms and I suspect that he did that for a long while that day in which might've explain the bleeding. Later on he got diagnosed with Guillain-Barre' (Ghee-Yan Bah-Yan) syndrome this syndrome is a autoimmune type, in which a persons own immune system damages the nerves causing muscle weakness or paralysis, it can cause symptoms that last from few weeks to several years however most people recover fully while some have permanent nerve damage.
His thoughts were seemingly messy I wouldn't blame him if he still thought that his parents didn't care about him, I mean it was kind of their fault for not asking about what he does when playing outside or with whom, or for the least bit leaving a maid or two to check on him from time to time. But it was that day when he met a certain person in that hospital.
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It was Mo Guan Shan that he saw at the hospital. A kid who was capable of feeling pain both physical and mental, not only that but he has a caring mother who seemed to care about her kid. At that moment She Li must've felt envious, a kid whom he didn't know had everything that She li didn't, he had the ability to feel pain and suffer and on top of that he had someone who cared about him who loved him and gave him attention when he needed it the most.
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Perhaps She Li thinks that if Mo Guan Shan would become a happier and a healthier person then he would be superior to She Li, because then he would have something that is far away from She Li's reach and capability.
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That's why he keeps on hurting Mo over and over again whenever Mo is feeling better or even worse. Maybe She li feels superior or on the same level as Mo when he stops him from feeling truly happy and at peace with his loved ones. As if only then the gap will become bigger than it was before. Because She Li thinks that he won't be able to be the same as Mo is, I mean he might get his syndrome treated and he might be able to feel the pain (both physical and mental) but She Li isn't sure of he can actually be truly loved or if he will be capable of loving and making someone as happy. And that is why he says things like this:
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Of course it's not only to make Mo feel bad (cuz like no would want to be told that they are the same as She Li is) but to also make himself feel like they are the same (be it on the same level or the same type of people) when they are not.
I do think that She Li admires Mo for how human he is and he doesn't want him to be anymore of a human he wants Mo to be the same as him, someone who can't have anyone care about him, someone who might numb out and stop being a human for their own desires and someone who can be as hurt and heartless as She Li is regarding that he is hurt inside. I also think that She Li and He tian are similar I mean both of them were not met with love and affection from their family except He Cheng tried to rub the illusion of their fathers love on He tian, though it didn't work quite well. A relationship where you have to sacrifice everything to receive approval isn't and wouldn't be ideal from He tain's perspective, as well as She Li never talk about how he felt (he most likely didn't) the pain that he got from his parents inability to raise him properly like other parents do (by loving him and spending some time with him). However I'm not blaming everything on his parents they had their reasons yet that doesn't mean that it's justified to argue outloud most of the time and pay less attention for your kid than you with your job and arguments. Also I want to make that this post isn't here to justify She Li's bad actions against other people but to just look at him as something other than a snake, to look at him as a human and to hold accountable are both as important as the other is, and I don't want She Li to just have his actions bite him back but to also learn how bad his actions are. I want him to know very well that he hurt others and I want him to feel guilty and I want him to change, remember staying ignorant can not only hurt him but everyone else but learning where he made mistakes and holding himself accountable can help everyone not only the people hurt by him, us too will highly benefit.
Hey so this is me- the present me since I don't do this all in one day (cuz I'm a lazy person) so I hope ypu enjoyed this analysis and I hope I made it clear enough that this isn't for justifieing She Li's actions but an attempt to try and understand him. Also I'm sorry cuz I made a post a long while ago about She li and I though he had a different illness than the one in the manhua and I linked a website for that illness, however I deleted the post and I apologize for the big mistake...
This is the link for She Li's actual syndrome if you want to know more about it.
Anyways this was my "Why is She Li a bitch" post- wait, shit this the wrong script...welp can't change it now I guess. Again thank you for 50+ followers stay healthy and don't be a bitch like She Li.
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theidvimagines · 3 years
Hey! Glad to see you back; I've missed seeing you ^^ For the skin inspired requests, how about: Mercenary + Mr. Interference (the detective looking one)? If I can ask for multiple, is Wu Chang + Intersection Bishounen fine? (I realized that this is a very odd skin to write bout given the horror elements behind that character, but hey, I wonder what you might write for that skin haha)
Mannnn do I wish Naib's Interference skin was out just for the description..... welp I will base his from the other detective skins like Emma's.
As for the Junji Wu Chang Skin. I been meaning to know more about the twins(i think they were twins??? I'll add an edit after I search it up).
Edit: okay I was way off. So.... interesting facts I gotten, I read a summary of the whole Undying Love/Lovesick Dead section of the Junji Ito Collection. And I must say that it's pretty amazing.
Edit 2: I forgotten to finish this some time before but here I go. And im gonna make use of a small idea of a bigger imagine for merc's
[Mr. Interference - Mercenary]
A new case always excited you. It always made Mr. Interference doubt your ability of keeping yourself safe but you had always pulled through. He had to learn to let you loose at some point.
A new case sat before him, he read it carefully as you tidied up the room. His smoke pipe propped against his lips as he pressed against his chair, the light dimmed. Your footsteps walked over to the light before lighting it again with more oil. "(Name)."
"Yes?" Your head turned to meet his face. "Prepare a cab. We're going to the scene of the case."
"Of course, right on it." You told him before leaving the office to make the call. His eyes looked at the photos rather confused. His eyes trailed to the door. He decided to wave it off as a look alike.
It didn't take long for a cab to come and for the two of you to meet at the scene of the crime. Naib walked around carefully, showing his badge as you went unnoticed even by him as he walked ahead.
A police officer came forth and began to talk about what they knew as you intruded further for any more clues. Naib called out to you.
"Huh...?" The officer raised a brow then looked at Naib. "Mister Interference..." They began. "Mr./Ms. (Name) is the victim of this crime."
Naib's heartstrings pulled. His eyes met yours before he let go of his smoke pipe. His eyes sank to the victim. His eyes sunken as he held in a loud sob. He had been going over and over your murder case and he had kept forgetting that this you, wasn't real, you were dead. You been dead for a while and he had gone crazy enough to illusion you doing things for him but it had been him this entire time doing them unconsciously. A tremendous laugh left him, so bitterly sweet it slightly frightened the officer.
[The Intersection Bishounen - Wu Chang]
There was always this distinguished feeling of two pair of eyes following you so close. At times you would find yourself getting trapped in dangerous situations, always seeing someone so far away in black and then saved by another who closely resembled the other.
You stared at the mirror in your home, wondering what had been of your choices. And what could possibly be the cause of those two. The rain poured hard, hitting the glass window as if it were glaciers. Your (color) irises turned to the window then came thunder. In your perspective view, you saw movement. A man in black stood behind you as you stared again at your mirror. When you turned around he vanished. Your eyes met the mirror again to see him far closer than needed. Your heart leap to your throat as a porcelain hand touched the man's shoulder before the white dressed man showed up. A carefully placed finger on his lips hushed you.
The silence grew before the man in black scowled. The man in white chuckled before reaching to touch your head, petting you carefully.
"You are lucky." The black dressed man spoke. "You been marvelous, surviving so long. However, your life is gettihg shorter and shorter..."
"Which is why you should've let me kill (pronoun)."
"I can't let you kill them so merciless. However I have something to offer you." The white eyes met yours. Your head tilt in question. "Make a deal with us and live your days with no worries alongside us."
Your hand unknowingly extended. A twisted expression came to the black eyed man as he held out his hand as well. With a chuckle both men shook your hand, the house filled with your screams awakening the entire town who rushed to make sure you were fine only to find a wrecked room with the broken window.
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hopelesshawks · 4 years
Physical Fatality Part 2- Fuckboy
Summary: You’re a rising star in All Might’s agency. Hawks is the darling of Endeavor’s. By virtue of your job descriptions, the two of you are supposed to hate each other, or at the very least be cautiously neutral. For a long time that’s exactly what the two of you did. You stayed out of each other’s way and formed little opinion of the other. One fateful night at an HPSC gala changes all that. Based on the album Hopeless Fountain Kingdom by Halsey.
If you don’t want to see Physical Fatality content blacklist #hopelesspf
This story will have multiple NSFW parts so it is 18+ ONLY minors dni
Warning for brief description of vaginal sex
“Oh fuck, yes, Hawks! Yes!”
He hates it when they’re vocal now. He used to love it when She was vocal but he hates when the new ones are now. It shatters the illusion. If he keeps his eyes closed, the woman underneath him feels and tastes just like his ex did. He can replace Her and pretend his heart isn’t still a little broken. When they get vocal though, he can tell, because there’s no pretending the voice isn’t different. So he shushes her and whispers “I got you baby,” as if it’s a sweet nothing and not a careful attempt to maintain the illusion as he pumps in and out of her. He knows eventually the woman underneath him now will realize he’s not giving her his everything. She won’t realize it’s because he’s thinking about someone else. They never do. But she will realize he’s not invested eventually and she’ll leave. They always do. So he enjoys this now and he enjoys the illusion as long as he can just keep his eyes closed.
One of her hands gets too close to his wings and immediately he grabs it and moves it away. “What’s wrong baby?” she asks and he has to resist the temptation to wince because it’s still not Her voice. “You know the rules Love, wings are off limits,” he replies but he softens it with a kiss, even as he conveniently decides now is the time to pin her hands above her head. He doesn’t trust her not to try and go for his wings a second time. But it’s ok because he shifts the angle slightly and suddenly she’s cumming around him, her inner walls fluttering around him in the most delicious way and it isn’t long until he’s pouring right over the edge.
“Fuck!! Just like that, Mirko.”
“What the fuck did you just call me?”
Mt. Lady is pissed. He gets it. No really, he does, but it’s the morning and he hasn’t eaten or had caffeine yet so he is not mentally prepared to deal with her as she storms around the room recovering her clothes and getting dressed again. “What the fuck Hawks! We’ve been dating for a month! Have you been thinking of her this entire time?” she asks. Hawks may do it a lot for work but he doesn’t enjoy lying. So he gives her a more palatable truth. “I’ve meant everything I’ve ever told you.” “That doesn’t really answer my fucking question.” Welp, she’s got him there. He tried. Having finally gotten fully dressed and realized she isn’t getting a better answer out of Hawks, Mt. Lady gives up and declares “You’re a dick, Hawks,” before storming out of his apartment. He belatedly realizes he doesn’t even know her real name. He should probably care about that but she didn’t know his either, and never would, so it’s for the best really. Finally he groans and decides he may as well get ready for work.
“Hawks you’re kind of an asshole,” Tokoyami sighs after Hawks has recounted the story of this morning’s misadventure. “I’m not trying to be! It’s not my fault I’m a romantic,” Hawks sighs. “It’s not romantic to be thinking of one girl while you’re having sex with another,” Tokoyami points out. “I’m trying to move on that’s why I dated Mt. Lady for so long.” “First of all, a month is not ‘so long’. Second of all, pretending your current girlfriend is your ex girlfriend sounds like the opposite of trying to move on.” “I would’ve gave it all for Mirko. Really cared for her yknow? So where’d I go wrong? How do I just move on from that?” Shoto overhears Hawks’ lament and with a roll of his eyes decides to chime into the conversation. “You went wrong because you’re a workaholic who’d probably thank my dad if he punched you in the face. You move on by having a bunch of one night stands and practicing not pretending they’re your ex,” Shoto says as he joins Hawks and Tokoyami at their desks. “Remember when you were quiet and reserved? I miss those days,” Hawks replies. “Remember when you weren’t my dad’s bitch? Me neither,” Shoto fires back without missing a beat, his voice as steady and deadpan as ever. Tokoyami chuckles at that, earning him a glare from Hawks. “So much for birds of a feather stick together,” Hawks pouts. “What can I say? He has a point,” Tokoyami shrugs. “About which part?” “Both parts.” Tokoyami and Shoto both laugh at the affronted look on Hawks’ face. “I am not Endeavor’s bitch and I’m not turning into a fuckboy to get over Mirko,” Hawks protests. “At this point it’d be kinder for you to only want sex from them,” Shoto points out. “Why don’t you just try out the one night stand thing tonight?” Tokoyami suggests. “Absolutely not. Mt. Lady and I breaking up is a sign from the universe. I’m going to find Mirko at the gala and convince her to get back together with me,” Hawks decides. “That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard you say,” Shoto replies with a dry look. “One day when I marry her I’m going to invite you to the wedding just so I can say I told you so in the vows,” Hawks says. “You’d write me into your vows?” “That’s not the part you should be focusing on.”
“Shoto! There’s an urgent matter to discuss!” a booming voice suddenly interrupts. All three men turn to find Endeavor looming in a nearby doorway. Shoto rolls his eyes but does push off to see what his father wants. “Just think about what I said Hawks,” he tells the older man before following his father into his office. “What he said is dumb,” Hawks grumbles petulantly. “What you’ve been doing is also dumb. Maybe a new kind of dumb will be good for you,” Tokoyami suggests. “Whatever. You’ll both see tonight,” Hawks huffs, “it’s going to be a night to remember.”
Author’s Note: I feel like Todoroki is frequently written as very quiet and reserved and to be fair he is pretty quiet and reserved but he’s also sassy and petty as fuck. He literally covered his whole ass left side in that cheap lookin fake ice on his first hero costume as a fuck you to his dad. The first thing he said to Endeavor after the man almost died was “that’s a nice scar ya got there” and then passive aggressively slurped noodles. He was fully prepared to fight the police commissioner when he thought he and Midoriya were in trouble over the whole Stain thing. I feel like the older and more socialized he got the more that petty and sassy side would come out. So basically my version of aged up Shoto is a savage and it may be slightly ooc but oh well
Taglist [open]: @akkaso
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di-kut · 4 years
Baar Bal Runi: Chapter Two
Series Masterlist
Pairing: The Mandalorian x Reader
Words: 4k
Summary: (Body Swap AU) You wake after a terrible few days on the mysterious green planet, disoriented and confused. At first you can’t make sense of what is happening, but when you do, reality is worse than what you could have imagined.
Rating: T (I believe?) 
Tags: body swap, force sensitivity
A/N: Welp here it is. The moment we’ve all been waiting. This is just chaos and I make no apologies for it. Enjoy. 
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I’m trying to find a planet.
Pieces. Fragments. Jagged shards of memories and thoughts. 
You feel like you’re being crushed.
I’m trying to find a planet. 
Your head is throbbing, your back aches. One of your arms is beginning to tingle and you realise you are lying on it. It’s too hot. Too cold. All at once. There are storm troopers which patrol outside your window, you’re sure you see the flash of their helmet lights as they pass. A helmeted face looks down at you against a blue sky. There’s shooting nearby. Dust everywhere. The blinking lights of a control panel. The smell of rich spices. The chanting of a thousand voices.
Maker, your head hurts. Your bed feels strange, too hard, and the room is so dark even behind closed lids. Pieces slip and tumble, chase each other around in your mind. Memories which must be dreams, you realise. Faces of people you have never known. Places you have never been. The sounds of the other children in the bunks around you. The smell of melting metal. A man and a woman, their memory filled with fear and aching. The eyes of the kid. Hundreds of people, the dead piled at your feet. It’s hard to differentiate the ones which are real and the phantoms of a forgotten dream. You realise you aren’t in your bed on Coruscant at all. Or in your quarters Batuu.
Maybe you should try a map.
Slowly, painfully. Things sharpen. The fog, the giant trees; larger than the petrified ones on Batuu. The darkness, never ending. The taste of fear in the back of your throat like bile. These are solid, more real.
The planet I’m looking for isn’t on any map.
 You jolt. The floor of the Razor Crest clangs beneath you. At first you think you must still be sick because the effort of trying to get off the ground is like fighting against the tide. And then you realise you are beneath something heavy. A crate in the hull must have fallen, you think dazedly. You can feel your left side throb, your ribs hurt like they’d taken a hit bad enough to break them. Your breathing is impossibly loud, echoing back at you, warm air condensing around your mouth.
 You open your eyes, but your peripheries are blacked out, and what you can see is hazy, like looking at static. You taste panic again, not some confused memory, but real and tangible. You manage to swing an arm up above your head and you suddenly know there is no crate holding you against the ground. As the world starts to grow clearer you realise you aren’t in the hull anymore. You can see the back of the co-pilot chair, the blinking dials of the controls. The darkness outside the ship. Did the Mandalorian move you to the cockpit? He was sick too. A hazy memory, his voice in your ear, asking you for help. I can’t lift you. You’re awake enough to know the feeling of his lips brushing against your ear is an illusion you must have created later. But you can’t place the scene in the jumbled mess of the last two days. Everything feels like it is swimming right at the edge of your grasp.
 You manage to roll over. “Kriff, what…”
 Something is wrong with your voice, or maybe your ears. It comes out so deep, it reverberates around your head and chest and echoes. Almost familiar. You lift your hands to try and touch your ears, touch anything, ground yourself from the strange floating feeling of being separate to the world around you.
 Gloves, you notice. The Mandalorian, he’s here. Your heart kicks up, until you realise it isn’t the Mandalorian’s hands reaching for you in the darkness of the cockpit, they’re your own. Wearing the Mandalorian’s gloves. And then your heart leaps into your mouth and you’re scrambling, the scraping sound of metal on metal, you slip, push yourself onto your hands and shuffle backwards. Something yanks at your neck and you swing, thinking someone has caught you by the collar, someone was here with you in the ship. But your hand closes around air and your head clangs hard against the wall of the cockpit. It rings, like a mallet on durasteel, but the sound is lighter, clearer. Except it’s all around you and your breath is fogging against your mouth and nose and you can see your peripheries but you’re wearing the Mandalorian’s helmet.
 “Mando!” You yell, hoarse and thick and deep. If your stomach weren’t empty you would heave again, just like outside that Maker cursed cave. “Mando!”
 You get up. You don’t know how. You don’t look – can’t look – at the gloves or the boots or the holster on your hip. It just doesn’t – your brain cuts out thought. You almost slip twice coming down the ladder to the hull. The gloves make you clumsy. The space feels too small, too tight. You slam your head on the way down, overestimating the height of the guard at the bottom. Part of you is glad for it, thinks it might wake you out of this nightmare.
 The crib is in the corner, still sealed. The child is crying inside it. You wonder how long he’s been in there. How long you have been lying unconscious on the floor of the cockpit. In the corner, by the door, there’s another shape. You want to look away. Feel like you might vibrate out of your skin. Maybe you already have. You want to run, go back to the cockpit, close your eyes. Hope it all goes away. But you know it won’t. So instead you edge forward, shuffling your feet sideways. You find yourself with a hand outstretched, ready to repel some sort of attack. You aren’t sure if you expect it to come from the slumped body in the corner or somewhere else. Hysteria is beginning to tinge the edges of your thoughts.
You aren’t sure what makes you ask, exactly. It’s an impossibility but – the arms stretched in front of you are not yours, and ceiling was never this close before, and your footsteps never this heavy. And there is a body slumped in the corner of the hull, head to the floor where you had fallen getting back to the ship. You are close enough now to see the sickly pallor of her skin, the shallow breathing, the sunken eyes. The braid of her hair has come mostly undone. A braid you know, and braid you remember tying nights before. A face you know, although it looks different, not facing it in the mirror. Abstract somehow. And even though the question is impossible. You don’t know why you ask, but you do.
 It doesn’t move – she. She doesn’t move.
 You inch closer, lean down. The knee pads you can now feel protect your knees from the worst of the hard flooring digging into you. The armour clangs as you move. You get close enough that you could touch her. You reach out, pull your arm back again. Your breath is fogging up the inside of the helmet. You can hear it in your ears and hissing through the modulator in the hull around you. Finally, you settle for a gentle nudge of the shoulder.
 “Mando?” You ask. Your voice is deep. It crackles through the Modulator. “Mando?”
 Suddenly her eyes are open. They stare blankly, misted with sleep, and then her face contorts into a snarl. Before you can get out of the way her hand strikes out, but its slow, groggy. Misses you completely. She shoves against your chest plate with her other hand. You try and grapple with her, grab her hands and stop her from hitting you, but you’re shaking too much to really stop her. She lets out a sound, something between a growl and a yell.
 “Mando!” You yell, and it comes out too harsh. Too loud. You sound angry, threatening, but you realise it too late. The woman in front of you is already reacting. “No, wait – “
 She swings hard. She doesn’t miss this time. Her hand hits the helmet with a splintering crack. You stumble backwards and get to your feet, dazed from the metallic ringing but otherwise unhurt. You almost trip on the cape around your shoulders. The woman is cradling her fist, the knuckles already beginning to swell and darken. But she doesn’t make a sound, she’s rolling, pushing herself up to stand. Her eyes slide across the room wildly until they land on the sealed crib. And then she looks back you. She looks almost feral now; lip curled, eyes wide. Still terribly silent. Quiet even when she had broken her hand on your helmet. She moves towards the crib, towards the weapons compartment you’d left open before you went out to search for the Mandalorian. You move back a couple of steps.
 “Just…” You don’t know what you’re meant to say. How you’re meant to put the pieces together. Say out loud what you know. Staring down at your own face staring back at you.
“Who are you?” She asks. Her voice is grating in its familiarity and you wince.
“What did you do?” She snarls. Her eyes dart to the crib and back to you. Listens to the baby crying in the silence of the ship. “What did you do to him?”
“Nothing! Nothing I swear by the Maker. Please, Mando, listen – “ 
“Who. Are. You.”
“I…” Nothing comes. Just blankness. Emptiness. It occurs to you that like this you probably don’t need to fear so much if the Mandalorian decides to settle this in a fight. This thought is chased quickly by the knowledge that he, she, would probably still win anyway. All the Beskar on you would amount to nothing anyway. “Mando, just trust me. Please. For – for five minutes.”
“No,” she, he, growls. 
“Your son –!” And she stops the step he had been about to take, straight at you. “You’re looking for his home! For his people. They… they… you don’t know where they are, or who they are. We…” Your voice drops to almost a whisper. Watch his reaction. “We’ve been looking for them for months. After… After Batuu.”
He goes completely still. So still you think he might have gone into shock. And then he ducks, snatches something from the edge of the weapons compartment he can reach. He lifts it in his good hand, the blade catches the light along its sharpened edge. His broken fist curls over the spot on his thigh where his blaster should be. Where it’s strapped to your thigh. You stay rooted to the spot and try and lift your hands slowly as you can, palms forward. He looks like he’s gone over the other side of furious, tipped into an eerie calm. He’s going slow, off to the side, and you realise he’s cutting you off from the child. You start to shake your head and he tenses. You stop moving again.
His voice is so calm. The knife is Beskar, the same colour as the armour you wear. “If you have hurt either of them – “
 You choke. “Mando, just stop! Stop! It’s me! Me! I don’t know what’s happening, okay? I can’t – I don’t – the cave, I can’t remember, I don’t know, just… but then I woke up in the cockpit, okay? I don’t get it either but something’s happened to us. We’re – we’re – “ You can’t get the words out. You swallow around them. “It’s me.”
 “Where did you get that armour from?” He moves around, cages the crib with his body. The crying quietens. “Tion meg be’aliit gar? Tion gar gai?”
 It takes several panicked moments for the change of language to filter through. He’s never spoken to you directly in Mando’a before, except – gotabor. You know it well enough from the soft sounds of him speaking to the child, swearing under his breath, muttering it as he works. It takes longer than it should to realise what’s happening. What he must be thinking.
 “What?” You almost trip. “No! No, I’m not a Mandalorian! It’s me!”
 His voice gets dark. You would never think your throat was capable of making such a threatening sound. “Ne shab’rud’niÖ.” He surges forward.
 “You smell like lemon after you shower!”
 He stops dead.
 “You never talk to me, you just go straight back to your quarters, but you pass my bed from the ‘fresher and I… I always notice.” You aren’t sure how you manage to find the space in your chest to feel the burn of embarrassment, admitting that guarded secret to him as he is about to gut you. Somehow the hot feeling of shame creeps up your cheeks. But he isn’t moving, so, “The little guy, he… he sleeps better. When you’re gone, I mean. He sleeps better if he can smell it. So sometimes I give him the bottle while you’re away and I put it back before you… before you come ho – back. Before you come back.”
 He stares at you like you’ve kicked him in the stomach. His calm, even face crumples into something like pain and he sucks in an uneven breath. Mutters a quiet word. “Me’ven?” You aren’t even sure you’re meant to hear it.
 “You don’t like the sweet flavoured rations bars, but I do. And you always give them to me.” Your heart is beating so hard against your chest you think you can feel it against the Beskar. Head spinning. “It annoys you when I forget to switch off the extra lights before I go to bed, but you never say anything. I try, I promise I do, but I just… don’t like the dark. And – And – And you – “
 “Stop.” Now he sounds like he’s been kicked in the stomach as well. “Stop!”
 So, you do. You keep your hands up, wait for him to move. You see everything play out over his bare face. Your face. You watch the same realisations which had occurred to you as they happen to him. The confusion, anger, abject horror. He looks down at the hands which are now his, but used to be yours, and drops the knife to the floor with a clatter. You think for a moment he’s going to keel over, so you jump forward. It only makes it worse. He throws up a hand between your bodies, makes a raw sound in the back of his throat. For the first time you watch him notice that the voice coming out of his throat is wrong. That everything is wrong. He stares at his empty hands, one swollen and blooming purple. Down at your body which he us now inhabiting, and then looks up at you. You know very well what he sees, so used to the sight of your dark, blurred reflection staring back at you in the Beskar. Your stomach lurches at the feeling of yourself looking back at you, the body you should be in being worn by a different soul.
 You deflate. The helmet drops to your chest plate. You think you might fall over yourself. The Beskar is just so heavy. Your voice cracks. “I don’t… I don’t know.”
 He stares at you, looking as sick as you feel. Then abruptly turns. He reaches for the controls on his armour, lets out a shuddering breath when they aren’t there, and ducks under the child’s crib to unlock the crib manually. He’s scooping the child out before its even fully opened, holding him up to his chest. The child grabs at his face and the collar of the jacket your body was still wearing, at the tangled mess of hair long since fallen out of its braid. You feel your legs buckle and manage to lower yourself onto a crate. The Mandalorian keeps his back to you, stares down at his son in his arms, making soft noises to the snuffling child. Your eyes are burning. Being knocked unconscious certainly didn’t make up for the three days before. You want nothing more than to curl up in your own bunk and close your eyes. Be somewhere that wasn’t here, stuck with the Mandalorian in his body, and him in yours. You want to say something, anything. Need to speak to him. But you have no words. All you can do is stare at the back of your own head.
 “H-How long…” He stumbles with the words.
 Yours hands are shaking. “I don’t know,” you whisper. You brace them against your helmet, try to hold yourself together. “I don’t know.”
 “My armour – my helmet – “ But he cuts himself off. He turns finally, walks blindly until he finds a crate to sit on as well. The child turns his head towards you and makes a noise. You lift your head and smile at him and then it drops immediately. He can’t see you. The Mandalorian’s voice sounds strangled. “The Way.”
 Of course, you think. The implications slam into you, close around your lungs. You have to wrap your arms around yourself to keep the sudden wave of distress at bay. A Mandalorian without his armour. He’s staring at you – not quite at you exactly. At a spot on his helmet. You can see the flurry behind his eyes, feel a flash of such distinct fear through your system which you know does not belong to you. It makes your shudder. The child shared his emotions with you willingly, but the Mandalorian was as impenetrable as his armour. But this – this was his. It makes you nauseous, the strength of it.
 “Mando…” His eyes – your eyes – dart down to the visor. “I won’t take it off,” you offer quietly. “I know what it means to you. I – I promise.”
 His face twists. “Does it matter? I’m not wearing it – I’m not – “
 “I haven’t seen you. That’s the rules, right? I haven’t seen you. And – and I won’t. I’ll never look. I swear by the Maker, Mando, I won’t I’ll – “
 “You have to eat. To sleep.”
“I don’t know, I can’t think, but I would never…” Yours hands are shaking so badly now its sending tremors up your arms. “Never do that. To you.”
“What does that matter?” He snaps. “W-What does any of that matter?”
There are tears burning the backs of your eyes. “What else do you want me to say?”
 He clenches his jaw. Stares at you. You feel a hot tear slid down your face. The Mandalorian doesn’t say anything, just keeps staring. A myriad of emotions chase each other across his face. You want to apologise; you want him to apologise. You are just so tired. The panic bleeds away into numbness, bleeds out through your shaking hands. You stand, you might say something, but you can’t remember what it is. You must cross the hull to your bed, climb into it. You hear the Mandalorian moving but you can’t bring yourself to care. You don’t remember falling asleep. It’s dreamless.
Mando wakes you, forces you up to eat. The hull is in complete darkness all around you, only the flashing emergency light above the carbonite chamber still on. The blinking orange allows you to see ghosts of movement, the shape of your own body walking through the ship, so unsettling you feel as though you can’t hold on to the reality of it. Mando helps you take the helmet off in the darkness, his hands brush over the spot on your neck where your pulse throbs through the skin, around the edges of the Beskar. When it comes off its like coming up for air. He hands you rations bars and lets the child sit in your lap, cooing quietly. Tells you it had been too long since you had eaten.
“We’re moving today,” he says when you finish.
“Where?” Your voice is coarse from disuse, burns your throat on the way out. You wonder how long he let you sleep.
“Away from here.”
He helps you back into the helmet and leaves you. Climbs back into the cockpit and takes the child with him. The engine powers up not long after. The further you get from the planet’s surface the easier it is to breathe. The tight twisted lump which had become so permanent under your ribcage finally loosens, dissipates when the hyperdrive whirs to life and the Crest is swallowed in a tunnel of light.
The planet you land on is uninhabited as well. The surface is grey, and a continuous rocky plane in every direction. He powers the engine down again as soon as you touch down. A dead planet, home only to the three of you. The galaxy feels so quiet, quieter and more lonely than you have ever known it. The Mandalorian moves around in the tiny upper deck, you hear footsteps between the cockpit and the captain’s quarters. Some occasional metallic clanging and scrapping. Just above you and yet untouchable. Wearing your skin. Living in your body. 
You know you are hiding from him. You cower in the hull, drift from your cot to the other side of the small space and back. Unable to face him. Unable to look at your own face looking back at you. The weight of the Beskar slowly becomes familiar, but never comfortable. You sleep often, never fully, always drifting in some in-between limbo. Mando reappears eventually, before you go to seek him out. He turns the lights out again and takes off the helmet and you eat in darkness. The third time you sit together in the blackness of the hull you hear him eat with you. A small tendril of relief works its way through you. The silence slowly eases into something – not companionable – but no longer harsh. It makes it better. Easier. In all the time you had known him never once had your relationship with the Mandalorian been a difficult one. The feeling of constant tension was a new one. Days slip by.
“We must be getting low,” you say. His voice without the helmet is different. It’s not deeper exactly but richer, fuller. Feels strange rumbling through your chest when you speak.
You can’t see him, but you can hear the rustling of his movement not far from you. “In what?” 
“Everything.” You hold the bar you’re eating up and then remember he can’t see it. Drop you hand into your lap again. “Food. Fuel. How much water do we have left?”
He doesn’t say anything, and you sigh. Lean back against the wall behind your crate. The horrible question has lingered between you, unsaid for days, but always on the tip of your tongue. So, you talk around it. Barely. The Mandalorian tries not to talk at all and you wonder if he hates the sound of your voice coming from his mouth, if it disturbs him as much as it does you. You talk about the child, about the planet outside, and now about the inevitable need to restock and refuel the Crest. Don’t ask what you will do if whatever has been done to you is irreversible. Don’t talk about how to fix it. 
“How long do we have before we need to leave?” You ask.
There’s rustling from his spot in the darkness. “A week. Maybe.”
“Where will we go?”
“Somewhere close. We don’t have enough to fuel to do another jump to hyperspace.”
You suck in a breath through your teeth. You hear Mando stand and move around the hull. He’s quicker on his feet now, getting used to moving through the darkness without his helmet. It makes you feel even more useless. You finish your paltry meal and pick up the helmet, suck in one last deep breath before you pull it back on. The weight of it on your neck and the pressure around your skull is immediate and suffocating. You have to close your eyes and count backwards from ten, clench your hands around the crate so tight it hurts. The light switches back on. 
For the first time he doesn’t disappear straight away, doesn’t immediately clamber up the ladder and back to his own separate world. He stands in front of the control panel, arms folded across his chest. Stares at you, eyes finding yours through the visor. You stare back. The longer you do, the less the woman’s face across from you feels like yours. Mando is still wearing the jacket you were in the cave, the same boots and trousers. The braid had long come undone. He looks tired. Your eyes caught the wrapping of bandage around the purpling fingers of his right hand. You need to shower; you need to talk to him. Relieving yourself was a problem you tried to put off for as long as you could, dealt with it only when you had to. Everything feels like an awful invasion of privacy, even just living. You hate that you are taking something away from him, hate that he’s taking it away from you. Hate that for the first time since you’d met him you felt as though you were disconnected from him. You feel something shift, an opportunity maybe, rise between you.
He doesn’t say anything. Neither do you. The moment passes. The Mandalorian turns and climbs up the ladder and is gone.
Tion meg be’aliit gar? Which clan are you from?
Tion gar gai? Who are you?
Ne shab’rud’niÖ Lit: Don’t mess with me, extremely strong warning, usually followed by violence
Me’ven? Expression of disbelief (Huh?) 
Gotabor Engineer 
Tag List: @btillys​ @vercopaanir​ @sistasarah-sallysaidso​ @adikaofmandalore​
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dolphingal · 4 years
the night we met...
Note: Based on a rp with friends in which Shrig (Lovebug) died in the ro he has a couple of siblings and Malcolm is his father 
Lamar (lamp) can create illusions made clouds, fog and magic, this fic is based on him using this ability to revive one of the nights in which Lovbug and him meet before he died
The night was calm, the big bright moon was lighting the dark night like a streetlight, under the sky full of stars, in a park, a blue boy was having a walk, but he wasn’t walking at midnight to look at the views the night offered to him, like the neon lights from the stores or the fireflies that were flying around the beautiful flowers of they park, neither it was to contemplate the startling view of the stars in the sky
No, it was because it was another of those nights, the one in which he couldn’t sleep, in which his blankets felt more cold than ever and his house was no longer cozy, in which if he tried to stay in bed tears would start to come from his eyes and the loneliness was hitting more hard in the hole deep dark hole of his broken heart
The reason of this? Shrignold Amour, known as Lovebug, good son, loving brother, faithful friend and the most important and greatest person that Lamar had ever met, a person who didn’t deserve the end he found six months ago due to the madness of his sick dad.
Lamar sighted before sitting in a bench, the same bench in which three years ago he met Lovebug, and in which seven months ago he almost confessed his feelings to the bug boy
The lamp boy stared at the floor for a bit, not having the guts to look at the empthy space of the bench in where Lovebug used to sit
Lamar's eyes shined for some seconds before he looked up next to him, and there it was, a perfect illusion of Shrig, exactly as he looked the night he almost confessed
- A nice night, Dont ya think? - asked lovebug as he looked Lamar with love, he still had the small bags under his eyes and seemed genuine tired, but that didnt stop him from give the lamp boy a bright smile, just like that one night
- Yes it is - Lamar replied as he looked at the sky - its perfect to stargaze
- It is! - said lovebug as he looked at the sky as well - but I have the feeling you didnt call me here for that
- You know me really well.. bug
- Ofc I do, its my job, we are close friends after all!
- Yeah.. friends... - muttered Lamar to himself
- So, what did ya make you bring me here?
- Welp.. I... - Lamar approached his hand to Shrig's one wanting to hold hands, but like that one time, he regretted it and didnt do it - I know.. you’re not at your best and you’re really stressed lately, but I was thinking.. what if we go outside?
-Go,,, outside?
-Yeah! Like I was thinking bout that one restaurant you liked..... y know... spend some time, just two friends chilling
- Lamar,,, even if I would love to go, I need to take care of my siblings and keep an eye on dad....
Lamar’s eyes went down as he felt his heart broken once again
- But, I promise to you we’ll have a nice dinner and then we’ll watch some movies! Just like the old times - Lovbug said with a smile, making Lamar smile as well
- Yeah! We’ll make some popcorn and then stay until 3am watching those silly romance movies!
Both guys laughed a bit as they remembered the good times they had spent together before going into an awkward silence, staring at the floor, a bit unsure of what to say
Lamar took a deep breath, thinking about what he was about to say before finally speak
- Lovebug I... I love you - he didn’t care if he was confessing to an illusion, he needed to take that out of his chest and say it out loud - I’m.. really in love with you... and I’ve been in love with you for a long time..
- Oh Lamar, my sweet dream boy - the illusion answered, making Lamar went wide eye as he didn’t expected a reply - Why didn’t you tell me that when I was alive? - he asked with a bit of sadness in his voice and he lend to kiss the blue boy
Lamar just closed his eyes and lended to kiss Lovebug, but when their lips touched, the illusion faded, leaving a broken hearted lamp boy all by himself
- Lovebug... my love,, you’re gone and I ask to myself.., what I am supposed to do now without you? - the lamp asked as he looked up at the stars, leaving the tears stream down his face
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Starish and Quartet Night as bungo stray dogs’ abilities
A/N: Other than utapri, I am also a huge fan of BSD, and so I thought why not write about the boys having the abilities like the characters in BSD Generally I tried to keep it to classic literature book titles and based their abilities on the title of the book.
I also decided to split the boys into team ADA and port mafia. Not sure if I should put this as my disclaimer but putting a boy in the PM does not necessarily mean he is a ‘bad’ person. My take on the ADA and PM for this scenario is that they fight for different reasons!
All in all, these are just some headcanons I have and may not be 100% accurate to the boys’ personalities or the BSD plot.
Welp, this was a lengthy a/n mainly cause I’m kinda nervous about posting these kind of stuff. But thank you for reading till the end and I hope you like it!
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Designation: ADA
Ability name: In Search of Lost Time (Marcel Proust)
Ability description: Ability user is able to travel up to 1 hour back into the past. Anyone who is standing within a 5-metre radius of the user will also be affected.
Otoya discovered his ability when his friend nearly cycled into the path of a bus 
Otoya looked on in shocked and desperately prayed that he could turn back time, which was what eventually happened and he managed to pull his friend to safety
Unlike the other ADA members who were recruited by Reiji, Otoya volunteered to join the agency at his own will 
Otoya is always eager to go on missions, whether he was assigned to it or not. He wants to do whatever he can to help others
He eventually trained his stamina by jogging every morning, as well as took self defence classes
Once in a while, he hangs out with Syo to play soccer (whether a not the both of them decide to use their abilities during a match is up to them) 
He looks up to Reiji a lot and is close to Tokiya 
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Designation: ADA
Ability name: Persuasion (Jane Austen)
Ability description: Once eye contact has been made, ability user is able to get the victim to reveal whatever secret he desires.
Tokiya stumbled across his ability when he was asking his mum what she got him for his birthday and she told him
She later admitted that she did not have the intention to reveal his gift in the first place
Tokiya initially had mixed feelings about his ability, as he was aware that some people wanted to keep certain thoughts hidden
But he later learnt how to better control his ability, and decided to use it for good
Reiji later recruited Tokiya into the ADA after having a chat with him in a cafe and Tokiya showing interest in helping with the agency
Tokiya has little to no combat skill, but to make up for it, he is extremely intelligent
Before going after an enemy, Tokiya does intense research on the person, sometimes asking Ai for help
He is then able to cause the enemy to go into a panicked state when his deepest, darkest secret is revealed
As much as possible, Tokiya avoids leaving the office and similar to Masato, he spends his free time reading as well as listening to music
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Designation: Port Mafia 
Ability name: Lost Illusions (Honore de Balzac)
Ability description: Ability user is able to send victim into a trance-like state, allowing user to brainwash the victim. For the ability to work, eye contact has to be made.
When he was a child, Natsuki was ordering ice cream when the man suddenly looked dizzy and said odd things
His parents later explained to him that it was an ability granted to him
Natsuki didn’t really understand it, but he was careful to not make eye contact with anyone for too long as he was aware that was what set the ability off
Growing up, he learnt how to control it and can now make eye contact with people without his ability setting off
Camus personally recruited Natsuki into the port mafia, recognising the strength of his ability if used well
Despite his tall figure, Natsuki loves cute things and is often seen bringing mini pastries to Camus’ office to eat with him (Camus appreciates that a lot)
During his off days, Natsuki enjoys catching up with his favourite TV show (Piyo chan)
He loves dotting on Syo due to his small size and enjoys putting him in ‘cute clothing’ (despite Syo’s multiple protests)
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Designation: ADA
Ability name: The Secret Garden (Frances Hodgson Burnett)
Ability description: Ability user is able to transport people to a garden which is inaccessible by outsiders. Only people within a certain radius are affected.
Masa didn't have the brightest childhood, and grew up emotionally broken
He first discovered his ability when he heard his parents fighting outside and he found himself transported to a different room 
When he finally came out of his secret room, he realised thst his parents had been searching for him, giving him a greater understanding of his ability
He uses his ability to save others from harm, but occasionally uses it as a retreat when he needs the time and space to think 
When Ren comes over to bother find him, they sometimes gather in his secret room, away from the public eye 
Masato learned how to fight with the katana to make up for his ability which lacks combat
He prefers office work and spends most of his free time reading 
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Designation: Port Mafia 
Ability name: Perfume (Patrick Suskind)
Ability description: Ability user is able to track down a person with his scent. For ability to work, a piece of clothing must be given to the user.
Ren discovered his ability when he was trying to return a lost handkerchief to a stranger who dropped it in a crowd
He took a whiff of it and immediately saw the location of the owner as well as the path he took
He was recruited into the port mafia by Natsuki when he stumbled upon him carrying out a mission
During his off days, Ren enjoys playing darts in an underground pub
He also enjoys looking for Masato from the ADA to hang out with him (also Masa might beg to differ)
What he lacks in combat, he makes up for with his ability, tracking down multiple criminals and targets with ease 
Ren is a sweet talker, and is easily able to convince target women to pass him their scarf/handkerchief for his team to track them down later 
He is often seen working with Syo, who helps with the combat side of missions
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Designation: Port Mafia 
Ability name: Fires on the Plain (Ooka Shohei)
Ability description: Ability user is able to use fire. He can also control the intensity, and how far it can spread.
Syo first discovered his ability when he was in a heated argument with a friend and accidentally set a portion of grass on fire
He then trained himself to be careful and to learn how to control his ability
Ren was the one who convinced Syo to join the port mafia, telling him that his ability would be well respected in the agency (he was right)
Syo quickly rose up the ranks in the port mafia, and is often tasked with leading missions
Syo is a very smart ability user, and knows when to use his ability to just threaten someone and when to use it to hurt someone
During his off days, he is often playing soccer with Otoya. Although he says that no abilities should be used, he sometimes uses his ability to trap Otoya within a certain space while he scores a goal
Syo admires Natsuki’s ability a lot, and enjoys working with him (although he will never admit it)
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Designation: ADA
Ability name: The Call of the Wild (Jack London)
Ability description: Ability user is able to freely transform into a wolf on command. This ability is highly suited for combat
Cecil’s parents were the first to discover his ability when they went to wake Cecil up one morning but discovered a wolf lying in his place instead
They initially panicked but upon hearing the wolf mumbling, they realised it was just their son
Cecil was recruited by Reiji when he turned into a wolf to help sniff out for survivors in a snowstorm
Realising that they’re abilities worked well together, the both of them worked as a team a lot
Cecil is often seen training his stamina so that he could keep up with his wolf abilities
While he usually has a calm and happy personality, Cecil can become extremely violent when angry and has little control over his emotions
During off days, Cecil likes to take shelter in a high tree to read his book or listen to music
Cecil doesn’t like doing paperwork and is often seen asking Tokiya or Masato to help him (which they reluctantly agree to because Cecil is very cute)   
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Designation: ADA (leader)
Ability name: Snow Country (Yasunari Kawabata)
Ability description: Ability user is able to control snow over a certain radius. Depending on the user, light snow or a snowstorm can be summoned.
Reiji discovered his ability when he was a child and was upset that it wasn't snowing for Christmas
He ended up summoning a light snow over his house
He founded the ADA in hopes of using his ability to help others
On off duty days, Reiji uses his ability during winter festivals to make children happy by sending down snow to help them build snowman or take part in snowball fights
Reiji is not too fond of using his ability to hurt others. However if the situation calls for it, he will.
Depending on the severity of the situation, Reiji can either send heavy snow to scare the villain off or unleash a deadly snowstorm to directly hurt the villain.
The only scenario where Reiji casts a deadly storm is usually when someone he loves gets hurt.
He is often seen working with Cecil as their abilities work well together 
Reiji often uses his ability to trap the villain within a certain area, while Cecil swoops in to hold the villain down
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Designation: Port Mafia (but is kind of a lone wolf) 
Ability name: In Cold Blood (Truman Capote)
Ability description: Ability user is able to leave no trace of crime committed. All evidence is wiped clean once the user leaves the crime scene.
However, much is still unknown about this ability. 
Ranmaru first discovered his ability when he devised a detailed plan to kill his friend’s stalker
When he was about to wipe off the blood on his knife, he realised it had already disappeared
He honestly did not know what to feel about his ability. He didn't exactly despise murder, but knowing that the cases remained unsolved bothered hims slightly
The only things he know about his ability is the fact that all evidence will be erased the moment he leaves the crime scene
But there is said to be more to his ability than that
He was recruited into the port mafia by Camus but with the condition that he was allowed to work alone
As he spends most of his time in his apartment, he isn't close to anyone
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Designation: ADA 
Ability name: Masks (Fumiko Enchi)
Ability description: Ability user is able to take the form of someone else. However, for this ability to work, the user needs to recognise the exact shape and form of the victim in detail.
Being a droid, Ai was programmed with the knowledge that his ability exists
His first experience with his ability was when he was people watching and accidentally morphed into a stranger he was looking at
Ai’s constant curiosity has allowed him to easily memorise the faces of others, as well as their physique
Because of that, he is a complete pro in using his ability
He was also programmed to distinguish between the right and wrongs of the world
He is fully aware of the capability his ability has to engage in wrong doings
Despite so, he chooses to only use his ability to do good
He's not a fan of fighting and prefers to write up reports and conduct interrogations in the office
He is close with Tokiya and is often seen hanging out with him
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Designation: Port Mafia (leader) 
Ability name: Phoenix (Osamu Tezuka)
Ability description: Ability user possess phoenix abilities to a certain extent, the most notable one being able to heal mortal wounds and revive selected people from the dead. 
Camus discovered his ability when he had a injury from horse riding and ended up healing himself when he hovered his hand over the sprain
He joined the port mafia as a low rank employee, but quickly worked his way up to the top due to his ability, eventually taking over the organisation 
Most of the time, he is inside his office (drinking tea) while watching over the city
He has a decent combat ability, but prefers to leave the fighting to his underlings as he felt that it was not 'royal' of him to engage in such things 
One of his known skills is the ability to revive the dead, but for this to work, the person needs to be dead for less than an hour
Camus barely uses this ability as he believes that death is inevitable, but if someone in the port mafia (or ADA because he lowkey loves them) is dead, he will not hesitate to bring them back to life
He is someone who likes working alone and is not particularly close to anyone in the organisation
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tricktster · 5 years
Honestly, I cannot say enough about my german study abroad program, in no small part because the people i met through it were the wildest bunch i have ever met. We had:
Me, a cursed American stumbling through increasingly unlikely and unfortunate situations, including:
getting arrested and hauled off in a cop car for the serious crime of not transcribing the five digit number printed on the back of my bus ticket onto the front of my bus ticket
slipping on dog poop on a crowded street while running late for class (leading a number of tourists to run over and photograph me in my undignified heap on the cobblestones) only to suffer one final indignity when i had to leave my poop shoe out in the hall outside the classroom, and subsequently discovered after class that it had been (correctly) identified as garbage by the custodian, and had been disposed of
spending the entire month of November with essentially no money after a bank error caused me to be cut off from my US checking account, thereby forcing me to figure out how to survive by my wits alone in a series of schemes, cons, and 1€ sausages
burning my thumb so badly on an oven in an attempt to make the world’s worst stuffing for the world’s saddest expat thanksgiving that my friends all had an intervention where they gave me a single black glove to wear because it was grossing them all out.
Enough about me. There were also my closest friends:
L , a horrendously wealthy New Englander who would drop lines in her stories like “so we were all smoking opium in my parents library,” and, “so every time my room gets too dirty, i just move to the next one down until the whole wing is filthy.” In spite of everything I’ve just said, she was also a genuinely good and incredibly fearless person who would throw fists without hesitation if she thought anyone was insulting her friends. She had a weird sexual relationship with her obscenely wealthy family friend in Frankfurt, which the rest of us suspected maybe been part of a business deal that their parents arranged at birth. It was better than Game of Thrones, honestly.
Y, a four foot tall Puerto Rican that I met when we were both walking down the street kind of near each other and some wild impulse called me to say to her, without so much as an introduction, “Yeah, you walk pretty cool, but if you wanna walk REAL cool, you gotta do it like thissssss,” while kinda lunging around. Just as inexplicably, she chose to continue talking to me, and several months later the two of us ended up making a harrowing 2:00 am escape from the private bar of a frat house that we had suddenly noticed had an awful lot of Nazi memorabilia on the walls for a frat located in a country that had criminalized the display of Nazi symbols. “Why are you leaving?” The frat-nazis complained as we bolted. “You will come back tomorrow afternoon for the barbecue, ja?” “Ahahhahaha nein fucking way, motherfucker,” Y muttered under her breath as we smiled and nodded politely all the way out the private garden, through the enormous iron gates, and out into the night. Once we were in the clear, we stared at each other, shaken, until Y broke the silence. “Welp. Those guys were Nazis. That actually just happened. I can’t.... man, I dunno, i’m still processing, let’s just go get some fucking falafel.”
We did.
S, the Australian, who one time invited me over to her apartment, opened the fridge, grabbed a plate of cheese, shoved it under my nose while going “HERE SMELL THIS!” and while i lurched away, gagging, cheerfully added “IT’S REALLY FOUL, RIGHT? ONE OF THE WOST THINGS I’VE EVER SMELLED!!” She was also absolutely obsessed with High School Musical, and was very disappointed every time the Americans shattered one of her illusions about the US public school system.
K, the girl from New Zealand, who had broken up with her serious boyfriend shortly before leaving for Germany, causing her to mourn his loss every time she got drunk by describing his penis with increasingly strange metaphors, such as “like a big wax candle but part of it’s gone,” and “like one leg off a spider.”
So, i had a pretty solid crew of five big weirdos. But there were, naturally, more people than the five of us in our program. For example:
R, from Minnesota, who dressed like she was about 72 and glared at anyone who was laughing too loudly near her because “i just don’t think jokes are funny.” More importantly, she would post facebook videos of herself reciting, entirely sincerely and in a steady monotone, the worst fucking poems that I have ever heard. She posted them under a pen name that was along the same lines as “the lyrical falcon.” She was in a feud with not one but two poetry clubs at her christian college, and while she never admitted this, all evidence suggested that it was because they both kicked her out. She was the Tommy Wisseau of poems. They were so bad they looped back around to good. Also, one time on the train she told me that she liked to think that she was a very good kisser because she played the french horn so she had strong mouth muscles. when i finally recovered from the mortal blow that she just delivered my soul, I asked her if she blew into people when she kissed them, and she got so insulted that she blocked me from her facebook poetry page. let me back in, R. please, if you’re reading this, let me back in.
They’re good poems, R.
Zoolander, from Pennsylvania, who was so, so handsome, but so, so, so dumb. One time he told me about this dream he had, and it was just an entire episode of Dexter’s lab. No changes or anything, he just... dreamed that he was watching that episode, and then the whole thing played in his head until it was done. He said it was the best dream he’d ever had. I once watched him pick up the same coin off the street four times because he couldn’t figure out that his pocket had a hole in it. When he noticed me, he said excitedly “Somebody left money everywhere!”
Juan, who constantly confused all the kids from Spain who went up to talk to him in their native tongue, only to discover that he was a very sarcastic man from Liverpool who didn’t speak a word of Spanish and was sick of everyone trying to bond with him. He only liked the Americans, because that’s where the tv show Family Guy was from, and only the Americans liked him, because we tend to like surly british assholes for basically no reason. At the end of the program while we were all saying our goodbyes, he came up to me, looking really upset. “I can’t believe it,” He said, uncharacteristically serious. “I can’t believe it’s all over and i’ll never...” He looked like he was about to cry.
“Oh, dude, we can keep in touch on facebook or something?” I fumbled. He blinked.
“What? No, no, ugh, it’s just the last day of the program and I’ve LOST MY FOOKIN SCARF!” he roared.
God, I know this is weird, but I still really miss that guy.
The Croatian: There was a dude from Croatia in my apartment building who outright refused to tell me his name, because, “It’s an embarrassing word in English. You’d laugh.” I badgered him for five months, until finally, his defenses down, after many earnest promises that no matter what his name was, I would not laugh, he relented.
“My name is Tin.” He said sheepishly.
His name was fucking Tin.
Beardy, Beardo, Redbeard, and Weirdbeard: four drastically different young men from all across our beautiful planet who had one thing in common: thinking that they’d try out a beard while they were abroad. We always admired them from a distance, and compared their beards’ various unique and bad properties, until one day Beardy (who was australian and had developed a sort of flesh colored goatee) walked up to S, his countryman, in a club. “DO YOU WANT TO DANCE?” he yelled, trying to get her attention, but she was in a dance-off with K, and didn’t notice, so he tapped her shoulder. She whirled around, startled, and upon recognizing him, said without thinking, “OH, HI BEARDY!”
The song faded out.
Beardy stared at S.
“...Did you just call me ‘Beardy?’” he asked quietly. S looked like a deer in the headlights. She glanced towards me, hoping for an out, but I, dear reader, was laughing too hard to be of any use.
“You did,” he went on, “you called me ‘Beardy!’ Why!?”
“Cuz of your beard, probably. That’s a better name for you than Josh.” Zoolander interjected from out of nowhere, strolling out of the club, a beautiful woman on each arm.
“My name isn’t Josh...” Beardy tried to call after him.
“Who’s name isn’t Josh? Oh! Beardy!” A drunk K could be heard deducing from the back of the room.
He shaved it a week later, but the damage was done. He was Beardy for the rest of the semester.
When I look back on that period of my life now, I can’t help but reflect - with the clarity one only gets from experience - that my time in Germany was not as weird as I thought it was at the time. I lacked the perspective to see that it was all, actually, absolutely bonkers batshit nuts. It was some sitcom shit.
All in all, I highly recommend it.
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mousehole5000 · 4 years
 this is it... the final post.... 226 through THE END!!!!!
this shit with mu qing and the river of lava is SOOOO dramatic im loving it
oh my god theyre on a FUCKING bridge of course they are okay let’s go boys
“You’re right. We’re alike. You think me odd, I think you to be rather weird too.” - so what im getting from this is that xie lian and mu qing are the only characters in this book with working gaydar okay yup got it this checks out
god... the fact that xie lian is ready to be like “look mu qing we can just forget about the past it doesnt matter we dont have to be friends i know you dont like me but im not gonna let you die over it” and then mu qing is like “.... god i really do admire you huh”
“You...certainly...are rather amazing. You’re...also...a better person...than me. Long story short, I...very much wanted...to become your f-f-friend.”  - going to think about this for the rest of all time im about to become utterly unintelligible im overcome with emotions
“And, at the end of the white silk band, Feng Xin was gripping Ruoye with one hand while the other was holding on to a steel-faced Mu Qing, and he shouted towards him.” - the fucking IMAGE of this im gonna cry this is everything i could have asked for im so happy also mu qing dangling there like “ welp. guess ill live“
“Feng Xin was almost burnt by that pillar of fire, and he shouted in outrage. “WHAT’S WITH THIS BAND OF DOG SHITS, ATTACKING PEOPLE WHILE THEY’RE DOWN, SO VILE! FUCK YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY!” Xie Lian responded, “IF THEIR ENTIRE FAMILIES ALL LOOK LIKE THAT, YOU SURE YOU WANT TO FUCK THEM??” - theyre so funny!!! and theyre best friends!!! theyre joking together now in the middle of all this i could cry theyre back!!!
“Using sticks as arrows, he held the bow with one hand and used his teeth to bite back the bowstring.” - no clue how practical this is but okay archer boy. hot
i actually have so many little quips between the three of them highlighted but we’d be here all night if i included them all. im literally so delighted by this omg worth the wait
“Each sabre strike slashed to the bone. It wasn’t like Xie Lian had never seen Hua Cheng use the sabre before in the past, but his style had always been easy and leisurely, nonchalant and casual. Rather than say he was handling a weapon, it was more like he was toying with a small knife. Yet those blade marks were filled with killing intent. It was easy to imagine just how skilled the one exchanging blows with him was, and how perilous this battle.” you have no idea how mad i was when i read this and thought we missed witnessing the fight between hc and jw omg
“Behind him, Feng Xin muttered, “Dear fucking god, may all the gods and buddhas grant their blessings, that better absolutely be Crimson Rain Sought Flower, otherwise he’s gonna go mad!” “Stop your rubbish,” Mu Qing berated. “We’re all the gods and buddhas ourselves and we can’t grant shit, just keep up with him! Look at the stumbling way he’s running, he’s gonna trip and fall to his bloody death before he even sees the man!” - okay i know i said no more quips but this is literally too funny i just wanted to read it again
“ However, for whatever reason, that vicious ghost, in its muddled state, took that large group of live mortals under its wing and fled for many days. In the end, they were still surrounded by millions of ghosts, trapped in a dead end, and it was going to be eaten along with those humans.” [...] “That vicious ghost almost made a move against those humans, but for some reason, in the end, it didn’t. It instead used one of its own eyes as the price to forge a blood weapon. That vicious ghost was already forcibly hanging on with its last breath; after digging out its eye it should’ve broken apart completely. Yet somehow something had shocked it, and it instead woke to its senses completely. “ - THIS IS AMAZING ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? IS THIS ALL WE GET ABOUT HIS GHOSTLY LORE?????? HUA CHENGGGGGGGG
“What a terrible offence, his old habit had come out, and he quickly apologized. “I’m sorry! You don’t have to listen to me!” Hua Cheng, however, only smiled happily. “Everything gege tells me is the best advice, so why wouldn’t I listen?” - this isnt the fucking time afjdkfjsdkl they really never stop
“So you can hold the illusion of a perfect Crown Prince of Wuyong to face and dismiss the Jun Wu now. Isn’t that your objective? Did you think I don’t know what you’re thinking?” “THAT’S NOT IT!” Guoshi cried. “Stop getting tied up in right and wrong, victories and defeat, I’VE NEVER THOUGHT THAT WAY BEFORE!” - jun wu only being able to see xie lian as his successor and believing that thats all anyone else sees too... okay
honestly this whole final showdown was a blast i cant put everything in but it was so much fun to read. the DRAMA the LAVA the SHOUTING t
“Hua Cheng had poured too much spiritual power into him. There really was too much, so much that it was completely outside the amount the cursed shackle could withstand.” - okay.... okay... the love you give will set you free... okay....
“With Jun Wu in his grip, he carried both their bodies and forcefully slammed into the incomparably-solid rock wall! He used all of his power in this smash, and in the rumbling and crashing of rocks, he also heard the sound of something breaking.” [...] “A moment later, Jun Wu suddenly asked, “That move. What is it called?” “...” Xie Lian raised his sleeve and wiped away the blood on the side of his face. “Shattering boulders on the chest.” YES!!!!! YES!!!!! xie lian actually lived that life!!!!!! i loved this detail so much
“After a moment of silence, Xie Lian took off the bamboo hat carried on his back, took it in his hand, and covered it over Jun Wu’s face.” - xie lian... good... another detail i love. a hat that protects from the rain, given in a moment of need, even to someone who has caused you hardship... we do not forget the kindness granted to us
“There was gratefulness, there was shame, there was heartache, there was wild joy, but above all else, there was incurable love.” - :pleading: i wish it was just that easy tbh. “i have to tell you about the worst parts of myself” “ive already seen them and i dont care i still love you“ truly the dream
“ It’s been so long since anyone listened to me talk, won’t you stay? Don’t...actually do this. I won’t be able to take it. Twice, it’s been twice already! I really don’t want there to be a third time!!!” - the bit about just wanting someone to listen to him talk... xie lian... :(
emily corpse bride moment.... i knew it had to happen.... butterflies.... death and rebirth.... inevitable
xianle trio bickering about ruoye..... mu qing complaining but not letting anyone else fix it... im so happy
“The Rain Master sat down on the spot, looking like she was going to perform a passing service for her. After all, Xuan Ji was the only one left of the Kingdom of Yushi besides herself.”  - xuan ji you sure the hell were... a character. this little moment tho..... yushi huang... many thoughts
“ Who hasn’t made promises, or swore to the mountains and the seas when they were young? Talking of affection, of love, of forevers. But, the longer I hang around in the world, the more I understand, something like ‘forever’ is impossible. It’s never going to be possible. Having it once was already good enough. No one can truly achieve it. I don’t believe in it anymore.” - jian lan im happy for you bummer it didnt work out with feng xin but yeah that was looooong ago. also this quote me same mood kin but its chill. having it once was already good enough
although yeah tbh if theres anyone who can have a forever like that... it would be a ghost and a god
fasdfjadklfj GOD... pour one out for ling wen.. but is that not the truth of this world? the one can be pardoned for being good at paperwork that no one else wants to do? isnt that the plot of the shawshank redemption?
okay but the fact that all xie lian’s friends come to visit him while he waits for hua cheng is making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.... fengqing coming together to try to get him out of the house but get scared off by his cooking... amazing
“Last time, they spent eight hundred years running towards each other. This time, it only took an instant to fall into each other’s embrace.” - im completely unaffected by this. im not lying i swear (i am lying im very emotionally affected)
okay i love this final wrap up chapter party its so fun. mu qing moving on from the broom thing!!! good for him!! the beggars get their reward!!! the fun ghost city chefs!! SQX!!!! and he xuan is?? here too??? he’s hungry??? fjadlkfjsdl
“The grounds that Feng Xin and Mu Qing had just swept were once again filthy from that giant crowd of muddy feet. Mu Qing gripped his broom, looking like he felt someone had infected him with fleas, and his eyes were wide.” - me when my dad comes into the kitchen when ive just finished washing dishes i get it king
the little folklore bit... fun!!! oh my god its over..... :(
that was really fun i had a blast reading it and on the whole really liked it i WISH soo badly that hua cheng had gotten more outside of being cunty and devoted even tho those are both important i just wish there was more about like how he got by during those 800 years and like did he ever have doubts? what shaped his worldview was it all xie lian or was it his experience as a mortal as well? why is he so mean to e’ming? theres bits and pieces here and there and i know it was already SO long but that really would have been great if there was more about hc cuz tbh by the end, at least for me, the hualian relationship didnt actually feel as fleshed out as the xianle trio relationship like i still liked hualian’s dynamic and it was really sweet how much they clearly really liked each other and  everything but i kind of wish some of the other subplots had been dropped or diminished in favor of more hc development i think that would have been cool
but anyway thats some of my thoughts and i really did enjoy the hell out of book 5 that was a riot and uhhh thanks to everyone who read these or commented *lends you spiritual energy through a high five*
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rainingskyguy · 5 years
Missing Scene for Counting the Seconds
So a lot of people were asking me how had Asagiri “fuck manual labor” Gen managed to kill Hyouga in my Counting the Seconds fic (link be here)
In a very Gen-like fashion apparently.
Sneaky and manipulation people’s attention.
This is a little bit more graphic than the fic itself, tw listed on the tags.
Gen watched all the enraged Ishigami villagers following Kohaku into the raid with grim satisfaction. He let them rush past him, hands itching to draw his katana– to fucking murder everyone on sight– but if he wanted to save Senku, if he wanted to make Hyouga pay, he needed to calm down.
So he waited.
He waited until the cloud of dust of Senku’s people died down. He waited until he could hear pandemonium running wild down in Hyouga’s dumpster. He waited until his blood stopped boiling, until he could smile again. Non-threatening, non-aggressive. Exuding nothing but the calmness of the forest, nothing but the wispy mist of the morning.
When he could breathe without choking on his anger, he finally began walking forward.
He weaved his way between combats, his aura so passive and unaggressive nobody looked twice at his drawn blade. He ducked from stone staffs, he side-stepped bodies falling around him. He let the spray of life blood stain his clothes, as the smallest disturbance would draw attention to him. He moved through the world as if he wasn’t even there, tricking himself into believing that the emotion at his core was not pure, seething anger.
He breathed in deeply– blood, sweat, the smell of death– and calmed down before continuing on his way.
He began checking tent after tent, seeking a mop of white hair, warm red eyes. He was going to get him out.
He was so late, but he had come for him. 
They had come for him.
He would get him out. 
When he noticed Chrome out of all people, exiting one of the tents, panicked, frantic and carrying a skeletal Senku on his back– he almost lost control of everything.
Senku was beaten bloody, his white hair heavy with grime and blood and sweat. His eyes were covered in leather, tears of blood running down from under the blindfold. His cheekbones were so sharp; he was vaguely certain they would impale Chrome’s head.
He looked to be on Death’s door.
They had taken so long.
Gen gritted his teeth, his lips pulling back in a grimace– his scar taut against his skin. Taut like the anger threatening to course through his veins.
Senku was safe.Chrome had gotten him out.He was going to be just fine.
Gen had a mission to fulfill.
Hyouga would pay. 
After he had managed to calm down again, Gen continued on his trek, as distant to the violence around him as he’d be in a field of flowers.
His eyes scanned his surroundings, and soon enough he had found his target. 
Kohaku –of course it was her– was fighting Hyouga, struggling against his all-reaching spear. Like the moon reflecting off the surface of a pond, nothing but a deadly illusion.
Hyouga may be the all-powerful moon, but he was so self-assured, so certain in his own power, relishing on his own reflection off the water, he did not see what was lurking underneath the surface.
Lurking, and dying to unhinge his jaw and swallow him whole.
Gen stepped forward. 
Kohaku was struggling, receiving minor slashes every time she tried to draw close, her fury, her rage only growing with every foiled attempt.
How was she going to end him?
She parried an overreaching attack and lunged– Hyouga wasted precious seconds realizing his mistake even as he stepped back, trying to put a second of distance between them to take his spear back.
Kohaku slithered under his arms and was driving the katana – through his face, through his eye and through his brain, make him suffer, make him squirm– but Hyouga stepped and suddenly there was a knee in her chest.
It drove the breath out of her lungs, her ribs– already hurt, injured from before– creaking ominously. Her hold weakened, the attack did not reach and she was sailing through the air to land heavily on her back.
Kohaku gasped in pain, shock– but she was already jumping to her feet before her body finished processing the assault. And just in time, as Hyouga’s spear hurtled to bury itself where she had been. 
Kohaku saw the chance and let her body follow the movement of the spear, her eyes firmly trained on her target. She saw him clutch the weapon with both hands, and she rolled out of the way before he had time to send her flying again. 
She jumped to her feet, a feral grin on her face when she realized at the same time as Hyouga. 
She had a clear hit. 
As did he. 
She ran forward, a war cry on her lips to give herself courage– Hyouga stepped back, his face twisted in murderous anger, as he tried gaining back control over the situation. 
His spear was going to sever her head and-Kohaku’s face was suddenly drenched in blood, a thing so disconcerting, she actually stumbled, stopped on her tracks– but the spear did not strike her dead.
She stared, uncomprehending as she realized that piercing her enemy’s chest– right over the heart– protruded the bloody end of a katana.
From where…?
Hyouga’s face twisted in futile rage, as he bared his teeth down at the weapon. With a cry of rage, knowing that it was over– he raised his spear and aimed it at Kohaku’s defenseless face. She was too shocked, too tired to react in time– but the katana embedded in his body twisted and Hyouga writhed, blood coming out of his mouth. His spear clattered to the ground.
“This… is not…over.” Hyouga sneered– but just a second later the light finally vanished from his eyes and with his final exhalation he crumpled to the ground.
Kohaku just stared, panting, exhausted and confused as none other than Asagiri Gen greeted her sight. Bathed in blood, no real expression on his face after just murdering a man– and actually she hadn’t been able to sense him, where had he come-?
When Hyouga’s body hit the ground, the illusion broke and a macabre grin spread over bloody, bruised lips. His eyes widened, the shadows on his face lengthened and suddenly Kohaku was choking on the murderous aura he was exuding as he laughed. Short, deep chuckles that sounded way too much like a sob, a cry of anguish.
It came as no surprise what he did next.
He took his katana back– a foot against his back as he pulled It free, splashing gore everywhere. Gen stumbled back, a step, two, then he screamed in outrage and cleanly severed his head in a single hit and proceeded to punt it away with his foot.
The rage vanished almost as fast as it had appeared and with it, the grief was back. It created new shadows on his face, letting the adrenaline dissipate and he crumbled to the ground. 
The entire world was silent. 
The moon had fallen. Had been swallowed whole from the sky. 
Nothing remained in its wake, except the subtle ripples of a deceptively calm pond. 
Nothing except the asphyxiating void of the sky overhead.
 The entire world was silent. 
Kohaku rushed after him, making sure he wasn’t injured, while around them– the remaining members of Hyouga’s empire surrendered their weapons, their leader gone, their will broken.
Kohaku didn’t care, she could no longer afford to care.
Senku was safe.
Gen was okay.
Her eyes rolled to the back of her head, and she collapsed on top of Gen.
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nuttyrabbit · 5 years
Welp. Kenders now claims beyond a shadow of a doubt the very CONCEPT of echidnas using any advanced technology. Because he never played the games or read StC (which in his mind doesn't mean the concept predates him creating it, it means you can't prove he "stole" it), so according to him, IDW, Paramount and even SEGA themselves aren't allowed to use the idea in any way.
Before, I would’ve said that the man is trolling, but now I legitimately think he’s broken so hard that he legitimately believes this shit, and that is really goddamn funny.  He really does live in his own little world that he tries to pretend is reality and will do ANYTHING to protect that illusion
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Havoc’s Worship 6: Raison D'être
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Havoc’s Worship Masterlist
Loki is chaos, chaos is havoc & havoc has found a treasure, a jewel, a new being to worship other than himself!
Pairing: Dragon!Loki Laufeyson X OFC Reader
Warnings: Hints of past torture, Mind games, Fluff, hints at miscarriage but no details
Summary: New truths are brought to light. Can the reader find it in her heart to start over or will Loki be left alone to deal with the havoc he caused in efforts to keep everyone safe?
A/N: Sorry this took so long to update! So, this is the final chapter! I took this in a completely different direction, hope you enjoy.
The desperate crying echoing down the narrow way made her heart race and had her jerking harder against the dark elf guards leading her in chains. All her aches forgotten along with the recent throbbing headache and possible broken ribs at the desperation in her daughters cry.
The tent they were kept in on Svartalfheim did little to mask the tiny princess's cries when they came for the ulfhednar. Two guards had jerked her from the tiny cell in which she had assured to pass Ember to Jane to keep safe, their confines separated by bars far enough apart to allow Ember through. Drug before Malekith for what she wasn't sure other than to beat her around some more before they sent a message to Loki.
Jerking desperately to pull free and rush down the way, the woman spun facing the masked elves, their eyes staring her down. They chuckled as she jerked to the end of the chains, trying to tug them along in a rush to get to the cell. Before they reached said confines they jerked harshly to force her to the ground inches from the cage she had been kept in the past 2 days next to Jane. 
Letting out a weak growl, she tussled with the two, clothing ripped and stained from the mistreatment of the past few days. The black earth of Svartalfheim sticking to new wounds as Jane yelled out to the guard to stop. 
One banged a weapon on the bars of Jane's cage to shut her up, but that only made the tiny princess scream louder. A gloved hand wrapping in the collar of the ulfhednar's ruined tunic to choke while lifting the defiant creature to dead feet and flung into the cell. 
“Quiet the welp or we will,” one snarled as the door slammed shut.
Hastily the disheveled queen scrambled to reach the bundle of dirty fur and cloth that kicked and screamed. Pulling the wailing bundle tight, she sunk to a corner with Jane who hurried to join her in her own cell. Deftly the mortal helped what she could through the bars to aid the weak warrior in getting the child fed and quieted. 
“I’m sorry. When they left with you they took her from me,” Jane apologized, careful of fresh bruises littering the others collar bone. It appeared the mortal was sporting a bruised cheek for her efforts. 
“It’s ok Jane. There isn’t much to control here,” she sighed looking down at the babe as she latched onto a nipple, instantly quieting to feed. Noting her daughter's red cheeks, stained with tears and this cursed black earth they all had come to hate.
“I know. But I have to tell you something,” Jane spoke gently, the warrior turning to look at the brunet. “I’m pregnant.”
That took more time than it should have to register to the queen. Chartreuse orbs searching over the mortals dirtied face, holding the princess tight. “Oh gods,” she finally sighed, reaching a free hand out to place it to Jane's head, resting her forehead on hers. “We will get out. Your baby is safe.”
Jane gave a weak smile, pulling away slightly as she began to fidget before producing clean cloth appearing to be from the lining of the mortals own dress. “Here, I salvaged some things, so Ember had a few more diapers.”
Nodding, the warrior graciously took the kind gesture. The babe and area quieting for the three to relax if only it was for a few unknown moments. Eyes heavy as she relaxed against the painful bars, but what else was there? The ulfhednar’s body ached from all of it, the beating, the recent birth and the weight of returned memories.
"Get some sleep," Jane's voice drifted through her ears as if in a fog, the quiet suckling of Ember beginning to fade out when the warriors eyes fluttered closed.
The queens worries dancing around with the latest development between she and Loki before all this.  
It was the day she returned with Loki; Ember asleep in a bundle of furs in the nest as she slept. Carefully Frigga guided the warrior through dark memories Loki had placed. Each one unraveling to show a kind, gentle lover who done nothing but dote over his wife, his mate. It was intoxicating but angering as Frigga gently guided her through the literal chaos the god had created. The question on her lips though was-.
“Why,” slipping past dry lips, eyes still closed to watch and feel what the old monarch was showing her.
An excited version of herself stepping off of the plane the moment all this began. Loki was surrounded by his own guard as was she, but she strode happily towards him, the god gracing her with a cheerful smile, wings unfolded. A cheer went up from the crowd as he took her hand gently and knelt before her, Thor smirking like the idiot he was. 
This wasn't their first meeting by no means as the memory slipped in the two of them had been meeting for several years. Possibly longer?  
“He felt you were ruining yourself by deftly agreeing to wed without question. Regardless of fate,” the older monarchs voice spoke to her, the woman watching the beautifully haunting memory.
Thoughts crossing this was another way to break her, maybe this wasn't real. An excited Loki standing to lift her from the ground, arms wrapped around her knees to lift her over him. Like two idiots they smiled at each other, her hands wrapping his face to take a kiss, wings folding protectively around them. 
This had a different feel, one stating this was an all too real memory hidden in darkness. She could literally taste the acrid seidr placed over the memory to hide it, this was heartbreaking. Would he rather her believe whatever dark things were placed over this instead of how he truly loved her?
“I wasn’t,” this wasn’t a dream any longer. The all-mother lifting the veil the god of mischief placed over her mind's eye. 
“Loki still believes even after he was given the crown by Odin, even after all the blame was lifted off of his shoulders of Sigyn's death; he still thinks himself unworthy to possess you. More so now that you have given him Ember. Loki fears he will have to hide you away to keep you safe and felt these memories would help him do so. 
He was wrong, had I known the real reason he told me he sent you back to Midgard I would have never allowed it. It made me wonder why he stole you in the night a few months ago, he finally admitted it, and when he returned to fetch you he found you were pregnant and had run in fear. I was afraid the illusion he placed when you were sent to the small village was too much. I found you, told him where to retrieve you,” the queen explained in the darkness, joyous memories of their wedding day, her own people present in the meadow that was supposedly a battleground.  
“So, all the hell he supposedly put me through was an illusion?”
“Yes,” Frigga admitted halfheartedly.
“Then this explains when I was on Midgard, -before I had Ember-, I found no scorched earth where we battled, no rebuilding. This is why the Avengers are so kind to us, why Thor is so gentle with Jane, why she returns his love," her own thoughts echoed around as they viewed the memory of their wedding night, how gently he carried her into the chamber.
“You remember all Loki has done for you? How kind be truly was,” Frigga spoke, the haze clearing for them to return to the chamber, sitting in the nest with Ember resting quietly. 
“Yes. But it makes me want to chew his ass for thinking he is less worthy than Thor or anyone else. It breaks my heart, I understand it, and he still has my heart, but I need to speak with him,” the warrior spoke up, a great weight lifted off of her shoulders as the dark memories where truly gone. There was still the acrid taste but thankfully she could recall none of the horrors, just good ones in their place. 
Frigga gave her a knowing smile, hugging the tired younger monarch tight for a moment. It was no secret the older woman doted over her replacement, she loved her fighting spirit, possibly loved her more so than Sigyn. “Then I will let him know you need to see him when he finishes with the dark elves.” 
Later that night, Ember resting once more after a feeding, the warrior was quick to corner Loki at the fireplace. The god fixing her with a worried glare at the fire in her eyes. It may be less than 24 hours since she gave birth, but the hybrid knew she could bring him to his knees, and he didn’t have the heart to stop her. 
“Your mother showed me Loki,” she echoed hotly trying to keep quiet to not wake Ember. Slapping the hand away the god attempted to lace into loose locks. “No. That’s how you do it. But Frigga charmed me, so you can’t anymore.”
The god pursed his lips, long coat unfolding to large wings. The meeting with the dark elf leader, Malekith, went in no way as planned. The dark elf storming out when neither hybrid would bargain. He knew she had heard, seen the ache in her bones when stepping flush to him. 
She felt his weariness at having to deal with the dark elf. Word came he had threatened the city, it’s people, her and the day-old princess for good measure as well. She knew his ache, reaching up to take his face in her hands, glad she couldn’t remember the nightmares he made her believe. 
“Please quit assuming you are a monster and that I am ruining my life by loving you. We are twin flames,” she echoed lovingly, stroking over his cheeks with calloused thumbs and tears rimming her eyes. 
“You fell into me so blindly when we first met, I just-. You left your people without looking back. You-. Norns my treasure,” he echoed laying his forehead to hers before his knees buckled and he fell before her. 
Tenderly he placed his head to soft belly, he knew she was sore, tired and now having to deal with this. This creature before him, this ulfhednar, his promised, mate, mother to his child birthed a little over 24 hours ago. 
“Can you forgive me treasure,” he echoed against soft belly, feeling her lean and lace fingers into his hair, wings folding around her. 
“Maybe-,” she hesitated, feeling him tense, leather clad arms wrapping around lightly covered legs. “We should start over.”
“We can,” he breathed, hopeful she wasn’t about to push him away. Though he gave her every right to do so. He could have ruined them both, stupid pride and self-loathing.  
She should hate him, should scream and kick him away. It was a dirty way to have done them, though, truth be told, Loki was just as messed up as she. Like she was one to know of love. Her parents were arranged, no love between them, they were married just to produce her, an heir to a throne. 
“Loki,” she breathed, soothing over the gods head and shoulders. “We both know nothing of what we are meant to be. My parents never showed any sort of affection, they were all business. And what happened during your lifetime was a travesty. I will gladly try once more; what about you?”
Slowly Loki got to his feet, reaching down to her thighs to place them around his waist. It was in no way sexual; it was to comfort as he placed an arm under her buttocks and the other around the nape of her neck. 
Gingerly the hybrid stroked over the soft flesh, “I was worried the last illusion had broken you when you weren’t at the settlement on Midgard. You were to have stayed at the shore, but you fled to the island. I thought I lost you, forgive me, I didn’t realize you were carrying until my last visit to find you gone. I’m sorry my treasure.” Gingerly he tugged her to him, nuzzling at her nose, kissing her lips tenderly. 
“Our first night together was so beautiful Loki. How could you bury it,” she whispered over his lips when the kiss broke for a moment. 
“I was foolish. I may have been called a monster my entire life, but it gave me no right,” he breathed, surprised when her lips pressed to his, arms wrapping around his shoulders while wings wrapped around her back to pull tight. 
“Take me to bed, I’m tired,” she echoed, Loki nodding in agreement. The god starting to the nest, the little bundle nestled in the furs and linens squeaking as he got his mate settled next to her. 
Slowly Loki laid at her back, a wing protectively draping over the queen and princess. Loki tenderly moved his mates loose hair to nuzzle at the nape of soft neck. “Rest mate, I will tend to her when she wakes,” his voice rasped as she leaned back into him to shut her eyes. 
A harsh jab to her ribs had her clinging to the quiet bundle in her arms. Jane hurriedly assuring she was covered as the guard entered. It still appeared as if it was night and hadn’t napped long. 
“Up,” the guard snarled from behind his mask, mind still hazed in sleep as a hand wrapped in the shackle chain to jerk her up drunkenly and still holding the infant. 
“What did he say,” Jane asked getting up as well, a guard coming to her own cell to retrieve the mortal. 
The warrior forgotten Jane didn’t possess all speak. “They want us up,” she spoke, the guards tugging them both out and down narrow walk to the entrance. 
Jane called out to her when they threw the ulfhednar out of the tent like structure to the black dirt. Protectively the warrior curled around the infant to keep her from being slung to the ground. Landing hard on her shoulder to cushion the fall with Jane falling over her to stop anyone from hitting the two. 
“As you can see, they are alive,” Malekith spoke to someone making the women look up to spot several Avengers. There was no way the leader would allow Loki or Thor close unless it was to get what he wanted. 
“You’ve beat them,” Steve spat in disgust, one of the others starting forward, it looked to be Sam, but the captain stopped him. 
“Just the one; she is a handful,” Malekith spoke with a laugh, a move of his hand and the guards were grabbing them up once more to haul back to their cages. 
Led back to their holding cells, the two guards toyed with them, mocking the women and using their strength to shove them around since it sounded as if the group had left. This was their chance. If she remembers right there was a way off Svartalfheim. 
Faining hurt, the ulfhednar fell to the dirt, cradling Ember tight the princess squeaking out. It was an excellent distraction, no one ever said a dark elf was intelligent. Creating a diversion for the two women to break free, Ember safely strapped to her mother as she wrapped the chains around the ones neck as Jane done the other. Managing to free themselves before running out the back of the tent and across the open ground. 
Thankfully they had set up camp several yards from the craggy cliffs. Spotting the cavern, she sensed held a portal, the women ran blindly into the darkness to emerge in freezing cold. Nowhere to go but forward, hurrying to seek shelter while it appeared they didn't go unnoticed, large ice dragons descending on the elves that were stupid enough to follow. 
Not looking back they continued until a large ice dragon dropped before them. Hastily she placed Ember in Jane's hands. A fire flashed in her eyes, calling seidr to muster enough strength to fight. The three of them coated in a spray of ice and blue blood as the warrior downed the dragon. Several more landing only to pause as she stood, donning a wolfish look and dazzling tattoos. 
They stopped, shifting to giants with great leather wings and kneeled to her. That wasn’t expected, turning to look at Jane and Ember before darkness crept in, collapsing in a heap of tattered flesh. 
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A gentle calling of her name had her waking to look up at a leather draped ceiling. A quiet coo getting her attention to someone next to her. Looking over to find Jane, clean, covered in dark furs, and a tiny bundle strapped to her front with leather and fur. 
“Thank god,” Jane breathed moving to help her set up against more furs and cloth rolled like pillows. A quick look around revealed they were actually under a massive wing. One that moved slightly so the bearer could look at the two. 
It appeared to be a very tall, gruff looking frost giant with once curled horns, but one was broken and the other wrapped in straps of leather. With a grunt the giant got up and left the room. One that was large but at least had a fireplace with true fire radiating heat not far from them.
Moving to place more furs around the warrior, Jane finally un-tied the small infant to place in her mother's arms. “They brought milk for Ember. I’m not sure from where but she took it each time. They told me it came from another. I'm sorry, I hope I did right, she was crying so much, she was hungry and I didn't know what else to do," Jane worried as the warrior waived the brunet off, tugging the fur from around Ember's small and dipping to scent the sleeping babes lips.
"It's ok Jane, you did the right thing. It smells like what Loki and Frigga-," she paused, swallowing hard. Gods, Frigga, meeting Jane's gaze, tears burned in her eyes and a lump threatened to choke her. Cuddling the sleeping infant close, feeling the little ones full belly through the furs, they should take comfort they hadn't lost more.
"You've been out for several days," Jane spoke up, changing the subject neither women wanted brought up at the moment. "The ones that brought us here said they couldn't risk taking us through Jotunheim."
"Who are they," the warrior asked, letting the brunet help her settle. "Gods I should have known when you told me you came willing with Thor something was up." It was obvious from the queens tone she was trying to take her mind off of the pain shooting across her features before relaxing on the pillows. Dawning on the ulfhednar these were expensive furs, clean, nothing a commoner would possess.
"The guards, the healer, none of them would tell me who they answer to," Jane admitted, settling close so they could share body heat. 
"How do you feel," the warrior spoke up, hinting to the discovery from a few days ago. 
"Fine, I feel nauseous sometimes but nothing that doesn't ease."
"Good," she smiled, the two women settling in tight, or that was until the door opened to reveal a dragon winged giant decked out in gold adornment flanked by several guards.
"You slaughtered my best guard. I take it you must be Loki's queen; are you not? The Queen of the ulfhednar and Asgard," the one in gold asserted to the warrior holding to the small bundle, it appeared as though he was being gruff, but was sure to keep it quite due to the sleeping child.
"Yes, what of it," she breathed, trying to sound gruff herself, shifting to place Ember in Jane's arms as she forced herself to sore feet. 
Jane calling out to her to stop, but she didn't listen as she stepped through the nest to the giant, a fur wrapped around her shoulders, bare feet padding across the cold stone to pause before him. 
"Should have known my brother would be tethered to a brave creature such as yourself," he snarled, taking a knee to look her over more closely.
Brother? That meant he was either Helblendi or Blyster. Wearily she looked up to the massive hybrid wondering why of all in the 9 realms the Jotunar and Aesir had to be descended from dragons. Keeping calm as he smirked, flexing out massive pale blue leather wings as if to show power, but she was descended from wolves and dragon slayers. Keeping head high, she eyed the giant who seemed amused by her stubbornness to not back down.
"Fearless creature," his voice rumbled as he reached out to touch the exposed tattoo on her arm, running a calloused finger over it. Defiantly she held his gaze, knowing he was trying to provoke her. 
"Loki will not like it when he finds out his brother tried to intimidate his queen," she was quick to point out as he pulled away. 
The giant let out dark chuckle, she knew this could go one of two ways and wasn't sure which at the moment. Right now, it looked bleak, what of Ember? Her guts twisted at the thoughts of keeping the small infant protected, she didn't ask for any of this, and what of returning to Loki for the two of them to attempt to make it right?
"Defiant ulfhednar. It may keep you alive so you can return to Asgard. I want no war with the throne, our people have suffered enough at the hands of Odin; no need to repeat the same with Loki or Thor. But I'm afraid there is no way to get word to anyone at the moment. The dark elves are scouring the realm and have blocked the entrance into their own. There is another but it will take time for my messenger to reach. I sent him several days ago, but he must pass through wilderness and Utgard itself," he spoke quietly.
The giant noted the woman visibly let out a breath. "Until now you three remain here, in my chamber. You will be safe here, but I can't say much else for the outside of my encampment due to the dark elves. You, the princess and the blood dragons mate are under my protection. I will be sure the healer visits to assure you both are in good health; I don't need you three dying under my watch. I can only imagine the Hel it will bring on my head."
Giving a nod she understood, the warrior took a step back when he stood. The giant even going as far as to usher her back to the nest and assure she didn't fall. Gingerly she settled next to Jane who placed the infant in her arms and made sure they were covered well.
"I will send for your meal and better clothing," Blyster grunted out before leaving with his guard in tow.
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It had been 3 months since a messenger had been sent, well now she had been told 4 had been sent with no word of what happened to the others. The movement of Jane to her left made the warrior wake, the two women having taken to keeping Ember between them when they rested. She watched as Jane sat up as if in pain, noting the look on her face, knowing what it was.
"Jane, lay back," she ordered quietly, getting to her feet to move the mortal around as she grabbed at her lower belly, holding tight to it.
"It hurts," Jane spoke, taking the warriors hand to hold.
"Let me call the healer, I have no herbs, nothing to work with," she spoke the brunet nodding and allowing her to the door, calling to the guard to fetch the healer.
In moments an elderly frost giant female ambled in, -the one ensuring they stayed healthy-, going to Jane with the warrior falling to the mortals head to keep her calm. Pushing the furs away they seen the faint stain of blood, there was nothing to be done but to soothe the panicking mortal. The healer and ulfhednar working together seamlessly to take care of the lost child. 
"I'm sorry Jane," the warrior cooed as the giantess grunted when laying her hand over the brunets lower abdomen. 
"Hand," the gruff creature snarled to the warrior who allowed it to the giantess, their kind had no bedside manner. 
Placing her smaller hand where the others was, she felt thrumming, very strong one and a flutter. Looking back up to Jane, the moment the giant uttered, "there is another. This one wasn't strong enough, but the one in your womb will survive."
The two looking at the giantess as she gathered the soiled things to leave out of the room. The brunette gripped tightly to the warrior, sobbing her heart out. 
"Then, I'm still-," Jane began, preparing to say pregnant but she couldn't at the moment.
"They must have been twins. It's not uncommon, I know that gives you little comfort but-," the warrior began as the mortal grabbed her to hug tight.
"Then we will celebrate the one I carry. Try not to dwell on the other. We have lost too much to not find joy in what we still have," Jane breathed, the warrior knew it was the scientist speaking but she sought comfort in it as well.
Quietly they heard Ember shuffle, a quiet coo and she was looking around in the dim room. The little girl smiling when she spotted the two women. 
"Would you like to hold her? Feed her," the child's mother spoke, moving to lift the growing 4-month-old from the furs. 
Jane opened her arms as she was handed the child and the ulfhednar helped to prop the mortal on pillows. Quietly she padded to the storage by the fire, it housed many things for the three of them as well as milk. It had been placed there should she be unable to feed Ember, which thankfully she could still do but was glad to allow another to share in the responsibly.
As she handed the milk to Jane the door to the room slung open and made the women pause. Blyster stormed in, looking at the two worriedly, the healer must have told.
"How is she," the giant spoke hinting to Jane who placed the bottle to Embers lips, the babe not hesitating to latch on.
"She is fine," the warrior spoke, moving protectively next to them. 
"Good. Word has reached that Malekith was defeated. The portal I sent my messengers to, was heavily guarded but the last was able to make it. I'm not sure when they will be here," he admitted, the two women visibly relaxing.
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Several days later, late in the night, there was a knock on the door, Blyster having taken to laying on the opposite side of the nest to assure the three were kept safe. The pale blue hybrid going as far as to drape a wing over them. Keeping the wing in place he called out to the one who knocked.
"They are here for the women," the one on the other side spoke up. They could hear someone on the other side, and they sounded a lot like-.
"Loki," the queen breathed, the giant getting to his feet to hurry from the nest leaving the women nested close to one another. 
In a rush of leather clad wings, Loki burst in ahead of the others, Thor and Blyster not far behind with the door slamming shut. The ulfhednar scooped Ember up to rush to the god who gladly took them into his arms. Thor hurrying worriedly to Jane, the warrior looking back as Loki nuzzled at her neck. She was sure Thor was easy with Jane, the crimson winged hybrid scooping his mate up easily. 
“Thank the Norns treasure,” Loki spoke, nuzzling hard under her ear before kissing over Ember's head. 
Finally, she turned back to Loki, the god quick to seize her lips. A cool hand going to the nape of her neck while her own wrapped around his face, ebony wings draping tight around them. 
Oh, how she loved this part of him. Slowly ebony wings moved to look to Thor who nodded he had Jane. 
“Ready to go home pet,” he whispered, nuzzling at the two females in his arms. 
“Yes,” she smiled, Ember letting out a squeak herself, but only because they had woken her. 
Loki turned to Blyster, eyeing his giant brother close, “we are even then?”
“Aye,” Loki spoke cautiously holding tight to his mate. 
“Then, by all means,” Blyster spoke, stepping to the side to allow the five to leave. 
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Upon arrival a healer was called to check the three, their mates worriedly waiting to assure the women and babies were healthy. A celebration called after the healer checked the women over. It was found out that Jane still carried twins. 
There was a feast called to honor the two women, to celebrate the children and the late queen. Little Ember held tight in her father's arms who refused to allow anyone to take the bundle from him, save for his mate who sat in the same chair as he.  
The entire evening Loki wouldn’t allow them from his side. Thankfully that worked in the ulfhednar's favor when Ember had taken all she could of the festivities and became cranky. The hybrid directing his mate and child down the quiet corridor to their brightly decorated room but thankful it was lit dimly. 
Getting the infant settled, Loki placed a protection over the child to keep her safe while stealing away with her mother to the baths. In seconds Loki tugged his mates legs around his waist, taking their clothes as he stepped into the warm water. 
Lovingly he nipped at her jaw, making her shiver in his arms. This was how he treated her from the beginning, never had he tortured her as she was led to believe. Loki was no monster. 
“You are far from any monster I have met thus far Loki,” she breathed over his lips as he let her to her feet. 
“I-,” Loki began to protest but he stopped, her hands lacing into his hair the water licking at her hips. 
“Please, focus on us now. Not the past, not the Hel inflicted on you. Us Loki. It’s Ember, you and myself. We were told what you done to find us, that you turned over the cask for us. That is not the actions of a monster but a loving mate and father,” she echoed, tears rimming her eyes. 
“Aye treasure,” he smiled, bowing to take her lips tenderly and holding her bare torso flush to his own. 
Tags: @marshyrebelcloud​ @cruel-kitten​  @moonfaery​ @dark-night-sky-99​ @gramaeryebard​  @katstablook​ @andiyholly​ @jovanna-shewolf​ @nickyl316h​ @aslandia726​ @furstinnajoelle​ @itsbqueenthings​ @collinsstanharbour​ @jazzieomega​ @bambamwolf87​ @tomhardy41​ @drakonwild​ @scorpionchild81​ @devilbat​ @wayward-student-philosopher​ @blah6666​ @jane-777​ @the-minus-four​ @cherrygeek86  @iamverity​ @get-loki​ @alexakeyloveloki​ @moonlightprime​ @wegingerangelica @lovesmesomehiddles
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bleepbloo · 5 years
Season Episodes of Second Citadel (Part 2)
Continuation of Part 1 [here]
Recommend reading that first otherwise this will not make ANY SENSE.
Same warnings of Part 1 still apply, as do the conditions and such. Extremely speculative, and published (1/1/2020)
Note: Purely personal feelings- this second half of the season is going to be SUPER ROUGH. 
(Happy new year)
5 - The Hanged Man, Death, Temperance
The Hanged Man: A statement
Positive: Martyrdom, release, sacrifice  
Negative: Needless sacrifice, fear of sacrifice, stalling
Death: Death
Positive: End of cycle, beginnings, Change, Metamorphosis 
Negative: Fear of Change, holding on, Stagnation, Decay
Temperance: Pacing
Positive: Middle Path, Patience, finding meaning 
Negative: Extremes, Excess, Lack of Balance
I’ve said this before, in Part 1, but the Death card is in extreme reference to Olala, and well.
This is going to be an Olala and The Kite focus/centric episode. 
This is going to be the episode that we find out what the Kite is going to use her for- or otherwise deliver her to whoever has use for her- and finish whatever is going on with Olala in regards to the death card. 
Someone is going to die this episode, I can say that much with confidence and dread. 
However, that isn’t to say they’ll stay dead. 
6 - The Devil, The Tower, the Star
The Devil: The Darker Inside
Positive: Addiction, Materialism, Playfulness 
Negative: Freedom, Release, Restoring Control
The Tower: The Inevitable 
Positive: Sudden Upheaval, broken pride, disaster
Negative: disaster avoided, delayed disaster, fear of suffering
The Star: The Important Things
Positive: Hope, Faith, Rejuvenation 
Negative: Discouragement, insecurity, Faithlessness
This episode’s going to be a ****ing doozy. 
Out of all the Arcana, the Tower- across ALL decks - is THE most significant card. It is saying that- no matter what you do, no matter how you prepare, no matter anything else - it is the will of the arcana that what comes will come. 
Yeah, it’s worse/more symbolically important than death. 
So it’s at this point that our protagonists will face an upheaval not known before in Second Citadel history.
All the personal drama will probably come up at this point - Literally everything - and will hit a breaking point, because, well, the inevitable is coming. This is literally the worst possible time for drama to happen, so of course, in an attempt to retain some form of control, they’re going to take the most likely person to blame and put everything on them, regardless of whether or not they’re at fault.
This is the episode where people have to figure out their shit, and figure out what’s important to them, and I think that it may end up resulting in Sir Caroline considering quitting her Captainship/knighthood. She loves Quanyii, who’s a witch, and like. If something happens to make her realize, no, she actually loves her wife more than her job, I have no doubts in my mind Caroline will leave. 
So yeah, this episode will be intense, grab tissues and hydrate.   
7 - The Moon, The Sun, Judgement
The Moon: The Unconscious Mind
Positive: Unconscious, illusions, intuition
Negative: Confusion, fear, Misinterpretation 
The Sun: The Conscious Mind
Positive: Joy, Celebration, Success, Positiveness  
Negative: Sadness, depression, negativity 
Judgement: The Choice
Positive: Reflection, Reckoning, Awakening 
Negative: Lack of self awareness, doubt, self-loathing
Basically, what happened last episode, happened. 
Especially considering the significance of the Sun and Moon in Second Citadel Meta - what with the Moon being more a symbol of things hiding in the dark and still being able to exist, but also a denial of what you really want, but the Sun being known in your entirety, without hiding (which can be pretty terrifying) and should you be unable to handle what you want, can kill you. (Remember the Moonlit hermit? Remember Ernmark making references to how Arum parallels the Moonlit hermit?)
It will be at this point that people will be forced to chose what path to take, what they need to do to be happy
I think here, Marc is going to have to make a decision whether he actually wants to be a knight. I mean, look at what’s going on with Olala; he’s trying to protect her, when his knighthood dictates he should kill her for being...not human. 
I mean, it’s the same decision Damien, Angelo, and Caroline have to make for themselves as well, whether they want to continue to be knights, and I bet it will happen this episode. 
So like. We’ll see. 
8 - The World; Notably the only exception to the Trio Clusters
World: The End
Positive: Completion, Harmony, Fulfillment
Negative: Incompletion, No Closure 
Now, this is the end- at least, it should be.
I have no doubt that there’ll be a fourth season of the second citadel, you can quote me on this- there’s too much world for it to go ignored or to end this quickly. 
No, see, I think one of two things is going to happen:
Either 1) the East comes into prominence somehow- because of timing or what have you, and there’s going to be conflict about a new society that more or less sprung out of the ground
or 2) The Saints will come back to the world, to try and reunite with their missing sibling. 
Either way, it should be interesting, and exciting!
Other things to note for the season:
I think Dampierre will get revealed to be something more than a horse this season, since Marc’s already made a reference in Episode 1 about how Dampierre’s losing their hair and that’s usually a sign of sickness in horses. 
I think the Kite will be someone significant to Sir Absolom, and will not excuse but explain some of Absolom’s behavior towards magic and monsters (and Marc). 
Finally, this season will be the determining factor as to which brother the Penumbra will set Angelo up with. Because I’ve seen people in the discord and tumblr shipping Angelo/Marc as a romantic pairing, and Angelo/Talfyrn as a queerplatonic pairing, so I’m sure if nothing else, this will be the season which tells us which pairing the penumbra will try and set up. (I’m rooting for Angelo/Talfyrn, personally, but I know it’ll be cute either way, because Angelo is cute.)
Anyway, we’ll see come this year what happens! Take care y’all!
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