#were dying anyways but that's like saying 'oh yeah I stabbed a terminally ill person but that's not murder bc they were dying'
cluescorner · 4 months
A Batman who kills people is a bad Batman. Except for Terry because he is my special boy. Terry can drown a man it's ok. He can literally shatter a woman it's fine.
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murasaki-murasame · 7 years
Danganronpa V3 Liveblog Part 17 [Chapter 5 - Trial]
Thoughts under the cut.
I don’t even know where to start with this one. There were like . . . a thousand things that happened that I could talk about first. Wow. This goddamn trial sure took me for a spin and left me completely dazed and overwhelmed and depressed by the end.
I probably should have seen Kaito being the culprit coming. I just assumed that it would be ‘too easy’, since it was the second most obvious answer after Kokichi. But I can definitely say that even if the ‘who’ wasn’t too inherently difficult, the ‘how’ sure as fuck was.
It’s slightly lame that a good amount of the mystery of this trial revolved around stuff that only happens during the trial itself, but it’s fine. The shit that went down in this trial was oh so worth it.
Funnily enough, the thing I thought was a spoiler about Kaito being a culprit probably wasn’t actually intended as a spoiler for it, but it still lead me to the right conclusion. I saw a spoiler-free review that talked about how some of the motives in this game are lame, and I vaguely remember them mentioning the idea of someone killing because they had a terminal illness, which immediately made me think of Kaito once that whole plot point started up, but since his motive for murder had nothing to do with his illness, I think that person was just throwing out a generic example of a cliche motive, but it just so happened to still point at someone who ended up being a culprit anyway. They probably should have chosen a different example, lol.
Anyway, this trial was just sorta . . . insane. Wow. I wasn’t even able to definitively guess that the person in the Exisal was Kaito because his entire demeanor, especially when he switched over to ‘being Kaito’, felt too uncharacteristic of him to be true. But it was pretty obvious that it wasn’t actually Kokichi. Though even then, I still wasn’t sure if that meant Kaito was actually the killer.
Especially with the mid-trial swerve of Maki seeming to be the culprit, and genuinely believing herself to be the culprit. I was skeptical about the idea of the killer being spelled out before the intermission phase happened, but her whole story seemed too good not to be true.
I really, really liked this whole trial’s set-up of having both a mystery victim and a mystery killer. That was a really interesting idea. Especially with the additional layer of it being intended as ‘a mystery that even Monokuma can’t solve’. It made things feel incredibly baffling. In a good way.
The most negative thing I can say about the mystery itself was probably that, in the end, it ended up being almost exactly the same sort of scenario as case five in DR2, with a character setting up an insane murder mystery with themselves as the victim, set up in a way to expose and destroy the mastermind. They definitely played out in different ways, but the similarity was a bit too hard to ignore.
As a whole, though, it was great. It at least felt more satisfying than chapter four, even though I get in hindsight that chapter four’s trial was ‘unsatisfying’ for very intentional reasons.
It even made me warm up to Kokichi a lot as a character, which I wasn’t expecting. Now that his motives and feelings are more or less clear, it’s easier for me to understand him and appreciate his choices. I still can’t help but see him as a version of Komaeda that has a more off-putting personality, though. He’s definitely a fun character, but his personality just irritates me a lot of the time.
The first half or so of the trial wasn’t super hard in terms of the logic and the minigames, but it definitely picked up in the latter half once things got more and more weird and complicated. That was good. Sometimes the exact logic behind certain things still bugs me, though. I think I mentioned it before, but the ‘pick one of your truth bullets from the full list’ parts can sometimes feel a bit non-intuitive. Like when you have to point out that the crossbow was used, but you have to specifically pick the crossbow itself, because picking the arrows makes the other person be like ‘what, are you saying that they just stabbed someone with the arrows?’. That felt a bit dumb. It should have been immediately obvious what I meant by that. But it’s a minor point.
On a similar topic, a lot of the mini-games still feel kinda unnecessary, but that’s always been an issue with this franchise. There’s not really much to say about it at this point. Though I should say that it threw me off so fucking hard when I got a hidden Monokuma inside one of the Psyche Taxi segments. I had no idea that was possible. And on THAT note, I’ve had no real luck at getting those. This one was literally the second one I’ve found in the entire game. I know I missed one because I only noticed it in the background right before I started a free time event with someone, though. Maybe it would have been there if I went back for it later, but I didn’t bother.
I’m also getting better at the Argument Armament sections, somehow. They’re still stressful as heck, but I’m slowly improving. [And on the note of this chapter’s one, I guess I was right in assuming that if Kaito was this chapter’s killer, someone else would try and defend him]
I feel almost silly for suspecting Keebo so heavily, but both Kokichi and Kaito felt a bit too easy at the time. Oh well. I have . . . things to say about Keebo, but I’ll leave that for later, I guess.
Back on the topic of the murder itself, the whole set-up of it really was kinda ingenious, and really could have been an unsolvable mystery if things had gone differently. Especially with the whole element of there being no real proof as to whether the victim died via Maki’s poison arrow, or the hydraulic press. In the end, it basically came down to personal feelings and belief, rather than cold hard evidence.
Which reminds me, I also really liked the whole theme of Shuichi’s intuition as a device vs his feelings of belief as an individual. That was neat. Especially when it got to the point where, even after using evidence and deduction to figure out that Kaito was the culprit, he decided to lie in an attempt to stand for what Kaito believed in, and was risking his life for. Which, sadly, ended up being the final push that got Kaito to give up.
I actually tried like three times to vote for Kokichi even after that scene, since I still wanted to support Kaito, but the game didn’t let me. Oh well.
Before I forget, I may as well get back to my whole [apparently ongoing] rant for a little while.
As I’ve said before, I still personally interpret Shuichi as having a crush on Kaito that he’s trying to deny. I also said it before, but I’ve been aware from the start that this probably isn’t ‘canon’, especially after this whole trial happened and it didn’t get mentioned, but it’s still something I believe in. Especially with how heavily Shuichi and Maki were getting paralleled in this trial. Either way, at this point it feels safe to say that whatever Shuichi feels for Kaito is equal to or stronger than whatever he felt for Kaede [and had much longer to develop], and the game’s obviously already framing her as his love interest, so yeah.
I guess it goes without saying, but with how this whole game is about the nature of truth and lies, and about criticizing the idea that exposing and living with the truth is always necessary and good, it feels rather fitting that I’m choosing to treat this as my personal truth, even if it might just be a lie.
And for the record I still find Maki’s crush on Kaito to be really adorable and also heart-wrenching in this trial. If anything that’s just part of the reason why I’m seeing Shuichi’s feelings as basically being the same sort of thing.
Rant time over [for now], lol.
I guess there’s not much more to say about the mystery itself, so I should start talking more about the aftermath of the trial.
To start with, I figured in advance that Kokichi probably wasn’t the mastermind, since it felt too ‘obvious’ and happened way too early. I think I also commented on how it was a bit odd how the Exisals and stuff were treating Monokuma, but I didn’t quite guess what the full situation with that one was. 
I’ll talk about the concept of the ‘true mastermind’ in a minute. Before that, I wanna say that it was really fitting and amusing that Kaito’s execution was a spin on Jin’s from DR1. I really should have seen that coming. It was a nice little throwback. I also really, really liked the detail of Kaito dying from his injuries rather than the execution itself. It may not have been a complete victory, but it was a moral victory.
Though on the flip-side we have the whole reveal that Kaito probably had the plague that killed off most of humanity, which in itself wouldn’t change anything, but it carries the really uncomfortable implication that maybe everyone in the cast had the same plague, and he just had his symptoms show up first. Which would just make this entire scenario even MORE depressing than it was before.
This whole chapter’s just making me more and more unsure what the deal is meant to be with Rantarou and the Monokubs. I still feel like they have to be related to the overall story somehow, but I’m getting less and less sure about what their purpose could be. I’m still assuming that the Monokubs have AIs that are based on the personalities of other people in the last killing game Rantarou was a part of. Maybe the other survivors of said killing game. Which makes me wonder if we’d ever get any idea who they were as actual people. 
With the reveal that Kokichi ISN’T the mastermind, and might not have had anything to do with setting up the killing game, now I can’t help but wonder if it was Rantarou who set things up. Obviously SOMEONE had to, and I assume it’s one of the main cast members. It’d also explain why he knew about the killing game in advance, and why he seemed intent on winning it. It certainly hints at him being kinda . . . malicious, but that was already clear enough. This would also explain what he meant about how this is a killing game that he wanted to have happen.
Presumably he’s genuinely dead, though, so that pokes some holes in the idea of him being the mastermind, assuming that ‘the mastermind’ is a currently living person. If we limit it just to the main cast, then Keebo seems like the most suspicious person, since he’s a robot who could be running some sort of sub-program to control Monokuma, in a way that might not even be conscious on his part. But, again, I’ll talk more about him in a moment.
First, I should talk about the plot point that I’ve been holding off on mentioning for this entire post, and that’s Junko. I’m laughing so hard at the implication that she’s the goddamn mastermind for the third game in a row. It’s such a brilliantly polarizing writing choice. Part of me had been genuinely hoping it would happen. I have a soft spot for Junko as a villain, if only because I love seeing people get so angry over her. The ways that she causes despair and frustration in the fandom just by existing kinda validates her status as the main villain of the series.
I’ve mentioned before that it feels like they’re setting up some sort of a twist about the events of this game being fictional, even in the context of the DR universe, and this is making me even more certain of that. Especially with the focus on the topic of ‘the people who this killing game are being shown to’. The main thing that always bugged me about the apocalypse idea was that broadcasting the killing game had always been the top priority, and so it felt weird to imagine a killing game happening in this sort of scenario. I kinda assumed it was to do with there being a new mastermind with new priorities, but the idea of Monokuma still abiding by his own rules is definitely too strange, even if we make that kind of assumption. So it makes sense that he’s broadcasting this to SOMEONE. The question is who.
And honestly my best guess is that this is setting up some abstract meta-twist about us, as the players, being the people who the game is broadcast to. I’d been idly considering that for a while, but seeing Junko show up, and seeing the references to how the characters are all ‘easily replaceable’ and that ‘the killing game can happen again and again’ makes me think that, in-universe, V3 is literally some kind of story that Junko’s writing. Maybe not in a literal sense of her writing a book or something, but maybe the game takes place in a DR2-esque simulation, and she can just restart it again and again to create an unending killing game of unending despair. It seems like the sort of thing she’d do. And obviously it’d work pretty well on a meta level as commentary about the franchise itself. Which to me got pretty definitively confirmed when Junko mentioned ‘supply and demand’. V3, and it’s killing game, only exists because we, the fans, financially supported this series enough, and wanted to see more killing games happen enough, that this game got made. It seems like the natural end point of how this series likes to comment on the almost voyeuristic nature of murder. This game only exists because there was an active demand for it. Because we like seeing people kill each other in video games. Because experiencing intense emotions through media is a cathartic experience that people want to go through again and again. I’m not trying to be like ‘violent video games are bad!’ or whatever, I just mean that if this game is going to end with the big bad villain literally being the people playing the game, then it’s certainly justified.
Though on the same level it also makes it feel like this is the furthest the series could ever go, and that any more games being made would just feel uncomfortable and weird. But even if this game ends in that sort of way, there’s still going to be demand for more games. We’ll still want to get another killing game, and another, and another, even if we complain about how discomfiting it is to have a game turn around and criticize us for our enjoyment of it.
If we assume that this is where it’s going, I wonder how chapter six will go, and how the game will end. Will it be like DR2, where we get to argue against a digital version of Junko? That’d be a bit . . . odd, and probably kinda depressing, since if this is all just a story being written/programmed/etc by Junko, then no matter what the characters can to do her, it probably won’t kill her. She’ll still be alive in the real world.
On that note, if we’re meant to assume that Junko is alive ‘in the real world’, it makes me wonder what point in the timeline we’re working with, since her physical body got pretty definitively destroyed at one point, unless the person we saw in that one CG near the end was her in a robot body made to look like her. Who even knows.
Also, this whole Junko thing makes me even MORE unsure how the hell Rantarou and the Monokubs fit into the story. Is their backstory all part of a fictional setting she made up for this game? I have no idea.
I really can’t help but wonder if Kodaka will try and continue the series after this. I guess it wouldn’t be impossible for him to do so, but I just . . . don’t know how it’d work, really.
I still find it incredibly fascinating how utterly depressing and miserable and filled with despair this entire game is, especially as we understand how it connects to the entire franchise, compared to the far more hopeful ending that DR3 gave us. Though it’d be a lot less depressing if the entire apocalypse scenario was also made up by Junko and didn’t actually happen. But to be honest I kinda love the sheer audacity of Kodaka writing such a hopeful direction for the story and it’s universe, only to completely tear it apart by literally putting it through a fiery apocalypse, so either option works for me.
Anyway, I wonder if we’ll get any more deaths, or if it’ll be like the last games where nobody in the main cast dies in chapter six, ignoring the mastermind. The game is REALLY hammering in the concept of ‘the killing game will end when two people are left’. So it just makes me wonder if that might really happen. Though since only two people died in this chapter, we’d need to get a scenario of two victims and one culprit in the next chapter, to create a scenario where we’re then left with two people. Or maybe three people will just die normally. It just depends on whether or not we get another trial, really. I’m not really sure what I expect to happen, but the most important thing is probably that, if this really is all fictional, to some degree or another, then the concept of someone surviving becomes a bit meaningless, so on some level it kinda doesn’t matter. But it’s still interesting to speculate about.
I really would not be surprised at this point if the next chapter involves Himiko and Tsumugi dying, and us getting one last trial between Shuichi, Maki, and Keebo, who all definitely feel like the most major and plot-important characters right now. That might be interesting.
But it also makes me wonder if we’d then get ANOTHER chapter after that, or if we just might not get a trial where we face off against Junko specifically. Who knows.
Either way, Himiko and Tsumugi definitely feel a little expendable right about now, and I’m incredibly suspicious of Keebo and his plans right now.
I wasn’t really expecting his inner voice to just . . . malfunction and stop working after he gets hit with a rock. That kinda came out of nowhere. And now we have this bizarre scenario of him powering up and flying around while apparently bombarding the school with missiles. I wonder if his plan is just to burn everything to the ground so that the killing game will forcibly come to an end. It’s kinda hard to imagine Keebo doing something so violent, though.
I did really like seeing the remaining survivors, aside from Keebo, start training together. That was really sweet. I really love the sense of friendship and companionship between them. Well, mostly between Shuichi and Maki, but you get what I mean.
I have no goddamn clue where the next chapter is going to go, at this point. The end of this chapter raised so many questions and cliffhangers that I feel like things can just go in any direction they want now.
But as a bottom line, I can only imagine this game having a depressing, or at least bittersweet, ending. Especially if everything is some sort of fictional story. But even if it’s not, the characters have no real future left. No matter how much hope they have, they’re stuck in the academy. So I just can’t see this ending happily.
Also, as a final note, I tend to be pretty bad at expressing the exact extent of my emotional reactions to stuff in this game since I’m having to talk about so much in these posts and I try and keep them at least relatively concise and orderly and whatnot, even if this isn’t meant to be any kind of a professional review or anything, but this whole trial and it’s conclusion was depressing as fuck. It tore me apart. I knew something like this was gonna happen, since I was already bracing for this ending with Kaito dying in some way or another, but actually seeing it happen really hurt. I’m not kidding when I talk about how much I love the entire Kaito-Shuichi-Maki trio. I honestly think that they’ve become some of my all-time favourite DR characters. I get why a lot of people might think they’re a bit boring and plain [other than maybe Maki], but I absolutely adore them. Out of all of the ‘main trios’, they’re far and away my favourites at the moment, although there’s a lot of recency bias going on there, since I still have a huge soft spot for the main characters of DR2. Mostly Hinata and Komaeda, though. The fact that I like Maki a LOT more than Nanami is probably what weigh things out in V3′s favour. I don’t really wanna pit any of the characters against each other.
Anyway yeah, this chapter put me through an entire rollercoaster of emotions.
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Rika's back and MC gets left P. 4
Rika is back and MC gets sick at the same time she feels abandoned. Part 1 (x) | Part 2 (x) | Part 3 (x) | Part 4 (x) | Part 5 (x)
Rika felt a sense of satisfaction
She got off being the one everyone considered the most
sure, she lead MC to the RFA
sure she made a lot of trouble for MC and the rest of the members
But the one thing she did not want anyone to forget or even ever know really was
it also meant she could take her out of rfa with ease
And they wouldn't ever know it was her or care if all went to her plan
-- Yoosung --
From the last time MC invited Yoosung over, he remembered where she now lived
Why didn't I visit her sooner?
Yoosung made his way to her building, knocking repeatedly and waiting for a response
Where is she? It's almost midnight…
He almost gave up when she didnt answer either calls, text, or the door
Rika! Yoosung was surprised to see his cousin walk by
“Yoosung, what are you doing here so late?”
I came to see if MC is okay, shes been MIA for a while
“She’s fine! I talked to her not too long ago and she said that she was going to visit her family for a few weeks. I forgot to tell you guys about it too… sorry.”
It’s fine, don’t worry about it! Though, it would have been better if she told us herself…
“I dont know the details, but something about one of her family members being recently diagnosed with a terminal illness.. Yeah, it was terrible. She said they started to cough blood and she went to go help them through the process. Poor MC.”
You’re genuinely concerned for MC, you’re so nice Rika.
“Ofc, shes a memeber of the rfa too!”
Sorry, its just i know you dont know her that much, but im glad you guys get along well. Do you know when she’ll be back?
“I think after the funeral. Though it may be longer since i dont know how shell be okay after all of that. Next time we talk, ill ask her, okay? How about we go visit V? Im sure hes awake and wouldnt mind if you came over for a sleep over”
Yoosung felt like a huge boulder had been lifted from his shoulders now that he knew MC was physically okay
He felt bad that she didnt tell anyone that she was leaving to tend to a sick family member
But he felt that he would forgive her since she seemed more of a private person
I should get her a gift basket when she comes back; poor MC will be greiving when she returns- I could add chocolates and that coffee she likes with an uber soft blanket. Yeah, i wil do that for sure when RIka tells me when she comes back
Yoosung wanted to be a shoulder for MC when she came back since she was there for him when Rika was gone
he wanted to prove to her and himself and RIka that he was more than just a college student who played a lot of video games; that he was also a capable man
-- Zen --
Zen has entered the chatroom.
Zen: MC! Please call me when you get this!
Rika: Zen, I forgot to tell everyone that MC went back to her home country to take care of a sick family member. I didnt want to say anything right away but she told me just recently that it may be a while before she returns because of how bad things are …
Jahee has entered the chatroom.
Jahee: Oh no that’s terrible. Is her family member in that bad of condition for MC to leave without saying bye?
Rika: I am afraid so. From what I know, they are really ill that it is now deemed terminal.
Zen: Oh man, i really thought something happened to MC
Rika: What do you mean?
Zen: I dont know, I thought maybe she got bored of us and left us or something happened to her health wise. I hope she knows that we are all here for her when she comes back
Rika: Dont jinx anything! I’ll let her know though that you were worried whenever we talk again ^^
Jahee: Please do. Id feel much better though if I could talk to her soon. Do you think you can let her know to call me please?
Rika: I will pass the message along!
Zen: me too please, I really miss her :c
Rika: I will, you guys worry too much ^^ dont worry guys, everything will be perfectly fine ^^
Zen: alighty then, i gotta go and meet some directors to talk about my wonderful gorgeous face making its appearance on stage soon, bye~
Jahee: Oh my heart!
Rika: Good luck!
Zen has left the chatroom.
He didnt trust Rika
He didnt even trust Jahee at the moment
He knows he saw MC at the store that night
And it seems highly unlikely that she would just leave without explaining the situation
Especially if someone she cared about was really sick
Would she?
-- Jahee --
From what Mr. Han had been accumulating she knew what was going on somewhat
Though if the rest of rfa should know she didnt feel like she had a place to tell them
She did abandon MC just like the rest did
She wont deny that what the rfa did to MC was abandon her at a time she would have needed them 
despite all MC probably gave up to help them 
But she didnt want anyone to be in the unknown
Although, she didn't know if Rika was lying or telling the truth maybe rika did know mc was sick and didnt want to tell because MC said so
Jahee didnt want to risk anything by letting the cat out of the bag cringing
For now all she felt like she could do was gather as much as she could about people with pneumonia 
She would look into it since that was all Mr. Han told her
Maybe find some coffee as well for MC and maybe chocolates as she thinks about pleading for forgiveness 
-- Jumin --
He had no right to act like he should care for MC anymore
The moment they all left her, everyone in the rfa lost all the rights to care for MC
The only thing he could do was offer her the best treatment possible when he found out what she had it made him very uncomfortable to not know what she was suffering from
aside from the stabbing pains of being betrayed that he couldn't fix for her
but that was only if Seven could find a way into breaking MC out of there
But he knew the longer they waited the worse she would get
When he saw MC through the camera on Sevens screen, he knew he never wanted to know what it felt to lose someone again
After he though rika died, he felt like his world tipped over
But if he loses MC, he knows he wont ever have a reason to go on living with himself
He did find comfort knowing that MC never seemed to have had lost her personality and all that made her so easy to be around
By the looks of it, it was all thanks to Paco who never seemed to leave her side
Are you almost done?
“I want her out of there as soon as possible as well, okay?”
Jumin was taken back with how Seven snapped
“Dont let it get to you, he always gets like this”  the famous ‘Vanderwood’ who leaned on the side of the wall said
I dont want to know
He decided he didnt want to get into what Seven did on his own time also bc ‘Miss’ Vanderwood was slightly scaring him
“Just get the IP address so we can get there and go”
“I cant just do that! Well, I can but there seems to be more stuff this guy is feeding me atm and its all about MC”
“Look at it when you get her out of there! Poor girl must be seconds away from kicking the stupid bucket”
Excuse me?
“DOnt take it to heart, he gets angry when he has to wait before a job”
“Shut the fuck up, I still have my taser, you oaf”
What do you mean hes feeding you?
“I mean, this Unknown guy wants her found but for some odd reason he cant let her go… idk myself, but it looks like hes just doing his job”
“What makes you say that?”
“RIght here it says: Job. No. Yes.- Unknown”
Isnt that a good thing then? That means we can get MC out faster
JUmin didnt care for all the extra side stuff
He wanted to just get to the point and storm in there to save MC and take her to the doctors he had on standby
Just hurry up!
“I would want to bu- OH shit”
Jumins heart stopped for a millisecond thinking that MC died
When he didnt see anything abnormal on the screen that showed MC he was confused
But looking at what Seven saw
He understood
Is that Rika?
-- 707 --
Watching RIka give MC injections of unknown substances made him physically want to scream
Why would she do that?
What was she even giving MC?
Where is Unknown?
“Damn, white loaf can really go on strong” he ignored Vanderwoods snide comment focusing on V holding MC down so Rika could give her another injection
“Let’s go now Seven, no more playing around!”
Okay okay, let me just get this on my laptop so we can watch as we go
“If we take my helicopter we could be there quicker”
Yeah lets do that
Seven was in a daze
As he looked into the breadcrumbs Unknown was giving him
He began to wonder why Unknown even took MC away if he was going to help them in the end
Unless he too was forced into do this all
But why would Rika do this? What could she gain from this?
“Please dont”
Seven turned to look at Jumin who looked at him when they heard MC’s voice
“Ready or not here it comes~” Rika sang
“You both may want to look away” Seven heard Vanderwood say before turning away
Not once had he ever looked away from the screen while on the job
You begged her to stop
Whatever it was, it wasn't the same anymore
You began to remember names and faces but you couldn't match them together
Please stop this, it hurts!
“Sweetie, you're dying anyways, this is me being merciful and helping you go faster. Be thankful.”
What about that other stuff? What was that other stuff?
“It will all be over quickly if you just listen to her, please MC”
You turn to look at the stranger with the sunglasses: who’s MC?
Am I MC? Are they talking to me ?
You think you know them but you can't match any faces or names at all
“I'd ask if you have any last words you want me to give to someone but at this point, you probably don't know if you have any friends or family “
You shake your head trying to think
Somewhere someone has to know who you are
Why can't I talk?
You panic; thrashing your body away from the woman and man
“Stop it!” You hear it before you feel a stinging sensation on your cheek
“Like I said,you're already dying “ the woman says as she huffs for air
The look on her face scares you
It looks like she's enjoying whatever is happening
“You should never talk to strangers “ you feel the weight of something hard crash on you holding your face down on the now cold floor
“Don't ever go to places you don't know”
The pressure intensifies making your head build more pressure like it will explode
“Rika, that's too much” you hear the man from earlier
Help me please! you silently beg 
You wonder why he doesn't help you
“Stay out of this V”
You feel something stab your shoulder
Then you don't feel anything at all
-- Vanderwood --
Seven was annoying
Richie rich was annoying
They all were pissing him off
The rush to get to where this girl was chaotic
He was used to the silence that Seven would accompany him with
But not like this
This silence was deafening and suffocating
-- V --
He didnt want to harm MC
she was one of the good ones 
but he didnt want to make Rika any worse than she already was
He knew 707 or Jumin must have caught on by now 
with the help he got from Unknown, he knew they would make it but not soon enough
He made sure that whatever happened; it would all be on him 
Even if MC may never wake up again
even if Rika would spend a lot of time in the hospital 
even if Jumin and everyone in the RFA should come to hate him
even if he should become the villain; 
he would do whatever it takes to preserve Rika’s legacy and love and pride
He just needed for MC to hold onto life 
She was already sick 
and the medication he had replaced with the medication Rika wanted Unknown to give her seemed to have been working 
He made sure Unknown gave her the treatment she needed
But he didnt anticipate for Rika to inject her with a strong dose of whatever she had made for MC
By the looks of it 
it definitely was not the same that he had Unknown give her
-- Unknown -- 
Any minute now, it would all be over 
one way or another, MC would no longer suffer
He knew that by lying to Rika he was compromising his safety as well as Saeyoung’s
But he couldnt kill MC slowly
not with what RIka had made for her 
Instead, he made sure he gave her the medication she needed 
he made sure that Saeyoung would find the bread crumbs he left 
He expected Rika to pull something big for the finally so he made MC an antidote to what Rika had 
he didnt give it to her yet but he would have to leave it for Saeyoung to find if Paco didnt find a way of getting the vile out of his jacket before they got to MC
All he needed now was to find a way to make amends 
To MC and to everyone else 
but he would do that after he found a way to forgive himself and Saeyoung 
because if he didnt make him hate him; none of this would have happened 
and MC would have had treatment for this and have never been involved 
When would Saeyoung see how toxic both were to everyone else?
Especially to someone good and simplistic and perfectly normal like MC. 
Did Saeyoung even know?
Did his brother know how toxic both brothers were to everyone?
Like how toxic they were to one another.
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