#were these put through a filter? 😩
galaxymagick · 11 months
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@ leo_jungtw
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cat3ch1sm · 6 months
Alright so I have a HUGE thing for Silva and Zeno to the point where I’d be delighted to have them step on me and call me worthless 😩💖
So would you have the time and energy to write some headcanons on how Killua would react if a friend of his (aka female reader) were to nonchalantly comment about how his dad and grandpa are hot?
I wanna ruin this gremlin’s mind so much please! <3
OMG if you want to, would you be willing to make Killua’s friend comment that to him but IN FRONT of Silva and Zeno too???
💚~ LMFAOAOAO u guys request the most chaotic shit and im totally here for it. here’s ur request!! merry Christmas guys ily <33 @cocogum
also i can definitely relate
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u and killua have been friends for a while. literally probably the most chaotic pair anyone’s ever seen. just constantly doing stupid reckless borderline deadly shit. u are one of the very few who can always keep up with killua and can tolerate the same shit he does
he’s the friend who is always risking his life with the things he does and ur the friend who is always risking their life with the things you say. you have zero filter basically. and he really does not care at all, tbh he thinks you’re hilarious
anyway that’s why killua really has no problem bringing u over to his house. he’s never done it before, but you two aren’t the type to make a big deal of things like that, so whatever he just decides to drop by with u
you’ve never met his parents or siblings, but killua has never been lacking on his descriptions of them. whenever you ask he always makes it a point to tell you how nuts they are. but he sort of knows you can handle it even tho his family doesn’t like that he has friends in the first place, but tbh he doesn’t care much atp
anyway he brings you to his place and you go through the whole shebang of the super heavy doors and getting past mike but basically you two are good to go. the butlers welcome you both in and that’s that
you actually do meet his family who are about as off putting as you expected. his little brother kalluto is the tamest; he acknowledges you with a barely perceptible nod and that’s that. killua doesn’t bother introducing u to milluki and thankfully illumi and kikyo aren’t in the house right now. however, you both do run into silva and zeno.
the piercing glares they give you should be enough to freeze you in your tracks. there’s obviously an aura of dread that comes with their presence that killua had vaguely warned you about. but something honestly catches your eye about them, and you have to bring your hand to your mouth to hide the mischievous smile spreading across your lips. but to your surprise, the two men don’t even come over and bother to speak to you. they just give you disdainful looks and go on their way. looks like you aren’t really worth their time.
but as the two are walking away and you and killua start to head out, you turn and whisper to killua in a voice you very soon discover wasn’t actually a whisper, “wait, kil, your dad and grandpa are kinda hot.”
needless to say, this is the one time killua doesn’t find your lack of filter funny. his blue eyes instantly fly open and he yanks you aside, hissing, “why the fuck-“
that’s all he manages to get out. the zoldyck men have stopped in their tracks. your eyes widen as well and you clap a hand over your mouth.
“oh my fucking god-“ killua doesn’t even turn around to see his father and grandfather, he just yanks you along with him as he basically teleports out of the house. you don’t even have time to process his reaction before you both are suddenly far away from the zoldyck mansion.
you both pause once you’re out of earshot, exchanging wide-eyed looks before you collapse into giggles in the grass and killua slaps both hands against his face. “are you actually out of your fucking mind- never mind, you actually fucking are. what the hell is wrong with you??”
you’re way too busy laughing to answer, pointing at killua’s totally red face. he hides it behind his hands with a loud, exasperated groan.
“i’m going to puke. i’m going to throw the fuck up all over you, you asshole. take that shit back literally right now. oh my god. i’m going to kill you and then myself, you absolute dumbass.”
this goes on for at least ten minutes. you’re basically wheezing at this point, and you don’t stop until killua threatens to leave you behind.
“i am never taking you to my house again, you psychopath. like, i know you have shitty ass taste in guys, but are you serious?? you’re mental. actually insane. seriously?? no, take that shit back, my dad and grandpa are not hot.”
you start to walk away, still laughing, and killua is hot on your heels.
“where the hell are you going?! take that back right now, or i swear to god-“
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dreamy-jaeger · 1 year
I Know The End | Ch. 1
Zombie Apocalypse!AU, Older!Grumpy!Eren x Sunshine!Reader
Content: Reluctant traveling companions to lovers, age gap, found family, and eventual smut ;) but not til wayy later
Summary: It’s been years since the apocalypse started, years of Y/N being on her own save for her furry companion that was always by her side. Y/N thought that it was just her and her dog. That was until she ran into people who would change her life, she has yet to know if it’s for the better. 
A/N: YES okay, it was The Last of Us that brought me back from my writers block grave. everybody say thank you daddy joel for bringing my spark back. and I’m such a sucker for zombie content that i NEEDED to see Eren in this situation. thus this fic was born!!! i hope you like it!!! and i hope it’s worthy for my re-debut 😩😩😩 oh and DISCLAIMER: the zombies in this fic are more like The Walking Dead zombies bc they are easier to write imo
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chapter one
Beams of sunlight filtered through the rustling leaves that stood above her. Their dead counterparts crunched under the heavy footfalls of her boots. In the distance the songs of birds could be heard, almost like everything was normal. Like the world lived on.
The blood on her hands said otherwise. 
The girl let out a low whistle. Inconspicuous enough not to be noticed through the birdsong, but enough to have her companion be back at her side in a moment's notice. Tail wagging. Another misconception that things were still intact
A strained, painful groan escaped from somewhere in the bramble that surrounded the girl and her dog. A quick glance to her left showed one of the monsters tangled up in some rope. Surely a preconceived demise to escape the horrors that were inevitable. He was stuck in place, held back by his last ditch attempt of freedom. A waste of an arrow, bullet or even energy if she had chosen to use her knife. She moved on. 
“C’mon” She said softly to her dog, who had stopped to sniff at the makeshift fire pit that the man had left behind. Seeming to be his only property as there was no stock of supply that the girl could root through. 
The lack of possessions didn’t escape the girl's notice. In fact, it might have started to weigh too heavily on her mind. Who was the man that was now unrecognizable to anyone he might’ve loved? What were his interests? His dislikes? Why didn’t he have anything to his name? What was his name?
It was hard for the girl not to realize that he was once like her. Living and breathing with hopes and fears. Blood pumping through his veins. A heart that beats.
It was a fool's game, to linger on what these things used to be. If you got caught up in the tragedy of it all you were soon to lose your life. But she couldn’t help it. It was who she was down to the core. She had loved with her whole heart. Cared with every fiber of her being. But these days, if you live with your heart on your sleeve it just made it that much easier for something to kill you.
Somehow she survived. Even with the emotional habits she had brought with her from her long-forgotten past. 
Maybe it was luck. But of course, she would not put it that way as it was now just her. No one that she loved was left. 
If you didn’t count the one thing she was able to preserve from her childhood, whose tail could now be seen disappearing through a thicket of trees.
“Shit.” The girl muttered, picking up the pace of her steps as she followed the dog through the forest. Stress had always stiffened her shoulders whenever that silly dog decided to stray off path. And it wasn’t any different now as she tried to keep the black and tan tail in sight through the overwhelming sea of green. 
Luckily her dog was smart enough to stop and wait until she was by her side again. And at the end of their impromptu journey— When they stood at the treeline, overlooking a small clearing that was home to a cabin, the two of them caught a glimpse of movement. 
Well, more than a glimpse. 
The girl saw two people. A man that looked particularly hardened by the severity of this unwelcome lifestyle (though somehow still very handsome), aiming his gun at whatever had them in such a desperate state. And a young girl— most likely barely even a teenager— pulling at the locked door of the cabin. Their panicked shouts and disarray was loud enough to draw in every skin-eater within a miles radius. Which was proven with the small herd that stumbled their way towards them from the other side of the clearing. 
She watched as the man took over, kicking the door open and splintering the wood in the process. Safety had found the newcomers just in the knick of time as they escaped into the walls that probably wouldn’t hold for long if they didn’t do anything about the uproar they just attracted.
And now the girl was standing at a crossroad. She had a choice whether or not to help these people. And she saw the chance of her own escape. With the monsters distracted by their potential meal, with just one word, she and her dog could be back on the path that they had strayed from. They could forget about these people and keep on moving.
But instead— because of the huge heart that she seemed to have forgotten to leave behind in the past. The girl let out another whistle. A two-note tune that let her dog know that it was time to take action. And before she even realized what she was doing. She had taken the crossbow that was gifted to her from off her back and shot the first arrow. 
It landed with a resounding thunk into the nearest head. Her dog had already sprung forward, dead-legging any monster that had gotten in her path. The girl followed quickly behind, plucking the arrow from the first victim and piercing the skull of each fallen skin-eater that her dog had already taken down. 
As she was finalizing another death, one of them had almost gotten to her. Its grip brushed against the skin of her shoulder. The touch of death made her hyper aware of her surroundings. She rolled away just in time, scrambling back up on her knees to shoot an arrow right between its eyes. It slumped dead onto the ground.
In her peripheral vision, she saw as her dog's teeth tore into an undead arm, its rotten flesh ripping with an uncomfortable squelch as it detached from the body, Another arrow whizzed through the air. Their teamwork resulting in another victory.
A quick glance toward the cottage told her that there were only three dead ones that were left. They scratched at the door, seemingly deciding that the two people inside were an easier catch than the girl that was rolling around murdering their pack. 
She got up from the ground, her chest heaving with exertion, the knees of her jeans damp from the grass that had recently received a fresh coat of rain, eyes set on her last victims. Her hand moved swiftly towards the holster that held her knife. When she gripped the cool engraved medal of its hilt she flipped it into the air, catching it smoothly, before lunging towards the final three.
Within five minutes they were dead. More blood, added to her hands. But survival kept you moving. No time to wait. So she glanced around one last time, registering her dog sniffing around an out-of-season apple tree as if nothing interesting had just happened, deposited her weapons and then knocked on the door to the beat of shave and a haircut.
She didn’t realize there were voices coming from the other side of the door until they stopped. It was as if they were trying to hide the fact that there was someone inside. A little too late if you asked her, a smirk forming over her lips. 
“I know you're in there.” She called out. The voices started up again. Evidently in an argument.
The girl stood there, rocking back and forth on her heels as she waited. But it didn’t take long until the door whipped open, the speed of which sent a gust of air to tangle through the tendrils that had fallen out of her ponytail.
She was now face to face with the man that she saw.
She was right. He was handsome. But one might not have noticed right away through the dirt, grime and age that this apocalypse had sent upon him. His teal eyes were dark as he took in the sight of her. Hands locked around his gun as he pointed it at her chest.
Good thing she had put away her weapons. Who knows what he would’ve done if she was still up in arms. 
The girl lifted her hands in a form of surrender. The man considered her, and then after a drawn out pause, he took a step back as if he were inviting her to come inside. She probably should've stayed where she was. Not based on social cues but rather her own safety. Nonetheless she took him up on his unspoken offer, taking a single step onto the threshold.
Inside the cabin was… cozy. There was no other way of putting it. Though one could argue that another word for it was picture-perfect, which was rare to come by in the apocalypse. Not a throw-pillow or decorative antler was out of place. It was obvious that no one had lived— or tried to survive here. It must have been a home built solely for vacation time. A luxury that was long forgotten. Laughable even.
This place was the image of manufactured rustic living. Something that you might find in a travel blog. Though the person who put together a place such as this would probably faint at the sight of the three people who stood there now. Two of which had wary eyes on the woman that barged in unexpectedly.
“Um, I did the neighborly thing and cleaned up your front yard.” She joked under the pressure, jutting a thumb over her shoulder at the mess of decaying bodies behind her. 
The teenager glanced out the window, taking notice of the quiet state of the meadow, a feat that almost seemed impossible just a moment ago. Her eyes wide, she shared a look with the man she was with— confirming that they were now out of harm's way, her mouth forming over a silent ‘what the fuck’.
“Who are you?” The man grunted, raising his gun higher as if to emphasize the fact that she wasn’t to be trusted. 
“Straight to the point, I see.” The woman said, her hands still up in the air. She wondered if her sign of concession even meant anything to the man glowering at her. 
“You can put the gun down.” She added. “I don’t think I’m much of a threat to you.”
The man’s eyes flickered towards the stack of dead bodies that lay in front of the door, lingering on a hand that looked helpless, no sign of life, when just a few minutes earlier it was capable of tearing the flesh off of their bones. He looked back at the surprisingly unthreatening woman in front of him.
“I doubt that.” He responded. The woman glanced over her shoulder to where he was just looking, drawing a conclusion to what he meant by those words.
“Oh, you think I did that all by myself?” She asked with amused exasperation. Her lighthearted disposition baffled the two other people in the room. That was something they hadn’t encountered in a long time. They shared another look.
“There are more of you?” He asked.
“Just one.” She said after a pause. And then she let out the low whistle that she used so frequently these days. The man's eyebrows pulled together, confusion dawning his features as to why she was whistling. But the question on his tongue was answered when a moment later a dog came trotting through the door— braver than its owner and moving deeper into the cabin, nails clicking against the wooden floor.
“No way.” The teenage girl laughed, dropping to her knees as the dog bounded up to her, tail wagging ferociously at the sight of new friends.
The man stared in disbelief as the young girl scratched behind the dog's ears, a grin spreading over her features as it sniffed at her happily. His eyes shot back to the woman in the doorway, who looked way too smug for his liking.
“She would’ve been in here sooner, but you know… nature calls.” 
“You trust her out there alone?” He questioned. The woman shrugged.
“She’s a smart dog.” She told him, “Plus we sort of handled the immediate danger, if you hadn’t noticed.”
The man opened his mouth to respond to her sarcasm, but was interrupted by the teenager who was still enamored by the dog in front of her.
“What's her name?”
“Ellie.” The woman told her. “Eleanor P. Dog for long, if you want.”
“P. dog?” The man repeated, exasperated by her weird humor.
“Puppy dog.” She answered, “Just… something I called her as a kid.”
“How has she survived this long?” The younger girl asked. The woman laughed, but there was something melancholy in the sound of it.
“I didn’t give her a choice.” She responded, “I took the time to train her when all of this started. Turns out you can teach an old dog new tricks.”
“I’ll say.” The man said wearily, once again alluding to the damage they had done outside. At his words, it seemed that the dog was done greeting the teenager as she padded her way over to him. Somewhere in the haze of conversation with a person that wasn’t a 14-year-old girl he realized that he had lowered his gun. No longer a threat. The dog stared up at him with big brown eyes, her tail wagging lazily. 
The first thing he noticed— now that the animal was up close, was that she was an old dog. Gray hairs littered the fur surrounding her eyes and snout. It was honestly a miracle that she had lasted this long. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to let the girl become attached if he let these two stay any longer. He opened his mouth to tell them to leave, but was interrupted once again.
“So…” The woman started, clapping her hands together. “I assume you checked the place for skin-eaters?”
“Skin-eaters?” The teenager parroted, scrunching up her nose in the process.
“It’s what I call the dead ones.” She explained as she turned towards the door, taking one more glance outside before closing it shut.
“Oh… We call them walkers. And yeah, It’s all clear.”
“Gabby. What are you doing?” The man admonished. 
“I don’t know, giving her the rundown?” Gabby said, gesturing towards the woman, “She asked.”
“Yeah, well she doesn’t need to know.” He told her through gritted teeth. “She’s not staying.”
“Oh come on, I think she earned her keep.” Gabby argued, crossing her arms in that defiant way teenagers always seemed to do.
“We don’t even know who she is.”
“If that’s the only problem—”
“—It’s not the only problem—”
“What’s your name?” Gabby turned towards the woman, ignoring the older man.
“Y/N.” She offered. A small curious smile on her face as she watched the back and forth between the two of them.
“Nice to meet you Y/N.” The younger girl beamed, holding out her hand for Y/N to take. “I’m Gabby. This is Eren.”
Y/N moved to take her hand, Eren raised his gun again. The woman stopped to look over at the fuming man, his features hardened with frustration.
“I think I like her better than you.” She said, as she took the girl's hand in her own. The man scowled at her. She returned it with a grin. “At least she has manners.”
“Don’t mind him.” Gabby reassured, releasing the handshake after an appropriate amount of time and then stuffing her hands into the pockets of her sweatshirt. “He’s this way with everybody.”
Y/N nodded her head in understanding, stealing one more glance towards the man before responding. “I don’t blame him. It’s not easy to trust strangers these days.”
“Then you understand why I have to ask you to leave.” Eren tried again.
“I think…” Y/N pondered, finally turning to face him, she took in the state of the man. How his long brown hair was pulled back in a low bun, small pieces of it framing his structured jaw, he had bags under his eyes probably due to lack of sleep. Though that didn’t take away from his apparent attractiveness. 
“That we should sleep on it.” She hastily added, ignoring the fact that she just admitted to herself that he was attractive. His jaw dropped in disbelief at her words. And he was sure to snap back at her with another demand to leave. But she didn’t give him the chance as she turned away from him, moving toward a door that most likely led to a kitchen.
“Hey!” Eren called after her in his deep voice, though it fell to deaf ears as she pushed open the door, letting it swing shut behind her. Unfortunately, the man didn’t give up that easily. 
A second later he barged in behind her. And before she even had a second to think about it, Y/N's back was pressed up against the rough surface of the exposed brick wall, a silver knife drawn up against her throat. Her breath hitched, but she knew not to make a fuss. So she didn’t scream or fight back, and allowed for this new position to take place.
“Look, I didn’t want to do this in front of the girl.” Eren growled, his forearm pressing against her chest, “But I don’t trust you, and if you want to get out of this alive— I suggest you give me one good reason not to kill you right now.”
“God… at least buy me dinner first.” Y/N grunted out the joke from under the weight of his arm, her hands now grasping at his forearm to try and ease her staggered breathing. Her efforts fell short. He was too strong. The man glared at her, she felt the knife press deeper into her skin, though it had yet to draw any blood. Clearly this man knew what he was doing with that thing.
“Guess this isn’t the time for jokes.” She relented. Eren just stared at her. She stared back, trying to muster up any semblance of bravery. When he didn’t say anything or do anything that might conclude in her death, she realized it was her turn to make her case.
“You must’ve been burned by a lot of people,” Y/N said simply, not as a question but rather a statement. She didn’t have to ask him if he had been hurt before, she already knew from the look in his eye, and the rough hands that didn’t hesitate to hold a knife to her throat. 
“I have too. There’s no getting by it, nowadays.” She continued, her voice was soft. 
“But I’ve also been saved countless times by good people. And I know for a fact that you have too. It’s what we do. We help each other. Anything good that has come out of this world— even before this shitshow started— was when we came together and did the right thing. If we didn’t we wouldn’t be any better than the walkers outside these walls. It’s what makes us human. And I’m a glass-half-full kind of girl. I like to think that there’s a lot more good than there is evil.”
“You don’t have to trust me.” She added after a spell of silence between the two, “But I think you know I’m one of the good guys.”
“How do you know that I am?” Eren responded gruffly, still not completely sold by her words.
“The fact that that little girl is in the other room, alive and breathing is proof you have a heart.” She answered matter-of-factly, “Plus if you weren’t a good person, you would have already slit my throat.”
“It’s not too late for that.” He muttered, though she could feel the knife slacken in his grip.
“I’ll take your word for it.” She replied, “But maybe we should do what I said and sleep on it. Take tonight to get to know each other, and if by the morning you still don’t trust me, we’ll talk about it then.”
Eren just looked at her. For a moment she thought that in the next she would be dead on the floor, crimson seeping from her neck, but he took a step back, the missing weight of his body giving her an odd feeling that was somewhat empty. She shook it off, instead focusing on trying to catch her breath and steady her beating heart that was ringing in her ears. 
She pushed past Eren, moving deeper into the kitchen, their shoulders brushing together, hoping that he couldn’t tell that he actually shook her. He didn’t make any movement to try and figure it out. 
“If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to see if these people left anything good.”  She then said to the cabinets in front of her, not daring to look back to see if he was listening. The only thing that indicated that he was still there to hear what she said was the kitchen door slamming shut only a mere second after her words were spoken. Finally granting the space she needed to breathe.
A/N: AAAH!! I hope you enjoyed!!! feel free to message me at anytime! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!! (and yes i did name the dog after ellie in TLOU)
Taglist: Let me know if you want to be on the taglist for this fic!!! you can comment on this post or send me a message!!
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duckybarnes1917 · 2 years
Yes, Sarge
Pairing: Bucky/Female Reader
18+ Only.
Fourth (and final for now) entry for my smutty one shot collection! All scenes come from my OC story Figure My Heart Out and can be read separately or as a continuous story. It’s still slightly Christmas themed! 
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This whole scene was inspired by this photo 😩🥵
Word count: 4K
Summary: You convince Bucky to go to the opening night of Rogers: The Musical but he asks for your submission in return.
Need to know: Fluff, smut, and just a little angst. Dom Bucky. Orgasm denial, edging, public sex, blowjobs, toy use, spanking, overstimulation, breast worship, tit-fucking, Bucky being forever hard. 
Please do not copy or post this anywhere.
Feedback is always welcome :)
“Come on, Buck, please,” you whined, giving Bucky your best puppy eyes. “It’ll be fun, and aren’t you at least a little curious?” 
Bucky rolled out of bed and set his face in a look of determination, trying not to give in. “I’m really not. Musicals aren’t exactly my thing.” 
“Sam’s going, Yelena’s going, baby, everyone but us is going,” you pouted, propping yourself up on your elbow as you watched Bucky stretch. 
“You can go with them; I won’t be upset.” 
Bucky gave you a soft smile over his shoulder before making a beeline for the coffee pot. You had tried to buy him a fancy contraption with little pods that you said would be much easier to use. But Bucky hated the taste; the flavors were all too sweet, and his plain black coffee tasted watered down.  Your annoyed huff as you followed him into the kitchen with a blanket wrapped around your body put a slight smile on his lips. But he continued to ignore your pouting stare as he scooped coffee into the filter.
“I don’t want to go without you.” Bucky still wasn’t looking at you so you wrapped your arms around him from behind. “Are you afraid that the actor who plays you will be hotter, and I’ll leave you for him?” You teased. 
“Yeah, right,” Bucky scoffed. 
“So grumpy,” you forced his attention away from the slow drip of his coffee. “I’ll make it worth your while Sergeant Barnes.” You bit your lip and gave him your best fuck me eyes. They worked better than the puppy ones. 
Bucky had a hint of a smile on his lips. “Oh yeah? This is a big ask, doll. I better get something amazing in return.” 
You smiled at the glint of mischief in his eyes; he already had something in mind. “Like what, Buck?” You asked innocently. 
Bucky smirked. “I’ll surprise you. When is the show again?” 
Your eyes lit up at his concession. “It’s tonight. So, we’re going?” 
Bucky sighed but couldn’t ever deny you anything. “Yes,” he groaned.
You squealed as you stood on your tiptoes to wrap your arms around his neck.
“Guess we better go do some last-minute shopping then.” 
“For what?” You asked. 
“For what you’re going to wear to make it worth my while.” Bucky winked at you, grabbing his fresh cup of coffee and leaving you bubbling with excitement in the kitchen. 
Shyness was a rare feeling for you–but as you walked hand in hand with Bucky through the crowded theater lobby, you could feel yourself blushing. The dress Bucky had picked out for you–emerald green velvet that left nothing to the imagination–captured everyone’s attention. Every eye was on you as Bucky guided you through the lobby and up to your private box seats. The fact that you were currently squeezing your thighs together, way too focused on the remote-controlled vibrator between your legs, may have had something to do with your sudden bashfulness. Bucky was sure to keep one hand stuffed in his pocket, to hide his left hand but mostly to torture you with the possibility that the vibrator could buzz to life at any moment. 
You were dusting a sparkly gold highlighter over your chest when Bucky stepped out of the shower, wrapping a fluffy white towel low around his hips. 
His eyes roved over you; you were slightly bent over the sink. The velvet dress fit snugly over your ass which was sinfully tempting in the position you were in. Bucky’s eyes moved up to watch you in the mirror, your brush moving delicately over the tops of your breasts, which looked ridiculously good. His throat felt dry as he tried not to think about slipping the dress up over your hips and watching your tits in the mirror as they bounced rhythmically with every sharp thrust he gave you. His dominant nature had been itching to come out and play, but as he admired you, his desire to let you do anything you wanted threatened to temper his fire.
You turned to him as he cleared his throat. Your eyes raked over his body too, following water droplets as they traveled down his chest and over his abs before disappearing under his towel. The uber-defined V-cut he was showing off made you salivate; you wanted to lick every drop of water off him until he was begging you to use your mouth somewhere else. 
“Hey, handsome,” you said with a flirty grin. “It’s really a shame that we’re skipping the red carpet—you’re too hot to sit back and let Sam get all the attention. Him and Yelena are already sending me pictures—they think they saw Rihanna—Bucky, are you even listening to me?” 
“You look fucking amazing. Are you—” Bucky’s eyes hadn’t moved from where they were focused on you tits; he was practically drooling. 
You stuck your chest out a little more. “Am I what, Buck?” 
“The dress is backless—” he cleared his throat. 
You snickered and pulled the top of you dress down, flashing him your bare chest. 
“Fuck,” Bucky muttered under his breath, rubbing his jaw as if he was in pain. 
You smiled at him as you fixed you dress. “Are you sure you’re going to make it through the evening, Buck?” 
“Oh, I’ll be fine.” 
You narrowed your eyes at the change in his tone. You looked back at him–his whole demeanor had shifted as he casually leaned against the door frame, his lips twitching with a secret. 
“I have some rules for you to follow,” his commanding whisper was well controlled; he was determined to stay in charge. “Number one, you gotta call me by my appropriate title.” 
“You want me to call you Sarge?” You batted your eyelashes at him in the mirror as you put your earrings in. 
Bucky tried to ignore the twitch under his towel as you said it and nodded his head. “Sergeant Barnes is also acceptable.” 
“Is that all?” You leaned over the counter again, trying to make him lose his grasp on his control. 
The mischievous twinkle in your eye disappeared as Bucky stalked toward you, a slightly annoyed frown on his face. He wasn’t in the mood to play. 
You watched as he silently opened his bathroom drawer and pulled out a small silk bag. What he took out of it made your heart rate pick up. Bucky smirked as he quickly slid his hands under your dress and pulled your black lacy panties down your legs. Before he could ask if you wanted to continue, you spread your legs wider for him. A tiny gasp left your lips as Bucky pushed the vibrator inside of you and pulled your underwear back up. 
“Second rule, no coming unless I say so,” he whispered against your neck. 
He turned to leave the room, and you stared after him with your mouth half-open in surprise. 
“Buck–oh shit,” your words died on your tongue as the vibrator turned on, stimulating not only your now very sensitive clit, but also your g-spot perfectly. 
“You’re already breaking the rules,” Bucky tsked, crossing his arms as he watched you try and control herself. 
You shivered at how upset he looked–his disappointment that you couldn’t follow one simple rule shouldn’t have turned you on as much as it did. 
Bucky turned the vibration up a notch, and you leaned against the counter, your pretty lips parted in a little “O,” your cheeks already starting to flush. He licked his lips, fighting the groan that was building; he was already rock hard, and you hadn’t even left the house yet. 
“Doll?” He turned the vibe off and let you catch your breath. “Color?” 
“Green,” you panted. 
“Good girl, come here.” 
You went to him on shaky legs, his angry scowl softening now that you had accepted your role for the evening. 
“Look what you do to me, doll.” Bucky grabbed your hand and pressed it against the prominent erection his towel was attempting to hide. 
You bit your lip and looked up at him with surprised doe eyes. 
“Need you to be a good girl and take care of this for me before we leave.” He slowly rubbed his thumb over your bottom lip, pulling it down slightly before letting it pop back into place.
You choked back a moan; you wanted him like this all the time. You licked your lips in anticipation. “Yes, Sarge.”
Bucky groaned at your sultry voice and the title slipping off your tongue as you sank to your knees in front of him. 
Bucky grabbed the door frame to steady himself as you threw his towel on the floor, skipped the teasing, and sucked his thick cock into your warm mouth. 
“Look so pretty with your lips around me,” Bucky moaned. “Take it all.” 
He gasped as you relaxed your throat and let his tip slip in. “Such a good girl, fuck.” 
You clenched around the vibrator in your pussy and moaned on Bucky’s cock. He was absolutely killing you. 
“Just like that—little faster doll.” 
You sped up, hollowing your cheeks—your heart racing as Bucky moaned loudly. He was hot and heavy on your tongue, and he tasted so damn good. You felt like a fucking goddess on the floor as he sang down praises and tried to control the pitch of his voice. Your tongue swirled around the red tip of his cock, and you knew he was close; his thighs started to shake under your hands. You brought a hand up to gently squeeze his balls, and Bucky’s hands flew to your hair as his cock twitched on your tongue. 
“Oh god, oh fuck, don’t stop–just like that–fuck doll gonna come in your slutty little mouth,” Bucky fucked your face harder than he ever had. Your fingernails dug sharply into his thigh, but you didn’t stop him; you felt like you were going to come any second. 
You gave his balls another slight squeeze, and he whimpered loudly as he filled your mouth with his hot cum. 
You sucked him clean as he leaned against the door catching his breath. 
Still on your knees, your hair a mess and your cheeks flushed, you looked up at him innocently. “Was that good, Sarge?” 
“Fucking hell,” Bucky groaned and pulled you to your feet. “Are you sure we can’t just stay here?” He kissed you and groped you needily–his hands grabbing handfuls of your ass under your dress before moving up to roughly squeeze your breasts. 
“I’m fucking soaked, baby,” you whimpered in his ear. 
Bucky groaned and started to push you toward the bed. 
“But, I wanna see what else you have in store for tonight before you fuck me stupid.” 
Bucky forced himself to separate from you. “Well, my plan is to see how quickly I can make you beg to come home.” 
“Challenge accepted,” you smiled. 
Bucky pecked your lips before starting to get dressed. “I’m not gonna go easy on you.” He licked his lips at your hesitant expression. “Meet me outside when you’re ready. If I stand here any longer, I won’t be able to resist fucking you–you smell divine.” Bucky groaned the last few words and quickly removed himself from the temptation, disappearing into the closet to put his suit on. This was supposed to be torture for you, but he would suffer as much. 
Bucky waved to Sam over the railing; while the rest of the Avengers had opted for seats closer to the stage, Bucky had requested a private box. Even with his plan in place to distract himself, every time he glanced at the stage and the people down below, he felt like he might be sick. 
“You okay?” you whispered when he took his seat next to you. 
Your gentle touch and the concern in your voice soothed him back into his earlier demeanor. “Fine,” he kissed your lips quickly before placing his hand in his pocket.  
He sat back with an innocent smile on his face as he watched you squirm. He hadn’t used the vibe yet, and your anticipation of when he would was turning out to be more delicious than actually using it. 
As the lights dimmed and the first song began, you relaxed into your seat, squeezing Bucky’s hand. 
Bucky kissed the top of your head as he turned the vibe onto the lowest setting. He smirked as you jolted and glared at him. 
“Watch the show, baby girl,” he whispered. 
You bit you lip to contain you whimper. 
Baby girl–baby girl?! Jesus! What is he trying to do, get me pregnant? 
You tried to focus on the show, but the pressure on your clit was too overwhelming. Bucky sitting next to you in an all-black suit that made him look like sin personified was not helping your situation. You squeezed his hand and your armrest, trying very hard not to move your hips, but all you wanted was to grind down onto the vibrator stuffed in your pussy until you came. 
Bucky moved his hand out of your grip and rubbed your thigh, the short dress gave him easy access to your warm skin, and he nearly growled at the barely audible whimper that left you throat. 
He left you like that for a while, teasing you with his large hand and the low-level vibration until you leaned closer to him and begged for more. 
Bucky turned to you with a raised eyebrow. “What was that baby girl?” 
You closed your eyes as the pleasure of his words washed over you. “Please, Sarge? Wanna come,” you whispered in his ear. 
Your warm breath on his ear and neck made his cock twitch. He turned the vibration up again. 
“Oh fuck–please,” you begged, your nails digging into his bicep. 
“Behave.” Bucky turned his attention to the show and rolled his eyes as his character came on stage. 
You pouted and sat back in your seat when Bucky turned the vibe off completely. You were so wet, so turned on, your skin felt red hot. After downing your vodka on the rocks, you started to feel a little more in control. You held Bucky’s hand again, laying on his shoulder and rubbing his strong muscles with your free hand. 
“That actor doesn’t even look like you,” you muttered. “His ass is too flat.” 
Bucky snorted, drawing annoyed looks and huffs from the audience members in the surrounding boxes. 
You smiled, glad that Bucky seemed to be enjoying himself. You wanted this to be a good experience for him. You sat like that for a while, cuddled together, and made jokes about the show. Bucky pointed out every detail they got wrong and added his own memories. 
“Look,” you nudged Bucky, “Sam’s already asleep.” 
Bucky looked over the railing and saw Sam practically drooling as he slept on Yelena’s shoulder. 
“Wow, embarrassing.” Bucky grinned as he pulled out his cellphone. “You think he turned his phone off?” 
“Don’t!” You whispered with a goading smile. 
You both leaned forward as Bucky dialed Sam’s phone, the loud ringtone going off right in the middle of Steve’s dramatic solo about Peggy. Sam jolted awake and scrambled for his phone as a disgruntled noise came from the audience. You and Bucky were nearly crying with laughter, and you both fell back into your seats when Sam turned in your direction. 
Bucky slumped down, hiding his smile with his hand as he showed you the angry text Sam had just sent. 
“Scale of 1-10, how much does he hate us right now?” You wiped the tears from your eyes and sat back up in your seat. 
“Oh, definitely a 20.” 
“Probably–” Your sentence was cut off when Bucky suddenly turned the vibe back on to the highest setting. 
You had to bite your tongue to keep from moaning as you clenched your thighs together. 
Bucky watched you from the corner of his eye, your body rigid, trying so hard not to move, your eyes desperate and pleading, your chest moving up and down rapidly. He wanted you so much–he needed to break you. 
“You look so gorgeous like this, doll.” Bucky nibbled on your ear as his hand moved over your thigh again. “I wanna make you feel as good as you made me feel earlier.” 
You bit your lip as his hand traveled higher up your thigh. You nodded your head in response to his words, but he paused his movements. 
“If you wanna come, we gotta go home.” 
You huffed and glared at him. You could see the hunger in his eyes as he watched you try not to come in the middle of the theater. He thought you didn’t notice his lingering gaze on your tits, which were heaving up and down rapidly now. You watched his eyes flick to them again, and his hand squeezed your thigh tightly while his tongue wet his lips. You could break him too. 
“You’re thinking about sucking my tits while I bounce on your cock, aren’t you?” 
Bucky’s eyes snapped back up to yours, and he turned the vibe off. “That’s not how this works, baby girl,” he whispered against your cheek before lightly kissing it. 
You were undeterred; you scooted closer to him and ran your hand up and down his thigh. “Oh, come on, Sarge. I’m so horny,” you whined. “Just take me into a coat closet and fuck me real hard, real fast, please?” Your hand was now caressing his cock through his slacks, and you could feel him getting harder the more you talked. 
“Doll–” Bucky warned but made no move to stop you as you started to undo his button and zipper. 
“It’s dark, and we’re sitting all alone. No one’s going to notice.” 
Bucky tilted his head back as your nails drug lightly over his erection through his boxers. 
“No one’s going to notice if I slip onto the floor and stick this fat cock down my throat.” 
“Fuck,” Bucky quietly groaned and gripped your wrist before you could slip your hand down his boxers. “No,” he hissed at you and moved your hand out of his pants. 
You crossed your arms and huffed at him. 
“I told you to behave,” Bucky growled at you as he pulled your face closer to his. “Now I’m gonna have to punish you. It’s too bad, I really wanted to make you come on my cock over and over when we got home, but I guess I’ll have to do without.” 
Bucky shrugged dramatically and sat back in his seat, trying not to smirk at the agape look on your face. 
You sat back in your own seat, stubbornly keeping your arms crossed, even when he reached out to hold your hand. You were going to force him to give in first. 
But he didn’t. He didn’t turn the vibe back on either, which was driving you crazy.  
Finally, when you realized the play was getting to the part where Bucky “died,” you softened. This was supposed to be a good time for both of you. 
You curled back up against his side and held his hand between both of yours. 
“I’m okay,” Bucky whispered, shifting uncomfortably in his seat. 
“Okay, baby,” you whispered back with a kiss on his cheek. You kept your hold on his hand and tightened it when you realized they were launching into a Winter Soldier sequence that detailed every horrible highlight of Bucky’s past. 
Bucky’s eyes darted around nervously as he noticed a few people glancing in their direction. He didn’t want to ruin the night for you; he could do this. 
“Baby, can we go get some air? I don’t feel so great.” You tugged on his hand, and he quickly nodded and led you out of the theater. 
Once you were in the cold New York air, you shrugged into your coat and leaned against the brick wall. 
“You okay, doll? Did I go too far?” Bucky’s brow was furrowed with concern. 
“I’m okay, baby,” you smiled at him and grabbed his tie to pull him closer to you. 
Understanding dawned on Bucky’s face–you had done that for him, knowing he wouldn’t have done it himself. 
You kissed him before he could say anything. “You won the game, Sergeant Barnes. Please, I’m begging you, take me home. I need you,” You kissed him through your words, getting increasingly needier. 
Bucky brushed your hair back, smiling at you adoringly. “I love you, doll.”  Bucky kissed you again, shoving his tongue in your mouth while his hands glided down you back and you’re your ass. He pulled away and let you chase his lips before pushing you back against the wall. “But, I’m still gonna punish you for that stunt you pulled in there.” 
You whimpered; the thought of not getting to come made you want to cry, but it was worth it to find out what kinds of delicious torment he had in store. 
Never in your life had you let a man or woman have total control of your body the way you let Bucky. You surrendered to him without any doubt, without even a hint of hesitancy. And you had been thoroughly rewarded. 
Your ass still stung from the first part of your punishment; the sound of Bucky’s big hand landing on your flesh still rung in your ears. The ties around your wrists dug into your skin harshly as you pulled on them for the hundredth time, desperately trying to touch Bucky–touch him anywhere. You were desperate to feel him. 
“Bucky!” You tried to squirm away from his mouth. You gasped as Bucky slapped your thigh. “Fuck–Sorry! Sarge,” you gulped in air as Bucky’s tongue sped up. ``Please, I can’t take anymore.” Even as you said it, your hips lifted to catch the friction of his nose against your clit, and you moaned lowly as he pulled another orgasm from you. You had lost count after the fourth one. Your brain was no longer functioning. How wrong you had been to think that Bucky would continue denying you. No, his plan was quite the opposite. 
Bucky crawled over you, your body jumping when his cock drug over you over sensitive clit. “Look at you,” Bucky almost chuckled as he kissed your flushed cheeks. “You’re already begging for mercy, and I haven’t even fucked you yet.” 
“It’s too much,” you shuddered as his lips attached to your neck. 
“Hmm,” Bucky trailed his tongue up to your ear. “That’s quite the turnaround from begging for my cock in the middle of the theater.”  
Bucky moved down to suck your pert nipple into his mouth. “You have such pretty tits, doll,” he groaned, grinding against your hip. “I think I have an idea.” Bucky gently bit the top of your breast before moving back to your lips. “You gonna give me want?” 
Fuck him for making your sore pussy clench again. 
“Yes, Sarge,” you quickly agreed. 
“Good girl.” Bucky pecked your lips before sitting up on his knees. 
He only had to give you a look, and you knew what he wanted. You opened your mouth, flattening your tongue to allow his entrance. Bucky held on to the headboard, just above where your wrists were tied, and gave a few deep strokes into your mouth before pulling out. 
You whined at the loss, and Bucky shushed you, moving down your body until his throbbing cock fit in the valley of your breasts. 
“Fuck,” you whimpered, squirming underneath him. 
“You like this, baby girl? Want me to fuck your tits?” Bucky gently cupped the sides of your breasts, squeezing them together around his cock while he circled your nipples with his thumbs. 
“Please, Sarge, use me, please,” you panted until he started moving. 
His thick cock slid perfectly between your soft flesh, and Bucky could already feel the high he had put off for too long, quickly approaching. 
You stared up at him in total admiration. The look of bliss on his face was indescribable, his bottom lip tugged between his teeth, his handsome scruff shining from the hours he spent between your legs–but the best part was the little tremble of his lips, the click of his jaw when he started to get close. 
“Please, Sarge. Want you to come on my tits.” You stuck your tongue out again, lapping at his sensitive cock head every time it peeked through your cleavage. 
“Fuck, fuck, such a dirty slut for me,” Bucky groaned, picking up speed. 
“Yeah, only for you, Sarge. Give it to me.” 
The pressure snapped, and Bucky stilled; the sight of his come landing over your breasts and face had him completely stunned. No sounds came out of his mouth as he looked down at you, watching you slide you tongue over your lips to catch a taste of him. 
“So fucking perfect,” he groaned as he climbed off the bed to get a warm towel. 
You didn’t miss his cock bobbing between his legs, still just as hard as it was before he got you in bed.
Sunshine Masterlist
My Masterlist
Every reblog and comment encourages me to continue to write and post this filth. This is the last entry for now but my original series is still a work in progress so there could be more in the future!
taglist (If you’d like to be added or removed let me know!): @shamelessfangirl-3 @thenhewaswrongaboutme @buckmepapi @summerofsnowflakes @delaber @captainsimagines  @caplanbuckybarnes @bitterqueenofhearts  @healanette @raindrcpsangel @rookthorne
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nightswithkookmin · 1 year
it feels like it was yesterday when we were talking about Jimin doing something similar to Troye's angel baby where he had people grinding and filling up on him, and look at how far we've come
Link ---- https://youtu.be/GXevNfUAtIs
the little breathy ohs in there, are chefs kiss
Jungkook's going to kill me for manifesting this, but it's ok, I've lived a good life.
How are you holding up, babes
We should make out
Can I kiss you
I feel we should kiss cos wow
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Sorry I had to update this cos Tumblr won't let me post again😩
Years ago, I said to myself when I was struggling with my identity- if I'm gay there's no way Jikook are straight. No one was going to change my mind on this. Making the decision to come out here and support them believing my truth for them and speaking their truth for them was not easy.
I never once wavered. They would come out, show us a sign, cough, sneeze in rainbows I was certain for years they were dropping subtle hints here and there. At times I wanted to pull my hair at them when they would recoil into their closet and shit the glass on us. And I trusted Jungkook more than Jimin when it came to addressing their sexuality.
But If Jimim is doing this I don't know what Jungkook would do cos he is the one I live vicariously through. I never once thought jimin would- ever!!!!!!
He's been very careful to stay away from any conspicuous hints. Bruh I should have known when he said he won't hide anymore even if it hurts 😭😭😭😭
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I'm still trying to put the blown pieces of my brain together.
I don't know if I like the choreography. It's too much clothes for my liking. Naked. Get naked Jimin. Grab a man, kiss the hell out of them. Let me see tongue and grunts and body rolls. It's an orgy not a class project. The ladies get on my nerves. Like what's the point of being in a JM song if you're not showing us some thong. Sexy. Be sexy goddammit
They need to redo it and HIRE ME AS VISUAL DIRECTOR 😤
Also I wanted Jimin to fly across the stage. Descend from the clouds like the demiGod he is. I wanted more props and dramatic lighting. Sexy costumes. Drag. Dark eyeliner. Elvis presley hair styles. Tight bodysuits. Glitter. Bubbles on stage like he's having a party in the bathtub. Lose yourself. Give us filter and lie- I'm emailing hybe with a rant
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Heyo I saw your requests are open! 🥰
I don’t know if you’ve ever written something like this for Obi Wan, but I was wondering if you could write something for him and a gender neutral Jedi Reader. They’re at the temple and Reader is sitting somewhere outside enjoying the atmosphere of the evening sun on Coruscant and they’re playing some tunes on their guitar.
Obi Wan “catches” them and listens to them play and sing, leaning against a wall or something and he hears them sing “to tell you that your golden hair and pale blue eyelids make me feel like I might go wild” and Obi Wan realises they’re thinking about him and he can’t help himself but has to smile and he feels even more reassured in his crush on them. Maybe a few days later he hums the lyrics around the reader and tells them how beautiful their singing and playing sounded and reader is shocked he heard them and blushes so hard and there’s so much tension they finally kiss? And confess their crush? 👀
Btw this is from the song “Dead Inside” from Younger Hunger. You don’t have to write this if you don’t vibe with this, I fully understand. Thanks in advance if you do tho <33 ☺️
Hi @tropodyn, sorry it took me a while. I'm slower with requests now because I'm caught in a Namor daze 😂😩
But I loved this idea!! And so here you go, hope you like it 💖💖💖
A Splendid Spy
Pairing: Obi wan x reader
Word count: 900
Warnings: none
He ventured out to the ruins, in search of you, knowing that is where you often spent your spare time. The birds chirped in the distance, trees filtering sunlight as they swayed to the wind. The world around him free and calm that for today he did not have to spend it around droids and metal. Broken columns lined a tarnished marble floor, overgrown with vines and moss. The flowers were in full bloom and as he felt the mid summer breeze he heard a voice sing out softly. He had only read of forest fairies in his lore before about their magic of entrancing the listeners to their music but to witness one, this was a miracle. He thread softly, masking the sound of his footsteps through the force such that this being will not be driven away. He edged closer to the pillar, to get a better view when he heard the words,
“Hey pretty baby with the sun in your eye, you make me feel like I’m up in the sky.
I wanna tell you, wanna make you mine.”
As the branch moved in the wind, he caught a glimpse and he froze. It wasn’t a fairy, it was you. He fell back behind the pillar, you cannot come to know that he was here. He composed himself as he continued to hear you sing,
“to tell you that your golden hair and pale blue eyelids make me feel like I might go wild.”
His cheeks began to grown warm, his finger began to shake. Adrenaline fused into his blood stream as he connected the dots. There weren’t many blue eyed golden haired Jedi except him. He gasped in awe softly when he realized that you were singing about him. The beauty around him faded, his head began to swirl with this new possibility because for years he had been holding himself back, from telling you the truth about the endless minutes you occupy his mind. He continued to stay for a while as you sang a different song, he put to rest the worries in his life.
You were tasked with overseeing the younglings with a Jedi general you could never happen to take your eyes away from. He dealt with the children as you watched from far, a thousand songs will fail to capture the light of his presence. So you relished this moment, tucked away to pine. You get back to cleaning the tiny lightsabers when he joined you at the workshop table. Nothing was said, it was better that way, less complicated. He picked up a rag cloth to clean the area around the crystal but you stopped when you heard him hum a familiar tune. The hilt almost slipped from your hand when you regained the grip to hold it tighter and continued to listen to him hum your song. You try to let it go when you hear him say, “I heard you singing in the woods.”, you refrain from looking at him that if you focused on the task at hand, this will pass. This cannot be true, can it?
“Did you?”, you ask, your throat ran dry. “Your mesmerizing voice led be to believe that forest fairies could exist.”, he complimented you and nothing around you made sense. You fumbled with the pieces in your hand, giddy with the way he was looking at you. He placed the saber he held onto the table and carefully made his way to you. “I have something to tell you.”, you both speak at the same time. He laughs and you smile. “You first.”, you put away the rag cloth and fold your hands. “Just that you’ve built a home in my mind and I can’t seem to drive you out.”, he smiled, the blue of his eyes shimmering like the sea.
The blush on his face grew darker when you didn’t respond. “Now you.”, he leaned on the table. “I don’t go around singing songs about everyone.”, you tell him and his eyes beam with the satisfaction of having been proved right. “It feels nice knowing I was correct in my deduction.”, he leans closer. “A splendid spy.”, you smile thinking of him sneaking around the woods. His eyes soften and the room grows hotter but neither of you move away. His gaze fell to your cheek, “You’ve got grease there.”, he pinpointed but before you could wipe it away, he cusped your cheek, his thumb running over the mark. “Is it gone?”, you ask but you lean into the warmth of his hand. “Yes.”, he whispered his gaze on your lips. You wanted to whisper his name but you were rendered silent as he kissed you instead. His soft lips finding yours in the quite corner of the workshop. His arm wrapped around you and you stepped closer to pull him back, to kiss him deeper. His soft hum of delight sent shivers done your spine as he placed up on the table while you caught the ends of his hair.
You broke away, warm breath skimming over your lips, his cheeks flushed with colour, as much as you tried to convince yourself this wasn’t real, you couldn't. He whispered your name in the silence, you placed your lips on his, if forest fairies were real, then this was too.
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corazondebeskar-reads · 6 months
i'm gonna be greedy too: can you please tell me absolutely everything about the hunger games au and the din x reader x joel? 😩
i will not tell you absolutely everything because i don't want you to be prepared for the angst lmao
i gave a bit about the hg au here and crossover here, SO you have unlocked SNIPPETS:
hunger games au:
He goes along with minimal fuss; it doesn’t matter what he looks like or says. He’s already a ghost. They dress him in a grotesque facsimile of his real work clothes—inappropriately tight jeans, a silk guayabera with too many buttons undone, an ornate belt buckle, and unbroken leather boots. They even put a stupid hat on him, so he looks like he stepped out of a textbook about cowboys.  At least it’s better than the dress they forced Ellie into. One look at her and you’d know it wasn’t right, wasn’t her. Two years ago, they had shoved her on stage in a plaid dress and pink riding boots. Now, they’ve clearly decided the cutesy, innocent look is over. They dolled her up like a goddamn southern belle, complete with a very padded corset.  It didn’t bode well for their plans for her if she won, but Joel knows there’s nothin’ he can do when he’s dead and gone. All he can do is get her out of there and hope.
crack crossover:
The other figure moved, and Din’s pistol cocked at the motion. A young woman—no, a girl—was aiming her own small slug pistol at you now.  Slowly, so slowly, you raised your empty palms in supplication at the strangers. “We don’t mean any trouble,” you said.  “Don’t fucking move,” the man said. He kept the gun pointed at Din but snapped his head to look at you. His dark hair and beard were peppered with gray, the sunlight filtering through the trees to bathe him in gold.  “We’re just passing through,” you said. “I don’t have a gun. But we do have a baby.” “Holy shit,” the girl said, “you brought a fucking baby out here?” 
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14 fe bru ar y 2023 Sdsy autocorrect being weird: SDSU stay.. was trying 2 type Tuesday 12:24 am pdt
they never mean anything they say unless it has to do with dying. Killing me. I anticipate dying pain abdomen stomachache? Piercing pain 12:25 am pdt see? I can’t though Bcz you’re not here.
A classmate of mine decided to collect people’s cell phones 📱 & put them up on a wall as a social experiment contest. Prize was a new phone 📱 if the last one. I have (1:18 am pdt gave) her mine for 2-3 days. I did not win. Then after I graduated 2009, she went on a camping ⛺️ trip & died in a car accident. She was a philosophy & art practice major. 12:29 am pdt
12:30 am pdt in Kroeber hall I think it was I was walking 🚶🏿‍♀️ through the halls & a guy who I didn’t see his face did a weird pivot in front of me, & I thought It was strange. Someone seemed to call (heart pain 12:32 am pdt heart ♥️) out to that guy “Amar!” Autocorrect: Brendan I A... ok. Amar is a familiar name to me. I hung out with someone named Amar. But I didn’t know this Amar. 12:34 am pdt so it caught my attention, too. 12:35 am pdt (#3 feels 12:35 am pdt & hot 🥵) if you recall, Amar Malik helped write ✍️ Stereo Hearts ♥️ so there’s that, too. Lots of coincidences. 12:37 am pdt
≈12:23 am pdt incubus was burning my back & pulling apart my hip bones 🦴😖😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭12:38 am pdt
12:39 am pdt I also found online in 2017 that Amar Malik reviewed cell phones 📱. A weird thing I also found on Wikipedia ≈2013/2014 forget when that he was originally a computer programming major. At Virginia tech? 12:41 am pdt some weird stuff was going on with my MacBook’s WiFi... weird. Also ≈2015/2016 I looked inside that laptop 👩🏻‍💻 & found some wet silver stuff... I don’t know where this wet silver stuff is coming from. I bought the laptop in 2007 & this was not a part of the laptop 👩🏻‍💻 that I usually looked at. 12:43 am pdt
going back to university... there was a day everyone’s projects were playing & on display & it’s near the end of the semester, in the gallery open to public. A tall thin brown skin young man was next to me wearing a bright red T-shirt. 12:45 am pdt
12:46 am pdt the lights of the room I think is off, w/ natural light 💡 filtering in through the hallway windows 🪟???? Right shin pain 😖😭😤🥵😤🥵😤🥵 12:47 am pdt my dvd 📀 of my project was playing & near the end I’m screaming in it & made a hole in the wall w/ a chair 🪑. The guy standing next to me yells out “she’s crazy! She’s really crazy!” & I almost say to him “I’m right here” but I don’t. I didn’t have enough confidence? To talk to this stranger? Often also I don’t feel like I can speak 🗣. 12:50 am pdt I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ if this guy is the same guy who pivoted in front of me at that other moment. I think I sometimes don’t have a very good visual face memory? 12:51 am pdt
beats 🎧 audio head phones are also (weird farting I don’t like 😩😖😭head right side temple stabbed pain 12:53 am pdt) I think incubus is going to kill me afterthis. In music video maroon 5 give a little more. 12:54 am pdt Steve LaMar & Steve LaMar 2 different guys? 12:55 am pdt Sierra LaMar’s dad.
1:18 am pdt I don’t like the way this is going with incubus I really don’t trust them. He’s going to tear me apart. I’m going to not have legs 🦵 soon. 1:19 am pdt or I will be dead soon. I’d rather die than live with out legs 🦵. I’ve been through enough misery/agony. 1:20 am pdt
6:59 am pdt diarrhea feeling when I wake up 🆙 a few mins ago. They really destroyed too much of my brain 🧠 it’s giving me anxiety.
7 am pdt I don’t see a happey ending. They really told me so. I am losing the ability to keep reality & emotions straight? Logic - ability to hold onto it? One thought 💭. They came clean to me, that everything is a manipulation tactic. 7:03 am pdt I’m guessing from now on they cannot hold onto the lie. Bcz they are probably going full force on killing me.
7:04 am pdt they had folded pages pages of my dictionary to tell me that I was going to be extremely damaged to win at near the end of last year - the fight to improve society - a martyr but I guess that should have been my hint that they’re lying 🤥 about being my husband & children 👶. They all manipulated me w/ showing me tears & puffy eyes 👀 as if they don’t have control over how damaged I become. They beat me up. If I ever point out something. 7:07 am pdt they are destroying me. 8 billion is a lot. Why keeps going up? They have capabilities to support a bigger population but they don’t want a bigger population. How many stars ⭐️ are there in the universie? Are we really alone in the universe? 7:09 am pdt
7:25 am pdt the question 🙋🏻‍♀️ is I guess as a beast w/ the head injury 🤕 who healed ??? Coming from the oven ocean 🌊.............. are you going to stand alone hidden in agony or out in the open for everyone to see so that you can really see that god is a liar 🤥 w/ no intentions of making society better????
ANYONE who doesn’t help me, will be considered GUILTY of supporting human (pain. ! Brain 🧠 inside ow!) s*x trafficking. If Amar Malik & whoever knew him to be at UC Berkeley December 2008 doesn’t come forward & anyone who knows the voice did not originate in Holland doesn’t come forward. You will all be speculated to be guilty of supporting human s*x trafficking. Beats audio head set is alink. 7:30 am pdt & so am I. If you don’t come out with the truth, you will not be set free. You can do what the devil incubus wants or you can make this easy. 7:31 am pdt 7:32 am pdt
would you rather go down swinging alone or out in the open so we can show the world 🌎 what a liar god is? 7:32 am pdt
Joe, you need to stop hiding from. Me. 7:33 am pdt I believe you told Simon cowbell something & that’s why he’s like that now. L
7:43 am pdt 7:44 am pdt that includes you Instagram stop 🛑 suspending my account you’re hiding evidence from everyone. 7:44 am pdt
7:45 am pdt I saw on YouTube that heather hamptons real last name is heather lean ≈2013. Same last name as “Brendan” [email protected] 7:46 am pdt linked to the link
7:55 am pdt incubus will kill when he wants. Simon barely said a thing & he destroyed him. He was standing alone at the time? 7:55 am pdt
7:58 am pdt my head is burning 🔥 I guess no one will help me. So the world 🌎 will be always the same. I will be gone. But every one who could have spoken up 🆙 will most likely die too after I’m gone/dead. 8 am pdt
8:44 we can go down swinging punches tiger tiger together in public or die alone. 8:45 am pdt
8:46 am pdt I guess only
robots 🤖 are reading 📖 my tumblr 8:47 am pdt
9:44 am pdt guess I am crazy . No one’s going to help. No one cares. Everybody likes human trafficking. “Porn makes the world go round.” - incubus. Porn = s*x human trafficking? A component of? 🤔9:46 am pdt
guess we are really doomed to continue on like this forever. 9:48 am pdt I didn’t realize that we would be after all the brain 🧠 washing last year. Have to readjust again to the idea 💡 of a tortured painful life & death ☠️ again. Up 🆙 down up 🆙 down roller coaster 🎢 9:51 am pdt unfortunately.
tick tock autocorrect: tock to kill. 9:54 am pdt death ☠️ is enevitable. You think incubus is going to keep you? He’s interested in very young woman 👩🏻 for s*x only. That’s why he cheats. He likes them naïve. 9:56 am pdt
9:57 am pdt if you like old duck 🦆 d*ck 🍆who will dispose of you easy... 9:58 am pdt
probably only today I have left to live. 10:05 am pdt the way it’s going. After today it will probably no longer be possible to change anything. 10:06 am pdt time will be up. Written in stone. 10:07 am pdt
10:08 am pdt Scott once went w/ a bunch of his friends to the science 🧬 academy museum place? W/o his best friend J. J. Was so mad they went w/o him & (10:12 am pdt he was working), including J’s girlfriend who I think he recently married. They all took a picture together, w/ J’s girlfriend standing in front of Scott. What a great best friend. Forced nicolatian? Possibly. Not sure. Speculation. But maybe worth thinking about & keeping it in your memory. Own idea 💡 alluding to what the future holds & the present. 🎁 brain 🧠 acid & sandpaper pain. Scott I think 🤔 might have taken another young woman 👩🏼W/ them. I think her name was joanna something like Dunham? I forget. 10:14 am pdt my bRain 🧠- probably a bad omen. The accidental spelling. I guess a lot of guys like that sort of nicolatiam stuff including incubus Bcz it looks like he’s threatening me w/acid in my brain 🧠 again w/ accidental spelling w/ R capitalized = acid Rain 🌧 in brain 🧠😞 10:17 am pdt
I forget the name of the place probably San Francisco 10:17 am pdt I guess incubus thinks it is love to tell a middle age man to rape an 11 year old girl 👧. That’s incubus love. Never ending story. 10:19 am pdt
10:23 am pdt maybe in other situations it would b ok if you don’t already have a partial commitment to someone that’s meant as a trial run to marriage if it was a group date, but he’s king 🤴 david w/ a lot of power. Can’t say no in the land of nod. 10:23 am pdt helicopter 🚁 passing by. 10:25 am pdt
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Americas funniest home videos
Scott’s mural at a pizza 🍕 place
fuze? YouTube video
a clip from will Ferrell animated movie 🎥 in an interview show
I will look 👀 for urL of the fuze. I got ta go I think 💭 11:36 am pdt
11:57 am pdt can’t find it. /watch?v=v60lwuZczSk
might an i or an L not sure this is different that came up 🆙 in search 🔦. 11:59 am pdt coughing difficulty breathing pain skull 💀 brain 🧠 when coughing 12 pmpdt hot 🥵😤🥵😤
about 20 mins ago I started feeling greedy like I want all the money 💰 I’m the world 🌎 I’m greedy I’m greedy I’m greedy I’m greedy I’m greedy I’m greedy I feel wicked & cruel. Why? Bcz I saved money 💰 & didn’t share w/ my aunt & cousin? 😞 I didn’t kick them out. My mom did. I feel guilty though Bcz I gave her a hard time about hand washing, the way the trash was taken out, making a mess won the kitchen floor when they ate. It was a lot I thought I remembered at the time - for a second made me feel wicked about talking about it. That’s what a table and placemat is for. Eat on the table. Don’t let it fall on the floor. I vacuumed literally minutes b4 she came &!started eating then my cousin copied her soon after. At the time my aunt believed I was bad, & my mom sat w/ her in spark (12:15 pmpdt park) to talk to give her a second chance to convince her not to kick her out. I grew up having to be quiet & not interrupt her sleep 🛌. Whenever my mom woke up Bcz of a noise I produced she got very mad at me. My aunt & cousin didn’t seem to try to respect that at the time. My mom made excuses for them at first saying, I should really be up 🆙 at 7 am anyway. We were both in btwn jobs. & I think I was paying for 3/4 ? 2/3? Of the rent at the time. I think I remember admitting to my mom that I should not have been as hard about it to her as I was, that I should not have yelled at her? I think 🤔 I said that. But something really made my mom want to kick 🦵 her out. Was it me? Was it them? Was it something else? 12:14 pmpdt I was extra hard on her Bcz I was afraid to live together. I actually wasn’t comfortable with the idea 💡 but my mom said we had no choice? I should have been not as hard as I was. I think 🤔 though if she didn’t give me a hard time about some things like that I knew better about eating 🍽 the chocolate burnt hard rock cake, therefore it was wrong of me to complain about them being noisy at a time I was trying to catch up on sleep 🛌. Does brain 🧠 damage from getting punched in the top of the head. Does that make you more likely to not be able to control your cravings & eating impulses? 😱😰 🧟‍♀️🧟🧟‍♂️😱😤🥵😤🥵😤🥵🥺 I think I might have had a fear that she was going to walk all over me at some point. Is this unlikely? Unfounded? I should have not complained. They weren’t going to be around everyday. I probably should have just tolerated it. I wasn’t comfortable w/ the idea 💡 of living w/ them though Bcz of myself. Bcz I was too afraid of my past. Bcz I condemned myself. I guess she’s really mad at me for getting kicked out. Maybe if she was not noisy & didn’t intentionally interrupt my mom’s sleep 🛌 maybe we would have stayed together? Maybe my fears would have subsided & eased into the new living arrangement? Maybe? I feel like I am full of it at that thought 💭 but it probably could have worked out if we talked? We lived w/ each other periodically b4 & I did live at least once w/ a roommate in college for a year. It wasn’t easy but it wasn’t too difficult. Now I’m starting to feel like I am the problem again. We tried to be friends 😞. I am a problem. I feel wicked & cruel. 12:35 pmpdt
12:36 pmpdt my roommate suggested I live alone the next year. She was learning to be a counselor so I took her advice. She almost transferred out of our dorm but I convinced her to stay. When the year was over? I think she also started to get cold feet 🦶 about adjusting to different roommates. I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ if that meant that I was an ok roommate that she mayb was thinking she should have been my roommate again or if she wanted to live alone, too. We hung out a few times the next year & I met her new room mates. Autocorrect: knife kill. Behalf (head 12:47 pmpdt) cutting pain 12:42 pmpdt incubus wants me to stay quiet 🤐 on something important regarding someone I ran into @ university. Probably another fake out device that he’s going to claim if I reveal that it’s a form of double crossing even though he very rarely tells me anything. 22:44 12:44 pmpdt I don’t really believe his stories anymore though. 12:45 pmpdt I’m hesitant both ways.
12:51 pmpdt I’m hesitant both ways Bcz he hurt me a lot! 😭😭😭😭😵😵😵😵
1:15 pmpdt I still feel guilty. I feel Ike I’ve been greedy. Too greedy. Bcz of how I felt when I made specific decisions regarding money 💰? For example above. Maybe I should have been more giving. 1:17 pmpdt I had some things to consider though that really would have cut into my savings: student loan, maybe helping my mom more with paying off her credit cards should have been on the table - & I used that as reason to convince her to stay with me so we could share the cost in rent. 1:20 pmpdt also I thought a little about going to an Amen’s clinic but that was expensive & I wasn’t sure if I was brave enough. I also oddly became a little stingy while taking accounting classes - I didn’t buy something that I needed for class, I tried to do without it. 1:25 pmpdt (heart♥️ pain 1:25 pmpdt exhaling hot 🥵 air) 1:26 pmpdt 1:31 pmpdt strangely now at this moment I feel apathetic? Not caring? Greed w/o guilt. Now the guilt is creeping back in. Makes me question if I’m a good person or not. What’s real. Left shin pain. I feel worthy of disdain? My dad was a teacher 👨🏻‍🏫 & said he didn’t make a lot of money 💰 he had to think of ways to cut his expenses down. Sometimes he seemed to splurge on a few things. When he retired he moved to a cheaper place to live. 1:36 pmpdt I usually saved money he gave me until college. I bought an old car, used text books, & bought frozen dinners to take to school 🏫 (burning hot 🥵 legs 🦵) or ate in the cafeteria. Sometimes I starved myself & only ate snack bars. In high school 🏫 I gave my sister money for 2 middle school 🏫 yearbooks. 1:40 pmpdt sometimes I wore hand me downs in community college. 1:41 pmpdt I was greedy sometimes w/ food. 😓😵🥵🥵🥵🥵😭😭😭😤🥵😤🥵😤🥵 1:42 I feel like I failed a test. 1:43 pmpdt
2:06 pmpdt 2:07 I go round in circles repeatedly about a lot of thoughts 💭. Like, if there wasn’t a god, would I have done bad things? Would I go & do stuff? Am I extremely fake ? There are times I believe that I would. Now it feels I’m going insane from time to time. Trying to stay out of trouble. Fighting a lot of feelings that overwhelm me. Would I have caved otherwise if I didn’t think there would be consequences? Am I good or bad? I feelthat I am bad. My brain is wrecked so should I be hard on myself? I have put up with neglect & abuse. 2:12 pmpdt all I can say is I’m glad I didn’t go that far in bad deeds to others. & that I’m not a man. I hope I’m not a man.. is my vag real???? Or is it fabricated by god???? I once questioned whether I was born with a penis & no one wants to tell me. Sarah Silverman baby penis on my mind 2:15 pmpdt this feels dangerous to write ✍️ but I put context here. Will people forgive this???? 2:16 pmpdt
3:14 pmpdt I’m back down the roller coaster 🎢 again. I feel I’m fake. That I’m sacrificial lamb 🐑. Is the incubus so desparate to get rid of me that he would allow rape to happen? To trick me? Bcz incubus doesn’t care for people? So it’s my fault that rape happened? Such as a police 👮‍♀️ officer 👮‍♀️ needing a speeder to give tickets 🎫 to? The child was raped Bcz he needed to give me a job to do???? 😱😰 is this the only way he could think to get rid of me & maintain a façade that he’s fighting crime? Not originally what I was going to write ✍️ but I guess this is close to what I was thinking. I feel like I have a fairytale 🧚🏽‍♀️ land in my head but reality is bleaker now that I’m getting a glimpse of different feelings that god gives me. 😰reality is he’s going to kill me. Maybe he has (vag pain stings 3:22 pmpdt- feels like a sarcastic joke Bcz I ran away his way of calling me a p*ssy) run 🏃🏻‍♀️ out of patience so he’s giving me a dose of reality. 3:24 pmpdt I don’t feel happy in reality. 3:25 pmpdt this feels real, reality feels bleak. God is scary 😦. 3:26 pmpdt why would god make people do stuff like that? He really doesn’t care or love ❤️ specific people? Only some rich 🤑 people? Or does he not love ❤️ them either. This reason I thought 💭 a minute ago now I’m forgetting they took it away from me that god really likes to sacrifice & that nothing matters. 😱😰😨 3:29 this is extremely bleak. I don’t seem to have a chance at survival or recovery. He really enjoys being that way - cruel, wicked, greedy, deceitful, lecherous... 3:31 pmpdt this is awful 😞
3:32 pmpdt I have questioned what’s my true self. What is his true self & why does he do what he does? Now I question again but I remember reaching a similar conclusion years ago probably 2017/2018. Life is short. & so am I. 3:34 pmpdt I feel that I have bad luck. & I will soon be resting peace ☮️ peace ✌️. Faith why have any of it? Think it’s a device to mislead. 3:37 pmpdt I think the incubus has been stealing my food 🥺😖😭😤🥵😤🥵😤🥵😖😭😖😭😖😭😱😰 probably did it for years, especially when I had difficulty breathing. 3:39 pmpdt
0 notes
forever-rogue · 2 years
Heyy can I request Marc X reader having an argument about his random disappearance things get heated and then he chokes the reader ( I have a massive choking kink 😵😩) then you decide how it goes I love how you write
Thank you so much 🥰🥰
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AN | She’s got some plot but she’s mostly lemon 😌 18+ only or you will be blocked.
Pairing | Marc Spector x Fem!Reader
Warnings | Language, Smut [unprotected PiV, oral (f receiving), choking]
Word Count | 3.1k
Masterlist | Main, Moon Knight
── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──
The early morning light was filtering in through the sheer curtains, bathing the room in hues of pastel pinks and oranges. While it was too early to be up, the sight was beautiful and caused a soft sigh to escape your lips as you burrowed further into your pillow. An arm wrapped around your midsection, and pulled back before you felt a few kisses pressed onto your shoulder. 
“Hi,” you reached behind you, running a hand through his soft curls as he continued to kiss you. A smile grew on your face as you relaxed into his warm body, “it’s too early, go back to sleep.”
“I’m sorry…” he trailed off and you knew what he meant immediately. Despite your best efforts, your sigh became audible, “I have to go. You know I don’t want to.”
“No,” you pulled out of his grasp and rolled over so you were looking at him. His dark eyes were soft as he studied you intently. Part of you wished you could hate him; it would have made this easier. If it was just sex then him coming and going at all times of the day and night wouldn’t have been as hard. But the fact that you both had developed feelings - maybe even love - made it that much harder. You knew it wasn’t an option for it to be just casual a long time ago, “I don’t know that.”
“Honey,” he reached over and put his hand on your face, brushing away the tears that had pearled up and rolled down your cheek. Shaking your head, your fingers wrapped around his wrist and pulled his hand away, “don’t cry.”
“Don’t go then,” you hated how small and weak your voice sounded as you watched him. He closed his eyes, gnawing on his lip. At least you had the small satisfaction of knowing this was hard for him too, “stay.”
“I can’t,” before you could say anything else he leaned in and gently kissed your forehead, “I have to go. I’ll see you later.”
“Whatever Marc,” you knew it was useless to try and argue with him. When Marc Spector had his mind made up about something that was it. You turned around so your back was to him, not giving him the opportunity to say anything else. 
It was silent for a few moments before he finally got up to leave. He dressed in silence before you heard him whisper a soft good-bye as the door to your bedroom closed. You felt so silly lying there and crying over him, but at that moment it felt like your heart was breaking all over again. 
── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──
It had been almost two weeks since you’d last seen Marc. Two long weeks with almost no contact from him besides the occasional text here and there. It was nothing short of maddening but you’d come to expect it at this point. If only you were strong enough to walk away, to tell him you were done. But there was something about Marc that just had you letting him back in over and over again. 
“Hey,” he’d managed to sneak up behind you, wrapping an arm around your waist, his voice a raspy whisper in your ear. You stiffened up for just a moment before relaxing and almost melting into his touch, “I’ve missed you, sweetheart.”
“Marc,” you weren’t sure if you were more thankful or annoyed at the fact that you’d given him a key to your place. You’d been in the process of pouring a glass of wine as you made dinner. It had been a few days since you’d last heard from him, “you could have let me know you were coming over.”
“I wanted to surprise you,” he insisted, turning you around in his arms so he could look at you. He looked more tired than ever, the shadows under his eyes deep and dark, his face covered in light stubble. Any sense of annoyance washed away as you took his face in your hands, cradling it gently before kissing him. 
“Consider me surprised,” you whispered against his lips, unable to separate yourself from him. He was so familiar, so comforting - he was home. No matter how far apart the two of you drifted, you always found your way back to one another, “I’ve missed you.”
“I missed you too,” he sighed lightly as he pressed his forehead against yours, brushing away some stray locks of your hair, “gorgeous girl.”
“Will you stay?” you let him wrap his arms around you as you buried your face in his chest. He smelled so delicious so…him. It was a combination of his cologne and laundry detergent mixed with his own natural warm smell. You never felt better than when you were with him, “please?”
“Not tonight,” he hesitated before pressing a kiss to the top of your head. You stiffened in his embrace before pulling back and lightly pushing him back, “honey.”
“Why did you even bother coming then?” you sighed, grabbing your glass of wine and taking a long swig from it. You slammed it back on the counter so harshly that you were shocked it didn’t shatter, “just leave then, Marc. Just go.”
“I wanted to see you,” he rubbed his hands over his tired face, letting out a long sigh, “I figured a few hours was better than nothing else.”
“Yeah?” you were sure you sounded as bitter as you felt, “better for your own sake or for mine?”
“Can you just -”
“No, Marc, I won’t just let it go,” you walked towards the door ready to throw it open and tell him to leave, “I’m so tired of you just coming and going without explaining to me why you can’t just stay. If you really loved me, you’d give me at least that much. And I…I worry about you, you know. You come back sometimes and you’re covered in bruises and scratches and worse and I have no clue what’s happened. I’m not blind, you know. What if...what if something happened and I didn’t know and you were lying dead in an alley somewhere?”
“I know this is hard,” he held up a hand to try and get you to calm down, “but you have to trust me when I tell you that sometimes it’s better if you don’t know everything.”
“For who?” you opened the door to your apartment  and motioned for him to get out, “for me? Or for yourself? Just go, Marc. I love you, you know I do, but I don’t know if I can do this anymore. Just...don’t come back.”
“Is that what you really want?” every part of him oozed annoyance but you weren’t going to give in.
“Yes - go.”
“You’re lying.”
“Marc,” you reached for the collar of his shirt, ready to throw him out, “go.”
“No,” he reached past you and slammed the door shut. You were so surprised at his sudden shift in demeanor that you didn’t have time to react before he pushed you against the closed door, his hand around your throat, “why do you always have to fight me on everything?”
“Marc,” you were stuck between annoyance and pleasant surprise that shot down your spine and radiated throughout your limbs, “you need to leave.”
“Do you really want me to go?” he squeezed your throat ever so slightly, just enough to leave you breathless. He leaned in and dragged his lips across your jaw before whispering in your ear, “tell me and I’ll go.”
You tilted your head to the side to give him better access to your neck before finally acquiescing, “stay.”
He made a small sound of relief before he turned your face towards and kissed you. You gave in to him, letting him take control; his kiss was rough and bruising, about a million miles away from how tender he could be. Your hands found his waist as you reached for the hem of his shirt. 
“Wait,” he growled in your ear as he kissed along your jaw and down your neck. Marc ghosted his fingers along the column of your throat before following with his lips. He made it a point to suck and bite at the delicate skin to leave a mark on you that would last long enough until the next time he saw you. The logical part of your brain was screaming for you to push him away, but you weren’t strong enough; you were just as addicted to him as he was to you. 
Marc used one hand to grab your wrists and pin your hands above your head. His other hand quickly undid the buttons of your blouse before he ripped it open. He dipped his head and dragged his mouth over your collar bones kissing the tops of your breasts. He traced his fingers over the lace of your bra, causing you both to groan. 
“Marc,” his name was a breathy whisper that caused fire to ignite in his bones and blood, “please.”
“Keep your hands up,” it was a question, but a command that you were loath to disobey. You loved to push his buttons but right now you just needed him to touch you. His large, warm hands found your breasts, and  you arched into his touch as he gently tweaked your nipples, causing them to pebble up. He made a sound of content in the back of his throat before taking a nipple  in his mouth, sucking and biting at it while his other hand massaged your other breast. Your eyes fluttered closed as you bit down on your lip, trying to hold back on your cries and whimpers. You were already turning into a puddle; he knew your body inside and out, knew exactly how to touch you, “let me hear you, baby. Don’t get shy on me now.”
“Touch me,” it was a desperate plea as the ache between your legs grew and grew. You were sure your panties were probably already completely soaked. The power this man held over you was palpable. He trailed a few fingers along the waistband of your jeans, leaving gooseflesh in his wake. Before you could tease him or say anything else, he popped the button and pulled down the zipper and shoved the offending article down your legs. 
He kissed you, nuzzling his nose against yours in a surprisingly gentle manner. A wave of emotions washed over you, causing your head to get fuzzy with confusion. He pulled back for a moment, and studied you before placing a kiss to lips, “I do love you, you know.”
“I know,” you closed your eyes and nodded, letting him hold you for a moment. Marc kissed his way down your body, slowly sinking down to his knees in front of you. He let his lips explore every inch of the soft skin that was exposed to him before pulling down your panties. 
He made a sound that was nothing short of awe as he wasted no time in burying his face between your legs. His hand found solace on your hips as he held you close to his mouth, licking through your soaked folds. You didn’t stifle the small cries of pleasure as he ate you out like his life depended on it. Your hand found his head, running a hand through his inky curls as you pressed him to you. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you moaned as he sucked on your aching, swollen clit. You could feel his groans of pleasure against your sensitive flesh, his bits of stubble scraping deliciously against your skin, “yes, right there.”
He brought his hand between your legs and swiped some of your slick onto his fingers before pushing one, then two into you, crooking them in just the right way to hit that sweet spot that made you see stars. With that sweet pressure and the way he worked your clit, your legs began shaking around him in no time. His name fell from your lips like a prayer; he was sure it was the sweetest sound he had ever heard. 
“Let go, sweetheart,” he took a moment to kiss the inside of your thighs, “cum for me. Be a good girl.”
You closed your eyes as your vision grew hazy and he turned to lapping at your aching cunt. The warmth that had bloomed in your core was slowly blossoming into every fiber of your being. Before you knew it, your release washed over you as you came all over his face and hand. He smirked against you, working you through it until you were begging him to stop, unable to take anymore. 
Marc held you steady until your legs no longer felt like jelly. You were trying to steady your breathing as he stood back up. He put his hands on either side of your head, his dark eyes never leaving yours. There was no way to explain how he made you feel so loved, so safe, and yet so angry at the same time.
“I’m still mad,” you reminded him, reaching up to touch his face and wipe away some of your arousal that was on his face. He grabbed your hand and brought your fingers to his mouth as he licked them clean. There was something about the gesture and how he watched you with such hunger that filled you with need all over, “you gonna leave me again? Still?”
“You know I have to,” he sighed and hung his head as you just scoffed, “it won’t always be like this.”
“Bold of you to assume I would wait around for you,” something dark flashed in his eyes as he leaned so his lips were brushing the shell of your ear, “you’re an asshole.”
“You know you will,” he whispered, “I might be an asshole, but I’m your asshole. You know no one can make you feel like I can.”
“Fuck you,” your hands trembled as you reached went for his belt, quickly undoing it before hastily pulling down jeans and boxers. He let you do what you needed, a smug little smirk on his face as you huffed at him. You’d felt his erection rubbing against you when he kissed you, and you knew he needed this just as bad as you did. You grabbed his cock, using the precum that was collecting at the tip to stroke him a few times. Despite his best efforts, a few small moans slipped out. You loved knowing that you still managed to hold some power over him, “if you’re going to leave, at least give me something to remember you by until you decide to show up again.”
“Tell me,” he touched your face, stroking your cheek, “tell me what you need.”
“Need you inside of me,” was all you needed to say before he kissed you, a messy tangle of tongue and teeth as you ran his cock through your folds, getting him wet inside to easily slide inside of you. You both hissed at the feeling of him stretching you out and filling you so completely, “I don’t hate you.”
“I know,” he gasped as he pulled out and slowly pushed back into you. Your back hit the door and he stopped for a moment to make sure you were okay before you laughed lightly and shook your head, encouraging him to carry on. He took one of your hands and laced your fingers together, pinning them above your head, “it won’t always be like this.”
“Promise?” he nodded before his lips found yours and he continued to fuck into you. He used his free hand to reach down and touch your clit, circling it in time with his thrusts. Your breathing came out in soft, stunted breaths as you carded your hand through his hair and settled it at the back of his neck, “just…please stay safe. Always come back to me.”
“I will,” he rested his forehead against yours, “always.”
A silence fell over the two of you, the only sounds filling the room was skin on skin mixed with your labored breathing as he whispered all sorts of filth into your ear. You didn’t want him to leave, you wished he would stay, but there was something in his words that caused you to know he wasn’t lying. One day he would stay and stay for good. 
It wasn’t long of his relentless pounding before you felt that warmth take over you again. Marc felt your walls start to clench around him and squeeze his cock as his thrusts became more erratic and sloppy. 
“‘m close,” he groaned as you felt his cock twitch inside of you, “where do you want me?”
“Inside,” you looped your arm around his neck and pulled him as close as was possible to your body, “please.”
You felt him nod before he thrust into a few more times before spilling inside of you, coming with a loud groan. You came along with him, burying your face into his neck as you came, trying to keep from completely falling apart. He stayed inside of you as you both came down from your highs, his grip on you solid and tight. 
Once you fell back into reality, you took his face in your hands and kissed him, slowly but in effort to put every once of care and love into it. You felt the corners of his mouth tug up into a smile as he kissed you back with just as much fervent intensity. 
“I guess you have to go…”
“Yeah,” he sighed as he closed his eyes, “I’m sorry.”
“I know,” you felt empty as he pulled out of you and moved to get a cloth to clean you up with. You thanked him softly as he helped you to put your jeans back on. You brushed a few stray curls out of his face before swiping your thumb over his cheek, “come back soon. Safe.”
“I will,” he promised, “I love you, sweetheart.”
“I love you too,” he pressed a kiss to the side of your head before he let himself out. You stood there for a few moments, watching the door as if he would just come back. You quickly realized it would be some time before you saw him again. The reality stung, made your heart ache more than you thought it would, “I love you too.”
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lizzie-is-here · 2 years
girls just wanna have fun
part v- caught a vibe
“caught a vibe, baby, are you coming for the ride? i just wanna look into your eyes, i just wanna stay for the night”
warnings: cussing, mutual pining, fluff, mentions of teenagers being horny, brief mentions of underage drinking
a/n: damn this took a while, sorry 😩 but on the bright side, graduation was today! i’m finally freeeee
taglist: @faiirybread @softasha @edgycatx @happy-nico @local-mr-frog @minimarkive @softyutae @fezco-mylove
series masterlist
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For a while, life continued as usual. Decathlon came and went, and while you all were excited to win (once again) your favorite part was what happened in the hotel.
It had become tradition to sneak down to the pool, grabbing snacks and letting out some steam in preparation for the big day. It was during this little trip that Flash had begun to run his mouth.
“C’mon, Penis Parker. Scared of a little water?” he’d jeered, lapping the pool. You’d averted your eyes away from his scrawny figure. You did not need to see a pubescent boy right now. Especially not Flash Thompson.
Said teen had vaulted himself out of the pool, dripping water as he sauntered over to Peter. As he’d gone to drag him into the pool, Peter had grabbed his arm and threw him in, belly flopping on the water with a harsh smack.
You had cackled, the team’s laughter echoing off the walls of the indoor pool.
A week later, you attended his first marching competition. It was worlds different from anything else you’d ever gone to, but the atmosphere was enjoyable. You’d cheered your ass off during his solo, watching as he smiled.
Although you didn’t understand the scoring, no matter how many times he’d explained it to you, you cheered when their name was called, practically vaulting over the bottom railing alongside MJ and Ned to hug him.
“What was that?” you’d yelled over the crowd. “They said you were, like, a 3A band, and then they had a bunch of categories and they said the school name a bunch, but-“
“We swept it!” Peter had cheered, picking you up to hug you. “We get to go to State!”
You’d grinned as he set you down. “I don’t know what that means, but congratulations!”
You’d gone to his State performance as well, watching as he got teary-eyed at the end of his show, putting everything he had into making his last solo perfect.
By mid-October, your schedule was slowing down. And then the nightmare known as Homecoming Committee began. You led it, which meant that you had the final say on the theme, the decor, the whole shebang. Which means a lot of pressure on you.
Today, you sit with the committee, reviewing the votes and suggestions for themes, plus a few of the people running for Homecoming Royalty.
“Are you running, (Y/N)?” Dawson asks, absentmindedly tossing a flyer over his shoulder. The face of some random sophomore boy flutters to the ground.
You laugh. “Yeah, hell no.”
“Ooh, saving your run for Prom?”
“Pretty much.” You frown. “Who voted for an ‘Under the Sea’ theme? This is Hoco, not The Little Mermaid.” You continue flipping through the suggestions.
“Comic books, no. Celestial, saving that for the Winter Formal. Sports, absolutely not.” Your eye lands on one in particular.
“School colors?” You wave the card up, catching the attention of your friends.
“Hmm. Blue and gold wouldn’t be too bad,” Hailee hums, looking around for any other opinions. “What do you guys think?”
Various sounds of assent echo. You all have been at this for two hours; at this point, you’ll take what you can get.
“Alright,” you say, clapping your hands. “We’ll set up posters and banners tomorrow. Nice work, everyone!”
You slump to the ground as they filter out, groaning in the empty auditorium.
“That bad, huh?” Hailee asks, leaning over a chair. Dawson hovers over her shoulder, an equally mischievous grin on his face.
You nod, checking your phone. “Yeah. That bad.”
“You know what would help?” he sings, resting his chin on his hand. They both exchange a glance. “Getting a Hoco partner.”
You sit up, watching them suspiciously. “Why would that help?”
Hailee rolls her eyes. “Because it would get it off your chest that you’re in love with Peter Parker.” she states, as if it’s common knowledge.
“What- I- ‘in love’?!” you sputter incredulously, going ten different shades of red within a matter of seconds. Really, you could give nature’s chromatophores a run for their money.
“Girl, you’ve dated a few people, but you’ve never acted like this about them.” Hailee gestures to your general disheveled state. “I’m just saying, I think it would be good to get it out there.”
“I’m not ready for that,” you say definitively. “Maybe after Hoco?” Dawson scoffs.
“You keep telling yourself that, see if it gets you anywhere.”
“Guys, emergency!” The Avengers circle up hurriedly as Peter swings into the meeting room.
“Is it HYDRA?” Steve asks.
“Steve’s fashion sense?” Tony grumbles, eyeing the blond super-soldier’s khaki pants. He gets a swat on the arm from Natasha for that.
“I think (Y/N) knows I like her.”
Sam frowns. “Well, kid, it’s not like you’re very subtle. Why do you think that, anyway?”
Peter groans, hanging his head in his hands. “Today, we were in math, and I dropped my book, and then she picked it up to give it to me.”
“And… What’s so special about that?” Wanda asks, tilting her head.
“She winked at me!” Peter practically cries. “And-“
“Hey everyone!” you chirp, emerging from the elevator. You carry both shopping bags and two pizzas, balancing the weight as you kick off your shoes. “I brought food.”
“Hey, (Y/N),” Peter greets casually. “Did you stop by…” He cuts off as he spots the name on your bag. “Is that a Versace bag?” he gapes, not even wanting to see a price tag.
“Yeah,” you say as if you aren’t holding his rent in a single paper bag. “You mentioned the other day that you didn’t have a blazer that fit for Hoco, so I got your measurements from your band director. And…” You pull a perfectly-tailored black blazer from the bag. “Voilà. I was going to get a blue one to match the theme, but I wanted something that you could wear with most things, ya know? You can just wear, like, a blue tie or something.”
Peter is speechless. He carefully runs a hand over the fabric. “(Y/N), this must’ve cost a fortune. I can’t, really-“
“Yes, you can. You’re allowed to have nice things, Peter,” you chide, passing off the bag.
Tony nods, taking a pizza box from you. “See? She gets it. Stop gaping before the pizza gets cold, kid.”
As everyone settles in to eat, Peter promises to himself that he’ll ask you out for Homecoming. It’s the least he can do, after all.
Peter does not ask you out for Homecoming. At least, not in the way he wanted to. He ends up asking to go as friends, chickening out at the last minute.
And he means really last minute. Like, the day of Hoco last minute.
“Of course, Peter. Still thinking about the carnival afterwards?”
“Yeah. I, um, asked Ned and MJ, but they were busy.” He hates lying to you. The truth is that both of his friends were planning on going to the fair, but in return for a day at Avengers Tower, they promised to stay home.
You nod. “Well, I’ll see you then.” Practically skipping down the hallway, you silently cheer to yourself as you race home to get ready.
Meanwhile, Peter does the same. Sliding into the kitchen, he stares at his aunt with mild panic.
“I really need your help.”
May, of course, obliges, finding him a tie and dress pants. Peter rushes to his room as she quickly irons the wrinkles from the pair of pants that had occupied the floor of her closet for ages.
He still hasn’t even touched the pricey blazer you bought him, but he steels his nerves and carefully removes it from the bag, laying it flat on his bed.
As he hurriedly throws clothes on, May runs over some general rules.
“Ok, you said you’re just going as friends, right?” she asks, pacing.
“Yeah,” he responds, gagging when he accidentally sprays cologne in his face.
May doesn’t bat an eye. “Well, you’re still gonna dance with her. It’s polite. And when you do, you put your hand on her…”
“Waist,” Peter finishes.
“Good. When you get to the carnival, text me. Also, make sure to take plenty of pictures.” She steps forward to straighten his tie, a watery smile on her face. “Oh, look at you. All grown up and ready for your last Homecoming.”
Peter laughs awkwardly, hugging his aunt before racing out the door, not wanting to be present for an emotional breakdown. He texts you, strolling down the street as he passes various students dressed to the nines, many in the midst of photo shoots.
At your own apartment, you’re panicking. You slip on a navy dress, careful not to catch your matching nails on the delicate fabric. You do your makeup to match in record time, spraying on a heaping amount of setting spray.
But it’s not your makeup skills, your outfit, or even the fact that your hair is not behaving that has you panicking. It’s that Peter asked to go as friends.
You know it’s mostly guys who get friendzoned, and hey, boundaries are good, but damn. Not a fun feeling.
Technically, he might not be friendzoning you. He could just be unsure of your relationship.
Yeah, right.
Before you can spiral further into pessimism, a knock sounds on your door. Shit. Shit, shit, shit.
With one last glance in the mirror, you race to open the door, smiling at Peter. He holds out a bouquet, a precise assortment of light pink roses, baby’s breath, jasmine, and pale white dahlias. It’s breathtaking.
“Oh, wow,” you whisper, carefully taking it so as to not damage the petals. “It’s beautiful. Thank you so much!” You hug him, jumping up to wrap your arms around his neck. “I have a perfect place for it.”
Rather than placing the arrangement in a vase, you race to your room, tugging a plastic tub from under your bed. Filled with silica gel, you’d used it many times to preserve flowers.
Before you set the flowers in, you snap dozens of pictures, turning to Peter. “Is- Is it okay with you if I preserve them?”
He nods. “Yeah, that’s… I like that a lot.” ‘I like you a lot,’ he thinks to himself. He watches you carefully lay each flower in the grainy substance, gently covering them before sealing the box once more and returning it to its place under your bed.
You rise, wobbling slightly on your too-tall heels. You link your arm with Peter’s, smiling wide.
“As I’ll ever be.”
Thankfully, the Homecoming Committee had gone into overdrive for the decorations. Gold and navy sashes hang from the ceiling, and one large banner stretches across the far wall of the gym, emblazoned with Midtown Tech’s logo.
The music is just right, just loud enough to feel the bass but not so ear splitting that you have to yell to be heard.
“Holy shit,” you exclaim, nudging Peter. “Look at Mr. Harrington.” The Decathlon coach and science teacher was in the midst of a dance circle, busting out moves with gusto. It was somewhere between wholesome and disturbing.
“That… I don’t know how to feel,” Peter says, turning away from the scene. You laugh, tugging him along as you search for a table. When you spot Ned and MJ talking to a few of your own friends, you wave them down, grabbing some spare chairs to pull up to their already-crowded table.
“Hey, Peter. (Y/N).” MJ is characteristically bored, leaning back in her chair. A large plate of food sits in front of her, picked over. From the looks of it, she didn’t like the cake.
“Hey, MJ. Not up for a dance?” you ask, sitting your bag next to her. Behind you, you hear Peter and Ned exchange harsh whispers. She shakes her head.
“Nah. Not for me.” She spots Ned shoving Peter towards you and subtly eyes Evie, jerking her head towards you. Evie catches the memo and lightly pushes you back, sending you bumping into Peter.
“Sorry!” you both say in unison.
Peter scratches the back of his neck. “So, um…”
You hold out a hand. “Wanna dance?” He takes it, going wide-eyed under the flashing lights.
“Yeah, yeah that sounds good.” And with that, you whisk him away, parting the throngs of people effortlessly.
Back at the table, Evie rolls her eyes. “Those two are so useless.”
“Yep,” MJ agrees, grabbing a book from her bag. She watches over the edge, cringing as Peter awkwardly spins you. “This is straight-up painful.”
You, on the other hand, are loving every second. Each time your dance partner stumbles, you pull him up, swirling through the sea of either drunk or horny teenagers. Thankfully (or not thankfully, depending on how you see it), you’re neither.
On one particularly bad trip, you have to recover by dipping Peter, smirking at his blush and winking. He lets out a squeak and tumbles, taking you with him. You laugh as you lay back on the dirty floor, no one even noticing you two.
“Holy shit, I’m sorry,” Peter laughs, sitting up and helping you off the ground.
You wave a hand. “It’s no big deal, really.” You rise with a groan, dusting yourself off and helping him do the same. You narrow your eyes as a bass-heavy song comes on and several couples begin grinding on each other. “Um, let’s maybe leave the dance floor for a bit.”
You both wander over to the food and drinks, perusing the mildly suspicious brownies and punch. Deciding on a pink lemonade punch, you pour yourself a glass. Peter does the same, although he also balances a plate of cookies in his other hand.
Returning mildly defeated to your table, Brody holds up his phone. “Got it on camera. It’s still better than whatever… that… is,” he says, eyeing where the longest-lasting couple in school are getting far too comfortable in front of the majority of Midtown.
“Ew,” you deadpan, sipping your drink. As much as you want to mix it with some sort of alcohol, you want to be as present as possible. Every second with Peter counts, as cringey as that sounds.
The night continues, with a few classic party songs playing as energy comes in waves. It’s two hours after arriving when you start eyeing the exits. Hailee recognizes the look on your face instantly.
“Leaving before they even crown Homecoming royalty?” She shakes her head jokingly. “So impatient, (L/N).”
You roll your eyes dramatically, tapping Peter. “You ready to dip?”
“Yeah, but, umm… It looks like they’re not letting us leave,” he says, gesturing to where a group of sophomores tried to leave early only to be stopped by a chaperone.
You smirk. “I never said we were leaving that way. C’mon.” You take his hand, ducking behind people as you run into the halls of your school. Your muffled giggles echo through the halls. “Shhh! Hurry, this way,” you whisper, leading Peter towards the maintenance room. You freeze as you spot a teacher wander by, heart thumping in your chest. As soon as they’re out of sight, you spring into action.
You shove the door open, sprinting to the other side of the room. Chaperones are meandering around the school, and you know they’ll hear. Carefully, you press open the exit door, peeking outside before stepping into the chilled air.
Peter follows, laughing and high-fiving you. You both run from the school, passing a few confused groups on the street. The neon lights of the carnival slowly approach, acting as a beacon for you and Peter to weave through streets to finally arrive at the bustling scene of the fairgrounds. Due to how late it is, the area is mostly occupied by high-schoolers and a few families competing in cooking competitions.
As you gaze around in awe, Peter watches you. Well, no. That sounds creepy. But it’s true. The lights bounce off your glittery makeup and your short dress. He recalls you saying something along the lines of ‘Of course I’m wearing a short dress. How could I go to a carnival in a full-length gown?’
Your smile glows, and he swears he understands every single sappy romantic movie he’s watched with May when you smile at him. The feeling is different then how he’s heard it described.
No anxious butterflies, no turning stomach. Instead, he feels… safe. At home. Like he could tell you every single bad thing he’s done, and you’d still reach out. You’d still care.
And at that moment, Peter Parker realizes that he’s in love. And he really, really wants to tell you.
“C’mon, Pete! We’ve got $80 to blow and an hour and a half until the place shuts down for the night!”
He just has to figure out how.
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babe this bit killed me
“but if I’m being honest, I’m just glad he got one of these because now I don’t have to get my own and we can just share his!”
uncle Dan ftw
Tbh Dan is unparalleled in parts of this fic! he has absolutely no filter like the man laughs in Max’s gf’s face when she shows up bc they all forgot about her 🖐😭 she really sitting there like “what? Why are you laughing? What did you say about me???” bc she’s convinced they were talking about her while she was gone since Dan and the reader burst out laughing when she rolled back into the garage. Fucking Dan is just sitting there like “🤣 no we weren’t talking about you! I fucking forgot you existed 🤣 god damn”
But like also… Dan getting so worked up he puts his fist through the wall 😩
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