I, of course, have a question about your werewolf au! Can you expand a little bit on Coyote and Jake's relationship? Like, how long was Coyote a werewolf before Jake was attacked? Does Coyote ever feel guilty for not protecting Jake from being attacked? What was Jake's initial reaction to finding out he became a werewolf? Also, what was Jake and Coyote's conversation like when Jake had to reveal that his Luna was a member of their rival pack?
M !!!!!!! lemme tell you something...LEMME TELL YOU SOMETHING. I will accept any and all questions about the werewolf au for the rest of time because I love it so much. And I love you. Thank you.
Javy and Jake are best werewolf bros for life but their relationship is also a little....complicated....
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Javy was turned about a year before Jake (again by attack cause Bellmoral sucks complete ass)
And when he was turned, it was explained to him to genuinely not to get close to anybody (especially young, strong, healthy people) because Bellmoral had the nasty habit of stalking members of his pack, taking note of who they were close to, and attacking their friends
It's just how the dude finds his Beta pool (again, cause he sucks complete ass)
But Jake and Javy were technically friends before Javy was even turned.
Javy tried and failed to stay away from Jake. But neither of them are from Washington, Jake was new in town, and Javy at that point was a friendly face. Jake liked Javy and Javy liked him. They were buds. Some of the only non-natives who worked at the log yard.
In the end, Javy just had to purposefully be an asshole to Jake so he could stay away from him (putting Jake in his sad boy hours cause "not friends?" 🥺)
But Jake is nothing if not determined. So next day at the yard Jake confronts him about his shitty behavior.
"Look, man, it's for your own good! Just stay away from me!"
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"
But it's too late. Cause guess what happens that day after work?
Jake gets attacked.
And Javy just feels so fucking guilty about it.
In my head, Javy is driving home from the yard, sees Jake's truck on the side of the road. He pulls over to see if he needs help cause he really isn't an asshole, but then he hears screaming in the woods. And he just knows.
He runs into the woods and finds Jake face down on the forest floor, back torn to shreds and barely clinging to life. Bellmoral just left him there to turn and heal on his own.
So Javy takes him to a nearby cave, knowing he couldn't get him very far before shit started to hit the fan.
He stays with him the full 48 hours it takes for the bite to take effect and for his wounds to heal
Mickey and Rueben bring by food and blankets and stuff and they stay for a few hours (do they also have a similar story?? .....yes. so sorry red sky i just keep putting you through it)
Not to add injury to injury but Jake definitely just wakes up in the middle of the process and is screaming bloody murder cause that shit HURTS. Every fiber of his being is being altered and he's not used to his muscles stitching themselves back together like that. Eventually, he passes back out.
"What is....Happening to me?"
"I'm so sorry."
Jake doesn't remember asking that. But it haunts Javy to this day.
When Jake finally wakes up, completely turned and completely healed, he is so fucking confused. Could've sworn he just got attacked by a giant wolf in the woods. Was it all a dream? But Javy was there, looking at him like he was his greatest horror come to life. (OUCH anyway). But then he feels the scars all over his back and he knows that it was real...But how the hell is he even alive?
Javy explains it to him. And Jake has a hard time believing it but like...He definitely should have died but he's alive and in a cave and he feels different. It's not weird, but it also isn't not weird. He feels stronger, more confident, and his mind is nearly overwhelmed by the strong scents everywhere.
"You'll learn to block most scents out."
Jake probably asks that Javy show him. Cause there are so many signs but like this is just impossible.
Javy shifts in front of him and Jake just goes "JESUS CHRIST"
After that it's just a massive learning curve. And a whole lotta nightmares and PTSD. But the pack is there to help and guides him through everything like the family he's always wanted.
(and then he sees how that family is being treated and he is having None of That. But that's a story for a different day lol)
Javy feels guilty about what happened to Jake for the rest of forever. It feels like the entire thing is his fault even after Jake tells him, repeatedly, that he doesn't see it that way. That Javy did nothing wrong.
So when Jake becomes Alpha and asks Javy to be his second, he jumps at the opportunity because he can try and...make up to himself (?) for what happened to Jake. He gets to help and protect his friend and now his Alpha.
And as far as Jake revealing Ronnie is his Luna, well....Here we go:
That night in the tavern didn't go exactly as planned. But at least Blue River knew they were here, and their encounter had been controlled. That was until that woman with the raven black hair jumped over the bar and aimed a shotgun at Jake's chest.
Until Jake began to ache with something powerful to be near her. To touch her soft skin and have her scent of old book pages and lavender fill his lungs till there was nothing else.
He knew to ask Rueben and Mickey about it. The only mated werewolves he had ever met. They told him about the draw, the need to be with them, how it would nearly hurt to be away from them, how the bond would need to be accepted and settled - how Alphas' mates are called Lunas.
If you were mated, they would basically become co-leader of the pack in a way. Like a queen.
Jake felt his stomach drop as the pieces finally fell together. That Bradshaw girl was his mate. His Luna. His queen. Shit.
Rueben and Mickey obviously had some inclination about what was going on. But the first person he told was his second-in-command: Javy.
"Is that why you asked about her?" Javy questioned once Jake was done explaining.
He nodded his head. "Yeah. Didn't know what it was at first. I mean...She's beautiful so I thought I just...I don't know."
"Well, shit, man." Javy got up from the couch and sighed, dragging a hand down his face. "She's a fucking Bradshaw."
"I know."
"You saw the way they reacted when you just looked at her funny - if you take her away to be your Luna...Fuck. It'll rain down the fucking cavalry."
"I know," Jake repeated, then he rubbed at that spot at the center of his chest. "But I can't just ignore it. It already fucking hurts."
This pulls at Javy's heartstrings for reasons Jake will never fully understand.
So Javy sighs, "Just take things slow, okay? See if you can get her alone to talk. Who knows, maybe she'll just reject the mating and we won't have to worry about it."
Javy left after that, claiming a shower as Frank came out of the bathroom dripping. Jake still sat on the couch, rubbing that spot that hurt at the center of his chest. He knew that it was a bad idea. That there were so many risks. But she was his mate. His Luna. His queen. As soon as he got turned the Moon Goddess picked her for a reason.
And maybe that reason was to save Red Sky from the brink of extinction.
werewolf!topgun taglist cause this info is kinda Cool and Important:
@blue-aconite @darkestbeforethedawn16 @supernaturaldawning @illisius @hope-love-equality2 @wanderingdetectives @sqrlgrl22 @dempy @theforevermorereject @the-untamed-soul @emandems10 @xxshea-barnesxx @piceous21 @sopheeg @ollyoxenfrees @luckyladycreator2 @newlibrary @himbos-on-ice @gigisimsonmars @agentminnesota187 @indynerdgirl
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mcromwell · 4 months
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(sorry for that video preview lol)
"Sensitive and Strong"
Paint pen, acrylic, and colored pencil on paper mounted on scrap wood
I'm really excited by this technique, I can't wait to make more like it.
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coyotesinew · 6 months
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Here’s a showcase of (most of) my more traditional style gear!🌲🩶
It’s taken me a good few years to get to having this much stuff, and some of these items are very special to me. A lot of my collection was gifted to me; the collars in photos 2 & 3, and the leftmost tail in the 7th photo are all from my mate.
I wear gear almost daily, though it’s not something that is a necessity in my life. I more often find species euphoria through experiences rather than material items. Many of these items I don’t see as explicitly “gear” they are just part of my entire existence, some of these collars + this hood I wear during shifts sometimes also double as pet play gear!
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I have lots of other things that I consider “gear” that I may show another time, if anyone might be interested! 🐾
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canis-latranz · 2 months
this is how it be sometimes
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big-coyote · 4 months
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mutt33th · 1 year
having fluffy/shaggy hair is peak canid/vulpes activities. It’s called a wolfcut for a reason okay
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paxthepuppycat · 6 months
Jelly Fish Stimboard :3
First off, I wanted to say that your theriotype is so cool! I hope you like this :)
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lycanthian · 2 months
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and if they ask, just say ive drowned
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coyoteinatree · 3 months
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Me, staring at my friends whenever they eat anything because I really want a bite but I don’t want to ask:
come on, give me some, just a taste, just a nibble, a tiny piece, I promise I won’t bite your fingers, please please please, I have been so good, I won’t ask ever again-
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Werewolf AU with 9, 10, and 13 please! 💙💙
9. "You can't keep it bottled up forever."
10. "It's okay to cry, you know."
13. "You're safe, I promise."
M.....I wrote what we discussed and my heart is broken...i don't think i will ever emotionally recover from this....(unsure if this is 100% canon since I'm not in love with how it turned out...but we'll see...)
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word count: 813
warnings: blood, gore, a little language, javy and jake best bros for life
It was pouring down rain. Thunder and lightning crackled in the distant mountains. But at least it was warm and dry in the cave. At least Reuben and Mickey had had the chance to bring over supplies before the rain started. 
At least Jake now had a soft blanket to lay on while every fiber of his being was ripped apart and made new. Stronger, faster, harder. Cursed and blessed. 
Javy was just thankful Jake’s back was starting to heal. He no longer had to stare at the shredded muscle and exposed bone and the blood that wept to the surface. Now, at least he couldn’t see his friend’s spine and the muscles were starting to stitch themselves back together. 
Javy sipped from the thermos full of coffee as he listened to the rain. If he just looked out at the Washington forest just beyond the cave entrance, it was easy to think that maybe he had just gotten caught in a storm during a hike. That he was just waiting it out. That his friend’s life hadn’t just been ruined and it wasn’t his fault. 
But then Jake stirred from his place on the blanket. His eyes blinked heavily, expression more confused than anything as he tried to push himself up from the cave floor.
“Ugh, what the — fuck…?” Jake grumbled as he got to his hands and knees, his hazy eyes catching on Javy who could only sit there and watch. 
“Hey, man, listen — “ Javy said as he set down the thermos. “You’re safe, I promise.”
That was when the pain hit Jake at full force. He buckled beneath the weight of it as he screamed and groaned. He writhed on top of the blanket, now curled in on his side as he tried to get away from it all. But there was no position that was going to be more comfortable. No way to escape it besides falling back into a deep slumber. Javy was familiar with the pain he was feeling, had experienced it first hand. It was everywhere, inside and out. And Javy had done nothing to protect his friend from the same fate. And could do little to comfort him now, no matter how hard he tried. Javy kneeled down beside him and put a hand on his shoulder, but even that Jake flinched away from with a shout.
Jake clawed at his chest like he was trying to dig inside and get the agony out. He looked up at Javy, tears now streaming down his red, anguished face, pleading silently for help. 
“What’s…Happening — to me?” Jake managed to grit out.
His eyes turned hazy, eyelids fluttering as he teetered on the brink of unconsciousness. Javy took his face in his hand as he said, “I’m so sorry.” 
Then Jake collapse back to the cave floor. For now, he was out of his misery. But Javy’s hands shook as he pulled away from his friend and went back to his seat against the cave wall. His stomach turned sour even towards the coffee that was keeping him awake and vigilant. 
It took another twenty-four hours, but eventually, Jake healed completely. Leaving behind that mass of raised white scars up and down his spine. And in those twenty-four hours, his transformation was complete. He was now a werewolf.
Javy could see the change in him as soon as he woke up. The awareness. The strength. How overwhelmed he looked now that he could smell someone cooking breakfast ten miles away. Now that he could hear the fluttering of a hawk’s wings hundreds of feet in the air. 
Javy explained everything as they walked through the woods, back towards their abandoned vehicles. He explained what happened, exactly who attacked Jake and what he was to him now, what was going to happen now that he was a werewolf and a Beta of Red Sky. Jake didn’t fully believe him until Javy shifted in front of his very eyes.
They sat down for a while after that, Jake needing to process as he stared down at his hands like they were brand new. And they kind of were. 
“I know this is a lot to take in, and…I wish I had more answers or-or better ones,” Javy said.
“Fuck,” Jake whispered as he clenched his fists up tight, his eyes clamped shut. 
“It’s okay to cry, you know,” Javy said as he picked at the fabric of his filthy jeans. “You — You can’t keep it bottled up forever. I know. I tried. We just gotta lean on each other now.” 
Jake nodded. After a few more minutes, he took Javy’s offered hand to help him back to his feet. 
“Is…Is this what you tried to warn me about?” Jake asked as they kept walking. 
“Yeah.” Javy nodded his head. “I’m sorry, man.” 
“It’s not your fault.” 
Javy didn’t believe him.
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mcromwell · 3 months
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Welcome. Paint a cautious werewolf with me.
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coyotebl00d · 8 months
*me bringing my friend an extra cookie as a snack on our hike*
Me: I’m providing for the pack
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oroniusn · 1 month
I forget I’m wearing my tail and then get the biggest burst of euphoria I’ve had in days when i feel it this is wonderful highly recommended
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rrougarou · 9 months
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This is my rip off Star Fox character Quasar Coyote! Used Calilum on Instagram for reference.
So you wake up after a shipwreck on a dessert planet with infamous mercenary, Quasar Coyote, looking down on you menacingly. What do you do?
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datgreenmonstah · 5 months
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Felt like I sketched out my werecoyote wolf character
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wolfhidewinter · 6 months
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Couple of recent comms :)
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