1nf3ct3d-x3 · 5 months
Infected, i think your roomate is kinda cute,,
- @magical-d0ctor
TH3Y 4R3 N0T. TRU5T M3.
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babybluebex · 1 year
I LOVE your ‘you still remain’ emmet mini series it’s sooooooo good! Don’t know if you’re taking requests but what would happen if on the journey to the island they are attacked by a rogue group and maybe emmett has to save y/n from some near SA ??? Emmett just has such “don’t touch her” protective vibes!!
yes i can! sorry this took so long to write and that it's so short, i hope you like it anyway! tw for attempted sexual assualt (and a little unwanted touching), gun violence
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Your steps were quiet on the creaky deck, stepping slowly and carefully. You tried to avoid splinters in your bare feet as you walked, and you looked over your shoulder to ensure that Emmett was still behind you. He sure was, stepping just as carefully as you were, on high alert for monsters, his rifle shouldered easily, as if an extension of his body. He looked hardened and rogue-ish, the apocalypse having aged him and steadied his nerves. It did that to everyone, even you— before that day, you were young, working at the same mechanic's shop that Emmett did. You only worked the front desk while he actually did work on the cars, but you were familiar enough with each other that, after the aliens came down, he took you into his family unit and protected you. And then, after Norah... Your own family had been eliminated on the first day, along with Henry and Adam, and you and Emmett were all that either of you had left.
Suddenly, there was an extra-loud creak from one of the boats anchored at the dock, and your heart seized as Emmett easily trained his rifle at the boat. You stopped your creeping forward, tensed as you awaited the clicking that meant that a monster was imminent, but something far worse awaited you. You froze fully as a man came from the shadows of the boat, and you clocked the dagger he held the instant you saw him. Fear nearly killed you— humans in this world were worse than the monsters— and you took a hazardous step backwards, towards Emmett.
"Hey," Emmett whispered gruffly, trying to stay quiet enough to not bring any monsters to you. "We don't want no trouble."
"I don't either," the man whispered. "What's in your bags?"
"We have food," you said quickly, before Emmett could say anything. You did have food, sure, though not a lot, but surely at least a granola bar would keep the guy from using that dagger on either of you. You slowly began to pull off your backpack in search of said granola bar, but the man waved his knife dismissively.
"Don't want any of that," the man murmured.
"What do you want?" Emmett asked lowly, and the man stepped off the boat and onto the dock, coming too close for comfort. You stepped backwards again, closer to Emmett, and the man quickly lunged before you were sure what had happened. He grabbed you, surprising you and making you drop your bag with a thud, and you kept in your instinctual scream of fear as you felt the cold glint of the knife touch your neck.
You had never seen Emmett look so startled, and he trained the rifle on the man at your side, trying to control his shaking hands. You breathed heavily, trying not to whimper and cry, although tears of fear welled in your eyes, and the man grumbled in your ear. "Pretty little thing," he said, his eyes trained on Emmett as he toyed with you. "Is this your husband?"
You shook your head, digging your fingernails hard into your palms.
"Boyfriend?" the man asked. "You ever fuck him?"
"Leave her alone," Emmett said harshly, maybe a little too loud. The lapping of the waves against the dock and boats and shore provided a little ambient noise that allowed you to speak at almost a normal level (what was normal anymore, though?), but his refusal to shout was harrowing.
"You wanna fuck her?" the man asked. "I bet you think about it, a tasty little thing like this... Can't even see this without thinkin' about what I wanna do."
"Em," you whimpered, finally allowing yourself to make noise. "Help."
Emmett's eyes watched as the knife trailed from your throat down your front, the curved point of it catching on your shirt and ripping it a bit. Your heart skipped a little as the man holding you hostage reached up and pawed at your breasts, feeling them and squeezing them, and you tilted your chin up as you tried to zone out. This wasn't happening. This was a dream. Just a bad dream, and you would wake up at any moment, safe in your little factory basement. Emmett would come to you and cover your mouth to keep you from crying too loud, and he would hold you and rock you until you quit, and everything would be okay.
"Don't you touch her," Emmett said, and the rifle rattled in his hands, shaking with anger. You knew his dilemma; the shot wasn't clear enough for him to take. You were too close to the man, any shot that Emmett took could easily be skewed into you. And you knew that Emmet wouldn't even attempt a shot if there was a chance that he could hurt you. "Get your fucking hands off of her."
"Or what?" the man asked. "I might just take her with me. You aren't using her; I will."
"Em!" you yelped. Panic filled you and you felt screams bubbling in your throat, and Emmett shushed you quickly.
Before you knew what was happening, the sound of the rifle being shot out echoed around the dockside, and the man slumped off of you for just long enough to allow you to fall from his arms and run back to Emmett. You heaved breaths as you collided with his warm body, and he dropped his gun to hold you tightly. You gasped and sobbed into his neck, whining and crying but trying to keep quiet enough to not attract a monster, and Emmett stroked your back. "It's okay, honey," he whispered. "I've got you, baby."
"Em," you whimpered. "Is he dead?"
"Yeah, honey, he's dead," Emmett whispered. "Don't look at him, you don't wanna see it. I've got you, honey, you're safe."
"I-I'm sorry—" you started, but Emmett interrupted you.
"Sorry for what?" he asked. "Some random creep attacked you, you shouldn't be sorry about that. I'm sorry that I couldn't protect you good enough to keep him off of you."
"Y-You did everything you could," you whispered. "Fuck, Emmett..."
"I'm right here, honey," he whispered. "But we gotta move quick, something definitely heard that gunshot."
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sea-m0nster · 27 days
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haunted-scrapyard · 1 month
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This is Donut!
A guy that's just trying to be with his friend smh,,,
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teamcavota · 3 months
itd be terrible if I ever met like any of the mml voice actors in real life because I really would go up to mark hamill and ask about playing the blocks
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tfw-adhd · 1 year
My friend (who is ADHD diagnosed)/wants to know if it is better for those with ADHD to live alone than with others.
They say while living with someone, if they forget to do things, procrastinate, or go into a decision paralysis, it triggers guilt, shame and self-hate and that triggers their anxiety and depression.
Sent Feb ‘22~
I think it depends on the person, but there are pros and cons.
Living alone, you don’t have to worry about the things you mentioned affecting others. All of those things can cause anxiety when living with others.
However, a lot of people find that living with others helps them keep on top of those things, because their presence (and the desire to not affect them with their actions) can help them to remember chores, or do things they said they would.
This is called body doubling, and neurodivergent people sometimes will deliberately tell friends/roommates about things they have to do just to give themselves some sense of a deadline to kick their brain into action, because now others are holding them accountable.
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😂😂Everybody be confused
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melissa-titanium · 2 years
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D00DLE DUMP 0F HUM0NGUS PR0P0RTI0NS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
als0. can y0u guess wh0 read guidestuck t0day.
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ghosts-of-love · 5 months
i love being gay !!!!! transexual !!!!!
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vitriolicperceptive · 7 months
/"are.you.the.one.collecting.blood/" question() /"or.is.that.another.blog/"
<3< 1 guezz y0u c0uld zay 1 am ? 1 mean 1 0r1g1nally 0nly needed M1nthy t0 get me z0me but tr0llz keep 0ffer1ng up the1r bl0od t0 me l1ke 1 am the bl0od g0d. 1 d0 l0ve my rezearch but 1t 1z k1nd 0f we1rd h0w many tr0llz are l1ke "yeah zure 1'll g1ve up z0me 0f my ve1n flu1d f0r dub10uzly eth1cal zc1ence".
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happy10thousandyears · 10 months
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Art summary 2023 - to a new start
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:33< sollicks!! are mew cheating on me >:00
:33< h33h33
:33< i think someone has a type X33c
what the fuck is happening. cheating? i've 0nly seen you 0nce despite my best efforts. s0meone better explain shit t0 me.
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sea-m0nster · 2 months
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pixipoxi · 5 months
U gonna let Ur future man buy U lingerie?
who types like this
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its really imp0rtant to me that i d0nt mess up any of the stuff that im digging up
the p0int is learning and preserving at least t0 me
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1nf3ct3d-x3 · 5 months
i'll get you.
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