#what a beautiful duwang
dailythistle · 3 months
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Today’s Thistle is: chew
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mediocreshake08 · 15 days
I keep forgetting I made this really shit Okuyasu in paint3D
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iowkey-ioki · 2 years
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thepaintedhand · 1 year
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gallade-x-treme · 8 months
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señor red.........
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bisexualize · 1 year
im so easily impressed these days you could show me a plant snd id be like holy shit its a plant… itd alive 💘 in the dirt even. incredible
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inkpot909 · 11 months
Jealousy Headcanons: Duwang Gang
↳ Characters included are Josuke Higashikata, Okuyasu Nijimura, Koichi Hirose, and Rohan Kishibe. Gender neutral Reader with they/them pronouns. Hinted to take place after the death of Yoshikage Kira.
A/n: What a beautiful duwang! Real talk, I’ve been wanting to write a headcanon list for this group for a long time, now. Bless these boys, none of them (except for Koichi) know what they’re doing. I really hope y’all enjoy. <3
Warning(s): Canon-typical violence and swearing.
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Josuke Higashikata
-> The Silent
The immediate feeling that washes over Josuke after realizing he’s become jealous is guilt.
If he has the luxury of being alone, he’ll pace around his bedroom while entertaining a lengthy argument with himself. It takes everything in him not to raise a hand up to his mouth and press a nail or two between clenched teeth. There’s a game of tug of war occurring inside his head and he’s nothing if not a slave to fully investing himself in the conflict.
If he isn’t alone, and especially if he’s with you, there is seemingly no dent made in his chill persona. Not a single person around him would be able to tell the internal conflict running through his mind. Not even you.
His usually relaxed thoughts are disrupted with an ocean of insecurity. “What if” questions plaguing him and internally souring his mood.
It’s a foreign feeling for him to experience. Especially considering you tend to bring out a very proud side of his personality. Ever since he started going out with you, everyday life has only gotten brighter.
And although he’d never be caught mentioning it out loud, there’s a part of him that’s mindful of the fact that usually he’s the one others grow jealous of.
He’s running in mental circles, a back and forth. Agonizing over just the idea of being jealous between taking the brunt of his emotions all at once.
All while he says absolutely nothing on the matter.
He may end up distancing himself for a day or two depending on just how lost in his own head he gets. He doesn’t seek out your company, and that’ll be the only telltale sign of how he’s truly feeling.
Even then, whenever you do see him, nothing appears to be wrong. He’ll smile at you all the same. His tone is cheerful as ever, and there’s no falter present in his laugh.
Because he can’t help but be ashamed for feeling this way, he’ll do anything in his power to make sure you don’t notice. He’ll continue to play the part of your never bothered, always cheery boyfriend.
He will only bring up his dilemma to Koichi.
Being involved in a relationship himself, Josuke figures he would best understand his point of view. He does his best to hear him out (he did go to him, after all), but Koichi telling him that it’s unhealthy to internalize how he’s feeling isn’t going to get Josuke to budge.
Josuke knows you’re loyal. He does trust you... so how could he possibly compromise that trust by mentioning something as silly as jealousy? Being open and honest is usually his go to. He tells you everything. But this...? There’s a little voice in his head telling him not to. And not even sound advice from a close friend can get him to stop listening.
If you’re observant enough to catch onto him avoiding you while simultaneously greeting you as if nothing’s wrong, bringing it up bluntly will finally force him to open his damn mouth.
He’s nervous; more nervous than he’s ever been around you in the past. It doesn’t take long before the word vomit starts pooling from his mouth, littered between a plethora of apologies. His eyes never meet yours until he’s done talking, hands continuously picking and pulling at one another.
Believe it or not, talking it through with you actually helps! Who knew? Certainly not Josuke.
After that first incident, dealing with his jealousy becomes a lot more manageable. Although it doesn’t happen often, it still does happen.
And he’s still not inclined to make a scene if he can help it.
Josuke’s opinion of guys who freak out on their partner or anyone who they feel threated by- even by the loosest stretch of the imagination -is very low. He will certainly talk to you about it, but in private and merely to express his emotions rather than to criticize you in any way.
The only real exception to this, is if someone’s actively hitting on you and repeatedly not taking the hint. How he approaches the situation largely depends on you.
If you’re not afraid of confrontation, he’s going to be at your side with a smug expression on his face the entire time. Your ability to stand up for yourself can make him melt on the spot. He lets you go at it, watching you with a smile brimming with puppy love. He just cannot help but fawn over how cool you are.
Once you’ve made your point, he’ll happily back you up lightheartedly. Even to the point of mocking the person who dared to ignore every “no” you threw their way. People like that deserve to get knocked down a peg, and Josuke’s eager to help.
If you’re more meek in approaching these situations, and tend to shoot Josuke glances pleading for his aid, he’s happy to help. It feeds into his ego a bit, honestly.
He’ll make a point to wrap an arm around you, throwing his best intimidating side-eye to the person daring to make you feel uncomfortable. Hell, he’ll even puff out his chest a little too.
Once again, he’s not above insulting them. His words are vicious and more than a little rude. He is a delinquent, after all.
Josuke isn’t a really fan of getting violent in these situations, though. The only reason he would get to that point is if the other person grows violent first and he needs to defend himself.
If they take it that far, they’re asking for it in his book. He doesn’t feel any need to use Crazy Diamond against something so trivial, more than a little confident in his own strength.
That said, if the flirtatious bastard is enough to make you really upset, he will use his stand to rearrange their appearance in an attempt to make you laugh. Yeah, it’s a bit twisted, but his youthful mischievousness is likely to earn him a smile from you.
That said, if someone flirts with you and tries to brush him off by dissing his hair- all cards are off the table. Openly flirting with you in front of him and dissing his hair? That person must have a death wish.
You may want to look away.
Okuyasu Nijimura
-> The Emotional
Unlike his best friend, Okuyasu wears his heart on his sleeve at all times.
Expressing emotions, even negative or embarassing ones, is not something he shies away from. No, not even in public.
When he first confessed his feelings to you, he was certainly more than a little shy. But when you gladly reciprocated, you’re positive the entirety of Morioh shook with his joyous response.
It’s because of this that Okuyasu experiencing jealousy is quite the roller-coaster of emotion. If he’s jealous, everyone and their mother will likely know.
His immediate response is confusion.
Not over how he’s feeling per se, but instead over what to do about it. Painfully aware of his own intellegence, he’ll agonize over how he should respond. Jealousy is rather complicated in his opinion, and his biggest concern is accidentally pushing you away via his reaction.
He is decisive, though, so it’s not something he’s going to mull it over for very long.
And if you’re right beside him, the likelihood of you diffusing his jealousy right in that very moment is quite high. So, although it’s not uncommon for him to be jealous, he’s quick to let it go.
In most cases, that’s where the story ends.
Sometimes, though, if the feeling is strong enough or if you’re not able to talk with him, it’ll go a bit further.
In those instances, the emotion that follows his confusion is anger. More accurately, it’s defensiveness masked with a display of frustration.
It’s written all over his face, eyebrows furrowing and eyes turning sharp. The delivery of his words are rather harsh and unfiltered (well, more than usual).
This anger won’t ever be directed at you, though. Okuyasu cares about you far too much.
If he can’t direct it at a specific individual that’s (according to him) the source of his jealousy, he’ll instead grow angry with himself. Mainly because his jealousy stems from an insecure belief that he’s not good enough for you.
If he gets this upset, it’s best to leave him to let out his frustrations before going to speak with him on the matter. Hell, Josuke is a better support for Okuyasu when he’s dealing with the bulk of his emotions.
Not much time is needed; no more than a day. And because he respects you greatly, if you give him that tiny- yet definitely needed -space, he’ll gladly hear you out with a fresher mindset.
Okuyasu is almost always going to be soothed by your affirmations.
Sweet words about how you’re with him because you want to be, and that nothing so small could form a wedge between the two of you, is very reassuring for him.
Jealousy is going to be more of a prevalent hurtle for the both of you to work on at the beginning of the relationship. He was still getting used to the idea that you really do like him as more than just a friend. It’s sweet, sure, but the insecurity is something the two of you work on together.
As time passes, and he digests the fact that you’re not going to leave him for the first person that flirtatiously glances your way, he cools off a lot. In fact, he starts having a hard time taking the people who hit on you seriously.
Namely, he’s going to laugh at any poor bastard trying to make a move on you. Because “Ha! Get a move on, loser! Can’t you see their taken?”
His mocking may not be as well-thought out as Josuke’s, but they can cut just as deep. And his delivery is almost always sure to bring a smile to your face. Okuyasu is always proud when he’s the cause of your glee.
That said, getting defensive is still a knee-jerk reaction at times. It only applies if someone doesn’t want to take “no” as an answer.
Doesn’t matter how capable you are in defending yourself, if someone pushes it, he’s quickly going to follow it up with threats. Partially out of affectionate protectiveness, and also in part because he likes to think of himself as your knight in shining armor.
He tries to be as suave as he can while threatening a stranger with a fist to the face. One second he’s throwing insults, the next he’s giving you a smile along with a cheeky wink.
As far as he’s concerned, someone messing with his boyfriend/girlfriend better be prepared for a pair of knuckles meeting harshly with their jaw.
Okuyasu’s like an angry dog barking loudly at anyone getting too close. Least you know no one will ever dare to mess with you for very long.
Koichi Hirose
-> The Logical
Out of everyone in the Duwang gang, Koichi is the least susceptible to jealousy. Actually, scratch that. He’s the least susceptible to jealousy in all of Morioh.
Especially after developing Echoes act 3, his thought process just doesn’t leave a lot of room for doubts in both you and himself.
If someone’s attempting to flirt with you, he’s more likely to grow annoyed rather than jealous.
He’ll throw them an unamused glance, eyebrow raised as if daring them to continue further. He’ll turn back to you, mentioning loudly enough for them to hear how obnoxious he finds their behavior to be. Returning the favor with a smile almost always does the trick, often prompting them to give up.
If they don’t, and press further, Koichi is prone to suggesting that the two of you go somewhere else. He never returns any animosity thrown towards him, not letting it get to him much. Yeah, they may be hurling low-hanging insults towards him, but he’s the one with you on his arm.
His casualness in those situations is so consistent to the point where Josuke and Okuyasu each comment on how they don’t understand it.
When a situation arises where they know they’d be jealous, the two just cannot wrap their head around how calm he is. Koichi merely laughs them off, almost finding their confusion to be amusing.
Koichi’s grown a lot, and he just can’t find it within himself to give into insecurities he considers unnecessary. All that, in his mind, should really be left in the past.
Adding to his confidence, is you yourself.
Koichi adores you, and would honestly trust you with his life. So why would he ever grow jealous of an old friend? What on earth could some random person at a party provide you in a short, two minute conversation that would warrant any defensiveness? Why would he feel threatened by a coworker? It’s not like he can tell you to avoid them.
In fact, he’s very aware of the fact that he can't tell you what to do in general. Or rather, he simply won’t. It’s not in his nature to be controlling or hover over you like that.
Not because you’ve brought it up or it's ever been an issue in the past. It’s simply because... that’s not a real relationship in his eyes. He’s not bossy or pushy- you started dating him because that was your decision at the end of the day. And that alone is enough proof to him that being jealous really isn’t worth it.
Now, if by some miracle he does grow jealous, it’s not going to last very long. Again, Koichi is just too levelheaded.
He is going to grow downcast, saddened by his own perspective of the situation. This is because he’ll only get to the point of jealousy if he believes you’ve returned someone’s advances- whether it was by word of mouth or something he saw with his own two eyes.
And because you care for him as earnestly as he does for you, his jealousy likely occurs due to an honest misunderstanding.
Koichi will approach you on the matter himself, and will do so calmly. Even if he saw something, he doesn’t want to become more upset before he hears what you have to say. After all, you’ve never disappointed him before.
Because of his strong trust in you, after he details his perspective on the matter, he asks that you explain your side of the situation to him.
Koichi’s demeanor is very controlled and polite, hiding a certain degree of genuine worry. He listens with baited breath, internally praying that he simply misread what happened.
And to his relief, that’s all it ever ends up being.
Just like that, the both of you are quickly back to normal. Worries evaporate from within his mind, and he’s back to his usual sweet self.
Genuinely the best boyfriend here, no contest.
Rohan Kishibe
-> The Denier
Oh, boy.
First thing’s first, it should be noted that The Great Rohan Kishibe does not grow jealous. It’s not even a question, and honestly, expecting him to explain such a thing is an insult. Men and women alike fawn over him; anyone would be lucky to have him. You’re lucky to have him.
And to his credit, Rohan really doesn’t grow jealous very often.
His confidence in himself may cross the line into narcissism, but it doesn’t lead him to give into jealousy very often.
Like Koichi, he knows that if you’re with him, it’s because you truly care. Even more so, considering Rohan knows (if only slightly) that he’s not the easiest person to be around.
Nope! He certainly doesn’t become jealous very often… not never, like he’s worked so hard to have you believe.
For Rohan to become jealous requires specific circumstances. Some random person approaching you at a party or bar isn’t going to pose much of a threat to his ego.
On the contrary, it feeds into his ego.
You’re a beautiful individual; it’s no question as to why others would try and approach you. But, of course, you always turn them away seeing as you’re already his.
In those instances, he’s as dismissive as Koichi, coupled with a tongue as sharp as Josuke’s. Rolling his eyes, wrapping an arm around you, straight up ignoring the person trying to talk to you, kissing you out of the blue- he’s got every weapon in his arsenal equipped to ensure you’re left alone.
If it gets to the point where you’re growing visibly nervous or uncomfortable, Rohan’s words are the nastiest you’ve ever seen. But the display isn’t necessarily out of jealousy, as it is out of shock and frustration that they’d persist. He’s not going to let anyone speak to you in such a way.
But when it pertains to an old friend, the one you were talking about meeting up with for a week straight... now that’s what makes his chest tighten.
Rohan’s going to be in a bad mood because of it, but it’s not too distinct from his usual behavior. No, he’s just a little more quiet than normal. And by the time you cheerfully tell him about seeing this friend of yours, he thinks he may go nuts.
Rohan’s immediate response is to completely shut himself out from everyone, while simultaneously denying any thought he has over being jealous in the first place.
The time he spends locked inside his office is insanely alarming.
At first, you question whether or not you should even say anything about it. Yes, you’re obviously concerned for his health, but Rohan falls into his exaggerated version of workaholic-mode from time to time. And you know him well enough to understand he requires a very careful approach to be pulled out of it.
No, what really warns you that something’s wrong, is that even Koichi asks you if Rohan is doing okay.
His concern takes you aback, and only makes your heart sink further when Josuke (of all people) speaks up about it as well. He’s a lot more reserved about showing any worry, but it’s enough to let you know that something is fundamentally off.
Prodding Rohan for an explanation is going to take a good while.
He’s so unused to feeling jealousy in any capacity that he outright refuses to even admit it to himself.
No, he just needs to work and not interact with anyone. Why? Because he has to; don’t question him. There’s so much he needs to do. You’re far too busy with your old friend in town to pay him any mind anyway.
And that’s exactly the sentiment you finally manage to pull from him.
He spits it out it with crossed arms, not once meeting your gaze. But it’s a mistake (in his mind), because it gets the cogs turning in your mind.
You end up realizing Rohan’s jealous before he does.
Affirmations that you love him is a must, and don’t even bring up the fact that he grew jealous- it would only continue to stir the pot. You know Rohan well, confident in how you choose your words when talking to him about it.
He refuses to give you any indication that he's listening, of course, but one brief glance your way cracks his hardened outer shell.
The look on your face... it initiates this weird sinking feeling deep inside his gut. Just thinking of could halt his movements.
Yes, realistically, he could just use his stand to check whether or not his concern is warranted.
But, for one thing, he’s already promised you he wouldn't do that to you. Setting boundaries is extremely important to Rohan, so he respects the ones you set in return. So much so that the thought of using Heaven’s Door on you doesn’t cross his mind once.
And that look on your face, soft and melancholy upon the realization that he’s been doubting you... he honestly doesn’t need to use his stand to know he's severely misread your relationship with your old friend.
His own ability to recognize how poorly he misunderstood the situation is something he figures he’ll have to unpack at a later time. In that moment, he was just relieved. He told you, rather stubbornly, that he supposes he was wrong. In own his weird, twisted way, that was how he apologized.
In short, being with you is a humbling experience for a person like Rohan and this instance of becoming jealous is certainly a part of that.
Weirdly enough, to his internal surprise, it’s ultimately a pleasurable development. Not like he’d ever tell you, though.
With the passage of time, he even lets you tease him over it. The two of you playfully go back and forth, bringing up times where you both got so jealous. It’s all in good fun, his confidence in your feelings for him stronger than ever.
In reality, him having a bit of humor about it is a clear sign that he’s growing into the relationship more and more. And him being able to be more transparent around you makes it easier for him to talk to you in the future if he gets that jealous again.
There’s still room for growth, but such things are almost always a gradual process for someone like Rohan.
That said, only you’re allowed to make any sort of teasing remarks about the whole ordeal. Anyone else isn’t worthy of doing so.
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frompunchiewithlove · 9 months
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What a beautiful duwang 🏍️
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worldsetfree · 8 months
Diamond is Unbreakable × Reader: Weekends Spent in a Beautiful Duwang
(+ bonus character sprinkled in just for you!)
At last, the weekend! You have survived another horrible week and once more been set free from the confines of societal expectations. You've been feeling a bit too stressed out lately, what with the serial killer and all... But what better way to relax than with some quality time with your beloved?
(I hope y'all enjoy these small slices of life! Feedback is welcome. These broader headcanons are really helping me ease into where I want to go.)
Higashikata Josuke
Great! He has to do some chores first or his mom will kill him, but he's been craving some TLC time with you.
He's kind of a homebody, so expect a day spent playing video games (cute couch co-op is exactly the kind of aesthetic he lives for), watching TV, and having snacks.
Loves physical contact. Will wrap his arms around you, soft kisses on your skin. Wishes you could stay the night and cuddle.
Super shy at school the next week. His friends will tease him about it.
Nijimura Okuyasu
"Oh, let me see if Josuke is free!" "No, no, no, babe. Let's take time for you and I."
When he finally gets the idea, his first suggestion is of course: going to Tonio's. It's up to you if you want to experience *that* with him, but either way a dinner date sounds like a great idea.
Okuyasu wants to be a gentleman this evening. Does his best, in his own way. Dresses up for you. "Oh, you look really hot tonight!" Holds open the door open for you. He'll get the cheque, he's rich now! (Excuse me, what?)
Is going to call Josuke and tell him all about it when he gets home. "Oi Josuke, I think I'm in love!" Josuke lives for it.
Kishibe Rohan
No. He's busy. Wait, you're serious? Oh shit, he feels kinda bad now.
You convince him to go on a cute picnic date in the park under the guise of people-watching for more inspiration.
Rohan's mind is more captivated by experiences than images. He finds himself noticing how the other couples act and decides to do some research. Holding your hand makes his heart flutter like a dove's wings. Kissing you is mental anethestic and fireworks all at once.
The manuscript he sends to his editor that week is notably more optimistic than usual. Pink Dark Boy won't be singing from the rooftops, but at least Rohan understands what's inspired the stupid cliché now. And he wants more and more exposure to this feeling.
Kujo Jotaro
He's tired and stressed out. Please take him away from this town, he actually really needs it. You both do, really. Responds to your request with an indifferent grunt. He's in.
Usually, he'd take you to the beach, but he's hit a snag with his thesis and if he sees those starfish right now he might just pull his hair out. And we wouldn't want anything to happen to his handsome locks.
Surprisingly spontaneous when he wants to be. "Let's go to Tokyo, I want you to meet someone."
The drive is peaceful and quiet. He's a great listener, but still not the best communicator. For example: he won't tell you until you get there that your lunch date will involve meeting his mom for the first time.
Tonio Trussardi
This sweet man takes a day off from his restaurant and invites you to his home. Greets you with flowers and wine.
Very excited to show you his garden. Look at his tomatoes!! Humble but oh so proud of the fruits of his labour.
Thinks the most romantic thing you two can do together is cook. But it's his day off? He doesn't mind! He loves his craft! Wants to hold your hands and teach you how to properly julienne a pepper.
Lives for that reaction when you take that first bite. Might use Pearl Jam to make it that much better for you. Domesticity makes him want a life with you.
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donyaemon · 2 months
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What a beautiful Duwang! I won't make the same mistake as last time.
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zay-does-things · 5 months
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What a beautiful duwang *chew*
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ratajota · 5 months
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what a beautiful duwang
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a-998h · 2 days
Hiya! can I please request the Duwang gang meeting a Himbo! Male! Mer! reader?
They were all hanging out at the beach and they suddenly find Reader washed up on the shore stuck in a fishnet and he doesn't even know why lol
Reader's like "haha how did I get here lol"
Reader really loves to sing and he doesn't realize how many girls he attracts with his beautiful singing lol
(Mer! Reader is based on a Comet fish)
So, it was summer break, which lasts 40 odd days. So, to make the most of it between homework, Josuke invited Koichi and Okuyasu to the beach with him. Yukako just showed up with Koichi, Rohan was sitting under an umbrella sketching the sea, and Jotarowas doing actualwork.
The group of teens were having fun, sometimes dragging Rohan and Jotaro into it. But, as they were resting, they all heard the sound of splashing. Jotaro was the first to check out the situation. It was close to beach, so it wasn't a drowing person, so he thought it was a poor sea animal that had accidentally beached itself.
When he reaches the source of the sound, followed by Josuke and the others, he sees something he can't believe.
He saw the top half of a man, which was decorated with yellow, blue, and black speckled scales, and the tail of a Coment fish decorated with similar scales. A merman, Jotaro and the Duwang gang were looking at a merman, on a beach in Morioh, who also looked like he was asleep, and had a fish net stuck around him.
"So, what now Jotaro-san?" Koichi asks the baffled marine biologist.
Jotaro tells Okuyasu to be careful as the pair start using their stands to remove the fishing net. Once all the fishing net is removed, the group is ready to move you back into the sea.
"OK, so we just need to grab," Jotaro started, "Umm, I think it's moving!" Josuke exclaims as he cut off Jotaro.
Those carrying you freak out and put you back on the sand, at least they know you're alive. The group watches, wondering what will happen.
"haha how did I get here?" You say as you yawn.
Waking up from your nap, you see the group of humans. Instead of being scared, like a normal merman, you start talking to them. The group just stares, so confused by your existence. They don't deny your beauty, but they do wonder if this is all a hallucination.
"Who and what are you?" Josuke asks.
"Oh, hello. I'm Reader, and I'm a merman," You cheerily tell the group.
This game of questioning goes on for a little bit longer and the group learns.
You've lived in the ocean near Morioh for years
You've never interacted with humans before now
You got stuck in the net because you were trying to rescue another sea creature
The group admire us your willingness to help some poor sea creature, and they plan to return you to the sea.
"We should get you in the ocean, you're gonna dry out," Koichi says.
"Oh, hang on," you tell him
The Duwang gang gets to watch you use magic to go from merman to human. Unfortunately, you were naked. Once you're handed a towel, the Duwang gang doesn't know what to do now.
"Can we be friends?" You ask the group.
There is a mix of "yes" and grunts to your question. So, now you have new friends.
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For his work in Morioh, Jotaro will ask for your help in finding certain creatures and habitats
alongside notes about your biology as a merman.
He will ask you questions about being a merman and your diet because
he's so curious but not so curious that he asks about your reproduction.
He never assumes you're a himbo until you try to touch 6 fish hooks, in the same 1 hour span.
Yeah, after that he's doing his best to protect your habitat and you.
Once he realizes you're a himbo, he sighs and knows you'll be a handful.
Finds your singing calming and is happy you enjoy doing it
What he doesn't like is how many girls it attraches
Your obliviousness to how many girls want you drives him a bit mad
You make his drive for conservation grow, just so you don't get yourself even more hurt
When he gets ready to leave Morioh, he makes sure you'll be ok
Would be honored if you gave him a fallen scale
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Hangs out with you as much as he can
Teaches you something about human life
Never doubts if you're dumb or stupid
Asks you to describe what you see while in the ocean, and then questions if it's actually accurate
Is happy if you ever give him one of your scales
Asks if you breathe like a fish or a person
Will be nearby when Jotaro is asking questions, because he's so damn curious
Also avoids all questions about you reproduction because, ew
If he does ever learn, he will never bring it up
Tries to sing with you
Likes hearing you sing after a tough day for him
He also likes how much attention is garners
The moment he realizes you're a himbo, is when you take a camera underwater and didn't understand why he said you couldn't
When ladies flock to you, he hopes you'll take the hints, but you're too dense and it kind of bothers him
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Spends almost all his time with you and Josuke
He doesn't understand merman biology at all
Will straight up ask you how you go to to bathroom and stuff as a merman
Teaches you everything he knows about humans
Is confused why you gave him a scale
Tells you stories about life on land
Likes your stories about life underwater
He has some insecurities about not being as bright as everyone else, so he'll never assume you're stupid
When he sees you do good hearted reckless things, he just thinks you're a good person
When he sees you display more himbo behavior, it takes him a bit to realize
Now, he's the one keeping you from eating sea plastic
also tries to sing along with you
Will flirt with the girls your singing attracts
Is a bit jealous that you have girls flocking to you, but you're too dense to ask one out
Might ask out one of the girls attracted to your singing
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He is so confused by you
Your existence as a merman is so strange to him
Might ask about what you can do as a merman
Watching you be dumb, kind of makes him worry
Does his best to keep you safe
As it becomes clear you have himbo behavior, he sighs
Likes to share his stories with you
Tries to teach you things
When you sing, he feels at ease
Gets a bit nervous when your singing attracts girls
Worries these girls would get caught in the crossfire of Yukako
Kind of hopes you at least talk to these girls, but you don't
He realizes you aren't rude, just dense
Tries to give you some idea that these girls like you
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She is fascinated by you
Pokes and prods at your tail
Will ask you about mermaids
Happily take the scale you gave her
She was there with Jotaro when you tried to touch the fishing hooks
Not personally interested in you, regardless of your singing
Knows there is someone out there for you who loves your himbo behavior
Might ask you for ways to turn herself and Koichi into merfolk if possible
When you describe the things you see in the ocean, she thinks it's accurate to pictures people have taken
Enjoys your singing
When your singing draws girls closer, she gets defensive of Koichi
Will vet the girls who want to date you
Kind of wishes your singing would stop attracting other girls
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Sketches you all the time
Uses you as swimming reference sometimes
If he ever has a series with a mermaid, he uses you for reference
Writes down anything you tell him about your biology and diet
Assumes you're dumb, and your actions only prove it
He watches you almost get stuck in a net, seaweed, and beached all in the same day
He never calls you a himbo
Is confused if you give him a scale of yours, but he won't throw it out
Doesn't trust you to use an underwater camera to get reference photos for him
Draws your description of sea creatures, and sometimes your description and the pictures don't match
Tolerates your singing as he finds it nice
He also deals with the girls that are drawn to your singing like moths to a flame
He likes attention, but he's so annoyed by how dense you are with the attention from girls
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strawbsybunny · 2 months
what a beautiful duwang is definitely something homestar runner would say
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magnificentmuses · 5 months
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"Good morning. What a beautiful Duwang."
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Vanilla: "Why are there teeth marks on the table legs?"
Kira: "What a beautiful Duwang." *chew*
Vanilla: *sigh* And I have to deal with this kind of stuff all the time. All of the furniture has been chewed on in some way or another!
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