#what a great 2023 she had career-wise
lotus-queer · 8 months
So I'm finally watching Mysterious Lotus Casebook, and surprise! There's Chen Duling in the third drama I've watched in a row.
I've now seen her play, in order:
A gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss snake princess:
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A grieving noble with post-partum depression:
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A grieving asthmatic martial sect leader (?):
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Tough times all around for these ladies, but a great year for her!
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kimhargreeves · 1 year
Ordinary World-Ken x Reader (Barbie 2023)
Summary: You've always been a one of a kind Barbie, like different things from the other girls and many considering you a bit odd. Most Barbies are the same, many of them have their own Ken but the Ken you've had your eyes on has been dating your best friend for years. (I know the movie isn't out but I had this in mind and had to write it! Wouldn't in a million years believe I would fall in love with a Ken doll.)
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(I have in mind to do a series on the Barbie movie once it is out with Ken and Reader. So, I decided to write a one shot that'll be based on the series I am planning, this could be a part of the series though some parts may change. I am dying to see this new Barbie and Ryan Gosling as Ken. I myself am a goth and imagined the reader the same,but you can imagine her as you'd like. Though for the official version I think they will be a goth since I would find it cute for opposites to attract, style wise, etc.)
The world is perfect. Endless days of going around making errands and endless nights parting and every Barbie and Ken gathering around to have a fun time. The sky is always the perfect shade of blue with few clouds decorating it, every Barbie has it's perfect job and perfect home.
The streets decorated with green trees, beautiful colored flowers, pastel colored homes, and the relaxing beach with it's pale pink sand.
Always thriving to make their name known and perfecting every single thing, every Barbie is perfect, from head to toe.
Every Barbie has a Ken. Every Ken has a Barbie to show their devotion and love. Well..almost every Barbie.
"Hi Barbie!"
"Hi Barbie!"
"Hi Barbie!"
I heard the countless of Barbies waving and greeting at each other. I sat in the patio at my friend's home, she had invited me over since she wanted to throw a big party at night and I was helping her decorate the place up and organize many chairs and tables with their snacks.
Many Ken's and Barbie's would be arriving. I was done sketching on my notebooks and placed it inside my bag and continued to fill up what was rest of the pool.
"How is everything going?" Barbie asked joining me in the backyard again.
"The pool is almost finished, just a few snacks are left, choose the perfect mixtape and the party will be perfect." I answered her.
I stood tall and noticed Barbie staring at me. "Great! Everything always goes perfect. How is your job going?"
Barbie questioned making me take a step back and shake my head. "I..I.. it's complicated."
"You got fired didn't you?"
I hung my head low and felt ashamed. "Hey hey don't get all upset on me. You were probably too good for the job anyways."
"I feel horrible, Barbie. You are the most perfect person I've met, you have countless of jobs and can do anything. You've offered me many jobs and I'm just not good at it. I'll never be good at anything." I answer defeated since apparently I am not good enough for this world.
Barbie placed her hand on my shoulder making me look into her blue eyes. "No. You are a good person, (Y/N). You are my friend and I did agree on helping you in whatever you needed..You're just special is all."
"I'm different.."
"Different is good! See? I even call you by the name you chose instead of Barbie." I pout and sighed heavily and nodded my head slowly.
"You're not a burden, (Y/N). You can be whatever you want to be. Remember that."
I smiled a bit and looked back at her. "Right..let's focus on the party instead."
"Great idea! Now I have the perfect song list for the party, many friends will come over-"
Barbie definitely living a dream life. I wish I could be like her.
I am a Barbie who looks, acts and thinks differently than the rest. I chose my own name, go by my own rules, what kind of Barbie does that?
Every Barbie has it's dream house, dream career..a Ken.
Unlike them I can barely fit in a specific job, I don't own a huge house like most of them do, don't have plenty of close friends and I don't have a Ken. A companion, a lover to spend my days with them and have fun.
Every Barbie had a Ken and then there is me…
I've heard what many people have said behind my back, I'm a weird person I know. I tend to look at the dark side of life sometimes and can be a bit straightforward which leaves some people taken back from me.
I normally don't dress all cute or bright colors like the rest of the girls. I feel like I don't belong here at times.
I sometimes stay late at night wondering if outside of our Barbie world, there's more, maybe s lot more different. I will say I am more on the dreamer kind, wishing to know about more knowledge outside of here.
I've collected these books that I found a long time ago. Books that seem that wasn't made or written by someone here. There's one that has always fascinated me, it's called The Wizard of Oz. Sometimes I feel the main character of the book, Dorothy.
Being different from the rest and arriving at a strange world that seems too perfect to be true.
Aside from collecting rare items I also enjoy drawing, sketching or painting. I'm no where near perfect as the Barbie to specifies on art but I do my best.
I've sold a few around town since Barbie recommended my work to everyone, even President Barbie had a large portrait done by me in her office.
I'm not great with parties since I try to relax on my own and sketch everyone having fun. Tonight, I am planning to do the same and imagine myself in their scenario. In their perfect world.
"(Y/N)!." Barbie clapped her hands in front of me drawing my attention back to her.
"Yes?" I ask.
"Many guys will be here. Maybe, I can introduce you to a Ken." Barbie said winking and continuing to decorate the place.
"T-That won't be necessary. I'm not ready to date anyways, I'll just chill with Alan."
Aside from Barbie, I can say Alan is one of my closest friends as well, he's like a brother to me. He's unique anyways, there's just one him.
"You gotta have at least a bit of fun, I don't like seeing you sitting down at parties. Promise me you'll try at least."
I sigh and fake a smile at her, "I promise."
A song titled Girls Just Wanna Have Fun continued to blare through the speakers. Everyone was having lots of fun. Different shades of pink balloons adorned the backyard along with streamers and even a big piñata made in the shape of a large 'B'.
Even the refreshing drinks were pastel pink and blue colored. Barbie continued to dance along with the rest. I was sitting down by an empty table along with Alan who had a drink in his hand, "So, I asked her out and guess what she said?"
"What did she say?" I ask tilting my head and knowing exactly where this is going.
"She said yes! But, when I arrived at the cafe she wasn't there. She said she had an important meeting but we're definitely going out next week."
"Good for you, Alan." I held onto my sketchbook and continued to sketch the crowd.
"Don't you want to dance or something? You know if you're having trouble dating a guy, I can always be available for you." He awkwardly said earning a pat on his shoulder from me.
"Trust me you wouldn't want to date me. You deserve someone way better."
Alan hummed and stood up. "You're right."
"Ouch." I said not really hurt by his words but continuing to sketch.
"Well, if you need me I'll be..around." Alan quickly left leaving me on my own. I looked down at my creation and smiled when I saw how well and detailed I got everyone, I flipped the pages and landed on the one I was still finishing up.
"What you got there?" I shrieked and jumped in my spot, quickly closing my book and turning to face the familiar voice.
Ken. Barbie's Ken.
"N-Nothing! Just finishing up a project I was asked to do." I answered quickly and blushed when I looked into Ken's blue eyes and saw a charming smile spread across his face.
He looks so handsome up close! Perfect blue, eyes, perfect smile, perfect blonde hair and perfect bod-
"Cool. Can I see?" He asked all excited sitting in front of me now.
"No! I mean..You can't it's not ready yet." I said trying to come up with a lie.
"I'm not a critic by all means, but I'm sure you're doing a fine job as always." Ken said reaching over to place his hands on top of my book and I grabbed the she and began pulling it towards me and Ken did the same to try and look.
Sometimes Ken has a hard time of understanding when no means no. He's a goofball and kind of oblivious.
"Maybe just a tiny peek.."
"Ken, no!" I felt like I was speaking to a puppy, not understanding it's tricks.
"Come on, (Y/N). We're friends right? Friends gotta stick together and not hold any secrets between us."
I huffed annoyed by him but finding him extremely irresistible and cute when he acts this way. He knows his ways to charm me, well, that's what I like to think. I sat back and slid the notebook over to him.
"Yes!" He raised his fists and eagerly started to look through my sketches.
If onto he knew the truth about how I feel for him. I continue staring at him, my heart beating faster, growing nervous at what he would say once he sees my sketch of him. He'll find me weird and ask me why I drew him, he'll find out about my crush on him for sure!
Ken continued to flip thought he pages until one caught his eye. I sucked in air and was ready to hear his harsh words.
"Omg..Do I always look this handsome?" He questioned staring at the sketch and placing it right beside his face.
"You even got my nose right! Haha. Though I do say between him and me, I'm a lot more attractive."
My mouth nearly fell open. The reaction was unexpected, but what can I expect from Ken. "Is there a reason you chose me?"
"No, wait! It's because I'm your idol isn't it? It's nice to know I have a number 1 fan besides Barbie." Ken enthusiastically said and handed me my notebook back before deciding to sign his name on the same page.
Before I could grab onto the notebook Ken grabbed both my hands into his. Making me blush and surely painting my entire face red at the simple action.
Quickly I pulled my hands back and touched my cheeks trying to hide the blush on me. Ken looked surprised but didn't question it, he now chuckled and stared at me with his hand resting on his palm.
I need to a cold drink. I reached to grab a cup of pink lemonade and began to drink rapidly.
"You're honestly so talented, you just don't realize it. I know you don't like to call yourself a Barbie, but I'm surprised you haven't found a Ken or gotten married yet."
I spat my drink on him and started coughing. "Who's you okay?!" He jumped up when I did and I nodded my head.
"I'm fine! I-I'm so sorry, Ken!" I grabbed a couple of napkins and began to try to wipe his clothes since it was wet, which only made me feel his muscles instead. I blushed and pulled my hands back and apologized to Ken again.
He tilted his head looking at me weirdly. "Are you okay, (Y/N)? You're as pink as Barbie's car."
"I'm completely f-fine! But what about your shirt?" I ask concerned and Ken dug something out of a bag, another shirt and jacket, he brought along and changed right in front of me.
"I always keep spare clothes just in case things like this happen." Ken reached out to me and started to ruffle my hair.
"Don't get yourself to worried. Why don't we enjoy the party instead?" He smiled and I watched him excitedly run off to greet his girlfriend, Barbie. My best friend.
I remained staring at them and the rest enjoying themselves. They party and have fun like nothing else matters. I smiled sadly staring at Barbie and Ken dancing, I grabbed my sketchbook and started to leave the party.
Slowly the sound of music fading the more I continued to walk to my home. Hoping to someday at least someday matter to Ken, and for him to look at me different than just a friend.
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tokkias · 9 months
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happy (late) new years everyone! i hope everyone had a great start to the new year. i'm ringing it in by recommending some of my favourite nalu fics of 2023! hope you enjoy!
Spring by bumblebeehugs Natsu and Lucy take a break from walking on the way home from a mission.
Summer by bumblebeehugs Natsu suffers from the summer heat for the first time - everything is Lucy's fault, according to him.
Autumn by bumblebeehugs Happy takes a moment to observe his two best friends.
Winter by bumblebeehugs Lucy has the worst morning known to human kind, until Natsu comes to her rescue.
i would say all of this, but i don't wanna ruin the moment by luckymio As he sat on his bed, only the sounds of his fingers clicking against the controller, the monsters in his game groaning, even though the game was paused, and the flipping of pages, he realized that he couldn’t remember a time where he wasn’t in love with Lucy. It had always been him and her, Natsu and Lucy, them. Always them.
night drives by luckymio Those nights were magic. For him, they were magic. Lucy’s face in the side mirror, her eyes gentle, slightly dazed, and trained on the blurry houses and apartments. She would sing softly, close to a whisper, her voice almost drowned out from the sound of tire against pavement. But he heard it, because he never focused on the music, because he only focused on her.
Wise Men Say by Irrelevan in which Natsu is sick and Lucy finds out that she doesn't mind taking care of him actually.
tolerate it by Nostromo13 Jude has watched his daughter grow from the sidelines of newspaper articles and Sorcerer Weeklys, only catching glimpses of her life through her guild and her career as an author. After reconnecting with her, he now has to see where he fits in his now 25 (technically 32) year old daughter's life. Set in a timeline where Jude didn’t die during the seven years.
Time passes by quickly (When you belong somewhere) by Nihilistic_Nomad It’s rather intriguing, how much a person’s life can change in just one year.
Happy Endings by bumblebeehugs What Natsu knew about families had been an ever-changing subject for as long as he could remember. Yet somehow, he found himself free from these wonders one day.
My heart is heavy (With fearful wonderings) by Nihilistic_Nomad It’s always in the quieter moments that her mind wanders.
Gave him her heart by bumblebeehugs Lucy worries about what to get Natsu for his birthday, not knowing how ridiculously easy it actually is.
Impossible Love by natsudragneelswh0re "Someone once asked me what it felt like to love you. They might as well have asked me to describe the taste of water." -JL
a thousand red roses by natsudragneelswh0re Natsu and Lucy come back from a mission that puts pressure on not only them, but also their relationship. There only seems to be one option to resolve their conflict, but the 'only option' seems to be different to either party.
The days inbetween by bumblebeehugs Lucy falling asleep somewhere and Natsu carrying her to bed.
Cymorth by Nostromo13 Following the Alvarez war, Natsu has to come to terms with a new reality.
ready (for a misunderstanding) by ssukidesu When Bisca and Alzack have another baby, a passing comment from Lucy turns Natsu's world upside down.
a dragon's habits by Poteto Natsu is a dragon and as such he needs to have power, a hoard and… what else do dragons do? Why, they kidnap princesses of course!
Marry The Sea by Nostromo13 Usually Natsu felt like he knew everything when it came to Lucy. He knows she loves him but now it's come time to propose and he's not so sure if marriage is something she wants.
Call Me By My Name by StaleCupcakes524 "You're..." Natsu took in the sight of her as his eyes widened. The pretty brown eyes he'd already been watching, supple pink lips that had released those wonderful laughs, braided golden hair that reached near to the ground, and long, pointed ears poking past the strands. "a fae," he finished. She nodded, ears twitching nervously. "Do not tell me your name."
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freshthoughts2020 · 7 months
February 5, 2024
I saw a meme today that posed the question, what would you say to your 18 year old self using only three words. I always love these type of hypotheticals.
I believe I made mostly great life choices thus far but like everyone you think about how you could’ve did somethings differently. I love how things panned out but if I really had the choice to affect something I would put me on my current path sooner.
So what’s the three words I would say to myself? I would say “Become a Lawyer”. If you know anything about my back story, you know I didn’t give a clown’s nose about becoming a lawyer. It was more logical for someone like my brother or my mother to become one. My brother because, my Grandma would always tell him, “Jay you like to argue so much you need to become a lawyer” (wait until she find we spend 90% of our time avoiding arguing lol).
I would say my mother because she worked years as a paralegal so if she ever decided to go that route it would make sense. But me? No it made zero sense. Nothing about my life said I would be a lawyer, I was a nerdy kid that loved the creative arts (and obviously still do). My grades wasn’t top of the top.
Honestly I was the average student. My art skills weren’t praised, my grades weren’t praised, the only thing that stood out for me was my personal style and my sense of humor. I was “average” on paper but never did I look at myself as “average” I knew I was extraordinary from the beginning lol.
I would choose those three words because my 18 year old self would’ve been smart enough to know that don’t mean stop the arts but it would’ve gave me a north star much sooner. I made the decision to go to law school in 2015, when I was in a corner financially and was lost career wise. 2015, I was one year removed from undergrad, with no job in my field in sight. I was thinking I cannot be a struggling artist I have to make something happen and then reinvest my earnings into my arts.
So I thought I know I’ll become a lawyer, it then took me two years just to get into law school! Graduating in 2020, it took me until 2023 to become licensed! So that’s 8 years spent to gain the illustrious title of “attorney”.
If I was able to tell my 18 year old self “become a lawyer” my 18 year old self would’ve streamlined his life to make himself get into school any means necessary. Those three words would change so much, here’s how I imagined it would’ve played out. I still would’ve attended UAPB, but with those three words from Future me in my head, my major would’ve reflected law instead of marketing. I would’ve focused on gaining internships and working in a firm during school, which would’ve saved me from the agony of being a broke college student lol.
Knowing my infatuation with New York, I would’ve applied to every New York school possible. Also, I would’ve attended school immediately after undergrad, no breaks. I would’ve probably treated law school the same way I did in this timeline but having more knowledge about school in the alternate timeline, I would’ve had a bar prep program from the beginning lol. ( I never used one to get licensed but definitely would’ve did it in this scenario).
After passing the bar, would’ve been in New York licensed earlier, solving financial woes way quicker and enjoying success at an earlier age. With all that said I’m glad it did not happen that way. God made sure things happened exactly as they should. The endless L’s I took gave me much character growth and it makes me a better person everyday. These questions are fun because it make you think of endless possibilities but that is also the problem. Don’t get caught up in the “what ifs” and “what could’ve beens”, we’re in the now and God blessed us with the gift to be present. Make today count and avoid future regret at all costs, I know I will! #StayFocused
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Hello and welcome to Day 7 of "Let's Explore My Plot Bunnies"
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Sorry for posting this a bit late today, I was busy, and the idea was a bit complicated to put in words. (Don't you love when your brain gives you only vivid images but abandons you when you need to describe them? Yeah, me too)
The fic idea I wanna explore today is actually a collab fanfic between me and my friend @yokomisaki.
This is a Canon Divergence AU for Naruto that both of us came up with around *checks notes* July 13th, 2023. It actually started with me saying that "Shiranui Genma is definitely a motherhen to anybody that he deems in need of motherhening" and that evolved into "Shiranui Genma would make a great Jounin Sensei" before it settled into "Make Shiranui Genma a Jonin Sensei and then throw Naruto at him cause god, does the kid need someone like him in his life".
I came up with a title for this fic, and we already started writing it. I have done a small part of the prologue so far, but we have chapters planned out (just not written out yet).
Title of the fic:
"The late dog always barks at the closed door"
(Yes, it is a jab at Kakashi's habit of being late. Is it mean of me to do this? Yes. Do I care? Not really. I feel he needs a bit of a reality check for that; like, you can be late for your own personal meetings but NOT FOR A FREAKING OFFICIAL MEETING)
Shiranui Genma is many things, but he is not a teacher. At least not until the Hokage decides that, in the wake of one Jounin Sensei's death, he is to take a team of 3 freshly graduated children under his wing. The good news is that he is not obligated to pass them. The bad news is that he actually likes the brats - despite the fact that he knows only headaches will follow him now.
In the one year he had the brats for a lot changed, including what one of his students wanted to do with her life as a shinobi. Now, Genma is required to get a new Gennin to make up for the student (and she is still his student dammit; no official paper will ever change that) that decided to pursue the career of "not-battle active medic-nin".
When it was time for him to choose, he recognized a certain hyperactive blonde as part of the rooster he could choose from - which is weird since Hatake seems to want him. So then why was not the kid already spoken for?
After some consideration, Genma came up with his answer.
"Hokage-sama, I want to take Uzumaki Naruto as the new member for Team 3."
Some details:
I know Team 3 is supposed to be Might Guy, Neji Hyuuga, Tenten, and Rock Lee; however, I have always believed them to be team 9, so it is really hard for me to correct that belief. Thus, just for the sake of my brain, Genma's team is Team 3, while Guy's team is team 9.
This fic will have (so far) 4 OCs: Kawamura Chizuru (Part of Team 3 - retires from active duty but is still considered part of the team by Genma); Nomura Akira (Part of Team 3); Higashi Kyoka (Part of Team 3); Sakaki Ichirou (the boy that takes Naruto's place in team 7)
Yes, at Naruto's graduation team, because he also got to graduate, there was one person that would have to be put in another team as the numbers wouldn't add up (think instead of 21 kids aka 7 teams of 3, there are 22 kids that graduated)
We have most of the plot for the OG series already thought out; the Shippuden part is more complicated (because of what we do with the pervious part)
Naruto is getting the darn support system that he is in need of in this AU
And I am not overlooking Sasuke either. Without Naruto around to push him, Sasuke will realize that he is pretty much isolated (thank you Konoha Elders and Teacher from the Akademy (Not Iruka), you did a fantastic job *note the sarcasm*). Cause really, the main reason why it didn't look like Sasuke was isolated by others (and instead it showed he chose isolation) is because Naruto is like 10 people in one presence-wise. And because I am taking Naruto away from the picture, I raise you this idea: Get Raidou (or any competent adult) to interact with Sasuke. Sasuke needs more competent adults in his life at this point
Everyone - and I mean EVERYONE - is getting character development. Even just some characters that appear for a few times. And I am dragging Kakashi from his brooding corner, kicking and screaming if I have to. (And yes, that includes villains, too. *looks at my brain planned storyline* And summons get the same treatment as well)
Another thing: Political Sub-plot. Ya think that with all the importance they put on, not only rank but missions that get you in different countries, this show would have more political talk; but no. So we are bringing Naruto into politics. Inter-village Politics, to be precise. Naruto, prepare your Talk no Jutsu.
Also, Fuuinjutsu Made-Up Theory Stuff. Just because I can and I will (I am in charge of Fuuinjitsu stuff). Genma is making Naruto learn them from scratch.
We are addressing the fact that the Shinobi Academy of Konoha was turned into a "civilian playground" because of the Konoha Elders. (It's way worse than you can think if Genma makes Naruto re-learn stuff from zero) - there is no way any fight will have some bullshit pop-quiz about History or Chakra Theory. How in the world are those kids alive?
We also have Orochimaru Plot™️. A whole ton of it too.
We also get into the "Preparation to Take a Life on the Battlefield" thing. Because people there seem to not do it anymore. Like, get the kids to kill animals in the wild after catching them. Is it hard? Yes. But THEY NEED THE DAMN EXPERIENCE SO THEY DON'T FREEZE UP AS BADLY IN COMBAT.
Get Naruto into the Tactical Thinking. Not because he is Shikamaru Level at it; but because he is good at surprising the enemy. So Naruto's shenanigans + some tactician lessons = Perfect Combo for Ambush.
Naruto and Kurama interact earlier. And, while it won't be that much better than the beginning of their friendship in the anime, we are getting the friendship a lot faster this time.
Finally, Team 3, being trained by Genma, starts to pick up having Senbons on them. It's like their "mark" as Genma's kids. (Genma is so proud)
This is all I have currently (mostly because it's late at night here, and I am losing my thought process). I will also post what I have written from the Prologue after this is posted, so look forward to that.
So, what do you think? Good? Bad?
I will see you guys later. Take care and have a great day/night!
- TooManyPlotBunnies-Send Help
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somuchyoudontknow · 1 year
And yes, about the info, I was so excited that people might get to know the link between Netflix and CAA and WBI. It actually explains how and why she might have been chosen as Chris' PR gf and for what purposes. But seems like people don't discuss it :) I would start posting my own and my friend's thoughts and our theories about what might have gone down during setting up this PR and what parties are involved and why Chris might be stuck even if the PR has not gone in his favor "image-wise"//
Yeah, we can obviously see what AB is getting out of this, but I would still love to know what the heck Chris is getting because, so far, he’s getting the short end of the stick.
We believe he might be getting an artistic role or the funding for Gene Kelly movie that he might not be able to get funded by the US production houses since the American market is changing and there is not much going on for producing independent movies like GK.
Take the example of Depp's Jeanne Du Barry. It is backed up by Saudi money and was sold to Netflix Frans and Netflix US by Maraval of WBI (Goodfellas)
"The film had its world premiere as the opening film at the 2023 Cannes Film Festival on 16 May 2023 and was released theatrically in France on the same day by Le Pacte, 15 months in advance of its scheduled streaming release on Netflix in France.[7] The film is set to be released in theatres in the United States by Vertical Entertainment.[4]
In early January 2023, it was announced that the Red Sea Film Foundation was financially backing the film, with Saudi film producer and CEO of the foundation Mohammed Al Turki complementing the film and stating that it is an "incredibly unique and ambitious biographical feature and a testament to our commitment to supporting new talent and collaborating with world-class writers, directors and producers".[3][22]
Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeanne_du_Barry_(film)
Imagine if Chris has also been offered to star in an artistic role like the one that was offered for Depp and it gets to feature at big film festivals, wouldn't that be great for him? Keep in mind Chris has mostly played superhero roles in his career and he doesn't have any artistic movies under his belt. If he had expressed his interest in starring in an artistic movie, he might have been asked to do PR to get one. They might be eyeing foreign funding for the movie. To star in a movie being funded by foreign money and the movie to be sold to Netflix, he needs to be in the news in those foreign lands as well to attract the future audience to watch that movie🙂 It might be the reason why a European actress was chosen for him and why so many articles get published about his rs outside the US mainly in Brazil, and European countries.
WBI has boarded sales of Amelia's Children and several other European films and rn they are promoting one of the movies through this PR. WBI is also known for their foreign film work and selling of films. This PR is not very straightforward as it may seem. It has multiple parties with multiple interests.
Sidenote: Most of this info is coming from my friend. She has helped me to understand all of it 😁
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Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse
“Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse” is a perfect sequel to a perfect movie, but I’m not sure I could overlook this one problem.
Mile Morales is having trouble balancing his life as a student and his life as Spider-Man. He’s now completely focused on pursuing a career that will allow him to research ways to travel between universes. One day, Gwen meets with him and shows him that she’s able to travel between universes using a bracelet given to her by Miguel O’Hara. It turns out that she’s not just here to visit Miles. She’s been sent to Mile’s universe on a mission.
This is a review that was a little difficult for me to make. For the past few days, I’ve been debating on whether or not I should give it four or five stars. The reason is that I think this movie is absolutely fantastic. My only problem is with the supposed ending. I felt like this was an incomplete movie. I think by now, everyone knows that this is the first half of a two-part movie. I think a lot of people are using that as a justification and calling it a cliffhanger rather than an incomplete movie. There’s a lot of rising action, but never really any climax. Plot-wise, there’s not a whole lot going on once you put aside all the Easter eggs and references. Now, I still think the writing is still extremely well done and what this movie is setting up is brilliant, but that’s all this movie is: set-up. I find myself comparing this movie with “Avengers: Infinity War” because they’re both the first half of two-part movies. With “Avengers: Infinity War”, there was a third act and the heroes surprisingly fail to stop the antagonist. There’s a climax that pays off all the journeys each character went through, but ultimately they were in vain. It’s still narratively satisfying because you get a full movie, just with an unconventional ending. In “Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse”, you don’t get that. You get exposition that leads to rising action, but it cuts off there. If you really boil things down, this movie is just about Miles learning about the society of Spider-people, learning about Canon events, learning his dad dying is a canon event, and then running away from everyone only to end up in the wrong dimension. Miles doesn’t really do much with the new information he’s given. Now, you could argue that he does do something with that information and that’s run away to try and save his dad, but the story ends before he could directly affect that outcome. Don’t get me wrong. I thought the animation was insanely impressive. They managed to push the boundaries of the already boundary-pushing visuals of the first movie. This movie is just, to put it simply, gorgeous to look at. I thought The Spot was a great villain and voiced excellently by Jason Schwartzman, although the movie kind of forgot about him in the latter half. As I said, the writing is ingenious. I have an idea of where they’re going with everything and it’s all super creative and a lot of fun. It’s that perfect blend of meta, but also still stands alone as its own great story. It sucks that I had to give this movie four stars because it truly was a well-crafted movie. But, I always stand by that story must come first, so an incomplete story is a big thing for me. I saw somewhere online that this wasn’t actually an incomplete story because Miles and Gwen are completely different at the end of the movie from where they were at the beginning. I still don’t think that’s enough. I’m excited to see the second part, but not as excited as I would be if I didn’t feel so unsatisfied walking out of the theater for this movie. Still, this movie is damn good and should be watched on the biggest screen with the best sound quality. You don’t want to miss it.
Watched on June 3rd, 2023
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sitpwgs · 1 year
Hi Cossette! My favourite Maisie songs are I'm Trying (Not Friends) and Cate's Brother, but I also highly enjoy both singles that she released for The Good Witch (both accompanying music videos are also very enjoyable) :D I've started following Maisie's music releases circa You Signed Up For This and it's been a joy to see her artistic growth over the past 2 years 💖
For The Good Witch, I'm most looking forward to the title track, but The Band and I and Coming of Age are also amongst the songs that I'm very eager to hear! I love good storytellings and I'm excited to see what she comes up with to weave the stories altogether!
I also love your connection between The Band and I and Taylor Swift's Long Live: When I first heard Long Live years ago I love how wholesome it is!! It also shows how far Taylor came (music career-wise) since her debut and the importance of fan support over the years 💖 Hopefully we'll get to hear the Taylor's Version of the song one day!
To name a few other music albums that I've been enjoying lately:
The Record by boygenius
Good Riddance by Gracie Abrams
Drop Cherries by Billie Marten
Young Heart by Birdy
Everything I Know About Love by Laufey
Phosphorescent by Gabrielle Aplin
P.S. 2023 has been a great year in terms of music releases so far (a lot of artists that I enjoy are releasing new music), so I'm very excited about it! In addition to The Good Witch, what are a few upcoming music releases that you are looking forward to? And what are a few recent albums that you've been enjoying lately?
that’s so special! one of my friends that i met through broadway twitter has been a huge maisie stan since YSUFT if not earlier and that’s how i found out about her music! i can’t wait to see what she does next!!  and i agree — i’m most drawn to good storytelling & good lyrics, and i feel like maisie does such a good job with that! i’ve loved reading her little teasers for each song! it’s just so special. 
i think long live (taylor’s version) would be the song that destroys me most on speak now (taylor’s version) — either that, or never grow up! i’m honestly so shocked that long live didn’t make it on the eras tour setlist, and i know that when she performs it on tour i’ll be sobbing (most likely on the livestream)! 
i’m actually listening to good riddance right now (as i respond to this message)! it’s one of my favorites of 2023 so far, and i hope it gets pressed on vinyl soon! i also really loved the record by boygenius & everything i know about love by laufey, but haven’t really listened to the others — i’ll do so soon! i own both the record & everything i know about love on vinyl, but rarely listen to them on vinyl for some reason even though everything i know about love sounds so good on vinyl!
i’ve been listening to a lot of holly humberstone’s “can you afford to lose me?” which is a compilation of her first two EPs! she’s rumored to have her debut album come out this year — i feel like since you like maisie & taylor, you’re likely to enjoy her music!  i’ve also been listening to cate canning’s newest single “get better” lately — i hope she releases another album/ep/something soon. the japanese house’s in the end it always does comes out at the end of june, and i’m so excited for it! i actually just preordered my vinyl yesterday. i have no idea what these singers are up to, but i’d love to see more music from: benjamin francis leftwich, no rome, isabel pless, and del water gap! i feel like there’s another album i’m really eagerly anticipating, but i can’t think of anything right now! 
albums i’ve had on repeat lately are: phoebe bridgers’ punisher, cuts and bruises by inhaler, emails i can’t send fwd: by sabrina carpenter, and of course, taylor swift’s entire discorgraphy and the 1975’s entire discography! and not an album, but i’ve been looping beabadoobee & clairo’s version of glue song since it came out! 
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s-t-u-p-o-r · 9 months
2023 has been an interesting year. It's the year I got my first big girl job which is going really well. I feel like my whole life I was working towards having a good career and all my hard work has now put me on the ladder. I'm learning loads and things, career wise, can only go up from here. And I'm so proud of myself for that. If younger Zahra could see me now, she'd be so proud. I wish I could tell her that all of it was worth it. I wish she could see that I made it. But in 2023, I definitely did make it. It's not the best job in the world, but it's my start. I did it.
2023 has taught me a lot about relationships and how I deserve to be treated. This whole year I've been fighting with someone I never should have given a chance to. Everything about this year was good except her. She brought it down. But my eyes are so open to the badness and the toxicity and the manipulation that people can bring. I'm not grateful for her or for the lessons she showed me. I didn't need or deserve any of it. I have no positive spin on that ordeal. She wasted my time and energy. The only slight thing I could say is I know what I don't deserve. I deserve the world and more.
I met a really lovely boy this year. I'm in love with him, in fact and I've only known him 6 weeks. He doesn't know I love him, I'm not trying to go too fast, but I do. With him, I just know. He's safety and warmth. He's so caring and thoughtful and kind. So so kind. I'm so grateful to have met someone like him. I really hope I don't mess it up. I've been hurt a lot but I just know in my gut he's different. Just like how I knew she was bad from the start but I ignored it. He's good. He's so beautiful. I really hope he sticks around despite my flaws.
I travelled a lot this year. Alicante, Marsielle, Vienna, Egypt and Lahore. My biggest year of travel. I'm so grateful to have had these opportunities because they bring me so much joy and freedom. I feel so blessed that I have the capacity to do this.
I'm ending the year feeling so grateful for my life and the people in it. I have the most lovely family in the world. They always support me and care for me and I love them so much. My friends are great and have really taught me the importance of friendship and platonic love. Platonic love is so important and I'm so glad that I have it. My job is great and so are my colleagues. Just to live in the uk and have a home and food and safety and freedom is so amazing. I really am such a lucky human. With this luck I want to bring happiness to others and help those who need it which leads me to my goals for next year.
My goals for 2024 are to be more charitable and giving. I want to strengthen my morals and make a positive impact in people's lives whether that be through money, service or something else. I want to learn more and excel in my career so I can work towards my long term goal of charity marketing. Just because I work for a rich retail company doesn't mean I have lost my morals and can't do good. I want to be a good person. I want to be sensible and not greedy. Not overconsume, not waste. More conscious. Just give back to the world everything it has given to me.
2023 was a good year and I'm sure 2024 will be even better now I only have good energy in my life. I'm happy. Probably the happiest I've ever been in a long time to be in honest. Maybe even ever. This is the life I've always wanted. I'm here, living it.
I'm sat on the floor in St James' Park and it's 55 minutes to midnight. I'll watch the fireworks and go out with my best friend. The world, my world, is good.
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From Sri Lanka to Global Stardom: The Rise of Natasha Gunasekara
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When most teenagers are planning what outfit to wear and which party to attend on their weekends, you will find Natasha Gunasekara intensely mastering her craft at her badminton academy in the island paradise of Sri Lanka. Eighteen-year-old Gunasekara, is one of the most promising young stars in the world of badminton and has captivated international audiences with her exceptional skills and unwavering determination. Gunasekara’s journey in badminton began at an early age, when she discovered her passion for the sport thanks to her parents’ focus on ensuring she had a creative outlet outside of school. With relentless dedication, thousands of hours of training and a sheer hunger for success, she rapidly began to climb the ranks and gained recognition for her remarkable talent and unwavering commitment. Petite in stature but powerfully built, Gunasekara seems wise beyond her years. Admirably balancing her academic pursuits – she has just completed her final exams at high school and hopes to read Law at University - alongside her rigorous training regimen, she exemplifies the significance of discipline and hard work. "Badminton has taught me invaluable life lessons—resilience, discipline, and the power of focus. It's more than just hitting a shuttlecock and overcoming your opponent; it's about pushing my limits and constantly striving for nothing short of excellence” the fresh-faced teenage sensation said. As interest in her profile rapidly grows, Gunasekara was recently snapped up by Powett Elite Group, a prominent UK-based Celebrity Talent, Sports, and Lifestyle Management Agency who will manage and guide the rising star’s career. The London agency is home to some of the biggest names in sports and entertainment and Gunasekara is delighted to join ranks with a portfolio of crème de la crème, a strategic move that reflects her meticulous approach to her career and the echelons of success she aspires to achieve. The teenager’s rise in the world of badminton serves as an inspiration to young athletes, particularly to aspiring young sportswomen from regions where female athletes remain grossly under-represented. Despite a glaring lack of funding and investment into women’s sports - in comparison to their male counterparts globally -  breaking barriers and defying preconceived stereotypes have been part and parcel for this young star. Her Managing Agent, Emma Everett, credits her client’s unwavering dedication to her craft, as the key characteristic that has catapulted her success. “Natasha has incredible discipline and concentration which is extraordinary for someone so young but that is precisely why she is destined for greatness” stated Everett. That greatness may just be realised when Gunasekara represents her nation in the 2023 Badminton World Federation (BWF) World Junior Championships in Washington this summer, where she will compete for glory in the doubles and mixed-doubles categories against the best players in the world. Natasha Gunasekara's journey in badminton is a testament to her talent, resilience, and unwavering spirit. As she resolutely continues to make strides in the sport, the world eagerly awaits the tiny powerhouse’s next move and her inevitable future accomplishments. Read the full article
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straycatboogie · 1 year
2023/05/26 English
BGM: The Beatles - The Fool On The Hill
Today was a day off. This morning I went to the mountain to think about various things. Following the opinion "Not how the world is, is the mystical, but that it is" by Ludwig Wittgenstein, I learn the fact that this mountain does never "cheat" me. It tells me how rich and grateful this vast world can be with its steady style. I can have learned that how this society which the human being besides me consist is. It is really small. And also, it is really mystical that there is a world beyond that society. That "paints" our reality so colorful. As I always write, once I couldn't understand my parents who had chose this rural life because I adored a sophisticated, cool Tokyo life seriously (as a correct way, I might have to write that I never "tried to" understand them). Now I won't say that I never adore that Tokyo life at all, but I am exactly feeling that this rural life is not bad (although I have to accept some troubles I have to experience because of its "remoteness"). Nature doesn't tell a lie, or nature always loves me (or us). At least, now I love this city. I even feel a kind of regionalism. On the mountain, I enjoyed The Beatles' "The Fool On The Hill".
This song is really profound song for me. An idiot on a hill, who might not be so smart(therefore people don't respect him), is looking at the world with his clear, keen eyes... I love this song. Me, I think/accept myself as that kind of foolish person. I am fool, "therefore" can look all over the world, and find something important/essential from there... Now is a great internet era. This planet is certainly becoming a single "global village" so rapidly/quickly. Suddenly I remembered Hana Kimura, a victim by an incident from online slander. Maybe because the 23rd of May is her anniversary of passed away. She had ended her life because of that online slander (but I need to learn about this sad/terrible incident more because I am really an idiot. I never want this would happen again). I thought that this internet is not a full of hope, or revolutionary things... As "the fool from Shiso city", I have been connected via this internet to the world. I am never a saint or wise person, but I try to face my ignorance, and also learn things every day. I can't see if it could work successfully. How do you think? :-)
I read an essay by Kumiko Torikai. As an interpreter, she had worked at various fields. Through that career, she tries to ask that how we can meet our "callings" through the lives. Thinking about MY calling, I have to conclude that this can be different from each other. Every person has their way to meet their calling. It can be different... some people can find it in their teenage days, but other people can't find even though they pass their midlife yet. TBH I can't think that my current job is a calling even though I have worked over 20 years. Indeed, it has "fit" my body, or my personality. If I could get rid of any limits in my mind and say what I want freely, then I would say that my calling is exactly to write something like this. I exactly like writing, therefore I can feel tranquility by that. I can feel the "peace of mind"... Although it never provides me any money, and it would never do forever. But, in this free and peaceful Japan, I can write anything freely from "the fool from Shiso city". That is also a result of happiness.
I thought when was the first moment I could have felt the "success" of the conversation in English. The process that I started learning English seriously like this... As I always write, I started learning English at my 13. I even learned English literature at the university, but I want to say that it was far from any successes. I never had any friends I could trust at that period, and just read textbooks quietly. So no successful moments in English must come. In other words, you should experience communication with others in English with courage because it will (must?) bring you a certain happy success. Me, even now I have enjoying a lot of successes of communication in English every day. At 40, I started quitting alcohol. I certainly started my life from that age. On MeWe, an Indonesian friend praised me as "Oh, your English is cool"... I can never forget it. And in my real life, another friend said my English is excellent. That started the fire in me. I do learn English as "that fool from Shiso city". As The Beatles' sings, "And the eyes in his head see the world spinning around”.
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Spirit Guide Communication Training Intent Creative Fiction Style Episode 6
Spirit Guide Communication Training Intent Creative Fiction Style Episode 6
Start time by 851 pm Saturday September 28 2019
Completion time 1025pm to 1027pm to 1037pm Saturday September 29 2019
Greetings, the celestial spirit guide assistant Beare had some business to attend to in two celestial universities in 50 places within the celestial replicas of Virginia and Maryland that combine intuition and spirit guide studies in a span of 5 earth based time days. He wanted to be present for this communication, However Beare has asked me a celestial spirit guide helper in training named Gregor Kress to be today’s spokeperson for Spirit Guide Communication Training Intent Episode 6 to explain at least some portions of some of the celestial spirit guides daily lives in the celestial realms. I say some because the way billions of spirits spend their time in even the most happiest and love filled heaven based/heavenly celestial realms is going to vary depending on the spirit and what they like in their free time even among married couples of similar socio-economic classes from their most recent earth lifetimes.
For instance,  I Gregor Kress have a completely different name from what I had utilized in my most recent earth lifetime before making the transition of my most recent earth lifetime to my new celestial lifestyle by May 2023. I Gregor Kress help multiple married men and women still residing on earth master andor improve upon their money lives andor married lives though sometimes I will help a bachelor or bachelorette somehow connected to the married man or married woman on a case by case basis because of the intuitive gifts that I had from my most recent earth lifetime mastering my career money and married life.
For instance, a married woman knows in her heart that it is her destiny to stay married to her husband for the rest of her current earth lifetime regardless of how many woman pursue her husband in his personal andor career life. However, the married woman intuitively knows that she must stay jealousy-free and self confident in her aims to do this even when faced with finding ways to simultaneously stay married while wisely planning multiple ways that her intuition is communicating to her to improve her career andor money life. Reason being: I Gregor Kress am often assigned married women and men who are working towards staying married while simultaneously improving their married lives and being faced with long distance marriages in their future within 5 years or less. Often I Gregor Kress indirectly influence multiple married men and especially married women to be jealousy free and more self confident when it comes to other women romantically pursuing their husbands because of this: many times I Gregor Kress  have seen over 90s percent of the time where even after a married woman with seasonal employment relocates to even another state for career andor money reasons andor for more permanent career security while ensuring the longevity of her marriage she is frequently followed to even her new place of employment the new state she is passionate about by both former male and female coworkers including a multiple number of her male and female leaders, I have also seen this with entry level married men with seasonal jobs and I Gregor Kress intuitively receive help from mentors even here in the celestial realms on helping them and various forms of advice help to send them.
For instance, this can apply to a married man as well, however let’s just say that a seasonal employed married female realizes and has known for a long time that her husband who is a great catch is often going to be irresistible andor attractive to even women who make more money than her career wise often in year round employment positions. The married woman intuitively remembers a life of greater financial ease that her husband could have had over a decade ago when a woman in her husband’s place of previous employment wealthier than all of her current bosses combined was trying to mentor andor help her husband towards greater promotion opportunities all he had to do was be open to an overseas relocation. The married woman understands that she should have better encouraged her husband in both the overseas promotion opportunity and the career mentoring that this wealthy female boss was willing to mentor him on and her current marriage and career karma is indirectly related to that.
All the married female has to do to deal with this career and marriage karma is to be more self confident and jealousy free of what might occur if she has to try a long distance marriage for career andor money reasons, she knows that she has to be concern-free about any accomplished women career andor money wise who might have their sights set on her husband because she knows what she must eventually do in her career andor money life to ensure the longevity of her marriage, the only caveat is that this is also going to help her husband be more magnetic to women leaders who make much more money than all 5 of her highest paid current workplace leaders combined and requiring her to more frequently be the one to have to find a way to pay as much as financially feasible for a healthy amount of visits and spending time with her spouse, this can apply to married men as well though I Gregor Kress use the married female example more because as a celestial spirit guide I Gregor Kress have seen multiple made for comedy scenes of the wife having to be a referee between two mistresses vying for her husband yes you heard that right the wife would often be the calm/self confident andor cool headed one in the situation knowing full well what was going on and at least myself and 2 to 3 other male celestial spirit guides when the wife would be forced to be the peace broker/peace referee to two different women from the husband’s workplace bickering over the affections of the same man that the wife would be trying to calm them over and yes many times the wife would be the peacemaker between two career women making more money than her the only difference is that one mistress is usually making more money than the other which at times also deepens the tricky dynamics.  I Gregory Kress have to avoid saying more to protect the privacies of those involved, all I can say of one recent situation where the wife was the peace referee between two of the husband’s mistresses was where one of the mistresses a former coworker of both the husband and the wife who followed the wife to her new place of employment before the husband joined less than 4 years later, then one of the husband’s previous female bosses followed the husband to the new place of employment thinking it was just the husband and the wife the female coworker who needed some time to get use to be one of multiple mistresses forced the wife to have to get involved (wife at first tried to stay neutral for good reasons) though it was the wealthier mistress’s former lover who told the wife that she had to broker peace between her husband’s two mistresses both because they wanted the wife’s word on who she felt would be better for picking up the husband from the conference two days later (work rules dictated that it had to be someone other than the spouse) the wife tried to be polite and ask what her husband would decide, however a mutual male friend of the wife and the husband diplomatically explained to the wife that she would have to decide because he-the mutual friend-discovered from a mutual source that  the husband was away on a business trip meeting a third mistress striving to court him who was  a previous mistress of a military officer that the wife worked for over 18 years ago.
Anyhow, I Gregor Kress spend a portion of my free time at multiple intuition course universities across celestial replicas of Virginia, Maryland, celestial replicas of Washington DC and celestial replicas of California England, Scotland, and Iceland. One reason; I Gregor Kress inspire the idea that a person must consider using some of their free time towards pondering at least 5 ways they are going to build an eventual 24 month saving cushion regardless of whether they are a seasonal or year round employee , if this means that they are only making time to utilize the law of attraction 3 times a week instead of 7 times a week so be it.
I Gregor Kress at times also get to see futuristic cities of what is soon to come to earth. For instance, yesterday in a celestial replica area of Virginia that I Gregor Kress have been required to keep secret I Gregor Kress have seen a 3 mile long amusement park and university city all built inside an interconnected network of 22000 buildings, similar to Walt Disney World except if Walt Disney World was built inside a network of 5000 connected buildings rather than outside and with the indoor version of Walt Disney World came a network of universities shopping malls a futuristic bus and train hub owned by Amazon yes you heard that right multiple descendants of the founders of Amazon are major stakeholders in this indoor version of a 4 mile long Walt Disney World/Disney land complete with its own malls universities bus train system hospital sports arena even museums and more futuristic businesses I Gregor Kress have been asked to keep secret for now because a multiple number of those businesses are taboo even for them being scheduled to open for business on earth by the year 2130. For instance, even by the year 2123 when I passed away yes it was becoming more acceptable for married women to have multiple mistresses of various backgrounds both within the private sectors in addition to military and even government sectors hence why it was becoming more common for me as a celestial spirit guide to help the wife be a more self confident and assertive peace broker for two or more mistresses vying for her husband’s romantic attentions even while he was busy with his third or more lover. However one of the businesses in this futuristic city that I referenced that is slated to open by the year 2130  is a hotel building of over 1000 rooms that allows taboo meetings to take place where consenting couples pay by the hour. For instance, let’s say a man Kilian Scherer was in love with 2 different mistresses in addition to his wife, however his wife is on business for the next 2 weeks or more one to two American states away before she could see him again. Both Killian Scherer’s mistresses want to meet him on a Wednesday. However the caveat is that both mistresses also have partners and one mistress recently adopted a family member from a close friend after that friend unexpectedly passed away and the other mistress though voluntarily child-free herself only has a small window in the day to meet with Killian for a rendezvous because she is an alternate stepmother to one of the kids of her partner’s other girlfriends and she-the alternate stepparent promised to pick the kid up after school around 5 pm to take them to a party they were invited to of a prominent politician family in the area. Anyhow, the new hourly hotel arrangements allow Killian Scherer to pay two hours to first see his mistress who recently adopted from 10 am to 12 pm and meet with the other mistress from 1pm to 3pm. However from what I have seen of this futuristic hotel by the hour business arrangement it is going to be one of the major moneymakers though that is something obviously for another story.
I Gregor Kress also inspired married men in multiple ways even from their sleeptime dreams when they consciously visit the celestial worlds I inhabit. For instance, say a married man named Auer Pfeiffer was trying to save a business that he was running and trying to make it more prosperous. I Gregor Kress even with my knowledge might go to a career and money help university and celestial library where billions of male and female spirits who were very wealthy during their most recent earth lifetimes want to spend some of their time to pass on at least some portions of the career and money wizardry they had to male and female spirits still residing on earth who petition for this type of celestial spirit guide help. What I would do to help this married man and vividly capture his attention is delegate one of these career and money wizards who want to help male or female depending on the married man and they would come up in the married man’s dreams and give him career andor money mentorship in multiple ways inside his sleeptime dreams either via a song that he remembers, a movie connected to what he is inquiring about that would trigger a career andor money insight for instance a culinary aspiring leader might dream of the mall cop film in order to give them an idea to maybe make a food dish similar to what they recently enjoyed at their favorite mall for creative inspiration of a potluck dish that they would bring to a party that they are volunteering for. I Gregor Kress seen a recently sleeptime dream where one of the married man’s spirit guides had a spirit who was recently a career and money wizard in their most recent earth lifetime dress up as one of their favorite male actors in the film and take the married man on a tour of a mall restaurant they were working on complete with 43 of the departed ancestors of the career and money wizard willing to play dress up as the future theme park customers of the married man petitioning for career and money creative inspiration in his sleeptime dreams. I Gregor Kress want to say more, however I gregor kress have been suddenly called to help a married man and married woman still residing on earth who both suddenly and unexpectedly won the lottery from a store near a festival where they bought the winning ticket they tried to be discreet about their win though a news channel is interviewing them because a cousin of the store clerk who read the married couple the winning ticket happened to be visiting when they both discovered they were Virginia and Maryland lottery winners (husband purchased a Maryland lottery ticket and the wife bought a Virginia lottery ticket at one of the places that opened by the year 2070 that sometimes sell lottery ticket options for two or more states). Yes even in the year 2124 I Gregor Kress also sometimes help with unexpected in a happy way lottery wins financial money boosts. I Gregor Kress, along with 4 other celestial spirit guides are going to be the peace brokers and hold abundant amounts of love for the married couple while they carefully decide where they are going to purchase their lottery dream home. The wife wants to purchase the home in Virginia while the husband understands the wife’s decision about Virginia though it is the city in Virginia they are trying to agree on purchasing the home in. The wife wants to purchase the home in Virginia where the indoor theme park university shopping malls and other places are due to open within the next 12 months andor less at least construction beginning meanwhile the husband wants to choose the home it is just a couple of miles where the wife would want to purchase the home however even though she was fine to help her husband pay child support two of his mistresses understanding that this also means that he gets to see both mistress and child for paying child support , she-the wife has mixed feelings about purchasing a home smack dab-two blocks away from both of the husband’s mistresses even though one of the mistresses currently lives in a nice more upscale neighborhood in Virginia less than 3 miles from a military base because her boyfriend is a millionaire from his wise and thrifty ways of saving over 50 percent of his income towards shrewd stock market investments over a 28 year military career (the boyfriend is a retired navy culinary specialist)that paid ten times the investment of the money he originally put into savings including a significant amount money-20 million dollars in early 2000s American US dollars- made from his creative fiction writing career via multiple pen names. However the one point they mutually agree on is to wait until May to purchase the home even with them winning the lotteries less than a week ago in September. Additionally, the married couple is on the same page about being passionate where you want to reside  regardless of your socio-economic  career money status within the United States regardless of how such decision may be publicly perceived andor regardless of  how much popular support a decision to choose where you want to live based on what place you would be passionate about longterm attracts/garners in popular support/admiration.
One’s Career When It comes to a Spouse
You might even like the new place. My husband and I live in different towns.  It works for us.
Old Dominion University Norfolk Virginia
University of Maryland College Park College Park Maryland
Songs for me to keep in mind
Let It Be by the Beatles released May 18, 1970 US
Dangerous by Big Data
October 2019 Washingtonian
Robb Report Muse Autumn 2019 issue
Distinction Virginia magazine website
All I Do is Win, Believer, Fable
Jump Around House of Pai
Shooting Star song
Spirit Guide Communication Training Intent Creative Fiction Style Episode 6
jessica simpson
Jessica Simpson Says Almost everything she Eats is Made With Cauliflower After Becoming 100 Pounds Thinner by Rachel McRady September 17 2019
how Jessica simpson became thinner by 100 pounds in 6 months by Tyler McCarthy
Here’s How to Make 24 Times More On Your Savings This Online Bank Offers A Way to Build Savings At A Rate Far Above The National Average by Jim Gold September 14, 2019
zendaya coleman
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