#what an insult to both Sousa and Peggy
It's funny because sometimes I'll get very angry and frustrated about something IRL, and my brain will just take all that anger and frustration and dump it into some old or new fandom thing I hate.
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redvanillabee · 2 years
what are your opinions on the agent Carter groups ages?? It’s confirmed that Peggy was 1921 right? And I think Howard was confirmed same as Steve as 1917? But what about Sousa and Thompson, cause Thompson calling Peggy ‘kid’ in episode one makes me think he has at least a few years on her
Well anon I don't have to guess cos there's pretty good canon—well, canon-adjacent sources as to how old the characters are!
Yes, Peggy's birth year is confirmed to be 1921; I think that's from her funeral in CACW. Howard's birth year is 1917 according to the MCU Wikia, and is reflected in, of all places, a Disneyland prop of Howard's pilot license.
(Steve's birth year is actually 1918 according to the MCU Wikia, which extrapolated that from his enlistment form in CATFA and a deleted scene in The Avengers which contained his file. It is Bucky who was born in 1917; his date of birth is 10 March 1917, making him a few months older than Howard.)
While we never got Jack's canon age or even age range, in the original casting call, it is described that 'Agent Jack Thompson is in his 30s' (x). Peggy, meanwhile, would have been 25. It is entirely possible that he just called her 'kid' to be condescending; she did, after all, just put him in his place about filing his own paperwork. But at age 25, Peggy would be at least 5 years younger than Jack. I'm in my late 20s and I jokingly refer to people 5 years younger than me as kids. So really, that can go both ways.
(There's a headcanon out there that Peggy lied on her enlistment form to say that she was born in 1919. This was largely due to her birth year being listed as 1919 in a file from the same deleted scene where we saw Steve's. If we go by this headcanon, she would have been 27 to her coworkers. Still a plausible age range for Jack to call her 'kid', both as a reference to her age or as an insult.)
Daniel's age...this we actually didn't get any points of reference in Agente Carter; even the casting call didn't list his age range. However, we did get his personnel file in AOS S7, and as much of a hot mess of that file is, there's some useful information. The file (transcription here) lists his age as 27, but doesn't give a date of birth. The file header says it is for SHIELD (rather than SSR), but there's no way he is 27 by 1955 (the setting of his episode in AOS S7), so feel free to take that to mean that he was 27 when AC S1 started.
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ot5ismyhome · 3 years
22. I’ll make this feel like home
To read from beginning click here.
Wanda was astonished by the memory of Steve that she had seen. It was something he had never talked about. He had shared with her many memories of him during the war but not this one. Sometimes she noticed that he would look sad while remembering the past but she had brushed it off as missing his old life.
“I’m sorry, Steve,” Wanda said softly, gently gripping his shoulder.
“It’s okay. It’s nothing” he said trying to brush off. Wanda noticed the small tear drop at the corner of his eyes. Steve blinked back to avoid crying. Bucky had also noticed the change in Steve’s mood but he was lost on what had happened. When he moved closer to console him, Steve excused himself and left.
“I’m going after him,” Wanda said looking at Bucky.
Bucky nodded.
Wanda went out of the lab to check up on Steve. She found him in a small room. He had his head buried in his hands. Wanda sat close to him and enveloped her hands around his shoulders. He rested his head on her shoulder. After some time passed, he started talking.
“What you saw back there…”
“That’s before the Council was formed. After the war, a group of mercenaries were the sole power across America. Every one of us regretted fighting the war but some were enraged that they were made to fight. Due to the war many new vampires were created. The older ones despised the newcomers. They decided to kill off the newcomers and establish their own set of rules. Foreigners were allowed to escape.”
“Well, Peggy asked me to save Sousa. She was free to return to Britain while Sousa was taken to be executed. That memory… uh… the one you saw was…”
“When you saved him.”
Steve nodded.
“You did the right thing”.
Steve sighed and looked away. “If it were only that simple” he said more to himself than to Wanda.
After moments of silence, he started talking again. “During the war, I lost Bucky in a mission. Or I thought I lost him. The loneliness was maddening. When the mercenaries came afterwards, I stood against them. I went for days without sleeping or feeding properly. I roamed the streets like a mad man.” New tears streamed down his face. His voice was barely a whisper, “I hoped that one of the fights would be my last.”
Wanda held on to him tightly and let him cry into her shoulders. It hurt her to see him in this state. She consoled him and tried her best to encourage him.
“Jiaying found me one day. Knowing about the state in America she had come here. She saved me. She gave me a purpose. I’m glad I met her.”
“I'm glad that you met her too. Or else I wouldn’t have gotten you as my family.” Wanda kissed his forehead wiping his tears away.
“I’m also glad to have you, kid. And I don’t want to lose you” The words ‘too’ hanged on the air without being uttered.
“You won’t.”
Wanda roamed around the Zephyr in search of Bucky. She wanted to talk to him. She found him assembling the necessary equipment.
“Could I just stay with you?”
“Sure. I didn’t know you liked my company” he teased her.
“Well. Daisy is getting advised by Coulson and Steve and Natasha are busy.”
“I’m the last option? That hurts” he chuckled. Bucky closed the bag containing the field kit. He kept it aside and hopped on the table.
“Spit it out.”
“What?” Wanda looked surprised.
“You want to speak something.” It was more of a sentence than a question.
Wanda had wanted to talk with him. She decided to get it out. “It’s just whenever I look into someone’s mind, I end up bringing bad memories.”
“Don’t beat yourself up about it. It’s not something you are able to control”
“I can’t keep provoking everyone around me.”
“Then learn to control it. Whenever you had used your powers, the other person was emotionally vulnerable.”
“I think I’m done with this. The training was a bad idea”
“Two important things. First, I’m not going to allow you to give up on yourself. And second, the training was my idea. So, don’t blame it” Bucky said the second line with a mock insult making Wanda smile a bit.
“Give it another try, now” he continued.
“You mean?”
“You are fine with it?”
Bucky nodded with a gentle smile. Wanda hesitantly took his hand in hers. She controlled her mind and tried to enter Bucky’s mind. This time it was easier for her. Wanda’s mind was filled with a similar sensation of cloudiness as she entered his mind. She found herself in an old apartment. She saw Bucky getting ready to go out somewhere. He was checking his appearance in the mirror.
“Come on, Buck. We are getting late” a voice called out to him. Wanda recognised that it was Steve. By Bucky’s clothes and hairstyle, she knew they were in the 40s.
Bucky and Steve shared a hasty kiss before they exited the apartment.
“Where are we going?”
“The future.”
They got into Bucky’s car and Wanda followed them. She had been to 40s memories before but only she was able to observe the things around her. She noticed that the street was filled with war propaganda pamphlets. The posters were stuck in every building. The street was filled with pedestrians rushing through their lives.
Wanda was intrigued by the board reading, ‘World Exhibition of Tomorrow.’ She was delighted when Bucky parked the car and the duo walked out to the expo. She excitedly followed to find that it was Stark Expo. She kept close to the couple not wanting to lose Bucky. They stopped in front of a large stage hosting a shining red car.
From the buzz, Wanda understood that they were waiting for Howard Stark. The crowd burst into cheers when the man of the hour walked onto the stage.
“Ladies and gentlemen, what if I told you that in just a few short years, your automobile won’t even have to touch the ground at all?” Howard continued, “With Stark Gravitic Reversion Technology, you’ll be able to do just that.” He smiled at the crowd as he pressed the button and pulled up a small level.
The car buzzed and lifted above ground. It hovered in the air making everyone gasp at the marvel in front of them. There was a fizzle followed by a small explosion and the car crashed down.
“I did say a few years, didn’t I?” Howard gave a charismatic smile.
The crowd erupted applauding the genius in front of them. Wanda hollered to show her friend.
“Imagine really living in the future where there are flying cars,” Bucky said looking at Steve.
“Wishful thinking, Buck”
“It’s time. I got to leave.”
“Yeah, I know”
“Don’t do anything stupid until I get back” Bucky said his face serious. He walked away slowly.
“How can I? You’re taking all the stupid with you.”
Bucky shook his head looking at his lover. He walked back and hugged Steve.
“You’re a punk”
“Jerk” Steve called out hugging him back.
The scene dissolved. Wanda felt herself being pulled out of the memory. She looked up at Bucky and gave a smile.
“That is a beautiful memory.”
“Yeah, it is” Bucky grinned like a fool reminiscing the past.
They noticed Steve leaning against the door, his arm folded in the front.
“Still standing here”
Both the men chuckled. Steve ruffled Wanda’s hair and slung his hand around her shoulders.
“Got stuck with her, uh?”
“Hey!” Wanda cried pushing him away. “It was him who convinced me.”
Steve laughed. He asked, “I was thinking of something. Instead of just looking into our memories, you can try showing one’s memory to the other.”
“Is that possible?” Wanda wondered.
“I get where he is going. Like Loki did.”
Steve nodded. “Yeah, he saw other’s memories with your aid. Then we could also do that”
“Okay” Wanda smiled with excitation. “So, who’s the scapegoat?” she asked, looking between the two men.
Steve and Wanda exchanged a knowing glance and turned their attention to Bucky.
“You have gotta be kidding me.”
“You agreed to help me.”
Wanda interlinked her hands with the two vampires. She first singled her thoughts and stopped her mind from wandering randomly. She slowly prodded it to enter Bucky’s memories. The Zephyr dissociated and the surrounding started getting clouded. She felt the familiar sensation. Wanda found herself in the back of a small van.
The place was crumpled and barely a place to stand. Various electronic gadgets were scattered around. Bucky and Sam were looking intently at a screen. Wanda noticed it was security footage of Scott going through a building. In the nearby screen, a static image was displayed. The realisation suddenly hit her. She looked back at the screen Scott was seeing. She recognised the place. She tugged on Steve’s sleeve and was surprised when she was able to make contact.
“You can hear me?”
“I did reply. So yeah.”
Wanda playfully nudged him with her elbow. She motioned to the screen and both of them turned their attention to the video of Scott. Steve’s eyes widened as he looked at the all too familiar corridor.
“What is he doing in my company?” Steve cried.
The duo followed Scott’s movements. He expertly disabled the alarms and set out to his destination. He came to halt at the back of the building. He accessed the secret panel in the wall which revealed a hidden door. Scott disabled the lock of the door and went in. He started working on the vault having the Draught.
“Draught of Frost Blood, here I come” Scott commented as he opened the vault.
“Wait! Isn’t it Draught of First Blood” Bucky intervened.
“What? No man.”
“I read it somewhere” Bucky shrugged.
“It doesn’t make sense”
“How does frost make sense?”
“Loki. Winter. Frost.”
“I agree with Bucky in this one” Scott spoke over the comms.
“Enough of chit-chat folks. Scott, take the vial and get your ass back here.”
“Got it.”
Bucky playfully rolled his eyes and looked at the screen monitoring Scott’s moves.
“I knew Pym got lucky was just a bunch of bullshit” Steve swore.
Wanda chuckled. After we get out, it's going to be one hell of shit show she thought to herself. She watched Scott open the locker and take out two vials of Draught and pocket it. 
“You never noticed the missing vials?” Wanda smirked.
“Shut up.”
Wanda laughed.
Scott proceeded to close the lock and reset the alarm. He made his way out without any disturbances. Bucky and Sam high fived each other as Scott walked out of the building.
“Now everything is set,” Sam said, pressing some buttons. The original security video started playing and the loop was cut off.
Bucky climbed to the front of the van. Scott took the wheel.
“Where to?” Sam asked from the back.
“Let’s deliver it to Pym, then hit the bar,” Bucky said.
“I’m going to kill him once we get back,” Steve muttered, making Wanda laugh.
“What about our deal?” Scott asked eagerly.
“I will change you once Pym duplicates it” Bucky promised.
Wanda exited Bucky’s memory taking Steve along with her. They were back in the Zephyr sitting with Bucky.
“Steve, I can explain”
“You jerk,” Steve shouted, chasing Bucky around the lab. Wanda laughed at the playful fight between the two.
 Chapter 23
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jaskiers-sweetkiss · 4 years
Pairings: Daniel Sousa x Reader, Stucky
Summary: Y/N has had plenty of struggles in her life, from getting experimented on by Hydra to overcoming adversity in her male-dominated workplace. She assumes falling in love with her boss is just another complication in her series of misfortunes, but maybe it’s not as complicated as she thinks. 
Word Count: 6.4K
Warnings: mentions of experimentation/torture, mentions of war, mentions of societal homophobia, some swearing (steve drops a couple f bombs), potential spoilers for Agents of SHIELD 7x03 and 7x04 (i drew from the events but none of the AoS characters are in this fic)
a/n: This is technically a spinoff from Not So Bad and Out of Time - the reader has the same abilities but is just born in the same time period as Sousa and the rest rather than being stranded in the time period. However, this can be read as a stand-alone fic. See the end for additional notes!
It had been a few days since the base you had been held at had been filled with prisoners of war. You thought you’d heard one of them say they were from the 107th but that didn’t really mean much to you. Had they arrived months ago you might’ve found it a comfort to hear native English speakers and American accents, but now you only felt sad for their futures. Surely they’d only end up like you, or worse, like the ones who failed the experiments. 
You weren’t sure how long you’d been Hydra’s prisoner or how long you’d been the sole survivor, only that now you weren’t the only living experiment. A soldier, you didn’t know his name, had been strapped to a table nearby just hours after the prisoners arrived. You didn’t know what they had been injecting him with, only that he seemed to scream less than you had in your early days. But there must’ve been something special about him because only days later Captain America burst through the doors of the lab to rescue him. 
“I thought you were dead,” the superhero breathed out, gently stroking the side of the soldier’s face. 
“I thought you were smaller?” The soldier said, confused and delirious, likely a side effect of whatever drugs Hydra had been injecting him with. 
“C’mon, Bucky, I’m going to get you out of here.” Captain America promised the soldier, who was apparently named Bucky, as he tore his restraints and lifted him off the metal table. 
“Wait… Steve,” you heard Bucky gasp and he must’ve been pointing to you because seconds later Captain America was standing over you and tearing your restraints off as well. 
“Do you speak English?” He asked as you rubbed your wrists, free of any restraints for the first time in months. 
You nodded, unable to come up with a verbal response. You hadn’t spoken in months. Hydra never asked you questions and eventually, you had learned to hold in your screams of agony at each new round of experimentation. 
You followed the superhero and Bucky through the building, looking for a way out before the whole base exploded. You were following Bucky across a precariously hung beam when it fell, dropping you into the flames below. Except you never reached them, because somehow, someway, you were flying. You watched as Captain America jumped across the gap and he and Bucky shared a pained look at the gorge before he was urging them on. 
“We have to keep moving,” He said, voice breaking with what sounded to you like loss, but you didn’t understand what he had lost. 
You followed the pair out before the building exploded, staying close behind them through the chaos of the aftermath. The walk back to their base was even worse. It was long and grueling and you were exhausted and alone as none of the soldiers knew who you were. At one point Captain America began to cry. 
“Steve, Steve,” Bucky tried to reassure him, “It wasn’t your fault. There wasn’t anything you could do to help her.” 
You were puzzled. They hadn’t lost anyone since Captain America had found her and Bucky. It almost sounded like they were talking about here, but that was ridiculous, you’d been right behind them the whole time. 
You looked down at your feet in confusion which was when you realized, you didn’t have any feet. You didn’t have a body. You held back a scream at the realization and you began to panic, am I dead?
“What the hell was that?” Bucky gasped, clutching his ears at the high-pitched noise that had pierced the forest they were walking through. Evidently, you hadn’t held back that scream.
That was good news though, right? You thought if Bucky could hear you scream then that must mean you weren’t dead. 
It didn’t take them long to find you, though it took much longer for them to see you. Almost immediately after your scream alerted them of your presence Captain America walked right into you. It took a bit longer for you to convince them that you weren’t a threat, in fact, it took much longer than the trip back to their camp to do that. For the time being, however, they made sure you were in physical contact with someone in the group at all times (one of the soldiers had suggested they use some rope to attach one of your wrists to one of them or one of their packs but you had freaked out at the thought of being restrained again). You stuck to Captain America, who’s real name you learned was Steve, and Bucky for the majority of the walk, though you couldn’t help but feel like you were in the middle of something. 
The atmosphere surrounding you became more hostile when you arrived at their camp. Colonel Phillips was not thrilled to have an invisible Hydra experiment lose on his base. Fortunately, albeit somewhat surprising, Bucky vouched for you and while Phillips was convinced that you could be an asset, you were still not trusted and deemed Bucky’s responsibility. It was a bit insulting, you were a grown woman after all, but you appreciated having someone to turn to. You’d been removed from the world for a while now and quite frankly had no idea what was going on with your body at this point. 
Things had become even more confusing when you returned to visibility a few days after reaching the camp. Phillips was glad that he didn’t have to worry about invisible Nazis anymore (though he still thought you might be a Nazi) and you thought Bucky was glad he didn’t have to babysit you as closely anymore. When your visibility returned you were immediately taken under the wings of Agent Peggy Carter and Howard Stark, who were apparently the resident “superhero experts” in Stark’s words. Agent Carter began training you in hand-to-hand combat immediately and enlisted some of the Howling Commandos to assist you with weapons training. Howard began a series of tests in hopes of understanding exactly what Hydra had done to you. 
His results weren’t perfectly conclusive and you didn’t really understand most of his science-talk, but apparently, Hydra had managed to alter your body chemistry, allowing your cells to become completely undetectable by light and had somehow managed to change the way gravity affected your body, which is why you had been able to fly and become invisible. Once Howard’s tests had yielded this information, you began additional training to attempt to learn to control your new powers. 
It was grueling and difficult, but after a few months, you finally felt like you had control over your new abilities, and with your loyalties to the Allies seemingly proven, Colonel Phillips seemed willing to send you out on assignment. 
“Hey, Ghost!” Morita called out as you exited the building where Peggy had been conducting your training. “Let’s go!”
Sometime after your return to base, Dum Dum Dugan had made a comment about how you were “like a ghost” with your invisibility and flying and the nickname had stuck, with the Howling Commandos all using it to refer to you. 
“Go where?” 
“Howlies briefing in five, we gotta go,” he said urgently, waving you along. 
“C’mon, Jimmy, you know I’m not actually a Howling Commando,” you sighed, annoyed. You were exhausted and sweaty from your training and all you wanted was to hit the showers and get some dinner. 
“Well I think you’re about to become one, Phillips cleared you for combat and Rogers requested your presence.” 
“Wait, seriously?” You couldn’t believe your ears. The Howling Commandos specialized in taking out Hydra, something you were eager to help with given everything they had done to you.
“Yes, seriously,” Morita sighed exasperatedly, “Now get a move on or we’ll be late!” 
You did become an official member of the Howling Commandos that day, though the team had treated you like one of their own from the moment they had formed. Your first mission with the unit was to infiltrate a train and capture Dr. Arnim Zola, the man responsible for your experimentation. Though, much to your disappointment, your job wasn’t to capture the doctor but to distract the guards long enough for Gabe Jones to do the job. The assignment seemed simple enough, and you were grateful for the Howlies’ confidence in theirs and your abilities.  
When you returned to your bunk after your shower you were greeted by Peggy and Howard, both of whom were sporting wide grins. You eyed them warily, never quite sure what the pair had up their sleeves but this time it turned out to be something good. 
“We thought you might need this for your assignment tomorrow,” Peggy said in her clipped accent, handing over a stack of fabric. 
You unfolded it to find a combat suit. It was made of a similar material to Captain America’s, but rather than the signature red, white, and blue, yours was mostly grey and black (Peggy explained that they wanted it to be white but thought it would dirty too easily) with the yellow winged insignia of the Howling Commandos on the shoulder. It was perfect and you told them such, which only made their smiles grow impossibly wider. Then, Peggy handed you one more gift: a dress that she insisted you change into immediately as you were going out tonight to celebrate. You spent the night drinking, laughing, and dancing with Peggy, Howard, and the Howlies.
The mission the next day was a success. You, Steve, and Bucky had managed to take out the guards with ease, though you had almost lost Bucky. A blast from one of the Hydra agents had blown open the side of the train and Bucky had almost fallen out of it as Steve took out the final agent. Fortunately, before Bucky’s grip even began to slip you were there, holding him up just enough for Steve to grasp his hand and pull him back onto the train, you flying in shortly after. It was your first of many successful missions with the Howlies. 
A few months later you almost lost Steve. The Howlies had been joined by the US Army for what they had hoped would be their last mission against Hydra- an attack on Schmidt’s final hideout in the Alps.  They managed to infiltrate and capture the base with relative ease but Schmidt was able to escape on a plane with Captain America in tow. You stood beside Peggy in the base’s command center as she spoke to Steve who had now gained control of the aircraft. 
“I have to put her in the water,” Steve said, his voice echoing into the sudden silence of the room, “I don’t know how to override the coordinates.” 
“Would you like to learn how?” Howard asked into the speaker. 
With Howard’s help, Steve was able to reroute the plane, landing back safely in the Alps where he was greeted by a bone-crushing hug from Bucky and the rest of the Howlies. 
After the war, you, Steve, and Bucky returned to the States while the rest of the Howlies remained in Europe as a tactical unit for the 107th. Though you were stateside, the three of you had made it clear that you weren’t severing ties with the Howlies and would be in Europe as quickly as possible whenever you were needed. 
Upon your return to the US, Howard made sure to set you up with adequate housing, a small (by Howard’s standards) townhouse only a few blocks from the New York office of the Strategic Scientific Reserve, which you had come to work for along with Steve and Peggy. Steve was only ever brought in when additional force was necessary, preferring to spend as much time as possible with Bucky. You would’ve found this odd had you not accidentally walked in on the two passionately making out the day the war was announced to be over. Before the war, you might’ve thought something like that was abnormal or wrong, but after everything the SSR and Hydra had done, Steve and Bucky being in love was probably the most normal thing about them and you certainly weren’t going to judge them for it. 
Unlike Steve, you joined the SSR full time as an agent. You had been expecting to see plenty of action in the field, though hopefully nothing quite as dangerous as the war. Instead, you were mostly confined to desk duty: filing reports and getting lunch orders along with Peggy. It was beyond infuriating to see the agent who had trained you and whom you admired so much be pushed off to the sidelines because she was a woman. Your own abilities only made matters worse for yourself. While Steve was praised for his enhanced abilities, yours were viewed as a mistake- women weren’t fit for combat, let alone superpowers. Some of the men of the SSR even had the audacity to act like you had stolen the opportunity to gain abilities from a more worthy man, as if getting your abilities wasn’t a traumatic experience you still dealt with to this day. Nevertheless, you made do. Everyday trying to convince yourself that you were making a difference even from your desk but most days you regretted not staying with the Howlies. 
You had been considering leaving the SSR to rejoin the Howlies when one of Howard’s vaults was robbed. His inventions were stolen and the inventor became a fugitive. To save face you were forced to move out of your beautiful house, though only temporarily, but you began working with Peggy behind the backs of the SSR and outside of the law to clear your friend’s name. At least you were finally getting some action in the field. And when you and Peggy were able to bring in the Howlies for help on an assignment you thought you’d finally start getting some recognition, but the men continued to undermine you both. Even after you saved the world from Leviathan Jack Thompson was given the credit and all you and Peggy were left with was the respect of a few agents. 
One such agent was Agent Daniel Sousa, though you felt that you had his respect long before Leviathan. Though he wasn’t ever very vocal about the injustices you faced in the office, he seemed to empathize with you. Like you, he was an abnormality in the field with his prosthetic. The other agents tended to treat him like he was broken or delicate, which sometimes limited his fieldwork, though never to the extent of yours. 
“Hey! Invisi-Girl, let's get a move on!” Thompson called from the entrance to the bullpen, where he and Peggy were waiting. You had finally been invited to celebratory drinks with the other agents, though you weren’t sure you really enjoyed their company. 
“God I miss the Howlies,” you groaned, Dum Dum Dugan’s nicknames might’ve been cheesy but at least they weren’t bad. You had hated Ghost at first, but now you’d do anything to have the nickname back. 
“Yeah, yeah, we get it, you spent time with the Howling Commandos blah blah, let’s go.” Thompson rolled his eyes and you froze in the middle of the bullpen. 
“Wait, is that what you all think?” You asked, eyes narrowing. “That I ‘spent time’ with the Howlies?” 
“Yeah, just like Carter did. Why does this matter?” Thompson was impatient but you were stubborn and there wasn’t a chance you were leaving this building until this was cleared up. 
“You dumbass.” You snarked and you heard some of the men gasp at your vulgarity. “I am a Howling Commando.” 
“They don’t let women into combat.” You heard a man say and you laughed. 
“I was the SSR’s greatest asset behind Captain America.” You rolled your eyes, momentarily going invisible to remind everyone what you were capable of. “Why do you think I came here afterward? So you could waste my talents fetching coffee?” 
You scoffed at their silence before catching Peggy’s eye. She was smirking proudly at you and you grinned back, slinging your jacket over your shoulders and walking purposefully to her side. You slipped your arm through hers and looked expectantly at Thompson,
“Well? Let’s go.” You said, staring at him as if he had grown a third head, though he was giving you an even more peculiar look. 
The next day you put in a request to transfer to the new West Coast office.
LA was the fresh start you needed. Steve and Bucky had flown out with you to help you get settled in your new place, once again supplied by Howard, that man really had too much real estate. Peggy couldn’t get the time off to come with but you made sure to send her a postcard. Howard was moving too, apparently sick of New York after the Leviathan incident. 
You had a new home, a new city, and a new job so imagine your surprise when you walked into the West Coast office of the SSR only to run into Daniel Sousa, literally. 
“Agent Sousa, what’re you doing here?”
“I’m the new chief.” He answered, looking at you strangely and you suppose that’s information you should’ve known but nobody had told you and you hadn’t asked. 
“You’re the…” you muttered, filing through it all in your head. “Well, congratulations. I didn’t realize anyone else was transferring from New York.”
“I believe it’s just you, me, and Rose,” Sousa said and you beamed.
“Oh, Rose is here? That’s fantastic.” 
Sousa raised his eyebrow curiously though he smiled slightly. He looked adorable. “You had no idea what you were getting into did you?”
“To be honest I was just anxious to get away from New York.” You admitted and he frowned. 
“You dislike the city that much?”
“I love the city, just not the way the office is run. I was hoping a brand new office might be more open to change but…” you trailed off, managing to communicate your fear that things would be the same under Sousa that they were back East without speaking. 
Sousa at least had the mind to look offended. 
“Agent Y/L/N, I have a lot of respect for you and I don’t plan on sidelining you like Jack,” he explained. 
“Well then, this might be a worthwhile endeavor after all,” you smiled, “Lead the way.”
LA was a dream. The constant sunshine was such a mood lifter and the heat meant a more relaxed dress code at the office. Not that you were spending as much time in the office these days. Daniel had been true to his word about not benching you. In fact, you became the first pick for field assignments. Daniel seemed readily able to acknowledge and exploit the advantages you had in the field. No one would suspect a woman to hold a government position, let alone be a field agent so men continued to underestimate you at every turn. And even when a man was smart enough (or more likely you were dealing with a woman) you had a few extra tricks up your sleeve. Daniel had even taken to joining you in the field on many occasions. You had become partners of sorts. You did plenty of solo assignments, but if you ever needed backup Sousa was always the one watching your six. He never assigned any other agents to work with you, always insisting to do so himself. 
In addition to a more fulfilling work life, your social life was quite enjoyable as well. Whether you liked it or not, Howard was often insistent on dragging you to party after party and you found you quite enjoyed spending time with Ana Jarvis, though you weren’t all that surprised given how fond you were of her husband. 
Your love life was a little lackluster, though that wasn’t anything new for you. You’d had a few prospects before being literally kidnapped during the war but after your rescue, you had dedicated yourself to the cause. Even now you threw yourself into your work, turning down every attempt at matchmaking Howard tried. You had more important things to worry about than finding a man, you rationalized, but perhaps you were also waiting for a certain someone. 
You had told Bucky straight away- panicked and looking for advice on what to do when you had a crush on your superior. 
“I don’t know,” he had told you, “Steve and I were already in a fully committed relationship when he became mine.” 
You had just groaned and whined more about your situation while your friend laughed from the other side of the phone. 
“You’re no help.” You pouted and Bucky laughed some more. 
“Sorry, doll,” you could practically hear him shrug through the phone and you let out a resigned sigh. 
“Is that Ghost?” You heard a voice ask in the background and you smiled lightly at the nickname. 
“Yeah, but-” Bucky had started speaking but was cut off. You heard a scuffle and muffled shouting through the receiver before a new voice rang through. 
“Hey Y/N it’s Steve,” he spoke pleasantly, as if he hadn’t just wrestled his boyfriend for the phone. 
“Hi Stevie, how are ya?” 
You told Steve about your predicament as well, there wasn’t any harm in it. Bucky was the one who would tease you endlessly about it, but Steve was a softie. 
“Dan’s a nice guy,” Steve had said empathetically, “You could’ve picked a lot worse.” 
“Yes, but Steve I can’t pick Daniel.” You griped petulantly. “He’s my boss.” 
“Y/N, if I can date a man then you can date your fucking boss,” Steve said flatly, clearly done putting up with your bullshit. 
“Language, Cap!” You gasped, scandalized. Steve had scolded Gabe one time for swearing in the field and the Howlies had never let him live it down since. 
“Oh fuck off,” Steve groaned and you laughed. “Now stop whining like a child and go get your man.” You could hear Bucky whoop from the other end of the phone at Steve’s words.
You laughed at the pair and agreed, no more moping. You’d ask him out the next day at work.
You did not ask him out the next day at work. You had marched right up to Daniel’s office to ask and were brought to an abrupt stop because Peggy Carter was standing in the office. 
“Peggy!” You had squealed excitedly, any thought of asking Daniel out completely thrown from your mind at the sight of your friend. “You didn’t tell me you were coming.”
“Well, it was all rather last minute, really.”  
Daniel cleared his throat, “Agent Y/L/N, could you give us a minute?” 
You furrowed your brows at the use of your formal title, the two of you were long past using titles. You’d been partners for more than a year now, you were on a first-name basis. 
“Sure, chief,” you said, playing along though you gave him a confused look. 
The longer you stood in the bullpen the more anxious you became. Back in New York you had heard Thompson mock Daniel for the torch he supposedly carried for Peggy. Maybe Peggy had feelings for him too and she had finally come to confess them. That was why they had rushed you out of the office so quickly. 
After about five minutes you realized you were probably supposed to be doing your job and made your way over to your desk. You had paperwork that needed to be completed from your last assignment but you couldn’t keep your mind off Daniel and Peggy long enough to complete it. Your stomach turned as you tried to push away the thoughts of what they could be doing in there, it had been nearly a half hour now. 
You were considering going downstairs to talk to Rose, anything for a distraction, when Peggy emerged from the office. She smiled kindly at you as she made her way over to your desk, her purposeful stride reaching you in seconds. You knew that smile, the one that looked sincere but there was a seriousness in her eyes that you could pick out. There was more to her arrival here than meets the eye and she was trying to keep up appearances.
“We need to talk,” she said quietly but firmly when she reached your desk. “In private.” 
You nodded, standing immediately and grabbing your purse. 
“My place.” 
None of the agents questioned your sudden exit. You were the branch’s top field agent and were often leaving with no warning to act on hunches or investigate for your current assignment. The drive to your house was tense. Peggy made no attempts to make small talk and you were quite upset with her for the scenario your mind had made up about her and Daniel in the office.
Peggy did smile when she stepped into your new home, it was the first time she had seen it as she had stayed with the Jarvis’ last time she was in town. Howard, who had once again taken care of your housing situation, had described it as “small” though you knew that was just his rich bullshit talking, the place was much too big for a single working woman but you weren’t complaining. Ana had helped you decorate as you had neither the time or mindset to do it yourself and she had been very eager to assist. 
Though she seemed fond of Ana’s decor choices, Peggy still didn’t speak until the two of you were seated across from one another at the kitchen table.
“What is all this, Peg?” You asked warily.
“I want to replace the SSR.” The way she said it, all rushed and quiet as if she were committing treason, chilled you.
“Excuse me?” You blinked in shock.
“The SSR hasn’t been nearly as effective as it could be and I’d like to replace it with something bigger and better,” she explained and you frowned at her in confusion.
“Replace it with what?” The SSR was the only organization of its kind in the States.
“The Strategic Homeland Intervention and Enforcement Logistics Division.” 
“SHIELD?” You questioned, figuring out the acronym, “As in like Steve’s…?” 
Peggy nodded, flushing at the obviousness of it and you laughed. 
“So what would the Strategic Homeland Intervention... whatever, do?” You asked, struggling through the title before giving up. 
“Well, the idea is to be a shield to the world,” she began and you smiled at the pun.
“The world as we know it is changing, we’ve seen super soldiers, women who can turn invisible, atom bombs, Hydra, Leviathan, Whitney Frost, the list goes on and on. The goal of SHIELD is to be on the frontlines, keeping track of dangerous tech like the gravitonium and ensuring it stays out of the wrong hand, to protect the world from the next threat.” 
You could tell Peggy was passionate about this and it sparked something inside you as well.
“We want you to be a part of it.” Peggy said finally, rounding out her pitch.
“We?” You questioned, previously unaware that this went past just Peggy.
“Colonel Phillips, Howard, Steve, and I have been working on it for some months now,” she admitted and you fought back the hurt that your friends had been keeping such a huge secret from you. 
“Well, obviously I’m in,” you responded, no doubt in your mind that you would follow these people to the ends of the earth, “But, I’m a field agent, Peg.” 
She smirked at that. 
“Oh, I know you are.” Her eyes sparkled with mischief as she spoke and you couldn’t help but question it.
“What the hell does that mean?” 
“Oh, Agent Sousa has done an excellent job of making sure everyone in New York knows just how good of a field agent you are,” she smiled and though you still didn’t understand, you could feel your heart warm. “‘Accidentally’ sending reports to the wrong agents, putting in the wrong extension number to speak to Thompson. Every agent in that office knows you’re unquestionably the best field agent the SSR has.” 
“Why would he do that?” You questioned quietly, not really meaning to ask it aloud. 
“He was defending your honor,” Peggy answered anyway, smiling softly at you, “I do believe the poor man has a bit of a thing for you.” 
Your heart leapt at the assumption. Sure, you thought you had seen the signs yourself but that was nothing compared to the outside affirmation Peggy had just given you. Daniel Sousa may very well like you back. 
“So what did the two of you have to discuss in his office?” You asked, attempting to hold back your jealousy, still not sure where Peggy stood with Daniel. 
You evidently hadn’t done a good enough job as your friend smirked knowingly before answering, “I was just bringing him into SHIELD.” 
Despite your revelation that the feelings you held for Daniel were mutual, it seemed the two of you couldn’t catch a break. Though SHIELD had become a great success, it had separated the two of you. Daniel had been sent to the Area 51 base to supervise the tech innovations and training that went on there while you had remained in LA, taking over as the head of the west coast division of SHIELD. You rarely spoke on the phone, let alone saw each other, both too busy with your new tasks in this brand new organization. 
You did hear from Peggy more, as Director of SHIELD she was in frequent contact with you, ensuring that everything was running smoothly and delivering orders on how to improve. You heard more from Steve and Bucky as well, as they were now heading SHIELD’s training facility, Camp Lehigh. As your branch continued to grow you often communicated with them about sending new agents and giving them progress reports about the new recruits you occasionally supervised. Of course, you did also use these phone calls and cross-country business trips to catch up with your dear friends. 
However it wasn’t until years later that you got a glimpse at Daniel Sousa again. Peggy had sent you to Nevada to help on a new project the scientists there had been working on. As director she was too busy to make it herself but Project Helius was apparently a big deal and you were sent to inspect it on her behalf. 
You hadn’t even thought about him when Peggy had given you the order. You were so caught up in making sure your second-in-command had everything under control in LA and stressing over the pressure of representing the literal Director of SHIELD that Daniel Sousa didn’t even cross your mind until he stepped out of his office and into the hallway you were in. You had frozen immediately, your feelings rushing back to you at the sight of him.
“Daniel,” you managed to get out through the breath that was caught in your throat, though your words came out as barely a whisper. 
“Y/N, what are you doing here?” He questioned, brows furrowing as he looked at you in confusion. 
“Peggy sent me,” you answered, the need for professionalism forcing you to regain your composure. “I’m part of the team inspecting Project Helius.” 
Daniel winced at the mention of the project. 
“What’s the matter?” You asked warily, suddenly wondering what Peggy had gotten you into. 
“Nothing, it’s just, well- let’s talk in here.” He gestured to his office and you followed him inside. 
He explained to you all about how Helius was a dud, nothing on earth was strong enough to power the damn thing. However, that was only the surface of Daniel’s troubles. He confided in you his fear that SHIELD had been infiltrated and you suddenly knew the real reason Peggy had sent you: to finish what you had started with the Howlies by taking down Hydra. 
So you stayed in Nevada past the inspection of Helius, helping Daniel with his off the books investigations. Quickly falling back into your routine as partners, you followed him into the field to deliver a piece of tech to Howard. It was a simple enough task: take the train to LA, make the hand off with one of Howard’s assistants, and go home. 
The train ride was blessedly uneventful and you were thankful for the time to just sit and catch up with Daniel. So much had happened in your lives since the formation of SHIELD. You had almost forgotten the warmth you felt at the mention of his name or the sound of his voice or the sight of his face, but it all came rushing back to you. Though you didn’t act on it. It had been years, you had no way of knowing if he still felt the same way for you as you did for him. 
The handoff itself had been simple. You had gone Ghost as the assistant had only been expecting Daniel, but you remained by his side the entire time, refusing to leave even though he insisted he was fine. You had never been more thankful for your stubbornness. On his way out of the building after completing the handoff Daniel was followed by a Hydra agent. His gun was trained at the back of your partner’s head and had you not stepped in you would’ve watched him die that day. But you were there to protect him, always watching his six just as he watched yours. You engaged the agent, your invisibility catching him by surprise and allowing you to throw off his aim but the gun still fired. You watched your partner drop to the ground before you could disarm your opponent and knock him unconscious. 
You were by Daniel’s side in an instant, sure he was dying before your eyes until you turned him over and saw that the wound was through his abdomen. It was a clean shot, the bullet having gone all the way through the man; you had seen Peggy sustain a similar injury from Whitney Frost years ago. 
Daniel had readily insisted “No hospitals” (not that you were planning to do so, who knew what Hydra had access to) so you called the first person you could think of. Jarvis picked up on the second ring and was on his way to The Roosevelt immediately. You were thankful Daniel hadn’t bled out by the time you reached your home. Jarvis stayed to help you stitch up Daniel’s wounds and made sure to remind you that he was only a phone call away before leaving the two of you. It wasn’t until after Daniel was stable and Jarvis had gone that the adrenaline wore off and the shock of what had happened hit you. 
Daniel had nearly died. 
“Y/N are you alright?” 
You hadn’t even realized you were crying until he spoke but his concern sent sobs wracking through you. He slowly reached a hand out to rest comfortingly on your shoulder, bridging the gap between the guest bed and the chair you had moved to his bedside, intending to keep watch over him. 
“I thought you were dead,” you gasped out through your sobs and you felt Daniel shudder. “I thought I lost you.” 
You were petrified. Lost in your fear of losing the man you had come to care so much about. 
“But you didn’t,” Daniel said softly but with conviction, “You saved my life Y/N.” 
You sniffled as you looked up at him, your eyes red and puffy from the tears. 
“Well I couldn’t just let you die,” you scoffed, trying to cover up your embarrassment at your breakdown. “You’re my partner; I love you.” 
Daniel’s hand stiffened on your shoulder and you tensed up immediately, your entire body becoming rigid. The words had just slipped out. You hadn’t even realized your feelings ran that deep yet there you were confessing them. 
“W-what?” Daniel stuttered out after a few excruciating moments of silence. 
“I- I’ve had feelings for you for quite some time now,” you admitted, burying your face in your hands once more, unable to look at the man. “B-but there was never a good time… and I didn’t mean for it to come out this way- and-” 
“Y/N,” Daniel interrupted you, reaching farther to hold the side of your face, tilting it up to look at him. “I love you too.” 
“Y-you do?” 
You could hardly believe your ears or eyes as he nodded. 
“I’ve had feelings for you since New York,” he admitted and tears sprung to your eyes again. 
His eyes immediately filled with concern at the sight of the tears and you brought your hand to cover his as he brushed them away with his thumb. 
“They’re happy tears,” you reassured him as you scooted your chair closer to the bed so he wouldn’t have to strain so far to reach you. 
He smiled a bit at that and tried to sit up in the bed. You quickly put an end to that, not wanting him to do anything that might irritate his wound or rip his stitches. You stood from your chair, adjusting his pillows so that they propped him up slightly against the headboard. Once you were finished you looked down at the man and you could’ve sworn your heart stopped at the look he was giving you, it was so full of tenderness and love you thought you might start crying again. You welcomed the hand he placed on your cheek again, slowly guiding your face down to meet his. 
The first kiss was brief, full of hesitation and gentleness but you were certain you felt fireworks. He pulled away after only a moment but you weren’t willing to let him go far, surging forward to reconnect your lips in a longer second kiss. This kiss was considerably more passionate, as if you were both trying to communicate the intensity of your feelings without words; you knew words would never be able to do it justice. You could’ve stayed there kissing for hours but your back began to ache from leaning over the bed and you knew Daniel needed to rest in order for his wound to heal so you pulled away, thumb coming down to lightly stroke his cheek. 
“As amazing as that was,” you sighed breathily before straightening up. “You need to rest.” 
“I’m not sure how you can expect me to rest after a kiss like that,” Daniel responded cheekily and you laughed as you made your way to the door. 
“Do your best,” you smirked, hand hovering over the light switch as you stood in the doorway, “Goodnight, Daniel.” 
a/n: This is both longer than I had originally intended it to be and took longer than I originally planned it to. Nevertheless, my 1940s!Reader x Sousa au is here! Let me know what you think! Feedback is always appreciated! Also, I’m starting a taglist so let me know if you’d like to be tagged in any of my future works!
Taglist: @hi-this-is-my-brain​
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merakiaes · 4 years
Epiphany - Jack Thompson
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Pairing: Jack Thompson x reader
Requested: Yes. 
Prompts: None.
Warnings/notes: In this, Chief Dooley is still alive even though it takes place after the events of Agent Carter. I haven’t seen the show in a while so sorry if it’s a bit out of character. I’m also extremely writer’s blocked, so yeah...😅 I’m feeling so unmotivated right now so please show some love, let me know what you think😭 NOT PROOFREAD!
Wordcount: 6405
Summary: Agent Thompson has never been anything but an ass towards you, but that’s all about to change. 
Being the younger sister of Howard Stark came with a lot of baggage, baggage that, at times, was far too heavy for you to carry.
The disadvantages were many and they were big, one of the biggest ones being that no matter how great and how many things that you accomplished in life, you never got recognized as anything other than Howard Stark’s sister.
That’s all you were, his sister. You weren’t (Y/N) Stark, you were just Howard Stark’s sister.
When you accomplished something, he was the one who got all of the attention, all of the compliments and applaud.
He was praised because obviously, he was the one who had taught you everything you knew, right? In no way could a woman, on her own, accomplish what you had. In no way could a woman be so smart.
And being the arrogant man that he was, he absorbed the praise like a sponge, leaving none of the spotlight to you; even when you were, in fact, the star of the hour.
His name, his fame and your kinship haunted you. When he did something good, you got told by everyone that you must be so proud to be related to him, and when he did something bad, well…
The time he got accused of selling off his inventions to the enemies of the state spoke loudly enough on that topic.
You worked at the SSR alongside Peggy and had been since the end of the war, in which you had both served side by side with Captain America up until his passing.
In the end, it became known that during all of the time your brother had been in hiding from the law, Peggy had been helping him in the shadows, in secret alongside his butler, Edwin Jarvis.
But despite it, you had been the one to be closely monitored up until that revelation.
Because of your kinship to him, the Chief and your fellow co-workers were suspicious of you and your every move the entire time they were chasing him, thinking you were just lying through your teeth when you said you had no idea about your brother’s whereabouts.
But you did, in fact, not have a clue as to where he was or what he was doing. Neither Peggy nor Edwin told you anything about their secret operation to clear your brother’s name, despite the fact they were both your closest friends.
When it was revealed that they had been the ones helping your brother and not you, you were happy to get Jack and the Chief off your ass, but that didn’t change the fact that your brother had trusted Peggy and Edwin over you, his own sister.
Having the same parents and being related to him did have its perks too, however; all of his personality traits weren’t bad. Most of them were, but not all.
You had both been blessed by the quick wit, intelligence, perseverance, confidence and loyalty. You were a very independent woman, sure of yourself, wise beyond your years, and you knew it, never settling for anything less than you were worth.
Luckily, you hadn’t gotten your brother’s arrogance and impulsiveness. You were the more analyzing, cautious, responsible and compassionate sibling, much to your own relief.
You were, however, just as sarcastic as him, if not even more. It was your biggest flaw and it often caused you to get in trouble, especially with your male co-workers as you almost always managed to out-wit them, making them feel threatened and like you were challenging their positions and superiority.
Which, in all truth, you were.
They were all sexist assholes, treating you and Peggy like brainless broads, as if you weren’t agents just like them.
Jack Thompson was one of the worst, finding pleasure and amusement in pissing the two of you, you especially, off.
You had disliked him all the way from the start but after the way he had treated you when suspecting you of helping Howard during his life as a criminal on the run, you could barely stand being in the same room as him.
You could barely breathe without it leading to some kind of sexist, oppressive comment leaving his lips and being thrown in your face.
Unlike other, well-mannered women who had known no other struggles than the ones of a housewife, you didn’t possess the power of self-restraint to keep quiet when being insulted or made fun off, and in the society you lived in, that wasn’t very ideal.
Especially not when your boss obviously valued the work of a man over that of a woman’s, too, no matter how much he tried to hide it. Needless to say, your big mouth and lack of impulse-control had put you in more than a few strained situations with your superiors at work.
Chief Dooley had even put you on suspension once when you had secretly gotten involved in a case that he had specifically forbidden you from partaking in. You really were your brother’s sister in those moments, and this time was no different.
Over the last three weeks, bodies of young women had been found all around New York City. The first week, five girls. The second week, four more and this week, two. But that was only so far, and the weekend still remained.
The girls all had their throats slit and their bowels brutally cut out. Being the serial killer-fanatic that you were, you instantly recognized the characteristics and realized in an instant that you were dealing with a Jack The Ripper copycat.
It wasn’t what the SSR usually dealt with but seeing as the killer had left a message specifically addressing you, the case was assigned to you.  
You knew you would have been able to help with the knowledge you had of Jack The Ripper, his strategies and his tendencies, but as usual, you were shut out of the investigation like you were with every case you showed the slightest of interest in.
One of the countless disadvantages of being a woman; you could impossibly have any information that the men didn’t already have.
So you were stuck at your desk, sulking and muttering to yourself while going through paperwork like every other day, slightly comforted by the fact that Daniel was willingly doing the same a few desks away from you, most likely having turned down any participation in the Copycat case out of pure pity for you.
It would have been a lot more tolerable if Peggy would have been there with you to keep you company, but for once in her life, she had taken the day off for the reasons she claimed and not because she was sneaking around poking her nose where it didn’t belong.
“Hey, (Y/N)! Bring us some coffee, will you?” A voice suddenly called out, breaking you free from your trance and pulling you back to reality with a jerk of surprise.
Your eyes instantly flickered over to the doorway on the other side of the room, completely oblivious to Daniel lightly snickering at your priceless reaction as your eyes found Johnson’s.
He was leaning back in his seat to be able to peek out of the office that him and the others who were on the Copycat case were currently residing, eyebrows raised and face pulled into an amused smile.
“Daydreaming again, are we?” He asked in a mocking tone and your face instantly pulled into a glare.
What the hell did he mean with again? You took your job more seriously than anyone, more so than him, more than Jack and possibly even more than Peggy. So what the hell was that supposed to mean?
You wanted to throw him a snarky reply but you stopped yourself, remembering that you were already on thin ice from the last time you had gone against the Chief’s orders.
So you sucked it up, breathing in a long breath through your nose and clenching your fists under your desks in an attempt to calm yourself, before forcing a smile onto your lips.
“Yes, I’m a bit distracted today.” You agreed with him through clenched teeth.
“I can see that.” He wasted no time in chuckling, raising his eyebrow. “So, coffee.”
The forced smile fell from your lips the second he uttered those two words, your eyes rolling. “Maybe if you ask nicely instead of bossing me around, then I could be so kind as to bring you coffee.” You replied.
As a response, it was his time to roll his eyes, before dramatically throwing his arms out and exclaiming loudly. “Oh, wonderful and talented (Y/N), please bring us some steamy, hot coffee so that we might behold your beauty if so only for a few seconds in these difficult times!”
You rolled your eyes once again, but nonetheless dropped the ballpoint pen that you were holding to the surface of your mahogany desk and stood up, brushing down your blouse. “I’ll be right there.”
A wide smirk spread across his face again. “Thanks, sugar.” He winked, and wasted not another second before leaning back into the room.
“Asshole.” You mumbled under your breath, shaking your head.
A chuckle came from down the room. “Duty calls, huh?” Daniel asked from his seat, where he had now turned away from his work to look at you with an amused expression on his face.
You narrowed your eyes at him, pointing a finger. “Don’t even start, Sousa.” You warned him, and turned around without waiting for a response to go bid to your co-worker’s command.
You put the cups neatly on a metal tray while you brewed some fresh coffee, pouring some milk into a small can and adding another small container with sugar cubes. All of that took no longer than a minute or two, so you stood there awaiting the coffee to be done impatiently the rest of the time.
When it finally finished bubbling, you took the pot and put it on the space you had saved on the tray and wasted no time in turning on your heel and heading for the open office.
The voices of Johnson and the two other agents in there became louder the closer you got and you quickly started suspecting that they weren’t working at all, something you got confirmed when you entered the room to find the case files pushed away on the table, the three of them instead flipping through a magazine.
The sight caused annoyance to bubble up in the pit of your stomach almost instantly and you had to quickly mask  your anger with a straight face when the three of them looked up at you at your entrance.
Putting the tray down in front of them, you nodded your head to the blue manila folders sprawled out on the table, raising an eyebrow at them. “Aren’t you supposed to be looking over the case files?”
They barely even acknowledged you, returning to the magazine with a wave of their hands. “We’re taking a small break.” They said. “We have a question for you actually.”
“That so?” You asked in a bored tone, paying them no mind despite feeling their gazes return to you, instead busying yourself with pouring them a cup of coffee each.
Johnson cleared his throat and as your eyes flickered up to look at them for the briefest of moments, you caught them exchanging glances while obviously trying to hold back smirks.
“Yeah, we were talking about our deepest, darkest sexual fantasies and how it would be interesting to know yours.” Johnson spoke and you raised an unimpressed eyebrow when the others attempted to hide their laughs by coughing into their hands.
He shrugged, the two of you now staring straight into each other’s eyes. “You rarely let on what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours, makes a man wonder.” He smirked.
Your eyes narrowed into slits in an instant and you automatically put the pot back down on the tray, glaring. “I beg your pardon?” You scoffed and at that, Kesey leaned forward too, wearing a smirk to match his co-worker’s.
“Oh, come on, Stark. Don’t be a prude.” He said, causing the other two to chuckle.
You turned your attention to him. “He dies during foreplay and leaves me 1.3 billion dollars, that’s my fantasy.” You replied shortly, holding his gaze for a moment before returning your attention to the coffee.
They groaned, not at all satisfied by your answer. “No, but seriously.” They kept pressing and you sighed, once again lowering the coffee pot to look up at them.
“I don’t have time to ponder fantasies. If I want something, I go get it. I’m a go-getter.”
Johnson whistled, leaning back in his seat. “You know, you’re a pain in the ass, but… that’s kind of hot.”
“Wish I could say the same about you.” You fired back before you could stop yourself, watching as the smirk instantly fell off of all of their face.
“Why you always gotta be like that?” Kesey questioned, giving you an annoyed stare to which you only raised your eyebrows innocently.
“Be like what?” You asked, and he rolled his eyes.
“Sarcastic.” He replied. “You would be a lot more approachable and desirable if you just smiled more and talked back less.”  
“Yeah, because pleasing men is my main mission in life.” You rolled your eyes.
He glared right back at you but with a discouraging slap to his shoulder from Johnson, he just scoffed, turning his attention back to the magazine and allowing you to return to pouring them their cups of coffee.  
They started talking quietly among themselves, flipping through the paper that seemed to contain pictures of cars and women, but you managed to block their voices out for a good minute by putting all of your attention to the coffee, preparing it just the way you knew they liked it.
You were pretty sure you knew their preferences better than they did themselves at this point, and the same went for Peggy, with the ridiculous amount of times you’d both been forced to serve them like maids.
“God, what I would do to see her naked.” Was the first thing you heard when you finished pouring the coffee and zoned back into their conversation, looking up to see them looking down on a centerfold girl and wasting no time in scoffing, inviting yourself into the conversation.
“Do you know what I want to see?” You asked, holding Johnson’s eyes with a fierce glare when he looked up at the sound of the voice.
“What?” He asked and you scoffed again, putting the can of coffee down and shaking your head.
“A society in which the objectification of women makes way for gender-neutral interaction free from assumptions and expectations.” You threw a hand out to the folders of evidence lying to the side. “I can’t even begin to describe the density of illness I feel in my bone marrow right now, that is how appalled I am by all this. Women are dying and you’re supposed to solve the case, and yet here you are, wasting time and lookin-”
“Gentlemen.” Your rant was interrupted by Jack as he walked into the room, slapping another manila folder down on the table and raising his eyebrows at you in an easy smile. “(Y/L/N), you boring them with your feminist monologues again?”
“When is she not?” Johnson wasted no time in snorting back.
You glared at him, annoyed that he had spoken in your place, which only seemed to make Jack’s amusement grow. “What is with you and your constant preaching about the future being female?” He asked. “I mean, I know they say no dream is too big but come on, look around.”
He laughed and the others joined in immediately.
But you weren’t discouraged, crossing your arms over your chest and looking down at Jack who had now sat down in a chair, man-sprawling like his life depended on it. “You know, men who say that feminists want to overpower men probably know that there is already a gender imbalance and are threatened by the idea that gender roles will no longer be in their favor, so I’m only taking your insults as a compliment.”
Jack smirked up at you, nodding his head. “You do that.” He answered shortly and without even giving you a chance to reply, he turned his attention away from you like you were nothing, which only vexed you further.
“Any new leads on the suspect?” Johnson and the others turned their attention to their superior, all of them now ignoring you where you were standing with your arms still crossed over your chest.
Jack shook his head with a sigh, opening the manila folder he had brought with him and in turn urging the others to scramble for their folders.
“No, the lead turned out to be a dead end. This guy is good. We’ve had two new victims since yesterday and still no trace of him. He doesn’t leave anything behind, not a single fingerprint. It’s like he doesn’t even exist.”
“Whoa, whoa, woah, hold on.” You interrupted, holding a hand out and stepping closer to them. “Two new victims? Still all females? Why have I not been informed?”
Jack gave you an annoyed stare, obviously not happy about being interrupted. “You weren’t informed because it’s not your case, but yes. All female between the ages of sixteen and twenty-seven, all wearing uh…” He cleared his throat, averting his gaze from you. “Provocative clothing.”
“What does their clothing matter?” You scoffed. “They could’ve been strolling naked down the street and it still wouldn’t justify what happened to them. Women shouldn’t have to be modest to be respected.”
“If this is a Jack The Ripper copycat we’re dealing with then it does matter.” Jack looked back up at you. “Every victim so far have been women, dressed in suggestive, light clothing at the time of their deaths.”
“But none of them were prostitutes.” You pointed out, raising an eyebrow.
At this point, you were just talking back for the sake of arguing with him, knowing fully well that all of the evidence pointed towards a Copycat.
And Jack knew it. Not only because you had been the one to bring up Jack The Ripper in the first place, but because he also, no matter how much it pained you to say so, knew you and the way you functioned like the back of his own hand with how long you had been working together.
“No, but it’s obvious that their choice of clothing are provoking him. It’s the only thing tying them together and the only thing we have to go on.” He replied calmly despite his annoyance obviously increasing with every passing second.
You shrugged your shoulders, crossing your arms over your chest again. “Maybe he just doesn’t like blondes.”
“See, that’s what we thought at first, too. But the last two girls were brunettes, so there goes that theory.” He replied and you suddenly turned smug, realizing that he was giving you information on the case that wasn’t yours to possess.
But before you could dig any deeper, the Chief walked in with his own cup of coffee raised to his lips, and his eyes instantly found yours.
“Agent (Y/L/N), I thought I told you that you weren’t going to be on this case.” He told you, lowering the cup from his face and taking a seat at the head of the table.
“I’m- I was just bringing the hardworking men some coffee, sir.” You replied, clearing your throat, wiping your face free of emotion and uncrossing your arms.
He either didn’t notice the sarcasm in your tone or he just chose to ignore it, nodding his head in approval. “I left some paperwork on your desk and I need you to fill it out before the day is up because it needs to be posted to Los Angeles before the weekend. Each minute passing is a minute wasted so I suggest that you get to work.”
He waved a hand at you but before you could reply, Jack spoke up without looking at you. “And take your feminazi monologues with you.”
He was staring down into the case file, flipping through photographs of the crime scene, but it was clear that he could feel your glare burning into the side of his face with the way the corners of his lips tugged upward slightly.
You kept your gaze unwavering at him.
“The Nazis rounded up Jews, locked them in concentration camps, lined them up in gas chambers and performed genocide. When I’m asking, arguing and fighting for equal pay, equal opportunities, no judgement, and right over my own body, how is anything, apart from your fragile male ego, getting killed?” You asked, and he simply looked up at you with a wide grin, eyes squinted with mockery.
“Point taken, now go do your job.” He said causally and you could’ve sworn you felt your eye twitch right then and there.
But as earlier mentioned, you did posses slightly more control of your impulses than your brother, so you turned on your heel and walked out of the office with long, determined strides before you said or did something you would come to regret, closing the door behind you so that you wouldn’t have to hear their ridiculing chuckles.
“Well, I can see you’re not very happy but it was amusing as always to witness you in your natural habitat, so I hope it can provide you with some comfort to know that you’ve officially made my day.” A voice spoke not even a second later, and you felt relief flood your entire body at the sight of Peggy’s warm smile.
Your heels clicked against the wooden floors as you walked closer to her where she was leaning against your desk. “And what habitat would that be?” You questioned, watching as she raised an eyebrow.
“Putting disrespectful, sexist men in their place, rightfully so might I add, and being kicked out for doing so.”
“Yes, I fear it’s starting to become a habit of mine.” You chuckled, sinking down into your chair once you reached your desk.
Peggy pushed herself off the edge of said desk, uncrossing her arms and turning around to face her. “Starting to?” She asked, eyes sparkling with amusement.
You chuckled once more. “What are you doing here? I thought you took a day off.”
“I did.” She confirmed. “But my doctor’s appointment went quicker than expected so here I am.”
“Thank God for that.” You let out a loud breath, motioning with your hand to the large stack of papers now resting on your desk, looking at her guiltily. “Feeling helpful?”
All she did in response was smile, nod her head and pull a chair up to sit beside you, wordlessly grabbing the first paper.
With the help, it only took an hour to fill out all of the paperwork, but even though it would’ve taken much longer without the extra set of hands, you wished the time would’ve gone by quicker.
It was a Friday afternoon and there was nothing you wanted more than to go home, take off your heels, get out of your uncomfortable clothes and go to bed, and the last two hours of the day were always the longest, and hardest.
Once the paperwork was done, Peggy moved over to the breakroom to grab you a cup of coffee. She was the least exhausted out of the two of you seeing as she hadn’t been there the entire day and offered to do so, so that you could take a breather after the intense paperwork.
When she busied herself with that, you moved over to Daniel where he was still sitting at his desk, working hard.
You sparked up a conversation and became so engrossed in it you didn’t even realize another half hour went by and passed the end of your workday, also completely oblivious to the pair of eyes that instantly found you as the five men came out of the closed office.
Jack watched you laugh at something Sousa had said with an uncomfortable knot rapidly growing in the pit of his stomach, a sour taste growing in his mouth.
In a desperate attempt to get rid of the feeling of the anger bubbling up inside him, he raised his coffee cup to his lips and took a sip of the black beverage despite it having gone cold at that point.
He was so focused on watching you from afar, taking note of every move of your body and every flicker of emotion in your face, that he didn’t even notice Peggy coming up to his side until she cleared her throat and made her presence known.
Jack instantly tore his eyes away from you to look at the woman now standing beside him, only to find that she was looking straight at you, too.
“Why don’t you get off your high horse, swallow your pride and ask her out already?” She asked without looking at him, admittedly catching him by surprise.
“What?” He asked, chuckling nervously.
At that, Peggy turned to look at him, scoffing and giving him an unimpressed stare. “Oh, please.” She said. “Don’t pretend that you don’t know what I’m talking about.”
His eyes hardened and his Adam’s apple bobbled as he swallowed. “I don’t.” He replied casually, taking another sip of his coffee.
But she didn’t believe him for a second, and wasted no time.
“One day, you’re going to see her holding hands with someone who took your chance. She won’t even notice you because she’s too busy laughing with the stupid jokes he makes. And it will burn your heart seeing that beautiful smile on her face and realizing that you’re not the reason. And then it will finally hit you that she’s always been the one.”
She smiled softly at him, eyes glazing over as she fell into deep thought at the last part, obviously thinking back to her time with Steve.
“Sousa and the others might be blind, but I’m not. I’ve seen the looks you give her when she’s not looking. I’m not stupid, Jack. But you are.”
Her words made his façade falter for the briefest of moments, but he quickly covered it up with his usual careless smile, raising an eyebrow. “And why would that be?” He asked.
He was appearing so sure of himself but Peggy Carter knew better; she always did.
“Because only an idiot would let a woman like her slip out of his fingers. And if you want to have a chance, you might want to hurry up, because you’re not the only one who’s got your eye on her.” She answered, nodding her head in your direction.
Jack turned his eyes back to you at the sound of her words, finding that Sousa was now nowhere in sight, the new intern now standing in front of you instead, the two of you conversing about something and both of you smiling.
He had been transferred to your unit only a few weeks prior, having fought in the war like the rest of you and lost one of his hands in the process, dooming him to a life-worth of desk work.
He’d had his eye on you ever since he arrived, something that didn’t go unnoticed by the rest of them; especially not Jack.
“It doesn’t make you any less of a man to let a woman shine, and you better come to terms with that before you even think about getting close to her.” Peggy continued. “Because she’s not a woman to be kept in the dark. She deserves better than that.”
Jack swallowed again, his eyes never leaving your form as Peggy spoke, and not when she turned on her heel and walked away, either.
He took a moment to regain his composure after the conversation he’d just had, his mind at war with his heart after everything Peggy had just told him. He stood by, sipping his cold coffee and watching you, until the intern walked away from you.
The discouraged look on his face made him feel smug in some way, and he quickly threw back the rest of his coffee, putting the cup down on the closest surface and wasting no time in heading over in your direction.
It took no more than a few long strides to reach you at your desk. He came up behind you, watching over your shoulder as you packed your things into your bag that was standing on your chair.
He leaned against the short side of the mahogany table, tucking his hands into the pockets of his grey slacks and glancing at you.
“An admirer, I take it?” He asked casually, watching your every move.  
You made no move to turn around to look at him, simply continuing to pack down the papers you needed to take home over the weekend. “Well, he tried. Didn’t have much luck but you have to admire him for his attempt.”
Jack snickered. “You might not want to be too picky, you know, or you’ll end up alone eventually.”
“I’d take that over ending up divorced after settling for less than I deserve any day.”
“Touché. But no matter how hard you try to deny it the fact still remains at the end of the day that every woman needs a man, sooner or later.”
“I don’t need a man.” You replied, closing the flap of your bag and grabbing your coat from the back of your chair. “I need a family sized tub of chocolate chip ice cream and a bottle of tequila to drown my misery of having to work from a desk every day.”
You hurriedly started to put your arms into your sleeves, wanting nothing more than to get away from the conversation at hand and go home.
When you grabbed your bag off of the chair and turned around to leave, Jack pushed himself off the desk, finally catching your eye. “Well, that’s a shame because I was thinking, when you’re done flirting with cripples who have barely gone through puberty yet, that maybe we could go out sometime.”
You instantly rolled your eyes, completely missing the fact that he, in his own way, had just asked you out.
“Do you ever take a day off from being an asshole?” You asked. “Does it make you feel good about yourself to talk down on everyone?”
“I think those may be questions best pondered over dinner.” He offered again, raising his eyebrows.
You could only snort and roll your eyes once more. “Funny. I know your tactics work on pretty much everyone else, but they won’t do any good with me. Good night, Agent Thompson.”
Without wasting another second, you hung the strap of the bag of your arm, walking past him and not looking back.
But he just turned on his heel and walked after you, walking by your side with his hands still tucked into his pockets.
“We’re not on the clock anymore, you can call me Jack.” He said. “And the dinner proposal wasn’t a joke.”
“What? You’re like, asking me out on a date?” You snorted, without looking up at him and without ever slowing down.
In the corner of your eye, you could see his head shaking. “No, just… causal dinner. But…” He trailed off, shrugging. “If we happen to have sex afterwards, so be it.”
His words instantly drew a scoff from your lips and you stopped in your tracks, turning to look at him with a glare. Before you could say anything, however, he continued.
“Having sex once or twice a week has been proven to boost your immune system to help fight colds and the flu and I don’t know about you, but I don’t really enjoy being sick.”
You weren’t impressed, not in the slightest, your glare remaining unfaltering. “It’s a good thing I have a perfect immune system, then.” You fired back and moved to keep walking.
But this time, he rushed up in front of you, blocking you from continuing. “Come on, I’ve run out of reasons that we shouldn’t, haven’t you?”
“No.” You answered without a single doubt in your mind. “In fact, I couldn’t even count all of the reasons on both my hands. I don’t have enough fingers.”
He opened his mouth to speak, but you quickly cut him off, raising your hands and beginning to count off your fingers.
“But let’s start with, uh, you’re an asshole. You’re constantly degrading me and treating me like I’m below you even though we have the exact same title and the exact same job. I’m an agent like you and yet, you treat me like I’m a secretary with no brains, like I’m not capable of literally everything you are. You’re a sexist pig and every day for the past two years, Peggy and I have been the targets of yours, the Chief’s, and everyone else’s oppression. So excuse me if I’m not jumping up and down with excitement at the thought of going out with you and becoming just another name on your endlessly long list.”
A long moment of awkward silence fell over the two as you finished your hateful rant. His mouth was opening and closing like a fish out of water. For the first time since you had met him, you had left him speechless and taken the last word.
You thought, at least.
“Ouch. That hurt.” He spoke after a long moment, chuckling awkwardly.
His face was pulled into an expression of genuine hurt and for a moment, just for a moment, you felt guilty for going off on him the way you had. But then you remember that it was justified, and that he had it coming.
So you just hummed in response, averting your gaze to the floor. While you did so, Jack took a step closer to you and caught both you and himself by surprise by reaching out for your hand.
Your head instantly whipped back up at the sudden touch of his skin against yours, a sharp spark going through your skin and causing you to flinch.
Luckily, he didn’t seem to have noticed it. Either that, or he just didn’t care, instead looking down at you with warm, genuine eyes.
“Look, it’s a man’s world. It’s been a man’s world for as long as history goes, for as long as you and I have been alive, and we’re still living in it. But…” He paused, properly taking your hand into his. “I’m willing to learn how to look at it from another perspective.”
Your could feel yourself melting into his touch, your eyes softening but your face remaining stoic. You weren’t about to let your guard down that easily.
“I recall you calling  that my monologues about feminism boring no more than an hour and a half ago.” You pointed out, and watched as a lopsided smile slowly made its way onto his lips.
“Eh.” He tilted his head, shrugging again. “Not everything can be interesting. But that doesn’t mean it’s not necessary to learn.”
“Wow, this is… not like you at all.” You pointed out, eyes slowly narrowing. You tore your hand out of his grasp, taking a step back. “What’s going on? Did you make a bet with the guys or something? Is that it?”
“Do you really think that little of me?” He asked, looking genuinely offended.
But you only raised an eyebrow, crossing your arms over your chest. “Is this where I’m supposed to lie to protect your delicate, fragile male ego?”
He closed his eyes, raising his hand to his face and pinching the bridge of his nose. “No, forget I asked.” He mumbled, breathing in deeply and lowering his hand again. “I had an eyeopener, that’s all. Realized that there’s always room for improvement in one’s character and view of the world.”
He was obviously dramatically articulating his words for extra effect, the sarcastic smile pulling at his lips only proving that further.
You gave him a doubtful once-over, but soon felt yourself relaxing, your arms uncrossing from over your chest and your head nodding slowly. “Well, whoever made you realize that you were being a grade A asshole, give them my thanks. I like this version of you much better than the one I’ve had to deal with every day for the last two years.”
He instantly raised an eyebrow at your halfhearted confession, lips once again beginning to pull into a smirk. “So is that a yes to the date?” He asked and you raised an eyebrow in return.
“I thought you said it wasn’t a date?” You teased.
He looked to the side briefly, smirking. “Well…” He shrugged.
You chuckled, nodding your head and biting down on the inside of your cheek lightly in an attempt to hide the smile threatening to break out on your face. “I’ll be ready at eight tomorrow night. I would tell you where I live but I believe you already know seeing as you and Johnson stalked me every night for an entire month when you thought I was hiding my brother from you.”
His eyebrows rose in surprise. “You knew about that the whole time?”
“I did, and you had no idea.” You chuckled. “The way you men think of us women as intellectually challenged works in our favor sometimes. We see so much more than you think.”
He grinned, unbeknownst to you feeling extremely proud of you in that moment.
Before he got the chance to say anything else, you gave him a nod of your head and offered him a wholehearted, sincere smile.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Jack.” You told him, and then pushed past him without waiting for a reply, walking away from him with butterflies in your stomach; the very same ones you had felt the first time you met him.
Before he opened his big mouth, that is.
But everyone was capable of change, and you silently thanked whatever person that had helped him on the right path to his sudden epiphany. 
Although, you believed you already knew.
Who else but Peggy?
Tagged: @corishirogane3​ @trenchcoatedwings​ @microwaved-timmies​
(If you want to be added or removed from the tag list, send me a message, ask or leave a comment)
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ellsey · 4 years
Agents of Shield Rewatch 7x05 A Trout in the Milk
This 70′s intro is hot ngl
Coulson is living for this
I want May’s dress and boots for real though
Ok also I want Daisy’s outfit
Daisy and Sousa clothes shopping in the 70s ugh I need to write that I guess
Sousa is slightly insulted by being called an unfashionable square hahaha
Also he’s trying to figure out time travel which honey, just no
Why have they never changed the password to this place I mean
“bump lemons” DEKE NO
This red track suit is fire though
Also, I adore the way Deke just casually says, “Bye Nana” because it’s so familial and I love that for him
The Lighthouse! Actually not my fave base but oh well we’re going to spend some quality time here
Awww Mackelena date night
But also Mack is right, Elena is selling herself short. She doesn’t need her powers to be amazing.
But *gasp* the Lighthouse is not abandoned!
Being drunk is an emotion? Random
What year is this? I forget
Little Ricky? HAHAHAHA
Freddie’s not dead?? Ugh. Wearing out your welcome must be a Malick family trait.
Poor Sousa and his old-timey speak hahaha
How is Sousa supposed to lay low though because like...he’s supposedly super famous?
Chastity McBride?? Omg May
“I’ve attended a number of seminars” Lollllll
3 years away so 1973 now
Daisy so wants to kill Gideon I can tell
Omg this show gave me a Dousy fake fiance scene all my dreams came true 
One day they’ll have a real fiance scene of my dreams but unfortunately I’m going to have to write it I guess
The was Sousa says “Whoa, high tech” seeeeeeeeends me
Daisy and Sousa do make a good team though romance aside
Oh yay Chronicoms
I’m crying at how Nathaniel is drinking a glass of milk like this show really fooled me with him
His daddy does love him though I guess
“So Shield takes hostages now?” SIR
I watched Agent Carter. I know what y’all did.
He’s surprisingly less shocked by Daisy quaking people
“Come with me if you want to continue to exist” You are seriously the best Chronicom ever
The picture in my head of Enoch sitting and reading Consumer Reports before picking a getaway vehicle both delights and entertains me
Enoch you are a mess and I love you
I love that whatever has happened in this timeline, Sousa clearly still has a lot of love and respect for Peggy we stan
Aaand now we’re in 1976
Sousa really does follow Daisy around like a little puppy from the start
Uh oh something’s wrong with Jemma
Ok so here’s the thing...I don’t think Sousa was wrong to call out Jemma on this. I mean he’s known her for a hot second. They told him this story and tore him out of his life. And then they have the gall to tell him that no one knows how this works or what’s going on really. Sousa has no reason to trust them (other than he’s hot for Daisy). So I’m kind of on his side here.
But I do appreciate that Deke is willing to go to bat for Nana.
Whew y’all Henry Simmons is working those jeans and that mock turtle-neck ayayaya
Sousa offers to go with Daisy because he says he’s rather be out there working than in the Zephyr where he can disappear at any moment but let’s be real he just wanted to make sure he was wherever Daisy was
Sousa’s like I’ll protect you...but also I want to watch you work...decisions decisions
His “wows” at that picture of him I’m crying hahahaha
“You look ok for a guy who just aged 20 years” This is the beginning of Daisy’s compliments but not really to him.
But also the way that hits him. Realizing that everyone he knew has changed (if they are even alive) but he hasn’t. I can see why he might think he wants to stay in 76.
Although that will clearly change hahahaha thank goodness
And Daisy is so sweet and understanding I love her
Coulson and May look fab in these uniforms
Nathaniel you are legit the worst
Ugh Freddie Malick you’re boring now
Stoner is a trip hahaha
May’s powers come in handy though
Deke umm...made a choice...
I’m not really sure how to feel about this honestly
Uh oh...it’s Mommy and Daddy Mack!!
Leading to one of the most heartbreaking moments on this show THANKS
So I guess Sibyl didn’t anticipate May’s empath powers?? Or thought they were just...not important??
I don’t really get that
But Mack and Enoch got to pew pew so that’s fun
Omg the first of Nathaniel’s invading our tags 
So he kidnapped them then just...stopped on the way to try and call Whitehall??
This was a poopy plan from a poopy man
Ok straight up this gets a 100000/10 on the Dousy scale because FAKE FIANCE. Also she said he looks pretty ok which we know translates to super fine. Nathaniel Malick gets a -10/10 on the Bad Guy scale because he suuuuuucks. But this episode also gets a 50/10 on the Realistic Workplace Seminars scale because Stoner has clearly had to watch the predecessors to what my husband has to watch for work (boy do I have some stories about those).
Song for this episode comes from 1973: “Superstition” by Stevie Wonder.
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mot-hesbian · 4 years
Y'all, if I don't stop seeing anti steggy fics in the god damn steggy tag on ao3 I'm going to lose my fucking mind. If you have to tag it anti steggy, then it doesn't fucking belong in the steggy tag as well, like wtf? Just find some other way to tag it to let people know that steggy exists in that work without putting it in their relationship tag, it isn't that difficult!
This also about a very specific writer who tags it as steve rogers/peggy carter and then anti steggy. I shouldn't have to exclude 3 different variations of anti steggy tags whenever I want to read a fic about my otp! Just tag peggy carter & steve rogers(romantic) or something.
I don't want to have to wade through multiple peggysous fics that include an ooc, villainous Steve Rogers and a brave, white knight Daniel Sousa saving Peggy from him, get that bs outta the steggy tag, man.
If you have to tear down another ship, and a whole other character that was romantically involved with one half of your ship, to validate your ship or want to bc you enjoy it or it makes you feel better about your ship, that's fine. But for the love of god, don't tag it as being that other ship, (that tag is specifically for exploring the dynamics of that ship in various ways that aren't anti or insulting to that ship, I have the same issue with people who tag with mentioned- whatever ship or past- whatever ship), that is insulting to the people who ship that pairing and it's insensitive.
I already actively dislike both Daniel and peggysous, why would I want to see fics centered around them that actively tear down my otp, in their own tag no less, and a character I love to pieces? Get Sousa and his Nice Guy TM attitude, and his "deserved reward" happy ending bs out of tags that shouldn't be about him.
Also, wtf is with antis making Steve an abusive asshole and a rapist in their fics???? Like, what the actual hell????
Anyways, the point of the post is to fucking tag your shit properly and not clog up other people's tags with your bs.
Thank you.
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thehollowprince · 5 years
It will never cease to amaze me the amount of hoops that people who claim to love Steve jump through to justify their utter contempt for anyone who is in any way unhappy with that bullshit ending. And also the sheer number of hoops they demand we jump through to justify not liking Steve's ending.
I mean, let's be real here; a lot of us have been very critical of the MCU from CIVIL WAR and on, because they took what was supposed to be the last Captain America movie and turned it into, at best, another Avengers film, and at worse, another Iron Man tribute. If we've done nothing else in the subsequent years, we've criticized Feige and the Russos and Markus and Mcfeely and their choices for these movies, especially because those last four had almost sole control over Phase 3 of the MCU and which direction it took. But suddenly I'm just supposed to put all that on hold because a character I liked got an OOC happy ending from those same people? Since CW, there have been countless metas on who Steve is as an Avenger, as a soldier, as a friend and as a man, and suddenly we're just supposed to discount all of that, all of his character growth, because he got the laziest written happy ending in the MCU? All just to get Evans out of the MCU so they could "move on" with the next batch of superheroes?
I don't think so!
And the thing is, you can't just say "I didn't like Steve's ending" without a group of people descending on you and demanding to know Why. "Why are you so disappointed in his ending?" "Were you ever a fan of Steve to begin with?" You point out your reasons why, but if there's even a hint of another character in that reason, you're decried as a fake fan and so on and so forth. Why isn't "I didn't like Steve's ending" a valid enough excuse as that? Why do I have to explain in minute detail why I thought it was bad only to be told that my argument is invalid because it doesn't meet a set of criteria that I don't know about? Its extremely counterproductive and a real disservice to the fandom that built up around Steve since THE WINTER SOLDIER. We've spent countless hours discussing Steve's relationships with those around him, particularly his friends and teammates and how they help define who he is as a person, but now they're not valid because it just says that "you only like Steve because of X character."
I've said this before and I honestly shouldn't have to say it again, but a large part of the blame goes to the Russos and M&M for their numerous interviews post CW where they downplay the importance of Peggy in Steve's life and continously hyped up Sharon and Steve's other relationships in the present over his "what might have been" with Peggy. These four men have had sole control of Steve's character from TWS and onward (with the sole exception of AoU) and they backtrack on everything they've said at the last minute and try to act like that was their plan all along. It's bullshit! Its insulting to fans of not just Steve, but every other character that he had any kind of meaningful connection with.
Peggy in particular.
I've seen so many hot takes defending that ending against any kind of criticism specifically by using Peggy (and yes, the irony of that isn't lost on me). Die hard defenders of Endgame love to point out that there is no canon proof that Peggy married Sousa, but I always feel the need to counter with the fact that there is no canon proof that she didn't. And that's the biggest thing with the St*ggy relationship at the end of the day, it was never flushed out or explained, at least not at the same level as his friendships with Bucky, Sam and Nat. These people cry out that just because THE FIRST AVENGER didn't show Steve and Peggy interacting over the course of the war doesn't mean they didn't. "Just because you want it to be true doesn't make it canon", which works both ways, but no one wants to hear that.
I made a joke once about these diehard Endgame Steve supporters being the new T*ny stans, but the more I look at it, the more I think that's the case. This blind adherence to making sure that Steve's ending is unblemished is remarkably similar to T*ny stans throwing a fit anytime anyone points out the various horrible things he's done.
At the end of the day, I find myself asking whether or not I ever actually liked Steve or if I just liked the version of him built up by the fandom post TWS. Was it just Evans acting that made me like a character that I never really liked in the comics? I wanna say no, because out of the Big Three, he was pretty consistent, with a few obvious exceptions, the biggest being CW and Steve just sitting there and letting himself get berated by Ross, of all people. I mean, Steve fighting Bucky even though it caused him great pain, consistent. Steve refusing to kill Bucky, consistent. Steve willing to burn down everything he believed in the moment he found out it was wrong, consistent. Steve sticking up for Wanda, and then Bucky, consistent. Steve willingly becoming a fugitive just to rescue his friends from an illegal prison, consistent. Steve willing to risk everything on a throw of the dice in the hopes that they can fix what Thanos did, consistent. Everything about Steve up until he went to take the stones back was consistent with who he was as a character, with how he was written. That whole "Man Out of Time" schtick felt more like something Whedon wrote then what the Russos had given us over their movies.
Bottom Line: I hated Steve's ending and that isn't going to change.
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the-hidden-writer · 4 years
An Odd Family Tree
A series of snippets from the lives of the FitzSimmons family, set post 7x13. Also, the series of events that lead up to the birth of their grandson.
Available to read on AO3 and FF.net.
Comments make my day!
Epilogue (1)
.Q.000000073.FS.M. D_01.15.1985_2153. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“So, um, hi. It’s me. This is attempt seventy-three at getting this stupid thing to work, blah blah blah, etcetera. I, uh… miss you, wish you were here, all the usual stuff. Love you.”
“Maybe you should, perhaps, at least consider giving up? This is, as you said, the seventy-third attempt at a successful communication, and since it is taking up a considerable portion of your time-”
“No. No way. I’m not gonna give up now. I mean, you helped me build it! You’re seriously gonna let all that hard work go to waste?”
“That was not what I was implying. You could, instead, view the problem from a different angle.”
“Which angle, Enoch?! You think I haven’t done that already?! This stupid machine already has too many damn angles!”
“If you are counting the inner components then there are approximately-”
“Yeah, didn’t mean that literally buddy. But I guess you’re right. Like normal. Ugh... I kinda wish I’d properly thought about this before I- wait, did you hear that?”
“Hear what exactly?”
“D- there! That beeping noise. You heard that, right? I’m not just going insane?”
“I have noticed that you display multiple symptoms of psy-”
“Hold on, it’s still online!”
“Oh. It is.”
“It- It’s transmitting fine, recording smoothly, sound quality’s decent so remind me to fix that but… it’s working. It’s actually working!”
“Well done. But I do have to warn you that this technology should not exist on Earth in this time period.”
“Yeah yeah, whatever. Right, Enoch, I’m gonna need you to get out of here. This beautiful thing is finally working and I kinda wanna use it before it blows up or something.”
“Of course.”
“Uh… in private? Alone?”
“Oh, I understand. You wish to record your message alone. Without me. In that case, I will take your leave, Director Shaw.”
“See you, buddy. Right. Now I just gotta press thi-”
.Q.000000074.FS.M. D_01.15.1985_2157. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“Um… I… *ahem* This is a message for Leopold Fitz and Jemma Simmons. It’s a for-their-ears-only sort of thing, so if you’re not either of them then… uh… stop listening? No! Actually, if you’re not Leopold Fitz or Jemma Simmons, make sure this message gets to them. Please.”
“...I’m guessing this is Fitz or Simmons listening now. Hopefully both. Well, uh… it’s me! It’s Deke! I can’t believe I finally got this thing to work, haha. Uh… yeah.”
“So… you’re probably wondering what’s going on over here. SHIELD got blown up and- oh yeah, you guys were here for that. Or Nana was I think. It’s been a few years, I can’t remember exactly. Gotta adapt, y’know?”
“Speaking of! The second you guys left I might’ve accidentally become director of SHIELD. Which wasn’t my fault! I was nominated! Besides, I don’t know what was supposed to happen so…”
“Right, how am I sending this message. Funny story, actually. A few months after you guys left, Enoch turned up at my mansion and casually asked if he could murder me. Not our Enoch, by the way, this timeline’s Enoch. And he only wanted to kill me because he said I was this huge anomaly in the fabric of the universe and I could potentially doom humanity by just being here. Which sounds kind of dramatic, but nothing’s happened so far so I’m guessing we’re in the clear.”
“Basically, I managed to convince him that I was a good guy. I told him everything that happened and showed him my scars and everything to get him to believe me. And he did… eventually. He even helped me to build this quantum processor. Since this side is working now, I’m guessing it’ll work on the other end too. I’ve set it up to be like a mailbox that picks up anything that’s sent from the other end, so you won’t have to do the DNA-gene-splitting thing that I had to do to make sure it found you. You’re welcome.”
“It’s only audio for now. The 80s are great, but the technology sucks. And if we wanted to record video then I wouldn’t be able to buy supplies without getting asked about it. Equipment is expensive. Who knew. I’ll try and figure out at least how to send an image because I bet you’re missing my beautiful face.”
“That was the other thing: I miss you guys. It’s strange… I’ve spent most of my life on the Lighthouse and I knew a whole bunch of people there. Then when I came with you guys, sure it felt weird with them not being there, but I never really missed them. Probably because they came from that place.”
“But I miss you every day. Literally, every single day. And I love you. People look up to me here, but I don’t exactly have any family. I’ve got the Deke Squad, I guess, but they’re a different type of family. Not like you two.”
“So um, please send something back whenever you get this. I’ve set it so whenever you send something back, it’ll arrive here straight after I send the message you last listened to. I feel like I’m a time travel master now.”
“So I guess I’ll just… wait here. For your reply. Or just any sort of confirmation that you got this message. I’ll try and send you both a message at least once a week but it’d be great to get something back. I’m looking forward to hearing your voices.”
.Q.000000079.FS.M. D_02.15.1985_1623. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“Hey Nana and Bobo, it’s me again. Here’s the thing- it’s been a month. It’s been a whole month which is making me think that it’s something on my end. I’ll try and find the problem and fix it since I’d hate for your messages to get lost in that weird void between me and you.”
“But, if I’m gonna be honest, I realised that I don’t actually have any way of knowing if you guys made it back or not. Heck, I don’t even know if you managed to stop the chronicoms. And since I thought of that, I really can’t stop thinking about it, and it would really help if you could just let me know. Doesn’t have to be a whole message, just a yes or a no would do. You could even shout at me and I’d celebrate.”
“Seriously, if you’re all dead then… then I’m the only one alive. Again. I know I’m like 40 years behind you anyway, but it feels like the Lighthouse all over again! I got brought back from that and I felt like I’d cheated the system. Like- Like I didn’t belong, and I got out fine while everyone else stayed there and still had to suffer whatever’s going on up there. And this time I cheated because I’m the one who offered to stay behind and so I’m alive again while you’re all dead. I should’ve let Sousa do it, at least then I could’ve died with you.”
“No, no. You might be alive. You’re probably alive. I’m the one who’s… just send me something back. Please.”
.Q.000000127.FS.M. D_04.13.1985_1829. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“Nana, you won’t believe who invited me to a party! Pegs did! She was like, hey, I need you to be a distraction, you’re coming with me. Which is awesome because it’s like the first time she didn’t insult me in a sentence! Yeah… out loud that sounds kinda sad. But it means a lot to me, and I’m pretty sure you were a fan of Pegs or something? Yeah, I’m pretty sure.”
“Anyway, so, we went to this party and she said that since SHIELD is safe enough to be publicly known again I’d need to meet some guy that would help with finances. So we’re at this party, and Pegs takes me up to meet the guy. I promise, all I did was introduce myself (I was actually trying really hard to be serious and polite) and I asked his name and Peggy lost it. She literally almost fell onto the floor, she was laughing that hard. Yup, you heard me right. Peggy Carter. Laughing.”
“The guy, Harry I think his name was? No, Howard. Yeah, Howard was his name. So this Howard guy looks super offended and asked me if I knew who he was, and I said no because I honestly didn’t, and then Pegs offered to buy me a drink. I know! And she didn’t even yell at me for calling her Pegs!”
“So yeah, that happened. Since then she’s been smiling at me? I don’t know what I did, so I thought I’d throw it to you two to see if you had any ideas. You can boast to your friends that your grandson charmed over the great Peggy Carter.”
.Q.000001032.FS.M. D_07.12.1988_2306. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“Hey Bobo, hey Nana. I’m kinda tired so I’ll keep it short today. The Deke Squad got an award today. It’s funny, I was so busy with SHIELD that I’d forgotten that we had that many fans.”
“Having a double life sounds fun, but trust me it’s hard. Ha.”
.Q.000001051.FS.M. D_10.22.1988_0642. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“I finally finished my first original song! Are you proud of me?”
“Since we won that award, every night I’ve been having visions of Bobo shouting my head off that all I do is steal stuff. So since I’ve been messing with music for so many years, I figured, how hard can it be?”
“...It’s very hard. But! It’s completed, and it feels good that I can at least announce that to someone. Even if those someones can’t answer me back. But that’s fine.”
“The song’s called Alya, and it’s all about family. That was my Mom’s name, by the way. Alya. I can’t remember if I ever told you that.”
“If you want songs about you, then you’ll have to let me know, okay? Cool.”
.Q.000001132.FS.M. D_11.25.1989_1903. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“So, um… Hydra attacked. Big time. We beat them in the end, but we lost a whole bunch of agents. Joe was only nineteen and he told me I was his hero. They shot him in the head, I had to identify his body, and I... And that’s… that’s on me.”
“If only I’d taken that shot when Daisy told me to. I could’ve killed Freddy and none of this would’ve happened. I practically killed all those agents and I… Sorry. You don’t wanna hear this kinda stuff.”
.Q.000001193.FS.M. D_03.09.1990_1903. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“I’m sorry, but I can’t do this anymore. I’m guessing that you aren’t getting these messages so it doesn’t feel as weird to me anymore. And if you are… then I’m sorry you have to hear this. But you’re the only people who I’d want to hear it anyway.”
“Ever since they made me director of SHIELD, I feel like I’ve been faking my way through it. I faked my way through the Lighthouse, I faked my way into money and fame, I faked music for a fake band and I faked knowing how to be a director. I’m just… God, I’m just not cut out for it. People are dying and I can’t stop it. SHIELD needs an actual leader, not a fraud like me.”
“Peggy does a lot, but she’s got her own responsibilities to manage so I get the brunt of it. There’s a few super clever agents that can easily take my place.”
“See, I don’t wanna be director anymore. But if I’m not… I don’t know what I’d do with myself. I don’t have anyone here, I don’t belong here, and I- I’m just nothing when you strip away my lies. And I wish that was an exaggeration.”
“And you know the worst part of it all?! I don’t know whether you guys are even alive! I send you these messages every week and I put my heart and soul into them and they could be just disappearing into nothingness! Then there really is nothing!”
“So… just in case you are listening, I love you. You did so much for me, you gave me a chance when nobody else would. It’s odd saying goodbye to thin air, but hey ho. And if you’re dead, then I guess I’ll see you soo- WOAH!”
“Hey- Hey, Pegs! What are you doing here?! G-Get out, this is private, this is my house what are you-”
“Shut your idiotic mouth and hand me that gun.”
“Peggy, I-”
“Hand it over, Deke. Now.”
“Fine, here. But listen-”
“No buts, Shaw. Are you out of your mind? What were you thinking?!”
“Director Shaw.”
“Enoch, not you too!”
“Oh. It appears we were just in time.”
“You’re bloody right we were. Thank you, Enoch. You made the right decision coming to find me. Now Deke, you need to talk to me, alright? Whatever’s on your mind. You trust me, don’t y- wait... what is that?”
“This? U-Uh, noth-”
.Q.000001196.FS.M. D_03.14.1990_1903. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“Pegs and Jarvis took me on a picnic the other day. Honestly, the number of times people thought I was their son was hilarious. It was like ten different people. You should have seen the look on Peggy’s face when this girl asked what it was like being a mom to the sensation that is Deke Shaw. I can’t wait for cellphones.”
“They remind me of you two, y’know. Pegs and Jarvis. You’re all super sweet and smart and determined and kind and they just really remind me of you. Well, if you were both super old.”
“...Don’t tell Peggy I said that.”
.Q.000001872.FS.M. D_07.17.1993_1108. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“They just invented Zima! I can finally stop pretending to drink! You guys should both drink it in celebration. It’s a big day for me.”
.Q.000001627.FS.M. D_12.17.1991_2157. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“Howard Stark and his wife got killed last night. Peggy and Jarvis are broken. I didn’t know them that well since he kind of hated me, but I feel really bad for his son.”
“I think I might go pay him a visit. See if I can cheer him up. Trust me, getting orphaned suddenly like that sucks.”
.Q.000001873.FS.M. D_07.17.1993_2351. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“So, um… kinda embarrassing story time. I ordered like 20 crates of Zima, but I couldn’t wait so I went and bought one from the store. And, uh… I couldn’t stomach it. It’s been so long since I actually drank that my body’s given up on me just like everyone else. Which is fine by me, but…”
“Now I don’t know what to do with 20 crates of Zima.”
.Q.000002309.FS.M. D_09.12.1995_1342. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“So some alien woman crashed into Earth this week. It was a pain to sort out, but I sent Coulson and some guy called Fury on the case. Fury has a cool name, but he’s a bit mean sometimes. I guess it’s fitting.”
“Oh yeah, I recruited Coulson. I decided to steer Mack towards more traditional engineering since I’m guessing he’d get sick of SHIELD. I got May though. It’s weird being older than them all and not being able to say anything.”
“Anyway, apparently the alien woman might be Kree? I hope not. I really, really hope not. ‘Cause if she is… well, something about this whole situation already rubs me off in the wrong way. Just… I didn’t wanna hear the word ‘Kree’ ever again.”
.Q.000003295.FS.M. D_05.21.1998_2126. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“We broke up the band today. We had a good run. I wish you could’ve seen us perform at least once. Miss you.”
.Q.000003995.FS.M. D_01.01.2000_0034. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“Happy new year! We’re in the third millennium now so I’m catching up to you! Yeah, I know that’s not how it works, but a boy can dream, right?”
“I tried drinking again but it didn’t work out. Oh well.”
.Q.000005617.FS.M. D_11.04.2008_1738. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“Little Tony turned into a superhero. Iron Man, they’re calling him. I feel like storming into his house and yelling about how much danger he’s putting himself in. He could get himself killed, and then what’ll I do?!”
“...Is this how you guys feel all the time? I don’t like being the responsible one.”
.Q.000010007.FS.M. D_05.30.2012_1519. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“Coulson is dead. I- I killed Coulson. There were all these aliens that turned up and we had to try and get the heroes to work together and I asked Coulson and Fury to help a-and that bastard trickster killed h-him. I want to kill him with my bare hands.”
“The heroes teamed up and stopped the invasion. I d-don’t really know why. When I heard about Coulson I just locked myself in. Tony said they fought for me, but that makes no sense.”
“I just… I can’t believe I screwed up so badly. Coulson was supposed to have a good few years ahead of him! H-He was supposed to bring the team together! I’m too old for that now, and I’ve messed up. I’m s-so sorry, but I… Coulson’s dead.”
.Q.000010015.FS.M. D_06.22.2012_1712. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“I’ve decided to retire from SHIELD. I really, really can’t do this anymore. Besides, I can barely sit up straight. Fury can take over. I just need time to think.”
.Q.000132907.FS.M. D_01.16.2059_1712. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“Getting old is such a pain, right? Dr Dunphy said my time’s starting to close in on me now, and that just sounds so weird to me. All my life I’ve been hopping through time and death just felt so distant. Like I was immortal or something.”
“Guess we know that’s not true.”
“Now’s as good a time as any to surprise you, then. Back when I first met Enoch, we built an LMD version of me. Surprise!”
“Ha, bet you’re not that surprised, are you. Especially you, Bobo. This quantum bridge is just about strong enough to let one person through. Only problem is that once that happens, there’s no chance of communication from either way. And plus I was running SHIELD back then, so I didn’t get the chance to get back.”
“So when I do kick the bucket, Enoch will switch it on and help me get to you. I know it’s a bad thing to say but… I’m really excited to die.”
.Q.000138056.FS.M. D_04.01.2061_0932. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“Happy birthday to me… h-happy birthday to me… happy birthday dear De-eke, happy birthday to… to you.”
“I hope… I hope he has a better life than I had. Give Mom and Dad a hug from me. Do you think… my Mom and Dad will be there once I go? Does the afterlife have timelines? Ha…”
.Q.000138058.FS.M. D_04.05.2061_1002. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“Enoch asked me whether… whether I wanted my life memories or just my… 1985 memories. I don’t want that version o-of me to have all these memories. I don’t want h-him to know he k-killed Coulson…”
“Calm down, Mr Shaw. Try and make sense for your memoir, okay?”
“B-But then I wouldn’t be able to tell you the stories. There’s so many stories I want to tell you, so… he’ll use these memories. There were good times too.”
“I c-can’t wait to see you, Nana, Bobo. See you soon.”
.Q.000138059.FS.M. D_04.10.2061_1425. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“Hello, Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons. My name is Enoch. I am a sentient chronicom from a planet that revolves around a star in the constellation you know as Cygnus. I regret to inform you that your grandson, aged 107, passed away this morning.
“As per his final request, I have sent an LMD version of Deke Shaw to what I believe is your timeline somewhere within a 10-mile radius of your location.”
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nincompoopydoo · 5 years
Hey, if its not too much trouble, could you do a Daniel Sousa x reader where the reader goes undercover and barely makes its back and there's a lot of angst and y'know,, the good stuff ;)
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PAIRING: Daniel Sousa x reader
SUMMARY: You were badly injured from a mission and Daniel Sousa, your fellow colleague was not the biggest fan of the outcomes of the mission. Yet, things get a little heated up, in a bad way, but it may have gave Daniel the courage to act on something he had always wanted to since forever.
A/N: This is just short and sweet. Nothing much, but felt like writing something emotional. Thus, here we are. Enjoy some Daniel Sousa, yall deserve it. (We don’t deserve Daniel to be honest, what a hottie.)
The mission hadn’t gone well.
It really hadn’t gone well. 
Because it had left you with gunshot wound on your torso and a huge gash on your cheek.
That was undoubtedly going to have to take countless tons of makeup to cover up. No sane woman would go out on the streets with a huge, disgusting gash on your face.
Your mother will certainly not be pleased. 
Oh, and Agent Sousa wouldn’t as well. You were listening to both Daniel and Peggy bicker as you sat uneasily in the emergency room of a hospital, a nurse tending to your wound.
When she had begun to stitch, you gasped out pain unintentionally.
You weren’t quite sure how loud you were but it was enough for Daniel to come running in, looking extremely anxious, as Peggy trailed behind.
She rolled her eyes at you; she had done so due to his overdramatic mannerism. You chuckled lightly at this.
“Are you alright?” he knelt down, his concern eyes never left yours. You smiled softly at him in return. “I’m alright. It’s just gunshot wound. Nothing bad.” 
He shook his head in disbelief, followed by a chuckle. “You’re fucking nuts, Y/N. Absolutely crazy.” 
As soon as he swore, it was as if a signal for Peggy including the nurse to walked out, leaving both of you alone along with the tension in the air.
“I’ll take that as a compliment.” you replied smugly, wincing as you lean back into the rather uncomfortable white and pristine pillow.
Daniel looked at you with an expression you couldn’t make out at the moment, your head was in a daze from all the action drama that had happened only hours before arriving here.
“Y/N, what on earth were you thinking?” he raised his voice a little; you certainly could make out his expression at that very moment; pure anger and disbelief.
“I was doing my job, Sousa.” he scoffed at your reply as your frown deepened. “I’m an agent, Daniel. If this is because I’m a woman I-”
“You nearly died out there. How could I ever forgive myself if you had died?!” You were seeing red by that point, it absolutely did not help he had cut you off in the first place. 
“And why do you care so much? If I were to die, move on. Simple as that.” You spat bitterly.
You weren’t certain if he was about to cry or about to literally murder you. 
“How could you say that about yourself, Y/N?” he sighed frustratedly, raising his voice by every word that escaped his lips. “Do you know how selfish you’re being? There are so many people that care about and you still fail to see that.” 
You wanted to cry as rage filled my belly. You glared at him then spat out once again. “Now, you’re calling me selfish? How many times must I tell you, Daniel?” You paused, feeling your ears getting hot. “I willingly risked my life because IT’S MY JOB.” Tears were welling in your eyes by that point; you were beyond frustrated. “And trust me, in this world; no one actually cares.” 
He chuckles lightly, adding fuel to your fire. “You think this is funny?” you snap. 
Daniel’s eyes met yours as he made his way to sit by the edge of the hospital bed. “You’re extremely stupid, did you know that?” 
You merely looked at him, with pure disbelief. You were beyond ready to retort back with another insulting and bitter remark. 
Maybe it was the heat in the moment but Daniel decided to finally pursue what he always wanted ever since you stepped foot into the SSR. 
It all happened too fast. In an instant, he gently pressed his lips against yours. You stiffened at the sudden contact; your eyes were wide in shock. Chills ran down your body, muscles going pliant under his touch as he gently cupped your cheek.
You finally processed the whole situation when you passionately kissed him back, it was a little sloppy as you were practically in a daze but gentle and sweet.
He pulled away too soon, you could have gone all day long feeling his warm gentle lips against yours. Peggy had apparently walked in, leaning against the doorway, her face adorned with a smirk.
“I assume you have finally had the courage to pursue dear Y/N.” she paused, raising an eyebrow. “In a hospital, of course.” 
Daniel laughed as you blushed fiercely. “Shut up, Peggy.” he winked slyly, promptly pulling you in for another hearty kiss.
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teaandatale · 5 years
Steggy and 'I Didn't Mean to Turn You On'
86. ‘I Didn’t Mean to Turn You On’
Ummm… You definitely meant to get a 2k+ fic out of this didn’t you? Omg. Anyway.
I’m not sure if you meant to pick a second AU or if this onewas good enough but if you’d like to send a follow up for another “I didn’tmean to turn you on” that you’d like to see paired with another AU feel free tohit me up again 😊
Here is what my brain jumped to and please please thank @dorrinverrakai1 for being a muse extraordinaire and making this become what it did. (There is quite a bit of backstory that goes to this that didnt make it into the ficlet fyi.)
I’m placing it under a cut because again… This grew legs from just being an answer to a tumblr meme…
Phillips’ annual Christmas party is a thing of legend aroundthe office. It’s always a grand affair, hosted at his mansion and everyoneknows that if you want to be someone in the company, if you show up, make agood impression, compliment the host and his wife’s hospitality, you have areal good shot at a corner office sooner or later.
For Steve, who was ambitious enough, but didn’t feel theneed to grease palms solely at a company party for his own selfish benefit, itwas an opportunity to spend some quality time out of the office with the girlof his dreams.
But the evening hadn’t gone on like he had planned, not afterthe flirtation between him and Peggy the day before back at the office. Whereshe had mentioned she had bought a spectacular new red dress just for the occasion,and then inquired about what he was going to wear. And how he promised her adrink. And that if there was dancing maybe a dance or two to go with that. And herlips had turned up and she said nothing for a moment as she regarded him.
“I will see you tomorrow night then Steve,” she said inpromise.
He’d never been so thrilled. He and Peggy had become goodfriends, and he was pretty sure their interactions would be considered flirtingon several occasions, but he’d never really had a good chance at pursuingsomething more.
But then he doesn’t spot Peggy at the party right away. Andwhen he finally does, she’s standing in a corridor whispering hurriedly with Phillips,and at her side holding her hand was a young girl of seven or eight years old. Thegirl teeters on her heels and leans her head against Peggy’s hip. He knows Peggywas close to Phillips and his family, he thinks that her parents were closefriends of his. The scene doesn’t seem like one he should interrupt soreluctantly he turns away and heads toward the catered food.
He doesn’t spot Peggy again for another half an hour, butshe’s over talking to several of their important German clients so he knows hecan’t interrupt that either. A bit disappointed, he decides to take a little tourof the place and heads up the stairs where one of the bar stations was set up,but heads towards the giant Christmas trees that flank a large bay window witha lookout. He’s passing the bar he overhears something that makes him stop inhis tracks.
“Can you believe she would bring her kid to an event likethis?” It’s Thompson, his least favorite guy in the office, talking with DanielSousa, both men holding generously filled glasses of whiskey.
He’s filled with rage at the dismissive and insulting tone ofthe comment.
“It’s a little embarrassing…” Sousa agrees, somewhat reluctantly.
“A little embarrassing? For fuck’s sake, you don’t bring yourkid to a company event period. And you definitely don’t saddle the fucking CEOof the company with your brat because you remembered you have to network with yourmost important clients.” He was ready to punch Thompson right then and thereeven before he hurled another blow that surprised Steve. “Classic Marge. She’s alwaysgetting a little too big for her britches. She should really learn about babysitters.”
He knows Thompson’s reputation for talking shit, so though thesurprise stuns him, he knows better than to believe gossip from his mouth.Still, he’d have felt the same way if it was Peggy’s child or not.
“That’s very wise advice from you Jack,” Steve says, “assomeone who doesn’t have kids, and given the way you talk may never findsomeone who would choose to have them with you.”
Thompson snorts derisively. “I don’t suffer from lack ofinterest unlike some people Rogers. Anyway I wasn’t talking to you.”
“Doesn’t matter who you were talking to when we can all hearyou badmouthing a coworker. Real classy. Definitely the way you’re going toearn brownie points in the office. And don’t pretend you know anything aboutchildcare or shame someone for doing the best they can to take care of theirchildren. Parenthood doesn’t just stop because you have to work. Do you knowhow many times I spent at the hospital when my mom was on shift because she hadno alternative? Parents do what they have to. I’m sure if there was a better orsafer option it would have been taken. And even if it wasn’t, it’s not ourbusiness. It’s not like anyone is asking you to babysit huh?”
“Fuck off Rogers.”
He rolls his eyes. “Original. Do me a favor and don’t let mehear you say shit like that again. I’m prefer not to ruin your night becauseyou can’t shut your mouth.”
He storms past not waiting for Jack’s response. It’s notuntil he’s right next to the ornate Christmas tree that he realizes the baywindow is occupied. On the wide cushioned seat, sits Phillips and at his sideis the little girl with a book. He doesn’t mean to interrupt but Phillips makeseye contact with him and it would be rude not to say hello to the host.
“Mr. Phillips,” he says, voice still a little surprised. “It’snice to see you.”
Phillips smiles at him. They’ve gotten along the few timesthey’ve interacted. “Steve. Are you enjoying the party?”
He nods. “You’ve got a beautiful house. It’s so warm andfestive.”
“I like all the Christmas trees,” the little girl saysproudly. “There are eight in the house this year because I’m eight years oldthis year,” she tells him.
“Wow! You must be very special to get as many Christmas treesas your age,” Steve tells the girl who grins at him. “Which one is yourfavorite?”
She stands up from the seat and bounces on her heels thenpoints below past the ledge that looks down at the first floor. There in themiddle of the large dining room is the largest Christmas tree in the place.
“The big, big one! How tall was it again Grandpa Phillips?”
The man chuckles. “Sixteen footer. The tallest we’ve everhad you my girl.”
She grins at him. And the sight is a wonder to Steve who hasnever quite witnessed Phillips act so soft. It’s sweet. “We’re reading aChristmas Carol. Do you know it?” The girl asks Steve.
“Oh yes! I know it well. My mom and I used to read it everyChristmas together.”
“Used to? You don’t like to read it anymore?”
He hesitates. “Oh no I would. I do. Except, my mom… She uhpassed away a few years ago. I still think of her every time I read it though.”He hopes that’s not too heavy for an eight year old.
The girl’s eyes widen and she nods very seriously. Then she grinswidely at him again and jumps up from the bench. “Well then you can read itwith me! I’m a very good reader for my age.”
Phillips laughs. “Yes you are Maggie girl. But I’m sureSteve is interested in getting back to the party darling.”
He’s about to retort when Phillips’ wife rushes over. “Thereyou two are,” she starts. “Honey, I know you asked not to be bothered but Zimmermangroup has arrived and there’s the toast to be given.”
Phillips and his wife exchange a look while Maggie flipspages in her book.
“I’d be happy to keep Maggie company,” he finds himselfoffering. “She did promise me we could read a Christmas Carol together.”
“Oh that would be lovely! You’re Steve yes? Steve Rogers?”Phillips’ wife asks with a bright, relieved smile.
“Are you sure Steve?”
“Of course.”
“I’ll be back in half an hour Maggie my girl, okay? Youthink you can entertain Steve here for that long?”
The girl nods and shoves the book into Steve’s hand. “Is yourname short for anything Steve?” she asks him once the Phillips’ are gone.
He laughs. He likes how bold the girl is. “It’s short forSteven, but no one really calls me that.”
“My name is short for Margaret. Margaret Jr. to be exact,” shetells him with a smile.
Steve freezes for a moment. Can she really be Peggy’s daughter?Had he really never known that Peggy was a mother? He panics as he tries to rememberif she had every told him that information before. But he doesn’t have muchtime to ponder it as the girl demands he help do the voices. So he findshimself crying out “Bah Humbug” at increasingly dramatic tones once he findsMaggie finds it hilarious. Her little sweet giggles are infectious. So theyread, and occasionally Maggie will stop to ask questions about a hard word, orwhat he thinks of Scrooge, or to tell him what she wants for Christmas. He losestrack of time.
It’s definitely more than a half hour that’s passed whenfootsteps approach them. It’s a wild-eyed Peggy and she seems at a loss forwords.
“There you are my darling!” Peggy calls out, and Maggierushes towards her in a massive hug.
“Steve and I were reading together,” she tells Peggy. He noticesPeggy is staring at him.
Before he can say anything or explain, a second womanapproaches.
“Mommy!” Maggie cries out and rushes for the other woman.
“Hiya Margaret my baby girl. Did you have fun at GrandpaPhillips’ party? Oh Peggy I can’t thank you enough again. Wait who is this?”
Peggy, who had still been staring peculiarly at Steve,clears her throat. “Sorry, Angie. This is Steve. Steve Rogers. Steve this is mybest friend Angie.”
“Ohhhh!” Angie grins and throws Peggy a wink. “Steve Rogershuh?”
Peggy ignores her. “Steve was very generous enough to sitwith Margaret.”
Little Margaret bounces on her toes excitedly. “Mommy! Hisname is short for Steven. Did you know that? Steven.” She repeats his full nameas if enjoying the sound of it. It makes him smile. “And he does really goodvoices. Almost as good as yours mommy.”
“Now that’s a high compliment from my baby girl,” Angietells him, this time winking at him.
“That big of a compliment huh? Well I’m honored,” he tellsMaggie.
“Baby tell Peggy and Steve goodnight, it’s way past your bedtimenow.”
She hugs Peggy first, but then Steve is surprised to findthe girl come rush over to hug him. “Thanks for being my friend Steve. Maybe wecan read together again next year.”
“You got it,” he swears, because how could he not?
He notices Angie shoot Peggy another look before the twodisappear. He then notices that Peggy is back to staring at him. And this timehe thinks he realizes what kind of a stare it is she’s giving him. He feels alittle warm in his suit all of a sudden. He needs a way to break the silence.
“I didn’t mean to turn you on,” he finds himself sayinghelplessly.
It’s the strangest, boldest statement coming from him. But onelook at Peggy’s face and he’s a helpless mess. Her stare is so pointed and fullof heat he’s pretty sure he’s blushing. Her interest is so open, and full of…he feels like a fool but he hopes he’s correct recognizing it as desire. Theway that she bites her lip, the way her pupils are dilated and how she keepstracking not only his face but lingering all over his body.
“I—“ he tries to backtrack but his mouth is so dry and hergaze only seems to grow darker, her tongue flicking out to wet her red lips andSteve is unable to breath. He swallows hard. Who is turning who on exactly?
He finally gets a chance to take a good long look at her,something he’s been dying to do all night. Her dress, a deep red that matchesher lipstick accentuates every curve in her body in a way that makes Steve’sbreaths a little quicker. He can’t stop looking her over. She is magnificent. Agoddess. And it makes him giddy, as her presence has always made him. He wantsto feel the fabric of her dress, wants to see if it’s soft or silky.
“Oh you weren’t, were you?” she asks, her voice laced with disbeliefand amusement. “You mean to tell me that you didn’t get dressed in that well-tailoredtux and choose a red tie and pocket square?”
He gulps at the way she looks him over once more. “Well youmentioned you were going to wear red… so…”
“So you took it upon yourself to remember that fact and considerit when getting dressed.”
She looks so pleased that he’s confused for a moment. Ofcourse he listened to her. And if she was going to wear red why wouldn’t hewant to match her?
“And then you didn’t just so gracefully offer to reprievePhillips and watch my beloved Goddaughter and have her so enjoy your companyshe now calls you her friend?”
He clears his throat. “She’s a great kid. I didn’t know shewas your Goddaughter.”
Peggy takes a step closer. “You do realize that only makes youeven more attractive?” Her voice is lower and deeper and she’s close enough nowthat he could count every one of her eyelashes.
He licks his lips. “I um… Well… For a while there I thought shewas your kid. And didn’t know if I had forgotten that you told me you had adaughter.”
She laughs, the sound still low that it leaves him longing anddesperately he wants to lean into her, breathe her in.
“That wouldn’t be because Thompson was gossiping huh?”
He freezes. “How did you know about that?”
“Jarvis overhead him at the bar. He told me you gave him atongue-lashing of spectacular proportions.” He can only shrug. “So you can’timagine that a well-dressed man that I was already fond of, not only deftly defendedmy honor without making it about me, but spent time at a company Christmasparty making Maggie giggle uncontrollably.”
She’s standing so close, as close as he had fantasized abouthappening at this party.
“I…” He bows his head. He wants to believe her, wants to believethat any of that would make him attractive in her eyes. But she’s Peggy and asuperstar in her own right, and she’s oh so pretty he could cry. “If you likethat sort of thing,” he mumbles.
“I do,” she murmurs, tilting her head, her left hand coming upto press against his jaw. He can feel her body against his. “Now kiss mealready.”
There’s no refuting that. He flicks his gaze down at her,the adoring smile, her wide pupils. He places both hands on the back of herneck and kisses her hard, hard enough to make her gasp. The hand at his jawwanders up and cards through his hair. And oh he has never kissed anyone quitelike this. Full of fireworks and wonder and longing for more and more and more.She presses herself closer and they don’t stop kissing. He never ever wants tostop.
Eventually they part, both gasping and catching theirbreaths.
“Well…” she starts, still steadying her breathing, handsstill tracing over his face and neck, “I really thought we were going to needmistletoe to get you to kiss me tonight.”
He grins and pulls her in for another kiss.
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sueboohscorner · 4 years
#AgentsofShield Season 7 Episode 3 "Alien Commies From the Future" Recap and Review
The episode starts with two teenagers in a car in the desert. He tells her that this is where he saw a UFO. She thinks he’s kidding, but then they see the Zephyr.
The Zephyr’s controls lock up when it jumps, so they should have been flying when it happened. As it is, they kinda crash. Thankfully, they’re in Area 51 in 1955. Happens all the time, right?
The Chronicons are having a meeting with the boss lady from Bones. In this reality, she’s known as a predictor and is the one that has been guiding the rest of them.
Before anything else, Mack reminds everyone who is in charge. His plan is to find the Chronicon ship.
LMD Coulson pops in with some trivia. AREA 51 WAS A S.H.I.E.L.D. BASE! I love it. At this time, they are running a project called Helius, which was a failed ion fusion reactor. Deke explains; however, that in his time ion fusion reactor were used as weapons that destroyed ships.
Mack and Yo-Yo talk in a stereotypical 50s diner about what’s been going on with her.
Daisy and LMD Coulson talk about May and the crappy parts of American history until their mark walks in.
His name is Gerald Sharp, he works for the Department of Defense, and they kidnap him after Daisy drugs his coffee with sweetener.
May walks in as they’re discussing the plan and they explain that they have sent Coulson and Simmons into the actual base.
LMD Coulson is impersonating Sharp and Simmons is impersonating Peggy freaking Carter. They are shown into the lab and proceed to be completely adorable.
Mack and Yo-Yo interrogate Sharp. He’s a dick who uses slurs and think they’re communists. Needless to say, he doesn’t crack.
Simmons and LMD Coulson try to provoke emotional responses in the scientists, with amusing results. The head scientist comes in and asks them what to do about the VIPs arriving. Let them in.
One of the VIPs is DANIEL SOUSA!!!!! While I love him and love seeing him, he’s totally going to blow Simmons’ cover.
Daisy and Deke talk about her ordering him to shoot someone. He’s not the same guy that he was in the future and he doesn’t want to be.
Daniel makes Simmons.
LMD Coulson continues to make people cry until Daniel has him arrested. LMD Coulson is, of course, a massive fan.
Sharp made the mistake of insulting May and she almost killed him. They all look at Deke as the one guy he might listen to because he’s a white guy.
Daniel walks in on Daisy in his office. She pretends to be CIA.
Deke talks to Sharp, who tells him that there is nothing on Earth strong enough to power Helius. This gives him an idea. The Chronicons can power it the same way that Enoch powered the monolith in the future: by using themselves as batteries.
As Deke is realizing this, a Chronicon is overriding the system.
May and Yo-Yo infiltrate the base as pilots and throw a canister of tear gas into the lab to find the person that doesn’t react. May has a panic attack and Yo-Yo is still having performance anxiety, so the Chronicon gets away. Neither of them want to talk about it.
While May and Yo-Yo have distracted the base with an alarm, LMD Coulson respectfully locks Daniel in the cell that he had put Simmons and LMD Coulson in to talk to Daisy.
Helius is starting up.
Sharp is free and sees their ship. Mack tells him that he can explain. Then he punches him, because he doesn’t want to.
LMD Coulson tells the main scientist to evacuate all the VIPs.
Mack and Yo-Yo have another chance at the Chronicon, as she plugs herself into Helius.
Simmons wants to use the proto-EMP to turn off Helius. There is another Chronicon that attacks as she’s working. LMD Coulson engages him.
May and Yo-Yo fight the female Chronicon. She starts choking Yo-Yo while trying to plug in the other end.
Daniel interrupts LMD Coulson’s fight and the male Chronicon takes him on instead.
Simmons gets the EMP to work. This destroys both Chronicons and short circuits LMD Coulson, for lack of a better term.
Deke and Mack pretend to be aliens so that Sharp won’t talk about what happened. He runs into the diner and tells them that he got abducted by alien commies from the future. It’s really satisfying that everyone is going to think he’s a nut job for the rest of his life, or at least until Thor.
Daniel is my precious baby and that is really all that I need to say. 8.5/10
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javajunkieao3 · 5 years
New Steggy Story: The New Normal
Summary:  Steve returns immediately following the events of Agent Carter Season 2.
Peggy Carter stood in front of her closet, examining two dresses with military precision as she tried to determine which was better suited for her drink with Daniel.  She could hardly believe it was happening.  After all this time, they were finally having their drink.  She was filled with giddy excitement, and not insignificant nerves, as she imagined him sitting across from her in dim lighting, his hand inching toward hers across the table.  
           A knock on her door startled her and she dropped a dress, swearing softly under her breath as she bent down and scooped up the dress.  She could just imagine Jack Thompson’s jeers if he knew she’d been startled by knocking.
You never answer a door before, Margaret?
       She carefully laid the dress on her bed and walked out into the living room and to the door.  When she opened it, she quickly saw that she had, in fact, had reason to be startled.
           “Steve?” she breathed out.
           He smiled, almost sheepishly, and said, “Hi Peg.”
           Her mind buzzed with questions, but her body had no similar confusion, and she sprung forward, wrapping her arms around him. Her heart beat madly as she pressed her cheek against his chest, body thrumming with frenetic energy as he wrapped himself around her, one hand on her back and the other at the back of her head, fingers threaded in her hair.
           “I missed you so much,” he murmured, chest vibrating beneath her cheek.
           “How are you here?”
           “Can we go inside?  It’s sort of a long story.”
           She nodded, extricating herself from him and stepping back to let him into the apartment.  He closed the door behind him and she watched him quietly.  He looked different, but she couldn’t quite place exactly what had changed.  He gestured toward the couch and she nodded, following him and sitting down.
           “I don’t really know where to start,” he said.
           “The beginning is generally a good place.”
           He grinned, shaking his head.  “You’re right.  Except, in this case, the beginning is not exactly simple.”
           “Okay then.  Well, when did they find you?  That should be simple enough.”
           Steve took a deep breath and said, “2011.”
           Peggy thought she heard him wrong and said, “I’m sorry, when?”
           He turned toward her and explained everything. Thanos.  Time travel.  It sounded too far-fetched to believe, and yet she believed every word.  She understood now why he looked different, and it wasn’t only the added years.
           “And you came back?” she said, the insinuation of why clear based on his visit, and her cheeks flushed as she remembered where she had been only hours earlier.  
           “I had a good life with good people.  Really good people.  But it never felt completely right. I guess part of me always felt like I was waiting to go back home.”
           Peggy went to speak when her phone rang.  She cast him an apologetic look and stood, trying to collect her thoughts as she walked over to the phone.  She picked it up and answered the phone, glancing back furtively at Steve.
           “Hello, this is Peggy.”
           “Peggy, we’re going to have to reschedule that drink tonight,” Daniel said.
           “Daniel, hello,” she said, voice unnaturally high. “Yes, another night is perfectly fine. We can-“
           “Peggy, Jack was shot.”          
           “He what?” Peggy said loudly, her mind now squarely focused.  “Is he alright?”
           “Yeah, he lost a lot of blood but he’ll be okay. He was lucky.  The doctor said the bullet just missed a major artery.”
           “Are there any suspects?”
           “No, but I don’t think it was random.  There was nothing taken from his apartment.  His wallet was sitting on the dresser completely untouched.  I asked him if he remembered anything about the person who shot him, but he doesn’t. Look, Peg, I think you should come out here.  See if you can get anything out of him.”
           “I’ll be right there.”
           Peggy hung up and braced her hands on her waist before turning back to Steve.  He was already standing, eyes concerned as he asked, “Is everything okay?”
           “No, it’s not.  One of my colleagues was shot.  I’m sorry but I have to go to the hospital.”
           She rushed past him when he suddenly grabbed onto her arm, eyes alert and turned toward her bedroom.  
           “Do you live alone?” he asked quickly in a low voice.
           “Yes, why?”
           “There’s someone in the bedroom.”
           Peggy tensed and Steve quietly told her, “Stay here.”
           Without breaking eye contact, she reached down and under her skirt, pulling a gun from her thigh holster.
           “Not a chance.”
           She could have sworn he gave her a sliver of a smile before he advanced toward her room.  On cue, a man launched himself from her bedroom, gun drawn and knocked from his hand as he fired off several shots.  The bullets lodged into the mirror beside her front door.  Steve easily matched blows, but the man surprised him with a swiping kick beneath his feet and he fell.   He launched himself onto Steve and Peggy leveled her gun, shooting the man cleanly in his leg. He cried out, giving Steve enough of an opportunity to subdue him.  Peggy kept the gun aimed at his chest and said, “I wouldn’t move if I were you.”
           “Who are you?” Steve demanded.  
           The man didn’t answer and soon he began to convulse, foaming at the mouth.  They both had seen it before, and Peggy rushed forward, hoping to gain some insight in the last moments before the cyanide killed him, and she asked, “Who sent you, damn it?  Who sent you?”
           “He’s gone,” Steve said, pushing him off him and onto the floor.  
           Peggy’s shoulder sagged, the adrenaline wearing off as she took in the dead man on her floor and that she would now have to figure out what to do with him.  But first, there was Daniel.
           “I have to go to the hospital,” Peggy said. “My chief is the person who called, and if Jack and I were both targeted I have to go and warn him.”
           Steve nodded.  “I’ll go with you.”
           “No,” Peggy said immediately.  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
           “Peggy, someone just tried to kill you,” Steve said. “There’s no way I’m letting you go out there alone.”
           Peggy knew arguing would take too long, so she sighed and relented.  “Okay, come on.  We should hurry.”
            Jack was being treated at a local hospital under a fake name.  Peggy had been concerned from Daniel’s phone call that Jack would be in poor shape, but she found him awake and gamely insulting Daniel.
           “I see I shouldn’t have been too worried,” Peggy said drily as Steve closed the door behind her.
           “Peg…” Daniel trailed off when he saw the man standing behind her.  He blinked rapidly and said with disbelief, “Captain Rogers?”
           Daniel exchanged a look with Peggy and she found herself at a loss for words.  How could she possibly explain this?
“You must be Chief Sousa,” Steve said, stepping forward and extending his hand.  Daniel shook it somewhat reluctantly, still processing what had walked into the room. An uncomfortable silence settled, which was broken by Jack saying, “I thought he was in the ice.  How much morphine did they give me?”
           “It’s not the morphine,” Peggy said.  “But, we can talk about that later.  Right now, we should probably discuss the fact that someone tried to kill me in my apartment.”
           “What?”  Daniel said loudly.  “Are you okay?”
           “I’m fine,” Peggy said, glancing toward Steve. “But I have to believe that what happened to me and Jack is related.  And you’ve been involved in the same cases we were.”
           “You think they’ll come for me, too,” Daniel said, reaching the natural conclusion.  “Did your guy get away?”
           “No, he’s currently on my living room floor. We came here right away.”
           “We?”  Daniel said, looking between Peggy and Steve.  
           “Steve was with me when the man attacked,” Peggy said.
           “Peggy, can I talk to you alone outside for a moment?” Daniel asked, voice tight.
           She nodded and followed him out, but not before she heard Jack tell Steve, “Don’t mind them.  Margaret and him are always having their little private conversations.”
           Daniel shut the door closed and said, “Peggy, I know this is going to come off wrong, but don’t you think it’s a little suspicious that right when you and Jack get attacked, he shows up out of nowhere?”
           “Daniel, don’t.”
           “I don’t like it.  Something’s off.  I can feel it.”
           “He would never do what you are suggesting, Daniel. You need to trust me on this.”
           Undeterred, Daniel said, “He could be brainwashed. You remember what happened to Chief Dooley.  Peg, you need to have a clear head with this.”
           “I do have a clear head,” she returned heatedly. “Steve has nothing to do with this.”
           Behind them the door suddenly opened.  The pair looked at Steve, and he said, “Sorry to interrupt, but Chief Thompson said he needed one of you.”
           “Is everything okay?” Daniel asked Jack.
           “Yeah, can one of you find me a nurse and ask for another chocolate pudding?”
           Steve looked back at him and said, “Seriously?”
           Jack shrugged and said, “I was just shot, you know.”
           After the hospital, Steve took Peggy home. They were quiet for much of the cab ride back, and when they returned to her apartment they had a dead body to contend with.  Conveniently, neither of them were unfamiliar with such a situation, and within an hour they were back on her couch, Steve hazarding a glance toward her as he said, “I didn’t mean to create any issues between you and Chief Sousa.”
           “You didn’t,” Peggy said.
           “Are you two involved?” he asked.  She hesitated and he added, “I know it’s none of my business, but it seemed pretty clear at the hospital.”
           Peggy figured that there was no point in denying it now, and told him, “It’s new, but yes.  We’re involved.”
           Steve nodded, resting his hands on his knees.  “I’m happy for you.”
           “I’m sorry.”
           “You have nothing to apologize for,” he said. “I’m glad you found someone.”
           “I should have told you before.  I was just…”
           “I know,” he said, giving her a sad smile.  His expression sobered, and he added, “I probably don’t have to tell you that they’re going to send someone else here for you.”
           She nodded.  “I’ll be waiting for them.”
           “I’m guessing you’d object to me keeping guard on your couch?”
           Peggy laughed, which frankly felt miraculous after the day they had, and said, “I think that may cause some problems.  Do you have somewhere to stay?”
           “Yeah, Howard has a place for me.  He’s actually the one who told me you were here.”
           “Ah, yes, this is all starting to make more sense.”
           “Anyway, it’s getting late, I should probably be on my way,” he said, standing up.  
           “Thank you for earlier.”
           “Any time,” he said.  He paused for a moment, expression unreadable, and she asked, “What is it?”
           “It’s just really good to see you.”
           She let out a shaky breath.  “It’s really good to see you, too.”
Next Chapter:
Daniel, still not trusting Steve, asks him to join the LA SSR office in order to keep an eye on him.
(LET ME KNOW IF YOU WANT MORE!  This will obviously end up Steggy, but Daniel will be handled nicely.)
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peggysousfan · 5 years
Bad Romance
I have no idea what this series is. It was meant to be a one-shot but I decided to experiment and turn it into a series. Long or short I don't know yet, but we'll see what happens lol. This is chapter 1
As the sun begins to set and the stars come out from behind the clouds, the music below bellows louder; as does the laughter. A new semester starts for the students and teachers of New York University, and tonight they celebrate before getting to work.
Whilst everyone stands out in there own way in this bustling crowd, a young woman in particular keeps a low profile and walks among those that surround her. She notices a young man sitting alone by the bonfire, his arms resting on his knees with his hands clasped. Before she realizes what she's doing, she sits next to him and offers him a beer.
"Oh, uh...thanks." His face falls in confusion, but he accepts the drink nonetheless.
"You looked like you could use it." She says, answering his unspoken question. He chuckles lightly and reaches out his hand.
"I'm Daniel. Daniel Sousa."
"Margaret. Margaret Carter." They shake hands and smile at one another. "But everyone calls me Peggy."
"Okay... Peggy. Its nice to meet you."
"And you." She grins and the clink glasses before each taking a swig. Her face contorts to a sour look as she swallows.
"Not your cup of tea?" He laughs, then realizes what he said and begins to stutter. "T-that's not meant as like an insult or, uh, anything. You know, because of your accent. I-I didn't mean like, anything by it or, uhm-"
"It alright, I get it." She laughs. Silence fills between the two before she asks her itching question. "Why are you sitting all by yourself? The party's over there." She points. He sighs and takes a sip of his drink.
"I just... I'm not really into this sort of thing."
He laughs shyly and looks into the fire. "Yeah. I'm more of a...at home kind of guy." He glances at her and quickly looks away. "I know, sounds pretty stupid."
"No." She shakes her head and looks into the fire as well, her eyes lighting up and reflecting the bright flame. "I don't think it is."
She chuckles and shakes her head. "I get it. I'm not one who enjoys these sort of outings and get together anyway."
"Then why come?"
"I suppose I could ask you the same thing."
Daniel laughs and takes another swing from his drink, and Peggy does the same. For several moments all is quiet, until he clears his throat and breaks the silence.
"I guess its because...I didn't want to be left out. New year, new school, new semester. I already stand out as is. I guess I didn't want to be-"
"The lone wolf." At this he nods with a sigh.
He gazes up at her, watching as her eyes reflect the dancing flame, the red and orange light wisps though her golden brown eyes. He nudges her leg lightly and she turns to look at him, then laughs shyly.
"I'm gonna take that as you feel the same way."
"In a manner of speaking." Daniel raise a brow and leans in to look at her, making her laugh and glance at him. "Why are you looking at me like that?" She asks, amused.
"I mean technically speaking that answers pretty vague."
"Oh hush." She shoves his shoulder playfully, making him laugh in return. "I only meant that, I get it. I have my own ways in which I feel like that; alone. As if no one understands. Even like this," She stops and looks around at the people and the party, gesturing to the immense joy and connection they all feel.
"Everyone together, connecting and knowing each other. I could do that but they're not like me- Foreign." For a moment he's taken back by this. He looks at her with with shock and shakes his head to shake it off while she continues.
"Its easy enough making small conversation, but they can never truly understand what its like to miss something, something small that reminds you of home. I've lived in the states for several years but I still miss London. The people and the culture will always be apart of me...its my home. My heart. Its where I can connect with those that know and understand...well everything. Being in America is amazing and I do love it, but-"
"You'll always miss that part of yourself. Your home."
As they sit next to each other, unaware of their close proximity, they rest their hands on the log and their fingers brush against each others.
"You're not alone, Peggy. I get it, well, some of it anyway." He laughs nervously. "I moved to the States when I was a kid. I wasn't born here either."
"Really?" She asks, her interest peaked. Peggy leans closer to listen and Daniel smiles; captivated by her curiosity.
"Yeah." He chuckles. "I was born in Portugal, just like my parents, and theirs before them. When I was about 5 years old we moved here and I grew up in the lower east of Jersey. We moved to Brooklyn when I was 13, where my dad set up a deli shop. Best sandwich's in all of New York."
"Is that so? What's it called I may have heard of it."
"Frank's Uptown Deli. Heard of it?
"I have actually!" Peggy laughs with a bright smile. "I go there nearly every Saturday for lunch and have my favorite sandwich. Its so similar to what my brother use to mash together back home."
"Which one?"
"Bloody hell what's it called. Uhm... oh! Os sete pecados mortais"
At this proclamation, Daniel laughs wholeheartedly. "I came up with that actually!"
"No! Are you being serious?" She laughs, reaching out to his arm in an attempt to ground the laughter bubbling from inside. He nods as to say yes and she can't hold it back any longer, they both chuckle in amusement
"My nephew helped with it actually. He loves being in the kitchen and tries to help as much as he can." As their laughter dies down, Peggy looks over to him and listens openly. "I caught him one day mashing all of these different things and," It takes a moment for him to stop chuckling at the idea before his words spill out. "and he asked me to try it, so you know, I did and it was actually really good."
"I have to say that's an understatement!"
"Okay I did have to change a few things and I named it, but Marco did most of the work. And yes it is the best thing we sell." Unknowingly they move closer while they laugh once more, the air around them light.
"Well at least you're giving him the proper credit. Most people would take it," She teases, nudging his shoulder lightly.
"Yeah... I'm not that kind of guy." He looks away bashfully, the fire now dancing in his eyes. Peggy sees this and catches herself staring, and yet does not look away.
"What kind are you?"
"Wouldn't you like to know." He teases back. She laughs and looks away before looking back.
They look up at one another and unconsciously lean in. Their lips meet and she combs her other hand through the hairs on the base of his neck. He takes his other hand and places it on the middle of her back.
Once they pull apart, and the atmosphere fills with silence, they peer at the other. Peggy hesitates before wrapping her arms around his neck, and Daniel wraps his around her back, before they indulge in a less gentle taste. After minutes of nipping, kissing, and testing, they pull away breathless.
"Maybe...We should take this somewhere else?" He asks with hesitation. She laughs and pulls him in for another kiss before standing and taking his hand in hers.
They make there way to his truck and climb into the back. Peggy looks up at the stars and grins, they shine brightly in the clear sky. Daniel watches her for a moment, in awe of her beauty. He reaches out and kisses her neck, causing her to gasp. She turns to him and their lips crash into each others. He turns her around so she faces him, and he lays her down. She laughs as he lays above her, his smile shining as bright as the stars. She leans up and takes the collar of his shirt to pull him down for another kiss. Daniel laughs an obliges her. Peggy moans in their kiss as she rests her hands on his chest. She unbuttons his shirt as he does the same, and for the rest of the night, they fill each other with pleasure.
(Next Morning)
As the sun begins to rise, the sky's color fills with vibrant colors. The brightness or the morning wakes the two lovers in the bed of the truck. As her eyes flutter open she looks up and notices Daniel begin to stir. His arm is wrapped around her shoulders, and hers is wrapped around his torso, with her leg lying across his. He begins to move around, causing Peggy to lift her head.
"Good Morning." He slurs. She laughs in return and sits up.
"Good morning." She replies as she looks around for her clothing. Once found she slips on her shirt and buttons it half way before grabbing her trousers.
"You're in a hurry," He jokes.
"Well it is the start of the semester. I have to get down to the University soon before I'm late." As she says this, he jumps up and looks for his own clothing.
"Shit! I almost forgot."
Peggy laughs as he too hurriedly gets dressed. For a moment she's distracted while watching him slip on his shirt over his abs, and watches as he buttons it up and redoes his sleeves. Daniel looks at and notices he's being watched. He laughs and grabs his pants.
"What? See something you like?"
"Maybe." She shrugs before jumping off of the truck and grabbing her jacket. As she starts to walk away, he calls to her.
"Hey! Wait!" He jumps out of the back and runs to her.
He grabs her by the waist and presses his lips to hers, and instantly she leans into him. Once they pull apart her eyes are still closed and her lips are still puckered. Daniel laughs and waits for her to open her eyes. When she does they chuckle.
"Maybe we could do this again some time? Maybe, say... dinner? Do this the right way?"Peggy laughs and presses a kiss on his cheek.
"Maybe..." Her words say one thing but her eyes say another.
"Playing hard to get?" He chuckles, pulling her waist closer to him. She bites her lower lo and glances down, knowing full well what she is doing.
"Hmm, wouldn't you like to know." They kiss gentle and pull apart, the morning beckons its call. "I'll see you around, Daniel."
"See you around." He watches her run off then reality hits him.
Its the start of the semester, and he hasn't gotten ready for class yet. He curses under his breath and runs to the drivers side of the truck and drives to his dorm house.Once inside he hurriedly takes a shower and falls all around as he tries to get dressed quickly. His roommate, who is already for class, laughs as Daniel trips over his shoe.
"Haha! You shouldn't have slept in." Daniel glares at him and grabs his bag.
"Shut up, Jack."
They walk out of their room and rush over to class. Once they get there, the door squeaks open and everyone takes their seats. They mutter their apologies to the professor and take their seats. She pays them no mind as she finishes writing on the board. When she does turn around, however, Daniel freezes in fear.
"Bonjour à toute la classe. I am Miss Carter, your professor for the semester in French. Now before we start, lets get settled on the basics of-" As she looks around the classroom at her students, she stops mid sentence at one in particular; the one she knows very well from last night...
Daniel gulps in nervousness and so does she. With a few moments she composes herself and continues speaking, willing the blush in her cheeks to go away. Throughout the entire duration of class, Peggy avoids looking in his direction.As the class is dismissed and prepares for study hall, Daniel stays behind and approaches Peggy once he's sure they're alone.
"Professor, can I, uh, have a word? Alone?" Peggy sighs deeply and walks around the platform, trying to avoid looking at him.
"That may not be wise given-" She stops herself and glances up, knowing what they did is now completely wrong. "You're my student."
"Yeah... I kinda got that when you introduced yourself as the French professor this year." He steps closer, books in hand, trying to get her attention, but she keeps herself occupied. "Peggy-"
"Don't." She closes her eyes tightly, frustration and defeat creeping on her emotions. "You can't call me that. Not here."
Unconsciously a grin appears on his face at her words. 'Not here'. Could that mean she wants to continue what they started last night? Of course the only way of knowing it to ask...
"So I'm taking it we're still on for dinner, madame?" Although she's tried to fight it, a small smirk pulls at her lips.
As if her life was not complicated enough, her new lover, her student above all, presses his lips to hers, his hand brushing against her cheek and willing her protest away. Peggy knows it is wrong, she knows they can't be caught like this, and yet she doesn't pull away. She reaches up and holds his face in her hands, keeping him close...
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doux-amer · 5 years
I have such mixed feelings about Steve getting a “happily ever after” ending with Peggy. I love Steve/Peggy, but my feelings on the ship started to sour because of the way Markus and McFeely handled it over the past few movies. One of the most important things about Steve’s story in any universe is moving on and finding happiness in the present, and M&M constantly had him facing backwards instead of forwards. It’s one of the biggest reasons he felt stagnant until Endgame, and part of that had to do with how much he clung to his past through Peggy and Bucky.
The ending is so insulting to Peggy too and I hate that. Sure, she loves Steve and Steve is probably the love of her life, but we also know for sure that she moved on and made an entire fulfilling life for herself. She founded SHIELD and she found happiness in her personal life because she married someone she clearly loved and had children with him. Steve going back to Peggy means that Steve thought his happiness triumphed her entire future. Screw what Peggy might have wanted. Screw what Peggy could have had. Screw her entire family. He’s more important than all that. Steve’s act is selfish not because he was trying to go after his own happiness for once but because he assumed that his happiness was more important than hers or his happiness would ensure hers never mind that she doesn’t get a say in it. Peggy has no agency at all because she doesn’t KNOW what she could have had. She doesn’t know what her life could’ve been like without him. 
M&M and the Russos essentially treated Peggy like a reward Steve got for everything he went through, an object that Steve could get. They made the choice to go for young Peggy too to circumvent the whole “who will she choose?” issue (except not really because it’s hinted in Agent Carter, which M&M had a hand in, that she and Sousa are probably going to end together, and tbh I don’t care much for Sousa, but Agent Carter takes place right after the war and he’s there! Right there!); Steve goes back to a Peggy he knew when Peggy in his timeline was able to grow as a person in a way she no longer is able to because he’s there. 
We get treated to Steve and Peggy finally having a dance together, but it’s not at the Stork Club. It’s at home and it’s some ‘50s (white) American as apple pie hetero wet dream in the suburbs, and it’s so retro that it’s backwards and it really unravels Cap’s whole storyline and is such a disservice to both Steve and Peggy’s arcs so as sweet as it is, I find the ending kind of terrible. It diminishes Steve and Peggy’s characters and it also diminishes Steve’s sacrifice in TFA. The reason it meant so much was because Steve was willing to give up his life except now we know that he doesn’t actually give up anything; he gets it all in the end and it comes at the expense of Peggy’s agency and growth. 
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