#what are they gonna do arrest me?
every day i wake up and some other necessary facet of life is shutting down because of the damn queen this is like when ancient kings had their servants buried alive with them she can’t stand watching us thrive
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voilaammayi · 4 months
John Watson saying you join me and my companion/colleague/friend/flat mate while the only thing I can think of is oh please cut the bullshit.
Companion is already the gayest word in existence and yet you want to salvage yourself by flat mate in a desperate try of not using roommate which is actually nothing more than just the second gayest word in existence and you and I both know it.
Who do you think you’re fooling John, my beloved sweet summer child, only yourself I’m afraid.
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andfangs · 6 months
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tagged by @saw-x & @talesfromthecrypts nine characters i loved this year! i love women who look like cinnamon rolls that can and WILL stab you and men i found in or around a trash can!! yes lemon & tangerine DO count as one character, they are a set, do not separate them! tagging (no pressure and if you did it already that's fine!): @38across, @javier-pena, @hellboys, @samanthamulder
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mangokabuto · 3 months
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Some genderbend sketch before bed <3
(bonus below cut. I got carried away w/ usopp lmao)
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wild-flowerhoney · 4 months
i'm neutral about solangelo on my best days and this is not one of them so... new wip??
nico, turning fifteen years old in a camp that still does not accept him, ugly whispers and pointed stares following him around. and will solace.
nico, turning fifteen with red welts on his skin where too warm hands grab and hold. keep in place. sitting at the edge of the lake with the same hero he'd once worshipped – and percy's eyes are worried, trailing over his skin, over those red imprints. he knows this, has seen this before. – and still nico stays and justifies. not because he's weak or dumb or doesn't know or anything like that, no, it always goes deeper than that with these kind of things – all the awful things we call love. all the awful things we accept because they're the closest thing to love we have.
fifteen is a peculiar age, one of hurt.
sixteen is much the same.
seventeen is a caught breath – let me help. let me make sure it will stick this time. i can't do it if you don't let me. seventeen is the yes stuck in his throat. sticky and blood red.
eighteen is a coughing fit – eighteen is the leaving. eighteen is sally jackson's kitchen at 3am with the too bright light and a cup of cocoa cooling between his hands. eighteen is oh, darling, you don't have to tell me. it's different except it's not. it's all the same kind of violence at its core.
nineteen and twenty are for falling – find his footing and mess it up the very next moment because what is nico, if not an unfinished thing? barely able to stand without curving under the weight of anger and regret and hunger, inevitably breaking?
twenty-one is the first full breath, rattling in his ribcage – the first job that makes him want to curl up under the sheets and never emerge, the tiredness in his bones at the end of the day. the sharp inhale of the cool morning air, i am tired and i never thought i'd be breathing but i do it anyway. forcing air into his lungs because what is nico, if not stubborn?
twenty-two. twenty-three.
twenty-four is for firsts – a room that belongs to him, just barely big enough to fit what little he has left. percy shows up with lamps and curtains and a whole new set of mythomagic cards from a store near his own place, sally dusts every surface and bakes cookies in the tiny kitchen area. there's a hades figurine on the windowsill, worn books on a shelf by the entrance, an array of pillows and soft sheets on an almost too big bed. it's home, completely and undeniably his. it's a first.
twenty-five is an achievement – twenty-five is ten full years since he first sat beside that lake, beside the same man that is at his side now, and acknowledged that something was happening. twenty-five is bittersweet. it's been ten years, the lake looks just as it did back then. the two of them really don't. hands holding onto one another, breathing in the warm night air. a soft kiss on his knuckles.
twenty-five is the beginning.
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the-darkestminds · 2 months
I’m sorry but I think it’s so annoying to pop into someone’s replies and demand they change the tags on their post 😭 just keep scrolling, why you acting like a cop lol
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elliesbelle · 5 months
this hot masc lesbian who suddenly and randomly followed me on twitter is testing my no dating rule…
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robotpussy · 10 months
this white woman is threatening to call the police on me after she fucking sprayed bathroom cleaner in my fucking face and lashed out and told her to fuck off
#i know she wont call the police because wtf are they gonna do? im not at home in literally going to class#and i wont get home until the evening but the fact that she's threatening me because she wanted me#to lash out is so evil im manifesting her death idgaf anymore!!!#incase ppl are wondering she was outside spraying the door for a hour and im like im not walking past her#incase she says i did something to her. but then im like nah im gonna be late if i dont leave now#incase she says i did something to her. so i close the door but because she has the front door open my door slams#so she screams 'dont slam the door' and im like it only slammed because of the wind#and then im waiting for her to move and she won't so i just tell her i need to get past and she's like fuck off you piece of shit#and i just get riled up like don't fucking talk to me all i did was tell you i need to get past but you called me names#so im gonna do it back cause im not letting that slide. and she fucking sprays the cleaner at me#and then when im like what the fuck is your problem shes like i can get you arrested for being violent#and im like.... call them cause i haven't touched you 🤷🏾‍♀️ shes been dying to say that to me i know it#that low life penny smelling pile of white flesh will get whats coming to her i say she drop dead soon!#the reason why she was claiming i was being violent was because i kicked the air as a reflex response....#i didnt kick her. i kicked the air but shes going to run with that
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sirenofthegreenbanks · 4 months
also it EATS AT ME that he doesnt ask her WHO SHE IS. i was expecting this to be the first, second, third, fourth question. INSTEAD HE JUST STARED AT HER
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mitskijamie · 4 months
can’t get ‘ur not rocking with his little worm?’ out of my head
Simply put this is a Jamie Tartt little worm stan account
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yugiohz · 4 months
i want to go to a demonstration on sunday but we're not allowed to mask up but also there's covid this is so silly
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trainingdummyrabbit · 8 months
goooooodmorning ! ok real talk it is so Deeply frustrating how little anything really prepares you for becoming an adult. like its this huge deal and then its just like . well. i sure am older now. but now you have to instantly know what taxes are and how to start paying them, how to get a house, how to drive, how to take care of a car, how to take care of a house, groceries, money, insurance, healthcare, job, resume, money again,
like.... is it just me or is literally None of this explained. ever. and yet you must. god forbid your guardian(s) suck too, then youre extra fucked. its all like "get a job youre an adult now ^w^" and then they just sit you down and say Go For It! ok cool. how do i do that. what am i looking for. is this one taking advantage of me or am i expecting too much.
or "start looking for a house or roommates or something, youre an adult you can live on your own now ^w^" and then they sit you down and say Go For It! ok cool. how do i do that. how much is too much. how much money should i save up to survive. groceries? transportation? what if i go somewhere else far away. what places are Good Places? do those even exist? where Shouldnt i go? i still dont know what taxes are.
like damn its been like years of adulthood and i never left being a highschooler really. can someone just tell us what were supposed to do. goddamn
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sakakisilverlining · 2 months
Old habits die hard. I stole something. I have no clue what it's for, but it was small enough to hide in my pocket...
A lot of things are small enough for all of my pockets.
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vegaseatsass · 1 year
Just finished Beyond Evil. I can say with conviction that this drama contained the absolute most craziest intricate rituals to touch another man's skin that I've ever seen. Like normally I'm not that into AUs but I would read a million Beyond Evil AUs just to see authors try to capture whatever the fuck was going on between LDS and HJW in new settings.
"You PROMISED you would replace our coffee grinder that burns people but gets the job done with a fancy latte maker! You betrayed the customers, you betrayed me, I thought I meant something to you, I thought we HAD SOMETHING."
A year later, after defeating the evil corporate coffee conglomerate headed up by Han Ki-Hwan "You're - you're installing a fancy latte maker? Now? When I thought we could celebrate-grieve together? But WHY? WHY DO WE NEED A LATTE MAKER?? The customers are fine with the coffee grinder that burns them!! As long as you stay here in this coffee shop with it!! As long as this thing between us doesn't have to end...."
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daydadahlias · 10 months
holy shit if anyone could write an abo fic about omega rights activism and make it work itd be you
(is this a compliment or is this a roast👀)
it's somehow both <3 and i appreciate that
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syrips · 7 months
love when my partner asks me what i want to do as if im not an autistic polyamorous genderfluid pansexual entity
ive never made a final decision in my entire life please decide for me or we will be in an infinite feedback loop
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