#what cryptocurrency
asteroidtroglodyte · 1 year
Mocking Libertarian Crypto-Bros is not a particularly high bar to vault.
That said, the tale of the Cruise Ship Satoshi is truly a masterpiece of Libertarian delusion running itself aground against the rocks of cold hard Reality.
[some excerpts: link to full story at bottom]
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Except that Government and Industry already have definitions that reference each other; they can’t be the same thing. It’s. You don’t really understand what either of those words really mean, do you?
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“Why isn’t everyone living this way” says man with wealth and privilege that would humble a medieval European prince.
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(Pinches Brow) oh my god
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A for-profit restaurant, I might add. Not a cafeteria or a mess hall; full service restaurant. Who they intended to bus the tables is anyone’s guess; hypothetical imagined table-bussing drones, probably, given the amount of pragmatism in play.
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“We want entrepreneurs to come up with solutions and try them out” you could perhaps peruse 5,000 years of naval tradition for solutions. If you were so inclined. No? Pity.
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Priorities in order, I see
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Completely detached. No grasp on reality.
Anyway if you want to read the whole story here ya go:
Eat The Rich
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drugsforaddicts · 20 days
I think I might’ve teared my tutor a new one…
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In Season 5 Episode 3 of Solarpunk Presents, Christina chats with transdisciplinary technologist Stephen Reid about relationship solarpunk and lunarpunk have to crypto and web3. If lunarpunk is what solarpunk gets up to in the shadows of a moonlit night, that suggests that lunarpunk is inherently more interested in privacy, security, and anonymity, especially from the watchful eye of the state. That would further mean that where solarpunk is interested in renewable energy, sustainability, appropriate technology, and social justice, lunarpunk is interested in the tools, like cryptography, cryptocurrencies, and web3, that safeguard our privacy and anonymity and potentially protect us from tyranny. Do we need lunarpunk’s fixation with using tech to protect our privacy to counterbalance solarpunk’s sunny optimism that everything will all be fine to break through to a better world? To learn more about Stephen, his philosophies, and his work, check out https://stephenreid.net/
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databent · 5 months
since everyone on here loves disaster polycule stories lemme ramble about this fuckin guy i sort of know. hes making plans for a hypothetical future poly living situation and said plans involve everyone in the household putting money towards a deposit to incentivize not leaving on bad terms i guess? where people would have to vote on whether someone who wants to move out can have their deposit back (feels to me like that has potential to enable abusive dynamics but thats besides the point). but the thing is he wants to set this up via cryptocurrency ("because otherwise itd just lose value because of inflation") and that sounds like a disaster to me honestly. using something so volatile for money stuff that should probably be handled like, any other way lol.. i feel for anyone that has to navigate living with this guy no wonder his roommate-with-benefits left
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wolvesandvisions · 2 years
Because I refuse to open that can of worms on twitter but I am getting increasingly frustrated with people not considering why Elon Musk is purposefully imploding the site as far as “oh he’s just a bad at business” I am going to throw this out.
He is doing this on purpose for one reason or another.
I’m no analyst, and I’m going to share an article from someone who is and has been watching him for years below, but what I do know is that he trolls and goofs up corporations to get what he wants.
He introduced the Hyperloop with no intentions of building it just to stop California from putting in work for the high speed rail.
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And right now while there’s no definitive answer as to why he is self destructing Twitter, it’s going to have global and political consequences. Jack Dorsey basically posted a manifesto about how he wanted Twitter to no longer be a company and how he fully trusted Elon to get his needs across.
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They are both cryptocurrency buffs and want to usher in a world where hard money is replaced with bitcoin, and specifically Elon for all his involvement in the Ukraine and Russia war is aligning with Putin’s principles. All the while owning one of the biggest social media platforms of all time that have gotten cross country information to the people in droves.
He is weaponizing incompetency on purpose, and this is what he does - and it’s extremely important that we don’t just laugh it off and seriously watch what he’s doing.
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Read Dave Troy’s analysis on the situation, he is an investigative journalist that specializes in addressing threats to democracy.
You can also read his easier to digest article with The Medium below.
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no one ever talks about the fact ben’s eyes arent really green. hes a faker smh cant believe i fell in love with a LIAR
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rocketcorpofficial · 3 months
Well I was gonna give you money so you wouldn’t kidnap someone, but I don’t have Stick City currency unfortunately.
Did you wind up kidnapping someone, by the way?
I’ll take the money! and please don’t send each individual dollar in a 26 chapter pdf format. I can barter with some of the.. dumber, cursors, with that.
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arsenicflame · 3 months
"we just have to accept that AI is a part of our lives now" no we literally dont
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askthechronoverse · 4 months
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Song: Hard Drive Gold by alt-j
Kit couldn't understand it. People in New Bricksburg looked at her strangely as she walked down the street. Was it that easy to put 2 and 2 together that she was related to Rex Dangervest? The people seemed to avoid her. At least older people did. People who would have remembered the ill-fated wedding and the precipice of the end of the world. It was hard not to take things personally. She wasn't even built when her father went by that name. He was ashamed of that part of his past and never even told her about it. Yet they seemed to condemn her in the same way. It made her time with her aunt and uncle lonely.
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introverting-rn · 7 months
i listen to history podcasts as though i can change what happened if i leave enough swear words in historical figure’s voicemails
“wilson you absolute fucker what have you done with the peace points. wilson you were gonna build a new world - wilson how the fuck do you have airpods in did you seriously get all those reparations just to buy airpods”
“shove that espionage job up your own fucking arse don’t give it to the toothbrush - oh for fucks sake. you’ve ruined a perfectly good workers party is what you’ve done. look at it! it has a dictator!!”
“listen, nicky, i know you want to help your people but please just stay in your fucking room you don’t know shit about running an army. nicky go back inside and take off the fucking general badge”
“hey nicky it’s me again. look i just think you should be focusing on how much he reeks instead of how he ‘healed’ your son, he smells like a goat that shat itself… you know he actually might be a goat. check his ears”
“mr archduke sir i respect your compassion for your soldiers. you’re an honourable man. tell your chauffeur to go around the block instead of doing a three point turn thanks i love you bye”
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taiwantalk · 11 months
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why do you get the cool autism that makes you complete punctuation stuff and why so I get the lame autism that makes me hate people and hide in a fucking nest when im even slightly sad :< [tell me how to be cool im very very sadnessed right now :<]
gonna be honest, i am not super cool irl and i do kinda hate people. but i suppose if i count as cool then to be cool, just try to enjoy things, learn new facts, and do things at your own pace :D (was that good advice? hope so)
. ? , : [ ] ( ) <
9/21 (counting my words i suppose)
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ghostlygravekeeper · 1 year
Tf is this
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ryukisgod · 1 year
Sometimes I forget the target audience for Law & Order is decades older than me
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fultocks · 2 years
Cryptocurrency: What is it and How Does it Work?
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Cryptocurrency is a virtual or digital currency that utilizes cryptography for the security and validation of its trades. This form of money does not rely on a central bank, thus, is a decentralized medium of exchange. The entire history of cryptocurrency transactions is publically kept on a blockchain ledger and is maintained by numerous computers across the world.
This digital asset has a range of remarkable traits, such as heightened security, quick transfers, and a limited quantity, that make it a desirable option for investments. In addition to this, the decentralized and virtual aspect of cryptocurrency could transform global banking and payments. In this blog, we will delve into the definition of cryptocurrency, it’s functioning, its advantages, prospects of the future, and a conclusion.
What is Cryptocurrency?
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How Does it Work?
Transactions are conducted on a decentralized network of computers and verified with a public ledger known as a blockchain. This peer-to-peer system bypasses the need for any centralized authority or intermediary. Subsequently, cryptocurrency users can transfer and acquire currency directly from their digital wallets. cryptocurrency directly to each other via digital wallets.
The blockchain is a publicly accessible register of every single transaction to ever be conducted over the network. All exchanges are validated by multiple computing nodes on the network and once ratified, the transaction is incorporated into the blockchain, guaranteeing the safety, clarity, and inalterability of every single network transaction.
Features of Cryptocurrency
Decentralization: Cryptocurrency is decentralized, This means clearly that the government does not regulate it.
Security: Cryptography ensures the integrity of cryptocurrency transactions, making them nearly invulnerable to unauthorized intrusion or duplication.
Transparency: All transactions on the blockchain are transparent and publicly accessible.
Anonymity: The privacy of cryptocurrency transactions allows users to carry out transactions without needing to disclose their personal information. Anonymity is thus provided by these virtual currencies.
Global Reach: Cryptocurrency facilitates the facilitation of international payments without the burden of having to exchange different types of currency. This increases its reach to a global level.
Potential for the Future
Cryptocurrency is poised to disrupt the financial sector, with its promise of heightened security, transparency, and expedited financial transactions. As technology progresses and cryptocurrency acceptance rises, it is increasingly likely to be recognized as a bona fide payment option.
Predictions by experts state that cryptocurrency may eventually be favored over traditional money as a method of payment. This would potentially cause a considerable alteration in how monetary transactions are done and the role that cryptocurrency would play in the world’s economic system.
It currently has more than 4000 cryptocurrencies in operation, with a total market capitalization of over $2 trillion. Some of the most popular cryptocurrencies include bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin.
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To summarize, cryptocurrency is a decentralized digital or virtual currency that uses advanced blockchain technology for protection. Its various benefits such as decentralization, security, transparency, anonymity, and worldwide availability make it particularly attractive.
The application of cryptocurrency to the financial industry promises to revolutionize it through increased security, transparency, and efficiency in financial operations. Yet, before it can gain broad acceptance, its potential needs to be acknowledged by legislators and governed through suitable regulations.
Cryptocurrency presents an opportunity for dramatic transformation in how money and finances are conducted. Its evolving potential has the power to revolutionize our lives and shape the global economy. The future is sure to be enthralling as this new technology continues to grow.
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temporalteardrop · 2 years
if i had a dollar for each date i've had which has just ended up in friendship i'd have 3 dollars. which isn't that much but a bitch is losing hope ✌️😚
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