#what did you do to eddie atp
alistairlowes · 6 months
the wattpadification of 911
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momowoah · 4 months
The more I think about 7B the more I get upset actually because what the fuck was that
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stardustbuck · 3 months
this is my thoughts on what has been shown to us on screen/in canon from the perspective of someone who shipped bvdd!e and was deadset on them being endgame until seeing what unfolds in season 7 and why i slowly came to the realization that bvdd!e may forever stay fanon and choosing to embrace bucktommy rather than making it my enemy because buck is my favorite character and seeing him happy makes me happy.
certain 7x04 spec/response: buck is misconstruing his feelings for tommy with what he’s actually feeling for eddie, because it’s obvious he was trying to eddie’s attention not tommy’s—well at least tommy gave buck his queer awakening so that means bvdd!e canon is possible!
what actually happened: buck made an effort to try and get to know tommy, his attempts to get close with tommy are interrupted by eddie. so buck spends the rest of the episode desperately trying to get invited to hangout with tommy too, because buck is a silly goofball who’s unknowingly crushing hard and too nervous to ask tommy to hangout again in fear of rejection or eddie and him already having plans. buck fully processes what he was doing was for tommy’s attention right before they kiss which gives tommy a 🚨gay🚨signal. tommy being buck’s queer awakening is about buck and buck alone. tim minear confirms the entire episode was a bait and switch and that eddie was the red herring to the audience. at no point in the episode does eddie indicate having feelings for buck, in fact eddie doesn’t even realize he’s been unintentionally leaving buck out and feels bad about it.
continued below ⬇️
certain 7x05 spec/response: photo stills release. everyone is so sure that eddie and marisol will be sat across from buck and tommy and eddie is going to grow jealous watching them. this doesn’t end up happening but thats ok. as the episode continues we’re sure tommy isn’t going to return and eddie will continue his catholic guilt arc which will lead to his own gay realization. buck comes out to maddie and it’s almost feels like maddie knows buck has feelings for eddie with her “if theres something you need to tell eddie, you will” line (because of previous dialogue like bucks boy crush on eddie) we get buck then coming out to eddie which we think might spark up eddies feelings as well after finding out his best friend he has unknown feelings for is bisexual. marisol moving out means marisol bones soon, yay! buck asks tommy for a second chance, not what we wanted but ig it’s fine because tommy can be buck’s first boyfriend to show him the queer lifestyle.
what actually happened: buck is entirely too nervous but excited to be on a date with tommy. tommy seemingly knows how to make buck and blushing mess which is something we haven’t really seen before and its adorable. buck gets overwhelmed and screws himself over with his “hot chicks” line which he absolutely did not need to say at all when eddie and marisol run into them. we’re given conflict within the date because we need to see buck fully embrace this new queer side of himself, and although the storyline overall is fairly lighthearted the way tim and oliver wanted, it’s still good to show what it’s really like for a lot of newly realized queer people, especially someone in their 30s who isn’t necessarily ashamed but is still coming to terms with the fact that they are queer and having to tell people after spending so long as presumably “straight”. especially a masculine man like evan buckley. the rest of the episode has buck mourning what he could have has with tommy because he really likes him, he accidentally comes out to maddie because he can’t stop talking about how stupid he felt ruining his chance, maddie tells him he’s not a fraud, that he obviously is nervous to tell eddie because that’s his best friend and a queer man coming out to their (atp, canonically) straight friend is a scary thing to do. he doesnt want things to change between them. we eventually get to see buck coming out to eddie and seeking acceptance from eddie which he automatically is given. its a weight off his shoulders, his best friend accepts him and reminds him it changes absolutely nothing between then and in fact, eddie tells buck to call tommy because buck admits he cannot stop thinking about him but is scared of rejection again. tommy agrees to meet with him and they actually have a very beautiful conversation, buck takes responsibility for his behavior on their date, tommy assures buck he isn’t really upset about it because it was mostly about not wanting to pressure buck into something he wasn’t ready for. buck then assures tommy he is ready for something and thinks that something could be with him. their coffee date sweetly ends with tommy agreeing to be bucks date to maddie and chim’s wedding and then holding hands.
now this is where i truly started to lose my rose-colored shipping glasses and where the plot became completely lost to me.
certain 7x06 spec/response: the karaoke scene is going to be huge for bvdd!e. tommy not dressing up for the bachelor party is red flag behavior. they didn’t have to write him being on standby, even he’s on standby he could have worn an 80s band tee. he put in no effort meanwhile bvdd!e have matching costumes*. buck and eddie are going to drunkenly kiss/almost kiss which causes tension between them. buck and tommy will end up broken up.
what actually happened: tommy showed up to the bachelor party despite being on standby, meaning he could have open been there for 5 minutes before having to leave. no one else dressed up in costume or 80s themed, tommy wasn’t the only one. tommy only leaves because he gets called into work and promises buck he’ll try his best to make it to the wedding. buck is visibly upset but they hug and buck even tells him to be safe. most of the episode afterwards is chimney focused and at the end we get tommy showing up for buck, sooty, grimey in his turnout gear because he didn’t even bother getting changed because he wanted to show up for buck. tommy is showing he will put in effort of buck, even if it means not sleeping for at least 12 hours and showing up after fighting a fire all night and day. they kiss in the middle of the hospital, buck brings tommy to the hospital room with soot all over his face, basically coming out to everyone including his parents. buck is showing he’s not anxious to let people know he’s queer anymore which is a huge contrast from 7x05.
certain 7x09 spec/response: eddie is shown after buck gets his award, this points to bvdd!e endgame because everyone else has their loved ones shown after their medals. tommy’s comment about “enjoy while is lasts” is rude and pointing to bucktommy bones. the still we thought was between eddie and buck isn’t right but! buck still shows up at eddies house to confront him, ditching tommy for eddie.
what actually happened: yes, each character has their loved ones shown on screen after their medals, but i think the reason they chose eddie for after buck was because he was the last one called and it easily fit as his named is called while he’s on screen. also no one denies eddie and buck love each other, it just may not be romantic. tommy’s comment perfectly shows how he and buck contrast each other but work very well together as well. it’s very black cat x golden retriever vibes between them from what we’ve been shown. it’s also mostly there to foreshadow the return of gerrard. buck doesn’t ditch tommy for eddie because buck doesn’t stay all night, surely it’s implied buck still went to tommy’s afterwards. buck goes to eddies because he’s genuinely worried for his friend, thats what friends do for each other, tommy can wait an hour more for buck it’s not a big deal.
certain 7x10 spec/response: buck is going to ditch his date with tommy for eddie. bucktommy bones!
what actually happened: eddie fucks up bad. buck is there for eddie because he’s a good friend. buck and tommy’s date isn’t interrupted at all, in fact it’s nice that it was squeezed into the episode to show were their relationship is currently at. tommy can tune into buck’s emotions, he can tell needs to say something and asks if he’s okay. they’re still on getting to know each other terms but are becoming comfortable sharing vulnerable things about themselves to each other. they’re also openly flirting and being sexually suggestive with each other. bucktommy bones… oh boy. they sure do.
after each speculation became untrue, proven wrong, people seemed to double down on their toxic behavior and hatred of a fictional couple/person because they weren’t getting what they wanted to the point of harassment towards cast, crew and other fans. now im not saying all bucktommy shippers are angels, but the hostile reaction of people from one subset of the fandom left a bad taste in my mouth. most accounts i enjoyed i ended up blocking due to toxicity and their outright bullying towards those who enjoyed bucktommy even if they still believed in bvdd!e endgame. no im not embarrassed of being a multishipper or ‘jumping ship’ (i still ship bvdd!e i’m just convinced it’ll stay fanon atm) it’s a completely normal thing to happen in fandom, it’s not a sin to begin liking other ships or to start shipping characters with other people that you previously shipped with someone else. there’s a reason people enjoy buck and tommy together and it’s not because we just want to see two men kiss, that argument is so overused and bullshit because mlm ships so prominent in fandom you could use that argument for literally every mlm ship in existence that you hate. despite the echo chamber certain toxic fans are in, bucktommy has been well received by the GA and other 911 fans who couldn’t care less about buck and eddie as a ship. overall, this does not mean your ship isn’t valid, canonicity is not the end all be all of ships, it’s about having fun and being creative. it’s when you start trying to deny canon and villainize characters/ships/shippers simply because it exists that causes people to start making posts exactly like this.
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jackwhiteprophetic · 3 months
Okay so I don't usually go into asks, so l'm sorry if this isn't the correct etiquette (its not rlly an ask, more of a anti-bt rant), BUT the amount of bt truthers on my feed recently have been pissing me off, and then I saw this one post that said,
"honestly i love tommy not entertaining their shovel talk with any serious answers, he's like yeah this is my relationship with my adult bf who wants me so im gonna go eat my cake now (double entendre)"
Which??? I don't even know what to say.
honestly i love Tommy not entertaining their shovel talk with any serious answers
Shovel talk?? You mean them asking legitimate questions on his intentions with their friend, who they care about??? who they're protective over??? who's dating a guy that in the past was both racist and misogynistic??? Who treated hen terribly when she joined the 118???
Idk about some people but I'd def hold a grudge 💀??
And it's the way he's not even TRYING. Like they said, not entertaining their questions with any serious answers. he's just making poorly landing jokes (that apparently his cult following chalks up as sass????) and being so dismissive of everything they say.
"I'm wearing a medal" dear god I hated him before that clip but the way he was acting made me hate him even more and gave me SO MUCH of an ick.
It's the way his following are following him so blindly? That they can't see that he wasn't being sassy he was being a sarcastic little shit who doesn't know how to read the room. Henren are trying to look out for their friend who this asshat is dating and he can't even bring himself to try to assure them that he's good for buck.
Idk I think I might've gotten a bit off topic but bt stans are so aggravating???? I've been called 'delusional' by so many people in this fandom who used to be buddie shippers but converted as soon as Buck was kissed by another guy.... And I've seen so many bt shippers be like 'Oh, yeah, I used to be in that sub fandom, I know how annoying and pushy they are'. I'm SO tired of the infighting, and the sudden shitting on Eddie that's going on ever since Tommy reentered the picture. And I'm so tired of THEM thinking that bt will be endgame because it's Buck's first relationship with a man and Bobby gave his approval. They don't care about Buck. I saw another post the other day talking about how 'Evan Buckley better not break Tommy Kinard's soft gentle heart or they're gonna have words'. Atp all they care about is Lou/Tommy. 
Hello!!! Anyone is always welcome to send me asks especially just to rant, I don't end up responding to all of them because I don't want to only focus on Tommy or BT shippers because there are lots of other less aggravating things to talk about, but I saw the same post and I had the same thoughts and I will say I find it incredibly frustrating how some people have praised Tommy for that scene.
Because I think he should be a lot more ashamed of how he treated Hen, and I think if he understood the weight of his ignorance/outright bigotry on her in the past, he would be a lot more receptive of the fact that obviously she feels protective over her friend in this situation. The fact is, the characters of Gerrard and Tommy were written in S2 to show how fucking dangerous workplace bigotry is. They're firefighters. Try telling me that Tommy would have fought as hard to get Hen from a burning building than a white male teammate. Do we think that this extended to the public? When Gerrard was probably evacuating crew members from burning houses earlier than he would for white neighbourhoods, do we think Tommy stood up and said "no, I'm an ally and I say this is wrong, we should fight just as hard for every life". Or did he sit there like a fucking coward and think about cars or boxing or something? I don't have much more to add because I fucking hate the character so much and I am quite disgusted by the white people who excuse this or look past it. You should feel more shame and Tommy should show he is fucking ashamed of his actions and at least show Hen some fucking respect. Tommy should take Hen seriously because his actions had fucking serious real life consequences.
Anyway thank you for the ask!!! My ask box is always open for people to rant and I will always read them!! I'm very much limiting how much I talk about that character BC I am trying to focus more on positive stuff, but if anyone would like to message me ranting about him or any 911 thing I am always available!!!
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😈 be so fucking for real
I don't even have to ask you anymore atp because you and I both just love totruring @mazzystar24 every chance we get so.....
😈 - The Homophobic!Marisol fic
Also titled: "I Don't Wanna Miss You Like This (Come Back, Be Here)"
“Can we go home, dad?” Chris asked, cutting him off.
Eddie let out a small sigh as he squeezed Chris’s shoulder. “Yeah, mijo. Of course we can.”
The car ride home was mostly silent as Eddie drove. He kept casting short glances at Christopher, trying to make sure he was okay.
“Dad…” Chris said, softly, a few minutes into the drive.
“Yeah, bud?” Eddie glanced over at him.
“What did we do to Buck?” Chris asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
Eddie’s heart skipped at that question. It was a question he had been asking himself since that night Buck had quit talking to them out of the blue.
“I- I don’t know, mijo,” Eddie sighed. “I wish I did, but- but I don’t.”
“You need to talk to him,” Chris said. “You need to try to fix it.”
“I’ve tried, bud,” Eddie explained. “But- whatever is going on, Buck just… needs some time. Some space.”
“But he’s not with us,” Chris complained. “He needs to be with us.”
“He’s not ours, Chris,” Eddie sighed. “Yes he wa- he is our best friend, but he has his own life.”
“That’s not what he told me,” Chris sniffled. “He told me he wouldn’t go anywhere; that he wasn’t going to leave like mom did. He said we were his boys, and he was going to stay with us because he needs us and we need him.”
“He said that?” Eddie asked, looking wide-eyed over at Chris for a moment.
“He said we had each others’ backs,” Chris nodded. “He said that he would always be there for us because we were always there for him. So why is he not here with us, dad?”
Eddie opened his mouth but nothing came out. He felt the sting of tears filling his eyes as he tried to think of an answer for his son, but his mind was drawing blanks at that point. He had no idea that Buck had felt that way about them. Sure, he knew he and Buck were best friends, and he was more like family- but he didn’t know Buck had said that he needed them. 
Eddie couldn’t grapple with the idea that Buck had felt unwanted or that he was too needy in his relationship with Eddie and Chris. He began to search through his mind trying to find answers to the millions of questions that were going through his head, but the only words he could find to explain anything to Chris were the words: “I don’t know, mijo.”
Make Me Write!
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warpedpuppeteer · 3 months
sooooo did you know that someone confronted that bt stan about the old buddie post? so she responded that she stopped posting buddie in 2022 (liar bc the last post about buddie was date 15 march 2024) and now she is saying that eddie is daniel surrogate also she is still parading around that famous tim’s dm that he sent her with info about s8 lmao
Hi Non, yes, I saw the post on twt! I mean, why would she even lie about it I'm not sure because the proof is right there. It's the internet you can't hide shit 😭. Idk what she's on and what Eddie has to do with Daniel. Is she implying Eddie is supposed to be Buck's brother? Does that mean she's been shipping brothers?? *Sweet home Alabama plays*.
Honestly, she's just saying whatever atp to justify her obsession. It's a little bit pathetic but mostly hilarious now 🤣. She's like one of those crazy conspiracy theorists. This is her (and other bt nutjobs) atp:
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I hope Tim writes Timbuktu out just to be petty for that message lmao. She can frame the ss and cry on it when Buddie becomes canon 🫶🏽
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mochikofi · 1 year
Hello can give crush edward cullen x f!reader headcanons please 🙏 😊
Crush - (Edward Cullen)
Pairs: Edward Cullen x Fem! Reader.
Summary: Having a crush on Edward Cullen is not easy, especially when he have alot of fan. But you can't help but think of him all the time.. but little did you know, that the boy you like is a mind reader.
Headcanon! Kind of crack? And kind of oneshot?? Idk but i hope ya like it.
Note!: Bella's gonna be your cousin in this one. And bella is gonna be a bitch in here(I'M SORRY). Also omfg i love the cullens and the volturi so much their so PRETTY-
(sorry if y'all don't like it 🫠🫠)
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Having a crush on Edward Cullen is not easy.. especially when he have alot of fans, including your, oh so great cousin.
But that doesn't stop you! I mean, it's not wrong to imagine right? But nah Edward always reads your mind and is interested in your thoughs about him.
He always caught you staring at him so you tried to stare less so you wouldn't be embarrassed.
But you just can't help it, the Cullen's and the Hale's beauty is just so eye catching to the point that you can stare at them all day and not get bored. You mostly stare at edward tho.
You we're just walking and thinking about Edward until a pixie haired girl came to you and popped out of nowhere.
"Hello! I'm alice, it's nice to finally meet you!"
Wait? "Finally"? Did you hear her right?? Well of course being you, you decided to shrug it off and talk to her.
"Hello, I'm (y/n). It's nice to meet you too..?" That sounded more like a question to you.
And alice being the sweet girl she is, just pulled you into there seat and made you sit next to Edward like wtf?
What happened to hello? Hi? I mean, it did happen but like.. who the heck pulls someone and make them sit next to their crush?? Well, apparently Alice.
And you being the lover girl, freaked out. In your head of course. Being next to your crudh is nerve wracking. Your palms we're kind of sweaty so you hid them inside your pockets. (Pockets are the best fr.)
And Edward being the little emo shit he is, reads your mind and tries not to smile. And of course, he already knows you're his soulmate. But what was he gonna do? Tell you that you're his soulmate and you should live with the Cullens?? No lmao. But it will happen in the future cause alice said so.
And jasper being the nice vampire he is, made you calm like a water and you don't even know how. You think He's just.. like a capybara i guess.
But Bella had to ruin the moment cuz Rosalie was supposed to talk to you 🙄. This actually made Rosalie mad ngl and emmet had to pull her back. And Rosalie being the queen she is glared at Bella.
Well, of course Bella tried to pull you back but not on Alice's watch. They had a pulling competition and boy.. your arms hurt asf. And alice won ofc.
And you being a teenager who's crush is beside her, switched side and became quiet cuz you're afraid they will judge you. And ofc they won and made you talk and laugh.
You we're talking with Emmet and rosalie with random things until your eyes decided to land on Edward who was smirking st you with his handsome face of his.
You quickly looked at someone else before you become a tomato, and of course, you're mind is full of Edward.. atp it's just normal for him to read your mind.
And school was a little shit so cafeteria break was over not until Edward grabbed your hand with his. You hoped that you're not burning rn cuz your mind is going wild.
"we have the same schedule, do you want to walk to class together?" He said with his voice that can make girls weak.
"yeah." Yeah?? Just a yeah?? Well don't blame our poor main character, everyone will relate to this. We don't trust our voice.
You and eddie boy just walked together in class, holding hands. Your mind still going wild. And Edward just smiles like he's a saint.
And oh boy, you can feel Bella's stare 💀. But you couldn't careless, i mean who wouldn't want to miss the opportunity to sit and hold hands with their crush?
To your surprise, this happens everyday. The Cullen's/Hale's just treat you like you're a part of their family (The swans can't relate.) And Edward being the gentleman he is, confesses to you that he's a vampire and your soulmate and all that.
But you couldn't care less about the vampire thing, as long as they don't kill you. But the soulmate part got you wildin. And Edward being the little shit he is, reads your mind and tells your that your imaginations with him are cute.
You almost passed out.
Like wtf? I mean they are a vampire... But wtf he have been reading your mind ALL THE TIME?? Nahh the embarrassment bro.
But you still accepted Edward. And esme being the good mother she is asked you to move in with them cuz they know all the tea you got with the swans and how they treat you like you don't exist.
And you being the lover girl accepted. Who wouldn't want to live in a mansion full of hot vampires bro.
Their actually surprised that you're kind of hyper during the night like wtf. Emmett always makes fun of you 😭😭
But like, serious talking bro Edward is head over heels like you. This boy like to feel you, like literally feel. Both of you are kinda clingy to each other, but Edward sometimes questions your mentality.
"i wish i could go inside your skin so i can hug you." - (You)
"and i thought I'm the only one who needs a therapist." - (Edward)
Bella gives you the side eyes with her "friends" and she even tried to steal Edward like wtf.
movie masterlist. - navigation.
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cunninghamchrissie · 1 year
Talk to me about Hellcheer sneaking out (at least sneaking Chrissy out of her house) to do something wholesome like getting ice cream or watching fireworks.
yes it's been over a month since this ask i wasn't ignoring it time is just meaningless atp
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when eddie first suggested it, chrissy had immediately scoffed.
she couldn't just sneak out of her house, not with laura cunningham's ears trained to catch any nightly noise lest chrissy should try and grab a midnight snack from the kitchen (that was a mistake she'd made only once, when her stomach hurt so bad she was bent over in pain. and though laura had missed chrissy's light steps on the staircase, she heard the crunch of the dry, wholegrain toast chrissy was scarfing down as if it was the best meal she'd ever had. the finger-shaped bruises on her arm from being dragged back upstairs didn't fade for weeks).
but the seed has been planted despite herself. it's wednesday night, and her body can't lie still in bed.
kicking the covers off herself, chrissy quietly gets dressed, then sits back down on her bed to call eddie. she has to take a few deep breaths after picking up the receiver, the adrenaline at the possibility of doing something so forbidden already coursing through her. should she even be calling him? she knows wayne works the night shift at the plant, but what if eddie's sleeping and she'll disturb him?
but then she glances at her bedside table alarm clock, the bright red 9:17 p.m. on the display mocking her. eddie would never go to bed that early.
chrissy finally dials eddie's number, and he picks up on the third ring.
"munson manor, this is the butler speaking."
"hey, princess! to what do i owe the honor?"
"uhm, well. i-i just wanted to let you know that i'm sneaking out tonight."
eddie snorts, leaning his shoulder on the wall by the phone.
"y'know," he starts, biting down on a smirk, "people don't usually announce when they're gonna sneak out. kinda defeats the whole purpose."
he can almost hear the cogs in chrissy's brain turning through the silence on her end, and he can't help himself from picturing the cute confused face she must be making.
"okay. so, i guess i'll see you tom-"
"i'm kidding! i'll be there in 15."
eddie does his best to drive slowly when he gets to chrissy's neighborhood so the van doesn't wake up half of the uptight, must-be-in-bed-by-nine people that live there, and it's just about the hardest thing he's ever done.
this thing they have is pretty new, and his brain hasn't quite caught up with the fact that he gets to call chrissy his girlfriend and pick her up when she suddenly decides to sneak out of the house in the middle of the week. so, excuse him if he gets a little hyper about it and wants to drive around at 90 miles per hour screaming at the top of his lungs.
instead, he parks the van a couple houses down, kills the engine and the light, and waits for a little blonde jellybean of a person to poke her head out of her front door, look around as if she's in a spy movie, and scurry to him.
"so why did you want me to sneak out?"
becauseiwannahangoutwithyouallthetime is the answer that really wants to come out of eddie's mouth, but he actually does have a legitimate reason this time.
"oh, uhm, rick decided to buy an ice cream truck."
"who's going to buy ice cream from reefer rick?"
"hah, no, he's not actually gonna sell ice cream. he's just gonna use it as a front. but, uhm, he didn't actually realize that the previous owner left it fully stocked, so…"
chrissy's eyes sparkle at that. she can't remember the last time she had ice cream, only being allowed half a snow cone with one drizzle of syrup during summer since she was 10.
eddie drives them out to rick's (who's laying low out of town for a couple weeks) and even in the darkness chrissy can see the bright blue and pink stripes covering the entire truck. the image of a mean-looking drug dealer driving it makes her giggle; at least eddie's van is a little more subtle than that.
letting himself into the truck, eddie opens the hatch and tries to put on a ratty, once-white ice cream man hat over his curls, but gives up when it won't stay on.
"so, what will it be, sweetness?"
chrissy's stomach does a little swoop both at the term of endearment she's still not used to hearing, and at the sheer amount of options on the hanging menu. how is she supposed to know what to pick? and what if she picks something she doesn't like and is forced to finish it (because it's just rude to throw it away like that, not to mention a waste of food)? and what if she picks something that eddie doesn't like, and then he won't want to kiss her afterwa--
eddie breaks her out of the anxiety spiral, seeing through to the heart of her like always.
"i'll pick one so we can share, yeah?"
eddie chooses a king cone, and ends up eating most of the ice cream at chrissy's request, but she nibbles on the crunchy cone, and giggles when eddie makes a show of inhaling the rest of it when chrissy hands it to him, declaring she's full.
he drives her home just before 1 a.m. and chrissy doesn't even bother brushing her teeth before bed, not wanting to wash away the feeling of his sticky vanilla kisses of her lips.
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buckgettingstruck · 2 months
someone called out the plagiarist for plagiarism and the response is literally so. so. funny.
they said "I have no clue what you're talking about and even if i did" (she does) "this wouldn't be plagiarism if I took an idea and made it my own (assuming that my bucktommy post isnt word for word of this supposed buddie post)" a very bold assumption
they also said "now I'm accused of plagiarism over a silly little post about buck being horny on main for tommy..." girl how do you know what post it's talking about. if you don't know anything about it 💀 the person calling them out just said "why did you plagiarize someone else’s pro eddie post" zero mention of tommy. or buck being horny.
also "literally don't get how a post about Tommy can sound anything like a post about Eddie when they are literally nothing alike." HELP. is this a parody account.
atp i have to wonder if theyre a parody account. like if they are and this is a social experiment i have to close down this blog i can never be that funny
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buck-obsessed · 1 year
Eddie starts yelling at Buck about how he needs to go to therapy because he died and doesn't recognize Buck sometimes because he won't let Eddie in.
"Well you moved on after you got shot, why can't I move on just the same?! You just don't see me!" Buck shot back. Angry tears are falling down both of their faces and talking through gritted teeth.
Eddie tells Buck with pain dripping from his voice that "I see you, I've always seen you, but now I don't think I know you anymore. You won't let me know you anymore." Buck didn't know what to say to that.
Eddie left Buck's loft but right before he says "You can still see Christopher but we should just be coworkers for now I need some time.." Eddie needs time and space before he can be Buck's best friend again because he isn't sure he knows him anymore.
Eddie then walked to his truck starting to cry to himself as he had basically lost his best friend. Someone he always went to, someone he knew he could rely on. Buck on his couch sobbing as he never thought the words 'I need some time..' would come out of Eddie's mouth towards Buck.
Eddie slammed his hand onto the wheel, the car not making a sound as it's still off. Buck crying on his very uncomfortable couch.
~ ~
They go into work and they don't glance at each other much. During lunch time Buck swapped placed with Hen as to not sit next to Eddie. Chimney, Hen and Bobby all exchanged confused expressions when Buck & Eddie weren't talking and seemed uncomfortable.
Hen pulls Buck to the side and starts asking him questions. "What's up with you today? You don't seem yourself?" Buck looked at her and shrugged. "I'm not sure what you mean, I'm totally fine." Buck replied as he folded his clothes shoving them into his locker and slamming it closed.
Hen looked at him then the locker. "What did that locker do to you?" Hen crossed her arms. "Nothing.." Buck muttered. "Anyway stop acting up." She said walking away. Chimney talked to Eddie but he didn't really talk much, more worked out. (Punching the punching bag)
~ ~ ~
Later on after shift. Eddie’s pacing around his house torn between grabbing the key to bucks house or just staying in. After a good few minutes Eddie grabs the key and opens the front door. His eyes widen in shock.
Buck’s standing there. They look at each other with anger, love & lust before Eddie grabs Buck’s face like it’s something so fucking special. Buck does the same before they kiss and Buck pushes Eddie back as he closes the door behind them. They are full on making out at this point.
(E’s/E) next to the word - Eddie’s / Eddie
(B’s/B) next to the word - Buck’s / Buck
Buck pushes Eddie onto the kitchen counter and starts unzipping their pants and taking them off. As well as both of their shirts.
(They are in just boxers atp)
Buck then carries Eddie to his bedroom then setting Eddie down as he(E) gains dominance. Eddie then pushes Buck onto the bed and gets on top of him. Words wouldn’t describe how badly they both wanted each other at this moment.
~ ~ ~
Their both laying in the bed underneath the messy sheets of Eddie’s bed panting. “You’ve always seen me Eds, even the ugly bits that I don’t want people to see. That’s why I’m so scared. “ Buck says breaking the silence.
Eddie looks at him and gives him a soft kiss. “Buck there’s nothing that’s ugly about you.” He replies as he starts to cuddle Buck. “How many rounds can you go Eds?” Buck says looking at Eddie. “How many do you think?” He chuckles before getting on top of Buck and flipping them so Buck is dominating this time. “Let’s see how well you can top me.” He smirks. It ends there.
(The actual smut stuff will be on wattpad later on. Probs a week cuz school but yh)
Credits: @exhuastedpigeon
Ty for the idea, I loved making this and I hope you liked it!! <33
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russellradio · 4 months
atp I'm asking what did oliver do to tim that his karaoke scene got cut, his story was pushed in the background and buck/bobby in the finale was cut too even though the story desperately needed some emotion... his dead silence is hilarious but I feel bad for him? eddie's ghost wives got more screentime
when you put it like that 😭
only liking that thumb post is such a funny way to deal with it but we can't blame him if he didn't feel like sharing promo
I would've loved to see those scenes. and then some. I don't want to seem too negative because I loved every single moment he had this season but as I said before, I think they missed some chances and cut at the wrong ends, and s8 has to deal with eddie & chris, henren and bobby's comeback first, so..
I hope it was just an unfortunate time issue and he has a blissful hiatus 🙏
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alistairlowes · 6 months
why are you unsatisfied i'm genuinely curious
okay actually enough time has passed. like i didn’t really wanna say anything i get everyone is happy so i don’t want to bring in negativity nor certain people in my ask box but actually i don’t care everyone can call me whatever they want it's all just buzzwords to me at this point anyway.
i wish i was happy because i know looking at it from the bigger picture this is a win but i’m so annoyed on how it played out. like of all the characters why did they have to bring back converted racist misogynist lmao and do this with almost no built up. they could have literally introduced someone new and it wouldn’t make any difference.
i just can’t get over buck saying he was trying to impress tommy because girl when? you mean when you were doing whatever you were doing in front of eddie for the whole episode? why were you upset over chris talking about tommy like that then? logistically from the writing perspective weird sentence to include when that didn’t happen at all. like tim clearly knows his fanbase and that's why the whole episode was more of a buddie bait and it was intentionally framed to look like it was going to go in that direction finally but at the end they decided to subvert expectation by partially giving everyone what they want except it made no fucking sense when they made it seem like something else. and i also don't see how tommy likes buck now after whole episode of him not giving a shit about him but alright.
atp i really do believe they'll do canon buddie like what are they gonna call us crazy for believing that now lmao. but i didn't want buck arc to go like this especially not with this rando who they brought back for 3 episodes as a plot device. i can think of at least 10 better ways to write this with more care and not just “hey guess what actually” at the end. also eddie once again being used for buck’s development something something but that is a rant for separate post.
and the thing is i saw the leaks for this episode and i went no way in hell is this happening it’s so out of the blue it’s so wattpad. not the bi thing but buck and tommy. and then it actually happened. and i saw next weeks leak too and i know i’ll be pissed but heard they changed that so who knows <3 i just don't like when writers and showrunners do this will they won't they HA we gotcha now thing.
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stardustbuck · 4 months
toxic bwddie shippers are going to read into everything. you can’t stop it from happening. i think part of the issue is that journalists immediately started talking bwddie when bi buck came to be because it would get clicks and they knew just how popular it was. i don’t fault any of the actors for feeding into a little, they obviously thought it was fun and lighthearted to talk about, these people are not ingrained into fandom culture the way a lot of us are. what you find to be “hints” is simply an actor expressing they’d be open to a storyline if it were to be brought up. that they understand why people ship it, that the content is there and they see why people read certain scenes as romantic. sometimes two actors having great chemistry on screen is both a blessing and a curse.
tim minear is writing bisexual buck the way he wants to, not to appease a certain subset of fans. perhaps he fiddled with the idea years ago, but what we have now is bisexual buck with tommy kinard as his boyfriend. the idea of eddie and tommy was simply that, an idea, that ryan seemingly didn’t want to do because perhaps it felt wrong to him for eddie’s character. headcanoning eddie as gay or demi or anything is fine, writing him as queer is fine, but so far all i’ve heard from ryan is that he considers eddie to be a heterosexual man with an deep, meaningful friendship with a queer man and that means a lot to him considering how he feels male friendship should be.
of course buck and eddie are going to share copious amounts of screentime together. they’ve damn nearly been attached at the hip since s2 and bffs for liferz, buck and eddies friendship is important, buck is essentially christophers godfather/uncle, not his father. buck’s arc of the season was in the beginning, so we don’t focus as much on him as tommy because again, their storyline for the season was over, but tommy was brought back even just for 60 seconds to show that their relationship is still going strong, with what little time the crew had to work with this season, i think many people can agree they did a good job introducing this relationship and by the end getting people excited for season 8 to see their relationship grow and struggle with the reintroduction of captain gerrard.
but it’s clear no matter what, there is going to be people who are reading into every single thing and claiming it’s bwddie hints and well, maybe you’re right but atp im highly doubting it’s happening. especially with the way people are acting.
you’ll continue to hate tommy, you’ll continue to complain, you’ll continue to grasp at straws for how “this is how bwddie with happen still!” by the end of s8 when buck and tommy are most likely still together.
i can only hope people will come around and start to realize how amazing it is we even have bisexual buck at all and that bucktommy isn’t the evil ship you think it is now.
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sayyourprayers · 9 months
Do people even know what NDA even is? Some fans seem to be beating the death horse to come up with excuses atp. Like sorry but Argyle not returning is hardly surprising at all, especially considering ST's history and record of their treatment of POC. Like... guys, please face the reality, lol. Eduardo doesn't need to try to 'hide' his return. That's just not how NDA works, because you know, Argyle returning wouldn't be a spoiler or a big thing to hide. This is not some 'Will or won't Eddie come back, let's test Joe Quinn' type of shit or a mystery.
Also just what part of ST has successfully stayed a secret? If it's not the heavy-handed marketing, it's the "leaks" from production and if not that then stupid af cast members who dunno when to shut up. Imagine being so far up the dbros arse that you're basically seeing through their eyes. And yet the explanation you come up with is er....... NDAs.
Lemme disclose something to you fucks of the fandom, sometimes silence is golden. Y'all showing your asses. This show has repeatedly tokenised POC and it's not even some expectation of do better honestly. Cuz don't - your vision and shit. But also my vision. N I see. N I see this lazy shit. There's many accounts in that there's more than 1 account ( just mine and also mine along with others') that has posted about this stuff and/or ranted about it but the silence and sometimes the not silence has completely cemented the fact that the DBros know their fandom. N it's Tumblr so gay love yay. But beyond that this fandom is quite stereotypical and traditionalist in the more worse sense of those terms.
Y'all are the GA y'all loathe. Some of the RBs on those posts and I remember clearly who said what were so..... Well let's say I didn't appreciate them mooning on my dash. Glad to be out of service. But it's a certain crowd. N that's kinda expected. So not suprised where it's coming from. But just that it's coming at all.
I mean they didn't address Bob's death or did that with Kali. So hey sometimes white characters also get fucked over. Why not use that as a defense? But that would be admitting to bad writing. Totally such a very most toughest choice to choose to defend between the writing and the racism. So tough. God bless.
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thestobingirlie · 1 year
i've been reading this fic for a while that's handling the s2 cheating so strangely. like, it's flat out acknowledged as cheating and jonathan tells steve what happened at murray's. steve just kind of swallows down his reaction then never talks about it again which imo doesn't align at all w his previous behavior but if it was further addressed later i wouldn't mind that much. then, nancy (and jonathan as her doormat) keep forcing steve to spend time w them even tho he's clearly uncomfortable; steve also doesn't say anything about this even tho, in the situations shown, he would have no reason to be willing to force down his feelings about this. then eddie (this is set immediately post s2 btw and makes steddie friends for unrelated plot reasons) is like "she cheated on you, that's fucked up, why are you still friends w her" and steve says it's complicated bc of the upside down but nothing to do w the upside down is happening at this point to make steve willing to look past this. this is also made further annoying by a scene of eddie and wayne talking where wayne outright says eddie seems more bothered by the cheating than steve which ???? this all keeps going until nancy ends up apologizing for hurting steve w the bullshit speech and w/e but not for the cheating or the lying by omission which led to jonathan telling steve instead of her? as in the cheating is not mentioned at all in the scene. then stoncy are all besties. like it makes no fucking sense to me. steve should be absolutely furious for like 15 different reasons at this point. like nancy cheated on him, lied to him about it by omission, put the onus of the breakup on him in the process, just let him say all that stuff about being a shitty boyfriend (tho she did apologize for that specifically and said he wasn't), forced him to interact w her and her new boyfriend she cheated with despite steve clearly being uncomfortable, and potentially just let jonathan be the one to tell steve about the cheating w no comment or acknowledgement. it's unclear whether nancy knows jonathan told steve. but steve just does not get to be angry or feel any type of way about any of this, forgives nancy after one conversation that barely touched on any of that, and is now completely comfortable being friends w jancy. anybody would be Going Through It atp but esp steve considering his canonical issues w infidelity like wtf. then i feel like all of this is made worse by the purposeful juxtaposition w eddie's reaction which is heavily implied to be bc he's jealous since he has a crush on steve, as opposed to him possessing baseline empathy for other human beings. it's just so baffling but i am unfortunately invested in the main plot of this fic so i just keep suffering. sorry this got so long it is just so confusing to me.
people are so weird about the cheating. some of it comes from the person writing preferring j/ncy, and so not wanting to acknowledge it. and then i think some of it comes from people just not wanting to… shit all over jonathan and nancy? they don’t really know how to fully recognise that the cheating was bad without totally vilifying jonathan and nancy.
i think fics like you’re talking about are also influenced by the way steve’s depicted as a total doormat within the fandom. people just don’t know how to write him standing up for himself, putting himself first, and not needing someone else to fight his battles.
this is obviously just my opinion, but i fully believe neither steve or nancy spoke, like, at all post s2. steve because he was heartbroken, and nancy because it was fucking awkward! and she’s not gonna put herself through that lmao. so i always find it… idk, maybe a little ooc when people have them immediately jump to spending time together post s2.
i think with eddie, people want to push the romance as quickly as possible, so any empathy or anything he feels for steve is obviously being influenced by his feelings. so, you end up with stuff like the fic you’re talking about, where eddie only seems to feel bad for steve because he wants to date him.
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emblazons · 1 year
To be honest, we do not even have to stretch here... because the thing here is that the Duffers do not want to kill their main characters, so it is obvious Steve and Jonathan are safe. Like, they killed Eddie in Steve's place so Steve would not need to die. They brought Hopper back and refused to kill Max in the same season, but do you seriously want me to believe that they would kill Jonathan or Steve, or any other main character for that matter?
Also, like you said, it does not make sense narratively. 'Outcast' characters die in the story but... they are created to die as they were written to be minor characters and usually are there to further the main characters' stories. Some characters need to die in the story. Eddie-> died to further Dustin's story, Barb->died for Nancy's story, Bob-> died for Joyce's story. Billy was a villain who 'had to die' to further Max's story, etc.
Like none of these are main characters... I'm just, I do not get the point here. Also, Will doesn't have to lose someone to death, because I keep seeing this point that he's not lost someone. Will literally lost his biological father due to negligence, he lost his parental figure Bob to death in S2 (not to mention it being kind of his own fault) but the writers even sort of backtracked from that notion since they were literally gonna make Will kill Bob with his own hands lmao? You do not have to create further angst for a character that has already lost so much since S1 based on his trauma, agency, control and suffering from Vecna/MF/the UD. Heck, even El did not lose Hopper or Max permanently. What makes you think they just gonna kill Jonathan, not only it does not fit Jonathan's story but it also doesn't do justice for Joyce and Will's stories.
I’m not even gonna leave more commentary because you’re correct lmao. There’s no reason to kill off any of their main cast truly—if you’re looking at their solo arcs and relationships OUTSIDE of any ship discourse.
None of their arcs are finished, and none of the main ensemble character arcs would be resolved in a satisfying way with their deaths, even if they aren’t “fan favorites.” That, combined with the duffers desire to have a primarily happy ending + caring more about heart and “childlike-sensibilities” at their core than anything?
They literally mentioned potentially having a Henry/Vecna redemption arc LMFAO the “genuine expectation of death” talk for any main characters (even ones I think could die) is kinda a misaligned understanding of the duffers atp I’m sorry to so plainly say. 🤷🏽‍♀️😂
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