#what if I said there is fucking tears on my eyes nos
snarkylinda · 9 months
Sad bitch though of the day: whenever he graduated, was Spencer always alone?
We know he graduated HS at 12 years old, in Las Vegas, so Diana might had been able to go. And that is a huge might, because by this point her state was bad enough to not notice her son wasn't in the house all day in a bad day (Elephant's Memory backstory)
Now his first PDh was on California, when he was around 14- no mention of any College friend, and hell there is the little "she lived there for size months and didn't made any friends? Though that only happened to me." Joke that yeah- anyways I doubt his mom got to be there since it was in fucking California, so it's not a stretch to say he was on his own here.
We don't know when he got his other titles- but it's safe to say that at least one happened after he institutelate her, yikes, and I like to think that Gideon was in one of them at least.
Point is- imagine this: you are collecting titles like they are pokemon, sure being a Genious™ gives you a heads up that literally nobody else around has on the academic side but as it has been shown over, and over, and over again Spencer's intellect is strictly linked to his mental state; if he feels pressured enough he might see something that nobody else sees- or be completely unable to focus (*points to Zugwang, the most in your face example since he actually states it to the camera*) high school must had been a breeze at the academic department, but it was also when he was the most targeted (again he studied with fucking sociopaths), so....yeah, being a Genious is the only reason why this kid managed to do that with that environment.
Then college- Spencer is a little vindictive bitch so if he was ever mistreated in college we would had known about it almost instantly so it's safe to assume it was chill, if a bit lonely. And I mean in college most people don't care enough to fuck you up on the same way high schoolers do so it's fitting- but he was still a 14 years old, in another state. Mature enough to care for himself? Sure -it's not like he had any other option tbh- but he was still a fucking 14yo in an adult space, no wonder he knows how to keep a fucking anxiety attack at check. So obviously, going through all of this, Genious or not, must had been hard af.
College is hell. I dropped out of my first career and cried all night, we as humans tend to have this need of validation over our accomplishments hence why graduation is so idolized, we want to feel good about the years of our lives we lost to get there, with our closer family members cheering at us...
Now I want you to picture someone that is not even an adult, not friends in the class, no one at the crown cheering for them- maybe a teacher could cheer them up? But that is as far as it comes, as they just...look at the title they earned while dealing with some shit™, maybe a reporter or something want to interview them because what they did was awesome and their teachers puff their chest with pride over having taught such a prodege... and then they look in the way the other students are taking photos with their loved ones and talking about going to dinner to celebrate....
That, but 6 times.
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I have a request (if you’re still taking them)
Hero x villain but yk the trope of “oh shit I’m almost dying, my enemy is my only option” instead “oh shit I’m dying, I might be ok at home; how convenient that my enemy is here”
:) 🕯️candle as payment (I love your writing sm btw, just 🥰🥰🥰)
It was laughable. Hilarious. Ridiculous.
Halfway home the hero had noticed something stinging in their stomach. It wasn't enough to concern them, though it felt like they were going to die a horrifc death any second. Sharp moments of pain were much too familiar to them to heed. In truth, they were surprised their body had made it this far.
Then, on the subway, they noticed something sticky. At first, they tried to ignore the warm feeling that was evolving into a scorching hot nightmare under their clothes. They didn't dare to reach under their jacket and feel what was going on. So, they got off the subway, ignored the cruel pain. It took them long to get home today, terribly long but they didn’t really mind that either. Everything seemed like a fever dream but that could’ve also been the weather's fault, right?
And then, when they turned around the corner and bumped into a guy, pain exploded in their stomach, so hard, so nauseating it made them want to throw up. It occurred to them on their doorstep that maybe they weren’t alright. And really, as they reached under their shirt, they felt the blood.
Once they were home, they threw themselves onto the couch, taking in a deep burning breath. Somehow everything spun around them. They were dying. It was so overwhelming they were too incensed to actually do something. All of it had happened so quickly. Their jacket was soaked in red soup.
“Holy shit—” The hero nearly got a heart attack. A blurred version of their nemesis towered above them, clearly interested in what was happening. The hero’s voice was screeching metal. “Don’t do that.”
“What…” The villain eyed the wound, their eyes calculating. Their playful smirk fell and got replaced with an honest frown. “What happened?”
“I don’t know, I—” The hero didn’t finish the sentence. But they hissed in agony. There were tears in their eyes. They felt weak and pathetic. They didn’t want this. They wouldn’t survive this. There was only one way left. “Please kill me.”
The villain glared at them.
“No fucking way,” they said.
The villain pushed them down harshly which made them sigh even more pathetically. With quick hands, the villain managed to take off the jacket and shirt.
“Please…” the hero whispered. They felt the villain’s warm hands on them. A gentle touch in a mad situation. It was a glimpse of heaven, the hero thought. They looked down at their stomach and realised how much blood loss they actually had endured.
“Fuck…” the villain mumbled. “Not you too…”
“Wait, what do you…” The hero couldn’t keep their eyes open. “…what do you—”
They grabbed the villain’s wrist as hard as they could and started squeezing.
“No,” the villain said. “Sleep.”
That was unfair. The villain ruled over sleep and dreams. They could make nightmares come to life, they could make people sleep for centuries. They could numb people, turn them into maniacs from insomnia. It was insane.
And that’s all they needed. A command. One command and the hero passed out.
They awoke after what felt like seconds. Everything felt numb, everything swam in their head. They found themselves in their own soft bedding and when they turned around, they bumped into a sleeping villain.
It didn’t take them long to blush.
“Go back to sleep,” the villain mumbled. Not a sleeping villain, then.
The hero looked down at themselves and surprisingly so, they were in perfect condition. Their skin was healed. No blood. No scars. Nothing.
Maybe all of it had been a dream the villain had created.
“Don’t go in the bathroom, it looks like I slaughtered a pig,” the villain murmured into the pillow. “Come here.”
The hero obeyed and pulled the blanket up to their nose, their body close against the villain’s. They’d been in intimate situations before but this…
“You alright?” the villain whispered.
“I’m perplexed. What happened?” The hero didn’t even mind the proximity. They just wanted answers.
“You had a parasite that fed on your powers,” the villain said groggily.
“What?” the hero screeched. They wished they would’ve died. This was worse than death.
“Alien parasite. Eating powers.”
“That’s disgusting.” They squeezed their eyes shut and tried to push that image away. Something living inside of them. They needed to puke.
“It is.”
“Oh god, I’m gonna throw up.” They covered their mouth with their hand and sat up in bed again.
“Don’t,” the villain groaned. “You’re not the first one to have it and you won’t be the last.”
“I’m seriously gonna throw up,” they said. They felt their throat tighten, felt the tears coming, the saliva…
“Not on me, pretty please,” the villain answered. They put a hand on the hero’s back and suddenly, all those horrible feelings washed away. They supposed it was some sleep magic or something. “Easy. You did well. You’re okay.”
The hero took in a deep breath.
“Those parasites don’t look like animals, they’re like a smooth black ball that absorbs energy.”
“That’s not helping me,” the hero said. They were so overwhelmed. Parasite? The villain next to them? “How did you kill it?”
“I made a bargain.”
“What does that mean?” the hero said. They were so desperate for answers it hurt.
“Please let us rest, I’ll tell you everything in a few hours. It’s been a long night.” They grabbed the hero’s waist and held them as if they were two lovers. They pulled them closer, their chin on the hero’s forehead.
“Last thing, why are we sleeping in one bed if I may ask?”
“Heals you.” The villain shrugged. “And you’re the only one who can make me fall asleep.”
pt. 2
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nattinatalia · 2 years
Jack Harlow x Reader : DOUBLE TROUBLE
A/N: Mía is 17 & EZ is 15
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“It’s dad again, are you going to answer it?”
You shake your head. “No, we’re almost home anyway so I’ll talk to him there.”
You’ve been dodging your husbands texts and calls all day long, but to be fair, you both were super busy attending important meetings.
“Ama? Did you hear a word I just said?”
“I’m sorry mijo, what was that?”
“Are you okay?”
You nod and continue to drive home. “Yeah, just a little distracted but I’m okay. Now tell me what were you saying.”
“I said I passed my finals today, you think dad will finally let me join the football team?”
“I don’t know mijo, it’s actually not up to him, it’s up to the coach and your counselor. You were falling behind pretty bad.”
“Dad said if I proved to him that I was keeping my grades up and passing my finals that he would talk to them and that I would also get the Beamer I wanted.”
You chuckle at that. “Ezequiel you’re not getting a BMW for doing what you’re supposed to do. Un carro? Por favor, yo no tenía carro cuando estaba joven, I would have to walk or get the bus everywhere when I was in school.”
Ezequiel groans “Mom, come on?”
You’re pulling into your home parking lot now. “You know what? You talk to him and let’s see how it goes.”
“What’s the point? He listens to everything you say so he’ll obviously say no. So thanks.” He says, gets out of the car and slams the car door and walks into the house.
“Ángel Ezequiel, do not slam my door.” You yell and go after him.
“Don’t whatever me, your attitude needs to be checked. Y asi quieres un carro.” You place your purse and keys on the table that’s by the entrance.
“What is going on? What’s with the yelling?” Your husband asks, coming from the living room.
“Ask your son, I have to prepare dinner.” You roll your eyes and walk to the kitchen.
Jack furrows his eyebrows and looks at his son. “What happened?”
“I don’t know, ask her.” Ez shrugs
“I’m asking you.”
“She’s been like this all morning, then I told her I passed my finals and asked her for something and she got mad and said no.”
“You passed? That’s amazing, see you can do it, it’s just that you’re too lazy to actually do the work and study.”
Ezequiel nods. “Anyways, I told her how you said I’d be able to join the football team if I passed and I might have asked and threw you under the bus and asked her about the car.”
Jack groans. “I was supposed to talk to her first, ease her into the idea of it.”
“Why though? I don’t understand why she’s against Mia and me getting a car. What’s the big issue?”
“Todavía con eso?” You say, having heard them from the kitchen. “You know what? Get him the car, take him to a damn strip club for all I care.” You yell and go back to the kitchen.
Jack and Ezequiel stare at each other.
“What did you guys do to mom?” Mia asks, coming down the stairs.
“Let me figure out what’s going on, something must’ve happened.” Jack says and goes to follow you.
Mia crosses her arms and looks at her brother. “What’d you do?”
“What makes you think I did something? She’s probably on her period, don’t you girls get all moody and stuff.”
Mia glares and goes and punches his arm. “You’re a fucking idiot, how are you dads son?” She leaves and goes to the kitchen to check on her mom.
“Babe, what’s going on? you just went off on EZ. You never do that. You don’t yell in front of the kids at all, what’s going on?” Jack asks you.
You shrug and wipe the tears from your face. “Nothing.”
“Can you drop it please?”
“Sweets you-“
“Dad.” Mia shakes her head, Jack takes in a deep breath, nods and walks out of the kitchen.
After Jack walks out the kitchen, Mia stays with you and helps you with dinner. She doesn’t say anything, she just helps cut out the vegetables, but throws little glances at you here and there.
Once dinner is done Mia stops in front of you and smiles at you. “Antes que nos sentemonos para cenar, just know we can get through it together as a family. I love you and I know something is going on, just know that I’m always here, just like you’re always there for me.”
You smile “Thank you mija but it’s nothing you have to worry about.”
“Okay, I’ll go call them.” 
You finish setting up the table, Jack and the kids sit down and you four start eating. 
You cough, “Ezequiel, I want to apologize for how I was acting. I never yell at you kids and I shouldn’t start now.” 
EZ nods “Maybe I shouldn’t have pushed the topic. You and dad know why you do the things you do. I’ll stop asking about the car.” 
Jack stares at you but doesn’t say anything. “We can visit the topic of the car some other day.” 
“Wait really?” 
You nod, “Keep up the good grades and we’ll see.” 
“You got it, gracias ama.” 
You smile and continue eating, you ask Mia how school and work went. You all have small random conversations until dinner is over. 
You’re washing the dishes with Jack by your side just staring at you.
“Are you going to say anything or are you going to continue to stare at me you freak?” You ask, smiling at him.
“Y/N, what was really happening? You never go off like that.” 
You shrug “Nothing, I don’t want to talk about it.” 
“We never end the day with stress or fighting.” 
“We’re not fighting though?” You turn your head to look at him and pass him a plate so he can put it inside the cabinet. “It’s just stress, I’ll talk about it some other day.” 
“Why not now? I’m just trying to help you and trying to understand you.” 
“Since when do we keep things from each other?” 
“That’s not what I’m doing, I just -“ 
“But that’s exactly what you���re doing. You always tell me when something is bothering you, whether it involves work or our family.” 
You slam the plate on the sink “I’m pregnant.” 
“Jack” Lips trembling, you start to cry “I’m-” You’re full on panic mode and can’t get the words out. Jack notices you’re being serious so he holds you to his chest.
“I do-“ you take a deep breath “I don’t know what to do.”
He rubs your back. “It’s okay baby I got you. Let’s go sit down and get you to calm down yeah?”
You nod, so he guides you to the living room where both Ezequiel and Mia are. 
“What’s going on?” Ez asks. 
Jack feels your body shaking. “Give us the room please.” 
“Mom?” EZ kneels in front of you.
“Come on Ezequiel, déjalos que hablen.” Mia says and grabs her brother and they both walk out of the living room.
“Okay baby I need you to take a deep breath, relax. Tell me exactly what’s going on.” 
“I’m pregnant, pregnant with twins.” You say.
“Twins?” He asks smiling 
 “I don’t know if it’s something I want. I mean our kids are teenagers, I’m older now, what if something goes wrong? What if I’m not ready for this? Things change and it’s been years since I last looked out for a newborn, there’s so many things to be afraid of and I don’t know if I can handle-“ 
“Babe, why would you say you don’t think you want this? We’ve talked about having more kids since Ezequiel learned how to walk.” 
“I’m older and it’s scary for older women to get pregnant and have kids, I’m worried about that and what if I forgot everything? How to change a diaper, how to feed a baby.” 
“Y/N” he starts and shakes his head. “We’ve been here before, we can do this.” 
“Jackman, it’s twins. We’ve never dealt with two newborns at the same time. How can you be so sure?.” 
“Baby, answer me this. How did you feel when you found out you were pregnant?” 
“I mean I felt a warm sense of happiness.” You say smiling. “Having more babies with you has always been a dream. But then I got to my appointment and then my mom reminded me how it’s risky, so all that happiness turned into what ifs and doubts.” 
“You’re healthy, we’ll talk to the best doctors and make sure you and the babies are safe.” He holds both your hands. “But I can’t force you into anything, especially into carrying two babies, whatever you want to do I support you one hundred percent. It’s you and me, always.” 
You close your eyes. “I’m just afraid.” 
“I know baby, you have every right to feel that way.” 
“I just need to sit back and think things through.” 
Jack holds you to his chest and rubs your back. “I’m here baby. Let me know what you need and I’ll help you.” 
“Just hold me please.” You whimper out. 
You both are laying on the couch now, Jack whispering sweet words and comforting you. 
You sit up and turn to face your kids. “Y-yeah?” 
“I fixed you a bath.” Mia says.
“Thank you bug.” 
Ezequiel sits next to you and hugs you. “You okay?” 
You nod. “I will be baby, thank you.” you stand up and look at Jack. “I’m gonna go take a bath.” 
He nods. “Want me to join you?” 
“Ew dad” Ez gags jokingly.
“I’ll be ok.” You tell him and head upstairs to your master bathroom and relax in the bath and think about everything.
“Ok old man, spill. Why was my mom crying and full on panic mode?” Ezequiel asks.
“Chill with the old man.” Jack rolls his eyes. “I can’t tell you guys.” 
“What why? It’s about mom we need to know.” 
“Ezequiel chill out.” 
“Don’t tell me to chill Mia, something is wrong with mom and we have the right to know. Is she sick?” 
Jack sighs and shakes his head. “She’s not sick.” 
“Then what?” 
“Ez.” Mia warns.
“Did she ask you for a divorce?” 
“Mia you shut up. Dad?” 
“No, she didn’t ask me for a divorce.” Jack scratches his beard. “She’s pregnant.” 
“Those tears weren’t happy ones though, so I’m missing the problem?” 
“God EZ you’re so annoying.” Mia says.
“I’m annoying because I want to know what’s wrong with mom?” 
“No, because you don’t know how to read the room. Eres un menso.” 
“And you’re a b-“
“HEY KNOCK IT OFF.” Jack warns.
“She’s scared. Because of her age and because she’s pregnant with twins.” Jack whispers the last part.
“Excuse me what?”
“That’s why she was crying, she’s afraid of forgetting how to look out for a baby. She’s afraid things will go bad.” 
“So what’s going to happen?” 
Jack takes in a deep breath. “She’s going to think about her decisions. Whatever she decides on, we’ll be there and support her no matter what.”
Mia nods. “Whatever you guys need, we’ll help.”
Jack smiles at his first baby. “You knew huh?” 
Mia shakes her head. “No. I promise you I didn’t. You know me, I always pick up on emotions, especially moms”
“Yeah Mia is a witch or something.” EZ adds.
The three of them laugh it off. 
“I’m going to make sure she’s ok. You two get homework done and get some rest.” 
You’re brushing your teeth when Jack enters your shared bathroom. 
“How was your bath?” 
You smile “Best thirty minutes ever.” 
“I’m going to take a quick shower then we can watch a movie and cuddle.” 
You nod. “Sounds like a plan, I’ll look for something.” 
You exit the bathroom and go towards your side of the bed, plug in your cellphone to the charger and then get into bed and scroll through the streaming apps to find a movie or new show.
After a quick shower Jack finally joins you in bed. You two decided on a new series to watch. 
Three episodes down, you pause the show and turn to face Jack. “Promise me you’re okay with any decision I make.” 
“I promise you baby, always.” 
“I want this, I want our babies.” You smile sadly at him. “I’m afraid, I can’t lie about that, and you might have to reassure me more than ever. But I do want this.” 
“Sweets, I promise you I’ll do everything in my power to make sure you feel safe and loved. I don’t know what you’re feeling, but I’m willing to understand you. You’re an amazing mother, I know it’ll be difficult and different but we got this. We did a pretty good job with the two we have down the hall, we’ll do even better with these two.” 
“We really did a good job with them huh?” You say smiling and feeling a bit emotional.
“We just have to make sure they don’t follow in Ezequiel’s ways.” 
You chuckle “My baby boy and his terrorizing ways.” 
“Our children are lucky to have you as their mom.” 
“I love you bubs.” You kiss him. “Thank you for letting me vent and for handling my crazy ass and my moods.” 
“I love you. I told you it’s you and me for life, until the wheels fall off.” 
“Until the end of time. I hope we’re ready for double trouble.” 
“We will, I promise you.” He pulls you in closer. “Press play, I want to see if Gregory decorates his classroom.” 
You both laugh at that and continue watching the show. 
Pregnancy is always a scary thing, and you had every right to feel the way that you did. 
But all that worry turned into happiness and excitement in welcoming your babies into the world. 
With an amazing husband and caring children, you knew you had this on lockdown.
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odetodilfs · 2 years
omg thank u for doing my request (the sza song)🫶🫶🫶. i loved it.
do u think u could do like a part 2? kinda. based on the same song but a different section of the lyrics. the lyrics are
‘Just tryna be your everything
Main one ridin'
How you frontin' on me and I'm the main one tryin'?
How you blame it on me and you the main one lyin'?
How you threatenin' to leave and I'm the main one cryin'?
I can't lose when I'm with you (Like you, like you)
How can I snooze and miss the moment? (Like you)
You just too important
Nobody do body like you do’
if you do decide to do this i was thinking it could be a part 2 and be what happens when javi and reader actually go out on their public date. this part of the song is more angst tho so if u follow the song it wouldn’t be as fluffy.
again thank u for doing my first request 🫶
I try to make an effort
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Heyyy!! I loved writing this part 2!! It's my first time writing angst though, so my apologies if it's not good enough!
Pairing: Javier Peña x m!reader
Warnings: F slur in spanish, NSFW mentions
Pure angst and fluff but ending is mentioning NSFW Link to part one
Spanish spoken so translations are at the bottom!!
It had been a week by now and Javi’s eye had almost fully recovered, yet he had been showing less affection to you, you noticed he was no longer as clingy and complimenting you that much, in general: it felt like he didn’t love you anymore. “Mi amor, have you booked the table at the restaurant?” you asked him, you wanted him to say yes but he just said, “Sorry, uh- I’ll do it later okay?” he said as he returned back to his police business, you stormed off the room and started to sob on the way to your room. Javier had honestly been a bit of a dick to you all week and this was just the outbreak of your rage, you lay in bed and hugged the pillow as you started to cry, but not before making the door slam loudly. You waited for what felt like an eternity but Javier still didn’t come: you were convinced he didn’t care about you anymore. You really did try to be the perfect boyfriend for him, you tried to have his clothes always carefully laid out for the next day. He had also started being distant towards you then when you pointed it out he always would say how he was just stressed and that you were overexaggerating everything, that he was okay.
You kept thinking about all the sweet memories you two had until the doorknob turned, “Mi amor...” he said, sitting on the bed with you, “Go away, please, I know you don’t want to be near me,” you said
“No, I want to be close to you-” he started telling you “You don’t you keep saying I exaggerate when I worry about you, I keep trying to be perfect for you and this week you’ve done nothing but ignore me, if you don’t want me anymore that’s fine!! I can just get another man” you shouted, Javier stood up, “Si piensas que soy así de reemplazable, no te equivocas” he said, walking out of the room. 
You felt guilty, you had been way overboard with this one, with that last comment, you were considering letting him go, that comment clearly hurt him, of course it did, he had been living on just hookups for years, countless women comparing him to other men they’d slept with, you fucked it up big time. But you had to try something, he was too important for you, you loved him too much. So you stood up and got out of the room to try and find him.
You found him in the living room, tears down his face as well, “You don’t need to apologize” he said, “I do, I’m just… I just wanna know why you suddenly grew so distant from me, Javier, I love you more than anything in the world” you said, “If you really want to know, then let me tell you” he started, “I was just speaking with a bunch of colleagues the other day and talked about women, and obviously since I’ve dated you I’ve been quiet on that topic, so one of them nudged me and said, “Oye Javier, ya no hablas tanto de mujeres, ¿te nos volviste maricón?” and so I just have been feeling so paranoid, I’m sorry, I realize I should’ve told you” he apologized profusely.
You went in and kissed him tenderly on the lips, both of you spilling even more tears, “Oh Javier, that must’ve been so hard, I get what you did now,” you held him to you, “I’m so fucking sorry” he said, crying and holding your face in his hands,
“I just wanted to say, you’re not replaceable” you said, “I don’t know how I could live without looking at those pretty eyes of yours every day, or the way you hug me from behind when I’m doing anything” you said as you held his hand, “Te amo, Javier, más que nada en el mundo” you said as you kissed him again, 
“Yo también te adoro” he said as he kissed you sweetly then picked up the telephone, “What are you doing?” you asked, “Booking the table, for tonight” he said, you felt immense happiness wash over you, he started speaking, “Hola, si, buenas tardes” he greeted, then waited for an answer, “Llamo para una reserva para dos, a nombre de Javier” he explained, “Ah okay, muchas gracias, ahí estaremos, adiós” he hung up, “We’ve got ourselves a table at 8pm” he said excitedly, “That 's… in half an hour!” you exclaimed, “Take your time baby, make yourself look pretty, not that there’s much of an effort to be put, you fine ass man” he complimented you and kissed you on the lips, you both when in the room to change, goddamn it, if you didn’t have the date you would’ve pleasured this man so good.
You were both a little late to the restaurant but it wasn’t too late, so they still let you in, you noticed a lot of couples, and the fact that it looked more like a bar, there were lots of men and women sat together in pairs… hold the fuck up… had Javier taken you to a gay bar? “¿Amor, es esto un…?” he nodded with a smile and you immediately went in and kissed him, in front of everyone, you didn’t care, in fact, one or two couples smiled as they saw you kissing, they were happy to see more like them. You were sure a lot of people were wondering why Agent Peña was in a gay bar kissing you, but you figured they’d let it pass as he’s obviously not gonna give them away. You sat down on a table and a waiter took your order, he held your hand and looked you in the eye, “¿Te gusta mi amor?” he asked with a smile across his eyes, “I love it, Javier” you squeezed his hand, “I know you don’t want me to risk myself, so I went ahead and looked for places like this, we can love each other freely here” he said, “Gracias, de verdad” you smiled, “It’s nothing my love, and the fun doesn’t end here, just wait till we go home after dinner, you’re gonna have a very good time before we sleep” he smirked. This was definitely getting better, and you couldn’t be happier than now, he was the one for you, and no matter how many risks that implied, you were going to stick with him till the end.
"Si crees que soy así de reemplazable, no te equivocas" - "If you think I'm that replaceable, you're not wrong"
“Oye Javier, ya no hablas tanto de mujeres, ¿te nos volviste maricón?” - "Hey Javier, you don't talk much about women anymore- did you turn into a (f slur)?"
"Te amo Javier, mas que nada en el mundo" - "I love you Javier, more than anything in the world"
"Yo también te adoro" - "I adore you too" “Hola, si, buenas tardes” - "Hello, good afternoon" “Llamo para una reserva para dos, a nombre de Javier” - "I'm calling to reserve a table for 2 for Javier" “Ah okay, muchas gracias, ahí estaremos, adiós” - "Okay, thanks, we'll be there, goodbye" ¿Amor, esto es un...?" - "My love... is this a...?"
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germvity · 3 years
leon s kennedy x reader // 7 // wallflower blooming
"that felt really good..." you whisper, and he agrees. "i've been waiting to do that.." he admits with a small laugh. you giggle too, giving him another eskimo kiss as you coddle him close. "trials might start soon..." you say, glancing out the cracked window at the brightened (yet still dark) sky. "nah, we still have a while." leon grins, leaning in to give you a loving smooch. you hum happily, cupping his face as his tongue gently brushes against your bottom lip. "we have at least an hour.." leon trails off, and you catch his meaning immediately. "yeah, we do." you smile.
tags: smooching, a lot of it, relationship development, it aint official yet, leon being a good boy, mild crying
warnings: smexy time, leon giving head :), he just wants to pamper you, very much a people pleaser, me trying to write this as gn as possible without implying any genitalia <3, fingering, semi-public sex?? leon having a praise kink, leon being a sub bc ur welcome, blowjob and handjob for leon hc he's a good boy that deserves love
tag list:
@trinswhimsys , @hex-touchstarved <3
you felt safer in trials with leon. a special bond formed between the two of you after that night, and the entity only spawns you both together in trials. you were a team, and a powerful one. with you eliminating totems and any traps and leon pumping out gens and distracting the killer from you. the entity grows amused as it watches the killers scramble to combat your powerful strategies. leon huffs as he finds you at the gate, he left ghostface in the dust after you taught him how to evade them better. you grin at him, and he smiles, leaning in to give you a soft kiss as you open the gate. "thanks for getting rid of noed." he says softly as you grab his hands to pull him through the gate. "no problem, can't have the pretty boy dying." you tease as he rolls his eyes and follows you. "hey.." you say softly before the two of you leave. "hm? what's wrong?" leon stops too, letting you fiddle with his hands, a habit you picked up when you're nervous.
"what... what are we?" you ask quietly, and leon thinks for a moment. "what do you want us to be?" he asks, watching your face carefully. "i... don't know..." you whisper, letting him pull you into a hug. "well... i want us to be a thing, but i don't wanna push you." leon admits, and you nod. "i know.. but... it just doesn't feel real that someone as good as you likes me..." you sigh, resting your forehead against him as he holds you tighter. "nonsense, of course i do." he smiles, giving your forehead a soft kiss as the ground shakes. "c'mon, lets go before we get killed." he says softly, pulling you through the gate and into safety.
the two of you arrive at your shack, and you sigh as you flop down onto the bed. leon chuckles at your exhausted expression as he takes off his new jacket. "you alright?" he asks softly as he sits next to you. humming with a nod, and you take his hands in yours to fiddle with them idly. "what's up?" he asks, watching you play with his fingers. "hm?" your eyes find his, and he gestures to your joined hands with his head. "you normally do this when you're nervous. what's wrong?"
"nothing, just tired." you reply quietly, and leon hums. "alright.." he sounds unsure but lets it go as you pull one of his hands to your cheek. "i just like your hands." you admit, and he chuckles. "alright, i see that." leon's worry melts away and you smile. "what'cha thinking about?" you ask him softly, sitting up to look at him. "just what you said outside the gate." he replies, blushing slightly. "oh..." you huff, clambering into his lap to hug him. leon's arms wrap around your waist as he hooks his head on your shoulder. you nuzzle his neck, rubbing his back gently. "what do you want us to be?" he asks again, voice soft. "i... i do really want to be with you too... but i'm too scared." you admit, and leon hums. "you don't have to be scared." he replies softly, adjusting you in his lap so you were comfy. you sigh, closing your eyes as leon gives your cheek a soft kiss. "i'll always be here for you." the blonde assures you, and you hum. "i know. i'm just scared that i'll either lose you, or you'll change your mind." you say, your arms tightening on him.
"i'll never change my mind, you know that. and i'll never turn my back on you, or think any less of you. i'll be here." leon smiles, resting his head on yours. you sniffle slightly as you nod, "thank you... i just... after everything it feels so surreal that someone cares about me." you say softly, tears wetting his neck. "i know. it's hard to adjust to, but we're making progress." leon says, giving your head soft scratches to comfort you. you sigh, leaning onto him more, pinning him between the wall and your body. "tired?" he asks softly, and you shake your head no. "wanna go for a walk?" you sit back, waiting for his response. "sure, we can avoid the camps and go through one of the realms?" he suggests, and you nod. "the red forest is pretty, can we go there?" you ask softly, and leon chuckles with a nod. "sure, c'mon." he lets you pull him up from the bed and grabs his jacket and an offering on his way out.
your eyes find some fireflies that are floating near the gate. they're peaceful, and leon follows your gaze to the luminous bugs. "c'mon, i think theres a pond in a forbidden area. i used to hide there then get hatch in trails before i got a bit braver." you pull leon along by his hand. "what if it's been blocked off?" he suggests, and you hum in thought. "then we can sit in a quiet area." you smile and leon nods, "alright." the crack in the wall was boarded up, and you try pushing them. the bent nails creak under your weight as leon moves you out of the way. readying himself, his boot goes through the boards. you clap slightly, grinning at him. "that was hot." you tease, pulling the blushing blonde through the crack.
the pond is peaceful, and you sit happily next to the bank. leon joins you, watching you cradle a beetle before it jumps off and scurries away. "this is nice." leon smiles, and you nod. "i found it by accident, luckily it's in the corner so no one knows about it." you shrug, leaning against leon as he admires the clear water. "wanna bathe?" he asks teasingly, but freezes when you nod. "yeah, i'm covered in dirt." you laugh, standing to strip your dirty shirt off. you offer leon your hand, and he quickly takes it. you grasp his hands with both of yours, and it takes most of your weight to actually haul him up, it's cute.
leon lets you take off his jacket for him, and takes off his shirt. you admire a scar on his torso, fingertips rubbing his tender skin. "michael got you good, huh?" you mumble, and leon huffs out a laugh. "yeah, he did. he's surprisingly strong." leon shrugs, glancing to your lips out of habit. you catch his gaze, and lean in slightly. leon takes the invitation, kissing you lovingly as your hand tangles in his hair. his hands travel across the bare skin of your sides, and he deepens the kiss as you hum softly. your other hand stays on his chest as you lean closer to him, letting the officer rest his forehead against yours when he breaks away. "you're a really good kisser." he laughs sheepishly, and you smile, gifting him another soft peck. leon smiles, his finger tips slipping under the waistband of your pants. "can i?" he asks softly, ever the gentleman. you nod, helping him remove his pants as you give him another kiss.
you grin, and leon smiles too, but when you move him back he has to trust you. you giggle as you push him back and he hits the cold water with a gasp. "hey!" he laughs, splashing you with the water as you join him. "sorry, it was too tempting." you giggle, wrapping your arms around his neck as you give him a kiss as an apology. leon smiles into the kiss, his hand finding your back as he pulls you up against him. eventually, his lips find your neck and you hum softly at the feeling. "fuck.. can i make you feel good?" he asks softly against your skin. your thighs shuffle at the thought and you nod. "let me hear you, can i?" he asks again, wanting full consent (hot). "yes, you can." you smile, and leon grins, this time pushing you back to settle between your legs on the bank of the pond. you help him by removing your underwear for him.
he grips your thighs, and your fingers find his hair as he kisses your soft skin, fingers gently stroking your legs. you feel your arousal build, and you whine softly as he nips the flesh of your right thigh. "patience, i want you to feel good." he says softly, moving to pamper your left thigh as well. you huff, letting him lick a soft stripe along your skin and growing slightly frustrated when he pulls away. his teeth sink into your thigh and you moan softly as he suckles a dark hickey onto your skin. fingers tightening in his hair as he licks the bruise lovingly, you cant help but shuffle your hips to him. leon holds you in place as he leaves a bigger hicker further up your leg, before switching to give attention to your other thigh. you moan softly as his fingers begin to stimulate you, rolling your hips into his hand. leon chuckles into your thigh, the vibrations going straight through you as he moves his mouth to your sensitive area. you gasp, trying to push his head closer as he suckles you, fingers slipping to your hole to give you more pleasure. "oh, fuck! leon-" you whimper, grinding onto his face as you pet his hair. "good boy..~" you can't help but moan, and leon smiles against your lower area. "ahh- you're such a good boy, fuck.. that feels really good." you praise and it encourages him to try harder, desperate for your words of affirmation.
"leon!" you yelp, thighs wrapping around his head as his fingers prod that bundle of nerves. leon grins as he breaks away to give you a teasing lick. "f-fuck, please!" you whimper as his mouth covers you again, tongue kitten licking you. "you're doing so well, such a good boy for me.." you keen, back arching as your thighs tighten around his head, fingers gripping his blonde locks. "fuck, you look so pretty between my legs.~" you grin as he flusters, humming against your core. "keep going, you're doing so well." you encourage, and leon drags his tongue along you before going back for more. you groan as you thrust your hips into his mouth. leon hums again, fingers still pumping into you as his mouth does the rest. "you're so good." you moan, still trying to fuck his face as his hands can't find it in them to stop you.
leon whimpers against your pelvis, letting you practically take control as you grip his hair and roll your hips. "oh, good boy. so pretty as i fuck your pretty mouth." you grin, watching the tips of his ears turn red as he moans against you. "fuck, you're so pretty." you continue praising him, hips beginning to stutter as you grow closer. "mm, fuck i'm close. you're doing so well." you huff, using the hand on his head to help continue grinding into his mouth. you moan his name as you cum in his mouth, and leon shudders at the feeling of your fluid gushing onto his tongue.
pulling away, you watch the blonde swallow nicely and pulling you into his lap to coddle you. "good boy, you did so well.." you smile as leon giggles into your neck. "thank you..." he smiles, and you grin as you feel his erection. "want me to take care of you?" you ask softly, shuffling off his lap as he lets out a small hum. "hm? i can't hear you..." you tease as he gasps when your hand presses against his bulge. "yes, yes please!" he begs, letting you remove his boxers. the blonde whimpers as your hand wraps around his shaft, giving him a few pumps before you move down to lick his head.
"a-ah!" he yelps as your warm mouth envelopes his tip, trying not to buck his hips into you. you continue to pump his shaft, tongue teasing his slit. "p-please, i need more- pleasepleaseplease!" leon begs, moaning sweetly as you give him a soft suck. "please i need you!" he whimpers, letting you drape his thighs over your shoulders as he lays back. "shh, let me take care of you." you smile, going back down on him. "ah! you feel so good..!" he keens as your mouth moves down his shaft. the blonde yelps when your teeth gently scrape along his cock, and you hum softly, the vibration driving him crazy. his moans grow loud as his hand finds yours. tangling your fingers with his, you let him slowly roll his hips up into your throat as he whines.
the wind picks up familiarly, you pull off him much to his dismay. "shhh!" you hush him, and he whimpers softly. "a trial is starting, you don't want to get caught do you?" you grin as he shakes his head. "then be quiet, they won't know." you say before wrapping your mouth around him again. leon's free hand clasps over his mouth as he moans behind his palm. the humming of the huntress picks up, and so does leon's anxiety. his hand tightens on yours as you slowly drag your tongue up to his head. "it's okay.." you whisper to him, taking his other hand and holding that one as you go back down on him.
leon whimpers, feeling exposed as he clenches his jaw, trying not to make any noise. "fuck, y/n.." he whines, voice cracking as he tries to keep his noise below a whisper. you rub his knuckles sweetly as you bob your head at a steady pace. leon's back arches, and he whimpers softly, clearly yet slowly getting louder. you squeeze his hand to keep him grounded, and he squeezes back as your tongue teases a vein. leon's breathing hitches as you continue to pamper the prominent vein, popping off his cock to suckle it. "ah!" he yelps, and you pull away to hush him. "be a good boy, and stay quiet or they'll find us!" you whisper to him before lowering again.
the scream of meg makes leon wince, having almost completely forgotten that a trial was going on. "fuck, oh.. please." he mumbles desperately, trying to buck up into your mouth as his orgasm grows near. "ah ah ah, behave." you pull off him, and leon whines with want, not wanting to lose his high. you smile, moving your hand to massage his balls as your mouth engulfs his shaft. he claps his hand over his mouth, loud groans muffled. you tap his hand, and he nods. "so close, so close! please please please!" he keens, practically going feral as he tries to fuck into your mouth again. you decide he's been good, and let him take control slightly. tears of bliss drip from his lashes, and he fucks your mouth desperately, moaning behind his hand as he twitches then suddenly cums into your mouth.
"ah..!" he sighs, letting you off as you swallow. "good boy. you feel okay?" you ask softly, fingers tracing lines on his outer thighs. leon nods, drowsy from his intense peak. "good, this trial will probably last for a little while longer and i wanna see how many times i can make you cum." you grin as leon whimpers.
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dream (XD, maybe?) visits fundy in his dreams. it's the only thing making them bearable, and keeping him sane
Nobody [inspired by a mitski song]
Many make mistakes, Fundy was one of them. He just wanted to make sure Yoghurt was safe that night, what with more mobs emerging from the south. He just wanted to tuck his kid and make sure he slept better than him. With kiddish purrs becoming white noise, he should've stopped himself when he felt his lids flutter, when his bed dipped and he saw the house go black.
The fox-hybrid opened his eyes, already letting the horror sink in before opening the damn door. It was all over again, he thought he was getting better. No. He was a fool, still a foolish fox. Yoghurt was no longer by his side, and he already started to feel sweltering heat entering the home. Fundy's heart already ached, already sore. His breaths were heavy, weighted over him as he laid in the dreaded empty bed. Tears were beginning to form but he blinked and rubbed them harshly away. Just close your eyes, he thought. But he knew better, wishes could never be reality. He just wanted it to be over, so he had to do it himself. Fundy always had to do everything himself anyways, this was no different.
He got up and readjusted his black breton cap. Steady and stalwart, steps crept towards and stopped in front of the door. Twisting the knob, a final breath was heaved before the same scenery greeted the displeasured fox. He became familiar with the barren land, covered by only hot dry sand and tall cacti. The winds seemed to be strong that dream, dust clouds were choking the poor dreamer. He closed the door behind him, noticing his red tail hung low. First thing was first, he left the area of his house to find anything out of place. It was instinct to try and spot something that stuck out like a sore thumb, besides his little spruce wood cottage.
Fundy sank his naked feet into the sand, burning his padded paws. He trudged along in a random direction, which was wherever the barest clouds were drifting opposite from. That's all he did for a couple of minutes, maybe more than half an hour to him. Prime, he hated how the sun was bright, how the sunshine was a glaring spot above him. He hated to stare at the dull sky for any second longer. He hated winds dusting the sand into his eyes. All of it was n eyesore, metaphorically and litterally.
He just continued onward, awaiting any subtle and not-so-subtle ghostly remnants of his history coming back to haunt. To be reminded of why his life sucked, that was surely fun, right? He wanted a break, a detour from the disaster that was him. For not the first time, he wanted to be elsewhere. Not just in the dream but in reality. Yes, Las Nevadas was the haven he wanted it to be. But that came with the cost of having his dreadfully undead father closer to him. As if he wanted a chance to be mocked and haunted. Even more so, Tubbo and Ranboo causing a commotion with Quackity already had set him at unease. Threats towards a nation he called a home, a lovely return to the cycle. Like dirty water from the sea to acid rain in the clouds, it's become the same horrid cycle.
Speaking of clouds, the fox-hybrid looked up. The smallest gathering of clouds became a crowd of them all across a brighter baby blue canvas. The yucky yellow sand turned a grassier green. If he squinted, he could maybe see the blooms of other than cactus flowers. Finally, a reason for the feet under him to pick up their pace. Fundy kept running towards the green, faster and faster as he could taste them with his fingers. As soon as he was near enough, he dived right into the fresh field. A little mistake, per usual, as he began rolling down a knoll all of a sudden. Through the short wild grass into a taller field of lavender and peonies, the fox finally took a deep breath. A clean and relaxed breath-
"Hello, Fundy."
- before it hitched.
Fundy lifted his head up above the flowers to spot a cleared spot. In the patch of cornflowers and poppies, a naked area of just grass lay, with a figure. He knew it well, with the dirty blonde hair - though he never remembered it being at scruffy and shoulder length - and deadly smile-painted mask adorned. In a lime, white and black letterman jacket over a starkingly orange jumpsuit. He knew that man well, even by the soft humming. The blank eyes of the mask and the man behind to stared at the fox-hybrid. If it weren't a nightmare yet, Fundy figured it just started.
"How are you here?" The hoodied man asked
"Don't...don't even talk to me..." The overcoated fox snarled with teeth bared and tail puffed.
Dream huffed, toying with something in his hands.
"I just asked. The dreamscape is not normally so free reign. For you, you're the least I expected to be able to cross barriers of mind."
"What the fuck are you talking about. Why are you here? What, to haunt me? To mock me? To tell me I'm useless?"
"...To make flower crowns"
He held up said piece of rope strung with flower blooms. His was a cornflower and daisy crown.
"That...that's it?"
"Can you control your dreams?"
"That...it's none of your business, Dream."
"I'm assuming no. But you are willingly seeing me. So in that case, I suppose I can tell you. You know I was imprisoned, in that big ol' prison? Anyway, a being gave me a wish, or rather a gift. I could control my own dreams, I could lucid dream whenever I wanted to. So I could stay in prison while still feeling the grassy field. So I'm here."
"You don't...get nightmares? NOS Cary reminders of your past? Nothing scary?" *And while I do?*, Fundy doesn't add on. Dream pauses for a break. before he answers
"How could I? I control every aspect of my dream. Though you are certainly not part of it. I appreciate the company, kinda? But I'd rather not keep it. It's be nice if I just asked that dream being to remove you-"
"Excuse me?"
"P-Please...I-I don't wanna go back..."
He hated how his voice became frail at the drop of a hat, how his ears flattens and how shaky his hands became. Already begging to a tyrant, the same one who's destroyed everything in his life. What Fundy had begged was true, however, he didn't not want to go back to nightmares. This was the only time the dreams felt good. Albeit muddled by a lime menace, it was better than the frightening things ahead did him. The fox heard the man sigh.
"Sure, sure you can stay."
"Thank you..."
Fundy sat down in front of Dream, criss-cross legged. And the two were silent. The dreamer kept weaving in the flowers in the rope while the intruder simply watched. His clawed hands picked at the grass blades. Admittedly he enjoyed the scenery, if it weren't for the horror of a man in front of him. He noticed the excess rope tossed aside and something in Fundy urged him to use it too. He could tell eyes were on him again even from behind the unmoving mask.
"Yes, you can make flower crowns too. You know how to make one?"
"Y-yeah. Niki taught me how to make one with rope. I made hers with alliums. She gave me one made out to tulips" Fundy chuckled at the memory fondly.
Dream paid no mind just gave Fundy the extra rope and returned to his own project. After that, the quietness continued for much longer. But Fundy was never a fan of long silences.
"...Why a field? Out of flowers? I didn't know you were into this kind of stuff."
Dream paused for a minute, seemingly deliberating. He room a breath and spoke;
"It's just me wanting to relive old memories. Before settling in the SMP, me and George went to a flower field. We just spent half the say there doing jack all."
"It's always George is it?"
"... he's my friend. I'd do anything for him."
"Even terrorising a nation? Even threatening a kid? Even dethroning him?"
The silence spoke volumes. Fundy knew he overstepped, but it was hard for him to be sympathetic over it. He swore the surroundings looked dimmer for a second.
"I miss him. I'm no longer allowed visitors and even then, he never came by to visit."
"Who did?"
"Sapnap. Bad. Tommy, surely you know. Then Technoblade."
"Wait Techno visited you?"
"Less visit and more just made a new space in my jail cell. It's like a vacation to him. I'm not mad but...I like here better anyway."
"What's it like? In the jail cell."
"Tight. Closed. Hot. And I mean scorching. It's surrounded by lava. Barely much room to move around, not much there. I do have books to write in but so far I have started writing none."
"Someone hasn't been productive, I see?"
"I liked to write stuff. Just random things. But in a cramped space...I can't. I see why people are claustrophobic. It's feel like hell in there...for more than just the lava."
Fundy started to feel a twinge of a heat wave on his back as he stuck a flower into the rope. It died down shortly after.
"Since you're asking me questions. It should be fair I ask you."
"That's...yeah, that's fair."
"What were you doing, before you slept?"
"In bed. Just...alone in my cottage. Far away with no one else." Fundy lied, no matter the somewhat friendly tone, he wasn't ever going to risk Yoghurt.
"I thought you had Eret? Or Niki? I thought maybe you guys stay in at Least a neighbourhood."
"I...I haven't spoken to either in so long. I think they forgot about me. That's...fair"
Before I slept I was just building m stuff in Las Nevadas. It's...it's a thing Quackity built. I can't say more than that-"
A roar of something, not too loud but enough to be noticeable, came through. It spooked Fundy well enough.
"Dream what-"
"Let's...not talk about that."
"Well, what else is there to talk about me? I have nothing else. That...that palace is all I got going for me honestly."
"I thought you had more."
"No. After L'manburg, all of it gone, I don't have much else. By who, I wonder?I didn't care, that was fine by me until I did something different. I'm making sure I have a place, at least."
"Like a house?"
Fundy twisted the stalk gently, silently.
"Like a place of belonging. Where I can be remembered and people know where I am."
"I get that..."
"Of course you do, you tyrant. Your name is sure to be famous."
"Not the being remembered part. The belonging part."
The clouds seemed heavier at that moment.
"Find it hard to believe coming from the same guy that he cares for no one but a kid's discs."
"I know what I said, Fundy. But I don't care about the discs. I care about having control. Having everything in my hands. To take strings of the marionette and play them by my fingers. That's what I aim for, not just useless material discs."
"What does this have to do with belonging?"
The roar came back, a roar of thunder.
"The puppet master is not a puppet. He cannot be a puppet. When the puppets go free, he is left for dead..."
Dream's scarred hands clutch the half done green tulip crown. Down a drop goes from the petal. Then another, then another. Fundy looks up, to see the trickles. Down the drops of precipitation go to his face. Fundy's chest felt heavy, clebtched by something in a grip. He saw Dream looking up as well. From the angle he could partially see the bottom features under the mask. A pursed mouth with scars on his lips. Dottings of freckles across his cheeks. Streaks of not raindrops reaching down his chin. He heard the hiccups, the struggle to compose oneself. He knew that too well. Fundy found the part to care about as he stroked Dream's forearm carefully.
"I-I'm sorry, It's...I-I'm never like this. I'll just change-" the masked man's voice was breakable, cusp of falling apart.
"No. I like the rain."
Dream looked back to Fundy. It was true, the fox-hybrid liked rain. He used to play in the puddles as it drizzled even into adulthood, before more important things occupied his time. Like getting weapons for war or spying on a president. Fundy had on a solemn smile, a weak one in the likeable weather. His hair and fur became bristled whislt his tail wrapped unconsciously around him.
"I feel alone too. Everyone has left me
The people that I care about always hate me or leave. They leave me frightened in a place where everything so to survive. I'm barely staying alive as is. I don't have anyone."
"I don't have anyone either. I'm heartless, I pushed them away. Techno is with me, yeah. But what happens then? I'm too scared to find out. All I want is to just be free..."
Fundy laughed a bit. He tossed aside the half-effort flower crown and stood up. He opened his arms wide, further than his shoulders. He kept laughing, giggling, wheezing over. He raked a hand through ginger and snow white locks of his, knocking back his black breton cap.
"What's so funny?"
"Well, one, it's already crazy you're telling me all of this. This all feels like stuff you'd suppressed hard. Even in your dreams. And secondly...god, I wish we talked more sooner."
"You and me, both alone in this world. We're unlovable. Reckless bastards we are. I'm not the worst like you but by Prime, I'm just as lonely as you. I can't excuse reving Wilbur and the 16th...but maybe we could've been friends."
He knew dream was smiling, not from the mask but from the small line of daylight peeking through the clouds.
"Fundy, I could never be friends with you. I'd push you away too."
"Then don't push me away now. I'm desperate, man."
"...I wouldn't."
Fundy smiled a glint of the sun right back at Dream. For once in a dream, he was at ease. The pouring rain slowed s little down to a drizzle, enough fro him to avoid smelling of dog water. The clouds journeyed away from the meadow, and let the sun's smile through. He loved the rays of sunshine gracing his face above him. He loved he could stare at the cloud-scattered sky for almost hours. He loved the winnow through the grass that made them dance. He loved it there.
"Sorry about the rain. In my dreams, I rarely can talk to anyone. And techno is not exactly the most relatable with what I have. Outside, I keep it in. But where I am, where we are, is inside me already."
"Fun to know this is the inner machinations of the terror Dream."
"...I probably won't remember this happend. When I wake I won't have a clear thought of events. Just so you'd know."
"It's fine. I knew you wouldn't anyway. That's why I let most of it out. That and because, I feel like I can trust you. I can't leave my cell but maybe someday I'll find you again. And maybe-"
A click from behind Dream's head could be heard. He moved his hand latched onto the mask and pulled it down. There he was, gentle scarred smile with even gentler eyes, covered by dirty blonde turning silver white to the tips. Irises coloured almost like emerald and aqua ender eyes looked back to the fox. Finally, his black tipped ears lifted and twitched, and his tail was wagging slightly.
"-we could be alone together again?"
Fundy's heart ached, sore already.
"I'd like to. For now, let's just depend on dreams."
"I can work with that."
Dream tossed his mask aside, uncaring and apathetic to the piece of porcelain disguise. He gently pushed Fundy by the tip of his finger, to which the former feign to be toppled. He fell in the middle of the tall peonies and lavenders and tulips. Dream joined a second after, right next to Fundy. Bliss, this is what he Fundy would call it. He felt less tensed, less mangled on fear. He had spent sleeping hours just shaken, because his fears conquered him alone. Taunting him because he was alone. Preyed on every part of him alone. But now he had a chance, to dwell int eh shrot grass, be crowned royalty in a field of flowers and feel less on his own. Fundy closed his eyes, as the smell of morning dew hit him.
And he woke up, lied curled up next to Yoghurt. And with a flower in his palm. A rose. He already wants to sleep, no matter the chance of being in the desert again. He wants to see the sunshine in the field of flowers more than anything.
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wyn-n-tonic · 3 years
Golden, Like Daylight -- Part VIII
Word Count: 1,304 Warnings: PTSD. I don't think anything else needs a warning? Message me if I'm wrong though, I'll fix it. Author's Note: Thanks for your patience in getting this chapter out! Last week was difficult and then I had friends come over for the weekend (FRIENDS! AMAZING!). I'm not super proud of this but I'm also proud of this. We're getting to the end of this series and I'm just really... in fucking awe at all the nice things that have been said to me about this. Like, I'm genuinely over the moon and losing my mind every time somebody says something nice to me. Thank you so much for reading!
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He slaps the passport against Pope’s forehead, starting a long held tradition between the two and he knows this will be the last time as he slowly says, “Nos vemos.”
See you.
The flatness he gives the words lets Santiago Garcia know, as he takes his friend and brother in, if he sees this man again, it will be through exchanged nods at functions for the others.
Santiago steps forward and Frankie embraces him but it’s wrong. It’s all wrong for who they are to each other. Who they were. It’s wooden, the weight of this mission—this mess—adding a new kind of density to the pain he carries. Frankie’s out for the count. For good.
“Cuídate,” he whispers into his friend’s ear.
Take care of yourself.
And he walks away, heading home where he belongs. A place he shouldn’t have left in the first place. Out of all the regrets Santiago has, dragging that man to Colombia might just be one of his biggest.
Leah was right, Santiago is never the one picking up the pieces. —————
He has to knock.
She disabled the doorbell the day they moved in, placing a small sign where delivers and visitors could easily read:
A combat veteran lives here, please knock gently.
She didn’t want any loud, sudden noises to trigger panic attacks. Wanted him to be comfortable in his home.
He didn’t tell her it would be today, wasn’t sure when he’d be able to get a flight out so he didn’t want to get her hopes up. But it had all worked out and he hadn’t had time to call and he doesn’t have his keys.
He didn’t take any identifying information with him. No phone. No keys. No wallet. Just the black tags that now sit heavy against his chest. He slipped them on mid-flight and walked back into the country with them to a quiet, welcome home, soldier from the customs agent. He didn’t even notice as he stamped the little blue book that the name stamped into the metal was completely different.
Frankie scratches his smooth face and stares down at the near bare feet standing firm on the wood of his front porch.
He made it.
He packed light back into the States, dumping his clothes and boots in the trash. All he has now is eight thousand in cash, a couple gifts for the girls and the fake passport he’ll be running through the shredder tonight. He picked up the flip flops at a vendor where he bought some of the shit to stuff with the cash.
Another steadying breath drags through his lungs and he looks around his silent neighborhood, the one Leah insisted on because of its proximity to the base. Illegal to set off fireworks this close to government property.
She shot down every house he found in any other part of the city and he didn’t even know why until the Fourth of July when his back bristled in anxiety waiting for the attacks to take his mind for the night.
Tears well up in his eyes as he finally brings his hand down on the sturdy wood.
She loves me so much more than I deserve. —————
“You stole my goddamn shirt, Francisco Morales,” she mumbles sleepily into his chest.
They haven’t left the couch all night, both his girls with their faces firmly planted into his chest. Their fitful sleep eased by the peace of his beating heart against their ears.
“I brought it back,” he laughs, smoothing her hair back, “but I won’t take it again, baby, I promise.”
And he means it. The only reason he took it to begin with is because she wears it as often as he does, her smell wrapped up in his and he brought it for comfort. But the rain and the saltwater of the sea wiped that scent away and he’s not doing this shit again.
“Because you’re not going anywhere again, right?” There’s a slight panic to the words, no matter how slowly they roll out.
He pulls her closer, “never, mi alma.”
“Good,” she looks up and he breaks all over again at her bloodshot, tired eyes, glassy and searching. Her pain meeting his but unspoken in favor of quiet reunion, his heart breaks because it wasn’t just him almost losing everything on a risky at best plan and he never even stopped to consider it was her everything too.
He saw it when she opened the door and instead of crumbling inwards with their daughter resting against her chest, she opened her arms and let him crumble instead. It was there when she excused herself to the bathroom and when she came back, falling apart in stolen moments of peace and quiet.
“I won’t do this again,” he says, the pad of this thumb sliding across the curve of her cheekbone; skin already raw with tear stains where they’ve run like rivers around her. She breaks into him then, arms tight around his still sore body as she buries her head into his broad chest. He instinctively moves to running his hand through her hair—his large hands turning her to jelly with each brush against her scalp—before he speaks again, adding reassurance to his words.
“And if I didn’t think you’d love it so much, I’d never even want to go back to St. John's.” He stresses that last bit, because it was the least stressful part of it all and still stabbed at him. Pulled at him. Reminded him that he was away. That he did this to his family.
“If you don’t want to be there,” she hiccups, “then I’ll never love it.”
And she means it. —————
Frankie cuts the last box open to begin sorting through the goods shipped home. The system follows that Frankie unloads the boxes, Benny separates the goods and Will counts the money. It’s worked flawlessly over the weekend as everything is accounted for, including the stacks that bought their way back into the country.
“How do we go about this shit anyway?” It's the question that’s been on Frankie’s mind from the jump, hoping he doesn’t find himself in another goddamn mess to maneuver away from.
“We can’t deposi—“
“No shit, William, so what do we do?”
He doesn’t need more crimes on top of all the ones he’s already committed. Money laundering on top of murder. Doesn’t even know where to start and a hundred thousand is hardly something to open a carwash about. He feels a stress settling in as he realizes he didn’t fully think this through.
“Just be smart about it,” comes the younger Miller’s voice, “keep it in the house, use it for groceries and other errands. Anything small that can be paid for cash, pay for it in cash. It adds up so your bank isn’t hit with constant fees, you can use that for the big shit. If you get in a pinch, deposit a couple hundred but never more than that. If you do need more, give cash to a friend and have them transfer it to your account.”
Benny looks up and finds the stunned faces of his brothers, “what? I dated a chick who was really into that Dave Ramsey guy.”
Frankie just continues to look at him in confusion, not expecting any of this information to come from Benny of all people and it seems Will wasn’t either because he follows it up with,
“Who the fuck is Dave Ramsey?”
“You know,” Benny continues to separate the goods into piles to be donated, “he’s that guy who talks about the money, I think that's the best way to go about it. We can’t exactly Breaking Bad this.”
“You're not smart enough to Breaking Bad this,” Frankie tells him.
“Nope,” he smiles, “I'm smarter.”
TAG LIST: @justanotherblonde23​​ | @notcookiebelle​​ | @greeneyedblondie44​​ | @icanbeyourjedi​​ | @princess76179​​ | @knivesareout​​ | @phoenixpascal​​ | @lexi-b-writes​​ | @empress-palpat1ne​​ | @mouthymandalorianalso​​ | @starlightmornings​​ | @soyelfuegoquearde​​ | @darnitdraco​​​ | @hyperfixatingmenever
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deathisanartmetzli · 3 years
Keep You Right Here || Bex & Metzli
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TIMING: Current
PARTIES: @inbextween​ @deathisanartmetzli​
SUMMARY: Bex helps Metzli return home.
CONTAINS: Domestic abuse mentions, Emotional Abuse mentions, Parental death mention
Darkness receded and gave way to a dim light. Everything was fuzzy, felt so distant and garbled in the pain-induced haze. It was like a thick substance prevented their body from moving, like they were fighting against molasses. A weight so heavy that Metzli’s body could not rise, and could only shift uncomfortably as the pain rose excruciatingly and their throat felt like it was filled with knives. “Con calma. (Calm down.)” A small voice pleaded. Metzli’s head whipped and they cried out in pain, cutting it short from the knives digging further into their esophagus. Everything hurt so much. How were they still alive? “Me llamo Sylvia. Te encontré caído en el suelo contra…(My name is Sylvia. I found you collapsed next to…)” She trailed off, eyes falling on a pile of ash that looked to have been swept together. “…maestro Eloy. (…Master Eloy.)” She flinched as she said his name, and Metzli understood immediately why she helped, why she looked relieved to be looking at his remains.
“Gracias, Sylvia.” Metzli groaned as they sat up, realizing they were in what used to be Eloy’s bed. Sylvia shuffled to their side and they winced, waiting for an attack. It never came. “No te voy a maltratar. Estoy aliviada que ya no me pueda tocar. (I’m not going to hurt you. I’m relieved he can’t touch me again.)” Silently, Metzli nodded and the dryness of their throat settled in. “¿Cuanto tiempo tengo dormido? (How much time have I been asleep?)” They asked worriedly. Sylvia swallowed thickly and looked concerned. Raising a finger, she shuffled to a table and returned with a bowl of fresh blood. They took it immediately and wolfed it down.
“Hace como seis días. Todos piensan que el maestro Eloy te está torturando aquí. Pero van a sospechar si nos quedamos. (It’s been about six days. Everyone thinks that Master Eloy is torturing you in here. But, they’re going to be suspicious if we stay here.)” Sylvia’s words were barely above a whisper, and Metzli choked on the blood. “¡¿Seis días?!” They inhaled the rest of the blood and tried to rise fully but fell back in agony. “Necesito—celular. ¿Hay un celular?” (I need—cellphone. Is there a cellphone?)” Sylvia nodded and pulled one from the nightstand. It was Eloy’s. Taking the cellphone, Metzli immediately got online and signed into their account. So many messages were popping up and their stomach dropped. The packages were sent. Their friends thought they were dead. With a trembling hand, they dialed for someone, a friend who might be the only one who could get them and this stranger to safety. The trill of the line made them uneasy, made their body tense despite the pain it caused. When a click sounded, they let out a soft gasp and spoke with a rasp, “Bex?”
Bex didn’t know what she expected when she saw the unknown number on her phone screen. She didn’t usually answer those kinds of calls, but something compelled her to answer this one. Maybe it was Mina. Maybe it was someone unknown calling her about Mina. Maybe it was someone who could fix everything that had happened, bring her girlfriend-- her fiancee-- back to her. Or her dead friend, or, fuck, anything about her life just a week ago when it was all going fine. Going great. She wanted that life back. She felt like she was never going to get that life back.
And then she heard Metzli’s voice on the other end of the phone. “M-Metzli?” she didn’t believe it at first, surely she was just imagining things. Hearing their voice because her heart ached and she missed them and she needed something good in her life. “I thought-- you were-- you-- the packages. Metzli, is it--?” she felt tears already welling up in her eyes. Her voice was already cracking. “Is it really you? Please, is it really you, Metzli?”
A choked sob escaped their throat and Metzli nodded their head feverishly despite Bex not being able to see it. “It’s me. I just woke up. I’ve been out for six days.” Their voice became a whimper at the end and they had to cover their mouth to prevent a wail from developing. It hurt so much to speak, but they had to continue. “He’s…” Eyes fell onto the pile of ash and they could feel their body tense just before relaxing again. “I killed him. Nell got away. But he got me and—sorry. Forget it.” There was so much to say but they weren’t sure how much she wanted to hear. She sounded so distraught and that didn’t sit right with them.
“I…I’m stuck here. Is there any way you can summon me back or something? I don’t have any documentation on me and I…” Metzli trailed off, feeling uneasy about asking for help, for a favor when they should be able to help themselves. But at that moment, they knew they were helpless. Bex was probably their only hope of getting back with or without magic.
Bex couldn’t help but let out a sob, clasping her hand over her mouth to keep from being too loud. It was them, it was really them. Metzli was alive. The first good news Bex had had in days. “You killed him? Eloy? He-- he’s dead? You did it?” Words were falling out of her mouth like drabble, water pouring from a cup. “No, no, no. Don’t be sorry, don’t-- it’s okay. You’re alive and that’s all that matters. I-- you’re alive.” She had to sit down immediately, running her hand through her hair. “S-stuck? I-- I don’t know how to do summoning magic and Nell still isn’t back, she got stuck somewhere cause the spell went wrong.”
Bex looked around. She had to do something, she had to get them back here. She had to help them. “I-- is there an airport near you? One that lands private jets?”
“Y-yeah. I did it. I don’t know how, but I did. And this woman,” Metzli glanced up to Sylvia and swallowed thickly. “She helped me. I think she was tired of master—of him.” They almost got angry at themselves, irritated that even at that moment, they couldn’t stop themselves. Anger slipped away at the sound of all of Bex’s sobs. Despite both of their state’s, her voice was the best thing that had happened in days, and it was only a matter of time that they would be together again.
Covering the microphone, they looked at Sylvia. “¿Hay un aeropuerto? ¿Una privada? (Is there an airport? A private one?)” With widened eyes, Sylvia nodded enthusiastically, excited and desperate at the prospect of getting away. “The woman says there is. How soon can it get here? I don’t know how much longer we can pretend Eloy is alive. I also…I’m pretty hurt. The less people on the plane the better.” Metzli was speaking rushedly, scared that they’d be somehow cut off. “God, it feels so good to hear your voice. I miss you so much. I miss everyone so much.”
“You did it,” Bex said, still sobbing, “you did it. You did it. Metzli, you did it. Thank you. Whoever helped you, tell them thank you. Thank you so much.” She wiped at her eyes, tried to stop the sniffling. “I’m sorry. I need to stop-- private. Yes. Private.” She started sifting through stuff in her room, setting the phone down for a moment as she pulled a box from her closet, throwing folders out as she looked for the right one. “Yes, yes, I can--” she scoured through the papers in the folder and found what she was looking for. “Just-- give me a minute. Can I call you back? I need to call someone else.” She hated the idea of it, but she had a way, thanks to her family’s money, thanks to their business. Being big shot lawyers with branches around the country meant they had a private jet on command. She hated the idea of her privilege, but if she could use it to help someone, then she would. She had to. It was the only good use of it.
“I did it.” They joined Bex in her cries, letting their own hot tears stream down their cheeks. Eloy was gone. All they needed to do now was get home. Nodding, they listened as the line clicked to end. A shaky sigh escaped their lips and they rushed to get up. “Necesitamos empezar a irnos. (We need to pack and leave.)” Metzli said with a groan, stumbling on weak legs. Sylvia hooked their arm around her and guided them to the clothes they were wearing before they passed out. “Gracias.” Some of their strength was returning thanks to the blood, but they were nowhere near full strength.
Metzli took the last of the blood Sylvia offered and managed to stand on their own. Their body screamed, begging to be given more, but they had to make the blood be enough. They had to remain in control. Once the pair was ready, they secured their backpack with a wince and settled back on the bed to wait for Bex’s call. The absence of her voice made everything feel so much heavier. Eyes stared intently at the phone, hoping the call came soon.
Bex made the call quickly and of course someone answered right away. All she had to do was give them a name-- Oxendine, it tasted like blood in her mouth-- and they had a jet secured and ready to send wherever and pick up whoever. They gave her the exact time and place and Bex  wrote it all down before texting the info to the phone Metzli had called from. Then she dialed and waited for the line to ring. She needed to hear their voice again, to know that it was real. To know she wasn’t making something up in her distressed, sorrowful state. “Metzli?” she said again when the line picked up. “Did you-- I texted you the info. To this number. It’ll be there in a couple of hours, um-- about six. I’m sorry it can’t come sooner, but you can wait at the airport in the lounge. Just give them the name and password I sent you, okay? I-- I’m gonna get you home, I promise. You’re coming home.”
Right after the text came through with all the necessary information, Bex’s call came through and they inhaled a deep breath. “I’m here.” Metzli sounded a little better, no longer having a bitterly dry throat. “I got the information. Thank you. Thank you.” Home. That’s all Metzli wanted. They just wanted to be home. A sob broke through and they had to do their best to cough it away. “I’m so sorry. I’ll be home soon. I’m sorry this happened.” The line was silent for a few moments, only broken to say goodbye and extend their love.
The location Bex sent would take three hours to get to, so the vampires had to get started. “Vámonos. Vas a ir conmigo. Ya no necesitas quedarte aquí. (Let’s go. You’re coming with me. You don’t need to stay here anymore.)” Sylvia shook her head, smiling warmly. “No. No puedo. Necesito ayudar a los vampiros perdidos. Ellos necesitan alguien amable. (No. I can’t. I need to stay for the lost ones. They need someone kind.)” Metzli understood and didn’t fight her on it. With Eloy gone, several vampires would be lost, would need guidance. They gave Sylvia a single nod and let themselves be guided carefully to Eloy’s balcony. “Gracias.” Metzli bowed respectfully and then bound over the second floor to head to the airport.
When the jet finally arrived, Metzli was struggling to not attack, but they held back and gave all the necessary information. They practically bolted into the plane, holding their nose shut to not take in any scent of blood. Body shook from the tension and pain, but they needed to remain calm. They were so close to being home and that brought enough comfort to help their body relax. In a matter of seconds, the meditative state they learned to call sleep took over.
Bex rushed to the car and to the airport because she needed to be there to pick up Metzli. She could’ve called a car for them, but this felt better. She needed to see them. She paced the airport lounge while she waited, she couldn’t sit still. The steward kept asking her if she needed anything, water or a snack or a drink. Bex didn’t have time to stop and say no, but she didn’t say yes, either. She just kept pacing and worrying and running hands through her hair, looking towards the tarmac, waiting. She hated waiting. She was never really impatient, but she hated waiting right now.
Finally, the plane landed and pulled up and Bex leapt from her spot and over to the doors, bouncing in her spot. And the second Metzli was through the door, Bex raced up to them and threw her arms around them tightly and she was already crying, burying herself in the vampire. “I thought you were dead,” she sobbed, “I thought I’d never see you again.”
The moment Bex came into view, Metzli’s eyes cascaded a waterfall of tears and their breath hitched considerably. It felt so surreal to have her in front of them. “I thought I was dead too. I can’t believe you’re real.” Their arms draped around her carefully, tightening as her cries grew louder. All they wanted to do was take her pain away, but they had to settle for paying her kindness with comfort. It didn’t matter that it caused their ribs to shake and tender skin to burn. She was all that mattered, home was what mattered.
As all the smells of people hit them, their grip tightened but they didn’t lose control. Metzli’s throat constricted painfully, but even then, the comfort of being home kept them stable. “Can we go home? I need to eat…and…people are staring.” Their hand gestured to their body and face, all of it painted with Eloy’s final masterpiece. Victory was theirs, and even if it came at such a great cost, it was one they were happy to pay.
“I’m real,” Bex said, exasperated, “I’m real and you’re real and you’re here and you’re not dead and I missed you. I missed you so much.” She missed having something normal. She missed having someone. She missed Mina. She missed Mina so god damn much and she knew she was projecting that ache and loss onto her sorrow over Metzli, but she couldn’t help it. She needed someone, and Morgan was great, of course she was, but Morgan was a mother, she needed a friend. She sniffled and pulled away and wiped at her eyes. “Sorry, sorry, I--” she glanced around as Metzli gestured and she shook her head. “Right, yeah, let’s--” she took Metzli’s hand. “Let’s go.”
She pulled them away from the door, towards the exit where the car was waiting for them. “Here, let me take your stuff,” she opened the trunk and held her hands out for the bag they had. She finally got a look at Metzli, at the condition they were in and she felt tears again. “God, what happened to you…”
Metzli yelped as the backpack slid off of their shoulder, grazing the deep stab wound Eloy had given them. “A lot,” Their gaze averted quickly and they limped themselves towards the passenger side to sit down. They didn’t bother with the seatbelt, it wasn’t necessary. Besides that, lifting their arms already proved too difficult. A ball formed in their throat as they sat inside. Being in Bex’s car felt so heavy yet so freeing. Returning home had taken such precedence that they hadn’t taken the time to fully accept everything that had happened, everything they had experienced. No matter how much they swallowed and choked back their emotions, they demanded to be felt.
Their hand gripped tightly onto their knee and they fell forward, crying into their hand. Metzli wailed and let themselves feel every emotion in between good and bad. “Mast—he chained—” They couldn’t finish. Their voice became consumed by cryful hiccups and soft sobs they attempted to stifle. “I fought. I fought.”
“Sorry, I’m sorry!” Bex said, panicking a moment as she heard Metzli yelp. “Here, here, sit down.” She opened the passenger door and motioned for them to have a seat. She could tell something was welling up inside of them, she could see it in their face. She knew because she felt it, too, stabbing deep inside of her. Emotions that would not hide, that you could not let go of or stuff down. They were screaming to be heard and seen and shown but Bex couldn’t put all her pain on Metzli when they looked like how she felt, and they probably felt the same, too.
They were crumpled over and crying before Bex even stood back up to shut the door. She didn’t know what to say, bending down to kneel and wrap her arms gently around their slumped form. “It’s okay, I know you did, I know. I know you did,” she said, repeating the words because she didn’t know what else to say. “He’s gone. You’re safe. He’s gone. You did it. You’re free.”
After a few long moments, Metzli calmed down enough to speak clearly and look at Bex. Maybe everything wasn’t perfect, but if being home, alive, was as close as they could get, they’d take it. No one, not even Eloy could take their home away. “Thank you for getting me back home. Thank you. I don’t know how I’m ever going to repay you, but I will. I will.” Knowing Bex, they knew she wouldn’t accept, but they had to try anyway. She had given them everything back. Thanks to her, the family they had created didn’t have to lose a member.
The break in between weeps of despair allowed for Bex’s pained visage to become clear. Time was no longer constrained, and Metzli was given the opportunity to feel and consume her energy. She was hurting, and if they thought about it hard enough, they could recall how pained Bex had looked the entire time. Brows furrowed with concern and they sniffled away their distress, “Stuff happened, huh? Let’s—Let’s go. It looks like we both need each other right now.” They gave Bex the biggest smile they could form, which was barely even one to begin with, but it still felt like the biggest lie ever told.
“No, no,” Bex insisted, shaking her head, “you don’t have to pay me back. You don’t. Just-- just having you here alive is thanks enough. Okay?” She stayed where she was until Metzli calmed and she leaned back, sitting on the ledge of the sidewalk and looking up at them. She was exhausted and still worried and wondering, unable to stop any of it. But she could do this, she could be there for them. She swallowed back more tears and nodded, standing up as she shut their door gently and went around to the other side, climbing in. She didn’t turn the car on for a long time.
When Metzli spoke again, she jumped a little, turning to look at them. “No, no, it’s-- I’m okay. I-- let’s just get you home, okay? Just worry about you, right now. I can take you to your place and you can take a nice, warm shower and cuddle Yucca and Milo will be there, and--” Murphy. Bex’s brow furrowed. She still had bruises around her neck from her. “Let’s just go home.” And she started up the car, pulling away from the curb.
“No, I can’t go home like this. I can’t.” Metzli shifted uncomfortably in their seat and ran through all the possibilities in their head. They looked like a literal horror movie in the worst way possible. As much as they wanted to give Milo a giant hug and kiss Yuca’s head, they also didn’t want him to see them in their condition. “Can I—is there any way I can get cleaned up at your place first? Hell, I might need a doctor. I just don’t—I can’t. Not right now. I’ll tell Milo I’m back. I just can’t see him immediately.” It was difficult, but they swallowed their tears and prevented any more from falling for now.
When the car began to move, that’s when it really dawned on them that they were free, that they could finally relax. But then Metzli found that they couldn’t, not fully, when the bruising around Bex’s neck registered. For a brief moment, as they searched for answers, they could smell Murphy’s faint scent on their best friend. A low growl vibrated from their chest, but they kept their composure. “You’ll tell me about who did that to your neck once I’m a little more healed. I’ll take care of that when I’m able to.” Their head fell back onto the headrest and they sighed as their hand extended slowly to Bex. It was a silent request for comfort, to hold their hand as they rested their eyes if she accepted. Cuts, bites, and bruises covered their hand, and even if it hurt to have pressure on the tender skin, they wanted it to be held. They wanted the physical comfort so badly, but didn’t forget the boundaries set before. Even then, they wouldn’t break them.
“I--” Bex started, but stopped herself. She knew Morgan didn’t like Metzli, not very much, and she didn’t think the woman would take well to Bex inviting them into her home. But she didn’t know if she could tell them no. She didn’t know what she was supposed to do. “I have a place we can go.” And it wasn’t anywhere she thought she’d ever return, or ever take Metzli, of all people, but she didn’t know where else to go. It was secluded and it had a functioning shower, plus a bed. Bex turned off the road that led into town and instead headed to the road that led to the ferry. She looked over when the car was parked and noticed Metzli’s hand held out for hers. She could see the cuts and bruises on it and worried she might hurt them, but she gently moved her hand over and grabbed theirs, not squeezing but closing her fingers just enough to let them know she was there. She wasn’t going anywhere.
Her mind drifted back to Mina for a moment and she wondered if she was still at the cabin. She’d texted her each day to remind her to soak for at least a few hours-- she wasn’t going to let Mina destroy herself because of this. She wasn’t. She blinked at the sound of Metzli’s voice and she glanced over, having forgotten about the bruises. “It’s-- they’re nothing. It’s okay. Don’t worry about that.” She wasn’t going to come between them like that. She had more important things to worry about. The ferry docked and she started up the car again, before turning down the private road that led back to the manor. Iron gates opened before them and she pulled up to the large front doors, stopping. “We’re here,” she said, glancing over at them. “Do-- do you need help getting out?”
Metzli’s eyes were half-lidded, but they weren’t asleep, they couldn’t. “They’re not nothing. I can smell—never mind.” They groaned and noticed they were at a manor. “Never been here before. What is this place? And…thanks. I just didn’t want Milo to see me like this. I want to heal a little first.” Their free hand reached for the door but they found that they struggled to squeeze it shut for a few moments. Everything began to grow stiff and they whimpered in fear. They needed to hunt, soon. “I can do it. I can.” With a strained and grated sigh, the door finally opened and they let go of Bex’s hand and stumbled out of the vehicle.
“I just want to lay down, okay?” Metzli turned to look at Bex while she was still seated inside. Their eyes were soft and hopeful. “I can smell a few animals nearby, not even a quarter mile away, so I can hunt after I get patched up.” Limping to the door, they stood outside of it, and waited to be invited in. Though they felt happy to be back, exhaustion took over their body and they swayed about. The wall did well to keep them upright for the time being and they smile softly at Bex. She hadn’t stopped looking worried since they arrived. “You can stop looking at me like I’m gonna keel over. I’m alive. And—and you don’t even have to patch me up. I’ll do it myself if you can get me the materials. I don’t want you to see.”
“Please don’t worry about it right now,” Bex insisted quietly, watching them slide out of the car. She looked at them worriedly as they let go of her hand, then she glanced back at the entrance to the orante, large manor stretching out behind it. She hadn’t been back here since her mother’s funeral and she swallowed. “It’s my family home,” she said simply, looking over at Metzli again, “the Oxendine manor.” She opened the door on her side and climbed out stiffly, shutting the door and grabbing Metzli’s bag from the back, shouldering it.
“I, um-- I actually have some animal blood, if you want some. In the trunk. Milo-- Milo needed blood so I had Morgan pick some up on her next visit, too, just in case.” She went over to the trunk and opened it, grabbing one of the containers she’d stuffed under the wheel well and holding it out. She didn’t want to worry Metzli more with news of Milo’s supply being cut off, so she left it at that. She unlocked the front door and swung it open, listening to it groan with age. “You can come in. And of course I’m going to patch you up, idiot. I’m not going to make you do that yourself. And I kind of--” she paused, her eyes growing misty again-- “I kind of need this, too. Please. Just...I need to feel useful.” Since Mina wouldn’t even let Bex be in the same room as her, let alone patch her up or help her. She wiped the tears on the back of her hand. “Please.”
“Oh—but—” They left it alone. There was so much they missed, and it would be a while before they’d get all the information, before they could know what was happening. Rushing it wouldn’t do any good. Besides that, their focus drifted elsewhere. To the blood Bex was carrying. It made their throat constrict and they had to bite their hand firmly to prevent them from attacking the bag she held. Their instincts receded the moment that she called them an affectionate name. “Idiot? You’re the idiot. Trying to patch up a hungry vampire.” A small smile formed along with a chuckle and they managed to let go of their hand, which began to drip black blood as they stepped into the manor and looked at Bex with gentle and concerned eyes.
Bex sounded defeated and the way she pleaded pulled at their chest. It was impossible to reject her offer without it going wrong. “O-okay. Yeah. You can. You can. Um—do you have a sports bra or something? I’m not wearing anything underneath because of everything that happened and master had a lot of fun...” Eyes fell to the ground, knowing they had just rambled, and they slowly walked to the couch to sit down for a moment. A contented sigh spilled out at just how comfortable it was, helping their muscles slacken. Tears pooled once more, feeling absolutely free from Eloy’s grasp. “Fuck. I can’t believe it’s finally over.”
“That’s why I offered the blood,” Bex pointed out, holding it out to them after she shut the doors and came into the foyer. She looked at their face a little more clearly now, under the light of the chandelier in the entrance, and it was full of bruises and cuts and crusted blood. It made her heart ache again and she took the hand they’d bitten down on, pulling a cloth from her pocket and wiping away the black blood that began to ooze. “I’m not worried about that. If you need blood, human blood…” she didn’t say the words, though she knew Metzli knew what she meant. She’d done it once before, and she’d do it again. Anything for a friend.
“Um, probably somewhere,” she said, standing back up and looking towards the staircase. “Do-- do you want to shower first? I can show you to the bathroom and get you some spare clothes while you do that.” She swallowed, trying not to think about the cruelty that Metzli must’ve endured and trying not to think about the cruelty Bex had endured inside these very walls. Or the blood stain that was still at the bottom of the stairs where her mother had fallen limp and dead. She concentrated back on Metzli. “It’s over,” she repeated, “it’s really over.” She held her hand back out. “C’mon, let’s go upstairs. I promise it’s much nicer up there.”
“Are you trying to say I smell?” Metzli attempted to joke, hoping Bex would take the bait and continue the light conversation. It was the most normal they had felt in over a week, and they didn’t want to let it go. They took the blood happily along with her hand, finding so much comfort in it even as they struggled to rise from the couch. Biting into the blood pack sated their need to eat for the time being, and helped alleviate the constriction in their throat. It made it easier to hold her hand and not think about biting her. The last thing they wanted to do was bite Bex, even if she was okay with it. “A shower would be nice. Anywhere is nicer than where I was. I was chained up, and trust me, I give it maybe one star.” It was a poor attempt at a joke, but a joke nonetheless.
The energy in the room felt heavier with their comment, and even heavier as Metzli could smell the old blood that had developed over the years. It saddened them to know that this was possibly a torture ground for their friend. Oxendine Manor. It had to be difficult, and the fact that she was willing to bring them to the place she probably hated the most made them feel a little sick, even if it meant that she truly cared about them. “I’ll probably look better after a shower. Just promise you won’t freak out once you see what’s underneath.” Their voice was a shaky mess with groans of pain littered in it as the stairs put a strain on their body. They had never been so happy to have been able to consume animal blood. It aided their muscle’s repair and kept them from falling apart.
“Yes, absolutely,” Bex said smoothly, even if her voice was still quiet and stuttering. She glanced over at them as they sucked down the blood, hoping it was enough for now. She knew they didn’t want to drink her blood, even if offered, but if it was an emergency, they didn’t really have a choice. Bex didn’t mind. As they came up to her old bedroom, she paused a moment, staring at the slightly ajar door. She hadn’t gone into her room when she was last here, she didn’t remember what state it was in aside from derelict and full of boxes. She pushed on the door after a moment. “I think I’d rate it negative stars, if it were me,” she said back. The room inside was what she’d imagined it might be. The closet was mostly stripped empty, save for a few pieces, the dresser left open, boxes around the bed and on the floor. She moved one out of the way and pointed towards a door in the back corner.
“The bathroom is through there. There’s a tub and a shower, so go for whichever you want. Um--” she spun in her spot a little, digging through one of the boxes. “I don’t have any sweats here, but I’ve got some shorts and a t-shirt if that’s okay?” She turned to face Metzli again, holding the clothes up. “I won’t, I promise. I just want to help.”
“If you’re here, then it’s automatically five stars.” With a single nod and smile, they headed towards the bathroom and turned to Bex before heading in. “I’ll just cover my chest when I’m done if that’s okay with you. There’s a few open wounds.” Metzli took the clothes and closed the door, turning the water on quickly and removing their ripped garments to hop inside. The hot water soothed every wound and every tense muscle, making them feel relaxed in a way they didn’t expect. Being alert and ready for an attack was no longer necessary. All they had to do was let go and let their friend take care of them.
When they finally came back out of the bathroom, the clothes were tight around their body, a little too small for their frame. But it felt good to finally be clean, to wash away most of what Eloy painted on their skin. Wounds already began to bleed through the clothes, darkening them as they walked about. “I think I might need stitches.” They muttered. “Um…master—I mean—Eloy got a little knife happy. A little deep.” Metzli couldn’t lock eyes with Bex, and they settled for holding her hand once more so she could guide them to the appropriate spot. The bruising was a little more visible now that they washed away the grime on their body, and even they had grimaced during the quick glance in the bathroom mirror. “Thank you. I’m really glad I’m home.” Their words were a little muttered and hollow, finding it difficult to fight through the pain they felt on a level that transcended physical. “Where do you want me to be, Dr. Bex? You’re the boss right now.”
Bex set about organizing the room a bit as she waited for Metzli to finish showering. Her nerves were beginning to return now that she was alone in her bedroom. No, her old bedroom. This was not her home, and it was, arguably, never actually her home anyway. She stacked most of the boxes in the corner and came back to the closet, shuffling through the clothes that were still hanging in it, just old dresses and blouses that she didn’t have much attachment to because her mother had picked them for her. She went back downstairs for a moment and searched through the supplies in the kitchen for the big first-aid kit and the sutures, before coming back upstairs and setting up stuff on the bed.
When Metzli came out of the bathroom, she perked up, trying to forget about the dark thoughts that were trying to crowd her mind being back here. But her face fell when she saw all the wounds on them, and it reminded her of all the times she’d look in the mirror and see nothing but bruises and swollen eyes. She remembered all the times Mina came home looking battered, and she remembered all the times she’d seen Metzli torn up. “Just...over here is fine,” she said, motioning to the bed. She started gathering up the supplies she’d need, taking stock. “There’s uh-- pain meds, if you want them. I don’t know if they work for you, but they’re there if you want them.”
“They probably won’t work,” Metzli stated a little dejectedly. “Pain meds don’t usually take. But if you can get the wounds sealed up, that would…help a lot.” They gave her a smile, and even if it was weak in comparison to what they gave her before, it was better than nothing. It was better than giving into the gravity of the situation before them. They took careful steps and slowly got to the bed, letting out a soft groan they sat down. The bed gave a generous reprieve to their muscles and they settled into the soft surface, removing their shirt strategically while covering their chest.
A slew of contusions and lacerations were presented to Bex so she could do what she needed as they did their best to accommodate. “If you can seal everything up quickly, I’ll be forever grateful. I just don’t want my people to be sad.” They shrugged with a soft groan and closed their eyes as they slowly laid back. “And just so you know, those people include you.” Another smile tugged at their lips half heartedly, trying their best to latch onto any lightness in the room. They thought maybe they had tried to smile too much given the circumstances, but they couldn’t help wanting to alleviate what pressure they could. It was helping them hold on, helping them keep their inner beast at bay as it rattled within them. It wanted to be sated, but Metzli wouldn't allow it. Even as they laid there without much blood in their system, they kept their composure, holding onto everything Bex meant to them. “Are you doing okay?”
Bex nodded and set to work, carefully weaving the suture into the deepest cuts first. It was a scary thought to realize that she was so good at this now simply because she’d done it so much. It was out of necessity that Bex had developed this skill, and the thought alone made her heart clench. Her friends were hurt so often and she still couldn’t do anything to help them, to keep them safe. She couldn’t even keep herself safe. She thought about the Torple and how Cassidy had gotten hurt helping her, and Toni. And she thought about how many times Metzli had gotten hurt for her and all the times Mina had, too. She pushed the thought away and concentrated, moving on to another open wound.
“Just hold still, I’m almost done,” she said, grabbing some gauze patches and covering up the worst of the cuts once they were stitched back together. She finished up as quickly as she could without causing too much discomfort, before she sat back up and let out a long breath. “I’m okay,” she answered and began cleaning up the supplies and the bloody clothes she’d used to clean the wounds. “Just lay down and try and rest, okay?”
Metzli only shook lightly and whimpered a handful of times. Nothing would be as painful as being in Eloy’s grasp, and nothing would be as comforting as having their friend take care of them. Bex was even better than the last time she patched them up, and that worried them a little, but the feeling quickly numbed itself. She had to have patched up too many of her friends by now, and if they had a soul to feel deep enough with, they would be saddened by that. “Thanks, Bex. Really. Thank you.” They turned to cover their torso with the shirt, and then immediately sank into the bed to lay back fully.
Anxiety pricked their skin, and they inhaled deeply to calm it. But the anxiety demanded to be felt, growing even harsher as Bex appeared like she might possibly leave the room. “Wait!” Metzli called out worriedly, sitting up too quickly and hurting themselves. It was like a child begged, and they looked down at their hands. Embarrassment washed over them, but they pushed it away, trying to be unashamed for asking for one more thing. Something they decided they’d stop being ashamed to ask for as they flew back home. “Can you stay? L-lay with me? I don’t…I don’t want to be alone.” Eyes pleaded desperately, but they also apologized for such a heavy request. “You don’t have to. You can just stay in the room. I just don’t want to be…alone.” Tears welled in their eyes and they hastily brushed them away, looking down, waiting to be scolded for asking for too much. That wasn’t Bex’s nature, but it was the mindset they couldn’t break free from yet.
“Of course,” Bex said, giving a gentle smile, or what could maybe pass for one in the dim light of the room. She turned to toss the bandages into one of the trash boxes when Metzli called out and she paused, looking back at them. They looked scared and small, laying on the bed, covered in bandages with half-lidded eyes they could barely keep open. Vampires didn’t even sleep and she could tell they were tired beyond a physical ache. She let out a breath and nodded. “I’ll stay,” she said, setting the trash down and making her way back over. Admittedly, she hadn’t wanted to leave, either. She needed someone, too. She wouldn’t say it, but she did. She missed being held, she missed being with Mina. She missed her life where things were easy and she could be happy. She didn’t get that life anymore, not after everything that had happened.
She crawled onto the bed and laid herself down gently next to Metzli, making sure she didn’t disturb them and injure them on accident. Turning onto her side, she moved as close as she could without hurting them. “I’m so glad you’re back,” she muttered, “I missed you.”
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taiyakijirou · 3 years
Chapter I : The Incident. Void, empty, and lost. That was what a boy with silver-white hair and red hanafuda earrings felt. He could feel the warmth of his own body slowly slipping away, as he heard muffled noises. 'Izana' It called. Was it his own name? It must've been. Who was calling for him, then? Who...?
Dull pain, and constantly, the warmth dissipated. He turned his head towards the voices that were getting closer to him, and "Oh." 'It's you, Kakucho.' He thought. What happened? Why was his servant looking so lost and so distraught? He remembered fighting Mikey, he remembered a boy named Takemichi Hanagaki disrupting and remembered both executives of Tenjiku, Haitani Ran and Haitani Rindou were knocked down. He remembered it.. so what had gone wrong?
Oh, he remembers now. A gun, and Kakucho. The feeling of adrenaline and his own body moving on its own, shielding the lowly servant from the bullets of death. He remembered falling down with a soft thud to the ground, coughing out thick splutters of warm liquid; and blanking out, slowly yet surely losing senses. Slowly moving and skimming his eyes down his own torso, he shivered inwardly. He could see three holes on his chest, and red thick liquid with the smell of metal seeping through everywhere.
It was his favorite color. Red were his earrings, red were his uniform, red were his blood. And said liquid were trickling and flowing down freely as if it were a river down his torso.
Izana then turned his head softly towards the voices again, this time facing Kakucho Hitto, his most loyal and competent servant. His most trusted second in command were crying and looking at him as if he was the most precious thing he had just lost. And in some ways, it was actually correct. It was just that the white haired male were too stuck on his vengeance, hatred and emotions to know of it.
In and out of consciousness, he heard a semi-clear voice asking him a question he had waited for what seemed to be the longest minutes of his life; "Why did you do it, Izana? I-I'm only a mere servant!"
Mustering up power and strength in his own self, he muttered, "....Silly Servant." With a puzzled expression, Kakucho kneeled down next to Izana. "...Huh? What do you mean? It's supposed to be your kingdom. We promised to build our own empire, Izana. I'm not a good servant, letting his king go down the throne for a mere lowly servant."
In the midst of Hitto's neverending self-blame and guilt, Izana whispered out, "...Our kingdom."
"What? B-but.."
"You're all that I have, Kakucho." Izana smiled; Oh so ever sweetly he did, making Kakucho's heart tighten in dull pain. The silver-white haired male turned his head and looked up at the sky, he then said, "It's.. snowing, Kakucho. So... nos..tal...gic.." Slowly, yet so painfully felt by the scarred man, he saw the white haired male's chest evened out; Until there were no more puffs of air taken, and no more warmth was felt. Its eyes had lost its brilliant purple, only showing muted dull color of what was left of it. "...Izana?"
It was deathly silent. The tension rising up more and more, making one could puke due to the nerves. "Izana?" One voiced out, and the other peered in confusion and interest.
"KISAKI. WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?" Hanagaki Takemichi wailed, whilst he went ahead and faced Tetta Kisaki. "Fuck. Why does every bit of my master plan failed? First it was you, Hanagaki. Now Kakucho Hitto had ruined my plan. Mother fuckers.." The male who wore glasses cursed, he then lifted his hands that were holding a gun and pointed it towards Takemichi. "So long.. My Hero."
Hanagaki Takemichi looked down on his own body, and there was a hole right on his left shoulder. Tears flowed freely from his brilliant oceanic blue eyes, glistening it and making it shine bright. Kisaki gasped. He had shot Hanagaki Takemichi and the other was still standing. How?
Feeling fear creeping up his nerves and body, he threw away the gun that had been dirtied by both Izana and Takemichi's blood, and ran. Kisaki Tetta ran away until his breathing constricted, and chest pumping as if it would explode. And explode, he did. When Hanagaki Takemichi ran up to chase him, Kisaki Tetta was hit by a truck.
The whole thing was in utter chaos. Tenjiku, Touman, and nearby other gang members were silent in the area. Kakucho had crawled ever so slowly to Izana Kurokawa's now corpse, and held his hand. He cried bitterly, mourning for the loss of his king, and his bestfriend whom he shared his highs and lows with.
Sirens of the familiar police cars were heard from afar, "The police are coming, quick!" someone voiced out through the crowds, making each and every one of them disperse, trying to get away from the hands of the "justice of the world."
"Izana, Kakucho, I really admire the both of you. You were some of the best leaders we ever had. Rest well, you two." Softly closing the both of their eyes, Haitani Ran sighed. That day, that faithful day, two men died in the incident, one was injured and had to be hospitalized while the others only had a few broken bones here and there.
It had been days, weeks, months, and even years passed since that bloody day. Izana Kurokawa was now only a name and memory in the hearts of the people that knew of him. "Izana. I'm finally here. Here is your favorite flowers. Myosotis Forget-Me-Nots, right? Since little, you've always liked those flowers. Maybe because you always say to me, "Kakucho, I don't want to be forgotten in this world." And Izana, you never will be forgotten." After putting down the flowers, Kakucho walked away with his shoulders hunched down.
The next visits were filled with Kakucho, again. "I still remember those snowy days, Izana. Do you? You, in your big sweater. Short hair, running around with that big smile of yours, screaming around that you will take over the world. "We will build an empire together, Kakucho!" was what you said." The male sighed, he then caressed the gravestone softly and said, "Today is snowing too, Izana. When will you throw snowballs at me?" Izana's grave was silent after that. Only a few teardrop marks were left and seen, traces of the previous visitor who wailed in grief, mourning for the death of his king.
Authors note, the author's brain is burning. - Manjirou Sano.
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seokjinsdisciple · 4 years
Riddikulus- eleven
jungkook x reader, hogwarts!au, enemies to lovers!au
Warnings: THERE IS A SCENE OF NON-CON TOUCHING (its brief but STILL THERE), language, arguing, mentions of cheating, fist fights, blood mention
Word Count: 1.2k
<previous  eleven  next>
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taglist: @nellaphine @elixirguks @softfluffgirl @sensiblebutch, @deolly, @zeharilisharaban, @jungshookmeup, @elliegrace1999tvd
It had taken Yoongi one look at your crying face to rush up to you. Quickly pulling you into a quiet alcove in the common room and bringing you into a hug. 
“What’s going on?” He asked gently, trying to regulate his breathing to help you, despite his initial panic. He hadn’t seen you like this in a long time. The last time he saw you this worked up he had beat the Gryffindor boy who had messed with you half to death. 
“Seong-,” you hiccuped through your tears, trying desperately to calm yourself down, “Seonghwa is cheating on me.”
You felt Yoongi freeze at that, the hand that had been rubbing your back paused for just a second. You could feel the anger radiating off of him. But he knew you, and he knew you needed him by your side more than he needed to put Seonghwa in his place. So he continued his rubbing, letting you tell him what had happened at your own pace. Not even flinching when Jimin joined, wrapping his arms around the other side of your body. You spent a majority of the night like that, wrapped in their arms as they whispered comforting words to you. 
Once again, you got no sleep. Although this time you laid awake thinking about Seonghwa instead of the annoying Gryffindor who had been haunting your thoughts all week long. 
You avoided Seonghwa all morning, and in the few seconds you had spoken to him, you rushed out a time to meet and talk before practically sprinting away. You didn’t want to face him, but you knew you had to. He had embarrassed you and it didn’t feel great to yet again feel like you weren’t good enough. 
You were watching the clock diligently, the plans to meet him after Charms causing you to miss the entire lesson. Something you would have to spend the week making up, no doubt. You packed your things mindlessly, Jimin rubbing your thumb with his own. He had been touching you all day today, keeping you grounded. Not to mention he liked knowing that you were safe. Touching you gently calmed you down and reassured him that you were ok.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to come?” He asked quietly, leaning his head on your shoulder, “I don’t mind.”
“Min,” you smiled sadly, “I’ll be fine, and if I’m not, I’ll know where to find you.”
He smiled slightly back at you, giving your hand one last squeeze as he let go. You watched as he walked to meet up with Tae. His arm finding its way around the Hufflepuff’s waist. 
You finished packing your bag, dread filling your chest and the knot that seemed to be permanently tied in your stomach tightening. You took a steadying deep breath before putting on your best bitch face and walking towards the door. You were going to walk away from this looking better than Seonghwa, that was your goal. That and not crying. 
Seonghwa was already waiting outside of the doors, his face tight and worried as he walked up to you. You ignored him, pushing past him and walking swiftly. 
“What’s wrong?” He asked hurriedly, following behind your fast steps. You led him into an empty hallway, stopping and turning so abruptly that he almost ran right into you. 
“We’re done Seonghwa,” you said simply, “I don’t date cheaters.”
“What do you mean?”
“I know about you and Yeji. Don’t bother lying, and don’t bother apologizing.”
“You don’t want my apology? Not even if it makes you feel good?” he said, grabbing your arm and pulling you closer. He grabbed one of your hands, putting it on the bulge in his pants. You desperately tried to pull your hand away, but he wouldn’t let you.  You felt your stomach drop in panic. 
“Let go of me,” you spat, trying your best to get out of his tightening grip, “Seonghwa, what the fuck, let me go!”
“Oh now you don’t like when I touch you like this?” he growled, biting your ear a little too hard, bringing tears to your eyes. 
“No,” you said strongly, biting back your tears, “Stop.”
You held back a panicked sob as he pushed you against the wall, his lips meeting yours. His lips used to taste so sweet, but now they only left a sour taste in your mouth. You kept muttering nos, and stops, but Seonghwa made it clear that he wasn’t going to listen to you. You pushed and kicked, but he wouldn’t let go. You tried biting him to get him to stop, but he only bit back. You stared at the wall behind you, trying to block out the hands that were roaming your body. 
You didn’t realize he was off of you until you saw Jungkook’s face in your field of vision. You noticed the anger in his eyes, his cheeks flushing pink as he clearly tried to keep his composure. He was telling you to breathe, you could tell. When the ringing in your ear stopped you glanced around. Seonghwa was on the floor, whining about Jungkook kicking him in the balls. 
“Of course he would be the one to come rescue you,” Seonghwa growled, standing up and walking closer to you,  “You don’t date cheaters? Well I don't date filthy little sluts.”
Jungkook lost it then. You watched as he punched Seonghwa square in the jaw. The restraint he showed earlier clearly snapping as he continued to fight. There was blood, and you couldn’t tell who it was coming from. 
“Jungkook, stop,” you spoke, enough to make him stumble back. 
“You’re really protecting this asshole?” He asked, his temper still unchecked. 
“No,” you said calmly, walking up to where Seonghwa stood cradling his right cheek. You swug as hard as you could, the pain from the punch ebbed completely by the satisfaction of the yelp of pain he let out, “It was just my turn.”
Seonghwa flicked you both off as he scurried away, Jungkook laughing in disbelief. The adrenaline of the whole situation was fading quickly, and your energy was dropping quickly. Jungkook caught on quicker than you thought, rushing closer to you and bringing you into his chest. He followed as you slowly sunk to the floor, pulling you gently into his lap as you sat. Tears not enough to comprehend what had just happened to you. 
“Can you text my brother please,” you whispered, digging your head further into his neck. 
“He’s already on his way,” he whispered back, fingers threading through your hair. The comforting action enough to lull you into the first sleep you have gotten in two weeks.
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thesolotomyhan · 4 years
Narcos México: Dating them would include: (5/7)
Tumblr media
Tags: @fandomnerd16​ , @visintaes​
Warnings: NSFW
Miguel Ángel ,, this man needs someone he can wholeheartedly trust,,
Your able to keep him focused on only one thing and forget everything else, one step at a time motto
He loves having your full attention and love,,
Por eso esta perdidamente enamorado de ti
He can also always count on you for being on his side and giving him advice on hard decisions
Whenever he feels like he’s gonna explode because of the pendejadas his employers are doing, he’s automatically calling you
It de-stresses him when he hears about your day and what you’re planning on doing later,
honestly your voice just soothes him as he closes his eyes and listens to you
I feel like, when that’s not enough, he’s inviting right on the spot if you want to visit the cafe nearby or something
He loves taking you out for dates at fancy places/restaurants
Miguel feels like your love grows stronger when he takes you out because you’re spending time together
He’s also always making sure you enjoy your food, surroundings, etc, he wants it to be perfect for you,
Like, if you even mention that your food is a bit cold, he’s snapping his fingers and making orders,,
“Ay, pendejo, como se te ocurre darle a mi esposa su comida todo frío, es una dama, orale, apurate a traerla otro plato, cabrón”
 he can’t help it, he wants everything to have your approval.
He wants to treat you with what you deserve and more
Miguel goes soft when you smile at him for a gesture he did, it might be something you said you wanted a long time ago or just him buying a big ass bouquet of roses because we all know Felix can be extra 💅🏼
So he’s definitely bringing you a serenata where you live and giving you that adoring smile he does when he sees your face light up
Serenata Sin Luna by Jose Alfredo Jiménez just screams this, let me go sob
God, the way he overachieves expectations when it’s your birthday or something
Like this man thinks his birthday parties are casual, but when it comes to you, he has to have them fancy and extravagant,,,
“Miguel, que es todo esto?”
“Pues es tu cumpleaños tesoro, y apenas vamos empezando”
It’s just jaw dropping the way he goes all out for you
You can’t tell me otherwise that this man lives for taking walks with you,, either late at night after a date or just a normal walk to talk about anything and hold your hand- ugh
He’s one to give you his coat so you don’t freeze as he hugs you into his side
“Ya vez, te dije que trajeras un suéter, mija”
While he pulls you into him, smiling and kissing the top of your head🥺
Miguel’s also asking every time you see a carrito de comida if you want anything, without fail
I can definitely see you guys sharing food, just feeding each other as you smile to one another and the heart eyes you both give each other- I can’t 
HAND HOLDING, again,,,I- he just really loves holding your hand ok, like apart of him makes him feel  strong when he’s holding your hand, he’ll give you an occasional squeeze when he gets excited, stressed, or worried about something
I can also see him fiddling with your wedding ring as he holds you hand, whenever he’s bored or nervous at a party dinner,-
God, this man spoils you every minute he can,
He states that it’s the least he can do after you put up with him, -the softness that is showing is astronomical
But you’re always telling him that you’re sticking around because your love for him is endless, 🥺
That statement alone makes him die of happiness
Every time there’s a party that he needs to attend, he’s already sending you a new dress for you to wear to accompany him
This man is complimenting every second he can,
He’s worshipping the ground you walk on
“Te ves tan hermosa, mija”
I can definitely see that people only walk up to him when you’re next to him because he’s actually approachable and happy when you’re around,,
Styling his hair back to normal after he ruins it when he stresses out,,
“Ya, mi amor, tu sabes que no me gusta verte así, tu eres mejor que ellos”-
The way he looks at you makes me cry, you can just see his worries go away as he smiles up at you🥺
Or even when he needs reassurance that you do love him after Felix visits Neto in prison, like the part where he tells him that he’s alone in this world
“Cuídate Flaco, la única persona que te queda es tu mujer; un milagro que ella todavía esta contigo”  That really got to him :(
That’s when he’ll spend the whole day with you, like a lazy day... never wanting to let go of you...
“Si sabes, yo hago todo esto por ti, verdad? Este es tu imperio tesoro, y de nadie mas”-
Soft cuddles in the morning and before you go to bed together because Miguel is on that soft shit
You’re what makes him a better man at the end of the day, your relationship is so beautiful, I’m crying
Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo,, this man is making you feel things, 
Let me put this out there,,, Miguel lives for seeing you blowing him
It’s one of the only good things that come out for him when he’s stressed tf out because you’re always willing to help him relax
I feel like you’ll grab hold of his face and kiss him as his hands grip your clothes like an anchor,,,
You’ll lead him to sit down as you get down on your knees and begin to unbuckle his pants as he lets out a deep breath
He’ll let you do all the work as he lets his head fall back while he lazily thrusts into your mouth,
“Como me sabes cuidar, verdad tesoro?” 
As he smiles down at you- 
El Jefe de Jefes, look there’s a reason why he’s given that name, 
he’s definitely a dom, he wants to see as you fall apart beneath him, it’s such an amazing sight for him
The way you say his name and scratch his back while he just fucks you into the bed
He chuckles lightly when he rubs your clit with his fingers as he keeps thrusting into you, just the way you gasp and say his name a little louder-
The build up to having sex is something else entirely, I can see him desperately kissing you as he grips you clothes while you’re quickly unbuttoning his shirt
He’ll lay you on the bed as he moves to start kissing your neck and moving his fingers in between your thighs,
Oh yeahh, this man is into fingering you, like holy shit, the way he’ll look into your eyes and hoarsely speak to you
“Mira lo fácil que te hago sentir, amor, como eres de obediente para mi” as he’s curling his fingers into you- okk
I feel like Miguel would not give you time to adjust to him, like he’s too desperate, ya feel?
Like, you’ll stutter his name out and on the verge of tears from pain and pleasure but he’s just brushing your hair out of your face and cradling your face, nodding his head
“No, no hagas eso, yo se que puedes, tesoro”
He’ll silence you by kissing you and just pounding into you more harder
Wow, the way he’ll have you not thinking straight anymore with your head thrown back, excites him-
 one of his absolute favorite positions is having one of your legs lifted on his shoulder, as he fucks you, because that’s hella erotic
The marks he leaves behind makes you feel so many emotions, too
He’s always leaving them on your chest, a spot where only he can see and no one else-
Speaking of exciting emotions,,,, Desk Sex
Like, c’mon you know this is a thing 
Miguel’s ass fantasizes about this
Like, either you bent over his desk or laying, spread out on his desk as he clasps his hand over your mouth, wow
When you're bent over his desk with one of your legs resting on his desk and the other leg on the ground, he’s tangling his hand into your hair as he pulls you back and moves to wrap it wrap your throat,
“Calladita, amor, no quieres que nos encuentren, verdad?”, as he’s thrusting deeply into you from behind and moves his other hand to rub your throbbing clit -ok, someone escort me out
Balcony Sex -that’s for another time,,
I feel like, the times when he comes home from his out of country/state trips, you’re already waiting for him on the bed with his favorite lingerie
He pauses from the door and lightly chuckles,
“Imaginate si alguien más o el pinche Clavel entra y no yo, amor”
Uggh, i can just see you lightly laughing as you get up and walk up to him and lead him to sit down on the bed
“Te extrañaba, mi amor”
You’re straddling him as he grabs hold of your hips and desperately kisses you-,
now usually he doesn’t prefer to be bottom, but when my baby is tired, he can’t even think
He’ll let you have your fun on top of him, like grounding your hips onto his and gripping his shoulders
The way you both let out deep breaths in sync when he’s inside of you-
Loves the way you’re desperately bouncing on him-
He’ll steady you on top of him once your hips start to stutter and your creasing your eyebrows,, he knows your going to stop soon
So he’ll move his hands to grip your ass and thrust up into you,,
“Dime cuanto me extrañabas” -wow
I just know this man can last the whole night making you see stars and only remember his name.
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in3ptbean · 4 years
𝙳𝚞𝚖 𝚅𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚖𝚞𝚜, 𝚅𝚒𝚟𝚊𝚖𝚞𝚜
“Since we live, let us live,” 
Pairing: Quentin Smith x Reader 
Warmings: Cursing, slight gore,  
I do not own Dead by Daylight or any of its characters 
(Not My GIF)
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You were crouched stiffly against the dilapidated wall of the asylum, back aching as you listened intently to the growing hum of Freddy’s lullaby 
Your neck audibly cracked as you peeked over the wall. You hissed at the stinging pain that struck your face, gagging at the copper smell that tainted your lungs. The Nightmare laughed as you turned, booking it towards the killer shack. You grinned with hesitance, noticing that the ‘God’ pallet, as Nea had called it had yet to be used. 
You whipped around once you stepped into the shack, looking for the red stain that warned you of Freddy’s current position. He scowled at the sight of you waiting at the palette, wanting nothing more than to down you and hook you in the basement; lucky for you, it was on the other side of Crotus Prenn Asylum
“Come on Bitch,” You muttered, knowing he heard you. Freddy let out an animalistic growl but stood still. He was inching closer and closer, waiting till your drowsy state lowered your guard. You saw something move out of the corner of your eye, but you ignored it; good choice. 
The midget sized nightmare lunged, only to be hit across his bacon-esque face with the mirage of colored planks and tearing rope. 
“You’re a whore,” Freddy cackled out as you backed away from the dropped palette. “Right back at ya,” you snapped. A hand, warm and calloused, wrapped around your wrist, yanking you back as the Nightmare started to kick down the palette. 
The Springwood teen gave you a shaky smile as you allowed him to pull you away from the fuming Champion. Nea grinned when she saw the two of you, clicking her flashlight in anticipation of a good chase.
“He’s all yours,” You smiled, allowing Quentin to tend to your wounds. You hissed softly, ignoring his quiet apology as he wiped the cuts with alcohol. Your hands played with Quentin’s jacket,  gently twisting the fabric amongst your fingers and palms as your eyes closed from the sudden drowsiness you were feeling. 
“Don’t fall asleep,” Your eyes snapped open, a content hum leaving your lips as you fell into Quentin's warm embrace. 
“Easier said than done, Smith,” He smiled, giving you a gentle squeeze before hesitantly pulling away. He knew once the exit gates were all roaring with life, you would snap out of your drowsy state, and bounce around with the adrenaline pushing you towards the exits while dragging him behind you. 
“Come on,” You stood, allowing him to pull you along, “Jake’s got a gen at the Hill,” You nodded, trying to focus on the trial you had been abruptly thrown into.
When the last generator roared to life, you snapped out of your daze, and pulled your boyfriend towards the closest exit gate, with Jake in tow of course. Nea had been running Freddy around the forest for while, and while you were thankful for her ‘toxic survivor’ nature, you wished she wouldn’t be so willing to  sacrifice herself; she was one of your closest friends after all. 
The smile on your face was wiped away when you heard her chill-inducing scream. The gates open, the entities appendages following. 
Blood Warden, just great. The only thing missing now was NOED. 
“I saw a key in a chest,” Jake uttered quietly. You nodded, ignoring the silent look Quentin gave you. You had grown used to this game by now; knowing the Entity only placed the two of you in trials together to feed off of the hope and affection the two of you shared. If the Entity wanted a show, you were going to give an outstanding performance.  
That’s how you ended up cussing out Freddy as he stood in front of Nea, a malicious grin on his burned face. “Tick tock,” He mused, clacking together the knives attached to his glove. 
“Oh fuck off, and quit camping you little shit,” You were shorter than he was, but you didn't let that deter the string of curses leaving your lips at such a rapid pace. “I hope you know I hate you with a fucking passion,” 
Quentin could only watched as you led the Nightmare away from his struggling friend, allowing him to pull the Swede off the hook, and lead her towards the hatch. Jake glanced around, expecting to see you holding onto his arm, but frowned subtly when he caught sight of Quentin’s grimace. 
“You two can go ahead, I’m going to wait for (Y/N)-” Your scream echoed through the trial, interrupting Quentin’s sentence. Jake shook his head, grabbing Quentin before  he could run towards your downed aura. 
“It’s her last hook-” The ground shook just as a pain throbbed against his skull. The Entities pleased whispers and groans at your sacrifice made him sick. This, of course, wasn’t the first time you pulled something like this; but he never got used to the idea of you arriving at the campfire, still bruised and bloodied as as result of the entities punishment. 
The gentle hum of the hatch pulled him out of his trance, the smoky darkness enveloping his body in warmth and safety. 
Quentin waited for your return, sitting away from the campfire, and avoiding all possible acts of small talk provided by the others. Sure, he was an awkward, not so social teen, but he had other thing to worry about. 
You awoke with a pained yelp, having been dragged by the Entity through it’s vast woods before ending up beside the nearly napping teen. 
“What brings such a handsome boy like you around here?” You asked non-chalantly, trying to lighten his somber mood.  Quentin stared at you with wide eyes, taking in your current state; it was nothing you couldn't handle.  
He embraced you tightly, resting his head on your lap before you felt the sudden wetness of his tears soaking through your leggings. You silently cursed yourself, your hand gently running through his hair as he cried. 
“I’m alright Quentin,” you murmured, pressing a soft kiss to his head. his body shook, head slightly nodding along with your words, almost as if he was trying to convince himself. “You’re not getting rid of me so easily,” 
He shakily smiled, closing his eyes tightly before slowly relaxing in your embrace. He never planned to get rid of you, he didn’t want to. 
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leajamjam · 3 years
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I posted 4,164 times in 2021
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For every post I created, I reblogged 2081.0 posts.
I added 11 tags in 2021
#fuck - 2 posts
#you know that song with the guy screams while wearing a cowboy hat? - 1 posts
#minecraft - 1 posts
#dean does not let me forget this - 1 posts
#and after talking over multiple different names it was the only one that i didnt hate at firat sound - 1 posts
#im named sam because a friend with did who has dean winchester as an alter suggested it - 1 posts
#heaven-sent - 1 posts
#goldfish colors - 1 posts
#salvationarmyhate - 1 posts
#that didn't last long - 1 posts
Longest Tag: 100 characters
#and after talking over multiple different names it was the only one that i didnt hate at firat sound
My Top Posts in 2021
I am...so sorry.
@galaxy-lilies I wrote it. It’s not the best, but I wrote it. Sapnap's design is inspired by @_pr1nc3_ali_ on tiktok
“I’m sorry…who are you?”
‘…What? He’s kidding, right?’ Sapnap thought, looking at one of…the only love of his life.
“Karl…you’re kidding…right?” he said, laughing a bit. He stopped though, noticing that Karl wasn’t laughing along.
“Karl?” Sapnap asked, his voice breaking as tears started to well up in his eyes.
“Sorry, I don’t recognize you. Should I?” Karl asked, tilting his head in that cute way that Sapnap loves.
“Karl, this isn’t funny. We’re engaged. We had another fiance, but…stuff happened, so now it’s the two of us.” Sapnap said, sounding more and more desperate, even to himself.
“Sapnap.” A voice said, making the two men turn to see Tubbo and George standing there, both looking concerned.
“What.” Sapnap snapped, his eyes looking like flames.
“Let him be. We can’t do anything about it. I’m sorry.” George said, putting a hand on his friend’s shoulder.
“NO! It’s not okay!” Sapnap snarled, his slightly sharper teeth looking more intimidating with his rage.
“Fuck this, I’m leaving.” Sapnap said, stalking off.
“Dad? Pops? Anyone?” Sapnap called out, walking into the crimson forest.
“Sapnap?” a voice called back, scaring the man, making him spin to see one of his fathers standing next to a tree covered in vines.
“Dad!” Sapnap crowed, bounding over to the 9’2” demon, hugging him.
“What are you doing here, Sapnap?” Bad asked, softly hugging him back.
“…Karl doesn’t remember me, and Quackity left us. I just…I just need you and pops.” Sapnap said softly, nuzzling his dad’s stomach for comfort. Bad gently pushed him away, making Sapnap look at him in worry. His dad never pushes away from hugs first.
“I’m sorry, Sapnap. Come with me. I’ll take you to Skeppy. And to the others.” Bad said.
“Others?” Sapnap asked.
“Yes. The rest of the Eggpire. It’s where Skeppy and I have been staying. And where you’re allowed to come, if you want.” Bad said.
“The Eggpire?” Sapnap asked.
Bad doesn’t answer.
They walk for a bit and stop in front of…an egg. A giant one. A giant red one. A giant red one with large red vines coming out, and Antfrost, Punz, Ponk, and Skeppy around it.
“Why is Skeppy red.” Sapnap asked, getting nervous.
Before Bad could answer, a loud noise that then thinned out to what sounded like multiple voices whispering at once started up.
Sapnap’s ears rang for a moment, and then…he heard it.
“.panpaS olleH”*
“Who are you?” Sapnap asked, curiously, his head tilting, his eyes gaining a slightly reddish hue.
“.ggE eht sllac rehtaf ruoy eno eht ma I”** the voice said, sounding a bit amused.
“What do you want from me?” Sapnap questioned.
A noise like nails on a chalkboard is heard, taking Sapnap a moment to realize that the Egg just laughed.
“.ti xif lliw I dna ,em nioj tsuJ .taht egnahc nac I .nos rieht er'uoy taht rebmemer t'nod stnerap ruoY .evol llits dna ,devol evah uoy enoyreve ssim uoY .das era uoY .enola era uoY .tnaw uoy tahw dna ,gnileef era uoy tahw llet nac I .panpaS ,tnaw I tahw ton s'tI”*** The egg said.
Sapnap balks a bit when the egg says his fears, but leans forwards in worry when he hears that his dad’s don’t remember him. He thought for a moment, and then nodded sharply.
“I want in. I can’t take them not knowing me. I already have that with Karl.”
A warm feeling comes from the egg.
“.emit gnol yrev a rof uoy gnitcepxe neeb ev'eW .panpaS ,emocleW .tcefreP”**** the egg said, opening up.
“.uoy tseb ruoy emoceb uoy erus ekam lliw ew dna ,hguorht petS.”***** the egg coos.
Sapnap steps in, and sat down as the Egg closes up.
PAIN. That’s all Sapnap feels for what seems like days, weeks, years.
Then the Egg opened up, letting light in, and making Sapnap hiss and cover his eyes.
“Sappy-Nappy?” Sapnap heard, making him perk up.
“Dad?” He called out, stepping out and making everyone but his dads and the Egg gasp.
Sapnap looked down to see that everything looked fine.
“W-What--” Sapnap asked, confused.
“Oh Sappy-Nappy, looks like the Egg wants more of your Blaze inheritance to show. Look!” his Dad gushed, pulling him to a gold block nearby.
Sapnap looked and was surprised to see his eyes and mouth were glowing, and some flaming horns were inside of the now flame that was now his head.
“Oh!” Sapnap said, tossing a hand into his hair.
“.dlrow eht ni ecalp wen ruoy ecarbme uoy taht epoh eW .olaH panpaS ,eripggE eht ot emocleW” the Egg said.
Sapnap smiled, and laughed, the glow in his eyes turning red.
“Of course.”
“What. The. Hell!” Quackity screamed, running to George and Karl, who were watching the destruction of their SMP with horror.
“Sapnap…?” George said, making Quackity whirl around to see a Sapnap with flaming hair and standing on the walls next to Badboyhalo and Skeppy, all with red eyes.
“Sapnap, the hell?” Quackity screams.
Sapnap looks at the little group of men, and asks, “Where’s the president.”
“I’m right here, Sapnap. What do you want?” Tubbo said, pushing in between the men.
“Have you checked on the nukes lately?” Sapnap asked innocently, holding up a remote that made Tubbo pale dramatically.
“Sapnap, you need to stop this!” Quackity said.
“I don’t need to do anything.” Sapnap snapped back.
“Why?” Karl asked.
“Why not? Quackity, Kinoko Kingdom is blown to kingdom come. Las Nevadas is on thin ice. Do not come near us of the Eggpire, or I will kill you.”
Quackity took a step back at the venom in his ex-fiance’s voice, as Karl gasped and put a hand to his mouth with tears welling up in his eyes.
“Son. Don’t waste your time.” Bad said, putting a hand on Sapnap’s shoulder.
“Fine Dad.” Sapnap said, smiling. He then turned to the others, and frowned.
“Las Nevadas. Thin ice. Keep it there, and I won’t blow it up. For now.”
*Hello Sapnap.
** I am the one your father calls the Egg.
***It's not what I want, Sapnap. I can tell what you are feeling, and what you want. You are alone. You are sad. You miss everyone you have loved, and still love. Your parents don't remember that you're their son. I can change that. Just join me, and I will fix it.
****Perfect. Welcome, Sapnap. We've been expecting you for a very long time.
*****Step through, and we will make sure you become your best you.
******Welcome to the Eggpire, Sapnap Halo. We hope that you embrace your new place in the world.
86 notes • Posted 2021-04-22 03:12:29 GMT
Everyone puts Roy Mustang and Riza Hawkeye in the "parents" category when it comes to the Elric brothers.
Roy and Riza are very much gremlin older siblings to the Elrics and I will stand on this hill.
Riza just hides her gremlin side and antics better.
Thank you for your time ☺️
89 notes • Posted 2021-04-10 07:45:46 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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shondideaira-blog · 4 years
Ride or Die fanfiction of Ellie going back in time to stop Colts dad from dying
Pairing: Colt and Ellie
Warnings: Explosion and Major Character Death
Please go easy on me, It is my first one...
Ellie runs as fast as she can to his car. He's crippled right now so he can't fight her on this. "Teppei! Get out and let me drive your car. Limp back to mine!" She yells sternly as she opens the car door and pulls him out. "Ellie, that's my car! What are you doing?" He retorted. "I'm protecting the man I love and saving his father in the process. I've seen how this plays out. You die here and it nearly kills him. Colt loves you; he'll forget about me in no time... tell Colt I'm sorry and that I love him" with that she slams the car door shut then speeds off. She made up her mind, before this second chance she was the reason Teppei died. She doesn't know why but she was given a chance to change who was on the other end of that explosion. As she sped into the barricade all that went through her mind was the smile and laugh of the emotionally constipated ass she had come to love, Colt Kaneko. It was instantaneous, as soon as Teppeis sports car made contact with the wall of police cars the NOS exploded taking the life of Ellie Wheeler and a few nameless cops that had the sad job of unknowingly becoming cannon fodder for one of the biggest gangs of LA.
20 minutes before…
"Logan! Where is Colt?" a frantic Ellie asks. "I don't know, probably running like all of us should be doing. Come on, my car is this way" Logan gestures towards the mall parking lot. "Wait!" Ellie yells, grabbing his hand. "I have something to do first but can you do me a favor and give this to Colt" she places something that's made of cool metal in his hands. He looks down at the object raising an eyebrow. "Your charm bracelet? Why?" "Logan, please. You'll see him before I do. There is just something I have to do. Please." The look in her eyes looked so sad and broken, all Logan could do was nod. "Don't do anything stupid, troublemaker" Logan says before he dips into the driver seat, starts the engine, and drives off into the night. Now all Ellie had to do was find that limping old man!
Teppei couldn't believe it. Ellie sacrificed herself for him... for the crew... even though she knew what his original intentions were when having Logan approach her. How was he going to tell Colt? As far as he knows everyone thought that was him that sped into the blockade, it should have been him. Ellie was so young, bright, had a fire he rarely saw and now she was just gone. Her flame extinguished, nothing but ash. Knowing there was no use delaying the inevitable he got into Ellies car and made off to the shop or what was left of it. When he arrived, the whole building was engulfed in flames. Flames seemed to be taking everything away from them tonight, he pulled into an empty space to park, he could see Colt. He looked so defeated leaning against his motorcycle watching the only home he's ever known go up in flames. He got out of the car and slowly approached Colt, he put his hand on Colts shoulder. Colt jumped a little startled by the sudden contact, Colt couldn't believe his eyes. His dad was standing there in front of him, alive. He was sure he watched him blow up, without thinking he pulled Teppei into a tight hug. "Dad... I thought you were dead. How?... How did you survive?! I saw the car blow up!" Colts' voices were a mix of excitement and concern. He knew someone had to be driving that car. "I'm alive because I wasn't driving it..." Teppei couldn't bear to make eye contact with his son. "Then who was?" Colt glanced over his dads’ shoulder to see Ellies car. "That’s Ellies car, did you two come back together? Where is she?" Colt was looking all around. Wait, his dad showed up in her car... someone had to be driving his dad’s car. Oh God, just the thought of Ellie being the one in that car made him sick to his stomach. "Dad... Where. Is. Ellie?" He said, voice shaking. By the look in Teppeis eyes he knew. He knew she was the one that sacrificed herself so the crew could escape. No. No. NO!! This has to be a joke; he just saw her an hour ago. She can't be just gone. Those words can't be the last thing he said to her. He felt cold, even the surrounding flames couldn't warm him. "Dad... please..." Colt managed to get out just barely a whisper, a plea to make it not true while a tear ran down his cheek. "I'm sorry son... she wanted me to tell you she was sorry and that...'' Teppei cut off looking at the ground. Should he tell him? Those three words would break him even more, if there was anything left to break. With all he had Colt looked up to his dad "and what?" Teppei took a deep breath "and that she loves you...". All at once Teppei saw a mix of many different emotions go through Colts face "THAT'S FUCKING BULL SHIT!! YOU DON'T LEAVE SOMEONE YOU LOVE! YOU DON'T-!" Colt cut himself off trying to hold back the flood gates that threatened to leave his eyes. Teppei pulled his son into a hug, one Colt didn't return. He just stood there broken, how did she get there anyway? He was sure he left her with Logan. LOGAN. With new found rage Colt pushed his father off him and nearly screamed "WHERE IS LOGAN?! THAT BASTARD WAS SUPPOSED TO PROTECT HER!" as if on cue Logan’s car pulled up and parked next to Ellies car.
 Logan wasn't even able to close the car door before his face was met with a fist. Colts fist. Not expecting it he went barreling to the ground. "You bastard! You were supposed to protect her!" Colt spat, As Logan got up, he was just barely able to dodge another swing thrown by Colt. "What? Dude calm down!" He responded. "Don't you fucking tell me to calm down! You said you'd protect her! Now she's dead! Ellie is fucking dead!" Colt yelled while landing another punch on Logan. Logan held his face in shock, he couldn't believe what he was hearing... "Ellies... dead?" Logan asked. Colt wasn't throwing punches anymore, maybe he was out of energy or he knew that if he didn't stop now that he never would. "I can't fucking be here!" Colt said, throwing his hands in the air. He walked over to his motorcycle, put on his helmet then sped off into the night. Logan, face bloody and left eye swollen shut looked over to Teppei. "She's really dead? How?... wait... she was the one in your car, wasn’t she?". All Teppei could do was nod his head and look everywhere but Logan’s face. Logan sank to his knees, put his head in his hands and began to cry. The crackling of the fire burning the shop and Logan’s cries were all that could be heard on that block that night.'
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huihuiheart · 4 years
In Bed - Wen Junhui
Good god, someone help me please.....
Requests: Open, for this.
 I really apologise cause I don't like this it's not the way I want it, but it's late and I have a boarder line migraine and this is the second time I wrote this now. I also rewrote the whole thing in an hour. Hopefully you all think it's okay. Also not that I really edit any of my stuff but this really isn't edited cause I'm tired and not feeling up to it, but it's okay! So yeah! Hopefully it's at least acceptable according to all of your standards!
NFSW Description Below:
BDSM Test: Results:
100% Exhibitionist 100% Voyeur 100% Rigger 100% Experimentalist 99% Sadist 87% Owner 86% Master/Mistress 86% Dominant 75% Pet 75% Daddy/Mommy 74% Switch 72% Degrader 69% Non-monogamist 64% Primal (Hunter) 64% Masochist 64% Degradee 61% Submissive 57% Rope bunny 51% Brat tamer 44% Ageplayer 41% Slave 39% Primal (Prey) 38% Brat 35% Boy/Girl 17% Vanilla
Exhibitionist/Voyeur: Let me just say that Junhui is hella sexual okay? Like he's got stamina and he has confidence in both his looks and his abilities. So he WILL NOT hesitate to shoot porn, even stuff that other people will see. He loves to show off! He also likes watching others though he likes the aesthetic of it and if he's not committed then it's something to get off too. He'll also be more than willing to teach people how to do different things in bed, so he'll show off kinks with you to teach them.
Rigger: This has some what to do with his love of showing off and because of that this'll only show up more if he's in a relationship. He loves to show everyone what is all his and what he can do to you that absolutely no one else can do. He also gets off on having control and power, so being able to control how you're tired up and your movement really gets him going.
Experimentalist: He's already pretty fucking freaky, but he's always willing to find something new to try out in bed. Which is yet another reason why he'll watch others fuck, maybe he'll see something he wants to try. I don't see him as having any hard nos really. Some things he might be a little hesitant about, but you know as long as it's eased into he'll probably be okay with trying it out. Might not mean he's into it but as long as you don't get pushy with anything it probably won't become a hard no.
Sadist: Okay, so let me say this. It's not that it's the pain per say that he gets off on. We're going to go back to how he gets off on control and power. Seeing the look in your eyes when you know what's coming and the marks he leaves behind claiming you work him up so much. Not going to lie the first few times he completely let out his sadistic nature the weak sounds, the marks blooming on your skin, and tears lining your eyes was enough to have him cumming untouched even domming. Jun had no shame about that either, in fact he was a cocky little shit about it. Even after he gets more control his cock still twitches and he has to bite back sounds every so often. (If he's giving you some pain while he's fucking you, then you can bet money he'll be cumming faster than normal.)
Owner/Master/Dominant/Daddy: So a little background, even though he's usually the dominant one he worships his S/O and has so much respect for them. So when you respect and love his body in return he's in heaven. That being said he's not going to let you just call him by his name when he's domming. I don't think he'll care too too much what you call him in bed. He does prefer owner with master as a very close second because of how "respectful" they are, but he definitely wouldn't be opposed to daddy. So whatever you're into he's probably okay with.
Pet: So as you can see this is just slightly above switch and I'll explain why. Because he's a Dom lean you'll have to work a bit more to get him to switch, but he's a little bit more willing to give in to be your pet. Not actually cause he's wanting to give into being your sub easier, but because he knows the way you react when he's your pet and this fucker wants to have something to mess with you about.
Switch: This one is pretty self explanatory I feel. But submissive is a little lower and that's cause I have a feeling that Jun has like this in-between mode. Where it's more like vanilla sex, but very passionate vanilla (sometimes boarder line Dom if some of his primal aspects come out). It just depends on his mood honestly.
Degrader: Now I feel like he's going to like this to a certain extent. However, I feel like when he degrades you it's blended so beautifully with praise. Since he worships you wants to make you feel like his dirty little sinner bit also his god/goddess. He's so good at dirty talk though, everything that leaves his mouth is so filthy and flirty, he's seductive and tempting but also passionate and make you feel like the most beautiful thing on the planet. His voice and words make you think he's a siren at times.
Non-monogamist: Okay so of you're like me then you probably expected this to be higher. I thought about it though and here's the thing, I feel like he'd feel kinda like I do about this, so hopefully I can explain it in a way that makes sense. He's okay with poly and open relationships, I'm not saying he's not. However, if that's something you think you might want then be open with him about that from the start of your relationship please. Because if you bring it up "suddenly" later his confidence will suddenly vanish. He'll be worried that you're simply asking because he's not satisfying you whether it be sexually or otherwise. Which will make him jealous and possessive until you convince him that it's not the case.
Primal (Hunter): There are certain things about Jun that are primal and you can definitely expect to show up. Like totally expect teeth, nails, and growls. However, I feel like you're not gonna get more primal than than too often. He has to lose control to get more primal and he loves his control (and is super fucking patient). Though sometimes he'll corner you or really let loose, but he's gotta be really worked up for that and that's not something that you're going to want to draw out. Unless you can go quite a few rounds cause once he gets started like that it's going to take A LOT to satisfy him.
Masochist: So lets be real here, Junhui 100% has a marking kink and he'll put up with whatever pain it takes to get your mark on his skin. CLAIM HIM! Even if he's domming just tat his skin up please, leave your mark EVERYWHERE!!! PLEASE!!!! However, the pain itself isn't his thing and the reason why is because he has a high pain tolerance I feel. And to him instead of that meaning he can take it longer and get more pleasure from it he just feels like it takes too long to get that pleasuring tingle from the pain to show up. As a sub he's not patient enough for that and as a dom it just isn't gonna happen sorry boo. If you're really a sadist though I'd say work him up with the marks first and see if you can get that to build him up first and you might be able to get him to the pleasuring pain point easier.
Degradee: So the type of degredation he's okay with is probably going to be similar to what he gives. He's always so in awe that someone as beautiful and perfect as you is around (and underneath that confidence he's soft). So basically it's very easily to go from it being dirty talk to him taking it seriously and thinking you actually mean what you're saying and he's not going to be okay then. He'll be genuinely hurt and his self worth could be damaged as well so just be careful.
Submissive/Rope Bunny: So his Dom side and his sub side are night and day let me tell you! As a dom he's sadistic, deep voiced, marking, and growling; but as a sub his voice is high pitched, he's whining so easy, putty in your hands, and he's going to like being a good little prince. He's open to being tied up but he doesn't usually see the need for it and that's because he's usually so good. You want a certain position? He's already there and ready. You want him to stay still or quite? Done. He takes pride in being good for you.
Brat tamer: So not that he won't take brats, but he's really fucking patient and he's got a lot of self control. So you really gotta get him to snap. Though if you're hoping for that then you're in luck. He's kept a mental list of everything you've done that was worthy of a decent punishment (not just his smaller everyday punishments) since the last time you got him to snap. And you're going to get what you truly deserved as punishment for each and everyone of those.
Ageplayer: Honestly would probably only so that if his S/O wanted it. He's not going to judge at all he's just not super into it I don't think. More willing to deal with an S/O who had the tendencies of a little than the other way around honestly. If that's what you need than he's not going to keep it from you. (Like I said, secretly a softie.)
Slave: Probably similar to why he doesn't see the need for being a rope bunny. He's your good sweet prince as a sub. Also he loves when you worship him like he does you, so this is kinda like degredation where you'd have to be careful not to make him think that's how you really view him. Though that's not to say he won't do it. (like I said I don't see him having any hard now unless he has a bad experience with something)
Primal(Prey): He's just not going to have a lot of these tendencies. Even if you're being primal (hunter) around him he's not going to shrink back or be easily intimidated. He just thinks your biting and scratching is kinky af. 🤷‍♀️ Sorry boo, but it's probably just not gonna happen unless you get the conditions perfect to get him to give in.
Brat: He might be a little bratty every so often to either 1. See your reaction. 2. He knows you like it. He prefers to be a good boy though. When he makes you work to get him subby it's not that he's being bratty. It's that you have to work to get that switch to flip and actually get him as a sub.
Boy: Kinda already went over this in ageplay. It's not impossible, but he's not gonna really be into it. (It would literally be 100% for you.) Though he is a kinky motherfucker so he'll experiment with it multiple times before he'll admit that with absolutely no problems and he'll be entirely open with you about what he thinks.
Vanilla: So not that is won't happen, but there will be a very specific reason why vanilla sex is happening. 1. His S/O is inexperienced (aka first time) and wants to take it slow. 2. His S/O wants vanilla that time. 3. He's in that in-between that I talked about earlier. I'm not going to get too into first time with Jun cause that could be a whole other smut deal (that I'm looking for an excuse to write anyways someone please give it to me). Anyways if his S/O wants vanilla then it could literally be anywhere from passionate to soft, even giggly loving morning vanilla. I swear Jun can do it all in bed (kinky ass hoe). The in-between shows up when you're both trying to see who's gonna dom/sub (for that round anyways) for whatever reason and his patience just runs out, like he needs you and he needs you right fucking now, in his mind you're gonna go multiple rounds anyways and he needs it now so 🤷‍♀️ it'll probably be filthy and passionate in this case though.
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javier-djarin · 4 years
Como Me Duele: Chapter 11
Ship: Javi x Reader
Rating: M
Word Count:  6,265 words
Warnings: Language
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(Gif by @pascvl​)
Summary: You sustained injuries while being held hostage. Javi realizes he doesn’t know what will become of him if he loses you.
A/N: Two more posts left. The end is nigh. This chapter was fun to write, even though parts of it almost had me crying. I couldn’t decide on which gif to use, because both of these sum up the majority of this chapter. Thank you again for all the love and support! Please, please, PLEASE let me know what you think. Please let me know if you want to be on my tag list! Chapter 12 coming soon!  As always, the translations are at the bottom.
He wiped the hair off her face. She was still warm and had color to her skin, but her breathing was so faint, he almost didn’t notice it. He held her close to his body as he looked up at Steve, who was already on the radio. “This is Agent Murphy, requesting medical aid. We need an Air Vac out. We are located on 4th. Patient: American Female who has sustained a severe head injury.”
“Ambulance is on its way,” dispatch said, “Air Vac waiting. Stand-by.”
Steve knelt close to him and undid her restraints. “She’s going to be okay. We’re going to take her to Bogotá.”
All Javi could do was nod and look down at his hermosa, stroking her soft cheek, and praying to every god in existence that she would wake up. “Don’t leave me, hermosa,” he whispered into her hair, kissing her forehead. His lips quivered as the rest of his body shook. “Please, wake up.”
Steve rested a hand on Javi’s shoulder, because that’s all he could think of doing. They could hear the ambulance off in the distance. “Javi,” he said, “the ambulance is here.”
Javi didn’t move as he continued to smooth her hair. “I can’t lose her, Steve,” his voice breaking, “I need her to wake up.”
“She will, but the paramedics need to put her in the ambulance.”
Paramedics arrived and approached Javi with a stretcher. “Necesitamos moverla.”
He stood up, with her in his arms, setting her on it. Her hand dangled from her body, and he held it, walking all the way with them to the ambulance. He kissed the inside of her palm. “Te quiero, mi corazon.”
Steve walked over and hugged Javi as the ambulance pulled away. “They have a helicopter waiting for us at the airfield. We can’t ride with her.”
Javi nodded and didn’t say anything as he walked to the Jeep. Steve jumped in the driver’s seat and drove as fast as he could to the airport. They rode in silence as Javi chewed on his nails. Both were startled when Steve’s phone rang. “Murphy,” he said.
“Steve, we just landed,” Connie said, “Kate and I are going to head to the apartment.”
He sighed into the phone. “Head to the hospital,” he solemnly said. 
Steve heard her gasp. “Steve…”
“She has a head injury. That’s all I know. Get there, and maybe you can be one of her nurses.”
“Do you want us to bring anything?” she said, her voice shaking.
Javi reached for the phone, and Steve gladly handed it over to him. “Get the Fleetwood Mac T-shirt in her suitcase and a pair of my sweatpants. They’re her favorite. She’ll want to wear those on the ride home,” he said, trembling.
“Of course, Javi. Anything else?”
He took a deep breath. “The black box off the dresser.”
“We’ll meet you there. We love you, Javi,” her voice gave it away that she was crying.
“The spare key is above the door,” he replied, before hanging up.
He wanted to kill La Quica for what he did to her, but he knew now, Messina wasn’t going to let him get close to that son of a bitch. “Tell me she’s going to make it. Tell me she’s going to be alright,” he softly said to Steve.
“She’s going to pull through. Y/N is too tough not to. You know, of all people, how stubborn she is.”
He huffed and nodded his head. Stubborn was the perfect way to describe her. Along with beautiful, loving, passionate, and perfect. He leaned forward and balled his fists in his hair, letting out several small sobs. The image of her lifeless in the car was stuck in the forefront of his mind. He felt Steve place a hand on his back, trying to console him or at least let him know he wasn’t alone. Javi wouldn’t tell him, but he appreciated the sentiment. The last thing he wanted to be was alone right now. 
They made it to the airfield in good time, but according to the radio tower, they were scheduled to take off after her medical evac. Javi breathed a sigh of relief, a hundred percent okay with her beating them to the hospital. Steve called Messina and the Ambassador to update them on the status of the mission. Both agreed to cover any medical costs that she would acquire, and to pay for her family to join her at the hospital. Javi wasn’t in a state to talk to them, so Steve deferred all requests to be sent to his wife, Connie. 
Everything was a blur to Javi. The flight home, the drive to the hospital. Time didn’t catch up to him until Kate ran to Javi and hugged him. “Connie is with her in surgery, right now.”
His heart stopped and he turned pale white. “S-s-surgery?”
“Javier Peña,” he heard a familiar voice say behind him. When he turned around, he saw the young doctor from the club that couldn’t keep his fucking hands off her.
“Yeah,” he said, puffing out his chest a little.
“Soy su médico de cabecera,” he said, “Nos conocimos el año pasado. Soy el Dr. Rodriguez”
“Se quien eres.”
“If you are more comfortable in English, we can converse this way,” he said in a very thick Colombian accent.
Javi nodded. He felt Kate wrap an arm around him and lean into him while Steve rested his hand on his shoulder. “How is she?”
Rodriguez sighed. “She came to us with a Basal Skull Fracture, and she is in surgery right now to take care of the leaking cerebrospinal fluid. She also has a severe concussion from the blow to the top and right of her head, but we are optimistic she will make a full recovery. Her left eye is severely bruised, but will recover just fine. She will have stitches in her cheek from a cut she received, but all in all, she’s going to be okay.”
Javi let out a long sigh and felt his heart start to slow down. “When can I see her?” he asked.
“She should be out of surgery in a few hours. They’re going to keep her as sedated as we can, so she won’t be awake when you see her, but we will let you know.”
“What do you mean as sedated as you can?” Javi asked.
Rodriguez looked through the file in his hand, again, before saying. “Well, according to the blood work, she’s pregnant. About six, seven weeks along.”
And just like that, all of the air left his body again. “Pr-pregnant?”
“Dr. Rodriguez, te necesitan en cuidados intensivos,” a short nurse said to him.
“Disculpe,” he said, following after the nurse.
Javi looked down at Kate. “Is she really?”
Kate led him back to the waiting room chairs, with Steve closely behind. “It’s why she came back,” she said with several tears in her eyes, “she wanted to tell you in person.”
He leaned forward, holding his head in his hands, crying. Javi leaned back in his seat and looked straight up, trying to peer right into the face of God, praying his child was okay. “This is all my fault,” he said.
Steve leaned his shoulder against him. “There’s no way you could have known,” he said.
“Did you know?”
Steve sighed. “Connie made me swear not to tell you.”
“Oh, fuck that,” Javi said, “how could you not tell me?”
Kate butted in, trying to save Steve. “Because we didn’t want to steal that moment from her,” she said, “she wanted to see the look on your face when you found out that you were going to be a father.”
Those words hit Javi in the middle of his chest. A father. Suddenly, his view on the world was completely different. He closed his eyes and took several deep breaths, before walking out of the waiting room. He found the hospital gift shop on the main level and walked in. Javi saw a beautiful arrangement of red roses and white orchids. He didn’t pay attention to how much it cost, because she deserved any and everything. Then, he sat down on the bench just outside the hospital entrance, and let out a sob. He cried for her: she was going to be okay. He cried for his unborn child, because he never knew what he wanted until Kate told him that he was going to be a father. He cried, because for some reason God, or whoever was up there, believed he deserved all of this: a woman that loved him who would bear him a child. Out of all his sins, he was good enough to have the most perfect example of a woman wake up every morning next to him. He felt his heart swell like he’d never felt. He never knew he was capable of loving someone so much until he had her in his life. 
Javi must have been sitting outside for a long time, because Connie finally came for him. “Javi,” she said softly. 
He turned to look at her. She hugged him tight, and she felt him shudder under her arms. “She did great in surgery, and the babies are even better.”
“Babies?” He stepped back from her and stared at her. “Babies as in plural?”
Connie smiled. “As in twins.”
The corners of his mouth twitched, and Connie could have sworn he wanted to smile. “Can I see her?”
Connie nodded. “She’s getting settled in her room now,” she said, “but, Javi, I need to warn you. She looks like she’s in worse shape than what she is. She has an IV in her, and she’s running on oxygen. We were able to take her off the ventilator.” She wrapped her arm through Javi’s and led her to Y/N room. “I brought you an extra change of clothes, a toothbrush, and some extra toiletries in case you needed them, too. Since, I figured you’d be here as long as she was. We will actually be able to discharge her in two days. Doctor says she’ll be well enough that she can heal on her own. She does have a follow up next week. But we are just prescribing her Tylenol and a lot of rest.”
He took a deep, shaky breath as they got closer to her room. “Are you ready?” she asked. He nodded. “Oh, and Javi? She’s going to love the little black box you bought her.”
His heart picked up even more. Slowly, he opened the door to her room and stopped in the doorway. She was peacefully asleep, with a single bandage around her head to hold the cotton in place at the base of her neck. Her face was swollen and bruised, but she was still far more beautiful than anyone he’d ever seen. He walked over to her, running his hand gently over the top of her head. A few more tears escaped as he tried to smile. “Hermosa,” he whispered, “I’m not going anywhere.”
The heart rate machine sped up just a hair, and he believed that was her way of telling him that she heard him. He leaned down and kissed her forehead. “They’ll have to kill me before I ever leave you,” he added. Connie took the flowers from him and set them in a vase on her bedside table before closing the door behind her.
Javi grabbed a small recliner from the corner of the room and moved it to her side. He held her hand in his, resting his forehead on her leg. He then looked up at her stomach under the sheets and rested his other hand there. “Hey, in there,” he said, awkwardly, “It’s me. Your…daddy.” The phrase felt weird coming from him, but it brought another twitch to the corners of his mouth. “I’m going to take such good care of you and mommy. No one will ever hurt you again.”
He felt more tears escape. Though he was relieved he had her back, the fear and panic from the last several days finally washed over him. He held her hand to his lips, running his thumb over her knuckles. “No sé lo que haría sin ti, mi corazón,” he breathed, “Voy a pasar el resto de mi vida haciendo las paces contigo.”
Javi leaned forward and placed a very chaste kiss on her lips before settling down in his chair. His exhaustion was finally catching up to him as he drifted off to sleep. 
He was startled awake by the loud beeping from the machines and nurses running into the room. His heart started to race as they started pressing buttons. “Ella tiene fiebre alta,” one nurse said.
“Baño de hielo,” another replied.
Another checked her vitals and added, “Llama al Dr. Rodriguez.”
They moved her onto a stretcher and started to wheel her out of the room. Javi followed and ran out into the hallway. Steve instantly approached him. “What’s going on?”
Javi shook his head. “Her monitors started going off and they rushed in. One of them said she was running a fever.”
“Dr. Rodriguez,” they said over the intercom, “Te necesitan en cuidados intensivos.”
Javi looked at Steve, panic written all over his face. “Where’s Connie?”
“She’s probably with her. I’m sure she’ll be out here soon.”
He sat down in the chair next to the door in the hallway. “Fuck,” he said, resting his head in his hands. He could feel the sweat rolling down his back and neck as he thought of the worst case scenarios. Javi had never been a big optimist, and in this moment he hated that about himself. He needed that optimism, that false sense of hope that she was going to be okay. She was going to pull through. 
He felt a pair of small hands rub his back as he turned and looked to his left. Connie was knelt next to him with a new look of concern in her eyes. “She’s stable,” she said, “she’s in the ice bath now. Her fever spiked, so they’re going to run some tests and make sure there’s no swelling. Her heart rate dropped, though, on their way to the ice baths, so they moved her to ICU for closer monitoring. You can see her when they get her comfortable, but you can’t stay with her.”
She saw Javi’s shoulder tense up. “They can’t keep me away from her.”
Connie sighed and smiled at Steve. “I knew you’d say that. When I filled out her paperwork to admit her, I listed you as her spouse.”
“He did the same with the Embassy,” Steve mumbled.
Javi looked over at her. “Does that mean I can stay with her?”
She nodded. “You can come and go as you please. They’ve hooked her up to more monitors, though and have her on a stronger IV drip. If she does fine through the night, they’ll move her back down here. I called her parents after she got settled. They’ll be here tomorrow morning.”
“I’ll pick them up from the airport with Kate,” Steve said.
Connie smiled at her husband. “Javi,” she said, rubbing his back again, “I’m going to go check on her. If anything changes, you’ll be the first to know. Everyone is taking great care of her. She’s in good hands.”
All he could do was nod at her and rest his head in his hands. She slowly stood up and walked back towards the ICU. Steve sat down in the empty seat next to him and laughed. “You know, not in a million years would I have guessed we’d be here,” he said.
“Yeah? And what does that mean?”
“Well, for starters, watching my best friend and my wife’s best friend fall in love.”
Javi looked up at him. “I thought I was too much trouble for her.”
Steve slapped his back and smiled at him. “I think you were just enough for her. However, she might be too much for you.”
Javi wanted to laugh, but he couldn’t enjoy happiness while her life hung in the balance. 
“I also never thought I’d see you this head over heels for a single woman,” he added, leaning forward. 
He let out a loud sigh and leaned back against the chair. “She’s my whole world, Steve. And now, our children…” His voice cracked. “I can’t lose them.”
“Connie is going to take good care of them. Before you know it, she’ll be awake and cursing herself for staying with your ugly mug.”
Javi shook his head and reached for the duffle back on the inside of the door. He pulled out the little black box and handed it to Steve. “What’s this?”
“I took your advice,” he mumbled, waiting for Steve to open it.
He lifted the lid off the box and revealed a small, navy blue velvet box that housed a simple gold band with a round cut diamond in the center, surrounded by several smaller diamonds. “She left some jewelry in the apartment, so I grabbed one of her rings and went to a jewelry store downtown,” he said, “I was going to ask her when she inevitably came back, because I knew she wouldn’t stay away for long.” He paused and looked at the ring in Steve’s hand. “That is, if she still wants to be with me.”
Steve smiled and handed the box back to Javi. “Javi,” he sighed, “I’ve known her for years. Well, at least since her and Connie were in med school. Which means I’ve only known her with Michael and then briefly without. The entire time I saw them together, never once did she light up the way she does around you. She will say ‘yes’.”
Javi let out a shaky breath. “I need to get the chance to ask her, first.” He looked down the hall where they took her. 
“You will.”
He turned back to Steve and eyed him, raising an eyebrow at him. “Best friend?”
Steve laughed. “Fuck off, Peña.”
“Well, you know what that means if she says ‘yes’, right?”
“You sure you want one of my famous speeches?”
Javi shook his head. “You’d make a piss poor best man, anyway.”
Steve shoved him. “Fuck off, Peña. No one else would be better than me.”
He glanced back at Steve, the corners of his mouth twitching, aching to form a smile. “Who says I want a fucking hillbilly standing next to me?”
Steve slapped him on the shoulder and leaned back in his chair laughing. He looked past Javi and saw his wife approaching them with a smile on her face. “Jav,” he nudged him to look.
“So, her fever broke,” she said, “and her heart rate has returned to normal. Doc gave us the all clear to just keep her in this room.”
Javi let out a deep breath. “Thank you, Connie. For everything.”
She smiled at him. “I’m not about to lose my best friend to a drug war. She’ll be back in this room after they finish a few tests. Steve, take him to get something to eat.”
Javi followed him to the cafeteria and stared at his sandwich that Steve bought him. “Man, you have to eat something,” Steve said.
He nodded. “I know.”
Steve’s phone rang. “Murphy,” he answered.
“It’s Messina.” Javi looked up from his sandwich. “Hand the phone to Peña.”
Javi shook his head. “He’s talking with the doctor right now. I’ll pass the message along.”
Messina sighed. “Judy Moncada has now become an Informant for the CIA.” Javi rubbed his hands down his face, trying to contain his anger. “She’s been placed on a plane and will be heading to Miami tomorrow to leak who was working with Los Pepes.”
Javi banged his fist on the table. “What does this mean?” Steve asked.
“Peña told me the truth two days ago, and I tried to fix it. They’re sending him home. They want him out of Colombia by the end of the week.”
“Messina, no. Out of everyone, Javi deserves to be there when we bring that motherfucker down.”
“I tried everything I could. They’re sending him home.” She hung up the phone.
Steve looked at Javi with a sympathetic gaze. “I’m sorry, man.”
“I knew it couldn’t last forever,” he sighed, “just put a bullet in that fucker for me.”
“Are you okay?” Steve asked, concerned at his lack of reaction to the news.
Javi looked at his partner. “This was going to end one of two ways. With me dead or fired. I’m okay with the latter.” His mouth twitched again. “That just means I can spend my time focused on her.”
Javi took his place back in the recliner next to her bed. He grabbed her hand and rubbed his thumb over her knuckles. “We’re going home, hermosa,” he whispered, “I just need you to wake up.” His voice broke and he felt a few tears roll down his cheeks.
He leaned forward and kissed her hand, resting his head on her bed. The steady beeping of the machines, her heart beat, slowly lulled him back to sleep. 
Your POV
You slowly opened your eyes and noticed you were in a dark room surrounded by machines that were attached to you. You turned your head to the left and saw bright, white lights coming through the slits in the blinds on your windows. Suddenly you were hit with an excruciating headache that made you want to throw up. You felt something soft in your right hand, and you turned to look. Your heart was ready to burst as tears flowed down your cheeks. You saw Javi asleep in a recliner, holding your hand like it was his lifeline. You used your other hand to reach for the nurse’s button. Luckily, Connie walked in, quietly opening the door. She smiled at you and squeezed your other hand.
Your throat was extremely dry and raw. So, you nodded at Javi, and it was like she read your mind. She quickly returned with a pillow and blanket for him. She gently lifted his head and placed the pillow under him before tucking him in. She grabbed his hand out of yours and placed it in his lap, which caused him to open his eyes. “Connie?” he said, still half asleep, “what are you doing?”
She smiled at him. “Someone wanted you to be comfortable while you slept,” indicating you.
His gaze went immediately to your half opened eyes, and you smiled at him. You reached both of your arms out for him, to which he gladly stood and moved closer to you. He rested his forehead on yours, smoothing your hair as you ran your fingers through his. “I never thought I’d see your beautiful eyes again,” he whispered in his gentle, baritone voice.
You couldn’t say anything. All you could do was cry. He wiped your tears away and softly kissed your lips. You saw Connie step out of the room to give you more privacy. “I’m so sorry,” you cried, “I shouldn’t have come back.”
“No,” he said, “don’t ever apologize to me. You’re perfect.” He kissed you again. “I know why you came back.”
You suddenly became worried about your child. Your hand reaching for your stomach, resting over the little one growing in there. “Is it-”
“They’re both fine,” he said smiling. 
There it was. Your favorite smile was back. “Both?”
He nodded and kissed you. Dr. Rodriguez came in and slowly turned the lights on. “I see you are awake,” he said. “How are you feeling?”
Javi stood next to you, holding your hand. “I have a really bad headache,” you replied.
He walked closer to you, shining a light into your eyes. Then, he gently placed his hand behind your head and touched the bandage. “You gave us a scare yesterday,” he said, “I thought we were going to have to sedate your husband.” He laughed.
Your eyes shot to Javi’s and he smiled at you again. “Yes,” you slowly said, “my husband can tend to act before he thinks.”
Rodriguez stepped away. “I’ll send Connie in to change your bandages. You have several other guests waiting to see you.”
“Thank you, Antonio,” you said.
“Of course, Y/N,” he walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.
You turned your attention back to Javi and gave him a curious stare. “Husband?”
He gave you his usual devilish grin. “It’s the only way I could stay here with you.”
Connie walked in with a set of fresh bandages. “I’ll change these, and then your parents want to see you,” she said as she changed them.
“Uh, Connie?” Javi said, “Can you give us just a few minutes before sending everyone in?”
She winked at him. “Just let me know when you’re ready,” she added before closing the door.
“As soon as you’re out of here, I can change it. I can only imagine what you think since…”
“Javi,” you said, squeezing his hand. “Just answer me one question. Who is she?”
You saw a few tears roll down his cheek as he reflected on the last time you saw each other. That awful woman with her arms around his neck. He took a deep, shaky breath. “Her name is Gabriela. She was one of my old informants.”
You dropped his hand, but he instantly reached for it again. “Please, just listen. She came by my apartment to ‘distract’ me while they took you. I tried forcing her away, and that’s when she threw herself at me. I swear. I don’t want anyone that isn’t you. I love you more than anything I could ever imagine, and the entire time you were missing I lost it. I couldn’t eat, sleep. Hell, I couldn’t even breath until I found you. And when,” he paused and tried to gather himself before continuing. “When I found you in that car, unconscious, I just knew my life was over.”
You felt more tears escape your eyes as you watched him walk to the end of the bed and dig through a duffle bag. “This isn’t what I had hoped,” he said, “but I can’t wait any longer.” You smiled at him as he looked like he was about to throw up. “I’ve thought about this for a long time, and when you left Colombia, I realized I was miserable without you. I knew that when I saw you again, I needed to keep you with me always.” He took another shaky breath as he got down on one knee. “Te quiero  más que a nada en el mundo. Eres el amor de mi vida. ¿Te casarías conmigo, mi hermosa?”
You beckoned him to stand as you pulled him closer to you. “Por supuesto, Javi. No quiero pasar mi vida con nadie más.” He kissed you deeper, but still gently as he slid the ring onto your finger.
He beckoned Connie to send in her parents as he resumed his position by her side, holding her hand and occasionally kissing it. He needed to constantly reassure himself that this was real. She was here, alive, and wearing his ring. Slowly, the door opened and a beautiful woman that resembled an older version of his hermosa stepped in, followed by a tall, strong man. The woman smiled and walked directly to her side, kissing her forehead. His heart raced, as he realized he was meeting her parents for the first time under less than ideal circumstances. “Hey, there,” your mother said, stroking her hair, “how are you feeling?”
She smiled. His heart beat so fast when he saw her smile again. He would give anything in the world to see that smile every day for the rest of his life. To see her eyes light up and hear her most angelic laughter. His mind floated off to the time he carried her up the stairs to her room and she smiled while he held her in his arms. She smiled when he whispered to her good night, and she called him her Javi for the first time. He knew the first time she spoke to him that she had him wrapped around her finger, but that night was the night he knew that he loved her more than anything in the world. That night he knew that there was no turning back for him, because his heart had never been so full before this moment.
He was brought out of his day dream when she tugged on his hand. “Mama, Daddy, I want you both to meet the most important person to me. This is Javi.”
Mama came running around the other side of the bed with tears in her eyes as she wrapped her arms around him. He felt the air rush out of his body as he relished a motherly embrace for the first time in a long time. “I’ve heard nothing but good things about you,” she said, “it’s about time I finally meet you.”
He laughed. “I’m so happy to finally meet you, Ma’am.”
She slapped his shoulder. “Oh, please. It’s Mama.”
“Mama,” he replied. He stuck his hand out to your father’s and shook it with a firm handshake. “Nice to meet you, sir.”
Her father grinned at him and squeezed his hand a little harder. “Sir will do just fine.”
She was released from the hospital two days later, and Javi carried her everywhere. To the car, up the stairs, to their bed. She wanted for nothing. Her parents stayed at a nice hotel near the airport until they were ready to move back to Texas. The Embassy dropped off several boxes for the pair of them to pack their things and ship them back to the U.S. They gave Javi two more days to be gone before they were going to escort him to the airport. 
Everyone had come over to help pack their things, since Javi refused to let her lift a finger. “Javi, I love you, but you’re just going to throw everything in the boxes. I’ve seen how you fold laundry,” she said.
He smiled at her and kissed her lips. “Connie and Kate, along with your mother, are coming over to pack all the breakables. Steve, your dad, and I will take care of everything else.”
She shook her head. “Can I at least sit on the couch so I can talk to everyone?”
He sat next to her on the bed and rested his hand on her leg. “The second you get a headache, I’m carrying you back in here.”
She pulled him closer to him. “Deal,” she breathed against his lips before pushing him away. 
Javi laughed at her and leaned back down. “You can’t do that,” he smiled before kissing her.  Her hands trailed down his body. “Careful,” he said.
“Oh right,” she let go and pointed at her head. “I have a head injury.” There was a knock at the door. “You better get that.”
He kissed her again before walking out of the bedroom. He opened the door to welcome everyone to their home one last time. He saw her stumbling out of the bedroom wearing his blue button down and sweatpants. Javi watched her like a hawk as she made her way to the couch. He brought her Tylenol and water to take before handing her some orange juice. He kissed her hand before walking to Steve and her father ready to dismantle furniture to box up. 
Occasionally, he would peer over his shoulder to her to make sure she was okay. She was leaning against the couch, laughing and talking with everyone. He smiled a little at the sight and let out a small sigh. “Peña, get your head out of your ass,” Steve said, “and help me flip this table over. Why did you have to buy such a heavy one?”
Javi shrugged. “She liked it.”
Her father grinned and nodded, understanding why Javi bought the world’s heaviest table. “You couldn’t have persuaded her to get a lighter one?” Steve complained.
“I think she wanted to watch me struggle pulling this up the stairs,” Javi replied. 
Her father laughed this time. “Sounds just like her mother.”
He looked at his future father-in-law and smiled. “She certainly likes to keep me on my toes, that’s for sure.” He stopped what he was doing and walked to her father. “Sir, I know I asked her without asking you first, but I’d like to have your blessing.”
He looked over to his daughter and back to Javier and grinned. “You were able to do what I thought no one was capable of,” he began, “and I’ve never seen her happier. I know you’ll take good care of my little girl. Welcome to the family, Son.”
Javi held out his hand. “Thank you, sir.”
Her father wrapped him in a hug. “Call me Pop.”
Your POV
You glanced behind you and saw your father hugging Javi, and that made you light up at the sight. You took in a deep breath and relaxed against the sofa and smiled. Your mother noticed how peaceful you were, despite everything that had just happened. “So,” she said, putting your picture frames into boxes, “Have the two of you talked about the wedding?”
Your mind instantly jumped back to almost three years ago when Michael had first asked you to marry him. When your mother asked you that then, you panicked. Now, you felt at peace. Happy. “We don’t want a big wedding,” you said, “but we do want a rather large reception. We’ve also decided to wait until after the twins get here. He doesn’t want me to stress about the wedding until after I’ve given birth.”
Your mother grinned. “So, you’re shipping everything to Laredo?”
You nodded. “His father owns a ranch down there with a large guest house. Javi said, if he’s quitting the DEA, he should help Chucho run the ranch.”
She sighed. “At least you’re back in Texas.”
You leaned your head back against the couch and closed your eyes until you felt a hand touch your shoulder. “I found this,” Connie said, handing you an album. It was your engagement photos.
You frowned and took them from her. As you flipped through the book, you looked at the empty eyes you had and your feigned smile in these pictures. You had a feeling then that he was cheating, but you weren’t certain. And honestly, your life turned out better for it. You stood up and walked to the trash can where you shoved the whole album into it. “If you find any other pictures with Michael, pitch them,” you said, taking your seat back on the couch.
You glanced over at Javi and smiled at him, giving him a little wink. He smiled back and returned the sentiment. Several hours went by before your kitchen and living room were completely packed. Javi decided to leave packing the bedroom to the two of you, well mainly him while you watched. You rubbed the bridge of your nose and leaned forward. Within seconds, Javi was next to you picking you up in his arms. “I told you the second you got a headache, you were going to bed,” he said, “tell everyone good night.”
You smiled at him. “Eres tan terco.”
“Solo para ti, mi amor,” he whispered as he carried you off to bed.
You heard your mother loudly whisper to Kate, “You weren’t kidding. Fucking Prince Charming.”
They’d been living in Chucho’s guest house for roughly a week, and honestly, Javi couldn’t have been happier. Escobar was finally brought to justice, and he could sleep peacefully knowing there was one less dirtbag in the world. He had woken up early in the morning, watching the sunlight dance across her skin, making her glow even more. He’d never seen anything more beautiful as he caressed her hair, moving it out of her face. Her eyes fluttered open. She smiled at him and kissed him deeply. He moaned into her kiss and pulled her against him. “Are you sure you’re up for this?” he asked.
She laughed. “Doc said I had five to ten days before the headaches stopped. I haven’t had one in two days. Yes, I’m ready for this. I’ve gone long enough without it.”
He raised his eyebrows at her and smiled. “In that case, I’m going to enjoy a little…” he cleared his throat, “breakfast first.” He trailed kisses down her neck, as he slowly slid her pajama shirt off. 
“So, now I’m breakfast?” she laughed.
He continued his way down, pausing to kiss her stomach before making his way to her thighs. “Hermosa, you’re my favorite meal,” he said, inhaling her scent that was so intoxicating to him. 
His phone rang. He growled and sat up. “Who the fuck is calling at this hour? I swear to God if it’s Murphy, I will kill him.”
“Please don’t. You’re not going to want to find another best man.”
He rolled over and grabbed the phone. “What the fuck, Murphy? I’m a little busy at the moment.”
“Agent Peña,” a strange voice said at the other end of the line.
His blood went cold and he sat up straight. “Yes?”
“You need to report to Washington for a review of your case.”
“DOJ,” they replied, “you’ll be expected tomorrow at 0-900.”
Necesitamos moverla. - We need to move her.
Soy su médico de cabecera. - I am her attending physician.
Nos conocimos el año pasado. Soy el Dr. Rodriguez. - We met last year. I’m Dr. Rodriguez.
Se quien eres. - I know who you are.
Dr. Rodriguez, te necesitan en cuidados intensivos. - Dr. Rodriguez, you’re needed in intensive care.
Disculpe. - Excuse me.
 No sé lo que haría sin ti, mi corazón. - I don’t know what I would do without you.
Voy a pasar el resto de mi vida haciendo las paces contigo. - I am going to spend the rest of my life making this up to you.
 Ella tiene fiebre alta. - She has a high fever.
Baño de hielo. - Ice bath
Llama al Dr. Rodriguez. - Call Dr. Rodriguez.
Te quiero  más que a nada en el mundo. Eres el amor de mi vida. ¿Te casarías conmigo, mi hermosa? - I love you more than anything. You are the love of my life. Will you marry me, mi hermosa?
Por supuesto, Javi. No quiero pasar mi vida con nadie más. - Of course, Javi. I don’t want to spend my life with anyone else.
Eres tan terco. - You’re so stubborn.
Solo para ti, mi amor. - Just for you, my love.
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@magneticbucky​ @larakasser​ @pedropascalownsmyheart​ @wander-lustbabe​ @frietiemeloen​
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