#what if atem started losing his memories?
x-atlas-x · 8 months
The bedroom is quiet as Yugi shuffles around, finishing up his night routine before settling down. Atem is already laying in the bed they now shared—the same bed that Yugi used to sleep in alone. It’s small, but it’s big enough for the two of them.
Yugi is taking off his jewelry when Atem speaks up, “Do you mind telling me the story of how you met Baku—I mean, Ryou?”
The question surprises Yugi. He freezes in the middle of removing his cuffs. He continues after a moment, not bothering to look at Atem. He couldn’t see him in the dark room, anyways. He clears his throat and replies, “Well, he transferred to our school in the middle of the semester during tenth grade. It wasn’t long after I solved the puzzle.”
He hears Atem hum in recognition, “Right…”
Slowly, Yugi turns and looks at the corner where he knows Atem resides. He folds his arms and frowns, “Atem, you were there. Don’t you remember?”
“I do,” Atem quickly assures him, “I just wanted to hear the story from you. I suppose I was wondering if there were any details I missed. Everything happened so quickly with him and Bakura.”
Crossing the room, Yugi sighs, “No, nothing else happened. We’ve talked about this before. You haven’t missed anything.”
“There’s no harm in double-checking, now is there?”
Yugi eyes narrow at the slight waver in Atem’s voice, He sits on his side of the bed and stares at the lump next to him, “Atem, what’s going on?”
“Nothing,” Atem blurts a little too quickly.
“Atem,” Yugi repeats more sternly.
“Don’t use that tone of voice with me…” Atem grumbles, somehow sinking deeper into the shadows that cast over Yugi’s bed.
Yugi gently pulls at Atem’s shoulder until he turns. Even in the darkness, their eyes meet, and Yugi whispers, “Talk to me…”
“I…” Atem trails off, his teeth gnawing at his bottom lip with uncertainty. He sits up and hugs his knees to his chest, mumbling, “My memory… I’m having a harder time remembering things from the past.”
“What do you mean?” Yugi tilts his head in confusion. “Your past or…” He glances away, “…our past?”
Atem’s words are uneven when he admits, “Our past.”
“How so?” Yugi forces out as he does his best to ignore the ache in his heart.
“I can remember everything about who I was back in Egypt thousands of years ago. It’s all there. My memories about what happened during my time within the puzzle—our memories—is becoming foreign to me. It’s blurry,” Atem admits, “and I don’t understand why. It used to be so vivid to me.”
“I want to say that’s normal,” Yugi shrugs, but his body feels paralyzed. He blinks away tears, “especially since memories can get foggy after a few years. You’ve been living here for a while, Atem. It’s just something everyone experiences—“
“Not this!” Atem interrupts him. Yugi’s head whirls around to meet Atem’s face, his eyes widening at the tears streaming down his partner’s cheeks. Atem sniffles and shakes his head in frustration, “This is… Yugi, something’s wrong. I don’t know how to explain it, but this—it doesn’t feel right.”
“Atem…” Yugi breathes out. He isn’t sure what to say to comfort him. He doesn’t know how to figure out what he’s thinking without their mental connection. Reading Atem was so easy, but in this moment, Yugi didn’t have a clue what chaos was brewing in his head—well, he had that much to work with. Chaos. It was always typical of Atem…
Atem slumps, “I’m being irrational, aren’t I?”
“No, you’re not,” Yugi reaches for Atem’s hand and laces their fingers together. “It makes sense. You’ve been pretty distant lately and asking a lot of weird things…”
“I have?”
“You asked me where I was when the whole situation with Dartz was going on a few days ago,” Yugi points out, recalling his discussion with Atem one morning while making breakfast. “You playing the Seal of Orichalcos traumatized you. That’s not something you’ve been able to forget.”
“I didn’t ask that—“ Atem pauses, then stares at Yugi in horror, “—did I?”
Yugi’s heart plummets, and he chokes on a sob, “We need to call Ishizu.”
“Oh, Gods…” Atem murmurs in disbelief.
He clumsily stumbles after Yugi as he leaps out of bed. He continues to hold his hand securely while they rush downstairs to the home phone. His chest is tight, and he feels like he can’t breathe.
Once they reach the phone, Yugi dials Ishizu’s number that he’s memorized from calling her many times after the Ceremonial Duel. It’d been a while since the last time, and both of them assumed it’d be the end of those random phone calls with ridiculous questions that sounded absurd, but only made sense to the three of them.
Atem stops listening and tunes Yugi out as he talks into the receiver. He leans into Yugi’s embrace and rests his head on his shoulder. The tears never stop, and it makes him curl in on himself. He buries his face in the crook of Yugi’s neck and pretends he doesn’t exist.
Atem fears that he’d cease to for much longer.
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Hello, a question if you agree with you, can I lose Atem's heads by losing his pregnant wife in an accident?Please, if it seems too dark, I understand.
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Atem’s first reaction is one of complete denial. This can’t be happening. Not to him. Not to his wife and child. No way.
It doesn’t become real until he sees his wife’s casket being lowered into the ground and the waves of grief start to splash. The normally calm and collected Pharoah becomes a wailing, blubbering mess of tears. Not even Yugi can calm him down and bring him to his senses. In the end, Atem has to be carried back home because he’s seriously contemplating jumping into his wife’s grave so he can be buried with her.
Atem’s behavior and attitude change drastically to the point of being concerning. He never leaves his home unless he deems it necessary, he rarely smiles and laughs anymore, and not even Duel Monsters can bring him comfort. His friends check on him in regular intervals and have to resort to tossing out his alcohol so he doesn’t drink himself to death.
It isn’t until Pegasus of all people pays Atem a surprise visit and actually gives him some words of wisdom and encouragement (he’s been through the same thing after all) that he starts to feel a small glimmer of life again. He starts to go out more, he attends grief counseling, and he gets back into Duel Monsters.
Atem doesn’t even think about dating again and most likely won’t for quite some time. No other woman can replace his wife and he denounced his player days after he met her so no hookups for him either. Atem being celibate is a huge shock to everyone for obvious reasons.
He honors his late wife’s memory every year on the anniversary of her death, their wedding anniversary, and her birthday. He does it without fail and nothing will deter him from it, not even another woman. Atem’s late wife will always have a special place in his heart and he’ll never forget her nor what she’s done for him. 
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shinayashipper · 10 months
I think the Turning Point for Puzzle is right after The Fire (Otogi arc manga) and that infamous "I want to stay with you forever"/"I'll give you all my memories"
Like I just think theres this certain desperate feelings between them? It was when Atem started to question Who and What he really was- and we never really seen Atem's POV regarding The Fire but I just think it adds to Atem's Anxiety- like the way he's Very Powerless in that whole situation... that Feeling urged him to utter "I want to stay with you forever" like it was a goddamn Confession he really doesnt wanna Lose Yugi Ever. And he's so desperate to get to know about Himself too- maybe if he knew, he won't be leaning on Yugi too much- when Yugi told him "I'll give you all my memories" I wonder how Atem feels exactly... (and like in the manga, Yugi said this just Right after hes discharged from the hospital and he still got bandages on him and stuff like hes so Ready to throw himself into another Fire if it would Save Atem- AIBO PLS THINK ABOUT *YOURSELF* FOR ONCE??)
Also it was also the time Atem starts to hold *secrets*, like the real reason he decided to join Battle City was to search for his memories but he pointedly told Anzu to Not tell Yugi about it... like at first Yugi's goal about Battle City is for him to get a chance in Dueling Kaiba, but once he knew Atem's real reason he Shifted Everything and focused on it- Yugi doesn't know boundaries when it's about Helping/Saving Atem like he always runs straight on Fire no matter what it is if it's About Atem- and he gets upset when Atem doesn't tell him these things, this is *his* Duty as The Vessel/Bearer of The Puzzle etc like when it comes to Atem, Yugi is Blind okay!!
And Atem knew that and he really doesnt want The Fire thing to Happen again... and so!! SECRETS, it is... Battle City onwards, there are certain things between them that somehow remained Unsaid... they are such a Mess
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bluewavesofchange · 2 months
The guardians of the Pharaoh
Sea and shadows: the queens of the abyss.
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I don't own Yugioh or it's characters
It's hard to believe I'm on story 4 of the series. We delve into the virtual world with Noah and learning more about the 3 goddesses.
The future is an uncertain path that back be predicted through understanding the present and looking back to the past…the roads that led our heroes and villains here…the good…the tragedy…the choices that were made.
Memories are a funny thing, some can be easily forgotten and some are ingrained in the sands of time. There aren’t many that forget…the shadows are one of them…nothing escape its vast abyss…
Many eons ago, long before the birth of Atem, long before Atlantis…and long before the birth of the 3 queens, when the lands of the monsters were still young…the world looks a lot different than what it did before the goddesses disappeared. The vast types of monsters were few, only a mix of sky beasts, dragons, sea creatures, humanoid warriors and magicians, the other beasts were nothing more than food to be hunted. Tensions ran deep amongst its residents, there was no peace but rather conflicts over land and resources. Each group fearing the other, the dragons and magic users being the most powerful…
And one of these monsters was the leader of the magician’s clans…Yomi. A being who sought out power and control. He practiced the dark arts and used the souls of others to grow his reach and abilities, taking over villages and enslaving those he deemed to be lower than himself. There was nothing he feared…he had wealth, a legion of soldiers and slaves and citizens that were loyal to him. His kingdom was vast and grew with every land that he conquered. However no matter how much strength and magic and power he gained there was one inevitable thing…time.
As the years past so did his age, growing older and his magic slowly fading (not that he would reveal it to anyone) and no matter what he did, no matter what spells he learned, nothing could stop the inevitable ticking of time. He grew desperate and searched far and wide for the one thing that nobody could achieve…immortality. Until one day he came across an ancient tablet with the answer…
The dragons kept to themselves mostly, not wishing to interact with the other creatures except for food. They weren’t territorial or needed riches or power. They travelled the skies and remained free spirited, they didn’t attack unless provoked. Despite their power, they were peaceful (unless they were hunting for nourishment)…and the most powerful amongst them were the divine white dragons…nothing could come close to their brilliant and magnificent power. They were immune to most magic and could obliterate nearly anything in their path. They were few in numbers however as they only had young once every few thousand years, having one hatchling at a time. But there wasn’t much need to reproduce as these great beasts were immortal…the only beast that possessed power over life.
And this started a devastating war…Yomi had discovered that the white dragons hearts could contain the magic needed to grant him immortality and limitless power…so the dragon hunts had begun…hundreds of these innocent and peaceful beasts losing their lives or becoming enslaved...their body parts being harvested for its magical properties, their hearts going to Lord Yomi to use for his spells to attain eternal life.
This went on for years, the population of the white dragons dwindled till only 2 remained…their species nearly driven to extinction…however there was a group of warriors that decided to help the two remaining beasts and hid them away, standing against the magicians and doing what needed to be done to protect them. And in turn was able to rally others to fight by their side to stand against the dark magicians…
For a long time they were powerless and suffered great losses…many sacrificing themselves to save the two remaining white dragons…losing not only their lives but their homes and families too…but it was not in vein as a 3rd dragon had been hatched…and something unexpected arose…someone powerful enough to stand up against the magicians and drive them back…a creature of the land and sea…a woman with the power over the ocean itself and the weather at her beck and command…with a destructive voice that no magic stood a chance against.
No one knew her name but called her the Siren, the only being able to push back against the dark magicians and send them running.
Yomi didn’t understand how this was possible. No sea creature nor warrior had such abilities, the only way this could’ve happened is if a child had been born between a beast of the ocean and a fighter…creating a legendary being that was known as a hybrid…according to legends they’re powers were unpredictable and yet powerful, close to being that of godly.
This would not do…this could not be. Lord Yomi would not stand for it. He was so close to attaining his immortality and this insect was standing in his way. None of his magic nor the abilities of his soldiers and servants could stand up to the sea creature…this drove him to search for a new source of power…a darker power…that of the undead…a forbidden magic that corrupts the soul and spreads death and darkness across the lands those that practice it inhabits. And in this madness that set in Yomi’s spirit he came up with a terrible plan…a way to create a being to stand up against the Siren…
He found a creature of the sky…a woman of purity and light…the complete opposite of what warlock was…he stole her away and locked her away in his dark palace that was surrounded by basalt pillars and brimstone…doing unspeakable things to her till she fell pregnant with his offspring…a child of both darkness and light…a being of immense power…the perfect opponent of the siren and would be able to take it down…
But there was something Lord Yomi didn’t predict…that the woman would give birth to twins…two little girls. One of light and one of darkness…one of dark skin, red hair and golden eyes and one of fair skin, golden hair and purple eyes. The dark lord was furious and butchered the poor woman, devouring her soul as he mutilates her body. He glared at the new-born’s, fury radiating through him. What was he to do with these useless girls…well he could use one of them…he could feel the power within the child of darkness…she could be useful someday. But the child of light was of no use…he tried to devour her little soul but the light of her spirit chased him away and burned his very essence. So sent the child away, one of his servants taking her to the outer reaches of the dark realm…the two sisters forever separated for thousands of years, one growing up under a tyrant, suffering everyday of her life as she grows in cruelty and power, while the other was discovered by a 3 warriors, raising her as their own, encouraging her kind heart to grow and purity to thrive…
As the years past they would learn the true power they possessed and would become two of the most powerful goddesses to rule this world alongside the Siren…
But how did they come together? What happened to the 3 white dragons? And what became of Lord Yomi?
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universestreasures · 5 months
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▸     IS  YOUR  MUSE  TALL  /  SHORT  /  AVERAGE? Short. He's barely over 5'0.
▸      ARE  THEY  OKAY  WITH  THEIR  HEIGHT ? Yugi is okay with it (most of the time. He is annoyed sometimes he can't reach certain things on a higher shelf), but certainly isn't happy when people do make fun of how short he is.
▸      WHAT’S    THEIR    HAIR    LIKE? Very spiky and angular, but surprisingly soft to the touch. People are shocked that it is natural and not a wig or enhanced with gel.
▸     DO    THEY    SPEND    A    LOT    OF    TIME    ON    THEIR    HAIR    /    GROOMING? Not much time. His hair basically maintains its shape without much effort. His bangs just need a quick brush through.
▸      DOES  YOUR  MUSE  CARE  ABOUT  THEIR  APPEARANCE  /  WHAT  OTHERS  THINK ? Yugi likes to be presentable but isn't super obsessed with his image. He's very modest when it comes to himself in many ways. In terms of other people's opinions, it depends on who it is. I think he cares about what his friends think or anyone he works with (such as Kaiba Post DSOD).
▸     INDOORS  OR  OUTDOORS? indoors.
▸     RAIN  OR  SUNSHINE? sunshine.
▸     FOREST  OR  BEACH? beach.
▸     FLOWERS  OR  PERFUMES? flowers.
▸     PERSONALITY  OR  APPEARANCE? personality.
▸     BEING  ALONE  OR  BEING  IN  A  CROWD? Technically neither? He prefers being with a small group of friends cause he finds large crowds overwhelming and doesn't like being on his own much.
▸     ORDER  OR  ANARCHY? Order.
▸     PAINFUL  TRUTHS  OR  WHITE  LIES? Painful truths.
▸     SCIENCE  OR  MAGIC? Magic.
▸      PEACE  OR  CONFLICT? Peace.
▸     NIGHT  OR  DAY? Day.
▸     DUSK  OR  DAWN? Dawn.
▸     WARMTH    OR    COLD ? Warmth.
▸     MANY  ACQUAINTANCES  OR  A  FEW  CLOSE  FRIENDS? Few Close Friends. He values friendship and strong connections with others above all else.
▸     READING    OR    PLAYING    A    GAME? Playing all the games.
▸      WHAT    ARE    SOME    OF    YOUR    MUSE’S    BAD    HABITS? Beating himself up needlessly when he doesn’t have to is a big one.
▸      HAS  YOUR  MUSE  LOST  ANYONE  CLOSE  TO  THEM?  HOW  HAS  IT  AFFECTED   THEM? He has. Most notable is, of course, Atem. Atem he saw as family, a big brother and a part of his heart. Losing him hurt, hurt him deeply. It still does even years later. It's a pain he often represses, but comes out at certain times, such as staring at his deck for too long or any pictures he's taken where Atem was in them.
▸      WHAT  ARE  SOME  FOND  MEMORIES  YOUR  MUSE  HAS? The day he completed the Millennium Puzzle is probably his most cherished memory, for it was the memory that started his entire journey. Another one would be honestly just be times he's spent simply having fun and playing games with his friends.
▸     IS  IT  EASY  FOR  YOUR  MUSE  TO  KILL? Yugi hates fighting and violence so...it's very hard for him to do so. Defeating a villain in a duel is probably the closest we'll ever get to seeing him do that.
▸      WHAT’S  IT  LIKE  WHEN  YOUR  MUSE  BREAKS  DOWN? The entire world around Yugi shuts down as his emotions take over. He usually needs someone, such as Anzu or Atem, to help him back to reality.
▸      IS  YOUR  MUSE  CAPABLE  OF  TRUSTING  SOMEONE  WITH  THEIR  LIFE? Oh 100% to the point Yugi can often be TOO trusting and nice.
▸      WHAT’S  YOUR  MUSE  LIKE  WHEN  THEY’RE  IN  LOVE? He's a blushy mess and is super happy like he's on Cloud 9.
Tagged By: @thuganomxcs (TY Jay! <3)
Tagging: @shacchou @lcstsons (Mokuba!) @ofhardknoxxx @relevc @devildukem and anyone else who'd like to do this!
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Yani Yugi/Atem fornthat meeeeeme??
First impression: Mind you I didn't have the full story at the time but I hated him as a kid to the point where he was my model for what I hated in all protagonists going forward </3 Was less about the character himself and more I hated that he always won and could use magic to win instead of being good at cards (8yr old me despised the heart of the cards so much because it made Kaiba lose LOL)
Impression now: Now that I'm older, less one track about Kaiba, and finished the complete story I do like him a lot more (I for sure never finished Battle City or Memory World as a kid or teen so, didn't help). More depth than child me wanted to give him credit for, but I wish the narrative indulged his flaws as flaws more because the way he always wins vs the unfortunate repercussions that has is really interesting to me. It's frustrating seeing like every time it started to build to him having his values challenged only to suddenly drop some kind of excuse for him to just stop thinking.
Favorite moment: In YGO R when he just blasts that guy with Slifer instead of dueling because he's in a hurry. It's my favourite duel of the whole franchise.
Idea for a story: Not really a specific story but I'll only accept Atem Lives AUs if there's some sort of drawback. I don't like resurrection without consequences. I don't mean in like a "came back wrong" kind of way but just like. Needs more uncertainty. Regret. The fear of making the wrong choice. Personal conflict, you know?
Unpopular opinion: Didn't have a sad childhood at all. It was great, in fact! He lived a life of luxury, was kind of a spoiled brat, and if we go off of his memories for MW all his trusted advisors helped ease the burden of leadership for him plenty. I don't think he needs some tragic childhood either, it doesn't add anything substantial to his character for me.
Favorite relationship: Yugi seems obvious, so I'm gonna go with I like how highly he thinks of Jounouchi and their closeness, to the point I guess somehow he can just track Jounouchi with the puzzle sometimes lol
Favorite headcanon: I like when people draw him as being really into loose, flowing clothes and floral prints, things like that,
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likeabxrdinflight · 2 years
okay but mai's character regression after battle city is actually really good
I think I hear people criticize this sometimes (or at least I used to back in the day + it definitely wasn't written as well in the dub...). but they used to say it didn't make sense, after two seasons of growth and learning to value friendship, that she would regress so much that she's actually at a lower point than where she started in season one. but I disagree.
in season one, mai is fiercely independent and unable to rely on others, she's a cheat and a con artist afraid of losing. but she learns a lesson after losing to jonouchi, then later goes on to teach this same lesson to atem- to not fear losing, to not fear the loss of pride. and she comes around on friendship too, she learns to rely on others, to trust in her friends.
...but then yami marik happens. but then trauma happens. and it takes her right back to where she started, a scared girl terrified of losing, but this time not out of fear of losing her pride. this time she's terrified of losing her life. because yami marik didn't just defeat her in a game, he almost killed her. her made her suffer in that hourglass through the loss of her memories, her identity, her friendships that she'd only just learned how to value- and then, in the end, it would have cost her her life had atem not won his duel in time to save her.
it's not just a game anymore. dueling isn't about winning or losing anymore. it's about survival. mastering duel monsters and surpassing yugi and jonouchi doesn't become a matter of her duelist's pride anymore, it's a matter of proving she can survive. it's her way of trying to master this trauma. but what she's really doing is just triggering herself over and over, by throwing herself into tournaments and dueling without letting herself have time to heal or process her trauma, it's like she's just hurting herself all over again. each time she wins a duel she thinks she'll feel better, she thinks she'll feel in control- but then she doesn't, because someone mentions that yugi or jonouchi finished above her in battle city, and it reminds her that she lost, that she's still not good enough, that she still needed them to save her and if they hadn't she'd be dead...
mai has ptsd and it's one of the few actually decent portrayals of mental illness in this show. she joins up with doma and the orichalcos because she thinks it will give her the power not only to defeat jonouchi and atem, and prove to herself that she can, but that it will give her the power to survive the next duel. who cares if other people lose their souls if it means she won't be next? if it means sacrificing her friends so be it, she was always alone before them anyway, and when it really counted they weren't there and she was alone and scared and dying and...
but what mai doesn't realize is that the person she really needs to defeat isn't atem, and it isn't jonouchi. it's not kaiba, or pegasus, or any other top duelist. it's yami marik, the shadow of him that haunts her mind.
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domaintern · 2 years
i love how there’s sort of a thread drawn through battle city of losing a game and gaining hope for the future--it happens with seto unwittingly in his battle with ishizu, seto’s battle with atem is the first piece to him finally moving forward, marik surrendering his battle is how he literally takes back control of his life. but especially the first two i’m thinking about, because the thread continues in the anime w/season four and amelda and seto’s second duel in an interesting way
at the start, they’re fighting along the same lines that they were in their first game; seto dueling to defend his and mokuba’s futures, amelda dueling to take them away. but during the duel--after he’s been forced through some of amelda’s memories, and notably after he sees amelda’s reaction to the KC helicopters, seto pauses, thinks about it, and changes what he’s dueling for. he starts trying to deliberately do what he accidentally did with ishizu--argue for the future, for hope. he does it in the most assholish way possible, because he’s seto, and he’s also playing at a disadvantage because amelda’s brother is already dead, that’s kind of why he’s doing this. in a way, he’s trying to do something harder than what atem did with either seto himself or with the ishtars--by the end, he’s asking amelda to allow himself to lose because seto can give him hope that even if it’s too late for the people amelda cares about, it’s not too late for everyone. he’s saying listen, i changed fate before, just let me and I’ll do it again somehow. and amelda says show me and seto thinks, minutes later, watch me.
anyway i think it’s both lovely and hilarious that seto’s grown to the point of doing something so touchy-feely and friendship-gang-approved as asking someone to selflessly believe in a better future and trust him to get them there. seto would absolutely vomit blood if anyone ever knew he did it aside from mokuba or amelda he probably tried to make amelda sign an NDA the moment he woke up
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puzzledmemories · 10 days
& - Yugi
Send me ( & ) to hear a headcanon about something my muse hates about themselves. (always accepting!)
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((There's definitely multiple things that Yugi hates about himself. Even in the Atem Comes Back verse. That may be me projecting; I see a lot of myself in Yugi, and there's plenty I don't like about myself. That being said, the main thing coming to mind right now, that Yugi hates about himself... it's his inability to put himself first. Or, at least, not without feeling really bad about it.))
((It's certainly not a bad thing to help other people, or to be conscious of their needs and wants. The thing of it is, when you're always putting yourself last, when you're struggling to meet your own needs and wants because you're always thinking about everyone else's, when you're feeling guilty because you did something for yourself and no one else... Eventually you're going to run empty. Eventually you're going to collapse. If you don't take care of yourself, you will not be able to take care of others.))
((I want to be more specific where this applies. I'm specifically referring to Battle City and beyond. Battle City is the arc where Atem starts searching for his memories, starts to really care about them. Before that, just being a part of Yugi was enough for him, but the museum visit drives him forward on this new path. Yugi did not want to go along with this. He didn't want Atem to find his memories because he didn't want to lose Atem. He went along with it because it's what Atem wanted. He helped because he cares about Atem. And as a result, Atem leaves. DSoD shows us that Yugi struggles to cope with that even after he's accepted Atem isn't coming back.))
((Yugi put Atem before himself that entire time. And after Atem left, he wasn't the same. And I don't think Yugi forgave himself for letting Atem go. Yugi selfishly hates himself for putting Atem's wants before his own. If he had an open, honest conversation with Atem about how he truly felt (and, the way they share a soul, I don't think he could keep it secret from Atem that he didn't want Atem to leave, but there's a difference between that and open communication), maybe Atem would've stayed. Maybe Atem wouldn't have found his memories, and they would've stayed together, and they would've been happy. But he was never truly honest with Atem about the situation.))
((And I think, even in the verse where Atem comes back, Yugi looks back to that time, thinks back to when he helped Atem even though thinking about the end result felt like losing a part of himself (because he did lose a part of himself), and it's still an open wound. To this day, I think Yugi hates himself for letting Atem leave without fighting for him to stay.))
((But Yugi's not the kind of selfish person to do that kind of thing.))
((So at the end of the day, Yugi hates his own selfless nature to an extent. Because he's willing to let himself get hurt to help others.))
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game-weaver · 14 days
He fell silent again. There were a million things he wanted to say right now, but that wasn't what Yugi wanted. Letting this... go? Was Yugi even aware of what he was asking of Atem? Was he even aware of the event that started this whole landslide?
The affair with Dartz, the keeping it a secret, the blowup when it was forced into the public ear... That was Atem. That was also Dartz, sure. But Atem was the one who kept coming back to him. Atem was the one who kept this a secret.
However, Yugi was right. Atem wasn't around when the incident happened, so there was no way he could have done anything to help him. How could he feel guilty for an event that he didn't know happened?
"I don't like it. You know I don't like it..." Atem shuttered, trying to keep himself together. "But... you're right. There was no way for me to know until now. That being said, I'm not okay that it turned out this way, but... fine. I wasn't involved, so why should I feel the need to take blame?" He stopped again, a heavy swallow could be heard, again trying to keep it together.
"It could have been a lot worse. I should take solace in that. You're here. That's what matters." Another heavy swallow. "I... do hope you gave him what for, and he knows what happens when you piss off a fae." That's... a good thing? "Just... be more careful next time. Okay?"
Yugi watched him war with himself. He knew he was asking something really hard of him, that's why he wasn't sure Atem would even agree to it. He knew that Atem dwelled on things, the guilt festering inside sometimes for a very long time, but he didn't want this to follow the same fate. So he waited, patiently, for Atem to speak again.
"I know you don't like it," he agreed before lifting his hands, he cupped Atem's face, thumbs brushing over his cheeks as his eyes traced every line he saw. The curve of his nose, the sharp points of his eyes, that strong jaw. As if committing every detail to memory. "Believe me, it isn't how I wanted it to turn out either, but… It was my sloppiness. I shouldn't have let my guard down and I learned the hard way."
Leaning forward, he rested his forehead to Atem's. For just a moment, he brushed along that thread again, like a soft breath. Now that he knew it was there… He wondered if he should nurture it, gently tug on it from time to time, encourage it to open further. It… Was nice, knowing it was there. He still felt terrible that Atem hurt because of him, but having that familiarity again… It brought a certain kind of comfort.
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"I made him relive his own memories." He murmured. "I trapped him in a cycle of remembering his loved ones and losing them only for it to be a nightmare within a nightmare. So many cycles and I was there watching his mind unravel. That's why he was so pissed off with me." He finally smiled, if only a little. "I'm not as good as my father but I gave him hell, I promise you that."
Lifting Atem's hand and resting it above his heart he nodded. "I promise I'll be more careful. And... I promise to not keep something like this from you again."
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pot-of-terv · 3 years
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Goodness I almost didn’t finish this in time, I got a horrible migraine yesterday and today the time got away from me because I spent the day with a friend... But here it is!! I wanted to draw more but the writing took longer than I thought and now it’s so late that I should’ve been in bed over an hour ago :_D 
THEY FINALLY TALK... a little. But it’s a good beginning.
PuzzleJune 2021, Week Three: Dimension (Rules, Impossible)
It's a comfortable silence. Atem would be content to just stay there, feeling warm and loved, lodged between Yuugi's arms. Perhaps he could even doze off.
But he knows what he said, and he knows Yuugi is now waiting for them to talk. Their mental link through the Puzzle might be gone but maybe there's some kind of a residual connection left, because the feeling of expectation in the air is almost palpable.
"We're both going to get cricks in our backs if we don't move soon," Yuugi interrupts his thoughts. He sounds sleepy and some part of that guilt Atem felt before raises its ugly head.
"I– yeah," Atem mumbles and with obvious reluctance, lets go of Yuugi's waist and sits up. Something must show on his face because Yuugi peers at him curiously.
“I’m sorry for waking you, aibou,” he sighs and offers an apologetic smile. “I know you would’ve liked to sleep longer.”
Yuugi lets out a startled laugh and shakes his head.
“Uh-huh, but you’re way more important than that. You should know that, right?”
Atem is taken aback by the blatant sincerity of those words. It tends to happen a lot around Yuugi, and he’s not sure if he’s ever going to get used to it. On some level though... It feels nice. He chuckles and smiles at Yuugi, this time honestly.
“I guess I should.” He pauses. “Thank you, Yuugi.”
This time it’s his partner’s turn to look surprised. A slight blush climbs onto his cheeks which Atem notes, amused. Even now it’s not exactly a regular occurrence for him to call Yuugi by his name (it feels odd on his tongue – it’s hard to shake the memories of being called with that same name) and he resorts to ‘partner’ more often than not but he has been trying. He has his name now – no reason for him to withhold Yuugi’s own from him.
“I-it’s fine, other me,” Yuugi says and looks away, breaking their eye contact. He looks happy, though, so Atem doesn’t worry about it too much. What he does worry about is the conversation they’re about to have.
He stretches, probably more theatrically than necessary, then shuffles backwards on the bed to lean his back against the wall and snags Yuugi’s pillow to hold under his arms. He feels awkward and clumsy despite his mind having cleared up and he feels that he needs the extra comfort. Yuugi pulls his legs onto the bed and leans against the headrest.
They fall into another silence, yet this is a pondering one. Still not awkward, still not bad – Atem is pretty sure they’re not even able to have awkward silences. It’s a comforting thought and he hugs the pillow in his lap closer to his chest to cover his inappropriately goofy smile.
“We really don’t do this, huh,” Yuugi snickers after a while, breaking the stillness that had fallen over the room like a blanket.
Atem tilts his head on the side to look at him, leaning his cheek on the pillow.
“We really, really don’t,” he answers with an easy grin. Yuugi smiles back and there’s such fondness in his eyes that Atem could very well just drown in those purple depths. He sobers quickly though and his grin falters before vanishing, leaving his mouth in a tight line. He looks into Yuugi’s eyes with a new sharpness and the other boy mirrors his expression as if it’s his second nature (it probably is, considering). This is it.
“I’m so sorry for everything I put you through,” the pharaoh blurts out before he can overthink it. Yuugi looks almost shocked so he barrels on, “I know how greatly you suffered during those weeks leading up to the ceremonial duel. Those feelings were never a secret from me and I’m so, so sorry for not making it right… before it was already too late.”
There’s the familiar feeling of a lump in his throat and he fights to keep his eyes locked into Yuugi’s. He deserves honesty and Atem can’t allow himself to turn away. A shadow casts over Yuugi’s face and he's silent for a moment before speaking.
“I kind of knew. That you knew. I’m not too sure how it made me feel, though,” he says quietly. “Not very good at least, if I’m honest.”
Atem nods. He had presumed as much.
“I thought… I thought you just really wanted to leave. And I couldn’t blame you for it, I mean… you were dead, and the dead deserve their rest. And on top of it, that’s your family and friends you would’ve gotten to see in the Afterlife. Of course, it still hurt me,” Yuugi smiles sadly and lifts his knees to tuck his chin against them. “But I can’t blame you for that.”
“Why not?” Atem asks sharply and sits up straight. He squeezes the pillow against his stomach. “You have every right.”
All of a sudden Yuugi looks a little exasperated and he runs a hand through his hair, breaking their eye contact.
“Because… I don’t work that way?” he offers with a wince.
“Nah, you do,” Atem counters slyly. “You just don’t want to make me feel bad.”
Yuugi’s eyes snap back to his and the answer is written clear as day on his face.
“Well, that’s–! That’s!” he struggles to find the words before he just sighs and his shoulders slump. “Yeah. Okay. I want to blame you for it! But I can’t!”
Atem’s eyebrows rise toward his hairline as he stares at Yuugi in surprise. He opens his mouth to say something but Yuugi is faster.
“I love you too much to be able to.” His cheeks flush crimson and he slaps his hands over his face. “Don’t look at me,” he mutters, “I know that goes without saying but you just had to make me say it!”
Atem is completely speechless. Every direction he thought that this conversation could take them, this one was not what he had expected. Talk about dimensions, he thinks, perhaps a little dazed. Of course, it’s– it’s a given that they love each other–
“No,” Atem interrupts his own thoughts and throwing the pillow to the side, he crawls to Yuugi and kneels next to him. He takes a gentle hold of Yuugi’s right wrist but doesn’t pry the hand away from his face.
“It shouldn’t go without saying. Because we went with things without saying anything, you – and I – got hurt. And that should never happen again.” He takes a deep breath and feels himself smile.
“I love you, Yuugi, and that’s why I thought I had to leave. I thought you’d be happier. I couldn’t let myself be the reason you never got to live your life to the fullest, because if I stayed with you as we were, that’s what would have happened. I thought I knew the rules up until the last second.
“Turns out, I didn’t. I had another choice, a third one… I would have been a fool not to take it because that’s what I had always wanted in the deep recesses of my heart. You remember, right?” He tugs softly on Yuugi’s wrist to try to get him to look at him. “That night you asked me who I was. I told you I wanted to stay with you forever. Those feelings never changed.”
Yuugi lets his hands fall from his face but his eyes are closed tight. There are tears there, forming in the corners, and Atem wants to kiss them away. He doesn’t.
“I–,” Yuugi chokes on his words at first but keeps going, “I remember. I always remembered, but… I guess I stopped believing in it along the way. I didn’t want to hold you back, either. I never wanted to lose you but if it meant that you’d be happy, I’d do anything.”
He finally looks at Atem, eyes wet and shimmering, and laughs, voice thick with emotion.
“We’re such dummies.”
Atem holds out his hand and brushes a single tear off Yuugi’s cheek as it falls, his chest tight and heart fluttering somewhere in between his throat and ribcage. He almost doesn’t dare to talk in fear of his voice breaking... but what would that matter? They’re already laying out their hearts in front of each other, revealing the feelings that they had tried to keep private for reasons that don’t make much sense anymore – if they ever did.
“We are,” the pharaoh smiles and if his lip wobbles then be it. “Aibou… can you promise not to do anything like that anymore, to not… to not keep your feelings concealed for my sake?”
Yuugi takes his hand and squeezes. It makes warmth bloom in Atem’s chest.
“Only if you promise me the same.”
They just look at each other then, searching the other’s eyes. Would they be able to keep such a promise? After all those months of keeping things locked away, of always thinking about what they thought was the best for the other, of never talking things through? They both know it has to change, so… why not start now? They’re finally on the same page and moving forward, they need to keep it that way. Never rushing ahead or falling behind.
Simultaneously they both break into wide smiles and as Atem reaches for Yuugi’s other hand, they speak.
“I promise,” they say at the same time and it surprises neither. They laugh together, free and unburdened, and Atem leans forward to press his forehead against Yuugi’s. Yuugi meets him halfway and seeing the happiness in his eyes that close, Atem feels the prickle of tears in his own. They’re too close to look at each other for long but as they lean away they’re still smiling, still holding hands, tears now on both of their cheeks, and all is right in the world.
Despite everything, they still have each other, and their hearts are lighter. They’re aware that there’s a lot more where that came from but this is a better start than either of them could have hoped for.
They have each other, they have time, and nothing is impossible.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 3 years
An ultimate sacrifice; Pharaoh Atem x reader
*Author’s note*
Now this could end really good or really bad. Back in my early teenage days, in my middle school years when I FIRST began my journey into writing fanfiction, the fandom I ALWAYS wrote for was from my childhood anime YUGIOH DUEL MONSTERS! Now I haven’t written any anime fics in practically 10 years so this might be rusty. Also idk if I’ll follow through with this story cause I can see this oneshot becoming a series idk we’ll have to see. But to those YUGIOH! fans out there on tumblr, I hope you enjoy this.
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There was hardly any hope left.  All of Egypt was covered in complete darkness, no mortal weapon has worked, more than half of our armies have perished to the realm of shadows, even our beloved Egyptian Gods have fallen.  Zorc the Dark One has proven to be the most difficult adversary that our kingdom has ever faced.
Our Pharaoh was barely clinging onto life as the Egyptian Gods who were now shadows of their former selves were literally being broken down by Zorc’s wrath.
“Mana, you and the High Sorceress get the Pharaoh back to the palace.” Our priest Seto told us.
“But what about you?” asked Mana, my dearest friend and my love’s top student.
“The pharaoh is too weak to continue this fight. He needs to get somewhere safe. Leave Zorc to me.”
“Seto are you sure you know what you’re doing?” I asked him.
“We have tried everything in our power, even the Egyptian Gods themselves have been defeated. But there might be a creature with a light strong enough to banish this darkness once and for all, and I alone have the power to summon it.” He and I looked at each other and I nodded to him. I knew he needed to be the one to do this, from the grief I felt in him of losing the love he had found I knew he needed to redeem himself in my eyes.
“Make sure that demon doesn’t set one foot towards the palace gates.” I ordered as Mana and I worked together to get our King back to the palace to restore whatever strength he had left.
Mana and I reached the palace and we set the Pharaoh down on his bed.  He looked terribly weak and drained, almost as if he were in a deep sleep, his chest barely able to rise and fall normally.
“Mana, heal him of his strength.” She nodded and placed her hand over the pharaoh’s chest, her hand glowed brightly as she chanted out.
“As we approach our final hour, please restore the pharaoh’s power.” She kept repeating it over and over and over again. After the 7th time she said it, his violet eyes soon opened up.  “You’re awake!”
“Where is Zorc?” he asked us.  It was then we heard a powerful roar pierce through the sky, but it didn’t sound like Slifer the Sky Dragon’s roar, neither did it sound like Zorc’s.  Our pharaoh got up but I ordered him.
“Atem, you need to rest!” we all stood along the balcony and saw a beautiful white dragon facing down the Dark One single handedly.  Attacking with a powerful white lightning blast.
“No way! I’ve heard about this dragon from the villagers! They were saying a dragon with blue eyes powerful enough to destroy cities had come to our kingdom. But I thought it was only rumors.” Mana explained.
“Well it would seem you were mistaken Mana. But who knows how long this dragon will face up against Zorc. This is a demon that was able to destroy the Egyptian Gods with a wave of darkness.” I said. We watched the battle for a few minutes till I suggested to Mana, “Mana, go help Seto.”
“What? I can’t just leave you both here alone!” she exclaimed.
“Seto may be holding out on his own for now but he’ll need help. And you alone have the power to do just that.”
“That’s an order! Not only as your Master but as your Queen! Now Go!” I ordered her.  She looked at me fearfully but her eyes narrowed as she nodded proudly.
“Yes Master Nefertiri. I’ll do my best to keep Zorc away from the palace.” I nodded and placed my hands on her shoulders.
“I know you will. And…….” I trailed off sadly. “And I know he would be proud of you too.” She nodded before we embraced each other and she took off running with her wand in hand.  I turned back to the battle to now see that Seto’s white dragon was starting to lose.
“Tiri.” I heard my pharaoh say to me as he took my hand.  I faced him and saw that his face had a grim, surrendered expression on his face. “It’s time.” He said gravely.
My eyes widened.  No. He—he wouldn’t dare suggest that. How dare he even think about that!
“No!” I growled lowly.
“Seto and Mana won’t be able to stop Zorc, but you can.” I turned away from him. “Look at me!” he spoke in hushed urgency. “You have the power to seal all of this away…..”
“Hold your tongue!” I hissed.
“You must do it, Tiri please!” I kept looking between him and the battle to see Zorc had defeated Seto’s white dragon and Mana’s Ka was barely hanging on.  I looked down at my pharaoh, my lip quivering as he placed my hand to his cheek and he told me, “There’s no other option left.”
Tears filled my eyes and my heart sunk.  I had already lost so many people to this war, I—I cannot bear to lose him too.
“I can’t.” I choked out.
“Yes you can.” He assured me. “You can. If Zorc succeeds in destroying Egypt, then the world will be next. It’s not fair. It shouldn’t have to be you but it is.” I shook my head as a couple of tears seeped down my cheeks.
I slowly backed away from him, but he kept his hands tightly gripped around my hand.  I knew he could feel me trembling which is why he ended up squeezing my hand even tighter trying to comfort me.
“It’s alright. You could never hurt me.” He slowly released my hand and gave me a soft, solemn smile. “You are my older sister.”
My dear sweet baby brother.  All these years of practicing magic together, helping rule Egypt just as our father would have wanted, staying together, never apart. That was the vow we both took together. And now you are willing to seal this evil away along with yourself in order to keep the world safe.  
But he also knew that this spell would cause him to erase his memories so even if he is ever brought back into this world, he will not remember anything, not even his own name.
For his name is the key to seal all of this away.
My hand shakingly raised up and my sapphire magical aura came out of my hand before shooting straight at his Millennium Puzzle.  The blue light from my magic and the golden light from my brother’s Millennium puzzle combined into one, molding together in a battle between Light and Dark.
In order for this to work, I needed to overpower the item’s magic with my own, then merge that power within my brother’s very soul before finally sealing him away for all eternity.
I could hear the defeated cries of Seto’s dragon and Mana trying so hard to keep Zorc away for just a bit longer.  I raised my other hand to now combine my brother’s mind and spirit to the Puzzle itself and I was running out of time. All the while tears kept pouring down my face as I watched my brother’s body slowly disintegrate until it only his spirit remained.
Once it was just his spirit, I turned to see Zorc just within a few feet of the palace.  I raised my left hand and soon morphing into it was the very item I would use to seal Zorc away, the item that once belonged to my beloved Mahad.
The Millennium Ring.
The spikes pointed forward and it’s own magic combined with my own shot right at Zorc who roared in agony but still tried to walk towards my brother and I.  Atem kept reassuring me that it was all going to be alright, but no matter what he said, no matter how many times he assured me and gave me that soft smile of his, my heart continued to break.
Zorc was now standing over us, his clawed hand raised ready to kill us both but my brother’s spirit soon proclaimed out his name.
‘I love you sister.’ His spirit told me one last time.  He then turned to Zorc and proclaimed the key to ending all of this. ‘ATEM!!!’ and with that a great big light exploded from the palace and all went white.
I was surrounded by warmth and light, a light that I felt like I hadn’t felt in an eternity.  When I finally opened my eyes, I had seen that the Sun had finally been freed from the darkness.  I slowly sat up and saw that half the palace was destroyed and the kingdom was in ruin, but I could hear my people cheering.
It was finally over.  Zorc had been sealed away and the darkness he had released upon the world was finally gone.  But through all the cheers and joyous exclamations, my heart was still broken. Especially when I saw a piece of my brother’s Millennium Puzzle just an arm’s length away from me.
I reached forward and grabbed it to see it was the center piece with the eye of Horus staring right at me.  From the sun’s light, it gave me a wink but that still didn’t give me any hope.  I clenched the piece in my palm before pressing it over my heart and softly wept.
Using my magic I forged a special box to keep all the pieces of my brother’s Millennium puzzle and I used my magic to help me find all of the pieces the puzzle had.
It took about an hour to find all of them even with magic but after finally getting the last piece, I closed the box and sealed it tight with a spell.  Only those with a pure heart can touch this box, and if that wielder should be worthy of solving this puzzle, they are allowed one wish and shall also receive knowledge and powers of the Millennium Puzzle.
I walked along the ruins of the palace and was even more heartbroken to see my student and best friend Mana’s soulless body lying there on the ground.  I walked over to her and rolled her onto her back, her once lively hazel eyes were now completely soulless.
“My dearest friend. You fought valiantly, more so than any magician I’ve helped train.” I closed her eyes and placed her hands over her stomach with her wand in her hands, I rested my forehead against hers. “May Ra bless you in the next life, and may you reunite with our friends and your Master.” I kissed her forehead and placed my blue cloak over her body, covering her up.
I walked along the city to see the villagers trying to clean up the mess along with the guards that did survive.  I stood beside Seto whose soul had managed to be saved after Zorc’s defeat by using his white dragon monster.  We stood side by side and I told him.
“It’s not going to be easy but this kingdom will rise again. And you will see to it that it does Seto.”
“There are a few tasks that I must complete.”
“What? But my Queen you…….”
“I relinquished the throne to my brother when he came of age. I am only the High Sorceress to the throne, and nothing else.”
“But after everything we’ve been through. This kingdom will need a leader who will lead them to the light.”
“And who better to do that than you Seto?” he looked down, his blue eyes full of doubt. “Please cousin, it has to be you. If my brother believed in you, then so do I. Trust the light in your soul.”
“The light in my soul?” I knew then he had to be thinking of his beloved Kisara.  “Alright cousin. I shall fulfill this task for you.”
“Thank you. Now I must ask you to hand over your Millennium Rod. This whole war was caused because of those items, and I shall see to it that they are buried somewhere where no man will ever find them. They must never be used again to bring forth the darkness again.” He handed over the Millennium Rod and I continued.  “I will also ask that you erase any trace of my brother’s name from every history book and stone we’ve got. For whilst his name was used to seal away the darkness, it can also be used to bring it back. Promise me you will honor my brother’s wish and erase his name from History. But never forget what he did for his kingdom and the entire world.”
“I will.” I kneeled before him before taking my leave, but not before asking Seto to give Mana a Guardian’s burial, for she fought just as hard as the rest of the Guardians that have given their lives to protect this kingdom.
I rode through the desert towards the abandoned city of Kul Elna, the once restless spirits were now quiet, almost as if they had left this world.  I went to the underground where the Millennium Stone tablet stood and offered up half of the items to the stone.  I surrendered the Millennium Eye, Scale, Key and the Ring.
I glared down at the Ring and snarled softly.
“If you dare resurrect yourself again, I will end you.” I then left the city and went on my next task.
My family had always spoken of a family that had always been entrusted with guarding the Pharaoh’s tomb so I paid them a visit to ask them to not only look after my brother’s tomb, but also to keep two more Millennium items safe and sound.  I gave Namu Ishtar the Millennium Rod and Necklace and he gave his vow that not only he but his descendents will protect the Pharaoh’s tomb from all threats and invaders.
Finally I delivered my brother’s Millennium Puzzle to the Valley of the Kings.  The place where every pharaoh in history had been buried.  For my brother’s tomb I ensured that every trap and riddle was as difficult to solve as possible (my brother and I always did love our games). But it was also to ensure that my brother’s spirit would never be disturbed or taken away from this place, less they be worthy of him.
Once I reached the end of the tomb, I walked across the pathway and set the box down on a stand.  I gingerly stroked the box as a tear slowly slid down my face.
“Little brother…….one day. One day soon. We will meet again.” I lifted my hand and kissed my fingertips before placing them back on the box.  I then lifted my hood back over my head and left my brother’s tomb.  When I was once again outside, I noticed that it was finally nightfall, Khonsu’s light graced the land of Egypt.
The last trip is probably what broke my heart even more.  For out in the far reaches of the desert was a small hut.  But what was special about this hut was that all of my favorite flowers had grown all around the property.  For being out in the middle of the desert, you would think a sudden oasis would be an illusion, well it’s not. Not really.
For this special place was the home that Mahad and I had made together.  Our love was technically forbidden but for our love, we’d be willing to accept all the risks.  My brother and Mana were the only ones really aware of our relationship together, so if there ever came a day when Mahad was forced to resign as Guardian, he and I would come here to be together.
I summoned a scroll of paper into my hand and slowly unfolded it and saw the design of what we had planned out.  A hut, a beautiful garden surrounding the place, a crystal clear pond along with a well, and a large training ground for us to continue our magic lessons together, and—one day maybe even train our children on.
But now those dreams are shattered.  Mahad had willingly sacrificed himself to become both my brother’s as well as my eternal servant as a creature known as the Dark Magician.
The inscription below in Mahad’s signature read as followed.
Tears once again pooled into my eyes as I walked towards the hut and walked inside of it.  My body trembled as I finally collapsed to my knees, the paper scroll falling from my hands as I whimpered and wept softly.
First my father, then my friends, my brother, and then Mahad.  Everyone I’ve ever loved has been taken away from me! Why must I be the one to suffer through such pain and suffering?!
I finally couldn’t take it anymore.  I felt my power surging through me like a raging fire until finally I couldn’t hold it in any longer.  I exploded! My sapphire aura shot out in all directions as I let out an agonizing, heart-breaking scream.  Our hut and the property around it being destroyed and forged into something new.
A tomb.  My tomb.
Stone and brick built all around me, the once green oasis that Mahad and I had grown together with our magic decimated and reverted back to the hot, hard sand.  Once the tomb was built I sent my energy out towards all of Egypt now, to erase everyone from my mind.
I didn’t just want to be forgotten, I wanted to be erased.  For how can one live with their lives knowing that their legacy was sealing their own flesh and blood away in order to save the world? I for sure could never live with myself hearing the tale over and over again.  I re-wrote it so that it was my brother and my brother alone had found the spell and casted it to save Mankind from the Shadow Games.
Once that was done, I turned the magic onto myself for one final spell.  Well I should say curse.  To pay for what I’ve done to my family and in a way to spare myself the heartache of losing my Beloved Magician.  I collapsed to the ground, my eyes closed in sleep.
An ageless sleep.  For I was to be put under this curse until the day my brother would be released from his prison.  Our souls bound as one, sealed and trapped away from the world.  And for 5000 years we were, until we would soon be reunited again.
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simpingismylive · 3 years
♡~ 2 perfect cards ~♡
Atem/Yami x f.reader
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( The angst in this one.. I cried while writing this ) 🥺
(Also make sure to read ‘Chapter 1. The Past’ first~ )
( Please enjoy!~) 💜
~~~  2. Princess no more ~~~
"Y/N!! Are you okay????", your brother ran towards you and hugged you tightly.
"Did this sick psycho hurt you??", terin grabbed your face and caressed your cheek. You still remember his face, scared to lose you, blaming himself that he couldn't protect you, tears in his eyes. It hurts you so much to see him like this.
You hugged him back and tears started to form in your eyes, "Thank you Terin~ I'm fine now. He didn't hurt me, just beeing obsessed with the marriage", you smiled through tears at him while looking up to him. He was so tall compared to you. "Let's get you out of here Y/N!", terin grabbed your hand and ran towards the wall behind us, which hid a secret door. We used this way always as children to sneek out. Just the memory made you smile. You used the big tree as a slide, until one day your uncle had the idea to build a real slide on it. You were sliding down the tree and stood now on the ground of your garden. Your brother brought you to his room and let you in, "Rest up. Take a bath and I'll make sure the guards will get you new clothes!", terin said and you nodded, already knowing your father would search for you soon and he would'nt suspect you here.
Laying in the bath you thought on everything that happened today. We already had evening and soon it would be night.
Today was the first day since months that you missed your mother this much. 'At least she doesn´t have to live as royalty anymore. I don't want this anymore either..', you looked down in the water at your reflection. Your eyes looked tired, empty, almost dead. Your crown was shining because of the sunset. Your neck, shoulders and arms were covered in scars. 'Royalty is nothing more than a curse!', your hand slapped in the water, right through your reflection. Then tears finally started to fall, running down your cheeks. 'Funny.. I thought I wouldn't have any tears left. I just hate myself so much.. why was I even born?', these thoughts crossed your mind often, ever since your mother passed away and your brother was taken away. Right now you just wished nothing more than to give up. You covered your face in your hands. 'Mom what am I suppose to do? I'm all alone..'.  All of sudden you heard a voice, the voice of your mother and everything got dark,
"Y/N, don't give up yet! Out there is a reason why you were born! Someone will need your help one day. You're so strong and beautiful. One day you'll see this too!", the voice of your mother said.
"Mom? I-I don't know.. I really feel like I don't belong in this castle. I don't want to be a princess anymore..", you whispered, grabbing the crown on your head and throwing it in the water.
"My angel~ Out there is a way bigger world. Bigger than this castle. Maybe your place is out there? I'm sure you'll find the answer!~", your mother smiled at you before she disappeared. A few seconds nothing happened. Silence. Your tears stopped. The crown hit the ground. But than it clicked. Standing up, now standing naked in the bathroom, "That's it!! I'm just going to run away! Like I did when I was little! But this time I go and see other countrys, and forests, and seas and meet other people but..  without my title!", you grinned and looked at the ceiling. 'Thanks mom!', you smiled at your necklace and kissed it. 'The answer was so easy, right infront of my eyes. How did I not think about this sooner??', you started to laugh at your own blindness.
"Y/N, are you done because I need-", your brother came in and stopped in the middle of the door. "Uhm.. why are you laughing naked like that at the ceiling? Have you finally lost it now??", he laughed and threw a towel at you. You catched the towel and layed it around your body. Instead your threw one of his beloved ruber ducks at him and laughed too, "Me? Are you kidding? You are the one who has lost it a long time ago, mr. I still take a bath with my cute rubber ducks~". You both laughed and went out of the bathroom. It was just like no time had past. Your brother would seriously never change. You always bathed together as you were little, your favorite thing was the rubber ducks. So Terin let your father buy a lot of them, thinking is was for his son. But it was a present for you, from Terin, your lovely brother.
After you got dressed you sat down next to your brother. "Are you really sure you want to go Y/N? The world is so big and without your title people going to treat you horrible! Besides how do you want to go to another country anyway? It's not like you can just borrow a horse while running away..", terin asked worried. "I'm fine with that Terin! Rather that as beeing locked up here and married to someone who maybe kills me one day! And.. I already have a plan for it!", you smiled and hugged your brother tightly.
"You know Y/N.. if I become king one day I'll make sure to get you back and make you happy! You're going to be princess again! I promise!", than he started to cry while holding on to you. "Mh, thank you Terin. I'll always love you and think about you!", you patted his head.
As the both of you calmed down, you stood in his bathroom infront of a huge mirror. "What are you planning Y/N?", terin looked at the scissors in your hand and than at you. Your eyes were full of determination. "Say goodbye to Princess Y/N", you said as you cut your hair short, so it layed flat against the back of your neck. In the front you just had a cute, short pony left. "And welcome to slave Y/N", you grinned, looking at your poor clothes and your new look.
"S-slave?? WHAT?-", terin almost screamed and turned you around to softly hit your head.
"BY RA Y/N say that again and I will really punch you!", he growled.
"Ouch-", you pout while glaring at your brother
"But see this is my chance to go to another country without beeing seen! So I need your help Terin. Please??", you begged him with puppy eyes. Terin sighed, "Fine let's hear it.. It can't be that horrible!", he smiled at you. But that wasn't long lived as you told him with a proud grin your totally safe plan. "I WON'T SELL MY OWN SISTER!", terin screamed while glaring at you. You pouted, "But.. You're my only hope..". He growled and looked away, "I WON'T do it!".
Then you started to whine, "But..we are a dream-team? Don't you remember??", you looked sad. Terin looked your way and smiled, "We were and we always will be~". Your eyes started to light up, "Does that mean-", "NO! I won't sell you! We need another plan!", your brother hit your head softly once again. Fake yawning while waiting, "Well than please sherlock tell me~", you smirked.
Standing at the nil where all the slave-ships were waiting you were pushed forward and fell purposely down. "What a weak women you are!  Heh, roality like me doesn't need you anymore! Come stand up! Faster!", terin said. He looked really like a evil prince now. He played his role so well! This caught the attention of the captain of the ship. He walked towards terin, "Another one to sell? Mhh.. we just wanted to hit sail but fine how much can you pay us?", he asked.  I stood up, hands tied behind my back. Hopefully Terin wouldn't get mad and play is role well. "Come the next time you are here again to my castle, the king will take care of it! My name is Prince Terin after all!", he smirked and let the rope fall into the captains hands. 'Perfect~' you thought.
"Woah!! What a great day today is! Alright! Let's go than pretty lady!", he said while tuggging on the rope. You walked, looking tired. "T-H-A-N-K Y-O-U", you quietly mouthed to Terin. After you were on the ship you turned around one last time, he clearly had tears in his eyes.
"I'll just leave your here it's not like you would jump in the water with those ropes right?? Haha~", the captain laughed while walking away. The ship started moving and just like that you felt yourself smiling. You did it. You're on your way towards your real goal. You looked at your brohter and screamed, "Don't cry Terin! I'll be fine! Trust your sister and become a nice and respectfull king!", using your magic to make the rope disappear. Waving at your brother, before sitting down on the ship and looking in the night sky. The stars looked so beautiful.
Before you realised it you fell asleep. Dreaming about someone you had never seen before. It's like this person was calling you.
//Y/N's Dream//
A boy kneed on the ground, holding his face in his hands. Was he hiding? No.. he was crying. The boy was tembling on his whole body. All you could hear was his crying, his fast but shaky breath and his screaming. It broke your heart. Yet you didn't even know him. But you wanted to help this boy. Even if you didn't know how to do that.
The sand, which surrounded the both of you was flying around and the wind got stronger with every second. It was so cold and it seemed so dark around you two. The boy was now hitting his head on the ground while he cried even louder. Your heart felt as if it would shatter any minute. Your soul felt as it would get teared apart. It hurts so much. Your tears started to gently ran down your cheeks.
Without thinking twice, without any second thoughts, without caring what the boy would do and without knowing him, you walked to him and kneed down next to him, in the cold, dirty sand. You leaned forward and hugged him, gently caressing over his back, while your other hand protective held his wounded, slightly bleeding head. The boy didn't move for a second, the crying stopped. Bleeding, trembling hands hugged you back and pulled you closer, "P-Please don't leave me!", he said with a broken, sore voice. "I've already lost everyone, everything is gone. I'm all alone. I couldn't protect them..", the boy started to cry again and whimpered, tightly holding on to you.
A sad smile appeared on your face. You knew just to well how that felt. After the death of your mother you thought so too. Even now you felt so alone. Sometimes you felt so empty. You saw yourself in this boy.
A second later you took the boy's hands in yours and held them in between your bodys. "Please look at me! You're not alone! I'm sorry for your lost but I'm right here! You can see me right?", you whispered gently while looking at his face. The boy opened his tear filled eyes, just to look at you. He nodded while tearing up once more. His eyes were so pretty, red like the evening sun but empty and filled with so much pain.
"Don't worry! I'm not going anywhere! I won't disappear or die! I'm strong. We can make it out of here together! Okay?", you smiled while hugging the boy once more.
All of sudden the wind stopped and the sand got warm. The darkness was gone. A warm, bright light was shining over the both of you. It felt so healing. "Thank you Y/N! You're right, together we are unstoppable! It will always be us against the world.. like it was from the very start since we first met~", the boy held your hands with a soft smile and leaned his forhead on yours. His tears had faded and his eyes were shining with hope now. He looked so incredible stunning. A unique hairstyle, a face you never could forget and his aura was so interesting. But what catched your eye was the golden necklace he wore around his neck. 'Where did I see this before?', you couldn't remember. The boy leaned in to kiss you and you closed your eyes, his lips felt like home. As he pulled away a smirk covered his face, it made your heart jump. You blushed and smiled at him, but wondered how did he know your name? What is his name? Why can't you remember?
But before you could ask any of those question you woke up.
// Y/N Dream End //
( Chapter 3 will come soon~ Thank you for reading! 💜 )
( I hope you enjoyed~ )
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shinayashipper · 2 years
Hi! I am (relatively? Subjectively?? Objectively???? All three?!?!?) new to Yu-Gi-Oh. I have seen it as a kid through YouTube amvs because I never really knew where to watch them. The only clear memory I have was watching Pyramid of Light but I heard people say it's not that good so I personally think it doesn't count 😅
Now that I am grown , I have readied myself to watch the original series and hyperfixate on it for a long while XD.
I am aware of the story, aware of the ships, and played the games (the first DS game I think, and currently enjoying Master Duel)
I know I shouldn't really "ship at first sight" but your artworks are one of the first to make me pay attention to Rivalshipping and be inspired to make a fanfic about them as I am a sucker for rivals-to-lovers, red and blues and the like .
This became long and winded so I just wanna ask, at what point/s be it anime, manga, movie/s, or subtext made you go:
"OMG, that makes so much sense. This! This is the essence of Rivalshipping!"
(sorry for the long and winded essay 😅)
That's okay!! I hope you enjoyed yugioh again as much as we did <3
I also actually only watched some of the DM anime in our local TV when I was a kid (it only airs the first season / Duelist Kingdom and I don't really have access to get to know anything else from the franchise), played the card game with my brother. I remember liking Yamiyugi character more than anything else 😂 and love the monsters. But I haven't really immersed myself in it.
Years later I found out about Yamiyugi/Atem being Dead in the end and IT HURTS ME <\3 it was through a internet search (I didn't have access to internet back then) after I randomly ran into a local parody video of Yugioh (a team dubbed the YGOTAS in our local indigenous language and it was HILARIOUS it got me thinking "oh WOW been a while since I get this much laugh, I wonder how Yugioh is nowadays??")
After the initial Heartbreak of Losing Yamiyu, I also stumbled on the YGO manga- it was the first time that I knew YGO used to have more Horror elements, it was Really Fun!! I read a bit of the manga and I Really Like Yugi!!! That's the time I started to Understand the story, and began appreciating the characters more (other than Yamiyu haha) and then all my Attention just shifted to Yugi, and I Really LOVE Him, he's my babie
And then I stumbled on DSOD, and I thought "YGO got a Movie?? Well let's check it out, I wanna see More of Yugi" and then the Yugi in question comes out and he's SO DIFFERENT from the babie I used to know??? 😂😂 he's all Mature and stuff!! But he's SO SAD and that Sadness kinda pulls me in-
When Kaiba and Yugi starts their Duel I think THAT's when I got "oh yes: Them" because I think it was the first time I ever see a Kaiba vs YUGI not Yamiyu Duel and it was an Emotional experience, beside the Duel having Emotional backstory behind it too, it was just a whipslash of Emotion for me 😂😂😂
It was also when I started Noticing Kaiba's appeal as a character too. They are SO SAD in the DSOD movie that it draws me in <3
After the whiplash of Emotion from DSOD, I started to read the manga and watch the anime more carefully and started Noticing details- every little bits of interaction between Yugi & Kaiba, even the ones that only happens offscreen (like how Yugi mentions he visits Kaiba in the hospital a lot of times) makes it feel like everything that happens in DSOD really makes more sense, and it feels like it's Meant to happen, their story builds up to DSOD, and I really like that- they got Growth in their story, I think. I guess I lean more on the manga in story-line that makes me get interested in Them <3 but DSOD just seals the Deal 😂
Also after that I learned of that "4 years later" insta post by KT and it shows Kaiba and Yugi together Making Games, AND GOD IT WAS- IT TRULY SEALED THE DEAL... Everything Makes Sense, they're sooo build to be Together for me!!! 🥺🥺🥺
And welp now I'm here 😂
I'm Very Happy you got to enjoy the ship through my drawings <3 but my intrepertation of them might not be the same as anyone else (and I think my content are mostly ooc too) so I hope you can see the original series again and enjoy it as you like 💙💜 have fun!!
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nenya85 · 3 years
What do you think about Kisara as a character? (anime and or manga)
@yugisbarber - I'm sorry it took a couple of days to reply!
I like the backstory Kisara has in the anime, where we see her as an adorable child with an equally adorable little Seto.
But I love the manga for how open-ended everything about her is, and for giving me leave, in it’s inexplicitness, to explore the possibility that rather than being a girl with the ka of a dragon, Kisara is a dragon who assumed the shape of a girl.
One thing I love about writing Kisara, is the idea that, given the choice, she might prefer to be a dragon. In one story, Mokuba asks her why, if she could be either, she stays a dragon, and she answers, “Humans are so fragile.” I could see her preferring armor, both physically and emotionally.
I do see her as a tragic character, in that she rarely has any agency, and when she starts exploring who she is, once she starts coming into her power, she dies, and there’s such a sense of a life being cut short before it was truly lived to her.
Kisara AU Idea
One of my favorite AU ideas to play around with explores the idea that Kisara is a dragon assuming the shape of a girl. It assumes that the God Cards – Slifer, Obelisk and Ra – are actual gods (yes, I know Ra is an actual god, but bear with me.) And after watching the creation of the Millennium Items, they’re ready to was h their hands of Atem and company, believing that they – or their parents – brought this on themselves. The Blue Eyes White Dragon argues, not so much that people are inherently good, but that they have the potential and capacity for change.
She ends up vowing to put her money where her mouth is by going to the mortal plane in the guise of a girl. She’d still have her dragon powers and the ability to assume her true form and her memories. But something goes wrong, and she loses her memories (in the manga she doesn’t remember her past) and without them, can’t access her true self.
The story then turns on her trying to discover who she is. In a way this parallels High Priest Seto, who is starting to realize he doesn’t have to be the person he was raised to be, and Atem’s search for reconciling his memories the first time around with the memories of who he’s grown to be in Domino. I’m currently working on a way to throw Seto Kaiba into the mix!
Thank you for asking!
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It wasn't uncommon for everyone to be woken up at night.
Infact it was more accurate to say it was a daily thing.
It would always be a toss up between who was having nightmares. And just how bad they were. Patterns would form, they'd always try to keep track of what had happened that day incase they were triggered.
Yusaku had them after he'd duel, particularly if he'd been stressed out about a possible loss. He'd lay on his back, silent and it was only the tensing of his body that gave him away. Sometimes he'd recoil and shake ever so slightly without making a sound. Soft weighted blankets helped to keep him grounded.
Yuma would whimper, toss and turn while Astral would whisper comfort. If that failed than Astral would alert Yusei or Yugi who would wake and comfort Yuma. He didn't get them often, but sometimes they'd hit him hard.
Yusei rarely got nightmares, when he felt one coming he'd do all he can to stay awake. Usually fixing or adding upgrades to his and everyone's stuff. Sometimes it calms him enough to sleep on his own otherwise the rest will have a sleepover in his room. Having at least 2 of them snoring beside him puts him at ease.
Yugi and Atem both cling to the other when they have nightmares, since there usually about losing the other. They have hot chocolate at the dead of night, sometimes they'll talk and other times they'll just hold each other till they fall asleep.
Yuga doesn't really have nightmares, using himself as everyone's cuddle buddy when they are down. But when he does, he wakes up from them in a cold sweat and find his way to one of the others rooms, usually Yugi/Atem or Yusei who'll hug the fears away.
However the ones with a more... Violent reaction to there nightmares are Judai and Yuya. There botb pretty good at hiding them... Judai more than Yuya until they start talking in their sleep. It escalates to yelling and screaming which alerts the others to them. Yubel and the Zarc fragments will try their best to calm down (though someone *looks at Yuuri* can make it worse). Usually they'll wake up, either aware or still stuck in memories and having to be grounded to reality. If it's the former they all have a cuddle fest till they feel better. Though if it's the latter they often unconsciously call on their powers--being put to sleep by Atem.
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