#what if they had a magnet in their face so they kiss or somethin.
scottpilgrim4everr · 10 months
Drew some guys. Plushie guys.
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The ones on the left are the “normal” ones, staying true to the original comics style.
The ones on the right are the “woobified” ones, leaning into the anime/my personal style.
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miintsprigz · 9 months
Mercs x GN! reader who drew them (ALL NINE!)
This goes out to everyone, not just my artists.
But yes, all my fic material is extremely self-serving.
Big thank you to a dear friend of mine for helping me with mercs like Pyro, Engie, Sniper, and Medic when I got stuck.
• Well, he IS an artist himself, that’s probably how the two of you first started talking.
• Ran past one day, only to immediately throw it in reverse and go “hey whoa whoa whoa when were you gonna tell me you could draw?!”
•Naturally…it was only a matter of time.
•He was always so encouraging about your stuff, so…after working up the guts, you showed him.
• “Yo wait a sec…you drew me??? I…” For once in his life, he’s at a loss for words. He’s never been drawn—not even a self-portrait. For as cocky as he seems…well…
•He just…stares for a second. Marveling. Is that…really what I look like?
• “Do you like it?” “Abso-friggin-lutely, (Y/N)!!! You kiddin’? I don’t even look that beautiful in real life! And ya know, that’s sayin’ somethin!”
•You laugh, and he pulls you in so fast to hug you that you weren’t even ready. “But seriously…thank you. I’ve uh…I’ve never been drawn before. You did amazing. …you know I gotta draw you now, right?”
•And he does. He’s a complete perfectionist about it—he feels like he can’t replicate you, you’re one of a kind. (He actually does very well! But he’s so shy showing it to you…d’aww.)
•Pyro was more of a doodler than anything. They loved color. And of course, you could resonate with that.
•Sometimes you’d draw designs and let them color it in. They giggled all the while…they just adored how creative you were.
•Being the most secretive about their appearance, they’re hard to nail down…even for you. Pyro is most themself in their full gear. You, out of everyone, know that best.
•So you took a…different approach. Abstraction.
•Their hands, the ones that so often seemed to be magnetically drawn to you.
•Their back, the strong shoulders when they just felt content to sit in the quiet with you.
•The brief glimpses you’d caught of their face—split second instances in shadows—those were easy, yet challenging. Their brief sightings made them easy to be abstract about, and yet, it made them harder to actually nail down.
•Conjuring a rather fittingly smoky composition, it had a dreamlike feel to it. Pure Pyro.
•You were only a bit hesitant to show them, but when they did see…they surprised you a bit.
•You could see them straighten up a bit…surprised. They craned their neck a bit, looking closer, gently curling their fingers over yours to hold the snapshot-like portraits with you.
• “Hmmm…” There was a sort of…tranquility to them. So unlike your little sparky fella.
• “Do you like them?” Immediately, the edge of their mask bumped against your forehead—your own personal way of kissing. That was all the answer you needed.
•They couldn’t verbalize it, but…seeing beauty in images of themself. The same beauty they saw all around them…it made them see themself in a way they never had before.
•And of course, it made them fall even deeper in love with you, the one who cared for them so much that they took the time to look so deeply.
•Heavy is a very intelligent man, but he’s never had much gift for creative work. Even his insults were kind of just the same thing repeated, when the other mercs made it an art form.
•So he couldn’t help but be enraptured by your artistic endeavors and how much work you put into them.
•He loved to see you covered in your medium of choice, your passion for it. Made him lovesick. How lovely you were doing what you loved.
•If he could paint, he would have wanted to paint that. So he could look at it forever.
•So of course, imagine his delight when you decided to draw him!
• That roaring laugh you so enjoyed boomed immediately, just elated.
•“Ohhhh…look at that! You captured me perfectly! Beautiful!” You couldn’t help but beam with pride.
•“Can Heavy keep this?” “Of course you can, hon.” This warranted a sudden barrage of kisses to your face, which cracked you up of course.
•“Very happy to have such talented artist as yourself to love. But to me? You are most beautiful. In all the world.” Despite being more eloquent in his native language, Heavy could still get you to turn red. “Oh gosh…” “Is true!”
•Tavish had always been a pretty sentimental fellow. He really did enjoy artwork, but didn’t talk about it much.
•Once he discovered that you were an artist, he was over the moon. Finally, he felt, he could talk to someone about art without them possibly poking fun.
•He’d never go in your sketchbook unless you allowed him to, but he always looked with such admiration in his eyes. “That’s bloody brilliant. So long as ya luv it, never stop doin’ this. Cuz I’ll never stop lookin.”
•One day, you told him you had a surprise for it. “I dunno if I like surprises…” “Oh trust me, Demo,” you chirped, “I think you’ll like this one.”
•As you held up the finished product, his mouth went agape. Almost instantly, he began to smile.
•“Well aren’t you just the sweetest!! That’s me there???” “Yes, love. I uh, I hope that you like it.” His gaze shifted over to you, and you could see his eye had grown somewhat misty.
•Demo was at a loss for words. He had never thought of himself as particularly good-looking, certainly not good enough to be drawn. And yet. You had drawn him. Drawn him very well. And he liked how he looked. Was that how you saw him?
•“Aw, Tav…you okay??” He blinked quick, trying to keep composed.“Never better…c’mere, you…”
•Wrapping his arms around you, he gave you a kiss, just about taking your breath away.
•“My little artist…ya made me look so good.” You caught him rubbing his eye a bit. “I just drew what I saw.” “Well, ya see a work of art in me. And that? That’s the best surprise of all.”
•With how much designing went into his machines, Dell could always appreciate the skills of an artist. So when he learned that you were one, well, that only sweetened an already sweet deal.
•You were a little self-conscious at first about him watching you work. You tended to just work parallel to one another, both lost in your own stuff.
•You’d sometimes stop what you were doing to follow his hands as he put the pieces together, fingers wandering as they looked for the correct tool.
•When the inverse happened though—when Engie watched you work—he admired your spontaneity. You could start off with a total wild card and somehow managed to pull it all together and make it work, in a way he never could have come up with.
•Being rather rigid in his own trade, that was something Dell couldn’t help but be dazzled by. Very smart man for sure, but rather by-the-book. Not like you. He saw genius in the way your mind worked.
•So, one day, as the two of you perused each other’s handiwork a bit, you shyly revealed the piece you’d made of him—hard at work on an updated sentry model.
•His lips parted a little like he was about to say something, but nothing came out.
•“I know it’s a little rocky…I’m not the best at drawing machinery.” Gently, he took ahold of the sketchbook and gave it a soft tug, nonverbally asking for permission to hold it. You let him.
•As he looked closer, a warm smile crept across his face. “Well, well…wouldja look at that. That’s me alright.” He chuckled heartily, but you realized it was from admiration, not amusement.
•“Look at you, (Y/N)! Saw me all covered in dirt an’ said ‘yeah, I can make art from that’. I love it…shucks, darlin’, I can hardly get my eyes off of it.”
•He looked back at you, still all aglow, only to find you blushing to the point of near luminescence. “Aw, c’mon now honey…no need to be all shy. You’re incredible, ya know that?”
•An arm slunk around your shoulders, pulling you fast to his side, quickly pecking the top of your head. “I love it, and I love you.”
•Soldier was a brave man, that he was confident in. But even he was self-aware enough to realize he wasn’t the sharpest.
•Anything he’d ever drawn looked like kids’ stuff, so to see what you could make? It blew his mind.
•Jane tried not to stare while you drew—you’d gotten all nervous when you’d caught him, and he was trying to be courteous—but he couldn’t deny how it captivated him.
•“Whatcha workin’ on now?” “I’m drawing those two goofs.” You motioned to the Spy and Scout bickering as they often did. “Why them, of all things?” “I just like capturing the moment sometimes.”
•One day, as you sat while he drilled the rest of the team, you started to do just that. You found it hard not to chuckle just a little as the others groaned and rolled their eyes.
•Sure, you got their annoyance, but you couldn’t help but be pulled in by Jane’s excitement and hot-bloodedness.
•“Seemed pretty lost in your work there, or I woulda asked you to join in.” A strong hand ruffling your hair snapped you out of your daze. “Capturing the moment again?”
•“Uh-huh. I think this is my best one yet.” You turned the book around to show him, and you saw his lips part slightly in surprise before he suddenly laughed. “Haha! Look at that! It’s me!”
•You laughed with him, just happy to see him so tickled by it. “I think I really captured you.” “I’d say so, kid! I’d say so…wow.” The amusement gave way to what you realized was…almost awe.
•“I look…strong. Proud.” “Yep.” “…I look good.” “Of course you do.” He nudged his helmet down a bit with his hand, chuckling to himself. From what little bit of his face you saw…was he blushing?
•Imitating him playfully—it was something you two tended to do, he found it cute—you joked, in your best impression of him, “‘Are you going soft on me, maggot??? You’re red as a tomato!’” “Noooo…oh, (Y/N), what am I gonna do with you?”
•He caught the side of your face softly and pecked you on the cheek. “But…really. Thank you, sweetheart. I think that’s my favorite thing you’ve ever made.”
•Truthfully, Mick had never given a lot of thought to the arts before he’d met you. What really caught his eye was the amount of time you put into it.
•Sniper knew better than anyone that holding still, completely focused on your task, being all but absorbed in it…that was respectable.
•The fact that he could leave for work and come back to find you in the same spot? It was just very attractive to him.
•You stopped by to watch him sometimes, very discreetly, on less busy days, although he wouldn’t lie, it got him nervous. He trusted in his own skills plenty, but…you weren’t just anyone. He couldn’t have you getting hurt.
•So one day, as he finally wrapped up, he saw you, still hard at work. He didn’t want to interrupt you, but if it was time to go, he wanted to go. Giving you a light pat on the shoulder, he chuckled. “Almost done there, darlin? Quittin’ time.”
•“Just a bit more…there. Perfect. Check it out.” You held up what you’d been working on: a full sketch of him invested in his own work.
•It took him a moment to process what he was seeing, but once he did, he couldn’t help but be amazed. Slightly slack-jawed, he looked up at you, the faintest trace of a smile.
•“Never considered myself the modelin’ type, ‘specially not out here, but…wow. Ya really did it. And I look bloody good, too!” “Well duh!” “Oh, stop—” Oh, that got him. The Aussie was surprisingly easy to fluster once he’d fully grown comfortable, and you loved it.
•“Awww, are you blushing?” “Just a little…now c’mon.” Taking your hand, he helped you up, quickly hugging you around the shoulders, catching you somewhat off-guard.
•“But really. Great job there. Thanks…it’s an honor, ya know that? To be drawn by you?” “Gosh—” “Heh, now you’re the one goin’ all red.” “Oh, stop—”
•The good(?) doctor first learned of your artistic prowess when he caught you trying to draw the charts he had on his wall. “Ooh! Very impressive.”
•Medic could do a lot of things, but drawing wasn’t really one of them. He couldn’t resist watching you work, even though he knew it was a bit touchy.
•“Poetry in motion, Liebe. Really.” Simp. “Oh, come on—” “I mean it! You have such precision, such grace…it’s a sight to behold!”
•So of course, when you were working on something that you absolutely would not let him look at, he wanted to see even more.
•“I promise that whatever it is, I will find it as beautiful as you!” “It’s not that, silly—it’s supposed to be a surprise!” He seemed almost sulky about it…it was kind of cute, although you did feel a bit bad.
•Eventually though, it was done—him, with Archimedes on his shoulder. “Okay, honey, you can look now.”
•One hand comes up over his mouth, audibly gasping. “Is that…? It is!!! Haha!”
•You had never seen him this happy, and you couldn’t help but smile. “You’ve really outdone yourself this time, (Y/N)! Look at that…and Archimedes too!”
•Perhaps unsurprisingly, he brings the bird out to show him too. It’s hard to gauge the response from a dove, but the tranquil cooing seems to suggest that he enjoys it.
•The doctor catches you off-guard as he sweeps you into a kiss. “Oh…danke, Schatz (treasure). May I keep this?” “Of course~”
•Best believe this man is showing your art off to EVERYONE who he treats, going on and on about what an incredible artist and person you are.
•This guy is a man of culture, he can appreciate good art. And good artists, wink.
•But in all seriousness, your attention to detail was incredibly attractive to him. After you’d been together for a while, the two of you would sit in his smoking room and relax together once the work day was over.
•Sometimes he’d be off to the side just doing his own thing, reading, but other times he’d actually sit beside you and watch. There was an intimacy to it, one you took time to grow fully comfortable with, but he was patient.
•So when you were very secretive one night, it caught his attention. Nothing slipped past him—not even you. You sensed him behind you surprisingly quickly though, and quickly closed the project up.
•“Shy tonight, are we? So unlike you, mon bijou (my jewel)…” “Hehe…be patient, babe, it’s not done yet.”
•His arms wrapped around you from behind briefly…gosh, it was difficult to keep anything secret from this man. “Very well. Keep your secrets…for now.”
•But he respected that you didn’t want him to see it just yet, and so he waited.
•“…Okay, you can look now.” In an instant, he was behind you again. It was hard to even look up at the guy right now, but once you did…there was this sense of wonder in his face that you hadn’t seen before.
•It wasn’t often that Spy looked at himself unmasked for longer than a few seconds—he’d almost forgotten his own face by now. For spies, he reasoned, it was better that way. But the way you had captured every detail of him…
•“Oh, what a handsome devil…wonder who that could be…” Was he trying to brush off his own flustering? Maybe a little.
•You couldn’t help but giggle as he almost hurriedly sat down next to you, quickly drawing you in close as he continued to look. Almost entranced.
•That element of intimacy I mentioned before? It was his turn to feel it now. Not even in a physical way, which is what this Casanova is so used to.
•No, the fact that you had clearly just…looked at his face, so intently. There was something raw and vulnerable to it. And as much as he wanted to look at it even more, his eyes were magnetically drawn to you.
•“I wouldn’t have ever asked it of you, but…I always wondered what it would look like if you drew me. I…”
•Glancing back down, he found that he couldn’t even come up with anything to say. The act of love had rendered him speechless. YOU BROKE HIM OH MY GOSH/j
•“…Do you like it?” Before you could say anything else, you were swiftly kissed, and I mean kissed.
•Spy always looked at you with a sort of passion, but this was different. He had never felt so much love for someone. Felt like a young, hopeless romantic boy all over again.
•“I adore it…and most of all, I adore you, mon cœur (my heart).”
AAAAND IM DONE. WHEW. That was fun!
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f10werfae · 1 year
Grumpy Lumberjack and his Baby Bun
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pairing: Lumberjack!Henry × Wife!Pregnant!Reader
summary: Compilation of all the dirty things Henry as done to his baby bun, especially when she's pregnant (lactation, spit, dumbification, toys)
Likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated/Disclaimer 18+
Lumberjack Masterlist, Henry Masterlist
Lumberjack!Henry gives Shy!Reader a collar:
“Baby bun av’ got ya a little somethin’” Henry called out into the warm cabin, his nose already sniffing out for her strawberry scented shampoo, his smirk growing once he watched her waddle into the room. His dried cum still plastered on her thighs, “Turn around for me sugar, need to see if ya followed me rules” He whistled seeing the pink ruby butt plug still deep inside her asshole, something he had set in an hour or two ago.
Truthfully he didn’t know, the entire sexathon leaving them both dazed and blissed out. “W-what is it?” She giggled climbing onto his lap once he sat down, her lower half completely bare, wearing only a tank top that Henry wore to work out. “S’ a pretty necklace jus’ for my baby” He smiled booping her nose, babying her just as she liked, her giggles once again filling his ears as she leant forward eagerly.
Pulling a jewelled choker from a fancy looking bag he presented the beautiful diamond thing, with the centre containing a rather large charm, the letter ‘H’ “W-woah so pretty, i-is it all mine?” She gawked seeing the piece of jewellery being clipped around the back of her neck, her hips wiggling happily as Henry leant forward to kiss her pouty lips eagerly. His fingers pinching her jaw to open her mouth, letting him spit into it filthily, using his two fingers to lather his saliva all over her tongue before he told her to swallow.
“Good baby” He cooed as she gulped down awaiting praise from him, having only been engaged a few days, they had definitely ramped their relationship up to the next level. “Take my shirt off sugar cube, wanna see my babygirl’s pretty tits with her diamond neck” Tugging on the hem of the vest she wore, it only took a mere few seconds before it was thrown somewhere out there. His hands immediately coming up to grope and knead at the two globes of flesh, his mouth spitting into the valley between them, rubbing the tits together to get them all wet and shiny with his mouth.
“I feel beautiful!” She squealed feeling him tweak and pinch at her perked up nipples, if there was anything Henry knew how to do, it was to make his sugar pie feel loved, wanted and beautiful. He was doing a darn good job at doing it too. “Cause you are beautiful, too beautiful it kills me” He growled his eyes trained on her whole upper body as if it was a magnet; God he couldn’t wait to plant the idea of babies into her clouded little mind. The picture of her all swollen and big with his baby made him feral just by the thought, and imagine her toddling around town pregnant with the jackpot of a collar around her neck. There’d be no doubt that she belonged to the lonely (no longer lonely) grumpy lumberjack that occupied the luxurious cabin in the mountains, Henry Cavill.
Shaking his head out of his own thoughts Henry watched as she poked and traced over each diamond delicately, her pretty eyes wide and sparkly just how he liked them. As if there was some spectacle to look at. Sneaking his phone out of his pocket he cursed himself when he snapped a photo of his fiancé, her tits exposed to the camera along with her face, her smile big; that was until the camera shutter went off and a grump formed on her face.
“Y-you can’t just take photos o-of me like that” She snarked slapping his shoulder gently as he pouted along with her and kissed her lips tenderly muttering a small sorry which he didn’t really mean. That photo was fucking golden. “Ya gotta l-let me get ready first H-hen”
She immediately smiled towards the camera, showing off the diamonds as she held onto the choker, her pearly whites showing as she squinted her eyes to let her smile grow larger. A smile which pulled at Henry’s heartstrings at how happy she looked, “So pretty baby, my pretty girl” He crooned looking back on the two pics so far, his eyes widening when she posed again, this time pushing her tits together to hug the ‘H’ pendant hanging off the choker. His baby bun was filthy and he fuckin’ knew it, he had corrupted her well and truly.
Picture after picture was taken until she finally took the phone out of his hand, angling it at a higher angle to get both their smiling faces in the shot, his hands grabbing onto each breast greedily. One would even say there was a photo of her tit greedily sucked into his mouth, her face still having that same wide smile, as if her husband wasn’t trying to milk her breasts.
Shy!Reader afraid of giving birth:
Henry’s heart started hammering when his hand went to the other side of the bed, his wife’s side was empty, and holy fuck she was pregnant too. Throwing the covers off, “Y/n?! Where are ya baby bun?!” He shouted using her actual name, something he didn’t do unless he was REALLY mad or worried about something.
“M-m’ here daddy” He heard her voice whimper out, his cock stirring from the choice of nickname. Ever since he had brought the name up during sex, she had started using it whenever she needed extra comfort from her beast of a man, after-all he was literally about to be the father of her babies.
Turning the corner to the kitchen he found her munching away on her chocolate chips, her newfound obsession during pregnancy. “I-I need a hug” She whispered looking at him from the bar stool, her eyes glossy with her arms out waiting for him, a tiny humph leaving her as Henry picked her up and sat her onto his lap. “I’ll give you all the hugs in the world sugar, anytime you need one ya let me know, but no more runnin’ off outta bed alright?” He whispered against the shell of her ear, his hand coming down to cup the front of her protruding belly, it was now evident that she was carrying twins, his miracles. “sorry, I-I wanted to t-think but then I got h-hungry” She sniffled pointing at the near empty packet of biscuits, her body curling itself as best as possible into Henry’s warm one. “What’s goin on in that pretty head a’ yours, what’s botherin’ my sugar, my baby momma”
“I-I. I’m scared. I-I know it’s going to hurt but i’m scared, n-n anxious, a c-section is s-scary, they gotta cut open my stomach and they’ll see my guts and-“
“Hey hey hey, stop rushin’ the thoughts baby, it’s totally normal to feel scared; heck i’m so proud of you baby, my strong baby bun” He whispered peppering kisses to her neck until he felt her start to laugh and wiggle on his lap. “I’ll be right beside you Y/n, every step of the bloody thing, I’ll be there when they place the tiny tots on your chest.”
“Holding my hand?”
“Holding your hand”
Vibrator in the panties:
Henry practically cackled watching his wife try to go about her daily habits, a wobble in her step as she tried to soothe the hard vibrations erupting in the panties. She knew something was up when Henry said she could wear panties at home today, she should have know he would do something like this. A built in vibrator placed right against her swollen clit, and she knew she couldn’t touch herself either, not with Henry’s rules, so she really was left on her own here.
Giving up on even trying to play with Marly her kitten, she huffed grabbing onto her weighted blanket Henry got her, if she had to suffer then he would too.
Straddling Henry’s lap she let the vibrator hit right against his cock whilst also hitting her pussy, Henry’s cock jerking with each rhythm of vibrations, his hands gripping onto her silk covered ass cheeks as he groaned and growled from the sensation. Guess he should have seen this coming too. “S-see Henry, I-I can be bold too” She whimpered slowly rolling her hips against his, her hands clenched around his shoulders as he bit his lip at the sight of her all blissed out. She had cum three times already in the space of an hour, her pussy raw and swollen and sticky with her own juices; that was until Henry decided to give her a squeaky clean shower with the shower head right on her pussy, before sticking a new pair of the same panties on her freshly washed pussy.
“Oh yeah bold” He grumbled slightly hating himself for even making the purchase now, his cock aching feeling the lips of her wet pussy clinging to his cock through the fabric, yet he couldn’t feel her. And he promised her he could keep the panties on all day, fucks sake.
When Shy!reader’s milk comes in:
“H-Hen? Come in here p-please?!” Y/n shouted from the bedroom where she had basically been nesting for the past few weeks now that she was getting closer to her due date, Henry was now on the go to getting prepared for the new arrivals, painting the nursery and getting the furniture (asking Y/n for colour schemes of course)
“Yes baby bun” Henry smirked standing by the doorway seeing her perched naked on her pregnancy pillow, it was getting to warm for her to be wearing clothes, hence Henry was now getting a free show 24/7 and he didn’t mind. With his wife’s sex drive being through the roof, it was practically easy access for him to slip in behind her in bed and fuck her senseless, or bend her over the kitchen counter as he pleases. Although that position was now getting harder with how swollen her ankles were getting.
“M-m leakin’” She pouted sitting up against the headboard, squeezing her swollen tits to show Henry that tiny beads of white milk where erupting from her rosebud.
Henry was waiting for this since the day he fucking met her, breeding her so hard that he’d be able to milk her tits into his waiting mouth before his babies arrived. “Oh baby they’re ready, so gorgeous n’ full” He gaped sitting beside her on the bed, her body facing his as he let his hands cup her massive jugs, expanded full with milk that she had produced. He took notice of how she winced clearly feeling tense, he let his hands softly bounce them in the palm of his hand, his fingers tugging lightly on her larger nipples surrounded by a now darker areola.
“Want daddy to make ya feel better sugar pie? I know how to make the soreness go away” He cooed rubbing his thumb over the too of her breasts soothingly, her lips pouted as she nodded desperately, eager to get rid of the extra weight on her chest that had a arrived a tad bit early. “Alright sit back against the headboard for me honey, daddy’s jus’ gonna suck the sweet milk right outta your tits”
“B-but isn’t that just for babies?” She asked confused, cocking her head to the side like an innocent puppy. “Don’t Ya know the daddy’s gotta test the milk for the babies?” He raised a brow, questioning her as if what he said was just common knowledge, “O-oh okay” She smiled leaning back against her pregnancy pillow, watching on as her husband’s full lips wrapped around one nipple, small whimpers and groans leaving her lips as she suckled softly consistently; small groans and hums leaving his lips every time he detached from her nipples to give it a passionate tongue kiss as if it was her mouth before resuming his suckling.
He continued to do this for another 15 minutes before switching to the other breast, before this time collecting the milk in his mouth and spitting it right into his wife’s waiting mouth, his tongue scavenging through her mouth roughly as they tasted her sweet breastmilk. “T-tastes good” She admitted shyly, her body feeling flush, “Does taste good doesn’t it baby? S’ useful too”
He groaned sitting up to release his cock out of his briefs, squirting some of her milk right onto his palm before he used it to lube up his cock; just how dirty could he get? “Squirt some more milk on me momma, need it so bad” He groaned smirking as she squeezed at her breasts hard enough that the pressure caused it to squirt right at him, “o-oh crap I don’t knot howta’ aim” She giggled watching the milk drip down his chest and mixing in with the trail of curls that nestled at the base of his cock.
“S’okay baby bun we got time to practice, now I think we should give your puffy pussy a sweet taste too don’t ya think?” Before she could even protest Henry was already attached back onto her nipples, massaging them in circular motions to help get the milk flowing right onto his thick wet tongue. His body burning as he spat right onto her slit, massaging it through her folds, letting his fingers find her wet snug hole. “a-ah daddy” She moaned eagerly wiggling her hips, and Henry gave her exactly what she wanted, pushing in two of his rough fingers in; practically filling her up already. Her breasts squirting a tiny bit of milk each time he thrusted inside her, almost like it was part of her response to his depravity. “Look at those tits go baby, fuckin’ milkin all over the place like a cow” He chuckled watching her whine and whimper at the pressure of her breasts slowly emptying, her clit and hole being played simultaneously and Henry’s stare was just out of this world.
Mixed with love, filth, obsession and lust for the pregnant woman in front of him, his lips coming back onto her nipples once again; Y/n knew instantly that this would become a habit and she knew she loved it
PSA: Hope this fulfilled some queries about their relationship! Next fic of lumberjack!Henry will be them settling in with their tiny tots, something like that :)
library blog: @f10werfaes-cosy-collection
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Hope you all enjoy!!
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cherryrainn · 8 months
I hope you are well!
Can I request a Hazbin hotel Vox x f!reader oneshot/song fic ( lavender kiss by the licks ) thats just something about a late night spent alone with him? Thinking romance, sweetness, how he is behind closed doors, just overall comfort stuff!
I found your work on ao3 and loooved the meet me in the pale moonlight songfic, it was breathtaking. You actually inspired me to start my blog, your writing is so lovely 🖤
Excited to see what you write,
Signed, Koko
━━ ✧ 𝐥𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬 ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
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─ ✩ 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 ; vox + reader
─ ✩ 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ; none
─ ✩ 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆 ; here
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the night draped itself over the bustling city of hell, casting shadows that danced to the rhythm of distant sirens and echoing laughter. within the confines of a luxurious penthouse suite overlooking the chaotic skyline, vox, the charismatic and enigmatic demon of technology, found himself immersed in a world far removed from his usual grandiose schemes and relentless pursuits for power. tonight, he was not the manipulative man craving attention but a partner, a lover, basking in the comforting silence that only the late hours could offer.
what is a man?
you, his beloved, sat beside him, the soft glow from his flat-screen tv head casting an ethereal luminescence across the room. the shimmering lights revealed the intricacies of his features—the red sclera, light blue pupils, and that captivating mouth with sharp teeth that emitted a gentle, soothing light. the juxtaposition of his imposing 7-foot stature and the tenderness in his gaze, as he looked at you, was a sight to behold.
what is a woman?
vox had shed his dark blue tuxedo jacket. his fingers delicately traced patterns on your hand, sending a comforting chill down your spine. the air between you was thick with anticipation, a palpable tension that neither of you wanted to break.
what is a heart that loves inside?
"you ever think we'd get a night like this?" he asked, his voice dripping with a mix of mischief and genuine curiosity.
what makes a man
you leaned in closer, feeling the magnetic pull between you two. "in a place like this? never. but i'm glad it's with you."
fall for a woman?
a sly smirk crept across vox's face as he leaned back, pulling you into his lap. his light blue fingers traced lazy circles on your back, sending a shiver down your spine.
what makes a woman take his hand, baby?
"you and me both," he purred, his voice oozing confidence. "this place can be a dumpster fire, but with you, it's almost bearable."
in a wonderland
you chuckled, wrapping your arms around his neck. "only 'almost'?"
i'm in a wonderland
he laughed, a sound that echoed with a warmth you'd never heard from him before. "alright, alright, you got me. it's more than bearable; it's downright enjoyable."
take me back to this
the two of you lost yourselves in each other's company, the outside world becoming nothing more than a distant memory.
i just want you to want me
there were stolen kisses and tender touches, each one deepening the connection between you two.
i don't need any other hand to hold so near
as the night wore on, vox pulled you closer, his eyes locking onto yours with an intensity that made your heart race. "you know," he began, his voice softer than you'd ever heard, "i never thought i'd find someone who gets me like you do."
make me scream for this
you smiled, brushing a stray strand of hair from your face. "and i never thought i'd find someone as...complex as you vox."
i just want you to want me
his grin widened, revealing those glowing teeth. "complex, huh? i'll take that as a compliment."
i need your lavender kiss
with a tender smile, he cupped your face, his glowing eyes locking onto yours as if trying to etch the memory of this night into his very being.
who is your man?
"you're somethin' else, you know that?" he whispered, his breath warm against your lips. "never thought i'd be caught in the feels like this."
who is my woman?
you chuckled, your heart fluttering at the unexpected vulnerability in his words. "feelings are a wild ride, vox."
where is my heart that loves inside?
vox leaned in, closing the distance between you with a gentle, lingering kiss. his lips were soft against yours, a testament to the tenderness that lurked beneath his charismatic exterior. as he pulled away, a mischievous glint returned to his eyes.
what makes a man
"maybe hell isn't so bad if it means more nights like this," he mused, his fingers tracing lazy patterns on your back.
fall for a woman?
the two of you shared another kiss, deeper this time, as if trying to savor every fleeting moment. vox's hand slipped into yours, fingers intertwining, grounding you in the reality of the connection you shared.
what makes her think she can take it back?
"who would've thought the big-shot vox could be such a softie?" you teased, earning a playful smirk from him.
in a wonderland
"hey, don't get used to it," vox replied, his tone light but affectionate. "i've got an image to uphold, you know."
i'm in a wonderland
the room filled with the quiet symphony of laughter and hushed conversations, punctuated by stolen kisses that spoke of a connection that transcended the chaos outside.
take me back to this
vox's lips found yours again and again, each kiss a promise, a vow, and a silent declaration of something deeper than words could convey.
i just want you to love me
as the sun continued its ascent, bathing the penthouse in a golden glow, vox held you close, his head resting against yours. "this," he murmured, "this is what makes it all worth it."
i don't need any other hand to hold so near
"you've got me, you know? all of me. and that's not something i give freely." said vox
make me scream for this
"i know," you whispered, your fingers tracing patterns on his chest. "and i promise to cherish every part of you, vox."
i just want you to want me
a contented sigh escaped vox's lips as he buried his face on the top of your head, planting soft kisses along your collarbone. the sensation sent tingles down your spine, each kiss a testament to the depth of his affection.
i need your
minutes, or perhaps hours, seemed to slip away as you and vox lost yourselves in each other's embrace. the world outside faded into insignificance as you reveled in the intimacy of the moment, each touch and whispered word deepening the bond that connected you.
oh, i need your
finally, as the sun reached its zenith, casting a radiant red glow that illuminated the entire penthouse, vox pulled away slightly, his eyes locking onto yours with an intensity that made your heart skip a beat. "promise me something," he murmured, his voice husky with emotion.
"anything," you replied, captivated by the vulnerability in his gaze.
"promise me you'll always be mine," he murmured, his voice laced with a trace of uncertainty and vulnerability. "promise me you'll always want me, that you'll never walk away." vox whispered, his fingers tracing your lips.
oh, i need your
you nodded "i promise," you vowed, sealing your promise with a tender kiss.
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mistfallenmemes · 11 months
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"Being this young is art."
"What if all I need is you?"
"Got lovestruck, went straight to my head."
"Got lovesick all over my bed."
"(I'm) lovelorn and nobody knows."
"I'll pay the price, you won't."
"But if I'm all dressed up, they might as well be looking at us."
"And if they call me a slut, you know, it might be worth it for once."
"If I'm gonna be drunk, I might as well be drunk in love."
"The sticks and stones they throw froze in mid-air."
"Everybody wants him."
"That was my crime."
"In a world of boys, he's a gentleman."
"We'll pay the price, I guess."
"You're not saying you're in love with me."
"You're not saying you're in love with me, but you're going to."
"It might blow up in your pretty face."
"I'm not saying 'do it anyway' but you're going to."
"I've known it from the very start."
"We're a shot in the darkest dark."
"I'm unarmed."
"The waiting is a sadness."
"(I'm) falling into madness."
"I'm standing on a tightrope alone."
"(I'm) halfway out the door, but it won't close."
"I'm holding out hope for you."
"I would stay forever if you say 'don't go'."
"Why have you led me on?"
"Why'd you have to twist the knife?"
"Why'd you whisper in the dark, just to leave me in the night?"
"Your silence has me screaming."
"You kiss me and time stops."
"I'm yours, but you're not mine."
"I'm trying to see the cards that you won't show."
"I'm about to fold."
"I said 'I love you'."
"You went to a party."
"I heard from everybody."
"You part the crowd like the Red Sea."
"Don't even get me started."
"Did you get anxious though?"
"I guess I'll never ever know"
"It looks like you're tryin' lives on"
"You didn't have to change."
"But I guess I don't have a say."
"It was for the best."
"The morе I gave, you'd want me less."
"I cannot be your friend."
"So I pay the price of what I lost."
"I cannot bе your friend, so I pay the price of what I lost."
"What do you tell your friends we shared dinners (and) long weekends with?"
"Truth is, I can't pretend it's platonic."
"It just ended, so..."
"She said to get it off my chest."
"I don't have to pretend."
"I don't have to pretend I like acid rock. Or that I'd like to be on a mega yaught with important men who think important thoughts."
"Guess maybe I am better off now that we don't talk."
"The only way back to my dignity was to turn into a shrouded mystery."
"Guess this is how it has to be now that we don't talk."
"You had people who called you on unmarked numbers."
"I let it slide like a hose on a slippery plastic summer."
"All was quickly forgiven."
"You were so magnetic, it was almost obnoxious."
"I was always turnin' out my empty pockets."
"I didn't come here to make friends."
"We were born to be suburban legends."
"When you hold me, it holds me together."
"And you kiss me in a way that's gonna screw me up forever."
"You'd be more than a chapter in my old diaries."
"And I can still see you now..."
"I know that you still remember."
"We were born to be national treasures."
"You told me we'd get back together, and you kissed me in a way that's gonna screw me up forever."
"I pace down your block."
"I broke my own heart 'cause you were too polite to do it."
"You don't knock anymore and my whole life's ruined."
"I slept all alone."
"You still wouldn't go."
"Let's fast forward to three hundred takeout coffees later."
"You dream of my mouth before it called you a lying traitor."
"You search in every maiden's bed for somethin' greater."
"Was it over when she laid down on your couch?"
"Was it over when he unbuttoned my blouse?"
"Come here,"
"Was it over then?"
"Was it over then and is it over now?"
"Your new girl is my clone."
"And did you think I didn't see you?"
"At least I had the decency to keep my nights out of sight."
"Oh Lord, I think about jumping."
"I think about jumping off of very tall somethings."
"I think about jumping off of very tall somethings... just to see you come running."
"Three hundred awkward blind dates later."
"If she's got (blue) eyes, I will surmise that you'll probably date her."
"I was hoping you'd be there."
"I was hoping you'd be there, and say the one thing I've been wanting... but no."
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123 notes · View notes
thecapricunt1616 · 4 months
Blue Lotus - SxC Fic - Chapter 4
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♡ Summary: Carmy FINALLY admits how he feels to Syd, friskiness ensues! ♡ W/C: 10,405 ♡ Posted Date: 05/16/2024 ♡ A/N: AAAA Here is C4 of my SydCarmy Fic!! I hope you all like it, I'm sorry this fic was abandoned for so long there was a hiccup, but were so back! Who's pumped to see (fingers crossed) some IRL SydCarmy makeout action - IK I am!!! I hope that y'all enjoy this chapter, xoxo :D ♡ Warnings for BTC: SMUTTY SMUT SMUT !! Carmy being all mushy about Syd, Overprotective Carmy, You COULD Call this OOC but Carmy has been in intensive therapy about his exact feelings of holding back his own joy - so it could also be very IN character when you take that in to account ;)
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♡ 𝐌𝐲 𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬 ♡ ➵ 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 ♡ ➵ 𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐞-𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐚𝐠𝐞 ♡ ➵ 𝘊𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘬 𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 / 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘵 ♡ ➵ 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬 ♡ ➵ 𝐂𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐮𝐩 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 ♡
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“Uh- yeah? Yeah…” Syd said softly. She felt hot all over. Goosebumps were raised on each speck of flesh. Her head felt as if she’d smoked the joint from earlier all herself, light. Her chest felt warm, like her heart was being squeezed in a hug. 
Syd had kissed enough people before to know this felt different, much different then any other time she’d been kissed. As stupid as it felt, she was thinking she understood what people meant now when they said their world stopped when they finally kissed the person they were meant for. 
That- or their sexual tension was so insane that it lit each and every one of their nerves on fire, and the feeling of a magnet in her gut pulling her to him was all in her head, and she should really think about checking herself in. 
“I think I’ve been wanting to do that….i don’t know how long- but I know…I’m sure I’ve wanted it now for a while and I’m sorry I haven’t done it…I couldn’t lose you, Syd.” He rested his forehead on hers, huffing a sigh of relief through his nose and his eyes fluttering shut. 
“Do you wanna know why I really actually had the nerve to come out here?” She asked quietly. 
When Carm opened his eyes, he saw syds heartwarming smile, meer inches away from his own lips. He wanted to lean in and kiss her again, he wanted to show her just how badly he needed her, here, now. But he wouldn’t dare push her. He’d already felt like he’d taken too much. 
“Why?” He asked shyly. 
“Fuckin fak” she said, giggling a bit. “Fak. Of all people. He told me…that like- he said we should date?” She said, laughing as Carm’s cheeks go pink. “And he said ‘you’re already work married but I think he’d want to be real married’ “ she said and Carm groans in embarrassment. 
“I’m gonna fuckin kill him- I’m so so sorry” he rests his head on her shoulder, nuzzling his face in the crook of her neck in embarrassment, but he couldn’t help but smile. 
He nearly groaned when she gently runs her delicate fingers over his scalp slowly, ever so gently easing out the tangles from the day.
 “It was needed for me too I guess. I think it’s a little funny. And also strangely humbling, considering I pride myself on reading people. But everyone except for me saw your feelings. Well…maybe I did? I just didn’t accept them because I also didn’t want to lose you. Because I trust you” Syd went on. 
The words nearly brought tears to his eyes. She was afraid to lose him. She was afraid to lose him because of how much she trusts him.
 “I would never leave you, y’know that, right?” He sat up a bit, taking her other hand and holding it with both of his, “I would never dream of it. I fuckin- I- I feel like I need you? And that’s somethin I’m still..I’m still trying to get over it while I’m here and work it out and I’ve been really trying Syd but it’s - I try to explain it to my therapist it’s not- it’s not like I think I’ll die it’s not like I think I can’t- I can’t keep going but it’s like this- this-“ his ramblings is interrupted this time, by Syd returning the favor and kissing him. 
He let out a small satisfied hum of the feeling of his lips on hers, closing his eyes and moving his lips in tandem, relishing in the feeling of her fingers gently twirling his curls between her slender fingers, by instinct forming the little ringlets together in her fingers how she’d do when she played with her own curls. 
“Has anyone ever told you that you talk too much, Berzatto?” She teased, and Carm laughs genuinely. 
“Never. That's the first time I’m hearing this. I could talk to you forever though…” he said and pulls her closer. She was nearly sitting in his lap. But to Carm, she still wasn’t close enough. He wanted her glued to his side, he wished he could bottle up the essence of her comfort and carry it with him everywhere, that is how he would feel normal, that was how he could feel apart, without having to do the work on himself, that is. 
“I’m fucking with you. Honestly I-“ she’s cut off by Carmen’s phone buzzing loudly on the table. 
Babysitter #4 the contact read when they looked over. 
Carm saw the time and rolled his eyes “fucking motherfuckers” he muttered angrily and picked up the phone. 
“What?” He snapped.
“Hello! Mr.Berzatto this is Basekeeper Christian how we doing tonight?” Syd heard a man chirp through the phone. 
“Fine. What do you need.” He grates. 
“Well we have here on the log a guest- Sydney Adamu - she checked in for you around 1 pm today- her guest pass was never scanned out at the gate so we’re being sure that you’re both aware of the time. Visiting hours have been over for 45 minutes, but she is welcome back tomorrow” The man explained. 
Carmen wanted to drown his phone in the lake, get the first flight back to Chicago- (first class) - and fuck Syd so hard they literally caused turbulence. But- his testosterone driven rage wasn’t going to get him anywhere except thrown in a hospital here, since your essentially signing your sanity over on a little piece of paper until you ‘graduate out’. 
“Mmhmm.” He grumbles “she’s leaving. I’m walking her down now.” He hung up on the man before he could say anything else and he drops his phone back on the table, rubbing his face how he did when he was annoyed but didn’t want to let it out. 
“I told you I didn’t wanna get you in trouble!” She huffs 
“D’you really think I give a fuck?” he asked and wrapped his arm around her, pulling her chest flush to his. 
“No but I give a fuck, cause what happens if they think Y’re like becoming defiant and keep you away for longer.” She asked, looking down at his lips for a moment. 
He seized the opportunity to pull her into another kiss, but this one was…different, more heated, more wanting, the kind that felt like it was dripping in anticipation. 
She nearly melted into him, taking the chance to straddle his hips, sitting on his lap and cupping his cheeks as the kiss became more feverish. There were small nips, and moans, and wet sounds of lips moving with lips - they weren’t sure what sounds were coming from who at one point. 
His hands were all over her, gripping the curve of her ass, memorizing it, the way it filled his large palms, squeezing the flesh of her hips the way that made her creen with desire. He slipped his hands under her hoodie, the pit of fire in his stomach growing when he felt the raised goosebumps running up the entirety of the flesh on her back and sides. 
He disconnected their lips, kissing along her jaw, leaving small nips and bites before soothing them over with his tongue and kissing the stinging ache away, before moving on to the next targeted patch of skin and repeating the assault. 
Sydney was sure she’d never been so turned on in her life. She felt like a wild animal, like a horny teen again. She couldn’t remember another time, another person - who she wanted to share this much of herself with- so badly. But there was also something in her screaming that it could be ruined if they moved all at once. 
“Carm” she said softly, but his name had been leaving her lips in little moans and whines that it didn’t quite catch his attention. He gently bit down on her collarbone, suckling the flesh - being sure to leave a dark mark for her to admire in the mirror later - but also to remind himself when he sees her again that this all wasn’t just a dream. 
She moaned out softly, tugging his curls firmer and disconnecting his lips from her flesh. She tugs his head back to look up at her, and she nearly forgot why she’d told him to stop at the sight of his purely blissed out expression. 
His usual icy blue eyes had become blown out with the lust swimming in his pupils, the effect causing the rings of his iris’ to look like the deep sea. His cheeks were flushed a scarlet red, his lips were plump and rosy from all the kissing and sucking he was nearly addicted to already. He couldn’t get enough of her scent, her taste. His mind was already whirling around the fact that if he was this obsessed with the way her neck tasted?! 
He was sure that when he did go home, he and Syd would both not be returning to work for a week because he was determined to lick, kiss, nip, bite, worship- every inch of skin she would allow. He felt…devoted. That was the word that was swirling throughout his mind, he was devoted to her pleasure, however she requested it. 
“You taste so fuckin’ good” he said softly, taking the hand that was cupping his cheek and opening his mouth, wrapping his lips around her fore and middle finger and moaning as his eyes fluttered shut at the taste. He swirled his tongue around her digits sensually and Syd felt as if her brain short circuited for a moment. 
Her jaw went slack, his filthy noises mixed with the saliva gathering at the corners of his lips - he was nearly fucking drooling at the taste of her. 
“You’re a fucking whore Jesus Christ.” She said lowly. He smiled around her fingers, pulling off with a pop and swallowing with a satisfied hum. 
“Please stay. Please” he looks up at her with pleading eyes. 
“You know, if the whole EC thing stops working for you- you definitely have a potential career in modeling - for animal shelter donations. Don’t give me those fucking puppy eyes, Berzatto” she said and he ups the amperage, fluttering his lashes for added effect. 
“And how! There’s a gate. Once I scan this to let myself out there’s security guards Carmy. I can’t just come back!” She said 
“You think I’d make you go out there? No. Jess will do it, he owes me anyway.” He explained, gently rubbing up and down her sides. 
“How is he supposed to do that?” She asked and Carm smiled friskily 
“He has ways.” He shrugged. “This isn’t his first round here. He knows his way around the grounds. Cmon you wanna go back to the hotel? A little fun never hurt no one Syd” he mused, gently tucking his hands in the back pockets of her jeans 
“Mmmmm…” she tapped her finger to her lips as if she was thinking “no. I’m not risking your entire stay here for one night of making out. We can do this tomorrow, you need sleep, I need sleep. It’s better if I just go, Carm” she told him gently. 
He huffs, dropping his head back to the couch pillow. “Don’t blame me for trying” he muttered. 
“I’m not, it’s very sweet how much you want me to stay with you” she kissed his chin gently. If his cheeks, and neck, and chest, weren’t already flushed he would have blushed, but instead he just felt the familiar rush of warmth to his face and chest he felt whenever they touched. 
“I always want you with me” he said honestly. His eyes fluttered shut as she made a trail of kisses from his chin to his lips, over the bridge of his nose, to the crest of his forehead, and finally one sweet lingering kiss to the top of his head, before resting her cheek there and embracing him in a warm, tender hug.  “I’ll always be around for you” she whispered.
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Syd was finally off to her hotel in an Uber, that Carmen had insisted on ordering, he told her he had to be sure he’d able to watch it- even though Sydney was more than happy to turn on her location for him (she did so just to ease his nerves), he checked the liscence plate three separate times making sure each letter matched, and had to check the front and back, and also google a photo of the car to be sure it was the same exact one that they had listed. 
He also asked the man what his name was when he pulled up- and was sure to lecture him to not drive off until she was inside her room, and telling her to call him if she had any problems at all. Syd was slightly embarrassed, but it also made her feel so tended to and cared for. 
The second she got to her room and put her bag down, she texted Carm 
Syd: Made it back 100% safe and as I was when I saw you last! Thank you for scaring the shit out of that Uber driver. I'm not sure he’s ever gonna take a ride there again - he told me when I got out it was easier picking people up at a military base. 
Carm picked up his phone right away, sighing in relief. 
Carm: Would you put your right hand in an Uber alone with no way of being sure they’ll be ok?
He sent back with a small smile. After Syd had taken a quick shower, brushed her teeth, tied up her hair, and gotten in her pajamas she had sent him her response 
Syd: Aren't you right handed? So wouldn’t I be your left hand? Since in this analogy you’re one hand I’m the other? So you would be your own dominant hand? No?
Carmen didn’t hear his phone buzz over the sound of the shower running, but he couldn’t respond anyway, because said hand was currently wrapped tightly around his cock as he leaned against the cool shower wall, head rested against it, slowly stroking and tugging as he whimpered her name.  
He was getting frustrated, though. Because now that he’d felt her hands in his- he could imagine one thousand times better how it would feel wrapped around his cock. His own calluses and rough skin, as well as the sheer size of his hand was not matching the fantasy of her jerking him off on her knees in the cave behind the waterfall that he’d discovered. 
“I’ll always be here for you, Bear. I love taking care of you, is this what you need? You need to cum on my face?” she said in his fantasy, her tongue dipping over the curve of his v-line as she tugged his cock in slow languid strokes. 
He whimpered out, “yes- fuck so fuckin dirty” he groaned, pumping himself faster. 
“Do you want to cum on my face, or cum down my throat?” He imagined her hot open mouthed kisses along the side of his neck earlier instead being along the length of his shaft and he nearly got weak in the knees. 
“Oh fuck” he whined, imagining the taste of her once again, the feeling of her fingers nearly touching the back of his throat, the feeling of her tongue on his, the feeling of suckling on her tongue and swallowing their mixed saliva like it was the very essence of life. 
“I’m yours, I’m yours, bear” he imagined the look on her face as she came, the way he’d make her legs shake, how she’d stutter, and creen, and arch her back for him. 
“Fuck gonna fuckin make y’mine baby- shhiiit y’so fuckin hot” he grunted as he spilled into his fist with heaving breaths.
It took him a moment to catch his breath and find his composure once more. When he opened his eyes, his cheeks heat in sheer embarrassment at the amount of cum covering from his abs, dripping down his balls all the way down his thighs. 
“Fuckin hell” he muttered” rinsing himself off before taking a quick shower. It wasn’t a surprise though, any time he touched her the fantasy’s in his mind would run wild - and the fact that they were really doing this, that they were…together? Wanted to be together? He wasn’t sure, all he knew was that his head felt lighter, his balls felt heavier, and he could not wait to see her tomorrow. 
 When he laid in bed and finally read her response, he chuckled a bit. 
Analogy’s, Acronyms, Abbreviations - haven’t you learned they aren’t my forte? 
Before plugging his phone in after setting his alarm, and trying to get some sleep. 
Every time his phone vibrated he assumed it was her, and would check it- to become frustrated that it was just another useless email, or news notification. 
She’s probably fucking sleeping you freak get ahold of yourself. 
He’d thought, but that didn’t do anything to stop his racing thoughts. He actually had to end up jacking off again to get himself to the point of exhaustion he could essentially pass out instead of willfully falling asleep. 
The next morning, though, he nearly hopped out of bed. Carmen had never remembered a time he was so excited to take on a day. He put on his favorite thermal white long sleeve and vintage wrangler jeans, brushing his teeth and slipping on his boots before heading outside. 
He stopped by Jesse’s cabin, banging on the door “wake up , jagoff!” He called through the door. One time, Jess had slept through half the day and missed meds- which was an immediate send back to inpatient, and a restart of your outpatient time, so naturally- Jesse was pissed with himself, and Carmen wasn’t too happy either because for 3 days he had to mope around basically alone, and walk Shayna wherever she wanted to go. So ever since he got back to the OP cabins, Carm was determined to at least assure Jess was awake before first call so he wouldn’t get thrown back again.  
“It’s fuckin- it’s like 30 minutes before first call, asshole!” He grumbled as he unlocked and opened the door. 
“Get dressed, first call is now- I wanna get the cows taken care of and shower before Syd comes back you owe me remember” he said and Jess rolls his eyes. 
“Shay is gonna be pissed” he said 
“Don’t care she can suck it” he stepped into the cabin, shutting the door and turning on the lights to which Jesse groans dramatically. 
“Jesus Christ” he shields his eyes with his arms. “You’re worse then the inpatient morning staff” he went over to the bed, flopping back down on his stomach and covering his head with a pillow. 
“The morning staff? Thats low” Carm snorts a laugh, opening his dresser drawers and throwing a fresh pair of boxers, a pair of jeans, and one of his black hoodies on to his back. “Im getting Shay if you’re still sleeping when she’s up and dressed? You know what she’ll do” Carm warned, before heading across the way. 
He gently knocked on the door instead, of pounding as to not give her a panic attack. “Shay?” He called “you up?” He asked, knocking again a bit louder. 
“If you don’t get away from my door I’ll peel your balls like clementines” she snaps loudly 
“That’s uh- wow” he said with a chuckle “I was gonna offer to use my day pass and Syd can check the two of you out and we can go off-roading like you’ve been talking about? Unless…” 
He heard her footsteps quickly approaching the door and the clicking open of the 3 deadbolts and the sliding chain before unlocking it, sticking her head out and squinting at the light - “fuck” she stuck her hand in front of her to block the sun. 
“You really mean it?” She asked hopefully 
“I wouldn’t lie t’you, Shay. Yes. If you get dressed now and come sit with Jess and I while we feed the cows” he added. She rolled her eyes slightly. 
“Gimme 5” she said and shut the door. 
“Thank you!” He called to her and went back across the way, opening the door to Jesse’s cabin. “Dude!” He said frustratedly when he heard him snore. He walked over, taking the pillow from on top of his head and wacking him with it. 
He startled awake “wha- fuckin not cool” Jesse said, sleepily rubbing his face.  “You think string bean across the way is gonna be able to carry even a single bale? Come on!”
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After Carm and Jesse had moved their entire groups worth of bales in record time, due to the fact that patients weren’t allowed to check out until their routines as they called them had been completed - since that was one of their main ideas, being a stable routine helps an unbalanced mind stay regulated. 
But, daylight was burning- and he was not wasting another single minute in this place as soon as Syd got here. 
Carm was the first one in line to get his meds that morning, the first one to breakfast, and the first one in the main office. “Morning” he said to the woman sitting at the counter. 
“Mr. Berzatto! Good morning to you as well honey how can I help you?” She asked 
“Uh- the day pass? How do I go about that?” He asked. 
“Oh! Yes ok so let me grab you the form here” she opens up her desk and takes out a blank form. 
“Alright so between regular visiting hours so 6 am and 11 pm you may leave the facility with the signature of your therapist since you were a self admission. Each patient gets one day pass unless needed for familial emergencies and things of that nature. You may do whatever you wish, but if you are to not return by curfew- you will be kicked out of the program. Understood?” She said and he nodded 
“Understood.” He said and handed over his patient ID so she could fill out the form. 
She quickly filled out all the information that was needed  “Alright here we go, enjoy your day” she said as she handed him his ID and the form back. 
“Thanks, you too” he took it and headed straight to Mandy’s office. 
He got there just as the clock struck 8, and huffed when he realized that the door was still locked and the lights were off, she must have been running late this morning. So he decided to fish his phone out of his pocket and he saw Syd had replied when he was getting his meds. 
Things that have to do with communication usually don’t come natural to you, I’ve noticed. But you’re learning!! Lmk the plans for today whenever you want
His thumbs hovered over the keyboard for a moment, before he was hitting the call button and pressing the phone to his ear. 
“Hello?” She picked up after the third ring. 
“Hey- uh hey- g’morning- did you… did y’sleep alright?” He asked, almost feeling awkward, he became more stressed out the more he asked himself why he would ever be feeling awkward around her. 
“As good as one can in the dead quiet. I can’t believe I’m saying this but… I miss the train?” She said and carm chuckled a bit. 
“Yeah- yeah. Wow I- I haven’t even thought about that. You get used to it by like..a week? Maybe. I dunno the first week here I just spent either drawing or moving hay or training star, so by the time my head hit the pillow- I don’t even think there’s a night I remember falling asleep, other then last night but…that’s a different story” he said, hoping she would bring up so he could sooth the anxiety that she regretted everything. 
“Yeah the craziest thing Carm- I woke up- and it looks like my neck was attacked by leeches! Now why would that be?” She mused. He felt the heat burning his cheeks, but he couldn’t help the smug smirk that curled on his lips.  
“You did? Have you been swimming? It’s a little cold to be swimming, Syd. I don’t even think there is leeches in big bear lake.” He teased. 
“Oh that’s why it’s so insane! I think..this hotel may have a late night leech problem, haven’t you seen that movie? Attack of the late night leeches?” She joked with one of her adorable giggles. 
“That classic fictional horror movie? Are you joking? Of course I’ve seen Attack of the late night leeches- I’ll do you one better, have you seen the suck-uel? ” He asked, smiling proudly to himself when she cracks up laughing. 
He heard Mandy’s keys and heels clicking down the hall “hey- hey start getting ready, wear something comfortable - I’ll call you in a few” he told her. 
“Oh- ok! Like.. sweatpants?” She asked
“Whatever- jeans, sweatpants - just something to be moving around in yea?” He explained. 
“Carmen? Oh- sorry I’m late, no one usually is checking in so early is everything ok?” Mandy asked him and he gave her an apologetic smile and held a finger up to tell her it’d be just a second. 
“Okay- sure I’ll do Jeans, sorry for keeping you- bye” she said and hung up before he got a chance to tell her she was never ‘keeping’ him, or holding him up. 
“Uh- sorry, y’supposed T’sign this f’me I guess? ” He asked her as she unlocked the door. 
“Out-Day form?” She questioned, flicking on the lights and going to sit on her rolling chair behind her desk. 
“Mmhmm” he hummed and handed it over. 
“No. You haven’t done a single light tunnel assignment correctly. You haven’t advanced enough in the program to get back out, you’ll undo your progress” she said plainly and turned on your computer. 
Pure rage washed over him like a bucket of ice water. “It’s bullshit. I told you what my fucking light is. It’s not my fault you don’t see her like that” he crossed his arms angrily. 
“The purpose of the light tunnel project, Carmen, is that no matter where we are, we can find a light, and follow it. A person, is not a light.” She explained without looking up, since they’d already had this very conversation each time he refused to attend their check in meetings regarding the stupid project. 
“But she is f’me! What don’t you get?! Syd is my fucking light! She- she always has been! Ever since I fucking met her!!! Please. Please. Mandy, what do I have to say?” He asked and she looked up at him over the rims of her thick black glasses. 
“She’s here isn’t she.” She said matter of factly. 
“And? What does that have to do with anything?” He asked. 
“Shut the door. Sit. If you’ll have your weekly light session now, then maybe- let me repeat, maybe, I will sign this for you to leave lotus with her for the day.” She said seriously. 
He quickly shut the door and sat down in the chair, and she realized she’d never gotten him to start a session so easily before. 
“Fine. What. Ask me anything I’ll tell you anything.” He said honestly. 
She sits back in her chair, folding her hands over her stomach. “Let’s imagine together. Say you jump into a relationship with this girl since you've been playing with the idea that she’d be a good fit for so long, and 6 months down the line- you two realize that running a business and being a partnership isn’t for you. How will you manage this? What have you learned here? We’ll start there.” She shrugged. 
Carmen sighed, mentally rolling his eyes. 
That would never happen 
He’d thought to himself. 
“I’d…” he trails off, thinking harder about what she may want to hear. 
“I’d - pick whichever is more integral to my happiness. I’d make the choice f’me not f’what mikey would have wanted. Mikey would want me to keep the business and dump her, but…like I told you. She makes life bearable. I wouldn’t even want the bear anymore if she wasnt there. I-“ he stopped suddenly, realizing how he’d really felt and going dead silent. 
“Okay so hit me with that breakthrough thought we just had” she pats the desk “cmon- let it out.” She encouraged. 
He took a deep, shaking breath. “I hate it…I- I fuckin’-“ he shook his head “I fuckin’ hate the environment I work in.  I-it’s loud, and it’s-it’s demanding, it’s stressful, it’s- it’s usually fuckin’ thankless most of the time... but it- it is…everything. It- was. It was everything. I think- I think that’s why? Y’know? When I first got here that I was so good. And uh…the fuckin- the inpatient nurses they’d always be so fuckin nice t’me and I always wondered why but…but I’m- I’m agreeable. It’s because I thrive under a demanding routine. They- they aren’t used t’that im like- A- a fuckin freak” he shook his head, laughing dryly. “I am still the freak. At fucking adult crazy camp. B-but the nurses they aren’t used t’people who just follow fuckin direction. But that- that’s being in culinary school, that was NOMA that- that was every fucking place ive been trained to do what I do. And I love it- I-i do. I like knowing what I’m going to be doing from the minute I wake up to the minute I’m in bed again, a-and I uh…” he rubbed his chin as he thought. 
“I um…I think that Syd? Y-y’right. But in a way, so so wrong. Because she- she isn’t my light she’s my darkness. She’s my peace. She’s my…my fucking midnights?”  He chuckled a bit at how stupid he felt saying it. “She’s…like- peace. She is what takes my fuckin view off the light. I’m a- I-I’m a moth. Mandy. I’m a fucking moth. And I can’t look away from the light, from the routine- from the- the- the chaos! I can’t! It’s who I am, it's what I need, it’s what makes me thrive. So no I- I have too much attention on the god damn light. Mandy! I need some fucking rest, I need some- some reprieve- some god damn relaxation?!” He said frustratedly. 
“Like- I-i- I’m realizing. Fuck! I’m not getting better Mandy I’m getting comfortable again!” he shook his head, running a nervous hand through his curls that were still damp from the shower. “She saved me. Again! She made me fucking..she- she showed up and she showed me that I’m doin that- that- that I need something to take me off routine because I- I get obsessed with it. So my fuckin light? My stupid light is finding someone who can turn it the fuck off“ he stood up, pacing anxiously. 
“C-can you give feedback? please? y’too quiet” he said, nervously shaking his hand as he walked back and forth from the window. 
There was light scratching of pen on paper on the desk and he looked over just as she holds out the form, offering it to him. “Bring by your light tunnel packet later I’ll sign you off” she said. 
“That- that- that’s it? That’s all? Y’-y’not like…” he looked at her confused. 
“That was what I’ve been asking you to give me for the past 2 weeks. Have fun today! Enjoy yourself. We will go deeper into my feedback tomorrow.” she said, Carmen took the paper and was out of the office before she could barely blink. 
He briskly walked down the hall, hitting syds contact and dialing her number. She answered fairly quickly “never say that again.” He told her. 
“Hello to you too?” She questioned. 
“Y’not - sorry. Y’not ever fuckin’ holdin me, er’- er’ keepin me. Or whatever bullshit you said before you hung up. I - I’ll always talk t’you” he pushed open the door to the therapists office cabin, heading down the stairs. 
“Oh- ok…yeah I- I mean I really like talking to you too” she said, he could hear the smile to her voice and just knowing she was smiling made his chest lighten tenfold. 
“Yeah…uh- so- we get days out here? Jesus feel like I’m in fuckin prison. But they allow us out, 6-11 - did you wanna go off roading with me Jess and Shay t’day? Shes been wantin t’go really bad- there’s this place it’s literally 10 minutes away. We rent a jeep and we get like a fuckin hand radio and we use it to keep in touch with the tour guides that drive ahead of us. Apparently we drive up walls and shit? It sounds super sick she’s been goin’ on and on about it since I was told I got my day. They both uh…well Shay had one of the days but she blew it on hooking up with this band member? I think? And Jess wasn’t sent here…by choice…so you would just check them out- but it’s nothing to it- you’re just speaking f’them that you’ll try to get them back” he explained. 
“Shit- uhhh- yeah! That sounds fuckin…awesome. So- like- we’d be driving? Have you…done something like that before?” She asked 
“No- well- yeah no. But I looked it up it’s not that crazy. And Jess said he used to go with his brothers all the time- he was gonna drive for us. It’s not like fuckin- daredevil shit Syd, it’s mostly like cool scenery we wouldn’t be able to see otherwise.” He opened up the door to his cabin, checking the trash to make sure they didn’t leave behind any alcohol bottles from yesterdays activities. 
“Alright- I’ll Uber over now then” she said 
“No- nah. It’s cool, it’s cool gimme a sec” Carmy said, putting the call on speaker and opening the Uber app on his phone.  
“What do you mean? You want me to walk?” She teased. 
“Nope juuuust-“ he said, stalling her for a few more moments “aha. Avery! Perfect. Avery, a nice looking middle aged brunette woman in a Nissan Rogue will be there for you in 3 minutes. I’ll stay on the phone just to make sure Avery is who Avery says” he said and plopped down on the sofa. 
She sighed dramatically. “you make it like we’re in Chicago right now. This is Big Bear California, I was literally talking to this couple and they said they don’t even lock their doors here?!” She said and Carmy heard her shut the hotel room door behind her. 
“Still, y’here f’me so…it’s my job to look after you” he said and rested his foot on the coffee table as he sunk deeper into the couch, the mornings extra 5 bales of hay beginning to weigh on his already bad back. 
“Oh- yeah, look after me - I will be sure to tell them that I’m checking you and your friends out of day therapy so you guys can look after me” she teased and Carmen snorts a laugh. 
“Y’know what? All this talkin’ why aren’t we searching for Avery mm? What if Avery is really some weird fuck in a black van ready to steal you cause he sees how innocent you look in your Uber picture?” He counters and she laughed. 
“Ohhh oh- yeah! Like your creeper van? The one you refuse to get rid of? I’m sure another fellow in a creeper van, you guys would actually hit it off! If this man in a van shows up, I think I should ask him to go off roading with us” she mused and Carmen laughed, rolling his eyes playfully. 
“Fuck off! You know how many times that piece’a’shit has saved us? A bunch!” He countered 
“Oh well would you look at that I’m looking at a Nissan Rogue are you ready for this license plate I’m gonna read it off. I know this is a presidential level transfer” she teased 
“Shut up…just send me a picture of it I’ll see you soon” he muttered with a smile, his cheeks heating once more. 
“Jesus! I’ll see you in literally ten minutes Carm. Try to take a chill pill in the meantime ok?” She said 
“Just get here I wanna see you” he said and hung up, his heart nearly thumping out of his chest. 
At least he was honest?
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Carmy made the quick walk to the main office cabin once more where guests check in, waiting on the porch and leaning against the doorframe. 
When he saw the Uber was one minute away he finally stopped staring at the ride tracking feature and put his phone in his pocket, nearly vibrating with excitement. 
A white midsize Nissan pulled up and Carmy practically bounced down the stairs to open up the back passenger door. “Were you waiting for me?” She asked, sliding out after thanking the driver. 
He shut the car door “had to make sure you got here safe, right?” He asked, heart pounding in his chest as he pulled her to the porch by the hand gently. 
“I missed you too” she said, a bit…shy? Carm had never heard Sydney be shy before, something about it made his head swim that he had this effect on her, even if only for a fleeting moment. 
“Thanks f’comin” He muttered as he pulled her to him, wrapping his arms around her back and she rested her cheek on his chest. 
“You smell good” she mumbled, lacing her fingers together behind his back as she held him. 
“You always smell good” he said and gently kissed the top of her head. 
“I’m not sure why I thought I’d be sleeping in when I came here, I woke up at 4 and my first thought was that I missed the delivery cause of the time difference” she said, resting her chin on his chest as she looked up at him. 
“When I first got here- let’s say the first maybe 12 days? I was restless at night unless I was cleaning. I felt fuckin nuts” he said and looked down at her. 
Her eyes looked like golden honey in the early morning sun, her skin was glowing with whatever sunscreens and lotions she put on this morning. “You have super long eyelashes” she said after a few moments, their faces mere inches apart. 
“Is that good?” He questioned, a small smile curling on his lips. 
“Mmm I dunno. Maybe? They’re pretty.” She said 
“OH MY GOD!! KISS, KISS, KISS!!!” Shayna chants loudly as her and Jesse walk down the row of cabins to meet them 
Carmen rolled his eyes, turning to face them. “You love to ruin a moment don’t you, Shay?” Jesse said with a grin 
“You two jagoffs are getting checked out by my-“ he stopped, thinking for a short moment  
“I should be offended” Syd laughs “your friend? Asshole?” she said and Shayna laughs 
“Oh my god Carmen! Stand up bitch!” Shay came over, resting her arm on Carm’s head on the way she knew ticked him off. 
“I am standing stringbean” he brushes her arm off and she slings her arm around Syd’s shoulders instead. 
“Since he won’t claim you you’ll be my girlfriend for the day” she said and Syd laughs. 
“Oh finally a taker, if I swung that way I’d be all over it” she linked their arms together. 
“Awww come onnn” Shay smiled “you look like a girl who likes magic” she said playfully. 
“Woooowww” Syd laughs “Magic huh? What kind of magic?” 
Shayna smiled flirtatiously “the kind with princess wands and special rabbits” she said playfully and Jesse laughed.
“Carm I highly recommend you collect your friend before before the succubus gets ahold of her”  he said and Shayna rolled her eyes. 
“Well if he’s not gonna take a bite” Shay teased and Carmy plucks Shayna’s arm off Syd’s shoulder and pulled Syd back to him 
“Fuck off” he said, wrapping his arm around her waist securely. 
Carmen was becoming snappy very quickly. He had just been able to admit to Syd somewhat how he’d felt last night- and felt as if Shayna was trying to turn her off of him somehow. But it was simply his blind hormonal testosterone taking the reins.
For Syd, every nerve she had was on fire. She simply thought Shayna was hilarious, and knew she meant nothing by the harmless flirting - but seeing the way Carmys fists tightened slightly at his sides, the way he watched Shayna’s every move. And when he grabbed her like that? He had never claimed her before, they had hugged- sure. They of course made out last night. But he had claimed her as his, at least in the way Shayna was jokingly insinuating they should hook up. 
“Awww shortstack” Shayna ruffled his hair and he pushed her hand away annoyed  “Fuck off Shay” he huffed “are we goin’ ‘er are you two gonna keep fuckin’ w’me?” he grabbed Syd’s hand, leading her up the steps and opening the door for her.
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They had been led to a forested mountain by the tour guides, and had been encouraged to park and explore the trails a little bit. Shayna had begged Jesse to go with her until he got the message - she wanted to be sure Carmen and Sydney were left alone. 
“Do you-“ Syd gasped, her heart thrumming with anticipation as he ravished her neck with hot, open mouth kisses, that quickly turned into goosebumps after moving on to the next spot and the crisp fall air would chill the remaining saliva he’d left on her skin.
His hands were everywhere under her sweatshirt. Palming her tits, playing with her nipples between his fingers until they became perky and plump, gently dragging his nails over her ribs as he reached up, slowly rubbing over the supple soft skin with the pads of his fingers to caress her shoulderblades and easily unhook the simple 2 clasped bralette she’d been wearing.He tugged at her jeans and she lifted her hips right away. Carmy quickly unbuttoned them, nearly breaking the zipper trying to get it open, and pulled them down swiftly with trembling hands. 
This revealed the small wet spot right on the crotch seam due to the barely there black lace she’d worn akin to her bralette, since the jeans shed taken were stupidly thin in order to fit a weekends worth of clothes in one overnight duffle so she wouldn’t need to check a bag. 
“Do you think they- that they fucking planned this?” she breathed out.
Carmen could barely think - he was being driven by something outside of himself. The only thing he knew that he craved was her most sensitive, intimate parts in his mouth, as if it was the very air he breathed. The last 4 minutes had felt like an hour but yet, only a second to him, and what had been a small bonfire underneath his skin last night had turned into a full on blazing inferno this time around. 
He smoothly sunk onto his knees in the shared large footwell of the back seat. This had been made more than easy for him because Shayna had *conviniently enough of course*  thought that she’d dropped her vape thing Carm was always making fun of her for somewhere in the front and was convinced it ‘slid under one of the front seats’, and had even forced Jesse to also move his seat up all the way to ‘check’, but- it of course ended up being in her bra where she always kept it. 
He tossed a toned, long leg over each of his muscular shoulders, giving him full access to exactly what he needed. He trailed butterfly like kisses over her waistline from left to right, before licking a broad wet stripe back down. “I’ll owe ‘em fuckin’ forever if they did” he breathed into the crook of her thigh, before wetly kissing along the leg of her panties in tandem with the way he’d done to her waistband.
He got to the portion of her pantyleg where her lip was peeking out of the fabric, he took this opportunity to teasingly flick his tongue over it sharply, before pulling it between his lips and looking up at her in a lust filled haze with those thunderstorm like eyes as he sucked it gently at first, but gradually sucking harder until she was tugging her bottom lip between her teeth hotly, and her back was slightly arching off the seat as she whined hotly. 
“Where- Oh my god? - Where did you learn this- you fucker” she nearly cried out. He rubbed the sides of her thighs soothingly after her hips buck involuntarily, holding her legs for her with his muscular forearms so she wouldn't be sore on the plane home. 
He pulled off the plumpened skin with a pop, blowing cold air over the wetness he’d left behind with puckered lips and she shivered, goosebumps arising all over her hot skin.
“Nonono-” she begged “Carmy you barely even touched me” she whimpered “plea-ah!-“ she nearly yelped, looking down at him once more when he nipped her hip bone, before quickly soothing the stinging ache with his warm silky tongue and leaving a featherlight kiss over the slightly inflamed, aggravated skin. 
She gently pushed his curls off of his forehead in order to see his glazed over piercing blue eyes once more, boring right back into hers with a passion that made her stomach flip, and clench, and twitch. 
His cheeks were so flushed, she thought it was adorable how red he got when they made out, her excitement was thankfully for her a bit easier to contain. But this level? His cheeks were blazing red, the top of his chest and collarbones were splayed pink. 
This was because way she was whimpering and moaning under his touch was driving him to a level of horny insanity he didn’t think existed. When people said primal urges - he didn’t get the full scope, and almost had the feeling to laugh at that sentiment- until the very moment he was currently encased. 
Something took over him, something not of his own confidence or knowing- it was as if he was following a script, a hot, perfectly written- filthy script.
He’d buried his nose between the folds of her pussy that was still covered by her dripping lace panties that didnt cover or contain anything. 
Taking a deep breath, his eyes fluttered shut in bliss, getting nearly pussydrunk off her scent alone, his mouth watering so much at the thought of her sweet nectar being right there for him to taste- he was already nearly drooling.  
“You look so fucking pretty between my legs, Carmy” she purred, gently brushing his cheekbone with her nimble, cool forefinger over his burning hot skin. 
Carmen was so hard against his denim that his cock was actually starting to ache. He’d never in his life felt so pathetically desperate to please someone. 
He needed to be inside her, to feel her warm tight walls squeezing around his cock, to pound her absolutely fucking silent - and soon - but before he allowed himself that ultimate pleasure that the universe was handing to him, wrapped the absolutely breathtaking box, with stunning wrapping paper and a bow - that was his Sydney; he had to absorb every single detail of what she liked, and what made her feel good to memory, so he could play it back in his mind over and over and over, until he could recite it like the back of his hand if asked, the same way he could recite the hundreds of ingredient ratios he’d memorized in cooking school.
“And you smell so fucking good” he countered and nudged his strong nose firmly against her already throbbing, swollen clit, earning a small, sweet squeak out of her. “It’s the only thing I couldn’t imagine. Fuck but it’s so good, baby - everything- everything is so fuckin’ perfect” he mumbled against her core, licking a broad, slow stroke with the pad of his tongue up the divot he’d created in the fabric with his nose, savoring the taste of her juices that had seeped through the breaks of lace.
His large blue eyes rolled back hotly, his lids fluttering shut and nearly a whimper coming out of his throat at the taste of her finally on his palate. 
He had to squeeze his cock that was pushing at the right leg of his jeans to ease the pulsing, throbbing ache that started to grow worse and worse the second he’d inhaled her addictive scent.
“Carm you are so pussydrunk - are you fucking touching yourself?” she tugged his hair, pulling him up from her aching core. She realized his entire chin, and nose, was glistening with her arousal. 
 “holy shit.” She said at the view of him, it was stunning. “What fucking business do you have being this hot?” She panted, but when he opened his mouth to reply- she pushed him back roughly to where he was needed much more desperately. 
“That tongue of yours has sooo many better uses right now then trying to talk shit” she said. He obeyed her command like her own personal puppet, quickly tugging the useless wet lace to the side with his forefinger and gratefully lapping up her viscous slick, a gutteral moan errupting from his chest at the tangy, sweet taste bursting over his tongue. He nearly panted at how good she tasted, swallowing and sucking and slurping up all he could. 
His brows knit together in bliss, eyes shut momentarily as he enjoyed himself before he opened them again, watching her every reaction and focusing back on solely making her cum as hard as she possibly could, in the backseat of a cold jeep- that was. He figured that could cause for some negative advantage, but he’d weigh the advantages and disadvantages of how the could have done this better later.
He was in pure heaven. He felt her thighs tremble slightly against his neck as he swirled his tongue gently around her entrance, egging him on to dip his tongue in to her tight pussy. Her flavor was causing him to drool, the wet lapping and lewd squelching that was filling the backseat of the car was absolutely sinful. 
“More- h-harder Carm” she rocked her hips against his mouth, tugging his curls and pulling him up to tongue her clit instead. He very much appreciated her guidence, it was of course - anything he could have wanted in a partner regarding intimacy, but- she’s Syd, she’s perfect for him- they were made for eachother. They were finally beginning to understand this, well- Carm was, Syd was simply just now accepting it.
He loved being a student, and he’d discovered long before now Syd was his favorite teacher. This was a new subject they’d yet to explore, but Carmen knew he’d eventually ace the class, and it would become their combined favorite subject to master together.
He sloppily lapped over the twitching, throbbing bud, drawing random consistently paced patterns over it that were making her gasp and mewl beneath him. He was pretty sure he was going to cum in his pants faster than he would find to be not embarrassing, but he didn’t really care. 
“Fuuck yes good fucking boy- thats it- shit- y’re such a mess Carm” she said, tugging his soaking wet face deeper into her core. Her breath stuttered as she feels a sharp flick of his tongue across the sensitive pearl, her head falling back in bliss and hips jerking unintentionally, his name beginning to spill from her lips like an invocation. 
He set a hungry pace, slack jawed, watching as her face twisted in pleasure, soaking in every single sound. He was devoting every single gasp, every twitch, every mumbled praise to memory. One thing about him, he was efficient- so instead of this first brush of below the belt intimacy being about chasing his own pleasure - it was about making sure, next time they fooled around, she came three times as hard, now that he knew which exact buttons to push.
“Finger me - please - shit Carm, now” she ordered, back arching off the seat as he slipped in his middle finger, his other hand reaching up to play with her nipple once again. 
“Another- please- I want you to make me feel full” she demanded, whining when he added his ring finger.
“Yes- yesyesyesyes!” she wailed, “My god Carm- those fucking hands do you know how many times I’ve fantasized about your ffffucking hands- oh god- oh shit right there!” she cried out, nodding quickly.
“Don’t stop! Don’t you dare fucking stop, Carm-” she nearly growled. She’d never admit it, but something about him in this intimate context was bringing out a feral minx in her. 
“You gonna finally make me fuckin’ cum, Huh Carmy? How long have you been wanting to do this? Mm? I’d bet- oh- oh!” she felt the familiar heat pooling in her lower back, her toes curling, and feet pointed to the floor as she writhed and squirmed beneath him. 
He smugly chuckled a bit into her throbbing heat, even though he himself was nearly drowning in pleasure as well. The smile was quickly replaced by a pathetic whimper as she tugs his hair, hard enough to make him to look up at her “I wanna touch you” 
He swallowed thickly, offering her his other hand to hold and going back to his assault on her clit, continuing to pump his fingers with an even pace “Mm- C-Carmy- stop” she breathed and he sat up, but she grabbed his hand before he could remove his fingers. 
“You don’t….” she asked, her tone much more casual, but laced with a bit of anxiety “You don’t want me to touch you?’ she questioned.
“No- syd- no…I-” he felt a large rush of embarrassment flood his chest, but didnt dare break her gaze, though, in case it would make her feel insecure. 
“Uh…i’m like - fuckin wired right now, a-and this isn’t my van… y’know? this is a fuckin rental and i’m pretty sure m’gonna explode like… everywhere I’ve already accepted we’re gonna have to stop back at blue so I can change” he rested his flushed sticky cheek on her thigh that was wet with her arousal.
“I don’t have to like- take you out to touch you, come here” she sat up on her elbow, urging him forward with her feet on his back to kiss her. 
His wet lips met hers, an exchange of hot feverish kisses ensuing. She hummed softly at the taste of herself over his saliva, her sticky slick covering his nose and chin being transferred to her face as she wrapped her arm around the back of his neck, pulling him closer. 
He resumed the pace of his fingers once more, curling them in a way that her back arched sharply, a squeak coming out of her throat and hips jerking. He pulled away, resting his forehead on hers as he continued the pace, “tell me c’mon pretty girl - how do you want it? You want it like that?” He curled and uncurled his fingers against that spot and she went quiet, jaw slack in a silent moan
“Mm? Yeah? Is this how I know? Is this how I know I’m givin’ y’what y’need? Mm?” He moved his fingers quicker in to that spot. Her only response was her nails digging into the flesh of his back and dragging down, he hissed at the sting and burn it left, making his pace faster and more relentless. 
Her head dropped back against the window and she gasped out, thighs trembling around his waist. Her mind was fully empty, she let out a strangled “now-fucking Jesus Christ - Carmy- Carm-carmcarm h-holy-ah!” 
He felt her walls fluttering around his fingers wildly, her jaw going slack and hips stuttering and shaking “good girl, that’s it- good fuckin girl” he worked her through her climax, her cum leaking down his wrist to the crook of his elbow 
“Gah- fuck you- m’too sensitive” she squirmed beneath him, looking up at him, “fuck fuck- fuck you fuck you carm don’t stop” she whined, pulling him up to kiss her roughly, her stomach tightening and core clenching around his fingers 
He took his other hand, rubbing her neglected clit with his thumb and nearly fell on top of her when she unbuttoned his jeans, slipping her hand in and slowly stroked over his cock in his boxers “Jesus fucking Christ - w-warn me before you just grab my fucking cock d’you know how long I’ve been waiting” he breathed, trying to keep up the pace with his fingers but his focus was becoming harder and harder to maintain. 
“Sorry…mmm can I please watch you touch yourself?” She asked hotly in the shell of his ear just above a whisper, her hot breath fanning his neck and tickling his jaw 
“W-what?” He stuttered. 
“I want to watch you touch yourself. Didn’t you just say you thought about it?” She asked, gently rubbing her thumb over his sensitive tip and he whimpered 
“Oh my fucking god Sydney” he groaned, taking his fingers out and rubbing them over her clit slowly, causing her thigh to twitch due to her orgasm being so close behind her 
“Please? Only if you want to of course” she said, voice breathy as she gently played with his hair and rested her forehead on his. 
Carmen wanted to say hell no. He wanted to spare himself the embarrassment. He knew he was gonna cum a ridiculous amount. He knew the noises that would accidentally come out of him. But she looked so fucking sweet. Too sweet to deny. 
“Okay…” he whispered, carefully sitting next to her on the bench seat 
“Wait really?” She asked and smiled wide “really? Holy shit. I thought I was gonna have to fight for that one” she sat sideways to have a full view of him 
He shot her a playful glare “do you want me to go back on my word?” He teased, pushing his tshirt up to his chest so he wouldn’t make a mess of it 
“No, no. Please- please continue I’m honored to be attending this show” she teased and put her left leg up on the seat in case she wanted to touch herself while she watched him 
“Well like I said you’re right in front of me and the show may be short” he said, lifting his hips and pulling his jeans down before sitting and pulling his cock out of his boxers with his fist. 
“Holy shit” she sat up a bit in surprise “dude” she covered her mouth, giggling “i knew you were packing but like- a decent pistol not a fuckin magnum.” Carmen laughed 
“my dick is in my hand stop tryna to fuck around do you want me to focus or not?” he asked, but the comment did make his head a little bigger, both egotistically and dick wise. 
“Okay okay sorry. Sorry do your thing” she leaned back once more. She couldn’t help but realize that just as she’d imagined, he has veiny hands, and a veiny neck- his cock was veiny as well. There was a pulsing vein that ran from the base of his balls up his thick shaft just to the middle, she wanted to lean forward and lick her tongue up feeling it pulse beneath her tastebuds 
It literally made Carmen’s large hands look normal, or even small. He pumped his length slow at first, before spitting in his hand and continuing, his breathing getting quicker and head falling back. He let out small little moans and whimpers that were driving Sydney insane. Her pussy was quite actually throbbing. 
“Y’re so fucking hot- shit” he grunted, tightening his grip, his breathing getting more rapid and sharp “every- ah mmm shit - every fucking time I jack off- I think about how fucking good it’ll feel to- fuckin- god” he moaned “cum in your fucking pussy. I fuckin need it.” He rasped “so- so close. I’m so fucking close. Can I cum? Y’want me T’cum right?” he whined. 
Sydney couldn’t take it anymore - literally could. Not. Stand. To just sit there and watch him whine and writhe in front of her, and not offer to help him. “Can I taste you?” She asked, an even just hearing her say that- With a pathetic cry and whimper, he was shooting ribbon after ribbon of white thick cum over his stomach an abs, his head thrown back in bliss and hips rutting into his hand. There were stripes of white covering over his near entire torso, on his hips, stomach, abs, ribs, to just below his sternum. Cum also leaked down his hand and a few droplets dripped onto his wrist. 
“Fuck. Fuckin hell” he muttered, annoyed with the mess he’d made. Sydney stared in absolute awe. 
“Dude- do you need a doctor?” She teased leaning forward and licking a stripe from his navel to his sternum and he just watched, slack jawed as she made sure he saw her tongue was coated in his seed before swallowing and licking off another stripe. 
“I think I just fuckin died for a sec and came back- wait what the fuck” he muttered as she zigzagged her tongue over his abs 
“Why? I’m helping you clean up. You did warn about the mess” she stopped, tonguing over his nipple and he gasped lightly, his cock twitching at the action which made her smile teasingly. 
“Jesus you are fuckin evil” he chuckled, watching as she finished the job. 
“Your cum isn’t as salty as I expected. They must be feeding you well” she found her panties and slipped them on, plopping back next to him casually 
“Oh wow-“ he chuckled “so what did you think of me be-“ he’s cut off by Shayna flinging the door open. 
Syd screams flinging herself over Carmy’s lap to cover him meanwhile Carm does everything he can to cover Syd’s thong clad ass  “Sorry lovebirds we got a call - Carm, they found bud in my room we have to get back”
➵ 𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 ⋘ 𝐖𝐈𝐏 ♡♡♡ ⋙
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heartbreak-sandwich · 8 months
Marmalade Stream of Consciousness
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Well, I typed up random thoughts and quotes and moments while watching Marmalade for the first time, so here's this, I guess lmao. Spoilers below the cut
"you scared the chickens out of me." OKAY, BARON, YOU LITTLE ABSOLUTE SWEETIE.
"escapes, beeeeitch." OTIS OMFG. I LOVE OTIS.
"I swear...on my hair." Baron is the best. But just when you think you know his capacity, he surprises you. he might seem simple, but there's definitely more to him.
CROCHET, not CROQUE lmfao.
Awwww the moon pies...watching Baron take care of his mom squeezed my sad heart.
Listening to him describe his town to Marmalade when he first met her was just the cutest, most earnest thing. "It's the only place I ever knowed." He's just so fucking SWEET, it makes me want to cry.
FROM THE BEGINNING, Marmalade sketches me out. She talks about how "some sleazebag" gave her Big Bertha (her car). Even Baron questions her like "he just gave it to you??" and I bet there's a story there. Has to be.
And the way Baron talks about his dad....couldn't some see him because he was too busy building a rocket and then he blew up in space? Oh, honey....the dude needs a hug.
Marmalade is obviously striking the manic pixie dreamgirl chord immediately. There's something fun and magnetic about her, but also obviously red flag central. I'm excited to learn more about her. The way she just immediately inserts herself into Baron's life is so unsettling.
"You can borrow my nose. They smell beautiful, just like you." OKAY BARON, YOU LITTLE BABY SWEETHEART LMAO
DAY TWO, SHE'S LIKE "Let's rob a fuckin' bank." HELLO?!?!?!?
Enter Otis, once again, being the most normal person in this entire movie lmfao.
Baron hesitates on the bank idea, and Marmalade is immediately like "I LIKE U" kisses his face....I see what ur doing here, girl. I see u.
I honestly cannot tell if she's being genuine, but my money is on probably not.
Hearing Mama Eda's coughing in the background of their lovely moments makes my heart sink. Wow.
"Shoot the camera with what?" Oh, Baron. Oh, honey lamb...
The way she CACKLES when Baron gets scared by the gun, oh my god.
(I'm really not a fan of the nickname "Puppet." Shit makes me cringe for him - more foreshadowing imo so far)
THE WAY HE ALMOST FORGOT MAMA EDA'S MOON PIES OH MY GOD NO. She's distracting him from his mom while she needs him, I'm gonna cry for real....
OH GOD THE SCARE. THE SCARE. I was going to LOSE MY MIND if she had died right there. And he noticed something's up with the pills.....and Marmalade's all passed out? Hmmmmmmm.
Damn...when Baron pressures Marmalade to tell him about her life... you know she's been through some shit. And she's running from more than she lets on.
Oh, God. Her story breaks my heart... and Baron does his best to comfort her. Bless him...
"I was just playin" oh my god.
And he starts to try to back out. He wants to. And she comes back with "She's gonna fuckin' die." this POOR BOY. SOMEONE HELP HIM.
AND WHEN HE WANTS TO GO CHECK ON HIS MOM.. and Marmalade says "I can do it." I don't trust that. I do not trust that at all....I gotta know what's going on there.
AND NOW SOMETHING'S WRONG WITH MAMA EDA. Conveniently as soon as Marmalade went to go see her?!
Oh, Otis..... my heart. :( I just want to give him a hug. Also bless him for looking out for Baron.
"Clench your buttcheeks" lmfao. Good advice, Otis.
"I think you got somethin' in your braid." BARON NO.
Aaaaaand now they're fighting.
OTIS OH NO. He was just trying to protect Baron :( poor Otis.
SAME DRESS, SAME MISSPELLINGS, SAME WRITING, BABY DOLL BANDIT?! Okay. She's on some real shit. I need to know more.
Aaaaaand Baron calls her. Rule Number One, all jail phone calls are recorded unless you're calling a secure attorney line. The End. Never, ever, ever do what he just did.
He doesn't need to rob the bank oh my god..... AND HERE SHE GOES AGAIN WITH HER BULLSHIT. And she's PREGNANT?! THAT WAS FUCKIN FAST?! Oh, Baron, no, no, no, no, no.
And she's such an asshole to him about being the driver.
Ngl, I think he outfit is so cute tho. Courtney Love vibes.
Okay, I love the dance number lmfao. Please tell me that's actually them dancing. I need to know. AND THE SEQUINS.
Marmalade squeals with delight. Baron screams in terror. My feels.
"Somethin' doesn't smell right." YOU BET, BABY. TELL HER WHAT'S UP. Poor baby is so uncomfortable.
"How come you know so much?" HE'S NOT STUPID. DON'T UNDERESTIMATE BARON.
"I might've done this once before." YOU DON'T SAY, MARMALADE. YOU DON'T SAY.
"Did you just fart?" ->->->->-> "I thought you can't smell." HE'S ONTO YOU, MARMALADE.
I just know the baby's fake. I just know it. I know it in my heart.
Oh, he has the gun on her. Oh, boy. Oh, baby.
Poor Baron. He's just unraveling, poor baby.
"It was just Mama Eda's time." Kinda wanna punch her, ngl.
Oh now the police are here and BARON... "We gotta go outside and apologize." THIS POOR BOY IS TOO GOOD.
God, I STILL cannot tell if she's ever being genuine. And I almost think she held Baron up for just a SECOND longer so he'd get caught and she could run.
RUN BABY RUN PLEASE OH NO. Oh no. He's too good. Baron's just too good.
OKAY. But he's for real pushing him out there.
Oh, they're tracking him. And Ted with his Shakespeare quotes lol.
Awww....Baron goes to visit Mama Eda first thing... sweet boy. I just want to hug him. :(
THE POOR DUDE IN THE CAR, he was so terrified. Of course the car was ditched. Of course.
The fuck is he pulling out of that chimney? Newspaper clippings?
He ain't no dummy. Baron is NOT stupid. QUITE the opposite, I think, at this point.
Oh. My god. WHAT is happening.
Joe Keery dressed as a mystery woman. All right.
"Take care now" WHAT IS HAPPENING. OH MY GOD. The way he takes that wig off and how fucking stoked he is lmao.
"There is no girl." WHAT.
L-A-M-R-A-M. Huh. Pharmaceuticals. I am so confused.
This dude's money. Who is this dude. Have I missed something. Oh, Don Frankels, CEO -- BARON PHARMACEUTICALS?!??!?!?!?
Oh, but he has a white cane......
OH. OH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, I don't like Don. We don't like him at all.
"What's real, what's fake?" MY QUESTION, TOO, TED.
OKAY THE FUCK?! What's in the envelope.......
"Sorry for your loss." ->->->->-> "My what?" WHAT THE FUCK.
"I'm taking care of my mother. I hope you'll do the same," AND A TICKET TO JAMAICA. HE KNEW THE WHOLE TIME?!?!??!!?!?!?
IS HIS MOM ALIVE?!?!?!?! IS SHE?!?!?!?!
I'm crying. For real, I'm crying.
He's just delivering meds to all these boxes....?
AHHHHHH IT WAS SO GOOD. SO FUCKING GOOD. I LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!! Ugh, I could not have prepared myself. SO fucking good. Will watch again and again.
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perspectivestarters · 11 months
Perspective's Sentence Starters; 1989 (Taylor's Version) by Taylor Swift (Part III)
Being this young is art.
What if all I need is you?
Got love-struck, went straight to my head.
Got lovesick all over my bed.
Love to think you’ll never forget.
Lovelorn and nobody knows
I'll pay the price, you won't.
If I’m all dressed up, they might as well be lookin' at us.
If they call me a slut, you know it might be worth it for once.
If I'm gonna be drunk, I might as well be drunk in love.
Everyone wants him, that was my crime.
The wrong place at the right time.
In a world of boys, he's a gentleman.
We’ll pay the price, I guess.
This is luxury.
You're not sayin' you're in love with me.
It might blow up in your pretty face.
I've known it from the very start, we’re a shot in the darkest dark.
It won't stop.
Halfway out the door, but it won't close
I'm holdin' out hope for you.
Say, "Don't go".
I would stay forever if you say, "Don't go".
Why'd you have to lead me on?
Why’d you have to twist the knife?
Walk away and leave me bleedin’?
Why’d you whisper in the dark just to leave me in the night?
Now your silence has me screamin'.
You kiss me and it stops time.
I'm yours, but you're not mine.
Why'd you have to make me want you?
Why'd you have to give me nothin' back?
Why'd you have to make me love you?
I said, "I love you".
I heard from everybody.
You part the crowd like the Red Sea.
Did you get anxious though, on the way home?
I guess I'll never, ever know.
You grew your hair long.
You got new icons.
From the outside it looks like you're tryin' lives on.
I miss the old ways.
You didn't have to change.
I guess I don't have a say.
She said that it was for the best.
The more I gave, you'd want me less.
I cannot be your friend.
I pay the price of what I lost.
What do you tell your friends we shared dinners, long weekends with?
I can't pretend it's platonic.
She said to get it off my chest.
Remind myself the way you faded 'til I left.
I don't have to pretend I like acid rock.
Guess maybe I am better off now that we don't talk.
Guess this is how it has to be now that we don't talk.
You had people who called you on unmarked numbers in my peripheral vision.
All was quickly forgiven.
You were so magnetic, it was almost obnoxious.
I didn't come here to make friends.
We were born to be suburban legends.
When you hold me, it holds me together.
You kiss me in a way that's gonna screw me up forever.
I had the fantasy that maybe our mismatched star signs would surprise the whole school.
You'd be more than a chapter in my old diaries with the pages ripped out.
I know that you still remember.
We were born to be national treasures.
You told me we'd get back together.
I broke my own heart 'cause you were too polite to do it.
You don't knock anymore and my whole life's ruined.
You still wouldn't go.
Let's fast forward to three hundred takeout coffees later.
I see your profile and your smile on unsuspecting waiters.
You dream of my mouth before it called you a lying traitor.
You search in every maiden's bed for somethin' greater.
Was it over when she laid down on your couch?
Was it over when he unbuttoned my blouse?
Was it over then?
Is it over now?
Your new girl is my clone.
Did you think I didn't see you?
At least I had the decency to keep my nights out of sight.
Only rumors 'bout my hips and thighs and my whispered sighs.
Oh, Lord, I think about jumpin' off of very tall somethings just to see you come runnin'.
Say the one thing I've been wanting.
Let's fast forward to three hundred awkward blind dates later.
If she's got blue eyes, I will surmise that you'll probably date her.
You search in every model's bed for somethin' greater.
You never saw it comin'.
Now you've come undone.
Wish I could make it better.
Someday, you won't remember this pain you thought would last forever and ever.
I will say, "I knew it all along".
This life is sweeter than fiction.
All you got are your shattered hopes.
They never saw it comin'.
Now you're on to somethin'.
Proved me right when you proved them wrong.
It's like we don't remember the rain we thought would last forever and ever.
All at once, the rest is history.
Look at you now.
You've made us proud.
You know that I'll be there time and again.
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greene-rph · 11 months
1989 VAULT TRACK LYRIC STARTERS. adjust pronouns/wording as needed.
❝ What if all I need is you? ❞
❝ I'll pay the price, you won't. ❞
❝ If they call me a slut, you know it might be worth it for once. ❞
❝ Everyone wants him, that was my crime. ❞
❝ In a world of boys, he's a gentleman. ❞
❝ You're not sayin' you're in love with me, but you're goin' to. ❞
❝ It's a big mistake. ❞
❝ It might blow up in your pretty face. ❞
❝ I would stay forever if you say "don't go". ❞
❝ Why'd you have to lead me on? ❞
❝ It’s not fair. ❞
❝ I'm yours, but you're not mine. ❞
❝ You’re not there. ❞
❝ I love you. ❞
❝ I said, "I love you", you say nothin' back. ❞
❝ I would stay forever if you say "don't go"... But you won't. ❞
❝ You went to a party, I heard from everybody. ❞
❝ From the outside it looks like you're tryin' lives on. ❞
❝ I miss the old ways, you didn't have to change. ❞
❝ I guess I don't have a say now that we don't talk. ❞
❝ I call my mom, she said that it was for the best. ❞
❝ The morе I gave, you'd want me less. ❞
❝ I cannot bе your friend. ❞
❝ I can't pretend it's platonic. ❞
❝ I can't pretend it's platonic, it's just ended. ❞
❝ You had people who called you on unmarked numbers. ❞
❝ You were so magnetic, it was almost obnoxious. ❞
❝ I didn't come here to make friends. ❞
❝ When you hold me, it holds me together. ❞
❝ You kiss me in a way that's gonna screw me up forever. ❞
❝ You told me we'd get back together. ❞
❝ I broke my own heart 'cause you were too polite to do it. ❞
❝ I see your profile and your smile on unsuspecting waiters. ❞
❝ You search in every maiden's bed for somethin' greater. ❞
❝ You search in every model’s bed for somethin' greater. ❞
❝ Was it over when she laid down on your couch? Was it over when he unbuttoned my blouse? ❞
❝ Is it over now? ❞
❝ Your new girl is my clone. ❞
❝ Did you think I didn't see you? ❞
❝ At least I had the decency to keep my nights out of sight. ❞
❝ I think about jumpin' off of very tall somethings. ❞
❝ I think about jumpin' off of very tall somethings just to see you come runnin'. ❞
❝ If she's got blue eyes, I will surmise that you'll probably date her. ❞
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aidensteddybear · 9 months
little duncan trying to make caregiver alejandro a drawing or present
Regressor! Duncan w/ Caregiver! Alejandro
Duncan had been working on his drawing for Alejandro for a while now. It needed to be perfect. Otherwise, Alejandro would hate it, or at least that’s what Duncan thought.
He hummed a little as he scribbled on his paper, when there was a small knock on the door. Duncan looked back to see Alejandro peaking into the playroom door.
“Hey, Duncan. It’s almost time for bed, so I need you to clean up your toys, okay?” Alejandro said. Duncan looked away from him, shaking his head. “No.” He responded.
Alejandro raised an eyebrow. “No?” He asked. “‘M not ready for bed. Workin’ on somethin’.” Duncan told him.
“Well, it’s going to be there tomorrow, right? You can work on it then.” Alejandro replied. Duncan whined loudly, putting his face in his hands out of frustration.
“Papa, go away. ‘M busy.” Duncan grumbled. Alejandro’s eyes widened a bit, Duncan rarely ever spoke to him like that.
“Duncan, you know better. You don’t talk to me like that.” Alejandro spoke in a stern, yet calm voice as he walked over to Duncan. Duncan whined as Alejandro sat beside him, quickly hiding the paper from him.
“Can you tell me what’s wrong?” Alejandro asked. “Nothing..jus’ wanna finish my..thing.” Duncan said, not wanting to spoil the surprise. “‘S almost done. I finish it please?” Duncan questioned.
“How long will it take?” Alejandro asked. “Dunno..” Duncan shrugged. Alejandro sighed softly.
“I can give you five minutes, but when I come back it’s bedtime.” Alejandro told Duncan, who nodded.
“Alright.” Alejandro said. He gave Duncan a small kiss on his head, before standing up. “Five minutes.” Alejandro gave Duncan a serious look as he showed him five fingers.
“Okay, Papa.” Duncan responded. Alejandro smiled a little, then left the playroom, closing the door behind him.
Duncan was quick with getting back to work on his picture. He needed to finish it up quickly, he had to give Alejandro the picture tonight.
The five minutes went by fast. Before Duncan even knew it, Alejandro was already standing in the doorway.
“Come on, baby. It’s bedtime.” Alejandro said. “Hold on! Almost done!” Duncan responded, quickly scribbling in the last bit of color for his picture.
Alejandro said nothing, he just stood in the doorway, leaning on the side with his arms crossed.
“Hold on!” Duncan whined as he wrote his name on the paper. Once he finally finished, he put his crayons away and hid the paper behind his back as he walked over to Alejandro, who didn’t look very happy since Duncan had yelled at him.
“Sorry, Papa. Had to do somethin’ important.” Duncan told him, before holding out his picture. “This is for you.” Duncan said, a small smile on his face.
Alejandro’s face immediately softened as he looked down at the paper. It was a picture of him and Duncan playing together.
“Aww, baby.” Alejandro smiled as he gently took the paper away from Duncan. “Oh, honey, it’s beautiful. I love it so much.” Alejandro said, pulling Duncan in for a hug.
“Is this what you were doing this whole time?” Duncan nodded. “Follow me, buddy. Papa’s going to put this picture on the fridge.” Duncan looked up at Alejandro, giggling proudly before following him down to the kitchen.
Alejandro grabbed a magnet from one of the kitchen cabinets, then stuck the picture on the fridge, which was filled with a ton of pictures that Duncan made.
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astrxlfinale · 18 days
There's a finger placed against Caelus' lips, the ever so menacing presence of his Firekiss having a very serious question to offer him. She has even gone to the great measure of shushing him so he doesn't blurt out something too fast; " - use your brain ! " there's a hum in the way she says it, as if summoning the great mind that has brought the Clockie Community some of its deepest, most refined theories.
"What's the one thing ... you like the most about -" a quick removal of her finger, she steals a soft, playful kiss from him so arms can settle around his neck instead. There's never enough closeness in holding Caelus. Does he come in the shape of a jumpsuit, because she would consider wearing him like one at times (probably a good thing she didn't say those words out loud for the moment); " ~ me. "
"!" Oh, that's one way to keep him quiet. For some reason, it'd be the power within this gesture, the act alone that she seamlessly stopped stupidity from lording itself from his lips that left him starstruck. Those glimmering, golden eyes would find themselves fixated above, watching her expression wreathed by that coral hair, a kingdom of beauty in her wake as she remains the solitary star and inspiration above. Mindlessly, he nods towards Guinaifen, ignoring every maddening urge to be a freak and either kiss or draw that very finger right into his mind. A question needed to be expressed, and right now, that latent determination found itself devoting to that cause as a sing-song prominence begins to spell it out to him. Within that exchange, the warmth of her tenderness was found in softness and strength. Leaning in, there's a tenacious determination to share his measure of affection in return.
Casting the familiar armor of his arms around her waist, that face of his leaned in too, drawing on the simple but monumental pleasures of a kiss plucked from her graces. A welcomed, loving hum ebbs within his throat before one hell of a pitching question meets the limelight. ONE thing about her?! The highest of the high?!
In an amusing sense of irony, Caelus can't help but wonder if an endless amount of people would picture him saying her thick ass.
And why not? There's a countless amount of times his hands turned into magnets before it's very presence. How he used it as a pillow once his mind found itself overloaded from a day's trials. In many, many locations, from the realm of a Dreamscape, down to the hellish depths of the Shackling Prison, even amidst fighting dangerous thoughts, just picturing the sublime bounce of his Firekiss's cheeks was like Primordial flame being gifted to man.
It turned him to the point of unstoppable.
THAT WAS NEITHER HERE OR THERE THOUGH. The question sings true right!
--Admittedly. He finds it more embarrassing as an answer begins to tear through the veil of thoughts, coalescing from those welcomed memories into a more appropriate answer.
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"How you're never afraid to keep me close." Maybe afraid wasn't the best descriptor. Yet, through his journey he's come to witness the trial of closed off individuals, whether through their own hellish experience or the fact an 'Out of Order, I'm deranged' sign was practically hanging from their necks. The way Guinaifen was like the warmer qualities of sunlight never failed to just-- compel him. To draw him into her gravity, contently floating around her figure as the need to just embrace her can easily override all thought.
Dashes of crimson color would warm his fingers, leading to his fingers peacefully clutching a bit tighter against the shape of her waist. "It's somethin' you give bravely, as if-- hell, gold could easily be granted like that. But you always had a way of making me feel like I belong."
For someone like a Nameless who has no set home? She's become the embodiment of such a thought.
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justburningdaylight · 2 years
Operation Love Me
Steve Harrington x Fem Reader
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Summary: Reader has been with Steve for almost two years. Recently he’s been pulling away. She believes he’s fallen out of love, so she devises a plan to gain his love back.
Warnings: angst (again, sorry besties), but also lots of fluff, happy ending, mentions of nightmares, i think there’s a curse word somewhere, a few kisses, my inner stevie nicks stan pops out, dustin overstays his welcome a couple times, let me know when you spot the all too well reference, no spoilers !
Word count: 2.2k
a/n: just a lil something i whipped up for you guys <3 i had a looot of fun with this one ! p.s. requests are open, come chat with me !
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When Steve Harrington asked you to be his girlfriend, it was a transcendent experience. You were almost certain it was a dream, some empyrean reverie concocted within the confines of your mind.
In the near two years since that metamorphic experience, things had shifted poignantly.
More specifically Steve had shifted. And you knew why.
He wasn’t in love with you anymore.
He never verbalized this, but he didn’t have to. The agonizing truth lingers in the air of his presence. The veracity of the situation persists like a never-ending storm, the tenacious, violent rain showing no signs of halting, leaving no room for the possibility of basking in the warm, ethereal glow of the sun.
He may have fallen out of love with you, but you were still in love with him. Desperately, in fact. Which is what led you to the conception of your ingenious 4-step plan to win back his affections.
Step 1 : Make an effort
Steve was the antithesis of a man who judged you on your appearance. He used to vow repeatedly that a person could never look more beautiful than you did in the morning.
Your face would still be riddled with exhaustion, the evidence of your tranquil slumber tucked comfortably away in the corners of your eyes, and Steve would adamantly insist that you were a veracious vision of grace and divinity.
You can’t remember the last time he’d done that.
You didn’t intend to make any fundamental changes to your appearance; You still feel a twinge of dissatisfaction when you think about Allison Reynolds in The Breakfast Club, they extracted every physical characteristic that made her unique and tried to sell that she was better off than before. Wild horses couldn’t drag you to that point. You were, however, open to the idea of enhancing some of your own preexisting characteristics.
You styled your hair the same way you did for your first date with Steve, applying a similar ample amount of lipgloss. The new dress you’ve been saving for a deserving occasion clings faultlessly to your body as you wait anxiously for Steve to arrive. It’s almost farcical, you suppose, being nervous to see your boyfriend of nearly two years. Yet you can’t shake your concern for his impending response.
The mollifying sound of your front door opening resonates through the apartment and, while you were expecting Steve’s appearance, you were confounded by the hindering addition of Dustin.
“Hey (y/n)! You look nice. Got a hot date or somethin’?” Dustin’s playful voice sounds as he brushes past you, adolescent hands juggling a variety of VHS tapes.
“Did you have plans? I thought we were supposed to hang out tonight.” Steve asks, his magnetic caramel eyes searching your own in a delicate display of adept obliviousness.
“No. No, nothing special.” You sibilate dejectedly.
“Good ‘cause it’s move night! And Steve cheaped out on snacks, so you’re gonna want to make some popcorn.” 
“Right.” You enshroud your abasement with a counterfeit smile and venture into your kitchen to make Dustin his popcorn, the familiar notes of Eye of the Tiger resounding through your apartment as Rocky IV begins playing on the tv.
So your first attempt was met with an expeditious defeat, but perseverance can be rewarding. Right?
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Step 2 : Remind him of the good times
You jolt awake from your slumber, the cold sweat clinging to your body serves as a physical reminder of the macabre scenario you just narrowly escaped in your nightmare.
In an effort to suppress the unsolicited atrocities racing incessantly through your mind, you surreptitiously make your way out of the bed you share with Steve, delicately extracting yourself from the steady grip of your unconscious boyfriend’s gangly arms.
You cautiously venture down the hall to the kitchen, momentarily detouring to the living room to clandestinely place Rumours by Fleetwood Mac on the turntable, ensuring the volume is at a near imperceptible sonority so as not to rouse your boyfriend from his tranquil sleep.
You pour yourself a glass of glacial water, condensation generously gathering along the perimeter of the cup, the dull glow of the open refrigerator acting as your light source.
“D’you have another nightmare?” Steve’s sleep-riddled voice questions gingerly as he wraps his arms tenderly around your midsection from behind.
“I just want to stop seeing it in my head.” You turn in his arms to face him, appreciating how magnificently the light of the refrigerator illuminates his divinely celestial features. 
“I know,” He begins delicately, “I’m sorry for dragging you into it. You should have never been anywhere near those things-”
“Steve, it’s not your fault, okay? I need you to know that.” You interrupt before he can incur being the responsibility of your nightmares’ source. He’s not culpable for anything that came from the Upside Down.
He gazes at you solemnly, nebulous eyes emanating with immense emotion as he hesitantly nods his head.
The gentle melody of Songbird begins, floating through the kitchen, causing a lithe smile to form on your gentle lips as you appreciate the mellifluous opulence of Stevie Nicks’ voice.
“May I have this dance?” Steve asks, donning a heavenly smile.
“I’d be honoured.” You answer as he begins swaying you adeptly in his agile arms, your modest grin blooming into a broad smile.
And so the two of you danced around the kitchen, with nothing to accompany you but the gentle glow of the refrigerator light and the seraphic sounds of Fleetwood Mac on the record player.
That night solidified Songbird as your song. Which is the rationale for why you’re standing alone in the living room at one thirty in the morning listening to Fleetwood Mac.
“(y/n)?” Steve’s fatigued and perplexed voice sounds as he advances down the hallway.
“Hey.” You’re apprehensive now, equal parts regret and hesitance swim through your bloodstream like a resolute fish headed upstream in a particularly vigorous current.
“What are you doin’? It’s like one in the morning. Are you okay?” 
“Yeah, no yeah I’m- I’m fine.”
The look he gives you is filled with concern, but there’s a glimmer of something else hiding in the shadows, regret maybe? You can’t accurately discern it, and it disappears before giving you a chance to unravel its connotation.
“Okay, well, if you’re fine, I um- I work in the morning so I’m gonna go back to bed.”
“Yeah. Go ahead, I’ll turn it down. Sorry.” That wan’t mortifying at all, you introspectively reprimand yourself, feeling a sense of dejection you’re beginning to grow painstakingly familiar with.
That could have gone better.
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Step 3 : Spend some quality time together
You’re veritably hoping that there’s some authenticity to the phrase third time’s the charm.
Adorning a particularly whimsical sundress, you sit contentedly on the plush blanket you’ve laid atop the flexible sage grass in the park, ardently awaiting Steve’s arrival.
Your previous attempts to re-obtain his affections have been met with the abrupt emergence of failure, but the outcome of this experience was going to be different. What could go awry at a picnic?
“Hey. You look nice.” Steve’s symphonic voice sounds from above you, as he assuredly makes his presence known.
“Really? Thank you. So do you.”
Steve respires an exiguous chuckle at your response, taking a seat parallel to you on the thin blanket. You can’t contain the smile that accumulates on your face, outwardly displaying your pride at the small victory.
“So, how was your day?” You inquire earnestly, handing him the sandwich you prepared for him.
“Thanks. It was good. Y’know, busy. People really love their movies.” 
“How’s Robin? I know how much she-” “Steve! (y/n)! Hey!” Dustin’s voice reverberates through the air, effectively silencing your queries.
Seriously? There’s no way this is happening. Again.
“Hey! Dustin’s here! Look at that (y/n), what are the odds?” Your boyfriend’s usually endearing rambling holds a discernibly nervous undertone.
“I don’t know Steve, what are the odds?” You question, failing to cultivate eye contact as he’s currently preoccupied with looking anywhere besides your eyes.
“Gotta be one in a million! So weird,” Dustin lightheartedly interjects, “Actually, it’s a good thing that you’re here Steve, ‘cause I really need you to come help me with something.”
“What- Seriously? Now?” 
“Yes, (y/n), now! It’s very important stuff. Could be life or death.” Dustin emphasizes his point with resolute hand gestures.
From the repentant look in his sparkling eyes, you’ve already predetermined Steve’s next words.
“Go.” You preempt, dispiritedly.
Your boyfriend’s saccharine eyes are filled to the brim with a myriad of unidentifiable emotions as he scrambles onto his feet, sandwich still clasped between his lithe fingers, his smooth sorrowful voice mumbling a doubtful vow, “I’ll make it up to you, okay?”
“Yeah. Okay.” You nod pessimistically.
“Do you mind if I just grab one of those sandwiches? ‘Cause they look delicious.”
You hand Dustin a sandwich, temporarily suppressing each melancholy thought running around in your mind as you give him your best attempt at a smile.
“Sweet! Thanks.”
Third time was, decidedly, not the charm.
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Step 4 : If all else fails, profess your interminable love
Step four was only ever thought of as a contingency. Existing solely for emergency use only. The invocation of this step means that there was a significant lack of reception to the previous three steps. You’re feeling particularly grateful that your antecedent self had included a backup plan.
“Oh hey, I didn’t think you’d still be up.” Steve’s delicate voice holds an air of surprise as he shuts the front door behind him, swiftly removing his jacket and shoes.
“Yeah,” You start, fiddling with your fingers in an effort to calm the anxiety coursing ferociously through your veins, “I thought maybe we should talk.”
“Talk? About- About what?” 
“About um- just us, I guess.”
Steve’s stately features are shrouded in a warm cloak of confusion and uncertainty.
“Are you- Please don’t say what I think you’re going to say.” He pleads after a moment, finally shattering the suffocating silence.
“What do you think I’m going to say?” It’s as though you two have traded emotions, now it’s you who stands perplexed as your boyfriend gently paces the floor in an attempt to reduce his anxiety.
“You wanna break up, right? You don’t want to be with me anymore. Everything’s too complicated now, isn’t it? All the monsters and shit, it’s just too much. I know it is.”
It takes you a few moments to wrap your head around his words. You want to reassure him, as tenderly as possible, that his assumption couldn’t be any further from the truth. Instead you say, “Are you crazy? Did you hit your head or something?”
“Did I-? What?”
“Steve, I’m not breaking up with you! I’d never break up with you. I just spent the last week trying to get you to fall back in love with me!”
You both go still at the nuance of your sudden confession. Steve’s chestnut eyes are filled with salty unshed tears as he takes gentle, purposeful steps toward you.
“Fall back in love with you? (y/n) did you hit your head?” He places a delicate hand on your cheek, nimble thumb grazing your satin skin in a circular motion as he continues, “I love you, okay? I love you so much that I don’t even know how to think straight.”
You place your hand over his own as it traces the curvature of your face. Your heart is pulsating so immensely furiously that you’re shocked it hasn’t beaten entirely out of your chest and fallen onto the floor where you stand. 
“Then- then why have you been avoiding me? Like every time we’re supposed to hang out, Dustin magically appears out of nowhere! It feels like you never want to spend time with me anymore, especially alone.”
“Oh my god. I didn’t- That’s not what it was, okay! I just-” He sighs, moving his gaze earnestly down toward his feet before bringing it back up to your eagerly awaiting eyes, “I got worried. After all this monster stuff. I mean, you’ve been having nightmares! And I know you say it’s fine but it’s not! And I was just- I was worried that you’d realize it was my fault and you wouldn’t want to be with me anymore.” He exhaled deeply, once again dropping his gaze from your own.
“Steve,” You start, benevolently tilting up his chin in order to greet his warm chestnut eyes with your own resolute ones, “I would have a million more nightmares if it weren’t for you. You saved my life, okay? In every single way. And I already told you that none of that monster stuff is your fault! So I guess I’m just going to have to keep telling you as many times as it takes for you to believe it. Because I’m not going anywhere. Ever. Sorry to break it to you but, you’re stuck with me Harrington.”
“Good. ‘Cause that’s exactly where I want to be. Always.” Steve fixes you with an angelic, rapturous smile before bringing you into the solace of his steady, comforting embrace. 
“I love you too, by the way. Just in case it wasn’t obvious by now.” You mumble into his shoulder, intent on remaining in this position as long as possible.
“I know.”
“Take it down a notch, Han Solo.”
Steve chuckles euphoniously before pulling back to give you a lingering, ardent kiss. It was filled with emotion, longing, and passion, and oh boy did it take your breath away.
“You wanna keep doing this, or did you need to go call Dustin?”
“Shut up.” He mumbles reverently, bringing you in for another godly kiss.
Your contingency plan was a resounding success.
Mission accomplished.
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Mammon x GN MC
Pronouns: You | POV: Second
Tags: Dubcon intentions, masochistic kink play, sadistic MC
“You may control my body, but not my mind.”
Mammon had stolen money from your room. It was obvious as hell it had been him, but he was refusing to admit it. He was bleeding out excuses, deflecting blame, and it was getting on your nerves.
“Maybe ya already spent it and forgot.”
“Well, ya coulda misplaced it. You never put ya money or cards in a wallet like any other sensible person would do. It coulda fallen out of ya pocket or somethin’.”
He wasn’t wrong, but that wasn’t the case this time. You had placed it in your nightstand drawer, and now it was gone.
“Why do you automatically assume it was me, huh? How do ya know Levi didn’t sneak in here lookin’ for extra spare change to buy some otaku stuff?”
“Levi wouldn’t stoop that low.”
“It coulda–"
“Shut up, Mammon.”
Mammon’s mouth immediately snapped shut, his teeth clacking together, as the contract reacted to your heated emotions. The annoyance was visible in his eyes that you used the power of the pact, but you were tired of his stubbornness to just admit the truth.
As you stared at him, irritation sketched into your face, and he stared back, resilient and obstinate, an idea popped into your head. You could possibly make him admit his theft by just using the pact, but you had a scheme far beyond that simplicity. A chuckle of excitement escaped before you could catch it.
Mammon quirked a suspicious eyebrow at you, wary of your sudden mood change. You smiled sweetly in response.
“Maybe Lucifer has had some bad influence over me, but I think I know how to get you to crack. What do you say,” you paused for dramatic emphasis as you approached Mammon, standing as tall and straight as you could to shorten the height difference and give off the effect of intimidation, and tightly gripped his chin so his eyes met yours, “we have some fun?”
You felt the contractions of muscles in his face work as he tried to reply, but the pact held his mouth closed. Instead, Mammon grabbed your wrist to get you to let go, to shove you out of his space. You obliged to distance yourself, but before Mammon could make a move beyond blinking, you ordered another command.
“Down, boy.”
Pushed down by the heavy weight of the pact, Mammon fell to his knees and was effectively immobile from getting up again.
“All you have to do is admit you stole my money, Mammon. You don’t have to be so damn stubborn.”
Mammon looked up at you from his position on the floor, a flurry of different emotions cycling in his golden-blue eyes- a flash of anger, a tinge of fear, a bit of concern, a hint of something you couldn’t quite place.
“I might not be able to get you to admit it, but I can control your body,” you threatened as you knelt in front of him, caressing his cheek and running your hand through his soft hair before grabbing it sharply.
Mammon hissed in surprise and pain. You angled his head and roughly brought his face closer to yours. You hesitated a moment, feeling the inviting heat from Mammon and a low kindling fire burn in your stomach. There was an almost magnetic pull that wanted you to finish closing the gap, to kiss Mammon, and you did want to do that, you loved the feeling of his lips and tongue. You had already begun opening your mouth to initiate the kiss, and you could see Mammon begin to reciprocate, but you couldn’t.
That would be a reward before any progress had been made.
Resisting the temptation, you pushed Mammon backwards. He lost balance and toppled over onto his back on the floor. As he tried to get up, you pinned him down by sitting on his stomach.
“I think we’re going to be up for a while before you learn about honesty and not lying to your human, so I suggest you get comfy.”
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Twin Flames
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Content Warning: NSFW, MINORS DNI. AFAB Reader, unprotected sex, breeding/pregnancy, general/vague religious references, saccharine af
Request: can you please do a lil somethin for Thorn? Maybe his thoughts when he is with someone new? Spicy or sweet.
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Thorn thought that he understood twin flames. In his mind, his other half would be the first and likely only person who wouldn’t mind him sticking around. But eventually there came a time when he had to acknowledge that he’d been mistaken in assuming he could comprehend any divine plan.
Then you waltzed into his life, and he had no explanation for your existence besides a message directly from the gods.
You arrived before him when he needed you most. He knows that you weren’t made for him, but he also knows that he was made to worship you among the others like you; the great and unimaginable wonders of the universe.
When you tell him that you want to be with him, he does not hesitate nor question his reply. He answers you so quickly that you ask him again, but his answer does not change.
“Be with me,” he says, over and over. Even as you bare your hearts and skin, you can’t escape his praise. You don’t want to, either.
Neither of you questions it when you breeze past conversations about contraceptives, because you have both already confessed your desires for the future. There was never any disagreement, only a silent understanding as he lowers you onto his bed.
When he finally touches you, breaching your opening with his fingers only to find that you have been patiently waiting for something more, the realization of what you’re doing hits him like a freight train.
It isn’t until you are writhing in pleasure beneath him that he fully understands the significance. For the first time, he feels free to contemplate the display of unconditional love. The bonding of two souls previously torn apart — the union of two imperfect pieces coming together to make new life from their unbroken parts.
That is the backdrop, his only thought as he enters you slowly enough to savor each inch of your body that you lend to him. He takes it, struggling to contain the selfishness he feels. He wants it to be enough for you to remember with the same enthusiasm that he already misses you, before you’ve even left him.
Thorn cradles your face tenderly. He kisses you even more so. Your bodies are slick, but the friction of each thrust feels like home. Indulging in the warm embrace of like flames come together again, you do not speak. There is no need.
You can feel his rhythm rise and fall with yours until there is no you and him — only one.
At the last second you match his passion, you grab his face and the divine do the rest. Your mouths find each other like magnets, and they do not relent until you whisper one plea against his lips.
“Be with me,” you say, “Forever.”
Together, with your foreheads pressed hard against one another, you both envision the future. You see your own body painted with marks to make certain that you never forget the way he gave a part of himself to you, and you accepted his offering with open arms.
He sees you, happy and filled with life that you have always wanted to share with him. Your life and all of its descendants. For eternity and each of its iterations.
“I am with you,” he says as he fills you with the warmth of your twin flame.
“Forever,” he says, finally understanding what it meant to be made for another.
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jasonsthots · 3 years
Almost hiding the darkness within
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I have no clue how to post this properly but here we go-
Big thanks to @jaybirdsdarling like without her I definitely couldn't have made this or even posted it so thanks babes 😘
Warnings- smut- lots of it, yandere peoples, slight noncon to dubcon? Violence, slight gun play, voyeurism, cuckolding--- basically bring your holy water (there might be more but not sure 😚)
It all started with the landing. Ya' know the one. That superhero landing. The one that looks like it really hurts the knees. When that, a brown leather jacket, red helmet wearing man landed like that in front of her like a human shield. Those that had been trying to mug her, knew it was over before it had started. Before they had a chance to run, he was on them. Limps, noses, all broken when he was done.
When he was done, he just simply stood up and turned to her. She was smiling dumbly, she knew that. Her cheeks hurt, dried tears stained her cheeks, nose stuffed from running and she was sure her hair was a mess from the tugging the men had done. But she didn't care, her savor was right there-
"Miss, always put your money away inside when it's given, not when you're outside. Honestly. I thought this was common knowledge." His mechanical voice rang through the alley as he passed by, his back now to her as he looked over one last time. "And especially not in an alleyway with 100 different kinds of graffiti." And with that, he grappled away.
Y/n's pout was deep as she looked on. Giving a swift kick to one of the robbers that laid on the pavement. "Maybe next time..."
It was like she had planned it. He had to start watching her. He had to. She was like a magnet for trouble. It was almost a nightly thing. Like she would purposely find the most dangerous part in Gotham to go and act like a ditz. She wasn't though. She knew better. He'd seen it. The simple smacks she gave to guys at the diner who got too handsy. She wasn't defenseless. Yeah those were small slaps to the hands, but they were a sign that she definitely could handle herself enough to know not to go into that damn alley. And there she went. In the damn alley. So like he had for the past few weeks, he swung down.
He should know better. He has bigger problems. Like that big fuckin' mafia guy who's selling drugs, weapons and people for gods sake. But there he was. Once again, kicking ass for the same girl, night after night. The simple finger point doing nothing as this time, she walked up- and grabbed it. Bringing his hand close to her face and resting it on her cheek. An unfamiliar touch that had his heart swelling and any bit of anger he held to her disappear in an instant.
She looked up to where his white covered eyes were and smiled, the grime on her face and wrecked hair not taking from the beauty she possessed. Her eyes twinkled under the dim Gotham lights, her smile twisted, breathtaking. "You always seem to be here just in time huh?"
A groan was heard from the men at their feet, earning a kick from her.
Jason's eyebrow tweaked at her action, a small smile creeping to his lips.
"Seems like it, you should be more careful, doll."
A nickname that came so easily. Her heart accepted it with open arms as she pushed her body closer to his, craning her neck back to look at him properly. "But then, how else would I see you Red?"
The man smirked under his helmet, a low chuckle coming out almost like static from the voice changer. Him too taking a step forward. "So, you admit you do this on purpose?"
A low groan erupted from the men again, this time Red kicking them to silence. Y/n hummed and rested her other hand on his waist, their chest pressed gently to each other. "Is that bad? I didn't really know how to work a signal in the sky, so I settled."
"On getting mugged?" The black haired man asked amused, the girl shrugging in response with a small giggle. Jason couldn't hold the smile that spread across his cheeks as he finally snapped the helmet off, the domino mask coming as a disappointment to the shorter girl. Still, she appreciated having something more than an off putting helmet to get off to from now on.
"It worked didn't it?" She spoke softly as she caressed his now exposed cheek.
"There were safer ways." He spoke back, barely above a whisper as their faces neared. Jason felt like his heart would pound out of his chest. Did she really do that for just a chance to see him? She... put her life on the line- for the possibility to see him? That-
That was the nicest thing anyone had done for him.
"Worth it."
Just like that, those last few inches were gone, their lips finally meeting in a soft, heart warming kiss.
Cough. Cough. "Fuckin'-- psychopaths- uggh-" Kick.
Weekly visits became nightly, nightly became daily, and before they knew it, they lived together. Suddenly it became as easy as breathing, being together. Y/n's dumb plans didn't need to happen to get his attention, he was already there. She had his number. She had him in her bed. She had him. Jason knew this. And he was thrilled. He was worried at first. Was he moving too fast? Slow? No. She reassured him. It was just the right pace. She felt the same. They felt like all the pieces to each other's puzzles were finally falling into place.
Until the day happened.
Y/n, was, to put it lightly, odd. The girl had intentionally gotten robbed multiple times just to talk to the guy for god's sake. This, of course, led to her developing a certain set of.....skills.
See, to the common eye it would have looked like she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. But she always knew when to go. She knew when he was watching her and when there was something....more important than her that needed help. So when she felt a new set of eyes on her. She knew something was up. It wasn't the other Batfamily members. They honestly....had a hard time wrapping their heads around her and deemed her tolerable at best. No. These were prying eyes.
These eyes didn't leave her. No, no. They stayed. For weeks. She felt them. They were learning. Listening to everything she said, everything she did, seeing everywhere she went. They picked it all up. They were picking up any information from when she got off work to how long she took showers.
And she liked it.
She felt guilty. She felt dirty. She didn't know why she didn't tell Jason. He was her everything after all, and boy would he be furious if he were to learn such things were taking place.....yes....furious.
Boy would she not want that.
So there she was, her wrist tied to a cold metal chair. Her struggles are no longer a problem, her shit talking too due to the gag they placed after the hundredth "when my boyfriend finds out" shtick. Her blindfold long removed as the man responsible sat in front of her, his elbows resting on his knees as he looked at every detail of her exposed skin. Her dress shredded into pieces from the whole ordeal. Y/n held back the smile that tried to spread as she saw him shuffling uncomfortably as his eyes raked over her lower half, her thighs that were spread wider from being tied to opposite legs. Her lower region on display.
The man cleared his throat as he scooted closer, his legs wedging in between her spread ones. The light shone perfectly to every curve of his dark covered face. The only seen color being his eyes and the tips of his cheeks. "So. Shackin' up with Red huh? It must be fun. I imagine you play his therapist a lot? Heard he has alotta daddy issues."
The tied girl let out a huff as she turned her head. How dare he speak like that. He has no idea what Jason has been through. To put it so lightly.
The man tilted to the side to meet her gaze that had turned cold. He laughed. "Oh what? Did I hurt your feelings? Suddenly you feelin' tough or somethin'?" He leaned forward. And that's when she finally gasped. The gag of course muffled it, adding to the already hard to breathe problem she was having. "Yeah. Don't be. Ain't in any position to be acting all high and mighty."
When his hand raised on to her shoulder, his thumb brushing against her pluses before wrapping his hand around her neck to face him, her mind couldn't care less about the man getting physical. The only thing she could think of was what she was looking at. How....she knew how. There was a man who looked like a human but was actually an alien flying around, anything was possible.
So this was the man. She had of course heard of him. Not only from her significant other, but she did use to live in a not so friendly neighborhood. Even then, if you didn't know who this was, well, welcome to Gotham, where there's a Bat running around and a man whose face is literally a black skull. Yes. Black mask.
She mumbled.
The man sighed heavily and took the gag out. "If you say one more thing about the fuckin' Redhood- I will say fuck this whole plan and just send your head instead."
"Just wanted to say I didn't know death took vacations."
The nicely suited man barked a laugh as he stood and straightened his jacket. Y/n's smirk fell as he lowered his face to level with her, his hand resting next to her head dangerously close. "It's going to be fun breaking you."
Jason was losing it. He had pretty much torn the house brick by brick searching for her. His love. His doll. His darling. She wasn't here. She hadn't been for days. Weeks? God what was he kidding. He knew exactly how long. He felt it. When she was taken. Like a sixth sense. He knew something was up. And sure enough, when he got home- she was gone.
He should have put the tracker in. He had talked to her about it, and she agreed to do it. It was safer. But he just...never got around to actually doing it. He had thought about performing some light surgery on her arm, nothing major, just putting it in her arm. That was a bit much. He had thought about putting it into a needle and doing it that way. Decided he didn't want to hurt her. Wanted to put it in her food. Didn't want her to choke. Thought about in a small box! Didn't want her to freak out and think he was proposing. So- here he was. Panicking because he had no idea where she was, if she was alive, and why she was even gone in the first place.
Jason tried to keep his mind from going to a dark place. The place that wondered if it was on purpose. She'd done it before. Stressed him out by putting her life on the line. He thought it was cute almost. "It's not cute anymore." He spoke to no one. The house was in ruins. His fists were bloodied and bruised from all the ass he'd been beating. There were no leads for weeks. Every stone was turned but nothing made sense. Friends couldn't get a word in, Jason created this whole new world where it was just him. "It's not fuckin'- cute- any- more-!" Each scream coming with a new hit, objects and people blending together. He was getting to that place.
What if she actually left? Not a game she played. Not some weird attention seeking act. She.....left.
It wasn't looking good, and it just kept getting worse.
Her h/c sweat covered hair was swooped to the side, her fight dying down. There was no use, it was going to happen either way. "C'mon, don't pretend you don't like it, doll."
She winched. "What? Isn't that what he called you? Doll? Nothing special about it, you are a fucktoy after all." A laugh ripped from Roman's bare chest at his own twisted joke.
Yeah. There he was. Proud of the almost broken woman in front of him, naked and in charge of the situation. The blinking light at the end of the bed was a reminder of how fucked she really was. Both figuratively and literally. His fingers were gilding through her folds with an ease she was ashamed of. The sounds made making her stomach turn. She didn't like this. She wasn't turned on. She didn't want him......
These were the things she used to tell herself.
She was ashamed at how quickly she had felt herself give in. Was that what she always wanted? To be used as some fucktoy for some scumbag that hurt and used her and others however he wanted?
God no. She couldn't have.
She wanted Jason.
Then why....
Why did she spread her legs wider?
They spread as far as she could get them, her soaked core on full display for the camera to see, the man behind it zooming in as they themselves got closer. Getting a quiet growl like warning from Roman not to get too close.
The moans that followed were nothing short of pornographic. Her back was arched off the bed as her legs shook, those wrist restraints keeping her from getting a hold on the man who was putting her through euphoric torture. "Roman..." Her whimper sent a shock straight to the man's cock.
On full attention it stood, bobbing up and down as he moved to unhook her, repositioning her to face the camera on all fours. Her face was.....sinful. Her cheeks were flushed, her mouth gaping opening, her hair tousled. Her body was even still shaking from her previous orgasms leading to her almost falling as Roman began his painfully fast and hard thrust. Her moans rippled straight from her chest out of her throat. His hand wrapped around her hair and yanked it back, her chest heaving and back painfully arched. Sweat dripped off their bodies from what seemed like hours long of pure fucking. His other hand came to her front to rub at her clit in fast motions that had her hips bucky in an unruly way as they couldn't find out to get away or push back. Opting for the latter.
She met his thrust hungrily every time as best she could, the room filled with moans and the sound of skin slapping together at harsh speeds. Roman's pace was unforgiving, it didn't let up after the next orgasms hit her.
"Where should I do it now, huh? You want me to cum in your tight hole again? You can't waste it like you did last time though. If you do, you won't be getting my cock for a long time. And a whore needs their masters cock now don't they?"
Y/n's mouth formed wide Os as she tried to form some words to satisfy him. "Fuck- yes Roman- fuck I promise-" Her moans ripped through. "T-to no-not waste any-of- ohh~"
This seemed to be enough because the next thing she knew, she felt it. His cock twitched violently as his hips lost rhythm, his cum spilling inside of her, filling her once more. His grip on her scalp burned, but she didn't stop from that twisted and sinister smile to spread on her face as she grinded her hips back. A sharp slap being delivered to her ass cheeks as Roman barked out at her, "Stop being such a cock whore." This threatening tone dropped almost immediately as he soon laughed, grappling her chin and tilting her back to kissing her, a sloppy wet heat filled kiss. "Now that video's a keeper."
Jason finally lost it. Be felt dumb. He felt hurt. He felt utterly betrayed. His sweet, poor darling- the actual fucking cumslut. For Roman. Sionis. He had been hunting her down for months. And there she was. Accepting- no asking- no- begging for Black masks cock. For his cum. The things she did for Jason, she was now doing for that scum. He was pissed. How fucking dare she? After all he's done for her? No- he couldn't think that way. There was no way. It was his darling. His doll. She loved him too much for that. No. It was all an act. It had to be. She would never do that to him.
This is what he wanted to believe as he watched the hour long videos that kept making their way to him. Her lips wrapped hungerly around another man's cock. Being pulled away just for her to stick her tongue out to get another taste, receiving a slap to her cheek. "Don't be such a greedy slut." Was Romans words.
Videos on videos of Roman fucking Jason's girl. Cum filling up every hole the scum could want, all eagerly accepted from the girl he swore would be crying to be saved, instead relishing in the fuck fest she was dealt.
His fist clenched around his cock, furiously stroking away. God he missed her.
Her face was covered in the white ropes, her mouth taking in as much as it could as Roman pumped himself in her face. Jason fucking hated it. But god did she look fucking hot. He hated it. He hated him. He hated her. But that didn't stop him from unloading on his computer screen. His brow furrowed as pure rage coursed through his blood. He was getting her back. And she would see who she fuckin' really belonged too.
Y/n knew it wouldn't be long. She played with herself, her fingers dancing across her wet slit showing just how wet she was. Her moans gentle as she spread her legs wider for the camera. "C'mon closer, get nice and in there." Her voice coaxed, of course Roman shouting orders for the camera man not to move. Her pout aimed towards the angered man. "Well if you won't let him touch me will you at least? You know I can't do it myself, you ruined me Roman~" She cooed.
The man in question groaned out and walked over, his cock next to her face as he claimed to a kneeling position on the bed. "Well, warm me up first, doll."
"Yes sir~" Her free hand came up to stroke the semi next to her. Her smile was anything but sweet and innocent like she feigned. Her tongue poking out to taste the precum that had been building up from the show. "But it looks like you're already good to go." The wink that came after did something different to Roman. God. When had he become so fuckin' turned on by watching her? When did he get so hard by her just existing? When did he want to see her asking- begging for him and it not being about fuckin' with the hood?
He wasn't sure. But he didn't hate the feeling. Especially when he buried his cock deep inside her. Her legs were spread and the angle was perfect, her back to him and front to the camera. Was this guy a director or what? Surely this would make the hood pissed off. Even if not- damn was she a good fucktoy.
It wasn't the middle of the night. No. It was broad daylight when he broke in. It had taken him way too long for his liking. He had gotten a dozen more videos before he had finally found Black masks place. It's not like he could have asked for backup, they wouldn't understand. Not like they cared for her anyway. No, he had to do it on his own. And damn was that a good idea.
'Cause there he was. Bullets flying everywhere. It didn't matter who, how many. Each one had a special bullet for them in his head. Each one of these fuckers responsible for her kidnapping. Her torture. Torture. That's what it was. She didn't like it. She hated- she hated it. Yeah. She hated it. Was ridiculous how many times he had to remind himself of that. Yeah the videos were convincing. But he knew her better than those videos. He knew she wouldn't actually be begging for scum like that.
"You ruined me, Roman~"
Kept replaying in his head. That same line.
"I'll fucking show you ruined."
There they were. Two guns. One trained on a man in a designer italian suit. The other trained to an all to calm on the inside girl. "Now now. You wouldn't want to waste your time just by having me kill her would you?" Roman threatened, the gun he held pushing further into the girls head, the same gun Jason had seen her sucking on in multiple videos.
The Y/n's head was throbbing. Not just from the gun in her head but because she was- so excited.
She really played the long game, huh?
Jason clenched the gun tighter. His mask was doing a great job of keeping it together, because he certainly wasn't. "How 'bout you just make this easier for both of us and. Let. Her. Go. Like you said- I don't want to waste my time." Whether you were on the receiving end or not- it sent chills down their spines and a certain tingle down below for the h/c haired girl.
Roman clenched his jaw tight. His arm that's as wrapped around her tighter as he backed up. And backed up. And backed up. "Now now Sionis. I've never taken you for someone who'd rather kill themselves then hand someone over. Must have really gotten desperate." His last words a growl as his eyes flicked to the girl in his arms.
Roman looked down, his arms more....slack as they fell more into a hug from behind. His eyes softened. "You have no idea..." The girl met his eyes with the same fondness.
Red. No not Jason's helmet. The color he saw. Pure rage rippled through him as he pulled the trigger. Not once. Not twice. Over and over and over again, unloading a clip that not only undoubtedly killed Roman ten times over, but regrettably, knocking both out of the large window that laid behind them. As fast as the rage was there it disappeared, leaving only panic as Jason launched out of the window without a thought other than, "God- no!"
Was it?
Worth it? That's what she was thinking. Y/n. As the smirk crept to her face, placing one last kiss on her now corpse kidnapper and lover, she pushed him further, a subtle pay back for his words and treatment to her for the last months she had spent with him. Her arms wide open as he hit the ground first. Her eyes slowly closing, the wind whipping by.
"Worth it."
She was an odd one. The Batfamily deemed her actually crazy. Jason never listened. Why would he? She had such a good heart. She supported him in his vigilante ways. She had even said she might join him. She understood what it took to get what you want. Maybe that's why he wasn't so pissed at her. Because he finally understood as he watched her naked sleeping form on their bed. Right where it belonged. She wanted all of this. He should have seen it. The very first smile that almost hid the darkness within. Twisted, yet so sweet. Like cyanide in candy. He knew from the beginning she wasn't a normal girl.
But then again, he wasn't a normal guy.
But there was still punishment to be dealt.
Y/n awoke with a harsh yank to her ankle, her ass suddenly on the edge of the bed. Forcibly sat up, her eyes level with the stomach of the man she had been missing. Her eyes met the storm that raged through Jason's eyes and he grabbed her chin to look at him. Even out of her peripheral vision she could see he was fully nude, her bottom lip finding a place in between her teeth as a smile took over. "Hey Jay." She cooed.
He was ashamed at how eager his cock was the moment his name left her mouth. His eyes glared daggers at her as his grip tightened. "Don't act like that." She opened her mouth, spewing bullshit like always. But he wouldn't let her. Not this time. "Like you're this innocent sweet heart. No. You're not that are you? You haven't been for a long time, if ever."
She let out a mock offended gasp. "Jay....he did bad things, that has to count for something. He made me do so many bad things to him." She pouted, her puppy dog eyes that would normally get him having no effect- at least not the kind she was hoping for.
His palm slipped from her chin to her neck, lifting her slightly with the force as he bent at the waist. "Baby, I got all the videos. The only forcing I saw was him trying to fit his cock into your tight pussy. But you still begged him for it. Because you wanted it."
He was shocked to see her eyes hood at the memory, her lust filled look deepening. His stomach turning from it. "It did feel pretty good to be stretched out again. It had been so long." Fire burned through him as he practically threw her on the ground to her knees. He didn't let her settle before he had her by the hair, forcing her mouth to open as he shoved his fully ready to go dick down her throat. The action making her gag and fling her hands to his thighs. He caught her hands and held them with one hand while the other dragged her head back and further on his length.
"How fucking dare you?" He spat with venom. "Do you know how fucking worried I was? Huh? Just to find out you're just being a whore----- to that fucking low life!?" Y/n couldn't answer, her throat being abused by his unpleasantly harsh thrust that was gonna make it hard to talk later. Her breathing was already none existent.
"So many fucking weeks." He groaned out, his eyes finally looking down. Her eyes already meeting his stormy blue ones, tears spilling down her cheeks. Her mouth stretched painfully full. But she never made a move to leave. No. She was taking this punishment like a champ. "So many months of me searching for you. Then I see uggh--" Her tongue ran along the under part of his shaft, clearly he wasn't deep enough. So he pushed further. Her breathing became hard with each thrust. "Then he sends those fucking videos. You begged for his cum princess. You fuckin' cried for it. You wanted it all. Inside you. On you. You wanted to taste it mixed with yours. Well don't worry doll." Her lips moved, unable to smile properly around him, her heart swelling. She missed him.
His grip tightened as he leaned down slightly, his cock going impossibly further down, her lips touching the base, breathing no longer an option as he smirked down. "You'll finally get daddy's cum, the cum you really needed. And maybe if you're good, I'll let you cum too, so you can suck it off me again." And with that, he stood up straight, let her catch some of her breath, then fucked her mouth until he felt that much needed relief spill down her throat. Coating the back in white liquid with a loud throaty groan.
He released her head which she immediately swung back, hand to her chest as she greedily gulped down air. But not for a moment longer than needed. She was back in front of him stroking him, her eyes leaking tears as her legs became soaked with the flood that was her arousal. "Thank you sir." She smiled.
Why was he so pissed off at her smile? Because. It was the same smile- the same mouth Roman had used. He needed to make her his all over again. She was his. He picked her up by her arm and tossed her to the bed. "You're not done yet." He gruffed out as he pushed her chest to the bed and pulled her ass up. "How many times?" He asked running his two fingers along her slit collecting all the juices that poured out.
She poked her head around. "I'm....not sure?"
He scoffed. "You let him cum so much in you, you don't even remember?" Her head nodded slowly. He whistled lowly. "Well. I cause that just means we have a long night don't we?"
The excitement- genuine excitement that she radiated was almost enough to make him no longer pissed off. Almost. "But remember." He leaned forward, his hands going to her hips as he massaged them. Placing gentle kisses down her spine and along her shoulder. The more than welcomed touch considering the past few months spent with pure hate fucking and all around rough sex. "You still get punishment for being such a cock whore." Too soon.
His soft touches left almost immediately followed by harsh smacks to the ass. Before she knew it her ass was almost the same red as his helmet, only occasionally palming it to slightly sooth the pain. But this wasn't a pleasant punishment ment to make you more turned on. No. It was harsh and real. She knew she did wrong. She knew she needed to be punished. But boy did it fucking hurt. By the time he was done, she was a sobbing mess. Her ass would be sore for sure. But it was all worth it as the tip of his cock pushed past her puffy folds into her tight heat. A long vulgar moan was realized from both parties as he sat for a moment, relishing in the feeling he missed so much.
His hands gripped her tightly as he pumped every last inch of himself he could. The movement so painfully slow but so necessary. They needed each other. She didn't realize how hard it was being without him. But she was so fuckin' happy when he came to her. She held out and here they were. One again. She loved him, and he loved her. It was fucked up. But- they did.
His veins dragged deliciously inside her tight walls, the tip of his dick hitting that one spot just right. "I- ohhh- missed you Jay-" She moaned out softly.
Jason's pace was slow and gentle, just enjoying the feeling of being inside her. Fuck did he miss her too. "You better have." But it wasn't anymore. The speed picked up along with the force and before she knew it, she was a sobbing blubbering mess. Her only thought- Jason's cock ruining her. "Now. I'm going to ask a question." He reached down and wrapped a hand around her throat, bringing her back up to his chest. The angle made her cry out. "And you better answer the right way." His speed picked up as he guided her back into his thrusts. Each word emphasized with a harsh thrust. "Who do you belong to?"
It was a simple question. One they both knew. One she should have never made him question. One that from day one, they both knew the answer. There was never an option. There would never be an option.
"You." She breathed out, her stomach making a familiar feeling. Her walls clenching and unclenching with every harsh thrust of Jason's ruthless hips.
His grip tightened before flipping her over to her back, her legs immediately being upped to his shoulders, the new position making her scream out in pure pleasure. "Not good enough, doll." He growled, his lips latching onto her neck and shoulder. Marking the answer down...
She gripped the bedsheets as her back arched into him. "I'm yours Jason! Only yours I fuckin' swear it!" And with that, Jason smiled. His hand reached between to rub her clit and a matching pace.
"Good girl. You're mine." He leans down to her ear, pecking behind it. "and I'm yours." One final kiss to her lips and she melted. Her walls squeezed and her eyes rolled back. Her orgasm washed over her like no other as her legs threatened to capture and never let go of Jason. His high soon followed and he let himself go freely in her. Every last drop would stay there. Because she was his. And he was hers.
"We're not done yet princess."
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Not as Subtle as You Thought
Pairing - Bucky Barnes x Rogers!Reader
Summary - You and Bucky have been hiding a relationship from your brother successfully for several months now. Bucky’s getting tired of it though and wants to tell Steve. Are you willing to risk that? 
Word Count - 1.3k
Warnings - None!
Your nights with Steve and Bucky were your absolute favorites. Since Steve had moved in with Bucky, and you had moved into your own place with a friend of yours, you didn’t get to see each other as much. Because of that, you all began spending time together at least once a week. Always at the same time and at their place. Tonight was no different. 
Except the fact that you were an hour early, but you knew that Bucky wouldn’t mind. You almost skipped up the stairs, knocking on his door with your gloved fingers. 
It didn’t take him long to answer either, a dazzling smile on his face that made your knees weak when he did. “Well, Miss Rogers. You’re a bit early aren’t you?” 
“Am I?” You asked, pretending to glance down at a watch on your wrist. “I’m so sorry. I hope I’m not inconveniencing you.” 
“Not at all, doll.” He reached for your hands and pulled you inside, shutting the door behind you. “Though I do have to admit, I believe your intentions might be less than honorable, showing up here, when you know I’m all alone . . . How did you know that by the way?” 
“Saw Steve sneaking in to try and enlist again.” You admitted, but then pouted at him. “But you think my intentions aren’t honorable?” 
Bucky shook his head at your look, biting his bottom lip for a moment as he tugged you even closer. “Not for a minute.” 
“Well, I mean you’re right, but you don’t have to say it -” The words didn’t even finish coming out of your mouth before your lips were otherwise occupied by his. 
Every time that you kissed Bucky Barnes, it felt like the first time all over again. Butterflies flew around like crazy in your stomach, your heart rate sped up to a ridiculous rate, and your mind went blank on everything that wasn’t him. 
His lips were like a magnet, pulling you in and keeping you close until you were breathless. You felt yourself begin to melt into the warmth of him, smiling as he wrapped his arms around you and held you close while you caught your breath. “Mhmm, that never gets old.” Bucky said with a grin, his forehead resting against yours. 
“You’re telling me.” You replied, letting your hands slide from the buttons of his shirt to up and around his neck. “Too bad we can’t do it all day.” 
“Quit our jobs.” Bucky supplied. 
“Just lay around and kiss instead.” 
“Sounds like the perfect life to me.” Bucky said, tightening his grip on you and pecking your lips. 
“Until one of us needs money. Or Steve catches us.” You replied, cringing at the thought of your brother walking in on the two of you kissing. 
Bucky’s hand started rubbing the small of your back, lulling you into an even more relaxed state. “Would it be so awful if Steve knew?” 
Your relaxed state vanished. You pulled back enough so that you could see him more clearly. “Bucky, what?” 
Bucky nuzzled his nose against yours. “What if we told him? It can’t be that bad, right?” 
You couldn’t have heard him right. From the beginning, the two of you had agreed that Steve didn’t need to know about whatever was going on between his best friend and his sister. You had no idea how he would react, and the last thing you wanted was his friendship with Bucky to be ruined because you were in love with his best friend. “I thought you liked what we had? We both agreed it was for the best that Steve didn’t know.” 
“Sweetheart, listen, this was fun at first, but the novelty’s worn off.” Bucky said, letting go of your back to take your hands in his own. “I wanna take you out to the movies, go dancing, walk the streets with you on my arm.” 
“Buck . . .” You started to protest, but the images he was conjuring in your head had you longing for them. It would be so nice to walk down the street with Bucky at your side and do all the things you loved to do with him without having to worry about Steve seeing either one of you. 
“Unless you’re embarrassed of me or somethin’?” Bucky asked, and you were shocked to hear the vulnerability and uncertainty in his voice. 
Not willing to let him think that for a second longer, you tilted your head once more until you met his lips in a bruising kiss, trying to pour every ounce of emotion that you felt for him into it and curling your fingers in his hair to keep him close, not pulling away until you were satisfied. “Barnes, what on Earth do I have to be embarrassed of? You’re one of the smartest, strongest, selfless, and most handsome men I know. Anyone would be lucky to have you escorting them around.” 
“Then why don’t we tell him? We’re going to have to eventually.” Bucky said, a smile on his face now as he pulled your arms around him, then let them go to cup your face. 
“Oh, we will?” You asked, with a raised eyebrow, a smile on your lips now too. 
The way Bucky looked at you then took your breath away. There was something so soft, yet so serious about it. It was a look of pure love and adoration, and you had no idea what you had done in life to deserve to have him looking at you like that. It was one of the most beautiful things you had ever seen. “We will. It’s not like I’m waiting too much longer to put a ring on your finger, doll.” 
Your eyes widened, and you could feel the heat rushing up to your face. There was no way that he could miss it either with how he was cradling your cheeks in his hand. “You trying to make an honest woman out of me, Barnes?” You replied, trying to sound unaffected by his words, but you knew it didn’t work. Your voice sounded weak, which was exactly how you were feeling. Never had you expected Bucky Barnes to want you to have his last name, but nothing would make you happier. 
Bucky’s smile showed that he knew how much those words had affected you, but his eyes were shining as he stroked your cheeks with his thumb. “Trying, but I know it won’t do any good.” 
You couldn’t help but laugh at that, your eyes shining. “I’ll tell you one thing. You sure know how to charm a girl into getting what you want.” 
“So we can tell him?” Bucky asked. 
Nodding, you couldn’t help but giggle once more as Bucky began pressing kisses all over your face before meeting your lips in another passionate kiss that took your breath away. 
“Come on, guys, seriously? In the Living Room? Again?” A voice interrupted the two of you. 
Both of you pulled away, startled as you saw Steve standing in the doorway, looking frustrated. You were at a loss for words. You had said that you could tell Steve, but this was not how you imagined doing so. “I - uh.” You looked at Bucky, hoping he could help, but he had picked up on something else that Steve was saying. 
“Wait, what do you mean, again?” Bucky asked, sliding one of his hands down to the small of your back. 
“This is the third time I’ve seen you guys kissing!” Steve replied, shocking the hell out of you. “Every other time I’ve ignored it, but this is getting ridiculous. If you’re going to make out with my sister, can’t you do it somewhere private?” Steve asked Bucky while your head was still reeling. 
“Well it was private until you got here.” Bucky spoke up, sending Steve a smirk. 
“You knew about us?!” You finally managed to say. 
Steve raised his eyebrows at you, disbelief clear on his face as he put his stuff down and headed past the two of you into the kitchen. “You two aren’t exactly subtle.” 
Glancing back at Bucky, you found the dopiest smile and the most loving eyes looking back at you. 
Yeah . . . Guess the two of you weren’t as subtle as you thought.
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