#what is Nopes' message?
randomnameless · 6 months
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For whatever reason, I was skimming 3 Hopes TV Tropes despite the controversial rep about the users editing Fodlan are.
I don’t whatever the person adding this was smoking, but it paints a rather “stereotypical” view on foreigners putting it lightly…
Eh, that’s Nopes in a nutshell for you, anon.
Sometimes you want to be progressive and depict “other” nations, only to fall back on Grandma’s guide to survive in the “Orient” from the 1810s.
Sometimes IS completely messes up with the message they want to tell (TFW Tellius’ woes originated from Lehran losing his powers when he fucked Altina, but hey, this game is totes anti racism we swear!) and sometimes, you have, well, Fodlan and its self-awareness (who cares about the war, let’s drink some tea and uwu about our cute students, plot be damned! Nabateans? What’s that, a new pastry?) and then, we have Nopes with Mr “those people are so backwards with their outdated values I’ll impose mine by raiding and pillaging their lands and killing their beloved pope whose only sin was to crash on their couch and to eat ice cream, because I hate her guts for some reason”.
That TV Tropers also seemed to have missed Shamir saying Dagda values more “freedom” than Fodlan, even if it means people are free to kill each other, and we are just left wondering what the actual fuck Nopes wanted to say, like, everyone out of Fodlan is a barbarian, per Grandma’s old handbook, or what?
Hell, at this rate I’m wondering if the writers weren’t so full of Hresvelg Grey that they suddenly wrote Brigid and Dagda to have “crap” values, to justify Adrestia periodically trying to conquer them...
“Fodlan should open its borders!”
Looks at Fodlan’s neighbours per Nopes : uh yeah. how about no.
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easilyentertained99 · 1 month
chat, i need to be honest. that was not good
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proofreading an email for 2 hours straight just on the off chance that sometime between the 14th and 15th rereading the text has magically been replaced with a bunch of slurs and images of dead animals or something that I somehow entirely missed before
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pastaxandria · 11 months
The Red Thread: Chapter 156
The Library of Pastaxandria has recorded for its shelves: Chapter 156 of The Red Thread.
Ship: Matt Murdock x F!Reader
Chapter Summary:
Your heart skipped in your chest, picking up speed. Here, here was the information you needed, the road that would guide you to both the orchid and, potentially, some additional clues about where Derek might be hiding. Hell, maybe you wouldn’t even need the orchid. Even if Margaret was headed out, there might be other people in the building who'd formed enough of an attachment to him. The orchid would be the easier option if you could get your hands on it—a single thread you knew reliably led to Derek, one that wouldn’t require you to dig through threads in alleys or during risky conversations. But you’d still take that backup if you could get it, just in case. You’d do whatever it took to find Derek. And once you found him… you'd find Anthony. Could Anthony feel it? That cool shiver down his spine as you closed in? Did he feel hunted, like you did? Afraid?
Wordcount: 5.6k
Warnings for this chapter: brief references to being abused and being robbed, but no other warnings!
Read me on AO3 because that’s where penguins hang out
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rahabs · 7 months
I love SVU, but "rape is okay when it's committed by a minority and white women should feel guilty about those rapists being punished by the law/reporting those rapes" was a very, very bad message to send, and a bizarre one considering what the show is, what it is about, and what it's historically been about.
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niallandtommo · 4 months
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the-acid-pear · 8 months
Hands of hips looking down shaking my head I don't know how to sugarcoat this so I won't but signs is so much better than nope. I don't know how people even say the movie aged bad. I think the feelings they have for the director cloud their view (I don't even know how either of his names). You got a 1:30hs movie vs a 2hs movie (I'm cutting the 10 minutes of credit for both) where in one you are never bored and are gripped by emotions and the other where you sit waiting for anything to happen. Like I'm sorry but there's no fight here. Hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby.
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justtogetthrough · 23 days
For real though, why would someone turn off read receipts after a fight when you’ve had them on for a year and a half?
I will also never understand how they work. I’ve always kept my read receipts off because I hate them. But if the other iPhone user has them on, it means our conversation uses them despite my settings saying NOPE. And I’ve never found a way to turn them off without telling the other person to turn them off. This has happened for the whole 5 years I have had an iPhone (4 of those being for work).
But now, my friend went and turned hers off and they stopped showing up. I checked my settings for our conversation and I still have them turned on. Why isnt that forcing them, like other people’s have always forced me in the past? Why do iPhones only force read receipts in the direction I don’t want them?
This is the way it should be, if one person wants privacy the chat needs to be private. I’ve never understood how one person having them on would take away the other persons privacy. It’s ironic timing that now that I do want to see her read receipts and I do purposely have mine on, all of a sudden Apple turns favours the person turning them off.
Apple, this feels personal. I want a say in this. There were so many people at work who had them on and I had mine turned off for EVERY CHAT/CONTACT but because they opted in it forced me too. Why aren’t you forcing my friend now >;( Be consistent damn it
I don’t understand how this works
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crushpunchh · 7 months
nothing serious just thoughts about a DR au that i got embarrassed about putting up here <3
#thinking about my DR au#sorta a swap au in the sense that people are in different roles but like its not a 1:1 swap situation#also theres some insanely detailed subplot with spamton who isnt even very important. might make the roles less defined because its actuall#absurd.#anyway. what im thinking about is specifically the snowgrave equivalent#and how Absolutely Hilarious it would be if after a genocide chapter 1 ralsei just called up lancer like IF I TELL YOU TO DO ANYTHING WEIRD#TOMORROW. DONT LISTEN TO ME. PLEASE?#and then in ch2 lancer basically went LOL no. im not doing that. and theres just no snowgrave because ralsei thought Oh God Oh Fuck#What If Other People Get Involved In This Too.#lancer voice ohhhhh ! nope :>#Only way to do snowgrave is if you did pacifist ch1. Otherwise Lancer will simply go ? no. and then tell susie ralsei might need to go to#the vet when they run into her because he is a little bit more bloodthirsty than usual.#crush.zip#crush.txt#love this au dearly. ralsei is hysterically funny in how he reacts to the possession situation#hes like okay i guess this was divinely ordained ! um ! please dont involve my friends in it though !#Literally i think if you play ch1 pacifist all he does after taking the soul out is make something to eat because he hasnt eaten all day LO#neutral/genocide ch1 though. like anything that in canon wouldve had the revolution not work.#then he calls up lancer like HI I THINK SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH ME. IF I SAY ANYTHING WEIRD TMRW DONT LISTEN TO ME PLEASE ? PLEASE?#PASS ON THE MESSAGE TO SUSIE. THANK YOU. NOW I HAVENT EATEN ALL DAY SO IM GOING TO GO MAKE SOMETHING. SORRY FOR WAKING YOU UP. GOODNIGHT.#figure maybe in a hypothetical game situation youd be able to check his phone and see he called lancer at like 3 in the morning#no further context unless you try snowgrave.#im not settled on whether lancer WOULD actually just straight up go 'no lol' if you played ch1 like that#like i think the first few snowgrave specific scenes hed be way less down for but maybe it would still be possible? harder but stillpossibl#idk. i do think it would be very funny if you just straight up couldnt do snowgrave without playing ch1 pacifist though.#none of that 'worst possible genocide route' shit you HAVE to play ch1 pacifist or lancer will go Yeah no not happening ! :>#it would be funny but probably not actually good like from a gameplay perspective.#so no maybe.#I think definitely if ch1 was neutral/genocide there would be a lot more chances to back out though.
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rocicrew · 2 years
i just realized that naomi has to call/send a message to holden's parents to tell them he died,,,,
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mymultifandomhell · 9 months
i wish for once the people who i liked would like me back not even in a romantic sense i just want friends
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spacecrows · 11 months
hell is other people answering machines
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ei-mugi · 1 year
just got banned from an enstars discord for explaining why i support bi lesbians o7 happy pride month everyone
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I was going through my childhood email and found this one that I sent a friend
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I want to study this email in a lab. I want to send this into space and convince aliens this is how humans speak.
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paperhandsexe · 1 year
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statusquoergo · 1 year
“Come on.”
Diane looks up as Naomi stands and holds out her hand as if this isn't a ridiculously careless thing she's asking her to do, as if neither of them has the good sense to mention that neither one of them has any idea what they're getting themselves into. As if neither of them might be walking straight into a trap of their own making, or nothing much will change at all and they'll forget about each other in a month, or a few days. As if it's a risk worth taking to find out which.
As if there's anything else to do today.
“I'm not going to the hospital.”
“I know.” Naomi reaches a little closer. “I have a first aid kit at home.”
Enough to get them through, that's all. Enough for now.
“You know how to wrap it?” Diane asks as she takes Naomi's hand to pull herself up, as though the answer might change her mind somehow. Naomi smiles a little, as though she knows it just as well that it won't.
“Yeah.” She sets Diane's hand down on her shoulder. “It's not far, come on. I'll carry you down the stairs.”
“You'll drop me.”
“I will not.” Naomi urges her forward, along the concrete path out of the park. “I mean I'm just offering, I don't have to.”
It's a nice gesture, though, isn't it? It was a nice thought.
They walk slowly down the street, stepping more or less in sync past the general store with the baking supplies just past the doorway, turning at the corner to walk toward the coin laundry that's open even at three in the morning and also on holidays. A hand-drawn poster in the window of the discount shoe store across the street loudly advertises VACUUMS REFURBISHED while a Times New Roman printout on the telephone cubicle in the middle of the block offers “suitable compensation” in exchange for willing test subjects, No Questions Please; a few steps farther along stands an apartment building that somehow looks like it's missing a couple of stories, and Diane shifts her weight to her good leg as Naomi steps away to fumble with the lock on the front door.
“It's the door on the left,” Naomi says, the door sticking only slightly as she shoves it open. “When you get to the basement.”
She opens the first door on the right, a stairwell that only leads down.
“Upstairs is that door over there, but I don't know any of the neighbors, so. I'm not gonna introduce you to anyone.”
That's fine. Diane doesn't want to know any of them, either.
Naomi walks down the stairs first and doesn't try to carry her.
“Bathroom's at the end of the hall,” she says. “The taps aren't broken, the water's just cold when it's cold outside and warm when it isn't, but if you let it run for a little while, it'll...fix itself. And make sure you don't touch the water heater, it's metal and it gets really hot sometimes.”
Diane clutches the wooden banister nailed to the wall as she limps her way down and wonders how much of all this she's supposed to remember. All of it, probably. It isn't very complicated.
Naomi unlocks the door on the left and holds it open.
“You can sit on the bed.”
It's good of her to offer. It isn't much of a bed, really, more of a mattress pushed into the corner, but that isn't exactly a surprise, and it's good of her to offer all the same.
“Thanks,” Diane says, a little too late to seem quite natural. Naomi hums a disinterested acknowledgment and doesn't seem to mind.
“Take off your shoes.”
Diane promptly unties her sneakers, placing them on the floor beside the bed as Naomi kneels in front of her with a roll of ACE bandage in her hand and her eyes focused on Diane's ankle like she's the only attending physician in the entire complex who doesn't have better things to do with her time than tend to something as trivial as all this. Diane should count herself lucky the timing worked out the way that it did.
Lucky, was it? It's about time.
The single bulb in the overhead light flickers a little as if a public execution has just disrupted the power grid, or someone's turned on too many air conditioners at once and blown a fuse a few floors up.
“Don't worry about it,” Naomi says. Diane doesn't bother to assure her that she wasn't.
#anna tries to be original#i started reading something that objectively has nothing wrong with it but within about three pages had me bored out of my mind#and i started skimming it to see if it picked up or anything caught my interest later on#but i noticed that a few of the paragraphs were like thirty lines long#and i immediately noped the hell out of there#and then i was like 'you know what i should do is i should work on that story that i spend about twenty minutes on every four or five days'#i took a phys ed class in college that was literally all education#we didn't actually do any sports or anything#it was all classes and lectures and stuff#one day we went to the nurse's office or whatever you call that area on a college campus#and we learned how to wrap sprained ankles#i know i picked it up very quickly but i have absolutely no recollection of how to do it now#also yesterday i had to spend the day dealing with some incredibly idiotic coworkers#i don't even think they're necessarily stupid people but they were certainly acting like it#and first thing this morning one of the messaged me with a stupid question to follow up on all her stupid questions from yesterday#'where is this data in the file?' oh gosh i don't know have you tried spending two seconds actually LOOKING FOR IT#and someone else messaged me at the same time to ask for help with something that he's now doing completely wrong#but it's a new system and i know he's trying and i also know he is actually good at his job so i don't mind helping him#but i'm going to have to waste my afternoon in a meeting with the other idiot#and two people who DO have their shit together but i know for sure that if he has to do anything it'll add like half an hour's time#to a task that should take five minutes tops#also there's a severe weather warning for excessive heat today#i want to go out and buy some fruit before it gets too unbearable#but in order for that to happen i need these people to leave me alone for twenty minutes
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