#what is it with me and michaels.
transmasc-wizard · 2 years
👁 :3
i will rec "michael in the bathroom" from the be more chill musical because i have listened to it over a hundred times in the past 3 days!!!!!!! (it has played on loop in the background while i draw)
michael hes a loner so he must be a stoner rides a pt cruiser god hes such a loser michael flying solo who you think that you know michael in the bathroom by himself, all by himselfffffffffffffff
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startreklesbian · 3 months
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Happy birthday to me i guess
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mangozic · 1 month
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michael shelley I would die for you
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FNAF puppet and Michael Afton got beef,,
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certifiablyinsanez · 7 months
It’s so cute when people think Crowley is suave and sexy and cool. Like, only under the threat of destruction by Satan himself can make this demon say ‘fuck’ apparently. He has a corny ass voicemail. Don’t give him access to a crystal ball and a fez if you don’t want him to start acting goofy. 20% of his personality is being a Plant Mom. The other 80% is being a Wine Aunt. She cosplays Mary Poppins just cuz. She manages to stay “up to style” and is very bad at it somehow. 90% of his existence can be summarized as “Silly Simp”.
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samwwise · 11 months
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I didn’t get a chance to say what I was gonna say. I think I better say it now. Right. Okay, yes. So.
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enthusiasteditor · 8 days
Anyone can be passionate, but it takes real lovers to be silly
- Rose Franken
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crowlixcx · 2 months
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ingravinoveritas · 29 days
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David, Michael, and the joy of being together...
| GO 1 press tour, 2019 vs. TV BAFTAs red carpet, 2024.
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aziraphalalala · 9 months
I am not entirely certain what will happen once the actors & writers strike ends, but I'm pretty sure Michael Sheen will break the sound barrier with how fast he will go feral on the internets about how Aziraphale wants to eat Crowley's ox rib
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izacore · 11 months
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You're in trouble and we're not leaving you on your own. We aren't in danger.
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thesherrinfordfacility · 11 months
how the hell does michael sheen do it? no seriously - how does he look utterly besotted and wary at the same time, immeasurably old and inconceivably young simultaneously, learned and naive in equal force
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i don't understand but i would like it bottled and i would like to buy it, but someone needs to have a word with him and tell him to give 👏 it 👏 a 👏 rest 👏 please 👏✨
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idliketobeatree · 3 months
The lighting in the S1 1941 flashback is so painfully dark I was rewatching it on a 150% brightness and perhaps I am five years late, but how come I've never noticed that this
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is how Aziraphale gazes at Crowley before the "little demonic miracle of my own"???
This is him before the love realisation, just after Aziraphale miracled them both safe from the bomb exploding on the church with the Nazis. No heartwarming acts of service yet — best to his knowledge, Crowley was only there for moral support, because he "didn't want him to get embarassed". And his gaze is— I don't know what to say. Like it would kill him to look away. So fond, so immersed, "oh God, there you are", like hundreds of years have passed, not decades since they saw each other last. Books? What books? What air raid, what war?
Arguably the best part of the scene happens literal seconds after. If you pay close attention to the whole shot, you'll spot the brown satchel on the side. Which Aziraphale would notice earlier too, if he could focus on anything other than Crowley.
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trashno0dle · 1 year
so there's a lot of speculation whether or not they're gonna have mike be michael or not in the fnaf movie. and so far even i thought it was pretty unlikely considering the little things we've been shown. but now that the full trailers been revealed there's something that caught my eye. and maybe i'm puling a matpat here and over analyzing one little frame but. just hear me out alright. so in the little snippet we see of a phone call between mike and william, it's pretty normal and well, there's nothing to show that they know each other. clearly mike doesn't know who he's talking to, he just wants a job.
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and honestly for me i was losing hope that they were gonna have mike be revealed to be michael. since initially i thought this was just them confirming that he's not since, surely if he was michael then he'd recognize his fathers voice? but. that might not be the case.
my theory/speculation for the route they're going (again, emphasis on the theory i'm not saying this is 100% canon) is that it's heavily implied there's going to be SOME kind of flashback with mike as a young teenager, since a boy was cast and listed as "young mike" too. and this information about his character given back when casting for the roles were announced.
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"riddled with guilt over a tragedy in his past" which only further strengthens the possibility of a flashback to the bite of 83 where michael pranked his brother and inadvertently caused his death. it's the aftermath of this event with determines how this theory could work. either, william and his wife divorced shortly after, and his wife got custody of mike - they married into another family, the schmidt's. this could lead to abby either being his step-sister or his half-sister.
OR. mike was taken away from william either because of the bite or because the police were heavily suspicious that william was responsible for the missing children. he was put into the system and adopted by - again - the schmidt's. and the reason he doesn't remember anything is because the trauma and the guilt from the bite of 83 and the death of his little brother caused him to heavily repress those memories and in turn, a lot of others (william) without realizing.
so mike doesn't recognize william's voice here. but william?
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this is the frame that caught me here. his expression, the subtle smile on his face. the gears are turning in his head, something clicked.
what if william was keeping tabs on mike this whole time? and he carefully plotted to ensure he got the job at freddy's. for reasons unknown. maybe he just wanted to mess with him, make him remember everything he repressed from his childhood - he's trying to get him to remember by bringing him back to the place where it all started. he remembers his son, but mike doesn't remember his father.
BUT that's just me i'm a little insane. anyway i needed to make this post and write down my thoughts or i'd explode.
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What’s William Afton’s problem in FNAF….
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itsscottiesstark · 4 months
Here's some of my favorite Crowley on laudanum moments, just because:
1. Death is "just wrONGGG", Crowley said so. No more dying.
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2. Because if you don't get high and improvise the unofficial anthem of Scotland (it's canon, Crowley improvised it), what are you even doing with your overly long life?
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3. This lil dance is the best, I swear.
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4. Reminder, he's looking at a graveyard, at night.
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5. Find me someone cuter, I'll wait.
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6. It was dark, he was wearing sunglasses, and he was high. Leave him alone.
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7. I am petrified.
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And bonus points because I will never get over this:
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No, don't be shy, get closer.
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