#what is mariana’s official title actually
Requesting someone to pump Sherlock & Co directly into my bloodstream please and thank you.
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smalltowndetective · 4 years
27 with Mason from the dialogue prompt list plz? :)
Hello! Thank you for the request! I always love getting them from you! :)
And speaking of requests, I am still taking them! I have this list with lists that I take requests from, but if you just have a headcannon or just some small idea of dialogue for any member of Unit Bravo (Or Falk maybe? Haven’t written anything for him yet), send it to me! I’d love to write something for it!
27-  “Tell me again.”
Ao3 Link
Title: Made you Mine
Pairing: Mason and Mariana “Mari”
Words: 1.5k
Summary: This is my first attempt at writing deep relationship Mason, and it was a bit tricky, but I think I really liked how it turned out! But don’t worry, we’ll be back to our normally scheduled programming of these two ignoring their feelings soon enough ;)
Tags: @lilyoffandoms @lividlyinlove @anotherbeingsworld
If you told Mariana a year and a half ago that the brooding man with the steely gray eyes who lit a cigarette in her office even with the obvious no smoking sign would become her boyfriend, without a doubt, she would have laughed in your face.
               It still feels weird to even call him that.
               A lifetime of avoiding attachments had crumbled when she had met him, whether she had realized it then or not. It was like, right then, she knew that she was never going to get rid of him, and he was never going to get rid of her.
                She did not regret that it all came down, as much as it had scared her at first.
               And as the walls that she had been building over the course of her life were pulled down, it left her with a realization.
                We already had loyalty to each other, something that I think surprised both of us.
               At least, for me he did.
               Part of her did regret taking so long to actually realize what she was feeling, but the other part was perfectly fine with how it had turned out in the end. It had all come together just like it was intended to, and she never wanted to take that away from it. Time had just made it sweeter.
               The fire was mean to last after all.
               And oh, how it is burning so bright now, with nothing that can quench it.
               It was a strange feeling to feel for her, but she never had felt just unexplainably elated before. There was always something that dragged her back down, keeping her in the here and now. But she felt like she was in the clouds, and for the first time, she did not care just how long the fall to earth was.
               She did not know what the hell to expect when they made it “official”, never having had a relationship get to that level and neither did Mason, and it almost seemed silly to ask other people what to expect with that switch. For some reason, she almost believed that everything would change once that happened, and part of her was fearful that would happen, but it did not. It was the same as it always was, just something more solid about it. Like an added security, even if she did not truly understand that, it still feeling new to her.
               That was not to say it was not grounded in something before, because it was. More subtle, but it was always there. But the finality of making it true, that the two of them had finally stopped dancing around the issue and admitted it to each other.
               It was a promise even, the promise to stick by each other until the end.
               Whenever that end may be.
               But you’re not going on if there will be an end now, focus on the beginning.
               Mariana laughed at the memory of the rest of the team finding out about it, and even though she knew they had noticed that something was going on, something deeper, it was not enough to wipe the surprise of their faces, something that she still treasured, since she could remember a similar look on her face when both her and Mason had finally figured out what they were.
               I think they were all as surprised as we were.
               Felix had not been able to stop teasing Mason about it ever since it had happened, and she did not think that Nate’s knowing smile, that little, I told you so, would ever quite wipe off at his face at the two of them, which she supposed that she deserved after everything she did to avoid her own feelings in the first place. And well, Adam, seemed to care less about it, from the surface at least, but she still treasured the ways his eyes widened when he realized, which she had made sure to make fun of him for.
               He just makes it so damn easy.
               I have never met someone easier to make fun of, it’s quite an accomplishment really.
               But today, was not going to be about the team.
               Instead, it was about hanging around her room with Mason at the warehouse, avoiding work for as long as possible. The past year had been a whirlwind ever since finding out about the supernatural, which still felt like the most unbelievable thing that she had ever heard, but it was the truth, and with everything that she had seen there was no denying that.
               And as much as it still overwhelmed her at times, she was starting to get better at dealing with it. Yes, the supernatural may be out there, and apparently forever after her blood, but she had found a stronger semblance of family with the Unit then she had ever had before, and no one, supernatural or otherwise, was going to take that away. She would fight tooth and nail to keep that safe.  
               She looked over her room, it decorated just as darkly as the one back at her apartment, the only light coming from the small lamp on her nightstand, and it was crazy to her how comfortable that she felt here, as if she had lived here her entire life.
               It feels like home.
               Mariana turned over to look over at Mason, who had his arm wrapped around her shoulders, and her hand on his thigh, how they typically ended up. It was pure closeness, almost pure, even though she knew that would never be used to describe either of them, it was something that she would never want to give up, as much as that still surprised her after so long of shying away from committed relationships, and getting close to people in general.
               They may not have anything to say to each other as they spent these moments together, but she hardly cared. Let the comfortable silence come, soothing like a blanket in the middle of winter. Him being there was enough.
               Being with him feels like home.
               She moved her head to fit into the crook on his neck, savoring the added closeness, and she could feel him give a low chuckle.
               “What?”, she muttered, moving her head to meet his eyes, “You have an issue, sunshine?”
               But the sarcasm of as said her pet name for him had died off, being left with only truth, genuine truth. Because in a strange way, he did light up her life, in a way that no one else had, which still surprised her, especially considering how she would never thought so just a year ago.
               I don’t anyone else would say that he does so.
               But I don’t care.
               He does for me.
               “No”, he muttered simply, with the smallest raise of his eyebrow, and Mariana could feel a devilish grin slide across her face.
               She moved closer till she was mere inches away from his face, her eyes gleaming in challenge, “Then what is this about then?”
               Not seeming to have an answer for that, he brought them the two of them together in a kiss. And even as it was full of passion as it normally was, there was something different as well. Almost a sweetness that was quite there yet, something deeper than either of them knew what to do with, and were both still figuring that out.
               But she was more then prepared to figure out what that was, with this man at her side.
               With whatever that entails.
               “Good answer”, she almost purred as they moved apart, and Mason gave a smirk in return.
               “I would think so, sweetheart”, he replied, his eyes almost seeming to glimmer, and she smiled at it.
               “It was you the whole time, you know”, she said suddenly, not really sure why she was doing so, but it felt right. A small truth that they both knew, but needed someone to finally say. And she was more then okay then being the one to do so. She was no longer afraid anymore.
               “Tell me again”, he scarcely whispered, and at first Mariana thought it was because he did not believe her, but the almost full smile said otherwise, and while it looked slightly strange on his face, something she had never seen before, she would never do anything to get rid of it.
               “It was you the whole time”, she whispered in return, meeting his lips in another kiss.
               The two had never outwardly said that they loved each other, but it was implied in everything that they did, and the small statement was pretty much a declaration of it, even if they may not act like it was.
               We’ve got a long way to go to figure out this whole relationship thing.
               And I’m fully for figuring it out.
               Time seemed to pass quickly and slowly at the same time as they stayed there together, neither ever wanting it to end.
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loyolahcmass · 4 years
Homily on Who Do You Love by Marianas Trench
Here is the preview of Fr. Rossi’s homily about the song Who Do You Love by Marianas Trench:
"Who Do You Love"
Marianas Trench
 “I'll say goodbye to my demons
And all my breakevens
Ever yours
I won't come back to you broken
I won't stay away too long.”
 Marianas Trench is a Canadian pop rock band from Vancouver, British Columbia.
 They’ve been around since 1999.
 Their 2016 single, "Who Do You Love," is about the desire to become a better person for the people you love.
 The official music video for that song premiered later that same year. 
 Now, as we all know, music videos are very expensive. 
 They involve tens of thousands of dollars on production costs, makeup, lighting and a lot more. 
 But the guys from Marianas Trench decided “Who Do You Love” deserved a different, worthier kind of video. 
 After all, the songs about loving others!
 They wanted to do something “impactful”. 
 So, they took the cash they were going to use to film a slick music video and instead spent it all doing good deeds.
 In lieu of a conventional video shoot, the group opted to direct the clip's $50,000 budget towards charitable undertakings.
 “Hey, it’s in keeping with the `vibe’ of the song,” they say. 
 Fittingly the guys in the band decided to feature some people and organizations that are close to their heart. 
 They wanted to do inspirational things, big and small, for people they knew but also for complete strangers. 
 So, a camera crew followed the four around Vancouver as they performed these acts of compassion.
 One of the really special things they do is contribute towards an under-funded school's music program.
 And by contribute, they not only give money to the program, but work with the students personally as music professionals.
 Finally, they spent quality time with their families and the children they love. 
 The video may not be expensive, but it is really well done! 
 And it records real emotions.
 It’s touching to see the unaffected reactions of the people whom the guys are helping out. 
 You just need to see the faces of the grateful school kids they’re working with.
 According to drummer Ian Casselman, with this video, “we were trying to inspire people to do good things”.
 They end the video with the song's title flashed across the screen with the word "you" italicized for emphasis.
 "Who Do You Love"
 Which begs the question, what good deed would you like to do for someone? 
 Would it be for a family member? 
 A Friend? 
 Should you be doing something for one of these people now? Today?
 Marianas Trench has done us a real favor in asking this question.
 And, right on cue, Jesus answers it very personally in today’s Gospel.
 Last week, he cured St. Peter’s mother-in-law.
 He did it as a personal favor for someone who was close to him.
 And that’s fine.
 But now he shows his love for a total stranger.
 A member of one of the neediest groups of people in Israel: a leper.
 ‘A leper came to Jesus and kneeling down begged him and said,
“If you wish, you can make me clean.”
Moved with pity, he stretched out his hand, 
touched him, and said to him, 
“I do will it. Be made clean.”
The leprosy left him immediately, and he was made clean.’
 What Jesus does is totally out of the ordinary.
 Ancient Jews just didn’t do this.
 In fact, they were forbidden to do so by the Law of Moses according to the Book of Liviticus.
 “The one who bears the sore of leprosy
shall keep his garments rent and his head bare,
and shall muffle his beard and
he shall cry out, ‘Unclean, unclean!’
As long as the sore is on him, he shall declare himself unclean,
since he is in fact unclean.
He shall dwell apart, making his abode outside the camp.”
 Now, at the time of Jesus this tenet of the Law was taken very seriously by every devout Jew.
 Not only were lepers to keep to themselves apart from other Jews, but Hebrews, who were not lepers, could not go near anyone with the disease.
 If they did, they were rendered “unclean,” which meant they could not worship at Temple or synagogue.
 They could not even associate with other Jews and other Jews had to shun them.
 In other words, they were treated just like actual lepers.
 Think about that!
 Jesus was risking everything to heal this poor man.
 Many pious Jews immediately condemned Him for disobeying the Torah.
 And this was especially true of the religious leaders, who had been looking for any excuse to kill Him.
 He was deemed a heretic and a blasphemer by them for doing good.
 So, he was risking everything out of love.
 And he did it knowing the price, the consequences.
 But he did it purposefully.
 In fact, for exactly the same purpose Marianas Trench is helping the people in their video.
 “…to inspire other people to do good things”.
 Jesus wants to know something: 
 Who Do We Love?
 And how are we going to show it?
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erikahenningsen · 4 years
Underrated musicals and plays you should check out
Happy quarantine everyone! I’ve been thinking about making a post like this for a long time now and what better time to do it then when we’re all stuck inside.
Play or musical? Play.
What’s it about? Indecent is a play by Paula Vogel. It recounts the controversy surrounding the Yiddish play God of Vengeance by Sholem Asch, which was produced on Broadway in 1923, for which the cast of the original production was arrested on the grounds of obscenity. God of Vengeance was the first kiss between two women on Broadway.
Why should I check this out? The writing is beautiful and the structure is seamless, balancing emotion, comedy, music, and drama effortlessly. It’s one of the best-directed shows I’ve ever seen (the direction rightfully won a Tony Award). Each actor plays several characters (and several play their own instruments) brilliantly and distinctly. Jewish culture is front and center, and there there is a canon WLW couple in both Indecent and God of Vengeance. Indecent is hilarious one moment and devastating the next. You will not be able to stop thinking about this play after watching it.
How can I watch this show? Indecent has a proshot available on the PBS website, or you can ask me for a link to my copy of it. 
Can I buy the text? Yes.
Is there a cast recording? Yes.
Play or musical? Musical. 
What’s it about? Come From Away is a musical by Irene Sankoff and David Hein. It is set in the week following the September 11 attacks and tells the true story of what transpired when 38 planes were ordered to land unexpectedly in the small town of Gander in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, as part of Operation Yellow Ribbon. The characters in the musical are based on (and in most cases share the names of) real Gander residents as well as some of the 7,000 stranded travelers they housed and fed.
Why should I check this out? Come From Away is one of the best-written musicals I’ve ever seen. The pacing is perfect and every person in the cast plays at least three different characters seamlessly. The music is incredibly unique, as it is heavily influenced by Newfoundland folk music. You will laugh. You will cry. You will have the music stuck in your head for two weeks. The only problem with watching Come From Away during quarantine is it will make you want to give the special people in your life a hug.
How can I watch this show? Come From Away is currently playing on Broadway, in the West End, on tour across the US, and in Toronto, Melbourne, and Sydney. There are several video bootlegs that aren’t hard to find. 
Can I buy the text? I don’t think so. Correct me if I’m wrong.
Is there a cast recording? Yes.
Play or musical? Play.
What’s it about? Choir Boy is a play by Tarell Alvin McCraney, who is best known for co-writing the Oscar-winning screenplay of Moonlight, the movie based on his play, In Moonlight Black Boys Look Blue. Choir Boy follows Pharus, a gay teenager at an all-black, all-boys boarding school. Pharus has just been elected the lead of his school choir, a very high honor. Though Pharus is lauded for his vocal talent, his classmates do not all respond well to his flamboyance and confidence. Choir Boy is a story centered on relationships that asks what it means to be a young, gay, black man in America.
Why should I check this out? One of the most devastatingly beautiful pieces of theatre I have ever seen, Choir Boy is overflowing with fantastic monologues, hilarious one-liners, and gorgeous a cappella songs with some really dope step choreography. Tarell McCraney is the master of writing heartfelt, realistic romantic and platonic love between men of color. 
How can I watch this show? Choir Boy is gaining popularity as a regional show. Unfortunately there is no video bootleg in circulation, and although I am absolutely positive MTC has one, there is no proshot. There are a lot of official clips on YouTube and if you message me privately I can give you an audio recording of the show. 
Can I buy the text? You can buy the pre-Broadway version of the play. We have not been successful in finding a Broadway copy of the text, although I do have one I got at flea that was part of a Tony voters package.
Is there a cast recording? No, and I’m mad about it.
Play or musical? Musical.
What’s it about? The Wrong Man started as a concept album by Ross Golan, and he expanded on it to create a 90-minute musical. Duran, a man down on his luck in Reno, Nevada, meets Mariana at a bar one night. They become romantically involved and make plans to leave Reno together. However, Mariana's violent ex-husband has just been released from prison, and when he finds out about their relationship, he frames Duran for murder.
Why should I check this out? The Wrong Man is completely sung-through and it is bops on bops on bops. There is not a dull song in this show and the orchestrations (by Alex Lacamoire of Hamilton fame) are gorgeous. The choreography (by Travis Wall) is my favorite I have ever seen. Joshua Henry, Ciara Renée, and Ryan Vasquez can sing literally anything. This show also did something really unique where they had Ryan Vasquez play the role of Duran once or twice a week.
How can I watch this show? There is a video bootleg that is NFT until July 15th, but I can give you the master’s information if you’d like to purchase it now. Message me privately for audio. 
Can I buy the text? No.
Is there a cast recording? Not yet. We’ve gotten some hints that there may be one coming soon. You can listen to the concept album, but it’s quite different from the show and I’d recommend listening to the audio first. 
Play or musical? Musical.
What’s it about? The Scottsboro Boys is a musical with a book by David Thompson, music by John Kander and lyrics by Fred Ebb, based on the Scottsboro Boys trial.
Why should I check this out? The Scottsboro Boys is one of those shows that sounds like it wouldn’t work at all (and I think that unfortunately is most of the reason why it did so poorly on Broadway) but is actually brilliant. It is one of the sharpest, most poignant pieces of satire I’ve ever seen. The balance of comedy and the heartbreaking subject matter creates an incredibly powerful pieces of art. I saw a small regional production in a black box theater and it’s still one of my favorite things I’ve ever seen.
How can I watch this show? You may be able to catch this show at a regional theater. I think there may possibly be a bootleg, but I’m not sure if this is in circulation in any digital form. I don’t personally have audio of the show, but I’m sure it’s out there. There are some official clips on YouTube. 
Can I buy the text? I don’t think so.
Is there a cast recording? There is an Off-Broadway cast recording and a London cast recording
Play or musical? Play.
What’s it about? I know it is a bit crazy to be calling Angels in America underrated as it has been around forever and literally won the Tony, Drama Desk, and Pulitzer and the revival won the Tony, but I feel that it’s underrated on tumblr and among young people. Angels in America is a two-part play (individually titled Millennium Approaches and Perestroika) by Tony Kushner. It a complex, often metaphorical, and at times symbolic examination of AIDS and homosexuality in America in the 1980s. Certain major and minor characters are supernatural beings (angels) or deceased persons (ghosts). The play contains multiple roles for several of the actors. Initially and primarily focusing on a gay couple in Manhattan, the play also has several other storylines, some of which occasionally intersect.
Why should I check this out? The camp! The drama! The comedy! The devastation! The OG comedy featuring Mormons. Iconic monologues and dialogue. The entire play is about eight hours long, and I would have happily sat through it with no breaks. Nobody will ever write a more epic play. 
How can I watch this show? The most recent revival was filmed by the National Theatre when it was in London. I’m not sure if there’s a way to stream it online but I have a copy I can link you to. There’s also a Broadway revival bootleg. 
Can I buy the text? Yes.
Is there a cast recording? N/A
Play or musical? Musical.
What’s it about? A Strange Loop is about an usher at The Lion King on Broadway who is also named Usher, who is writing a self-referential musical called A Strange Loop. Usher is an overweight, overwhelmed “ball of black confusion” trying to navigate without a compass the hierarchical white, black and gay worlds; his family’s religion, which condemns him for his sexuality; and an entertainment industry that isn’t interested in what he has to say. He’s also having an existential crisis as he deals with questions of reality, illusions, perceptions and identity. His biggest fear is that he’s stuck in an endless cycle of hopelessness where change is not possible.
Why should I check this out? It’s hard to talk about A Strange Loop with people who haven’t seen it because it is truly unlike any other show I have ever seen. It starts out seeming like a musical comedy about identity, but it gets more intense as the show goes on until you’re crying next to a stranger and wondering how the hell you even got there. It’s brilliant.
How can I watch this show? Unfortunately there is no video bootleg, but you can ask me for an audio. Some clips are available on YouTube.
Can I buy the text? No.
Is there a cast recording? Yes. I recommend reading this as you go along so the songs make more sense because they’re pretty wild out of context (they’re pretty equally as wild in context). 
Play or musical? Play.
What’s it about? Paulina, the reigning queen bee at Ghana’s most exclusive boarding school, has her sights set on the Miss Global Universe pageant. But the arrival of Ericka, a new student with undeniable talent and beauty, captures the attention of the pageant recruiter—and Paulina’s hive-minded friends.
Why should I check this out? School Girls is one of the funniest plays I have ever seen. The writing is so smart, and the show deals with racism (both on an interpersonal and worldwide level), colorism, body image, sex and gender, class, and inequality.
How can I watch this show? PBS recently released the proshot on their website. I don’t have a ripped copy yet, so if anyone does have one please send it my way. Regional theaters have been doing this show as well.
Can I buy the text? Yes.
Is there a cast recording? N/A
Play or musical? Musical.
What’s it about? Following a move from New York City to small-town Indiana, young Evan Goldman grapples with his parents' divorce, prepares for his impending Bar Mitzvah, and navigates the complicated social circles of a new school.
Why should I check this out? It’s Jason Robert Brown, so the music slaps. It’s the only Broadway musical ever with a cast and band entirely made of teenagers. Plus it has baby Ariana Grande and Liz Gillies in their Broadway debuts. 13 walked so so many other musicals about teens could run.
How can I watch this show? There is a video bootleg that’s not hard to find. I’m sure there’s audio in circulation as well.
Can I buy the text? Yes.
Is there a cast recording? There is an Broadway cast recording and a West End cast recording
Play or musical? Musical.
What’s it about? Secret Life of Bees is a musical by Duncan Sheik and Lynn Nottage based on the novel of the same name. Haunted by memories of her late mother and abused by her father, 14-year-old Lily Owens runs away with her friend and caregiver Rosaleen to the South Carolina town that holds the key to her mother's past. There, Lily meets the Boatwright sisters, who take her in and teach her about beekeeping, honey, and the Black Madonna. Lily also discovers that the truth about her mother is closer than she thinks.
Why should I check this out? The music is so gorgeous. It’s one of my favorite Duncan Sheik scores. LaChanze is amazing at everything she does, and Elizabeth Teeter and Brett Gray are stars you need to be looking out for. 
How can I watch this show? There is no video bootleg. You can message me privately for an audio.
Can I buy the text? No.
Is there a cast recording? No, but I really wish there was.
Play or musical? Musical.
What’s it about? American Psycho is based on the 1991 novel of the same name and written by Duncan Sheik and Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa. In New York City in 1987, a handsome, young urban professional, Patrick Bateman, lives a second life as a gruesome serial killer by night. The cast is filled by the detective, the fiancée, the mistress, the coworker (Jared Leto), and the secretary. This is a biting, wry comedy examining the elements that make a man a monster.
Why should I check this out? Listen, I won’t lie to you. There is a reason this musical is underrated, and that reason is because it is not good. But I love it. The fun comes from the knowledge that this campy, ridiculous, obscenely bloody show was on Broadway (briefly). Duncan Sheik went off the rails and wrote a techno musical! How can you not love that! Benjamin Walker gives the performance of his career and he did it mostly in his underwear! Heléne Yorke creates a character so grating you find yourself begging Patrick to kill her! They somehow got Alice Ripley AND Jenn Damiano to do this shitshow! I will maintain until the day I die that nobody can top American Psycho’s act one closer. 
How can I watch this show? There are a couple of video bootlegs of the Broadway production, as well as some official clips on YouTube. I have an audio of the West End production that I can share.
Can I buy the text? No.
Is there a cast recording? There is tragically no Broadway cast recording, but there is a London cast recording. 
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thebandcampdiaries · 4 years
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Mind Side Out is back on the scene with a new release: Anthology.
A decade worth of amazing music, embracing influences as diverse as dark-wave, alt-pop, and more.
September 2020 - Mind Side Out is a band from Arizona. They recently released a massive new project titled “Anthology,” which spans the band’s career through the 90s and gives the audience a great retrospective on their most successful tracks and deep cuts alike. Anthology, as the name might suggest, is actually a collection featuring some of the best music the group released throughout the 1990s. In fact, the album has 33 songs, spanning the band’s career from 1990, to 1999. Some of the releases featured within this anthology (Discord, City of Power and Orakitinus) are actually only seeing the light of day right now, as they have never been released to the public prior to this particular anthology! The band’s 1994 album, “Synergy,” was their only other official release. The tracks capture the sound and feel of a decade, through the scope of these talented musicians who have been living, breathing and creating powerful music for their audience. The band’s line up consisted of Roman Chance, who was on lead vocal duties, as well as providing songwriting and a killer array of synth sounds. April Lyn also came up with some awesome synth parts, and some lead and background vocal performances. Songwriter and guitarist Tomi Voltanas really helped the songs with his extra drive, and Russ Del Mar finished it all up with some killer drums. Eugene Canady offered his creative contributions, some back-up vocals, and more!
Tomi Voltanas himself, who is also an audio engineer, went through the massive undertaking of remastering these tracks and fine-tuning the production throughout July 2020.
What makes the anthology quite special is the fact that each song has something different to offer. The track “Soul Lost” almost reminds me of some Phil Collins / Peter Gabriel stuff, but it also features a grittier alternative feel, going for a unique sound. The song “Salvation” features some incredibly edgy synth bass tones, as well as a direct vocal melody that’s immediately easy to relate to. “Sacrifices” has a more industrial feel, offering a darker tone and some aggressive v-drum parts. “Possession” and “Tell Me” follow along the same lines, capturing some of the best electronic sounds of the era. The song “Pretty Girls - Or Does It” offer a more melodic twist, highlighting the group’s flair for more introspective tones. The song “Spirits of Jealousy” is one of the best on the anthology, I enjoy the raw energy of the track, and just how catchy the composition is. The songs “Tell Me,” “Despair” and “Future” feature some killer vocals by April, while the track “Sacrifices,” one of the band’s most successful tunes, can be heard under a different light, thanks to the new versions, billed as “Raw mix” and “Experimental”
Another great thing about this anthology is definitely the fact that it explores the band’s creative process by offering different versions of the track. The alternative edits are really cool and they are great for people who are interested in looking a bit deeper into the process of actually creating music and composing. With 33 solid tracks, you’ve got plenty of music to get through the day and this is a really diverse album, where every song has something different to offer. There are more energetic tracks, but also some softer moments, for example the song Mariana Diving, which makes me think of bands such as Seona Dancing, among others. I love the late 80s / early 90s feel of the electronics on these songs, especially the synthesizers, who are really broad and atmospheric. Colorful, direct and unpredictable, this anthology release feels like a fresh selection of spices, all working together in perfect harmony to create a unique sense of balance. There are no boundaries to this group’s creativity, and this Anthology is not only a testament to the artist’s willingness celebrate their past, but also a really good way to carry their legacy and to introduce their music to a new audience. It’s always amazing to me when I think that this music was actually recorded in a time when streaming services were so far off outside the picture for the average music listener. Today, we really have a completely new way to enjoy and consume music, and it’s amazing to see how it all falls perfectly into place, as these tracks still set the bar higher and push music forward in terms of attitude and style, perfectly suitable for a new generation of music listeners, and not just for an audience looking for a trip down on memory lane, as they say. This band worked very hard on this, and its easy to see that lots of heart and passion went into the making of these songs. These unreleased tracks definitely deserved an audience, and it’s really cool to finally have them out in the wild, for a new audience to discover and appreciate the band’s work and vision.
I would not hesitate to recommend listening to this track if you are a fan of artists such as Depeche Mode, as well as INXS, Nine Inch Nails and Blondie, only to mention a few.
Find out more about Mind Side Out, and do not miss out on this comprehensive and beautiful anthology, which is currently available on Spotify, as well as other digital music streaming platforms on the web.
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scullyy · 6 years
Days With You / Chapter Three
Title: Days With You  Chapter One / Chapter Two / Chapter Three
Pairing: Clementine x Louis
Word Count: 1981
Summary: Louis and Clementine try and enjoy their first official date at the movies, a familiar face manages to make things a tad awkward.
A/N: Yay it’s finally out yeyeyeeye enjoy :)
Louis rolled on his heels as he glanced at the confectionary stand. To get popcorn or M&M’s, that is the question philosophers ponder over. “Do you want any snacks?”
Clementine quickly shook her head. “No thanks, I don't have a big sweet tooth.”
“That’s ironic, given how sweet you are. Ba dum tsh!” He banged an invisible drum, his fingers playing the role of the drumsticks.
Clementine rolled her eyes at her boyfriend's quip. Her boyfriend. “I brought my own snacks,” She gently shook her black bag. “I’m warning you now, I did bring some cantaloupe.”
Louis dramatically pushed her away. “How can this be? I've fallen for someone who actually enjoys cantaloupe?” He buried his face in the collar of his coat, concealing fake tears.
Clementine refused to give him the attention that he so craved from her, turning her eyes back to the screen planted on the wall, the movie times glowing green. “So we're seeing Deadpool 2, right?”
“It’s only the greatest cinematic masterpiece of the decade, right after the first one of course. I’ve already seen it twice,” Louis held his head high, even if Clementine didn’t understand the magnitude of how amazing this movie truly was. “You’ll love it.”
Putting all her eggs into one Louis basket probably wasn’t a good idea, but he seemed so giddy about this damn movie, maybe it was worth it. “If you say so, I haven’t watched a superhero movie-”
“-Deadpool isn’t a superhero-”
She glared up at him, not really caring for the details of a (non)superhero who was foreign to her. “-for a while now. I prefer a good mystery movie, something that makes me think.” Zodiac, Evil Under the Sun and Along Came A Spider were some of her favourites.
“My favourite mystery movie is Who Framed Roger Rabbit.” Louis gave her an innocent thumbs up, trying to turn her deadpan expression into one of glee, maybe even infatuation? The sign of a spark?
Louis got his spark. A spark between the two which ignited an argument about who was paying for the tickets. It was a first date rule! At least that’s what Louis thought, Marlon told him to do it!. Clementine got her way in the end - as always - and paid for their tickets, leaving Louis to grab his own snacks.
“Sorry for trying to be a gentleman,” Louis mumbled between mouthfuls of buttery popcorn. “You have won this round m’lady.”
“Don’t eat it all at once, we’re not even in the theatre yet.” 
Their cinema was almost empty, beside a group of young girls in the front row, giggling over something light-hearted. Louis oh-so-conveniently asked for seats in the back, and like the so-called gentleman he is, his arm was already around her shoulder the second they sat down. No fake yawn or anything.
Clementine’s sharp eyebrow raised itself, having been her friend for a long time Louis knew exactly what she was saying. “I’ve been crushing on you for centuries now, I finally have my chance,” He tilted his head to the side, reminding Clem of a little puppy. An adorable one at that. “To be affectionate.” Louis gave a quick peck to her cheek, finding a sense of pride in how she immediately went red.
Clementine hid her face in her sleeves as she leaned onto his shoulder, taking in a small whiff of his cologne. The kind he only wore on special occasions, also the kind she bought for his birthday a year ago. Not that she noticed or anything...
He pulled out a small packet of candy hearts from one of his secret pockets inside his coat, offering one to Clem. “I know they’re cheesy, but last I checked we’re not lactose-intolerant.”
“That was such a bad joke.”
“Not even.”
Clementine grabbed a pastel pink candy heart, laughing at the unique message. “You can die first.”
“Well damn,” Louis’s shoulders fell as he stared at the wall. “So much for a cute moment.”
She threw it into her mouth, her tongue tingling at the fizz. It was an immediate bad decision. “I really don’t like sweets,” Clementine dragged her teeth over her tongue to remove the lingering tang. “Try another one.”
Louis popped another candy onto his palm. “Kiss me,” His eyes lit up immediately. His head was inching closer to Clementine, that wide smile was very, very alluring. “May I?” With a playful glimmer in her eyes, Clementine shrugged. “Pretty please?” Louis continued his conquest until he got his kiss...on the cheek.
“There, now you have nothing to complain about.” She giggled at how quickly the light within his eyes faded like a candle in the wind.
“You...you absolute devil,” He mocked, biting his lip slowly. “Thank you for the kiss, Clementine.”
“You’re welcome Be-lou-ga.”
“For fuck's sake-”
“-I’m never dropping that nickname,” Clementine bit her tongue to hold back her roaring laugh. She reached into her bag and scrounged up a small blue container. “There is cantaloupe in here, you cool with me eating it?” 
Louis stared at the box as if it would jump out of her hands and eat his face off. “I came here to have a good time and I’m honestly feeling so attacked right now.”
Clementine unlocked the box and threw a small piece of cantaloupe in her mouth, now this was her ideal snack. She quickly jumped in her seat as the large screen sprung to life with advertisement after advertisement playing before them.
“Let’s go buy a car. That nice man is making a good point.” Louis pointed to the young scrappy man on screen, his smile glowing like the red car beside him. Apparently, this car was somehow different from the other cars being displayed in similar advertisements.
“Louis, I already have a car.” Clementine’s truck was stable, it had been with her for years. Lee bought it for her when she went off to university.
 “Another one can’t hurt right?”
“No, it actually will hurt me and my bank account.”
Louis quickly brushed her off, she was such a sceptic. “You gotta believe Clemster. Tell you what, for your birthday I’ll buy you that car.” 
“Wait no, no-”
“The movie’s starting!”
Clementine never got her chance to change Louis’s mind, his eyes were glued to the screen ahead as the film began to roll. She buried herself into his shoulder, preparing herself for the non-superhero movie ahead.
“So what’s your final verdict?” Louis still had his arm draped over Clementine’s shoulders, holding her close to him. The man couldn’t help it, her jacket was so fluffy and warm. 
She hummed it over, weighing the pros and cons. “It was a good time, no alcohol required.”
Louis couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “That’s it? Just a good time,” He spat. “We were watching the same movie right?”
“It was fun, don’t get me wrong. I just don’t have the same attachment to superheroes that you do.” She reached into the box of popcorn and threw one into her mouth, surprised at how she enjoyed the salty taste.
Louis and Clem both lifted their heads to the sound, she looked past his shoulder and her eyes widened. Louis couldn’t tell if it was shock, fear or both. “Oh my god,” She quickly laughed to break the tension that was already developing. “Gabe?”
The pipsqueak scratched his signature orange beanie, his eyes scanning the crumbs on the floor. “H-hi Clem.”
Clementine noticed Louis’s - she wanted to say concerned - expression. “Gabe and I went to Richmond High together, before I changed to Ericson. This is Louis-”
“-Her boyfriend,” Louis chimed in with a wide grin. “Nice to meet you.”
Oh if only he had his phone out to capture the look on Gabe’s face. Poor kid looked like he had been slapped in the face with a fish.
“How’s Mariana?” Clem cut the tension growing between the two boys. It was about to turn into a battle of testosterone. “Is she still taking those singing lessons?”
“Yeah she still does, she complains about her teacher all the time though,” Gabe chuckled. “What about you? Still playing baseball?”
“Yeah, I am. I have a game coming up in a couple weeks actually, tell Javi I’ve been practising,” He somehow hadn’t changed a bit, it was a little concerning. “I haven’t seen you at any of our games in a while.”
Gabe felt exposed, there was a reason why he stopped going, that reason was standing by beside her. “I just found something else to do, I guess.”
“You guess?” Gabe was never that good at lying and Clementine could tell, his cheeks had grown a pink tinge. “Well, we have a game coming up in a couple weeks. I’m sure Javi would like to see you there.”
“Javi hasn’t been talking to me as much lately since I’ve joined the army.”
Clementine almost dropped her phone. “You actually went and did it?” Gabe would spend countless lunchtimes talking about how he was going to be like his dad, be “like a man”. It usually ended with Ava telling him to shut the fuck up.
Gabe straightened his shoulders, no matter how much he tried to add some inches to his height, Louis still towered over him. “I’m excited, I feel like I’ll actually be able to do something, to prove myself.” 
The urge to roll her eyes was growing stronger. “Yikes,” Clem whispered.
Louis could sense she was growing tired of this boy, she wasn’t the only one. He glanced down at his wrist, pretending to look shocked.  
“Well would you look at the time. We best skedaddle Clemster!” There wasn’t even a watch on his wrist. 
Gabe pressed his back against the wall, giving up on his power stance. “Right, it was nice to see you, Clem.”
“You too Gabe. I’ll catch you later,” Clementine gave him a single wave and quickly backed out of the conversation. “I don’t think I’ve ever been so grateful to you for anything.” She gave a loud sigh of relief as soon as they stepped outside.
“He seems…”
“Boring? Yeah, he always has been.” She grabbed her car keys from the bottom of her bag, trying to remember where she had parked. 
Louis pointed the car out for her, his position as the tall boyfriend made it easy to see over the cars. “I was going to say interesting, but if you want to be blunt,” Together they marched over to the deep brown truck, Louis still called shotgun even though there was no one to compete with. “He also doesn’t seem like a very subtle person.”
Clementine slammed her door shut, contemplating what Louis had just said. “What do you mean?”
“Seriously? The guy obviously had a crush on you, I’d argue it’s still there.”
“He does not! We were just friends.” Her and Gabe? Not in a million years. Sure when they first met he was sweet, someone who seemed to understand her struggles. But he was never able to abandon the dark cloud that always hung over his head.
“He never made serious eye contact with you? Never tried to find some excuse to be alone with you, or innocently touch you-”
“Oh fuck…”
Clementine slid her clammy hand through her tight curls, her heart sinking into her chest as Louis laughed at her long-awaited realisation. How could she have been so clueless?
“That’s adorable,” He wiped a tear from his eye. “This poor man was pining after you and you had no idea. I almost feel sorry for him.” Almost.
She wanted to punch so many things right now; Gabe, Louis and herself. “Shut up! I will leave you on the side of the road.”
“I’m sorry my darling. You have to admit though, it’s kinda funny?” Louis managed to wiggle a meek smirk out of her, her shimmering eyes burning into his own.
“Okay, it is a little funny.”
“Atta girl! Always look on the bright side Clem.”
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oldmyths · 6 years
on february 24, 2009, marianas trench released their second album ‘masterpiece theatre’. i don’t remember when i first saw the music video for ‘good to you’ on much music but i know i was sitting on the floor in my mom’s living room. i thought the male singer looked mildly attractive, and i was impressed by his singing, but otherwise didn’t give the band a second thought.
a little later my best friend told me she loved marianas trench, and had managed to get two tickets to a show of theirs. she wanted me to go. i loved spending time with her, so i said yes. the actual experience was kind of terrible—it was in a small venue, and we were pretty far away from the stage. there were no chairs. i was too short to see over anyone’s shoulder, and i didn’t want to stand anymore after a while. but the band caught my attention, and after we walked out i wanted to hear more of them.
since then i’ve seen marianas trench six or seven more times. when matt webb, their guitarist, released a solo ep and went on a modest, canadian tour, i went with my best friend and we had a blast. i’ve only ever seen marianas trench with her.
these four men have brought her and i closer and closer together. without them, i’m not sure if we would have spent as much time together as we have.
but, after all, i spent my time between concerts listening to their music alone; in the car going to school, going to town, in my room, whenever i could. masterpiece theatre stood out the most to me, it felt like a genuine theatrical experience, with the orchestral music fading in on the first track, masterpiece theatre i.
from there i discovered their first album, fix me, which left me feeling exposed and raw in so many uncomfortable ways that i wasn’t prepared to handle. and at the same time, listening to the album let me know that i wasn’t the only person who felt the way i did at the time.
then in 2012, they released their third album, ever after. when marianas trench announced their ‘face the music’ tour, i knew my best friend and i would see them again. but little did i know that i would inadvertently, indirectly meet someone who i would cherish and treasure to this very day at that concert. (we later met officially on tumblr, and i am always so thankful for him in my life.)
all that to say, marianas trench’s music has grown with me throughout my life. i don’t know who i would be without them, without masterpiece theatre. i’ll never forget how matt webb held my gaze and smiled as i sang his lyrics back to him, how josh ramsay gently encouraged me to stand beside him and called me ‘sweetie’. i’ll never forget the first time i was able to distinguish between matt and mike’s backing vocals in masterpiece theatre iii, dancing in the passengar seat to shake tramp, trading lines from decided to break it with my best friend. i’ll never forget hearing the song titles dropped in dearly departed live and openly crying in a sea of fans as josh ramsay did his best to sing the outro.
ten years ago today, marianas trench released their second album masterpiece theatre. i’ve never been able to know for sure what my top 10 album list would look like, but i know with absolute certainty that this album is on it.
thank you, josh, matt, mike, and ian, for this album. thank you for this music. thank you for the immeasurable happiness that you’ve given myself and so many other fans. i owe you all so much. thank you.
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staystrange · 6 years
all i wanna get is a little bit closer | Spierfeld Week Day 1
“You’re getting a boy’s number before you leave tonight, Si,” Leah said, crossing her arms.
“Let’s hope,” he muttered to himself, but to Leah and the others he just shrugged.
Simon meets a mysterious boy named Blue at a Tegan and Sara concert.
Title: “Closer” by Tegan and Sara
Spierfeld Week, Day 1: Alternative First Meeting
read on ao3
Simon still couldn’t believe that Leah, Nick, and Abby had actually managed to convince him to go to a Tegan and Sara concert.
He’d never been one to go to live shows, preferring to enjoy the music in the privacy of the space between his headphones. He loved to close his eyes and truly listen, take in the lyrics, the music, the emotion, the singer’s voice. It was a lot more difficult to do that at a live show; people’s screams and the constant pushing tended to be quite distracting, or so he’d heard.
But when Leah, Nick, and Abby had pitched in to buy tickets for all of them to see Tegan and Sara live together for his birthday, he couldn’t say no. They were his best friends, and they’d gone through all of this trouble to plan an incredible night for him; it would be rude to tell them to cancel all of their plans, and Simon would never forgive himself if he disappointed his friends like that. And hey, maybe he’d actually enjoy the live show after all.
“We have to get there at least two hours early, maybe three,” Leah said at lunch one day as they discussed their plans for the concert, the date of which was fast approaching.
Nick and Abby both nodded, but Simon’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “Why do we need to show up at four? The show doesn’t start until seven,” he asked.
“Oh my God, Simon, could you be any more clueless?” Leah shook her head. “Si, the concert may start at seven, but the doors open at six, and this is a general admission concert, so if we want any chances of getting barricade, we need to get in line at least an hour or two before doors!”
“Okay, whoa, I only understood about half of what you just said,” Simon said, glancing at Nick and Abby, who both looked sheepish.
Leah followed his gaze and noticed their expressions, her eyes glancing down toward their intertwined fingers for a moment before flicking back to their faces. When her eyes locked in with each of theirs, they glanced away. “Do you guys have no idea what I’m talking about, either? Oh my God, how am I friends with you all?” Leah sighed, her head dropping into her hands.
Nick shrugged. “I don’t know about Abby, but I don’t go to that many concerts to be honest. And when I do, they have assigned seats so I just show up right before the doors open.” He looked over at Abby.
“I had a lot of friends in various bands back in DC, so I was on the guest lists for the majority of the general admission shows in the area.” Leah’s mouth dropped open, and Abby grinned. “Yeah, it was pretty sweet.”
“Wait, who have you had guest list for?” Leah asked, forgetting her exasperation for a moment in favor of her inner bandgirl.
“Um, my friends have opened for Marianas Trench, All Time Low a bunch of times before they were huge, Panic! at the Disco a couple times I think…?”
Leah gaped at Abby. “Okay, you’re officially the coolest person I’ve ever met.”
“Thank you!” Nick whispered something in Abby’s ear, and she laughed.
“Anyway, back to Tegan and Sara. So, since you all are inexperienced concert-goers, let me give you a quick crash course.” Leah launched into a full-blown explanation of everything Simon needed to know for the “Big Day”, as she’d decided to call it.
By the time she was finished, the bell was ringing, and Simon somehow felt extremely excited and extremely overwhelmed at the same time. He tried not to let himself overthink everything too much, though. After all, this was his night with his best friends to celebrate his birthday. And he always had Leah, the concert expert, to help him out if he ever needed it.
Simon took a deep breath as he walked into English class, letting it out as he slid into his seat. Only five days away, he thought to himself, a smile appearing on his lips.
The day of the concert finally arrived. Simon hadn’t been able to sleep the night before from excitement; he had to admit, Leah’s constant chatter about how incredible concerts are and how much she was looking forward to going with her three best friends had melted his fears away. Well, most of his fears.
Simon spent all day with his headphones in listening to every single Tegan and Sara album in existence and wondering which ones they’d play that night. He hummed along as he helped Nora make lunch, unable to keep the smile off his face. He was so distracted that eventually Nora just made him the taste tester instead, laughing as she worked.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the doorbell rang. Simon yanked his headphones out, the music still playing as he ran up to the front door and opened it. “Hey, Si!” Leah exclaimed, Abby and Nick grinning behind her. Simon couldn’t help but notice how good Leah looked; she wore a black flow-y shirt with ripped red jeans, and her makeup was done to perfection. Abby looked great too in ripped jean shorts and a band t-shirt, and Nick just looked like typical Nick.
“Wow, you guys all look great!” Simon said.
“Thanks!” Leah said, beaming. Then she gave Simon a once-over, sighing. “Are you kidding me, Simon, did you even try?”
“What?” Simon glanced down at his black pants, striped shirt, and jean jacket. “What’s wrong with it?”
“Did you even listen to my whole explanation on concert attire?” Leah asked, exasperated. Before he could even respond, she continued, “Never mind, let’s just go. We need to get a good spot in line.”
Simon followed his friends to Leah’s car where he took his usual seat: shotgun. As soon as all four seatbelts clicked into place, Leah backed out of Simon’s driveway and they were officially on their way to see Tegan and Sara. Simon glanced at his watch; it was only three.
“Wait, Leah, I thought we agreed we were getting in line at four.” Apparently Nick had noticed the same thing Simon had.
“Again, if you all would listen to me, everything would make sense. The venue is a half an hour away without traffic, so I wanted to leave some extra time just in case.”
“It’s three on a Sunday afternoon. I really don’t think there’s much traffic.”
Leah rolled her eyes. “You’d be surprised, Nick. Just leave the logistics to me, okay? You’ll thank me later.” She stopped at a red light, taking her eyes off the road for a moment to hand the AUX cord to Simon. “You’re the birthday boy. Pick something good, okay?” Leah returned her gaze to the road just in time to see the light turn green.
Simon raised an eyebrow, taking the cord in one hand, his phone in the other. “My birthday was months ago.”
“Well, we bought these tickets around the time of your birthday so it counts.”
Simon shrugged. “Alright, if you say so.” He plugged the cable into his phone and put on “Closer” on full volume. He immediately started singing along completely off-key, not even caring that everyone else was silent. They eventually all joined in at the chorus, and they didn’t stop singing along to whatever songs played on Simon’s phone until Leah put the car in park at the venue’s parking lot.
She turned the key, and the engine, along with the music blasting through the speakers, shut off. “Ready?” Leah asked, unbuckling her seatbelt. “Quick, I already see people lining up.”
They ended up being the seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth people in line. “Leah, we really had nothing to worry about,” Abby said.
“Wait until you see how many people will be here. You’ll thank me later.” Leah grinned, bouncing up and down on her heels.
The four of them sat down and pulled out the snacks they brought, leaning against each other as they continued their conversation. As Simon lifted an Oreo to his lips, the warm sun shining on his face, he suddenly didn’t really mind having to sit in line for two hours.
“Hey, Simon, maybe we’ll find you a cute boy at this concert,” Abby said, just loud enough for the four of them to hear but not too loudly.
Simon had come out to them not long before his birthday, and he guessed that may have had some influence on their choice of artist for these tickets. Since then, they’d been trying to set him up with every boy he met, but not a single one of them worked out. Here, though, here was a whole new realm of possibility, one that Simon hadn’t even considered until Abby had brought it up.
“Maybe,” Simon said, his eyes bright and his lips quirking into a combination of a smile and a smirk. “Maybe not. I guess we’ll just have to see.”
“You’re getting a boy’s number before you leave tonight, Si,” Leah said, crossing her arms.
“Let’s hope,” he muttered to himself, but to Leah and the others he just shrugged.
The doors finally opened and Simon, Abby, and Nick followed Leah as she rushed toward the barricade at the front of the room, waving to them to hurry up as the space quickly filled. “Now do you understand why I wanted to get here early?” Leah asked, gesturing to the crowd filing in behind them.
“Alright, alright, we get it,” Simon said. He glanced around the room at the other people, some wearing various pride flags and brightly colored makeup, but none of the boys really caught his eye. Most of the crowd was still going through security at that point, though, so the idea of something happening was still possible.
Simon waited impatiently with his hands on the dirty barrier in front of him until finally, finally, the lights blinked out and the sound of guitars tuning blared out of the speakers before the first of the three opening bands began their set.
Leah had honestly been right; it was magical. It wasn’t a band Simon had ever heard of, but the energy that they had onstage made the song itself even better. Simon felt himself being drawn into the music and it wasn’t until Nick pointed it out to him that he realized that he was actually dancing to the beat. He never wanted this feeling to end. And Tegan and Sara hadn’t even played yet.
Three bands later, two sets of footsteps moved onto the stage, accompanied by enthusiastic cheers from the crowd, Simon’s voice among them. As the lights came up onstgae and the first song, which just happened to be “Closer”, began, Simon felt someone touch his arm. He spun around in surprise and saw the silhouette of a boy. “Hey,” the boy said, just loud enough for Simon to hear him. “I noticed you dancing earlier. You’re really cute.”
Thank goodness it was dark in the crowd or the boy would have been able to see Simon blushing.
“Thank you. I can’t really see you, but based on your voice, I think you’re cute, too.” Simon paused, hoping that his courage wouldn’t fail him just yet. “I’m… I’m Jaques,” he said, not wanting to give too much away to a strange boy he’d just met, even if he called Simon cute.
The boy was about to respond when Tegan and Sara burst into the final chorus, and the two boys forgot their conversation for a moment to sing and dance along. “All I wanna get is a little bit closer,” Simon screamed along as the song came to a close. For some weird reason that he couldn’t explain even if he tried, the boy next to him did pull him closer, so close that their arms touched and their fingers were inches away from intertwined.
“You never told me what your name was,” Simon breathed, ignoring the suggestive looks from his friends to his right.
“I’m Blue,” the mysterious boy replied.
“Blue,” Simon repeated, squinting in an unsuccessful attempt to see his face. “I like that.”
Simon left the venue with his friends at the end of the night, his voice gone but his grin still intact.
“So?” Leah asked. “Did you get a phone number?”
Simon pulled out a slip of paper, proudly showing it to his friends.
It contained ten digits and one word.
1. I usually don't write AUs, so this was interesting for me to write!! Also, I'm totally open to continuing this, so let me know if you guys would like to read more : ) 2. This is a combination of book-verse and movie-verse, as you can tell because I used Book Simon's love for Tegan and Sara and Movie Nora's love for cooking. It works. This is an AU. Just go with it.
As always, come say hi feel free to send prompts!! I've received a couple already, so look out for those coming soon.
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paleblazeluminary · 4 years
Hotline Miami Controls For Mac
Tumblr media
Available Regions for Activation
Across the globe, except South America and Europe.
Tumblr media
Hotline Miami’s unmistakable visual style, a driving soundtrack, and a surreal chain of events will have you question your own thirst for blood while pushing you to.
American Samoa
Bouvet Island
British Indian Ocean Territory
British Virgin Islands
Burkina Faso
Cape Verde
Caribbean Netherlands
Cayman Islands
Central African Republic
Christmas Island
Cocos (Keeling) Islands
Congo - Brazzaville
Congo - Kinshasa
Cook Islands
Côte d’Ivoire
Equatorial Guinea
Faroe Islands
French Polynesia
French Southern Territories
Heard & McDonald Islands
Hong Kong SAR China
Isle of Man
Macau SAR China
Marshall Islands
Myanmar (Burma)
New Caledonia
New Zealand
Norfolk Island
North Korea
Northern Mariana Islands
Palestinian Territories
Papua New Guinea
Pitcairn Islands
Saint Martin
São Tomé & Príncipe
Saudi Arabia
Sierra Leone
Solomon Islands
South Africa
South Korea
South Sudan
Sri Lanka
St. Barthélemy
St. Helena
St. Martin
St. Pierre & Miquelon
Svalbard & Jan Mayen
Turks & Caicos Islands
U.S. Outlying Islands
U.S. Virgin Islands
United Arab Emirates
United States
Wallis & Futuna
Western Sahara
About the game
Hotline Miami Collection contains both legendary games in the neon-soaked, brutally-challenging Hotline Miami series from Dennaton Games. Read more Explore this game’s official site. For Hotline Miami on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'What are the default keyboard controls?'
Hotline Miami is an action game loaded with brutal action, heavy shooting and rolling heads. Set in a 1989 alternative Miami, you'll take on the role of a mysterious antihero in a murderous rage against the shadowy underworld guided by your answering machine's voices.
Hotline Miami Download Free
Soon you will find yourself struggling for your control and understanding why you are prone to these acts of violence. Rely on your intelligence to demarcate your way through seemingly impossible situations while you constantly find yourself at a disadvantage among fierce enemies. The action is relentless and every shot is deadly so each move has to be quick and decisive if you want to survive and unravel the evil forces that drive the bloodshed.
The unmistakable visual style of Hotline Miami, plus an engaging soundtrack and a chain of surreal events will take you to the answer to your bloodlust while taking you to the limits of a relentless challenge.
Amazing shootouts in neon corridors stained with blood combined with intense and immense soundtrack;
A surreal and brave story in 20 maps;
Amazing battles against a bizarre cast of bosses from Miami's underworld;
35 different weapons: from shotguns and assault rifles to katanas and pipes;
More than 1,000 sprites for a fantastic variety of environments, weapons, elements and enemies;
25 masks of animais to unlock that will hide your identity;
Engaging beats by Sun Araw, Coconuts, M.O.O.N., Jasper Byrne, The Huervo, Perturbator, Scattle, Elliott Berlin and Eirik Suhrke
Extremely difficult achievements that will test your limits.
System Requirements
OS:Windows XP, Vista e 7
Storage:250 MB
Processor:1.2 GHz
Memory:512 MB
Graphics:DirectX (32MB)
OS:Microsoft® Windows® XP / Vista / 7
Storage:250 MB
Processor:1.4GHz +
Memory:1 GB
Graphics:DirectX (32MB)
OS:Mac OS 10.6+
Storage:130 MB
Processor:2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo +
Memory:1 GB
OS:Mac OS 10.6+
Storage:130 MB
Processor:2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo +
Memory:2 GB
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Storage:130 MB
Processor:1.8 GHz Dual-Core
Memory:512 MB
Copyright 2012 Dennaton Games. All Rights Reserved.
Release date:2012-10-23
Developer: Dennaton Games
Publisher: Devolver
Game Mode
GermanEnglishSpanishFrenchPolishPortuguese (BR)Russian
Name: Hotline Miami
Available on: PC, Mac, Linux, PS3, PS Vita
Reviewed on: PS Vita
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Hotline Miami is one of those games where there’s little-to-no story, the controls are fairly basic, and the graphics aren’t realistic – but it manages to be more fun that perhaps most games that feature even just one of those mechanics.
Hotline Miami is a very violent game. Not violent as in ‘a bit of blood here and there’, violent as in you’ll be punching people’s heads off, shooting people, choking people, and even drilling holes in people. This game, while not realistic in many ways, is not for the faint of heart.
Hotline Miami is a top-down beat-em-up type game that progresses through a set of linear missions, which must be unlocked in order.
One day, the unnamed playable character wakes up in a basement, where after a quick tutorial in how to kill people through a variety of methods, the character walks upstairs to a room with three masked men who promptly launch into a cryptic set of messages, before the actual game begins. Each mission plays out with the character receiving a phone call, driving to a location, and killing a whole bunch of henchmen. Each level takes place in a building with many floors, so the character will make their way up each floor until they eventually kill every man in the building. After the character accomplishes this, they walk all the way through the floors of the building, past all the piles of bodies of the men he’s killed, reaches the entrance, hops in his car, and then goes an completes a mundane task, like buying groceries, renting a movie, or going to the local disco to get his groove on – this is (presumably) the 80s after all. These tasks help reiterate how strange the whole set of events is, and even allows some sort of story progression (which is very minimal and I never really followed what was happening – or even why it was happening).
Gameplay is very simple – there is one ‘action’ button that will make you use whatever you’re holding: fists will punch, baseball bats will swing, and guns will fire, all with the press of this one button – it’s very easy to use, especially since the only other controls are moving and controlling the cursor. Whenever you kill or knock out an enemy, they drop their weapon. This is useful for many reasons, namely because the character can only carry one weapon at a time – so if you run out of ammo and need a melee weapon, or you have a melee weapon and want a gun, you’ll need to find whatever enemy has the weapon you’re after. Additionally, the AI in this game will react in many ways to different weapons: if they hear gunshots, they’ll come running. If they see you through a window holding a knife, they’ll shoot you/run at you. This can be used to an advantage to quickly exterminate all the enemies on a floor – a tactic of mine was a gunshot followed by picking up the knife and holding down the ‘action’ button to melee very fast, and then moving close to the door and killing all the enemies very quickly.
It’s little additions like these that make the game that much more stylised and interesting to play through. The other addition that makes the game unique on every playthrough (I played the campaign twice) is the feature of one hit kills for not just you, but your enemies as well (save for the few bosses). Once you die, you start from the start of the floor you were killed on – so sometimes I’d get through almost the entire floor of enemies and then die at the hands of the last one. There are little moments like these in Hotline Miami that just make the game that much more intense, and if you survive, rewarding.
The game also has several collectables; which are masks and puzzle pieces. Masks are masks that your character wears to do their job, all of which save for the starting mask add a perk to the game – one allows you to start with a knife, one gives you another life (but only if you get hit by a gunshot) and another allows for even more gore. There’s a mix of cosmetic masks (like the gore one) and gameplay ones (such as the knife one), which is good. Most masks are unlocked simply through progressing the story, but there are others that must be specifically found in a particular level. The other collectable, puzzle pieces, are found throughout all the levels, and are represented by a small purple square. Collecting these will give a letter, which is used to spell out a sentence. This is used in one of Hotline Miami’s two endings: either the standard one with little info (but still finishing the story) or the ‘complete’ ending, which gives a lot more information (but still doesn’t really make the story any clearer).
I only really have two gripes with this game, and funnily enough they’re almost contradictory: one regards how easy the game is, and the other how hard it is. My first issue is how overpowered some of the weapons are: the knife especially. I found that I was able to pretty much use just knife to kill everyone on a floor, and once I got the mask that let me start with a knife, that was the only mask I used. My other issue is that some parts of the game are incredibly difficult – the difficulty scaling in this game is crazy, it’ll be flowing at one point and then be incredibly difficult the next – I had to use a walkthrough to figure out how to do some parts, and at other parts I only survived thanks to a fluke. Fortunately, there’s only really three parts in the whole game that I remember as being incredibly difficult, and once you realise how to complete them they become so much easier.
Length-wise, there’s about 20 story missions here, and none of them take that long to complete – it’d be possible to finish the game in one sitting of about 3 hours I reckon, but otherwise it doesn’t take that long to complete. There is replay value in the masks and the puzzle pieces/complete ending though.
While there are a few issues regarding the difficult of the game, that doesn’t change how much pure, simple fun Hotline Miami is. It’s simple, intense, and just absolute brilliant.
Great Fun
Simple Art Style
Simple Gameplay
Great Design Elements (such as the one-hit kills)
Replay Value (masks and puzzle pieces)
Hotline Miami Controls For Macbook
Hotline Miami Controls For Macbook Pro
Weak Storyline
A Few Overpowered Weapons
A Few Very Difficult Sections
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jayhawksofficial · 7 years
RIP Caleb Palmiter
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Photo credit: Daniel Life/Caleb Palmiter Facebook
We're sad to learn of the recent passing of long-time Minneapolis musician Caleb Palmiter. 
While most accounts of The Jayhawks’ history point to the band first forming in late 1984, it appears that Palmiter and Mark Olson actually started a short-lived version of The Jayhawks at some point earlier in 1984. In spite of persistent detective work, information about this proto-Jayhawks lineup has proven to be elusive over the years. In 2017, the brother of drummer Tommy Rey (who played in many Minneapolis bands in the 80s and 90s) claimed in a social media post that Rey joined Olson and Palmiter for a show as “The Jayhawks” warming up The Mofos, presumably in 1984. To date, no information related to this show - or any other with this lineup - has surfaced, nor have any other pertinent historical documents, save for a single publicity photo, taken by Mark Olson’s mother, that was posted on Olson’s social media 30 years after the fact (photo below). 
Since none of the current members of The Jayhawks were involved with this early version of the band, they have only the vaguest of memories concerning the formation and dissolution of the Olson/Palmiter partnership. What is known is that sometime in late 1984 the next iteration of The Jayhawks formed and soon began playing publicly with Olson joined by Marc Perlman, Norm Rogers and Steve Retzler, the lineup that has long been considered to be the first incarnation of the band, albeit one that lasted only for a very short time. 
At least one show with this lineup has been documented: January 13 at the legendary Uptown Bar in Minneapolis. Retzler exited soon afterwards and things solidified with what became widely known as the “original” version of The Jayhawks: Mark Olson, Gary Louris, Marc Perlman and Norm Rogers, a lineup that was intact for over two years and eventually recorded the self-titled first Jayhawks album (aka “The Bunkhouse” album) in 1986. 
For reasons unknown, the Olson/Palmiter chapter of the band has been omitted from the official record and is obscure to this day, even amongst those who were very active in the Minneapolis music scene at the time - musicians, journalists, promoters, scenesters and the like.
The early histories of bands that become better known later are sometimes messy and/or complicated, and are frequently condensed for the sake of expediency once it becomes necessary to establish an official band history, which appears to be what happened in this case. No Jayhawks band member, or anyone who worked with them during this time, ever felt it necessary to include this information in any official bio or correct its omission in the ensuing years. To the best of our knowledge, this pre-1985 history has never been mentioned in any interview or published article.
It's important at this time, however, to acknowledge Palmiter's contribution to the formation and naming of The Jayhawks - and to clarify the record as much as is possible after the passage of so much time. 
Palmiter was an immensely talented musician and a friendly soul. During the 1980s and 1990s he was involved in a number of well-regarded solo projects and also worked with artists like The Mighty Mofos, The Magnolias, Bash & Pop, A Single Love, Curtiss A, Red House, Spider Bite, et al. 
We offer our sincere condolences to his family and many friends.
Star Tribune obituary (7/21/17): HERE
The Current remembers Cale Palmiter (7/18/17): HERE
If you have information about this era of The Jayhawks, please contact The Jayhawks Archive at [email protected]
(below) Early Jayhawks publicity photo with Mark Olson & Caleb Palmiter, circa 1984. Photo credit: Mariana Olson
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First published: 7/19/17. last updated: March 2023.
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johnandrasjaqobis · 7 years
You should do "don't be an ass" with either Jarek or Donny and their sibling (or both sets of siblings, somehow)
I managed both, yaaay, and I now love both sets of siblings a lot, they must be kept safe
so have something after everything has calmed down by a lot, completely pointless and more an excuse to actually introduce the two new kids, but really, it’s pointless
“Don’t be an ass,” Mari said, though there was a laugh in the words as she elbowed Donny in the ribs. He could’ve dodged it, easily, but didn’t bother and just shoved her back lightly.
“It’s in my job description,” he told her. “Besides, someone’s gotta knock the rookie down a peg, remind him of his roots.”
His sister just snorted. “Right, because you never remind him of that.”
“Honestly,” Jarek said, “I’d be more worried if he didn’t call me rookie every other sentence. Probably be convinced I was dreaming the whole thing if Donny started using titles.”
“I do use titles,” Donny shot back immediately, “but yours will always be rookie.”
Jarek was grateful, at least, to be rid of the suit he’d had to wear for the first half of the day. The actual ceremony had been a hell of a lot longer than necessary, with speeches from what felt like every major officer in the Bureau. It had reminded him a lot of graduation, actually, just with far fewer names to be called.
They made up for the time with extra speeches.
Then there had been plenty of shaking hands, a lot of pictures, at least one reporter asking for an opinion on something or other, before they had managed to politely slip out.
His parents had insisted on the party. At least, by their standards, it was a small one.
“Heads up.” The sudden voice behind him made Jarek jump, damn that kid was still good at sneaking up on him. “Uncle Victor’s officially on his fourth drink, that’s usually when the political debates start.”
Jarek rolled his eyes, turned enough to swing an arm around his sibling’s shoulders--at least they’d had the decency to not grow another foot in college like he had--and pull them into the small group.
“Just don’t get him going on Praemia’s immigration and there shouldn’t be any rewriting wills tonight. Hopefully.”
“I mean it wouldn’t be the first time, Scarlett’s still all pissed about last summer...” There was a quick pause before they glanced around with a grin. “It was Donny, right? Always hear a lot about you.”
Donny laughed. “And I assume they’re all glowing praises. This one’s the more adjusted of the family,” he nodded to his left, “Mariana.”
“Mari,” she said, “and to be fair, he didn’t set the bar high.”
“Nikita.” They shrugged Jarek’s arm away and shook Mari’s hand quickly. “Niki today. Not sure you can be well adjusted with that job, from what I’ve seen.”
Mari scoffed lightly. “I’ll give you that. Think it’s healthier to stick with the under-achiever title.”
“Yeah, I mean it’s not hard. I’m still taking classes and this guy,” Niki shoved at Jarek’s shoulder, “got senior agent in less than four years, like, who does that?”
“He’s still the rookie,” Donny said firmly. “Kid could get to be Director in two more years and he’s still gonna be the rookie.”
Jarek snorted. “I’ll keep that in mind when I end up controlling your pay.”
Donny just laughed again, lifting his glass in something like a toast.
It was still surreal, technically being a higher rank than pretty much everyone he’d trained with. Technically being a higher rank than Sam, who’d been in the Bureau almost twice as long as he had.
But at least they were still alive to be confused by that sort of thing.
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mrlylerouse · 6 years
First Trailer for Party Game Mexican Comedy 'Perfectos Desconocidos'
"What secrets do you expect us to have, Eva?" Pantelion Films has unveiled an official US trailer for the release of Perfectos Desconocidos from Mexico, remade by filmmaker Manolo Caro. The title translates to Perfect Strangers, and they're billing this as a "Spanish speaking comedy with English subtitles" from Mexico. It's actually the second remake of an Italian film which first premiered in 2016 - Perfect Strangers or Perfetti Sconosciuti, which was then remade in Spain last year, and is now being remade by Mexico. This version of the film stars Cecilia Suárez, Manuel García-Rulfo, Mariana Trevi��o, Miguel Rodarte, Bruno Bichir, Ana Claudia Talancón, and Spanish newcomer Franky Martin. This actually looks like a super fun cinematic party game, with a dash of commentary on how much phones have changed our lives. ›››
Continue Reading First Trailer for Party Game Mexican Comedy 'Perfectos Desconocidos'
from FirstShowing.net https://ift.tt/2K11Ayl
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16 Wishes Disney Channel Original Movie Reviewed
Because sure, I can post my most recent review, but it’s kinda lame for a first Tumblr post so have this half-year old review of a nearly decade-old DCOM instead.
16 Wishes DCOM Reviewed22 today, happy birthday sweetheart! What is it? Well, that's actually an interesting question.... It's classically thought of as a DCOM...even though strictly technically speaking it isn't (yes, that's right, it means Disney Channel's official Facebook page is wrong on this!) It's really a direct-to-DVD movie that Disney Channel just happened to pick up on very, very early during the production stage (before they even decided on a lead, hence how Debby became involved) due to Disney Channel's previous relationship (and ongoing relationship, for that matter) with Mar Vista studios through a number of actual DCOMs before and since. See folks, only on this blog will you learn new facts and grow your brain right in the introductory minutiae of each and every blog post! Where did it air? Well, again, continuing the above it's actually a bit complex. Technically it did indeed premiere on Disney Channel first, but it was originally intended for DVD sales/streaming to be the primary means of distribution. Of course now it's as closely associated with the network as any other DCOM and other than directly streaming it or getting the DVD it's the only place on "traditional" television you'll find it. Who stars in it? Most prominently, Debby Ryan, who became attached to the project as soon as Disney Channel decided to throw money at it. Jean-Luc Bilodeau plays second-billing Jay - you may recognize Jean-Luc (no, not that Jean-Luc) from not only the later Mar Vista-produced DCOM Zapped! but also from the somewhat short-lived Canadian/UPN (remember that network? Probably not) production Kyle-XY as the title character. Anna Mae Routledge is Celeste "the birthday fairy" and...yeah, this is actually the biggest role she's been in (she's been in another movie we've done a mini-review on...Eurotrip, maybe?) The only other notable role is Karissa Tynes as Krista. Abby's mom is played by the same actress who played an FBI agent in...Snakes on a Plane. Yeah, really. The principal is also "Chevron Guy" from Stargate: SG-1. There's also this really gorgeous ginger with these Marianas Trench-deep blue eyes but...uhh, we'll get to that at the end I guess. Why are we reviewing this? ...well, see, there are three or so key events that lead to the creation of this very blog, and 16 Wishes is one of them. One of those events would be of course the creation of GirlMeetsWorldReviewed.Blogspot.com which directly inspired the creation of this blog. But of course there'd be no point or even capability to make this blog without material to fill it up with. That's where 16 Wishes and other things come in. Another of those events, by far the most important one, is Phineas and Ferb - or more specifically, when I just happened to chance upon Phineas and Ferb (The Chronicles of Meep specifically - I need to, like, send flowers to Povenmire and Marsh for that one, it was a real chance of fate that happened to be the first episode I saw as it was superbly excellent if not outright sublime) one night when I was desperately searching for new programming to watch. And as I describe in both my Jessie and Liv and Maddie retrospectives, this was actually critical timing because at the time I was just a few weeks off from having my ex-fiancee break up with me and less than a week from recovering from cancer-removing surgery. And not only was Phineas and Ferb the perfect TV visual comfort food at the time, but it was an immediate gateway to more visual comfort food on the network and by extension Nickelodeon (the first episode of anything I've ever watched on Disney Channel aside from The Chronicles of Meep - immediately after the Chronicles of Meep, in fact - was the second replay of the then-premiere episode of Good Luck Charlie's T-Wrecks and given the emotional state I was in, I was actually really blown away by just how well done an all-inclusive family multi-cam sitcom it was - and that was immediately followed up by the second replay of the premiere of Jessie's Gotcha Day which, well, if you want to delude yourself that Jessie is a better show than it is there are few better episodes than that to dive into). Now, here's the thing - even at that point after about a month of watching I was still on the fence about the actual quality of Disney Channel shows and Jessie especially. By that I don't mean I would've given up watching the network forever and never ever speak of the great embarrassment of being an allegedly grown-ass adult watching Disney Channel, but my viewing habits probably would be a lot like they are today - oh hey, Good Luck Charlie's on, yeah I like that show. Oh hey it's Phineas and Ferb. Oh, hey Jessie's on...I wonder what Rick on Pawn Stars is trying to rip off today. But what ended up being the real tipping point to being dedicated as an allegedly grown-ass adult to this network and becoming a Jessie super-fan (or at least the closest thing that passes for it) is this movie. I think what really resonated with this movie, again given my emotional state, is the back half where Abby finds herself turned into an allegedly grown-ass adult. Even when you're in your early 20s (as Abby finds herself), well...I'm just going to quote the speech Abby's dad gives: But being grown up is different than dreaming about it, isn't it? We understand. Of course! You're scared that your childhood is over and with it all the best times of your life! You probably wanna turn back that clock and start over? Boy I know how that feels! ...and being in my 20s...and already having been engaged in marriage, and then seeing all that blow up in my face, and then finding out I have cancer, and then dropping out of school over it...yeah, that shit gets overwhelming. You spend a lot of time thinking about how not long ago all you needed to do was wake up and go to school and everything else is provided for you, and you all of a sudden find yourself in that same situation, just minus the school, and at least just old enough so that it all feels familiar but at the same time a bit weird. Nostalgia is not perfect, and it can even be a dangerous thing - I've dedicated very large portions of this very blog about how nostalgia effectively stunted if not outright ruined Girl Meets World from its very conception. But we keep coming back to it because it's comfortable. Girl Meets World was greenlit and conceived, arguably, because it was a return to a very comfortable concept, a concept that was successful in its heyday and it was thought would be successful because that previous success had grown itself into its fanbase to provide comfort (again, Christian and Sean have talked about the comfort aspect of the original show). And when you're in a position where comfort starts being medicine, nostalgia is a very powerful thing to go back to. My point being, girls who were 16 but accidentally wish themselves to be 22 as they walk out of a store dressing room and wishing they can just go back to school and live with their parents again and guys who actually are 22 (well, older than that even) but got kicked out of their fiancee's life so hard they apparently literally got cancer over it and had to move back in with their parents have a lot in common with each other. Of course, that's just my perspective. But also keep in mind that apparently this little movie gave Debby enough clout, at least on the network, to where Disney Channel ultimately decided to greenlight her own show which of course became the 101-episode (not 98!) long series Jessie. No, really, it got one of the highest adult demos of its night. It's really my theory that this message about childhood nostalgia, whether intended or not, proved to be a big hit with Millennials. I mean, think about it. We're supposedly the "never grow up" generation - we have high unemployment, low independent housing, yadda yadda. Abby's words about feeling like we're 16 and then suddenly 22 and needing a job and a means to afford our own place and take care of ourselves have become themes of a generation. And I'm not saying this as an insult to Millennials (being one myself of course) but that no doubt it happened to previous generations too - Gen X'ers, Baby Boomers, what have you as they suddenly find themselves transitioning from a school-focused work ethic to suddenly being in the actual work force. It's an increasingly universal theme as the world marches towards mechanization and now digitization, but it's a theme that's been rather under-represented in all but tween through young adult media. But enough of me waxing nostalgic and complaining about my personal life again, how does it rate as a movie? Well, Abby's a brat through the first part (then again that's the point) and then we kinda see her cartoon-mature and she grows up, yadda yadda. Debby's not bad at all in it, Jean-Luc captains his way through it equally respectably, Karissa is very much underappreciated, Chevron Guy makes for the second ultra-nerdy sci-fi reference in this very sentence and again if you've seen the movie you probably know who I'm talking about when I talk about this curly-hair ginger girl with these sapphire-forged eyes who's, like, so gorgeous I'd go through another round of chemo for, like I will forget about my lousy ex for her, yadda yadda. Even when trying to emotionally divorce oneself it's a pretty competent movie, and Lord knows there've been quite a few official DCOMs that don't measure up to this one (the vastly overrated Cowbelles, Teen Beach 2, yes Invisible Sister) Movie Grade: B-. Like I said, it's at least competent and enjoyable enough it deserves this. Movie MVP: That ridiculously gorgeous blue-eyed ginger, of course, for completely memorizing me in the two or three scenes she's in including the one scene where she gasps, which is the closest speaking role she has. ...just kidding, although I really do think she deserves more recognition (seriously, I don't think gingers get enough recognition for how beautiful they are, as I've again shared on this very blog before). But really, it's obviously going to be Debby, duh. This is the performance that convinced the network to give her Jessie, after all. Extra Thoughts: - Of course after mentioning that last part I guess I'm obligated to again remind you that my ex-fiancee herself is a ginger so I'm biased (and again, Debby became a fake ginger for the Jessie role so, there). - Speaking of Cowbelles, both that and 16 Wishes feature the song Don't Wanna Grow Up by the band Willknots - Uuugggh Disney Channel commercials from April leading up to the RDMAs are soooo laaaaaame. But I probably only think this because the RDMAs themselves are after-the-fact old news now. - here's a bit of trivia for you: after wishing to become popular, Abby claims that the dads of some girls are planning her birthday party in Las Vegas as they happen to own half of that town. This implies that they're direct descendants of Howard Hughes who quite literally owned half of Vegas (though it's honestly doubtful the writers really knew this at the time). - Abby's driver's license information is the following: ID #073 477 657; Class D (do note that most 16 year olds start off with a Class C license which legally permits them to drive most normal passenger cars - being too lazy to Google it, I don't even know if "Class D" is a thing); no endorsements (minor fun fact: yours truly, the author of this blog, has one endorsement: M, giving legal permission to operate motorcycles); no restrictions; Code 776-36A (whatever that means) and lists her DOB as 7/7/95 (which implies that the movie takes place very specifically on July 7, 2011 - almost exactly 11 months into the future of its original Disney Channel premiere date - and is also contradicted by the fact that in parts of the movie everyone's breath is obviously visible and many trees remain bare as they probably shot it in late February or early March of 2010) and her height as being 5'6" (which is Debby's actual height) and just as Celeste the Birthday Fairy says, the license doesn't expire - The design of the "Coastal State" license plate on Abby's car also implies this takes place in Oregon even though her license actually refers to "Coastal State" as the actual name of the state. - Abby's school, Walnut Grove, is a real school in the Vancouver area where the movie was shot. It's a private school and you can see on their website they're very proud of being the filming location for 16 Wishes. Their mascot actually is the Gators, BTW (as displayed on the school bus and Abby's lifetime lunch pass, which is modeled after the actual Walnut Grove lunch pass. Yes, I go deep into this for you - only on this blog!) - Yeah, I am waaaay behind on Andi Mack. I was hoping to binge on the backlog of episodes up to the latest today for my birthday but...yeah, forget that. We'll be resuming Andi Mack reviews tomorrow. Hopefully. - And obviously this is Part 2 of our Birthday Blog posts today, so, Happy Birthday Debby! (And Happy Birthday Me!)
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movietvtechgeeks · 7 years
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Latest story from https://movietvtechgeeks.com/novak-djokovic-beats-pavlasek-tomic-fined-wimbledon/
Novak Djokovic beats Pavlasek and Tomic fined at Wimbledon
Unlike his previous game where his opponent retired after 40 minutes, Novak Djokovic played all three sets Wimbledon this time for his win and advancement. The three-time champion advanced to the third round by beating Adam Pavlasek 6-2, 6-2, 6-1 Thursday, two days after his opening match ended early when his opponent retired with an injury. Djokovic won the Wimbledon title in 2011, '14 and '15. But he has not won a major title since completing a career Grand Slam at the 2016 French Open. [pdf-embedder url="https://movietvtechgeeks.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/wimbledon-3rd-round-mens-singles-2017.pdf" title="wimbledon 3rd round mens singles 2017"] In his opening two matches at the All England Club, Djokovic has only lost eight games. "It's perfect. Exactly what I want," Djokovic said. "I don't want to have any five-set matches in there." Djokovic will next face Ernests Gulbis. The unseeded Latvian defeated Juan Martin del Potro 6-4, 6-4, 7-6 (3). Roger Federer and Angelique Kerber were scheduled to play later on Day 4 at Wimbledon. Federer, a seven-time champion at the All England Club, will play on Centre Court against Dusan Lajovic in the second round. The top-ranked Kerber will face Kirsten Flipkens on No. 1 Court. Grigor Dimitrov, Gael Monfils, and David Ferrer also reached the third round. Ferrer advanced when opponent Steve Darcis retired with an injury while trailing 3-0. Darcis is the eighth man to retire during a match this week. The Belgian took a medical timeout after 18 minutes of play and was unable to continue. Two-time major champion Svetlana Kuznetsova, seeded seventh, advanced to the third round in the women's draw along with ninth-seeded Agnieszka Radwanska and 24th-seeded CoCo Vandeweghe. Two players previously eliminated from the tournament were handed fines on Thursday. Bernard Tomic of Australia was fined $15,000 for unsportsmanlike conduct two days after he spoke about feeling "a little bit bored out there" during his match. Daniil Medvedev of Russia, who threw a handful coins in the direction of the chair umpire after a second-round loss on Wednesday, was given three fines totaling $14,500. Bernard Tomic was fined $15,000 at Wimbledon and dropped by his racket sponsor Thursday - not for something he did during his first-round loss, but for what he said during a news conference afterward. The penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct was announced two days after the 24-year-old Australian was beaten by Mischa Zverev 6-4, 6-3, 6-4, then spoke to the media about feeling "a little bit bored out there." Tomic also said Tuesday that he "just couldn't find any motivation" to compete this year and acknowledged that when he called for a medical timeout against Zverev, he did so not because of an injury issue but to "try to break a bit of momentum." Racket maker Head issued a statement via its Twitter feed on Thursday saying: "We were extremely disappointed with the statements made at Wimbledon by one of our sponsored athletes, Bernard Tomic. His opinions in no way reflect our own attitude for tennis, our passion, professionalism, and respect for the game." The statement concluded: "Therefore, we have decided to discontinue our collaboration with Bernard Tomic." The fine amounts to more than a third of Tomic's prize money: First-round losers at the All England Club this year earn 35,000 pounds (about $45,000). Tomic has not reached the quarterfinals at a Grand Slam tournament since losing at that stage at Wimbledon against eventual champion Novak Djokovic in 2011. That year, at age 18, Tomic became the youngest man to reach the quarterfinals at the All England Club since 1986, when Boris Becker won the title. Tomic reached a high of No. 17 in the ATP rankings in 2016; he entered Wimbledon at No. 59. "I feel holding a trophy or, you know, doing well - it doesn't satisfy me anymore," Tomic said Tuesday. "It's not there. I couldn't care less if I make a fourth round (at the) U.S. Open or I lose (in the) first round. To me, everything is the same. I'm going to play another 10 years, and I know after my career I won't have to work again." Daniil Medvedev threw a handful coins in the direction of chair umpire Mariana Alves after his second-round loss at Wimbledon on Wednesday. The 49th-ranked Russian repeatedly apologized during his post-match news conference, saying that he was not trying to imply that Alves was biased. "I was just disappointed and (did) a stupid thing," said Medvedev, who earned headlines for a decidedly different reason Monday, beating three-time major champion Stan Wawrinka in the first round. When his 6-4, 6-2, 3-6, 2-6, 6-3 loss to Ruben Bemelmans ended, Medvedev shook hands with his opponent and Alves. But then he grabbed his wallet from his bag and tossed the coins toward the bottom of the official's chair. He was unhappy with one of the calls early in the fifth set "If he wants to be (peeved) about that, that's his decision," Bemelmans said. "It happens in tennis. You should get over that." Medvedev, who is 21, said he did not immediately apologize to Alves after the match. He said he would accept any punishment handed down. "Maybe in the match, during the match, I thought that it was a bit not in my favor, but right now I can just say that it happens everywhere in every sport," Medvedev said. "There are referees, and they can make some mistakes, but me as a tennis player, I (make) some mistakes, too. One of them was, for example, after the match. I just have to apologize." Victoria Azarenka walked to the baseline, preparing to serve, when a man shouted from the upper reaches of No. 3 Court, "Come on, Mom!" It wasn't her son, Leo, born in December, but it shows the 27-year-old former No. 1's return to competition has caught on among the public. Between Azarenka and Serena Williams, who announced in April she is pregnant with her first child, two former Grand Slam winners will attempt to balance their careers with motherhood. Although Azarenka's second-round victory over Elena Vesnina on Wednesday was only her fourth competitive match since December, she said she has already begun conversations with WTA officials about facilitating arrangements for child care. If needed, the WTA will provide health and wellbeing support to players who are mothers, as well as other physiotherapy and counseling. "From my own power, I'll do anything to make that happen because I think it's really important," Azarenka said. "The guys do have that luxury of having the nurseries and stuff at every event, and I think it's time for women to have the same benefit." The travel has been the most difficult part thus far, Azarenka said. Although Leo is "actually a very good traveler," preparing for flights has been stressful. Carving out time for tennis has also been troublesome. Last week, she posted a photo on Instagram of Leo, lying on a blanket and chewing on a plastic credential while she practiced. To help take care of her son during the tournament, Azarenka has her mother, Alla, and her boyfriend, Billy McKeague, with her. "I have absolutely no idea how it feels to have a baby on tour or how she manages that, you know?" ninth-ranked Dominika Cibulkova said. "It's not easy. It's something - it must be completely different." The last mother to win the singles title at Wimbledon was Evonne Goolagong Cawley, who won her third title at the All England Club when she defeated Chris Evert in 1980. Mandy Minella, who lost in the first round to Francesca Schiavone on Monday but will play in the doubles tournament, is four months pregnant. Azarenka, a two-time Australian Open champion, reached the semifinals at Wimbledon in 2011 and 2012, when she ended the year at No. 1. After defeating CiCi Bellis in the first round, she encountered the 16th-ranked Vesnina, who had not beaten Azarenka in seven previous meetings. The eighth was no different. Azarenka broke her opponent late in the first set and early again in the second, and Vesnina, after taking a medical timeout to address a lingering back injury, double-faulted twice in the deciding game. Azarenka won 6-3, 6-3. "It was not easy," Vesnina said. "I cannot say she is playing now as she was playing when she was No. 1 in the world. She needs some time to adjust, some time to feel her game and where she is right now. It's not easy, but a couple more matches and I'm sure she'll be back." Azarenka, who will face Heather Watson of Britain in the third round, said she has had an ongoing discussion with Williams about her experiences. She also spoke this week to Kim Clijsters, whose third child was born in October. "It wasn't a long conversation," Azarenka said, "but it's nice to see that some of my colleagues have children and we have just much more in common than just tennis." Novak Djokovic attempted to diffuse any tension between himself and John McEnroe after the tennis great compared the world No. 4 to Tiger Woods. The Serb has seen a dip in form over the past year, losing all his Grand Slam titles and slipping from the top of the ATP rankings. McEnroe compared the situation to that of golfer Woods’ and suggested the 12-time Grand Slam champion could go ‘off the rails’ like the American did after being caught up in a marital scandal. But Djokovic refused to hit back at the seven-time Grand Slam champion and insisted he hadn’t taken it personally. ‘I have heard about it today,’ he said. ‘Look, you know, John has a complete right to say – anybody, really, in the world has a right to say what they want, and I respect that right. ‘Especially coming from John, because he’s someone that has earned that right because of who he is and what he has meant to the sport and what he still, you know, is representing as a former player and still being very active on the Tour. ‘And he’s very well known for his, you know, kind of bold comments and not really caring too much about being politically correct but saying whatever is on his mind. ‘That’s all I can say. I really don’t take anything personal. I always got along very well with John. You know, I guess whether that’s his opinion or criticism or something else, I’m not really sure. But in the end of the day, I respect everything he says.’ When pushed on what the reason for the personal attack was, Djokovic was quick to crack a joke that he had hit a serve at the three-time Wimbledon champion during one of his matches at the All England Club. ‘I always got along very, very well with John,’ he added. ‘We even practiced a few years ago before one of my matches in US Open, and was always talking nicely about me. ‘As I said, I really don’t take it in a negative way anyhow. It’s fine. He has his right to say the things he wants to say. I don’t necessarily need to agree with that. But it’s his right. So I don’t know where was the basis, and he was just maybe making a comparison. I’m not really sure. ‘When I was warming up for my first match on the Centre Court, he was giving an intro, talking to the camera, and I served and the serve went straight at him as I was playing. I don’t know. Maybe it’s because of that. Maybe he thought it wasn’t a joke, and I was joking, I was trying to hit him. ‘I don’t know. I take it very lightly. I don’t think there was any kind of really wrong intention from his side towards me.’
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The most famous church in the historic center of Quito must be La Compañia de Jesus. It is famous for being bathed in gold. Just about every imaginable surface is either painted with murals or covered in gold leaf. This church is also one of the few that cannot be photographed by tourists.
But if you write a blog and want to share photos that will help promote the La Compañia de Jesus as a tourist destination, I have a secret to tell. You can photograph the church for a grand hour without other tourists around.
Asking Permission to Photograph
A couple of weeks before moving back to the United States, I visited the offices of La Compañia de Jesus, just a couple of blocks away from the church itself. I took a business card and a local friend. The first was to prove that I actually write a blog and that I am a professional. The second was just in case my Spanish failed me. It didn’t but it was good to have a friend along anyway. Dealing with any kind of bureaucracy is intimidating even in my own language.
But the process was not very complicated at all. I filled out a sheet of paper with my contact information and included the approximate date of publication of the photos. I will tell you that I am months behind as I promised an article back in October 2016. But publishing late makes me feel very Ecuadorian. After I filled out the document, I took a business card with the young man’s name and walked back over to La Compañia de Jesus to schedule my morning. We chose the next week on a Friday and I could arrive at 7:45 am. Done.
Arrive Prepared
And so that’s what I did. It is my first “official” photo shoot of a church. I learned a few things in the attempt. Luckily, I brought all of my lenses. My wide-angle was great for a couple of shots but was not ideal for most. My most flexible lens is a 18-105mm and I took the best shots with it. I also took a lens I normally reserve for birds, a 120-400mm. I wanted to get some detail pictures at the highest levels and also from the altar itself, but without looking straight up. My downfall? I had lent my good tripod to my videographer (the youngest son) and went with a tripod that just couldn’t hold steady for the pictures in the dome. So make sure you take a great tripod that can handle the weight of ALL your lenses.
And have a plan. An hour sounds like a long time but this church as so many nooks and crannies that it can be tough to focus on the photos you know you really want. I went around the church three times, once with each lens. That was faster than taking lenses on and off at each place. And with each go around, I focused on different types of photos. Obviously, with the wide-angle, I focused on large shots that give a general idea of the space in the church. The zoom lens was perfect for detail shots at a distance. And with my most flexible lens, I took pictures of spaces within and a few details that I could walk up next to.
All of these photos were taken with the light available. No flash photography allowed. Again, take an excellent tripod. If you do not have a remote control for your camera, do consider taking delayed shots so that when you press the button to shoot, the camera waits 2 seconds. Then your hand is less likely to shake the camera.
If you would like to view these images in a slideshow, please click on any one photo in the gallery:
Mariana de Jesus is the Patron Saint of Quito.
This chapel lies to the left of the main altar.
Confessional are still used today.
This is the central dome above just in front of the main altar.
A detailed view of two of the figures in the dome just before the altar.
Looking straight up from just in front of the main altar.
The organ is also a piece of artwork.
Several windows cut into the roof of the church allow natural light to enter.
The view towards the main altar to include the ceiling.
Photographing La Compañia de Jesus, Quito The most famous church in the historic center of Quito must be La Compañia de Jesus. It is famous for being bathed in gold.
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yamesutya · 8 years
1-154 all of them!! Because I want to know everything!! what the heck! I love you, have a lovely night :)
(lol I’m working my way through them, it’s not quite done yet. ANON YOU BETTER SEE THIS LOL)
1. Full nameSonia Fan (that’s it, no middle name)
2. Zodiac signleo
3. 3 Fears bugs, the ocean, being alone/forgotten/left behind
4. 3 things I lovepuppies, tacos, traveling
5. 4 turns onsnice eyes, a good sense of humor, being open-minded, nicely kept hair (particularly the swooped up style that hector used to have)
6. 4 turns offs lack of communication, unfaithfulness, racism/general offensive behavior/lack of understanding of others, poor taste in sports teams lmao 
7. My best friend my roommate!
8. Sexual orientationstraight
9. My best first datelol ok well this might sound confusing but I’ve never really officially dated anyone (to me this means officially bf/gf), but I’ve gone on a nice date on valentine’s day and the relationship didn’t end up being weird even though it didn’t work out… we just went to the movies and dinner
11. What do I miss
LONDON, all the places I’ve traveled mostly… OOH, the animes I finished recently because I need them to come back RIGHT NOW
12. What time were I born
I actually don’t remember… 
13 Favourite colour purple
14. Do I have a crush
hm, not really, kind of still like the guy I was talking to a while ago but ATM it’s best I just focus on myself
15. Favourite quote
this isn’t necessarily my favorite, but one I’ve always remembered and liked is “the past is in the past, let it fucking GO”
16. Favourite place
london, hands down, can you tell? 
18. Do I use sarcasm
hahaha oh boy do I ever I’ve been sarcastic since day 1
19. What am I listening to right now
irl nothing lol 
20. First thing I notice in new person
their smile, how they carry themselves 
21. Shoe size
teeny tiny, 5-5 ½, sometimes a 6
22. Eye colour
23. Hair colour
dark brown
24. Favourite style of clothing
anything in the color black lmao I kid you not. comfy, clean but cute and stylish I guess, I’m pretty basic tbh 
25. Ever done a prank call?
26. What colour of underwear I’m wearing now?
I had to check lmao, white
27. Meaning behind my URL
hector is the (albeit problematic but lovable) OG arsenal fav, he’s not the first reason I looked into arsenal, but he is what hooked me 
29. Favourite song
honestly I have a few, my most recent jams have been La Carretera (Prince Royce), Ya Me Enteré (Reik ft. Nicky Jam), Nunca Me Olvides (Yandel), aaand Caroline (Aminé) randomly
lots of latin music since I’ve had the local latin station on a lot lol
30. Favourite band
This Century, Marianas Trench 
31. How I feel right now
a little stressed, but doing ok
32. Someone I love
my parents
33. My current relationship status
single, a little confused and sad, but still sort of ready to mingle
34. My relationship with my parents
I get cranky when I stay at home too much these days, but it’s good so far and I love them, I miss them every time I leave. I don’t tell them enough but I’m super thankful for the life they’ve given me, I graduate soon and I know when that happens and I see them I’m going to be emotional 
36. Tattoos and piercings?
used to have my ears pierced, no tattoos  
Tattoos and piercing i want
one day I’ll probably get my ears pierced again, and I actually do want a few tattoos even though when I was younger I never thought I would. I want some purple flowers on my wrist, and potentially ones involving arizona, where I’m from, maybe my astrological sign or some kind of soul animal, but I’m not sure about those so it’d be a while if I were to get the last two
37. The reason I joined Tumblr
my friend had one and it looked fun lol. and I was just getting into kpop 
38. Do I and my last ex hate each other?
um. he’s not even really an ex since we were still figuring things out. but we’re a bit awkward. we’re just both dumb and stubborn tbh
39. Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?
i have occasionally
40. Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?
it’s my dad, so kind of yes lol
41. When did I last hold hands?
42. How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?
if I’m not showering I can get ready in 20 minutes but it’s nothing fancy
43. Have I shaved your legs in the past three days?
yes actually
44. Where am I right now?
my apartment kitchen table 
45. If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?
probably my roommate 
46. Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?
47. Do I live with my Mom and Dad?
not at the moment
48. Am I excited for anything?
my sports classes, nervous-excited for graduation, spring break…
49. Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?
yesss, he is my self-titled gbf actually lol
50. How often do I wear a fake smile?
when I’m working games for my athletics department internship haha, it’s not super forced but I do smile a little harder purposefully
51. When was the last time I hugged someone?
today! some of my fellow senior friends because almost graduating is weird
52. What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else rightin front of me?
it would be real bad, I’m not good at taking things like that. I’d have to leave, if I was drunk I’d probably cry and potentially throw up. this is only because the last person I kissed I really liked, if it was a person I randomly made out with one time it wouldn’t be that bad
53. Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?
probably the guy I keep talking about in this, he is a good person who can be trusted, I probably just trusted him with too much of me when we both weren’t ready for each other (ew was that too deep I’m sorry lol)
54. What is something I disliked about today?
being too tired to properly read as much for my homework as I had wanted, boo :(
56. What do I think about most?
at the moment, my future, and also the animes I’ve recently watched 
57. What’s my strangest talent?
I can lick my elbow and I have super flexible/hyper-extended knees (idk are these even talents lmao)
58. Do I have any strange phobias?
that one where you don’t like tons of tiny holes in things
59. Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?I’d be lying if I said just behind, but I do like taking pictures since I take pretty good ones, so it’s a little of both. I like attention though so mostly in front haha unless I’m doing dumb things
60. What was the last lie I told?
I said I’d bring in the routes I was supposed to deliver posters to for my internship, but I’m going to making up notes and turning it in to get paid even though I didn’t deliver any, oops 
61. Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
video chatting, I hate talking on the phone for some reason
62. Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
not really, I’m not against believing in them, I just don’t really think about them much
63. Do I believe in magic?hmmmmmm yes…
64. Do I believe in luck?
yeah, I’d say I do, I believe in fate a little at least
65. What’s the weather like right now?
66. What was the last book I’ve read?
I recently restarted Soccernomics, but I haven’t had time to read again lately
67. Do I like the smell of gasoline?
not really
68. Do I have any nicknames?
not any that have stuck
69. What was the worst injury I’ve ever had?
I’m a baby, nothing worse than cuts, bruises, scrapes, etc. 
70. Do I spend money or save it?
lol I’m not the worst but I’m a spender
71. Can I touch my nose with a tongue?
72. Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me?
one of my G2 pens
73. Favourite animal?
DOGS ALL THE DOGS, but also otters, lions and foxes, red pandas… 
74. What was I doing last night at 12 AM?
watching youtube videos lol
75. What do I think is Satan’s last name is?
um…? no answer? idk
76. What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?

How can you win my heart?

What would I want to be written on my tombstone?

What is my favourite word

My top 5 blogs on tumblr

If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would Isay?

Do I have any relatives in jail?

I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good,and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice!What is that power?

What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?

What is my current desktop picture?

Had sex?

Bought condoms?

Gotten pregnant?

Failed a class?

Kissed a boy?

Kissed a girl?

Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?

Had job?

Left the house without my wallet?

Bullied someone on the internet?

Had sex in public?

Played on a sports team?

Smoked weed?

Did drugs?

Smoked cigarettes?

Drank alcohol?

Am I a vegetarian/vegan?

Been overweight?

Been underweight?

Been to a wedding?

Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?

Watched TV for 5 hours straight?

Been outside my home country?

Gotten my heart broken?

Been to a professional sports game?

Broken a bone?

Cut myself?

Been to prom?

Been in airplane?

Fly by helicopter?

What concerts have I been to?

Had a crush on someone of the same sex?

Learned another language?

Wore make up?

Lost my virginity before I was 18?

Had oral sex?

Dyed my hair?

Voted in a presidential election?

Rode in an ambulance?

Had a surgery?

Met someone famous?

Stalked someone on a social network?

Peed outside?

Been fishing?

Helped with charity?

Been rejected by a crush?

Broken a mirror?

What do I want for birthday?

How many kids do I want and what will be their names?

Was I named after anyone?

Do I like my handwriting?

What was my favourite toy as a child? 
Favourite Tv Show?

Where do I want to live when older?

Play any musical instrument?

One of my scars, how did I get it?

Favourite pizza toping?

Am I afraid of the dark?

Am I afraid of heights?

Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?

Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in theend?
What I’m really bad at

What my greatest achievements are

The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me

What I’d do if I won in a lottery

What do I like about myself

My closest Tumblr friend

Something I fantasise about my ex
Ask me stuff!
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