#what is running? what is living? its all beyond the wind
autismswagsummit · 1 day
Got a post in my reccomended that reminded me of something I need to make clear, that's gone poorly addressed here until now.
Last year, while you may remember it fondly, the toxicity demonstrated by my voters and fanbase regarding who to vote for (especially during the later rounds) was genuinely atrocious. It moved well beyond the point of lighthearted competition and into genuine vile behavior and often ableism that I cannot let slide as we go further into season 2. This extends to (and is primarily relevant to) Donatello fans. I give you guys a lot of credit for the success and fun of this blog, but it is pertinent that you also remember that Donatello fans in particular were credited with the most cruel attitudes in the wake of Mob's victory. I understand being upset because of a loss, but this is ridiculous.
I am not "calling out" or targeting anyone in particular with this. I am well aware that this behavior does not belong to all of you. The majority of yall are darlings and I couldn't be more grateful for your support. But I let you all off way too easy last time.
Let me make it clear: You are voting on your favorite autistic headcanon/canon character. The metric of "autism swag" does not exist, and should never be used to bully or harass other voters. It's a title that was made up and based off of the names of the other poll bloggers at the time, not a real concept. It is not serious, nobody is winning anything besides a PNG that gets put next to their character if they win.
If I catch wind of any genuine death threats, bigotry, or otherwise unnecessary cruelty sent towards any participants during the course of this season, I will start disqualifying characters. If you cannot keep it civil when polls are live, I see no reason why you should be rewarded with your character's victory.
I deeply apologize to anyone who has been by this cruelty. It is my responsibility as this blog's operator to keep behavior civil, and it's something I've been mishandling up until now. This poll has grown well beyond what I originally thought it would be, it has since day one, and I need to prioritize learning how to handle its reach if it's something I want to continue.
The polls will still run as scheduled, this is not an announcement of a delay or cancelation, simply a firm reminder of where I stand on the harassment demonstrated by people in my follower base.
Thank you for your time and understanding. I hope going forward we can all be kinder to eachother, and understand that at the end of the day, we are here to show love towards our favorites, not hatred towards strangers that have done nothing to you.
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troublesomesnitch · 2 months
Meeting Vhagar - Drabble
Aemond x Wife!Reader
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Much to your dismay, Prince Aemond insists on bringing your little son to Vhagar. Set sometime during the Dance.
Contents: Just a little practice thing... Dad!Aemond, Targaryen parenting, subtle fluff. Little bit of subtle angst too. No filth this time..
Words: 3000, and very sloppily proof read.
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The carriage can only take you so far as to the Iron Gate. 
Beyond its massive doors, the Rosby Road winds North, poorly maintained and full of potholes, as it is the shortest of the main roads, and thus the least important. It is not as busy as others, and the gate is not guarded as well - clearly, as the men who should be protecting it are presently engaged in a game of cards, laid out on top of a large, flat rock.
That is where the driver will wait, but it is not your destination. 
There is another little trail. One that runs in the opposite direction, scarcely used and partially hidden, visible only to those who know it. No horse or wagon can make the journey, and there is no option but to walk - first along a narrow, trodden path, and then further still, down treacherous steps, carved into the very rock the city rests upon. Past the watchtower, and across the Northern beach, to the vast caves of Maegor the Cruel, where Vhagar has made her nest.
You walk alone, just the two of you. The prince in his coat and boots, and yourself in attire much less suited for the occasion. Fine shoes, fine skirts, and with your little son cradled in your arms. 
The gentle rocking of the carriage has lulled him to sleep. Four months old, he is, and a source of such joy that your poor heart can scarcely contain it. From his first high-pitched cry when you brought him into the world - oh, the pains of labour were all but forgotten, as was the threat of the raging war. And when the prince came to see his son, you could hardly even bear to let him hold him. 
He wanted to bring the boy much sooner, but both you and the dowager queen staunchly put your foot down against that. Children should not be brought outside the home until they have at least lived through the first perilous weeks, and possibly even their first fever. And even then, most would argue, they have no business being around ferocious animals. 
“I don’t like it,” you say, for the umpteenth time, taking the hand offered to you by the prince to help you cross a treacherous stretch. “It is mad, bringing an infant to such a beast - ” 
“Vhagar should know him,” he says, steadfast and determined. As he has done whenever you voiced your concern. 
It does nothing at all to calm your nerves. But it is his most compelling argument, and the only reason you have allowed this lunacy in the first place. So the dragon would recognise the boy as his, and as one of her own. So she would know to protect him, if - something should happen. 
You make it halfway across the pebbled beach before the prince pauses. And you do too, lifting your gaze to follow his line of sight; see what he is looking at. 
An enormous, greyish mass, some yards away, that at first you thought was a moss-grown rock, or years of washed up seaweed. But the mass makes a rumbling noise and begins to shift and lift itself, slowly and carefully, as though with much effort. Part of it becomes a leg, another part unfurls into a great wing, and the rock nearest to you becomes a head, with a mouth full of jagged teeth, and two eyes opening slowly. Amber in colour, and with slitted pupils staring straight at you. 
“She can sense me,” the prince declares, with no small amount of pride, lifting his chin and straightening his back. 
You, however, are paralysed, utterly shocked by her vastness. You have never seen Vhagar this close before, and though you knew of her impressive size, it is one thing to see her soaring across the sky, and quite another to be right next to her, unprotected and vulnerable.
It seems to you that the span of her wings could cover half the city, that entire buildings could fit in her mouth. And certainly, she could end all three of you with her fiery breath, or with a single swipe of her claw or her massive tail. One wrong move, even if accidental, even if she did not mean to - you would all be dead. 
“Come,” the prince says, pushing at the small of your back. But you stall, digging in your heels, frozen in place at the sight of her. 
“I’ve changed my mind,” you stammer. “We should go back - it is not safe…”
The prince gives an overbearing, if somewhat irritated sigh. 
“Dragons are loyal beasts,” he reassures. “Vhagar is loyal to me, she obeys me - ”
“She is a beast,” you hiss, hugging your drowsy son closer to your chest. “She cannot be trusted. It is too dangerous - I won’t let you bring him any closer - ”
Prince Aemond does not like to be challenged. He turns around to look at you coolly, his voice low and scornful as he speaks. 
“Is your opinion of me so unfavourable, wife, that you think I would risk harm to my own son?”
“No,” you respond, quietly, but truthfully. Since you were married, your opinion of the prince has only risen, slowly but surely. And it continues to do so, still - though perhaps not right now. “I don’t like it - ”
“Mhm - so you said,” your husband says dryly, all but wrenching the swaddled boy from your arms. 
He does not complain, the boy. Prince Aemond comes to visit often, at least once a day, and sometimes more. He sits with the child, reads to him, lets him fall asleep in his arms - not for very long each time, but it is at least enough for the little boy to recognise his father’s low voice and stern face as something safe and comfortable. As is evident from the way he now settles against the prince’s leather-clad chest, tangling his little fist into a lock of his hair. 
The beast remains still, pensive as her rider approaches, her serpent’s eyes fixed on the thing in his arms, on what he is bringing her. Your most precious treasure, your life’s very purpose, completely at the mercy of the greatest dragon in the world. 
You might have felt more at ease if the soft, sparse hair on his head had been silver like his father’s, but alas, it is not. It is exactly like yours, and only the bright violet of his eyes gives away his true inheritance. 
And that seems like too little a thing for such a large creature to notice. 
Prince Aemond calls out in that strange language of his, with the open vowels and the rolling R’s. It is beautiful, especially in his mouth, and the dragon responds at once, contorting herself to let him touch her wrinkled neck with affection. Which is a strange sight, but what is even stranger is the way she grumbles - as though she likes it. He speaks to her as if she was another person, in long, full sentences that are much too complicated for you to even attempt to understand. There is only one word you can make out, for the sole reason that he says it twice - yoreliatzeh, or yorelatzya, or something akin to that. You haven’t a clue as to what it means. 
Vhagar snorts once, and the prince steps back to give her room to move, to rise up onto her legs and bring her head closer, her nose almost touching his hip. While you stand at a distance, staring at the utterly bizarre scene playing out in front of you. A fearsome, vicious beast, sniffing the child like a dog would. Gently and carefully, only she is so big that each of her cautious breaths is like a small gust of wind, making your husband’s hair billow about his face. When she makes a grunting noise, he carefully unwraps some of the swaddlings, holding the child up to let her see him better, smell him better. 
He is bright, your darling boy, and curious, like all babes and children. His eyes are wide as they take in Vhagar’s scaly form, and he gives a soft squeal of surprise or wonder, kicking his little feet under the blankets. Reaching his arm towards the beast's massive head, her massive teeth -
“Aemond, please - ” you gasp, clutching your hands to your throat. 
The prince turns his head to give you a stern look, one that clearly shows he is running out of patience. And maybe this time it is justified, because your fearful outburst startles the boy, who begins to squirm unhappily in his father’s arms. Fussing and whimpering; a sound that is as painful to you as salt to an open wound. 
“Bring him to me,” you plead, “can’t you see that he is frightened - ” 
“He is frightened because you are frightened,” the prince says, as soft spoken as always, but with a hint of something sharp underneath.
He cradles the boy closer to his chest, bouncing him gently, holding his head and murmuring soothing words. Exactly as you would do, and to the same effect. It calms him down, and his big, round eyes start darting around again, taking in his surroundings. The dragon, the grey sea, the fine silver clasps on his father’s clothes. It does seem that the latter intrigues him the most. 
Vhagar lifts her neck and tilts her head just slightly, seemingly very interested in the child, in this tiny little creature; the way he moves his little limbs, and his soft coos and noises. There is an almost… thoughtful look in her eyes, or at the very least a curious one. 
It makes you wonder about the extent of her perception. Whether she truly knows that this is Aemond’s child, that it came from him, from his body, his flesh. If she can sense it somehow, through the bond they purportedly share, or if she understood it when he spoke to her. 
How intelligent is a dragon? Are they like dogs or horses, able to learn the meaning of certain words, but not the full breadth of language? Or do they think as people, with nuance and emotion, and a mind as vivid as your own. 
You do not know. You suppose no one really does. 
“Come,” the prince calls, reaching his arm towards you, beckoning you closer. However, a single glance at Vhagar, whose mighty gaze is now focused on you, is enough to inspire disobedience in even the most well-behaved wife.
“I would really rather not - ”
“She must know the both of you,” he insists. 
“Is that - necessary?” you squirm, wringing your hands, very much aware that you are not a dragon rider, that you haven’t a drop of Valyrian blood. “Vhagar has no reason to think fondly of me…”
The prince scoffs. 
“Are you not the mother of my child?” he says. “Now, come.” 
You must go to him. He is your lord husband, and he is a prince, and such is the way of things. But you are not at all glad to, and you walk with shaky, reluctant steps, gripping onto his elbow and cowering behind him like a frightened child. 
You close your eyes when the dragon lowers her head once more, bringing it towards you. A sudden, low-pitched growl makes your heart tremble, but the prince speaks a soft command. Lykirī, Vhagar. Lykirī.
It has a calming effect on you too. As does the arm he keeps outstretched in front of you - solely for your comfort, you assume, as it would make no difference whatsoever, should Vhagar decide that she does not like you. But you appreciate the gesture nonetheless.
The air is warm, this close to her, and your skirts move around your legs when she breathes, slowly and deeply, while the prince speaks to her in soft tones. That word again, the one from before, and many others. You know the words for wife, for king, for father, brother, sister, even for dragon, but he says none of those now, so you have no guess as to what he is telling her. Or if she understands. Or what he would call you, if not his wife. 
This woman is my - spouse? lady? lover?
You do have a kind of love for him, and sometimes you think he does for you, too. Sometimes. One can never be sure of anything with the prince, who keeps himself so closely guarded. Even after more than a year of marriage. Even now that you have given him a child. 
The birth went mercifully well, but your recovery was long, and he has only recently begun to come to your bed again. And so far, only a handful of times. The first time, it was so painful for you that the act could not be completed, and the second time, he finished so quickly that it barely even counts. The third was better. Pleasurable for both of you, but still strange after going so long without it - at least for you. It is both likely and possible that the prince satisfied his urges elsewhere while your body was indisposed. You do not know. Nor do you wish to. 
The ground shifts beneath your feet, and the heat around you lessens, as does the heavy smell of burned flesh and brimstone, the very same one that so often clings to your husband’s clothes. When you open your eyes it is to the sight of Vhagar, settled onto her belly, her head laid atop her claws. Calm and docile, and with a deep rumble coming from her chest - one that is probably a sign of contentment, even if it sounds utterly terrifying. 
“Touch her,” the prince commands, giving a gentle push to your back. “You have nothing to fear, touch her.” 
It is quite clear that Vhagar is unruffled by your presence, that she is resting. But with her eyes heavy and half-closed, it makes her look so menacing, so evil - even though you know that evil does not exist inherently in any beast. Only in those who train it. 
You draw in a steadying breath, gathering up your courage, reaching your hand out - only to then think better of it and let it fall. 
“I am afraid to,” you whisper.
The prince sighs. But his hand closes gently around yours, bringing it to rest on the side of her nose, first the tips of your fingers, and then your whole palm. 
It is like nothing else you have ever felt, her scales. You always imagined that a dragon’s skin would feel like leather, but Vhagar’s skin is so much tougher, so much rougher, like running your hand over little rocks. And she is warm - so warm, as though a fire is always burning somewhere in her throat. 
She does not object at all to your touch, even when the prince withdraws his own hand, leaving only yours. Only you and Vhagar. The largest, oldest being in the world. 
To think, the things she has seen. The conquest, the Dornish Wars, the very founding of the realm of the Seven Kingdoms. Dozens of castles have crumbled in her fire, and thousands of people have perished, and she has fought and won hundreds of battles; torn through stone, rock and earth as though it was boiled jelly. 
It is at once terrifying and romantic, like something from a fairytale, or stories of ancient times. A creature of such myth and legend that you almost feel as though you should bow down to her, as one does before a great matriarch.
Vhagar the Conqueror. Queen of all Dragons. 
She closes her eyes when you draw back. 
“He might ride her too, some day,” the prince says quietly. Wistfully. 
“But dragons only have one rider - ” you protest, cutting yourself off when you realise what he meant. What he left unsaid. 
This is war. The realm is at war. Death is everywhere; at the end of a blade, in the point of an arrow. And if not on the field of battle, then in tainted water or plague-ridden camps; empty bellies or festering wounds.
“You shouldn’t say such things,” you mutter, looking down at your feet. Your dirtied shoes. 
The prince does not answer. A heavy mood has settled over the rocky beach, something vast and bleak and empty, only compounded by the surroundings. The colourless sky, the sombre crashing of waves. Even Vhagar gives a doleful sigh, as though she too is weary of what is to come.
She has been the prince’s companion since childhood. He was born to the queen, but Vhagar made him what he is, made him ruthless, made him brutally ambitious. Made him Aemond One-Eye, Aemond the Kinslayer. Prince Regent, Protector of the Realm. She has known him boy and man, as well as any, and better than most. She has known him in life, and she may yet know him in death.
You push that thought away as forcefully as your mind allows. You shouldn’t think such things. 
A coo from your son breaks the tension, and his eyes turn to the sky, where a large heron is flapping its wings. The afternoon is turning to evening, and soon the bell will ring for supper - something warm and comforting, you hope. You are cold, your breasts feel sore, and you have most certainly had enough excitement for one day. For several days, in fact.
“Can we go, please,” you breathe, looking up at your husband with wide, pleading eyes. 
“She is tired,” he says, with a soft glance at Vhagar’s terrifying face, and a gentle touch to her side. “Yes, we should.”
You walk slower on the way back. Uphill, with sore feet, and your boy now fast asleep in your arms. Safe and snug where he belongs. 
“My Prince,” you begin, sweet and innocent. “What does… yoreliatzeh mean?”
There is a sly little smile on his face when you look at him, a self-assured look in his remaining eye.
“Jorrāeliarza,” he corrects, with an artful pause before he continues. As though to keep you in suspense. “It means dear. Or… beloved.”
If he sees the sudden blush on your face, he does not let on. 
“No,” he says. “Jor-rāe-liar-za.”
“Jor-rāe-liar-za,” you repeat, trying your very best to mimic the exact movements of his mouth, the way he gently rolls his tongue. “Jorrāeliarza.”
“Better,” he nods, and then you round a corner, just in time to see the guards hastily hide their cards away, and the driver shuffling back towards the carriage, eagerly shoving his winnings into a pocket. 
Jorrāeliarza. Jorrāeliarza. Jorrāeliarza. 
Dear. Beloved. 
You like that very much.  
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Please feel free to come into my asks or DMs with critique of my fics! Constructive is preferred, but not required.
Tags. @arcielee, @targaryen-madness, @aemondsbabygirl, @qyburnsghost, @blackswxnn
I am a mess with the tagging, I'm so sorry if I forgot or wrongly tagged anyone. Let me know, I will fix it.
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b14augrana · 4 months
Your actions on the field are a product of your childhood idol
Barça Femení x teen!reader
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pt. 2 masterlist
Warnings: reader suffers from the scrubber trait. 🥹
A/N: #yanited (not proofread as always x)
It was the last few minutes of the semi-final against Chelsea. If you kept the clean sheet at Stamford Bridge, you were sure to win it. If you didn’t… well, Fridolina tried explaining to you that you’d still win, but you weren’t willing to see for yourself.
“(Y/N), watch the wing!” yelled Mapi, who pointed to the flank. Lucy had overlapped and when the possession switched, you were left to take on Macario.
You glanced in the direction of the left wing, feeling slightly — no, very scared to go against Macario… on your own.
You could tell just by looking at her for a split second that Mapi was a bit worried for you too, and if she could deal with Macario she would, but unfortunately you were closer.
Nevertheless, you ran towards her side-on, trying to anticipate her next move. You knew what Mapi would say; hold her off until Lucy’s back in position, just delay her.
At the same time, you knew what Nemanja Vidić would do, and that is knock the living daylights out of her with a slide tackle. Guess what path you decided to take?
You sent yourself flying feet first towards the ball. As you slid across the grass, pushing the ball out of play. The last thing you saw before getting to your feet again was the distraught expression of Macario as she tumbled over your body, seemingly going headfirst towards the ground.
You could barely hear the groan she let out, because soon you were stood up and Mapi was at your side, patting you on the back for your tackle. Lucy ran to retrieve a ball and quickly toss it in to resume the play.
You hadn’t even registered your tackle until the side of your thigh started to hurt a little. A short glance beyond your shorts helped you discover that it was a bit red, but the tackle was worth any bruise that was sure to form in its place.
The game only started to pick up again when the red card was shown to Buchanan. Holding down the back line when the through balls and dribbles kept coming felt like a real Vidić-esque thing to do.
If it wasn’t already super obvious, Nemanja Vidić was your idol. You bled blaugrana in every shape and form, but that didn’t stop you from taking inspiration from the former Manchester United defender. If you hadn’t been a lifelong Barcelona fan, you would’ve trialed for the Manchester United academy and played for them just to say you played at your idol’s former club. You always had a pen and paper on hand in case you happened to come across him, and if that ever did happen you’d immediately get it tattooed (legal or not, you’d find a way).
The team found your love for Vidić very endearing. It was obvious that you admired his fearlessness because of how you tried to imitate it on the field by putting your body on the line, and Lucy loved that; she called you a ‘little brick wall’. Irene was a more solid defender than you, though. Your tactic was to just throw yourself at the ball whenever you were in doubt. She actually had tactics.
So, when Lauren James was at the edge of the box, winding her leg up to take a shot, you couldn’t find the time to think before flying in, cutting her out. You were smart enough to face the other way, and the ball deflected off your back instead of your face.
“¡Así es!” Ona yelled from the other side of the pitch, running into the box to defend further until Lucy cleared it down the wing.
The match ended with the scoreline being 2-0 to Barcelona. Everyone said your tackles were the defining factor that kept it that way, but you thought it was all thanks to Aitana, Frido and Cata. Regardless of who did what, you were happy your team were into the finals. You were happy you did something to keep them up on aggregate.
You ditched the celebrations a bit early to go sit down in the locker room and get your daily logins on Hay Day. The adrenaline wore off almost immediately after you sat on the bench, and your attention was brought to the minor grazes and bruises scattered along your legs. You felt one on your abdomen and somehow, you had a scratch on your shoulder.
You were glad. Vidić would never come out of a big match like that unscathed. You did your idol proud on the field, or so you hoped at least.
Most people often asked why you wanted to be a defender and subject yourself to the most physical parts of the game. Truth be told, you just really loved denying people of a goal. Lucy said you ‘played for the badge’ and despite not knowing what that meant, you hoped it was good.
You were also really bad at aiming and every time you cleared the ball or made a pass up field, you hoped and prayed it would at least go straight. You could never be a goal scorer like Caro or Aitana or Mariona.
“(Y/N),” a voice called out. You looked up from your phone to see Lucy. “Why aren’t you out celebrating?”
“I almost missed my Hay Day login. Have to do that before anything,” you replied. Lucy laughed, walking closer and sitting down on the bench beside you.
She put an arm around your shoulder, the way she always did. It felt older sister-y, and you liked that. “You really know how to tidy up back there,” she remarked. You smiled slightly, your cheeks burning up. Lucy was an insane defender so her praise meant the world to you. “Thanks, Luce.”
“They’re looking for you to give you the Player of the Match trophy, but you ran away too fast,” Lucy laughed, and your eyes bulged out of your skull.
“What about Aitana? She was the one that scored.”
“And you’re the one that kept out almost their entire team. You deserve this!” Lucy added, shaking you. You were a bit confused because you didn’t think your tackles were that vital, but you were proved wrong.
“Okay, okay. I’ll go out in a bit, after I put my slides on,” you responded. The woman smiled and gave you a tight side hug.
“Nemanja would be proud, scrubber. Good job today,” Lucy added while she stood up and began to walk away. Your face couldn’t help but form a smile of its own.
“But, don’t start slide tackling in every game. The last thing we need is for you to get hurt trying to wipe someone out with a Brexit,” she said sternly, suddenly turning around with a finger pointed at the plotting expression on your face. You raised your hands in defense.
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moonchild-in-blue · 2 months
Have you ever noticed how Vessel has never actually said the words "I love you"? Like. He says it many, many times - each breath he takes is a confession - but he has never said it.
It's always "my love is / as (...)", "I'm full of the love you want", "like lovers", "your love", "(...) falling in love with me". The closest we get is "I made loving you (...)". Which still isn't quite the same as saying I love you.
It's almost like he needs to put some sort of barrier between what he feels and what he knows it's the truth to lessen the blow. Because he does love them, and will continue to do so, forevermore. No matter the cost of rain, through death. He's theirs unconditionally, even if it hurts him, right?
But they don't feel the same. He knows that. He begs for it, for them to fall for him, to take a bite, show him what it's like.
Vessel knows that they want his love, companionship, worship, whatever you want to call it, the way a wolf wants its prey. He knows that they keep him around, keep pretending to be falling in love with him, merely as play thing, a means to an end. He knows all of this and keeps loving anyway, knowing that his love doesn't matter.
You don't really love,
you just hate to be alone.
Because hiding behind big, fancy, flourished phrases like "I'll live like I've got missing limbs for you", and "My arms belong around you", and "We go beyond the farthest reaches", and -
And you know I'll be yours Just want to be worth it I will run like the wind till you follow me again
- is much easier than to admit the very simple and pathetic three-worded truth, knowing it is not reciprocated. Not anymore at least (if ever).
If what they say is "Nothing is forever", then what makes love the exception?
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forlix · 8 months
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𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱𝘀・767 / 𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴・felix x gn!reader / 𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲𝘀・fluff, established relationship, they're in love your honor, pt. 2 of me being very normal about paris lix
𝟬𝟮:𝟮𝟭 — The stars hang over your heads like rice wine dripping into a navy basin. Paris sprawls over your shoulders like a stretching sphinx. Yet the world, in all its rare, tranquil beauty, does not exist.
Nothing exists except for you. You, with your hood pulled over your head and the drawstrings tightened so the fabric scrunches around your wind-bitten cheeks. You, with a few strands of hair escaping from the cotton ring, catching on your eyelashes as they flutter, slipping between your lips as you speak. You, you, you.
Sometimes, Felix experiences something strange. It happened when you walked into the kitchen with puffy eyes and terrible posture, a spot of toothpaste on your chin. It happened at the sight of the warm smile you gave the barista as you ordered at your favorite cafe. It happened when he found you faceplanted into your keyboard at 3 A.M., the last fifteen pages of your research paper comprising nothing but the letter ‘g.’
And it happens now, as you recount the embarrassing situation you found yourself in that afternoon, sporting a smile that splits your face into two. Not down the middle, but slightly off to the side, the way it does when you’re really laughing.
Cue the telltale signs: an explosive blossoming in his chest, a mounting tightness in his throat, a feeling like he’s been ripped out of his body and, from a distance, finally recognizes himself for what he is.
A mortal man tasked to contain the galaxy that is his love, every sun and moon, every asteroid, every scrap of space debris belonging to you.
How he hasn’t yet burst at the seams is beyond him.
“I complimented the cab driver’s ass,” you say.
He blinks at you. “What?”
“I was trying to—”
You’re overcome by a breathless giggle, your interlocked hands swinging between your bodies.
“I was trying to thank him. Merci beaucoup, right? And then he looks at me like I’m crazy and drives away, and then it hits me.”
“Oh.” Felix says, and he, too, starts to smile, his mirth melting his face like a spreading flame. “Oh, no.”
“Merci beau cul,” you sigh. “I told him merci beau cul.”
“You didn’t.”
“I did.”
“A Freudian slip?”
“No wa—”
Your expression goes suddenly contemplative.
“Maybe, actually.”
His bark of laughter echoes around the empty grounds, accompanied with your insistence of you should’ve seen that thing, babe. He takes your word for it.
Your jetlagged adventure reaches climax some ten minutes later. You let go of Felix’s hand to run the rest of the distance, heels kicking up puffs of dust. The land silhouette sinks away, replaced by golden speckles that trickle into his field of vision until they’re all he can see.
At the hill’s pinnacle, you stand in silence. The strands of hair floating around you prior now thrash in the wintry winds, and you’ve swapped your wild grin for a stupefied gape. Your eyes glisten like mirror lakes, the city before you reflected in the pools of your pupils, cordoned within the shores of their lids.
There it is again. That familiar feeling of being torn away, of being crushed by the tonnage of his amour. He opens his mouth because he needs to, because he’ll burst at the seams if he doesn’t, just barely keeping the tremble in his voice at bay. 
“Can I take a picture of you?”
You look at him, confused.
“Only me?” He nods, and you hesitate. “Why?”
“Just trust me.”
And you do, with everything in you.
You turn your back to the nightscape. He positions himself a few feet away and slots his eye against the viewfinder. The lighting does you no favors with how it plunges you into shadow; you do Paris no favors with the radiance of your smile. Click.
Soonafter, you drift back to his side, plant a soft kiss to his cheek. He gazes at the live preview without a word, clutching his camera as tightly as if it's a piece of a shooting star.
Gently, you dust a finger beneath his chin. He lifts his eyes to meet yours, discovers your face meager centimeters away.
You will never know what you do to Felix, not to the fullest extent. But there are times, he thinks, when you have your suspicions, and this is one of them.
“You okay?” You whisper, your hand lifting to the curve of his cheek, and he slides his own around your wrist, the plush of his thumb nestling over your pulse. 
“Yes,” he whispers back, an understatement of prodigious proportions.
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fanwarriorfictions · 5 months
Not Again - Epilogue
Summary: What classifies home? For them, it was each other.
Warnings: small bit of angst, mostly fluff
Series Masterlist
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There was a shift in the air, so subtle that it could’ve been passed off as a breeze through a cracked window. It was just enough to wake Y/n from a deep sleep, Azriel’s shadows caressing her skin as she rose despite the male being dead asleep beside her.
The sky was still dark as Y/n pried herself from Azriel’s grip, untwining their legs, pushing away the hands that try and keep her pinned to his chest. The male didn’t wake up as she finally slipped from their bed, searching the floor for his shirt and her own underwear to cover her bare skin. He didn’t wake, not even as she slipped from their room, a shadow or two following her out.
Their little town house was quiet, nothing out of place, no sign of that shift in the air. Maybe it was just an open window, maybe she hadn’t latched the one in the kitchen where she’d cooled the pie she baked for dinner. Elain had been teaching her new recipes, Y/n was testing them out on Azriel, who finally admitted he also had a sweet tooth, after years of denial.
The house had been a gift from their family, the first few months after the gate had closed had been hard for Y/n. She was happy, so unbelievably happy with her mate, but she’d find herself back in that room, staring at that empty arch, waiting for anything to happen, waiting for her family to step through.
More than once, Nesta had found her sitting there, the busybody of a house guiding its owner to her to check on her. Nesta had sat with her, had listened to Y/n talk through her conflicting feelings, she’d been the one to suggest to Feyre that they needed a new place, somewhere not haunted with memories and what ifs.
After several years living here, she didn’t need any lights to find her way down the steps and into the kitchen. The window was indeed open, the small crack letting in the winter air beyond. She breathed it in, a small smile on her lips at the familiar feeling. Terrasen would be covered by several feet of snow this time of year, similar to the mountains of Illryia, where her mate had grown up and trained.
He’d brought her to Windhaven and other villages throughout the territory several times, usually against his will when Rhys asked them to check on the Illryians, to watch over the female’s training. Y/n knew that Azriel despised the place, she understood why, he’d rarely experienced kindness while he was growing up, not until his brothers had found him. Yet Azriel had bared it, for the females they were fighting for, and for her. The mountains reminded her of home, the snow, the trees, all of it. He’d made them a cabin there among the pine trees, a place she could go when she was especially homesick.
Y/n latches the window, overlooking the small garden behind her home, the towering red cliffs far beyond it. She could see the house of wind high in the starry sky, a few windows lit up by flickering lights from fireplaces inside keeping the home warm.
There, Nesta and Cassian would wake in a few hours, just before dawn broke to eat breakfast and prepare for the day. Y/n and Azriel would fly up to the training grounds atop the cliffs for their daily sessions with the them and the rest of the Valkyries. Then she and Gwyn would go into the library to study and work, Azriel would kiss her goodbye and several hours later he would wait for by the door to take her home.
Silent as ever, she doesn’t notice him until his strong arms were wrapping around her waist, tucking her into his chest. Azriel is practically a furnace at her back, a welcoming feeling in the winter kissed room.
She sighs, letting her head fall back against his bare chest, looking up at her mate. He’s perfectly disheveled, hair messy from sleep and from her hands running through the waves, his neck a constellation of bruises, surrounding the crescent shaped scar of her teeth, a mating gift. His eyes are still heavy, like he’d barely woken up, just knew that she had left, blindly following her.
“Where’d you go, my love.”
He presses a gentle kiss to the top of her head, lingering for a few moments.
She smiles softly at him, “Just forgot to close the window.”
He glances through the glass, where she’d been staring off, he found nothing, “Come back to bed, Princess.”
Y/n couldn’t help but look back out at the garden, at the city, at the cliffs, as if there was something out there begging her to check one more time. Azriel doesn’t persist, he lets her take her time, but he does rest his head on her shoulder, a gentle reminder that the shadowsinger was still half asleep. He would never rush her, but he nuzzles her neck, kissing one of his own claiming marks, the dark purple bruise directly above her pulse.
She sighs, tilting her head to give him better access, “Fine.”
It’s all he needs to pull away, just to sweep her up into his arms, strong and steady despite his sleepy state.
Y/n laughs quietly, “So needy.”
He doesn’t pause his steps towards their bedroom to lean down and capture her lips in a chaste kiss, “You’ve spoiled me to long, Princess, I can’t sleep with out you.”
“Big Illryian baby,” she coos, giving him one more kiss before resting her head on his shoulder.
They walk up the stairs, and into their room. Azriel gently lays her down on her side of the bed before laying down beside her. He tucks the blankets around both of them, pulling her to his side as he settled into the pillows behind him.
In the safety of his arms, Y/n finds it easy to fall back to sleep, dreaming of a night sky, full of constellations, a beautiful stag smiling down on her.
Far above them, the house of wind stirs. A room, long since dark and empty, lights. If anyone had been watching they would have seen a green light in the window.
Nesta had stirred at the familiar feeling, running to that room that hadn’t moved in the last ten years. She was hopeful, but cautious, Ataraxia in her hand.
The green light flowed through the door way as she rounded the corner. The gate was shining with that bright green light, familiar yet different. And there, standing in the middle of the room was a beautiful female she didn’t recognize.
She examines the room with mute curiosity, and Nesta notices a simple blade strapped to her back, a scrap of red fabric tied to the hilt.
“Who are you.” Nesta levels her own blade at the female, “What are you doing here.”
Her golden gaze halts its lazy search of the room, slowly dragging towards Nesta as if she just noticed her. There was something unsettling about the female, like something lurked below her skin, the beauty a disguise for the monster beneath.
Her head tilts in a way that has Nesta’s instincts reaching for her power, “I’m here to collect my niece, witchling.”
The white hair, golden eyes, Nesta raises a single brow, “Manon?”
The witch queen smiles, and those iron teeth slide into place, “I hope she only told you the good stories.”
“Depends on your classification of good.”
Azriel woke to a gentle tap on his mental shields. He was hesitant to open them, he knew what his brother had to say would make him get up and leave the warmth of his mate’s arms. The gentle taps turned persistent, like Rhys knew he was ignoring him.
What? Azriel sighs, Is the world ending before the sun has a chance to rise?
Not quite, Rhys laughs, But it would seem you and Y/n are needed at the house of wind.
Azriel sits up, For?
You’ll see.
Rhys doesn’t give him a chance to respond. Azriel looks at his mate, sleeping peacefully by his side. Her hair is a mess, and her lips are parted, letting out the softest snores. He hates to wake her, half because she looks adorable like this, the other half, because she got grouchy when woken up. He’d learned that the hard way.
So he did it the one way he knew would work. Azriel pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead, then her temple, her cheeks, her nose. Each kiss had her whining in her sleep until she was slowly stirring.
“Good morning, Princess,” he whispers, lightly pressing his lips to hers. “You’ve got to wake up.”
She hums against him, “No I don’t.”
Azriel smiles, pushing a wild piece of hair behind her ear, “Yes, you do.”
Y/n nuzzles into his palm, “I don’t want to.”
“I know, my love.” His lips travel across her jaw, down her throat, “We’ve been summoned.”
She sighs, tilting her head back as his lips explored her neck, “Tell Rhys to suck it up, he can summon me when the sun wakes up.”
Azriel laughs, nipping at the sensitive skin around her pulse, relishing in the small noise she makes, “I’m sure he wouldn’t ask me to risk my life waking you if it wasn’t important.”
Finally her eyes open, glaring up at him as he pulls away, “I’m not a feral animal you need to poke with a stick.”
Azriel smirks, “No, I wouldn’t say a feral animal, maybe a domesticated one, like a fussy cat.”
She hisses, baring those lethal canines, and Azriel leans down to kiss her, not scared of those sharp teeth, even when she lightly bites him. He just smiles against her lips.
You two are taking your time, Rhys butts into his mind, Tell Y/n the sun is coming up, no excuses anymore.
He doesn’t even open his mouth to relay the words, before Y/n is already snarling, “Tell him he’s a prick.”
His high lord simply laughs in his mind, before disappearing completely.
The dawn broke as they flew to the house of wind, the sun peaking out over the horizon, desperately trying to warm the snow covered city below. It did little to keep them from freezing, so they flew fast.
The house welcomes them with a warm embrace when they enter, and it’s far from quiet. Voices tumble out of the main living space, and one stops her dead in her tracks.
“No you cannot ride Abraxos.”
Cassian groans, “But-“
“Who is that?” Azriel takes her hand in his, noting the way her whole body starts to shake.
She doesn’t respond, only pulls him towards the room, she sees Cassian first, wings flared like he was ready to fight. And there, standing like she couldn’t care less about the giant Illryian before her, was Manon.
Those golden eyes slide to her, and a smile lights the witch queen’s face, “Hello, witchling.”
Faces turned to her Rhys, Cassian, and Nesta, she searched for more, searched for any sign of her parents.
“They’re not here,” Manon says, “I didn’t waste time sending for them, I came as soon as the mirror opened.”
“Mirror?” Y/n asks breathlessly.
Manon pulls a small object from her pocket, a witch mirror. They were few and far between, she’d only seen two growing up, the sister-glasses her and Dorian used to talk when they were apart. This one was similar to those, but engraved into the edges were Wyrd marks.
She read a few of them, most where protective marks, shields. But there, right on top, was the mark she’d made to open the gates, the simple archway.
Azriel examines the mirror over her shoulder, in its reflection she can see his furrowed brows low over his deep hazel eyes.
“As soon as they told me that you’d been taken through a gate I had every witch in my kingdom looking for a way to bring you back,” Manon explains, “And when Dorian had returned, told me that you had stayed in this world, I kept looking. While he was squandered away in his libraries studying those dusty old books, I flew through the world looking for a witch who could make me a mirror no one had ever made before.
“It took many years, many trials, and many broken mirrors,” Manon says, “But we finally made this one, it’s sister-glass is back home, holding my gate open, hiding it from prying eyes.”
Beside her, Azriel speaks softly, “How does it work?”
Manon eyes him, and Y/n has a brief moment of panic as to what the witch might do. The others seemingly have a similar reaction, Cassian none to subtly resting a hand on a dagger at his side. Manon notes the movement and glares at the male.
“It only requires a drop of blood to open the gate,” she says, voice tense like she was holding back her iron teeth, “Simply think of the place you wish to go and the gate will open. It will stay as long as you wish it.”
Y/n felt like laughing and crying all at once. She could go home, could live her life with her mate by her side, could come to her home in Velaris whenever she liked.
She didn’t think, just surged forward and flung her arms around Manon. The witch didn’t snap her iron teeth, didn’t scratch her with those metal claws, she simply wrapped her arms around Y/n and held tight.
“I’ve missed you too, witchling.”
Her whole body is shaking, joyful tears welling in her eyes. When they part, Azriel is there to keep her on her feet, he always was there for her, always would be.
She knew it was something that ate away at Azriel these years, that she stayed for him, that he hadn’t gone for her. It was a conversation they’d had many times, he had no reason to feel guilty, she’d made her choice, and she didn’t regret it at all. Azriel was needed here, there were many things he hadn’t told her those months when she’d first arrived, human queens threatening war, fae from the continent stirring, ancient beings in lakes. They’d dealt with those things together, spying and fighting and killing.
Y/n loved her home, missed it terribly, but she had found her mate, found her own story to tell, found her purpose beyond being a spoiled princess. Her parents reign was far from over, her own was in the far distant future. She believed that she would one day find her way back to Terrasen, and now it was happening.
“Can I see the mirror?”
Manon holds it out to her, “It is yours, use it wisely.”
Y/n held the glass, looking at that small archway carved into the mirror. Behind her, Azriel is smiling, stepping back to give her space. He stands between his brothers, nodding once, whispering down that bridge of shadow, Go home, Princess.
She grins, bringing her thumb to her sharp canine, biting down just enough to draw a little blood. Y/n pictures Orynth, the castle, her parents, and she presses her thumb right on that Wyrd mark.
Green light flairs, shining through the mirror to the floor at her feet, and before her, like a window between worlds, opens a gate. And there, sitting right where she knew they would take their breakfast, her parents, both standing at the ready, to fight, to defend. Yet they don’t find any threat, their eyes wide as they met her own.
“Oh gods,” her mother sobs.
And Y/n is running, wind pushing at her heels, she feels the exact moment she passes through the gate, like the magic in her blood sighs in relief. Her mother meets her halfway, colliding hard enough to steal the breath from her lungs. Before they have the chance to fall, her father is there, wrapping both of them in his arms, holding them steady.
Y/n can barely breathe, they hold her so tight, and she holds just as tightly.
“How?” Aelin asks through her tears.
“I got sick of waiting for you all,” Manon says behind them.
She walks through the gate, leaving Prythian behind, the three Illryian males and Nesta as well.
Rowan looks to the witch, his voice thick with emotion, “thank you.”
Manon nods simply, “It was time my niece came home.”
Aelin pulls away, her hands resting on Y/n’s cheeks, “I’ve missed you, my Fireheart, every single day.”
“I missed you too,” Y/n sobs, looking up to her father, “both of you, so much.”
Rowan doesn’t speak, only places a gentle kiss to her head, holding her tightly, like she’d disappear at any moment. Y/n holds just as tightly to them both. For several minutes, that’s all they can do, none of them willing to let go. Only when Manon clears her throat does Rowan pull back, Aelin is more hesitant to release her hold.
Her father’s eyes move behind her, Y/n looks back to find his gaze on the portal, on Azriel stepping through tentatively. Her heart gallops in her chest as her father walks to her mate, that calm mask over both of their faces.
Rowan stops before him, offering his hand like he had the last time they’d seen each other. Azriel carefully takes the hand, shaking it once, and then her father pulls him into an embrace.
“Thank you,” Rowan says, “For taking care of her.”
Azriel, to her surprise, hugs him back, and her heart almost burst in her chest, “Always.”
Aelin pulls back, wiping the tears from her eyes as she looks through the gate at the three fae still standing there, “Would you care for a tour?”
Rhys grins, “Can I grab my mate before we begin? She’d love to see it.”
“Of course,” Aelin smiles, looking back at Y/n with her eyes shining, “Bring everyone, you’re all family now.”
His family had jumped at the opportunity to tour the vast castle, and the beautiful city surrounding it. He’d stayed by Y/n’s side, watching her tell stories of her childhood home. They’d encountered many of her family on the way, Cassian had almost jumped Lorcan on sight, only stopped by Nesta at his side. Each reunion left Azriel feeling raw.
She’d given all of this up for him, no matter how many times she’d reassured him that it was her choice, and she chose him gladly, he still felt that guilt, he tried to hide it, but she always knew, even without the bond to tell her.
“Come with me,” she whispers in his ear, taking his hand in hers, “I want to show you something.”
He put on that mask, hoping she wouldn’t see through it, see the thoughts eating away at him.
Azriel smiles down at her, “Lead the way, Princess.”
They leave their families in the training grounds, where Cassian was getting closer and closer to wearing Lorcan down for that fight he was itching to have. No one noticed them, and if they did, they didn’t stop them.
She brought him back into the castle, pulling him up the huge grand staircase.
“Where are we going?” Azriel asks.
She sends him one of those sweet little smiles, “Just wait and you’ll see.”
Y/n takes him through several hallways, each of them grand and decorated with gorgeous paintings. Feyre would love to take her time looking at every single one. He didn’t have that time to admire them, his mate’s pace rushing them past each one.
They finally stopped at a set of doors, tall, white doors with golden handles. She takes her hand from his to open each of them, revealing a huge room.
He instantly knew it was her own, her scent still clings to the space, despite her decade long absence.
The sitting room is decorated with well loved chairs, pillows and blankets draped over them, surrounding a large fireplace, the mantle decorated with flowers and trinkets.
There’s a piano in the corner, it looked near identical to the one she bought for their house, she’d been teaching him to play for the past few years, he could finally carry a tune.
Y/n moves through the space, running her fingers over her desk full of papers, “It’s exactly how I left it.”
Azriel follows her, closing the doors behind him, she walks through the space, towards the door that leads to her bedroom. And beyond that, a balcony.
She opens the doors, stepping out onto the ice and snow covered stone, he follows her and he looks out over the city below. Beautiful, it was absolutely breathtaking. The city was alive with music and laughter, much like Velaris. Azriel looked out over the horizon, he could see all the way to the Oakwald forest, the ancient magic singing to him even from here.
“I didn’t give anything up,” she says quietly, entwining their hands between them, “I made my choice, and I gained everything.”
Azriel couldn’t speak, so he squeezed her hand, begging her to continue. She turns, placing her other hand on his chest, directly over his heart.
“I didn’t lose my crown, my life, it’s all still here,” she says, looking out over Orynth, “and I found my home. Not through a gate, but with you, Az.”
He could only look at her, could only admire his beautiful mate. This female, who’d fallen into his life, who’d stood toe to toe with him and won, stealing the heart from his chest. Y/n had chosen him, and he would chose her for the rest of his life.
“Where’d you go, shadowsinger?”
Azriel brought his free hand to her face, holding his world in the palm of his hand. When he kisses her, everything feels right, feels perfect. And for the first time in his life, he felt like he truly belonged somewhere, and that somewhere was with her, wherever she was.
“Home, Princess.”
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@inloveallthetime , @microwaveallthedemons , @nayaniasworld , @thecraziestcrayon , @fightmedraco , @blackgirlmagicforever , @nikt-wazny-y , @fangirlloza010 , @thisiskaylin , @wolfgirl624 , @khaleesihavilliard , @fluffy-bnny , @mariahoedt , @durgenyx , @glitterypirateduck , @byyalady , @amberlynn98 , @ferrarisbitch , @a-cup-of-nightshade , @breella , @hnnybee0 , @superspideyparker , @that-one-little-soybean , @thebeautifulmysteriesoflife , @websterss , @sassybluebird , @fakesocialmediaa , @balsalmic-vinegar , @lees-chaotic-brain , @yashiw , @a-mexican-waffle , @thefairlyaveragegatsby , @tele86 , @emidpsandia , @nickishadow139 , @basicwhiterat , @namelesssreaderrr , @feyres-fireheart , @some-person-somewhere , @flowersinvegas , @sleepylunarwolf , @saltedcoffeescotch , @anxious-study , @joey-hoey , @acourtofdreamsandshadows , @julesofvolterra , @emryb , @lilac-sun21 , @krowiathemythologynerd , @agentsofsheilds
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luimagines · 1 month
Maybe a scenario where the chain is female hero's Era and they meet her era's link which is her little brother of like 6 and she confesses that the quest was actually for him.
Everybody get ready for more Lucky. I will never have enough of this boy. ^.^*
Side note: Reader is written as Gender Neutral per the rules of the blog, but this isn't really about them anyway. :D
Content under the cut!
"Just a little closer." You say under your breath as you push aside the surrounding foliage. You step into a well beaten path. there's roots sticking out of it and the dirt is bare and dry, but you know that it's safe to travel along and that it'll take you straight to your destination.
"We've been walking for hours." Legend groans. "Are we there yet?"
"Almost." You hold the branch open for the others to pass through.
"This Link of yours must be a pain in neck to get to if his lives this far out into the middle of nowhere." Hyrule spits out a leaf.
You snort, keeping it vague for the sake of keeping him safe. They'll know the truth soon enough and frankly, you're scared to see the aftermath. "It's just up the path."
"Come on! Let's go!" Wind cheers and takes off running, following swiftly by Wild, Wolfie and Four.
You try to keep a leisurely pace, knowing you're going to need all the energy you can reserve for when you arrive. You want to run just as much as the others, but you know better.
Time seems to have caught on and gently smacks your shoulder. "You never said how you happened to meet him."
"I didn't?" You smile, playing it coy. "Strange."
"This is it?" Four asks with a skeptical look.
Just beyond the hill is a run down cottage. There's holes in the roof and the fence is broken in many areas. The forest and meadows around it are about to over take the small house and return the woods of its skeleton back to where they came from.
You try to hold back a bitter smile and the way your heart swells at the familiar sight. You pat Four on the shoulder and keep walking towards the cottage. Putting your fingers to your mouth, you let out a shrill whistle and keep walking.
A beat passes, setting the young men behind you on edge before the door of the cottage all but bursts open. You can feel some of the boys reach for their weapons but they hesitate when you start hollering in excitement.
Your calls are answered back by a small body that comes running out of the cottage at full speed. It comes out like a shot and b-lines for you with the intent to tackle. You catch the familiar mop of blond hair and laugh, peppering the small boy with kisses and tickles.
The group behind you is stunned.
"Bubbah! You're home! You're home!" The child cries.
You smile, getting a little teary as you hold the child closer. "I get to stay for a little bit this time before I travel again. I wanted you to meet some friends of mine. They've been very excited to meet you."
The little boy looks over your shoulder and gasp, a bright grin covering his face. "New people! Hello! Welcome to my house!"
You set him down with a proud smile as he runs to the Chain. He stops in front of them, holding his hand out like the polite gentleman he's growing up to be. "My name is Link, what's yours?"
Twilight bites the bullet and kneels to his level, shaking his hand. "Why- My name is Link too! It's great to meet you!"
You sighs and look back to the house. Your grandmother must still be inside. Age has not been kind to her.
The introductions are going on behind as your brother gets more and more amused that they all share the same name. He laughs, bright and joyfully and still the child you've fought so hard to keep. "No wonder you wanted to meet me too!"
"Yeah.... That's why." Legend clenches his jaw in a tight smile. He catches it quickly, the mark of the Triforce of Courage already on his little hand. Legend points to his hand to show that he has the same mark. "You have that too?"
Link, your brother, nods and proudly shows it off. "Bubbah says it's because I'm special. They had to leave home after it showed up though. They saved me from the monsters and told me to take care of grandma."
"Then I'm sure you're doing an incredible job." Time says gently. "That mark is special. I'm sure your grandma is very proud."
Warrior makes it a point to step aside, roughly grabbing your arm as he speaks in a hushed voice. "What is the meaning of this?"
"This is my home." You try to keep the growl out of your voice. "Link is my brother."
"Tell me you're joking."
"I wouldn't be the one traveling with you if I was."
"Bubbah!" Link calls for your attention. "Can they stay for dinner?!"
You slap a grin onto your face and wave back to him. "That was the plan, short stack! You mind going to tell grandma we have company?"
"Oh yeah!" He grins and runs back to the house right as your grandmother has reached the door. She sees you and sighs of relief that you've returned safe and sound.
You wave from where you are and blow her a kiss. You try not to look at the other boys around you.
You can feel them staring holes into you head as it is.
This is going to be a long story.
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anna-the-undertaker · 2 months
When the human body is under a great amount of stress, induced by fear or anger or desperation, the brain releases adrenaline into the bloodstream in an effort to keep us alive, forcing our body to perform at its full potential.
Part 2: Indomitable Will
MC and Luke navigated the bustling streets of the Devildom, the perpetual night casting everything in shades of deep blue and violet. The young angel’s face lit up with excitement as they gathered the last of the ingredients for his newest culinary creation. The market was alive with activity, but as they made their way back, the lively atmosphere took a dark turn.
They had just turned down a quieter path when a group of demons ambushed them. Before MC could react, rough hands grabbed them both, dragging them deep into the Devildom’s forbidden forest—a place so dangerous that even seasoned demons avoided it.
MC's heart pounded as they were forced further into the dark, twisted woods. They knew the others would come looking for them, but the forest was vast and treacherous. The demons had chosen their hiding spot well.
As they were shoved into a clearing, MC looked at Luke, who was trembling beside them. They knew what had to be done. With a surge of determination, MC created an opening in the demon's formation, shoving Luke through it.
"Run, Luke! Get help!" MC shouted, their voice strained with urgency.
Luke hesitated, his eyes wide with fear. "I can't leave you here! They'll—"
"RUN!" MC screamed, just as one of the demons lunged for Luke.
Finally, Luke obeyed, sprinting before taking flight with tears streaming down his cheeks. MC turned back to face the demons, their body trembling with fear but fueled by something stronger—the need to protect the young angel and everyone they had come to love.
As the demons advanced, a whirlwind of thoughts rushed through MC's mind. They saw the faces of all the friends they had made since coming to the Devildom: Diavolo’s encouraging smile, Barbatos’ quiet support, Lucifer’s stern but caring gaze, and the warmth of each brother and the angels who had become their family.
They had already lost so much, survived so much, and learned so much. Diavolo, Barbatos, and Lucifer had worked tirelessly for the success of this exchange program, striving for peace between realms. They had all fought so hard for every new experience, every friendship, all the knowledge that had been gained.
MC felt the weight of it all—the importance of what they had built together. Their instincts screamed at them to run, to find safety, but they couldn’t. Not now. They had to fight. They had to protect what mattered.
The first blow landed hard against their side, knocking the wind out of them. Pain exploded through their body, but they couldn’t fall. Not here. Not now. If they died, Luke would blame himself, and the others... it would destroy them.
Fueled by a surge of desperation, MC fought back with everything they had. Their heart raced, adrenaline flooding their system, making them move faster, hit harder, and react with a precision they didn’t know they possessed. Their magic, bolstered by the pacts they had formed, surged within them, giving them strength beyond what they thought possible.
Time lost meaning in the forest's darkness. It felt like hours had passed, but it could have been mere minutes. The forest's living energy twisted around them, making everything uncertain and surreal. They fought until the demons lay sprawled on the forest floor, barely breathing and unconscious.
MC stood there, gasping for breath, their body screaming in pain. Every muscle ached, their vision blurred, and their head spun. They looked up at the stars that peeked through the canopy of trees, trying to calm themselves, but the adrenaline had worn off, and the shaking in their limbs returned with a vengeance. They felt both heavy and weightless, and they marveled at how they were still standing.
"My magic most likely," they whispered to themselves, their voice barely audible. "I was told the pacts would change me in some ways..."
In the distance, MC heard the sound of shouts. They turned their head weakly towards the noise, catching sight of a group rushing towards them. The figures became clearer, and relief washed over them as they recognized Solomon, Simeon, Diavolo, Barbatos, Lucifer, and the others. Luke was with them, tears streaming down his face.
"I'm so happy you're okay..." MC murmured, their voice soft and strained as they smiled at Luke.
No one said anything at first. They were all staring at MC, their expressions a mix of shock and disbelief.
"Why is everyone staring at me like I've grown three heads?" MC wondered, glancing down at themselves.
They were covered in blood—some of it theirs, but most of it from the demons they had just faced. They looked back at the crumpled forms of the demons around them. One of them groaned, clutching his side in pain.
MC turned back to the others, feeling a wave of dizziness wash over them. Their vision darkened at the edges, and they swayed on their feet.
"Can someone help me... please..." MC's voice was faint, barely a whisper. "I think I'm gonna—"
Before they could finish, their knees buckled, and they collapsed. Several of the brothers rushed forward to catch them while the others moved to deal with the demons.
The group was stunned by the scene before them. MC’s injuries were significant, but the damage they had inflicted on the demons was far greater. They all knew MC was strong—they had learned that humans were far from weak—but this... this was something else entirely.
As they carried MC back, the reality of what had happened settled over them like a shroud. The most important lesson had been learned: humans were peaceful only when they chose to be, not because they had to be. And MC had just proven that to devastating effect.
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lustfulslxt · 8 months
hi yk that one vid of matt where its like boston matt and hes scratching his arm with his phone in his hand... can you make a fic where matt and y/n fuck in the bedroom and then they walk out into the kitchen and they start cooking dinner or something and have y/n make the video
Wind Down - Matt Sturniolo
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warnings : nsfw
After a long week of seemingly never-ending work, I am finally able to make my way to my boyfriend's house. He's who I always run to when I have a rough day, so after the treacherous week I had, he's exactly what I need. Since we're both free this weekend, he invited me over for a little relaxing slumber party.
We both just finished school, and since summer started, we have been so busy with working and trying to stack money before moving forward with our careers. Saying that, the last couple of months have been exhausting, neither of us really having a well-deserved and much needed break. So, when he texted me and told me to come over, and that he's got snacks and movies for us, I was beyond ecstatic.
Within ten minutes of leaving my house, I'm pulling up to his. I park beside their minivan and grab my overnight bag, quickly making my way through the back, towards the backdoor. Before I can even open it, it's opened for me, revealing Matthew.
"Hi, princess." He smiles, grabbing my hand and pulling me into him for a kiss.
"Hey, baby." I smile, planting another sweet kiss on his lips.
"Ugh." He groans, pulling me into his arms, squeezing me. "I've missed you."
"I know." I whine, enjoying his warm embrace. "Everything's been so chaotic. I was thrilled when I got your text."
He grabs my bag and ushers me upstairs, following close behind me. "Of course. I knew we both have this weekend off and I just want to spend it with you."
Once we get to the kitchen, I interlock our hands and place my head on his shoulder. He's always been the best boyfriend, and I'm so thankful for him. He wraps his arm around my shoulder, with our hands still connected, and walks us to his bedroom. There, on the bed, are all of our favorite snacks and drinks.
I turn to him with a huge grin, "You're seriously the best. What would I do without you?"
"Simply cease to exist." He jokes, earning a playful shove from me.
We both giggle, me skipping to the bed while he sets my bag aside and gets his TV ready to play a movie. I gather all the snacks up and push them aside, making room for both of us to cuddle.
"Are you hungry?" He asks, joining me on the bed.
I shrug, "Eh, not really. But if you are, we can eat something real quick."
"No, I'm all good. I was just making sure." He replies, getting under the covers with me.
He lies on his back, me curled up at his side with one of my thighs wrapped around him. I place my head on his chest, and watch him flicker through Netflix, looking for a movie to watch. His scent fills my nostrils, making me feel all warm and giddy inside. He always smells so good. I slip my left hand under his shirt, resting it on his abdomen, rubbing soft circles just how he likes.
"God, I've missed you." He mutters, kissing the top of my head and pulling me closer to him.
He sets the remote down on his nightstand table and turns to face me. Closing his eyes, he pulls me flush against him and buries his head in the crook of my neck.
"No movie?" I question, closing my eyes and indulging in the warmth he's providing.
"Not unless you really want to watch something." He says, his eyes fluttering down at me. "I just wanna lay here with you."
I smile and place a kiss on his lips, burying my face in his chest. "That's completely fine by me."
He grins, snuggling impossibly closer to me, both of us finding solace in one another. His hand sneaks up my shirt and rubs my back up and down, the heat of his hand causing goosebumps to spread across my skin. I wrap my arms around his neck and hike my leg up higher, desperate to be as close as possible. Time like these, I just want to live in his skin.
"I love you, Matty." I whisper against his cheek, the side of my face now against his.
"I love you more, pretty girl." He responds, planting his lips on mine.
It was a soft, but meaningful, kiss. His lips always move so tenderly against mine, both of us savoring the feeling it never fails to bring. We pull away, cheeky smiles adorning both of our mouths, before going back in. Our lips blend perfectly, moving together in a delicate and loving manner. My hands tangle in his hair, massaging his scalp the way I know he loves.
He pulls away and looks me in the eyes, quickly putting our mouths back together more desperately than before. His hands continue to roam along my back, my shirt riding up the higher he goes. One of his hands reaches the back of my neck, deepening the kiss and slipping his tongue in my mouth. Our tongues glide over each other with ease before he's exploring my whole mouth with his. After a moment, he pulls away, tugging my bottom lip in the process. It didn't take long for the heat to grow in my core, suddenly needing him in another way rather than just cuddles.
"You're so perfect, baby." He groans against my lips, brushing the hair out of my face.
"Matt." I breathe in a slightly whiny voice.
His eyes stare into mine, and I know he can read it all over my face. I need him so bad. He gently flips me onto my back, hovering over me and putting our lips together again. His hands slip up my shirt once more, softly gripping my waist and caressing my curves. It only takes him a second to decide to remove my shirt altogether. I slightly lean forward, assisting him in removing the piece of clothing. The moment my shirt hits the floor, his is also on the way down.
I pull him back down to me, our lips meeting in a feverish and heated kiss. My hands run up his bare torso, feeling the definition of his body beneath my fingertips. He turns my head to the side a bit, his lips trailing down my cheek and to my neck. He flicks his tongue along the sensitive skin, latching his lips around it. Nibbling and sucking all over, leaving me needy and breathless. He continues working his mouth lower, now peppering open mouthed kissed along my shoulder and collarbone, leaving a trail of saliva in his wake.
His hands never leave my body once, him straddling one of my legs with his knee pressed directly into my core. The small gesture is enough to have me clenching around nothing, excited to be filled. I can feel his dick growing, the bulge pressing against my inner thigh. I loop my fingers in the waistband of his pants, attempting to tug them down. He reluctantly pulls away from me, leaning back to remove the rest of his clothing. I do the same, both of us tossing them aside with our shirts.
The sight of his erect dick, his tip red and secreting the slightest dribble of precum had my mouth watering. His hands engulf my breasts, kneading them as his mouth takes turn sucking each nipple. The way his hands and mouth work against my skin, and the feeling of his dick brushing against my clit, has me softly moaning beneath him.
"Please, Matt." I moan out, slightly lifting my hips to grind against him.
"I know, baby, I know." He assures, pulling back.
He wraps his hand around his dick, stroking up and down, closing his eyes at the sensation. He leans forward, sliding his member in between my slick folds, coating it with my arousal. He aligns himself with my entrance, slowly pushing in just enough for his tip to be buried in me, before he's pulling back out.
"Don't tease." I whine, my hands clenching the sheets beneath us.
He slightly chuckles, pushing back in, this time all the way. I gasp, feeling the hard muscle deep inside me as he bottoms out. He stills, letting both of us adjust, his teeth biting on his bottom lip from the pleasure. After just a moment, he begins pumping in and out of me. I squeeze my eyes shut, my back arching off the bed. His strokes are slow, but hard, my boobs shaking with every movement.
He reaches forward, gripping plush skin on my chest, pinching the sensitive buds. Soft moans emit from my mouth left and right, my face turning to the side from the overwhelming pleasure. He grasps my jaw, turning my face back to him. He gazes down at me, studying my features, his thrusts gaining power, but keeping the slow pace.
"Always look so fucking pretty under me like this." He groans out, his hair dangling in front of his face.
"Mm, you fuck me so good, baby." I moan out, my nails digging into his bare back.
He smashes his lips onto mine, his hand still gripping my jaw as he fucks into me. He kisses me so deeply that it leaves me breathless. I'm on cloud nine. I can feel every vein that runs along his cock as he slowly pumps his member in and out of me, hitting my g-spot over and over again. The lewd sounds of my arousal and our skin slapping rings through the air, making this moment all the more delicious.
"Your pussy feels so good wrapped around me. So tight and wet." He moans, his thrusts becoming slightly sloppier. "Whose is it?"
I can't comprehend anything, my mind hazy with pleasure. Pornographic moans fall from my mouth, repeatedly. I can feel my orgasm sneaking up on me, causing me to clench around his dick.
"I asked you a question." He growls, his hand on my jaw turning me to look at him. "Whose pussy is this?"
"F-fuck." I whine out, "Yours. It's yours, Matt. All yours."
"Oh fuck-" He moans into my neck, his breath heavy. "You're goddamn right it is. All mine."
His thrusts speed up, him chasing our highs. My thighs clench around his waist and I can feel him throbbing inside of me. His tongue dances along the sweaty skin of my neck, teasing the sensitive bit. His panting and moaning in my ear, along with his deep strokes, push me over the edge. My legs begin to tremble, my head thrown back, nails digging into his back muscles. With a loud moan, I'm releasing onto his cock.
"Such a good girl, baby." He moans, his thrusts now completely abandoning their previous rhythm.
With just a few more pumps, his hips are sputtering and he's emptying his seed into me with a loud groan. He continues slowly fucking into me, riding both of our highs out, before he comes to a halt. He gently pulls out of me, collapsing on the bed beside me. Both of us have erratic breaths, our cheeks flushed a rosy, pink color. Our skin is slick with sweat, his hair stuck to his forehead, mine stuck to my neck.
"That was, wow." He pants.
"Matt." I breathe, causing him to look over at me. "I'm hungry now."
He bursts into laughter, making me join him. He leans over and places a sweet kiss on my cheek before getting up, grabbing my hand and helping me to stand.
"Let's get dressed. We can make something to eat, then shower and actually watch a movie this time." He suggests.
I nod in agreement, quickly dressing myself as he does the same. Combing my hair out with my fingers, I follow him out into the kitchen. He rounds the counter and opens the fridge, browsing for something to eat.
"Hey, do you wanna make a pizza?" He asks, looking back at me with raised eyebrows.
"Ooo, yes!" I cheese, "I'm just gonna go pee real quick. Get everything out and we can start when I get back."
He nods and does so as I make my way to the bathroom. I quickly go pee and wash my hands, heading back out to start out food. On the counter lays a baking sheet and a Totino's frozen pizza. I laugh upon seeing it.
"I figured we could just make this, since it's late and I know we're both tired. But if you don't want to, we can make a homemade one. It's up to you, princess."
I smile at him, "This is perfectly fine."
He smiles back and goes to preheat the oven. I take the frozen pizza out of the wrapper and place it on the baking sheet, then sit down on one of the bar stools while waiting for the oven to reach temperature. Matt comes and sits beside me, pulling his phone out to keep him occupied.
He looks so cute and so handsome. His hair falling over his face so delicately, his lips so pretty and pink. I pull my phone out, opening snapchat and start recording him. He doesn't have to do much of anything at all to make my heart flutter. He reaches back and scratches his back, suddenly catching my eye and seeing me record him. He flashes me a smile as I grin at him.
"You're so handsome, baby." I tell him, ending the video.
"Thank you, princess." He says, pecking my lips.
Once the oven preheats, we place the pizza in and set a timer for when it should be done. After it finishes, we run to his room with a plate and get in bed, eager to eat and watch a movie. This is exactly what I needed after the week I had. Matthew never fails to make me forget about everything else, instead, showing me a good time and making loving memories that I'll cherish forever.
a/n : hii, this was kinda just short and sweet! i hope it was still enjoyable! and sooo sorry for the wait, still tryna get back into my grove :))) love uuu x
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ladybirdswritings · 9 months
Bound - Miguel O’Hara x Reader
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Summary: Miguel O’Hara was never known to be a man wanting. He was beyond content with the power surging through him upon his multiversal throne. That is until he lays his hungry eyes upon you. Now, he will do whatever it takes just for the taste of you… dark!miguel x reader fic. very steamy as always <3
Notes: I couldn’t stop myself from this hades and persephone-esque fic so I hope you enjoy!! SW&P is far lighter if you desire that <3
next chap
Morning is a sweet greeting to you, warm and incandescent to shine it’s rays upon soft skin. As it always is. Though you find it to be dreary on days like this, as it is the same as the day prior, and the day prior to that day. As if it is not sparkling gold but shadowing gray.
All the same repetitive waltz for you.
Yet to your unknowing mind, much would change within the quick hour. Change not in the way of little things but rather in the way that would make your toes curl and your eager hands grab your tresses so you might not trip upon them on your dash toward the tallest hills.
You would have run had you known what was to come.
Yet you didn’t; and so? Your morning was quite a bore.
Similar to a zombie are your sunken cheeks and coffee kissed eyes decorated with awful bags. Your toothbrush is made of oak as is your boar-bristled comb. You tend to your prettying before slipping away from the hustle and bustle of a lively home. Four sisters and two brothers you sport, and an overbearing woman you dare to call your mother.
You made routine of this. Sneaking away with the latest print picked up from the small shop next to the apothecary in town. Out the oak wood door and past the burnt toast and meat to cuddle yourself comfortably against your favored weeping willow by the bend.
Your only company is the ducklings these days, though you don’t mind them much. They are mostly quiet beyond the occasional quack.
Serenity became you as you lay there in the remnants of springtime’s shadow, willfully sprouted in peonies and lilac blossoms.
Your print is a work of Austen, an old and worn thing but one you’d found comfort in recently. It would be your fourth time revisiting.
Would… however.
“Oh heavens sakes! You must enjoy making your mother walk upon tousled soil, girl! Have you got half a mind!? I don’t presume so otherwise you’d avoid any possibility of me losing a leg!”
A whine like that of a carnaged cat rings out from behind the bend. In the grassy plains your mother struggles her way toward you. You stand to your feet in swift motion, but your wandering eye finds curiosity in an unfamiliar bloom. Its colors an odd pairing of red and blue unfurled toward the sun.
What an odd thing, you think.
The huffing and puffing snaps your attention center, and you nearly grumble in complaint as you hurry toward your mother.
“Mama I was just—”
“Oh save it. I see you slip out each morning, I know full well your disdain for the company of your own family… but I didn’t come here to admonish you, sweet girl. Quite the opposite in fact. I am here to ask a favor of you. It seems the cold air has made our chickens most unwilling to provide us with eggs. Won’t you go in town and gather some?”
Like the rainfall’s mist caught by breath of wind, your hopes and plans of reading in the bend till dawn have dissipated. Pursing your lips, you nod— not wanting to administer a guaranteed headache at wake of your protest.
In to town you’ll venture.
✧*̥˚ … *̥˚✧
The cobblestone is cracked underneath your boot, as it is dampened by springtime’s departured mist. You like the clicking sound, though it is most lonesome at this ungodly hour.
The house cannot be run well with lack of your aid. Father left long ago and mother is just a dreadful housewife. The doctor blames her dissonance on the ailments within her mind’s confines though— she swears herself always to be whole and well.
Regardless, for the sake of your sisters— you help. Besides this, you owe it to her.
Your basket is made of weaved wicker and adorned with crimson cloth, at the end of the cobble is where life shines proud. A more lively gathering of townsfolk in search of early morning eggs to enjoy with their breakfast.
A single carriage, outdated as the things are, surges forward in an unstable command by a young man. He cannot be past twenty three, and his face is speckled with pale freckles. His hair is a burnt orange rasp.
The stallions are dark as midnight, sweat being huffed like chimney smoke from their nostrils. Dear god, the way he commands them is certain to ensure an accident.
You tuck the thought away in to the back of your mind to be focused upon your task. You’ll need no more than a dozen or perhaps three what with the vacuum cleaner your eldest brother refers to as his mouth.
Babblebrooke, it is where you’ve lived most your orphaned life. Surely some places have technology of picture books and magazines you skim through when you are awarded the rare chance but— you find yourself content with a place so simple.
You cannot imagine a life of loudness, no quiet space to tuck away and read. It’s a frightening thought.
The stand is nearby, only a few more passing steps and you’ll reach it. Your eyes are locked on the fresh berries, but you know full well you won’t have enough for them.
A bark startles you out of your trance, one excited and pointed. You jump at the sound and turn your head to find a cocker spaniel hound circling round and round to chase its own tail. You giggle at the sight, and its chestnut ears raise in alarm at the vibration.
Oh, it’s noticed you.
The little thing hobbles over excitedly, and you cannot help but bend on your knee to brush back its silken locks.
Beyond a canvas collar of pale pink lays a heart, engraved in molten silver the title: “Lyla.”
So she belongs to someone. Such a kind thing, they are to be a lucky companion indeed.
You smooth back the hair from her excited eyes before lifting to your feet again and continuing forward. She begins to follow you, but a movement in the alleyway shadows is a matter she finds far more pressing for her attention.
“Lyla…” you test in a whisper as you make your way behind a man hunched and gray— awaiting his eggs for breakfast.
Time seems agonizing and the line moves awfully slow, you peek behind the elder man to find annoyance laced in the eyes of the townsfolk. Blaire has taken a liking to the farm boy— it seems she’s busying herself with conversing nonsense with his mother rather than picking her fresh fruits for tart pastries.
You sigh, checking the time on your cracked, golden watch with impatience brewing at the soles of your boots. You sway on them, shifting your weight forward and back. No use just staring ahead.
Though it is quite loud, it doesn’t stop you from reaching in to your tote for “Jane Eyre.”
You find your favorite part, their first midnight meeting in the hallway. How romantic it is, you only wish that to be a possibility for you one day. You forbid yourself from joining the season of course but somewhere tucked away inside— you wonder how marvelous it would be for a broody and handsome thing to appear upon your doorstep with a bouquet the size of France.
You grin at the thought. Though it is swiftly interrupted by the quick patter of familiar paws.
“Woah! Easy!”
Your head snaps up at the gasps of those around you, and you are most horrified to see that the horses have reached the steep bend mere steps away. The ginger fool, they halt in warning and he kicks at them— slapping them with a russet pole. They comply, and the carriage loses control.
It creaks, hurling forward and disconnecting from its rusted shell. Tumbling at godspeed down the cobble and straight for little Lyla who lays mindlessly and happily on her back now.
Panic surges, and your eyes find worry in everyone’s features and yet no motive to act alongside it. Such cowardly men, allowing the poor thing to succumb to the bite of freak nature and cruel fate.
You won’t allow it. Though you feel frozen, the sharp and desperate shout of “Lyla!” from a phantom voice is enough to snap you back into the most horrible moment present.
“Christ!” You breathe, tossing Jane Eyre to the sapphire sky before surging forward. The carriage stalls on a pebble for a quick moment and it’s enough time for you to beat it by a mere step. You scoop the silly thing into your arms and as the wheel just grazes your skin— it is you now that is saved from immediate death.
A warm hand tugs at your wrist and you’re certain the brick wall has grown awfully large palms and fingers; for what you slam up against is hard and unpleasant.
You grunt, Lyla yelping in surprise where she is tucked up tightly against your chest.
Whistles and claps overtake the coward crowd and you sway upon your own boots as the wind itself makes you unsteady with its light graze. Firm palms steel you, grasping your shoulders tight to keep you together and well.
Your eyes venture on an upward path to find two crimson pupils imploring your features as if they are etched in stone and stored away in a beloved museum somewhere in Rome.
Brows pinched and quite bushy, eyes cold but curious, his reddened orbs search your face for what feels like a millennium. Fascinated.
You blink, and the cry of the sweet creature in your arms breaks the trance you were entangled in. Lyla leaps from your arms and onto the cobble path— and you only huff and reach a weak arm toward her before the exhaustion of a skipped meal and your adrenaline fueled actions bring you to sit on the cobble ground.
He kneels beside you, the stranger. Yet you cannot find yourself mustering enough energy to truly examine his face. Just his eyes, rare things they are.
“She’ll be alright.” He whispers, hands still pleasantly upon your shoulders as if he fears you’ll topple over and shatter once he parts.
When you do lift your gaze however, stricken curious by the sickly silken sound of his voice, he’s gone.
“Thank y-”
The word croaks in your throat, and you can only wonder how it was possible… how quickly the phantom left you upon the cobble. The farm boy rushes over soon, much to the demise of poor Blaire. She stares on at the carriage and ginger man as if she wishes it was her nearly trampled.
He hands you fresh water and berries, and you wave his concern away and the crowd’s curiosity with a weak hand.
Your mind is only glued upon one thing.
The phantom.
🏷️’s: @reirain @needybitez @migueloharastruelove @laysmt @maomaimao @daisy-artfield @poutysprouty @chorizobeets @tabalittlelong @iitangerine @queenb27sblog-blog @dprmooni @neptunieesworld @cyd2301 @amelialysm @justanothers-things @heartfeltlonging @coralreefses @knightowl019 @cybersry
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tbzhub · 2 months
Money Shot
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Pairing: photographer!Lee Hyunjae x afab!reader
Summary: a night in with your boyfriend turns into a photoshoot
Warnings: MDNI, smut, marking, fingering, unprotected sex, lots of photos are taken, pet names like twice
Rating / Genre: M, established relationship au, some fluff, smut
WC: 3.6K
Artist Note: this is a little part 2 to this fic: just go fuck him ♥︎ thank you for the love on that story, i'm sorry the title is so misleading alvjbhvxzgfn. i figured i'd revisit these two!
Tagged: @deoboyznet @everykebbie @blizzardfluffykpop
psst i finished it @the-boy-meets-evil
m.list tag list
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It’s a wonder how much a person can change in a year or two. 
These days your chest doesn't feel as tight. Your thoughts aren’t as intrusive and insecurity visits you infrequently. The smiles that grace your lips are genuine– often prompted by the joy that's found its way into the tight confines of your heart. 
With each passing day, came a further understanding of what it meant to live. To experience the world with an abundance of love intertwined with your being. 
Hyunjae wouldn’t agree, but he made all the difference. You are far more vibrant now; confident, social, witty. Being deeply in love brought out a version of yourself that was content and yet utterly fearless. 
There’s peace, both in knowing someone has seen the harshest parts of you and that they still love you just the same. 
Hyunjae gave you the space to be yourself– to show up however you were able to on any given day. With you, he was gentle and understanding in a way that’s reserved for people who care. 
Dating him meant never having doubt– not when he made every day feel like a gift. It was easy to smile with him around. He was funny without trying and hilarious in times when laughter was needed most. His spontaneity took some getting used to, but only because you were a homebody. Now, you look forward to the days you spend with him, enamored by Hyunjae’s innate ability to make every moment memorable. He saw the world in a way that left you inspired. Through his photography, he taught you that beauty was found in the most unlikely places.  Like at a run-down flea market during sunset, or while walking past a vacant flower stand on a late night– the florist long gone after an honest day’s work. Overexposed shots of your hair dancing in the wind as you slump in front of a fan, trying to survive in the summer heat. 
He was always taking pictures of you. Initially– you hated it. You’d go shy or tense up when you saw him bring out a camera, on high alert when he brought out his phone. But over time, you appreciated it. Being his muse– being able to see yourself the way he saw you– helped you in areas that you hadn't realized needed assistance. Through your days in front of the lens, you've learned that you have a brilliant smile. That your hair harbored a different tone in the wake of a setting sun. Sometimes you’d catch yourself anticipating the camera on days when you knew you looked your best, growing confident as more time passed with him by your side.
Now, more than anything else– you both are beyond comfortable and obsessed with one another. Your ears perk up when you hear the bedroom door creak open and the way you immediately step out of the bathroom to greet Hyunjae with a face covered in skin care products proves the aforementioned sentiment.
Coming over to kiss him sweetly, you briefly melt into his firm arms and as you lean back you swipe your thumb over the gray dot of mud mask that sticks to his nose with a chuckle.
“Aww…” Hyunjae coos, taking in your spa headband and the little strip across your nose. 
“No…” you groan, shielding your face away from him and his predictable nature.
“But you look so cute, right now.” He whines, peeking from behind the camera while his fingers hover over the button.
“No, I don’t. I look like the moon emoji” you mumble back.
“What do you mean? Hyunjae asks, looking at you with a clueless squint.
“You know, the one that’s like…”  you give a side glance to look more like the little gray icon.
There’s a small flash of light as the shutter clicks and Hyunjae chuckles as he looks at the tiny screen while you stand stunned that he tricked you so easily. You playfully push him in response, causing him to laugh harder and you can’t help but join him, finding his antics funny. 
You kiss him on the cheek before heading towards the bathroom. 
“I’ll be right back.” You announce with your back turned. “Don’t miss me too much,” Hyujnae calls out absentmindedly, eyes fixed on the camera in his hands and you smile at the remark as you walk onto the cool tile floor.
You come back to him with a washed face and a silly smile embossed into your pretty features. Bounding onto the bed, you allow Hyunjae to tug you into his arms. He peppers you with kisses, lips smacking against yours a couple of times until he’s pulled a wide smile and a few giggles out of you. 
“Wait– stay right there,” he says and you groan but your smile only grows wider.
“Don’t you get tired of taking pictures of me?” You ask, looking him over in amusement as you honor his instructions, holding your current angle. “Nope,” he replies, twisting in his spot to grab his polaroid camera. “Maybe when you have a hot girlfriend, you’ll understand.” He jokes, sending you a flirtatious look over the top of the camera while his finger turns the camera on with muscle memory.
Your laugh is accompanied by the roll of your eyes. Hyunjae presses the shutter and you ready yourself for the flash, relaxing thereafter as the camera goes to work.
The whirring of the film getting developed halts your joking, Hyunjae carefully plucks the film out and shakes it in his hand gently once it pops out of the top of the camera.
Falling further into the comfort of his pillows, you smile up at Hyunjae, observing the way he looks at the picture. His eyes were soft as he swept over the image, the arches of his cheeks raising slowly as a smile blossomed on his lips. For whatever reason the sight struck a chord within you.
“You really think I’m beautiful, don't you?” You voice the thought without realizing it, not until Hyunjae’s gaze shifts to you and you're taking in the sincerity in his eyes as he speaks. 
“Of course.”
He doesn’t say anything else and you didn't need him to. Not when he’s looking at you like you’re the only thing that exists in the world. The only thing worth gazing upon. His hand trails its way into your hair and you look into the lens again, relaxing under Hyunjae’s touch as the shutter clicks again. You shift slightly on the bed as Hyunjae inspects the second polaroid the same way as he did the first. He puts the two pictures on the nightstand for safekeeping before leaning down to kiss you on the lips. 
With your arms looped around Hyunjae’s neck, you steal more kisses off his lips until he drops the camera onto the bed and climbs on top of you. The kiss deepens as one of his hands roams down to grab at your waist and pulls your body closer to his while he props himself up to keep from crushing you with the other. He lingers on your lips, pressure changing from soft and teasing to hard and wanting once you wrap your leg around his hip.
You stay like that long enough for your heart to mimic the rapid thud of Hyunjae’s heart rate.
When Hyunjae pulls away from the kiss you’re left wanting more, grabbing at his shirt in an attempt to bring him back but you stop when you notice what he’s doing.
He hovers above you with a polaroid camera in hand. “Just one more. Your lips look perfect,’ he murmurs as he lines up the shot and you lick your kiss bruised lips before giving bedroom eyes to Hyunjae through the lens. You hear the sound of the camera going off and the flash follows before the whirring begins. You watch patiently as he studies the picture with a smirk on his lips. His hand moves smoothly up and down your bare thigh as his gaze flits across the film. 
It was hot seeing him like this, so obviously turned by what he’s doing– by you.
His hand comes up to caress your neck before falling lower, squeezing your chest over the thin fabric of your tank top and you pick up on how he bites his lip before finally tearing his eyes away and placing the picture to the side with the others.
“Wanna take more?” You ask, gingerly tiptoeing into uncharted territory. “I mean… I’d be down?” You suggest lightly while looking up at Hyunjae’s face. His expressions bounce between confusion and surprise before settling on mirth and something else indescribable.
“Yeah?” He asks for confirmation, his voice suddenly low and velvety.
As you nod your head yes, you wrap your fingers around Hyunjae’s wrist and guide his hand down to rest at the hem of your top. 
His hand scrunches up the fabric, exposing most of your stomach as he dips down low to meld his mouth with yours hotly. He kisses you slowly, taking his time with you in a way that you’ve never experienced with him before. His hand slides up further, delicately cupping your chest as he sighs against your lips. The sharp sting of Hyunjae’s fingers digging into your skin sends a shock to your center and your lips part in a soft moan in response. His tongue brushes against the tip of yours tenderly as your skin pebbles under his touch. 
The kiss remains slow as he savors every last second of having you like this, nibbling on your lower lip before sucking the tender spot and kissing you hungrily. You lay slack underneath him, body and mind being led by the pleasure he pours into you with his sinful lips. 
Your back arches as he lifts your tank top up further, pulling the garment over your shoulders. Hyunjae’s hands fall onto either side of your cheeks, holding your face in place as he presses his lips onto yours firmly and warmth floods your chest. His hands travel down your neck and sweep across your shoulders as he drags his lips along your jawline. He continues his descent until he reaches a particular spot on your neck that makes you bite back a loud whimper. He sucks the sensitive area while you squirm underneath him with your eyes half closed. You shake out a soft moan, bliss surging up your spine as he moves to another spot on your neck.
He sucks mark after mark into your skin until you're nearly trembling and soaking wet with need. Your shoulders and neck are covered in splotches of deep reddish and purple hues that you can’t fully see but the look on Hyunjae’s face as he leans back tells you that look to die for. He drinks you in with a lust-clouded gaze, looking you up and down a few times before reaching out for his camera.
“Fuck– you look perfect like this…” he praises, voice imbued in admiration and want. He lines up the shot, standing on his knees above you and you can see just how much he’s into this.
You reply with a moan and glance up, giving the camera a heated look before the camera flashes. His hand comes into the next shot as he wraps his fingers around your slender neck. You catch his dick twitching in his sweats as he takes a second picture with you posed like this. Hyunjae doesn't wait for the film to come out before casting the camera to the side. He yanks at your shorts and underwear, pulling them off of you quickly with your help. You spread your legs wide for him while he works his way out of his clothes. He’s back on you hot and heavy the minute his cock is free, settling between your legs as he devours you with an intense gaze, tracing your form lustfully. 
“Eyes on me, okay?” He orders softly, smoothing a hand over your bent knee lovingly as the other snakes its way up your thigh, leaving behind a sweltering tingle that lingers on your skin. 
His fingers sink into your wet heat and a sultry moan rings through his bedroom. Hyunjae rocks his palm back and forth, two fingers curled upwards against the soft walls of your pussy. You coat the digits, eliciting the sloppiest noises that you’ve ever heard from your wet cunt but you couldn’t be bothered to be ashamed about that in the wake of what he’d just put your neck and shoulders through. 
He picks up the pace and your legs fall open further as a long sigh leaves your chest. You obediently keep your eyes open, trained on Hyunjae while he works you over. The look you share is a charged one as he fucks you with his fingers, his determined gaze contrasting your unbridled blissed-out state. Your swollen lips part as you pant his name, pleading for him not to stop.
Hyunjae blindly grabs ahold of his camera, never stopping the steady rhythm of his deft fingers urging you dangerously close to an orgasm. Your toes curl and your legs tremble as he readies the camera. He lifts it until he’s got the right angle. His biceps strain and sweat trickles down his arms as he pumps his digits in and out of you while rubbing your bud rhythmically. His arm is getting tired but he waits… and waits, finger resting just above the shutter as he waits for the right moment. The one where your face scrunches up and your pussy tries to choke his fingers. He fingers you with just the right amount of pressure to grow the feeling inside you until it bursts–
The shutter goes off and a flash brightens the room.
You toss and turn as you cum all over Hyunjae’s fingers, moaning loudly as he fucks you through it. Gradually his pace slows just enough to gently bring you down from your peak. His fingers slip out of your sloppy folds and he licks them clean without a second thought before retrieving the polaroid from its slot. 
You shiver through the aftershocks of your high while you come down further. “How’d it turn out?” You ask, still breathless. Hyunjae looks over to you with dark eyes and you swallow under the passion in his gaze.
“Unreal,” he replies through a husky tone before setting that picture down beside the others. He climbs back on top of you, kissing you repeatedly as he lays his warm body flush with yours. Your legs tangle with his while you make out and your dainty hands mess up his hair as you roll on top of him in bed. You straddle his hips in haste, desperate to ride him but he clamps his strong hands around your waist freezing you in place.
“There's a shot that I want to get,” he hesitantly admits. 
You look down at him with an endeared smile. You knew him well enough to know what he wanted. He always say you look so pretty sucking him off. “Okay, baby,” you say, shuffling down the bed until your lips are inches away from his cock. 
Hyunjae groans, tilting his head back into the pillows as you take him past your lips. You don’t tease, dipping your head forward to ease more of his cock into your mouth while your tongue glides down his length. Your lips tighten around him, sucking in on your way up and swallowing around the head before gliding down again.
You grind your nose into his pelvis when he reaches the back of your throat and you feel him squirm in bed. You let up again, going slow as you cover his entire cock in your spit. Hyunjae fists the bedsheets and hisses at the sight of you–  his cock, dripping with the attention that you’ve lavished it with, tucked between your plush dewy lips. You sink his cock into your mouth again, moaning as you sense him preparing to snap another picture of you. 
Your eyes begin to water as you take him to the back of your throat a few more times, looking up at Hyunjae just in time to hear the shutter go off again. You close your eyes and hum, sending another shiver of vibrations down his cock as he tries to check out the picture.
All you hear is shallow gasps for a while as Hyunjae holds the polaroid up to his face, coaxing you up and down his length with his other hand.
“This one is golden,” he rasps, voice ragged and thick with pleasure as he bobs you up and down his cock for a bit longer, entranced by how sexy your eyes look in the picture. You suck harder, swirling your tongue around before Hyunjae gently pulls you off of him by your hair.
“Let me see?” You ask, sitting up and straddling his lap as he places that picture to join the rest.
He just shakes his head. “We have to round out the set first,” Hyunjae teases, hands going to rest at your hips as he lines you up with his stiff cock. Placing your hands behind you on his toned thighs as you lift your hips, angling them to catch his cock between your wet folds before you lower yourself onto him. You sit on his cock in one fluid motion and sigh. He feels so good– the sweet slide against your walls as you’re filled making your head spin. You rock forward, leaning back against your arms for leverage while you rock back, savoring his thick cock pressed against you. You raise your hips and drop back down, moaning at the feel of his cock teasing your needy cunt. 
You circle your hips while you bounce in his lap, slamming your hips down harder with every motion. Your head tilts back as you ride him, so satisfied yet so greedy for more, hips beginning to roll faster. Hyunjae tightens his hold on you before matching your thrusts, sending his cock as deep as possible causing you to cry out in abandon. You bounce faster, breathing ragged as you start to work up a sweat, a sheen covering your stomach and thighs. Your skin slaps against Hyunjae’s as you move in sync, connected as one as your bodies heat up.
His fingertips press into your skin, as he takes control, lifting you up and down with only the strength in his arms. Hyunjae fucks you nice and slow, dropping you down on his cock and sliding you off so you feel every inch of him leave your insides.
“Fuck Jae,” you moan, core aching for release just when he’s decided to slow things down.
“Sorry, sweetheart. You look so good like this. I don’t wanna rush,” he whispers, licking his bottom lip as he looks up at you– still dragging you up and down his cock like you weighed practically nothing.
He doesn’t forget the camera, reaching for it with one hand while you take over once more. You slide down nice and slow before raising your hips, pausing at the top when he tells you to.
“You look fucking incredible, baby.” He says as he takes the last shot.
The shutter clicks and you carefully push the camera out of Hyunjae’s hands, feverishly crashing your lips into his a second later. He immediately falls in line, kissing you and giving you exactly what you’ve been waiting for. His arms circle your back as he holds you close and pounds into you. 
You gasp and writhe, taking all that Hyunjae gives you as your thighs give out. 
Pleasure and fatigue build, and build within you, threatening to overflow as he continues his onslaught on your pussy. He snaps his hips into you with unprecedented strength, and thrusts rough and careless, eliciting nothing but filthy sounds out of you.
His pace picks up, strokes falling out of rhythm as he chases his climax. 
The steady push and pull of his cock filling you up crowds your senses. Your mind goes hazy as you focus on how good Hyunjae makes you feel every time. Pushing your body to places that you didn’t think it could go. You clench around him as another huge orgasm shuts down your body.
When you finally come to your senses, you notice that you're sore and covered in sweat. You feel kind of gross, but there's nothing that could make you abandon your place on Hyunjae’s chest right now. 
You’re so tired that when you try to speak, your words come out as syllables abstractly strung together. The last thing you’re aware of is Hyunjae’s cool lips pressed against your forehead as you drift off to sleep.
In the morning, you wake up sore. The marks that litter your neck and shoulders are a little tender and you feel like you did 200 sit-ups and 300 squats right before bed. 
Hyunjae wasn't around, but you weren’t surprised by that– he never missed catching the sunrise at dawn.
As you sit up in bed, the stack of polaroids from last night catches your eye and you leap out of bed to sift through them all. The first photo is so innocent that you chuckle, knowing where the night led you. You glance through the rest, cheeks heating up at how bold you are in front of the camera. 
You flip to the last picture in the stack and can’t help but swoon. You set the stack down, covering the unfiltered pictures with the one of Hyunjae kissing you on your forehead while you were fast asleep.
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yrqrnc · 3 months
wc: 3.8k
lee know x gn!reader
warnings: mention of alcohol, swearing, nothing too heavy.
★ : moving on didn’t mean forgetting. you knew that. but guess you’d never moved on from the boy with pretty brown eyes and an odd way of expressing love, after all.
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The bright lights of the bar—though very aesthetic—hit you right in the eyes and blurred your already hazy vision.
Music blasted from the speakers from almost every side; some were dancing their hearts out to it, some were sitting in groups and gossiping away with drinks in their hands, some were making out very loudly and openly in the most random spots, and some searching for company to take home for the night.
Others were slumped against the counter, drinking their life away.
All that grief, pent up frustration, anger, regrets, every bit of emotion they did not want to feel — people drowned it away with alcohol, or at least tried their hardest to, and with it, they, too, drowned.
You wondered it they realized that.
You did.
And you were one of them today.
You were drunk out of your mind.
That should’ve knocked you out, made you forget every worry and every regret, right? That was what you had come here looking for. That was what half of the crowd had come here for.
And it had seemed to work out for many of them. Most of them.
Except, in your case, all the drinks you had just consumed seemed to have made you focus on the exact thing —or rather, the exact person—you’d wanted to wash away with the alcohol.
Fuck your mind, and your body, and your stupid dumb self for holding him so deep within you, beyond what any alcoholic drink could reach.
You missed Lee Minho out of your mind.
2 years of pining, 3 years of dating, and going out on the most perfect dates; of noticing all those little things about each other — how he liked his food a bit spicier than normal, including eggs, because you’d wake up in the morning to find him pouring bulddak sauce over it, and how you always needed a whole carton of milk next to you whenever you ate with him.
How he would start blinking rapidly when he was uncomfortable or shy, and how you’d pick on your nails whenever you’d get anxious;
Years of breaking each other’s walls and barriers down, and learning each flaw and likes and dislikes you two had; of visiting cat cafés monthly and raising your own 3 babies together; of sketching out your dream house in your heads and making bucket lists to tick off as the years came on;
Years of growing together, and watching and helping the other person become the brightest version of themselves, and falling in love with each other a little more after every argument and every fall-out.
Years of getting so used to having the other one around; blindly and confidently believing that it would go on forever; holding each other the closest to your hearts, and loving each other thinking that it would never run out.
And it hadn’t.
Not from your side, at least.
But life had always had its unexpected ways of breaking and mending and flipping things, and people, and lives, as it pleased.
As you and Minho grew, you changed too. With age and new experiences came new perspectives and new dreams and new beliefs.
You’d known that, both of you, and you’d thought you could handle it, that you could get through it together, just like you always had in the past too.
It had never affected you,
until it did.
All of a sudden, you and Minho had reached a point where you both had completely different visions of how you wanted to go on with your lives.
Fights that you’d always make up for before the night ended — turned into days of not talking; biting your tongue to refrain from spitting out words you both knew you didn’t mean and would regret later — turned to shouting it all out on each other’s faces; and never being able to find reasons to part ways turned into counting those reasons to stay.
Lee Minho was a hurricane. The prettiest one, too.
He was the strong winds, that was meant to flow to every city and every town, that urged to climb the highest of mountains and fall down through all the valleys, and whirl around again, and again, and around, till it reached every corner of the earth — never settling, never trapped, never tied down to one place.
He wanted to go beyond what his hometown held; to see the world that existed across it—just some flights, trains and rides away, could you believe that?—and meet new faces, make new friends, try new cultures, fall in love with new places and—
You hadn’t been ready for change.
You had loved that familiarity of your neighbourhood, and the streets that always smelled like the tastiest snacks of your area, and those flower shops near your house where you formed the loveliest bond with the elderly ladies selling them, who’d gift you bouquets for free sometimes as you’d pass by. You’d adored seeing those faces that you’d been seeing around for all the past years.
You’d loved being in that place that felt like home, that was filled with people of your own kind — who knew you and adored you.
You hadn’t wished for any of that to change. You had never thought it would.
You hadn’t wanted it to.
So, when Minho had started telling you that he wanted to move away, leave the city behind and look at the faces of all the different lives he could be living and loving… you hadn’t taken it well.
Both of you had tried to hold on — you really had.
But the tighter you’d held onto the rope, the more it had stung, the more you had bled, and the more it had stretched, and stretched, and stretched, until it finally got shredded into pieces that you didn’t know how to put back together.
You had loved him beyond reason, beyond words, beyond explanation, and beyond everything that fell in between.
Hell, you still did.
It was these endless thoughts of him, and those bittersweet memories of your old joys that had dragged you to this place.
People would think six months—half a year, that is—would be enough to leave an ex behind. But maybe, that was the problem—Minho had never been just a “boyfriend” to you, so neither was he just an “ex” now.
He had been your best friend, your safest haven, your comfort person and your happy place.
He had been everything.
He had been everything.
Even in those times when you guys used to fight, and you’d get upset because of something he said or did, he would still be the only person you would seek comfort from. When you would have a terrible day at work, he would be the only one whose face you wanted to see, whose voice you wished to hear and the only one who you wanted to go home to and rest in the arms of.
When you had your best day in weeks, too, he would be the one you wanted to share all that joy and excitement with.
All of life’s ups and down. You wanted to experience that rollercoaster with Minho, and just him, and no one else.
It wasn’t that you had spent these six months crying and wallowing in self-pity, missing him and weeping about him.
No, you had been continuing with your life. You’d had amazing moments without him—you had spent some of the happiest times of your life with your friends and your family, and you’d had your good days, bad days, tiring days, fun days, and life was going on just the way it always had;
The only thing that had become different was the absence of his presence, that you were not used to and didn’t want to get used to, no matter how much you denied it.
You guessed it was the thing about not being able to move on from a person— you missed him, always.
Even when you were having the best time of your life, and when you were not, too.
You missed him even when your mind didn’t whisper his name into the depths of the night.
Even if you’d go on for days without thinking of him, you’d work and pace around your kitchen one summer night, and sit down at the table to realize you’d made dinner for two when it was now just you.
And you’d feel like crying, and you’d wish he was around, still there to call your crying face ugly before he pulled you into the softest hug and held you until you were no longer drowning.
Even if you wouldn’t feel like breaking down when you looked at pictures of him or you two together anymore, you’d drive past that one restaurant you guys used to love, on a rainy afternoon, and you’d wish he was sitting beside you, making snarky comments to tease you and get a reaction out of you; telling you in his sweetest voice “Idiot! You just drove past our place! Am I that distracting? I mean… Yeah, I know I am, but you should focus when you’re driving, baby.”
And you’d threaten that you’d fasten his seatbelt like a trap around him, speed the car up heading towards a tree, and then jump out to leave him to crash — and he’d cackle in that way you’d always adored, before quickly saying, “I’ll charge you for murder thoughts and murder attempt later, come on, pull over now!”
You were bereft of Lee Minho.
You missed his playful kisses, and the way he’d run from you when you came to him for hugs but then pull you right back into his arms the moment you got upset and turned to leave. You missed the kisses he would press just beside your lips, on your chin and your cheeks, and your nose and quite literally everywhere else, teasing you to the very edge, before he finally pressed his sweet lips on yours; and you missed the breakfast he would make you while you would still be sleeping in his bed. You missed being able to steal his pretty shirts and sleep in them whenever he’d be away.
You missed life with him. All of it, and all of him.
You missed it.
It was like, missing him came in waves and sometimes, you didn’t even realize you were drowning until you hit rock bottom.
Living and loving had never felt the same from the moment Minho had slipped away.
And it was only these things and these thoughts that had been playing in your mind for the longest time now, so as you sat there in that bar, drunk out of your mind and yet still, thinking of nothing and no one else but him, you didn’t think as you pulled out your phone from your bag with clumsy hands, almost dropping it as you gripped it in your hands.
The light of your phone flashes on your face as it clicks open, and you scroll through every name in your contacts until you find his.
“Snowball 🫤❤️”
You’d never changed it after the break-up.
Snowball. It was an inside joke.
You’d pestered him for a whole week to watch “The Secret Life of Pets” with you, because you loved it and you wanted to watch it again, and this time, with him.
Throughout the entire movie, you’d laughed that he and that adorable evil bunny were basically the same character, and he’d grunted and scowled at you, acting all offended, but then smiled so tenderly when you weren’t looking (or so he’d thought). Since that day forth, you’d called him your own “snowball”; sometimes calling him “your cute lovely sweet munchkin bunny” in the cringiest tone you could pull, just to see him make a face and threaten you that he’d put cat piss in your drink and block you on all social media.
You’d even changed his contact’s name to it. You’d never changed it back after.
You wish you had, now.
Because as you stared at that name with a vision so blurry, —from the drinks or from your tears, you couldn’t tell— you felt the regret, and desperation, and longing that you’d been trying to hold off since so long, crawl up to your throat and claw at your insides, and it ached.
Your fingers finally moved to press on the screen, and suddenly, before you even knew it, you were ringing your ex-lover up.
Where were all those sexy kind ladies who stopped girls from drunk-hitting their ex up when you needed them?
Perhaps it was all in your head, but in that moment, you thought the bar ran completely silent all of a sudden. It was only the ringtone that you could hear, and with it, anxiety broke in through the barriers of your alcohol and creeped in around you and within you, coiling in.
It ringed. Ringed, ringed, ringed.
It continued ringing; you laughed. At yourself, at him, at the wasted people in that damned bar, and at the world, for having brought you where you were right now.
Of course, he wouldn’t pick up. Why would he? Who would anyone pick up a call from someone they had ended everything with months ag—
You stopped breathing; you didn’t blink, you didn’t move, you didn’t speak.
You couldn’t.
What if this was all a fragment of your imagination that would break the second you did anything?
But it came again — that sweet voice in the softest tone, the exact one you had missed more than you’d realized.
You mustered up all you had left, and spoke up in the gentlest of volume, “Min…”
That damned nickname and that damned voice, cursed Minho in his head as he stood on the other line.
But you’d never know that, of course.
The line went quiet for a quick second, but he talked again. “Are you… drunk?”
It made you chuckle.
Even after all this time, one word from you and he knew what was up. How could you have let that go? How could you have let it all go – everything that you both had had?
“No… I mean, yes, no. I— just a little. I’m good.” you slurred out, and the boy over the phone didn’t need anything more to know you were lying.
But he stayed quiet.
And you didn’t know when or how, but that silence between you—that had always been a form of comfort and assurance—had turned into something that pained, something rather unbearable.
So, you broke it.
And you just started rambling; maybe it was the drink, or the nervousness, or the fear, or all of it actually, but you just… you couldn’t stop talking. It felt like you’d be swallowed up whole by your own thoughts if you stopped.
So you went on.
“I… I know you’re probably well and have been doing well, and I probably shouldn’t have called, because I know it would only mess us up again, but… I was just, I was here and then, I– And… I don’t know. I just– I don’t know. I really don’t know. I was– You were on my mind– I mean, no, you weren’t, what? But you– I... I don’t know. I don’t know, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have called. I-”
“Y/N.”, he cut you off and you finally took a breath. “It’s– It’s fine.”
You heard him inhale sharply before he continued. “You should call someone to pick you up. Go home. It’s late, and you don’t handle alcohol well.”
He remembered that too. Of course, he did.
You wanted to smile about it, but it felt unfair for some reason.
Was he caring for you or rushing you to stop the shit you were pulling and go home?
“No.” is all you end up saying back to him after seconds.
“…Huh? What?”
“No. I... No. I will not go. I— I have to– No, I want to... I have to tell you. I mean- I don’t know. I can’t go. I won’t go.”
And you could hear the confusion in his voice as he spoke again, and if it wasn’t your mind playing games on you, you think there was the slightest hint of concern laced in it, too. “What’s wrong? What do you have to tell me?”
You tried so hard to get all those fragments of words and feelings that blurred inside your head and make them make sense for yourself, and for him.
But how was one supposed tell their person that despite having had half a year to move ahead and find new people, you hadn’t and you couldn’t and you didn’t want to? After the way it had ended, after the reason that led to it, that all made so much sense.
“I’m sorry, can you– can you just give me a minute?” and you hoped with every ability you had left in you, that he would not hang up as you requested him in a meekly voice.
There was no answer from his side, but the line hadn’t cut off yet either.
You took your chances; gathering every ounce of strength and thinking ability you had left until you formed concrete thoughts and words in your mind before you said it all aloud — real and declared.
You would never be able to take them back. And you hoped, as you put it out in the open, that you would never want to.
“It’s been months, and I know that I don’t have any right to call you up like this on a random late Monday night, but I just– I don’t think it’s working out for me, Min. This whole moving on and leaving us behind thing. It’s not working out. I can’t do it.” your body forces you to take a breath before you continued any further – your voice would’ve started to crack, otherwise.
Maybe it already had.
“I’ve tried so hard. I really have. And I thought it was working, you know? Like, I get up every morning and you’re not on my mind, and I can get through my evening coffee just fine, without thinking about how you’d usually shout from the living room at this time, asking where I’d put the cat toys. And I come home from work on Saturday nights and don’t expect to see you waiting for me on the couch anymore, and I can go on for weeks without wondering how you’re doing or where you are. I can do that, I have done that. So, I thought it was all fine.”
And there it goes, your voice started trembling in just the slightest, and Minho noticed it. Like he’d always noticed everything.
He didn’t say anything about it, though, he just listened. And you talked. Again.
“But then, I meet someone new… and–”, you chuckle but it comes out sounding more like a soft cry.
“And I realize that I try to look for you in all of them, for those things you used to do. Like, how you’d always turn the stove off before the noodles got too soft whenever you’d cook us ramen because we like them that way, or how you know that weird but cool trick of turning an inside-out shirt right as you wore it on directly, or how you’d draw stickman figures on my hand when we cuddled, and just... all those little things you used to do. I look for them. And I– I meet people and I can’t connect to them.”
Your emotions were at the verge of bleeding out now; you had tears welling up in the corner of your eyes, rapidly spreading now, ready to slip off and down your now flushed cheeks.
“It’s like I’ve forgotten how to fall in love after you, Minho.” you spat out with all honesty. “I don’t know what to do.”
And it all finally broke.
You were now sobbing hysterically, and you tried to keep the noises down and muffled as you pressed the back of your hand against your mouth but they all fell out anyway; each one fluttering all the way out till it reached the boy, who gripped his phone with knuckles that had grown white, in a shaky hand, as he stood there, just right across the screen of your phone.
If only he could reach you.
And if he had been any good with words, he would’ve told you about it all too. His lines of the story.
How he’d gone and done what he had dreamed of, what he had left everything for – he had travelled to countless countries, countless cities, met all kinds of people, tried so many types of food—all of it.
All that he had desired.
He’d also tell you about how he got stuck in his hotel room in Sweden with no toilet roll, and could not figure out, for the sake of his life, how to explain to the receptionist that he needed a new one urgently, because neither did she speak Korean, nor did he know the basics of Swedish.
That experience had taught him to never step foot on a different land than his own without knowing the basics of their language.
So, if he had been any good with words, he’d tell you all about the adventures he’d had after he’d left home with the tiniest bit of details, and that there was still so much more he wanted to see and do, and perhaps, just perhaps, he’d also tell you about how none of it all, somehow, filled that space in his heart that he’d never noticed missing.
He’d tell you that he’d explored so many of the places he’d dreamed of, but that after every travel, he’d go back to his hotel room at the end of the day and sit on the edge of his bed, fingers hovering over your name in his contacts, because there was no one else he wanted to talk about his day with; no one else whose day he wanted to hear about.
All those friends he’d made and all those strangers whose heart he had so swiftly won over — he did not want to book tickets with them together for new movies or new flights, to new places.
He wanted to do it with you.
He hated himself for having never realized it, when you had been right there with and beside him for him to have asked you to do it all.
Yes, he’d told you he wanted to go out, he’d told you about all of those dreams, but he’d never asked you to join in with him.
Why hadn’t he?
If Lee Minho had been any good with words, he’d tell you that he’d seen so much of the world the way he’d wanted to, but had felt bliss slip right through his reach when he turned and realized — that he wanted to you to be there, to be holding your hand, and taking your pictures in the prettiest views he’d ever seen.
You would’ve made it all perfect.
Everything gorgeous, and beautiful, and lovely had felt a thousand shades duller to him, and that—he’d realized—only you would’ve fixed.
He would tell you, after holding it within his heart and denying it for so long, that he did not want to see any corner of the world anymore if he wouldn’t be able to find you, hiding there to spook him and then pepper kisses all over his face with giggles and laughter and everything that he had ever loved.
But Minho was not good with words; never had been; so, he eats the silence, and speaks it, too.
You couldn’t stop the tears no matter how much you wiped them away, and you were too scared to speak because you knew your voice had given up. You would only hiccup and gasp and break further if you opened your mouth. That was for sure.
But he, on the other line, too, was not muttering a word and—
God, you felt so pathetic.
“Where are you?” he suddenly asked, voice quieter and softer than before, breaking you out of your state.
You let out a sound of confusion; unsure of what you’d heard while also not wanting to speak up in your currently poor condition.
“Where are you right now? What’s the name of the bar you’re in?” he asked once again, a little louder this time.
The gears in your mind were turning very slow, and when he heard the silence from you end again, he cut in.
“You know what, send me your location. You don’t have to say anything.”
You hear him moving around hastily, and within seconds, he’s telling you something again. “Stay there. Don’t hang up either.”
You followed his instructions, still half confused and drunk after having used up all your left energy into that emotional and embarrassing rant you’d cried out.
Very soon, followed sounds of his car keys jingling and some ruffles, then the click of a door, and you simply sat —or rather, slumped into your seat, leaning onto the table of the counter, almost dozing off— and waited as Lee Minho started his car and set off to find his way to you.
Something in you knew he would. He always had.
And maybe, if the universe was on your side this time, he’d let you find your way back to him too.
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ineylesian · 5 months
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WARNINGS — slight 2.1 spoilers, lowk angst, word vomit about aventurine’s lack of self esteem, sappy unconditional positive regard, handsy aven bc he’s touch starved, preesetablished relationship
SUMMARY — aventurine does not understand the twist of fate that allows him to stand beside you.
AUTHOR’S NOTE — the lack of official aventurine art is making me gnaw at the bars of my enclosure, sloppy headers for now!!
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Aventurine isn’t sure how to feel. 
The low hues of noon cast a gentle light upon his gloves, giving light to the sea of shattered stones that lie in his grasp. A sea of dazzling green, torn and fragmented beyond repair.
He’s sure he sees it now, a reflection of the wildly wretched life he’s lived sitting in the palms of his hands. The remnants of the only control he’s managed to retain in his life frail as dust in the winds. SIlent he remains, still as a pound dog that has had its bone ripped away from it. 
It isn’t until he feels the ghost of your hands along his own that Aventurine realizes his heart is racing. You spin him to face you, and his heart lurches at the worry that etches itself upon your features. He fights with narratives in his head that play games of fallacies, yet the scorch of his devotion to you leaves his tongue tied.
Facades are a game that come like second nature to Aventurine, but he swears he will not do to you what he deems business in his schemes. Instead, he pulls at what little honesty remains in the depths of his heart and his breath shutters. 
“Guess I’m back to where I was five years ago.”
The words come out quiet, too soft for his nature and simply small. It’s a confession that makes him wonder how many other pieces of his life will break apart until the whole is severed. There’s a fear that lingers within, bubbling to the surface as he attempts to withdraw from your hold.
Aventurine does not believe that his life holds any meaning with or without the cornerstone. Yet, that title made him seem as if he truly meant something, and without it, what little reign he held over his life disappeared. 
He believes you deserve fire, yet he is no more than an ember flickering on a stoked match. He cannot burn in flames bright enough to keep you.
Silently, he awaits your scold, the reprimand that deems him as worthless as he believes himself to be. A reminder that it was all but a stroke of luck that brought you to him, a trial that has run out as you see him for who he truly is, barren and scared.
His hands shake as you guide them to pour his shattered stone into the box at his feet. Shock etches itself upon his features, and he looks to you with nothing but raw, unparalleled fear as you speak. 
“You will always be the same to me.”
Aventurine does not understand the twist of fate that allows him to stand beside you. Single handedly, you vowed to peer into the wasteland that was his soul, and devoted yourself to his inherently unjust destiny. And, even as his life’s worth is ripped away from him, you love him unchanged.
An insatiable want carves at his soul like a day yearns for night, and Aventurine knows no other place to put his hands but around you in embrace. His hold is tight, as if he imagines that you will fade away if he abandons it. Yet, the weave of your fingers through his hair is enough to tell him that you’re no illusion, a sensation that will cease to disappear as long as he lives.
“Let me see you, Aven.”
Your words flow as lost prayers on the horizon do, and Aventurine retracts his grasp on you, allowing his knees to bring him to the ground. Your hands, gentle as streambeds in the spring, cup his face, running over spilt tears from keeled eyelashes. Instinctively, his hands latch onto your wrists, desperately chasing after your warmth and attempting to sear it into his skin.
Aventurine outwardly sighs as you run your fingers along his jaw, stopping to tuck a stray wisp of hair behind his ear. Although your gaze rocks with the deepest seas of adoration, the child deep within his heart beckons him to gamble with his luck once again. A risk that trails the faint quiver of his lips, as he would utter no such words to any other being in the entire cosmos.
“Will you kiss me?”
Wordlessly, you nod, and Aventurine closes his eyes. The soft touch of your lips quells the troubles that brew within, igniting fire against endless water. His hands fall to his lap, melting in the passion of your touch, and his heart craves to continue beating as if you are the oxygen that fills his lungs. 
He refuses to leave you until there is no air left for him to breathe. Gasping for the vitality of you that runs rampant through his veins, Aventurine tilts his head upward, and your heart flutters at the gentle smile that greets your gaze. Brilliant hues of purple and blue shimmer amidst the night, and his hold on you returns, hands moving to interlock themselves with your own. It’s the same gesture that holds you in the deep of dusk, never waning as lost prayers to the universe whisper behind closed doors. 
The words that follow are never far from you, spinning like soft woven silk that rests in your dreams when he’s away. Your eyes shut as he presses his lips to the corner of your mouth, spreading warmth to your cheeks that subdue the chills of frosted wind. In yearn, you wait, reveling in the soft fan of his breath over your skin.
“I love you.”
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grogusmum · 3 months
A Dark and Stormy Night (oneshot)
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W/C: 3500ish
RATED: E (18+)
WARNINGS: well, monsterfucking, oral sex (f recieving), rough sex, unprotected PiV sex (it's a fantasy y'all you know what to do!!). As always, if you see something, say something. Message me in my DMs, I'm happy to add something I missed.
SUMMARY: You stumble into a lighthouse to get out of a storm, and meet the handsome light-keeper, who has a secret, but is irresistible.
A/N: Oberyn and the Merling was technically my first foray into monsterfucking, but that was like teenagers humping in the back of a car...this is, well, it's as no holds barred as I've ever gotten. I hope it doesn't suck, lol. Anyway wish me luck! 💚
This was posted as a multipart fic, but when I finished the second part it made more sense to be all one piece. I may write more for these two, but as it stands, it is a oneshot.
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You follow a boardwalk that becomes a path as the clouds roll in, obscuring the moon. You know you need to find cover before the storm.
Focusing on the shifting sand under your feet, as the rain begins, you speed up. The skies continue to darken; soon, you reach the first rocks of the jetty while the rain comes down in sheets. Looking up, you find yourself at the base of an old lighthouse. The lens swings across the black water as it lights up the dark and stormy night for those lost at sea.
Beach rose thorns tear at your sweater as you race up the slope. Beyond, scrub pines and pin oak trees create a small amount of cover; the wind picks up, but not before you hear the baying of a wolf… no, not a wolf. A coyote, there are no wolves in these parts. But there's something different about the howl; you speed up and bang on the door of the great beacon.
"Hello?" You shout, "please! Is anyone there?"
As if in answer, another howl rings out, making you jump. After a crash of lightning for good measure, you try the latch and push the door open, willing to disregard good manners. Looking for a switch or a lamp, you find only a candle in a heavy brass holder on a small shelf and a black matchbox holder attached to the curved wall. 
Running the wooden match across the strike pad, it sputters to life, and you light the candle. Slipping your finger into the brass ring of the candle holder and carrying it before you, the Gothic horror mood of the whole situation is not lost on you. With a sigh and a shiver, you wind up the spiral stairs.
"Hell-lo? I don't mean to intrude, but…" you call again and then with a chuckle in an undertone, "Our car broke down a few miles up the road. Do you have a phone we might use?"
Shivering in your soaked clothes, you reach the first level, which contains the living quarters. You can't help but rush to the woodstove, which warms the round room.
You hear a creak below as you take off your shoes and socks. Did you forget to latch the door entirely? Biting your lip in worry, you continue to listen; bracing yourself, you pull a poker from the coal scuttle.
You wait and wait. Time spins out—the only measure is your heart’s tattoo, like a rabbit's. As the adrenaline clears your system, you become exhausted. Swaying where you stand, the iron poker clangs on the pine floor, bringing you back. Deciding it must just be “old house sounds,” you move to the bed and sit, and without so much as a yawn of warning, your eyes slip closed.
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In the middle of the night, you feel a weight on your chest, soft and warm. Your eyes flutter open, and blocking the light coming from the woodstove is an enormous shape pressing on you; as your eyes focus, it huffs a breath, and you recognize it as a sleeping dog sound. It's huge, with pointed ears. How did you not see or hear it when you came in? Whether a watchdog or not, wouldn’t it have come to investigate? The trunk of the animal is on you, its muzzle at your collarbone, a front leg on either side of you, fully caging you in. Your hand comes up, fingers sinking into its plush fur, like a wolf’s… you shake your head, not a wolf, of course, but those dogs that look like them. Its steady heartbeat and relaxed breathing lull you back to sleep; elk-hound, that's what the one, you think, as you drift under again.
Waking again at full light, you find yourself tucked into a patchwork quilt, your shoes placed under the stove, warm and dry, no dog to be seen. The smell of eggs and bacon draws you up the stairs, halfway up you can hear the food sizzling on the stove. You feel this need to check yourself over, but you seem fine. You fell asleep on the bed of a stranger, who is apparently back- you shake your head at how unbelievably dangerous that was. Then you remember the dangers outside… it's a calculated, if hastily figured, risk.
His back to you, in front of the stove, you presume, is the light-keeper, a cable knit sweater stretched across his broad shoulders. 
He turns, soft brown eyes, brown curls standing up as though he’d run his fingers through them just a moment ago, a sharp nose that suits him, with crease of his bottom lip that accentuates his mouth’s natural pout. Not that you had any real expectations on what a lighthouse operator looks like but... maybe like some old-salt sailor type with a beard and pipe. Silly, of course. You remind yourself that you are not a cod fish and close your mouth.
"Morning," came his rich baritone voice.
"I'm so sorry, I- I - the storm-” you stumble as you try to pull yourself together.
"Don't worry about that. I hope you slept alright. "
"I did, thank you, but  I- should get going." You start putting on your shoes, “ I really didn't mean to fall asleep, " ...on your bed.
“'S not problem, really; that was one hell of a storm last night.”
“I should go-”
Well,” he says, bringing breakfast to a simple pine table, “that's the tricky part…” 
“The roads are impassable and there's more rain on the way.”
“Nothing to be done about it right now,” he says, “have something to eat.”
You begin to eat, and after a bite or two, you introduce yourself.
“Where are my manners- I’m Frankie. Spending too much time on my own, I guess.”
“Are you kidding, I burst into your house like Goldilocks! Found sleeping in your bed.”
“And was it just right, Goldie?” He smirks.
You fluster a little; he is very handsome after all, and broad and was that flirting… 
“Better to be Goldilocks than Red Riding Hood, I suppose.” He says you get the feeling it wasn’t meant to be out loud. “I guess that depends on who the huntsman turns out to be…” 
He notices your eyes widen and smiles apologetically, brushing his comment aside. “Sorry, like I said, spend a lot of time on my own.”
"S-speaking of Red Riding Hood, where’s your dog? It came and slept with me last night.”
“Hmmm?" Frankie murmurs as he sets the table, "Oh, he’s- around.”
“Well, he kept me very cozy last night. What a cuddle bug; what’s his name?”
“His, um - it’s Cisco. You better dig into those eggs; they're gonna get cold.”
“Right,” you take up a fork of scrambled egg, “I will be able to leave today, though, right?”
“We’ll have to see,” is all he says before digging into his breakfast.
Frankie goes about his light-keeper duties, including hunting for his lost skiff. You aren't sure what to do with your time-
“Is there something I can do to help? I kind of feel weird just sitting around-”
“Well, the weather isn't going to let us do much outside safely, but-”
Frankie pulls off his ball cap, ruffles his hair, and plops it back on his head, thinking, “I mean, you could help clean the lantern glass …”
“Really?” You stand, excited to do a real lighthouse job. 
“Sure, hard to mess up… no offense, and safe.” 
You take no offense; on the contrary, you clap happily to yourself, to which Frankie chuckles.
After showing you the supplies and giving you a quick demonstration, he starts down the stairs to continue with his other duties and then stops and turns-
"Thanks, Goldie," he winks and then descends the stairs.
After a time, you see him out on the rocks despite the wind starting up again from the east. He must be looking for his rowboat. You decide to scout the circumference of the lantern room, looking out the windows to see if you can see the craft. 
To the northwest, you see something red against the rocks. It doesn't look good.
You step out onto the gallery. Luckily, this isn't a particularly tall lighthouse, but it's tall enough, and the iron balcony was small enough that you feel a touch of vertigo looking down. It doesn't help that the wind's really kicking up now, reminding you that this is just a break in the storm. Closing your eyes, you take a deep breath and open them.
"Uh, Frankie!" 
Frankie looks up, hand going to the bill of his cap.
"Is that your skiff?" You point to the red “something” half in the water. 
He hollers his thanks and jogs over to where you are indicating, and you can see his frustrated huff as his hands hitch onto his hips in a disgruntled fashion.
Cleaning all that glass takes time, and your shoulders can feel the real work of it. You stop only when your stomach screams for lunch, and you find a sandwich under plastic wrap for you, but you haven’t seen Frankie, Lighthouse Keeper, the rest of your time working on it, nor Cisco, the Lighthouse Dog. 
He had brought the boat to a shed and disappeared inside it. When and if he came out, you didn't notice. You also realize you haven’t seen any signs of a pet anywhere; no bed or bowls. When you come down the spiral steps, you smell of the concoction used for cleaning the glass and lens; watered-down isopropyl alcohol and Woolight - but mostly the alcohol. 
“You'll want to wash your hands with this,” Frankie hands you a bar of soap at the first landing of the spiral stair. “It'll take care of the rubbing alcohol smell and keep your hands from drying out.” 
Frankie gives a crooked smile of apology at your startled jump. Murmuring your thanks, you take it and smell the bar that looks so small when in his hand. Fresh. Your mind wanders to how this fresh scent might mingle with Frankie's natural one. The bubble of revery is just a millisecond and pops like one the moment your eyes land on Frankie, who looks like he knows exactly what you're thinking.
When you join him in the kitchen, where he is again standing over the stove, the delicious scent of savory soup reminds you of coming home after a long chilly walk from school. The wind is howling now, and you can hear the crash of the waves, as high tide approaches, the pound of them like rumbling thunder. Its only rival is the whip crack of the actual thunder chasing the lighting strikes illuminating the windows. 
“Where’s Cisco?”
“Weather like this he likes to be below,” Frankie says after a beat, back still turned, “I have him set up with his bed down there so he doesn’t get anxious.”
“Oh,” you feel a little more at ease about not seeing neither hide nor hair of the beast of a dog all day.
“It'll be dark early due to the storm, and I’ll have duties up above. I’m going to ask you to stay in the living quarters. I’ll sleep up there, so, um, just - make yourself at home.”  
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You do your best, but your mind is on Frankie in a way that makes what you would be doing at home, not at all appropriate, even when told to make yourself at home.  His dark eyes, big hands... him calling you Goldie. How many times your mind has gone back to him asking you if his bed was just right, you dare not admit, even to yourself. You don't know him, you remind yourself.
Suddenly, there's a bang and scuffle. Then you hear a yowl.
“Cisco?” You go to the door, preparing to go down to where you assume he's been set up, but a second sound confirms it's coming from above, not below… where Frankie is.                   
You turn and look up the spiral stairs. “F-Frankie?”
Your foot hesitantly lands on the first step -
“D-did Cisco follow you? 
More shuffling and a loud thunk on the floor bring you up short. Frankie asked you to stay below, but maybe he hurt himself, or Cisco made his way up there and was scared of the storm. Your feet start moving again up the winding steps. 
You pause, your head just above the landing, eyes adjusting to the strange light of the lantern room. Instead of finding a dog, on the floor is a pile of clothes, folded neatly, with Frankie's cap placed atop it. As you look up, you see Frankie from behind, sitting in the one chair the room affords. His skin gleams with a layer of sweat, and he gives a sudden quake.
“Frankie! A-are you alright? I heard-”
His head whips around and then down as you are still only partway up the stairs. 
“I told you to sta—” the lightning flashes, and you see Frankie's eyes have changed. They are no longer warm, sweet brown but glowing amber. 
“Wh- you- you're-” Everything in you screams to run as far away as possible, but when Frankie contorts in a new wave of pain, you scramble up the stairs. He almost wails in despair as you approach the chair. “Frankie, what is happening? How can I - hel -”
“ C-can’t, go G-gold-ie, please!” 
“I don’t understand, Frankie. What’s happening?” 
The light-keeper takes a steadying breath as if fighting every molecule of his changing form, Though he knows it’s too late. Too late to shield you. 
“C-come here,” he breathes.
Lighting flashes again, the boom of thunder right on top of it. When your eyes adjust yet again, you go around the chair to face him. Frankie takes your hand; long claw-like nails have sprouted, and you have cottoned on. Frankie is - 
While he has a firm grip, he causes no pain. Your brows knot as he pushes up your sleeve. 
“I will remember,” he says, as much for himself as for you. Then he presses his nose to your wrist, inhaling deeply, and his eyes flick up to yours. The storm rages, the lens does its steady turn, and Frankie continues to smell you. He stands, eyes never breaking contact, his bare skin glistening in the light.
 You had tried not to look down at his body. But he's so close, and when he stands, your resolve breaks. Frankie is strong and somehow more broad across the shoulders than when in the confines of his fisherman’s sweater but has a trim waist. His Adonis belt is so enticing, as is his soft belly. Below that, his uncut cock has an enticing curve. Your eyes travel back up. You find his waiting for yours; he lifts his head away from your wrist and pulls; you stumble a step closer, and his face burrows into your neck. He breathes in your scent.
“Didn't harm you last night, I won't… I’ll remember, promise. You smell so good, Goldie.”
The warmth you feel low in your pelvis is combined with a shiver as you clench on nothing.
“S-so, you-your…” you stammer as his clawed hands wrap around your waist; he tastes your collarbone, licking a long stripe as he finds his way below your ear. Your knees buckle, but Frankie has a firm grip on you. “Cisco?”
“ ‘m ssorry,” he slurs, his nose nestled where your ear and jaw meet. “You taste as good as you smell, Goldie… I wonder-” 
What Frankie is wondering is interrupted by a long canine whine as he pulls back, face contorted in pain as his teeth elongate into fangs.
The blood has surely left your face, and you're shocked as you become aware that it has rushed to lower regions. You can feel the wetness between your legs, and  Frankie, closing his eyes, breathes in how your scent has changed. 
The sinful look he gives sends more heat between your thighs; you know you're soaked by now. You can still see the handsome light-keep though his eyes glow, his ears are now pointed, and his hair is shaggy. A hungry tongue moves over sharp teeth. Teeth made for tearing your throat out.
The next thunderclap shakes the lighthouse, and it's only then that he breaks his grip on you. He cries out as his body continues to transform. It snaps you out of your trance. You run down the iron stairs, passing the kitchen, down to the living quarters, and you're brought up short by a full wolf bay sounding from above. 
“What am I doing? What am I doing!?” you look up the stairs, and almost against your will, you look through the doorway to the bed—the bed where Frankie had lain atop you as the wolf. Then your eyes drift upward again, biting your thumb in indecision. Or perhaps fear at the decision you're apparently making. You slowly undress, leaving the door open; you spread out on the soft bed and wait to see what happens.
How much time before you hear the click of canine claws on the treads of each step, you aren't sure. You only know the twist of arousal you feel arches your back, and Frankie hasn't even touched you. Are you afraid? Not as much as you think you should be. It's there; this danger lights up your brain and sends adrenaline coursing through you. But he didn't hurt you last night, and he said- he-
The wolf growls around the door; he is not on all fours but hunched, one front paw occasionally touching the floor. 
“F-f-” you stammer as his front paws press heavily on the bed. He is enormous, and he hulks over you. His snout investigates every crease and crevice. You close your eyes as he noses at your mound. “-fuck.”
The wolf's tongue dips between your legs, and you gasp as your legs open like an involuntary response, and Frankie seems to seize the opportunity to open you further, pawing at your thighs, opening them, holding them where he wants them. Claws press on your sensitive skin as he laps at you.
“Frankie!” Your fingers dig into the thick, soft fur as the twist in your womb tightens and you pulse. 
How much of the man is still present, you have no idea. You are, of course, banking on it, and you figure praying to every deity that he is there, keeping the beast from tearing you to shreds, can't hurt. 
You can feel the rumble from deep in Frankie's throat, and when his long tongue breaches your pussy, he is immediately rewarded with a gush as lights pop behind your eyelids and the coil in your belly snaps.
You cry out, and he drinks sloppily at your entrance. He doesn't stop until you start to come down from your high, your chest’s rise and fall finally slowing.
Then the beast towers over you, his cock weeping. In one swift move of inhuman strength, he's suddenly flipped you onto your stomach. His large paws holding your hips, he brings your backside up, and in one fast motion, he's sheathed himself to the hilt. 
As ready as his tongue had made you, you still are stretched beyond anything you've ever experienced. He is deep inside, and his snout nuzzles into the juncture of your neck and shoulder, making you feel utterly consumed by him. His brutal pace lifts your knees off the bed when he begins to move. His rhythm takes your breath away, his length hitting that delicious spot inside you that most find elusive, and it isn't long before the telltale swell of another orgasm begins to crest.
When you clamp down around him, he howls, and you know he has come right along with you. His rhythm stutters and slows. Frankie's tongue lazily drags over your shoulder blade, and he whines as his nose nudges at your hair.  As you both float back into your bodies, opening your eyes, the round room is drenched in moonlight. The storm has passed. 
The beast allows you to roll onto your side before covering you again, as he had the night before. He gives a chaste lick to your cheek, and you huff a laugh, wondering if you will even be able to look him in the eye in the morning. But you're too exhausted and drift to sleep before shame can take its turn to feast on you.
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The morning sun blazes as it has a way of doing after a storm; shorebirds herald the day, and again, you wake to the smell of breakfast, sausage, coffee, and eggs. You're again tucked into the worn but well-cared-for quilt. Your eyes rove the room as you try not to overthink, and just as you reach for your clothes (which are neatly laid out at the end of the bed), Frankie, the man, comes in with a tray heaped with food—the smell of his delicious cooking filling the room.
“ ‘Morning, Goldie.” he smiles shyly. His eyes are not quite meeting yours, and he keeps himself busy with the breakfast tray. You return his smile, somehow his sweet bashfulness making you feel less self-conscious- 
“G’morning, Fran- Fran-cisco!”
Brown eyes sparkling in response to yours becoming like saucers, Frankie's smile widens.
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Taglist @pedrostories @beecastle @katareyoudrilling @elegantduckturtle @practicalghost @amneris21 @batdarkladyvampir @miraclesabound @greeneyedblondie44 @fan-of-encouragement @browneyes-issac @mswarriorbabe80 @nissameta1782 @seasonschange-butpeopledont @heavenseed76 @oonajaeadira @harriedandharassed @geekrenaissance @tintinn16 @deadhumourist @littlemisspascal @wannab-urs @animejunki5 @writeforfandoms @tae27 @chaoticgeminate
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@evyiione @adriiibell @princess76179 @beskarprincessjenny @mashomasho @thirddeadlysin @mandoblowmybackout @terecord @adancedivasmom
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choslut · 16 days
˖ ࣪ ، ◞ せ⌇ THE COLOUR RED. featuring yae miko.
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↻ yae miko loves staining her dearest darling with her favourite colour.
tags : shibari, implied dom/sub dynamics, overstimulation, voice kink, slight hand kink // wc. 0.8k
author’s note : ‘m soooo tired… TT i’ve been trying to cook up a new theme in time for kinktober but my head is empppptttyyyyyy… but never too empty to think about shibari with yae miko!!! this is the only wlw work on here but it’s the one i’m most proud of, so i hope you enjoy it as much as i loved writing it <33 as always, notes and reblogs are much appreciated !! and feel free to check out my masterlist for more of my work if you really liked this.
this work is NSFW. minors and ageless blogs DO NOT INTERACT.
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YAE MIKO’s favourite colour is red. it’s a colour she sees every day during her shifts at the narukami shrine, and although some may grow tired of seeing such a vibrant colour every single day, she is one to never tire of it. it represents what she lives and works for, and although purple may seem more fitting due to her affinity with the electro element and its archon, red appeals to her a little more. 
that’s why she’s decided to tie you up in beautiful, winding red ropes, and decorate the smooth skin of your neck with glaring red marks. 
for her, the colour red is much more than just a colour. it’s the colour of her love for you, and as she pulls the crimson rope a tad bit tighter around your chest, she knows that in that exact spot, the red fluid flowing through your veins will come to a stop. 
“does it hurt?” her playful voice turned sultry echoes through the confines of your blurred mind, rendered helpless by the lack of blood flowing to your brain. “make sure to tell me if it hurts, my dear. i don’t want to kill you.”
the position she has you in is nothing short of a work of art. your arms are folded neatly behind your back as you sit on your knees on the futon, staring up at here with nothing but love and lust swirling in your eyes. you nod slowly, and she bares her sharp teeth in a smile, sliding her perfectly manicured hands under your chin and pulling your face up to look at her. 
“this is something i’ve always wanted to try,” she starts, “shibari. i’ve only ever read about it in those erotica novels at the publishing house, but I could never find anyone willing enough to let me experiment with it. i do hope i’ve done it right.”
you suspect she has, given the way the rope rubs against you in all the right places. It rests just shy of your nipples, pulled tight enough so that it doesn’t hurt, but provides just the right amount of pressure to your areolas. the stream of red runs its course under your arms, wrapping around your arms and trailing down your spine until it rests in between your asscheeks, pulling in between your legs and resting against your agitated clit before making its way back between the valley of your breasts. 
it’s beautiful. it’s torture.
it’s downright torturous the way the rope rubs against your clit every time your chest rises and falls with each breath. miko must’ve been crazy to think something like this wouldn’t hurt, because it definitely is, but in all the right ways. “miko…”
“what is it, my flower?” you half expect her to kneel down to your level, but such actions are beyond her prowess, so you settle for craning your neck to look up at her. “are you feeling alright?”
no, you want to scream, but her voice, smooth like butter, slices through your panic like a knife, and suddenly your muscles relax as you give in to the beautiful pain of the ropes straining against your skin. “feels weird, miss…”
ah, yes. you’ve finally let it slip. it didn’t take much to get you to submit, yet here you are now, words tangled like the rope against your flesh as you beg her for even the slightest stimulation. “does it, now?” miko is acting dumb. of course it feels weird, it would for someone experiencing this for the first time. “but i thought i tied the ropes in the right places that make you feel good, my love.”
it does feel good. oh, god, it feels good, so much so that you can’t even muster up a sentence to express it, instead trying (and failing) to rub your thighs together to grasp more of the feeling. 
“ah, ah, ah, my dear,” she chastises, waving one perfectly manicured finger down at you. “the beauty of this…” her finger hooks under the rope tied across your chest, “… is that you barely have to move. relax your muscles. feel it.”
so you listen to her, and you feel it. miko’s fingers trace the knots of the rope carefully, and she watches curiously as your eyes flutter shut and you succumb. it’s such a pretty sight, watching you finally let go, and when she suddenly tugs harshly at the central rope, you lurch forward, body trembling in waves as your orgasm washes over you. 
it’s so much, it’s almost too much, and she only laughs at your quivering form. “humans display such interesting emotions.”
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PREVIOUS : FWB ft. a. hayakawa NEXT : BABY MOMMA ft. k. nanami
liked that? check out the WE’RE SO BACK main masterlist.
© choslut 2024 — do not copy, repost or translate my works without permission.
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withoutyouimsaskia · 7 months
Sometimes It's Fated (Sandman Short Story Part 2)
Part 1 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
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​GIF: Originally posted by @harleytudinous
Pairing: Morpheus/Dream of the Endless x AFAB reader
Summary: Reader Self-Insert. After restoring the Dreaming and locating the missing dreams and nightmares, Morpheus turns his attention to finding you, the human he believes fate has chosen for him. (Title inspired by Placebo's "This Picture".)
Warnings: Minors DNI. Dark!Morpheus. Soulmates. Angst. Obsessive and possessive behaviour. Tension. Threat. Dream manipulation. Masturbation. Voyeurism. Plot related cigarette use. Dubious consent.
Word Count: 2.5k
A/N: So I know I initially billed this as a two shot but the story has run away with me in the most lovely way. Part 3 will be coming soon. Thank you for all your kind responses to part 1, it honestly means so much to me. Hope you enjoy this one too. All my love, Saskia xx
Sandman Masterlist
The veil of sleep comes down upon your weary body with a feather-light touch, trying to coax your mind back into the world of dreams.
Dreamscapes have been a whole new experience for you in the past month of your life. Before, you would wake with no recollection of what had played out. Not even the slightest inkling. Now, you remember everything.
They are staggering; bursting with details and ideas beyond your most outlandish daytime imaginings. The emotions that are conjured by them, both when asleep and also awake are just as bold.
And even though it's been 23 nights since it started you are still finding them predominantly jarring and disorientating. You are baffled by how other people cope with the sheer vividness. The unpredictability. Maybe they have become desensitised. You can only hope that the same will happen for you in time.
One thing you tell yourself with each sunrise:
Thank goodness they weren't nightmares.
At least, you don't think they are. There's no resemblance between yours and what you have heard others describe over the years, nor to those outlined in a dream decoding book you had checked out of the library last week. There's no obvious threat or fear. No re-living of traumatic events. Just weird subtext.
The first dream found you standing barefoot on a beach. A mirage distorted the particulars of the scene making it impossible to see further than half a meter in front of you. The temperature of the sand under your soles was verging on painful and as such, it forced you to walk into the unknown before you.
A groaning wind started to brew and lifted the sand into sparkling flurries. You shielded your eyes from the abrasive particles.
The sun was at its apex when you heard the ear splitting bangs. Unmistakably gun shots; you didn't last much longer in the dream and woke with a start.
For the next week, your dreams had been like a series of video clips edited into a supercut.
Raven wings. Black cats. Hellfire. Ruby red glow. Sprawling library shelves. Landscapes hewn by earthquake fissures. Hotel corridors. A handsome, blond haired man wearing sunglasses, holding a blood covered knife.
If you didn't know any better, you would begin to suspect that your new box of tea bags had been laced with a psychedelic. Alas, no. Your hypothesis was unequivocally disproved when you friends had been completely unaffected after stopping by for a Sunday afternoon catch up.
This quick fire of snapshots eventually stopped, transforming into lucid long form dreams. You often think back to the first one where it happened.
Standing in the the empty room, and the appearance of the figure dressed in black. The colour that had flashed in their midnight eyes had the quality of liquid silver. Sometimes you wonder if you see the same image in other dreams, standing in amongst a crowd.
From that point on, regardless of what dream you are in, you cannot shake the intuitive prickle down your spine that tells you someone is watching you.
You reason that it is nothing to be concerned about. Humans dream, and you cannot deny that some of them - swimming in a sea of clouds, re-visiting childhood haunts, trying out superpowers - have been quite fun.
You roll over on to your left side and close your eyes.
You dream.
The room you see is expansive in breadth and depth. Impressive windows bring brilliant light into the space which bounces off the ivory stone of the floors and walls. There are statues positioned at equidistant intervals, implying that the chamber is a gallery of sorts.
One effigy, fashioned from bronze, and rich in colour draws your attention. The lines and curves of its form intrigue you, despite not knowing the creature it was portraying.
You are about to move on when the feeling of being watched sparks through your skeleton.
Everything changes.
Clarity gives way to haze. Sun is swapped for moon.
You see a man across the room. He stands with a perfect posture. Graceful, powerful. His elbows are bent, fingers interlaced, palms facing upwards. Sheer black fabric floats around his frame. It moves languidly, giving glimpses of his bare body beneath.
The man's face is imperceptible. The distance between you too great but somehow you know you are the focus of his attention.
His robes fall to the floor with a gossamer sigh. The pale, unmarked skin of his slight form glows beautifully in the moonlight. You look down in embarrassment as arousal flushes through you, and you see that you are suddenly as naked as he is.
You gasp, and snap your gaze back up.
The sight you see is rather unexpected. The man is intimately touching himself.
You feel compelled to mirror him. You immediately reach between your legs. The man groans as you make contact.
All it takes is a little bit of attention on your clit before you are ready to slide two fingers into your core. The noise you make at the feeling of the stretch is salacious. The man echoes you with a sound that is just as dirty.
It spurs you on and you burrow deeper.
You curl your fingers until your legs are weak and quivering. You long to sink to your knees so you can finish in a more comfortable position yet you can't. An invisible force is preventing you.
It keeps you on display.
Just like the statues to your left.
You wonder if it is for the man's benefit.
You try to focus on him but it is impossible to do so through the trembling glaze over your eyes. All you are able to sense from him now is the sound of the rhythmic pump of his palm around his cock and his panting breaths.
Desperate whines escape your lips. You are teetering on the edge of an orgasm but you can't seem to lose your balance and fall into the abyss. The unsteadiness in your legs is too much of a distraction. You rub at your clit again in the hope that it will bring the satisfaction you need.
It does nothing.
You are so frustrated by your body's disobedience that it is almost painful.
"Please. Please. Please," you mutter under your breath.
A voice suddenly speaks next to you ear. A velvet voice with the timbre of a thunder rumble. It pours like a soothing syrup into your brain and commands you to do exactly as it bids.
"Let go."
You climax intensely, crying out in relief, squirting all over your fingers and onto your hand as you legs finally give way.
The fall jolts you back into consciousness and you wake with a barely contained scream of pleasure in your throat and adrenaline lighting up your nervous system.
Daylight is peeking through a little gap in the curtains. You take a deep, grounding breath.
That was obscene.
The context, the actions, the sounds. That sultry voice at the end. From the throbbing in your vulva and the twitching of your legs it seems like you didn't just finish in the dream.
There is really no point in looking it up in the dream decoding book.
You were clearly horny on a subconscious level. Or craving attention, hence the exhibitionist behaviour. The latter is not usually in your nature to seek out but if it is the reason, you might not have to wait long before the desire is fulfilled. There is a work event happening this evening that may require you to accept an award and address the crowd.
You love this time of year where community projects get recognition; a nomination alone is a sure-fire way of garnering publicity which in turn helps the charity's outreach.
But first, a normal day at the office. You throw back the covers and go straight to the bathroom to rinse off the evidence of your wet dream.
Your right hand connects with the metal push plate of the function space's front door. The heels of your boots click and clack as you cross the threshold, moving from floor board to paving slab.
It's fortuitous that you brought a long, thick coat with you this evening for the wind is wintery and unforgiving. You stay close to the wall of the building to try and shelter from it as much as possible.
The pavements are slick with recent precipitation, streetlamps bouncing off of the water with caustic white light.
Then you see him; a figure cut from shadow.
He's breathing in such a laboured way that you wonder if he is sick.
Your phone is still inside the venue, currently being guarded by a colleague along with your bag but it wouldn't take long to retrieve it and call for medical assistance.
"You okay?" Concern colours the simple question.
His reply comes quickly and assertively, "I am well, thank you."
You nod, not entirely convinced for the stranger's response was as stiff as his posture, and reach inside the pocket of your coat for the box of cigarettes and lighter stashed within.
You settle one of the sticks between your lips and use your thumb to bring forth a flame. The crackle of smouldering paper and tobacco perforates the damp air and you take a needy drag. The nicotine taints and tantalises in equal measure, filling you with guilt and relief. You've been trying to give up but the little voice inside your head had won this evening. You close your eyes and focus on the pleasure it brings before flicking some ash into the tray mounted to the wall.
Your attention now back on your surroundings, the stranger steps into the scope of the streetlight. The angles of his cheekbones, jaw and nose are accentuated to an incredible extent in the gleam. His dark hair is being buffeted about the wind, locks of it very close to falling in the blue eyes that are unwaveringly trained on you. He begins to talk again, showcasing his deep baritone.
"I'm afraid I wasn't entirely honest with you just now. It is not how I envisaged our first interaction transpiring. I hope that you can forgive me for my deception."
You laugh nervously and take another quick drag. "It makes no difference if you're honest with me or not. I don't know you."
"You are correct. You don't know me. Not yet -"
"Oh," you cut in quickly. "I'm not looking for a hook up."
While you cannot deny that he is arrestingly beautiful, you are technically working and have never been one for one-night stands.
"You mistake my meaning. I have been searching for you for so long. I oftentimes doubted your existence however I was wrong and I find myself humbled to be in your presence at last."
The grandiose declaration is one of the stranger things you have heard in your life and you used to deal with drunken patrons when you worked at a university bar. Maybe he was intoxicated; it would explain a lot.
"Look, this might work on other people but I just came out here to have a cigarette -"
It is his turn to interrupt you now. "You will have no need of those going forward. Your addiction to them will be replaced by me."
"Excuse me?"
You are trying to sound incredulous, however, inside you are rather frightened by the turn the conversation has taken. His gaze is not helping either.
The crystalline eyes are embodying every part of the descriptor; a hard, chill inducing blue. Ash drops from the smouldering cigarette as a tremble of fear rattles through you. The man sees this and the ice suddenly melts to a warmer hue.
His tone turns soft and gentle. "We are supposed to be together. Our union is fated."
He's staring at you expectantly even after your two attempts at rejection. You swiftly stub out the part-finished cigarette and take ownership in ending the interaction.
"I've had enough of this. I'm going back inside now. If you try and follow me, I will speak to the venue's management. If you are still here when I leave later, I will call the police."
You turn towards the door.
He calls your name. Your full name. Middle name too.
Despite your brain chanting at you to go inside, you can't stop yourself from looking back at him. "H-how do you know my full name?"
The profound rumble of his voice resonates deep in your ears. "I know everything about you, Y/N."
He's right in front of you now. His posture is bordering between desperate and predatory. Like he can't quite decide if he is seeking comfort from you, or if he wants to consume you.
You are fumbling behind you to find the door handle. "Please get away from me," you say hoarsely.
He reaches for your hand.
You jump back and struggle to get out of his grip but his strength is inhumanly strong. His skin of his palm is glacial against yours and yet somehow, the touch makes heat snake up your arm and settle in your chest.
You become aware of an internal feeling that you've always had, like that of chapped lips. Low level but something that constantly nags. Something that existed every minute of your life until the moment he touched you.
You grip his hand and look up at his face in astonishment.
"Good. That's it. Look into my eyes. See what you know is there."
You do as he says, totally stunned by the depths that seem to reside within them. It's as if there are universes suspended inside. Maybe there are. Perhaps you could float among the celestial bodies if you asked him to show you how.
You feel so alive and overstimulated that you welcome the delirious thoughts taking over your mind.
You welcome him.
It's like there is a cord connected between your heart and his that is shortening in length. The intensity scares you.
"Give into the pull," he urges darkly, sensing your anxiety.
You obey, feet moving of their own accord and then you are standing before him, just centimetres apart.
He smiles triumphantly and presses you flush against his body.
His free hand comes up to cup your jaw, fingers brushing the sensitive skin of your neck. More heat sears through you from the additional skin-on-skin contact.
Your peripheral vision closes tighter and tighter with every passing moment. The outside world is gone.
He leans in further and you wonder hazily if he is going to kiss you or break your neck. Both options are equally viable given the behaviour he has exhibited. You keep staring at him regardless.
His irises flash silver as he intones his next sentence. "Y/N, I claim you as my soulmate."
Taglist: @herfantasyworldd @kpopgirlbtssvt
"Am I your dream girl? You think of me in bed. But you could never hold me. You like me better in your head."
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