#what the actual mindfuck
evendumbo · 1 year
Okay but why did Ted’s past wife and future wife both make terrible ethical decisions in their respective love lives after and before, respectively, they were with Ted? I mean, Rebecca gets a bit of a pass re Sam bc she’s trying to figure out her shit after a traumatic relationship. But one dating her 21-year-old employee and the other dating her past individual and then couples therapist are just weirdly coincidental hot messes.
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they-them-pussy · 1 year
girl i just wanted mystery inc. season 3
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gabbingwaves · 15 days
Spoilers under the cut but GUYS. GUYS. Do NOT skip through the "Wait for Godo" quest! This is for your own good!
This quest is so creepy and for WHAT
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This is a two second overworld quest! Run into a random NPC who asks you to go see about the missing guard literally one building over! Standard open world stuff! Easy peasy!
Oh, and also just go ahead and say hi to the random eldritch shadow being while you're at it. NO BIG DEAL??? (I missed capturing the first two text boxes where you casually notice a 'massive looming shadow' over the beach demanding your 'attention and submission' and this doesn't concern you at all. You get your memories back but you can't actually remember what you're remembering as you remember it. Just that of course you know these shadows. You remember how they'd dance at your command.)
And then you fight some super easy mobs and the quest just ends. There's no turn-in - the quest giver won't even talk to you. It's like it never happened in the first place.
Kuro, what the hell.
I love it.
(Also the implications of the 'I still have work to do' line. I picked '...I should wake up.' because I thought it was a better wham line if this were a book or movie or something but the implications of the second one are ruining me. That's a 'But I have miles to go before I sleep' kind of line line. That's the kind of thing you say to keep from going toward the bright light. WHAT was HAPPENING here.)
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ruby-red-inky-blue · 6 months
i'm seeing maybe THE band of my teenage years live this summer and i could not be more excited!! ...i'm also realising i don't actually know the lyrics to any of their songs, only the nonsense my teenage brain assembled from what english i knew at the time
i've never spared a conscious thought for my conviction that American Idiot contained the line "that's not Plymouth on my flag America" but like. that can't be right. and it fully isn't! it's not. the only correct word in that whole line is "America"
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quietwingsinthesky · 9 months
I like to live in the world where Dean wasn't lying to himself in s8, he did actually fail to save Cas from Purgatory, he wasn't strong enough, his memories were correct. And then he tells Cas all of that and how knowing that he failed is destroying him, and Cas goes okay! i will simply make it so that you don't remember it that way!
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amorremanet · 7 months
“why do people simp for bai wuxiang”
because i’m a terrible person and his scenes with xie lian hit me in the same good good place as hannigram, shendak, peter/scott, and dean/alastair, which i think is very sexy of him, next question
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velvetineblue · 8 months
things your muse will notice about mine. ( repost, don't reblog. )
what they look like : although his personal style tends toward a darkness ( sometimes even a slight-grungy, purposely disheveled aesthetic? ) , I'd say he's still notably, in contrast, pretty. elegant, 'princely'. catlike, feline... definite pretty boy vibes asjajj. he's lanky; long legs, pianists' hands, thin spindly fingers that can't hide the delicate skeletal structure that lies beneath our skins. slender and sleek rather than broad. but he's very physically active, so muscular definition is apparent, though carried on a lightweight frame. some other notable, distinctive features is he has a prominent nose & prominent dark eyebrows, very defined cheekbones, and sharp canine teefies. he's naturally smirky, with a dry/sardonic expression, sharp observant cat-like eyes, and tends to radiate a sort of devil-may-care casual confidence, with an undertone of mischief .
what they smell like : the shampoo/conditioner & soaps he uses tend to be tea tree, yuzu scented, a little minty, and very-lightly-citrus scents: clean, bright, white... natural, but I feel, almost, medicinal?? but like in a 'traditional medicine' sort of way. there's usually a little bit of product in his hair, so there may be a hint of that modern, polished smell when leaning in close. and he has a habit of chewing cinnamon flavored gum when bored/nervous/etc/all-the-time so there is a undertone of cinnamon & spice from the gum chewed & kept in his pockets . when he wears cologne, he likes sort of fresh scents; things that hearken back to wind-blown laundry left outside on the line to dry; the ocean breeze; an open meadow ... but, he will wear stronger, darker scents with a hint of sharp SPICE in the fragrance notes, for special occasions... like a date night, or something else where you want to leave a strong IMPRESSION .
what they taste like : cinnamon, a little sweet & a little spicy. ( see above~ ^ )
what they sound like : rich and deep and warm, like pouring thick velvety honey. less smooth and more hoarse/raspy when he raises his voice (or is otherwise emotionally affected) . but most of the time, his voice is calm, relaxed... i use his rl faceclaim as his voiceclaim, but i also really love haru from fruit's baskets TONE as an example of how he speaks; very chill and unbothered. quite frank and deadpan, but not ( usually ) unfriendly & cold?? i wish there were more clips i could share to exemplify it !! if there was, i would maybe even consider using dub haru as his voiceclaim bc HE'S SO TAI-CODED IS2FUCJAS. but yeah. there are not many clips out there, so you just gotta watch furuba ok. JUST DO IT !!
what they feel like : sharp. angular. he feels at best like the cool touch of silk on your skin or the cool side of the pillow. the comfort of ice soothing your dry throat on a hot day. he's not soft to the touch and he can't be your heavy weighted blanket of a lover, either. he's not soft like flower petals; and he's not pure muscle and sinew that signifies strength. he's human, warm pumping blood and bone; a lot of bones; angles and edges that you adjust around in the bed in order to cuddle comfortably. an imperfect creature, but when he holds you tight against him, you feel loved so deeply, to the core, the way that only something flawed and empathetic in their flaws can feel.
tagged by : no-one, i stole it, i am a criminal mastermind xoxo tagging : @yaoogui & @wingached & @ofgentleresolve ( for any muses you want !! ) and STEAL IT !!! i wanna read it for all the muses on my dash ... for science.
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pu-butt · 2 months
your take on propertius vs horace is based. you are simply correct
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wandringbark · 3 months
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bought these yesterday….. entering my rose tyler era
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graciousdragon · 8 months
god i wish that 8-hour fnaf lore video came out like 2 months ago because maybe i would actually be interested in my yoga class
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justtorzaplease · 2 years
Guys. I keep forgetting what Shinso's hero name is, if he even has one. I think he has one in fanon though? Anyway, my mind keeps going back to the name: Mindfuck. WHY AM I OBSESSED WITH IT?
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bitchthefuck1 · 1 year
I feel like at this point both hating and loving Disney are pretty popular opinions, so I guess the only thing I can say is that I don't get the whole deal with Disney world as like thee American childhood experience? Idk if it's just an "I'm first gen and grew up in an immigrant community" thing but the idea that you would go to Disney world as a family (or ever) was like. not even an inkling of a thought. I honestly don't even see the appeal really, like there are way cheaper ways to get on a rollercoaster, and none of the Disney films were particularly formative to my childhood, so I don't even get why people would want to meet adults dressed as them if you're older than like 5. It's wild to me that this is a real thing real human beings do and that it's considered normal or common. This isn't like a shaming people thing, I just really don't get it.
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floopdewhoop · 7 months
My therapist: “Do you think you like observational humor so much because it’s validating to hear that neurotypical people have made the same observations and find them just as funny as you have?”
Bitch I pay you to get rid of my anxiety, not give me more.
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moe-broey · 7 months
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This is literally so fucking funny I was just laying down thinking about all the potential for stupid family/found family dynamics and was like. Man... I really haven't given Thrasir a lot of thought .... I wonder when she'll be summonable again..... Oh? Now? Hm. Okay. Freyja color sharing? Augh.... it May be useful to get her........ for studying purposes .......... maybe I'll give it a shot -- AH
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thenexusofsouls · 1 year
What does your heart look like?
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Nuada: a compass that doesn’t waver
You are someone who is certain of what you want. Maybe you always have been, or maybe you made a discovery that you haven’t been able to tear your eyes away from. Your heart is set and certain. You fight endlessly for your goals. Above all else, you know who you are and what you are trying to achieve. Just be careful not to tear yourself or others apart in pursuit of your ideals.
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Raiden: molten lava and charred flesh
Your heart burned so fiercely that it burnt itself out, leaving horrible scars in its wake; scars inside your chest and on the hands of those who touched you, the hearts of anyone who got close enough to connect to yours. The person you are now is no longer recognizable, burnt up by your own anger and passion and love. The injuries can never be fully erased, but they can be soothed with time and trust and forgiveness.
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Ivan: broken, missing pieces that once were there
Your heart has been torn before, chipped and maybe even shattered. Some pieces will never be recovered, and you are shaped by the loss. But it can still be shaped into something tangible, something good, even with its flaws and imperfections. You don’t have to do all the work of rebuilding by yourself. Allow other hands to leave their fingerprints on the new heart you create from the remnants.
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Esther: a bird struggling to get loose
Your heart can never hold still. It pounds against your chest frantically, always turning your sights to one thing after the next. When was the last time you were certain? The last time your life was stable? Maybe this is how you prefer things. On the move constantly, not tied down to one person or place. You chase one goal after the next. Can you ever really feel complete without a place to land? Shouldn’t you build yourself a nest?
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Carl (Luke): molten lava and charred flesh
Your heart burned so fiercely that it burnt itself out, leaving horrible scars in its wake; scars inside your chest and on the hands of those who touched you, the hearts of anyone who got close enough to connect to yours. The person you are now is no longer recognizable, burnt up by your own anger and passion and love. The injuries can never be fully erased, but they can be soothed with time and trust and forgiveness.
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Tony: a tangled ball of red strings
Who are you without the company of others? You aren’t sure, but you know that you aren’t fond of whoever it is. You are an actor, a pretty face and a pleasant song. Many idolize you, or love you, but you can never be sure of how sincere it is. Your heart is buried under the letters they leave you, sealed with a kiss. It can’t be untangled from the red strings they’ve attached to you. You deserve to find something, someone, true and faithful to hold your heart in place. You don’t have to be everything to everyone.
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Natasha: a guiding, golden light
Just because you cannot see your own heart doesn’t mean that others can’t. Your heart is blinding, captivating, a fire so bright that others can’t bring themselves to look away. It illuminates the path they follow and cements you as a guiding star for their own wayward hearts. Every experience you’ve lived through has built your lighthouse heart up just a little higher. You are inspirational, a light that doesn’t go out.
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Clint: an open door, a burning hearth
Your chest is wide open, and your heart is a home. Others are welcomed in readily and asked to stay. You are comfort and love, everything you were never given but so desperately want to provide for others. You have built this welcoming hearth with your own two hands and won’t see anyone else left out in the cold. Be careful to not burn yourself out trying to keep everyone else warm.
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Aurelien: iced over, out of the sun
Your heart is very lonely, isn’t it? Is your fortress of ice self-made? Are others afraid of you, or are you afraid of them? Are you afraid of hurting them, or of being hurt? Vulnerability and connection can be frightening, but that’s no reason to shy away from their light, to tuck yourself small into corners, to build up frigid walls to keep yourself from feeling. You will heal when you allow yourself to draw closer to the flames and thaw.
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Jix: an open door, a burning hearth
Your chest is wide open, and your heart is a home. Others are welcomed in readily and asked to stay. You are comfort and love, everything you were never given but so desperately want to provide for others. You have built this welcoming hearth with your own two hands and won’t see anyone else left out in the cold. Be careful to not burn yourself out trying to keep everyone else warm.
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Gizmo: a guiding, golden light
Just because you cannot see your own heart doesn’t mean that others can’t. Your heart is blinding, captivating, a fire so bright that others can’t bring themselves to look away. It illuminates the path they follow and cements you as a guiding star for their own wayward hearts. Every experience you’ve lived through has built your lighthouse heart up just a little higher. You are inspirational, a light that doesn’t go out.
Tagged by: @illbringthechaosmagic​ Tagging: Anyone who wants to do this! ^_^
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just remembered when I was like four I saw an angel, should I give Lonan this experience should I should I should I
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