#what to say in a job interview
waltervmurray · 2 years
How to rank advance in 60 days with Jefferson Santos
Are you looking to rank advance in 60 days? Jefferson Santos has the answer--watch this video and learn how to rank advance in the internet fast!
Jefferson Santos is a network marketing superstar and he's sharing his secrets with you in this video. By following his tips, you can rank advance in no time--provided you're willing to put in the effort. Watch and learn how to rank advance in the internet fast with Jefferson Santos!
To get the latest updates from Rob text him at 844 889 1644. You can text anything and we will get you added to his V.I.P. list. Rob will text out 4 times max a month so don't worry about him spamming you!
My mission is to train you on the mindset, skills, and systems to have lasting success in network marketing. I will focus on social media strategies, recruiting techniques, and duplication methods to help take your network marketing business to a new level. I was voted the #1 coach in all of the network marketing per Business for Home in 2017 and will share with you the NEWEST strategies to help you crush your business.
Rob Sperry has been recognized by top publication, Business For Home, as the #1 trainer for 2017 in the network marketing industry. In his first year in the industry, he reached the highest level in a multi-billion dollar company. Conquering new heights Sperry became the co-creator of a new brand.  This brand was a spin-off from a $3 billion dollar company (total sales) and launched with a million dollars in sales, in just the first month. After this success, Sperry was instrumental in bringing two top companies together, thus creating one of the largest mergers in the network marketing industry. Due to his expertise, he has been featured in national and international books, podcasts, blogs, articles, and magazines specific to finding success in network marketing. His podcast has now been downloaded by 83 countries. 
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chuuzmii · 2 months
Saw someone say that Louis was more irredeemable than the other characters because "he doesn't have enough trauma to explain his actions" and I had to LAUGH!!!
A QUEER black man growing up in the 18-1900's doesn't have enough trauma for you? The same man we see constantly being emasculated and degraded by not only his family but every one else doesn't have enough trauma? The same man who watched his brother swan dive off a roof to his death? Who's mother accused him of being the reason his brother was going to hell when his last words to paul were "I love you". The amount of racism louis experienced in his lifetime just doesn't count as trauma to y'all? Like thats fucking insane to me.
But i completely see where this is coming from because to people who aren't POC they just see racism as something that is just a part of life for us. It doesn't count as a traumatic experience because thats just something we are going to have to deal with anyway!!! "Like how DARE louis a black man in the 1900s try to make a name for himself and his family? How dare he kill white men for daring to be racist? Doesn't he know he's just supposed to sit and take it like a good little negro?? How dare he fight back against his abusive white husband? Doesn't he know he loves him??? Who cares if he abuses and emasculates and degrades him!!" This is what some of y'all sound like to me and its INSANE. You have got to get over this weird inherently racist thought that all POC have to be sweet and docile about racial inequalities they face holy FUCK.
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nashvillethotchicken · 6 months
I love when people say lestat is jobless (true) as a way to compare him to Armand, who is gainfully employed (huh?). Armand hasn't seen a w2 since the Eisenhower administration. What job does armand have in Dubai beside psychosexual roleplay and ipad?
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opens-up-4-nobody · 22 days
Damn the world. I was put on this planet to draw and color all day everyday.
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alarrylarrie · 5 months
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fraternum-momentum · 4 months
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tricoufamily · 5 months
so almost two weeks after my two final interviews i apparently have to have one final meeting with the hiring manager tomorrow. they've told me literally nothing about what this meeting even is or why. will the suffering never end
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pop-punklouis · 10 months
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sesamestreep · 1 month
If I have one personal life hack to bestow on anybody, it’s that, on days where you hate all your clothes, or you think you look terrible in every outfit you put on your body, or you’re experiencing gender and/or body dysphoria, the best thing you can do is lean into the ugliness. ugg it up to 11 and break off the dial. go full sludge mode. wear only items that look expressly terrible together. clash patterns, loud colors, whatever. put together something that no rational human would wear on purpose.
I say this because sometimes when I can’t get out of my own head about my appearance, it’s because I’m worried about people seeing me and thinking I didn’t try, that I (erroneously) think I look good but everyone else knows I don’t and that making me seem sad or delusional. But when I put on an outfit that’s like aggressively terrible, I feel confident that no one will look at me and think it wasn’t intentional. They’ll take my ugliness as, at best, a kind of statement or, at worst, a confident level of not giving a fuck. The fact that I only got there by giving a great deal of fucks about something that doesn’t matter is something only I have to know.
obvious caveats of don’t do this for occasions like job interviews or appearing as a witness in court or your cousin’s wedding where you’ll be in all the photos, and still dress with weather and other factors in mind, but if sometimes panic about your appearance traps you in an unbreakable time loop, dressing intentionally chaotically has helped me a lot on days where I simply need to get out of the house
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commsroom · 1 year
eiffel's problem is that he sees every injustice as an interpersonal issue. he doesn't understand how his flippancy or apparent leniency towards hilbert might look to hera; in his mind, it doesn't contradict his support for her. to eiffel, it seems obvious - he is also one of hilbert's victims, hera is his friend, of course he's completely on her side - but he fails to fully grasp how the stakes are different for her.
ep 19: "you need to stop treating this like a joke, officer eiffel." / "hey, i'm the person for whom the joke tolls." / "i get you're scared he put something inside you. but i hope you haven't forgotten emergency code alpha victor. he put that in me." and ep 51: "they're just jokes! they don't really mean anything." / "see, eiffel, you get to have that. they can be 'just jokes' for you because you're... well, you. but we don't get that."
the issue in shut up and listen is eiffel's repeated, if unintentional, microaggressions, but it's also his general use of dark humor as a coping mechanism - jokes he feels justified in making because of how the subjects of those jokes have impacted him. eiffel sincerely believes in treating people equally, but his idea of 'equal treatment' can be idealistic and naive. he has an awareness of interpersonal harm, but he's lived most of his life without ever being confronted with the reality of structural harm - being pre-judged and othered and having his life devalued on the basis of outside categorization.
but the thing about that is that it has happened to him, too. eiffel is an addict, and a convict, and marked as from a lower socioeconomic class than minkowski or lovelace, and those things are the reasons goddard futuristics was able to buy him as prison labor and - without his consent - consider him expendable for medical experimentation. none of that is a coincidence, but he doesn't see the systems at work, only his own actions and regrets. which he then equivocates to the worst actions of people who don't share his sense of morality or guilt.
eiffel's ability to recognize and bring out the humanity in the people around him is one of his best qualities, but... on the basis of his identity, he's been able to live a life where he conceptualizes himself as the default person, and that's been reinforced by the pop culture he loves so much. that's a massive blind spot. he assumes everyone navigates the world in a similar way, and so, on some level, he sees everyone around him as an extension of or a reflection of himself. if evil is always personal, then it can always be reasoned with.
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guinevereslancelot · 14 days
applied to a bunch of jobs! 😅🙏
#took me three days bc i really wanted my dad's input on my resume and he took a while to get back to me#but i reallyyyy wanted to have applications in my monday morning and now i do :)#also feeling much better aboutbthe whole thing now that i have stuff to be excited about#still really really sad abt leaving the kids at my current job tho#but i drove by some of the places i applied today and researched them and im really optimistic about some of them#i even heard back from one already which i was not expecting at all#she literally emailed me like half an hour after getting my application and started asking me questions#like a pre interview#so thats nice#we went back and forth a couple of times#its not my top top choice but that place isnt officially hiring and might take forever to back back to me#this place is a smaller home daycare type place and urgently hiring but the pay is super good and a home daycare environment might be nice#and the pay is pretty decent esp compared to what im making now#the top top place is a fancy pants private school that going to be way more thorough abt references and background check#so they'll take longer to get back to me#but i found out after applying that my friend's mom works there 🤯#so she's gonna ask her to put in a good word for me :)#but they're not officially hiring according to their website it just says they encourage people to inquire so i did#so p unlikely i would get that one but you never know#anyway!!!!#finally excited abt things and not just filled with dread and sadness abt leaving the current place and kids#still makes me sad but im not on the verge of tears thinking abt it anymore lol#this has been a shitpost
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h0rr0rsaxo · 9 months
I thought you were just joking when you said you were obsessed with Homelander. You weren't.
DUDE I'M SORRY - BUT HE'S SO FINE. I'm sick and tired of pretending that I don't wanna squish his man tits, and call him my babygirl. I have to live in a society where I have to pretend like I WOULDN'T allow and tolerate his possessive behavior. I'm tired of pretending that I wanna fix him. I don't. I wanna make him WORSE. I would 100% be his enabler.
"It's us against the world babyboy😫💔🥀🖤⛓️"
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rexscanonwife · 5 months
Against my better judgement I'm watching more of the 2016 ppg reboot and lemme tell you something. I HAAAAAAATE the way they write Utonium I HATE IT!!!
But sometimes there'll be a little moment here or there where he's kinda...cute > ^ <
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allbeendonebefore · 29 days
me sprinkling more ancient greek phrases in the dialogue to prove i learned one thing and then realizing i gotta go back and fix the dialect because i only studied attic and most of the characters in this chapter speak doric OTL
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danidoesathing · 2 months
Am so. Tired of dealing with government issues
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the thing about me is that i'm really like actually not equipped to hold down a job where u can't slack off like the notion that todays workload is going to take me all day and might even require me to work over is putting me on the brink of a meltdown and this is just like. what is expected of people !! like people live like this and they're fine with it somehow !! not me i need at MOST like a 70/30 work/slack off balance and i need to be paid $100/hr for my time or i start biting people
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