#what too much of Moralizing Everything You See does to a mf
givelifetoaworld · 1 year
“i hope a meteor hits the planet because i saw a facebook post where one random white guy whose stepdad went missing went to a blink 182 concert and posted about it” i don’t want to say you’re overreacting but… you’re overreacting and *you’re* the reason *i* hope a meteor hits the planet
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madockisser · 2 months
Why do you wanna kiss Madoc?
not sure if ppl are actually weirded out by my user or not, which most certainly is not my intention, but i feel the need to rant abt my thoughts on madoc! i also don’t wanna deter anyone bc of my user 😭! btw i totally understand if u hate him w all your guts like truly i get it but don’t hate on me for not! my user is mostly a joke! (also i LOVE cardan and jude sm more than madoc obviously just the “madockisser” user is funnier and so few ppl talk abt madoc so i feel the need to 😭)
madoc raised 3 children that weren’t his, was willing to risk quite literally everything to become king so his poor mortal daughters will be treated like princesses in a world where they’re treated like garbage. madoc has his faults(like trying to make poor oakey pokey king), but a lot of them can be chalked up to his redcap nature, being bloodthirsty and power hungry and just not understanding jude and her morals since their morals and life experiences are just SO different
him and jude have the same goal, except madoc and his nature, his morals, make the execution of that goal and the endpoint a bit different. jude is trying to save oak from being king so he won’t have to grow up bloodthirsty and drenched in blood like she did, while madoc is trying to make oak king, which he thinks is obviously the best thing he can do for him since madoc is so power hungry.
in their own eyes, they each think what they have planned for oak is best, and obviously to madoc making his son king after slaughtering nearly the rest of the greenbriar bloodline which solidifies his succession to the throne is a great boon, and in his eyes, jude isn’t trying to keep him from doing that to protect oak, (since he doesn’t understand that jude grew up so miserably) he sees jude trying to take/keep oaks throne from him.
jude says in her inner monologue at some point that she’s sure that madoc would relinquish the throne to oak when he’s of age, since he’s a man of honor or wtv, and madoc obv thinks this is just the best course for oak. why wouldn’t madoc want his children powerful and bloodthirsty? he wants them to be like him, and more than that, he doesn’t want them to slave away for a greenbriar like madoc did to eldred and balekin and dain(which he reveals in the stolen heir duo)
another thing is his morals when it comes to dain. he was livid in a way oriana had never seen when he heard about what dain did to oak and liriope. which makes perfect sense for him because he has honor enough to not slaughter a woman for being pregnant and by extent taking the life of the child inside just to remain in power and in favor.
dain did something that madoc inherently disagreed w. so madocs decision was obviously to betray him and run him through after replanning. it’s just in his nature. he replans, betrays, and resorts to murder when it matters lol. he does the same (sorta) w balekin by using him as a ploy to get oaks throne. balekin who has human slaves treated terribly, while madoc had a human wife and human children. i’m shocked balekin didn’t see madocs betrayal coming.
and even tho jude did something he inherently disagreed w/ and didn’t try to understand (which frustrates me sm) he gives her so many chances to come back to his side, he gives her advice, he gives her chances, betraying his nature for his daughter until qon, when he finally resorts to murder. fucking devastating.
on a lighter note, i do think it’s funny tho that despite it all he was still a better father than eldred and dain, and better guardian than balekin. though i will say that i do NOT excuse so many of madocs actions (bc he causes my poor baby jude so much pain), and when i’m actively rereading esp during qon i do in fact hate that mf, …i just think he’s dilf-y.
unrelated but he’s like the lead of a monster romance. holly black actually has another green sweetheart-chemist murdery bf, in her book valiant, but he’s too niche like nobody knows abt him which is so sad bc he’s sooooo cute and sweet. “ravuskisser” would be my user
i love reading his and jude’s dynamic, i love reading abt him and eva and him and oriana. i love in tpt when he FINALLY says something abt eva, finally understanding why she left him, and him owning up to his mistakes, but then saying , “but if it were not for my mistakes, i would not have the family i have today.” 😭😭😭😭😭
ALSO, the exile. it was so necessary. madoc living amongst humans helps him realize so much about eva, jude and taryn. “since humans have a shorter lifespan, they would risk much for happiness.” he says (not word for word) in tpt when speaking of eva, but ofc it also applies to jude and taryn.
anyway i guess moral of the story i like madoc bc daddy issues ig and also his complexity, holly black is a genius at writing morally grey faeries w diff mindsets! also how jude describes him to be a “tall man” the second he’s on the page like damn i get it eva and ori! anyway even holly black supports madoc kissers like me so don’t judge me!
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gregoftom · 1 year
Something else I don’t think people consider with regards to anon’s point is what exactly those terms and conditions are.
We already know how prickly Ewan is about well, everything, and that he cuts Greg’s mom off at some point after season three starts I think. But like, is that even the first time? The brothers are much more similar than people want to believe and I think it’s possible Ewan could have cut Marianne off and brought her back in depending on their standing while Greg was growing up and he witnessed that. We just don’t have enough backstory to know because for some reason the writers set up this fascinating character and then did nothing with all that lore.
That’s why I can’t get behind people who think Greg was stupid to give up his inheritance. At least with Logan he was in good standing and guaranteed a job with Tom to look out for him. With his grandpa he’s on horrible footing and with no direction of what he wants from him either? Like if he quit Waystar and got another job somewhere else (which, as we’ve seen despite having the skills to hold his own in the company Greg clearly has difficulty in the workforce and maintaining employment), who’s to say Ewan wouldn’t also take offense to that job’s morals and demand Greg quit again? It’s a slippery slope where Greg would truly be under his grandpa’s thumb until his death and even then who knows what that bitter old crone would pull. And at no point does Ewan offer assistance to help Greg with that transition, like quit Royco and I’ll give you a cushion to help you get back on your feet. Nah. It’s do what I want when I want, without the guidance needed to make such a decision.
Also!!!! Thanks anon for reminding us we as an audience forget Greg literally supports his mom. On the little evidence we see she doesn’t seem to work or have a conventional job either, with always being in bed surrounded by wine and pills. Based on her panic spending in the season three premiere and Greg’s buying that 40k watch out of humiliation it’s clear neither of them have smart spending habits or know how to budget. Ewan likely never taught Marianne, and Marianne definitely never taught Greg and now they struggle to be well adjusted working members of society and he gets pissed at them for floundering. Obviously it’s an individual’s responsibility as an adult to look out for themselves and not blame or rely on other people but the fact that Ewan has endless resources at his disposal to help them not be struggling just to survive and doesn’t is nothing short of cruel.
(also don’t even get me started on the fact that Greenpeace itself is a problematic organization that just proves Ewan either does no research into what he wants to spitefully put Greg’s inheritance towards, or simply does not care and only wants it to look good on paper. Greg was right to want to sue lmao)
oh yeah no exactly that’s what pisses me off about ewan too like this bitch could tell greg to jump a certain height and greg would do it with a backflip and it still wouldn’t be good enough, he’s a find something to be wrong with it. ewan is very much like logan and i’ll never understand mfs who say otherwise.
wrt marianne i agree and do believe she has been cut off before, like, this isn’t the first time, and like you say she hasn’t been taught to budget and spend properly and neither has greg, which fits with ewan’s ideology so it makes sense that they would blow all their money. greg did indeed look after his mama despite the fact she would not give him money at the beginning [perhaps echoing her own upbringing?] and i didn’t think about the fact that maybe she doesn’t work and didn’t previously, on god maybe greg has been looking after her for a lot longer than we think and him supporting her when he starts to get money is just a continuation of that. oh oof.
oh for real ewan is a bastard i hate his ass he is awful, just as awful as logan and lmfao i know right. there’s a lot of issues with green peace but ewan doesn’t give a fuck, i’m pretty sure his view is it doesn’t matter if there are a few problematic aspects bc on the whole it’s a “good” organisation. his views and opinions and correct and justifiable in this matter. i love how ppl get so up in arms when greg says he’ll sue greenpeace like yeah there are better things to pick but it’s not exactly evil of him when for example one of their members lots a bunch of money via gambling and another did many short trips gassing the shit out of the atmosphere and going against their policy, not to mention damage to the nazca lines.
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bi-turtle-enthusiast · 8 months
Thanks for answering my ask. Can I ask (again), if you don't mind, your top 5 (or top 3) favorite characters from TGCF & SVSSS? And why you loved them? And your top 5 favorite moments each from the series? Thanks if you want to answer....
ough ok this is gonna be hard bc i unironically love every character in tgcf for one reason or another.
top 3 tgcf characters:
3. Shi Qingxuan/Jun Wu I did NOT expect Jun Wu to be on this list but I started writing my fic and I kind of fell in love with his character. He's an awful person who loves causing misery but at the same time there's something so painfully human about wanting so desperately to be understood by someone, anyone. I don't condone his actions but I'm here to watch. I love Shi Qingxuan for being genderfluid, brave and kind, and just so much fun. She brings unmatched energy into every scene she's in and I just love her.
2. Hua Cheng This one should be pretty obvious considering I made him my pfp on my art blog and refuse to stfu about him but god DAMN I just can't stop thinking about him. I love everything about him. His amazing fits. His incredibly powerful imagery. The way he's just so insane. His butterflies. The color red. The gender. Everything.
1. Xie Lian He's the one I draw the most for a reason. I have a thing for characters who choose kindness whenever they can, and I love Xie Lian for being able to ultimately decide that he does in fact want to use his godly powers to protect his believers and not to dominate them. He doesn't make that decision lightly—he knows what it's like to abuse his power for the sake of vengeance and he's seen what it's like when gods abuse their power for greed—he decides that being kind and benevolent is the path he wants to take because ultimately, it's love that keeps the world intact. Xie Lian is love, and I love him.
Honorable mentions: Mu Qing, Shi Wudu, He Xuan, Yushi Huang
top 3 svsss characters (bear with me because I am not super familiar with SVSSS)
3. Shang Qinghua I want to throw him against a wall (affectionate). I hate him. I love him but on a deeper level I hate him but on an even deeper level I love him. Just,, such a little shit
2. Zhuzi Lang He's a pathetic little meow meow with a fucked up sense of morality and objectively too many snakes. Someone get this guy a therapist and maybe a snack
1. Liu Qingge He's a hater through and through. I, too, find Bingqiu irritating. His "no Luo Binghes allowed" rule is perfection imo. And the way Shen Qingqiu can just call out his name and Liu Qingge will come out of literally nowhere with a flying kick?? Love that.
I honestly can't rank my top 3 moments from SVSSS because I don't remember it that well. Here are mine from TGCF though!
3. Jealous Xie Lian during the Blackwater arc Hua Cheng is like "my beloved is a noble, gracious special someone" and Xie Lian is like "ugh i hope they fucking die I MEAN I HOPE YOU THEY MAKE YOU SMILE." We don't really see jealous Xie Lian that often and it was really funny to see just how petty he got. He's usually really calm and collected and neutral about things but he was so intense here. Possibly because he was a bit hangry.
2. The Hualian confession Everything about it is just. hrmnksgnsf. I love it. I love the way they're kinda awkward after it but then they clear the air a bit and continue onwards while holding hands. I love the way Xie Lian confesses with a hug.
1. The bamboo hat/Xie Lian telling Bai Wuxiang to fuck off The moment where Xie Lian's faith in humanity is restored. And then Bai Wuxiang appears and tries to be all evil and Xie Lian just goes "fuck off you ugly mf you're blocking my sun" to the guy who's been haunting him nonstop for months on end. And Bai Wuxiang is so stunned that he gets a little desperate—so desperate that he starts a fight just so he can have an excuse to be "defeated" by Jun Wu. Man, I love that scene.
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setsugekka · 1 year
(omg two of some of my fave writers interacting how cute 🤗)
(cw: me rambling as always)
i’ve noticed a pattern is starting to form of yeosang saying something vile to her only to apologize and make it up to her just to turn around and do it again, his track record isn’t starting to look so good
especially bc how can you apologize after you’ve (more than once) suggested the idea of compromising someone’s birth control? indirectly forcing a baby onto someone, basically breaking the trust that someone had in you? that’s crazy
and i hate that i still have mixed feelings on what she did with hongjoong. idk if it’s bc of this morality thing i have (like “oh he apologized so things are complicated now”) bc things just can’t be fixed with a an apology and some tears but i’m also not cruel enough to think “yeah she shouldn’t feel bad for sleeping with hongjoong”
i always want an instant resolution to complex feelings and don’t know what to do with myself when there isn’t one bc i’m also impatient and hate anticipation
(but anyways 🙃🔫)
i just don’t trust that yeosangs truly dropping it. i feel like he’s making it seem that way so that mc won’t be so suspecting while he’s probably doing some shit behind her back (like tampering with her birth control… which atp i would just carry it around so it’s not within his reach)
threatening to tamper with someone’s body like that and being able to do it so easily and to that persons face, that’s also a hard one to come back from so idk if he thinks that little apology will do anything bc i’d have trust issues at that point
he doesn’t seem to care or realize the fact that he’s threatening the right to her own body and how taxing pregnancy can be on a persons body it’s like “well why don’t YOU have the baby then if you want one so bad?!?!!?” 🔫
suppose things could’ve been more easily fixed if he didn’t have a track record of not being around much but when he does, he just became a dick nugget so idk how to feel about that goings on regarding him
(and the perfect timing of his apology because ofc he would apologize after she just hopped off of someone else 🤠)
and poor seonghwa he’s better than me bc asking someone to lie for you is a lot and the fact that he’s willing (sort of) and you can’t even at the very least tell him what he’s lying about?? esp when he’s not asking for much else?? ouch
then this mf hongjoong
"Suppose I'm my own worst enemy," Hongjoong says, a lazy shrug accompanying the words. "I'm not a psychologist, but a psychologist would probably say that I have self-destructive tendencies."
nothing can get done while he’s around, and he knows this. what a menace (keep going)
my brain is a bit all over the place to come up with theories as to what he’s going to do. or what mc or yeosang, etc is going to do so i’ll just be hiding under the covers taking a peek every once in a while (while i wait to see what yunho finds out)
great chapter as always 💐💐
omg me and @ncteez⁉️ SMILED. we're meeting with good feelings.
i don't think much has changed here so i don't think i have to get into it too much, but everything you've said is so valid and correct and right!
it's not an uncommon kind of thing for men either so he is sort of a caricature of A Man From An AITA Post or something where he's like "my wife doesn't want to give me a child even though i'm never home and won't be any help in child care at all and it's likely i won't even be around for the pregnancy all that much but i have money and can pay for lots of things so how is that not good enough?" and it's like...DUDE. how do you even write out this whole thing and not see that you're the huge glaring fuckin problem LDFGJDFKK.
and i hate that i still have mixed feelings on what she did with hongjoong. idk if it’s bc of this morality thing i have (like “oh he apologized so things are complicated now”) bc things just can’t be fixed with a an apology and some tears but i’m also not cruel enough to think “yeah she shouldn’t feel bad for sleeping with hongjoong” i always want an instant resolution to complex feelings and don’t know what to do with myself when there isn’t one bc i’m also impatient and hate anticipation
to be fair, that's sort of precisely where i want you guys to be! 😈
i think the thing with the first paragraph you wrote, and reconciling those feelings, is sort of accepting the fact that two things can exist at the same time. it can be that things are complicated because yeosang is remorseful about his actions and also she should feel bad for betraying him in such a way. someone could also make a case for the fact that she shouldn't really feel all that bad about it and it still being complicated because of the first point. they're not mutually exclusive! that's what's fun about writing morally dubious stories such as these ones though :)))) makes you guys think :)))))
you know an instant resolution wouldn't make for a fun story, i don't have to tell you that, but i get the desire for wishing there was just a button to press that magically aligns everything the way it needs to be aligned in order to fix all of the problems. unfortunately, in this case, the problems are incredibly complex, so what would that button even look like outside of...yeosang un-saying that stuff and the mc un-fucking hongjoong? 🤨
and poor seonghwa he’s better than me bc asking someone to lie for you is a lot and the fact that he’s willing (sort of) and you can’t even at the very least tell him what he’s lying about?? esp when he’s not asking for much else?? ouch
yeah, good catch. i think one of the worst things she's doing is dragging seonghwa into it a bit unbeknownst to him just because she knows that he'll be there for her in her time of need. she's taking advantage of him and his kindness knowing he wouldn't appreciate the spot he has been put into were he to ever find out.
so, will he find out, then? 🫣
then this mf hongjoong
yes but he is very sexy and this is one of my favorite iterations of him that i've written JKFHGKHFDK. it's like...concept of obsessive, service top who fucks like a pornstar but on proverbial steroids. nice.
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thank you as always luv you're the lovliest of all time and i'm glad you're having fun with it. i don't remember what happens in ch7 but i'm sure it's very insane and i'm excited to get back into the doc soon and find out (probably when you come asking for spoilers 🙄 hehe)
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sailorhyunjinz · 3 years
~ 𝘚𝘒𝘡 & 𝘵𝘰𝘱 3 𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘬𝘴 ~
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𝘕𝘚𝘍𝘞 𝘞𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 ; fem!reader, mostly established relationships, praise kinks, impact play, degredation, pet play, adulting nursing, !!!knife play!!!, dollification, mommy/daddy kink, roleplay, orgasmns, edgning, thigh riding, anal, creampies, sexual photography/videography, oral, exhibitionism, some sub/dom structures, sub/dom!skz and sub/dom!reader, choking, mutual masturbation, breeding, cum, slight impregnation kink, corruption kink (basically too fucking many). 
𝘞𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘊𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵 ; 2.2 k 
𝘕𝘰𝘵𝘦 ; oof is cherry a headcanon blog now? did she get too bougie for writing 10 k pieces? nah im just crying over my uni courses and this is what i have time with. moral of the story; dont go to uni. 
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𝘊𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘦𝘥 𝘣𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘥.
𝘗𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘪𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘢𝘨𝘦 𝘰𝘧 18.
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[Praise kink]
It’s the most sugar-sweet words you have ever heard that leave his mouth during sex, calling you everything from angel to sweet heart to the fucking moon and back. He just wants to make sure that you not only feel safe with the actions that are,,,, GOING DOWN IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN but also to let you know that he appreciates you? If he’s having sex with you it must mean that you’re a very special person to him and he wants to keep it that way. 
This is probably the only “punishment” he gives you, any other impact play feels like he’s hurting you but he is relentless when it comes to spanking. He makes you count each one and if you stutter he starts all over again and also grrr there’s something oddly hot about Chan bending you over his lap and he probably pulls down your panties as well just to make you feel humiliated than you already are. It’s a punishment so he uses it if you touched yourself when you weren’t supposed to but sometimes he just wants to let out his anger and frustration (with consent)
This goes both for him and his partner in that he likes being kept on the edge whenever he’s so close to cumming, maybe you’re like sucking him off and pull off right as you feel his cock twitch in your mouth and instead of being annoyed he’s insanely turned on, it just makes him want to cum in your mouth even more but he never ends it at that yall, you have to repay in your own orgasm. Oof damn just imagine being fingered by Chan and he’s like knuckles fucking deep inside you and just pulls away whenever you clench around his slick-covered finger brrrr
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oof you are just gonna get treated like pure shit during sex BUT LIKE IN AN ENJOYFUL TYPE OF WAY,,, hopefully. You are his bitch, his cumslut, his whore. He owns you in the moment and he can do whatever he wants to you, your body and your soul. That usually includes spitting in your mouth or on your face and calling you all types of derogatory names just to feel your face getting all hot or red as you’re enjoying his sinful words a bit too much but that’s apparent from how wet you are. 
Just seeing the cum ooze out of your fucked out hole drives Minho wild. Wants to fill you up so much so he can push his milky white cum back into you or make you taste it by putting his cum-covered fingers in your mouth and making you suck them as if you’re sucking his cock. 
[Multiple Orgasms]
What does it for him is the whimpering and writhing as he’s making you reach your high for the umpteenth time, to achieve his goal he usually just leaves you tired up with a vibrator in you or on your clit and just jerks off to your small breathless sounds that turn into loud moans whenever you cum to the point where it hurts and stings, kicking with your feet and trying to get away from the intense vibrations but all your actions completely fruitless. 
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[Thigh riding]
We all know binnie has some killer thighs, they are like muscular for days cause this mf never skips leg day but rather than just looking good they serve another useful purpose; to have you ride them of course! He likes hearing you moan out his name softly as you’re grinding on his thigh completely bare and Changbin is also the biggest tease so maybe he’ll play with your boobs by groping them or flex his thigh just to make you cry out one more time in that angelic voice. He loves it, it asserts a type of dominance without him having to be harsh on you.
YALL KNEW THIS WAS COMING- i mean before you judge too quick just give it a thought,,, he would be so into it? For both you and him it’s pleasure in a new way and it makes Changbin so turned on?? He just wants to pound you raw from behind and twisting his wrist around your hair just to pull your entire body back.
This goes both ways yall! master pussy eater, he knows how to use tongue and swirl it around your clit or like suck on it, toe curling orgasm from that alone but he also really enjoys receiving oral aka blowjobs and not the fucking shy kind, the messy ones where’s there spit all over you and his cock, him just tilting his head back whenever the pleasure gets too much and his climax peaks,,, hawt stuff <33
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[Being recorded/recording]
Now we are talking. Always films snippets of the two of you fucking (with consent might i add) where his favorites are the ones where you’re down on your knees, giving him a blow job and he slaps the tip of his cock on the pad of your tongue and making you beg for more. Just the look in your doe eyes is something he wants to capture for forever. He never really does anything with the videos, occasionally uses them to masturbate if you’re not there with him but otherwise he just has them,,,(i mean the possibilities of blackmailing here are endless BUT IM NOT GONNA GET TOO DEEP RN THATS FOR ANOTHER TIME)
I honestly think that he likes being choked more than actually choking someone. Just like riding him as you’re on top and wrapping your hands around his delicate throat, squeezing by the sides just enough to make him let out a breathy whimper and go lightheaded as he’s reaching his orgasm, desperatly trying to fuck up into you by bucking his hips and grabbing fistfuls of the bedsheets. Now thats hot. 
Something about cuming on your fucked out face makes Hyunjin HORNY HORNY HE JUST FINISHED BUT HE HORNY AGAIN- bonus points if you like poke your tongue out and try to catch his cum on your tongue or if it like runs over your slightly swollen lips, probably so sweet about it too by like holding your hair out of your face or MAYBE HE IN A BIT OF AN DOM MOOD and like grabs your cheeks and squishes them, forcing you to look but at him, chile anyways imma take this thought to the grave <33
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[Mutual masturbation]
It started off as an “accidental” thing as he one day begged you to help him jerk off, guess he was feeling to lazy to even make himself cum AND I mean you didn’t mind but then one thing led to another and now it’s like a thing you two have to touch each other. It’s more of a slow activity for him tho,,, soft foreplay cause he gets to be close to you and feel your warmth and its like all skin to skin AND HE FEELS CALM,, and satisfied. 
[Mommy/daddy kink]
fucking look at him,,, you really think he doesn’t have this kink? literally subby, grabby and needy boy feelings ooze from him LIKE HAVE U SEEN HIM. now just imagine this right cause im sure jisung does; being tied up on his knees as a punishment cause he touched himself while you weren’t home and he just cries, the most glimmering tears fall out of his eyes and roll on his flushed cheek as he’s like compltely naked , just a pretty colored rope around his bare body and he just looks up at you and just repeats “mommy” or “daddy” cause he’s too dumb to form any other thought. 
Sometimes he just whores out i feel like this is one of those times. The setting can be different but probably like at the far back in an semi-empty bus or like in a taxi, he just subtly puts your hand on his cock that’s like a bit exposed and starts guiding your hand down his shaft, jerking him off in a public setting. And that just that factor that makes him horny; that there are people around and that the two of you can get caught whenever. 
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[Pet play]
IMMA SAY IT AND IMMA SAY IT REAL LOUD, HE WANTS TO BE ON A LEASH NAKED, WEARING ONLY CAT EARS. its his ultimate fantasy but a fantasy he hides V V DEEP. oh and he probably has a collar collection in all sorts of colours, ones with his name on it or maybe one that has like a heart pendant that says “kitten” or smth and the amount of like cat ears he has PHEW. I feel like its a safe space for the boy where he gets as many pats as he wants and just plays with you hours on end,,, might even eat out of a cat bowl BUT WE DONT GO THAT FAR JUST YET- 
Now I stand by the fact that Felix is the biggest switch on this earth and so when he’s not in a subby mood it’s quite literally railing you into the mattress,,, shit goes from 0-10 REAL QUICK. He cannot get around the thought that he would love to see your tummy all bloated with his cum as he cums inside you and like making you hold it in as well like MHMMMM silent screaming. Not a single drop of his cum is wasted, it’s all going inside you . 
[Adult nursing]
But imma hop back to sub!lixie. I can just imagine the two of you cuddling on the couch or smth, he of course being the little spoon pretty much all the time since he loves being hugged by you from behind but he just turns around and gazes at you with big pleading eyes,sneakily squishing your tits and begging for milk T-T
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[Knife play]
Rather than just vaing fun by scratching you with the sharp cold blade against your supple skin he just loves seeing the fear in your eyes and shivering body, it means that you have respect for him he feels like and that puts a wicked smile on his face, that you can’t use any of your bratty stupid arguments to try to overvoice him since he has all the cards on his side at this point in time as he puts the blade against your throat. 
Wanna know what his favorite roleplay is? Student and teacher MHMM just seeing you in a skimpy skirt and while you’re trying to be good to him ignites something inside of him to the point where he can’t control himself anymore and has to bend you over the nearest surface and pull up your skirt, probably revealing that you weren’t wearing any panties in the first place. 
[Impact play]
When i say impact play I don’t mean the occasional hair pulling or spank on the ass but rather like slapping you in the face real hard until tears brim in your glossy eyes or he likes pinching your clit until you’re screaming. You’re just so helpless in that situation and that’s genuinly what Seungmin wants; to see his baby not being able to move away from his slaps, only nodding and saying “yes, master” to all his commands. 
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Don’t you just think that Jeongin would be dying over seeing you in pretty costumes and angelic makeup, all propped up on the bed and unable to move since you’re his doll and dolls aren’t supposed to move? Cause I sure as hell think that. He would just love seeing all that makeup staining your cheeks, your lipstick smeared as your lips are plump from his kisses, being forced to hold in your moans and whimpers cause if you don’t he will punish you cause what is the rule? Dolls aren’t supposed to move, talk or disappoint their owners. 
Probably like has it as his secret hobby, trying to invent pretty knots to use on you later in order to decorate you even more but other than just colored ropes around your body he also likes many other forms of restrains like handcuffs since they’re easy to put on and he doesn’t put them on super tight so you don’t get hurt but it still restrains you or maybe putting a leash on you and tying you to the bedpost or smth. It gives him the freedom to do whatever he pleases with you and just seeing you trying to grab onto something whenever the pleasure peaks is so cute to him. 
[Corruption kink]
I MEAN MAYBE THIS TIES TOGETHER WITH THE FIRST ONE but shush. I think this is his kink that goes both ways yk? He likes corrupting you and just see how blank your eyes are after he’s done fucking you and you’re only a drooling and wet mess but BUT he also likes being corrupted himself. Since he’s like fairly shy he’s ashamed many times but this is like ultimate “being a whore” time for him since he completely freezes whenever you humiliate or degrade him since he likes it so much and just wants to be your little test bunny for all kinds of nasty kinks T-T
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absolutebl · 2 years
Kdramas That Should be Remade as KBLs
So @inthenevernight asked me this epic question. And I feel like I’ve been waiting a lifetime for it.... 
I’m going to go with actual Kdramas being remade as full treatment BLs (12-16 episodes of 30-45 min each) by Korea in the same vein as the original offering, because I could go nuts with KBL remakes of other country’s het dramas* (Something in My Smile anyone?), or other countries doing their BL takes Kdramas, or having to pick ones that KBL will shrink to the usual short treatment. 
In other words: 
direct 1 to 1, Kdrama ---> KBL only! 
Also, I gotta keep myself under control. So I’m picking TOP 10. 
10 Kdramas I Want Remade as BLs 
Welcome to a regular installment of MAKE IT GAY, YOU COWARDS! 
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1. Hospital Playlist
HOSPITAL PLAYLIST hospital playlist hospital playlist hospital playlist hospital playlist hospital playlist hospital playlist hospital playlist hospital playlist hospital playlist 
This is my favorite Kdrama of all time and I would DIE for the queer friendship group version. Same deal, same egos and attitudes and specialities, just ALL of them are queer.  
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2. Descendants of the Sun
Look it could just be gay and not a whole lot would change plot-wise except there’d be real tension and issues with them getting together because military dude. There could still also be conflict between healer/warrior life philosophies. Could still be the same flirting dynamic. 
Go on, ask me how much do I want gay in the Korean military to happen in a BL? SO FLIPPING MUCH. Will it ever. ABSOLUTELY NOT. 
I am a perverse mf. 
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3. Uncanny Counter 
Secret cabal of queer af superheroes fights demons out of a noodle shop. Outcast is outcast and bullied because he’s gay. Gay = superpower. It writes itself. *waves hand in air* Make it so. 
Actually I’d settle for Strong Woman Do Bong Soon only gay as well. 
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4. Gogh, The Starry Night
Basically a kind of in office-set Boys Over Flowers (reverse harem romance meets bully romance), and I’ve been wanting that for a while from BL. 
Hell, I could see just a BL Boys Over Flowers, for that matter. Doesn’t qualify though because it’s technically Japanese. Also I think, if anyone does this, it should be Thailand. 
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5. W
This is one of my favorite Kdramas ever, because it is all about the narrative journeys. Also it uses a narrative conceit, portal fiction (which is portal fantasy, only the portal is to a fictional world) that is popular in Asia but not the west. I love this kind of alt reality story* and W is unquestionably the best of the best. 
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6. Run-On
Emotionally unavailable (spectrum? demi?) poor little rich kid jock trying to do the right thing meets morally grounded sunshine orphan chaos monkey. Everything else could stay the same, their jobs and roles, the publicly issues, the relationship issues (can’t be gay when daddy is a politician) and sports bullying plot thread, even the hyung (formerly noona) romance side dishes could be the same, only BL. 
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7. What’s Wrong with Secretary Kim? 
How could I not want this dynamic? It’s basically old school whipping boy and watching Foei in Cutie Pie just makes me want this to happen from Korea more. 
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8. Heirs 
Of course I want this messy craptastic bully meets spoiled prince abusing his power... only gay. Why tf not? Terribly problematic no matter what, but the messy would be such fun to watch play out as queer if the uke is a boy, especially if he is a super tough street kid type, since the power differential is a bit less extreme when they are both male so it wouldn’t be as anti-feminist as the original. 
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9. When the Camellia Blooms
Single dad in a small town trying to make a new life for himself, younger sunshine paladin cop falls in love with him. Whole town is against them. Frankly this one works BETTER as a gay romance than it did as a het one. 
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10. Romance is a Bonus Book
I love me a noona and a pining boy since childhood, I think this could be done gay too. Something in the Rain features the variation on this dynamic that I like even more (best friend’s younger brother) but I like the second half and ending of Romance is a Bonus Book better, so I think it would be a better as a direct adaption. But if I had my druthers just combine both stories, then adapt. 
Others I’d love to see BL: 
Beauty Inside 
Thumping Spike 
Strongest Deliveryman 
Love and Leashes 
Mystic Pop-Up Bar 
Rookie Historian 
100 Days My Prince 
Lawless Lawyer 
Devil Judge (nash)
Doom At Your Service (although I feel like we are kind of getting this with Dear Doctor, I’m Coming For You Soul from Thailand).
I didn’t say True Beauty because I kind of feel like Light On Me is the BL version of True Beauty already. 
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* Ask me how much I want Taiwan’s Lost Romance remade as a boy falling into a BL? No seriously, I’d wait because I WANT THIS MORE THAN I WANT FOOD. And food is my love language. Anygay, if you are as into narrative tropes as I am watch this show. (It’s on Viki.) 
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Why do you like Tamlin despite everything he’s done? I feel like stans will take one look at people who still like that character and outright assume they’re an abuser apologist on sight lmao. So I wanted to know what you’re reasons for liking him are, perhaps to prove that his stans aren’t actually abuser apologists but people who just like a fictional character for perfectly good reasons.
And also because I’m curious. 🙃
Hi anon!!
Why I like Tamlin?....
Well, for starters, I fell for him in the first book. I mean who wouldn't? His character just seems so... Ethereal. The protagonist goes in the mystical land of the Fae and falls for their gorgeous king. I mean- u have to agree with me... Book 1 Tamlin>>> other sjm love interests.
He comes off as being kind and gentle and loving even after everything he has been through. He is struggling, evidently but that doesn't stop him from being what people need from him. Especially with Feyre. Oh how I love their chemistry in book 1. They understand each other and their pains. They have so much in common. And like- isn't Tamlin the dream bf every teenage girl wants? He's gorgeous, plays the fiddle, writes poem, takes you aesthetic dreamy places in his kingdom, says things like "don't feel bad for one moment about doing what brings you joy" AND THE MF LITERALLY HAS A CROWN OF SUNSHINE?!?
That being said, I loved Tamlin from the very start. So I obviously, didn't love how in acomaf sjm just went "PSYCHE!! Fck Tamlin u gotta love the sexual assaulter now cause I'm obsessed with his bat dick!!"
Like that just made me feel dumb for falling for Tamlin. And I resented that. Everything he did was so out of the blue, his character was up in flames and I was so mad at sjm for doing that to him. And goodness the narration was so whiney and annoying and self centred. It was so obvious that Tamlin was also struggling? That he also needed help. And attention and care. If Tamlin abuses feyre in way of neglect then I hate to break it to you it goes the other way round as well. The narrative that sjm and her stans spin is just so... Gross. Tamlin is the man so he shud suck it up and be there of his traumatized gf. But what about my man?! He struggling too. No one's there to help him! Feyre doesn't wake up in the night and talk to Tamlin when she sees him in his beast form? Then why is tamlin blamed for doing EXACTLY what Feyre is doing???
I absolutely hated that hypocrisy. That made me gravitate more towards Tamlin. The story and narrative itself blurred the line of morality. If Rhysie can be forgiven for SA then why can't Tamlin be forgiven for 2secs of abuse? If Feyre is the victim of Tamlins neglect then doesn't that imply the him too?
But the real reason why I love him is because he is the only character in the entire series that shows growth (positive growth i.e.) Book 2 Tamlin locks Feyre up (same like a certain someone did to her sister, so again line blurred.) and restricts her from making decisions about her own body i.e restricts her from training her powers. Which is reasonable but still, he should have explained the risks to her and then let her decide what she wanted to do. (This in my opinion is the only abuse he inflicted on her cause let's be honest, he said she couldn't go out to villages with him cause he would be distracted with her safety and that is very reasonable! He does not say anything about her going out with gaurds and u mfs be forgetting that a member of the royal family IS infact always under protection.)
BUT on the other hand, book 3 Tamlin, remedies all his mistakes. Feyre IS the queen of the spring court in those few chps of Acowar. She sits in on the meetings. She takes them to survey the wall the twice without tamlin being present there! Her therefore being the supreme authority. He trusts her! He's letting go of his paranoia and ptsd for her!! Like bitches homeboy actually changed himself for his girl like how can u not stan him 😭😭😭😭
AND after everything that bitch does to him Tamlin does everything in his power TO SEE HER HAPPY!!!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭
He risks his life to save her ungrateful ass in the hyburn camp.
Like "she deserves happiness even if it's not with me" vibes.
"Be happy, Feyre"
My man literally brings back the person who killed his family FOR HER!
I'm sorry but... Anyone who doesn't wear sjm manipulation glasses can see that Tamlin isn't evil. That he made mistakes. That people are not defined by their worst mistakes especially if they actually work hard and make up for them over and over again.
So yes, I think I speak for most tamlin stans when I say this... We don't love him because we hate Feyre, we don't love him cause we abuse apologists and misogynists. We love him for his complex character that sjm unintentionally created.
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Hello hello! so I'm a little new here and I saw your post about "how demon slayer characters comfort their s/o" then I saw you do jujutsu kaisen stuff! I was wondering if you could do the same kind of headcannons for Jujutsu sorcerers + anyone you want! Thank you so much! I hope you're taking care of yourself!!
Hey!! Thank you for worrying about me! I’m taking care of myself fine (not really- but I’m always a mess) and I hope you’re taking care of yourself as well!!
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Jjk Characters comforting their s/o!
Characters in this post: Itadori, Megumi, Nobara, Gojo, Inumaki, Maki, Sukuna and Mahito (...kinda) 
Style: headcannons
Genre: fluff
Warnings: none
I hope you enjoy!! Here's the link to the demon slayer one!
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Itadori Yuuji
poor baby
He gets so sad when your upset
He'll pull you into his chest, stroke your hair and tell you how much he loves you
He'll ask a lot of questions and he'll low-key be way more energized then he needs to
Until you tell him that right now, all you need is for him to be there with you, in the moment
"I'm so sorry Y/n... I just hate seeing you cry, it makes me scared and frankly I don't know what to do,"
"Just be here, that's all I need,"
good luck trying to get rid of him now, you're stuck with this adorable puppy forever
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Megumi Fushiguro
tell me he isn’t the sweetest fucker on the planet.
do it. I dare you.
He's a quiet boy, he'll wrap his arms around your waist and just snuggle into your shoulder
He doesn't say anything, he knows that when someones upset, most of the time they just want to let out all of their feelings
so feel free to do so, he's here to listen to you rant, hug you when you cry and overall just be moral support
He loves you too much to let you suffer in alone and in silence
If your sobs get bad he'll gently shush you and comb your hair with his fingers
"shh, it's ok y/n. I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere,"
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Nobara Kugisaki
She drops anything and everything she's doing and rushes to your side
cuddles? yes, yes lots of cuddles
She'll be a little aggressive while telling you she loves you
She'll probably call you an idiot for crying (sorry it's just her instinct)
But soon she'll realize that right now, all you need is for her to sit down and have someone to talk to
If you need to rant, go for it. Need a shoulder to cry on, you can drench her entire shirt in tears if it makes you feel better
She'll bring you her sweaters, sweatpants and all of her comfy clothes
cause you're having a movie night
Be prepared to watch Avengers (I headcannon that she loves marvel movies)
Don't wanna watch that? Ok! That's fine. Seriously she just wants you to be happy
"Y/n. Stop crying, you idiot. I don't like seeing you cry,"
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Gojo Satoru 
Despite what a teasing, goofy mf he is
He’ll take this seriously 
He’d be so worried, to the point where he’d literally give you the world if it meant you’d feel better (tbh he’s already prepared to give you the world) 
He’ll hold you, cradle you, hug you, cuddle you, kiss you, anything to show that he cares
He might even start crying as well, 
With a frantic look on his face he’ll just be holding you and kissing your forehead
Saying all kinds of words of affirmations/compliments 
Telling you how much he loves you
“Y/n, you’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever met, you’re so kind and -sniffle- caring, it just makes me love you even more, all I want...”
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Inumaki Toge 
he can’t really talk as we all know
But that doesn’t mean he isn’t going to comfort you 
Sure he can’t tell you how much he loves you, but he can show it
He’ll hug and cuddle you, frequently kissing your cheeks, your forehead, your nose, just your everything 
This was one of the moments where he wished he wasn’t a cursed speech user 
God, he wanted to tell you how much he loves you, how much you mean to him, every single reason he wants to spend the rest of his life with you
but he can’t, and it’s so frustrating,
But he’ll do the next best thing,
 he’ll write a handwritten note, saying everything he wanted to say in that moment
He wrote it all fancy too
He wasn’t going to make this your everyday later. No he was gonna write it like he was a Medieval knight sending a letter to his lover 
some of the highlights included 
“Y/n, your so beautiful sometimes I believe you aren’t human, and are really just an angel sent from heaven,”
“I love you so much that my heart might explode one day, and if it does, I will still love you. I don’t think I can ever stop loving you,”
All and all. 100/10 letter 1000/10 lover
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Maki Zenin
unlike almost everyone else here
she’d get pissed
Like uncharacteristically pissed
She’s bout to go smack some bitches. How dare anyone make you upset
please tell her to calm down- idk if I like angry Maki.. she’s scary
When she eventually calms down, there’s going to be a long cuddle session
with lots
and lots
and LOTS
of kisses
“y/n. Who did this to you? What happened? who do I need to hurt. Fuck it, who do I need to kill”
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ok- I know he would probably kill you and eat your heart but i wanna pretend that he wouldn’t for a sec 
He’d act like he didn’t care, but really
he’s pissed.
Did someone say something? well they won’t have a tongue long enough to say anything else. Someone did something? aha, they won’t live long enough to do anything else
Your just crying cause you want to? cool, he’ll come back later
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laughs in your face and kills you.
don’t worry! he’ll still hug and kiss you after you’re dead!! 😊 
(can you tell I don’t like him??) 
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Hello dear reader! If you’re a Panda simp and are wondering where he is, sorry, I don’t write for animals- even if they walk, talk and basically act like humans. It just feels weird to me, I hope you understand!
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swtki · 4 years
HP Boys: Surprise Pregnancy Head Cannons
Summary: The HP boys and their reaction to their s/o (afab) being pregnant when its not planned.
A/N: This takes place post Hogwarts so all characters are 18+, though no real smut happens in this so its not an 18+ fic.
So everything is going great for the happy couple, you two just moved into a flat together and are working normal jobs, drinking wine like adults.
And sure, Draco knows he wants to marry you, but he knows you’re not ready to settle down like that so he just plans and dreams.
Due to poor choices, when you’re late by two weeks, you know what it probably is.
Draco doesn’t even notice that you ran out to the store and came back and hid in the bathroom for 10 minutes. CEO of minding his own business ig
You just kinda...walk up to him and hand him all 3 tests while your eyes fill with tears because what if he demands you get an abortion?
Or what if he fucks off to god knows where?
But instead he just looks at you with the most un-draco like smile. Like his face was soft and it looked like he could cry any moment.
“Oh my god,” He says, putting his hand on your belly, “I can be ready for this, but if you aren’t then we can you know...”
“No, I want it” then both of you rejoice bc yay baby!
Cut to 6 months later when your feet hurt so bad you have to lay down and watch while Draco fails to put a crib together.
He eventually gets it done tho.
And when the time comes, he’s built and arranged everything for your bundle of joy.
So you guys are probably already married, but with everything at the ministry going on, it makes Harry less than a family man.
You both agree that it’s probably better to wait so you can be home and yk...raise it.
Well smart man Harry forgets that to not have a kid you need to use protection.
So of course when your period is late you don’t think about it, until its four weeks late.
That night, you and Harry are laying in bed, and thats when you tell him.
“Harry..I’m late.”
“Late for what?” headass.
You: 😳😐
Him: 👁👁😲😲
He’s hesitant to say anything, because he knows its ultimitley up to you what happens with it until its out.
“I think I want to keep it...you know it wont remember much for the first year and a half so if things are stressful it will be okay and-“
“Love...Its going to be perfect”
Mf built the crib in like 45 minutes I swear.
And of course he forced you to keep up with your vitamins, pre natal care, and appointments.
Swear tho you’re about to kill him because cofFeE
But the way he holds your baby 🥺 its his most valued thing ever now.
Ron is iffy on the kid thing sometimes.
He does want them, but only later when you guys have lived and travled.
So no, you two haven’t planned nor is it even in the picture when your wedding roles around.
It’s in the early days of the marriage when you see his family at the burrow on the way back from the honeymoon.
And of course Molly knows
Because Weasleys are hyperfertile I swear.
She takes you into the kitchen and puts her hands on your arms, shes got that big Mrs.Weasley smile on too.
“I knew it!” She says and pulls you in for a hug, “How far dear??”
You’re just standing there like🧍🏻
“I can see it by the way you glow! Oh my you and my Ron must be so happy!” This woman doesn’t notice that you’re confused.
“Wait what? Mrs. Weasley what are you-?” Then you count the days, “Oh. Well I guess I just found out for myself”
Her face falls slightly, but then she tells you can make you a potion that will tell you if you are or not, stan.
The stupid potion turns green when you spit into it, so everything is confirmed.
That night, you and Ron are getting ready for bed in the guest room and you decide to tell him.
“Ron, sweetie. We need to talk.” He looks like he’s gonna start crying but sits next to you on the bed.
“Y/N...I know its scary but please, we just got married I don’t want to divorce quite just yet 🥺🥺”
“Ron I-“ you start smiling, “I’m pregnant you dufus.”
He just freezes, for a while. Not saying anything, he just looks at the wall with his mouth ajar.
So you get up and go to Ginny.
“Gin, I broke him.”
“Ew, I don’t want to know about how you and him”
“No, I told him that I’m pregnant.”
“Oh, yeah that would do it. Just I don’t know... Give him a minute?”
You give him several, getting a glass of water then heading back up to the room.
Ginny was right, he needed a minute.
“I don’t...I wasn’t...you were.?”
“You don’t have to stay, but I think we can do it. Plus, you would disapoint your mom if you left so...”
“Okay...we’ll do it. I’ll be the best damn Father you have ever seen.” He says, talking to your womb.
Well...he’s a father I’ll give him that.
Pro of having a Weasley baby: free crib thats already put together.
Even if it looks like a death trap.
“We’ll put some blankets over it don’t worry”
You know how some Dads hold their parters hand during the delivery? Yeah he got sick and was moral support from the outside.
To be fair, you weren’t screaming in pleasure by any means.
Scary. But beautiful.
He shows the kid to everyone, he might be more in love with the baby than he is with you.
Ron see’s the appeal of having kids now.
Moving in with your boyfriend is always fun, right up until you guys go at it so much you forget protection more than once.
You think about it, then move on with your day.
Until the doctor calls, then “oh fuck”
Romance Neville bf
“Why aren’t you having any wine? I thought it was your favorite?”
“I don’t think fetal alcohol syndrome is my favorite.” BRO HE SPAT
But he looks up with tears in his eyes, and runs over to you to grasp you in a hug.
“Oh my god! You’re pregnant! Oh my - We’re gonna be parents!! Oh my god we’re gonna be parents oh-“ Que you petting his hair till he’s calm again.
Lets be honest, this man probably swapped the herbology books for the parenting guides.
“Well I mean I’m just wondering if we should go with this color or this one”
“Nev, it doesn’t matter. Our baby will not care.”
“I read in my book that Infants actually can recognize mood in-“
He won’t let you do anything during your pregnancy.
Gotta love a man who cries because he loves you so much and you’re having his kid.
“I never had a father, what if I do it wrong? What if the baby hates me and runs away at seven?”
“We’ve got quite a lot of time before then.”
He was there during delivery, letting you crush his hand like a champ.
You can’t help but cry when you see him sleeping on the floor next to the crib, its so sweet.
You two most likely already had two kids, so you decided to wait a bit so your hands weren’t quite full.
Well...your body decided not to wait.
A test provides the two lines, another wild child.
The two toddlers already run around like thing one and thing two, only with red hair.
I think Fred would gladly make the family dinner, and wear an apron. He’d own it, as he should.
But mf gotta not drop the salad bowl when you tell him of the fetus inside you.
“Fred we are going to have a bee-ay-bee-why.”
Your five year old has just begun to spell 😐
He’s happy tho.
Like over the fuckin moon.
He buys the two kids big brother/sister shirts too 🥺🥺
He knows the drill pretty well, so he isn’t too worried about the future.
But its funny that he still freaks out about the crib and feeding chair since he gave it away, you know because you guys werent having another kid.
He packed a hospital bag and kept it in the trunk, counting down the days.
Hours of delivery (He just sat back and held your hand) only to end up with a room full of 7 Weasley family members.
Fred always said that 3 was his lucky number :)
You guys were taking it slow, no marriage until you both felt it was time. And certainly no children before that.
Well you know...things changed when the test was positive.
You slid it over on the table, tears pooling in your eyes. He was stunned and quiet, which made you burst out sobbing because you knew that neither of you planned on having a baby.
But to your surprise he starts to smile.
“I want whatever you want, I’m staying by your side no matter what.”
“I mean...would it really be so bad? A house, a kid, a dog?” He holds your hand as you think aloud.
You both give it a week to think it over and the virdict is to keep it.
Thats when he decides he has to marry you, asap because he loves you and will never let you go especially now.
He loves to gush about the carrier of his child, to him you are a godess.
He’s the Dad with a predestination complex.
“Y/N, I just see him being a star quiditch player”
“George, we don’t know if it’s a him.”
He rolls his eyes “Okay then I can see her being a star-“
He made Hermione take you out for a movie date so he could rearrange your bedroom, since you only had a single bedroom flat.
You come back to a new set up including a cot.
Damn pregnancy hormones make brain go 🥺😭😭
He freaks when your water breaks lol
ceo of driving like a maniac to the hospital.
He can’t hold your hand, he’s pacing back and forth, sweating and maybe crying though he’ll never admit to it.
You get the joy of watching him cuddle the baby while refusing to give your child to you.
“George I’d like to hold-“
“No, you need your sleep honey, don’t worry”
Hogging the child.
Its no secret that Cedric wants a baby someday.
And he makes it clear your wedding will be spectacular too.
However, finding out you’re pregnant the week of your dream wedding was a shock.
A shock that made you bang your head into the wall because how could you be so stupid?? We had a plan??
So you decide to wait until after the wedding, that way it wont add onto the stress (happy stress) of the wedding.
Cedric keeps trying to fill your glass at the reception, to which you kindly refuse saying you want to remember the night entirely.
Yeah he’s like 🤨 mhm okay.
You can only pick at the dinner because ew salmon doesn’t sound like an option if you want to keep the contents of your stomach.
As everyone waves goodbye to the car, and you both set off into married life, he leans over.
“I may be out of my mind, but are you...?”
“Pregnant.” His face lights up, pulling you into a hug.
Finally, your car pulls up to a small cottage with lush garden scapes all around, putting a hand out, he walks you both from the car to the door.
“Ced, where are we?”
Somehow it was perfect with Cedric, even when it was rushed.
He loved talking to your womb, even if it was weird that he was talking about the babies future brothers and sisters.
“Cedric, slow down. We haven’t even had this one yet”
Basically he is father of the year before he’s a full father.
He’s there while you deliver, holding your hand and telling you how great you’re doing.
He doesn’t even complain when you insult him <3.
He updates you on everything.
If his eyes aren’t on that child, he’s either asleep or dead.
I think Cedric was meant to be a family man, because he loves everything about being one.
Taglist: @truly-insatiable @amourtentiaa @imdoingathingmom @annasdani @anchoeritic @mullthingsoverinthehotwater @cedricsyellowscarf @faeinorbit
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bratz-kitten · 4 years
attack on titan characters - birth chart analysis 🌙
Here is my take on the big 6 of Levi, Eren, Armin and Mikasa of attack on titan/shingeki no kyojin! I kept their sun signs since we know the day and month of their birthday and since I think they’re absolutely perfect. If you want me to do my take on the others (like Jean, Historia, Erwin, Hanji, Connie, Sasha, Reiner, etc) please let me know! (spoiler warning!)
Levi Ackerman
sun in capricorn - levi mf ackerman is fuelled by three things and three things only: LOYALTY, a strong moral code and power. he is seen by most people as a heartless, unemotional bastard but is canonically the most emotional character - he shows love through very indirect ways and he’s the peak of capricorn in the sense that he represses his emotions – he smiled literally ONE time in four seasons, and didn’t once shed a tear. he’s very hard to read. has a lot of respect for his superiors and follows the orders of only those he’s loyal to. he’s driven by his moral codes in the sense that the protection of humanity is his prime motive for fighting titans. like a true capricorn, is the master of his field of work and cares the most about being a survey corp member. please protect this tragic baby. 
virgo rising - two words: CLEAN FREAK. this man has a strong need to be presentable at all times and hates getting blood on his hands for the single fact that he needs himself and his environment to be clean. his obsession with being clean is very much due to his childhood trauma and how he lived in in poor conditions in the underground. he has many quirks that correlate with this: the way he holds his cup, the carvat he uses bc of his mother, and the way he always cuts his own hair because that’s the way his mother used to do it.  intimidating and demands respect. DRY HUMOUR. 
moon in scorpio - i think he has many similarities with mikasa, especially in the moon and venus. introverted and hates people but will go to the ends of the earth to protect the ones he loves and respects. represses emotions and internalizes his hatred until he has a mental breakdown - which happens in the form of extreme violence. VERY sensitive and emotional even if he doesn’t show it. he’s very intuitive and often acts based on gut; he’s secretive and vindictive. very wise and great at giving advice. doesn’t let himself get manipulated and uses shitty situations to his advantage (like with the reeves company). trust is the most important thing to him.
mercury in aquarius - levi is extremely logical, and hates when others involve their feelings in the making of decisions. his decisions are always backed up by strong arguments and others often see him as cold and detached. i saw someone  mention something extremely interesting about aquarius mercury’s/people with their mercuries in the 11th house: despite not being very sociable, others are drawn to them for friendships – and often they’re the introverts who get “adopted” by extroverts. this is 100% levi’s case, hanji and erwin practically adopted him. being very vulgar with his words and having a distinctive sense of humour, he’s very humanitarian and is actually really talkative but only when he’s very comfortable around someone. blunt, always tells it like it is – like when he tells eren he can’t know what the right choice really is and he needs to choose it himself. teases and insults his friends as a form of affection.
mars in scorpio - levi’s a fighter, a survivor. he knows what it’s like to come from nothing and have to build himself up. very confrontational. reclaims his power by exerting intimidation and mastering violence. others fear doing as much as make a joke at his expense. understands other’s motivations and characters very easily. he’s very intuitive. very serious due to his need for having an intense and demanding presence, for being respected and valued. he’s the one who everyone sighs of relief when things go to shit and he appears because you know he’s the strongest and most dependable person.
venus in capricorn - good luck getting this motherfucker to open up. his trust is very hard to gain but is necessary for working with him – he places his full trust in his comrades and demands the same from them. very work-oriented and takes relationships very serious; it’s really telling that he cares little for romance because capricorn venuses are the ones to date to marry, and will only devote themselves to someone once they believe they’ve met the one. they either want a more powerful and mature partner or they exude that energy (levi is the latter). slightly parental – we see this in the way that levi is pretty much the dad figure. it’s called squad levi for a reason, after all. very responsible. takes care of loved ones and often uses tough love as a form of discipline.
Eren Jaeger - im not even kidding with this one, he has extreme aries energy
sun in aries - eren feels the need to be very independent and he hates whenever he has to depend on mikasa and others, wanting to be strong enough to reverse the roles. he’s very self-confident, bold and direct. very impulsive, he’s quick to anger but is also very quick to forget - especially seen with his arguments with jean, fighting him is basically a love language at this point. aries suns are very fast thinkers and their strong energy may come off as intimidating. they have great intentions but that often becomes muddled with their impulsivity and the fact that they don’t think ideas through. eren is unabashedly himself and fights relentlessly for what he wants. his aries energy also makes him extremely motivated! he believes in the impossible and will make it happen no matter what.
aries rising – aries risings are the trailblazers. they ooze intensity. eren has very much a baby face and, due to his impulsivity and childish charm, people tend to baby him a lot – in the sense that he’s this kid surrounded by adults who needs supervision at all times or he’ll get into deep shit. aries risings are also marked by their extreme need for action, they’re the ones to do now and apologize later instead of asking for permission to do something in the first place. he is guided by his passion and is a natural leader who inspires everyone to fight alongside him. aries risings have a lot of energy which they need to express in a physical way, making them be prone to be very athletic and lead very active lives. he’s also extremely competitive and is driven by the force of becoming stronger than mikasa, and often feels angry when he realizes how stronger than him other people can be. at the same time, this pressure to be better is put solely on himself. he’s a dumbass with a good-heart and pure intentions.
moon in sagittarius – all this motherfucker talks about is freedom and seeing the world past the walls. he craves adventure and is extremely optimistic. but even if a sagittarius moon needs their freedom, they are still absolutely ride-or-dies and once they’ve commited to something, NOTHING or NO ONE can stop their determination. these are also the people to try their best to always appear cheerful and full of determination to hide their sad façade – like when he was nearly vomiting when talking about the titans to the other recruits when they began the training in the military but still forced himself to say that the titans aren’t scary at all and that they aren’t a big deal; he naturally inspires others and fills them with courage. but the way they put on this strong and brave façade leads to a strong emotional turmoil, violent urges and a sudden hostility to others. they are filled with surpressed anger that can lead them through very destructive paths – and the happy-go-lucky child might just lose her hope. we see this in eren in the most heartbreaking way.
mercury in aries – LOUD!!! eren speaks what’s on his mind with NO hesitation whatsover. he’s very quick to defend his friends and points of view, and speaks openly about his passions and dreams. he’s very assertive and tenacious. short attention span and not afraid to give a different opinion from someone else’s. very passionate about what he argues about. very expressive and when an aries mercury disagrees with you, you’ll know it immediately by their facial expression. confident and thrives on inspiring others. remember him being mad when it was discovered the possibility of all titans being humans because now he didn’t know who the enemy is and he NEEDS to hate someone and blame them in order to keep going? ARIES MERCURY ENERGY!!
mars in aries - people look to mars in aries to lead them. they’re full of energy and dynamic, and very athletic - eren exceeds at hand-to-hand combat and, in the other subjects where he’s not so good, his determination makes him push forward and become better. VERY hot-headed and confrontational, which is both the source of all their problems and their strength - they are not afraid of going after what they want and are willing to go through any obstacle to do so, and they’re also not afraid of upsetting other people in order to do so. eren is courageous, loves to take initiative and is very enthusiastic - something that is very contageous. competitive and hates compromise, he likes getting his own way. aries mars are also very individualistic and can have a huge ego.
venus in pisces - i know this is going to confuse a lot of people - like, how does he have so much aries energy, how is he so intense yet has one of the softest venus placements? i deeply believe he’s a pisces venus, and here’s why. his friends are EVERYTHING to him. pisces venus’ love very deeply and are very dependent on their loved ones, and eren is extremely protective of his loved ones and is willing to do anything to protect them. pisces venus’ are very vengeful, too, something that people seem to brush off about them - they might not do anything when you mess with them but as soon as you mess with their friends it’s game over. i also get a lot of “there was no other way, the word had to be fixed” vibes from this placement? like, this placement gives me the energy of someone willing to commit awful crimes under the excuse of it being for the greater good, which is something he dramatically experiences as he grows older and witnesses the cruelty of the world.
Armin Arlert
sun in scorpio - armin very resourceful!! he easily adapts to the circunstances he’s in and works his way around it. very intelligent and with great memory. extremely manipulative, cunning and perceptive. scorpios are known for their capability to be great investigators due to their natural curiosity, and armin has this deep need to see the world outside of the walls and he studies all there is to know about it with great passion. determined to succeed. 
cancer rising - armin just wants to achieve his dream and it’s so soft. cancer risings are very receptive of other’s emotions and incredibly sensitive, but it’s difficult for them to open up to others. his appearance is very soft and delicate. loves to help others and has a naturally warm presence that makes others feel comfortable in his presence. give off a very grounded and stable energy, but this is often because they try to hide their most intense emotions and don’t know how to deal with them/don’t want to bother others by opening up about it. 
moon in pisces - one word: EMPATHY!!! very compassionate. tendency to become a martyr and be very self-sacrificial. VERY imaginative, he is the strategist, after all. can feel others emotions and read them very easily. avoids confrontation but feels a strong need to take the weight off of others’ shoulders and to solve all their problems. very loving and giving, in tune with his emotions and emotionally intelligent. on the other side, this caring side of him can make him see other people through rose-colored glasses, and he is prone to believing in the best in people and giving them the benefit of the doubt. but when they’ve proven their true nature to him, he’ll see them for what they are and will no longer defend them, even if still feeling remorse. notice how he’s always like “this had to be done, we had no other choice” to justify his actions.
mercury in scorpio - bro armin’s eyes are so intense. when he gets on his manipulative bullshit it’s IMPOSSIBLE to look away from his gaze. he practically communicates through the eyes. armin is very sharp and his innocent appearance has everyone still thinking of him as a sweet angel as if he isn’t a whole war criminal. he easily psychoanalizes others to know what they want and uses it to his advantage, like how he used berthold’s love for annie to manipulate him to let eren go after him and reiner kidnapped him. scorpio mercuries be knowing shit, they be knowing everyone’s secrets and others usually confide in them as if they’re their therapists. 
mars in pisces - mars in pisces makes a person avoid physical confrontation at all costs. notice how armin’s first response to everyone wanting to kill reiner and bertold/the marleyans was “please let’s just talk about this first”? he hates violence and deems it not worthy most times. he is very physically weak and aware of his limitations, unlike eren and levi, whose first instinct is to use violence in order to get what they want. no, armin has developed a much more subtle and effective way to get what he wants without using violence: emotional manipulation. he is the KING of appearing innocent and naïve and having people feel bad for him and want to baby him and protect him, and due to his extremely intuitive nature, he knows EXACTLY what to say to someone to get under their skin. he twists his words and emotions to get what he needs out of people and it’s both incredible and dangerous. also, very self-sacrifical and his goals are based on his emotions.
venus in cancer - he loves so much and it’s so beautiful and heartbreaking. he gives everything to the ones he loves and thrives off of being helpful and keeping everyone safe. reads a lot into the behaviour of the people he loves. very emotionally intelligent, wants stability and to maintain peace and may bend over backwords to achieve that. needs to feel understood and has a soft spot for troubled people, those who are more demanding and assertive (eren and mikasa), people he can take care of and who can take care of him in return. very affectionate and communicative. warm presence, you can pretty much feel the love radiating out of him. 
Mikasa Ackerman 
sun in aquarius - if you get past the emotional walls of an aquarius that has them appearing detached and distant because they’d rather use intelligence than seem emotional, you’ll be met with an incredibly soft, loving and caring person. an aquarius strength is their ability to be very unique, individualistic and humanitarian individuals - they truly march to the beat of their own drum. mikasa possesses a great deal of determination and isn’t afraid of being rebellious, especially when her loved ones are in danger. 
capricorn rising - people with capricorn rising had to learn to be very independent from a very young age. mikasa is very intimidating but she has a very doll-like beauty, common to many capricorn risings. these people have had to deal with a lot ever since childhood, but they are fighters and their determination has them being able to survive even unsurmountable odds stacked up against them. capricorn risings tend to be serious and disciplined, and with a melancholic aura to them – which mikasa perfectly embodies. but the fact that these people have cancer in their descendant makes them strongly emotionally attached to their loved ones.
aquarius moon - even under the most stressful and dangerous situations, mikasa always remains in control of her emotions. she thrives in those situations, it’s the adrenaline of the moment that has her being so good at controlling her emotions until it’s safe to be anything but racional again. aquarius moons are feel very misunderstood and tend to racionalize their emotions a lot. however, it’s only due to their fear of vulnerability that they build this emotional walls, because they experience very intense emotions. i always think about that survey corp member saying “what did you have to go through for you to be like this?” when she was perfectly stable in a life-or-death situation. 
mercury in capricorn - mikasa is incredibly action-oriented and she speaks in a structured but confident way. although she’s on the quieter side and is reserved, she’s able to inspire everyone when all hope seems lost, and she’s taken up eren’s words of “if we don’t fight, we can’t win” and uses it constantly in order to keep going. she’s very hard to read due to her usually expressionless face, giving her a mysterious aura. she’s very ambitious, persuasive and determined. 
mars in capricorn - when people say that mars in capricorn people are the scariest when they’re angry, they’re not wrong. they act so calm and collected until suddenly they’re fixing you with a death glare and you’re rethinking all your life choices up until this point. mikasa might be extremely rational and calm, but as soon as someone threatens the ones she loves, she’ll stop at nothing to eliminate the threat. it’s like she fears nothing but ever being unable not to save them. she’s very responsible and reliable, with a lot of physical strength and stamina. very PROTECTIVE, grounded and GIVING 
venus in virgo - this is one of the things that makes mikasa so similar to levi, the way they love. this bitch is LOYAL to her very core. she knows very well where her loyalties are - eren and armin - and is ready to kill all her close friends and superiors in order to protect them. she threatened to kill historia if she got in the way of getting eren back home safely, jumped levi on sight when he wanted to save erwin instead of armin, and got pissed at connie for doubting eren’s intentions after the whole marleyan ordeal. acts of service are very much her love language - she constantly picks up eren’s and armin’s stuff and carries it herself or orders them to rest while she works. it’s very hard to gain her trust and loyalty but once you do it’s forever, she’s very selective about the people she cares for. she’s possessive, too - giving historia the coldest death glare in the world when she saw her with eren. i’ve also noticed that venus in virgo are very difficult to declare their emotions!! they’ll just wait for the person to notice their indirect acts of affection. very attentive to the needs and details of loved ones.  
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maeshmallo · 3 years
so i folded and binge-read lore olympus
im just gonna talk about it cause im bored and there’s stuff i wanna discuss about it. i’ve always been in love with the hades x persephone story (the first version i read was consensual so that’s the one that resonates with me the most) 
im gonna start with the good stuff
- i love the animation! the colours are so fun and cool and i like how captivating they are, and the pink of persephone and blue of hades works well together
- i like that the time frame of olympus and the underworld is expedited compared to the modern world, that’s really neat
- the comedic timing is spot on, both the dialogue and animation can be so great and make me laugh to tears
- hades and persphone’s moments can be so tender and sweet, one scene between them that just sticks with me is when they are cooking together, or the first time she asked the names of his dogs and he lit up. they are so soft for each other and it makes my heart so so warm ;-; and i like their banter too
- i like hermes, and artemis, and eros, and basically everybody who’s become a friend in this series, they’re great (ares is an honourable mention bc he’s funny with amazing character design imo)
- the fact that therapy is a thing here??? pls they all need it omg 
- the exploration of cycles in different extremes (the cycle of fertility goddesses being used for power, having shitty people around you in turn making you shitty to those you love, the fear of becoming one’s parents, etc)
- i like that none of the characters are “good” or “bad”. as it goes with deities, they are as morally grey as you can get especially in regard to mortals. (with the exception of apollo. i hate his character.)
- i appreciate the discussion of boundaries between hades and persephone, letting fluffy moments just be fluffy and sweet
- their relationship in general has very sweet moments and warms my heart a lot of times
- honourable mentions: baby hades being very worrisome for such a small boy, hades with his stars, hades with his crowns and earrings, hades with his little glasses, hades’ scars. hades. 💕 
all in all, it’s a very fun read with many intriguing and cool themes that I love and i’m excited to see how it is concluded
now for critiques 
- why did persephone have to be 19/20??? not 119, not 190, that young compared to everyone around her??? i mean even though on our (mortal) terms, she is legal and perfectly capable of making her own decisions. but the issue within most age gap relationships is not primarily the difference in years itself, but the difference in mindset and stages of life (a relationship between a 14 and 18 year old is vastly different from a relationship between a 30 and 34 year old). there doesnt seem to be a point to make her so young and then pair her with a being literally older than death itself, ya know? but that’s just me 
- not necesarrily the characters, but more so the reactions to them. why is it that hades, modeled to be a capitalist business owner that keeps the dead souls as slaves and does things that are so cruel (i.e tear out some kids eye for a photograph or threaten an employee for asking for ID) is seen as a precious baby that can do no wrong?? now please understand that I love his character, I adore him!!! but he is no baby, and there is nothing stranger than seeing a morally grey character or straight up villain (who doesnt love a good villain every now and again amirite) be coddled and have excuses made for them while their female counterparts are villainized for the same or lesser offenses, which brings me to my next point
- minthe. she is no saint, and i dont like her all that much. she was petty and catty, and an awful and cruel partner towards hades. however, she is complex in that we see her internal monologue and can see that most of these things come from a place of insecurity and deep rooted issues with herself. not to excuse her behaviour because it is all very immature and lame, but i hope to see an arc from her that allows growth and letting go of being forced to see herself as nothing more than a trashy nymph. and learning to apologize properly
- also why was it funny when hecate smacked him across the face like three times but a crime when minthe hit him upside the head. my point is both were bad, but one gets forgotten and forgiven. 
- man why is persephone drawn so mf tiny? i mean it’s cool to be short, but in some frames she’s legit at his waist which is a bit odd since you’re kind of already toeing the line of what is appropriate and what isn’t in their relationship (employer/employee relationship, extreme age difference, somewhat childish nature). i cant lie this feels nitpicky but it’s just so jarring everytime i see it combined with everything else, ya know??
- i dont know if the apollo incident was necessary. i feel the story would have been the same if had just been a pushy jerk trying to marry persephone because she is a fertility goddess for his own advantage. it was just an awful thing that provides very little substance to the plot and made me struggle to read it.
- im still a bit lost on where we are with what’s going on with persephone. when she goes into her “death bringer” state, why does it seem like she’s been possessed instead of it being embraced as who she is? i’d like to see her gain more control of these powers and maybe trained properly by someone so that the next time they are used, they are used with intent and purpose.
- lastly, why is persephone’s growth being stifled? we see her make mistakes, and fall short in certain areas, but i would also like to see her excercise agency and fix things for herself. we only got to see a glimpse of that, but i want more so that she can figure out for herself what and who exactly she is and what she wants without having to think about others and what they need from her. if she is to become the queen of the underworld we want her to be, she doesn’t need to be coddled all the time.
if there is anything more to be added to the conversation, pls feel free too!! i like conversation and this is an interesting topic!
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dameronology · 4 years
languages of love (various characters)
for frankie morales, santi garcia, jack daniels/agent whiskey, javier pena & marcus moreno (din djarin’s one can be found here with the other star wars characters✨)
frankie morales - acts of service
frankie is the kinda guy who does so much for you without asking or really without even thinking about. he appreciates when you do things for him but he basically lives to look after you. he always leaves you a coffee on your night-stand for when you wake up, he’ll do your laundry when he knows you’re working long shifts and he’ll grab your favourite ben & jerry’s flavour when he sees it in the grocery store. it’s not uncommon to come home and find him with your favourite take out and he’ll run you a nice, warm bath as well. one time, your car broke down and he stayed up till 2am to fix it, because he knows how expensive going to the garage is. he constantly goes above and beyond without really even thinking about and it’s all because he loves you more than anything in the entire fucking world. your happiness is his happiness. 
santiago garcia - physical touch 
did somebody say grabby hands? because santiago garcia has mf grabby hands. his time in the military left him a little worst for wear, having lost a lot and seen a lot of dark things. as a result, he’s always seeking you out as a form of comfort; intertwining your hands when you walk together, resting a hand on the back of your neck when you kiss, wrapping his entire body around you at night like a five-foot-seven sloth. when you go out for drinks with the guys, he’ll have a hand on your thigh the whole time, or he’ll stand beside you and pull you into his chest when you’re sat at the bar. part of it comes from his protective nature as well - you’re his entire world and even though he knows he’s not out in a war zone anymore or in a place where you could get hurt, he still worries. having you in his arms or with your hand holding his helps put those concerns to rest.
jack daniels/agent whiskey - words of affirmation
c’mon man...what else? he never fucking shuts up as it is, let alone about his feelings for you. it’s the first thing he says when you wake up and the last thing he says at night. he’s never overbearing with it, but he makes a point to send you a have a good day, i love you text when he knows you’re going on your lunch break. if jack is away on a mission, he’ll leave a bunch of post it notes through out the house, with the three worlds scrawled in his messy handwriting; in the bathroom cabinet, on the milk carton in the fridge, on the inside of your laptop fridge. not a day goes by where jack won’t remind you of his love for you.
 javier pena - quality time
 javier pena takes the idea of a full time job to a whole new level. our man works cases in his fucking sleep and until he met you, he didn’t know how to take a break. he was agent pena all the time and never just plain ol’ javi. it had been part of his & lorraine’s demise and strained his relationship with his dad and he never realised how bad it had gotten. it wasn’t until you came into the picture that he started to dedicate time to his personal life. he applied for his first weekend off in years, took the vacation days that human resources had been faxing him about every other day and steve murphy near enough had a stroke when his partner suggested going away for a couple’s weekend. javi isn’t the best at verbally expressing his love, so taking time away from what used to be the most important and all-consuming thing in his life is the best way he knows how. that time is for you and him, and you and him only. he’s had a few too many relationships where pablo escobar somehow became the third person but he switches his work brain off completely with you. in return, you taught him how to do all that and he is forever grateful.
+  @justanotherblonde23 made a really really good analysis of javi + acts of service in this ask! it’s very soft and also completely applies to him 
marcus moreno - acts of service 
marcus has been a single parent for so long that doing everything for everyone in his house is just...habit. he tries to nurture everyone around him - missy, his team-mates, the other young heroes - simply out of nature and that extends out to you. if you fall asleep on the sofa, he’ll throw a blanket over you or if it’s late, carry you upstairs. he automatically records any episodes of your favourite show that you might miss and he’ll buy you books that he sees in the store and think you’ll like. if he hears a joke he thinks you like, he’ll scrawl it down in the notes app of his phone to tell you later. it’s just...little things. things he thinks are probably a little bit mundane & domestic, but things you find completely loveable and endearing. it’s just a testament to the fact you’re always on his mind.
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companionship · 3 years
okay one big post to get the finale out of my system! it's been lovely reading all of your analyses and reactions, and looking at all your amazing gifs and edits :')
fair warning: this is going to be so stinking long omfg
the things i enjoyed:
vincenzo remaining an anti-hero through and through, especially the fact that he didn't hold back at all when it came to myunghee and hanseok's death. he gave them a taste of their own medicine and then some forreal, their deaths were brutal but oddly satisfying, and i'm saying this as someone who usually hates violence/gore. throughout the show, they've always hinted at what he was Truly Capable Of and boy did we get to see it
vincenzo fumbling in hanseok's house and not being his usual self – a lot of people thought it was ooc, which i understand! i felt like that was the Point, to show that for once, he's not the invincible mafia consigliere that everyone thinks he is. what he did to the man who killed his mother and the army of security guards was a reaction, but this is the first time he's flustered, caught at a disadvantage, and faced with the very real possibility that he might lose somebody incredibly important to him. idk it made him more human to me
vincenzo literally not hesitating for even 0.1 seconds to fold his entire body around hers when he thought hanseok was going to shoot again – yeah that whole bit made my heart clench i feel like a crazy person i won't get over it
the chayenzo hospital scene... my god it was so tender my heart broke. the laugh they both shared, out of sheer relief that she's okay. the little joke about paying for the private room. the way not much was being said, but everything was being said at once. the way they looked at each other, as if it wouldnt ever be enough :( the quiet acceptance that this is their last night together, and that he's going to have to kill a bunch of people after this, but for now they have this. for however brief.
chayoung being chayoung – her big ass personality at the courtroom at the end after winning ms oh's case. her hopping around in those heels, looking elegant and sleek, mocking the hell out of rich conglomorates. she's in her element again and it made me so, so happy to see. i absolutely adore her, she's everything really. after all that loss and the whole ordeal, i'm glad she's able to return to what she does best: putting capitalists back in their place
mr lee being Very Much Not Dead – idk how i wouldve been able to handle it after witnessing hanseo's death like im glad he got the chance to be a dad
the kiss – my god....
the things i didn't like:
hanseo's death – lmao is it even a surprise... say what you will about his death being foreshadowed, but i really just hated hated it. i hate that hanseok won this one. i hate that hanseo worked so hard to redeem himself, only to lose it all. i hate that he was given a taste of what a real family was like, and then having it taken away so cruelly. even though i said above that i didn't mind that vincenzo was ooc at the mansion, i was still screaming at the screen because there were plenty of opportunities for the situation to be reversed. i don't necessarily blame vincenzo for hanseo's death, but i do wish that they had a funeral scene for him. i wish they acknowledged his sacrifice, and how pivotal he was in turning the tables. if not for hanseo, vincenzo really couldn't have pulled any of this off, from the interpol tipoff to the tracking device in the watch. idc idc hanseo is in malta rn, enjoying the sun and the beach, going to therapy, and teaching the local kids how to play hockey even though there's no ice :(
chayoung being bedridden the whole finale – like... NAH lmao this aint it chief... if things went my way, she wouldve gotten out of the hospital depite her injury and dealt with myunghee before handing her off to vincenzo. i loved their animosity for each other, and i wanted chayoung to be the one at myunghee's apartment waiting for her, rubbing it into her face. i wanted chayoung to verbally finish myunghee with that sharp ass tongue of hers and really dump a load of salt on her wounds. then vincenzo could do whatever the hell he wanted. you could argue that the show is called Vincenzo but i really dont care lmao it started with chayoung avenging her dad and she should've been able to strike the final blow. also what was her big second party? are we really just going to ignore her capacity for evil? after all that moral work done, after that time she spent coming to terms with using evil to combat evil, we're just going to... keep her bedridden? park jaebum u will pay for this
vincenzo losing his family – besides hanseo's death, i think this was what i hated the most from the ending. the start of the show showed us vincenzo's departure from the mafia with the very clear intention of Not Returning. the capo died, his loyalties lie with no one, paolo can suck it. throughout the show, we see him repeat over and over that he wants to get the gold and skip off to malta to enjoy a peaceful life there, while reflecting/repenting for the things he's done. vincenzo was gearing up for a lifetime of solitude. the whole point of the show was for him to find a real family and have a real chance at happiness. park jaebum really said FUCK THAT! we're gonna have him ditch the family that he built from scratch with the love of his life and then make him return to the family that tried to kill him AND make him the capo... pjb said we're gonna separate vincenzo from the family that accepts his past and sees it as a strength and not a weakness. the family that was formed out of solidarity, the family that he fought for and fought alongside with blood, sweat and tears. not to mention the goddaughter of his? sorry i would laugh if it didn't actually rile me up so bad
vincenzo not being able to come back to korea – i've said this in another post of mine, but given that he is The Vincenzo Cassano with all those resources at his disposal (guillotine file, mr ahn/mr cho/the chief etc.), the fact that he isnt even able to stay in korea for 30 fuckin minutes after finishing hanseok was ridiculous. the whole police chase was dumb as hell considering that the show has managed to stop politicians and mf presidential candidates from going after him like ? huh LMAO park jaebum had an on-demand pigeon army in this show and Yet he can't stop like 10 suddenly-righteous policemen. another big ass HUH
chayenzo (here we go...):
NOPE! i've reflected on the ending and decided that i'm going to be petty and salty for a while more before coming to terms with it
i can rationalise and try to be positive and tell myself that their love is enduring can transcend space and time and that in due time, they will find their way back to each other, and i have no doubt that they will because they're one soul in two bodies. it's quite literally canon that they're soulmates.
but let me wallow for a second
here we have two people who have done questionable and terrible things in their past coming together, growing together, grieving together, fighting together... you get the gist of it. you have two people who have found a home in each other. two people who, for all intents and purposes, were about to live in a whole lot of bitterness and solitude if not for each other and the life they built together (chayoung didn't have friends like that, and her family is gone too). to separate them like that at the very end is cruel. i know chayoung and vincenzo are mature and incredible and will be able to function without the other next to them. i know that they will still excel as lawyers and will defeat evil with their underhand methods the way they do so well but my god are they going to feel the absence and miss each other
my point is that they shouldn't have to. from what i could tell, they can't even communicate on a regular basis bc he'll be tracked and whatnot, hence the postcards. a postcard every month is a poor substitute for all those nights they stayed up drinking makgeolli and celebrating their wins. its a shitty replacement for coffee dates and fist bumps and all the moments in between. after everything they've been through, after literally fighting to death for their family, they don't deserve this. they don't deserve to meet up once a year for a couple of hours. they don't deserve pockets of time in malta or korea, their life in a perpetual countdown to when they're going to see each other next
they both deserve love and some semblance of peace (finally finally). they both deserve to have someone to come home to after a hard day of work, because doing what they do cannot be easy. they both deserve a family, deserve to have someone next to them that accepts their past and would embrace their future. they both deserve a hand to hold and a shoulder to lean on. i know they will still be It for each other despite the distance, i just wish the distance didn't even exist in the first place bc its stupid and cruel and their love shouldnt have to be proven or tested with time and space. let them stay together. let them grow together. let them be.
side note: song joongki and jeon yeobeen need another project together idc take it up with god
tl;dr: park jaebum u will be paying for my therapy bills
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hyperfixationtimego · 4 years
Happy little hcs to atone for my sins
Taka and Hina are study buddies
Sometimes Aoi manages to get Taka off track because she’s just so enthusiastic and wants to hear about all of her friends’ hyperfixations and special interests
37.2 minutes later
Taka’s infodumping about how he despises moral philosophy but also thoroughly enjoys it bc that’s how moral philosophers are
Or he’s infodumping about political science and debate tactics and how speeches were effective or not for various reasons
Sakura and Mondo work out together
It started off as a coincidence when they were in the gym at the same time but it kept happening so they called it a schedule
They talk about their SOs and they’re smiling
Sakura teaches Mondo certain stretches and exercises to help relax different muscle groups for whenever he pulls a muscle or has a flare up from the thing with the bikes
Leon constantly asks Chihiro to turn alter ego into a vocaloid or at least program a bit of that tech into their system
Bc he would rather shave his head again than talk to Sayaka about producing music
He just has so many ideas
And it’s cool when there are kinda punk rock songs that are covered in an 8-bit or a vocaloid style
Byakuya and Celeste have a small series of bets with low stakes about what their inferiors classmates will do to lead up to them jingling away morosely like the fools they are
Sayaka shamelessly advertises her group’s mercy to her classmates and friends
Everyone gets their nails painted at some point
Nobody knows how Byakuya got roped into it but it worked
Makoto has rainbow loom
Atua forgives you
anyway YEAH LEGIT?
Hina has fully and thoroughly fallen in love with all of her friends and classmates’ expressions whenever they’re talking about something that excites them omg 🥺
she sees someone rambling and having a good time and hears the enthusiastic pitch of their voice as well as the general Vibe™️ that they’re giving off and she just???? [Y E A R N]
Tumblr media
and also just???? her and taka being study buddies is so valid oh my god??? they’re really close because of it!!! And Taka always loves hanging out with her because he knows she’ll let him just Talk??? and he adores that about her????? And she’ll be ENGAGED which!!!!!! oh my god!!!!?????
hi in this house we love and adore hina
And Sakura and Mondo???? absolutely?????
they have friendly competitions over who can lift the most weights/do the most reps/etc. (they do it sparingly, ofc! bc Sakura at least knows that they’ll both be subconsciously trying to beat the other as opposed to listening to what their bodies need in the moment. Sakura is the single braincell of class 78 no I won’t take it back because it’s true)
and they totally doooooo like they both get such cute loveydovey pining expressions whenever it’s Their Turn™️ to discuss the latest cute thing their partner(s) did. and listening to the other talking???? oh my god it’s literally the neatest thing????
Sakura looking at Mondo: I would die for this man
Mondo looking at Sakura: this woman is literally beauty and perfection in human form
also chihiro joins them for training sometimes!!!! She obviously isn’t able to do as much as the other two are, but both Sakura and Mondo are always so proud of her progress??? They’re like “you are so cool and strong do you know that??? you better know that”
and speaking of chihiro hdbdvdvdvdvdvdvdvd on GOD Leon will Not leave them alone abt it and they’re just like
“y....you do NOT have the attention span,.......you’re gonna get frustrated within like the first five minutes......and then I’ll have done all that work for nothing..............”
but Leon’s >:( no I won’t!!!! music is my Passion!!!!!!!!
so it’s like *sigh* okay
and anyway leon genuinely does rlly like it???? like he gets burned out very easily and can only compose things in short bursts, but he’s always so so so proud of the finished products??? (Even if nobody else likes it but shush 😌)
and it makes chihiro :D to know that something she made (even if it was done with reluctance) has brought one of her closest friends so much happiness????? she’s also like good for Leon but also if he ever bothers them about something like that again they are Literally Going to Snap but that’s another story for another day vwv
AND YEAH LIKE. HE DOESN’T MIND TALKING TO HER ABT MUSIC IN GENERAL BECAUSE IT’S AN INTEREST THEY SHARE (quite possibly one of the only times they will have a conversation without one constantly insulting the other ❤️) BUT. ADMITTING TO HER THAT HE NEEDS HELP WITH IT IS THE WORST HE HATES IT HE HATES IT HSBDBSBD
god okay so. his first impression of her when they had just come to hope’s peak and met for the first time was “oh my god!!! she’s a pop idol!!! so she must know a lot about music!!! maybe she’ll help me become a popular musician!!!” and her immediate reaction when she first heard him ask was to literally roll her eyes and he was like oh okay fuck her actually
and then slow burn enemies-to-friends 💛
they’ve had bets on everything from how many times kirigiri will pass out from exhaustion by the end of the school day, to how long it’ll take before Kirumi finally Loses Her Shit, to how many people will be harmed by Komaeda’s luck while hanging out with him.
Mfs about to die smh
and dhdbwvwbsvwvwb yeah like??? sometimes a normal conversation with maizono will turn into her being like “yeah, and by the way, if you’re looking for a change of style and wardrobe, you should check out the newest shirt my band just released as part of our merch drop, and-”
Makoto is the one who gets baited into her merch ads most often sndbsbsbdbdbw
even mentioning the word “merch” around Leon or Kaz will earn her a lot of groaning and sighing, and occasionally a pillow or other soft object being hurled at her face 💛
oh my god they all have a manicure spa day,,,,,,,class bonding 🥺
hdbdvdvdv they got Jill to break into his dorm and kidnap him ngl like the specifics they gave her were something along the lines of “use as much force as you need to without killing him” and she was like “DONE”
and okay I’m not gonna talk abt everyone’s nails but now I’m thinking about it and like-
Sayaka gets like a lighter violet background with gold and white stars smattered around them, more concentrated in some areas than others, and it’s generally very pretty 🥺
chihiro’s are a different solid pastel color on each finger!!! it’s very kidcore and fun and they love it so muchhhh!!!
leon gets a little self-conscious when it’s his turn because his nails are highkey disgusting from all the time he spends playing baseball - there’s dirt trapped under them and everything so he’s just like hhhhhhh anxiety go brrrr but anyway he gets solid black because he’s edgy and cool like that 😎
I think Taka gets a French manicure with little dark red flowers pressed towards the tips because!!! simple yet pretty!!!
Celeste probably takes the longest because her request is sooooo complicated like it’s black and red and long ass acrylics with overlapping patterns and everyone else just kinda sits there feeling h o r r i b l e for that poor nail stylist
Toko gets a checkerboard pattern, with each nail having a different neon color in place of white!!! Because she knows that Jill will find it cool and pretty and colorful the next time she fronts (visual stimming jill?? 👀)
Togami just picks whatever will get him out of the chair quickest hdbsvdvdvdbdbdb
anyway Makoto????? rainbow loom????? absolutely
he has so many bracelets!!!!! so many so many so many and he knows how to create such a wide variety of styles it’s so cool!!!!!! he wears a bunch of them at any given time because they are so fun to fidget with!!!! and rubber texture hvvvvhvv!!!!
and he creates personalized ones for his friends, too, like he knows their favorite colors and sometimes picks up on whether they prefer a certain style or not from the way they react to the other ones he’s made and it’s!!! just so neat!!!!!
I’m thinking about it and!!! he has a bi pride fishtail, a trans pride arrow stitch, a black and neon green railroad, a pastel pink/blue/purple/yellow ladder, a jelly yellow and green dragon scale, a rainbow double cross, and a bunch more!!! he also has a bunch with charms and beads added into them!!!!
He also makes them for his friends even if he knows they won’t wear them!! Like Toko, for example, isn’t the biggest fan of jewelry because she doesn’t like the texture, but he creates one for her anyway and fills it with so much love (it looks like a daisy chain!!!! because at least she’ll be able to look at it and hold it and still be interested in it without it needing to be on her wrist!!!)
he makes a ton of bright colored ones for Mukuro (usually either single or inverted fishtail because he knows she wouldn’t enjoy wearing anything too heavy or overbearing) so that she has more mobile visual stims!!!
similar for Jill!! although most of hers tend to be black and bright neon rainbow in various bulkier styles!!!! Jill will also force him to let her look at his bracelet-covered arm whenever they hang out because. my god,,,,,,so many Colors™️
he’s found that togami prefers black and white simpler styles, and that Kyoko absolutely adores singles, fishtails, and double fishtails in any shade of purple, and that Mondo likes any of the larger styles in darker colors + blacks and grays!!! Chihiro loves anything with jelly and glitter bands!!!
Leon usually only wears one at a time, but he cycles through every single one that his boyfriend’s ever made for him because????? GOD they’re so cool and his boyfriend is so crafty and incredible and just,,,,,,,,,hvvvhvv every time he looks at the one he’s wearing he’s able to calm himself down and remember that Makoto loves him........it’s also very good for stim and fidgeting <3
anyways sorry yes Makoto with a rainbow loom is filling me with serotonin and it’s canon now
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tapsoda · 3 years
ppl who genuinely dislike jotaro and think hes a bad person and sucks are honestly the dumbest ppl alive and have no comprehension skills because while i dont justify absent parent junk whatever yeah yeah b;ah blah you are ignoring how it fits with his morally grey writing (for a good guy, which is interesting!) and you arent understanding his character AT ALL. like painfully misunderstanding all the character development that went into him over the course of FOUR SEASONS/PARTS. i get ppl r just getting into Stocean so They Do Not Understand that hes a complex character and that everything he does is for the sake of others. its an odd way of showing it, and he isnt meant for some things even if he wanted to be, so his best bet is distance in order to protect those he loves. hes so heavily under the idea that everyone is better off w/o him and hes not totally wrong unfortunately! he is literally a person who gives all of himself to others, hes not selfish. hes giving more thsn he should of his life for the sake of others, he throws it away a lot too. maybe that means throwing away his relationships too, but only in name. he cares so much. he has sm depth to himself and his relations to others around him that i even get lost trying to work it all out, but thats the point, hes just complicated. trauma from 17 and having everything be assumed his fault for 30+ years will do that to a mf? not even counting the stuff he went thru b4 and after sdc. pt6 is reliant on you knowing the past, thats literally key. i hate seeing ppl make stupid ass takes like “was he an abuser? was he a shit person?” like goddddd you r all so STUPID............... nothing he did was with malicious intent to those he cares for CAN coexist w that fact it hurt those same ppl. also idk what the fuck u guys mean abuse but fine throw that big word around i guess LOL
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