#what would You even Do in this situation. how would YOU feel?
inkskinned · 1 day
one of the things that's the most fucking frustrating for me about arguing with climate change deniers is the sheer fucking scope of how much it matters. sweating in my father's car, thinking about how it's the "hottest summer so far," every summer. and there's this deep, roiling rage that comes over me, every time.
the stakes are wrong, is the thing. that's part of what makes it not an actual debate: the other side isn't coming to the table with anything to fucking lose.
like okay. i am obviously pro gun control. but there is a basic human part of me that can understand and empathize with someone who says, "i'm worried that would lead to the law-abiding citizens being punished while criminals now essentially have a superpower." i don't agree, but i can tell the stakes for them are also very high.
but let's say the science is wrong and i'm wrong and the visible reality is wrong and every climate disaster refugee is wrong. let's say you're right, humans aren't causing it or it's not happening or whatever else. let's just say that, for fun.
so we spend hundreds of millions of dollars making the earth cleaner, and then it turns out we didn't need to do that. oops! we cleaned the earth. our children grow up with skies full of more butterflies and bees. lawns are taken over with rich local biodiversity. we don't cry over our electric bills anymore. and, if you're staunchly capitalist and i need to speak ROI with you - we've created so many jobs in developing sectors and we have exciting new investment opportunities.
i am reminded of kodak, and how they did not make "the switch" to digital photography; how within 20 years kodak was no longer a household brand. do we, as a nation, feel comfortable watching as the world makes "the switch" while we ride the laurels of oil? this boggles me. i have heard so much propaganda about how america cannot "fall behind" other countries, but in this crucial sector - the one that could actually influence our own monopolies - suddenly we turn the other cheek. but maybe you're right! maybe it will collapse like just another silicone valley dream. but isn't that the crux of capitalism? that some economies will peter out eventually?
but let's say you're right, and i'm wrong, and we stopped fracking for no good reason. that they re-seed quarries. that we tear down unused corporate-owned buildings or at least repurpose them for communities. that we make an effort, and that effort doesn't really help. what happens then? what are the stakes. what have we lost, and what have we gained?
sometimes we take our cars through a car wash and then later, it rains. "oh," we laugh to ourselves. we gripe about it over coffee with our coworkers. what a shame! but we are also aware: the car is cleaner. is that what you are worried about? that you'll make the effort but things will resolve naturally? that it will just be "a waste"?
and what i'm right. what if we're already seeing people lose their houses and their lives. what if it is happening everywhere, not just in coastal towns or equatorial countries you don't care about. what if i'm right and you're wrong but you're yelling and rich and powerful. so we ignore all of the bellwethers and all of the indicators and all of the sirens. what if we say - well, if it happens, it's fate.
nevermind. you wouldn't even wear a mask, anyway. i know what happens when you see disaster. you think the disaster will flinch if you just shout louder. that you can toss enough lives into the storm for the storm to recognize your sacrifice and balk. you argue because it feels good to stand up against "the liberals" even when the situation should not be political. you are busy crying for jesus with a bullhorn while i am trying to usher people into a shelter. you've already locked the doors, even on the church.
the stakes are skewed. you think this is some intellectual "debate" to win, some funny banter. you fuel up your huge unmuddied truck and say suck it to every citizen of that shitbird state california. serves them right for voting blue!
and the rest of us are terrified of the entire fucking environment collapsing.
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drchucktingle · 2 days
On your blog you've talked about dealing with chronic as a result from the stress of masking your autism.
It's a bit of a different situation, but my little sister (who we've begun to suspect has adhd) has been experiencing chronic pain in her arms and legs. I may be totally off base, but I was wondering if a similar stess might potentially be a factor in her pain.
If you're willing, would you mind talking about how your pain affected before you found a way to manage it (I tried searching your tumblr, but not much came up, so sorry if I'm asking a question that's already been answered)?
Thanks either way, I love your books. Love is real!
sure buckaroo GOOD QUESTION. i have had chronic pain in some form or another for LONG TIME in a number of STRESS RELATED WAYS. in past it has been cracking teeth from clenching dang jaws while i sleep and things like that, but a few years ago it was FULL ON BODY PAIN AND TIGHTNESS like every muscle was clenching up. went to the doctor over and over all kinds of dang specialists and it was very difficult to figure out what was going on. eventually landed on a sort of nebulous trot of STRESS but i can get more specific.
there are several things about me that you would never know just from looking or even talking to me for long times. i am a bi buckaroo, i am a non-dysphoric trans buckaroo, i am an autistic buckaroo. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE THINGS IS EITHER HIDDEN AUTOMATICALLY OR I AM SUCH AN EXPERT AT HIDING THAT IT IS SECOND NATURE
autism presents its trot in many ways, so my words do not apply to all, but my version is EXTREME ORGANIZATION AND ENDLESS WORK ETHIC. in way of freud (which is a silly way but sometimes good for symbolism talk) i have what you would call an OVERDEVELOPED SUPER EGO which is a double edged sword. i can write 100s of books at an incredible pace, but also feel like my body is constantly collapsing in on itself
this is not really something i consciously think about much, but eventually these health problems started creeping up. it was all from carrying this mystery tension in my body, because while it feels EASY for me to mask i believe all that tension goes somewhere and it stores up and stores up and stores up.
so i think the HEALTHY way that i have found to deal with this (i think of it as releasing the steam valve a bit so the boiler does not break down) is ART. this space where i am allowed to be CHUCK TINGLE and write without obsessing over the spelling or punctuation, or to loudly express my queerness, or explore gender, and to let my neurotypical mask down DIRECTLY RELIEVES my chronic pain because it literally makes my muscles relax.
when i started out this ARTISTIC TROT as chuck i used a LOT of metaphor to keep my privacy, with different words or different versions of people for different things, and buckaroos found this very funny. as a way to express myself artistically i also liked this metaphor trot a lot, but i have also found that the LESS metaphor i paint over my life as chuck, the better it is for my health. if you have noticed, i talk less about some of the parts of my life that were metaphors, or maybe you have seen that my voice has relaxed a bit in interviews, or that i carry myself a little differently over time, this is partially why. (there is another artistic reason that was a planned trot from the beginning and it has to do with my feelings as a young autistic buckaroo of not fitting in on this timeline, but we can dive into that later).
anyway, as PRACTICAL ADVICE i would say that FINDING A SPACE TO EXPRESS YOURSELF WITHOUT FEAR OR MASKING has been the number one trot for me. that can be a pink bag over your head writing hundreds of erotic shorts, or that can be just laying on the ground howling your heart out, or doing whatever stim you need to do.
i will also say that ONCE I REALIZED IT WAS MUSCLE TENSION getting a physical therapist helped a lot. because there are two sides, you have to start releasing steam from the steam valve, but at the same time youve also gotta start HEALING THE DAMAGE. so i think stretching and techniques like that can be very helpful.
hope that helps buckaroo LOVE IS REAL
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bamsara · 3 days
I dont know if it was intentional but I love that Narinder when he sees Lamb throwing up he turns gentle and pushes their wool and ears back so they dont get stained with vomit and for some reason it reminded me of how when Nari was throwing up too after the nightmare he had when they were on route to fight Leshy, Lambert helped him with camellias for the nausea.
Ahh, parallels. I think.
IM SO GLAD YOU POINTED THAT OUT allow me to ramble for just a moment.
Narinder was trapped in the Afterlife for over 1000 years, with little social skills and plagued by wishing for vengeance and his only company being two kittens who become disciples under his rule. He has terrible social skills, if not lacking them entirely.
(I would argue that Aym and Baal also have horrific nonexistent social skills, so those three cat's can't really help each other communicate properly to anyone else outside themselves.)
It can be argued that since The One Who Waits had other vessels to pass time and try to kill /annoy his siblings before the prophesized Lamb arrival, that he would have developed them a little bit more, but I would argue that the power balance would have been oodles more severe since the vessels weren't the promised one. He didn't need them, so if they no longer were of service or disobeyed him, he got rid of them. Whether just sending them out or killing them, any how.
Lamb, however, knows they are the last Lamb, the prophesized liberator of The One Who Waits, and therefore his only option. They knew that they were his only reasonable way out of there (whether they asked for it or not) so they were oodles more comfortable than how a professional relationship would have been.
So they asked questions, bothered him, played and ran around him. Complained and vented to him. Yapped and yapped. What is he gonna do? Kill them? Find a new vessel? He can't. "You're as trapped into this prophecy as much as I am, so let's be friends"
Example parts from Chapter 3:
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The power balance equalizes because Lamb did not see his presence a God, but rather a fellow prisoner and victim of fate. Rude and demanding, but in the same chains as they were. 'My lord' was simply formalities at first.
This puts Narinder / The One Who Waits in social situations he hasn't been in (or hardly been in) in over a thousand years, and frankly, he had no idea how to navigate them:
Example from Chapter 5:
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The God of Death has not needed to comfort or 'be there' for someone in a long, long time. The Lamb's presence is what forces him to try, even if his first attempt aren't perfect. So in that same chapter, he'll ask them a question to distract them. Conversation. Like how they do it.
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While I won't post a screenshot of everytime this happens in written format (not including the dreams/memories/flashbacks that haven't been posted yet)-
The One Who Waits is pushed outside of his bubble when it comes to socializing in a way that isn't just 'God-to-Lowly-Vessal' format. He has to talk to them like a person, because he's being talked to like a person, not a god on a pedestal.
Obviously after the final battle and betrayal (to both of them, otherwise known as the Grand Miscommunication) this means nothing for a while as tempers are still high and feelings are hurt. But overtime, this returns, and can show in small ways (ways that may not seem like comfort but is certainly an attempt) like just in Chapter 18:
Trying to bring them an 'offering' (breakfast) mirroring other times the Lamb has done the same for him:
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Crudely offering to replace something they are upset at losing/later offering reassurance abet in a curt way:
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And what you mentioned: earlier when the Lamb is throwing up, narration shows they're having trouble with keeping their wool, cloak, bell, ect all back at the same time. He can see that. He has a mental boiling pot explosion over the fact that helping them is even a want that he has after the denial crisis he's experiencing where the only answer a minute ago seemed like he needed to kill them, and he chose comfort.
It is intentional. Narinder is learning how to show care, and allowing himself to show care. Slowly, and not perfect, but learning.
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sleepingoreo · 2 days
What if reader has turned into a kitten or a cat? How will the hsr boys react to that?
(got this idea from this post https://www.tumblr.com/matchaitham/717357559079665664/how-un-fur-tunate?source=share )
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Pairing: Aventurine, Jing Yuan, Dr Ratio
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Aventurine(Kakavasha) Would spoil you with a luxury cat life. How could this have happened?! Aventurine was just on a peaceful stroll around the IPC headquarters when a sudden peculiar cat perched its head out of the corner and started tailing him. Who allowed the cat in this building? Topaz? Oh, he wouldn’t be surprised.
Unlike Topaz Aventurine was never too fond of animals himself. It’s never that he dislikes animals but rather he feels indifferent towards pets. Yet for some reason, this cat held his regard.
“Meow~” the cat's eyes falter before Aventurine’s presence.
“Are you talking to me, kitty?”
“Mh? Is there something you want to say, pretty kitty?”
Communication was harder than he anticipated, but the urgency in the cat and anomalous behavior were enough evidence that he should follow through.
“Look here, Little Kitty,” he heaved a sigh, “I really don’t have the time for this. I need to go back to work,” he gently cushioned your head between his palms so he could feel the softness of the cat fur.
But in the end, despite all his protesting, Aventurine yielded to the cat’s insistence. Aventurine trailed behind the cat into his beloved bedroom. Strange why would this cat bring him into your shared room with him? The cat directed its attention to a portrait featuring both you and Aventurine, suddenly it all clicked to Aventurine. You are the cat!
“Kitty, what do you mean? Yes, I know my sweetheart is beautiful,” he would tease you pretending he didn’t catch on to what you were trying to hint. He watched the panic arise on your kitty's face.
“Just playing, sweetheart,” he knelt down, opening his arm for your embrace, “Come here you good, little kitty! Aren’t you just a clever kitty?” his fingers scratched behind one of your fluffy ears. “God, you’re adorable and lovely even as a cat.”
You profusely let out meows while in Aventurine’s embrace. You would hiss at Aventurine whenever he tried feeding you cat food.
“Well, aren’t you feeling a little feisty today, sweetheart? Okay okay, I’ll get you back in no time”
He would prodigal you in luxurious cat beds and toys, even if he realizes or knows he’ll have to turn you back into your true self sooner or later. He just wants to embrace this special moment he has with you. Plus he knows he wouldn’t be able to have you stay a cat forever. You’re his lover, not his pet. Boom! Now he adores cats! Whenever he sees a cat he would think back to the situation between you and him.
Jing Yuan He would find this situation adorable and silly. Jing Yuan strolled around his garden frowning and sighing at the weeds hanging around his garden. A sudden cat perched at his feet. His thoughts immediately wandered to Mimi, yet he knew it couldn’t be her.
He gently patted the cat’s head as it nuzzled against his fingers, looking up at him with familiar eyes. It was uncanny how much this cat resembled you in his head. Jing Yuan couldn’t help but chuckle to himself thinking about how’d you react when he introduced this cat to you.
“I’m sure my love would adore you,” he muttered, scratching the cat’s chin. He couldn’t help but bring himself to smile every time the cat nuzzled, brushing his head against his touch. Such an affectionate cat.
“Meow Meow!” The cat darted off expecting Jing Yuan to follow behind. Amused by its anomalous behavior, he let this little feline lead him to the bushes.
There, he watched the cat retrieve his lover’s phone, attempting to unlock your phone. The cat meowed trying to convey a message to him as a form of communication. Jing Yuan observed the strange cat’s behavior and was intrigued by the cat’s intelligence.
Before you the cat could succeed he takes the phone away from your captive. “Sorry, kitty. I need to return this to my lover,” his eyes stay falter, stretching the cat’s chin.
“Meow!” you hissed at him trying to get him to understand you ARE the cat, yet communicating with him was inefficient.
“General!” A high-pitched voice interrupted, and a purple dragon girl appeared, recognizing her as Bailu, rushing up to Jing Yuan in panic. “I-I turned your lover into a Cat! I’m so sorry!” Bailu pleaded.
“Mhhh… how fortuitous, “ he mused, his eyes relaxing on your small frame.
“I’m so sorry General! I was giving them medicine because they came in sick! I gave them something else by accident!” Bailu continued pleading with Jing Yuan, even if she knew the General was too kind to mind.
Jing Yuan can only chuckle, kneeing to your level and patting your head. “How unfortunate, yet how adorable. I’m sure we can fix this in no time,” he scooped you up in his arms, “Right my love?”
He found himself adoring every moment spent with you while you’re a cat. He even prodigal a lot of cat toys and beds for you to feel comfortable. Of course, you still choose the bed with him. When you turn back into your former self, he’ll adopt a cat who looks just like you!
Veritas Ratio Let’s say he’s certainly not the brightest when you do. Ratio would cast you a disapproving look eyeing you up and down, as you can only meow at his direction. You had somehow shifted yourself into one of Ruan Mei’s creations while messing around with the Liveform Oven, creating new Cake Cats. Due to the potential danger, Ruan Mei had to return you over to Ratio for your safety.
“You imbecile,” was the first response he came up with seeing your circumstances. He surveyed you nestling in your cake as if it’s your bed which it technically is. He shook his head in disappointment as all you could mutter out were soft meows. “What am I ever going to do with your idiocy?”
His heart falters at your meows. He couldn’t deny the unbearable adorableness, yet he would never express it to keep his ego intact.
Ruan Mei did assure him the effect would wear off in 60 system hours, but could he really handle 60 system hours of this? He was certainly not thrilled knowing it would slumber his intellect. Although harsh and overly honest on the outside he did have a weakness inside of his heart for you. Ratio is just an impatient man who sounds like him who cannot keep up. He never meant to offend anyone by being honest. Needless to say he certainly enjoyed it when you nap on his lap while he engrosses himself in a good book.
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I wanna start improving my writing and wording, plus i really don't know my writing style. I never had a style or anything. I was also mid writing Boothill and stopped cause idk what to do for him. I love you Aventurine ur my new obession. Still loyal to Jing Yuan. I do proof read once but that's all.
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pkay! so i was wondering if u could do a jace x reader where after the funeral she takes him and comforts him and looks after him in the bedroom to help him calm down because he had to act strong infront of his family but in the contents of his own chambers he could let himself cry on them!
Another one for Jace because this scene broke us all. This will be the last one about this scene. I have written three versions of different moments, I think all has been said
Warnings: mention of death, grief, panic attack
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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You stood alongside Rhaena and Baela during the funeral. Behind you stood Corlys and Rhaenys, all mourning the loss of Lucerys. 
Along with the remains she found on the shore, the Queen threw in the pyre her son’s clothes. Jacaerys stepped up next and threw the baby swaddle their mother used when he was a baby. And lastly, Jacaerys picked up Joffrey, who threw the horse toy Lucerys had when he was little. It had been handed to him when he grew out of playing with it, but it was still Lucerys’.
Your heart ached at how Joffrey clung to his big brother, who himself had his eyes filled with tears threatening to spill. You wanted to go up to him and hold his hand, but the time was not right. 
When the flames of the pyre finally extinguished, everyone retreated inside. The Queen had withdrawn to her chambers with her youngest sons. Losing one had only intensified her need to keep the others close.
Your eyes searched the hall for the one who was promised to you, but Jacaerys was nowhere in sight. To your left, you noticed Rhaena and Baela, who had just parted from their grandmother. You approached them, and Rhaena, who had lost her betrothed, welcomed you with a brief but heartfelt hug.
‘’Have you seen Jacaerys?’’ you asked them.
Rhaena shook her head, but Baela nodded. ‘’I saw him taking the stairs minutes ago.’’
You thanked her and followed her lead. 
Upstairs, you knew exactly where to go. 
Inside your chamber, you found Jacaerys pacing the room with frantic steps, one of his hands gripping his chest. His breathing was ragged and shallow, and his face contorted with panic. He pulled at his doublet, feeling like it was choking him and stopping air from getting into his lungs. 
You rushed to his side, alarmed. ‘’Jace,’’ you called out, your voice tinged with concern and confusion.
His head snapped in your direction, his face filled with fear and tears. He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. He didn’t know what was happening, and neither did you. 
‘’Should I fetch the maester?’’ you asked, your heart clenching with worry.
‘’It... hurts... can't breathe…’’ he managed to gasp, his voice strained with desperation. Sweat beaded his forehead, and his breath came in ragged, uneven gasps, as if the air was somehow refusing to fill his lungs.
Jacaerys pulled at his doublet again. 
You tried to remain calm, knowing that panic would only make the situation worse. You reached out and undid the buttons on the front of his doublet, hoping to loosen the constriction around his chest. But even as the tight fabric released its grip, it didn’t seem to help. His chest continued to heave and shudder, each breath sounding like a painful struggle.
‘’Let’s sit.’’ 
He nodded, his eyes wide with fear as he allowed you to guide him to the settee. With every step, his breathing only seemed to get more and more erratic, each gasp sounding like a strangled sob.
Once he was seated, you knelt in front of him, your hands gently gripping his trembling ones, offering what little comfort you could. His chest continued to rise and fall rapidly, each breath sounding as if it was being wrenched from his lungs. His eyes were fixed on you, panic still evident in his gaze, but there was also a glimpse of vulnerability there, as if he was silently pleading for your help.
It was heart-wrenching to see him in such a state, his normally calm and collected demeanor completely shattered.
You squeezed his hands gently, hoping to offer some small comfort. ‘’Focus on me,’’ you urged him, your voice soft but firm. ‘’Listen to my voice. Try to match your breaths to mine. Inhale.’’ You breathed in deeply, exaggerating each inhalation and exhalation, hoping that Jacaerys would follow your lead. ‘’Exhale. In through your nose, out through your mouth.’’
He tried, his eyes locked onto your face as you breathed in and out. At first, his breaths only seemed to become more shallow and labored, but gradually, they began to match the pace of yours. Each gasped inhalation slowly started to become less frantic and more controlled.
After a moment, he calmed down and you wiped his tears. 
‘’Thank you for helping me. I don’t know how this happened. I…I thought I was going to die.’’
You rose to your feet and wrapped your arms around him. 
He buried his face in your shoulder, still shaking from the intensity of the experience. He wrapped his arms around you, clinging to you tightly, as if holding on for dear life. 
‘’I was so scared,’’ he whispered, his voice still shaky and raw. ‘’I thought I was losing control. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't think... It was like everything was closing in on me.’’
You held him tightly, one hand rubbing soothing circles on his back. His body was warm and solid against yours, his muscles tense with lingering fear.
You hushed gently, kissing his shoulder. ‘’You're okay now. You're safe with me.’’ 
House of the dragon taglist: @khaleesihavilliard @domoron @ididliquorice @lover-of-helios @lover-of-helios @shine101 @tanyaherondale@mikariell95 @serrendiipty @lantsovheiress @gilliananderfuckme @shine101 @tetgod @clayzayden@memeorydotcom @tnu-ree @futuregws @blackravena @winxschester @mysteriouslydelightfulchaos @xxlaynaxx @secretsthathauntus @pilarxxxaguayo @emmavan39 @stargaryenx @erylilly @bbblackmamba @rainedrop97 @dreamer087 @gothicgay14 @ashlatano7567 @superkittywonderland @justaproudslytherpuff @evesolstice @buckysmainhxe @padfootsvixen @scarletmeii @evesolstice @dkathl @kaywsworld @tetgod @padfootsvixen @domoron  @weird-addiction @angeliod @xjennyx2 @adaydreamaway08  @mymultiveres  @secretsthathauntus  @puffycreamcakes @thirsty4nonlivingmen @naty-1001 @katiepie67 @moshpot24x @hc-geralt-23 @lovelynerdytraveler @saturn-sas  @zgzgh @sssjuico10 @tabloidteen @timetoten @deekaag @wondxrgurl @aerangi @strmborns @astridyoo15 @daemonslittlebitch @queenbeestuffs @severewobblerlightdragon @agentstarkid @msliz @vane1999-blog @fairyfolkloresposts @todaywasafairytale07 @otomaniac @zgzgzh @thebeardedmoon @golden-library @kikyrizuki @hnslchw @camy85 @winxschester @armstrongscommentsection @withfireandbl00d @randomstory56 @JudgmentDays-Girl @darylandbethfanforever9 @darylandbethfanforever9 @aegonswife @dakotapaigelove @jays-bullshit
All and more taglist: @kenqki@hawkegfs@gillybear17@black-rose-29@fudge13@cece05@laylasbunbunny@gemofthenight@beautyb1ade@mellabella101 @vxnity713  @bisexualgirlsblog@queenofslytherin889 @thatbxtchesblog @softb-tterfly @ethanlandrycanbreakmyheart  @xyzstar  @graceberman3   @mikeyspinkcup @jackierose902109 @daisydark @laurasdrey @mischieftom @fanatic4niall @peterholland04 @idkwhattonamethisblogs  @lexasaurs634  @notasadgirlipromise @zoeynicolas @thejuleshypothesis @multi-fandom-bi-bitch @lexasaurs634  @notasadgirlipromise @thejuleshypothesis  @katherinejess  @rafesgirlstuff   @lafleshlumpeater @iamluminosity  @Anouknani-2305 @books0fever @papichulo120627 @qardasngan @ghostlyvoidydragon @M0rgans1nterlud3 @dahlia-blossom21
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florencesf1blog · 3 days
Hi :) Can you write an imagine - enemies to lovers with Oscar. They both have been in love with one another but for whatever reason pretend to hate each other. They’re at the same party and some weird guy doesn’t want to leave reader alone so she goes for help to the first person she recognises at the party: Oscar. She goes to him and kisses him and he’s a little surprised at first but he returns the kiss and even grabs her waits (and maybe her butt) and deepens the kiss . And she’s like begging him to play along because that weird guy doesn’t want to leave her alone. And when he hears this he gets into a protective mode and then doesn’t let her alone/ out of his sight for the rest of the party. And the ending can be whatever you want - maybe they confess their feelings or not
please, please, please.
Oscar Piastri x Reader
In which you attend a party, and an unlikely someone saves the day.
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Words: 964 Warnings: language, alcohol, inappropriate touching?
Being close friends with Lando Norris was a struggle. Although, right now it wasn't about his own childish antics. No, this was about his teammate.
Oscar Jack Piastri.
It seemed that everything about him ticked you off. The way he always spoke in such a calm manner, the way he walked around the paddock, his stupid and yet adorable smile, his distracting biceps...
What you probably hated the most about him was how you couldn't seem to hate him at all. You had done a great job at hiding your feelings from him, especially since you two could only argue once you were in the same room. In reality, both you and Oscar are just terribly oblivious and everyone but you two could see it.
"What are you laughing at?" you almost sneer towards your friend, Lando, who couldnt hide the wide grin that was plastered on his face. "Nothing...nothing..." he trails off but he continues to snicker. You nudge his arm callously, a stern look on your face. "Oh come on...you can't expect me to believe that act you put on" he grins. You let out a scoff, brows furrowing. "What act?" you ask him, annoyed that he seemed to be catching on. "You can lie to yourself all you want, but you do not hate Oscar"
It was extremely hot in the club, feeling as if you could melt to the floor any moment. It was crowded, loud and flashy. Usually you'd avoid places like these, but with Lando getting his first win here in Miami you felt obligated to come.
You head over to the bar to get yourself a new drink, when you're suddenly reminded of what you hate most about these places. A man, a strange man you had never seen or spoken to before suddenly places a hand on your waist to pull you closer. Before you can even react, he leans down to whisper in your ear, completely invading your personal space as he speaks. "Let me buy you a drink, bonita. You look like you're in need of some company"
Immediately, you push him off of you. In a gentle manner that is, not wanting to cause any trouble. But even as you shake your head no and politely insist that you can pay for your own drink, he wouldn't go. He kept trying to get close to you, putting his hands on you and insisting he'd keep you company.
A sense of panic washed over you, especially once you realized this man was intoxicated. You looked around, continuing to brush the man off while trying to stay polite with your ways and words. Somewhere in the crowd, you spot a familiar face already staring back at you.
Oscar fucking Piastri. Of course. Usually, this would only make matters worse. The guy you hated (or at least pretended to) being the only familiar person around in a situation like this. He stared back at you. not looking away as he noticed the somewhat panicked look on your face. For someone who is supposed to hate you, he felt awfully worried.
"Excuse me..." you mutter, grabbing your drink as you hastily make your way through the crowd. Being left behind confused, the man takes a moment to realize you were walking away from him before he follows after you. He was determined, you'd give him that.
Once you reached Oscar, het put on his usual annoyed face. With an eye roll, he begins to ask: "What are you doi-" before being bluntly cut off with your lips crashing on his. You stood on your tiptoes, leaning forward to reach him with your hands on his neck to stabilize yourself.
It took Oscar a while to react, both his hands on your arms as if he was making sure you wouldn't fall over. He pulls you back for just a moment, but keeps holding on to your arms. "What is going on?" he asks, look behind you to see the same man that had been bothering you before.
"Please, please, please, just play along..." you begin to softly plead. "...this guy won't leave me alone and-" before you could finish your sentence, he leans down to press his lips back on yours. His hand moves down to grip your waist, moving you to stand chest to chest as his other hand moves down to your rear.
The man was left in shock, not wanting to disturb the scene in front of him. He leaves, and once you realize he's gone you pull away. Oscar looks down at you with an unreadable expression, almost disappointed now that you've pulled away from him. You let out a small sigh, feeling your cheeks redden from both the drinks you've had and the situation you put yourself in.
"Thank you" you give him a soft smile, and he gives you a reassuring nod in return. "Maybe it's best if you stay here with me tonight, you know? To make sure no one else bothers you"
The suggestion (though it sounded as if he wasn't going to let you out of his sight either way) makes butterflies swirl around in your stomach. The thought of Oscar being protective over you like this, making sure no one else would bother you, definitely did something to you.
And so for the remaining of the evening, Oscar was plastered by your side. At some point Lando even spotted you two standing awfully close together, his eyes narrowing with a knowing smirk.
You wouldn't tell Oscar how you really felt at the end of the evening, and he wouldn't mention how glad he was you came to him for saving. But after tonight, you could no longer pretend to hate the man you felt so deeply for.
A/N: my very first work on this account. rewrote this a couple of times and im still not sure if its good or not. it ended up being a little shorter than i imagined, but i didnt want to go too deep into a story i wasnt going to continue. definitely enjoyed bringing this request to life, and i hope its what the anon wanted. let me know what you guys think! :)
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d4rkpluto · 1 day
ᴀꜱᴛʀᴏʟᴏɢʏ ᴏʙꜱᴇʀᴠᴀᴛɪᴏɴꜱ ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ ᴛᴡᴏ
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paid chart readings
these are observations i've made due to people i've been around and celebrity charts i have looked at x
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♇ scorpio placements like to be praised for everything they've done.
♇ online personalities who have really loud personas usually have a sag placements, ex berleezy, trap celeb, oli london, ekane etc...
♇ during a solar return chart having a stellium or more than 4+ planets in your 1h means you will REALLY be in your head, might face a lot of mental challenges.
♇ people with beneficial planets in their 9h ex jupiter or venus, specifically, usually do okay within in education, like no matter how back they are, they always pass
♇ pisces placements can RAMBLE and talk for a long time without actually saying anything.
♇ pisces mars men, the worst. the ones i've come across usually don't know what they want. but pisces mars women >>>
♇ aries degrees, specifically the 13th degree could insinuate you could be the first person to do something. janice dickson has the 25th degree and she is known as the first supermodel, beverly johnson has the 1st degree and is known as the first black supermodel, eva is the first black woman to win america's next top model and she has the 13th degree.
♇ sagittarius placements... laughing and smiling for no reason...
♇ leo moons and having hair that grows fast. for example, my brother and my nephew are both leo moons and they can cut their hair and a month later it grows back to their shoulders. i believe this could apply to 5H moons.
♇ those who have their 12h ruler conj or positively aspect their moon do become famous, [moon rules over audience] ariana grande has moon conj venus and megan has moon conj mars. if there's a negative aspect, it is still a fame indicator, but they would like get their fame after, for example chapelle roan who has moon square mercury.
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♇ a lot of cancer asc men are insecure. the ones i know pity themselves so much too.
♇ much sag sun women like to dance, could be sag in big 6 + jupiter as well
♇ a fixed sign specifically scorpio in the 11h is a strong indicator of having a big online platform. but the one that is stronger than that is having moon in the 11h, most people that have this placement or even cancer in the 11h told me that they have a big platform.
♇ people with saturn or lilith in the 7h might be put into uncomfortable situations with their friend and their friends s/o, like their s/o might always likes them.
♇ uranus in 3h people might like to make up languages? or learn new ones
♇ your jupiter persona chart can talk to you about your future spouse as jupiter is the main planet to look at when it comes to your wife/husband.
♇ nara smith has jupiter in cancer and her spouse is very domestic and traditional, he even helped her give birth to their newest child, whimsy lou.
♇ dove cameron has a gemini ascendant with the 12th degree [pisces degree] probably why people say she has so many faces, she also has a heavy 8h which points to she got many procedures, khloe kardashian has a gemini moon and is also said to have many faces, also have pluto in the 8h.
♇ scorpio placements really dont like it when you enter their room all the time.
♇ a lot of dhanistha moon women have upturned eyes, or like to wear eyelashes that give them that look.
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♇ people who have moon in the 11h do friend-crush a lot.
♇ aries venuses are the type to hate the people they crush on, their feelings can be quick changing but it is still intense!
♇ the reason some virgo and cancer ascendants are normally confused with each other is because they both have cat faces.
♇ its funny that when jupiter in taurus was at its peak which is the 29th degree, chef-influencers became more known on social media.
♇ people with a strong sag+virgo combination could be obsessed with perfecting their future
♇ people with scorpio/aries in their chart are likely to become alcoholics.
♇ saturn in cancer natives are likely to be less submissive to men.
♇ people with moon in the 11h or have cancer in their 11h tend to have big followers online [can work if the ruler of your 11h is in cancer]
♇ the "rumours" are true, aries venuses do get disinterested pretty quickly.
♇ the 6H in astrology can tell you what kind of skills you have, for example, if you have a venusian ruled 6H [Libra, Taurus, Venus in 6H], you could be talented a makeup, fashion etc.
+ the kalogeras sisters have leo/sun influence in their chart and they're known for their curly hair, [leo rules the mane].
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paid chart readings
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ceesimz · 16 hours
I'm a Star, How Could I Not Shine?
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This is just a lil soft blurb I got the idea to write tonight, I still have my other story in the works and I'm loving creating it :)
Life was hardly fair, that much you knew. But it seemed like the last few months had been especially harsh on your girlfriend. And it was a hard watch, almost agonising to see her come home a shell of her true self everyday.
Today, though, it reached its peak.
Work was being a lot kinder to you; you typically had a lighter load than Alexia but the past few weeks had kind of been a breeze, you were promoted to a new branch and it was a dream to be there. So, as you watched on from the sidelines as the media tore Alexia apart, inventing new reasons to needlessly hate on her, you were doing your best to make life at home a safe haven for her.
Today was Friday, and your plan was to come home from work and get all the chores out of the way, before ordering food in so that there was as little as possible for Alexia to have to worry about. Maybe you'd run a bath for her, give her a massage, or let her have some alone time before falling asleep with your chest to her back as you ran a hand softly through her hair.
What you weren't expecting, however, was to find a familiar figure in a black tracksuit curled up on the sofa, soundly sleeping.
You froze in the doorway, unsure what to do next. The first thing you thought was just how much the sight concerned you. Alexia wasn't meant to be home for a number of hours yet, her day was filled with meetings after she'd had training in the morning. Tie that in with the fact that she was adamant in never taking naps, ever, as well as how she always followed her schedule to the second, and your body was wracked with worry from head to toe.
Long story short, this only alluded to unimaginable things consuming her right now. You didn't even want to think about it. If it hurt you this much, and you weren't even the one experiencing all she was, then god only knows how she's feeling. Hopefully you can coax it out of her.
Instead of disturbing her right now, you backed out of the room and headed towards the kitchen. Once in there, you off-loaded your bag and your jacket onto the dining table, before opening your phone and putting in the order for dinner. Then you took a moment to compose yourself, to come up with a way to approach the delicate situation currently festering in the lounge of the apartment.
Alexia could wake up and be in one of either two moods: she doesn't really want company as she needs time to process what's pacing through her mind, or, and you're not sure if you preferred this one or not, she'd be in such an utterly wrecked state of mind that she would just melt into your arms and unload weeks, if not months, worth of bottled up emotions. You knew the latter would happen at some point, but you definitely didn't think it would come about so soon.
Really, this wasn't how you expected the night to go, you just assumed that Alexia would complete her work day before coming home, speaking very few words for the rest of the evening. It wasn't out of displeasure, it was how she processed things. Until the pressure built up inside her and exploded, she would keep pretty schtum about how things were going for her, and no matter how much you tried to shake her out of these habits, it was just something about her you had to deal with.
But now, with somewhat of an idea built up in your head, you slip your shoes off and put them on the rack by the front door, and walk back towards your sleeping girlfriend. As you get closer to her, you spot the scowl to her brow and slight frown on her lips - even as she sleeps, she still can't catch a break. She looks perturbed and uncomfortable, like there's things she can't quite shake off, and it breaks your heart.
With a gentle hand on her shoulder as she sleeps on her side with her face slightly covered by her hood, you gently nudge her.
"Hey, Ale, wake up. It's me, wake up." You whisper, leaning down to place a kiss on her temple. At the affectionate touch, she jolts awake, breathing a little heavy. "Hey, it's only me."
"Oh." She muttered, rubbing her eyes and sighing. "Por qué estás aquí?"
"I just got home from work, it's half four." Wrong thing to say.
She sits up in shock, looking at you agasp, her stomach churning with dread. She never missed meetings, she never missed any kind of work, period.
"Mierda. Lo siento, tengo que irme, ahora." Alexia jumps up and rushes to grab her keys from the kitchen, but you grab her hand and stop her. "No, amor, I-"
"Ale, take a breath. Slow down." You say, standing up and taking her other hand. Her eyes are everywhere but you, her body language is tense and radiates anxiety. "Look at me. Hey, mírame, Ale."
"Amor, you do not understand, I am missing a meeting ri-"
"No, you are here with me, and you need to take a minute. Just a minute, if anything. Please." You plead, dropping her hands to cup her face and get her to look at you. "Sit down with me, relax for a moment. I won't hear otherwise."
A reluctant nod later, she sits down with you on the couch, though she perches on the edge like she could take off any second. You don't doubt that she won't.
"Sorry." She states a quiet moment after, her hands coming to cover her face as she sighs heavily yet again.
"For what, Ale?" You ask, shuffling closer to her side and draping an arm across her shoulders. She shrugs, making you frown, so with your free hand you delicately turn her head to face you. "Take the day off. Anyone can see you need it."
Her nod isn't so hesitant this time, and that's terrifying in itself. The ease in which she agreed to skiving the rest of her schedule is so unnerving that you're not entirely sure where to go from here. You were expecting more of a fight, expecting her to be hard work for the night, but here she was just giving up in front of you. Near enough relinquishing her role as if it wasn't such a mental battle for her.
At her agreement, you tug her into you and she follows easily, resting her forehead against your collarbone and breathing out shakily.
"Let me look after you tonight, Ale. You don't have to apologise, not for anything." You whisper, scattering light, caring kisses across her cheek.
You pull down the hood of her jumper and, finally, see the full effect of what the month's brazen nature has done to her. The bags under her eyes are more prominent than ever, there's a permanent frown line etched onto her forehead, and she's a worryingly grey colour. Her face gives off a perturbed look, and to be honest you didn't think it was possible to be able to visibly see the aftermath of a mentally degrading few weeks.
Right now, it seems like sleep is the best option for her. And fortunately for you, and for Alexia, the restaurant you ordered from won't deliver your dinner for another forty or so minutes. It's a small miracle you'll happily take at this time, and if Alexia was in the right mind she'd probably laugh, because the wait time normally drives you crazy. You've never been more grateful for it though.
"Why don't you sleep some more? I got us some food, it won't be here for a while yet and I really think you need the rest." You suggest, tucking a few wisps of hair behind her ear.
"You... you will stay here?" She questions in such a childlike manner that it splits your heart in two.
"Yes, I'll be right here, Ale, I promise. I'm not going anywhere, ever." You tell her, and that's when she meets your eye. The look she gives is devastating, it's filled with all sorts that would take you the rest of the night to unpack. And, quite frankly, Alexia isn't ready for that.
You urge her to lay down just like she was earlier, except this time you take the place by her head and let her rest it on your lap. It's now that you're carding your fingers through her hair, not in your bed. It's now that Alexia finally breaks, as sniffles sound through the room sporadically.
"Tan cansada." She uttered, almost unintelligibly, as she covers her eyes with her hand and buries her face in your stomach
"It's okay. You can relax now. It's just us here, and you're safe. You're gonna be okay." You reasurre her, and you mean it with every ounce of your being. How could you not, when the light of your life has been dimmed by clouds of disdain from people who aren't even aware of the joy she brings you?
Alexia may come across as a force to be reckoned with, but after all, she's just your Ale, the one that cries at animal shelter adverts on TV and smiles like a fool at the little things like when you bring home her favourite snack as a surprise one day. She's a sensitive soul, but that's what you love about her. Everything she does, she does it with her whole heart, and you'd sooner be six feet under than to let your love for her go untold.
"I love you, Ale, and I'm really proud of everything you do. Everything."
"Even when I am not strong enough to go to one meeting?" She mumbles insecurely, stealing a glance up at you with one eye.
"Especially then. You are strongest in your weakest moments, when you're afraid to ask for help but you do it anyway. So, I'm always proud of you, and I always will. I swear by that."
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entertaining-two · 2 days
Upon yet another re watch, episode one really is wild because I feel like we all forgot how much of a little romantic dork Colin was for the first two seasons. Like this man was still the younger brother of his two older brothers, he was seen as immature, kiddish, and too young to really be a man.
His whole journey season 1 is setting up how he wants a romantic connection but is deceived for his naivety in this situation despite warning.
His journey season 2 is to try and become a man, having traveled, trying to gain purpose and prospects through investing and being a protector to the feathering tons he feels noble. Yet he still wonders what the point of it all is: ie, he’s missing the heart of his purpose which is to love someone undyingly.
Season 3 everyone is so shocked when he shows up, looking older, looking and acting confidence and suave and flirtatious something he NEVER was before. They are shocked and also not mocking him for his travels and he knows now not to even divulge his passion for it because he knows while his family loves him, they do not truly care for the inner workings of his mind. Leaving him still missing something. That something is a true partner.
I just feel like we all really truly forgot how Colin was never the one to be smooth, the one to know the exact thing to say and when, or even the confident hot one. The man spent hours talking about plants he saw traveling to his ex’s husband for gods sake like this man is not suave he is dorky and adorable. He had always been dorky younger brother of the two catches in the Bridgerton house. Forgotten amongst the diamond of the season, the viscount, and the flirtatious artist. Who was he? He had no clue.
He wandered and came back a new person hoping people would now accept him and clearly he feels it has worked because everyone praises him for it! So when his facade starts to crumble around Pen, and when she throws back at him that he has put on this mask of a person, and tells him she just wants the true man she loves, for once Colin is feeling seen for who he actually is. I think that is why he kisses her so aggressively after the “I love you!” Statement by the modiste. He’s seen, and loved. Now he just had to figure out how to accept the lady Whistledown stuff.
All I’m saying is people don’t get Colin and I will die on the hill that he deserves more praise. He’s far more complex than people give credit and I love his character.
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carlyraejepsans · 2 days
UTY!Flowey, "lore" and how to criticize a fan prequel without being an insufferable pedantic, a guide by Biscia.
(for my muskless fellows, here's a transcript of my thread on Undertale Yellow that I posted on Twitter. enjoy!)
There's this really frustrating attitude in fan spaces i like to call "lorepilling" where people are substantially more concerned with encyclopedic knowledge of details & minutiae (so called "lore") in place of full-text thematic/narrative analysis as if the two are mutually interchangeable.
It's especially common in large franchises and story heavy videogames, and it's like... Are You Treating This Piece Of Art Like A Trivia Battle Or Are You Treating It Like A Story
This is coming from a person who is also deeply autistic about UTDR trivia btw, I'm just saying that when it comes to transformative *stories*, depending on the impact it has on character, themes, and narrative structure... lore is expendable.
Ultimately this is why most of the UTY criticism i see (on twitter specifically) falls flat. What does it matter if "lore" means Flowey couldn't chronologically be there when the justice human fell, as long as the game narratively justified his presence in the story in a compelling way?
The real criticism, in the end, is that it didn't.
He's a plot central, main cast character from the canon returning in a cast of mostly OCs and what does he have to show for it? An admittedly sick boss battle in 1/3 endings, sure but... not much else. He has no significant "presence" in the story, no tie, interaction, or even just... an opinion on the rest of the cast. Which is a huge miss when Flowey's meta role is to be Thee completionist player mirror. He's the OG lorepilled UT fan! He's an opinionated little shit!
This isn't to say that UTY *didn't* engage w/ his metanarrative. When me and @a-town-called-hometown first started playing the game (we were both skeptical of Flowey's inclusion), he immediately said "It would be really cool if they made it so this has been going on for a while and Clover has no idea". Which is precisely what the game did in the neutral ending, and what I will openly say was the most well written & well executed part of this game's story...
...a part we almost didn't see, because the pacifist ending disappointed us so much we lost all will to replay.
To put it in the words of my friend Mel @clowwwnbytes, there's a deafening hollowness to UTY Flowey's motivations & core principles where his guilt towards Chara—and resulting black and white thinking—should be. You're telling me Mr Kill-or-be-killed, "sacrificing yourself to do the right thing is stupid", would stand there after 1000s of failed attempts to make Clover survive, look on as they make the same mistake Asriel he did, and fondly call them friend? Cue the guitar, roll the credits?
He would lose it. Oh my god he would lose his goddamn mind, he would throw the nastiest temper tantrum in the world. Are you serious? How dare you. How DARE you. All this effort, all my patience, and you just let yourself DIE for a few worthless idiots? I should've let you ROT!
*clears throat* sorry got a bit too into character. as i was saying.
I can understand a UT prequel wanting to distance itself from the canon Chara storyline in order to form its own identity, but then turning around and choosing Insane About Chara The Character™ for a sidekick is... far from optimal. In the end, Flowey comes across as underutilized and inconsistent, with a whole lot of wasted potential.
This is an issue I have with UTY's character writing (original AND returning) and story structure as a whole. Lots of inconsistent character arcs, tonal dissonance, overuse of situational sadness... it's an amateurish work, after all, and you can feel it. There's no shame in that.
(Though, there ARE some issues that i take more seriously with its writing, especially when it comes to its two main female characters—Ceroba's lack of narrative agency and depth borders on misogynistic writing imo. But that's a topic for another day)
Over all, UTY was an incredible piece of collaborative transformative work, with gorgeous art and a genuinely incredible OST, which... would have benefited from more experienced writers. But hey, you can only ever learn by trying!
For all it could've been a better story, it certainly did not fail to entertain: both when my friend was playing it, and after in our many discussions of its writing, its faults and how it could've been improved (royal scientist!ceroba character fix you will always be famous. to ME!)
I'm sure this project served as an incredible source of experience for the developers: as individual creators AND as a team. I look forward to their future projects!
but also if i have to see another person say UTY is better than Undertale i might turn into The Jonker.
end of the essay! really couldn't stand any of the pedantic ""criticism"" I'd seen of this fangame so far, so i had to say my piece as someone more versed in analysis. happy to elaborate on anything in the replies or in my inbox!
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mint-yooxgi · 3 days
That Kids, Is How I Met Your Father - Seonghwa X Reader
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Part of the CODN Summer Event - See You On The Flip Side
Genre: Mature, Angst, Crack, Fluff, Non-idol!AU
Pairing: Seonghwa X GN!Reader
Words: 2,700
Rating: T for Teen
Warnings: Mentions of kidnapping, but really it's a really funny misunderstanding, a gun!, mature themes, not edited, I'll do that laterrrrr so please excuse any errors
A/n: Since the event was announced and I saw the first prompt, this has been living in my head rent free lmaooo I had way too much fun writing this, so I hope you all like it as well! It's not meant to be taken too seriously, so just have fun when reading it! At least, I hope you will! As always feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy!~
Summary: You seem to have the most rotten luck when it comes to chatting up strangers... and asking them for help...
Prompt: Accidentally kidnapping a mafia boss.
You have no idea how you got here. Perhaps it’s your penchant for excitement, or maybe even your love of adventure. However, if anyone would have told you that you’d be in this situation, you would have laughed in their face… followed promptly by an excited, yet curious, ‘really?’
Honestly, you can’t be mad. He is rather cute, and he did go along with it to start.
That’s what happens when you trust a stranger.
You had seen your ex across the park with their new fling walking hand in hand. Or, rather, the person they had been seeing the whole time while you had supposedly been in a relationship with them. Seeing them out looking so joyous had something within you twisting unpleasantly, and if they could look so happy being together and away from you, then so could you.
Looking around the park, you had done a quick scan of the area. Weeding out potential dangers, you finally zeroed in on your target. A man with shaggy black hair half tied up in a ponytail. He appeared to be alone, and the fact that he was crouched by the pond chatting with the ducks had an immediate good feeling towards him building within your gut.
Without a moment to waste, you ran over to him.
“Hi, I know this is really sudden, but could you do me a huge favour?” Your words come out rushed, cheeks heating as you avert your gaze to the side.
Unfortunately for you, your gaze caught on your ex and their now partner rounding the closest bend and getting even closer to where you were standing.
You didn’t even give the man time to respond. All you did know, was that he had stood back to his feet beside you, his beauty captivating you the moment you turned to meet his curiously quirked brow.
“Great, thanks.” You say, offering him a tight smile.
The sound of laughter meets your ears, and you immediately find yourself stepping closer into this mystery man’s side.
A call of your name draws your attention to the side.
“Oh, hey, Colin,” you grin, chuckling awkwardly as you meet his gaze. “Fancy seeing you here.”
“Well, we were just out for an afternoon stroll through the park, and I couldn’t help but notice you with-“
“Oh, excuse me,” the man beside you clears his throat, extending his hand out towards Colin. You fail to see the pointed look he shoots your ex’s now partner. “Where are my manners? My name is Seonghwa.”
You swear you see Colin’s partner stiffen beside him, their eyes catching on a large silver and black ring on the duck watcher’s - Seonghwa’s - hand.
“So, how long have you and Seonghwa been together-“
“Well, it was great seeing you!” You cut their words off eagerly, a tight smile painting your lips. 
Grabbing Seonghwa’s hand in your own, you pull him down the path and in the opposite direction of the two of them a bit frantically. You need to get away from an even more awkward conversation than what had already been started mere minutes ago.
“This was a dumb idea.” You keep muttering over and over to yourself as you drag him along. “God- how could I have been so stupid?”
You fail to see the curious quirk of the man’s brow trudging behind you.
Taking a quick look around, you manage to rush across the street and into a side alleyway. It’s a bit secluded, but you could use the space right now. Especially after seeing your ex again.
It takes you a full minute to realize that you’re still holding this mystery man’s hand.
“Should I even ask?” His amused voice greets your ears.
Instantly, you drop his hand, beginning to pace.
“All this time I thought I was over doing stupid things like this to get his attention, but no!” You drawl out that last word, shaking your head. “I just had to go and drag a random stranger into it instead of walking away. God, that was probably so uncomfortable for you. I’m so sorry!” You turn to him, your eyebrows drooping. “You probably think I’m some crazy person obsessed with their ex, or something. I promise you I’m not!”
Your words start rising in pitch, voice taking on a more frantic tone.
“I’m just…. upset at how happy they look after what they did-“ you take a sharp breath in. “And you probably don’t even care, oh my god. Here I am ranting to a literal stranger over my old relationship problems after dragging him across the street.”
The corner of Seonghwa’s lips quirk, resting his one shoulder against the brick wall of the alleyway casually. His eyes continue to track your every movement, amusement dancing within his gaze as he listens to you rant like he’s not even there.
After a few more minutes of you seemingly working yourself up, he cannot help but chuckle, “You know, there’s not many people brave enough to do what you just did.”
This seems to halt you right in your tracks.
You blink, turning to face him fully, and noticing how he’s still been here this whole time.
“To be fair, I thought you would have bolted the moment I dragged you into this alleyway.”
“You’re blocking the only exit.” The grin he wears only widens, watching as your eyes seem to dart everywhere but towards him now.
“Oh.” You laugh awkwardly. “So, I am.”
He says nothing in response, simply continuing to watch you in amusement as he crosses his arms over his chest.
“Well, then…” you clear your throat, stepping pointedly to the side. “I won’t keep you any longer.”
His grin only stretches wider across his face. “You sure about that?”
“Well, unless you want to hear all about the relationship struggles of a stranger, I won’t hold you hostage any longer.” You motion for him to walk passed with your hand, signifying his freedom.
“Believe me,” he pushes himself off of the wall, yet opts to stand directly across from you still with his arms crossed. “If I had wanted to escape, there is no way you could have held me here.”
To say you are taken back by his bluntness would be a great understatement.
“Oh?” Your brows raise, an expression of disbelief coating your features. “I mean, it’s not like I was being forceful!”
“On the contrary,” he chuckles, his eyes dancing in amusement. “I had no other choice than to follow you after you had grabbed my hand.”
“Well, I highly doubt you couldn’t have just pulled your hand free-“
“But then what would have our dear Colin have thought?” He hums, tilting his head slightly. “Would have been so scandalous for a couple to act so repulsed of one another.”
“I said I was sorry!” Your shoulders deflate. “You seemed like the best option in the park at the time and I took a chance! You’re the one who went along with it.”
“I’m not so heartless that I would leave someone in clear distress.” His words come out a little sharper than before, and you notice his eyes seem to harden for a moment.
You recoil slightly, blinking at him in disbelief. “I never said that you were.”
He holds your gaze, his jaw ticking. His shoulders seem tense.
“Well, thanks for your help, oh, great kung fu master,” you say, bowing dramatically with an arm across your chest while the other extends out towards the opening of the alleyway. “My apologies if I disturbed your duck whispering rituals.”
Seonghwa takes a moment to observe you, his head tilting curiously. A blink, and you have yet to come up from your mockery of a bow, which only causes a huff of disbelief to escape him through his nose.
“You really have no idea who I am, do you?”
You lift your head, brow furrowed. “Should I?”
Your response clearly catches him off guard. So much so, that he drops his arms to his side.
“Are you some celebrity that I don’t know about?” You shake your head, attempting to place if you’ve seen him on a talk show, or in headlines recently.
This time, the disbelief is clear on his face. “You’ve got to be shitting me…”
“I assure you, sir,” you reply pointedly, “that if I had any idea who you were, I most likely would not have approached the least intimidating stranger making animal crossing sounds at the ducks.”
His mouth falls open, eyes widening as he attempts to refute your statement.
“It was rather sweet, if I’m being honest with myself-“
A blink, and suddenly he has you pinned to the wall of the alleyway. His hands hold tightly to your shoulders, pressing you harshly against the brick as his dark eyes meet your own.
“You need to forget everything you saw, and, or heard today.” He says firmly, his lips curling over his teeth.
“Woah,” you attempt to lift your hands in a shrug, but at the way he pushes you firmer into the wall, his body now pressed against your own, you grimace. “Didn’t realize being human was a sin.”
“You don’t understand-“
“Oh, I don’t understand?” You nod once, slowly, your eyes wide. “Because I’m pretty sure this has taken quite a turn from what we both expected from the other.”
“You don’t realize how dangerous I can be-“
“Is this supposed to be some kind of bad boy act, because it really could use some work-“
“It’s not an act!”
“Oh, really?” You quirk a brow, the corner of your lips quirking. “Then, is that a gun in your pants, or are you just happy to see me?”
The man before you lets out a long sigh, his head dropping as he takes a step away from you. His hands move almost too fast for you to see, but at the sleek black object that he pulls out, your eyes nearly bulge from your head.
“A gun!” 
“Keep your goddamn voice down,” Seonghwa hisses, tucking the object into the back waistband of his jeans. “I told you I wasn’t fucking around.”
However, you’re not even paying attention anymore.
“Oh my god, I’m going to die….” You’re mumbling again, blinking rapidly as you lean against the wall for support. “Stupid, stupid, stupid trying to enlist help from a stranger. A stranger with a gun, no less…” You smile tightly, looking like you may let out a shriek of disbelief at any second. “I’m gonna be kidnapped, and my cats will have no one to take care of them-“
“I’m not going to kidnap you.” He sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. He goes to reach for you in attempts to calm you down, but you recoil, causing him to immediately back down. “Your cats won’t be orphaned. Relax.”
“But you have a gun!” You whisper harshly, as if it should be obvious why he is a sudden threat to you.
“Hey, if anyone is the kidnap victim here, it’s me.” He hums, that same look of amusement back in his eyes.
“I didn’t-“
“I’ve already had to tell my personal guards to stand down twice since you’ve whisked me away-“
“I was about to knee you in the balls!” 
“Yeah, you definitely would have been shot for that.” He states, rather casually at that.
The look of horror that paints your features is near comical at this point.
He blinks. “You’re not going to be shot-“
“I’m too young to die! I still have my whole life ahead of me!” You begin to wail dramatically.
“You’re not going to die.” He sighs, shaking his head lightly in amusement.
“Says the man with the gun!” You flail your hands, motioning to him with wide eyes. “I knew celebrities valued their privacy, but threats are a whole different ball game.”
“I guess you could call me somewhat of a celebrity.” He shrugs casually, seeming to bask in the idea.
“You, sir, need to sort out your priorities.” You deadpan.
“Says the person freaking out about getting shot by a gun I already put away.” He counters. “Believe me, if I had wanted you dead, you would have been by now.”
“Well, that just makes me feel loads better!” You throw your hands in the air in exasperation. “You certainly know how to pick someone up at the park.”
“You kidnapped me!” He replies, just as exasperatedly.
“I thought you said you’d have no trouble getting away if that were the case.” You simper, nose in the air as you cross your arms over your chest.
A moment of silence passes between the two of you as he takes you in. Then, the most startling sound escapes him since the beginning of your encounter with this mystery duck whisperer.
He laughs. Not a small chuckle, or puff of amusement. A loud, boisterous laugh which echoes off of the bricks of the alleyway as he nearly doubles over.
“God, I haven’t had this much fun since Joong shattered the duplicate blood ruby we were supposed to use to pull off the Mont Blanc heist.” Seonghwa straightens, attempting to catch his breath as he wipes at the corner of his eyes.
You blink, his words seeming to trigger a memory inside of your mind. Curiously, you tilt your head as flashes of breaking news bulletins flit through your mind, your mouth falling open in disbelief. You hand lifts, shaking lightly as you point a finger at him.
“You’re the leader of the notorious Hala gang?” Your eyes go wide, stunned disbelief painting your features. That is, until a shrill laugh is leaving your lips.
Now, it’s your turn to double over in laughter.
“You- you’re the-“ More peels of laughter escape you, hunching over to rest your hands on your knees.
“What’s so hard to believe?” He quirks a brow, seemingly amused by your reaction currently.
“You were making animal crossing noises at the ducks!” Your lips quirk upwards in the corners. “The big, bad, scary Hala boss spends his free time at the pond, cooing to the ducks!”
“Well, we all need hobbies other than murder sometimes.” He shrugs, as if this is the most normal conversation to be having.
“Right,” you drawl out, shooting him a sceptical look. “And diamonds aren’t a girl’s best friend. Or, well, in this case, blood diamonds.”
“Actually, it was a ruby. But, fair enough,” he chuckles, his eyes shining as he stares at you across from him.
“Oh, pardon me,” you roll your eyes playfully. “We can’t all be versed in the world of jewels and gemstones.”
He takes a brief moment to observe you, seemingly coming to a decision. The corner of his lips twitches upwards.
“Would you like to be?”
His question clearly catches you off guard, and you nearly go tumbling over your own two feet as you push yourself off of the wall. “Excuse me?”
“Well, seeing as you’ve separated me from my lovely ducklings, and kidnapped me against my will…” he hums, closing the distance between the two of you carefully. “I think it’s only fair that we do something to my benefit this evening. Wouldn’t you agree?”
Almost as soon as he finishes speaking, he offers you his arm. A soft smile tugs at his lips, that glimmer of amusement shining once more within his dark eyes. He holds no aura of intimidation around him, nor does he seem to have any intent of harming you for the moment. Still, you cannot help but to eye him cautiously.
Your gaze flicks from his arm to his face, studying him carefully. Your brow quirks, and you cannot deny the spark of excitement that kindles within you as you gently place your hand on his arm.
“If my cats are suddenly orphaned cause I’m dead in a ditch somewhere…”
“Believe me, Darling,” Seonghwa chuckles lowly, his breath ghosting the shell of your ear as he leans into you. He lightly tugs you in closer as you both exit the alleyway, ensuring that you’re pressed right against his side. “When I’m done with you, you’ll be begging to stay.”
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minswriting · 2 days
hi dear, I just saw that you sre taking requests and just ran here 🥹🥹🙏🏻 could you maybe do a aaron hotchner x reader, where he just confesses his love for her? maybe in a tense situation or something? thanks 🥹🥹🩵
note: this may be really bad because i’m not good with non smut related things lol. but i tried my best pookie
warnings: hostage situation (unsub kidnapped hotch and reader), love confessions, emotions, angst, general criminal minds related issues, etc.
you woke up with a throbbing pain in your head as you opened your eyes to a dark room. your eyesight was blurry, probably from a concussion you likely had. you could feel it. as you tried to move your wrists, you realized they were bound.
the last thing you remembered was walking into the abandoned storage house with hotch and next thing you knew, you were waking up in a dark room. and then it clicked that you had been kidnapped. you looked around, desperately trying to see if aaron was in the room as well. and that’s when you felt movement against your back.
the two of you were tied up together, your backs against one another.
“hotch-“ you whispered only to be shushed by him.
“be very quiet,” he whispered back. “we’ve been taken. i’m not sure how long it’ll be until the others find us.”
you nodded your head though you knew he couldn’t see it. how you saw it was that this was a highly dangerous situation. the unsub you guys were close to catching was a man who wanted to make a name for himself, having a personal vendetta against the BAU and causing the most gruesome murders. to be tied up in his warehouse, well it wasn’t a positive situation. and you knew aaron was scared too.
“what do we do?” you whispered. your hands were tied behind your back but you tried your best to reach for aaron’s fingers, seeking to comfort him and yourself.
“there isn’t much we can do,” aaron said, squeezing your fingers. “except try to talk him down. but we profiled that he wouldn’t go down easily and that he would likely go down with suicide by cop. he will not listen to reason.”
you bit your lip, swallowing. the situation didn’t seem to have a positive outcome regardless of how you looked at it. either you and aaron were dying or the unsub will die trying. to say you weren’t ready was an understatement.
and without thinking, you simply said “i love you,” very quietly. thinking that you were going to die really puts a stop to anxieties towards admitting your feelings. perhaps that’s why a lot of people admit to things when on their deathbeds.
aaron tensed for a moment before swallowing. your words had made him tear up as he heard the rawness in your tone. “i love you too,” he said back to you.
those words alone provided a comfort to you. that even if you were to die, you’d die knowing the man you loved indeed loved you back. and that’s all we need right? to know that we are loved in death just as much as we are in life.
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jarofstyles · 3 days
Jealousy - Reaper extra
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Hello angels! This is a blurb for reaper while yall wait for the update. It’s before they left for their trip and before the stalker started acting up again. 
Check out our Patreon for early access and 180+ exclusive writings
Warnings- Jealous H, kinda toxic tbh but we love him, mention of murder and stalking (brief), smut, unprotected sex, restraining, possessive H, etc
Harry could feel her before he saw her. Arriving back to the clubhouse after work, his body sought her out even if it wasn’t voluntary, eyes pulled in her direction. 
Sitting pretty at the bar, she had a Shirley temple in hand and was chatting to Wiz, legs kicking off the stool as she talked about something. Anything, really. It was irritational to feel jealousy, but he did. It festered in his gut as his boots stomped over to her, watching her eyes light up as he approached but he was quick to shut her up. Gripping her jaw, he tilted her head up and gave her a scathing kiss, not at all appropriate for the situation but… this was the clubhouse. There’d been orgies on the couches. They could handle a kiss. 
He exhaled through his nose, nudging her knee to splay open so he could step between them. Like the good girl she was, or maybe it was the pure shock of it, she did as asked and he was quick to haul her up against him. Palms pressed against his black tee shirt, fingers curling in the fabric as a surprised hum left her mouth. He’d stolen her attention. 
In reality he knew that no one here would go for his girl. They knew that underneath it all, Harry would quite literally kill any single person who put a hand on her- but that didn’t mean he liked to share. The man wasn’t blind to his faults. Jealous, possessive beyond belief, he didn’t like sharing her in the slightest. That smile Wiz had gotten should be his. 
Especially after the day he had. 
“Down boy. We were talking about you.” He laughed, hands up as the kiss disconnected and he turned his head to look at him. The grip on her jaw was released and transferred to the back of her head, pulling her cheek to lay against his chest instead while he gave him a look. She was the only one who could get away with talking to him like that.
“S’fine. Fuck off now, I’ve got it from here..” He wasn’t a man of many words. Considering how fast Harry used to run through women, it was amusing to the lot of them to see Harry be so jealous. From kicking girls out to dragging this girl around with him anywhere he could, it was a massive change. 
Wiz knew better than to poke the bear, wandering off like the smart man he was. 
“That was quite a greeting.” He could feel her smile against his shirt. Fighting his own, he looked down to see her chin tilted up at him and those soft, pretty eyes gazing up at him. It was hard to ignore how that made his chest feel tight. Her cheeks were fuller when she smiled and there was a glimmer in her gaze that he’d only ever seen when she looked at him. If only he could photograph it properly and keep it tucked in his wallet.
“Yeah.” A simple nod followed. “C’mon. Upstairs.” He patted her back, giving her a hand off of the stool. With her hand in his own he walked quickly towards their room, ignoring how his stomach twisted as she giggled behind him. “Let’s go.”
“What's the hurry?” She laughed, jogging slightly to keep up with him. If he could, she knew he’d take two stairs at a time but she didn’t know what the urgency was. It didn’t have to do with the stalking situation considering he didn’t look as murderous as usual, but he’d had a glint in his eye. 
No response was granted on the way up, making her slightly confused until they were in the room and- she was suddenly pinned to the door. 
“The hurry?” He asked lowly. “The hurry is because someone was a goddamn tease today, and I’ve been horny all fuckin’ day.” He ground out, wrists captured above her, her face lit up in recognition. She’d sent him a slew of texts this morning about how much of a shame it was that he’d left her alone when they could have had ‘fun’. 
“Oh…. That.” Bunny smirked. “Wasn’t trying to tease. I was just letting you know my thoughts.” Her delivery was less than innocent, making him scoff as he pressed his cock against her. 
“Yeah, sure. Whatever you want t’say, but now it’s your job to take care of what you started.” He released her arms, reprising his role of his hand holding her jaw as he kissed it brutally. “Get my belt off.” Spoken between kisses, he could feel her urgency growing again. 
He’d been worked up all day, slipping his phone back out to read the texts more than he’d admit. There had been a pouty selfie sent by her that he’d saved to his own photos, only furthering his regret for waking up and leaving. Then walking in and seeing her smiling at another man- he was feeling cagey. He knew that they weren’t an official couple but fuck, she was his. She knew that too. 
Her fingers worked quickly to take it off, the leather hitting the ground with a thud. “Good. Now take me out. I want to feel your throat.” He released her from the kissing, lowering her to her knees. It seemed she knew better this time than to test him. 
Bunny knew how he’d be and that’s why she sent the texts. Of course the jealousy had been a bit of a curveball but maybe the toxic bit of her was surfacing again, making her panties damp as she popped the button of his jeans. It was a weirdly powerful feeling despite being on the floor. She held the power and the pleasure for him, she’d make him moan. 
He was hard in her hand, hot to the touch as she gently tugged him from his pants. Never had she seen a cock quite this pretty, making her mouth water as she licked from his balls all the way up to his tip. “Anything you want.” She purred, laying her tongue flat before tapping it against it. Bunny knew he was the most expressive during sex and it sent a thrill up her spine as she watched his eyes hood, hand wrapping around the base to feed her his prick. 
“What I want is to feel this nasty mouth you like to run so much before I peel those leggings off of your body and fuck your cunt sore.” He said through gritted teeth. “Mmm… thatta’ girl. C’mon.” A handful of hair was in his fist, pulling her closer on him until he felt her nose brush his stomach and felt her throat choke on him a little bit. “Fuck- yeah, that’s what I want.” He only left himself there for a few seconds before pulling back and letting her cough a little before rubbing the tip over her lips. “Give me a smile, since you’re so fond of handing ‘em out to everyone here.” His eyes darkened. 
Bunny knew that was a bright red flag, but she had lots of her own considering she liked how he was getting with her. Curling her lips in a smile, she ignored the string of spit on her chin as he rubbed over her lips. It was filthy, really, a little fucked but isn’t that what they were? 
“Gorgeous. Y’look so pretty with my cock, Little Bunny. Think you should be on it all the time.” He commented, watching her purse her lips to give his tip a kiss. Fuck- why was that so fucking cute? 
“Could have done it sooner if you’d have given in.” She batted her lashes at him. As if he didn’t know and slightly regretted waiting. It had been hard for him to keep the boundary of his best friend's sister, but it was gloves off now. 
“Yeah, know you were gagging for it when you plopped yourself in my lap at that party… should’ve given it to you then. But we can make up for lost time, can’t we?” He cooed. “Open.” 
Bunny followed the order, letting him push back in and giving him suction as he thrust into her mouth. He really was worked up and she could feel it with his cock pulsing against her tongue. His eyes were glued on her, watching himself slip in and out of her willing mouth. “Broke lots of speed limits coming back here. Knew you’d be willing to take me.” He rubbed her cheek with his thumb as he pressed the tip up against it, feeling himself in her mouth. Fuck, it was nasty but it was hot. He watched her eyes close as he did it, groaning deep in his throat before he pushed her back down on him, letting her nose hit the thatch of hair at his groin for a few moments before pulling up. 
“I can’t wait. I need to fuck you.” He grunted, pulling her back up and kissing her again. “What are y’doing t’me, hm? Making me go crazy, drive insane jus’ go get back here to sink right back into the pussy that took me so good last night…” fingers grabbed her leggings and tugged at the waistband and panties combined. Usually he’d take more time peeling her out of things but he needed to be inside of her now. 
He took charge, bending her over the bed and letting out a whistle as he tugged the fabric down further. She had a light bruise on her ass and it sure as fuck was from him. “Fuck me… got my bruises on a gorgeous girl. You do so well for me, Bun.” He ran his hand over it in appreciation before kicking his pants off, letting them crumple on the floor. 
“Good.” She whispered, pressing her face into a pillow she’d tugged down. “Fuck me, Harry. I deserve it.” She wiggled her hips to try and entice him- as if he wasn’t hard as nails. 
“No, I don’t think you do for teasing me. You’re lucky m’not in the mood to properly punish you.” Maybe he’d deal with that later, but he was far too gone to worry about anything than feeling her wrapped around his prick. He could see she was a little sensitive, puffy from last night’s activities, but that only made it better. “Poor baby had a pounding last night, didn’t she?” He cooed, condescending as he clicked his tongue. “M’not going easy on you. Want you to yell my name.” 
So maybe he was still bothered about seeing her smiling at someone else. Maybe it reminded him that he wasn’t her only option and plenty of people would be better for her- but he was a selfish bastard and was going to use up every single morsel of her time that he could get. 
There was no warning as he began to fill her, making her mouth fall open. Harry wasn’t easy to take, but she was lucky that she loved the stretch. Toes curled and eyes fluttering shut, Bunny knew that no one else would ever fill her this good. No one else could possibly compare to this feeling. “Go on. Let them hear who’s fucking you.” 
Bunny had known he’d be a bit irritated when he got home, but she hadn’t anticipated the jealousy. Sure, he was a possessive person but getting worked up over her smiles? It was a new thing, something she was definitely going to explore when he wasn’t so cagey. His cock knocked the breath out of her as her throat expelled a keening noise, eyes rolling back as he did it again. 
“Perfect fuckin’ pussy, baby. M’not sharing this.” He growled into her ear, caging her in with his body as he fucked her. His hands planted on either side of her head, heat from his body radiating on her body as he filled her. “They can look all they want… But this cunt belongs t’me. Doesn’t it, Bunny girl?” His breath washed over her ear as his thrusts jostled her, the deep filling of her cunt making it hard to think straight. Harry may have his flaws, he may be known as Reaper, but he knew how to fuck. How to make a girl feel like nothing mattered but his dick filling her up. 
He wasn’t going fast, but it was hard. Deep punches inside of her as she whimpered into the pillow, nodding at his claim. No part of her was regretting taunting him now, not with the feeling of him claiming her in this way making her eyes water from the pleasure. It felt satisfying not only in the fact that she was full, but because of the claim he was laying.
For a second her mind blazed at the idea of it flipped. How she’d feel murderous if someone else had made Harry smile- though it was a much, much harder feat than getting one from her- and her amusement in it faded. “It’s yours b-but…” She gasped as he tilted her head to the side “Your cock is mine.” 
Harry’s thrust stopped for a moment, instead grinding into her cunt as he was fully seated inside of her. He couldn’t stop the groan that erupted from him, cock pulsing inside of her as the possessive growl from the girl underneath him got to him in an unexpected way. Of course it was hers. He hadn’t even been able to think of anything else since she’d begun teasing him at his place all those weeks ago, but fuck. He loved hearing her stake a claim on him.
Where it would have made him break out in hives and get the fuck out of there if it ws quite literally anyone else, it only made him need to pause to hold off blowing his load inside of her too early. 
“Yeah? S’that what my pretty slut wants? Want exclusive rights to my prick shoved up your sweet little holes?” He crooned, grinning as she scowled at him the best she could. “Don’t worry, baby…” Grinding into her, he knew he was against a good spot as she got him more wet by the second. “It can be yours if you’re a good girl for me and stop tryin’ to make me jealous.” It may make his head explode if she did shit like that regularly. 
“I wasn’t trying- Ah!” She yelped as he slammed into her again, sighing in pleasure as she pushed her ass back onto him. “I promise. I promise I won’t do it, jus’ don’t make me share. Please.” 
Harry had to wonder if she had even the slightest clue. If she knew how far gone his brain was for her, how long he’d considered her to be his in his fucked up brain, if she knew how many times he’d have to change the subject in his fantasy when he was beating off. For far longer than she’d realized, she’d been the one he was thinking about while cumming into his fist or the mouth of someone he ditched soon after. There’d been no one but her since this started. Bunny was his focus, his goal, and he had a feeling that would never change. Regardless if she left him in the dust after this was all over and he watched the life drain from her stalker’s eyes. Harry would always be watching, always be pining, always be caring for her. 
“Never, baby.” His voice softened as he kissed the exposed skin of her shoulder. “I don’t share, not you or myself. You feel too good to go and fuck around, yeah? You’re my girl.” Balancing on one hand, he slipped the other between them so he could get her clit, rubbing circles into the puffy, swollen button. The perfect girl under him lets out the sweetest moan of his name, burying her face into the pillow as she arched her back and fucked herself on his cock, as she begged for more. “There you go. M’gonna take care of you, even if you share those sunny smiles with someone else.” 
Her cunt had been his place of escape for a bit now but it never ceased to amaze him how perfect it was for him. Clenched up around his cock, drippy and wet, like it was made to milk each drop of cum from his dick as he slipped in and out of her and his own vision got fuzzy. “Only want to sm-smile at you.” She confirmed, stuttering while he felt her soaking him. Balls and thighs were sticky and wet with her, but there was no other feeling he craved more. 
“That’s my fuckin’ girl, baby. Jus’ lay here and let me fuck you nice and deep, keep saying my name.” He watched as her face turned back to the side, eyes glazed as they did their best to look at him. Her face was the prettiest he’d seen, the one he’d write poems about if he was good at any of that shit. All he wanted was to be the one who got her to smile for him, to get her giggles and her playful digs. It was all supposed to be his, even if he knew he wasn’t good enough for her. No one was. “Give me one of those pretty smiles while you cum on me cock, baby. Let me see it.”
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SVT's S/O Comes Home Drunk! 🤭
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SFW / Nothing explicit, just SVT being (mostly) sweet!
OT13!Seventeen x GN!Reader
OT13 reacts to their partner coming home drunk after a party/drinks with friends or coworkers! Partner is... horny! And silly! Teehee.
Warnings/Content: SFW, fluff (I guess?), mentions of alcohol/alcohol consumption ofc, some members are more protective/possessive than others ... sorry!
Author's note: I just love imagining these boys in little situations, you know? Is it obvious who my biases are? Perhaps. Does that matter? Not to me! 😈 Enjoy! 🤗
Honestly, he's kind of pissed off? He’s feeling protective of you. As you drape yourself all over him in your cute, drunken state, his mind can’t help but imagine you behaving like this and being all touchy-feely with whoever you were drinking with. He gets low key jealous! You can tell he’s upset, which makes you pout, but he gets over it once you start spouting silly drunken nonsense. After he collects himself, he focuses on taking care of you. His jealousy is something he has to work to manage for the sake of your guys’ relationship!
Sooo amused, lol. He would take videos of you being so drunk and silly to show you/tease you about in the morning. You would sloppily kiss him and in your charged state, you'd even attempt to take things further, but he knows that you’re too drunk to really focus. Plus, he doesn’t feel right about doing that kind of stuff with you when you’re this drunk. He is so sweet about it though, allowing some kissing, and subtly inching you toward the bedroom (to tuck you in! lol).
Also finds you soooo cute in this state! He would def take videos and send them to your guys’ closest friends, earning some laugh-crying emojis and commands to put you to bed lol. He would be so sweet tucking you in, and he'd make sure there were hangover cures ready to go in the morning. He finds you being horny when you’re drunk adorable, but he restrains himself. (Gentleman!)
Bewildered. Help him, someone, please. He was already asleep when you came crashing in so he’s kind of like, “Oh boy here we go...” but once you pounce on him, locking lips in a passionate kiss, he feels... differently. He would not mind having some quick drunken sex with you late at night. If he's being completely honest, he's actually kind of turned on by how uninhibited you’re being.
Over the moon. Ecstatic. Elated. Giddy. No word can really capture the feeling he gets when you’re this drunk and cute! And horny, too!? What more could he ask for? You two are insane when you’re both drunk, to the point where your friends actively try to avoid that situation—trying to covertly cut one of you off when you're all out together before you both get unmanagable. So, it’s something of a relief for him that it’s not him who’s being all drunk and silly for once. He definitely teases you and starts getting really clingy, seeing if you’ll pounce on him (which you do!).
He doesn't want to, and he probably wouldn't say anything about it, but he feels protective and worried! As soon as you stumble through the door, he’s wondering how you got so drunk, who you were with, how you got home... so many questions start spinning through his mind. But his mind goes blank when you wrap your arms around his neck and look up at him so red-faced and cute. He can’t help but smile at you being so clingy. You try to initiate some making out but he’s not quite in the mood for that. He's too sweet to outright reject you, so he indulges a little bit. But he doesn’t love to get it on with you when you’re drunk because he’s afraid you’ll get hurt somehow, or not remember it which makes him feel bad. Both “w”s in Wonwoo stand for ‘worrier!” 
Taken aback! At a loss! A bit overwhelmed! He’s not very crazy when he’s drunk, he’s a much more subdued drunk. So, seeing you with so much energy makes him unsure how to handle things, haha. And then you start kissing him, which is... great. Haha. It’s great! He loves kissing you! And you’re not being shy about it at all, which is cute. He would probably stop things before they got too far, but he would make out with you and feel you up a little in this state.
He's finds your drunken habit of being cute and saucy so endearing, haha. He would be very sweet, making sure that you drink plenty of water before bed, indulging your kisses but not going further, tucking you in... he just loves you and is genuinely happy that you had such a fun night.
Haha, he finds your drunken state sooo cute he can hardly contain himself, but he pretends to be sulky about this behavior to tease you! Also, let's be real, he gets really bad FOMO when you come home like this! He didn’t get to drink and have fun with his baby! But you’re so funny to him when you’ve lost your composure like this. Usually he’s the big baby in your relationship so it’s fun for him to see you so whiney and clingy as he teases you for having fun without him. You drunkenly suggest that you make it up to him in the bedroom, and he says he is very tempted, but just softly brushes your hair out of your face and promises to let you do whatever you want to him when you’re more sober.
He thinks you’re beyond funny and adorable when you’re drunk! He honestly doesn’t see you very drunk that often, so he really savors the times that you let down your guard like this! He asks you all kinds of silly questions and laughs so hard at your cute answers, his smile never leaving his face. He can’t stop petting/touching you, and you get carried away snuggling into him. You start to kiss his neck aggressively, which turns him on like crazy, but he stops you before you go any further, saying that his princess needs some water and some sleep first. (He will absolutely destroy your pussy in the morning tho...)
Reluctantly charmed by you being like this, but also low key worried about how you may have acted towards whoever you were out drinking with. He wants to have your touchy-feely side all to himself! He would put a gentle stop to any kissing/physical intimacy you may try to initiate. Even in your drunken state you can tell something is bothering him, but you’re too far gone to try to deal with it so you start masturbating out of spite instead, which makes him scoff at how much of a brat you can be. But before long he caves and helps you finish by eating you out. He will be kind of passive aggressive toward you in the morning tho... Takes a brat to recognize another brat. ;)
He goes into caretaking mode immediately. He'd smile at how cute and ridiculous you're being, for sure, but as soon as you wrap your arms around him, he's picking you up and carrying you to bed. You giggle about this, pulling him down on top of you and trying to get him to stay with you and help you vent some of the sexual frustration you're feeling with the help of all that liquid courage, but he just kisses you sweetly, and then gives you a look of utmost seriousness as tells you that you need to drink water and sleep more than anything else. But he would absolutely stay with you until you fell asleep!
Why he is not drunk with you is anyone's guess but he goes all-in on teasing you! He thinks you’re such a funny drunk. He would def be taking videos to show you in the morning that would make you cringe. He thinks its so cute though!! He would also not hesitate if you wanted to fuck, he feels like you two trust each other enough to do it even when one of you is kind of wasted. Plus you will not stop crawling on top of him, what is he supposed to do!?
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majeoeje · 3 days
Beating heart
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Laios x reader
Just please don’t ever go away
Part 2
“Wake up, hey! Wake up!” Said Laios
You wondered why he was making such a ruckus before you looked down and noticed the ungodly amount of blood that came out from an open wound on your stomach. Out of instinct, you hand reached down to press on the wound to try and stop the bleeding, hissing in pain at the contact
That’s right! you were fighting a monster beforehand… what was it? It was shaped like a horse but it was definitely not a unicorn, let alone a kelpie.. now that you think about it, it looks more like a donkey with the elongated ears..
Before you could recall your memory, your attention finally drifts to Laios. There was a peculiar expression on his face, well it wasn’t something comical like how he usually has, it’s quite different. The slight widening of his eyes, the schrunched up brows and the slightly agape mouth wasn’t something you had ever seen Laios expressed in all your years of friendship.
“You’ll be alright.. just stay still.. Im sure Marcille is on her way!..” he muttered “you’ll be alright..”. He pushed aside some of the hair that sticked to your forehead, perhaps an effort to soothe your pain. Not knowing how long Marcille would take to get here after being separated from you and Laios.
Laios held your bloodied hand, squeezing it tightly that he should while your other stayed still on your wound.
By the tone of his voice you would’ve thought he was saying all these things to assure himself. Was Laios perhaps… Worried?..
You weren’t sure. Sometimes the dim litted candle light can be deceiving, you thought, especially in a dark cave like this. Though you know you needed to do something hearing his endless mutterings
“Calm down, Laios” you said, your voice rendering weaker than you assumed. As you tried to sit more comfortably on the rough surface of the cave
“Why don’t you try that healing spell that Marcille taught you?”
“I’m not sure.. i had healed a scratch sure, but this is something entirely different…”
You opened your mouth to say something encouraging, but the blood that you coughed up instead surely wasn’t helping the situation.
“Gah-Ahh!!” He yelled, you found it ironic how he was the one screaming.
“I’m fine dude you..can do it! No pressure..” You said, weakly pointing a thumbs up.
Your ass is far from fine. And Laios wasn’t stupid enough to not notice.
Despite the growing worry that seeps into his mind. But he was determined to help as always, knowing him.
“Okay.. i’ll try”
You let go of your wound, it seems that the blood that seeps out has slowed down faster than you think. With that thought in mind, you guided both his hand to your stomach, squeezing it ever so slightly.
“Alright, just recite the incantation. I can take it!” You said enthusiastically before gritting your teeth, prepared for a god awful amount of pain that comes in healing magic.
He nodded before he starts reciting the incantation that Marcille had worked so hard in teaching.
And painful the spell it was, as you screamed understandably loudly feeling as if you got stabbed once again with no adrenaline helping you in slightly easing your pain. You held onto Laios’ armor the whole time, not wanting to hurt him while he was trying so hard to focus.
After a while, the pain eventually subsided, being replaced by an unbearable itch.
“I need to sit down” said Laios, feeling a dreadful Mana sickness coming his way
You instinctively pat the spot next to you, an odd habit that didn’t take long for your party members to notice. You guessed you just liked to be seated next to him. Well Laios never complained, even now as he obediently sat himself next to you.
“You did well, Good job Laios” it was evident from the closed wound on your stomach that Laios was starting to get the hang out of magic, it would be a lie to say it didn’t fill you with a sort of pride.
Not long after that sense of pride washed away though was when you noticed how awfully quiet Laios had been. You were worried yes but the cling that he has on your arm was what convinced you he was alright. At least he will be once you gave him a moment. Mana sickness surely is a pain, you thought feeling him shift in his seat to lean against you, muttering something incoherent.
“I’m hearing footsteps coming, i’m sure it’s Marcille, we’ll be alright Laios” you said, before Marcille appeared as if on cue
“There they are!!” She yelled, senshi and chilchuck immediately rushed to help you, while Izutsumi scanned the area for monsters.
You were so relieved they had found you and Laios that you didn’t mind the earnest scolding Chil and Marcille was already spouting to you. Maybe it didn’t help the fact that you smiled through the whole thing, well you were just happy to see them!
The rest of the night went smoothly though, your party had found a spot to rest for the night, and a running water. Aside from that, Laios was recovering on his sleeping bag, trying to endure his headache. You didn’t miss the amount of increased staring on his part though, making you wonder what was going on inside his mind.
But you try not to pay attention, as you focused intently on your night watch.
Hours passed, your eyelids were getting heavier to stay open
“You can go to sleep, i can take over from here” said Laios, you could see him a little clearly now that his features were illuminated with Marcille’s light spell
“Laios, it’s not your turn yet” you yawned, noting how you still have an hour left to your night watch
You look around seeing your sound asleep party, the growing love for them that you gradually succumb to was undeniable.
“I know but you just got healed, you should rest more”
“Well YOU healed me and i know there’s still some remnants of mana sickness in your head” you playfully argued
“Just let me do this for you.”
he said, you were taken aback with how desperate he sounded, it was rather emotional. It was by then that you realized this wasn’t just about the night watch
He looked away.
“Is there something you want to talk about?”
You knew something was up, the growing silence that ensued was nothing but a sure evidence of his troubles.
“Tell me what’s wrong, i’m always here for you” you assured, running circles along his back.
He finally turned to face you. You never knew the golden hues of his eyes could glow in such a solemn way until now.
“What if one day, you’re not?”
The question seem to weigh less to you than it did to Laios.
“Huh?” You were confused, was it because of your accident just a moment ago? He knew that wounds and death didn’t have a severe of an impact as it did in the surface, yet the calm collected Laios could not be more worried in seeing you like that.
“What if by some chance i couldn’t heal you… or even worse you die-“ the sudden pick up of his breath was making you worry. It wasn’t long before he started to hyperventilate.
“I can’t perform a resurrection spell!… i can barely heal your wound…”
“Laios!!” You whispered yell as you smacked him across the face, his hurt expression could be read clearly as ‘what was that for?’ Despite your burning desire to yell at him, you didn’t want to wake the other up with Laios sharing the intention
“You need to calm down..” you held him by the shoulder “i’m alright and i will continue to be”
He looked at you
His heart was filled with so much doubt. It’s not like he was unsure in your strength, rather… it was doubt that he could even bear that sight once more. The thought of you in so much pain was sure to haunt his soul than you would ever know.
You took his hand in yours, placing it on where your heart would be. He could feel the vivid heartbeat on the palm of his hand, the continuous beat of the pumping organ was steady, paired with the slow rise and fall of your ribcage, a concrete evidence that you were here, alive, and breathing.
“I’m here”
You didn’t know if it would work but the steady drums of your heart slowly brought him a peace of mind.
His breath eventually went back to normal, which brings you a sigh of relief
He lets go, opting to shift himself closer to place his ear on your chest, he wanted to hear it clearly, closer.. closer to you. The sudden contact startled you as your arm fell to a stiff not knowing where to put it.
“Your heart rate is picking up” he stated as a matter of factly. As of this moment, you didn’t curse his density to took notice in your behaviour.
“Yeah” you coughed rather abruptly, trying to calm the flush on your cheeks. You were just relieved your party wasn’t awake to see you so embarassed.
You gulped down your hesitance, opting to play with Laios’ soft locks as an attempt to distract your mind. You reminiced on the times where he would pay no mind of his appearance thinking it was a hassle, those were definitely not a good phase he went through, but sometimes you did miss his long outgrown hair after he freshly washed it, you smiled remembering how he lets you braid small parts of his blonde hair as a fragrant scent of mint shampoo would emit from his scalp.
Though you do like his more kept style now, Falin worked hard to learn how to trim his hair after all.
Your train of thoughts soon was cut short when you felt the hold Laios had on you tightening.
“Don’t go. Please don’t ever go away.” He said, repeating his swallowed words from earlier, his voice had found its way to be louder now that he’s calmed down, different from back when he healed you.
You felt guilty to say that your heart swelled in content hearing that. There’s something so incredibly precious to have someone care for you to so much extent that they would feel this way, you were lucky to know you wouldn’t forget that feeling as long as you were with Laios.
“I wouldn’t dream of it”
You hugged him,feeling the tightening grip that he has on your blouse, he groaned slightly feeling the warm embrace, though you kept it short, not wanting to suffocate him.
You and Laios weren’t always together . But even so, the unseperated bond that you had over the years was something that he treasure above all else.
Though sometimes he would dwell on the different path you could’ve chosen. What would happen if you were to accept your betrothal, and get married in that small village? What would happen if his father never kicked him out the house? What would happen if he stayed in the military? What if you never went into that ship alongside him?
Sometimes he could still pick up the smell of ocean in his nose when he recall that fated day. He never thought he could miss someone as much as he did you. A fated reunion, as Falin would say, before he would always brush it off and say it was just some coincidence.
He has only a vague idea of what the future will held once Falin is saved, but truly, he knew he couldn’t imagine a future where he wasn’t with you.
“What type of monster that doesn’t have a heart? Can you tell me about that?” You said, drawing incoherent shapes on his back with your fingers
Well, that surely he could do.
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antianakin · 2 days
Regarding Codywan; which one of the pair do you think would be more likely to fail at self-care, forcing the other to get them into bed, insist they take a break from the planning table and so on?
Cody. 1000% Cody.
For one, Cody is simply younger than Obi-Wan and so is going to have less experience in general, but he's also led an IMMENSELY sheltered life that was full of lots of strict routines that didn't allow him to do much of anything beyond what the Kaminoans allowed him to do. And there is no indication that one of those things the clones were taught was good mental health practices. In fact, you could argue that we have evidence they were explicitly NOT taught mental health practices since I think they tell us in TCW that the clones were told they'd had regular stress somehow engineered out of them. If the Kaminoans believed that, then presumably they wouldn't have felt the need to teach the clones how to effectively HANDLE stress beyond just... pushing through it to complete the objective/mission.
Cody is an incredibly competent person who seems to be pretty steady in a crisis, for sure, but I think he's primarily steady IN SPECIFIC SITUATIONS, all of which relate to battles and war and dealing with authorities. Take him out of that situation and he's probably going to struggle a little more with understanding the parameters of what's expected of him. He'd pick that kind of thing up VERY quickly, but it seems like something all of the clones would have to learn after leaving Kamino. Basic things like how to go shopping or going out to eat, even going to a club and the expectations for the social interactions in those places is going to have a learning curve.
I also think that the clones are probably going to be fairly good at managing physical health because maintaining their ability to do their jobs in that way would likely be something the Kaminoans would have kept in mind, but managing their emotional and mental health would be something entirely new. Like I said, they have been led to believe they don't experience stress and all of its related problems, so understanding what they feel and the best ways to handle it are going to be completely beyond them.
And this is where the Jedi can come in. They're literally intergalactic therapists, this is their bread and butter. Helping the clones understand what they're feeling and how to best manage what's happening to them would likely be one of the first building blocks of trust between the two groups. But there's obviously one Jedi among potentially THOUSANDS of troopers, so they probably start by passing along advice to a few of the higher ranked troopers and hope that it trickles down through the other men. And this could easily lead to some bonding between Obi-Wan and Cody, with Obi-Wan recognizing when Cody is pushing himself too far for too long and learning his tells for when he's tired but can go a little longer vs when he's basically dead on his feet and SHOULDN'T go any longer, or when he's in a mood to listen to advice from someone about getting rest vs when he's in a mental place where that's just not going to be taken well and might actually cause Cody to push himself even harder.
I'll also point out that, despite popular fandom characterization, Obi-Wan really doesn't show any inclination to push himself beyond what he can handle in canon. In what I think is season one of TCW, there's a moment somewhere between Obi-Wan and Anakin where Obi-Wan asks ANAKIN if he's slept and can tell that Anakin hasn't, implying that Obi-Wan probably HAS slept despite the stress of the situation. And then there's Landing at Point Rain where Obi-Wan gets badly injured and proceeds to sit through the majority of the battle. He only gets up ONCE, when it seems like their defenses are about to be broken and he has absolutely no other choice but to fight, and then as soon as reinforcements arrive he immediately sits back down again and STAYS seated even through Anakin and Ahsoka arriving, their mission debrief, and being treated by a medic. Everyone else literally has to gather around him because he refuses to move from his seated position. He never tries to get up and fight when he doesn't have to nor does he seem to avoid or refuse medical aid once it's available. At the end, he keeps leaning on Anakin and Ki-Adi-Mundi as he is led to a ship that will take him away from the field so he can get MORE medical aid and doesn't seem to be refusing that, either.
Even in the context of the films, during the fight with Dooku where he gets badly injured, he stays DOWN after that and lets Anakin handle the fight instead because he knows that trying to get up and keep fighting would just be a distraction. And it isn't that he CAN'T get up, we see him stand up and limp away later, but that there would be very little point in him trying to do so. And he doesn't seem to be trying to hide his injuries after the battle's over, either, he's very obviously limping and holding his arm.
Which isn't to say that Obi-Wan couldn't occasionally choose to pull all nighters if he felt it necessary for one reason or another, or that he would NEVER push himself through pain or exhaustion in certain situations, but I don't think that the fandom characterization of him as someone who can barely take care of himself and constantly hides injuries and avoids medical attention to the point of literally causing himself further harm is consistent with how he's actually shown in canon. We don't ever get to see Cody react to being injured, but given what we know of the clones' upbringing, it just makes more sense to me that Cody would struggle with pushing himself beyond what he SHOULD and with managing his own emotions.
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