#what's your enneagram type lovelies? I'm a 9w8 :)
skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
Enneagram time with the Links!
I'm gonna type the Links from LoZ games I've played, might do Linked Universe too at some point. Anyway! I am too tired to explain the enneagram properly, but essentially it is a personality system that consists of nine different types. They're sorted by their core motivations and fears, and how they respond to the world in relation to that. Check out more info about that here!
Here's a list of the nine types
Okay, personality dweebs, let's do this!
Skyward Sword Link - Type 9, The Peacemaker, for sure. This boy just radiates type 9 energy. Laid back, doesn't seem particularly bothered by much of anything but when he is bothered, oh boy does it show. Is called "lazy" and a "daydreamer," yet he doesn't show traits of actual laziness. The teachers don't lament his lack of work. He's airheaded and unfocused, but he isn't lazy. Has strong feelings, you can see from how expressive he is. He's very empathetic, patient, and kind.
When type 9s are under stress they gravitate towards the more negative traits of type 6 - constantly anxious (always running too late), distrustful or reclusive (can't tell anyone else on Skyloft what's going on).
Link just... I can't put it into words, he just is type 9. As for his wing, I'd go with a 9w1. This Link isn't particularly assertive or looking for challenges, he's far more introverted, has a strong sense of duty and probably prefers the safety and comfort of routine.
Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask Link - Type 1, The Reformer. His sense of duty, his position as Hero of Hyrule, his need to help the world and protect others literally dominates this man's life - and death!! It's clearly important to him as he imparts this ideology to his descendant, the Hero of Twilight. He sticks around as a stalfos to continue his legacy, to train the next generation because his greatest regret was not ensuring the continued protection of Hyrule and ensuring others fulfilled the duty of the Hero as well. He is quiet, reserved, logical, and incredibly intelligent - of all the games I've played, OoT dungeons are the hardest, and this dude figured them out when he was nine.
Type 1s under stress devolve into the negativity of type 4s, they're emotional, they think no one can understand them, they're isolated and just different, ring a bell anyone? This dude is so displaced in time I can't blame him for feeling disconnected from everyone else and bitter about it. He definitely had a phase like this in his adolescence, I'm sure. And when type 1s are growing and at their best, they have the sense of spontaneity and adventure of type 7s, which seems on par with his I'm-going-break-this-horse-out-of-the-stable-by-jumping-over-the-fence-with-her-during-a-race moment.
His wing would probably be a type 2. He has a very kind heart, even if he doesn't express it well, bless him.
Twilight Princess Link - Type 2, The Helper. Compassionate, putting others first always, having a strong need to defend, assist, and nurture others. This Link is a gentle soul, through and through. Until you put him on a battlefield of course, because wow he is the most ferocious Link of the bunch. And that's a thing with 2s! When under stress they are aggressive and overbearing like 8s!
The entire village relies on this guy before he ever even starts his journey. He's already being a hero to his own people, and it has nothing to do with leading or fight, it's just that he goes out of his way to help others. He is so caring and tender and loving, he whittles away at Midna's sharp edges until she warms up to him too.
His wing would probably be a type 1 because he seems very focused on helping the individual more than the group. He's a local country boy who thinks small scale, has a sense of duty to others specifically instead of a sense of building achievements and success.
Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom Link - Type 6, The Loyalist. Committed, security oriented, responsible, anxious. Sounds a lot like our boy, right? His anxieties dominated his life prior to the Calamity until his amnesia wiped those away. Committed? Dude, have you ever seen him leave Zelda's side? This is him to a T. Notably, when 6 is in a place of healthy growth, they act more like a relaxed, laid back 9, which you 100% see in Breath of the Wild. The contrast between Link under pressure prior to the Calamity and Link without the world making demands of him is huge. He and Sky Link would be chill besties is all I'm saying. Type 6s and 9s tend to be good friends.
Did I happen to mention that type 6 is filled with self doubt? This boy doubted his ability to be the Hero so much he let the world decide how he should act because he was convinced he would screw it up.
His wing is definitely a 7. 7s are spontaneous, wild, rambunctious, adventurous, and don't plan a second beyond the moment they're living in. He is absolutely a 6w7.
Sky: 9w1 Time: 1w2 Twilight: 2w1 Wild: 6w7
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Thank you for the opportunity for a Redacted Match-Up! Your questions were too much fun to answer.
I'm fixed on the reprise of "Way Down Hadestown" from Hadestown. The harmonies of the Fates are addicting to hear.
Enneagram Type 8
I don't think I've ever watched a gargantuan Youtube Video Essay, but I'm not sure that would be my flavor. I use youtube for cute animal videos, music, recipes, and comedy videos.
I didn't have an imaginary childhood friend (at least that I recall), but I was imagining stories from a young age.
To fall asleep, I'm a big fan of the "play out scenes/stories you'd like inside your head" method. It's a lot of fun. I think of it as a form of dreaming, especially now that I only rarely ever remember my dreams.
This one is hard because I quite like my name! Hmmm... I like the name Josephine. I think that's the one I'd pick.
"Comforted by Your Feisty Werewolf Boyfriend" is my favorite audio. I like how Milo is so tender with Sweetheart, encouraging them to open up about their day without having to exchange their independence for his comfort.
Guy. For me personally, I feel like there's nothing special about him, like I don't know who he is. All I know is that he's in love with Honey, and that's great, but it's like there's nothing deeper to him, nothing exciting about him.
I could recite The Princess Bride in my sleep.
I would love to be pals with Avior!
I don't know if this counts, but I start to have to search for words when I get extra tired. I'll just "um" and "uh" myself into oblivion, refusing to settle for a substandard synonym even if I can't think of the word I want.
A gas station and drink combo? Is this a regional thing? lol I'm not sure I understand this one. My favorite drink is hot water but I've never ordered it at a gas station. What should I add to it to make it a combo? Ummm... I also like pretzels! So, hot water and pretzels!?
Lots of showtunes to get hyped up!
Stupid, poorly written, predictable Hallmark-esque, made-for-TV holiday movies. I'm not sure why I like them. They are fun and cute and no matter what, you know exactly what's going to happen.
What else? What else?! I need a banger of a fact to end this incredible survey you've crafted... My favorite animal is the zebra.
Thanks again for the offer for a match-up! If you've read through this and none of the Redacted Bois strike you as a good fit (or for whatever reason- I'm sure these are time-consuming to do!), do not worry at all about skipping this one. No problem at all! Hope you are having a great day/night!
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Type Eights are truly some of my favorites types of people. There’s a confidence and strength and determination that comes with an Eight, that I think pairs well and is wonderfully tempered by the easygoing charm of a Type 9w8 like Asher.
That’s why David picked Asher as his Beta and why I think he’d be a lovely match for you. Where you and David and any Eight might think that you’ve got to do everything or it won’t get done right, Asher is a lovely reminder that other people, that he can be depended on and that you don’t need to fix everything alone.
Also, none of the Redacted bois- except for Guy- strike me as musical theatre kids, but Asher is definitely the most open-minded to getting in the car for a road trip and listening to the Ride the Cyclone album in order.
You take me in your arms/ And suddenly there's sunlight all around me/ Everything bright and warm/ And shining like it never did before/ And for a moment I forget/ Just how dark and cold it gets
I wanted to be original and find a cool, obscure showtune that you definitely didn’t already know, but this one just fits too well! The vulnerability and insecurity and joy of loving and being loved by a boy as sweet, warm, and giving as sunshine- it’s also one of my favorite duets~
David was a thunker as a second, because I think he’s a Six, and Sixes and Eights can have this lovely “us against the world” strength and mentality I really admire. Geordi, who I headcanon as a Type Two, would really benefit from your presence and good influence in his life and would also love to watch your Hallmark movies with you.
Note: I would never skip you 💖
Want a match-up of your own? Read this post, and tell me about yourself! 💌
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
Hey, what would you say the significance of wings is? Do you struggle to tell if you’re a 6 or a 7 sometimes? Personally I’ve been torn between 8 and 9 since as long as I can remember discovering enneagram. I’ve got many friends who studied enneagram for years and also struggle(d) to tell between their core and their wing… they are certain it’s one or the other but flip flop between saying which is core and which is wing. This indecision happens most often when one of the types ppl are torn between is Attachment… but I have seen it happen to 7-8 liners and 1-2 liners too. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this.
Wings flavor your core, but ultimately are "ruled" by your core. You are doing it "in service of" your core desires. For example, I do relate to some of the 7 stuff because of being a 6w7 (re-framing, skipping past my feelings, hating negativity, not wanting to dwell on upsetting things, always needing things to look forward to, feeling like there's so much I want to do and not enough time)...
I am a super-ego type through and through, and ruled by "should." My 7 gets ruled over by my 6, who sets the agenda and is much stronger. How 7 shows up primarily on a daily basis for me is to mix a little of itself into my decisions/agenda and also cause confusion.
Like Goblins of Discord said in their 7w6 description, the 7w6 knows there's stuff they "should" be doing -- but that's boring, so I won't do it. The 6w7 knows they should do it, and they usually do it, because the guilt trip becomes too great. 7s are not afraid to self-reward, 6s feel they need to earn rewards (justify it to themselves and others).
When in doubt, strip away the externals and look at the core. 9w8s are withdrawn types who are only assertive to defend their right to be unbothered by everyone else (failing to establish boundaries, then being angry about their lack of boundaries and asserting them too late). 8w9s are assertive types who are only withdrawn in their desire to get what they want (going for it hard, and not wanting others to try to stop them, so they assert boundaries early and in many instances, too soon and too severely, then backtrack later).
The only way to prove your type to yourself is to read deeply enough about the type (in actual books that go in-depth, not YouTube "gurus" or internet forums or brief online descriptions) to identify its mechanisms and introspect long enough to see yourself using your lines not only under stress and growth, but ALL THE TIME. If you are an 8, you will have 5 in your back pocket and a pull towards 2 (paranoia moving toward tenderness and filling needs). If you are a 9, you will see 6 and 3 in yourself (6 second-guessing during stress and 3 determination once you decide what you want). If you are a 7, you will see 1 and 5. And so on.
I don't doubt I'm a 6, because I am super-ego through and through (ruled by should and attentive to other people's needs), assertiveness and gluttony plays second fiddle to my inner guilt-trips and need to be responsible, and I routinely fall into 3/9 behaviors. So I'm sure. :)
If you are still torn between to types three years into your typing journey, you are either mistyped and working on the wrong things or looking for the wrong type patterns or not introspecting enough to see your type playing out in your thought patterns. Once you land on your type, you will feel a deep sense of shame as you unearth the unconscious patterns that have ruled your life. There is an enormous ego resistance toward accepting the most shameful aspects of your core number; often, people either truly do not identify with those things and assume they are at a high health level (nope) or their pride will not allow them to admit to it and they adamantly deny it as being a problem for them, while doing that exact thing all the time (a fact that is highly visible to others).
Sometimes you will find your type and own this shameful behavior but not that one, but if you commit to introspection and working on yourself, you wear down your ego enough to accept later on that yes, this other shameful thing... I also do this. But by the time that happens and you are willing to face it, it no longer feels as devastating to admit to it.
When torn, ask yourself -- which one am I avoiding and which one am I idolizing more? Which one would bare me in a way that feels deeply uncomfortable? By continuing to feel torn between types and see them as equal, are you refusing to admit to a core weakness?
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seelestia · 2 years
hi!! its been a while hehe
FIRST PARAGRAPH i totally agree jsjds
i JUST took a chem test today UGH stoichiometry <<< but my fav is also bio WHAT!! i specifically love genetics, i'd like a job in it someday.
i actually just finished + posted a fic, its a childe fic where childe has to give up the reader for his family. if u find it maybe my identity will be revealed hehe
LOL i hope ur stomach is okay after all that, actually whats your fav drink? mines def water or coffee. AHHHH INFJS THE CINNAMON ROLLS!! how's life as a j? i really wanna be an intj ugh :(
ME TOO!! i mostly do it with mbti BUT WHATS UR ENNEGRAM!! and do u wanna take a shot at guessing mine? if not its okay
i wish i cld add more to this ask but something is demanding my attention very this second n i'm too lazy to rewrite this all.
BUT!! whats ur fav scent? like perfume wise?
have a nice timezone!!
-quill !
quill, hi hiiii! the way i was planning to come online when you sent the ask?? destiny. the fact that we despise chemistry??? also destiny LMAOAOOA. I SHALL PRAY FOR YOUR BRAIN 🙏 and hello??? fellow bio lovers unite! yooo, it's good to know that you'd like a job in genetics because they're super cool 😩 this makes me wanna look back at my notes abt meiosis HELP. tho, i personally love the digestive system! but i think i might just end up taking linguistics or literature courses when i go to uni soon.
(remember me when you get that huge salary, quill. so cash money of you /lh) AND OMG. i think
my fav drink is... iced chocolate. quick, act surprised LMAOAO why is this no different than choco milk 😭 but any types of iced fruit tea are super good imo! water and coffee... quill, you're so self-sufficient and easy to take care of, jfjwkkfkwm. don't be like me, be practical and save money 🚶
CINNAMON ROLLS?? US INFJS?? TY, TY! we are all silly people, i promise. like everything, being a j has its pros and cons: because we make plans and take some time to think for stability + this helps us feel secure knowing how something turns out. but at the same time, it makes us more frigid when it comes to change?? it's not like it'll kill us but most j's can get a little moody/panicky when the plans take a turn — which i do think we can afford to relax a bit more abt 😭 (i talk like a p, but i think it's just the introverted intuition (Ni) in me jfjwjkek) + it takes away our chance to experience how unpredictablity can make things more enjoyable than they seem disorganized!
YEAH! i do more with mbti and cognitive functions too but i recently researched more into enneagram. i personally recc using the sakinorva site if you haven't because they go more in depth >:)
ALSO HI YES. i'm a 9w8! your local and private cheerleader <3 and ofc, i'd want to guess, hehe. hmmm, i think... you might be a type 6?? i got this feeling because of how you said that you wish you could be a j/intj, so i can somewhat theorize that you desire security and stability (which sounds like a 6 to me but again, this is just a silly guess fjjwkdkke.
NO WORRIES! go take care of those things like a boss and a good timezone to ya too, quill <3 thanks for stopping by~ i'll keep a lookout for the childe fic you wrote because ayo, the family vs lover trope??? yes. 👀
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contentgreenearth · 2 years
DISC: S/I Profile; result: S/I (D) slot 29
SOJT type: Ni-f (D<A short primary/long secondary. Auxiliary function appears to be dominant)
MBTI type most resonant: INFJ
What were you like in high school?
I was in the technical center program, and was not in the "in" crowd, or known by many, for that matter
What is your greatest fear? What do you do to address it?
My greatest fear is that I will lose my job or not be a good father to my children. I haven't dealt with it
Was there a time in your life where you felt you hit rock bottom? What was the situation behind it?
I think the time I hit rock bottom was when I was depressed. Things have got better since then
Where would you put yourself on the social spectrum, and why?
I would call myself an introvert, and I think everyone else would agree
What are some things that really bother you?
What bothers me the most is having a famous celebrity brother. It draws attention to me that I don't want and don't like. My weight used to bother me, but I've just learned to accept it
What, would you say, are your biggest strengths?
I'm good at understanding people and expressing kindness, although I'm not expressive through words or emotions, but rather action
What, would you say, are your biggest weaknesses?
I jump to conclusions a lot of times. I also tend to see the bad side of things and complain, rather than see the good side and be thankful
When you switch your attitude between introverted and extroverted, or vise versa, what are you like?
When I'm more extroverted, I take more risks, and I step out of my comfort zone
What was the hardest thing you ever had to do? Why was it so hard?
The hardest thing I ever had to do was to learn to love myself, and "be good to AJ". It was hard , because I feel I must take care of others
What are you like when you're sad?
I suffer from depression, so I'd rather not talk about that
How masculine/feminine do you feel in relation to others of your gender?
I feel average, I'd say. I'm both masculine and feminine in my attitude, and they balance out well
Here's 4 focuses you can have in life: tasks, people, objects and ideas. Which one would be your primary focus and why? Which one would be your secondary focus and why?
People first. They are te basis of most of my thoughts and decisions. I think second would be ideas, because I'm always thinking about abstract , intangible things that have no form
What do you do to have fun?
I don't really have fun. I see life as something where if I work hard, my family will be proud of me, and everything will go well. I need to learn how to have fun, I guess
What was the nicest thing you ever did for someone, and why did you do it?
The nicest thing I ever did was to take care of my family, by providing for their basic needs. I love them , and that's why I did it.
Thanks, AJ, for sharing with us
Additional typologies I've been able to do since:
Big 5: high O, A, N; 50/50 C; low E (RLxAI)
Enneagram: 9w8, sp/sx, 945
Attitudinal Psyche: ELFV
Greek Temperament Blend: Sanguine/Melancholy
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nexyra · 2 years
TOH Enneagram (+ MBTI)
Did anybody ask ? No. Does it make me happy ? Yes. THUS, I will share with you all my current/ongoing TOH typings ✨
I already mentionned this with RWBY but same applies here : I prefer enneagram to MBTI, so not all characters will have my MBTI guess because for several of them I just wasn't really interested in guessing it or nothing really striked me. Anyway, MOVING ON
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Luz Noceda ♦ ENFP 7w6 4w3 9w8 so/sx
From the first few episodes of TOH I already knew that Luz was some kind of 479 (and good for her ! love that tritype & its contradictions). The only question was the order. If yourself hesitated for some time between 7 and 4 : just look at Reaching Out and come back to me. This episode is the epithome of a 7 : a race ahead, desperately busying yourself outside to avoid your internal world. Her 4 is also quite clear : Luz longs to be HERSELF, she's unabashedly authentic but also feels *wrong* in some shape or form for never managing to fit in the Human realm. Her 9 shows easily in the fact that she's simply put a pretty laid-back person overall, and rarely express anger. But most of all she's scared of being a burden and eager to accomodate others when she fears being abandonned.
Eda Clawthorne ♦ ESTP 7w8 8w9 2w3
Her 7 and 8 are both clear : Eda is a very headstrong woman, she fears feeling trapped and she's eager to experience hands-on all that the world has to offer to her. She's playful and curious, and despises the Emperor Coven for restricting others' future and their magic. Her 8 shows in that as well : Eda is concerned with fulfilling her wants & needs in life, and will grow angry when others trying to prevent her from doing so. She rejects vulnerability in most situations and doesn't like to show her cracks to others. If you type her 783 instead I won't mind either and I would get it somehow. But I feel like, even if she likes to brag about being the strongest witch on the Isles, Eda doesn't really care about being respected or admired, and she certainly doesn't base her self-worth on her ability to fulfill others' expectations in any way. She's a caretaker who struggles to let others return the favor to her (reject). If you want me to elaborate on why 2 fix, I know one ep in particular led me to this conclusion but it was probably back in S2A so I would have to look it up.
King Clawthorne ♦ 3w4 8w7 6w7
His typing is made harder by the fact that he's literally 8 years old. I'm unsure of his core, torn between 3 and 8. King's arc clearly focuses on identity & image (heart core) issues. He's grandiloquent, concerned with how he appears to people. BUT not very competency (Competency : 135 triad who tends to solve problems by rejecting emotions and trying to stay objective/detached) He lacks care for what others expect from him. BUT at the same time he isn't raised in a 3ish household, Luz & Eda don't expect much from him so that could be the reason. He starts off as someone who denies vulnerability and tends to overfocus on *his* wants and needs (8). Or at least he DID but he's certainly grown since. He tend to be very reactive to when others go against him. (Reactive : 468 triad who tend to work themselves up emotionally in the face of a problem and want others to mirror that emotional reaction to be sure that they understand the gravity of the situation) BUT AGAIN. He's literally 8 years old. What 8 years old is competent, unconcerned with how he accomplishes his wants, and not at least a bit reactive. THUS, hard to say really.
Hooty ♦ 2w3 core
Lilith Clawthorne ♦ 3w4 1w9 6w5
3w4 and 1w9 are the strongest part of her tritype, I initially typed her as a 1 to be honest but had to switch when she literally asked her mom for congratulations over her folded napkins. She's concerned with getting love & appreciation over her objective accomplishments most of all. THEN she has the rigidty and perfectionnism of a 1 + the desire to make ther world around her (including Eda) fits her vision of what is good. At least in the beginning.
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Willow Park ♦ 9w8 4w3 6w5
not sure what to say to argue here, if you feel differently you can ask for why's i suppose. Willow is overall easy to get along and her integration seems to fit the 9 -> 3 line : letting go of self-imposed isolation, trying to step out of her "background character" life to show what she's capable of. Comfortable with how she's different from others and her ''misfit'' status once she's shown that she's not WRONG but simply different.
Gus Porter ♦ 5w6/6w5? 3w2 9w1
i need to rewatch the Gus-centric ep. there's some stuff that could point to a 5 really : including his absolute *need* to be the most competent in the room, the most knowledgeable, to not be rejected and how it was reflected in his presidency over the human club. but at the same time, "trust" and an inability to trust yourself is a very 6ish theme and so I remain undecided. other than that 3 and 9 are a no-brainer : Gus is a very attachment character : he tends to conform to others expectations and what they consider as good for a variety of reasons.
Amity Blight ♦ 3w4 6w5 1w9 sp/so
Amity is constantly 3ing, just in different fonts. From "best student in the abomination track" to "i'm gonna be the best girlfriend ever". As she acurately explained herself, she was raised under the assumption that "everything is an opportunity to justify existing". In other words, you need to prove that you are worth something, and in her case through concrete and objective measures of success to earn love. ie she's a 3 core.
Hunter ♦ ISTP 6w5 3w2 8w9
i nearly typed him 3w2 but had to switch after Any sport in a Storm and Hollow Mind. The 3 and 6 are both very strong in Hunter, but in the end it's clear that seeing Belos as good and trustworthy played a big part in him feeling safe and secure in his place in the world. And having that certainty shattered really shook him. His 3 is clear as well in the way he is constantly trying to prove himself useful. Some might type him as a Te user because Hunter appreciates rules and authority as he says, but I do believe that this is his 6 speaking more than anything : 6s feel secure when the rules and expectations are clear-cut and out there, they appreciate authority they can rely on. But Hunter's way of fulfilling this when it comes to Belos certainly seemed more Ti-ish. Even while trying to deny the truth, he still had to try and make things logical and rational *to himself*. He doesn't deny the evidence, but tries to make it fit in a framework that fits his understanding of reality.
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Belos ♦ IxTJ 1w2 5w 2w1
Hollow Mind clearly showed that Belos is a 1 and not an 8. Belos has so far always been a controlled & cold villain. He has outbursts but they are directed at others' incompetence or (in Elsewhere and Elsewhen) at witches and what he considers *wrong* : these are 1 reasons for anger, not really 8ish in essence. 1s care about whether the world around them fits their standarts and might enforce them on people. They're the one who will rise to the top to try & make the world fit their idea of what is ''correct'' and will berate people for their incompetence. 8s, on average, will more often be anti-authoritarian because rules are an obstacle to them having free reign over their actions & accomplishing their wants/will. And being the one to establish the rules isn't the 8 go-to solution to avoid being controlled quite as much as people pretend it is. They care about being able to do whatever they want, and do not (on average) get along well with overly rigid structure. As for the 5 : if Belos had a 6 fix, it would have been easy to throw in some 6ish reasonning into his whole cleansing plan : him fearing witches or the unknown or anything of the kind (fitting of his time period). But there's none of that aspect with this character. (although to be fair he does use 6 tactics, but mostly on others) I think 5 is more likely since he does have this tendency to keep all the knowledge & plans to himself, and it's one of his go to way to control others. He has an independant streak but not for 8-related issues (no problem delegating, no problem with rigid structure, no problem weaponizing weakness) rather in a 5ish way (only one to know what is going on, shares the strict minimum, leaves other in the dark to avoid being challenged, emotionally distant & unavailable) As for the 2, the part that would most probably surprise people : The Emperor Coven is an environment that breeds 3 like tomorrow but I do not think Belos himself is one surprisingly. If you look at it more carefully, over the course of the show we have never seen Belos actually SHOW his competency or talents to anyone to garner their appreciation. And he never does really. Instead his tactis always rely on being kind, complimenting others and he downrights sees himself as a savior. He expects gratitude, not respect, and presents himself as good-natured and helpful which brings me to type him as a 2 over a 3.
Kikimora ♦ 6w? 3w4 8w
she acts the way she does because of fear, for her life or her position. she's also driven by her desire for recognition through objective measure of success. As most people in the Emperor Coven.
Darius ♦ 3w4 7w8 8w9/9w8?
another 3 again, the Emperor Coven is annoying like that. that said, I do not think Darius has a 6. He distinguishes himself from characters like Kikimora or Hunter so far in the sense that he respects people with individuality, who thinks for themselves and make their own call in situations. As opposed to mindless obediance, that he seems to disapprove of. He doesn't understand people who lack self-respect (like Hunter) and himself shows a willingness to skirt rules & arbitrary orders in favor of getting some "him-time" or having fun. All of this said, I think he could be either 379 or 378 : he's focused on his wants and willing to fight for them to some extent, and doesn't respect people who fail to do the same and don't respect themselves. At the same time he's a very laidback guy, who doesn't mind just up-and-leaving conversation and brushing off others. And seem keen on preserving his time & energy.
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Edric Blight ♦ 6w7 3w2 9w?
reaching out made him sound like a 2 somewhat but i think it's a trap because if you think about it, edric has never seemed concerned with being a caretaker or feeling needed in a 2ish way. his issue in Reaching out is more about feeling like the brunt of a joke and also incompetent aka 3 issues. like hunter, he says "i can help" but actually means "I'm capable/competent/reliable enough to help." which comes back to more 3ish struggles. I think 3 fix in general is more coherent with the persona Edric presents to the world the rest of the time. Pretending to be more put together, charming & confident than he actually feels deep down aligns more with the 3 tendency for Deceit than the 2 desire to make themselves indispensable through answering others' needs. Also 3s, despite being a competency type and usually seen as confident, are very much dependant on others' opinions & expectations since they're an Attachment type : they define their worth through answering others' expectations, and not fulfilling this aspect f/cks with them.
Emira Blight ♦ 278
this tritype in some order is my best guess but we don't know a lot about her yet. countrary to amity & edric she seems completely unbothered by what others think of her when it comes to her talents or her accomplishments. at the same time, she's clearly the caretaker of the family (healing edric & giving advice to amity while dying her hair). she's confident in her personal worth but still ties herself to her siblings until being almost resentful of how much her life revolves around her twin. she's clearly the more headstrong of the two, seems pretty willful and handles edric with ease. but sorely lacks the rigidity of 1s, she seems (like Eda) more concerned with having her fun and doing what she wants instead. she's also bothered by the fact that her & edric are always together. This is why I think she might be a 7, who dislikes feeling trapped and currently is because her and edric aren't on the same page on the subject. but as the show progress they distinguish themselves more & more so it should be okay for these two.
♦ ♦ ♦
If you're thinking : but where is Raine ?? THEY'RE NOWHERE I'm so sorry I genuinely like them but I have 0 strong opinion about their enneagram so far ?? I need another Raine ep I think before giving my take on it. It's pretty clear that they don't have a 8, and I also doubt they'd have a 3. But other than that ? I'd rather not be hasty and just admit that I have no clue for now.
Don't hesitate to disagree in asks, reblogs or notes as long as you stay respectful. And if you want me to elaborate more on 1 character or another, feel free to ask as well ! Or if you want to ask about background characters I didn't put here.
Good day everyone !
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beepboop358 · 3 years
Hi :) I just wanted to know: what do you think are the MBTI types/Enneagram types of each Stranger Things character? (sorry if you already answered this question) (and also I wanted to thank you for sharing your theories with us, your blog brings me a lot of comfort and joy) (wow this is weird, sorry XD)
Hi anon! I haven't done this yet this sounds super fun! :))
Also that wasn't weird at all, it made me smile so much and made me so happy ahhh! Thank you for your incredibly sweet words, it really means a lot to me <3 and I'm so glad I can bring you comfort/joy, I feel honored lol :) Sending love 💕
(if you're not familiar with mbti/enneagram types, here's links that explain what they mean, MBTI letters explained & enneagram explained)
Will: INFJ & 4w5
Jonathan: INFP & 5w4
Mike: ENFJ & 6w7
Max: ESTP & 8w7
Eleven: ISFP & 6w5 (eleven was the hardest for me to decide on)
Lucas: ESTJ & 8w7
Dustin: ENTJ & 7w6
Robin: ISTP & 9w8
Steve: ESFP & 2w1
Nancy: ESTJ & 1w2
Erica: ENTJ & 8w7
Joyce: ENFJ & 9w1
Hopper: ISFP & 8w7
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amai-no-ura · 3 years
I think I'll do Sorting hat typing for characters from Given. I just finished watching and reading it (anime, movie, ova, manga to latest chapter) and I REALLY love the story.
First, as a gay person, I have quite antagonistic stance about BL and yaoi in general because most of them fetishize and romanticize gay relationship. Like, gay sex has to be that sliva-filled affair. Please, that's ... yuck! or how relationships have to revolve around bottom being harassed by top. There is a difference between dating and coercion, you know?
But this series blew me away. First, I'm a music lover and I'm aiming to be guitarist so the story about music AND relationship sort of hooks me right in. Then, the character developments. First between Mafuyu and Ritsuka, this is what I'd call realistic gay relationship development. Especially if one party is late bloomer (Ue...), it's not that Ue turns from straight to gay, but rather he discovers that he is gay because he meets Mafuyu and the fact that their relationship is not sexual even after they date (only one very brief kiss near the end of anime and another brief kiss after they date). And the fact that this story is about healing, trauma and relationship makes it even better. This is like, I don't know what to say. I just love it. Then another couple, Aki and Haruki they also develop quite well. But I shan't say no more. For I'll spoil everything.
Oh, and songs were great too. Frankly, without this anime, I'd never try getting into music again and I'd never settle my past without it. It kinda heals me too. So I'd love to pay it some respect.
Ok, brief mbti and sortings. (full version later, I'll indulge myself by watching and reading them all again first ><)
Mafuyu: INFP 9w1 sp/so. Double Badger.
Ritsuka: ISTP 6w5 sp/so. Badger-Bird.
Akihiko: ESTP 9w8 sp/sx. Double Snake.
Haruki: ESFJ 2w3 so/sp. Double Badger.
Ugetsu: ISFP 4w3 so/sx. Lion-Bird.
Hiiragi: ESFP 7w8 so/sp. Double Lion.
Shizusumi: ISTP 9w1 so/sp. Exploded Snake primary-Bird secondary.
PS. No, I will not sort Yuuki. As much as I like him, he doesn't have enough screen time to explore his motivations and methods. Enneagram and mbti wise, from his brief screen time after episode 9, I'd say he is ESTP 8w7. He said the sea was killing him (well, it's winter, so ...) but after Mafuyu said it's his first time coming to the ocean, he immediately said "Ocean is great!" to which Mafuyu replied something along the line "lying is your second nature isn't it".
That's low Fe talking, which also shows just how much he cares about Mafuyu. But he definitely isn't high Fe (FJ) but high Se, so I think he's ESTP. His friends describe him as domineering and larger than life, and to the end, it was his anger and pride that ... "that" him. His reactivity and volatility lead him to "that".
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sunfoxfic · 3 years
also would love to hear about miraculous and the enneagram
The place where I'm going to start out is with myself. I am a type 4. That makes everything I'm about to say very, very ironic. If it sounds like satire at any point, that's not intentional.
But I once saw a Miraculous Enneagram analysis which put Marinette as 4. And I could not disagree more. I genuinely do think that most people don't really understand what makes a 4 a 4 (or, really, what makes any type). It's not about the traits, at the end of the day. It's not about your childhood trauma or your greatest fear or whatnot. It's about the way you think. How do you process your surroundings and decide to respond? That establishes your type. And that often manifests in similar ways between folk of the same type. But at the end of the day, I'm not a 4 because I'm creative or independent, I'm a 4 because I think like a 4, and I'm creative and independent because I think like a 4.
Which means I often see characters that I identify with the most sorted not into 4 because people never get down to the root of how a 4 thinks, or vice versa.
Marinette is not 4. I say this as a 4, but so much of what we do is in this uphill battle to be understood when we feel incomprehensible. It's the great contradiction: We want, so badly, for someone to understand us, but we refuse to believe that anyone can. We feel different than the people around us. Not really "normal girl with a normal life" type stuff.
Marinette is a 6. Backup plans for backup plans that she creates in hopes of getting that anxiety out, but really it just eggs her on, makes her create backup plans for backup plans for backup plans. Her brain is going a mile a minute, which is why she's similar to a 4 in that she's creative and passionate -- she needs to be creative for the sake of her anxiety. She needs to protect. She needs to trust. She needs to feel secure. She's at the center of the thinking center, the brain center, the fear center.
Adrien is a 2: He believes that he can only feel loved when he's giving love to others, and he has an impossible time accepting love back, because feeling loved is in the action of giving love, right? Besides, he is really doing enough. He needs to do more, to sacrifice himself, to give more than he can spend, because if he isn't, what does it matter? He's at the start of the feeling center, the heart center, the shame center. He also has a notable 3 wing, as demonstrated by how easily he finds it to put on masks and become the person he must be.
Now, other characters get more into headcanon-y territory, but I'll elaborate on any of them if asked:
Alya: 4w5 (arguably 4w3 but she's the character I project onto so I'm saying 4w5) Nino: 9w1 Luka: 9w1 (it's not intentional it just happened) Chloé: 3w2 Kagami: 5w4 Zoé: 7w6 though I'm open for discussion Master Fu: 9w8 (this one I will throw hands about)
Anyway have a wonderful day anon
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soleilsuhh · 3 years
fayeee hihihi!! it's honestly been soo long since i properly interacted with many of my friends here and obviously you are one of them as well🥺 how have you been lately? are you done with uni? i just started uni about 3 weeks ago and it's really a mix of excitement and anxiousness, although you can bet excitement triumphs. but I couldn't come here that often which made me miss this place too much really😔 therefore I'm binge reading your posts tonight for old time's sake✌️ but how are you really?
i've also tried reading more into enneagram and the more I read the more I think I might be a 2. what was your type again? has it changed yet? 🤭 anyway I hope you're having a great day and take care of yourself💜
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stephhh !! <3 hi lovie it’s been quite a while i’ve missed you :( <3 congrats on starting uni ! oh i get you yeah, it’s wonderful that you’re more excited ! i’ve been good actually ; im not sure when i can start my final year though, given the situation in my country. but i’ve been busy with tutoring, taking extra classes online, and lately ive also started learning korean, so i haven’t been that active on tumblr as well these days </3
aaa i think type 2 suits you so well ; just very warm and soft, nurturing vibes <33 hmm i believe the last time i took the test, i was a 9w8 ! thank you for coming to talk to me, angel; it’s lovely to hear from you <3 take care. lots of love ! 💕
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So, I sent you (@disgruntledspacedad) a pretty long ask a while ago (back when you had anon on) and I'm decently sure Tumblr ate it (or maybe you ignored it, in which case, feel free to ignore this one as well). But then I saw one of those "writers appreciate feedback no matter how long" posts, so I'm back here. Here is my mediocre attempt to rewrite my original review of your work. Bear in mind that English is not my first language, so if at any point my phrasing sounds weird to you, you know why. Mandatory disclaimer/apology: this might get a little too long 😅
I remember being SO mad at myself for not finding this sooner. I binge read it one afternoon with no thoughts for any real life responsibilities I might have had (and no regrets). Javiears is one hell of an unconventional relationship in the beginning, and I really love what you did with them. The whole premise of your story is quite refreshing, and you somehow manage to convey the trust and mutual respect there two feel for one another without explicitly showing us the beginning of their "entanglement".
Also, fuck you for what you did to poor Emilio, that man was a saint and he deserved better! I honestly can't believe that I got so attached to a character that appeared so little in the story, but it happened, and his death kind of broke my heart.
But the Javiears reunion + mild confession was lovely, and felt completely deserved. And of course the sex scene. I won't lie, I expected a bit better from Javi there, but I did like how utterly /human/ it was. Capturing that humanity, the imperfections in each character is something you're really good at (more on that later).
Ah, my emotionally constipated babies who really need to work out their communication issues. I do love them, though. And this short series did a really good job of delving a bit deeper into Ears's and Javi's psyche. Kudos to you for dealing with the medical "aftershocks" of living through an explosion AND using that experience to move your emotional plot forward. These two need to grow a lot before they can get to a stable point in their relationship, and you really manage to convey their insecurity and fear of commitment/intimacy while making it clear that they're in it for the long run and that theirs is a relationship that WILL work out so help them God.
Ouch. Punch me in the gut while you're at it, why don't you?
But seriously, "If I Fall" is SO FUCKING GOOD. Don't get me wrong, it's angstier than an image of Jesus on the cross (don't judge me, it's Holy Week and I just got home from accompanying my grandma to church), but it somehow works beautifully. You, my dear, play heartstrings like they're a fucking guitar and I AM HERE FOR IT.
You're doing an amazing job at making me feel everything these characters are feeling, which is both awful (bc pain) and impressive.
Also, if anything happens to Ana I will cry, because she is adorable and wonderful and has suffered way too much already and really deserves a break and some cookies.
Also also, if anything happens to Ears I will cry, because she is badass and wonderful and has suffered way too much already and really deserves a break and some cookies.
Also also also, if anything happens to Javi I will cry, because he is loving and wonderful and has suffered way too much already and really deserves a break and some cookies.
Basically, I am really invested in the well-being of these characters and can't wait until they're happy and safe again (please tell me they will be, my heart can't handle much more pain).
A quick note on the angst complaints: yes, this story is way angstier than most other fics out there and it can be a bit too much at times, especially considering how many chapters of pain it's been. BUT it's obvious that "If I Fall" NEEDS this amount of angst to get where it's going, to send the message it wants to and to properly develop its characters. The pain is as important to this story as flour is to bread. You may not like eating flour on its own (I don't think anyone does), but you love bread (because bread is amazing) and you must recognize that bread NEEDS flour to work. It wouldn't be bread otherwise. And eating the flour as part of the bread even makes you like the flour because the bread is just DELICIOUS.
I fully understand and sympathize with the people who have elected to table "If I Fall" until it's completed so they can binge read it knowing there's a happy ending in sight, but in case you're feeling a bit self conscious about all the angst, please know that your story is beautiful not in spite of the pain, but rather /because of it/.
PS: No, I'm not high/drunk, I just really like bread
Silly thing to comment on, I know, but I do feel like it's important that you know how useful your ANs have been. There are many details in the story that I simply wouldn't fully get without reading your comments at the end of each chapter, and I appreciate your writing a hell of a lot more knowing how deeply you understand and care for each one of your characters. Plus, it is obvious how much work you've put into researching a country and a time period that are (from what I gather) unfamiliar to you, and I really do believe you've done an amazing job of it.
My boy. I love your characterization of this complicated character, and I have eagerly read each and every one of your headcanons about him. I can't really say if your version is fully faithful to the source material because it's been a while since I saw Narcos, but your Javi most definitely reads like a real person. He's fairly consistent as a character, and I feel like everything he does is perfectly natural for him to do as a character. He makes for an unconventional yet deeply interesting romantic lead, and so far I have thoroughly enjoyed all his POV chapters/scenes.
I know you've gotten some flack for making her into an OC halfway into the story, and while I get why the sudden change may have felt like a disappointment for some, I don't share that sentiment. I firmly believe that this fandom is unfairly harsh towards Original Characters and their creators, and I don't really understand why. Listen, I love Reader fics, and consume many Reader fics. I have read dozens, maybe even hundreds, and I can safely say that I've only ever "inserted" myself in approximately 10% of those stories. Reader characters are not as blank as their writers may want them to be. They can't be. They're characters, and character have personalities and moral values and senses of humor and a bunch of other things. Reader characters may not have a backstory or a physical description attached (and even that's not guaranteed), but they're still characters.
And on a more personal note, pretending they're actual blank slates is naive at best and insensitive at worst. Reader characters are American coded 99% of the time, and white coded 95% of the time. Not every readers is white nor American, even if that's the predominant demographic on Tumblr. When I read a JavixReader fic about a woman who speaks exactly zero Spanish, I know she's not me. The story may be beautifully written and have an amazing plot and character development, but the Reader *isn't me*. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that, and some of my favorite xReader stories feature a "reader" who couldn't be more different from me, but it's something that enemies of OC fics should take into account. Particularly if they are white and/or American. But I digress.
Your character is amazing. She's strong, smart, confident, independent and an all-around badass. She gets kidnapped while pregnant and still focuses on problem solving and survival. But she's also overly guarded and mistrustful, and really needs to work on her communication skills. There are times when I absolutely love her and even admire her, and other times when I want to whack her with a slipper. She's no Mary Sue, but remains interesting and likeable throughout the story. She feels wholly human and real, and that's no easy task. I like her, I am invested in her, and I can't wait to see what's next for her. She's a compelling and three dimensional protagonist in a complex story who never fails to draw me in. I love her. She's your baby, and you should be proud of her.
Also, quick question about personality types: I know you've typed Javi as ESFP and Ears as ENTP (100% agree on both, btw), but have you given any thought to their enneagram types? I personally have always seen Ears as being somewhere on the thinking triad, maybe a 7 or even a 6w7, but I'm not too sure about Javi. 9w8 maybe? He could also be a 6w5 🤔
Basically, I love your story, your characters and your writing in general. You are a fantastic storyteller and wordsmith. You get into the heads of incredibly different characters personality-wise (Ears, Javi, Berna...) and manage to capture all of their complexities and quirks every single time. And it doesn't feel like it's something innate for you either. To me, it seems that you have put a lot of work and effort into understanding each and every one of your characters, who they are, why they do what they do and what they want. And let me tell you, all that effort has been more than worth it. "Better Love" is a fanfic, but it wouldn't be out of place in a regular bookstore, if I'm honest. I don't know what you do for a living or if you've ever considered writing professionally, but you clearly have the skills and the drive to create some masterpieces.
You are amazing and your writing is a gift. Thank you for sharing it with us, and have a nice day! ~ 🍪
My friend, I apologize for hoarding your first ask. I’ve been sitting on it because I’m not gonna lie, I enjoy going back and rereading it. It gave me a lot of comfort when I was in a pretty dark place, both personally and in regards to my writing, and I was reluctant to send it out into the the abyss of Tumblr where I might never see it again. 
That’s not fair, though. You put just as much effort into sending me that review as I put into my writing, and I apologize for never responding to you.
Okay, anyway, so twice now, you’ve made me cry. In a good way, I promise! 
I absolutely love your bread/flour metaphor. It made perfect sense. I want the emotional release of Javi and Hannah’s reunion to be earned, and in order to do that, the angst has to come first (there are also a few plot “ingredients” that have yet to make their appearances). Thank you very much for understanding that, and for voicing it so eloquently.
I appreciate your comments on my research and characterization. You’re correct that I’ve put a lot of time and effort into crafting a universe. In a lot of ways, I’m doing my best to stay true to the source material (regarding culture and timelines in particular), and in others, I’m branching into my own territory. 
On that note, I’ve never once regretted fully embracing Hannah Aarons’ identity as an OC. She’s stayed consistent in my mind from the beginning, and it was a relief to finally share my vision of her with the audience. And for the record, I totally agree with you regarding “reader” characters. Every reader insert echoes the perspective of their author, no matter how vague the physical description. I can only imagine how grating that must be from the perspective of a non-white, non-american reader. Thank you so much for sharing your insight! I will certainly keep it in mind the next time I write a “reader insert” fic.
Okay, enneagrams! I am much less familiar with enneagram than I am MBTI, but I agree 110% that Javi is a 9 with a strong 8 wing. I waffled back and forth on Ears a little, but eventually landed on 8w7 for her. It came down to the eight’s deepest fear, which is being controlled. That’s Ears all over, and the fact that she and Javi share that eight willfulness means that they might butt heads a little, which also seems very appropriate for them. Big thanks to @remusstark for her insight into the eight frame of mind - our conversations helped solidify my decision on this. :)
Anyway, I’m just rambling now. The big take-away point that I want you to get is that I am so, so grateful to you, both for your insightful feedback and your dedication in making sure that I actually saw it. You are an absolute gem and a deep thinker, Cookie-Anon, and if you ever feel like sliding into my DM’s, I’d welcome the opportunity to get to know you better.
Mad love and soft hugs, 
~ Jay
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Trying to figure out Enneagram. It's confusing and throwing my MBTI type into doubt too. Female, in my 30s. I need tasks and situations to make sense or it annoys me, I don't like thinking about feelings because they're annoying and get in the way. Almost no interest in "causes" and not bothered by bad news stories though of course I'd rather they not happen. I'm not happy in sit-down jobs and can't play office politics worth a damn, never been good at extended chit-chats. (1/7)
Instead I'm probably thinking about what's around me, what I need to do right now or in the near future, spotting and solving problems. I'm good at that, how to maximize what we can stock on shelves or the quickest way to get the receiving dock organized. Best at work when I'm moving, something physical and thinking too. Boring sit-down work or slacking off to talk about vacations doesn't do it for me. At home... yeah, there my organization skills and follow-through go out the window. (2/7)            
           I'm bad at following through on routines and personal plans when I'm not seeing progress - "maybe it'll pay off in a year!" uh-uh if there's no evidence of progress I'm out. When I DO see improvement and know what I'm doing is working I can be persistent but I need to know I'm not spinning my wheels. I'd typed as ISTP, and my behavior is really 9w8-ish I think. I'm not confrontational, most things slide, but I will snap at someone or put my foot down if they push me WAY too far (3/7)            
and I'm certain they're wrong. It takes a lot. Problem is that I don't really want harmony and serenity or whatever - boring. My real fear is that I won't accomplish anything important in life, that I'm not worth anything because I haven't earned it. I don't care about love as long as I'm respected and people think I've done well. And, well, I failed at that. Dropped out of college at 19 because I didn't want to be there, and that definitely put me on the wrong track. (4/7)            
           Most of the classes were pointless requirements, I wasn't working and earning any money, and I didn't know what to major in anyway."Whatever you want [but you'd better guess right!]" I hate that game so much, I don't have any really strong interests anyway, I just wanted a good life path. Leaving was my own dumb decision. And I hate how little I've done and am still trying to find a way up. (5/7)    
At least I do have a job and it's not the worst, but isn't something that brings much pride. Nobody cares, even if my physical ability is good for my size. "I can stack 70-pound boxes and I'm 5'3"!" Yeah, maybe if I was in the UFC it would count, being mildly powerful like this doesn't. It's like I have the fear of a 3 but not much confidence or real achievements to back it up so I respond like 9, withdraw and avoid conflicts so I don't make things worse. (6/7)     
Summed up: I know ISTP and 3 don't mix, ISTP 9 could work but it should be 9 fear and not 3 fear driving it, and I either have my type wrong or am missing something important on Enneagram (or both?). It's bugging me because it doesn't add up and it's not like I have any hard data to figure it out with. Any help would be much appreciated. (7/7)      
I’m not sure from this, but my guess is you might be an ESTP in which case 3 is very much on the table. You describe some very impulsive choices, and someone your age who’s an ISTP would likely have some decent Ni at this point and be better able to work with long-term results. The fact that you’re fairly nonconfrontational might have led you to mistype as an introvert, though again there’s not enough for me to be confident. It’s also worth noting that 3 disintegrates to 9 which fits the behavior in the 6th paragraph very well.
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
I'm really sorry Charity. I have something I would love to talk with you. Since you have ENFJ friend and father, I think you understand Fe with Ni more than me. And hopefully, this will be the last time I inconvenience you. I really apologize! Out of curiosity, sometimes I feel I'm not Fe enough to be Fe-dom...
I read everything you wrote and nothing has changed my mind about you being an EFJ. You have a lot of stereotypes, assumptions, and presumptions about what it means to be an EFJ and are judging yourself too harshly in the process of self-comparison (you aren't nice enough, considerate enough, or caring enough...). You claim to be cold and have harsh views and not care about people or want to listen to them, then two paragraphs later admit that you base your sense of self-worth and identity on what they think and say about you, you reorganize your agenda to fit theirs, you champion things on their behalf that don't involve you in any way. All of that is EFJ. If you can't detach from your emotions, all your self-worth is reinforced or torn down by other people and how dependent you are on what they think about you, etc., you are EFJ. Being an EFJ doesn't mean you care about small talk, remember someone's birthday, want to hear about their problems all the time, give up your own views just to fit in, or even persist in your goals. It doesn't automatically make you "nice" either. What it means is that you care about what others say and feel about you, you feel responsible for humanity on the whole, and you struggle to separate your own needs and wants from the demands others place on you.
Lastly, it's useless to envision an imaginary situation and how you "would" respond to it (like someday when I have kids, I won't sacrifice my agenda for them!) because it's impossible for a single person to know how being a parent is going to change them and restructure what they value as important. The fact that you did that to argue against an ENFJ shows you are an intuitive, because you imagined a scenario and reacted to it as if it were really happening, placing your present self over the future version of you (which doesn't exist yet). This shows a lack of attachment to reality (low sensing function) in favor of conjuring up fantasies and treating them as reality.
I don't see any reason to doubt ENFJ.
You asked about Enneagram types and if you could be 9w8. I don't know. I could see 9 (and that's what's lending you numbness and detachment -- in those "I ought to react more to this than I do" fears that you aren't good enough to be an EFJ) but there's so much super-ego self-judgment (I am not nice, kind, considerate enough to be an EFJ...) that I suspect a 1 wing. :)
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hoidn · 3 years
I love your Pride and Prejudice Types & Signs post and keep coming back to it. If you don't mind, could you tell me what type you think Colonel Fitzwilliam is?
oh, thank you! typing fictional characters is a weird little hobby, but it's mine. :)
do you know i've never even thought about colonel fitzwilliam? i'm a bit ashamed of myself about that tbh. i've got mary and kitty in my spreadsheet but not him. what the h*ck, self?
so without doing any research whatsoever i'm inclined to think he's an enneagram 9w8. the rest i'll to have to do my homework on, and so... *portentous music*
to be continued...
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
Hey, good day to you hopefully, I was wondering if you were going to type some of the new characters from Stranger Things when you have the chance to watch it, or if at least you'd update Nancy's type. I think I remember you saying she was an EFJ when saying people confuse Fe and enneagram 3.
I always kind of thought she was an ENFJ and I hope I'm right, but I have seen ESFJ and both ETJ for her. I'd love to hear your thoughts anyway.
I binged it all on Friday and then started over on season four because it's just that good and my brain overloaded on so many plot lines. ;) The villain is an INFJ 5w4, which is interesting. I think Jonathan's friend is an ISTP 7, and the D&D master is maybe ENTP 6w7/7w6. Dustin's girlfriend is an obvious INTP, lol. El's doctor is an INTJ 5w6. And Murray is, of course, a 6w5 sp/sx. I will get around to some new typings soon... they are rather spoiler-heavy so I don't want to accidentally ruin the twist for anyone. :P
Nancy seems like someone who handles a crisis efficiently through immediate action and risk-taking, but who struggles to identify or give weight to her own feelings, so I think ENTJ. She has hunches where she knows she's on the right track, but not where they are leading, but I see strong problem-solving skills and a methodical approach to gathering the facts of the situation and taking steps to resolve it, which suggest strong Te. She is also clueless about her own emotional state -- she doesn't admit to her feelings for Jonathan until Murray points them out to her, and in season four, she is unwilling to admit that she's jealous of Robin and Steve. Inferior Fi. I think Mike is an EFJ and they are very different -- he reacts with emotions all the time (LOUD ones) and she just frowns a little and then decides what to DO about things. (He rants and rages, she puts up with sexism in the workplace to get ahead in her career. ;)
I'm also undecided about Robin. She's either ENTP or INTP. She overall seems Ti-heavy, but I see no Si whatsoever and she's so loud, extroverted, and enthusiastic this season, she could be Ne-dom. (Not gonna lie, along with Dustin and Steve, she's my favorite. ;)
A few recent changes made -- El is a 9w8 rather than a 6, and Max is a 6w5 instead of a 6w7. How she pulls away from everyone after her brother's death and tries to handle things herself is "withdrawn" wing. That seems to be the biggest difference between 6s -- the 6w5 withdraws to be alone and do things themselves, the 6w7 gathers their friends and relies on them more.
OMG. This season was INSANELY GOOD. I saw the big reveal coming before it hit, but how they did it was SO GOOD it left me in awe. But I will say it's not perfect. The first three episodes are pretty slow, but after that? Episode 4 in particular is such an emotional sucker-punch, I can't wait to rewatch and savor every exquisite moment of the end. It almost made me cry. Damn, they are good.
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
What do you think is this person's mbti and enneagram?
He is my boss. I wanna know out of curiosity and because I'm his personal assistant now ... so knowing that might be useful? But it's mostly just me being curious. [...] I initially think he is ExTJ 8 so/sp but I'm not sure about his perceiving functions and wings at all.
He sounds like an ESTJ 8w9. I don't see NiSe.
What's your opinion on Sandman? It's like my most favorite series currently. I love how abstract and conceptual the story is. And I particularly love that Lucifer vs Dream part, it's so COOL!
I found it extremely creative and mentally stimulating, even if I didn't like some of the content (episode five :P). It's so very abstract in a delightful way, it inspired me to do a lot of my own writing. I loved the episode with Death in particular; that was brilliant writing.
And about John Dee, do you think INTP or ENTP 1w9 actually exists in real life? I know in fiction anything is possible, but what about in the real world?
I honestly don't know about INTP 1w9, but I don't think ENTP 1s exist.
I know one "potential" INTP 1w9*, but he's autistic so I don't know how much crossover there is between the moral rigidity / righteous anger of a 1 and the moral rigidity / black and white thinking of someone with Asperger's. It's possible he "is" a 1, simply because of his autistic behaviors; predisposition toward rigid thinking ("Another form or rigidity is moralism, a kind of self-righteous and inflexible adherence to nonnegotiable moral principles that is often out of context with practical reality. https://www.myaspergerschild.com/2019/01/reasons-for-rigidity-in-children-on.html) or that he is another type, with an "overlay" of nonnegotiable moral principles that makes him identify with 1 / seem like a 1 to outsiders.
*He has extremely withdrawn tendencies, so I assume he's actually in the withdrawn stance (4/5/9) and outside the "nonnegotiable mp," might be an sp 9w8 / 953.
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