#what't that?
Spot The Difference (Hard Edition):
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What's My Line part 1 thoughts:
MR GORDO! And Angel can't help playing with him. Someone should really get that guy some plushies of his own - you know he'd love cuddling with them.
Angel: "It's career week." Buffy: "How did you know?" Angel: "I lurk." Angel:
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God, he's such an awkward, pathetic disaster [affectionate]. And he knows he is! When he's with Buffy, he's just fumbling around, trying to sound vaguely person-like. But because he's big and quiet and vampiric, everyone interprets his awkwardness as badass brooding.
Buffy says ACAB. Honestly, this subplot is just reminding me how how pre-9/11, the view of cops as corrupt, lazy and/or violent was pretty standard across pop-culture. (I'm currently playing Miles Morales: Spider-Man and it's so weird the way these games treat the NYPD as unambiguous allies, compared to how most Spider-man media has always treated them.)
Buffy and Giles' interactions feel like a regression after the last four eps developing their relationship. To be fair, Buffy is regressing a little due to having feelings about her life (never a good idea, always suppress those), but it still feels odd.
Looking at Spike's obsession with Buffy here, you can really see the origins of his feelings for her, on both a Watsonian and Doylist level.
Snyder, to Xander: "Whatever comes out of your mouth is a meaningless waste of breath. An airborn toxic event." Huh, is Principal Snyder part of the Buffy fandom? He really sounds like the Buffy fandom here.
Feel like Willow and Oz's big computer company opportunity isn't quite as exclusive as they're making it seem, if two students from a small town are being offered it.
Wonder how you comission the Order of Whatever. Is there a ritual, or do you just call them? Do you pay in money? Magical relics? Virgin sacrifices?
The ice-skating is really pretty. That's it, don't have any critical thoughts, it's just super pretty.
The piano soundtrack here isn't the iconic Buffy/Angel theme, but it sounds a little similar? But more innocent. Is this like an earlier variation? I guess it makes sense - this feels like their first real date beyond coffee at the Bronze; the first time they feel like they're in an actual relationship together. Which is kinda weird when they've already confessed their love, but idk, I guess teenagers and vampires are like that.
"Kill as many of these assassins as you want, it won't make any difference. They won't stop. Unless you kill three of them, then they'll stop and never come back. But otherwise? They're completely unstoppable."
Has Buffy been to Angel's place before? It looks significantly nicer than where he was staying in 'Angel'. Fits with the sense that he's gradually learning to be a person. I do wonder how she knows where he lives, though. Like, that can happen off screen, but first time at his place seems like a significant step?
And now Xander has named the Scooby Gang the Scooby Gang! If you don't like the name, blame him. (The writing of Cordelia in this scene feels very Season One though. Not great.)
And Kendra's finally here! Man, these episodes are really paying tribute to Chris Claremont with this accent.
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nikethestatue · 4 months
On the subject of the necklace- don't you think it was icky and cheap of azriel to regift elains gift to glee ? I mean in fae culture jewelry is meant to be seen as a big mate gift- something monumental in their culture . Very icky of him no matter how heartbroken he was to go and give something he planned and had made for elain to a random women. Then worst he uses the line meant for elain - a thing of lovely secret beauty for elain - to describe glee ? In the same sense... why does he care abt how her teal eyes will light up and why does he store that image in his chest where his glows softly ?? I don't want elain with a man who thinks of another women like this - thats just so gross. Especially after he hurt her by calling her a mistake- it drives the msg of her being a mistake home by regifting her gift to the ginger. It shows her it meant nothing to him. That's such a red flag thing to do. Even if the necklace doesn't reach glee....his intention to give it to her doesn't wash away. It's gross for him to give something sentimental to some airhead. He's saying that if elain doesn't want it ...he'll find someone who does want it. Also why did he think to give it to her a whole day later- that means he was thinking of her irrelevant training session the entire day. I support elriel buy sjm needs to make him grovel and coz now he stands as immature and tantrum throwing when things don't go his way at the first sign of trouble. Sure ppl can argue he's being nice or it's glees powers. If he's so nice and felt so pitiful for her why not get her a non sentimental non personal gift. Also I don't believe sjm will make an sa survivor- have weird luring powers. .. so I don't think she lured him into giving her the necklace. None of it makes sense. Wouldn't he see glee wearing if she received every day at training and think of elain ? Imagine how hurt elain would be by first being called a mistake and then see something that was meant for her on another women's neck
So I think you are being a bit harsh.
In terms of 'regifting'--I don't view what he did as 'regifting'. Regifting is conscious. Someone gives me a vase that I don't like. I keep it, knowing that I can give it away next Christmas. Christmas rolls around and I present it to Aunt Mabel. That to me is regifting. What Azriel did wasn't that. He didn't think in advance that he wanted to give the necklace to Gwyn. I don't think he thought of Gwyn at all after meeting her on the roof. We know he was at the snowball fights and trying to murder Rhys with ice and rocks. The day after, when Nesta saw him, he was aloof and angry and didn't talk. It's not like he sauntered over to Gwyn and started chatting her up, or began looking for the necklace on her neck. Or asked Nesta whether Gwyn mentioned receiving a necklace.
He wanted to give the necklace away--what't more, when he finds it in the pile of gifts, he still calls it 'Elain's Necklace'. He associates the necklace squarely with Elain.
He didn't go directly to Gwyn and presented the necklace as if he bought it for her. Not at all. He suggested a random name in addition to 'any priestess that might like it' to Clotho.
I also don't think that he called Elain 'a mistake'. He called what they were about to do, the kiss, a mistake. Obviously it's done for dramatic effect and causes Elain to return the necklace. THat's conflict. It's the same as Nesta telling Cassian at the end of ACOFAS that she doesn't want to see him ever again, and that she is not interested and that he should leave her alone.
The luring bit and Gwyn's SA--i really don't think that SJM is all that concerned about the optics of it. I don't believe it would be sexual luring and therefore, her SA is kind of irrelevant. I think it would be based on her powers, which she really can't just shut down. Whatever is happening with Gwyn and her siren/lightsinger situation--i don't know what SJM is planning to do with it. Like, not at all. I truly have no idea. But no, I don't think SJM would be stopped from writing something like that just because Gwyn was SAed.
Like SJM said--i think it was obvious. The conflict was set up and Gwyn's powers were hinted at again in the POV.
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jmrothwell · 6 days
Fic writer asks:
4, 11, 16, 24, 44, 70
(there are too many great questions!)
Thank you thank you! They are really good questions!! (found here)
Long post is long so there's a read more cut. (Question 16. (How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?) gets especially long because I decided I want to discuss all my WIPs.)
4. Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
This is a wonderful question, and honestly it depends. Some ideas definitely are me reading or watching something and forming an AU around that. Sometimes it's listening to music and a vibe strikes me that I am like I must write a story that fits this vibe. Other times, I'll be daydreaming and a single scene will pop into my mind and haunt me until I write it down which usually leads to creating the world and circumstances to allow that scene to happen. Sometimes I get an impulsive (in the cases of my darker angstier stuff intrusive thought) and my brain is like wouldn't that be messed up? (Like Crash Pad, Ch 11 solely happened because I built the backstory for the POV character and brain went, you know what't be really screwed up?)
11. Link your three favorite fics right now
Oh geez. But there are so many good fics!! At this moment the immediate top 3 that jumped in my head were:
-It's a supernatural delight by @invisibleraven (JatP fic) -Trip of My Life (Every Time You're Touching Me) by @daintyduck99 (JatP fic) -Prince Charming's Jacket by hitechlatte (Rise TMNT fic)
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
So most of my fic ideas are in some WIP phase. (I'm serious when I saw I need a focus schedule to help me out) We Run Together - This next chapter is all Reggie being all anxiety riddled because Cam and Bobby take him shopping . . .still not sure if we're gonna get to the plane ride this chapter or next. Bobby's first since turning and Reggie's first period. . .it's a miserable affair for the two of them. I have this mental image of them during a layover just sprawled in the waiting away noses shoved in some sort of fast food bag or peppermint bag fighting off the queasiness of being trapped in a metal tube with a bunch of people, including young kids. . Hello Baby June, Goodbye Heart - I keep going back an reading what we have for the next chapter and all our notes. I don't know how much Ash is ok with me gushing about details bu I'll just say the stuff we've got planned it's literally that meme of "give me fic. 'you have to write it.' no write only fic." A lot of of my JatP wips are on rotisserie skewers in my brain right now, rotating, coming into view, reminding me of their presence, enticing me to work on them. And they ALL have moments that I am like, you were the scene! The reason I started this fic in the first place and I still haven't gotten to you yet!! . Crash and Burn - Gotta get through this last chapter of Crash Pad, which is gonna be fun. But then Glowing Embers!! Aaaah, the Donnie POV side of Crash Pad!! Especially Ch 9-11 of Crash Pad like I am at that point of must write this that I have worked myself into a frenzied state where writing is no longer possible . Finally the Donnie Double AU - This AU has so much angst potential. Right now I have two planned fics for it. An unnamed one where Mikey goes after the Donnie Duplicate to try and coax him back to the lair. Only instead he sets him off. And like I said, it gets angsty. The Donnie Duplicate 1000% believes he is OG Donnie, it is hardwired into him, no amount of evidence is going to convince him otherwise. Also hardwired into him is the belief that the only way to get his life back is to kill the entity that stole it from him i.e. OG Donnie. Which leads me to the second planned fic Meant to Be(working title, it may change). This is the reader insert(possibly OC) led fic. Essentially the premise is Donnie Duplicate runs into MC, and initially begins clinging to them out of an 'I just lost my entire support system' desperation that turns into a really unhealthy obsessive possessiveness. When I say it is pulling a lot of vibes, especially the planned ending, from Meant to be Yours from Heathers the Musical I ain't lying. In fact most of the vibe songs I am pulling for this lean into dark and angsty feels. Straight up have been listening to a song called Stalker's Tango on a loop for planning parts of this fic
24. Worst writing advice anyone ever gave you?
Hmmmmmm, this ones tough, if it was bad advice I most likely purged it from my mind. The thing is sometimes what is great advice for one person and their way of writing may be terrible advice for some one else. Like even the write daily advice, I think this is great advice. But it needs to be tailored to some extent. When I got back into fic writing I worked myself to the point where I am now needing to reevaluate my expectations of me and my writing. Because I can no longer keep up with the way I wrote a few years ago. The same advice I would have thought was great then would kill me now.
44. What mistakes do you keep making no matter how many times your beta corrects you?
This question would be easier if I had a regular beta XD. Personal mistake of my own that I keep noticing, I don't let the story breath enough.
70. When asked, are you embarrassed or enthusiastic to tell people that you write?
I have no hesitations telling people I write. I might not always discuss what the stories themselves are. But the brilliant thing about fanfiction is I don't have to, I can just talk about the joy of exploring the characters outside of canon, exploring how they would behave in different circumstances. At my sister's wedding a couple years ago, most people didn't even care about the what I was writing, more on the how I found the time. Because this was when I was in peak production mode, where I was slowly burning myself out with the sheer amount of writing I was doing without pacing myself at all.
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bookshelfmonkey · 1 year
queer books for pride month: day 3
Cemetery Boys: Aiden Thomas
Genre: Fantasy LGBTQ+ Rep.: Gay trans MC, gay love interest, lesbian side character, mlm relationship TW: Blood, abuse (mentioned), transphobia (inc. deadnaming & misgendering), dysphoria, homophobia, violence
Plot: Yadriel is determined to prove to his family that he is a real brujo, and what better an opportunity than finding and freeing the ghost of his murdered cousin? But who he actually summons is Julian Diaz, another murder victim who will not leave quietly until the mystery of his murder is solved.
Why I'd recommend this book: As the summer marks a lot of transition milestones for me, I've been looking back on the past few years and couldn't help but reflect on this book. This was the first book I read with own voices transmasc representation that I could relate to, which did me more good than I think I recognised at the time. On top of that, it's a brilliant fantasy novel with a thrilling mystery. What't not to love?
For those of you who haven't seen my older posts, I'm recommending one queer book/series for each day of pride month (although I'm behind already). If you have any requests for specific genres/representation/anything else that you'd like me to recommend, please lmk :)
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cassidyxcooke · 6 months
text continued from here for @wesxevans
cassidy: it's about time!! cassidy: I've been waiting on you to come out about it for like ages, dude cassidy: you know i have a pulse on all things tea related cassidy: so respecting your privacy and all that but cassidy: CONGRATSSSSS!!!🎉🎉🎉 cassidy: what't the kid's name? who does she look like? when will I be declared an honorary auntie?
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moonbowataraxia · 1 year
I can't help it.
I peak from the window and I fall in love with the sunset. I can't help it, I'm love's girl. My mother tells me to wait- that the best comes with patience- but sometimes I feel like I was born to love. As if my whole life was a waiting game for when I finally found you. I don't know if the fishes watch the sun or if the ocean knew what it's like to be all warmed up by it's heat, but right now I don't think I've ever known anything more like the way I know daylight. Maybe my mother is right and all this talk about marriage and babies is just pillow talk fueled by naivety. Or maybe I'm right and I've finally found what't I've been waiting for since I first understood the beauty of a sunset. So I open up the window and let the orange haze flood the four walls of my room. I can't help it, I'm love's girl.
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Any costume ideas?
Hmmm depends, what't the vibe you are feeling for a costume this year? Otherwise maybe go as one of the other superheroes for a laugh, or a ring master to go with the carnival barker idea for the horror tv show?
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toaverse · 2 years
What'ts Flor gift then?
Levitating people and objects at her will :)
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muckmagister · 1 year
What't your woist post? so's I can blaize it, y'see.
all of my posts are actually divinely inspired so it's not really for me to say
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enfpmyzterygirl · 2 months
People who listen are my biggest weakness.
Listening is an art only a very few understand and master.
Most people overvalue their roles in another's life. They overvalue the role their opinions and ideologies play in another's life, where only their silence is needed.
Only a very few, know to provide a safe space for another person to express themself fully and authentically, without judgements.
Most people get busy making calculations, thinking of the next right thing to say, instead of focusing on what't being said.
Most people don't understand the profound value of not interrupting the stream of thoughts, flow of emotions, while someone is expressing their innermost self.
Everyone of us is capable of finding solutions to our own problems.
When someone vents to another, what they expect is not words of wisdom. But, rather to be heard, seen and understood.
I think love and intimacy grows in the beautiful silence that follows, after someone has expressed their innermost self to another and feels completely accepted.
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widowbitessting · 2 years
I think you need to be reminded that the other day all I had to do was give you a warning and you were suddenly taking everything back, saying you weren't starting anything. Come on you couldn't be any easier.
And calling me sweetheart? What't that supposed to do? I don't get flustered by a simple pet name like you do darling 😘
- 🍪 
I don’t remember…?
And so what if I like a pet name. Sue me😂
Please ignore the nonnies pestering you to DM me.
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brionysea · 2 years
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he never changes
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dakt37 · 3 years
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Finally rewatched EMH and I’ve made the executive decision to stan Pepper Potts
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chaldeamage-neo · 3 years
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Timing am I right??? Uhh burn that dread (in slot machines) or someinthing,,, Idk this isn't p3,,,,
Tap for better quality | Cropped ver under cut
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idv-archive · 3 years
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